#but in the meantime I’m having fun with these jy asks
lavendermin · 3 months
i need you to know you‘ve infected me with jy breeding kink thoughts and it‘s all i think about now
jing yuan with a breeding kink in the most meticulous ways… Doting on you and making sure your body is doing well. Making sure you’re getting the foods and vitamins that boost fertility and health. He will specifically have meals made for you by attendants ensuring it’s using foods that promote fertility and the likes for healthy future pregnancies. I strongly believe he would want a big biiiiiig family and almost considers retiring early as General of the Xianzhou Luofu just to breed you as much as he wants and build a big lovely family with you. (Oh to be barefoot and pregnant, constantly doted on and spoiled by Jing Yuan 😔 he would save me from corporate hell)
I can see him honestly knocking you up with mostly, if not all, girls. I’m molding his XY chromosome gacha to fit my needs as we speak. Huge girl-dad. He would love his daughters so so much.
Loves to get you nice and pampered so he can ravage you until early morning. Body oils and bath elixirs that smell delicate and act as a subtle aphrodisiac, nothing but the best imports for you. He wants you dripping by the time he’s got you in a mating press. So much potential with such a meticulous lover getting a breeding kink that leaves jing yuan desperate but holding back just to make things perfect as can be. Sighs dreamily…
I have a jy breeding kink fic in the works that I’ve slowly been working on. I’m going to try and power through it this weekend 💗
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shinwhoohoo · 6 years
Some thoughts on B1A4′s contract renewals...
... cause you all know I have to be extra and write out a whole dissertation. But I think it’s important to stay open about it, and be prepared for any possibility. I know that regardless of what happens, we will all continue to support them. So in the meantime, feel free to add your thoughts to this, this being just my own opinions and feelings.
In the past the boys have always been super positive about staying together for the long haul, as 5. I don’t need to go back and find quotes for that, I’m sure we can think of a dozen off the top of our heads, about how they aren’t worried about the ‘7 Year Jinx’ or not being together.
What I do think is important to point out though, is that if we look at more recent talks about their future, they’re quite a bit more realistic. For an example, I’m going to copy and paste the translations for their Dingo Music Rollin’ Rendition where they were all relaxed, and just having some drinks together:
JY: To B1A4′s 7 years of friendship! All: Cheers! Staff: 7 years has a sort of jinx.. (going to skip the dialogue where they make fun of how she said it all nasally lol) JY: I feel that there’s still a lot we need to do-- Baro: It feels like it hasn’t been 7 years. JY: --We’re still curious about a lot of stuff, and still have a lot to improve on. CNU: When someone leaves a group, or a team disbands, it’s really sad. As a group that promotes together, I’m a little worried we’ll end up like that. [And] the more I worry, the more I think we have to work together to show fans a better side of us. The root of our musical and artistic work is our fans-- we wouldn’t be able to do anything if it weren’t for our fans. I hope our past fans come back to us. JY: We usually don’t talk about this in an interview setting, but it’s slowly all coming out. We don’t talk about this, but it’s good.
So there we have it. To me, when I first watched it, I was surprised at how honest the dialogue was. It seems Jinyoung first answers how we’d expect, but once CNU opens up, Jinyoung concedes and nods his head in agreement. The whole time that CNU and Jinyoung talk at the end, the other three are silent, just nodding along. They have certainly talked about it before, and probably at this point already have an idea of where they stand with the upcoming contract renewals (this was filmed back in September), so when Jinyoung says ‘We don’t talk about this’, I don’t believe he means that they, as a group, haven’t talked about it, but instead that they haven’t talked about it this openly, in public to others and fans, before. And then he goes to admit that maybe it’s even a good thing they are being honest about it.
So what exactly would be some reasons that the boys would feel that they could end up with someone leaving, or disbanding? I think there’s really only a few main reasons:
WM Entertainment: This in and of itself can probably be split into two parts, being (1) mismanagement and (2) lack of opportunities.
The mismanagement comes from WM basically not being able to handle the amount of artists that they have. I’ve already answered a few recent asks about WM’s mismanagement that seemed to start with Sweet Girl era (aka their first comeback following the debut of OMG) so I won’t go into anymore detail with that. We all know they aren’t being promoted correctly, amongst other things.
The lack of opportunities unfortunately just comes with WM not being that big of a company. I believe, for example, that every role that Jinyoung got was because of HIS talent, HIS personality and charms, and HIS drive. WM had next to no driving force like say, SM Ent has in getting roles for their idols, so perhaps they boys are just tired of having to work so hard to get roles and outside jobs.
Idol Lifestyle: I believe this is a bigger issue than many of us may think. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just don’t get the same enjoyment promoting during comebacks as they once did, with the long hours, physical strains, lack of sleep, mental tiredness, etc. It’s tough, and let’s be honest, they aren’t teenagers anymore. It’s going to wear them down a lot quicker than it did 5, 6, 7 years ago. I would completely understand if they just didn’t find it to be worth keeping up with anymore.
Fandom changes: This is probably a less likely reason, but worth mentioning because it gets brought up enough by the boys. The fandom, while stable, has seen an overall decrease from it’s height around 2014 or so. It doesn’t help that BANAs are generally pretty chill, and not necessarily as vocal as some other groups’ fans, so the support may not seem like it once was to the boys. Another point worth mentioning just because it unfortunately occurred recently with Baro, is that in the fandom there is still a small portion that act immaturely and brashly, lashing out at them (Baro) when it’s like, they’re grown men. They don’t need to be putting up with that silly fan drama anymore.
Of course, some of these points may be affecting each member differently, and to a different extent. I’d hate to think that one member would just want to leave, but of course that’s a possibility too. I won’t get into which member(s) I think would be the ‘most likely’ to leave-- I personally don’t want to do any further reaching with this post that I already have, especially when it’s still a perfectly feasible option that they will all renew together with WM lol. But anyone else can feel free to add their own opinions. You know I’ll be here, responding with my word vomit as always~  🌱
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