#but it's dangerous out there and shes already cracked a claw (she's ok)
cuntwrap--supreme · 8 months
It's so cold my dog doesn't even want to go out to piss.
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rogueddie · 2 years
In the end, it seems inevitable. Something that is too obvious, too predictable, yet so perfectly him. Because if there was ever a way that Steve would want to go, if there was anything last thing that Steve would want to be remembered for, it would be this. It would be an act of good, an act of love. Something that shows his care, shows how important this rag-tag team is. How dear he holds them to his heart.
Robin had stumbled. It was just a slight fumble, an easy mistake. It left her open to attack, for a split second. Not even half a moment, she had been open and vulnerable.
Vecna had seen. He had been looking for an opening to strike, desperate to retaliate, but unable with the continued onslaught. They worked so well as a team, synchronized in their attacks on all fronts. From El in his mind, the kids attacking his monsters, the adults attacking the body. It was a fight he was doomed to loose, no matter what he tried- he was already so weak from their last attack, then the attempts to attack first and drain his own energy.
But Robin stumbled.
Steve was always aware of her, at all times. They had become dangerously dependent after the gates first connected. They weren’t attached at the hip anymore, they were fully conjoined. There was nothing she could do, no where she could go, without Steve knowing. Her awareness of him was just as intense.
So when Robin stumbled, Steve noticed. When Vecna zeroed in on her, Steve noticed. He didn’t hesitate.
It was only three steps. He was there, shielding her, before his gun even hit the ground.
“Steve!” Robin screamed behind him.
He was tempted to sarcastically scold her for nearly blowing out his ears. But there was ice in his chest. He couldn’t feel his legs and it sent him stumbling back into her. She tried to catch him under his arms but his weight sent them both tumbling to the floor.
Thankfully, her screams didn’t distract the others. They kept up the attack, not pausing for a second. No one even risked a glance, everyone too aware of how much they need to win this. Steve can wait.
Not according to Robin, though. Her entire body shakes behind him, fingers clawing at him in an attempt to hold him closer, pressing on the would as much as she can. She screams for help, begs and sobs, only becoming more hysterical when Steve tries to reassure her.
“It’s ok, Robs,” he tries. He tries to lift an arm, tries to pat hers. But he’s so numb. It’s something he’s glad for, it’s much better than the pain. He can’t feel his arms enough to truly lift them.
It only panics Robin. She tucks her face into his neck, leaving him wet with her tears as she rocks them. She’s still screaming, though it’s more hysterical sobs than words now.
He isn’t sure how long they stay like that before silence finally rings out.
He does his best to turn his head, relieved to see everyone else still standing. Vecna looks… disgusting. More like cheese left to rot in the sun than a man or a monster. Steves face scrunches up in disgust at the thought that he looks squishy.
“Oh, god, Steve!” Nancy gasps.
Heads finally turn to them. Steve offers them a weak smile.
Joyce is the one who goes to him first. Her hands join Robins, trying to stop the blood, trying to hold him together. She’s trying to offer him words of comfort and reassurance, even though she’s crying. Even though he can see how little hope she has. Her hands are shaking as much as Robins.
“Joyce,” Hopper says, voice gruff. He tries to say something else, but even he is choked up.
“I know,” is her reply. Her voice cracks. She only glances at him, but they understand each other. They know exactly what the other is trying to say without needing to say it.
It’s a lovely thing to see, Steve ponders. A little bit like his relationship with Robin. A connection so deep and ingrained that they can crawl inside the others head. And yet they still love each other, with such obvious devotion. Steve feels lucky that he gets to see another example of it.
“Just hang in there,” Jonathan says. He crouches down, puts a hand the shoulder that Robin is occupying. “We’re- we’re gonna get help. You’re gonna be ok.”
“Nah,” Steve is surprised at how even he sounds, so light, almost sounding content. “I’m gonna stay here. It’s comfortable. But we won right? He’s dead. We should- we should be celebrating.”
There’s some commotion, heads turning towards the door. Hopper and Nancy run out of his line of sight. There’s a lot of raised voices. It’s very confusing, Steve struggling to really hear what they’re saying. His head feels fuzzy. But… he immediately recognizes one of the voices.
“Dustin?” He asks, blinking around confused.
The commotion gets worse for a moment, Hopper yelling. He sounds desperate.
Dustin steps into view though, standing and just looking at him for a moment. He falls to his knees hard enough that even Steve winces at the thud, his hands reaching out to grasp at Steves top. “No, no, no! You promised, you can’t-!”
“You need to be more careful with your knees, dude,” Steve scolds, doing his best to glare. “You’re gonna do some real permanent damage at this rate.”
“Shut up,” Dustin sobs, exasperation bleeding through. “God, you’re such a mom.”
Steve starts laughing, but the motion makes pain shoot through him. He has to squeeze his eyes shut, groaning, impatiently waiting for the numbness to return.
“No, no, please, just- just hang on,” Dustin pleads. “Hang on, we’re gonna get you help and you’ll be fine. You’re gonna be fine, ok? Come on, Steve-”
He’s gently pushed aside by Max, guided by Lucas. She keeps a hand on his arm, white eyes somehow knowing exactly where he is with the now familiarly terrifying accuracy. “Hey, Steve.”
“Hey, red.” He’d picked up the nickname from Eddie. It somehow stuck with him. It always brought a smile to her face.
“You know how much we all love you, right?” Her hands tighten for a moment. She has to pause, taking a deep breath. “Because we do. I know it started as a joke but you really are like our mom. Just as overbearing and annoying.” She pauses, Lucas whispering that Steve is grinning, biting back laughter. “But we know you do that shit because you care about us. It’s… what I said in that letter. I wanted you to know that… even though we joke about it… we do love you.”
“Thanks, Max.”
“That goes for us too,” Nancy tacks on, gesturing to herself and Jonathan. “We haven’t had it… easy, but-”
“We do love you,” Jonathan finishes. He grabs her hand, offering her as much support as he can. He ducks his head, awkward, when he notices that the action makes Steve smile. “You’re a good guy. I’m just… sorry it took me longer to realize.”
Flashing blue and red blares through the wood panels covering the window.
“Hold on,” Dustin reminds Steve as he hurries to his feet. “I’ll get them, I’ll bring them in.”
He hurries out, Jonathan quickly going with him. Despite the certainty that others are still there, hovering just out of sight, it feels like he’s left with Joyce, Robin, Nancy, Max and Lucas. He kind of wishes Dustin was there, but it’s good for him to feel useful. He’ll need to know, later, that he really did do all that he could. He’ll need to know that there really wasn’t anything else he could do. No what ifs, not like he had with Eddie.
“Robin?” Steve asks.
“Y-yeah, Stevie?”
“Talk to her, yeah? For me?”
She laughs. It sounds more like a sob. “Really? You wanna do this right now?”
“Well, yeah. Now you have to. I’m guilt tripping you, Bobbie.”
“Asshole,” she laughs more genuine, holds him a little tighter. “Just for that? I will and when it goes wrong, like I know it will? I’m going to spit on your grave.”
“That’s not very threatening,” he turns best he can, grinning at her. “What if I’m into that?”
“Gross, dude! Don’t make me think about that when you’re dying in my arms!”
He closes his eyes, grinning wider. He’s not worried when he finds them too heavy to open again. “Why not? This is… the best time.”
“I hate you.”
“Yeah. I love you too.”
He’d people say that actually dying is like falling asleep. In fiction, they make it sound so simple and easy. He expected that, to feel like he just… slips away. He doesn’t know where he expects to go, but somewhere.
He’s confused when people start to panic. He’s aware of Robin shaking him, trying to wake him up, pleading with him. He can hear Lucas pointing out that he isn’t breathing. He knows that the emergency workers find their way to them then, through the mess and rubble, and they do everything they can to resuscitate him. He knows that those things happen.
But it doesn’t feel like him. He feels disconnected. Nothing he does to try and move or talk work. He feels afloat, drifting. It’s so dark. Robins voice, already strangely muffled, quietens. It doesn’t matter how hard he tries to hold onto the sound, onto her voice. It slides through his fingers like water.
He had hoped that death would be more peaceful.
He wakes up.
It’s so bright, disorientating. There’s voice around him, in the distance, but he can’t see anyone. He can’t see anything. He tries to crouch, to feel along the floor, but there’s nothing. He isn’t even sure he’s feeling ground beneath him. All he has is the sense that he’s touching the bottom of something.
“Hello?” He calls. He tries to stand, throwing his arms out when he nearly loses his balance. “Hello?! Robin? Hey! Can anyone hear me?” He spins, looking around desperately. “Hey?!”
He’s not sure how long he yells. His throat doesn’t get sore, his voice doesn’t get hoarse and he doesn’t feel tired. He isn’t sure if a minute or an hour passes. There is nothing. He doesn’t even feel tired.
He sits, hugs his knees close.
Maybe he needs to wait for something, he wonders. A guide or something. Someone who will show him where he needs to go. A guide to the real afterlife. A guide out of purgatory.
He refuses to accept this nothingness as the end. He closes his eyes, determined to wait. Determined that, when he does open his eyes, there will be a way out. A way to something better. A way to somewhere better. A way to heaven.
It feels almost like a jolt goes through him. The sensation of ears popping as an airplane lifts, but in his entire being.
He lifts his head, freezing when he looks around Eddies trailer.
It doesn’t look like it did when he was there last. Everything is intact. It’s warm, the low yellow lights giving the small spaces a cozy feel. There’s no tear into the Upside Down, no vines and no mess from investigators trying to find clues of Eddies whereabouts. It’s clean in a way that is unfamiliar to Steve.
There’s music.
Steve slowly climbs to his feet, creeping towards the hall. The music is coming from Eddies room. The door is shut, light illuminating the edges. A shadow disturbs the light, someone moving inside.
For a moment, he stares. It feels like a lump is stuck in his throat. The hope burning in his heart almost painful.
“Eddie?” He eventually calls out.
There’s a thud from inside the room. More soon follow. The door is flung open, Eddie standing there for a long moment. He looks just like he did when he was alive and well. An Iron Maiden shirt, ripped jeans and wild hair. His face isn't sunken with stress and hunger. Beautiful.
His eyes are wide, his expression frozen in confusion and concern.
“Steve?” He chokes out. “No. No, no, no.” He stumbles over, grabs his shoulders. He looks at Steve like he’s the one seeing a ghost. “What happened? What- oh god, no, Dustin, is he-?”
“He’s ok,” Steve interrupts. Clarity is a weird thing for him, everything slowly sinking in. “They all are. We won. Vecnas dead.”
“So are you.”
“They can live without me.” He shrugs, tries to look casual. “I was just the babysitter. They don’t need me.”
“You’re an idiot,” Eddie gently smacks the back of his head. “When Henderson gets here, in like eighty years, I’m telling him you said that.”
“Where is here, exactly?”
“Fuck if I know. Some sort of afterlife. I woke up in a void, wished I could go home and then I was here. I was hoping I’d be lonely for longer.” He glares at Steve when he says that last part, narrowing his eyes. “Which you have ruined, thank you very much.”
“So it takes you where you wish to go?” Steve clarifies. He laughs when Eddie nods.
“What? Where were you wishing to go, Harrington?”
Eddie barks a laugh, gesturing for Steve to follow him to his bedroom. “I think someone fucked up your order.”
Steve watches him flop down onto his bed, grinning. He doesn’t stop moving, one leg bouncing, one of his hands already playing with his hair. He raises an eyebrow, impatient.
"I think they got it just right.”
“Keep talking like that and I might just kiss you.”
Eddie throws a pillow at him. “You’re a tease, you know that?”
He laughs, throwing the pillow right back, diving down after it. They wrestle for the pillow for a while, eventually calling a truce. Eddies face is flushed. He gives one last half-hearted smack with the pillow, earning a giggle from Steve.
“How long do you think you'll stay here?” Eddie eventually asks. “I’ve been to the old Cunningham place a few times. Chrissys doing better.”
“As long as you'll have me. I've got no where to be."
Eddie cautiously reaches out for his hand, smiling a little pleased when Steve entwines their fingers. "With little ol' me?"
"Yeah," Steve turns to look at him, smiling. "Knew you less than a week and I was already missing you more than my parents. You're stuck with me until you throw me out."
"What if I never throw you out? What if I want you to stay here?"
"Then I'll stay here."
"What, for the rest of eternity?"
"Oh, for sure." He lifts their hands up, making sure Eddie is looking him in the eyes when he kisses his hand. He bites back a smirk when Eddie flushes. "Eternity sounds lovely. Exactly what I wished for."
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seiko-e · 2 months
jjk angst/ fluff
Gojo satoru
Sitting on the couch with your child in hand, you remember the day how your husband first confessed his feelings for you…. “WHERE'S YOUR BRAINNNN, THE SIX EYES WHERE IS ITT, HOW COME ITS NOT WORKING!!!!” “Maybe because YOUR SO NOISY AND PLUS, THE FRKN CLAW MACHINE IS BROKEN, ITS DIFFICULT TO PREDICT ITS MOVEMENTS!!!!” “Gee, anyways spit it out, what exactly is your purpose in inviting me to an arcade, pls dont tell me your gonna make me carry all of the plushies you've won” “Shh i'm gonna tell you once i figure out this machines timing and win the plushy, so do me a favor of silencing that cute mouth” “HAH! And what if i don't~?” He wins a plushy and turns to hand the plushy and leans closer to you “I will put my tongue inside, oh, and i don’t mean inside your mouth~”he chuckles Your face immediately got red as your brain already went to something spicy And after that, you got only one plushy while satoru got a big ass slap on his face You remember lots of sweet memories with you and your husband in the past, knowing that you can never create new once with him. Still, you hope he also remembers your sweet past and would guide you, now that you're alone with your child in the land of the living…
Geto suguru
You stand in front a grave of a person whom is dear to you, as it rains of sorrow… “Hey wait up!” “HURRYYY OR IT MIGHT DIE” The girl huffs and gasps for air as she runs as fast as she can. Pass the rocky streams and trees,is a small dark cave, The boy lits up a stick to use as a torch, inside the cave is a kitten who seems to be injured, Its other eye was missing, right ear bleeding, half of the fur was filled with red. “You have the med kit right? Go and patch the kitten up, i'm not really good with patching up so i'll stay here and keep in watch for any danger or predators, got it? The girl nods in response ands starts to patch the kitten up, but then realized, the kitten isn't breathing anymore The girls heartbeat spikes and starts thumping in nervousness “Um…suguru….the-” “Y/N!!!” Before the curse can devour you, the boy is able to grab your arm, suguru dragging the girl away from the curse as the girl quickly stands up and the two run… Several weeks has passed since that incident, both still can't forget and would even joke on how much of a moron the other is “Hahahah if it wasn't for your idiocy, we wouldn't have to run like foxes” “OH YEAH?? WELL IF SOMEONE HAVE JUST LET THE KITTEN BE, WE COULD HAVE JUST PLAYED IN THE PLAYGROUND LIKE WE ALWAYS DO” The boy laughs as the girl pouts “At Least that was memorable, creating cool memories is our top priority right?, after all…you'll move to america in a few days” “Yeah…we got 4 days left…” “Then i wish america doesn't have monsters like the once we encounter here, that way, i wouldn't have to worry about you being in danger” “Yeah, i wish so too.., suguru, promise you won’t get eaten by those monsters, ok?” “In that case, you must also promise to stay away from danger” “Ok! I promise” “Promise” The rain starts to cry louder, you dropped you umbrella on the ground as you kneel down in front of suguru’s grave, clothes drenched in the rain and puddle. “At least you fulfilled your promise of not getting eaten and ate them instead….”you exclaimed with a cracked, low voice.
that's all for the jjk fandom as my reward for gaining 100 likes achievement, feel free to request
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deva-arts · 4 months
...Natan..? 🥸💙🩵🗨🧟‍♂️🫂
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It took a lot of coaxing to get her to take a break at last.
She purses her lips together, holding him tighter where they lay atop the covers. Her fingers knit themselves into the fabric of his loosely fit sweater as though he were mere moments from slipping between her fingers.
He holds her just as snugly, one arm wrapped around her frame with the other atop her hair as he softly pet her head. She had been uncharacteristically clingy for the past week, leaving for shorter periods of time, checking in on him and the others more often, sleeping less and less, swamped in work to distract herself… There was always something more to do, and always a pressing matter to ignore her wellbeing over.
The Overseer's invasion of their base wasn’t the first danger they had all faced, nor would it ever be the first time their little group of misfits found themselves so close to death.
But this was the first time in a long time that she looked so petrified, even after the events ended with them victorious.
No… This time her thoughts echoed, like a dull, intolerable ache. A chronic, ghastly pain that only grew with time: one of loss, regret, and fear.
Immense, roiling, turbulent, consuming fear, like that of a man being hunted by starved wolves and cornered at every turn.
Her countenance was grim, yet controlled. Measured, as she always was. Her tolerance for discomfort was always far too great for her own good.
He holds her tighter, trying to avoid jostling the bandaging on her torso. She shuts her eyes, resting her head on his chest.
He still feels the lingering effects of using his powers on so many people; his very psyche felt like an overstretched canvas, covered in an incomprehensible mess of colors and forms. Even a week later, he felt the stains. Wounds too, some shallow, others grisly from his exhausting efforts to fight back the hordes with any form he could muster. It’d been a long time since he’s ever had to do these things.
He worked tirelessly, day and night, just to treat the worst of the injuries sustained in the battle. Perhaps his vow was more harmful than he thought. Had he not neglected his abilities, Nathaniel would've had a greater outcome in protecting them all. The only thing he could do was put them back together.
Her hand brushes a tender spot on his side, where a ghoulish morph-type wretch had clawed through. He winces and she jolts her hand away.
“I’m sorry, I forgot-" She hushes out, concerned.
“It’s alright, you didn’t mean it.” He says.
“It doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I’m sorry.”
“...I forgive you, Snooks.” Nathaniel sighed; this wasn’t just about his injuries.
Sera exhales shakily, her hand pulling into a fist as she moved it away.
“I…” She begins to say, with her normally authoritative voice thick and hushed. “…I truly… Truly don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Nathaniel.. I…” She exhales forcefully to try and hide the hiccupping stutter- her telltale sign of crying as she swallowed back the tears. He rubs comforting strokes along her back, fingers smoothing down the mantle of feathers.
“I can’t lose you.” She says.
‘Too’ is what she stops herself from saying, if only because the present was already too taxing to think about, and the past would capsize the delicate thread of composure she kept. Seraphina was the kind of person that held herself together by keeping the bare minimum of her sentiments in a little jar, refusing to let it overflow. Said jar was cracking under the pressure. Perhaps it was just one squeeze away.
He doesn’t know what to say. For once, he has no idea how console her, or even soothe her worries. The Overseer was not dead, maybe it never would die.
The world would always have troops, variants and beasts to throw at them. The people in their five man wonder were not immortal.
He doesn’t know how they’ll escape this situation, either. This wasn’t isolated to one city. Not even one country; their reach was worldwide.
He doesn’t even know if she’ll come back alive most nights. Nathaniel could only pray and keep praying.
Nathaniel remains silent- it’s the only merciful response in a situation as catastrophic as this.
She knows this too. She blessedly doesn’t expect him to have the answers.
Seraphina lets out a long, beaten sigh, her voice low. “…Sometimes I think about it. A world where you don’t exist. Where you’re… You’re gone, and I’m left to pick up the pieces.”
Nathaniel closes his eyes, hugging her a little closer. After that day… She likely thought that would be the case.
“Each time, I’m shattered, Nathaniel. Just the thought of that happening alone destroys me.”
“And each time… Despite what I have to do… Despite everything I worked towards, and all of the people in our group, and all of my responsibilities… The first thought that comes to my head when I think that…” It’s here that she hiccups, not bothering to restrain her grip on his sweater as it balls into an ugly furl.
He hears the words before she says it, but even then it makes his blood halt to a chilled stop.
“Is that I’d rather die.” She breathes, only to sob. “Right there, right then.”
The jar broke.
She grows quiet, reigning in her emotions despite her voice betraying it all.
“I’m tired… I’m so tired, Nathaniel.”
“I’m tired of being strong. I’m tired of always being in so many ordeals. I’m tired of waking up at all.”
She raises her voice, her grievances channeled into anger.
“And you know what? It’s always just something new, some fresh steaming pile of shit dumped on me every day. ‘Let’s see what more she can take! She’s got it under control!’”
“And then they call me selfish! Selfish, when my entire life has just been a living nightmare! When I can’t do anything and you’re all minutes from being torn apart! Did I deserve this? Did I offend some uncaring God? Why am I still alive at this point?!" Her tone is harsh, and it echoes against the walls. Then, she breathes, and silence once again fills the room like mercury in water.
Nathaniel feels like he’s been cored out and scraped bare. His chest felt tight, panging dully at her words. He doesn’t let go of her- he doesn’t dare to, feeling her exhaustion take hold of her again as she lay in the crook of his arm. Defeated.
“The only thing keeping me going has been all of you. But… If I lose you… I…"
He stares at the ceiling, both empty and stretched thin, absently running his fingers through the plumes on her back.
“Let’s run away, Ser.” He says, ignoring how she coils at the suggestion.
His tone is level. “Let’s leave. All of us, we find a safe place to go, and leave this place behind.”
She remains silent.
“You won’t have to do any of this anymore. I can easily go back to work elsewhere if we need funds. I’m sure the others can contribute as well. We can go somewhere nice, somewhere hidden, where everyone can be safe. They won’t chase us anymore. We’ll be fine.”
There is a pregnant pause, the words lingering in the air, clinging to the walls. Nathaniel musters the energy to glance at her, curious to see her expression.
Seraphina merely looks back, and for once, he can see the void reflected in them, with little left to mask it. Then, she closes her eyes, curving a warm, tattered wing over his frame.
“…Stop lying, Nathaniel.”
They don’t talk further- they had nothing more to say.
The long night is desolate and overbearing.
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
Going off of an anon question about “what if they have to stop because one of their pokemon gets sick/injured” you said it would be pretty unlikely for them to get caught like that because they are constantly foraging and making different items with the skills they learned in Hisui. But I kinda had an idea for why they might have to interact with the public, what if one of Lady Sneasler’s eggs hatched prematurely? This might be ooc because you said that the eggs would probably hatch only when Sneasler finds herself a den, but I think it would be a really cool idea for why Ingo and Araki have to come out of hiding. Maybe during the egg stealing incident one of the eggs is injured, not enough for it to be noticeable but enough for the shell to weaken and eventually hatch way before it was meant to. Or maybe the egg just hatched early on it’s own. Either way because the sneasel is born so prematurely it would die without any medical attention, and because neither Ingo nor Araki had to deal with this situation before they decide to they need to seek help in order to save the sneasel’s life. Ingo, being Lady Sneasler’s warden, is the first to decide to risk it to save his noble’s child, and whether or not Araki stays behind to keep the rest of the eggs safe or decides to go with Ingo, it still means that at least he is going to need to stick his neck out to get help. You can completely ignore this if it doesn’t fit within your story but I think it would be an interesting reason why they need to reveal themselves to the public again after basically giving up on trying to reason with them
Ooo this is GREAT! ok, so there was a hot minute there were I was considering that once they get the Eggs back Sneaseler was gonna open the basket and find one to be missing. But I decided that was too mean and that it messed up the other things I was planning. But! To have an egg that was possibly dropped by the idiot researches in their rush now has cracks forming?? Oh the drama!
Now, a cracked egg can still hatch. Sneaseler, Ingo, and Akari would all still be devistated at this discovery but Ingo has helped salvage cracked eggs before and goes into protective mode. He takes one look at the newly acquired Chandelure and then tells the group he need a candle. They might have a few already, or Akari might hide her hair under a scarf and run down to the poke mart of a near by town to buy some with the battle winnings they have. Either way, there a tense moment when Chandelure lights the candle and Ingo hovers it over the egg. They all watch as the melted wax slowly dips down onto the egg, filling in and protecting the cracks. After that all they can do is wait and patch up an new cracks that start to form. They can only buy so much time though.
Days go by with them diligently checking on the egg every morning, noon, and night. Until one day a crack too big to seal forms and baby’s claws break through. Sneaseler takes the egg from them and sadly holds it close as the too small baby fights her way out. She’s too early, barely making any sound at all. Sneaseler tries to keep her awake even after hatching, terrified that she’ll die if she falls asleep.
I would need to figure out the other events surrounding this one before I decide upon what this could mean for other ideas, but Ingo risking himself to save the sneaslet is absolutely gonna happen. He might return to the pokemon nursery for help, but by this point they could be on the other side of Sinnoh. They could go into a Pokémon center for help, they both have started to remember those places to be honestly good places to go when your Pokémon was in danger. And Nurse Joy isn’t afraid to kick out a cop if their endangering her patients.
Ooo! If they go to a poke-center and Akari goes with him, it could be one where perhaps Cheryl has started working! How’s that for a Dawn identity reveal?? At first the staff is debating if they should alert the authorities but then Cheryl’s chansey gets a good look at Akari and recognizes her. She pulls over her trainer, who’s still scared because this person is supposedly a member of team galactic, but then she Recognizes the young girl who helped her through Eterna forest and battled her at the tower.
Ingo would be the one to do all the taking, Akari could be there to keep Sneaseler and the others calm. So Cheryl doesn’t get the chance to speak with her directly at first. She does trust them much more now and joins Nurse Joy’s side that the patient care comes first and foremost. If these people want help for their pokemon then that all that matters.
But for sure one of those eggs will be cracked and a baby girl will hatch too early! Thank you so much for this suggestion because I really wanted there to be some kind of lasting effect to the bad guys stealing the eggs!
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artzee-bee · 3 years
End of all things [1] | Chat Noir x witch!reader
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug (Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir)
Summary: Y/N had been Chat Noir’s friend and moral support for a long time now. Even though she had magical powers too, she never liked getting involved with akuma attacks, but now, as Hawkmoth’s gotten control of the miraculous of creation, she couldn’t stay indiferent anymore. She had to save her friend and Paris!
Genre: Mostly angst? A little fluff
Warnings: canon typical violence, mentions of death/dying
A/N: This was requested, but as I was writting it, it got very long and I’ve decided to post it in 2 parts. I’m not gonna post the request just now, so as to not spoil the rest of the story but Part 2 will be coming out on friday!!!
Part 2
Chat was pacing around the room, waiting for you to be done with your potion. You had heard from your parents that there had been a new akuma attack today, but as the news reported, the two parisian heros took care of the problem in no time. For this reason, Chat’s presence at your house felt unusual. Normally he would stop by when he needed to rant, when he was in need of comfort and reassurance but the fight today went well, so what could possibly be bothering him?
“Ok, I’m done” you said, screwing the cap on the little bottle and placing it on your shelf “Wanna talk?” you asked, to which Chat gave you a shy smile
“Yeah, a little”
You made your way to your bed, motioning for him to follow you. You got under your covers and passed him his favorite plushie, a cat to no one’s surprise
“So what’s up? Is it about the fight today?”
“Well no it’s more like a...personal problem?”
“Claws out” in a rush of light and electricity, the infamous hero vanished before you, transforming into Adrien Agrest
“Well, what is it?” 
Adrien revealed his identity to you months ago. You first met him as Chat, but when you really got to know each other, he decided you needed to know all of him. Well, he needed you to know all of him.
You listened to him rant until way past midnight. Until you were both too tired to stand up straight, so you laid down in your bed, covers up to your necks, muffled stories told in between yawns. You listened carefully, giving him your full attention. He fidgeted with the collar of the stuffed toy and you used your magic to make 2 hot chocolates. Eventually, everything that needed to be said, was said. You offered Adrien to watch a movie, since that always cheered him up, but he refused
“It’s late and I have a photoshoot early in the morning. My makeup team will be angry with my dark circles anyways, better not make it worse” he joked
Adrien transformed back into Chat and you cast a safety spell on him, which you did every time he left your house late at night. He always teased you about being ‘too protective’, but deep down he found it sweet how much you cared and wanted to know that he would get home in one piece.
“Night Chat” you said, wrapping your arms around the hero
“Good night Y/N!”
The next few days went by quietly. You hadn’t run into Adrien at all, but you texted a bit back and forth. Sunday evening however, things took a toll for the worst. You turned on your tv, ready to catch up with your show when you heard Nadja Chamack’s voice doing the news report
“It seems as though Rena Rouge and Chat Noir are struggling to stay on their feet! They have taken shelter under a fallen bus, leaving Ladybug alone to defeat Hawkmoth'' your pulse skyrocketed. As you watched the screen you could see Chat and Rena off to the side, struggling to catch their breath. Rena seemed to be in pain while Chat was trying to help. Ladybug was using her yoyo the best she could in order to protect herself from the supervillain, who was wielding his cane like a sword over her head. The fight was clearly going in Hawkmoth's favour! You grabbed your jacket and ran out the front door and onto the empty streets of Paris, towards the Eiffel Tower, where the fight was taking place. 
People screamed at you from their balconies to go home, warning you about the fight and the danger you were putting your life in but you didn’t care. All you could think about was how they needed you. Chat needed you! Every late night talk and every inside joke shared between you two replaid in your head like a broken record. Behind Chat’s tough mask, his alter ego of hero and protector, was the fragile figure of Adrien Agreste. The young blonde boy who cried during romantic comedies, who liked to have his hair braided and forgot how to speak when someone complimented him. If you didn’t help, the heros would loose and he would most likely die! Alongside Ladybug and Rena who, even though you didn’t know their real identities, were still young girls. As you ran down the street, you heard kids crying inside one of the homes. You ran past but at the last second you heard Nadia’s voice coming from their tv
“Ladybug was akumatized”
You approached the Eiffel tower from the side, where you could see everything going on. In front of the tower, right next to Hawkmoth, stood Marinette Dupain-Cheng, dressed in a tight, dark red suit, darker than Ladybug’s. Black butterflies replaced the dots of the heroine's suit and the purple butterfly mask of Hawkmoth’s control was shining over her face. Marinette was Ladybug! She did, in fact, get akumatized. On the other side, you saw Rena and Chat, struggling to stay up right. They were obviously in a lot of pain and extremely tired, but Hawkmoth was merely mocking them.
“After all this time” Chat spoke up, but his breaths were shallow and rapid “I thought you’d know one thing about us! We don’t give up without a fight. Never will. Especially not against you” and with that, the two ran at each other.
“It doesn’t have to end like this, you know?” he said “We don’t have to fight to death. I wouldn’t want to have that on my conscience. All you have to do is give me your miraculouses willingly. The town will be safe, you will be safe! It’s the most heroic option you’ve got. You won’t be any good to Paris if you are dead”
You knew this was not just another fight between them. This was it. Either the heros won or everything they’ve worked for would be lost. Hawkmoth would win and get his hands on both miraculous and god knows what kind of destruction that would bring not only upon Paris, but the world. You focused all your energy in one spot in the air, right between where Chat and Hawkmoth were supposed to clash but before they could reach each other, you sent a wave of energy that blew both of them apart, like a bomb. Hawkmoth flew back into the Eiffel tower while Chat hit the pavement with a thud. Confused and certainly disturbed, both of them began looking around for an answer as to what happened when, finally, Hawkmoth’s eyes landed on yours.
“Aha, miss Y/L/N. What a spectacular honor to finally meet you!” you didn’t reply, instead you stood tall, maintaining eye contact
“I know a lot about you. Seen a lot. Felt a lot of your emotions. None of them can compare to the powers I’ll have with the two miraculouses. With Ladybug’s earrings and the guardian under my control, I’d say my mission here is almost over’’
“Y/N get back!’’ Chat screamed but you were too involved now to run. This was your fight too.
“It is time you give up Hawkmoth. Paris is not yours, neither are the miraculouses. We will destroy you, no matter what it takes!”
“Listen to yourself, kid! <<Destroy me>>? The most you can do is pull a rabbit out of your hat…” before he could finish his sentence, you snapped your fingers in his direction and instantly, the ground around beneath Hawkmoth and akumatized Marinette, fractured. From within the cracks, many tangled plants came out, encapsulating the 2 villains. You sprinted towards Chat and Rena, ignoring the signs of struggle coming from the prison of weeds.
 Alongside the two superheros, you hid inside a corner coffee shop, which was now empty.
“Y/N, you need to leave!! You are putting yourself in too much danger!” Rena told you, as she collapsed to the ground from exhaustion
“Stop with that already! I am here and I’m not going anywhere!”
“Yes you are!” Chat looked at you. His voice was calm and yet, his eyes were filled with disappointment “You are not a superhero. This is our job!”
“You need help”
“No we don’t!” Chat had never, in all your years of friendship, raised his voice at you, let alone yell “ You need to stay safe! You could die! Hawkmoth doesn’t care about anything if it helps him get what he wants! I am ready to take that risk. Rena is too” you both turned to the red headed hero, only to see her slowly nod “But I can’t allow you to take it”
“You can’t tell me what to do”
“I don’t want you to die!” he screamed again “I love you and I will never forgive myself if you don’t come out of this alive!”
Before you could say anything, you saw Hawkmoth and his minion, through the cafe window, cutting through the last of the plants and escaping your trap. You grabbed Chat’s arm and pulled him to the floor, from where you could not be seen
“We’re in this together now” you said in a stern voice, looking the blonde kid right in his eyes “Whether you like it or not '' this time, he simply nodded.
You stuffed your hands into the pocket of your jacket and pulled out 3 little bottles, containing a mate, green liquid. You had prepared one for each of the heros, now you’d only need two.
“Here, drink this!” You handed each of them one “Regeneration potion. Should put you back on your feet.” as soon as they finished drinking the brew, you could see color coming back to their faces
“Where’s Marinette’s akuma??” 
“Her necklace” replied Rena “It’s a gift from her kwami”
“Got it. You deal with Hawkmoth. I’ll bring Marinette back!”
Chat and Rena exited through the front door, grabbing Hawkmoth’s attention. He called out to Marinette to attack, but before she could take a single step in your direction, you had snuck up behind her. Using a simple invisibility spell, you managed to exit unnoticed behind the two heros. It finally felt like the fight had truly begun. From the corner of your eye you could see Chat and Rena doging Hawkmoth’s attacks while you, were doing your best to get your hands on the stupid necklace! Even though she couldn’t see you, Marinette seemed to almost always know what your next move was. She would expertly block all your attack and would keep you an arm’s length away at all times. Finally, you had enough and in one swift motion, you pinned her back to your chest, ripping the necklace away. A wave of black and purple took over the both of you and when it vanished, all you were left with was a half unconscious Marinette in your arms. You dropped her to the ground slowly as she was coming back to her senses. You wanted to talk to her but your thoughts were driven away as you heard Chat scream bloody murder.
On the opposite side of the platza, you saw Hawkmoth rip Chat’s ring off his finger, forcing him to detransform. The exhausted figure of Adrien Agreste fell to the ground with a thud. Hawkmoth had, indeed, gotten his hand on both the miraculouses.
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dreambones · 2 years
For the writing prompt: "I know you're tired, but you have to stay awake." With Foxy and Starling (pizzaplex edition).
Me: I don't like writing angst.
Also me: *Sprints to write this because I have the perfect scenario*
TW For blood and injury :)
Has her body always felt this heavy? Starling blinked a couple of times, everything around was dark and blurry. A groan leaves her lips, it hurts, bad, while at the same time she feels numb, disconnected from her body. Despite that, there was only one concern running through her head, she had to know if he was ok.
God she sounds awful, her voice cracks and she can’t even be sure it was above a whisper. But the animatronic hears her perfectly, frozen next to her, crouched on the floor while his system is done rebooting, blocking out whatever the hell had gotten into his coding.
Foxy body twitches, and slowly, his vision turns back to normal, flooding with pop up alerts he shoves to the side, unable to deal with them at the moment.
He feels as if he had woken up from a vivid dream where a stranger kept control over his body, pulling invisible strings. But it was no dream, he knew that, he kept screaming at himself from the back of his head to stop, fighting to regain control as he was forced to be a front seat spectator of his worst nightmare.
For the first time after waking up, he focused on Star, another urgent alert warning him of the gravity of the intern wounds and the need of immediate medical attention.
He did this, this was his fault, because he couldn’t fight it off, fight him off.
“Mouse… I’m sorry I am sorry please…”
Star recognizes the fox’s voice, he even dropped the pirate lingo, he must be truly worried, she doesn’t want that. The pirate moves closer, hands hovering above her body, afraid to touch her, to make it even worse, was it even possible to make it worse? Before his eyes flashes her terrified expression before his fangs sunk into the skin on her shoulder, crushing the clavicle bone with an ease that was terrifying, the deafening crack stuck in his memory.
“He-hey Captain, nice to see you back to normal”
Star wants to lift her hand and pat that crooked snout of his, but the motion shoots a wave of pain from the tip of her fingers to the center of her chest.
Foxy scanner is going crazy, unable to focus on a single one of Starling wounds, not knowing where to start. Where was the blood coming from? How could he touch her without doing further damage to the broken bones?
He tries to connect to the Pizzaplex communication system and send a message to the others.
He clenches his jaw close, metal teeth clicking with the force. The thought of leaving Starling there and running for help crosses his mind, the others should be at their rooms already, and if not, Vanessa should be arriving soon for the night shift.
The thought is discarded far out the window when he sees Star slowly closing her eyes, body shaken by tremors every now and then.
With clumsy movements, he takes his jacket off and tosses it on top of her body, hoping it helps fight off some of the maintenance tunnels cold.
“C’mon mouse, I know you’re tired, but you have to stay awake”
The shadow of a touch caresses her cheek, she instinctively leans closer to it, finding comfort in the contact among the numbness and screaming pain. Foxy gulps a non-existent lump, but the tightness inside his throat doesn’t go away.
“‘m sorry Foxy, I’m kinda exhausted”
Star sounds distant, struggling to keep her eyes open.
Slow and careful, as if handling the most fragile glass, Foxy slides an arm under her neck, minding his claws, frustrated by not being able to cradle her face to comfort her, the hook on his right never felt more dangerous than now.
Star never felt so small in his arms, he never felt more useless.
Incapable of keeping her awake, the animatronic internal machinery whirs loud as she closes her eyes and stays like that.
He presses the point of his nose to her face, nudging carefully. There’s no response.
He brushes her cheek with his snout again, wanting a reaction, any reaction, anything but her body going limp in his arms.
Why is no one replying?
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captain039 · 3 years
Secrets of mutation PART 3
Logan(wolverine) x reader
Warnings: Age gap, student/teacher, AOB, trauma, swearing, sexual, intimate, a little forceful, heats, smut
Xmen X new mutants
AOB will be referred to second gender xD
Previous chapter
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Living with memories seemed strange, knowing who you were, remembering your parents and their death. Your mutation to shape shift like Rahne only another species. You could half shift also, claws and fangs, just not as much body hair as Rahne. You could see in the dark too in human form, your nose was quite strong as was your hearing of you laid attention.
What you couldn’t get out your head though was your parents, those strange men in all black and the memory of someone saying they overdosed you. Dr Reyes knew all this, she had it all on file, never once told you or gave any hint into it. It made you angry, made you want to make her suffer but she was long gone now.
You hated training, hated physical training for that matter. You watched everybody get their ass kicked and kick ass while you hid in the corner.
“Hey” you jumped when Scott called you.
“Mat three now” he said and you sighed going over there.
You looked to the guy and sighed.
“Come on” he grinned.
“I’m- I’m not hitting you” you huffed.
“How are you gonna learn if your not gonna do it?” He asked stepping closer.
“I-“ you sighed.
“Fine” you threw a lazy punch to his arm and he raised an eyebrow.
“Really?” He questioned and you nodded.
“You we’re holding your fist wrong” he said and you sighed.
“I don’t fight” you said.
“You’re a cat” he said.
“A lazy cat” you corrected.
“I like sleep, food and warm beds with-“ you yelped when your feet were taken out from under you. You landed on your back with a groan even though the mat cushioned it.
“Fuck you” you grumbled staying on the ground.
“Come on where’s the feisty kitty cat” he taunted looking over you. You glared not even knowing who this guy was.
“New kid ain’t got balls” he chuckled as people began to look. You felt yourself wanting to shrink as he taunted and went cocky. You growled though claws and fangs out as you grabbed his legs and held you claws to his throat.
“Woah- hey!” You jumped when Logan came over. The boy under you was scared, you could smell his blood also and frowned when you saw scratches on his legs.
“No powers!” Scott scolded.
“Shut up” Logan said kneeling by you.
“I know you wanna claw his throat out but don’t” he said softly and you sighed getting off him. You walked out of the gym and huffed as Logan followed.
“What happened in there?” He asked and you turned to glare.
“Kid” he sighed as you waited for him to catch up.
“I don’t fight” you said.
“Seems like you do” he said.
“He was an asshole” you mumbled crossing your arms.
“I agree but, you did scratch both his legs” he reminded and you sighed.
“Well then maybe I’ll fight you and scratch you to death” you were annoyed, you didn’t want to fight.
“You won’t kill me” he said a slight smirk on his lips.
“You know what I mean” you sighed going to the elevator.
“No come on” he called you and you huffed again.
“You train with me, at least if you scratch I’ll heal” he called and you sighed trudging back to him.
Back in the room you sighed at the looks, the kid was already gone though his blood lingered.
“I don’t fight” you said once again as you stood on the match.
“Humour me” he said and you sighed holding your fists up.
“You’re gonna break your fist if you punch like that” he shook his head walking over to fix it. You stared at him while he did it, his touch less rough than you though and warm.
“Punch my hands” he said as he held them up and you sighed punching them lightly.
“You just took a man down and your punching like this?” He questioned and you sighed.
“I told you-“ he stopped you.
“You don’t like fighting” he finished. You sighed sitting on the ground with your legs crossed.
“I’m only dangerous when I’m a cat” you said as he sat in front of you.
“Even then I’m not, I’m just quick” you shrugged.
“Half shift” he said and you frowned.
“I’ll scratch you-“ you said huffing as he stood.
“I don’t care” you stood and sighed half shifting. The sounds around you became amplified and you twitched at any light noise, your knuckles cracked as you stared at Logan.
“Try and take me down” he said and you made a small hiss noise. Your mind was always half and half, sometimes the feline took control other times it laid dormant.
You tried fighting him, you ended up on your back with him pinning you down easily. You changed back sighing as you let your hands fall to the side.
“Did I scratch you?” you asked and he shook his head. You nodded when a cramp went through your stomach. You froze remembering what it meant. At the program you were always forced to drink some disgusting medicine that kept that nature at bay, but now you haven’t been weaned off it’ll probably hit harder.
“Get off me” you mumbled and he frowned looking to you. You were shaking under his hold and he let go of you, sitting back on his knees. You made a small noise and his nose flared slightly. Others were looking to catching your scent as you whined softly. You stood as quickly as you could stumbling in the process.
“Kid” Logan held you steady and you sighed leaning into him.
“Ah hell” he muttered.
“Come on” he said rather softly to you as he helped you outside the door.
“You should control yourself cat!” Someone called and Logan turned.
“You better control that tongue before you lose it” he snapped before urging you into the elevator.
“I’m sorry” you said in pain as you held your stomach.
“It’s fine kid” he said though it clearly wasn’t fine.
“I can’t go to my room I have a roommate!” You said panicked as the elevator dinged.
“Fuck!” He growled leading you down the opposite end and into a room. He closed the door and you sighed as you laid on the bed before it hit you. His scent hit you and you looked to him. He was scratching his head back turned to you as he sighed.
“Logan” you mumbled.
“Yeah, I know” he growled pacing as a knock came.
“Logan” the Professor called.
“What?!” Logan snapped opening the door.
“Sorry Charles” he muttered going to the other end of the room.
“I’m sorry” you said crying softly.
“It’s alright, you’ve been on some form of suppressant at the facility, we have some here for those who want it, we just needed your body to wear off the other ones I’m afraid” Charles explained and you nodded. Usually mixing two suppressants ended badly, usually in intense heat.
“I know you’ve got a roommate at the moment, I’ll organise a room for you ok?” He added and you nodded.
“Logan?” Charles called and the man practically snarled.
“Come with me and I’ll have Jean come help here” Logan followed Charles out with tense shoulders. The door closed and you sighed hugging his pillow.
Over the last couple of weeks you’ve been sceptical of the man, an attraction to him. He was handsome and an unmated alpha, but he’d probably been with many women, probably had one now, he flirted with Jean a lot though she was with Scott. You knew you two had a large age gap, probably double seeing as he didn’t age like normal. But when you did fight with him or he taught history you were focused on him, his scent. It was stronger thanks to your cat senses, you tried not too, he was just intriguing to you. He always snapped back at anyone that gave you crap too, stood up for you even if you didn’t need it. He was almost protective of you maybe. Now though as you laid there you wanted him back here, holding you, maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much than. You pulled the covers over you and curled up in a ball as you inhaled his scent. It was strong on his bed thankfully, it took a little off the edge.
“Y/n” you grumbled when someone called you.
“We’ve got your room ready” it was Jean. You froze though gripping the pillow between your arms as you began to panic a little. She came over and you looked to her begging.
“I-“ she obviously could read your mind as she stuttered.
“Jean” another voice came and you looked to the door seeing Logan. She walked to him and they muttered by the door while you sighed.
“She’s a student” Jean said and Logan sighed.
“Logan” you mumbled and their talking stopped.
You heard footsteps and frowned before Logan knelt by the bed.
“Kid you gotta go into your own room” he said softly.
“I’m not a kid” you glared rolling over. You heard him sigh as he moved to the other side of the bed and knelt.
“I’m old enough to be your grandfather, you need someone your age ok?” You glared again and he pinched the top of his nose.
“Look you can take my pillow, just, we gotta get you into your own room” you still glared but sat up clutching his pillow. You followed him to the assigned room you got, further down the hall. You looked to the fresh bed and sighed lying on it, your back to Logan and the door. You were shaking slightly as you held onto his pillow. Tears were in your eyes, he was right but right now it just hurt. The door closed and you closed your eyes curling up on the cold bed.
Next chapter ->
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Sentence Starter - Part 2
I decided to gather all my Sentence Starters in a post. This is the second round!
I know I already said thankys before but, really, thank you so much for your support, it means the world for me. <3
[Gee these covers are lumpy, better fix the covers up!]
"Gee, these covers are lumpy, better fix the covers up!" Mina wormed her hands under the giggly boy, fishing a loud shriek as she vibrated her thumb between his shoulder blades and her other hand squeezed his sides, resulting in a more desperate wiggling from her victim. "Squish, squish, squish the squirmy Ojiro to fix all the lumps!"
"Hmmm, I don't know if I am convinced," her eyes glinted when the blond arched his back and her hands immediately dashed to scratch his incredibly, horribly ticklish lower back. "I mean, why else would I find such a cute squeaky toy, oops, I mean, cover in my bed?" Bubbly squeals painted Ojiro's laughter almost as strong as the red that painted his cheeks as he shook his head, protesting.
"I ahaham not s-squeheheaky!" Mina's nails scribbled and grazed on his ribs, the quick, high pitched sounds that flied from his lips contradicting his own words. "That doesn't prove anything!" The tailed teenager managed to breath out before descending in belly laughter again.
His pink friend matched his laughter in response, slowing her silly tickly attack as tears began to form on the other's eyes, pinching and poking his tummy in order to keep the adorable giggles filling the air. The cute wiggles from him and his tail were a bonus, as well.
"Hard day?"
Ojiro nodded, a smile still plastered on his face.
"It was. Your behed is fluffyhihihi. Sorry fohohor intrudihihing."
She waved his worries off, "it's no problem! Just give me a warn next time so I won't lay on you again, okay?"
Ojiro snickered, remembering the scared screams from they both when a few minutes ago Mina decided to jump on her bed and didn't even realize the strange lump that was Ojiro sleeping under all the comforters and plushies.
"I will."
"Good." The pink haired girl then cracked her fingers, a dangerous smirk spreading on her face, probably an effect of being Bakugou's friend, and making goosebumps ran freely on Ojiro's spine.
"No no nohoho!" He shot his hands up in an a placating gesture, excited giggles already falling from his mouth. "I already agreed with you! Please!"
Mina pouted in faux empathy. "Sorry, friendo, but your squeaky squeaks and wiggly wiggley wiggles are just too much cute for me to not tickle you again!"
"Ihihi don't," a snort cut his sentence, "I don't dohoho any of that!" He says, in between his wiggles and squeaks.
"Well," She attacked his armpits, a blinding smile taking over her features as the other began to giggle and snicker non stop. "I am sure we can compromise, eventually."
[I wouldn’t say that with the position you’re in, star student]
"I wouldn't say that with the position you're in, star student." Sero grinned, the non said threat falling heavily between them.
Todoroki blinked, stopping his struggles to lay limply on the floor, still staring the black haired friend on top of him, the fake dagger pressed on his neck.
"It doesn't make sense." Sero threw his hands up, exasperated. Shoto turned to look at Momo, who signalized at Jirou to stop the filmation. "If he's just got into my house in the middle of the night to kill me how does he know about my grades?"
"Well, maybe you just look like a super genius or something!" The other actor retorted, shoving his face on his hands and then on the floor as Todoroki stared at him with an unconvinced expression.
"Or," Kaminari jumped in, ignoring his friends dramatics "he can be his archenemy, building his hate and revenge plan since Todoroki did.... Something bad at him in the school."
Todoroki piked up at the opportunity to put another conspiracy in the movies' plot. "That could make sense."
"Don't encourage him." Jirou smirked at the protesting 'hey!' shouted by the other, preparing another snarky remark before being cut by Momo's voice.
"We're not making any more changes on the plot. We will just remake this scene and then everyone can go home, okay?"
"I think Izuku would lose it if we asked for him to rewrite another part." Nods and mumbles of agreement to Sero's words filled the room as all the occupants remembered the boy's determined rant of why the dagger's blade shouldn't be completely straight nor silver. "Anyway, I still need to buy that new Fatgum's game that came out. Let's move on."
"I can't," the dual haired actor claimed, a blank face "you're sitting on top of me."
And, for a moment, as the pun sank on his friends' brain, only silence met him.
Then Jirou and Kaminari immediately broke in loud laughter, Momo hiding her own chuckles behind her hand.
"Oh my god," Sero bit his own laughter in order to try to look at least a bit serious as he attempted to glare at Shoto. "You think you are so funny, don't you?"
Smugly, Todoroki let the corner of his lips twitch.
"Let me help you to show what is funny, then!"
"Wait-" but he was too late, before the words even came out from his mouth Sero was already dancing his fingers on his sides, switching between squeezing them quickly to scribbling and prodding at his ribs, yelps and guffaws already spinning in the air. "Dohohon't! Wait, wahahahait!!"
The black haired friend laughed with him, his blinding smile and uncontrollable giggles being too much adorable to resist. "I think you actually meant 'I am very sorry for ever complaining about your great performance, my amazing friend Sero.', right?"
Todoroki shook his head, gasping and squirming harder when Sero experimented clawed at his stomach, a series of quiet nononono's and pleaseplease's spilling freely from his lips.
"Tsk. Not even close, man. But don't worry, we have aaaaall the afternoon." A snort escaped from Todoroki and he hid his face on his hands, making Jirou 'aww' and Kaminari shout a 'wait wait make he do it again!' "So take your time, OK?" And then, in a quieter voice "If I go too much far just hold my wrists and I will stop."
A barely there nod showed that the other had heard him, however, as his hands continued to hid his face, bright laughter and shy giggles still filled the studio for much more time.
[Oh yeah! I told you’d they’d win! Ha! Pay up, Midoriya!]
"Oh yeah! I told you they'd win! Ha! Pay up, Midoriya!"
"B-but this is not fair! Tokoyami bought the victory by offering to do Shoji's dishes! That is not a-!
"There is nothing against this in the rules." Tokoyami shrugged, still panting from the sparring. "And I just remembered there is Midnight-sensei's paper for tomorrow that I didn't even start."
"Sorry, Midoriya. But we will have much more training in the future, still, and your analysis really helped me! You're right, maybe starting to use some weapon, since a hand to hand combat can give my quirk some damage, will be a good advantage." The taller teenager waved at them, Dark Shadow mirroring him enthusiastically as they followed Tokoyami back at the dorms. "I should search for options before choosing. Thank you for the cheering."
Kaminari waved back before turning to Izuku, his smile getting bigger as he saw his protesting pout. "Aww, is someone angy?" He hugged him from behind, snickering when he saw a glimpse of a smile on the other's expression before an exaggerated frown took over, green eyes deviating from his teasing grin.
"I know you want to smile. ~" Denki delivered a couple of pokes on his stomach, an evil idea full of wiggly fingers and giggly squeals blossoming on his mind. "Maybe the 1-A sunshine need some cheering up after being such sore loser? ~"
Midoriya turned on his embrace, now being face to face at him, determination burning on his features.
"Maybe I do!"
And then he blew a raspberry right on that spot where his neck and collarbone met. A loud, surprised squeak answered him and he was quick to dig on Kaminari's hips, being so careful and so mindful to give plenty of attention and tickles to every sensitive inch of flesh, don't forgetting to still deliver smaller raspberries at random spots on the blond's neck, successfully ending with all his coordination to get revenge.
"Whahahahat!! That is nOT-" A snort, more bubbly giggles. "That is not fahahhair!!!"
"But you're helping me to cheer up. See, I have no more pouts and no more frowns thanks to you!"
"Then stop!"
Kaminari tried to squirm his way out of the ticklish embrace, finding that maybe bringing Midoriya to his lap when he decided to tickle-hug him wasn't his best idea.
"I don't know. I think I am still a bit grumpy..." He stopped his attack in order to gently trace that spot right on the blond's right third rib, drawing circles around it and trying to not giggle together when Denki's bubbly snickers filled the air. "Maybe you amazing laughter can help me with that!"
[You know, this fluffy duster feels a lot like your tail...]
"You know, this fluffy duster feels a lot like your tail..." Izuku said, thoughtfully, a particular idea shining on his mind that may or may not was inspired by yesterday's Great Tickle Fight.
"Really?" Ojiro, (un)fortunately, didn't notice the danger hidden on the smaller's words, petting the duster and the fluff on his tail for a bit in comparison. "It really is. But it's not stronger like mine tail!" He made a show of flexing the aforementioned, both chickling at his silliness. "Oh, are you going to clean the curtains? I can help!"
A plan formed on Izuku's mind. He controlled his features to not show the playful grin that threatened to take over his face.
"Yes. Could you hold that part right there?" He pointed to a high spot on the fabric. "I can't research it."
"No problem!" The blond smiled and did as asked, not realizing the way Midoriya stepped closer nor how his shirt exposed a small patch on his stomach with his new position. "Like this?"
"Yes!" Izuku, then, shoved the fluffly, soft, tickly duster under his shirt, instigating a loud squeak to escape from the other.
But he didn't let go of the curtain, a smile spreading on his face.
The green haired boy slightly moved the duster, quick enough to make the bristles of the feathers to barely tease the skin, but only that. Another yelp and a few giggles leading Ojiro to try to hide his red face on his shoulder.
"Don't what?" He beamed.
A small shook of head, a shy giggle. "Ihim not falling for thahat."
"Aw. But I am going to tickle you anyway!" Ojiro yelped, trying to curl on himself, however immediately regretting his decision as the movement shot light shocks across his torso, every feather following his squirms. "Yes! I am going to tickle, tickle, tickle you until all those cutes squeals and nice laughter trapped inside are free. As a future hero, it's my job to help them!"
"Dohohon't say that word." His words were in vain, especially because now Midoriya carried that determined look, thoughts racing on his mind as his hands continued to keep the duster on the same place.
"Maybe I should try to tickle his stomach first? I could start wiggling the duster there and then change to his sides and ribs or maybe I could start on his sides and ribs going up and down a few times and then tickle his stomach as I change from a side to another. The element of surprise is always a powerful tool so I should always change from going extremely soft and low to more quick attacks! I wonder if I can try it on his tail too? I could-"
"Ihihizuku, please!" The one being called snapped out of his rambling by a very flustered, giggly Ojiro, who still held the curtains as if his life depended on it. "J-juhust do it already, plehease."
And Izuku was happy to oblige.
[As nice as this is, we really should get up]
"As nice as this is, we really should get up." Tokoyami said softly, patting the green hair of the head which rested on his shoulder, - it was really as fluffy as it looked! - almost snorting when Midoriya squinted his eyes at the credit's playing on the screen. "Everyone else already went to their room."
Izuku looked around, as if he just realized all his friends decided to call it a night when President Mic - who has been called both due his good taste in movies and to keep an eye on them and their ability to cause chaos - woke up half of the class as he fell asleep in a bad position and started snoring, accidentally activating his quirk.
"It's not-" A yawn cut Izuku's words and pulled Tokoyami away from his thoughts. "It's not a movie night if we can't watch at least five movies."
"Oh no, the horrible punishments that the Universe will bought upon us after such terrible offense. What we shall do in the face of that helpless fate?"
Midoriya lightly shoved him away, a sleepy smile taking all the seriousness from his frown. "N't f'nny."
Tokoyami started to softly scribble his fingers on the other's neck, following him as he tiredly wiggled away, no real fight on his movements.
"Then why are you laughing?"
"Tohohokoyami! Naha!"
"What? Wait... Is this the punishment from the Universe?" Maybe it was because it was so rare for his friend being this playful, or because the drops of faked seriousness painting his words, but Midoriya found himself giggling harder, a bubbly tittering escaping as the tickling traveled to behind his ears. "Giggling and wiggling until we inevitably give up and decide to watch movies until the end of our brief mortal existence, oh, the pain."
"You're so sihihihilly!"
"Me, the embodiment of darkness ‘silly’? Oh, Midoriya, what have they done to you?" His tune was bathed in faux pity.
"Plehehehease!" Tokoyami decided to travel to the smaller boy's sides, scratching and poking them lightly enough to keep the flow of airy laughter and rare squeaks as a reward for the sudden, quick pinches. "It tickles! It tickles so much!"
"The Universe is tickling you? Will the cruelness ever end? Ah, the struggles someone as ticklish, so, so ticklish as you must be going through... Do not give up, Midoriya!" He did his best to not huff in amusement as the aforementioned hugged him, hiding his face oh his chest and muffling his louder laughter due the teases. "Don't let its darkness to dim your light."
His fingertips grazed the back of his ribs, Izuku only giggled harder, "Okahahay, Okay! We- no, not there! - we can go slehehehep!"
Tokoyami stopped the light tickling, waiting for the moment green eyes locked on his before proceeding, a deadly serious gaze on his face.
"Don't." Izuku warned.
"But the Universe's punishment-"
"O-oh my GOD!"
[i did not say that!]
"I did not said that!" But the giggles were already spilling out.
"Yes!!" Izuku, the traitor, couldn't be any more happy, basically sparkling as the feathers of his wings fluffed up in amusement. "You did! You did! You did! I am totally going to do that, now!"
Kirishima was quick to retrieve a pillow and prepare it to a fight, pointing it at his guardian angel with a half groan, half giggle. "That is not fair, man!! You can't ask questions when I am about to sleep, I always say the first thing that pops in my mind!"
"It wasn't really my original intention," the angel smiled sheepishly. "Humans' need to sleep are still confusing to me... But!!" He crept closer, fingers wiggling. "That only means that when you said yesterday..."
"That you likes when I-"
"No!" Big smiles, small giggles. "Come on. Shut up!"
"-that you like when I tickle you-" The rest of the sentence was a squeak as the red haired boy jumped at him, his soft weapon firm on his hands, and both dashed across the room in a chase. "I knew it!" Izuku laughed, - laughed. Not shyly giggled or awkwardly grinned, - pleased that one of his theories about his protected human (and friend) was right.
Damn, Kirishima wanted to at least fake a pout and put on a real fight, but how could he when the magical being was acting so happily? When he was so full of joy?
That didn't stop him from tackling his friend on the floor, both rolling in a playful roughhousing and playing fair until Kirishima felt something incredibly, impossibly soft on his neck, wide eyes as he realized only now how Midoriya's wings were stretched around him, almost engulfing both beings on its length.
The soft feeling came back, now scribbling all over his neck, sending tickly shocks through his body and weaking his strength, something which allowed the other launch his arms around his waist, hugging Eijirou from behind and leaving him to freely stare at some free feathers that slowly swung on his direction, aiming for his tickle spots.
Izuku felt a bit worried when the human stopped squirming.
"If I last 30 seconds without laughing you will let me go to that Parkour classes on Monday."
"But they're dangerous," Eijirou interrupted him, "you can use your magic feathers."
He could almost feel the angel thinking, analysing his options.
"Forty-five seconds."
"I will get you back and ask Shinsou to help me."
Pout. "You're mean."
A feather wriggled on his bellybutton, cutting any snark answer that the human had to that.
More feathers appeared in front of him. Adrenaline ran on Kirishima's veins at the idea of his new challenge.
Sidenote: Shinsou is Kirishima's cat. He loves to randomly lay and nap on the angel, but for some reason his purring tickles Izuku. He likes to purr a lot. Izuku is almost sure the feline knows what he is doing. Kirishima think the whole situation is hilarious.
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Can u please write a Shoto fanfic (or could be for multiple characters) inspired by Murders by Miracle Musical? 😭😭😭 The line "all for nothing at all" hits very VERY hard for me. Can u make it as angst as possible too?
Todoroki Shoto x Murderer Reader
I listened to that song a bunch and still my brain didn’t process all of the story in that song, I hope that you will still enjoy this. I did work hard and I think I did ok, but I put my own spin on it.
TW: A LOT of blood, a few swear words, and heavy(ish) angst.
I got too into the storyline I forgot all the actual angst I was supposed to put in.
Here are some people that inspire me, @alpha-bnha-boys and @random-mha-thoughts
There are 2567 words to read below the line!
Were the woods always this scary?
The leaves rustled and the wind whistled as it sifted through the dark branches. It would have been a peaceful day if it weren’t for the darkness that had been put over the woods. You looked up through the cracks in the leaves to see that the sky was beginning to darken as well. You picked up your axe and wiped of the blood of the animal laying dead on the ground, the blood pooling around your feet. The smell was enticingly sweet, the scent of blood always fascinated you. As you grew older you figured out your favorite type of blood was human, there was something about the fact that there was no fur to get matted when the liquid gushed out leaving you in excitement to see the beautiful color on the white or chocolate skin.
You may be a murderer but you didn’t discriminate. You hoped desperately to find another human in these woods to harvest but you would wait and kill others patiently. The hunt is what you enjoyed; the feeling of raw adrenaline as you ran after your prey.
You had a quirk, and that quirk was a shifting quirk. You could change into any animal; real or fantasy that you could think of, but... whatever you choose you keep the appetite and diet of that chosen creature for a week.
If say, you wanted to be a horse, you would eat grass for a week, even after shifting back, if you wanted to be a dragon, you would be eating meat and spewing fire all week.
But, if you shifted into a herbivore then into a carnivore, you would not only be eating meat AND plants, you would have double the hunger for blood. To most people that would horrify them, but since you drank blood like apple juice, you had no problem going on a killing spree to sedate your desire.
You picked up the blood in the buckets you brought and rang out the already mangled body over the container. Finally you grabbed your shovel and dug by a dried tree. Soil that has a calcium deficiency ate up bodies quickly. If you buried and animal under a tree, the roots would wrap around the white bones in haste to receive their needed vitamin.
After the burial was complete you picked up the two buckets and walked to your cabin.
Now, these woods were special. There was a fountain of mirrors which showed your true inner self but only few have seen it. Those who have are trapped in the woods forever to guard the fountain from others who wish to see themselves.
You sniffed the air and quietly put down your buckets when you smelled it. Fresh prey.
Someone was in the woods whether they’re lost or they’re looking for the fountain, you don’t care, you’ll drink them up either way and leave their bones to the trees of the forest.
You turned into a bunny and jumped over boulders and bushes to reach the heavenly smell. It was sweeter then any human you have ever smelled, but it was surrounded by two other people. Well, you could eat two and save the sweetest for later, like a dessert.
There was a girl and two boys walking with picnic baskets through your woods. The girl was wearing bright pink, easy to spot. One boy had green hair that just made you want to rip out and watch the blood fall from the open scalp.
The last was the sweetest one. His hair was red and white, he would be easy to track down. If he ran you could sniff him out, or look through the darkness for his bright self.
The girl would be easiest to lure, you thought. She would like to chase the cute little bunny, but would ultimately get eaten by the big bad wolf.
You hopped out in front of the girl and her eyes went wide as she squealed to the boys next her how cute you were.
“Hoe, I am gorgeous, not cute.” You thought to yourself bitterly.
You hopped a little father away and the white and red haired boy tried to stop her.
“Uraraka, it’s dangerous in these woods, I wouldn’t recommend chasing the bunny.” He looked through you like he knew everything about you and you shook with anticipation.
Oh, this would be fun.
“Look, it’s cold. It’s shaking so much... please, I gotta help it.” You rolled your eyes and hopped away looking like you were limping. Your sweetest prey just sighed and waved her off like he knew she would be killed by you. The girl smiled and ran after you while the boys waited on the path for her.
When you lead her far enough that the boys wouldn’t see your smallest dragon form, you changed rapidly, stretching over her, your head curled around to the other side so she couldn’t run. You let her scream and then bit.
The blood squelched in your mouth as the neck snapped and your eyes rolled back at how good the flavor was. You sucked and sucked until she was nothing but a dried carcass on the floor.
You flew to the trees in your terrifying black creature form. “The Black Chaos.” The only way to describe this form is it looks like the chupacabra. Black fur that looked like porcupine quills, tail covered in spikes, claws as thin and as sharp as the sharpest knife, and wings that could cut through the thickest tree trunks in your way.
The two boys ran as fast as they could to where they heard the scream only for the green one to start bawling about his love, and your sweet, sweet prey looked around to assess the situation. He looked at all the trees till he locked eyes with you. His left side covered it self in flames and his right put a field of ice around his now screaming friend. You smiled at him, teeth glistening with the blood of the girl. Your eyes stayed on him as you flew up and over the trees.
He breathed a small sigh of relief, thinking you had left until he heard his ice shatter and you fly out, holding his last friend’s neck between your teeth. He was paralyzed with fear while sucked all of the blood from his friend while you locked eyes.
He couldn’t maintain eye contact much longer and turned to the side to throw up. You changed your form into your human body and watched from a distance curiously. Why did he feel sick? You were only eating a meal. Did he dislike you?
You had never felt this feeling before. It was one of dread and confusion, maybe, guilt. You watched him spill his guts for a bit more before he wiped his mouth and looked at you sitting on the ground, legs crossed, head tilted like a confused child.
“Why do you come to my woods, red one?” You asked.
“Why did you eat my friends?!”
“I was just having dinner, what’s the big deal? I’d rather have meals then friends.” You stated to him plainly.
He looked at you funny.
“I’m not afraid of death. When will you kill me?”
“Rather bold of you to think I was going to eat my dessert on a full stomach.” You looked at your black claw-like nails in thought.
“Dessert, your starting to get on my nerves. I might just keep you as punishment.”
“Is this some kind of sick twisted flirting?!” Tears streamed down his face, his eyes puffy red, and the darkness around him made you almost purr he looked so gorgeous.
“Is it working?” This time you did purr, your words surprised the boy as he flopped down onto the floor in defeat. “Well?” You asked again.
“Maybe you should have come up like a normal person and asked me on a date instead of EATING MY FRIENDS!?”
“I can see why you’re mad, but what is ‘date’?”
“A date, like where you take someone you might want to marry out to dinner or something.”
“Like a courtship then?”
“How old are you?” He asked curiosity lacing his voice as you purred because of the lovely sound.
“I was born in 1823. Lovely time I must admit, until they tried to burn me at the stake because I was the only person with a quirk.” You rolled your eyes then smile suddenly at the boy in front of you.
“How,” he coughed, “how old were you when you were killed?”
“Oh dear me, no, I wasn’t killed! I escaped into these woods, of course!!” Your smile must’ve grown larger because he looked like he became more uncomfortable. “Sorry, I smile too much.”
“No, you don’t smile too much, I just became uncomfortable because I’m sitting right next to my best friends’ corpses. No biggie.” He said with what you believed was sarcasm.
“I remember the first time I sat next to my best friend’s dead corpse, my father killed her when he found us kissing behind the barn! He wasn’t pleased that his daughter was becoming a ‘whore’. But! I showed him, after years of abuse from that bastard, I sucked his brains right out of his empty eye sockets! Good times, good times!” You laughed bitterly. “You probably think I’m some freak right? A girl can’t like girls and guys, it’s immoral.”
“Well, that’s not why I find you a freak, but you’re fine. It’s called being a bisexual. It’s not super new but it’s definitely more widely excepted now days.” He smiled at you slightly which made you smile a bit.
You two talked through the night like that. He explained that his father was emotionally and physically abusing him, and he had problems with showing emotion because of it. He wasn’t exactly “okay” with you killing his friends but he seemed more excepting then anyone you could think of.
You’d been with Shoto for months now. He was forever forced to stay in the woods. (With you not letting him leave only to go back to his father, it could be quite difficult.)
You talked about everything and anything, he taught you how to cook meat and how to prepare a meal without drinking blood. You stayed in your human form for the rest of the time he was with you and the only animals you were ever allowed to transform into were herbivores, which made sense. You hadn’t eaten raw meat in months and you thought you were doing better.
You thought.
You warned him. “Full moon is coming, stay in the cabin when I’m out, don’t leave. I won’t be able to control myself.” You told him, over, and over, and OVER. He didn’t LISTEN.
You were out in your most dangerous form, the Black Chaos. Wings spread out you hunted without being able to stop yourself. This was the only time of year you physically couldn’t restrain yourself from hurting others, and killing, and hunting.
Over the past hundreds of years that you’ve roamed these woods, this was the only time you were scared of yourself. You hated the way you couldn’t control yourself when you smell the slightest bit of sweet blood.
You had hunted ninety-nine beasts in the forest, bears, wolves, bunnies, foxes, dogs, dear, frogs, if they had meat on them, they were dead. Every time you hunt like this you count how many you kill.
It’s always a hundred. Exactly.
The moon was falling fast and you felt yourself slowly come back but something wasn’t right, you had seen a few animals pass you but you had no intention of killing them, yet you only had ninety-nine.
What was your body waiting for?
You looked out towards where the sun was rising and felt yourself stay on edge. Whatever was happening, Black Chaos still held the rains of your body.
That’s when it hit. The sweetest scent, Shoto.
He must’ve left the cabin looking for you now that the sun had risen, you wanted to call out to him, scream, “run!!! Stay away!!” But no words left your mouth as your body surged forward, bounding on all fours, not even utilizing your wings.
You saw the head of red and white hair in the distance and you finally let out and agonizing scream. “RUN!!!” That was all you could say before your eyes turned red and he turned and ran.
The chase was on.
You could hear his breathy huffs as he ran you could hear the leaves crunch under his feet, his sobs that wracked his body as his tears fell. He was terrified, of YOU.
You were screaming and crying and trying to stop this mess but the thing inside you wouldn’t stop seeking blood, his blood.
Finally after twenty minutes of running and crying on both parts, he tripped and you loomed over him, your long black tongue lolled out and touched his face, caressing it sweetly, wiping his tears as his chest rose and fell rapidly. Not only from all of the running, but also the fear of you.
He always said he wasn’t afraid of death but after looking into your eyes, your eyes that held death, he realized something. He was afraid, but he was in love with death. He loved you. YOU. The one who comforted him and joked with him and learned how to be human from him.
“I love you!” He yelled out as your long tentacle tongue wrapped around his neck, your teeth inches away from biting down.
“I love you so much it aches! I want to live with you forever! I want to teach you to be human and hug you when you’re sad!” He cried and cried and watched as your own tears fell for your eyes.
Then you bit down.
You screamed in agonizing pain as your only love was ripped from you by yourself. You did this. Your human form came back to you and you slammed you fists on Shoto’s chest.
“I love you so fucking much!”
“I’m so sorry!!! I’m so sorry!! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry... I’m so—“ your laid your head on his chest and cried and cried and cried.
Shoto’s hands moved to your face and wiped your tears.
“I love you too. You’re wonderful.”
You hugged him tightly crying harder in relief. How was he alive?
“It’s cliché to say that your love woke me up, but look at where we are.”
You look around and a smile made it’s way to your face. You were in the Fountain of Mirrors. The water had already healed Shoto’s neck.
He had tripped into the shallow pool when you were chasing him and you were too worried about him to see that you were surrounded by the water.
“You’re a guardian now. Of the woods, I mean.” You laughed threw your sobs.
“I know. And I will be forever.”
And so, you and Shoto live in the forest of Murder for the rest of the days of the earth. You looked into the mirror to see yourself a beautiful swan, you were no longer Black Chaos, you were White Savior, helping all people away from the fountain instead of gobbling them up.
The End.
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lovemybluebully · 3 years
Danger Room Level 1
Posted this at the beginning of the year on my DA account. Thought I’d throw it up on here. This was my first Wolverine tickle pic in 4 years! O_O
Wrote a little story to go along with it.
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Story is below the ‘Keep Reading’ line.
*/M Tickle Fic (Obviously lol) "Any other surprise challenges for me today, bub? Or is that all ya got?" Wolverine smirked confidently up at the team leader of the X-men, glancing over his shoulder at the pile of rubble consisting of destroyed weaponry and dismembered sentinels and robots of all sizes. Cyclops only sighed as he shook his head and looked down at the Canadian brawler from the control room of their training facility, having exhausted almost every combination of attacks that he could think to throw at him.
These scenarios of Wolverine slicing and dicing up every obstacle and foe were quite predictable and honestly getting a tad boring to watch over and over. Scott decided it was time to try something a little different. "No, this just isn't working. These upper level programs are just all foreseeable for you. Lets try something new. I say we scrap everything and start over from scratch. How about we start you at level 1?"
Logan's smirk disappeared as he frowned up at the other man. "Level 1? Yer kiddin' me, right? That's the program the Professor uses to train the kiddies."
"Trust me Logan it'll be perfect for you. Since you've always skipped over the bottom levels you'll have no idea what they contain so you won't be able to predict them so easily. Hell I don't even know myself exactly what is on each level, but lets give it a shot! Maybe we'll both learn something." Scott actually wasn't lying since he himself had been too competent for those beginner programs when he had joined the X-men. It was likely that Logan would just blow right through them, but he was curious and quite frankly desperate for a change of pace. "Fine. But this is gonna be just a waste o' time," Logan grumbled as he lazily stretched out his arms and cracked his neck. "Don't underestimate the Danger Room and dismiss this program so easily. It may be aimed towards the less experienced, but should still provide its own formidable experience. Remember to stay alert and don't let your guard down." Wolverine just scoffed and blew off his advice like he normally did. "Yeah whatever Slim. Lets get on with it."
"Ok great. Now just a moment here. I'm initiating level 1....," Scott uttered with some fast typing on the control board before pressing one final button, "Now." They waited for a few quiet moments, but nothing happened. Logan was about to quip some sarcastic remark when finally the Danger Room began to show some activity. A compartment on the wall opened and two gloved robotic hands being controlled by metal tentacles began to slowly make their way over to him. Logan snorted in disbelief and shook his head as he looked over the two appendages and noted that they were not holding any kinds of weapons; basically looking completely harmless.
"That's it? This is ridiculous. What's next, a pillow fight? Not that I expected this crap to be any kinda challenge whatsoever," Logan rolled his eyes as he raised his hands into the air and released his deadly claws; ready to dispatch the advancing robot hands with a quick swipe once they closed in. Not even a second later he quickly found his arms ensnared as two metal tentacles had crept in from behind to successfully restrain him much to Logan's shock. He growled as he tried to slice at the tentacles with his sharp claws, but they firmly held his arms away from each other just above his head. The distraction had been just enough that he barely had time to notice that the gloved hands had now reached him as one of them wasted not a moment to grab hold of the hem of his uniform's shirt and roughly jerk it upwards, exposing his bare stomach.
"Hey! What is...?!" He shouted in confusion; his words cut off as the other hand immediately shot forward and buried it's furiously wriggling digits right into his muscular belly.
Logan hadn't listened to Scott. He had let his guard down completely when he had seen this "threat" first enter the room. His overconfidence was now going to be his downfall for mocking the capabilities of the robot hand; the hand that was now ruthlessly tickling him. This tactic was a complete shock to him, and having not put up any of his mental defenses in preparation the laughter exploded out of him as soon as contact was made. "Ahahahaahaa! Wha-Whahahat's goin' ohohohon?! Stahahap thaaat!" He howled out at the mindless hand that relentlessly continued tickling all over his sensitive abdomen; the other hand holding his shirt securely out of the way. Scott too was in complete awe by just what method the program had decided to use, though he couldn't help but grin as he saw the situation that his normally cantankerous teammate was now in. It was already a known fact by the mansion's inhabitants that Logan was surprisingly ticklish as his female team members found it quite endearing and took great delight in ganging up on the burly mutant at times. Heightened senses did have their drawbacks. Still nothing that Scott himself would partake in, knowing that while Logan might put up with it from the ladies he was pretty sure he'd be skewered on the spot if he even made a hint at attempting such a thing. In a way he now felt that he had a sense of power in having Logan in this position. "See? That's what happens when you underestimate the situation, now get to work Logan. Tickling probably isn't a real world offensive that you're going to run into, but no harm in being extra prepared." Wolverine's claws remained out, but he couldn't move his arms enough to free himself. Unable to think straight he continued to fail in his efforts to come up with a strategy to get out of this aside from yelling up at the amused operator in the control room. "Cyyyykehehehee! Tuhuhurn thihis shihihihiiit ohahahahoff!!" Arms bulging he thrashed uselessly in the grip of the tentacles, trying to block the torturous hand from his body by lifting his knee to no avail. He'd been tickled worse than this before, but never had he been this helpless to defend himself. Meanwhile Scott mused over the scene before him. It in fact was a little stupid to be messing with one of the world's deadliest mutant's like this, and he was pretty sure there would be Hell to pay later. His hand hovered momentarily over the button to shut down the Danger Room, but then he pulled back. "No, I think you just need a little more time to figure this out. I have faith in you. I mean, this program is only used to train the 'kiddies', right?" Yup. He was pretty sure Logan was going to kill him after this. "Fuhuhuhuck yooooouuuu!!" Logan cackled as he desperately tried to regain some kind of focus though was only barely able to retract his claws back into his hands, knowing that they were of no use. "Aw c'mon Logan. You're not that ticklish, are you? Can't resist just one little hand tickling you?" Scott couldn't help but tease a bit, having on more than one occasion seen Logan nearly lose his mind from just having his stomach tickled by his teenage sidekick, Jubilee. No sooner had he said that when a third hand began to move in from out of Logan's sight before grabbing the squirming mutant right below his ribs as the fingers playfully dug in over and over again.
"Bwahahahahahahahahaa!! Noooo!! Gehehet 'em offa meeheeheehee!!" Roaring with laughter from the added torture Logan was regretting not taking the lowest level of the Danger Room more seriously. With his arms being held out of the way he couldn't even use them to help guard his body no matter how hard he pulled to free them. It wasn't much longer before his legs began to weaken as he attempted to sink to the floor to hopefully get him a split second of reprieve.
He was allowed to move to the ground, but the hands were unrelenting. With a firm tug the restraining tentacles around his forearms pulled him down onto his back as a few more hands now appeared seemingly out of nowhere to join in tickling under his arms and the other side of his ribcage.
"No!! No!! Stahahahap ihihihihit!! Lemme outtahahaha heeheeheeeere!!" The Wolverine howled as he kicked and squirmed like crazy; his armpits being one of his worst spots. Two other metal tentacles quickly slithered over and grabbed onto each leg to stretch him out and prevent him from curling up in defense. Tears crept out of the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard as so far he had made no progress in getting loose. "Very disappointing Logan. I thought for sure you'd have passed all these lower levels with ease. Well it seems we've uncovered your true weakness. Something that your healing factor won't protect you from. We'll probably have to repeat this level over and over until you get it right," Scott grinned wider, only half serious as he liked to push Logan's buttons at any given opportunity. He was hardly listening though; too focused on the incessant tickle torture. Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse two additional hands made their way over and quickly tugged off his boots, revealing his twitching bare feet as Logan's eyes bulged in panic. "HEY!! Hey hey waahaahaait a m...minute!! No don't!! Not the-AAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!" Fingers wildly scratched at his tender soles, tickling from his wide heels to up under his curled up toes with not a thing he could do to stop them. He was laughing harder than he'd ever had as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. He absolutely could not handle having his feet tickled and once had accidentally kicked Rogue for trying. Luckily she is a tough woman though she used it as an excuse to really punish him with his ankles trapped in the crook of her super strong arm while Logan hysterically cried 'Uncle'. This was more than he could stand. Being spread out and tickled in all his most sensitive spots at once with no way to guard himself was where he drew the line. He loathed the thought of what he was about to do, but he couldn't hold back the frantic pleas that came pouring out. "NAAAHAHAHAHAHOOOO!! N-NO MORE!! STOPSTOP!! PLEEHEEHEEEEASE!! I CAN'T..HAHAHAHAHAA..CAAHAAHAAN'T T-TAKE THIHIHIIS SHIIIIIT!!" Scott was just enjoying the show as he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "Wow. Who knew? All one has to do to defeat Wolverine is to tickle him and he'll be begging for mercy. Better hope none of your enemies ever find out about this one."
And with that he finally pushed the button to shut down the currently running program in the Danger Room. He'd have been more than happy to let it keep going, but even he could feel some sympathy for his frenemy and knew once he started begging that he had had enough. Logan instantly panted in relief as the hands all stopped tickling him while he was gently released from the restraints, everything then retracting back into the chambers that they had emerged from. A giggle escaped him here and there as he still had a phantom feeling of the fingers all over on his body.
Scott slowly clapped his hands in jest from the control room as he grinned down at the seemingly lifeless body. "Not bad, Logan! I think you almost had it there, but I'm sure you'll do better next time! So what do you think? Ready for level 2?"
The middle claw that immediately popped out of Logan's fist crudely gave him his answer.
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
[Salaen's Bio]
“The Incident”
The incident occurred in the 24 BBY year. Salaen & the other hunt mothers had set up camp for the night despite not being too far from home. It was dangerous to move through jungle at night with a handful of children in tow. It was somebody’s ingpriva. (Listen I have to finish all the wive’s character sheets before I try & sort out all the children. It is an undertaking, ok.)
All the children were sleeping literally underneath the wagon they had brought. Weyla was on guard at said wagon. Jyada, Kevanru, & Salaen were drinking around a small fire a little over 5 meters away. The Republic embargos had been in effect for over a decade at this point. Resources were scarce. For everyone. Not only was Kalee’s wildlife being over hunted for lack of food, exotic animals were a lucrative export. The only lucrative export left. So, despite the general consensus to stop doing it there were still large poaching rings.
A piinyur was a large sabretooth jungle cat that lived most of their lives in the trees. They relied on snatch & run methods, in part a reason not to travel thick jungle at night with very snack-sized members of your troupe. Usually a piinyur would never size up a camped group of Kaleesh. But times were desperate. If this particular cat didn’t take something now it would just get weaker & weaker.
The piinyur had sized up Weyla, alert & armed, & did not like its chances even though it would love nothing more than to snatch a nice juicy Kaleesh pup & be on its way. It stalked behind the women drinking. One was much too big. The other against a tree facing its direction. But the smaller one was the closest, facing away, sitting up against a low rock outcropping, with the fire between her & the others. This was not an ideal situation for anyone, least of all the cat. But it was so hungry.
The piinyur leapt out of the darkness & clamped its whole mouth around Salaen’s skull. She screamed once. Jyada’s immediate reaction was to lunge forward, over the fire, & punch the animal in the face with full force. The piinyur let go of Salaen but slashed at Jyada not wanting to give up its last chance at a meal. Its claws caught the temple of her mask, batting it off, & scratched her just above the eye.
Jyada roared at it & the cat scrambled back into the brush. It did see the burst of chaos it caused & scampered off to its initial target. Weyla already had her bow drawn when the cat leapt at her. She shot it right in the chest but it was a close range hit. The piinyur still landed on her. She was able to throw it off to the side rather than being pinned. It immediately tried to dig under the wagon where some children were just coming out of a dead sleep. Weyla kicked that bitch right in the face & there was a struggle.
The cat was locking down on Weyla’s foot just before Kevanru bounded in & pretty much suplexed it. It didn’t take a great deal of Kevanru’s tremendous strength to put the piinyur out of its misery. They were able to break its neck before it knew what was happening. Weyla was already stacking children back onto the wagon like sacks of potatoes. This all happened in maybe 3 minutes, 5 at the most. The kids weren’t really aware of what happened & some never even woke up during the commotion. A small blessing.
Kevanru stood for a second, unsure of what to do, before racing back to the other hunt mothers. They knew it was not going to be good. The sound it made. The sudden short scream. Piinyur’s large fangs, which protrude far from their closed mouths, are used kind of like a bottle opener. The fangs hook into the neck or head of prey so it can hang onto to it while dragging it back into the trees. Kevanru learned this from Salaen, whom was now cradled in Jyada’s arms right where she had been sitting. The cat’s huge fangs had wrapped around the back of Salaen’s head & punctured her temple. Then its jaws had clamped down like a vice, squeezing & cracking her skull with no small amount of force. Jyada was tearfully muttering calming words to her. Salaen’s only open eye was glassed over but did move to Kevanru when they loomed over Jyada’s shoulder.
“Everyone is okay- The pups are safe…” Kevanru said as they concentrated their way to a moment of clarity. Kevanru had never been much of a deep thinker but they were grateful for the panicked thought that struck them: What does she need to hear before she goes?
Salaen managed a smile & choked out, “Damn cat got me, lads.” As usual, she never directly addressed a problem, opting instead to say something cheeky.
Weyla shouted (as much as Weyla could shout) for Kevanru to help her get the wagon full of sleepy, confused children home. Jyada stayed with Salaen by the fire until she died. Her brain had swollen to close the punctures in her skull. Jyada pinned the cat among the rocks that Kevanru would later come back to retrieve. She broke down camp & carried Salaen home by herself.
Grievous was, of course, not home at the time. He was vaporized a little over a year later.
[She died doing what she loved: drinking with her wives & getting bitten in the face by wild animals]
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Man’s Best Friend.”
Try not to bee too mad at me guys :) Sorry about the angst. 
It is a more than well known anomaly that humans will social bond with any species. This is not barring their danger levels, or factors of perceived cuteness; no matter the cost, humans will pack bond with any animal. They have even been known to bond with inanimate objects and houseplants. However, one of the greatest bonds man has ever created, is their bond with dogs. Thousands of years ago a man shared his food and his fire with a wolf: another social pack species. After years and years of careful breeding selection manipulated by humans, they ‘created’ an animal that protects loyally, forgives quickly, and loves unconditionally.
In my study of humans, I have found that the emotional bond with a dog can run deeper than an emotional bond with humans.  I am not entirely sure why a human would find it more displeasing to watch a movie where a dog dies than to watch a movie where a human dies, but I have some suspicion that it has to do with the innocence and unconditional friendship that dog has given man, a quality that man has never given himself.
Waffles: a 75lb 34kilo german shepherd shoved her head into an alien bush nose working furiously as she pawed through the strange purple plant. She came back up a moment later and sneezed violently sending up a cloud of delicate yellow polin.
Admiral Vir laughed and whistled, and turning on her heel she bounded back to him over open ground her ears straight up, her tail wagging furiously. She ran up to him and touched her nose to his hand as if tagging base before bounding off again to sniff the path before them.
Krill and Sunny walked with him, Krill staring at the brightly colored alien landscape with buzzing antenna.
Waffles leaped through another patch of wild blue grass sending up more white spores into the air, stopping only to sneeze again before continuing.
Sunny went up to walk beside the Admiral, “She looks happy.”
Adam nodded, “Yeah, I like bringing her down on occasion to get some fresh air. I know she does pretty well on the ship, but I feel bad keeping her cooped up so much.”
With another bound Waffles plowed through a shallow stream sending up droplets of water.
This planet was one the GA had been studying for some time, and, as it seemed, it was a relatively nice, habitable planet that they were readying for colonization for the Finnari, or perhaps, humans, or even both permitting everything went well.
Krill watched the dog as she plowed through the grass, rolling in the  weeds like she was having the time of her life.
Predators used to scare him, but the dog had proven herself to be docile at the Admiral’s command, and he could at least tolerate her if not like her…. Just a little.
Adam Grinned at his dog’s antics and charged into the grass after her.
The dog dropped her front paws, but and tail sticking up in the air, a nonverbal invitation for her master to play with her. He didn’t reject her offer and raced forward to play chasing her around the field, their legs swishing over the grass. She barked happily as they did.
Adam had now ran far ahead of the others towards another nearby forest path. Waffles was behind him just a little ways as he pulled to a halt panting.
It was then that he heard it, a sudden rustling of foliage turning into a swirling thunder of air.
He turned on the spot eyes wide in shock and surprise.
Surprise at the ravening beast charging directly towards him, its purple fur and white tusks glittering in the sun. he leapt out of the way, but the beast was quick, about waist height and angry. He was so startled he couldn't even scream his only reaction to try to kick at the creature and keep it back.
It squared off against him, and he tried backing away, but it charged again.
There was a sudden snarling noise, and waffles charged into the fight snarling and snapping.
She bit the creature hard on it’s back leg.
“WAFFLES!” Adam shouted 
The creature turned violently and whipped it’s tusks at waffles, who didn’t heed them as she charged in again, snapping at its face and throat forcing herself between Adam and his attacker.
It thrashed and she yelped in pain, but charged forward again, grabbing it by the leg and holding on for dear life as  it trampled into the bush dragging her along with it.
Another yelp came from the forest, high pitched and painful.
“WAFFLES!” It didn’t take a moment before Adam was chagrin into the bush after them pulling his sidearm as he did. He followed the sound just in time to see the creature whip it’s head around and catch waffles hard in the side picking her up and tossing her to the ground. Blood drenched her fur, while green icor drenched her muzzle.
He screamed in anger instead of fear this time as he leveled his sidearm and emptied his magazine at the creature. He wasn’t sure how many hit, but the creature was tough enough that it staggered off itne bush yowling. He ignored it for the time and ran, throwing himself to his knees at the side of waffles, who was lying on the ground breathing shallowly.
Sunny roared into the clearing just behind them, her spear raised, but the creature was already gone.
Adam reached out his hands which were trembling so badly he could barely function, “Waffles, waffles no no no no.”
He rested a hand on her side and she whimpered in pain, her muzzle resting on the ground her eyes half hooded.
A choked sob broke from his throat, “No. no…. You’re g-gonna be o-ok.” 
His hands fluttered uselessly over her body, covered in blood.
“KRILL! PLEASE Someone… h-help.”
Sunny stood back in shock and fear as Adam clawed at his hair, tears rolling down his face in uncontrolled streams.
Krill scuttled in not far after.
Adam turned to look at him his face twisted into a snarl, “Help her!” His voice cracked on demand and he turned back hands still shaking not knowing what to do. Being a doctor krill was well aware that the human’s anger was displaced and did not take it personally as he moved forward and took a look at the injured animal.
He lifted her front paw, and she whimpered piteously.
Off to the side Adam was still inconsolable, his hands in his hair threatening to rip out fistfulls with his clutching fingers. His agitations was actually getting in the way of Krill working.
“Adam, Adam just hold her head ok, help her stay calm.”
He nodded following orders stiffly, crawling over the ground to sit her head in his lap and tell her she was such a good girl and that she was going to be ok. Streams of continual tears rolled down his cheeks and onto her fur. Waffles licked his hand lethargically.
Sunny knelt next to him, hand on his shaking shoulder powerless as for what to do.
She had never seen him like this, ever.
Not that Adam was one to conceal his emotions completely, but he generally subscribed to silent tears if there were any at all. This, this was different, no holds barred uncontrollably sobbing, the kind where the human loses all functioning, eyes, nose, mouth and racking sobs that shook the body in aggressive, violent spasms.
Krill rolled waffles a little further onto her side spotting a deep gash from her chest and abdomen. He couldn't tell how deep it was, and didn’t want to look in this sort of environment.
“Sunny, call the shuttle!”
The urgency in his voice only served to secure Adam’s worst fears, “No… no, ou’re going to be o.”
“Adam, give me your jacket.”
He did without hesitation, ripping it off his body and offering it to krill as if it was the thing that was going to save her life.
Krill got Adam to help lift her onto the jacket and wrap her up, while he used some thing from his medical kit to staunch the bleeding. Waffles was still conscious, through her eyes were half lidded.
“Please be ok.” Adam begged, and despite all her injuries, her tail thudded against the ground at the sound of his voice and the touch of his hand. This only started his tears flowing even harder.
Overhead the sound of engines whirred, and touched down on the grass not far away.
“Ok, lift her gently.”
He did as ordered hugging her to his chest and practically racing towards the shuttle as it descended.
When the doors opened he practically bowled past the waiting marine who looked on in shock.
He gently lay Waffles on one of the seats all but yellin at one of the marines to make sure she stayed there before racing to the ront of the craft.
“Admiral are you sure…” The copilot began.
“Get out o my fucking way!” he snarled, and the ire in his voice was so that the man quickly leaped from his seat as Adam slid into the pilot’s seat. Krill was worried that the human was going to kill them all trying to pilot in that state, but what he witnessed next was a feat of pure talent and skill as he maneuvered them up through the clouds faster and steadier than krill would have thought possible.
Waffles whimpered softly in the background, held tight in Sunny’s arms now.
Their copilot sent out a medial call as soon as was feasible and very prudent.
By the time they made it inside, a crew was waiting with a stretcher.
Didn’t matter that it was waffles, but they treated her as they might any human with krill tagging long beside.
Adam ran after them until the doors to the med bay shut in his face and he was told to stay outside.
Sunny made her way quietly down the hall footsteps no more than a whisper over the metal floor. It was dark on the ship, the lights having been dimmed for the night. Up ahead she could see light filtering out into the hallway, and the rim lighting of a figure sitting in the dark.
She moved forward, and the mass of shadow coalesced from the darkness. Adam sat on the floor, knees pulled to his chest, head in his hands. Three pairs of bright yellow eyes looked up at her from the darkness. And Sunny tilted her head in surprise to see three Finnari curled up around Adam. One leaned against his left side, one leaned against his right side, and one rested against his legs.
The others raised their heads, though Adam remained curled up with his head in his hands.
Sunny nodded to them, “I can take it from here.” She said quietly
The Finnari looked between each other and then waddled to their feet. One of them patted Adam’s hair before joining the group and waddling off down the hall. Sunny knelt and then slowly sat next to Adam resting a hand on his back.They sat in the dark in silence for a long while before he looked up at her.
His cheeks were still wet, and she had no idea how he was still producing any, sure he would have dehydrated hours ago.
In response, she pulled the human closer using all four of her arms until he was curled up against her head resting against her chest.
“I….I can’t l-lose her s-sunny…. I I don’t know what I-I’d do.”
She rubbed his back gently with one of her lower hands, feeling as his body continued to spasm rhythmically with the beat of his grief. He covered his eyes with his right hand turning into her chest as if trying to hide his face. His teeth were gritted against quiet sobs.
But despite his attempts to stay quiet, he couldn’t.
It killed Sunny to watch.
He was completely debilitated. She had seen a human like this maybe once before under different circumstances. Neither war, nor kidnapping, or injury in the time she had known him had ever brought this man to his knees, and if it had it had been silently and alone where he dealt with it himself.
This was different.
He had snapped, broken right in half.
It surprised her almost how fragile humans were, after everything he could have gone through, and after everything he did, this is what hurt him.
His grief came in waves, one moment she thought he had finally calmed down, and then the next moment he was escalating again just as bad as before. It was exhausting to watch, and she had no idea what to do other than keep him company in the dimness of the hallway.
They were there for hours.
And then the door hissed open.
Adam shot to his feet as krill stepped out into the hall.
His hair was disheveled -- even more so than usual-- his face was red and puffy, his eyes were ringed in bright red. The collar of his shirt was damp. 
Sunny rose to her feat as well.
“Is she-” he couldn't finish, choking up again.
“She’s alright, we were just waiting for her to wake up to make sure. But she’s going to be ok.”
This time the sound he made was a sob of relief rather than grief, “Can I see her?”
Krill paused but then nodded, motioning him back. He hurried after into the med bay.
At the end of the room, waffles lay curled up on one of the beds.
She was wrapped in bandages and an IV was held into her right front leg with pink gauze. Someone had managed to fashion a makeshift cone out of plastic shielding.
Adam rushed over.
Waffles blinked slowly at him, too tired to lift her head, but her tail began to whap happily against the covers of the bed. He smiled rubbing his hands through the soft fur of her face and ears, “Good girl…. You’re such a good girl.” tears were leaking down his face again, but he was smiling.
With great effort, waffles lifted her head, licking at his face with her long pink tongue, whipping the tears from his face the only way she knew how.
Krill walked over and paused by them, “She should be up and about by tomorrow, but she definitely needs to rest and recover.”
Adam looked up at Krill, “Can I stay here…. With her?”
Krill looked at him unsure, but the look on the human’s face was one the little alien certainly couldn't say no to , and he sighed, “Alright, you can stay.”
When Sunny left the room Adam was curled up on the bed with the dog resting with her back to his chest, the two of them fast asleep.
Thank the spirits Waffles was ok.
Ask a human, the vast majority of them find the sadness of grief or pain of a dog to be more poignant than that of a human -- unless the human is one they know--. This is why movies often employ dogs for emotional factors. Perhaps you cannot get an audience to cry for the pain of a human, but if you get a dog to wait at its owner's owners grave than you can have an entire audience in tears. As I said earlier. It's hard to watch the pain of someone who doesn't deserve that pain and never will.
Dogs are a reflection of the best parts of man 
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jennikkugoesoff · 3 years
((Hi! I did this drabble to start feeling out some character personalities!))
((cw: Descriptions of Gore/Cannibalism, don’t worry nobody gets hurt, Light Horror, Lemon Demon’s in this, take with that what you will.))
"Keep looking. They've gotta be around here somewhere." Well, this had gone about as well as he'd expected. They were gone. Why had he agreed to help babysit the two most mischievous kids in town, did he really want to see her that much? Then again, this did sort of snowball into something bigger than he'd have liked. BF rolls his eyes and deeply sighs as he closes the bottom cupboards of the abandoned kitchen of the abandoned house. "They aren't here! I don't know where they could've gone, they just up and vanished!" he complains, adjusting his now-askew cap.
"They could've maybe just gone home. They're fairly independent for their age after all, and it's not like we're far from Lila's." GF suggested, peering into the kitchen from the open doorway. "They do know the neighborhood fairly well--" "Oh don't remind me, about once a week they come up to my apartment asking for candy." BF complains as he strains up to try and reach the top cupboards, just a little too short to reach them. "I-I've, had to start buying crappy candy regularly just to get them to fuck off." he sighs with a grunt, stretching his arms to their limits. GF chuckles as she walks up beside him and opens the cabinets for him, peering into them with him. "See, that's the ticket to this. You have to think like they do. Think about being a little kid obsessed with Halloween, where would you be hiding? They're probably snickering somewhere because we aren't coming up with the 'brilliant' hiding spot they have." she proposes, closing the cabinet after taking a good, long look. BF groans and rolls his eyes again, running a hand through his hair as he leans up against the kitchen's counter. "This is stupid. Why did we come here." he complains. "I mean, it was your idea, and I told you it was a bad idea." GF mentions. "Well you- should've- I-" BF defends, getting red in the face, before huffing and relaxing harder against the counter. "...Hey, don't worry. I can tell you're just worried about the kids. I didn't mean to drill you or anything. It'll be ok, we'll find them, ok?" she assures. "I hope so. I just--" BF's sentence was cut off by a sudden scream as he lurches forwards and starts patting himself off frantically, shaking himself off to reveal a roach skittering away after he'd knocked it off of the back of his arm. GF held her breath, but sighed with relief once she had realized what was going on, and, she couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. BF got even redder in the face. "Don't LAUGH at me!" he shouted. "What if that had been you?!" he whined angrily, his voice pitching and cracking. GF only laughed a bit harder. "I-, I mean...." she managed to get out. "I--" she tried to get out again, giggling it off. "I'm sorry, just, with how you screamed, I would've thought you'd seen a monster, and just--" CRUNCH.
The two young adults pause, and look off towards the source of the sound. "What was that?" BF asked. "...It, sounded kinda like-" CRUNCH. By this time, the gentle rain outside had turned harsh, the wind blowing scraped the overgrown branches against the windows. "...U-uh, kids?..." BF called out into the hallway where the sound had come from. ... Only silence. "Welp. I've heard enough, let's go." BF said, walking away. "Hold it there, sag-pants. You're not going anywhere until we find the kids." GF declines, grabbing her boyfriend by the back of his shirt and pulling him back. "Did you not hear that fucking inhuman crunch just now? It's probably EATEN the kids already!" he complained. "That's probably what we're hearing, the critch-crunch of their bones! Now let's not be horror movie white people and let's GO!--" he protests, trying to walk away again. "And what are we gonna tell Lila?" GF asks. "Oh, sorry, we left the kids in an abandoned house because we heard crunchy sounds that may or may not be a stranger, Skid and Pump are probably dead but at least we're still here!" she mocks with a faux-deep voice. "That ain't no stranger! That's a fucking monster!" BF protests, pointing off towards the living room. "Ok, look. If you're gonna be this much of a pussy bitch about it, I'll go and find the kids. You stay here in the living room." GF bites back, in a stern tone as she walks off. "Wait!--" BF says, stepping out into the living room, but it was too late. She'd already left. BF sighs to himself as she leaves. Well, this was a disaster. He'd put kids in danger and made GF mad at him. Or at least, it seemed that way. He hung his shoulders and put his hand on his forehead. He'd gone from starting to regret this to full on just regretting it. They were gonna be so disappointed in him, and even worse, they may have just proven how irresponsible they really were by hurting someone else's kids. Well, actually, someone else's kid and also another someone else's kid, but in a way, that was even worse. Actually no, scratch that, it was worse. Maybe though, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they were just heated in the moment and everything would be ok. Maybe she'd come back with the kids in just a minute. ...Yeah! Maybe he could explain all this. Explain himself. It'd be the right thing to do after all. He owed her an apology anyway after all. That was sort of a shitty little bout he had just now-- drip. Something hits BF on the shoulder. It felt like a rain drop, but it was warm. Surely it was just the pipes, right? This... house was like a bajillion years old, please just let it be the pipes. BF looks up slowly, white in the face. ... That's not a pipe. BF's eyes meet with another pair. These are cetainly not human eyes though, instead, they were large, bulbous and shining in the dark, but had large, void-like pupils that stared right through the human. BF doesn't scream. He doesn't move, he's frozen to his spot, all that escaped him is a broken breath of fear. The pair of eyes, keeping focus on him, moves slowly and methodically to the nearest wall, before a black, clawed hand begins pulling the shape of the figure down the wall. The head the eyes were socketed into was elongated, wrinkled and bright yellow, like a lemon. ...Actually, it was a lemon. Another clawed hand revealed that the ghastly form was crawling down the wall, like a spider, a disgusting chittering sound coming from it as it moved, although it was unclear whether it was making the sound or just it moving was. BF just began to sweat more and more as more of this horrible thing came into view. It had a long, skeletal body, yet velvety, jet-black skin that just barely draped across it's form, it's joints audibly popping and cracking as it moved. "Whaaat the... fuu...." the human trails, as this thing stood up. Well, kind of. It was too tall to stand at it's full height in the room, so instead, it bent over where it reached the ceiling. Most disturbing of all though. It could speak. And it does, as it leers down at him, smiling wide to reveal a mouth full of large, slightly yellowed human teeth that sat crooked in it's dark maw. "Well, well, well, what have we got here?" it asks, in a gentle, uncomfortably soothing male voice. "You're a long ways from home, aren't you, little human?" he- it, said. "W-what-- who, are... you?..." BF stumbled, taking several steps back as this thing slinked up to him like a snake, pinning him back against the wall. "Me?" the figure asked, almost curiously. "I go by a few different ones." he explained, drawing away from him. "The thing that goes bump in the night, the monster underneath your bed, or in your closet, or under the stairs, the thing from which you run, the something wicked this way comes... but most people, you know what they call me?" he asks. "W-what?" Then, the creature lets out a very human scream. A scream of pain, a scream of death, and dread. Then, he chuckles. "It's an affectionate nickname, I think." he clarifies, the disparity between the horrible shrieking and his paradoxically comforting voice uncanny. "But, let's not worry about formalities, and let's get down to brass tax." "You're a human, and you're in my territory, and that means you're game." he explains. "Game?..." BF queries. "Game, to hunt." the creature clarifies, with a chuckle. "And it's such good timing too, I love humans, my favorite part is the skin, and how at just the right temperature, it so easily peels from your-" But ever-so abruptly, the creature's dialogue was interrupted by the sound of heels on wooden stairs. "Hey! BF! I just got a call from Lila, the kids did go home! Apparently they got distracted for a while and just, left? We can finally get out of this-" GF cuts in, as she stops about halfway down the stairs. "Oh. Great. It's you." she sighs, rolling her eyes. "I should've known you'd be here, you creep." she says, taking several paces down the stairs and walking around to their sides, pulling BF out of the corner and close to her. "Y-you know this thing?" BF asked, clutching his girlfriend close. "Unfortunately." she adds. "Ohh, ohohoho... Gwen, you didn't tell me you had a little boyfriend." the monster coos, as he reaches out and draws a finger underneath BF's chin, but the hand is quickly slapped away by GF. "Don't touch him." she warns. "You couldn't stop me, even if you wanted to." he brings up, looking sly, as he slinks away from the pair. "Oh what to do with you two..." he says. "I've always wanted a two course meal..." he almost, whispers, drooling as a huge, rancid slab of meat lolls from his mouth and he licks his lips, tracing across one of his bulbous eyes like a lizard. "Yeah, whatever, you ain't shit." GF fires back. "Don't tempt him..." BF frantically whispers back. "He's fine. He won't do anything, just keep him talking, it'll get his guard down. He thinks we're weaker than him. No matter what he says, just, don't be afraid, ok?" she whispers back. "'Ain't shit'?" the monster asks, almost offended, and holding his hand up to his mouth, before chuckling. "I think you'll find I'm quite the connoisseur of... heh, alternative cuisine." he says, bending down at the pair, his breath stinking of the same rancid meat that his tongue appeared to be... and vague hints of citrus. "Hm, what to do is the question though, I mean, your skulls would simply make lovely little soup bowls, from which to drink your blood..." he said. "Or.. hm, your bones would make excellent broth, wouldn't they?" he asks. "Light, sippable... although I must confess, your little boyfriend's torso would make an excellent roast, stuffed with your guts, left to steep in the oven for five hours... just, thinking about that smell.." he describes, drooling heavily. BF was shaking like a leaf, clutching his girlfriend tightly. "Aren't you scared?!" he hiss-whispers to her. "Watch this." she says, with a wink and a smile, as she urges him off of her, and she walks away. "Or, maybe I could put you both on different racks of the oven... serve you both up on silver platters, and turn your teeth into- wait, where are you going?" A couple seconds of awkward silence follows as GF walks back into the kitchen, and pulls something out of the drawer. "Hey, you know what you should serve up with a couple of golden-brown human roasts?" she asks. "A nice, ice-cold glass of... lemonade." she says, as she hold out her hand to reveal a hand-juicer. The monster's tune then changes completely, his huge eyes widen even more and his pupils shrink as he sharply gasps, scuttling into the corner of the living room, forcing himself into the corner, his disproportionate bones seeming to almost disjoint as he takes on some unnatural-looking positioning to mash himself further into the corner. "H-hey now! T-there's no need for that! I-... h-heh, heh, c-c'mon now, I was just kidding! H-he, he gets it, don'tcha?" the monster defends, gesturing to BF as he tries to cover his ass as he slinks back. "Ohh, but weren't you just saying you should turn us into roasts? C'mon, wouldn't a nice thick lemon-rum glaze go nice with that?" GF asks, stepping forwards. "N-no! No! It wouldn't! You've got the flavors all mixed up! Y-you animals! Stay back!" he warns, thick beads of light yellow sweat falling from his face as his wide smile contorts into a wide frown. "I-I I, taste terrible! I'm sour! I'll make your lips pucker!" he fires. BF, having been impressed by all this, decides to step in himself, walking up and taking the juicer. "Oh but it'd be so nice though! Perhaps afterwards we could use the leftovers to make some tasty lemon squares?... Or maybe some lemon meringue pie?" he suggested, smiling devilishly as he watched the monster's face get increasingly horrified. The now quivering-monster shrieks in despair. "Y-you better... p-put that thing down right now, y-you, you barbarians!" he threatens, his bloodshot eyes going completely red as he begins stalking up towards them, growling. "Oh it's so satisfying, the sound that a halved lemon makes... when you squeeze it." BF croons, pretending to juice a lemon, and stepping forward. That was it for the monster, he couldn't take it anymore, so off he went, quick as a flash, whimpering like a dog as he scuttles away, climbing up the wall, breaking one of the windows and crawling through it like a distressed house centipede. BF stands there, feeling quite pleased with himself as he drops the juicer. GF giggles and claps. "Nice job, Hannibal. Let's get out of here before he realizes he's several feet taller than us." she warns. "Yeah. I think I've had my fill of spooks for one day too." BF agrees, as they head toward the front door, hand-in-hand.
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Shelbys at Somme Chapter 17
Thomas X Reader
Word Count: 2640
Summary: Another memory from the trenches claws its way to the surface after the Lees leave behind wire cutters. 
by @adventuresintooblivion
Thomas was shaking so badly he was convinced that he was rattling Finn to his core. His ears rang from the explosion they’d narrowly avoided.
“This is why you never pretend to be me. Ok?” Finn vigorously nodded his head. Maybe Thomas wasn’t the only one shaking. He ushered his youngest brother off to join the rest of the family. 
Those damned Lees! How am I going to end this without us all getting killed?
It wasn’t until he’d made it a few feet down the road before he froze. If they had enough knowledge to place the grenade in his car, they had to have been watching him. If they were watching…
“Y/N.” He launched himself down the street. His feet pounded against the ground, the soles of his shoes skidding against the gravel or sliding through the mud as he bolted towards the Garrison. 
Men dove out of his way, some of which had seen the grenade. Shouting grew up around him as innocent onlookers saw something for the first time. A Shelby sprinting through the streets. Thomas Shelby of all people. The crowd didn’t follow, only gazed in wonder at the gang leader that hadn’t shown an ounce of fear since coming back from the war.
He didn’t twist the door knob when he arrived, only shouldered the wood. It was well into operating hours and the wood gave easily as he skidded to a halt in front of dozens of men. His eyes scanned the room. He refused to wait long enough for them to adjust, but soon enough he didn’t have to.
“Thomas?” Y/N asked, a hand reaching out to him in the dark as he gasped for air.
He clapped his hand over hers, some irrational part inside him screaming that she wasn’t real. It was telling him that these last few months had been some fever dream, that he’d finally overdosed on opium and was holed up in some bed somewhere, while Arthur ran everything into the ground.
Y/N squeezed his hand, “Tommy what’s going on?”
Tommy. No, she was real. And she was in danger.
His voice cracked as he answered, “Have you seen any of the Lees around? They booby trapped my car.”
Her brow furrowed as she shook her head. His eyes had finally adjusted enough that he could see that everyone was staring at them. Even those who tended to keep to themselves had peeked over their tankards. It took every ounce of discipline he had not to draw Y/N closer, to hide her from the prying of Birmingham.
“You can guarantee no one’s been upstairs besides you?” 
Y/N glanced at the stairs, then back at him, “I guess I’ll have to go check.”
Before he could stop her she strode towards her room, “Y/N!” He followed quickly. 
She was already checking the floor of her bedroom when he caught up. It wasn’t until he found himself glancing to his own rooms that it occurred to him that, instead of her, they were after just him.
He began towards his room as he absently asked, “Where’s Grace?” He didn’t need her following them and getting in the way.
Thomas was answered by a loud thunk and a curse, “She took the day off.”
Y/N sounded more annoyed than usual, but he couldn’t lose focus as he quickly opened his door. As no explosion greeted him, he slowly made his way further and further into the room. After a few minutes, he was startled by Y/N leaning against his dresser.
“I think the Lees don’t know about this place just yet, Tommy.” There it was again. A sense of warmth coiled in his chest as his muscles relaxed. If he could have one thing for the rest of his life, it would be Y/N saying his name like that. With a deep sense of familiarity that made it sound like they’d known each other for a lifetime, maybe even longer.
He cleared his throat, “You’re probably right.” 
Thomas glanced up at her, only to be answered by that playful look in her eyes. He took a deep breath as he stood. The room was actually clear. God, I need a cigarette.
He grumbled idly as his fingers closed around a rectangle of cool metal. He quickly pulled it out and barely registered the feel of it in his hand as he jammed a cigarette into his mouth. Thomas could already taste the nicotine, a part of him buzzing to life as it demanded the satisfaction of the burn going down his throat. 
“Holy shit.” He barely heard Y/N, but after a pause he turned to face her, cigarette still dangling out of his lips. 
Y/N’s eyes had gone wide, her posture rigid as she stared down at his hand. He glanced down, as horror gripped his heart. Did she see a wire?
Her voice broke when she spoke again, “You kept it.” She pressed her hands over her heart, as if to rub away the sting. 
That’s when he realized what he had grabbed. In his hand was his “ring”, a cigarette case with Y/N’s initials engraved on the face in elegant swooping letters. The silver box was heavy against his calloused skin as he reflexively rubbed his thumb over the engraving, more out of habit than anything, over the only spot where it’d tarnished from human touch. For the first time in years, it felt foreign in his hand.
Thomas was at a loss for words until, with shaky hands, Y/N pulled out a familiar lighter from her pocket and lit his cigarette for him. While it could’ve been a part of a matching set with the case, one thing set it apart. Instead of engraved initials, they were inlaid gold that spelled out “T.M.S”.
He nearly choked on the smoke as it filled his mouth. Then, taking a shuddering draw, he reached out and brushed his thumb over his initials. There were a thousand things he could say and a thousand more he could deny. But in that moment, after being rubbed raw by the events of the day, he didn’t much care.
“Of course, I did. Do you really think you mean so little to me?”
Y/N took a deep breath, “I was dead, Tommy. You had every reason to get rid of it.”
His hand closed around hers, and the lighter within, “And get rid of the last piece of you that I had left? No, it’s a part of me now. Just like my cap, even my own name. I am Thomas Shelby, leader of the Peaky Blinders, and I carry around a cigarette case that has the wrong initials.” 
He’d stepped closer during his little speech. One small step, on right after the other until he wasn’t even an inch from pressing his forehead against Y/N’s. His lips, hovering nearby in some sort of limbo, between the need to kiss her or to keep talking and fill the silence. 
“Do people think it belonged to an enemy?” Y/N chuckled breathlessly. He could hear the sound of tears in her voice as she desperately tried to lighten the mood.
Thomas shrugged, “It’s an easy rumor that helps with my image.”
She couldn’t help but laugh as she finally rested her forehead on his shoulder, “Everyday?”
It was the next day; Thomas resisted the urge to pace as he waited for the Inspector to arrive. It’d been a long day of pulling strings, but with the communist’s address in his pocket, he felt oddly hopeful. Now he just needed Ada and Freddie to be anything but stubborn.
Inspector Campbell rounded the corner. In the rain it was difficult to see, but something about the man seemed more haggard, more animalistic. It wasn’t until farther in the conversation that Thomas realized how wrong he was to bring an innocent man into this. But he’d offer up all of Birmingham, if it meant Ada wouldn’t get caught up in all this.
The officer began his tirade, threats against his family. Each one was something he’d anticipated before coming here. The Inspector somehow managed to always ride the line between predictable and problematic. Though, even Thomas had to admit he was seeing red a little by the end. It wasn’t until the Inspector made his last comment that he was caught off guard.
“You know, despite our little feud over these guns, I’m actually surprised by your restraint Mr. Shelby.”
Thomas blinked away the rain, “Pardon me, Inspector?”
He shrugged, “Well, after we grabbed your little friend off the streets, I was expecting more retribution than getting off scot free. Maybe Ms. Y/L/N isn’t as important to you as we thought. Oh well, what’s one more broken girl in Birmingham.”
Inspector Campbell turned to leave and in that moment that it took for his words to sink in, Thomas’ world exploded. 
It was HIM.
Thomas’s gun was out of it’s holster before he could stop himself. White hot rage coursed through his veins, his finger twitching on the trigger. Aunt Pol’s voice in his head, reminding him of something called consequences, was the only thing that gave him pause. Then the Inspector was gone.
Thomas knew he looked wild as he lowered the pistol. The image of Y/N shuffling toward him, supporting herself with garbage, burned itself on the back of his eyelids. She was there when he closed his eyes. She was there when he opened them, shadowed by the rain. Her face was turned up in pain. Then it was Arthur he heard, first telling him about the copper that had ambushed him outside.
He stood there for a long time, rain soaking through his coat. It wasn’t until a shout from down the road caught his attention. Y/N, not the ghost, was striding closer beneath an umbrella.
“Tommy? You ok?”
He forced himself to nod, “What’re you doing out here in the rain?”
She raised her eyebrow, “Did you forget? It’s Wednesday.” 
[Two Months before Somme]
“Christ Tommy, you’ve got that stupid smile on your face again.” Freddie elbowed him with a grin.
Thomas blinked, “What smile?”
Freddie didn’t answer, only rolled his eyes. The day had actually been a slower one for once. Something in the air had changed and a hush had settled over the soldiers in response. Everyone knew something big was on the horizon, but only a select handful would know for certain. And it definitely wasn’t Thomas.
Instead, Freddie asked a question, “So, when is Y/N gonna become queen of the Peaky Blinders?”
“Queen, huh? What’s that make me?” Thomas snorted.
“You’re dodging the question. I know you’ve got no one back home waiting. And I’ve got that little thing called eyes.” 
Thomas ducked his head. He didn’t like talking about the life he could have had. But then something else about what Freddie had said caught his attention.
“It’s that obvious?”
Freddie nodded, “Hopper’s convinced you have a thing for the blokes. Even he sees how you look at her.”
Thomas grimaced, “Well, as long as he’s paying attention to me.”
“You still haven’t answered the question.”
“What question?” Y/N huffed as she tossed a bag down beside the two men. Thomas could already smell the cured meats, she’d been “acquiring’ again. 
He quickly shook his head, “Nothing. What’s all this for?”
Y/N flopped beside him, “Made a deal with a regiment or two. If I can get them tasty food, they can get us better guns that aren’t falling apart.”
“And how do you know they won’t turn you in?”
She flashed him a feral grin, “Last time they asked me for whiskey, remember that?” He nodded. “Well, I’d gotten it from their commanding officer. Who is still pissed about that by the way.”
Thomas found himself laughing. It was then that Freddie glanced between them.
Freddie gracelessly stood, “Well, I gotta head out and do the thing. I’ll see you two later.”
“There’s a thing?” Thomas waved away Y/N’s question as Freddie squelched away in the mud.
Queen of the Peaky Blinders.
Thomas ran his fingers through his hair, “So besides wrangling up stolen goods, what have you been doing all day?”
“Christ, don’t get me started.” When he gestured for her to continue she settled in to explain her little misadventure. “Turns out that the Acquisitions Officer is on the hunt for whoever has been taking socks from the stores. He assumes it’s me, which is fair, but it’s not for once and I’ve been dodging that man all day. Not to mention I got a letter.”
He glanced at her, “That’s a first. From who?”
Y/N grimaced, “My dad, the coward he is.”
Thomas scooted closer, his arm brushing against hers, “What’d he do?”
“Idiot didn’t realize he was too old to draft. So, instead of there even being a possibility of him going to war, he smashed his own knee cap. I’ll give him credit for the no hesitation.”
She took a steadying breath, “However, could you imagine what would happen if you’d done something similar? Everyone was already terrified of what would happen to them. So when word got out about what the Old Man did, other’s tried to do the same thing. Except, most people can’t just break their own knees, so they got drafted anyways. And for everyone else? They’d given up before they were even shipped out.”
“He’d rather cripple himself than go to war?”
Y/N nodded, “It’s why I’m here. Almost everyone who worked for my dad got drafted, but upper management was too old. I was the only one left to look out for them.”
“And that’s your job why?”
“I’m the Boss’s daughter, it’s always been me.”
He nodded, “So what’d you do with the letter?”
Y/N flashed him a grin, “Burned it. Got myself a bit while doing it though.”
“Oh you poor thing, if we make it through this will you marry me?” the question was out of his lips before he could stop himself.
Y/N raised her eyebrow, “Are we going around using that for every little inconvenience now?”
He shrugged defensively, “Maybe I just like to say it.”
Y/N barked with laughter, “Keep this up Shelby, and you’ll actually have to get me a ring.” He stared at her for a moment stunned. Had that been an actual ‘Yes’?
Thomas groaned, “Where the hell am I gonna find a ring in a war camp?”
“That’s up to you.”
“You’re the one that usually finds things,” he grumbled exasperated. 
She reached down and pulled something out of her pocket, “Here. This can be your ‘ring’.” 
He gazed at the cigarette case for a long moment before producing an almost matching lighter. The air had almost grown solemn, the whole world was holding its breath to see if either of them were brave enough.
With a reverence he didn’t even show Aunt Pol’s God, he placed the lighter in Y/N’s hand. And in return, the cold metal of the case slipped between his fingers. Something about the moment felt final, monumental almost. As if these two trinkets had actually been rings exchanged in a church.
“How is it that we even have the same taste in accessories?” Y/N joked, but he could have sworn her grip tightened around the lighter that was once his.
He tugged on his cap, “Dunno, I had mine made after my first job. At least the first one that went right.”
Y/N gasped in mock horror, “The great Thomas Shelby making mistakes?”
“That’s no way to talk to your husband.”
She curled over laughing.
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impala-dreamer · 4 years
SPN FanFic
~The Mark of Cain is starving for attention and Dean feeds it what, and when he can.~
Demon!Dean x Reader
3,250 Words
Warnings: NSFW! Demon!Dean. Smut. Rough, rough sex. Stripping. Filming of Sex. Masturbation. Deep Throat Fucking. Breath Control/Play. Rough Intercourse. Dean's a dick.
A/N: This is for my "Filming Sex" square on @spnkinkbingo​ 2020. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think ;)
2020 KinkBingo Masterlist ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon ~ Find My Original Works on Amazon
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Dean walked out of the bar, leaving Crowley and his idiot minions behind. Last thing he needed was to be told what to do. He was too powerful and gave too few fucks now for that to be a thing. No one was gonna tell him what to do. Not ever again.
The brand on his arm ached constantly since he had been reborn, but he’d learned to ignore it, only letting the urge spike when he was in the mood or around a particularly annoying asshole that deserved to die. It wasn’t as if he just walked around dropping bodies, he still had some class. But, if he happened upon a douche that was asking for it...
That was how it went. Blood and more blood. Knuckle bruises fading, open wounds closing themselves. He was unstoppable. Fucking. Unstoppable.
But he was hungry.
Not the kind of hunger that could be soothed with a stop at a diner and topped off at a strip club. Dean was hungry for something familiar, something delicious and submissive, and wet.
The craving started when he realized where he was. Roads all looked the same and since he had no destination in mind, he just drove, ending up where he ended up. The white lines on the asphalt had been his friend and lead him right to her door.
Y/N would remember him, had to. He sure as fuck remembered her.
He remembered where her spare key was, too. Dean was careful to step around the devil’s trap that was painted underneath the weathered doormat on the porch as he reached for the key hanging behind the old window’s shutter. She might have grown up in The Life, might know how to keep ghosts out of her house, the common demon, but leaving a key right by her front door?
Dean shook his head and unlocked the door. “Imma have to talk to her about that.”  
All it took was a quick hop over the mat and he was in.
The house was small like he remembered and just as cluttered. Still smelled like cloves, too. Well, that wasn’t gonna protect her from what he had in mind.
Somewhere down the hall a clock was ticking, a gentle click every second giving the place a rhythmic measure to fall asleep to. Dean’s footsteps fell on every other click; thick tread of his boots and heavy feet dropping onto the hardwood with an ominous thud.
Y/N was sleeping, lying on her back, empty face awash in the faint red light from her alarm clock. The thin sheet barely covered her, flowing like silk over each curve, tucked tight beneath her left knee. She breathed slowly; firm breasts rising and falling every fifth tick of the clock.
Dean slipped inside her room, silent and bathed in shadow. He looked around as she slept, unaware of his approach, not sensing anything as the air began to warm with his presence. Dean smiled as she rolled in her sleep, corner of the sheet dropping away to reveal a set of pale blue flannel pajamas.
“Always so cozy, Y/N/N,” he murmured, not bothering to keep his voice down.
She stirred, eyes fluttering wildly as Dean stepped up to the foot of the bed.
“Wakey wakey.”
She stretched and rubbed at her eyes with a tired hand. “Who’s there?” Her voice was caked with sleep, throat scratchy from hours of non use.
“Here there, Sweetheart.” His smile was dangerous but true. He had missed her; missed her heavy breaths as he clawed at her flesh, the muted whimpers as she screamed into her pillow. His stomach growled and The Mark ached as she blinked into the shadows, trying to place his silhouette and raspy voice.
“Dean?” Still groggy, she sat up and turned on the lap by her bedside, setting the room aglow. She was startled but glad to see him, instantly flashing a confused smile. “What are you doing here? How’d you get in?”
Dean chewed on his bottom lip for a second and let it slide back out slowly. “Yeah, about that-” He flicked his left hand and dropped the spare key between her knees on the bed. “You really need to hide that better. Never know who could just waltz in here.”
Y/N scooped up the key and clutched it in her fist. “Kinda like… an ex boyfriend?”
A smug laugh filled the room. “Yeah. One of those.”
The key fell onto the nightstand with a faint clank.
“So, what brings you to my bedroom in the middle of the night, Dean? You know I still have a cell phone, a few actually. It’s considered polite to call, especially after not calling for almost three years.”
Dean scratched at his jaw. “Yeah, about that-”
A click of her tongue interrupted him; her annoyance clear. “I heard you were dead. Sam dropped off the map, then suddenly everyone was back in action. Imagine my surprise when I didn’t get a phone call.”
“Well, Sam, hit a dog…”
Y/N rolled her eyes and threw back the blanket, tossing her feet over the side of the bed. “Ya know what? I don’t care.” Her bare feet sank gently into the carpet. “It was nice to see you, but… Get the fuck out of my house.”
Dean dipped his chin and looked up at her with big green eyes. “I just wanted to see you, Y/N/N, didn’t mean to piss you off.”
She softened but held her ground. “You just wanted to see me in the middle of the night in my bedroom? Come on, Dean.”
He moved closer, rounding the bed, big steps leading him to her side in a fraction of a second. “Well, I thought it would be rude to say I came to get some.”
She laughed and bit her lip as she looked away. “There’s the jerk I remember.”
Dean lifted his fingers to her cheek and surprisingly, she didn’t flinch away. “So…” He smirked and nodded towards the bed. “Shall we?”
Y/N took a step back and raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me? You break into my house-”
“I used the key.”
“-sneak into my bedroom-”
“I wasn’t that quiet. You’re a heavy sleeper.”
“-and now you’re like “hey baby, let’s do it”, and I’m supposed to what, rip my clothes off and suck your dick?”
Dean frowned as he thought up the scenario in his head, nodding when he decided it was good. “Yeah?”
The urge to slap him in his smug face was stopped only by the big thumb that traced her jaw. Y/N shivered, her eyes closing as memory washed over her. He was a good fuck, a good man, the best- but still.
“Get out,” she grit. “Now.”
The hand on her cheek dropped and Dean smacked his lips, looking slightly dejected. “You sure?”
She held her breath as he leaned closer, just tipping his chest towards her. She could smell his heat; the old familiar scent of the Impala and coffee lingering on his clothes. It was almost thick around him, that faint hint of aftershave, the cheap motel soap, the musk of him. Y/N’s head swam with thoughts of kissing him, of reaching up and pressing herself against him; breasts smashed against that hard, flanneled chest, tongues stroking with electric waves against each other. She closed her eyes and suddenly it wasn’t a dream anymore.
Dean closed the gap and gently placed his lips against hers, pushing just enough to catch her breath but staying back should she want to fight him off. Her right mind said to bring her knee up hard between his bowed legs, but her sleepy, dreamy, hazy brain said to open her mouth to him.
“That’s it,” he hummed as she wrapped a soft hand around the back of his neck. “You still taste so sweet.”
“And your breath still stinks,” she laughed, digging her nails into the base of his skull. He hissed and she licked at his mouth.
“Not that you care.” He pushed back then, swirling his tongue between her lips and stepping forward, forcing her back onto the bed. They sank together, Y/N’s legs opening automatically to make room for him. He rocked upwards, cock already half hard and pressing against his jeans. She moaned as the rough zipper rubbed through her pajamas, grinding up on her cunt.
“Fuck.” She breathed into his hair, face raising to the ceiling as his lips trailed down her throat; pearly teeth scraping over her pulse and nipping at her shoulder.
His voice was dry and cracked in her ear. “That was my plan.”
A giant hand closed over her left breast and Y/N’s entire body arched upwards, wanting to pull him deep inside, feel all of him. She moaned and called his name like a prayer. “Dean. Please.”
He was gone before she knew what happened, the mattress bouncing as his weight vanished.
“What the fuck?” She sat up, rubbing her eyes once more, this time clearing away the dampness of arousal. “Where are you going?”
Dean opened the buckle of his belt as he walked around the perimeter of the bed. “Just wanted a new angle.” He turned with a smirk and popped the brass button of his jeans.
Y/N smiled in a daze as she watched him move around, slowly finding the foot of the bed again. “How about you take those off and let me say hello?” She rolled onto her hands and knees and locked her eyes on his crotch; mouth watering at the idea.
She looked upwards, a pout and confusion on her face. “W-why not?”
The tip of his tongue fit between his teeth and his smile was filled with devilish intent. He took his time answering, looking slowly around the room until he found something to play with: her old camcorder was tucked away on a shelf behind him.
Y/N watched curiously as he picked it up and blew the dust from its top. “What are you doing?”
He smiled as the power came on, and Dean trained the eye on Y/N. “Strip for me,” he said, voice deep as he hit record.
Her heart raced as the tiny red light came on, making her blush. “What? No.”
Green eyes lifted from the screen to her face. “Strip.”
The command was absolute and struck some chord deep inside; arousal pulsing in her cunt. “Yeah,” she said softly, “yeah, OK.”
Up on her knees in the middle of the bed, Y/N bit her lip as she opened the tiny buttons on her pajama top, careful not to reveal too much at once, wanting to give him a show.
Dean’s eyes flickered between the screen and real life; lips twitching with excitement as she got more into it, playing to the camera, exposing herself for him.
“Like this?” she asked, kicking the soft pants from her legs.
“Perfect.” He zoomed in, framing her body. “Lay back.”
Y/N swallowed deeply as she leaned back against the pillows. Sleep and his voice rang through her head, hitting every button inside, turning her on more than she thought possible. Without realizing it, Y/N had lifted a hand to her breast, slowly swirling her fingers across her stiffening nipples. Every pass made her shiver, but she remained frozen; eyes locked on Dean.
“That’s it,” he praised in a whisper, “such a good girl.”
Y/N hummed happily, her eyes closing a bit; sleepy and dazed. Her knees opened timidly as the heat grew; her left hand lazily drifting downwards.
“Yeah,” Dean urged. “Play with that pretty cunt for me. Show me how wet you can get.”
“Real wet,” she replied like a zombie, voice almost gone, breath heavy. “So wet, Dean.”
He grinned and zoomed in, capturing the slow press of her fingertips against her clit. Her skin glistened, damp and delicious. “Is that all for me?”
Y/N nodded helplessly and slid her middle finger deep inside, knuckles disappearing into her tight flesh. “Yeah. For you.”
Dean stared hard, cocking his head as she fucked herself for the camera, for him. He let the image burn into his brain so that every blink left him with a reminder of her perfect cunt.
When she began to moan, fingers working faster, legs shaking with effort, Dean called to her, stepping back from the bed.
“Enough. Come here.”
Y/N sat up almost automatically, hands dropping to the mattress as she rolled over and crawled to him, her chin up towards the camera, her eyes rolling, pussy juices dripping down her legs.
Dean unzipped his jeans and let them fall, stopped only by the tops of his boots.
“Flip over,” he ordered, yanking his boxers down. “Head over the side.”
Y/N held her breath as she got into position, back flat on the bed, neck stretching parallel to the floor as her head hung down over the edge.
Dean fisted his cock and pumped a few times, watching the pulse in her exposed throat beat faster. “Perfect. Open up.”
He aimed the camera downwards, immortalizing the moment he slid inside her waiting lips. She moaned happily as he pushed deep inside, watching as his cock passed down her throat, pushing at her delicate skin from the inside out. She choked as her neck bulged, and Dean thrust harder.
“Fuck, so deep.” His hips snapped against her forehead, shaking her entire body as he fucked her mouth without care.
She lost her breath as he went deeper; spit rolling down her cheeks, thicker with every push of his thick cock. When her lungs began to protest, she tried to scream, to warn him, but all that came out was a meek whine. She clawed at the sheets, then his hips, digging her nails into the dips of his waist, begging for a break.
The camera shook as Dean bent over, hooking one foot on the bed and dipping down deep. The new angle allowed her a single breath, but no true relief as her lips began to swell and her throat went numb around him.
“So good, Sweetheart,” he growled, pulsing the tip of his dick between her puffy lips. “My own little pornstar. Taking my cock like a pro.”
A final cry pushed up from the back of her throat and Dean showed an ounce of mercy, pulling free of her tight mouth with a wet pop. He zoomed close on the red mess that was her lips; cheeks stained by lines of spit, jaw sore and hanging.
“So beautiful.” He stood up and let the lens trail down her naked body. “Think I’ll wreck that pussy next. Scoot up, spread your legs.”
Invisible strings moved her body; Y/N couldn’t consciously decide to move a muscle, but she went, setting her ass in the middle of the bed, giving her neck a rest against the soft comforter.
Dean placed the camera back on the shelf, careful to aim it perfectly at the bed. “Now, let’s get down to business.”
Y/N lay there, waiting, drifting, empty. She felt the bed dip as Dean crawled over her, felt the heat from his now bare chest as it pressed down onto her. His lips were hot on her ear. His breath heavy, voice rough.
“Smile pretty for the camera, girl.”
She held in a scream as Dean pushed away, up on his knees as he thrust into her, thick cock stretching her open. She tensed at the pain and he smiled, green eyes blinking to black.
“Dean!” Fright and confusion ran through her veins and she pushed at his arms, trying to get away. “What the fuck!”
The oil slick remained as Dean fucked her harder, one giant hand pinning her wrists together above her head, the other closing over her mouth. “Shhh.” He smirked. “Thought you knew, Sweetheart. Haven’t been keeping up with the gossip much, I see.”
Y/N bit down hard on his palm and he flinched, pulling away. “Exorcizamus te!”
Dean laughed and wrapped his long fingers around her throat, cutting off her words. “That ain’t gonna work,” he sneered, leaning close so his breath flowed over her lips. “I’m not possessed. Just better.”
She gasped, eyes wide and unfocused. “Dean!”
His grip loosened but his thrusts did not ease, ramming into her without pause or finesse. He set his eyes on the lens as they flipped back to pure green; playing for the camera, upper lip pulled back into a sneer as her body tightened around him.
“Oh, gonna cum for me?” His laugh was dark, his fingers bruising her skin wherever they fell. “Can’t help it, can you?”
Y/N shook her head in protest, but couldn’t resist, hips rising to meet every push, bliss growing like a firecracker in her gut. “Please...harder.”
Dean laughed and let her hands go as he readjusted, holding himself up above her. “That’s my girl.”  
“Fuck!” The fire would not hold and Y/N came with a scream, entire body shaking as the pleasure ran upwards, blanking out any care of the danger that fucked her senseless.
Dean grunted as she clenched down on him. “Oh, just like that. Fuck.”
He moved impossibly faster, slamming into her so hard each pop took her breath away. He tore into her, not relenting until he pulled another orgasm from her. Her eyes rolled and her legs fell weak against his thighs.
With a growl, Dean pulled out and fisted his cock, watching her heaving chest as he pumped himself. “Don’t move.”
She moaned, head lolling to the side as he came, spraying hot and creamy white against her belly and tits.
When he was done, Dean leaned down and scooped up his mess with two fingers, bringing it to her lips. “Clean yourself up.” He shoved his hand into her mouth and she licked, mindlessly sucking him clean, swallowing him down. “That’s fucking hot as fuck, Y/N. Makes me wanna go again.”
She moaned pitifully, spent and trapped beneath him.
Suddenly, he was gone and the cold air washed across her body. “W-where are you going?” She tried to turn, but her body ached; every bit of her exhausted and limp.
“Why the fuck should I tell you?” he asked, half amused by her question.
“I- Dean...what happened to you?”
He laughed to himself as he zipped up and tossed the flannel over his shoulders. “Long story,” he said absently, “and I don’t feel like stickin’ around for the pillow talk.”
He ignored her, reaching into the camcorder to take out the tape. “Here,” he said, tossing the mini film onto her stomach. “Something to remember me by.”
She rolled over just in time to see him open the door, slipping back into the dark hallway just as quietly as he came. “Dean!”
The roads were all the same; white lines and black top, bit of debris kicking the tires. Dean drove fast and reckless beneath the bright moon, not a care in his head, no destination in mind.
His stomach growled and he searched the exit sign for a rest stop.
The Mark burned but he ignored it. He’d find some shithead to sink his blade into before the sun came up, of that he was sure. But for now- a burger would do.
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2020 Forever Tags:
@67-chevy-baby​ @akshi8278 @akhuna01​ @amanda-teaches​ @because-imma-lady-assface​ @blondemarvelchick​ @blushingjared​ @broiderie​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @classic-rock-angel​ @coopercharlie16​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @covered-byroses​ @crashdevlin​ @deansgirl215​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deangirl7695​ @deanwanddamons​  @deanwinchesterswitch​ @defenderrosetyler​ @desiree---1986  @dolphincliffs​ @dontshootmespence​ @edge-oftonight​ @emoryhemsworth​ @eternal-elir @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @flamencodiva​ @focusonspn​ @herbologystudent252​ @heycasbutt​ @hornyandsmol​ @ilovefanfic86​ @i-love-superhero​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @imjustadrummer​ @ivvitm1109​ @joseyrw​ @justagirlinafandomworld​ @justcallmeasmodeus​ @katymacsupernatural​ @laxe-from-outer-space​ @leatherandfrackles​ @lessons-of-red​​ @letsby​ @letsdisneythings​ @lonewolf471​ @maddiepants​ @mariekoukie6661​ @meganwinchester1999​ @missjenniferb​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @mummybear​  @onethirstyunicorn​ @our-jensen-ackles-love​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @starboycas​ @stephaniecanfield96us​​ @stoneyggirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @thebookisbtr​ @thehardcoveraddict​ @thevelvetseries​ @veevm​​ @winchestersister55​​ @wendibird​ @winecatsandpizza​ @winterpoohbear​
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