#but it's really weird everyone saying Siuan was character assassinated
asha-mage · 1 year
I think the reason I don't buy the argument that the show is framing Siuan as a villain/antagonist is that, while some of her actions are morally questionable (as are the actions of many of the characters in the show and books- including Moiraine and Rand in this episode) the merits of what she is saying are completely reasonable.
Cause the thing is, Siuan is right: Moiraine has lost control of the situation, and she no longer has the ability to be a check on Rand if he goes mad or becomes a threat to the world, much less protect him from the Forsaken. Meanwhile Rand, who should be out fulfilling prophecies, gathering nations and peoples behind him, fighting the Forsaken and rallying the world, has spent six months doing fuck all in Cairhien. He certainly has not been working to learn to control the One Power, which is the reason Moiraine lured him to Cairhien in the first place. Instead he's crept closer to either the One Power killing him from his failure to control it, or else going mad from using it.
Is taking him into custody and putting the Tower's leash on him the right move, morally? Maybe or maybe not, it depends on what you believe. Is it something that makes a disturbing amount of sense to an increasingly desperate Siuan? Well she says it herself in The Shadow Rising: Rand will full fill no prophecies dead. At least in the Tower he will be safe from the Forsaken and at least shielded the possibility of him killing himself on accident with the One Power is eliminated.
Is calling Lanfear for a save a morally right response for Moiraine and RAnd? Maybe and maybe not- the Foregaters and other innocents slaughtered by Lanfear's rampage would probably argue no, not moral, but Moiraine would likely argue yes, because it was necessary in order to free Rand so he could save the world. Was it in character for both of them? Definitely yes, given how desperate they are, and how rapidly the stakes are rising for Rand personally, and the world more generally.
Is Siuan using the Oath to force Moiraine to seal the Waygate a morally right thing? Probably not. Does it make sense when one of the Forsaken has attacked the city conveniently giving Rand the chance to escape right as Moiraine has abruptly and mysteriously regained her ability to channel? Absolutely.
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