#but it's the only caffeine that doesn't make me wanna die
lonelyplanetfag · 1 year
so so so so sleep deprived
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toxictigertonic · 25 days
Alright, I've been cursed with new blorbos (don't worry DJ will always be my number one). Outlast trials has me in a chokehold, specifically Franco, but all the prime assets are running around in my brain causing problems. I'm subjecting you to my stupid food headcanons as a result:
- This mother fucker drinks hot sauce. Like. Chugs the shit. You can't take him anywhere without him bringing a bottle of Tabasco.
- Takes his coffee black, but will add a little sugar if no one is looking. Can't let people know that he doesn't like plain black coffee.
- He feels like a big breakfast kinda guy, with all the fixings. If you took him to a diner that'd be what he'd get, no matter the time of day.
- Would he disgusted by energy drinks EXCEPT classic redbull. Now imagine this man hyped up on caffeine.
- Would still eat his scrambled eggs if he got shells in them. Would say some shit like "the shells put hair on your chest"
- Trusting this man to bake anything is a fire hazard, it doesn't matter if it's those pre cut cookie rolls, they're catching fire.
- Says he hates desserts then stares down a slice of pecan pie from across the room like it owes him money.
- The only one I trust to cook tbh, and that's not saying much.
- If you took her to get coffee she'd get the sweetest thing on the menu (and Futterman would bitch and moan about it the whole time) or she'd get a chai latte. Futterman would demand a black coffee.
- I would trust her to make me an apple pie and then she'd put the drill in it bc the crust came out wrong.
- She feels like a woman who really likes jam. Maybe I am projecting but jam is cool.
- She will not touch an energy drink bc they taste bad to her, and bc Futterman would throw a fit about how bad they are for your teeth. No caffeine fueled death sprint for her, but based on her singing and the whole angel dust thing I don't think she needs it.
- I would make her pancakes she seems pretty cool.
- Likes the batter for desserts more than the finished products.
- God help us where do I begin
- On one hand I wanna say he makes some bomb ass Italian food. On the other hand I wanna say he burns cereal.
- Speaking of cereal, he's the kinda guy who let's his cereal turn to paste in the bowl before he eats it.
- Considering what we know about the wolf's milk drink, I'm frightened by this man's palette. Genuinely terrified.
- I think he would die if he tasted hot sauce. I think Coyle is aware of this fact and has plans.
- Give him an energy drink if you wanna see him start doing flips. He thinks they're gross but he's also like "fuck yeah pure sugar I love these"
- Likes his cookies so underdone that they're basically raw (me too chief)
- If you cooked him a homemade meal he'd cry while eating it. Then he'd get pissed because you made him cry.
- He's my little skrunkly doo so I'm feeding him wet plaster ❤️
If I'm wrong about anything bc it's actually stated in the lore I do not care tell Red Barrels to get their facts straight (/J I SWEAR)
I haven't had time to look at Gooseberry's or Coyle's lore so I don't know if they have some super important amazing cooking skills that I'm missing out on. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong or have your own ideas about these idiots.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: vi
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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"Need a pick me up?"
You open your eyes to see the youngest of your grade holding a cold bottle of green tea. "Oh, thanks," you grab the cool bottle from Suguru's hands gratefully. You had been sitting in the living room area on the couch when you started drifting off. Staying up for hours the past couple nights training with Gojou is a draining experience.
"It's not coffee but it has caffeine in it," he takes a seat next you, nestling against the arm on the opposite end of the couch. "Did you have trouble sleeping? When I got up to get water, it smelled like someone had been cooking. Was that you?"
Guilty as charged, you deny nothing. "Was up late bullshittin' and decided to chef it up in the kitchen," you shrug nonchalantly.
Your little training sessions with Gojou always go on longer than you originally planned. He's surprisingly strict and persistent nor does he really hold back with any comments on what you're doing wrong, but they're all fair assessments. So just as you did the first night this began, you cooked you both a late night dinner before skipping off to bed.
"Did you meet that Naoya guy, by the way?" The way Suguru's face twists into an annoyed grimace is enough of answer. I'm already coming up with comebacks for the next time I see him, I wasn't fully prepared the last time. "Yeah, can't believe Gojou wasn't just being overdramatic for once. Please kick that guy's ass if you get paired up in the individual battles." You wonder how it will go since there's an uneven number of combatants. Will it be 1v1 fights split between four of them or will it be an all out jumping with every Kyoto student fighting Suguru and Gojou all at once? You suppose you'll find out in a couple days. "Our legacy is on the line!"
The curse user chuckles, "I'll be sure to defend it fiercely," he vows poshly, bowing with a hand over his heart. "Should I fail, I'll gladly banish myself from your sight for all time."
Giggles slip from your lips with ease. Serious as Suguru looks, he's quite playful. It was something you appreciated during your first days at Jujutsu Tech when you came in a month later than the other first years.
Utahime was a doting senpai, Shoko was kind but respectful, Gojou was annoying and Suguru was helpful with an air of spiritedness. He didn't come at you with wave after wave of prodding questions about where you came from, why you were in Japan or even jokes about your technique the way Gojou did. Yet he was more forward than Shoko who was more content to let you do the reaching. Your transition into being integrated into the already established friend group in a way was thanks to Suguru. You were more grateful than you'd ever reveal.
"You know, if being a sorcerer doesn't work out for you, you should really consider a career in acting." Suguru only snorts at your comment. "I'm serious! I can see you reciting Shakespeare as we speak!"
Suguru rolls his eyes but it's good-natured, "as if a sorcerer would be satisfied in a normal career."
"You never know," you lean against the arm of the couch you're on with a grin. "Having backups might be a good idea! You just don't wanna admit I'm right that you have a flair for theatrics."
One of Suguru's eyebrows raises inquisitively, "what are your plans? After we graduate, I mean," he clarifies as quickly as he asks. "Even before you came to this school, I'm sure that's something you had to think about. Were you planning to go back to your home country after graduation?"
Your eyes dart to the corner of the room and you press your lips together, shoulders stiffening ever-so-slightly. You hope it isn't noticeable but perceptive as Suguru is, you know he can tell. "That's," you think of your mother and father and your uneasy upbringing. How your relationship improved after you moved out the house. It isn't like there'd be much of a problem now that I know what curses are. And even by the time I got to middle school, I got better at ignoring them. It would be different if you moved back in with them. "Something I'm still figuring out, I guess."
It isn't as if you never thought of your future. You knew inevitably that it was something you'd have to cross. You suppose you were just hoping to leave that problem for the [First] of the future to deal with. "I'm not really opposed to staying a sorcerer," you continue truthfully. "But I'm not really sure how the jujutsu scene works in my country. We probably don't have an organized force of jujutsu sorcerers like Japan, maybe I could start one."
Suguru mulls over his next question thoughtfully as if he is unsure he even wants to ask. "Why did you come to Japan, if you don't mind me asking."
You mull over if that's something you want to answer yourself, "well-"
"What are you two talking about over here?" Saved by a bell cosplaying as a lanky, nearly 190 cm teenager with white hair who wears sunglasses indoors. Gojou yawns as he approaches the couch you and Suguru are sitting on, he reaches a hand out almost expectantly to your green tea. You open the bottle, taking another swig before you hand it over before Gojou takes a large gulp himself. One that is literally more than half of the bottle.
"Most of that is mine, Gojou," you remind him a sharp look but there's no real bark or bite in your words, you're too tired.
Gojou shrugs, lips still resting on the neck and finish of the bottle, "I'll get you another one," he mumbles nearly incoherently, drinking the rest without a care in the world.
He's lucky you're more amenable to his morning shenanigans because he's been helping you the past couple nights. "Whatever, just put it in the fridge after you buy it."
"Looks like I jinxed you after all," Suguru chuckles to your right and you groan because he's probably right.
"I'm fighting your jinx with all my might," you mutter back. Apparently, once indulging Gojou becomes habit, it's hard to stop. Or is it a bit much to say you indulge Gojou if the most you really do is share food and drink? You're too tired to consider the nuances in this particular moment.
"What jinx?" Gojou cocks his head to the side.
"Nothing," you yawn again. "It's the nunya jinx where if Gojou asks too many questions, I stop sharing all my snacks with him." It's satisfying to see how both boy looks at you in confusion when you speak in your native tongue. As much of a disadvantage you were put in when you first came to Japan because of it, it's become a nice little source of privacy among your peers that don't know the language. A pocket of something you can keep to yourself. "Anyway, it's just a little inside joke between the non-sorcerer family hailing kids on the block," you wink at Suguru and he closes his eyes with a small smile.
The still-cold bottom of what was once your green tea is placed against your forehead in retribution.
Maybe you won't cook for Gojou tonight.
[Today, 14:43]
Shoko: The Kyoto Tech kids passed us up heading to the training area. Naoya is with them. Have fun with that www.
Me: ^o^ don't worry I won't~
It's a day before the Sister Exchange event truly begins when you see the Kyoto Tech students again.
There's only one training outdoor training facility at this school and so, if you all happen to use it at the same time, there isn't much that can be done about it.
You can see why Utahime listed Kamo Ririka as a person of interest, she's gorgeous. You pointedly ignore your friend sputtering that is not why Ririka had been mentioned in favor of focusing on her pastel pink hair. "I only mentioned her at all because you wanted to know about the Kamo students at Kyoto Tech!"
She whispers furiously in your ear, you personally think the dust of pink on Utahime's cheeks still lean favorably towards your theory. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much, you puff your cheeks in coyly. That only serves to make Utahime press her fingers against them to release the air stored in them. "Also, the person you mentioned before with the green streak in his hair," you spot the very lad yourself. "That's Kumatetsu, he's a second year like you."
"Thank you, Utahime, I appreciate your knowledge."
"I could have told you that," Gojou shrugs.
Your side eye is directs to the boy as quick as ever, "you said you didn't even talk to these guys much last year, how am I supposed to know what you know?"
Four of your seven peers are absent from this coincidental gathering. Haibara and Nanami are on some sort of spur of the moment mission and will be back later in the evening. Shoko and Suguru went on a quest to get drinks from the vending machine. As for Mei Mei, she didn't care for training for an event she wouldn't be part of.
Gojou sticks his tongue at you and you return the favor. "Naoya, looking horrid as ever, I see," Gojou waves at the first year with so much mock enthusiasm, you might have thought he was being genuine when he sauntered over to the Zenin. "I'm not good at holding back so if you go home now, I promise to be nice the next time I see you."
Utahime scowls, "Gojou, they just got here-"
"Eager for my attention I see," Utahime's attempt to stop feathers from being ruffled is futile as Naoya welcomes the jabs with his own. As far as you're concerned, Gojou can rile the Zenin boy up all he wants. "Had I known that, I would have done my best to say hi the other day if I hadn't been interrupted."
You snort as you thumb out a text to Shoko that the Kyoto students have arrived. That she and Suguru should probably prepare for the training grounds to be in shambles when they return. And that if a fight starts between Gojou and the mustard-haired first year, you won't be stopping it.
Me: Hell I'll jump in and help!
Shoko: Getou says he would you not get into a fight but if you do, punch Naoya for him if he doesn't make it back in time.
"Even Icarus had to learn a lesson about flying too close to the sun. I look forward to the day the Six Eyes is humbled and brought back down to earth with the rest of us," you thumb halts over your keyboard, glancing at where Gojou and Naoya presently stand. It irks you at how easily Naoya says it, clearly accustomed to using it. "Hopefully it'll be me. But honestly, why wait for tomorrow when we can see what happens today, Si-"
"He has a name," you close your silver Nokia flip, slipping it into your pocket. You feel the buzz of a message coming through but you choose to ignore it in favor scratching the dark irritating itch growing in your stomach.
"Excuse me?" Two heads look at you at your interjection. Naoya who looks at you like you're an insect large enough to garner attention, and Gojou who tilts his head at you curiously.
"A name," you repeat yourself, setting a hand on your hip as you glare back into amber eyes. They just barely look at you with anything other than cold indifference. "Gojou has one. I call you Whiney the Poo and Bitch Baby in my head all the time and I still manage to call you Zenin Naoya out loud so stop calling him that."
"And what happens if I keep doing it in, senpai?" Never before have you wanted to punch someone this badly. Never and you live with Gojou Satoru, the menace of Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech.
"You wanna say the shit again and find out?" Matter of fact, you want Naoya to say it. You take a step forward, all too eager to put the arrogant first year in his place. "You know what, go ahead. Make my day. Say the shit again and see what happens to your ass."
"Okay," Utahime's hand grips your shoulder tightly before you can take another step. "I think we should just train on that side of the training grounds," she points feverishly to the opposite side of the track field that is considerably further than where the Kyoto students have settled.
The Kyoto second year from the other day ー Kumatetsu, if you remember correctly ー places his own arm in front of the aggravating first year. Pretty third year Ririka sighs in equal parts, dark green eyes darkening as she watches the scene unfolding in front of her. "Yeah, that would be nice, there's just so much space here to train," he agrees with Utahime with swift ease. "Why just bundle up in one little corner here, right?"
"Nah, he can move if he wants to though," you snap in Naoya's direction, nodding your chin to where Utahime's finger leads. "Take your first year before I embarrass his ass in front of everybody."
"No no, there doesn't need to be any fighting," Kumatetsu replies with a frantic but annoyed smiled. "We don't want any problems, we're all allies here. We don't want to fight." As if sensing the mustard-haired first year was about to open his mouth and deny that claim, Kumatetsu covers it with without even blinking. "Ignore him, he doesn't want to fight."
"Yeah, I wouldn't wanna fight me either," you roll your eyes. When you see that particular comment grinds Naoya's gears more than anything, you decide to give yourself the win. Bitch Baby 0, [First] 1, you nod to yourself as Naoya is unceremoniously dragged to the rest of his Kyoto peers in a tight headlock away from you and infinitely further from your tallest classmate.
You tap Utahime's hand lightly. "It's fine, I'm not gonna run over and drop kick him if you let me go." Utahime doesn't look like she entirely believes you and you can't really blame her in this moment. You don't think you've ever been that mad before, not in front of these particular classmates at least. When was the last time I got like this actually, you struggle to sort your thoughts as you try to calm yourself down. Right, right, that time with Takuya and his hair.
Takuya, your old crush from your first and second years of middle school. A core member of your friend group with Chinatsu and Tooru until he moved away after the end of second year. I wonder how he's doing, we haven't heard from him in forever. He was a kind boy, a real sweetheart, that's why you liked him so much. His eyes were as black as the night but your favorite thing about him was his hair. You became friends because of it, actually. His dark red hair was long and almost always kept in a braid.
Then some asshole tried cutting it. That was the first and only school brawl you got into in your entire life, skirt on and all. Thank you, Auntie Chiharu, for not grounding me for punching that guy first.
To think the next time you'd get so angry would be for Gojou's sake.
What has this world come to?
"We're going this way," Utahime tells you firmly, upperclassman voice front and center.
"Fine," you sigh. This motherfucker pissing me off, you glare in Naoya's direction one more time. I haven't cussed like this since my Sakuragi Middle days. Your eyes catch Gojou's shades before you turn, his expression unreadable. Partially because half of his face is obscured, partially because the bottom half of his face gives no clues as to what he might be thinking.
Ugh, he has me over here defending Gojou of all people. This might be more unforgivable than Naoya's presence being generally unpleasant. Your glare narrows with a click of your tongue but you smooth out your face since Gojou is who you're looking at. It isn't like Gojou is the one you're mad at. The same rules from before applies. No one messes with one of us except for us. And even then, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. You turn to follow Utahime begrudgingly to where she is briskly walking to. When you feel the unmistakable shape of an arm draping across your shoulders, you groan, "Gojou don't start."
Unfortunately, the menace of your class is already snickering much to your chagrin. "Oh [First], you do care!" Gojou swoons, leaning against you as if he's a damsel. "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself!"
"I did not do that because I like you," you deny uselessly, knowing it won't matter what you say. "We just have a temporary We Hate Gojou Alliance truce going on right now. The We Hate Zenin Naoya Alliance takes precedence over any of your shenanigans during this time period." Utahime doesn't argue against it, so perhaps there really is a truce going on with Gojou.
"You know, the more you say that, the more I'm convinced that you're secretly the president of my fan club," Gojou all but beams. Maybe it's you but he seems slightly more obnoxious than normal and you decide that's likely a good thing in this particular instance. "You can be honest."
You huff but you don't move to immediately shove his heavy ass off of you. He didn't look like he was particularly bothered by Naoya's nasty comments, but you didn't want to assume when you spoke up. Well as long as he's in a good mood, I guess that's all that matters. "Yeah, yeah, you caught me," you decide to indulge the boy only two days older than you. "Number 1 Gojou Satoru fan right here, don't tell Utahime."
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Here you go, chapter 6 prime for the reading and a day away from the Sister Exchange Event taking place. Y'all are getting this a day early because I have something to do all day this Friday and I'm not sure if I'd be able to get up then at a proper time.
Anyways, Reader is appalled. Naoya's got you out here defending Gojou's honor and shit, you need to rethink your priorities in life. But at least you can confidently say that you'll call Naoya out on his shit whenever the opportunity presents itself time and time again. Turn us up, Whiney the Poo.
See y'all next week.
Likes and Reblogs appreciated.
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smileydk · 1 year
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Road Trip + Neck kisses
Pairing: Non-Idol!Wooyoung x Best-Friend!OC
Summary: Jiwoo's best friend, Wooyoung, decides to shoot his shot with his friend, who he's been in love with since they were 10. Only he doesn't know the feelings are mutual + 99-liners and reader are 19, Jongho is 18 and the 98-liners are 20
Note: I kind of spiraled in the end and added… a proposal! Yay… 😁… and to everyone who got tagged. I sincerely apologize :) I needed to make up some usernames for the end…
cw/tw: hickeys, hints towards sex, kisses, make-out session.
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''Jiwoo, you're in the back since you're... tiny'' Yunho stated as he was quick to sit down in the driver's seat.
''Fuck you'' She pouted.
Mingi was given the passanger seat since he was the tallest after Yunho. San, Yeosang and Jongho sat down in the row behind them. Seonghwa and Hongjoong sat in the second middle row, the seat between them being filled with snacks. This only left the last row to Jiwoo and Wooyoung, and the luggage.
''Why do we have so much luggage? We're going camping for two days'' Jiwoo asked as she took her seat in Wooyoung's lap.
''Because someone-'' Hongjoong shot a pointed look at San. ''-needed to bring his whole bathroom with him for two days in the forest''
Jiwoo chuckled at San as he looked very offended by the comment.
'' You’re just jealous because my hair’s better than yours! Don't come crying ot me when you wake up tomorrow and look like… you!''
Jiwoo’s laughter continued as the two bickered. Her laughter faded as Wooyoung's arm snuck around her waist as some kind of seatbelt.
''Tell me if I'm too heavy and I'll sit on San's hair products'' Jiwoo mumbled quietly as her breath caught in her throat.
''You weigh literally nothing'' The man replied and leaned back, pulling his friend with him.
As Jiwoo sat leaned against Wooyoung's stomach, she couldn't help but blush as she felt his abs pressing against her lower back.
Sure, the man wasn't ridicolously fit, but he was just enough. And Jiwoo, personally, prefered Wooyoung's physique over some super fit muscle man.
Since the ride to the forest was almost four hours, most of the guys had fallen sleep. Yunho was currently surviving on caffein and Mingi's constant chatter about... different things each minute, but mostly about how tired he was.
''Mingi, for god's sake! If you're tired, sleep instead of annoying me'' Yunho snapped as he turned onto a smaller road.
There was still another two hours left to the drive and Yunho did not wanna listen to Mingi's chatter anymore.
Jiwoo, who wasn't tired at all, chuckled at their bickering. She couldn’t judge them. They lived together and now they were locked into a car together for four hours. They were bound to snap at some point.
Yunho's snapping however proved to be very effective on the man as he fell silent. A moment later his head fell against the car window and snores were heard.
The only ones awake were Jiwoo, Yunho and Wooyoung. Yunho was very focused on the road since it was very small. Well, you couldn't even call it a road, it was a small gravel path, and the car was hired. Meaning he couldn't damage it at all, or it'll cost him.
Wooyoung wrapped both his arms around Jiwoo even tighter as the road became more wiggly, since she didn't have a seatbelt. And because he knew the other guys would kill him if he let the girl die, especially her brother Seonghwa.
Jiwoo was scrolling through instagram, pouting to herself as her feed consisted of her other freinds and their partners. Some more appropriate than others.
Her best friend, Ara, had posted a picture of her neck filled with hickeys, as well as her boyfriends lips still attached to her neck.
''Neck kisses from my boo are the best''
She liked the post and opened the comments. She chuckled as most of her single friends had commented. Mostly about how jealous they were. Jiwoo decided to be petty and copy them.
''Ara, you're making the rest of us jealous! You can only share this with your taken friends!
It only took a minute before Ara had replied to the comment.
''Come on Jiwoo~ don't be jealous, just find a good guy and ask! I recommend Wooyoung since you've been in love with him for like 8 years!''
Jiwoo sighed and chuckled. She liked the comment and turned her phone off.
Wooyoung, whose head rested on Jiwoo's shoulder, raised an eyebrow as he read the comments. Sure, it wasn't nice looking at others phones, but they were talking about him after all. He must have had some kind of right to spy, right?
Yunho took a peek in the rearview mirror and smirked. He re-angled it and turned his focus back to the road.
''So, you like neck kisses, eh?'' Wooyoung chuckled as he leaned back.
''Yah, don't read my odd comments!'' Jiwoo pouted and put her phone in the pocket on the back of the seat in front of her.
As she leaned forward Wooyoung let out a hiss. ''Don't do that''
''What?'' Jiwoo was completely clueless. She wasn't even pretending to be innocent, she didn't understand.
''Don't move around so much~'' He wrapped his arms back around her waist and held her in a firm grip
''Wha- oh'' She blushed as she felt exactly why he whined.
He laid his head back on her shoulder. His lips were right by the girl's ears. ''Wanna try out the neck kisses?'' He ran his nose along her neck, smirking as she shuddered and goosebumps grew on her skin.
Jiwoo didn't know what to do. Sure, she'd been in love with the man for eight years, but she was a little unsure of what they could start since she didn't want to wreck their friendship.
They had always been a flirty duo. Pick-up lines, teasing, perverted jokes.
She was slightly impressed that he kept his cool and didn't jump at the chance. ''Come on, Princess~ I need an answer''
''Such a gentleman'' She patted his cheek. ''Sure, if you want to''
Wooyoung let out the breath he was holding and pressed a light kiss to Jiwoo's neck.
Jiwoo was embarrassed as she let out a small sigh of satisfaction. Her hand flew up to silence her sounds.
The sigh however only encouraged Wooyoung's kisses. He continued pressing kisses to her neck wherever he could reach. Jiwoo tilted her head slightly, giving Wooyoung more access to her neck.
Wooyoung's cocky smirk only grew as her body responded to his action. He pushed her hair to the side and continued leaving kisses all over her neck and throat.
The girl's eyes widened as she could feel him slowly getting more frisky and confident.
She put her index finger in her mouth and bit down as he started sucking and nibbling slightly on her neck. ''Fuck~''
''Yunho's never gonna let us live this down'' Wooyoung mumbled as he removed his lips from Jiwoo's neck. He smiled at his art piece.
''No he is not! And he will tell all of their friends and the girl’s brother, so that they will tease them as well'' Yunho replied from the driver's seat.
Jiwoo chuckled and leaned back, resting her head on Wooyoung's shoulder. ''You look so good in black hair'' She mumbled and ran her hand through his newly black-dyed hair.
''Do you mean my oreo hair was ugly?'' Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, knowing very well that wasn't what she meant, but he was a born tease.
''No, but your black hair makes you much more sexy- I don't know why'' Jiwoo smiled and ran her thumb along his jawline. She allowed her hand to continue down his neck before going back up.
''That tickles'' Wooyoung whined.
She however continued tracing the boy. Her fingers reached his lips and she smiled. ''Oh my god, you have a mole on your lip'' She smiled and took a closer look.
''I know'' Wooyoung chuckled at her excitement. He wondered how she’d never seen it before. He grabbed her hand and kissed her index finger.
''And one here'' She smiled and poked the mole under his left eye.
''Stop it, it tickles'' Wooyoung continued whining.
''So... this tickles as well?'' Jiwoo smirked and leaned closer and copied what he'd done earlier, running her nose along his neck.
''Yes, but not in the same way'' He shuddered.
''And what about... this?'' She pressed a light kiss to his neck.
Wooyoung sighed. The kiss was too light for his satisfaction. He wanted her to paint his neck, much like he'd done to hers.
Jiwoo seemed to have understood the sigh as she pressed another kiss to his neck. She chuckled to herself as she could feel his arms tightening around her waist.
She only took it as encouragement.
She continued leaving kisses all over his neck, occasionally leaving a hickey. Jiwoo smirked to herself as he whined quietly.
As her lips left the boy's neck she, much like he'd done previously, smiled at her art piece.
''Damn, I should be an artist''
Jiwoo smiled as she just held Wooyoung's face in her hands, admiring the man. She ran her thumbs over his high cheekbones.
As her eyes travelled across his face they stopped on his lips. ''You really need some chaptstick'' She dug through her pocket and found one. ''Pout''
Wooyoung chuckled and did as he was told. Jiwoo held his jaw in a soft, yet firm grip, as she applied the chapstick. She finished and put the chapstick back in her bag.
''I think you need some as well'' Wooyoung mumbled before grabbing her neck and pulling her in for a real kiss.
At first shock took over her body. But as soon as the shock faded away she kissed back. None of them could help the dorky smiles that grew on their lips as they kissed.
They both had been waiting for this for almost 10 years.
Wooyoung pulled away and smiled sweetly. ''After our little camping trip I'm taking you on a real date, princess''
''That I'll hold you to''
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
Liked by @j.wy_official and 2 298 749 others
@p.jw_notofficial: To quote Ara, Neck kisses from my boo are the best
@j.yh_official: We’ve been waiting for eight years! It’s about time
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ shut up! You did not!
@p.sh_official: not something I needed to see nor know…
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ well, brother dearest, feel free to block me anytime 💋💋💋
@k.hj_official: never make out in the car again! At least not when I’m around!
@j.wy_official: ^^ dude, you were sleeping as if you were dead. There’s no way in hell you knew what was going on!
@k.hj_official: ^^ doesn’t matter if I was dead! Yunho told me and now I need bleach for my brain!
@c.s_official: As Yunho said, ABOUT DAMN TIME! Now, when do we hear the wedding bells?
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ whenever Wooyoung grows a pair and proposes (and I say this simply because he makes more money than me. If I were to propose, he’d get a ring pop)
@p.sh_official: ^^ better not be anytime soon! And he better ask for permission!
@s.mg_official: whoop! Party! Finally!
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ very original comment…
@c.jh_official: Supporting as long as you don’t fuck in my bed, kiss or make out in front of me, and won’t make me babysit in the future.
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ babysit!? How far in the future are you!? I don’t even know what I’m gonna eat for lunch in a week!
@k.ys_official: when did this happen?
@j.wy_official: ^^ Hyung, you’re the most clueless person to ever walk the face of the earth… ladies and gentlemen, Kang Yeosang!
@k.ys_official: ^^ if we listened to EVERYTHING you said Wooyoung, there’d be no time for anything else
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❤️ 💬 ↗️
Liked by @p.jw_notofficial and 28 832 013 others
@j.wy_official: I wanted the blue one😔
Oh yeah, and we got engaged when Seonghwa was in another country :)))
@p.jw_notofficial: fuck, that means I have to change my username-
@j.wy_official: ^^ is it really that much of a chore?
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ yes… and the blue one was yummy…
@p.sh_official: WHAT!? How dare- I mean… congrats sis…
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ either be nice or you won’t be the best man
@p.sh_official: ^^ sorry…
@c.s_official: I wanna be the maid of honor!
@j.yh_official: ^^ NO! I’m better because I’m tall!
@c.s_official: ^^ people prefer dogs. Not giraffes
@j.yh_official: ^^ I only agree with the fact that you’re a dog. And btw, giraffes are amazing!
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ okay… San you’re my maid of honor… for now at least… and Yunho can be the flower girl :)
@c.jh_official: as I stated previously. I’m not a free babysitter in the future. I’ll happily take $20 a kid/hour
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ don’t you love us!? I’m gonna tell my kids you’re a mean uncle
@c.jh_official: ^^ good, then they won’t annoy me :)
@s.mg_official: I am so gonna have the most epic entrance ever seen at a wedding!
@j.wy_official: ^^ upstage me and you won’t see much of the wedding at all
@k.hj_official: congratulations! I wish you all the best! And cute babies :)))
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ first normal comment. Thank you 💋
@k.ys_official: will there be chocolate croissants?
@p.jw_notofficial: ^^ only for you Yeosang!
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sandwichboiscum · 1 year
Alright listen up peoples
I am hopped up on two energy drinks and I have like no caffeine tolerance and I'm in marching band so here's some head canons about how the TF2 mercs might go about being in a marching band + the instrument they would play. Also, keep in mind this is only my first year in marching band so take this crap with a huge grain of salt
Scout: Snare drum. Literally one of his taunts is just him pulling out a bucket of chicken and drumming on it. He would play the music quite well, but I feel like he would suck at marching, especially the slower songs because he's just used to going super fast.
Soldier: Trumpet, you know why. I think he would be at least decent at marching (literally what do soldiers do) but he would struggle with directional changes because I struggle with directional changes and it's funny to project.
Pyro: Bass drum because he can't really play a woodwind or brass instrument for obvious reasons. He has NO clue what tf s going on because he sees everyone else as little floating babies so it's hard to march. Also, like come on, it's Pyro.
Demo: Clarinet because I said so. Also he'd just be too drunk to march most of the time, but when he's sober he'd be really good at it.
Heavy: He seems like a flute kinda guy because it's funny to think of the biggest man in TF2 playing one of the smallest instruments in marching band. But if we're being serious, bass drum because it's the only one he wouldn't completely crush. He'd probably be ok at marching, but he'd also probably struggle with directional changes, especially going backwards.
Engie: Trumpet. Idk why, but it just feels like he'd do trumpet. He'd probably be amazing at forwards marching but the second he had to do hip shifts and backwards marching he'd quit.
Medic: He seems like a saxophone. (Help my brain hurts) He'd also probably be very good at marching because it's very repetitive a lot of the time and he seems like a person who likes repetitive motions like marching (or in some cases stabbing someone because he got hit in the head by a trombone. No, I'm not saying this because it happened. Not the stabbing part I mean).
Sniper: Also saxophone. Obviously. He'd be ok at marching, but he'd also be very focused on everything he's doing right he forgets to check what he's doing wrong and then develops bad habits like stepping off with the wrong foot.
Spy: Flute, idk why but it just makes sense. He'd probably be pretty good at marching, but he would hate it especially it he has to march in someplace that's really dusty because even if he's wearing a marching uniform and not his regular suit he'd still be really picky about making sure that it doesn't get dirty, so he'd always find some way to sit out whenever he's marching in a parade or something.
(Notice I didn't put trombones as a head canon for any of them. That's because the trombones suck. Jk, I love y'all but I have been hit in the head with a slide one too many times.)
Just wanna also say, when I say hip shifts, I mean feet face either the left or right of the audience but the chest is still facing the audience. I hate them, they are uncomfy (especially going backwards) and make me want to die and this year my halftime performance is like nothing but hip shifts.
Thank you for reading my caffeine fueled post and have a lovely day. If you don't have a good day I will force you to have a good damn day
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rashasaleel · 3 months
Accept, Adjust.
I'm a bad person.
I'm selfish, conceited and self centred. I somehow manage to convince myself I'm better than a lot of people because I just am, despite the fact that said people are getting better jobs, better opportunities and better everything. So maybe I'm a loser too. A selfish, conceited and self centred loser.
I didn't go off track, I did everything right as much as "right" goes and whatever the fuck "right" means. I have no idea anymore.
I have no idea about anything anymore. Whatever I believed and hoped has led me to this very moment in time where I write about how screwed I am at 1:32 am in the morning.
I wake up, do my shit, mindlessly watch something on tv, scroll through my phone, workout to get some sort of dopamine, have a bunch of caffeine to get that dopamine fix again which will, god willing, eventually lead me to die by the ripe age of 50.
I have nothing to do and quite honestly I don't think I wanna do anything that will in the future get me to a moment such as this.
A bachelor's in English is fun if you wanna throw facts and complicated words at people or better yet, act snobby. Because that's the best part of having a degree in English language and literature, you can be a certified snob. You know stuff these science nerds and number crunchers could never comprehend.(I'm exaggerating. I’m sleep deprived ok)
But apart from that, you get a lot of unemployment, self doubt, a lot of "what the fuck was I thinking?"I don't think I have another "what the fuck was I thinking" in me to take a master's degree in English. I cannot put myself in the world of LinkedIn again.
It's unexplainable, this feeling, this uncertainty that apparently everyone goes through, so it's nothing special. I'm not entitled to complain, because it happens to everyone. I can't complain because it's the economy that doesn't have job opportunities. It happens to everyone. It's a reality I have to adjust to.
Accept, adjust.
So I take a master's in something because what if I don't get a promotion because I don't have a master's?
What if I fall behind ?
What if?
Then I should get a government job hopefully because it's secure. You put in a mediocre effort to get a decent salary because it's the government, neither of us care about each other.
Who cares about passion? Passion is the new word for hobby. Passion is what you put aside to focus on real shit, like a job you hate that pays you alright. Passion is what you pick up when you're away from the job you hate.
I can't put away something I know I'm supposed to do, not as an occupation but for myself. But that's me being selfish. How can I ever think about myself?
I have to think about others. If you have no others depending on you, you need other "others" in your life. You need a husband, a wife, a few kids because who are you? What kind of a person are you to not have others depending on you? You have to think about others. You need to find stability and security even before you have these "others". If not, you may never get them. And if you don't get them, you're alone and that makes you selfish. How dare you think and provide for only yourself?
Accept, adjust.
"No one's gonna marry you if you're this way"
"Here's hoping"
Maybe it'll all work out and make sense.
But what if it'll only make sense because I caved and accepted all this ? If I adjusted. I won't even realise I'm part of the rat race where my dreams are only those that I see in my sleep, to wake up and realise everything I've ever dreamt with my eyes open is a pipe dream. I can't stop and pull back then, can I? Will I even realise all this then?Will it matter even if I do? Will I still be selfish if I do ?
I never realised how linear time is and how fast it goes by. I feel like I was 18 just last year and now I'm 21. And somehow the more I dwell on it the older I become.
I don't even remember yesterday, that's how fast it all goes. And I'm afraid that before I realise it, one day I'll just be too old and it'll be too late. Full of regret and resentment.
What I have towards writing is just..... just stupid. I love and hate it at the same time. I think about it all the time like a creepy ex boyfriend, I can't get it out of my mind. It haunts me day in and day out. I want to write everything about everything. But I can't find the words, maybe I know them but I can't put them together in such a way that it perfectly expresses what I truly want. (What do I want?)
And because I can't do that, I believe I'm a bad writer. Because that's literally the entire purpose. Know the words, put them together, and write. Fucking idiot.
I love it so much that I hate how much I love it. It eats my brain and turns me insane and I fucking hate it because I'm scared.
I'm so scared.
The feel of your flesh tearing and your creative mind rotting between becoming a human machine like everyone else to survive and following your passion.
So what's my purpose?
What if I know that I wasn't put here to be like everyone else? To merely survive, to exist for others, as others say. What if you know it but others don't see it? Will you be anything without their recognition?
What if what if what if
Accept adjust, accept adjust.
It's a constant ever teetering ride of "am I enough?" "I got this", " I need people", "I hate everyone"
In the end the madness of art is how we persevere despite everyone telling us not to.
Unfortunately today, knowing and realising all this makes you selfish, conceited, self centred and ultimately a bad person. So maybe I am a bad person.
I care about what others say, hear them, get anxious, lose my appetite, have a meltdown, get depressed, have a nap, get a fucking ulcer in my stomach.
But that's ok because I'm my worst enemy. You're your worst enemy. 
Occasionally I think we just need to screw the others and tell ourselves "fuck you, watch this."
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lunaticus-platina · 2 years
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I'm only gonna talk about this once in ted tag cuz I don't wanna muck up the tag. Any other stuff related to the whole incident goes to the contedversy 2022 tag. 🚬 Oh almost forgot. Cheers to @verat9c for the awesome tag you go peep.
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Hey folks. I've had a long day. I usually get long days. My days are busy. I come home, stretch my joints, try not to let all the trapped screams inside my lungs leak out of its chambers. Or fall into the sweet temptations of substance abuse. I mean coffee. I ain't a smoker and forswore alcohol a year ago. Tho the urge for a cancer stick grows every week. Especially after smth like this.
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Only other addiction of mine is simpin. I open tumblr as usual and what do I see? Yeah. I peeked into Twitter all those years ago and said 'Yeah-ap. Not staying a single second longer in this hell.' And booked it. This place? At least it's fun here. But I keep forgetting most of social media's the same. But I gave away all my fucks I had in me some years ago........I'm just high on caffeine.
@tedraimisimp If ya reading this. I know you deleted your blog. I respect your decision. And no, what you did wasn't exactly wrong, you just shared your experience and ranted abit. We all do that. But you forgot, that this is tumblr.
I know you didn't ask but just so you know...that wasn't the best move. Deleting a blog after that post. People are just gonna pile on speculations and things are gonna go conspiracy level real quick. I know how it goes. Seen enough drama in my time. They already say you deleted blog because you felt threatened or some shit. You planted a ping-pong ball sized molehill, and look at em building mountain over it!
Every single social media that I've been on. Exact same pattern. Never fails once. Whether popular and well-known platform, or not. Doesn't matter. There's faintest blood in the water........piranhas gather.
What breaks my goddamned heart is a fan who excitedly prepared for an event and shared their sweet experience with us now deleted their posts over this shit. Do people not think about the consequences of their actions these days? No I ain't bashing tedraimisimp I just said what they did wasn't wrong. It's those who are blowing this outta proportion and making ops uncomfortable.
For those of you who didn't have an actual experience with Ted. Shut your goddamn trap. Fucking shut it. Let the ones who actually were there talk. I need more evidences to hear from both sides to decide what is valid or not, and all the noises are not helping.
Now the ones who posted about their actual, real, positve/negative experiences, not the 'oh someone posted and mentioned this this and this' idiots, are getting uncomfortable. Just shut the fuck up for once and learn to listen.
Someone shared their experience. That's all. Op wanted to rant because they thought this fandom was safe to talk about stuff and their concerns. You are not making it safe. Yes I like Ted Raimi as an actor. No accusing him of things when there is no actual proof is wrong. Stop making him sound like a predator.
You don't know how many people got their lives ruined over false accusations. Over here it's hella common. All I need is an evidence and I'll gladly shove all my words down my throat. It's innocent until proven guilty.
I was personally a victim of witch-hunting style bullying. One person started a rumor, things snowballed into 'That kid is mentally disabled and carries contagious disease. An orphan. They are a virus. Yuck! Hope they die so we don't have to deal with them in our class. They also steal stuffs. A thief. Check your bags!'
I never fully recovered from it. I was called a 'plague'. Reason of bullying was simple. I was a quiet bookworm. Never talked much, not smiling much. They called me a psychopath and jokingly said one day I'll bomb the school. My best friend now had a similar experience. Those who throw accusations have no idea what the fuck they are doing. People commit suicide over that shit. Fucking shut it, christ.
Now if any of you personally had an unpleasant experience with Ted. Sorry to hear that. But thx for sharing. I needed to hear more 'cuz no person is perfect and I wanted to know more flawed side of him too. If he really has a darker side, and if it's serious, it'll be revealed sooner or later. You don't get to call him terrible stuffs just because he follows someone on social media or flirted with people. Watch your language, don't say what you don't mean, although now that I think about it, that motto that I live by don't mean much on internet does it.
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God, fuck, gah my social battery is dying. All I wanted was to chill over wholesome stuffs but now I got this. Imma go watch horse feeding or smth cuz this just proves animals are better to deal with than humans. I can't even write fics in this state godhelpme
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lightsovermonaco · 3 years
Golden Hour (Piarles)
This is based on an amazing piece of art by @ffragmentals in honor of their birthday. Happy birthday, friend! Beta read by @acollectionofficsandshit​​ as per usual 🥰
Word Count: 1.1K
Song: “Euphoria” by Elephant Castle
Fuzzy mornings are Charles's favorites. Ones where neither he nor Pierre has anywhere to be anytime soon and Charles can simply admire how the sunrise claims Pierre as her muse, painting his skin in dappled golds and oranges.
Pierre's eye cracks open, spurred awake by Charles's fingers in his mussed hair. "Lemme sleep."
"You've slept for twelve hours." Charles snuggles closer, running his socked foot over Pierre’s shin. "Pay attention to me."
"Wanna sleep." Pierre pulls the blanket over his head, robbing Charles the opportunity to continue admiring the sun's masterpiece. 
Pierre won't wake up until he's ready; Charles learned that long ago. So he kisses the vague shape of Pierre's head, just visible beneath the thick covers, then slips from the room on silent feet.
Charles loves the off-season, because he gets to pretend he and Pierre are an average, everyday couple instead of international racing stars. No cameras following them around as they lounge on the couch watching reruns or fans begging for photos when they go out for drinks. At home in Monaco, their neighbors have already gotten the awe out of their systems. Pierre and Charles are generally left to their own devices, free to wander the streets with ease.
The fancy coffee machine on Pierre's counter still intimidates Charles, but the faint pounding of his head begs for a cup of caffeine. He pulls out the dust-covered manual, discarded in the top right kitchen drawer where all instructions go to die in Pierre's apartment and follows the steps to mute the machine. Only once he's positive it won't beep loud enough to wake the entire building does Charles brew himself a cup of liquid gold.
He takes his steaming mug to the tiny balcony, opening the sliding glass door to allow the crisp morning air to wash over him. He stretches out on the cushioned lounger, enjoying the warmth on his bare torso. 
The city wakes beneath him. People call out to each other in French, offering wishes of good mornings and apologies for bumping shoulders. Baked apple and cherry waft up from the bakery down the block, making Charles's stomach rumble. Tires glide along streets of concrete and cobbles, commuters on their way to their nine-to-fives.
Charles tips his head back to let the sun touch as much of him as possible. Like a housecat, Charles is nearly asleep thanks to its heat when the lounge jostles beneath him and a soft weight settles against his chest.
"Well good morning, sleepy," Charles murmurs, automatically curling his free arm around Pierre's chest. 
Pierre's brows draw together and Charles predicts his request before the word tumbles from Pierre's pouted lips, "coffee."
"Mmm, no can do. Machine is broken." Pierre's head falls against Charles's chest and he glares at him, the effect entirely canceled out by the upside down orientation of his face. Pierre was a bit of a bear before his morning ritual, and Charles might enjoy teasing him about it a bit too much.
"Is to."
“Honest truth.”
"Then gimme yours."
Pierre makes a grab for it, quick as lightning despite his hazy demeanor. Charles successfully evades the wild grab without spilling a single drop of the precious, perfectly crafted liquid, bringing it to his lips for another taunting sip.
"Charles, please," Pierre whines. Charles half expects Pierre to stamp his foot like a petulant child, and cute as it would be, Charles doesn't want to deal with a crabby boyfriend all day. He gives in with a sigh.
"Okay, I'll make you a cup." Charles steals an awkward kiss, noses hitting chins thanks to Pierre's position.
While the second cup brews, Charles swipes a strawberry lollipop from Pierre's secret stash. It's not all that secret, no matter what Pierre insists; if he wanted to keep Charles from raiding his stockpile, he really should hide it in something that didn't look exactly like a cow-shaped cookie jar.
Pierre is curled in Charles's spot when he brings back his coffee, topped perfectly with a heart in the foam. "Quit stealing my lollipops," Pierre grumbles, hands stretched out for the mug.
"I’m the one that buys them anyway. And I only eat the ones you don't like." 
Pierre tugs on the stick hanging from Charles's mouth and he opens, lest Pierre knock his teeth out. His tongue darts over the candy, Charles tracking the movement. "Liar. Strawberry is the best."
His gaze is still locked on Pierre’s mouth, thoughts quickly turning sinful. "Maybe I just want to taste good so you'll make out with me. Ever think of that?"
Pierre grimaces and Charles laughs. "You're way too cheesy in the mornings."
"Only on the mornings I wake up next to you." Charles sits cross legged on the edge of the lounge, Pierre bending his knees to his chest to make room. The two sip their coffee in amiable silence, one wholly awake and the other just minutes removed from slumber.
Charles rests against Pierre's shins, reaching an arm back to stroke whatever skin he can find. His fingers connect with Pierre's stubbled jaw. Charles taps out a random rhythm, grinning when Pierre huffs.
"Wake up, Pear. It's our first proper day of winter break and I know you don't want to spend the whole time inside."
Pierre grumbles. Charles smiles. Eyes roll. Hearts melt.
Charles turns over on his tummy to wrap his arms around Pierre's calves and rest his chin on his knees. "Do you like your coffee?"
Pierre groans, squeezing his eyes shut. Charles bites his lip, fighting back a laugh. "I love you but merde, you're killing me, Char."
"All I heard was you love me. I chose to ignore the rest.”
Later, Pierre leans in the balcony door frame as Charles finishes up the dishes. They had wound up spending all day cooped up in the apartment, trading lazy kisses and lingering touches. Charles didn’t mind when Pierre dozed off with his head on his thigh, or when he woke up and immediately demanded dinner.
And now, Charles wishes he might send the sun a thank you card for the way it once more renders Pierre a living work of art. Netflix still drones on, the soundtrack to a perfect day.
Charles winds his arms around Pierre's torso and rests his chin on his shoulder. "Tomorrow we go out."
Pierre's head rests on his own. "We'll see."
Either way, Charles will fall more in love with Pierre, like he intended to do every morning for the rest of his life.
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bananapeel0 · 2 years
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I wanted to kill myself yesterday but i wanted to be at peace .its wierd but i realised how acceptance and revenge can act as an ensemble of peace. And I don't ve neither to choose frm .why? Cuz i only know how to give my love ...i never learnt how to love myself or forgive myself ...and I don't think i ll ever learn. So everything circles back to one thing tht you can do to free yourself frm all this..i also wondered if the gates of heaven or hell would be waiting for me ... One thought also arises wht bout ur parents.well i don't owe thm anything it wasn't my decision to be bornt after all. and friends..it's just a modernised bartar system which the society gave it's validation...remember no one is there in your life for you ...it's either they re getting something out of it or you re just being used for the time being ...no one stays when you re at the vertex of parabola in your life....this would ve made you thought ki only family stays but no your house is a factory and ur family is the owner of it. yes ..they d want good for you but not for you bcz they d look good in society if their children are successful.....n it doesn't matter cuz all your life you ve been raised and taught not to speak against...but are you tht weak to kill yourself over tht ..um no i m not..
My head is always cooped up with voices ....yup whispers , screams,melodies you re listening to music and you have to double check if it was the sound in my ears or in my mind.. i need pills to sleep...n trust me not sleeping can turn a good man into a non recognisable one... I ve started to forget simple things like some dementia shit..its just hard to breathe and feel my blood flowing thru my heart making it beat but all i know i m already a ghost of wht i used to be ......well it's been 6 months and coming back to my initial argument i couldn't find peace..i m still figuring it out so i can go away in peace....i tried slitting my wrists in the past but it hurts ..n i just wanna be happy in peace when i die...i bought some 50 mg pills this time thts double the power i used to take so if i take em with caffeine it should do the work.....i hope it does the work i can't face this world if i ll be alive..
I have grudges for most of the people around me but there's this girl's mum...she felt so motherly.....well i m grateful for tht. I hope all her problems and family feuds fades away with time..umm yup thts it...everyone else just took away pieces of me to a point i feel not worthy of being a human...yah or simply i m not humane enough...to me to be human is many things at once strong and vulnerable, hardheaded and intellectual, a revolutionary and yah don't take it wrong ,a gansta..... I feel i m not toxic my life is but whatever i decided not to ruin anybody's peace and let them be maybe forgive them too
And I couldn't complete my prose about this gurl i was writing it was gonna be beautiful....i wish I could ve kissed her just once ....but IT IS WHT IT IS.
Well i hope quantum physics develops more altho I would be around to see it..ok
Just a few more hours i ll be free frm everything ....
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
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The Tale Of A Coffee Shop
Pairing: Joshua x Female reader
Genre: Fluff, slight crack, bad attempt at romance, this is just bad
Warnings: Slight cursing
Word count: Idk, it's pretty long
8:35 am.
He should be here anytime. Your palms sweat, foot taps excitedly against the floor of the cafe. Though there's a lack of mirror, you try to smooth your hair with your hands, unnaturally cautious about your appearance.
"Calm down. It's not like he's gonna propose you or shit."
You turn to face your coworker who has a less than amused expression on her face. "Am I that obvious?"
"Duh. It's like written all over your face. Chill already y/n, he's just a man passing by. You don't even know his last name."
Your hopes shrink slightly though you are surprised at yourself. What are you actually hoping for? Him to ask you out? Your coworker is right, he's just a man passing by. Except, he's  regular customer who's insatiably handsome and makes you all jittery.
The said male is Joshua, an English professor at the popular university near the cafe. That's all you know about him. He happened to pass by your workplace one spring morning, looking for a quick jolt of caffeine to start the day and he's been visiting ever since. He visits the cafe 3 days a week, around 8:30 in the morning, ordering his usual plain latte.
After the first couple visits, you made small talk with him and all he offered was his name and profession. He always seemed to in a hurry or busy but he was always polite.
And the most handsome man you have ever seen. He had luscious black locks which were  somehow messy yet neatly arranged and touched the nape of his neck. His eyes always seemed to sparkle, hiding a galaxy of their own. High cheekbones, a perfect jawline, plump lips and to complete it all,an adams apple - he had it all.
His outfits were always neat and perfect, sometimes a trench coat covering a turtle neck, sometimes an unbuttoned blazer over a plain tee and of course, a wrist watch. Sometimes he'd wear glasses, big metal frames covering those eyes and those days you'd melt into a puddle on the inside. He looked so damn hot.
The bell at the door of the cafe chimes and your ears perk up, eyes moving to that direction.
He's here.
You try your best not to look like a love struck fool and offer a professional smile. "Welcome, sir."
"Hello, y/n. My usual please." comes his smooth voice and a polite smile.
"Yes sir, coming right up." You mutter, trying not pass out from the way he said your name while putting in his order.
He waits at the corner tapping away on his phone while his latte is prepared. Once it's done, you call his serial number, offering him his drink. "Your latte, sir."
"I've told you before, Joshua is fine."
You stare at him for a bit too long not understanding that he asked you to call him by his name. However, when you realize that, you are a blushing mess, unsure what to reply.
Joshua doesn't say anymore, only offers you a kind smile. And just like that, he's out the door, leaving you feeling warm all over.
"That was the most cringy thing I ever saw." Your co worker's voice brings you to reality. You roll your eyes and continue your work with a smile in your face.
"You seriously need to stop thinking about that dude all the time." You friend says standing in front of you, crossing her arms.
"I do not think of him all the time." You say, ignoring her and squinting at the book in your hands.
"Then great. You are coming to the club with me tonight. I'll introduce you to some guys and I don't know... get you laid."
"Excuse me?"
"Okay okay, not get laid, just... Meet some guys you know, what's the harm in that? Do you wanna die virgin?"
"Don't." She holds up her hands signaling you to stop. "You are coming. It's final. Thank me later when you find a hot dude."
Hot dude my ass. You stare at the drink you got after getting away from your friends who were having too much fun getting drunk. You had almost zero alcohol tolerance and you knew that you had to stay sober to get them home safely.
As you had expected, none of the guys your friend introduced you to piqued your interest. You realized what a bad idea it was to come to the club rather than staying at home, curled up reading your favorite book. As the thrum of the music continued to blast through the club your thought only proved to be truer. But your friends wasn't leaving this place anything soon.
Damn you hated it here.
You realize someone sitting down on the barstool next to yours but don't look up, too busy tracing the edge of the glass in front of you with your fingers. It's until you move your head to take a swing of your drink that you take notice of the person beside you.
A small squeak leaves your mouth as you look at the man sitting beside you, thinking that the couple drinks you had got to you and started playing with your mind.
It was him. Joshua. The English professor.
You quickly cast your eyes back on your drink but then glance a peek at his direction just to make sure.
Of course it's him.
Joshua sits there, oblivious to his surroundings, eyes on his phone. Your heart races. What is he doing here? Did he notice you?
You swallow, trying to calm your beating heart. Why do I feel like this? Maybe he didn't even notice me, I'll just finish this drink and leave.
You take another tentative glance at him, who is still busy on his phone. His hair looks a little bit messier than usual and his face looks a bit tired. He has his jacket draped across his lap and the white tee shirt he's wearing gives you a nice view of his arms. You don't realize you are staring unabashedly until he speaks, "Penny for your thoughts?"
A squeak leaves you and you almost fall off the stool.
"You've staring for quite a while. What is on your mind?" he says, putting down his phone and turning towards you.
You let your head hang low as a wave of embarrassment washes over you. "I'm sorry," you whisper.
"No don't be. Funny meeting you here though."
You look up to meet his eyes and it feels like your heart has traveled to your throat as you try to come up with a reply. "Y-yeah."
"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself."
"I-... Yes, I'm not."
He chuckles softly and reaches for his drink as the bartender places it front of him.
"What brings you here?"
"Well, um, my friend wanted to introduce me to some guys so she dragged me here with her and none of the guys piqued my interest and I didn't like sitting with them so I'm here."
You really need to stop talking.
Another soft chuckle escapes him and he asks, "What kind of guys pique your interest then?"
You. You do.
"I... I'm not really thinking about dating right now, I'll graduate next month and I want to focus on finishing college and getting a good job." 
"I see. What is your major?" he asks.
And that leads to a rather long conversation between you and him,which you obviously didn't mind, about your major -literature- and what inspired you to study that and so on. Since the both of you studied the same subject you had a lot of common grounds to talk about.The conversation went on and you felt happier than ever. You really needed to thank your friend for dragging you here.
And just when you think that, you hear her voice, "Y/n!"
Oh shit.
She appears behind you, a drunk mess and rests her head on your shoulder garbling drunk nonsense. You realized it was time to go before she embarrassed both of you in front of Joshua. You stand up abruptly and give an awkward nod to Joshua to looks at the two of you with an amused expression.
As you drag your friends to their car, there's a tinge of disappointment that you couldn't be with him longer but also an excitement that fate had given you such a chance.
Couple days later Joshua arrives earlier than his usual time at the cafe. You were clearing orders for the first few customers and when you look up hearing his voice, you swear you can die right there happily.
He wasn't in his usual look, rather a black shirt and a black shiny blazer hanging on his arm that matches his pants. His hair was neatly back brushed to one side but some locks managed to escape and you smell a hint of his cologne. You stared at him shamelessly, cheeks flushed.
"Y/n. Y/n?"
"My usual, please."
"Oh, yes... of course."
You fumble, putting in his order and peeking glances at his direction. You knew you were acting like a deprived, shameless woman but you could care less. You don't know if he realized you were checking him out but even if he did, he didn't say anything.
As you hand him his order, he murmurs a thank you and asks, "When do you close?"
"This cafe. When do you close it?"
"Oh, um, we take customers until about 10 pm. Then we clean up."
"I see. Thank you."
He turns around and leaves, a few heads turning towards him as he does so. You stand there, confused as to why he'd ask that.
"That was a goddamn piece of snack right there. " your co worker chirps as Joshua leaves the cafe.
"Seriously?" You raise a brow at her.
"It's fucking true. I mean look at him. He has heads turning around as he walks by."
You couldn't argue with that.
It's almost 10:30 in the night and you are having quite a trouble cleaning up. It's the weekend night and there were more customers than usual, which was the thing you hated about working full-time during the weekends though the payment was good. You wipe the counter, sighing, your back muscles tired from a long day.
The bell at the door rings, slightly irritating you.
Service is over damn it.
The last person you expect, walks through the door. Your mouth hangs open and a small gasp leaves your co worker's mouth as you both stare at the person. It's Joshua.
"I'm sorry, sir, we're closed." You manage the words out.
"Could I maybe,  have a word with you?" He asks, ignoring what you said.
"Uh-um, sure. I- I just have some things to finish up." You stammer, your heart beating way too fast to your liking.
"Good. You don't mind if I sit, do you?"
"N-no, of course not."
You turn to face your co worker who stares at you with wide eyes.
"What the fuck is going on?" She whisper-yells.
"I have no idea!" You reply back.
You finish your work quickly, your heart hammering the whole time. Once you both are finished, your co worker starts to dress up, ready for home. She gives you a good lecture to lock up properly before taking off.
You stand behind the counter trying to even out  your breathes, eyeing Joshua who sits at the table by the window.
You swallow and free your hair from the ponytail, smooth it down and walk over to him.
"Oh, hey." He looks up at you gesturing you to sit. You take a seat in front of him on the couch. He doesn't say anything but looks at you with a subtle smile.
"You look different," you blurt out, indicating his look.
"Oh yes, I had a meeting at the university."
"On the weekend?"
"Apparently, yes."
"So, uhm, why are you here?" You fidget rubbing your hands together, feeling nervous.
"I wanted to see you." He replies casually.
You almost choke on air.
"Last time we didn't get to finish our conversation and you seemed like an interesting person."
You flush, almost not believing your own years.
Joshua runs his hand through his hair then rests his hand under his chin, looking directly at you.
"I'll be honest with you, you've been on my mind a lot lately, Y/n."
You stare at him, mouth hanging open.
Did he just really say that?
A soft sound comes from outside and you both turn your heads to see it has started to rain outside.
"I want to date you, Y/n."
You gasp and a nervous laughter escapes you. "I, um, I- uh..." You don't know what you are trying to say.
He laughs softly, "I know you have a thing for me. Your stares aren't that secretive, you know."
You blush furiously, looking down at your lap, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's cute." He laughs.
You meet his eyes, trying to find out words to say.
"So what do you say?"
"I... mean, we barely know each other... "
"Isn't that why people date?"
"Yea, right."
"Am I making you uncomfortable?"
"No!" You gasp out, afraid that he'll leave. "I just, I don't know what to say."
Joshua offers you a  kind smile and to your surprise he stands up and sits beside you. He softly strokes your hair, his eyes on yours.
"I mean it, I want to date you."
You stare at his eyes, transfixed. The sparkles in his eyes, the fact that he was so close to you made your brain fizzy and heart skip beats.
He softly leans down, his eyes on your lips, "May I?"
Oh my god.
You nod without a delay and he captures your lips in a kiss. He tilts your neck gently cupping behind your ear. Your hands find purchase on the lapels of his jacket as you let him kiss you.
When you pull back, you feel like you are burning from embarrassment. The night is silent other than the sound of rain outside and you are scared that he can hear your heart beat.
"Did I convince you?" He asks tilting your head upwards.
"Yes." You whisper, feeling your insides warm up.
And without thinking much, you grasp his jacket and pull him in for another kiss. You can feel him smile against your lips and it only urges you to go on.
As the night proceeds you rest your head on his shoulder, intertwine your hands with his and watch the rain outside. You felt slightly overwhelmed with joy as you talked with Joshua about anything, your heart skipping beats every now and then. Maybe this is what it felt like to be in love.
You look at his face taking in the details as he softly talks about his favourite novels and such. You only hope you can look at his face and feel his warmth in the coming days.
A/N: Hello everyone, this is my first tumblr fiction so I'm sorry if it wasn't so good. I hope you continue to support my blog. Your comments are really appreciated! >< 💕
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radiorenjun · 5 years
Lavender Antics.
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→ Pairing: Han Jisung X Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Genre:enemies to lovers au, idol au, romance, angst, slowburn.
→ Warnings: Very hurtful words. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Swearing, Making out. Suggestive?
→ Word Count:
→ Chapters: 1, 2, 3
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You tucked your phone in your pocket as you entered the dance studio to be greeted by your group members stretching and warming up. "Hey y/n!" they greeted in unison, making you smile at how their cheerful aura greeted your exhausted figure. "Hi," you replied shortly, dropping your dufflebag near theirs on the floor.
"How was filming?" Jaehwa asked, letting out a groan when Haneul pushed her back down as she did a split. "The usuals: Jeongin being a crackhead, the director shoving it into our faces that we're going to Tokyo, that donkey being insufferable. Same as always," you chuckle, joining them as you stretched your arms.
"Oh yeah! I forgot you're leaving for Tokyo soon. When are you going again?" Cheonsa exclaimed, massaging her ankles. "Honestly, first Cheonsa was on hiatus. Now you're on hiatus just for some drama film?" Jaehwa chuckled. You rolled your eyes at Kiyeon before answering Cheonsa's question, "Im leaving in two days. I'll be out of your hair for a whole month so enjoy it while you can," you joked.
"Believe me, I know I will." Kiyeon responded, taking a sip of her caffeine. "Oh hush, you'll miss me when I leave." you snickered as you hit her shoulder playfully. "Since you're leaving your dearest best friends behind for some dick, you better treat us to something tomorrow." Cheonsa exclaimed.
"I want steak!" she added with a bright smile. You lifted your fist as if you were gonna punch her, sucking your lip into your mouth as you growled out. "Why you lil-" Jaehwa sat up from her split and patted your thigh, "don't kill anyone just yet, y/n. You still have alot to live for. Plus I don't wanna be the one getting you out of prison," she sighed.
"Cheonsa's not wrong though. You should treat us to something before you leave," Haneul nodded in agreement, making Cheonsa let out a victory cheer at her statement. "I agree. Last time, y'all completely ditched me in that restaurant leaving me to pay that tremendous bill when you all said we were gonna split it!" Kiyeon grumbled.
"It was all planned, by the way." you smirked with a chuckle. "It was Cheonsa's idea for a prank, too." Jaehwa smiled with a nod. Kiyeon glared at our leader who was giving her an innocent peace sign. "Man, I'm really gonna miss you guys when I'm in Tokyo." you sighed, laying your cheek on your palm as your elbow stood on your thighs.
"Of course you will, you can't live without us." Kiyeon chuckled, giving a soft punch to your shoulder. "And Im leaving," you pretended to stand up as the girls chuckled at your reaction. You giggled as you retreated to your former position. "Man, who am I going to talk to in Tokyo when you idiots aren't there?" you whined.
"Yang Jeongin? Or that makeup artist, she looks really nice when I came to visit you on set." Haneul suggested. "Stop acting as if it's the end of the world, you fucking drama queens. Video chatting and texting exists, too, you know." Jaehwa patted your back. You smiled softly at your friends.
"Wait, you're saying that y/n isn't going to die? Damn, I made a whole song and funeral and everything." Cheonsa said in a sardonic tone, causing the whole group to laugh. "You wish. You're stuck with me, get used to it." you wrapped your arm around her shoulder and pulled her to a side hug.
"I really hope our contract ends soon." Cheonsa uttered jokingly. "Very funny," you rolled your eyes with a smile on your face. "By the way, have you heard that Chen-sunbaenim is getting married?" Haneul gossiped in a dramatically posh-popular girl tone. "Oh my god, what? Ugh, I can't believe some girl took away my sunbae," you mocked her tone.
"Isn't Sehun your bias, though?" Kiyeon laughed. You nodded with a laugh, dropping the whole fancy act, "though, it wasn't a surprise, really. I mean, whenever I walk by there's always this girl he keeps hanging out with, I'm guessing that's her." you informed.
"Can't believe we're gossiping bout our seniors." Jaehwa shook her head with a chuckle. "What? It's already made public, it's basically the trending topic of the hour. I hope I get invited though, I wanna see my childhood idol get married. God, we're becoming old, girls!" Cheonsa whined, flapping her hands aimlessly.
"You're becoming old, that is. I'm still younger than you," you teased. "Oh hush, just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm getting old for fucks sake. You're probably gonna date that Jisung guy in the future, just wait and see." she tutted with a point of her finger. You pretended to gag, laying a palm on your chest as you stuck your tongue out in disgust. "No thank you," you croaked dramatically.
"I rather date, Shrek, himself than that stubborn cheesecake stealing donkey." you clenched your jaw angrily. "You know, he's not that bad. From what I see in interviews, he looks like a really nice guy to hang out with," Kiyeon shrugged, taking her coffee cup to her lips.
"That is, if he doesn't hate you for no absolute reason!" you exclaimed, flailing your hands up dramatically. "Well, it seems like you hate him too so you're both in the wrong." she smirked. "I do hate him, if that wasn't clear. But he started it first! If he wasn't such a dick then maybe I would've considered him a friend!" you huffed.
"You're being over dramatic. What did he do that was so bad to make you hate him anyways?" Jaehwa rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. You paused, recalling the unpleasant memory, "I don't wanna talk about that." you mumbled, looking at your hands.
"Jesus Fucking Christ," Kiyeon grumbled. "Shouldn't we practice?" she asked. "We should, but we really need a break so let's just slack off for a while and get back to practise in a couple of minutes." Haneul suggested. Cheonsa was about to retort when her phone rang, her face lit up at the sight.
"The bf is calling, do what you want. But when I get back, be prepared to be trained hard vocally and physically." she chuckled, walking out of the room with her phone vibrating like crazy in hand. As the door swung shut, there was a peaceful yet awkward moment of silence. "So what now?" you asked.
"Have you packed yet?" Haneul asked, ignoring your question. You scratched your head at the thought, "kinda, but most of my clothes that I already packed are just sweaters and shorts." you shrugged. "I'll help you pack once we get back to the dorm, you always under pack and borrow my clothes or shop for really tacky ones in supermarket stores." Jaehwa laughed.
"Oh hush, I just like wearing comfy clothes!" you chuckled. "Unfortunately for you, comfy clothes isn't an option for this comeback." she grinned with a snap, causing you to roll your eyes at her statement. "Shut up," you groaned.
The door opened slightly, attracting your attention as Cheonsa's head poked through. "Hey girls, I'm about to go to the other dance studios real quick, alright?" she informed with an excited smile before exiting the room once again, grabbing her waterbottle in the process without letting any of us respond to her.
"Appointing her as our leader was the number one worst mistakes of our careers," you announced aloud, causing the girls to laugh and nod in agreement. "Couldn't agree more, y/n. Couldnt agree more," Jaehwa laughed.
A few seconds later, the door opened once again and Cheonsa's head poked into the room. "By the way, you're really gonna treat us to food right?" she grinned with a hopeful and teasing glint in her expression. You chuckled, waving your hand to dismiss her as she laughed and exit the door.
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"Guys, is that really necessary?" you chuckled, looking at your members after you checked if your passport and ticket was there. Your members had thoughtfully decided to drop you off at the airport, while wearing unessecary disguises such as a Mona Lisa costume, a moustached detective, Dwayne Johnson's face duct taped to a clown mask and Oli London's face carved from cardboard.
"Yes it is. It's important for us to not be recognized by the public and drop our little y/n off to school." Kiyeon responded, shamelessly fidgeting with her detective hat. "If you guys are gonna walk out looking like that, not only y'all are gonna get recognized by the people, you'll also embarrass me and cause more drama online!" you laughed, crossing your arms as you entered the airport gate.
"Hush, I'm parking the car. You don't want me to make this long and miss your flight do you?" Cheonsa gave you the stink eye through the rearview mirror, gazing at your through her long wig. "Honestly, y'all are gonna be accused as weirdos and get escorted out." you pursed your lips as the car stopped.
"What's so wrong bout wanting to drop off our member?" Jaehwa asked, nudging your shoulder as she shifted her Oli London mask back on to cover her face. "Thank you for the ride," you rolled your eyes and stepped out of the vehicle, quickly grabbing your suitcases and running off before your members could spot you.
As you ran, you lifted your phone to call your manager, informing him where you are. "I'm in the station already, where are you?" you asked, looking around as it was almost 10 minutes til boarding time. "You what?" you gaped at your managers response.
"Hey ugly!" a familiar voice yelled through the crowded room. You winced at the sound of the voice and chuckled nervously at your manager, "you couldn't just come here yourself?" you exclaimed nervously. "Right, you have to check on the other staff." you nodded before rubbing the space inbetween your eyes, ignoring the voice yelling your name behind you that was getting louder and louder.
"Hey ugly!" Jisung exclaimed, showing his pearly white teeth as he layed a hand on your shoulder. You glared at him, giving him the stink eye at the nickname which caused him to chuckle. He has been calling you thathighly insultive nickname since that scene you had to do with you being pushed to a puddle of mud, smearing your face in it.
Playing the role of the bullied popular girl has never been so tough when Jisung became your real life bully. "Hello donkey," you spat as your manager spoke his last words bout checking the VIP tickets and hanging up without giving you a second to reason with him.
"Im here to pick you up!" he chuckled, his heart shaped lips forming a bright smile that never left his face. You shuddered before gripping the handle of your suitcase tightly, "I am very much aware, thank you very much." you answered with a shaky breath.
"Let me help you with your suitcase," his hand reached to grab one or your suitcase which you slapped away due to your suspicion. "I don't trust you enough with my suitcase, who knows you might leave it here when we board." You said with a raise of your eyebrow.
He frowned at your words, his lips forming a scowl before he rolled his eyes. "I was just trying to be nice, sheesh, don't need to be a bitch about it." he shot back, pulling the straps of his backpack to his shoulder before leading you forward to where the rest of the cast were sitting.
You felt his hand hit your back gently, you flinched at the contact looking back at him as you cursed in response. "What the fuck was that for?" you exclaimed, looking back at Jisung. Jisung just looked at you with an unbothered expression, "Chill out, Ms.Y/n. I'm being nice here, there was a bug on your back and I took care of it for you," he rolled his eyes.
"You're welcome." He smirked, crossing his arms as you glared at him suspiciously before sitting down with a nod. You continued to speak with your co-worker, Yeoreum, who was playing the role of your bully. Despite her role, she's an absolute sweetheart.
"I see you and Jisung are bickering, once again." Yeoreum smirked, offering you a lollipop which you happily accepted. "Im not surprised anymore, it's become a daily routine now." you sighed, sipping your lemon tea. "Your members didn't come to say goodbye?" she asked, "I wanted to see them before we leave."
"Trust me, they did. They dropped me off and dressed up as if tonight's Halloween or something. But to be honest, if I didn't leave them alone I would've been bombarded with more paparazzis than I was three minutes ago," you chuckled, showing her a picture of them with their ridiculous costumes on your phone.
She burst out laughing, grabbing your phone in her hands. "When we arrived at the hotel, we're definitely video chatting them to see if they still have those ridiculous outfits on, right?" she smirked. "I don't know... Im probably gonna feel to tired to even open my eyes," you joked, earning a strong push from her.
"Y/n!" she whined, shaking your figure vigorously. Jeongin groaned, feeling interrupted from his game. "Director-nim! Yeoreum is bullying me!" you laughed, whining playfully. "Would you guys shut up, you're distracting us from our game!" Jisung complained as he tried to focus what's happening on the screen of the Nintendo Switch before him.
"Shut up, donkey." you chuckled as you lined up for the VIP section of the plane. You heard Jisung snickering behind you, only to be smacked by a disappointed Jeongin who was shaking his head in disapproval. "Honestly, why are you like this?" he mumbled.
"Shut up," Jisung laughed, nudging his friend as you continued to walk towards your seat, subtly giving him a look filled with suspicion. "What's wrong with him?" you muttered to yourself, sucking your lollipop as you sat down next to one of the staff who was already fast asleep.
You plucked in your earphones and fidget in your seat to get into a comfortable position, you turned on your favorite playlist and relaxed in your seat, drifting off to sleep in a matter of minutes.
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You stretched as you exited the plane and entered the airport, reuniting with the rest of the cast. Jisung was giggling behind you despite his tired eyes boring into yours. You raised your brow, "what are you laughing bout?" you asked with a croaky voice.
"It's 2 in the morning, what could you possibly be laughing bout?" you repeated in a cranky tone. He giggled before shaking his head at you, continuing to grab his suitcases. You huffed at the peculiar boy giggling away infront of you, rubbing your eyes to try and wake yourself up a lil bit more til you arrive at the hotel.
"Hey y/n. Is that sign on your back always there?" Yeoreum asked, dragging her suitcase behind her, pointing at your back. Your eyes widened as your arms quickly reach to venture your back, feeling a piece of paper taped to the fabric of your hoodie.
You gripped it and pulled it away from your hoodie, taking a closer look at the slightly crumpled paper. "What the fuck?" you whispered under your breathe almost inaudibly. Written in bold letters was a big 'KICK ME' in an oh-too familiar handwriting.
You growled, crumpling the piece of paper and tossing it into a garbage bin. "Han Jisung, I am going to slaughter you!" you exclaimed, running up to him who surprisingly ran for his life. Due to your lack of sleep, you were a little slower than him so you gave up.
You spotted him hiding behind his manager, his head poking out. He looked at you with eyes wide awake, grinning like the cheeky bastard he is, you raised a fist at him. He stuck his tongue out playfully at your small threat. You raised a middle finger at him in response.
"Alright then, once the bus to the hotel arrives, sleep as much as you can. We're going to start filming late this noon til midnight, so get all the rest you can." the director announce with a yawn, going through the files and looking at his wrist watch.
The whole staff groaned including you who was checking your phone, notifying your parents and members bout your safety. "I take it back, I'm gonna be sleeping like a pig for the next ten hours" you groaned at your costar. "Geez, weak." Jisung chuckled before yawning into his mouth.
"Im sorry, Mr donkey. I didn't order a glass of your opinion," you rolled your eyes at him. As the bus came to a stop infront of you, you yawned taking the first step with Jisung half asleep beside you. You chuckled to yourself at the sight of the older boy yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes.
This was going to be a long month.
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frogsagainandagain · 7 years
favorite lyric from every fob song
i’m so sorry this is so long please skip this is mainly for me to be able to reference
*songs with incredible lyrics throughout that it was extra hard to choose one or two
honorable mention:  and maybe next time/i’ll remember not to tell you something stupid like I’ll never leave your side
calm before the storm:  you said, between your smiles and regrets: “don’t say it’s over.”
switchblades and infidelity:  walking out on the show is walking out on you/and walking out on you’s still the best thing that I ever did.
pretty in punk:  well I’ve seen your boyfriend/and i don’t think he treats you right/but that’s none of my business is it?
growing up*:  i’ve dried my eyes, now it’s “rushmore”/i’m deep with futures like chicago/no, glenview never meant a thing to me/she never meant a thing to me
the world’s not waiting (for five tired boys in a broken down van):  we’re all “hasbeens” and “never-were’s”
short, fast and loud: good god i wish i was tall
moving pictures:  where can I go when I want you around/but I can’t stand to be around you
parker lewis can’t lose (but i’m gonna give it my best shot): in the meantime just talking with my shoes/converse with my converse
tell that mick:  stop burning bridges and drive off of them
dead on arrival:  i know I’m not your favorite record/but the songs you grow to like never stick at first
grand theft autumn: you need him/i could be him
saturday:  and i read about the afterlife/but I never really lived
homesick at space camp:  landing on a runway in chicago and I’m grounding all my dreams/of ever really seeing california
sending postcards:  when you go i will forget everything about you
chicago is so two years ago*:  she took me down and said:/“boys like you are overrated. so save your breath."          bonus:  with every breath i wish your body will be broken again
the pros and cons of breathing:  i want to hate you half as much as i hate myself
grenade jumper:  living like life’s going out of style.
reinventing the wheel:  i can’t wake up to these reminders of who i am:/a failure at everything… 18 going on extinct.
patron saint*:  and when it all goes to hell/and when it all goes.
my heart is the worst kind of weapon:  we are salt - you are the wound
it’s not a side effect:  and think of all the places/where you’ve been lost/and then found…out/in between my sheets/in between the rights and the wrongs
our lawyer:  we’re only good cause you can have almost famous friends
gin joints:  i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive (now i only waste it dreaming of you)
dance, dance: joe trohman is lame
sugar:  isn’t it messed up how i’m just dying to be him?
nobody puts baby in the corner: you look so good in blue
dark alley: joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of "best friends”
atavan halen:  i’ll be stuck fixated on one star/when the world is crashing down
sophomore slump*:  cause i swear i’d burn this city down to show you the light
champagne:  they say, “you want a war? you’ve got a war.”/but who are you fighting for?
i slept with:  douse yourself in cheap perfume it’s/so fitting, so fitting of the way you are
sixteen candles*:  she said, she said, she said, “why don’t you just drop dead?"       bonus:  so say what are you waiting for?/kiss her, kiss her
get busy*:  i used to obsess over living,/now I only obsess over you
XO:  to the "love”, i left my conscience pressed/between the pages of the bible in the drawer
snitches and walkers:  show me a starry-eyed kid/i will break his jaw
the music or the misery*:  it’s true romance is dead, i shot it in the chest then in the head.      bonus:   and if you wanna go down in history then i’m your prince      bonus bonus:  i went to sleep a poet, and i woke up a fraud
thriller:  i can take your problems away with a nod and a wave/of my hand, ‘cause that’s just the kind of boy that i am
take over, breaks over:  don’t pretend you ever forgot about me.
arms race:  i wrote the gospel on giving up/(you look pretty sinking)
me & you:  the best way/to make it through/with hearts and wrists intact/is to realize/two out of three ain’t bad/ain’t bad
hum hallelujah*:  i thought I loved you/it was just how you looked in the light.
golden:  and i knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me
thnks fr th mmrs:  get me out of my mind and get you out of those clothes
don’t you know:  i could learn to pity fools as I’m the worst of all/and i can’t stop feeling sorry for myself
the after life of the party:  put love on hold,/young hollywood is on the other line
tunnel of love:  got postcards from my former selves saying: “how’ve you been?”
doldrums:  you’re wrong/are we all wrong?
fame > infamy:  “there’s too much green to feel blue”
you’re crashing*:  the headline reads “the man hangs”, but the jury doesn't                bonus:  baby boy can’t lift his headache head
ringing in my ears: new york eyes, chicago thighs
ginasfs:  threw caution to the wind,/but i’ve got a lousy arm
hard to say:  but don’t get the wrong idea/we’re gonna shoot you
lullabye:  when you wake up the world will come around
disloyal order*:  what a match, i’m half doomed and you’re semi-sweet        bonus: boycott love/ detox just to retox 
i don’t care:  say my name and his in the same breath/i dare you to say they taste the same
winona:  bop bop ba dop
america’s suitehearts: why won’t the world revolve around me?
headfirst slide:  i don’t just want to be a footnote in someone else’s happiness
(shipped) gold standard:  plant palm trees on lake michigan before it gets cold/i gotta feel the wind chill again before i get old
(coffee’s for closers)*: i will never believe in anything again/though change will come
donnie: i’m the one/who charmed the one/who gave up on you
27:  you’re a bottled star/the planets align/you’re just like mars/you shine in the sky
tiffany blews: dear gravity, you held me down in this starless city
wams*:  what makes you so special?/i’m gonna leave you/i’m gonna teach you/how we’re all alone
nosebleed:  goes to the desert the same war his dad rehearsed/came back with flags on coffins and said,/”we won, oh we won.“
west coast smoker:  got my degree in the gutter,/my heart broken in the dorms of the ivy league
pavlove:  i want to make you as lonely as me/so you can get, get addicted to this
the phoenix:  wearing our vintage misery/no, i think it looked a little better on me
light em up:  a constellation of tears on your lashes/burn everything you love, then burn the ashes
alone together:  but i don’t think i’m coming home and i said/i’ll check in tomorrow if i don’t wake up dead
where did the party go:  my old aches become new again/my old friends become exes again
just one yesterday:  letting people down is my thing, baby/find yourself a new gig/this town ain’t big enough for two of us
the mighty fall:  two’s a whole lot lonelier than one
miss missing you*:  baby, you were my picket fence           bonus:  i will sing to you every day/if it will take away the pain
death valley:  undress to impress/you can wear the crown but you’re no princess 
young volcanoes:  come on make it easy/say i never mattered  (basic ik)
rat a tat*:  i’m the lonelier version of you/i just don’t know where it went wrong \
srar:  how’d it get to be only me?/like i’m the last damn kid still kicking/that still believes 
the king is dead:  the may never think and wonder why, dear christ/every time i see you i just want to paint the walls white
art of keeping up disappearances: erase the conclusion/but never meant to clear up/any of the confusion
hot to the touch:  if it’s never been broken/can’t believe in it/now you’re just a problem/for someone else to fix
love, sex, death:  but out of every pretty pretty miscalculation/you have got to be my all-time favorite
eternal summer:  i can’t do this again/i need more oxygen
demigods:  what if we were demigods?/they’d take to our knees/raging at the half of our sins
american made:  when i was younger i couldn’t wait for the days to pass/now i know they’ll never last/and i just want my childhood back
caffeine cold:  don’t breathe life into a monster then/complain when he destroys it all again
irresistible:  too many war wounds and not enough wars/too few rounds in the ring and not enough settled scores/too many sharks, not enough blood in the waves
ab/ap:  i think i. i fell in love again/maybe i just took too much cough medicine
centuries: heavy metal broke my heart       bonus: we are the poisoned youth
the kids aren’t alright*:  and i still feel that rush in my veins./it twists my head just a bit too thin./all those people in those old photographs I’ve seen are dead.
uma thurman: the end of the fucking song
jet pack blues*:  did you ever love her? do you know?/or did you never want to be alone?
novocaine:  if you knew, knew what the bluebirds sang at you,/you would never sing along
4th of july:  you are my favorite "what if”/you are my best “I’ll never know”
favorite record:  and i confessed, confessed to you/riding shotgun underneath the purple skies
immortals:  i try to picture me without you but i can’t
hotel in nyc:  a birth and a death on the same day/and honey I only appeared so i can fade away/i wanna throw my hands in the air and scream/and i could just die laughing on your spiral of shame
young and menace?? champion?? i’m sorry who?? what?? huh???
hold me tight or don’t:  i got too high again/when i realized i can’t not be with you/or be just your friend/i love you to death but i just can’t/i just can’t pretend/we were lovers first/confidants but never friends/were we ever friends?
the last of the real ones:  'cause you’re the last of a dying breed/write our names in the wet concrete
7-9 legendary:  i want to choke (u)/and get sick off of you/like secondhand smoke
alpha dog:  i want to put the midwest home again
austin we have a problem:  i gave you pretentious./i gave you indifference, but you only wanted undressed and defenseless.           bonus: hey! everyone’s an underdog.
catch me if you can:  oh dear lord,/please let me into heaven, for just an afternoon.
from now on we are enemies:  a composer but never composed/singing the symphonies of the overdosed
guilty as charged:  i got greater expectations than oliver twist
hand of god*:  it’s not gossip if it’s the truth/i’m sick of always writing songs for you to slit your wrists to
lake effect kid*:  i’ve got the skyline in my veins/forget your night times/summer love on a gurney with a squeaky wheel/and joke us, joke us/till lakeshore drive comes back into focus
mskwyditd (demo)*:  we sold our souls in dark hotel rooms/we slip tongues and lie like “i will see you soon”
star 67:  maybe we could talk this over/but i swear to god/and i’ll have this phone to my head.
we don’t take hits, we write them:  and my life is holding our heads to this gun/you and your new boy think you can come in and keep me off, but you’re wrong
yule shoot your eye out:  and all i want this year is for you to dedicate your last breath to me/before you bury yourself alive
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