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vanity-complex · 2 years ago
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crookedmediatranscripts · 7 years ago
Pod Save America - Episode 80
9.18.2017 “Sean Spicer is good now.”
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“The GOP makes one last run at repealing ObamaCare, Democrats look for a message that works, and Trump delivers his first United Nations speech. Then HuffPost editor-in-chief Lydia Polgreen joins Jon, Jon, and Tommy to talk about the state of American democracy and the media, and DeRay McKesson discusses the protest against police violence in St. Louis.” (01:10:11)
Jon Favreau: The presenting sponsor of Pod Save America is Blue Apron.
Jon Lovett: Blue Apron.
Tommy Vietor: Blue Apron.
JF: They now offer 30 minute meals, which are meals every week that take 30 minutes or less to cook.
TV: Oh, I was confused by that.
JF: Designed with your busy schedule in mind and made with the same flavor and farm fresh ingredients you know and love.
JL: I thought it was 30 tiny meals.
TV: Oh no, you thought it was ‘minute’ meals?
JL: I thought it was 30 ‘minute’ meals.
JF: Get 30 dollars off your first meal free with free shipping by going to blueapron.com/crooked. I think I threw an extra ‘free’ in there. Blue Apron, a better way to…
JL: Sean Spicer is good now.
JF: Cook.
TV: [Quietly] We are still in Hillary Clinton’s basement.
TV: If someone could send some food and water.
JF: Welcome to Pod Save America. I’m Jon Favreau.
JL: I’m Jon Lovett.
TV: I’m Tommy Vietor.
JF: On the pod today, in studio, we’ll talk to the editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post, Lydia Polgreen. And later we’ll call the host of Crooked Media’s Pod Save the People, DeRay McKesson. Lovett, how was Lovett or Leave It on Friday? Good?
JL: It was a great episode.
JF: Should people download it, or no?
JL: People should download it.
JF: Great.
JL:  We had Guy Branum. We had Erin Ryan, who was hilarious. We had Julissa Arce. We had Cyrus Habib-
JF: All the Crooked Media friends.
JL: Lieutenant Governor of Washington.
TV: He’s really funny.
JL: He is really funny, I like Cyrus a lot. He’s a friend of mine and I was excited for people to hear what he’s like.
JF: Cool. Tommy, who’s on Pod Save the World this week?
TV: I do an episode on some pretty horrible things going on in Myanmar. There is in fact what’s been called an ethnic cleansing, or potentially genocide, of a group of people called the Rohingya who are a Muslim minority group. It is one of those issues that is, the more you read about it, the more brutally hard it is to comprehend that this is actually happen. But I do think it’s important not to look away from this stuff and see if you can bring attention to it and maybe get the international community to do something. So, tune in.
JF: Great. Glad you’re bringing some attention to that. Okay, so before we get into real stuff. A lot of people on Twitter have been asking for a quick Lovett rant on Sean Spicer at the Emmys last night.
JL: Well I almost- I almost didn’t make it in today cause I’m still laughing so hard.
JL: Cause it’s so funny. Sean Spicer. Remember when he lied? He’s hilarious.
TV: Colbert is so well equipped to have Sean Spicer on and rake him over the coals for being a guy who had no morals and for being a huge liar. Just to like, have him come out and joke about lying at the podium from day one. I didn’t think- I don’t think it’s funny. I don’t think he should get, like, that glossed over on his resume going forward.
JF: Yeah, what’s weird about it to me is that Colbert was on Kimmel last week and Kimmel brought up Spicer, cause Kimmel had Spicer on, and Colbert was very tough on him.
TV: Yeah.
JF: And said he doesn’t seem to want redemption. He doesn’t want it, he didn’t seem to want to apologize.
TV: That’s exactly right.
JF: So, I figured that, you know, that Colbert would- would not do that. But, it’s just weird. Like we’re gonna- like there’s gonna be no penalty now.
TV: We have some agency in this whole penalty question so let’s keep at it.
JF: Yeah.
JL: Oh, by the way, I booked Sean.
JL: But, no, but it’s like, honestly you know, an anti-Trump Emmys where Spicer comes on stage. I don’t- doesn’t really care. I don’t think it’s funny. What bothered me more was the deluge of selfies, kind of, coming over the Twitter all night, of like, “Here’s Sean Spicer at the Governor’s Ball! And here he is here and here he is there! What a good time he’s having! Getting-” All these sel- you know-
TV: I didn’t look at a single one of those.
JL: I didn’t care for it.
TV: Enough about this.
JF: No, it’s- you know, it’s, one more thing about that. Because everyone’s like “Spicer lied about crowd size and that’s why he’s bad.” Spicer lied about crowd size and that was the joke. That wasn’t, let’s remember, that’s not the biggest lie. Like, the worse- the more damaging lie is, he defended Trump’s lie about 3 million people voting illegally in this country. He defended Trump saying that Barack Obama committed a felony by-
JF and TV: wiretapping him.
JF: Like we just, we forget these things and now we’re just like, you know.
TV: Well, yeah, and he also-
JF: These aren’t small lies.
TV: He thought Donald Trump was a disgusting person until he was in charge, then he went and worked for him. He’s the worst of D.C.
JF: He told all the reporters in D.C. before he worked for Trump how awful Trump was. Every reporter knows it, every reporter’s told the stories about it. And then he went to work for him anyway.
JL: Sean Spicer doesn’t get to be in on the fucking joke.
TV: He’s gross.
JL: That’s it.
TV: He is the joke.
JF: Alright. Okay, so now, Graham-Cassidy. The Republicans in the Senate are making one last ditch effort on making health insurance unaffordable for tens of millions of Americans. They have until September 30th to pass a bill through the reconciliation process, which means they only need 50 votes. After that date, they need 60. The bill is Graham-Cassidy. I am wearing my ‘repeal and go fuck yourself’ t-shirt today to show how…
JL: Your resolve.
JF: My resolve.
JF: And how dangerous this is.
TV: That’s leadership.
JF: We talked a little bit about what the bill would do on Thursday. But just to review: eliminates the individual mandate -- which would immediately drive up premiums, send the individual insurance market into a death spiral. It would allow states to eliminate essential benefits like chemo coverage, maternity coverage, prescription drugs. Eliminate protections for preexisting conditions. And then basically, it eliminates the Affordable Care Act subsidies and the Medicaid expansion, gives that money to states minus 400 billion dollars over the next 10 years. And then eliminates all funding by 2026. That’s the deal.
JL: So, it’s radical.
JF: Radical.
JL: It’s radical.
JF: It is full- it is a full repeal effort.
JL: It is a full repeal. It’s certainly not a compromise. We’re protected a little bit by the fact that this is kind of their fall back, third, final attempt at something because we were dealing with ultimately a repeal effort that was rooted in the structure of Obamacare this entire time, right. All the different versions we saw, but for skinny repeal which was that crazy last-ditch effort just to get to the House bill three months ago -- or two months ago, the last time we were dealing with this -- but this is a fundamentally different thing and, had they actually done this through a regular process, could’ve been something that they could’ve really rallied people behind in this significant way because it basically takes Obamacare and it turns it into less generous block grants. And basically puts it on the states to figure out what they do with healthcare. The many problems with this are, one, the way they deal with the Medicaid expansion is fucking nuts. So basically, 30 states expanded Medicaid and 20 states didn’t. Those were a lot of rural states and conservative states that refused to do it even though the money was basically free, which punished a lot of their voters. Well, what happens in this bill? Well, it takes all the money that went to Medicaid expansion that went to states that expanded and states that doesn’t- didn’t and just divides it up evenly as if no expansion had ever taken place. Which is just a giant wealth transfer from states like California and New York and even Kentucky, states that did the right thing, and transfers it to all the states where their governors and legislatures didn’t care enough about their poor and minority population to do anything about it to get their healthcare. It would be devastating.
TV: That is awful. Right now, we’re short of 50 votes, right? But I think the thing that makes a lot of people nervous is that this is a bill sponsored by Lindsay Graham in part. McCain’s waffling about it. Dean Heller’s already on board. What I don’t get is, McCain’s whole argument against the last round is that it didn’t go through regular order. There were no amendments, there were no committee process. There was nothing done the way it’s supposed to be done in the Senate. I don’t get how he could make that big, bold stand and then jump on board this thing.
JF: So if you listen to him on Sunday -- he was on Face the Nation -- and John Dickerson asked him about this, and he said on Face the Nation, “We should have a bill go through regular order- “
TV: I heard that.
JF: “There should be a bipartisan process. And I think the bipartisan effort being undertaken by Lamar Alexander and Patti Murray should come to the floor for a vote.” That’s what- he just said that yesterday, on Sunday. Now in other statements he said he likes Graham-Cassidy and he said ultimately, he’ll do what his governor tells him to do, Governor Ducey of Arizona. You should note that, after what Lovett was just saying, under this plan Arizona loses about a billion dollars. Arizona’s another state that would get hurt. You wouldn’t imagine that Ducey would do it unless of course they pay him off. But –
JF: There’s a lot of focus on McCain here. [TV: Yeah] But here’s the deal, Cassidy’s running around saying they have 49 votes. That’s one short of 50 so that’s very scary. Rand Paul seems like a hard no. You never wanna count on Rand Paul because he’s upset from the right. But he’s now, over the last couple days, tweeted nine times about this proposal. Including one where he says it’s bad because it keeps Obamacare and redistributes money from Democratic states to Republican states. Which is an argument that people from the left are making, too and it’s a correct argument.
JL: Yeah! Correct.
JF: But it’s like, if Rand Paul was gonna flip, you wouldn’t imagine that he’d just keep tweeting every day about horrible this is. But of course, we all remember Rand Paul was a hard no last time around and then McConnell promised him a vote on clean repeal, so that’s why he voted for skinny repeal.
JL: Yeah, I mean we have seen Republican Senators say things that should make it impossible for them to flip, and then they flip.
JF: And they do.
JL: I mean, that’s what Dean Hiller- Dean Heller did. Rand Paul’s done that in the past. Ted Cruz. All these guys make these grand statements to try to help them in the negosiatio- negotiation and then- I almost said ‘negosiation.”
TV: I know. I think you also left out Dean’s honorific.
JL: Oh, Dirty Dean Heller?
JF: Yeah, what’s going on?
JL: He’s a dirty politician.
TV: He’s Dirty Dean Heller.
JL: He’s a dirty politician, Dean Heller.
JF: But basically, we need- if Collins and- Collins and Murkowski have been very quiet. It’s hard to imagine that they’d say yes. But if we have Collins and Murkowski and Paul, it doesn’t matter what McCain does. We need three ‘no’s. So- and Alaska’s also one of the states that loses a bunch of money over the next 10 years. And nothing has really changed for the two of them since when they stood against the last proposal, which was on substance not on process, like McCain. So, you would hope that Collins and Murkowski are in there. We need one more, Paul’s a possibility. But that’s- basically is this is all to say, it’s scary again and everyone’s got to get to the phones. I know that’s annoying to hear, but it’s true.
JL: It is. But it’s, you know-
JF: We have to do it.
TV: We hate ourselves for saying it.
JF: It’s a constant struggle, people. So, what’s gonna happen here. McConnell will not call this for a vote unless he’s got 50. They’ve- he has pressed the CBO to give a score for this thing, even though the CBO was busy was working on extending Children’s Health Insurance Program.
JL: [Laughing] The CBO, man. There’s some guy deep within the CBO who is exhausted, he’s got an ashtray with tons of cigarettes, like every- every month he gets a call from McConnell who says, “You need to do six months of analysis in two fucking days.”
JF: Well, here’s what- here’s what’s truly scary about it. They think that- the CBO only is required to come up with a score about how much it costs. And they may not have time to figure out what the coverage loss is for this bill. So, they might give a CBO score that’s just about how much it costs without any coverage numbers. Which is truly fucked up and if you are voting-
TV: It’s unconscionable to vote for this.
JF: If you are voting for a bill- especially for McCain, talking about regular order. You’re gonna vote for a bill where you don’t know the impact?
JL: He can’t! He just can’t. Once again- it’s the same fucking- like, the bill is bad. It’s a bad bill. It’s yet another bad replacement bill. Once again, it’s like, they can’t- they don’t care about their conservative principles to even put something together that achieves some kind of an end while being- you wanna turn it into a block grant, you want the states to be in charge? You come up with this crazy, jury rigged, dumb fucking way to do it that’ll- that could never become law. Fine. The bill is bad. But once again, reforming a sixth of the economy, tens of millions of people’s lives, and they’re like, “We think we can get it done the last week of September. We got two days! We got two days!”
JF: Well it shows that they’re trying to-
JL: Ride or die!
JF: They’re trying to sneak it through because they know that if they had a public debate about it, they would lose. Which, again, this is a reminder, you know, Trump’s bad. We all- everything’s about Trump. This is not about Trump. This is a bunch of, you know, Republicans who’ve even called out Trump, like Lindsay Graham. And they are doing this very bad thing. So, when you go vote, it’s not all about Trump. It’s about these fucking Republicans in Congress.
JL: One story as a proof point for how serious this effort was, I think it was the Politico story, it said that Trump was asking about the bill at Bedminster. Which I just think is like, the lowest- he’s like, what’s happening? I think there might be some kind of a health care thing.
TV: He’s seized with this. He’s seized with this challenge to the point where he’s just first inquiring about it while on- while playing golf.
JF: Yeah, so, anyway. Indivisibleguide.com. You can go there and find ways you can help. Most of it’s gonna be phone calls, but there are gonna be some events as well. Also follow Ben Wikler from moveon.org on Twitter. He’s got a couple long threads on everything you can do and steps you can take. So, everybody make a few phone calls and then- here’s the thing, once we get to September 30th, if this doesn’t pass, then we can finally celebrate in a way we couldn’t even celebrate in the summer.
TV: Until McConnell changes the rules.
JL: Yeah, until they change the rules and do it anyway. [crosstalk] Look killing this thing, it’s harder than killing the clown from fucking It and it’s gonna keep crawling out of that well until-
TV: I will not be watching the remake of that movie. It ruined my life as a child.
JF: Nor will I. Nor will I watch mother! Which sounds really fucking awful. Lovett’s excited.
JL: I’m gonna go see it.
JF: Emily wants to see it, too.
JL: Emily and I are gonna go see it- oh we talk- Emily and I have already been texting. Don’t even worry about it.
JF: Great. Alright, let’s talk about what the fuck’s going on with Donald Trump. Over the weekend our bipartisan, independent, deal making president had quite a Sunday morning tweetstorm. Which culminated in him retweeting a gif [dear god he pronounced it with a soft G how DARE HE BETRAY ME LIKE THIS] of Trump’s golf ball hitting Hillary Clinton [this literally feels like it happened a million years ago and it was only?? Two weeks?? WTH.] which was originally tweeted by someone who’s tweeted racist and anti-Semitic garbage in the past. Of course.
TV: What a surprise! Course it is.
JF: I just- I wanted to bring this up because…it’s like, no one’s talking about it today. We’re all sort of moved past it. I mean, that is a crazy thing to do. It is- it is like fantasizing about political violence by the President of the United States against his former female political opponent. What?
TV: He’s a moron.
JL: It’s just like, the kind of thing that makes the dumbest person laugh. Like, “Hahaha a golf ball hit her. Hah.”
JF: But it’s the kind of thing that makes the dumbest person laugh if it’s like, shared on Facebook by your crazy uncle.
JL: Yeah, it’s a crazy uncle thing.
JF: You know, it’s just - there’s just no thought that this is the President of the United States and that there’s all kinds of other implications. Right.
JL: Yeah, I mean what else is there to say-
JF: I know there’s nothing else to say.
JL: Like it’s not even – it’s not a new low. Like, he’s joked about her being fucking killed during the election. He does this all the time. He- you know, this is who he is. Like it’s now- yeah, he tweeted about her getting hit in the back with a golf ball and falling down cause he thinks it’s hilarious cause he’s a dumb, mean spirited, fucking dotty old racist. What do you want? That’s what he is. He thinks it’s funny! He doesn’t- we’ve never even seen him fucking laugh! He’s never laughed! He’s never laughed! The one thing, maybe he chuckled to himself.
JF: He laughs. Yeah, he laughs when he like mocks people and he laughs about it.
TV: When Sessions cries.
JF: This brings up a Politico piece from last week that we didn’t have time to cover, but it’s relevant. It’s called “Teflon Don confounds Democrats.” It basically digs into a series of private focus groups and internal polls conducted by Democratic strategists in campaigns. Polls of swing voters, independents. So, there’s good news and bad news in this poll, start with the bad news. Bad news is, Trump is still viewed as an outsider shaking up the system. They think he’s bringing about change. He’s getting some credit on the economy. People are unimpressed about the fact that he lies. They’re not so much into the Russia investigation. They don’t think Charlottesville is as big of a problem as we think. And there’s some bad news in the Democratic policies that people have been proposing: free college didn’t poll so well, 15-dollar minimum wage didn’t poll great. Medicare for all tests better, but there’s some skepticism. What do we think about this?
JL: You know, I-
JF: It’s a good level set because we all-
JL: Yeah, I think a dose of skepticism is needed. Like I think that’s important. You know, the piece makes this point that like, if Democrats think they’re on a walk because of Trump to, like, taking back the House and making these big gains, then they should think otherwise. The truth is, I don’t think a lot of Democrats think that. I don’t think we’re all feeling super great in how easy it’s gonna be to win the House. I think everybody recognizes that it’s really hard. And at the same time, it is one of those Politico pieces that you can just feel a conclusion searching for evidence as it goes along, to kind of tell a story about how Donald Trump is, is- you know, “Teflon Don” is usually- isn’t really what you would call somebody who has a 35% approval rating, right? It’s sort of- that’s somebody to whom everything has stuck. That’s a cast iron pot with a lot of stuff grilled to it. You made a grilled cheese and didn’t flip it early enough.
TV: That was my take too, like I think that, I think that was Bill Burton’s quote in- the final quote of the piece was Bill Burton being like, “The guy’s at 38%. It’s not going well.”
JF: He said everything’s working.
TV: Yeah, taking back the House is not gonna be won or lost just based on Donald Trump’s approval rating. Like, that is the mood music that will allow us to fundraise, to recruit great candidates, and to put together a message to counter Trump and tie all these other Republicans to it. So, it’s a piece of a puzzle. I feel pretty good about Donald Trump being at like, 38, 40%. Like, that’s  not good. And he has not done anything to get him out of this hole, including with this short-term debt ceiling debate. But it is a reminder that politics are- it’s all about choices and we need to put forward an alternative to Donald Trump that people like more than him, or like more than the Republican that’s running on his party. So, we have a lot of work to do.
JF: Yeah, I do think that we have to also decide, what is the message that we go out with? Not just on our side, but what we wanna say about Donald Trump. And, we always say this here, but there’s like- he gives us 50 targets a day and you call him a liar, you call him this. So, some of the good news was, the voters did seem exhausted about the chaos surrounding Trump and there was a lot of interest in electing a Congress that can act as a check on him. And then the other message that seemed to really work with a lot of these people in the focus groups and polls were, Trump is out to make his rich friends richer at your expense. This is about stripping regulations, corporate tax breaks, the healthcare- like him trying to repeal Obamacare was effective too. And on ‘fights for people like me,’ Democrats have now pulled ahead of Trump. They were even with him in February.
JL: By a lot, too.
JF: By a lot.
JL: Yeah, I think because Trump scrambles so many of the rules and he does give us so many different directions to go, we kind of forget some of the basics. And even though he’s gonna do so many different and disparate crazy things over the next year, we do need to start getting behind a sentence, like, I don’t know if rich friends richer- fine, whatever it is, but it’s like, you know, “Donald Trump is out for himself and making his rich friends richer. That’s why he’s trying to distract you with a golf ball hitting Hillary Clinton” or all this other stuff. Whatever it is, we need to get to some place where the first part of the sentence is the same. And that’s been really hard and that didn’t happen in 2016.
TV: Yeah, there needs to be a core criticism that is repeated every day.
JF: It’s funny I heard someone- Bernie Sanders was interviewed the other day and someone interviewed about, what do you think about Donald Trump so far and everything he’s done? And he’s like, “Not only is he someone that wants to give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.” Like, first thing out of his mouth. And then he went talk about Charlottesville and racism and everything else. But that’s- there is a message discipline going forward and I think this piece is good for that.
TV: Especially as the Mueller stuff continues to leak out every day.
JF: Exactly.
JL: And winning the House is gonna be really hard. Donald Trump being unique doesn’t make the race to win the House unique. It’s not- it may look like a Bush thing, you know, we may be able to pick up a bunch of seats. But it’s not gonna be easy and we’re gonna have to fight for every seat, that’s all.
JF: I wanna talk about what’s going on this week. On Tuesday Donald Trump will deliver his first speech to the annual United Nations general assembly in New York. Which brings together the leaders of the 193 members nations for a week of meetings and speeches. Major topics will be Iran, Syria, terrorism, and maybe the most pressing, North Korea. Tommy, you went to all of these when Obama was president. They’re called UNGA. It’s called UNGA for short, that’s the acronym.
TV: UNGA. UN General Assembly.
JF: Yeah, what can we expect there? What usually happens there?
TV: So- I mean it’s a place for the member nations to convene for a week. There’s a lot of speeches, there’s meeting to discuss global security challenges. The focus changes every year, but it’s been, you know, the Middle East, Syria, Iran -- like some of the hot button issues. I think the focus this year is gonna be figuring out Donald Trump. They wanna figure out what ‘America First’ really means. We’re coming off previous visits that were defined by Trump refusing to reaffirm the most important part of NATO, shoving the Prime Minister of Montenegro for no reason-
JF: I forgot about that.
JL: Leader of the free world!
TV: Driving around by himself in a golf cart while all the other leaders hang out. He’s also described the UN as quote, a club for people to get together, talk, and have a good time that’s sort of useless. So I do think, like, North Korea is gonna be front a center and trying to figure out the next steps as they continue to flaunt [I think he means ‘flout?’] the international community. This’ll be made harder by the fact that Chinese leader Xi Jinping won’t be there, so there’s- it’s hard to see where real progress will come from. Trump has been making a lot of noise about pulling out of the Iran deal. A whole bunch of people are gonna lobby him not to do that, including François Hollande, leader of France. They also are really gonna be focused on Venezuela, Myanmar, like why did you pull out of the Paris climate accords. I think U.S. journalists are also gonna be really focused on Rex Tillerson, because he has been about as irrelevant a Secretary of State as we’ve ever had. And people are also gonna focus on Nikki Haley because she’s sort of stepped into the breach and some of the leadership void that he’s created. So, you know, we’ll see what happens. You know, Trump’s there for like three or four days. It is like the worst kind of diplomatic speed dating you could ever imagine. You have major speeches, you have to like, know what say in the bi-lat with Qatar and the lunch with the Japanese PM and the South Korean PM about North Korea’s nuclear program. So-
JL: Okay, quick question.
TV: Not up for it.
JL: Yeah, he’s not gonna do that. So, then what happens?
TV: I mean I don’t know that there’s like- the expectations game has gotten run down so low. But I do think-
JF: I’ve noticed that with the- they’re like, what is he gonna get up there and scream at everyone in his speech and say that he hates the world? It’s like, no, he’s probably gonna give a normal fucking speech.
TV: Right.
JF: I mean, let’s not-
TV: I mean, it’s just hard because summits like this where all the leaders are together, usually you do a whole ton of work leading up to it to try to get to some deliverable. Some big accomplishment. Something to announce. And when you have a State Department that is essentially not staffed it’s very hard to have the team in place to do that and to, like, get to the place where we have accomplishments so we can say, “You know what? Venezuela is a disaster and we’re gonna ratchet up political pressure on them until they stop doing x, y, or z.” Or like, “There is an ethnic cleansing in Burma. We are focused on it. This is the money that’s going towards helping refugees who are fleeing to Bangladesh.” It’s just like, I have no confidence that any of that is prepped. [Phone dings]
JF: It really feels like they’re, [TV: Sorry] they’re so reactive. Like they don’t- like you never- like, what is Rex Tillerson’s agenda? Like they’ve pulled out of Paris, they’re dealing with North Korea, they’re trying to seem as though they’re competent. It seems like everything about what Nikki Haley does, what Rex Tillerson does, is about doing this first level thing of just demonstrating that we have a competent and working, functioning diplomatic effort in place. Which is the threshold entry for actually doing- doing something in those jobs.
TV: Rex Tillerson has spent nine months reviewing the staffing levels of the State Department for some reorg that he wants to put forward. Meanwhile, like he has no assistant secretaries of state. Like, there’s no management reorg where you’re gonna say, “You know what? We don’t need someone in charge of Europe [Laughter] or the Middle East.” Like there’s some things he’s done that, yeah, actually kind of make sense. Like he’s gotten rid of these special envoys that deal with challenges that kind of aren’t really a big deal anymore. So, that’s fine. The State Department could be shrunk down a bit and made more efficient. But, it’s just- I don’t think there’s a single Cabinet member that is more of a disappointment than Rex Tillerson. Like, even Rick Perry found religion and was like, “Oh god, the energy department. Like, we should have that around.”
JF: “Oh, I will take guarding our nation’s nukes seriously.”
TV: [Laughs] Yeah, right!
JL: “I’m gonna show up to work.”
JF: So, I’m a little scared about North Korea.
JL: Oh, you’re the one.
JF: I was reading Axios last night, they had some reporting on this, that the Trump administration is down to basically two paths. One, continue to put more pressure on China, economic pressure, particularly. And like, two, preparing for a preemptive ground war. I mean, what. What’s gonna happen here?
JL: Seems great.
TV: Hell if I know. I mean it does- I mean hopefully what they’re doing is posturing [JF: Okay] and trying to fix Steve Bannon coming out [JF: Yeah] and telling some progressive journalist that-
JF: We’re in checkmate.
TV: That we’re in checkmate, that we’re screwed, that there is no military solution. They want to get the Chinese to ratchet down on imports of fuel, they’re- David Sanger of the New York Times did a big piece today about there’s very specific deadly rocket fuel that China’s allowing the North Koreans to purchase that’s fueling their missile programs. So there’s all these- there’s a lot of things you can do on the pressure track in terms of sanctions, but it requires support from places like Russia and China, members of the UN Security Council. Actually- it also requires them to actually enforce things that are going on in their own country. Like, Chinese companies selling fuel.
JL: Yeah, I saw McMaster talking about this over the weekend. And it is true that as part of this negotiation, it seems like they need to convey that they have a reasonable military option. [TV: Yes] That that part of their messaging and part of what they’re doing with their press office at Axios is to try to convey that they actually believe they have a military option to give them a stronger negotiating hand. Cause McMaster was like, “There are people that are saying we don’t have a military option and that’s not true.” Maybe pushing back at Bannon kind of giving away the game in that interview he gave that we forgot about cause it’s two weeks ago.
TV: I mean it is a different situation but it is analogous to what we did to Iran, which was say, we will blow the shit out of your military facilities [JF: Yeah] and your nuclear program unless you take these steps we demanding you do, and in the interim we increased sanctions. Speaking of Iran, it is very frightening that Trump has previewed that he might pull out of the Iran deal as early as October. That has in place a diplomatic process to oversee, to monitor their nuclear program. It’s not perfect. There’s- we need access to military sites that we’re not getting, like, enforcement could be improved. But, it’s just when you look at North Korea and you see this program just spiraling out of control versus Iran where it feels managed by the international community to a great extent. I cannot fathom why they would do that.
JF: Also, this is a choice between, like you just said, enforcement could be improved or, if you pull out of the deal, no enforcement. Right?
TV: And the Europeans will just roll on without us. We’ll be more isolated.
JF: That’s so- tt’s like, if we pull out of this deal Iran’s gonna go- of course they’re gonna go pursue nuclear weapons again and they’re gonna have an easier time doing it than they right now.
TV: It’s just like, think of the things we’re not even talking about. Like, right now. The only story I read about Middle East peace, he’s gonna meet with Netanyahu.
JF: He just tweeted about it.
TV: Yeah, I mean it’s just, there’s no real process in place to push them forward. Not that there’s an easy solution on the table, or even a hard solution on the table. There’s just no work getting done there. There’s ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. There’s all these issues and areas- there’s all these global development and, like, food security goals that are really important to places where people are struggling, that don’t even seem to be on the agenda.
JF: Yeah, I mean, I was asking about North Korea because over the weekend he tweeted, he called the- Kim Jong Un “rocket man.”
JL: What was that?
JF: And then all the stories were about, “He’s got a nickname for Kim Jong Un, it’s rocket man, blah, blah, blah." And I’m just sitting there like, oh, this is a funny little topic, you know. And then last night I read the Axios report about the actual military options that they’re considering. I was like, this seems like the bigger deal right here. Not so much the rocket man nickname. It’s- this is the stuff you wanna pay attention to.
TV: Calling- why are we calling Kim Jong Un rocket man? Is that an insult, first of all? That was a fine movie from the 90 or, early 2000s. And we’re calling terrorists losers. He’s really stuck with that one. It’s just childish.
JL: He thinks that one’s good messaging point. He thinks that one’s a good messaging point. I’m not totally, totally against that one. It’s- the rocket man one is silly.
JF: He’s also, like, ruined two Elton john songs. Rocket man.
TV: That’s probably it.
JF: Tiny Dancers always at the- he plays that at his rallies.
JL: When we went to NASA at the White House and Buzz Aldrin almost punched me in the face, before that he handed me his business card and it says, “Buzz Aldrin: Rocket Hero.”
TV: That’s awesome.
JL: Which is cool.
JF: That’s great.
[Quiet laughter]
JL: But, even like just, you know, Trump tweets that he’s rocket man… what? What’s so funny?
JF: Quick story about me and Buzz Aldrin-
TV: Yeah, yeah, and then if Lovett or Leave It gets televised, you’ll probably have the same card.
JF: Very good- very good friend.
JL: Close personal friend, Buzz Aldrin, and I were at the Palm- the-
TV: And then Charlie Rose came up.
JF: Then I took a selfie with Spicer.
JL: Spicer, Buzz Aldrin, and I getting a quick lobster cob at the Ivy.
JL: But no, but that- even just people reacting to it is exhausting. Like, he calls him rocket man. Like it’s not funny, it’s not appropriate, it’s strange. It’s not even worth your outrage, like, “Uh Trump thinks he’s gonna solve this with a nickname.” No- like who knows why Trump does what he does? It’s just.
JF: It’s frustrating.
TV: He’s just…it’s a very hard problem. It’s not his fault. It does seem like Tillerson, to a lesser extent H.R. McMaster, Mattis, Nikki Haley, are seized with the challenge. They get it. They’re focused on it. The rest of the world is wondering what the hell Donald Trump’s gonna do and if he’s gonna make things worse instead of better. And that’s not a great place to be.
JL: Well, look-
JF: Yeah. I always wanna check in with you from time to time on this cause I try to think to myself, is this something that’s a uniquely Trump administration strategy, or what would be- what would we be doing if it was the Obama administration right now? Knowing that it is a really hard challenge, no matter who’s president. That’s always the tough thing reading this stuff about North Korea.
TV: Yeah. We would be pushing for more sanctions, for more enforcement. We’d probably be doing a lot more to reassure the South Koreans. We’d probably be thinking long and hard about increasing our missile defense systems in the region, which I think they’re also doing.
JL: But it doesn’t look that different.
TV: It doesn’t look that different except for the fact that the North Korean strategy is to try to divide the alliance.
JL: Right.
TV: To try to divide the Japanese and the- and South Koreans from us.
JL: And Trump is into that.
TV: And he’s- he’s leaning into it without really realizing he’s doing that.
JF: He’s also trying to divide the alliance.
TV: Yeah.
JL: Finally, though, it’ll be okay because Stephen Miller is at that computer figuring out the perfect words for Donald Trump to say at UNGA.
JF: C+ Santa Monica fascist.
TV: Yeah, I mean- can you imagine?
JF: Stephen Miller.
TV: I guess the funny thing is, he does give this big speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. It will be very weird and jarring, I think even now, for us to watch that and see him in that role-
JF: I won’t be watching.
TV: But he will be reading from a teleprompter. It will probably go fine. The thing that I really worry about is like, what’s he gonna say in the meeting with the King of Jordan or the PA -- Palestinian authority -- or the leaders of Egypt? Or his working lunch with the African leaders? It’s like, you know- these are- he doesn’t know-
JF: At his Bedminster hotel?
TV: A thing about what’s gonna be discussed.
JL: I would say a full 75% about what Donald Trump will know on foreign policy on Friday, he does not currently know. He will learn it in these meetings and he’s gonna be fascinated. He’s gonna say something like, “You know many people didn’t know that there were more than five countries in Africa. More and more people are finding this out.”
JF: So, this is basically an international relations course for Donald Trump.
JL: Oh, yeah, it’s-
JF: Crash course.
TV: And they’re doing a long version. I mean Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday? Like by the end of the Obama administration, we were out of there in 36 hours.
JL: The great courses: UNGA.
JF: He gets to chill out in New York for a couple days, that’s what- he doesn’t want- he hates Washington. He’s doing most of it from Bedminster.
TV: I gotta say, I’m with him on that one.
JF: Oh, that’s fun. Okay, when we come back we will be talking to the editor-in-chief of HuffPo, Lydia Polgreen.
JF: Pod Save America is brought to you by Sonos.
TV and JL: Sonos.
JF: Speak freely about your love of Sonos.
JL: Okay.
TV: I went down to Orange County yesterday to visit a friend of all of ours, Nikki, who lives there. We saw her amazing puppy Stanley, who Lovett yelled at during Game of Thrones several times.
JF: Yeah, Lovett’s very anti-Stanley.
TV: And we’re getting her a house warming gift-
JL: I’m not anti-Stanley.
TV: And we’re gonna get her a Sonos.
JF: Does she know that or is this, like- did we just…?
JL: I’m not anti-Stanley.
TV: She’s learning about it right now.
JF: Oh ho!
TV: The reason we’re doing it is because it’s a great way to listen to music.
JF: You know how long it’s gonna take Nikki to set up that Sonos?
TV: 11 seconds.
JF: That’s right. I was gonna-
TV: I counted.
JF: Yeah that’s right. Exactly 11 seconds.
JL: I like it.
JL: I have one set up in my dining room. We play music during game night.
TV: By the way, it’s nice down there.
JL: Sonos!
JF: Kick out some Republican representatives down there.
TV: Yeah! You’re out!
JF: Sonos! For the first time-
JL: Yeah, maybe Darrell Issa can listen to some music, beautifully crisp, on the veranda when he’s not a Congress person anymore. Or the roof.
JF: Yeah, when he’s- becomes a lobbyist. For the first time ever, Sonos is offering the listeners of Pod Save America 10% off one order of 1,000 dollars or less on any product on sonos.com. This offer is available for a limited time only and cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions. Use the promo code PSA10. That’s capital “P-S-A” one zero at sonos.com to receive this exclusive offer.
TV: Exclusive.
JL: Do you know who else might enjoy some crisp, lifelike sound on their Sonos? Ted Cruz. End of thought.
JF: Like.
JF: Pod Save America is also brought to you by Texture. We’ve been telling you about Texture for months.
TV: Months.
JF: It’s a great app giving you unlimited access to over 200 premium magazines. They have content that is fresh and new each month, unlike the same script they’ve asked us to read over and over and over again.
TV: Ohhh!
JL: Fresh content.
JF: This is meta.
JL: What?
JF: That was in the script.
TV: That was in the script?
JF: The funny script line was in the usually boring script.
JL: What’s happening?
TV: The call is coming from inside the house.
JF: Texture’s amazing.
TV: They’re listening.
JF: We love you Texture. So they took away the script and asked us to tell you about a story we read on the Texture app.
TV: Ooh.
JF: So, one of the magazines that’s on texture is the Atlantic.
TV: Yes.
JF: We haven’t talked about this on the pod yet, because hopefully we’ll talk to him about it at some point, but Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “First White President.” Incredible piece.
JL: Yeah. We talked about it on Lovett or Leave It the other day.
TV: That whole- that whole issue of that magazine is amazing.
JL: Yeah.
TV: Elliot Cohen has an entire article about Trump’s foreign policy so far and all the things he’s fallen short on. And he’s a right-wing Republican writing this, criticizing Trump.
JF: The Atlantic does great work.
TV: Yeah. And you know what-
JL: Yeah.
JF: Little highlight of the Atlantic here.
TV: I don’t know the last time I saw a hard copy of almost any magazine. That’s why you need Texture.
JF: You can access all your favorite magazines and their back issues in a single app so you can enjoy them any time, anywhere. Tommy, we’re just crushing the segues there. That was great.
TV: Crushing.
JF: Texture is normally 15 dollars a month. But our listeners can get Texture for just 6.99 a month.
JL: The Atlantic is very old.
JL: It’s been around for a long time. I think that it’s been around since, like, Lincoln. Or maybe before.
JF: Listen- yeah.
TV: 6.99 a month! That’s amazing! That’s over 50% off their standard price!
JF: You also get a free-
JL: It probably used to have an old timey type.
JF: You also get a free trial so you can try Texture first. Get over 200 top magazines such as People, Vanity Fair, Time, Cosmo, and the Atlantic for just- we just did an ad for the Atlantic today.
JL: Yeah, what the hell.
JF: Jeff Goldberg, come see us.
TV: Yeah. The invoice is in the mail, Jeff.
JF: Go to texture.com/crooked. That’s texture.com/crooked. Texture, a better way to read magazines. That’s-
TV: Also in the copy.
JF: That’s them, yeah, sorry.
JL: Okay, cool.
JF: You guys can have it out with each other.
JF: We’re very fortunate to have, in studio, the editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post, Lydia Polgreen.
Lydia Polgreen: We’re HuffPost now.
JF: HuffPost- I said it earlier in the program correctly.
LP: It’s okay.
TV: We can do it again.
JF: Yeah, let’s do it again.
LP: No, no, no!
JL: No, I think-
LP: I want-
JL: I think it should stay in, guys.
JF: Okay.
LP: Yeah.
TV: It’s a learning- it’s a learning moment.
LP: I think so, too. I think so, too.
JF: Now we’re gonna remember.
JL: It’ll stick with people.
LP: I’m a big believer in transparency and showing your work, so, there we go.
JF: We’re- that’s perfect then.
TV: Before you were the editor-in-chief of HuffPost, you were also a foreign correspondent for the New York Times focused on Africa. The UN General Assembly’s this week. How do you sense the world is viewing Donald Trump nine months into this adventure we’re all on? Have people started to figure him out? Or is he still this big question mark that is creating anxiety?
LP: Well, I think both, right? I mean, they’ve figured- they’ve started to figure him out and that is provoking even more anxiety.
JF: Okay.
TV: Great.
LP: You know, it’s been a really interesting- I mean I spent most of my career covering, you know, developing nations that…were sort of transitioning to democracy, but often in a deeply complicated way. They were not necessarily, you know, ideally representative or, you know, perfect in their expression of democracy. And, you know, when I was in places like Zimbabwe or Congo or Nigeria or India, you know, the U.S. for many democracy advocates was seen as a kind of beacon. And you know, when I talk to my friends in those places now, they- they see things very differently. I had a conversation, this is like such a Tom Friedman thing to say, but, you know, I was- we’ve been going around the country on our Listen to America Tour that HuffPost is doing, visiting 25 cities. And I was in St. Louis for the kick off and I had this conversation with a Lyft driver going back to my hotel, who’s originally from Uganda. And he’s lived in the St. Louis area for 13 years, he’s a nurse and, you know, drives Lyft on the weekends. And he said- we had a, you know, pretty in-depth conversation about the situation in Uganda. They’ve had a strong man president, you know, for the past 30 years. And he said, “You know, I used to call Uganda to check up on people there and now people are calling to check up on me.”
TV: Great.
LP: And that, to me, really encapsulates how a lot people, you know, from the- the world that I used to spend most of my time covering, feel about what’s unfolding in the United States right now. It’s a mix of horror, you know, but also, you know, it feels very familiar. You know, having a leader who’s using fear, antipathy- I mean in Uganda for example, it wasn’t Muslims, but it was actually gays who were used as a kind of- a way to whip up antipathy to the opponents of the president. So, you know, I think it’s really useful to look and see how the rest of the world is digesting and seeing you know, the Trump presidency. And you’re seeing, you know, don’t forget that Trump is part of a wave, you know. I covered India and, you know, Trump is of a piece with figures like Narendra Modi. So you know, I think the global lens is really important in thinking about what’s unfolding in America right now.
JF: So you were covering countries transitioning into democracy and now you’re covering one transitioning out.
JF: So, you- you became editor-in-chief of one of the largest left-leaning media organizations right as Trump was elected president. We’re now eight months in. What’s been the biggest challenge of journalism in the Trump era? What’s surprised you?
LP: Yeah, I mean, it’s really interesting. I mean, I think, you know, HuffPost has traditionally been described as a left-leaning news organization and I suppose there are some ways in which it’s true. I’d like to think of us as progressive. But I think, like, this is a moment where the traditional poles of left and right feel so scrambled. And, you know, you’ve got these two giant forces, you know, globalization on the one hand and technological on the other, converging to really, to really re-architect how power works in the world. And so, I think of us- the best way to describe our identity is, you know, we’re for people who earn a paycheck and live on that paycheck. And that’s actually not an ideological point of view.
JF: What does that mean in practice?
LP: Well it means that, you know, we’re pretty critical of everyone. You know, who’s powerful.
JF: Would you say it’s more populism than ideology now?
LP: Yeah, and I think populism has become a dirty word in our, in our current political climate because it’s been used in so many negative ways. And the history of populism in the United States is not a happy one. But it’s hard to ignore the fact that there, you know, huge parts of the country, and frankly the world, that feel alienated from the most powerful institutions that govern our lives. Whether it’s, you know, politics, whether it’s media, you know, technology. There’re just so many things that fell, I think, fundamentally alien. And I think you know, one of the things we’re trying to accomplish with this listening tour is sort of get beyond the divisive tactics that have divided people, and help people, particularly working people, see the things that they share and that they have in common. And, you know, once you get past, you know, the kind of Fox News framing around political correctness and, you know, transgender bathrooms and things like that, and get people having a real conversation, I think they often find that- that they share much more than divides them.
JL: I just wanna follow up. You say- so taking on both sides, right? Or sort of viewing- not being easy on the liberal side, right, and that would be a difference than what, say a more liberal publication would do. Where do you think more liberal leaning places are falling down on the job in holding Democrats and progressives accountable?
LP: It’s a great question. I mean, I think, you know, we’re- you know, Democrats love nothing more than a circular firing squad. So, you know, there’s- there’s a lot of kind of interlacing battles going on right now. It feels like we’re gonna replay the 2016 primary, you know, probably well into our grandchildren’s, you know, lives. But you know I think that, you know, the relationship of the Democratic party in particular to big institutions, financial institutions, to the technology industry, I actually think that, you know, you’re seeing an emerging set of voices that are asking really, really hard questions around these issues. So we’re definitely not alone in that. You know, I’ve been super encouraged to see a huge emphasis on the questions around technological monopolies. I think that, you know, the battle over identity politics is pretty uninteresting to me. But, it’s good that it’s a conversation that we’re having. So, I’m not gonna criticize any sort of left leaning publication for doing this or not doing that, but I do think that anybody who cares about these issues needs to be putting real pressure on the political leadership. And also the sort of big institutions like unions, you know, as much as they remain a force, to really be kind of like foot soldiers in this battle. And putting that pressure on and continuing to advocate for these issues is extremely important.
JL: I guess, yeah, I just- it seems like, to me, that those are critiques and access points from the left as well, right?
LP: Sure.
JL: That like, a desire for a stronger, you know, union force, a desire to take on big technology companies that are monopolistic. I guess I just- to me I ,like, see MSNBC at a moment where there’s incredible liberal activism, kind of going out and trying to find conservatives to kind of level the playing field and I- I guess I wonder why this would be a moment to come at these issues.
LP: Oh, I totally agree and I think like, you know, to me the thing that’s dismaying is that the conservatives that you see, you know, rising up in places like MSNBC and, like the, you know, opinion pages of the New York Times, actually represent, like, exactly the same world view as the liberals. You know, they may have differences on policy issues and things like that, but they represent, you know, upper middle class elites consensus-
JF: Establishment.
LP: Establishment, you know. I mean, you know, Brett Stevens is an incredibly stylish writer and I think, you know, an interesting thinker. But, you know, there’s not that much difference in terms of the broader, kind of, poles that we’re seeing in our world right now, between him and Tom Friedman. Or him and Nick Kristof, you know. They essentially come out of the same milieu and they go to the same cocktail parties. They have had the same lived experience and, so to me it’s less of a critique about ideology and to me it feels like, weirdly more like a sorta cover your ass than a genuine attempt to grapple with ideological diversity.
TV: Yeah, I mean, and Hugh Hewitt is an intellectually dishonest individual who came to support Trump when it became economically and socially acceptable, or viable for him to do so. And low and behold, he’s rewarded with a show on MSNBC.
LP: Yeah, I mean, I think that’s right. I think we’re seeing people- it’s very comfortable for establishment institutions to embrace never-Trump conservatives. It’s- that’s like a gimme. It’s so easy.
TV: Shout out to Miller.
LP: On, I mean, exactly. It’s like, it’s, you know, so nobody gets any points for ideological diversity from my- in my book from embracing a GOP never-Trumper. It’s like, yawn.
JF: I was thinking about this last night and you were tweeting about it as well, with Spicer on the Emmys. Which is, like, so supposedly liberal Hollywood, Harvard now, is like embracing these former Trump figures like Spicer and Corey Lewandowski, you know my mind-
LP: But not Chelsea Manning, God forbid.
JF: Well it’s like, in my mind I’m like, this is ironically one of the points that Trump’s campaign was making, which is there’s this clubby elitism and it really doesn’t matter which, whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, because all these people end up together.
LP: No, of course-
JF: Cause it’s the money and fame that sort of drives it.
LP: No, that’s exactly right. And I think like, you know, it’s been kind of a rough time for Harvard. I didn’t go to Harvard, I don’t know if any of you guys did.
JF: No.
JL: Boo hoo.
JL: When’s the vigil.
LP: I mean, I’ll- look it’s not like I went to a state school. I actually went to a small liberal arts college in Maryland that had a lot of conservatives at it. You know, I think that this ability of establishment institutions to re-assimilate noxious figures is a very old story, you know? I mean,
JF: You pointed out Kissinger last night.
LP: Exactly. I mean Henry Kissinger, you know, is- remains hailed by statesmen. Including like, people like Hillary Clinton. So, you know. I think this has been a factor in our public life and really says something, like, deeply troubling about Washington. That there’s essentially nothing-
JF: Absolutely.
LP: There’s nothing you can do that makes you a persona non-grata.
JL: Yeah, well I found myself thinking of it. That it’s even worse. Which is, it’s about the enemies you’re allowed to have. You know, because had Sean Spicer stood up there and defended things like a Muslim ban, but had Trump done something anti-gay in a way that led Spicer to forgive it at the podium, he’d be much less forgiven by people at the Emmys.
LP: I think that’s absolutely right. I mean, and that goes to, like, the kinda hierarchy of otherness, you know. And, look, you know, you look at things like the transgender ban -- and look I don’t remember if Sean Spicer specifically stood up and defended the transgender ban -- but like, you know we’ve seen this, like, change sweeping through Hollywood but it remains somewhat on the fringe. And you know, I think that the question of, like, who it’s okay to bash and who it’s not remains like a really important one.
TV: Yeah. So you’re leading a media company at a time of massive change in media.
JL: We are, too.
TV: We are, as well. So I was actually just gonna get some advice.
LP: Oh, wait. I’m here to ask the questions.
TV: So, Ben Smith- Advice -- put your office in a soundproof studio on La Cienaga. You’ll never hear a motorcycle go by. Ben Smith at Buzzfeed wrote a piece about Facebook and how it’s time for big technology companies to sort of have their time in the barrel. And they’re starting to get attacked. You’re hearing about anti-trust. Media companies have long viewed Facebook as a frenemy. They give you extraordinary reach, but they cut into revenues. Like, what do you think the future is for these massive technology companies, like Facebook, like Twitter, that are so important to the way the news is disseminated and consumed now.
LP: I think they’re in trouble. I mean, I think that you’re seeing on the left and in certain parts of the right, a consensus around the overwhelming power that these platforms have. You know, the New York Times story about what happened at their New America foundation with the Open Markets Institute I think was a real wake up call. And you know it remains unclear if that’s actually what Google wanted or if it was, you know, the overzealous reaction of the people that run New America. But, you know, it’s clear to me that news organizations, you know, really let themselves be dealt a bad hand. And I think about the way in which you know, for example, Taylor Swift has neg- managed her relationship with Spotify, you know. I take it away, I give it back and, you know. I remember right before her- right before her album came out, there was a massive advertisement that Spotify paid for as kind of a takeover on the New York Times home page and it was clear that she had extracted, like, extraordinary concessions from Spotify and said, you as a platform, you need to have this album. Now, can news do that, I think is a really interesting question. And the fact is, like, we trained our readers to expect our content to be free and- but that, in a way, is like not nearly as bad as the second sin, which was training platforms to expect that we would just give them our content and let them build their businesses on the back of it. I mean this is particularly poignant for HuffPost, right. Because, you know, one of the most powerful critiques of HuffPost was that we destroyed the journalism industry by having unpaid bloggers and by aggregating people’s stories and things like that. I mean, we are all unpaid workers, you know, toiling in the mines of the- in the data mines of Facebook, right?
TV: Yeah.
LP: We really are!
JF: Yeah.
TV: Yeah.
JL: We’re all Twitter interns.
TV: A lot of nice houses in San Francisco have been built on the- on your labor.
LP: Yeah, exactly. And so I think like, you know, now running, like, a small scrappy, I mean, not that small but, you know, scrappy newsroom that’s really devoted to creating- it’s sort of ironic that, you know, there was a time when people to us and thought of us as, you know, the enemy of journalism. I mean, my God.
JF: Yeah. I mean it seems like the other thing that Facebook touches on is this dissemination of propaganda during the 2016 race, which I don’t- I don’t think we’ve had a good enough or serious enough discussion in this country about how to counter propaganda.
TV: Yeah, or even a full accounting of what happened.
JF: Or a full accounting of what happened. But I was- I kept looking at this- these studies after the 2016 election that shows the media coverage, you know, mainstream media was overwhelmingly negative on- for both candidates.
LP: Yep.
JF: And there was remarkably little about policy for both candidates among the mainstream media coverage. But Trump benefits from these right-wing media outlets – Breitbart, Fox, everything – that were actually talking a lot about his policy positions-
LP: Yep.
JF: And so his policy broke through in a favorable way on the right. Hillary never had anything like that on the left.
LP: And not just broke through in a favorable way on the right, but they- they broke through without any interference, right?
JF: Right. No filters.
LP: I mean without any scrutiny. And so I think, like, you know, I think that a lot of the anger that you’re seeing from President Clinton, from Hillary Clinton on the- against the media is really kind of like, speaking to this in that, you know, you had these big institutions that saw it as their job to do their job as they’ve always done their job. And meanwhile, kind of off to the side, there was this other media that was much more savvy and plugged in to how people are actually getting information, that was telling a really different story. And, look, you know, I mean, one of the basic things- I mean, there’s absolutely like, you know, progressive, you know, I wouldn’t quite call it fake news, but there’s progressive, you know, kind of manipulative media. I know because my mother bombards me with it every single day on Facebook. But, you know, there also doesn’t seem to be the receptiveness to that-
JF: Right.
LP: Among- you know, on the left. I think that there is a more questioning, less likely to sort of accept this kind of simplistic framing that we were seeing on the right. And so, you know, so I think  that you’re seeing efforts on the left to try and replicate the Breitbarts and others. I don’t think they’ll succeed.
TV: No,
JF: I don’t think we want to.
LP: No!
JF: I mean, it’s always bothered me because people- when people bring up fox and breitbart, they’ll say, oh and then on the left you have MSNBC and HuffPost.
LP: There’s just- no.                                              
TV: Not equivalent.
JF: It’s not like that, there’s no comparison.
JL: We would be- we would be in much better shape if there was a Rachel Maddow of the right. If that’s who people were tuning into on Fox News it’d be like, you know, it’d be great.
LP: Yeah.
JF: My question- I don’t think we want to replicate that. But so what do we do on the left? I mean, like, you know, you guys must struggle with that, right?
LP: We do all the time. And I think like, you know, I mean it’s not to say that, I mean if you read Breitbart on any given day, which I do read every single day. They are absolutely writing about divisions within the right, you know, so it’s not like a, you know, a kind of aim and corner for the GOP. And so I think, like, our kind of fratricidal coverage of the left is- is not dissimilar from what you see.
TV: Yes, certainly now with Bannon back.
LP: Certainly now with Bannon back, you’re seeing that. But I think that there has been this like really skillful kind of transmission of memes on the right, that just would never work on the left.
TV: I agree. And you know I’ve been thinking about this a lot as we learn more and more about Russian propaganda at first because, it’s not like they were more technologically effective, or better funded than say Hillary Clinton’s team or the DNC’s team. There had to have been something about the content that people were more willing to believe. And I think it’s because they’re willing to lie. They’re willing to say, “Hillary Clinton murdered people and here’s the list.” And like when that shit gets in your head, it’s hard to get it out. And I don’t think that’s something we ever wanna replicate on the left. At least I hope not. But on the right, it’s like, we saw this about Obama from day one. The birther garbage was exactly that.
LP: Right. I mean I think it really has to do with, like, your relationship to truth and fact, right? I mean if you have any sense of decency and care about, you know, the actual world in which we live. I mean, that’s why I think, you know, people who are shocked that, you know, Trump and Schumer- that you know, Chuck and Nancy and Donald Trump are, you know, making deals. I mean, you know, at the end of the day I think that for the Democrats, saving DACA is like, not a joke, you know. They’re not gonna sell out, you know, 800 thousand people who came to America as children for the sake of not giving Donald Trump a win. I mean agree or disagree with the Democrats, like, you know, that was not the case with the Republicans under Obama, right. I mean they were- they were willing to do almost anything to prevent him from getting almost anything and- and what we’re seeing right now is the Democratic party that’s, you know, behaving like adults. And I think that’s…that’s just the reality that we need to live with. That at the end of the day, people like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are- are gonna make deals with Trump because, you know, it’s just too important.
JF: Yeah. So, last question and then we’ll let you go. Because you’ve covered so many countries transitioning into democracy, how do you think that our institutions are holding up so far under the Trump presidency? Or how concerned are you that he’s doing lasting damage?
LP: I mean, I think that our institutions are holding up, actually, pretty well. I think, you know, for all the criticism of the media, like, you know, there’s so much great journalism out there right now and you know, people are not intimidated. And I think that that’s really powerful. I worry a lot about the courts. I think that, you know, something that people are probably not paying enough attention to is just how much power the President has to shape the courts and given ort current you know, our current set up in the Senate, this is gonna have profound and lasting impact. If the Republicans achieved only one thing, denying a Supreme Court justice to President Obama and handing a seat to Neil Gorsuch-
TV: Yeah.
LP: Is a generational win that will not soon be undone. You know, and so- so you know, I think that’s one area where we have to be like, really, really be watching closely. You know, I’m an optimist by nature and I think that, you know, particularly traveling around the country on tis bus tour, I’m going to Birmingham from here. You know, I just have to believe that you know, the sort of the real stuff of the country, which is people in their communities, like making changes in their lives and in their political institutions and their civic institutions. That that’s the thing that’s going to keep us from going off the rails.
TV: Yeah.
LP: I mean, look, there are countries that have perfect elections under the, the auspices of the United Nations like, for example I covered one of the first elections in Congo after the civil war. And that was a beautiful election. Everyone, you know, cast their ballots peacefully, the ballots were counted correctly. That country has no institutions, you know, and so it’s just been a mess ever since. In Nigeria, they can’t hold an election to save their lives. You know, there’s like open ballot stuffing, you know, all kinds of shenanigans that go on, but it’s judiciary almost always gets it right. And it’s institutions, you know, sort of hold the country in place and that’s why, despite everyone thinking Nigeria’s a mess, it’s actually held together all these years. And so when I think about the United States I think about us as being, you know, there are parts of our- of the mechanics and the furniture of our democracy that are vulnerable. But they’re are sort of deep, institutional reasons why I think we have reasons to be optimistic.
TV: We also need Trump’s lawyer to keep going to steak lunches and just talking loudly about their strategies.
JF: Next to Ken Vogel.
JL: Getting a pop over and talking about a safe with secret documents. Keep it up, Matt.
LP: Read about it in the New York Times.
JF: Yeah. Lydia Polgreen, thank you so much for joining us. And please come back again soon.
TV: Yeah.
LP: It’s a pleasure. Thanks, guys.
TV: Good luck on the bus tour.
JF: Yeah.
LP: Thank you.
JF: It’ll be fun.
JF: Pod Save America is brought to you by Movement.
TV: Movement.
JL: Guys, I want to put some content in the ad. This comes from the Emmys, about Sean Spicer. Friend of mine says, “The reaction in our section was very negative, people all around us were angry he was there and afterwards when we were leaving, he was up ahead of us so my husband went up and shook his hand and told him to go fuck himself.”
TV: Where’s that- which ad is that going in?
JL: This is going in Movement!
TV: Okay!
JL: Join the movement! Tell Sean Spicer to go fuck himself with a lovely watch on your wrist.
JF: If you don’t want to see who you are, you can wear sunglasses!
TV: If Sean asks you what time it is, say it’s time to go-
TV and JL: fuck yourself!
TV: Then look at your Movement watch.
JF: Put on your movement shades and walk right away.
JL: I may be too- you think I’m too stylish to say this to you at the Emmys? Incorrect.
JF: Do you guys know how Movement was started?
JL: I do, Jon.
JF: The company was started by two broke college kids who wanted to wear stylish watches, but couldn’t afford them. So they started their own watch company.
TV: Cool.
JF: Just like we started!
JL: Just like we started.
JF: That’s what it says in the copy.
JL: Just like we started!
JF: Says, “Talk about how it’s just like you started.”
JL: Just like we started.
JF: So Movement watches start at just 95 dollars, at a department store you’re looking at 4 to 500 bucks. Movement found that by selling online, they were able to cut out the middleman and retail markup, providing the best possible price. Get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns by going to mvmt.com/crooked. This watch has a really clean design. Now’s the time to step up your watch game. Go to mvmt.com/crooked and join the movement.
JF: Pod Save America is also brought to you by the Cash app.
TV and JL: The Cash app!
JF: Anyone have anything interesting to say about the Cash app.
JL: You know, I did.
JF: I paid someone just this weekend with the Cash app.
JL: Oh! I was just thinking that, I can’t remember what it was about, but it had to do with an escape room and paying Spencer for something. And I was thinking, I’m gonna do this with the Cash app. Oh! You know what it was, I went to see It last night and-
TV: Oh, too scary.
JL: No, it was great. But, like, we bought movie tickets, then we went for conveyor belt sushi, then we saw the movie, we got candy, then we got a pizza after. It was a great night.
JF: Oh, I know, I-
JL: It was a great night, but it was hard to settle up!
JF: Saturday morning, Tommy and Emily and Hannah and I all went to Cantor’s Deli and-
TV: Oh, yeah.
JF: And Tommy- instead of splitting the check, Tommy paid for it and I paid him with the Cash app and then I said, this is so that we have content for the ad on Monday. And here’s the content.
TV: I was full until the next day cause Cantor’s is delicious.
JF: Cantor’s deli.
JL: I ate alone.
TV: Any details about the Cash app that we should share?
JL: So, now uh…
JF: Yeah, if you download it and you put in the code PODSAVE-
JL: Now I’m mad about something new.
JF: That’s five dollars for you. That’s five dollars for hurricane relief efforts. And it’s the fastest way to send and receive money.
JL: Guess you guys are cool with going back to Cantor’s even though they had like a D on the health inspection like half an hour ago.
TV: I was- I was hanging out with a new friend on Saturday who is also a friend of the pod and she said, “Was Lovett really mad about that bottle of wine?” And I said, “Yes, he’s a fucking lunatic. He was very, very angry.”
JL That’s what we’re saying now? You wanna bring that back up? You wanna say that I’m crazy?
TV: Total lunatic.
JL: You know what I really like? When-
JF: The grievances are back on the Cash app ad! More grievances!
JL: Everyone likes when the straight white guy tells them that they’re crazy.
TV: Calm down!
JL: You’re so crazy!
TV: Calm down.
JF: Oh, okay, yeah. Feminist over here. Feminist Jon Lovett.
TV: [Laughing] Yeah.
JF: Come at me with that.
TV: Why don’t you read me another anecdote from your friend at the Emmys, you fucking populist hero!
JF: [Laughing]
JL: I’m not gonna be talked to in this way. It’s my show!
TV: Revealing.
JF: Revealing!
JL: Cash app! It’s the simplest and easy way to pay people back who you thought were your friends.
JF: The Cash app.
JF: Pod Save America is also brought to you by Postmates.
JL: Postmates.
JF: Postmates is a way to get food delivered to your house.
JL: Things to your house.
TV: Yeah, look, if your friends went out to breakfast without you and you’re by yourself and looking for something to eat-
JL: Is it that hard to fucking text me?
TV: Cause you need to dine. You can Postmates a delicious breakfast directly to you.
JL: I did something on Saturday. I was social.
JF: Hundred-dollar free delivery credit if you download Postmates.
JL: A barbeque.
JF: You download it, that’s a hundred dollars in free delivery credit you use that-
JL: I went to a barbeque.
JF: Within two weeks.
JL: You weren’t there.
JF: You get all kinds of food delivered.
TV: Postmates is basically the only way we can eat here at Crooked Media, cause they closed down everything.
JF: Yeah.
JL: You guys wanna hear what my most recent Postmates orders were? I will read them without exception.
JF: [Laughs] Yes.
TV: Yes.
JL: It’s pretty healthy. I got a cob salad, before that I got a poke bowl-
JF: Cool.
JL: On kelp noodles, which I’ve become an evangelist for.
TV: Not a fan.
JL: You didn’t like them?
TV: Gross.
JL: Oh! And then you find I got buffalo wings and a cheeseburger and fries.
TV: What day was that?
JL: That was in August because it was before I started my new contest with Spencer.
TV: Are you winning?
JL: It’s not winning. It’s like the Pairs climate accords. You can’t really lose, it’s not really binding, it’s just about transparency
TV: Got it.
JF: Postmates!
JF: On the pod today, we have the host of Pod Save the People, DeRay McKesson. DeRay, how are you?
DeRay McKesson: I’m good, I’m good. How are you guys doing?
JF: Pretty good.
JL: Great!
JF: Who’s on the show this week?
DM: We have Tennessee state legislator Lee Harris talking about drug free school zones. There’s so much you don’t know that I didn’t know about drug free school zones. And then we have Tom Dart, the sheriff of the Cook County jail, the largest jail in America.
JF: What did you talk to him about?
DM: You know, actually- ye- you know today? On Monday, Monday of this week, which is, today.
DM: Today is Monday?
JF: I know, man, it’s hard.
TV: I know the feeling.
DM: Today is Monday, right? Yeah. My podcast’s on Tuesday. Ah, today! Today there is an order that goes into effect by the chief judge in Chicago that should fundamentally change money bail there. So we talk about that and we talk about, like what does it look- what does it mean to lead a jail, the biggest jail in this country. You know, people don’t realize that the three largest mental health facilities in America are jails. So we talk about that and what is wrong with it and what’s on the horizon. So, that was interesting. And then the conversation about what’s happening in Tennessee to the drug-free school zones are something that, like, I thought was sort of an issue until we talked and I, like, understood it so much better afterwards.
TV: DeRay, in the course of your activism, I think you’ve probably become, unfortunately, you know, an expert on the St. Louis police force and all its…challenges. What did you think about the verdict that came down recently and the protests that have reemerged over the last several days.
DM: You know, we talk about this a little bit on Pod Save the People. But you know, he- the officer, Jason Stockley yelled “I’m gonna kill this mother-f***er” and shot Anthony Lamar Smith five times. And his lawyer dismissed his statement as sort of like a small matter. And you see that he got acquitted and people in the street. And, you know, it’s a reminder that like we have no seen justice in so many places in this country, definitely not in St. Louis where the police kill citizens at a rate unlike any other place in America. People are still in the streets and they should be in the streets. What is sort of wild is last night, the police chanted “Who’s streets? Our streets” as they arrested like 80 people. And it’s that sort of like, gang mentality from the police that leads people to protest. Like, when have you seen the police yell “Whose streets? Our streets.” They don’t own the streets. They’re supposed to be public servants. But we’ve seen that not be true time and time again.
TV: Literally taunting activists from Black Lives Matter, right? Who would- they’re reprising a chant that they had heard previously.
DM: Yeah, a chant that we made popular- all of us made popular in the street in Ferguson in 2014. And there’s a movie that just came out about the protests in Ferguson. So I’m sure they have seen that, or heard of it, and they definitely know the chant and they were trying to use it to show that they own the streets. That its’s theirs. And it’s like, that’s not what democracy is, that’s not what is should be.
TV: No, it’s not.
JF: DeRay, as an organizer, how do you shape the way these protests are covered? So, it’s- it seems like it’s a constant struggle between getting out information like what we were just talking about when you were saying, you know, the police chanting that and the police antagonizing protestors, and people who’ll cover, you know, a couple protestors, you know, throwing something at a house or something. So, like, how do you- is that something that’s on your mind when you’re organizing these protests? Is it just, you know- it’s beyond your control, so what are you gonna do? Or, what are your thoughts on that?
DM: Yeah, so, that’s also what’s interesting about what’s happening in St. Louis is that they’re using social media as a way to sort of put out propaganda in a way that we’ve not seen and that the city did- and then those police officers definitely didn’t do that three years ago.
JF: Yeah.
DM: And as an organizer, you know I had 800 followers in 2014, I have 900 thousand now. And try to be really thoughtful by using the platform to help people like, feel and see and smell what was happening. And you know, in the digital space that’s really important because most of the people that care are not physically with you so the more that you can help people like understand how many people, what’s the mood like, what does it feel like, in a consistent way, that goes a long way.
JF: What else do you think has changed with regards to police violence and resulting protests since, you know, you first went to Ferguson three years ago?
DM: Yeah, you know, people thought there was a crisis in Ferguson, they didn’t think there was a crisis in America in 2014. And now that has completely changed. Like people understand that there’s a crisis all across the country. I think now, like with most issues, people are like what can we do, right? They’re looking for what the solutions are. And there’s some places that have been more resistant than others. I think where we’ve not seen change is the FOP. That the police unions, have almost wholly been against any change at the national level, for sure. And with this administration we don’t see the DOJ any longer pushing for reform or any substantive change in the system.
TV: DeRay one of the most outspoken protests against police violence and the treatment of African Americans in the country was Colin Kaepernick and his refusal to stand during the national anthem. It has been interesting to me to watch the way his leadership has been covered over the course of the last several years and I think anyone who read Rembert Browne’s piece in Bleacher Report recently, you know, have seen the way he’s brought people along with him. I’m wondering what- what you think about Kaepernick’s stand against police violence and where- where that effort is.
DM: Yeah, I just- I was just with Colin the other day. We were together for a couple hours and, and then Jack joined, Jack here at Twitter who’s great and a friend. And then they were together for the rest of the morning. You know, Colin is very kind. He’s kinder than I think people sort of get the impression of on, with, you know when they see him on TV. He’s really dedicated to these issues both here and globally. And the reality is that nothing that Colin is saying about race and justice is controversial, right? He’s saying the police shouldn’t be killing people. And like that is true.
TV: Yes.
DM: And he���s saying that this country was founded on racism. That is true. Like, these aren’t controversial things. You know, he still trains five days a week. He’s ready at any moment if he gets signed by a team. It’s also wild to see the owners almost seemingly joined together to block him. And that, you know, isn’t fair, isn’t right. So hopefully we’ll see an owner step up and not bow down to the peer pressure of the rest of the owners and do what’s right.
TV: 32 owners who are old, wealthy, white men, I believe.
JL: Many Trump donors.
TV: Yeah, many Trump donors.
JF: Yeah.
DM: Yeah, do you guys have any idea of who is a strong owner who won’t- isn’t susceptible to peer pressure?
TV: Lovett? Lovett?
JL: Yeah, you know DeRay, as you know I sort of- I’m a encyclopedia of knowledge around- about the National Football League.
JL: I have no idea.
TV: Yeah, to be honest I don’t either but he’s obviously good enough to play on a lot of teams. It- I mean the question early on was, whether he was holding out for a starting job and didn’t wanna be a backup. Well clearly that was not the case and that it was other issues that kept teams from picking him up, so hopefully a team will show some courage and bring on a very good player.
JF: DeRay, thanks for joining us. I know you gotta run. But everyone, download Pod Save the People. It’ll be out tomorrow. And, thanks for calling in.
DM: Awesome. Talk to you guys later.
JF: Alright, man. Take care.
TV: Bye, DeRay.
JL: Bye.
DM: Okay, goodbye.
JF: Okay, that’s all the time we have for today. Thanks to Lydia Polgreen and DeRay for stopping by. I think we’ve hit- we’ve hit it all.
JL: We’ve talked about Spicer, healthcare, UNGA…
JF: A little index
TV: I would like to come back at some time to the fact that the entire Trump legal defense team despises one another and are openly fighting-
JL: We didn’t talk about that at all!
TV: And screaming in public places.
JF: Ty Cobb…
TV: [Laughing] Ty Cobb
JF: Versus Donn McGahn.
TV: Absurd.
JF: Over-
JL: Well, Don McGahn wasn’t at the BLT lunch.
JF: No, you’re right, right, right.
TV: Right.
JL: He just heard about it later. He just got a call about it.
JF: He wasn’t able to enjoy their delicious popover.
JL: If- I just would love to have had a camera on McGahn, the White House counsel, when he gets a call from the New York Times that said “Hi, I just got lunch at BLT and the two other lawyers were talking about the whole strategy-”
JF: “I heard you have documents locked up in a safe.”
TV: Imagine if Kathy Ruemmler had gotten that call. She would’ve slit his throat.
JF: Yes. Yes, that’s true. Okay, everyone.
TV: Great episode, bye!
JF: Great episode, see you later.
JL: End of podcast.
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jscottscales · 6 years ago
Vote Like The Affordable Care Act Depends On It (It Does)
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Health care is on the ballot this year, in more ways than voters may realize.
Full of the Affordable Care Act remains a very real possibility if Republicans get through the midterm elections with their congressional majorities intact. But even if the law stays on the books, its future will depend heavily on who wields power at the state level ― as governors, insurance commissioners and members of state legislatures.
These officials have always had a lot to say about the ACA’s implementation, although they rarely get the attention they deserve. Now they have even more influence, thanks to the ways that President Donald Trump and his allies have battered the law over the last 18 months.
The most recent change came from Washington early this month, when the Trump administration made it easier for people to buy that leaves out key benefits like mental health and prescriptions and isn’t available to people with pre-existing conditions. The plans hare tantalizingly low premiums, but they can expose beneficiaries to crushing medical costs ― all while driving up the price of more comprehensive coverage.
Short-term policies won’t be available everywhere, because states can restrict or even prohibit them. Some have done so already. But whether more follow will hinge, in part, on who is making the decisions come 2019.
The current state of play for health care is a reminder of one way that the GOP’s war on “Obamacare” has made headway ― by giving states more control so that access to health care in places like Georgia looks more and more different than it does in California.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way, at least not exactly. The idea of the ACA was to make sure all Americans, in all states, could get health insurance, partly by creating new, subsidized market of regulated private plans and partly by offering Medicaid to all Americans living below or just above the poverty line.
But a 2012 Supreme Court decision made it easy for state officials to reject the Medicaid expansion and GOP leaders in 17 states have done just that, even though the federal government picks up nearly all of the expansion’s cost. (It’s 18 states if you include Maine Gov. Paul LePage, who refuses to carry out an expansion the state’s voters approved by ballot initiative.) Republican officials in a similar, overlapping list of states have done their best to the private insurance reforms.
Access to health care in places like Georgia looks more and more different than it does in California.
In Florida, a lieutenant to Rick Scott, the governor now running for U.S. Senate, blocked enrollment counselors from holding events in state buildings. In Georgia, insurance commissioner came right out and said he and his colleagues were doing “everything in our power to be an obstructionist.” In Iowa and Tennessee, state officials made it easy for people to stay out of the newly reformed markets ― and enroll, instead, in plans that don’t comply with the ACA’s standards for benefits and open enrollment.
That last part is important because it has directly undermined how the new system is supposed to work. Insurers need healthy people paying into the system so that there’s enough money to cover the high medical bills of the people with serious health problems.
The ACA includes provisions to make that happen, including tax credits (which make insurance cheaper) and the individual mandate (which penalizes people who don’t get comprehensive coverage). But in states where officials have not done their part, enrollment among healthy people has lagged and insurers have jacked up premiums in response ― making coverage flat-out unaffordable for some of the people who don’t qualify for tax assistance.
Things are likely to get worse, thanks to what Republicans in Washington have done since Trump took over. They have passed a tax cut that effectively . They have  for enrollment outreach. Now, with this latest regulatory change, they have made it easier for people to purchase ― and then hold onto ― short-term plans that don’t comply with the ACA’s standards.
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Bloomberg via Getty Images
Republican governors like Florida's Rick Scott did everything they could to undermine the Affordable Care Act. If Democrats take their positions in November, it could make a big difference in how the law's reforms play out.
People struggling with high premiums today will discover short-term plans are a lot cheaper ― and many who opt for that coverage will be just fine. But the buyers who get serious medical problems will face crippling medical bills and in many cases, they won’t know about this exposure until it is too late, because the companies and brokers who sell these plans are notorious for hiding limits and exclusions in the fine print.
“I’m concerned that people will buy these policies, show up at the hospital for a condition they did not expect, and discover they are not covered,” , director of Alaska’s insurance division, told HuffPost. She added that her office intended to look “very, very closely” at applications from insurers seeking to market these plans.
Officials in different parts of the country have already taken or are considering such action, as a recent survey published by the demonstrated. Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey have more or less prohibited short-term plans altogether. Maryland, Vermont and Hawaii have limited them severely.
Other states, including Colorado and Oregon, have their own, somewhat less stringent restrictions in place, while California, Illinois and Washington are in the process of considering new ones, according to research by Sarah Lueck of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. In states like Alaska and Pennsylvania, which don’t have strong rules in place, state officials are vowing to use what authority they have to monitor advertising material and stop brokers from selling these policies under false pretenses.
It is by no means coincidental that the list of states acting aggressively to regulate short-term plans overlaps heavily with the list of states that have tried all along to make the ACA’s private insurance reforms work and were the first to expand Medicaid, as well.
Medicaid expansion initiatives are on the ballot in three deeply conservative states: Idaho, Nebraska and Utah.
Nor is it a coincidence that the officials saying nice things about the Trump administration regulations come from places that have been most hostile to the ACA all along ― places like Alabama, whose commissioner Jim Ridling admitted the new policies offer less financial protection but defended them as covering “people up to what they can afford.”
Opinions on the Trump regulations and how to treat them tend to correlate with party identification, although the relationship isn’t perfect and the differences among officials aren’t just about partisanship anyway. They reflect some real philosophical divides over how health insurance should work and what role government should play in managing it.
One view supports the basic impulse of universal health care that everybody should have access to relatively generous coverage regardless of income or pre-existing conditions, even if that requires more regulation, government spending and taxes. The other view holds that less government is always preferable to more and that ultimately, people will be better off shopping for whatever coverage insurers see fit to offer on their own.
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Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The latter view dominates in the South, the Plains and parts of the Midwest, which explains why those tend to be the states with the most dysfunctional markets and highest numbers of uninsured residents.
But that could change in November. Democratic gubernatorial candidates have a real shot of replacing Republicans in Florida, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. Georgia is particularly interesting because it is one of the states that elect insurance commissioners directly and a Democrat could take that seat, too.
Democrats in Florida and Georgia are running on Medicaid expansion, which will not be easy to pull off quickly if, as seems likely, Republicans are still in charge of their state legislatures. But voter initiatives to expand Medicaid are on the ballot in three other, deeply conservative states: Idaho, Nebraska and Utah. Put it all together and it’s no exaggeration to say that November’s elections could mean gaining or losing health care access for hundreds of thousands of Americans ― and maybe even millions.
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i-am-very-very-tired · 8 years ago
Like most people my age, I found out that the American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) had passed the House of Representatives via social media. My Twitter feed was filled with outrage about defunding Planned Parenthood and so my rage focused there, too. I wrote my representatives, composed a tweet of my own, decided to donate my time and money, and vowed that the next time I saw some old, white men protesting outside of my local Health Center I would give them more than just a dirty look. I thought that was the worst of it. But the next day, I saw #IAmAPreExistingCondition trending on Twitter, and after that, my entire outlook on the AHCA changed. As I scrolled through the tweets, it hit me that the AHCA could destroy more than just my reproductive rights. It could ruin my whole life. I had never had to deal with insurance issues like this before. I was covered under my mother’s insurance until I took my first job —ironically enough, working in a phone bank for a company that mainly denied appeals for Medicare coverage— and none of my health struggles emerged until months after I’d been hired. Too late for Blue Cross Blue Shield to hold them against me. When I switched to insurance I selected under the Health Insurance Marketplace in 2015, no insurance provider could deny me coverage, raise my premiums, or refuse to pay for benefits because of a pre-existing condition. The same held true when I became a Massachusetts resident in 2016 and applied for MassHealth. I didn’t even know how many pre-existing conditions I had. I panicked, googled “American Health Care Act pre-existing conditions,” and read everything I could find from reliable sources. According to The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, CNN, Time, Rolling Stone, New York Magazine, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and NH Health Cost, I have 17 pre-existing conditions that, before the ACA took effect, insurers could have used as an excuse to refuse to cover me or to severely raise my premiums, including: ▪A mild-to-moderate alcohol use disorder. ▪Back pain. ▪Mental disorders, including: Mild agoraphobia. Anxiety. ADHD. Bipolar disorder. Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). Depression. Seasonal affective disorder. ▪Menstrual irregularities. Sleep disorders, including: ▫BruxismREM Sleep Behavior Disorder. ▪Trauma as a result of domestic violence and sexual assault. Oh, and I guess I should also mention that I’m into BDSM and being choked, as those are sexual masochism disorders listed in the DSM-V. Why? Because according to experts interviewed by Time, having a “sexual deviation or disorder” could be a problem. Considering the Vice President’s stance on LGBTQ+ rights, being a queer, gender non-conforming, polyamorous woman who often wears men’s clothes may also be an issue, especially since it’s in my psychiatrist’s files. This brings my grand total to 19 pre-existing conditions. If you count my sexuality, dating lifestyle and gender expression, that’s 22. Based on my family history, I’m at risk for three more—Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, and diabetes— and since I’ve applied for disability twice, that could also factor against me, according to Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH). It can take no more than one of my medical conditions to disqualify me from coverage or to make my premium so high as to be unaffordable. Right now, I pay almost nothing for health care. I live in Massachusetts and qualify for MassHealth CarePlus based largely on my income; since I don’t make more than 133 percent of the federal poverty level ($1,305 a month), I don’t pay premiums or copayments. I haven’t had to enter treatment for alcohol abuse, but if I did, it would be completely covered. When I threw out my back (again) a few months ago, all my treatment was covered, and when I ended up in the hospital because the muscle relaxants I was prescribed gave me serotonin syndrome, I never received a bill. I see my trauma therapist and psychiatrist and attend group therapy for free, and when I went for four hours of neuropsychological testing to confirm my ADHD diagnosis, all it cost me was time. The same was true when I got an IUD (at Planned Parenthood, bless them), which I use for birth control and to eliminate my formerly monstrous periods. Are you getting the picture? None of my pre-existing conditions affect my life in any way because I’m covered by a system that’s essentially the same as the Affordable Care Act. The only costs I incur are for my six medications: Seroquel, two types of Depakote, Klonopin, Effexor, and Adderall. They each cost $3.65 per month, $21.90 all told. That’s the extent of the financial obligation to my health, apart from prescriptions for routine things, like strep throat (I’m prone to it) or UTIs and yeast infections. Even then, there’s some wiggle room. According to my MassHealth handbook, I never have to pay more than $250 in any given year for prescriptions and if I can’t afford a copayment, all I have to do is tell my pharmacist. Legally, they still have to give my the medication and the fee is “put on my tab,” as it were. Setup Timeout Error: Setup took longer than 30 seconds to complete. If I applied for insurance under AHCA policies and was denied, I would end up paying around $100 per hour for therapy, $125 to 285 per hour for psychiatry, about $50 per session for group therapy, and $588.42 for my medications (using a discount card). My basic mental health care costs would be $1,688.42 to $2,328.42 per month, hundreds more than I make. Even by cutting every possible cost (canceling my cell phone, placing the full burden of household expenses on my partner, and never spending a cent on clothes, personal care products, or other “extras”), I’d still come up short. There is also the possibility that, if Massachusetts adopted the AHCA’s guidelines, I would end up in a high-risk insurance pool, a state-created health care market for people who are especially sick or who were denied other health insurance coverage. The problem is that whereas “normal” insurance companies receive premiums from healthy people to cover the costs of the sick, no such offset exists in these pools. As a result, premiums and deductibles skyrocket, yearly and lifetime coverage costs can be limited, and what coverage there is tends to be inadequate. Even still, people end up on waitlists for this impotent insurance because there isn’t enough funding to meet demand. But let’s say I could afford a premium of $298.75 to $478 per month, a deductible of about $10,000 per year, and that I wouldn’t end up on a waitlist. Even then, I’d most likely be subject to a waiting period during which treatment for my pre-existing conditions would not be covered. As of 2013, Massachusetts’ group health plans allowed a maximum exclusion period —the period during which insurers can refuse to cover treatment related to pre-existing conditions— of six months, half a year in which I’d be paying that $1,688.42 to $2,328.42 a month, plus hundreds more for insurance that wouldn’t cover my basic needs. Since my treatment and medication would cost so much with insurance, I might even be tempted to go without—as I imagine many others in my situation would. However, Section 133 of the bill would almost eliminate any desire to get coverage if my financial situation changed; it forces insurers to increase premiums by 30 percent for anyone with a break in coverage of 62 days or more. Anyone with pre-existing conditions, especially those who also experience financial difficulty, would be practically legislated into debt, whether they chose to seek coverage or not. The state itself might not even feel that it’s worthwhile to make a high-risk pool. Section 132 of the AHCA states that in order to receive their share of funding to create these pools, they have to match federal funds “at a rate that grows from 7 percent in 2020 to 50 percent in 2026.” That probably has something to do with the AHCA also repealing the tanning tax and the Net Investment Income Tax, and would allow insurance companies to deduct employee salaries of $500,000 or more. Hey, the money to take care of sick people has to come from somewhere. But it won’t be from tanning salons that cause skin cancer or the richest 2 percent of the population. Certainly not from the insurance companies that pay next to nothing in taxes, anyway. My worries about the AHCA extend beyond my own health. My partner, to whom I’m committed in all but marriage, has often helped me financially. He works full time at a marketing firm and his paychecks are steady, whereas mine are sporadic. I pay any bills under my own name, but we negotiate rent, food, and creature comforts based on the state of my checking account. I mention this only because he has four pre-existing conditions of his own: ADHD, anemia, depression and hypertension, and has a family history of seven more: addiction, asthma, brain cancer, high cholesterol, obesity, sleep apnea, and ulcers. Although he receives health insurance through his employer, he’s still not safe. The mandate that large employers must provide affordable health insurance to their employees would be repealed under the AHCA, as would the penalty for large employers that don’t cover essential health benefits, like pregnancy costs and preventative medicine (not to mention the mental health coverage we both need). His company might decide to cut costs in one of two ways: by offering cheap plans that don’t cover essential benefits, or by offering expensive plans that do. Either way, his plan couldn’t deny or change his coverage based on the AHCA, but if we were to throw aside our choice of commitment and marry so I could be covered as his dependent, we might not be able to afford it due to my health history. If the AHCA were to pass, I’d be left in a precarious situation. Under AHCA policies, cost sharing for low-income individuals like myself would be gone by 2020, as would the premium assisted tax credit, which allows me to receive a return on the unused amount come tax time. The heightened costs of health care (or going without care due to those costs) would push my anxiety through the roof. I have already been admitted to inpatient psychiatric units twice for this reason, and, under the AHCA, I’m sure I would soon be back. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, there were 67 million women who met the narrow definition of a pre-existing condition in 2014, 8 million people in my age group (25 to 34), and 45 million Americans who qualified on the basis of a behavioral health disorder. I may be just one, but I am one among millions whose lives would be irreparably sabotaged by the American Health Care Act, a bill that treats the health of American citizens with anything but care. Liz Lazzara is an essayist and mental health advocate living and working in Boston, MA. She is currently working on a memoir about complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
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"formers insurance quote
formers insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much my car insurance is likely to cost?
I have just passed my (UK) driving test and is considering getting a car, but I need to budget first see if I can in fact afford one! I am female, turning 26 in a few months time. I will want to get a small, second hand car - would like a Ford Fiesta (1.2) or Honda Jazz (1.4) or VW Polo (1.2). Would want to get a car under 3000. Does anyone know roughly how much my car insurance will cost? I think I will take the Pass Plus course as well once I have decided to buy a car.""
Does my Company car insurance cover me to drive other insured cars 3rd Party?
im insured fully comp to drive my company car, so because i am fully comp does this mean that i am insured to drive 3rd Party any other car that is also insured Fully Comp?(not in the company)""
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
How much would the insurance be?
Hey all! I'm a first time driver, 18 years old and am going to buy my new car in a month's time. I'm also aware that the insurance takes a big bite out of my budget too. I have a 10,000 budget ($15,840) and I want to buy something like a Chevrolet Camaro V6 3.4 or 3.6, a Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6 or some Sort of toyota mr-s, or something similar. about how much would the insurance be for these particular cars? I also live in London.""
Car insurance for age 17?
Well going sound awkward but i want a car without out parents knowing, been working for 2 years got enough money can prove to insurers where i got the money from im 17 and is it possible to get insurance at my address (real address where i auctally live) but i want the paperworks to be sent to another address or they contact me by email because family wants me to get a car when im 25 however im going uni so i really need a car also im not going to any fraud everything will be legit just need to make sure if i can insurance and only i know about it thanks""
How much is insurance on a mustang?
im 17, my parents are clean drivers, i want a v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 or 11. how much would my insurance be? how much more would it be than my civic? rough estimates welcome lol :)""
How much money would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a 1982 dodge ramcharger?
i have allstate and i was just wondering if anyone new. and a ramcharger is a big truck/suv
62 year old mother wants to retire but has no medical insurance...Ideas?
My 61 year old mother wants to retire next year. She doesn't qualify for medicare till 65. She has diabetes and chronic bronchitis. How would she get affordable medical care if ...show more
Has anyone insured a 17yr old learner driver if so where?
Hi I want to insure my 17 yr old son 18 this year he is about to learn to drive on my car insurance, I rang my insurance they said they dont insure anyone under 25yrs it it due to run out in may so i will be going elsewhere any ideas where would insure someone of that age and how much did it cost many thanks""
Are rates for disability insurance different in different states?
To clarify: I own Guardian own-occupation disability insurance, which was initiated in California. Given a recent income increase, I am eligible to exercise a rider to increase my disability coverage. Are my premiums going to go up a different amount if I increase my coverage through my agent in CA than if I increase it through a different agent, say, in Ohio? Are these riders and insurance premiums nationally uniform for personal disability insurance plans through Guardian?""
Hi everyone, i bought a car today...and i would like to insure myself on a provisional licence (UK ONLY) for my car. I have looked up cheap temporary insurance...but it needs to already be insured by another driver. I am the ONLY driver of this car. I do not want to put anyone else's name on it. I would like to insure it for 2-3 months, as i am nearly ready to pass my test. Can anyone tell me good sites? Ive already been on provisional marmalade and covered learner ....but they can only insure you on someone elses car. I will be the only person driving my car, i am the legal owner. I am only 18 and need something cheap for 2-3 months till i pass my test. Please help! Thankyou!!""
Insurance On First Vehicle?
If you buy a used vehicle (in Indiana) and your 15 and your not going to drive it for another couple of months, is it still required you have insurance for it even though your not going to drive it for a while. And if there is an amount of time you have to get insurance, how long is that?""
How much should I expect my car insurance to cost?
I am 20, female, in college, decent grades, this will be my first car, i will be driving a relatively cheap car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something along those lines. I live in a very small town. I will only be driving about 10 minutes a day commuting to work and school. i wont be added to my parents policy, i will have my own. I tried doing a free quote thing, but i guess my town is too small, it didn't recognize my address! but from people who actually pay car insurance and know a think or two about it, i am curious as to how much i should expect it to be!""
How much does u-haul insurance cost?
How much does u-haul insurance cost?
""Drivers licence, auto insurance in california.?""
I have my drivers permit, and I want my drivers license. I don't have a car so if I get my drivers license are they going to make me pay for auto insurance? Because I don't plan on driving a car, I don't have a car yet so how can they make me pay for auto insurance if I don't have a car? I just want a license so that I can save up for a car and just have a license before I buy a car. So I have until August 2010 to pass my drivers test and this insurance thing is really holding me back because I don't have money to pay for car insurance. So can they really make me pay for car insurance in California when I don't have a car to drive?""
Cheapest auto insurance?
im shopping for auto insurance and i want to know which is the best and cheapest for a 18 year old driving a 1997 ford escort
How to change Car ownership for insurance?
I just bought used car yesterday(paid completely with cash). In order to add it own to my fathers insurance does the car need to be in his name and if so how do I go about doing it. the car is currently in my name and is it even legal for me to be driving it right now? I remember my uncle telling me something that you are automaticly covered when you first buy a viehicle!
Can you receive medicaid if your employer offers insurance at an unaffordable rate for a low income family?
My employer offers health insurance but it is not affordable compared to my income. Can I receive Medicaid and opt out of their insurance until my wages increase? It is a financial hardship to pay $115 every 2 weeks when I make less than $12/hr and a single parent of 2 children. I cannot find information on this anywhere.....
Hey i was wondering if anyone could direct me to somewhere where I could calculate my insurance cost without actually buying insurance from them.. you know.. like just to get an estimate.. Just an FYI im in the process of buying a 1985 chevy corvette... and im a single 17 year old male.. i know.. its the worst possible combination for insurance. Thanks!
What is the best insurance for a new driver in nyc?
I've been driving for 2 yrs now but got my license about 2 months ago. Im 21 and limited on cash. I need a cheap auto insurance because driving right now is essential with the MTA fare hike.
What 7 seat cars have the lowest insurance group rating?
Looking for a new car for our expanding family and want to find something that's low on insurance. The lowest two I've found so far are the Fiat Doblo (Group 3) and the Nissan Cube (Group 4). Does anyone know of any other low insurance 7 seaters? Thank you! :)
What insurance is going to play ?
I confided my 2 cats to a friend in Liverpool. My cats ripped him tapestry of his wall. Will take my insurance the damage because they are my cats ? Or his insurance because he is given custody of my cats ?
Whats good Health Insurance?
Im 20 a year old woman in college, I recently found out I was pregnant. I want to find affordable health insurance coverage for me and my unborn child. I dont want to rely on ...show more""
formers insurance quote
formers insurance quote
Which color and style cars are the most expensive in insurance??
I looking at getting myself a chevy cobalt, I want a black, white or red coupe style but I know that they can be a little more in insurance and I just want to know what colors and styles are the most.. By the way I'm a 22 year old female in Chicago, I know that might make a difference in the cost as well.. Any info would be helpful..""
Is insurance for a car replica cheaper?
Is it true that kit cars, example toyota mr2 to murcialago insurance cheaper??""
Where can I find cheap insurance im 20 just got my llicense yesterdayy?
Please excuse the two LLs my phone is acting up Anyways where can I get cheap insurance I'm 20/female got my license yesterday
What would be my car insurance quote?
I tried to do an online quote but it said I have to be 18. I am 17 years old. I live in Maryland and I am in 11th grade. The car is Used 2005 Chrysler Sebring Touring fully paid for. I am not going to get the insurance until the August of 2011. I am a C average student. I'm moving out of my parents place next school year. I have never had a car before (no accidents, no DWI, etc..) I am not a part of any organization. Can someone do an estimate quote for me? Because I have no idea. I figured it'd be somewhere near 300. Thankss.""
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
Do I need insurance to drive with an instruction permit?
I am 19 years old in California. I tried looking at the CA DMV website, but it does not specify anywhere whether I need insurance in order to drive with an instruction permit...""
Am I being cheated by the car insurance company?
I was on a bike and I accidentally hit someone's car and broke the back windshield. Nothing else on the car is damaged except windshield. Later the car owner's car insurance company (state farm) send me a payment of $1700, and they have a subrogation service (Afni) to collect payment. First of all, I believe it DOES NOT cost $1700 to replace a back windshield, like I mentioned, nothing else was damage except the windshield on the back. How is this amount calculated? The subrogation service has been pressuring me to pay the amount. I will pay for the damage but I don't believe I have to pay this much. Could this be the owner of the car falsify the claim? What should I do? I don't have car insurance, I was on my bike. It was a total accident.""
How much will car insurance run about for a 16 year old male who gets good grades and has taken drivers ed?
I am a 16 year old male who has taken driver's ed and gets good grades. I am going to be added to my parents insurance. About how much on average will it cost me per month? Please give me a guesstimate, and I do not want to go to sites for quotes. Thanks""
What is best landlord insurance policy or company?
what is best landlord insurance policy or company?
New driver looking for cheap insurance?
New driver looking for cheap insurance?
What is the best car insurance company for young drivers ? HELP!?
So the lowest price I have been offered is 3000 , I cannot afford to pay that JUST for insurance ! does anybody know cheap car insurance for younger drivers I am really struggling ! NO companies that put a limit what time the car is used please !""
""Can you get cheap car insurance, under fully comp at the age of 17. But at a reasonable price?
Is there any car Insurance company out there that could offer me a really good price for car Insurance? Im looking to insure a 1.2 litre Renault clio under comprehensive Insurance. Reason I want to do this is because I will be able to drive other cars to without me paying for insurance on them. Anyone?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
How much would it cost to insure my motorcycle?
I plan on buying a Suzuki dr-z400s and I'd like to know what some people are paying for their insurance. Or maybe just what I would be paying. I'm 16 years old, Male, and I have a clean record. I'm not sure what kind of insurance I would get but probably just liability. Thanks!""
Do i need insurance to drive with my license with my parents?
so i have had my permit for a little over 6 months and my dad doesnt want me to get my license yet (he wants me to wait an extra 6 months). I want to get my license now, but treat it the same as a permit so that I will not have all those extra rules that your supposed to have for the first year of driving with a license. So my question is... Do I need to have insurance if I am driving my parents car with my parents in the car when I have my license? I know it is not required when I have my permit but is it required when I have my license? I live in california by the way.""
Does bike insurance go up?
Was just wondering if motorcycle insurance Companies put their prices up In summer/at beginning of summer. I got a quote about a month ago for 400 on a bike, just got another qoute on the same bike for over 1000!! Is this because it's basically summer and more bikers will be out? So they whacked there prices up?""
""Speeding ticket, will it raise my insurance in texas?""
hey, I got a speeding ticket a few days ago and would like to take the defensive driving class instead, if the judge will let me. i really dont want to let my dad know about it and i am willing to pay all of it, i just dont want to have to deal with my dad. Will my insurance go up even if i do the defensive driving class? Thanks!""
Looking for Health Insurance that allows 5 year old as primary member?
We live in Texas, I'm looking for health insurance for our 5 year old daughter. My husband has coverage through his employer and I have the option of being covered under his plan as well. However, our premium would increase by $400 a month if we add her to that plan. I am looking for an inidividual plan that will allow only her to be covered. So far I've found that the primary member must be over 18. Anyone know of a company that offers this? We can't afford the extra $400 but we wouldn't qualify for any government assistance program. She has no illness and she had tubes put in her ears a few years back, that about covers her medical history. Thanks in advance for any info!""
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin Of Buyin My First Car, but my Insurance Is costing 4000, my mates is getin it for 1300, when i tried the same insurance company as him, i got 2500, How could i lower this?""
Car Insurance need advice?
I have one car with 24 years no claims and am going to be the policy holder for my sons car. Can i put down that i have 24 years no claims or do i have to start again (in the sense put 0 down??)Im quite confused by the process as i haven't had to do this before, also it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we don't do it this way so if anyone knows of any good cheap insurance companies""
Car insurance in someone else's name?
i own a car that I dont drive often. My car insurance is sky high and I'm thinking of not even having an insurance policy anymore. I'm wondering if it's unheard of to put the car in just my husbands name and drive the car when i need it? I have a license. I realize that there could be an issue if there was a car accident.
Cheap full coverage insurence?
where to find cheap full coverage car insurance
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
How can I get a license if I don't have a car to insure with SR 22 insurance?
I am not capable of driving. My husbands license was revoked between 2005 and 2006 in Illinois.To have it reinstated, he says he was told he had to have SR 22 insurance in that state. We now live in Reno, Nevada. Does that demand still apply, or is it even true? I certainly hope not because that leaves us in a very sticky situations, as we do not -own- a car to insure. As I understand it, he would need a license, so he could buy a car, so he could insure it. Essentially if he were to need SR 22 insurance to get a driverse license, he would need to follow quite a circular demand, being that to get a car, he needs a lisense, but to get a license, he needs SS 22 insurance, but to get insurance, he needs a car. So you see his predicament if that is what we need to do. If this is the case, it's impossible for him to get either a license or a car. Is there non-owner insurance? We are rather young and do not have any relatives in this state to help answer these tough questions or help us out financially.""
formers insurance quote
formers insurance quote
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old who has just passed test?
I'm from the UK and I have just passed my driving test and am now looking to find the best insurance that isn't priced at an astronomical rate. I have my own car and am ideally looking for comprehensive cover, the best price I've found so far has ben around 1500. I've tried comparison websites like GoCompare. Any other suggestions? Thanks""
If the law didn't require you to buy car insurance...?
how many people would buy car insurance?
Insurance question: Uninsured car in accident?
My son (17) had permission to drive his uncle's car to the store when he was staying at his house. My son is in an accident and the car is totaled. I now find out his uncle does not have insurance on the car. Am I responsible for replacing the car? Does his uncle have any liability at all? I have full coverage on my cars. Will my insurance kick in at any point?
Peugeot 106 or 206 for first car?
Im 17 and im goin to buy a new car , wot should i choose wot will be least on insurance will there be much difference , how much on average will insurnce be in the uk , north west, any other suggestions for a car upto 800 to spend, thanks x""
1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo insurance prices?
I'm 16, I know it'll be a ****-ton of money, but I have a pretty well paying job, anyway, I'm 16, it's a 1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo, I make As Bs and a few Cs in school, no police record, not on drugs, dont smoke, come from a mid level income family, any ideas? I've heard it will be around 4 or 500 a month, is this true? Just an estimate would be great, thanks guys!!""
Which 600cc motorbikes are the cheapest to insure?
I am 19 years of age and have recently passed my bike test, and am looking for a 600cc fairly nice bike as i have been riding motorbikes since i was really young but i am just wondering if anyone knows of some bikes that are quite cheap on insurance and worth getting, many thanks.""
""Are there any good insurance companies who dont take part in comparison websites like confused, gocompare etc?""
Are there any good insurance companies who dont take part in comparison websites like confused, gocompare etc?""
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
Question about delaying the individual mandate portion of the Affordable Healthcare act.?
Since the Affordable Healthcare Act is based primarily on the individual mandate, if the mandate is delayed by 1 year, what happens to those who have already lost their current health ...show more""
Should I be put on my moms car insurance?
should I be put under my mothers insurance, or should i take care of my car insurance my self? Im 18""
What size engine should i get for cheap insurance?
It will be my first car, and i don't really want to be paying allot on insurance, but want a nice nippy little motor. So what size is cheap for insurance but not too small to be really really slow lol.""
Do you really believe that America has the best healthcare in the world?
Please say why you believe this when all evidence points to the contrary. You talk about health, cost, care, ect, we do not have the best. People in other countries have better. I mean...I listened to sean hannity say that we have the best healthcare and the only evidence he could provide is some vauge story about a politician from another country coming here to get healthcare...that doesn't really qualify as evidence. Especially when the world health organization ranks healthcare, and we're nowhere near number 1. Now this is a fact that I've known for about two years before this debate even flared up. How is misinformation getting so out of hand? Please...tell me why we have the best with 50 million people uninsured. When we pay the most of any country in the world with some of the worst care. When we have some of the most unhealthy people. When insurance companies exempt for preconditions, when healthcare cost is the biggest contributor to our debt, when we pay premiums every month for something that doesn't happen, and when it does we have to co pay, then when it runs out we're screwed. Healthcare is the number one bankrupter in this country...over 70% of the people have health insurance when they first get sick and they still go bankrupt. Explain how this is the best please. And this has nothing to do with Obamas plan so keep it to yourself, this is about thinking we have the best healthcare and that other countries are somehow much worse then us (they aren't). Provide a source if you can.""
Car insurance help please for under 3 years experience..?
I need to get car insurance, the company I was with wanted way, way too much money to renew my car insurance (even though I didnt have any driving problems whatsoever).. Wherever I go though, they keep saying theyre unable to insure me because I dont have 3 years of driving under my belt. HOW am I supposed to get 3 years experience if I cant afford the only car insurance company to accept me guts me dry on a monthly basis. Does anyone know a car insurance place that dont require 3 years? I tried allstate, req 3 years I tried statefarm, req 3 years I tried the general, wanted me to pay 600 a month (rediculous) I HAD unitrin which billed me 180 a month, for 1 person on my 2 person household. Im employed full time, 22, almost 23 year old female, who is financing a car and has her own apt, who got her license at 21. Anyone know or have advice? And no, I dont have parents to leech onto for 3 years.""
How much will my insurance goes up if I receive a ticket?
Apparently I didn't have my lights on, will mt insurance skyrocket? What's the worse case scenario? I live in GA btw.""
Is it possible to cancel the signature of auto insurance for new car?
Hello, I have just bought a new car in a Toyota car dealer: They have found for me an insurance for the car, comparing with different insurance companies. But now at home, I am trying a quote with Geico, and it seems that I could probably get a better price with this company (not completely sure, I need to call them). Is it possible to cancel my signature as I did not receive the policy yet ? and I did not get my car yet (but tomorrow) ? I don't know if here in USA we have the possibility during some days (one week for example) to retract ourself.... Thanks for information.""
Cheap auto insurance in miami?
Does anyone know of a cheap auto insurance company in miami? i am 20 years old and i have gotten quotes from Esurance, geico, and progressive. the cheapest was Geico and it was $278 a month for the Basic coverage. I own my car and it is a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon""
What is the comparison between permanant life insurance and Roth IRA?
Advantages if any Disadvantages if any
How much would car insurance cost for a 20 yr old male?
Im a 20 yr old guy and I want to get a car but insurance costs scare me. how much is normal for a person like me to pay?
What exactly is a lapse in car insurance ?
What if I decided to ride my bike instead or what if I will be out of country for 2 months and want to save 200 Dollars and cancel the insurance? How do they define lapse ? I heard even when you don't own a car you will be considered to have a lapse in insurance and you pay more money even when you did not touch your car or didn't even have one.... that dosen't make any sense to me!
Scooter Insurance Cost.?
I drive a 50cc scooter on my car licence. Been driving for 47 years. I was surprised when my insurance with Rampdale Insurance cost me 170 Full No claims etc. Im in the South Midlands. This is as much as I pay for a car. Is this the going rate for a small 50cc scooter.?
Do you have to have insurance when you have your permitt. All i have is my permitt,and my grandma is worried about getting me insurance. Her insurance covers 65 and above. But my cousin didnt get insurance until she was 16 she thought that you didnt hafta have insurance until you got your license?""
I have a 12 yr old economy car in California and would like to buy the minimum amount of liability insurance.?
My agent is telling me $850 a year. That sounds expensive. Does anyone have suggestions?
I need to find new insurance by March of next year...?
because the insurance I'm under now (TriCare) runs out when I turn 21. Problem is: I have bipolar 2 disorder. Not severe enough for SSDI or anything, but debilitating enough that I need medication to fix it. My meds without insurance total nearly a GRAND a month, not including psychiatrist and therapist visits, about twice a month. Even worse, I only work about 20 hours a week at $8 an hour, so I don't make enough money to AFFORD most types of insurance. But like I said, I don't qualify for disability either. Do you know of any health insurance programs that would be affordable enough for my budget, yet cover my expenses? I've searched sites for weeks and haven't come up with much. Any help will be appreciated! Oh yeah, and I like in Iowa, US - I know that makes a difference.""
Is there such a thing as divorce insurance?
My parents are getting a divorce and, since it's California, the courts favor the female. Even though my mom and dad earn about the same money, my dad has to pay this huge amount to my mom for child support because she got more time with my younger brother. He's 12 and he told the mediator that he would rather live my dad full time, but the court gave my mom more time and made her the custodial parent. How old do you have to be to tell the court which parent you want to live with all the time? Also, just like there is medical insurance, has anyone ever heard of divorce insurance? It would kick in if you're ever stuck with child or spousal support. I haven't found anything on the internet yet.""
What's the best affordable health insurance for a freelancer?
I was laid off in March and still need to figure out a health plan. Not being covered is scary! How can I get some coverage that's affordable ASAP? Thanks.
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formers insurance quote
Car insurance question? Under parents name?
Hi all, I recently got my drivers license when I turned 17, and am now looking to buy a car. I'm looking at a Foxbody mustang 5.0. Before the omg 17 get a civic comments, I can drive, I seldom speed, and when I do, its on an empty road in the middle of the night. I have track experience and know how to control a car, don't try to convince me otherwise. Now, my problem. Obviously mustang insurance for a 17yr old will be nuts, but right now I'm on my parents insurance policy so I can drive their car(1 car family), and a friend of mine told me I could just insure my car under my dad's name and claim that I drive it occasionally. So I realize I could claim my father is the primary driver and I'm just an occasional driver, but if I am actually the only one who is driving it, and something does happen where I get into an accident or get a ticket, what could happen? Would I be covered in case of an accident? Can they say no and not cover me if they find out I'm the primary driver? I'd be the only person driving it whatsoever, my dad can't even drive a stick, so I'm wondering if this is even possible or not. Thanks.""
""I'm 17, I want a vauxhall corsa sxi or a fiat 500 abrath, how much will each of these cost on insurance?""
I'm 17, I want a vauxhall corsa sxi or a fiat 500 abrath, how much will each of these cost on insurance?""
What is the average minor car insurance from State Farm?
I'm turning sixteen in October, but already I'm trying to figure out what future expenses will be. Meaning, car insurance. I have not yet began to drive but- better early than late, right? I'm an average student, more or less... freshman year I didn't try very hard and barely passed, so I'm going to try more this year (The average soptmore: Oh crap, high school isn't something you blow off! ). I made mostly B/C's but, when I apply myself, I get high A/B's. (I've heard some insurance look at grades lol). And if you know any cheaper insurances than State Farm, feel free to suggest.""
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
About how much would insurance cost for a 2004 subaru wrx?
for a 16/17 year old im a student and i took driving course does the subaru impreza RS have alot cheaper insurance i dont need exact price just a bout how much how about a 2002 or 2003
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
Is progressive a good insurance? what's the best insurance?
i got a great quote from progressive but not sure if they're any good...are they a pretty good insurance? or if there's one better?
How much will Liability Car Insurance Cost For A 20 year Old Male?
Im going to get a car soon, something 2004 or older.""
Why is insurance so expensive?
I am 18 right now living in downtown toronto. I want car but insurance quotes give me no less than $700 a month. I tried calling insurance agents but i keep getting 800+ month quotes. The car is a 2007 chevrolet malibu 4dr. I cant put it on my dads name either because he has 3 dui's. How can i get cheaper insurance? is illegal insurance an option?
The cheapest insurance band car my 17 year old son can buy?
My son is going to have driving lessons soon and I'd like to know the type of car to buy which will be the cheapest on insurance for him. Also will it be better for me to buy it and him be the named driver or the other way aound? Thanks
Im looking for cheap insurance on a land rover series 3 im 17 years old where is the cheapest company?
what is the cheapest insurance company or cheapest option???
What car insurance do you have and do you like it?
I'm about to get my license and my parents asked me which insurance I want. I want to know your personal experience with your insurance company and would you recommend them? Judging by what my parents have explained to me so far I plan on getting full coverage not the bare minimum just because its cheaper (which is stupid in my opinion). Right now I'm driving our 2007 Mitsubishi eclipse but my parents plan on giving me the Saturn since the eclipse is more my moms car than mine. Do you know approximently what it will cost to insure the saturn. Also what do you think makes your insurance better than others?
Are BMW's really expensive to repair/insure?
i wanted a bmw as a car, and my dad was going to get one, but then my uncle told him they're really expensive to repair/insure. ( i think he was just saying that because he couldnt afford it :/) but i feel like he is right because its a foreign car. so how much more would it cost to get a bmw than like a ford chevy or pontiac?""
Do I need health insurance?
Hi, I am a Saskatchewan resident and will be going to University in Arizona in the coming year, I am just wondering if my canadian insurance will cover me while I'm going to school, or will I have to get additional health insurance? If so, do I go through an American insurance company or is there canadian insurance things I am supposed to do. I basically have no idea what to do. Any advice helps. Thanks!""
How much will be my car insurance? (I'm serious)?
Guys please take this question seriously and don't even try to answer unless u r going to answer thoroughly I'm 18 and will be 19 in october And I'm getting driver license in a month My parents are not citizen and they don't live in US But I'm citizen and go to high school I heard that my car insurance is extremely expensive since my parents don't live in US But I really NEED to drive my own car ( Not i want to, i NEED it!) I'm aware that the insurance fee depends on companies ***So what I want is approximation or similar examples or similar cases (My GPA is over 4.0 so probably there will be discount... *** if there is, i need every info for discount) And only my mom got her license when she stayed here for few month last year She needs to renew it and she is registered to my uncle's car (I live with my uncle) ***Does this affect my fee? I'm working in city recreation department How can I go work if i don't have car? Now...I ride bike for 4miles to go there... Please help me""
Car and insurance problem.?
If I was in the process of getting a driving lesson from my instructor, I crashed his car. Am I suppose to be in charge of this, but I don't have a license yet. So, am I going to be the one who pays for the insurance or the instructor?""
Help with car insurance?
Can anybody tell me the best place to go for car insurance in the UK? For a young driver just passed?
""Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
Insurance on a car that is not registered to me ?
Can I get insurance if the car has not yet been transferred to me?
How much would full coverage insurance be with 2 points on my license?
I am almost 24 and I want to get a new car but I'm not sure how much I can afford a month because I'm not sure how much full coverage insurance would be. I was recently in an accident so I have 2 points on my license and never paid full coverage so I have no idea around how much it would be.
""Car insurance cancelled,what to do?""
I've had car insurance for around 5 months and because i was late on 2 payments they have cancelled my insurance today. i'e looked for an alternative insurance but because i had it cancelled nobody will take me on. is there any other options,surely somebody being late doesnt mean they cant ever get to drive again??""
Can you cancel car insurance?
Right, I'm getting a car this weekend, I haven't passed my test yet but hopefully will be passed in the next 1 - 2 months, therefore the insurance I'm taking out at the moment is for a provisional driver. The insurance that I'm taking out lasts for a year but obviously I will need to change it when I have passed, so that insurance will rise in price. But I was wondering if once I have passed can I cancel that insurance and change to an insurance that looks at young drivers because at the minute the young driver insurance places won't quote me coz I'm still learning. Sooo, to sum up... can I change my insurance company after only 2 months with them? Any help welcome. :)""
Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?
Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?
Car insurance loopholes?
What are the loopholes for lowering your car insurance? Ie. will putting the car in my parents name lower the insurance? Adding someone else on? Lowering the estimated value? etc.
How much does motorcycle insurance in Texas cost?
I'm 16 and plan on buying a motorcycle and getting my license soon, how much would I pay a month/year?""
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0 notes
kawaiifunhologram-blog · 7 years ago
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"kaiser insurance quotes california
kaiser insurance quotes california
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How can i get cheap motorbike insurance? UK?
im 19 years of age just passed my test and my insurance is going up by like 30-40 pound, it should be going down! and then there charging me 50 to change policy! haha 80-90 pound stupid. and im already paying 350 a year for third party!! on a honda 125 vararedo with 1 year no claim bonus!! when people are paying 50-100 a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked building. got alarms locks data tag!?""
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
Do you liability car insurance or full coverage?
Do you have liability car insurance or full coverage insurance? Pros and cons?
Can you receive medicaid if your employer offers insurance at an unaffordable rate for a low income family?
My employer offers health insurance but it is not affordable compared to my income. Can I receive Medicaid and opt out of their insurance until my wages increase? It is a financial hardship to pay $115 every 2 weeks when I make less than $12/hr and a single parent of 2 children. I cannot find information on this anywhere.....
I have a question about auto insurance in Arizona.?
I am 18 years old and just obtained my drivers license. I do not own a car but I would like to use my grandparents jeep in times when I need to get to school. It wont be a routine thing just a back up plan in case I cannot find a ride. Do I need to get a non owner insurance policy to able to legally drive in Arizona or am I legal to drive without insurance as long as my grandparents have the car insured?
""I was caught driving with no insurance and in court they required me to have car insurance for 1 year,?""
ive been paying for car insurance for the past 6 monthsm, but I recently sold my car, and was wondering if I stil have to pay insurance when I have no car. what should i do?""
A guy crashed into my today and totaled my car-how much will his insurance pay towards a new car?
My car was worth about $8000, give or take (that's what the officer told me). It was completely paid off. How much will the other guy's insurance pay towards a new car, or should I ask for a check? Which will be the better deal?""
Can I cancel car insurance before expiration date?
I got car insurance and paid a fee but the expiration date says it ends in one year, I paid for 1 month and now I need to get insurance from another company. Do I cancel the insurance I have now? if I dont will they charge me every month? Or should I just forget about it and let the ppl cancel me off.""
Do all car insurances check your credit?
Is there anyway you can still get car insurance if you have bad or no credit? Which insurance agencies are more leanient?
Why is car insurance so expensive??? Help!!!?
Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance? I'm 17, I live in texas, I own my car.""
Any idea how much insurance is on a slightly new mustang for a 16 year old?
pretty much said it all but maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how much insurance would be since its his first car.. thanks
If i report my car stolen will the insurance company ask for the keys?
My car was tolen... But i lost the keys to it. Does either the police or the insurance company ask for the keys?
""Will the USA one day have affordable, comprehensive health insurance for all its citizens?""
Will this be a reality one day soon? Other countries have it, and they have maintained their systems for generations now. Why not the USA?""
Insurance company that insures expensive cars?
I'm 18 years old, but I have a lot of money. I'm looking to buy a Bentley, or a Rolls Royce, maybe even something a little faster like a Ferrari. Buying the car is not the problem, the problem is more along the lines of I'm 18 and I'm going to need car insurance. Does anybody know of any insurance companies that will insure an expensive car? I've talked to Geico and esurance, and neither of those companies insure exotic and overly-luxury cars, and it makes it even harder because I'm 18. Could somebody help me?""
Where can i get on birthcontrol cheap and without insurance in dc or md?
I really need to get on birthcontrol and i'm looking to get on the pill. i need something affordable and i dont have insurance. I also go to school in a different state than where i live so i would need to get it comehwere that allows me to pick it up from different pharmacies depending on where I am at the time.
Should I get full coverage on my cavalier (Car insurance)?
I have a 2005 Chevy Cavalier, I currently have liability insurance. I've already been in an accident, and fortunately it was minor enough for me to get parts at a junkyard. Should I upgrade to full coverage? United auto insurance, wants $186 down and $147 monthly for 6 months. My current company wants $262 down and $131 a month, for 9 months. Which company is the better deal? Should I even get full coverage""
Health Insurance for Seniors in the U.S.A but I'm Canadian?
I'm 26, A Canadian that is going to buy a U.S small business.(in California) Can anyone suggest a good heath insurance plan. I also would like to know can I get a plan for my parents (both age 60) when they come down and stay with me for more then six months? Thank you like always!!""
Costs purchase health insurance?
i am about to get married, and right now i am on my mothers health insurance because i am in college. however, when i get married this coverage will end. i am used to having health coverage and my fiance told me to look into how much it will cost to purchase it for just me. there are no numbers anywhere just forms to fill out contact information, which i did, still no contact. anyone pay for their own insurance? how much does it cost you?""
I bought a car 2weeks ago, registered it the next day and got into a car accident the day after. :( I got a ticket for having no insurance. But I found out that the seller, my moms bf, had insurance for the car. Just none in my name, will this help dismiss the ticket? There is a day grace period to get insurance when you get the car, but I was unable to get any. But the car WAS insured during the time of the accident. Just through the previous owner. ANY ADVICE WILL HELP.""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
Individual eye insurance?
I am needing eye insurance for individual. Do you know any?
Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Accident...Car Insurance Coverage (Infinity)?
I drove my moms car going to work, I drive it once a week or not even. Someone crashed into me on the freeway and damaged the vehicle. Im not on the insurance policy but My mom has ...show more""
What type of cars would have the highest car insurance payment?
couples? Sport cars? What type of cars have a high car insurance payment? I wanted to get a two door but heard the insurance would be high. Since im young I know it be higher also. What would be best to get?
Affordable standard transmission car for teen?
Any suggestions for a cheap manual car for a 17 year old male? I don't mind if it's a 2 or 4-door. Anything that is known for low insurance so my parents could afford it.
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kaiser insurance quotes california
Graduate student health insurance ?
I am planning on attending graduate school it is not a reasonable option to have a job during this graduate program, what are my options for health insurance, how much should I expect to pay?""
What are the risks of getting cheaper auto insurance using friends/work address?
Getting a car insured in Hoboken is very expensive ($750 for 6 months). Some of my friends use their friends address (Say Edison address) and get much cheaper quotes. What are the risks in doing this? My friend also had a claim with no problems (but it was a minor claim). Please advise?
Insurance for ninja 250 estimate?
what would insurance be like for a ninja 250? i am 17 and would be on my own insurance and will have my license.
""If my mum is insured to drive my car, does she still need insurance on her car?""
My mum has been driving for 30 years and she currently has her own car with fully comp insurance. I have just bought a car and want to go under my mums insurance. If I do this, can she cancel the insurance on her car and still drive it (if the cover has a policy that says she is insured to drive any car). In other words will her fully comp insurance cover her on both cars? If not if there an option to add another car onto the policy without having to get a completely different quote? Thanks for your answers""
Cheaper car for insurance?
I have a 98 eclipse spyder right now, and I'm paying about 700 every 6 months on insurance. Not only that but about 40 a week in gas and other various maintenance. I've put some custom things into it, just wondering with 115k miles on it, what would a good trade be for a reliable car with good MPG and lower insurance?""
If i report my car stolen will the insurance company ask for the keys?
My car was tolen... But i lost the keys to it. Does either the police or the insurance company ask for the keys?
Moving out and my father says my insurance rate will go up some $80 or so. Hmmm?
Im 19 years old, and moving out of my parents house within the next month. Im already paying $140/month full coverage through State Farm, and my father says that if I move out, my insurance rates will rise approximately $80, to $220/month. Im just curious as to know if he wants the money himself rather than the insurance company? Fact or Greedy Father?""
Why do auto insurance quotes change day by day?
I received a quote today online, then went back to the same quote today and it was $22.00 more. I didn't change any of my info. Why do these quotes vary day by day? Is there a particular time I should search for quote? Thanks in advance for your answers!""
How do i answer this question about car insurance?
My sister and i are on the loan for a car that I'm driving. We have insurance but im not on it. I want to put it under my name now, but when i get a quote online they ask if ...show more""
""Nearly 16, in southern England and wanted to know average insurance cost on 50cc motorcycles.?""
I'm 16 in a few months and my parents are giving me 1600 for my birthday and I am allowed to get a motorcycle, i have done some research like bike prices, what cc I'm allowed and what kinda make/models I want.. I was just having trouble finding out average insurance prices people get, I live in the southern countryside and there is not much theft in my area, I wanted to know how much money I would spend roughly, so if I needed to add on more to my b day money, around how much should I save up.. Thanks guys :)""
What is the best health insurance in california?
sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m'i gonna be covered. i've been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer's insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don't qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks""
How much for motorcycle insurance??
I've tried goind to ceico and progressive but no luck. I just want a ball park quote for a 19yr old. I want the 2008 kawasaki ninja 250r since its a good first bike to start with and its cheap. I am planning on taking the safety class course so hopefully it won't be that much and I'm only going to ride it on the weekends for fun, not as a daily driver. what would be a good estimate for a 1 year insurance?? I want one year so I won't have to pay every month and worry about not being able to pay my truck as well. thanks for your experience.""
Do I need to buy car insurance before driving a used car that I purchase home?
I am thinking about buying a car. I won't know if I'm buying this used car until I go look at it. How do I drive it home, if I won't have car insurance at the moment that I buy it?""
Car insurance !! HELP MEEEEE?
right, i cant find any cheap car insurance but my step dad said i can go on his and it should be alot cheaper ( just for a few yeatrs to save up abit ) but my car is in my name, do i need to change my car into his name ?? Pleasee help be Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx""
What is Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance ?
I need a brief description (that's not to complicated please:) of Comprehensive Car insurance and Third Party Property Damage Insurance :)
If the car tag is in my dads name does his name have to be on the insurance?
I need to get car insurance but the tag that i have is in my dads name if the tag is in his name do i have to put him on the insurance because its more expensive if i do
Estimated costs for restaurant insurance?
I am working on a business plan for school and need to know what types of insurance an upscale restaurant in Chattanooga, TN would need. Approx. 15 workers, alcohol will be served, and there is outdoor seating. I am having trouble getting any idea of how much this will cost because the online insurance quotes require quite a bit of information, which I don't have because this is not a real business. Any info will help. Thanks!""
What car has the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 16 yr old?
What car? make? model? yr? Insurance company?
Is a Kawasaki ninja 250 or a Kawasaki KLR650 cheaper insurance?
I'm looking for a first bike, I am 16 years old, 150LBS, 5'11''. Money is an issue so I will be getting maybe an 08 ninja or an older duel sport bike. Anybody have any estimates and anybody have any suggestions? I will only have about $3000 to spend. I am looking for liability insurance.""
I'm looking for decent but affordable health insurance that includes maternity...anyone know of some?
I'm looking for decent but affordable health insurance that includes maternity...anyone know of some?
is it a good idea to get life insurance
is it a good idea to get life insurance at the age of 22. and if so any suggestions about a company that`s affordable
Average insurance rates for a retail store?
What would be the average insurance rate for a retail store that sells books? How much more would it be with a children's section? If a child was injured in the play section how much would the rates spike up? I need this for an economics class where we are theoretically building a buisness and running it. Any help is appreciated.
What car will be cheaper on insurance? 2002 Hyundai tiburon or 2000 Toyota celica?
So I'm hoping to get one of them by next year (when i'll have my license) and i know they'll both be pretty expensive on insurance but, which one do you think would be cheaper? i really need to know this asap! thank youu!""
Will I be arrested if my parents do not include me on their car insurance policy?
I am about to receive a license, and am nervous about driving my parent's car without being included on their policy (I am 16). We simply cannot afford to pay for another driver. Hypothetically, if I am stopped for speeding or something of that nature, would they check proof of insurance, and, if so, would I be arrested for my lack thereof?""
How to be a insurance agent?
i need to some gain some knowledge about how to be a insurance agent. I am a senior in HS and i dont know what path to take. is insurance agent a difficult job? what classes should i take? is insurance agent a business major?
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kaiser insurance quotes california
Would this affect my car insurance?
Would having Grand Theft Auto on my record increase my insurance, or would it do anything at all? Its a really long story. I know my insurance is going to be high anyway because I am 17 and a guy. I was just wondering if having a Grand Theft Auto charge would affect it at all? Thanks!""
Is my car legal to drive in California?
I bought a '79 El Camino in Oregon this past summer. They don't have any smog laws there, but in California they do. It hasn't passed a smog test because it needs a catalytic converter, and I can't afford that now. The tags don't expire until March, the car is registered to me, and I have insurance. And it still has the Oregon plates.""
Does your car insurance go up for possession of marijuana in your car?
Does your car insurance go up for possession of marijuana in your car?
""Cheap, but safe cars with low insurance [group 5 or less]?""
Are there cars [excluding super mini cars] that are big [i.e. saloon cars etc], but are generally cheap to insure for young drivers. As it seems the only ones that have cheap insurance are the super mini cars, and I don't really want one.""
Where is the cheapest van insurance available?
I'm 21 and looking for cheap van insurance....Any recommendations?
Hit and Run insurance help!!?
My car was hit 4/19 and now I want to get it fixed through my insurance. The damages from Honda are about $1200. I think I should file with my insurance since I can't afford it. Since I did get the quote with Honda will the insurance company or DMV know I got it on that day?? I do not know if they will honor it since it was a few weeks ago.. I have a $100 detuctible and that is way cheaper than the $1200 but do not know what to tell them when i file the claim.. I am with Mercury and live in California
How much do you think my car insurance might cost? HELP PLEASE!?
I'm a new driver. I'm 26 years old. I want full coverage. I live in New Jersey. The amount of the might be 8,000 and Nissan 2007-2010. If anyone have any advice for me, that will help me choice the best car insurance. It would be appreciated. I'm still open to a different car.""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
What insurance do i need?
What type of insurance is required by the California DMV for a drivers test?
Please help me about the contens of an insurance certificate .?
Can you give me the contents of the insurance certificate ? The different between insurance certificate and insurance policy ?
How much does business car insurance cost?
How much does business car insurance cost?
Does life insurance effect zombies?
I mean, does it?!? Does life insurance effect zombies? If they come back in a few hours, would the company notice?""
Just turned 50 - can you get cheaper insurance if you are over 50?
It was my 50th bday last week and I'm trying to cut down on my car insurance costs. Can anyone recommend any insurers that offer cheaper prices for drivers over 50?
Can I Switch To Another Car Insurance Company?
I hate my current car insurance company. I was paying about $12 less every month with my last one for the same type of coverage. The only reason i got this insurance is because my last one was about to expire. I wanted to go shopping for car insurance and my GF's sister told me about this one and she didn't wanna give me a ride to look for cheaper insurance. I guess she just wanted to get her $25 the car insurance company gave her after i signed up. B*tch. Anyway, I am paying around $45 a month and i wanted to know if i could switch car insurance companies. My current car insurance does not expire until March 2011. Also, will i have to pay that first month down payment thing with the new company???""
Car insurance rates for a 2008 ford crown victoria?
was gonna look at one
How much will insurance cost me?
I am 16 years old. I live in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I will be driving a 2000 ford taurus. I completed drivers ed. My own policy, no parent to go under.""
Why are my car insurance quotes so high?
I am 17 years old, male, my birthday is 7/11/94. I am looking to buy a car to learn to drive in then finally fully insure. I have not passed my test you but when asked on insurance website's I have put under the 'time held licence for as 1 month just to get a realistic view. I have tried a huge variety of cars but I just can't seem to get them to a reasonable price. For example I have been quoted 5999 on a seat alto 1.0 litre on gocompare. I have also tried adding my father as an additional driver who has 15+ years of experience and no claims. I am currently a student and have stated that the car would be parked on the drive. I live in a semi detached house in a small town. Please can anyone help me on getting it down as low as possible. The only cars I would not consider are 1. citroen saxo, 2. ford ka, 3. any form of fiat.""
Classic car insurance.. 19 year old?
they dont seem to like me too much. is there anyway company or way that you know where i can insure a 41 year old vehicle at the age of 19 on my name, in ontario. i know there is a few companies, just dont know which ones. thanks""
Whats the best and cheapest car insurance?
Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, to drive in the city of London?""
Car insurance?
I ha gotten a speeding ticket like two years ago it was the first ever since I was 18 and now I'm 27.. Paid it.. Will it show on my record when I switch companies? It still hasn't made my current insurance go up but if I switch will it show?
Health Insurance - Cobra?
If you quit your job can you still get Cobra? Is there a time period that you need to have insurance thru your employer before you are eligible for Cobra?
Renters insurance cant get homeonwers?
im about to payoff my mobile home and own it but i cant get homeonwers insurance since i own my mobile home could i just get renters insurance and protect my belogings inside my trailer. keep in mind in paying a month lot rent fee for my trailer to sit on someone elses property.
Does anyone have a suggestion for maternity insurance?
my husbands new job is a small business that does not have group policy insurance but they help us pay the premium through anthem blue cross- i looked up their policies and there is a 1 year waiting policy for maternity and we do not want to wait so i am wanting to know if anyone knows of some good maternity insurance. thank you
Affordable Health insurance Ideas?
I enrolled in health insurance that is costing me 92/mth BUT I'm really feeling it as I have many other expenses. Can anyone suggest any low price healthcare insurance for me. currently with Coventry. I need an insurance that has good therapist that make home visits. Thanks
Cheapest Insurance company?
I'm looking to downsize my premium today and called about 10 largest companies, I'm sure there's more that has more affordable rates Thank you""
kaiser insurance quotes california
kaiser insurance quotes california
Life insurances?
types of insurance available in USA
Late car insurance payment?
scenario: someone is late on their car insurance monthly payment. this person mails it to the car insurance company late and when person checks their checking account, the money is still there because the car insurance company hasnt taken the money out. what is happening here? is the person still covered with car insurance? will the car insurance company charge double with high interest on the next monthly payment?""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?""
Best motorcycle to buy in Hawaii for college?
I prefer a Harley Davidson but any suggestions would be great. 0-2500$ must be good on insurance
""Lets say you just turned 18, and your parents want you off car insurance?""
can that kid go to the same company, lets say geico, and get their car insurance without being tied to their paresnts? do you think the price would really double? parents want to limit liability and put car and insurance under teens name.""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I'm 18 and want to get insured. How much would it be? I've been passed since July? What if I get my dad the registered keeper and me second driver? My mate she's 18 and she's got insurance. Come on, there must be a way!""
Did you see the left/right coalition letter against the health insurance mandate?
March 19, 2010 Dear Member of Congress: On behalf of our organizations and the millions of people we represent, we strongly encourage you to oppose the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2009. Our groups and members may disagree on what are the best solutions to our health care problems, but this unprecedented coalition of organizations from across the political spectrum agrees that forcing individuals to buy insurance from private companies under the threat of fines or jail is not the reform we need. The individual mandate is a section of the bill that requires every single American to buy health insurance-whether or not they want it or feel they can afford it-or break the law and face penalties and fines. Consequently, the bill does not actually cover 30 million more Americans-instead it makes them criminals if they do not buy insurance from private companies. We hope you agree that it is unconscionable to force people to buy a product from a private insurer. This would effectively be a tax-and a huge one-paid directly to a private industry. Enacting this mandate would be a major victory for the insurance companies at the expense of the American people. It should be no surprise they support the government forcing everyone to buy their product. Imagine how the hamburger industry would respond if the government forced everyone to have hamburgers for lunch or pay fines? According to the President's Council of Economic Advisers, the average annual premium for single coverage is $4,321. If the 46 million uninsured are forced to purchase private health insurance at that price, then the insurance industry stands to bring in up to $200 billion in new insurance premiums per year. The Senate bill also includes an estimated $630 billion in corporate welfare for private insurance companies in the form of subsidies over the next 10 years, creating even less incentive than currently exists for private insurance premiums to be lowered. To make matters worse, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that 19 million Americans would not buy insurance and as a result would be forced to pay $29 billion in taxes/fines. The Joint Committee on Taxation has made it clear that failure to pay these fines could result in jail time. Thirty-six states have passed or are considering measures that would allow their residents to opt out, including Virginia, Utah, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia and Ohio. Given these fact, it is not surprising that a recent NBC News poll finds 57 percent of Americans do not want the government to create a law that requires everyone to have health insurance coverage and that only 38% of Americans favor the mandate, making it the least popular part of the bill. The American people stand in firm opposition to the individual mandate. We stand with them. We hope you will, too. Sincerely, Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, President Democrats.com, Bob Fertik, President Healthcare-NOW!, Katie Robbins, National Organizer FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, President and CEO Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), Tim Carpenter, Director Campaign for Liberty, John Tate, President 60 Plus Association, Jim Martin, President Liberty Tree Foundation, Ben Manski, Executive Director Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition National Taxpayers Union, Duane Parde, President National Coalition of Organized Women, Consuela Sylvester, Ohio Director Citizens for Health, Jim Turner, Chairman Competitive Enterprise Institute, Gregory Conko, Senior Fellow American Association of Small Property Owners, F. Patricia Callahan, President U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation, Dane vonBreichenruchardt, President Institute for Liberty, Andrew Langer, President Santa Monicans for Safe Drinking Water Coalition, Gene Burke, Founder, Director Alliance for Natural Health USA, Gretchen DuBeau, Executive Director Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director Fairfax County Privacy Council, Mike Stollenwerk, Chairman The Rutherford Institute, John W. Whitehead, President Pain Relief Network, Siobhan Reynolds, Executive Director American Policy Center, Tom DeWeese, President Justice Through Music, Brett Kimberlin, Director Velvet Revolution, Brad Friedman, Co-Founder After Downing Street, David Swanson, Co-Founder Project Vote Smart, Mark A. Adams, Founder Democracy in Action (DIA), Dorothy Reilly, Organizer Squadron13.com, Gordon Sturrock, Founder Democracy for America - Tucson Chapter, Richard Kaiser, Co-chair DownWithTyranny.com, Howie Klein, Publisher Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights, J. Bradley Jansen, Director DownsizeDC.org, Inc., Jim Babka, President Cyber Privacy Project, Richard Sobel, Director Citizens For Legitimate Government, Lori R. Price, Managing Editor Republican National Hispanic Assembly, Minnesota Chapter, Rick Agui""
Car Insurance and Tickets?
My room mate just got two tickets. One for changing lanes without using a blinker and another for not having his headlights on at 9 o'clock at night. He had just left a parking lot. He had a previous ticket for going 12 over the speed limit which was moved to a parking violation. Will these new tickets affect his insurance rates? He has State Farm and lives in Saint Louis. Should he just pay it or get it fixed?
About how much would it cost to insure a commercial building?
I'm looking into buying a commercial building to teach martial arts in. I live in a small town in KY and the buildings I'm looking at are about $25,000. I'm not sure what type of insurance I will have to have or how much it will cost me. Could someone please give me some idea of what type of insurance I will need and how much it might cost? I don't know if I just need to insure the building or if I need business insurance too. Thanks.""
If I put a 1 million dollar life insurance policy on myself then I pay for 3 months then get hit by a car?
Alright so if I get hit by a car after 3 months of having life insurance and I die does my beneficiary get the 1 million?Or will that person only get how much I have payed with the payments?
Car Insurance in Washington?
I recently moved from California to Washington. Is my California car insurance still valid in Washington? Should I cancel my califorinia insurance and get a Washington one?
Best car for cheap car Insurace?
Hi, So I passed my driving test today which is ace. Im 27 male from from West Sussex. Im looking to buy a cheap car that has a cheap insurance premium. So ideally I want a 1.1l Any tips on which cars to look at? Obviously category 1 cars are cheaper but the actual cars are are quite expensive. I just need a banger to chug to work in, no motorways. Any help would be ace. Thanks Dan""
Life Insurance for Children?
My husband wants us to get life insurance for our three kids. It's through Globe Life and is called the young American plan. It's a whole life insurance policy. I'm not ...show more
Private health insurance = cheaper and better care?
Statistics show that US citizens pay almost exactly 2X per capita for health care compared to countries with government-supplied general health care. As with so much of our ...show more
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
Someone who knows car insurance accident?
If you have your underage (but legal) child under your insurance car policy and they get into an accident or hopefully nothing worse, can you as a parent be sued. Since you are the covering parent? (and also if you remove them, will this accident be permanently on your record that the child has had?""
Dui and car insurance?
My record got explunged now that I am 18 in the state of California. Will my car insurance take me back?
""Cant B on husbands car insurance, he said no cuz dad is on it & he wasnt gonna stop lending his car 2 his fam.""
I would like to be on my husbands car insurance. He said no because his dad is on it and he was not gonna stop lending his car to his family. He would however open a separate account for me. I asked him to stop lending the car he said no, it was his car.""
""FL Insurance, out of state registration?""
Moving to FL from a different state. Getting Florida Auto Insurance, but wanting to keep registration for the next year or so in the out of state registration I have. Can this be done? I know that FL says you are required to register your vehicle with them, but I have a year and a few months left on my out of state registration still. My question is, can I get Florida auto insurance and keep my out of state car registration? I know that the opposite cannot be done, meaning if you want to register in FL you cannot keep your of state insurance, you must get FL insurance. But is it mandatory that if you get FL auto insurance, you must register in FL?""
Lying on car insurance to police when stopped?
if a person lied about the age on a car insurance policy and stopped by the police ..what would happen i understand if someone were to do this that they could not claim if crashed and would probely lead to criminal charges.
Health Insurance question?
Do any one know a insurance in California that cover pre-existing condition? I am eighteen year old with no insurance still living with my parent which have no health insurance. We had medical but it expired. I have heart problem the doctor said i need to get insurance that cover pre-existing condition. I have try getting quotes online. Or know any good insurance i should try giving a call to.
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she is on her father's plan which is a taditional co-pay plan. Would it work out to my advantage to use his at primary and mine as secondary? Can the co-pay requirement from his insurance be paid from my plan?""
Insurance for Spanish registered car?
I live and work in the uk, but I have a car in the canary islands spain, I only return to the ca66naries about 6 times a year for a week at a time, does anyone know of an insurance company that can cover my car insurance for only 1 week at a time when I need it. The car is locked in my underground garage when not in use. I do not see the point in paying for a yearly insurance for a car that is only used for max of 6 weeks in the year. Its a Spanish plated car reg number""
How long are car insurance companys supposed to provide a rental car for?
i have a 2004 chevy caviler that is completely paid for and some guy ran into the back of my car yesterday. It's completely crushed in. i have liability and he has full coverage progressive. I contacted his insurance company and they want me to pay 18 dollars a day to rent some stupid little kia shouldn't he have to pay for it till my car gets out the shop or claimed totaled and i get some money to replace my car. help me out as much as you can 10 points to the best and most detailed answer
Has anyone from Florida had any experience with Tower Hill homeowners insurance?
We're insurance shopping after we found out State Farm is charging us WAY too much. Tower Hill has given a great quote but I can't seem to find one their customers to talk to. Has anyone dealt with them?
kaiser insurance quotes california
kaiser insurance quotes california
0 notes
My husband’s offered employer insurance sucks big time! it cost us more money to have than not to have it?
"My husband's offered employer insurance sucks big time! it cost us more money to have than not to have it?
I need some feedback cause I just can't figure out what to do.  My husband's company insurance plan is CRAPOLA and we pay plenty for it every week and then when we have to go to a Dr. or a specilist, or even the E.R. it costs us a bundle.  Of course his company does not want to make it easier to get medical help for the employees so everyone just keeps paying those high premiums every week.  I am thinking towards telling them where to stick their insurance and go find our own plan somewhere if I can find a plan that will costs us less and give us more coverage.  What do think about this bold move?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Just curious.......How many of you have no health insurance but.......?
.......have cell phones, satellite TV, Wii's and games, smoke or drink. Since the average cost of a family plan is about $3600.00 per year, just wondering if you realized you could buy your own health insurance with the money you spend on these things. I am curious why luxuries would be more important to you than getting health insurance.""
Will my insurance go up?
will my insurance go up if i got a ticket for carless operation? the officer said there wont be any points on my licence but if will my insurance go up? and will i get points on my insurance?
Who can tell me these car insurance premium rates?
can anyone tell me the premium rate in Geico n Allstate for queens, suffolk country, and buffalo these three regions?""
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
If i get a toad alarm for my car will it make my insurance cheaper?
Long term car rentals vs expensive car insurance?
So about 2 years ago I got hit with a false DWI in NYC (passed breathalyzer test cops still lied and claimed DWI). But that's another story. Currently I purchased a used Landrover Disco 2. Geico gave me a sweet deal @ $1430/6 months until they ran the DMV report and saw my DWI from 2 years ago. Now my 6 month rate is $3700/6 months. That price is completely rediculous and unaffordable (according to my pockets). Therefore, my question, should I just do long term car rental? I mean I have a super sweet discount that rivals employees discounts @ National and Enterprise Rentals. I'm thinking I could just rent on a month to month basis for less than $3700/every 6 months. The added benefits would be new year car models and the option to trade it in for any vehicle I choose for an entire month. Plus the gas would be less than the Landrovers V8 premium requirement. Basically my question is, should I do long term rentals or run myself broke trying to keep up with insurance and gas prices on top of rent and other expenses?""
""Americans only, How can we get health care affordable to all.?""
weather, it a one large insurance company big, as a Government or a socialism type system, or even a military type system, we need something instead of this Republican/Dem do nothing talk show. were going into the 21 Century. to have a mess like we got , people cant even afford to die. And all the one talking in Govt. have their family covered, so it no big thing to them. We haft to get a handel on it to even think of controlling DEBT at all. It and oil what cause the national DEBT to get out of control.""
Cheapest insurance for first time drivers?
i need help on finding the cheapest insurance for first time drivers i am 18 and near ending my lessons for my driving test and want to know cheap insurers for my first insurance wihout the little black box in my car, and also is it best to ring or online for my insurance prices thanks""
Driving without car insurance?
So, Im broke and I know its a really awful idea to drive without car insurance, but Im a little unclear about what the rules actually are. I know it is illegal to drive without car insurance b/c I got a ticket for it once when I just didnt have my proof of insurance with me, but it was a pretty small fine, is that the only legal consequence of it? I'm a pretty good driver, no accidents so far (knock on wood), and if I were to get into an accident it would probably not be my fault. Is it true if you get in a car accident without car insurance and its not your fault then you are still financially responsible for the damages to your car? ...Like because you dont have insurance the other drivers insurance doesnt acknowledge the accident or something? Anyway, as of 10 min from now my insurance policy will expire and im tempted to not get new insurance for a month or so until im more financially stable. What are the consequences im missing? Anyone know of really cheap insurance? other thoughts? BTW im still paying down the last couple thousand dollars on my car so I think i may be required to have full coverage insurance or I default on my loan, but im not sure. My loan is through a credit union, what may be the consequences if they find out?""
Is the American health insurance is like Car insurance?
Life insurance and all the other insurances? And you pay it every month and how much? Or what it's like?
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance for a new young driver?
I'm looking to insure a car most likely small, i've been trawling the web for hours now and just wondering if anyone could recomend a cheap insurer for a young (17) driver. Many thanks.""
Getting car insurance for a new car but i have a point on my license?
does anyone know how much it cost or what is the difference to pay when getting car insurance if i have a point on my license. i just bought a used car and i want to get car insurance for it under my name. however, i have a one point on my license. anyone know how much of a difference in cost a point would cost? or anything else i should know?""
""Health insurance, deductible or no deductible?""
I'm looking at the Blue Shield of California Active Start 35 plan for me and my 2 year old son. It's going to cost around $200/month through ehealthinsurance Here's a link: http://askoleg.com/Blue_Shield_Active_Start_Plan_35_ppo.htm The plan features: No individual deductible Annual Copayment Maximum $7,500 Annual Physical Exam, Well-Baby Care $35 (Not subject to deductible) Laboratory, X-Ray, Major Diagnostic Services 40% (Not subject to deductible) Physician Office Visits $35 (Not subject to deductible) I do not have insurance at the moment and my son has a PPO with Anthem and a $1,500 deductible with almost the same listed here. The only difference is there is no deductible with the plan above. I'm really in need of some help, if anyone can give me good advice, I would appreciate it very much!""
How much does insurance go up in a wreck?
Im a 16 year old male, get good grades, and i drive a 91 firebird. i recently got in a crash, my car was fine but the other guy had a scrape along the side of his car etc. how much can i expect my insurance to go up?""
Why do car insurance dealers seek to punish Innocent people.?
no one has car insurance because it is unconstitutional to prove you're innocence. be honest with other drivers and do not pay for car insurance. no one can force me or my family to buy what the are advertising. THE MAIN QUESTION IS: what do you think about car insurance dealers? .
Beach Buggy Insurance at 18?
Ok so me and my dad have been working on this unfinished beach buggy project (now almost done maybe a month more). I'am a male student that has just finished my second year of college and have had my licence a little over a year (got my licence at 17 to get it out the way) I have never owned a car/been insured on a car and was wondering what sort of prices it would cost to get insured on a beach buggy at my age, the initial plan was for me to get something like a corsa when im 19 and try get insured on the buggy when im like 21. would anyone even insure a VW beach buggy on an 18 year old without no claims bonus? and if so how much do you think im looking at (if some answers seem reasonable i might call adrian flux to see if i can get a quote""
How can I get public health insurance in California?
I am a healthy thirty year old male in Marin County, but I've been rejected for health insurance twice now due to a reconstruced knee. What can I do?""
Those self-employed: can you share a good health insurance that's affordable?
I have found only quotes over $300 a month. Those that were under $100 had a.. drum roll....deductible of over 10,000 dollars! I need health insurance, but can't afford it. Ironically, my dogs have it and I cannot afford it for me.""
What is the best and cheap motorbike insurance I can get?
Hi everyone. I'm buying a motorbike soon and wanna know the cheap and best motorbike insurance I can get. I'm 17 and getting a 125cc motorbike and just wanna know the cheap and best I can get thanks you.
Name of insurance company department?
I'm looking for a department that response to check the credit, background, health and others of customers making sure customers are able to get this insurance. What is the name of this department? May be the description is not very clear, any related department is ok. Thx""
""What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
Any cheap car insurance in uk?
i have full uk licence and 2 years no claim bonus age 30 to 40 how can i buy the cheap car insurance.please
Affordable medical plan for newborns?
i know there is WIC to cover if dont make enough money to pay for alot of food besides the bills, and the childs shots are covered through the pregnancy medicaid (if you have it) for ...show more""
How much does health insurance cost for just a baby?
Im on my grandpas insurance until the summer of next year and Im due in Feb. I just recently found out that the insurance will cover the birth but not the baby...idk what to do. I ...show more
What is a fairly average car insurance rate when a you add a new driver in the family?
A family member is getting ready to get their license, and I wanted to know if car insurance rates would go up, and what a likely rate would be.""
Short-term car insurance in California? Advice needed!?
I am going to rent a car in California for 6 weeks. I don't own a car of my own, so I don't have any normal car-insurance policy of my own. I do have a Visa gold-card, that covers collision damage waiver; but I wouldn't want to be without liability etc. Question: Is there any better deal I can get than paying the $10-$15 per day to the car rental company? Any ideas would be very welcome.""
My husband's offered employer insurance sucks big time! it cost us more money to have than not to have it?
I need some feedback cause I just can't figure out what to do.  My husband's company insurance plan is CRAPOLA and we pay plenty for it every week and then when we have to go to a Dr. or a specilist, or even the E.R. it costs us a bundle.  Of course his company does not want to make it easier to get medical help for the employees so everyone just keeps paying those high premiums every week.  I am thinking towards telling them where to stick their insurance and go find our own plan somewhere if I can find a plan that will costs us less and give us more coverage.  What do think about this bold move?
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.""
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
Coverage characteristics of health insurance?
What are some of the coverage characteristics of health insurance
""How much is commercial insurance for Brooklyn,NY?""
What is the average insurance cost for a electronics store holding under $30k in assets per month in brooklyn, ny?""
Scooter Insurance Cost.?
I drive a 50cc scooter on my car licence. Been driving for 47 years. I was surprised when my insurance with Rampdale Insurance cost me 170 Full No claims etc. Im in the South Midlands. This is as much as I pay for a car. Is this the going rate for a small 50cc scooter.?
Do you know of affordable health insurance for an individual?
I'm 33 and I really need health insurance. The insurance where my husband works has an outrageous premium. If anyone knows of good health insurance with dental, please let me know. I would appreciate it very much!""
Why is it cheaper to obtain car insurance for self + spouse that for just self?
Why is it cheaper to obtain car insurance for self + spouse that for just self?
""Moving from Texas to Arizona, how will it impact family auto insurance?""
I have auto insurance with my family who lives in Texas, but I am moving to Arizona. Right now my insurance is on a family plan which has multiple vehicles as it is much cheaper than if I were to get the car insurance by itself. If I register my car and license in Arizona, will the insurance agency not allow me to continue insurance with my family as we're in different households and states? Insurance agency is Metlife if that helps.""
""I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
Do you have to pay for a full year of car insurance if your car is written off part way through that year?
I pay my car insurance every month as a direct debit out of my bank account. My policy actually expires in March each year and I'm sent a renewal letter saying that if I wish to continue with my policy I just need to keep paying it monthly as I always have. Then come July my car was total written off. According to the insurance compay I still need to pay for a full years insurance, that is I need to pay all the insurance premiums up until March next year as this is when the policy expires. I figure if I don't have the car any more as it's a write off, and I'm able to cancelled the rego on it, why should I have to pay. I would have thought that if I'd paid a full years insurance in March that I would be entitled to a refund if my car was written off part way through the year. Any help would be appreciated.""
Help with Car insurance?
My mom pays for my car insurance. I pretty much moved out, and I'm living at my boyfriends house. (we have been together 3 years, not the point here though). I want to get my car insurance in my own name, going towards the point of being independent and taking care of myself. Problem is, everyone I confront my mother about it she's either too drunk or just avoids the topic. Is it possible to switch my car insurance brands without having her approval?""
""What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 23 year old??? Progressive, Geico, etc??""
I have had a few blemishes on my record, some tickets and an accident, but my state requires full coverage insurance on a bike that is not paid in full, what are your suggestions??""
Can someone please tell me why used Audi's or so cheap?? Can someone help me pick which used car to buy!?
2003 BMW 325I 84K Miles $10,900 2002 Audi S4 64K Miles $10,900 2005 Audi A4 1.8T AWD 79K Miles $10,900 2006 Honda Civic EX 1.8 75K Miles $10,900 2003 Infiniti G35 sedan 64K Miles $10,900 insurance is no problem, all these are clean car fax, clean title, all under KBB value, the infiniti is $3,000 under value, the rest are about $1000 under value. Any ideas why Audi are so cheap? im just looking for about a 10-11,000 car with low miles. Which should i pick?""
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off? I am confused, I just want liability on my car, because full coverage car insurance is too much for me to pay? Is there no way around not paying for full coverage? People who just have liability, is there car paid off and they are not making payments?? I am very young so I do not know much about this kind of stuff!""
""$1,000 or $500 deductible for home owner's insurance?""
Which is more common $1,000 or $500 dollar deductible?""
Is surfing without health insurance a bad idea?
I'm moving to southern California for a job soon and want to try surfing, but my health insurance won't kick in for 2 months. Aside from drowning to death, which health insurance doesn't cover anyway, are there a lot of injuries that require doctors and hospitals? Man I just get on a board and go...""
Is a Infiniti G35 Coupe a good car For A Teenager?
I live in Alabama and my parents use Alfa Insurance and i about have them talked into getting me a 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe and if they do get it for me which they probably will i was wandering if it would be high on insurance and is it a good car for a 16 year old?
17 year old car insurance quotes help please?
Right i havnt yet passed but my test is soon and i cannot get quoted less than 3000 on a toyota yaris and even a mitza 800cc its crazy if i could get it to 2000 pound i can afford it ive heard of i kube but that was still 3000 just wondering if there were any more companies like that or wether any of you have in the last year or so had any quotes for 2000 or less and with which company can u help me please and no answers like tough its always expensive i know that i just need it at a reasonable price thanks.
What health insurance can help me?
ok im 44 years old and i have super low income and i have heart problem, 8 years ago i got heart attack now insurances i applyed for wont take me because i had heart attack im from different country so i dont know many american isurances and stuff please tell me which is cheap health insurance which will check out my heart and hopefully help me""
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
About how much money would car insurance for a 2003 convertable saab cost?
just some rough estimates. i know insurance places are different.
Can you give me any car recommendations?
ok im a 16 year old boy turning 17 next month and my parents are buying me a car.they said that there are some requirements of their own 1.the oldest it could be is a 2005 model(i don't know why) and it needs to be with in our price range which is $10,000 to $20,000.i don't have many requirements just that it needs to have something where i can connect my ipod and phone to the car to play music or make a call and i don't want a honda or toyota because everyone has one of those in my area and at school(sorry if it sounds bratty but it kinda feels weird to me to have a car that most people have in my area). so what are some nice cars in our price range that would be a good first car.also my parents said the insurance cost doesn't matter.""
Do I 1st need car insurance to take license test or does the car I use for the test just need to be insured?
P.S. My dad says he has researched and told me in order to get my license, I needs car insurance for myself, not including my dads insured car I would use for the test . I have been searching the web, and found nothing to prove either one of us right. I know I need insurance after I receive my license but is it a requirement when I take the test?""
Car Insurance - What kind of coverage is needed for an Occasional Driver...?
Okay, this is the deal, I have full coverage car insurance. This means that the insurance will cover me, if I have an accident that is my fault or if someone else hits me & it's not my fault. I also have insurance that covers me if someone breaks into my car & steals any kind of important items in my car. The Question... I sometimes let other people drive my car, to run errands for me (like driving my car home, cause I'm too sleepy to drive or I'm super busy & need an item from the store & I hand my keys to a licensed driver). I talked to my insurance company & was told they do not have coverage that will cover other drivers unless they are listed under my coverage. The problem - I don't want to list everybody in my family or all my friends. Isn't there insurance coverage that will cover anybody driving my vihecle as long as they are older than 25 & has a valid license? If so, what's the name of this type coverage - I nd to know the name b4 I call other companys. thanks""
Does anyone know what the average insurance cost for a 2004 Dodge Ram is?
I just bought a beautiful 2004 dodge ram quad cab 4x2 4.7 V8 and i have quotes that range from $165- $303 per month. If you have a similiar truck to mine, how much is the average insurance payment, and what company do you use? I head AAA and 21st Century were pretty good?""
My husband's offered employer insurance sucks big time! it cost us more money to have than not to have it?
I need some feedback cause I just can't figure out what to do.  My husband's company insurance plan is CRAPOLA and we pay plenty for it every week and then when we have to go to a Dr. or a specilist, or even the E.R. it costs us a bundle.  Of course his company does not want to make it easier to get medical help for the employees so everyone just keeps paying those high premiums every week.  I am thinking towards telling them where to stick their insurance and go find our own plan somewhere if I can find a plan that will costs us less and give us more coverage.  What do think about this bold move?
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with ...show more
I'm pregnant and have no insurance. What are my options?
I recently found out I am pregnant. I am 21 and a full time student in college. My boyfriend is willing to help as much as he can, but I feel like it still won't be enough. I want to know where do I find out how to get Medicaid. And what other options do I have? How do I get temporary insurance while I find out if I am eligible to receive Medicaid? Are their any special programs in Maryland that can help me? I am so confused if I should try asking the Department of Social Services or the Department of Human Health Services. Please help!""
How much would it cost for a 50cc scooter to insure?
I dont want l plates anymore i think its 50-100 lol , and how much would it cost to fully insure it and the test aswell. Im 19""
""My girlfriend lost her job, and our baby has no more health insurance?""
My girlfriend and I do not live together yet. I work full time. She worked fulltime at starbucks. They fired her today. Our 3 month old son was under her insurance, and my open enrollment just passed so I cant put him on mine until next year. I live in the state of California. I do not live with her. She lives with ehr parents... and I room with my brother and his girl. This economy is really jacked up. I want to get a place with her, but how in the world will we get insurance for baby boy until I can put him on mine?""
I TRIED TO GET A QUOTE ON ALL STATE BUT the only years i have 2 choose from is 1995 - 2010 so can i get insurance with a regular company or do i need to get classic car insurance
Does anyone knows if AIG agency auto is the same as granite state insurance company in California?
Does anyone knows if AIG agency auto is the same as granite state insurance company in California?
What would my car insurance run me for this?
Ok.....im 16 years old and just got my license. Ive been driving for about 3 years now. But now im legal to drive on the real road now. I have a 1996 mustang cobra 2d hardtop. All stock except it has flows on it. I dont have the first clue on what to do on insurance cuz my family doesnt have car insurance cuz they are crazy people who dont belive in that crap....thats what they say......but if anyone out there is a insurance agent or somthin...maybe you can help me...work with me on this....give me a range on what i could expect to pay with full coverage or just liability....that would be great..... thanks :D
Auto insurance listed driver question?
My question is as follows: What is the difference between me allowing someone to drive my car and me having someone listed as a second driver on my insurance policy when it comes to an accident. What are the differnces in the two situations at the time of an accident claim being filed? I know if the person I let drive my car had no fault in the accident, my rate wouldn't go up if I settle with my own insurance company. But if its the person who is driving my car's fault, are my insurance premiums affected? If yes, then what is the difference in not having the person listed at all and still making a claim through my own insurance. I ask because I am thinking of putting my girlfriend who drivers my car sometimes listed as a driver on the policy. Would this protect me or my premiums in anyway in case of an accident compared to not having her listed at all?""
Life insurance pay question.?
If you died while committing a crime (not suicide) would the insurance company pay out?
Involved in a car accident with 4 other cars. My car was the last to get hit. Insurance of car that hit me?
does not want to pay and my car is totaled. The first car that provoked the accident ran away. Now the insurance company of the car that hit me does not want to pay for the damages, they claim that their dirver did not cause the accident, even tho he was the one who hit me. I had liability car insurande so my insurance it's not responsible for my damages. I consulted a lawyer and he said nothing can be done in a situation like this. Who should be held responsible in this case? Is there anything I can do legally to get my car fixed or get some sort of settlement to I can buy another car?""
Does it increase the cost of your insurance to black out your car?
I'm 16 and thinking about blacking out my car. I'm going to get a matte black vinyl wrapping (it is currently blue), black wheels, and I'm going to tint the windows and taillights. Does this affect the cost of my car insurance or would I even have to contact the insurance company?""
Motorcycle insurance quote?
can you get a quote without entering a social security number? i dont want to give it out
Visa debit card for rental car insurance?
I read that Visa covers the damage/loss insurance of rental car. Is that just for credit card? How about debit card? Thanks!
What is the cheapest insurance?
where could i find the cheapest insurance plan for me with any company. Im mainly trying to figure out what the insurance will be costing with the certain car I will be getting. I am 15 years old currently but will be turning 16 soon and when it comes time for my license during the summer I would like to know how much insurance will be. I already know what type of car im getting, A 1998 Camaro z28. Would it be extremely pricy or not too pricy, i just need a ball type figure. once again with ANY COMPANY, what would be the cheapest for a 16 year old with a 1998 camaro z28? thanks""
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
Hi im coming up 17 soon and am hoping I can pass my driving license. Anyway just wondering on how much a quote would be. Im a full time student looking for a 3rd party only, because im going to be buying a old car to start off, besides the car price how much would it roughly be. I was also considering getting a pass plus and getting a car from group 2 insurance. Any rough ideas on how much it will be? any experiences? btw I cant get on the same as my parents untill 21""
How can i get cheaper insurance?
im looking to buy a car soon. my parents both have vehicles and im a 18 yr old male with a g2 so my insurance on any car with be well over $3000 a year. i was just wondering if theres any loopholes/tricks to make insurance cheaper. i know my buddys dad opened up a business just to put a car under the business name so he wouldnt be charged as a primary driver.
How much is insurance?
I have a 1971 Ford: Charger. It is fully restored with a 550HP+ engine. I have no air bags, but I have racing seats (seat belts like NASCAR). It has great speed but ok handling. The brakes, suspension, etc are are new and installed customly. I am 15, but I need to know how much insurance is when im 16-18. If you have any more questions about my car t o determine the cost. Feel free to ask me at [email protected] with LOOK as the subject. THX""
""BMW 318i 53 reg, insurance new driver?""
Parents may be buyign a new car, how much would it cost to insure a new driver on a bmw 318i 53 reg, about 30000 miles. Insurance would probably be on parents policy, 30+ years no claims, safe driving etc.""
What is insurance likely to run me on these bikes?
I am 20 years old, have about a year of car insurance so far but the car is messed up and I plan to get a motorcycle (hopefully). I have taken the MSF course and passed. I have not had any tickets or accidents either, clean as a whistle. I am looking into a small bike like the 250 ninja, vulcan 500, or the V-star 650. About how much should I expect to pay?""
How can our teen get health insurance in California?
He's 19 and a part-time student. so he no longer qualifies for our Kaiser Permanente coverage. We seemed to have missed the deadline to cover him by COBRA. In a few months he'll be taking full-time classes again, so he can go back into Kaiser, but knowing him he'll catch the flu or Dutch Elm Disease or something just to bug me. Is there any affordable way to get him covered for the next few months? Would he qualify for Medi-Cal (Medicaid)?""
""On average, how much does home owners insurance cost?""
I'm filling out somethings for a project for one of my classes. I do not at all need this number to be accurate, I am not going to go and speak with an insurance agent, I just need a number that is about what I would be paying forinsurance if I bought a house.""
Auto Insurance Help....?
I need insurance on my car, and i don't fully own it, my name is on the title and i finaced it so i have a lien on it....i'm only 20 so full coverage is pretty expensive! would it be possible for my dad to be able to add me to his policy?""
Insurance Q's Renewal Price ?
I was getting a quote today for next years insurance, but theres a question wanting to know about the renewal price of my last insurance. Will the answer to this effect my premium?, i don't know my renewal price yet so i've just gone and guessed it for the moment. I was hoping that giving an estimate isn't going to cause any problems. Or, will they need too know my exact renewal offer and then check it? Its the best quote i've been given of 1280 Full comp for a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I wouldn't of asked but i couldn't find online if your previous insurers renewal price affects your next insurers premium. Thanks.""
""Life Insurance, Add to or buy another policy?
I bought 50K worth of life insurance when I was in my 20's. Now I'm 45 and thinking I need another 50K more. Would i be better off to buy another policy and keep this one. Or should I cash this one in and buy one 100K whole life policy? The policy is currently whole life and there is about 7K in there.
My husband's offered employer insurance sucks big time! it cost us more money to have than not to have it?
I need some feedback cause I just can't figure out what to do.  My husband's company insurance plan is CRAPOLA and we pay plenty for it every week and then when we have to go to a Dr. or a specilist, or even the E.R. it costs us a bundle.  Of course his company does not want to make it easier to get medical help for the employees so everyone just keeps paying those high premiums every week.  I am thinking towards telling them where to stick their insurance and go find our own plan somewhere if I can find a plan that will costs us less and give us more coverage.  What do think about this bold move?
First time having car insurance of my own...?
I am getting my first car next month and I was wondering how should I determine how much insurance I need to have. I'm buying a care that cost 3600 and is worth 4000 right now and I'm a college student even though I don't not travel to and from home much. How would I determine what I need and dont need as far as coverage goes? I will be paying cash so no car payments.
How ill this effect my car insurance quote?
there is a question on an money supermarket asking if i have access to any other vehicles. my answer would be company vehicle, excluding social how would this effect my insurance quote? also how would company vehicle, including social effect my qoute? Thanks""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 150cc moped?
I've heard some people say $100 a YEAR. And some $250 a MONTH. Big difference. Who is more correct? And I'm just wanting a rough guess. Not an exact quote. So please no ...show more
Please help me find some affordable medical insurance in Georgia.?
I need medical insurance for my wife and two kids. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks so much.
What is the cost of an insurance for a 250 cc scooter? (Louisiana)?
I know that there are many options, but a vague answer is fine. I just want to know if it will be around 100$ or 500$.""
Insurance for 17 year old?
i was just wondering the cost of insurance when i turn 17 next year. my parents are paying around 800 each car on there policy. so when i get added to there policy how much approximately will it cost me?
How much does insurance increase for a teen with an old car?
I was doing some research to buy my own car. I wanted either a 1976 dodge Monaco or a 1989 Chevy caprice. My question is, if I am 17 years old and I had this car, what is a rough estimate of how much my dads insurance will increase? I figure old cars and young drivers don't mix well but I need to know. Also, I have never gotten in any accident or received any tickets and I don't even remember the last time my parents crashed or got a ticket if that helps. Shanks""
I need 3 insurances anyone know good insurances?
I need three insurances. Does anybody know any very good insurances? The insurance I have is freaking crap, so I want to change everything, so I need 3 insurances. I want the best ones but I know those ones are high price that's what I was told, so I just need 3 very good ones with a reasonable price. The 3 insurances I need are cosmetic dental, pet insurance, sports insurance. Went to the dentist and found that I need little work and all of the work is cosmetic. Insurance that I have doesn't cover cosmetic things. I have 3 pets and I need pet insurance. The last one I need is a sports one. My insurance won't cover sports or fitness. I need sports insurance that is great. The sport that I'm trying to get into is wrestling yes professional wrestling like WWE type. I need sports or extreme sports insurance that will cover on those type of extreme sports. I was told that There is a insurance that covers everything sports, cosmetic and pet insurance but I don't know how true that is, but if there's a one please tell me. Anyways anybody let about these 3 insurance that I need. Thank You so much to whoever read and answers my question and helping me. Thank You.""
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I'm a 20 year old female, looking to buy something similar to a used 2001 Honda Civic with somewhere between 50K to 150K miles on it. No bad driving or anything on my record. Living in WV. Any ideas what I might expect to pay for car insurance?""
What is the average price of business insurance?
What is the average price of business insurance?
How much will my insurance would cost if i would get a 92 miata. or 92 integra?
How much would it be w/o including the discount of me going under my parent's name or some stuff like that. Im 16 and im trying to get my car going but im not sure how much my ...show more
""If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
How much would my car insurance be?
Im 19, in about 2 and 1/2 years after i save about 30,000 I plan to get the 2012 Audi A7, how much do u think my car insurance would be monthly??""
Who offer the cheapest car insurance? liabiliy or collision only?
Liability or collision
How does my 21 year old son get health insurance?
My 21 year old dropped out of college and is trying to get back in part time. Would my employer cover his health? How else can he get himself covered? What types of costs are we looking at?
I have just be ripped of by my car insurance help?
Hi 2 days ago I had a bill for my car insurance and it was 158 pounds. I have a car and on this insurance for over 2 years now and I was paying 48 pounds a month. I called then up about this and they said because of a crash I had 6 months ago they have put my car insurance up from 600 pounds to 1600 pounds I did not know nothing about this untill they took my money out. Will I get this money back and is this wrong how much they are charging me now for just having a claim on me please help me and let me know what I can do thanks
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
Can I stay on my parents auto insurance policy if I move out?
I am covered under my parents' insurance policy (Ontario), but am planning to move out on my own. I do not own a car but I want to maintain coverage so that I have a good rating when I do decide to get one, and for the rare time I borrow their car. Can I stay on their policy even though I live elsewhere?""
How can i get cheap car insurance insurance?
I live in london Age 17, just got my driving licence Ive got a 1.4 L diesel Fiesta 53 Plate Where can i get decent insurance, the cheapest i got was 5k, im only willing to pay 3k Idk if i have to lie to them, i just want insurance Any help??""
How much would motorcycle insurance be in ontario?
Okay, so I turned 16 this past december and I am getting a motorcycle. I'm also doing a motorcycle safety course which I heard decreases your insurance. My first day at the course is today and I should have a m2 by April 3rd (I got my m1 on Feb 1st). I'm getting a used Kawasaki Ninja 250r, probably between the years of 2008-2010. I will probably get the bike for around $3800. (the Kawasaki Ninja is $1000 more expensive in Canada than USA). I live on the edge of Brampton, Ontario, very close to where the farms start (literally almost on the edge of Brampton). I will be driving for 2 or 3 days a week for pleasure. Not really going to take it anywhere besides taking it to my school occasionally. My driving record is clean. So, how much do you think I will have to pay and can you recommend me some companies but please give me a estimate of how much you think I'll have to pay. Lastly, my area has no crime rates and I think that I live in a safe neighbourhood.""
How to get a lucrative income in health insurance?
does anyone do health insurance sales and what is the best way to excel at this profession
How does a car qualify to be eligble for classic car insurance in the UK?
Are there specific companies that deal in this? Is it generally cheaper due to restrictions on the use of the car?
""If I finance a new car, how much insurance do I buy?""
I know it will have full coverage, but how much? I'm trying to get an accurate quote through geico to see if I can afford it before buying the car.""
How much will health insurance cost for a 21 year old with no preexisting conditions?
I never had to pay for health insurance (part of family benefit package) so now I'm thinking of getting one. How much will it cost? I am healthy, work in an office (not dangerous), attend university (are there student discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy weight), I live in Los Angeles the only health issue my family has is that my dad is diabetic (but he got it when he was around 50 so i don't think it's heritable)] I need an insurance to only cover me in case something happens and I need emergency care (surgeries, hospital stay etc.) approximate numbers will be appreciated.. thank you""
My husband's offered employer insurance sucks big time! it cost us more money to have than not to have it?
I need some feedback cause I just can't figure out what to do.  My husband's company insurance plan is CRAPOLA and we pay plenty for it every week and then when we have to go to a Dr. or a specilist, or even the E.R. it costs us a bundle.  Of course his company does not want to make it easier to get medical help for the employees so everyone just keeps paying those high premiums every week.  I am thinking towards telling them where to stick their insurance and go find our own plan somewhere if I can find a plan that will costs us less and give us more coverage.  What do think about this bold move?
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 7 years ago
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
"Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How can I pay for my car's insurance?
I'm buying my first car tomorrow. I will be the Legal Owner and Registered Keeper but NOT the main driver (i'll be the 2nd driver of the car) Can I pay for the insurance using my card details (because i own the car and im getting insured on it, im just not the main driver because i will name someone else as main driver) ?? or does the MAIN DRIVER has to pay the insurance using their debit card?""
Can my car insurance cover the damage I did to my neighboor's car?
I made a dent to his car, with my door. We spoke, and I asked him to get an estimate. It is 600 dollars. If my insurance pays for it, what would happen to my payments? how much are they expected to change?""
Insurance and baby drama?
My boyfriend has another daughter that is placed on his insurance as is our daughter. Will this other kid effect my daughters benefits for being on his insurance along with the other kid?
Can a ticket for no insurance be reduced?
Friend of mine got a ticket for no insurance 9 yrs ago.....i know long time......but after all this time is there anyway a good lawyer can.get the ticket reduced to a lesser one?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ?
How will a $135 speeding ticket show up on my car insurance?
Will the insurance notice show how fast I was going/how much I had to pay for the ticket?
Why are there not provisions in the ACA that put caps on how much health insurance premiums can increase?
I just bought into a health insurance policy as I work 2 part time jobs and get no benefits in those jobs. Now my health insurance provider is saying my health insurance premiums will increase by 50% with higher deductibles and higher out of pocket maximums. This will put a strain on my finance as I can barely afford what I have now and having a $1500 increase really hurt. Why did this ACA not have something to cap these outrageous premium increases plus benefit decreases? It seems to be making it unaffordable rather than affordable.
Who has the cheapest insurance quote for a 16 year old riding a 50cc moped.?
Im 16 next month and im after a yamaha aerox 50cc and just wondering where would be the best place to get insured on it, iv heard comparison sites are rubbish so i tried a few sites like rampdale, justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all seem to be pricing things at 330ish third party only, can anyone help?""
Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) - Survey question ideas?
I'm doing a sample survey for Social Science. I have to come up with 25 questions pertaining to my topic of inquiry. My topic is The benefits of the Affordable Healthcare Act, which is informally known as Obamacare. My hypothesis is the Affordable Healthcare Act would be beneficial if it was slightly altered to exclude the individual mandate. I need ideas for more questions, outside of the demographic questions. Here are the eleven questions I have so far: Do you have health insurance? Yes. No. In the process of obtaining a health care plan. Have you ever heard of the Affordable Care Act, the American health care bill signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010? Yes. No. Do you understand the key aspects that make up the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Somewhat. Did you believe that there was a problem with the current state of health care, and that it needed reform? Yes. No. The new Healthcare Act is going to be funded through a variety of new taxes and offsets. This includes a new Medicaid tax imposed on people that make over $200, 000 and $250, 000 annually, and a 40% tax on premium Health Insurances. There will also be new taxes on medicine, high cost diagnostic medical equipment, and a 10% tax on indoor tanning services. Do you believe that the imposed taxes are worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health insurance? Yes. No. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently reviewing the Affordable Care Act. Several U.S. states are questioning the laws constitutionality because the law requires Americans that dont have health insurance to choose an affordable healthcare plan or pay a fine (this is called the individual mandate). Do you believe that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional on these grounds? Yes. No. Not sure. If you do believe that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, do you believe it is worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health care? Yes. No. Does not apply. Do you believe that the government could still make the policy work if they exclude the individual mandate, keeping in mind that this would likely require more tax increases in different areas? Yes. No. Maybe. Having a basic knowledge of the Affordable Care Act, do you think that the government should abandon the policy and work on a new one? Yes. No. We should wait and see how this one turns out first. Do you stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure. Do you have any friends or family members that stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure.""
Can you please tell me of a insurance company that will give me insurance even if i have?
a pre existing medical condition i need critical illness insurance with a 6 months waiting can you give a link please to some insurance company's
Buying Car Insurance for a new car?
I am on my parents policy right now and plan on buying a new car , along with the new car new insurance. My question is, do you buy the car insurance before or after you buy the car. Logic would say before since it is illegal in my state to drive without insurance, but I could be wrong Can someone clarify?""
What's wrong with car insurance?
I am a safe driver. I've never had a car accident or ticket. As a consequence of my choices, I pay very low rates for car insurance. Other people I know have had accidents and many tickets, they pay a lot for car insurance. In this system, each person pays a different rate based on the consequences of their choices and actions. So what is wrong with this system? Why can't we use the exact same system for health insurance? If I eat right, exercise, and wash my hands then I will rarely get ill and should pay very low insurance rates. My neighbor eats junk food, smokes, and never exercises, has lots of medical issues and will for as long as he lives, shouldn't he pay a much higher rate for insurance? Why would anybody want a government system in which we will both pay the same rate? That is blatantly unfair to me since I make good choices and wont get sick as often. Furthermore, I have the choice of lots of different car insurance companies (Geico, Allstate, Nationwide, Progressive, etc.), this competition drives lower costs and better service. Why would I want to give up choice in favor of a monopoly? What is wrong with our car insurance system that somebody would not want the exact same system for our health care?""
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable car insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is not less expensive in general, but any suggestions would help.""
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
AAA vs. Farmers for home and auto insurance?
I'm looking to get a combined homeowners and auto insurance policy. Right now, the package that Farmers is offering based on my specs is 10% cheaper than AAA's. Any thoughts? Thanks!""
What is car insurance?
Just car insurance definition not more other else. It's for my own mind calculation.
Alliance United Insurance?
So I just want to know all of their current plans and prices? For 2 adults and 1 minor for auto insurance.. I live in California.. Thanks!
How do i answer this question about car insurance?
My sister and i are on the loan for a car that I'm driving. We have insurance but im not on it. I want to put it under my name now, but when i get a quote online they ask if ...show more""
How can I get the lowest car insurance payment?
I am 25. I want to buy a cheap car with one way insurance. thanks a lot
Car insurance for 17year olds? ?
Please answer this question for my cousin: I'm 17 in november and I'm planning on taking my theory on my birthday and the practical 3/4 weeks later because I can already drive well but before my practical I just want to have 3weeks worth of lessons on the road with the public instead of friends cars and stuff. My mum has said she will help me buy a car but when I look at insurance quotes they are very very expensive. I wanted to put my long term boyfriend who I live with during term time on my insurance policy so he can drive it as well. He has his own car but he is thinking of getting rid of it soon. He has been driving for 3 years and is 22. Is it cheaper just to have myself on the policy or with him on it too? What cars are nice (no old fashioned ugly cars) are cheap to insure for a 17year old girl?
If I had this non fault accident would my car insurance still gone up?
Okay a week ago I was about to have an accident I passed a railroad track when no train was comming and the bars were up as well so I passed the railroad and I made a turn so this had a stop sign at a corner and didn't make a complete stop so I was passing since I didn't have a stop sign or yield sign and this guy just stepped on the gas and went into the wrong way and then he tried to jump into the way that I was going and I was about to hit him because there wasn't enough space for him to change lanes safely. And so I remember that the day that my dad went to get insurance for his car they told him that they had a record of the accident that he had back in 1991 which wasn't his fault.
How much does auto insurance cost per month?
For a couple under 25 yrs of age With a Ford350 and a Mazda cx9
How much would it cost for insurance for a c6 corvette Z06?
it can be an estimate or an average?
Cheap auto insurance in miami?
Does anyone know of a cheap auto insurance company in miami? i am 20 years old and i have gotten quotes from Esurance, geico, and progressive. the cheapest was Geico and it was $278 a month for the Basic coverage. I own my car and it is a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon""
Which US states make health insurance obligatory?
Which states make it's citizens take out private health insurance?
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Is a Mustang LX considered a sports car for insurance purposes?
since GTs are sports cars (insurance is more for sports car)
Expired car insurance ticket?
So I got pulled over in may and had expired car insurance of about 10 months. I had presented my expired car insurance document and the cop had my car towed to a nearby car shop, where i got it back a few days later. The cop called another cop to drive me back to my university since my car was towed. I was talking to the cop who drove me back and asked what I can do and he told me to just plead not guilty on my ticket and get new insurance and bring it to the court. I don't understand, how can I plead not guilty? It was his advice and he knew my insurance expired. How can getting new insurance do anything for my cause? Any help appreciated, thanks.""
Fire Insurance...?
which Company offers lowest rate for fire insurance excluding the liability?
Car insurance quote help!?
I am 18 years old and received my Florida permit when I was 16, and my Florida drivers license when I was 17. I'm looking for a car and have been searching for a good insurance quote. I've tried everywhere from geico, progressive, all state, etc. But they all seem to be VERY high. Anyone know of a cheaper/better insurance company that will give me a good quote? Thank you for the help!""
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance?
I have a job & have paid my car insurance fully each month since I was 16 it was expected of me. I also tend to pay for my motorcycle insurance I have 2 jobs & go to College. I have had 3 speeding tickets 2 in 2008 & one in 2009 2 were around 10MPH over & the 3rd was around 15ish. I have my reasons for speeding regardless drive down the interstate & find more then 3 people that don't speed..SERIOUSLY I HAD PLACES TO BE cops are prejudice. Anyway I want a 02 or newer Motorcycle & state farm is my current provider although I know that are Top Of The Line & I just want the cheapest insurance for motorcycles. I understand my rates will be higher then average but I turn 21 in a year and it can only drop. I just need some Input here. Thank you!
What is some really good but not exspensive auto insurance?
my daddy is with progressive and its really high on him and he is looking for a better and less exspensive auto insurance any suggestions.
Cheapest tow truck insurance?
progressive quoted me around 600 a month, are there any other companies that would be cheaper? i tried travelers, allstate, state farm, geico, ETC. most don't cover tow trucks. it doesn't have to be a name brand company. any suggestions?""
My teeth are breaking.ineed to find a dentist that will help me with no insurance?
roots are in my gums.bad breath
What is the best car insurance company for young drivers ? HELP!?
So the lowest price I have been offered is 3000 , I cannot afford to pay that JUST for insurance ! does anybody know cheap car insurance for younger drivers I am really struggling ! NO companies that put a limit what time the car is used please !""
Would you support higher road taxes and more expensive car insurance in return for cheaper public transport?
Would you support higher road taxes and more expensive car insurance in return for cheaper public transport?
What's good insurance but affordable?
I am 19 years old and my mother is taking me off her insurance and I need to found another insurance company but I work at Zaxby's. Any suggestions
""My adult brother is living with my family, do I need to put him on my car insurance policy?""
My 29 year old brother has been living at my place for a few months. He's still covered by my parents car insurance in another state, but I wonder if I have to put him on my policy since he practically lives with me. He only drives one of my cars occasionally. His living with us should be temporary (hopefully no more than few more months)""
Insurance company took me to supreme court?
Ok. I had a car accident a year ago the insurance company claims that it was fraud because the story didn't match up in the euo so now they taking me to the supreme court this is the third time they didn't pay anything and infact I was hit from behind. It been a year since we are going to court. Now they send another summons saying that settle of the case if they didn't pay me anything y r they still bothering me. And acuse me of all these things
Life insurance is not a investment?
LIfe insurance is a investment tool Is it worth it? It's a great investment tool. Not married, no kids? What's the POINT of the life insurance?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost me for 6 months being 16 driving a 2008 kawasaki ninja 250R??
What's the average price of homeowner's insurance in Las Vegas?
I know this is a vague question but what are some estimate homeowners insurance prices in Las Vegas? The house is worth 180k, its brand new (built 2008). No pets or children, three bedrooms, 1700 sq ft. My fiance and I are first time homebuyers and we have excellent credit. I just wanted to know if anybody had any ballpark numbers (I plan on contacting my current auto insurance provider soon, but I want to hear what other locals are paying so I know if I'm getting a good rate)... Thanks!""
Where i can get car best insurance information ?
give me a website of car insurance information .
Insurance help! Tennessee?
My bf moved here from west virginia... he has to big health problems one life threatening... He needs cheap insurance but i dont know anything about insurance. hes 23. can anyone help me or know of any type of insurance??????? It would be appreciated..
What are the other things do I have to pay for besides the car and insurance?
Okay my budget for my first car will be 1000 pounds insurance will be about 4000 or even more...whats MOT and Tax? what about breakdown cover? I'm thinking about getting breakdown cover because I dont really have anyone to call if i'm in trouble...it would save me the embarassment...
Can I pay a AAA Auto Insurance bill online?
I'm in California but I don't know if that makes any diffrence.
Advise please im looking for a cheapest and reliable car insurance i?
For my honda civic 2012 LX, thank you!""
Average cost of utilities in a 2 bedroom house in southern indiana?
I am moving into my first home and have no idea how much its going to cost. Its a 2 bedroom with a basement. There are 2 and a half of us moving in (2 year old son). I know for a fact the cost of my cell phone bill and my car insurance and gas but don't know how much to budget for anything else. Please help?
Car insurance on a pergeout 307 new driver? UK ONLY.?
i turned 17 in march.i have yet to pass my test but wish to look at quotes for insurance. its a 5 door 1.6 and 5 doors. who knows a cheap car insurance site for me and with prefernce to someone you know having it from there? before you say i have tried comparison sites and they are no use.
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
How to Quickly Find the Best Term Life Insurance Quote?
How to Quickly Find the Best Term Life Insurance Quote?
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Truck Insurance CHeaper then car insurance for a male?
is truck insurance cheaper then car insurance for males, and why?""
Why does a civic cost more to insure than a golf for teens?
both are 1.4 litre engine but the civic costs atleast 1500 more to insure?!? whaaat? is it because the civic has the impression of a ricer car?
""Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Do you know cheapest car insurance? My friend is 21, male.?""
Does your Insurance address have to match your registration address?
I'm moving to a new city where the insurance rates are higher than my current town. I have to change my address on my license and registration to get a parking permit in the city, but do I have to change the address on my insurance? The permit doesn't require to know any information about your insurance.""
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
Where do i get the best deal on car insurance?
i`ve just finnished a six year ban and i`m looking too get back on the road legal...but i`m finding it difficult too get affordable insurance
Car insurance: Proof of no claims?
I just got a letter through today from my car insurance provider asking me they want proof of my no claims. I renewed earlier in the month however i didn't change providers so seems a bit pointless them wanting proof when they hold the no claims information themselves. I didn't renew in the straight forward way as i planned to sell my car but ended up changing my mind but wanted to make some changes to my policy so just created a new policy using my online account i have with the insurance company, it turned out to be cheaper doing it that way but obviously because of the changes i made, could this be why i have received this letter? Should i just notify them of the situation in a letter and attach my original renewal letter which has the no claims information on it? Or will i need to get a so called proof of no claims certificate to get this sorted?""
Pitbike insurance where is the best place?
Im looking into getting a thumpstar road ripper 50cc for when im 16 very soon! and i'd like an insurance quote off the internet anybody know a good website?
Progressive will our insurance go up?
So my Dad has Progressive insurance. I drive one of his cars that is under his name on both the title and the insurance. I got my license revoked. I'm curious if his insurance will find out about it if my name is not on the insurance card. I'm not sure if he has me listed anywhere else on the insurance if that is even possible, all I have is the card and my name is nowhere on it. Basically I want to know if his insurance rates are going to go up because of me.""
Will my insurance provider penalise me for doing this...?
If i have a policy for my motorcycle and a policy for my car, (both policies are form the same insurance provider) and over the summer i decide to drop the policy for my car, only to activate it again in the fall, will that be considered a lapse in coverage? Will my rates be higher because of this action when i reinstate the policy in the fall?""
Cheap car ins for 21 yrs male with ncb help?
my partner is looking for a cheap quote for car insurance he is 21 with 1 claim and no years no claims bonus we r being quoted over 1000 please help i tried loads of web sites but if any one knows a really good one or phone number that will be great thanx
Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would cost for this car?
the car i want is a 1987 pontiac fiero fastback gt with a 5 speed manual transmition and a 2.8 L engine. what would insurance be for a 16 or 17 year old male?
Car insurance // Policy holder..?
I am the policy holder to my new car. We all know insurance can be a bit of a nightmare, therefore I was put down as a named driver on the insurance which is in a family members name.. Can I be the policy holder, but secondary on the insurance (.. My car + Cheaper option for car insurance = wrong/illegal thing to do? )""
""According to the Hillary healthcare proposal, Individuals will be required to get and keep insurance in a
system where insurance is affordable and accesible. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
""How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?""
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice""
Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage?
Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage?
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us ...show more""
What exactly is broad form coverage for car insurance?
my insurance ran out. i dont really need a full coverage on car insurance since my car is old. I have a lifetime medical insurance. Im a pretty confident driver.
Cheap Motor insurance HELP PLEASE!?
I am 19yrs old and i need a renewel for my car insurance, any suggestions? i have tried... money supermarket confused aa any more? thanks""
How much is motorcycle insurance compared to auto insurance?
I'm 19 years old and have have been driving for over 2 years with my dads car using secondary insurance. Last year I really got into motorcycles and after riding a couple on back roads, I want to get one this year. I like the look and feel of an older motorcycle. I want to get something from the 80's. So far my most favourite bike I've ridden is a 1979 Honda with a 125 motor I believe. I don't care for speed, I like cruising. I'm more into chrome and chopperish feel. I'm a full time college student and I found that they offer motorcycle driving training there in the summer. Since I'm a student I will get a good discount. On top of that the parking at school for motorcycles is only $20 a month whereas I pay $7 a day for car parking. I live in Ontario, Canada which probably has the highest rates in the country. I currently pay $100/month for secondary. It used to be $150 but since I've proven to be accident free, they brought it down for me. Primary car insurance on the other hand is more like $300 or more per month for me. So do I have a good case here? 1. Older bike which won't need full coverage 2. I own the bike 3. Parked in a private underground garage at home 4. Parked in a private, security controlled lot at school 5. Already have driving experience and clean record I get my full driving license next week and I am in the process of registering for my M1 What could I be looking at paying? I know it's not possible to get an exact quote but what could I be looking at? Which bikes have lower rates?""
What are the requirements to become a life insurance broker in California?
Do I need to become an agent first before I can become a broker? What are the requirements? What are the costs of being a broker?
""Looking for cheap life insurance, any suggestions?
I've heard alot of insurance companies are a rip off. I'm looking for dependable but affordible.
I'm shopping for health insurance. And I'm confused.?
I had health insurance until recently when my employer took it away. I have some questions : a $2,500.00 deductible....does that mean I have to pay $2,500.00 of my bills before the insurance kicks in? What does 80/20 mean? I *thought * it was illegal to be turned down for insurance for pre-existing conditions, but some of the policies I have looked at say pre-existing conditions will not be covered.""
Is it expensive to insure a honda civic for a new teen driver?
I am 16, male, 3.8 gpa, took drivers ed. Would it cost alot if the civic was new? What if I am on my parents policy?""
""I want my own car insurance, but don't know who to use?""
I had my own insurance when I first started driving, 7 years ago but then for whatever reason I then went on to my mums. Are there any decent insurers out there that wont be so highly priced? My mum currently pays 562.00 ish with me on hers. I have found myself one with her as a name driver for 555.00. Apparently it is cheaper with her on it. She is legally the owner anyway. She has no convictions or anything and has no claims, not sure how many years and has another car she uses. How much should I be expecting to pay? I've been driving for 7 years. Any help would be much appreciated.""
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Is it illegal to drive without insurance?
I got my G1, and you allowed to drive with an adult in the car. But i don't yet have insurance but my mom does, if she has insurance can i still drive the car? She wont let me because i don't have my own insurance yet. Is it legal for me to drive?""
Where can i find a cheap car insurance?
i live in UK from 2011 and i am self employed. i have a very cheap vauxhall and i pay nearly 2000 a year on car insurance. i want to have a second car to be clean and for social use only but i will need to pay an extra 1000 per year. i am 27 years old and have 5 years EU driven licence. can you advise me in any way?
I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report?
I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month.""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Insurance for a honda civic?
I am 16 years old getting insurance for the first time got my licence a week ago never driven on it.....i want the simplest insurance ever something that will let me drive my car legally
Car Insurance Change?
Hi. I currently own a car insurance with Commerce Insurance Company. It will be expiring this month end. I am thinking to change to Progressive Insurance starting next month. Will this switching of Insurance will be a smooth process? please advice the steps. thanks
What insurance company is everyone with?
Im looking to get home insurance but every companys reviews i look up are really bad! Does anyone know of a good one to go with?
Can I drive my friends car without insurance?
I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance. If I borrow a friends car, am I covered under his insurance? is there a special type of insurance for people like me?""
What is balloon insurance?
do i need balloon coverage
Would car insurance be cheaper in Tennessee?
I live in Denver, Colorado. I used to live in Tennessee and noticed that it is ALOT cheaper to live out there. I am wanting to move back. I know my house will be cheaper among other things. I was just wondering if anyone would know if car insurance would be cheaper out there too?""
""Which car insurance firms will insure a Mexican, non resident, for a short duration on my car insurance?""
I require an additional driver on a car insurance policy, I'm a UK resident and require a Mexican with only a Mexican license to drive. Any ideas?""
Is their insurance for pregnant women?
Hi, I am about 30 weeks pregnant and very scared. I do not have ins at this time. I had a ppo a few months ago that did not cover anything! My bf (ridiculous we were not married) of 11 years just walked out on me and the kids for his selfish reasons. So he is no help besides paying the mortgage. Im not trying to get free insurance, I just need some help on what affordable insurance there are if any that will pick me up. I pay for my visits but im running low on cash. I am on bed rest for incompetent cervix and I am losing it trying to figure ways. I return to work 6 weeks after I have the little one but for now I have no job! Im at lost. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can pay monthly's but I know that delivery bill is gonna kick me in the butt. I just want to have a little security...""
In BC how much difference in insurance costs is it based on the cost of the?
vehicle? I'm not talking about liability but collision and comprehension. I'm buying a car that costs about 10,000.00 and I am used to driving crappy cars that cost $2000.00. I'm trying calculate the difference in insurance costs. Does anybody know?""
What can I do for health insurance for my child and myself?
I am contemplating quitting my job, which offers health insurance, to open a home business. I have been slowly building up my business and it's getting to the point where I have to either decide to quit my full-time job or stop developing my business. I have the potential to make much more with my own business than I do at my current job. Before I make the decision to quit my job, I am researching my options about health insurance, which is very important to me because my daughter has special needs and I do not want to jeopardize her health in any way. I also don't want to get myself into a tricky situation where I end up bankrupt because I get sick and don't have health insurance. I have contemplated taking COBRA after quitting my job, however that is very costly. My boyfriend and I toyed with the idea of him putting me on his health insurance as a domestic partner, but my daughter would not be included in that. We live in Minnesota and I'm wondering if MinnesotaCare would be an option for us, at least to tide us over until I can afford to purchase health insurance or my boyfriend and I get married and my daughter and I can go on his plan. However, I did read that to qualify for MinnesotaCare you must not have had insurance for the last 4 months and that's not a gamble I want to take. My daughter is already on TEFRA (MN disability health insurance) so I am wondering if she was dropped from my plan if TEFRA would cover her 100 percent. My worry about that is if another group health plan wouldn't accept her pre-existing conditions going forward because she would be off a group plan for more than 62 days. Does anyone have any ideas about affordable health insurance options that I should look into? Or know more about the HIPAA laws? And before someone suggests calling the state for information...I have and I'm waiting for a call back. Thanks!""
How much does Homeowners Insurance cost?
Whats a good estimate for how much my homeowners insurance would be if I'm a first time buyer, my home is around 300,000. and I have good credit, plus the home is in a brand new developement. I just want an estimate. Thanks.""
Do I have to wait until after I get a car to get auto insurance?
I do NOT have a vehicle yet but I am planning on getting one within the next few months. So I've been trying to research auto insurance rate quotes but they all ask me what I kind of a car I have, how long I've had it and what security features are with the car under the assumption that I already own something. So I can't just research different companies without having a vehicle already. However, I thought you had to have car insurance BEFORE I buy the car. Is this false?""
""2nd speeding ticket in 13 months in the state of CA, how do i avoid insurance rates going up?""
So in california you can only go to traffic school once every 18months and if you take another traffic school (before 18 months is up) your insurance company can see that you took a traffic school. Although your record will be clean (they remove the point) if the insurance company sees that 2nd traffic school will they raise the insurance rates? also, this is my 2nd speeding ticket (1st one was in may last year, but cleared cause I went to traffic school) If I fight the ticket will it affect my insurance rates?""
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
im trying to insure a ford ka as my first car and the cheapest quotes im getting is around the 4k mark.. pretty sure i can do better but not sure where..
Does 4x4 make auto insurance more expensive?
I wanted to buy a '95 Jeep Wrangler but I noticed it was a 4x4. Will my insurance go up because it has four wheel drive?
How can i make my car insurance cheaper?
im finding it more expensive this year than in 2010 to buy my car insurance and yet that was closer to the claims i've had to include (one in july for an sp30 speeding and the other for a none fault accident in my unoccupied vehicle in october). i dont understand this at all and its really bugging me as im finding it hard to get a decent quote. my car also has a rear spoiler which was there when i bought it which is also causing me hassle. is there anything i can do to get the best quote for my car, i'm going insane lol. im in the uk also""
What is a good name for a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency?
I am opening a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency and need a name. I need some sincere suggestions. Will be much appreciated.
Car insurance in Michigan?
I currently am a primary driver on my car which is thru AAA. My boyfriend and I recently bought a car and insured it thru progressive for cheaper than it would have been at AAA. I am the primary. Is this legal to have 2 insurance companies? Or is this like a double jeopardy?
Bike insurance for a cbr 600?
i live in halifax nova scotia in a rural area and was woundring how much it would cost just for plpd i allready have a bike witch is a 200cc and it cost me 300 and some odd dollors for the year woundring how much it would be for a cbr 600 year around 1998-2005 and i took a drivers course for bike and car and been with my insurance company for about a year now for my bike would they give me any speacials. also i have gotten no tickets or crashed got a clean slate.
When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care?
My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it, how much will it coast?""
Two car insurance policies?
very sorry if this is confusing for people to read but please try and help me out as i have confused myself =\ I have 1 years no claim bonus, and if idon'tt claim till May then i will have two years no claim. i am going to buy another car in a few days and tend to open a new car insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when it comes to may and the first carpolicye has finish. i shall not be driving that car no more. but when it comes to Febuary, will it mean that i have 3 years no claims ? even though i have been driving 2 years 9 months,,
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
Stuart Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50250
0 notes
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
"Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance on a ford flex?
I am 16 years old..and I am looking into getting a 2014 ford flex! How much would the insurance be?!
Was Obama's health care/college system comparison valid?
Tonight President Obama compared the public health care option to the public system of Universities and colleges. He said the public option will work the same way public colleges and Universities without inhibiting a vibrant system of private colleges and Universities. This is a fool's argument and a total apples to oranges comparison. Let me explain, first almost all private universities receive funding from the federal government. The federal government is not going to provide funding for private insurance. The second reason is it's common knowledge that the best Universities in the U.S. are private schools such as Duke, Stanford, and the Ivy League. These universities fill most of the highest paying jobs in the country. Some jobs even go as far as to require a degree from one of these schools (Stock Brokers on NYC Stock Exchange.) These highly paid graduates can donate larger amounts of money back to their respective colleges than the average Joe who graduated from a generic state funded university. No one is going to donate money to the private insurance companies. We can't even get all the people who qualify for insurance to sign up and that's the problem! Look, I have no way of knowing whether the public option will work or won't but when faulty logic is used to support it I become concerned. When most of the people supporting the public option are from California (a state where the middle class is few and far between) I become more concerned. When most of the Senators and Representatives who support the public option say they would prefer the U.S. had a single payer system (that's total government control of health care if you didn't know) I become very concerned. The reality is no one knows what the effects of public option will be. Also, the success of FedEx is not any proof that public option won't hurt private companies because an independent council regulates the mail industry. No independent council is mentioned in any of the plans in the House or Senate. yes or no""
Will my insurance cover Invisalign?
My doctor recommended me using Invisalign cause i have 2 crooked eye teeth (not bad...) and my insurance covers 90 percent of what i get done. But wouldn't Invisalign be under cosmetic?? So my insurance wouldn't cover it... Just wondering if somebody might know the answer to that...
I'm pregnant. How do I get health insurance?
I haven't had any health insurance in a year. My husband can add me to his health insurance in Dec. Baby is due on March. Will they cover me? I live in SC and I am worried they will have a long waiting period. What should I do. We make too much for Government help.
Where can I find affordable but a very good individual vision insurance plan?
I've check out VSP but I'm not sure if it's the best and only choice out there for me. I also live in Pennsylvania if that helps out any.
If you can't afford health insurance?
How will you be able to pay the $3800 fine proposed by the democrats? Also are those fines figured into the cost of the democrats insurance reform as a revenue to aid in paying for the program?
Who is the cheapest car insurance company for a young driver?(19 yrs old male)?
Who is the cheapest car insurance company for a young driver?(19 yrs old male)?
Why are big company's going to drop health insurance and just pay the government a fee to save money?
obama said we would be able to the same insurance. did obama lie to us?
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
How much would getting a motorcycle and insurance cost?
I want to get the Suzuki SV650SF ABS and possibly Geico insurance, and I am a female. How much would that roughly cost??? and is Geico a good insurance company? If not, then what are some other good insurance companies and how much would that cost. (oh, and I would be 16 until i get the motorcycle, so it would be first vehicle)""
Can I cancel my car insurance?
Right now I have my permit and want to get my license but I go to a boarding school so I only need my license for the summer. Is there a way I can get car insurance for only the summer and then cancel it before I go to school? And if there is, will that have an effect on my license? Will I have to redue the entire driving test again?""
UK car insurance groups?
Is there a website or some kind of directory that will tell me the costs of different insurance groups? I'm shopping around for a second-hand car and a lot of cars are listed as insurance group 7 or insurance group 14 etc etc, but I don't know what that means, I've been entering the details individually of cars that I'm interested in, but that quite laborious.""
How much money do i need to save up for my first 6 months of insurance?
I will be 16 or 17 at the time of receiving car insurance and right now I am 15. This summer i will be getting a job and will buy my own cell phone and pay my own cell phone bill($130 for the phone $42 for the total bill). Let's say I receive minimum wage ($7.25) and am payed around $800 a month. If I begin putting aside money out of each pay check ( which will be roughly around $400) for car insurance and do this for around 12 months how much money will i need to put aside out of each paycheck ($400) to be able to pay for 6 months of car insurance? Also, my mom is going to let me buy her car in payments (at most it will cost $2000 altogether), how much should I put aside for that, so i would be able to buy her car at one time in 12 months?""
How much more expensive is insurance on a V6 car than a V4?
How much more expensive is insurance on a V6 car than a V4?
""I am 21, and have been driving since I was 16. How much will my insurance be?
My parents always paid for my insurance (dont hate) and now I want to use the car for a courier service. How much do you think my insurance will cost me?
Temporary US insurance?
I'm going to the Us to meet my friends for three months. Is there any way I can get insurance for just these three months there? Please help
Why did the Affordable Care Act make my insurance unaffordable?
I have a private health plan and a preexisting condition that requires taking daily medication, an annual checkup, and a test every 5 years. Other than that I'm young and in great health. My understanding of the law was that it would increase premiums on people without conditions to pay for people like me that have a preexisting condition. So why did the insurance company send me something saying if I keep my current plan I'll pay 25% more and that the 2 alternatives are more expensive with lower benefits, plus it said I could lose all kinds of other benefits. I'm going to call the insurance company tomorrow, but before I can call can someone explain the basics so I know something before the call?""
What is the cheapest uk motorcycle insurance company?
... am 19 in 1 hour xD and i wanna start riding legally i got the other parts done i just need cheap insurance recommendations, tell me please uk only""
I need full coverage for car insurance?
i need full coverage to get my new car if i go to my insurance tommorow and put full coverage on my car will i be able to pick up the car the same day? ps i live in massachusetts sooo people from there will help to
Looking for health insurance for our kids???
We just moved to oklahoma and we make to much for medicaid but not enough to pay $500 a month in insurance plus have a $1100 deductible per person then a 80-20 split after the deductible. We can afford to pay our own Doctor bills but if we had a serious problem (tonsils, appendicitis,surgery) we wouldn't be able to afford that so does anyone know of any health insurance we could get??? How does a HSA plan work??? Can you get one without it being sponsored by your employer???""
What kind of car has cheap insurance?
What kind of car has cheap insurance?
HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!?
I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!""
Renters insurance company?
what insurance company covers property damage i want to get a dog but my landlord wants us to get renters insurance before we do please someone help
Which auto insurance costs more?
Auto or commercial... My insurance company has my pickup labeled as a commercial vehicle but its an auto. Which is cheaper before i dispute?
Best health insurance?
Best health insurance?
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up At 10km/h Over The Speed Limit?
I got a speeding ticket for going 60km/h in a 50km/h zone while trying to pass someone (which says in the driving handbook that it's legal as long as it's under 20km). I took it to the court and I was found guilty, I've never had any tickets in the whole 5 years I've been driving and no accidents at all. My insurance is already through the roof because I have a newer car and I'm only 23 and they said my premium won't have a big drop until I'm 25 anyway. I didn't lose any demerit points at all on my license and up until now I have had an absolutely clean driving record. If my insurance finds out, is there any idea how much my premium could possibly go up?""
When you car is totaled and you have full insurance coverage...?
What does your insurance company do with the wrecked car? do they take it and put it in a junkyard or do they let you keep whats left of it, or what?""
What is a Car Insurance Down Payment?
The insurance company is charging me $500 for a down payment. What is this?
Insurance Agent has different names?
Most insurance companies use agent or agency for their representatives. Is there any other word insurance companies use for their representatives?
How would the motorcycle insurance compare on these 4 bikes?
Ninja 250r Ninja 650r Honda cbr 600 Honda CB599 Hornet (naked) Assuming they are all ridden by the same person, in the same area ect. thanks in advance (Note: Im not looking for number so much as how they would compare to each other)""
Automotive Insurance?
Insurance designed to protect an insured driver or owner from the claims of others is called: collision insurance financial responsibility insurance liability insurance comprehensive insurance
What insurance would be best for a Salvaged Car?
See I am a first time driver and I bought a Car which has a salvaged title due to a minor fender bender, I don't drive it because well I've only had it for about 3 days but I would like to know what would be the best coverage I can get from any insurance on a Salvaged title car. I hope it was worth my money buying a salvaged car. some one help!!! PLEASE!""
How good is USAA auto insurance?
I heard about a company called USAA for auto insurance yesterday. I think it's a website for military officers, and ex-officers or enlisted people. My dad was in the Air Force and I think that qualifies, but I dont know how good this company is or how well they deal with claims. Please tell me about your experiences with them.""
""Response Insurance, Need Customer Reviews?
http://www.response.com I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them. Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company? Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?
Will my car insurance go up if this happens?
In NY, if you are under 18 and drive past 9pm you can have your license revoked for 90 days. If you are under 18 and drive past 9pm, get your license revoked, will it drive up the cost of insurance? I have State Farm insurance.""
When does health insurance kick in when you start a job?
I've never had a job with insurance. I'm hoping that I finally receive my first full time job with a company (I'm a recent grad). I'm in desperate need of health insurance to take tests on my heart but it's so expensive! So if you start a job, usually how long does it take to be able to take advantage of having the health insurance?""
""I'm 57, am learning to drive a car, will need the best and cheapest car insurance, how will I know which is re""
i just want to be able to drive my car, and know there is help there for me, when and if I ever need it, without all the hassles of being stranded. Am in the process of checking out AAMI, RACT. Comprehensive for a first off driver is about $859 a year!! would i be better to Join RACT emergency on road assistance AS WELL AS taking out fire and theft third party insurance separately? I will be about the only driver, with a friend or two......is this the best cover for me? Say...for 1,2 years until I build up a reliable record? enough then to qualify for cheaper comrehensive insurance car cover?""
Is Liberty Mutual a good reputable car insurance company?
If you know anyone that has them..or heard stories..or if you have them please let me know some things about them..pros,cons. Geico is quoting me $3500 for 6 months..I got a new car and Libery Mutual is quoting me $2000 for a year..so that's pretty good I really want to switch but I dont know anything about them. All advice open...""
How much is typical car insurance for a teenager?
I am a 19 year female in college (in new jersey) and by the time I get my car and licence I would be 20. I was wondering if anyone knew how much typical car insurance would be for me, so I could figure out how much I would need to save up before I get my car. What is the best company to go with?""
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
Insurance about my new car?
Okai so im 19 and in California. My mom just bought me a car(Nissan Versa 2012) today and i was wondering if its really true that new car means higher insurance? Im taking my Actual Test next week so there shouldnt be a problem driving it soon. Btw in AVERAGE how much would i pay a MONTH for the insurance? Thanks Ya'll
Michigan Auto Insurance Premium almost twice as much as quote!?
I'll do my best to summarize my situation, and am using estimates for days and amounts... I received a quote for auto insurance for $590 for a 6 month period from an independent auto agent. When I received my insurance policy and premium price it way nearly double (over $1,100). I cancelled the policy within a week after receiving the huge increase in premiums. Because of the time it took for me to receive my new premium and the 5-7 days for me to cancel, I received a bill for an amount due of roughly $40.00. I previously had auto insurance through the company/agent but it was for a different vehicle and paid a month in advance. My question is, why am I responsible, and how am I responsible for the premium that is so much higher than what I was quoted? I didn't sign any paperwork, I called over the phone and had the agent switch the policy based on the new quote. Auto insurance played a huge factor in budgeting for the vehicle and I feel that I was ripped off. I should be getting a credit for the 10 days that I did not use, not having to pay more for the days I did use. Thanks for any advice you're able to provide!""
Insurance??? serious question?
Why is insurance higher for males if females are the worse drivers
Optional insurance from Hertz in USA?
Hello, I'm from Australia and will be renting a car from Hertz in Los Angeles. Included in my hire charges is: - Airport concession fee recovery - Loss Damage Waiver - Taxes - Liability Insurance Supplement - Vehicle license fee recovery - Customer Facility Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - California Tourism Commission Assessment - Unlimited Free Miles I've previously been duped into buying extra insurance or unnecessary insurance. I'm told this is not included: - Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage - PREMIUM EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICE Can someone help? Do I require these extra insurance options? What do they actually cover? Thanks!""
A few questions about SR-22 Insurance?
Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question.""
Car insurance rates after having license for 3 years?
I'm 26, had license for only 3 years. About to get my own insurance, just the basic state minimum, nothing fancy. Nationwide gave me an online quote of 204$ for 6 months... That doesn't sound right, sounds low, that's about $35 a month. In January I got insurance for only s month and it was $70 a month... Of course I hadnt had my license 3 years yet.""
Got in accident. not my fault. will my insurance rates go up?
this is in reference to my other question but basically i got in a minor accident and it was the other drivers fault. i just called my insurance and reported but i have to wait until tuesday to talk to an agent. just to alleviate my nerves i need to know now, is it likely my rates will go up? it's not my fault. also all the damage costs will be taken care of by my insurance company right? or the other drivers..?? thank you.""
How does life insurance work?
i talked my dad into buying life insurance but he says that i just want him to die but i told him only to take out a 50 thousand dollar policy for the funeral and other expenses nothing else i don't need a million dollar policy and how does life insurance work if i talk my dad into getting a 50k policy does the insurance pay it all at once or does the insurance give it month to month or year to year explain it all just in case he wants to get more which i highly doubt he will but anything from 25k to 50k will be find i don't need a million dollars to plan a funeral and how much do you think it would cost to make him have a 50k policy and i asked this question before and i got the response 50k is too much i see people who get 5million dollar policy im not trying to get rich im just trying to get enough to pay for the funeral if i really wanted something i would ask for more because im paying off his 500 thousand dollar house with my money and my pay so he can at least appreciate what i do for him
Can I drive someone else's car without insurance?
I am getting my license soon (if i pass the road test) can i drive someone else's car without having any insurance in Rhode Island ?
""6008 insurance quote for hyundai getz 1.1, what am i doin wrong?""
im a 17 year old male, who lives in a nice area with little crime, it will be kept on the drive, im offering 500 excess, third part only, i cant belive this price from go-compare, and this was the cheapest quote, what else can i try, ive tried putting my mum on as a named driver, but it only lowers it by about 100.""
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
Car financing and insurance?
I would like to know what happen if I finance a car and I wreck the car and I don't have insurance at the time I wreck the car.
Insurance for my car please help!! ?
in the future i need to insure a '05 infiniti g35 coupe. i went to Farmers for a quote and they said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other insurance companies that arent that expensive?? thanks. or the fact that its an infiniti coupe i'm just going to get an expensive quote everywhere???""
How much does car insurance usually cost for female 20 year old in toronto area?
im a university student and really in need of a car the used car im thinking of buying is about $4000 rollars honda 1997 how much would insurance cost? i have my g2 and i got my in-class driving school certificate which guarantee upto 40% insurance discount thanks!
Average cost home insurance in UK?
How much does it cost to insure a rented property (house) in the Uk for a year? I know it depends on many different aspects but I would like to have a rough idea of the cost. Probably renting a 2 bedrooms house in Bristol with a small garden. The quoting companies ask me for too many details that I don't know
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
What kind of health insurance do i apply for?
I have a one year old son and he has had medi-cal off on and they give me so many problems and i'm tired of him having medi-cal. I recently reapplied because they stopped it again, but this time i added his father on there since he has no type of medical insurance either.4 weeks went by and i haven't recieved anything in the mail so i call and ask what is going on. The lady was extremely rude to me and tells me they denied my application because they never recieved a packet that requested birth certificates,social securities, proof of income etc. And i tried to explain to her i never recieved the packet that requested any of that and that's why i was calling to let them know and she said well they already denied you so you need to apply again i'm tired of medi-cal my poor son deserves better.so i was wondering if anyone knew of something else i could apply for? it's just for my son and his father i'm still under my moms insurance so i don't need it but i have to apply for them since i'm the mother of my child obviously. We live off of $400 every 2 weeks and have other things to pay for.so please someone help!""
Where can i find cheap home insurance in Oklahoma?
I am looking for a good price on home insurance but also a good quality policy in the great state of Oklahoma. Where can i go online and get a quote directly from a real insurance agency in my state?
What should I do I hate insurance company?
This is frustrating I got involve an accident was going straight and suddenly a lady turned in front of me I could have ran into to her but I choose to go around and I wrecked my car to a fire pole she ddnt stop I spoke to geico they gonna fix my car as I had full coverage but they said they gonna analyse if my policy will increase or not at renewal cause they putting me at fault as there's nobody else to blame and the funny thing is that same thing happen to me a year ago I turned in front of a lady she could have went around but she ran right into me where the accident happen there was camera if I'm able to get them the videos to show that I didn't intentionally wreck my car would they take that in consideration ? Now they making me think bad like I should have run into her car and let her take the blame I could have get injured and probably everybody in her car? This is bs
Private medical insurance?
Do you know any private medical insurance which will cover you whilst you are couple of weeks pregnant?
Can a Home Mortgage Company insist you paint your house?
My mom receieved a letter from a mortgage company stating she needs to make 3 repairs to here house. (paint the outside, fix trim around door, repair soffet) They also said they would drop her in 30 days if not corrected. HELP.... Is this legal? I may also say my mom put a claim in last year with them and they (insurance co) had to repair a canapy for 2k.""
How can I tell if my chiropractor is under my insurance?
How can I tell if the chiropractor I have been going to accepts my insurance. I'm switching insurances on November 1st, so I need to know if they accept my new insurance. If they don't, I want to see what my other options are.""
Military car insurance?
Okay so I just graduated boot camp and moved from Texas ( residency) to Virginia. RIght now I have my car insurance through Texas (Geico) and I called them cause I was going to switch it to Virginia and it went up $120 a month!!! I was wondering since im in the military if I can just keep it in my residency state or if I have to switch it where im stationed? Also I am thinking about getting a new car which I would buy here in Virginia so it would have Virginia plates, would I have to switch it then to Virginia insurance? Sorry this is a loaded question but I would greatly appreciate it if you can help me out here and if you have any ideas what I should do , Thanks.""
""Haven't been paying my car insurance, help?""
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING Okay so long story short, my bank messed up and my car insurance didn't get paid for.. This was about 3 or 4 months ago. And then it just stopped withdrawing money from my account each month, and I figured I would just take my chances and go without insurance. I didn't cancel it or anything. I had State Farm, and I figured because I was getting a new car anyway I wouldn't bother, but getting a new car took a lot longer than than I thought and I just ended up getting one yesterday. So I got a 2000 Buick Park Avenue, it has airbags, all that. It should have a decently low insurance rate. I have gotten 1 speeding ticket, but no accidents. When I called for a quote though, through a different car insurance company, they told me it would be $230 a month. Why is it so high? Is it because I stopped paying for my State Farm Insurance?""
Car insurance question?
My car was in an accident (not my fault, I wasn't in it and the time) when someone plowed into the back. All signs are indicating it's totaled. She and I have no-fault insurance. Here is my questions. 1. Do I talk to the police and insurance company? 2. Do I get any money/compensation from the accident? 3. Do I go after her insurance and Do I get anything from that? 4. Or do I reach a compromise with both parties? If anybody has anymore suggestion feel free. Thanks!!!""
So confused bout car insurance.....?
i want to save a little money by switching my car insurance! i have allstate insurance and pay for 2 cars 786 every 6 months.both my husband and i have good driving records and are over 50. to me this seems like a lot of money. our cars are not high performance cars. why so much? geico quoted me a policy of 404 every 6 months,but i don't know if they are good or too good to be true! anybody out there have any feed back for me?? Thanks""
Low income health insurance?
One of my friends recently came to US from a different country. She sold whatever she had and came to US with 25000$. Recently since she was sick she had to go to emergency room for three days. The problem is she did not have any kind of health insurance. Somebody in the hospital told her that she might be eligible for special kind of low income insurance. Her salary is 900$ per month and she get some help from her brother to be able to pay for rent and living costs. Here is my question: does having 25000$ in the bank account disqualify her for this low income insurance? Do they expect that she pay nearly all these 25000$ for the cost of her visit to emergency room? She was asked to provide all the documents regarding her bank accounts, rent she pays and documents showing her income. She is living in Bay area.""
Im 18 and i want to buy my mom a car but its for her can she put the insurance under her?
so i buy the car cus i have better credit than her but i cant put the insurance on me itll be too much is there a way we can make this work
Dodge charger car insurance?
How much of a difference in car insurance would there be between my 1998 Honda Accord and a 2007 Dodge Charger? Im a 17 year old male. Please dont answer unless u know wat ur talking about.
""How does health insurance work in prison/jail, is there such thing as health insurance for inmates?""
How does health insurance work in prison/jail, is there such thing as health insurance for inmates?""
Did you see the left/right coalition letter against the health insurance mandate?
March 19, 2010 Dear Member of Congress: On behalf of our organizations and the millions of people we represent, we strongly encourage you to oppose the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2009. Our groups and members may disagree on what are the best solutions to our health care problems, but this unprecedented coalition of organizations from across the political spectrum agrees that forcing individuals to buy insurance from private companies under the threat of fines or jail is not the reform we need. The individual mandate is a section of the bill that requires every single American to buy health insurance-whether or not they want it or feel they can afford it-or break the law and face penalties and fines. Consequently, the bill does not actually cover 30 million more Americans-instead it makes them criminals if they do not buy insurance from private companies. We hope you agree that it is unconscionable to force people to buy a product from a private insurer. This would effectively be a tax-and a huge one-paid directly to a private industry. Enacting this mandate would be a major victory for the insurance companies at the expense of the American people. It should be no surprise they support the government forcing everyone to buy their product. Imagine how the hamburger industry would respond if the government forced everyone to have hamburgers for lunch or pay fines? According to the President's Council of Economic Advisers, the average annual premium for single coverage is $4,321. If the 46 million uninsured are forced to purchase private health insurance at that price, then the insurance industry stands to bring in up to $200 billion in new insurance premiums per year. The Senate bill also includes an estimated $630 billion in corporate welfare for private insurance companies in the form of subsidies over the next 10 years, creating even less incentive than currently exists for private insurance premiums to be lowered. To make matters worse, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates that 19 million Americans would not buy insurance and as a result would be forced to pay $29 billion in taxes/fines. The Joint Committee on Taxation has made it clear that failure to pay these fines could result in jail time. Thirty-six states have passed or are considering measures that would allow their residents to opt out, including Virginia, Utah, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia and Ohio. Given these fact, it is not surprising that a recent NBC News poll finds 57 percent of Americans do not want the government to create a law that requires everyone to have health insurance coverage and that only 38% of Americans favor the mandate, making it the least popular part of the bill. The American people stand in firm opposition to the individual mandate. We stand with them. We hope you will, too. Sincerely, Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, President Democrats.com, Bob Fertik, President Healthcare-NOW!, Katie Robbins, National Organizer FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, President and CEO Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), Tim Carpenter, Director Campaign for Liberty, John Tate, President 60 Plus Association, Jim Martin, President Liberty Tree Foundation, Ben Manski, Executive Director Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition National Taxpayers Union, Duane Parde, President National Coalition of Organized Women, Consuela Sylvester, Ohio Director Citizens for Health, Jim Turner, Chairman Competitive Enterprise Institute, Gregory Conko, Senior Fellow American Association of Small Property Owners, F. Patricia Callahan, President U.S. Bill of Rights Foundation, Dane vonBreichenruchardt, President Institute for Liberty, Andrew Langer, President Santa Monicans for Safe Drinking Water Coalition, Gene Burke, Founder, Director Alliance for Natural Health USA, Gretchen DuBeau, Executive Director Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director Fairfax County Privacy Council, Mike Stollenwerk, Chairman The Rutherford Institute, John W. Whitehead, President Pain Relief Network, Siobhan Reynolds, Executive Director American Policy Center, Tom DeWeese, President Justice Through Music, Brett Kimberlin, Director Velvet Revolution, Brad Friedman, Co-Founder After Downing Street, David Swanson, Co-Founder Project Vote Smart, Mark A. Adams, Founder Democracy in Action (DIA), Dorothy Reilly, Organizer Squadron13.com, Gordon Sturrock, Founder Democracy for America - Tucson Chapter, Richard Kaiser, Co-chair DownWithTyranny.com, Howie Klein, Publisher Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights, J. Bradley Jansen, Director DownsizeDC.org, Inc., Jim Babka, President Cyber Privacy Project, Richard Sobel, Director Citizens For Legitimate Government, Lori R. Price, Managing Editor Republican National Hispanic Assembly, Minnesota Chapter, Rick Agui""
How much do you pay for Auto Insurance A Month?
what do you pay a month on your auto insurance. and do you think it's to much or do you save money?
I have allstate full coverage insurance plan?
Would it cover the auto repair on my car? I curb checked bad and broke the plastic cover on the bottom that keeps water out and i bent something else under my car. Will this cover it,?""
Anyone no any cheap insurance companys for new young drivers ?
Anyone no any cheap insurance companys for new young drivers ?
How much does a motorcycle insurance cost?
20 yrs old. ninja 250r 2009. Southern Cali
Health Insurance company for a graduate student? What one is best as far as price and coverage??
Anyone have any suggestions for a good health insurance company for a graduate student? The coverage from the school is one thousand a semester and thats way to much.
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
Where to find a Company for Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quote?
I know there are many places, but please fell free to recommend me affordable individual health insurance quote""
How can i cut my insurance premiums? UK?
I have 1.9 diesel 306, and have also a TT99 on my driving license which although my ban ended a while ago i have to declare and keep on license till 11/11.I have been driving legally for 18months now but its costing me a fortune every month for the insurance. How can i reduce my insurance from average of around 3000. Or does anyone know what cars are likely to be cheap to insure and run, (baring in mind i have partner and two kids to fit in the car as well. Thanks in advanced""
What affordable health insurance is the best one out there for me? I have no health problems except BP I am 58?
I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood ...show more
Can a lender file a claim against your insurance company after repossession?
My car was repossessed on 9/11. I attempted to get my car back..but Wells Fargo played games..such as saying the car is on its way to the auction...no, its still there and we can't place a hold on it..it leaves for the auction in a couple of days. So, I went and got me another car. Now, today..I find out that they are filing a claim for the very day that they took the car. The claim was filed at 1:06 today. However, the car was not insured on that very date. Also, I had to sign some papers to reinstate the policy to the effect that no claims would be filed because NO accident occurred. Will the lender be able to file against my insurance policy under these circumstances?""
If i bought a cheap non running car on craigslist do i need to get insurance on it?
if i bought like a $600 car on craigslist that is not running, And would like to work on it to make it run. Do i have to get insurance on it, or any kind of monthly fee, while i work on it to restore it.""
Will my car insurance go up if I take it off my parents?
If i take my car off my parents insurance and pay for it on my own will the rates go up?
Dental insurance? Can i get it?
I need to make a long overdue visit to the dentist but I'm worried about the cost involved. I'm pretty sure I've tartar on the back of my teeth but been put off for how much it might cost. Would I be able to take out dental insurance considering my existing problems, how much would it cost etc? I live in the UK btw.""
What is the best car to buy in terms of getting cheap car insurance as a first time driver.?
I am over 25 but things are still costly.
Do I sign the certificate of title when selling the car to the insurance company?
My vehicle was determined to be a total loss and I have decided to give up my car to the insurance company. They have asked me to send the certificate of title and the DMV form (Vehicle transfer and reassignment form). The odd thing is that the insurance company asked that I do not sign the title document, but asked that I sign the DMV form. Should I sign both documents, or just sign the DMV form (will that be enough to successfully transfer the vehicle?) What will happen if I end up signing the certificate of title, even when the insurance company told me not to??""
Which company does the cheapest car insurance?
I have moved house and when I changed my address the Insurance company wanted an additional premium of 298. As you can imagine I cancelled the policy. I am now looking for a cheap insurer I have golf GTI (150) and my new post code is classed as higher risk. any ideas ?
Would car insurance be expensive for a Mazda RX-8?
expensive being around sportscar/ muscle car range or like a regular cars insurance?
Explain which is better to invest in insurance or mutual funds?
Explain which is better to invest in insurance or mutual funds?
What would my insurance be for a supra?
i will soon be 16. i get As and Bs occasional C. i will be insured with my mom and brother she is 51. My idea is to get a very cheap car and after about a year when im 17 i want to buy a supra with a salvaged title. nothing to bad done ive seen a few go for about 10k. so what do you guys/girls think will be the total insurance for the supra and the cheap car?
Im nearly a 17 year old who wants to know how much insurance will cost..?
hi, with me nearly turning 17 next year and i have been looking at cars i have my eyes on a citroen saxo and was wondering how much will it cost to insurance and not botherd about the price of the car because you can get them for at least 500 pounds, there are ll types of saxos arnt there like the 1.4 and i have been looking aat the saxo vtr but im wondering what saxo is better fo a first car and the insurance thanks zac whalley""
What relativley low insuarnce group sports bikes are there?
Im 19 and just passed my bike test. Im looking for my first 'sports' bike (fully faired) with quite a led down riding position. I will be restricting the bike to 33bhp (but DON'T take that into consideration). Around the 600/650cc mark. So as a question again.. What sports bikes are cheapest to insure? Thanks.
Is it cheaper insurance for a classic car?
I am hoping to pass my driving test soon and I was wondering whether it would be cheaper insurance on a classic car. I would like a Rolls Silver Shadow, though this is probably too ambitious.""
What is one way insurance?
what is one way insurance and two way insurance? I am having trouble trying to find out what it is. can anyone explain this to me?
Can You Buy Health Insurance From College?
I was reading the tuition fee from a dental school and they charge you 450 dollars a year for health care. Does that mean they will insure me while I am there or what? Do College provide health insurance while you're there?
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
What is a reasonable cost estimate of business insurance for a cottage rental?
Looking to estimate small business insurance for a single unit cottage rental we are purchasing.
Which car insurance companies should I look into?
I'm looking for car insurance and was wondering which companies you would suggest I look into and get quotes from? Which company do you have and what do you like / not like about them? Thanks!!
Young Drivers: How much did you pay for car insurance?
Hello all, I'm trying to find out the average cost of car insurance in the UK or Ireland for a political debate on the subject and was wondering if young drivers (provisional license) could provide some. Thanks very much!""
Does AAA pay the difference of how much your car lost value if the accident was not your fault?
I was recently in an accident, but it was not at my fault. The insurance company is covering everything. If the car goes down in value, does AAA pay the difference that I lost in the car? Thanks! I have no-fault by AAA in Michigan.""
Are there other ways to get your car back from the insurance company?
i went to pay my insurance company and they when i payed it they wanted my i.d so i was looking for my license where it was no where to be found so i looked for it around my entire house from top to bottom and the company refuses to give my car back untill i have some type of identification....i cant fin dit anywhere ANYWHERE! is there any other way? social security, birth certificate something!?""
Do I need to use an insurance broker to buy business insurance?
I run a small independent shop, and require business insurance. Does anyone offer this direct like household and motor, or do I have to use a specialist broker?""
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
Franklin North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28744
0 notes
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"audi a7 insurance cost
audi a7 insurance cost
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can Geico save you 10% on car insurance?
Bonus question: I have AllState, am I in good hands?""
Can't afford college Health Insurance...?
I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either.""
Teen car insurance cost?
Hi! I was wondering what some of you think a 6-month insurance policy for a newly licensed 16 yo driver would cost. Area- Rural N. CT. Full coverage on 2007 VW Rabbit and 2000 Ranger. Minimum coverage on 1999 Cadillac STS. Good student discount + drivers ed discount. I'm hoping for the $400 range on a 6 month policy, or $800-900 on a 12 month. Thoughts? Rate testimonials?""
I am looking for insurance I am 18 I dont work I live with my god father but he doesn't have insurance either.?
And I was wondering if I could get free insurance in Mo
If i cancel my auto insurance before the 6 months are up will i get money back?
i gave 730 dollars for 6 months of insurance in april and it expires in september...but im selling my car an not driving it and want to take the insurance off....will i get money back after i prepaid for 6 months even tho i didnt use all 6 months?
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
""Where do i go if I'm pregnant with no insurance in Houston, Tx?""
i am pregnant for the first time, i do not have any insurance and i don't even know where to go get my check up, and what do I need to be checked on so that my pregnancy will be ok.""
How can I take out life insurance on another person?
My father owes me money and I owe alot of money because of him. I'd like to be able to take out life insurance on him incase he dies before he pays me back. How would I go about doing this? I'm trying to figure out how to take the insurance out on him (since he owes me). Not have him get life insurance and then make me the benifactor himself.
How do I find the best car insurance rates?
How do I find the best car insurance rates?
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
Citation for no proof of insurance?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance and passengers not wearing seat belts about a month ago is there a way to fight it. Also the cost for no proof of insurance is like $930 is that right because i'm not really sure if my parents had insurance at that point because they were transitioning from one insurance to another. It was in northern California if that helps.
I am 18 years old will be 19 this month I want to by a car i have 1500 saved for it and now need to save for insurance road tax etc. my main worry is the insurance ive recieved quotes of 3500 i can not afford this I WOULD ONLY LIKE TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THIS SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR HOW MUCH YOU ARE PAYING
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
""My husband has bad knee pain, but doesn't want to go to the dr. due to having no insurance.?""
my husband dislocated his knee 3 months ago and has been in excruciating pain lately. He can't bend, walk on, put weight on his knee without it giving out and making him fall. He wont go to the dr, since we don't have any insurance (in orange co, calif) and he feels that IF he does go then they will put him in a brace or something that will hinder him from working. And since we are living paycheck to paycheck we can't afford to have him miss a lot of work. Meanwhile, he is in a very, very grumpy mood (which I can understand) and he keeps getting himself drunk so the pain will go away or is more manageable yet we all know that it wont help. Is there any advice as to what to do to make him go to the Dr? or does anyone know of a place that we can go that will actually help him out with the xray/mri/ct that he will most likely need??""
Do insurance companies have a specific category for rock crawlers and how much does it cost to insure one?
I want to buy a rock crawler and the only reason I would probably insure it is just so I could drive it on the street ocassionally not as a daily driver that wouldnt be to smart anyway depends though
Honda s2000 insurance cost ?
im sixteen and i live in florida. My parents are buying me a s2000 and i wanted to know about the insurance cost? Would it be cheaper to be added on my parents plan or have a single plan?
Can you transfer car insurance from one person to annother?
if you have paid upfront for the whole year and then you can no longer drive due to health reasons could you transfer your insurance policy over to someone else?
What is the cheapest way to get car insurance?
i passed my driving test yesterday and am looking at buying my first car but no matter what car i go fo i always get quoted around 3500 but i just cant afford that. does anyone know of any companies that specialise in young or new drivers insurance? and i would prefer less than 2000 lol xx
What's the best individual health insurance?
I am 27 and have no major health problems, but because all the jobs I have been getting lately are temporary gigs, none of my employers offer health insurance.""
Auto insurance rates question?
How is it when you buy a newer car, your rates increase, while there is no decrease as your car ages? Pure greed on the company's part?""
Did you get Affordable Health Care?
My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.""
How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?
How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?
Health care reform. Does it work?
Our new health care legislation is supposed to provide affordable health care and insurance for everyone. How exactly does that work? For example, I make about $37,000 a year. About $3200 of that goes to pay my insurance premiums. That's not really affordable, but, whatever. My job absolutely sucks. It's the worst one I've ever had. If I went to work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, where would my affordable health care come from? Who decides how much I can afford to spend? No politician is going to be able to figure out how an ordinary American lives and what they can afford. I know this sounds like angry, bitter ranting, but it's a serious question. How does this work, if it actually does?""
Can you place insurance on a car that is not in your nam?
I drive a car that is in my aunt's name. She told me that I need to get my own insurance on the car, so that she can take it off of her policy. However I am not sure if I can place insurance on a car if my name is not on the title.""
Health insurance for kids 18 and older?
Hello. Im searching for health insurance for my daughter who will be 18 in about a year and half. We are both from California. Does anyone know of any coverage that can help that dont cost an arm and a leg...I dont have much money, and my insurance will only will cover her till shes 18. I just dont want her to be with out medical help when her 18 bday comes. Thanks for your help and please be nice.""
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audi a7 insurance cost
Oregon car insurance?
Can I give my daughter my car registered in my name and she get car insurance for it?
""Car insurance, help please?""
I'm 18 years old & looking into buying a used 2011 nissan Altima from a dealer soon. My mom will be a cosigner for it & I was wondering if I would be able to insure that car under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? Insurance rates are just too outrageous & unaffordable for my age & for new cars with full coverage so I'm really hoping that it would be possible for her to insure it since she'll be a cosigner. Thanks for all the help & answers, greatly appreciated!""
What does comprehensive insurance mean?
I am trying to apply for state insurance for my daughter, who is currently on her fathers insurance through his work, and the rates have just gone up considerably. In the FAQ, it says that families who voluntarily drop employer based comprehensive insurance must wait 6 months to apply. Can someone please tell me what this means? Thank you""
Insurance california?
hi I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
Cant afford health insurance. can new york child support make me get health insurance?
my husband has another child in new york and we recently moved to pa and there trying to get him to get health insurance that he cannot afford. Can they do that or can he call them and tell them he cant afford it. He doesnt even have medical for our children or himself.
Just got in a car accident...I'm 16 we have USAA. How much will my insurance go up?
I was being stupid and driving too fast on a wet day. I spun out and hit a wall (thank god I'm okay) and damaged the back right on my car pretty bad. I know our deductible is either $500 or $1000 but my question is about my much will my insurance go up? I know its not going to be pretty since I've only had my lisense for 10 months...
How can i find good affordable insurance?
How can i find good affordable insurance?
Should I buy a 600cc or a 1000cc super sport motorcycle?
I am a fairly experienced rider, I have been riding dirt bikes since I can remember; I also have had my motorcycle licenses at age 15 and now I am now 17 years old. I have put over 10,000 on my kawasaki ninja 250r so this isn't for my first bike it is a step up because me and my dad both believe it is time. I have been looking at ZX6r's and r6's a lot but my real question is if I buy a 600cc bike will I regret it and wish I would have bought a ZX10r or a r10? Will I eventually feel like the 600 bike it's enough? Oh and I am looking to get a bike and keep it so that it will last me though senior year of high school and all of collage. I have looked at all different types of Motorcycles and the super sports have been my favorite by far. Any other information about the 600cc or 1000cc bikes and y'all's opinions on them and which ones you all personally like will be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time for answering!""
What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ?
A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years.""
Sports car insurance for a 17 year old with a provisional license?
Someone who will not cost the earth, up to group 14, uk.""
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Insurance on a 05 Polo?
I'm 17 and wondering around how much would it cost to get insurance on my mums 2005 volkswagen Polo under her name? Thanks
Health Insurance Advice?
I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.""
How old must you be to have classic car insurance?
is their any age you have to be for classic car insurance as i have been looking to buy a ford xr3i and i am 17
Has anyone ever had short term car insurance ?
how much is it ? i work alot in the summer so i only need a car for a month please help am new to this.
Will my insurance increase of I get a body kit.? ?
Im planning on getting a 1.4 pug 106 and I was going to get a DIMMA kit for it and 205 gti alloys. Will my insurance go up..?
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Insurance rates increase after claims?
If I was in a car accident and it was my fault. My insurance rate will go up. But now if the person I hit claimed Diminished Value and Pain and Suffering would that raise my insurance rate even more since my insurance company is paying out more. Or how does all that work out? Thanks in advance!
Will going to Driver's Ed make our insurance rates go up?
My mom tells me she doesn't want me to go to Driver's Ed because once insurance sees there's another driver on our plan, they will make the rate go up, or something like that... Is this true? Btw, sorry if I misused the apostrophe s in Drivers""
""I need car insurance quotes from competing companies, how do i get that?
I need to get a list of car insurance quotes from compteing companies. Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to do that?
audi a7 insurance cost
audi a7 insurance cost
High insurance on car?
Ok so I really don't know much about cars or insurance and I really want this (Nissan 350z) but someone told me it has high insurance ..what do they mean by that? If my car gets damaged it will cost more to repair? Idk..someone help though!
Are quad bike insurance cost more than a car?
and my car insurane would be about 8 grand
Insurance Company?
Does anyone know personally about the celtic health insurance. is it a good insurance company? I am needing insurance and I recently found the celtic health insurance company, and Humana. what do yall know about these?""
How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old?
I have always wanted this car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that.""
Insurance resposibility?
I am a policyholder of a vehicle, and if someone borrow my vehicle and cause a accident, who will be responsible for paying the damage, his ins or mine. and what happend if he does not have insurance coverage""
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
Will my insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance?
Will my collision insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance when I get into an accident while driving that car?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
Anyone knowing the best/cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
Hello! I am a young driver (19) who is looking to buy a new 2007 ford mustang (the deep red color). I really want this car but it looks like there is no way that I will be able to afford the auto insurance for this thing. Anyone know the best company for me to speak with? Any advice or tips will help. Thanks!
Insurance for low income disabled person?
I only make $7.14/hr at my job, got cut from my old insurance due to no longer being able to afford it, I have a learning disabilty and have no medical insurance to go to the doctors. What are some good affordable/free insurance for low income families?""
Health insurance for college students?
I'm going to be a sophomore in college and I don't think my college offers health insurance. I'm looking for cheap health insurance that'll cover me for check ups with my pediatrician, visits to the dermatologist, and prescription drugs. Suggestions?""
Looking for health insurance. I am on SS but not yet eligible for medicare. Only get $300 on SS?
I took early retirement at 62. I am now 63. I only get around $300/mo Social security. I do not qualify for Medicare until age 65. I cannot find affordable catastrophic health ...show more
Do you need your own insurance to share your parents car?
How much would it be to share my mums ford focus, I'm turning 17 soon (posted a Q earlier and realized I don't have nearly enough money.. What else would I have to pay for if I shared with her? I have no idea about cars. THanks""
Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???
Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???
If someone kicked car and left a lage dent will my insurance company pay for the repair?
some jackass kicked my car so now i have a huge dent just wanna know if insurance will cover the cost of fixing the dent and if my insurance will go up? thanks for your time.
How long does a stolen car have to be gone for the insurance to pay for you for it?
My neighbor told me the other day that their car was stolen on New Years. It was found yesterday at an apartment complex down the street. It left me wondering how long your car has to be gone before the insurance will pay you the value of the car? I assume they will pay for a rental car but you can't assume that your car will be found right away and if it is gone for a long time (3 weeks or more) will they pay for a rental that long?
Free Insurance Quotes Online?
Hi, I just bought a car and I need to get insurance asap so I can drive. A friend told me you can get free insurance quotes from websites online. Is it true?""
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
Cheap Insurance For Teens.?
I am 17, and I live in KY. Know a cheap company?""
Least Expensive Car Insurance in AZ?
I need to switch car insurance companies this month...I am currently with Geico...but its in ALabama...and if I stay with them and switch to AZ, my policy doubles!! I have two accidents and a ticket on there...So i realize I can't get it super low. But does anyone know of a really inexpensive company in AZ? Thanks!""
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
Lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today hit a tree:)?
i lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today my car slipped and hit a tree due to severe snow here. should i file my claim right away or wait few days?? my insurance company is kemper direct the agent changed my premium to 500 from 1000 deductible...
Can i get car insurance.?
my boyfriend and i broke up,and we bought a car together, hes the one with the name on the title,but i pay for the car payments as the co signer,his credit was better htan mine,the car was for me.though.he no longer will help pay for it,the insurance is for the both of us,am i able to get the car insurance under just for me if he doesnt drive it at all.""
Can I ask someone else to buy the insurance for my car?
I only have a temporary driver lisence, and if I buy a car, how can I buy the insurance for my car? The temporary lisence cannot buy the insurance. Can I ask someone else to buy it? I am in CA. Thank you!""
Question about college health insurance?
If my current health insurance is expiring this end of December, am I able to opt-out of the university health insurance for this fall and reapply for the university health insurance for the spring term--just to save money?""
audi a7 insurance cost
audi a7 insurance cost
Is a 1978 lincoln mark v cheap to insure?
i am looking at a very cheap car to insure. i was looking into one of these classic cars. i currently drive a 1995 ford explorer V6 and its RWD that costs $140 a month on insurance and it gets worse gas mileage than a 1969 lincoln mark iii. as far as i know, this is a 34 year old car and registration is probably gonna cost 50 bucks or less and i live in NH. im 19 and have no tickets or accidents, will the lincoln mark v be cheaper than my explorer. i only have liability""
I have a question about a my car insurance PLEASE HELP ME?
Okay I was in a car accident on May 7th. I was going north towards main street. there was a vehicle in front of me. The vehicle in front of me merge to left as if he was waiting for someone to come outside. He didn't have no signal light or hazards lights on. So I merge to the right pass him so the guy must didn't see me so he hit my right front end bumper, headlight, and door. So I didn't have my insurance in the car so I got a ticket and the other guy had a ticket because he didn't have insurance. On the police report it said he had a left sgnal light to turn in is driveway. Just to remind you that the vehicle doesn't belong to the driver and he had a NY license. My insurance liability told that he couldn't contact the other guy to see if he had insurance and send him letters. So he told he's going to put it's not at fault but I have to pay for a $500 deductible. But WHY?????? if he didn't look at the cars but he's going to basis on paper work. Is that wrong? or should I look into some more??????? HELP ME""
Car insurance after accident?
I am 18 and have been driving for 1 year, I used to drive as an additional driver on my Dads Renault Megane, I crashed it from spinning off and hitting a wall, luckily no one was hurt, I just had a few cuts from shattered glass. The police have arranged for me to have an interview next week to discuss the consequences, at the moment I have no convictions or anything on my licence, my Dad just bought me my own car and has said he'll pay for the insurance in full, it's quoted at 880 for a year if he pays in full, he was planning on paying in full in 2 days, I'm not trying to cheat the system, but if my dad pays in full and then I get a conviction after the transaction has been made, can the insurance company up my insurance considering I had no convictions at the time? I'm not trying to beat the system and cheat my way, I'm just curious as to what will happen. Thanks for taking the time to read!""
How can i find out if someone has insurance on me?
life insurance police
I need my car on the road to get me to work but the insurance is way to high?
Im 18 year old and need my car on the road to get myself to work but the insurance is about 2500 or higher. Does anyone know a company that deals with young drivers or knows a way around it to make it cheaper.
Medicare or other affordable health insurance?
I live in NYC, just moved here and need to find relatively affordable health insurance. Up till now was covered by plans through employers. Is Medicare decent coverage? Is it very different from others?""
What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?
What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?
Will I be dropped by my insurance due to suspension of license?
I recently had my California license suspended due to a failure to appear in court (yes I'm an idiot). Will my insurance drop me because of this? I am still paying my car off as well. If my insurance drops me, will that affect my car loan? Any help at all is greatly appreciated.""
Moped/car insurance question!?
hey i have just turned 16 and im thinking of getting a moped but what i want to know is if i had been riding a moped for a year, would i then have cheaper insurance when it came to insurning a car when im 17, seeing as i would of already experianced the road etc or would it make no difference? thanks""
Low Insurance Car For Teen Boy?
I am turning 16 in a couple of months and I need to know what USED vehicles would be best for low insurance. Nothing lower than 1998 and nothing higher than 2007. Please give me some suggestions. NO ugly cars either...
Are classic cars cheap to insure?
for example all cars older then 1990: trans am and camaro's older then cadillac eldorado's older then rolls royce silver shadow chevy belair dodge charger chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl and other american and classic european cars
Quote for Car Insurance!?
Hello, I need some help in with Car Insurance...............So, I want to purchase a Honda Accord coupe iES 1997-1999, I went on those car insurance compare sites and was quoted over 4000pounds!!! Here is the information I gave there, i was born in 1990, have license for 5 years, I have an international drivers license, I started living in the UK in April 2013, unemployed......Can someone please tell me why i was quoted so much money!! I even tried putting my partner who has been driving for 14 years and no luck! Is there any way for me to get cheaper car insurance? And is comprehensive or third party cheaper for me? Thankxx""
How much will insurance go up?
I'm 20 living in NJ. Been driving for about 2 years and under my parents insurance policy. I have no points on my license other than the ones that you start out with.I've gotten 2 tickets before but neither of them were point tickets and neither of them went to insurance. This ticket I just received was for speeding (over by 9 MPH). About how much will my monthly insurance rate increase by?
Cobra or individual health insurance?
If I loss of group health insurance due to end of employment, but the company offers Cobra plan which is too expensive for me, can I get the individual health insurance or I have to stick with the Cobra plan? I live in NJ.""
""Under 1000 car, low insurance group, fuel effieient, help?
I'm looking to get myself a car for one year as soon as i pass my test so i can get a no claims bonus. what car would be best to buy (used) what year (reliable or not too difficult to keep maintained by me alone.) It needs to have a low monthly running cost and be almost guaranteed to survive without major (>150) parts replacement over the year. and it needs to be in a low insurance group.
Whats a cheap affordable classic for a young man?
im 20 had my lisence for over two years but i can never afford insurance! i dont live with my mummy and daddy so i cant blag there insurance, and i also cant borrow money from them! so if you have ideaas for me i would prefer a TAX exempt classic? any ideas? thanks""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
I can't help wondering who is going to pay the Doctors when everyone is paying for affordable insurance ?
And there are safety nets for drugs costing 100s of dollars and hospitals that cost billions of dollars to run. Who is going to pay for it? Seriously. The ACA? The small amount of money the Insurance companies collect because I assure you it's much less than the Cadillac Plans of yesteryear
How much is car insurance cost likely to go down between age of 17 and 23?
I have not passed my theory or practical test yet and had a few years break from driving but aim to complete it and pass this year. How likely is it that cost will decrease due to age? Also I aim to take the pass plus test as well I live in the UK if that helps thanks
Insurance and baby drama?
My boyfriend has another daughter that is placed on his insurance as is our daughter. Will this other kid effect my daughters benefits for being on his insurance along with the other kid?
Is it absolutely necessary to buy insurance when renting a car?
I am renting a car for 5 days. I'm not sure if my own personal car insurance covers for a rental, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Its almost $100 for the insurance that they offer! Seems like a trap. Is it absolutely necessary to purchase it? Thanks""
Car insurance coverage question...?????
I have state farm. there's an expectation of a severe storm with softball size hail heading our metroplex. I'm in the middle of switching car insurance. The coverage will expire april 10, 2008. Will state farm covers me if I have hail damage on the same day it's expired?""
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang v6?
I am 18 years old, I currently have an 03 Tacoma 4 door Prerunner and my current insurance rate is around $210 a month. I live in Louisiana, I average around a 3.0 GPA and I have saved up and I am really close to owning a 2011 mustang and I was curious if someone could give me an estimate on around how much the insurance might cost. Thanks""
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
audi a7 insurance cost
audi a7 insurance cost
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