#but it exists somewhere and I'll hopefully locate it
raymoo--hackery · 6 months
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Redraw of an old Spinel beast I created back in 2019
I would show some of the old art for comparison, but it's very embarrassingly edgy :,)
But just trust me when I say I've improved a lot
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SPN POSTCANON UPDATE: Dean sighted in Roanoke VA, then soon after in Argentina
Seems alive(?), healthy and in one piece, but under a lot of stress. Has lost some weight and powers aren't working too well from what I can see. Hanging out w a pooka that's PROBABLY Baby, but with shapeshifters who even knows.
Dean is working with YET ANOTHER DUDE WHO SEEMS TO BE HIS BROTHER. Pretty clear that if they do share a parent, it's John. Their dynamic is good, a lot like Dean and Sam except this guy is NOTHING like Sam, honestly he's pretty feral. Huge guy easily meeting "giant" height, seems to prefer range combat but can hold his own in melee as well. Calls himself a hunter or tracker of some kind, mostly goes after human targets. Understands a little of what's going on w the Fae/Rome/etc but doesn't get the full picture. He's curious and eager to fuck around and find out
Physically he resembles John a LOT, and could easily be his kid- but also bears resemblance to Balor. w the whole Vessel situation going on rn its unclear who this guy's "father" actually is besides the fact that he's a piece of work. Also of note, this guy is confirmed to have a nonhuman lineage, unclear on which side. Features include giant stature/build, enhanced senses, expert/preternatural marksmanship, the usual super strength(?), animalistic/survival mindset as baseline, and hair seems more like fur, possibly seal fur. Doesn't seem to have any connection to the possible-Selkie girl in Maine.
...all in all, Balor is looking like a more likely candidate for this guy's dad, which would explain why he and Dean currently have this sibling relationship due to (THE BOYS S4 SPOILERS). Also still some chance of a Fomoire/Fae/Fuath/Campbell family connection that I haven't noticed.
Dean is tied up in more Roman nonsense and appears to have ended up owing a blood debt (in his own blood) to some late Roman military-cult god I've vaguely heard of bc he killed said god's brother. Lots of modern folk magic/esoterica, severed limbs and possibly at least one demon deal. Given the location and the events set to unfold this summer, can't rule out Croatoan fuckery going on here as well. Dean also had a new Magic Knife(tm), bone handled with a steel, iron or possibly silver blade. gave it to this new guy, probably for protection.
I'll look into if Balor had any children in the mythos (current/recent Antichrist Situation notwithstanding).
Not sure why Dean is headed south, not sure I want to know. If he weren't the type to run directly INTO danger every time, I'd say he was trying to get out ahead of the absolute shitstorm hitting the Northeast US coast in a month. I rly hope he's not planning on picking a fight w that Brazilian pantheon over what happened w Sam... its not their fault and if anything someone should warn them. Wars between seasonal deities WILL spread just as climate change does, and if one of them was already dragged into it, that whole mythos is at risk. ...Hopefully Dean is there to warn them, not. stab them.
Dean pls just be decent to the other pagan gods this once please.
Also, Garth and his wife are now in a threesome! with BENNY.
and they are ALL married to each other
that's odd, its not bad, its just ODD, I'm happy for them. 10/10, they were always like the 3 most functional characters in the whole show anyway, and I'm sure Garth's kiddos will enjoy having yet another fun dad.
congrats to whatever's going on over there.
ALSO! Rowena's back! Yay!!! She seems to have given up trying to escape Death and now WORKS for Death, namely corralling the souls of children who don't want to go to the afterlife... or... something vaguely like that idk. She likes her job, or at least likes continuing to exist while doing something in her vague field of interest. However she DOES appear to be sniffing around near all that recent activity w Azazel's return, I hope she stays safe or just finds somewhere else to hang out. Of relevance re: Rowena's current activities are:
-two VERY talented ghosts who help other ghosts pass on and hunt the occasional monster, they are amazingly skilled and there's a lot to learn from those two.
-Tom Tildrum, or possibly Tim Toldrum, idfk its one of the cats to go by the title "The King Of Cats". I think he's Cat-sith on at least one side (Faerie/Sidhe cat) and may be in charge of them.
-Jenny Greenteeth, who may have Fomoire heritage and may ALSO be Balor's relative/child. She seems nice, if in over her head. Not sure she remembers what she is.
-Yet Another Second Generation Special Kid. this one has ALL kinds of other weird going on tho, gotta look into that
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info-dumping-ground · 6 months
Welcome to the dumping ground, your top location for dumping your info!
Are you neurodivergent and need somewhere to infodump? Are you hyperfixated on something and need to meet other people to discuss it with? Is there something that you like so much that you might burst if you don't rant about it?
If yes, then you're in the right place!
The dumping ground is a place where you can freely rant about the things you like, and possibly find other people who'll want to discuss it with you! Just send in an ask and go nuts about a thing you like, let out as much info as you want! Or, if you need to meet other people to discuss something with, send an ask with what you're into, I'll tag it, and hopefully people who also want to rant will reblog the post and let you know!
More details and rules under the cut :>
Start off your ask with what exactly you'd like me to do with it- you could send the ask and then ask me to delete it if you don't want your ramblings to be shown to the world. Alternatively, you could tell me what exactly to tag the post with so more people who could potentially want to talk can find it!
Most topics are fine, but anything that I deem triggering will have trigger warnings on it. History and real world events are fine to rant about, as long as the ask is respectful.
However, I will unfortunately not post asks about NSFW topics. Both for the fact that I personally find it uncomfortable and the fact that other blogs exist for discussing such subjects.
The only other asks that are not allowed are ones that are bigoted or discriminatory. If I accidentally post something that is along these lines, please kindly tell me and I'll remove it. I can't know the ins and outs of all topics, so I might misjudge if something is discriminatory
Tags I will use:
#Dumping Info = A general tag for posting an infodumping ask
#Dumping Buddies = A general tag for when someone is looking for other people to talk to about a topic
#Not Dumping = A tag I will use when posting something unrelated to the blog theme
#Dumping Ground Rambles = A tag you can block if you want, I will tag posts where I infodump about my own interests with this :>
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tallsc · 2 years
AvM Icon Block Powers (Part 2)
Well, turns out there's a character limit, so I'll make a second part 'XD Definitions and the first 8 power descriptions are here.
8. Reaction to other Icon Blocks Two Icon Blocks - specifically ones glowing in opposite colors - colliding seems to create an extreme burst of energy. When collided in an unintended setting by two separate sticks, there was enough energy to send both flying and destroy the weak vortex in the near vicinity. (Ultimate Weapon, end of episode) When put together on purpose, even the wielder of both blocks had some difficulty in doing so and they became a Combined Icon Block. (The Raid, end of episode) 9. Reaction to dimension shifts If an Icon Block - or part of a combined Icon Block - enters or leaves its home location, it destroys most if not all effects it has made prior to the location change. Also, if this motion is reversed and it is returned to somewhere it has been before, it will recreate any effects it had made under those conditions. Examples are: a. Every item and mob - even ones that were then in the Nether - being removed when the Icon Block left its home location and entered the Nether. (Ultimate Weapon, Purple and Red going through portal with Icon Block) b. Inverse example, the second Icon Block not removing the portal after going from a non-home-location to the Nether. (Ultimate Weapon portal that Orange made still there in The King) c. Combined Icon Block removing vortex and returning all mobs and blocks to existence when being returned to one of the Icon Blocks' home location, and returning all blocks and the pig that were deleted in example a. (The King, portal scene) d. Regular Icon Block being put in the trash deleted any damage it or anyone using blocks created by it had made. (Original AvM, end of video) If this pattern continues, this implies that the Icon Block in the original AvM was different than the one used in the rest of the series - which would somewhat make sense as that block stayed missing from the computer's hotbar - and that, if one or both of the Icon Blocks were returned to the Nether after The King, the vortex may reappear.
10. Holding mobs' consciousnesses This is referring to a creature in some format existing within the Icon Block. There are two different ways this has occured. The Normal Icon Block has been shown to allow this voluntarily, when Herobrine used it to channel his possession. (Original AvM) His "death" may have been more related to ability #9 than this ability, however. Also, the Combined Icon Block can force a similar effect. Similarly to the vortex, it can draw creatures (seemingly only Minecraft mobs, however) into the Icon Block. It is very difficult to near impossible for a mob to resist the effect, and unlike with a voluntary use of the Normal Icon Block, the mobs are unable to have any effect and may have just been deleted.
11. Transformation This refers to the ability for the Icon Block itself to change type and appear as something other than a grass block. Notably, only the Normal and Glowing white Icon Blocks have been shown to do this. (Original AvM, Ultimate Weapon) This does not appear to have any effect on its function and only indicates what block is being created by the user at the time. It also does not necessarily have to be a block. (Ultimate Weapon with Orange's enderpearl being an example, has likely happened prior though)
Summary of skills:
Creation/destruction of items
Manipulation/movement of blocks
Glowing (on block)
Mob creation (shadow creatures)
Summoning vortexes and vortex lasers
Reaction to other Icon Blocks
Reaction to dimension shifts
Holding mobs' consciousnesses
Transformation (of block)
Well, if someone actually read to the end of this weird research report of an item analysis... Wow, thanks, honestly I wasn't sure anyone would XD Hopefully this helped with understanding how it worked, or gives you ideas of how to use it in a story you're making, or at least you found this analysis interesting.
While I am trying to make this as complete as I can, I'm also one person who tossed a bunch of words at a page for an evening, I may have missed something. So if you remember any new abilities or subsets of abilities, please let me know and I can edit this or the first part to have a more complete understanding! Or if you disagree with any parts of this, feel free to say that as well and we can discuss changes! And if I do make an edit based on what you said, I'll credit you too for the idea ^-^ Unless you don't want your name mentioned in which just say so-
And speaking of new ideas, should I add pictures and stuff to this? Like a picture example of each ability? That might make it more readable.
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truly-quirkless-a · 9 months
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Type: Drabble/Lore Timeline: End of MHA S1, directly after this writing. Location: The U.S.J.
WARNINGS FOR: Blood, injuries, broken bones. You know- the works at the end of S1 of MHA.
There were so many.- None of the villains were powerful, not on their own, but Fin was in a tidal wave of them. Aizawa had created a pocket around himself that was enemy-free. None were willing to come too close for fear of what the Hero would do next. It would seem he had his horde well under control...
They took in a sharp breath, abruptly spinning as their body twisted. They could feel the strain as muscles in their chest were pulled. Their nerves were screaming. All they could focus on was the slash of metal through flesh.
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Take them down.
They slammed into someone's back. Their knife flashed through the air. Another moment, and it was embedded.
"GYA-!" Fin was already jumping away. They smacked head-first into another villain. The force of the blow sent the villain tumbling back with a roar. They had to get to the Ruins Zone.--- Hazel eyes snapped up from the thrall.
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Step back. Two villains slammed into each other, tumbling Fin's way. They jumped at the last second, shoes smacking into backs. They were catapulted into the air. No time to waste.- Aizawa could handle his enemies, they had no doubt.
Their knife fell from their hand. The bullet that had been shot their way crashed just to Fin's left. Their heart was thudding in their chest.
"...so annoying..." A voice- scratchy. They didn't have time to focus. They could feel each body reacting faster and faster with each running step. More of the villains were aware they were coming-
They abruptly changed directions as hands got too close. Fin kicked one's face. There was an abrupt scrunch, crimson spraying into the air. No time to think about it. They jumped at the next- slammed. One of the villains had a knife, thank God...
"What th-?! HEY!"
The handle was slippery.
No time to think.
No time to spare.
They were close.
The Ruins Zone was looming.
They could see smoke rising from one of the buildings.
They wouldn't make it- but they could see one of the more precarious buildings. If they could hit it, even from a distance-!
They dove into a spin, kicking out to knock the remaining villains out of the path. The knife they'd stolen sliced through the air. Please, make it-
The weak corner began to crumble. In moments, smaller fragments of brick began to rain down. It wouldn't be long. The villains who had begun to close in turned their attention to the building. It was easily ten stories tall- the knife embedded in the corner disappeared as the material shattered.
The entire ruin was coming down.
Fin didn't listen. They dashed to the left. The villains were fleeing in every direction. The building was coming. C'mon--! They sped up, jumping at the last moment as a painfully loud crash and boom echoed in everyone's ears. Dust and debris flew outward from the destroyed ruin. Several pieces smacked Fin as they came down.
They could feel pain exploding across their body, various smaller rocks instantly snapping bruises into existence, a few cutting their skin. The screams and cries of the villains were quickly dying out as the dust blew over the space. If they were right, it wasn't tall enough to reach the main fountain- but hopefully, it had cleared some of Aizawa's opponents.
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They pulled themself clear from the wreckage as it settled.
"What-- what the fuck--??" One of the villains was looking at the shattered remains of Fin's work, eyes flipping between the brunet and the destruction caused.
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Their mouth opened slightly...but nothing came out.
Get out of my home.
The villain turned and fled...but they knew there would be many more who weren't put off. They had to get back to Aizawa. Had to find the kids...
"I'll kill you, brat!"
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"...I'm not...a damn....child...!" Their lungs were blazing. Each breath was somewhere between a heave and a split-second gasp. They were beginning to shake. They didn't wait- they took off.
He had to keep up that smile. It took everything in him to just run. Nezu's lecture had thankfully come to an end- and now, All Might had the time. Even if it burned in every cell in his body, he didn't care. The feeling like salt in his veins from his wrist outward had him bolting. Something was wrong. He trusted Thirteen and Aizawa- but the pain... The sinking sensation--- he couldn't just sit back.
"All Might!" Young Ida--?! He came to a stop as the teen did, the blow of each's wind current crashing into each other. Dust and small rocks clattered against each other as Ida tried to explain, his engines rumbling in the background. "---The U. S. J., sir! Villains have broken into the U. S. J., everyone-"
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"-Then it's a good thing I am here!" He had to keep himself in check. Even as he felt the start of adrenaline in his veins, eyes flashing with dangerous intent.
If they hurt anyone there...
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"Let's go, young Ida!"
He wasn't going to focus on that. No- he was just going to focus on making it to the center before anything else went wrong.
Hang in there....
"Yes sir!"
"Ah, Eraser Head~....and...some random Hero...." Finally, they'd gotten close enough to the weird dude.- They could see all of his hands quite clearly. He'd even gone so far as to scratch at his neck, just above the hands that clung to his throat. "....eh...maybe you'll just be a little extra EXP..." His voice was definitely scratchy and mostly unused- and while he had the depth of an adult, his words somehow..felt far more childish. Like someone who'd spent their life playing games was just playing another- thrown into a new scenario he'd inevitably succeed in if he tried enough times.
The giant monster behind him, however, had more of Fin's attention. It was just standing there, dull yellow eyes rolling mindlessly in its sockets. It stood tall- probably even slightly taller than All Might. Its skin was an almost obsidian-black, just slightly, faintly blue..or perhaps purple. It had a massive maw, akin to a shark's, coated in twin rows of razor-sharp, marred, yellow teeth. There were a few scars on its skin, but thankfully...it had the decency to wear some incredibly ratty pants.
Aizawa had been pushed close to the edge of the Shipwreck Zone... Fin could barely see the kids swimming in the water, out of the corner of their eye.
Get out of here.
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"Surprised you think I'm worth that much, kid."
"I am not the child here..." Hm...it wasn't that hard to get a rise out of the villain, it'd seem. They weren't sure if they'd call it luck that he had a similar nerve. "...I've grown tired of this game...if the main boss isn't here, what's the point in trying?...."
"Fin. Stay back." Aizawa's voice was quiet as he moved a hand between Fin and the blue-haired enemy. His eyes never deviated, but they could only guess. The same thought had crossed their mind on the way back.
If I die...
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They'd gotten lost, somewhere in the fight- stopped thinking about the slowly-rising pain in their Words. They didn't take a step back, eyes still narrowed dangerously. They didn't have a knife, now. Maybe they could use those hands if they got one, or startle the big guy...but the giant was just grinning as dopily as it had at the start.
Or perhaps, that wasn't a grin.
They couldn't afford to die.- As much as they wanted to fight, as much as their mind screamed to keep going...their body was starting to protest. They were still heaving for air, hazel hues locked on their main targets. But with each moment, each breath was becoming steadily more painful.
"...really...needa work out,..more..." Fin hissed. Aizawa's scarf was beginning to expand again. The blue-haired male was outstretching his arms, hands flexing. The two were going to attack each other. The big guy was way above Fin's paygrade, but...he wasn't even moving.
"It'll be an honor, Eraser Head...!" And the two were rushing at each other without a second thought. The scarf expanded, the blue-haired guy laughed--- and the big thing moved.
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It was just a split-second- probably even faster- but in the time it took Aizawa and the blue one to reach each other, it had only blinked...and when Aizawa suddenly slammed one of the other's hands away, going to elbow him in the ribs- his scarf ready to attack- the thing had disappeared.
"...what the Hell...?"
They'd talked of killing All Might. There had to have been a plan-...this thing must've been it.
Weaken him with an army...and then kill him with the brute.-- The brute reappeared exactly where it had been before, but now...the blue one had a hand on Aizawa's left elbow.
"...it was hard to spot when you were jumping around, but I've found your tell. It's your hair." The villain's voice had gone quiet. Fin could only just make it out, their ears beginning to ring as a wave of wind snapped out from the scene. It smacked into them. They stumbled several feet back from the sheer pressure. "When it drops, it means you've stopped using your Quirk." Aizawa's elbow was starting to turn gray. Or at least, the cloth around it was.
"You're having to blink more often." Aizawa flinched. "Don't push yourself too hard, now....you might just fall apart. Wouldn't that be a shame?" So that was his Quirk. Even as the blue-haired villain spoke, the fabric around Aizawa's elbow gave way. He didn't make a sound as his skin began to fracture and crumble, revealing the bloody muscle underneath.
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How could they help? Assuming that Quirk of the other's extended to both hands, they couldn't get too close- they'd die.
Did that matter?- They couldn't just stand back. They wouldn't. To Hell with 'what if I die', they couldn't watch this a second longer.- Aizawa grunted, managing to punch the villain back- just enough to free his elbow. He jumped back. Villains instantly started towards him- the few that still remained standing after Fin's stunt.
Their teeth ground together as they vaulted at the villains. The first to leap towards Aizawa received a punch to the face, knocking him flat. The second got a jumping Fin landing on her chest- only to smack backwards into a third.
"Damn..." The blue haired male growled. "....that annoying Quirk of his isn't suited for long, drawn-out fights with big groups...but if he didn't have the help...!"
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"...don't you...fucking tell me...what I should do..." If they ran, they'd never be able to live with themself. Whether Aizawa lived or not. The raven-haired Hero was panting for breath, sweat dripping from his face as Fin slowly stood back up. "....I'd have nightmares...for the rest...of my damn life...!"
"You're both clearly outnumbered...you stood so little chance of winning, and yet, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight." They'd personally say they didn't have a choice, but at this point...they weren't going to flee. "To put your students at ease..."
A villain was laughing. Footsteps- Fin dodged to the right, Aizawa to the left. Several razor-sharp looking blades sliced into the red ground as the two just barely avoided turning into sushi.
Each breath was Hell- they were running low on stamina. And they weren't anywhere near as injured as Aizawa, who was quite actively cradling his wounded elbow between attacks. The two managed to get the current villains off their backs, together- slamming the last few into each other and knocking them out. They spun as a unit back towards the leader. Aizawa's hair was back up, his breaths coming in painful pants.
"And look at you, you're still standing!" Well. That felt pointed towards Aizawa. "You really are so cool!" God damnit, was this guy a fanboy? "Oh, by the way, Heroes..." The brute was gone. When had it disappeared again-?! "I am not the final boss..."
They didn't have time to react. In a split second, they were on the ground- feeling their ribs scream as pain exploded from the center of their spine outwards. They slammed into something- thick and sturdy, bark cutting into their back.
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Shit- their vision was blurring in and out, spots dancing. Fire flared behind their eyes, burning their thoughts. They could just barely see the giant monstrosity, knee pads...eyes squished into brain matter that poked out of its head...it wasn't smiling now, those weird gold-fringed lips were closed...and it had one massive hand on Aizawa's back, the other grasping his arm.
"...anti-Symbol of Peace...all him 'Nomu'..." Their body was screaming. They coughed, feeling the wracking of it in their bones. Whatever that beast had hit them with- it wasn't light. The Nomu let out a shriek. It sounded more like a groaning yawn mixed with an owl's screech- a strange cacophony that made Fin's ears ring. They had gotten off lucky. If they had to guess- it had swatted them. And rather lightly, at that- if it had taken them seriously...
It didn't matter. That thing was holding Aizawa- and the blue-haired male was slowly walking towards some of the kids...Midoriya...-- A froggy girl with green hair and a strange frown...Tsuyu...a little boy wearing a purple shirt and white pants, with a dark purple belt...Mineta...?
Aizawa tried to move in the Nomu's grip- there was a sickening crunch, and blood spurted from where the thing was holding his arm. He let out a pained cry.
"You can erase peoples' powers. That's irritating, but it's nothing impressive...when faced with true, devastating power, you might as well be a Quirkless child." Aizawa managed to wrench his head enough to glare at the giant- Fin could see his hair suddenly fly up.
The Nomu's other hand swiftly came off his back, only to slam down on his good arm- cracks forming in the ground as another loud crack rang out.
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They could barely breathe. This thing was making a pro its personal toy.- There was no way in Hell they stood a chance.
You're just my punching bag, got it?
This thing was too strong- way, way too strong.- They were Quirkless. They were no one.--
The beast forcibly pulled Aizawa's head up. Fin's eyes narrowed. They couldn't get in a lungful of air. This thing was going to kill them all.- Aizawa's head was slammed into the concrete, effectively cracking it as he let out a far weaker groan. That thing was toying with him.
That thing had every advantage.- Speed. Strength. Quirks. If Aizawa couldn't take it out, there was no way they could- but they had to do something. If they targeted the blue guy, they'd just end up a bloody pulp like Aizawa. If they tried to save Aizawa alone, they'd die outright.
"Tomura Shigaraki." The purple thing was back...but now, they had a name. They saw the purple void flicker into existence, the barest glint of metal around where its neck might've been.
"Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?" Two names. "The rescue Hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse...and one of them got outside of the facility."
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Fin was slowly raising their head. They weren't leaving this place alive.- They were starting to accept that. But if they weren't, they were going to try to deal as much damage as possible.
"Huh..?!" Shigaraki began to scratch above those hands at his neck again. The male was beginning to pant and growl- sounding more like a kid faced with a boss fight they weren't ready for...as opposed to some mastermind hellbent on destroying everyone in the U. S. J.. "Kurogiri.... You fool...if you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body." And suddenly, as if seeing the light...he stopped. "There's no way we can win if dozens of Pros show up to stop us. It's game over. Back to the title screen." His hands dropped, turning to face the purple void, Kurogiri. "And I was looking forward to finishing this today..! Damnit. Let's go home."
Their eyes landed on the kids.
"Oh, before we leave...! Let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken." Shigaraki turned away from Fin and Aizawa. His back was fully facing Fin, the stupid giant's eyes locked onto Aizawa. "Let's murder a few kids...~ Surely that will teach him that we're a force to be feared...!"
In a few milliseconds, Shigaraki was in front of the kids. Fin couldn't see- but they could figure it out. He was going to murder Tsuyu.
Their body moved before they could register the action. Barely able to breathe, each lungful of oxygen not enough and yet too much. They barreled across the main plaza. Aizawa's head was slammed into the ground again. All they could hear was the blood rushing in their ears.
Midoriya was out of the water, not a second away from punching Shigaraki where he stood.
Fin was spinning into a kick.
He was going to get hit on both sides.
"YOU! LET HER GO! NOW...SMAAAASH!!!!" Midoriya's fist was glowing, bright red strands dancing along his clothing. A dust cloud burst on the right side, water spraying on the left. Fin felt their foot connect, the pain registering like the clear peal of a bell.
Something clamped down on their leg.
Villains all over the plaza were sent back from the blast force. Fin was anchored by whatever had grabbed them- but swept off their feet all the same. Villains went flying as wind pressure alone shattered the protective glass of the lights in the U. S. J., sending shards of clear material crashing to the ground with a massive crunch.
The giant was there as the smoke cleared. Fin's glare remained, unwilling to dissipate. The beast was blocking Midoriya's smash with his chest, while holding half of Fin's leg with one hand. The hopeful smirk in Midoriya's face faded, the glimmer in his eyes vanishing as the two realized one thing.
The Nomu hadn't been hurt by the attack.
"You're pretty powerful." Shigaraki's comment was nearly hummed, a faint scrape to his voice as always. "This 'smash' of yours...you're one of All Might's disciples, aren't you?- Doesn't matter...I'm done with you, now. And you...you're too under-leveled for this fight." The Nomu's eye swiveled between Midoriya and Fin. The two caught each other in that moment, raw fear meeting suicidal stubbornness.
The Nomu flung Fin- sending them flying. They landed with a dull thud, tumbling over their own body across the cement. They could smell iron in the air again. It was a second or so later that they felt something wet staining their clothes as they rolled to a stop, heaving for air.
They were near Aizawa- in a pool of the Hero's blood. Their own was finally registering, painting a criss-cross of cuts and bruises on their arms and back.
How fitting.
They grit their teeth. They weren't in nearly as bad a shape as Aizawa. They were already trying to force their hands down into the grime- to stand, even as crimson painted their hands. Had to keep going---
The front doors of the U. S. J. suddenly exploded inward. A single pair of footsteps rang out through the whole building. Everything had gone so still. A single, loud stomp of a foot echoed as the smoke began to curl away, revealing a rather familiar form standing tall- but he wasn't smiling.
"Have no fear, students."
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"I am here!" His voice sounded so much more angry than usual. One hand gripped his suit coat- the other curled into a tight fist. Fin nearly could have cried from relief.- But the fight was far from over. They couldn't afford to get distracted, not now.
"Look, we're saved!!!" Mineta was already sobbing. Tsu- who had gotten her tongue around Midoriya's waist- was already trying to pull him towards the water, a single 'ribbit' sounding. Fin took in a breath, fighting off the instinct to cough. Their lungs felt like they were trying to inhale tiny knives- prickling with fire.
"He's here.... All Might..." Fin's head suddenly snapped up, eyes dilating.
He was out of time.-- If he stayed--! He threw his suit coat to the side, completely disregarding it. He was frowning- glaring. Teeth grit into a massive line, nearly like a wall of pearl-white. If looks could kill, Fin was sure the entire population of the U. S. J. right now would be dust.
Fin's Words began to burn.
"Ah...looks like our game's getting a 'continue'..."
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drukhari · 2 years
hey king, during this lovely pride month I told my dad I'm not cis, im nonbinary. It went well yay! but I knew it would go well but I'm not sure he fully got what non-binary meant (tbf I could've done better with the explanation too but nerves I guess), do you know a nice meme or like a simple thing that would kinda explain it?
First off, congrats!! I'm glad the conversation went well 😊 I kind of found myself in the same boat with my parents when I came out as nonbinary and gave them a very quick rundown on what that meant for me. They were honest with me in that they may need a minute to fully grasp nonbinary as a concept, because at the time they'd literally never heard of it, but they've always been open to learning more since then and have asked genuine questions when they have them so everything has worked out. Hopefully that'll be the case with your dad too!
As far as simple ways to explain it to someone who isn't familiar with the concept, that can definitely be tough since nonbinary is an umbrella term that covers an incalculable number of different gender experiences, with the unifying idea just being that the experience is outside of the usually thought of male-female binary model. There have been memes about being nonbinary that I've seen made by other nb people that haven't vibed at all with the way I experience gender, and I'm sure that my own experience doesn't vibe for every single other nb person out there too.
For myself, both when I came out to my parents and my coworkers, I actually ended up leaning more on the historic facts side of things because that's always been how my brain best wraps itself around new concepts. Nonbinary genders have existed throughout recorded human history, across many different cultures all over the world, so the idea that the male and female binary model is the "one original and true" way of experiencing gender just isn't factually correct and apparently that actually was hugely enlightening for a number of my older coworkers.
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There have definitely been plenty of memes out there that try to break it down into a more simple concept for people trying to learn about what being nonbinary means, like the 2 below here
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but they may very well not fit the way that you experience being nonbinary so don't feel like you have to necessarily rely on explanations or memes made by other people that don't actually fit for you. There's plenty of time for your dad to learn and grow and it's gonna be a journey for both of you in a lot of ways! Like I know I've sometimes showed clips from shows to my parents when a nonbinary character or actor shows up because that sort of thing helps reinforce for them that their kid isn't alone out here in this experience, just as an example.
There was a post on here going around for a little while (and for the LIFE of me of course I can't find it now, or remember the op, so if anyone knows the post I'm talking about and could link it as a reply please do and I'll do the same if I come across it later!) where basically the op framed it as "if being male is being in California on a map of the US, and being female is being in NY, I'm somewhere off in <insert other location between those two here>" So that's also another kind of framing option for you if that sounds like it would fit your experience. Basically any format where you frame it as "rather than being stuck between 2 ill fitting options, being nb means there's tons of other options just like XYZ thing in our world already" can help, in my experience at least.
I hope some of this helps anon - I know it was probably a lot more rambling than you may have expected lmao, and again huge congrats on coming out and it's awesome that your dad is accepting and supportive right out the gate, even if he's still learning as he goes!
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gadzooks-my-life · 5 years
Web Wednesday
Ok hi everyone, as promised here is my Web Wednesday post! The first of many. Today's focus is bisexuality.
Some notes before I begin:
I am not every bisexual person
I cannot possibly present every angle in one Tumblr post.
This will be presented as questions about my sexuality that I have asked myself and answers I have found that have proved most useful.
This will mostly be me paraphrasing and my interpretations of the information presented to me. In terms of sources I will credit to the best of my ability where it is due but I have done a lot of reading for this so in one post, so as to make it as reader friendly as possible if you want information that isn't paraphrased or put into my own words I am happy to provide my more specific sources, all you need to do is ask. The aim is for this to be relatable so it will be written as such.
As it stands I haven't had much interaction with the broader LGBTQIA+ community as of yet as I have wanted to be comfortable with myself first.
That being said let's begin:
If you tried to figure out exactly where your sexuality falls in the LGBTQIA+ by typing "bisexuality definition" into Google I do not blame you for being confused. So much of what comes back is contradictory or incomplete. Which makes it really difficult to answer most people's first question about bisexuality:
What is it?
First and foremost it is an identity of its own. It is not "half straight, half gay/lesbian". Anyone can be bisexual!
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The best answer I can figure is that it's both a spectrum and a catch all for people attracted to more than one gender. There are some bisexuals who are only attracted to male and female, some who are attracted to male and non binary folk, or female and non binary folk, some who are attracted to three different genders, some who are attracted to more than that... The combinations are endless and they are all bi. Other sexualities under the bi umbrella are...extensive. There are actually a lot of helpful images if you look up "bisexual umbrella" but they can be overwhelming so it's best to start simple and then branch out.
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The prefix "bi" stems from Latin and the Greek variant "di". Both mean "two" traditionally. However in this instance it's generally accepted to be "more than one". If it's easier, think about it like this: although people in all facets of the LGBTQIA+ community have always existed, they have not always been accepted or identified. Now that we are gaining a voice and learning more about ourselves we are kind of spoiled for choice in terms of how we identify and the labels of who we are attracted to.
One of my favourite concepts regarding this I actually learnt from a prominent Harry Potter Role Player on Tumblr (I know I'm a nerd/geek/whatever, let's move on 😂😂). The idea is that you are you and no label will make everything click into place or suddenly mean you have to tuck all your limbs into the "box" you chose anyway. We are a bit of an out of the box community anyway so that thinking that we can tuck ourselves in was never going to work. Largely I feel it's society that needs the labels more than we do. People not in the community, or in other areas of the community even, like to "know" where we are so they can predict how we will behave, what we will say and thereby what they can do or say around us.
So this goes to the next question:
What do I tell people?
You can tell them whatever the f*ck you feel like. If you are ok using the term bisexual then tell them that. If after some research, you feel like you sit somewhere more specific under the bi umbrella and that distinction matters to you then that's what you tell people. Or even if it doesn't really matter to you but that's the term you use then you say that. Simple.
For me, I'm attracted to males, females and the occasional androgenous or non binary person but I don't identify as Pans or anything else under the umbrella because not only did I not find a definition I was more comfortable with but it didn't feel right. I may be attracted to more than two genders but that doesn't mean I'm not bi. And that's what I tell people.
My best advice is go with your heart if you feel like a term really fits you then go for it and if people ask just explain what it means for you if you're comfortable to do that.
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What will I encounter as a bisexual person?
This is a big question that's not easily answered. There are so many variables it's not funny. It will depend upon your location, your government, your local community, your friends, your family...no one can speak for these groups but them.
What I can do however is give you a rundown of my experiences so far.
After coming out I think there's is definitely the possibility of feeling "obligated" to date someone of the opposite gender or of a non similar gender to "prove" that you're bisexual.
You owe this to no one!
I have experienced this and am currently experiencing this. Having just finished coming out to those closest to me, I'm currently interested in a male and I'm almost feeling as though I should disregard my feelings and specifically try to date someone who isn't male.
If anyone tries to tell you it's just a phase, that you're attention seeking or that you're confused or faking... This is THEIR problem. It's not on you to justify your sexuality to them. If it's safe to do so you can try to sit down and have a conversation about it with them but don't hold onto the negitivity if they don't come around. Support is what you really need.
Another few terms you might hear are biphobia and bi erasure.
Biphobia is pretty standard ablete not very nice phenomenon where people have an aversion to bisexuality, often denying it's existence as a legitimate orientation and rejecting those who identify as such. Unfortunately it has been known to occur from both non LGBTQIA folk and people in the community. You just have to be careful and remember you are valid and you are loved. I know it can get hard sometimes but you are, I promise.
Bi erasure is the lack of representation of bisexuals in the media, in movies, books, music etc. It is however 20-bi-teen!!! Hopefully we can start turning this around!
Being bisexual is something to be proud of and not something to fear. Yes it can be daunting and complicated but that does NOT be any means mean that the effort isn't worth it. There are lots of great things about being bi, you just have to discover them 😊
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Well lovelies, these are the main questions I wanted answered before I came out, I hope they have helped. If you have any other questions you want answers to about today's Web Wednesday then let me know and I'll put them in a Web Wednesday next week.
Ducks Are Awesome, Bi's Are Beautiful 🏳️‍🌈💜
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frogsandfries · 7 years
So in my perfect fantasy world
For the first time in over a month, I finally accomplish everything I set out to accomplish this weekend. The van gets the extension, my futon is complete and I can access it via some nice storage stairs. Then in the next week, I carry on the business of insulating my van, painting and waterproofing stuff, finally finishing the floor, which has taken no less than three times longer to take care of than necessary. I think next time I do something like this, I'm doing the roof before literally anything else. Also, I'm not relying on my dad. Then again, if I ever customize another camper from any style/make/model of vehicle, I should have money to do the work on it. For example, if I want to upgrade from this thing, I'll make certain I have the money in hand before beginning. Honestly, this wasn't supposed to happen this way, but it did and I'm trying to take control back from my father. If I did this 100% out of my own pocket, there wouldn't be any negotiating or dragging my father by the hair. I would take it straight to a welder, say "cut this", and pay once they delivered. Done. Bring it home, do my part to close the thing up--oh, so the best way I can figure to get the shell up on my dad's frame thing is to use a ramp and hopefully some kind of roller.
So someone pulled up to the storage bins at six in the morning. Thought it might be my dad. I don't think so. I have this weird (I think it's weird) habit of, whenever I hear people outside the van, especially if I'm somewhere I might not be welcome, I pretend I don't exist. The people/person didn't say a word, didn't disturb my van, just opened the storage bin, there was a brief pause, then they closed it and left. A storage bin would be a good place to hide Christmas gifts, but I'd use a pallet or table or shelves, keep my purchases off the floor. Kids think to look in closets and places that are off limits to them. A kid would never even fathom to look in a storage bin.
I have to get some ventilation going. Having these windows open for ventilation is kind of defeating the purpose of heating the van. I was thinking eventually two ventilation fans, one set for out and one set for in, and they would be at opposite ends of the van to move air in, across and out of the van. The out fan would be at the front, located somewhere near the propane tank, which I'll set up a nest for once the rest of the roof drama is done.
Or the ramp thing might be in stages? One to get the shell up to a saw horse or something, and a second to get it from a saw horse to the frame thing. I'll let my dad handle that I guess. It's heavy, and kind of floppy, and my brother has work today. But I think we'll need three people to do this. I also need to pull everything out of the van today, probably even the curtains. My dad keeps bitching about my materials being in his way, but he doesn't want to do anything toward getting them out of his way....like helping me finish my floor so the heavy packs of flooring are out of his way. Instead, he'd rather move them from one spot to another, move them, move them. He wastes so much time and energy. I'm not even sure, after how much I feel like he's fucked me over, that I would owe it to him to help him with his bus, y'know? Like, if I had my way, three or four weeks ago--while it was still October--my roof would've been done. The floor would be done, for certain. But I've had to wait on my dad. And now it's too cold for paint or glue. I get that he doesn't have unlimited time or energy, but I'd be a lot more inclined to metaphorically scratch his back if I'd felt properly supported by my father in my endeavor. Instead, all he could fucking be bothered to give me is, "it's going to take time" "you're just going to have to be patient". There's a thin line in my opinion between being patient and letting someone fuck you over or hold you back. My dad has always told all of his kids to be patient while we watch him go off and put frivolity and wastes of time before our needs. My dad would rather that I slept on the literal floor in everyone's way, and that I was in undue pain, than to just take care of the root of the problem. He would rather cause both of us undue stress to temporarily put me between himself and the crazy bitch than to get me out of the way. I can't do anything less than get to the root of the problem and get the problem out of my way. I like solving problems so that I can get the fuck on with my problem-free life.
I guess in my perfect fantasy world, I would have been done with my roof a month ago and I would have long since moved on to new problems and solutions. But I'm stuck in a lot of places working at my father's pace. My father leaves work, runs some errands and goes to sleep. I like to leave work, get a bit of sleep, run my errands and get some shit done before maybe getting some more sleep. A little at a time is better than dramatic stops and starts. You don't need nearly as much preparation for something constant.
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