#but it’d be nice to have more public multiuse spaces
hamable · 6 months
There should be more twenty-four hour work spaces. It cannot be that hard to implement. If the idea of running a business didn’t make me want to barf I’d do it myself. Take the skeleton of a twenty four hour gym business but instead of paying $10 a month to lift weights I can pay $10 a month to park my butt in a reading nook or at a large table. Bonus points if you run a little cafe in there too but you don’t gotta. I don’t need a bougie ultra hip spot, I need an accessible, comfortable, multi-purpose place I can use at any time. I’ll pay a small fee, thats fine, that’s how business works. Literally I’m thinking 24 hour gym membership but for a study/work space.
And yeah, I’ve got a larger discussion in me about free public spaces and bathrooms and shelter and multi-use spaces but that’s another post for another day.
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