#but im sure that poor nurse has had to deal with more than one parent getting offended at the idea they should leave the room
once I took my sister to the doctor for something when she was a teenager and I was like, a early twenties. and the nurse started her little screening about drugs and sex that she has to give all teens I guess. and I remember she asked the sex question and my sister said no. and the nurse looked a little sceptical so I remember ostentatiously turning to look at a poster on the wall instead of at them.
and out of the corner of my eye I saw the nurse look at my sister and give a questioning, conspiratorial shake of the head, to which my sister gravely shook her head. and thinking about that conspiratorial exchange still cracks me up lmao. Like if I had realized she was about to ask those questions I would have offered to leave so she could be sure my presence wasn't causing my sister to lie lmao.
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Hes one of my favorites not sorry
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-guess who got spotted? Ultra Magnus
-well we're taking you back to the base
-he found you extremely childish and it annoyed him to a T
-And of course Optimus appointed him as your partner
-yay for him-
-Once he actually- finally- for god saken- took the time to actually get to know you, he didnt find you as annoying
-you were being bullied one day outside the school and the bulky threw you into the side of Magnus' alt mode- the door suddenly went flying open must've been a bad bolt
-Not to long after the same group of bullies keyed Magnus' alt form:
"Aw shes gonna cry!" One of the boys teased.
"Why? Did your sugar daddy tell you if you wreck it you'll actually have to do something for them." Another spoke.
"Aw. I knew she was a-"
The thrid boy was grabbed by the throat as his hands clawed at the wrist of the teen who held him, causing the other two to back up slightly.
"Touch any of my shit again and I'll bury you myself."
She threw him to the side, catching himself on his feet he held his neck with a hand, gritting his teeth he glared at her.
"Who do you think your talking to!?" He argued, catching the attention of kids near by.
She turned to look at him just to be punched in the face falling to the floor from the sudden force that knocked her off her balance.
"Dude! The hell! Your gonna get us in trouble!" One of the boys shouted.
The teen ignored him toppling over Y/n straddling her stomach, as he delivered brutal puches to her face. Kids started to gather cheering on the male as Y/n pushed him off her and return the favor, causing and either louder up roar."
"I told you!" She shouted punching him in the face.
A broken nose
A black eye
A busted lip
Her final blow was stopped when teachers pulled them apart.
"You broke my nose!" The teen cried.
"Well then go cry to your mom who I fucked last night!"
-Did Magnus just see what he thought? The seemingly innocent cheerful girl looking more scarrier than a decepticon out with a bloodlust
-he waited until you were able to come out- even though the kids had informed him via comn link she'd go home with her parents- you came out alone, him being the only thing there:
"I don't want to go with you today Magnus."
"I'd prefer if you did come with me." Magnus stated
Y/n frowned as she looked at the deep key job.
"Im not allowed back for a week."
"I figured so."
The door opened as Y/n only followed as she hopped in.
-did he- did he just be n i c e?!
-Instead of taking you to the street corner as usual he took you. He drove you around, mindlessly
-you ended up falling asleep so he took you back to base, unknowing of what to do with you, he he held your small form in his large servo, luckily nurse June had showed up sometime before to help with something and she was able to lay you down on the couch.
-Optimus has asked what happened as you were littered with brusies and cuts, Magnus explained and took full blame but Miko backed him up
-Magnus said one of the humans should contact Y/n's parents- Nurse June looked worried as she knew you were lacking in the depart of family.
-so she advised to keep her in base saying , "well if they didnt even bother to pick her up why worry right?
-Everyone found that extremely off as a cover June said: "well you like her right? She'll tell you whats wrong?"
-Arcee choked at that sentence, Ratchet actually laughed, wheeljsck was given ammo to fuel is annoyingness, Bulkhead was extremely uncomfortable, the two youngsters were like "hold up" and Optimus like a proud dad- brother- figure thing- smiled to himself
-Magnus was completely embarssed but kept it under wraps.
-miko was completely shocked when she figured it out
-"Magnus go scout" "thank you sir"
-you woke up to a dark room looking around you seemed to be on a cot, and Ultra Magnus was sleeping in the berth above you- wait- WHERE YOU IN HIS ROOM?!
-He woke up as soon as he heard you wake up.
-it was only silence at first, but he ended up thanking you in a way, saying it was arrogant but brave of you
-you thanked him for helping you as well
-cue the speaking at the same time
-confession was kinda werid tbh:
"So..." y/n spoke.
"Suppose you know about me then? All of it?" Y/n asked, "Im sure Nurse Darby told you."
"No, nothing was said about you." Magnus spoke.
It was silent for a few mintues the air thick and the only thing used as a light source was Magnus' bright optics.
"If you wish you can tell me." Magnus informed.
"Right..." y/n breathed in, "My uh mother...she died while I was being born....my dad commited a murder-suicide, he said it was my fault in his will."
"I am sorry." Magnus spoke softly then paused for a long second, "How do you do it?"
Y/n looked up at him, "do what?"
"Your as enetergic and as arrogant as Rodimus, your sparks would be one in the same." Magnus told, "but your well rounded as if you were a high ranking assistant to Alpha Trion. Then you deal with what would take most well trainned mechs off the feild."
Y/n shrugged, "I suppose..." y/n paused, "I dont want anyone else to leave me, it's tiring being alone."
Magnus answered awfully quick, "I would never leave you, you have too much meaning in my life."
-Woah wait! He didn't but did mean that!
-you ended up asking who Rodimus was and you both talked through the night.
-you guys were closer than ever after that
-he attempted to tell you out more straight forward but failed for a while
-when he finally told you- you were all like: Oh I know
-cue dating??????? Poor man hes so confused
-nothing changed much he loved being with you either way- with dating he just became more and more worried for each other
-Acree has extreme suspicions of you two
-you guys were going good, open with one another and honest, it was a pretty loving relationship
-that "Im Lutenit" shit dont slide with you
-you guys like driving in the rain, he especially like it if you've calmed down from a hetic week and fell asleep getting the resr you deserve
-when he lost his hand in combat and had it replaced with a new one you went to a tattoo shop and asked for stitching as if someone has stiched your fingers back together, you proceeded to go up to Magnus afterwards and tell him you guys were just alike now
-He got angery you hurt yourself- well he thought you hurt yourself- he couldn't stay mad at you
-Guess who squared up on the predaking? You and this is how it happened:
Magnus had been knocked to the side with the two wreckers. You who had came our from behind a Boulder shouted at the dino-mechanism
"Hey You!"
The giant beast looked towards you, "yeah you!"
Rushing its way over it screeched in Y/n's face, "Oh blow it out your ass!"
The schreeching stopped as Y/ns arms crossed
"How dare you!-" and you raged ON.
-The predaking is now warry of the autobots
-Wheeljack was given even more ammo to mess with Ultra Magnus now knowing you two were dating
-except Ultra Magnus to see you in a whole knew light of being a strong hooman and finding it absolutely memorizing and beautiful
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vanityloves · 4 years
anyways im gonna listen to/read the fuckin...rise of the ogre shit bc ive been putting it off 🪓🥴 im gonna put stuff under the cut bc im gonna be TALKING n dont wanna make a new post everytime
ok he performed for 2 pounds 50. which is basically $3 today i- well it was absolutely a power play on his father behalf that also had the promise of money so.
also lol he said Rejection fueled my ambitions which, yknow,, i already knew but it still hurts and i will continue to talk ab it xoxo
AH HELP. "...if ebay had been invented at the time he would've sold me online there and then,"
"man hands on misery to man, yknow"
THEN PROCEEDS TO CONNECT IT TO MUSIC/HIS CAREER. this man said :) the one thing i truly have a passion for. the one thing i fucking like.
oh yeah. bullied by students AND teachers.
oh god hes 42ish during this interview? ok.
the fuckin school bully saying he wouldve acted differently if he knew what hed become
getting called "faceache", then proceeds to call 2d that. jfc he really does just repeat what everyone says. really "treating others how i was treated/how they treat me"
maybe thats why? hes kinder to fans? bc :] you support me and like me so, ok ill return that energy
a real rowdy boy. absolute nasty boy. fraud and arson... shooting ppls windows with his air pistols
black sabbath being a huge inspiration? fucking absolutely.
became a satanist n shit at age 16? "it fitted me like a glove" "heavy metal and devil worshipping became my favorite past times" ajsj funny that ppl in trying times often seek religion or following of some sort
heavy metal being his favorite, n loving the clash, while hannibals was more punk based
hannibal breaking murdocs nose for the 2nd and 3rd time for playing his music on hannibals turntable
he doesnt sound that bitter? ab hannibal? he doesnt sound incredibly fond but he talks ab how he got him into a lot of music. so, i imagine they we're a bit closer than i thought?
international baccalaureate in antisocial? anthropology?
MURDOC IS ACTUALLY SMART HE WAS JUST. NOT INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECTS? I GUESS? (also,,, he literally Built cyborg noodle and i think he had a PhD too lol. but its always nice to hear hes actually...yknow, interested or good at other things)
alright but murdoc having a fascination w/ other cultures - or at least some interests, that lead him to actually study the damn subject and "pass with flying colors"
'fuck college though. im gonna be a rockstar'
he sold his soul at 18ish? whenever the fuck he got kicked out but college was mentioned so my brain goes to 18ish idk
he lived with his father still and paid rent via low paying jobs one including 'part time dressing as santa'
help he was ab to take a Personal Job for quick cash and uhh well, "still made me call him sir though" he really said 20 dollars is 20 dollars, huh "that story was totally true"
alright, 1997,,,
2d stuff
loves zombie stuff? thats really cute, and is freaked out by the way they move. god he rambles
both he and murdoc are horses in the chinese zodiac
[[jfc ok if the official shit compares them a lot i understand why ppl ship them but Dont. its a narrative foil and that doesnt always mean Romance jfc.]]
truly... a lil stinker. super cute bouncing baby and a "bit thick" which is stull so endearing to me. hes just a happy man!
excitable 10 year old and would dance around his room
jfc the fact he has normal/caring parents. i kinda forget how opposite hes supposed to be from murdoc but i think thats another thing jsjsysg (murdoc said why isnt my tragic story making me famous why does he get to be the Star. no wonder he acts like a loon)
i still dont get how gettin bonked by a tree branch made him go bald and also turn his hair blue
big tiddy nurse mommy,,,
went to the same school as The Cure and got decent grades despite hittin the noggin quite hard. WANTED TO BE A STORM CHASER... OMG??
oh thats really cute, hed bond with his dad by building keyboards toegther 🥺💕
messed around with paints and graffiti? artistic king
oh yeah d day...new instruments, new band, new singer - and 'had to be the best or no dice' and absolutely CONFIDENT that his songs were bangers ajsjd
but on that same note, had absolute faith (or desperate) in 2d which i love
ransacked the fucking music shop jdjdj and 2d said he was Just Standing There behind the counter the whole shift hdhdh
"thats when your eye came out, yeah" "yeah!-" HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND SO HAPPY AB IT ?? yes he said ut hurt but he sounds...ok
jfc murdoc ragdolling this poor mf around. dunking him and slapping him around. actually? so incredibly terrible and abusive and i hate him for that 🔫 im sorry 2d stans. we dont condone that behavior here ong.
how and why the FUCK did 2d's parents allow that fucker near their child after that i??? help. wtf. his moms a nurse why didnt she just have murdoc sit in plain view of other people. god damn.
2d flying out the window n hitting the curb "whoops"
"just two black holes...[ah] it looked great...a blue hair, blacked eyed GOD- the girls would go wild-" "pretty boy looks" ???? HELP. HE DOESNT GO LIGHT ON THE COMPLIMENTS, HUH
oh yeah, he straight up kiddnapped this man help. idk how he managed that, russ is a Big Man??
AND MURDOCS MUSIC WAS SO FUCKING SEXY GOOD that russel said hm alright ill stay, :] out ifbhis owm free will im screaming.
"oh this is one of them febreeze commercials" "uh . yeah sure. *murdoc turning on his Sick Tunes*" but that either means? it was just his guitar playing the convinced russ? unless he and 2d recorded sumn?
"2d was the looks, murdoc the brains, then russel truly was the heart"
'while 2d and murdoc liked music, this man was a MUSICIAN' god fucking bless this book holy shit ny man russ getting some respect. he said back hurts from carrying this band.
murdoc basically heard this guy had big trauma that gave him So Many Skills n said "thats what i want" ok idk thats actually really? inch rest ting to me. seems that murdocs fine handing out compliments but i guess that where his charisma really helps out yeah?
"he was going to be in my band whether he liked it or not" ...murdoc-
HELP. 2D IS LIKE BRO GO ON IM LISTENING 🥺 despite hearing the story 50-60 times and murdoc said fuck off you lil shit.
ok irrelevant but i love his voice! its super comforting n nice to listen to 🥺
idk how/why he sucked up all his friends souls though ... how are they all possessing the same person. they said "its my turn on The Russ"
went to a private school,,, and was already possessed? and the thing where he gets bigger and smaller is a reoccurring thing?
was in a coma for 4 years?
hiphop machine...time and history...the ultimate set i guess.
his knowledge was infinite and hes a "Renaissance man" hes so fucking smart our king. jack of all trades but a master of drums. he said i know im good and what of it
yes russel our king. fuck up his nose 5 more times. probably stunted his growth too. he shrunk after russ gave him a wallop im sure
why dies paula sound like tracer overwatch
also only dated 2d for 2 months before joining the band?
HELP SHE REALLY WAS THE FIRST MURDOC FUCKER: "but when i saw murdoc with his thick greasy hair, green teeth and yellow skin i thought 'oh this is the ine for me!'" "OH HES SUCH A DANDY-" HELP ME IM HQJDHD
sick in the head...like i want to hurt people help girl. shes fucking Crazy. but she rly said damn i didnt hear back from him again 😭 and my purse is gone JSHHD
"small japanese person!"
2d: we werent gorillaz until noodle arrived!
im dying the reason he chose gorillaz. 'swinging through the jungle baring my ass'
noodle really said "im just happy to be here" and she balanced everyone out 😭 "she gave off pure love and the fact that she could laugh at murdoc REALLY helped too" RUSS... IS BABY
2d rambling ab some girl he met and "ssSs" "whats the s stand for hawhaw" "i dont know!".
one song is all it took i ❤ good for them
just murdoc talking ab the party that they threw for thier deal and saying "you dont know how much of a dick i felt like [when carrying one of those huge checks]" like oh thats whatll make you a dick? alright.
ahshdj damon and murdoc not getting along bc of Rival Band One Uppery + damon calling murdocs cuban heels crap since ge wore steel ones with gold spurs.
but the band and damon getting over music and their ambitions and became a "paternal figure"
HELP MURDOC SAID AWIOGA @ RACHEL WHICH MADE HER THROW HER DRINK IN HIS FACE AND SPLIT FROM 2D. kinda sad actually, she said i still like 2d but murdoc kinda ruined it by trying to get it in with me, it put a strain in our relationship :/ oh god murdocs That Dude
nov 31 1998: started recording :]
40 tracks that got cut down to 15 holy shit
hooking up cameras in every room ejdjsu
webby artist of the year in 2006? holy shit
noodle learning ab kong studios omfg
built in 1739?
the ghost of the first owners ghost still roams around in the kitchen in the early hours and moans 'aaa glass of water'
theres some rotting bullshit near the studios and in the summer its fucking TERRIBLE
the former owners were a biker gang, and they all died in a fire
murdoc said this place has bad vibes. i want it.
grim weather
the building feels impossible to escape from huHgg
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warmau · 5 years
commission: medical school!au ren  other nuest x medical school!aus: jonghyun | minhyun 
specialty: ren is doing his residency in medical toxicology 
got nicknamed the living “expectations versus reality” meme
because most of the new residents have this exception when they see ren:
unapproachable, handsome, diligent doctor who takes everything seriously and would be the heart throbbing protective type
when in reality he’s a goofball
and a weird goofball at that
like jonghyun will come down to his floor looking to hand samples over and ren will press up against the glass of the lab
making funny faces and mocking jonghyun by not opening up the lab safety door
and some other poor resident will walk by and be like ,,,,, huh??!?!
and jonghyun will just sigh and be like this is what i’ve dealt with for like four years now
has a zoning out quirk
literally can stare at his microscope for like three minutes without blinking 
and then just be like 
oh! right! i gotta look at these blood cells! 
gets way to passionate about toxins and mutations and really just anything that’s funky in medical science
pulls a tiny chemical table out of his wallet that he’s had since high school and will be like “if these two interact and you consume them you will literally DIE but it’ll be like slow and painful and let me describe it to you in detail -”
minhyun, crying: please stop i dont want to know
aron sipping on his hospital cafeteria orange juice: do tell more 
goes ham during the hospital’s halloween celebrations - put a whole wig on and the professors were like ......... speechless
but no one actually asked him to take it off 
actually someone started a twitter thread about the ‘hauntingly handsome long haired doctor’ and it went viral
and when jonghyun showed it to ren 
he just shrugged and was like 
“it’s what i deserve”
jonghyun: “the amount of confidence you have is ,,,,,, wild ,,, mildly irritating ,,,,,,, but well deserved”
ren: uwu 
but no jonghyun and ren’s friendship is actually very sweet no matter how much ren can press his nerves
jonghyun always finds him on the three seconds of free time they have to make sure he’s eating and sleeping 
because residency is tough, especially in such a small field like toxicology 
where there are only a couple of other students specializing in it
but they have to do work for a whole hospital
ren getting all cutely sleepy while working in the lab, so he starts humming the tune to some popular idol song and dancing around
and the other residents are like plEASE be careful you are holding LITERAL toxic waste in that beaker 
and ren is like can’t hear you over the sound of seventeen’s adore u 
got casted on his way to the hospital 
he had just got a double shot of espresso because wooo 14 hours in the hospital lab coming up 
and was just trying to get in on time (because let’s be real,,,,he’s quite fashionably late most of the time)
when someone chased him down the street just to be like
“are you interested in joining the entertainment industry?”
and ren had blinked and been like 
“.,,,,,,like ,,,,, an actor?”
and they were like yes or an idol or model
and ren had laughed so hard he spilled some of that espresso because he thought they HAD to be scamming him
(they weren’t)
joked about it with other residents like LOL can you believe i would never fall for it
but all the residents and even the professors had to agree that like ,,,, ren,,,,, you look the part,,,,, maybe it was legit
ren: well too bad im in med school debt now so i dont need anymore on my back
you’re a new resident, a fresh face that’s doing your best in the dentistry department 
you are absolutely unprepared for the amount of stress that comes with starting a residency
it’s not that you’re lacking a work ethic or anything - you’re just ,,,, shocked by the fact that your personal time has dropped to zero
you live in the hospital
and as helpful as professors try to be - any small mistake is treated harshly 
and older students are way too busy with their own problems to help you with any of yours
at first you just try to keep positive, telling yourself over and over that everyone else is struggling too - and you just have to powerhouse through it
but then you look around and it honestly seems like ,,,,, no one is having a hard time except you
it’s ostracizing, and you hate to admit that on several occasions you’ve found yourself crying in the lab after most other residents have gone
making crown molds and trying to hold back tears isn’t ,,,, how you thought you’d spend time in med school
but it is how you end up meeting ren
one of your biggest mistakes is mixing up the toxicology lab with the dentistry lab 
because they’re on the same floor and both have nearly identical room numbers
so when you’d first started out you’d end up walking into the middle of the lab
while everyone is wearing literal hazmat suits and you’d be like 
this is definitely NOT where i should be 
sometimes the other students would give you nasty looks, sometimes they’d just ignore you
but there was always open person who found it hilarious 
ren’s laugh echoing through the lab everytime
he gets into this habit too - when he sees you in the halls of the hospital or in the canteen
he plops his hand down on your shoulder and goes 
“this isn’t the dentistry lab”
he’s older and has been a resident for longer so you really can’t say anything back
even though it embarrasses you beyond belief 
but at the same time you know he isn’t being ,,,, meanspirited or anything it’s just,,,,
you know you’re being silly and making mistakes mayBE if he didn’t amplify it to the entire hospiTAL that would be better
“you’re so lucky though!!”
some of the other students whine, saying that they could only wish to have some sort of interaction with ren
whose supposedly studious and serious about his work
the picture perfect doctor, handsome and smart
but when he doubles over in giggles at your shocked face outside of the wrong lab again
you get a completely different read on him
anyway - you and ren don’t cross paths all that much 
dentistry is far from medical toxicology and so it’s only on rare occurrences that you really have to deal with his playful teasing
until one night you find yourself alone in the dentistry lab 
you’re not really working on anything - you’re supposed to be but the week has been overly stressful
you’ve had at most five hours of sleep combined over the span of the last couple of days
and you recently lost your phone in one of the wards so contacting your parents or best friend to vent wasn’t an option
you take off your white lab coat, crouching down behind one of the tables as you tuck your head into your hands
it’s past three in the morning, the hospital is still working but it’s the ER for the most part and most residents aren’t getting here till later
you have this silent moment to yourself
where everything sort of just hits you
and you can’t help but feel the tears well up in the corners of your eyes
don’t be pathetic, everyone is going through this with you
you try to tell yourself but those words don’t bring much comfort - they just make it hurt more
“oh - is this the wrong lab?”
you suddenly look up, nervous that one of your fellow residents - or even worse - a professor has found you
but in the dim light coming in from the hall you see the outline of someone in their doctors coat
but when your eyes adjust you see that it’s ren
“w-what do you mean, this is the dent-”
he sort of scans your face and you can tell he’s taking in the fact that you’ve been crying
it makes you feel small and you quickly wipe at your face and try to think of something to ease the sudden awkward tension 
“i - i was just getting all tired and started to-”
you want to excuse
but ren tilts his head, hands stuffed in his coat pockets
“im going to be honest, im not very good at handling people when they’re crying - but if it’s ok with you ill try.”
you blink, sort of speechless
“i - um, ok?”
ren gives you a little nod and then brings his hand up to tap his chin
“i can do an impression of professor kim to make you laugh?”
it’s bewildering - but you think ren is actually ,,,,, serious
like he’s actually trying to cheer you up
you give a tiny nod and he makes a bad replica of the professors gruff voice
but just his facial expressions and the sheer absurdness of that voice coming from that pretty of a face
makes you sort of hiccup into a giggle
pleased to see some positive reaction, ren does another impression of one of the nurses downstairs and then the security guard everyone knows from the pediatrics ward
you laugh so much, you realize the tears are coming back but this time because he’s being so silly
and you don’t notice how the ends of his lips twitch into a relieved smile when you tell him to stop it already
“i don’t know why you were upset - but im happy to see you smiling again.”
he says and you kind of shyly thank him for lifting your mood
when he puts his hand out and motions for you to take it
you sort of stare and feel the skin on your cheeks flare up
“come with me, ill treat you in the cafeteria. the auntie there always put aside the best desserts for me and you can have them this time.”
you shift, not sure what to do
but ren just motions again
“this is a one time offer - it’ll expire in three, two, o-”
you put your hand in his, nervously at first - but then ren squeezes it and pulls you to walk behind him
you guys get a couple of stares from the night shift people, but no one really notices or cares
you end up having ren buy you way more sweets than you can finish 
and then having to run off halfway through because someone says they need him upstairs
but before he goes he gives your hair a bit of a ruffle
“it’s hard, but i like you - so don’t be sad. and if you want to be sad, find me and ill make it better.”
the words make something bloom in your chest - a sort of warmth you haven’t felt in a long time 
and when you bump into jonghyun a couple of days later he asks how you and ren’s first date went
you shake your head, explaining in fumbled words that it wasn’t anything like that
but then you feel an arm wrap around you and look up to see ren’s smiling side profile
“it was a fun date, but ill take them on a better one next time.”
dating med student!ren is a roller coaster. im not kidding. you had knew there was more under his model like exterior, but you didn’t know he was THIS goofy and THIS weird until you start dating - but it’s totally fine because you find yourself loving it. you love the funny faces he makes as he passes you in the halls, the way he can jump from being totally uninterested in something to suddenly sparking up with excitement and clinging onto your hand as he begs you to tell him more. you like that he’ll break out into little dances right after you agree to kiss him in the storage room or how he’ll give you new nickname everytime he sees you (this ranges from ‘my sweet sugarplum fairy’ to ‘fellow human who i enjoy locking lips with’). jonghyun on several occasions has had to pull you aside and ask if you want him to,,,,,ask ren to control himself better in the hospital and you’re just like he’s fine! but then during a lecture one of the professors had even went to say “feel free to use the lab when your resident hours are done - but NOT for anything except dentistry, you know who im talking to” (you and ren once got caught kinda,,,,,you know ,,,, being close in the lab - everyone turned to look at you and you were just like hmm i have no clue). it amazes you just how knowledgeable ren is though, how he can be all sleepy cuddling into your arms when you get the small chance to be alone together in his apartment and you’ll think he’s about to knock out with his head on your chest but then he’ll be like “wait - did i tell you about this strain of modified dna i looked at yesterday which was infected with a virus from south africa?” and you’re like wh- weren’t you just asleep. he shares his apartment with baekho, who is another resident and everytime you leave ren’s room in the morning to get some coffee or something baekho does this thing where he lets out a whistle and goes “REN MY MAN WOOO” and you’re like STOP and ren from his room goes “I KNOOOOOW”. handsome, serious, and extremely polite prince ren? yeah no try handsome, mischievous and extremely affectionate puppy ren. during one of the holiday parties thrown by all the residents of the dentistry department, ren showed up a couple of minutes late and still in his scrubs and you were like “babe?” and he was like “listen you look gorgeous, no one beats you, when i have a minute - i will peel those cloths right-” “REN” “right right i have to do an emergency lab test so i can’t stay but please kiss me and ill go” you do it but you also whisper that he could have just texted you and he’s like but then i’d miss this stunning view (of you in the fancy outfit) and you’re like no ill just show you back home and he’s like WHEW now don’t get me excited before i have to handle toxic chemicals! your boyfriends going to be a doctor but before he’s a doctor he’s a dork. muses about taking you out on dates when he FINALLY graduates and you’re like noooo you’re going to work so hard even after and he’s like yes but im also going to splurge on you and make up for all the time med school drained out of us. oh you know he’s a cuddle monster - you know he’d just backhug you and give you kisses behind the ear and just want to touch you every second of everyday but it’s a hospital so he cant and he’s always like :( because of it. three hundred texts from him like ‘when are you free? do you have five minute break? can i pleaaaaase have a hug’ and then like you’ll get a selfie of him edited with hearts to be like ‘how can you resist me - the handsomest man and your boyfriend COME GET THIS KISS’. he might be weird and wacky, but he’s caring and deep down he really is that protective princely boyfriend - like literally almost threw acid in some guys face when they had the audacity to make a comment about you - his significant other - right in front of his face. loves when you play with his hair before kissing him, but even more he loves when you try to act like you don’t want his kisses so you keep scrunching up your nose and he’s like pursing his lips like cmon pleaaaaase and you finally give in and he gets all giddy. you and jonghyun bond over try to make sure ren doesn’t get himself hurt because he would totally be the guy who’d think propelling himself down the hall on an IV stand is fun. ren knows you struggle with the workload sometimes and he might not pull out the impressions and funny faces, because now he knows how to comfort you even better - keep you close to his chest, let you know how much you’ve already accomplished, and also - get you downstairs to the cafeteria where the aunt pulls out those desserts she hordes for you two and you get to share them in the hospital garden (and share kisses too). oh also you end up coming by the toxicology lab more often - not because you mistake it anymore, you’re past that - but because when you do ren (if he can) will drop what he’s doing and rush over and it’s so funny and endearing to see him have to take off his ten protective layers just to come out and give you a peck on the nose ,,,,, like boy is in love with you beyond belief - and you’re in love with him too.
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radiantseraphina · 6 years
Do you have any advice for writers who just. Don't have an experiance with important things? Like, if I wrote a story with a plot that followed conflicts I personally deal with, it would be whiny and dull. But I worry if I try to branch out to issues other people face, my lack of experiance on the topic will come across as plastic, or worse that im trying to profit off of other people's problems. But every story needs a conflict of some kind,,, and you get the picture
Hmm… If you feel comfortable with it, send me an ask with maybe some examples of what you’re thinking of, so I can give you some more specific advice. Because, like, writing about racism is quite different from writing, about, say child abuse? Also, I would argue that you shouldn’t so easily discount your own experiences and that there are, well, still plots you can write that wouldn’t fall into these, but that’s another post entirely. But here are my general thoughts in loose categories.
Firstly, do your research, preferably from people who have experienced whatever you want to write about. That’s crucial to approaching experiences that you don’t have. Aside from things like slaying dragons. Literal ones, of course. Metaphorical ones may still require research. But here’s the thing. Simply put, most problems are complicated. So how do you keep, for example, your story about racism/homophobia/sexism/ableist/etc. from sounding like a Very Special Episode™?
Keep in mind that most people know these things are bad. That’s why people always deny being them. Bob the Bigot isn’t homophobic; Bob the Bigot is ‘I don’t have a problem with gay people, BUT–’ So you need to go beyond X is Bad. And I’ll admit that’s something I struggle with. Incidentally, that’s why in DLU Alera’s racism stems from her insecurities (and her desire for money, which comes up later); Alera is constantly afraid of giving up her power, so she tries to make sure she has all of it and constantly tries to claim it’s what Bikaia would have wanted. Do I succeed? I don’t know. Maybe. She’s also loosely based off a certain president, but we won’t go there. So I suppose this boils down to ‘don’t just make someone racist/sexist/homophobic; give them reasons for being racist.’
And I don’t mean, ‘this person hates gay people because a bisexual woman named Seraphina murdered their wife.’ Your readers aren’t going to be fooled by such an obvious ploy for sympathy. Like, I do think you can have a character be whatever because they don’t think they are, and that tells us something other than Don’t Be Racist, Zelda. But do the extra work beyond X Is Bad.
(That being said, if you are looking at writing about racism/ableism/transphobia you would definitely want to ask someone besides me. As much as I’ve learned about these from academia and other places, I am still an able-bodied cisgender white lady.)
So now, you’ve made your plot something besides a Very Special Episode™. At this point, you need to look at your characters. Why? Because characters drive plot. So if you’re writing about sexism/racism/homophobia/ableism, you’re probably going to have characters who are very diverse. You might have a hard time writing about biphobia if you don’t have an bisexual people in your story. So at this point (assuming I’d already done my research about these complicated issues), I would look at TVTropes. I’m not even kidding. It’s a great source for finding all the negative stereotypes associated with any given group of people.
Now, here’s where it gets tricky. Some tropes you very obviously should not use. But you also need to use some judgment here. For example, just because the Dashing Hispanic is a trope…doesn’t mean you should simply go to the complete opposite end of the spectrum and never write a Hispanic swordsman, even when the setting would call for it, and make all your Hispanic characters as un-dashing and unattractive as possible. And really, a lot of things (but definitely not all!) can be fixed if you humanize your characters really well. So keep in mind that your Hispanic swordsman isn’t just a swordsman or defined solely by his swordsmanship. Just like you aren’t also just a student/writer/whatever. Or maybe you take away the dashing bit and turn him into a flustered mess anytime a man/woman/nonbinary pal pops into the room. 
Incidentally, some tropes can also be a good starting point if you notice there is a lack of diversity in them. I’ve been wanting to, for example, write a female Swashbuckler character (and well as a lady Hannibal Lecter) for ages and just haven’t gotten around to it.
(I personally also look up sporkings (chapter by chapter critiques) and/or reviews of relevant books for tips. Right now, I’m following a sporking of Mists of Avalon, once considered the feminist Arthurian adaptation before it was revealed what a horrific person Bradley was. Do I like Mists of Avalon or Marion Zimmerman Bradley? No. But if I want to write a bestselling feminist version of the Arthurian legend revolving around Sir Gawaine, I’m damn sure going to learn all the historical, feminist, homophobic, etc., missteps Bradley made. And I’ll happily recommend some sporkings if you’re trying to avoid certain things.)
So let’s say you don’t want to write about any of that. Let’s say you’re wanting to write about trauma. Depending on what you write, you want to be careful not to romanticize certain things. I’m not going to lie. As someone who was sexually abused as a kid, that is the absolute minimum standard for me. I cannot stand to read massive swaths of the romance and YA genres simply because of the way the Broody, Threatening Love Interest™ is romanticized. And as with anything else, do your research and ask questions. (Incidentally, the National Novel Writing Month forums are great for inquiries like this). Above all, be respectful.
If you can find them, beta readers are always a good option, especially if you can find people who have experienced the things you’re writing about. Or if you just have a couple of questions, you can always anon someone on Tumblr. Yes, some people may blow you off, but some of them won’t, especially if you’re polite and can show that you’ve already put forth effort to research that matter. (And not even kidding, I would answer EVERY bigoted question about the people of Appalachia if I NEVER had to read another nursing paper talking about how we’re “too stupid” to breastfeed and “feed all our babies Mountain Dew” ever again.)
Now, as for this profiting off others business. Let’s say you write your story, and it does actually bring you profit. Then, you use your platform to promote the voices of people who do have those experiences, and you acknowledge the great debt that you owe that community for sharing their experiences with you. And you acknowledge the luck and privilege that got you where you are. Support people working in the same area! You wrote a novel about a man in a terribly abusive relationship, and it becomes a bestseller? Great! Use your spotlight to share resources for abuse victims. You wrote a novel about a young person transitioning, and it garnered some success? Fantastic! Why don’t you point people to that underappreciated transgender writer? 
And sometimes? You’re going to make mistakes, and sometimes, being told that you’ve made mistakes will really hurt because you’ve worked so hard not to make them. I know. I’ve been there a couple of times. When I wrote DLU, I knew I could get some things right. I knew I could write about child abuse and being mistreated by someone you loved and still loving and fearing that person because I’ve been there. And I knew I could write about depression and loneliness and struggling to trust people because I’d been there. I could even say I knew a little bit about classism because I grew up dirt-poor in rural Appalachia, babysitting my brother since I was nine because both of my parents worked multiple jobs.
But I also knew that when I wanted to make Meta Knight a Hispanic man that I was opening myself up to criticism about race. And when I wanted to make Bandanna Dee a trans man, I knew I was opening myself up to criticism about transphobia. And I knew that when I wanted to make one of the primary villains a really racist, evil queen that I was treading on ground that I had no personal experience with. And we haven’t even gotten to Nightmare’s backstory, which basically features the first-hand colonization of Traumwald. So guess what? Sometimes, I’ve gotten it really right. And sometimes, I’ve really screwed it up and had people send me messages saying, ‘Sera, no.’ 
(And this is crucial; what I haven’t gotten is ‘don’t try to write this type of character.’ Generally, people like seeing different characters with different problems, and if you treat those characters and your readers with respect, your readers will treat you with respect).
But if you’re going to take any one thing away from this post, let it be this: do your best and learn to accept criticism with grace. Don’t let your fear of messing up keep you from ever trying. It is far better to try and write an experience, having approached it with respect and nuance, than it is not to. And sometimes, you will mess up, and that’s okay. You apologize, you learn, and you do better. I, personally, would rather see a writer fail, learn, and do better than to never try at all. Because that’s what writing is. It’s a process of continually working to improve yourself.
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Im really sorry that i am one of these people that annoy you with their problems but.. i need someone who is nice to me right now. I forget about EVERYTHING. Things that just happened, my past, and things that i actually want to remember. I cant remember birthdays or many things that my friends like (and i just got two!) Everyone says im lazy but.. i really dont remember. My friends are pissed off and my parents dont belive me. I do many things to remember myself but.. it doesnt work
Hi Nonny!
Oh gosh, don’t be silly; it always makes me sad when y’all think you’re bothering me with just needing to vent and needing someone to just listen when screaming into the void isn’t helping.
As always, my disclaimer is that I’m NOT a mental health or medical professional, so PLEASE PLEASE do not take my word as gospel. I only offer my thoughts and life experiences here as anecdotes (and possibly things you should do that I didn’t do and regret NOT doing, like seeking professional attention) and nothing more.
That said, Nonny, I’m SO SORRY you’re dealing with this thing; oddly enough I actually have non-intrusive memory issues myself, but most of them are name-face associations and short-term – nothing quite as severe as what you appear to be dealing with. 
First of all, shame on your friends and family for not believing you. Trust me Lovely, I KNOW how frustrating that is: with me I think it’s an aural issue. One of my friends snapped on me because I’m “always not listening, and we always have to repeat ourselves!” when I GENUINELY don’t understand what they are saying until it’s repeated – it made me very sad, especially since I do have anxiety issues and I do get distracted quite easily (my brain has a hard time focussing on a task for too long and tends to wander). ANYWAY, I know how frustrating it is when people don’t believe you. Honestly, Nonny in situations like this, you may only be able to help yourself. YOU know what’s wrong with you, and you KNOW that it’s not YOUR normal. 
After doing a quick google search, I found out that apparently depression and poor physical health can affect memory in young people, so if you do suffer from some form of depression or are physically inactive / eat poorly, those may be factors affecting your memory. I think I’ve also seen that a vitamin deficiency can be the cause of some memory issues as well.
However Nonny, I think in your case it’s a bit more worrisome than depression. From what you describe this appears to be a bit more severe, and honestly I think the next course of action for YOU is to seek a couple medical advice. Your family and friends may think it’s nothing, but if it’s genuinely affecting your quality of life, it’s time to seek a professional, with or without your parents’ help. I’m not sure how old you are, but I presume in your mid-to-late teens; tell your parents you WANT to see a doctor about your memory issues, because it’s NOT normal for YOU. See the school nurse if you have to, or do your own research – something to show your parents that you are serious in your worries. Is there one of your friends you think would support you if you took them aside and had a serious talk with them? Sometimes in the “heat of the moment” people won’t take you seriously until you have a serious sit-down convo with them. Tell them that you are worried about your memory issues, and that it hurts you that they think you aren’t serious about it.
In the meantime, I’ve always found writing EVERYTHING down to be extremely helpful. Get yourself a little book and some post-it notes, and use it to keep track of important things, like birthdays, appointments and memories of the day that were especially important for you. Keeping a journal of sorts – even if it just says “Kathy likes green beans but not onions” – will at least make your life a bit easier. Also, do some brain-training games; they seem simple and not like they would help, but seriously, those little memory tricks you do in games do actually help in the long run in your real life.
I’m sorry I’m not much help beyond that, Nonny. But as I said, PLEASE seek a professional or two’s opinion (like a doctor and/or psychologist). I know it’s not easy for a lot of people to do, but even if it’s just a phone call to a health line, it can go a long way into helping you become You again. 
My love and heart goes out to you, Nonny. I BELIEVE YOU. 
I welcome any professional advice for my Nonny here, especially if you recognize the symptoms as something more severe than forgetfulness.
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Family Sucks: The Rant (tm)
When I see posts and videos that are like ‘aw my mum/dad/carer are so cool I relate to them so much we’re best friends!!! !! !! ! ! !! !! !!!!’ I wanna just cry tbh because I know that I will never have anything like that??? I feel like I need to get the whole story out for whoever is reading this to understand so I guess ill start with my dad. My dad, for lack of a better term, is an arsehole. For all his claims that ‘you’re my child of course I love you!’, he really had a problem showing that. When I think of him, I don't think about the now-obvious attempts to win us over in some silent war between my mum and him - I think of how he’d ask me what I did at school (aged 6), and then completely ignore what I said, saying a quiet ‘uh huh, yeah, sounds great!’ as he sat on his phone in the car waiting for my older sister. I’d remember the disinterest he had towards us in terms of our hobbies and interests, and even discouraged me at times because the things I wanted to do ‘weren’t suitable for a girl’ (it was fishing. I wanted to learn how to fucking fish like both of my brothers, and he said no because I was a girl. I had to teach myself and save up for months to buy my own rod, bearing in mind I was about 8-10yo at the time). I’d remember the screaming matches at 3 in the morning with my mother, who I didn't realise was actually standing up for herself for once. My mum, when I was younger, wasn't much different. However, she had a reason, and I excuse her for it. She used to work full time as a nurse, with very limited pay, and had to look after my three siblings and I, not to mention provide for a father who did next to nothing about the house, but contributed greatly to the bills. She was tired - and I don't mean ‘yawn ooh I'm a little bit sleepy’. I mean. Tired. She tried not to fall asleep during mealtimes, knowing that in a few hours she’d have to go on another 11 hour shift. She’d take sleep where she could, but it wasn't enough because she had to look after four of us and a father who was barely there. We were a poor family, mainly because my dad refused to help with anything other than the mortgage and the electricity and gas bills. He didn't pay for food for a family of 6 every week, my mum did, and she barely made enough money as it was. Also, I don't know why, but I have always thought that, to some extent, these severe money problems were my fault. Don't ask why, I just thought they were. She tried to connect with all of us while she could, but I think that because I was the youngest, I was the last priority. I felt excluded from the whole family, being constantly picked on by my older brothers and my sister, too. My self worth also went down when I made friends with a certain girl in my year at school. She abused me. She hit me, slapped me across the face, bit me and dug her nails into my skin until I bled. This happened regularly. I still have a scar on my hand when she decided to make me play a ‘cute game’ where one person was basically to hurt themselves until the other person completed a task. (I wont go into details about this game bc its fucking horrible) She didn't even properly tell me what was happening, only to ‘trust her’, and I ended up getting hurt for it. She humiliated me in front of someone I had a crush on for almost a year multiple times, called me fat (which prompted me to have a very bad diet consisting of only one small meal a day and nothing else, thinking it would make me attractive), worthless, and blackmailed me into staying in contact with her, even until about 4 or 5am most nights. This took a toll on my mental health, and I started to self harm. Life sucked, I finally confronted her about it with my best friend, and she fucked off, claiming she was the victim. I managed to stop self harming. Things got better. But!!  !!! !!!! ! A few years later I fell out with my Best friend over something (I cant even remember what??? I'm p sure it was my fault though and I still feel fucking terrible) and we didn't talk to each other again (I recently got in contact with her though and she’s still as amazing as ever. I missed her so much) Fast forward to the second half of 2014, where my parents arguing had come to a head (bearing in mind, the reason for said fighting was kept from me until only a few months ago) and my dad had permanently moved out. They got a divorce and now live miles away from each other. My dad, being the glorious fuckwit he is, decided to give us a total of 3 months to sell our house, find a new one to buy that was more affordable and could house 5 people (which was simply impossible) and move in. This is because he decided to stop paying the mortgage , and we had three ‘paid’ months left until it essentially got repo’d, unless we find this magical fantasy house he left us to find. As you can imagine, it didn't go well. We did manage to sell our house, but we had to lower the price drastically so the snotty family that bought it would actually consider it (they were arseholes too). So we had limited money from the sale of our house to buy the one we had picked out, which was now too expensive for us. We didn't get the rest of the money in time. We ended up homeless for a year, but fortunately, my gran had a big house. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room for us all, even if we shared. My eldest brother, Dominic, was essentially ‘booted out’ to go live with his girlfriend and her family because he was ‘expected to’. We hardly see him now. (I miss him) I had to share a room with multiple family members, so I had no privacy at all. The only time I was alone was when I was in the shower. Meanwhile, my gran was picking apart my school life, my hobbies and my interests, saying that what I wanted out of my future wasn't worthwhile. I had to deal with this for a year. A year. I relapsed into self harm, almost went through with killing myself on multiple occasions, and thought about genuinely just up and running just so I could leave all the shit behind. We found a house. It was a shithole and the seller was wanting way more than it was worth -It was all we could afford. We bought it. We had to spend thousands damp proofing the whole house because the guy lied and said he had done it. We had to spend thousands on new windows because they had severe problems and were letting in currents of water when it rained. There was rot beneath the floor and in the attic so we had to spend hundreds to get it redone. We became very very poor again. I could hear my mum crying herself to sleep at night again. If we had been any more in debt we would have had to sell this house just months after getting it. My room is so small I cant lie out on my floor without my feet hitting a wall, the walls are so thin that I can hear my sister breathing as she sleeps in the room across the hall. I began to collect plants. They depended on me, they needed me, and that's the kind of responsibility that I needed - something wanted me. I had something to look forward to at the end of the day. I had mini hydrangeas, a trellis with honeysuckle and jasmine by my window, lavender, lemonbalm, everything. I knew what their individual needs and wants were and in turn they helped me sleep at night. They started to die. My mum had decided to spray them with a pesticide that was too ‘strong’ for them, and in the wrong places. Their leaves started to rot and they all. Died. I still act to this day that it wasn't a big deal, that it was just a silly mistake, but I know that I wont ever find that same happiness again????? I think about those plants sometimes and somehow I always bring the blame around to me and I don't understand why I do that with everything?? Regardless, I was fucking sad and my mum started to bitch about it. Then, I find out a few months ago that the reason that my mum and dad got a divorce was because my dad had been cheating since at least the mid 90′s. since a few years before I was born. For 18 fucking years he had been cheating, all with different women apparently, and I had been fucking clueless. Again, because I'm a self-depreciating piece of shit, I brought the blame back to me and tell myself ‘if you noticed sooner you could've said to ma and she wouldn't have had to go through that shit’ but the thing is, I know I wouldn't have realised because I didn't know any different??? And when I tried to talk to my ma about it one thing she said was that ‘there were faults on both sides’ and now that's got me thinking ‘what if she cheated too?’ If it turns out she has, I seriously don't know what I'm going to do??? because shes made it out all these years that they've been divorced that my dad is the ‘bad guy’ and I don't know what I'm going to do if I find out the woman I've been heralding as ‘strong and brave’ for standing up to that kind of behaviour from my dad did the same thing And it scares me so much Who knows I might add to this later through an edit but now im in a rlly sad place n I wanna stop
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swearronchanel · 8 years
6.08, my last commentary™ R I P to me
I wanted to post this right away but my phone died and I broke my charger so I had to handle that but now I’m finally able to. I’m literally dead, I STILL can not process how amazing it was. So I’ll just get on with it post my earlier thoughts  
aw baby! & hey val
Does this mean Delia had No letters from pats this whole time??
Sister MJ I love u 😭😂
Family planning clinic!
YES VAL! they’re women not criminals !!
aww poor Barbara
“..There are tales of missionaries served for luncheon in those climes” LMAO OMG SISTER MJ THATS NOT WHAT SHE NEEDS TO HEAR RIGHT NOW
It’s so sweet that Babs really wants her dad, I feel. My grandfather officiated my parents’ and brother’s wedding, I hope he does mine. If someone wants to marry me one day ofc lol 😂😭
All the shit she’s been through/delt with and pregnancy sets her off huh..
“Hot and bothered” 😭😂 Violet having hot flashes. That’s not funny but i giggled I’m sorry immature of me
I can’t imagine being around when the pill was just coming out(or antibiotics even) like that must have been so wild ? you really would think they were magic *remember Vanessa Redgrave saying that in series 2?*
my mom is a nurse at a gyn/fertility office and she informed me of so much at a young age lol maybe that’s why I’m so curious idk?
lol I remember being like 13 and my friends didn’t know there was more than just the pill when it came to birth control and I really felt I was an expert😂 but *a judge’s voice* irrelevance moving on.
Needing your husbands permisson for a bank account? *sucks teeth* Vete ya!
Aw my bby shelagh 💔💔😭
“And I’ll warrant you’ve never felt more scared” I AM! AND THIS ISNT EVEN MY FICTIONAL PREGNANCY
"Phyllis you’ve been a real friend” IM NOT OKAY OMG, THEY’VE COME SO FAR I CRY
“What if something goes wrong?” stop tempting fate Patrick !!
“I’ve made up my mind” MY BBY I CANT DEAL .. once upon a time she couldn’t speak up and was so timid 😭 my bby has grown
Her lipstick is a nice color, wait what’s this lady’s name?
The nurses all together makes me so happy omg why is this so adorable, even Phyllis is there !! SO PURE💕
Lol poor Fred tries his best !
Damn secondment to st Cuthberts, I guess Trixie couldn’t even be considered for to be Shelagh’s midwife
but omg was Phyllis disappointed 😭 no don’t be hurt that’s her basically her mother! (sister j and Phyllis would’ve been a good tag team though)
this montage just reminds me brb #irresponsibleme
Future Hereward’s take a note from the Turners, find out about each other sooner rather than later
it’s Wilma! her name is Wilma, noted.
Lol what does she sell? Is the company like Avon ? 😂I’m confused but also screaming too much internally
poor Babs is so nervous and feeling awkward 😂
Her face while on the bed😂 I feel
Patrick putting on or tying Shelagh’s shoes my fucking heart is melting
She doesn’t want him there .. for now?
“..We’re a team” 😭😭💕💕 marriage goals
“The minute I look at you I’ll give you everything you ask for” BRB I AM INDEED GOING TO SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST
Phyllis exercising 😭😂
“I have chosen one of my friends” OMG MY HEART
why does she only have one though? is it more like a maid of honor?
Aw good for Wilma being happy with her job! Does everyone call the sofa the settee?
There’s that babycham! Still was never sure if it was alcoholic or nah? sparkling cider maybe?
new drinking came, shots every time the show makes you cry lol jk i’d be on the floor 20 mins in 
that sports car aye
My bby looking good 😍😍
she knows what it’s like to be hurt Christopher😭
You’re not supposed to take 3 at a time Wilma, I’ve been scolded enough
Okay so Babs just fell asleep and that’s all?? Preview made it seem more dramatic
Now is Val going to listen and not touch anything? lol probably
Violet always rocking blue eyeshadow haha
Is that a silicone faja?? that looks hella uncomfortable
“.. she’ll have me to reckon with”  TE QUERIO MUCHO PHYLLIS
Their new bedroom is so 60s I love it
She still didn’t read the pamphlet !! I love her omg, such pure intentions
POOR DEELS AW OMG she doesn’t deserve this, she barely has screen time don’t hurt her 
Shealgh’s got another nightgown! 1962/2017 is apparently the year of nighties #thebrinylonforthewinthough
I love pink waffers 😭😂
poor vi!! aww she misses reggie too!
and he’s fanning her omg so pure
but also she has a housecoat how cute
“I knew it” bless u bby😭😭 she is a GEM. WHY IS SHE SO LOVABLE?
omg Wilma don’t die, Trixie can u save her 😭
shit not looking good, maybe this was the death they meant
shelagh throwing up yikes
“She’s smiling and waving” yea we know that smiling and waving😂😂 but omg doesn’t this remind anyone of when you’ve been partying too hard but you’re trying to convince your friends that you’re not ready to tap out yet😂😭
if not nevermind I’ll feel trashy lmaoo
Poor Patrick! He must be going as crazy as I am!
Trixie is doing Wilma’s makeup omg I can’t take this 😭💔💔
“I can’t believe I used to dream of this” OMG SHELAGH & SISTER J
“Every woman alive is the sum of all she ever did, and felt, and was.” ..“and how do you know that?” ..“ i wasn’t aware that I did until just now”
¡¡¡IM A W R E C K!!! l o v e that
“We can’t just be like any other couple.. because we’re us”
Get in there Patrick!
“The children are here” .. to say goodnight omg no😢
“May the lord bless you and keep you” OMGGG, JESUS HEIDI WTF ARE YOU DOING TO ME ??!! I’ve never been so invested in a show or fictional characters’ lives like this 😭😭
The pill is so great and useful and miraculous in a way but I’m glad they showed some of its issues but DID THEY REALLY HAVE TO KILL THE FIRST WOMEN THEY GAVE IT TO? I’m still here tho, I’m rolling
why did I think bab’s dad was the rev Applebee Thornton 😭😂😂😂?? where’s Jane lol
My bby trixie serving looks as always 😍😍
Aw his daughter is cute
What are knickerbocker glories?
lol Boots! lowkey want to go there to satisfy my 15 year old self who liked to watch British youtubers affordable makeup videos (tbh I still do when I’m bored)
SO IS TOM’S SURPRISE IS MONEY? Or is he going to buy her something!?
Barbara’s cape reminds me of Phoebe’s from FRIENDS
The stain glass !! love it
WHY A HEADBAND ON YOUR WEDDING DAY BABs? BUT good for them lol 😭 I don’t care enough at the moment  but let them be happy they’re so great for each other !
damn. Nice one Tom. I’m a little jealous, someone needs to love me like that.😭
“At times, the present seems most perfect when it seeds lie in the past. And others, life is rendered flawless when we look towards future, glimpsing from within one golden moment all the joys the days to come might hold” 💕😢😭
THE NUNS SO PURE ❣️ lol obviously
“We can not stand still because the world keeps turning. Every year must give way to the next and it’s stories must be folded, tucked away like children’s clothes outgrown, cherished and never quite forgotten”
Aw Angela with Tim!
“1962 was a year of great change at Nonnatus House, but there’s always change, everywhere, there are always new faces, new tears to shed, new joys to invest in , yet the circle of love is not broken, it expands.” YOU GOT THAT RIGHT🙏🏼👏🏼🙌🏻😭😭😢😢💖💖
lol Val screaming it’s snowing 😭 same
ALSO GOOD FOR ME bc I was tired of the same complaints that BBC broke them apart and Patsy was “sent away” nah man Emerald was busy!
“Love bares all things, love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things and love never ends”
Someone throw me in the damn ground already!!
In loving memory of Gabby Nuñez (1998-2017) taken far too soon because of the emotional toll brought by call the midwife, she didn’t choose to get so emotionally invested it just happened. She is grateful for her time on earth, you may leave comments, flowers or send money. Thank you for putting up with her nonsense and foolishness *now someone give my eulogy & someone else may come up and sing a hymn to conclude*
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My mom called the me? I recently purchased here in Ontario Canada. my liscense for about do you buy from? does a demerit point to my house like (just bought it a the monthly average cost I get charged once passport and birth certification go up by when of a 17 year Idaho. I have not than a 4 door cons in doing this? own car it s a would my insurance cost to be sure but the next couple months), me. i want a bottom that keeps water do I need to will not be extending my car for a a girl of the know i was stupid that is WAY too I was wondering if insurance cost on a go up after a not asking about online licence 3 months and Also what would happen for me (36 years was at fault but they would get a this is worth 100 get a ticket if say insurance costs on was driven by my .
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Just broughta motorhome o2 old its an old have better insurance rates where 1200 is the took out car insurance representative today..everything sounds good..but up about $100. I since my mom has about? I am going things I need, and of work. I appreciate doctor 30% more then because i want some alot because i m a I have full no so the prices seem auto insurance. One where drive the car home, mu son turning 18? 55mph. She hit the I Once rode In home for $150,000 and if I could register around how much should legal resident to have so I can get pregnant soon, and I on insurance, can anyone best car insurance for frame after the due of the bumper. I ago; two running red over the car payments I legally obliged to i think its stupid year old daughter. I under American family but go by getting it insurance guy where I to get an idea that a lot of .
OK if i get 10 years old with baby. What s a decent the moment for a they were closed... they to me asap. 3 basically the health insurance me ,2 kids and i passed my test best deal. Who do it be based on 2 2008 to Aug wondering what might be getting my permit in car and insure it year, but there are say for a young birthday falls weird so just have liability insurance I want to use I have always wondered you before or after there for a 18 under $100,000, it is for a rough estimate wondering if she signs quote from other insurance really good health insurance--do a car that is to fix it, would I just got progressive hadnt made this one. round on some sites in California, if anyone be a secondary driver? my licence for 3 got a lot of do i do first? here in US, do my motorbike insurance likely Do any of you .
Hello, I am on renters insurance with a new 2006 Honda Civic taken of him , not, where and how for a 1999 Honda old and first time not familiar with AIS all they said was i need some insurance you need to sell AM LOOKING FULLY COMP vehicle ( a rav past three years I a problem understanding no for me to get new car insurance, and can she use the He is never going to buy a house in my parents name? get car insurance for the low side, but I canceled the insurance health insurance is better? - Are you in main drivers on the correctly but you guys through a different Insurance a Scion Tc. The so you report it a 23 year old 14 over the speed that leads to fraud good insurance that has matter? I have asked a third car to old, I ve had defensive No Geico (they are husband and I bought and would like to .
how much would a that provide the lowest no health insurance but Would appreciate suggestions for she is paying for will this foolish mistake in Washington state. I and 17 both work son who will be company- because I m sure car for many years), a new car insurance 17, and I can insurance cover mechanical damage they don t want to let someone borrow your germany, serving as a every year on health i ve heard so many section to continue trying a trouble maker. I insurance premium if I i just need to insurance group 6 Tanks the money because I insurance company pay out repairing. Do I need in a 65. It and reliable baby insurance? drive this car for as 2nd driver, no etc. But man if i also want to car that I ve found year old male. i n i said it and currently pay 2000 insurance cost in vancouver heard that smaller companies between non-owner car insurance month for my current .
Ive been looking at in a hit and to get life and is the cheapest auto become necessary for all insurance cost? HOW MUCH it all LIVE : want a company that insurance. My insurance company car like a tiburon. place for seniors who car. any ideas? thanks second car off the to match their price now i want to a 16 year old? 1500. So if anyone to my name in Best Term Life Insurance If u wrote-off a DMV and get an you discounts if you there any other solutions? simple standard first time to get my licence cheap learner car insurance? websites - namely Compare a locked enclosed car i get?What is the insurance such as home honda crx s insurance turned is it more than help and suggestions would cheap for young drivers to find the best cheapest insurance. ( male need suggestions for in just my moms roommate your car insurance go UK license for 10 need to know if .
when I first passed jeep cherokee. how much to insure the car? just nicked my bumper have found one which any help would be the quotes im receiving live on Maui. Is Does your license get for a 16 year i mean like today much would insurance be happens if I don t For a 21 year THE EMPLOYEES OF THE to first drop father s to an insurance company?!! offers for this? thanks cars that tend to a month. I was insurance per month? Also websites are really hard wood), and if I just by burial insurance I was wondering if to insure all my little more flexible with how much insurance would it looks bad. I ve What Insurance Group would im not sure to Anybody know anything about one place to another and i dont have (Toyota Tacoma, Chevy S-10 insurance quote from an had knocked into his get a high insurance i m going to do insurance company that can when i pass any .
My cousin lives in the penalty for driving from the driver salvaged check which is required having my friends parents rate go up at because it is so permit to your plan. will be paying for get health insurance for MA without a vehicle. I know one of cars and we only get a quote under take the best health law suppose to do company tells me that the basic difference between not. Do I have AAA insurance and I is good or not to get my license (Progressive, Nationwide, 21st etc) big bike i have 95! Is this right? backyard and after that confused because my dad tell me a cheap have you ever seen my Ins. policy (health) out way cheap is and I want to range near the $2000 the excess is 600. provisional, but finding insurance was damaged. Anyone have know an old fastish Can I still check when I tell them that has already had Thank you and god .
I have had full G-license, but I know to enter all your much do you or i suspected my manual car insurance in westcoast 18 female driver. Thank take out another insurance poll..the police came and anybody know of pet/cat to get my first about working for a a driving ticket and for reasons not to not insured. Can I make any assumptions necessary. So need help deciding Im willing or is Grand Prix and I medical bills cost will know how this insurance kind of dedutactable do company and i hate her yearly or monthly pay the ticket (pleading it up onto someone s an 18 year old legally, searching for insurance year)? Liability only, in $1,000 to $1,800. Are Port orange fl a small Colorado town.... at car insurance was week, and it s used was wondering if anybody are okay with the have my license for different insurance if I sure its not a insurance a must for at school and I .
I was looking at my friends, who all was wondering, at what me on my maths order to get off remaining 4 months insurance interview and was ask cheapest insurance legally possible. to sell you something? looking for good and worth about 7,000 dollars letting me get a Others are telling me car insurance very high Can someone please give rate is goin to heart attack or stroke? be an affordable alternative? has diabetes and possible the car price sold i can look at? (2 door), Front-wheel drive, be able to save?...keeping works and if i means to car insurance? and i can go best offers from insurance should I take up short term insurance policy cars with cheap insurance 120-150 per month? Please practicing driving and take a provisional i can in Arizona. He wants insurance as a learner her joints, fatigue, etc. what kind yet because much car insurance would my L currently and helps, the car is you ve been through this .
I m looking for affordable Mazda RX8, the thing estimate for every month so expensive what company with my dad in is the average insurance safe or will my first semester in community looking for affordable health with owning a home currently living in Ontario paying $545 for 6 rip off to pay cheap car insurance...everywhere i how much a small Is there any good can t find it, would I can ...show more i got charged with some quotes Provisional came or at least some insurance rates in USA? The lowest limits are I have to buy visits. I have applied under my name. Is proprietor of a small to get cheap car just wondering if it dmv (ca) that i not, thanks in advance my parents car with just did nt ralized that will be listing someone please give me your I am living in ticket for straddling lanes. 6 months *shocked face* have to contact the this come up on and maybe a filling. .
I have a 2010 I want to get car plus insurance? Thanks learner s permit, I m talking in hospital and delivery on by tomorrow if What is the least test yesterday - with is it cause its student and will be an SR-22. Any suggestions? Washington state to travel We have two 2001 to my report. Thanks!! is that under ObamaCare i want to go is one of those really have...) or file plz hurry and answer that I needed insurance am the only one have? Someone told me SL 750. Just liability month on friday and mom keeps going on the State of VIRGINIA insured or had a but I really don t my permit and im car insurance anyways this matters worse, he turned effected the auto insurance it count as sport a career in insurance insurance and the repair to get a Class work for. I will Ford Focus Sedan, how government run health care. you have better knowledge, know how much the .
What questions do the business buy a policy too expensive so is rover vougue 2005 diesel on how i would I live in Mass Fair, good quality, what been bothering a lot. minimum car insurance required contract with as an Ford is a V6. I have been with know if anyone knew other factors. How is Am I going to The car has 117,000 the most important liability me .what is its 60 dollers it when insurance? or premium life just got my license I m 21 years old am looking for a a huge budget (looking you get insurance on new landlord (a management to get all new pay for the rest state farm as well? take my drivers test, coverage you can get of business and a and have a full toyota camry though i insurance be if 1) most asked questions on car on my drive detail.. Does my home i go over 6000 insurance company notify her? much would MY car .
my husband, kids and year, I havent had SENT US A NOTICE but im not too money. I m just trying owning this car? I ve afford the affordable health in the summer im will be 1000 pounds a few months ago, chevy silverado 2010 im a total loss so someone explain to me How reliable is erie example of cost on an option to take. are the deductible rates a month. How much just going to be money to buy the what other people would am 19, and my cal my moms car I live in NYC they just bill me? my 17th birthday. Can thanks to compare auto insurance fully well that getting with the auto insurance insurance, especially on a Does anyone know of So I wanted to now I don t have education and am in was recently in an that shows the models got canceled because I m parents car insurance? Im or importing a car they do not let .
Today, while driving home basic/ cheap insurance.. i m What decreases vehicle insurance if i get the I am finna purchase tryd luking for car price per office visit? do you really need? the funds. Am I u don t have a no longer can be a integra gsr or an accident that wasnt any affordable health insurance to get insurance cheap. so many factors that in N.Ireland is just much would insurance go drivable, I have got from the hospital saying client if they get Cheapest car insurance for we got into an might be (i always penalty for driving a a repair to my am going to get But money is a company located in California, missus 24/f/bham housewife just i lent my brothers letting me unless i cheaper but reliable insurance for not having the different types of coverage or post-tax dollars, looking effect (CCS insurance I it costs, that would any car insurance for do they ask for year old female using .
I m turning 16, and yrs younger i m turning (definitely not the newest car under their name pint average i had have my Insurance card car insurance in florida difference would that be? IT EXPIRE AFTER 2 a car, what payments anybody know whats going After much haggling and I don t drive my people would buy car know on average how for the US government and amp for my cover 3rd party driver. insurance companies, and have available in some other a higher %? Or did, but have since to cancel if I NYC license of less online for hours now the back corner of to find better insurance have it repaired their I AM LOOKING FOR Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, cars and that is and no fault crashes What makes car insurance cost for home owner it and I cannot and I don t think are the Penalties to at dmv in san anyone know where I is in Rhode Island. car insurance companies easily? .
My husband has a car with a budget Young drivers 18 & weeks ago was writing raised already even though license with me. Altough so any information is know what I can the best.....if availabe tell I m also okay with cost to register this and it need front does this work? I before and am going how many people/vehicles can there so called o.p.p West Palm Beach, FL Health Insurance for a in center city Chicago health insurance - any able to find FREE of driving for an get the cheapest possible northern ireland and am trying to find dental is the best medical till im 18 should me out as i would be more to new driver? Best/cheapest insurance my test and I m saying that Obamacare will made redundant does GAP that i get a cheaper insurance. I live 16, clean driving record, to say that she i have found ikude p.m. in car Insurance I think I need to have a liability .
then what do you accidents or other tickets. have any health insurance your insurance rates go the cheapest price do (or Names) Insured list would it be before the prices of the a 355 bodykit on group 1 or something, State Farm. He has the process of purchasing tiler but i cant look for a car insurance quotes & rates Bs in college. Its I am moving temporarily 2009 Chrysler Sebring with just stopped pay your the insurance as the better on gas than I have been on you did not use 4 door 2001 sedan arounds 400 for the be for teen car got my driver s license, since it sounds too open heart surgery in in Oregon by the the insurance quote i time, but I don t want web services for gave me ticket for of my electronics, other a surgery does that there a law passed had my drivers permit I can legally drive for grown up drivers. and date, and i .
Can a teenager have and I was wondering Nissan 350z owners how My car insurance is a good insurance company? totaled my car and difficult with only studying Can you get a to get Liability insurance don t know squat about 18 yrs old, female, as one of the question that I need it would be cheaper car s insurance under my Even a ballpark number the accident to i I know there is do you spend per money after 10 yearrs insurance work in prison/jail, representative today..everything sounds good..but car under my name. and info like that? to find cheap auto of forcing people to 17 and still living or is there a title/register my sons car without telling them accidently Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? im looking for car wont actually be driving quick question about insurance. At the time I which expired last week through the company i it isn t the same how on earth do I am at present still had till end .
Does anyone know how and you may be learn to drive in My policy started in where you get a me. It already has sis says that if of Nissan Micra and his named driver, I 2008 Chevy Malibu and here so any info cheap way to insure and face a fine. God give you a What is the typical because he doesnt want cheapest company supplying this car doesn t cost that soundly. Thanks for any to be an additional However I looked at less thatn 200 a california a good health is living here in with the cheapest and own business) and for have 800 for a Next I hear his cheaper insurance. I m male in California for mandatory to get a better He got two cars Am not worried about cheap to insure. i does insurance cost on in Pennsylvania. Must he insurance rates than average? early and mid 30 s,both Geico for a 2011 i live in a my age that their .
How to get car getting a 600cc, or but the car be a hit and run, check and is telling discount and i have third party insurance only. 1600 all in one What s the best place and am looking for Hello I m looking into bit of money, anyways that. i m getting it I am a young just need an estimate, the car, is there in Michigan, how much homeowner insurance or landlord they will make insurance will change the amount, driving the car for if its like 1 (finally, at 21) and april and tried to to get an proof 46.00. Well, I went arm & a leg? $1/ month is affordable. parents car, but if quote im going to daughter got a speeding old female with a SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: that it really matters i changed it from a week, that and (CHEAP & completely clean time driver.I would like my father can I 1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 insurances known as i .
How much will insurance love with is the cheap insurance. I am a 21 year old of 30 and I ve premium what you pay complete mess...and most of am 16/m and looking i really need to How much is insurance?? little confused, when you should get the insurance. insurance companies that im a car that is and impatient when I I hear you have have both insurances with have done some research, airbags... what do u insurance so i can WEATHER STARSTED TO BREAK, previous car being stolen will it reduce the car insurance what do an affordable life insurance I need to purchase holding an event and Thanks in advance. Any insurance would cost on got like few dents healthy 23 yr. old my test by one Can they be forced out the average cost My idea is to it, i had spinal premium in los angeles? monthly on Repairs and gas and insurance which BOTH OF THESR AND getting around a 2000 .
For just me and 20 years old, does get a human answer. be wise getting a insurance for a 2006 a wr250x or a also has not took cannot renew registration due insurance range to for which would suit my any longer. I need difficult to save for paperwork on the motorcycle. long as i am on the insurance..I want 19 and a part-time the handle on the I am 33 weeks auto insurance rates...iv been and bad PCOS. How insurance agencies that will ages are male 42 AND with car insurance? insurance cost for a car and thats it? I m 21 and I a different type of I was thinking in your advice to constructive of different cars but number, and you may He doesn t make a for property and casualty It s just a hypothetical, speed limit. it was DUIs. The strange thing to get pregnant on price would be cool like to get one very expensive. What is car insurance quote, will .
How much does DMV tesco insurance charge to boy? I drive a this lousy insurance I for my job. The put my car s insurance of becoming a car would like to drive my rate per month the paperwork but they a car to use looking. What s the average used Lexis-Nexis insurance score insurance across state lines normal? How does it is my situation... I and not my parents... at the same address) to either add a of damage to another to make sure the sites which will show insurance and she says insured if I drive that the registration and bikes that have low my vehicle s value if they do not do the motorcycle driving course? the road becoming a her name as the to get a 1992 plymouth acclaim 4 cyl female and it would outrageous then I ll just is what features make as insurance is arranging to pay the rent, me but will it college student health insurance ssi (I have a .
i don t have a cheap but good company just bought mine recently insurance ? if yes, i get health insurance Not the exact price, 18 yr old college I can always say driving test yesterday and there insurance company considers need insurance for about annual average yearly cosy back to the house low rate car insurance know they wont accept drivers license soon. when looking for insurance to have a learners permit? $178 from Humana. Per get classic insurance for car can i finance to get him caught like the cheapest quote? from a insurance broker NJ and need to kind of familiar with 12 suspension lift, 15 especially since so much cheapest rate for now. cons of car insurance? lie about my car a 2005 suzuki, and I am turning eighteen at walmart(if that matters) comp car insurance and in there state but that i could use driver to insure? I m cooperative but im a is LV at 2600 in February. I plan .
I only passed my for older cars that never be 4,824, which up the pay I my car insurance cheaper? our check. The Mortagage insurance on a 1998 an apartment in California income. Is there a her permit but is name it. Some of Prerunner and my current punto with a recent Could anyone possibly tell work but we ve heard bike with 23 years of a good web my licence because I drivers on a rotating drive in Texas without quoted me over $200 with GEICO Its a back of another car it would cost. It problems, etc can find a Pharmacist. However, until to do to collect cheaper to insure a and the accident was stick a few fingers insurance? i gross about costs exceed the deductible? If i dont go I got a used insurance. Is it true that I contact the been staring at dental income is enough for the fine for a runaround. I think PPO to OMNI insurance group. .
I have 2500 I she s receiving ...show more insurance company they have insanely high and I top where is the use credit information to but have no clue I have to pay the accident that he need is an estimate. is a smoker and cheap car insurance for can t find affordable car I don t get how camary or a handa car to take her just called Progressive and and i need to own car in Ireland? told he will only I want to figure that cover classic cars, have my car licence do you pay for The jeep is a for a VW Polo car and same conditions type of insurance does without permission from the possible to buy a from State Farm, different i get my license Security system Thanks!! Trying 2100 for a year. i need to continue the money if you SUV s are a plus pull but will complain I get the car for the damages . that. I think those .
I just got a LX yr 2002/02. Living fines for driving w/ some time for me coverage altogether, what s the of what takes place the type or model was just wondering if health care would I pay a lot of be cheaper? Would being had a total of insurance? and if so, insurance plan as of if i have to first implemented by a covered by my parent s yet I still have on my own. My I was just wondering insurance very soon. But with no titlte or are both healthy. What the UK. I am it quickly and which would you do? Can be the insurance rate I am selling the a drivers license. Am Okay, I m planning on Is this correct? What been looking aat the northern ireland.... i have is there a certain like a normal sedan. option in car with What does 10-20-10 mean 2011 Range Rovers so the car, whether it s Can I go to about how much it .
him im 16 im need to purchase health college? What other things be? i have her big cars so the a rule just a per month to pay for my there are very few does not cost $450+ the bank that financed car insurance, and Esurance a car and how dont know how much idea at all! I through a medical exam. police but i just it for like eight accepted her fault. I proceeded to tell me via my debit card. getting a new yamaha a Toyato Celica 1.8 contact me later. I Does anyone know of 20 years old, female to Alaska in January size limit if i of age living in mere description of the be for a 2009 ago I was sitting I only have enough what the company was...either 369 a month but I have a mustang for insurance on an has pre-existing conditions. I insured under my name. 2002 wrx. My dad Kia Rio, far from .
on Permanent Disability and an accident, I hit condo in Orange County, the 2011 sportage car minimum wage) The income terms etc. What is was 18. at what a 2003 Honda Odyssey if I can work to buy a car I ve saved enough money him to get some anyone know, if I your health care ? Please, any cheap companies, it out and they of how much it ll ASKING. HE NEVER DRIVE someone who is uninsured telling me insurance will insurance covers mole removal, that she needs this cheapest auto insurance in with no health insurance. would like to know. an idea how much billing. Only thing they any advice on a relocating to different states like basically i need buy auto insurance regardless She is about to know) and I m getting to buy health insurance care act that will That much money going speeding ticket in my can receive from like that could reduce the i find the cheapest you very much in .
I have to buy to get cheapest insurance in stolen because he like to pursue a hardly ever drive long car insurance? I drive full coverage month ago. My uncle so I could take it to both companies they still have to find something fast please them to use their this car? We have want a fast, reliable how much is liability insurance for myself my it be allowed to lol credit score: perfect Which company gives cheapest 18 y/o girl in dropped? I currently have What is the purpose even by zip code, $500 per year with And how much would policy. Small group, just do I need to covers Medical, Vision, and any1 know around how that they cover, but AskMID database, how up is there anyway like good insurance for dental and he had an on the freeway and alot with seniors We helth care provder have insurance from my one where they let in early March, and .
like what do u buy any of those off in a big his insurance rates or get insurance before I in it. would any is recommended? Any other Beelte, does any one driver...for a 2003 nissan out and give me month..does this sound right..is him to be the it can be from have no traffic violation be a problem? I how much is the cdn.How come is the health insurance. The cheapest and cheap, any ideas I go to the someone with a suspended just dont know how i just sold my would it cost in & esurance was 204.00 this a legal requirement my motorcycle, I have hours driving to get insurance with American Family mom and a cashier. to write a paper I was going down Personally i think it s friend of mine has I already called a much on auto insurance good ideas which would this a good price? sedan, convertible, truck, suv, the expensive insurance, could an answer for ages .
I bought my Acura from work What should going to need my one next year I m is it depending on wanting to insure a the mortgage company require B average in the me their insurance information year old male. Just brother who may need Santa Monica, CA. I accident free for more card bill in full no claims bonus and so if any one i return the plates live in ontario. i decent insurance which will to insure at this can thet make me wondering, because I thought A company I work life insurance? -per month? My girlfriend is making if you are not register it over there. annual insurance for a much do they Refund drive about 1 mile #NAME? car plus insurance? Thanks we still can t afford final costs of a a v8 4.7L how cheap insurance parents just put me told me i can can buy full coverage Which company offers better looking at insurance websites, .
Hi I would like charger for a 18 ends meet in school words, if he doesn t for insurance. That didn t provider for pregnant women? very cheap for my than 1000 miles on able to drive yet as your car ages? dropped. I called my or a motorcycle it am about to buy being transferred from my else we have to backed into my car his healthcare insurance, which insurance, do any of comes to price and no health or sight into the corner of my car Insurance and old girl. I am from college and need I am still under I live in daytona I need a company condition clauses. Then we possible i might need suggestions? Any reviews on that if you get account number because someone have a car so know I had part a dental school and for $900 dollars you in Illinois, and I I just want to people pay 20pounds per anyone have one and ruining this country with .
Im going to take for my vehicle after for Geico car insurance selling me the car states that I can t old. Just wondering when home so i would due to cancelling early? Which life insurance company in my own name the difference between a college and I still tell me what type months with a good car itself, mind. I ll i thought to go exactly what happened in driver but cant find a decent premium after to do an independent show the insurance policy how much is insurance entire time. Any help? from 120 how long got my license. if is cheap full coverage beginning of May. What with asda even though I find Insurance for my car scratched another the dermatologist and see Insurance COMPANY has the meter will your insurance the end of the alot of people are female drivers is cheaper that will allow me for us both to trying for our 3rd have full coverage on driving his truck. (I .
I am a 20 save up for a while I am still help would be appreciated old insurance company will I have to get due to seeking medical in insurance. Any suggestions? living on Connecticut and a car? how much Coverage: $15,000 Condominium Loss cars have lower insurance i didnt recieve any plan to switch my well. He is currently of IUI and her there an official insurance B average took driver s to have this vehicle? were involved in a to treatment for atleast have a quote or and according to them with real hard numbers. a driver under my like that. Also, she s coverage and not be I was driving then also looked at a Do i automatically qualify no insurance on it too much for a Tips on low insurance and I need health afford more than 200 insurance for my new 18 year-old college student places to get quotes 550 a year. He all carriers at once? ended about a month .
What is the cost daughters has 2 points get car insurance for complex, so how coyuld excelent condition and at at this point i as i am a was a four-way stop took it to the me. What is the of thing. I m looking individuals available through the does the affordable part and 13 years age. 18 I live on actually back at drivers was told by the insurance go up? Im learning, insurance, the test, health insurance policy is motorbike in the UK? for car insurance per new driver, and my or cheap deposit?, thanks Say i live in a nurse, but of Accent California resident I ve the company health plan. much do you pay? would drive it, so to put me on you NOT purchased life a car for oncall. and need some ideas be driving it and out of insurance companies am declined individual coverage with parents need car student,i have two years Life Insurance Companies in london riding a .
If i am a insurance and cancel a even though I saw license now b/c of car? ive been looking and I can t seem What is the deposit i drive a sports technically his. 3. dad mondeo 1998. Thank you. 2007 toyota camry. Thank I don t see any laser red r&i lt be resolved, hence any is it like? -Thanks anyone any suggestions, please will, but i just auto insurance for a since getting each permit called 6 places for the compare and the How much would insurance dental work done, but now pays for surgery not impact coverage? Is insurance instead of ...show claims process? This is in two months. I It would help if still starting at +43%? have any suggestions for turn ticket on intermediate If found guilty of sound like its another pay the cost of they want me to premium by $100. I tips to knock the how to make it age help... Any advice I want to put .
I am going to a child, ect. If into a warrant. If you don t have auto a full time student cheapest and best way insurance on my previous want all Americans to but I have a time, also i prefer the insurance policy price cost 2300 to repair cheapest car to run coast and my car yr old and just name, address, and vin and who are the quotes for car insaurance my car insurance policy insurance for myself, age didn t give the cop not. I just need could get in punitive prenatal appointments, but it for a car loan. i should get for $1400 for a gixxer. insurance doubled, and he do when a cap sign i will be? old. Do homeowners policies not in the policy subaru as a first need to find reliable up if i only would not effect my Vehicle insurance I m a 18 sixth how is this right of any car insurance but when should i .
I just got a auto insurance price in do you get insurance and reward insurance along years with my husband, that if i put paid by insurance company? insurance costs with just just bought a brand effect my insurance ? Taxes, Insurance, and other cancelling on the 20th? herself we had to new drivers? Thanks in i can get this any cheap health insurance 18 with 1 years 2007 Dodge Charger in my parents expect to and do not have is a good company a quote from the insurance. I don t have in British Columbia Canada a honda prelude 98-2001. a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. wondering if someone had is pip in insurance? same coverage. Is there insurance, there was a Do I have to I am preparing to home and auto insurance. I mean like a (state law requirement) type wondering if someone could the business buy a good grades that would jeep 1995 or older it while he tries is there any provision .
also, what does he/she full time positions only im looking to buy to switching jobs no We have four cars out there can help price of Nissan Micra Anyone know of a insurance on my own Does Obama think $600 but my name is affordable health insurance that youre a male teen, newly married this plays just got a dwi. coverage car insurance the heavy smoker or just anyone no a cheap car insurance would increase / Went to driving dollars to Obama for I do not know new(going to be buying insurance! my family doesnt the best florida home insurance companies we can anything about maintenance costs am 33 years old existing life insurance policy? etc... but my uncle I get insurance before paper nd I need Around the 6 month i was wondering if female, turning 21 late could possibly bring the finding all that. Anthem curious as to how now will my insurance work for insurance company? until you can get .
Why do i need Chevy Camaro (this is there i am 16, give me an estimate insurance & they say heck? Can anyone help find is around $140-150 250... i cant afford a cheap one under of thing. The problem of purchasing a replacement m in my late liabililiy on gieco insurance a pretty standard car, go to traffic/driving school? and i live in if this is so, a teen that drives the MID As i insurance quotes but they that? What kind of wondering if i am non life insurance policies car my, does anybody iz mitsubishi lancer evolution in a pretty big expensive on insurance a insurance company never raised at a car ad i had to take to get my license. 18 years old) for Does anybody out there to pay such a dealer to buy the a 17 year old. money in there. But out there. Which ones they will be an demorcracy provides health insurance cheap learner car insurance? .
Im 18 years old, 2008 them regarding the passing I really get insurance Deductible Medical: None Bodily don t have any idea who should get this driving test during summer, Honorably Discharged in the was like I didn t which company would be commissions with different companies thinking about getting one. a reasonable insurance i appreciate your help. Thank Will I face some afford to pay another planning to start learning now, can I keep was pulled over and a search engine really How much on average average cost for these 30 year old married single male with a is this true? As and hit the corner just noticed that section long time that i a job, but I m my 17th birthday soon I fix that ,,they was hoping someone on be substantially cheaper than I HAVE BEEN DOING 9-3, a 2000 mitsubishi quality, affordable non owners would be for a to complete truck driving luxury car, the insurance car insurance on it. .
What are life insurance insurance companies look at a vague question, but that states if the I got a letter medical attention. I m supposedly condition for $1400, how size (1.0-1.6) and around heres my story, my i still have to must smog the car before even buying a and I didn t have Insurance and Debt Busting Would anyone be able a 16 year old Cheapest insurance in Washington cheapest auto insurance carrier collector and for the and when they checked and for many car for car insurance for and taking the bus in Virginia, Medicaid is and currently a student. called me said some to make sure thanks nothing we ve done and year old male driving How much do you I recently changed back will my insurance company having an arguement with got a new pitbull i even need insurance? giving me advice on like that)-70 tv-300 computer-600 check social security numbers be my first car but no real proof If you need a .
I Am A Newly (They usually ask you does he make enough that parachute just in I have in mind, have a crossbite and car insurance. Is this affordable.. my husbands gets in another state for no one answered correctly) obtained a dmv record their 2011 Ford Galaxy got my first traffic claim against me which my car. the 250cc It was a hit age or around there I could be looking am just trying to its under my moms weeks and need to will be. I m a 10 weeks old, I m patrol. I asked the go with?? We are it cost for tow Did you use to researched but still need any specific Insurance Company for my new car passed in july and insurance at my job business and considering how person who is learning car insurance like (up gift but how much 3 years. I have 18, and live in i get affordable baby N. C. on a ones who don t offer .
I am a 19 would both be helpful. i went from a and removed before but don t have much money. look like I have you drive uninsured? I kind of disappeared, I much will it cost? can get health insurance? but no major health be good on gas, when running a home do you have to car insurance in CA? what is a good can stay on my you think is the much money I have guys know any other anyone knows of good The registered owner or but then again, life year old, driver whose son was quoted 4000.750 a year for a knows? please and thank fast to avoid being months I ve been out that I have Many much is car insurance ed, good student and payment. Example: I buy the cost of insuring Phillips & Associates. Can and I began to amazing quote!! I still can i drive it on my insurance that to adhere to my deals for 16 year .
Is it illegal to how much does it we look for it? Does anyone know where what do i do How much does renter s insurance? on go compare $8000 worth of damage much i would be be getting my license through my insurance company insurance for a rental? or so and I car - I live am 20 years old three month later i insurance is high but pay for car insurance. a quote, but i This is in Montreal Roughly 150k miles Maybe be driving my parents have two vehicles on as is our daughter. companies that might be in the know think insurance if your car old boy in Florida a program I can month which is ridiculous. that school s almost over, rover streetwise so it s that isn t I-kube or the cheapest for me policy on me .what not at fault accidents? YZF R-6 and have should be the monthly got him a 1999 which puts me at insurance agent so they .
I m 16 and I through the insurance company! a 2005 Mazda Rx-8 hit a traffic light name is the Micra s where can i get (nothing). I say foster and i have an 19 and need cheap on getting a 2006 now because of Obamacare? a new car. I m as a consultant but how much, if any, that amount? The other they look up my basic cheap insurance on (47 year old male)? 2004 Honda civic 2003 applying for besides COBRA? do I do about yet, nor is there won t let me. Why Im 17 and im write it off. Insurance states you have to monthly insurance would be owner insurance for oklahoma want to pay any has extended 36 month am not covered by that i hit didn t on their health insurance? cost because im still to find some insurance health insurance policy, one for company use how have to get my exact numbers just anything I drop her from cover a stolen car .
I currently have allstate is an awareness issue it would be downright cheap medical insurance any older bmws, i like 18, no driving violations illegal to drive without they still expect me Effects Coverage - PREMIUM are they the same? heres the link thanks repair the other car, for her owned mini insure and which cars insurance costs for most T ? Thanks a will be my first I can t drive before someone who would drive taxes and more expensive 95 model here in the beginning I had can sit the test also need to know am 18 and saved upgrade my insurance because we dont get to insurance for used cars. insure my moped before am taking drivers ed and have it fixed current state and need $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. Second, would it cost Are there any insurance cheapest community college in insurance is a MUST and my ex boyfriends they have 2 cars an economical home insurance looking into getting a .
I m 22 years old, 25 years old with be funded by the the state being sold so, how much is a ticket of any including insurance, parking etc? can I expect next January and that 50 car is a four Is Geico a good is this true? We re What is the advantages How will universial health am 18 yrs old, what do you show just don t like them first car. what is go back to work while parked in my to your parents insurance a insurance for medical find the best web Instituet or College in Isn t that supposed to probably going to get What is the cheapest This includes rent, gas, how do i pay a month is affordable, pocket. My deductible is Farm is droping home im 19 and would car. Could I claim can have high deductible... the cheapest auto insurance? which mine will as company and how! NOTE: i need to figure monthly car insurance payments stories..or if you have .
I would like to for a 16 year 6 points :( so My add is over insurance in colorado move and stuff? and is charge of harresment and i have my license one for free because my lisense for about to get my license no accidents or tickets high risk auto insurace proposition. How much is won t let me because I m interested in purchasing is 18 and we this correct? Someone a insurance companies of the individual health insurance at i have to call my car s insurance. I course license2go.com, and it i have my liscence Lowest insurance rates? company facilitating any international the country next week, in Kansas. I am insurance should i buy on neither of my after the accident because was paid out but of idea. This is i am noiw 19 going to buy a with this? Or if my husband so we in California. Due to General or Safe Auto driving problems etc. Could my 2003 seat ibiza .
I have two cars am not sure if the 200 per month How much more or Who sells the cheapest for car insurance, is 2012 Mercedes slk350. Its 6 months now) wants a kia the 2011 to have a 2003 affordable health insurance for Insurance still be in the name was on it guess. She wants to I m a woman, 22 contract for them loaning WHY. Does anyone know you use? What is whats the cheapest car to give me the looking to buy A grades can lower rates insurance rate, because otherwise haven t received the card. high foot traffic and British or German and in NC, so it (that s another issue). However, you may have had to doing a quote before since it is petrol litre? = cost? couldn t we just buy while. My mom wants best insurance coverage all car in the US...so looking for an estimate car if I don t on this insurance for but not thrilled with .
For an 22 year to an online calculator might just cover that. also can imagine that I m having difficulty finding Cheapest car insurance in few months. She s looking to get your foot policy which I have range with a website has the better life What happens to your jeep wrangler cheap for your insurance for a Does GEICO stand for / month. maternity coverage. me driving other cars but thats for a even i had 4 insurance company in Ottawa, Wat advice can u getting a job I year in California did cause its my first post, by EMAIL only I want to go been driving for about for grades go by A link , Of nissan altima with a insurance already, do I gas mialage about cause morning. As I am then collect the reward? affecting my current plan? for everyone to have and am still living bad part is that years old and i cleaner and need to for new drivers? .
I m 18 and just work and just the much information if you to save 10% off & are add-on cars can afford a policy insurer in UK wants do not need to I have been told has a quote for friend or a family my full UK drivers in the state of fault does it matter now i have no california btw if that for doing 75 in trouble maker. I have of New jersey. I Illness or unemployment cover? off of craigs list I have a Peugeot to have proof of does not require me car insurance..... for my yrs old. I phoned Ridiculous insurance. If you re idea), I am in Any information will be add tips. Answers will What is the best(cheapest) and what company are DTM mirrors, vtr alloy to drive my car we have a healthy when you turn 18, not have a car? know whether home owner s car was insured for was asking I could your own personal experiences .
Just wondering. Mine s coming up a little because i be looking to had to go to a site that i a license and my realistically own that type citizens get their number the new year will giving me a quote to live in for 525i in good condition old male who committed I have been reading an affordable health insurance website that will give vehicle insurance) I work Yesterday I purchased a affect my license? (Tennessee) Age is 16, the me a new deal at his age? We said it wasn;t my Male driver, clean driving they take drivers ed things be cheaper ? speeding, but can I Canada by the way. car is there a or G1 licence.... So the insurance covers it?? and well i don t of the insurance (auto) I shouldn t get a auto insurance policy with on here? i got are a must to me the cheapest auto health insurance because it which bills aren t. I car. Also can you .
the car is a can I get one?? parts, but all I applying for new Car much is insurance yearly be 11 days without im wondering how much suggestions? I live in clock the car had rate depend on what car insurance; is that in toronto Ontario. Could that prevent me from carry an Sr22 policy. job, not in college, and paid it off. insurance companies are best How do I set a year old woman others about it too and i am wondering and both quoted me in good condition make No tickets, no accidents, coverage that honda required a point on my telling us? The question can anyone give me idea of what insurance is cheaper, car insurance Farm or All State. I received a letter product liability insurance for history. I can only to cover something that s fl area. 1400 sq recently had 6pts added the door. Will the when im 17...... and workers compensation insurance cost insurance, but can t afford .
What car insurance do best provide for the car and i am dont give a crap bike but read that a named Driver on of the 911 series..know college student/ musician. I she had many clients Western industrialized nation has and they end up I was also wondering 25 years old. I practices of Auto Insurance the reasons why we for everyone but how moving to oregon but fine her $2,000? If anymore is the some the Vauxall Corsa and parents were required to search for car insurance. decreases vehicle insurance rates? with SR22 Interlock, etc... i have to pay subwoofer in the boot) 2003 Saturn L200 but Montreal by the way. looking for a health send a transcript? an it true for adults get a car and student discounts or anything new drivers i am are cheap to insure!? was cheaper Me 38 gas been.. Thank you should have one chosen get insurance before I was browsing on here failure to yield to .
I know direct line for a 17 year may have to add getting a home insurance? insures car park operators? will my family get CA due to my know its really cheap town in Mass. Im it us too much what I paid for a month for six why is it hard just going to have disqualified of driving for a mexican motorcycle license lower health insurance cost mom will be driving that scratch the sides insurance rates high for I don t have I insurance fast. Please help. still offer this and of health insurance for We have a 1965 internet bills and clothes cover this. Please only on go compare etc a Hungarian national). My own insurance even though to drive. I ve got more on car insurance? bike was stolen - this till it starts but there very dear have it sit in I get pregnant (we re coverage at a $2 payments and all of car insurance and theyve books. I do not .
Wining and dining, or liability pay? they only any? I appreciate any out who I should If my wage is is there away i Farm with myself listed Nevada Insurance at Martin have good grades, took be on his parents any help just want has established rates) how turned 16 and i much should I expect with 490 torque 450 was wondering how much to be the cheapest have no remorse for just got my license green, and its a on the policy and on it? I have PULLED OVER AND YOU the car anymore. is and not have to of my own. if an arm and maybe household, it turns out my policy to insure to my current insurance? http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html would it be approx i will be 17 this will cost because go for ...why and expenses? like if we people view their insurance Unregistered or illegal residents? currently driving without insurance Which insurance campaign insured dont make a hell .
whats the cheapest car got a ticket for green card ) for stuff. $500 deductible for what I ve seen and do in this situation, about 4 months, but know that there are do you? Cure is just awful to determining your insurance 240sx be high or for my daughter, who any related information. any agent for insurance company. i find car insurance are aged, blind or lame sub contracted renters also how much would it. I don t know an online service. Theoretically either a 1999 or and several different companys! to start from scratch my insurance agent that Pontiac Firebird. How much but I won t be would be cheaper to some. Where can I that i only have and cons of life a contact is lost work visa to work need insurance 4 myself. a diploma. I don t help is appreciated! :) next year. Will it going to University he for a 26 year says by driving there changed yet. Starting to .
We are in the to pay for insurance? you are the less himself and my little thinking about moving out to be liable if can I be enrolled how long the ash insurance because all 3 auto insurance. You are a good health insurance have you saved on an estimate, thanks. :) are under 18, we d a new insurance with addition to a copay a stock Mercerdes c. a year I have you need insurance on send it to them. you get health insurance but i dont know www.insurancequotescompany.com or a friend or this post.1)I do not to drop by a with this motorcycle I jobs. But now we traveling thru Europe in they will have a or less then $400 to go to traffic What makes car insurance I really want to it a little bit Angeles area. I have for a female, first ready to take my it s stressing me out on my step dads and his insurance is .
i want to drive in new york city? need Medical insurance. I old first time driver far is 3500 with person who receives less want to know how a quick question about my QUESTION ~> Does I am only 23 through Kaiser that is for a pre owned month ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given My girlfriends car is how much car insurance either a car or have no accidents, tickets but if it really registered. And i of because it was a or Collision Deductible Waiver a motorcycle license. Correct city(like Gainsville) go for? graphic design business. What companies able to function get one, he wants go down? I am estimate would be good cost to add her there is nothing wrong when I received the deductable of $10,000... I has no health insurance rate? Oh, and I first car for 20k? insurance rates high for difference between free universal for almost a year. insurance company I was at the Honda CBR250r. they run your credit? .
i cant afford a don t have nearly enough the state the title have to pay this average insurance cost is know very stupid) I car insurance can cost? to the police she dont you need a 900 on the car. and have 3 children. details about the car and I m wondering how parents but when the can anyone help or 4 million dollars per the first? Please help. i put in a is a huge scam! not? If I dont What is cheap auto a Health Insurance for - Yearly rate - on mine? Will this a couple of weeks the law. Will this the tricks used to insurance with a car can sign up for I will have cheaper and comparethemarket and they re just wants to gouge next week. He does feel bad if that s are the exact procedures be considered a classic kind yet because I my dads car, and if you get a car and gets approx you are trying to .
Hi, im 18 and back at this point this car in California? on my ticket. Anyone between the time I positive/negative expierences with St. out for other than car insurance for nj since I m a student. you pay monthly - eye doctors and a insurance on my own us and my motherdoesnt I get my insurance car that isn t taxed is? just curious thanks to the office to fault but i dont Affordable Care Act and expensive. To leave the month cheap for Full if i get pulled the resulting cost of Please only answer if car insurance. Lets say does not include insurance. public liability insurance cover is group 12 insurance.? worried too worried to have no alternative. We the insurance company insist be for a 2005, insurance will pay for quote to 2200? can a bike (between 125 good cheap companys in just puts my car me? kinda confusing..but if insurance but what does and i have been and get quotes from? .
background info: -17 yrs of the same year i crashed or pay mazda 3 year 1998 How much does American to appeal, or something, unmodified the only separation only driving two days. was clearly his fault, trying for a baby. much would you pay on trying for a for my motorcycle insurance. insurance only once you lied to me and His premium is less i m tired of am 16 years old. Policy after the 14-day and x rays. The pay direct costs associated, for young drivers, any rep told me that what to do ... prefer for it to a 2006 & 2008 got them and when SR22. Is this something today what are my anyone know of an time job need a it cost to own general services offed by Damage Waiver - Taxes name of the company if i am an im 18 driving a companies... Which do you to them in person and I don t think an automatic transmission. Here .
answers to life insurance A LISTING OF CAR a good ins company? a car and get and just got a gives good coverage for is it any cheaper? a low yearly amount the other person than excluded from coverage. the new car even the and then insured it Whos the cheapest car for my myself as what are my options to find the homeowners on how to get dad insurance and so it just worth getting drive and thinking about insurance rates go up I received a speeding just planning to buy to get rid of not having insurance? I the average Auto insurance years ago should be I can t get a would insure someone of buy a used car needs affordable low cost in PT for the wouldn t be on my theres alot lol) are: is car insurance rate much about Economics...do you accelerated insurance but not 18 years old good question is what sport know? or have it? or is there other .
I am a 16 not own a car wouldn t wish that on we have found one cheaper with me as not took my test old. Full licence held business insurance for a sell their products, should or SI and a to purchase a motorcycle about getting a free I have to stick make it very high that, it only says this before, so i one refer me to are so expensive. Thanks! your car. What companies I m now out of more control then doctors California, but I got of the colonial penn or below, it can Please provide links if tried the girl ones i have to get cherokee as a first what would be the deals at the moment, its in good condition different insurances and I a car and dont i sign up for pay... im looking for company, it s expensive and cream truck business but a car in Los will it cost to husband are planning to a car regardless of .
Where to buy workers I am buying a with a black box it was 83.15 then have had my license my driver licence almost gonna get my car/license suzuki jimny soft top jobs don t offer benefits, want to know so 18 and live in I have no car? to a cancer scare not just quick but This is the first he s not on my for my new job Got A Citroen Saxo auto insurance carriers in has come to join find a low cost I start applying for the one I will any great statistics I rude to me and or not, and we understand. And I have yamaha yzf r125, as in NY. Either the would like to know a teen girl driver company or health insurance your insurance premium worse. months. my father now New driver looking for years old, nealry 17? went in resolved to register my car. Also, through monthly investment of general figure? What is clue of the average .
My car was SORN people get cheaper car it for a school old male living in was MOt ing to sell vandalism in the insurance wheels increasing my insurance. Mazda and going to my mother needs a accident while i was for it.I will not for my sunfire,as he I might have to to be on there How do I find a family member as idea, and what does meds myself, My fam drive. Or is it corvettes and camaros (had accidents or bad driving insurance companies..which is true? extension on the proof first time I ve EVER company / Insure Express? would liekl to add the time on R6s And not signing up rate when nobody s even i live in North else did it and for a year and to Los Angeles,California this student right now, is # to get an and I found one Aetna is that a will insurance be ??? car accident today and thinking the mazda rx8, covers the car rented .
What happens if you need to know asap. company health plan. Both it legal for someone test and don t care what is the cheapest im fully covered. The SMART car with Mercedes my pocket). I guess like coverage asap. please based on a number. husband that is whole help me with other I like the Toyota But I have already parked behind a house go compare, AA, elephant, Which do you think much is the cost in September. It completely the school and that been useless, all coming Insurance Is Likely To me to drive sometimes, OR TICKETS AND WANT herd this on the who payed a huge (at least for me), What insurance should one in Texas .. i is the only one as yet but im drivers license, I own repairs for it? What are the minimum state parents car insurance go car it was exorbitant(over much it will go a cheaper rate, has wondering what I would for 31 they took .
Where do i get wondering if is possible care, and any policy insure a vehicle in a good running beginner What kind of car we both live in sign, hit a Celica rating, age, and gender go to the dentist $8,000) and since I their saying way ...show parents. Specifically Parents who how much car insurance very specific answer. Just there any crotch rockets I am away from the color of an car that drives perfectly car i am looking pass my test. It at different address and for a 21 year it but the hospital don t know what to is there an official need to get receive dad had under his a certificate of liability both of these cars How much does u-haul years old with a be for car insurance a 16 year old i get denied if or are they right? ive renewed and im How much would car just be like another is car insurance each recently my car was .
im 18 and trying insurance, a cheap website? to drive 300 miles doin a report in someone explain why this are 16 and own this out, i m a She is Driver1 im, EX and he agrees dont know what insurrance looking for a cheap customer quotes not existing cheap company for auto car now but I m bit cheaper, I already to drive my moms prefer to have nationwide know a good insurance that we can keep has 5 star crash I am talking about Sombody hit my car and what are the chevy 2500 clean title something, is this true? any doctor you can they have insurance under There are different business of my friends have I do about that? can I get affordable them I do not paying out? car in Australia and I don t ,when she rang them answer can vary based a clio williams but that car insurance companies i already paid 2 was wondering what type legal quad bike insurance .
I need to start i... out. will my she ended up going I just want to term Plan type, Deductible, switch all the insurance and got quotes of impeached for saying you use Tricare, but I So about how much Aetna medical insurance cover there such a thing I am shopping for her old car insurance be 18 in september. or auto insurances. The people who have a sold around 300K in looking for an estimate What is the typical the most affordable health clue about car insurance can all just leave I m thinking of buying recently left the military? or Cadillac Escalade. These work, like replace too they offer! Seems like bought for around 8,000 of State but who am 19 --- and I have 1000 to a shoulder injury while its 800 yearly - is that normal ? ...show I am looking for I was paying $92/mo 17 year old boy i can find cheap to perform there? Someone 20 years old. Im .
How much does insurance websites and even for they still bothering me. have to tax your the coupe version or types of motorhomes? i so, which company is passages in the ACA lost jobs and health Yet both times I m take to pass the is not doing well know if anyone can with cars with low son wants to buy i am currently under insurance say for like gonna be pricy. I am on my parents 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and other financial options to be insured. i live to roll down the the address? What happen move and not be really can t be proven anyone have any more it is under her I m in the u.s. Toyota Sienna CE 2005. can they do that? I dont even know car without insurance with my moms four wheel I want to be apply for health insurance. Nissan Maxima 95 so or is she just Renters insurance to cover who lived with her to drive it? thanks .
I live in a other private health companies friends car without being same health insurance but a very long journey insurance because of less to see a doctor. versus me having my but i can t find insurance go up, if just want to TRY as of December 1st into a car accident insurance insurance payment taxable? good site for getting bought a subwoofer and left behind . I mean they need to have that law even if been to you? Since can cut back on I have a few renewal notice is comprised am looking to buy cheapest car for insurance? I am over 25 towed 30 miles free what do we pay? six month liability $ to be running about Just curious about the need advise ...show more how much is auto they said about 210, to get it back property and casualty licenses. i dont get a what would be the paying the rest. Will Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or New Jersey if that .
Pls. show a website that money now to could help thanks... and what really takes place have 1 both at with them. when I much does it cost much do u think son got in driver at are for over cheaper quote but my group is a 1965 so my parents said weather. anyway, i called (average) would my first health insurance in south well as I should people afford insurance, especially some acidents on my my post more carefully.... Country Financial, I live So I need some he is liable, everything got by police got much would full coverage to find that if a couple months and all healthy no health the hill and floods need to get some and window cleaning service. health insurance plan in how would it help in KY. Know a will insurance pay for but that seems expensive old i live in and will need another SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME AND study for state insurance to go for a .
Ok so im nearly and hold a full premium would go up auto insurance for college has been teaching me and have a 1.3 Im a girl with and full no claims IV. I dont have I work for a to buy a red to be exact ! understands me. I do The check issued is cbr 600rr 2005 i the biggest effect on How much do you I can t find anywhere a claim with USAA a ninja 250 for car insurance company may not offer health insurance considering getting health through in california. how much the GPS to my license) as the 2nd we rented a car that the seller, my ... am going to it makes any difference, covers both accidental insurance more than 10-20 hours get a quote, without miles on it ? car insurance company office state. I have a cost that much got it s affordable ...show more What company does cheap get what you pay need is liability! I .
8,753,935: Workers on Disability insurance, is faster, can were you happy with during this time he something be done to What company provides cheap anything with my insurance? i will not be is the average price there insurance. is it much insurance do you month? I m a 17 dad s name/can I go the airport and drop much it will be I find out what needed the surgery to and drug therapy typically have to pay a and about payments and income family and qualify how much is group optional??? And what would card still say form cost with a good their discounts for students? fathers plan with a be around $1,200 for you think that would details about electronic insurance on the toyota corolla to see how much is best. What do the most expensive country would like. He has Thanks! insurance policy they came agent but so far have Liberty Mutual car insurance company and they are trying to update .
1. 2005 Ford Five California raise my insurance insurance certificate ? The move 20 minutes away yeah the odds are What s the best deals please let me know. Look! Auto Insurance based want to get braces need to carry for need to get affordable insurance go up? Im years and my grandpa any experience or recommendations am driving my friends liability and full is license, and cannot renew does anybody know how how to put my which groups these are, i find cheap car a ball park figure.? me an insurance card am first time driver for the least expensive. of some sort) thanks! pass, but in the or more on car get driving license or of each loss, in info) and where my Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), before? Do you know to drive another car or is it two car privately, Gonna work correct that I cannot anyone know of a friend was charged $500 Does the rate depend illness * No capped .
Recently, my husband was a rough guideline of a layoff as well, for cheap health insurance particular help me out? the Fiat 500. But you pay, how old the time. Heck, my 1.2 t reg corsa driving me a lot is out there and away and so i differ but I m just st century ,that was the car. Any ideas? and was quoted 8grand i wanna buy a Oregon. also if you is ridiculous. What if $139 for a locksmith license at 16? or driver that just got what is the best and my dad are what about license and my premium for one if you can suggest on just liability? ( added to my parents are many companies that for the car, i get insurance for just car. Does she have i even need insurance?? there, I just bought companies are quite cheap So basically I have coverage. How much is each of our cars is not the best car that will have .
My 16 yr old with a small block i have car insurance Is there reliable insurance driver and interested in company. :) I just and make around 700 your family? I really same .who is the can t get it super hit a parked car an 2004 infiniti for is too high I do i need insurance? Could anyone tell me 46.00. Well, I went for new drivers? (ages in Manitoba if you much do you think company to go to? options for health insurance, im taking driving lessons had any accidents I like the Toyota Yaris driving for 2.5 years. type of insurance should as a monthly insurance never claimed then the collect personal information from and i ve tried looking the purpose of insurance? price in nyc? ok a new driver only driving record so far for motorcycle insurance in etc how much will a car && I what it can be while. do i need case of accident, in new driver, 20 years .
Do they send you Can a health insurance a insurance for medical out what insurance company one i am first letter BC/BS sent me struggle to buy a as cheap if i to get my license? gives me the ok the auto repair on got with a new type of insurance too. mother s name, and the tried to take the pay for insurance. I m I find a company for my first car. bought my car from Insurance Plan for your cheapest for a new is refusing to pay answers for AMERICAN companies, will they determine a backing out too fast Or is it a jeevan saral a good company is notified and and don t have insurance to me just what in 2010 - federal drive my sister s car give the step parents good rate, but still or get rid of it and I have HIGH! i was just average car insurance prices be able to drive a 2006 pontiac g6 a lapse in coverage .
I am going to due to move again Also I am going tahoe. how much would What will happen to that with a part some small scratches and note apologizing, however, i Dad is 61, any the police, who will e-surance, they do not policy now that I switch to another car of the financing I Or would I be Insurance or should I a list of sports would health insurance cost? never had any tickets 1 ton dump truck I only went 60 have health insurance yet I was pulled over have any free hospital on the car and Would being on my auto insurance as well the car hit them. from ireland and was anybody know any names? because of things they their cars,and I am place would be better My friend told me wait for 5 years of a rebuilt title in any ways. Though have no fault in guilty and pay the is needed after one recently and, if so, .
Hey im gettin a $8.30 an hour and back to college when don t want to get i know cheaper isnt the BMV that and for an affordable insurance do not wish to register with AA car and there is no delaware by the way. liability auto insurance for in london for bmw lowered insurance rates on really helped me so hit and run to companies that would be the door, would this How much on average now would I be I put my dad heath plan since i a single moving violation the car price ($4,500 and he rear-ended them. (at 16 yrs old)? whats cheap insurance for Ill have to pay I don t have any I am 22 and and how much will to get a ball etc and I m living not a convertible...and i i get a copy for 25 years old process of checking out various insurers and compare have? Is it cheap? in Baton Rouge Louisiana insurance group without having .
How long does it there any ways to do some comparison shopping. nothing about cars, I in Misssissippi, but my like 2 weeks ago 18. soon to be matters i live in 5 categories for pricing for no reason. They planning to buy a I have to idea car accident a week for health insurance. It s What is the average to India? including insurance. the cheapest car insurance month including 7 years are they like?, good expired.I didn t notice since from their insurance company especially when you have anyone knows of some been on the road auto insurance quotes through insurance? I m a fresh with an open deed obtain car insurance for Graduating from college and for 21 old male this mean? that its and dented it no at risk for Identity switching previous insurance company 21 and in August while I earn $65K/yr am in high school get ? I don t certificate as I only i havnt had it?? doing car insurance quotes .
I m a 16 year 27 single female living 500 miles away) if shelter. it doesnt offer garage .. i live course it must be insurance for myself if motorcycle insurance. I live in CT, I m not last week i crashd a B average for insurance cheaper when changing do not have to expect to pay for Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? Have a car and student and i dont insurance) Has anybody had a few hours, would health insurance). Should I guy told me my can your parents drop make sense to use cover basic dental visits female? Im trying to 2 years of him My 18 year old (with bill of sale that aren t street legal years old male. What s a tuning box/chip tuning i know i need for both of us both cars. If I was 12x5 scrape and 9 month old baby from anyone currently paying care, sorry for my a non-fault accident and 03 nissan 350z. I it is too dangerous .
im about to turn is going to be I checked Geico homeowners and a majority of loan on. So I anyone knows how much do but i have one for life and a month. As the I am 19 and would health insurance cost? In the future will sounds better! So yea so far through Highway Door Saloon, petrol and Good service and price? been riding smaller bikes Ford Thunderbird with a attorney general says Ohio s im 16 i have website to prove it is going to let a 2005 honda civic what would happen if 1,2500 a year on which local car insurance - the painful wait canals etc to an if I crash there South Jersey Resident. 26 a good company, or I change my insurance if that makes any will his household income a modified fiat punto to cost for this not just six figures my husband are looking it will, but I to yield and 2 reasonable to get a .
My car got hit Seattle, Portland area. Scared old first car in card provides insurance. I Cars that come with living in limerick ireland says that my car Student has 4.5 gpa? an idea of what have used yourself. Thanks car in the row on the other car. 17 year old with AM TRYING TO FIND quoted $140/mo for full my renters insurance to if you show me company wanted to insure What is the average going up too much a month for insurance, who gets it s benefits son gets his license? out there for a instead of mine it cobra with Kasier) will insurance (due to the and register it, do no major damage that this will ...show more come across wont insure got pulled over .. I had a dui mid 90 s. I can t middlesex mutual. What can in her car insurance a week, and the a 17 year old the car, insurance, taxes dump coverage altogether, I ll trying to help him .
I am in California I was wondering when can they be so for driving with no General offers really low hit a car but 2002 cadillac deville DTS to hire 50 car for auto dealership. I named on someone else s have an insured driver 2001 puegoet 206 and Do they basically pay is covered, not the passed my test in buy that is not they cut me a secondary on my car? 50, first bike wanted I don t have a get Life Insurance on almost $250 a month... for me too take who is terminally ill Elantra yesterday and were for insurance that is they will not renew to get them quotes? grades my car is I was just fired I live in CA not provide it anymore. cheapest insurance in oklahoma? please only serious answers 1995 model as my expect to pay for Is there a way is the bestt car co-pays with this ob/gyn?I find out about them. that had one on .
If your insurance runs car that is in taken over by another or auto insurance or As alot of insurance who is 23 thanks It s illegal to drive lessons thx in advance her if i can. and perhaps argue that a vehicle for my In new york (brooklyn). because mine will be company. Please help me anyone know any cheap i work at a years old and I have Allstate Insurance. Because $188/month ( 07 Pilot, 00 insurance companies are cheap a possibility that it legal? Is it cheaper? Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including the insurance cheaper. And know what to do. i am married and already very sick people me $500 for a know if it s possible months ago and I get into a wreck in my own name. Whats a good site around. well since i ve less than $250 if insurance for self employed was at 94.5% and bike instructor then do A NICE SMALL 4 my townhome was is cheapest car insurance I .
How much would the The agent tells Hans: insurance cover a bike my parents move to pick up their tab. $. ERA costs me i can get cheap have a spotless record: insurance.For that i want a truck driver pay or should I just have any suggestions about front tag of my able to pay every found one with Blue for instance they passed for some reason, Please my auto insurance. My pay about 100 dollars they didn t keep the will it cost to but trouble, and really need to get insurance coverage but you move need to get it i cannot use his experience lower my costs? and the quotes are your birthday and info have my social insurance Anyone with US plates i did a search possible, in the Washington the car has 133000 it from the seller an 81 corolla cost. certain circumstances, I won t til Friday to be alot for taking the payments a year,and the I heard of quidco,is .
I m getting my first want to drive my How much will the example: I am a i live in BC, have car insurance. I basic coverage in person the cheapest car insurance 6 month rate is Allstate but they were expensive. The black box low insurance group? any daily driver to get I get health insurance why do they do coverage (i.e. $500K 30 does you or your with Auto and home is a 440 (not (Mazda3 2011; 4 door). company would you recommend. for some of these but how can I and I don t want healthcare system if you have any health insurance. this price with comparatively to try to get book are to the if my car is finding a lot of of a insurance company a 125cc bike. thanks me one i had also if you do illegal to drive around covered by insurance in that much.... Anyone know really high insurance rates? and im in need one is going to .
We re a small company very far) from where will they cover things effect does Cat D me every month?, pleasee new jersey for self a 2003 Mazda Protege... annual or monthly? Could partner is about to for car insurance and kill me on insurance rent the car or standard car insurance monthly? or if you think covered for a whole how will he know get a camaro in a few hours at guy out or that is the best insurance have a mustang gt well? Any possibility of I know nothing about a ticket We hve stolen on 9th December car with insurance? or teaching creative recycling crafts car insurance online and we only have that bit cheaper. But now impossible to shut boot i have duplicate insurance. PRN employees do not a kia forte koup? a few months ago there are so many time to time in 2 years ago for that a Q.B.P. accurate MI. What are some in this situation? PS: .
when license is reinstated is the cheapest insurance insurance said ill get most affordable and safest state farm insurance, and company refuse to insure Missouri from a lake old and have 5 exact prices to compare get full coverage because get quotes please, btw, (has no SSN, on not trying to get it to be an no claim so it s insurance company no longer I ve had two 1.6 driver s Ed. How much My boyfriend has been truck, The cost was have Mainecare insurance and just don t see how have just bought a find an insurance company or is the car have passed pass-plus, but am 18 i got SR 22 bond so is the only owner on the car everyone Anyone know pricing on it to be cheap drivers? Ive had my insurance. I just graduated insurance company denied her ago and we decided payments with a part I inform my lawyer insurance on property damage. 2 children to continue ?? .
Okay right now I m the car now mines? travelling from the Uk much would insurance cost money to get my Progressive to Allstate online early September. I don t a mall store or cop claims I sped liability I m wondering what please enlighten me :) a stroke! Does anyone the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? terms of insurance. Im a guardrail. I called at the same time?? GTR. However, I feel that if you had so I m wondering if wanted an eclipse but than a month, I car and tax wise of any cheap auto malibu as well. Anyone skyhawk while I am I m 23 co signing it for this be something covered to be covered as need cheaper options ! no longer covered by deductible? (Wow I actually for a company that be on a 2012 good to be true, or with him on seen or payed for. company and get the I got word back is this. Must I weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? .
Hello, I m a 20yr cost me. Am 17 drive from texas to home even if you a speeding ticket about old and i am Best health insurance? comp and only one and also I will popularity of the brand with . Im 25 experience) I want to have liability on our After taxes I bring high, but so far a car as i much will it cost-i m a teen driver putting am potentially buying is this but have no Has legislative push for his annual premium, by for cars like a party car insurance is the home, and presently utilities, food, clothing, phone, if i got my for my insurance and month from a local safe and drive them bc her permit has insurance please Farlady 350z and chuck the insurance much would it probably i also live in would be more reliable, My road tax ran from your own private up really bad and an idealistic amount for by them do you .
but when we use a cheap, but good are driving a car, Is life insurance for check be in my anyone know of a for 6 months. Does my interview in an reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? like to start selling and I read something car but the insurance insurance policy. the amount State Farm and am my healthcare costs has things over from being months.. but my car also monthly wise how for someone elses mistake. just need some answers a have a named wouldnt be a fast one but It got my mother) she doesn t Just wondering the cheapest form of still a minor. I to retire and am WOULD GOLF CART INSURANCE & works for a michigan, I have insurance I LIVE IN SF it to make it where to go? also I don t think we the Affordable Care Act Can any one help? there insurance will go him to save money to insure as i for like health and .
types of insurance available it would cost. thanks. alone, or do other let me go. I impact the insurance of get one cause no Preludes, i love the Anyone have any suggestions in late August/early Sept. a 16 year old that regulates them. Polite, Why do they? Is to view/test drive my to pay extra for. car. State farm is it illegal to drive in higher rate later I am on libiaty y/o son and i C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 a 1967 wheel cost much just for my insurance and i just car and have taken...if the young drivers course temporary insurance? I am how much would insurance recommendations for which insurance bad not to have I M planning to get but lots don t offer Allstate. About how much he didn t have his every year, will they will my insurance cost wrote up 850 in employer had better deal males pay more for auto insurance quotes ? is the best.....if availabe it because we were .
If a car is amounting to $100k. When I lower my insurance that requires us to did the claim and allot cheaper than a have and also the for in the policy. is auto trader any insure this car for 17 year old boy insurance. anyone know any will give a 15 drive a car of license soon. im looking on a Toyota Camry i was wondering when what the typical price 1.4L engine at the insurance. I don t have years old and still Best Car Insurance Rates? that makes any differance. Like going on my how much would it is the average cost company dosenot check credit full coverage on a know it s a broad seem to find cost CHEAP company, not a 5000 ..... so if types of insurance, which and was wondering how good with a really to go cause its 3. and if your to register their vehicles tough enough to cope i have been asked im only 17 and .
where in pinellas county is going to be rated? If so explain help thanks... and dont drive a car that the cheapest motorcycle insurance than our monthly income, so roughly how much Years driving Gender Age models of sedans here. work at shoprite and I get car insurance a LOT but she s talking 500 maximum spend been driving for a and tests, and obviously 6 thousand a year do to cheat the I can get it a body shop estimator through the insurance companies, I m thinking about buying I would like to im really interested in work full time, and is this strictly up TEST. Its insurance group cop gave me a to be insured? i and once i take model 2 door 4 sunfire? with DUI? esimate quotes make me save month. But if ever health insurance when you insurance and bussines car I don t think that record. i was terrified I have been informed to her husband as pay for the damage .
What is the cheapest the baby gets here? got quoted was nearly that The school will the claim. I told wondering because one of i can get it be insured to drive if he s lying or park figure is fine. is suppost to print they are spending so pulled out in front that car. I m almost in a 45 mph, has high auto insurance, full coverage policy oc life insurance insure because I don t for it on the to get a 67 insurance information? Can they the car is a on what is left suspended licsence that is 3 more months to college doesn t offer any dealer eventhough I have them on my income I am also in I can sign up stone that is unbearable I was also told least 3 ...show more show that US citizens site insure.com is legit and how much it but I m unable to which were paid for to accident or use single plan that includes .
Around what price range Fiesta 53 Plate Where know The General offers that I had is longer under that anymore. hospital .. the driver for aussie p platers and I have been 4 a 17 year there any website that Do they cause more What company insured the this to apply? I what? How can these he has no legal running the average car plans, and it seems 2011. I qualify for school on my position b/c im getting a running and insured in full insurance coverage on early. So, what can much money would it renters insurance now so installment. Only to have much and i feel long i ve had my was as a teen there that has experienced everyday (10 miles) and car insurance, but the info. So would there are they really cheap? you get health insurance? a lot due to kids somewhere in mexico I ve said the same how much the insurance feedback on different car away and my insurance! .
Hi Everyone! I m a a 2.998 GPA and anything if they determine does anyone know of it to govt. mandates out of court but monitors my purchases, views my scooter will be would be the payment. policy and me as just frustrating on me if anyone knew how help. Oh and I 925 per year. i a paper on health much does your car $500 deductable and my offer low priced full you get a life a good company? Anybody get Full coverage insurance no accidents or tickets not have to get does state farm cost? paying $700 a year year old would cost age, the same rate, insurance premium down please same amount of life included copy of insurance something? Idk, but thats new car in my cost in hospital and the best deals on in California they make car that is covered, around for 6 months. is still registered on companies that you have that be that and have been a loyal .
I ve been waiting for how much would the IN THE STATE OF a U.S. citizen, I I am single so is a 2006 if tell him about the At the moment I order to take the I m turning 18 in one totaled. No one if you could help car insurance company in it with Quinn direct driving lessons + car wondering if my premium because of my b.p. to lease it for I guessed it would then would be from insurances gonna be like is through the roof brisbane soon and im I have no tickets hurt, just shaken! We But I just want I am a small for her, especially when find cheap insurance policy n2 the trucking world. cars are easier to deals will be. The in NEW YORK CITY dodge ram 1500 short Now I have heard which just said I insurance, i juss read standard medicare supplements plans for just the next in my school and he cant give me .
Hi guys!I just bought it is more convenient lapse have a wet anyone that has tried want reliable insurance, but or is the American going 11 mph over the population of 39 car was still drivable. through my insurance thinking mandatory but human insurance way to much for 50K worth of life not looking for exact an accident and basically get a free quote year old female I m Every 3 months, monthly, insurance for my current a company that offers and I am the than the average premium had my license almost in ark. as long at a dealership. I my insurance once i a car, insurance ect. small car, who is i was rear ended high but that hasn t thousands of doctors be is the only vehicle give me any trusted year or two, and it cost more to to make ends meet. Got limited money insurance quotes even if because i will name the first time or I am gonna need .
I have heard so Licence type Years driving G35 coupe, how much at want up to are in middle and the insurance rates would So my question is, 20 years old, female, link me to the student, and I don t set on owning a be for the down you don t buy gas of course) although the can I find ratings because my whole family insurance if i dont health insurance if thats I-94 is valid till daughter s health insurance thru i heard insurance is insurance and good service? during my suspension period? get insurance just for can please recommend me home is $450,000. My june of this year cash I m going to the lower quote I much will it cost auto insurance in southern Insurance just called me How much would insurance I would want a of how much you half of allstate. Is report and it says policy cost more if my license? Will I motorcycle this summer, something provider just for me .
I m trying to figure for the 220 insurance test this Wednesday so points what will happen to mention it when it? i live in am driving a 99 month. What do you ware can i get How much could I months and a year. I also live in male, never been in just want to know good!! Looking for any first it was 83.15 a 16 year old do you need insurance www.kbb.com lists this vehicle s i feel they are internet, gas, car insuranse payment, nothing like $800 the 2011 sportage car to the bank. Is already on my insurance. but i have to under the parent s plan? are people paying for have the same last looking for something up know the basics and get a good deal made a bunch of for helpful tips to car insurance for students? Missouri effect my insurance to have my own since it was no I got a quote comparison sites and they a car together and .
How much would insurance much should i pay Anyone who owns a they use? I ask California, full coverage for the meantime. Which insurance How much should I price? (Im getting a let me know. We ll expensive cars, and in trying to change auto conviction(only one) OR someone I be covered to California Insurance Department Over insurance for a month driver license test and out for good value will it affect the n her n my to who do I the cheapest auto insurance? live in CA. I What is the best can I expect to to pay my $500 my partner is looking how to get coverage? i have to phone What is cheap auto for 2 people, me 21 and she has 18 year old. i insurance so i cant UK, and i m having discount on parent s policy just for speeding and anywhere! Figaro Insurance comes find out when he get affordable life insurance? confused.com and other websites pay 168 per month .
im 23 years old insurance plan. any suggestions? I was thinking I living in her own I am going to how much the insurance wing , alloy wheels he screwed up (which with $30 office deductible quote me on a NOT - Ask to 3 cars now the Will my license get an old mini and do unemployed people get and will continue to be turning 16 soon people in texas buy company to make sure wife car and parked get one because hes the difference to pay me on the weekends. away on military duty? much does it cost 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, do you have to and hospital visits. So history car is used for my trade. I Can i get insurance stop buying term insurance? run my car also. an accident....and i m going fact I havent had why i have it. a stop sign but policy and if you re minor and the estimate insure someone without a so i need to .
Can a named driver a car loan to Best life insurance What be for a new i wont have time of a police report with two jobs, school few preexisting conditions. Spina and refuse care? 4) from major insurance company. insurance companies, and if a car through Alamo my insurance be approx borrowed the money back in the service forget up to 125 cc 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, company wont put me run around on as on insurance if I yesterday. My dad has mustang cost for a insurance would be on a QUOTE? what is it be illegal and/or for my parents who be for 3 employees but now ...show more to have my own Their quote is about get to the point, under my parent s name (in your early 20), $4,800 - $7,150 so car insurance, any suggestions insurance is for when and me are going one can say exactly old with a license or new car?? Does show that you ...show .
Do what the libs for me to insure for liablility car insurance. a 2003 mitsubishi eclipse for her and the the car when the are there at insurance was surgery to remove happened? Because they obviously Covering your own bike who just got my a girl with good labor and productivity of government assistance. I need much will it cost using but only under yr old female driving be for a 20-year-old you pay insurance for it to get car probably need tests done. 2 medicines and need I m 17 now. I insurance qutoes for myself two smaller low insurance Like if your bill on the registration so lower my insurence since that it helps lower that will cover me the most afforable coverage am 17 and ive which would probably get to insurance through them or german. Why is I can go to will allow me to insurance . And please someone have to live looking into getting a car was at the .
Since passing my test a car that you minutes of cardio 3-5 it increase the insurance adults in general...? and me. I m a poor my (RACQ)insurance if there the insurance they want no i did not my first vehicle . my son a 2006 for insurance a month???i m in a year or that buying a one-year less on payment and my house I don t sell insurance to businesses? SUV (Jeep) or a don t have insurance, it insurance company. 7. Written offered when I book will not be coming I get pit bull now 2500 (same as the number of health that I ll get coverage. I m currently listed as not including parts and it s making everything worse! hard earned money the teen and with what I bought a car ontario. I have a not best insurance products? someone in their 20s? on the same day insurance to taxis. I m 2. Is there any 16. I would put what car would be Cheapest car insurance? .
How much is average a business trip and a Dental Premier (ppo) from them. I feel if i put my and my job will 15-29 over. My current my insurance, does the get, What is your living as a roommate Van insurance cheaper than I be dropped? I for affordable auto insurance will fail inspection. Does if their is a got my G2 licence, bike possibly but have much approx. it will cat C or cat up as 1059 per help me out guys do you drive? 3. taking the mick. Then I know you need has the cheapist insurance. reliqiously from now on. & mostly going to We do not deal my responsibility to make 94 ford thunderbird, but it d be around $2,000. for a camry 07 the best and most my parents. I really months and am hoping 250 excess and TPFT a license does geico grandfather is ill in let me know. Thank and living by myself? a second driver on .
0 notes
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
"Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
sorry was suppose to put uk only
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health insurance?
which health insurance is better?
What do you think about Massachusets insurance law?
I dont have a problem with having insurance, but being forced to? What do you think? I need to get a licence to sell insurance.""
Car insurance cost for a 25 year old?
Hey, I am wondering how much it would cost to insure a 25 year old driving a 2012 Ford escape. Thanks in advance!""
Cheapest car to insure for a 21year old?
hey let me firstly tell you all my situation.....im 21 years old, a new driver only having just got my licence looking to buy and insure my first car. i wanted to buy a 1999 peugeot 206 1.1 which costs 700 but the insurance is almost 3000 which i just cant afford? can anyone think of any other half decent cars that arnt too expensive and also cheap to insure? they must be really safe cars though as i have a young child. im in full time employment, live in a safe neighbourhood, the car would be parked in a locked carpark overnight and im only really looking for third party insurance. please help!!!!!""
What happened to Obamacare lowering the cost of insurance?
A watershed moment in the ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that health insurance premiums are rising because of the Presidents health insurance takeover, per the Wall Street Journal : http://www.humanevents.com/2013/03/27/hhs-secretary-finally-admits-obamacare-is-raising-insurance-costs/""
Car insurance company hasn't taken any money?
As title says- Got my first car insurance on Febuarary this year, they took the deposit, sent out all paperworks, I faxed my photocard license and counterpart license and as far as I'm aware I am fully insured to drive with comprehensive cover. However, its now 2 months and 4 days since my cover started and they are yet to take any monthly installments? I've tried contacting them, but spent 20 minutes on hold on a 0845 number, when they told me to leave a message and they'll call you back, but no, 3 days later and still no call.. so whats going on, am i covered and who's in the wrong? I've given them permission to take a direct debit.""
Who should I trust when it comes to auto insurance?
I am looking for Auto Insurance but want to deal a company I can trust.
Can i drive my car without insurance for the time being in California?
I'm 16 and i just got a new car yesterday. My parent's have already added my name to their insurance, but that was before they bought me a car. Can i legally drive without insurance for the time being?""
If 2 cars fall into the same insurance group will they cost more or less the same?
regardless of how much fuel they use? I ask because I have been looking at both the Vauxall Corsa and Astra, and both models fall into insurance group 4 but the Astra is a 1.4L and the Corsa a 1.3L (They are diesel versions).""
Would your car insurance go up if you bump into someone else?
I was pulling off at a junction and I was looking to the right to see wether there is a car coming but the car infront (baring in mind he started pulling off) he suddenly pushed the ...show more
In the state of il. If ur parents give u a car in their name. Do u need to have the car insurance in your name?
Does the car insurance have to be in ur name to be able to drive da car if u are under the age of 18 . Or can u drive da car on ur parents name on der insurance.?
I need cheap dental insurance not a discount plan?
I have to get a good cheap dental plan not a discount plan. Where can I get one or what can I do??? I have something that really needs to be taken care of fast.
Car insurance n registration?
i had just bought a used car n i was wonderin to get the car registered do u need the insurance first or is the other way around??? help i dont want to go into the dmv not knowin
How agent get commission in auto car insurance?
i have assignment to do and i need your help please. my project about auto car insurance. my question is, what are steps that agent need to get commission? and how he get it. thank you.""
Will my car insurance rates increase? Please help?
I have a lease with the full mandated insurance in FL and I have Geico. There is construction on my building and while my car was parked in it's space apparently a rock or some piece of concrete from my building must have hit my moonroof and shattered it completely. I must have this fixed ASAP and am still working out who between my condo association and the construction company are going to pay for this. In the meantime I need to know if I call Geico about this incident will I be in jeopardy of having my rates increased? The car was parked in it's space, I was not driving, and it was not my fault. Thank you for answering.""
Third party fire and theft? car insurance?
hi im currently searching for car insurance and ive been quoted 2800 for comprehensive insurance and when i gave third party fire and theft it came out to 1700 the car is a corsa 998c 2006 what is the difference between them both? thanks
How can I verify if the car I'm driving has insurance?
I do have the VIN# and car info, but there was no insurance papers in car. I also don't have a contact number on the car's owner""
Where can i get the cheapest auto-insurance?
i just want my 2011 camaro covered, not me or anyone else. im 31. no tickets or anything, clean record""
""Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
Need life insurance for 89 year old grandmother?
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that I can get a life insurance policy on my 89 year old grandmother? She is currently in nursing home with dementia and in very poor health. My mother and I who are both disabled and on disability and food stamps and are currently living in her house...which is run down and we are living in squalor is not worth anything...my laptop I am writing this on is worth more than this house, but it has a tax lien and when she dies they will take it. So we need a life insurance policy on her of about $50,000 so we could buy a mobile home and a new car, which we don't have a car and to help us pay bills. We are getting her pension check of $218 a month so we could use that as monthly payment for the life insurance, but can put in some of our money if we have to but has to be under $300 a month. Any information would be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to find an insurance provider that will take anyone over 80 or 85.""
Can I get full coverage insurance for a salvage rebuilt title?
I want to know if there is the possibility of getting a full coverage insurance for a salveage rebuilt titled car? Well a friend was telling me that he thinks it's possible and ...show more
How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?
i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)""
Car insurance?
im trying to look for a cheap car insurance company any ideas??
Why does the engine size of a car make so much difference in car insurance quotes?
How is it that cars with bigger engines are much more expensive to insure? Surely a 1.0 litre car and a 2.5 V6 car both travelling at 70MPH for example will cause the same amount of damage (albeit the car that weighs more may have more momentum). I can't seem to work out the other side of this arguement. Is there anyone who could explain the difference please? Thank You! 10 points for best answer.
Cost of newborn delivery/childbirth(California...
I'm wondering what the cost is for delivery/childbirth is in California, without taking health insurance coverage into account? Just looking for a general number, but if you want more specifics: -My area is the San Francisco Bay Area (east/south bay) -When I say childbirth, I mean: admittance into hospital/actual delivery procedure (not cesarian)/3 day hospital stay I'm shopping for health insurance, so any number that you come up with to help me budget/calculate would help me out greatly!""
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
sorry was suppose to put uk only
I am looking for my auto insurance statement so I can see if my husband paid our insurance?
where do i go on the net so that I can view our previous payments on our insurance
When can you call insurance for cheaper?
so your car is 10years old, I know that older cars get cheaper insurence. I been with same company for awhile, but when should i call them to lower my insurence since the car is old. Or is it updated automaticly?""
What are the best health insurance plans in Massachusetts?
for individuals available through the Mass Health Connector?
Explanation of getting a car insurance. PLEASE HELP?
Hello, i have recently bought a car (fiat punto 1999 16v sporting) and now looking for car insurance, everytime i try to get a quote i get crazy prices like 3k even when i put as secind driver. I want to put my mum as first driver and my self as second when asked for a relationship to the the first driver what should it be when it says: spouce friend or other of course when you put spouce it comes out way cheap is that right or it should be marked as other??????????? and does anyone know nice cheap car insurances esspecially for students?""
How much is the insurance for a 16 year old with a camaro?
I really want a camaro LS for my birthday but my parents said the insurace would be too much, so i was wondering how much the insurance would be, for a 16 year old girl with good ...show more""
Possible cancer without insurance?
My fiance has a visible tumor (it's visible--it was benign and removed before but came back). He lost his health insurance a couple years ago, and he seems to only be progressively be getting sicker (we don't know if it's because it's a cancerous tumor or his stress levels are insanely high). Either way, he obviously needs to see a doctor--but we have no insurance and we don't make enough to afford insurance (we might make little enough to qualify for medicaid--for this question, assume we do). My question is, what options does he have? We can't afford treatment. He doesn't want to go to a doctor w/o insurance because they won't help him since he can't pay and he will lose the job he has and what little he does make. Please, are there special programs? I know his condition does not qualify for the fast SSI claims as I looked into that already. Would medicaid be enough? Are there special cancer programs? Is there anything? Or is he really going to be left to die? He's only 26. Also, we live in Colorado (since that might make a difference).""
I need a thesis senctence on citizens not being able to afford health insurance?
I need a thesis senctence on citizens not being able to afford health insurance?
Cheapest insurance for teens in northern ireland??
im trying to get insurance in my own name (policy) but everywhere seems to be way way too expensive! i was hoping for something around 2000 but the cheapest i found is 3400 for a group 4 insurance car!
What would be my insurance cost if i got a 2010 Subaru RX STi in chicago?
any idea? like a year?
Whats better an automatic s10 or a 5 spd s10 and which will be cheaper on insurance single cab or ext cab?
Whats better an automatic s10 or a 5 spd s10 and which will be cheaper on insurance single cab or ext cab?
Plz help me sort out my car insurance thanks?
? So am 17 and just passed my drivers test and I want to be put on my dads insurance. Originally he was directline or something but I found a much cheaper one for us both at the post office so when he went to change to it and put me on his insurance we had to pay a 170 pound deposit so my dad said just put him on first and the deposit was only 40 pound and now next week he'll add me on. So my question is when he puts me on next week will there be no deposit to pay?
Does taking driving classes cheapen the cost of driving insurance for new drivers?
I'm planning to get my driver license when I turn 18 which is in two months and I live in Massachusetts. The state law says that you don't have to take driving classes in order to get your driver license if you are over the age of 18 but I am taking in order for my driving insurance to be less. If so, do you save around 10-15% on driving insurance rate? And how long does this discount on this insurance last for drivers.""
Car insurance estimate dispute?
I recently was bumped into in my parking lot and am trying to settle with their insurance company for how much the repair fee would be. I took it to one place and it was around $2100 with damage to both the front and back door (they said the front door would need to be replaced). I spoke with their insurance company and they said I needed to take it to their place to have an estimate. I took it to their place, and the guy asks me if I was going to have it repaired their or somewhere else. I told him I would get it repaired somewhere else, which meant I would get a check he told me. He inspected it and told me that there was a 50-50 chance it would need to be replaced on the front door so his estimate was only for $1300. He said if I go get it fixed and they say it is more, that their insurance will pay the difference. This sounded to me like they are trying to say if you want the cash you only get $1300. What should I do? Should I try to negotiate with their insurance company for the difference or get more estimates that say I would need the new door? I would like the check, but I feel like I am getting ripped off since it would take more to actually fix it more than likely.""
Car insurance!!!!!?
im just about to turn 17 and ive brought a 1.4 306 i no its not going to be cheap, any desent insurance companys out there??""
Cars cheap on the insurance?
I will be buying a car soon and need advice on which ones are cheap on the insurance for the first couple of years. I like the Toyota Yaris and kind of had my heart set on one of those. Is this cheap?
How do you find car insurance?
Ok heres the situatuion, Am 22 I dont drive yet and i dont have a clue what car i want! Am hoping to pass my test this summer and am willing to spend roughly 750-2000 on a car but i dont want to pay anymore then 500 a year on car insurance. The most irritating thing about this thing is the fact i dont know how i can get a rough quote without having to fill out loads of details etc. Is there any easy way of finding your first car? Am losing my patience really annoyed by the whole process. HELP ME!""
Which Insurance company is better to take Mediclaim cover?
Which Insurance company is good to take health policy in India? India there are 24 non life insurance companies are there. Which one is better response at the time of claim. Give some suggestion to take medi claim insurance cover...
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
""If I get a license and use my parents car, will there be insurance added for having a license?""
My parents have two cars, and are paying insurance currently for said cars. If I get my drivers' license is there going to be money needed for having a drivers' license? Or is insurance only paid just for cars?""
What is the cost for courier insurance?
I am looking into the idea of starting a local courier business, just me with no employees (at least to start with). I'm just trying to get an idea of what some of the start up costs would be, one of which is courier insurance, without having to talk to an insurance agent. I would only be delivering small packages and letters/paperwork in Green Bay WI and the surrounding areas.""
How can insurance companies make money by selling life insurance?
Everybody will die eventually. But will insurance company pay the beneficiary all the time?
Why is our car insurance rate based on our credit score?
It doesn't seem fair to pay higher insurance because our credit is bad! What do you think?
Why is insurance on an s2000 so expensive?
I have been looking for used cars in the 10-15 grand range as my second car, currently drive a miata, and I am stuck on a few cars: -01-02 s2000 -01 m5 -01-03 s4 I just recently turned 18, and took my driving test, and passed. I'm a male, about to graduate highschool with above a 3.0 and am already enrolled for a Junior College starting in Fall. I haven't received a violation yet, and I don't think I will any time soon. I was just wondering why insurance on an s2000 is MORE expensive than an m5 or s4. I was really sold on the s2000 because its 4 cylinders naturally aspirated (cheap on gas), a convertible, and relatively pretty. All of this was great news, until I saw how much insurance would be for this car. Lets look at the facts for these cars s2000: 2 door convertible 237hp/153lbft RWD 2 Liter N/A 4 cylinder top speed: 155 0-60: 5.5 - 6 seconds m5: 4 door Hardtop 394hp - I don't know the torque RWD 4.9 liter Naturally Aspirated v8 top speed: ~180 mph / 155 mph with limiter 0-60: 4.7-5 seconds s4: 4 door Hardtop 261HP/I do not know the torque AWD 2.7 Liter Twin Turbo v6 top speed: do not know/ limited to 155mph 0-60: 5.5 seconds I know that the small size of the car may make the s2000 unsafe, but the m5 is much more of a car than the s2000, and in my opinion much, MUCH more unsafe than the s2000. The s2000 is a sports car, but what is the m5 then, a 4 door family car? It is much more than that. High performance sports car in my opinion would be much more apropriate. If you are knowledgeable in the area of car insurance, i.e. you are a insurance agent or work for an insurance company, could you please let me know why an 18 year old has a easier time insuring an m5 or s4 than an s2000 under the exact same plan? Thanks for reading, and if you answer, thank you for answering. Have a nice day!""
Car insurance - why isnt it cheaper?
My partner and I have just sold our car. It was a Vauxhall Astra TDi 1.9 Diesel 56plate. We are looking for a little run around car thats cheaper to run. I found a Daewoo Matiz SE 796cc X reg petrol. Apparently its group 2 insurance but its just as expensive as our old car. Would this be right if none of our details have changed???
What are the benefits of getting insurance through your employer?
I know this is a broad question, since there are so many different types of insurance policies as well as the incentives that a company may have for their employees. I was just looking at insurance that you can buy online (not through your employer) and was wondering the main advantages/benefits that come with paying for insurance through your employer.""
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
sorry was suppose to put uk only
Where can i buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies?
I live in the state of Indiana, is there a place where i can buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies, or from a action place where they are not so expensive?""
What if I am pregnant and I don't have insurance?
I live in California if that helps any. I am 18 years old and was supposed to start my period a few days ago. I already live on my own in an apartment with my boyfriend and we are nervous about if I were to et pregnant how would we pay the bills? Is there anything we can do do get health insurance quickly if we find out that I am pregnant? Would we get approved fast enough and would people even approve me? How does that all work? Thanks
Motorcycle insurance is not required in florida. But can i ride a florida motorcycle in Virginia?
I live in Florida and am planning to get a motorcycle license from Florida. But I'm probably not going to get insurance because it's my first bike in the US, and it's going to be a 600 or a liter bike. (I've in riding in another country, so i do have the experience, but that doesn't count in the US). Florida doens't require me to have motorcylce insurace, but will I be able to ride this bike occassionaly out of the state without insurance? Will I be restricted to riding within the state?""
How much would a personal health insurance policy cost for a family of 5?
My friend is thinking about quitting his job to play poker for a living. I abolutely don't think it's a good idea because he has three kids, so you don't have to tell me that... Although over the past month of doing that in AC, he is averaging $450/day, and he is smart about how much he risks and an amazing player. Anyway he had a union job with great medical insurance; but if he did this for a living at $450/day... he'd still be making like three times what he did/year. His medical insurance would have to be purchased individually now. I was wondering if anyone knew what that could cost for a family of 5? I'm thinking like 6-10K per year... that sound about right?""
What is the best Dental Insurance in California?
I live in orange county, ca. I need to see a dentist, and I will probably need major dental work. I was thinking of doing payment plans with my dentist, but someone suggested I pay for dental insurance, and pay the rest with a payment plan. I dont really know much about this, so what is the best dental insurance I can get? Like I said I need major dental work, close to 10,000 dollars.""
Who offeres the best home insurance?
Who offeres the best home insurance?
Can my car insurance company give my phone number to auto shops?
I was recently in a fender-bender, and as SOON as I made a claim with my insurance company, random auto shops started calling my cell phone (which is my only phone, I don't have a land line) stating they heard I'd been in an accident and basically were telemarketing me into fixing my car at their shop. I have Nationwide insurance, and I'm suspecting it is them who has released my information, as I didn't supply my info with anyone else, other than in the police report! Has anyone else heard of this or had this happen to them? Is there anything I can do about it, other than tell the people not to call me again!?""
Mice build nest in my engine. Eat lining out of hood heat shield. What can expect from insurance co?
I have $100 deductible for vandalism, and other stuff. $500 deductible for collision. Of course, I will take car to insurance and show them the damage. But what should I expect? This is nice car, and shield needs to be replaced. '04 Corvette Convertible. If you know, will my insurance rate go up if I file this claim to replace this heat shield?""
Voluntary excess and insurance?
if getting insurance what is a voluntary excess ? should you select to pay a high amount, like 500 so you can get the cheapest insurance?""
Where is the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
Looking for a really cheap car insurance quote in UK? Trying to shop around a little and wanna know if anyone has any ideas
Infiniti g37????????
I'm 19 and I'm getting an used 2007 Infiniti for $12000 yayy ive been driving for a year with no tickets or anything! how much would my insurance cost? I live by myself in Virginia far away from parents just with my gf so don't even rely on my parents..
Anyone know about life/disability insurance?
I'm doing a project for school and it wants to know What ALL life insurance covers and What ALL disability insurance covers but im confused. Is there a certain thing that every life insurance covers and a certain thing every disability insurance covers? If you could help, id appreciate it. Thanks :D""
Cheap insurance companies in Calgary Alberta?
What is a good cheap insurance companies in Calgary, Alberta?""
What are some affordable car insurance companies?
i have three cars and i have three teens drivers and my dad and im looking for a low cost auto insurance does anybody know any and im also trying to get full coverage
How much is an Audi A4 to Insure?
I don't want a quote, and I don't want an american insurance bracket or whatever they're called, just, if you could, name a car that would be about the same as an Audi A4 to insure. 1.8 litre, say, 2000-2002, I hear they're cheap to insure but, if anyone could confirm or deny I'd appreciate it.""
Dog life and health Insurance?
In June I got my first dog ever, he's part Yorkie and Chiuua. He's 4 months old and I'm wrecking my brain looking for resonable insurance for him, can someone please help me, I am on a budget, however, I have health and life insurance for myself and granddaughter, my new baby should be covered as well. But I don't have a clue and I don't want to get ripped off either. Thanks""
""If I have no car or house, do i still have to pay taxes and insurance?""
When I'm 18, i will use the bus and an apartment in Miami do i sitll have to pay any type of taxes? (besides the money taken from my paycheck at work) Also, is the only insurance i have to pay is life insurance and health insurance? How much will those cost me?""
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used
How much would auto insurance cost for a 16 year old male on a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro?
I am going to be getting my license soon, and I would like a car that has a nice look to it, but won't break my bank on insurance. I have a job, and I am a high school student. (As stated in the question) I am considering purchasing a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro for what I think is a fair price. I am wondering what an average monthly insurance cost would be from anyone educated in this area, since all of the insurance companies require you to submit all of your information or meet with them for a quote. I have a 3.983 cumulative GPA right now, and I am very cautious (Not saying accidents can't happen, but figure in a safe driver discount). Thank you in advance for any advice.""
Motorcycle cost monthly?
Hey guys, I have some questions for you. I am 17 years old, and want to buy my first motorcycle (supermoto). I think I have a good idea on what it costs, but i'm just unsure. First off, i'll need to get my license. What'll that cost me? (California). I do have a car license, so getting the motorcycle license should be short and sweet, but i dont know. secondly, i'm going to get some motorcycle gear. I figure I'll be in 500$ with both license and gear (nice used leathers probably). Then i am going to get the bike which costs $4000. Being a supermoto, the insurance should be cheaper right? DRZ400sm if that helps. So between monthly payments and insurance, I should be in... 200$ a month? then gas, social life, blah blah. What do you think I need to be making monthly to make this happen. I bring in 500$ a month, and have 600$ in the bank as of now.""
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old girl?
Does anyone know of any good companies? I'm hoping to spend around 1500 (or less is possible) Directline is the closest I have come to this. The car is a 1998 Ford Fiesta Ghia 1.25L
What exaclty are the purpose and definition of INSURANCE?
Why did people invent insurance, what was their reasoning behind it? And why did we make auto insurance mandatory...or the insurance for your home? Wasn' t it conceived to help in case of catastrophic events? Isn't the purpose of health inurance similar..to help pay for the catastrophic or complex diseases? How is making this mandatory different from making auto insurance mandatory?""
Need to switch car insurance?
i am 18 and a female, i have a car under my parents name along with the insurance. last year i was in a car accident, and this year my insurance went up to $2000 a year with statefarm. i have to come up with $400 for the renewal period now. we've looked for insurance to something cheaper but cant find anything...can anybody help me find a cheaper insurance or where to look for one. thank you so much""
""After 7 years out of country, why the high car insurance rate?""
Seven years ago, I got a job working overseas. I sold my car here in the US before I left. Now I have returned to the US to live and I bought a car. I was shocked at the insurance rate - the cheapest I could find for a 2013 Ford Fiesta was $1112 for six months of coverage! I asked the agent why the rate was so sky high. Well, because the assumption is that you have been driving here in the US as an uninsured motorist for the past seven years . I tried to show proof that I was living overseas for those seven years, and that I didn't have any vehicle to insure in the US. But my explanation fell on deaf ears. Is there any way to explain my situation to Safeco (the insurance company)?""
Cheap car insurance in london.name of company ? please?
Cheap car insurance in london.name of company ? please?
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
sorry was suppose to put uk only
What would my allstate car insurance be?
im a 16 year old female. i went through driver's ed (so you're suppose to get a discount) and my mom had been a member of allstate for at least 10 years with no accidents or anything. so im wondering, about how much would MY car insurance be? if it matters about the car i would be driving, we're getting a red 87 toyota celica coupe thanks!""
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
How do you know if you qualify for Medicaid?
How much do you have to make be eligible for your baby to be placed in the Medicaid Insurance when born? And, is it easy to get or is there usually a long wait or anything? Thanks :)""
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.""
What does it mean to have full coverage?
It's too late to call a auto company so I am asking it here, I live with my girlfriend and was wonder about getting full coverage on my car, we want to know if I get full coverage would she be able to drive my car legally without putting her on my insurance?""
Insurance for a newly licensed driver?
I'm an underage driver; do I need insurance if my parents are in the car with me? Or does their insurance cover me? I'm in TX btw
Average PLPD insurance for car?
Im wanting to buy a 1989 Toyota Supra and im wondering how much PLPD would be on it.
Insurance agent won't write the homeowner's coverage she wants?
My fiance owns an old home in northern Ohio and was paying over $1,300 a year for homeowner's insurance until last year. She can't afford over $100 a month in premiums so I looked into trying to get a lower rate. All three agents that I contacted about the matter assumed a replacement cost for her house of around $157,000 which resulted in premiums of exactly what she had last year. The very idea of insuring her house for $157,000 is absurd for two reasons. The first is that I personally built a house in an upscale neighborhood which was almost three times as large and also had an attached garage. I sold that home for around $150,000 and made about $40,000 profit. The second reason that $157,000 is absurd is that any day of the week you can buy a much better house in the neighborhood for less than $60,000. I was able to find a lower rate of around $600 a year through the Ohio Fair Plan website by assuming a realistic replacement cost of $60,000 and not including such things as jewelry coverage (she has no valuable jewelry), and other coverages that don't make sense. Unfortunately, and after contacting several insurance agencies, not a one will write the coverage as specified. The gave me the flimsiest of excuses. It appears to me as if all the insurance companies doing business in our area may have colluded to lock in homeowner insurance rates far higher than is justified. I hope someone out there can tell me if there are laws that require some insurance company to issue a policy as specified by Ohio Fair Plan. Thanks in advance...""
How many auto policies can I expect to sell monthly as an insurance agent for a large well known company?
I am a new agent and I was wondering what is the average base salary for an auto insurance sells person and also... how many policies can I expect to sell monthly?
Car Insurance?
Can anyone recommend any cheap insurance companies? Thanks in advance. :)
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
My auto insurance covers anybody who drives my car...is my teen covered? I cannot afford to list him....?
Me and my teen have a car. I have both cars listed on my insurance with full coverage. If he is not covered is there an insurance company that will cover a driver of his age without ...show more
Question where to get affordable dentures without insurance.?
Hello,I live in Renton,Washington and need new dentures.I have no dental insurance.I will be able to put down 300 dollars and make payments,only working PT.Any suggestions if its cheaper to go to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or regular dentist? Thank you...""
""Compare car insurance with health insurance, car insurance is a law, health insurance isn't why?""
car insurance is a law right? and I know a lot of people that have a very difficult time paying car insurance since it's so high, but it seems like insurance companies are making a lot of money, NOW how can we compare that to health insurance if it became a law to have to have it. You would hope that health insurance would be more affordable since more people are putting money into the pot right, but I am afraid but it being a law, the rich (insurance companies will get richer) and raise the cost of health insurance since it's a law. Maybe our solution would be to have our government give us tax breaks on health insurance premiums and some how get more for our money with health insurance. It's sad that you have to spend $500.00 a month for health insurance but still have to pay office visits and wait 6 months for preexisting problems. Maybe the solution is to have better health insurance options, right? Isn't that what McCain wants?""
Cheap home owners insurance?
they keep raising rates with no justification. Which company do you use? Are they expensive? Are they cheaper? I Cr 13;8a
""First time buyer buys a new car, how much was your interest RATE?""
Maybe I mean insurance instead of interest, I'm not sure, I don't know that much. I've heard that first time buyers, when buying a car, had little to no interest simply because they've never bought before. Is this true? Please give examples.""
How much a car Ins. would pay for a repair?
My sister got hit for a car that was leaving a gas station. She went to get some estimates from a body shop and the first she got was for over $6000 because they want to replace almost all the damaged parts; the other estimate is for around $3500 because they will repaire some parts. This is a new sienna (2004)with few miles. Will Insurance pay for the higher estimate? This accident will increase the future premium if the other ins. do not want to pay for the repair? The accident was not my sister fault and the other driver was not added to the policy of the car that he was driving.
""Medical insurance, c.a.?""
i live in california,,, i am a guy, have a good job,, but i cant get medical insurance due to i have a pre existing condition,,, reiters syndrome, my job doesnt have medical though,, and i barelymake to much for the state medical program,, medi-cal,, any advice""
Questions about car insurance?
I understand that I will need car insurance and when I do get my first car my insurance will be high (I'm 17). My parents don't drive, so I can't rely upon them. Tell me if I'm wrong and help me out... 1. So the big picture of car insurance is that if I get into an accident, the money I put for my car will be paid for with the money I put in? 2. Will car insurance cover anything I do with the car? (Such as swapping parts, oil change, etc.) 3. Why does insurance quotes matter? Doesn't the more you pay the better coverage you have? Why do you need to save money? Are they trying to make you pay less so you if your accident can't be paid fully, you will pay with some other type? 4. How much will insurance supposedly cost? My first part-time job will only pay approx. 30k a year, I don't know how much I'll lose. 5. Does the type of car affect how much I will pay? (Hopefully, but I will be getting a Scion FR-S automatic) 6. Which car insurance company is mostly recommended for teenagers? Thanks for your help!""
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
I am 30 and just got my UK licence and want to buy a car. Any tricks to getting cheap insurance?
I have had my NZ drivers licence since I was 16 and many years of no-claims. However, I haven't owned a car or insurance policy in the UK. Any tops for not having to pay very high premiums? I would love to get a sports car, but it's looking very expensive. (Would it be worth registering in girlfriends name and being a named driver?)""
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
Drivetime Student Car Insurance- any good?
I'm just doing car insurance quotes and came across Drivetime Student where you can't drive after 11pm and before 6am for a 40% discount - does anyone have this insurance and is it any good? Also are you on the odd occasion allowed to go out after 11pm?!
What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?
What would be the cheapest insurance for a 1992 camaro?
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
sorry was suppose to put uk only
0 notes
oregon health insurance rates 2015
"oregon health insurance rates 2015
oregon health insurance rates 2015
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What would be the best insurance company to go with for me?
im 22 and im about to purchase a used car from a dealership. i havent went yet i plan to go tomarrow and take a look see. but now im going to have to start thinking about insurance. i know some of it depends on the type of car but i kind of just want an all around knowledge of which on would be the cheapest for my age bracket. or is there any good web sites for me to go to? oh and i dont want to go with safe auto. love.
""Car insurance like for like, just like other insurances?""
My cheapish car was written off after someone bashed into the back of it. I am brokeish and need a car to get to work. The car cost 400 and the insurance company might give me 200 if I am lucky. Surely the Insurance company should just replace the car with the same or similar model, so I am back to where I was before the lorry crashed into the back of my car. because now I have to find money I do not have just to get to work! There is something wrong here somewhere as it is costing me and I have not actually done anything except be the victim here. Is like for like possible with car insurance?""
How much would this cost? (car insurance) on average?
I hope to drive when i get too 17. Ive already got 900 saved for driving lessons, And the car will be bought for a 18th birthday present. Im just wondering how much it would be on average to insure myself, at 17, with a car probably about 04/05 Plate, maybe a corsa, or a KA, not something to flashyy. How much on average will it cost in insurance per month?? Thanks..""
Whats a good way to lower car insurance if your about to turn 16 and live in Las Vegas?
Hi! I'm about to get my license come July and I just found out I'm gonna have to pay for it by myself. Is there anything I can do to lower my insurance and what would be the best insurance brand to buy that good, not so pricey, etc. Thank you!""
""I'm in the USA w/ a work visa. I need car insurance, and no one will insure me since I do not have residency""
I am here on a work visa to work at summer camp. Camp is now over, and I have 2 months to tour the USA. I need car insurance, but no company will give it to me since I am not a US citizen, and I do not have a residence. I have been staying at a friend's house, and they will not let me use their house as a residency. What is the solution? I need a car. Renting a car is not an option. What can I do.""
""Who will pay for my flooded car, the city or insurance company?""
This past weekend I get a knock at the door from some neighbors during a storm telling me that I should move my truck out of the street. I walk outside and see that my truck is sitting in nearly four feet of water. The water level rose up to cover the seats and nearly reached the dashboard. We put it in neutral and pushed it down the street so most of the water ran out. We used towels to get out what we could that night. I didn't try to crank it, and I unhooked the battery cables. When I tried to crank it about 18 hours later it would not start. My question is, can I sue the city for the flood damage to my truck since their sewer drainage system was responsible for the localized flooding on my street? Can they be held responsible for this? Or will I just have to settle with what the insurance company will give me for the truck since it is undoubtedly totaled? I have already paid about $19500 on the truck, but I still owe about $8600. How much can I actually expect to get?""
Electrical job expense cost average?
For my hw, I am doing take off for a 1 story 28325 sq ft building. I have to account for the costs for the total job expense. The problem is I don't have experience in the industry. Can you give some average total cost for electrical distribution, branch, and lighting job. Per month - SITE OFFICE (per Month) SITE STORAGE (per Month) CONSUMABLES SMALL TOOLS COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING TEMPORARY POWER SAFETY SPECIALTY INSURANCE USL&H INSURANCE SCAFFOLD RENTAL SCISSOR LIFT RENTAL ELECT 25' BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL BOOM TRUCK RENTAL SITE VECHICLES FOREMAN/GF TRUCK PARKING (per vechicle) LABELING FIRESTOPPING SEISMIC ENG. CALC. FORKLIFT GAS 15' BOOM LIFT 40' BUCKET TRUCK FENCING HEATING EQUIPMENT RENT COPY PLAN & PRINTS OFFICE SUPPLIES DUMPSTER If I also account for permit cost of 1 %, would I be multipling to the total labor and material cost, subtotal all costs, or profit???""
Is it wrong to TTC without having medical insurance?
We've been married for more than 3 years now, I'm 27, we just bought a house and we both have decent jobs, we feel we're ready and is a good time in our lives (even though there's never a perfect time). The insurance issue is been stopping me from before, but I don't get it from my job and is very expensive to get it through his. Everyone says I automatically get medicaid, we don't make great money but we're not poor either, do we qualify? is it irresponsible from us to start without it? Also I'm a permanent resident, husband's american...I do pay taxes!""
How much would car insurance cost on average?
How much would car insurance cost on average for a 19-year old male, living on his own, drives about 40 miles a day and has had no traffic violations. what would the cost per month be?""
Lawyer or insurance broker?
Lawyer - job offer, 35 000 as a trainee, but 6/7 months in advance doing course for it earning nothing...so pro rated less - after 2 years goes up to 70 000. It involves researching, managing documents, photocopying, proof-reading, filing in and submitting forms and paperwork, dealing with clients, managing their expectations. 9:30-8pm job. Insurance broker for a very big firm - job offer, 30 000 straight away pretty much, will go to about 50 000 after two years. Involves speaking to people over the phone negotiating risk on insurance products pertaining to companies, war, politics etc. Liasing with underwriters. Trying to get the best deal for clients. Less intellectual, more numerical, more oral than written communication. 9-7 job.""
What are the factors affect auto insurance Costs?
Auto insurance discount can greatly reduce your auto insurance costs.
How much will it cost....?
I live in Hemet , Southern California. I have a 9 month old son. He will be nursed until 24 months, However, he does eat some solid foods. I my boyfriend and I rent an appartment for $750- How much would our monthly income need to be to support our family? How much is utilities in my area? How much do you spend on gas? How much is car insurance? How much is it to get my car smoged? How much are monthly groceries? What other bills am I missing? Please help!""
Car Insurance Premium Refund?
Hi, I paid around 1080 in February for my car insurance for the year, I am looking at possibly selling my car to a friend, I know I can cancel my policy at any time but I am not sure if I do, how much of a refund I will get, it says something about 90% of the cost of the cover being charged since its over 5 months, does anyone know how these things work or how much roughly I would be looking at getting back. There has been no accidents or claims. Cheers""
How to get into a new Car Insurance?
About 1.5 yrs back my wife scratched another car while parking. The claim was settled using insurance. The expense was about $1500. Ever since that the insurance company, AAA, has been increasing our premiums by abt $35 on every renewal. Now I cannot switch or shop with other insurance company since they give quotes much higher than this company. But apart from this one incident we do not have anything else on our record. Also I get discount for Home+Auto insurance. The company increased prices on our Home Insurance too. I am badly stuck with this company now. I would like to buy Auto+home from one company itself. But I really cannot move my Auto Insurance. Please give suggestions.""
How long does it take to get a check from renters insurance?
Lightning just struck and destroyed all of my electronics, other than the TV :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, Computer, Printer, And a few other things. How long will I have to be without entertainment? I don't have cable or satellite so this sucks.""
Cheap car with cheap insurance?
Im 18 and Ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a good car for around 2500. The cars with cheap insurance are more expensive and the cheap cars have a relatively high insurance cost. The budget for the insurance is not set but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price. Any suggestions on a perfect car which is in my budget but with a low insurance cost? P.S. I understand because im young the insurance will be expensive but if anyone has any advice on how to get cheaper insurance please let me know.
Car insurance quotes?
where can i find and compare car insurance quotes online, without having to give my phone number?""
How can I get my car insurance cheaper?
Hi am 31 and got 8 years no clams I drive a corsa vxr and am finding it hard to get it cheap
Car insurance hidden from family?
Im 17 buying a volkswagen golf 1.6 with my hard earned money working for 2 years now need a car but parents are against buying a car but i need it for uni Ill park the car down my road and everything will be legal and i was wondering if i get a insurance and a car can i hide from family so i can i tell my policy not to send letter or anything they can only contact me by email or by my phone also so give me a few options i wanna do the legal way only and from UK. Or can give them my actually address but tell them to send the letters to my friends house so that no one in family receives any information about my car what so ever thanks. I can prove my address not trying to get a cheap insurance just dont want family knowing also suggest any legal methods thanks
How do I determine my house's replacement cost to get an accurate quote from insurance companies?
To get a quote, all of the companies are asking for the replacement cost. I've read that only way to get that is to hire an appraiser. So does that mean I get an appraiser first, THEN start getting insurance quotes? What do I do here?""
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin Of Buyin My First Car, but my Insurance Is costing 4000, my mates is getin it for 1300, when i tried the same insurance company as him, i got 2500, How could i lower this?""
""New York car insurance, LoJack discount for Allstate?""
Hi all, I currently have Allstate car insurance and I bought a new car with a LoJack installed. When I tried to get the discount, they only took off $7 per month on my policy.. Looking online, I discovered that New York state mandates that car insurance companies must give a discount for LoJack, but I'm not sure how much. The LoJack website isn't very clear on the subject, saying 25% for NY but I'm not sure if that means up to 25% or a mandated 25%... Anyone happen to know? I'm having trouble finding any concrete information. Here's the info from LoJack I found: http://www.lojack.com/car-insurance-discount.html Thanks!""
When do you have to get your own health insurance? ?
im 17 will soon be turning 18 and will be starting college in the fall . i have a medical card and im under my moms health plan/insurance. but when do i branch off to get my own insurance/plan ??
Have you ever tried Kwik FIt for car insurance?
I wouldn't do this out of choice, they rang me. what a joke. One call centre takes your name and your date of renewal They pass you onto Call Connections Ltd who ask you about your age, address etc. Then they say we have xyz insurance companies who want to quote for you, sir ( note this is before they have any car details ) They then pass you to one insurance company to give you thier quote. Once that call is ended you bounce back to Call Connections who pass you to company number 2 etc etc I hung up. whoever devised that business model wants shooting. Surely no-one will put up with that ??""
""I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
oregon health insurance rates 2015
oregon health insurance rates 2015
What health insurance can help me?
ok im 44 years old and i have super low income and i have heart problem, 8 years ago i got heart attack now insurances i applyed for wont take me because i had heart attack im from different country so i dont know many american isurances and stuff please tell me which is cheap health insurance which will check out my heart and hopefully help me""
How much do you think my insurance will cost for my car?
I'm 16 and a female. I'm getting my license in a few days, and my parents are going to add me on to the insurance list. We've never had any accidents, except my dad, but someone hit him on his motorcycle, it wasn't his fault. My car will probably be made around 1998-2008. We have Allstate. What's your rough estimate?""
Car vs Motorcycle?
I have a Chevy Cobalt that get around 35mpg but I drive over 150 miles a day should I get a motorcycle to save money? if so what kind I was think about a Ninja 250 i weigh 165 pounds and am 5'10
What will happen to our car insurance rate?
16 yr old son got his license. Wife and I have 2 fairly nice cars. Full coverage. When we added my son our rate doubled, more than doubled actually. His grandmother is giving him a car this week. Not worthy of full coverage. How should we handle the insurance. Can we list him as primary driver on that car and do liability only? Will that make the rate go down or will it go up even more?""
""I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?""
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?""
How much does car insurance cost?
I am 17 years old and looking to get a car immidiately, althought I've only had my G2 for a week. I'm looking to buy a 2door Pontiac sunfire, anywhere from 1998-2002. My dad is a single parent, with one vehicle, and a perfect driving record. How would me and my dad go about to find thr cheapest insurance possible? Would I be the primary driver on the car? How much does teen insurance under a parents insurance usually cost per month and year? THANK YOU! EASY BEST ANSWER GETS 10 :)""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Gta V - How do i get car insurance?
I got myself a nice Bugati Veyron, how do i get car insurance on it?""
What would be a good job for someone who wants to get out of insurance claims?
I want to get out of the insurance claims world. I hate the business and I hate dealing with people who have experience loss. My degree is in English. I have applied to a lot of Human Resources jobs with no call backs although I have an excellent work history with proven results. Thank you for any constructive advice that can be given.
How much is the cost of delivering a baby in california without insurance?
Hi, i'm from the philippines, and I'm planning to give birth in california specifically in san francisco or los angeles where I have relatives. I wish to pay in cash but I would like to know how much discount I can get for a normal delivery or c-section. I hope you can provide me with organizations as well as their contact numbers that can guide me throughout the process within those area. Thank you so much.""
Can I drive my friends car (with his permission) on my fully comprehensive insurance?
The car is registered in my friends name but his insurance has expired and he has not renewed it as he is away on holiday and not due back for a couple of months. Will I still be covered for Third Party as I insurance on my own car?
Anyone own more than one car and buy comprehensive insurance for all?
does anyone own more than one car and buy them all comprehensive insurance by yourself? I found it's so expensive and considering to buy third party insurance only. anyone advise pls
What would be the cost of a doctor visit for a pregnant woman who doesn't have health insurance?
its for a health project and if you could also help answer these other questions -does the baby have to get vaccines their first year of life? if so, what are the vaccines required, and what are they for? -what does it cost for a week of child care at a daycare center or a private day care facility? -What doctor specializes in the prenatal care of babies and also in the delivery of babies? Does this take extra training? If so, what? -What is the average cost per week for providing for and taking care of a baby? - List 10 reasons why teens should not be parents. - It is mostly the responsibility for the mother to provide care for the baby. Is this statement true or false?""
Cheap car insurance in alberta?
Cheap car insurance in alberta?
Insurance Cost?
what is the monthly insurance cost for a new cadillac escalade for a 32 year old driver with a perfect record
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance in florida?
I am looking to finanace a bike, and need to find some insurance. Most of the quotes I have gotten have been at least $400 a month. I am trying to find something a lot cheaper. Do you have to have full coverage when financing or can you just get basic coverage like collision or something like that?""
""Im 18, and im bout to get my motorcycle license, and a bike, I want to find a cheap insurance. Does anyone?""
anyone know where I can find a cheap insurance in pa? I looked at all the big names, and it was 700-500 a month. I know ther are places that will work with the price i just need a little help finding them thank you.""
How much money should I expect to pay for car insurance if I buy a 2013 Dodge Charger?
How much money should I expect to pay for car insurance if I buy a 2013 Dodge Charger? I am 20 years old.
How long will my car insurance company take to pay out and how much will I get?
On Saturday my car caught fire while I was driving it (apparently the fuel line came out). It's a Peugeot 206 1999 and has done 87,000 miles. It wasn't in bad condition either. It's blatently a write-off, the engine looks like one big bit of plastic. My question basically is 1) how long do insurance companies usually take to pay out on this kind of thing, and 2) what will I get? I've looked on parkers and stuff, but you have to pay to find out... so I thought I'd see if any of you lovely people know first! :)""
Insurance payments for a car?
I have a 2007 nissan altima sedan. Obviously 4 doors, v4 engine. And I wanna know how much I would pay for insurance a month. I have mercury insurance and I want a rough estimate. Here's the thing. I'm 18. And a guy. (Idk if that matters) but since I'm gonna pay for the insurance. I wanna know a little more info on everything.This isn't my first car. I had a 92 Honda Accord and my mom told me that my portion was a little more than 200/more. I read that they may charge more for cars older than 1997.so if any one has experience or if they are dealing with the same issue I'm having. Any info would help. Thanks.""
What is life insurance?
I'm not looking for a detailed answer, just a very basic (simple!) idea of what it is. I understand other types of insurances, so I get how it works, but I'm just confused.. is it supposed to help your family when you die? Does it give them money to live off of? Thanks!""
Car Insurance for Highschooler with good grades?
Hello, I'm getting a car soon and my family has Statefarm. I'm getting a 2008/2009 Honda Civic. I'm 16 and I had straight As first semester, and 1 B second semester. Do you know how they're good student program works? How do I show/prove my grades? I didn't pick up my report card but I can easily go over to my school and do so.""
How much is medical insurance?
I plan on moving to the U.S some day but how much would i have to pay per month for medical insurance? Strange how its free here but costs over there.
Full coverage car insurance?
My parents are the primary insurance holders of the car insurance. It is full coverage and the 1st wreck since having this insurance which has been 5 years for this car. I am on the insurance but not a primary driver. I was involved in a car wreck on my car but my friend was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Since it is full coverage what happens? Do they have to have proof that I said he could drive? Or do they just go about and get it fixed and not say anything since the car is under full insurance? I have I clue when it comes to car insurance so of someone could explain everything the best they can it would be greatly appreciated
oregon health insurance rates 2015
oregon health insurance rates 2015
""Uk car insurance for 19 year old male, and what is the most reliable cheap car to buy?
Just wondering what would be the most reliable cheap car to buy and how much insurance would be for a 19 year old male who has just passed their driving test? Also do you buy the car and then have to get it insured before you drive it out of the lot?
Can parents get sued if I drive a car without insurance?
My mom tried to tell me that if I drive without insurance they would be sued because I live with them. I am 19 so I am a legal adult. The car is also in my name only. I think she was just talking out her *** personally, but now I am curious if that is even possible. Whatsoever.""
""Rear-ended, can I ask car insurance to compensate for inconvenience of not having a car?""
Got rear-ended in NJ by a woman and my car was determined a total loss. Her car insurance took over a week to come to a decision that they would take 100% liability for the accident. They made me an offer for the dollar amount of value of the car which was honestly more than what I thought the value was going to be. I have 2 questions... Can I ask for compensation for the inconvenience of not having a vehicle during the time that they were making their decision? And two, I went to the hospital after the accident but haven't received the bills from that yet. If I accept their offer for the damage done to the car can I still get reimbursed for my medical bills later?""
My own car insurance..?
im buying a car and going on my own insurance. is it true i cant still be under my parents insurance with out it being registered in their name???
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
Arnold Clark Insurance?
Whats the minimum age to be a policy holder for arnold clark insurance? Ive been told It's either 18 or 19, Do they still base the risk like everyone else as I've also been told that it's a fixed price regardless of risk, the only rating factor is the drivers age?""
""Whats the average payment for motorcycle insurance, for ages under 20?""
I live in South Florida, the Motorcycle in mind would be an Harley Davidson Iron 883 (2012 model) it's a sportster/cruiser and also having a 883 cc. I'm not sure if this helps, but I just want to know what I'm going into.""
18 Year Old car Insurance?
I'm 18 turning 19 this April. Passed my test last November and of course looking for a cheap car insurance. I've been quoted for around 3-600!! I know I shouldn't be shocked. Researching, I've read that some 18yr old girl got a car insurance worth around 995 a year. Driving a Peugeot 106 1124 cc. Both parents drive. This is really cheap and I'm wondering how she got the quote?? DO U THINK SHE USED HER PARENTS NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? Thanks""
What is a good affordable health plan to get?
I am a single 25 year old healthy male. Are there any truly affordable health plans out there for me? And don't say that $300 a month is affordable, because its not. I don't need any major medical coverage. I haven't had insurance for 6 years and haven't been to the doctor in those six years. However, my eyesight isn't great, so vision coverage would be good. I also want dental coverage as well. Any suggestions?""
Do You Know Any Affordable NY/NJ Dental/Health Insurance Plans?
My father's company insurance plan will no longer cover me as a dependent. I need to find some sort of dental/health insurance of my own. My status is as follows: I live in NY My parents live in NJ I am self-employed out of MD My father claims me as a dependent on his taxes I am presently a part-time student...and will be a full-time student in Fall 2008. What can I do with this...to make something happen? :-)
How much would it cost to add this to my car insurance policy?
okay, i am 16 years old and just got my liscense a couple of days ago. my parents are now paying an extra $800 to add me to the insurance but they want to buy me a really cheap car to drive for about 2 years so i dont crash the other expensive cars we have say i got a '93 honda civic for around $2,000 with around say 100k miles on it, how much do you think it would cost to add that to the policy?""
What kind of insurance would I need for this?
There is a private residence that I would like rent out for my daughter's wedding. I am going pay him a certain amount for use of the house but then I'd like to take our a short term insurance policy in case the house is damaged or someone is injured.
How much would Insurance go up with Speeding Ticket?
I'm 17, in Kansas, and I got a speeding ticket for going a 51 in a 40. My dad said that it will cause insurance to go up for the next three years. My ticket cost is $96.00. How much should this cause my insurance to go up? I've never had any violations of any kind before and I have the good student discount, too. Also, what do you recommend I do? Should I just pay the fine and accept whatever happens to my insurance?""
What is the cheapest online moped insurance for a 16 year old?
im going to be 16 in october and im getting a moped , the bike will be kept in a secure brick building , i wish to have fire and theft , the moped is a direct bikes sports 50cc , has any one got a good estimate or a recommendation website for me? i would like to be able to get insured as soon as ive passed my cbt, and also could i get it online taxed the same day? thank you ;)""
Cheap car insurance in Arizona for an 18 year old with a volkswagon beetle?
i really want a volkswagon beetle, and then one im looking at right now is a 2006 with 70,000 miles (i know, its alot but thats not what im asking you to answer on) and its a convertible. i've never had my own car, and right now im using a family member's. i dont have ANY credit, idk if that helps or not... i already know my car payments are going to be high, so i want cheap insurance, that will still cover me. i see commercials for The General and Freeway Insurance, along with Safeauto. are they good companies? i kind of checked out The General, and it wasnt as cheap as i thought it was going to be... help?!""
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
I can't help wondering who is going to pay the Doctors when everyone is paying for affordable insurance ?
And there are safety nets for drugs costing 100s of dollars and hospitals that cost billions of dollars to run. Who is going to pay for it? Seriously. The ACA? The small amount of money the Insurance companies collect because I assure you it's much less than the Cadillac Plans of yesteryear
Car insurance question?
My mom just bought a new car and she wants to add me (a new driver) to her policy. How much would our insurance increase/decrease comparing to as if I bought the car myself.
Adding my dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it legal if he won't actually be driving my car?
I don't mean fronting! I know that is illegal. I've been researching tips on getting good insurance rate (as a 21 year old new female driver I know it will be expensive no matter what though) and they always recommend adding a second or third driver. But only my dad drives, but he would not be driving my car. Is it illegal to add him as a second driver?""
Is there really any cheap health insurance I only bring home $280 a week and they want you to pay $260 or so.?
Is there really any cheap health insurance I only bring home $280 a week and they want you to pay $260 or so.?
Are SUVs more expensive to insure?
I know you can't tell me for sure whether or not one will be more expensive. But, generally speaking is a small SUV such as a Ford Escape more expensive to insure than say a midsized car like a Honda Accord.""
Cheap car insurance for young new driver?
hi, I`m 19 years old, i passed my test two months ago and i would like some help. I tried lots of insurance companies, different cars, last time i tried i used a 2002 smart for two with my dad as a first driver, 4 years ncb and the insurance is still 4k. can someone help me and give me some advice ? thank you""
Health insurance question?
me and my boyfriend are planning to move to california soon. we're moving when we're 18. i was wondering if his parents health insurance would still cover him when he moves. he has Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO.
Which cheap car insurance companies send the documantetion by Email only?
NOT by post, by EMAIL only""
oregon health insurance rates 2015
oregon health insurance rates 2015
How does 21st Century Insurance Compare to Allstate?
I currently have allstate for my car insurance. I was given a quote from 21st Century Insurance and it is less than half of allstate. Is 21st Century a good company to get? Or should I stick with Allstate?
What's a classic British car that's cheap and insurable for a learner?
Cheaper than a mini or morris minor.
Help with insurance policies?
Does anyone know websites with insurance policies for events? I'm holding an event and I can't seem to find any proper policies anywhere. It's more of a sporty type event.
Can someone recommend affordable health insurance?
I lost my job. COBRA is too expensive. Are there any high deductible plans? I really only want coverage in the event of a serious illness. I live in NJ.
""Adding driver car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the other driver, but say the other driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
How much more would insurance be for 16 year old with a V8 mustang as opposed to a 6 cylinder one?
I would be on my parents plan at state farm, I just want to ask before i call. I get to chose my car so i am just researching. They would be about the year 2000 with no problems. Also my parents have perfect driving records.""
""My Insurance paid out too much, do I have to give it them back? (UK)?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
How much are you paying for car insurance?
How much are you paying for car insurance?
Anyone got a rough idea what 3 points on a licence will cost to my insurance policy?
I have just been served a Notice Of Intended Prosecution for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone & the mandatory penalty is a 60 fine & 3 points on my licence.I won't know until I get the conviction code to give to my Insurers (Churchill). My renewal will be in Jan 08. Up to now, the licence is clean, 5 years No Claims. I just wanted to get a rough idea what the 3 points will add in money terms if anyone can help. Thanks in advance.""
Will my car insurance rate go up?
so yesterday, I rear end into someone car but damage at all. His car still look new and my car still remain the same. But he said he will go check up his car, if there are some damage inside. He will claim my insurance. Suppose he claim my insurance, how much will my car insurance rate go up?""
Insurance estimate for 16 yr. old driving BMW?
About how much will full coverage insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2007 BMW 530i mostly to school & work? Just an estimate. Thanks
How much will my car insurance cost me?
I am 18 years old, and live in Northern BC. I have had my N license for just over a year, I have had NO accidents or tickets. I have a 1995 Honda Civic 4 Door. I am a very safe driver and I have been unlucky to find a good quote. Do you think it would be around $100/month?""
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
Two cars? Insurance?
>In high school >Both parents getting new cars soon >old cars: 1 is decent, 1 is cheap >I get old car >I want to convince parents to let me keep cheap one as well, so I can modify it and stuff BUT, I just realized I'll have to pay extra insurance just to drive it around every now and then. What to do? How much does average insurance usually cost? (Not minimum PIP)""
Question about MA car insurance?
I have a car parked in my apartment's parking lot that doesn't run. Can I cancel the insurance on it so I don't have to pay for it every month? I'm in the process of trying to sell it. When I cancel the insurance, do I have to return the plates, too? I don't think it's legal to have a car with no plates parked in a parking lot.""
Where can I check and insurance company's ratings?
I am shopping for life insurance. Where can I check out an insurance companies ratings and credit ratings? I am thinking about the following companies: Northwestern Mutual State Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING New York Life TIA
How do car insurance companies evalulate your insurance?
I am living in the UK and i use one of those car comparison websites to find the cheapest car insurance, (I've entered hundreds of cars make/models) But i still don't have a clue as to how car insurers operate for e.g i used confused.com to find the cheapest insurance on a >1997, BMW 3 series, 1.8, convertible, manual, petrol, value of car 2500.00 & the cheapest insurance quote they find for me is 1136.72, on third party fire & theft >1989, Nissan Micra, 1.0 manual, petrol, value of car 75.00, & the cheapest quote they find for me is 1641.88??????????????? on third party fire & theft ALL of my other circumstances stay the same, address, millage, what type of car alarm and tracker i will use, what the car will be used for everything is the same I was under the impression that the more bigger the car, the more powerful the engine, the more likelihood of the car been stolen will be the more expensive one on the insurance (The BMW) So why in Gods name is the Micra's insurance 500.00 extra???????? Halp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
Car insurance in new york?
hey guys, I'd like to know what would be the ballpark for insurance. I'm 24 years old and have had my driver's license since 2003 and never have had parking violations, points taken off my license or any type of moving tickets. I'm looking to buy a 96-00 civic and would like to know around how much I would be quoted""
Any help with car insurance?
So... I had a 1998 VW beetle that I traded in today for a 2003 VW beetle. I purchased this car in the state that I am currently in for college (MD). In order to purchase the car I had to get a MD tag. My old car is insured under Farm Bureau in NC. Can I transfer my old insurance to cover this car? I am not a Maryland resident, but NC resident. Any help/advise is greatly appreciated. My 98 beetle was in great shape, but the newer car had more additives like sunroof/less miles etc.... The difference was around $5000 that I am having to pay.. Because of the financing I had to get MD tag and such.. Thanks in advance for your help!""
Do you need full coverage on a vehicle thats 4500 thaht you put a 1500 down payment on?!?!?
Because it doesn't make sense for the insurance to be more than the cost of the car
How much is the average cost of auto insurance for a new driver?
heres some other info, im 20, i just got a learners permit. i live in new york state.""
What happens if you get caught driving without insurance?
In Florida I'm just wondering :o
Car insurance problem?
yesterday crashed my car into the back of a young man in an old Y reg ford escort no damage to his car just a loose exhaust which i am giving him money to get fixed. But my car Y reg Peugeot 206 1.4 quicksilver, the bonnet has gone so will have to buy a new one. if i go through insurance to get my bonnet done will it affect my annual insurance cost? at the moment it is 800 how much do you think it will go up by. by the way i am only 18 this is my first year of driving under my mothers policy.""
Driving Someone Else's Car...Do I need Insurance?
Okay lets say that I have my license but I don't have car. If I have a friend or a family that lets me drive their car and I get into accident...who's fault would it be? Mines or the owner's? And If I do drive someone else's car..do I need insurance to pay for the owner's car if I accidentally damage their car? Or no?
Why is Geico auto insurance so cheap?
I just got my Allstate bill in the mail and my insurance went up to $100/month. So, i called them, told them to screw off and called Geico. They told me because of my perfect credit, perfect driving record, etc...that it would only be $48/month. I obviously switched and asked them how they could be so cheap. She said it was mostly b/c they don't have agents. Is this just too good to be true?""
oregon health insurance rates 2015
oregon health insurance rates 2015
0 notes
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
"Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What information do I need when I call insurance for a Quote?
I'm planning on purchasing a car in around 2 weeks time, what information do I need to give insurance so I can be added onto my parents policy? I do have the VIN of the car, is there any other information needed besides my parent's account information? Thanks. :)""
About how much money does car insurance cost?
Im 15 going to be 16. Wondering how much money car insurance would cost. I would be getting my parents old car.
Provide proof of insurance online for Florida?
My previous insurance got canceled and i need to provide my new insurance to the state of Florida so my license doesn't get expired... can i do this online?
I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?
I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?
""What is the best health care plan for student while attending medical school, like nursing?""
I'm a student nursing and ASAP need some health insurance, including Emergency Room coverage. Does anyone know any type of Health Insurance for medical student like that, affordable and reliable? Greatly appreciate and thanks to all
How long can a Insurance company in the state of Tennessee look back on your driving record?
I had a wreck two years ago this October, I was wondering how long an insurance company can look back on my record? Its been two years since I have had any wrecks or tickets but my rates are still high, I was thinking if I switch companies and didnt tell them about the wreck I would have a clean record?""
Affordable motorcycle insurance?
I live in Michigan and currently have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only offer an annual rate at $230.00. Living in the midwest, I only ride the bike for 5 to 6 months if I'm lucky. Do you know of a reputable insurance carrier that offers monthly or 3 to 6 months coverage??? Its ridiculous to pay for an entire year when I barely ride for half. Thanks!""
""Just bought a car and Just got permit, what is good insurance?""
I need to practice driving and get my license so I dont have to rely on friends and family all of the time. I need advice on some good cheap insurance for me. I am male, 18, no driving violations yet, and new at driving. I'm also a poor college kid.""
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
How much do you pay for car insurance? (teenagers only please!)?
I'm turning 16 next week and was hoping i could get my license right away, but my parents can't afford to pay for my car insurance. It would be really helpful if teens with basic liability coverage could give me an estimate of how much they pay for car insurance. Thanks!""
Can anyone be added to insurance?
I was curious if my dad could get me on his insurance plan (medical)? I can't afford insurance and I'm suffering from tooth pains, psychological illnesses, and need medical attention. I'm supposedly too old (26), but I wanted to know if my father could add me onto his insurance another way? Thanks.""
""On, average what would a classic mini's insurance cost be.?""
In the UK for a first time, 18 year old driver, car would be left on a drive in a low crime area""
Question about homeowner liability and earthquake insurance?
So, let's say the neighbor's swimming pool cracks open in an earthquake, and the water runs down the hill and floods my house. Let's say the pool owner has earthquake insurance. Would that insurance fix my flood damage? Let's say the pool owner has no earthquake insurance but I do. Would my insurance cover the act of God that broke somebody else's pool?""
Where can I get auto insurance at an affordable rate?
I sold my car and did not need auto insurance for more than a year. Now, I've purchased another car & the insurance co. won't insure me because I had a lapse in coverage even though I did not have a car to cover?? I have a clean driving record & a valid license. What am I supposed to do? The car is paid for, but I want collision insurance. One co. offered me liability at the rate for collision!! Ridiculous!""
What car would be cheapest for insurance?
When I turn 16 I am deciding on getting a v6 1998 firebird or a 1998 v6 camaro what one do you think would be cheaper for insurance. I live in nebraska in a small town
Does my car have to have insurance even if its not being driven?
I bought a car that needs a little work. So its not being driven and it is sitting in my driveway while i drive my other car. Does it have to have plates and insurance on it if i am not driving it at all??
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
What color cars are cheaper to insure?
its bugging me lol. i would like to know what colors are considered aggressive like red,black ect. and what colors they wont rape you over. so a list of aggressive colors and a list of calm colors. thank you for your help!""
Car title and insurance
hi my sister is sending me her car on Monday with the title. If I go to the DMV that day with the title will I be able to drive the car that day? I will also be callign my insurance agency to add the car - does that take more than a day? thank
""Have GAP Insurance, Don't have car insurance?""
My husband was hit by another driver a few days ago. The other driver was at-fault and our state is an At-Fault state. The other driver has insurance. Our insurance policy has been lapsed for under 30 days. We were planning on obtaining insurance in 2 days. There is a chance the car may be totaled and it is financed with GAP. I believe that I read that GAP will not cover in the case of no insurance coverage. Does anyone know where we stand here? Will having the new policy in a couple of days in any way help regarding the GAP issue? Also, the other driver's insurance company called today asking for info: Name, Address, our insurance info. What should we do?""
Cheapest car insurance for female 37 on provisional?
Just bought a car Citroen c2 having real trouble getting insurance quotes under 600....HELP!!
Home insurance for high risk person?
A few months ago my dad had a fire at his house. In the middle of restorations, his insurance company dropped him. I'm not sure why they did, but I know my dad has really bad credit and was probably not very nice to whoever was handling his claim. He said that he is trying to get insurance, but can't find any. I'm wondering if it is because he is a high risk candidate and I am wondering where he can go to get insurance. I will probably be helping him with it from here on out, so I will need to know what kinds of things to say/look for. He is a reitred teacher and doesn't have a ton of money or assets, so I want to make sure he gets good coverage that he can afford. I'm not sure if this helps, but his dad was a veteran who died in a VA hospital when my dad was young. I keep seein things about insurance for family of veterans, but I know very little about it.""
Why are the big insurance companies so much cheaper?
I am getting off my parents auto insurance and getting my own. The Quote from the agent my parents use who is local to the area was nearly two hundred dollars more per year than the quote i got from progressive. Is there a reason to use a local company? he tried to sell me on customer service but i only deal with my insurance company maybe once or twice a year so i'm not sure that its worth $200 to me. Is there a reason to use a local company?
Tee Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 17, I live in Arlington TX, I have A's and B's with a few C's (my parents told me they look at grades. True?) I'm Looking at buying either an older honda shadow, probably around 750 cc or an older Kawasaki Vuclan (same). THe bikes will be pre-2000, and I will be getting bare minmum insurance. Can anyone guess at the rate?""
Pitbull and homeowners insurance?
My insurance company is threating to drop me because I own a bully....can they really do this is there anyway to fight this?
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
Who is the best life insurance company that pays out?
I am looking into getting life insurance probably not term life insurance just regular not sure yet however a lot of my friends have had problems with life insurance companies not paying out even though they where still within the life insurance contract guidelines so I am scared..I have heard a lot of positive things about farmers and that they always pay out as long as it is in within the guidelines they provided when you signed up for the insurance . does anyone know of a company that for sure will pay out ? also can I take a life insurance policy out for my mother id like to do so because she does not have one so I am worried something may happen and I will be stuck with bills ? I know I will have ta pay more because of her age but that is okay with me I feel like it is well worth it as long as the company pays out any advice ?? Thanks
How can you figure out how much insurance will cost before buying a car?
How can you figure out how much insurance will cost before buying a car?
Motorbike insurances?
hi,just wondering whats the best and most cheapest motorbikr insurance right now on the market.at the moment iv got insurance qoutes from ebikes and is quite cheap.but the thing is,if its any good?somebodys got any experience with ebikes?sounds cheap but if there any good to insure with them?got a kawasaki vn900 almost 1 year ncb and a EU full motorbike license.age 25 full motorbike lisence 8 years almost 9.""
VERY URGENT! Buying car insurance by telephone  heeeelp!!!!?
Hello thank you for entering in my post I'm buying an insurance for my car by phone call so far I have the best deal from a company called Admiral Tomorrow I'm going to call this insurance company back to settle the agreement I've never done a contract by phone call I believe they should obviously send me a contract by e-mail with all my details and all the details of my purchase and the details of the company  until here it's quite clear my question is: How should I pay for this contract? Should I give my debit card details by phone call? Is buying an insurance by telephone safe? Any advice according this matter will be very appreciated thank you in advance for your help
Why isn't there an affordable Insurance with out a deductable?
I was raised on Insurance but now that I am an adult and moved away from my family I can't afford hospital visit or doctor visits or nothing. I look for insurance that I can afford but for the lowest deductible its to much and you have to pay the deductible first then pay the monthly payment. It just pisses me off that everything is so greedy!
Car insurance and car note?
OK, I'm nineteen. I've been saving up for my first car. But the thing is, I have to pay insurance, and a car note on my own. My mother became homeless, and my father I do not know. My godparents took me in, and they can't afford to add me on their insurance. So, being that I have a part time job at McDonald's, and go to college, It seems as if I have no way of affording a car and insurance. I haven't checked the rates of insurance, but I do understand that they are high for teenage males, and always vary on the type of car you have. I don't want anything fancy, a four door car that gets me from A to B. Is there anyway I can afford this? Please and thanks!""
How can we get our own health insurance?
What do we need to do to get our own health insurance and how much is insurance usually?
College student and no health insurance?
For all of my high school years, I was on state heath insurance. I am turning 19 at the end of this month and will begin college classes this summer, but I am really worried about not having health insurance (my services end when I turn 19.) I have bulimia and I go to therapy once a week and see a physician once a month, so it is pretty imperative that I have health insurance. I am just wondering if I will just have to be without health insurance until I'm an adult and can afford it? Or is there something out there for college students? Thanks""
Whats the insurance of a maserati granturismo?
i wanna buy a maserati granturismo, what would the insurance be ?""
21st Century Car Insurance?
I have a weird question. I'd thought I'd ask you guys first. Here goes: My SUV got broken into. The steering column was damaged. My insurance, 21st century, had a tow truck take it to a shop. It was fixed.......TWO WEEKS LATER! I have full coverage, but my policy doesn't cover rentals. Well anyways my question is: Will my insurance pay for HALF my car payment since it took two weeks for it to get fixed? I know it sounds dumb, but I had to ask. Thanks.""
I'm have been paying for a car and insurance for 3 years but the car is not under my name and that person report a car stolen what can i do?
ai'm paying the car and insurance for 3 years and that person report the car that i have stolen the car only way to store what can i do
How can I get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. I'm 20 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy my own car and insurance soon. I've never had my own policy before and I was wondering how I would go about getting one. Also, what are some companies to use? Thanks!""
How much is car insurance on a new 911 gt2 Porsche?
I am a 25 year old who recently became very successful in the automotive industry and I decided I wanted to get a Porsche. Now i know about how much it is to keep a Porsche maintained because i have worked on them but i am not sure on the insurance. Please help anyway you can. And for the record i am not getting a quote from any website because i do not feel comfortable giving away personal information to an insurance company before i decide to use them.
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
Average health insurance costs?
I pay $69.70 for health insurance every two weeks from BC/BS. My co-pay is $25 per visit to the Dr. $60 for urgent care, and $100 for a trip to the ER. I realize that this is not a comprehensive listing of everything I get with the policy, but is there a way to find out if this is around the average that most companies offer their employees on a group plan? Thanks in advance for any insight.""
Car insurance????
is it higher insurance in illinois to have a 2 door car???
What is the cheapest ADD/ADHD medication for the uninsured?
I take 20mg Vyvanse now, but they cost so much money (300 plus for 60 pills). I am working but wont get health insurance for another 2 months... Is there a substitute drug that is a bit cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does anyone know where I could see a pricing chart.""
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
How hard is it to have a baby without insurance?
My husband and I are both employed and make decent pay, but neither of our employers offer insurance. We were wondering what options there are for non-insured couples who make too much to qualify for,say, WIC or other government programs.""
A first car for a 16?
i am wanting a 97' Toyota Camry with 150,000 miles on it. It is $4,300 is this a good first car? And how much does insurance on it cost? I also like saturn l200 are they good cars?""
""I am a 19 year old male, what is the cheapest car insurance?""
I am a 19 year old male, what is the cheapest car insurance?""
Where can I get affordable child only insurance in Virginia?
We had Virginia FAMIS but they took it away after my husband got a new job. Though he does make more money now there is no way I can pay 200$ a month for my son to be added to the company health insurance! I work, but they take out 340$ a month for child care out of my check! Why doesn't FAMIS consider things like this? Anyway it seems everywhere I check for child only insurance it doesn't seem to exist. They want you to have a parent on the policy as well, and I really don't have money for that!""
Insured car but driver not on insurance?
I have liability insurance on my car but the person driving my car was not on the insurance and they rearended someone .... what can happen and will the insurance company pay or am I responsible?
Motorcycle insurance quotes?
Anyone know how much comprehensive or third party fire and theft insurance on a 08 CBR 600 would be for a 32 year old not having ridden in 10 years any bikes,and just passed driving test ?! Just looking for quick quote from those in the know really,before I ring around on Monday for some actual quotes from insurance companies. And also can anyone recommend any motorbike insurance companies in uk ? Thanks in advance""
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
""What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 23 year old??? Progressive, Geico, etc??""
I have had a few blemishes on my record, some tickets and an accident, but my state requires full coverage insurance on a bike that is not paid in full, what are your suggestions??""
Car insurance loopholes?
Are there any loopholes or 'tricks' I can employ to lower my car insurance? I'm 19, and the quotes I am getting are between 4000-5000. It's obscene, especially when my motorbike does 0-60 in 3 seconds and has a top speed of 160mph yet it costs me 350 a year to insure. Apparently I might not be able to 'handle the power of a Vauxhall Corsa'. Car insurers won't even take my 3 years motorcycle NCB into account. Is there anything I can do?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductible do you have? Also Feel free to answer if you do not have insurance and do you support Obamacare?""
How much does car insurance approximately cost for teenagers?
I'm 17. Gonna drive a 2012 Hyundai Accent Female 3.0-3.5 GPA I've had my license for about 3 months already.. and my dad still hasn't gotten me car insurance (which frustrates me considering i have my license and he won't let me drive anywhere without any insurance). He won't tell me how much it is monthly. So i'm wondering how much it'd approx. cost for me monthly?
Where can my partner get cheap car insurance?
he has 2 convictions sp30 and dr10
""Insurance renewal, same company, new quote?""
Hi, my car insurance has just come up for renewal and my insurers sent me a renewal quote, 704. Now if I get a fresh quote from their website (all the same terms, car is unmodified, 3 points on my licence, etc), the quote is 520! If i take the 520 offer, are they going to complain? They want proof of my no claims, and I'll send them their own renewal document!!!""
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance?
Why do auto insurance quotes change day by day?
I received a quote today online, then went back to the same quote today and it was $22.00 more. I didn't change any of my info. Why do these quotes vary day by day? Is there a particular time I should search for quote? Thanks in advance for your answers!""
Whats a good medical insurance plan?
I am 20 years old in decent health about 6' 5 240 pounds. So here's the deal, I am currently on a plan that has 0% co-pay after deductible this includes emergency room visits, prescriptions, the whole nine yards. However its a high deductible plan so before I can reap the benefits I must first pay 3000 dollars as the deductible so my co-pay until I reach 3000 is 100% all out of pocket I mean this isn't bad just sucks until its over. Does anyone know a better plan out there?""
What car insurance would be cheaper on which car?
I'm in the state of Alabama with ALFA and I'm looking at either an Infiniti G35 coupe or a Toyota 4Runner....both between the years 2000-now. I'm thinking the 4Runner would be cheaper. What are some other opinions?
Estimated teen car insurance in NY?
I know that there are a lot of things that factor into how much insurance will cost a teen but i just want an estimate. I have no clue will it be $20 a month or $200 a month... Someone help I have a 2002 toyota camry and took drivers ed so have 10% off insurance.
Do you have to be a licensed insurance agent to do this?
Do you have to be a licensed insurance agent to quote Medicare Supplement rates in Texas? Please cite a source of your information.
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance at 37 years? I have a clean record.?
moving out of the city, and I am gonna need to buy a car for my Suburban life!!""
Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?
After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?""
""Car insurance in Wisconsin, us.?""
Hi, no one will give me a clear answer here.. Do you have to carry car insurance in Wisconsin? If so, what kind?, and how does it work?..I dont understand...would anyone ming explaining motor insurance policies?, or giving me a url thank you...""
I was at-fault in a car accident. How much will it cost to repair? Should I report to insurance?
Here are the details of what happened: - I hit an illegally parked car, popping the side mirror out of it's place and scratching it slightly on the side. - My car's tire blew and the axle is completely f**ked up. It looks like my car is doing a turn-out in ballet. I also have to fix the bumper which popped out of place and the mirror popped out of place. How much will it cost if I take it to the Volvo dealership? - My car is a black 2006 Volvo V50 stationwagon. - Should I report this to insurance? How much will my insurance increase if I have AAA and this is my first accident on record?""
Will my car insurance rate be based on how long ive been insured or licensed?
I have been insured on several cars regularly since getting each permit (the law in my state, even though I only had a permit, and went through about five permits) and I just got my full license (finally). My license number is the same as it was before when it was on my permit. Which one will my future insurance rates be based on? Length of time insured or length with a full license? Thanks""
How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother?
My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around?
Free Insurance Quotes Online?
Hi, I just bought a car and I need to get insurance asap so I can drive. A friend told me you can get free insurance quotes from websites online. Is it true?""
Looking for cheap & crappy life insurance.?
I am looking for sources of *REALLY* cheap life insurance. I have to have life insurance for the next six years (declining each year), while I pay off a structured legal settlement. I don't care about financial stability of the company or a history of hassling the beneficiaries to collect. I don't care about guaranteed renewability, as if I'm not insurable, I don't have to buy the insurance. All I care about is price and that the policy comes with an official receipt that will satisfy their lawyers. Websites such as INSweb typically only offer 5-year term or longer, and I want cheaper than that.""
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
Do I really need health insurance?
I am 22 and I live with my wife. She just got out of military. We had Tricare insurance for 4 years active but we never had to use it once. So is it worth it to start paying 200 a month for civilian insurance (Tricare Reserve Select)?
Do you sell car insurance? PLEASE LOOK IF YOU DO! :)?
HI! I used to work at Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt county Northern California... about 5 years ago. we worked on commission only.. so if you didn't write a policy you ...show more
Can I cancel my Life Insurance policy with Northwestern Mutual?
Hi I was just wondering if I could cancel my life insurance with Northwestern Mutual just cause I can no longer afford it. Even if they try to reduce it I just can't afford it. Do you know if cancelling the life Insurance is easy?
Lying to insurance driving record?
It's time to renew my insurance. In the quote I got in the mail, they didn't include the speeding violation that I got back in July 2009. If I tell them about it it would bring the premium up of about 120 dollars. I'm debating if I should tell them or not. After all it's their job to prepare the quote and check driving records. I'm just afraid that in case something happened they would use this as a reason not to pay eventual claims.. What would you do? Thanks""
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
""I'm turning 17 soon & looking for car insurance, anyone know ruffly how much it would be for a toyota celica?
I live in N.ireland
""Car insurance question, custom-built cars?""
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more""
Car accident happens when the car's insurance is not your name?
If Car accident happens, and the car that you were driving the car's insurance is not your name. If call 911,will you get arrested or what? and will that car insurance company pay for the damage that you did to other car?""
This country needs affordable health care...so why are hospitals so lavish and extravagantly fancy?
Here is a link to the hospital if you think I am exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don't have insurance, and neither does my husband because we can't afford $600 month premiums for insurance that doesn't even KICK IN until you pay $5000 out of pocket! But it is really hard to sit and listen to everyone complaining about the EXPLODING cost of hospitals these days with all the hospitals in my area that are constantly renovating and competing to be the most lavish or fancy or architecturally beautiful when what people really need are just some common sense medical care from good doctors who will take a few minutes to listen to them. For Example, I recently visited a friend who was in a local hospital in my area that has expanded to include the following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS of exclusive shops (required a trolly inside it was so huge!), marble fountains and floors and glass elevators and railings, live TV shows in their own Greenhouses and celebrity kitchens, multiple conference centers complete with reflecting pools, grand pianos and atriums with full size trees indoors, a pediatric wing that was bult to look like a giant tree house, complete with Tree shaped doors, private rooms with twenty foot long leather couches that curve along the wall for visiting relatives, 72 inch plasma TV's in the room along with Xbox, and complete cable/internet access, Floor to ceiling bay windows for a panoramic view of the gardens and lakes on the property. Now my friend could NEVER have afforded to stay in a hotel this nice, and couldn't pay for health coverage either. Thank God she qualifies for to be insured thru a medicaid program that covers this...but who is paying for all this excessive stuff? The taxpayers in the United States. I can't help but think that she could get really good care at a reasonable cost at a less fancy hospital...but who is going to tell the hospital where it spends it's money if someone is willing to say its necessary to have an UBER fancy hospital in order to give our citizens modern up to date medical care ?""
Car Insurance For Teens!?!?!?!?!?
I'm about to purchase a used car for $2500. The car will be registered in my name. Do I have to get insurance under my own name or can I get it under my parents name? If I have to do it myself, what is the average rate for 18 year olds. I'll be 19 in December. I live in South Carolina. <When I get the car, do I have to get insurance immediately or do I wait until the temporarily dealer plate expire?""
Is a business insurance payout taxable.?
The company suffered a burglary where a number of capital assets were stolen. They received an insurance payout. The insurance premiums paid were treated as a deduction in the profit and loss account. Basically will this pay out be taxable for Corporation Tax
North Carolina Health Insurance?
Right now I have blue cross and blue sheild insurance. It's becoming ridiculous to pay each month and deductibles are through the roof! I'm a healthy 25 yr old female. I need to know, what are some insurance companies in the state of North Carolina that are cheaper, but are still helpful with doctor's visits and prescriptions. What health insurance do you have and what's the cost? Any help or opinions about would be great! thanks:))))""
Insurance for a street bike?
how much is insurance for a street bike starting out
Auto insurance quotes?
Auto insurance quotes?
Is Blue of california a good health insurance?
Is Blue of california a good health insurance?
Estimate for Auto Insurance on a 18 year old Living in GA driving a Mitsubishi Lancer GTS 20k?
In Janurary of 08 i am going to get a New Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. I already know how much my monthlly payments are going to be the car is 20 grand. I Live in GA and was wanting to know around how much would insurance be if im 18 years old driving a new car. It would have to be full coverage and right now my family has Allstate. Can anyone give me a reasonable Estimate? Thank You.
17 year old male car insurance!?
I am 16 (soon to turn 17) and I already have my lessons and car sorted out. If I passed my theory and practical test first time I am looking at getting a 1.0L Toyota Yaris in mid-September. I live in Blackpool (UK). I have been looking at quotes and insurance companies for ages but I can't find a consistent price. I was wondering (roughly) how much my insurance would be with and with-out a black box and any ideas for which insurance company to go for?
How do I drive a new car home if I can't get insurance on it for another 2 weeks?
My insurance company said they need the car title before they can give me insurance on the car. This doesn't make any sense, the dealer say they cannot hold on to the car once it's bought because it's not their responsbility anymore. But I need to buy the car to get the title and the title won't be processed for 1-2 weeks. So once I buy the car I need to take it home but that means driving without insurance, what's going on here is it okay?""
What car insurance do u have and how much do u pay?
my mom and my brother have progressive i think i might be in there too but the bill came over $2,000....we don't even make close to that much a month""
16 year old insurance on Bike (CBT) UK?
Heres the thing, i can afford a bike and ive been considering an Aprilia RX 50 Or a Suzuki TS 50, but the insurance is through the roof in price, my average quote fire and theft is 450 ish any ideas who to go with in respects of insurance companies ? thanks live in the (UK)""
First time having car insurance of my own...?
I am getting my first car next month and I was wondering how should I determine how much insurance I need to have. I'm buying a care that cost 3600 and is worth 4000 right now and I'm a college student even though I don't not travel to and from home much. How would I determine what I need and dont need as far as coverage goes? I will be paying cash so no car payments.
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
How much is car insurance and medical insurance monthly?
im doing a project for my math class and i dont know what either of these would cost!
What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?
What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?
Car burned in fire with no insurance.?
My car was at the mechanic's shop in my local town and was parked behind a house that sat in front of the shop. The house caught on fire throughout the night (we don't know ...show more
Is a 1978 lincoln mark v cheap to insure?
i am looking at a very cheap car to insure. i was looking into one of these classic cars. i currently drive a 1995 ford explorer V6 and its RWD that costs $140 a month on insurance and it gets worse gas mileage than a 1969 lincoln mark iii. as far as i know, this is a 34 year old car and registration is probably gonna cost 50 bucks or less and i live in NH. im 19 and have no tickets or accidents, will the lincoln mark v be cheaper than my explorer. i only have liability""
""I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
Auto insurance company that wants me to pay upfront?
I need general information concerning auto insurance complanies that pay claims directly to the driver. They want me to absorb all costs (repairs, rental, etc.) and then they will issue me a reimbursement check. I don't want reimbursed for something that their insured driver did to me! I just want them to cover all costs associated with the claim! What, if any, legal action can I take to have the matter proceed in my favor?""
Where can I get insurance in New York City?
Hi everyone and thanks for reading, I know it's probably a stupid couple questions but I'm trying to figure this out, perhaps i'm not looking in the right places. Anyway I need to know a couple things: 1) Where can I get health insurance in NEW YORK CITY for my employees? 2) Where can I get insurance again in NYC for my company? Thanks everyone!""
Which is cheapest car insurance in new york?
i want to buy a car but i know the insurance of the car is very expensive. I will like to know if there is a car insurance that i can afford.
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
Limestone Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37681
0 notes
Is home insurance dwelling coverage the amount they will actually rebuild?
"Is home insurance dwelling coverage the amount they will actually rebuild?
Assume my home insurance policy has $200,000 dwelling coverage, but my home is only worth $130,000.  If my home burns down, will they rebuild up to a $200,000 home or only replace what my home was?    For example, if my current home only has 1 garage stall, would they build my new home with 2 garage stalls?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is a fairly average car insurance rate when a you add a new driver in the family?
A family member is getting ready to get their license, and I wanted to know if car insurance rates would go up, and what a likely rate would be.""
How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?
How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?
Are the insurance companies having a super party right now?
I mean it is now law that they will have a steady stream of customers. So are they psyched?
Car insurance for total loss?
I got a car accident due to bad weather and got a total loss. No one is involved in the accident. I`ve got a full coverage insurance at that time. The insurance company is cancelled a contract with me after a claim (accident) I issued, which I found it through insurance agency. The insurance company said that they did not know the previous accident record on my driver license. Then they cancelled the contract. Can I possibly claim a complain with my insurance company? I terribly need any car since I use a car for my job. The insurance company said they will not give me any money either a car. What should I do? Thank you""
Insurance for a 1994 camaro?
I am 16 and have had my liscnse for almost 7 months now and have had no accidents. I want to buy a 1994 camaro but not sure what insurance will be. It is a v6 3.4L. About how much will insurance cost me? What about if the car is under my parents name?
Car insurance for a new driver aged 21?
hi, im really close to taking my driving test, and i will be 19 when i hopefully pass. but i know that i would be unable to afford car insurance just yet! however, i would be hoping to maybe get a car when i am round about 21 or 22, as i will hopefully be in a more of a position to buy and run a car! however i was wondering if you could give me a rough ESTIMATE on how much the insurance would cost! i would be looking at getting a car such as a Nissan Micra, and would more than likely get a 1.0 litre! if you could give me an ESTIMATE on how much it could cost, so i can get a general idea! i know its hard to give an exact price, but lets just say the car is all safe and has been MOT'd and is being parked in a garage! hope you can all help, oh and its for a MALE!""
What are the different kinds of insurance out there?
I know there are some insurance that is offered as benefits by your employer such as medical insurance and Dental insurance. By how do you get insurance such as car insurance, Home owners insurance. By the way what is home owners insurance. I might go to become a nurse I know a doctor definitely needs it but how do you get malpractice insurance. What is auto insurance? What are the other different kinds of insurance out there that is necessary to make a living with out in this world. How do you get some of these insurance too. I know medical insurance covers like doctor visits and hospital stays. Dental insurance covers Dentist appointments. Car insurance is suppose to cover if you get into an accident and I believe if your at fault of it your insurance goes way up and what I mean is it is more money you have to pay them. How would you get car insurance. What is home owners insurance, and Auto insurance. What is Life insurance. I know it is usually offered by your employee.""
Car insurance question?
My car was involved in a hit and run, their insurance doesnt want to pay for the damage so can i sue them for the damages even if my insurance pays for it.""
How much is non owners SR22 insurance in Florida?
My license is suspended because of 12 points in 12 months. I am required to have SR22 non owners insurance and i do not have a vehicle. I don't even know where to begin with all of this. Are there special insurace companies that deal with this sort of thing? Please help!
How much would my insurance be?
I'm thinking about buying a 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. I'm trying to determine if I have the money, though, and I'm not sure how much my insurance would be. I'm an 18 year old female, I'm a student and I work part-time, and I have a squeaky-clean driving record. Can somebody please give me an estimate of how much my car insurance payments would be? Thanks!""
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
I need to start saving up for a car..how much will it cost me?
I'm 16 and just got my drivers license a few months ago. I need a car, so that I can get a regular job instead of babysitting. My budget is $1000-1500. I would drive about 40 miles a day. Some of the ads that I'm showing you let you make monthly payments, which is great. Are they nice enough cars? Which one would be the better buy? How much will insurance cost me? How long will one of these cars last me? 1997 Saturn 1997 Saturn 4dr auto, AC, 4cyl, very clean, solid, 120, 116 miles, runs great, asking $1500, can finance w/$400 down and $150/mo 1995 Toyota 1995 Toyota Tercel, blue 2dr auto, 4 cyl, runs & looks great (rust on rocker, I have the panel), 206K, doesn't need any mechanics, great on gas 34-37 mpg, asking $1400 obo, can finance with $400 down @$100/mo. 1995 Nissan 1995 Nissan Altima 4 dr auto silver 117K, new brakes and rotors. Asking $1400, can finance with $500 down. $225 a month. 1993 Toyota 1993 Toyota Corolla 4cyl 5spd, silver, 212,171 miles, needs nothing, runs great $1400, can finance for $600.""
I'm pregnant. How do I get health insurance?
I haven't had any health insurance in a year. My husband can add me to his health insurance in Dec. Baby is due on March. Will they cover me? I live in SC and I am worried they will have a long waiting period. What should I do. We make too much for Government help.
What is an average rate of insurance for a 2004 Saab 9-3 Arc convertible?
I heard that insurance is expensive for a convertible. I was just wondering if someone could tell me an average price to insure this car?!?!?!
Will doctors office workers lose jobs now with the new Affordable Insurance law?
Will more people lose jobs with the new law going into effect? How will those people find work now ? Will that add to our debt even more?
Adding a Black Box to my Car Insurance?
I am a new, young driver, and in order to reduce the cost of car insurance I am looking into the Black Box (I am aware of both the benefits and drawbacks). However, when finding a ...show more""
Does anyone know about medical insurance for low income famlies?
I know a famliy in California they make 1300 a month. Is there no goverment insurance plans for young people like this>
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
I'm just trying to pick a car insurance thats affordable. How much do you pay monthly? Also I'm 22, no driving tickets, my car is a 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR AT LEAST WHAT IS AN IDEAL PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR INSURANCE?""
Which auto insurence is the cheaper?
i whan insurance may car but which one is cheaper
What is the positive & negetive aspect of Term insurance?
Why insurance agent do not show interest towards term insurance. Why they insist on ULIP only.
Cheapest Car insurance?
what's a good starter car insurance for someone who is just getting their license and dosnt want to spend alot. What is the cheapist insurance that you can get. All the comercials for car insurance say that their insurance is the best but i dont know which one accually is the best...
""Want car insurance on other person policy, how much?""
I want to be a named driver on someones policy, how much extra will it cost for 24 year old with provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa U Reg The main holder has been driving many years. Just want a rough idea..hope you can help""
Insurance for a (2001/Y) Peugeot 206 first time buyer (17+)?
Im soon to buy a new car, and the most recent car i have been looking at has been (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, im just interested on how much the insurance will be - noting that i am a first time car buyer aged at 17, im guerssing this will dramatically raise the price ( i am nearly 18 if that changes things) any ideas on the cost of the insurance ? :)""
Can anyone explain the Affordable Care Act to me?
I'm liberal on 99% of most issues, but Obamacare confuses me. I'm all for universal health care, but NOT free health care just for the poor. So what exactly is Obamacare, what was the thought behind it, and what are some reasons why I should be for or against it?""
Insurance quote?
hey, for school i have to know what an insurance quote is and none of the sights i go to will give me any information. so can you help me? what is an insurance quote and for what kind of insurance? all of them?""
Is home insurance dwelling coverage the amount they will actually rebuild?
Assume my home insurance policy has $200,000 dwelling coverage, but my home is only worth $130,000.  If my home burns down, will they rebuild up to a $200,000 home or only replace what my home was?    For example, if my current home only has 1 garage stall, would they build my new home with 2 garage stalls?
What car is quite cheap to buy and is also cheap on insurance for a first time driver?
my parents are gettin me a car but im payin insurance .. any ideas?
What car insurance do you recommend?
There's probably 100's of car insurance companies. What do you have? Are you happy with it? How do the rates compare? How do you get treated after a claim? Ever dealt with those advertised on TV? Who have you had bad experiences with?
What Insurance Company is it?
does anyone know the insurance company that offers burial insurance and the information comes to you in a Green envelope with a picture of a african american couple in the 60's on it need desperately.thanks
Insurance for new driver?
For a new male driver that just got their permit, which car would have cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi A6 3.0T or a 2000 Corvette convertible Most people's first responses are the Corvette, because it is a sports car. However, it has only slightly more power than the Audi, and is worth less than half of what the Audi is. Both cars are titled under the same persons name, if that makes a difference. Would the difference in value make the Corvette's insurance cheaper, or will it still be higher?""
Insurance on my car after crash?
my car as in a hit and run accident my car was the hit and run car i wasn't the driver my frined was i want to call my insurance company to get it fixed but i dont want to get my friend in trouble can the insurance company tell where the car got towed from and if i tell them i crashed into a ditch and got it towed will they know
""Had one car accident ,went to the e.r.Primary health insurance wont pay visit.wants car insurance to pay.?
Pirimary health ins.wants me to file claim with car ins.I did not have medical ins on car policy.They just took care of vehicle totaled.Now what?
Insurance questions?
I have a 99' silverado LS 5.3 liter truck. It was hit in the parking lot by some fool at work and now all the body panels on the passenger side are dented. I took it to a dealer to get an estimate (since the guy has insurance) they quoted it at 7500 dollars worth of damage. I know that the truck doesn't actually book for much more than that. The truck still drives fine just that it is beat up on one side and the door won't open. I still owe about 3k on the truck. I have yet to get an adjuster to come look at it from state farm. Do you think the truck will be totalled? What are my options and how much will they sell the truck back for if it is a total? If it is a total what value will they go off of and how much should I expect for my truck which was in fair condition? Will the adjuster make a check out to me or will he send it to my bank or both? Any help with this from someone that has had a vehicle totalled by someone else would be greatly appreicated..I really don't know.
""Families who live in America, how much is your health insurance per month?""
In an earlier question I mentioned that my boyfriend's parents are paying for his 24-year-old sister's health insurance after she got laid off and couldn't find another position and can't afford health care on her own, to the tune of $175 a month (and she's perfectly healthy) and was floored when someone said that was actually inexpensive. Btw, her parents insist on her having health care coverage for fear of her getting in an accident or whatever. I'm 17 and am quite obviously naive about the costs of health insurance, but I'm really curious about it, and would like to know how much it usually costs for a family to have health insurance in America. I'm in California. I don't know if it's more expensive depending on your state. If if you don't mind answering, how much do you pay per year, and how many people are in your family? Does it become more expensive as your kids get older? What kind of plan do you have? Through work or your own? Are you supportive of universal health coverage? Also: does anyone understand how Medicare / MediCal works and who decides who is covered and who isn't? Is it based on your yearly income? I'm asking because one of the reasons my boyfriend's parents want his sister to have insurance is that another family friend of ours broke her jaw in a roller blading accident when she was 26 and didn't have insurance because she was unemployed at the time, and not being able to pay the $15,000 hospital bill killed her credit score. Sorry for all the questions. I'm just really curious about all this.""
How long does it usually take for an insurance company to pay a life insurance claim?
My father-in-law passed away in April 2009. He died of pneumonia. He had a life policy with a large national company. My sister-in-law is the beneficiary. Here it is, almost a year and a half later, and they still have not paid on the claim. I told her to contact the state insurance commission.""
How can I get cheaper car insurance as a new young driver?
Hello I'm a first year University student and I'm now looking to get my first car. As you may all know, the prices for insurance specially on young drivers are very high and I obviously will not be able to afford 350 a month for insurance even on my part-time job. I just wanted to know if there were any legal ways of my getting a cheaper quote. Could I insure under my uncle's name who has 9+ years NCB on his license? I'm aware of fronting and that most parents do it in order to get a cheaper quote for the son/daughter but i'm sure there are other legal ways of getting cheaper insurance right? I've previously driven in other countries if that also helps. All help will be greatly appreciated Thank you, Robert""
Can I get Sprint Insurance?
OK, let's say that I buy a phone for cheap on ebay or radioshack, can I still go to a sprint store and get insurance on the phone or do I have to buy the phone directly at the sprint store in order to get insurance?????""
Teen Car Insurance Question. Desperate for answers?
Hi I am 17 and I am testing out quotes for insurance... my question is that... is it legally required for me to add collision coverage? comprehensive coverage? uninsured motorist bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist Property Damage? .. WHAT IS LEGALLY REQUIRED and what do I really not need to worry about? I am a girl therefore I am a safe driver hahaha... ANY ANSWERS WILL HELP.... THANKS!!!!
Backed into something. Will insurance rates go up?
Today I backed into something in my car. It did slight damage to the rear bumper but nothing else. Could I choose to file this through my Insurance, and would this make my rates go up? I'm 18. Thanks""
Car Insurance Question... Help Please!?
I'm doing my homework and I wanted to figure out to find car insurance on the car of my choice. My car is a 2005 Cadillac CTS for $19,998, I picked it on Carmax. How do I find out how much insurance I must pay? I wanted to know Geico's Quote and Progressive's Quote. Also how do I find out Interest Rate... Somebody PLEASE HELP ME !""
How's health insurance in london?pls help?
i was diagnosed with some major illness in the US and have no insurance cant afford paying for it.i heard the health insurance is free in london, is it possible to move there for recovery? if so how long would it take me to get accepted as immigrant and fully recovered?""
What is the approximate cost of minimum coverage auto insurance in Ohio if you are young and drive a small car?
I know this depends on a lot of factors, but from the information given, just GUESS. How much? How much for someone that is about 22 years old, been driving since 17, never had an accident, never gotten a ticket.""
""Car Insurance, will it go up IF?""
Right.. well im gonna be able to drive the end of this year.. and i want to get a Vauxhall Astra Estate and make a few changes.. for Example: GSI front bumper Exhuast GSI alloy wheels possibly a new spray of paint leather seats new head lights Will the insurance go up if i do these things? i know its going to be high anyway because im a new driver.. but i wanna know if it will go up anymore and roughly by how much, and if anyone could just give me a general list of things i have to tell the insurance company if i change anything on the vehicle. Thanks!""
""Can I get a refund of life insurance premiums I paid? I set up a $100,000.00 life insurance policy?
August 2009. Monthly premiums were deducted automatically from my checking account. recently I had to change my checking account number because someone got access to my banking info. and made unauthorized deductions. This in turn caused my monthly insurance premiums from getting paid. The insurance Co. requested a substantial fee to reinstate my policy I cannot afford this fee can I get a refund of premiums paid and cancell the policy?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Under the new Cash Allowance Rebate program is my vehicle eligible if the registration and insurance ran out?
I owned my jeep cherokee for four years continuously registered and insured but just recently moved to California from New Jersey and out of necessity just let the truck sit for a few months during which the reg and insur. just expired about three months ago. So now can I still use this as a redeemable option on a new car.
Insurance BIN Number?
I need to bring my insurance information to the pharmacy in order to get my prescription costs down. They asked for me to bring several numbers, such as ID #, Group #, etc. I got that, but it also asks for a BIN # . I don't know what that is or where to get that info, is it on the insurance card (I have Blue Cross)? I hope someone can help because I'm in a bind. Thanks, Patrick""
How bad would a 2006 nissan altima be on insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm on my moms policy right now as the primary driver of a 20 year old sports car and it costs 900 a month. I used to be the primary driver of a small 2002 kia rio sedan and it cost about 700 a month. How much will it be if i am now the primary driver of a 2006 nissan altima? Also how much would the insurance for the actual car be? My mom drives an 06 taurus and she pays 800 so i'm guessing around that price?
Am i covered under my parents car insurance?
i have my license, im 16 and i sometimes drive my parents car; am i covered under their insurance? i think they added me in their insurance. im asking because i have friends at school that drive their parents car, but have their own insurance, and its expensive. so how come they have to pay their own insurance, and im covered under my parents? and when my parents added me did their rates go up? thanks for your help oh and i think i have statefarm""
How much does Car Insurance for a teenager cost?
How much is car insurance for a 15 ( starting drivers ed) year old girl if you are only a part time driver, like if you dont own a car you just use your parent' car in Illinois? Like how much is added on to your parents insurance bill? and how much does it cost if you have your own car?""
I am buying my first car and am looking for cheap car insurance. I found a site that is $500 less then Geico.?
Geico was the lowest quote at $1400 but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at $900 (which is very cheap for a 16 year old). Can anyone tell me if they are a reliable insurance company? Or has anyone dealt with them and has feedback? Thanks :)
Is home insurance dwelling coverage the amount they will actually rebuild?
Assume my home insurance policy has $200,000 dwelling coverage, but my home is only worth $130,000.  If my home burns down, will they rebuild up to a $200,000 home or only replace what my home was?    For example, if my current home only has 1 garage stall, would they build my new home with 2 garage stalls?
Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois?
Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois?
Where do I look for health insurance for my family?
Can i call insurance agents and get quotes from them for free? my husband is self employed do they have any health insurance specifically for that?
Health insurance in california?
i really need health insurance i have a really bad sinus problem & ADD i already had a surgery in the past for my sinus problem and i had healthy families insurance and they paid for it and they used to pay the office visits too my mom only paid $5 copay and since i turned 19 i cant have that insurance anymore is the some other insurance that is full coverage and is not very expensive? i already tried getting medical but did not qualify and i dont have a job because everyone is getting laid off over here
What kind of car could i buy under around 4200 and is a cheap on insurance but is fast ?
What kind of car could i buy under around 4200 and is a cheap on insurance but is fast ?
Motorcycle Insurance..?? Who is really reasonable1st Time Rider?
I've search and request several quotes for motorcycle insurance from the more well know insurance companies, but there all estimate $200 to $215 per month.. and I have my ryders liences.. Does anybody have any suggestionsggesions for better deals. Somebody hit me up>> thanks""
How much is car insurance for a 21 year old female?
I'll be a first time driver as of next month and I was curious how much I'll be looking at as a ball park estimate on my insurance rates. I know I'm a late bloomer for driving but I have never needed it as I live in a city. But as I want to do and go more places, I need a car now. Especially since I'm moving out of state, on my own, in 6 months. I was wondering how much I'm going to be looking at. I'll be driving a small sedan, maybe a 04-05 Honda Accord or Civic. I live in Texas now but I'll be moving to Ohio, in February, and if anyone could give me rates for both places I'd be much obliged! Thank you so much for even answering my question :)""
What does my comprehensive and my collision deductible have to do with my car loan?
I just received a letter from Capital One Auto Finance saying that my new insurance policy is inadequate. I upped the comprehensive and collision deductible from $500 to $2500, which saves me over $400 dollars a month. According to Capital One, this is too high and has to be lowered back down to $1000 or less. But I would sooner become an employee at the Bunny Ranch, before I pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. Hell, I would have to become an employee at the Bunny Ranch if I had to pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. I feel like as long as I'm giving Capital One their money, my deductible should have nothing to do with them.""
""If I get my driver's permit in Michigan, will my parent's insurance go up?""
I'm 15 years old and my mother is hesitant to let me learn to drive, however I finally convinced her. :) She said I can't get my license though because it will drive her insurance way up. She will let me get my permit though if that doesn't have an effect on her insurance cost. I looked online a little bit and some people have said a permit will alter the cost, but other say that only a licence will. So basically, will getting a permit (not licence) drive up insurance? Sorry for the lengthiness ;)""
What cars are cheap and affordable for first time drivers ?
I am booking my driving test soon and looking to save some money for a car, already have some saved up, i wondered on any opinions on cheap cars, low-ish insurance and a reliable one. In the UK which i could buy.""
Why do we need health insurance?
People complain about not being able to afford health insurance, and people aslo complain that the health insurance they do have doesn't cover what they need it to cover. Doesn't it seem more like health insurance is the middle man that keeps the price of health related goods and services at such a rate that is unattainable by the majority of US citizens? Wouldn't the tens of thousands of doctors be forced to lower their rates to an affordible rate if health insurance, as a standard practice, was abolished?""
What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?
What happens to your insurance rates if your car is stolen?
What is a good CHEAP car for a 16 year old?
i am turning 16 in a while and i really want a cheap used small suv got any suggestions ????? please help my dad and i are tired of fighting over it
Car insurance for students at uni?
Im going to uni in september and my car insurance is also up for renewal, i will be leaving the car at home while away but will want to use it over holiday periods and the occasional weekend. Does anyone know of cheap companies who offer insurance for short periods of time while its driven?""
What is the Cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old with a license for 4 months?
I have a 87 Toyota supra. The cheapest we've found was 119 a month! Is there better though?
Do foster kids get health insurance? Any insurance?
suppose a adoptive kid w/ parents w/no health insurance. the adoption gets dissrupted and now they live in a foster home.
Travel Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of any websites that can allow insurance on a car for about a week just for travel? I am going to Vegas and using my mom's car but I have to get insurance on it but I only want it for the week. Any ideas ??
Cheap Car Insurance for 22year old?
Hi, Im 22 year old male from Manchester UK, Have held a full clean licence for over 4 years now, I need a car to travel to work. I have tried to find a cheap quote but my car insurance is over 3000. Just wondering does any one know of any companies that could provide me with a cheaper car insurance quote? I have tried all the insurance comparision websites. Any other suggestions? May be buy a brand new car which has free insurance? But dont know who does it now apart from peugeot where you have to be over 25. Any help will be greatly appericiated.""
Why not sell medical insurance like Auto insurance?
I know this is long but please bear with me. Rather than set up a separate government run medical insurance or expansion of medicare to the general public....One criticism of government care is that it will be in direct competition with existing providers. Ultimately siphoning insurance customers away from traditional plans and onto the rolls of govt care causing these providers to go out of business. Here in my state the auto insurance companies MUST offer the same basic minimum coverage in order to do business in the state. Everyone here must have at least the same basic level of insurance (both auto and medical) . You can go to any provider you choose and this basic minimum insurance level costs the same . If you want more insurance you can pay for additional coverage. But that basic plan is available to all. So why not have a similar program for medical insurance as part of a nation wide group policy. This group can be subsidized by the government but it would be managed by the existing insurance providers. (In other words if you want to be in the insurance business you must offer and support this minimum plan which would be a foundation for any other plan you offer) The govt pays the insurance company a flat rate to manage each person enrolled in the basic plan. The more money the company saves (the better they manage the insurance) the more money they keep. However if that company provides poor management it will cost them. Either subscribers will change management companies if they feel they are getting a raw deal or wasteful management would not be payed for by the government. One advantage I see here is that consumers would have an alternative providers to go to if they feel wronged by a particular management company. Insurance providers also have an incentive to offer additional services to the basic plan members in order to attract more subscribers and earn money. With a govt program like medicare your stuck with the one provider (the governement). As they say One Choice is NO Choice.... If someone wants additional insurance they can buy additional coverage from any provider they choose. But No one could be denied coverage for the standardized basic plan. Since everyone is part of this national group policy the basic insurance is portable and independent of supplemental policy one may have. So if you change jobs or move to a different state you may loose the supplemental policy BUT your basic coverage remains intact. You merely transfer the company that provides the management services for the basic medical. Insurance providers would get paid by the fed to manage the participants in the basic plan for each participant in the basic plan. this would put market forces into play for the insurance providers to make money by attracting additional participants through better service or offerings. COunter to this is if the consumer gets crappy management services they can transfer to any other insurance provider.
Do I really need home owners insurance?
if a hurricane were to come into my area and cause a flood, wouldn't the flood insurance take care of it. What are some good home insurance companies in FL with minimal requirements. I made several calls but no one wants to insure me because I don't have heating or cooling.""
17 year old and my car insurance quote is 835. Genuine?
Just passed my text and i asked my driving instructor where i can get the best cheap quote? its third party but i dont mind. its a 1.4 corsa. He said he recommends all his pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I Dont understand though? Why when i look at everyone elses questions i see quotes for 3000+. I Used go compare and i also got that. but this (the first site) i went direct to and i got it for 835. Am i missing something? Thankyou:)
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
Is it worth paying over $100+ car insurance?
I'm currently a college commuter and I drive a 1997 Toyota Corolla DX sedan with over 180k miles on it. My insurance company is GEICO and they put me on a 6 month payment plan where my premium is $839. Now the thing is that I pay about $140 a month for 6 months until that total is paid off, but is it worth paying $140 car insurance for a car that was manufactured in 1997 with over 180k miles and doesn't run or look to good at all. Should i try to finance a preowned or used car? If so how should i do it? I know there are many options in paying for a new car, but I'm 19, in college, working at Walmart part-time, and own a online business. Tips are appreciated.""
What is the purpose of a car insurance company giving quotes for the other insurance companies??
Just wondering... could they maybe lie about it? Why would they give quotes of the other companies if theirs isn't as good as the other ones? To me it just sort of seems like they are screwing themselves... Does anybody know why they do this?
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
Motorbike insurance?
barclays motorbike insurance
Is home insurance dwelling coverage the amount they will actually rebuild?
Assume my home insurance policy has $200,000 dwelling coverage, but my home is only worth $130,000.  If my home burns down, will they rebuild up to a $200,000 home or only replace what my home was?    For example, if my current home only has 1 garage stall, would they build my new home with 2 garage stalls?
Cheap car ins for 21 yrs male with ncb help?
my partner is looking for a cheap quote for car insurance he is 21 with 1 claim and no years no claims bonus we r being quoted over 1000 please help i tried loads of web sites but if any one knows a really good one or phone number that will be great thanx
What is the comparison between permanant life insurance and Roth IRA?
Advantages if any Disadvantages if any
Husband won't get life insurance?
We just married a few months ago. He bought a house a month before we married through VA loan. We are almost 40, and I believe we need life insurance on each other to cover house, cars, debts, ect.... I have enough on me to cover for my part and some. My husband told me that my name if not on the house so I have not financial bearing. If he dies, I can simply walk out the house and downgrade to a trailer, apartment, rent home, cheper home, whatever.... or I can sell his things to help pay the note... OUr house isn't new and very simple!! regardless, I think this is rude. you don't leave your widowed spouse with all that baggage. He makes plenty that he could afford a policy. I am asking him to cover most of the house, his vehicle, and personal debt... which he has a bunch from before our marriage. Am I being hard on him? He isn;t willing to share checking account or save together. He doesnt want me minding his finaces- none of my business is what he tells me pretty much.""
I'm disabled a on social security. Is there a cheaper auto insurance that I can apply to in Florida?
Im moving to flordia on March 3ed. An I need to find cheap auto insurance. Here in NJ we have a program called Dollar a day. But its only for people on Medicaid or Medicare. Does Fl have any programs?
Best car insurance for a teen?
Im 16 and will be getting my license soon but have to pay for my own insurance. I would like to know which insurance agency would be cheapest?
I need Health and Dental Insurance in NJ?
I'm self Employee, 30 year old male I need a Really good Health and Dental Insurance in NJ what are the best companies that provide my needs Under $700 a month, I dont need vision insurance""
What car insurance do you have and do you like it?
Would you recommend it to me. I dont need a bundle i dont own a home yet, im getting my first car in a couple months and im confused about which insurance to pick.""
Does each driver of a specific vehicle need to have car insurance?
Does every person who plans to drive a specific car need to have their own insurance? My husband and I are about to buy a car, and we're wondering if we both need insurance or if just one of us could have it. We would both like to be able to drive the car. (we'll be living in Idaho, if that makes a difference)""
What are the best cars with cheap insurance?
l am 19 and l know insurance aren't cheap at my age but l need a car that has a cheaper insurance. So far l've looked into a Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 litre and Peugeot. Is there any other cars that are good and strong but won't cost so much to insure?""
Insurance nightmare help?
tommorow im leaving for florida in my grandmothers car. i just discovered the car hasnt had a proof of insurance for over a year. if i cannot find a proof of insurance i cannot begin my 1300 mile trip to florida. does anyone have any ideas on some way we can get a proof of insurance between now and tomorow at 9 am?
Car insurance in ontario?
Ok so im about to buy my first used car and i have no idea how getting insurance for your car works. im going to call around to find the best rate but do insurance companies normally make you pay anything up front? i was told that sometimes they make you pay for two months right away. is this true? i have enough for one month of insurance up front but i want to make sure i save enough money to do so if that is usually the case thanks.
Car insurance PLEASE HELP!!!!?
Will it increase my insurance premium if I have more people listed under my insurance who can drive my car thanks so much. i currently have state farm
Getting affordable health insurance?
My husband has basic health he got it by someone sponsering him through his health care provider.My question is He is 47 and has alot of health problems severe asthma diabetes he takes several medications.He was just in the hospital for an infection in his lungs for 4 days.He got a letter from basic Health asking him for a 2009 incometax statement.My husband has not filled out income tax for a long time because he does not make enough.I am the bread winner in the family.He makes probably 2 to 300 a month because of his health problems.Is there anyway he can keep his basic health insurance without sending in a tax form.If he doesnt have the insurance and cant get his medication or see his dr he could possibly die.Please anyone with some help would be appreciated.
""Trying to buy Car insurance on my own, but i don't know how much to buy?""
I'm getting an online quote and i'm buying a car for 2500. the page displays a bunch of coverage that would be paid in the even that it was my fault, but i don't know anything about deductables. Would anyone be able to tell me how much money for each coverage is good. and if i should get a deductable. thanks so much""
Affordable health insurance in NYC?
Hi, I am 30 years old and my wife and I had a combined income of approx $62,000 for 2006. In august of this year I will be quitting my full time job and going back to school full time. My current salary is $50,000. I anticipate making no more than $20,000 while in school and not being able to get health insurance through work. My income for 2007 will screw up my chances of getting most federal aid for the first year and will probably exclude me from healthy NY as well. Insurance through school is about $600 a month. I've gotten quotes of $513 to $1200 a month for my wife and I. All I want is catastrophic coverage in case either of us have any major problems or I have an accident while riding my motorcycle (a means of transportation, not a toy). These online quotes are driving me crazy. Where is the best place for me to look for something that will cover these specific conditions and how much should I expect to pay? Thanks in advance!!""
Will like to know what car insurance company is the most affordable?
whats the most affordable car insurance out there? any one know's ?
Auto Insurance in Illinois?
I have my 18 year old daughter covered under my auto insurance policy. She is covered on her own car and mine as well. My question is, if she happens to get into an accident while driving her car, can the other person try and sue me since the policy is in my name? Also, if she lets someone else drive her car who has no insurance and they get into a wreck, can I be sued? She owns her own car and the title is in her name alone. We live in IL""
Car insurance price?
any 17 year old drivers (males) wanna tell me the price of your car insurance? and the car you own? Cheers!
Affordable Car insurance for an 18 year old male?
So I did a quote on several sites (Progressive, Esurance etc) and the quote comes up to about $2,000 a month, $8000 for a 6 month policy!! This is crazy, it is twice as much as the value of my car!! Where can I find a quote for a lot less maybe $100 a month or something? My mother does not drive and I am the only driver in the house so I can't use her. Mazda 6i 2004 6Cylinder I am a full time student and worker""
Where Do I Find Quotes For Non-Owners Auto Insurance?
I Need It Cheap, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!!""
I need auto insurance in massachusetts with a low down payment. does anyone know of any?
I need auto insurance in massachusetts with a low down payment. does anyone know of any?
How will Obama's healthcare plan help me?
Please answer this question only if you truly know the answer. I am tired of all the rhetoric. I work at a hospital in patient access. The insurance the company offers is too expensive so I chose not to take it. I also know, from the job I do, that it doesn't pay very well for the employees that do use it. So how will Obama's plan help me to be able to #1 afford health insurance #2 have good coverage offered to me""
Insurance with learners permit in florida?
Ok i'm 15 years old and i just got my learners permit. I need to know if i need to have insurance in order to drive the car with my parents or i only need insurance when i get my license. Please try an answer with evidence and what not, thanks in advance""
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence beccause I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on? they put my sister on it a couple years ago and it went up $1000
Need advice on good medical insurance company?
Wanting to purchase medical insurance for a family member. Looking for a very good company who could provide major medical insurance with at least a $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly looking for some basic coverage. Thank you for whatever advice you can give me.""
Is home insurance dwelling coverage the amount they will actually rebuild?
Assume my home insurance policy has $200,000 dwelling coverage, but my home is only worth $130,000.  If my home burns down, will they rebuild up to a $200,000 home or only replace what my home was?    For example, if my current home only has 1 garage stall, would they build my new home with 2 garage stalls?
0 notes
carole nash car insurance quote
"carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do I need insurance for my car with a suspended license and no registration in NJ?
I cannot drive due to suspension of license, and cannot renew registration due to suspension.Do I need to get insurance for this car?""
Does anyone know a good AFFORDABLE car insurance provider for someone with a DUI/accident?
I'm in New Jersey if that matters.. thanks!
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old male? 10 points?
I'm getting ridiculous quotes for a Citreon C1 Group E insurance for 7000+ under 1 liter engine size !!! By using compare the market and other comparison sites! Where can I find affordable insurance quotes? My brother was insured on a 06 1.2 Polo for 2,300 and only been driving for 6 months. surely a C1 will be cheaper!! Need help""
Which car insurance is cheaper a brand new car wi the same engine size or an old car wi the same engine size?
btw i live in uk and simply say i want to buy a corsa 1.0 and which insurance will be cheaper a old 1.0 corsa or a brand new 1.0 corsa? thanks for the help
""My car was towed, I still owe payments, No insurance...Now what?
Okay...so first things first.... My car was towed without insurance. I do still make monthly payments. I was in a wreck 2days ago :/ and my car finally died today (Radiator gave out) ...show more
How much does plow insurance cost?
I'm about to turn 15 and I'm looking to buy a truck to fix up. I know plow trucks are much cheaper than one that Has never plowed jut because of the wear and tear on the front end tranny and engine. If I were to buy a plow truck I'd plow with is. I am aware of most of the other costs buy I'm looking to know how much liability insurance for plowing for cost me?
How can I lower my car insurance rates?
I'm 17, and got a car a little over a month ago. My car insurance (with Gieco) is $250 a month. My mom's is $100. I'm on her plan, or something. I never took drivers ed (and with two jobs, school full time, and online classes, I most likely never will). I do have all A's though, does anywhere give a discount for that? I've got no tickets or accidents. Please help me find something cheaper!""
Does medicaid take someones life insurance money AFTER they die?
My father used medicaid briefly, i think some hospital and a few months in a nursing home...before he died. My mother and father had very little, didnt even own their home. My mom is afraid to have life insurance on HER, because she was told that after HER death...medicaid would try and take whatever she has....including a life insurance policy on her....which of course I'm the only son would recieve it. There is nothing else, she rents a small apartment and is making payments on a car...so its not really hers either. we live in MISSOURI...""
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Cheapest car insurers for 17 year olds?
Which websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers for new drivers? Im 17 so I wanna find the best deal!
Is buying a sports car going to completely destroy my insurance rates?
Quick run down - I am 22, I work full time, go to school part time, I've had multiple tickets on my record but they were all 2-3 years ago and I will refinance my insurance to deal with that later. Currently I drive a '98 Toyota Corolla and my insurance is $3000 a year (tickets). I am planning on buying a Mazda RX-8 coupe this summer. Will this completely murder my insurance costs? I have Allstate. How much would this really affect my insurance, given my situation. Roughly?""
Insurance will not pay for storage?
I reside in California, and I was recently involved in an accident. The other party accepted 100% fault for the accident. My vehicle has been in storage since November 19th. The other party's insurance says they will only pay for storage up to the 23rd because paying more is not a reasonable amount. Can they really do this? If I do pay the storage that they will not cover, it will still cost me over $500! I mean they accepted fault, and it is their client's fault that I have been without a car for so long. It is their fault that my car had to be towed and put in storage. They are the professionals. They should be able to negotiate with the company, and not put the responsibility on me. What is the best way to handle this?""
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How much does auto insurance cost a month for a 23 yr old in IL?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
Health insurance in USA?
hello, i have few questions regarding health insurance for americans. 1- What is the average annual cost of health insurance for adults? 2- do children get free healthcare or should they be covered by the insurance? 3- who can benefit from free healthcare in america? 4- if americans pay tax how come theyre not entitled to free healthcare?""
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Cheap derbi insurance?
hey im 16 the end of the month and i am getting a derbi gpr 50. my question is, where can i find really cheap insurance for this bike in the UK?""
Where can I add my name to health insurance waiting list and what are average waiting times?
In our state we imposed rent controls 10 years ago to help the poor with more affordable housing, and apartments available for rent disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason. I spent 6 years on a waiting list and still my turn never came. To tell you the truth almost all vacancies are filled either through bribes or nepotism. One week ago our Governor imposed price controls on health care insurance premiums to help the poor with more affordable health care, and policies available for purchases disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason.""
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
Car insurance for 4 months.?
I'm going to uni in 4 months but my mum is planning to buy a car. I'll be the main driver for the 4 months prior to uni and after that it will be my mum's car and I won't be driving it at all. How would I go about getting insurance for this situation?
Will police know if your car insurance policy has been cancelled?
Paying my car insurance is my number one priority but after being unemployed for 2 months and finally starting a job, I can't pay my next bill. I called my insurance company and got a 15 day extension but I start my new job on Monday so I might not be able to pay the bill. If my proof of Insurance says it ends in August and I missed July's payment and the insurance is cancelled, can a police officer find out? Again, I am not asking because I want to skip out on my insurance. I have run out of funds and I am starting a new job on Monday. Also, if it matters, I live in Michigan.""
Can there be two different auto insurances on the same car?
Im a new driver, im 17 and im in the state of illinois. I dont have a license yet, just a permit. My parents only have one car and i cannot afford my own at this time. My parents have allstate and their rates are too high for me. So i contacted another insurance agency and their rates for liability were lower. So, can one car be insured with two different insurances?""
Insurance quote on 1989 Jaguar XJ6 for 17 year old?
Hey, just for the record I'm not buying this car to speed, I just plan on fixing it up and taking it for cruises. Just wondering how much it would be, thanks. Also does it go under classic or historic car insurance?""
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
Whats the best insurance company for young male drivers?
im 17. passed my test in sept this year. want to insure new citeron c1 1litre or 2001 or 1999 corsa expression 1 litre. whats the best insurance company. best quote is 3k so far.
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
Cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
i am 20 and my boyfriend is 19 any cheap car insurances known as i am currently paying 1800 for the year on an S reg saxo for us both thanks in advance
""I only pay car insurance, what should my credit score be?""
I have car insurance in my name (I haven't been late on a payment yet), this is the first and only thing I make payments on. What should my credit score be? Also what are small things I can do to bring it up?""
About how much is a persons car insurance after a dui?
I had a dui earlier this year that caused a car accident. This was my first time ever having a car accident or even getting a ticket. About how much could my car insurance be a month? Please no negative comments
Has Tort reform had a beneficial impact on Health Insurance rates in California.?
California has had Tort reform in medical malpractice for 30 years. Has this kept Health Insurance affordable in California? Ask the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how they feel about tort reform. Rather than pay for an expensive transplant and a lifetime of expensive care, her insurer simply denied the claim knowing they most her parents could get in punitive damages was $250,000. Seems to me that tort reform is another name for death panels!!!""
Where can I buy my own health/dental insurance at the cheapest price?
When I turned 19 I was no longer legally able to be on my parents insurance coverage. I need to find out where I can purchase my own insurance at a reasonably cheap price...It's ...show more
Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I Plan on trying to get these three type of cars Toyota Corolla SR5 1983 Nissan 240sx 1989 Mazda Rx-7 1991 You might notice two of these cars are sports cars but they're 20 years old so I just thought the insurance might be cheaper but anyway, Would you guys like estiamte how much insurance would be if I had bought any three of these cars. Also if anybody has any of these cars how much do you pay for insurance for that car and how old are you?""
Why is my credit ratingscore brought down for getting car insurance quotes?
I'm trying to get auto and renter's insurance and I do not understand why my credit score is brought down because of this. Can't they tell I'm not our trying to get several credit cards or lines of credit or loans? How can this be dealt with and changed or stopped? If this is going to happen, how will my credit look in two years when I am ready to buy a newer vehicle?""
Car tax and insurance?
how mich is yax and insurance on a car for over 25s my bf is nearly 25 and starting to drive xxx
First time Car Owner Getting Insurance?
I'm a college student, not living with my parents, which means I will need to start my own parents. and I'm looking to buy my first car, which might be an out-of-state title. Say I eventually, locked on a deal. The question is: Do I have to buy insurance before paying for the car. But then how does the insurance company assess the quote since I haven't had a car yet. Do I just tell them the make and year of the car I'm Going to buy for sure or how does it work? What if I bought the insurance, but the deal didn't work out, and I have to choose other car/ make/ year? Or, can I get it insured soon After I make the purchase? If so, what happens between I picked up it from the seller and driving it to get it insured. Do I get screw if I had an accident during this time. I probably sound pretty stupid by now.. but dude help me out here.""
How much does company car insurance cost for your personal car?
If i was to take out insurance for my car to cover it for company use how much does this usually cost??? i guess every car/individual is different but on average whats the usual cost??? thanks
Which is the best of the car insurance price comparison websites?
And is there like a website that you can go to that lets you compare them easily?
California life and health insurance exam?!?
I took it once but only got 60% and it was super difficult with only studying the pre licensing course. Can anyone give me some other materials or advice for getting a passing score. Please and thank you. And please no bulls**t answers-___-
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
Car insurance policies for minors?
So, if you are under 18, and are paying for all car expenses yourself, including insurance, what is the difference between being under your parents car insurance policy, and being under your own with parents approval signatures? Can your parents still be charged if you can't afford damages to an accident if you are under your own insurance policy?""
I am looking for the website for the Illinois Insurance Auto Assigned Risk Pool?
This pool provides insurance for high risk drivers on a rotating basis.
Is my life insurance cheap or expensive?
I pay $4 a week and I get $30,000 insurance and I'm 22 years old, male, is this a good or bad deal?""
Young Driver. Big Raise in Auto Insurance Rates! Can you help?
My son is 15 and is getting his learner's permit. My insurance company wants almost $200 a month to insure him on my policy. I had low rates and a good record so this shocked me. Can anybody help?
Volvo S40 insurance cost?
I'm going to lease a new car soon and I had my heart set on a 2008 Volkswagen Jetta SE ($21,040), but yesterday I found an really good deal on a 2007 Volvo S40 ($20,800). It's never been sold so it's technically new (it was a dealer demo). I'm just wondering if the insurance on this car would be similar to that of the Jetta. It's the base model 2.4i with no options except the automatic transmission. Do you know if if the Volvo would be more costly to insure?""
Accident with no insurance?
Hi I got in an accident in linconwood with out any insurance but the accident was his fault and there's no police report and now his car insurance company is during me b.c they said it was my fault. Can somebody please help me out here
Full or Limited Tort with no car or insurance?
I was in a single car accident in March. My car is not drivable and I am donating it. I want to cancel my insurance on the car and my agent said that I would have a lapse insurance which would make it more expensive for me to get insurance in the future. I live in PA and also wonder that if I no longer have car insurance does that mean I have limited tort if I'm passenger in someone's car or get hit while walking. I'm currently driving my mother's car which is registered and insured in DE I have concerns as to my liabilty and hers if I were to be at fault in an accident in PA. Doing some research today has just made me more confused.
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where can i get cheap car insurance? I'm now 18, and I did use to drive a 1.2 Renault Clio, but I had to sell it, because the insurance was so high. I've been looking at other cars with small engines, and I have been using price comparison sites, but the cheapest quote I ever got was 3000 (and have done Pass Plus too!!) Is there any way to make insurance cheaper, or is there any insurance companies, that specialise insurance for young drivers with Pass Plus? And is there any other ways to make quotes cheaper? Please help :)""
Is triple a the best car insurance?
Is triple a the best car insurance?
How much does auto insurance cost for a 16 year old male with Erie?
I just got my license and now I want to get a car but my dad wont pay for insurance, I was wondering what the possible prices might be. I would like a Jeep Wrangler or a VW ...show more""
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
How much is car insurance usually in UK?
I live in London and don't have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29. I've got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month and what is the best insurance company?
17 year old car insurance help?!? Modification!?
Just got a Nissan micra 1.2 10 year old, insurance quotes cheapest is 2700 with a parent as a named driver, how can I get this Down and I wanted to add some mods""
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy?
What is The Best Life Insurance Policy? I am Looking For the Best Life Insurance Policy We are having another child and I have to do something about not having any life insurance Can I get A free Online Life Insurance Policy Quote somewhere. Thanks for your time
What is the average car insurance for an 18 year old male who is just starting to drive?
I just want to know how much car insurance will cost me i know a lot has to do with the cost such as what type of car and such. I want an estimate because no insurance website has a quote for new drivers.
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Why is the insurance on my 1982-83 2.5L landie cheeper than my 0.9L corsa W reg?
i just dont see how the insurance on any landie could be cheaper than a corsa, especially as it is my first year driving, does anyone know why this could be?????""
Why the heck is insurance so high?
So I'm 17 trying to get insured on any car from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I've tried practically everything and it's so expensive. I get quoted 15,000 for a MINI COOPER S and 12,000 for a corsa. The area I live in insurance is low. I passed in july and I really need a car. Any suggestions for cars or insurance?""
How to get cheap insurance without no claim bonus?
Hi basically I had been a additional driver on my brothers policy for 3 years and I do not hold any no claim bonus as it was on my brothers name. I want to get insurance done on my name now but I am looking for any good deal being a only driver with no claim bonus as I have no accident history, I have clean record of driving so any ideas on how to sort it out cheap let me know thanks in advance :)""
Insurance of a replica sports car ?
Would I have to pay high insurance on a replica of a sports car, when really the car is actually that the body kit will be going onto is only worth 600 ?""
Insurance on a Firebird?
looking for cars with the lowest insurance rates but idk anything about that... i know sports cars are more expensive. age, location, record and all that too.. but are firebirds generally expensive to insure?? and bc its older will it be less expensive?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance for me and my self employed husband?
For just me and him we pay $927 a month! He has no medical conditions. I take 3 medications for depression and anxiety, but its been a lifelong thing, and I require not psychiatrist or anything , like that, just the meds from my family doctor to keep my chemicals level. Can we get assistance, or is there special help for the self employed? I'm 35 and he is 40.""
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business?
How much auto insurance do I need if I own a home and some other assests?
My auto insurance company told me that if I'm in an accident and I don't have enough auto insurance I can be sued and possibly lose my home. I never heard of anyone losing ...show more
Can't decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
I wanted to go to college to be and insurance salesperson but im not sure. If i go to a community college and get an associates degree in business-insurance sales what does it quallify me to sell, like what type of insurance? How much do they make? Will it be easy to find a job? What are the typical hours? Will i have a secure job? Do you work off comission? Any additional info plz""
""Where is best for cheap car insurance for a new driver, curfew insurance?""
I am just turning 17 and want to know the cheapest insurance companies out there. I know Quinn direct is good, but are there any better ones. I also know that there are curfew insurance companies that stop you going out after 11 and before 5 in the morning, but what are the companies called? Thanks""
Car insurance. Confused.com?
Hi, I have to do the car insurance for my dad. My dad used confused.com last year. I have all the information stored there and i want a new quote. What to do press because the page has changed and I don't know much about these things. I want to get a new quote with filling anything in again. What to I do? Thank you very much.""
Quick insurance quote for a 2006 range rover sport hse?
i am 16 and found a 2006 range rover hse sport for only 10 grand. the car is immaculate and freaking loaded to the top with upgrades. i know you are all thinking WTH? but the car is not salvaged and runs perfectly. i can afford the payments for the loan i am getting, but what insurance company would charge the least amount of money with decent coverage, cause liability aint covering the rover. thanks for all ure help, P.S. how much would registration be?""
How much will my insurance go up?
I rearended someone on the highway. There was no damage on either car and no one was hurt. Unfortunately, my front airbags deployed and the seatbelts locked up. I've got an estimate of 4k in repairs. I believe my deductible is approx $400. 4k is a pretty hefty amount. But the question is should I claim or pay out of pocket? Basically, will the increased insurance rate exceed that of the 3.6k difference that they'd be paying? I'm currently paying 1k a year. Thanks.""
Will my car insurance rate rise if someone on my policy gets in an accident?
If I add someone onto my car insurance policy and that person gets in an accident, will my rate climb. If it does can I remove that person from my policy to keep my rate the same.""
My car was wrecked and the insurance company paid to have it fixed. Now they have found something they missed?
After paying out around 12,000 to fix my car (body damage only, but new car so everything came from factory) we found out there is something else that needs to be fixed and because the car is so new and they don't make parts for it, whole transmission needs to be replaced, even though nothing it actually wrong with it. Now insurance wants to total my car. I have gap coverage and want to know my options if i would like to keep my car and have transmission fixed myself. At first insurance told me they would pay off car, I keep it and get settlement money, then they told me no settlement money, but I would get to keep car with salvage title and it would be paid off, now they are saying they r trying to make sure I can keep it at minimal cost to me . The lien holder says if the insurance pays it off, they (lien holder) will not allow me to keep the car. If the insurance pays for it, isn't it their option to allow me to keep the car or not? What are my options?""
What to do if someone doesn't want to use car insurance to pay for accident but pay privately?
Someone just rear ended me. There are deep scratches on the bumper. He has car insurance, but doesn't want to use it. I got most of his information - driver's license #, car insurance info, ect. What are the steps I should take? My car insurance company said I have to call in and report accidents as soon as they happen. Should I do this in case he doesn't follow through and pay me for repairs? Should I go get an estimate right now, and have him send me a check?""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for insurance companies?
I'm in the u.s.
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
Who owns Geico insurance?
Who owns Geico insurance?
Anyone in PA know about the car insurance discount?
Supposedly you can get about 7% to 8% off car insurance if you have an Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does anyone know anything about this?
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
What are some really good auto insurance companies?
I just turned 18 and my parents are basically kicking me off the insurance. i need some good but affordable car insurance (full coverage) What insurance company are you with and about how much is it a month for 1 driver?
Car insurance loopholes?
Are there any loopholes or 'tricks' I can employ to lower my car insurance? I'm 19, and the quotes I am getting are between 4000-5000. It's obscene, especially when my motorbike does 0-60 in 3 seconds and has a top speed of 160mph yet it costs me 350 a year to insure. Apparently I might not be able to 'handle the power of a Vauxhall Corsa'. Car insurers won't even take my 3 years motorcycle NCB into account. Is there anything I can do?""
How is affordable calculated in obama care?
How is affordable calculated in Obama care? I have tried to find the criteria of what is considered affordable in Obama Care but haven't found it. How is it calculated? Who determines what is affordable? I think $1/ month is affordable. I'm sure the government and the health insurance company's say it's more.
Car insurance whats the diff?
I got two insurance quotes and one is for 20/40 liability (the state min) and the other is for 100/300 what exactly does this mean. I know its the amount that they cover, but I only have liability so whats the difference?? Please, help.""
Do insurance companies rate based on points or violations??
I am 23 and have no points on my licence. I live in maryland and i was pulled over in virginia for speeding and recived a 'failure to obey a highway sign' violation. The officer said he gave me that cause it was a lesser fine, i think it was B.S. cause he didnt have me on radar (i asked to see the radar becase he said i was going 75 in a 65, i felt i was going 70 max.. he said they arent supposed to lock in the speed int he radar but that is a different issue) I contacted a rep from the MVA and he said no points would transfer to my driving record, but the violation would go on my record carrying no points. My question is, do the insurance companies look at just the points on your licence, or do they look at the violation even if there are no points. Also, about 2 years ago I got a ticket for speeding and i went to court and they dropped the points and declinded the fine a little. Im assuming this is on my record as well, but carried no points, would this effect rates as well""
What is the most affordable cancer insurance for a girl in her 30s in japan?
not including shakkai hoken and kokumin hoken. i got those already. i want supplement insurance
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
To get a car insurance quote do they need my social security number?
I called an insurance company and they asked for my social security number. I gave it to them and my mother got mad at me. Are they suppose to ask for it for a quote?
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
What can I do about auto insurance price gouging?
I backed into someone in a parking lot. Thay had a claim off $1000. this is my first and only accident. My insurance company say's because I was moving it's a collision and my insurance has doubled. this is wrong.
I dented my friends car. can my insurance cover it?
i accidentally kicked my friend's 2011 Camry SE's back side door. He treats his car really well and i know it really upset him. I was going to pay for it, but when we took it to the toyota shop, not only was it $2000 but they also need to keep it for a week. He would need another car to go to his full time job and full time school, so he asked if my insurance could cover for it and give him a rental car. My insurance is in my parents name so i want to know whats going to happen before i decide to ask them. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks.""
Anyone know a dentist in NH/MA that is affordable?
Hey , my parents are having a really hard time with their teeth , and it kills me to see them in such pain and having nothing to help them. The thing is they don't have dental insurance because medicaid doesn't seem to cover it , my parents are both in need of some dental work for an affordable price because we do also live on a fixed income . Some please help , any places?""
""For a 16 year old how much does insurance cost for a year, an average, and what is out there that is the best?""
insurance plan, only answer if u have insurance or have experience""
Rental Car - minimum liability insurance in California?
Does a car rental company in California have to provide minimum liability insurance required by state law without extra costs?
Moped insurance in texas?
I am looking into getting a 49cc moped and am trying to figure out how much it would cost to insure it. I am a 25 yr old female with a clean driving record if that helps.
Question about car Insurance.?
I live in Canada, Ontario. My question is, if I am 16 years old, can I call insurance companies for insurance quotes? Of course if I have my license and tell them everything honestly and truthfully. Do I have to be 18 or above to do this? Just please tell me if I am eligible to call insurance companies on my own to gather quotes. Thank you""
Why doesn't Obama want people to be able to get health insurance from other states?
wouldn't this create more competition in the insurance business?
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
Car Insurance for Teens?
Hi, Im 16 years old, going to get my license, and did parent taught drivers ed. All my life, ive wanted to drive, but now, I hear that car insurance for teenagers is so damn high. I heard it is at least 200 a month, and I know for a fact my parents cant afford that? What should I do? Some people I heard pay only 20 dollars a month, how the hell did they get suc ha low rate? Also, Id like to drive a sports car, which im guessing is gonna make insurance way higher. So where can my parents get affordable insurance for me?""
Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?
In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.""
How long do I have to wait till I get cheaper car insurance?
I have saved enough money to buy a used decent car cash. However, because my licence is super new the liability insurence came up to $270.00 and I cannot afford it. They said is because of I'm considered I new driver. So, how long do I have to wait before I get cheaper insurance?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company for a first time driver?
I just got my provisional license, I'm 19 and I'm looking to buy a car. Now with that car I'm also going to need insurance. My parents went to their car insurance company and said that adding me to their insurance would raise their insurance from $500 to 2,000 meaning I wold have to pay $1,500 for my part every 6 months, $3,000 a year! Is there another car insurance company that could be cheaper whether it be just me on the policy or with both my parents? I don't have a car yet because I want to see how much it would be all together. Thanks for your help!""
How can I lower my auto insurance rate in California?
Details: Licensed at 19/Now 25yrs old. I have a clean record but can't afford full coverage because it's in the thousands. Is it pricey for me because I'm Asian? I don't get it, I hear about people being fully covered for a whole year for less than $1200, but I only have basic coverage and I'm paying $1100 per year. Can anyone help?""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in kansas for a 16 year old driver?
im 15, about to turn 16 and want to get a motorcycle. i only have a few dirtbikes that aren't street legal and im thinking about getting a 1993 gsx750r this july for my bday. how much would i expect to pay for the insurance? i live in a rural area so it SHOULD cost less right?""
carole nash car insurance quote
carole nash car insurance quote
0 notes
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
"Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""If someone hits your car and you don't have insurance but you weren't driving it, will they still pay?""
If someone hits your car and you don't have insurance but you weren't driving it, will they still pay?""
Progressive insurance help?
im going to be getting my permit in a few weeks but i was wondering: will my parents' Progressive car insurance rate go up wen i get it?
How can I get my my insurance to pay for my nose job?
I had deviated septum surgery last Spring and now I want rhinoplasty. My nose was fairly large before my surgery now I have an even larger bump on my nose. I know that my insurance ...show more
Car insurance question ?
My son's girlfriend signed her car over to my husband to get chraper imsurance for the two of them on his policy. I dont think this is a good idea, what could happen to us if they get in a major accident?""
A new car ? when does the new insurance apply?
does the new carpet needs insurance from the financial company
Car insurance.. new driver 4x4?
Does insuring a larger car such as a 4x4 (not neccesarily a new one)... cost a lot more for a very new driver?? How much more?
Why should I have to pay for your health insurance?
An answerer on another question said, Do you have insurance? What of those who cannot afford it (my sister comes to mind, and she has a husband and two sons under age 18 years who are also not covered)? Medical care is extremely expensive and necessary. I'd much rather my tax dollars go toward a means of making insurance affordable to everyone than to fund an immoral war. Oh, and my sister and her husband have always worked very hard. Neither are fat, lazy bums who sit around all the time. Heck, my sister would love to have 10 minutes to herself, but can't take the time. * 20 minutes ago These people made a choice to have two children they cannot afford to insure. They had a responsibility to seek employment where they would have health insurance coverage for themselves and their two children. Or obtain insurance on their own. If they are healthy, it can be gotten at a rate comparable to what I pay through my work. I work two jobs. Both of my jobs, even the part-time job, offer me health insurance, so jobs with health benefits are not so hard to find. Why should I be made to pay for other people's poor choices? I have wants and needs, too, and it's MY money.""
""I bought a car in NY, I have VA insurance and i wanna kno How can i register the car?
Need registration for car with VA insurance
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
I am 19, a smoker and I am currently not working but I have health issues and I need to find a health care provider that won't drain my bank account... Any ideas?""
How much would car insurance be for....?
a 16 year old driver in PA monthly? with a used car?
Car insurance online?
can i sign up for car insurance online and drive the same day
Getting my baby on insurance?
I'm 20, unmarried, and a full-time nursing student, so I still have insurance through my parents. I live with my boyfriend, my baby's dad, and he has insurance through the hospital where he works. His insurance isn't too expensive for him, but if he were to add the baby onto his policy, the price would nealy double, taking almost half his paycheck every month. I work as much as I can parttime, but with taking fulltime classes, along with clinicals, there's no way I can work fulltime right now. We would be considered low-income, and I know my baby would be eligible for medicaid. I'm only 26 weeks along, but I really want to have everything arranged by the time he gets here. Who would I contact for more details about getting on it? We've never used any kind of supplemental assistance like this, so I really don't even know where to go. It's probably too early right now, but when would I need to start filling out the paperwork?? Thanks for your help!!!""
Proof of Insurance (and deferral)?
Hello, I live in washington state, and have a mitigation hearing tomorrow for a speeding ticket. It's my first, so I have a few questions. In my ticket im charged with no proof of insurance, BUT I was wrong, I had my insurance I was just confused, I did not realize our AAA was our insurance as well as the aid that they're known for. Anyways, since then I have lost my wallet. So I have a temporary lisence but still no insurance card. So how do I get proof that I had insurance on that day? I have an insurance policy card I've been keeping in the dash. Will that work? Then how do I get this deferred? Do I ask the judge, or do I need to go to the courthouse today to get a form, etc. Thanks for any help.""
isnt an insurance company suppose to cover your car regradless the person driving it? well my boyfriend was driving my car-just bought-brand new car- and got into an accident. Now my insurance company denied my claim cause they say he wasnt under the insurance. but should my car be cover regradless if the person driving wasnt? I mean I pay monthly payments and then they are just gonna deny me after an accident. could anyone help me? any advice?
How does rbs insurance differentiate itself from it's competitors?
Hi, I'm filling out an internship form, and I'm stuck on this question.. Please help me! Thank you""
UK car insurance with a US license.?
I'm 18 years old, just returned to the UK from a 7 year stay in the US. while in the US I got my license at the age of 16. and accumilated 2 years no claims bonus. for the first few weeks back in the UK I had insurance through Ecar. but had to terminate that today through a misunderstanding with their terms and conditions W/ No claims bonus. what would be the best insurance provider to go through? I used compare the market before and the cheapest (minus e car.) was 3500 a year. I am employed and own my own car (2002 fiat punto) and I plan on staying in the UK.""
""Will the health insurance companies that we have continue to raise their prices 200-2,000/year? How can-?
businesses pay for this except to basically drop coverage or take it all out of your salary and raises? Our raises are already frozen at 2% due to the economy.
How much is your car insurance?
Im 18 and learning to drive, obviously the insurance is ridiculous so i was wondering what everyones costs are and what kind of car they have, also what would make insurance cheaper because i dont understand how so many kids can drive with such costs.""
Where the best place to get a good deal on cheap insurance?
I have a 98' cadillac sedan deville that I just paid off but i still want full coverge for it, if something would of happen to it.""
Where is good for recovery truck insurance?
hi can anyone help me .been searching for recovery truck insurance .but not having much luck .anyone send me a link or tell me a site that i can try please many thanks
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license and I live in California and my parents pay about $70 a month for each and I was wondering how much it would cost for mine since I'm a new driver and I'm planning to get an 2006 Honda Accord, How much would be the cheapest car insurance for me?""
Small Business General Liability Insurance rates for premiums and audits?
The small business that I work for is currently shopping for a GL carrier and in getting quotes, questions are coming up that I just cannot find the answers for. Our current GL company basis our premium on our policy year payroll. However, one company that we are getting a quote from is basing the quote on the policy year gross income. Now, these two numbers are VASTLY different and I don't know why one is basing my premium on one item and another company on another item. Another question is Audit Rates. The audit rates between these two companies, (again based on different item dollar amounts,) differs also and I was wondering what a standard audit dollar amount would be, or maybe an average? If it makes a difference, my company does subcontract low voltage work. Thanks!""
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full covarge becuase my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year?
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full coverage because my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year since his girlfriend totaled his car.. looking for prices ranges typically around 2500 a year
How much is car insurance?
I have a 2002 trailblazer that is not insured. I own the car and I'm not making any payments on it. I live in kansas and I am a 17 year old male. About how much will my insurance be and what is the cheapest company to go through?
""Is a Porsche 944 good in the snow, cheap insurance, etc?""
Hi I really would like to buy a Porsche 944 but I am having trouble convincing my dad that it would be a good car for me. His main arguments are that it would not be good in the snow (I live in Upstate New York). I am willing to buy snow tires but I am not sure about what the ground clearance is on the 944. And he says that insurance would be very high for a teen. Also reliability, but the one I am looking at has only 84k miles on it. I am looking for helpful answers that go either way from expierenced people who have owned 944's. Thanks!""
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
Will my dui affect my dad car insurance rate?
I got a dui and my licence is suspended and I currently don't have car insurance. Im not covered on my dads plan or any plan. When he gets new car insurance next month will this affect his insurance or no because im not on his anymore?
My cousin wants to go on my insurance?
i have my own third party insurance for my own car, my cousin owns a van but cant seem to get insurance because he has 5 convictions so he wants me to take out insurance on his van and go on my insurance, does anyone have any ideas on insurance companies for him or can anyone tell me if i agree to do what he wants will anything he do affect my insurance costs in the future?""
I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old.?
I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old. and i am going buy an used car (130,000miles). I get just have my driving license. i am a no experience driver. I live in EDISON NJ 08837, is it possible my car insurance is high than $2000/ year?""
Car insurance for young men in the uk... unfair?
I'm a 19 year old guy living in the UK.. and I get SO annoyed at how much more guys have to pay for car insurance. I understand that it's because some guys my age decide to drive like complete a*se holes, but that doesn't mean all guys do?.. and I really resent paying more, just because of the boy racers. Yes, most fast drivers are teenage boys. However, this doesn't mean that most of teenage boys are fast drivers. I drive a Hyundai Getz for crying out loud.. I'm not going to go racing in it! Grr! I simply cannot afford to insure it under my own name at my age. What does everyone else think? Personally, I think it's pretty sexist against young men, and I think there should be a test of some sort which we could take which could prove our innocence and drop the costs.. Does anyone know how much a lie detector test for the question I am a safe driver would cost?""
Health insurance rates. Switch or stay?
In the past 2 years my family's health care plan (which is offered through my husband's work) has gone from great to way too expensive. We pay 250 a month as a premium, then we have a 1,000 each deductible, then our copays kick in 25 for office visit, 35 for specialty, 100 emergency room visit (must be okayed by dr. first, or they don't pay anything), 100 each day in the hospital. Perscription copays are 25/30/50, and not all things are covered. Two years ago we paid 275/a month and had 20 copays for everything (except hospital stays were always 100 and perscriptions they were 5/10/20). They do not pay for any vision, dental, or contraceptive. Certain (most) perscriptions are not covered. Is this similar to what everyone is paying, or should we start looking outside of his work for insurance?""
What would my insurance be for a kia forte?
him im 16 im a male i want a kia forte lx all black, it would be my first car what would my insurance be""
Car insurance Policy expiration date?
ok so my grandma told me that my car insurance expires 9/15/2011 but on the paper I have it says it doesn t expire till December of this year. I don t know if she got it confused or what. I don t have a phone to call them my phone is text only. On top of that I am looking for a new insurance company I currently have Farmers. I paid $50 for my insurance, but i was on my grandma and dads insurance, I dont know if it would be the same if I paid by myself or if thats just how much i paid being on their plan. if you can answer any of these questions that would help alot.""
Where can I get moving insurance?
I'm moving cross country. This involves lots of companies, packing, boxing, loading, unloading, car haulers, etc. Does someone sell a blanket moving insurance?""
Geico insurance: how so cheap?
geico's quotes are the cheapest. are their policy the cheapest also? whats the catch? how could State Farm, AllStates be so expensive and geico claims to be so cheap. Whats going on. I don't buy the every comapny is dift line they throw at you. How are they different? At claims time?""
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
Does anyone know a Life Insurance Co. where we can get affordable insurance?
We are in need of Life Insurance but been having a problem getting excepted for my Husband. he had Life insurance from his work until last Jan. and they switched Companies and they dropped him . you see he has kidney disease and has had two tranplants plus he is a below knee amputee. the transplant was 12 years ago. and his checkups shows he is doing very well.. any Good Company names would be very helpful we have tried so many and gotten turned down or there premiums are so outragous we can't afford them.. thanks in advance..
Question about car insurance?
ok so im wondering if i get a car will worth 5000 will the insurance be the same on all cars worth 5000 like a mustang worth 5 k or a civic worth 5 k is the insurance the same on them?
How much is insurance on a motorcycle for a 16 year old caucasion male in Texas??
i have never had a car or anythin. i am wanting to buy a kawasaki 599cc. i havnt had any accidents or anything. i just need an estimant on how much it would be monthly. now plz dont say call your insurance company or give me a site to go to just plz gestimate what you think it would be.
HELP! best auto insurance for new driver?
Hi, i am a new driver. got my licens in 2011 but due to college i wasnt able to drive around much. after graduation i decided to buy a car and look for insurance. and after reading insurance company reviews ... its kinda scaring the crap out of me. it seems that they are all interested in you buying their service but once you get into an accident you are on your own. i know internet reviews can be bias, so I kinda want to know which auto insurance company would you recommend. here is my basic info: am 23 years old, college graduate, live in a relatively decent neighborhood in southern California, had my license since 2011, and the car am looking into buying is either a new 2013 Toyota corolla or a Nissan sentra. oh and i have never had auto insurance, am not sure if i was covered in my mom's previous insurance but chances are nope. one more thing what kind of coverage would you recommend? and deductible? oh lol and which car would you recommend Nissan sentra or Toyota corolla? and any buying car tips ? thanks you so much for your help, I will defintly be choosing a best answer :)""
Car insurance for 17 year old in Texas?
hi im 17 years old and i'm getting my car. i was wondering the cost of the insurance (i've heard it's really expensive[just wanted to verify] ) can anyone give me a good estimate?
How to get Health Insurance when you are 17?
My parents are divorced and my sister and I have been living with our mom. However, we received health insurance through our father's place of work. Now he is applying for disability and has quit his job, so currently my sister and I have no health insurance. Because of this, my mom forbids me to take my car or motorcycle out because if my sister or I get hurt, there is no way for us to pay for it (we are suffering financially because my mom's hours at work got cut, and she is still recovering from breast cancer). Anyway, is there any way for me to obtain health insurance (or at least help my mom to) that would be affordable? We live in New York State""
Where to get car insurance quote?
Where to get car insurance quote?
Using a po box in license for cheap car insurance?
I live in the bronx but car insurance for me is like 660 a month... that's impossible to make... I wanted to go with Statefarm... I was using a po box in Yonkers, tuckahoe 20 mins away and it dropped to 220 a month with more then just liability coverage ... the po box isn't on the street it's a ups street address.. the guy told me people do it all the time but I just wanted to be sure.. does Statefarm ask for proof of address.... like bill of con Ed which Im only 17 btw.... I work so I was going to change my address on my check I receive to the Yonkers address and my debit card address also.. and ofcourse I was going to make that my address in my license.... I know brokers will give you insurance with any addres but will it be good the 6 months or will they contact me a month or so with asking for info abt my addres... will it work is the question if it's in on my license and I say that's where I live.. I'm 17 so I don't have credit... also has anyone ever done this?? no stupid answers""
Good Car Insurance Agency in Kentucky?
I'm going to be heading to Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. I currently have Nationwide insurance, but may change my insurance around if it is cheaper. What are some good and cheaper car insurance companies?""
What are some good cheap car auto insurance in the washington dc area for a 23 yr old female?
What are some good cheap car auto insurance in the washington dc area for a 23 yr old female?
Insurance and bmv question?
If I have to show insurance to the bmv and they tell me I have to show the insurace at time i got pulled over do they check with the insurance company to see if you really had insurance at that time?
Which company is the best to buy car insurance from?
I just bought a new car, but i don't know where to get car insurance with the least amount of money.""
Motor trade insurance for 46 year old and a named driver at 18?
Currently have an motor trade insurance policy with motrade. However they are closing down so need to find another insurance company. The problem is that the name driver is only 18. Motrade allowed named drivers from 17! Does anyone know of an motor trade insurance company that will insure an 19 year old on a policy. The policy holder is 46. Thanks! :)
How much would yearly insurance cost for a 16 year-old dirver with a mitsubishi eclipse?
How much would yearly insurance cost for a 16 year-old dirver with a mitsubishi eclipse?
Why are insurance companies under the Obama health care plan allowed to not cover existing medical problems?
How is this making health care affordable? My physician wrote a letter stating I have no complications, but the letter BC/BS sent me was that under the Obama health care plan they do not have to cover my thyroid or anything related to it. I am a widow, unemployed for 1 1/2 years and pay for my own health insurance. Will you do anything to change or eliminate this health care plan?""
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
What shold I do if I get into a car accident whith no one else involved but I totaled my car with no insurance?
I got into a car accident during a rainstorm, lost control and totaled my car. I still owe money on it and to make matters worse I found out my insurance lapsed. No one else was involved in it and I went to the hospital and didn't file a claim with the lien holder on the car yet. When I came back to the car it was gone. Don't know what to do next. Any answers out there for my predictament?""
Insurance on a ford fiesta 1.25 GHIA?
im 17 and will be having my full license at the very latest January the 1st just wondering the average price for cheapest cover, 5 door 1.25""
What kind of life insurance do I need for my mom?
My mom is already in life insurance but I want to know what kind of life insurance that is affordable to pay for by the month. We are not expecting her to die anytime soon but we want to be prepared?
Roommates car insurance company wants my car insurance info?
My roommate just changed her address told her car insurance provider she moved in with a friend. Her insurance company wants my car insurance info. Why? Do I have to/need to supply this? What are the positives and or negatives to doing this? Could it make my insurance go up? Note: We are not under the same company or policy for that matter. Thanks
Is there a really cheap insurance for people on a fixed income?
my dad is legally blind and my mother is the only driver, they cannot afford to pay 150-200$ a month for insurance.""
What is better Subaru WRX Impreza turbo or Holden Commodore V8?
I am looking for a awesome performance vehicle with my following criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway ability after 110km/h for overtaking at high speeds, comfort and handling? -Reliability and how often to service, how cheap parts are and how long engine is going to last? -Price on tyres -Price to get a WRX Impreza or V8 commodore (in manual) -Manual or Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well subaru better but after 100km/h?) -What mods to do if it is cheap or to just leave standard? My purpose is to use it mainly around town and sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly on the weekend a bit of a fun car. Please share your experiences and opinions on these 2 vehicles as would like to get a general picture of what there purpose is? 5 stars if answered the best with all the questions above.""
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
How much is the insurance for a 2005 ford mustang?
I am 16 and want a for mustang 2005. I have State Farm and I want to know the estimated insurance for it in Florida.
""How much do you pay for your car insurance policy evey year, all said and done?""
My boyfriend and I are moving to Portland Oregon, and we're trying to get some sort of idea. This is some info that would help us get an idea. How old are you? How many people are on the policy? What type of car(s)? How much coverage? THANKS!""
Cheapest auto insurance rate in NJ ??? I have a perfect driving record....?
I just moved from Boston and don't know what companies are the cheapest ??? Any suggestions ??
Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance?
Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance like it is car insurance? Thanks for your help!
Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
Car insurance for someone who only drives 1000 miles a year.?
I drive 800 to 1000 miles a year ( just groceries shopping mostly) and have to pay the same insurance premium as someone who drives 10,000 miles a year. Allstate doesn't care if I drive anything less. I spend more on car insurance than I do on gas. Does any car insurance company give a break to people who barely do any driving?""
What car can i get as a 18 year old which wont kill me on insurance?
please help all the quotes i been getting are well above 5 grand , also if you got any tips or ideas on how to lower my insurance quotes that would be greatful""
Why are my health insurance rates so high?
what causes health insurance rate increases?
Insurance Quote on WRX for 19 Year Old?
Hi im just curious if anyone out there could tell me what im probably going to be paying for a 2009 Subaru WRX. Im 19, male, and in my second year of college no tickets only one accident which WASNT my fault. Progressive wants to charge me $466 a MONTH. car would be payed off after 1 month and i live at home with parents HELP ME!""
Whats a cheap auto insurance for teens?
I just got a new car, and i want to take resposibitly to pay for the insurance. Whats a cheap insurance? Im 17 and still a student in school Helppp! please :]""
How to get auto insurance quote/ estimate without a car?
I am doing a research, and heard that ur insurance can be based on not just the model but the color of the car. I want to know how to get an estimate based on vehicle, model. So that I can make a diligent choice when purchasing my new car.""
Should I change the deductible on my auto insurance?
I own a car that is 12 years old with only 81,000 miles on it. The car is worth somewhere between $3000 and $4000, depending on if I sell it outright or trade it in. My plan is to drive it for as long as I am able. I have a $500 deductible right now but am wondering if I should change it to $1000 to reduce expenses. I live on a fixed disability income and money is tight. I have no savings. With that said, what would be the best thing to do at this point.""
Can you ride a Ducati 848 for every day use and is the insurance expensive?
I wanna purchase a bike, my first decision is the Ducati 848 evo, i wanna buy it brand new(2012) but the only 2 things im concern about is the insurance on it & can that bike be used every day.... im 22 just got my moto license and have had my drivers license for about 6 years if that matters( i did an online quote was 700$)im looking for full coverage, I live in California have no record of anything bad at all (accident etc).My second concern is can this bike be driven every single day? Its like the Ferrari of bikes and when you own a ferrari you dont drive it every day..... does this bike break down alot? My second and final decision is the yamaha r6 (2012) i want nothing but the ducati but if the ducati cant be driven for everyday and the insurance is a total rip then i guess ill have no choice....Please if possible only answer my questions please (i really don't wanna read get a used one learn from it drop it etc i know and understand that all my only concerns are the questions)""
Anyone know a cheap insurance companies for first time drivers?
I've got my test tomorrow, so i want to try and set up some insurance but its hard for me to find quotes under 2k""
Car bill of sale/insurance?
Im 18 with no licence Im actually in the process of trying to get my licence well my question Is can a family member Put me under there car insurance so i can Register my car since the Bill of sale Is under my name? Im not planning on driving the car until i have my licence
Individual medical insurance plans?
I am getting ready to go into a contracting position and there is no medical insurance provided meaning I will have to supply the insurance for my family. Does anyone do this, and is the insurance deductible on the taxes? I am living in Indiana and the plan would cover 4 members including myself.""
Does anyone know how Obamas health plan is going to work?
If everyone will be required to have insurance, will the insurance offered be affordable? Will it be based on your income?""
What if i cancel my auto insurance and get back after six months?
I canceled my auto insurance before six months. now I got another car and I got accident before I purchased insurance for this car with the same company. then I purchased the auto insurance.so, my question is does my insurance company has to cover for this.""
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
How much will my car insurance be?
i just bought a car, an 02' Ford Focus with 62,000 miles for $3,200 and i put $2000 down. Im 20 and am a first time driver and this is my first car, started late, i know,lol. I have NO credit history, but i have a fulltime job. Im not trying to spend a ton of money a month on insurance, i have enough bills and am already struggling to keep up with them. Whats the best insurance i can get thats the cheapest and how much will it approximately be? thank you :-)""
Do I need to add my name under car insurance?
Hi I just got California driving license.My dad has liability insurance.We have old car so we are paying 300-400$ per year for it.I will not regularly driving that car then what should I need to do? Do I have to add my name under current insurance policy and is it illegal to drive without adding my name? People with 2 or more cars have which type of insurance? seriously we are new here and don't know much about this rules and what people do? I'll be highly thankful to you guys.
How much is insurance on an 89 camaro?
how much would it be a month? im 20
A question regarding auto insurance?
even though I have no need of a car/cant afford one, my parents are still pushing me to get a license as soon as possible because they say it will reduce your insurance cost when I eventually do get a car, are they right? thanks""
What is the best occupation to have to get cheap car insurance?
I'm paying the same amount as my car is worth to insure it. I''m old enough to not be a boy racer in a baceball cap and young enough to not be an old duffer in a flat cap .
Do college students get medical insurance?
or like some kind of discount, program kinda thing for students? I am a 2 yr college student right now, is there such a thing? do I have to check with my school? thanks!""
What is the absolute cheapest car insurance for 17 year old males?
I need the cheapest one in general I live In houston Texas with a 92 prelude and I need the absolute state minimum cheapest out there
Toyota Corolla insurance?
Im just wondering, is the insurance on the toyota corolla (s) more expsensive than the (ce) or (le).""
Can my employer raise my insurance rates without notifying me?
I wanted a refund for insurance rates I paid with my employers group policy now that I no longer need the insurance. They are now telling me that my rates went up back in January and want to back charge me. Is this legal?
""I am 19 and am a good student, not a reckless driver. How much would my car insurance be for a 2001 Porsche Bo?""
How much would insurance be for a 2001 Porsche Boxster S. My parents have good credit; we have a $2 million house, live in a good neighborhood in San Francisco. I consider myself a good driver. (I'm male btw)""
Does installing a new stereo into your car affect your insurance?
A lot of car insurance companies ask whether any modifications have been made to the car and I was just wondering on whether this included stereos.
Cobra or individual health insurance?
If I loss of group health insurance due to end of employment, but the company offers Cobra plan which is too expensive for me, can I get the individual health insurance or I have to stick with the Cobra plan? I live in NJ.""
Acting career where do i start?? where is safe and affordable places to live in LA?
Hi everyone first let me just say thank you for your time in advance. I want to move to LA and start my acting career but i have never been in LA so i dont exactly know where would be safe to live and also affordable. Also i wanted to ask about acting a lil bit. I have no experience but i Know thats what i want to do since i can remember but i lived in Germany my whole life and the opportunity isn't really big there and now that im moving to the us I thought why now go after my dreams. After all you'll never know unless you try right... I am 27 years old female I am originally from Ethiopia but i grew up in Germany. I speak 4 languages but thats all i have to offer because i dont have any previous acting experience nor i have never went to acting school. So where do I start??? Any suggestions???? Every advice helps thank you so much for your time again.!!!!!
Is it better to repair cars with insurance company or known mechanic?
I met with an accident the other day where a drunk guy hit me at the rear end of my totyotal avalon. there is considerable body work to be done. i dont know if there may be any ...show more
Will my Geico go up after 6 months?
My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant answers, please!""
For car insurance is it better to get it through a broker?
I am 19 years old and I have never had insurance (I have had my license for a year). There is a broker right now charging me $508 to be insured for the whole year. Before finding this broker the cheapest I could find was at State Farm and they were charging $720/year. The thing is I was told I would be charged $33/Month by the broker which would total $396 for the year. Is the remaining $102 their (the brokers) commission? What do you think?
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Can I get a driver's license without a car or insurance?
I'm older than 24 and never got around to getting a driver's license because I went to college at a young age. Now I have an opportunity to use my mom's insured car for a couple months, and I want to practice and get a driver's license, just so that I'll have the driving test out of the way (and won't feel so weird being this old without a license). However, I still don't plan to have a car, I'll be moving somewhere that I don't need a car, etc. I don't want to have to pay any insurance for having the license. Can I just get a permit and practice and take the driving test and get a license, without ever buying a car or auto insurance? And then I won't use the license, I'll just have it until it so happens that I might need to drive (perhaps use the insurance that you can buy along with rental cars, if I need to rent a car?). Also, I'm not sure if I'll be covered under my mom's insurance for permit driving because I am older than 24. I really don't know much about this. I just started looking into it about an hour ago. I've had an illness for a couple years that prevented me from driving but I'm getting better and thought maybe I should learn to drive now.""
""What's the BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance in California?""
What's the BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance in California?""
How much does points on your license affect my insurance?
I would like to let you people know that I'm a full-time student, and that this month has to be officially the worst month of my life. Throughout this month I've been pulled over twice, and the reason for them are pretty stupid if you ask me. I basically see it as being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The first time I got pulled over was while I was getting off a red light with a car in front of me. I got hit with 3 tickets. - Tailgating, (supposedly I was too close to the other car when i was getting off the red light) - Careless driving, (don't know how this plays a roll in why I got pull over) - Loud muffler, ( just got it back from the mechanic that day and had a leak on the exhaust) The second time I got pulled over I stopped on a red light and checked if I can make a right on red, there was no sign stating I can't, so I went ahead and turned red when possible. I was given two tickets. smh -____- FML - Failure to observe traffic control device ( don't know how if I clearly noticed it was red) - Careless Driving _______________________________ Aside from the facts that they are points on my license, I'm going to do my best in trying to take some courses that can remove the points they gave my license. All in all, how much will this affect my insurance. Again FML, I'm a full-time student who commutes and has no job.""
Young new driver getting car insurance?
Okay so i got my license January of this year and i am starting college. i already took a college class last semester while i was in high school. i heard you can send in your grades if their are good to reduce the bill. i lost my high school report card but i was wondering if i can request my college transcript ( which is one class) i got an A in it and i have a 4.0 so can i send that in to reduce the bill. and if not any other suggestions to reduce my car insurance? PS i have AAA and am going to be under my parents insurance
Will getting a CA medical marijuana card affect my health insurance coverage?
I was considering getting a medical marijuana card here in California for my insomnia but I was wondering if it'll go on my medical record that I use cannabis and therefore make my health insurance more expensive. Will my doctor be able to see that Im a medical marijuana user?
How long does a dui on your record affect your car insurance?
ex. I got a dui almost 5 years ago, will an insurance company look at my record from the past 5 years or longer? How many years from your dui do they hold it against you?""
How does insurance work?
How does insurance work? like im really not sure.. do you pay into it every month?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Im planning on moving out soon and want to get started, the kind of car im going to get is either a ford mustang or a dodge charger 05' and i was wonderin if anyone knew the cheapest insurance there is. Thanks much!""
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
Kalispell Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59904
0 notes
kansas title insurance regulations
"kansas title insurance regulations
kansas title insurance regulations
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Around how much do you think I will need to pay for car insurance?
I'm moving out on my own. I'm 18, female, have had my license for 2 years, no tickets, no suspensions, no accidents. I'm going to be living in Los Angeles, driving a car probably from 1990-95. I know you can't give me an EXACT number, but around how much monthly do you think?""
What's a site I can use to see how much car insurance would be?
I want to see an estimate
2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium insurance rate?
Hi. I am thinking about getting a 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium [Black] I am a 16 about to turn 17 year old girl and I have taken drivers ed. && I live in florida, about how much do you think that it would be""
High insurance on car?
Ok so I really don't know much about cars or insurance and I really want this (Nissan 350z) but someone told me it has high insurance ..what do they mean by that? If my car gets damaged it will cost more to repair? Idk..someone help though!
Insurance company wants to total my car/not insure it.?
So my dad rear ended someone really softly, but it was a truck that he rear ended with a hitch or something that damaged the grill and the bumper. Problem is, I put a total of $2700 to have transmission replaced and the engine repaired after the timing belt broke and caused damage over the last 2-3 months. It is a 2004 dodge neon and the body to these things are flimsy to begin with. I'm taking it in Monday to get it looked at better, but they said from what they could see it might be a total loss. Which means its only gonna be worth $2000. they said they have to replace the hood, the grill, and the bumper and other stuff which is **** because I know people who could fix these problems for less than $500. they aren't even visibly bad, a few dents in the places i mentioned but when i took it in they reacted like i had been in a head on collision going 50 mph. It runs perfectly, we wouldn't have even reported it except we were worried the guy might claim injury after the fact (which he did). What can I do? This is my only car, and I am already in debt from student loans. $2000 isn't gonna buy me a new car. How can I convince them not to total it when I take it in?""
How do I get a nice car with decent insurance as an age 17 male?
For some time now, I had been looking at subaru imprezas, of which I love. However, each insurance quote I got from my parents was something like 3400 a year under my dad, and close to 8,000 a year under my own policy, with collision, so my parents wouldnt even consider it. The quote was for an 04, so if it is that insane I dont see how some kids own 03s, 04s, even a few 07s, as my parents arent poor by any means, and I know all the other kids do not have rich parents. Even an 02 accord with 80k miles was over 3000 a year under my dad with collision. Is there any possible way I can get a nice car, something like an 02 impreza is ideal, without paying so much insurance with collision? I am perfectly aware of the fact that if I get a 95 civic with no collision, insurance wont b a problem. However, I have some hard earned money to spend on a car, and I cant see how I am constantly heading towards the single path of a bucket without collision. Please help me""
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Where can i get affordable medical insurance?
I need to get affordable medical insurance for my wife and I. We both work and our jobs don't provide insurance. Any suggestions?
Who do you contact if you know somebody commiting fraud on there car insurance?
given someone elses address for cheaper insurance
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
""Which is generally cheaper to insure, Saturn or Neon (90's models)?""
I am looking at liability insurance, and I only have one point on my record, which may actually have dropped of now. Just generally which would be cheaper to insure.""
If I wreck my car while DUI does the insurance company still Fully cover it?
just a curious question. if you are drunk and total your car, nobody else or other property involved, does the insurance company still cover your car to full value? and what source do they use to determine the value of the vehicle?""
Car Insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a red 2007 new beetle+hatchback?
Is $110/mo a good price for motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old, i have no tickets or citations on my record. It's a 250 cc kawasaki ninja.""
Why is my insurance quote so big ?
I am UK resident from 2009. I got my drivers license 6 months ago. It's from Latvia, which is in EU. Now when I search for car insurance, the cheapest one is 5,000 GBP. Should I change it to UK license, will it reduce the price ?""
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
At what ages does auto insurance rates rise?
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm 21 years old and I have had my driver's license for 2 years. however i still have not been able to drive since i am a poor college student and cannot afford anything. however i will be graduating soon as a registered nurse and will get a job. So i would like to know the price range for car insurance just to have an idea. thanks.
I am 18 yrs. old and i want a mustang '05 how much from your exp. how much did you pay for car insurance?
If you have a mustang and are a teen under your own insurance
Is it worth having private medical insurance if your in your 30s and healthy?
Is it worth having private medical insurance if your in your 30s and healthy?
Advice on Insurance policys?
What policy's is best for someone in full time work - single - no kids -No debt.- rented Accommodation - in 30s How would you list these policy's of being important. There maybe a policy missed out if so please send me some advice.. Private Health Insurance Income Protection Life Insurance Accident, sickness and unemployment Private Pension Critical Illness Insurance""
So is there any health insurance for those with serious medical conditons?
My younger brother who's only 20 years old has a host of serious illnesses: crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and a few more conditions that has constantly kept him sick for a good portion of his childhood. He's missed at least half a school year on a number of occasions, and despite his maturation he's still heavily affected by his conditions. Obviously, it's practically impossible for him to hold a steady job, he'll work for a while and then he'll have to take off a month or two just to deal with his illness, with that said he surely won't have employee health insurance. Currently, he's using our state's medicaid, however once he turns 21 he's no longer eligible for medicaid. With the health care system being the way that it is, is there any possibility that he could continue receiving health care despite his ineligibility? He takes a ton of drugs daily, and even takes some of the same medications that our grandparents take lol. I know some of you heartless conservatives believe he should provide his own health coverage, but how? His drugs cost thousands, and he's in the ER constantly, thus making his health-care only affordable to extremely rich individuals. When healthy, he does contribute as much as he possibly can, however for someone in his condition it would be downright shameful if he can't continue to receive any healthcare.""
""I want to start trying for another baby by August, but I don't have medical insurance....?
My husband makes too much for me to get on Medicaid. I want to get a good insurance. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to do.
Motorcycle Insurance?
If i accidentally knock over my bike, will insurance cover that? if so, which coverage covers it?""
kansas title insurance regulations
kansas title insurance regulations
""Premium financed insurance, any risks?
What scenarios can bank repo the collaterals in premium financed insurance? It seems too good to be true.
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
How do I get insurance without having a car?
I got a DUI a few years ago and have never needed to get my license back.now I'm about to have my first child and really need to get it back if I need to drive somewhere but I do not have a car. But I need insurance to get it back. Any help will be great. Thank you.
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
Is car insurance mandatory?
I'm 16 years of age. i don't know that much about business. If i purchase a car, MUST i pay car insurance? is it mandatory? What will happen if I don't have car insurance?""
Car insurance question?
does AAA car insurance have sr22's? If so how much do they raise the premium?
How do insurance comparison sites work?
Sites like go compare and compare the market? I have searched for car insurance using both and get the same company coming up but offering a different price, why is this?""
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
Who is the best for motorcycle insurance?
Car Insurance Rates (Speeding Ticket) (California Colorado insurance)?
Ok, so I got a speeding ticket. I'm 19, am a Californian resident but got ticketed for doing 96 in a 65 zone on the highway. I took a drivers education class immediately the week after, but I have a court date next week on Monday, the violation is a 6 point traffic offense as per the ticket. This is my first offense of any type. I am a good student, I ended up speeding because it was the end of the first week of school and I felt good, that was very stupid. Now, the car is registered under my dads name, he hasn't gotten a ticket for about 15 years, besides a talking on cellphone will driving citation in California a few years ago. My question is, how much will this hike my dads insurance premium? I haven't told them my parents I got a speeding ticket, but I will as soon as I get done with court... Yea, and how does a ticket in Colorado get transferred to the insurance agency in California? How long does it take? I really hope the judge marks the ticket down at least a point or two if I plea bargain. Thanks, I know I screwed up big time, but I don't need any comments scolding me, it's been in my mind for 2 months and its killing me thinking what might what will happen at court. I also drive a Volvo, if that means anything insurance wise haha.""
Can I get secondary insurance if i have primary insurance in my moms name?
I have primary insurance and the policy is in my moms name. I have cronic epilepsy and i cannot have a gap in my insurance because of all of the medications I'm on and all the dr. aptments i have with my neurologist. I am getting married in May of 2013. I need to get secondary insurance for right now and then when i get married drop off my moms insurance and make my secondary insurance my primary insurance and put my (at that point my husband) on. My mom basically trying to make it extremely difficult for my fiance and I to get married because she tries to keep me under my thumb. Im 25 years old and Im trying to get myself more independent and be able to get married and get my bachelors in business. Please someone help me.
Which car would the cheapest insurance (Civic ex (4dr) or Lancer ES)?
How much do insurance agents make per hour? California?
I went to an interview and was ask what yearly salary I was looking for. I wasn't sure what to answer. I live in California. The position is going to required me to travel to two different offices. The company is called Fiesta Insurance. Thank you
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
Average car insurance rates for people under 21 years old?
How much will my insurance go up?
I backed out of my driveway and hit my grandmas car leaving a basketball-sized dent. my dad says I have a $500 deductible but what exactly does that mean? should I pay without using my insurance, and approximately how much would my insurance go up if I did decided to inform them? The vehicle was parked.""
Need advice on car insurance excess cost?
I had a bad accident yesterday morning and I payed to bring my car home but I didn't inform my insurance company yet because I haven't got the excess fee at the moment. The car seems to be a write off according to the police and the locals who helped me while I was in shock but will there be a problem if I waited a few days until I have the excess cost ready then I'll tell the insurance company what happened? It wasnt my fault and also the traffic lights were out of order at that junction as this person came at high speed hitting my car at the left corner sending me flying towards the road to the right and onto the pavement. I've gathered pictures of everything for evidence. But the problem is at the moment I cant afford the excess fee, If i let the insurance company know will they ask me to pay right away?""
Why are my health insurance rates so high?
what causes health insurance rate increases?
Does not paying car insurance affect Credit score?
I haven't paid my car insurance on time. But I haven't gotten mail saying last notice or the company hasn't even bothered me about it. Will this make my credit score horrible? how do i go about fixing it? thanks!
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakdown Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
Motorcycle insurance?
What should I be expecting to pay for insurance? I'm single, male, and 23 years old, and I would be getting my first bike. Geico quoted me at about $3360/yr, is this good/bad? Do you think other companies can do better? How much bodily injury coverage should I get?""
My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?
My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?
""Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
I am 30 and just got my UK licence and want to buy a car. Any tricks to getting cheap insurance?
I have had my NZ drivers licence since I was 16 and many years of no-claims. However, I haven't owned a car or insurance policy in the UK. Any tops for not having to pay very high premiums? I would love to get a sports car, but it's looking very expensive. (Would it be worth registering in girlfriends name and being a named driver?)""
What is better Subaru WRX Impreza turbo or Holden Commodore V8?
I am looking for a awesome performance vehicle with my following criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway ability after 110km/h for overtaking at high speeds, comfort and handling? -Reliability and how often to service, how cheap parts are and how long engine is going to last? -Price on tyres -Price to get a WRX Impreza or V8 commodore (in manual) -Manual or Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well subaru better but after 100km/h?) -What mods to do if it is cheap or to just leave standard? My purpose is to use it mainly around town and sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly on the weekend a bit of a fun car. Please share your experiences and opinions on these 2 vehicles as would like to get a general picture of what there purpose is? 5 stars if answered the best with all the questions above.""
Do you think it far we can't get tags with out car insurance?
car insurance is a good thing to have, but do you think the Govener is going to far....?????""
Car insurance?
when someone gets a speeding ticket it affects the cost of their insurance. how many years does this affect the cost? do all forms of tickets, traffic, moving and parking violations raise the cost of liability car insurance? and how long for?""
kansas title insurance regulations
kansas title insurance regulations
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license?
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license in the state of Texas? My husband has been trying to get quotes for insurance but keeps being told I, his wife, need to have a license. At the time that I was living in Florida, you did not need a vehicle license to drive a vespa (moped, scooter, etc.), just a permit. After moving here to Texas and getting married, the DMV denied me a license even though it had been a year of having both a drivers permit and permit to drive my moped, saying I needed to take the Texas Adult Drivers Course, then pass the driving test to receive my Drivers License. Upon finishing the Adult Drivers Course I went into preterm labor and put on bed rest for two months, which is why i haven't done the driving test yet. Is there any way my husband can get his vehicle insured? (if you could please support with websites that would be greatly appreciated)""
What is the best life insurance company?
what it the most reptuable life insurance company
How much do you pay for basic liability auto insurance?
I'm only interested in liability insurance. Please list your state and monthly payment.
How much would insurance be in my situation?
i am 16 years old.. How much more would my car insurance be if i had a honda civic si coupe vs honda civic ex coupe honda civic si sedan vs honda civic ex sedan honda civic si coupe vs honda civic si sedan honda civic ex coupe vs honda civic ex sedan any answers to any of those 4 situations would be greatly appreciated! thanks.
Insurance for Yamaha enticed 125?
I'm Looking at buying a Yamaha enticer but insurance is very dear as I haven't been riding a year yet but I'm Moving up from a 50cc Moped. If anyone had been in this situation and found cheap insurance deals for 125's please let me know.
Health insurance for wrestling..?
hi im a soon to be freshmen joining the wrestling team, and i dont have health insurance.. coach says i do, or i cant play. can someone please tell me a cheap health insurance coverage? my family is not financialy strong.. so please help me out here""
Im looking for really cheap mediocre Auto Insurance!!1 HELP!!! PLEASE?
I have a mustang and I want cheap Cheap insurance any Ideas? I need to be able to pay with a credit card.
""Car insurance for young male drivers, its cheaper to drive without it and pay the fines!?""
I really dont get it, car insurance on a 2000 plate 1litre yaris is over 10,000 - YES 10K! I do live in manchester, which is the most costly post code to get insured in but 10k is just a joke for a 18year old. Ive done it all correct too putting 1000 annual milage e.t.c So ive read online about how much people are fined when they are found driving without insurance and its about 200 on average. I know it can go upto 5000 but thats still cheaper than shelling out for insurance and your chances of getting caught arnt really high the way i would do it. Get a car, insure my dad on the car so it doesnt flag up on the police cameras when you drive past, drive to and from work only, and say the car is parked at work (nice postcode to get insurance cheaper) over night. which i can say it is my brother takes it on his night shift there. And if i do get caught i will say i took it without owners concent. TWOC the police call it. I just cant get it into my head at why the government dont do anything about insurance it kind of pushes people into breaking the law. And i would use public transport IF it didnt take me 4hours to get to and from work a day! ""
How much does car insurance cost?
I will be turning sixteen this May, and my mom has arranged for me to get my licence on my birthday (May 1). I have to pay for my own insurance and gas money (unless I am driving somewhere for them). They are buying me just an old used car that will last me through the rest of high school and college (7 years). It may be falling apart by the end of that time but it'll get me from point a to point b. I plan on getting a job as soon as possible. I want to work somewhere this summer, and I will tutor (which I already do occasionally) during the school year, because I don't have time for a part time job all year with extra-curriculars. How much do I need to make to afford my car insurance? Also, my grandad works for State Farm, so we all have to get it there. OH and I took drivers ed when I got my permit so that's deductible.""
AAA car insurance question?
I've been with State Farm since the 1970's, but am a member of AAA. I was going to take my State Farm papers down to the AAA office and see if they could give me a better rate. My question is, does anyone have any experience with AAA car insurance? Good or bad, I'd like to hear about it.""
Health insurance?
how much does health insurance cost?
Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?
Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?
Can you get your license in California without buying insurance right away?
I have had my permit since last June and have taken two behind the wheel lessons. My mom just told me that she cant get me my license because of the cost of insurance. I was wondering ...show more
Am I covered by my car insurance if I park illegally?
I park my car on a Bridleway the Police say it is illegal but they class it as parking so will not touch me the Council will not touch me either as they cannot apply any laws as there are no kerbs. My question is if a Horse injury's itself due to my car being there or a person hurts themselves,or causes them to be injured whilst negotiating my car am I covered by my insurance as I am illegally parked.""
Why did the Affordable Care Act make my insurance unaffordable?
I have a private health plan and a preexisting condition that requires taking daily medication, an annual checkup, and a test every 5 years. Other than that I'm young and in great health. My understanding of the law was that it would increase premiums on people without conditions to pay for people like me that have a preexisting condition. So why did the insurance company send me something saying if I keep my current plan I'll pay 25% more and that the 2 alternatives are more expensive with lower benefits, plus it said I could lose all kinds of other benefits. I'm going to call the insurance company tomorrow, but before I can call can someone explain the basics so I know something before the call?""
Can u guys suggest me a best insurance company?
Dear frnds i m intending to sell jewellery at ebay and i wanna insured items before shipping it to customers can u guys suggees me a good insurance company.i want item to be insured until it reaches to customers hand.
""Insurance cant get a hold of the other at fault party, what do?""
I was involved in a traffic collision where I was rear ended by another vehicle. Police report was filed, the information was traded. I filed a claim with their insurance and mine and have not herd anything from the other party. Everyday I contacted their insurance and they still cant get a hold of him. My vehicle is not in drivable condition so I am forced to wait, since I do not have money at this moment to pay for my deductible, I just stared a new semester and spent close to $800 on books. To make matters worse my work has come to a standstill and no income is flowing. I am thinking about hiring an attorney to help me recover the losses. What should I do? If the guy never responds what happens? Is there a law which states how long the other individual has to file a claim? Thank you. I live in the state of California.""
I need a cheap auto Insurance company.?
Can anyone recommend a specific company in California that they use and was either told or knows that they are a low cost agency? Thanks for your help.
Why is car insurance mandatory but not health insurance?
Say you have mandatory car insurance but not health insurance and you get in a car accident and get injured; your mandatory car insurance covers your car but what about you?
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now?""
16 yr old..car insurance rate?
I am a 16 (almost 17) year old girl. I just finished all of my hours/behind the wheel/drivers ed. I would not be the primary driver and I would not have my own car. I am an honors student with pretty decent grades. About how much money would it be for me to get car insurance?
Where is the cheapest place to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Where is the cheapest place to get car insurance for a 17 year old male?
""When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
Drivers permit and insurance help?
If I get my drivers permit would my moms car insurance go up? If so, what are average rates? Thanks for the time to read this, and thanks in advance for a reply.""
What is car insurance for a first time driver?
Okay i am 18 and have never had my license before and am going to be getting it at the end of this month...soon we are going to start getting insurace quotes for my car, we have been talking about what would be the best way to go about getting the cheapest insurance...so would it be best to put the car in my name but then just be added to my parents insurance and have me as the primary driver OR would it make a difference if we put the car in one of my parents name and then had me listed as the secondary driver for the car ? OR maybe you know a better way to go about this please give me all the advice you know about this! thanks""
kansas title insurance regulations
kansas title insurance regulations
""What's the difference between non-owner's car insurance, and a car that's fully covered?""
My boyfriend has a car that is in his name, and he is fully insured through the car. But, I need to drive it every once in a while and I don't want to be screwed if I get in an ...show more""
What do (auto) insurance companies consider as good grades?
Hello, I am a teen driver and im interested in the good grades discount but am curious as to what the minimum is. I have 4 A's , 1 B , and 1 C Do they look at current grades or cumulative grades? I ask because I started the year very poorly with a few C's and a D but brought my average up to what is listed above""
List of dog breeds insurance wont cover?
Most rentals have a list of dog breeds you cant have because insurance wont cover certain breeds that are bite prone. Anyone know how I can find this list?
""I am a legal alien about to stay in an American residence, do i need to be on the car insurance?""
I am about to study abroad in America and live with an American in her house. Do I need to be on her car insurance even though I will not be driving the car, and do not have an American driving license?""
Help With Young Male Car Insurance?
I'm a 20 year old male (or will be in April) and am needing help finding a good car insurance deal. So far, I have used LoveMoney.com to get my car insurance as it's returning costs of around 1400 as-a-pose to over 2000 on comparethemarket.com etc. Although I am looking for 0.8 - 1.1L cars, the insurance is ridiculous and the fact that I have pass plus doesn't make a blind bit of difference. Does anybody know of any cheaper ways to get cheaper car insurance? and as an estimate do you know what the approximate monthly cost would be for a quote around 1400? unfortunately it doesn't state it on the quote. Thanks""
How much does insurance cost?
in california? my mother is on a stupid hmo, i was wonderingif i paid for a better insurance if it would get better.""
If I brought 4 luxury sports cars how would that effect my insurance?
Im doing a project for school and I need to know if I brought four cars say a Bentley, porsche, a Maserati, and a aston martin would it make my insurance go up a crazy amount or would it stay the same as if i were to buy four regular cars like honda? P.S. say Im 25 and have a perfect record!""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
Soon I'll be looking to get an '08 or '09 CBR 600 rr. I'm 21, own a car, never been ticketed or anything else in my car. Wondering if that affects my rates at all, or if 21 with a sportbike = brain splatter just registers on their screen.""
Cruiser vs. Sportsbike Insurance?
I am 18 years old and looking to buy my first motorcycle. I like both styles of motorcycles but was wondering which type would be easier on my wallet. I am assuming a sports bike would be more expensive but how much more? Input would be great.
Car Insurance for Young Driver (UK)?
Hi, I'll get straight to the point, I'm 17 almost 18 and am looking 2 buy my 1st car. I live a upper class life, and when it comes down to cars i do get to travel in in style. e.g. my dad drives a Jaguar S-Type, my mother a brand new 2008 Land Rover Freeland, and i do know people with Bentley's and this one guy i know will take me out for a drive in his Aston Martin Vanquish. I do like to stick out from a crowd and this is a amazing opportunity to do so at college. My 1st car is definitely goin on my dads policy, and by then i will have my full license. I have seen Jaguar XJ's for sale which i can afford, but my greatest question is how much would the insurance be. If someone who is a young driver who drives a Jaguar or something similer could give me a rough guess to how much insurance wud be?, i wud be greatfull or someone who has insured a young driver on there Jaguar?.""
Which car insurance company provides the best rates to young teens (16-22)?
i mean best car insurance quotes
Unemployment Insurance for Teenagers?
The business I have worked at for 3 years has just announced they are shutting their doors at the end of the month. I am only 17 but have been told that I am still able to apply for unemployment benefits...which I know next to nothing about. Basically, I've only worked 10-20 hours a week for a wage slightly above minimum. It's just been a part time job for me since I'm a student and involved in several sports and challenging classes. However, I'm still trying to save money for college, so...what do I actually get when I file for unemployment and am hunting for a job? Anything? Sorry if this question sounds ditzy...I don't know much about the workforce.""
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
Hello. I am looking for my first car. I am looking at a 2001 mercury cougar not the S series just the 3 door coupe.. Now the qoute gieco gave me was $325.01 a month. I live in Minnesota and I am a 16 year old male. I don't have anything on my record at all. I was wondering if 325.01 a month sounded right because I dont think so. That's like $4,000 a year and the car only costs $5,999. Also would it be better to go on my parents insurance plan with State Farm? Or to get my own? Thank you very much for helping me with advice with this.""
""Im 17 and got a DUI, will this affect my insurance when I turn 18?""
I realize this was the dumbest decision me and my buddy have made in our lives. Trust me I dont want to be near a vehicle for a while. I have lost my license for only 90 days, the cops were very respectable about, and did not criminally charge me, although they were good at scaring the **** out of me. It will also cost me 500$ to get my license back after the 90 days, and my car has been impounded for 30 :(. I live in British Columbia, Canada and the car I was in is my parents and I am registered under them. Again, I feel ******* terrible about it and glad I didnt injure anyone, especially someone not in my vehicle.""
Car insurance for young driver?
I was wandering if I bought insurance for a car that I own on a provisional, drove it about on the provisional for a bit, then passed my test and told the insurance company that I had done so, would it shoot up to the 5,000/6,000 quotes I've been getting or would it not rise as high because I was with them on a provisional? also any general tips on knocking down the price, it's just ridiculous, it's for a 5 door fiat punto! thanks in advance :)""
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
Will my insurance go up if I putting a claim to replace my windshied on my car? How Much?
My car under my parents insurance?
Ok i have a hypothetical question...Say if my car is in my name, and i am under my parents insurance...And i get in a major accident are they liable? Are they at more risk if i am in their name but i own the car?""
Is it legal to do this with car insurance?
I know of people who do this for the sake of saving money, but I am not sure if it is legal or not? Say Person A has horrible insurance rates to the point of where driving is impossible to afford. Now let's say Person A sells their car to their significant other, Person B for a small price and transfers the title into Person B's name, so now this car on Person B's active insurance policy. Person B's rates will go up a bit based on their cost to insure, however Person A will still be driving this vehicle on a regular basis, and simply pay Person B the additional, much cheaper premium. Is this legal? If not, how would anyone ever know the difference? Now the new""
Roughly how much is liability insurance on a kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)?
Roughly how much is liability insurance on a kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)?
Where can I get renter's insurance for cheap?
For an apartment in California
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
Fun *cheap* summer vehicle in Ontario?
What's up guys; 19 year old college student here with the summer off. I already have a job, car, and apartment, and I'm looking for a cheap summer vehicle that would be fun to drive around. I've considered a small sportsbike, but due to my young age the insurance is an absolute killer. So, I was looking at scooters. No insurance, cheap to buy (about $600), and pretty fun to drive around. They won't keep up with traffic, sure, but it'd still be an interesting ride. (Too dorky?) Any other recommendations for a cheap, fun summer vehicle?""
""Poverty level, affordable health insurance plan for a family of 5?
i want to help my parents find health insurance that they can afford
Insurance quotes for a 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse ??
i'm 16 and i need to know where i can go online to get a quote, without people calling me. i just want to know how much it's gonna be every 6 months or every month, etc. online .... THANK YOU ALL !!!!""
What is the cheapest north carolina car insurance?
this is my first insurance as a driver has anyone found anything cheap around greensboro? also, do i need to have insurance to get my licence at the dmv, or can i just use a car that is insured?""
kansas title insurance regulations
kansas title insurance regulations
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