#but it’s previously been used that Tony Stark is more of a cold-hearted businessman
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #36
#not Tony calling both his playboy and Iron Man identities masks that he hides behind#and then referring to himself as a prisoner#specifically half a prisoner#because his heart issues- while still a problem- are lessened by his heart transplant#so that’s not confining him so much#but he’s still trapped in that he can’t give up being Iron Man#the masks thing is so interesting to me because he’s divided his life into these two roles#that are both acts in their own way#not just from the necessity of them having to behave differently for secret identity reasons#but because of the different roles that they play in his life#here the Tony Stark identity was being used to represent the enjoyment part so the playboy personality was emphasized#but it’s previously been used that Tony Stark is more of a cold-hearted businessman#and so it was the Iron Man identity that he could express more compassion in#whereas other times it’s been that Iron Man is more machine-like#or more of a very standard general hero#and while this can be explained by trying to make them come across differently for secret identity reasons#it’s often written that he falls into those things because of the difficulty of managing dual identities#something comes across a certain way due to circumstances beyond his control and then he sticks with it#and that as a recurring pattern makes it seem like he personally doesn’t know how best to divide himself and be himself#he’s allowing these situations to dictate his behavior and acts according to expectations#as opposed to ever just acting naturally as ‘himself’ whatever that would be like#also interesting to think of consequences here because Iron Man is a faceless identity#he’s allowed Tony to look bad and make Iron Man the more liked identity#but has also blamed Iron Man for unpopular decisions to spare Tony from interpersonal repercussions#I wonder if he has more of an attachment to and so is more protective of one or the other#anyway I just finished reading A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick a few hours ago and I’m very into identity issues right now#marvel#tony stark#my posts#comic panels
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Bio for Hero Verse:
Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark was born on May 29, 1975, in Manhattan, New York to Howard Stark, a famous genius inventor and businessman, and Maria Stark, a New York socialite and philanthropist. Growing up under the eye of family butler Edwin Jarvis, his life was characterized by a cold and affectionless relationship with his father. Seeing that his son could achieve great things, Howard tried to inspire him with constant talks about his own role in the creation of Captain America. 
This instead embittered Stark, who felt that his father was taking more pride in his creations than in his family. A brilliant and unique child prodigy, Stark attended MIT for two years starting at age 14, graduating at the age of 16.On December 16, 1995, when Stark was 20, his parents went away to the Bahamas, but planned to stop at the Pentagon to deliver Super Soldier Serum he had redeveloped. 
On their way there, both were killed in a car accident—later revealed to be an assassination carried out by the Winter Soldier who was mind controlled by Hydra to steal the serum. As a result, Stark inherited his father's company, becoming CEO of Stark Industries. Over the years, he became well known as a weapons designer and inventor.
In 2010, Stark travels to war-torn Afghanistan with his friend and military liaison Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to demonstrate Stark's new "Jericho" missile. After the demonstration, the convoy is ambushed and Stark is critically wounded and imprisoned by a terrorist group, the Ten Rings. Fellow captive Ho Yinsen, a doctor, implants an electromagnet into Stark's chest to keep shrapnel shards from reaching his heart and killing him.
Stark and Yinsen secretly build a small, powerful electric generator called an arc reactor to power Stark's electromagnet and a suit of powered armor. When the Ten Rings attack the workshop, Yinsen sacrifices himself to divert them while the suit is completed. The armored Stark battles his way out of the cave to find the dying Yinsen, then burns the Ten Rings' weapons in anger and flies away, crashing in the desert. Rescued by Rhodes, Stark returns home to announce that his company will no longer manufacture weapons. In his home workshop, Stark builds a sleeker, more powerful version of his improvised armor suit as well as a more powerful arc reactor.
Stark learns that Obadiah Stane has been arms trafficking to criminals worldwide, and is staging a coup to replace him as Stark Industries' CEO. Stark, in his new armor, flies to Afghanistan and saves the villagers. Stane ambushes Stark at his home and takes the arc reactor from his chest, revealing that Stane was responsible for Stark's captivity. Stark manages to get to his original reactor to replace it and defeats Stane. The next day, at a press conference, Stark publicly admits to being "Iron Man."
Six months later in 2011, Stark has become a superstar and uses his Iron Man suit for peaceful means, resisting government pressure to sell his designs. He reinstitutes the Stark Expo to continue his father's legacy, but discovers that the palladium core in the arc reactor that keeps Stark alive and powers the armor is slowly poisoning him. 
Stark competes in the Monaco Historic Grand Prix and is attacked mid-race by Ivan Vanko, who wields electrified whips powered by a miniature arc reactor. Stark dons his Mark V armor and defeats Vanko, but the suit is severely damaged. At his birthday party, Stark gets drunk while wearing the Mark IV suit. Rhodes dons Stark's Mark II prototype armor and tries to restrain him. The fight ends in a stalemate, so Rhodes confiscates the Mark II for the U.S. Air Force.
Stark discovers a hidden message from his father, a diagram of the structure of a new element, which Stark synthesizes. At the Expo, Stark's rival Justin Hammer unveils Vanko's armored drones he had him make, led by Rhodes in a heavily weaponized version of the Mark II armor. Stark arrives in the Mark VI armor to warn Rhodes, but Vanko remotely takes control of both the drones and Rhodes' armor and attacks Iron Man. Stark and Rhodes together defeat Vanko and his drones. 
In 2012, when the Asgardian Loki arrives and begins menacing Earth, seizing the Tesseract from a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, Fury activates the Avengers Initiative and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson visits Stark to have him review the research of Erik Selvig on the Tesseract. In Stuttgart, Steve Rogers and Loki fight briefly until Tony Stark appears in his Iron Man armor, resulting in Loki's surrender. While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier.
The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons. Agents possessed by Loki attack the Helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight, which Stark and Rogers must work to restart. Loki escapes, and Stark and Rogers realize that for Loki, simply defeating them will not be enough; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki uses the Tesseract to open a wormhole in New York City above the Avengers Tower to allow the Chitauri fleet in space to invade. 
Fury's superiors from the World Security Council attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Midtown Manhattan. Stark intercepts the missile, and in an apparent sacrifice of his own life, takes it through the wormhole toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonates, destroying the Chitauri mothership and disabling their forces on Earth. Stark's suit runs out of power, and he falls back through the wormhole but the Hulk saves him from crashing into the ground.
Several years later, Stark and the Avengers raid a Hydra facility commanded by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who has been experimenting on siblings Pietro and Wanda Maximoff using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. While the team fights outside, Stark enters the lab and finds the scepter, along with Chitauri ships from the Battle of New York and androids under construction. Wanda sneaks up behind him and uses her mind manipulation powers to give him a haunting vision: the death of all the Avengers except him. Stark awakens from the vision and grabs Loki's scepter.
Several years later, Stark and the Avengers raid a Hydra facility commanded by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who has been experimenting on siblings Pietro and Wanda Maximoff using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. While the team fights outside, Stark enters the lab and finds the scepter, along with Chitauri ships from the Battle of New York and androids under construction. Wanda sneaks up behind him and uses her mind manipulation powers to give him a haunting vision: the death of all the Avengers except him. Stark awakens from the vision and grabs Loki's scepter.
Returning to Stark Tower, Stark and Bruce Banner discover an artificial intelligence within the scepter's gem, and secretly decide to use it to complete Stark's "Ultron" global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron eliminates Stark's A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. and attacks the Avengers at Stark Tower. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron builds an army of robot drones, kills Strucker and recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his company's weapons. The Avengers find and attack Ultron, but Wanda subdues most of the team with personalized, disturbing visions, causing Banner to transform into the Hulk and rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor.
After hiding at Clint Barton's house, Nick Fury arrives and encourages Stark and the others to form a plan to stop Ultron, who is discovered to have forced the team's friend Dr. Helen Cho to perfect a new body for him. Rogers, Romanoff, and Barton find Ultron and retrieve the synthetic body, but Ultron captures Romanoff. Returning to their headquarters in New York, the Avengers fight amongst themselves when Stark and Banner secretly upload J.A.R.V.I.S.—who is still operational after hiding from Ultron inside the Internet—into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, explaining that the gem on its brow was part of his vision. 
This "Vision" and the Maximoffs, now on their side, accompany Stark and the Avengers to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. One of Ultron's drones is able to activate the machine. The city plummets, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and shatter the landmass. The Avengers establish a new base, and Stark leaves the team in the hands of Rogers and Romanoff.
Besides his age this is Where Canon Starts to Diverge:
In 2016, U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross informs the Avengers that the United Nations (UN) is preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords, which will establish UN oversight of the team. The Avengers are divided: Stark supports oversight because of his role in Ultron's creation and Sokovia's devastation, while Rogers has more faith in his own judgment than that of a government. Circumstances lead to Rogers and fellow super-soldier Bucky Barnes—framed for a terrorist attack—going rogue, along with Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang. Stark assembles a team composed of Romanoff, T'Challa, Rhodes, Vision, and Peter Parker to capture the renegades at Leipzig/Halle Airport.
So up until the battle, Tony thinks that the Accords are a good idea except that he doesn’t treat Wanda as bad as she’s treated in the movies.  She will be in Avengers compound but she’s kept there to train and he will try to find someone to help her learn to control her powers. 
When they go to Germany, Tony actually listens to Steve but there is still a fight that ensues.  When Rhodey falls from the sky and is injured, Tony calls the entire thing off.  He goes with Steve and Bucky to the compound with the other Super soldiers but when he finds out about what happened, he’s very angry but doesn’t attack Bucky and Steve.  This takes away the rift that is there between the three men.  Tony does help Clint and Sam and although they must stay on the run, Tony supplies them resources and doesn’t let Ross know where they are.
In 2018, Stark and Potts are in a New York City park changes that are going to be made to move the business in another direction when Banner, who had disappeared after the Battle of Sokovia, crash-lands at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Banner relays a warning to Stephen Strange, Wong, and Stark that the mad Titan Thanos plans to use the Infinity Stones to kill half of all life in the universe. Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian arrive to retrieve the Time Stone, prompting Strange, Stark, Wong, and Parker to confront them. Although Cull Obsidian is incapacitated and thrown into Antarctica, Strange is captured by Maw. Stark and Parker sneak aboard Maw's spaceship to rescue him.
After successfully freeing Strange and killing Maw, the trio proceed to Thanos’ home planet Titan, where they meet members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. They form a plan to confront Thanos and remove the Infinity Gauntlet, but Thanos overpowers the group and stabs Stark. Strange surrenders the Time Stone in exchange for Thanos sparing Stark. Thanos takes the stone and departs Titan for Earth, retrieves the final stone, and activates the Infinity Gauntlet. Stark and Nebula, stranded on Titan, watch as Parker and others are turned to dust.
For the end battle, Tony will take the gauntet but instead of him dying, his right arm is destroyed and he will use the same nanotech that is hooked to his chest to create an arm for him to use.  Also at the end of the battle, Tony 45 years old will remain as Ironman until he can train someone as his replacement.  Also in the five years of the Blip, Pepper and Tony have a one night stand and she gets pregnant with Morgan. @mhstark3000 .  With this, they are not married and aren’t even dating.  He will be in Morgan’s life though and Pepper and Tony do an amazing job co-parenting, especially once her retires from being Ironman.
During the time of Wanda Vison and TFATWS, he is retired from being an Avenger but will pick it up if he’s needed.  Also he’s been working inventions and his own thing.
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