#but im preparing myself just in case
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thelittlefirepup · 4 months ago
It has come to my attention that my blog (this post specifically for some reason) has started to be seen by humans.
So to the humans who might be reading this... uh..... hi?
This is probably not the blog for you, sorry. Just hit not interested or something if this is on your recommended. Or say hi if you're willing to keep an open mind. Either way.
Also, turns out that catkin is the name of a flower. The more you know.
(And by humans, I mean those who don't know/hate the otherkin community. Supporters or otherkin that still identify as/with humans are fully welcomed)
What do humans have against catkins?
Like, just the other day, I overheard my family make a joke, "and some people identify as cats." It was the only part I could hear, but it made me realize something.
Every time people talk about therians/otherkins, it's always the cats they go after.
Which says a lot about how little they know.
So don't care about what they say. They clearly don't have any clue what they are talking about.
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starry-bi-sky · 14 days ago
pov you're me in the dms of an artist im commissioning
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unnonexistence · 3 months ago
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orkidays · 1 year ago
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the expensive ass burger ended up being really good :)
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ajdrawshq · 1 year ago
How normal are we feeling about ISAT?
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this ^ normal. perhaps even less
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bangcakes · 1 year ago
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secretcircuit · 2 years ago
idk why, but with the last couple of tattoos ive gotten, ive had this deep and visceral Regret - which i find interesting because it's recent and ive only had it happen with like, 2 tattoos. (i have 10+) and like, i LIKE my tattoos! i got them for a reason! i also felt this when i cut my hair recently (not even much - 4 inches bc the ends were dead). but also, one of the tattoos i got, i was like, "omg how could i have done this" blah blah and at some point that faded and its just Part Of My Body Now. i have no idea why this is happening lol i LIKE altering my body i LIKE tattoos idgi !!!
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fakeosirian · 2 years ago
fluoxetine time (once cvs actually fills it lol) 🤩🤩🤩
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arolesbianism · 10 days ago
Did all the upper layer core suppressions in my second playthrough today 👍 I still stand by that Netzach's healing bursts are maybe a bit too generous, but it did also happen to be the only one I didn't first try so who am I to talk ig 😔
#rat rambles#lobotomy posting#to be fair. it had nothing to do with the lack of healing and everything to do with me not double checking if my guys were actually going#to deal with the violet dawn I thought I ordered them to suppress#this is the problem with refusing to assign suppressions using the menu I always select right click to suppress#and while I theoretically Could have supressed dimensional refraction variant half my upper floor guys got magic bulleted so I decided to#just reset since it was early on enough anyways#everything else went smoothly tho except for a censored scare I had during malkuths but my boy noah is too powerful#bro walked into a 30% success rate and got 23 boxes hes again and again proven himself as my best nugget this save#to be clear I did deliberately set myself up each meltdown to sniff out insight fast in case censored melted down#but that time it had been bound to repression#so yknow. rip bozo. and I didnt know what the other three were so I just had to full send hope for the best#wait I think I knew which one was repression so I was able to avoid that at least because then Id truly be fucked#but yeah just continues to prove how vital a high temperance stat is it can and will save you#except for when it doesnt and it instead fucks you over but yknow#one thing Ive realized during this playthrough is that while Im more confident generally I think I was Way more confident with pushing my#luck with abno work during my first playthrough I was sitting here with my all around 80s stat employees and being like -12%? no problem#which is crazy to me in hindsight because holy shit are these fuckers so fragile in the early game#tbf in the case of censored I was much more willing to chug the double white damage to skin prophecy my way to not dying#which I do think is smth I should have done this time around too but at the same time the vast majority of my facility does white damage#I dont even know how much it helps but I think it helps? its basically the one reason I think its worth taking skin prophecy your first run#censored can bea gnarly first aleph (not the worst mind you but still rough) and skin prophecy is I think a reliable way to help#again I say I think because I'm not quite well versed enough in the panic system to say for sure#but Im pretty sure it's just a flat percentage of your max sanity and in that case then yes it definitely helps#and white damage isnt something rly seen outside outside of abnormalities so its fairly risk free usually#just not as much if you have censored and blue star in the same department and only so many guys who can deal with them#but now neither are even slightly a problem sinceI got blue star gear and that basically turns off censoreds danger#and blue star is piss easy it's just that noah was at the time the only one who could deal with the damage#little red gear pog#anyways I could have done tiphereths core supeession too but I decided I wasn't ready yet and did a day one reset to prepare better
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adhdphilosopher · 12 days ago
sent in my ~3 weeks notice for my weekend job! ive discovered that i don't actually enjoy painting
#looking forward to having days off again#looking forward to maybe seeing friends sometimes and also doing chores and errands and seeing family and maybe ohh. political involvement#and perhaps also resting#im planning on using weekend time for all that plus house hunting just in case i get accepted to a program and also job hunting bc#well. in 2 months or so i will be ~Eligible~ for ~Up To~ a ~40 cent~ raise 🥰🥰#shoutout to ryan for s heduling me for as many hours as a part timer can be scheduled for. but also i need more than that#ive become a sort of unpleasant person to be around with my weekend job and i hope this is a positive change in all those ways#50-200 per pay period is i think not worth the stress and bitterness it fills me with esp when like theres not a lot of consistency in hours#ive wrestled with this for like months at this point#and part of me is like well the year mark at this job is just 2 months away i can do it.#but the other part of me is like i will be learning my fate for the next 5 years around that time and i need to prepare for ANY outcome#so maybe it would be more financially prudent to keep the job?#but i miss feeling like a person and i need one or two guaranteed days off for that i think#bc i am at my main job 5 days a eeek. only 6.5h per day but :)#maybe ill enjoy painting when i leave this job but it is not a creative endeavor to which i have felt myself drawn since. middle school#it was genuinely almost comical how badly the painting i was instructing yesterday turned out#the ladies had fun but i hated how it came out lol so i had to really fight to keep a light and bright energy lmao#okay thats. doesnt matter#blah blah blah
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kuiinncedes · 8 months ago
bruh y am i acting like i dont have this interview/presentation in . 12 hrs 😀
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area51-escapee · 1 year ago
Leg pain has progressed from annoying and exhausting to somewhat concerning. I can deal with my knee aching if I keep it bent for too long and I can deal with the whole leg aching down to my toes and I can deal with a bit of discomfort and pressure when I stand on it. The shooting pains up into my hip when I stand and walk are new and a bit concerning.
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nightingale-prompts · 5 months ago
The Nightingale Family-DC x DP prompt
(Shameless Addams family inspired prompt)
News travels fast in Gotham, especially in affluent circles. A new family has arrived in the city, old money at that. They had taken up residents in the old mansion overlooking the Historic Gotham Graveyard.
The Nightingales had a way of letting their presence be known. They were rarely seen in public. The eldest Jasmine Nightingale however had made waves working at the Gotham Asylum as a psychologist. She was often escorted by her younger brother Dan Nightingale. The public really started talking when Jazz was seen talking with Harley Quinn.
There were two children that lived in the Nightingale manor. They were elusive to say the least as the family didn't attend the parties of Gotham.
It wasn't until Damian Wayne got an invite from his classmate Danielle to visit their manor that someone saw the lives of Nightingales. This invite had been received after Damian carefully befriended the youngest Nightingale to investigate their connections.
That's how the Waynes ended up at a dinner party.
The manor was bleak to say the least and that's saying something in Gotham. The buildingbwas made from black stones and gargoyles perched on the roof. The garden was wilted and full of thrones that crept up the walls.
Bruce felt a sense of Deja vu as he approached the door and rang the bell. Tower bells rang out as the face of Jasmine Nightingale appeared. She was dressed in black dress pants and blazer. Her lips were painted to match. Her red hair had a striking white streak through it which had become a fashion trend since the family's arrival to girls wanting to seem mysterious.
"Good Evening. It is so nice to meet the infamous Waynes." She shook Bruce's hand. Behind her, the sounds of clanking metal was heard. "That is just my younger siblings playing. You don't you boys join while I talk to your father.
Despite only being a fresh-faced 20 year old Jazz carried herself like a confident adult. A certified genius in psychology who graduated early she also handled the inmates at the Asylum well enough that escapes are at an all time low.
"She's got it all" was what Harley said.
Bruce's admiration of the young lady was only matched by his suspicion. The house the Nightingales lived y had once belonged to the Al Ghouls. There was no telling yet if there was a connection.
He took a seat in the living room with Jazz tea already prepared. She poured two cups of black tea. Not black as in the type of tea but the color of the drink. Bruce cautiously sniffed the black liquid, it smelled earthy and acidic. Poison.
"Do you like it? I made it myself. I added the belladonna myself. It has a sweet taste so you don't need sugar. The kids have sweet tooths but we avoid added sugars. They love nightshade." She smiled drinking.
Bruce put the cup down. So they drink poison at a young age. They must be part of The League of Assassins. But why are they here?
"If you don't mind me asking. Why did you move to Gotham? Your parents-" Jazz put a hand up as she finished her cup.
"Mr. Wayne I'm sure you are no stranger to parents leaving before their time nor the concept that not all parents deserve children. Now I can't confirm or deny if that is the case for use but you can understand that it's a private matter." Jazz said sternly.
That wasn't an answer.
Upstairs Danny and Danielle played with Elle's new toys. Swords from Dan's trip to Portugal. He even sharpened them. They were currently tearing through the mansion.
Tim and Damian caught them while Danny had successfully pinned Elle to the ground.
"Dami! Help!" Elle yelled catching Danny off guard as Damian tackled Danny to the ground.
"Alright, alright. You can go next." Danny rolling Damian off him and passing him the sword. "Im taking a break."
Danny loved playing with his little sister but baby games are tiring.
"They let you play with swords," Tim exclaimed. This wasn't something he expected, sure it was normal for Damian but Damian is weird and was raised by assassins. Damian didn't do it for fun, it was training.
Damian and Danielle ran off while fencing.
"You must be one of the Waynes. Elle has been excited to have your brother over." Danny said politely if not a bit dismissive.
"Eh, yeah. Your sister said we should join you." Tim said a bit awkward. " You have another brother right?"
"Oh, yeah. He travels alot but he's relaxing right now. He's probably swimming." Danny shrugged.
Tim had heard of Danny. They went to the same school but Danny was part of a program that allowed him to come to school when he felt like it. The program is for young engineers who want to work for Wayne Industries. He mostly worked on small experimental projects. So far Danny's superconductor tech was revolutionary but impossible to replicate. Danny somehow managed to make a more effective coolant than anything they had created in the lab.
"You have a pool?" Tim knew that the mansion didn't have a pool.
"Of water? No." Danny shrugged but gave no further answer.
"I see, so what do you do?" Tim tried to sound normal like he was talking to his friends and not someone he was trying to probe.
"Anything, everything. I was going to recalibrate my telescope but I have a laser to test." Danny walked off expecting Tim to follow.
Testing was just cut a bunch of things in half. Tim got some great info on making an explosive ice canister and foam bombs. Tim made sure to get his number to hire him to make some gear for him.
The Nightingale kids were absolutely lawless. They destroyed everything in their path.
Elle had dragged Damian to her room to show off her toys. She used to travel with Dan until she started school. She picked up a bunch of items. Cult artifacts, shrunken heads, voodoo dolls, cursed puppets, knives, swords, and the homemade taxidermy Elle made from roadkill. She also had a pet dodo bird named Ernesto who had a bed next to her bed. Ernesto took a liking to Damian and sat on his head. The way he shows his affection
Soon enough Dan came upstairs to check on Elle and Danny.
"You kids, need to get ready for dinner. Sharpen your nails and teeth." He said before going back to the kitchen.
"What does that mean?" Damian asked.
"You don't sharpen your nails. Well good luck at dinner." Elle said bemused.
Dinner was...horrifying. Watching the family chat happily as they ripped apart the moving food as it came to life. Damian was actually excited as he skewered the cheese and broccoli casserole that screamed at him.
"Father, why can't we do this at our home?" He asked.
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lavenderspence · 8 months ago
Missing the happy hormone | S.R.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Content warning: emotional reader, period mention, fluff
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: Apparently Spencer Reid could make anything better - even the emotional disaster of being on your period
A/N: First, huge thank you to the cutie that sent in this request, you literally caught me while on my period so this was born. Also, here’s to my inability to write short fics, this is your only warning that i can make and will make anything long, lol. Also, my titles suck omg. And shoutout to my crazy bestie for making me a Mamma Mia girly, she rocks.
But also, happy one month to this blog! When I carved out this little space for myself a month ago I wasn’t really sure how I’d feel being back here and writing again, but so far it’s been a treat. A huge thank you for all of your support and love and thank you to my mutuals and everyone that interacted with my blog. 💕 Here’s to many more months to come!
Request: spencer x fem!reader on her period/ovulating and shes in tears all the time?? Im ovulating and have been crying for hours and keep calling my mom lmaoo he’d been so lovely and sweet I know it I can feel it in my bones
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It was a slow day at the BAU. The most exciting thing in the 6 hours Spencer had spent at work was Rossi’s invitation to dinner the following weekend. 
Paperwork had piled high after their last 2 cases, so every team member was hunched over their desk, writing and revising reports. It was a never-ending cycle - finish a report, close the file, open a new one, and start all over again.
His eyes had started getting tired after four and a half hours, his hand had started cramping and he was down two pens so far, yet there was still a prominent pile on his desk.
He suspected Morgan and Emily might have pushed a file or two from theirs onto his load, seeing as he was getting done the fastest. Regardless, every few hours JJ was bringing even more to pile on top of everything that wasn’t finished, so buried in paperwork they stayed - no matter how fast he wrote or read, or how used to the load he was.
He was just thinking about getting up to prepare a fresh pot of coffee so he could function properly for a few more hours when his phone started ringing. He felt around the pockets of his suit jacket, where it sat draped on his chair, and then pulled it free. 
His display showed an incoming call, a picture of you as he hugged you, hands around your middle and face almost buried into your neck, a soft smile gracing both your faces. A scenery rich with reds, browns, and yellows stood behind you, the beauty of fall was nothing short of spectacular. 
The picture you’d taken last year when the team spent a weekend at Rossi’s cabin in the woods, surrounded by the beauty of landscapes and leaves, nature for miles. 
He accepted the call right away, a small smile on his face. 
“Hey sweetheart.” His voice was gentle, if a little raspy from misuse. He hadn’t talked much in the last few hours - just a distracted short answer here or a hum there. He was happy you were calling, though, welcoming the reprieve from the most recent report. 
It was silent for a few seconds, and he wondered absentmindedly if maybe you hadn’t called him on accident, and then there came a tiny little sniffle from your side. 
“Sweetheart?” He prompted, “Are you there? What’s going on?” Worry was starting to creep into the base of his spine, but he still remained calm and kept his voice gentle. 
“I’m here. Hi.” Another small sniffle, “All’s good. Just…I was just wondering how much longer you’d be gone.” Your voice was small,like you thought you might upset him by asking, and a little crackly, like you yourself were upset about something. 
His eyebrows furrowed, and he checked the time quickly - 3:57 pm. 
“Probably about two more hours, there’s a lot of paperwork we need to go through.” His eyes met Emily’s as she sent him a curious, questioning look. 
“Oh, okay.” The resignation was clear in your voice, “I’ll see you later then.” The call ended abruptly, and it took him a second to catch up.
He couldn’t help but feel like not everything was as good as you claimed it was. For one, you rarely called to ask when he’d be home - you knew his work could span into the late hours, or even stretch for days. You let him update you on any changes in his work schedule. 
In your interactions, your voice was usually upbeat and teasing - especially on the phone. Your kindness was always evident in your voice, as was your mood. You were a sunshine person, if he ever met one, that’s probably why you and Penelope formed such a close bond upon meeting. 
There was something that nagged him - a change in your mood he could pick up on just by your voice - too low, too small, and the cracks that he could now identify as he replayed your conversation in his head. You were keeping yourself from crying out, and yet there was nothing more apparent than the tears in your voice. And that made him worry. 
“Reid, are you okay?” Emily’s voice snapped him from the hard stare he’d been giving his phone in the last several minutes since the call ended. 
“I…I don’t know.” His eye twitched, and he cleared his throat before he tried and failed to articulate exactly what was happening - he himself had a hard time understanding. One thing he knew was that he needed to get home. “I..um, I need to go. Can you, please?” He asked, gusting at the remaining three files on his desk before he pulled his suit jacket on and grabbed his satchel. 
Morgan and Emily shared a mildly concerned look before they both nodded their heads, “Yeah, go. Text to let us know if everything is okay.” Morgan reminded him before he exited the bullpen with a fast step and tried to keep calm.
He was aware the situation wasn’t anything that he needed to be incredibly worried over - if something was really wrong, he knew you would have let him know. Yet, he couldn’t help the way his heart constricted by the sound of your voice, or the overwhelming desire to come home and gently hold you, see what could have caused this behavior. 
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You were curled up on the couch, watching as Donna helped Sophie get ready for her wedding, the gentle melody of “Slipping through my fingers” filling the empty apartment. Your eyes were watering, to the point that everything was starting to get blurry. A shaky exhale left your lips.
Today has simply been a rollercoaster. Kissing Spencer goodbye this morning was the highlight of the day. What followed was nothing short of an emotional disaster. 
You’d teared up during breakfast, images of picking berries with Spencer flying through your mind. The desire to make it a reality was strong. 
Following that had come the overwhelming urge to bawl your eyes out, for no apparent reason whatsoever. Just cry and cry until you had it all emptied out and you could take a deep breath and continue with your day. So, cry you did, and then you’d finished with your chores for the day. 
Apparently letting it all out and emptying your tear supply hadn’t happened. Seeing as around 3:30 you’d started missing your boyfriend so much, the need to hear his voice had won out, so you’d called him. You felt the need to have him home to hold you because this month’s visit from mother flow was making you feel like a crybaby.
But then there was disappointment at the notion that you needed to wait close to 3 hours before that could happen. So you quickly ended the call before he could pick up on the tone of your voice, and then you shed a few tears. 
Now here you were, rewatching Mamma Mia because you really needed a pick me up, and once again, eyes shining as the tears started falling. At this point, it was a losing battle, so you let them fall, humming to the song with a broken voice. 
That’s exactly how Spencer found you, not a minute later. His keys were in his hand, the satchel on his shoulder, and he was just a little bit out of breath. 
The moment his eyes met you, they softened as he dropped everything and sat down next to you. His hand reached up and he cradled the side of your face, wiping your tears away. 
“Hey, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” He asked in a whisper.
“Look at Donna painting Sophie’s nails, it’s...” You hiccuped, another wave of tears washing over you. “And you’re home, why are you home?” Your question was met with a furrow in his brow, as his thumbs continued wiping underneath your eyes. 
“You called.” He answered simply. 
“But you said-” He stopped you before you could finish your sentence.
“I did, yes. But you sounded off and sad, so. Want to tell me what’s going on?” He prompted you gently as he pushed your hair back and pulled you into his lap after, feeling like you needed the physical contact. 
You weren’t ashamed to admit it, per se, but you were ashamed that your hormones had caused him to leave work and race home to be with you. 
“It’s my period,” you mumbled, hands wrapping around his neck as you hid your face in his chest, too tired to prevent your eyes from watering again. “It’s been going on all day. Randomly, I’d just get so emotional, and the tears would start. I was missing you so much too, and then hearing the song, bam, tears again. I’m so done with this Spence.” You sounded barely coherent, with your face pushed as close to him as possible. 
It all made sense now, you’d been cranky a few days ago, and then you’d told him last night your cramps were unbearable, so he knew you were on your period, but right now he felt like an idiot for not figuring it out himself. 
“It’s okay, everything is fine. The drop in estrogen and progesterone, following your ovulation triggered this. This in turn reduced the production of serotonin, your happy hormone. So, we just need to boost it a bit.” He whispered into your ear as you played with the hairs at the nape of his neck. 
“How?” You sighed into his chest, almost being able to pick up on the sound of his heartbeat.
He got deep in thought for a few seconds as you breathed in his scent, and a sense of calmness slowly overtook you now that he was home and holding you. One of his hands was running soothing circles on your back as the other held your hand, fingers interlocked. 
“How about we take a trip to the store and get you some snacks? We’ll pick up dinner on the way home and then I'll hold you some more and you'll pick a movie for us to watch.” He suggested, kissing the crown of your head once, twice, and many more times until you gave him an answer. 
“Yeah, yeah, I think that would help, but just having you here has done wonders.” You finally laid your head against his chest, looking up to meet his eyes. He smiled, and so did you. Having him here really had helped immensely, and when had it not? He was your other half, your rock, and even when your emotions ran rampant or you were feeling down, just his presence, his touch, and his understanding were enough to make it all okay. 
Later in the evening, Penelope sent you a photo of Sergio sleep-hugging a little plushy you’d gotten him, and the waterworks started all over again. Luckily, Spencer was there, wiping your tears and kissing your head, saying a thousand things without actually speaking a word.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Requests are open for both Spencer and Hotch if you want to send any!
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marsdql · 3 months ago
enhypen members reaction to you being smaller than them? and just like tiny in general
omg yes I love these !!! enha reacting to you being smaller than them ||
— No warnings just teeth rotting fluff — WC: 1.5k
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Heeseung —
It had been a long night, Heeseung just finished work and came home alot later than usual. He slowly unlocked the door, trying to not make much noise in case it wakes you up, but to his surprise, you were still awake, waiting for him.
You walked over to the mudroom where he was putting his shoes away, "seungie..." you whisper, rubbing your eyes. "Hey sweetheart, im sorry i came home la-" you cut him off by wrapping your hands around his torso, barely able to fully wrap your arms around him. "hmm.. missed you, ‘wanna sleep, please."
He hugged you back the same way, wrapping his arms around you, just to realise how his arms were overlapping each other due to your small figure. He slightly shakes you from side to side, in awe of the size difference between you to, being able to move you effortlessly in his arms as if he’s completely holding you. “Hee, you’re squeezing me too hard!” you told him. “Can’t help it. You’re just so… tiny” he said giggling.
A few seconds later, he scoups you up and walks towards your shared bedroom. He opens the door to the room and slightly moves the blankets to place you in the bed. “Let’s tuck you in, yeah? Don’t want you to get squished” he says, placing a kiss on your forehead.
Jay —
It had been a long day, and you and Jay were finally settling in for a movie night. He was already lounging on the couch, looking relaxed as he patted the space beside him. You walked over, curling up beside him with the blanket draped over your lap. As the movie started, you found yourself snuggling deeper into his side, your head resting on his shoulder.
Jay laughed lightly as you shifted, realizing just how small you were next to him. His arm instinctively wrapped around your shoulders, but as he did, he noticed how his arm nearly covered your entire torso, his hand coming to rest on your upper arm, his fingers almost touching his own wrist. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the size difference.
“You know,” Jay said softly, teasingly, “you’re practically a pocket-sized person.”
You looked up at him, frowning. “I’m not that small, Jay.”
He grinned, adjusting his hold so you were snug against him. “It’s adorable,” he murmured, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. “You fit so perfectly here, I can’t help it.”
You snuggled into him further, trying to hide your smile as he casually rocked you side to side. “Stop making fun of me,” you giggled.
Jay just chuckled, his other hand gently brushing your head. “I’m not making fun of you,” he said, his voice affectionate. “I just can’t get enough of how small you are. You’re literally the perfect size for cuddling.”
Jake —
Jake had been busy all afternoon preparing dinner, but when you walked into the kitchen to offer help, he couldn’t help but notice how small you seemed standing in the massive kitchen. You reached for a dish on the top shelf, stretching your arms as far as you could, but just barely unable to grab it.
Jake walked over, his hands lightly resting on your shoulders as he leaned down to grab the dish for you. “Need a hand there?” he asked with a soft laugh, noticing how your arms looked so tiny in comparison to the height of the shelves.
You pouted, rolling your eyes. “I can do it myself, Jake. I just—” But before you could finish your sentence, he scooped you up without warning, holding you in his arms effortlessly.
“Looks like I’ll be doing everything for you then,” he teased, as you playfully swatted his shoulder. “You’re lucky you’re so cute,” he said, his voice warm. “Otherwise, I might just be annoyed by how small you are.”
You crossed your arms and gave him a mock scowl. “I’m not small. I’m… compact,” you insisted, but Jake only laughed, carrying you over to the counter to help with the rest of the meal.
Sunghoon —
The two of you had just finished a quiet walk in the park, enjoying the cool evening air. As you both strolled back toward the house, you found yourself walking closer to Sunghoon. Your strides were much shorter compared to his, and you couldn’t help but notice how you had to take extra steps just to keep up with him.
You tried to match his pace but soon found yourself falling behind as he noticed the struggle. Without saying a word, Sunghoon turned around and scooped you up in one swift motion, your feet leaving the ground entirely.
You gasped in surprise. “Sunghoon! Put me down!” you protested, though you didn’t really want him to.
But he just smiled down at you, his arms wrapped around you securely. “You were falling behind. Plus, I couldn’t let you walk all that way when you’re so… small.” He teased, his voice light and playful. “It’s like carrying a little doll.”
You huffed, pretending to be annoyed, but secretly enjoying how effortlessly he carried you. “I’m not a doll, Sunghoon,” you said, even though you couldn’t stop your smile from growing.
He chuckled, his grip tightening just a bit as he walked you back to the house. “Well, I think you might be. I just have to be extra careful with you, doll.”
Sunoo —
You were both in the middle of a late-night study session, books spread out all over the table. Sunoo was hunched over his notes, focused on the material, but you couldn’t concentrate. You were too distracted by how small you felt sitting next to him, the desk towering over you. You reached for your notebook, but your arm barely reached across the surface.
Sunoo noticed the struggle, glancing at you with a soft smile. “Need a hand?” he asked, shifting closer to help you, but as he did, he realized just how easily he could move you in your seat. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, almost completely enveloping you in his embrace.
“You’re so small compared to this desk,” he said with a teasing grin. “Do you need a step stool or something?”
You giggled, leaning into him. “I’m not that small,” you protested, though the warmth of his arm around you was comforting.
Sunoo just smiled, his gaze soft as he adjusted your seat and kissed the top of your head. “But don’t worry, I’ll always help you reach whatever you need.”
Jungwon —
Jungwon had always loved reading, and tonight, you two were curled up on the couch with a good book. You sat beside him, but your attention kept wandering. The way you sat, your legs tucked up under you, made it hard to focus, and you found yourself shifting a lot.
Noticing your restlessness, Jungwon closed his book and glanced over at you. “What’s wrong?” he asked, a soft smile on his face.
“I just… can’t get comfy,” you replied, shifting again.
He raised an eyebrow, then effortlessly scooped you up into his lap, adjusting you so that you were tucked comfortably against his chest. You let out a surprised gasp, feeling how perfectly you fit there.
“You’re too small for this couch,” Jungwon teased, his voice low and soothing. “But I think you fit perfectly in my arms.”
You snuggled into him, enjoying the warmth and the way he made you feel like you belonged exactly where you were. “I think I could get used to this,” you said, resting your head against his chest.
Jungwon smiled down at you, his hands resting gently on your back. “Good,” he said softly. “Because I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Ni-ki —
You and Ni-ki had been playing around in the living room, laughing and having fun when you tried to leap onto the couch next to him. But as you jumped, you didn’t quite make it, and Ni-ki instantly reached out to catch you, lifting you effortlessly back into his arms.
“Whoa, are you trying to jump into my arms?” he teased, looking down at you with a smirk. “You’re so light, I barely felt you.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t hide the smile creeping up on your face. “I didn’t fall, I just… misjudged the distance,” you said, trying to play it off, but Ni-ki only laughed.
“You really are just a tiny little thing,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “How do you even exist when you’re this small?”
You poked his chest, still in his arms. “I’m not small, Ni-ki. I’m perfectly sized for fun.”
Ni-ki’s eyes lit up with amusement as he spun you around, showing just how easily he could move you. “Well, I can certainly keep you entertained, tiny one.”
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golden1u5t · 10 months ago
jj’s confession | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: angst
ꨄ summary: the aftermath of jj’s fuck up 
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the second the team got back to the office, you ran to spencer and pulled him into a hug. spencer hadn't been expecting you to be at the office when they got back from the case. you pulled back and cupped his face, your eyes scanned his face to make sure he wasn't bruised up or anything.
"i was worried about you." you mumbled, you continued to check him out until you noticed how unfocused he was. you tried to shove it off as him responding to the effects of the case but when you followed his gaze and looked over your shoulder, you knew that wasn't the case. even though jj was with will, she had her eyes focused on spencer.
you had known about spencer's old crush on jj and you'd accepted it and moved on, he'd told you that you had nothing to worry about when it came to their friendship and since you trusted him, you believed him. you took a step back and let your hand fall down to your sides, you looked back at spencer and cleared your throat.
spencer finally looked at you for the first time since he'd walked through the door, you figured it was because ji's attention was directed somewhere else. when spencer's eyes met yours, you could tell something had happened between them while they were gone. his eyes were filled with guilt as he stared at you, he knew he was going to have to tell you about it but he wasn't prepared for your reaction. so he reached for your hand, you let him take it.
"i'm tired, we should get going." he attempted at giving you a genuine smile but it never reached his eyes, you stayed silent as you watched his eyes dart over to her for a brief moment before turning back to you. "we can get takeout for dinner, your favorite place."
you pulled your hand from his and let it fall back to your side. you weren't that much of a crier but god, you sure felt like you could cry a river as you watched your relationship start to crumble right in front of you. "no, i think- i think you should tell me now what happened between you two.” 
"can we just- can we not? not right now, im tired."
"no, i need to know now if im going to be leaving here by myself tonight." spencer sighed before pulling you away from everyone else and into a more secluded area.
"when we're being held hostage, the unsub made us- he made ji tell a secret she'd never told anyone before." he ran his hand through his hair before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "she told me that she loved me but i'm not-"
"do you love her back?" you bit the inside of your cheek, spencer's silence was like a stab to the heart. tears welled in your eyes and a sudden wave of anger washed over you, he didn't even have the decency to look you in the eye. "god, spencer, fucking answer me!"
he couldn't, his words were lodged in his throat. spencer hated seeing you break down in front of him, he hated knowing that he'd put you in such a vulnerable position when he knows how much you hate being vulnerable.
"i don't know! i don't- i don't know what i feel for her. i don't even know if she was being honest or just making it up, plus, she's married and-and she has kids." you scoffed and shook your head, you took a step back and put your hand out when he tried to reach out for you. "y/n, please."
"me or her?" spencer just stared at you, once again not being able to answer you. "; think i should go, call me if and when you figure this out."
you turned around and headed for the door, you didn't miss the way jj looked at you as you passed. you thought spencer would at least come after you, explain that he didn't need to think about it and that he loved you, but he didn't.
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