#but it was *spiritually* a convertible 😂
freepassbound · 2 years
62, 78, 100
62. What’s your comfort movie?
Literally just going shelf-by-shelf looking at all the answers to this question: Shrek, Entrapment, Groundhog Day, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Ocean's Eleven, How to Steal a Million, Charade, Sneakers, The Princess Bride, The Importance of Being Earnest, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Moulin Rouge, The Blues Brothers
78. Back scratches or having your hair played with?
I've had so little experience with either that I don't think I could choose? They're each very nice. 🥴
Why not both? 🥺
100. What’s one of your fondest memories?
At this point, it's anything from my old school, anything with the kids. I couldn't choose.
Non-school related: on my way to what turned out to be one of the best weeks of vacation I've ever had, going to one of the most beautiful places I've ever been for the first time; driving up the lakeshore road, windows down, hearing "Chariot" for the first time.
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ardenrabbit · 5 months
Hello! I was rereading A Long and Slow Recovery and read those moments when Hua Cheng’s butterflies would just randomly flutter off him. It seemed to happen when he was feeling happy or some strong positive emotion. I just thought it was a really nice touch to add that. And another small tell to let us know how strongly and how GOOD he feels being around his Gege, especially when Xie Lian is displaying his love and affection for him. 🌸🌸🌸
Ahh thank you!!! 💐💖💐 I just feel like when he's that stupid happy he needs to vent it somehow lol. Thinking about how MXTX was saying that HC pulls away and avoids touch with XL either as self-punishment or specifically because he's afraid he'll get too excited about touching his God, so my brain extrapolated that to mean that HC gets overstimulated and overwhelmed lol (hence alasr chapter 21 lmaooo). Also, ghost fever when he needs to offload spiritual energy? He's venting! And he's literally never been this happy before, so how else is he supposed to cope? 😂 So instead of kicking and screaming, he just converts it to spiritual energy and burns it off via butterflies?? Idk I think it's cute 😅💖
Thank you so much for these comments, they make me so happy 💕🥹💕
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aenvittorielle · 6 months
What do you think about Shadowheart’s romance with Halsin? I feel this ship needs to grow bigger.
aw, i find this couple quite interesting!
if you don’t play Shadowheart as the main character, but watch her at camp, you can notice some notes of melancholy in her, which an optimistic Halsin could dilute. they’re both devoted to their deities & they’re deeply spiritual characters (it’s not so easy to break the Shadowheart in relation to the goddess Shar, but even turning away from Shar, she converts to the faith of Selune).
the storyline where Shadowheart reunite with his parents and they set up a house with a ‘Shadowheart zoo’ can be supplemented with Halsin's line, in which he helps those in need, finally drops the role of a wanderer, visits Shadowheart & helping with animals. :) and the only one who can really appreciate the strange and bearded jokes of Shadowheart‘s dad is Halsin.
in my personal astrological headcanon, Halsin is Sagittarius, and Shadowheart is Aquarius, and this couple plays charmingly on compatible contrasts; Shadowheart, in a sense, on her wave can understand the freedom-loving and wild nature of bright Sagittarius. (well, here i aggressively press the brake pedal, because i’m ready to talk about astrology endlessly). 😂
p.s. they also might want to visit a couple of drow again and have some fun again....xD
that’s it! 🤍
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spectrum-spectre · 2 months
14. 21, 25, 28 for the fun ask game please! I am greedy for the spec lore
yay! link to the post here
14: what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
sneak out of the house in the middle of the night! I never got to do it as a teenager because our old house had cameras and alarms on all the doors, but I successfully did it for the first time the other night! I was playing the Mission Impossible theme song in my head the entire time haha
21: are you a spiritual person?
kinda? I've always had a difficult time talking about spirituality and religion because I was raised "Christian" but wasn't allowed to ask questions or express doubt in any way without being reprimanded for disobedience/insubordination/undermining authority/being disrespectful etc etc
✨ religious trauma, yay ✨
anywho, I never fully believed all of it, but I wasn't sure what I did believe until my Grandma (who converted to Judaism in her late-30s) sent me the book Judaism for Dummies 😂 I'm still not 100% certain what type/sect/branch fits my beliefs, or if I even want to formally convert like she did, but my cousin-who was raised Jewish-says there's a lot less restrictions nowadays as to like... who can consider/call themselves Jewish (if that makes sense?). like, the bar for entry is much lower than it used to be
25: fave season and why?
autumn, hands down. Halloween. need I say more?
28: do you collect anything?
lots of stuff! stuffed animals, snowglobes, paintings, baseball hats, sunglasses, lanyards and keychains, stickers, buttons, and enamel pins <3
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
Do you think Hinduism should become an expansionist religion?
😂😂😂 Sham Sharma ki Video dekhi na tu?
Anyways, my answer to the question is that it depends.
In our current geopolitical atmosphere and the anti Hindu forces working tenuously to shrink us further, it is somewhat required. We have seen how not using the expansionist stratergy has costed the Jews over millenia, as it has done to us because the radicals we are against (obviously, I do not mean an average Christian or Muslim but just the radical elements) are expansionists.
Because the truth is that the conversion situation is more dire than we like to think, more people leave Hinduism than the reverts who join, and although we talk about muslim radicals, the christian missionaries are the ones leading the penchant fr.
And, it is not like we cannot do it. On the contrary, I feel like we will do it quite splendidly given how we attracted the likes of George Harrison, Julia Roberts, Miley Cyrus, Will Smith, Stallone either partially or fully to our faith without trying, and organisations such as ISCKON who do not even consist of 1% of total Hindus have done a steady job in bringing people to Hinduism, becasue Hinduism has a pluralistic and flexible belief system that connects to both religion and spirituality.
And we have done it before. Adi Shankaracharya did that when India was becoming dangerously close to becoming a Budhhist nation, so it is totally fine as long as it is to save our identity/make people aware of the truth of Hinduism like jagatguru did when people were converting out due to not understanding it properly, and not dominate the world.
If even 20% of Hindu population starts spreading their faith to the curious minded induviduals, we can hold up on our own against the offenders.
And I do not mean aggressive tactics or freebie promises at all, but a simple sharing of faith to those interested. Please, keep your mouths shut to people who already are in love with their religions.
The Ghar Wapsi initiative has been popular but failed to attract enough people as expected, simply because of the aggression that surrounds it. Its beginnings and the intrusive hindu groups that exploit the word have made people (especially non Hindus) wary of it, and an average Hindu is still a person who is not a fan of unwarranted conflicts and does not care what faith other people practice. The truth is that initiatives like ghar wapsi can only work within India as long as it does not rid itself of the radical elements around it.
ISCKON has used nothing but song, dance and love of God and today Hare Krishna movement is spread worldwide. They have done the mere job of actually making people aware of God, whereas Ghar Wapsi is based more on an Individual being a Hindu than an actual affiliation to God (reason #956834 why I don’t believe that extremists actually care about our Gods). Which is again why it cannot be popular outside India; you need to know about the Gods you are considering following, and while you can expect Indian Non-Hindus to know since this is a Hindu majority country, you cannot really expect that of people in Russia, Cambodia, El Salvador etc.
This is all I can say for now, the rest I will explain later.
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brittanyautumn333 · 11 months
Why I NEVER tell a potential partner about my religious practice
- at least not initially
I generally always tell men on the first date / the first time we meet that I am Christian. Though, I’ve practiced esotericism for a LONG time. I have a few reasons:
- He is less likely to make assumptions about me if I identify with a more “conventional” religious practice. Some men JUDGE just as much, if not more so, than women do at times. I am an excellent people reader, so I usually avoid these types of dudes anyways. I’d prefer for the worst thing that HE thinks I could do to him would be to try to convert him 😭😂 I’ll make myself seem weak, conservative, and small on purpose (I am a bit shy at first, so I come off this way anyways lol 😭) This is a good way for me to test his character and how easily he slips into manipulation tactics because he assumes less of me.
- I DO NOT KNOW WHO PRACTICES. Men practice as well. I do not know if he KNOWS anyone who practices. TikTok witches go around claiming “spiritual protection” and babbling to anyone who will listen about how they practice. Experienced practitioners know the importance of selectively sharing information. A lot of my knowledge is based on the CLOSED practices of my ancestors, knowledge that is NOT welcome to just anyone. If you tell someone you’ve “hexed” exactly how you did it, and they’re experienced, you just gave them the blueprint on how to reverse it right back to you. Attempting to rub magic in people’s faces may do the opposite of what you intended.
- my beliefs are incredibly complex and individualistic. I would consider them Abrahamic in nature for the most part. It is complicated and takes an extensive amount of time to explain them. And again, I don’t share the full scope for a reason. Even with a partner, I would hesitate unless I was sure of him and our future.
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lilly-onthevalley · 3 years
Items that you cannot live without
Hii, thank you for sending this ask! One of my favourite mutuals (@altessenoelle ) just posted an ask similar to this and I think it's such a fun little question.
A Big Book
I love writing. It keeps me sane, one of my most important habits is to write down my dreams. It's part of my religion/spirituality. It also helps because I struggle with lots of nightmares and out of pocket dreams so writing helps me grasp control of myself in my dreams as well as picking up anything I might think is a message
Another big book
This one is for journalling and putting my thoughts onto paper. It calms me down and is a nice way to make sure I'm in track and moving forward while maintaining my happiness and gratefulness
A Gel Pen
I am absolutely crazy about pens and stationery items. I don't know why but normal rough pens bring me down to literal tears. I write in cursive at all times so giving me a rough ball point is like a stab in the heart. I always have a gel pen on hand, preferably black and 3mm.
My reading tablet
I spend most of my time reading. My reading tablet is more important to me than most electrical items I have. It has character and contains only books and audios of calming rain.
My Lion Flasks
I drink a lot of tea, it's probably unhealthy. Maybe around 1.5 litres on a normal day :D. So when I'm on the go my flasks are really important to me.
Any sort of Silver jewellery
Whether it be real silver, white gold or even an alloy, having something silver on me is nice. It ties to my relatives who have a love for silver as well. It's just a little thing that makes me feel connected.
Lip balm / Lip gloss
Something that reminds me of my best friend who I don't talk to much anymore but we are still really close. She drilled it in to me to not walk around without lipgloss or lip balm. A few years ago I wasn't one to use lipgloss but she made sure to convert me the day we met 😂
Cats&Soup Game
I love this game. Not in the same way I love Genshin but more in a casual source of wholesome happiness type of way. I love feeding the digital cats and watching them chop vegetables and make stir fries.
Tumblr media
That's all
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automatismoateo · 3 years
Don't date a religious fanatic! via /r/atheism
Don't date a religious fanatic!
My brief, turbulent first relationship with the most outrageously religious guy I've ever met has come to a close and I feel both annoyed and lied to, and like laughing because parts of it are hysterically funny to me. Let this be a warning to you all, never attempt to date a religious fanatic ☠️ I don't know if I ever want to date someone even mildly religious ever again after this lol
I met this guy at work, we hooked up after going out for work drinks literally a couple days later, then he asked me out on a date that following weekend and we had a great time and pretty much just hit it off and started dating straight away. He also moved in with me that weekend (bad idea, he was never meant to stay for more than a couple of weeks but ended up staying over 2 months), and I knew he was religious, but at the beginning he didn't talk about it that much and never tried to force it on me or anything, he also didn't seem to have a problem with the fact that I wasn't religious (I'm not even completely an atheist either, I have my own beliefs about the universe but I don't ascribe human characteristics to higher powers). He would make offhand mentions about it but that was it and it didn't seem to be much of a problem.
We were out drinking just over a month ago and he literally said that he was sick of Christian girls because the last one he dated didn't even kiss him until 3 months in! And on our first day working together, he said that he 'isn't religious, just has a relationship with jesus.' And now it's the opposite... Our relationship fell apart because I'm not Christian enough 😂 over the past couple of months he slowly started talking about God and Jesus more, then telling me to pray, wanting me to go to church, showing me a show based on the gospels, he even wanted to play someone reading fucking bible verses while we went to sleep! And he made subtle attempts to convert my mum as well even though he was the one staying in our house. And a few weeks ago we went camping and tripped on acid with 2 colleagues and he tripped so hard that he literally thought Jesus was coming back and he was going to heaven, spent 3 hours in the ocean screaming about the 'holy waters of Jesus Christ,' and also thought one of my colleagues was possessed by Satan and tried to exorcise him in the name of Jesus, also started screaming about there being demons inside of him (I wish I was making this shit up, it was honestly the worst acid trip I've ever had and I've had a lot lol)
Our first argument about it over a week ago, he started talking about how he feels spiritually dead when he's in a home that doesn't have 'the spirit' in it and then said he'd 'tried to bring the spirit in here but can't cause it's not his house and he can't force it on people'. Yeah, no shit! Then basically said he wanted to be surrounded with similar perspectives and tried to allude that I have to become Christian if I want us to stay together. I honestly didn't think he was being completely serious because of how stupid that sounds to me, so I swept it under the rug, then we got into another argument about it a few days later after leaving a work Christmas party to go back home. He said that the one condition of being in a relationship with him is that you have to always seek God, and I asked him if he was seriously going to break up with me over having a different perspective, and he said that I have 2 weeks to decide and then we started yelling at each other and he was telling me that my salvation is my own responsibility and that he feels like things he says in the house just get disregarded sometimes (presumably because me and my mum don't react that much when he talks about Christianity). Then he stormed out and we 'broke up,' then he texted me the next day apologising and saying he wanted to stay together, then when I said he couldn't keep staying with me until he found a new place (he was meant to move out soon anyway since we both agreed more space would be good), he texted me saying we should just be friends.
Now we've barely been contacting each other. I was sad at first, now I realise we're completely incompatible and Im never going to become a Christian anyway, and he can't tolerate that because he needs someone to uphold his delusions alongside him. I just wish he hadn't lied to me to start off the relationship when he knew it would become a breaking point down the line, I feel lied to because I was always very upfront about my life plans and he acted like he was okay with anything and now I have to devote my life to God and turn my soul over to Christ if I want to stay with him. No fucking way 😂the whole thing is quite funny now though, talking to all my friends and family I feel like I didn't do anything wrong and he's legitimately kind of crazy if not completely insane. And the funny thing is, he's completely pushed me away from even really interacting with Christians, so he isn't doing a very good job at 'spreading God's word' lol. I would not recommend dating a Christian if you're not one, I'm sure there are some out there who wouldn't mind but even if it doesn't matter in the beginning it could become a point of contention later down the road. It's just something I wouldn't ever take my chances with after an experience like this ☠️
Submitted December 29, 2021 at 04:36AM by lvlupkitten (From Reddit https://ift.tt/32ChEEe)
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