#but it’s just lonely dancers that has me like eugh.
wawataka · 7 months
me and a friend of mine have a mutual artist we both like and he came out with a song recently and my friend loves it and has been raving about it and i have no idea how to tell them i don’t like it
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dannifielding · 4 years
Bright Eyes Snippet #???
Currently stuck with Amelia in Season 14. Enjoy under the cut.
Castiel sat down across from Sam as he hung up the phone, looking worse for wear as he held a bottle of beer up to his head. “Who was that?” he asked.
“Uh, Ketch. He’s in London searching for the Newton-Dee Hyperbolic Pulse Generator.”
Cas frowned. “The what?”
“It’s-It’s the magic egg that kicked Lucifer out of the president. I thought we could use it on Michael, but Ketch can’t find it. So that’s another dead end, which is just awesome.”
He was surrounded by books and lore, obviously still trying to find anything that could get Michael out of Dean. Castiel couldn’t blame him, but the concern he felt didn’t abate. “Sam, are you alright?”
The younger Winchester let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah, I’ve been better,” he replied. “I’ve been worse.” He took a look at the angel, who was still sporting wounds from the beating the demons had given him. “What about you?”
“I’m-I’m just sorry,” he replied. “I should never have gone to those demons.”
“Cas, I—” Sam started before shooting him a reassuring smile. “I don’t blame you. Honestly, I wish I’d thought of it first. If it meant finding Dean I’d-I’d work with…” He shook his head, not liking where his train of thought was leading him. “I’d do anything.”
Cas nodded along and, for a moment, they both sat in silence. “How is Amy doing?” he asked.
Sam shifted in his seat as he thought on the blonde woman. “Concerningly well,” he replied. “She’s been helping out all over the joint. She made dinner for everyone yesterday. She even sat down with Maggie to show her how to hack into the traffic cams so we would have more people able to help if we needed it.”
“Has she left the bunker?”
“Not yet.”
Cas looked down at his hands and saw the cuts on them. “That might not be a bad thing.”
“Yeah, that’s my thought as well,” Sam agreed. When he had gone to pick Jack and Amy up from the church, she had not been in the best state. Jack had explained the wound in her chest, and she had been a rather distant from everyone for the first night. He suspected she was wallowing in her own denial, he just hoped they found Dean before it broke.
He straightened slightly, forcing his worry down as Jack stepped into the library. “Hey, how’s it going?” he greeting, alerting Cas to his presence as well.
Jack came to a stop at the end of the table, standing a little awkwardly. “I’m fine,” he repeated yet again, almost sounding as if he meant it. “Amy told me to come tell you that she’s about to tidy your room, and if you want to hide your ‘special interest’ magazines, you’d better come do it now.” He frowned. “I’m not sure what ‘special interest’ magazines are, but she wouldn’t explain and just told me to tell you.”
“Tidy my…” Sam started, sending Cas a look. He looked just as confused as he felt, so they both stood up. “Yeah, come on,” he instructed Jack. “Why is she cleaning my room?”
“She’s cleaning everyone’s room,” he explained. Sure enough, as they reached the hallway where the bunkrooms started, there were small bags lining the wall outside both Jack’s and Cas’s room. Amelia was stood by Sam’s door, hair pulled back with a box of cleaning supplies by her feet. She smiled at them all as they appeared.
“Hey, I knew I was right,” she crowed. “You getting lonely at night, Sammy?”
“What? No!” he replied defensively and her smirk said that was the exact reaction she was expecting. “What are you doing?”
“Well, tomorrow is laundry day,” she replied. “And all the hunters here means that we’re drinking our way through Kansas, I’m thinking I might need to head to the recycling center as well. So, I thought that I would do a bit of tidying so I can get everything together and not have to make multiple trips.”
“Well, then,” he said as he opened his door onto his immaculate bedroom. “There’s nothing for you here, then.”
She actually frowned at how clean he was. “Eugh, Sam, what do you do in here that means you’re this clean?” she asked. “It’s not right.”
“There’s nothing- I’m not—” he stuttered out. She just shot him a look before pulling his door shut.
“I’m disappointed in you, Sam,” she continued. “Well, Jack is going to help me with the rest.” This seemed news to Jack, but all of them knew better than to argue with her. “You all may as well help as well.”
Of course, the next room she stopped at was Dean’s. She hesitated for a moment but then opened it. She saw the difference between the two men’s rooms and immediately felt more at ease. “See? This is how a bedroom should look.”
She pulled her phone out and flicked her music on. “Right, rubbish first, then recycling. Clothes and bedding last. And this,” she pulled a pair of gloves out of the box and handed them to Sam. “Is for anything you cannot identify.”
“You know, he spent ages setting up this room,” Sam pointed out as she began to bob her head to the music. “It’s like he just gave up.”
“Yeah, well, what do you expect?” she retorted. “When I was six years old I broke my leg. I was running from my brother and his friends.”
She shoved some cleaning supplies at Cas and nudged him towards the bathroom. “And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down. I was younger then. Take me back to when I…”
I found my heart and broke it here. Made friends and lost them through the years. And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I've grown. But I can't wait to go home.
Cas, dutifully, took the cleaning suppliers and headed into Dean’s bathroom to clean up. Sam leant against the door as Amelia continued to sing to herself as she started to pick up the wrappers from around Dean’s bed.
“Fifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes. Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends,” she continued happily. “Had my first kiss on a Friday night. I don't reckon that I did it right.” She shot Sam a look that suggested that she was much better than the song was giving her credit for. “I was younger then. Take me back to when we found weekend jobs, when we got paid.” She walked over with an empty bottle that she’d found underneath Dean’s bed. “We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight. Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long. Oh, how we've grown. But I can't wait to go home.”
She placed it into a recycling bag then grabbed Sam’s hands. “I'm on my way. Driving at 90 down those country lanes. Singing to ‘Tiny Dancer’.” She grinned, making him dance with her. He half-humoured her for a moment then sent her over to Jack, who was happy to be silly with her. It was nice that, even though Dean and Michael were always at the forefront of their mind, that something as simple as Amy and Jack dancing whilst cleaning could bring a little bit of happiness into their lives.
He could tell Cas agreed as he stopped in the doorway to watch them, a fond smile on his face. She laughed as Jack spun her away from him and she chucked her arms out. “And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real. We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill. Over the castle on the hill.”
She motioned to Jack to take off the sheets with a flick of her hand. She headed to Dean’s desk, where she began wiping it down. “One friend left to sell clothes. One works down by the coast. One had two kids but lives alone. One's brother overdosed.” She turned around and looked out at them all. “One's already on his second wife. One's just barely getting by. But these people raised me and I can't wait to go home.”
She started to walk over to Sam, but paused when she caught the sight of herself in the mirror. She started to fluff her hair. “And I’m on my way. I still remember those old country lanes.” She reached out, grabbing the door of the mirrored cabinet. “When we did not know the answers.”
No one saw it coming. Her face contorted as she ripped it off from the hinges and flung it across the room. She turned to the desk she had just tidied and swept everything off it, sending pictures and lore books everywhere. The tidied room exploded into chaos as she screamed.
Sam darted forward and wrapped her up in his arms and she broke down, sobbing hard and heavy as her denial broke and they both fell to the floor. He held her close, rocking his friend, shushing her as she shook. His own tears welled up and he pressed a kiss to her hair. Bobby and Mary quickly appeared in the doorway, alert at the sudden noise. Jack didn’t know what to do but stand awkwardly. Castiel hadn’t reacted fast enough, and so he stood watch as two of the most important people in his life fell under the heartbreak of losing Dean Winchester.
“Over the castle on the hill.”
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