#but if you'll excuse me im gonna take my meds and go catch up on some of my cities skylines youtube videos lmao
ranger-kellyn · 2 years
ending early tonight at 15,019 words. had two quick scene ideas so i skipped ahead and wrote out most of what was just dialogue. a good chunk of my words tonight came from those, and honestly, i have no clue if i'll actually keep those words ^^;
but better to get them out and not need them than to be upset that i didn't write down an idea i had and just forget it all together.
it's been a little...odd I guess? to be writing about them talking in "different" languages. kalosian, galarian, paldean, and kodiak (i forget who i saw coin this for the language for kanto/johto but i know i'm borrowing that from someone on here) it's weird saying all of that but still everything being written out in, well....english. with galarian being the english equivalent, the only ones of the other three i'll be able to ever actually write out is kalosian (french) but even then, it's been sO LONG since i studied it i probably shouldn't. paldean being spanish-- nope. i can count to 6 and i know some basic words from like...watching dora as a kid lmao kodiak i would, under any other fic, equate to japanese, but for THIS fic i've really been playing with the idea of melding it a bit more with tlingit. one of my dreams for this fic was to incorporate some of my own heritage into it. hisui/sinnoh being a similar climate (in my mind) to SE Alaska, temperate rainforest, it's just been a dream of mine to write it this way. i always give so much of myself to diantha, but i really want to give this part of myself to cynthia, adaman, and irida-- but i always get in my head about not being "native enough" and whatnot so iDK...
i haven't introduced any of the clan characters yet, so i still have time to decide. i left my outline with more than enough wiggle room to decide one way or the other.
beyond all that, i'm still going strong. i think i can safely say i'll easily hit 20k by the end of the weekend. stretch goal will be 25k, but no matter what, i'm doing great, and i'm proud of myself for writing as much as i already have.
my earliest nano win was November 14, 2020 for Miraculous of The Wild. i'm ahead of where i was for day 4 that year, so...maybe?? i'll have an earlier win this year?? i won't beat myself up if i don't, but it would be nice to hand my earliest win back to a cynthia/daintha fic. esp considering i don't really even like miraculous anymore kajdhflk Prior to MoTW it was Getaway Car, Nov 17, 2018. I won't make in an Official Goal, but it WOULD be nice (hell, even if i finish on nov 14 i think i'll just say this fic is my earliest win dkfhdlkj)
ALSO, slightly related, while writing earlier, i had the 10 minute ver of All Too Well stuck in my head, and the vaguest story idea. the title would simply be All Too Well, and the summary would just be "Weeping in a party bathroom, some actress asks Cynthia what happened." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) no clue what the story beyond it is, but it's in my brain dkjhfalk
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kissmymongoose · 4 years
Life update: half bro is out and about but at least taking his meds some days. He hasnt bothered me too badly ever since he came over here and tried to steal my 7 year olds bike 😒. I literally jumped on him and knocked him off before he got out of the yard. It made me mad, cause the only reason he did it was to start some shit. Like, you have a no trespassing order, go the fuck on 😑 anywho. Off that topic now.
In other news, my snow peas are doing pretty good even with the wild bunnies chomping on them.
I got my copy of Practical Magic this week, and hubbs is holding on to the prequel of it along with a copy of The Hobbit for me. Im already getting christmas presents 😂 but for real though, i want him to hold on to then for me till christmas. The past few years we havent been able to get each other anything we really wanted to. And no, Christmas isnt about gifts, but when your special someone has a chance and goes out of their way to order the things youve mentioned (and havent asked for) its a really nice feeling. I feel heard and valued. I mentioned the books and i mentioned a nail polish set i really really liked- im not one for beauty products normally- and without a second though he ordered it. I basically just talked avout the items saying i would like to wait till my birthday and maybe get one of the books and eff the nail polish cause even though i love it i would feel bad for spending the money on a product i dont use every day. Wellll, he ordered the nail polish (it is the loud laquer Bailey Sarian Aqua Tofana set) and started his search for the books. He actually felt bad that he couldn't get them all in hardback, which doesnt even bother me 😂
Well of course im like save it for christmas! But, he convinced me to pick a book and take the polish now. 😁😁 lets just say ive already done my nails twice and my toes are done 😂
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I have psoriasis on my some of my nail beds, so thats while you'll see pitting on the pointer finger nail, but honestly it covers so well! There are a few polishes ive uses before that seem to make the imperfections more obvious, but these polishes, even the glitter polish have amazing color with only one or two coats.
As for my book, im waiting patiently to start reading. I get very angry if im interrupted while im reading, and seeing as I have two kids under 10, i am gonna have to find the perfect time to start reading. Probably after they go to bed 😂
Weve gotten the kitchen moved around some and today I get to go get our new washing machine. Ours was nice enough to flood the kitchen a few times before i finally got pissed. I tried to repair it at home, i really did. But for this type of washer, you really need to remove it from your house first. There is no easy way to drain it. No filter catch or anything. Just two pipes connected to the pump, and located literally beneath the drum 😬 if you dont know, then that means the only way youre gonna drain the bitch is if you have a large wetvac to handle the mess. Oh excuse me, the only way without making a huge mess. Just ask my kitchen floor 🙁 buuut, we are gonna go get a brand spanking new one, because we learned a valuable lesson a few years ago with buying used machinery. Ill just go ahead and make it a long story short--- we got fucking roaches a while back from a used washing machine. It took us almost a year and several visits from pest control to solve the problem. To this day I dont trust leaving my drink out. Ill waste it instead of drinking it if i set it down for more than say 2 minutes. It was literally a fucking nightmare and i felt like my house wasnt my own. It took months to try to get rid of the filth and destruction they caused. So yeah, NOT doing that shit again. The cost for a new one is worth not having to risk a pest outbreak again. It seriously cost a lot more to deal with the bugs than to avoid the bugs altogether. Anyway. Not trying to get tied up on that lol, just want to stress it because I never would have imagined the horrors I would have to deal with just for getting a used machine. if this helpes someone else not make that mistake then great. And heres the thing, no one is gonna tell you if its got bugs, and sometimes theyre kept in storage and the owners dont know they have bugs. But its still a nasty shock to the people who get the machine and bring it into their house.
Onto some other shit: the kids are used to their bunk bed now, and it has opened up a lot of space for us in that bedroom. Im extremely happy with how it all turned out, because i was afraid they would be climbing all over it or jumping around and being rough, but they know its their bed and that we have to respect it and take care of it. I went through the kids clothes last week and got rid of stuff that doesnt fit, and organized everything. I have a lot more i want done by Christmas, but this is definitely a good start.
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