#but im going to spray her down with a hose ngl
nestedfeathers · 6 months
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*cough cough* .... shh
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trivalentlinks · 1 year
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saw this cute reddit Am I the Asshole post by reddit user tway23421 with peak enemies-to-friends energy and thought my friends here might like it.
Also here's another enemies to friends story from its comment section with a similar energy, but from the rebellious asshole kid perspective (by reddit user D_OShae)
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AITA (Am I the Asshole) abbreviations:
WIBTA = would I be the asshole
NTA = not the asshole
[Image ID
1st image: reddit r/AmITheAsshole
Posted by u/tway23421 11 hours ago
WIBTA for spraying some kid with my garden hose daily after he walks all over our lawn
I (37M) live with my wife (37F) and son and daughter ( 9 and 11 respectively).
Recently, there has been this kid who comes by our house after playing soccer and either rides his bike or walks over the lawn with his cleats on his way home.
It started out as me giving him stern looks whenever I saw him, then it slowly progressed to me asking him to just go around.
The last time I asked him to stop he made a point to stomp extra hard and twist his feet in to the grass to piss me off.
Since then Ive just been hosing him. The first time I sprayed him with the hose he ran off, but then for some reason he just started standing there while I hose him like he enjoys it.
Its now progressed to me sitting on my lawn chair pointing my hose at him, and him just staring at me while he does so. Sometimes we even make small talk.
Im ngl, it started off as a really bitter relationship, but Ive actually gotten to know the kid quite well, we talk for maybe 15-20 mins everyday, and he doesnt seem to mind being hosed down after sweating hard playing soccer.
He comes by daily and we just shoot the shit while I hose him and he stands there for a bit.
Wife told me I need to stop, even after I explained it to her she said Im making us look like childish idiots.
I guess I could stop, but honestly its really funny waiting for him to come by and I see no harm in it. WIBTA?
2nd image:
Comment by D_OShae 4 hours ago:
NTA, and this is actually kind of sweet.
When I was in my teens, I used to visit a small greasy spoon (diner) where my friend was a waitress. This old guy (late 70s) came in every day at the same time and sat in the same booth. He would order one of three meals. One time I sat in "his" booth doing some homework (and drinking a ton of coffee refills). The man came in and told me -- not asked -- that I needed to move. I did. It happened again a couple of weeks later. He called me a little bastard for sitting his both. A couple of days later, I did it again on purpose. He called me a little bastard and told me to move. I moved my books. The man grumbled and sat down.
Over the course of about two months this scenario got repeated. Somewhere along the line I asked him about a ring he wore. The stories started to come out. I learned he and his late wife came to that restaurant for over 20 years to have dinner. I was sitting in her place. However, I kept asking questions, and he kept relaying his stories. This man lead an AMAZING life, and I listened to any tale he wanted to share. This went on for two years.
When he died at the age of 81, I went to his memorial. I met his children and grandchildren. When they asked how I knew him, I told them my tale. His children laughed because he called everyone a little bastard, male and female alike. Then I began to recount some of the stories he told me. His children verified some, but then they heard stories he never told them. I ended up meeting with his children several times to tell them everything he told me.
Mr. Banhke, I am not a believer, like I told you many times, but I still think of you and your incredible life. You are not forgotten.
AITA (Am I the Asshole) abbreviations:
WIBTA = would I be the asshole
NTA = not the asshole
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