#but im notoriously bad at keeping to projects and im still writing a fic id said id write like a week ago
praesidiumemosie · 2 months
Man, Megapolis is actually very intriguing.
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Like, look at it!! At what point does the Mountain DBK is stuck in stop and the city's towering scrapers begin? Which one is the weather station? What's the housing like there? Is there a set architectural style or is it pure chaos? Wouldn't it be really funny if the Not-Mayor was actually in charge, and because he believed so steadfastly in LBD's return he let people build with very little limits.
On another note, how do the roads work?
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This implies that there's only one highway here, but if that's so then how do people enter the other buildings? Is everything connected by elevators? That'd be fun, but if that's true, what about stairs? What's the emergency response like? I doubt it's that good considering we never really see them in LMK. And the colours!! The city is so bright and neon, so pretty~! There looks to be a repeated use of pinks, blues, and greens. It really reminds me of Pigsy, Mei and Sandy.
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Though there's a nice amount of oranges here, like MK! And the clouds... just how tall is the city? And the area surrounding it, why is it so much desert and mountains? In the flashback city is shown to have grown from a fairly prosperous village with a bunch of greenery, so what happened? Does it have something to do with the aforementioned power sources? And how expensive is everything in this city? With all the lights and technology around surely it's expensive living there. I'm also rather curious on what schools and museums look like here, and are all buildings rectangular? There doesn't seem to be much variation in general building shape.
I'd love to get my hands on an indepth 3D render or even like an info sheet. Imagine there being a whole book dedicated to major tourism spots in Megapolis!! What would that look like? It wouldn't feature DBK's mountain because no one knew that was real, it was all rumours. So if we disregard rumours, what else does Megapolis have going for it in terms of tourism? The Gravity Arcade definitely. The Weather Station too. Perhaps a beautiful dock and that park we saw the couple in? It'd be a dream to explore, nevermind actually living in it!!
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