cheese-and-bread · 3 years
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“You killed Genji. He loved you and you killed him.”
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Prairie Flight Candles (Dec 10)
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Daily quests
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Find candles at Prairie Rainbow
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Visit fireplace at caves
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Meditate at butterfly field (near the butterly spirit)
Relive yoga spirit
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
The theory of the Yeti being a axe juggler was true and confirmed by one of the devs…
But you know that… in some posts tgc made back then, it says that the Dreams spirits are retired mentors….
What if the Yeti hurt themselves or another person with the axes by accident? Imagine if they retired their artistic job and isolated because of it and everyone started calling them Hermit :(((
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
I love your vigilante tiso au! Got any more doodles of it?
Caught me in a good Vigilante Tiso mood because I do!
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Sunlight/White Light: Thoughts on the "TPK is artificial light" theory
Hey, you know that theory that's floating around that the Pale King represents artificial light? (if someone has that thread please link me I've lost it) Of course, I love it on the immediate merits of artificial/natural symbolism, but it scans even better if you know about the physical properties of light and neuroscience. Let me geek out about how light changes the way your body works, and how this most definitely helps TPK seize control over the Radiance:
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[Image descriptions: two screenshots from Hollow Knight. The first is of the Radiance in her Dream; her glow, and the world around her, are largely tinted in orange and gold. The second is of the closing cutscene of the Path of Pain, showcasing the Pale King and the light of his palace, which is pure white. End descriptions.]
The fact that the Radiance is yellow-orange is most definitely not a coincidence. The sun itself emits frequencies of light from infrared to ultraviolet, which means it also emits every frequency of visible light, from the reds to the violets. Not in equal measures, though! The sun's electromagnetic output looks something like this:
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[Image description: a graph charting the sun's output in terms of Solar Irradiance against Wavelength. It indicates that the sun outputs a variety of wavelengths, with the largest amount in the "green" medium-length wavelengths of visible light. End description.]
You might look at this and wonder--if sunlight is more green than anything else, why do people say the sun is yellow? To make a long scientific story short, shorter wavelengths of light scatter in the atmosphere, which is both why the sky looks blue during the day and why the sun tends to look yellower than the light it actually puts out.
Artificial lights, on the other hand, often have a narrow band of wavelengths they put out:
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[Image description: another chart of light output. The sun spectrum from before is plotted on a yellow line. Alongside it is a standard filament lightbulb (a red line), which has similar proportions of light but shifted more towards red. There's also a line for a fluorescent lightbulb in green and an LED in blue--both have several "peaks" in both reds and blue-greens, and have almost no infrared or ultraviolet light. End description.]
Note the blue and green lines--blue represents an LED, and green is a fluorescent light. Instead of an even curve of wavelengths, they have certain targeted frequencies that are far more common (which is why you might look washed-out under a fluorescent light--way less red!)
What does this have to do with the higher beings? The kind of light you're exposed to actually affects the way your body and mind function! There's a lot of ways this happens, but today I'm focusing on the action of the pigment melanopsin. In humans, it's found in ipRGC cells of the eye, which are clustered alongside rods and cones. Eye receptors (rods, cones, and ipRGCs) all contain pigments that break down when exposed to light; when they break down, that nerve cell fires. However, they each react differently to different kinds of light--cones have three kinds of pigments that respond to short, medium, and long (blue, green, and red) light wavelengths, rods take far less light to respond than cones (so they work in dim light), and ipRGCs and melanopsin react to long/blue light. What this means is that cells with melanopsin are far more sensitive in response to blue light, compared to other colors.
In humans, melanopsin triggers the suprachiasmic nucleus of the hypothalamus (just above the place where your optic nerves cross in your brain, in your midbrain where sensory information is relayed throughout the nervous system). This nucleus is absolutely vital in keeping the body on a schedule--your circadian rhythm, which coordinates hormones, organs, and cognitive processes around a 24-hour schedule. By itself, the suprachiasmic nucleus can keep a rhythm without any outside input, but information from sources like melanopsin-containing neurons helps to adjust this rhythm to things like changing seasons and social input.
Have you ever heard "don't use your phone at night?" This is why. Light that's especially bright or especially blue, like what you see in the sky during the day, or artificial lights, suggests to the suprachiasmic nucleus that it's currently daytime. Red-shifted, dimmer light suggests nighttime. Ergo, this is another example of "things that worked fine until technology started going really fast."
What does this mean for Hallownest? Well, one of two things. Depending on where in Hallownest you are, either the brightest light you'll ever see is the Pale King, white light extraordinaire, or you're surrounded by it, like in the palace. So either you have, on a neurochemical level, a king who lights you up when he comes around, or you're literally bathing in it non-stop.
So what does this look like? Sudden exposure to bright white light looks like the body's rhythm being thrown off, causing cognitive difficulties and fatigue. Constant exposure to white lights outside of expected times brings with it depression and the risks of allostatic load--the body kicks off the day with a burst of cortisol, to get the energy to get going; constant activation of cortisol taxes the body and contributes to chronic disease.
But most of all, artificial white lights encourage you not to sleep.
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
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Warrior Dreams humanization!
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Flight Wasteland Candles (Dec 08)
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Daily Quests
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Admire wasteland sapling
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Visit crab barbecue
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Meditate at broken temple
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Relive fainting spirit
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
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thinking about how Quirrel’s sprites after the Uumuu fight are labelled “wounded” and “wounded talk” in the game files
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
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I just wanted to re-draw this one comic i did based on a dialogue i found somewhere in this website, but instead of doing it on paper i did it on photoshop so... enjoy -
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Help me
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Are you open to meeting new people at any point?
I like new people! I'm not the most social person in the game, but I do like seeing my friends, even if I don't always want to play with them.
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Which part of your vault upkeep is your favourite?
Koulakani nods seriously. She has an answer for this one, and a good answer, too.
Definitely checking in on the ghost mantas. They're so peaceful and calming to be around, and I love the time I spend with them. It just feels..... Right. And much more fun than sweeping for HOURS.
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Show the krill, let them take over
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A murder of krill
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
Valley Flight Candles (Dec 07)
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Daily Quests
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Visit hotsprings
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Catch valley light
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Race down with the skater (2nd dream quest)
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Relive peeking postman
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
If Hornet got infected Hollow would just kill The Radiance on the spot. She wouldn't even have the chance to say anything. They would just jump right at her and stab her until she dies.
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Im pretty sure that would happen
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cheese-and-bread · 3 years
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I think the unlatched jaw for hollow is super cool but also what if it was more wyrmlike.. Ghost is an outlier in every aspect.
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