#but it was easier to just slap the rough designs on patreon for now
mayorofcattown · 2 years
Patreon Update
Changing things up a bit on my patreon this month, I’ve decided to start posting some concept sketches and things up on my patreon while I start roughing out designs for some of my newer original story ideas, specifically the animal people one I’ve been posting about recently.
link: https://www.patreon.com/mayorofcattown
Since I’m currently already working on my original sci fi VN os:tri, I didn’t really want to spend a tonne of time and energy drawing/posting full pieces and designs for characters for a game idea that probably won’t get made for literal years, especially when I really should be promoing the game that’s coming out before it, but I still want to share some of the process cause it’s neat, so I figured I’d upload rough process things and more indepth lore to my patreon where people who are interested can see more, but I can still keep them fairly rough and focus more art energy on things that are actually important.
This is all to say I’ve just posted some rough concept sketches of the family of my deer boy OC Raleigh, including Prince Not Phillip the unicorn man I was lamenting about the other day lol. here is a fun teaser
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There’s also just some more indepth Lore about their whole convoluted family drama, and also some little logos and things I designed
I’m still going to keep doing the speedpaints cause they’re easy enough to make (I might still do one this month if I have time? I’ll see) these are just a fun extra edition. I also wont post anything that outright spoils any of my story ideas, it’s mostly just set up/worldbuilding stuff, esp stuff that’d show up fairly early on anyway, so not everything I make will get posted there, but there’s enough non spoiler stuff to still be worth sharing.
Oh yeah I also decided to name for this setting/universe/whatever is probably going to be Soluna. I just think it sounds neat and fits the sun/moon motif
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