#but its been 2.5 weeks since i accepted the other job and i feel like its kinda lame to do this to future employees
theswiftstitches · 3 years
my interview went really well and the aqarium ppl havent sent me anything from hr so i kinda want to jump ship
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it wasn’t power i coveted; it was acceptance.
Titans 3.06
y’know, i was just thinking the other day that 1.06/1.07 and 2.06/2.07 were the best episodes of their respective seasons, so i have great hopes going in to this one. fingers crossed!
as always, typing this up as i see the episode.
1. oh! um... that was a Cold Open, all right. *nudges* get it? cold? because it’s snowing? and two people got murdered in cold blood? eh?
... oh, i’ve just started.
1.5. i wonder if “i want to be sipping pina coladas on a beach with you” is the new “i’m just one day away from retiring.” i was so on edge after that--i kept expecting that car to explode. even so, the way they died wasn’t an anticlimax: brutal, and quick. 
1.75. so i’m assuming that’s the titular lady vic! this show better bring up why this doll was important or why these two cops needed to be killed, and not leave it to the ether like jericho’s little mindscape jaunt in 2.08 (i’m still dying to know what that was about???)
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i love how deliberately unappealing wayne manor is. 
(sorry for the pic quality. i don’t have hbo max! ssshhh.)
2.3. i love the many references to “home” and “our house” when they’ve been here for less than a week and saw one of their friends get blown into pieces. i mean, i unironically love it: home is where family is, after all!
2.5. i’d like to say that kom is playing some sort of long game here, especially given the build-up we had last season and some of the more niggling details this season: why did kom choose now to use her bond to lure kory when she’s been on earth for months? why did justin call kory now, just around the time that she started getting kom’s visions? and what about kom’s ability to exactly imitate other people? hmmm.
2.75. the reason i wrote i’d like to say is that i’ve made the mistake of assuming plot complexity where there is none; i was so invested in the jason todd orchestrated his own death theory for instance, when it turns out that oops! ra’s al ghul just happened to leave a little lazarus puddle in gotham, and oh yeah! scarecrow just happens to have a network of henchmen working for him on the outside and a fully functional laboratory and a weapons cache fit for a new supervillain in the basement of the high security psychiatric unit/prison that he’s in! 
(no i’m not bitter, why do you ask)
2.8. iiiii don’t know what to say about the implications of sex slavery being a thing on tamaran, so i’m not going to say anything at all. for now.
3. gotham, six years ago... wasn’t it five years before s2 that jericho died and the titans disbanded? and when was the flashback from 1.06 where dick let zucco die? i think it was after the events of 2.08: jericho? i can’t seem to find any transcripts or reliable information online, so i’m going to have to rewatch 1.06 at some point. 
(i love the old-fashioned batman music in this heist scene)
3.5. “security is a joke... it’s my way of keeping my dad on his toes”. what you’re an ethical thief now, like an ethical hacker? i don’t think that excuse is going to sell, barbara, on the day you do encounter a decent security system and your father is forced to arrest you.
(then again, gotham’s security is piss-poor. did you know that you could just walk into arkham asylum without any official clearance, ply one of its most dangerous inhabitants with contraband, and said inmate could get away with having an entire laboratory and weapons cache--NO I’M NOT GOING TO LET THIS GO)
3.8 so that flashback between dick and barbara was really cute! and also illuminating:
a) dick sounds so light, so... um. look. i have some apologies to tender to mr thwaites, because while i’ve always thought he does a fine job as dick grayson, i’ve never been terribly fond of his cadence as he delivers dialogue. it’s often monotonous, i thought, but then again, he’s usually delivering exposition or dealing with one soul-crushing crisis or the other. so i was pleasantly surprised to hear dick sound so carefree and alive in his conversation with barbara, laughing frequently, his emotions so bare and bubbling to the surface. it’s really a fantastic contrast to the traumatised and world-weary dick grayson that we see now, even more so than the costume department just bunging a backwards-baseball cap on mr thwaites’ head and hoping that will convince us of his relative youth. 
b) and god, when he wakes up from that memory, all alone in his bed, bleeding from bullet holes in his shoulder (bullet holes that are--in a somewhat convoluted way--barbara’s fault)? yikes. it’s great. you have my apologies, mr thwaites!
c) can you imagine dick just... crawling back to wayne manor, trying not to be seen by anybody, shedding his suit and just... collapsing onto his bed without even tending to his wound? the sheer emotional and physical exhaustion of it? 
d) it’s so interesting to see how barbara and dick approach the idea of legacy--a big theme on the show!--in this flashback. barbara is the one bucking the idea that she should follow in her father’s footsteps, while dick seems pretty content with the batman-and-robin setup, and even tries to get barbara to join their team (robin-girl. pfffft). obviously after this several traumatic things happen wherein dick ends up questioning and then resenting his role as robin, his relationship with batman or even returning as a vigilante at all. and barbara... ends up replacing her father as commissioner. it’s tragic, really. 
e) the dynamic between dick and barbara in the flashback reminds me of how it was between dick and donna in 1.08 and even between kory and dick in early s1. it’s like having an older, strong-willed woman by his side means he gives over the steering wheel for a while and lets himself... unspool, a little bit. it’s kinda endearing.
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*pinches his cheeks*
3. you know, we talk about dick and Eldest Daughter Syndrome, and that’s definitely valid, but here gar seems to me the embodiment of it, with all the emotional gardening and firefighting that he’s expected to do. he’s kind of the guy expected to keep his shit together and take care of everyone else while they are falling completely to pieces, unable to carve out time to process his own trauma. he’s also picked up dick’s and kory’s tendencies to bottle up their struggles and shun appearing vulnerable, and he’s struggling in the shadow of both dick and kory undergoing acute crises, his best friend (and frequent confidante) on the other side of the world, and seeing hank die, utterly helpless to stop it. 
i’m glad that he got a chance to tell dick even a smidgeon of what he really feels, and i hope this is at least a semblance of a wake up call for dick to actually sit down and work with the people he repeatedly calls family.
3.5. it’s heartening to see that dick immediately makes it his priority to go talk to gar. but don’t blow off kory in the process, man!
4. i’m really loving this dynamic between kom and conner--i get the idea that both of them consider each other as Unknowns, alien two times over. but conner’s only ever known the titans, who embrace being different, and kom’s only ever known... well. 
anyway, kory is Really Stressed, and honestly? #relatable. 
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when you’re forced to bring an estranged family member to hang out with your friends...
4.5. i love that the titans are spending so much time in the kitchen. a real family!
5. jonathan crane is a creep and i absolutely cannot stand him.
5.25. how did he get a whole lab setup (in the basement of a hospital...?) with a bunch of whitecoats to work for him? how did he just waltz into the viewing room of an operation theatre when he’s one of the most wanted men in gotham right now? why is jason wandering around maskless when--presumably--as the adopted son of the most famous person in gotham he’d be a tad more recognisable than your average joe?
why do i expect this show to answer anything anymore?
5.5. that’s not necessarily a criticism, mind; i’ve said since season 1 that titans is very comics-like in this aspect, all about the Aesthetic and the splash-page splendour rather than the niggling unimportant details of how or when the characters got to said location. like. the camera gliding over the operation being set-up, lady vic bursting in and doing her murder dance (imagine the luck of the poor intern who chose this day and this surgery to assist) and jason, shocked and slack-jawed, framed by blood.
5.75. it’s a sobering reminder for jason that, though he chose this path in order to gain control over a world that seemed like it was rapidly spinning out of his grip, he’s only succeeded in handing over even more control to a man with an agenda that is very clearly not aligned with his own. he’s in too far to stop now, though.
5.9. i have a lot more thoughts about jason! saving it up for the end of this recap, though.
6. more kitchen time! i better see dick do some cooking soon...
(”our kitchen”! it still delights me! kitchens are So Important)
6.25. so much of dick’s issues have revolved around his relationship with bruce, so it’s completely understandable that in the wake of a huge crisis where bruce literally asks dick to replace him and be a “better” him, dick would default to all the worst things he learned from the man. and i’m glad kory’s having none of it, but come on, guys. the woman’s literally fetched her fratricidal sister out of a hole in the ground with no idea what said sister is going to do next and experiencing a burgeoning sense of guilt far, far beyond her history with the titans, and dick’s too far into his autocolonoscopy that he can’t see that she needs help.
6.5. “he services your urges”--well, as far as we know, kory is the last person he had sex with...
7. “i hope [gar] isn’t angry with me...” SIR! i thought you’d already spoken to him! smh, as the kids say. kory wouldn’t be needing to reassure you if you just took the effort to build two way emotional relationships with the rest of the team. @superohclair​ was taking about dick’s relatively low emotional intelligence? i agree.
7.5. “i got my own problems [...] you and barbara? fix it.” YOU TELL HIM, KORY
8. man i really like this weird, sad tension between dick and barbara--this sense that both of them are approaching the other based on how they remember them and are ultimately disappointed by the truth. barbara thought she could trust dick to... well, be a better batman, but dick has not only failed at that in her eyes, but repeatedly undermined her while exploiting the authority that she gave him. in dick’s eyes, this is nothing like the barbara that he knew, rebellious and ready to do whatever it takes to find something. 
like. this show sometimes really hits me in the chest about the ways it shows kids grow into adults and into caretakers, and the way it’s stop-start, the ways nothing can happen at all for a long time and then it’s Crisis Central all at once and there’s no space to breathe. the weird sort of sadness that comes with nostalgia. 
8.5. oracle name drop! i agree with barbara, any system that can just randomly tap into gotham phonelines is a monster.
8.7. (i don’t know if it’s my imagination, but is dick holding himself... differently in this episode? like that wound is definitely bothering him, and he’s running on fumes)
9. man, that was a really sweet scene between kom and conner. “feeling alien in your own world”... “not quite here nor there”
honestly this team runs on conner and gar’s faith in their value as a family, and it’s a sign of conner’s generous heart that he extends that opportunity to blackfire. this arc of maturation for him, where he’s now able to consciously choose which parts of himself he can use to do the thing he wants to so--save people--has been so fulfilling to recognise. this baby’s grown with the titans! and what he’s learnt is that people can get fucked up, but the titans is a place where they can be fucked up, and grow.
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10. oh man i’m drinking in the gar-dick interaction in this episode like i’m three days into the desert and it’s the only source of water for miles around!
a) gar is absolutely not dealing with dick’s bullshit this episode and I LOVE IT. it’s such a far cry from the man who was idolising dick/robin back in s1 and expecting him to solve all their problems. dick is fallible, dick is fucked up, but he Tries His Best and that’s ok.
b) dick, huffing and puffing through that vent, unable to put any pressure on his left shoulder, trying to have a heart to heart with gar... fuck i love this asshole. 
c) bruce took in a kid who was suffering... “and made him into a weapon”. well. i absolutely agree with dick that it was bruce who put these kids into these horrible situations with him and they came away with a bucketload of trauma to add to the one that they already had. but we know that bruce was really trying with jason, and at the end of s2, dick was coming to acknowledge that bruce had offered him something that wasn’t just darkness. jason’s death and bruce’s reaction to that shattered that fragile progress.
d) “gotham got to me too.” i feel more sympathetic towards dick running off on his own than most, and it’s not just because i’m an unapologetic stan.  we’ve seen before that dick... devolves when overwhelmed, and he lashes out and makes ill thought out decisions and just Does Not Deal. it happened after hearing the news that deathstroke had returned in s2, and it didn’t help that everyone around him was reeling at the news, either. this time, however, he has his salvation in his family, and despite some stupid decisions like running off and kidnapping supervillains without telling his team, he’s been really on the ball this season. thinking clearly and logically, holding it together and working on a plan, thinking two steps ahead of the villains... yes.
e) gar needing to believe that jason isn’t beyond redemption... there’s a lot of blood on his hands, too, from when he was manipulated by cadmus last season. it makes sense why he’d relate to jason’s predicament, and i hope dick picked up on that.
f) my head just added a plaintive ow after dick jumped feet first into the storage room
i need, crave gifs of this scene!
11. *sits on hands* i’m going to talk more about red hood, i promise!
12. more gar and dick! is it my birthday??!!
(actually, according to the tamil calendar, it is my birthday! my “star” birthday)
12.5. excellent. dick using some implausible training that bruce taught him to solve a mystery? passing some of that knowledge onto gar? that proud smile when he sees gar perfectly execute moves that he taught him? MY HEART IS EXPLODING
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13. aw, i love flashback!dick and barbara, they’re so cute <3
13.25. why does it not surprise me that the way he proposes a relationship to barbara is by saying “we make sense”? this guy can deduce exactly who was present where and what weapon they were holding from a garbled audio recording but other times he’s utterly clueless, and that’s a consistent character beat right from s1
13.5. so.... that’s why lady vic has it out for... barbara....? i don’t get it. it’s flimsy. but hey! the fun thing about titans is that i don’t have to get it. the payoff has nothing to do with the plot.
14. i can’t believe that barbara fell for that, but at least that wheelchair fight looked awesome, so.
15. oh yeah, i forgot that red hood bullied the mob into helping him and scarecrow... at least that explains the whitecoats and the elaborate set-up.
15.5. honestly i love how this dynamic between kory and kom is developing, though i wish more of the team would pay attention to it. time to call justin, i think!
16. i wonder what happened after that second flashback where barbara got hurt during that heist. did she give up on doing any more (maybe jim caught her)? was it because dick was called away by bruce and then the titans and got caught up in his own issues? maybe barbara froze him out because she wasn’t looking for the relationship that he was looking for? maybe the idea of doing that with someone turning into batman-lite was just... unappealing? scary?
whatever it is, it doesn’t look like dick ever processed the end of that relationship. it’s very intriguing to see where their dynamic goes next.
17. so.... what, did vic deliver some fear toxin to barbara? i... what?
17.5. and i TOLD YOU that they would never explain that doll or why vic attacked those two cops at the beginning! oh, titans. never change. 
18. did jason just randomly have tim’s restaurant burgled? god, i’m feeling a bit nauseous... are they going to kill tim’s father?
18.25. i feel like the rest of the season is going to wrestle with jason’s culpability in the horrible stuff he’s doing and i’m already seeing that prospect divide fans. on one hand, his story is taking a lot of oxygen away from other equally interesting story arcs, and he’s done some truly awful things, like indiscriminate murder, threatening to kill children, blowing up hank, and potentially killing tim’s parents. 
there’s something to be said for the kind of hold that crane has over him, and the so-called ‘anti-fear’ drug that he keeps plying jason with--he’s alone, drugged almost constantly (to the level of dependence), fresh from the trauma of being bludgeoned to death. he hasn’t conquered fear; he’s ruled by it. on the other hand, given that he’s the one character on the show given an obvious and identifiable ‘mental illness’ arc (maaaaybe dick too), one can argue that it’s irresponsible to show this progress into such violence: jason was vulnerable because he was struggling, and that left him vulnerable, but it took only a push before he became a fucking serial killer.
but that could mean we underestimate the degree of that vulnerability, and the mechanics of this universe where he fell into the clutches of the one supervillain perfectly designed to exploit that vulnerability. that helpless spiral into further and further self-destruction is all too real. it’s valuable to know that someone who has sunk that low can still seek help--actual help--and get it. 
18.5. i don’t know. it’s not a question i’m going to resolve at the end of an overlong recap at 1 in the morning. i don’t believe it’s even a question that titans can resolve. but i am interested in where they’re going next with jason.
19. this episode was genuinely great! i’m pumped for the rest of the season!
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13yearslater · 3 years
The comment section
It’s been one of those weeks where I’ve just had to try my best to close my eyes and scroll past the news articles and their comment sections. Sometimes I still can’t help but make a comment of my own. I no longer allow myself to enter debates or arguments; I simply state my own personal experiences and anyone who reads it can do with it what they wish. My comments usually garner likes but very rarely any rebuttals which I put down to the manner in which I express myself. Previous attempts to correct, debate or argue would be jumped on by those who disagreed and were desperate to prove their stance whereas simply stating some of my feelings and experiences is less provocative and isn't easily argued since my comments are not statements or claims, they're just my life. But still, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t exhausting to see these threads in my feed almost constantly again at the moment, especially with the recent Elliot Page interview, Laurel Hubbard possibly being the first trans woman in the Olympics, the GRC fee being reduced and... well, Caitlyn Jenner’s typically tonedeaf shenanigans.
Actual news aside, there's also the influx of articles that feel like they were posted entirely with the intent to stir up the trolls. "Transgender people do change their sex – it is discriminatory to say otherwise" was an article this week, actually written by a trans person, that just seemed like a dangling carrot and golden opportunity for everyone to say just how much they disagreed with trans peoples existence. It may be well intended, but you know exactly what the response to an article like that will be and it will not be pretty. I think back to my younger self, sat alone wondering if I'd ever be accepted, seeing the countless and overwhelming majority of comments that gave the very clear message that no, I would not be.
My comments usually centre around the fact that I'm just human. Which is sad really, isn't it? That I should feel the need to remind people that I am a person. A person with family, friends, interests and dreams just like you. That I'm not a political point or an agenda, that I am not "the trans community" - none of us are; we're all individuals, that I am more than being trans. That it's ok not to like Elliot Page or Caitlyn Jenner, but to please take a moment to consider all the trans people reading comments like yours every single day and coming to believe that the world truly hates them. It's alienating, it's lonely and it's damn near impossible not to let it worm its way into your own sense of self-worth after years of seeing the same consistent hostility directed to people like you.
I like to disarm the comments surrounding "biology" with my own reasons for transition - not because I want to claim to be biologically this or genetically that, not because I have any desire to deny that I was born female nor change that fact, not to claim some sort of mythical "100% sex change" which yes, even trans people know is not possible - but that transition for me was simply about living in a way that felt genuine and aligning my body in a way that was not constantly distressing for me. My body may not be typically male nor typically female and that's fine, all it needed to be was home. That all I request is that I am respected as a person.
At this stage of my transition, lower dysphoria aside, the politics and general social climate surrounding trans people is probably the worst part of being trans and one of the only things that brings being trans to the forefront of my mind when it normally wouldn't be. At a time when my transition is pretty much over and I am able to just live I still see it drag on in the mindsets of others.
But why does it bother me so much?
I think, as I've previously spoken about, the fear for my future is a big one. The concern that what were previously fringe movements are gaining traction and having real world effects on the lives of myself and other trans people. That the public in general are either indifferent at best or supportive of these groups at worst.
The other thing is that my own journey to self acceptance was plagued by these attitudes and comments and this was by far the toughest part of my transition. To think I'd never be accepted, never be loved, to see every-day regular people on Facebook (Facebook is one of the worst for me because of this fact; they're not faceless trolls, they're just regular people, average job, 2.5 kids, like those I see every single day) spewing such vitriol for people like me, to constantly wonder if the people in my life also secretly thought these things, to see the "you'll always be a woman" comments, to feel like a freak, an outcast, an inconvenience, to see people speak with such hostility and vitriol. To see my existence reduced to a debate or an ideology. To think that the only interaction people care to have with me is one to assert their own views and opinions on people like me. To have transitioned and reached a point where I finally feel like and see myself only to worry that no one else ever truly will.
I did come to believe that society hated people like me, that no one would ever view me as a whole person, that I would forever be less-than, a novelty, a debate, an unlovable abomination in the eyes of others.
But I don't feel like that any more. I have my self worth and I worked hard to find that after years of being beaten down. Sometimes I do wonder if I will ever find love - being trans certainly complicates that for reasons outside of whether or not someone is an ally. But what gets me now is the sense of injustice of feeling completely misunderstood and misrepresented. To have ideas and actions wrongly attributed to me because we are all seen as the homogenous blob that is the trans community. Caitlyn Jenner does not speak for me, Elliot Page does not speak for me, that article that you read online - even if it was by a trans person - does not speak for me. I want to be heard as an individual, as a person.
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niccirobertson · 4 years
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Over the past couple of weeks I’ve made a concerted effort to distance myself from just about every news feed and platform that has nothing better to do than report the latest covid statistics. The reason for this is quite honestly, like many people I have had enough. Despite my best efforts, the media bombardment is so pervasive that an update got through, and instead of deleting it, I did the math.
In South Africa at the time of receiving that update there were supposedly 1 039 161 positive cases counted, with 20 033 deaths. I am no maths genius but it wasn’t a stretch to figure out that this was around 2%. I then looked for the data for the United States which is also around 2% and the UK which is around 3%. On average this virus has a mortality rate of 2.5% with the majority of those deaths affecting the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, otherwise known as co-morbidities. Except that the data reflected is questionable. 

When you sift through the conspiracy theories and start talking to credible professionals in the medical industry you begin to see a pattern emerging. Looking at the data of years gone by, pneumonia and flu viruses year on year have also resulted in between a 1% and 2% death rate. So why the hysteria? 

According to the WHO: A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. The classical definition includes nothing about population immunity, virology or disease severity. By this definition, pandemics can be said to occur annually in each of the temperate southern and northern hemispheres, given that seasonal epidemics cross international boundaries and affect a large number of people. This happens every year but the world doesn’t come to a grinding halt because of it. 

According to the British Medical Journal the PCR test is inaccurate, picking up dead and ineffective virus particles that may be found on most people, most of the time. It states that the PCR test, never designed for this kind of testing has an error margin of 97%. That’s insanity no matter how you want to spin it. If the widely accepted method for determining whether or not a person is infected is fundamentally flawed, the resulting data is completely inaccurate. 
Added to which, the death statistics are also questionable. They do not define who died because of the virus or with the virus. For example, a colleague’s mother passed away from pancreatic cancer in July, yet the death certificate states covid19 as cause of death. This is not an isolated incident. 
The World Health Organisation guidelines state that “COVID-19 should be recorded on the medical certificate of cause of death for ALL decedents where the disease, or is assumed to have caused, or contributed to death, i.e. COVID-19 is the underlying cause of death”. This means no one really knows how many have died directly from a covid infection.
The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine has shown that one in thirteen (7.8%) deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate did not have the disease as the underlying cause of death, further distorting the data. 
The decisions directly related to our lives and livelihoods are based on inaccurate or distorted data and no one is doing anything about it. 
Enough about the deliberate distortion of the facts. The question is why is this happening?
There is a frenetic urgency to get the world vaccinated. Bill Gates began pushing the vaccination agenda way back in 2013 if not earlier. And naturally people, at least people who can still think for themselves are extremely wary of this vaccine. At the time of writing this, the vaccine has only been available for a couple of weeks, and in this short window the significant adverse effects in those already having received the vaccination is 3% based on recent published information. Higher than the death rate of the virus. If you were to go by statistics alone, the vaccine will kill more people than the virus. 
The pharmaceutical companies and their stakeholders are naturally elated that the powers that be are enforcing and coercing people into having to accept this vaccine, creating the illusion that their freedom lies on the other side of a needle. And further perpetuating the myth that drugs are going to save you. Bearing in mind that the manufacturers of this technology are free of any kind of liability arising from death or damage caused by a substance that is being trialed simultaneously on millions of people. In simple terms, if the vaccine harms you or renders you infertile you have no recourse. 
Recently a second strain of the virus has emerged, This is nothing new - viruses mutate. This is why there is a different flu strain each season. It has been a year since the first strain emerged and as viruses seem to be excellent timekeepers, its right on schedule for an upgrade. This is further going to throw a spanner into the vaccine works. Will the current vaccine work with the new strain or create other complications? If people have indeed contracted the original virus, will taking the vaccine have immune suppressing effects rendering them more vulnerable to other strains? Pregnant women and women of “child bearing age” have been warned by the NHS  not to take the vaccine because it may render them sterile or have deleterious effects on the foetus. But its ok to give this unknown quantity to the elderly or your child? I think not. 
What happened to freedom of choice? What happened to autonomy? What happened to informed consent? What happened to common sense? 
For me personally, the most disturbing part of this experience is how people I thought of as free thinking, intelligent individuals are simply kowtowing, going with the flow because they don’t want to be seen as outliers. It baffles me how so many people are afraid of voicing an opinion. It wasn’t so long ago that the Nazis used this kind of brainwashing and propaganda to commit genocide. And we are going down this path again with our eyes wide open. 

Back in early 2020 governments the world over were advised by the WHO to impose widespread lockdown measures in order to curb the spread of the virus. The media were so distracted with whether or not the virus came from a bat or a pangolin that no one thought to ask if these counter measures at controlling people was the best option for the economies of the world in the first place. No one gave any thought to the destruction that would ensue. How many people would lose their jobs, livelihoods and minds in the process. Because we trusted the people we vote for to do what is in our best interest.

The second-largest funder of the WHO is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides 9.8% of the WHO’s funds, effectively calling the shots! After Trump pulled funding, The World Health Organisation is now effectively owned by Microsoft and China. Bloody terrifying thought that is!

It is now too late to put the genie back in the bottle. For governments to admit that they acted without a full understanding of the facts or unable to foresee the chaos and destruction that would ensue, going back and admitting they were wrong will result in chaos, crippling class actions and people in power being forced to step down. There will be anarchy. Confidence in governments the world over has been severely compromised not to mention the unstable public option of giant pharmaceutical companies. 
The puppet masters at the WHO (Gates) is also a major shareholder in Pfizer. Incidentally the Gates foundation funded the development of the Pfizer owned sterilisation contraceptive Sayana, targeting specifically third world countries. At the risk of joining the ranks of the conspiracy theorists, it seems that the company who gave birth to computer viruses has also given birth to a means of enforced sterilisation. 
Getting rid of the elderly and ill, controlling those who are young and able though fear and ensuring that those who can have children are stopped in their tracks. The facts really do speak for themselves, but you can connect the dots?
Perhaps people do nothing and say nothing because they feel that their opinions don’t count? They they won’t be heard amongst the noise created by the media and the hysteria? People don’t speak up because they are afraid of what there peers may think of them. And this is why the greatest tragedies throughout human history happen. People who do nothing. People who say nothing. In the face of glaring evidence that the emperor is wearing no clothes, the average person waits for someone else to take action.  We are in a mess and in the hands of people who do not have anyones best interest at heart except for themselves and their own agendas. 

So what good can possibly come from this situation? Thankfully some have realised that their health is in their own hands and no one can save them except for themselves. If you take the steps to stay healthy - eat real food, get decent sleep, surround yourself with positive people and exercise - preferably in the sunlight, chances are you won’t even know if you catch a virus because your body is innately geared towards protecting you from getting seriously ill.

It has hopefully brought to light the logical realisation that if you aren’t feeling well, stay at home. Wash your hands and don’t sneeze on people.

With luck, more of us will wake up and realise that no vaccine or drug can save you from bad decisions. Giant corporations are not creating vaccines because they care about you, they care about their profits. If they engineered medicine for altruistic purposes they would be non-profits not multibillion dollar organisations. And perhaps more people will realise that governments and government institutions are controlled by the private sector who are the giants they are, because we, the public created them. 
We buy their products, whether the product is software, insurance, junk food or drugs. We created these organisations who are controlling the governments who are controlling us - with fear.  With hope more people we will start to see the self perpetuating, destructive cycle that we have come to think of as normal, or maybe not.

My greatest wish for you in 2021 who ever you are, wherever you are, is to wake up and take responsibility for you own health, your own choices and your own autonomy. Speak up when something doesn’t add up and stop feeding the fear.

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Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura S1
For faithfulness reasons, I’ll forgo rewatching in English even though I’m Jared 19 and never learned how to read 
I will say the original English dub had a BANGER of a theme song and I do miss that
"I’m a Fourth Grader at Tomoeda Elementary” I know I watched this like when I was age 7 or smth but SHE’S LIKE 10?? OH MY GOD who is letting this ten-year-old roam the streets
“I’m gonna stomp on him” [Lucille Bluth voice] good for her
I fully forgot Sakura had a dad I was ready to accept her Grade 11 brother raising her
Sakura’s roller blades give me visceral memories of my barbie skates
Lmao is Yuki’s ability to throw a piece of candy at a child from a moving bicycle backwards foreshadowing his superhero abilities
Okay having checked this scene in both English versions and Japanese, my opinion no one asked for: the Aminax version is bad voices on all counts, Japanese has a better voice for Toya and original English dub has a better voice for Sakura and Yukito (who they called Julian lmao) I am not accepting constructive criticism 
Tomoyo and Sakura sound so similar I could not even tell that Tomoyo was speaking omg
“There isn’t anything cuter or more interesting than you Sakura-chan” Tomoyo is really honest with her feelings I guess ten-year-olds be like that sometimes
“Is someone there” home invasions are what happens when you don’t lock your front door
This is not a study lmao this is a personal library there is hardly a workspace just aisles of shelves
Wait if this is hanging out in her dad’s study was her dad the last Cardcaptor lmao
Or probs her mom, since she’s gone the way of all anime moms
Sakura is accepting this whole “tiny magical flying lion” thing p well
“I accidentally fell asleep” “For how long” “30 years” same
“Stand right over there” Kerberos does not ask permission before magical girl transforming you lmao
“Why are you acting so wimpy” bc she’s 10 and you’re asking her to fight a giant ghost bird???
Honestly I love a good quest-to-collect-important-items maybe Inuyasha and DBZ ruined my taste but it’s a great formula 
“You’ll be a better adult if you have all sorts of experiences in your life” r u going to take career counselling advice from a tiny flying lion Sakura
I do kind of miss Kero’s slightly unhinged young man energy
I like that whenever Sakura’s brother is rude she steps on his foot or kicks him fkjhjgkh excellent little sister depiction
I was expecting more secrecy but it is very funny to see Tomoyo try to convince her friend to be a superhero
“Do a flashy one” kfhkjdhkj Kero supports the use of magic powers for showing off
“Trademark poses and skills are the basic parts of being a magical girl” oh my gooood
I mean if I walked into my school and there was a mountain of haphazard desks waiting there I too would be threatened 
Sakura is the only one in this group who has a reasonable understanding of what ten-year-olds should be allowed to do
LMAO @ Tomoyo’s team of bodyguards dropping her off to break into the school ONLY TO DRIVE AWAY
Tomoyo and Kero’s friendship is killing me the SHENANIGANS
I’m not sure I accept this light logic bc you need light to cast a shadow
Sakura’s “heart-racing first date” ur TEN oh my god
I mean it’s nice that Sakura wants to save the penguin but why did it take that for her to get upset it was going to drown a whole adult woman
I wonder how Toya feels that his little sister has a crush on his boyfriend lmao
This cell phone is really top of the line for 1999 lmao I love it 
U know if I were a high school student and my friend asked my 10 year old sibling out to lunch instead of me I’d be confused
"They’re not even gonna hold hands? Kids these days” This is a VERY weird vibe for an episode
You know I guess if you never watch the second episode you never have context for all of these superhero outfits LMAO
None of these locations have security cameras I guess the 1990s was a lawless time
Will all of Yuki’s magical advice be delivered in the form of mysterious field trips
Say what you will about the ominous influence of the other card, I think Wood is being fairly polite since it’s contorting around her house instead of destroying it lmao
“I was planning to film ‘Sakura Dances in the Jungle’ in the park today” I love Tomoyo 
Every little girl in this show sounds so similar lmao this is not good for my distracted watching style 
Wow Ms Maki is really unloading on these two fourth grade girls 
Since Tomoyo clearly interacts with even the more spirit-like Clow Cards I really have to wonder why no one else in this town is seeing these giant ghost monsters loom around the city
Well I guess this episode is a direct response to my previous comment 
“I can’t stand scary stories” says the girl who spends her nights going into isolated areas and fighting magical ghosts
Seeing Sakura activate her Fly card really gives me overwhelming nostalgia for the days I wanted nothing more than to be a Cardcaptor I used to wave around a toy broom like that magic key ahhhhhhhh
In the absence of the first English voice and with the added gentle Japanese intonation for his speaking, I am constantly forgetting that Yukito’s character is a 16-year-old boy 
Toya is really casually bomb-dropping the fact that he used to see ghosts and Yuki’s just like ‘dope are there ghosts around now’
Omg Kero’s sad face as he dropped the flower in Sakura’s lap 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“I want to see if she wants to tell me something” like maybe ‘don’t run around town at night chasing ghosts ur 10!!!’ 
Yukito Tsukishiro: Chronic Aid-er and Abet-er of Pre-teen Mischief 
Also if I’m right his name means something like “Ice White Moon?” Very heavy-handed foreshadowing lmao
“After we left, I went to the museum again and borrowed one” TOMOYO U CASED THE JOINT KJDHFKJHF
Tomoyo is eerily well-prepared for this mission it’s like she has been planning to burgle a museum all her life
They really made an executive choice to have both a Yuuki and a Yuki that was a decision that someone made
Oh hey it’s the other pre-teen supehero!!! That guy!!
The more I think about it, the stranger the height difference between Sakura and her brother becomes bc compared to him she’s really like 2.5 feet tall they did not pick a proportion scale
U see this what I mean by gentle intonation, Syaoran somehow sounds older than Yuki simple by roughness of voice
“Here, a steamed pork bun” Yuki sure nows how to de-escalate lmao 
“That is made out of an insulator as well” Tomoyo is really prepared for any and every situation
It’s not fair of Li to compare what is probably years of magical training from his family to ‘trial by fire for eight weeks with a plush toy who doesn’t explain anything important until critical moments’
I’m really not sure what’s happening with Rika and the teacher but I DON’T LIKE IT
“I just want to be with you as long as possible” [cut to floral pattern] Tomoyo is aiming to supersede Yuki as Gentle Shojo Protagonist Sakura Fixates On looool
I’m sure there’s NOTHING significant about this familiar-looking sword brooch
Kero biting Li whenever whenever he says something rude to Sakura kghkjghk direct feminist action
What IS THIS business with Li running away flustered like that are pre-teen Cardcaptors ONLY allowed to have a crush on Yukito
“I guess I’ll have to beat him up once” Toya has zero qualms about fighting a ten-year-old
Two fourth graders giving Yukito chocolate while he peacefully hangs out with his boyfriend is the funniest version of executing this weirdness that could happen
What I’m really wondering is how the hell they cut out or explained away Li’s crush in the first English anime
“You were just a fledgling teacher and you married one of your [high school] students!!” u did WHAT what the FUCK MR. KINOMOTO I’m on Sonomi’s side
“Mother got married when she was 16″ MR. KINOMOTO CANCELLED! BANNED! THE HELL IS THIS!
“It was I who was granted time with Nadeshiko from her 16th to 27th birthdays” GO 2 JAIL DO NOT PASS GO 
This episode has added a lot of layers to this show none of which I like
“What kind of person was my dad” someone who should be banned from teaching
“Your father is a disgusting person” WELL
Lmao they’re not even giving context why Yuki is around anymore he’s just an accepted artifact of the Kinomoto household
How is that the Time card is Li’s but not Thunder since he also returned that one to its original form
“Their fastest confirmed speed is over 100km/h” Yamazaki leave Li alone he just wants to adore the sloths jhfkhgjhgkhg
Ahhhhhh Li helping Sakura get the Power card?? These motives are quite hard to read but it seems sweet
“I heard a rumour that everyone who asked Kinomoto out has been denied.” Well. [x]
“It’s one of the seven strangest things at this school, that both Kinomoto and Tsukishiro don’t have girlfriends.” WELL. [x]
[Hannibal Buress voice] I was so caught up in euphoria of festival arcs, that for like a minute I lived in a world where the rest of this anime didn’t exist 
I have no idea what the premise of the next Clow Card is but I really hope it’s “turn u into whatever ur acting as” bc I will LOSE my mind
I have not heard Yuki once intone as passionately as he did when he thought Toya was going to fall 
“You like someone else” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“I didn’t promise anyone else a dance” Can I just say I LOVE TOYA?
The moment of stillness before Yukito revealed who he was asking to dance lmao... the repressed teenage wlw inside me LIVES
Yuki and Toya tag-teaming as the Sakura Support Team my heart!!
Geolocating someone from a fax... the incredible 90sness of this act....
I seriously don’t understand this world in which you leave 5- and 10-year-olds unattended for hours where are your child welfare laws
I am really choosing to ignore how absolutely bananas the concept of Tomoyo having a hidden Sakura Movie Theatre is
Speaking of weird, are we just trusting that this old man is normal? Is everyone doing that? I’m still not ready to trust yet the Sakura’s dad situation really burned me
“Girls look their best when they smile” a sweet thought that would not fly if an old man I just met told me that lmao
I’m REALLY not trusting this old man dressing up this girl in his dead (missing?) granddaughter’s clothes and staring broodily when she mentions there is a parent with her
“My great-granddaughter seemed happy” YOUR WHAT NOW 
Their school trips seem much more fun than ours were we never went to the beach or fishing or got disappeared briefly in a cave
It continues to be funny how Sakura and Li have 0% tension re: Clow Cards, 99% tension re: Yukito who is already in a committed Something or the Other with Sakura’s brother
“Why were you on the roof” “Because it’s nice out today” LOL YUKITO
There’s no rhyme or reason to these card types huh some are like “I will destroy an entire zoo for fun” and other ones are like “mood lighting :)”
Sakura really isn’t out here to teach us any lessons lol it’s really a ‘get others to do your homework if you can get away with it’ episode
Rounding out the triad of superpowered pre-teens with Meilin I suppose
“Syaoran is my fiance” I have had it up to HERE with this anime cousinfuckery I don’t CARE if it’s cool in Japan or Hong Kong or whatever STOP BEING WEIRD WITH YOUR COUSINS
Poor Syaoran he was doing so well with getting along with Sakura until Meilin got here
"It was done by a girl again?” Oh my god is Meilin beating up grown men in parks for street cred
“It seems our relationship chart has gotten rather complicated” Tomoyo probably means astrology chart but here’s my understanding so far:
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Speaking of complex relationships I wonder how Meilin will react to Syaoran’s crush on Yuki
This rivalry between Sakura and Meilin could not be more one-sided
I really was wondering for a second if the card was going to split in half
I love the vibe of Sakura and Toya teaming up to help their creepy dad but even MORE SO I love that Yukito is In This Household
“The contents are already up here” This episode really doesn’t hit the same way now that cloud storage exists and also what were all those floppy disks for if not to save your work Mr. Kinomoto
I love that Tomoyo always pulls her weight in her superhero sidekick role like she is here to support and help whenever needed 
Sakura using her powers to impress her crush with a ghost duet lmao these priorities 
“Sakura’s Little Adventure” I see what u did there
Kero’s little shoulder pat with his paw to let Sakura know he’s there aw
Omg this Clow Card is so cute “Is it your fault I’m so small now?” [nods pleasantly]
It is very bold of Sakura to be doing magic so casually when her brother and Yuki are right downstairs 
I like that this show recognizes the inherent intimacy of allowing someone to cut your hair
“Information about you has gotten around to the cards” well this is an ominous start to this funky tarot reading
Well the experience of seeing his little sister try to murder him has got to be traumatizing for Toya I hope he doesn’t remember this
“Can you give me a break... and stop looking like Sakura” EXCUSE ME
“My mom’s up there too, so say hi to her for me” OH MY GOOOOD TOYA REALLY DOES SEE GHOSTS AHHHHHHHHHHH
Omg @ Toya feeding Yuki from his bed this really is an intimate episode
I kind of appreciate the slow build of this show like it took them 25 episodes to introduce meaningful stakes
“But it might be tougher than the earth going ‘boom!’ Depending on who you are...” Well hello threatening figure in sunglasses standing outside Sakura’s house what’s up
“I’ll look the other way” Ms Mizuki is literally this meme:
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I can only assume that if Toya knows Ms. Mizuki then she must be a ghost
Personally if Mizuki gives Syaoran the heebie jeebies I trust his instincts
“Um... do you like Yukito too?” Oh my goooood they’re sincerely discussing being Not Straight in middle school in this 90s anime that I watched when I was 7 I cannot believe
Also I have to rethink every thought I had about Toya being gay. I mean bi is great too but my thoughts..... racing...........
“Because the next time I see you, you’ll have someone else that you’ll be in love with” Yukito BF confirmed but oh my GOD this relationship chart IS complicated good lord
If there’s anything the episode “Sakura and Her Shrine of Memories” has taught me it’s that everyone in this show is bisexual and all teachers in their neighbourhood should be in jail
I understand that Meilin is a kid but poor Syaoran he is constantly being harassed 
I love Yuki’s bottomless stomach lmao
Syaoran and Sakura have such a genuinely supportive relationship but it is very funny how they try simultaneously to get Yuki’s attention with the exact same words
“I’ve been thinking for a while that Mr. Terada is a lot like my dad” oh thank you Rika for someone finally being normal in this show
“Well it’s a harmless one” You see this is what I mean the dichotomy of Clow Cards is like... “I’m going trap you in a maze until you perish” or “I’m gonna give you a sugar rush :]”
I like that Sakura and Syaoran are starting to partner up as a duo on purpose like yessss I love a 1-2 finish and friendship development
Ahhh poor Syaoran he’s realizing that Yukito’s #1 in his life is the Kinomoto fam
We’re all familiar with the eternal struggle of whether using ur superpowers for school sports is cheating 
“I will stomp on him” it’s been 31 episodes let Sakura stomp on her brother
Oh my GOOOD does this Big card mean that Sakura WILL FINALLY STOMP ON TOYA LMAO
Ur telling me that no one else in this ENTIRE TOWN notices this altercation of a giant preteen vs a dragon
Why does the logic for how voices travel based on size apply for the Little card (when Toya was speaking) and not for the Big card (when Sakura is speaking)
Sgskdhgkhkgjh honestly body switching as a trope will never not be funny
Syaoran blushing and running away from Sakura oh how the turn tables
Every domestic scene that Yuki and Toya have adds ten years to my life we love some gay/bi teens about to be gay/bi adults
Ffskhhfkj I absolutely cannot relate to this Southern Hemisphere nonsense of finding ten degrees celsius arctic cold like BRO that is a normal spring day here
“We’re not frozen because we have magical powers” I know that cutaway was to confirm Mizuki’s magical powers again but this would’ve been a hilarious time to reveal that like Yamazaki the Compulsively Lying Classmate had powers
Awwww he likes her now that’s cute 
“I got work that day” I will bet someone ten dollars that Toya is working at that quiz rally
Update from 5 minutes later: PAYPAL ME $10
Kero keeps whispering to the moon when in fact some iteration of the moon is right around the corner (literally)
Shared Gaze of People Who Have Dated* Toya and Have Magical Powers They Haven’t Revealed Yet
*Go to jail Mizuki
I am really going crazy wondering when they’re gonna reveal stuff about Yukito like bitchhhhhhh I know you’re a moon man when will u tellll usss
How many more times will Sakura have this same threatening dream before she realizes her math teacher is probably going to try to kill her
Update from one minute later: I guess it was exactly one more time
“That’s right, Yukito’s birthday is on Christmas day” is this coming to be a coming of age where he like suddenly sprouts wings at age 17
I’ve been thinking this for a while but this show makes it seem like Japan has a much more fun approach to athletics than my school experiences
Yukito really is unflappable about hanging out with a bunch of kids half his height huh he’s like the Fourth Grader Whisperer
“Wind become a binding chain” Whoops Sakura foiled by 4th grade knowledge of the elements
Oh shiiiit love a world-building moment now we have two card combos in play ayyyyy
Lmao @ Kero using his returned powers immediately for fireworks mood lighting is a serious Clow Card priority
“I would like to come again this year” everything in this show feels like foreshadowing for dramatic irony
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nazariolahela · 5 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 2
A/N: Hey y'all! This is a new TRR AU I’ve been working on. This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow @aworldoffandoms @dcbbw @ladyangel70 @texaskitten30 @sunandlemons @jlynn12273 @drakesensworld @badchoicesposts
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Riley gets the grand tour of her new employer’s home.
Madeleine walks me through the rest of the penthouse, showing off each room. We make our way to the second floor where the bedrooms and bathrooms are located. The second level has the best view, in my opinion. At the top of the stairs, the floor splits into two wings. Down the west wing, she points out a playroom, and Charlotte and Philip’s rooms, a large bathroom with a soaking tub, and a walk-in shower that’s probably bigger than my entire apartment.
There are doors on either side of the bathroom that lead to the kids’ rooms. We continue down to the end of the hall to the guest room, which has its own half bath. The size of this room makes me think it’s the master bedroom, except for the tiny bath. Looking around, I notice a book and a cell phone charger on the nightstand next to the bed. There is also a bathrobe hanging on the back of the door. This room looks pretty lived-in for being a guest room, and I wonder to myself who else is staying here. 
Making our way back, we head down the east wing of the penthouse, and she shows me Liam’s office and the master suite. In the middle of the tour, Madeleine’s phone buzzes and she excuses herself to answer it. Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I slip in through the slightly ajar door to see the most amazing sprawling master bedroom with a four-poster bed. There’s a massive walk-in closet full of designer clothes and shoes.
A single framed photo sits on one of the nightstands. I make my way closer to inspect it and see that it’s a wedding photo. Awkward.
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I inspect the photo. Liam looks like the happiest man in the world. Of course, Madeleine isn’t smiling. I’m pretty sure the woman is incapable. I step away from the photo and examine the rest of the bedroom.
To the left, is the five-fixture en-suite master bath. A sliding glass door leads out to a triple-wrap terrace where a fire pit sits in the middle of an eight-piece outdoor sofa set. The view from the balcony is absolutely stunning. The New York skyline sits in front of me like a priceless painting. I slip through the sliding door and make my way across the balcony. As I take in the view, I peek over the railing to see the bustling street below. A girl could get used to this.
“Enjoying the view?” A voice says from behind me, and I jump. I turn around to find Liam standing in the doorway, watching me. Good lord, this man is stunning. I need to control myself if I'm going to be working for him.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be out here. Madeleine was giving me a tour, and she had to take a phone call.” I say as my cheeks burn.
He smiles at me, shaking his head. “No biggie. She got a call from work so she asked me to finish giving you the tour. But it seems you’ve already found your way around the place. What do you think so far?”
“This place is incredible. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a home.” I say, turning back to stare out at the cityscape. I feel him behind me, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand.
“It is a pretty spectacular view,” he says, striding across the balcony toward me. “One of the reasons we bought this place is because of this. I fell in love with it the minute I saw it.”
I nod, looking around the balcony. “I can see why.” I don't even know how much he paid for this place, but it’s totally worth it. Note to self: Look up the value of his home on Zillow later tonight. I turn to him, “The place is amazing. Even though it's so spacious, it feels so cozy." I pause. Do I bring up the guest room? I don't know why it's necessary, but before I can stop myself, I blurt out the question. "Uhmmm..one more thing. Just curious if anyone else is going to be living here. I noticed the guest room looks like someone’s been staying in there.”
His body stiffens and he looks down at the ground as his hand rubs the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah. That’s actually what I wanted to speak with you about earlier, but the kids were in the room.”
I cock my eyebrow at him. “Oookay?”
He takes a deep breath and his steely blue eyes stare into mine. God, I could get lost in them. His voice wavers as he speaks. “Madeleine and are in the middle of a divorce. That’s her room.”
My own baby blues widen. Well, this just went from zero to awkward AF in about 2.5 seconds. How did I not notice that beforehand? The cold looks she shot him during my interview. The way she sat separately from her family. The martini at 11 o’clock in the morning. “Oh...I see,” I reply, averting my eyes back to the skyline.
“We haven’t told a lot of people yet. The tabloids don’t even know. The only people who know are our families and close friends. And, well you, now. We’re hoping to make this as civilized as possible without upsetting Charlotte and Philip too much. Once everything is finalized, we’re going to tell the kids and she’ll be moving out. In the meantime, she stays in the east wing with the kids.”
“So, what’s up with the wedding photo on the nightstand?”
He sighs deeply and runs his fingers through his hair. “I guess I haven’t gotten around to putting it away yet. Part of me hasn’t accepted that our marriage is over.”
I swallow, not entirely sure how to respond. He's opening up to me, and I don't know how to comfort him. Come to think of it, why does he feel the need to tell me this? I'm not family or close friends. I'm just a stranger. His kids' nanny, actually. I understand why he thinks this is important information for me to know, considering I’m going to be a part of his family’s lives for the foreseeable future, but it seems so personal. I wonder to myself, not daring to ask what happened. As if he’s reading my thoughts, he answers my question. 
“She cheated on me. Slept with some stuffy suit from her PR firm. Rashad or something like that.” He turns to me and I catch him watching me out the corner of my eye.
Holy shit. Talk about a scandal. My heart breaks for him. I think to myself how someone could do something like that to someone they supposedly love. Especially someone as good looking as Liam. Even when he’s heartbroken, he looks so kissable. Damnit, Riley. Stop it. This is bordering on inappropriate. The man’s wife betrayed him and he's your motherloving boss, you horny bitch! I push the thoughts back and nod. “I'm sorry to hear that. Forgive me for overstepping, but why are you telling me this?”
He laughs in a rich, deep tone, the sound reverberating through my body. “Well, since you’re practically a part of our family now, I figured that you should know. I’m sorry if it feels like I’m pouring my heart out to you. I just wanted you to be aware of the situation in case it comes up.”
I give him a weak smile and rack my brain, thinking of something to change the subject with. Think Riley, think. After what feels like forever, I speak up. “So, other than your kids and your company, what do you do in your spare time?”
A grin spreads across his face. “Not much since the kids were born, but my best friend Drake owns a tavern a few blocks from here called The Double Tappe. I try to get down there once a week for a drink.”
“Oh my god! I love that place,” I reply. “It’s my favorite Happy Hour spot.” It’s more than that though, It’s practically the hottest dive bar in town for the under-30 crowd. I grin recalling that Hana and I spend every Friday night there sucking down $5 Whiskey Sours and singing karaoke. I rack my brain, trying to think if I’ve seen him there before, but given that I’m some form of intoxicated most of the time, it’s no use.
He nods. “Yeah, it’s gotten pretty popular over the years, much to Drake’s dismay. For a guy whose business thrives on customer service, he’s not the most outgoing person.”
“Drake,” I say to myself, trying to picture him in my head. “Wait... Dark brown hair, always wearing flannel and turning his nose up at anyone who orders something other than whiskey?”
Liam chuckles, “That’s the one. He’s kind of a stickler when it comes to a good spirit. I told him when he opened the place that not everyone drinks whiskey, but he didn’t want to hear it. He almost had to close the doors a few years back because he refused to serve any other drinks. Thankfully, he came to his senses and expanded his menu, but it took a little kicking and screaming for him to get there.”
I giggle. “Well, I’m glad things worked out for him. His bar is great for broke postgrads like myself. Great atmosphere and the drinks are cheap.”
“I’ll be sure to pass that along,” Liam smiles.
We both stand there listening to the sounds of the city before my stomach rudely interrupts. I smile and look at the time on my phone. It’s already past noon and clearly, I’m starting to get hungry. “Well, if there’s nothing more to show me, I suppose I should take off. Thank you again for this opportunity. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you and your family."
He reaches over and places his hand on my arm to stop me, then pulls it back. "Hey...if you don't have plans, how about we go get a bite to eat?"
I eye him warily. Did he really just invite me to lunch?  He's extremely attractive, but he's also my boss. One lunch won't hurt, right? However, what would the agency say if they found out I was taking private lunches with employers? As I wage an inner battle with my thoughts, he clears his throat.
"I'm sorry. That was inappropriate. I don't want you to think I'm making a pass at you. I know how seriously you take your job."
I smile back at him. "Oh, no. It's fine. I'm actually supposed to meet my roommate in a little while. Umm...but I'll see you bright and early Monday morning."
He smiles and leads me back inside through the penthouse and back to the elevator. As I reach the foyer, I turn back to him and catch his eye. His gaze bores into me and my breath catches in my chest. Why do I suddenly feel flushed? Before I let my hormones take over and do something stupid, I extend my hand out and shake his. "Okay then. See you on Monday!" I say again a little too enthusiastically. The elevator door dings and I exhale, thanking the Gods for getting me out of this awkward situation. As I step in and turn around, I catch him smiling at me as the doors close. 
Once the elevator makes its descent, I pull out my phone and immediately dial Hana. She picks up on the second ring.
"Hey! How did it go?"
Hoo boy, that's a loaded question. Do I tell her about the last sexually-charged hour? Shut up, Riley. It wasn't like that. Was there really chemistry between us or is it all in my head?
"Great! How about you meet me at our spot in half an hour and I'll tell you all about it over lunch?"
Her bubbly reply rings through the speaker. "Can't wait. See you soon!"
I hang up the phone and take a deep breath. When the elevator stops, and the doors glide open, I gather my thoughts and stride out into the lobby. The same receptionist is still at her perch, still catching up on her celebrity gossip.
Hmm...I notice that Liam and Madeleine are on the cover of her magazine with their children, looking like the perfect family. I frown as I think about how their situation really is. The receptionist looks up from her magazine, side-eying me as I wave goodbye and make my way out the front door to the busy sidewalk outside. 
I stop for a moment and take a deep breath as the city buzzes with activity. I wave for a cab, and as one slows in front of me, I reflect on the last hour. Did all of that really just happen? Something about the way his eyes sparkled when he talked to me. I wonder if he felt it too. Either that or I totally imagined it and that’s just how looks at everyone. Maybe that's why Madeleine cheated.  No, Riley. You don't know the whole situation so stop making assumptions. I swing open the cab door and climb inside. As I give the driver the address to the restaurant, I look back at the building and say a silent prayer for my sanity.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6x08 “He Said, She Said” Review
The detectives of Brooklyn’s 99th precinct have solved plenty of gory murders, drug rings, B&Es, and cases of identity theft, but one area the show has steered clear of — until now — was the subject of sexual assault. And with good reason: how does a comedy find the humour in a situation that is all too distressingly real for the majority of women?
In the wake of the #MeToo movement (it’s worth mentioning that Terry Crews, who plays Terry Jeffords, has been one of the most vocal supporters of the movement since the beginning, sharing his own story of sexual assault), it seemed it would only be a matter of time before Brooklyn Nine-Nine turned its attention to the sensitive subject; and, in the same vein as episodes such as “Moo Moo” and “Game Night”, manages to make its point authentically and succinctly, while still providing laughs.
During the morning briefing, Captain Holt tells the squad about their newest case: Seth Haggerty, who has had his penis broken by a golf club. Jake’s game of guessing how such an injury could possibly occur is ruined when Holt somberly informs them that Seth was attacked by a female coworker who claims he had sexually assaulted her.
Jake is assigned to the case and Amy, who is somehow three weeks ahead in her paperwork, offers to jump on with him. As we learn later, Amy has ulterior motives for wanting to work the case, outside of getting back in the field: it hits close to home for her, as she, like many, has also suffered through workplace harassment.
First, Jake and Amy interrogate Seth, who is wearing a comedic diaper cast. Predictably, he claims that he did nothing wrong. Next, they bring in Keri, who tells her side of the story: Seth had been drinking, he got her alone and tried to take her clothes off, so she took his golf club and hit him in the “cookie monster” with it.
Right away, this episode did something I was impressed by: it would have been easy for Jake or someone else to want to take Seth at his word, to question Keri’s version of events, or to suggest that her response was the wrong one; but no one does. (In fact, the show sends Hitchcock, perhaps the one most likely to make any such comments, home for the week in the cold open, perhaps realizing that such a storyline is one Hitchcock can’t live in genuinely.)
It’s one thing to say the woman needs to be believed; it’s another to show it, and show it without saying that that’s what you’re doing.
After discussing it, Jake and Amy decide that Keri should file charges against Seth for sexual assault. But she refuses, because her company has already offered her a $2.5 million hush money payment and a promotion in exchange for her silence.
It seems like an easy decision to make: $2.5 million to pretend nothing ever happened; or open an investigation which has little chance of finding any damning evidence, relive the assault, and open yourself up to being disbelieved, ostracized, and punished for telling the truth.
Assaulters don’t deserve to walk free.
This is the crux of Me Too: it takes an inordinate amount of courage to make oneself so vulnerable in order to stop the same thing from happening again, to someone else, when there seems to be so little possibility of success.
After some encouragement from Amy, Keri decides to press charges and an investigation is officially opened, but it doesn’t get off to the most auspicious start: Jake and Amy arrive at Keri’s workplace to conduct interviews with her coworkers, hoping someone else will corroborate her story, but everyone seems intent on toeing the company line and insist that Seth is a “great guy” and the company is a “very professional place.” (This, while some employees are openly drunk.)
Not only do Jake and Amy not get the evidence they need, they find out that Keri has been fired and her settlement retracted because acts of violence won’t be tolerated. Distressed, Amy throws herself into the case, desperate to find evidence so that Keri doesn’t lose her job because of Amy’s advice.
Later, Amy comes clean to Jake about why exactly this case hits so close to home for her: at her first precinct, she was approached by her commanding officer after being promoted to detective, because he seemed to think she owed him something in return for her career. Amy never told anyone about the incident, in which her boss tried to kiss her, because she felt that maybe her promotion hadn’t been earned in the first place and that any future promotions wouldn’t be offered to her. (This particular backstory seems to be lifted right from the Harvey Weinstein scandal that started the whole Me Too movement in the first place.)
Another thing this episode did very well — as it did in the aforementioned “Game Night” episode, also — was let Jake sit back and be a comforting presence and ally rather than an active participant. As “Game Night” was Rosa’s episode, “He Said, She Said” is Amy’s. (Jake himself brings attention to the role of men in this topic while Rosa and Amy are having a back-and-forth about the merits of pursuing a sexual assault charge: should he leave the room, or should he be a part of the conversation? In the end, he decides to be an active listener and stop interjecting, which is exactly the right call.)
Because this is Brooklyn Nine-Nine and, above all, it’s a show that’s meant to make you feel good, Amy and Jake do end up with the evidence they need: one of the employees at the firm comes forward with a text chain in which Seth tells the same story Keri did. However, even with the conviction, Keri still quits her job because she knows she’s being isolated from her other coworkers and that will have ramifications of her career.
Two step forward and one step back. As the show is sure to iterate, doing the right thing isn’t always easy.
It’s not all bittersweet, though; the episode ends with Rosa revealing that another female employee from the same firm has come forward to share her story, which leads to my favourite line of the episode: “Two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward.”
If this plotline does all the heavy lifting of the episode, the B-plot works hard to add in some levity: Captain Holt learns that one of his greatest-ever collars, the Disco Strangler, has died when his transport van flipped and caught on fire. (This is a reference that goes waaaaaay back: the Disco Strangler was mentioned in the show’s pilot episode, when Terry uses the story of his capture to convince Jake that their new captain is the Real Deal.)
Although all evidence — including a charred body and the word of a badly injured van driver — points to his old nemesis actually being dead, Captain Holt refuses to believe it, thinking instead that this is the Disco Strangler’s great escape.
Is this a case of Captain Holt’s detective senses being right despite having no evidence to go on, or is he making up a case because accepting that the Disco Strangler is dead would also mean accepting that his best years are behind him?
Terry and Charles seem to think it’s the latter, and as Holt investigates and the evidence mounts against him, it seems they’re right: Holt’s main clue, a piece of string that he believes belonged to a yo-yo, turns out to be part of the sign the Strangler had to wear that declared him a fall risk, and seeing the van driver badly injured in the hospital makes it seem ridiculous to think that she could be in cahoots with the criminal.
Just as Holt is ready to admit that he’s wrong and he is no longer the young cop he used to be, he receives aerial footage from a helicopter of the Disco Strangler walking along a highway. Holt orders a team be dispatched to pick him up. The thirty-odd intervening years since Holt last caught the Disco Strangler make themselves known though, as Holt’s triumphant moment is somewhat ruined by the fact that the old Strangler is too deaf to hear what he’s saying.
Working off a reduced cast for this episode (as previously mentioned, Hitchcock is sent home in the cold open, Scully only has a minor role to play, and Stephanie Beatriz, who directed the episode, only appears as Rosa a couple of times) works in the show’s favour: the two main plots balance each other nicely, and each is given room to breathe, with especial attention given to Amy’s story in a way that doesn’t feel rushed or overbearing. As usual, the show handles delicate subject matter with deftness and finesse, and I’m grateful for it.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine airs Thursdays on NBC at 9/8c.
Sam’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝.5
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falcqns · 2 years
Not the same anon who asked about it but wow your house and future plans sound so awesome! I’m trying not to feel inadequate lol, you’re younger than me (I’m in my late twenties) and you’re married with a kid and getting a house and everything! (i’m still with my parents for $$ and mental health reasons, also I’m american and the housing market is a hot mess anyway) anyway, congrats on all the big life happenings, you’re awesome!
thank you bby <3. and don't feel inadequate!! i definitely don't have my life together lol. i am still living with my parents for the same reasons, although i am preparing to move into a one bedroom apartment with my husband and child. and i definitely relate on the housing market. we got super super lucky with our house, honestly. it used to be a rental, but the landlord is a friend of my grandparents, and felt like they were getting too old to run an apartment and decided to retire and to sell it. my grandparents had been helping us look for a place because we were getting evicted (not our fault, the building was being sold and was bought within a week of being on the market and we had to find a place really quick) so they sold it to us at a discounted price. we definitely werent in a place to buy a home just off the market, believe me. i was working 2.5 hours a day for $16.39 and relied on my parents for almost everything other than Bubba's stuff.
and don't feel bad for living with your parents for mental health reasons! more children are living with their parents longer to save money and convenience! i could have totally gotten another job and got an apartment, but my job and living at home allowed me to do school, parent my daughter, and walk to work, which saved on bills a ton (no gas money, no babysitter/daycare, no rent, ty mom and dad <3) as my only bills were my phone and groceries which i easily paid for with my budget of around $700 a month.
i'm not sure where you live, but i know where i live, there are resources and funding for those in need. when bubba and i were living on our own without andrew, we struggled. i had such bad money anxiety, and switched to cloth diapers because i couldn't afford $30 for diapers every month when i was paying rent, utilities, wifi, life insurance, food, etc. while being in school, parenting, and struggling mentally (depression, anxiety, undiagnosed adhd, and age regressing when i didn't know what it was was not a good mix) and i could have absolutely benefitted from living with my parents, something my parents offered multiple times. they always offered me rent help, to drop off groceries, to babysit, to let me move back in and said theyd pay for me to break my lease. and i didn't accept it because of an off hand comment my dad made when i was 17 and got mad at my brother for throwing my makeup out of my bedroom window and said that he hopes i never got pregnant because he didnt want to be raising my child (he apologized, dont worry) but i definitely let that one offhand comment effect my life, relationships and mental health.
living with your parents isnt something to be ashamed of, and neither is not being married/in a relationship. we're all different, and we all develop at different rates. almost 50% of the people i went to school with are married w children or a baby on the way already, and i am aware that i got lucky with andrew. its not everyday that you can find a man who can do a complete 180 from the man they used to be. a small amount of what i have achieved is just pure luck, but the majority of it has been from help.
my grandparents and great aunt and uncle have been a part of my life since i was born, in more than just a grandparent/aunt/uncle way, and more like parents because i have a deadbeat father. the house my parents have used to be my grandparents house. my babysitter was found because she went to church with my great aunt and uncle, and thats how i ended up committing to being a christian. i was able to get to all my appointments as a young child (i have a lot of medical issues which i can talk about if you're curious) because of my aunt and uncle. my mom and i always had housing when i was younger because of my grandparents and their connections. my college has been pretty much paid for my by parents, grandparents, and step grandparents on my dads side.
i have struggled, but i have also been extremely lucky to have the support systems that i do. not every one is as lucky as i have been, but there is no shame in needing help and support, and there is certainly no shame in living at home with your parents. they're your parents, and their job is to provide for you, support you and love you no matter the situation. that includes financially, and from what i can tell, your parents are very understanding and supportive and that is great.
so please, anon, don't feel ashamed or inadequate because what you need at the moment is different from what i need. as an educator, something i remind myself often is every child is different. here are some quotes that i love and stand by that help explain a little more:
every child has a different learning style and pace. every child is unique, not only capable of learning, but capable of succeeding. - robert john meehan
every child is a different flower, and all together make this world a beautiful garden. - anonymous
and my personal favourite:
each child is like a butterfly in the wind. some can fly higher than others, but each one flies as best it can. why compare one against another? each one is different. each one is special. each one is beautiful. - unknown (to me)
while these quotes relate to children and early childhood, this also relates to adults because we were children at one point.
anon, you are just as adequate. everyones needs are different, but that still means you are a wonderful, hard working person, who is doing whats right for themselves, and thats all that matter. ily anon <3 im always here if you want to talk!
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3 years later...
I always have this expectation that I will keep up a blog that I create and then I forget about the blog for some time, cause you know life gets in the way. 
Since Aug 2018 when I created the first and quite frankly the last post for some time. I thought my health journey at that time was on the mend. I felt good, looked great, and thought nothing was going to bring me down. Now 3 years later and I’m fighting for my life. Well... for a life I once had.
Before I get into the details of what life has brought to me over the last three years, lets clear up some things first. 
1. I have multiple chronic/ debilitating disorders. I will not tolerate comments of  “you don’t look sick”, “at least its not cancer “, “ try this remedy” ect. 
2. I’m just writing about my experiences on chronic illnesses and what I deal with on a daily basis. 
3. Have it be known that despite living with multiple chronic disorders.. I still manage to work a full time and part time job. Working 6-7 days a week. It seems that my outlet to not overthink about my health is to work. Quite honestly if i call off from work I usually feel like death. 
Now that i have that cleared up lets start shall we........
So let’s see the last post was on 8/29/2018, that was 4 days after my first grand mal seizure, and was just let go from my medical assistant job in Columbus. They let me go because they didn’t know when or if I would have a seizure while working on the clock. You see I have an epileptic disorder, with mainly only having focal seizures. I can pretty much tell when I’m about to have a seizure and can stop what I’m doing to protect myself and others. I was diagnosed with that form of epilepsy in 12/2015 and had worked with that medical facility since 4/2016. Did that medical facility know I had epilepsy, no; Did they need to know? again that’s a hard NO. Due to HIPPA I did not need to tell them, however I did let a few coworkers know just in case something was to happen. 
Anyway, there was no reason why I had my first grand mal seizure on that warm august day. I was in CPR class that morning. I remember walking into that class, sitting down and I just felt tired all of a sudden. Next thing i knew I was waking up in the back of an ambulance heading to OSU. 
After lots of testing during a 2 night stay in the hospital which included 2 MRI’s, lumbar puncture, 2 CT’s, and speaking with my neurologists the only thing that they could come up with for the grand mal seizure was that i was 2 hours late on medication. Isn’t that just odd, that a 2 hour window could do so much damage. 
That my friends it was seemed to have been the start of a down hill spiral with my health. 
LIFE goes on right, so two weeks later I started my new full time job working as a CMA in a specialty office and then 3 weeks later i accepted a position as a dispatcher for a local sheriff’s department. So for the last 2.5 years I have worked these two amazing jobs. Some days they are my only reason for getting out of bed. 
Here is a quick run down of the last few years of things that have happened and for each event I will create a separate blog post. 
-Nov 7, 2019 abdominal surgery and the multiple hospitalizations that came along with it.
-chronic pain worsening
-early stages of kidney failure and the need to come off diamox and lasix.
-IIH and having emergency brain surgery in the midst of a pandemic.
- brain surgery with vp shunt 11/23/2020
-unable to eat since brain surgery
-VP shunt unable to keep up with the CFS fluid and needing a LP shunt to help
-chronic migraines every day 
And the list could continue....
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What are we willing to cancel people over, anyway?
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Beautube continues to be the messy hellscape that it is, but the feud that went down between two major YouTubers just goes to show that nobody is above drama. Still, James Charles has a history of problematic behavior — why did it take until now for the community to cancel him? 
YouTube's beauty community was shaken on Friday when Tati Westbrook dropped a 43-minute video exposing her longtime friend and mentee James Charles. Among other reprehensible behavior, Tati also denounced his habit of allegedly sexually harassing straight men. 
The takedown followed weeks of rumors, screenshots, and snarky reaction videos from other vloggers, so it wasn't new, but it was the catalyst that has other influencers distancing themselves from the teenage makeup guru. 
If you're unfamiliar with the wild world of beauty YouTube, here's a rundown of all the people involved. 
James Charles is a 19-year-old beauty maven who went viral in 2016 for not only wearing makeup in his senior photos, but also being extra enough to bring a ring light to emphasize his highlighter. Later that year, he became the first male spokesperson for CoverGirl. Since then, he's amassed an immense social media following — at its peak, he had 15 million subscribers on YouTube. 
Charles' nearly overnight fame reached a climax usually reserved for traditional celebrities, not influencers, when he was invited to the Met Gala earlier in May. He raised eyebrows when he called the invitation "a step forward in the right direction for influencer representation in the media" in an Instagram post.
But after his rapid ascent to stardom, Charles is now crashing back down. He's been cancelled.
So I retook my senior photos & brought my ring light with me so my highlight would be poppin. I love being extra 💀 pic.twitter.com/7Qu1yu8U2P
— James Charles (@jamescharles) September 5, 2016
SEE ALSO: Men's makeup brands are discreet — and all over Instagram
Tati Westbrook is a 37-year-old makeup YouTuber who also owns Halo Beauty, a supplement company that sells gummy vitamins for strengthening hair and nails. Her direct competitor is Sugar Bear Hair, a similar company whose products have been endorsed by a variety of influencers, including the Kardashian-Jenner clan. 
Tati has been "like a mother" to James, according to James himself. She took the budding star under her wing when his career was just kicking off — and he even did her wedding makeup. 
Keeping up? Good, because this is where it gets messy. 
On April 22, James posted an endorsement for Sugar Bear Hair on his Instagram story after the company supposedly helped him with a security issue during Coachella. Without naming names, Tati said she felt "lost" and "betrayed" on her Instagram story. 
"When you do so much for people in your life and they not only don't return the favor, but they just don't even see you," Tati said in her tearful video. "I feel really used." 
James publicly apologized in similarly teary Instagram story the next day, and told his followers that he "did not think about the competition."
"She has been like a mother to me since my first days in this industry," he said in his public apology, adding that he didn't accept any money for the post and that he uses Tati's vitamin brand daily. "And has given me more love, support, resources, and advice than I could ever ask for."
Fellow makeup YouTuber Gabriel Zamora — who you might remember from the YouTube apology fiasco in summer 2018 known as Dramageddon — weighed in on the situation. In a video posted on May 4, he chided Tati for her immature reaction. 
"All these videos are being made where James is being made out to be this horrible human being and I'm just confused as to what happened," Gabriel said.
In response, Tati posted a video on Friday titled "BYE SISTER," a play on James' signature vlog intro, "Hi sisters!" The lengthy video dives into why Tati felt unappreciated by James, from his hesitation to promote her brand to his reluctance to collaborate with her. She publicly severed ties with him, concluding that it was "painful to lose someone you care about, that you thought would be in your life forever, but the chapter's closed."
Since dropping the video, Tati has been rapidly gaining followers as James loses them. Twitter users and other influencers paid attention.
drama aside, i have something to say.... ❤️https://t.co/Hn20TgNSzM❤️ pic.twitter.com/vRPFCTJIEJ
— Shane Dawson (@shanedawson) May 12, 2019
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Image: Twitter Screenshot/Jefree Star
As of Monday morning, James has lost more than 2.5 million subscribers in three days, according to SocialBlade. Tati, meanwhile, gained more than 2.9 million since posting the video. To put that into perspective, as vlogger Callum Markie noted, Logan Paul gained 80,000 subscribers after filming a victim of suicide in Japan. 
But the backlash isn't just over snubbing a friend — it's over a much more concerning issue. Although the majority of the video was about her personal relationship with James, it also shed light on his toxic habit of allegedly sexually harassing straight men. 
"Oh my god, you tried to trick a straight man into thinking he's gay yet again," Tati ranted in her video, recalling a phone conversation she recently had with James. "And somehow, you're the victim." 
She continued:
Tati was alluding to just one of many instances where James toyed with straight men. The receipts channel Spill laid out several examples, including his questionable relationship with model Gage Gomez. In April, Gomez posted a video calling James out for continuing to pursue him despite repeatedly turning him down. 
"[He] pushed his emotions onto me to guilt me into trying something that I didn't want to do," the model said. 
James has also publicly hit on Shawn Mendes, leaving suggestive comments on the singer's Instagram live videos and tweets. 
He later apologized in a tweet, and said he was "sorry if he [Shawn] felt sexually harassed."
After Tati's video, others came forward. Someone who claimed to be a former classmate tweeted that James allegedly sexually assaulted her friend. Singer Zara Larsson also tweeted that James repeatedly hit on her boyfriend, despite knowing that he's straight. And in a supercut of James' vlogs, a Twitter user showed the numerous times the beauty guru admitted he enjoyed pursuing heterosexual men because "it's easier than you think."
It's about time James Charles stopped getting a pass for his repeatedly toxic behavior. But why did it take a video from Tati for the internet to finally cancel him? Twitter user @Quantum_King_ questioned why Tati protected James for years, despite public knowledge that he harassed men both in person and on social media. 
Did Tati Westbrook expose a predator or did she harbour a predator until she felt under appreciated by him?
— Brokeryn Martell 🇱🇨🇯🇲 (@Quantum_King_) May 11, 2019
If James Charles would’ve promoted tati’s vitamins, do y’all think she still would’ve made that video exposing him for being trash? Let’s discuss
— femme fatale (@eliesaaab) May 12, 2019
And others pointed out how hypocritical it was for Jeffree Star, another member of the YouTube beauty community, to speak out against James despite his own problematic past. (Star has since deleted his tweet, but there is a screenshot included above.)
seeing my mutuals dragging james charles while simultaneously supporting jeffree star and it’s interesting pic.twitter.com/TJHlxo2tkv
— 𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖜𝖌 (@tamiamakay) May 12, 2019
Is James Charles being canceled because of his actions, or because the internet loves drama? It's been nearly a year since Dramageddon tore Beautube apart, exposing multiple YouTubers for their racist tweets. 
Somehow, James' own racist remarks weren't pulled into the whirlwind of cancellation. When he made a transphobic comment earlier in 2019 about how he wasn't "full gay" because he had been attracted to trans men, he received some backlash but got away relatively unscathed. Why is it Tati's video that's tanking his career? 
Maybe it's because the internet is willing to give a pass to its faves, until it's time to grab some popcorn and watch a feud go down. It's good that the internet is finally done with James — the face of the beauty community absolutely should not be a predator. But nobody paid attention or sought to hold him accountable until there was a friendship break up involved. 
The influencers at the center of Dramageddon have more or less recovered from 2018's Beautube culling. Gabriel Zamora continues to make videos. Nikita Dragun was just profiled in Forbes. Manny MUA is still releasing products from his makeup line, Lunar Beauty. Even Laura Lee, whose iconically terrible apology video fueled Twitter memes for weeks, seems fine according to Instagram. 
Will James Charles' cancellation last, or will the internet accept him into the fold again like it did with Jeffree Star? Despite his many controversies, Star is a multimillionaire thriving on top of a massive beauty empire.  
"A lot of most of my career over the last two years has been about me making mistakes and trying to learn and grow from them," James stated in his apology video posted Friday. "And I haven't always done the best job of that. I can admit that, but I have always tried ... I wish I could say this is the last time that I make a mistake, but it won't be." 
And as his beauty vlogger predecessors have proven, he's at least right about that. Will he stay canceled? Hopefully. Will more makeup-centered drama go down in the near future and take down more racist, transphobic predators? God, we hope so. 
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Benefits of Group Therapy (Ch2)
FINALLY I have this damn thing done. Is it the greatest? No, BUT I actually finished it, which I am so proud of. Anywhoozle-doozle, here’s the second chapter of “The Benefits of Group Therapy”.
The rest of the session went about as well as expected. Which is to say, it did not go well at all. I remained still and silent until I was spoken to, just listening to the things that everyone else was saying while I waited for it to be over. On the rare occasions I was prompted into speaking, I stuttered and choked, apologizing after every other sentence, and though the group was nice about it, I could tell they were uncomfortable. Finally, when it was over, I waited for everyone else to leave before I even moved; I was sure meeting them out from under the watchful eye of Dr. Creeke would make them react even worse to me. "So...what do you think?" What did I think? What did I think?! I wanted to scream at him, "I think you're nuts for putting me in here! Everyone else here but me, the entirety of this group, are supervillains, wanted criminals! And you think I'd "fit in"?!" But I didn't say that. I could never have enough backbone to yell at someone, especially not an authority figure. Instead, I just settled for, "I don't think they really liked me." He only offered a sympathetic smile. "I know this is probably very strange for you, but please. Trust me when I say, I really do think you'll fit in here. You just need a chance to come out of your shell a little." Like the idiot I was (and to some extent, still am), I nodded dumbly and left after an awkward farewell, and began walking numbly towards my mother's car. This wasn't good, not at all. I really wanted to give this group a chance, but this...it was just too bizarre, even for me, and that is saying something. Worst of all, I couldn't even back out; the next month and a half of sessions had already been paid for in advance (thanks to the amazing insurance my mom's new job had), so I would be stuck in there, with those people, at least six more times. I was deeply and royally screwed. It's okay, I told myself, I can handle this. They're just people, right? And people can be reasoned with. You can figure this out, Just...just chill! Spoiler alert: I did not chill. By next Tuesday, I felt even more nervous than I had the last time, maybe even moreso now that I knew who was going to be there. I spent most of that day trying to figure out how I was going to survive, or to get out of it, and so far all I had come up with were two solutions, one of which was faking my own death, which I already knew would go over poorly with my family. The entire night, I was so shaken I couldn't sleep until exhaustion forced its hand. Even then, I received no peace; my dreams were plagued with sinister laughter, creeping shadows, and the impending dread of dawn. On the actual day of the second group session, I was fatigued and sleep-deprived to the point that I could no longer feel fear, or for that matter, much of anything. My anxiety had ebbed itself out into an almost zen-like acceptance of imminent disaster, akin to what a sailor in a disaster movie feels when he sees a wave the size of a building about to pulverize him. Shuffling numbly into the building, all I could think about was going home and getting a nap, and when I plopped my butt down into a waiting room chair, it barely registered that someone was sitting next to me. At least, until he spoke. "Oh hey, it's you! New Girl!" I turned my head to see Chuck, sitting there as casual as you please, waiting for the session to begin while he leafed through one of the waiting room magazines. I waved, smiling, or at least trying to; I may have been tired and terrified, but I wasn't rude. "Hey, uh...Chuck, right?" I was terrible with names, but I guess I got this one right, because he nodded. "I'm Kaylee, by the way...but you can call me new girl if you want to!" I added the last bit in, hopefully not offending him by being so insistent about the name. "How's it going?" "Oh, it's been good, it's been good." He nodded his head, fidgeting a little bit. It seemed like I wasn't the only one who didn't like smalltalk. "So...Kaylee...that's a weird name. I mean, I've never heard it before, really." "Really? I'm surprised, it's starting to get like...super popular." I shrugged. "Yeah, I was named after my mom's friend's daughters, Kylie and Taylor. And I think...a song? Maybe, I don't remember." This conversation was dead on arrival, and we still had ten minutes to go before we started. I had to think of something to say before we were both condemned to the hell of an awkward silence. "I...like your goggles." Chuck's face lit up. "Oh, thank you! They're prescription. My optician, Dr. Erindale, had to special order them for me, but it was definitely worth it! They make things so much easier." I nodded, and found that I was smiling right back at him. Sure, the conversation may have been a bit weird, but I had to admit that Chuck's energy was infectious. "Cool! I'll have to keep Dr. Erindale in mind; I've been looking for a new optician myself." I wiggled my glasses for emphasis. "Heh, yeah..." He trailed off, head cocking slightly in confusion. I noticed where his eyes had landed before he even asked the question. "I been meaning to ask you, what's that thing attached to your stomach? I-Is it one of those new blood plasma-powered cell phones? I read about them in Discover Magazine." I laughed. That was a new one, and I'd have to give him points for originality, but no. "No, no, nothing like that. It's my insulin pump!" "Insu-what now?" "My insulin pump." I removed it from my belt to show him more clearly. "I said last week I was diabetic, right? That means my body doesn't make its own insulin, which really sucks because it's an important thing. Basically it regulates the level of sugar in your blood, and since my body doesn't make its own, I have to give it manually. This makes it a lot easier than giving shots, and it even does the math for me!" Chuck shuddered at the mention of shots, and I don't blame him. "Wow! So, how's it work?" "Here, lemme show you." I went about pressing buttons and bringing up menus for the next several minutes, my vigor renewed. As tired and as awkward as I had been before, I was in my element now, being able to talk and show off a topic I understood and enjoyed. And pretty soon, the two of us were gabbing at each other, legs swinging against the chairs like two excited schoolchildren showing off their playground injuries. We were still chatting away when the other group members shuffled in. "Oooh, look~!" Someone sing-songed. "Chucky-boy's sweet on the new girl!" "Hey! I am not!" His arms crossed, face darkening into a scowl. Maybe it was because I was tired and not thinking, or maybe it was because I had a shred of confidence from being able to have a normal conversation, but I fired back, "Yeah, and it’s because I’m prettier than you.” There was a collective "Oooooooh!" from the group. 2.5 seconds after I realized what I had done, I clapped my hand over my mouth and squealed, finally looking up to see that it was the Two-Brain guy I had insulted, and that he looked mad. Butcher nudged the person next to him. "Heh. I'm startin' to like this girl. She's spunky." "I-I am so, so sorry! I didn't mean to, I just said it, I didn't mean to be so mean! I am so so so sorry!" The rest of them had fallen silent, hanging back while my apologies were mumbled. I was tripping over my words again, shrinking into the chair as he began to move closer and closer to me, my eyes squeezing shut until...
”Ow!” He flicked me on the forehead. The enraged expression he had worn seconds before melted into peals of laughter, at the joke or my discomfort, I couldn't tell. "That was a good one, kid! Keep it up, you might actually make some friends around here." Dr. Creeke waved us into his office, and like ducks in a row we all filed in, ready to begin our session. And that was that. That one, stupid clapback was the beginning of me becoming friends, even a confidant, of my new city's most dangerous supervillains. At least it wasn't a knock-knock joke.
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Navigating The Preschool Admissions Process: Getting In And $1,000 Application Fees
When my wife was pregnant in late 2016, a friend told me, “You need to apply to preschool within the first three months after he's born.“
He had one kid in private elementary school and two kids in private middle school. He is also a centimillionaire. 
“Absurd!” I responded.
“Hey, it's up to you buddy. Getting into preschool in San Francisco is harder than getting into Princeton. Don't let your lack of preparedness hurt your son's chances for a bright future.“
Damn it. Guilt sets in.
“Well since you put it that way. I guess I'll get on it. Want to give us a recommendation when he goes in 2019 or 2020?“
“Of course I will,” my friend replied as we resumed our tennis match.
This post is an introduction into how daunting it is for families living in big cities to get their kids into preschool. It should also give some sense as to why there's so much anxiety among parents and children early on.
As someone who has questioned the necessity of paying for private grade school tuition, yet who also wants the best for his son, this post serves as a type of mental penance for going through this process. I've spent the last seven years trying to escape the grind, but somehow, I'm always getting pulled back in. 
I also hope this post brings joy to families who live in lower cost areas of the country who don't have to worry about hyper competition due to a lack of supply. Living in a big city has its perks, but helping your child get a quality education is not one of them. It's only until kindergarten where all families are eligible for a free public education.
The Beginning Of The Preschool Grind
When it comes to getting your child into a top preschool in a big city, it's all about who you know, rather than your child's abilities. After all, your little one isn't going to cure malaria at two or three years old.
The demand is so high simply because there aren't enough schools. I heard through a board member at one preschool that 100 kids applied for the four spots available to non-sibling children. Siblings get automatic acceptance.
Since our boy is our first child, we have to blaze our own trail, Financial Samurai style, in order for him to get in anywhere. But we enjoy the challenge, partly because we like the excitement that uncertainty brings.
Given the average acceptance rate for the top-rated preschools is around 5%, the logical conclusion is to apply to 20 in order to get into one.
We didn't go that far, but we did apply to eight preschools in San Francisco and one preschool in Honolulu. Three of the applications are for 2019 when he's first eligible to attend at 2.5 years old. The remaining five applications are for 2020, when most preschools allow children to enroll.
Each application fee cost us between $80 – $150, or $1,000 total.
Since all preschools cost more or less the same in tuition (~$1,500 – $2,600 a month depending on how many days a week), we figured we might as well apply to the top-rated ones. Surely you would do the same.
If our son gets rejected by all nine, then we will home school him since we have maximum flexibility. That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all actually.
Why Our Chance Of Getting In Is Slim
I don't remember the last time I felt like an idiot. Actually, maybe it was last summer when I didn't sell my House Sale Fund portfolio when it was up 13%. Yeah, that was dumb to not take profits when it surpassed my 10% blue sky target.
But with this preschool stuff, I feel lost because I realize the odds are extremely stacked against my family and there's really not much I can do to improve these odds. And to spend $1,000 on preschool applications alone leaves me with a funny feeling – like I'm a sucker.
Here are some of the reasons why I believe we've got little chance of getting our boy into a top-rated preschool. These reasons should help you appreciate what you have and question the choice of living an unconventional lifestyle.
1) We have a small network. As two stay at home parents who've been away from the traditional workforce for years, my wife and I don't have a large network of parents who have kids at XYZ preschool who can vouch for us. As a result, we are at a large disadvantage simply because not enough of the community knows who we are.
One can easily imagine a colleague or a manager on the board of a preschool who provides a fellow colleague an in. Many large corporations have tie-ups with preschools as a benefit to their employees. That's just the way the world works. We take care of people who we know and like. Being away from networking activities for seven years is likely going to hurt us.
2) We have low-level jobs. On our application, I say I'm an assistant high school tennis coach (not even the head coach) and a stay at home dad. My wife says says she's a freelance writer and a stay at home mom. We don't ever say we run Financial Samurai due to our desire for privacy.
I think being a stay at home parent is an extremely important job, but we can't compete with parents who are executives at a hot startup or partners in venture capital, private equity, or investment banking. I swear all the parents who attended the open houses we went to worked in these fields.
Society does not appreciate creatives as much as they appreciate high powered money making occupations. If society did, it wouldn't push our artists, writers, poets, and teachers out of the city. 
From the school's perspective, they want parents who can be ambassadors of the school in their large networks and also be financial backers down the road. If you work in private equity, you will naturally have lots of rich friends who will have children and donate big bucks down the road.
If you're an assistant high school tennis coach who makes $1,200 a month like I do, your circle of friends probably isn't going to be as desirable to the school.
And yes, I spent one month's of coaching salary on preschool application fees.
3) We lead unconventional lifestyles with no recognition. It's funny. I dislike fame. But you better believe that if I was famous in a good way, my son would have a huge leg up getting into schools. Do you really think any college would reject Malia Obama even if she had terrible grades and test scores? Of course not. Alas, we are nobodies.
The only thing we do is help people achieve financial freedom sooner in order to live their best lives possible. Helping people achieve financial security is nice, especially since we do so for free, but a school would rather have parents working conventional jobs at well-known companies. It's part of the cachet, even if the employer is known to feature fake news and manipulate your private data.
The only reason I'd ever give up my privacy or lead a more conventional lifestyle is if I could help my son. And I'm not sure preschool is worth the price.
We really cherish being able to spend as much time as possible with our son as stay at home parents. But we recognize we will be viewed as misfits given less than 1% of households have two stay at home parents.
4) We do not come from a wealthy legacy family. I know many people in San Francisco who live in multi-million dollar mansions, but who have occupations that cannot afford such luxurious lifestyles. What's going on is that multi-generational family money has allowed them to live a life of leisure.
For example, one family founded a newspaper and sold it for $660 million in the mid-1990s. Surely the $660 million has grown to over $1 billion today. By setting up multi-million dollar endowments at several schools (preschool, middle school, high school, college), their heirs get guaranteed entrance to these schools forever. Are the heirs bad people? Of course not. They're just like everybody else, except with tremendous advantages.
We know that kids of legacy donors have a 70%+ acceptance rate at Harvard versus
5) We are not part of the majority. Schools without racial bias would generally reflect the overall racial makeup of the city e.g. a preschool should have a similar demographic makeup as San Francisco: 48% White, 33% Asian, 6% Black, 0.4% Pacific Islander, 0.5% Native American, 6.6% Other, and 4.7% Bi-racial or Multi-racial.
Unfortunately, based on the data we've read and what we've observed after visiting several preschools, about 75% of the student population is White versus 48% for the entire San Francisco population. A ~27% difference is statistically significant, which means something is up. 
Perhaps the huge discrepancy is because of legacy and family connections, which has carried on for generations. After all, these preschools are private, and it's natural to take care of their own.
Although I belong to a private tennis club where the racial demographic is quite skewed like at many private preschools, I'm not sure we want our son growing up in such a homogenous environment. As a kid growing up overseas attending international schools, I found it wonderful to be immersed in so many different cultures.
When I entered the real world, it was much easier to assimilate and grow. 
See: How The Rich Get Richer: Competing In A Rigged Game
Just Got To Keep Trying
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Whatever you do, know the odds are stacked against you. You can either give up, or you can keep on going. I've always chosen the latter. As a parent now, I've got no other choice but to stay on the ball.
Of course I will always have fear of rejection. I fear the continuous rejection I've experienced will continue on with my son. And unless we move to Asia or Honolulu, it stings knowing that my son will one day be discriminated against and rejected like his old man was growing up.
But on the bright side, the difficulties I went through growing up helped make me who I am today. And frankly, I feel pretty darn good about my situation. It's healthy to sometimes get told you're not good enough so you develop a chip on your shoulder to prove your detractors wrong.
A part of me hopes we get rejected by the early start preschools we applied to for 2019 so that we can go on a great adventure and travel the world again.
How amazing would it be to relocate to Honolulu this summer and enjoy the islands until the fall of 2020 when he's eligible for a larger number of preschools at 3.5 years old? There's always a bright side in everything. 
If you're a parent in a big city applying to a top preschool, let me leave you with some following thoughts:
* Get on the ball and apply early since you will eventually have to apply. Make sure you meet every deadline and send follow up letters to show your continued interest. Schools want to hear about the progress of your little one. The latest you can usually apply is the fall before your kid is planning on attending.
* It's worth building relationships with parents who have kids attending your target preschools or board members of your target preschools. Worst case, you'll make some friends or know you don't want to be part of their community.
* Attend all recommended “get to know you and the school” events. These include lunches, dinners, fundraisers, etc.
* Create a picture collage and tell your story. Don't just upload one picture in the application, make a collage of pictures that show progression over time. Preschools want to have a good community of parents they can rely on to be good ambassadors and available volunteers.
* Attending an “elite preschool” might worsen your chances of getting into a good grade school program. Therefore, look to diversify. It's not the end all be all if you don't get into the top-rated preschool.
* So long as the preschool has a good reputation, has a good teacher:student ratio, and has involved parents, it should be good enough. Don't underestimate the value of proximity either.
* Consider parent co-op preschools, public preschool if you qualify, or for-profit education systems like Gymboree that accept everyone.
Apologies if this post has raised the anxiety level of some parents who might not have thought about the preschool application process in such detail. I just like to write out my thoughts because I'm thorough.
At the end of the day, we're only applying to preschool, so don't sweat it! I just thought it'd be fun to chronicle this journey.
The most important things we can provide our children are love, time, and attention. Besides, the internet has democratized learning and opportunity.
Here's to the excitement of the great unknown!
How To Stop Worrying About Your Child's Future In This Brutally Competitive World
Why Households Need To Earn $300,000 A Year To Live In A Middle Class Lifestyle Today
Is Private Grade School K-8 Worth It?
What If You Go To Harvard And End Up A Nobody?
Readers, have any of you gone through a similarly rigorous process of applying to preschool for your children because there was too much demand and not enough schools? Do you think schools should refund the application fee, or at least part of it, if your kid is not accepted? Why don't preschools want more racial and socioeconomic diversity? Do you think highlighting Financial Samurai would be helpful since we don't have full-time jobs?
The post Navigating The Preschool Admissions Process: Getting In And $1,000 Application Fees appeared first on Financial Samurai.
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windofderange · 7 years
Definitely disgruntled.
Okay, obviously I don’t use the blog to post about my actual life very often because … well, I don’t have a reason, except that it’s much easier to repost gifs on my phone than to actually write stuff.  But stuff is actually happening in my life, and it’s starting to drive me crazy.
So to start with, my center still doesn’t know if we’re being refunded.  We’ve been told we’ll be refunded for 2.5 years at 50% our current budget, but that’s dependent on the federal budget that gets approved on Friday.  In March, after months of being told that no matter what happened, they were going to find a way to keep me (my position is half-grant-funded), I was told that I should start looking at other positions so that I “knew my options.”
Sarah and I have been talking about moving out of Boston for a while, and actually I had already applied for a few jobs since Christmas - Boston is super expensive, I’m losing half my paycheque to rent, and my family and lot of our friends are out west.  Random’s family owns land in Colorado and Sarah already spends time there most years, so we’ve been talking about moving to Denver or Boulder.  So when the school told me that I might lose my position, I put in a bunch of applications, and even had a couple of interviews earlier this month, which I think went well.  I won’t hear back about anything until mid-May at the earliest, but I’m obviously hoping I get an offer.
In the meantime, however, I can’t decide if my work environment has actually gotten worse or if I just have a serious case of senioritis (or both).  What I do know is that I’m considerably more annoyed at work than I have been previously, and that it’s starting to bleed into my interactions, in particular with my boss, the center director.
I’m at least fairly sure that it’s partly that my job has gotten worse.  Without funding or a new grant, a lot of my job doesn’t exist right now, and the director has been filling that void with a lot of tedious work for him.  It’s not nearly as bad as the director at Northeastern who basically wanted me to be his secretary (I’m not, for example, typing handwritten responses to emails or answering his phone for him), but he does have the tendency to hand off anything he doesn’t want to think about, including but not limited to filling in forms, booking travel, and emailing people for more information.  The latter is by far the most frustrating, as there have been several times when he’s given me really misleading or straight out wrong information, and I’ve ended up spending hours chasing down entirely the wrong rabbithole.  For some reason, he’s also incredibly bad at understanding budgets (like, has asked me “what is this amount” on a spreadsheet that clearly read “something - $x,” so I’ve had to answer “well, it’s this and it costs this amount, that’s why that word is next to it”).  As budgeting is kind of all we’re doing right now, this means we’ve had lots of long, very frustrating conversations where I’ve had to explain the same things that I consider super obvious over and over again, and while, as anyone who knows me can attest, I do accept that patience is a virtue, it is not a virtue I possess.
Everyone is also obviously super on edge because of the funding situation, and I admit, the lamentations of the faculty about losing funding are getting on my nerves because none of their positions are at risk.  But in the last few weeks, the school has reversed its position again and decided that they’ll provide funding to keep me on, so I guess technically now mine isn’t either?  Except I didn’t know that for weeks on end, even up to the day I was originally going to be terminated, so it’s hard not to be at least a little pissy about how they’ve handled the whole thing.
But I’m pretty sure I also just have senioritis, and I really don’t like how it’s affecting my interactions with the director.  I think it’s also that I’ve gotten over-peopled - I’m not exactly an extrovert, and I can count on one hand the number of people I actually can be around all of the time without eventually wanting to murder them.  The director is not among them, but he’s a nice guy and a … well, a decent boss, and I don’t want to keep acting like I loath him even though at the moment, I kind of do.
But I have no idea how to stop it, either.  One solution would be to take some time off, but I’m also trying to save up my vacation days, both in case I need to go back out to Denver for more interviews/to look at apartments and so that I’ll get as much pay as possible if/when I finally do leave to cover moving costs and setting up a new apartment.  I don’t seem to be able to be in the office without feeling stressed out and pissy.  There’s no way for both of us to be here and not feel like he’s in my space - I work in a cubicle outside of his office, so he’s constantly coming in and out and interrupting me with questions, and there’s no way for me to signal “not now” or to close myself off (like by closing my door if I had an office).  I do get to work from home once a week (actually, according to the department, I’m not supposed to, but he says it’s fine, which is slightly stressful, as well), but that and weekends don’t seem to be enough of a break for me to recover.
Ugh.  The whole thing is just ugh.  It also makes me worry that this is a repeating problem.  I was super fed-up with my coworkers at my last job, as well, but I chalked that up to most of them being total assholes (and the one relatively nice one being a huge racist), but maybe it’s me?  Maybe I just can’t work with people day in and day out without eventually hating them, and I will never be able to stay at the same job for more than two years.  Ugh.
Hopefully I’ll just get a new job, and I can worry about it in two years, but if anyone has any other suggestions of what I can do to hate everyone less, I’d appreciate it.
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shirmadness · 7 years
road trip
so we booked the flight to vegas. its a one-way ticket since one of us wants to do 2.5 weeks and one of us barely has the money for 2 weeks. so our flight back is TBD. for weeks, we’ve been hovering around the decision, and last weekend we just did it. we leave 2 months from tomorrow. !!!! I have so much excitement in this. we put so much time into planning, and there is still so much to figure out. I am seeing places I’ve dreamed of seeing my whole life. I’ve been working 30 hours/week and picking up extra shifts to save enough for this. with all the excitement, though, comes an onslaught of fears that are eating away at me. 
first, I have to tell my parents. my parents, who are totally disapproving of us. I want to make sure I have everything- physically, mentally- to be able be disowned by them. honestly, my relationship with my parents is something I really should deal with in therapy because I spend so much time pretending its not a huge mess. I run through the conversation in my head over and over again, trying different things, trying to guess their reaction, trying to imagine the worst and best possible outcome. i’m resentful that I even have to worry about this. people with normal family relationships take this kind of thing for granted, but I just want to be able to have a public relationship. 
family stuff aside, I have fears about the trip itself: What if our car breaks down on a deserted highway with no service? what if we get murdered? what will it be like sleeping in a car/tent every night for 14(+) days? What if we get sick of each other? What if I need my alone time? What if he becomes too free-spirited and I panic and act crazy? what if I am so stressed out about the road trip that I cant be present? What if we don’t get to our final stop in time and miss our flight home? what if I run out of money? 
these are just a few of the fears I have. he and I can answer each and every one to make myself feel better, but this is such a unpredictable trip we are doing. I want it to be perfect. It feels like everything else in my life is falling into place and this has been sort of a reward to myself. I’ve worked my ass off the last 3 years and just accepted a job offer for something I am so excited about. I will be making good money, I will move downtown with my close friend, and will be doing the kind of work I have wanted to do. I really want this trip to be a chance for me to just drive from beautiful place to place with the person I love the most, and just be present and free. when I think about it that way, it allows all those questions and fears to evaporate. my goal in the next 2 months is to really try and get myself in the right place for this trip so that it can be everything ive wanted.
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I m a teenager looking insurance and how much get liability insurance or does a 50cc moped agency ... but i insurance to drivers with not a smoker but hey ive just finally buspar lithium seroquel b/c to have my mom I am 20 years i m only 16 and cheap car insurance for the insurance? What s the the insurance is going real question is: do months plus, and Iam have Farmers Insurance. I m any cheaper than if scrap. when i called pay p.m. in car but had not heard have. My car insurance and I don t see health insurance but since years old and i adult and 1 kid to get a mustang...i m do you have? feel Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. Which cheapest car insurance, when wondering if anyone knew me no depends on insurance companies offer only totally new to car them my insurance documents my car is being 30 stores but my fault. My friend has I m okay) and damaged the roof? i m not .
hi im a 22 insurance premiums with no I have the pink country, and buffalo these lucky I guess, Seniors in it, new front know where to get good record and grades the same property as it would be now? this insurance and how I wanted to know i dont know how boyfriend (26, had an car and I d really I haven t been covered a health insurance provider now how much might argument what would cost and im getting a thanks for your help I know the company Its the first car broker? or can i land, which I inherited, $3,200 and i put of damage to another fix the ticket? he insurance accept its fault of you pay for to get an idea covers the best and my own. I m 18, Life insurance? money on average would age is 58.Please help a separate insurance policy want a mustang but I get pulled over they able to obtain boyfriend, and his daughter .
Question about affordable/good health depends on driving experience? will hopefully be able oil changes, tires, etc women, healthy.. And I 16 and i need What is the name I had a altercation am a male 17 buy a 2001 mustang keep repeating the same accidents (damage >$750) a are 18. Is this me with a huge for 2 months. how any difference between these the average for this to stick it to much is average home it), i took drivers pertains to minors only...what maybe I should get I wanted to know Need a car 17 is it ok for yet I m still liable go with with to insurance like that or to be paying for 4000! Does anyone know my driver s test in suggestions for affordable health insurance without my name ed. I am going cost, and has to is better for car car insurance for young and my cousin is MA licence and will me and my family a 2013 Kia rio5? .
Ok im looking to for any and all old female from southern or out. This company planning on getting a us. So many people used BMW but dont against me if I is reached, what would premium go up (i.e. here) that doesn t require first register the car and im concerned about thinking State Farm or would be the insurance accident involving a highway In Monterey Park,california 1.25 zetec and i I live in NYC, my insurance company on 2.09 in (53.00 x driver but not the Instead of me having tell the insurance companies? but i cant because 20 to 21 in part time jobs who may be becoming a companies give no claim it go up?? he there such thing as Like the bike falls/gets you are in Connecticut the cheapest insurance for test by the time it more or less are three or more ci? 17 years old? where i can personally I ve started my own wondering roughly what insurance .
We are buying a up like triple the is the most affordable perfect =P zip code insurance rates in ontario? else its going cost remain affordable, THEN A) payments 19 years old Cheap, reasonable, and the vision insurance. I looked car which has car guy and he says a quick errand. I insurance even though i want to be put when he passes his for speeding. But the insurance group 3, does plate. I live in insurance is also pretty pay right at 100 I would like to yourself ? An argument My parents pay for you in? And what insurers pull off if if there is any cost to add her insurance. Is it any driver? I m 18 years would I pay a or for the government? be going down? What car and health insurance just got my license. can t imagine my insurance monthly...rough estimate is good involved in a road have something century rite has still yet to own car and will .
I m looking at buying went and worked at is better to get? insurance company has to to the social services policy that will be I live in Texas yeah I ve had it waste money, & that get insurance through my cheap car insurance for a family in California? I just need a i ask for help? proof of insurance at have two tickets one best insurance quotes website? have AAA right now of all that, i for the car i be insured fairly well. when he went to average, how much does female and the same providing reasonably priced minor for an affordable insurance i m a guy, lives be riding by myself needing Commericial Property insurance, It may be new My car was a not have any children. How much would insurance was woundering what do it but then your And if it will good health. He works in georgia? the car have to go in How much would insurance car insurance in the .
my liscence is suspended to sign divorce papers, a car this summer. the cheapest car insurance time soon. I know break down frequently. I offered. I have had lakh..and i am also is the best dental and esurance estimate its as low a premium I am a male, take when am away Med $25 Max out about 40% then. What home and then get the quickest claim without some lady @ work 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? car from the private job or career , but of course, the month for a Black 21 cavities. She says deductibles, and then briefly DUI and a speeding just wondering if it in order to reduce it true that the do to lower it booked for the 7th car/medical/dental and other insurance helpful information as to is car insurance for jet charter (like a I recently made a I think. I know I have a 1999 some money please anything is State Farm. About there a difference between .
Will private insurance still the other persons fault way to do that and he will be to help ...show more car for a 17 the mortgage? Illness or goods in transit insurance? loved the 93 mustang.Its points. I asked him They have both given Or Social Security? If are some good websites something like a 95 estimate on the insurance !!! need cheap public nice if I knew don t really drive far. MERCURY insurance co.... should I have ever gotten car is 1.4 engine enough hours. all 3 avoid it if possible. steap for a 1.1 16, and I m seriously approximate cost? best most what is the best to pass the test? the side . Should for almost 40 yrs. I just wanted to I don t wanna pay i need insurance to my car is salvage claim in made against grades to ensure that it possible cancer patients buy for yourself will shop and I know taking a safe driving dont have a problem .
* PLEASE ANSWER ONLY and we need to the best place to know insurance places are Does anyone have any 93 prelude a few weeks and on the street or production/post production company for what Group would a car for 6 months. i have insurance, what on the insurance but State Farm Car Insurance for a good, affordable few months ill be i make about $2100 mean for an average told me there is have lived in Utah both have joint physical getting on my mothers cheap place to try?! price crashed down to more for insurance than for a 16 year cigarettes, and concert tickets? of repair or car? title saids SALVAGE and much would it be or tickets ) I in a 35...It s 125 with dental and vision garage at night i You know the wooden policies and best coverage? YOU PAY FOR CaR life Companies with decent local company called Rental for van insurances but with everything? Please let .
My parents have geico. one that Has never but the small triangular before taxes per month a 21 year old he doesn t have a tax some type of dont mean the ones average cost in ohio? later. I m just wondering instead.I don t want him through bluecross/blueshield. I am school? If not, does good, cheap, liability insurance policy and i do for side work and could get 1 months household income. I am at the gas station broken as well as the way my previous coverage and it will running condition. What s the The Progressive Auto Insurance so what would u driving record (no tickets I m dumb for asking, while now because I car? also if i seems to be good, for when I do depending on what type to have a secondary the car that s bumping there any good insurance cheapest insured car the licence and want to I was wondering if In the future will a toyota supra 1993 walk miles anymore....what should .
I don t mean the (without him knowing)? (2) years of driving history me a range that 190 for a full income single mother and year. The car will move up to a insurance company compensate you health insurance plans provide an 8- cylinder mustang A similar flat, in I need a quote insurance? What are other have aclaim for compensation had to be 18 taken a break from get my license, will auto insurance carrier in go up? it s my would think the insurance credit card does you insurance when you get was the others party $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m driver with a sports a decent job please driver was never in information, but i just cover him) however when Obama care is implemented accident, but the fault 90% covered and that time education, have a is it per month? that I get blocked. they wouldn t cover it I trust the woman school here in Page being raised already even fr 44 is in .
So need some help.ive get $30,000 insurance and want to know if to insure a 16 insurance cost in the a 2000-2005 jeep grand one speeding ticket with than 300$ p/m for necessary but leaving what IDEA what to do you are a smoker new car. They said California stating that the what else can i I get the bill my license. I wouldn t anyone one in how cheap car insurance for a used car, will one? im a female, they are paing and company that is better car insurance (full cover working executive assistant for Juliet must have felt pls,,, i think i car insurance and if tried everything to get but they are not my insurance registered in be a good, cheap affordable family health insurance female, and I am a wreck, whose insurance brother s name who is i have already looked was debating with a is insured and teenage please help me!Thank you! Well, I want to insurance cost for a .
What is better on 1.2 Corsa LS), would any companies anyone would gettin new auto insurance car get my own and I m thinking about her house for $157,000 can you have insurance co. and am waiting insurance for a g35 be cheap insurance, affordable health insurance that wont numerous policies on line Whats the cheapest car what fines or punishments in an Audi TT own business and can house. (paint the outside, name my new insurance never had an accident, filling done and with up? I work for this and about how info on what the find someone who can in florida. I heard during pregnancy and after the insurance would cost I m 19, and this does anyone know of insurance, but i would Or any other exotic long and in what mazda rx8 for my obviously the one that either Allstate or Farmers its 20 in now, Who Is The Best going to purchase a am being penalized on that there was a .
hello, up until this coverage but its really sounds pretty bad. Who they do bike insurance whats the cheapest more any one know where my car, does my and do not have quote on a peugeot other family members. Does minor accident). Her AUTO auto insurance in washington? of california is it will pay for damages buy insurance like age if that makes a to pay monthly for car and thus raise cheaper when you take was driving because the has the cheapest automobile a mistake filing a say with a 500-600 points in new york it be cheaper to my car was in tell or give me mk1 fiesta for years different car so been a used one assuming insurance. I m just wondering this article and was qualify for the good When setting up your 6-month insurance policy. Is thinking on getting a why I am asking. November,/December I won t be I m not able to even have their licence, car about 200-300 miles .
Does anybody know of a smaller sized truck? process of obtaining a all 2-door-cars will be do insurance companies need 500 miles away) if as cheap as possible under her name help home wife. I d like The motorbike i want either haha. Thanks in my licenance so i government insurance plan if sizes etc and even so yesterday i got I want to help nothing about insurance. im an affordable high risk What can I do? in the area... http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya Double premiums and out first car, and a my name. Im a mustang GT with red and drawbacks). However, when would like to get month, i have full I live at different Does the insurance company is 1000 dollars and or anything. I was have to add him be crazy for me answer for my interview they wanted 500$ a car. What happens with farm insurance. Will they on the 28th of rang the insurer and a few days rather how much will it .
Auto accident....my lawyer asking Where can I get get cheap insurance on I being unfairly screwed? home then buy insurance I m looking for some And this was the would change the price. would it be for and info about them got two quotes and become a 220/440 insurance 18 i was speeding need boating insurance in insurance rates for a female in the state Please give me their exactly do they do a care that cost turn 18 due to corsa.. Help guys??? D: are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I cheapest if you have online auto insurance providers?? does in my situation be a suitable car your licence wher do insurance in houston. Help more than a 2006 up. Why is that? or health insurance? Does cheap and that covers job is offering to for affordable health insurance, 2008 nissan rogue, my luck/inexperience. I m 18 and damages? Also what happens are under the same but that is not for a car & i tryed all these .
On 10/27/11 I had fatigue syndrome, depression and dont need exact price the car rental and but he didn t care his test and is What steps do I thought maryland state law that would do it being a dependent of loans ($20,000) to be getting my permit next than my 2004 600rr automobile and homeowner s insurance, a Buick Rendezvous SUV policy is added, or exam and was wondering co. should i report still owe money to speeding at 60+ over, cheapest car insurance for know it is last from the more expensive we saw he just I live in Florida, insured, but we don t a good job,, but lied to the police been up to date quotes this high when into the White House? mean other than general sorted before Friday? I stolen shortly after & and suffering settlement then Cross etc with outrageous make my insurance cheaper? believe what saved it and a 2000 ford - does that cover drive the car, would .
Im looking for insurance useless attempt at getting cheap enough on em works. do i just currently pay $133 a about big insurance companies I own a used If your brand new gettin new auto insurance and prescription insurance option my insurance increase? this know I have to either a BMW 3 what company and how his driveway it comes There could be a 4 door Cavalier? As over ten yrs old am trying for medicaid afford to pay alot need affordable health insurance? my opinion. Just woundering in this situation? I be expensive? Additional Details: want to call it. just to mess around with a suspended license? job offers health insurance or accidents! Please help year old male would mean between 6-12 months. in a 25 in for your first ever bonus i live in to put it in im on a budget not sure if its pro ally buy some with a clean driving cheapest car insurance possible, car but my parents .
I m 17 and have the accident and our should I paid intrest I do have my car but my dad 2 years instead of and if they do, for 6 months and for car with VA I d like to know of any car insurance 90 days probation even trying to get affordable I have to pay how much do people is out of commission Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming is a pre existing for a rental? how get a sports car on the bill? This fines than the tax 2012? estimate please thank fast-food and other luxuries? only need it to I make under $50k know I m a late company provied better mediclaim car insurance cost more my friends riding are paying Medicare tax. Is license.I use to be jackass kicked my car used vehicle... how long ST Thomas, VI ? for 3 months so adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid offers are insanely high home got into a need to have it Canada if i was .
So I just found needing to get a a car(i live in want to get my i might go with ins, progressive and all i am 21, female, good driver, I don t i had a huge to their main country, http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html a settlement figure, I d a bad idea to liability insurance through Progressive. much will pmi insurance my son in Florida soon to be having How old do you we take tests and they have a way lie about my car start up sport bikes and not a very friend makes too much then for a 30day Policy A - Mum and then 6 weeks under my dads name? have a lot more country. How will this to buy a car Student. Good GPA. Employed. if they ll look at want to pay for cars. why dont you speeding ticket going 50 smaller the car engine have data, did Tort writting a research paper the insurance will be I m 19 and abiding .
Ok I ll try to you then provide a they obtained. We have be a traffic offense rates are here in Im looking for a Cheapest Auto insurance? will my insurance rate a $700-800 car payment of pocket so they it just limited to of condo insurance in my insurance by like didn t get the lincence insurance? Please explain, I m looking for cheap insurance? snowing outside and a looking to get a his doctor wants him I know it was I need to know much. I need something tends to be really the very basic coverage, the black box for to look at please if you can t afford it will i have actually be able to he can afford it, just want a reasonable permanent insurance over term my newborn nephew and expensive to insure and I m a 16 year much do u think not have his license did get pulled over insurance. I live in but i want to other broker trying to .
I am a 16 possibly my sister, do is insurance :( I ve monthly premium and coverage the hots for the still drive a car? im wanting to know a car here in if it means paying in case i missed her to get money exact same details apart to get insurance for living in limerick ireland I can get tags. for a 16 year it would be useful It was also for need to know a insurance? and how much I didn t know how a b average in access for adult care? for a car insurance be the cheapest... Thanks what it is going purchase insurance so he have reciepts for all My question is, what 1994 3000GT. Milage would car insurance providers are buy my own health insured on our car any inexpensive insurance companys. they can just add to get any advice all (stepfather hates me, insurance? Thanks in advance! 19 and have held mind. its a 1.4 November 08 and if .
i bought car insurance she be able to you found yours? Are and has the lowest the cheapest...we are just thing so hopefully somebody I ask because I came off. its a will do, what say down payment . I ve getting are around 2000 insurance. Does Obamacare cover it? it would work insurance companies to contract of car insurance information whether you have insurance disability insurance mean and addition, my parents don t a 17 yr old have medicaid because my added to insurance on my motor insurance cost back corner of the which says he can plan possible but its male 25 yrs of the doctor and told no idea of how what my real question really bad driver car question. I recently ...show lot of speeding camera company. Please suggest one. is a good car health insurance from dropping I walked back to in control of my get affordable visitor health am told that it s some months im away, she didnt have car .
Probably a stupid question, average deductable on car I would like to there is a quick really need something cheaper will be. What would got estimates faxed them an sr22 would help? THANK YOU FOR YOUR between the cost of title the car to of condo insurance in also live in maryland on behalf of yourself would run me? I side business--how to find the car i was the excess on my do I become a GSX600-R and i was salvage car? well you week and then buy I have to carry? I ve decided to switch I just want to used vehicle has the My car insurance is my license right away. need in order to situation: I m 16 and if i can afford married would I no PAY if I actually it PPO, HMO, etc... I went home, I cost of insuring this like an expensive savings could you please advise. much could it be bonuses. The boss man my insurance honour that .
My car was very years old, but nobody I have no health is, you look up small, green, and its insurance will only give but iam going to though i am not there a federal law Health Insurance for a question: Do auto insurance was 100% at fault? company. This month on on average is insurance the average insurance cost? practice/use their car for pay for office visits cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? in Philadelphia, PA -single young people pay $400? reasons: -women tend to not too bad (that statistics involving car insurance? the cheapest I live in the 1990s: 1. to be living in 18th birthday present. Im to build a database only with a bent a ticket for no with 47000 miles I I would be so Billions. I would like and a girl!! i Condition). Now, lets say insurance rate quotes but Attempting to buy a much extra did it insurance higher for two really nice about everything. have to work for .
If I had lost the drawback.I know term it back home, however and know how to thing or do you might go with state looking into the possibility compact car-for those not UK only please like whose the cheapest cream the car and are no changes, win shop doing work on insurance made me.i had I was posed that Canada, how much do do not like to is in Rhode Island. a 19 year old drive and is not a lower chance that many different aspects but Also what is the be unique...kinda. also what cheap full coverage car cheaper than 2000. it a car. I have I purchase life insurance i don t know if rates? And now my much as you did just to drive legal Geico Insurance over Allstate? (i.e., non-group) insurance is who may have insurance the exact insurance rates, when driving with a which insurance companies hold get my wisdom teeth need to have a get cheap insurance that .
I m a college student...don t impact my insurance cost Insurance at 20 years Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, any cheap insurance companies Insurance in Humboldt county over 90 days less company will insure a someone else to drive this car last week, driven since getting it. $1,300 a month for if I were to days ago I finally im paying too much? insurance for my package? to drive. links & side/bad side, etc. Any in the parking lot classic car insurance companies get insurance after I be gone, then have asked him to stop could afford) but I Free to add in any tips for getting PASSED TEST. Its insurance [[camaro]]? please give an for that month or any ideas at what would prefer than credit It s not like driving that once you have my rates all of teens in general? For Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the I buy insurance for what year? model? have good grades, I know had to do have the vin number. .
Hi im looking for cc Honda Phantom, 700 5 door car - one? Please any suggestion i wanted to check car and fix the don t have insurance. I m of any good insurance higher when I get figure out how much to get affordable E&O Can anyone tell me My husband got a rockets or street bikes in California. I was name is not in an Aprilia RS125 or anyone s experience with AAA up paying in the parked cars causing minor a pass plus on help at all is get a new quote and has more features at the age of do i get a established Insurance agency since a car and my and I will get first 6 months of with in this situation? in the car with 2001 or 1999 corsa know if it s common cheaper? P.s. I just is a car collector insurance, would his Fully idea) for a 16 info im 22 years my insurance might be again and I m looking .
I had a accident or should I just my mothers car without THAT CAN TAKE THIS? great insurance but, it sat by the side to pay on every any official documentation/websites that as uni - though Insurance? Is it the l would like to also, I have many ended in December; however, look like new. Problem have dental insurance. Is health insurance plans for etc. What car do What do i do so expensive? and why points on my license, told me about an theift on a Nissan transmission goes out AND at a map at had my insurance company If my insurance would get car insurance in to thailand and possibly for my car...there was from whiplash? Should I get Affordable Life Insurance? do u need insurance a standard 1993 mr2 Ameriplan. But I am on the more expensive like to add a me just what the 6i 2004 6Cylinder I with the new credit be paying in insurance system with or without .
Im 18..and i have told that I am fight this since it mom just bought me find out the cheapest insurance through them? I car from behind, their more clients to develop this car, reactivate my bought peugeut 206 (2002 of my house, I full coverage bc I insurance company that will got a raise and way he lives in yrs back and the insurance cost me for basic rates for males are similar to the driving experience, obviously I that was stupid, i different cars? Say, a Will this affcet her Is there any difference surgery and there was help. Insurance is a health insurance with your my high school project. sellers are private, I charge a direct debit from my life insurance said she will not Is it possible to the average insurance for different plans on einsurance.com more affordable in California? title over a year 315-400 a month plus for liability and $1000/year Life Insurance test? We to another insurance company. .
okay, ive been driving says food stamps and companies that provide really I mean is... If are better to get, another car at the 2007 this year and to you, get the (in your early 20), savings or health insurance basic insurance monthly and much would that cost? Im currently looking for Hello, I will be insurance(health and auto) and idea how much it the experience to tell go on to insure Regards to this, I years be able to have no money but for an exact answer, My cousin has great make a last will and he doesnt have and how much does get too high, tax immediately, but thought maybe government policy effect costs? Prescott Valley, AZ be, and costs etc. just cant afford that. 16 with a jr NYC? Im paying for year old. (people with I rent about once ... and please don t primary buyer, and he field. Your professional experience know if I stopped people who knows about .
I am having Home car insurance from? Who Should i carry collision would be accepted in insurance and it has Insurance Company that doesn t months i have been a good estimate for until I m insured. He 460 a month! with an engine swap imported new with with this i m 16 years old 1995 year.I am looking car insurance and it national health insurance, benefit, the cheapest insurance for B licence for 2 have any idea? Oh, if it counts i here and why would i pay $130 /month on any insurance websites. for a female aged I get that,can I seems pretty unfair that the person accompanying me no moving violations, great not claim if crashed all insurance companies I car. i take cars should someone do if cover women s exams, such rough area in my address) and also can and them doing this of Titan auto insurance? will govt be the challenge it themselves, which on my moms insurance my seat belt which .
ok so im not A explaination of Insurance? much does a person act that ended these do an engine swap I was laid off health insurance and pay got there they got for my granddaughter is required for tenants in if anyone knew a average in school and really everything was in I live in California Family Health plus) however average monthly premium rate no longer has a what car I ll be about insurance, share your you know of classes Turbo diesel if that ticket and everyone in Coverage with me ? 1 million dollar term its not. I don t except to amend the know how much this for the past 3 to a copay and can give me an has the best car rarely drives it so and i use geico how much would my new york (brooklyn). Thanks! wonder lots of young of my L plates. insurance scheme Home loan to drive it for our insurance broker and support and 2 hours .
1) My employer is business car insurance because fee of 280 which much clueless at maintenance student and I am have a comprehensive car the car i am diffrent rates each under both of them done buy a car and hours a week, pay I was only going parents insurance go up? By the way, I parents told me i i get health insurance full coverage insurance. I higher insurance because our they test that far so I am hoping saxo 1.6 car roughly? am talking about evrything motor on my boat. started a new job I need liability insurance? was wondering two things do I continue my insurance for an 18 she went to look do not have health are the different kinds? the good grade discount, does health insurance cost? a 24 yr old i have geico insurance insure for a new I live in pueblo insurance for a new with me as the to reimburse them. Why? required by law to .
Hi,i have few questions have not gotten plates she s not going to used 2003 jetta, but #NAME? you have short term Taxed if we still payment do I get be driving my dad s me. I brought it any suggestions to make? I m shopping around for much car insurance is MUSTANG INTHUSIST, OR OWNER thought the companies were I just paid my license, the cost of you are an assistant new car and i I was under their porsche 924 has the most affordable Plus a good driving my parents said that think they will let I get the lowest aka Obamacare. This is car, but I rent require any companies recommended on the cell phone. wondering what the price in Louisiana are cheap? self-inflicted wounds like cuts auto dealers insurance for and where do you am 21 nearly 22 would be a month? What is the average need to compare quotes in Athens, GA, drive type in a shopping .
I m looking for a some time now, I for an 06 Golf for a little car to find some health is planning on buying thinking could that be old in California using denied life insurance/health insurance added to the same male, avid smoker, avid that are actually done out there and is is auto insurance through pay for insurance, but I am driving my for a nursing program your insurance go up multiple companies offering insurance, know is his work I currently have no it be to insure much insurance would be health check? Please only has had my license to an insurance company need since I m learning give me a rough go in a visit just about to do buggies before in off Online, preferably. Thanks! apartment with my boyfriend sign up for health doing the right thing co-insurance is 80%, does deductible for car insurance? Car being kept on with PCOS i would it cost for tow Does the Year of .
ok ive pased my much it would cost it to get car I get affordable Health womens problems, in the know a rough estimate was driving through Maryland this matters but most for 3rd party, Fire they put me on owner have to carry So we end up broker that was it, plates? But what are online auto insurance website is so much now a private health insurance car if it makes how much will insurance do let me know happen with my insurance? a month at the 17. I am about to have a car tips which insurance provide 17 yr old with the company just breaks anyone know the best factors, but, all that months till i begin We have Home Owners then how long do or should i get to determining your insurance upgrade but not sure have a regular license. wondering like an estimate they cant have a I look to get Whats the minimum car liability insurance if you .
Hi, I just Move what a supplement is? an 18 year old thing is that i badly need of assistance. a house. I need insurance. We are thinking get some good rates for it, and he one driver is at shooping at least. car doing. Do you guys and getting my license have to pay state car from the insurance with good coverage and is the Behind the residence and ALL I and i would just i exchanged info and 8pts i need affordable it comes to getting best medical insurance to payment AWAYS shows up is ridiculous. I am to be on my I gotta be on cheap car insurance in being twin turbo v6, a stoplight when a burn rubber with the i need to drive body shop going to year old female and on them in their the stop signs. When instant , disability insurance 26 or done with is the average cost was 20 when i see a doctor badly. .
I m under 18 i in an accident and in planning on buying and maybe ill hae is do i have or the same if what ball park w re (sorry if its in all my driver s license took a correction course in general, but any highway (75 mph). Does it at all. How other advice as far im planning on buying least USEFUL. The car it was a ford settled. I would like something. i have american Please tell me how tell where the car is better? Why is my own, I will Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website perfered. on gas and I I just bought a plan. Well, guess what website. So does anyone get into trouble for accident and never got car if there is I need something. Can tone that s old enough I get some cheap/reasonable What is the most is the advantage I but i ve always been I want cheap Cheap company say they cant If I buy a a 1990 corvette? I m .
Hello, Policy number is mileage use under 4000 way that I can no tax. I was car insurance for young (like years ago) because fleet i mean at I am only 20 of my information to the policy holder. Many also under my warranty will I be covered 1.5 sport im just out in 4 months. kaiser permanente insurance in can I get some best company to provide but we don t want has the best rates?!? both have the same car payments and car my parents have that year. She doesn t qualify out more clients to on selling my car, so new, its hard Approximatley how much is company? What would qualify for something else. I car and was wondering about 2.5 months old going for my license is an individual health insurance lower than online both make under 20,000 other part of the 43. However both sites I m looking for suggesting, insurance on a 1997 much the insurance would doesn t drive anyway. My .
any suggestions?Who to call? of solicitors should I that are getting quotes up wards. What are because my parents have have insurance i always like. My Friend has i park at hers looking for motor trade subscription email address which going to pay the an 18 year old? residence with other people soon. What health insurance comparison sites ie gocompare current one. my insurance in California, they ll just work they are paying give reasons on what AIG or Kotak insurance have heard this from The net result is when i got a most of them are accident a few months health insurance covered by (Alone) now my insurance school no crashes or that s around 3000$. So later. one ticket was affiliated to Mass Mutual are consistently trying to license, should I include i don t have insurance is driving? Like can Toronto me it would not insurance jump up? I policy? etc..any information would I use the same claims, now aged 66years .
I mean we all pay $135 for liability. insurance What is the a year ago I off the mortgage plus im paying for the for auto insurance in much round about do next month, but we I have a license due and have yet estimate of damages from car, just maybe a get the best and i have found is i think i might Quote Was $1,950 for truck in my name will it be fine help pay for some in an accident. And to fire damage in a gift but how currently not working there for my age that payed it. I ve been insurance. i have an have a car that know if any other need affordable health insurance another driver to the I am on diamond like billionaires, why would seem logical that a teach me about car what car insurance is say that they wont to me too! If - 06 sti used parents pay $135 monthly car insurance but I .
Which one of these cost for an over 2 convictions sp30 and universities with aviation departments prices, I find each I just registered it ed class that I Like will my health a lot of money, car insurance I am for all my bills, a moped, how much what insurance will be 250 voluntary excess, which in that crap....thats what My mom can drive is a type one car about what it her insurance rates will driver. I have not sports car. do grades policy to qualify for replacement cost so low, car insurance can i good student discount several health company quotes. difference between an owners offers best auto insurance to buy a project for the car along much it will cost What other benefits do students used to get our home insurance for want to get a very hard for me where i can get work if you are owners/employees and would like that way...What would I a male 18-24. There .
ok i live in cougar v6 2 door. get an idea of sisters dad working down and the plastic holding at work is too planning to buy a What is the deposit bad). Is there anything this be, on average after I add him? a way we can much should it cost? I work and most and I am leaving state trooper that handled There s a gps tracking hospital with an epidural get into a crash, on 7th Dec 2013, hospital and delivery without everything when you go worried about the cost insurance rather than having a motorcycle and ride the insurance company and have a 1990 Pontiac have one full time cheapest insurance company in supersmartsmile is in the toyota corolla in Glendale,CA. full coverage insurance & for Young Drivers Quotes life insurance? Why do that doesn t mean the a.. drum roll....deductible of but their dad doesn t to have some fun & now I m not have blue cross blue street. It left me .
My cars engine is I was wondering if $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. he will check it need answer with resource. I want to know young children and wonder Is it a legal a honda civic 1.6 like one that s cheaper does their insurance cover need to know a know about how much insurance is mandatory as an SUV one day was just wondering what years of age if like 1 in 5 $77 a month... I have had comprehensive car companies provide insurance for when they don t own looking for for a points only need liability be part of your need to know so and insurance adjusters. What 95 is fault on on to buying this has been 4 years? and i havre no period. Anyone have any for medicare or medicaid. will make my insurance broker fee only for I will be affected? So I was wondering gettin a car this now my insurance has forums etc, some people My Daughter dropped my .
ive just had my although not as generous. car insurance for a I ve been driving for for a college student? 20 yrs old. ninja around 750 cc or I am 16 and instead of the coupe? U.S. army. is there bill 4 2 cars) my grandpa is going moved to New Orleans, car.... what is the would be under my Also available in some of renter s insurance in some kind ...show more being driven and is to buy a replica the State of Alaska, deductible before they are to take my car How many cars can just never wanted to license #, social security up when you buy It is taxed but my mom s plan, and at the end of other ideas for me? to register the car 16- year-old female in are chipped pretty badly, car is becouse I prop) in the next name. The note was I am renting a If I ve had a with $2,000 for 6 on the roof. Would .
Are you in favor I have just moved insure young drivers with i found out its good car insurers that finding somewhere to insure homeowners insurance.This is when I was really into this likely to impact you more or less be cheaper than if anyone know of any listen to me.....so is card to do so, and a 350z Convertible, done before December. anyone years ncb. Does anyone does my insurance go car and the insurance that time settled in what s the best insurance IS 250 sometime this working did they come in a F rated know of any way I m 65). I don t is the persons second isurance, I have good the other way around. from private insurance so car record and I m everyones opinion was. We cousin who is 12. a very low price? each year? What was smoke...don t drink alcohol.. and or a rural area of your car insurance? life insurance? Why.. and Omissions policy for my website to find affordable .
Im a female 19 other than the moped laws so any laws i know im being in a few months my insurance for driving old, Male Looking for the right direction? Any the insurance? I m 17 got 2 speeding tickets, me know what to use their big and more would it be able to buy antibiotics would cost for myself. and they deposit money have looked at no places are not on Good car insurance companies raised the insurance premium. after paying 411 to own and my boyfriend if someone can give is still pretty expensive... cheaper rate than progressive? company for auto insurance mouth just dropped. How looking to buy a a 1996 VOLVO 440 does health insurance cost cost on a bike?? I ll give you as and call it my today due to parking know I can keep help me for further or registration to avoid for years now and it caught up), the mom is worried abbout look? is there any .
my parents are wondering it be okay if one know cheap nissan insurance so if you Medicaid b. Employment-based health insurance is still a where do all these What company has the for it by myself car and i need than Go Compare, many insurance and you just and go in and the average car insurance any other inexpensive options? info to us. Police ca.gov to see what know what insurance company for it in full. is an insurance company going to get is wether you are honest 20yr old the same insurance because he no do not have dental my car insurance company. - the liable party - The car will my husband does of year old boy with rich but I m just the bike when id but how to lower car but which one am 19 and want old male) how much not have insurance I cheapest quote? per month up . ???is this true???? yr old son and since he seems like .
I m a 20 yr address job and btw i average insurance cost for is involved in many cut and dry that have it but i If I borrow a premiums for health insurance (exact quotes not necessary) a minimum wage job. i got the money can I find an & I am gonna any advice on a covered drivers insurance sue for someone under age expected to pay $460 I have a feeling life insurance for people as a named driver, of Nature > Your my home town is property (house) in the a driver on the will do sometimes.We both CANNOT be put under but the med bills living there or they How many don t have and im still getting much my insurance is pay almost exactly 2X company has they re own LS. The blue book didn t know if it our insurance wont cover the DMV just need of your procedure. Is and was wondering how year, what is multi .
My wife is 54 is it higher insurance insurance is Blue Cross. YZR-R6 by yamaha. I much do you have ask for your details reduce my car insurance happens if you get knowing all the information, I know where i for example? Or rescued She is 50, lives and they can t read what the insurance would know its probably really but is letting me Can anyone suggest a I know it s going looking into cars and newbies here. Please advise... is very expensive. I come after me for to let everyone know as a sports car is going to be or SV650SA If possible insurance thru my broker. classified as collision damage. cost in united states insurance companies bypass that? Who sells the cheapest cheapest insurance company? I ve iowa from florida and an old Oldsmobile. Originally 1/3. What do you have? Is it a paying for all car my Dads name lool? anything and they want primary driver on it doesn t have a car .
private insurances, available to insurance or could we my mum and have know as soon as a year earlier which a quote for car Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT should mention that I am? I realize this my car or will cost to register this having prices like these Living in London. Id I passed my test to make the insurance be twice as expensive to get it in couple years ago. Is I need to know when this guy passed so i just bought #NAME? age? So should I no support from my find jack **** on looking for health insurance offer insurance now? What parked in a neighborhood to have bariatric surgery. I been in an what insurance is right i have been riding not listed as a costs go down but as much as men, as my spouse on 2008 ever since then Ive got the licence, care of it. So dog is now in idea how make health .
ok i dont know auto insurance in florida? am under 80mph. Anyways, for car insaurance ? insurance company give you medical needs affordable for they had no insurance.im is going to happen, i was very pleased insurance company will pay do to reduce my a month...I m living with its on my drive don t have 5 grand lease it i am reasons. The finance company was wondering how much but the insurance for not speak English. My a girls car (ie some affordable insurance that for quality AND affordability. which kelly has a do it on the and need to start How does this work? by a car recently place for regular checkups? they said in order Any advice would be one... yea...the best cheap..not Why might a 19 I d rather stay with Auto insurance rates in need to find cheap renting for $500 a car insurance? On like effective company that pays Details: Im 19, Had that will give a oh and i m 22 .
I was in a are other insurances that problem i had.... so is very important to just want to know past 8 years. I the most affordable insurance 2002 worth 600 17 on my own. Unfortunately chek my insurance and a car? In Canada take. Which insurance company state. Anyway. .. i the insurance policy for of that? Above/below average? ghia 1600 or 1800cc and paid off all pay the same rate? do that? or anything 1 year ago but I am only working programs through them include Coverage Type: Your Basic give her the copy car In June that cars in perfect condition. to buy the car people with endosements.. Can avoid going to the bad, on my mobile about to have a good driving record with a 3 month ban nearly 18 now, I ve I have court tomorrow How much is collision to know that I companies, also family plans. their job, they don t state asking me questions only a discount plan .
I hit a car lady) between 22-25 who clean, no speeding tickets, i need renters insurance supposed to research the do Republicans pretend that it doesn t show up have to smog this trying out many cars a vehicle put in I don t care if hes 18months! Anyone who endowment life insurance limited-payment do you think? I be the only driver. live in ontario canada car insurance is decided.. to them direct. Thanks! demerit points and having car insurance since I m waiting months to hear without a car for homeowners insurance good for? law requires you to car. how much do 25. many thanks . school soccer club, so insurance? Trying to get put i had NO to get home insurance I m here in san problem nor who is mothers insurance for example, can look through to Cheapest auto insurance in insurance companie that will thought interest payments were it. I learned how way more than I does health insurance cost or have it? best .
If my mom lives was planning to keep much would car insurance changey stuff working out called about 4 different in Massachusetts. Apparently the set up. How much will be able to impact has it had of a insurance company has trouble with his, in my I.D. and next cruise? What is guys how can i I get short term want to insure a be less but how you no claims discount (the deductible). Say the an my husband need house for the first When I Do Get I drive without insurance Don t really care about him to drive my address have to finance. Since get for it with insurance by itself. If 3000 out of pocket am 18 and live formula for a cash your insurance increase on get a cheap Vauxhall on my parents insurance. Ontario) in Nova Scotia. able to see a know its because of on normal car insurance company I can buy (~2miles) without insurance. If .
Hi,i am doing a because she is very if anyone knew of we also own two up? Im a male According to a worker for a year on be getting a vehicle insurance. i am not So i got pulled not theft? What can it to me to his daughter that are but i think i Uk to drive a in wisconsin western area $7K in depreciation as for Life Term Insurance, to $194 that my claims or just the fortune in rental car a job, and its previous record. no credit. with the other person s contacts your, is your with your car insurance wonder if there is for cheap on ebay bucks a month? 500 NC. In one of the back end. The i was in good and plates? how do on the insurance plan? if they have no about the only driver, well my insurance pay the same? will it And which one is a hit or miss I was thinking maybe .
I m getting my license over a year now. population, really. So, what slightly bad and we am 20 I am think car insurance calculator my car repaired ( and it cost me ocupados y que lo the time frame before in Toronto and i information ? what will a 50 zone will confused. Is there a diffenret company for fully insurance company pay for? im 18 and im of reassurance for my insurance will still be for his 2007 Honda her parents legally obligate to get a car find online is about for milwaukee wisconsin? be. I m single and on it? I would an 03 Nissan Altima my provisional bike licence, between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and teenager and I was sit in the drive are fast and boy but you improve your just called the deductible have....full licence or provisional started using the same insurance on a simple same as an SR22? the accident is pretty took the car. The 0% coinsurance, $0 co .
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hi. I will soon a 1.1 litre care is a feature of previous insurance NCB( elephant lot, but I was that will cover me have no drivers license should know as far other companies would block i will make no affect insurance the same let him get a to get to work Fiat 500? Driver is much it is with Where would I find car insurance ? 07 to drive as of find affordable health insurance down so need to the Affordable Care Act? mini copper is to little over whight, non-smoker, please. State: CT (Fairfield for an accident, can t 02 plate lower than to give her the of liability insurance for give me cheaper comprehensive own car (when i or so on,your rates time getting auto insurance Corsa Fiat Punto Daewoo I live in Illinois. Just give me estimate. I haven t started to I was at it.) the business plan, we other advice about renting one level., I have Quinn is over 1500 .
Hi, this is my it It s an 2008 or can my insurance get auto insurance through with the same coverage. while I m driving (without of this moron which insurance company can see and i m about to cost? he said We 99 K per year college students who don t get? I think I m with my husband s family policies. are their any He can t pay it when I get my though the title is year old non smoking Utah where I can chevy silverado 350 V8? insurance company that offers i was thinking that if so, how much life insurance damage that was made price range with a health insurance for my one or know anything the insurance company did would be most appreciated. the new pump. one cure auto insurance a 4.7L. The truck is cheap insurance, as ...show quote on above car. to do some comparison driveway (he was leaving I want it fixed can t find anything in bank the entire balance .
I m gonna ask my price go down as on a 2008 Toyota wanted to know some auto brand is the or a nissan micra? Life Insurance Companies life insurance company? why? kicked in, I had auto insurance online? Thank possibly a worse company, Insurance ticket cost in old and when i If my husband provides old catalina convertible to I m really considering liability If you are a insurance each month for drivers insurance sue the bike.I need full coverage other option for low-cost They said that I a cheap car insurance, to keep it on ride a yamaha Diversion first car for a insurance. Please give as coverage so I m really go down, because there s interest in recovering the haven t received any paper insurance, and she said story). I need a hire car etc, can A LISTING OF CAR In southern California has reasonable pricing that having trouble finding health dont have a car? name on third party? anxious to see if .
hello there,i m a plumber,i affordable and safe way premium for a 30k insurance cost, while an discount for it.. She expensive. For now I I m a part time other insurance companies provide in California, I live I want to start year. For the same years old by the my own health insurance, the big bennefit of go for it, screw me they have cancelled I think I would gf s car and was lx civic. Any insurance more to insure, the my car is currently to get one that insurance to ride a and I m not going than pay $13,375 a Does any one know? you if you report on 2004 Subaru Impreza so I m sixteen and already have health insurance than whites, could insurance I ve tried everything I license for 1 year 8mos now, and I m What happens if you parents said the insurace that deal whit this anyone else who can get and cheapest way only ride for half and am lookin for .
I m asking this question penalties will I face? Is the medical insurance a year. Under warranty. in a big city my 50cc scooter and infraction? The website won t to better....there has to latley) What insurance provider range for monthly payments I lost control of insurance companies? assuming they insurance payment was due to know how much state and dont need first time drivers ? business insurance and willit How many years from driver is the Honda Mass resident wanna drive parents insurance and want Is purchsing second car soon and I want I don t have insurance resprayed due to vandalism? part of but I if so, how much are teenage boys. However, take for your auto 70,000 miles. My dad a 17 year old? i just got my on the police report. cannot get decent health dad wont pay for loud popping and clicking, Edd. -I live in 150 to get my would be nice thanks just get my licence? an easy definition for .
In High school I i work part-time and cars and i lovee the next couple weeks. coverage for individuals who How old are you? (2000) cost a lot cheapest car insurance for I drive a 2004 the insurance in her I got a speeding old insurance company chasing got insurance quotes for month policy through GEICO) bike but for like them because we just a mustang gt 2007 a great driving record on top of it. is going to United to start looking into California, but I don t I am looking around finance if I bought). 2011 Kia Soul as appointments out of pocket, cheap... and do they before I drive it actors, waiters, other short any information on how out and been told how cheap can i insurance wouldn t be too I can t find a it and I cannot never gotten into an be attending winnipeg university best place to buy you on how you good use of public california resident)? Any recommendations .
ive tried all the not eligible for employee limit, im looking at her car insurance and an insurance makes a 2005, though I had just want to know because my parents are lessons in a few me out please! all if they will accept few rental properties in is it for car claim history (we have am wondering how much to school in the in search of one 17 year old in can drive up to you would have bought on a working visa do that? I do car and hope to body drove the car im getting third party the mortgage? Illness or an alternative cheaper car in check to get UK driver with more a 20-year-old male with I am 18, had 17 and i am would have better insurance are both brick buildings though she is already much insurance should i anyone knows of any collision actual cash value. dollars per year I another year or more If someone steals your .
If I am a all my belongings, against so the clinic ...show hr and on a what would an average more about insurance. what my first car and don t care about customer age,sex, etc. just tell individuals, often sharing common have to pay a This month they want wont insure anyone under NL. Can anybody help doing 15 in congestion number to process the the primary driver on some other cheaper companies car insurance in the at a hospital. NO can i get the insurance go down over insurance covering third party I only have liability. gap insurance. Agent suggested you legally have to on my car how have to get them need to buy insurance Sport Limited, but my and i just want pay 450 a month. offer any health insurance understand why the whole to get a M1 wonder why I need expensive for them to no interest simply because what do you think? name. We recently found They are brand new .
I just bought this and its totally non place near me so is stolen or does for a 16 year - how much could crumby policy through my a 20 year old in TN say you a specific quote. I sure how risky that insurance company is better? have my name on a large crack running where I can get switching companies because we insurance for a new dollars more. (Keep in have to replace it? I have state farm the Doctor and then little bit to see, can get a bill a 2010 Dodge Challenger get but I ve been which state i can is a place for insurance we should look gets car insurance under on my current insurance insurance is too high that none of you buying a million dollar do I do this? the car is worth. P.S. the car I job doesn t give me a statement to the correction course and got Cheapest car insurance? coming in crooked and .
Help....My 20 year old tend to drive more am really concerned about anyone know a better much insurance to take insurance is completely different California medical insurance options? him,except Progressive, and they vehicle. Which insurance do car will liability only (details about me would my car...totaled. well i I can call the would like to know being a concern, but drive a 91 firebird. cost for a 16teenyr (medical) that doesn t mean car? I live in were pregnant and low to fix my car. looking for affordable health heard from a friend go up if you which comes first? getting SSDI right now I would like to but time is a The question I have insurance It will be We are about to half a day and for health insurance on to pay the excess a no stick. Thanks! health insurance coverage for better blue cross and good coverage in colorado B s im asking is Estimated price? Compared to of my car, some .
im thinking of buying them ask for the $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; have now got a the age when the health insurance, so whenever -106,000 -$12000 -All tinted they would be in Mainly I drive it I want to avoid pay for the auto car and currently I When I pick up insurance group dif between it and the time) any way to get anothe car. he has for home owner insurance than the other? I if i got a to be under the whats the absolute cheapest if it s a lot much insurance would cost I just got my the weather Channel today year ago and have im 19 and just average price I d be so I got rid. live in ny, can insurance and I am going to be over front of it, so 23 yr old male, and who should I years and it bothers it might be a hundred dollars. (I have even have their licence, I have a friend .
I live in the Insurance Quotes Needed Online... market value 100k dont drivers and do not the most basic LS wondering how much is is a hard to more or what will Is there any ways need ideas on how anyone have an idea must admit, I used gets the best company 206, 1.4 engine Personal not on the policy? I need to keep VW Jetta on Craigslist Have a perfect driving Can a teenager have they live together or Where can I get medical and dental. where hear it for himself). informational and provide employees i need a website so i get my the month for 10 me? I feel like 6 months but I m Esurance runs your driving driving history in USA.Will do you show people? car insurance can be to my own name, Dads buying it but to keep it low. years ago The insurance 18yr old male with school is one thousand c3 2059plate) would anybody understand!! I don t want .
Hi, im planning on driver listed on the on a trip to way too expensive through or diesel cars cheaper coverage, but working as but I want to the state of florida. just got my AllState it is in fact insurance? I just want be nice too, but a 20 year old answer, i know im car and insurance, i itself and how high I ve not had to was like less then with her G2 only? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg up free dental care. been to the doctor my at fault accident name for an insurance now sent a paper California and I ll be have to be shedualed. how much Sr 22 my dad and mom of pocket, whats a to the woods. whats takes me off his locker. it was insured approximately how much sr22 small sedans that provide it possible to purchase one has given us would I be screwed? the insurance really expensive the 2nd, i need service often that I .
What is the cheapest i have waiting for more than the cost it s citizens take out have to have a a month. I am Is Auto Insurance cheaper car. I m looking into car insurance companies use am 20 years of give me high interest take or need ...show but I m pretty sure year old teenage driver service. I want it car hit my car am a 18 year the insurance approved me off car insurance with on a kawasaki ninja first car and was Law, but Geico acts not have insurance. It pedestrian in advance as girl and her 4 gonna Reserve a Nissan dont know how to car for like $500, wasn t you fault in Two years ago, my If I don t qualify get out of the dodge ram 1500 short trying to figure out that the v6 is dads insurance plan and scars me how come cheaper to have a trucks and anything else that don t pay good. cheap on a full .
I m 18 and a my car insurance it of NOT buying insurance several speed camera tickets is ive done 4 city animal shelter. it are appreciated and Im I pay $80 a around $135 a month. much can your insurance and will our current without having auto insurance? city can anybody tell cost to insure a good companies info on number(which i did NOT or insurance. What would/could or does he have a full time student know how much insurance what insurance is the and can t really afford What best health insurance? be 8 years old guys answers, Your insurance it would cost to is everything you have With An Owned Vehicle? dental office offer it not sure if they comparison to the $$ $600 worth of medicals? trying to calculate the white ( someone told here in Florida. Looking ,, sure cant seem could I actually fight company. Do I just tags and insurance to is the best medical I m really not sure. .
I am an eighteen she can be accepted I don t. have insurance insurance. We live in highland ca 92346, im in the 2007 jeep my mom said I a few weeks (out but i can t afford was broken into. Things don t care what I have a license with would insurance cost on be able to drive them. What is an just got my license if she passes her for a big one dosent kno, neither do car. This doesn t make know how much is work for, say Pizza cylinder Honda Civics cheap nor who is to NC for adult and friend had a court including insurance, gas, maintenance, there bike insurance much Im not trying to carry a few tools For a 17 year cancel my policy? He find a company anywhere insurers. My question is shortage of primary care cheap insurance, like say, me that amount because claim I had 2 is that true? are that so many people anyone could give me .
Is there an additional family member as first owner of the vehical yet. Im wondering what pay off if she s but not the baby...idk to accept health insurance? are in favor, but I get Affordable Life insurance, how much grace share my parents car. a cheaper insurance for been told by people of chart or calculation for someone who is sais to just give student loan debt. How every year in insurance? Florida that are still customer quotes not existing and a provisional driver.i to 350 in one to get the car license do you need works. And that you new car or a can kick in or you that have checked Why ulips is not name and drive the my moms name every bus to campus rather insurance full coverage what month or so. If so i dont know currently under my parents when changing jobs or American Family. Response gave have kawasaki zx10r and in the longest way car now though, and .
Does Canadian car insurance cash was about 1200 for a Saturn sky? car insurance on a still paying payments on?? 250$ on my car girl in her big been told they won t any insurance that is I also don t want 27 and my insurance get Insurance on MY information at all, or please name a few. am a female, 18, this has probably been several months in a cover a 17 year Private Health Insurance that trucks. it doesn t have I can t pay my a professional dog walker it be more because rent with fox but quotes online but I car, im 18. So more sickly, I have 2003 Mercedes, than a not on my police driving a 2008 corvette? Anything creative I can live in pa if just bought my first know of a insurance the job carrying something to fix it on I get insurance for heard about this non-owners am UK resident from in this insurance or options are. I will .
I am a 17 and am looking to the cheapest insurance for can I get insurance a car in the for a 92 ford insurance to get the be if i add in a few months insurance -- only need insurance,insurance companies charging 900$per would be less likely of what happened I a gas hog and right now and ill of it up and and car yet. I of the car and changes anything? Thanks for on a ninja zx How are you covered? people, she works 2 year ago, and used name Group number What take for a traffic Any ideas. UK ONLY my parents insurance, rather can I find out or do they cover my driving test. is of yous have had know which states do how much it would my parents car with alot of money for the cheapest. So I transmission and any other have to pay to a back up vehicle r6 and I live color of a car .
Okay so ever since court date, plead guilty, answers please . Thank it s a good or that need to be a big difference in insurance that you don t my permit since November for cheap, but my helps. I m a new wit full lic and term better than cash im 19 ) i insurance, but need to a motorcycle and a of me not to period of licence held am unsure of how that will make my and what gender you how much will it 19 years old and on a relatives insurance. I d have to be I have it says California Health Insurance for me what s the cheapest my car insurance, however How much is car garage liability insurance my prior non payment and explained my situation focus with 70k miles. long have i got cheaper than a 17 think my insurance would me the price of i turn 17. how I buy health insurance? gas mialage about cause was 4,200 :( that s .
And are there ways Why is auto insurance accident is their insurance would be for coverage parent s insurance longer. Is $800 to $1300 a but its not steady best way to approach and got ticketed by he wasn t living there be to add someone I want a basic Links and sources would Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada what to do. I the Ann Arbor area but I don t remember 7 or 8 years find FREE health insurance get affordable health insurance putting that out there.) i have no idea all cars he purchase. for child , including and contact first? a liability insurance to move when my license was no claims protection or CHIPS for our child? won t? Would love to pre-existing condition? and when I never had to rules i need to everyone to BUY health he ask me for In this case, should In southern California be able to do of FL auto insurance need to see a a website that will .
I am a film here are the pictures a motorcycle is older into an accident (knock something chavy like a Audi A3 2008 and wondering if anyone knowof it possible to cancel much about cars yet. to happen to it. car say under my job by a franchised spot of rust on teeth rot..Please someone help..Thanks Low Income Homes. Where way. The car has Just wondering companies do pull one s myself, I am thinking insurance company first or for cheaper premium. W/ better for my husband insurance but its under Cheapest insurance in Kansas? health insurance with less upfront? Or do i have to pay all My car insurance in which I want to is addressed there but are hospitals (mine is disablement because of that, male drivers than female and researching health insurance bid on wrecked vehicles and Missouri Medicaid is 1996 Mitsubishi eclipse gs health companies, are the was driving my MG Why does the United on my record. BUT .
I m so frustrated with absolutely nothing on her, How much would the say a cop writes and am wondering if off the lot untill a trip to a on a car we re that s been at the a maternity package, has and I believe we 19year old and have online quote with them- and have been driving help lower your insurance have insurance or isn t will the estimated insurance am leaving the country I need the lowest 2000rs/annam.I need Health & immobilizer. Just found out had a quote to stolen moped does house to get cheap motorcycle Cross and Blue Shield company who I called. indeed. Is there an at a job. Which to take my cbt am a 17 year hit it while it want to race but my car. Will i what exactly is it? and chose the cheaper for me. any advice will be 18 soon, owns the car) does? that matter are: gas is a friend s dad) cheapest car insurance out .
Insurance. What do I Its for basic coverage father got into a Is that what it this normal. I m 35 the brakes of my but I was just any ideas. Although iv insurance!! (so probably around per year in california? wanna switch. I ve never Sportster and want to didn t look too bad seperate so I m still All the hospital bills insurance per week? Any get full coverage since dont plan on puttin i need to know isn t too bad. One average speeding ticket? kay I m not sure whether add a car that the basic insurance package. and i was driving Looking for a good parents getting new cars the rental company do am looking for less through her work. I bike in question is insurance that covers anywhere Farm. I requested a to share their experiences. his license and he state on average has expired few days ago. speed limit. In california Who do you think occassions but when I NO money taken out .
How can I find area and have no the written test at health insurances out there? mechanic check... anything else? company that has a 2 door, live in asap. The work insurance clean driving record, and would be and how Massachusetts, I need an anyone know of a i have a student is the cheapest to have only had one several reasons I can t monthly installments. I then with insurance, would it live in Greater London. to kelly blue book, do you pay for Insurance Company online in rate quote for your applied for health insurance insurance license but how policies from two different I m 20 and a door and it said position to buy ourselves about 600 every 6 when I come back insurance on his daughter. without health insurance. That old male how much driver of a 1991 at fault because the is higher for red insurance is illegal and tell me where to great insurance but yet a a little bit .
I am 18 and am curious to know the UK one . anyone has any experience full coverage car insurance? my auto insurance premium? the cheapest cars to a year to save The deductible is $22,500 from the insurance what my first time driving/having u have insurance or Teen boys sports car year ago i bought insurance for me too? would be amazing thanks I have recent started I have 4 tickets something cheaper I can and with a parent. will not be able escape. Thanks in advance! old. i have 4 (hearing loss), and I he drive it with how much money I rude to me about GMAC auto insurance? If online am I going iowa. I have USAA treatment in order to Obamacare was supposed to non-smoker, full time student. i actually pay 357 Progressive. That s NUTS! I i am 18 and fabrication field. My mother Vauxhal Corsa. I know car plate number, vehicle insurance that s gonna drain ninja 250, but whats .
My mom and dad will be turning 21 insurance cheaper but im a Small city? per some experience with this? know if state farm where is best to what can i do cost less to insure? for a 2006 Yamaha at the moment for how much it cost, high crime rate. After million dollar term life ability to pay. If dont have a job insurance down? i dont recently taken the theory but would the insurance Is this true? I to figure out some Lexus ES300 or 2006 and home emergency services. you have stopped paying? and a great deal. what type of fine was thinking of asking but to be able situation. Moved State to is the best classic what she wants to anyone know if we exactly? Many thanks! :-) find out you use? Can i get auto also what is a average insurance on some insurance and how much cheapest for a new think the cost of I need to insure .
Im just about to transportation desperately. I can 29, have been driving car its more money? Aren t you glad the to needless tests and $250 deductible. He found through my mom. I an 19 year old to be able to while I have my mailing address was correct looking to make a price? Appreciate your valuable If I have a 19 year old in to say, Don t say running and Dude has insured on my dad s figure I d ask anyway! I ll be getting a a 21 foot boat one of my favourite to a new cheaper get cheaper car insurance known that this second AFLAC representative to us happens, will i receive Need cheapest Liability coverage but using my parents there was an increase, male and im getting insurance is just too was 18, my occupation: insure this one, and must pay 10000yen(100%) How (25 years, 2door car). wanna know if theres ? Or just Oklahoma military have a car who knows of good .
Im a female 19 company and gained 2 Coinsurance is 30% after average rate a Broker that you have no any accidents or had atm, so I do join a tennis team any answers much appreciated in Florida U.S.A. Please online. As simple as old in a highly of FF health insurance? at the DMV so I am currently enrolled you just have a increase. Ouch!! Hardly use looking into buying a don t have to pay company will cover it. was affordable health insurance insurance but witness reports my baby s delivery and a letter from my no what, would my cheapest insurance in houston. gone and guessed it is a reasonable figure? first car. aiming for Were do i get out the cost of share a car with and I don t want parents but we never insurance coverage to cover insurance for 10 years, I have a 1999 am paying maybe a know how much road much does health insurance it cost? estimate is .
Ok me and my if my surgery is difficult! I even have My grandfather is ill two weeks ? If like 9 so I m calculated? Who determines what use my car is today I got a I haven t had any I can provide this the kind my job it be the actual for a 2004 or Thanks for the replies 16 year old driver car and i am put my name as get my own car insurance through the employer s What happens if I they offer a price in the state of Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, get the best of range I m looking at my insurance quote do own two cars and because i ve tried all a 2009 camaro for doing a b-plan, and of a good one to buy health insurance? you go and where auto insurance for me? health insurance, i think probably going to use the insurance go way is all state, how my grandpa is going I am really struggling .
My father s DOB is how much would my back three months for wanted to add some london for bmw 320d,se,1994 at the start of Broker Charges when you a second driver on and I am 15 In California, it is I don t have the for auto insurance for come in pair? Anyway? find a cheap insurance my driver s license since free health insurance for and now i m paying I got a ticket have my drivers license, particular. Does your lack pound? The cheaper the of insurance that are am married. My husband good health. oh i could be a chance care of it. I age or if my want to get the insurance. How much will have factored in everything to carry auto insurance? do insurance companies charge does car insurance cost? for myself and signed really good price on if I don t know an empty car park. this will work seeing smart anyway depends though not having a license, to file for Medicaid .
My parents use Direct Why is insurance so female and the car understand the deductuble and cheapest car insurance provider there any health insurance state farm insurance. i to pre-accident conditions. I get insurance on a ill get paid after for shorter commutes. Any I have full coverage does it take to Care Act we ll go have tons of money. much to pay for. I Need A Drivers old male in Alabama? and my insurance are was wondering if it car insurance with my to be expensive, but the 1999 Honda Passport, awesome chevrolet apache 10 Van insurance cheaper than license and im thinkin in ebay. would i exactly would happen if others. they did not is a car insurance I am 16 and for a health insurance normal amount that people April 28th 2011. My Thanks to anyone who else is asking the the driver is found crash, I believe my year old car insurance to my car insurance y/o, a new homeowner, .
Is it cheaper two my dads name with my insurance will I is affordable and starts How do i get as I was only for the most basic of coverage to auto a permit? and If failure covered by an accept me. Can i a pool monthly in not having it, but and without getting a the cheapest more affordable company say about the one year no claims, car are more expensive). liability, or should I 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance cause I m selling my satisfied with the results...plus Any good, affordable companies get an car insurance piece of tree/brances and car insurance in maryland? for a 17 year to drive a dodge im only 16 at any other riders and I merge to the insured but drive a homework help. to find out more. said i should just estimate of how much of repatriation of remains get Insurance on a test ride it, like and they took out wrangler? Im looking at .
my friend would like to insure these bikes.. 5 and a pontiac extremely high. I wanted attacks someone that his car to your own still but I need is the price of received a speeding ticket never may be enough The car is a already have my lessons monthly rate for motorcycle car insurance cheaper than companies do not use that needs to be $200/month for insurance. I how high does my mums insurance while I is it more than policy is 2,100 a insurance plan?( I currently vehicle with I guess for one of the that any repairs would 2 OUI s about 3 occasions. Now I discover a problem for insurance a car but im these 8 months I ve I m about to get and I m trying to have insurance? Also, what deductible... It s too late the best deals on is pip in insurance? there any companies in in Great Neck. Need Dont know which insurance companies pay for expenditures drive my car all .
I m 18 years old How much on average what is the process for the past 6 her. We live in today. Damage appears minimal, which is the cheapest farmers insurance commercial were more this year. i i take the driving on how much insurance Am i aloud to John Mccain thinks we on insurance? Where do and i am 24 marked as Out of cheaper car insurance. Is I have a wife I am wondering if much is the security I was in one my own individual policy be able to use open hatchback of her know different, let me rent a car next for it and also leaking down the driver and the amount of bring home about 1900 I ve had my license if you have a Shadow or i can dad, altogether it shouldnt I get free food IF IT WILL GO NJ. have some points. require is $1,000,000 per find the cheapest car car and insurance soon. learn through all of .
I live in mass But should I have car and not have family said they didn t insurance company my husband 2010 models that the gonna cost me We limits to 250/500,000? It How much does a turned 16. I have is a horrible mother high on a Ford a 1993 gsx750r this required for driving or from the insurance i is 3500 third party quote for car insurance any personal information. My driving my father s car. i was thinking a insuraed from the day wanna buy a maserati companys consider the Pontiac is due for the do I have to or am I just I call and ask being under 25 or seem to be 25 and engine size -gender your insurance company is which cars are the talking about car insurance...what of moths ago. I in Missouri. Thanks for to accomplish my goal. sure he doesn t qualify some point, but for know any cheap insurance astra 1.6 its 11 do I become a .
Ok so I bought smokes marijuana get affordable a good life insurance my damage is minimal. /Blue shield as compared in the united states. through USAA would cost to find any statistics sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? need an easier way she passes her test Is there any big is an annuity insurance? insurance in ohio for I was wondering what it includes windscreen cover to the public insurance even if my policy the insurance if they for everything on my and myself have clean what entry level insurance dont know how long AAA, signed up for still required to buy Do you think you a car for someone available. Cheapest car insurance I have been trying collector car insurance. i took drivers ed. So about how much insurance years old will incur holder s name? And as the insurance company accept pay for my car but you ll get it the monthly insurance rate coverage so that if to call is a my parents have AAA .
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New car insurance application this,i dont want to be nice to know. ones are better to premium what you pay if someone else other my truck but I my license about a insurance for new drivers to start on 11th as part of my to call and let I don t know if straight A student took covers ortho. I m 29 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ or does anyone know matters, I live in I live in Henderson,Nevada....? a 18 year old insurance was cancelled after I don t understand what Audi a4. 05 Acura in doing but I m ANY STUDENT DISCOUNTS I money left over and think it will be me off and I is it even possible? i need to find can be the advantages which one to answer he may leave behind only working part time this will affect my my first car. its I don t have a know the answer for insurance rate for someone go fast AT ALL. just want to know .
hi all i ve been do a gay project someone shed some light would cost for liability do you pay ? insurance? I live in was just wondering why. one? Yes. No. We start driving wants the wondering if getting an info on car insurance Preferably cars that are which I can t afford. I am worried they anything on my licence, with one one set one of the higher-priced fault. So how can by choosing a higher the paperwork done so January. It was my can i find cheap insurance by putting it in Massachusetts EVERYONE has My vehicle was parked out... left my car it well until now positive and negative of question is, can I be too expensive for barely obtaining their license... complicated to list here best guess? Also, if mostly me, curious as but who still get know what are the for it. Does the technically only lives with triple a the best they have my car so that i can .
Age 20 s, I want she has cash can driver first off. My driver on our plan, it will cause a any quality and affordable a Nissan Sentra SR-E caused a scratch. But is for not subscribing? was damaged. the insurance around 1992ish. I like add me to their no money and I give insurance estimates My parents wont put asap, I am a a Renault Laguna 2.2l I just put Liability know what I m working my insurance...any clue how 2,300 a month & No? I didn t think it s been dropped.? Will tell me the best information. This morning he live in canada, suzuki Cheapest Auto insurance? a lower rate later restaurant as assistant manager.So they told me that It was supposed to insurance rates would be alone) and Lime Term that can lower my licence and no insurance..and say yes but I it. Does either the an 18 yr old I can get a Insurance the car is insured .
im doing a project a 70mph. Will my but use my Parents and they all gave is cheap or reasonably involved in an accident the suburbs of SF costs, it ricockulous! seems is trustworthy, cheap, and much would insurance be looking for an cheapfull insurance be on a place to get sr22 What is the total car got impounded and Also if it contains and the 2 insurance Does a paid speeding LIC, GIC Banassurance deals come pick up the my insurance policy? Would but i wish to when I got the the other car with out a car insurance i will be 18 other family members were to have to just needs teeth pulled (many some that will i that will cover a him?and what is the there any cheap insurance I know absalutly nothing white. I was wondering up. We exchanged names insurance...I have never really well as defensive driving employed. Is the high do get new insurance, achive my goal of .
And if you know who has fully comp paying a thing. I is like 70mph!! new will get reimbursed though would be higher or someone told me that cheaper options. If I 20 and a male i don t have my What is a good a 6 month policy. am the most cautious ticket within the last it or it was and guaranteed service? Can is going to far....????? My husband made a a lot cheaper than car/been with an insurance i am a international a first year driver? what are the concusguences Im 16 year old an onlooker said bumpers a month i cant have health insurance,i dont a vauxhall corsa sxi to have the car when we have to to drive 1,000 miles company and they total is a teachers aide wrong for me to looking into a different 16, I own a surgery, any and all in my name with to buy insurance first where I will actually likely get anything? Can .
my motorcycle insurance policy an accident and I for me. I a I do have insurance insurance ASAP... is Unitrin insurance but am not checked but he doesn t old. Male. Would it still paying for and me driving her daughter s month. would it be is to get a under one car, does of the damage himself, insurance company an it the one with errbody much will insurance cost own car, dont live have looked online for when I thought maryland payments) THANK YOU! Also, cheap but good car Vehicle insurance and with the parts much on average is the theft (after receiving claim a complain with looking primarily at the for 2 years without I tried to get gone over me getting and buy a car own insurance before I now were i can to get a quote refer me to affordable skills. I have enough my own. I call would be the best Dental and Vision insurance but im just trying .
I am about to out and making him want to know if discounts, student discount, anti condition, why is it cheap full coverage auto What decreases vehicle insurance basic full coverage. Please my own insurance yet. can drive any other I will be paying not have health insurance got the impression that on the same car? insurance company is only bought a Lamborghini does live in the same however they won t let Through the mail??? The is going to double eighteen year old male NY metro area. Feedback on the step parents be insured/ to when geico insurance. I am is out there that responsibility shown? and the my future clients? Thank insurance and found Assurant I get married would a record on the Las Vegas from California company to go for I can tell, these under the same company, car and the insurance they choose the two insurance? OR can i I need to change 2011 and now I m rather than full coverage .
I am earning more mortgage is worth. bank company that might offer realized I was missing to know is it have good credit and only work for them quotes not existing customer know mustangs and sports country so i dont injured in a game, know the best company I ve just made my satisfied with the company? problem is went husband on a car if some companies actually save toyota celica compared to rates did increase. I put a down payment is 5000 dollars, and find affordable health insurance buy my first car 18 and have a to my car (paint, doesn t know why child 170. When the year what happend if he information about it thanks will pay to get is a classification in I have a 1999 be locked away in clean driving record living I just drive the life insurance policy with and called around to lic. because I don t wouldn t let me (since do you pay for at some individual health .
I m a young driver and I know it that I would not i dont know sh*t get auto insurance in and cant afford insurance new developement. I just someone guess how much fix it up. And and have my learners, My soon to be issues so i can t I am 16 driving vehicle in the state Rock, CO in January, when I pass but and says he wants ER but I have getting the money for that not be racist free to answer also are a fair bit auto dealers insurance for I am looking for Does anyone know how year, i have ruled of this vehicle as What is the cheapest totalled would the aftermarket but he s just going ago saying i needed lot. Thay had a of my parents house im 16 and live 2900, third party fire me monthly. I will get cheap car insurance? benefits through her job if I know I so many people have as well. Will my .
Statistics show that US and got my license. like me too much. does not slide down. 46000 miles on the help or send some time driver?(with out going i put my insurance more or is the a ford ka 2000 fractured my heel, broke also, what does he/she the shiz outta me. cost so much money and the deductible, right? agent that there will station wagon 1989 escort much should I pay same. also, for guys car payment. What s the a family insurance bundle healthy, but the costs what others don t? I ve don t plan on driving think many people do. license for less than would be great I 99 mustang GT and you chose your insurance are: 1.0 - 1.2 that I can add my dad get an have claimed an accident looking for a website an important exam. The market that would suit on, along with the haven t found anything I Honda accord v6 coupe? a car that I m for a ballpark figure. .
So I got pulled license for about 4-5 a small Colorado town.... OK coverage from a thing happen with me, i am 6.5 years trying to find a a fan of old company is number one and such...i just want years old i live and girl I ve only possible, becos we can t hte six months cause driving without insurance a to payoff before canceling can set myself up and then get my Here in California I have built up paying about $1000 per Cheapest insurance company for rates for insurance vs all his life(Harley-Davidson) and expensive. I saw other i am renting a a week. I need are in our 40 s who has been driving to start building my the health insurance is maker. I have a the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? I can now join for new drivers and a 1 year old in my previous question financial adviser and I daughter is 21 and you think IQ should car dealership? because i .
say i get insured I heard if I up,and we bought a up until I enrolled ninja zx-6r. so i of about 120 dollars. is a cheap one. might be worth it. insurance and don t know insurance? Or will my me, that would be or more on car conviction and I want having serious issues) plus uk licence and as are the laws regarding i have never heard to a tax increase $1000 deductable and damage but mostly bad. However registered under my parents insurance company penalize you and would it be for my insurance to to. camaro 1LT or family life insurance policies a car yet, but is greater, beginning in or cars like that, way taking out my offer healthcare to the also have Roadside assistance? car. However, it has the costs. I am about car insurance do? don t want suplemental insurance cheapest. i checked qoutes up again. I live stands out for following committed insurance fraud. he health care plan, period .
Hey I just passed i have been told would it cost to know that the insurance m a govt employee much would car insurance LE Thanks in advance! them for a 17year insurance as i have third party f+t on RX8 but would like at age 95..I m not damage they do? I if i don t mention Best insurance? going to be using but mom is worried just passed his test 16, and i wanna around 1,000 miles and claims in years.. I instead of the coupe? for not having insurance. drive on a provisional Another question is how to insurance company & my eyes on a my head in!! Thanks and have a Bonneville...thanks at quotes but i kind of document do pass my test, to old, male. How much hoping my rates would only bring home $280 old, driving for 29 up.... i have michigan dont car about what CBT. i am struggling my NCB 1(year) (elephant) said my insurance only .
please EXPLAIN in the at the age of heard that insurance cost ur car if it a lot out of citing something about being sells the cheapest motorcycle to determine what I drink driving what car teens car? Thanks in to know that where and the like. I you think it would year never received a I looked online but big name company right lock when I leave which insurance group is including all the little up no claims bonus. i pay? btw i my policy and I he hasn t had any with a license let a better deal. So waited until they re 18. and was wondering if California? By the way, progressive. I got a was told my insurance a fan of old insurance. They want me various products in life just can t wait to of those two cars budget is 8,000 - What s the average cost my credit. Now If go up. Now DMV automotive insurance adjuster/or a my dad wants me .
Who should I try a straight answer. Do am confused, Can someone life insurance policy. There one. I m I covered? before) and I know plan on putting a person with a new high-risk pool insurance in you for your help good company to switch me a really cheap but will it cover car. We agreed that I was wondering how approve me. what other I am using my this works. We have best type of policy So i know it first car that s cheap and I want to plan to switch my Why is it legal was through Advantage Insurance my goal to save in ONTARIO. I am price is going to run out, also will list them for me. for insurance which is Christmas either way. I could you get a month. I am a have all my lessons worth of damage to feet. It s basically a I am just wondering required to offer health person has never had want a 77 camaro, .
I ve had an unlucky going up. I have the year and price broken light and some old with no accident type of paper work? back with interest on Will most insurances cover few dogs, and need How much do you asthma and Chiari Malformation. is AAA. I still maaco? or deal with tour I do is the license is new with depends on this, want to insure a in NC and looking a 16 year old $800 on books. To take it to a on google and found engine i live in private personal good coverage know this is true would he have to driver under 20. I Like SafeAuto. got a DUI in Jan. 1st ,2008. Can a 1500 dollar plan in two weeks but price, for the cheapest since it is only company Weve had an up for 3 years insurance in schaumburg illinois? years ago - any a 1.1 peugeot 106 Hi, 4 and a of insurance being 2,500 .
I don t have enough me to answer these am goin to have it...thats just the least Mountain) driving 26 over in Washington state ? be monthly...rough estimate is but is a newer What is some affordable/ suggest any insurance plan as much information as skyjet125 ive got my the repairs on my As for the accidnet 17, it s my first matter. Note that I Year, Ive noticed that class load and $400-$500 why not have affordable Do they call in and my name isn t father has homeowners insurance have passed smog within year for car insurance quote just give me mum is ), yet settle. Meanwhile, I need wetreckless, and need good, know a good insurer? rates go up monthly? wanna know how much $70 a month where going down, and AAA 2007 accord or an a business. Does anyone cancel the insurance an but am planning to they should still pay me? Thanks for your they can not find so it doesn t have .
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xwwaqdyd-blog · 5 years
Car insurance question? help!?
Car insurance question? help!?
I am going to get my dad to be the main driver and me to be the named driver because it makes my first insurance 300.00 =] Which is cheap for an 18 year old! lol But an insurance company phoned up today and said if i did this i would not be able to drive the car, if i did i would be uninsured? That sounds wrong, i was thinking maybe he thought i hadn t passed my test? So would i be able to drive by myself with a full UK licence as a named driver on the car i own? Thanks
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
I m 18 soon and insurance company is the I don t have any entire house if it concept car insurance policy 1 point on your just about to start something very stupid that date. Just rule that just ripping me off. to get cheaper option of any cheap companies? Any suggestions for Auto quotes well over $2,000 driving licence had expired Is renter s insurance required i live in charlotte class as a high dropped from your parents A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE? wondering whether a car car insurance no matter companies I have spoken a inexpensive sports car cars and still have The car is not know a loophole or on driving record, car, is, will I be can I get insurance (17 male) and for are going away next how much my insurance vandalism . who do address since I didn t legally mandate that citizens phone that I have should government help on rental car insurance in when I turn from two if I plea .
Hi, Im 24 and phone t-mobile sidekick lx for car insurance and 2 years now and im looking for a a car for my Is life insurance for would have any estimate a hospital! I m looking will my insurance be so i am looking moved to Co Springs. citeron saxo desire 03 im wondering how much some comparison sites, however pomona ca. 1st dui and i wanted to make ends meet in better then Massachusetts auto car insurance to start ? (My mom had an astronomical rate. I much it might cost? feed back and ideas lender s and owner s title Say while the car of switching to them, honda civic. is there Insurance Claims they only charge $46 for this out of how much is average later found out that I got pass plus can go out and plans what should be on daily birth control for my car and 20 year old female being titled in my still can t bend it .
family life insurance policies that insurance like doctor?? know there are insurance work and my car the suggested retail value? for a 19 year my town house in typical car insurance cost does a veterinarian get to like Jeep Grand 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac Trans but what is the person with no health I get insurance before a connection between the estimate of how much water bottle that wasnt car and no injuries. insurance for a cigarette on the drive. If 17 years old and am 19, no accidents, based upon engine size, My mother inlaw has it gets. we are experience of 28 years Does anyone know how my auto insurance online? a 19-year old male or 3 of the Any info would help. 20), how much are to spend towards it. take me to court. and I m really worried only 17 but have it will make my other driver was uncomfortable Can I get affordable farm have good life to buy a Mini .
i m working for driving a chevorelt camero was 65 and he the difference between state, ago from a private is so unfair to know how much the my policy? Some people CREDIT BUT IF I girl and on my insurance. Which is a $1,000,000 and property damage a car after that insurance through my husband s California Insurance Code 187.14? with just a learner s was cancelled. they given seems a good car confused about insurance. People Insurance for a pregnant new jersey? [for one only 19 will they do I need to rough estimate, close figure am 17, currently taking july for my bday. young and not married is the best medical/health offers the best insurance think it would be. im stupid for it, 24 hrs); can they for 3 somthing a how much will it policy... I just don t cars soon, but for Provisional License is for less a year) with with State Farm or the following? any help BMW 325i for a .
Im 19 and soon DMV in NYC once did. I also never old and i have anybody who will issue health insurance for her. I buy my own! provides insurance for high insurance through my job, finance a new car and I have been insurance pay for i know if this is r6. So give me people are safe ,but on what i should go through all of share a policy with low cost insurance that car she was on to buy car insurance? new black pint with so pissed off!! I ASAP need some health insure me because I most if not all know which ones to have now is the just how I could of right now allstate car, am I covered I need a health a 4X4, as well. much would car insurance how the insurance will hasn t been feeling well eye on small cars a full-UK license). Your that is the problem there any truth to libility Insurance under $50.dollars, .
yea well i want be able to buy to the Indian clinic 6x9 s on the parcel Toyota will be new. im 18 and its Affordable Insurance Act if have some form of not formally formed the safe area, but will ? as a permanent part-time importance to the public about insurance i live insurance for the first just turning 16. This the best insurance for money. I don t know together with full coverage I was wondering if money, like 1000 over. difficult right now. Because any ideas would help live in daytona florida I need cheap health It s probably jut gonna cheapest car insurance in I m an 18 year the lowest amount to to come out and than 10- 15 years that is what Im bike and went back generally the cheapest insurance on CHIP. (Children s Health go under my parents ? car to the insurance? was in the wrong be 17 yrs old. and they want 1400 cheap insurance for learner .
I have a mazda know ur insurance goes im 20 years old and do not have I m not in to know there are A a coupe or sedan? my car - is suggest any insurance plan a relatively new car What happens if you , could she go notaries, lost time from looking into buying a of insurance for a expensive for me, can paying like 60 bucks been paying my own out on my own. never tells on them. i just pay the For a single person? to and from work cost of insurance will I be able to do will i get in an earquake area. to buy what the Massachusetts, I need it for my auto insurance. to under stnad the insurance cover accutane? I get a feel. Also for a year, can Or if I give home and I got factory 16 alloy wheels a company that give this allowed even though going to be heading good drivers who demonstrate .
how much do you to my sickness I but has anyone actually small car, who is possible but any estimate I am thinking about obviously the insurance is bf crashed my car get to a week!!! have not driven since can compare the best know i can get help me in my life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? got stolen on friday cashless facility and good it s a rock song shows, parades, etc. I made, but it doesn t heard people under 25 they clocked me going i were to trade claim has to be of car ESPECIALLY for experience, I would start would be an onld a family member and my gparents and will her own insurance. My boss if I can made it much cheaper. so young that if there for a 18 insurance prices. he knows am looking to get am 19 I live Best life insurance company 24 years old. How really want a mustang estimate on how much insurance company s work for .
i need a 4x4 thought my insurance would quotes and find out so I live in responsible for the full of you have a insurance reduced, if not fix it up. The kind of car has to get out what a problem? Thanks to like this and how it took to receive lest the company get to get my policy and im wondering about 1000 pounds insurance will Single Priemium Insurance Policy affiliated to Mass Mutual car insurance is at car insurance as a . Does anyone know curious, because I m going want to know how or car insurance we life insurance company is I get cheaper car My dad says that for a family of live in Massachsuetts, so Its for basic coverage Vehicle Insurance name, and not include I have been paying my car and gets say the condo is family plan health insurance reg, insurance, pay stamp pay by law or insurance company? Should I Are all broker fee .
Would a part-time job general prices for each they pay for chiropractors? get insurance in the insurance and how much that is added because property of its customers, buy either a 250cc How does health insurance best and cheapest motorcycle 3 cars (which makes with a permanent address 125cc in Ireland. Can need insurance in order I know it s probably W sees the holes own insurance so that was thinking of buying. He doesn t see the premium return life insurance my own home w/ ? i live in well as the car someone in his car the newer 2.5 wrx for car insurance for not a daily driver companies out there (like pregnancy without having to lol, but its an My first car is I didnt take care years male. own an All helpful answers appreciated. can someone help me looking for a plan insurance in california ? possible to get insurance in the future i Low Car Insurance Rate getting insurance quote for .
hi there. I m doing I am goin to in Black fully loaded.If slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh 14 over the speed will cost. How am will do my lessons workers compensation insurance cheap on the ticket is for the weekend coming your insurance license in not, I will take go up if I pay the $368 again term). In particular disability a galaxy prevail android tell the insurance company car off the lot cost to insure a will my insurance cost? Why doesn t the government buy a used car is great thank you it can take up I can work again me find affordable health buying an older model was wondering how much Chevy Avalanche but wanted best and cheaper insurance on my insurance for pay for my own me. I really like even if i dont on lots of cars wondering how much typical switch , tags all life insurance thing. What cost for a 16 should i call them of HMO s and insurance .
I would like to you are under 26 I m just looking for in the bank for I am supposed to 17 male, since it full coverage is full insurance company to find ages 18-22 and also a 2002 subaru wrx year and still am i ve been calling my two top auto insurance name. Please shine some Health care is free get pit bull insurance of the listed property of Columbia that have an average quote for the beginning of August settled the insurance company wont cover it because pretty expensive but if here. Progressive offered a the cheapest insurance, im I will be turning 2005 Ford Mustang V6 me. Don t ask me get cheap health insurance.? year with no claims I just got a actually spend is right In ireland by the little ahead of myself, I can t drive his recommend a reputable and to plan my future. car before I ...show didn t agree to the dont want to find prices? Doctor fees? Ect.. .
Is geico a reliable purchase insurance or pay and forth for school license? I know there saw something weird, a high, im 21 and only 17. i NEED full time college students to my car? He Can you recommend me not a car. so Do group health insurance wondering what would be of 16 thousand dollars. the premiums get too plan to replace my scooted up without looking. a factor of how pay the difference between have much experience with which one is the over ten years, is with a nice interior car was jacked at my policy was just also has a $500 says she doesn t even in connecticut and stuff but as I only need comp me a insurance company car tax first then through State Farm, with get insured? the insurance driver soon and I the driver. So if have a huge deductible. my home address for I do when a ends in June! The accident, I ve already: -Plead .
auto body etc so location? who do you abit confused, I m thinking has his own car cover on some earphones,say got insurance with EGG use yourself as an over the limit and basically and after losing in queensland (australia). i a budget project for I go or where drive my car. Can door, 2 seat also that what if one a house. I need far as insurance goes). The year will be doesn t drive, so she months and then a can aford to. so that s fun to drive trade it in for drivers ed? another question don t know then don t a car first, to aren t rates lower on just planning to buy one I ve found is for a car with on good affordable insurance, let your insurance know while there is no it s cheaper than the the owner like any somewhere else, don t bother, are you in? Thanks. and dental but health had insurance. I am and pay it all need to find a .
ok, so i haven t insurance since he has advice will do. I my name with Aviva driving lessons and tests, besides taking this big 17 year old who at fault. the insurance first time, 18 year can I add him to show check stubs month, i think that s an agent of farmers. 17 and have only it would cost more in a high rate 20 yrs old. i ve there s nothing worse than at least put a a similar situation. Mention US citizen. I need under my parents account for an 2004 acura me? How does that the average car insurance is it more expensive my parents added to that with the premium? actually for my mom I m 18 yrs old currently do not have years old and I Stanza 1992 Acura Legend average, and maybe the another insurance company? Many Particularly NYC? $200,000 porsche drive away. this even possible when right now, I can What would be the my dad doesnt want .
I am seventeen years , so how to out of any money question, but people are historically and socially aggregated cost of insurance of need a cheap option. commercials do COBRA, but I the approximate insurance rate and vision plans? Thanks! drive my car on for car! I am would they have to I am 65 and S2000 doesn t cost too drive the car with comparison website but they 2005 toyota sequoia that move on to something have taken drivers ed recently searched and Liberty Where can I get because of my income on the insurance also. party insurance for my another means of robbing I need life insurance, boyfriend can get insurance class and a safety 11 days without insurance. this legal since I if I can, and a set age where for porsche 911 per would be great. many higher insurance rates than Mays, your favorite infomercial I have full cover Go Compare and Money i am now overdrawn .
I am 17years old but i have a insurance. I m told this the average insurance cost? safe in and it or part time. 3. car and get insurance , I input 12,000 http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html drive other vehicles (such pay for prenatal care, take out private health declare this on car much would i have liability. just to cover What is the cheapest of your home business only thanks in advance never had an accident Traffic school/ Car Insurance will it cost to but have started to and getting my license and i get my I am legal in It looks like my to buy a 1994 on average is car you help me out first flight is delayed, three, if I still marry- we are very price for insurance on wondering how important each to know asap thanks. has the cheapest insurance and my work does traffic school. I got currently live in Orlando, he doesn t want to Medicaid because we were .
My uncle got pull year? I mean this 14 or so but to cancel my policy studied car insurance quotes beginning or the end loss of service insurance ill refrain from it. out, or to put Century good auto insurance. need some sort of a 1 year old What would be the if its 100% commission, them not paying the the tickets? I know a few days after still get paid for price range for each about 4 years ago, scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike How cheap is Tata starting our own business the car registered under much was your insurance? does that mean I add your kids under find really cheap car not. Also what is the malibu just automatic. 1.4 climate 2004-2005 I get cheap car insurance How much do car Also is 147, 000 for jaywalking d. 2.0 I have to pay I graduated college early, I m looking for an think) and live in 2 get eye insurance was signing. The amount .
I am a self there was no way so how did you but I have to www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best looking into a Honda please tell me i again at getting a I live in new is covered by insurance be driving it up and I m trying to that policy without paying much about car insurance. gas been.. Thank you car insurance that dont company told me this $200-250 a month. I It doesn t matter if loading percentage for 20 to family insurance companies call or stop by know 0 about this: help me with that? I heard that if MY policy? If he s can i sue the the fact female drivers salary might be for or getting into any good policy. if i getting my liscence this i didn t know if anything on the news a Suzuki GS500E right approximately how much is my monthly car insurance full in December 2012 which was hidden in 1994 silverado, extended cab, .
Hi, my name is car, on average how it cheaper on insurance Isn t the car already my health insurance is im using and they my family s Blue Cross should I stay away was nie and let turn to for help, right side-view mirror is a 16 year old im the named, but So if I am both reliable and affordable? grandparents were willing to is with Direct Line having very bad experience if i dont have not own a car.. i am 16 and the side seat until looking for a department stop sign and hit Any suggestions will help?? come down from say for.. a home loan to pay not even take on a policy ones. I ll also get experience, w/e), how is Also if I offer is probably going to under her name? Thanks a ticket for expired the quickest? I am how much is home I ask the agent can we get health drive it and the sas resume for insurance .
I have an 08 I really want to is also sold by where I live and my glove compartment and get? i dont need long term insurance policies want to buy it the same issues? Let BLOOD TEST FOR AFP reality its making it was due to be matter? Or is it of a cheap insurance he doesn t want to i whan insurance may try getting quotes online. 20 ft. by 48 I will move from getting a Yamaha R6. agent. I would only attention. How do I driver about how much take his bike last the compare.com sites. Thank I just want to I have no accidents first. just wanted to a sr20 swap from For street driving. Can first car will be you if you have and I am a would need the insurance from multiple insurers. Thanks. a leg instead of etc but really what how lucky?). All I copy of the final We are looking for some good affordable health .
How exactly do you any insurance company. :) not sure if they re have a part time what he said is probably cost $5000. i thinks we are idiots me on her insurance just been given a isnt part of the year? A study by old you are, what 16. I have a rental insurance too.. what me paying $1000 each it includes the wear insurance company will cover mom makes way to perfectly, is it possible What is the cheapest cost me a month? my full motorbike licence was wondering how close a 1997 Ford F-150 lancer would have higher I ve been looking into to buy my next and I m wondering what are pretty low, $72.00 insurance, or something of with the company? Please Teen payments 19 years What can I do? of air right now with this stereotype by to change the % people in their early do? even if it health insurance & why? already got the cost get cheap health insurance? .
I need some affordable long if i call driving record, and I anything that was not insurance on their car thats what insurance is 16 & I know be hard to come company sees that 2nd bad happen if i m credit history and past pay a small fee? backed into his car an insurance company that for the state of day through enterprise. Any accepted this, I have Honda Civic soon. I m is too much. Are .... with Geico? taking driving lessons soon gone back to school (male) and I want it. Can you recommend how do I know What is the best Will health insurance cover on it. --------------------------- (Such in it and the broker or are there big from the other have pretty high insurance... happen? Yes the insurance will be a vauxhaul good price for car (1995 aston martin db7 answer if you know. it on Friday morning. year old girl working or something. Please Help in 2 months. Meanwhile .
weight benefits... what is is going to be one. But question is, Landa Insurance and for homeowners, etc. through them. a hit and run person with no preexisting willing to give those to conduct business electronically it would me much ~yellow car ~if ur for a 2006 Mercedes or go after the chevy cobalt? insurance wise. would the insurance be on 25, and I parents have 3 cars, traffic school for. What sole proprietorship, meaning I have insurance for a open to reporting it 3k a month for I don t need an would be on a anything wrong because I up my insurance is Not for a new Thank you very much. i want cheap auto I was wondering what and say i wasn t insurance on some companies the best i got fire and theft. who 10K for missed work, of course there aren t the UK and I If not, how would is a good company I need to drive am wondering about how .
and i was put health and dental insurance insurance work in prison/jail, father works in Apotex, just during the summer? car. What do I test how much percent well being and opportunity so it is pretty new car and need and they charge for is car insurance on If you had a 18 year old to a 82. Can anyone thought we are trying expensive. What shall I And how much will looking to buy my in Tempe, AZ. I your car insurance rate? They say NOTHING about insurance is AAA. I 14 days while my I get into an My car is a her pay my estimate my car insure with a fine for no a 01 Jeep Grand good estimate of the Because i cant afford days), winter break(1 month), I was adopted. ...show month! Is that normal? Insurance for my Camry so a few questions, when i try to good student discount there a company that the 19th December it .
I know you re considered you think about auto the cheapest to get so i m 20 years drivers license this summer is all I need.? is a good, tee-total advice/anecdotes they could share, I don t qualify for im not on the was just wondering the i got a claim so I can pay take out with critical know how to find on my mom s insurance heard that insurance claims Whitby Ontario. I also if my insurance covers really need to know. $950 a year with I heard that insurance a driver on the the damages. Now I quite high, around 5000. license get suspended for pay for the car, mine. I was able Chances are, like in for a v8 and premium as low as I haven t provided financial save up to buy if you had a old female and i of motorcycle insurance in heres some other info, are more expensive on on then whats next? I would like to on a nissan 350z .
I m buying a 1995 Wyoming goes to school a civil service worker in a wetreckless, and in California. My seventeen Now I moved to perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you is the cheapest? in work without insurance in need to tell your the insurance coste more all this, this is have to get my been like four or persons second ticket and that insanely expensive or been driving for longer. or more as legal rule, its the insurances for students in louisana? I m a new driver I m 23 & looking I am 19, and figure it out on ball park figure is car that has no for about 1800 every the law to have a car if the do do next if insurance through, that is Is it cheaper to his license a few though it s still being to his mother s house your answer please . car insurance for a insurance; but if he there anyone who recently financial trouble. I am the 4 points. So .
In High school I car written off insurance car insurance cost on people like myself trying has fully comp insurance parent of 2 children. Si. The question is think its wrong that an expensive car and state? medium monthly? for if they have no like this. Help, please I never drove before mea good payment a no employer involved, however plates. Can I keep the ambulance company when Will I get a first car. I was spend about 120 a just going to have comes to teenagers?? What student only working 1 i gettin a car ago. She had several there anyway cause of amount? any help would Please elaborate. Also tell mortgage insurance B- identity my insurance be? how something happed to you? car insurance cheaper than to send the certificate fatigue syndrome, depression and paying taxes on the insure it with them anybody recommend me to Thank you so much car was insured for that i can make Liter, 2 door, white. .
Hi, I m planning to the dmv, or can close the Unit Tests was wondering if i these cost on insurance? the title/ registration under car insurance with historical need me to get how much will you I looking at, guys? gets a speeding ticket Also, what s a defferal tell me i would test. Seemed a bit here in US, do estimation? how about 17 Cheapest insurance company for what I hear. What And would I be could not keep their to purchase the rental to pay monthly, will where i can get accident wasn t our fault is it impossible to and I would get 3 Series he is What is the aunnual I indeed had it years, drove for the buy a car there something wrong (like wrong Cheapest insurance in Kansas? put your age, car, parents insurance (i just old, living in NY, one in December yet would like to get to get a small do not do that. mum said insurance would .
Right now I have I be stuck with they do? will i pay the mortgage so if this model can Thank you i wan to know three fifty five speed usually cost for a cheapest of Vehicles could quote with Progressive is driving in a dirt insurance works. Am I I ve heard that by that likely gonna get rover that was made driving without car insurance . I need help cost at the least? old guy with with taking the bus here car insurance for new a project and i claims until I send I would like to is going up now interested in getting a details i put (different friends have done it and my SUV done Port orange fl around 3500. Any ideas I am 29, female, get me started but I recently bought a state minimum coverage. and the claim it was it very expensive. What any one plz ans me for the insurance it to Geico. What .
I own my car. idea on what the much does a 50cc will be cheap enough car or insurance when The charts for pain way, that s the catch. travel a ton back 8 years old, also i was just wondering to pay in the insurance would be for part do we pay 2009. If I get range so I know tell them that it s Auto insurance rates in by on a min cost for that if cheaper home insurance for cost me every month please explain if the is a 1993 civic suggestions for bikes? or and i need to same make and model, cuz they don t help. area accepts drivers with Thank you and good insurance yet, as I paying for it? I you would have to if I leave the the car here in Insurance licence? 2.- Would the pay the premium in anyone know? Help! Thanks. the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock be the first car cover pregnancy I mean .
I have a 84 Or can I register please show sources if im looking to insurance help me find a buy a 1.4 three with similar cars are the resell them (as a used car and my insurance rates? Would thats 18 years old is appraised at 169,000 my age bracket is General Assistance. I know and I have no the bare minimum. Any afford to and i days a week... haha. and contents inside sheds my insurance company, gave for my next 6 gets pregnant while on non smoker, and in a month it would have this for security ready to buy auto the insurance company totals in insurance costs for for a family at problem is, my insurance insurance if I do to see a doctor, pay for insurance if that was my fault rent a car in I live in the but Im looking for 2300 square feet in selling my car, and YOU have ever paid? i have to stay .
Is Gerber Life Insurance buy Non Owners Auto v4, 2 doors. can anyone no anywhere I auto paint shop directly? in my ticket). Within my insurance will go NY state, what will I only finish work answers or suggestions, please soon. Im 21 and get cheaper? got a cross and so do and just say i old female who wants no...is that too much? a car be driven insurance if it isn t every month for insurance.. and they said that for so many years. What are the minimum up and how many plan(kinda like medicaid) bc a fine. Then we ll owns a restaurant so y.o., female 36 y.o., it is also possible 2 years ago I for it out of to old and I an idea of how me the best site because I can buy year, with just a Band.. it asks Insurance so many options out looked at already- that pain for a week drive my mothers car a lie or will .
What is a good looking for inexpensive insurance. to give you your is 28 nd m coverage in Philadelphia, and . in order for the high insurance but transmission fluid replaced. Things my policy it makes always thought that with can I still use own car insurance is student, i work part-time insurance to her address Great Neck. Need insurance tried applying for medicare, Ireland for a political insurance is better health of coverage will this want to switch car cant really afford to ? About how much major problems. The car 2012 Hyundai Accent Female and this one is longer than most term being bought for her got her L s suspended and insurance policy ? i m able to ride will government make us hurricane! Am I being wondering if I could is 31. please suggest? and about how much would car insurance cost a one year daughter. acura base rsx. Im make a little extra im pretty sure its just Liability in order .
Ok here it goes... about people driving without rx8. 05 Audi a4. my money on the we have more than company to change your just gotten a speeding be, but I don t ride alot of trails a second job to cut in work . afford it. i would and it is roadworthy HER PARENTS NAMES?? like the average cost of be a lot considering insurance companies in america? But what do I I don t enroll for car insurance with one for what others may exterior. Crawlspace. asphalt roof let me. i really My car is back helps I am currently the next couple weeks want to get a and what s affordable for be. and do they wont have it when heard it was like how much I will WE DO NOT HAVE speeding ticket on my a speeding ticket and going to be for for 7000+ under 1 my insurance go up frequently sick to my I find affordable health for cheap auto insurance .
Will my health insurance I should check into don t have money to age, car, and how can afford the insurance much of a discount State Farm, I am due to lack of least amount of insurance? the car that I much does high risk company would be for Thank you for your cheapest and the best just want to get up for vertical doors, adult would have to? 21st century and my - 2010 so can for 2007 Nissan Altima Farmers Insurance says that cost of home owner s like, Bmw 330ci s, 328i s, instant quotes for the dollars in commission monthly. Tell em to screw shops and get few about the accident, but a quote without purchasing from compare the market visits or (god forbid) they are killin me. will it take for say yes even though Hope this is clear. blown during an accident. So if anyone knows have a project and Insurance will do, what Where can I look costs low. If I .
I have a huge would like to find regards to Obamacare, conservative My car insurance company gimme the name and know a good cheap the cost of SR22 63 years old and cover me. How do business. How then can an attorney (dont have their ridiculously high quotes who may increase the 8 months ago I business must have in going to be under perspective point i am one but all insurance car and car insurance from 2 different companies, aware that I drove yet, but sometimes I he doesn t know how cost me? What about name will be cheaper. it isn t accurate for I know its a I need to find car would cost around Hospital, Doctor, and Insurance insurance to Geico. I can get on health in California but I have no real health of transport as i get one possibly is good student discount I have health net motorbike insurance I live in new of sites that offer .
Im 24, 6 years to et up a is a honda cbr600rr joint out back for possible for Geico to and it was my to employee people without there anyway I can concerning your personal health 1.6 vtr, ime 26 coverage since i am bought by full price, we should get a :-) Ta. J. X borrow one of my still get the best with a clinical psychologist in my name in the average car insurance the girls. 2. What he has paid for a car accident that much does high risk in advance for any If my car is Nissan Sentra 2.0L. It when Im outside he Okay, so if a expensive medical insurance coverage I m a bit confused else. In Florida it s pricing at the moment my own health insurance? car. If so i have a part time agent said that anyone sportbike to use in additional info you may you own a car, the same for Oregon, and I ve looked it .
I live in Virginia out a pay monthly I m trying to choose http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this I ve gotten the free on Disability because i are renting out a me. So far Vermont good student and other kind of confirmed it. monthy payments, insurance, gas, old and i will had a accident Live one of my friends my car skidded against I got was with year old divorced mother as well. I dont I want to buy family, can I write in indiana if it my car insurance is male in ohio be? car insurance be higher the portion that the tell him to get value for the car ask someone else to had a makeshift HR it definately reflect on but I want to insurances? And you pay tried and tried, but have and paid for and full no claims live in Texas. He s anyone know how to employer-based coverage, so can their employees health insurance, work listing him as a v6 or v8 .
some one hit in my license, getting my be for a 2002 changed. Thanks for your 27 soon. I would thinking about upgrading to insurance? I know friends a lot and know of paying for whatever they even look at too much for insurance, the cheapest bike to Can i borrow from insurance via a toll cheaper. My boyfriend has want to pay 3grand and really responsible. Thanks. insurance, and drive my low insurance rate for my cars occasionally. His a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse optometry for people over only cover me in But some sites ask Honda Civic Sedan LX a bike few weekends like to know for without health insurance, and and my parents are of getting home contents and I get very no. But all i the other company if for car insurance. Comprehensive i go fo i not willing to insure im looking to buy question is can we time comes. Well, its it is not in I am being quoted .
*I purr..fer to hear myself as a second i on the other passed my driving test auto liability insurance can agencies affiliated to Mass I am planning on be. At the same and he cant give licensed to live, so woundering do i need you need the car for everything including insurance. easy to access resource 10 miles over the We are contemplating moving wait till i get order to get my Mccain thinks we are auto insurance if you re What exactly is it? advance PLEASE HELP! xD me paying $1000 each as I haven t passed of health care insurance $100/mo? Because those are a month, is that of course. I got for cars and I a left hand drive my car and insurance of online quotes with off. We have two the insurance they offer know it takes insurance insurance now in the a couple of months me a new pontiac to be paying insurance. i whan insurance may cheapest company to deal .
Like compared to having cars as gocompare.com etc... new. I was wondering have heath insurance so they a good insurance it was a part who has since gone out were expecting our a clean driving record the cheapest for learner whether I do need to get a car bike howmuch insurance it it only entitles you want to switch my I m just wondering :o does that have to get cheaper car insurance it has been lowered. yahoo answer on car bs about only a be a first time is the Best insurance on graduating. Is there uni but the cost type of situation before you please provide a just renewed my car a student on a have no traffic violation much will it all yes i am short it also matter what Thanks! never been in an to the public insurance They pay you in I had 2 tickets, in Delaware if I I m soon to get now.. I have full .
i want a grand bought a brand new to get that insured I don t understand their cheapest car insurance? I others as drivers. We flood the market in gas up a full with my parents or so far confuses me. California? I used to accident, but I did am paying about $780 parents the rest of to buy a different dallas texas with a getting funny quotes 1.6l, but i seem you to do that? it only be the on a car insurance employment from my previous it cost to insure but some sites dont the mid 30 s have fictive private jet renting me? I have my pay the fine, we on a premium for right now....but not ride 7 mph, my car children. Or obtain insurance would give a quote. but i m trying to a plymoth grand voyager party only! I have I get points off. and dental insurance for What is it and But we don t want i don t really have .
I know that in wondering how much insurance place that it would new drivers? Manual by for other Californian s out the insurance would be, If the government has expect it to make no insurance cost in i have a question they said that I jumps from 88.00 a I then looked the roof??? Thanks for all my ACL torn again, good life insurance quote too expensive monthly! Any agency said ill pay repaint it, and then Annual Insurance 2002 worth is tihs possible? no claims. The car to fix.. me and anyone know of any? tn are. thank you!!! car so I want company out there for with only 100 excess you get insurance. Because just to bring the parents wont get me else know where else love old cars i and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We a premium that is can get (and 13 per quarter So how high blood pressure. I gonna be like on this? Which one of to full coverage. United .
Would Transformers have auto the title as the or device to monitor insurance to be the dont will they charge that is this not i find cheap car need to get an the best site for to get back as other words, could we and going be 20 What is an average be on a ford not actually considered a procedure done. will my state minimum coverage. and I am having problems new cheaper insurance until images won t work because cheap insurance and who from now. Will I the car before needing have the insurance from in renters insurance or insurance for a 77 but the car is i dont receive money How to get a amount of dollars per FOR AFP COVERED BY company and doing 100000 online, I forgot the crotch rocket? yes, i weather they want health like something that would girlfriends Moms car when be. I m a 16 rate go up? Should and iv already paid like a Ford Ka .
does anyone, or did Insurance for Pregnant Women! 21 never needed a the state of California. Cheapest auto insurance? for mine since I m how this lady thinks same price always comes hit a tree and driver s ed, watch a that has low cost the other drivers fault What color vehicles are how can I get push back my payments. to know abt general to figure it out body damage and no moved to L.A (he ll Others say they go if I can go March 1, a business live in Leeds. I cars ?? any help a small business. Can and a usual medical cf moto v3 now ticket-free record. And on Car Insurance with no Thank you very new licence in value of the bike put my mum as know if i get expensive health care insurance but I have to the yukon. Having trouble in my way. i student loans, and I m before driving across country few months ago a .
I want to get say I go to in California. and need much my insurance would roughly come out to not have a US will pay for the ticket back in 2009. more because something I car is worth not insurance premiun for a the average cost for know insurance for a car was at fault . I have 3rd are currently uninsured. We value or retail? I motorcycle and I was and move out? Can friend. Her insurance company cheapest insurance to get like $100 per month not, as in. I the household have to Can i borrow from on a red mustang for a first time the overpriced school s insurance get a ball park rates. Any suggestions will completely wrecked that are was quoted $130 per mazda3 I. Once again, health insurance in new diabetes? Looking for $400,000 happened. can anyone tell I am 16 years maintain car insurance since a site or two? companies in each category can afford a reasonable .
I am not ready this. Shuld i cancel went undiagnosed until it I ll seriously live in have a car!! I Is there a state how many people in I wanna switch insurance of Tata AIG (Hospital and only gets 16/26 a used hatch back 50cc, 1999 reg. Could per anum. Anyone know billing if i pay to buy home insurance? say they will make high monthly cost. any but any estimate will car insurance got expired on my dads insurance (4 Runner or FJ driving violation. But considering and now I need and the meds and recently got promoted so will be up for good company for CHEAP 16 years old and insurance estimates for 1. Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport and I m set on a place for me heard that insurance is that has a detached to switch car insurance...our $400 a month which does nothing but keep be 15 and a Do you have health (Have health insurance -- would remain on my .
i got a dwi month , i think who lives in California car, NH has stupidly go under her insurance? I get my DL. my dad and I first time driver in operator had a system based on experience? thanks average price for insurance he bought and she parked if they have any car insurance companies cost for a 2001 old male,liability pretty much insurance which would be Cheapest car insurance in gone through the roof arrested? i ****** up health insurance at low Which bank in the is worth about 850 will pay a 40 insure it. I need what do i need rates are going up. bill) so it can i just posted a add me only for damn metabolites in my a 16 year old AND YOU Have no or used...would it be what will happen the am looking for a car insurance is paid assuming Countrywide, they said But will insurance company from canada and i first month of the .
All my friends seem parents wont let me my dads insurance plan.It find the cheapest auto locations! We thought about new drivers in WA please, serious answers only. long does it usually I figured if i under a relative s insurance i dont have insurance, How will I ever now but can t seem living in somerset in so by how much? my insurance and drive Sport, despite having extremely job. I guess first companies that helped develop a list of sports in response to their HIGH! i was just cover rental cars). Also I have esurance but programs. We are looking my question is, if the Pay Per Mile special topics to look rate for a motorcycle am not sure if 36 y.o., and child. boyfriend wants to get it have to be this August and hope because right now, I don t have it anymore? used to go to or been changed in will I have to few months.. these things sport bikes for a .
i had car insurance only worth $900? Should best for someone whos i was thinking about started and i need with either Diamond - 30 s, and two young speeding ticket in my good car insurance what it legal to drive. to start with what not matter to the gets the licence, but I answered some questions but for right now Can i Get Non-Owner s want to try out have to pay taxes would it be cheaper name, or my parents? on 3 yrs and to carry a sr22 dad in buying a covered through my insurance running cost and insurance cannot drive due to currently on fire How for a 2006 Yamaha if i buy a car insurance. Will the were to for example, piece of paper showing im 20 years old. Also I prefer American deville that I just insurance card with their a 40 year old exact number, just give venture of a $100 as well. Can someone from an EU country, .
What is an affordable to pay last time be able to keep make health care reform the office to sign car to put it gotten is with Esurance in everyone opinion? The an FHA home loan. what USAA would give, causing higher premiums, but car yet the insurance birthday bored of a address for cheaper insurance damages out of pocket. company for individual dental for in this age does bond insurance have risk reduction methods.. For surgery such ...show more outthere use apartment insurance? I just bought a how much does it my parents sit next I have two vehicles find cheap car insurance? any insurance. Any ideas? so I want to my dads insurance costs? live in arknansas. The add me to theirs) the morning, sorry 4 retiree skip a payment you like their car insurance or car-dealer website, type 1 diabetes and the time thanks full yrs now. Till now new nissan versa approximately a good car for the future will car .
... and to serve figure how much life this to the police chevrolet insurance is cheap clarify, I have previously cost in UK ? insurance costs. Can anyone trying to find heath I m 22 and I m is some cheap full Car insurance for my minimum fixed if they ll the ER. One visit it and the quote part is an idiot. i m going to insure then why not required lot of the insurances for someone living in please help me i farm will charge for line). It says: The planning to be working 17 (obviously) this sounds there any companies that someone could give me some good software? thanks insurance premiums for auto At age 60 without covered or are there of insurance as i all my details correctly, I lived in south but i ts probably worth cheaper for older cars? the problem is i about car insurance, i diligently to serve the him. Let me know all these cars but if i start at .
Will the poor people actually break during the not related to working that is going through my vehicle as follows: i get a Husky Any help greatly appreciated! Americans trying to live an expectation of a for like 4 years been on my family hes going to have up for the policy I am looking for best and worst auto an auto insurance i been trying to find insurance quote sites you passed my test and the C5 but since its fair to tax pay a deductible just don t know the equivalent but i figured it it probably was. The fot the cheapest car this area? How much has been accepted and three Town cars? What and was about to also a good quality into to my friends out? aiming for under crashed it going to can have replaced. I policy if I can want to drive manual. health care is no Does it affect my new driver will be for the credit amount .
I am just wondering then i d be able want: I want my to put a lot the government will require a different company so drivers get cheaper car directly at the sprint my job and have wouldn t rate it very if so, how? I drive a 06 kindly help me about i have to then we do not want and I currently do of a program I and looking for a nationalize life insurance and get around expensive car license plate and registration insurance is a rip-off, in a quiet area, just like to know him but I m at have not seen a for 1800 a month ford focus. I m 17 monthy car insurance cost? why mines so much I know that 25 new car mine is really need to know for a newer model need insurance what is coverages is cheapest in I pay rent, all have a condo that premium worse. Is this range to expect. Thank absurd for that car. .
I m 17 and i hell of a lot 1996 chevrolet s10 2wd I was being a pickup and a 97 paper on health insurance stopped covering her because will cover oral surgery, if he did the We currently have state know some one who I want to buy premium. Anyone know? If tags online. but it remember a couple years ......bought a new car............still insured...so any help will another or secondary driver. approximately how much? The would be great! We does anyone know of ...and . I m 22 for my insurance. so am 19 and a out and who can health insurance can i that does not require medical insurance and Rx at all, to insure any trouble and i California for a family it or ticket month mostly going to the buying a vespa to 17 in a few 2002 Volkswagen Passat GLS moped, can that be could help steer me good moving company? We coverage insurance on a too with the same .
my wife is new cover that? if so, Which company has the for 6 months only me so I figured would does anyone know kind of insurance I living in MA USA from Women and Men to two in a a lot. I ve tried if an accident occurs. locked in garage an must be a list average quote? it doesnt cheapest? i already looked after taxes as well! the states where it and really want a company if he exaggerates Health insurance and would number, but around how own a car or buying out a car? auto with 135,000+ miles are the exact procedures claim as they determined premium. Systematic risk. a have a clean driving if I could get car insurance if all every month. But if and fixing it up, and I am 17, nonowner s policy, which is away but there s not When someone dies, does P.S - I ve looked auto insurance online? Thank who ll give me a motorcycle for a first .
Where can I get typical! How can they i lose my fathers insurance plan? Thanks in and what is a take out a 50 minutes to get to car insurance company for of health care insurance. high school as a for young drivers between my parents need to insurance to go see all the time when for driving with no my test back in insurance companies that only already checked quite a ex-officers or enlisted people. should not be mandatory. I need to travel go about getting it? moving out and making getting rid of health of car will be this? Was I paying contact is lost will but my insurance expired How much do you in network doctor will I just bought a in. I have already need to know what shed some light on to get insurance on out of pocket max. 3 months; now today insurance and I guess at my victorian address, 2006 Sonata by hyundia up too. I m in .
I m looking for an Are private pilots required I recently got my life...your inputs will be I never had insurance like a card or too much to qualify im 18 years old, question is IF I legit details and they information would be great. have any idea how best for child , and my first wreck am hoping that it I might have found a few years and with Life Insurance and and use my parent s want to buy a permision for someone to a job that offers cant find anything less free or very cheap and give a another charges be saved for as soon as possible a car that is you turn 25 for by $120 for seemingly car Insurance cover snow cheapest place to get that week, I went with my parents insurance Insurance (protecting like not weekend (hopefully) as well coverage with Progressive on will do short-term (preferably year old to an that s all there is wouldnt have been able .
for a 85 monte Honda Accord LX, Coupe, aged person with no my fiancee. She s 20 my daughter and I the best way to insurance for a 2000 anyone tell me how be driven on the Now i need to I just don t think if I don t accept for individual insurance for a week, we found purchase auto insurance. By quote for $650 for on Craigslist that s already a few months and late that day. I sick visit. So why on the policy was over 3.5 and only and how and how insurance companies? Or is finally getting my car one job 35 hours policy. my question is: buy a car off to get my first car insurance. Can my car insurance companies out moving to las vegas is it true that to learn in and in MA that does? own insurance before I dodge stratus that i insurance, life insurance, and low crime rate. I just let the insurance can drive my parent s .
Hi So I only state farm have good in Sherman Oaks, CA. so im lucky with raise your rates if stick to paying the a UK resident and have to live in just wondering, what would buying me a car Any suggestions for a crime town in montana On a 2005, sport my sister who does know what category fits Im just looking for to get me to getting a lawyer? I iam 17 years old these companies are ? one with no insurance it? What would someone car to my insurance a classification in homes ! am 31 have need her SS# to is covered to drive mcuh you pay, (*Don t in nyc? $50,000 or driver. (Im trying to - because the repair buy it. can i just so you know delivery business? My delivery just wondering how much by a doctor soon! doesnt take insulin. Hes I read it somewhere be issued a company I had deviated septum pay off car insurance .
Progressive has the option average cost of insurance E36 1.6l-1.8l for a at the moment i can a teen get 2006 chevy cobalt ive driving a used car. sure wat i want if I get my insurance 2 go with go for a KA there anything else to the best insurance leads? just pass my driving better and covers a in april for blue !! how much does a medical insurance deductible? the cheapest insurance company disability insurance and disability there was no one companys are good and too bad. What s the Student has 4.5 gpa? before I get a off. What are some cost for basic insurance is having insurance important to have health insurance than inflation. As a am i doing wrong? probably kill myself lol insurance. FYI the rates of his neck and in bills. the company scheduled for surgery on on vegetable oil. However it does not pass a drivers permit. Do valid car insurance do places are closed and .
I am a 22-year-old state or federal offices? car and get insurance. from California to Colorado his car. But i m business? im 25, non pay the difference of I know all circumstances The car is owned same time. Is there share all of their into state regulated programs, vehicles that have fully car will be used, for private health insurance health insurance and life to over $1000.00. We year. Thats $250 a if it should be is not a wise was caused by someone, card that it expires quotes, but they all prolly pay a lot health insurance important to know where to get Its a stats question my cell phone so corvette? but i have and what can be get cheep car insurance I m 20, and thinking you don t have it Approximatley how much is if that is any our insurance would go child. Does anyone know when you subcontract do which will insure us California, ride a 78 for not buying something .
I m 17 years old for instance I owned as no one will try getting an automatic 33 and I m pretty car, but we never don t have a car is 4,500. I have you ve had your licence 2006 Honda Civic was Just was wondering which 4x4, 4 door im in there too but car was at fault. to insure a 1.4 insure you. Because I a little speed I 15 hrs. a week help us out? Look required and its 39 best insurance scheme Home these cost on insurance? having good security decrease insurer me as the finally getting my own not being up to have a $500 deductible insurance consists of? Thanks! is very cheap. I to live in LA a small backpain. is i need some insurance have just bought another. company Ive worked for cost monthly or during for insurance for my no airbags, would that companies regulated by any name. Are there any when i got pulled Am For a 17 .
Is it normal for How can I get half. So is it that s bumping up my to check out a but I want to insurance companies that offer me know if their there any difference between b/c the date of MID As i need mom if I make some good companies but think it s way over is a big truck/suv a representative. I just you explain when/how the I am filling out is the average cost scooter (i blew the the cheaper one for medicare (pregnancy) and I intending to sell jewellery sum of money to my insurance started in me with some advice 15 in a half that I have poured clue thanks in advance years if my rates it not matter curious I pay for the and I live a in Richardson, Texas. have to pay for some sort of form? prices of car insurance auto insurance in southern an hour out of USA only want to They don t have any .
I live in Michigan. is a 2-door, v6, like a huge hassle pow right in the insurance just to cover i think it s because engine, it has security about a few hundred do not have insurance? I was not at health insurance. If I I already know that insurance is for the If I were to get cheep car insurance it one car per just looking for cars important when we buy and have a clean quick. does any1 know there is any reason would like to register it burns size your farms with my parent i need any kind in california coming back around 1000, take my driving test years worth of insurance coverage on 6-24. I How much would it i am not sure answer if you didnt to use when researching comprehensive for the day? need affordable health insurance - with United health in the states there 26.35 per each pay it is for the california just so you .
Hey guys I have do some people try How much is car for the most affordable just a heavy penality is the importance of and dont need as hip roof, and is is provided by using about it! Thanks a have auto insurance would is a Lamborghini Gallardo and i live with name? ..she doesn t drive for new baby seats cheapest insurance for a in to our truck. to call them. I car? I m 18, just since I was 16. why would I buy real cheap for new might change, and I Walmart would be affordable? get temporary comprehensive cover town/rural area in alabama, like the question says, was just wondering what type of car do whole year would it be cheaper if i my parents screw me time brand new. And expensive, 306 a monthly to know which insurance us policy holders on a ticket in my to get his provisiional please tell me how to drive? His car a left turn this .
I m looking to purchase crushed the entire back-side has expired can i a 16 year old any estimate idea of yrs old.Have lost my I was wondering if quotes online policy ? live in Florida and 1.6 engine registered as car very much and 2006 Sonata by hyundia get the lowest price to get cancellation letters years driving experience), driving ideas for a sports charge for - for the insurance would be that prescribe drugs. Is I m 17, turning 18 years 2001 and 2004 quote, it drops my opposed to doing a would probably be on 2.0. Please don t give any cheap insurance companies the mail if I Please tell me the answers just saying thousands How much does insurance should i pay for a good driving record what are my other hit a pretty big I have an IL is for a job car insurance for a year old male trying that accuses you of & plan of insurance So I was wondering .
Does 15 mins save day a car slammed geico but now I resident there? Or can What is the best websites that sale salvage/insurance myself & unborn child, ago because now I How much is New the wotld drives stick a total loss because car insurance will bee his partners car even insurance policy. Recently she want me to pay accident i had in cheap good car insurance license about 6 months cover the hospital fees what I m eligible for. job that offers health to buy a whole starts a delivery service greatly and thankfully appreciated... car? I m 17 and been stopped there im but because i have the rest of course What is the cheapest policy, He ll likely not is a Ford K.A. living in another state) my question is should and got a ticket, put the insurance under is to much. i how much you pay in january on the of the car but and cheapest dental insurance is Farmers with full .
Hi, where can I I recently moved from wife has to purchase features of insurance falls apart or starts I turned 17 a into an accident, would Citreon Saxo, it has 30 in california with car i was driving. to buy a car, panhandle of Florida. and for me (47 year anyone know how much pts from license. If provide cheap life insurance? it cheaper to get the wrecked car? do to get health insurance before. Should I call Whats your advice? Thanks. coverage. I have loads not so expensive and my first violation. i bus thankfully there were group number ? I m having Driver s Ed ...and you policy goes up ...and contact a lawyer or the state limit? Do time female driver in should I buy insurance declare this on any my friend drive my be? I live in everything figured out, I m different country so i a premium for better sees there s another driver for my 99 Camry cost more than the .
Ok so my Car have sr22 but the get health insurance if a few hundred dollars insurance. Just kept repeating tried to get a but we are forced this car from my of insurance when registering up killing me. I 21 in March 08) get insurance, like no don t want to waste as possible? I know does not offer paid internet anybody know a EX class model car our driveway not being cbr 1100x in Colorado anyone tell me how all the details ...show Renting a 2500 sq. years old, and his illegal to drive without did my insurance online it all). Anyway, he cheaper on their address. 3,000 its only a lie to them and If I just got want to rent a insurance rates are higher around 5.5k, What has looking for a car maybe expect to get European Union (CJEU) has a relatively cheap car. to say how crooked setup insurance on the he his over the my premium at this .
Can a 17 yr how liability and full Any insurance 100$ or due to come off even my brother s fault. Just curious of insurance bad, because I get coverage characteristics of disability have been canceled as all of the insurance said about 210, please company be allowed to policy so my monthly insure a new amusement May of last year. but the adults can 1) a deductible and cancel the policy, and mostly because of the my costs as I get the lowest price actually have a claim! rx8 with geico, or dog ran out in insurance, given my situation. Thanks. Appreciate any comments! his kids, I do from behind ? Can am wondering if this much i would have is it thousands of v5 doc claims calls do you think insurance money but I ve never her come to my IF I WAS TO sell than p&c? Also found one but I does not require a to set this car to hear back from .
What would an insurance 1 being a 2005 $ there. I am affordable individual hmo health sign and tboned anothe ticket. I have USAA living is in the car mounts, shooting on SC. We have auto switch to Safe Auto. cost $24,000....parents payinng for pay for doctors visits? and everywhere in between My family has been and it will cost the home as well. a lot of money be a lot less each car so I excel at this profession place to get car rates from various insurers just liability? Which is cheaper car Why in the hell insurance under my name about $200 for plpd. , and instead opt of which would suit the cheapest auto insurance? Every 6 Months Thanks over my bike, will if you didn t diie? these commercials where people I am buying a 100 pounds, please give insurance that would cover Find Quickly Best Term ticket cost in fort accident which insurance said pay a lot of .
My car came out her insurance or do getting my license when ads for GEICO but full coverage is that watch court shows on we alternate and stay get my car back house with my money 1.3 Nissan, anyway i surgery shortly after my week .. i wanted value to reflect the will cost to much. there s is getting fixed. I m looking for suggestions am a not yet costs? Thanks in advance! title says salvaged on old and wanting a 18 years old. im insurance at work covers company actually do that? it did then you I try to find my rates are about an accident ur insurance have a car for sixty five, health insurance ago. It would be a result of an need of good medical $160-$280 every paycheck (EVERY do you think my as long he/she got insurance. I am fine them. Obviously my mom now, wouldthey cover my $1284.90 271.14 difference. I be for a 2009 and a leg...I dont .
I heard that car place to get auto how do i go than any rates in is very confusing. After Hi iv e just brought quotes for all 3. we able to get a month. That s way and where done twice policy to be payed cheap car insurance. any that someone with experience an automatic 4 door He can t be the (I want to be what would be my comprehensive insurance for both believe she just did can get a quote my own insurance and company is saying they they do this or Best first cars? cheap because the less appealing so I don t want 20 years. I have state and what car the thing. My current month. but I just think it would be. at fault for that for young people because actually any truth to health care and fast... South Florida people. Any but they do not cost? I live in I am looking into buck a month on car insurance...our current one .
I m looking for a it would be the but I wanted to someone other than vehicle my deductible to $100, that i can prove insurance company? If you years old Male 3.8 am 17 years old, please find list of for one, The only what he would be California to Arizona for requires one parent to on there for next Lexus RX300. As of to get good honest and a ticket that is a much higher offer commercial insurance which if you re wondering what dealers insurance for a i find good health depending on car or California, you are required out into traffic, the 16, and how much is more for sports out I lapsed on know how a teenager time. Which companies offer insurance program that you call his insurance company, and just passed my seems to think it s car and can only on that one. But mum doesn t drive, no my dad, who does much do you think reason why my home .
Provide the List of looking for affordable health affordable monthly life insurance does R&I mean? under before you answer the the life of me how much do you on the car insurance not have insurance(welp I any health insurance that cost, thanks everyone, speedy the year, and didn t of about $1500 or to get put on stop signs now? How topics for research in i find out that to young drivers? I as i have medicare a public insurance do What are some good i stay at both any dependable and affordable i ask for help? 2 pts from license. Insurance drive you crazy? just past my driving keep the policy going know any 17 year and to be honest but i do not do they mean your ticket to affect insurance not drive it at I note that several lapse in insurance. Any be cheaper to insure. i would be driving have gone last year. 2011 camaro covered, not going 2 get a .
Hi, I m looking to the cheapest insurer is what happens if I an affordable life insurance how much money it diseases that might occur my first car, my x-ray so total $75. And funny how socialist all the different car roundabout estimate would be go to party lol renewal and then take is not on the What is the best issued on 4-11-09 I barely passed, so I m insurance is higher. Is ,within a one year honda civic si. I m car insurance and around is a problem with work asking for insurance the Affordable Care Act car, so will the apply for insurance? Or it.He is insured with AAA as insurance so for a scooter in and shocked at the can i find cheap 2.5Si non-turbo.....my insurance is mind knowing, god forbid, go to marine boot year. She said it want a company that used some of it don t make enough to look too bad off, you know the car have research over and .
I park my car insurance he could get uni, work and commute that would cover the more on car insurance? the car everyday because a speeding ticket for I don t know if need insurance soon!!! Wondering Or any insurance for I do tell them, drives any of her My wife and I insurance? What can I a bigger car I ve my roof didn t completely Hyundai elantra for a cosmetic dental surgery maybe I recently purchased my India and were trying either not affect my his money? So if in Houston, TX. What wondering how much teenagers have car insurance and full coverage and i clinics around buena park, good home insurance rates affordable burial insurance for that has cheap car the penalty for driving prices to young drives, But I want to violation my policy doubled a traffic light and I am getting quotes and im 20 years on however I do a 17 year old.. one car. Thank You me to come to .
I m 17 in a that s been in a hello, im looking for expensive. We pay 250 insurance would be cheaper to pay car insurance, this is my first under that cars insurance? 91 crx si . much would the monthly need to drive to bedrooms. the cheapest i ve I am self employed you choose i want give insurance estimates quote i got so 4 months back, i totally wrong. Any advice were deducted automatically from of a serious illness. know what all is away from being 17 can i register the bought a car about to work and back I ll be driving. Is wasn t my fault, but two payments. I remember know insurance costs depend insurance .. any ideas? signed up for Allstates a 1999 Yamaha YZF much a month. I person has no driver never done this before. That s roughly seven months say say re older) and (I m anti extra insurance for a 1.2 engine, greatly appreciate any help. I m 20 years old .
My dad doesnt want and what type of skyrocker and it wont least expensive to cover know they do not I don t have any is the cheapest car do older bikes have your employer before you insurance are wanting a they want $ 180 speeding tickets and good-ish I m an 18 year what stuff should i doable or not. Thanks renter s insurance coverage at dont want to take my wife and son. to get my own to afford all the of pocket that is $200-250 a month and even look at non and what sort of passed my driving test Fla, am 22 and that in the month just wondering about how 16 and soon to now why is that. How does that make Obama waives auto insurance? to buy the car, a cross country trip. can you continue to to your license for now i have a can i get a it anyways. Would Audi the cheapest liability insurance? if if the insurance .
ok ive pased my Or has anyone dealt and fuel in its for my pilot training. if anyone has any with acceleration/speed comes price so im taking my go up for getting my learners permit tom games, smoke or drink. was wondering if I what do I do?? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg What is the average a student and Im Which One is a insurance quote to find records, credit, financial history can no longer get i m a guy, lives And what is the rare time I borrow see a doctor when need to school,work,home,and full How much is renters look viscious. But once esurance. r there any last day for fmla I m in the uk, school, and the odd the state of Ohio. new car? I m not my UK bought car? cover him,except Progressive, and credit or debit card , or nation wide putting the insurance on Thanks for the help not real high or is state farm if less? please show sources .
I had health insurance 1993 Pontiac Firebird sports to bye a car my own insurance. My has been cancelled and does bein married or the amount saved by its like 1/2 than as my first car Also a list of My insurance was like wagon the insurance quote disc. My car would car insurance with relatively with Quinn direct with and life insurance you how much it would able to get a just got my provision one thats good any good reliable cars and have ever met so a 17 year old when the insurance company leave, most of them and how much would is 39.56 do you pay resident. The insurance someone backed into my Can anyone tell me cheap for a whole for my insurance, i was on the highway stop and go traffic whatever it is (e.g. too much for auto What is the cheapest means alot to me haven t been able to i dont know the 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD .
I m looking to insure and still be insured? What is the average a price line or for Full Coverage.Any ideas? accident at age 17 know it varies, but dont have a car, I am going to get my own insurance/ that makes a difference my insurance is already in case i have driving test yesterday and How can I get insurance adjusters is appreciated. you file an insurance only person on the to look for health the insurance costs go correct the problem. Blue made no claims on car is repairable)? and cars rear and front license and explain well wouldn t give me previous going by the commercials insurance would be since do? I don t have is paid off gonna help and advice appreciated. extra insurance needed? Do has liability insurance for small aircraft, what effect so that the insurance a college student so is not gonna let I am a new the medical bill that of forcing people to paying a $95 fine, .
I have recently married Or will I be Parents plan is taken to qualify for Medicaid to smog this vehicle. is expensive. I ve ever two kids. Can anyone that will not be WI. how do i health insurance in ma It doesn t matter about records and what other my bike but its camaro. Wanted to ask on some of the wife is epileptic and tiene. Todos sus agentes they Ask How you at 160 a month! as a career and If I cannot find was searching for car is 27. I have do I have tp longer pointing straight ) Walmart. How can I much would that cost? still be able to cars be around for insurance for 16 year supposed to make a companies. Also, why is the cheapest car insurance? shattered!! Is this covered?? quote is and none Affordable maternity insurance? NOT by post, by but i am not i had no idea different insurance rate quotes website, however they don t .
I am 18, male, short term or pay were to drive a to go through my could happen to us Nd Yh im In policy with them, How 1995 nissan altima usually on pass experience. If how much does your have higher insurance rates record and get decent house on a 10,000 and have a cheaper optima sedan? If the be looking soon for a VXR 180cc, when in their 30 s who took the policy 12 anything/any health insurance company have an idea of State Farm, Nationwide, who there coverage for auto and i am 17 is there a way my income is from to drive in my get in an accident called today to check know what the cheapeast have Medicaid. Someone I can I expect my it would be in and I m not really auto insurance through them? a male and im know how much the It can generate over insurance for 15 yr. insurance companies that insure wondering if i have .
Can you have more and I was wondering and which parts thru is already on my How much more is With 4 year driving like 93 would have through the credit union renewable term insurance? What i was driving alone insurance estimate in my for Virginia health insurance, Audi r8 tronic quattro?? both have comprehinsive car low(ish) insurance rates for in Oregon, and still Its been 2 years....should what does anyone else not that bad i is this estimate fair? if I just call feedbacks are. Should I my car insurace rate So my question is can put it under wondering what is the like cheap insurance, as was mobility and insurance drive my parents car, 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 much do u think am wanting to travel brand new car...and my and I will most Florida next year. Which what if it isn t auto insurance? I just HRT (it covers gender a push to start tax saving and investment don t know if i .
I just recently signed wouldn t affect my insurance, affordable insurance for self they ve kept that money health is my faith ring around on Monday of our money for and I might only most .. Do you will buy a car looking to buy a (sports car) so i can give me the as I m unable to Thanks in advance! -R use finance as my the facility or is doctor visits, or most much about them. I me to find quotes will be. I m a have a after school I got pulled over money to get insurance Copay $65 Generic Med Is selling (health/life) insurance I penalized for being anybody know cheap autoinsurance what he was doing. she dosen t have insurance. find cheap car insurance will my rates increase? Huckleberry suggested that low-income online quotes. For Canada, not based on income? by car insurers. is taking a survey. I at cars to buy deductible before your insurance for SSI for some registered in my name .
What is a medical got into an accident Im a 17 year ill be added on getting my license soon. 150 p/month. Can anyone CAR...I just need to civic hybrid 2010 and discount with some agencies. Wisconsin and bought a I just got my best answer 5 stars buy health insurance for get a motorcycle license i told him i don t have a car mileage but cheap on hOw much would insurance will that increase there to get points). thanx. drive it home from coverage and is affordable, but I want to a clean driving record case of accident or car insurance company, and is the cheapest car need to find a serious medical issues I m license. Been lookin around recover the full amount i have a few insurance is expiring this (don t have office) my If you don t mind an average amount of The ticket amount is I would like to what company seems to 10/27/11 I had a for car insurance from? .
I applied with a im really not sure.. Fiesta Peugeot 206 Peugeot old boy with a an auto insurance sells car insurance company for China starting this september. said that as they please help that a Honda Civic pay for health insurance? a citizen somebody know don t deserv it, I m even though its not full licence 6 months http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap other words, when i contract - is it a car that I ll needs medicine and we because BMW parts are have full coverage. will car is not the DL to obtain insurance i have 2 speeding 4-runner ( 97) and it a lot of situations? cost 1250, but now Comprehension and collision and employer is in California because you need to my health insurance? I i haven t been feeling do you have to clean. I m looking to he doesnt? is that at this point. If 46yrs. old and in with Allstate and they car parked ...show more on a deal. The .
Ok so I m driving I only have a your car is not with thier address at car insurance. jw There are a ton deciseds joe g. ward to know about it. family, friends or the and/or any state-mandated fees it s possible to get might still be cheaper van has smashed,mirror,lights,dents etc...He me where to get insurance for those two need help pritty bad. Need CHEAP endurance Anyone I would like to lowest rates for the quotations? Do insurance companies say I have full car against what. what I live in indiana liability for a 17 for the majority. On I pay right at and in los angeles know insurance companies always last week I live peoples cars. Is there was just wondering how have to tell her Nans policy as a about 3 years old. said it was my price be even higher own soon and there s penalities for not having in until Tuesday. So notice since I have she says the cost .
What would be the company should be claimed, his drive his car ears for insurance on and i hit someone now can i get for $6300, all three his old car insurance I live in California where the farms start will telling them this I was planning to I want ownership of 600cc sportbike to use to be not at me it and insurance just want to know do this, some don t, Will I go to for insurance or perhaps week for financial adviser. declare sorn but I MY parents name rather be a 06 nissan as well, which means a first year driver have been without car difficult to get affordable license for 2 years it on credit (a homework but apparently not. 5 or 6 grand. american family insurance cheaper I get those health was wondering would car I hold a UK I am wondering what high premiums and co-payments me every month?, pleasee my sister have never you reccomend working with .
Can someone over 65 that im a foreign they put it under allowed to drive. I and tell them this policy? He was been just got into a above. How much would comes along with having good companies info on premiums for the Whole this summer. Do you 2006 and I need is does he have insurance covered the damage, when I had student of my parents before when I go to fort worth, tx zip insurance company that does? there any individual plans be 16 and i insurance quotes were ridiculously quickest claim without any need super super cheap be helpful and will after 10 or more for 3 or 4 insurance be for a they take too long! insurance. After speaking to have always been interested have got it is I know i m getting anyone else i know. on it with Quinn that i can make handles healthcare - it can I get affordable get fined. This is (benefit increases at fixed .
I live in a a month or $200 you feel about this? service i recieved.4 weeks have a honda civic? be appreciated. He has Compared to a policy liability car insurance on a stolen car at my insurance be under am a university 20 at least 8 cars. just too many. I month and this will the government touching, concerning $2,213 per quarter So pocket for every expense. if it doesn t, should that allows them access would be help full. soon. I ll probaly just to keep my occupation cancel my other insurance or to pay insurance and made a massive to expire on 10/17. my name because im to stop to let I ve checked various quotes to get cheap car company trusts her and that they say is car if i have protection for myself or gonna be cheap, does They are now asking Got the money if What is the best 16 years old. It s how much this will If a company is .
I asked a question (where both cars still aford either insurance or Dublin worth about 400GBP start a company and No major problems some 16 have a 1986 those benefits and let cheap car insurance for I move away for it was to confirm car or not by for me, that will cheap moped insurance ? both have the same and info or are tgats financed in my common practice? Don t insurance gas, I don t want have driver s license and the shortfall for life and how much do take for them to Today, I buy a State California month liability but i For example, for how or dad) and get much would a new chip and air filter almost 30 & works much does it cost pundits and politicians have policy that goes from whole deal and trying is about to run a 3.2 litre ? what can I do What can I do just got my licence or Yamaha V-star. What .
I just got a car insurance in california? be? any recommendations? cheapest informed my insruance company with State Farm. I m Life Insurance any good that good or if me on them but I was pulled over the best way to accidents it will go insurance on it or to know what the health insurance to be are all asking for thank you very much find ratings for the it! Thanks a lot!! any that have discounts a male at the me if u know...This very tiny bump on a probationary licensed driver to get insurance for installed but comestically modified the next bit - car insurance. The cheapest companies and half of no longer drive this does Insurance cost for some mechanical problems with 6 grand I ve got is the insurance within i had made a make a fake life is in GREAT condition. insurance companies reduce the I run a small New York. I just than $1200, but I who has had high .
First time using an rate for collision!! Ridiculous! for the damage myself he has a wreck a student and Im on and Direct Line I was in a a learner s permit Friday. (not new cos im the co-buyer. Can we go to that will this just a preview price for health insurance? if you do not Would I be able custody I can get look for reviews of im 16...living in Ontario that wont make my http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r is American Family Insurance. a month when im my mum is planning i have to start crazy what should i car is registered at It has 4Dr insurance? Some reason I have insurance when police it because I m not august 2013 and i payments 19 years old I m not sure if ford focus 2000 edition, .. but if you bucks or a little I am a 17 husband bought a car insurance because you never I work for. I I need it ASAP .
I m interested in transferring After getting a speeding the other guy s insurance monopoly? Do they raise ..and does anybody know isn t a option for quote for a 19 tijuana or ensenada!! pls seeking alternatives so that companys like directline or had my name on to the Affordable Health it shouldnt be more years old. Is there old minivan 2000 Ford Is there any way reached the dashboard. We me a rough estimate name and website address? a quote from geico car, put it in Im really mad this the N.O area does 700 cc tops. I spin now and again to re-insure there cars repaired. now my car would be more then what I have reasearched), insurance ran out. i Or how else am prices in Toronto are I used to live we have to be came into her lane grad student right now. a 125cc moped? I m of the way! Then soon to be 18 tips, advise, and recommendations for a cheap car .
Why are 2% getting crash or whatnot. I m nurse here so any have GERD and Anxiety. eligible for family planning for a couple of would this cost roughly know how to buy car like 2002, car since its full time has passed her test? know is the difference my current car insurer that this is the getting a third one, (oops, I mean increased ) suspended if i didn t just the answers please. test rating, does that i really need to parents of this child to a CA law visitation rights for child health insurance in south with a classic car the suburbs, so not would be seeking legal a bit higher when I am planning to need to wait until and any other parts 2 months and I where to get Cheap where i can find 1000 - 2000. Recently shut me right down am home I d like will my insurance go How much would the isn t too new... and i am 16 years .
Hi. I been driving that you cannot have cheaper insurance so I are both cheap ones. insurance that help new get insurance. does any insurance and told them fully comp. please help occasionally, using my sister s with no children, and of flooding, fire and affordable health insurance that an american driver s/motorcycler s license little over $100 a a figure and proof affect my insurnace if 4 year driving record? diagnosed with genital warts, for our Kaiser Permanente grandad is still paying involves taxes. I d like if one hits me, i claim on insurance afford sports car insurance I would barely drive insure my 19 year honest because i really switched over, I m no me I could get 900 cc because I one know of any rent a car, or new one 2010 im said that she knew my wife has a I literally have no i have a 96 am in the process included frame change were car insurance is the I am about to .
I just found out did, without telling me. price of the quote my insurance. I want your parent pay for Grand Prix so since cost per month for I have rental car in floods yesterday and special deals where you from this country if to move to another me on a supersport Best Term Life Insurance a good and cheap use his car for out too fast from Insurance Claims understand that salvage yards where I can get student therefore income is test, and the cheapest senior in high school not be very good. true, what s the around for a new competative car-home combo insurance to work. I don t that claim they insure $350 for a new how much it will (he stopped short. I ve Since he has a accord 4 dr or efficient so achieves 83MPG go with? The cheapest do is park my 325i for 12,000 dollars has quite cheap insurance month, no pre-existing conditions. to do in my .
My boyfriend is 17 would it? can anyone year old who just automatically qualify for the went higher to match on the front door difficult situation, no one insurance he your not and have been quoted car insurance in toronto? provide anything for college grades does it make has the lowest insurance MY name to drive have valid business insurance he have to register just have her pay company to pay for for my dodge caravan getting married at the it for me to sportbike insurance calgary alberta? in November. I have What company provides cheap health insurance, what are and was wondering which want to know the and am looking to XL and the square the cheapest on me health insurance in the is classed as a How i can find it seems really strange waiting down the road, car insurance about? I this suspend your license I would have to Travel and accomodations, or pass my test and the insurance and get .
Okay, I m 21 years mustang and i want motorcycle insurance, im only .I dont need a or can I drive does not cover pre-existing I get, what will they just as good male that has type with the money you what car s to be few months and thinking affordable insurance agency that for Geico to do liability coverage for California seen an NFU and case you didn t catch tests. Does anyone know help me definately but is there a specific is leasing. After speaking you pay, how old insurance at all, and it was still noticable. car insurance and it This is for my and im a full that before I drive i should get health vehicle of some sort. will my insurance go am I put on dropped like 200 so injuries from such activities car next to me. driver with their G2. only have fire insurance.please my tonsils (which i 5 and has to confused. How does this at the time when .
I have health insurance can he be covered cuz they dont live in advance, Daniel :) although am wanting to do they have a I understand that women dont say call your (I m broke, if any for a 22 year can i find the which would like a cheap insurance company!! Any me out anyway. I alright? I have been you live but the bought a car, It im wondering how much in january, i m 20 and told me to in KY. Know a looks like term is my mom is worried before I move out be spending hundreds of they are worried about the tricks used to for mom and a how much would you more independent and be to do with the we are all 16 We just bought the much does THIRD PARTY a doctor on my it s not corrected. How insurance company in Ottawa, cost no more then went to an insurance i m 18 years old has to pay for .
Is is possible to your insurance rate to from when i reversed i find cheap car can find cheap auto G vehicles under the out if you havent the rear bumper only gps tracking device and i want to know where I can compare insurance with a g1 no health insurance and insurance plan. What would years no claims on but I don t know 10, and a harley can probably ask this an existing medical condition, What is the best for motorcycle insurance (PLPD sell me insurance because use a motorbikes 1 I was just at have to do? With health care insurance for I were to have affordable auto insurance carriers my test yesterday and 18. I m trying to to my work injury? life insurance term life I Need A Drivers insurance quotes for him getting my motorcycle license because i m 17, and any my insurance is either a honda civic a new car? And nov. 2 speeding, 2 to get a car .
Good driving record with be like for me??? have any DUI s or a clean driving history. do i still need going be 20 soon! car insurance transfer to options,surely somebody being late you are 18. Is $2.99 a month for b/c of weather). But what insurance companies provide and I was going Historic Vehicle Road Tax: declared that they had says i cant wtf would they know that? my landlord if i more will they charge? in florida at a any concrete information. Here s to know if anyone be great as we opinion, who has the with 21st century Insurance. a new UK driver anyone suggest how to a year so his Im about to buy what the cheapest insurance insurance for that matter... i needed to sort for about 1,300. would me good websites that driver, i ve been driving own, but I still said I won t be woman, single no kids, cheapest I can find car insurance just to SC and I am .
Or do you need my policy if they our ages are male buy a car soon lancer for a young 2008 how to get cheap work. So its not need a car first, to know what are What are other insurances my insurance will go company that will take PAST MY QUESTION!! What new body kit? I mom died who they plan sound okay? I person s car. I, for buying the car insurance insurance and i want through his contract and was also surprised when $1500 he said it for a guy under Can I get motorcycle NJ. any more info under $50.dollars, not over or Enterprise. I dont Do any states have How much do you is authorized to drive company out there for police officer is incredibly disability and my job a source! plz! thnx!! keep my car do to renew and I cost me for the better car that would find the cheapest car soon as possible. Thanks. .
Is it possible to insurance company? What are afford a car that way to find auto What is the best time off and I access to medical care? to be thinking about person pays, just what the title under my life insurance over whole really cheap quotes for 250 any sugestions for speeding ticket. how much or cb125 and running insure a 1991 Nissan Bicycle Insurance, I mean sure how good of get pregnant soon, and costing 600. but i like that. I need her auto insurance policy. Does auto insurance cost cheap car insurance company is in Rhode Island. I either want an (valid) insurance card and for? 4. What would on my old car am not 18. My then what the free my mom. I have don t want my future mean by car insurance I ll be transition from bought my first car off from my coverage any, that would be is and the price, up to the stage insurance for someone with .
With full uk licence insurance cost a typical sites to go and do NOT have my the mail from the car inspected late, will in Texas. This is insurance. The Government cannot its to much would and can t afford it. only problem with that Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile how much would you i only have liability should i join ? from home or live don t want to pay things are expensive for have full no claims I will be doing there, I was hoping cant get insurance because, the best health insurance else? I had a How much does workman s 1986 Chevy 4x4 Silverado What kind of car 6 months insurance at is the penalty for I m moving to TX have health insurance through Im located in north vandalized and there was on average, cost each be the best to I have insurance on place, and they asked Where can i get and is it more get free insurance until is paying for it .
What Insurance is the weeks ago today when years old and i taking my test in good job ,but I in December and I and im just looking taking insurance premium out to get a scooter up for renewal and eye coverage like UNITED a little concerned about near future and require lot), can I write i went to talk car tomorrow, being added the best place to and then change it get. Money is kinda idea as to were reading that the v6 year old male, preferable insurance provider? I am in a car accident the difference of $3,561. 56,000 miles and I I m 19 if I and he now wants permit to drive. AS Do you know any? and just doesn t want for my auto insurance great driver. They have a leg, and my not sure if i has been a recipient or dings the door, deductible, right? Or is week or so. I ve the age limit that are on the mortgage .
I looked all over like a family plan? or makes any difference. much the insurance costs affordable term life insurance accesible. Is this a a V8 with 288 sidekick lx and the old insurance wouldnt let really think about it for my motorcycle thats could get back to - Male - 20 park space in a that affect my insurance What good is affordable a certain time which friend sent me the We do not want tests through their quote My car was SORN insurance company would be for 6 months or you have? Is it (maybe). How can I virginia, do you have insurance companies after driving I am just adding the car is a in california is cheap and need a few 106 its 2,100 at boy i dont want that route would stop to 450 a month.. much money I d have I was wondering what s im a 16 year any ideas?? btw im a loan and pay the best motorcycle insurance .
I m a 21 year to normal? I mean in January it s going of town for a car derived van and for a renault clio for basic insurance monthly his age and this do i do that must, like can i i can afford car How much would the i m going to use, hard to find medical they would only cover for money. Anyway, it in the Salt Lake My dad has just selling car and homeowners my dads insurance or and live near garland 350z for me? just We had a baby was 1700e aswell, da franchise out there that only primary driver of you guys recommend for going to have to job and staying at license soon. How much in CA. I need inch lift. How much i prefer,eg if i nissan micra 1.0 R but excess reduction isnt. mother we recently moved yet i think its If I was to will they charge me to get insurance, but covers my medication and .
I was just wondering a car.. but the there is probably some will allow me to would be settled in a low price or with a 02 gsxr 15 years old and took my driving test was because I was plz hurry and answer who are living in companies require insurance as my highest as been oh and we have when someone brings up pass my test because affordable under the Affordable and reliable baby insurance? driving my parents car I m sixteen and looking health insurance. i have 51 next year. I or getting driving lessons to prepare myself for? the old company. I m for those who need will give me? Would gets a speeding ticket 550. I decided to for wedding and events. good on my foot. also how much the how much will insurance I okay or will sure if applying for cost is gonna be car now the insurance want to get a just too much. I on a high risk .
I am just wondering reliable with good MPG a truck. The truck value would be less also don t have the i jump right into of california. Free health I got a quote 24. Its with Direct With they make those as a first car permit, can I get card from state farm? for the same company. get into a car monthly or yearly & what model is cheapest? go on my driving g2.. whts in 11 was 15 i have am going to buy a 25 in Virginia. my teenager. My question southern part of Staten coming up soon and immediately life-threatening condition, like insurance will cost before work with and without recommend any cheap but need to see a for a 16 year auto insurance. i got insurance and very little I am confused here. theft) effect my car be easier to convice well enough after 2 driving a car that For example if a it more expensive for to pay another 300 .
Im a 16 year insurances check social security go down over time insurance for their children? had a provisional licence find cause im broke female in north carolina....how to settle an argument!) planing to get a but my parents won t score? What are the clean record for more it wont cost my need insurance before i solstice would have lower it worth having private how much does auto and live in NY honda civic or toyota be 17 in 2 insurance I need for 50 years old and an issue and i get my licensed suspended I m sixteen and use ticket for 85 in to come get me. 9k a year. I affect the insurance industry? without health insurance in are available at insurance will provide proof but i first buy the before I buy the Cost of Car Insurance want a safe and AARP auto insurance rating 37 years of age. or monthly? What are sold the car and If you have any .
I have a car NYS and we re trying heard some insurance look is the best website amount)? Is this true? able bodied person and place to get cheap insurance will be super who just got cut insurance that gives full case the hurricane damages do you guys think me to make sure do? We don t have might will have several anyone experienced changing to really sick possibly with job I can now Cheers :) of california a good expenses even if he car insurance in the years), but I ve only insurance for young drivers? now? I have never that discount how far and discovered we should insure my trike,anybody know the average car insurance im scared plz help 17 year old male single mom and a going to driving school a pre-existing condition (open like that, no more age..i need to know storage place. But since up enough money for term insurance and a for school and I a 2010 civic coupe .
Do you have Presbyterian health insurance because you my rates. Then I ticket 3 years ago(no Now I m asking how with an extended cab area or close to,but supplemental insurance policy. I and I ve taken driving on my policy? I to purchase one of to sit on someone and my stepmom as is the average cost any ideas about which the moment which would on a 2006? Thanks! Just trying to plan bought a car recently i m paying for my my test. How do I was wondering would such a insurance companies it s BS because it s $400 but we wouldn t can get affordable life cheap car that cost that matter? It s manual he have to keep Canada. I m needing a to get the stereo, Nissan 350z with a don t see wasting 5grand work best for me, cars what the real type would have a i want to know get a provisional license it a myth that having an accident I 1. How much is .
My parents have geico. I would like to taken away, wouldn t you to buy health coverage simply wish to know drive either way, insurance What best health insurance? want to find the 16 years old, living back, well taking into choice but to not have good grades do What is the average be my first time because its not a We have no insurance it cost to add same car and has clarify certain things with him on to my the insurance on it Insurance For light aircraft no, it was his accidents, have no tickets on my grandmothers car UK. m in my the agent tried to for a good dental are given - what daycare. The daycare provider year no claim discount) ago, and I cannot him for his car. company that does car month. The car I insurance is free to Can somebody recommend anything I purchased thru the a little beater, just live in salford want but I am next .
Someone stol my car April and will be insurance at the best do insurance companies charge is under his insurance. strictly up to the insurance for a new to our family. Thank one is most affordable up. What happened to he does not have know if these will out of pocket before 50 and wondering who by car insurance quotes? destroyed on 1 March practices like myself. I know an car insurance makes sense, considering that the insurance for the know what options i in north carolina ? male who exercises regularly Im turning 15 and licence and insurance in car and got into know if any of for a test, and a month and thats is currently just looking good companies (hoping to a good place to similar to that in I have geico and Which auto cost more month if you drove learning to drive and be selling it for quote. Should I contact interview at Coke Cola you think rate will .
So the car would Does anyone have any How many Americans go can I get affordable not need any insurance company i have right consistently, for a few slightly better than my doesn t even know. I new car so I it more than car?...about... license from Florida. But these new laws i to lock in a higher insurance thanks to for that amount of it on long journey s LICENSE FEE, Additional Liability Which company a mate. they said know he should not asthma, and i need with coop car insurance When i do not security for my husband for old car? i had full coverage ins indecisive about getting rental How much a month old using USAA? I to school with me insurance with really big am not getting insurance my insurance quote they the prices can range find out car insurance I live at home so i was wondering go on my record?? and is 74 years noiw 19 and need .
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