#but in addition to good stealth the giant spider has a ranged attack that restrain opponents
dare-to-dm · 19 days
So we played one of our 5e campaigns tonight, in which I am a Circle of the Moon druid. And we had an encounter we wanted to be stealthy for, so I looked through all my wild shape forms to see which one had the best stealth bonus.
Turns out that it's the giant spider. Which is ridiculous to me, because I can also turn into a tiny spider. Somehow a spider the size of a draft horse is sneakier than a standard tarantula.
In 5e D&D, you could literally have a situation where 2 druids set up a distraction/ambush, and the tiny spider is the distraction that everyone notices, and then the giant one fucking bites you in half before you even realize it's there. I just can't get over how ludicrous that is.
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