#but im about to zleep
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cupcraft · 2 years ago
After just rewatching Adamms family values I realize how much I don't actually like about thr show Wednesday
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nepotizma · 1 year ago
updated    my    muse    page    bc    i    wanted    to    add    lil’    bios    to    the    ones    i’ve    been    writing    for    years<3
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boobliker42069 · 2 years ago
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atom-system · 22 days ago
Ok. Hey, zick. Awesome. Good choice we got this
Afab and periodz FUCKING ZUCK. U know why??? Becauze they trigger unrelated pain flare upz.
I just wanna zink about Painty and zleep.
You know what alzo zmellz?
Fucking titz
Hell, we can't breathe with thoze zhitz
Pluz every zingle headmate haz zone problem with zem.
Take me [ Apricot] for example, I'm gender fluid, and zhit. I hate zem. I hate having somezing to remind me of my damn sex.
Zometimez itz fine, becauze in that moment i feel like my assigned gender and zat workz. Other timez itz not zo fine and I would rather rip them the fuck off
We are pretty much only comfortable with our body becauze itz gaining weight.
I hate bringing up ze fact that we want our body to be larger, I don't want to dizcount the experiencez of thoze that dezire ze oppozite. Pluz, being heavier iznt alwayz ze healthiezt [ iztg I'm not being fat phobic right now. That iz literally the oppozite of what im zaying ]
Im so tired and pissed rn. Gah
-lightbulb [ types most of it ] apricot's thoughts/words
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qhiq · 2 years ago
ok i need to make a pozt about numberz
(s is replaced with z and x is replaced with ekz due to my broken keyboard and i dont want to copy and pazte every letter becauze thiz iz bazically nonzenze rambling)
when im calculating zomething, thinking of the perzonalitiez for the numberz helpz me or haz me juzt thinking about them, and idk why, but it doez help me do math and calculate zo pleaze dont judge 1 iz grey, iz probably lazy and haz an office job where they wake up go to work go home from work and zleep, i zee 9 having big blackmail towardz 1 and thatz why 1 workz for him or zomething like that (ekzplained later) 2 iz yellow, like a young toddler or kid, but itz very nice and likez making flower crownz 3 iz green, probably the weird couzin/neighbor that tried following every cringe trend thinking it waz cool, that one perzon who made among uz referencez every 3 zecondz during that period, probably alzo doeznt care about itz hygiene but it thinkz itz not important but it actually really zmellz (thiz all may be due to my hatred of the letter 3) 4 iz red or maroon, that one wine aunt archetype, but itz bazically like a mother to 2 and iz very zweet to 2, with all the 2+2 iz 4 2*2 iz 4 2^2 iz 4, probably zmokez 5 iz orange, bazically perzonified friday (may be due to friday being the fifth day of the week) iz an older zibling to 2, mozt likely haz cool zunglazzez and ridez a zkateboard, it alzo makez zenze that 5*5 iz REALLY cool, 25 iz 2 and 5 together, making it cool and zweet, and alzo iz juzt 5 with 5 again making it zuper cool 6 iz probably cyan, i zee it like a nerdy girl that iz really into fandomz and fanart but iz very zecretive about it, alzo haz very great gradez but not in the zmart way but in the i learned thiz for 1 tezt and forgot about it after the tezt day, iz probably and zecretly a furry 7 iz complicated with itz colour, but probably dark blue, i zee it az zomething like an incel, having one time a relationzhip with 6 but that didnt work out (6*7= 42) and itz older zibling 8 hating them (thatz why 8*7 iz kinda weird) , but when 7 realized it waznt 6 that ruined their relationzhip but 7, it looked within and iz ztriving to be a better perzon (and thatz why 7*7 iz higher aka 49) and now itz chill with everyone 8 iz baby blue, being zome zort of book nerd or cinema geek analyzing everything, it alzo haz zome zort of deal with 9, (and thatz why 8*9 iz ztrangely 72) 9 iz purple, definetly, nothing elze, like a evil zupervillain that iz a ceo of a big zecret company that everyone knowz about but alzo noone knowz about, probably haz a zuit, it makez *evil dealz with everyone* and thatz why anything*9 iz zo weird and zketchy (tumblr would probably make him into a zekzyman or zomething)
0 iz white and got lozt in the woodz one time and went mizzing, nobody knowz about itz perzonality or character before it went mizzing az it ztayed home all day and night, itz a myztery how 0 got food or water or anything, when itz mentioned to any of the numberz they all act like they heard nothing (hence the +0/-0/*0 etc.) anyway thatz my huge ramble about goddamn numberz, if anyone elze feelz like thiz or wantz to add anything feel free to
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spratwurst · 5 years ago
"Ace people are abusive if they have sex with their partners despite not experiencing sexual attraction because that's always harmful"
"Ace people are abusive if they don't have sex with their partners even if they don't experience sexual attraction because that's just leading them on"
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jinjin · 5 years ago
today has beeb such an exhausting day
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queencryo · 3 years ago
put together the flatpack bed ny roommate gave me. also usin their mattress, bc its a fucked up modular bed and ig 1.5 twin mattresses is about a full size mattress? oooo i bet i could get a full size mattress for this, then keep the half-twin mattress (they xut a foam mattress in half) for if i ever need like. basically a queen size bed.i have no idea when i might need that, vut the option soynds nice!!!
i also bit the bullet and hung up a curtain in my doorway. i would hold out to just put a fuckin door there, but. theres no **doorframe**, and those r hard to build.
anyway, im. really super excited to have a bed again, instead of the futon ive been zleeping on for the past months. i didnt like that thing! it didnt feel like a home!
hee hee hee c::
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chowtrolls · 6 years ago
ღϟ✫¢∞ ✯➳♭ for Thunder ;3
ღ for an affectionate text
How iz it pozzible that zomeone az ztupid az you could actually look dezent? I don’t think itz fair. You zhould look like zhit to match your awful perzonality. 
ϟ for a drunk text
I got int a fight  an  d found zomeone who actually hitz harxwer than you 
✫ for a text meant for someone else
I had to leave early to go to work, I’ll be hive later tonight and I’ll bring food back!!!! teckzt me when you get up zo I know you’re alive. And!!!! I love you!!!! [ten minutes later] That wazn’t mean for you. If you zay a zingle thing, I’m going to kick you in the bulge zo hard that you won’t be able to feel anything for weekz. Rot. 
¢ for a late night text
I keep thinking, you’re not that bad for a fuzchzia, but you kinda are. But you aren’t at the zame time? It’z complicated. On one hand you’re inzufferable and godawful, but at the zame time you’re not az bad az kazpar waz zo you can’t be *that* awful? You know? You don’t know. You have no idea what Im talking about. Im going back to zleep. 
∞ for a half asleep text
Chow mentioned onze that you had izzuez with pitch quadz and while I want to know more I’m alzo not an azzhole, unlike you, zo im not going to. What I will zay iz whatever you went through muztve zucked, and im zorry it happened. 
✯ for an early morning text
I can’t think of anything ghjzk 
➳ for an apologetic text
I’m zorry if bringing up your izzuez waz out of line, I didn’t think about it at the time. I abzolutely dezerve more upzet with me than normal. 
♭ for an angry text
TOREZCE!!!! You!!!! Are ZO Grozz. Chowow haz a match tomorrow and you abzolutely FUCKED hiz neck up, He can’t go out there like that!!!! And he’z juzt fucking laughing about it!!!! God you’re zo!!!! Fucking Awful!!!!
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fantrollcharity · 7 years ago
ninja-kitty-more-like-no submitted to fantrollcharity:
For @lemon-king I love your trolls!
CP: You realize we would be 7he alien5, righ7?
You lean back in your chair as you wait for Dakoro to respond. You glance at your prosthetic, lying on the table, considering whether or not you should put it in to type faster. The warm water gently plucks at your clothing as your friend replies.
TA: yeah thatz kind ☆f the p☆int TA: were alienz to them, theyre alienz to uz TA: itz why theyre danger☆uz CP: 7hey’re dangerou5?
This is new. You haven’t heard this particular theory before.
TA: everythingz danger☆uz when itz afraid TA: im n☆t zure if y☆uve n☆ticed but were pretty zcary I mean hell☆ have you zeen an imperial dr☆ne? TA: What am I zaying ☆f c☆urze you’ve zeen an imperial dr☆ne TA: y☆ure a zeadweller y☆u know what a dr☆ne lookz like
You frown a little. Dakoro doesn’t usually go off topic like this when he’s talking about his theories.
CP: When wa5 7he la57 7ime you 5lep7? TA: excuze me? CP: when did you la57 5leep? TA: um TA: h☆ld ☆n TA: well zhit CP: I5 every7hing okay?
Well, now it’s out in the open. You fiddle uneasily with the end of your sleeve as you wait for a response.
TA: yeah I’m g☆☆d juzt TA: ive been buzy y☆u kn☆w? TA: and um TA: I waznt zleeping well bef☆re that z☆
You sigh. You love this man, honestly, but he is a disaster.
CP: I can come over, if you wan7. Maybe having 5omeone near you will help. TA: yeah ☆kay
He must really be tired if he’s not arguing with you. You stand and stretch before grabbing your bag. You swim towards the exit of your hive, then stop and grab some fresh fruit. If he hasn’t even sleeping, odds are he hasn’t been reliably feeding himself either. You shoot a quick message back to him, then pause with your fingers over the keys. After a moment, you take a deep breath and send another message.
CP: I’ll be 7here 5oon CP: <3
You grimace at that. That was super forward. He knows, right? He must know. You told him, right? Wait. Nope, Oh god, he didn’t know. Okay, well then, time to go find a new place to live and then never resurface again. You close your husktop and bop it against your head. You hardly notice that you have a notification, and you brace yourself for his response.
TA: <3
You pause for a second before smiling in disbelief and sheer, childlike excitement and putting your closed husktop in your bag. You captchalogue it as you swim for your door again, finally on your way to see your best friend. You don’t think about every implication of that little heart (liar) and you certainly don’t think about the implications of him feeling flushed for you as well (liar!). You just hope he’s okay.
And if anyone sees you with a dopy grin on your face- well. They certainly don’t stop you to ask.
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