#but in my head i always saw it as just an idea
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wtfaniii · 2 days ago
Hi ;-)
Request for an In-Ho x preteen platonic female reader where reader is the adopted shy introverted Daughter of Jun-Ho (frontmens Brother) got adopted 1 year after In-Ho dissapierd and got into the games by accident (cheating her id and faking it) how would ir be if the first time she speaks towards the Group of Gi-Hun and noticed that maybe player 001 used his right hand to throw the toy spin at the second game and for eating with a fork he used his left hand? So she could say neither he is both handed or left handed and mention something like my appa jun-ho can write with left and right but using a weapon he is just right handed funny huh? 💕🙈
I like the idea, I hope what I wrote is to your liking :D
Curiosities, observations and other small qualities
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You were a smart but calm girl, with many fascinations towards different things and you constantly asked questions without stopping when you noticed something, that's why your father told you that you would be a researcher and there was no better compliment for you than that, however, for a certain person that would be more of an inconvenience.
¡Hwang In-ho x fem reader platonic!
master list¡!
You were curious, you always had been, since you could remember you questioned everything, even why a fly moved its legs when it stood on food.
Questioning everything and everyone brought you a lot of knowledge, you were smart and active but it also brought you problems, sometimes you found out things that you would rather not have done or people got fed up with you, that's why you spent the first five years of your life in an orphanage feeling the rejection of others.
Until one day there was an accident at the orphanage, the police came to investigate a little and despite feeling somewhat threatened by your superiors when talking about the negligence in the place, you did not stay silent, you glided through the hallways until you could talk to a police officer about your concerns.
You never imagined that the same police officer you spoke to would adopt you a month later, of course he was not going to leave you alone there after having practically ratted out the director of the orphanage.
The feeling of confidence that Jun-ho gave you from the beginning only increased from that moment, soon he was a fun, affectionate and responsible father to you.
Grandma Hwang was the sweetest, she made you chocolate chip cookies every time Jun-ho left you in her care and sometimes she let you sleep in.
Life certainly improved for you but you never stopped asking constant questions, Jun-ho congratulated you for that, he said that you would be a great detective when you grew up but your grandmother didn't seem so happy about that, she said that you would get in trouble.
And she was right.
One afternoon while you were waiting for the next train to take you home after having spent the afternoon doing homework at a friend's house, you noticed something peculiar.
You were leaning against the wall eating a bar of chocolate, with your headphones on and the hood of your sweatshirt over your head when in front of you, at the other end of the tracks, you saw a man in a suit with a briefcase playing Ddakji with another man.
Your eyes practically shone with interest when you saw that if you win the man with the briefcase he would give money, but a grimace formed on your lips when you saw that if lost would receive a hard slap.
The salesman ended up handing a card to that man and turned around to leave but at that moment you ran to catch up with him right on the stairs.
You went towards him but when you faced him his posture seemed really intimidating, you took two steps back with your best friendly smile.
At first he didn't let you play, you weren't on his list and you were just a teenager, you would probably die as soon as you stepped on the first arena but your insistence was too much to the point that he got fed up with you and let play.
You didn't know what you were getting into when you took the money had earned and the card that he offered you, but your curiosity was so much that that night you couldn't even sleep because of the intrigue of knowing what would happen if you dialed that number, he said he would do you a favor, he warned you not to call before he left, but that warning only increased your curiosity.
So the next morning the first thing you did was call, they asked for your full name and age, you lied, you said were twenty-five years old but you were barely turning sixteen.
—I'll be late today appa, I'm going to a friend's house —You told your father that same day while you were getting out of the car to go to school.
—Okay, but call me to come get you, I don't want you to go alone at night —Jun-ho responded with a fatherly tone and a small smile.
You nodded and said goodbye to him to enter the school but "going to a friend's house" was an excuse, you would go to the address those people gave you so you could enter those games.
You regretted it completely, there were times when your actions led you to good things, maybe bad things… ¿But this? it was already an extreme.
If you had known that approaching that man in a suit would be your biggest butterfly effect, you would have walked away immediately but now here you were, wearing the same set of clothes as the rest while you looked curiously at player 001, the man who condemned them all when he pressed the button with the blue circle.
You stayed away from the rest as all the players dispersed, some with sorrowful expressions and others with triumph, the votes had been made and staying had been the final decision by majority.
But your gaze focused on player 001, his vote was decisive and you were curious to know why he pressed the circle but then you saw him form an almost imperceptible malicious smile while he stared at 456,
Player 456 had shouted that he had already been in those games during the voting and helped the others during "green light, red light", he knew what would happen and judging by his expression of anguish and defeat you deduced that it was true, he was telling the truth, now, ¿why was 001 interested in him? ¿Was he looking for your help or was it something else? The man felt your gaze and turned to see you, you immediately turned away and walked tensely.
You stayed away and alone, just watching the others form groups until you saw some of them surround 456, once again your curiosity got the better of you and you went towards them cautiously like a small cat walking among dogs.
In-ho had a clear goal but since he saw you, observing him in detail, he knew that you would be a problem, for that and other reasons. ¿What the hell was a teenager doing in his games?
After the other curious players left, he sat next to Gi-hun and tried to continue talking but he noticed your presence a few steps in front of them.
—¿Can we help you with something young lady? —390 asked, looking at you with curiosity.
Due to your poor ability to socialize you wanted to deny and walk away but you also had to keep in mind that this place was survive or die, you needed to be with the smartest team and what better than the team of a former winner so gathering all the courage you had in your body you spoke.
—¿Can I be on your team? —They looked at each other doubtfully until 001 spoke.
—¿How old are you girl?
—Twenty-five —Your answer was so sure that it made them hesitate but just by looking at you in silence it made tell your real age —I'll be sixteen next month.
—¿What kind of debts would a sixteen year old girl have? —asked 388 from his bed and with his mouth full of food.
You pressed your lips into a straight line and glared at him —¿Are going to accept me on your team or not?
Before anyone could say anything Gi-hun nodded silently and you sat down next to him. Well, at least you wouldn't be alone anymore during your stay in this place.
When the lights went out and everyone went to sleep you curled up in your bed and tried to close your eyes but it was impossible, even with 456 and 001 awake on guard you couldn't sleep peacefully.
In-ho noticed the uncomfortable way you moved in bed so he spoke to you cautiously and invited you to stand guard with them at least until you get sleepy.
—¿Aren't you afraid of this place? Your parents are probably very worried about you, ¿What would your mother say if she knew that you were not eating and sleeping well? —He said cautiously as he waved goodbye to Gi-hun, now it would only be the two of you on guard.
—I don't have a mother... —You mumbled, drawing with your fingers on the ground and when you saw the expression on him face you smiled sideways —I never met her, I only live with my appa and the halmonim.
—Well…then they'll wondering where you are —He said looking at you with curiosity, in case you were to die here, he wanted to know who would miss you
You twisted the lips and nodded silently, you missed them and wanted to return to them as soon as possible but the idea that you could die tomorrow or in the next five days tormented you.
As if he had read your thoughts, he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and speak: —You'll be fine, we'll get out of here alive and you'll see them again.
Those words, although seemed simple and empty, were a flash of hope for you, you smiled at him with closed lips and nodded in agreement, anyway, this were just children's games ¿right?
With that thought in mind you went to sleep but when you woke up the next morning with that melody ringing in your ears you couldn't help but feel anxious, your stomach was in knots and the desire to vomit due to stress and fear was evident on your face.
—¿Are you fine? ¿Do you want to go to the bathroom? —001 asked you as followed Gi-hun walking down the colorful stairs to the next game.
You assured him that you were fine and continued walking in silence, "This is going to be a piece of cake, it's just games" you thought as you looked curiously at the playground where they were taken, it was colorful.
But when the robotic voice said that they should make teams of five you reconsidered your chances of survival.
You walked among all the players looking for who would want you on their team but being a female teenager diminished your advantages considerably, you saw player 333 approach you, he was going to ask you to be part of his team but before he could do so two hands placed themselves firmly on your shoulders and dragged you to team 456.
—Now we are complete —001 said with triumph and a smile on his face shaking you gently making you smile gratefully.
After giving them the instructions, each team organized themselves, sat on the floor and waited their turn.
Each team would have to go through a series of games while having their ankles tied to each other and in a time of five minutes, they had to be coordinated and sure, you said you were good at Ddakji so that would be your game.
You felt motivated, you analyzed every move the previous players made and noticed every small mistake that led to their death, your team would not make those mistakes.
In-ho saw you from time to time, you were observant, a detail that he would not overlook, that gave you value points because he was almost sure that you would be one of the finalists if another stronger player did not kill you before that.
However, he never thought that you could also become a problem.
—¿How do you know my name? —Gi-hun asked after he had mistakenly called him by his name.
—I heard that's what your friend called you and I thought could do it too, ¿does it bother you?
His justification got him out of trouble but he could feel your intriguing gaze boring into the back of his neck, your mind wandered in previous conversations, you hadn't really heard him but maybe it was because you were nervous, even so, your curiosity and intrigue were present.
You proposed saying their names, maybe that would help build confidence in the team and they could get out of this test alive.
Each team had their turn to play, some passed successfully and others ended up dead, when it was their turn to play you noticed that they were the last, you didn't pay much attention to this detail but your brain saved it just in case.
You were the first to play, you did it the first time and the rest celebrated, then it was Jung-bae's turn, another triumph, Dae-ho also had immediate success.
Now it was Young-il's turn, it would be his turn to spin the top and everyone would believe that like the first three he would do it the first time but their hearts stopped and the air left their lungs when the top didn't spin on the ground.
You remained silent during the three attempts he made and failed, time was ticking and your heart was beating like crazy but you clearly noticed how in the last attempt that was successful he used his left hand.
Curious, first he did it with his right hand and failed three times, now he did it with his left hand and he did it the first time.
Once again in the huge dormitory, all the players who managed to survive the second game were scattered talking among small groups, alliances they had formed with this test.
You were happy, you put aside your suspicions about Young-il convincing yourself that you were just paranoid and there was nothing strange.
—I apologize for the reaction I had a few minutes ago —He said as they sat on the stairs of the huge bunk beds —I lost control...
He finished with a smile that almost seemed like genuine apology and understanding but when you spoke the expression on his face tensed.
—That's fine, but if you knew you were left-handed you should have tried left from the beginning —You said calmly, as if you were talking about a simple observation, but the rest's gaze rested on him with intrigue and even slight suspicion, especially Gi-hun, because this observation added to the fact that he had called him by his confident name, caused a certain distrust —Maybe this way we would have saved ourselves time and that scare.
The soft laugh you made at the end managed to lighten the atmosphere a little but In-ho knew that your words had caused a crack in his plan.
—I usually use the right but I think I'm good at playing with the left —He lied, letting out a small laugh to disguise the tension in his body.
Fortunately for him, Dae-ho changed the conversation bragging a little about how they were about to pass all the minigames without any errors, but In-ho remained attentive to you ¿How could a simple teenager be so observant? Now he was going to make sure you died in the next game, he wasn't going to risk slipping up with you around.
He had a problem with you and he was going to eliminate it, the complete opposite of what you thought, you believed that Young-il was someone you could trust and for no reason you had hopes that with him by your side you could get out of there alive.
After the votes, the pink guards distributed the food to each player but you had trouble opening your milk box.
—¿Can you help me? —You asked Young-il next to you.
He took the box and opened it without any problem but you noticed again that he used his left hand causing a giggle on your part.
—¿What are you laughing at?
—You are left-handed.
In-ho looked at the rest to make sure no one had heard you and then turned to look at you, this time with sharper and colder eyes.
He was definitely going to make sure you died in tomorrow's game
But the next thing you said made his mind go blank.
—My appa Jun-ho can write with his left and right but when he uses his weapon he is right-handed —You said with a small smile on your lips.
—¿Is your dad a police officer? —He asked, his voice lower than he would have liked, you nodded taking a bite of the piece of bread you held in your hands —Repeat your last name to me.
His voice sounded demanding and tense so you looked at him intrigued but when you saw that he was serious you responded.
—Hwang, ¿Do you know my dad? —You asked, curious and with a happy expression on your face.
You were his brother's daughter ¿how could that be possible? He didn't know about any existing girlfriend but now he reconsiders his decision, you were family but if you kept talking about every observation you had and went so far as to give him away he would kill you before you even spoke.
—No —He said with a more serene expression but his eyes still reflected something that you couldn't decipher —I've only heard him name before.
Now In-ho had a severe conflict.
But one thing was for sure, he would try to keep you close, whether to protect you or simply to make sure you didn't notice anything suspicious.
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viperify · 2 days ago
oneshots | ᴛᴏᴍ ʀɪᴅᴅʟᴇ X ɢʀʏꜰꜰɪɴᴅᴏʀ ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
₊˚. 🂼 Losing Game.
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Short Summary: being drunk sometimes means making reckless decisions, though agreeing on a bet with Tom Riddle might just top the list.
Warnings: 18+ only! rough oral m!receiving, slight dub con ig, Tom Riddle is a little bitch, no aftercare
A/N: first fic in ten days! finished my thesis and handed it in. SHDFJSKKF
also, this fic is based on this request! tysm for requesting! <3
wordcount: 2,5k
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As soon as you saw the exam papers, you knew. 
You’d lose the bet.
A bet that was your idea in the first place.
Tom and you have been fierce rivals ever since you started Hogwarts. Always trying to outdo one another, striving for perfection on every single exam and paper you had to hand in.
It’s the day before your Potions exam. You shouldn’t be doing this—getting ready for the party in Slytherin’s common room when you know a late-night study session would be the only way to save you from embarrassment the next day.
Yet, you couldn’t miss out on a fun night with your friends, the ones that keep telling you to stop worrying about your grades so much, to finally take a day off studying.
If they only knew.
After you finish, you take a look in the mirror—neat makeup, hair perfectly styled, tall black heels, burgundy dress, short, maybe too short—you don’t care. Tonight is about having fun and hopefully forgetting about your studies for a few hours.
Flickering green lights and the heavy beat of the music wrap around you as you enter the room, immediately engulfing you in the party’s atmosphere, the smell of alcohol and spilled drinks heavy in the air. Your eyes dart around the place in an attempt to find your friends, but before you get the chance to do so, you spot another familiar face. Familiar in an unpleasant way.
He’s casually leaning against the wall, one hand tucked in his pocket while the other lifts his drink—firewhisky, you assume—to his lips. And he sees you too—a smug grin playing on his lips as his eyes shamelessly drop lower, wandering over your exposed skin before he returns them to your now flushed face.
Tom Riddle—head boy, former prefect, know-it-all. House rivals. He’s always tried to get under your skin with anything he could think of. If he outscored you by more than five points, you wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Merlin, how you despised him.
You silently curse him under your breath, shaking your head as you continue making your way through the crowd. Your skin tingles with the memory of his lingering gaze, already regretting your choice to put on your shortest dress.
As the night goes on, you almost forget about him, your friends keeping you busy with conversations and games. It’s not until after midnight that you see him again—coincidentally just after your friends left your side to get new drinks.
You don’t even realise it’s him until he’s standing in front of you, until you feel his eyes on your skin yet again. You look up at him, meeting his amused expression.
“Shouldn’t you be studying?” He asks, lifting an eyebrow as he gently sways his drink in his hand.
“Unlike you, I have a life, Riddle. I don’t bury myself in books all day.”
“Judging by your grades, that’s what you should be doing. Instead of…” he pauses, eyes roaming over your cleavage to your thighs and back up. “Going to a party in that dress.”
A scoff leaves your lips. That idiot.
“Yeah? Seems like you can’t get enough of it, hm?”
His eyes darken at your words, and merely the fact that he doesn’t have a smug comeback ready tells you you’ve hit a nerve. You are right. He was checking you out.
A satisfied grin forms on your lips as he turns around to leave without saying another word. However, overconfident with the buzz of alcohol rushing through your veins, an idea comes to your mind.
“Riddle,” you call out, voice barely audible above the loud music, and he stops in his tracks. “I bet I will outscore you tomorrow.”
The usual arrogant smirk returns, decorating his face as he retraces his steps, stopping right in front of where you are sitting on the couch, hands tucked in the pockets of his trousers.
“The alcohol is clearly getting to your head if you think you could beat me in any Potions exam.”
You scoff, but deep down you know he isn’t wrong. Potions isn’t your best subject by any means, while Tom seemingly had every potion perfected before you even discussed it in class. Maybe that was exactly what excited you in that moment.
“You don’t have to be afraid, Riddle. Even your ego can take a loss, I am sure of it.”
He nods then. “Fine. Although I expect an adequate prize. What that will be, I choose.”
“That won’t be necessary.” You shoot him a smile, and you don’t catch the last part of what he’s said until it’s too late.
“Good luck. You’ll need it.” He adds, before disappearing into the crowd, and you don’t see him again that night.
What that will be, I choose. His words keep repeating in your head when you are finally in bed, trying your hardest to fall asleep. Slowly sobering up, you can’t believe what you have done. You would never be able to even come close to him tomorrow—not with last bits of alcohol in your system, not with two hours of sleep, surely not with how much you have studied.
And of course, the inevitable happens. The exam is way too difficult, your mind still clouded, ears ringing as a result of your loud surroundings last night. You can’t concentrate no matter how hard you try, and finally decide to hand in early, before anyone else. 
You take one last look around the classroom before you leave, and immediately, your eyes lock with his. 
Tom has been watching your struggle with pleasure, knowing exactly what it meant—what he’d choose as his prize. From the second you initiated the bet, it’s been as clear as daylight what he’d want. .
A week later, and as expected, he has outscored you. In fact, he received the best grade possible on his exam. And you—you failed. Failed. You had never failed an exam before.
So, you have been waiting. Waiting for him to come to you and tell you what he’d want. But the moment hasn’t come—not even days later. 
The following weekend you find yourself at another party. You have expected him to talk to you there, preparing yourself with all sorts of drinks. Whatever he wants from you—and you fully expect it to be something humiliating—will be easier to endure with the courage you gain when you are slightly tipsy.
He’s there, you have seen him, but it doesn’t happen. He gives you that same arrogant smirk each time you see him, yet he never seeks a conversation. He might have forgotten. You hope he has forgotten.
The next day, after your final lesson of the day, you pack your belongings and leave the classroom. The corridors are empty at this hour as you make your way to the Gryffindor dormitories. You sigh as you turn the corner leading you out of the dungeons, ready to head to bed early after an exhausting day.
However, that plan shatters as a pair of strong arms shove you into an empty classroom, hand clamping over your mouth, muffling your attempts to scream.
The familiar scent of potion ingredients and old wood floods your senses as the door shuts behind you, quickly locked with a spell. And then, you finally see who has dragged you in here.
“Riddle, what the hell?” You whisper-yell, looking around you, scared someone has seen or heard you.
“If I remember correctly, you owe me.” He retorts smugly, not yet facing you, instead casting a silencing spell on the room. “And I am here to collect my prize.”
You cross your arms over your chest, leaning against a bookshelf behind you. “What do you want?
Tom turns around then, looking at you for a second before he speaks.
“You. On your knees for me.”
Your breath catches in your throat. You wish he was joking, but the tone of his voice tells you differently. He’s a hundred percent serious about this.
“There is no way I am doing that.”
“Oh but you will. You lost, I get my prize. It’s only fair.”
A sharp exhale leaves your lips, rolling your eyes. “Could have done this when I was drunk. Wouldn’t have been as humiliating.”
“I don’t take advantage of drunk girls. Also,” a grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he guides you towards the wall, forcing you on your knees so that you are facing him. “Makes me enjoy it more.”
You shake your head slightly, looking up at him. “You are sick, I hope you are aware.”
“Get to work,” he orders, disregarding what you just said. He takes a step closer, fingertips brushing over your cheek, thumb softly tracing along your lips. The strain on the fabric of his trousers is evident as your shaky hands make work of his belt, carelessly dropping the leather on the floor with a low thud. He doesn’t bother stepping out of his clothes, leaving them to pool around his ankles.
You swallow as you take in his size, hesitantly reaching out. With your thumb, you softly swipe over his already with precum glistenting tip, looking up at him through your lashes. Your hand wraps around his length before you give him a few soft strokes, earning a low groan of approval from the brunette.
His patience snaps when you trace along a prominent vein on the underside of his cock, forcefully tilting your head back as his fingers tangle in your hair, having you meet his gaze.
“Can’t take a little bit of teasing, Riddle? That desperate for me?” You say smugly, eyes never leaving his as your grip around him tightens, speeding up.
“Thought I’d go easy on you, but turns out you don’t want me to.” He hisses, guiding your head towards him. Your lips wrap around him then, tongue swirling over his sensitive tip before you take him as deep as you can, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as he hits the back of your throat.
It’s not long before his grip on your hair tightens, stilling your movements before he thrusts himself inside of you, deeper than you had taken him. You obey, laying your tongue flat in your mouth as his length slips further, holding you there until you gag around him.
Focusing on breathing through your nose, you relax your muscles, making space for all of him, his eyes shutting in pleasure each time your throat constricts, squeezing him even tighter.
“Look at you,” he rasps, a ragged breath leaving his lips as his dark eyes now stare down at you again, watching his cock disappear in your mouth with every snap of his hips. “So eager to please me. Knew you were nothing but a pathetic slut behind that facade you try to put up. Smart— fuck—  always trying to impress— but in reality, this is the only thing you are actually good at, hm?”
With his hands’ tight grip on your hair, holding you in place as he uses your mouth, you find yourself unable to give a proper response other than a muffled sound of agreement—something he doesn’t seem to be quite satisfied with.
You gasp, taking in a deep breath as Tom yanks your head back, pulling you off his length, now coated in your spit. A string of saliva connects his tip to your swollen, reddened lips, blinking away your tears.
“Answer me.”
“Fuck— yes, Riddle.”
He shakes his head slightly, tilting your head even further back so you are met with his strict gaze. “What’s my name?”
“Tom,” you whisper, “yes, Tom.”
“Good girl,” he purrs, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk. “Remember it.”
Only a second later he is back inside of your warm mouth, holding onto your hair as leverage as he buries himself to the hilt, groaning as he feels you struggle for air, your hands holding onto his thighs for support.
You shouldn’t like this, shouldn’t like how he is using you to get off, and yet, his soft gasps and groans as he gets closer to his release have you clenching your thighs together, desperately trying to ease the ache in your lower stomach.
“Hate to admit you were right. Can’t fucking get enough of you.” He grunts as you feel him twitch inside of you, spluttering around his cock as his thrusts grow harsher, tears running down your cheek as you try your best to take what he is giving you.
“Fuck— Show me—“ Tom breathes, hips stuttering, “show me whose good girl you are and swallow for me.” He barely gets the words out before he stills inside of you, the taste of his release flooding your senses as he empties himself inside of you—deep enough that swallowing is in fact the only option.
Still, he keeps your head pressed against his lower abdomen until he feels you swallow around him, only then pulling out of you.
Tom lets go of your hair then, and you sink against the cold brick wall behind you, utterly spent, jaw sore. You watch him getting dressed, mind still hazy when he walks towards you, looking like nothing happened—on the contrary to you.
“Look even prettier when you cry for me,” he remarks, taking in your state, wiping your tear-soaked cheeks with the back of his hand before he uses a spell to clean your chin and blouse.
And you let him do it, too tired and worn out to complain.
“I guess I have finally found a way to silence that bratty mouth of yours,” he mumbles when he is done, gently wiping a strand of hair from your face.
You look up at him then, hoarsely whispering a soft “Fuck you, Riddle.”
He offers you no other reply than his signature grin whenever he gets something he wants, his eyes fixated on you while he adjusts his robes.
“Tutoring for Potions every Thursday at 7 pm in the library. Don’t be late.” He says, exiting the classroom before you even get the chance to process his words.
You run out of curses to use for him by the time you reach your dorm, exhaustedly collapsing onto your bed. You tell yourself that no, you wouldn’t go because who does he think he is—yet it’s an offer you can’t decline.
So, every Thursday from then on, you find yourself studying for Potions under his guidance. It’s tough at first, but after just a few shared lessons, you realise he might not be that bad after all.
And soon enough, the next bet is made.
“If I outscore you tomorrow, I get to fuck you—properly.”
“You are delusional, Riddle.”
Naturally, you lose the bet.
The only difference: This time, you lose on purpose.
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anniebeckcalla · 2 days ago
you're always there...in my sleep
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resting with the dreamies
(bf! dream x reader) ◦ ₊ wc: 858 ◦ ₊ cw: fluff, light skinship. lowercase on purpose! ◦ ₊ navigation
ღ calla's note: hope you enjoy this !! thank you so much for your support !!
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the room was warm, comfy, and filled with a soft illumination from the night lamp that was kept on through the night at your request. it obviously worked wonders, as you were asleep now, your face in a peaceful smile as your breath came out in small snores. mark lay next to you, but he wasn't in slumber. instead, he watched your eyelashes flutter as you steeped further into limbo. gently, he reached out his hand and used his finger to outline your eyelids, nose, and lips, deliberately taking his time to appreciate every scar and mole. at last, he cupped your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. “i’m so glad that i get to call you mine, y/n,” he whispered.
“still can't sleep?” jeno rubbed his eyes, hair tousled from being under the duvets. you shrugged, tears in your eyes. “it's no use. i've counted sheep, rubbed behind my ears, and sprayed lavender on the pillows. i’ll never get a good night's rest!” jeno sat up, throwing back the duvet. “let's go on a walk.” you stared at him, not sure whether to laugh or continue crying. “a walk? are you just trying to be funny?” jeno crossed over to your side of the bed, and held out his hand. “the night air will do you good, i promise. it's full moon tonight as well, don't you want to enjoy that together?” sighing, you took jeno's hand. “i'll admit that you haven't had a bad idea yet.”
calla's note: I feel like this is slightly ooc because jeno does NOT like going out :( anyway i hope that segment was nice
“see the way that draymond dodged the opponent?” chenle laughed as he reached for more popcorn from the bucket that you two were sharing. chenle had managed to get you to watch an nba match with him instead of a film that friday night, but instead of enjoying the match, all you two had done was laugh at the players' every move. chenle frowned when you didn't respond. “y/n?” he turned his head from the television to see you fast asleep, head lolled on his shoulder, your blanket wrapped around your shoulders. “oh, y/n,” he laughed softly. “let's get you to bed.” gently, as not to wake you, he lifted you in a blankety heap and carried you to your room.
your heart thudded loudly in your chest, your eyes wide in the pitch black. your limbs flailed, sending the duvet to the floor. “renjun,” you whispered. “renjun, where are you?” you reached out for him, but all that met you was the expanse of the mattress. stretching out for what felt like miles. Just then, the bedroom door opened and the room was flooded with light as renjun shuffled in with his phone torch. “ i was just using the toilet,” he began, but stopped when he saw your face. “why do you look so terrified?” he said. “i was scared that you'd just disappeared,” you muttered as renjun pulled the duvet back over the two of you. “you say funny things sometimes,” he chuckled as he pulled you close. “I wasn’t joking,” you mumbled, your eyes closing as you nestled in the crook of his neck.
it was a light spring afternoon, the sunshine streaming in through an open window. you stroked haechan's chestnut hair as he slept, his head on your chest, body nestled comfortably between your legs. there was a drama on the television that you'd been meaning to start a while ago, but you were distracted by haechan's soft snores and sweet-smelling hair. you bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of his head, and he stirred slightly, nestling his head down further into you.
“...but ron gasped, ‘get away from me, werewolf!’” jisung had one arm wrapped around your shoulders, the other holding the book. “your turn to read, love.” you shook your head, tightening your arms around his waist. “keep reading. it's nice.” “jisung sighed. “we're taking turns, y/n. it's not fair that i have to do all the reading before bedtime.” you frowned. “your voice is the only one that gets me to sleep at night, though! wouldn't you just do me that favour?” jisung sighed. “fine. i'm only doing this for tonight, though, okay?” “thank you, dearest,” you smiled. jisung rolled his eyes in response, but hugged you a little tighter as he resumed the story.
the doorbell rang, cutting through the silent peace of the apartment. you jolted from your sleep, rolling over to compose yourself. as you rubbed your eyes, jaemin's voice came from beside you. “what was that?” he muttered, his eyes closed. “someone's at the door, you replied, sitting up. “were we expecting any visitors?” jaemin opened his eyes slightly. “no,” you shrugged. “then there's no reason to get up,” jaemin replied. “just ignore them. he took your arm and pulled you towards him, but then the doorbell sounded again. “i have to get it,” you said. “no you don't,” jaemin said. “just stay here. you know you want to.” you slid back under the covers, giggling when jaemin dipped his head to press his lips to your neck.
comments and reblogs greatly appreciated !! (ФωФ)
taglist: @cigsaftersuh @jenoleeaesthetic @pl4netx1a @jeonghansshitester @herjaemin @chenlezip
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spiderb00bs · 2 days ago
- A Night To Remember!
Ella Purnell x Fem reader
"You made a request to your girlfriend, and she always did everything you wanted."
Genre - smut Warnings - sex w strap | MDNI
Now Playing - Red Wine Supernova, by Chappell Roan
n/a - This was a request, but i accidentally deleted it. But if you're seeing this, yk it's u ;)
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Your panting was the loudest sound in the room, your girlfriend's kisses descended from your lips to your jaw, nibbling and licking until she reached your neck. Your hands were tightly gripping the fabric of the shirt Ella was wearing, and even though those pajamas had awakened something in you, all you wanted to do was take them off her body.
You knew what was coming when you saw the bulge in your girlfriend's tiny shorts, and you couldn't deny that you loved it. A few days ago, you had asked Ella what she thought about fucking you with the strap, and you could have sworn you saw her eyes light up the moment the idea hit her brain.
So here you were, underneath the woman as she let you explore her body, feeling you run your hands from her back to her breasts.
"Are you ready, darling?" Ella asked, her accent made you shiver every time.
"Aren't you going to take it off?" You said, pulling the hem of your shirt up, making your girlfriend giggle as she allowed you to pull the shirt off her body.
"Are you satisfied now?" Ella said, directing the tip of the strap to your pussy, teasing you.
You groaned, very annoyed at being the only one completely naked there - because your girlfriend was still wearing those fucking short shorts - but also because you were too horny to complain.
"Hey, don't be a bad girl. Remember, I'm the boss today, baby." She said, not even giving you time to protest.
A loud moan left you as Ella pushed herself inside you. The feeling of the strap and your girlfriend kissing your body and stimulating your breasts was wonderful, and you swore you could live like this forever.
"Fuck babe, that feels so good!" You said, grabbing Ella's shoulders. The naughty little smile on her face said she was loving this as much as you were.
"Fuck, oh my god babe, you're so tight, I can barely move!" The giggle that left your girlfriend's lips made your head fall back. How could that woman be so hot?
Seeing your neck on display, Ella took the opportunity to suck on your sensitive spot, increasing the speed of her thrusts, making her go deeper and deeper inside you.
your nails scratched the woman's lightly tanned skin, your nails scratched the woman's lightly tanned skin, giving Ella a twisted pleasure, who moaned with pain.
"Damn babe, why didn't you ask me to do this before?" Ella laughed once more, seeing that you couldn't say a word, just letting your moans come out. "You're enjoying it, aren't you? How I fuck you?" You nodded, it was the only thing you could do while your girlfriend fucked you so good.
Grabbing your thighs, Ella began to move with precision, hitting your g-spot suddenly. Hearing you moan more and more, the woman brought her hand to your clit, massaging it.
"Baby, I'm gonna..." You couldn't even finish your sentence, your words were replaced by screams in less than seconds, while you came hard, wetting Ella's abdomen, her shorts and the sheets.
"Holy shit, baby..." Ella said, bending down and giving your pussy an experimental lick, making you moan with sensitivity. "You're really something, huh?!"
Kissing your forehead, Ella lay down next to you, only to feel the wet sheets, as well as her shorts.
"Okay, Miss Messy, let's clean up."
Laughing, you both got out of bed, - with difficulty - Ella changed the sheets while you were in the tub, and then joined you.
Relaxing her shoulders, she leaned her back against your front, feeling comforted in being so intimately beside you.
"I love you." The brunette said, stroking your hair and kissing your hand, which was holding her comfortably.
"I love you even more." You said, kissing her neck, making her giggle at the tickling.
Now that was a night to remember!
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the way I thought of this picture of Ella the EXACT moment I read this request, OMG she looks so hot in this picture 😭😭
How are you guys? I'm working on the bigger requests, so while they're not ready, I thought I'd release some short requests to keep you entertained.
sorry for the absence, it's been really complicated lately. My main blog hasn't seen me in ages 🫣
anyway, stay safe
xoxo, spider.
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hedwig221b · 2 days ago
You have any pregnant stiles not related to ABO fic recs? Your fic where Stiles runs away to the cabin for magic training got me craving!!!
Sure! Stereks do love pregnant Stiles lmao, with or without abo. Here are some:
Walking the Path of Intimacy by Moit
A supposedly routine migraine leads Stiles to discover that he's pregnant with Derek's child, a situation he did not know was possible. Now he's got to tell the rest of his pack (not to mention his father) but how will they react? How will Derek take the news? Featuring pregnant!Stiles with weird food cravings and a pack that is trying their best to accommodate their Alpha's mate.
Karma Is A Bitch by Brego_Mellon_Nin
Ironically, Stiles was just returning to his dorm after failed negotiations about a possible adoption agreement with a local pack, when he saw the fairy. She was cornered and he was unable to curb his protective instincts. The fight was short and Stiles was left with only a blooming bruise on his jaw when the bullies scurried away. As a thank you, the fairy wanted to grant him a wish. Who knew what a bit of fairy fertility magic could do?
You'll Grow Into Your Skin by crossroadswrite
“So funny story,” Stiles winces, “Remember when I joked you couldn’t get me pregnant?” Derek nods his head. He remembers pretty much everything from that day. “Right,” Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, “Surprise?”
Things We Lost by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“Who … who am I to wed?” A small flash of guilt covered the king’s features before he was able to recover. “Your union will join the royal families—joining our family to the Hales.” Dread and sorrow sunk in Stiles’ stomach as he closed his eyes. There was only one Hale left unharmed by the great fire that nearly wiped out the entire royal family—the Dread Wolf of Triskelia, Crowned King Derek Hale.
and the wild things roared their terrible roar by hoars
Derek as Khal Drogo (but set in snow beyond the wall) and Stiles as Daenerys Stormborn (although he's a greenseer of the Children rather than a dragon).
Hot Pocket Ratio by ShippersList
At the threat of the alpha pack, all Derek wants is to keep his pack safe and alive. As the last resort, he tries summoning a demon to help with fighting the alpha pack. He gets a bit more than he bargained for. Or, the story where the classic demon deal of "Will you pledge your firstborn to me?" takes some unexpected turns.
You'll Be Mine and I'll Be Yours by tearsandholdme
"Oh my god!” Stiles hissed, his back colliding with the door. “Oh my god! I slept with my boss, oh my god. I'm a walking cliché!” It was supposed to be a one night stand. No complications, no feelings, no baggage. But then a missed doctor's appointment in his childhood comes back to haunt him and Stiles is left with a lot more than one very good night.
An Alpha's Misunderstandings by Dexterous_Sinistrous
And Derek was there, as if it was a simple twist of fate. There were so many ways Stiles wanted to forgive Derek, but then he came to his senses. He wouldn’t risk Charlotte’s safety for that hope–never again. ~*~ Stiles and Derek are parted by war and misunderstandings, only to find each other again.
Stiles, the Kink Enabler by halcyon1993
Stiles begins to suspect that Derek has a breeding kink.
Shifts by gryvon
Stiles has what he's always secretly wanted - he's in a relationship with Derek and he's one of Derek's betas - but all that gets turned upside down when Gerard kidnaps him and his unexpected baby.
Long Overdue by tangowhiskey
Stiles is pregnant with Derek's pups. However, he's now overdue, making him tired and irritable. He wants nothing more than for Derek to have sex with him in the hope that it will induce labour. Derek may or may not love the idea.
Puppy Love by Pookaseraph
Things Stiles wished people had told him before he'd become the mate of an Alpha werewolf: gender was no barrier to having kids with an Alpha werewolf.
Stay with me by Beautiful_noise
Derek gets a glimpse of the future in which Stiles has two biological daughters and that's how he knows he and Stiles are going to break up.
Last To Know by Never_Says_Die
Kink meme fill in which every werewolf and shapeshifter in Beacon Hills is aware that Stiles is pregnant before he is. And apparently the first baby!werewolf being born into the pack (their Alpha's, no less) is a big freakin' deal and excuse enough for everyone to lose their damn minds. When Stiles figures out why everyone's been acting so weird around him, he's not amused.
He was born for this. Nature itself whispered into his ear where he should put his hands, how to twirl his tongue just right and when to bite. Stiles knew well enough that his saliva was currently working its magic on this unfortunate man, making him hungry, lustful, and insatiable. Soon, all his thoughts would be consumed by Stiles. And, just this once, Stiles would allow Derek to consume him.
aaand the fic the anon mentioned:
"Don’t you want to show them all what you’re capable of? Prove that Talia's been wrong about you the entire time? Force her to eat her own shit?” Stiles stared at Peter with a lodge in his throat. He wanted it. Of course, he did. He imagined himself standing in front of Talia’s sour self, and pushing fucking fireworks out of his hands, growing trees and crumbling mountains just to prove her wrong. But even more than that, to show her that Stiles was able to give Derek everything she hoped her son to have. Stiles did that. And… he had another big fucking thing on the way. But, as he learned, life wasn't a fairytale.
Other fic recs: angsty fics | possessive Derek | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | smut | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack | BAMF!Stiles | omegaverse | witch!Stiles | creature!Stiles | bad friend Scott | pack mom!Stiles | unrequited love | werewolf!Stiles | dark sterek | single parent!Stiles | feral Derek | arranged marriage | Stiles is underestimated
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makeitmingi · 1 day ago
The Cat and Dog Game [Bonus Chapter]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 5.6K
Chapter warning(s): Slightly suggestive at the end.
"Happy birthday!" Wooyoung burst into your bedroom. You groaned and hid under the covers, snuggling closer to Seonghwa. But of course, Wooyoung put his whole body on top of yours to squish you with all his affection.
"Where's Yunho hyung?" Jongho asked, realising it was Seonghwa beside you and not your boyfriend.
"He said he had something on in the afternoon that he couldn't change and we'll celebrate my birthday tonight so Seonghwa came over at midnight to wish me and spend the night." You yawned.
"What?! And you didn't invite us?" Wooyoung screeched.
"Just know I am the first to wish her happy birthday like a true best friend." Seonghwa said with a smug smile on his face.
"It's just a birthday, guys. Like every other day. It's not that big a deal." You said, scooching over to the middle of the bed so Wooyoung could lie beside you instead of on top of you.
"You really know how to put a damper on a birthday, huh?" Wooyoung scoffed.
"It's my birthday. I can celebrate it however I want and right now, I want to stay in bed and do nothing." You declared, reaching over to pat Willow as she slept in her dog bed.
"Let's see if you can say the same when you find out your surprise." Jongho said. Seonghwa and Wooyoung both snickered. Now that got you more alert. Even if they knew your sentiments towards birthdays, the boys never fail to celebrate it with you somehow. Seonghwa always planned some sort of surprise.
"What surprise?" You asked.
"Now you're interested? I thought you wanted to stay in bed the whole day?" Seonghwa asked. You shot him a dirty look and jabbed his side, making him wince and curl up.
"Get dressed and ready to go out! Then we'll bring you to your surprise." Wooyoung patted your butt and pulled you to sit up.
"Alright, alright." You yawned and stretched your arms, getting out of bed and shuffling to your bathroom.
"Hwa, do you need your towel?" You asked before you closed the bathroom door. He came in to get it himself, getting his toothbrush at the same time.
'Happy birthday, love~ I'll see you tonight! Enjoy yourself with Seonghwa hyung, Wooyoung and Jongho. I love you.
- Your yuyu'
You saw the post-it on the mirror in Yunho's familiar handwriting, making you smile. You didn't enter the bathroom after Yunho left so you guessed he left this behind for you.
'Thank you for the note. I have no idea where the 3 are dragging me to, it's a surprise they say. I'll see you tonight, I love you too. - (y/n)'
You sent a message to Yunho and finished getting ready. Seonghwa came to tell you not to dress too fancily, which only made you more curious and slightly worried that they might drag you to do some sort of physical activity.
"Is jeans and a t shirt okay...?" You poked your head out into the hallway.
"Yes. Now hurry and eat breakfast." Wooyoung rushed. You rolled your eyes and went to get ready, grabbing a black t shirt and a pair of simple jeans to dress in.
"You know, considering it's my birthday, you're actually making me feel slightly concerned about this surprise." You said to them.
"We won't kill you." Jongho assured.
"That's not very reassuring, Jong." You scoffed, sitting at the counter. Seonghwa slid you a coffee and a slice of toasted sourdough bread that he made fresh yesterday.
"I have whipped mascarpone in the fridge. Can you get me that and the cherry jam, please?" You asked.
"Sure." Seonghwa went to retrieve it. You spread both on your toast and took a bite. Seonghwa hummed as he made one for himself.
"There's something different about this cherry jam that you made. It doesn't taste like the regular one. Like there is a caramel flavour." Seonghwa noted.
"Yeah, I did something different. You know the homemade maraschino cherries that Jongho and I made last time with the rainer cherries? The ones that were soaked in rum. I added a few inside with the liquid they're soaking in. Thought the after taste of flavoured rum would add more depth." You explained.
"It's good. I like it and it doesn't taste alcoholic at all." Seonghwa nodded in approval. Wooyoung and Jongho came over to steal bites from you.
"The cherries didn't go bad?" Jongho asked. You shook your head.
"I think we added too little alcohol last time, that's why it went bad. This batch was just right." You said.
"Hurry up and eat or else we won't have time for your surprise." Wooyoung whined, rushing you. You laughed and shook your head, he was more excited than you were.
"I'm done, I'm done. Let's go." You finished the last bit of your coffee and kissed your pets goodbye.
"We'll drive." Jongho shook his keys. You all climbed into his car, with you and Seonghwa in the back seat, Wooyoung in the passenger.
"Do I get a hint?" You asked, looking out the window. The place didn't seem familiar and considering you just ate breakfast, you assumed they weren't going to drag you to another location to eat.
"Nope." Seonghwa was quick to shoot you down. You pouted at him and took your phone out to text Yunho. He felt really bad for missing half your birthday but you assured him you didn't put much importance on your birthday, it was just another day.
"Okay, blindfold time!" Wooyoung declared and Seonghwa nodded, taking the eyeshades out of his pocket.
"You guys are gonna drive me to a forest and leave me in a ditch to die, aren't you?" You looked at your best friend suspicious, backing up slightly towards the door.
"You are so dramatic, just as much as Wooyoung. Which says a lot." Seonghwa scoffed.
"Hey!" Wooyoung yelled out in protest. But you sighed and gave in, knowing you couldn't argue against the 3 of them on your own.
"Hold my hand so I know you aren't gonna do something to me." You said as Seonghwa put the eyeshades over your head, making sure not to mess up your hair too much.
"Fine, you're such a scaredy cat." Seonghwa teased, reassuringly grasping your hand in his.
"You guys are the ones who say I'm the cat." You reminded.
"Shhh." Seonghwa shushed you, carefully guiding your head so you could lay on his shoulder. Being blindfolded, you didn't know where to lean and he didn't want you to accidentally bump your head.
"Okay, we're here. Don't move, we'll get you out." Jongho said as you felt the car stop after he parked. You obediently didn't listen, continuing to lean on Seonghwa. Then you heard the door open and someone carefully guide you out of the car. You stood there, unsure of what to do next.
"Follow us. Walk slowly, there are no steps in front of you." Wooyoung told you and you cautiously took steps in front of you, each arm being held by someone.
"Alright, that's good. Stop here." Seonghwa said. You stood still, not really hearing or sensing anything until there was popping heard.
"Surprise! Happy birthday, (y/n)!" You removed the blindfold and gasped. All of the boys' families were there.
"Yunho!" Your eyes widened in surprise before you ran over to hug him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around you, leaning down to press his cheek against your head lovingly.
"You really know where her priorities lie." Mingi teased.
"Thank you all for coming." You said shyly, greeting all 8 sets of parents and siblings.
"I'm sure you're wondering why we got all our parents here, (y/n). Yes, it is to celebrate your birthday but basically, we needed mouths to feed for your real surprise." Seonghwa told you.
"This isn't the surprise?" You blinked in confusion.
"We're just a part of it, dear." Mrs Park giggled. Yunho grinned at you and pulled away the cloth that was covering a huge contraption. The moment your actual surprise was revealed, your jaw dropped at what you saw. You were in disbelief.
"Shut up, you didn't..." Was all you could say. Although Yunho's friends didn't really understand it, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho did. After all, they planned this.
"Isn't that a kebab spinning thing? You know, where the meat goes." San leaned over to ask.
"It's her dream to operate one and carve meat off it. We've never got a chance to use it before." Wooyoung explained.
"Eeeee heheheh thank you! Thank you!" You squealed exictedly, unable to contain your excitement. Honestly, you didn't know who to hug so you hugged Yunho.
"You shouldn't thank me, love. They spent a long time explaining this to me." Yunho said, patting your head.
"Thank you." You hugged Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho.
"You're welcome." Jongho patted your back. Wooyoung held your shoulders and led you to the doner spit. You rubbed your hands excitedly as you looked at all the ingredients laid out.
"She's really something. Only she would have such a wish on her birthday." Yeosang chuckled.
"That's what I love about her. She's so unapologetically her and she's so driven by food, which is her passion. I'll never understand it but I love seeing how happy it makes her." Yunho smiled, watching you excitedly put the meat on the spit with the biggest smile on your face. You were truly in your element.
"So how does this work?" Yunho came to stand with you.
"You put the meat on here. As the outside cooks, you carve it off and eat it on rice or in pita. Some people even have this machine that shaves off the meat." You told him.
"That's cool. Can't wait to eat it." Yunho kissed your temple since you were busy focusing on the meat.
"Did you manage to settle what you needed to do?" You asked.
"Oh yeah, I did... I'm all yours for the rest of the day. So don't eat too much because I'm taking you to dinner tonight." Yunho declared. You laughed and nodded.
"You guys are so gross." Hongjoong gagged. Yunho rolled his eyes at the older male's words.
"You're just jealous." He shot back. Wooyoung turned the doner spit on and the meat started the turn.
"Ooooh." Mingi went close to take a video but you instinctively grabbed the back of his shirt to pull him back, making him stumble and almost fall.
"Sorry! It's hot, Mingi. I didn't want you to burn yourself." You said. Mingi laughed and nodded, wrapping his arms around you to show how grateful he was that you stopped him. Seeing that, Yunho frowned slightly and plucked Mingi's hands off you.
"Aigo, Yunho ah. Don't be jealous." Yunho's mum giggled, making the other mums coo at him.
"I'm not!" Yunho squeaked, his ears turning a bright red. Hongjoong and Yeosang went around to give drinks out to people, as well as some plates and cutlery.
"We're ready for when the meat is done." San smiled.
"Yes, help yourself if you want rice or a pita. The sauces and vegetables are at the side." Seonghwa directed everyone.
"Go on, my love." Yunho said, holding his phone up to take a video of you carving meat. With a large knife, you began to carve the outer layer of the meat.
"It looks so good." Mingi said.
"It smells so good!" Yunho grinned excitedly. Of course, you weren't too interested in eating it so you fed some to him.
"So good." Yunho melted at the taste. You took turns with Seonghwa, Jongho and Wooyoung, each carving the meat and tossing it in the juices at the bottom of the spit before giving it out.
Yunho watched you from the side, eating his food and occasionally feeding you a few bites. He knew you weren't too interested in eating, just carving the meat off the rotating spit. You were really so happy, giggling to yourself and asking if people wanted more just so you could carve more meat off.
"I know you're having fun but you got to eat too, dear." The parents fussed over you, as usual. You were like the adopted daughter of each family, both fathers and mothers loved to fuss over you.
"I will! I will! Thank you!" You grinned. Mr Jeong patted your head with a fatherly smile.
"And we also want to give you this. Happy birthday." Mrs Jeong handed you a money packet.
"Omma?! Appa?!" Yunho blinked in disbelief. He usually get wishes from his parents and an occasional gift but never a money packet. You received it with a bow.
"Thank you." You hugged them.
"Us too!" Mr Song raised his hand and with his wife, they held out the money packet to you.
"Don't forget us." Haneul giggled, giving you an actual gift while her parents gave you a money packet. The 8 boys watched in disbelief, shock and jealousy as their parents gave you money.
"Spend the money on yourself, okay? Not on things to feed our sons." The parents said. You laughed and nodded your head. It was moments like these, you didn't need your biological father and stepmother in your life. You had 8 sets of parents and siblings here.
"This is so pretty! Thank you." You said, unwrapping Haneul's gift to find a Dior lipstick inside.
"So, will we get money during our birthdays too?" Hongjoong asked.
"Why would we give you money? You're already working." Mr Kim raised an eyebrow at his son's questions. Hongjoong's jaw dropped slightly at the blatant biasness.
"But you gave (y/n) money." Wooyoung protested.
"So? What's your point?" His mother asked, slapping the back of his head as she chided him.
"Wow, all this FAVOURTISM!" The boys protested. Yunho stood behind you, wrapping his arms over your shoulders. You looked up at him and he smiled down at you.
"Are you enjoying the food?" He asked.
"Mhmm but I enjoy the cooking and carving part much more. I mean, look at that thing." You giggled.
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Even if I don't really get it, I'm happy as long as you're happy." He leaned down to kiss your forehead upside down. You closed your eyes and smiled up at him, he was really the sweetest person ever. You put your hand over his own and squeezed it tightly.
About halfway through the little gathering, Yunho announced his leave. Of course, you were confused because you thought you were going to dinner after this.
"I actually have something to prepare." Yunho confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yun... You don't have to. I'd much rather you just spend time with me." You admitted, hugging him.
"I know. I'm sorry I'm leaving but I promise it'll be worth it." He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You nodded, disappointed to part from him but you let him go.
"I'll see you." Yunho bid everyone goodbye, including his parents and Gunho before running off.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Seonghwa patted your shoulders.
"I know. But he doesn't have to do much, having him with me is all I need." You said, beginning to carve the remaining meat off to distribute it to the families and the other boys to take home.
"Now that you're done with that, let's have some champagne." You were whisked away by the mothers and a champagne flute was placed into your hand. There was a small toast, with everyone lifting their drink cups.
"Happy birthday, (y/n)!" They all cheered and drank whatever was in their cups.
"Thank you for the surprise and for coming down to spend my birthday with me. It was truly amazing." You smiled softly as you looked at everyone.
"Any time. We're family afterall." Gunho slung an arm around you.
"Take a picture of us and send it to my brother please." He requested. Of course, Mingi stepped up to do it.
"You are purposely trying to rile your brother up." Mr Jeong shook his head at his younger son's behaviour. Gunho nodded in confirmation, not even going to deny it.
"Look what you did." You stepped aside from Gunho to take your phone out and saw Yunho's contact ID.
"Hey, love. Do you mind putting me on speaker please?"
The moment you did, Yunho's voice was no longer the sweet tone that he spoke to you in.
"JEONG GUNHO! YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR ARM OFF MY GIRL OR YOU'LL REGRET IT! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'LL DO YET BUT I WILL MAKE SURE IT IS SLOW AND PAINFUL! And it's not just me! You'll be dealing with Whiskey and Willow too! Okay, maybe not Whiskey since he doesn't care BUT WILLOW...!"
"You're not here to stop me though, are you hyung?" Gunho teased. You tried your best not to laugh at their banter but imaging Yunho's pouty angry face made you giggle.
"Baby~ Don't laugh at me~ Omma, they're bullying me."
"Yunho ah, you shouldn't be whining and complaining to me in front of your girlfriend." Mrs Jeong chuckled.
"Alright, alright. Don't whine, Yun. I promise I won't let Gunho have any physical contact with me anymore, okay? I'll see you soon." You hummed and hung up.
"Time for some pictures." Seonghwa declared.
"I'll take them!" Wooyoung raised his hand, taking his DSLR out of his bag and holding it up.
As you took pictures with people, you were kind of sad that you didn't have the chance to take a picture with Yunho before you left. But you swallowed that feeling, knowing you'll see him later.
"My turn! My turn!" Kyungmin jumped excitedly, running into your arms and posing immediately. You smiled and patted his head, smiling for the camera. Once everyone was done with their pictures, you bid them goodbye.
"Thanks again for making the time to come down here." You hugged all the parents.
"Stop sounding like you're inconveniencing us. You always make time for family and always spend time with family, even if there's no big occasion to." Mrs Kang wrapped an arm around you.
"Thank you for showing me what real family is." You tried your best not to get choked up.
"Nothing to thank us for. Don't forget, next week we're going for brunch." Mrs Kim reminded with a chuckle.
"Yes, I won't forget." You said, hugging her before they all left with the boys' siblings.
"Look at you, making brunch plans with our mothers and we're not even invited." San laughed, hugging you and lifting you up slightly. You giggled and patted his shoulder.
"Thank you again for the surprise and just being here with your families." You said to all of them.
"Stop thanking already! You know we will always celebrate your birthday, even if you wanna be a grumpy little cat about it." Jongho teased, making you playfully frown at him. It was still weird for you, even if your friends always celebrated your birthday. But to have family celebrating your birthday, it was still foreign.
"Sorry to break the mood but we have to get you home to get ready for your dinner with Yunho." Seonghwa cut in, having checked the time on his phone.
"Bye! I'll see you next week." You bid everyone goodbye. Wooyoung, Seonghwa, Jongho and yourself climbed back into Jongho's car.
"Do you know anything about Yunho's dinner surprise? Like where he is taking me or the cuisine?" You asked.
"Nope." The 3 replied.
"Now I know you guys are lying because you replied a little too quickly..." You crossed your arms with a scoff, knowing Yunho probably roped them into this surprise.
"Alright, we're here. See you tomorrow." They wished as they pulled up to the drop of point.
"Aren't you guys gonna come in?" You raised an eyebrow. They always invited themselves into your house.
"Sorry! We're busy!" Wooyoung quickly closed the door and Jongho drove off before you could say anything, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded. You blinked in confusion but shrugged and went up.
"Willow, Whiskey, I'm home." You opened the door, announcing your arrival to your pets. You were surprised to find your house lights already on, maybe you forgot to turn them off when you were rushed out of the house this morning.
"Surprise!" Your eyes widened when you saw Yunho standing there in the kitchen, wearing an apron, cooking something.
"What the..." You didn't even know what to say.
"Oh, my poor baby. Did I scare you? Your shocked face is so cute." Yunho laughed and came over, arms wide spread as he engulfed you in one of his bear hugs.
"How did you... When did you... What...?" You still couldn't even form coherent sentences.
"We always go to nice places to eat but as a surprise, I thought that I would try cooking for you." He explained.
"I've been practicing with the help of Seonghwa hyung, Wooyoung and Jongho. That's why I wasn't here last night, I was busy preparing stuff at my apartment." Yunho revealed.
"Y-Yun, I don't know what to say. This is the best surprise ever." You looked up at him, tip-toeing to press your lips against his. You didn't know how else to express your gratitude. Yes, the others always do nice things for you and give you presents but this was a whole new level and you're not just saying that because its Yunho.
"Come! Sit down and wait to be served." Holding your hand, he guided you to sit down at the bar to watch him work.
"It'll only take a second for me to plate." He smiled. You nodded and observed him, taking a look around the kitchen too. There were amazing smells and the kitchen looked clean.
"Wow, this looks amazing." You said as Yunho placed the first dish in front of you.
"It's a kumquat infused confit tomato tartlet with balsamic caramelised onions and crumbled feta." He recited.
"Wait, let me take a picture." It was plated so beautifully that you had to take a picture. After that, you took a bite of it. The burst of flavour was so good.
"Yun, this is delicious!" You complimented.
"Really?!" He grinned. You nodded and gestured for him to eat one, you wanted him to taste his own creation.
"It is good... The pastry is homemade, I made it last night after practicing with Jongho multiple times. It's a shortcrust pastry with fresh thyme and a grating a nutmeg to enhance the tomato flavour." He explained as he chewed.
"It's really good." You were surprised that Yunho made his own pastry crust. It wasn't easy and with the complexities of the toppings, you wouldn't have judged him if he used store bought.
"Ah! I forgot the wine!" Yunho exclaimed and ran off.
"Yun! It's fine, please don't rush and hurt yourself!" You stood up, trying to see where he disappeared to.
"Wooyoung brought me to a nice wine shop. So this a pinot noir, light tasting to suit appetisers. Then with the main, we have a heavier, full-bodies cab sauv." He popped the cork.
"Ooh, exciting. I love wine pairings." You rubbed your hands as you watched Yunho fill two glasses.
"I know." He chuckled and placed the glass in front of you.
"Happy birthday, my love." Yunho beamed and held his glass out. You melted slightly with a soft smile, lifting your glass to lightly clink it against his own.
"Thank you, Yun. For everything, not just today." You leaned forward to give him a kiss again.
"You're always welcome, baby. Now, let's go to the next course. It's a soup course." He placed his glass down and grabbed a bowl, going to the stove. You tried to look at what soup he was serving but his body was blocking the hobs. When he turned around, he saw you trying to peek and laughed at your face.
"You look like Whiskey trying to take a peak at things." He teased but put the bowl down. You gasped, you knew the look of this soup and if it was really what you assumed it to be...
"Smoked chicken consomme." He confirmed.
"Oh my gosh." You stared at it. The soup was so clear and golden, a well made consomme indeed.
"I..." You didn't think you'd be so overwhelmed with emotion before even tasting the soup. But consomme is one of the hardest soups to make and for Yunho to execute it perfectly.
"WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! You haven't even tasted it yet!" Yunho panicked, seeing tears stream down your cheeks.
"I promise it doesn't taste bad, love. Are you scared to eat it?" Yunho came over to hug you to his chest.
"You idiot! Of course, I know it won't taste bad... I just know how hard it is to make a consomme. And you made it..." You cried into his chest. Yunho chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Baby, it's just a soup." He rubbed your back.
"It's not just a soup! It's consomme!" You wailed. A part of you felt guilty too, that Yunho did so much for you, it probably wasn't easy learning how to make this and to make it so perfectly. Imagining Yunho slaving away to make all these things for you, you did feel bad.
"But do you mind trying the soup before it gets cold? And I haven't even impressed you with my main yet." He whined. You let out a little laugh and pulled away from his embrace.
"You can cry again after the meal, okay?" He laughed and gently wiped your tears with his thumbs.
"You're mean." You frowned and turned to taste the soup. As expected, it was delicious. Full of chicken flavour with a hint of smoke.
"I didn't think you would cry two courses in." Yunho teased. You rolled your eyes.
"I have high expectations for the main now." You teased back.
"Which reminds me, it needs to go into the oven." He said and turned back to the kitchen. You saw him put something in the oven and set a timer. But he used his body to block you so you couldn't see.
"Why won't you let me see?" You pouted. Yunho playfully shrugged and refilled your wine glass.
"By the way, where are the kids?" You finally noticed that Willow and Whiskey were not around. And usually by now, Willow would be pawing at your feet for a bite of your food. Like you, most of the time, Whiskey would chill on his own so half the time, you wouldn't even realise he was in the room.
"They're in the room. Whiskey is chilling in his usual spot by the window and Willow's in her crate. Both have been fed. I wanted it to be more relaxing while you ate." Yunho informed.
"Yeah but honestly it's kinda weird to not have Willow whimpering for my food." You giggled.
"I, for one, do not miss it. She always eats my food." Yunho sighed and went back to the hob to work on other things.
"Because she knows between the two of us, you're the weaker one." You replied. Yunho pouted but knew you were not wrong, he gives into the animals way too easily.
Just like how you give into Yunho easily.
"I still can't believe you did all this. Got secret cooking lessons, spent last night preparing the stuff..." You smiled.
"I want your birthday to be special." Yunho put an arm around your waist. Even if you were on an elevated bar stool, he still towered over you greatly.
"Yunho, it'll be special no matter what. As long as I can spend it with the people I love. Everyday with you is special to me, it doesn't just have to be on my birthday or any other occasion." You smiled softly, reaching up to cup his cheek.
"I love you." He turned his head to plant a soft kiss against your palm. Just then, your moment was interrupted by the kitchen timer. Yunho broke away to retrieve the main from the oven.
"I'll just quickly plate up while it rests." Yunho smiled and turned around to plate the dish.
"Take your time." You chuckled, watching his back move.
"Beef wellington with garlic pomme puree and charred winter vegetables... With pan jus on the side." He put the plate with a gravy boat before you.
"Yun! This looks beautiful! A beef wellington?!" You exclaimed, snapping a few pictures while he changed your wine.
"The beef didn't cook like I intended. It's a bit more medium than medium rare..." Yunho said with slight frustration.
"No, it's great, Yun. Give yourself more credit." You rubbed his knuckles with your thumb. Taking the cutlery, you cut into the wellington and poured some of the jus over it.
"Yunho, it's absolutely delicious. The layers are so flavourful and the textures are perfect." You said as you chewed. Yunho thought you were adorable, kicking your feet and letting out little sounds of happiness. He rarely saw you like this, only when you were really content and happy.
"Eat it, Yun!" You laughed.
"I feel full just by watching you eat." He cooed teasingly with a smug smile on his face. You shot him a disgusted look, knowing he was doing this on purpose.
"I will not unleash my wrath on you only because you cooked this amazing meal." You threatened.
"Now, I understand why you guys get annoyed when the meat is cooked slightly over or under." Yunho chuckled.
"That's all that matter, Yun. I'm so proud of you, you've come so far with your cooking and all these dishes are not easy. Looks like I've lost a cooking assistant." You joked.
"You know what I'll always be your assistant, any day, any time." Yunho grinned.
"Shall I talk to Manager Kwon?" You asked.
"Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves, I cooked one meal for you, love. I'm definitely not qualified to work at Anne Sophie's michelin starred restaurant." Yunho laughed, holding onto you.
"Are you ready for dessert?" Yunho turned to you. You nodded, giving him a kiss before he returned to the kitchen. He fixed a plate and turned around. There was a small sticky toffee pudding with a candle stuck in it, hovering his hand around the flame.
"Happy birthday to you~" Yunho began to sing with a big smile on his face. You clapped softly, watching him as he sang to you.
"Happy birthday, my love. Make a wish."
"Thank you, Yun. I don't need to make a wish, I already have all that I need." You still closed your eyes. You wished for the people around you to always stay happy and healthy, and blew out the candle.
"Here." You and Yunho each held a spoon, digging into the dessert to share it together.
"This has been an amazing meal, Yun. You'll have to cook for me again soon." You smiled after taking a bite.
"I'll continue to practice and cook for you any time you'd like." He winked.
After the dessert was done, you insisted on helping Yunho with the cleaning. But he cleaned as he cooked so there wasn't that much cleaning to do. Then you both got ready for bed.
"Happy birthday again, love." Yunho said, hovering over you, caging you in his arms.
"You made my birthday perfect, Yun." You reached up to cup his cheeks. Maybe with Yunho around, you would start liking to celebrate your birthday. Your birthday was always a bitter reminder that your mother got sick after giving birth to you, that's why you never liked to celebrate it.
"Hey... Come back to me, love..." Yunho's voice pulled you out of your deep thoughts. You looked up to meet his eyes, feeling his thumb wipe a stray tear off your cheek.
"Sorry." You whispered, leaning into his touch.
"Nothing for you to be sorry about." He shook his head with an understanding smile.
"I still miss my mom. And my birthday was always a reminder that she started to get weak and sick because of my birth. My dad always told me that." You looked at him through your tears.
"It's not your fault, baby. I'm sure your mother doesn't blame you." Yunho comforted.
"If I wasn't born, she would still be here." You breathed.
"If you weren't born, I wouldn't have met you. I wouldn't have you right here, in my arms." He leaned down to hug you. Now, Yunho knew why you didn't like celebrating your birthday.
"I'll make you love your birthday again. Every year, every day." He vouched, voice filled with determination. Yunho would show you the care and appreciation you needed, he wanted to erase what your dad did, he hated how your dad made you hate your own birthday.
"Thank you for loving me." You hugged his neck. Yunho pulled away and gave you a sweet kiss, his forehead resting against yours.
"Now, about that picture you took with Gunho. Why did you allow him to put his arm around you for the photo?" Yunho asked with a small frown.
"Honestly, I thought I was going to take a picture with him and your parents. But he came in and asked Mingi to take the picture."
"I knew it. Trying to take what's mine." He rolled his eyes.
"He was just trying to get under your skin, Yunho. There's no one else but you. I love you and you only." You giggled.
"Good. Because you're mine and I'm not afraid to remind you of that... over and over again." He smirked and leaned in again, fingers caressing the exposed skin of your hip. You gulped, knowing you were in for a long night.
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solspina · 22 hours ago
We Should Stick Together (2)
sanguinius ⋆˙⟡
hello! remember this that i wrote like 3 months ago? flooding my inbox worked, and i gift you all the part 2 that you harassed me for (affectionate). i hope you enjoy, and please feel free to drop more writing ideas in my inbox if you have them!! i have work in 6 hours so i am very sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes :)
as the race to the imperial palace comes to an abrupt end, sanguinius confronts his greatest fear, and finally discovers whether this is a battle he wins or loses to his perfect phoenician brother.
word count: 1.5k
warnings: n/a
(part 1)
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Sanguinius turned back, ensuring that Fulgrim had become a mere speck in the distance, even to the sharp and trained eyes of the avian mutant.
Five minutes… He had five minutes at most before the Phoenician stormed into the imperial palace and attempted to track down the woman he knew was his brother’s desired bride. Although much slower than the angel, Fulgrim was still a primarch, and therefore incomprehensibly faster on foot than the average human. The duo had only ventured about three miles away from the palace to begin with, and though Sanguinius could cover that distance in half the time his brother could, he still worried for the little time he had.
The angel landed rather clumsily, his feet failing to obtain a proper stance on the floor before his wings had folded in upon his back. He stumbled, unable to catch himself before his clothes and feathers were covered in the dusts of holy Terra just as his hands had been.
In flight, his appearance had become quite disheveled, and was now accompanied by the filth of the ground. His hair had become frizzy from the abuse upon it by the wind, and his loose feathers stood on his wings in a way that made them rather itchy. He would deal with that later. No time to lose right now.
His stagger to his feet was near immediate. One moment of hesitation meant one moment Fulgrim would inch closer to the imperial place.
Sanguinius was most concerned with finding her before the phonecian ever even got the opportunity, but the thought that he had not prepared a speech lingered in the back of his head like a quickly spreading disease. The great angel was and always had been an artist of impeccable detail, a poet of unimaginably beautiful words, a man who spoke to inspire the masses. And yet despite all of this, so was his brother, whom no doubt had much more time to prepare for the exact upcoming moment.
Pale white wings trembled ever so slightly at the thought, yet they caused the angel to more hastily sprint through every room that a baseline could possibly hide in. What if, even if he had been here first, Fulgrim’s speech was more captivating and practiced? What if she cared more about the display and grandeur than the intentions of her suitor? Did she know that Fulgrim had been married before? That he would have infinitely more experience when it was time to bed he-
Not the time to think about that.
Sanguinius turned another corner as he searched for the person he so desired, but again he found nothing. Thus began his endless chase of navigating this imperial labyrinth. He turned another, and another, and another, and another, until he finally found himself gazing into one of the imperial palace's many greenhouses.
There he saw his dearest beloved sitting elegantly by a pond filled with fish of many species. Greenery, a lovely assortment of flowers and, golden sunset light adorned her body in an impossibly perfect halo. The water that poured from the elaborate fountains complimented the melody in her voice like a song made only by nature's most beautiful things, meant to cleanse his very soul.
The scene would have been a dream if not made a nightmare by the pompous and flamboyant voice of Fulgrim, drowning out what should have been Sanguinius' idealized solace.
The Phoenician let out a pretentious laugh at something the baseline said, and the angel physically cringed at the way she placed her hands over her stomach to ease her own mirth. The sight should have been something glorious, enchanting to the eyes of the ninth. It had been so many times before, yet he only felt his blood begin to boil.
only I should make you laugh that way.
He did not know what emotion flooded his heart the most. Envy? Or perhaps sorrow? rage? resentment for his silver haired brother?
What he did know, however, was that he had lost.
Somewhere amongst an incredibly confusing concoction of emotions, the angel was beyond certain that a searing heartache was included in the most prevalent of them.
He may have been able to disguise his current visage as nervousness, were anyone of importance to ask why his mood had become morose. Social interaction with a passing custodian or serf had become the least of his worries. He did not care much, at this point, if someone saw him sulking in the doorway to the garden, grieving a baseline as if he had - for lack of a better comparison - lost his lover.
Not that a soul would come through to the conservatory anyway.
"Brother!" The palatine phoenix called. His voice was loud, deafening almost. High and mighty as ever, and calling upon all eyes that could see to face the angel in his horrent state of embarrassment. "Come! We have awaited your presence."
The smile of the third was hideously genuine. The stretch of his lips when his eyes met those of the human was so sweet it was sickening to Sanguinius - so much so that it sent a chill up his spine that caused his feathers to fluff and clatter against each other when he reacted to the sensation.
"We were just discussing you." The Phoenician beamed as the angel mournfully walked forward.
"Ah." Sanguinius replied. His cheerful personality had become lost somewhere deep in his chest, and what little of his voice he displayed had become somber and quiet. Quite truthfully, he was not in the mood for any type of social affair. He especially did not want to take part in the type of conversation that had likely already seen his would-be espouse become betrothed to his perfect, handsome, non-mutant brother.
"I was just about to ask this lovely baseline of ours a very important question~"
About to?
Fulgrim hadn't asked yet?
The angel swore he saw the third wink at him before he started to begin speaking again. Something in those shiny violet eyes beckoned the angel as they stared deep into his ruby red gaze. An opportunity, he thought, a wordless promise. - "ask her now. last chance."
Before the phoenix could fall gracefully onto one knee, the golden primarch hastily plucked the red-diamond ring - a gem color choice Sanguinius found ironic - and fell to both knees. He firmly grabbed both of the human's small hands with his own and placed them gently to his forehead, unmistakably in a position of prayer.
"Please!" He cried. His voice rang almost in protest, if not for the tears forming in his eyes alongside the exasperation in his breath and the sobs in his voice. "Listen not to a word Fulgrim says! You should marry me! Me!" He paused, only to take one pathetic gasp of air and look up into her eyes.
"You have not one idea how long I have waited, how hard I have worked to find the perfect gift! And now I am rushed! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"Sanguinius!" The phoenician shouted. "I was going to ask her if she had eaten yet today. So you could have done this over dinner."
The angel paused; his crying ceased. "What...?" Two crimson eyes both widened, and then dulled in embarrassment as he looked back up at the baseline. She looked at him in complete and utter stupor.
"W-wait. I can explain." He stuttered out.
She sighed in response, but followed the fading of her shock with a grin and gentle laugh.
Sanguinius did not know how he felt, regardless of her pleasant reaction. She gently removed her hands from his, taking her hand and wiping away tears from his pathetic, wet face. "Ask me again over dinner."
Her smile did not fade. Not even for a moment.
The ninth shared a sigh of his own, before giving a nod and a kind smile of his own in approval. He hoped he hadn't looked as bad as he thought, despite his disheveled hair, wings browned from terran dust, and now burning red cheeks.
"I will clean myself up, and do this properly." He promised. He bowed slightly to her, taking her hand and giving the back of it a soft and proper kiss. "Wear your nicest clothing. I will treat you to whatever you wish, as an apology."
"To tonight, then." She gracefully returned his bow. Her face was covered in a gentle blush of its own, her eyes just as upturned and full of joy as they had been earlier. Perhaps now even more so.
The angel turned to search for Fulgrim, hoping to give him a gaze that asked whether or not this was a good thing.
When his eyes finally found his brother, though, he was already making his way out of the greenhouse. Shaking his head and indulging in some giggles of his own.
Solspina's Scribellum✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
@astrohymn @moodymisty @undeaddream
@lemon-russ @kit-williams @nereidof40k
@jackalwolfsoul @beckyninja @verylazykiwi
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mendessi · 2 days ago
things i say when you sleep | chapter nine
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multi chapter bodhi durran x fem!oc
word count: 5k
chapter summary: Without Bodhi, Ania navigates her new signet with the help of Xaden. It's Reunification Day. What could go wrong?
tags: slow burn, friends to enemies to lovers, canon typical violence, mentions of death, she falls first he falls harder, majority canon compliant, some canon deviance, eventual smut, angst with a happy ending, additional tags to be added
AO3 masterlist
seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven
He says it like a bad thing. 
The sour taste that's in my mouth is hard to swallow as I slowly crawl off of him. 
However the second he says it, things become clear to me. 
"You say it like it's a bad thing," I repeat the words, out loud this time. I'm not sure I can hide the hurt in my voice. My heart feels like it's in my stomach when he won't look at me.
"It's a death sentence. You can't tell anyone," He whispers. 
Xaden told me to find him if it manifested. He was the reason it manifested and now he was pulling away. 
"I didn't know I was until just now," I wrap my arms around myself feeling small, "You can't even be sure I am."
An inntinnsic. Out of all the second signets in the world, the one I manifested is a fucking death sentence. 
He stands up from the bed, and I cannot help but grab his arm. Please don't pull away.
"Where are you going?" My voice cracks and the sadness filling my chest is enough to rattle the furniture in my room. 
"I can't be around you right now," He says and I sit up on my knees. 
"Wait, please," I plead, "I-I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, Bodhi. Please, I won't do it again." 
It was an accident. I didn't mean to do it. I would never push my feelings onto him. Especially not something like desire. I didn't know it was something I could do. 
"I have to go," He pulls himself from my grip and I can't stop the tears that spill from my eyes. 
The lights in my room burn brighter and I don't flinch when they eventually burst. There are too many emotions swimming in my head but I know that they're all mine. 
An empath is what he called me. I've never heard of it before but I'm not stupid enough not to realize that it's a form of inntinnsic. 
Guilt sinks in and I regret kissing him. These were my emotions. 
This is what I get for letting him in. For allowing myself to think that I could find a semblance of happiness here. Months of back and forth, shutting him and Xaden out, and the second I'm fully ready to trust this is what happens. 
He's afraid to be around me now. Afraid that I'll push my feelings onto him again. Maybe I am better off dead with Carr snapping my neck. There's a reason signets like this are a capital offense. 
I ignore my better judgment when I crawl from my bed and leave my room. I can't stand the idea of being alone right now, but I also don't know who to go to. I feel like this is a girl issue but Violet hates me right now for a reason I'm unaware of and Rhiannon is on Violet's side always. I'm not chasing after Bodhi and I refuse to bother Xaden right now.
It takes me several moments to knock on the door when I finally stop outside of it and when I do a few more for who it belongs to to open it. 
"Ania," Ridoc says, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "You okay?"
The tears have yet to cease and I'm sure I look like a disaster, "Can I please stay here tonight?" 
He looks me over once, the look in his eyes softening when he sees that I'm crying, "Of course." 
He crawls back into bed and lifts the covers for me and I slide in next to him. Respectfully, he leaves space between us.  
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly. 
I contemplate how I could even tell him why I'm crying without revealing something that'll get me killed if he decides to tell anyone else.
"Does it have to do with Bodhi? I saw you leave the flight field with him," He continues. "Do I have to kill him?"
He manages to get a small laugh out of me and I sigh softly when he reaches out the brush the tears from my cheeks. 
"I trusted him and I shouldn't have," I whisper. 
"Did he hurt you?" He asks and moves to sit up, but I put my hand on his shoulder to make him lay back down.
"Not like that," I shake my head. 
"Because we can get the whole squad together and take him out," Ridoc says and I laugh again. "I'm serious." 
"I know you are," I say, pulling the blanket up to my chin. "Thank you."
"You're not gonna try to kiss me again are you?" He asks and I punch his shoulder. 
"Don't act like you didn't like it," I laugh. 
"You hit too hard to be playful," He groans and I can see him holding his shoulder in the moonlight that illuminates his room.
"I wasn't being playful," I smile, wiping the last of my tears. "Can we go to bed now?"
Without another word, he rolls over and is snoring within minutes. 
After a night of fighting Ridoc to share the blanket, he's the one who gently slaps me awake. 
"I don't want to go," I groan. Despite not sleeping much last night, it did give me time to think about the revelation of my new signet.
Knowing that there's a chance I'll see Bodhi in formation hurts and I don't want the reminder of how he pulled away from my touch last night. 
"We can pretend to be sick," Ridoc offers as he pulls his tunic over his head. "Come on, you need to get dressed."
"We have maneuvers later and I will not have you rot in bed at the fault of a man," Gleigeal says and I know he's right. I can't hide in my room all day.
Flying will make me feel so much better, regardless of whether I see Bodhi or not. I'm appreciative that Gleigeal gave me the space I needed last night to process everything, but now I have questions. 
"Am I inntinnsic?" I ask. 
"That's to be determined," He replies and I glare at the wall I'm staring at. 
"That's not an answer," I roll my eyes. 
"You will have the answers you desire soon, Ania," Gleigeal says. "Until then, I'm closing the channel."
Ridoc sits on my bed while I get dressed and I half expect Bodhi to come knocking on the door. Violet, Sawyer, and Rhi are standing outside of her door, whispering amongst each other when they see Ridoc and I exit my room. I can't be bothered by what they're thinking at this point. 
After Battle Brief, we're headed to the flight field when Xaden appears.
"Wingleader," Dain says and I know he's fighting the urge to clench his fists, "What can I help you with."
"I'm pulling Cadet Alistair from maneuvers today," Xaden says and I immediately glance at Violet, who tightens her jaw. 
"Right," Dain says and nods turning to face me, "Cadet Alistair, you're released."
I try to ignore the way my squad looks at me as I fall in line with Xaden's step. He leads me to his room and I know that we're about to have a conversation about last night. Good to know that Bodhi immediately ran to his cousin after leaving me alone. 
"Did he tell you?" I ask as I sit on his bed. I know we'll be in here for a while. 
"He told me what he thinks happened. The accusation alone is enough to get you killed," He says, "I want to hear it from your perspective." 
"I thought about it last night," I say and he pulls up a chair to sit in front of me. "If he's right, then it manifested when the light did. Or maybe even before. I initially thought I was the one projecting my feelings, but I don't think that's true." 
"Walk me through it," He leans back in the chair, one leg propped up on the other. 
"Trust the wingleader," Gleigeal says. "He wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on you for what you are." 
"So I am one then?" I say down the bond. 
"I didn't say that," My dragon has a sense of humor that I'm not particularly fond of. 
"When I manifested the light, I could feel his fear. I had my own of course, but he felt different. It kind of," I look for the words, raising my hand to my chest, "Seeped into my chest. Became one with mine." 
"You felt it molding into one?" He asks, his brows furrowed in concentration as he listens intently. 
"Yes and again last night. I wanted what was happening. But I could feel that he did too." I say. "At the moment, it was hard to dictate what was mine, but after thinking about it, the strands are different before they entangle." 
"You absorbed his emotions and made them your own," He says and I nod.
"At one point, I think I subconsciously knew what was happening, because I pushed a thought outward and his anxiety disappeared for a moment," I explain, trying to recall every single moment. 
"Interesting," He nods. 
"He realized before I did and when he said it, it kind of made sense," I shrug my shoulders, fiddling with my shoelace now. I try to halt the rejection building in my chest, "He left like he was afraid of me."  
Xaden clears his throat and leans forward, "He wasn't afraid of you. He was afraid of what'll happen to you if anyone finds out." 
They'll kill me, I know. I don't want to say it out loud. 
"I'm gonna help you control it, Ania. I won't let this be your downfall," He says and I nod. 
Xaden and I spend the day in his room and Gleigeal cracks the channel open a tiny bit to practice sorting emotions. 
"The biggest concern is that you take in too many emotions at once and combust, but you've gotten this far without having that issue, so I think we're in the clear there," Xaden says.
My eyes are closed and I'm sitting in the Riorson House library, watching the tendrils of Gleigeal's crimson power filter in through the window. 
"Choose a color for your emotions so you know that they're yours. Everyone else's can be a different color," His voice sounds distant when I'm here. "What do you feel right now?"
"I feel mellow, I guess?" The mage lights in the library shift to a deep green color. 
"I'm going to think on something and I want you to try and pick up on it," He says and I can hear his footsteps pacing back and forth slowly. 
The library around me stays the same and I wait patiently to feel something. The sparks of Gleigeal's pattern brighten and I can feel him opening the channel further. 
"Are you doing-"
My chest warms and I have to force myself to breathe after an overwhelming feeling settles over me. My fingers tingle and my heart rate picks up. The subtle feeling of fear laces with the warmth and my brows furrow. It's strong and I look around the library to try and find where it's coming from. 
On one of the tables in the center of the library, under the evergreen lights, sits a book open to a page. As I approach the table, the feeling grows stronger. Small golden fibrils sprout from the pages, swirling around one another until they meet the green light from the mage lights. 
I reach my finger out slowly, touching the golden strings and the feeling is immense.
It feels like home and finding your person after what feels like an eternity of searching. It's the hesitation before the first kiss. It's the unimaginable terror of losing everything in the process. The weight of responsibility you feel to ensure nothing will ever happen to those you love. It's unimaginably beautiful and equally terrifying. 
"Cut it off," Xaden says and I do just that. I slowly close the book watching as the fibrils crawl back down into the page. 
"What were you thinking about?" I ask once I open my eyes, but I think I know the answer. 
He takes a beat and then sits back in the chair. 
"Violet," I say softly. 
His silence is the confirmation I need and I nod my head. 
"That feeling," I pause and purse my lips, "I feel it too." 
He nods his head and we sit in a comfortable silence for a moment. 
"I trust that he'd take care of you," Xaden says finally, "Which is why I'm not bashing his head through a wall." 
A breathy laugh falls off my lips and I look out the window, "Still protective as ever."
"It's the only way I can ensure everyone I care about is safe," Xaden says and I lock eyes with him. He cares about me.
"It aches sometimes, you know?" I shift the subject back to the original conversation. It's hard for him to talk about these things, I don't want to push it.  
"Oh, I know," He sighs. "It'll sort itself out, little Alistair. Just give it time." 
I'm not ready to fully admit it to myself, so I don't. But Xaden has caught on. 
I don't ask him how he knows how to handle my signet, but I think I know. Something tells me that we might have it in common. I don't think he's exactly like me, but I think we'd both be killed if anyone found out.
"We'll meet as often as we can before I leave to try and get it a hundred percent under control," Xaden says when we stop in front of my door. 
"Thank you for today," I say, looking up at him. 
"Anytime, Ania," The tiniest smile etches on his lips, and then he's off.  
When he's out of my line of sight, I see Violet and Rhiannon coming down the hall. They're whispering to each other, I'm sure about Xaden once again outside my room. And pulling me from maneuvers. He's pulled her plenty of times, but I know it's an issue when it comes to me. Because today, I got a glimpse into Xaden's head. She'll talk to me when she's ready, but I consider going to her first. I don't have it in my today, drained from training with Xaden so I seclude myself in my room. 
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Xaden's been helping me twice a week when he can, even if that means occasionally pulling me from class. I can now clearly decipher which emotions belong to me and which are foreign. I've even worked on pushing my own emotions onto him, which is much harder and takes a world of concentration, but he's confident with more practice I'll be able to perfect it. 
He's leaving in ten days and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to miss him. He's like Beckett in so many ways and I wish he were still here to see it. If he hadn't been here to help me train my signet, I don't know what I would've done. 
Today of all days is brutal for me every single year. It's been six years since my entire world went to shit.
Six years of no Aretia. No Riorson House. No Mom and Dad. No Beckett. 
The book is open in the Riorson House library as I walk through the corridors toward Battle Brief. 
As I pass several marked ones, I'm met with a plethora of feelings. Anger, sadness, and grief are among those most prevalent. I allow it to melt into my chest, merging into one with my own grief. This day is so different to us that have relics on our arms. I can feel the change in tone when I finally take my seat in the Battle Brief room. 
I look around and Xaden catches my eye. He gives a small nod and I return it. I feel his also joining everyone else's settling in my chest. As I turn back to the front of the room, my eyes land on Bodhi.
We haven't spoken since that night the empathy manifested and I don't know if that's on my accord or his. 
"Why is it you're choosing to torture yourself with the anguish of others," Gleigeal asks. 
"It's not just theirs. It's mine too," I reply, tearing my gaze from Bodhi's. 
"Do not make me close the channel," He threatens. "And stop with the longing looks at the one who betrayed you."
"Betrayed is an extremely strong word," I fire back. "Also, 'longing looks'?" 
Gleigeal chuffs, "I do not take it lightly that he stranded you that night." 
Yeah, me either. I also don't take it lightly that we're not speaking at the moment. I'm not really speaking to anyone at the moment. I see my squadmates in class and for maneuvers, but unless I'm honing my signet with Xaden, I'm locked away in my room. Ridoc stops in every couple of nights to check in on me, but other than that, I've distanced myself from them again. 
The strand that I know is Xaden's shifts to a slightly different color, and I look around the room. Violet, who's sitting next to me seems to be lost in thought. I let her strand join the others and immediately release it when I feel the frustration. Are they arguing right now? She glances at me and I fix my sight back on Devera, though I'm not paying attention. My suspicion is confirmed when Xaden says her name loud and clear. 
It's wrong of me, I know. I shouldn't be in their business, but I was just curious. It will not happen again, I can assure you. 
Ridoc and Liam are sitting in my room- handsome as ever, later that night while I get ready for the Reunification Day celebration hosted by the King. I didn't think before I agreed to attend, but Liam somehow convinced me. Xaden insisted that I didn't have to go, but I'd feel bad leaving Liam as the only marked one there.
I had tried to let Ridoc braid my hair but all I got instead was a big knot that hurt to brush out. Liam took over, saying he learned how to on his little sister, Sloane, who'd be coming into the quadrant next year. Like Xaden, Bodhi, and I, he was separated from her. 
The dress I'm wearing is floor-length, with a slit running up my right leg, that stops just below my hip bone. It hugs my body nicely and I actually take a moment to admire my curves in the mirror. 
"You look hot," Ridoc says, earning a glare from me, "If I don't score with the healers, my door will be open tonight."
"In your dreams," I scoff, earning a laugh from him and Liam.
"Don't be fooled, Liam. Did Ania ever tell you about the time she ki-"
"Ridoc!" I scold him using my lesser magic to swing the door open. "Out!"
"I'm gonna go get a head start on making way with the healers," Ridoc winked before he exited my room, leaving a snickering Liam and I.
"I don't see you much anymore," Liam said after a few minutes of silence, "Everything okay?"
I shrug my shoulders as I look at my reflection in the mirror, "It's fine." 
"If you want, we could meet up to train like we used to. Xaden kind of took over Violet duty so I have a little more time," He says with a small smile. 
"Yeah, that would be nice," I force a smile, but I feel the tendrils of his sadness merging into my own. "It's really kind of you to join Violet tonight."
He shrugs his shoulders this time, "It's better than being sad and alone in my room." 
"I think that's why I'm going too," I say as I stand up. 
"You look beautiful, Ania," Liam says as he pulls my sash over my head and adjusts it.
"Not too bad yourself, Liam," I smile and link my arm with his when he offers it. 
We exit my room and jog to catch up to the rest of our squad. 
"You two clean up nice," I tease as we approach Violet and Rhiannon. 
"Look at the two of you," Rhi teases, "If looks could kill."
"Violet," I give her a small smile. She looks stunning with her hair in an intricate arrangement and her dress fits her beautifully. I want to compliment her, but I don't know if it would fall flat.
"Hey, Ania." She nods in my direction and I awkwardly pull myself from Liam's arm with a sigh. 
As we approach the courtyard, the music grows louder and louder. It's easy to forget other quadrants exist outside of the riders, but seeing the cream, light blue, and navy swimming amongst each other reminds me quickly. I'm walking behind Ridoc, Violet, and Rhiannon when it feels like a weight is thrown into the center of my chest. It knocks the air from my lungs and I have to hold the wall to steady myself. I reach for Liam's arm and he turns quickly to support me. 
"I- I don't want to be here," I say just above my breath. I'm confused as to where this feeling came from. I had been excited to have a night with my squad, but now I want nothing more than to sit under a cold shower and catch my breath.
"Do you want me to go with you?" He asks and I shake my head rapidly. 
"Stay with Violet," I say, pulling away from him.
"I need you," I call out. 
"Meet me in the field," He replies. 
My hands shake as I walk away from the party and back toward the Riders Quadrant. 
As I'm passing through the courtyard, I can feel the fibrils from the book sprouting more and more out of control. It's too much. I took on too much for the day and I shouldn't have. Someone grabs my arm and I turn around pulling away quickly. 
"What's wrong?" It's Garrick. I feel a pang of guilt for the way I'm about to ignore him.
"I'm going somewhere," I say as I back away from him. Xaden's strand shines a little brighter and I glance toward the opening of the Parapet where Garrick seems to be standing guard. 
"Ania, wait," He calls out as I continue my path toward the field. He doesn't try to come after me and I'm thankful for it.
"I told you not to smother yourself with the misery of those around you," Gleigeal scolds and I finally cry out as I see him landing in the center of the field. 
He lays his body completely flat and rests his head on the ground as I fall to my knees next to him. 
"Ground yourself, Ania," He says with a gust of steam that blows my hair back.
I dig my nails into the grass, as a sob racks my chest. I let myself lean against his leg and close my eyes as I put myself in the Riorson House library. 
The fibrils growing out of the book are out of control, a rainbow that shakes and rattles, each color dancing with the other. I reach for it, trying to slam it shut. It takes every ounce of my mental strength to slam it closed as a scream rips through my throat. 
My chest hurts as I try to catch my breath. I let myself fully collapse against my dragon. My cheek is flush with the grass and Gleigeal nudges my back with his nose. 
"Breathe," He urges. 
I do as he says, taking a deep breath as I focus on how the soft grass feels between my fingers. My fingertips and palms glow against the blades of greenery and I close my eyes again.
"I understand you miss your family, especially today," He starts, "But if you risk your life again to take on the grief of your peers again, I will not be as kind about it."
My head bobs in understanding and I let my eyes close. 
"I wonder if Beckett were here, would he be yours instead," I say out loud. 
"Regardless of whether he was here or not, I knew that you were destined to be my rider long before you came into the quadrant," He says. 
"You would like Beckett," I say softly. "He wanted to do what was right. It's what got him killed." 
"To my understanding, I think I would have not minded his presence," He says and I laugh lightly. That's the closest I'll get to his agreement on this subject. 
Gleigeal sits with me for I don't know how long. He lets me talk his ear off, occasionally responding to me. I tell him about Aretia and my parents. I speak of Beckett more than anything. And of our childhood spent at Riorson House. Most of all, I'm grateful that he's here for me. 
A grumble resonates in his chest and he swivels his head towards the top of the flight field.
"Someone approaches," He says lowly. "The one who betrayed you." 
"He didn't betray me," I roll my eyes, not even bothering to stand up.
"Ani," He slows his jog and looks down at me, "Garrick told me he saw you come out here, but he didn't want to bother you-"
"Because he could probably tell I didn't want to be bothered," I cross my arms over my chest. 
"Let's go inside," He offers me his hand. 
I glance up at him with a scowl, "Are you sure you want to do that?" 
"Please," He says softly. 
"This will be the only time I agree with him. It is past my bedtime and sleep beckons me," Gleigeal says standing up. He barely gives me any time before he launches upward into the sky. 
"I'll remember this later," I mumble down our bond. 
Bodhi and I walk side by side, but I keep a distance between us. The memory of him pulling away from my touch sticks with me and I don't wish to relive it. I follow him mindlessly, focused on several different couples wandering around with each other, likely heading back to their rooms. A sigh leaves my lips and a part of me wishes I had stayed at the party. Maybe I would've found someone to bring back to my room or maybe I would've ended up in Ridoc's bed again.
"Can we talk? Please?" He asks as we stand in the courtyard. Either I say yes and go with him, or we part ways and I go back to my room. Xaden says that once he's gone, I'll be able to start helping Bodhi with the drops, which means a lot more time spent with him. Talking to him is probably the right thing to do if I want to avoid future awkwardness.
I do miss him. We were right on track to being okay again and then I went and fucked it all up. And ever since it happened, I can't stop thinking about how his lips felt against mine. 
"Sure," I finally say. 
He leads me back to his room and opens the door. He holds his hand out and I glance between his hand and face.
"Xaden warded my room. I have to pull you through." He says. 
I hesitate before I place my hand in his and allow him to pull me through. 
He gestures to his bed and I take a seat. I look around his room and it reminds me of Xaden's, just smaller. Maybe Bodhi will be a wingleader and get moved to a larger room. 
He stands against the door, biting the inside of his cheeks. He's thinking about what to say and I wonder if I should be the first to talk. I've put my shields up so that I don't accidentally read him, or let him think I've read him or whatever it was that went wrong the night of the start of War Games. 
"I'm sorry-"
"I just wanted to say-"
We both start and I bite back a laugh. 
"I'm sorry that I left you that night," He finishes. 
Shaking my head, I look down at my hands as I cross one leg over the other, "I should be the one apologizing."
"No," He says, "I left you. That is ridiculously unacceptable on my part. Regardless of how I felt, I thought I was helping by leaving." 
Finding the right words is hard. I want to explain to him that I would never intentionally put my emotions onto him. I would never intentionally read him without his permission. There is so much to say but the words just won't come out. 
"Please say something, Ani," his words are so quiet, if I were any further away I wouldn't have heard them. 
"I understand why you left," I tell him, "I didn't mean to do what I did. Or whatever you think I did." 
"What are you talking about?" He asks, stepping forward. 
I rise to my feet, "I didn't push my emotions onto you. I wouldn't do that, Bodhi. But I understand that you left because-"
"No, no. Ani, what you felt were my emotions. That's why I left." He holds my gaze and I shake my head. "I didn't want you acting on what I wanted."
"Bodhi, you're not listening," I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, "That's not what happened."
"If you want me to beg for forgiveness, I will." He's on his knees in front of me within a second and my heart nearly stops. "But please don't shut me out again."
"Bodhi," It comes out as a whisper, "You don't understand." 
"If you want me to grovel, I will. I will ask for it every day until I graduate." His voice matches mine, his hands ghosting over my thighs like he's stopping himself from touching me. 
"What happened that night was both of us. Feeding off of each other," I say to him quietly, "I didn't push onto you, nor did you push onto me,"
I trail my finger against his jawline and then brush the curls off his forehead. The way his eyes scan my face nearly sends me into a spiral. 
"Ani-" I shake my head and brush my thumb against his bottom lip. His lips part and he breathes out and I'm at a loss for words at the sight before me.
Bodhi Durran is on his knees in front of me. 
"My shields are up. I'm not using my signet." I cup his jaw in my hand and lean down letting our noses touch. "Yet, I still want you all the same." 
He swallows and allows himself to finally touch my thighs. His fingers trail up the slit in my dress and he tilts his head up to brush his lips against mine, but I pull away slightly. 
"This fucking dress," He groans and he lets his lips brush against my upper thigh, right where the slit ends and my breath hitches. 
"Look at me," I choke back a whine when he presses a trail of kisses from my knee back to my upper thigh. 
"Ani this dress," He whispers against my skin and I have to pull his chin to look up at me. "I will never get over this dress."
"Then take it off." 
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tag list: @lynnieluvsu @sherlockstrangewolf @abysshaven @wolfbc97 @paris009 @poseidont @angel-graces-world-of-chaos
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c4tluver02 · 1 day ago
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the perfect gift <3
warnings: none!
wc: 1.6k
Summary: You love books and Steve just happens to get you the best gift of all time!
One of the things Steve loves about you is your love for reading. Whenever he calls and asks what you were doing it's always reading. His favorite is when you read aloud to him. Your soft voice saying the words always calms him down. Steve himself wasn't much of a reader at all before he met you but somehow someway you got him into it. If you read a great book you would immediately recommend it to Steve. In a way you read every book in hopes of giving it to Steve for him to read. The thought of you two having your own little book club made you so happy, so of course Steve had the perfect idea of getting you a book. A book that was not only read by him before you got to it but annotated. All of his thoughts that he would share to you once you had both read the book would now be on a page. 
His plan started when you called him.
 “Hi sweet girl, what's up?” Steve asks happy to hear your voice
“Hi Stevie, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the bookstore with me?” Despite you asking him to go with, what you really meant is if he could drive you both there. But that was neither here nor there.
“Yeah no problem, I’ll get ready and head over?” He asked.
“Yes, perfect!” You respond with a cheerful tone that immediately makes Steve grin from ear to ear. Anything to make his girl happy!
Once Steve gets to your house he knocks on your door. He steps back a bit and as he does you open the door. You step forward to give him a hug. 
“Are you ready?” Steve asks as you're still in his arms.
“Yep, let me just get my bag really quick.” You reply, giving him a quick peck on the lips. It's enough that Steve got a taste of your fruity lip gloss. 
“So what type of book are you looking for?” Steve asks as he opens the car door for you. 
“Hmm I am not exactly sure I am thinking of a thriller? I honestly have no clue, really anything that looks good.” Steve wishes you could give him a list of books that way he knows he's at least picking one you'll like. But you don't, so Steves on his own and hopefully he can pull this off without you figuring him out. 
You two make it to the bookstore and head inside. Of course you know all the aisles by heart and immediately go to the fiction aisle. Steve is like a lost puppy following behind you just looking around. He feels like it's pretty easy to tell he isn't a frequent customer. He doesn't know all the areas like you do and by the way he grabs onto your belt buckle anyone could tell he hates to be away from you. But Steve bravely decides to go to a spot that had a book you had said you wanted last time you two were there. He not only has to get it without you noticing but he has to buy it without you seeing him. 
“Hey, I think I left my wallet in the car. I am gonna go get it really quick okay?” Steve says playing a normal facade. 
“Mhm ok.” You say completely not listening as you are already on the fourth page of a book you picked up. 
Now is Steve's chance to go quickly, find the book, pay for it and run it to his car. When he reaches the aisle he finds the book and lucky for him it's the last one. He peeks his head up trying to look over the bookshelves to see you still engrossed in the book you had when he left you. Steve pays for the book and runs to his car. How he did all of that without you looking around is a miracle he thinks. 
Steve walks back up to the area you were in the last time he saw you, you weren't there. Steve is officially freaking out now. He must have not been as slick as he thought. Did you see him buy the book? Did you see that he waited in line to pay for it? He wasn't gone for too long was he? A million thoughts passed through his mind as he walked down to look for you in the aisles. He stops in his tracks as you are walking up to the place he just was to buy your book. 
“Steve, someone took the last of the book I was looking at last time.” You pout into his chest. Steve rubs your back relieved his plan had somehow worked out. 
“I'm sorry baby. We can always come back another day when they restock it?” He says trying to give you a positive look on it despite the last copy being in his back seat. 
“Yeah you're right. It's okay I found two books so I guess I'll live!” You say as you lock your hand with his and walk up to the front. 
Steve pays for your books even though you told him he didn't need to. But he will never stop treating you. What type of boyfriend would he be if he did that? 
Steve drives you two back to your place and how can he say no when you ask him to stay for dinner? You guys cook a nice home cooked meal and Steve's cheeks hurt from how much he's been smiling. Even something as simple as cooking dinner with you makes him unbelievably happy. He can't wait till the day you guys do this every night. You both make a perfect pair in every shape and form. The happiness that surrounds the kitchen as you cook is something that comes so naturally yet so enjoyed. Steve couldn't ask for anyone better than you. His perfect girl. Once dinner is done Steve decides it's time he goes home and start on your book. 
He doesn't think he's ever read a book this quickly in his life but he can't stop from the excitement he feels of giving this to you. He writes and highlights important things and little thoughts he has here and there. It's funny how much he sees himself turning unto you. The endless calls of you telling him you stayed up so late reading your eyes were burning always sounded crazy to him. Yet somehow here he is sharing the same feeling. Although this book is for you he is enjoying it very much. He's glad he can read something before you versus the other way around. To have something worth sharing is everything Steve wants and more. 
It only takes him a week to finish the book and annotate. Steve truly hopes you like it. He’s never done something like this and you've never voiced that you even like his comments on books. But despite the little voice in his head he is overjoyed to give you this. 
Steve knocks on your door as he waits with the book in his hand. “Steve? What are you doing here?” You ask unknowing that he would be coming over. 
Steve opens his mouth to respond but before he even has a chance to say it you say-
“You found the book I wanted!” Steve is already glowing from happiness at your reaction as you jump in pure excitement. You can't believe he went out of his way to get it for you. 
“Yeah, I uh, made a few edits to it though.” Steve says sheepishly, scratching at his neck. A little bit of anxiety is finally creeping up to him as he gives you the book. 
You look up at him in surprise as you take his hand and drag him into the living room. You feel like you could cry. The act of him buying a book you mentioned you wanted more than a week ago was enough to get you emotional. But the fact that he did something to it was even more heart wrenching. You open the cover to see a note from him. As you flip through a few more of the pages you see his handwriting scattered on the pages. Tears welled up in your eyes at the sight. You can't believe how compassionate and thoughtful he is. 
“Oh Steve.” You say barely getting a word out, too full of emotions.
“If you don't like it we can go get you a new book. I dunno I thought it would be cool but maybe it’s-” You stop him mid sentence with a big hug.
“It's the best gift I've ever gotten.” You say as you give him a kiss. Your hands are holding his jaw and all the fear leaves Steve. He is so happy that you're happy and enjoy your gift. 
“Good. I’m glad you like it.” He says smiling.
“Oh I don't like it, I love it. I can't believe you would do something like this for me. I know this took some time.” You say holding his hands. 
“I bought it last week. I was the one who took the last copy.” Steve's smile turns into a giggle as he sees your face drop. 
“Oh my god! You sneak! You didn't go to find your wallet at all did you?” You say giggling as all the pieces click together. 
“Nope! I bought the book and ran to put it in my car. I think it was the most stressed I've ever been.” Steve responds in a playful tone. His hand clutched against his chest in dramatics. 
“I was so deep in the book I didn't even realize.” You gasp as you finally see his whole plan come to life. 
You give him a big hug. Extremely thankful you have him as your boyfriend. “Thank you so much baby.” You say hugging him even tighter.
Steve picks you up a bit just enough to allow you to put your legs outside of his. When you let go you pepper his face in a million little kisses. Within each kiss an ‘i love you’ comes out.
"Anything for you." Steve says before kissing you back.
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jiniretracha · 3 days ago
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠? - 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 (𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬)
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pairing: lee felix x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, smut, angst!!!
summary: You worked at Kim Publishing, a place you could call home since the very start. But when it faced bankruptcy, your beloved company was forced to merge with Bang Editorials an evil empire with no vision on anything that Kim Publishing represented. And that's how you met your nemesis: Felix Lee. The bane of your existence. But everything fell into place like the pieces of a puzzle when your bosses had a marvellous idea: a new position as manager director, who had to submit their report in order to be chosen for the job. And your archenemy had the same purpose as you did: get that job one way or another.
word count: 3.7k
ps: I came with a new series totally and utterly inspired/based on The Hating Game. Pls feel free to let me know if you wanna be on this series taglist !
masterlist // series masterlist // ko-fi
𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 - 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥
After what felt like a day, but it was actually only two hours, your eyes blinked open. Your head was still pounding and you sat up slowly to prevent the headache coming back.
When you looked up, you saw Felix standing next to a man who you didn’t know. For a minute you thought you were still inside your dream, or probably the fever was making you hallucinate. 
“Oh, God. Am I dreaming or am I fucked up enough that I’m hallucinating two men standing in front of me?” 
The other guy next to Felix laughed. “Y/N?” he asked. You hummed. “I’m a doctor, how are you feeling?” he asked you, with a strong australian accent just like Felix.
“Like shit” you sighed. 
“She had a fever of 103 approximately” Felix told him. 
“Okay, let’s sit you up so I can check you” the man said, coming to sit down next to you as you pressed your back against the wall with a groan. 
The man pressed two fingers from each hand over the sides of your neck and started rubbing. You looked at him and exhaled. “You are very handsome” you slurred out, your eyes doing quick blinks. 
He chuckled. “Thank you, people always gravitate towards Felix, though” he told you.
You frowned and looked at Felix who was frowning at you. “Huh?” you asked the man.
“I’m his stepbrother. I’m Christopher” he told you. “You can call me Chris, though” 
You laughed. “I bet you wanted to beat him up so bad when you were kids” you told him, making Chris laugh. 
“I like her” he told Felix over his shoulder.
Felix sighed. “She’s very special” he admitted and you rolled your eyes. 
You looked away to your hands over your lap and your lips couldn’t help but twitch a little as your heart started beating even quicker. 
In your living room, Felix was sitting with Chris by the table as they let you rest. Chris was scribbling a prescription for the medicine you had to take.
“You did all the right things, Lix. You would’ve been good at this” Chris pointed out. 
Felix looked at him and glared with narrowed eyes. 
Chris rolled his eyes and smiled at him. “I’m not trying to be a dick, I promise, man” he said, raising his hands up in the air. “I’m just saying. You did everything right” 
The freckled man nodded and looked down.
“So… did you get the invite? I’m assuming you did, but the real question would be if you’re coming” he asked him slowly. “It’s just that… well, Sana and I need to count down the people who are coming and all” 
Felix sighed. “It’s just that… nothing, I’ve just been slammed with work. My boss is just a pain in the ass, you know him” he told him. 
Chris sighed. “Felix, I know it’s awkward. It’s weird. I get it, I really do” he nodded his head. “But when your brother gets married, you show up. Bring someone with you”
Felix scoffed. “Yeah, right. Because that’s exactly what we need. More witnesses to our absurd family drama” he rolled his eyes. 
Chris let out a chuckle and handed him the prescription. “Keep her fluids high and call me if the fever gets worse. I doubt it, though” 
Felix nodded. “Thank you, Chris” he told his stepbrother. 
Meanwhile, you could hear part of the conversation and when you heard the door of your house being opened and then shut closed, you quickly closed your eyes and faked being asleep once the footsteps towards your bedroom started getting closer. 
Felix opened your door and smiled as soon as he saw you. “Hey, how are we doing?” he asked you, sitting next to you.
You sighed and lazily stretched. “Hey, I’m feeling better” you said to him.
“That’s good, I brought you some water. Figured you’d want some” he said to you, handing you a small bottle. 
You grabbed it and smiled at him warily. “Thank you” you said quietly and opened it, taking a small sip. You left it by the nightstand and sighed. “My mom always gave me strawberry juice when I was sick” you told him with a little smile. 
Felix smiled at that and nodded. 
“What did yours do when you were sick?” you asked him, trying to get some conversation out of him. 
He just sighed. “Well… they were always busy treating other people, so…” he shrugged, like he was not affected by that. “If you didn’t have some kind of cardiac arrest then your illness didn’t count”
You pressed your lips together in a tight lipped smile. “Is everyone in your family a doctor?” 
He nodded. “Yeah, all of them. All surgeons. Except for me” he gave you a smile. 
You trailed your eyes all over his face and he got nervous, feeling your cheeks getting redder. “Has anyone ever told you that you look like a fairy?” you asked him and then immediately frowned. 
Did you really say that?
You sighed. 
Must be the fever. 
He let out a chuckle and pressed the back of his hand to your forehead. “I think it’s time to take your temperature again, Cupcake” Felix said. 
“No, stop calling me that” you groaned, pushing his hand away from you. 
He scoffed. “Not a chance” Felix smirked. “Watching you pretend you hate that nickname it’s the best part of my day” he chuckled. 
Your eyes went down to his shirt and you frowned. “You changed your shirt” you said, your fingers touching the fabric. 
He looked down and nodded. “yeah, my brother brought it for me. It would’ve been really uncomfortable to wear a dress shirt for this long” 
“Light grey, white, baby blue, sky blue, royal blue” you said. 
He frowned. “What does that mean?” he asked, confused. 
“Your shirt pattern” you told him quietly, like it was obvious. “Always in the same order”
Felix pressed his tongue to his inner cheek and laughed airly. “I guess I am predictable” he admitted. 
“Yeah, you only surprised me once” you told him, licking your lips nervously. 
“When was it?” he asked.
“The elevator”
The response was immediate from your part. There was no hesitation and no lie to it. He really did surprise you when he kissed you a couple of days ago. 
Felix was clearly taken aback by what you said.
“And… what did you think of that?” he asked in a whisper. 
You sighed and pressed your lips into a thin line. “I think… it was out of the blue. I wasn’t expecting that, at all” you said and he chuckled. “But… it was very hot”
He smiled at you and his eyes searched yours. 
You bit your lip and smiled. “Are we doing a staring contest right now?” you asked him with a chuckle. 
“you bet” he said, laughing slightly.
You smiled at the sound. 
“I like the way you look at me” you simply said. 
He caressed your shoulder for a few moments and tugged a little on the bed cover, making sure it was over your shoulder. “You should get some rest” he said, standing up from the bed. 
“Okay” you said, your voice small.
“You’ll call me if anything happens?” he asked you.
You looked at him and smiled. “You wish”
He just chuckled. 
And your heart doubled its size.
The day after, you woke up and heard commotion in the kitchen, making you sit up with a gasp. You were so startled that you didn’t even notice how your headache was long gone now. 
“What the fuck is that noise?” you whispered to yourself.
Your feet found your fluffy slippers and ran towards the kitchen, thinking the worst. A killer, a thief, your mother, anything. Your eyes widened when you saw Felix making breakfast there.
“Felix?” you wondered out loud. 
“Oh, she lives!” he exclaimed, turning around.
“What are you doing in my apartment?” you asked him, blinking rapidly, trying to check if you weren’t inside a dream, which you weren’t.
He pulled his face back in shock. “I took you here after you almost fain-”
“No, I know that. I thought you left, you said I could call you if anything happened” you said to him.
He blinked. “Yeah, and I meant that because I crashed on your couch. I slept there” he said, pointing at it. “I said you could call me… with your voice, and I’d go there, you know, to your bedroom” he said with sarcasm.
You scoffed. “Okay, um what are you doing?” you asked him, demandingly, taking Felix by surprise once again. 
“I’m making breakfast?”
“No, I mean… everything. Why are you doing this?” you asked him, placing your hands on the kitchen island.
He chuckled and grabbed a dishcloth to wipe his hands. “That does not sound like a thank you to me, but you’re very welcome” Felix replied. 
“No! Thank you, seriously” you nodded. “I’m truly thanking you, you’ve been… weirdly nice to me, but I need you to stop. Okay?” you said angrily. “This is- like I said- weird, it’s too weird” you repeated your words nervously. 
Felix sighed and left the dishcloth on the counter. 
“Oh, and if you use any of this stuff against me-”
“Genuinely, why would I use this against you?” he asked you with a serious face. “It wouldn’t give me any advantage to our competition whatsoever”
“Felix, come on” you whined.
“No, it’s fine. I get it. Chris left a prescription for you, it’s on the table over there” he said, pointing at it while grabbing his coat. 
You sighed as you followed him to the door, your feet dragging over the floor.
“I’ll see you at the office” he said before opening the door and shutting it behind him.
You closed your eyes and clenched them. With an irritated sigh, you turned on your heel and went back to sulk in your misery back to your room. 
At the office, you walked inside quickly, running a little late. 
“Hey, Y/N!” you heard Wooyoung’s voice behind you as you walked through the walls of Kim Publishing. 
You turned around and your eyes widened at the small bouquet of white flowers he had in hand. “Hello, what are you doing here?” you asked him, biting back rolling your eyes. 
“I got you these” he said with a smile, handing you the flowers.
You smiled at him, trying to seem as nice as possible. “Always with the flowers, Woo. You’re so sweet” you said as you smelt them.
Weird. They were white and very small. Nothing compared to the pink tulips that you had received a couple of days before. But you weren’t about to get picky on that, so you simply grabbed them and smiled. 
“Where have you been by the way?” he asked as he watched you press the elevator button.
“I’ve survived a day of raging headaches and a fever that’s been a pain in my ass. But I’m all good now” you replied. 
You stepped into the elevator and your eyes widened a little when he stepped in with you. 
He doesn’t work upstairs with me, what is he even doing?
When you reached the floor you worked at, Wooyoung was still talking to you, rambling about… well, you didn’t even know what the hell he was talking about. You just pretended to listen while your mind was blank. 
“After you” he said and you smiled curtly, stepping out of the elevator. “So, as I was saying. When we finished the game, it was like 7 AM and we didn’t notice cause the blinds were closed” he continued. 
God! What the hell is he talking about?
When you reached your office, you saw Felix who gave you a slight smile that quickly fell when he saw the bouquet in your hand. 
“Well, that’s crazy, Woo” you told him, standing by the door. “I gotta get to work ASAP, but I’ll-”
“Wait, um… do you want to have dinner tonight? WIth me?” Wooyoung asked you, shifting on his heels, a clear sign of nervousness. 
You pulled your face back and pursed your lips. “Uh- i-it could be. It depends on how I’m feeling. I literally just shoved like three bottles of Advil up my ass, so” you chuckled nervously.
Wooyoung nodded with a chuckle and then looked at Felix. “Hey, Felix” he said politely.
Felix turned his head around and plastered on a fake smile that you recognised immediately. “You don’t work on this floor” he said and then went back to typing away on his computer.
Wooyoung’s eyes widened and you scoffed. “I just came to see my girl, little old Y/N” he smirked and elbowed your side slightly. You then saw his smile faltering, his eyes trained on something on your desk.
You turned your head to see what he was looking at and then you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.
There was a tulip. A single tulip. A pink one. Sitting on your desk, pretilly. 
Your eyes widened and then looked back at Wooyoung.
“Wow, no vibe, huh?” Wooyoung asked. You tried to articulate words but nothing was coming out. You looked back at Felix, who was too busy trying to seem like he was paying attention to his computer. 
“Y/N! Can you come see me in a minute, please?” you heard Hwayoung calling you from her office.
“Yeah, one second” you replied over your shoulder. “Um, I gotta go” you told Wooyoung. 
“Yeah, sure” he nodded with a smile. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and you gave him a sympathetic smile. 
You went to your desk and left the flowers on the desk. You smiled as you saw that next to the tulip was a bottle of strawberry juice with a note that said Cupcake with a heart drawn around it.
“Strawberry juice-” you were about to say something else when you re-read the note. 
Wait… that handwriting. It’s oddly familiar. Could it be? No… but it’s-
“You sent the tulips” you said. 
It wasn’t a question. 
It was a statement. 
Felix looked up but he didn’t look happy, he seemed… annoyed about something. He was about to say something when the phone on his desk rang. 
“Felix Lee… yeah, I’ll be right there” he said and hung up. He stood up and let out a sigh. “I’m glad you feel better” he said curtly and walked away, out of the office. 
You just stood there, shocked to your core. Yes, he did send those flowers. 
You’re always beautiful.
As much as you hated to admit, your stomach had erupted in butterflies, fluttering around the insides. 
You’re always beautiful. 
You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath. “Fuck…”
You knocked on Hwayoung’s office and walked inside when you heard the soft come in. 
She smiled at you from her desk. “I saw you submitted your application” Hwayoung commented with a little smirk. 
“Yeah… I know, it’s a shot in the dark” you told her with a shrug as you sat down in front of her. 
“Are you kidding me? I’m counting on you getting this job, it was excellent” she told you with sincerity. “We can’t let Bang Seojun transform this place again… especially if he doesn’t appreciate books enough given that this is an editorial and all” 
“Yeah” you chuckled. 
“Felix also submitted his application” Hwayoung told you and you nodded, feeling a pang in your chest at the mention of his name. 
“I know…”
“He literally has a degree and that won’t hurt his chances” she grumbled.
“Hey, I do too” you said with a frown, making Hwayoung let out a little chuckle.
“I know sweetie. But we live in a man’s world”
“Right” you grumbled. Because of course. You let out a frustrated huff and placed your hands on the table. “Can you be honest with me? How much of a shot do I have? Because I really, really want that job. Okay? I need to prepare myself more? Done, I’m-”
“Y/N. Don’t underestimate yourself” Hwayoung smiled softly. “You already do and are everything that the job requires to, and you do it perfectly. You know this company through and through, you have fantastic instincts. Frankly, I should have promoted you to publishing years ago” she said.
Your eyes widened. “Why didn’t you do that?” you asked slowly. 
Hwayoung sighed. “You manage every single aspect of my job that I hate doing” she said with a grimace. “And well… at the time, I thought you needed more preparation. But I was wrong. I admit that”
You pressed your lips together. 
“I want to do things right, Y/N. And if I have a say in whoever ends up getting the job, then I’m gonna go full on you” she promised. 
You nodded with a smile, but at the same time, you were hurting inside. 
You didn’t know what you were going to do if you didn’t get the job.
Felix was typing on his macbook when he saw that you stood in front of his desk with a smile.
“What?” he asked, frowning. 
“I’m trying to say thank you” you replied. 
He sighed and stood up, grabbing a folder with files. “No need”
You huffed and followed him. “You helped me, and I owe you a favour” you stood next to him as he placed the folder inside the drawer. “What can I do for you? I can clean your apartment from A to Z, I can bake you- no, wait. I will go with you to your stepbrother’s wedding. I can be your designated driver, you can get shit faced drunk and I will clean up your vomit”
Felix looked at you and narrowed his eyes, grabbing his coat and walking out of the office with you following him suit. “How do you know about that?” he muttered. 
“I overheard you in my kitchen and I know you need a plus one” you told him. “Are you mad at me?” 
He sighed as he continued walking. “I’m not mad at you, Y/N. I’m just busy” he said but you continued walking next to him. “My God, Y/N, can you give me some time alone?”
“No! Not until you say we’re even!” you said, shaking your head. 
He stopped in his tracks and looked at you. “What do you mean ‘even’?”
You looked behind him and saw that there was a storage room. Your brain didn’t think it through as you pushed him inside the room while he looked at you like you had grown two heads. 
You closed the door behind you as his back almost slammed against a shelf. “Okay… now this is on another level of-”
“just say that I can take you to the wedding. End of story” you told him, standing in front of him, your chests almost touching each other’s. 
“Is that what you want?” he asked you.
“No, what I want is for us to stop fighting” you told him angrily. “I just want a freaking little ounce of peace in my daily life, thank you very much”
“And I’ll just die of boredom” he said to you.
“No, you and I won’t be bored because I’ll enjoy a fantastic new job to keep me busy while you’re busy hunting for one” you stated simply with a fake friendly smile. 
“You’re not getting the job-”
“No!” you said as he went to move but you were quick to press your hands on his chest, pushing him against the shelf once again. 
Your breath became ragged as you noticed how little the distance between the two of you had become. His nose was very close to yours, and it made you angry how his face was unreadable. 
You looked him in the eyes and bit your lip. “Put your hands on me” you whispered to him.
He let out a little chuckle with a side smirk. “You can put them on yourself” he whispered. 
You breathed out and grabbed his hands, slowly placing them on the sides of your waist. He gently moved them so they were resting on the curve of your ass, his fingers digging into your asscheeks. 
He bit his lip slightly and slowly released it, making you press your face close to his, your lips brushing against each other.
“Kiss me” you spoke directly on them. 
He smiled and brushed them a couple more before pulling his face away. “Will you do me a favour?” he asked in a whisper. 
You looked up to his eyes and swallowed. “What?”
He licked his lips in a nervous habit. “Go to dinner with Wooyoung and kiss him” he told you.
You frowned immediately and pulled your whole body back from him. “What? Why would I do that?”
He sighed. “If it’s better than our kiss a couple of days ago at the elevator, then that’s fine. But if it’s not then-”
“What is your problem, Felix Lee?” you asked him angrily as you clenched your fists at your sides. 
“Look…” Felix sighed. “I don’t want to be an experiment before you settle down with Mr. Nice Guy. Alright?” he told you. “And I’m not gonna put my hands on you again unless you tell me that no one kisses you like I do”
He nodded one last time and left the storage room, leaving you standing there, eyes strained on the shelf in front of you.
Before you could say something to him, he shut the door. 
You blinked a couple of times and then let out a huff.
What the actual fuck is wrong with me?, you thought. 
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @lattyjiji   @jeonginsleftcheek    @alrm02   @skzjiiiii   @lixies-favorite-cookie    @victoriaaf   @st4rv3lly   @noirvedette   @velvetmoonlght
i apologize if i can't tag you
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vicolette · 3 days ago
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Secret Lover !
– A/N : I honestly have no idea what I'm about to write, but enjoy!!
– Warnings : mentions of y/n & swear words
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"Pau Cubarsi, this was a really exciting match, don’t you think so?"
The said person nervously smiled in agreement at the question, knowing that one of the captains were behind him. Real Madrid wasn’t a team that you could easily win against, so this victory was very special for the whole team.
"Yeah, the win was well deserved." His response was slightly more negative than he had thought it would come out as, his eyes looking away from the interviewer as Pau searched for something – or someone.
And then he saw you.
You stood beside his older sister, although still maintaining a respectful distance. Irene had told you that, even if the media doesn’t know about your secret relationship, you could still act like her bestest friend, since you were practically her 'sister in law' already. But you didn’t do it, and it made him stare for a second, until Raphinha snapped him out of it.
"Everything alright, Pau?" Cubarsi tensed up at the voice, coming back to reality as he turned his head to face Raphinha. He blinked once, twice, then nodded his head with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Yes! Sorry." Afterwards, he sent you one last glance, which you had caught when Irene shook your shoulders, and faced the interviewer.
The questions were interesting and very professional, but Pau only gave short replies and zoned out during most of it, his gaze always returning to you. He knew that he was playing a dangerous game, since nobody would believe him if he said it was due to his family, yet he enjoyed it and continued.
A mischievous grin threatened to escape his lips as soon as the woman interviewing him was done, thanking him for his time, yet he was quick to say goodbye and leave. His steps were loud and clear, cameras from each angle were filming the moment, but he didn’t seem to care.
"Pau, my boy!" As the teenage boy was pulled into a tight hug by his mother, he dapped his father up and sent him a smirk, his eyes having a glint of excitement in them.
At that moment, you took a step back to distance yourself and let them have their moment, but Pau had other plans. Ignoring his sister, because she apparently didn’t want to hug him when he stank, he made his way over.
"Pau?" Once he stood right in front of you, taking a step closer whenever you tried to make some space between each other, he suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly.
There were screams getting louder by each second passing and his teammates were standing close by, shocked to see that he indeed had a girlfriend, whereas his family acted like it was normal.
"You shouldn’t hug her so hard. She‘s getting the life squeezed out of her!" His father yelled out before he and the others made their way down to the field, not acknowledging the fact how you were frozen in place.
"I missed you, so fucking much…"
Your voice was stuck in your throat as you stared at him, his head nuzzled into your shoulder as he inhaled your sweet scent. It smelled just like you, like home, like love.
"You just blew up our cover!" The realization dawned upon him at that exact moment, slowly loosening his grip around your waist and as he raised his head, looking around to see how many fans were still watching.
"Oh." His eyes darted around to see where his family was at, seeing how they were with the other family of his teammates, then looking at them. Most of them were still surprised to see this scene, yet some others were laughing about it.
Once they – namely Lamine, Hector and Alejandro – realized that he was staring, they started to joke around about it, pointing at him as their laughter grew.
However, Pau merely returned his focus towards you, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, since it was so easy to get access to it with the height difference. Whether or not this was planned, he couldn’t care less now, especially since he could express his love for you in public.
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– A/N : acc quite proud of this, thanks for reading<33
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keanusbabydoll · 1 day ago
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paring: teacher!negan smith x fem!reader
warnings: 18+content, huge age gap (reader is off age tho), inappropriate relationship, rough sex, heavy smut, oral (m), daddy kink, p in v, unprotected sex, degrading, dom!negan, slight overstimulation, spanking, teasing
wordcount: 4.8k
. • °✧༺ ༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ . • °✧༺ ༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ . • °✧༺ ༻*✫
the classroom was unbearably dull. numbers blurred together on the whiteboard, and the droning sound of negans voice filled the room. normally, his deep, confident voice was something you found intoxicating, but not when he was talking about maths. hell, you hated maths. it was nothing but a collection of confusing numbers and equations you didn’t care for.
but negan?
oh, you cared about him.
your dark, forbidden secret. your thrill.
for seven months, you had been entangled in a secret affair with your teacher. he was everything you weren’t supposed to have, and that made it all the more exhilarating. the risk, the stolen moments, the way he looked at you when no one else was watching. you weren’t just his student; you were his, in every way that mattered.
and lord, was this intoxicating.
right now, negan stood at the front of the room, writing on the board, his muscles flexing beneath the tight fabric of his shirt. the way he moved, the way his strong hands moved as he wrote on the board, had you absolutely hypnotized. every once in a while, he would steal a glance at you, a smirk tugging on his lips as if he knew exactly what was running through your mind. he always did.
warmth began to spread in your whole body the longer you watched him, flashbacks of how you guys had just fucked a few days ago clouding your mind. he always fucked you so good, it was addicting and always left you longing for more.
as he continued to explain a new topic, which you had zero interest in, an idea sparkled in your head. why should you have been the only one who suffered? you wanted him to crave you as much as you craved him in that certain moment.
a grin was plastered on your face as you reached for your phone under the desk. you waited until he sat down at his desk, giving the class independent work. then, with deliberate mischief, you typed out a message. your heart pounded as you hit send and your eyes wandered to the front.
negan’s phone buzzed beside him. his head tilted slightly, curiosity flashing across his face as he reached for it. the moment he saw your name pop up on the screen, his sharp eyes locked onto yours. you leaned back in your chair, biting your lip teasingly as you watched him read the message.
what i’d do right now to have you fuck my brains out until your name is all i can remember, daddy.
his entire demeanor shifted. you could see it. his jaw clenched, his fingers tightened around the phone for a second before he placed it back down with a controlled exhale. you knew exactly what you were doing. teasing him had always been your favorite game. his nostrils flared slightly, and his tongue ran over his bottom lip. you knew that look.
you had lit a fire, and you knew you’d be dealing with the consequences soon. and you were fucking in for it.
for the rest of the lesson, tension crackled in the air between you. every time he glanced your way, his dark eyes were filled with unspoken promises. you could barely sit still, your pulse racing in anticipation. you felt the heat creeping up your neck as the minutes dragged on until, finally, the bell rang.
“alright, get outta here,” negan announced, his usual smirk in place as the students began packing up. “try not to forget everything i just taught you the second you step out the door.”
you stood up, gathering your things, and made your way toward the exit—only to be stopped by his voice.
“not you.”
your stomach flipped. you turned to see him leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, his gaze locked on you. the last student filed out of the room, closing the door behind them. the second you were alone, he stood up, his pointer finger making curling motions— signing you to come closer. with shaky legs, you slowly moved towards his desk. his huge form was now towering over you, his hands resting flat on the wooden surface. his brown eyes were filled with something dangerous, boring right into your soul.
“you like teasing me, huh?” his voice was low, rough, sending a shiver down your spine. he leaned in closer, only inches away from your face, the air between you charged with electricity. “you think it’s funny to send me shit like that in the middle of my damn class?”
you bit your lip, tilting your head slightly. “i don’t know what you mean, mr. smith.” your voice was full of innocence but the look in your eyes was telling a different story. negan chuckled darkly, shaking his head before reaching for you. his hand wrapped around your throat, just squeezing in the lightest bit, just enough to make your breath hitch.
“that mouth of yours is gonna get you into a lot of trouble, sweetheart.”
your lips parted slightly, your pulse racing by now. “maybe that’s what i want.”
he exhaled sharply, his grip tightened before he yanked you closer, his lips crashing against yours in a heated, bruising kiss. his beard scraped deliciously against your skin as he pulled you even closer, forcing you to take everything he gave to you. the kiss was rough, possessive, his dominance unmistakably. his free hand moved to your waist, letting his fingers dig into the soft flesh. you couldn’t stifle a moan which was right swallowed by negan’s mouth.
when he finally pulled back, his breath was hot against your lips. “that what you wanted?” you licked your lips, your voice just above a whisper. “not enough.”
negan chuckled darkly. “greedy little thing.” his fingers trailed up and down your side before he took a step back, his smirk returning full force. “i’d love to teach you a lesson right here, right now, doll. but…” he glanced around the empty classroom. “something tells me we’d be interrupted.” you groaned in frustration, making him huff out amusingly, his fingers now gripping your chin. he leaned in again, his voice dropping to a growl. “meet me after school. by my car.”
your stomach flipped in excitement. “yes, sir.” his grip tightened as he let a finger trace over your bottom lip. “good girl.”
with that, he released you, stepping back as if nothing had happened. “now get outta here before i change my mind.” while nodding your head, you turned on shaky legs, heading for the door. just as you reached for the handle, he called out one last time.
“oh, and sweetheart?”
you looked over your shoulder, finding his gaze dark and filled with promise.
“you’re in for a long night.”
. • °✧༺ ༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ . • °✧༺ ༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ . • °✧༺ ༻*✫
school finally ended to your huge relief. since negan’s lesson you couldn’t think straight anymore, all you could think of was him and what he would do to you. and you couldn’t wait to find out. the whole day long this fire in your core wouldn’t vanish, just the imagination of what would happen later got you fucking soaked.
the sun was slowly starting to set as you walked towards the teacher’s parking lot, your heartbeat picking up speed as you spotted negan. he was leaning against his car, just finishing a cigarette. as soon as he saw you, that signature smirk curled his lips. “took you long enough, sweetheart.” he teased, flicking the cigarette to the ground and crushing it under his boot. “thought you might’ve decided to avoid tonight’s destiny.”
you scoffed. “not a chance.”
he chuckled, biting his bottom lip as he opened the car door for you. “get in.”
the command in his tone sent a shiver down your spine, and you obeyed without hesitation. as soon as you settled into the passenger seat, negan shut the door and rounded the car, sliding into the driver’s seat. the air inside felt thick, heavy with tension.
the engine rumbled to life, but the real problem was the way his hand immediately found your thigh. you bit your lip as he started driving, his fingers resting there—warm, firm, possessive. you knew that he would do anything to repay you for that stunt you pulled earlier. and teasing was a good start.
he could feel how your body tensed up, how his sweet torture began to set in, began to affect you. but you tried your best to hide it, to play it cool. you didn’t want negan to win so easily, after all, you were the one who started this whole game.
negan let out a low chuckle, knowing damn well that your strategy wasn’t working. you turned your head sharply, eyeing him closely. “what?”
“nothing, doll.” he replied defiantly, keeping his eyes on the road while his smirk widened.
his hand slid higher, thumb now caressing your soft, covered flesh. you squirmed under his touch, your own body betraying you. your pulse sped up and your breath hitched when he slowly lifted his hand higher and higher, stopping by the waist band of your pants. “negan…” you breathed out, gripping the edge of the seat, trying to maintain some semblance of control, but he was relentless. “what?” he copied you, a devilish expression plastered on his face.
you just sighed out, knowing that there was no way you could win this. so you just gave in, let it happen. let him have the victory. “that’s what i thought.” he rasped, looking at you with darkened eyes, his digits slowly slipping into your pants.
a groan almost escaped negan’s mouth when he felt that wet spot on your panties. “look at that, doll. i haven’t even touched her yet and she’s fucking soaked.” he didn’t waist another second to force his digits inside your panties, immediately finding your hardened nub. he began to rub slow, delicate circles around it, eliciting quiet moans from you.
his fingers slid down, circling your wet entrance while collecting your slick before he dragged it up again and continued to stimulate your clit faster. your breath was getting heavier and heavier, your poor hole clenched around nothing— desperate to cum and to be stuffed full of him.
“that’s a good girl.” he murmured, glancing sideways to watch your reactions. you could slowly feel how that sweet coil in your stomach began to tighten, waves of pleasure running through your whole body. your hand gripped his wrist, feeling his motions and how fast he worked on your clit. your eyes were closed, mouth agape and a string of moans left your lips.
but then suddenly, when you were just one or two minutes away from your high, he completely pulled away. it was so quick, that you didn’t even register that his hand was removed from your pants at first. instantaneously, your eyes snapped open, a confused mask covered your face as you turned to look at him. “daddy…” your voice was a mere whisper, a pout forming on your lips.
“now don’t be such a needy little thing, doll.” he grinned as he turned the engine off. and that’s when you first realized that you were already at his home. the whole care ride long you had been caught up by the pleasure he gave to you.
he got out of his car, while you opened the door with a trembling hand. as soon as you stepped out, he had you thrown over his shoulders, walking towards the entrance. a small yelp escaped your mouth as you held onto his leather jacket tightly. “gonna have so much fun with you, baby.” he groaned as he slapped your ass with force, making you squirm at the sudden pain.
the second the front door shut behind you, he was all over you. he had set you down, gripping your waist as he as he pinned you roughly against the cool surface, his hand on your throat. “time for your fucking lesson,” he murmured against your lips before hoisting you up, his hands gripping the back of your thighs, carrying you towards his bedroom while his lips captured yours in a messy, heated kiss.
he pushed the door open, immediately making a straight beeline to his bed. in a flash, he had you thrown on the bed, his dark eyes staring down at you—filled with lust. you propped yourself up on your elbows, glancing up at him with your prettiest doe eyes. “you have no idea how hard it was for me to control myself today, baby.”
“you didn’t actually think that you’d get away with this shit, right?” he crawled on top of you, caging you underneath his body, his voice a low growl against your ear.
“wasn’t my intention to.” you replied defiantly, wrapping your legs around his torso to pull him closer. “you’re a real brat today.” he smirked, pressing a kiss to your collarbone. you closed your eyes, finally receiving what you wanted so bad, but in a matter of seconds, you suddenly couldn’t feel his weight on you anymore. “strip.”
your eyes snapped open at his words, catching him towering over you by the edge of the bed—his face was dead serious, nothing playful covered it anymore. “now.” his tone was so low, it almost seemed intimidating to you. you didn’t spend another thought before you shuffled to your feet, tearing your shirt off. his eyes were on you the whole time, his intense stare was sending shivers down your spine. next, you unbuttoned your pants, pushing them down your legs until you stood in front of him in only your lingerie.
he crossed his arms as his eyes seemed to darken even more. “all of it.” it was scary to watch how quickly he could change his whole demeanor. but that was exactly what you loved about negan— his harsh, dominant behavior.
hesitatingly, you reached back, unclamping your bra and tossing it away, which was quickly followed by your panties. “good girl. on your knees.” he instructed, and immediately you obeyed him, sinking down right in front of him. you watched him through your lashes, waiting for his next move. he eyed you closely, oh, how desperate you were looking at him, how your thighs rubbed together to relief that ache in your core if even just in the lighted bit. his cock hardened even more at the sight, there was no way he could wait any more seconds to finally feel your plump lips wrapped around him.
“what the hell are you waiting for? start.” he growled, gesturing to the bulge right in front of you. while keeping your eyes on him, your hands reached for his belt, unbuckling it before you unzipped his pants, pushing them down his legs. his onyx eyes darkened even more when you wrapped your fingers around the waistband of his boxer briefs, finally letting his cock spring free. negan stepped out of his clothes and removed his shirt, impatiently waiting for you to continue.
your stare wandered to his rock-hard dick, admiring the way it throbbed with need. his tip was angry red, beads of pre-cum leaking out of it, a small whimper leaving your lips. that burn in your core only seemed to get stronger and stronger. your mind was too dizzy to care about keeping your confidence up, or to tease him further. in an instant, your hand wrapped around it, squeezing a little bit before you began to pump him. negan immediately hissed out, his hand reached for the roots of your hair, pulling firmly. “c’mon suck daddy’s cock like a good little girl.”
you brought your lips to his cock, pressing a few kisses to the shaft, licking along that vein before you finally wrapped your lips around his swollen tip. with an impatient groan he pushed his cock into your mouth, immediately bucking his hips forward when the warmth of your mouth welcomed him. you tried your best to relax your throat, trying not to gag— which never really worked out.
you began to bob your head back and forth while sucking firmly—creating a pleasant vacuum. “fuck, doll. fuuuck.” he growled, his grip just tightening. your pussy throbbed, god, you needed him. you could feel how your juices oozed out of you, coating both your thighs. your movements only sped up, taking him faster and faster, determined to bring him to his high. negan couldn’t— he couldn’t hold back anymore. his senses were taken over by the sweet feeling of your mouth.
his free hand joined the other, completely grabbing ahold of your head as he began to fuck into your mouth. you opened your mouth wider, letting him use your hole for his own pleasure. “just like that, baby.” he grunted as he pushed your head forward in rhythm with his thrusts, causing you to gag around his length. he didn’t care a bit how much you sputtered, how many tears streamed down your face and thrusted his cock deeper into you. you quietly sobbed, looking up at him through a blurry vision as he hit the back of your throat over and over again.
negan glanced back down at you, loving the way your tears coated your cheeks, how powerless you were beneath him. you could feel how his dick twitched frantically, his movements turning harsher. “gonna cum into that pretty mouth of yours.” you moaned in reply, sending vibrations through his cock.
your hands gripped his thighs for support as he moved in and out of your hole, chasing his release. “fuck, baby!” his voice was a deep rasp as he bucked his hips into you, pulling you flush against him until the tip of your nose touched his pelvis. a strangled cry rang through the room as you squirmed beneath him, your nails digging into his flesh. and then, you could feel how his thick liquid spurted down your throat, holding your head in place to make sure you got every last drop of it. the heavy, salty taste of his cum immediately overcame your senses.
with a deep groan he pulled out and released the grasp on your hair. “c’mon, swallow.” he breathed as his hand gripped your gin, forcing you to look up at him. you innocently blinked at him a few times before you swallowed everything he gave to you. “fucking, good girl.” he devilishly chuckled, his thumb gliding over your bottom lip.
“now, get up.” he commanded, gesturing to the bed. “i want you on all fours. head down, ass up.”
your legs instantly moved toward the bed, crawling on top of it on your hands and knees, placing yourself in the middle, exactly the way he ordered. negan watched you with sharp eyes in this submissive position, a growl ringing through the room at the sight of your glistening pussy. only on display for him. he could feel how his cock hardened again, it was always so easy when it came to you.
during class, even just a small glance to your cleavage—which you always wore intentionally for him to see—got him going.
“hands to your back.” were the last words you registered—obeying him—before he got on the bed, positioning himself right behind you. a small whimper left your lips as you felt his tip nudging your entrance. “please.”
a stinging pain cursed through your body.
he gripped where your wrists crossed, pulling your upper body up. you could sense how he leaned down, how the heat radiated off his body. “are you gonna tease me like that again?”
“or have you made up your mind to finally behave and be a good girl for daddy?” he was so close, his hot breath was tickling the skin of your neck.
“yes! i’ll be good, i promise! just— please!” your words came out as a pathetic, desperate whine, your cunt was begging to be filled. that all too familiar chuckle rang through your ears as he straightened up again, placing a hand on your hip. “what do you want, doll?”
“negan! please— fuck me!” you couldn’t take it anymore, every nerve in your body screamed for release. you were so needy, you started to wriggle your hips, pushing them back against his cock but he kept still. a frustrated groan came out of your mouth as a tear glided down your cheek. “negan, i swear i’ll be—fuck!” you cut yourself off mid-sentence with a scream as your eyes rolled to the back of your skull.
negan just forced his entire length inside of you with a harsh thrust, completely bottoming out. “oh my god!” you cried out as your mouth hung open, trying to get used to this sharp pain abusing your lower body. you could never get used to him, not in this world. his cock was something different.
“you feel so fucking good, baby.” he grunted, gripping your flesh tighter as he began to move in slow, shallow thrusts, your wetness making it easy for him. your face contorted, the sting of his size cutting through you but the pleasure you received easily drowned it out. his tip pressed delicately against that one spot—settled deep inside of you—which he knew you loved so much. “you alright, sweetheart?”
“yes, harder! please, daddy.” you whimpered and as soon as he heard your words, his pounds got harsher, got faster. negan got lost in the way your walls wrapped around him so perfectly, how they helplessly clamped down on him. his eyes focused where your bodies connected, where he glided in and out of you so effortlessly, how your hole swallowed him up. “fuck— you’re taking me so well, baby. gonna fuck you stupid.”
your back arched in ecstasy when he wrapped a hand around your torso—releasing your wrists— and pulled you up even more, forcing your back to arch uncomfortably. a string of high pitched moans left your lips when he was able to hit that sensitive spot inside of you with great force, igniting sparks. “negan, negan,” you cried out at his strength and how good he was making you feel. and you could say, you were at a point where his name was all you could remember.
“that’s it, doll. scream my name.” he grunted, clashing his hips even rougher against your ass. you could feel how his free hand slid down your sides, tracing a line down to your core before he spanked it, making you squeal out in reply. “you like that, huh? you like getting fucked like the slut you are?”
“mmhh— yes, negan!” you managed to splutter out as he began to rub your clit in furious circles. the sudden sensation sent sparks through your whole body, making your thighs quiver uncontrollably. this only fueled your intense pleasure, and you could sense how that tingly feeling in your abdomen got stronger and stronger.
negan groaned when he felt your walls contracting around him, squeezing him so perfectly tight. “you feel so good, baby, fuck! are you gonna cum, sweetheart?” he breathed into your ear, licking the spot beneath it. “yesss—i’m close!” your eyes were shut and your head tossed back to lean against his chest. “not without my permission.” he chuckled darkly as he pulled out of your hole, the circles on your clit stopping as well.
a pathetic cry fell from your lips.
he actually pulled out of you.
your nearing orgasm faded away in mere seconds as tears pricked in your eyes. “negan… i— please.” you begged him, you needed him to fill you up again, needed him to make you orgasm. but this was his torture, his way of making you pay. he knew how much you hated it when he edged you, when he denied your orgasm. it was always amusing for him to watch. how your moans and begs turned even more desperate, how you would do anything to make him continue. you always were on his mercy. every single time.
“have you learned your lesson?” he growled, sending a harsh slap to your ass. “god! yes, i swear i’ll be good.”
“you’re lucky i love that sweet pussy of yours so much.” he smirked, and in the blink of an eye he had filled you to the brim again. this time he was so deep, you could feel his tip kissing your cervix. immediately, he was pistoning in and out of you like a fucking animal, he was giving you all he had. “negannnn!!” it really was the only word that seemed to come out of your mouth. he was the only thing you could think of—it was like he had a spell over you.
his fingers went back to assaulting your poor clit and in mere seconds that knot began to tighten again. with all that pent up frustration, that teasing, your highly craved orgasm seemed to come even quicker.
you knew you were on the verge of cumming, you just needed him to go even rougher. "f-faster, negan." you managed to choke out and he didn't need to hear that twice. with his head tipping back in ecstacy, he increased the speed of his hips clashing against your ass. his deep, harsh pounding, the abuse on your poor aching clit, the sound of skin clapping roughly together, the intense smell of sex in the room— it was all too much for you.
“fuck! i- i’m cumming!” a pornographic moan echoed through the whole house, the coil in your stomach finally snapped and pushed you off the edge. a long and powerful orgasm crashed through you as you threw your head back in bliss. negan pressed a calloused hand into the flesh above your pelvis, making your high all the more intense. and you thought you were seeing stars. you couldn't help yourself but screamed out his name, rolling it off your tongue in the most ecstatic way possible.
“yeah—cum all over my cock, little slut.” negan snarled, focusing on his own pleasure now completely. he kept his demonic pace up as he pushed your body forward again. your face was mushed up against the sheets and your hands hand onto them for dear life.
you almost thought you were passing out. the sensations you got to experience were indescribable. you were still lost in your previous orgasm, the after waves sending shockwaves through your veins and not to forget the overstimulation on your clit. it had you squirming and squealing beneath him. “god, negan. please, s-slow down.”
in reply negan landed a firm slap to your ass, making you shriek at the sudden sting. “shut your mouth and take it like the fucking whore you are.” his words sent shivers down your spine as you felt another slap to your ass. by now his handprint must’ve been imprinted in red on your skin.
you were a mess, your whimpers grew louder and louder as you let him use you. his fingers finally removed from your clit as he gripped at your hips. his groans got louder and his breath sharper by second. you knew he was close. “you want daddy to fill that pretty pussy up?”
“yes, daddy! please!”
the aggressive slamming of his hips became more erratic as a deafening growl rang through your ears, you felt his cock twitching hard, filling your velvety walls with his thick ropes of cum. “fucking hell, doll!” he shamelessly grunted, pushing his seed deep inside of you.
you moaned at the sensation of feeling so full while he made sure that he emptied every bit in you. negan mumbled something beneath his breath before he stopped his thrusts, eventually pulling out. you whined at the sudden emptiness.
he collapsed beside you, pulling you with him in the process. your face was resting against his chest and you could hear his racing heartbeat as he tried to calm down from his high. your hand was drawing small circles over his skin, your breathing still hard.
“you did so good for daddy, sweetheart.” negan smiled as he pulled your face up. he pressed his lips to yours, claiming them in a slow, passionate kiss while pulling your exhausted form closer. “i should tease you more often.” you mumbled against his lips, a smirk plastered on your face.
“and i should punish you more often.” he chuckled, capturing your lips again.
if negan fucks you this intensely and roughly every time you’re teasing him, then this will become your new mission in every single class with him.
requests are opened ☆
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rafeyssugar · 1 day ago
Heyyy lovely 🥰 it's been a couple days but I am back hehehe. Hope things have been going well for you! /gen
But tomboy!reader shall be our muse today ^^ she's fairly new to the island, only living on the Outer Banks for a few months. She's not quite kook, not quite pogue, but to her that didn't matter because she kept to herself
At the beach Topper and Kelce saw reader and exchange some hateful words about her and Rafe asks who they're talking about and points reader out. They're confused when Rafe goes off until reader sees them and comes over all excited, giving him a kiss and talking about how she's excited for their beach date. Rafe just smirks and tells Topper and Kelce that he's late for a date with his girl and they leave the two standing there stunned because when did that happen?
hi babyy, missed u xx. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
unexpected tides
the outer banks had an unspoken rule—either you were a kook, born into money and privilege, or a pogue, scraping by with nothing but loyalty and sunburnt skin. there was no in-between.
but then there was her.
she’d been around for a few months now, but no one really knew her. she wasn’t a pogue, didn’t roll with the kooks, and didn’t seem to care about the labels everyone else lived by. she kept to herself, always on her bike, always somewhere in the background, a ghost among the chaos of the island.
and that alone was enough for topper and kelce to hate her.
they stood near the bonfire, the flames casting flickering shadows over their smug expressions as they whispered about her.
"she really thinks she’s too good for everyone, huh?" topper sneered, watching her kick at the sand beside her bike, her arms crossed like she had no interest in anyone or anything.
kelce scoffed. "she’s not even a real local. what, moved here a few months ago and now acts like she owns the place?"
"she doesn’t even try to fit in," topper added, shaking his head. "not a pogue, not a kook. what the hell is she?"
"annoying," kelce muttered.
rafe, who had been half-listening, took a slow sip of his beer before lazily turning his attention to them. "who?"
topper gestured toward her without much thought. "tomboy. the one who thinks she’s too cool for everyone."
rafe followed their gaze, his blue eyes locking onto her figure. his expression didn’t change, but something about the way he tilted his head—just slightly—should have been their first clue that they had no idea what was coming.
without a word, he started walking.
"yo—where the hell are you going?" topper called after him, frowning.
kelce watched him weave through the crowd, confusion twisting his face. "is he seriously—?"
but before either of them could finish their thought, she looked up.
and their entire world flipped upside down.
her face broke into a grin the second she spotted rafe. a genuine one. not forced, not cautious, but bright—like seeing him was the best part of her day.
"rafe!" she beamed, pushing off her bike like she’d been waiting for him all night.
then, to topper and kelce’s absolute horror—she kissed him.
and not just some nervous, fleeting peck either. no, this was casual. comfortable. natural. like she’d done it a hundred times before. like she belonged there.
and worse? rafe let her.
no—he smirked into it, like he enjoyed making a show out of it. his hand found the small of her back, the touch easy, practiced, like muscle memory.
"i was starting to think you forgot about our beach date," she teased, nudging him lightly.
rafe chuckled, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "what, and miss a night with my girl?"
and just like that, he turned, guiding her down the beach, completely ignoring the fact that topper and kelce were standing there stunned.
kelce blinked. "what the hell just happened?"
topper didn’t answer. he just stared after them, his mind racing.
because there was no way. no way in hell rafe cameron had been dating her under their noses.
a/n : wrote this while changing to my school uni, currently 6:30am.
(FAILED SCHOOL LAST YEAR; leave me alone)
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skellseerwriting · 2 days ago
5 Times Iida Thinks You’re a Boy and 1 Time He Finally Realizes
Oblivious!Iida x Fem!Androgynous!Reader
Part 4: Date
Part 3
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Word Count: 800+
Content & Warnings: rejection, slight angst (there’ll be a happy ending but not in this chapter), Iida and reader both make presumptions about each other
Summary: You’re at the library with Mina, and she convinces you to do something
“I’m telling you, that’s what he said!” Mina squealed, jumping up and down behind you with her hands on your shoulders. Sighing for more than one reason, you shushed her to keep her voice down as you continued to browse the library shelf.
“That doesn’t mean he’d want to go on a date with me.” You said, a little disgruntled. With Mina as your best friend, peace and quiet was a luxury you couldn’t afford. You wouldn’t have it any other way though, of course.
“Yeah but he said he likes intelligent girls who hold respect for rules and authority. That’s basically you in a nutshell!”
Hissing out another “shh!” Before the librarian could chase you down, you randomly pulled a book out and went to a nearby table. Sitting down, you opened the novel right up against your nose and did your best to ignore her. In truth, the words sparked a bit of hope within your chest, but the fear of it all crashing down scared you more than anything else.
“Come on.” She whispered to your left, sticking her nose between the edge of your book and your face. “There’s a good chance he might say ‘yes’.”
You slammed the book closed. Mina jumped back to avoid her face getting clipped. “Or he might say ‘no’.” You divulged to her your fear. It slipped through the syllables and conveyed exactly what you didn’t want to risk happening.
Placing a friendly hand down on your arm, she smiled warmly at you. Like always, she emitted guidance and trust. “And would that really be so bad?” She asked you in a heartfelt manner. It made you think.
Dipping your head, you let out a weak “no”.
“Great.” Her voice sounded solid. “Because now’s your chance.”
“What?” You shot your head back up, but it was too late. Mina had already zoomed out of her seat and away from your sight. Immediately, you understood what she meant. To your right, where you had just been before, browsing the same shelf on the same row, was Iida.
Sweat dotted your brow, and before you knew it, you stood up to make your way over to him.
“Oh, hey Iida.” You greeted, moving to slot your book back into its spot (which just so happened to conveniently be a foot away from him).
“Good afternoon.” He responded, smiling upon seeing you. The brief nervousness you had felt a moment ago seeped out of your body. Mina’s words coursed through you. She was right.
You could do this.
“Are you looking for something to read in your spare time?” You asked coolly. It would be easier to build up to talking with him about a shared interest. You liked books, he liked books, what’s not to like?
You, apparently. Or at least, that’s what you feared.
“Yes.” He confirmed. “I’m trying to find a piece of classic literature, but the author’s name appears to be evading me on this shelf.”
Following along with his finger as it reached where you were standing, you took a step back and pulled out the book you had just put back in. “It wouldn’t happen to be this one would it?”
His face lit up. “Marvelous!” He exclaimed. “I had no idea you were also into classic novels of this manner.”
You sheepishly rubbed the back of your head. Yes, you had randomly taken it out of the shelf, however, you had already read that book before. Multiple times, in fact.
“Yeah,” you told him. “It’s among my favorites.”
Iida leaned farther into your space. “If you like this one, perhaps you’ll enjoy some similar classic literature I have in my own personal collection of books.”
“I’d love that.” You gushed, then, saw the conversational opportunity and took it. “I would also love it,” you tried not to hesitate and just get the words out. “If we could go out on a date.”
You held your breath.
Iida’s mouth stayed partially open for several seconds. Then, he cleared his throat and straightened his posture. His eyes evaded yours and his cheeks turned pink. Despite his best effort to be vocally clear, he stuttered out his response. “I- I don’t-“ he vaguely gestured to all of you. “I’m not really into…”
Your eyes widened, quickly catching onto what he was saying. “Oh, I’m sorry for assuming. My bad.”
“No no,” he shook his head, still not looking at you. “It’s okay.”
“It’s alright.” You reiterated.
Now you were both standing there awkwardly. Another beat passed.
“Well.” You clicked your tongue. “I gotta go…”
“Right!” He said, arms stiff at his sides. “I shall see you in class.”
You did your best not to look at him forlornly as you quickly passed by. While attempting to exit the library, Mina intercepted you.
“What happened?” She asked gently, noticing the way you looked upset.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You said in hushed tones. She let you slip by her and through the door. You wanted to tell her the truth, but you couldn’t do that to Iida. If she asked again, you would just say that he rejected you. And that was true, right? Regardless of the reason.
He had rejected you.
Tagist: Tenya Iida
@electronicexpertshark @ragdol-666
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someonegoood · 9 hours ago
BRUISED HEARTS ✫ jeon jungkook
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CONTAINS: boxer!Jungkook x reader, fighting turned bonding, emotional vulnerability, healing together, SOULMATES AU, mention of violence, past trauma, shared pain, fluff & angst, unexpected connection, fighting against fate....
NOTE: thanks so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed it!! this work hasn’t been revised, and english isn’t my first language, so please bear with me!!!! your feedback means a lot to me! 😊THIS IS A ONE PART STORY.
my main masterlist! ❀
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From the moment you’re born, your soulmate exists somewhere out there—a thread tying two lives together, invisible but unbreakable. Yet, the connection remains asleep until your eighteenth birthday. That’s the moment everything changes.
The moment the clock strikes midnight, your body becomes linked to theirs. Every ache, every wound, every sharp sting of pain—they feel it, and so do you. A scraped knee burns against your skin. A broken bone sends you crumbling under the same pain.
It’s an unspoken law of the universe: soulmates share pain, but bleeding wounds always belong to the one who truly endured them.
For some, it’s proof of an unshakable bond, a guiding force leading them to their other half. For others, it’s a cruel twist of fate—linkedto a stranger’s suffering with no way to stop it.
And for you? It starts with a split lip the day after turning eighteen, stealing the breath from your lungs.
A sharp sting on your lip, the dull ache blooming across your face. You scramble out of bed, stumbling to the mirror, fingertips ghosting over the swollen skin. There’s no explanation. No accident from the night before. No memory of falling. And yet, the pain lingers deep in your bones.
And that’s when it hits you.
Your soulmate is hurt. And you have no idea who they are.
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That was a year ago.
At first, the pain was relentless. It happened again two nights later—an ache in your ribs, enough to make you suffer with every breath. Then a bruise on your knuckles a week after that. It was slow at first, little reminders that somewhere, someone was fighting battles you couldn’t see.
You tried not to think about it too much. Tried to convince yourself it wasn’t your problem. But then the injuries worsened.
One morning, you woke up with bruises scattered across your face, purple and aching. Your mother screamed when she saw you.
"What happened to you?" she demanded, rushing over with wide, frantic eyes. You blinked at her, still groggy from sleep.
"I—I don’t know."
"Don’t lie to me!" Her voice cracked as she cupped your face, fingers trembling. "Who did this to you? Did someone—did someone hurt you?"
Tears burned at the back of your throat. "No one hurt me, Mom. I swear. It just… happened."
"That’s not possible," she whispered, her hands falling to her sides. "This isn’t normal."
You swallowed hard, heart pounding. "It’s the soulmate bond."
Your mother exhaled sharply, shaking her head. "Oh, sweetheart..." She pulled you into a hug, holding you tighter than she ever had before. "You need to start covering them. People will ask questions."
So you did.
From that day forward, you mastered the art of makeup. Layers of it over bruises, carefully chosen clothes to hide what foundation couldn’t. Some days, the pain was just a dull ache. Other days, it felt like your body was breaking under the weight of wounds you couldn’t see.
You had to.
Now, the pain is back. It comes in waves, occasional bruises appearing on your skin like echoes of a fight happening miles away. You thought it was over, that maybe your soulmate had finally found peace.
But the fresh aches tell you otherwise.
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Jungkook’s life has always been a battlefield.
He grew up fighting, not just in the ring, but for survival. There was no softness in his world—no warm hugs, no soothing words, no gentle hands to catch him when he fell. His parents were there in surname only, too preoccupied with their own lives to notice the boy slipping through the cracks.
So he learned early: no one was coming to save him.
Pain was temporary. Weakness was unacceptable. And anger? Anger was the only thing that was his.
He was fifteen the first time he stumbled into an underground fight. It happened by accident—one of the older kids at school had mentioned a place, a ring hidden near a park on the outskirts of the city. No rules, no questions, just fists and money exchanged under flickering lights.
Jungkook hadn’t gone looking for a fight that night. But when he saw it—the raw brutality, the way blood stained the concrete floor, the way the crowd roared with every brutal hit—something inside him clicked.
For the first time, he felt something real.
The next time he went... he wasn’t just a spectator. Now, years later, fighting is the only thing that keeps him steady.
“Why do you keep doing this?” his coach, Seokjin, asks one evening after a particularly brutal match. Jungkook sits on the locker room bench, wrapping his bruised knuckles with practiced ease. His jaw is swollen, a cut on his cheekbone still fresh, but he barely flinches.
He doesn’t answer right away. Just stares at his hands, flexing his fingers. “Because I need to.”
Seokjin sighs, running a hand through his hair. “That’s not an answer. You have talent, Jungkook. Real talent. You could go pro. Make something of this. But instead, you’re out there throwing punches in illegal rings for what? Money? Bragging rights?”
Jungkook lets out a humorless laugh. “It’s not about money.”
“Then what is it about?” Seokjin presses, voice softer now. “Why do you need to fight like this?”
For a moment, Jungkook hesitates. Then he exhales, leaning back against the wall. “Because if I stop, I have to feel everything else.”
Seokjin doesn’t push him after that.
Two years ago, Jungkook turned eighteen, expecting something—anything. But no pain came. No sudden ache, no phantom injuries. Nothing. At first, he waited, convinced that maybe his soulmate just hadn’t been hurt yet. But days turned into weeks, then months, and still, he felt nothing.
Soulmates were supposed to share pain. If he felt nothing, then maybe soulmates weren’t real. Maybe he was alone in this world.
One night, during a rare outing with his friends, the topic comes up. They're sitting at a bar, laughter mixing with the low hum of music. Taehyung leans back in his seat, tipping his drink toward Jungkook with a knowing smirk.
"Still no sign of a soulmate?" he asks.
Jungkook scoffs, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. "You know the answer."
Jimin, ever the romantic, frowns. "That’s... kind of sad, man. Doesn’t it bother you?"
"Not really," Jungkook lies, taking a slow sip. "Means I don’t have to worry about someone else’s pain."
Taehyung hums. "Or maybe it means they don’t exist at all."
Jimin shakes his head. "That’s not how it works. Everyone has a soulmate, Jungkook. You probably just haven’t—"
"I don’t believe in that crap," Jungkook cuts in, sharper than intended. "If I had one, I’d feel something. Anything. But I don’t."
The table falls silent for a moment. Then Taehyung raises his glass in a mock toast. "Well, soulmate or not, at least you can still drink with us."
Jungkook clinks his glass against Taehyung’s, forcing a smirk. But deep down, something unsettles him. A quiet thought he doesn’t want to acknowledge.
If soulmates are real, why hasn’t he felt anything?
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The underground fights are ruthless. There are no rules, no referees to step in when things get too rough. It’s just fists, blood, and the roar of a crowd hungry for violence.
Jungkook thrives in it.
Tonight, he moves like a predator in the ring—sharp reflexes, calculated brutality. Every punch he throws is precise, every hit he takes with gritted teeth and unwavering focus. He’s fast and relentless. He doesn’t just fight to win, he fights to feel something. To punish himself for things he won’t say out loud.
And somewhere, you feel every single one.
Your body jerks awake with a sharp gasp, searing pain tearing through your ribs. Your vision swims, the force of a punch nearly knocking the breath from your lungs. You clutch your side, fingers pressing against skin that remains unbroken but throbs as if bruised to the bone.
You barely make it to the bathroom, bracing yourself against the counter as your legs tremble beneath you. Another hit lands, this time to the jaw, and your head snaps to the side as if an invisible fist just struck you. A choked whimper escapes your lips, swallowed by the silence of your empty apartment.
Whoever your soulmate is, they are fighting for their life.
And losing.
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The next morning you tend to your aching body, carefully putting ointment over bruises that aren’t really yours. The motions are familiar, practiced. Once done, you take your dog for a walk, hoping the fresh air will clear your mind.
But the moment you get to the park, he takes off.
“Wait—Soo!” you call, but he doesn’t stop. He runs between trees, disappearing into the distance. Panic rises in your chest as you chase after him, heart pounding.
You finally catch sight of him slipping through a half-open door of an old shed. A strange chill creeps up your spine.
You hesitate before stepping inside, your voice trembling as you call, “Soo?”
The dim light reveals punching bags, weights, and a massive ring in the center of the room. The scent of sweat and metal lingers in the air. A gym—hidden, secure.
And then, a sound. A faint, almost imperceptible.
Your heart jumps. You whip around, breath shallow, eyes scanning the room. The space seems unnervingly still, the only movement coming from the dim, buzzing fluorescent lights above. But there’s nothing else. Nothing... until another sound. This one louder.
A figure steps from the shadows, taller than you expected, broad shoulders cutting through the low light like a figure from a dream. The knot in your stomach tightens, but you can’t look away.
You know who it is.
Your heart races, but not from fear—no, it's something else, something far more primal. It’s like your body recognizes him before your mind has a chance to make sense of it. A fleeting sensation of familiarity, as though you've seen him before… in a dream, or maybe in another lifetime.
His eyes catch yours—intense, almost possessive—like he’s been waiting for you too. His lips part, but he doesn't speak. His presence feels like a weight in the room, pulling the space around you taut, making everything feel infinitely closer. You swallow hard, a lump in your throat, unable to find the words, but a strange tug at the back of your mind tells you he knows you.
But how? Why does it feel like this moment was always meant to happen?
He steps closer, the sound of his footsteps muffled by the thick air in the room. There’s a quiet intensity to his movements, as if he's waiting for something, calculating your reaction. Your breath quickens as your pulse races in your ears, the distance between you shrinking.
"Soo?" you ask again, your voice trembling, unsure whether it's out of fear or something else entirely. You can’t quite place it, but something inside you stirs, a flutter deep in your chest, as though you’ve been waiting for him all along.
Jungkook doesn’t respond immediately. Instead, his gaze holds yours, unreadable, before a small, knowing grin tugs at his lips. His silence speaks volumes. There’s something in the air, a strange recognition, an unspoken connection. It feels inevitable, even if neither of you understands it.
Jungkook stands frozen, his mind a whirlwind of confusion, and something deeper—a recognition he can’t shake. He’s drawn to you, inexplicably, even though every instinct tells him to stay back.
Jungkook thinks this can’t be real.
His mind spins with a whirlwind of confusion and something deeper, a recognition he can't shake. He’s always been cautious. Always kept his walls high. After all, the world had taught him that letting anyone in just leads to pain. But here you are, standing in front of him, and there’s a familiarity in your eyes—something that speaks to him on a level he can’t even begin to understand.
Why now? Who are you?, he thinks.
His eyes follow your every movement. Every part of him wants to know you, to understand why everything about you feels so... right. But the voice in his head urges him to retreat, to protect himself from whatever this connection might bring. He can’t afford to trust anyone again—not after everything he’s lost.
But the pull is too strong.
All of a sudden, a high-pitched bark echoes through the gym, breaking the tension in the air. The sound is so unexpected, so out of place in the heavy silence, that it startles both Jungkook and you.
Jungkook jumps, muscles tensing, eyes wide. The bark throws him off balance, and in his haste to step back, he bumps into something hard. The sound of metal crashing to the ground sends a jolt of adrenaline through him.
He stumbles, trying to regain his footing, but as he does, his shoulder brushes against yours. The unexpected contact makes both of you freeze.
A sudden wave of warmth rushes through you, more intense than any shock you’ve ever felt. It’s like a spark, an undeniable connection surging between the two of you.
You flinch, your breath catching in your throat.
"Auch..." you mutter under your breath, the word slipping out instinctively, and just like that, something shifts in the air. It’s subtle, but you feel it. The pull between you and Jungkook intensifies, and for the first time, the weight of the moment settles around you, overwhelming, undeniable.
Jungkook stands still, eyes wide as he processes the surge of emotion, the inexplicable bond between you. His breath falters for a moment, the realization dawning on him.
This is what it feels like.
You and Jungkook stand there, breathless, a shared understanding passing between you. Neither of you needs to speak because you both know.
You’re soulmates.
That fluffy little dog. The one that had barked, causing the sudden, chaotic moment between you and Jungkook. The dog now stands quietly at your feet, as if it, too, understands the truth, playing its part in this strange, inevitable moment.
Jungkook looks between you and your dog, his confusion turning into something deeper. He doesn’t speak, but his eyes narrow, taking in the shift in your expression. Something clicks in his mind, a strange understanding flashing in his gaze.
His gaze flickers down to the dog again, and then back to you—realizing something that had been hidden in plain sight all along.
You take a deep breath, and the words rush out before you can stop them.
“I—I’m so sorry,” you say, your voice soft but filled with genuine regret. “I didn’t mean to… I didn’t mean to intrude.” Your gaze flickers down to the dog at your feet, still looking up at you with that familiar, innocent expression. “I was just looking for Soo.”
Jungkook doesn’t respond immediately. He looks at you, his eyes softening, taking in your apology. Then, after a long moment, he steps a little closer, the distance between you still feeling palpable.
“You don’t need to apologize,” he says, his voice low but firm, like he’s already decided what he’s going to say. “But don’t get this twisted. I didn’t ask for any of this.”
His words hit you like a slap. For a moment, you’re stunned into silence. You can’t breathe. You thought the connection between you was undeniable, but now, it feels like he’s put up an unscalable wall between you.
“I don’t want this… whatever this is. I don’t need anyone to complete me, and I sure as hell don’t need you or anyone else to make sense of things.”
You open your mouth, but no words come. How do you fight against a rejection like that?
Jungkook turns away, the finality in his movement clear—this conversation is over. He doesn’t look back. The words hang in the air, heavy and suffocating, leaving you standing in the aftermath of a connection that never had the chance to bloom.
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Jungkook leans back against the cool metal of the bar, the bottle of beer in his hand nearly empty. His friends are scattered around him, the night still young, but the mood feels different tonight. The conversation from earlier keeps replaying in his mind, echoing in his thoughts.
“SO YOU REJECTED HER?” Taehyung’s voice cuts through the air, sharp and teasing, his eyebrow arched as he takes another long sip from his bottle.
The others look between them, all clearly waiting for Jungkook's response. There’s a lightness in the air, but it feels forced, like they can’t tell if this is some sort of joke or if Jungkook is dead serious.
“I didn’t reject her,” Jungkook mutters finally, his voice rough, as if the words don’t sit well in his mouth. "I just told her the truth. She was… looking for something I don’t want."
Jimin leans forward, a playful grin tugging at his lips. “So, Jeon Jungkook doesn’t want a soulmate?” He shakes his head, laughing lightly. “That’s rich, man.”
Jungkook’s eyes flash with irritation, and for a moment, the teasing vibe shifts. It’s not fun anymore. Something darker flickers in his gaze, something that says he’s not in the mood for jokes.
“I never asked for this,” Jungkook snaps, his tone harsher than he meant. “I’m not looking for someone to complete me. I’ve got my own shit to deal with.”
“Yeah, but you could’ve been a little gentler with it,” Namjoon adds, his voice calm but firm. “You’re not the only one with baggage, you know. But she... she didn’t deserve that cold of a response.”
“Did she do something?” Taehyung asks, his tone softer now, more thoughtful. “Remember the ring. When you’re boxing... she feels it.”
“Stop,” Jungkook mutters, the frustration and guilt creeping into his voice. He doesn’t want to hear it, doesn’t want to deal with it. His jaw tightens, and a frown pulls at the corners of his mouth.
“She can’t handle me,” he finally says, his voice low, almost like a confession. “No one can handle all of this. I’m not gonna drag her into my mess.”
“She's already in it, man,” Taehyung shoots back, his words cutting through the tension. “You don’t get to decide that for her. She’s already shown she’s not backing away. She’s in this whether you want her to be or not.”
Jungkook falls silent, the weight of his friends' words sinking into him like a stone. He doesn’t know how to respond. The truth stings, but it also feels impossible to ignore.
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A few weeks had passed since the encounter, and the tension still lingered in the air. It wasn’t easy to shake off, and you decided it was best to avoid him and that gym altogether. The thought of crossing paths again felt unbearable, especially when everything remained so raw, unresolved.
So, you made a conscious decision to stop walking past the gym—you started taking a different route home after university, deliberately steering as far away from the gym as possible.
Meanwhile, Jungkook had thrown himself into training. The big fight was approaching, the culmination of months of grueling preparation, and he needed to be at his best. But no matter how hard he trained, no matter how many rounds he sparred or how relentlessly he hit the punching bag, his mind kept drifting back to you.
He tried to concentrate on the fight, but all he could think about was the last and the first time he saw you—the pain in your eyes, the way he had pushed you away when he should’ve reached for you.
The night of the fight finally arrived, and the gym was buzzing with energy. The crowd outside had already begun to gather, their anticipation filling the air.
In the locker room, Jungkook stood, sweat dripping from his body as he tightened his gloves. His coach gave him one last pep talk, but Jungkook wasn’t really listening. His thoughts kept wandering back to you—wondering if you were still thinking about him, wondering where you were.
The bell rang, and the fight began.
Sitting on your couch you felt an odd pull deep in your chest, a force was gently tugging at you, calling you back to the gym. You tried to ignore it, to push it aside, but the feeling only grew stronger. Something inside you told you to go to the gym, so, against your better judgment, you followed that pull.
When you arrived, the crowd was already thick with excitement. The atmosphere was electric. You pushed through the sea of bodies, your heart racing for reasons you couldn’t quite explain. And then, you saw him.
Jungkook in the ring. He was a force of nature—each punch landing with precision, his body flowing like a dancer, but there was a raw intensity in his movements. He wasn’t just fighting his opponent; it was as though he was fighting everything inside him—the hurt, the frustration, the things he’d been trying to bury.
And then, it hit.
The pain. Sudden and sharp, like a knife piercing your chest. You stumbled back, clutching your stomach as the world spun around you. The pressure in your chest was unbearable, each breath harder to take than the last. You wanted to ignore it, push through it, but the pain only worsened.
You gasped for air, your body trembling, and with each punch Jungkook landed in the ring, the agony seemed to ripple through you. You pressed your hand to your stomach, trying to steady yourself, but the pain wouldn’t stop. You accidentally trip over a rock and fall to the ground, hurting your ankle.
And that’s when he felt it, a particular pain in his ankle.
Jungkook’s head snapped to the side, as though something had reached him through the chaos. He searched the crowd, his gaze sweeping over the sea of people, until it landed on you. His heart skipped a beat. There you were, clutching your chest on the floor, barely able to stand. His world tilted.
Ignoring the shouts from his coach and the crowd—he leaped out of the ring, pushing through the crowd as though nothing else mattered. His pulse hammered in his ears, and all he could think about was getting to you.
The crowd around you parted as Jungkook pushed through. You felt him before you saw him, his presence like a magnet pulling you toward him. His hand steadied you, his touch warm and strong as you struggled to stay conscious.
You looked up just as he reached you, kneeling in front of you, his hands hovering around you as if he wasn’t sure what to do. His eyes locked onto yours, filled with panic, and something inside him snapped.
“I knew you were here,” he breathed, his voice rough. “What’s happening? Are you okay?”
“I…” You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat, the pain still gripping you. Somehow, being near him made it feel a little less suffocating.
“Stay with me,” he urged, his voice shaking with urgency. “What’s going on? Talk to me.”
You couldn’t find the words. The pain still gnawed at you, relentless and all-consuming. You trembled, barely able to stay on your feet, your knees buckling.
“Hold on,” he whispered, his voice tight with panic as he scooped you into his arms. “I’ve got you.”
The crowd murmured, but it was a blur. All you could focus on was Jungkook’s heartbeat, thudding in his chest as he rushed you toward the back exit. His touch was gentle, yet desperate—his focus solely on you.
Once outside, he didn’t hesitate. He pushed open the door and called out to the driver, his voice strained with worry. “Get in the car,” he ordered. “We’re going to my place.”
You wanted to say something, to assure him that you were fine, but the words wouldn’t come. The pain still gripped you, leaving you numb.
“You’re gonna be alright,” Jungkook murmured, glancing over at you before turning his attention back to the road. “I’ll take care of you. We’ll figure this out.”
When you arrived at his place, he didn’t let go of you. He helped you inside, his hands gentle as he guided you to the couch. His eyes never left you as he checked your pulse, your temperature, doing everything he could to make sure you were okay.
“I’m here,” he whispered, sitting beside you. “I’m not going anywhere.”
His words were the only comfort you could feel as the pain started to slowly subside, bit by bit. You didn’t know how long you would stay here, or what would happen next, but there was one thing you were certain of: he wasn’t going anywhere.
The bathroom was small, the smell of antiseptic filling the air, the light flickering overhead. Jungkook stood at the sink, his shirt off, revealing the bruises and cuts from the fight. His movements were sharp, purposeful as he cleaned the cuts on his arms, his jaw clenched against the sting.
You sat on the edge of the tub, your body still sore from the pain that had brought you here. Jungkook had insisted on helping you, leading you to the bathroom, tending to your bruises with a professionalism that made it clear he was used to this kind of care.
You winced as he applied pressure to the bruise on your side. His touch was gentle but distant, his expression unreadable. The quiet movements filled the air, but there was an unspoken tension between you.
You didn’t know what to say, or how to bridge the gap between you. This wasn’t how you imagined the night would go—here you were, two people in silence, tending to each other’s wounds. You remembered how he had carried you, how you’d felt his worry despite the coldness he tried to show.
You said your name softly, breaking the silence. “Sorry for all this… for everything. I didn’t mean for any of it to happen.”
“Jungkook,” he replied shortly, his voice clipped, almost dismissive. “It’s fine. Just… be careful next time.”
You nodded, feeling the sting of his coldness, but understanding. He was protecting himself. The sharpness in his tone hit harder than you expected.
“I should probably go,” you murmured, standing up slowly, mindful of the pain. “You’ve done enough. I—”
Before you could finish, his voice stopped you.
“I’ll take you home,” he said, his tone softer now but still holding that edge of distance. “It’s late. You shouldn’t be out alone.”
You didn’t argue. You couldn’t. You just nodded as he grabbed his jacket and slid it on, movements slow and deliberate. You left the bathroom in silence, walking to the car without another word.
When he pulled up outside your apartment, you hesitated. You didn’t want to make things awkward, but you felt the need to say something.
“Thanks for… helping me tonight,” you said quietly. “I didn’t expect any of this, but… I appreciate it.”
Jungkook didn’t look at you. His eyes remained fixed on the rearview mirror as he nodded. “Get some rest. Stay safe.”
You gave him a small nod, feeling the weight of his words. You hadn’t expected more, but still, something in the air felt unfinished. A moment of hesitation passed before you reached over, picking it up slowly. Jungkook’s eyes flickered to you, his face hardening immediately.
"I should probably have your number, just in case something like this happens again," you said, trying to make it sound casual, though you felt your heart racing. You didn’t want to push him, but you also didn’t want to leave things hanging.
He didn’t immediately respond, and you could feel the conflict inside him. He was clearly reluctant. But after a long pause, he exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair before nodding curtly. "Fine," he muttered, a mix of frustration and resignation in his tone. "But don’t expect much from me."
You held his gaze for a beat, then typed in your contact information. As you handed the phone back to him, you caught a glimpse of the hesitation in his eyes.
He didn’t say anything, just took it from you without looking at your face. His fingers gripped the device a little too tightly, as if holding on to something he didn’t want to let go of.
"Good night," you said softly, opening the door.
"Yeah," Jungkook’s voice was quieter than before, and for a brief second, you thought you saw something flicker in his eyes. "Get some rest."
You closed the door behind you and stood for a moment on the sidewalk, watching his car pull away. The night felt unusually quiet, almost too still, and as you walked to the entrance of your apartment, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted.
He shook his head, trying to silence the thoughts. He knew he wasn’t supposed to care. He had made that decision a long time ago—no soulmates, no attachments.
But as he drove away, the uncertainty waved at him.
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The next morning you sat on the edge of your bed, your phone pressed to your ear as you spoke with your mother. The concern in her voice was unmistakable, but you tried to keep the conversation light, not wanting to worry her too much.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked, the words heavy with worry. “I saw the bruises on your arm when we last talked. Have you been getting enough rest? Are you eating?”
You glanced down at the fading bruises on your wrist, the reminder of the hectic few days that had passed. You hadn't told her about Jungkook yet—didn't want to add fuel to the fire of her concern. She’d only worry more if she knew about him.
“I’m fine, Mom,” you said, forcing your voice to sound reassuring. “I’m just a little clumsy, that’s all. Nothing to worry about.”
Her sigh on the other end of the line was audible, but she didn’t press further. “Alright. Just take care of yourself, okay? And if you ever need me—”
“I know, Mom. I will. Love you,” you interrupted, hoping to end the conversation before she could say anything more. You needed the distraction, the escape, from everything that was weighing you down.
“Love you too,” she replied, and you could hear the concern still lingering in her tone before she hung up.
Soo followed you, tail wagging, oblivious to the storm of thoughts that were swirling in your head. You smiled weakly at the sight of him, kneeling down to pet him before you prepared to leave. “I’ll be back soon, Soo. Be good while I’m gone,” you murmured, trying to shake off the weight of the night.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. As you reached for the door to leave for your uni classes, a notification caught your eye. . You checked the screen, your stomach tightening as you saw the name that popped up.
i don’t know how to make this easier for you, just stay safe
don’t get too close to me
It was cold, but there was something deeper in it, something that pulled at you despite the detachment. His words were sharp, but the underlying care was unmistakable, even if he couldn’t bring himself to show it fully.
You bit your lip, a mix of emotions washing over you. He wanted to protect you, but at the same time, he was pushing you away, keeping you at a distance. It was always the same—Jungkook’s confusion, his walls, his inability to be vulnerable.
There was no easy answer, no simple way to make sense of him, of what you were supposed to do with all of this. You ran your fingers over the edge of your desk, then typed a short reply.
i’ll be careful, but don’t push me away!!
i won’t disappear :)
You hesitated, staring at the screen for a moment, then sent it. What were you even expecting in return?
With a new sense of energy and warmth you turned to leave, Soo’s wagging tail following you out the door. As you stepped into the cool morning air, a sense of possibility filled you. Whatever this was between you and Jungkook, whatever he was trying to say, you felt a spark of hope that it wasn’t over.
The gym was nearly silent, save for the rhythmic hum of the overhead lights and the faint creak of the floorboards beneath Jungkook’s heavy steps. His fists were clenched, shoulders rigid with frustration as he stormed inside. The sting of his loss still burned in his chest, but the anger coursing through him had nothing to do with the fight itself.
Seokjin was already there, arms crossed, watching him with the kind of knowing gaze that made Jungkook’s skin itch. He didn’t need a lecture right now. He needed to hit something, to drown out the mess in his head with exhaustion.
"You lost," Seokjin said, his voice even but edged with something firm, something disappointed. "You weren’t focused. You let your emotions get in the way. You let her get in the way."
Jungkook’s jaw tightened. His pulse roared in his ears at the mention of you.
"I told you I don’t need anyone’s help," he bit out, his voice rough with frustration. "I don’t need you or anyone else telling me what to do. I’m fine on my own."
Seokjin let out a slow exhale, shaking his head. "It’s not about needing help, Jungkook. It’s about what you’re doing to yourself. You’re pushing everything away—everyone away. And for what?"
Jungkook’s chest rose and fell in sharp, uneven breaths. He hated this. Hated feeling like his insides were unraveling. Like no matter how fast he ran, the past—the pain—was always a step behind, waiting to sink its claws into him.
"You don’t get it," he muttered, shaking his head. "You don’t know what it’s like to feel like everything’s slipping through your fingers, no matter what you do."
"Then stop running," Seokjin snapped, stepping forward. "Face it. Face her. Face yourself. Because this? What you’re doing now? It’s not working."
The words hit harder than any punch Jungkook had taken in the ring. His breathing stuttered, his vision blurring at the edges as something sharp lodged itself in his throat. He turned away before Seokjin could see the cracks forming.
"I’m done," he muttered, voice tight. "I don’t need this."
But he was already moving, shoving open the door and stepping out into the cold night air. His pulse pounded in his ears, hands still curled into fists at his sides. He didn’t know where he was going.
All he knew was that if he stayed, if he let himself feel any more than he already did—he wouldn’t be able to stop. And that terrified him more than anything.
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You had just finished your last class of the day, your mind still tangled in the mess of notes and half-understood lectures. The weight of exhaustion clung to you, but it wasn’t just from studying—it was from everything. From the lingering thoughts of Jungkook, from the conversation with your mother, from the way your chest felt too tight lately.
And then you saw him.
Jungkook was walking down the street, head down, shoulders tense, his whole presence brimming with frustration. His eyes—dark and stormy—barely flickered as people passed him, lost in whatever war was raging inside him. But beneath the anger, beneath the cold detachment, you saw it.
Something broken.
He didn’t notice you at first, his mind too consumed by his own turmoil. But as you caught up with him, you called out his name softly, trying not to startle him.
"Jungkook?" Your voice was gentle, but it broke through the fog in his mind. He turned sharply, his eyes flashing with a mix of fury and sadness.
"What do you want?" His voice was harsh, sharp, like he was ready to lash out. "I’m not in the mood for any of this."
You didn’t flinch. You didn’t back down. Instead, you stepped closer, your tone steady, insistent. "You’re not going anywhere like this. You need to calm down."
"I don’t need your help," Jungkook snapped, his fists tightening at his sides. "Just leave me alone."
His jaw clenched, but before he could argue, you grabbed his wrist—not hard, not forcefully, just enough to ground him. His body was tense, radiating frustration, but he didn’t pull away. Maybe because deep down, he was too exhausted to fight anymore.
You shook your head, not willing to let him push you away. "No, Jungkook. You’re not fine. I’m not letting you do this alone. Come with me."
Before he could argue further, you guided him toward your apartment. You didn’t care about his anger, his desire to fight. You cared about the pain behind it, the way he was falling apart, and you weren’t going to let him suffer in silence.
The walk back to your apartment was quiet, thick with unspoken tension. He moved stiffly beside you, every step heavy with something neither of you were ready to name.
Once inside, you guided him to the couch. He sat reluctantly, his eyes still dark with frustration. You disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, returning with two glasses of water. He took his without a word, staring at the liquid like it held answers he’d never find.
"Why do you care?" His voice was quieter now, but the edge was still there. "You don't know me at all."
You sat down next to him, close enough for warmth but not enough to make him retreat. "You’re human, Jungkook. You’re allowed to be angry, to make mistakes. But you don’t have to go through it alone."
Something flickered in his expression—hesitation, doubt, maybe even relief. His fingers curled around the glass, but he didn’t drink. He took a deep breath, as if he was allowing himself to finally feel the weight of everything he had been pushing down.
"I don’t know what to do anymore," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I feel lost. And it hurts."
You didn’t answer right away. Instead, you leaned forward, placing your hand gently on his. The contact was small, but it seemed to ground him, his shoulders slumping just a little as he let the tension leave his body.
"Just be here," you said softly. "Just for tonight. Let yourself feel it. You don’t have to have all the answers."
Jungkook exhaled, his head tilting back as he closed his eyes. It felt like a weight was lifting from him, just a little. And for the first time in what felt like forever, he let himself lean into the moment, let the anger and the frustration subside, replaced by something quieter—something softer.
"Thank you," he whispered, barely audible. "I didn’t think anyone would be here for me like this."
As the silence stretched between you, the weight of the day slowly fading, you glanced at him, feeling a quiet resolve settle in your chest. His shoulders were relaxed now, his eyes softer than you’d seen them before. You couldn’t help but smile, the warmth in your heart spreading through you.
You watched him, your resolve settling. His walls were still up, but there was a crack now, a glimpse of the person beneath all the anger and resistance.
"You're not alone, Jungkook," you said, voice soft but certain. "I’m your soulmate, anyway. No matter how much you fight it, I’m here."
His eyes snapped to yours, something shifting between you in the dim light. It wasn’t a plea. It wasn’t an argument. Just the truth—unshakable, undeniable.
For a moment, he didn’t speak. But then, barely there, the corners of his lips twitched, something small, something real.
And for now, that was enough.
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Jungkook was sprawled on your couch, flipping through channels with the kind of bored impatience that made you roll your eyes. His hair was still damp from his shower, a few strands falling into his eyes, but he didn’t bother pushing them back.
You were on the floor, leaning against the coffee table, scrolling through your emails when a notification popped up. Your brows furrowed as you opened the message.
You are invited to the wedding of Kim Namjoon & Seo Yuna…
Your eyes widened. "Jungkook."
"Hm?" He didn’t look away from the TV.
"You got an invitation to Namjoon’s wedding."
That made him pause. He turned his head slightly, his expression unreadable. "Namjoon? Hyung is getting married?"
"Yeah. And it says we’re invited." You lifted your phone, shaking it a little.
Jungkook’s jaw tensed as he sat up properly. "He invited both of us?"
"That’s what we means."
His lips pressed into a thin line. You watched as he processed the information, his fingers tapping against his knee.
"You don’t have to come," he said after a beat, voice a little too casual. "It’s not like anyone expects—"
"I want to," you interrupted, tilting your head at him. "Unless you don’t want me to go."
Jungkook hesitated, eyes flickering with something you couldn’t quite place. A few months ago, he would’ve found a way to push you away, to make it seem like he didn’t care. But now, he was different. Softer in ways he didn’t realize.
Finally, he exhaled, running a hand through his hair. "It’s just… a lot. Weddings, relationships—" He stopped himself, then sighed. "But if you want to go, then we’ll go."
You smiled, setting your phone down. "Then it’s settled."
Jungkook shook his head, mumbling something under his breath, but you caught the way his lips twitched, the way his fingers absentmindedly reached for yours as if it was second nature now.
Neither of you said it out loud, but the truth hung between you like a quiet understanding.
This wasn’t just about a wedding. It was about showing up—for each other.
Jungkook had spent months resisting, convincing himself that fate was something he could outrun. That having a soulmate was a burden, not a gift. But somewhere along the way—between the quiet moments where you stood by him without expecting anything in return, between the nights where you saw the parts of him he kept hidden from the world—something shifted.
He stopped fighting it. Stopped fighting you.
It wasn’t sudden, but gradual, like ice melting under the warmth of the sun. He still wasn’t perfect—still stubborn, still rough around the edges—but the walls he’d built weren’t impenetrable anymore.
Now, when you reached for him, he didn’t pull away. When you said his name, he answered without hesitation. And when he looked at you, really looked at you, he didn’t see a mistake.
He saw home.
A few days later, both of you were seated in the venue. It was breathtaking—golden chandeliers casting a soft glow over the polished floors, tables adorned with white roses, and a string quartet playing something elegant in the background.
Jungkook had been fidgeting with the cuffs of his black suit since the moment you arrived, but he looked effortlessly handsome, the dark fabric hugging his frame in all the right places.
"You clean up well," you murmured, adjusting the slightly crooked tie around his neck.
He huffed, feigning annoyance, but you didn’t miss the way his lips twitched. "Yeah, well, you look—" His gaze flickered over you, lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "Nice."
"Nice?" You raised an eyebrow. "That’s all I get?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes, but there was no real irritation behind it. His fingers ghosted over your wrist before he slipped his hand into yours, like it was the most natural thing in the world. "Fine. You look beautiful. Happy now?"
Before you could tease him, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air as Namjoon and Yuna made their grand entrance. The crowd erupted into cheers, and Jungkook straightened, his grip on your hand tightening slightly.
"Do weddings always feel this… intense?" he muttered, eyeing the scene.
You grinned. "It’s just love, Jungkook. Try not to look so scared."
His jaw clenched slightly, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he let you pull him toward your table, where some of his friends were already gathered.
Throughout the night, you caught glimpses of something new in him. The way his shoulders eased when you leaned into him, the way his fingers absentmindedly traced circles on the back of your hand, the way his lips twitched in amusement when you forced him onto the dance floor despite his protests.
And then, somewhere between the speeches and the first dance, he leaned in, his voice quieter, more certain than before.
"I don’t know when it happened," he murmured, eyes locked on yours. "But I stopped fighting it. Stopped fighting us."
Your breath hitched, the weight of his words settling between you.
Jungkook wasn’t running anymore.
Instead, he was here—standing beside you, hand in yours, finally accepting that maybe, just maybe, fate had been right all along.
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raileurta · 2 days ago
I don't know of you take suggestions but I saw one of your posts tagged chaos God miko and my brain decided to go what of that was a bit more literal.
Imagine a miko who got exposed to trace amounts of dark energon, not enough to do much damage but more then enough to establish or perhaps reawaken a mental link with unicron.
Imagine a miko who grows up drawn to chaos and mischief, becoming more energetic the more hectic things become and becoming lethargic and tired when things become to peaceful. A miko who always knows things she shouldn't and seems to see your very soul. A miko who grows up lulled to sleep by an ancient voice in her mind telling her stories of distant worlds and singing about the death of empires.
Unicron is only half awake but that is more then enough to chat with his little one and peer through her eyes at the creatures living on him. It's more then enough for him to grow to love his little one as much as a being like him can love. So much so that he decides to take a page out of his brothers book and make her his champion.
The process is slow and painful, it will take years and unimaginable misfortune for her to grow into herself but that gives her more then enough time to seek out the one being on the planet who just might understand her, besides she's curious what her "cousins" are up to.
I do take suggestions!
Your brain is very big and genius right now
The idea of Miko being more chaotic then she already is a pretty scary one lol. Especially if she has some god like powers.
(Finally getting around to answering this months later 😅)
Anyways I imagine she just comes around a bit of dark energon maybe like a spoonful at a really young age. Miko I feel like as a kid would be that person to just eat random stuff. So yeah she ate it. Miko gets very sick from this and is in the hospital for like two weeks. She's mostly unconscious during it and in her dream-like state chats up with Unicron. He's hella confused about this random child and tries everything he can to scare off.
It doesn't work.
So reluctantly he has to deal with her in the mind void. Idk what would be the initial thing that would bring them together (probably extreme violence) but they do become sorta friends. Unicron would deny this though and just says he sees Miko as a pet. Even after Miko is unleashed from the hospital she still regularly visits him in the void. She would learn all types of things from him and vice versa. She teaches him about human stuff, seasons, school ugh, any hobbies she's into, and the horrors of the Internet. He teach her about Cybertronians history, the worlds he's seen, how to make dark matter, his beef with Primus, and horrors beyond comprehension! All around it's a great learning experience for the both of them.
Miko would grow up to be an intelligent but kinda disturbing being. Growing up with the god of chaos and evil in your brain will do that. She would know how to press all the right buttons to set off the prey drive in your brain. Miko also probably at one point or another killed someone too. That person would have obviously been a dick though; she's still got some form of morality.
The process of her becoming a champion would definitely be slow. And torture but worth it in the end. I imagine though she's got cute little horns on her head. She would use magic to disguise them. Maybe some wings too, nothing she can fly with but they're there.
Miko would learn of the transformers and definitely head on over there much to the disagreement of Unicron. I think the matrix would signal to Optimus "Bro watch out for that girl her vibes are seriously off." Optimus doesn't exactly know what's going on but he's keeping an optic out.
This came out more rambley than usually meh.
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