#but it got away from me and this is with parts of it cut if you can believe that
leah-lover · 1 day
Second chances.
Alexia putellas x coach!reader.
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Summary: new job, old friends , and memories your tried to forget. Will you be able to dodge the past as you navigate your new job?
“ More news arrived from the RFEF who have promised that they were going through a systematic change after the Luis Rubiales scandal. They have announced this morning the arrival of a new head coach to lead the women’s team in the upcoming euro cup which will be held in switzerland. The 33 years old coach came from the united states where she led her team to victory in the nwsl. Her name may sound familiar to you because she was a part of Vilda's coaching staff until she decided to step away for unknown reasons. Although she has never coached a national team before, the new RFEF president is confident she will heal wounds left by her predecessor mostré tomé and restore the team to its winning ways.” says the reporter on the TV. you were sitting on your couch listening to her talking about your new job with player’s files in your lap. The international break was in 7 days and you needed to get familiar with everyone and have a clear plan of your strategy. 
Being back in Spain brought back so many memories. You haven't come back since everything went down and you quit your job. You swore you would never come back to work with the RFEF however seeing everything unfold in the news you knew that agreeing to come back was more of a necessity than a choice. You loved the girls very much and you knew that they deserved better than what they got and you were adamant on giving them the best. Moreover, the new president was a woman you knew and was friends with. You trusted her and agreed to give her a chance. Besides Barcelona was the best city in the world, you couldn't pass up the chance to come back home. 
As soon as you accepted your position, you contacted old colleagues, ones that you knew you could trust,  and combined them with some of the existing staff that you were 100 percent sure were a safe fit for the new environment you were hoping to achieve and formed your new staff and announced it to the media. The fans were shocked at the amount of changes you made and their comments were very supportive of your decision which gave you a boost of confidence. 
All you were thinking about was this team. You held and attended meetings all day long. You practically lived on your desk but it was all worth it because it all led to this phone call you were pursuing since the day you got to barcelona. You waited in front of your laptop anxiously waiting for your star player to join the zoom call. Shortly after you see her face pop on your screen. 
“ hola.” you say enthusiastically. “ hola.” she replies. She looked much older since the last time you saw her, which was 4 years ago. 
“ Thanks for agreeing to this call. It  truly means a lot.” you say playing with a pen in your hands. 
“ yeah it wasn't easy but i thought why not hear you out.” she replied. 
“ So I am gonna get right to it. I want you to be back in the national team. You are the best center back i know, i want you to be in the te am, and you deserve to have a place in this team.” 
“ I see you haven't changed, you are still as honest as you were but I would have to decline.” responded mapi. 
 “ I am turning things around maria. You know me, you know my story, you know everything. This time is different. I came back to make things different. You watched everything happen in front of your eyes. Do you truly think I could make someone feel the way I felt back then?” 
Mapi stayed quiet, she was perhaps thinking about that night you decided to leave everything behind. The night the idea of las 15 was created. 
“ okay.” you hear her say. “ I will come to this camp.” you are overjoyed “ you wont regret it leon.” 
 Your happiness was cut short because you remembered that you had to do this 2 more times with pina and leila. After 2 very long phone calls you got them to trust you and to agree to the return to the national team. You then drafted the call up list and sent it to your assistant. 
The days leading up to camp went by quickly as your plans of the first steps towards rebuilding were coming to fruition. 
You were sitting in your office when  you heard a knock on the door, it was your assistant coach informing you that the players began   to arrive. A wave of nerves watched over you but that was to be expected. You were a part of this team before and you hoped they would welcome you back with open arms. You were wearing casual clothes so that you won't be seen as authoritarian. You settled for a white t-shirt, black pants and shoes, and you wore your hair down. Your objective was to appear normal and friendly to the members of the team you weren't familiar with. You headed straight for the conference room and waited for the first people to arrive. Shortly after that Irene walked through the door. You were instantly transported back to 4 years ago which is the last time you and the captain have spoken. You closed your eyes briefly to try and get the bad memories away and open a new chapter with the captain. You shook hands and exchanged pleasantries with her and the rest of the barca group but quickly moved on to the other members that had joined. After they were all settled in their chairs you noticed the absence of the person you were most afraid to see, alexia putellas. Before you accepted the job you wrote down a pros and cons list. The first reason you put on the pros was the paycheck and the glory. However for the cons the first thing you wrote down was alexia putellas’s name. Seconds after you thought about her she appeared. She was just as beautiful and charming as you remembered. She immediately came to you but without sharing eye contact with you. She went in to kiss your cheek as a way to say hello and you did too. She still smelled like before and her smell still had a magnetic power over you. She then took a seat next to Irene and you pulled yourself together again and started your presentation. 
“ Hello everybody and welcome. You all heard of me, some of you even were a part of my team when I was working here which feels like a lifetime ago. But in that lifetime this team has risen from the underdog to the most favored and feared team in the world. I am here to continue that legacy and help the team strengthen its roster. But I am also here to create an environment, a culture, and a safe space for you all.  You all are the best in Spain and you deserve to be treated like it. This culture I am trying to create involves no tolerance for homophobia, transphobia, racism, or sexism. I urge you to report any case of abuse or mistreatment from my staff or your teammates. I tried my best to employ people I trust and are advised to report anything that made you uncomfortable.  So Without further or do let's talk strategy.” 
You go over everything you expect from the team and how the strategy is going to change. You then instruct your team to go rest so that training may begin tomorrow at 9 am. 
On their way out you called for the captain to have a word with them. Once the room is empty you quickly say ” so you heard everything i said, i just want to make sure that you two know that i mean Plus the captaincy is going to change. Obviously, you two are the captain and vice. You can come with me with any concern or question about anything.my door is always open.  I am appointing jenni as the 3rd captain.” 
“ That wouldn't go over well with the federation,” said irene. 
“ Well, I don't care. They knew who they hired. Plus I don't play by their rules.” you respond. The captains share a satisfactory look with you although you haven't looked at either of their eyes, then leave. 
Your transition to head coach seemed to be seamless. The players were responding to your advice and strategies. The media seemed to be happy with the changes you made and especially with the arrival of mapi leon. The vibe of the club overall was great, and you were getting comfortable in your new spot. However, it was all about to change at the pro match press conference. The conference itself went great. You and the vice captain answered all the questions given to you without any mishaps. But once the media left and you were left alone with alexia,  you felt yourself suffocating so you quickly got up to leave.  
“ You can't avoid me forever,” said Alexia calmly. 
“ Who said anything about avoiding you?  The conference is done, so I am leaving. If you want to talk to me about anything, my office door is always open.” you say with a cold tone not bothering to look at her. 
“ You don't talk to me like you never do. Besides you won't even look at me." Alexia sounded sad. All you wanted was to take away all her pain but you couldn't. 
“ I talk like this to everybody.” you hear her get up and see her in front of you. Not looking her in her eyes  would prove her point, and doing it would rip you to shreds. You suck it up and look at her hazel captivating eyes. “ Happy now?” you respond. “ We can't continue like this, we have to talk about that night.” 
“ alexia there is nothing to talk about. I forgot everything that happened ,I moved on. I am your coach right now. If you have a concern about anything football related, come to my office.” you were lying straight to her face. You didn't move on or forget what happened. You just hoped your tough girl act would hold with her. 
Game Day was always fun for you but this time around it had a little nervousness attached to it since it was your introduction as the new coach. You started your day witha call from the RFEF board wishing you good luck and re-stating their confidence in you. You revised your strategy, confirmed you starting 11, and headed to the bus so that you would head to the stadium. You decided on a blue suit and let your hair down. You looked both masculine and feminine   which summed up your personality perfectly. 
Once you arrived at the stadium you gave the girls a motivational speech, headed to your seat in the sidelines and waited for the game to begin. You weren't a loud manager. You just sat there, observed the play and took notes. You trusted the girl’s judgment and gave them some autonomy when it came to the style of play which rewarded you with a goal in the 8th minute by aitana bonmati. The 1-0 unset turned into 6-0 by the 76th minute which made you proud of your debut. However it all turned into chaos when alexia putellas fell on the field. You panicked as the paramedics ran to her. You watched  intensely as they examined her and waited for the signal that informed you that you needed a substitution which you got almost immediately. Your heart broke for the recently healed midfielder but you had other things in mind. You called for Teresa Abelleira and subbed her in. The game ended in a 7-0 win. You shook hands with everybody, did an interview but the thought of alexia didn't leave your mind.  As soon as you were done you semi sprinted to the locker room. Once you got there you found irene. 
“ Is it the acl again?” you ask worryingly. 
“ No, it's just a muscle strain and her knee is acting up again.”  you breathe for the first time in an hour. 
“ This is happening because of you.” she says harshly.
“ Excuse me.” you couldnt believe what you heard. 
“ You shouldn't have come back here. You taking this job was a mistake. You have opened up an old wound and this is just the beginning.”
“ I am going to have to stop you right here. First,  I am your boss not your buddy from back in the day so you are going to have to take a step back and show some respect. Second, you have the nerve to talk to me about making mistakes  knowing that you ruined my life not too long ago.
“ She didn't sleep last night. That's why she got injured today. I am worried about my friend.” 
“ You should have thought about your friend 4 years ago.” you say as you enter the medic’s room leaving her behind. 
You found alexia with tape on her knee and achilles. Her eyes were closed so she didn't see you come in and sit next to her. 
“ I am willing to talk about that night this time only. Say everything you need but once I leave this room you are never going to bring it up again.” 
The only way to make it out is through. You thought.
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thedensworld · 1 day
Illogical Project | C.Sc
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Pairing: Ceo! Seungcheol x reader
Genre: fluff, humor, stranger to crush
Summary: It was just a project to get rid of a side chick, but Seungcheol fall. Deeply.
I was having so much fun writing this!
Seungcheol didn’t have to do this. But he needed to do it. Logic flew right out the window the moment he’d typed your name into the company group website. Imagine his surprise when your profile popped up, revealing you were part of the marketing team—under his own label, no less.
The woman sneaking around with his cousin’s fiancé was one of his employees?
Seungcheol let out a dry laugh. Well, this just got interesting. It shouldn’t be too hard to get rid of you.
It has been two years since Jiyeon, his cousin, and Jeonghan got engaged. Their engagement had been more of a business deal than a love story. And although Jiyeon’s engagement to Jeonghan was supposed to be purely transactional, it had been a lifesaver for Seungcheol. Thanks to her, he no longer had to endure his grandfather’s endless nagging about getting married.
But then, yesterday happened.
“Jeonghan’s been cheating on me!” Jiyeon had wailed, storming into his office like a whirlwind. Seungcheol hadn’t thought much of it—Jiyeon tended to exaggerate. He’d been about to brush it off with some nonchalant comment until she hit him with: “I think I’m going to call off the engagement.”
Hold up. What?
That wasn’t part of the plan. Jiyeon couldn’t break off the engagement! Without it, Seungcheol’s peace and freedom would go down the drain. He’d be right back to enduring those endless blind dates set up by his grandfather. Dinners with girls whose names he’d forget before dessert even arrived. Absolutely not.
Which led him to this moment, finding you—Jeonghan’s secret girlfriend. His smirk widened. If cutting you out of the picture meant keeping Jiyeon on board, then so be it. He’d convince you to take your cheating ways elsewhere.
Who would’ve thought his biggest problem was one of his own subordinates?
If anyone could see him now—Seungcheol, the company CEO, scrolling through employee profiles like a suspicious boyfriend—it would be mortifying. But hey, desperate times called for desperate measures. And there was no way he was letting his hard-earned freedom slip away because of Jeonghan’s wandering eyes and your sneaky rendezvous.
"Mr. Choi has been acting strange lately," your manager said as she returned from his office, a puzzled look on her face.
"He’s refused every ad plan we’ve pitched to him. And now he’s specifically asked for you to handle it."
Your brows shot up in surprise as you pointed at yourself. “Me?”
“Yes, you. He wants you in his office in ten minutes—with the best idea you can bring to the table.”
“Wait, ten minutes?!” You shot up from your chair, scrambling to find the folder you always kept at your desk. Panic set in as you grabbed your iPad—your lifeline filled with every concept, draft, and half-baked idea you’d ever had. “Why are you just telling me this now?”
Ms. Shin shrugged nonchalantly, already turning her attention back to her own tasks. “It slipped my mind. Good luck!”
You let out a frustrated sigh. Typical Ms. Shin. She was a perpetual headache wrapped up in business casual attire. Just yesterday, she’d dumped her entire presentation prep on you, claiming she was “too busy” to handle it herself. Never mind the fact that you were the one who’d developed almost every campaign concept the department had used for the past two years.
But still, you remained a shadow. Despite your efforts, you were practically invisible in the department—overworked and unnoticed.
As you rushed to the elevator, the thought crossed your mind: Why did Mr. Choi want to see you now?
Was he starting to see through Ms. Shin’s facade and realize where the real work was coming from? Your heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. This could either be a breakthrough… or a complete disaster.
Jeonghan used to tell you a lot about Seungcheol, his college friend. From what you’d heard, Seungcheol was the embodiment of professionalism. He wouldn’t judge you for staying in the shadows to support your boss all these years, but that didn’t make him any less intimidating. The truth was, you didn’t know him well enough to understand what went on in his mind.
To you, Mr. Choi was just your boss’s boss—the executive you occasionally spotted from a distance as he strode through the office with that air of authority and responsibility. He was the face of Heidos Food, a man who commanded respect and led by example. His dedication and work ethic were part of the reason you’d decided to join this label among the Heidos Group’s many subsidiaries.
Taking a deep breath, you managed a smile at his secretary. “Mr. Choi is expecting me,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
The secretary gave a curt nod and led you to the door. You couldn’t help but feel small as you stood before it, staring at the imposing wood panel. The secretary knocked gently and stepped aside, motioning for you to enter.
This was it—your first time stepping into the office of the man who practically ran the entire division.
Your heart pounded wildly in your chest as you took a deep breath and stepped inside.
What could he possibly want from me?
"It was disappointing, Ms. Ji."
Your heart sank as Mr. Choi’s voice sliced through the silence after you wrapped up the impromptu presentation.
“I don’t see your idea being as innovative as I expected. The format feels repetitive—similar to every program the marketing department has produced over the past few years.”
You bit your tongue, resisting the urge to argue. How could you not? Internally, you were screaming. Of course, everything looked the same—they were all your ideas! Yet, it wasn’t like you could point that out to him.
Instead, you forced yourself to respond with a calm, “I’m sorry, sir.”
Mr. Choi tapped his pen thoughtfully against the desk, his gaze never leaving your face. “But,” he continued slowly, “it does have potential. It just needs a bit more… observation and refinement. Do you think you can handle this project, Ms. Ji? It’s rather risky.”
His question caught you off guard. Risky? Since when did Mr. Choi—who typically preferred playing it safe—assign risky projects to subordinates? Still, you couldn’t let this opportunity slip away.
“I’m confident I can handle it, sir. If you trust me, I’ll deliver.”
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he nodded. “Good. In that case, pack some clothes. We’re going to Singapore for a seminar tomorrow.”
You blinked at him, stunned. Singapore? Tomorrow? You hadn’t even processed what just happened before he dismissed you, turning his attention back to his paperwork as if he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on you.
Seungcheol had no idea where your confidence came from. He’d incidentally overheard your phone conversation with Jeonghan earlier, and it was all sweet and annoyingly romantic.
Alright, maybe it wasn’t exactly accidental. Maybe he intentionally eavesdropped—just a little—but who could blame him? He couldn’t believe how bold you were to have such an intimate call with Jeonghan right in front of him.
So, people are right when they say love is thrilling when you’re playing with fire, he mused, his annoyance growing.
"You should pay attention to her more," he heard you say, your voice dropping to a softer tone that made Seungcheol’s scowl deepen.
Then you added, with a laugh that sounded entirely too carefree, "You’re right, I’m the better companion."
He felt his jaw clench involuntarily. Companion, huh? The nerve of you—being all cozy with Jeonghan right under his nose. He was already irritated by this whole situation, but now he had to endure your lovey-dovey chatter too?
“Alright, I gotta go. Bye... Have a nice day!” you finished, your voice as sweet as honey.
The moment you hung up, Seungcheol snapped himself into a more composed posture, acting as if he hadn’t just been caught leaning against the wall, listening like a gossip. He made a show of dropping himself onto the couch in front of you.
To his further irritation, you looked up with an even brighter smile.
“What should I do today, sir?” you asked, voice cheerful and professional, as if you hadn’t just been caught cooing over the phone.
Seungcheol had to think. There was really nothing too strenuous on the agenda for you today, but a part of him—call it the vindictive part—wanted to see you squirm, especially after witnessing your little show of affection for Jeonghan.
“Take notes on everything,” he ordered, watching your expression closely. “Mingle with everyone. Join every discussion. Since I’ll be attending a separate meeting, make sure you don’t make a fool out of our company. Got it?”
You nodded and jotted everything down like the diligent employee you were. “Okay, noted, sir.”
Seungcheol let out a sigh, not quite satisfied with the reaction—or lack thereof. “Can I trust you with this?”
Your smile remained unwavering as you met his gaze. “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
Something about your calm composure only made him want to push you further.
How could you be this unbothered?
On the last day of the seminar, Seungcheol could hardly believe it when his company was presented with an award of appreciation—all thanks to your hard work over the past few days. He had known you were good, but he hadn’t expected you to exceed everyone’s expectations this much.
But what truly grated on his nerves was the way people kept talking about you: “That woman with brains, bravery, and beauty,” they said, almost in awe.
Is this a business seminar or some kind of beauty pageant? he grumbled internally, irritated by how many times he’d heard those words. Every time someone praised your creativity and wit, it felt like another jab. Yet, even he couldn’t deny you deserved the recognition. The achievement might have been unexpected, but it wasn’t entirely surprising.
Now, he found himself sitting at a high-end restaurant for lunch, just hours before their flight back to South Korea. You sat stiffly across from him, clearly uncomfortable. After refusing his invitation five times and trying to hitch a ride to the airport with his secretary instead, here you were—reluctantly.
“You can choose whatever you’d like, Ms. Ji. You’ve earned it,” Seungcheol said, not looking up from his menu as he spoke.
You mumbled a polite acknowledgment, your gaze glued to the menu. Seungcheol raised his hand to call the waitress over and glanced at you, waiting for your order. His eyes widened in surprise when you rattled off your request in perfect, fluent Malay.
“Wait—you can speak the language?” he asked, caught off guard.
You nodded casually. “Yes, I studied and graduated here.”
“Hmm,” Seungcheol murmured thoughtfully. He tapped his fingers against the table, considering your response. “With that kind of portfolio, you could easily settle into a bigger company. Why stay at Heidos Food?”
To his surprise, you shook your head, rejecting the notion. “No, Heidos Food is the perfect fit for me.”
Seungcheol raised a brow. He couldn’t tell if you were just being polite or genuinely meant it. “And why is that?”
You paused, looking a little hesitant before speaking. “Five years ago, I had just graduated, and I attended the company’s anniversary event with someone I knew. I saw your speech there—it was incredible. It motivated me to become a part of Heidos Foods. I applied several times, went through multiple interviews, and finally got my position three years ago.”
Seungcheol didn’t like the way your story painted him as an integral figure in your career choice. He didn’t want to think he was that important. And yet, there was no denying that something about the way you spoke made him pause. He found himself strangely flattered—and maybe a little more intrigued than he wanted to admit.
He glanced away, clearing his throat. Stop it, Seungcheol. She’s not special.
But the thought wouldn’t leave him. He kept stealing glances at you, wondering how he had overlooked these little details about you. Maybe there really was something to what everyone kept saying: brains, bravery, and beauty—all rolled into one package.
No, he told himself sternly. Focus.
Slowly, Seungcheol found himself losing sight of his initial motive for getting to know you better—the desire to uncover the truth behind your connection with Jeonghan. As he spent more time with you, your charm and intelligence began to weave a spell around him, shifting his focus from suspicion to genuine curiosity.
The more he learned about you, the more he realized how difficult it was to see you as just a subordinate or a rival in Jeonghan’s affections.
He hadn’t planned on feeling this way, and it unsettled him. What started as a calculated move to monitor your interactions had transformed into something entirely different.
Seungcheol caught himself daydreaming about your conversations, replaying moments that made him smile. He was drawn to you in ways he hadn’t expected, and that realization left him both exhilarated and confused.
As his initial purpose faded into the background, a new question took root in his mind: What if getting close to you had become the most intriguing project of all?
“Can you send Ms. Ji to my office after this? There’s something I need to discuss with her.”
“I’m sorry, sir, but she just left the building a few minutes ago due to personal business. She didn’t provide any details.”
Seungcheol nodded in frustration as Ms. Shin, your manager, wrapped up her paperwork. It had been two weeks since the two of you returned from the business trip, and he still found himself at a crossroads. He was working diligently to create a void that would justify getting rid of you, especially concerning your relationship with Jeonghan.
Alright, if he could be honest; he didn’t want to lose a gem like you from the company. The idea of you being Jeonghan’s “side chick” was almost infuriating, especially given your intelligence and undeniable beauty.
Yeah, Seungcheol couldn’t deny that your beauty truly shone when you were focused on your work, and he found it charming every time he handed you a new challenge.
Suddenly, his phone buzzed with a call from Jiyeon, his cousin. He picked it up, immediately greeted by her sobs.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked, his protective instincts kicking in.
“Jeonghan…” Jiyeon cried, her voice trembling as she choked out his name.
“What did that bastard do now?”
There was no immediate response, just the sound of her muffled cries. Then, through the tears, Seungcheol finally heard her say, “He had a car accident after we fought. He’s in the hospital now.”
Within moments, Seungcheol found himself standing outside the operating room with Jiyeon by his side. To his surprise, he spotted you sitting quietly in a corner, clearly distressed. So here you were, the “personal business” Ms. Shin had mentioned.
“Let’s get you something to drink,” he said gently, placing a reassuring hand on Jiyeon’s shoulder and guiding her away from the waiting area. He handed her a can of soda as they sat down together.
“We fought on the phone,” Jiyeon explained, her voice still shaky. “I mentioned his side chick, and he denied it. He said he had no one besides me. I didn’t believe him, and then he said he would explain everything when he came to my office, but he got into a car accident.”
Seungcheol nodded, processing her words. “Y/N was there,” he said, gesturing toward you in the corner. “Y/N. She’s the one Jeonghan was supposedly seeing,” he added, his voice laced with confusion.
Jiyeon’s brow furrowed in frustration as she shook her head. “No, they are siblings. They have the same mother,” she sobbed, her voice breaking under the weight of her emotions.
Seungcheol’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What? They’re siblings?”
“Yes,” Jiyeon replied, her expression a mixture of sadness and relief. “That explains everything. I thought he was cheating on me, but it turns out he was just trying to protect her.”
The weight of this shocking revelation shifted the tension in the room, leaving both of them momentarily speechless. Seungcheol leaned back against the wall, trying to digest the news.
Jiyeon wiped her tears, glancing toward you again. “I need to talk to her,” she said, determination filling her voice. “She deserves an explanation.”
Seungcheol nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. Maybe this would clear the air and mend the rift between you.
"Has she done this a lot to you?" Seungcheol heard your voice coming from inside the room as he and Jiyeon were about to enter. Both of them paused instinctively, hovering just outside the door.
"She accused you of cheating. She put you in this situation!" Your tone was laced with a rage Seungcheol had never heard from you before. There was an intensity, a fierceness in your voice that was completely unfamiliar to him.
"I could’ve lost you…”
Jeonghan’s voice was soft, barely audible, as if trying to calm you down. “I’m fine, Y/N. I promise. It’s not her fault.”
Jiyeon, who had been poised to enter the room, suddenly froze, her eyes widening in realization. She glanced at Seungcheol, and he could see the confusion and guilt reflecting in her gaze. Before she could turn away, you stepped out of the room, your eyes red and swollen. The sight of Seungcheol and Jiyeon standing there, having clearly overheard the conversation, caught you off guard, but you quickly composed yourself.
You cleared your throat and walked past them with your head held high, your expression a perfect mask of indifference, as if you didn’t realize—or perhaps didn’t care—that they’d been listening in.
Seungcheol watched you go, his mind spinning. He couldn’t help but be reminded of the college days when he and Jeonghan had shared a dorm room. As the only Korean students on campus, they naturally gravitated toward each other. He recalled Jeonghan often mentioning his younger sister—a sibling from the same mother who was in middle school at the time. Seungcheol had never met her, but from Jeonghan’s stories, it was clear how much he treasured her.
"I get a headache every time she doesn’t pick up my call!" Jeonghan would grumble late at night, throwing his phone down in frustration. “She’s so stubborn, but she’s all I’ve got.”
And now, it all clicked into place. The sister Jeonghan had spoken of so fondly, the one he worried about constantly, was you. You, the woman who had captivated his attention with your intelligence and charm, were Jeonghan’s sister. Someone who had been right under his nose this entire time.
The hum of the office printer was the only sound in the room as you carefully gathered the documents you needed to submit. Steeling yourself, you walked to Seungcheol’s office and knocked gently before stepping inside.
Seungcheol glanced up from his computer when he heard the door open. The usual lighthearted banter that had developed between the two of you was noticeably absent as you approached his desk and placed the file in front of him.
“Here’s the proposal, sir. It needs your signature,” you said softly, keeping your eyes on the document and not on him.
Seungcheol picked up the pen, his gaze shifting between the file and your calm, composed demeanor. After scribbling his signature on the dotted line, he cleared his throat, an awkward tension hanging between you two.
“Is… Jeonghan doing better?” Seungcheol asked cautiously, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Yes,” you replied, your voice finally holding a hint of warmth. “He’s recovering well. The doctors said he’ll be discharged tomorrow.”
Seungcheol nodded, a small wave of relief washing over him. “That’s good to hear. I’m glad he’s getting better. If you need more time off, just let me know. I know you’ve been the one taking care of him.”
You shook your head gently. “No, thank you. There’s already an assigned nurse for him. I’ll be back to work as usual.”
The air between you two was thick with unspoken words and awkwardness. Seungcheol felt the weight of everything he had said and done, of the suspicion that had once tainted every interaction he’d had with you. He knew it was his fault the dynamic between you had shifted so drastically, and now, he was fumbling, unsure of how to bridge the gap he had created.
“I—” Seungcheol hesitated, his usual poise and confidence faltering. “I know I messed up… and I don’t blame you if things don’t go back to the way they were. I just… I miss the way we used to work together, the way we used to talk.”
You blinked, taken aback by his admission. But even then, you didn’t respond with the same enthusiasm you used to. Instead, you offered him a small, understanding smile.
“Thank you for understanding, sir,” was all you said before you excused yourself and walked out of his office.
Seungcheol watched you go, the emptiness in his chest expanding. He had been wrong—terribly, embarrassingly wrong—and now he was paying the price for his foolish assumptions. He had shattered the easy camaraderie that once existed between you, and now, he was left with the cold, polite exchanges that felt more like a punishment than anything else.
You were here, right in front of him, but you felt more distant than ever.
You knew exactly what had been happening to you, but you tried to deny it until it finally affected you like it did today. Ms. Shin had already lectured you with words you never imagined she would use, all because of a rare moment of clumsiness that you didn’t even see coming. You had too much on your plate, and the project Mr. Choi had assigned to you was nearing its deadline. In the midst of it all, you accidentally forgot to send an anniversary message to one of your most loyal clients, and Ms. Shin had to do damage control.
“They were very offended, Y/N,” Ms. Shin snapped, her voice carrying throughout the office as she reprimanded you in front of everyone. You stood there, hands clasped in front of you, listening to her and internally cursing yourself for letting things slip, all because you couldn’t get Mr. Choi’s words out of your mind.
“I miss the way we used to work together.”
“I miss—”
“I’ll be reporting this to HR. I can’t handle this kind of negligence anymore.” Ms. Shin concluded sharply, her words reverberating through the office. A collective gasp came from your colleagues, who were too stunned to react.
Later that day, you found yourself sitting in the HR director’s office, replaying Ms. Shin’s words in your mind. You expected another round of the same scolding, but what came next blindsided you completely.
“We’ve received reports about you neglecting your responsibilities over the past three months, and unfortunately, we can’t tolerate this any longer. Please clear your desk before the workday ends,” the HR director said, his tone dismissive.
“What?” The shock was apparent on your face. No warning letter, no opportunity to explain—just an immediate termination.
“You’re firing me?” you whispered, still in disbelief.
“Effective immediately.” His tone was final, and there was no room for negotiation. You were jobless. Just like that.
You felt a scream building up inside you, a storm of emotions you didn’t know how to release. Anger, frustration, betrayal—every word they’d said felt unfair, and you were powerless to fight it. Who were you to contest it? Just another employee, replaceable, forgotten.
By the time you made it home, Jeonghan was the first to greet you, his face lighting up in surprise. “You’re home early?” he chirped, clearly not expecting you at this hour. Ever since he was discharged from the hospital, he had been staying at your place, recovering until he could get around without any help.
His smile quickly faded when he noticed the cardboard box in your hands. His expression crumpled with worry as you dropped the box onto the table with a heavy thud. “Are you… fired?” Jeonghan asked hesitantly, as if he couldn’t believe his own words.
You nodded, letting out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, they fired me. Fuck Heidos. I’m going to start my own advertising company!”
Jeonghan blinked, caught off guard by your outburst. “Alright, slow down. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but what happened?” he asked, concern lacing his tone.
You shrugged, collapsing onto the couch in exhaustion. The last thing you wanted was to relive today’s events by recounting them to your brother. You just wanted to forget.
“Does Seungcheol know about this?” Jeonghan pressed on, not noticing how drained you were. “He told me you were handling a project together. Was this his decision?”
“Do you need a marketing staff?” you deflected, throwing the question back at him, trying to steer the conversation away.
“No, I don’t. But if you’re interested, I can make some room for you.”
You shook your head immediately. The last thing you wanted was to work for your brother’s company out of pity or nepotism. It wasn’t like you hadn’t considered it before, but joining his business now would feel like a defeat.
“I told you, you could’ve joined my company from the start,” Jeonghan murmured softly, his tone far gentler than before. “The Heidos you were so proud of has finally turned its back on you, huh?”
You groaned and stood up abruptly, your heavy steps echoing through the small living room as you stormed off to your bedroom. You slammed the door behind you, cutting off whatever else Jeonghan had to say.
“Yeah, Heidos finally threw me out,” you muttered bitterly to yourself as you leaned against the door. The company you had dreamed of working for, the place you’d given your blood, sweat, and tears for over the years—had thrown you out without so much as a second thought.
You took a deep breath, but it didn’t ease the tightness in your chest. This was the company you had stayed up nights for, the one you’d gone above and beyond for every single day. You’d fought your way in, made a name for yourself, only to be discarded like you were nothing.
And all you could think about was how everything had spiraled ever since that conversation with Seungcheol. How his simple words had shaken your confidence, distracted you, and caused this downward spiral.
But the worst part?
You still cared what he thought.
You sat on the edge of your bed, staring blankly at the wall as Jeonghan's words replayed in your mind, taunting you.
Heidos finally turned its back on you.
Was that it, though? Was it really the company you were angry with? Or was there something more?
Your gaze dropped to the floor as a bitter realization crept in. Were you really interested in Heidos all along? Or was it Mr. Choi?
You closed your eyes and let out a slow breath, your thoughts drifting back to the first time you saw him in person. It was during Heidos’s anniversary gala, a grand event that showcased the company's milestones.
But there he was—Choi Seungcheol, the CEO’s son, standing on the grand stage, delivering a speech with the kind of charisma that made everyone hang on to his every word. He talked about vision, about passion, about how Heidos wasn’t just a business—it was a dream they all built together.
You remembered the way his eyes scanned the room as if acknowledging everyone’s efforts personally, his voice carrying conviction and authority. He seemed approachable yet untouchable at the same time. There was a spark in him that drew you in, like a flame you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by, even if it meant risking getting burned.
When he mentioned the value of individual contributions, you couldn’t help but imagine yourself as one of those valued employees he spoke of. That night, you had felt an overwhelming sense of pride, a hope that you, too, could be part of something bigger. Part of his vision. It made you work harder, push through every obstacle, and make a name for yourself in the company.
But what if, beneath all those aspirations, it was his approval you were really after?
Had it always been about earning a place at Heidos, or had it been about being acknowledged by him? Did your heart race because of the accomplishments, or was it because of the fleeting interactions you had with him?
You tried to shake off the thoughts, but the memories kept flooding back.
There was the time he complimented your work during a company meeting, the way he’d asked for your opinion during a discussion, and, of course, the project where you saw a different side of him—where he was more than just the stern, high-and-mighty executive everyone knew him as.
"I miss the way we used to work together."
His words echoed in your mind, laced with regret and something you couldn’t quite place. Had you let those words affect you more than they should have? Had you crossed a line somewhere between professionalism and personal admiration?
You huffed out a breath and rubbed your face with your hands. It was hard to admit, but maybe you were chasing after more than just a career.
Maybe it was a person.
“Are you really that naive?” you muttered to yourself, almost laughing at how pathetic it sounded. “You got yourself fired because you couldn’t get over a few words from Choi Seungcheol. Great job, Y/N.”
What had you been thinking? That you meant something more to him? That the way he looked at you was anything other than superficial interest? Maybe you’d been reading into things too much, letting your emotions cloud your judgment.
After all, the way he’d treated you—suspicious, distrustful, wary—it all pointed to how little he thought of you. You were a pawn in his game of protecting Jiyeon. The only reason he ever looked your way was because he thought you were a threat.
And yet… you wanted to believe there had been something more. Something genuine. But now, everything felt tainted.
Because if Heidos was no longer an option, then you’d just have to prove to yourself that you could rise even without the company’s name backing you up.
But first, you’d have to figure out a way to keep your heart in check—especially when it came to him.
“Forget it, Y/N,” you whispered to yourself, staring at your reflection in the bedroom mirror. “Forget about Choi Seungcheol. He was never part of your plan, anyway.”
It was his first day back in the office after a week-long business trip, and Seungcheol finally had a chance to sit down and get back into his routine. His secretary entered the room with his usual coffee, already prepared with a list of updates and meetings for the day. He rattled them off efficiently, detailing every appointment and task Seungcheol needed to be aware of.
“I want to know the update on the project Ms. Ji is handling,” Seungcheol said, glancing at the folder in front of him, half-expecting to see her familiar name.
There was a brief pause, and when his secretary responded, the answer was something Seungcheol never anticipated.
“She’s no longer part of our staff, sir.”
Seungcheol frowned, a flicker of confusion crossing his features. “What do you mean?” he asked, the question carrying a sharp edge.
“She was terminated a week ago due to negligence in fulfilling her responsibilities,” the secretary explained carefully. “The report came from Ms. Shin, and HR approved it immediately.”
Seungcheol’s scowl deepened, the irritation evident in the tightening of his jaw. He leaned back in his chair, processing the information. “Ms. Ji was managing a critical project with me,” he said, his voice lowering. “Her status required my approval. How is it possible I wasn’t informed about this?”
His secretary’s shoulders tensed, and he hesitated before replying, “I’m terribly sorry, sir. You were occupied with meetings and engagements throughout the week, and I only received the details two days ago myself.”
“Busy or not, I should have been notified immediately.” Seungcheol’s voice was dangerously calm. He glanced at the stack of files on his desk, his mind already racing to piece together what could’ve gone wrong. “I want Ms. Shin and Mr. Kim from HR in my office—now.”
“Yes, sir,” the secretary replied quickly, bowing slightly before leaving the room to carry out Seungcheol’s orders.
Seungcheol’s gaze shifted to the half-empty coffee cup, his thoughts a blur of anger and disbelief. Fired? For negligence? That didn’t add up. He knew you weren't perfect, but you were dedicated and thorough. You had handled complex projects before, and while you had your flaws, negligence was never one of them.
Something wasn’t right.
The door opened again a few minutes later, and Ms. Shin walked in, followed closely by Mr. Kim. Both looked apprehensive, likely sensing the storm brewing from the tension in the air.
“Explain,” Seungcheol said without preamble, his eyes fixed on Ms. Shin. “Why was Ms. Ji terminated, and why was I not informed?”
Ms. Shin cleared her throat, meeting his gaze with a strained smile. “Sir, there were multiple instances where Ms. Ji failed to meet her deadlines and deliverables, which impacted the team’s performance. I reported this to HR, and after reviewing her recent performance records, they decided to let her go.”
“And whose idea was it to keep this from me?” Seungcheol’s voice was low and dangerous.
“We didn’t intend to keep it from you, sir,” Mr. Kim interjected cautiously.
“The decision was made quickly due to the urgency of the situation. Given that you were away and Ms. Shin was the acting supervisor for that period, we thought it best to handle it internally until we could brief you properly.”
Seungcheol’s gaze shifted between the two of them, his displeasure evident. “I don’t appreciate decisions being made without my knowledge, especially when it concerns a project directly under my supervision. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir,” they both answered in unison, looking visibly uncomfortable.
“Ms. Ji was fired without a formal warning or disciplinary review?” Seungcheol continued, his voice hardening. “Was she given no chance to explain herself or defend her performance?”
Ms. Shin shifted uneasily, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face. “Sir, she had been making several mistakes, and her focus seemed to be elsewhere. It was affecting her work quality. We couldn’t afford to let it slide any longer.”
“Was this decision truly about her work, or something else?” Seungcheol pressed, his gaze narrowing. “Because from what I’ve seen, she was one of the most consistent performers on the team. I want a full report on the matter by the end of today.”
“Yes, sir,” Mr. Kim replied quickly, while Ms. Shin’s jaw tightened, her frustration barely masked.
“Dismissed,” Seungcheol said curtly, waving them out of his office.
You practically jumped out of your bed when you saw an incoming call from Mr. Choi flash across your phone screen. Heart racing, you scrambled to sit up straight before answering.
“I’m outside your place.”
You blinked, staring at yourself in the mirror in disbelief. Just moments ago, you had been in a post-drama-marathon daze, slouched in bed after indulging in a series binge you could never afford the time for before. And now, the very man who occupied your thoughts far more than he should—the Choi Seungcheol—was calling to announce that he was outside your apartment?
“Uh—can you give me ten minutes? I’m not exactly looking presentable at the moment,” you stammered, glancing down at your wrinkled pajamas and messy hair. Your reflection screamed “I-just-woke-up” and “don’t-look-at-me”.
“I—what I mean is!” You quickly corrected yourself, flustered. “I just woke up, so I might look a little… disgusting.”
The last word fell out awkwardly, and you cringed inwardly. Of all the words you could’ve chosen…
“Take your time, Ms. Ji.” His voice was calm, almost amused. You heard the call click off, leaving you in stunned silence.
Oh God, what was he doing here?
You dashed into the bathroom, brushing your teeth and washing your face in record time. The face staring back at you looked different now—the long hair you used to style meticulously was gone, impulsively cut to shoulder length last week in a fit of frustration and exhaustion. You sighed and brushed it diligently, making it look as presentable as possible. Changing out of your pajamas into something more decent—a casual blouse and jeans—you took a deep breath before heading outside.
Stepping out of your building, you spotted his sleek car parked along the road, and there he was—slipping out of the driver’s seat, looking effortlessly handsome despite the casualness of his attire. His usual sharp suit was gone, replaced by a simple white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Even without the formal suit jacket, his presence seemed to dominate the entire street. You couldn’t help but stare for a moment, struggling to reconcile this man’s unexpected appearance outside your home with the same person you admired from afar at work.
Focus, Y/N.
“How are you?” Seungcheol asked, his gaze soft as it met yours.
You couldn’t bring yourself to answer verbally, so you just nodded stiffly, offering a tight smile. The truth was, you weren’t okay—not even close. And a part of you wanted him to understand that without you having to spell it out. But another part of you was wary, unsure how much he even knew or cared about what happened.
“I just found out about your termination this morning,” he began, and you blinked in surprise. You hadn’t expected this to be the topic of conversation. “I’m so sorry.”
You stood there, rooted in place as you stared at him. What was going on?
“I shouldn’t have let Ms. Shin handle things like that,” he continued, voice low, the frustration evident in his tone. “I knew she’s been trying to drag you down all this time. I knew you were the one carrying the department, handling all the toughest projects… That’s why I’m sorry.”
The Choi Seungcheol, the man who exuded confidence and charisma at every turn, now looked uncharacteristically small and uncertain standing before you. The apology caught you off guard. You had prepared yourself for cold professionalism, or maybe even indifference. But not this.
“I won’t force you to come back to the company,” he said gently. “That’s entirely your choice.”
He paused, looking as if he was weighing his next words carefully, then took a deep breath. “But I don’t want to lose the chance to tell you…”
Your heart thumped loudly in your chest as his eyes locked onto yours, the intensity in his gaze making it hard to breathe.
“I might like you,” he confessed, his voice almost a whisper. “Romantically.”
The world seemed to freeze around you as you stared at him, your mind racing to process his words. Seungcheol… liked you? The very same Choi Seungcheol who spent years being distant and impossible to read? He liked you, romantically? This couldn’t be real.
“I—I don’t know when it happened,” he continued, his expression a mixture of vulnerability and resolve. “But somewhere along the way, I realized I was looking forward to seeing you every day. You were more than just a competent employee; you were someone I admired. And then… I started to miss you.”
The sincerity in his words left you speechless. You glanced down, unable to meet his gaze as you tried to figure out what to say. Was it possible that you hadn’t just admired him from afar but had harbored deeper feelings too?
“I understand if this is too much for you right now,” he said softly, stepping back as if to give you space. “I just needed you to know… I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when I should’ve been. And I’m sorry that you had to go through all of this because of me.”
His voice was gentle, and for a moment, the street around you seemed to blur, leaving just the two of you standing there, suspended in this unexpected moment.
What could you possibly say? Words failed you, so you did the only thing you could—you nodded, acknowledging his apology and his confession, still unsure if you were dreaming or awake.
“Thank you… for telling me,” you managed to say quietly.
Things could never go back to the way they used to be.
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devilyn · 1 day
It was the small things Kuroo Tetsurou did for you.
Sometimes, he would wait for your ubers with you when the both of you had one too many drinks with your friends. Once said uber arrived, he'd casually open the door for you as if it were natural and ask you to text him once you got home.
Other times, he would lean over and ask if you were still having a good time when you got particularly quiet even when everyone else was still just as rambunctious as usual.
But he never crossed a line. He never really touched you unless it was a friendly greeting or goodbye hug. And he never once showed you more or less attention than anyone else in your mutual friend group.
So you shoved this little crush down to the deepest recesses of your heart and suppressed it each time it desperately tried to crawl it's way back up.
And everytime Kuroo showed you even the smallest sign of affection or consideration, you protected your heart by constantly telling yourself you were delusional, and risking a good friendship for these feelings would just be pointless.
So how did you end up here? Drunk crying in front of him after the rest of your friends have already left the bar?
"I like him a lot," you slurred your words. Kuroo sat next to you, his cheek rested against his palm with his elbow propped up against the bar. If you weren't so inebriated, you'd notice how painfully sober he looked.
"Oh really?"
He sounded amused, cat like eyes observing you. You had your face buried in your hands, your practically fully hunched over the bar.
"Mmm...but I really can't tell if I mean anything to him," you groaned into your palms before resting them flat against the bar. Your head lolled back as you leaned backwards, closing your eyes.
Kuroo's arm extended out quickly to stretch across your lower back, catching you before you fell off your barstool. You leaned against his arm, allowing him to hold your weight, and giggled quietly.
"Do you think I should tell him?"
You turned to him, hand coming up to rest boldly on his knee--more in an attempt to steady yourself rather than to flirt. Your eyes were half lidded, wet tears stuck to your lashes. He resisted the urge to grab a napkin to wipe them away.
"I think--"
"No," you placed your index finger over his lips before he could speak any further, but you barely registered the shock on his face and the pink warming his cheeks. "You're right, I should just keep it to myself."
He swatted your hand away despite your whine.
"I think you should just tell him tomorrow. If you're crying this much over it now, it's clearly weighing on you. Might as well rip the bandaid off."
"Stop being sensible," you grumbled, eyes practically closed at this point. "You're always sensible."
"If I was as sensible as you say, I would've made you leave with everyone else," he mused.
"Oh, so I'm special to you?" you giggled and reached forward to cup his cheeks. Kuroo's eyes widened, lips parting to speak, but you cut him off before he could say anything in protest. "Then, lemme say this..."
Your thumbs brushed over his warm cheeks, and your lips curved up into a dopey, drunk grin.
"I like you, Tetsurou."
There was a beat of silence as his dark eyes scanned over your expression. Your half lidded eyes, cheeks red from your tears earlier, your swollen lips pulled up into that silly grin.
"...I know," he whispered, fingers reaching up to rest over your own, still holding his face. "Can you tell me again when you're sober?"
"No," you pulled your hands away so you could wag your index finger in his face. The motion made him lean back in his stool just slightly. "I don't wanna, m'gonna forget about all this anyway--"
Kuroo took your hand into his own, gently brushing his lips over your knuckles. The movement was small and filled with affection. If you had drank any less than what you did, it may have sobered you up instantly.
"I'll call you tomorrow morning, and you're going to tell me again. I won't let you forget."
His fingers laced with your own, and you hummed quietly, as if contemplating the idea.
You'd definitely have more than just the hangover to regret in the morning.
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morphodae · 16 hours
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ღ HSR Men Becoming Parents (part 2) ღ
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(≫ Part 1 here)
≫ Note: some children of these characters are biological and some are adopted! :)
✦ CW: some related story spoilers for characters, non-graphic mentions of labor and delivery, pregnancy, fluff, light angst, suggestive in Jing Yuan’s part lol, spoilers for Otto Apocalypse HI3 in Luocha’s part (iykyk), no partner in Sampo’s it’s simply platonic parental fluff, creative liberty for Sunday’s destiny after Penacony, the Trailblazer/MC is Stelle in this
✦ Characters: Jing Yuan, Luocha, Sampo (platonic), Sunday x Reader all separate (gender-neutral for the most part as anyone can be a “mom” or parent!)
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≫ Jing Yuan
“So… (Name) and the General go at it like rabbits? Not surprised, tbh.”
“Eww! I don’t wanna think about that! We already know they can hardly take their hands off each other when we see them together!”
A loud clearing of someone’s throat is heard as Dan Heng appears in the hotel doorway of the two gossiping girls. Arms crossed, expression unamused.
“Speaking so crudely about the General while we’re visiting isn’t exactly proper,” he admonishes, he turns to the pink-haired girl, “and I thought you’d know better than to encourage her behavior, March.”
March 7th waves her hands up frantically in defense. “I’m just as surprised as Stelle is, that’s all!”
As the young man turns to walk away, the thought of someone from his old life — an old friend — becoming a father was a thought that brought the faintest of smiles to Dan Heng’s face.
During your pregnancy, it was easy and lowkey. Your Yuan made sure to keep you out of his affairs as much as possible and you were grateful. Additionally, you had an easy process welcoming your little girl together into the world. The only thing was — your husband might have kept things a bit too secret.
Yanqing is playing another game of chess in the General’s garden, asking question upon question about the newest bundle he saw his master carrying days ago.
“When were you going to tell me, General?! That’s huge news!”
“All in due time,” the white-haired man grins, taking another piece off the game board.
Yanqing was quite ecstatic, if not surprised, to find out his Master had a daughter behind the scenes. He respected you and the General greatly, so a part of the young boy wanted to get stronger so that he could protect the General’s daughter as though she were his little sister.
“Speaking of, there were rumors going around of you and (Name). And during one of our sparring matches, Yunli got embarrassed when I asked her what she heard about you and (Name)…” Yanqing trails off, gold eyes deep in thought. His expression far too innocent. “I mean, General, don’t babies normally just… come from an ancient bird? That’s what I heard, anyways. If that’s the case then maybe Yunli and I can raise one someday as our apprentice and—“
Jing Yuan cuts off his apprentice with a deep rumble of laughter. “—Perhaps that’s something for you to worry about in several decades time.” The General rises from his cushion gracefully, changing the subject on the endearingly naive boy.
“Speaking of Miss Yunli, weren’t you going to gift her a weapon you saw in a shop and then take her to see a new play?”
Yanqing’s eyes widen comically, his face turning a bright shade of vermillion. “Huh?! How do you know that?”
The General merely walks away, a knowing laugh and closed-eyed smile as the only response he offers.
“General? H-hey! General…!”
≫ “Luocha”
The merchant “Luocha” knew better than to stay too long in one place. To form attachments and risk the confrontation of heartbreak of the other party. The contents of his mysterious coffin kept him grounded to his mission that none should know about.
But yet. He met you.
Another merchant, one with a penchant for travel, like him. A Foxian with a natural sense of business relations and ensuring every customer could receive what they asked for; and if they didn’t, then there would also be an offered compromise. In a way, he was the one in the shadows, preferring to keep things simple, business-only, and secretive. You, however, would greet everyone as one would a friend; polite, direct, extroverted, personable. The sun to his moon. Yet, he had to admit: it was a perfect complement in terms of business.
The one day you take off and he’s left to finish up at your shared stall in Aurum Alley, is the day he finds his life changes forever.
Two young children; a girl and a boy, are being cornered by Cloud Knights who insisted they stole and by the looks of things, are being quite aggressive with the two children. The girl, the slightly taller of the two, is huddled protectively over the boy, trying desperately to shield his trembling form. The boy is coughing, clearly unwell and scared.
Usually, Luocha wouldn’t get involved in trivial matters. The galaxy is a vast place, and oftentimes, it can be cruel. Yet the sight of the two children mirrors a distant, hazy memory — and that is enough to get the blond man in action. With graceful steps, he approaches the Knights, assesses the situation, and fishes for information. Supposedly, the girl had been stealing food and medicine for the boy since they had no one but themselves, despite not being related by blood, the girl felt the need to care for him. The boy was born sickly and had inventions that he eagerly showed Luocha when asked, stating that no one wanted to buy them.
Leaning down to the children’s heights, Luocha reimbursed the Knights for any credits lost that the kids were responsible for and dismissed them. Taking a look at the young boy’s inventions brought a smile to his face. “You are quite the genius, you know?” With a beaming smile, the boy stood a little closer to the blond merchant and offered to show him more of his ideas.
“No need. Not right now, at least,” Luocha responds smoothly. “How about I treat the two of you to a proper meal? Then, I can show you the stall that my partner and I run.”
The next day, the little boy’s inventions stood proudly on the display cases; garnering in several customers as Luocha and his partner swore that the two children, who were all alone in the galaxy with no one but each other, would never go hungry or want for shelter ever again.
≫ Sampo Koski
How does a Fool, one who lives for himself, his Aeon, and theatrics, ever find anyone to grab his attention permanently?
The truth is, it’s an extremely rare occurrence and not something Sampo Koski saw happening for himself. Still, one fateful day in the slums of Belebog changed the course of his life forever.
A young boy — a street performer, it seemed — was excited to show any passerby his tricks and jokes. Naturally, Sampo had to see what the fuss was about. With no Silvermane staff or pesky Captain Gepard to ruin his fun, Sampo felt compelled to join the show.
When parts of the crowd seemed bored or uninterested in stopping by, Sampo made sure to draw more attention to the boy’s performance. With a wink and a dramatic bow, the blue-haired man encouraged the kid to continue on; stating that his show was going to be worth it.
With newfound confidence, the boy continued the performance with Sampo; drawing in stray credits until the pair were eventually chased by off-duty Guards into a hidden alleyway.
“Nice going!” He offered the kid a fist bump as they caught their breath hiding from the Guards near some trash bins. “Name’s Sampo Koski, by the way!”
“I’ve never heard of you, mister,” the boy answered earnestly before shyly giving his own name. “Why would you do that for me back there? Grownups never pay me any mind…”
“Well, call it a bit of generosity on my part,” the man grins. “Say, do you have anywhere to go?”
“No, sir. My parents died long ago to the Fragmentum. It’s just me trying to make it in The Underworld.”
“Well, you’re in luck! Because if you come with Sampo, you’re bound to have endless fun and all the credits you can ask for!” He nudged the kid playfully with his elbow. “What do ya say? Wanna get off this ice rock and see the rest of the galaxy?”
The boy eventually nods, eyes sparkling with newfound joy at a chance of finding himself in the vast galaxy and seeing new sights besides Jarilo-VI.
≫ Sunday Oak
A deal between the IPC and the Family left Sunday at the mercy of those above him… those who were always above him. Yet again, he felt he’d never escape the confines as a caged bird. When the Astral Express offer him a place to stay with him, he’s hesitant before his pragmatism reluctantly agrees. Who else would he stay with? Where else could he go? At least with the Express, he’d have a chance at knowing the well-being and whereabouts of Robin from time to time.
When he meets you on board, he’s as dejected as one would expect; shy, moping, and not a single word uttered to you as he quietly adjusts to a room made just for him. He avoids you and the others save for a word or two out of a necessary response.
You didn’t know him well and met him once or twice in Penacony, so it was jarring to see the once confident Oak Family head so… defeated. But, that never stopped you. If anything, you took it as a challenge.
The Express also took you in and you saw them as family. You were going to do the same for Sunday, no matter what.
The Halovian frustrated you many days but you were slowly breaking down his cautious walls, reminding him of his sister, playing her songs for him to hear, and letting him call her on your phone as he pleased. As such, he found himself falling for you. It was a classic case of “you fell first but he fell harder” as March had said in passing. And so, sooner than later, the two of you became romantic. If anything, Sunday saw you as a savior, a soulmate. Despite kicking himself for becoming so attached, you were a delicious sin he couldn’t help but partake in.
When he received the news, he requested to leave at the nearest stop to clear his head. He knew it wasn’t fair to you and he was sure to get an earful from some Express members once he returned, but his mind was swimming with every possibility. Was he ready for a child? Would he be worthy enough to bring them into a cruel, unrelenting galaxy that he once tried to change for the better? Eventually, he returns back and hugs you wordlessly. You reassure him that if he wanted it too (he did, oh Aeons he wanted both you and his child), that things would work out. And yes, Sunday did receive a stern lecture for leaving from Pom-Pom, March, and even Stelle, but the entirety of the crew sat him down for a long, heartfelt talk to assure him that he was family to them now, and they’d be there for the two of you no matter what.
When the day comes for you to give birth, you’re taken to the best galactic doctor Sunday researched. He’s more nervous than you are and he can’t sit still. His wings flutter at every sound of pain you make and his heart threatens to beat out of his chest. Fourteen system hours later and not one, but two little babies are placed on your chest; each with the tiniest wings sprouting under their ears. A girl and a boy — a subtle reminder of him and Robin.
Only this time, through blurry vision of nonstop tears, Sunday swore he’d never let either one of them succumb to a fate akin to that poor Charmony dove. Your children would have no cages, but instead, boundless freedom.
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© morphodae (please do not insert any of my works into artificial intelligence programs or repost my works on any site)
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fallstaticexit · 1 day
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
AN: Still got a bug but I couldn’t go another day without sharing more of this beloved story of mine 💜 next update will return next week! Just a couple more before we end part II and begin part III.
Transcript under the cut
Nancy: [panting] Ok...ok, I-I think I get it. Thank you.
Darling: It’s not even close to the real thing. I can give it to you, if you want it. No strings.
Nancy Narrates: [If my heart wasn’t so lost in Vanessa, would I have said yes]
Nancy: [whispers] I’m not a cheater.
Darling: Ah. Right. Your boyfriend. Fuck, my bad. I got caught up in the moment. Come on, let’s wake up M and Knox and call it a night.
Nancy Narrates: [Boyfriend. Not once did I think about Geoffrey]
Darling: You’ll figure it out. It’s not easy but you’ll find the real thing. But, if you tryna figure it out some more, holla at me. [chuckles]
Nancy: [chuckles lightly]
Bob: Found something!
Geoffrey: Seriously? Is it an address?
Bob: Not an address. It’s a phone number. I doubt the Villareal’s have their residence shared to the public.
Geoffrey: Dude, you are seriously a genius. I owe you one!
Bob: No worries, my man! Nothing gets me ready for 8am exams like a good old fashioned 2am espionage.
Geoffrey: Anything to see Nancy smile again. I’m going to surprise her on our anniversary.
Bob: If I don’t end up as crazy about Eliza as you are with Nance, then I’m doing something wrong.
Geoffrey: DId you have fun with the Theta’s tonight?
Nancy: Yeah... yeah, it was fun..
Geoffrey: I’ve been thinking about our anniversary all day. I can’t wait to take you out. Come on, let’s get you to bed.
Nancy Narrates: [He doesn’t deserve my lying]
Nancy Narrates: [I wish I could say it would be the last time I did]
Geoffrey: I know I’ve said it already, but you look amazing tonight, Nance.
Nancy: Thank you. You look very handsome too.
Geoffrey: My girlfriend has great taste in wardrobe. I say it everytime.
Nancy: You’re really easy to dress. You’re like my living doll.
Geoffrey: I can’t believe it’s been 2 years. I still can’t believe how lucky I am. When you said you had feelings for me that day in the courtyard, I almost didn’t believe it. I thought you were too perfect for me.
Nancy: [frowns] That’s not true. You’re a catch, Geoffrey. Anyone would be so lucky to have you.
Geoffrey: I’m glad it wasn’t just anyone. I’m so happy it was you.
Nancy: [smiles softly] Thank you for loving me. It’s more than I deserve.
Geoffrey: [grins] You deserve it all. Here’s to many more years of you and me. Oh! By the way, I have a gift for you, and don’t tell me I shouldn’t have.
Geoffrey: Ta-da!! I know how much you miss your friend Vanessa, from high school so I had Bobby do some digging around. Didn’t find much but we found her number! The number works too, I called it and it went to voicemail. You should give her a call! Catch up.
Geoffrey: I get it, Nance. Other than you, Bob is like my favorite person in the world. If he ever up and moved without a word, I’d be crushed. I know you’re making a ton of new friends now, but hey, there really is nothing like having your best friend around, right?
Geoffrey: Nancy?
Nancy Narrates: [What would I even say. How do I even being to convey the longing, the sorrow, the love that I’ve held on to for two years. What would I do when I hear her voice again]
[phone rings]
Vanessa: Hi, you’ve reached Vanessa Villareal. I’m away from the phone but if you leave your name and a call back number, I’ll be sure to reach out to you. Chao.
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archangeldyke-all · 20 hours
hai!!! ik ur requests are open again and the thought of sweet shower sex with sevika has been plaguing my mind recently... 😵‍💫
god i need her.
men and minors dni
"where're you going?" sevika whines as you untangle yourself from her grasp. you giggle and kiss your sleepy girlfriend's pout.
"i gotta shower before i fall asleep. i stink."
"no you don't, come back here." sevika groans, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you back down to the bed. you laugh.
"c'mon, sev. i'm still in my work clothes and everything."
"but what about our cuddles?" she whines.
you can't keep yourself from squealing a little bit as you wrap your arms back around your girlfriend. "you're so fuckin' cute. who knew you'd be so clingy once you became mine?" you ask. sevika huffs.
"fuck off. you got me all used to cuddling and now you're cutting me off cold turkey. this is abuse."
you cackle. "you're so dramatic. i'll be gone thirty minutes at most."
"but then i'll fall asleep without you, and the best part of fallin' asleep is that i get to hold you the whole time." she pouts. your heart swells, and you kiss her forehead.
"so come shower with me."
this makes sevika blink one of her eyes open, looking at you with a salacious smirk. "yeah?"
you giggle. "c'mon, i'll go start the water."
sevika scrambles out of bed, stripping as she jogs to the bathroom ahead of you. you just laugh.
in the bathroom, you don't even get a moment to appreciate the sight of your naked girlfriend before she's on you, stripping you with impatient hands.
"slow down! we got nowhere to be." you giggle as sevika nearly tears your shirt off.
"it's cold as fuck out here, i need to get under the water." sevika pouts. you giggle.
"i noticed." you say, pinching her nipples. sevika squeals and smacks your hands away, glaring at you as she crosses her arms over her tits.
still, though. despite the way she's shivering, and the goosebumps on her arms, sevika insists that she help you into the shower first, holding your hand like a gentlewoman to assure you don't slip as you step over the lip of the tub.
you groan as the steamy water starts to beat down on you, instantly relaxing you after a long day. sevika's arms wrap around your waist, her body pressing flat against your back, her chin hooking over your shoulder as she gently sways the two of you.
for a few minutes, you both just stand under the spray, relaxing in the warmth and the feel of each other.
"i missed you today." sevika whispers at one point. you smile, turning around in her arms to wrap your own around her shoulders.
"i missed you, too, baby." you say, slowly scratching against her scalp. "duck down a bit so i can wash your hair for you." you request. sevika hangs her head a bit, and you carefully massage her scalp, enjoying the way she melts at your touch, the soft little sighs she lets out each time you give her head a good scrub.
"don' get shampoo in my eyes." she grumbles. you snort.
"i've been washing your hair for years, sev, have i ever hurt you?" you ask. she giggles.
"there was that one time..."
"that time you insisted you didn't need to rinse your hair out before going down on me!? that was all your fault baby." you cackle. sevika just grins, and you tilt her chin back and start rinsing her hair for her.
"still got you to cum before i started crying, though." she says. you snort.
"and then i nearly had a heart attack when i opened my eyes and saw my girlfriend sobbing between my legs."
sevika chuckles guiltily. "well, what about now?" she asks. you blink.
"what about now?" you ask.
"am i good to go?" she asks, gesturing to her hair. you nod.
"all clean."
"good." she says with a smile, grabbing a washcloth and lathering it up in your body soap. "my turn to take care of you." she says simply, starting to scrub the cloth on your back.
you relax into her touch, letting her scrub away all the dirt and grime on your skin from a hard day's work. she's gentle and loving as she works, pressing kisses to your skin once she's scrubbed it, carefully taking the time to work a few knots in your shoulders out.
you snort when her hand starts trailing toward your cunt, gently elbowing her from where she stands behind you. "what're you doing?"
"mmm, taking care of you?" she guesses. you giggle.
"what happened to miss. i-need-cuddles?" you ask. sevika snorts.
"this counts." she says as she starts to circle your clit. you giggle a little.
"just make it quick. you know the water heater runs out after twenty minutes-- i don't wanna ice bath tonight."
you can feel her smile on your shoulder. "i'll keep you warm, love." she promises as she works a finger inside you.
her free arm is wrapped around your waist, keeping you pinned to her chest. you relax against her solid form, leaning your head back on her shoulder, moaning as she starts to slowly suck a hickey into your exposed neck. "you feel so good." you sigh. sevika squeezes your waist and kisses your cheek.
"so do you. you're dripping around my fingers." she whispers. you giggle.
"we're in the shower." you point out.
"no, no, this is all you." she says. you huff a little laugh, though you don't doubt her. sevika always manages to make you messy.
"lemme turn around." you request. sevika lets go of you for just long enough for you to spin around in her arms. you sigh when her face comes into your view, cupping her cheeks as she pulls you back toward her chest, her hand sliding down between your bodies to continue what she's started. "hey, beautiful." you greet her.
sevika's cheeks are flushed, both from the warm shower and from the compliment. you giggle and kiss her nose, cherishing the sweet smile you get for it, before leaning forward and kissing her properly.
"hmmm." she hums happily against your lips, her fingers picking up their pace inside you as you start licking into her mouth. you've got one arm draped around her shoulders, and with your free hand you start to grope her ass. sevika giggles and breaks your kiss. "you're obsessed." she admonishes. you just smile and give her a quick smack. she squawks. "hey!" she laughs. you grin.
"hurry up 'n make me cum so i can take you to bed and bury my face in your ass." you request. sevika's eyes flash with lust and she groans.
"i thought we were gonna cuddle?" she teases, even while she adds a second finger to your cunt.
"y-yeah, my tongue is gonna c-cuddle your ass." you reply shakily as she starts pressing against your g-spot. sevika cackles, then she launches forward to press her grin against yours.
it's quiet beside the sound of your gasps, the water hitting the tiles, and the occasional smooching sound coming from the kisses sevika's peppering on your body. her thumb starts to play with your clit in time with her thrusts and you squeak. "close?" sevika whispers.
you nod, your head falling forward until you're resting against her shoulder. sevika presses kisses to your scalp while her strong arm wraps around your waist, holding you up as she fucks you closer and closer to your orgasm. when you cum, you gasp a needy "sevika!" and then start to tremble in her arms.
she fucks you through it, letting you catch your breath before she pulls her fingers out of your cunt and pinches your chin, kissing you passionately as you pant against her lips. "fuck, you're so beautiful. can't believe i get to do that to you-- get to make you fall apart like that." sevika murmurs.
you giggle. "i'm so in love with you." you sigh. she grins like you've just handed her a check for a million dollars.
the shower sputters a bit, and then you both squeal as the spout starts shooting icy cold water down on you. "fuck!" sevika cries, reaching out to smack at the tap. "fuck." she says again when the water's finally off.
you can't catch your breath through your giggles. "i told you this would happen!"
"sorry! i got caught up in you..." sevika says between her shivers. you snort and wrap her up in a towel, before pushing her toward your bedroom.
"don't worry baby. my tongue's got a date with your ass that's sure to warm us both up."
sevika cackles, and your heart soars.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom
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allmoshnobrain · 3 days
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𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
dean winchester x hunter!reader | word count: 1,7k | requests are open! send yours here
“Sam died, sweetheart,” he whispered, and your heart clenched at his words. Why did he have to call you that right now? “And I made a deal to bring him back. I had to.” “This isn’t funny,” you said, your voice trembling. “Dean, you can’t be serious.” “I’m serious,” he replied, his tone firm. “I wouldn’t lie. Not about this.”
✦ on this fic: dean winchester x reader, fem!reader but this part is pretty neutral, angst, s3 spn plot
✦ a/n: this is my first time writing a reader insert for the supernatural universe. this is super angsty, and other parts to this au may come in the future so feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any suggestions! hope u enjoy the read 🖤
Word travels fast in a hunter’s world.
In a job where information is everything, sharing what you know wasn’t just helpful, but also expected. So, when the Devil’s Gate opened and demons started pouring out everywhere, it didn’t take long before you heard about it. It didn’t come as a surprise when you heard Sam and Dean Winchester had been there when it happened, right in the middle of it. You knew the boys; you knew they had a knack for getting mixed up in every kind of mess that popped up, ever.
What did surprise you, though, was Dean showing up on your doorstep less than a month later.
You knew something was off the second you saw him. First, because he was alone, and honestly, you couldn’t remember ever seeing him without Sam around. But mostly, it was the look in his eyes. As soon as you opened the door, he smiled at you, but his eyes didn’t follow — there was a storm brewing in his green irises, one even he didn’t seem to notice.
“Dean,” you said, frowning as he stood in your doorway. “How did you…”
“Bobby told me,” he cut you off, like it was no big deal, not even waiting for you to finish asking how the hell did he know where you lived. Of course, Bobby had. You sighed — would’ve been nice if Bobby gave you a heads-up, but whatever. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, but… what’s going on?” you asked, stepping aside to let him into your little cabin. It wasn’t much — pretty small, tucked away from the town, and didn’t look like anything special from the outside. Inside, though, was another story. Your eyes flicked up to the devil’s trap right above the door, and you felt a wave of relief when Dean walked right under it. Okay, not possessed. That’s a start.
“Can’t I just pay a visit to an old friend?” he asked, and you raised an eyebrow. Sure, you’d crossed paths with Dean more than a few times — occupational hazard of being a hunter — but something about this felt off. It wasn’t like him to just show up without a reason, especially with everything that had gone down in the past few weeks.
“Dean, what’s wrong?” you pressed, not letting him off the hook. His smile faltered, quickly replaced by that familiar annoyed look he got when he didn’t want to talk about whatever was actually on his mind.
“Why does something have to be wrong?”
You rolled your eyes. “Because you never just drop by for no reason. Where’s Sam?”
“Not here,” he muttered, and you couldn’t help but scoff. “Look, I’m fine. Everything's fine.  Bobby just figured you’d wanna know what went down with the Colt and yellow-eyes…”
“I’ve got a phone,” you cut in, crossing your arms. 
Dean sighed, his usual swagger faltering for a second as he cleared his throat, almost like he was nervous. “And… maybe he also thought I could use some time away from hunting, just for a bit, you know? With someone I… I liked being around.”
He couldn’t even look at you when he said it, a slight blush creeping up his neck. It wasn’t the Dean you were used to seeing, and that made your heart skip in a way you weren’t entirely prepared for.
You blinked in surprise. Dean, shy? Around you, of all people? That was rare. You’d seen him flirt before — hell, he was good at it and he knew it. This wasn’t the Dean you were used to, but then again, he wasn’t exactly acting like his usual self today.
“You’re not a shapeshifter, are you?” you asked, slowly. He huffed.
“No, I’m not.”
“Mind if I check?” You grabbed the knife you always kept strapped to your thigh. Dean just shrugged, holding his hand out. You took it, his skin warm under your fingers, and pressed the iron blade against it until it drew blood. No reaction, a small twitch in his arm muscles the only sign he’d felt anything. 
“See?” he said, his voice a little rough. “Not a shapeshifter, not a demon, just good ol’ me.”
Alright then. As weird as it was, it looked like Dean Winchester had really shown up at your place just to… hang out? You glanced up at him, wiping your knife off on your jeans before sliding it back into its sheath.
“Sorry about that,” you muttered. “Come on, let me patch you up.”
“So,” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow as you finished wrapping the bandage around his hand. “What’ve you been up to? Working any cases?”
“Why do you wanna know? Weren’t you supposed to be taking a break from hunting for a few days?” you shot back, and he chuckled. You glanced up at him. “You know I don’t hunt as much as you guys. I mostly just keep an eye on this area. But it’s been pretty quiet lately.”
“Yeah, well, you take care of yourself, alright? Lots of demons running around lately,” he said. “If you ever need backup, just call me.”
“Thanks,” you replied quietly. “I haven’t been up to much other than keeping an eye on things. Honestly, I was worried about you guys. Heard you were at the Devil’s Gate when everything went down.”
“We were trying to stop it,” Dean said, and you nodded.
“I figured as much. But…” You hesitated. “That’s not exactly what everyone’s saying.”
“What do you mean?” he asked, frowning a bit as he flexed his hand, checking how well he could move it with your bandages. “Who’s everyone?”
“The other hunters,” you said. “They’re saying Sam… and you… you guys made the whole thing happen.”
Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes and running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“And did you believe that bullshit?”
“I didn’t! Just… Please be careful out there, alright? Not all hunters are as friendly right now.” He looked at you for a moment, then let out a sigh and nodded. You hesitated. “Do you, uh, wanna hit up a bar or something? I mean, I’m not exactly living the most exciting life out here…”
“You got a TV and some beers?” he asked, catching you off guard. You blinked a few times before nodding. “Sweet. That’s all I need today. We could watch a movie or something, maybe order in.”
“I can cook,” you chimed in. “I’ve got a wood-burning oven outside... we could make homemade pizza.”
The way he looked at you, it was like you’d just revealed you had the keys to Heaven itself.
You finally figured out what was up much later in the night, while you and Dean were sprawled out in your queen bed.
At first, he had tried to be a gentleman and insisted on crashing on the couch, but you wouldn’t have it — the bed was more than big enough for both of you. No point in him getting a stiff neck just because he wanted to play nice. Sure, you were practical, but you also just wanted him to be comfortable. You could sense something was off with him, even if he kept saying he was fine.
So there you were, cozy and ready to sleep, lights out and moonlight streaming through the curtains, lying on your side and facing the wall as you listened to his deep breathing. You were almost drifting off yourself when he said it.
“I made a deal.”
You opened your eyes right away, twisting in bed to find his face just inches from yours. Your heart raced at the vulnerability in his gaze — the angst he’d tried to keep hidden was now clear as day. It made your heart sink and your breath hitch a little.
“What?” you asked, concern creeping into your voice. Dean closed his eyes for a second, letting out a small sigh.
“Sam died, sweetheart,” he whispered, and your heart clenched at his words. Why did he have to call you that right now? “And I made a deal to bring him back. I had to.”
“This isn’t funny,” you said, your voice trembling. “Dean, you can’t be serious.”
“I’m serious,” he replied, his tone firm. “I wouldn’t lie. Not about this.”
You didn’t answer, just buried your face in your hands, struggling to catch your breath as tears started to well up in your eyes. The reaction shocked you — why did you care about him so much? How could you be terrified of losing him when you were just… what? Occasional hunting partners? Friends?
But he was right there with you, wasn’t he?
Was this why he had come to you?
“I wanted to tell you myself,” he said softly, as if he could read your mind. “I… I wanted to see you. One last time, at least.”
One last time. His words bounced around in your head, and you lowered your hands to face him, confusion scrunching your brow. That didn’t make sense. Demons usually gave you ten years after a deal, so why…?
“Dean,” you said slowly. “How long… how long did they give you?”
“A year,” he whispered, so quietly you almost missed it. “They gave me a year.”
“No,” you said, covering your mouth with one hand as the sobs started to spill out. “Oh, no, Dean, no, no, no…”
He pulled you close, wrapping you tight against his chest as you cried, your arms instinctively clinging to him. Incoherent words tumbled out — trying to apologize for crying, for feeling like a hole had been carved out of your chest. It didn’t feel right — you weren’t the one who was supposed to be feeling this way.
Because you weren’t the one dying.
You cried yourself to sleep in his arms that night. As your sobs faded into tired breaths and your eyes finally closed, Dean felt a sharp ache in his chest while watching your swollen eyes and damp cheeks.
He couldn’t deal with the whirlwind of feelings churning inside him right now. He couldn’t face the regret, the fear, not even that nameless feeling he had for you — because he was too scared to name it, to even acknowledge it was real. All he knew was that he had lied; Bobby hadn’t sent him to you. Things weren’t fine, no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise.
He had come to you of his own choice.
Because when his world was crumbling, he knew you were the only one who could help him pick up the pieces.
Even when everything felt hopeless.
Even when he felt completely lost.
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alwaysmicado · 21 hours
Next Month
1.5k / Steven Grant x f!reader / 18+
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Summary: Your period arrives—a painful reminder of another lost month, another lost chance after trying so hard. Thankfully, you find strength and comfort in your loving husband, Steven. Warnings: period after ttc, emotional hurt/comfort A/N: I wrote this at 4 am after my cramps woke me up. Trying to conceive is hard. My heart goes out to all of you who are going through this too. It'll all work out somehow. It just has to. 🤍
The day had started out like any other—with a hint of hope, one that you’d barely dared to grasp, that maybe, just maybe, this time things would be different.
But as you sat on the toilet that morning, staring at the too-familiar streak of red, the hope slipped away from your grasp, and the weight of disappointment settled on your chest like a stone.
Another month. Another failed attempt.
You’d been trying with Steven for what felt like forever, and each time your period arrived, it felt like a cruel reminder that something was broken. Maybe in you. Maybe in fate. It gnawed at your heart, an overwhelming ache that mirrored the physical pain already coursing through your body.
The cramps were relentless today, twisting in your abdomen, spreading to your legs, to your back, as if punishing you for even thinking that this month might be different. You clutched the counter, willing the pain to subside, but it lingered. Sharp, biting.
The blood, the cramps, the emotional toll—it was all too much. And yet, somehow, you had to go to work, put on a professional face, smile, and be polite, even though every part of you wanted to scream and break down.
The hours dragged by in a haze of discomfort and forced pleasantries, you felt nauseous, no change of position in your chair offered any relief, every trip to the bathroom caused you to tear up, and Steven’s sweet text messages pierced your heart. 
By the time you got home, your nerves were raw, your body and mind too exhausted to keep up the pretense any longer. Your muscles ached, your heart heavier than it had ever been, and a pit of dread sat deep in your stomach. You’d thought about calling Steven, but what would you say? “It didn’t happen again.” It wasn’t fair to keep burdening him with your fears.
He was so hopeful, so full of love.
But as you stood in front of the stove, stirring a pot you weren’t even sure you had the energy to eat from, something in you broke. The spoon clattered against the side of the pot, your hands trembling, and suddenly, hot tears streamed down your face.
The sobs came out of nowhere, jagged and painful, and you leaned forward, bracing yourself against the counter, shaking with the force of your grief.
You couldn’t do it anymore.
The hope, the crushing disappointment, the anger, the heartache—it was demoralizing. Why couldn’t your body do what it was supposed to? Why? Why couldn’t you give Steven the one thing you both wanted so desperately? 
You didn’t hear the door open. Didn’t hear the soft sound of Steven’s keys dropping into the dish by the door. You were too lost in your sorrow, the ache that felt like it was swallowing you whole.
“Love,” Steven’s voice, gentle and concerned, cut through the storm of your sobs. His hand was warm on your back, but you flinched, too raw to be touched just yet. “Oh, love, what’s wrong?”
He didn’t ask if it was your period. He didn’t need to. You’d gone through this cycle enough times together for him to know. He moved around you, his face soft with concern, his dark eyes wide and gentle as he stepped closer.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out, wiping at your tears with the back of your hand, but more kept falling. “I’m so sorry, Steven. I’m–” You couldn’t even finish the sentence. The words lodged in your throat, thick and bitter.
Steven was there before you could crumble any further, his arms wrapping around you with a gentleness that felt like safety, like home. He didn’t squeeze too tightly, knowing how fragile you felt, but he held you close enough to ground you, to remind you that you weren’t alone.
“Hey, hey, shh,” he whispered, his voice a soft balm against the wound in your heart. His words were warm, like the honey you often stirred into tea, the kind that coats your soul when you need it most. “You don’t have to apologize, sweetheart. Not to me. Never for this.”
But you felt like you had to.
The weight of every missed chance, every negative test, hung heavy around your entire being, and in this moment, it seemed unbearable. The tears kept coming, no matter how much you tried to stop them, and you buried your face in his chest, your shoulders shaking as you let it all out.
Every negative test, every pregnancy announcement from friends, every piece of baby clothing you’d already picked out, every article you’d read about fertility, every night you’d cried yourself to sleep—every piece of heartbreak you’d been holding inside—it all came pouring out in his arms.
Steven held you, his hands moving in slow circles on your back, wishing he could soak up your pain, wishing he could carry more of the burden for you. “It’ll be alright,” he murmured. “It will, love. I know it’s hard, and I know it hurts. I’m sad, too, but we’ll get through this. Together. We always do.”
His words were soft, tender, and you could feel the love in every syllable. He wasn’t frustrated or disappointed, not in you. That much was clear. He wasn’t angry that things hadn’t worked out again. He was here, holding you through the storm like he always did, trying his best to calm your racing thoughts.
“But what if…what if we can’t?” you whispered, your voice trembling as you pulled back just enough to look at him through wet lashes. “What if something’s wrong with me, Steven? What if it never happens? Time is ticking and I—what if I can’t have a baby? It’s not fair and I’m so sick of this. What is wrong with me?”
His brow furrowed, his hands coming up to cradle your face, thumbs brushing away your tears. “There is nothing wrong with you,” he said firmly, his voice so full of certainty that it made you ache. “Nothing. And even if—if—it doesn’t happen the way we want, we’ll still have each other, yeah? We’ll find our way. I promise. I married you because you’re everything I’ve ever wanted. You. Not the possibility of a baby. You.”
You shook your head, tears pooling in your eyes, overwhelmed by the sincerity in his voice. “But I want to have a baby with you,” you whispered. “I want a little toddler running around, with your smile and curious eyes, telling me stories about Egypt before they can even pronounce the words. I want a child who grows into someone who makes the world a better place just by existing in it, just like you do. The world needs more of you, Steven, and I—I want that for us. A child to love. A family.”
“Sweetie, I want all that too.” Steven’s gaze softened, his eyes full of unshakable love. “Whenever I imagine it, I see a bright little girl with a big smile and beautiful eyes just like yours, tugging on my sleeve and asking a million questions about everything. I’m sure my heart would explode from cuteness. And there’s nothing I’d love more than to see you being the incredible mum I know you’ll be.”
His hands cradled your face as he spoke, his voice steady and filled with conviction. “But that doesn’t mean I’m missing something now. You already give me everything I could ever need. Every day.”
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, his breath warm against your skin. “I know it’ll all work out somehow. And until then we just keep trying and being happy that we have each other, yeah? All I care about is you, love. I’m with you, no matter what. Always.”
His words sank deep into your chest, and though the pain didn’t vanish, the edge of it softened just a little. You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes and leaning into his touch, the warmth of his presence wrapping around you like a blanket.
“I love you,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion, the words barely making it past the lump in your throat.
“I love you too,” he whispered back, his lips brushing softly against your ear in a kiss so gentle it sent a shiver through you, making your heart ache in the sweetest way. “It’ll be okay. I can feel it. Next month—next month will be our time.”
A small, hopeful smile tugged at your lips as you looked at him, your eyes meeting his. Despite everything, his optimism was contagious, and for a moment, the weight on your shoulders felt lighter.
You smiled at him, and in his eyes, you saw a glimmer of the future you both so desperately wanted.
Moon Knight Masterlist / AO3
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hotvintagepoll · 1 day
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Margaret Rutherford (Murder, She Said, Blithe Spirit)—I watched Blithe Spirit recently where she reprises the role she played in the play the film's based on and her character Madame Arcati just feels scrungly to me. Is it the performance that gets chosen as the textbook definition of scrungly? Maybe not. But she is engrossing, hence why she was the first scrungler I thought of when I saw the tournament theme.
Lon Chaney Sr. (The Phantom of the Opera)—ray bradbury worshipped this guy and I can see why. a horror icon known as "the man of a thousand faces," he was a master of using makeup and prosthetics to conjure characters who look nothing like each other. his erik is TRULY fucked up [photos under the cut], to circle back to bradbury, i think he says it best: "He somehow got into the shadows inside our bodies; he was able to nail down some of our secret fears and put them on-screen. The history of Lon Chaney is the history of unrequited loves. He brings that part of you out into the open, because you fear that you are not loved, you fear that you never will be loved, you fear there is some part of you that's grotesque, that the world will turn away from." Some of his work has not aged well, but much of it is still found in the way we depict horror, the strange, and the uncanny in cinema.
This is round 1 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Margaret Rutherford:
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Lon Chaney Sr.:
Oh my God. Let me just focus on Erik for a sec (like i don't do that every day of my life). Pug nose, crooked tooth little mess man. He put on his big cunty feathered hat for the ball but underneath it he's got that stupid, stupid hair. The evening suit that kinda doesn't fit. In what way is Lon Chaney--in this role specifically-- not the ultimate scrungo? Granted, they edited out his very scrungliest of moments (WE WERE ROBBED) but WE HAVE THE STILLS!!!
This man played depressed outsiders, sometimes depressed clowns, the most pathetic losers ever (affectionately) and his faces and gestures always were so funny!
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l0stfoster · 2 days
I wanna know more about the feather situation now tho ohhhh you got me intrigued ohhhh my goddddd
And paul just thinking and knowing hes the reason johnny’s in a wheelchair and that’ll probably haunt him for the rest of his life cuz now hes so associated with the greasers he probably knows johnny a lot better now and ohhh im gonna be sick . He probably has so many feelings about the shit he did b4 he was kicked out of the house ohhhh my sweet boy i love you so bad
Paul anon I hope you know you're an icon among the writers. Novva has previously expressed how much they want to put you in a jar and observe you (/pos)
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As always I am so joyous that you're enjoying Paul here hehe. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Canon Paul can go kick rocks, Cursed Paul, on the other hand, needs a break from me. I talk a lot below so yeah another below the cut.
The feather situation was a little thing I'd thought about recently, since I've brought up to the writers before about how Two would eventually offer Paul a feather for flock marking, and Paul, by god, does NOT want the feather. Not only does he feel like he doesn't deserve it for what he's done; but it proves something about himself too- that he's getting attached. What the fuck does it say about him if he begins to connect with these people? It doesn’t help the guilt, that’s for sure. Two tries for probably months to get him to take it; literally days on end of offering and being ignored or shrugged off- finally, Paul takes it, but he doesn't wear it, nor does he keep it on his person. The only reason Paul wears it visibly for the first time is because god DAMN does Two pull off some REALLY good sad, pathetic bird eyes (and Dally looks ready to kill him for upsetting Two-Bit, so.)
He just gets so damn unlucky with the timing and circumstances surrounding it. Not only do the harpies already hold beef with him because of Two’s original jumping and the feather issue (most of them are clueless to the fact that Two’s forgiven him, while others are aware and have kinda chilled), but having a soc who’s harmed one of their own in their territory does not sit well with a majority of them, even all these months later; something especially impactful to the Shepard’s Gang. The second one harpy spots Paul with this feather, the immediate assumption is that he’d taken it just as he did with the first one.
I don’t talk about the Shepard’s all too much, but this is a good time to mention that Two and Tim are pretty good friends— so, well, he takes this as a matter that he can settle himself; and it’s a good way to warn this rich boy imposing on their territory that he’s on strike two of three, whether he’s one of the cursed or not.
Paul Gets Jumped, Part 2. It’s definitely not as bad as when the socs got him because, despite their gripes, Tim is half aware that Darry does gaf about this guy (he’s very out of the loop, and doesn’t even know the two are dating). As bad or not, it does freak Paul the hell out due to how familiar it felt to the first time he was jumped. That’s called trauma big guy, you and Johnny can bond over shaking like chihuahuas when you walk home alone. They take the feather away from him too, and you bet your ass he will NOT ask Two-Bit for another one because he doesn’t want him thinking Paul had purposefully disposed of it, especially with how often he’d been turning it down. This mf also ends not up being very fond of harpies outside of the ones he knows (ie; Two, Mrs. Mathews, etc) for a little while. Refuses to walk outside the house unless he’s got someone else with the gang. Two dive bombs on and grabs Paul while he’s walking home once and the entire East side loses power for like 5 hours lmao. Two was not happy when he found out about it too. Harpy: “Oh yeah we got this back from a soc while ago here" Two: Two: “-Isn’t that Paul’s?” Harpy: Harpy: “Th. The soc?” Two: “Yeah??? Paul??? Darry’s boyfriend?? This was his-“ Harpy: “I mean, he had it b- ohhh shit. You gave it to him on purpose.” Two:
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Tim is very confused when a ruffled Two slams the door open and off its hinges at his house
Two, slamming the door open: “WHY WOULD YOU JUMP HIM WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME ABOUT THE FEATHER????” Tim, half asleep on the couch: Tim: “..g’d mornin'?”
ON THAT NOTE Paul is,, so utterly haunted by both Johnny's and Two's disabilities, and that is absolutely not helped by the fact that they don't even seem to hold it against him. In Johnny's eyes, Paul wasn't the one who'd jumped him, resulting in him carrying the switchblade that killed Bob. He wasn't the one who held Pony underwater with the intent to kill. Two himself already knows that Paul didn't expect him to be burned as he was, nor was he the one holding the lighter. The blame the gang directs at him varies; especially when they see that the two who fell victim don't even seem to be mad about it. I think that a large reason as to why Pony throws his blame at Paul for Johnny is because, well, Bob's not around to take it. He's an emotional teen who's taking it out on the person he knows had some correlation to it. Besides, I think all of us know Pony blames himself for the church fire; directing that anger at Paul makes it easier to cope.
But yeah, Paul's practically eaten alive by the guilt. It sure as hell doesn't help that he already feels bad for being directly related to the witch that cursed Tulsa.
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wearentdelulu · 15 hours
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UNTOUCHED (Sylus x femreader) (+18!!)
Summary: after a long day from doing your mission you run into Sylus. What will happen once you’re alone with him in his home….. (“your mouth can lie, but not your body…”)
Story title: UNTOUCHED Sylus One Shot
Authors Note: this story contains mature content. Viewers 18+ are required. This is my first story I hope you all enjoy. Incase you aren’t familiar with Sylus I will give a quick summary on him.
Sylus is the leader of Onychinus in the N109 zone. He can read anyone’s desires just by looking at them in the eye using his Evol powers.
Again this story is rated R‼️
As you walked back home from a mission, the sky suddenly began to pour down heavy rain. “Damn it” you mumble to yourself as you pick up your pace. As you reach the bus stop a black SUV pulls up beside you. You watch the window roll down to reveal Sylus. “Get in.” He says in his all too familiar commanding tone.
It’s not normal for you to run into him on this side of town. Considering he’s the leader of the N109 zone, his presence here alone could cause trouble.
“I’m fine Sylus, you should leave before someone sees you.” You sit down at the bus stop bench, your clothes sticking to your now drenched body.
Sylus raised an eyebrow, skeptical. He took a look at your soaking wet clothes and shivering frame, clearly not convinced. “Sure you are. Get in kitten and I’m not asking.”
Kitten……. He gave you that nickname months ago and you never understood why, but then again you didn’t hated it either….or him. As much of a narcissist asshole he is, you couldn’t help be always be attracted to him. His face was flawless for the most part, aside from a thin scar crossing his right eye, but god…..why did that make him even hotter than before. He was a very tall man with a perfect muscular form. Every movement he makes gave off confidence and authority.
You snap out of your thoughts as you felt a muscular arm pull you into the car. He straps the seatbelt on you and closes the passenger door. You watch him get back into the car, his clothes now sticking to his muscular frame. His gray hair now sticking to his forehead. “You’re so stubborn kitten.” He says pulling away from the bus stop.
You bristled at his words, defensiveness pricking beneath your cold exterior. “I can handle myself. I’m not some fragile little girl who needs your help all the time. I’ll be fine once I get home and change.”
Sylus remains quiet for a moment, his eyes never leaving the road. His expression unchanging. “You’re coming home with me, kitten.”
“W-What?!” Your heart thumped anxiously in your chest at his words. You didn’t know what to make of the situation. Why is he taking you to his house and not yours? What is he up to? And why are you slightly excited at the thought of being alone with him.
He shrugs as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re soaked to the bone and you’re shivering like a leaf. You need somewhere dry and warm to get you out of these clothes. My house is closer than yours.” He stated his tone leaving no room for debate.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You couldn’t deny that he had a point, the wetness from your clothes were making you miserable. But the thought of being at the mercy of someone like Sylus, someone so guarded and cold, sent a shiver down your spine that has nothing to do with the your soaked clothes. “I……I guess you’re right.” You admitted reluctantly. “It’s just a bit strange though. We aren’t this comfortable around each other.”
Sylus lets out a scoff. His cold gaze flickering to you then the road. “You got any better ideas then? He asked, his words laced with a bit of sarcasm. “You want to stay in the rain and wait until you catch a cold? Admit it kitten, you don’t have a choice.”
You flinched at his words, the harshness in his tone cutting through you. You knew he had a point, but the thought of being alone in his house, made your stomach churn with unease and excitement. But you were cold, wet, and the idea of getting out of your soaked clothes sounded so appealing. You took a deep breath, your voice quivering slightly. "No...I don't have any better ideas..."
Sylus seemed satisfied with your answer, a small, smug smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He kept driving in silence, his eyes focused on the road ahead.
After a few more minutes, he pulled up to a large, elegant mansion, the car coming to a halt in the driveway. "We're here," he said bluntly, unlocking the car doors. Your eyes widened as you looked up at the huge mansion in front of you. Sylus lived here? It seemed so...grand and extravagant.
You stayed in the car for a moment, your heart racing with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Then, with a deep breath, you pushed open the car door and stepped out, the rain still pelting your wet skin. Sylus was already walking towards the house, clearly expecting you to follow. With a hesitant step, you started after him, the water from your clothes leaving a trail behind you.
Sylus leads you up the path and through the front door, his footsteps silent and deliberate. The inside of the house was just as impressive as the outside - luxurious, spacious, and meticulously clean. He gestured towards a staircase that led to the second floor.
"Bathroom's up there. You can take a shower to warm up. There's towels and a change of clothes on the counter," he instructed, his voice cool and firm.
“Thanks” you nod as you start making your way up stairs towards the bathroom. Sylus watched as you made your way up the stairs, his gaze lingering on your disappearing figure. There was something about your vulnerability, your uncertainty, that drew him in. His eyes darkened slightly as he contemplated you. As you reached the top of the stairs and headed towards the bathroom, he ran a hand over his face, his thoughts spinning at a rapid pace. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants, his expression impassive as he waited for you to finish.
You shut the bathroom door behind you, the sound echoing in the lavish space. You leaned back against the door, heart racing. You couldn't deny that there was a strange, almost magnetic pull between yourself and Sylus... You glanced around the bathroom, the scent of his shower gels and the sight of his razor and shaving cream on the counter causing you to blush. You quickly started undressing, your cold, wet clothes clinging to your skin.
You stepped under the hot, steaming water, letting out a blissful sigh as the warmth began to sink into your cold, aching body. You used Sylus's soap and shampoo, the fragrance filling your nostrils and making you feel as if you were being enveloped by him. You were acutely aware of the fact that you were in his house, using his bathroom, using his things. It seemed so intimate, so personal.
Sylus could hear the sound of the shower running, could almost imagine the steam rising from the hot water and your icy skin slowly warming up. His mind kept conjuring images of your body under the spray of water, your face tilted back in ecstasy, your hair dripping...
He growled to himself, shaking his head trying desperately to snap himself out of it. He couldn't feel this way, not about you. It was wrong, it was stupid.
A little later you turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a fluffy towel around herself. You looked at your reflection in the large mirror, your cheeks flushed from the heat. You felt much warmer, but you were now aware of the fact that you were wearing nothing in Sylus’s house. With a deep breath, you took the change of clothes that Sylus had laid out for you. A pair of sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. You quickly put them on, the clothes a bit baggy on your frame.
As the you descended the stairs, your footsteps quiet on the carpeted floor, you reached the bottom step and looked up, your breath catching in your throat. Your eyes widened as you caught sight of Sylus, half-dressed, obviously just out of the shower himself. He was facing away from you, pulling on a shirt over his bare torso, water still dripping from his wet hair. The sight sent a wave of heat through your body, your eyes tracing over the muscles flexing in his back...
Sylus pulled the shirt fully on and turned around, his gaze falling on the you standing froze at the bottom of the stairs. He observed you silently, taking in the way his sweatpants and t-shirt hung loose on your body, the way your hair was damp and clung to your face, the rosy flush still on your cheeks. For a moment, he didn't say anything, just looked at you. Then, a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as he leaned against the wall, folding his arms across his chest.
You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry. You stood there, feeling all too aware of the fact that they were alone, the house dead silent except for the sound of their breathing. Sylus's smirk made your heart flutter, and shifted on your feet, the loose pants around your hips slipping slightly. "Th-thank you for letting me use your shower," you managed to whisper, your voice quivering slightly.
Sylus chuckled, the sound low and amused and entirely too attractive. He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. "Don't mention it," he said, his tone light but his gaze intense. "Couldn't let you freeze to death, could I?" He paused for a moment, his eyes wandering over you once more. Then, he spoke again, his voice lower, more intense. "You look good in my clothes, by the way."
Your cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink at his comment. You fidgeted with the hem of the t-shirt, unable to meet his gaze. "Th-thanks," you mumbled, your heart hammering in your chest. "They're...they're comfortable." You didn't know what else to say, your mind reeling from his proximity, from his intense gaze that made your stomach flutter with nerves and something else...
Sylus took another step closer, standing a mere foot away from you, his eyes raking over every inch of your face, down to you neck, shoulders, the curve of your hips... He was so close you, could smell the scent of his soap and shampoo, could feel the heat radiating off his body. "I’ve never seen you so nervous kitten." he said, his voice quieter now, the tone almost intimate. “Cat got your tongue?”
You swallowed again, throat dry. Being this close to him was sending your senses into overdrive. You had to consciously remind yourself to breathe. “I um…” you turn your gaze away from him.
“You know I can easily get it out of you. You know my power of compulsion tells me exactly what you’re so afraid to say.”
The statement, spoken so simply yet so earnestly, sent a fresh wave of heat through you. You could feel your pulse racing, your body responding to his nearness in a way you couldn't control. You knew that once you locked eyes with him it’d used his power to read your thoughts…..your desires. And you knew once he’d did it’d all be over for you.
"But…..” he trails off. “I rather hear you say it with that pretty mouth of yours.”
“You’re overthinking things.” You managed to say gaining some kind of confidence. “You’re always over your own head sometimes. I just wanted to thank you for the clothes that’s all.”
Sylus leans in, his smirk growing wider seeing the effect he’s having on you. He reaches out grabbing your chin, tilting your head up to meet with his gaze. “I think we both know what you’re thinking about, kitten. So tell me what you want and maybe I’ll fulfill your request.”
Your eyes widened, your pulse quickening even more at his words. You could feel the heat radiating from him, his presence overwhelming your senses. You tried to come up with a witty response, but your brain seemed to have short-circuited.
"I...I—" you stumbled, your voice trailing off as you stared up at him, completely flustered. “I don’t know what…..what you’re talking about.”
Sylus chuckled at your inability to respond, clearly enjoying your flustered state. He leaned in even closer, his face almost touching yours. He could hear the hitch in your breath, could see the way your eyes darkened with desire. "Speechless already, hm?" he teased, his voice a sultry whisper. "Just from me standing here. I wonder what other things I could make you speechless about..."
Your head was spinning. His proximity, his voice, the promises in his words...it was all too much. Your body trembled slightly under his gaze, your heart racing like a drum in your chest. You tried to look away, to compose yourself, but your eyes kept drifting back to his, drawn to him like a magnet. "S-stop it," you mumbled, your voice quivering. "You're...you're being ridiculous..."
Sylus chuckled again, the sound deep and rumbling. He reached out, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering at your earlobe. "Am I?" he murmured, his eyes flickering to your lips. "Or maybe...just maybe...you're enjoying this a little too much……Your mouth can lie but your body can’t, kitten.”
You let out a shaky breath, unable to deny his words. The way he was looking at you, the way he was touching you and talking to you... It was like gasoline on a fire. Your body was responding on its own accord, leaning into his touch, wanting more, wanting all of him... "Sylus..." you breathed, your voice pleading and needy.
Sylus's smirk faded, replaced by a look of intense desire. Hearing his name on your lips like that, the raw need in your voice... It shattered the last of his self-control. In a swift, fluid motion, he grabbed you by the hips, pulling you flush against him. His body pressed against yours, his hands sliding under the fabric of the t-shirt, his palms splaying across your bare skin. "Say it again," he growled, his lips hovering over her throat. “Say it, kitten.”
You gasped as you were pulled against him, your body molding to his like it was made for him. Your breath hitched as his hands caressed your skin, the feeling of his palms against your bare flesh sending shockwaves through your entire body. "Sylus, please—" you whimpered, your voice a mix of pleading and desperation. You couldn’t think, you could only feel, only crave more of his touch. You didn’t care if you sounded desperate because you were. Your body begged to be touched, to be claimed by him.
Sylus growled again, the sound primal and possessive. Your pleading voice, your body pressed against him, your skin hot under his hands... It was driving him crazy. He ran his lips over her throat, his teeth nipping at your flesh as he spoke. "Please, what?" he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper. "What do you want, kitten?" He rolled his hips against yours, his body telling you exactly what he wanted, exactly what you were doing to him...
You shivered violently, a moan escaping your lips as he rolled his hips against yours. You could feel him, hard and hot against you, and it was overwhelming, it was too much and not enough at the same time. You clutched at his shoulders, your fingernails digging into his flesh, searching for something, anything to anchor you. "Y-you," you gasped, your voice ragged with need. "I want...I want you..."
Sylus was hanging on by a thread. His breathing was ragged, his body taut like a coiled spring. The words that you spoke, the way you looked, the way you responded to his touch... It was like a drug, one he couldn’t get enough of. He pulled you even closer, his lips finding yours in a searing kiss. His tongue delved into your mouth, tasting you, claiming you. His hands roamed over your body, desperate to touch every inch of you...
You melted into the kiss, returning it fiercely, your body arching against his, desperately seeking more. Your hands roamed over his back, his shoulders, his chest, your fingers tracing the muscles that were flexing under your touch. Every nerve, every fiber of your body was on fire, responding to his touch in ways you had never experienced before. You felt drunk, dizzy with desire, the world narrowing down to only him, his touch, his taste, his presence...
Sylus broke the kiss, his eyes dark with desire, his breath coming in hot, ragged gasps. He picked you up effortlessly, one arm behind your back and the other under your thighs, holding you against him. Your hands clung to his shoulders as he carried you up the stairs to his bedroom. He kicked the door shut behind them, then gently laid you down on the bed. He stood over you for a moment, his gaze raking over you as you lay before him, a beautiful, willing offering...
Sylus watched as you stared up at him, your body trembling subtly. The look in your eyes. A mixture of anticipation and submission fed his own desires, making them burn hotter, brighter. He climbed onto the bed, his body hovering over yours, his arms caging you in. "You have no idea how badly I've wanted you," he murmured, his voice a guttural rumble. "how badly I've wanted to have you, to take you, to claim you..."
“I’ve…..I’ve never…” you mumble avoiding his gaze. A hint of embarrassment and vulnerability at your inexperience.
Sylus raised an eyebrow at your admission, surprised and yet not at the same time. There was a sense of innocence about you, a purity he hadn't expected. It made the fire within him burn even hotter. "Never?" he echoed, his voice gravelly. "You've never let someone touch you like this, take you like this?"
You shook your head. You tried to look away, but his gaze held you captive. "N-no," you whispered, your voice small. "I...I've never wanted anyone else like this... like I want you..."
He lowered himself onto you further, his body pressing against yours, pinning you to the bed. He threaded his fingers through your hair, gripping it gently but firmly as he dipped his head to her ear. "And now," he murmured, his voice a low rumble, "I'm going to be the only one who touches you like this. The only one you'll ever want, the only one you'll ever need."
He leaned in slowly, giving you plenty of time to pull back if you wanted to. But you didn't. His lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss. It deepened, becoming more passionate, his arms wrapping around you possessively.
You couldn't think, couldn't do anything but feel, your body writhing under his touch, your mind spinning with a riot of sensations. The pressure of his body against yours, the taste of his mouth, the way his hands moved over your skin, as if he was mapping every inch of you. "Sylus," you gasped, your voice ragged with desire, "please..."
“Patience kitten.” He looked down at you, his eyes burning with desire as he took in the sight of you lying before him, so innocent and untouched. He reached out and gently pushed your legs apart, spreading you wide for his gaze. “We need to get you ready for me.”
He lowered his head between your thighs,removing the sweat pants then your underwear. His warm breath caressing your most private parts. You gasped, your hands flying to his hair as he began to kiss you there, his tongue gentle yet insistent. "Shh," he murmured against your flesh, his hands tightening on your thighs. “Let me take care of you.” He mumbled against your thighs. “Just trust me.”
You nodded, unable to form coherent words, the only sound that passed your lips was a soft moan. You trusted him, implicitly, completely. You were in his hands, at his mercy, and you surrendered willingly.
He paused, lifting his head up. "Have you ever touched yourself here, kitten?"
“N-No.” you stumbled out, not able to hide your moans and gasp.
"Good," he growled. "Because from now on, I'll be the only one to touch you here. Only my fingers, my tongue, my cock." He returned to his task, his tongue pushing inside you, exploring your tight heat.
You were lost in a haze of sensation, your body burning with heat and pleasure. Sylus knew just how to touch you, how to draw out every sweet sound from your throat, how to bring you to the edge and keep you in a state of almost unbearable pleasure.
"Sylus," you gasped, your voice barely a whisper. "Please...please, I can't...I can't take anymore..."
"You can," he replied, his voice a growl. "And you will. You'll take what I give you, kitten.”
He felt your body tense beneath him as you neared your release, his tongue thrusting rhythmically into you. "Let it happen." he urged, his fingers joining his tongue to stretch you further. He looked up at you, his red eyes glinting in the room light. As you cried out in ecstasy, your inner walls clenching around his tongue, Sylus swallowed your release, his face buried between your thighs. He stayed there for a long moment, savoring the taste of your cum before finally lifting his head, his chin dripping with it.
He rose, untying his belt and getting rid of his pants, his underwear practically flying off. His cock sprang free, thick, long, and ready. He knelt between your legs, his body tensing as he guided himself to your entrance. "Look at me," he rasped, his voice heavy with desire. “You’re so needy, kitten.” He pumps himself as he watches you below him.
You watch as he pumps himself, his long length making you feel intimidated and anxious, but a part of you wants him more than anything right now. Taking a deep breath you try to still your nerves.
“We gotta get you ready for me, kitten…..again. I’m not a small man and neither is my cock. I’m getting inside of you one way or another.” He says with a grin as he leans now and slips his hand down, exploring your folds gently. He finds your entrance, slipping a finger in. He's so gentle, yet you still wince at the slight discomfort. "Relax" he says, his voice laced with desire as you watche his fingers disappear inside of you. “You’re so tight, kitten.” He slowly begins to move his finger in and out of you, the sensation strange yet not unpleasant. “Focus on me. Nothing but me.”
You nod taking a deep breath as you let him stretch you wider with each thrust.
Satisfied that you're handling it well, he slips in another finger. The stretching sensation is more pronounced, and you grimace slightly. "Breathe," he reminds you, his voice low. He grins as he feels your body relax and accommodate him. "Good girl," he praises.
He continues to stretch you, adding a third finger after some time. You whimper at the intrusion, your fingers gripping his arms tightly. "Look at you taking it so well," he encourages, his voice warm. "Just a little more." Finally, he curls his fingers, pressing against that spot inside you.
Your moan fills the room, and he grins, nuzzling your neck. "Remember this feeling," he says. He withdraws his fingers, and leaves you empty. Then he sits up positioning himself between your thighs, his cock springing free, dripping with pre cum. "Last chance to back out,"
You swallowed, your throat dry, your body shaking with need. You managed to find your voice, your words coming out in a ragged whisper. "Please Sylus," you breathed.
"Look at me," he commands. “I want to watch you take my cock for the first time.” You lock eyes with him as he slowly enters you. You gasp at the intrusion, the sensation of burning pain intense. Tears well up in your eyes, and he kisses them away. "Shhh, kitten."
“I…..I can’t….y-you’re too big.” You whimper not used this level of pain and discomfort.
“You can.” He commands. “And you will.” He pauses, giving you time to adjust. You take a deep breath, trying to relax your body. "Fuck you're so tight," he grits out, his voice strained.
Slowly, the pain begins to fade away, leaving you with a feeling of fullness. He starts to move slowly, his hips rocking back and forth. “There you go. Take it, take my cock like a good little kitten.”
He begins to pick up pace, his thrusts becoming more confident. You feel him hitting that spot inside you, and your back arches off the bed. He lets out a low moan, his head burying in the crook of your neck. "Fuck……kitten. You’re sucking me in so tight." he murmurs.
His movements become more urgent, his breath hot against your neck. You can feel the pressure building inside you, a coil tightening in your belly. "Sylus..." you whimper, your fingers digging into his back. He responds by kissing you hard, his tongue sliding against yours in rhythm with his thrusts.
"This is what you wanted, huh? Practically begging for my cock. And now…..you’re going to cum all over it….Isn’t that right, kitten?" he breathes against your lips as he grinds deep into you. The coil snaps, your body tensing as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you. He swallows your cries with his mouth, his thrusts becoming shallower as he chases his own release. “Mmm, love to see it”
With a final, deep thrust, he stills inside you, his hips pressed against yours. You feel his warm release filling you up, the sensation sending aftershocks through your own body. He collapses on top of you, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he tries to catch his breath. “Damn kitten.”
After some time, he lifts his head to look at you. "You okay?" he asks. You smile weakly at him, your limbs feeling heavy. "More than okay," you reply. He grins mischievously. "Good. Because we're just getting started." He rolls off you, his eyes gleaming with desire. "Round two," he announces, pulling you on top of him. "And this time, I want to watch you ride me."
“W-What? I…I don’t know how to do that. We just….did…….all of that…..arent you tired?” You say your voice slightly panicked as you straddling his lap your hand on his chest.
“I want more.” He says bluntly. "Just rise up, then sit down when I tell you." He lifts you easily, bringing you down onto him as he bucks his hips upward. You gasp, the angle hitting you deep. "Mmm like that,"
He guides your hips, helping you rise and fall in a rhythm that quickly has both of you panting. You lean forward, bracing your hands on his chest as you gain confidence in the movement. "That's it," he encourages, his voice tight. "Just like that, kitten."
His hands move to your breasts, squeezing and caressing them as you ride him. Your head falls back, a moan escaping your lips. Your body on fire and full of intense pleasure. He sits up suddenly, capturing one of your nipples in his mouth as he continues to thrust into you from below. “S-Sylus…” you pant out moaning.
“You feel fucking incredible," he says, his breath hot on your breast. He lies back down, his fingers finding their way between your bodies. He begins to rub at your swollen bud, his touch gentle yet insistent. "Don’t stop" you whimper, he grins. "Not till you come for me again," he promises, his fingers continuing their torturous rhythm. You quicken your pace on top of him, the dual sensations pushing you closer and closer to the edge. "Sylus... It's... It's too much," you gasp, your body tensing.
"Cum for me, kitten" he commands, his voice firm. His fingers press down on your clit, sending you spiraling over the edge. You cry out, your body convulsing as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you. He continues to thrust into you, drawing out your orgasm as long as possible. When your body finally stops trembling, he flips you onto your back, his eyes dark with desire. "My turn," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "I want to watch you fall apart again."
He begins to move inside you, his thrusts powerful and demanding. You wrap your legs around him, your fingers digging into his back as he takes you higher and higher. "Sylus... I can't... It's too much..." you whimper, your body sensitive from your recent orgasm.
"You can take it," he says through gritted teeth, his pace quickening. "Come on, kitten. Give me one more." He reaches down between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and beginning to rub in tight circles. "Sylus..."
He leans down to kiss you, swallowing your cries as he drives you towards another release. Your body tenses beneath him, your fingers digging into his back as you hurtle towards the edge. "Look at me," he says, pulling back from the kiss.
You lock eyes with him as you topple over the edge once more, his name on your lips as your body convulses around him. He groans, his own release following closely behind. He collapses on top of you, his breath hot on your neck as he tries to catch his breath.
Sylus laid down beside you, his chest heaving, his breathing ragged. His body was thrumming with satisfaction, a deep, primal contentment that came from possessing and claiming you.
He rolled onto his side and pulled you against him, his strong arm wrapping around you, anchoring you against him. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent, letting the reality of what you two had just done sink in.
You felt like you were floating. The sensations coursing through your body, the blissful, boneless feeling that made your limbs feel heavy, and your eyelids droop. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. You could still feel the remnants of pleasure, little tingles that made you shiver involuntarily.
You shifted, moving closer to him, seeking the comfort and warmth of his body. Your hand came up to rest on his chest, feeling the steady thump of his heartbeat under your palm.
He moved his hand to your hair, his fingers gently threading through, his eyes still watching you. You were beautiful, so damn beautiful, and you were his. All his.
"How do you feel?" he asked, his voice a low rumble. "Are you... alright?"
You smiled, a soft expression that was a direct result of your relaxed state.*
"I feel... good," you murmured, your voice a little sleepy. "Really good. I've never..."
You trailed off, your cheeks flushing a little. The truth was, you had never felt like this in your life. You had never experienced something so intense, so overwhelming, that left you feeling so exhausted and yet so satisfied.
Sylus chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling. He drew you closer, his arm tightening around your waist, holding you firmly against him. The possessive grip of his arm, the satisfied, almost predatory expression on his face, it was clear he had claimed you, claimed your body and your pleasure, and he wasn't going to let go anytime soon.
"Good," he replied, his voice a low murmur against your hair. He smiles, his eyes fluttering closed as he nuzzles against your neck. "Rest now, kitten" he murmurs, his arms tightening around you possessively. "You’ll need it for what I have planned tomorrow.”
You chuckle amused by his eagerness, but smiled at the thought of being with him like this again. “Can’t wait.”
He falls asleep shortly after, his gentle snores filling the room. You lay there, wrapped in his arms, feeling safe and content. As you drift off to sleep, you can't help but wonder what new thing he has planned for you tomorrow.
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handlemehyuck · 1 day
mark is srsly boyfriend shaped. man written by a woman no doubt. during soundcheck, he said one of the things he loves about touring is being in the same time zone as us :,) it’s something i always think about too. poetic man. man filled with gratitude. i adore him
jeno has the sweetest softest most ooey gooey energy that just happens to be wrapped in sheer muscle. he kept taking my breath away. when i first saw him during soundcheck... i was 😦 there was one moment when everyone took off their jackets to put another one on, and suddenly we were all seeing ARMS. it was so 🫠 but also funny bc haechan just stood back watching while we all freaked out and jeno was acting so nonchalant
jisung is so Cool. he’s so fucking talented and confidence pours from him when he dances. there were moments when he’d smirk/smile while killing the choreo and i was locked in. an absolute sweetheart during ending ment 🥺 was worried about his english like we mind him speaking in korean
chenle 😩✨ his cheekbones will cut you. his voice will levitate you. ~the last dance
jaemin’s ending ment: “stay happy, stay safe, stay you.” that last part got me. he’s dreamy and caring and his smile beams
oh haechan… Oh Haechan. my view of him was so good and close that i could see his neck veins without the big screen, and that is something i’ll be forever thankful for. it was absolutely surreal to witness him in person. to see his expressions in real life. to see him glide across the stage in real life. to hear his honey vocals in real life. to see him perform and lose the ability to question if he’s actually real. haechan has filled my life with color in a way no other bias ever has, and i feel so fucking blessed and lucky to have experienced his talent with my own eyes.
these men have a forever fan in me. there was so much love in the room tonight. a lot of that love was for renjun. we all miss him so much, and i hope to see him next time. 💚💚
i met amazing humans too. so kind. so happy to have made wholesome connections and feel so free to share my love for dreamies with people who get it and feel it too.
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hyukakisses · 19 hours
hyuka putting a squeaky dog toy in his puppygirl gf’s mouth while he fucks her to hear the squeaks and whimpers from her mouth 🥺🥺
-emo hyuka dating a puppy hybrid pt.2! (request)
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pairings: emo hyuka x puppy reader
plot: literally just a part two of my previous request but purely smut
warnings: pet names, !!smut, soft dom huening kai, fluff!, puppy hybrid reader, dry humping, usage of a gag ball (idk i tried)
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-“baby i’ll be back soon! i promise!” huening kai’s sweet voice rings in your ear drums as you sob hysterically at the fact that your boyfriend was leaving for yet another shift at work. “d-don’t go!” you’d drop to your knees, helplessly hugging hyuka’s leg in attempt of convincing him to stay home
-whenever hyuka leaves for work you start to miss him immediately, dry humping his plushies that smelt like him in the clothes he’d lend you to remember him bye as you pathetically weep to yourself about how that didn’t feel enough ):
-you spent the whole day rolling around in your boyfriend’s hoodies wanting his scent all over you, believing that would help time go by quicker
-you squeal at the sound of keys by the front door handle, immediately realizing it was huening kai, throwing yourself at the tall male you cry in joy followed by a “you’re home!”
-huening kai grew bored of the after work cuddling session you both indulged in, bringing out a gift he got you earlier while he was away
-“what’s that?” you ask with an soft voice when your back hits in the bed as your pretty eyes follow to huening kai’s hands behind his back
-“shh you trust me don’t you?” your boyfriend coos and you just dumbly nod “then you’ll keep quiet while i use you” and before you could protest you felt a gag ball being slipped in your mouth. your eyes widen in fear and anticipation
-tears well up in the corner of your eyes as your hands fly up to huening kai’s shoulder blade’s, gripping on anything for good measure; whimpers and squeaks fill the room from both you and your boyfriend
-the gag ball in your mouth felt so suffocating as the squeaks coming from it fill the room, you felt your air supply being cut off as you let out muffled sobs. pathetically taking your boyfriends quicken thrusts against your stretched pussy
-you felt yourself grow wetter by the sounds of the dirty scene in front of you, as you squeeze your boyfriend tighter. looking up at huening kai in a daze as you hear the pretty sounds he would make each time you closed up around him
-you grab huening kai’s wrist as an attempt of signaling you were about to come, sighing internally when the toy from your mouth gets ripped away from your body and immediately you’re pulled into a kiss
-with weak cries, you’re cumming all over your boyfriend whining as you also felt huening kai’s seed all over your inner thighs. seeing how you hated the feeling of anything wet on you
-huening kai laughs at your grumpy face before leaning down to capture your lips in a gentler kiss whispering alone the lines asking if he could clean you up by eating you out as an attempt of apologizing for his messy work ):
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a/n: i was stumped trying to write this im sorry
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I was thinking about this for a little bit but what would happen if Reverse Mabel (especially post-weirdmageddon) meets Anti-Mabel.
Seeing some call Reverse Mabel "evil" I feel this would be a very intresting interaction, Reverse Mabel may see her as someone she could of easily become.
ahh, the "anti" dimension. i ruminated on the concept a LOT back when lost legends first released! i think theres an amateurish fic i wrote somewhere in my files of anti-mabel getting basically-adopted by a one of us au ford BUT I CANT FIND IT.
excuse the opportunity im taking to rant about the idea of anti mabel as a whole lol, but... [continued under cut!]
her dimension is a little confusing to think about sometimes, because the story she comes from, don't dimension it, i think a lot of us can widely agree was almost too much of a "pivot" in a direction we didnt really need to go? it's focusing on addressing mabel's "selfishness", especially in the wake of that flood of mabel hate that started picking up steam, but i feel like the version of mabel that exists in don't dimension it is just... not very true or accurate to the actual character. it feels like a very extended "sorry we had mabel make a rash decision in the heat of the moment that the characters forgave her for because they understand and love her. we will now proceed to have a dimension of all mabels where theyre portrayed as so self-absorbed that theyre all stuck on that dimension with no hope of returning home." excuse my dramatic wording but i swear to god that's what it feels like! and that's what it READS like!
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mabel got "caught up in her own mabelness"? she gets distracted with crafts and cats like a SQUIRREL?? the idea of her neglecting those around her being put directly next to her going "i caused an entire apocalypse just to get one more day of summer?" SHE WAS GOING TO LOSE TOUCH WITH HER BROTHER. SHE WAS GETTING LIED TO AND TRICKED BY A GUY WHO HAS LITERALLY BEEN TRYING TO START THE APOCALYPSE FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS NOW. its really ridiculous and it doesnt play well at ALL. this kind of thing really shows to me how trying to please bad-faith critics will literally only make the end product worse.
"but what does that have to do with anti mabel though?" well, anti-mabel's "evil" kinda gets affected by the moral of this story, don't you think? if they arent getting mabel right, then what is this ultimate "anti-mabel" really going to be? not really a reflection of any mabel i know. that's for sure.
but that aside, looking at everything that we know about anti-mabel, her dimension is kinda... played off as a joke? she feels a lot more like a joke character to me more than anything at this point lol
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not that i really needed that much development from a one-off antagonist from a silly gravity falls comic but like. how is anti-mabel literally SUPERVILLAIN-TIER EVIL? what? where is she getting the resources for this?? and then you have the rest of her family who are all just like, chill? and its like WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON ANYMORE.
anyways. back to trying to answer the question i was literally asked. i think post-weirdmageddon mabel would see anti-mabel in a different light, thats for sure. anti-mabel's family is nothing like her! maybe she's just lonely. rev mabel knows you can't just get away with doing evil stuff, at least she's learning that, but i think some part of her would sympathize with her deep down
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cuecrynsleep · 20 hours
Reconnecting the Past
Amangela | Reunion AU!
Chapter 16: Skipped a Beat
Amanda, Angela, and Arasha call, and Tommy makes an assumption.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a representation of those in Smosh, rather a fan made perspective on the characters they portray online. Remain respectful.
← Ch. 15 | Masterlist
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Arasha tapped the steering wheel of her car, waiting for the light to turn green. Her eyes glanced at the digital clock, doing some mental math on Angela’s apartment to the filming location. As the light turned green she drove straight ahead, turning into the parking lot of the familiar apartment complex. She parked at the nearest open available spot for guests, taking her phone out of the cup holder. Her fingers tapping on Angela’s contact, before the ringing sound filled the car. The sound was cut short before it beeped just before the call ended. She frowned at her phone, rolling her eyes, until a text came in shortly after.
‘Angela: Be out in a second’
Arasha replied to the text, scrolling through her instagram notifications afterwards. The sound of a door alerting her eyes forward. Angela walked towards her car, a phone to her ear as she continued talking to whoever was on the other side of the phone.
“I have to go,” Angela said, as she opened the car door. The phone briefly squeezed against her ear and shoulder as she put on her seat belt. “Bye. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“You don’t have to hang up,” Arasha immediately spoke. “I don’t mind.”
Angela paused. “Are you sure?” She asked, the phone pulled away from her ear as if the caller wasn’t a part of the conversation.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” she said. Arasha put her car back into drive, carefully maneuvering out of the parking lot. “It’s just a phone call.”
As Angela moved her phone closer to her, Arasha could make out the voice much more clearer.
“Wait, is that Arasha?”
She glanced at Angela from the corner of her eye. “You’re talking to Amanda?”
“Oh my god. Hi Arasha!”
“Hey Amanda, it’s been a while,” Arasha smiled. Her smile not once feigned as Angela groaned.
“I should’ve just hung up,” Angela murmured.
“Oh come on. Why?”
“I feel like one of you is going to embarrass me,” Angela said, her eyes trained on Arasha as she spoke.
“Who do you take me for? You should just put me on speaker.”
“I agree, put Amanda on speaker,” Arasha interrupted. “I need to focus on the road.”
“More of a reason for me to hang up then,” Angela huffed. A few seconds passed, Amanda’s words being drowned out by the light traffic, before Angela put her on speaker.
“-call was cut short yesterday. I don’t want to stop talking-“
“You’re on speaker,” Angela interrupted. A light smile was on her face, her eyes obviously avoiding Arasha’s ever-so curious ones that’d glance at her.
There was a brief crackle and muffling of background noise. “Finally, I’m on speaker. Can’t believe she tried to stop us from talking to each other, Arasha.”
“I know right,” Arasha said. She bit her lip, stopping herself from making a joke about Angela wanting Amanda all to herself. She didn’t exactly know what she can and cannot joke about. “Angela hasn’t even told me that you guys have been calling.”
“Yes I have,” Angela defended. “I mentioned it.”
“Well, yeah, but I didn't know it was like a thing," Arasha said.
"It's not daily but we've been calling often," Amanda answered. "How have you been, Arasha?"
"I'm good. I got a callback for an audition yesterday." Arasha paused, glancing at Angela who was silently listening to the two converse, with a light smile on her face. "How about you?"
"Oh my god congratulations on that callback," Amanda cheered. "I'm doing great. I have an idea of when I'm going back to Cali, so I'm happy about that."
"What?" Angela immediately said. "Wait, you didn't tell me this. When?"
"I didn't?" Amanda asked, surprised. "I swear I told you yesterday. I wanted to make sure to tell you."
"It's fine," Angela shrugged. "You can tell me now."
"I don't know the exact date, but it'll be around the last week of July."
"Still a few weeks then.”
"Yeah," Amanda paused, a few seconds passing before she spoke. "I can't wait to see you." Her voice was airy yet so undeniably emotional. Arasha's eyes widened at the switch up, she glanced at Angela who's smile widened at the words. She couldn't even tell if she was third wheeling at this point. Even if she knew that was the farthest thing from both of their intentions.
"We'll have to schedule a meet up at some point then," Angela said.
"For sure," she agreed. "You're one of the highlights of my time here, so yeah, definitely." The compliment was said casually, yet borderline cheesy considering Angela isn't even in Canada with Amanda. An achievement on Angela's part maybe.
If Arasha could describe Amanda in one word based on this interaction alone it'd be soft. Almost as if anything Angela did would make Amanda crumble. That alone was enough to get enough Arasha's mind wandering.
"This is highschool all over again," Arasha jokes, a beat later. "I'm just witnessing two people make plans I'm not a part of."
"Wait!" Amanda said, just as Angela scrambled over an apology.
"We can all hang out, Arasha!" Amanda said. "I definitely do need to catch up with you sometime. I really want to do that."
"The more the merrier," Angela followed up. "Besides I talk to Amanda enough as is."
"Sorry," Angela apologized, her face broken out in a wide grin.
"I'm thinking dinner some time. It'll be on me," Amanda said.
"I'm so happy my plan worked," Arasha chuckled, despite clearly not having that intention at all. "All I'm hearing is free dinner."
Amanda sighed. "Well not anymore after that."
"Damn, guess I'm not getting free dinner either," Angela shrugged.
"That part was only extended to Arasha anyway," Amanda teased.
"That's so unfair!"
"Look," Arasha interrupted, having a feeling that playful bickering would go on for longer. "You two need to hang out properly. You're the ones reconnecting. The last thing I want to do is get in the middle of that.”
A second later, Arasha cleared her throat. "But I also do want to catch up with you sometime Amanda."
'I'm looking forward to it."
"Awww," Angela cooed. "I'm so glad I didn't hang up after all. I'm happy you two are talking."
"We never had a reason not to Ange," Arasha said. "I didn't have some reservations with her like you did." She said, glancing at Angela with a teasing smirk, before going back to facing the road.
"I knew you were going to embarrass me!" Angela practically yelled. "I fucking knew it!"
Amanda's laughter filled the air as she took in Angela's reaction. "God, I wish I was in the car."
It wasn’t long for the conversation to change topics, the three going from discussing traveling to shopping. As the destination neared Angela ended up rambling about her improv group, Arasha too focused on driving to give full responses aside from the occasional hum.
“Oh come on,” Angela said. "Are you even listening to me Amanda? I feel like I'm talking to an empty crowd.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Amanda chuckled. “I'll talk more. I just liked listening to you ramble.” She said softly in a raw voice that it completely caught Arasha off guard. She couldn’t help but do a look over Angela, gauging her reaction. There was the usual smile on her lips but she didn’t look surprised nor caught off guard. If anything, it was just a part of their new normal.
“Well, at least you're listening,” Angela said, pausing before she continued on. “And I don’t exactly want to count on Arasha fully listening when she’s driving.”
"I am listening," Arasha said. "We usually talk anyway when I'm driving so it's not exactly out of the ordinary.”
As Amanda and Angela lightly bicker back and forth, Arasha leaned back. She let her mind wander further, taking the train of thought she had before and delving into it. Yet, at the same time, she wasn’t exactly one to assume. Especially, when she didn’t exactly know Amanda, at least currently, that well. Angela acted how she normally would, as if she was finding herself as she talked to Amanda. There was only an occasional pause and shift of awkwardness and hesitance, though it was probably par for the course.
Meanwhile for Amanda, the part that more so brought her attention, was the differences. There was just something about the way she acted. The way she talked to Angela, and how her voice sounded with every word she spoke.
It was reminiscent of a lovesick Angela back in University. As soon as the thought hit her, she shook it away and pushed it aside. It was none of her business. The two are currently happy as they are. That’s all that matters.
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wilcze-kudly · 1 day
Suyin wasn't "coerced" to commit a crime, neither did she want to take herself out of the situation. She wanted to get her friends out of paying for their crimes because she's spoiled and entitled.
She didn't "have" to travel the world, she was sent to family members to take her away from a criminal and endangering environment, and she decided to escape because she's too much of a pick me girl to stay with the so called family "that didn't show her affection". To be honest, you speak of her as some kind of adult avatar-styled Rapunzel, instead of a teenager who deserved to be reprimanded.
She did turn her life around, and kudos to the creators for showing that. No one can say that her story and background is boring by any chance.
She, however, is not the most likeable character out there to a big part of the fandom, but I seriously doubt someone is taking it as seriously as you seem to do. Just chill.
Istg this happens almost everytime I post something mildly touching on the fact that Suyin deserves compassion too. Though you may be the same anon who blew up my inbox a while back so it might just be you.
I've always found the disdain we have for "troubled teens" upsetting because usually, when a teenager "acts out", there's more of a reason behind it that just "ooh they're spoilt or entitled".
[Trigger warning for self harm and suicidal ideation mentions]
Like, I was a very difficult teen back in the day. I argued with my parents, even got into physical altercations, skipped school, ran away from home at night. I was also going through a severe depression, dealing with a shitton of childhood trauma, cutting on the regular and making multiple attempts on my life. Hell, if my parents had brushed me off as "a kid who needs to be disciplined" I probably would've killed myself at 14. It doesn't excuse me for punching my dad in the stomach when he was just trying to stop me from running away into the night but it doesn't mean I didn't deserve help.
[End of Trigger Warning]
These two things can be correct at the same time. Suyin can have done a shitty thing that deserves reprimand and that she needs help that she seemingly had to find on her own. But like, guess which of these two is almost exclusively focused on.
And I mean, it's totally not like the Avatar fandom has a habit of expressing extreme hate towards young girls (especially young girls of colour) making sub optimal choices or just beind "annoying". I've just never seen that before.
Suyin grew up with Toph, who Lin herself has described like this:
Suyin : No, no. My children are a blessing. Lin: Yeah, mom used to say that too, but she never meant it.
Which btw, still an incredibly hillarious thing to say in front of Suyin's children: "Hi kids I'm your aunt Lin and your mother is lying about loving you"
While Suyin has, as a child, expressed doubt that Toph would even care that she's skipping school. And as an adult, she has described her childhood with Lin as "competing for their mother's affection" and still has doubts whether or not her mother is happy with how either of them turned out.
Hell, even though Su and Toph have been said to have made up, Toph still maintains a heavy layer of distance between them, seemingly dissappearing for years at a time!
It's honestly sad how Suyin hugs Toph and puts up statues of her everywhere in Zaofu and yet Toph still just fucked off to the swamp when Opal was probably less then ten and did not contact them.
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I mean, sounds like there's not a lot of motherly affection going on there, dude. Idk what to tell ya. We know there were no fathers around either.
And Lin was also a victim of this environment, so I don't really want this to come off as me blaming her for the way she acted towards Su. But Lin is hardly what I would call affectionate.
So of course Suyin would put so much stock in her relationships outside the house. And her friends happened to be fucking criminals fucking hell. And of course Lin, being a kid too did not know how to approach this situation properly, so she inadvertently just pushed Suyin closer to them by insulting them and making her feel defensive.
Because that's what all fucking teens do. The internalise things, they rely on their peers to form their perception of things and they want to be independent. So when someone, especially someone who isn't a parent tries to control them, guess how they'll react? They dig their heels in. Especially a teen like Suyin who has virtually no reason to listen to her older sister other than a vague "I know better than you" type of vibe which really pisses teens off. That's like the time when talking down to them is the worst thing to do.
And fuck off with saying getting arrested and screamed at by your sister in the middle of the road isn't a stressful situation that you wolud wanna get out of. Lin punched a car so hard it dented! (Especially that Lin has already been confirmed to use her status as a police officer against people she has a vendetta against, like when SHE TRIED TO THROW PEMA IN JAIL FOR STEALING HER MANS like how tf did we brush over that)
What I always find interesting in this scene is the front that Su puts on in front of Lin, which slips up a few times, particularly when Lin can't see her expression. Because Suyin is, of course being a fucking brat and taunting Lin, but you can clearly see that she's stressed out.
Suyin also describing the reason she helped her friends as a getaway driver is something I find interesting:
Suyin: I didn't steal anything. I just drove the car. I owed my friends a favor. It's not a big deal.
Of course she's scared and minimising her involvement but the usage of "owing her friends" could very easily imply her not exactly being too hyped about this, as well as her insistence on not stealing anything.
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Because the thing about Suyin is that, especially in the flashbacks, we see her only in Lin's PoV. We don't see her relationship with her friends, what led up to the robbery, anything. Which makes sense, because the flashbacks are supposed to be Lin's. But that means we're viewing Su with the inherent bias of Lin, who clearly has an agenda against Su.
Lin clearly blames Suyin for Toph leaving policework, despite us later seeing how burnt out and cynical Toph was about being a cop. Its more likely that Su's arrest was a wake-up call for Toph, but she left due to the buildup of stress and disillusionment and Lin, who has been idolising her mother and her mother's career blamed it on Suyin in her head.
Hell, even they made up, Lin still immediately pivots to accusing Suyin of being involved in the Red Lotus' attack. Despite the attack placing Suyin's life, the lives of her sons and the lives of her guards at risk and Suyin going out of her way to thwart it.
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And Suyin's life is just a fucking mess after this point like: betrayal by close friend, daughter kidnapped by terrorists, anarchy in the kingdom, leaders of 2 foreign governments trying to pressure her into subjugating the people in the name of a monarch she doesn't support, betrayal part 2; child boogaloo, the country she lives in being declared a dictatorship, city under literal siege, threat of attack in 24 hours, the fucking Avatar doing fuck all to help, a desperate attempt at assassinating the leader, getting caught and placed in questionably humane restraints, having to watch her daughter be forced to flee, PUBKIC HUMILIATION, the arrest of her non combative son and husbandd, INHUMANE JAIL CELL...
Do I need to go on? Like the moment the Krew came to her gouse her life just started to fucking fall apart its actually kinda hillarious.
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And calling Suyin a "pick me" is just... unfounded? Who's she trying to get picked by? Her mom who doesn't love her? Girlie just wanted a family she literally said so in the show, put your listening ears on, babes.
I understand that Suyin isn't the most likeable character to people. I can understand why they dislike her. She can be annoying, hypocritical, rash, the poor structuring of the episodes around her and Lin makes it so she gets unearned favour from the writers etc. People who like Lin and Kuvira, two extremely popular characters in the fandom have an easy villain in their faves' lives if they just tweak Suyin a bit.
But that doesn't mean I'm obligated to dislike her too or that I'm not allowed to post about her in a way that doesn't allign with the fandom's narrative of her. You're not obligated to read it, hun, you can block the #pro suyin beifong tag if it makes you that upset to see me
I want to appreciate parts of Suyin which aren't highlighted by the fandom and I'm allowed to do that. Just because it doesn't fit with your clearly overtly negative opion of the character well, tough luck. And hey, I gladly take the opportunity to talk about Suyin, but I've also made a ridiculous amount of posts around har and have probably addressed almost every single fandom complaint of her at some point so I'm starting to get a little tired of repeating myself lol.
And I'll be the first to admit, my own teenage years probably heavily affect how compassionate I am towards Suyin, particularly in her younger years. But I know how much people hate "troubled teens", how little compassion thet are given.
The narrative that if a misbehaving teenager just gets deisciplined and reprimanded enough they'll stop being "spoilt and entitled" or acting out is wrong and harmful. It hurts tons of teenagers by not getting them the help they need and it would've fucking killed me.
Also hun, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I tend to use hyperbole a lot. I'm a dramatic bitch. Like did you also think I was serious when I said I'd shoot myself if I saw another ad for Amazon's shit lotr wannabe show?
Tbh everytime I get an ask like this I vaguely consider doubling down and commiting to the bit of being the fandom's "Lin Beifong hater". Though I feel like a lot of people wouldn't realise its a bit and think I actually hate her for real lol.
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