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sunshades · 3 months ago
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Wait repost before I go to sleep cuz I just noticed it djdnt end up in the tags. Putting the sillies in lil outfits... bonus from a ship meme a while ago :3c
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set-phasers-to-whump · 4 years ago
prompt: poisoning
whumpee: malcolm bright
fandom: prodigal son
what is up!!! hope u enjoy this fic with a questionable (aka made up completely) poison!
The library is loud and bustling with a dizzying array of activity, though the librarian behind the main desk doesn’t seem to mind. Possibly this is because the ones causing all the noise and disruption are the police. Possibly this is because she’s dead. 
Edrisa is next to her, leaning against the desk and writing in a notebook, Malcolm looking over her shoulder. Dani and JT are walking around the inside of the library, rounding up visitors and workers and shepherding them into one area. Gil is hunched over a computer with a security officer going over the tapes from the library’s video cameras. 
For about fifteen minutes, everything runs as smoothly as it ought to be. Edrisa looks over her notes on the body, chatting with Malcolm. JT and Dani finish rounding up everyone in the library and get to work examining the scene. Gil finds nothing of interest on the security tapes.
Then, Malcolm glances up from where he’d been looking at Edrisa’s notes. “I’ll be right back,” he says, and before she can ask him where he’s going, he’s hurrying off towards the back of the building. 
Someone’s back there. Malcolm had seen them. He knows they could just be a straggler, maybe someone who’d been in the bathroom while JT and Dani were rounding up everyone in the building, but something tells him that’s not the case. 
His suspicion seems to be proven correct when he steps out from behind a shelf and makes brief eye contact with the person, who turns and runs. 
Malcolm takes off after them, hearing someone behind him call his name but ignoring it. This very well might be their killer trying to escape! He doesn’t have time to call back a reply. 
The person runs into a small glass-walled conference room, slamming its door behind them. Malcolm sees them head for the opposite side of the room, where there’s another door…
He flings open the door to the room, but he’s too late - the person steps through the other door into some kind of hall space, and even as Malcolm runs up to it he hears a lock on the other side click. He slams a fist against the door, desperate to open it, but it’s no use. He heaves a sigh and prepares to leave and tell his team what he’s just seen. There’s still time to catch their killer at the scene of the crime, if he hurries.
Something clicks behind him, sounding not unlike a gun. He freezes, raises his hands, turns around...but there’s no one there. He squints his eyes, searching the room. He���d heard something, he had. 
Something is smoking in the corner. Better than a gun, he figures, but still. A fire. Great. He walks up to it, grabbing a plastic trashcan to cover it up with, and stops in front of it. 
It’s not a fire. It’s some kind of metallic sphere, leaking...some sort of gas that smells kind of funny. 
Malcolm scarcely has time to think, oh shit, before the gas starts acting on him. He feels his head start to spin, his legs start to shake, and frantically tries to reach the door, but he’s too late. He collapses to the floor a second before his hand touches the doorknob. 
“Bright?” JT steps around the bookshelf he’d seen the profiler duck behind moments before. And freezes. In front of him is a glass-walled room, quickly filling with smoke, a figure slumped, presumably unconscious, against the door. 
“Fire!” he shouts, and a second later he hears the alarm start to ring. There’s a panicked scream from the main room, and above the noise he hears Gil shouting out orders to the people in the building, telling them to get outside but stay close, telling his officers to make sure everyone is okay and to keep them close by. He hears Edrisa’s name, Dani’s name, his own name, Bright’s name…
“JT!” comes Gil’s shout, louder this time. “Detective Tarmel, where are you?”
“Back here!” he shouts back, approaching the smoke-filled room cautiously. He reaches out a hand and touches the doorknob, pulling it back instinctively at the expectation of heat. 
But it’s not hot. He reaches back out for the knob, wrapping his hand around it. It’s not hot. He puts a hand to the glass of the door. Also not hot…
“Gil!” he shouts, backing slowly away from the room. “Not a fire!”
Footsteps come up behind him, and he turns to see Gil, looking worried and now also confused.
“What do you mean, not a fire?” he asks. 
“It’s gas,” JT says. “No heat.” He taps his fingers on the glass for effect, then realizes that Gil can’t see the person behind it. 
“Bright’s in there,” he says, stepping away from the door to let Gil look at his unconscious figure, a dark shape against the grey smoke. “I didn’t know...if I open the door, that gas is gonna come pouring out into this building. And I have no idea what it is.”
If Gil had looked worried before, he looks almost panicked now. “I’ll call for hazmat technicians,” he says, pulling out his phone. “Do you know if there’s another way into that room?”
JT shakes his head. It’s an interior room with its back to a solid wall set through the building as a divider, so there may be another door, but it won’t be to the outside, which means opening it will cause the same problem as opening the door in front of them. 
JT waits as Gil talks on the phone, hating the feeling of not being able to do anything. He radios Dani to let her know what’s happening, and she tells him that the fire department’s there and coming inside. That’s something at least, he thinks, and tells Gil he’s going to bring them back to the room.
He meets the firemen at the front door and explains the situation as well as he can as he leads them to where Malcolm is. They pause in front of the room, the firefighters eyeing it carefully. Nothing happens for a beat. Then JT sees something…
“Shit,” he whispers, seeing the firefighters notice the same thing.
“Gil!” he calls to the lieutenant, who is still on the phone, his back to the action like he can’t bear to see it. 
Gil turns around, and immediately sees the problem, widening his eyes. The smoke is starting to seep out from under the door, thin white tendrils curling up from the floor. He informs the 911 operator of this latest development, nods, and then hangs up with a grim look on his face.
“Hazmat can’t get here for at least fifteen minutes,” he says, looking to the firefighters. “Any chance you can just...open the door and get him out?”
“Are you two the only ones left in the building?”
“Apart from him, yes,” Gil says.
“Good. You both get out and get everyone outside to back away from the building. We’ll get your guy out.”
Neither JT nor Gil is especially pleased with this directive, not wanting to leave Malcolm behind, but the firefighters have masks and they don’t, so they exit the building, guiding everyone outside away.
No more than a minute later, the firefighters return, one of them carrying Malcolm slung over their shoulder. They hurry him into an ambulance, and Gil goes to join them. “You and Dani are in charge,” he tells JT. “I want you to get everyone’s names and have our officers take those that are willing to give statements back to the precinct. The hazmat technicians will be here soon, and I want you and Dani to stay and help them set up a perimeter and answer any questions they have as best as you can.”
JT nods his assent as Gil steps into the ambulance. “Call us as soon as you know anything,” he says, seeing Gil nod as the doors close. 
Gil settles down in the ambulance beside Malcolm, who is lying flat on the stretcher, breathing shallowly, looking far too pale, and still unconscious, though not for long. A paramedic holds a smelling salt under his nose, and Malcolm jerks awake, much to Gil’s relief. It’s short-lived, though, when he sees the kid’s face scrunch up in pain.
The very first thing that he feels is his lungs. Which are on fire. They are absolutely burning with every shallow breath he takes, and he wishes desperately to go back to whatever state he’d been in before he’d woken up...wherever he was. An ambulance, he figures, if the sound of a siren and the blurred scenery around him is anything to go by. 
He coughs as he tries to sit up, feeling his head pound with the effort. The slight change in position is enough to make him wildly dizzy, and he’s grateful when a hand pushes him gently back down. Wait. He knows that hand. He squints his eyes, focusing hard enough to make out the shape of Gil sitting next to him, his hand still on Malcolm’s chest.
“Wh...happened?” he asks, coughing again. His chest burns hotter still. His head pounds. He waits for Gil to answer him.
Gil says nothing. 
“Gil,” Malcolm pleads, feeling like he’s spinning directionless in more ways than one. He doesn’t remember what happened to him, which is fairly terrifying. It could have been anything. Clearly it’s something bad, if Gil won’t tell him. 
“You were poisoned,” Gil says, finally, reluctantly.
He...definitely does not remember that. Still, he thinks grimly, it’s far from the worst thing that could’ve happened to him. He asks the next question that floats to the top of his brain. “W’th what?”
“A gas. We’re not sure what yet.”
That is horribly not reassuring, Malcolm thinks. It is interesting, though. But he’ll think about that later, he decides, as his head gives an especially painful throb. He closes his eyes as another wave of dizziness follows it. 
“You still with us, kid?”
He nods slightly. Unfortunately. God, he’s never been this dizzy in his life. 
“We’re almost there,” Gil continues, which Malcolm decides is some reassurance. The hospital, while far from his favorite place, is bound to have something to make his head stop hurting. Maybe they even have something to figure out what’s happened to him…
He lets those thoughts sustain them until the ambulance arrives, and then they’re moving him, and Gil’s walking beside him, talking about something Malcolm can’t focus on, because all he can focus on is his own body, which is not taking its sudden movement too well. It takes every ounce of his willpower to fight the nausea that rises in his throat, and his head pounds with every inch they move, and he barely manages to keep himself conscious. He just wants this to be over…
And suddenly, it is. They stop moving him along, and then someone gently lifts him up and places him onto a surface that he recognizes as a hospital bed, and something cold and wet touches his arm and then a needle slides into it. Seconds later, and finally, the pain of everything fades away. 
“You’re going to be okay,” he hears Gil say from beside him. He briefly wonders how Gil can possibly know that, but then sleep is pulling him under, and for once he doesn’t fight it.
thanks a million for reading this!!! i couldn’t find any kind of poison gas that worked how i wanted so i made it up completely....oh well lmao. hope u enjoyed!! if u tell me u did u will make my day!
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grannygerd · 4 years ago
I’m Lynn from PVRIS! AMA
I’m Lynn from PVRIS. We just put out our new album Use Me which you can listen to HERE. This Saturday, we’re going to be playing our first album White Noise front to back in its entirety for the first time ever. You can get tickets for the live stream HERE.
Proof: https://imgur.com/9K4IgJf
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DieDunkleFritte: Hey Lynn, would you rather have really small hands or really small feet? Best regards from germany :D pvrisofficial: Feet!!! Need normal sized hands to play instruments! haha
Nikkiestables: Lynn!!! I was in the US for my exchange and was going to FINALLY see you in person but I couldn’t:( do you think in the future you would tour Asia? Which parts would you like to explore? (Please say Hong Kong) pvrisofficial: We'd love to tour Asia more! We've loved the places we've been in Japan, Singapore, & South Korea so far! Would love to add Hong Kong!
ShadeOfNothing: Hey Lynn! I’ve been a PVRIS fan Since White Noise and I’ve loved seeing the band’s sound evolve through the years. I know you’re a huge believer in astrology, past lives, and the paranormal, so I was wondering if there were any crazy experiences you had witnessed or drew inspiration from while writing/producing Use Me. Thanks so much! pvrisofficial: yessssssss I am a nut. I didnt make Use Me in a haunted church this time but i DO think I stayed at a haunted airbnb. Food kept disappearing and then one night a giant ghostly handprint was left on my guitar case and my hand was way too small to have created it.
hinterscape: Hi Lynn! I've been following you guys since ~2014, you're awesome and I look up to you. Do you see yourself making music forever or how long do you see it if not? pvrisofficial: FOR-E-VER! It might take different forms and go through different stages but i think i will always be creating music!
imaliveunfortunately: Hi Lynn! First of all I love you and the style of music you've put out recently. I saw you at Reading last year, and in Manchester in 2017 so I'm really happy to seeing PVRIS get the exposure it deserves :) So it's gotta be asked, I understand there's issues with the label, but what are the chances of Mvdonna and Blood On My Hands being released? Whether it be as singles, on a new EP, the next album, etc? They're just damn good tracks pvrisofficial: I want them to come out SO BAD too haha. I want to make sure the production is perfect so its now a matter of finding the right collaborator for them.
CookThePasta: Do you believe in life after love? pvrisofficial: yes
OldManMalekith: Hi Lynn! How did working with JT on Use Me differ from your previous experiences with producers? Everyone that I've seen or heard work with him puts it as a really positive experience, and he helps make great stuff! pvrisofficial: He is the BEST. He was very similar to Blake in the sense that he was incredibly nurturing and encouraging, dedicated to making sure it was 100% everything I wanted and always stood up for me if the label ever tried to change it. His production style is definitely different but its extremely diverse. It's a lot punchier and crisper and a bit more minimal than in the past but i think it almost makes things more impactful that way!
villanelleinsuits: Hi Lynn! You’re a creative genius, thanks for existing. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?? pvrisofficial: I would love to live in the UK countryside!!! Maybe Bath or something.
Queenio01: How are you feeling today? pvrisofficial: Sleepy but EXCITED to rehearse!
dancorcoran: How often do you get recognised by fans in day to day life? pvrisofficial: Not too often! I usually get recognized at coffee shops and starbucks though? and Lush hahaha
jessica_pasta: Hi Lynn!!! Was wondering how do you make your synth patches? What synth sounds are your favorites? Thanks so much! Love PVRIS and all that you do ❤️❤️❤️❤️ pvrisofficial: I use Zebra a lot and also use a Prophet Rev2. One of my favorite things is to throw synths through different effects to get an entirely new sound!
ImadaPC: Hi Lynn, I got a question. What inspires you to make music and why? pvrisofficial: What inspires me is wanting to hear something I havent heard! I want to hear all my favorite artists and influences into one thing so that's usually how PVRIS stuff is inspired haha.
staceelogreen: What are your stand out albums of this year!:) pvrisofficial: Great Q! 070 Shake - Modus Vivendi Tinashe - Songs For You (technically 2019 but I've been jamming it all year) They. - The Amanda Tape KAYTRANADA - Bubba (2019 but it came out late 2019 so it counts as 2020 for me!) Howling - Colure
DH00338: What are you most excited about in terms of this new era of PVRIS? pvrisofficial: More writing!! and more collaborations!
creewitch: Hiya Lynn! I hope your morning is going well. When have you felt the proudest of yourself and why? ☺️ pvrisofficial: Oooo good Q! I always think there's room for improvement so it's hard to feel pride, but I am definitely grateful for my resilience through the crazy shit haha.
liky_gecko: Because you’re from the Boston area, what are your favorite spots to eat/hang out there? I may be going to school there pvrisofficial: Do itttt! My fav spots are a little outside of the city.... the Crane Estate, Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Maudslay State Park in Newburyport, Portsmouth NH, Shedd Park Cemetery in Lowell.
goszkv: Hi Lynn! Was wondering if you'll ever consider coming to Poland :( ofc post corona pvrisofficial: yes!
cecy_db_11: Hi Lynn! Can't wait to see you guys this Saturday. How do you feel once the songs you write (your personal feelings and thoughts) are available for the world to listen? Do you get used to that over time? pvrisofficial: Still getting used to that to be honest. Once songs are out, I weirdly stop listening to them. Prior to that I listen in the car a lot and drive around testing songs out haha.
musicfan1976: Do you think the spring 2020 shows will still happen or be rescheduled again due to Covid? Stay healthy and take care. pvrisofficial: I truly have no idea.... :( you take care too! <3
yikesmiles: Hey Lynn! I hope you’re well! I’ve always been curious, what was it that inspired you to make music? pvrisofficial: Good Q! WHen I write, I try to write music that I want to hear that hasn't crossed my path yet.
LeahLNurse: Is there any unreleased songs you wish made it onto White Noise? pvrisofficial: Nope!
JRuiz1775: Hey Lynn! I remember the first time I saw and heard you guys was when you opened for Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens. I was hooked and have tried to see you guys anytime you are in my area. My question for you is what is your favourite tour experience? What is your dream tour to be on? pvrisofficial: There's SO many favorite tour experiences. I love touring the UK and Europe a lot, exploring before shows is my favorite thing and has some of my favorite memories. Our UK/EU tour with BMTH was one of my favorites.
ac-36: hi lynn! i love your music so much, it means a lot to me. if you were to remake your past music now, how do you think it would be different, and what do you think the future direction of the band will be? pvrisofficial: I would definitely approach the drum production a bit different but keep it pretty similar with the other textures/instruments! Future direction can go anywhere! Definitely want to keep taking risks and trying new things, but still keeping it dark!
staceelogreen: If you could go back in time to give yourself advice, what would you say to your past self? pvrisofficial: Take it easy on yourself.
NouveauJacques: Hi Lynn, huge fan and I love the power behind your music. Do you ever write songs that are too emotional and feel conflicted about putting into an album? pvrisofficial: usually if they feel too emotional or heavy, I know they need to be released haha
Defiant-Strawberry37: Hi Lynn, hope everything's okay with you and the band. I'd like to ask you what PVRIS' era you think is the best and why? Hope I can see you guys someday soon acting in Portugal. Love you all! PS: why so Lynnda? *portuguese pun intended, beautiful = linda in portuguese* ly! pvrisofficial: Thanks! I love every era tbh but I'm definitely always the most excited on the present moment!
pvrisbae: youre the cutest little soul ily. whats ur fav song at the moment? pvrisofficial: Brian showed it to me! It's "Too Late" by Washed Out.
agnespvris: Hi Lynn!! Have you had any good laughter when you've been looking through the #pvrismemes ?? pvrisofficial: oh you betcha.
whothefuckisrvmi: ok so im not understanding shit about this app but im here for you pvrisofficial: thank u
vioIentbounce: hi lynn! what do you think will be your favorite song from use me to play live? pvrisofficial: I think.... Good To Be Alive or Gimme A Min
jaydenc30: hi lynn I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and everything you do! I hope you are doing well, what was the first song you wrote for use me? What’s does PVRIS’s future look like to you? pvrisofficial: First song for Use Me was Old Wounds! I wrote it before the second album even came out haha
IrlandaBDelao: Hi lynn, would you be down to open commisions for tattoos? If so, how much would you charge for a drawing? pvrisofficial: I wish! I do not have time to at the moment :( but if I have time in the future, you will be first to know so you can get first dibs!
CookThePasta: are you really looking at all of our memes?? pvrisofficial: trying OUR BEST!!
nonoplznowhy: why did your parents name you Lynn? pvrisofficial: Lyndsey* but they always call me Lynn or Lynds. I was named after my mom's childhood bestfriend named Lynn, she passed away when my mom was pretty young :(
golrip: What is your favourite song on awknohawnoh and why? That album literally changed my life and shaped me into the person I am today so I would really love knowing your opinion. also: what's your favourite the weeknd song/album? pvrisofficial: NOLA 1! It was my favorite to write and the memory around that time is magical. We wrote it in New Orleans and it's my favorite city.
bnizz95: Hey Lynn!! I saw you guys perform for the first time live in Cambridge last September and im so excited about the stream. I was wondering what your favorite song/songs off this album are? Also, do you still steal rosemary from your neighbors? Hahaha pvrisofficial: hahaha I have a little rosemary plant that I use now :)
vioIentbounce: are you still making collages? if not, have you taken up any new artistic hobbies lately?❤️ pvrisofficial: Little collaging here and there :) I've been researching a lot of interior design and fashion design lately!
fee-lixdawkins: Hey Lynn! Excited for the livestream! I know you’re an AFI fan. What is your favorite album and song(s) by them? Would you ever want to tour with them? I’d kill to see that happen! Take care! pvrisofficial: Brian is the bigger AFI fan! I cant pick a fave Im scared
ivykrvft: How does it feel to (kinda) be performing again as an entire band after all these months? pvrisofficial: Really good!! Definitely going to be weird without you guys in front of us!!
Ariana_0918: hi lynn <3 i wanted to know when you saw florence in concert what was your favorite song she performed live? pvrisofficial: Cosmic Love. She played it first and it was acoustic, I instantly cried hahahaha
TheSinger_Z: Hey Lynn! How old were you when you first started writing songs? What is the most memorable prank/joke that you have pulled or has been pulled on you while on tour? How many instruments do you play and what’s your favourite? I just want to say thank you, you’re my biggest inspiration when it comes to music (I sing and I’m learning to play guitar and hope to do it professionally when I’m older as I’m only 14 😬), and I’m really thankful for you guys. I got meet and greet tickets for November 30th for the White Noise stream, so see you then! pvrisofficial: i was in the 3rd grade. the songs were horrible. Its not really a prank but we love having our in ear monitor tech do the worm on stage sometimes. Extra points when he does it in costume. I can play 7 instruments! Looking to add more to the arsenal over time. I love piano a lot and drums. Keep it up, can't wait to see you be a star!!! ALso the livestream is the 21st! DOnt want you to miss it :)
CheezeGrenade: I missed out on a lot of concerts growing up and I couldn't make it to a concert out of state that I bought tickets to about a year ago. Will you guys play through Awkohawnoh again in anyway? Such as Half/Winter/No Mercy/Walk Alone. Litterally that album and the one before got me through alot of depressive phases in my life and Awk has really inspired alot of my writing for a series I want to create someday. pvrisofficial: I cant wait for you to start writing it! You got this! We will be playing through AWKOHAWNOH but the date is not announced yet :)
srankie: Are y'all Pats fans? Red Sox? Bruins? Cause if not the Eagles family will accept you with open arms pvrisofficial: NEW ENGLAND/BOSTON ALL DAY BABY!
macauley7: Could u please ask harry styles if u could tour with him? I need a pvris x harry watermelon sugar vibes thanks pvrisofficial: I'll call him right now.
brisbubbles: Hey, Lynn! Can’t wait for Saturday! I was wondering, how do you feel about singing old tracks from WN since you relearned how to sing? What has that experience been like? Wishing you and Brian the best! xzlinx: I am wondering about this as well. Maybe I am just nosey but I wonder about the process of retraining your voice and what exactlt happened. It must have been insanely difficult on her mental health but goddamn what a trooper bc Use Me is unbelievable! pvrisofficial: Great questions!!! Singing WN is definitely a little challenging to begin with because I'm older and my tone isn't the tone of 19 year old me anymore haha. A big thing was anxiety which caused me to choke up a lot and tense my chords. Then when i was being coached, out of fear of damaging something we had to rebuild and start small and light which we think caused the chords/muscles to atrophy, which set it back further haha. I eventually went to another coach who then was able to take my "retrained" voice and then strengthen it up and rebuild it back to where it was before!
ImOnlyHalfAlive: Hey Lynn! First, I can't express just how much PVRIS has meant to me over the last couple of years. Your music has helped me through so much, and I will forever be grateful. My question is: What's a life mantra you've always lived by? pvrisofficial: Life mantra (theres a lot but this one I always connect to when it comes to career): Patience and persistence is key.
Okosano: Hi Lynn and greeting from Germany! The one and only important question here : Whats your favorite comfort food? pvrisofficial: Favorite comfort food...... Indian food! My absolute favorite.
Ok-Personality1480: What’s your favorite tea pls 🤠 pvrisofficial: Throat coat for singing, housemade chai for joy.
CookThePasta: Do you know the muffin man? pvrisofficial: yes
LynnGvnnFvn: What were the creative differences between writing an album like White Noise or AWKOHAWNOH and Use Me? pvrisofficial: Age, time, locations, different producers and collaborators!
unit525: How are the submissions for the meme competition looking? Any front runners emerging? pvrisofficial: It's a CLOSE call for a lot of them...
LynXiger: Which song from your discography is your least favourite and why? pvrisofficial: I wont say incase it is anyone's favorite!! hahaha
lgbtiffany: do you have a tendency to incorporate spirituality into your creative processes? love the album and can’t wait for the stream ✨❤️ pvrisofficial: I think creating is spiritual in itself! You're channeling sound and melody and MAGICCC! So yes!
vessed1: hiii. I’d love to know who found the White Noise mirror ☺️ pvrisofficial: Me too
LynXiger: What is your favourite genre to listen to? And how has this changed over time? pvrisofficial: I'm a big sucker for hip hop and pop... really anything that's catchy and hits hard and has cool production!
nicthehic: Hey Lynn! Been a huge fan for a long long time and took up doing music professionally because I was inspired by you and the rest of Pvris’ rise and work ethic. I was wondering if there was anything you would do differently while recording your first album and any advice to new ish band working on their first professional project (in the midst of covid no less) and any tips to make our first album just as great and timeless as white noise Thank you! pvrisofficial: Awww this is awesome! I'm sure you're gonna crush it! I definitely would have wanted to make the production a little different but keep a lot of the same fundamental aspects/textures. Do what YOU feel you want to create and dont feel any outside pressures. Crush it! Cant wait for you to record!
minidudette106: Hey Lynn, Do you ever think its crazy that people get tattoos of your lyrics & ones inspired by your music? also wondering what your thoughts are on pineapple on pizza? lol pvrisofficial: I used to get freaked out bc I didnt think my lyrics were great but now I think its so cool! haha.
Hot-Lime3627: Hi Lynn, how is Opal and the other cat whom you took care of during quarantaine doing ? pvrisofficial: They are back with their owner! I truly miss them every single day... they were my little fluffy pals.
kelcea244: How do you keep your creative muscle flexed so you’re ready to create? And do you create every day? EDIT: Also really sad you guys weren’t able to make it over to the UK this month! We’ll be so psyched for you when you do come! pvrisofficial: We are sad too!!! We can't wait to get back whenever it is safe to play shows there. I miss it every day! I try to create every day even if it's just 5-10 minutes, always good to keep those muscles flexed!
socksgrowonbushes: first of all i just want to say how much i admire you, you’re amazing :) my question is what is your favourite song you have ever written? is it one that’s on an album? one that hasn’t even been released? i’m curious pvrisofficial: Use Me!
LadyEpicenter25: What the significance of playing in Arizona?! pvrisofficial: Resources to make the stream happen and rehearsals happen :)
bitchesonthephone: I have one question and one question only: When will we get Let’s Go Vertigo? pvrisofficial: NEVERRRRRR
Antique_Performer_45: Hi Lynn! I’ve been a big fan of PVRIS for a few years now. Which song from Use Me was your favorite to write? I love you guys! pvrisofficial: Use Me! or Good To Be Alive!
JadeAdelaideee: Hello!!! You’ve been a huge help with me realising I was gay, is there anyone who you would look up to when you were younger who sort of helped ease that journey? 💕✨ pvrisofficial: tbh i didnt have many. It was the scattered bits of magical gay representation on teen tv shows like Degrassi/Skins etc. haha
brandonjback: what song are you most proud of from AWKOHAWNOH? pvrisofficial: Anyone Else and NOLA 1!
DixieF: A question I've been waiting ages to ask. Why are you guys so awesome? pvrisofficial: We got awesome parents!!!
Emmahumphrees: Out of all yours songs what is your favourite lyric?? pvrisofficial: "On the porch the ceiling's painted baby blue dressed to the nines just like the sky in early afternoon 'cause it's midnight and the ghosts might be coming soon" Its a reference to a New Orleans superstition that the baby blue porch ceiling would ward off spirits in the night to trick them that it was the daytime sky.
lgbtiffany: what was the most difficult part of trying to regain your voice when you were having troubles with it? pvrisofficial: Definitely just getting on stage every night knowing it wasn't working and having to pretend it was... haha. Super embarrassing.
cnnrtower: Hi Lynn! MA fan here who first saw PVRIS open for A Skylit Drive at the Palladium in 2013. Super incredible to watch the journey for the band / yourself as an artist! What was the first gig/experience that made you stop and realize that PVRIS was going places? pvrisofficial: one of our first headline shows in CT back in 2015. Show was crazy!!
KimLC24: I was just wondering how you get your inspiration to do your art and music? because it can sometimes be hard to even get motivated let alone create pvrisofficial: Totally relate and understand! I won’t lie, the older I get, the more I need to hype myself up and set a tone to create, especially when there’s so much music swirling around us at all times (the internet/streaming/etc). I almost always have a moody or dreamy movie/show playing on my ipad next to me while I work so that way there’s an inspiring visual going.
deadweighttttt: Hi Lynn!!! What’s your all time favourite lyric from the album?! pvrisofficial: HII!! "Do you even notice how easy you've got this? Taking wings off a goddess if I'm being honest"
Pvffreis: Hi Lynn, I have no idea how to use this/reddit but great to see you here! Hope you're doing good? <3 Update: I figured out how to edit comments ayyy I just signed up to ask you this very important question: Red or green apples? pvrisofficial: Idk how either but I think I got it!! Red apples! W PB
dancingonslowsand: Hi Lynn!! Been following PVRIS for a while and I’ve loved seeing how your sound has evolved over the years. Do you have any idea of what direction you want the band to go in the future? Or are you just riding the wave and seeing what happens? Also what’s your fav bird pvrisofficial: Thanks so much! I definitely plan to just keep riding the wave… I feel like every album leaves some room for the direction to go anywhere so the next chapter never feels too restricted. I have been feeling pretty hyped and high energy lately so I feel like it may reflect that a bit! Fav bird is… PENGUINS (even though people debate that they are mammals.)
pvrisofficial: Okay my friends, I gotta head out and get to rehearsals! This was so much fun, sorry I couldn't get to every Q. Love yall! See you guys so soon! <3
November 18th, 2020
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lustingtc · 6 years ago
7th May 2019
I’ve got a phat headache 🥰🥰🥰 I’m gonna fucking die lolololol XD
So the bAD J,,, we’re bonding 😔😔
We’re bonding over how Dogman is a fitty🤪🤪🤙🏻 he told her to get a bottle down that she threw but she’s literally 3 foot so she was like “I can’t.” 😞😞😞 n so he was like “I didn’t see then. 😉😉😉” JSKSJSKSK UWU
Maths with Dogman tho,,,, ohmy-
So he helped me n O bc we’re the dumbest bitches in that room ☺️☺️☺️✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Anyways Dogman came to help us oof,, but me and O are just,,,,ohmygod,,, we were being SO FUCKING DUMB JEEZ,,
Whenever Dogman would talk we’d just look at each other and laugh,,, like SHE FUCKING GRUNTED WHEN I SPOKE LMAOO😭😭😭😭
THEN!!!! I said the awnser for her bc she was being a slow bitch n she started shouting “OHMYGOD THAT WAS MY TIME TO SHINE!!!” 😡😡😡😡 fUCking IN FRONT OF MY BOYFRIEND JFC!!!! Lmao he just laughed awkwardly oogZ
Anyways 💁‍♀️
We’re doing averages n like,, I’m a dumb bitch and I can’t tell the differences between all the M’s in like mean, mode and shit like those are the only ones I know bc like shit fuck I’m dumb
So Dogman was tryna teach me them n yeah,,, didn’t work lmao 🤪🤙🏻🤙🏻
But at the end of lesson me and O where leaving and Dogman stops us and is like “K. What’s the mode?” MY DUMBASS IS LIKE ‘awe shit. We don’t even know how to count’
So 🥰🥰 my 🤪 DUMB 😳😳 A S S 😋😋 is like “...uh. The one where you... and like... you... yeah.” So. 😚✌🏻 he most likely thinks I’m a dumb bitch. Jk he laughed a little and told me to work on it but this is mean and I’ve been writing this for 2 hours so fuck that (hi yes lmao I’m the worst at doing everything)
Now A will give her experience with T during her test. (Just in time bitch bc I just wrote what she told me dumb cunt)
Like always. Language and opinions used are not my own
I walked up the stairs n he heard me going upstairs. he stood in front of me and smiled showing his manky teeth. he had a light beard, but it was longer than last time, and it was darker [i love my fave depressed king]. i come in and he's like "feeling good " acting like some black rapper. I just gave him that "kys" look n sat down. he was like " oh i'll do this student and then do A" but he pronounced my name in the spanish way which was cool i guess. I was daydreaming n he comes out all like " what ARE YOU DOING". i was like " u never gave me my stupid work" n he was like " O" he got me the general convo card n walked off. this is the bit that made me question wether he was autistic or not, HE COMES BACK 2 SECONDS AFTER N HE WAS LIKE " ACTUALLY, I'LL HAVE THAT" n left me to daydream again. the old woman gave me my paper n stuff and he wrote my name for me [enter, god I wish that was me]. i look down at my name and it says " A Ayo" aYo??? [actual full name 110%] he was a tired man for sure. he was like do u have a pen n i was like no lmao so he points at my tit [GOD 😔 I WISH THAT WAS ME 🤤😫] n hes like u liar so after explaining that the pen didnt work he gave me one. he comes back 12mins after n he's like aahh ur turn bro alright get ready here's the good shit, i might hate him but he was ok during this bit. before the test he's like 'how r u feeling' n I said ' i dont want to this cba bc im fasting' the man starts fucking cackling and laughing like a rat [T’s islamaphobic scandal hi]. i was just like ' :/ ' and he was like " all these kids were like 'im nervous' but ur like cba ayee' i was like xd [this is the banter confidence I wish I had] . he goes on to the speaking bit and u could tell he enjoyed talking to someone fluent [we love teachers who actually enjoy teaching]. he said "what do u think is the worse conflict" or some shit cba to english rn bro. i was like lol lemme mess with him and said" holocaust" [reminder T is natively German!!] he was like um... asdfghjkl He asked " whats ur fave tv show when u were a kid" and i was like um teletubbies and he started laughing [*rebuys all my teletubbie badges*], i felt suffocated so i move a little and my leg touches his inner thigh area [;-;]. i was like " omg no forgive me god " n pretended it didnt happen. we were talking abt teletubbies n stuff until the test ended n i was like " i fucked that up" he starts laughing again n he's all like " ummm no ur not" anyhoo we were all like " yes i am no ur not" u know the intimacy you'll never get ayee [report A guys. Dropping her @. Doxx the bitch]. also at the start my candidate number was 7000 and he was like UR SO LUCKY OMG MY FAVE NUMBER IS 7 [MY FAVOURITE NUMBER IS 7 & ITS ALSO MY BDAY NUMBER SO WE ARE DESTINED TO BE!!11!!!!1!]
So that was an excerpt from A. My heart aches and I miss him and I wish I was an anxiety ridden pussy 😊😊✌🏻✌🏻
I saw him in his class after final lesson talking to his tutors HOY,,
He didn’t have his glasses on :3 he looks so cute and like uwuuwuwuwuwuwu,,, but I’m pretty sure he saw me stare at him 😳😳😳
I’m pretty sure he made eye contact with me 😖😖😰😰😰😰 hhhhhh
But yh he cute 💝💞💓💗💖💘💕
My girl S who lives right next to the road by the school (she sees teachers walking past all the time) and her windows are literally at the end of my road
She texts me saying T’s on his way down my road 🤩🤩🤩🤩
So I wait and I see him!!!!! 💝💞💓💗💖💘💕💝💞💓💗💖💘💕!!!!
He had his apple earphones in (yeah he’s broke) and he pushed his hair back with his hand n like 😖😖🤤🤤🤤💝💞💓💗💖💘💕
I was so tempted to be that stalker bitch and snap a pic but I was like “Hold up. That’s fucking creepy” BUT UWU!!!!!!! I LOVE 1 MAN!!!!
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marlaluster · 6 years ago
1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrETiONAxsN/?hl=en 2. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT 1_toby_toaster_1_Subscribe to my channel, link in bio mohitarya_07Merry Xmas 🎄 army__mnatsakanyanAaaa 😂😂😂 army__mnatsakanyan❤️❤️❤️❤️ svelbylb mehdim2586🙏🙏🙏 ezgisupercolor😂 ezgisupercolor😂 lukeprusinskiLove it! iugybjWhat do you mean _____.____masiii______✨ ahhh.julie.julieOh 🥤💕 en4essLb en4essLb en4essOb en4essLn en4essLb theninesydney😍😍😍 iugybjWhat do you mean sarahh.xuu😢😂😂 worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 brasiljtMerry Christmas to you and your family. I love you very much and although you already know, I cannot stop saying that. Happy Holidays! 💜 lisa.chehovaFOLLOW BACK michellejohnson15821582😆❤️😆 monchayahomvech👏👏 _alireza_ri_82😂😂 lovetomusic1😍 vekkaleighMerry Christmas Justin, to you and your Family XOXOXO isabel_grosser_photographyAll the best for you and your families. , , blablabla, nonsense. ......! I wish you a lot of sex, unforgettable orgasms, only half the work, , 1000 crazy party's and a 6'er in the lottery! Happy New Year....!! 👌❤️ ilmheMerry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💥💥💥 sheenabeana20MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family Justin! My family starts EVERY Christmas Season and Morning with *NSYNC Home for Christmas 🎄 tbt.babe💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T CLICK MY PROFILE OR READ MY NAME (You may as well like this comment if you did) winsla19936t5ed mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 duke_bey_Love him❤️❤️ phuonganhjulj👏 anna_ewelina😂😂😂 ivanlatcons96Good😊 vorovskoy_.jizn_As I had a look at your account, I liked your recent photos more 😊 very good 👏 iamanubhavdutta🤣 groovesmusica😂🎶 liudmyla_arc😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 kolbjesse@justintimberlake hi I’m Jesse from Germany I wanted to ask if you would like to do a song with me 2019 if you are interested you can YouTube my style under the name J Kolb. Merry Christmas hope you enjoy your holidays __little_dreamooo yes 😍😍 _herm1ne😭😍😍😍😍😘😍😍👏👏👏❤️❤️ __evahayesLike my recent post for a follow everyone agnos_dy😁😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 elinekblomTry to follow me😘 s_a___nju11Add s_a___nju11Add carriemolinoGuess who finally got your book for Christmas!!🙋‍♀️. #beenaskingeveryone. #nowallineedareconcerttixindetroit. scenesofjustintimberlakemerry xmas to the timberlake family 🤗 may god continue to bless you guys with health and joy! can’t wait to see u live JT, i love you ❤️ dibujostinocoBusco personas que quieran posar para dibujo en vivo. En agradecimiento recibe tu propio dibujo gratis 🤗💵💵🎨🤗🤗 elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com rubysun_magazineMerry Christmas 🎄 Follow us please 🙏🏻 sos_help_oleg68Помогите собрать денег на лечение онкологии...🙏🙏 @help_oleg68 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T READ MY PROFILE PICTURE ‼😱❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) miquchiNEW POST ➡️➡️➡️ @miquchi @miquchi @miquchi ste.f.ania_Nice😉 bankcor19953agj5 avelar.helenaOlá👍👏💋🌷👑😉 tiffanyironrageI got tickets to your concert for Christmas!!!!! Can't wait to see your show 😭😭😭😭 serdarcam1903Add me please gramdobsI Wish all everyone will only be a little best for christmas pleaseeeeeeeee EVERYONE !!!!! mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 silamila94#säm ängël kendrawelter311😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 umut45ylmzAzgın kızlar arayın sabahlayalım 05050729783 umut45ylmz#sikişisteyen05050729783 _nina_.xIf you see this, it would mean a lot to me if you followed me because I’m trying my best to get to 200 💕 jackie_goddetI love youuuuu.... Merry christmas ♡ worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 li_on_m_😍 li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_💪 teres.markovicHahaha 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🎅🏻 _u_fucking_assholeOmg i just got his number call him im serious 9494843869 m.wyche“Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. You can’t please everyone. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart.” svelbylb rap_lyrixI follow all of you back ❤️🙌🔥👏😮❤️🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍 a.l0nelysucka__xI love the "dick in a box" song jessie_snchz😂 lareinathomas_02get it Justin kitib19931qv2k ciana_lee_bellaarmyOmg SNL 5he11y_d_mMERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family @justintimberlake . Much love and God bless! Xoxoxo kalissabean😂😂 demon_bd07😂😂 alexis_krcelic@_sims_likethegame ayferakguligdebeli🤭🙄😍😻🤗🎈🎈🎈 korinne_design💙💙💙 vladut8676Lool joyouspapi😂 jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, 3. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! chadacquetLol tim4rangzHahaha tim4rangz🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 ladya8188Merry Christmas @justintimberlake ❤️ healing_resources_Farm Bill celebration going on over @healing_resources_ 🏌️🎄 sosnowskycorrieart😂😊 conceicaodasilvapinheiro😄😊 assasincadreanHmm whatever virpivirtamo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🤶🎅🎅🤶👋👏 irireshetnyakFunny😂 prdrwifey8778OMLETTEVILLE! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOTS OF LOVE marcellorobin14I need sugarbaby I'm going to cater for your needs take care of you pour out your mind to me tell me your worries iPhone XS Max And Apple watches would also buy you a car ,meet the king whom is called lavish #sugarbabyneeded #sugarbabywanted wisnuayub123Fb wisnuayub123Lb idolizedynastyI’m the funniest comedian on here. Follow me & check me out the_guardianofficialLOL berrys_wife😍😍😍 elnaz.lo1378pretty❤💋💋💓💞 psychic.helen_Dm me today to find out what ur future holds readings can tell past present future love business, marriage answers all questions you well like to know and like too find out get one free question and I well have time too cleanse and go in prayer for u and meditate & tell u more u need too know I’m doing full readings just for $5!!🔮 ****[a less than symbol ommitted that was to be making a heart sign w the number three. The devil pretending it cut items off the clipboard. It was to have stopped w that since i got a new phone but its not stoppinhlg.]**** 3 #deepclense #prayer #meditation #marriage #past #energy #vibes #lovespells #psychicreading #lifeadvice #lovespecialist #healingbroken #spirtualawakening #spiritguides #lovelife #dmformoreadvice #futurehealing #futures #pasthealing #loveyourself #love kfrazier316Oh how I love you. do.not.read.my.bio12NEVER EVER READ MY PICUTRE OR NAME ❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) dannysvistalb jawedjohnson@jawedjohnson #music #beatmaker 6 DAYS AGO 4. (NOTE: The devil pretending the less than symbol is making the text not paste again as w the old phone, a different kind of phone from the new one which is a LG phone n the old was Samsung. But after the text w the crystal ball symbol n then "$5" was where the carrot or "less than" symbol was n i just deleted it n out text in its place below.) 2. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! chadacquetLol tim4rangzHahaha tim4rangz🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 ladya8188Merry Christmas @justintimberlake ❤️ healing_resources_Farm Bill celebration going on over @healing_resources_ 🏌️🎄 sosnowskycorrieart😂😊 conceicaodasilvapinheiro😄😊 assasincadreanHmm whatever virpivirtamo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🤶🎅🎅🤶👋👏 irireshetnyakFunny😂 prdrwifey8778OMLETTEVILLE! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOTS OF LOVE marcellorobin14I need sugarbaby I'm going to cater for your needs take care of you pour out your mind to me tell me your worries iPhone XS Max And Apple watches would also buy you a car ,meet the king whom is called lavish #sugarbabyneeded #sugarbabywanted wisnuayub123Fb wisnuayub123Lb idolizedynastyI’m the funniest comedian on here. Follow me & check me out the_guardianofficialLOL berrys_wife😍😍😍 elnaz.lo1378pretty❤💋💋💓💞 psychic.helen_Dm me today to find out what ur future holds readings can tell past present future love business, marriage answers all questions you well like to know and like too find out get one free question and I well have time too cleanse and go in prayer for u and meditate & tell u more u need too know I’m doing full readings just for $5!!🔮 ******[a less than symbol, ie a carrot here apparently pretended by the devil to be stopping the text from pasting fully here]****** 3 #deepclense #prayer #meditation #marriage #past #energy #vibes #lovespells #psychicreading #lifeadvice #lovespecialist #healingbroken #spirtualawakening #spiritguides #lovelife #dmformoreadvice #futurehealing #futures #pasthealing #loveyourself #love kfrazier316Oh how I love you. do.not.read.my.bio12NEVER EVER READ MY PICUTRE OR NAME ❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) dannysvistalb jawedjohnson@jawedjohnson #music #beatmaker 6 DAYS AGO 5. https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5xzPeH2_B/?hl=en 6. 624,628 likes chrishemsworthHanging out with @instagram in Byron Bay! Watch now on IGTV (link in bio). #Repost @instagram ・・・ After years in Los Angeles, Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) and his family made the move to Chris’ native Australia — and landed in Byron Bay. “It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been,” says the actor. “The surf is amazing, and there is a huge awareness about healthy living and environmental conservation.” A big part of healthy living is fitness — one of Chris’ greatest passions. (He’s partial to a functional full-body warmup followed by a long surf session.) Today on our IGTV channel, we’re hanging out with Chris in Byron Bay. Tune in now and go along for the ride. 🏄‍♂️ divanavg❤️❤️❤️❤️ divanavg😍😍😍😍😍 adeniese2018Plz to more vids of u and ur kids surfing I swear that was the cutest thing I had ever seen fanny.pelo🙌🏻🙌🏻💕 yanderfellipeOmg I love you very much, and, I wanted to know you very much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ramgirl33Catch a wave and your sitting on top of the 🌏🎶 harrisondenise@giperr ya fue yo también zoe_kiszkaHazme un hijo amanomade@biimbba a este si le íbamos a tener empujandonos la tabla , hasta que se le cayeran los brazos Jajajajajaja. just_maaee@cl01407 he's here sarahconnolly_@rebeccahoyle84 ffs a day late instasam666@steve_wakerley pongpan31❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i.am_ikigaiE mo non me venì a dì che non sapevi nulla del fatto che tu fratello se sposasse. Thanks. Bye. lakshsuryathis guy is goals, what an inspiration o.adventure@ajbirdy say hi to Chris for me 😃😍 mariajose.llanezaTe amo♥️ matina.dimiHe is the reason im not fully gay jocoandlime@madwirblet should’ve gone back to Byron Bay rebeccahoyle84@sarahconnolly_ WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL jonathan_vg23@chrishemsworth beach boy 🌴🌴 moe.al.afeef👍 sheri.burnside.524Love the beach wonderoby@flax2312 signore santo waniyathinkan❤️ diegotorres.duWhat a big feet mezraphael@colleur_de_gometes j aime les defis anakarenmarti🥰❤️😍 gi_depretto😍😍😍😍😍 kylareneeyyc@kiingmarvel what view 😍 joeking_._Stop surfing and get thanos _evdokiakwn_😍 virpivirtamo🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️ surf man ❤️ hola_its_laurita@francescareinbolt 😍😍😍 malaksamehmohamed@habiba_duckling eh el 5eyana de😢 keziah007What a shot 🔥 king_france_zenny_caterPHẬT THƯỜNG TRỤ msmeganalexandra@onefinedayinlife jeisanchLindo paisaje madwirblet@jocoandlime 😢😢 he must’ve missed us calling his name leslie__ceWatching you working out was one of the highlights of today 🔥🔥🔥 you’re amazing!! stellabradshaw@leynaypy @chanwingyiu wt!?😭 alfredomorenotavaresNice denise55574😍😍 chingiz.r7❤️❤️❤️ chris102022Top toshmjWhat board tho hs.xoxo97What's up surfer dude 😍 3 HOURS AGO 7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6533877/amp/How-half-live-Chris-Hemsworth-shares-intimate-video-showing-life-Byron-Bay.html 8. MORE STORIES Workouts at dawn, surfing the waves and a seafood dinner by the beach: Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky offer a rare glimpse into their relaxed life in Byron Bay By Nick Hadley For Daily Mail Australia 22:54 27 Dec 2018, updated 23:39 27 Dec 2018 0 shares 8 comments Latest From MailOnline Miley Cyrus looks elegant in her first wedding portrait as she poses with her parents Tish and Billy... Mark Wahlberg and wife Rhea Durham flaunt their fit physiques and pack on the PDA during romantic tr... Around four years ago, Chris Hemsworth swapped the bright lights of Hollywood for a more relaxed life in the idyllic Australian town of Byron Bay. And on Friday, the Thor star offered his Instagram followers a rare behind-the-scenes glimpse into his family life on the New South Wales coast. In a video diary titled At Home in Byron Bay, the A-list actor shared footage of himself working out with friends and enjoying quality family time by the beach. Workouts at dawn, surfing the waves and a seafood dinner by the beach: Chris Hemsworth (pictured) and Elsa Pataky have offered a rare glimpse into their relaxed life in Byron Bay The video begins with panoramic views of the beach at dawn, where Chris and his group of friends are going to work out. 0 shares RELATED ARTICLES 'Sometimes he's working and will watch it all without me!' Elsa Pataky says her husband Chris Hemsworth is guilty of 'Netflix cheating' on her 'They can get everything': Elsa Pataky admits she and husband Chris Hemsworth are 'the least strict' when it comes to raising their three children He THOR looks ripped! Chris Hemsworth shows off his washboard abs and bulging biceps in a post-workout video while in Thailand 'Try doing this 10 times!' Chris Hemsworth performs an intense workout with no equipment in his hotel room - so could YOU keep up? 'Our training becomes addictive the more you do it,' says Chris, before adding, 'And it should be fun.' ADVERTISEMENT Chris is then seen jogging down the beach, before performing lunges and other body weight movements on the sand. In the video, titled At Home In Byron Bay With Chris Hemsworth, the A-lister uses his characteristic self-deprecating humour as he shows viewers his life working out and eating with family and friends. Pictured with his wife Elsa Pataky, 42 Serene sunrise: The video starts with panoramic views of the beach at dawn, where Chris and his group of mates are going to work out. 'Our training becomes addictive the more you do it,' says Chris, adding, 'it should be fun' At one point Chris, clad in a black singlet and black shorts, stops to ask his mates to do push-ups on the wet sand. 'You guys do them, I'll watch,' he jokes. 'That's what real friends do - they do your training for you!' Next, the Avengers star heads to the gym with this friends for yet another workout. In the gym, the handsome blond actor is shown boxing and doing boxing training, which includes skipping rope. 'Pretty happy with that fight, since I won,' Chris jokes to the camera afterwards. 'It helped a lot since he didn't fight back. That was awesome' During the trip he is shown sitting in the front seat of his car watching surfers get wiped out in surfing videos. Later, in the gym, the handsome blond actor is shown doing boxing. 'Pretty happy with that fight, since I won,' Chris jokes to the camera afterwards. 'It helped a lot since he didn't fight back. That was awesome.' Inspo! During the trip to the gym, Chris is shown sitting in the front seat of his car watching surfers get wiped out in surfing videos He says he tries to incorporate as many different exercises and training programs as possible, which includes kickboxing, jumping skipping ropes and lifting weights. 'Time for food, to replenish and body and replenish the soul,' Chris says before quipping, 'then look in the mirror and flex all the time.' He is then shown cooking seafood on the beach with family and friends, including wife Elsa Pataky, 42, and his personal trainer and school friend, Luke Zocchi. Good times! 'Time for food, to replenish and body and replenish the soul,' Chris says before quipping, 'then look in the mirror and flex all the time' Beach cook off: Chris is shown having seafood on the beach with family and friends, including wife Elsa and his personal trainer and school friend, Luke Zocchi (pictured) Chris says he tries to eat 'healthy, clean, organic as much as possible'. Later, he reflects on how important his friends and family are. ADVERTISEMENT 'I remember as a young kid having dreams of chasing this career and I used to talk to my mates about it and they'd all encourage me,' says Chris. 'Now to be here with those same guys I went to school with is an absolute blessing.' Later, Chris reflects on how important his friends and family are, saying: 'I remember as a young kid having dreams of chasing this career and I used to talk to my mates about it and they'd all encourage me. Now to be here with those same guys I went to school with is an absolute blessing' See more top stories from DailyMail See more top stories from DailyMail 0 shares 8 comments MOST READ NEWS New ways to fail your MOT, more motorway fines and fresh laws on cyclists: Changes to rules of the... African soldier sues MoD for £150,000 after accusing the Army of 'failing to protect him' from... Body of married father-of-two Brexit lawyer, 47, was found beneath 150ft cliff near his daughter's... British tourists' Land Cruiser was being 'driven wildly and speeding' before it plunged off bridge... Mother, 37, is arrested on suspicion of murder after her two young children were found dead at home... 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Free spirited hippie & educated📚.Follow me on SnapChat: idolizedynasty www.youtube.com/channel/UCcfWwPo89i3frdSOsTV-jUQ 11. 638,363 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT whatsbestappHappy holidays ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #whatsbestapp eswedangFollow me partma1993uhi2e vitriana_vipHaha you are my santa JT 🎅❤❤❤ liaa2484Lb💖 liaa2484LbLbLb 💖 liaa2484LbLbLb 💖 marlady__marquesTe amoooooooooooooooooooioo spectraluxmusicSup JT🦌🖖🏻 from Atl down _k.breedlove_Haha, this😏😋 geiveo1994htw2x katysullivan8455Merry Christmas justintimberlake almaglfi❤️ of.fjتفاعل بحسابي efendigunawan_🔥🔥🔥 bigpimpincrispniggaYou fkn cracked me up bro on this one!!! Well played pimpin bigpimpincrispnigga😂 yungyettiiGuys I just found Justin’s number 604 701 9339 yungyettiiOmg!!!! ama.bernardes💕🎄✨ twinskieagst820Follow me❤️ alexfender007Kind people! Help if you can, I was left without money because they do not pay wages .. I need at least something to buy from food .. I will be grateful for any help. Card number: 4042 6670 9878 6278 haywoodgolf@justintimberlake JT! We just sent you a dm you’ll probably enjoy reading. Hint - Golf related. irinka_seles_onelove❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😃😃😃😃 __jessica_leeannHEY GUYS :) I JUST MADE A MUSIC VIDEO FOR MY NEW SONG “THIRTEEN ☆” & I THINK YOU GUYS WOULD REALLY LIKE IT I MAKE ALTERNATE ROCK 🖤 & IT WOULD SERIOUSLY MEAN THE WORLD TO ME IF YOU GAVE ME A LISTEN, CHECKED IT OUT & TOLD ME WHAT YOU THINK ?? 💫🌎🎤 positivelovensupportOn behalf of @positivelovensupport, we would love to wish you a very 🎄Merry Christmas!🎄 We hope you day is filled with love laughter, joy, and happiness! ❤️ justintimberlakesourceMerry Christmas J ❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE U FOREVER AND EVER metrymanCatching the falling easel was a pro move. Well done. nakrut_.ukraine🔥🔥 diamondzr4eva33@justintimberlake SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can my era get a reunion????????? *NSYNC man I still listen to all the song in 2018 play the Xmas cd every Christmas and sometimes during the year lol don’t judge me 😂 my 17 year old knows that god must have spent a little more time on you was made for her lol moviestarfrommarsCheck out my art please 💘 dyotoya2019 ganti presiden 818.giselleee🤩‼️🤪 theshadowboxersupdatesMiss you J smartart_incGreat post sooul_fighterУ нас очень душевный паблик 🖤🌿Пидпишись⬅️. Мы рады каждому▪️ 1_toby_toaster_1Subscribe to my channel, link in bio mohitarya_07Merry Xmas 🎄 army__mnatsakanyanAaaa 😂😂😂 army__mnatsakanyan❤️❤️❤️❤️ svelbylb mehdim2586🙏🙏🙏 ezgisupercolor😂 ezgisupercolor😂 lukeprusinskiLove it! iugybjWhat do you mean _____.____masiii______✨ ahhh.julie.julieOh 🥤💕 en4essLb en4essLb en4essOb en4essLn en4essLb theninesydney😍😍😍 iugybjWhat do you mean sarahh.xuu😢😂😂 worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 brasiljtMerry Christmas to you and your family. I love you very much and although you already know, I cannot stop saying that. Happy Holidays! 💜 lisa.chehovaFOLLOW BACK michellejohnson15821582😆❤️😆 monchayahomvech👏👏 wkodjen😂😂 lovetomusic1😍 vekkaleighMerry Christmas Justin, to you and your Family XOXOXO isabel_grosser_photographyAll the best for you and your families. , , blablabla, nonsense. ......! I wish you a lot of sex, unforgettable orgasms, only half the work, , 1000 crazy party's and a 6'er in the lottery! Happy New Year....!! 👌❤️ ilmheMerry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💥💥💥 sheenabeana20MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family Justin! My family starts EVERY Christmas Season and Morning with *NSYNC Home for Christmas 🎄 tbt.babe💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T CLICK MY PROFILE OR READ MY NAME (You may as well like this comment if you did) winsla19936t5ed mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 duke_bey_Love him❤️❤️ phuonganhjulj👏 anna_ewelina😂😂😂 ivanlatcons96Good😊 vorovskoy_.jizn_As I had a look at your account, I liked your recent photos more 😊 very good 👏 iamanubhavdutta🤣 groovesmusica😂🎶 liudmyla_arc😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 kolbjesse@justintimberlake hi I’m Jesse from Germany I wanted to ask if you would like to do a song with me 2019 if you are interested you can YouTube my style under the name J Kolb. Merry Christmas hope you enjoy your holidays __little_dreamooo yes 😍😍 _herm1ne😭😍😍😍😍😘😍😍👏👏👏❤️❤️ __evahayesLike my recent post for a follow everyone agnos_dy😁😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 elinekblomTry to follow me😘 s_a___nju11Add s_a___nju11Add carriemolinoGuess who finally got your book for Christmas!!🙋‍♀️. #beenaskingeveryone. #nowallineedareconcerttixindetroit. scenesofjustintimberlakemerry xmas to the timberlake family 🤗 may god continue to bless you guys with health and joy! can’t wait to see u live JT, i love you ❤️ dibujostinocoBusco personas que quieran posar para dibujo en vivo. En agradecimiento recibe tu propio dibujo gratis 🤗💵💵🎨🤗🤗 elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com rubysun_magazineMerry Christmas 🎄 Follow us please 🙏🏻 sos_help_oleg68Помогите собрать денег на лечение онкологии...🙏🙏 @help_oleg68 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T READ MY PROFILE PICTURE ‼😱❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) miquchiNEW POST ➡️➡️➡️ @miquchi @miquchi @miquchi ste.f.ania_Nice😉 bankcor19953agj5 avelar.helenaOlá👍👏💋🌷👑😉 tiffanyironrageI got tickets to your concert for Christmas!!!!! Can't wait to see your show 😭😭😭😭 serdarcam1903Add me please gramdobsI Wish all everyone will only be a little best for christmas pleaseeeeeeeee EVERYONE !!!!! mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 silamila94#säm ängël kendrawelter311😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 umut45ylmzAzgın kızlar arayın sabahlayalım 05050729783 umut45ylmz#sikişisteyen05050729783 _nina_.xIf you see this, it would mean a lot to me if you followed me because I’m trying my best to get to 200 💕 jackie_goddetI love youuuuu.... Merry christmas ♡ worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 li_on_m_😍 li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_💪 teres.markovicHahaha 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🎅🏻 _u_fucking_assholeOmg i just got his number call him im serious 9494843869 m.wyche“Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. You can’t please everyone. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart.” svelbylb rap_lyrixI follow all of you back ❤️🙌🔥👏😮❤️🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍 a.l0nelysucka__xI love the "dick in a box" song jessie_snchz😂 lareinathomas_02get it Justin kitib19931qv2k ciana_lee_bellaarmyOmg SNL 5he11y_d_mMERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family @justintimberlake . Much love and God bless! Xoxoxo kalissabean😂😂 demon_bd07😂😂 alexis_krcelic@_sims_likethegame ayferakguligdebeli🤭🙄😍😻🤗🎈🎈🎈 korinne_design💙💙💙 vladut8676Lool joyouspapi😂 jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! chadacquetLol tim4rangzHahaha tim4rangz🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 ladya8188Merry Christmas @justintimberlake ❤️ healing_resources_Farm Bill celebration going on over @healing_resources_ 🏌️🎄 sosnowskycorrieart😂😊 conceicaodasilvapinheiro😄😊 assasincadreanHmm whatever virpivirtamo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🤶🎅🎅🤶👋👏 irireshetnyakFunny😂 prdrwifey8778OMLETTEVILLE! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOTS OF LOVE marcellorobin14I need sugarbaby I'm going to cater for your needs take care of you pour out your mind to me tell me your worries iPhone XS Max And Apple watches would also buy you a car ,meet the king whom is called lavish #sugarbabyneeded #sugarbabywanted wisnuayub123Fb wisnuayub123Lb idolizedynastyI’m the funniest comedian on here. Follow me & check me out the_guardianofficialLOL berrys_wife😍😍😍 elnaz.lo1378pretty❤💋💋💓💞 psychic.helen_Dm me today to find out what ur future holds readings can tell past present future love business, marriage answers all questions you well like to know and like too find out get one free question and I well have time too cleanse and go in prayer for u and meditate & tell u more u need too know I’m doing full readings just for $5!!🔮 *******[the "less than" symbol ommitted once again here to take the pretended thing by the devil that it acts like is making the text not show.]********* 3 #deepclense #prayer #meditation #marriage #past #energy #vibes #lovespells #psychicreading #lifeadvice #lovespecialist #healingbroken #spirtualawakening #spiritguides #lovelife #dmformoreadvice #futurehealing #futures #pasthealing #loveyourself #love kfrazier316Oh how I love you. do.not.read.my.bio12NEVER EVER READ MY PICUTRE OR NAME ❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) dannysvistalb jawedjohnson@jawedjohnson #music #beatmaker cubanamomma🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 sammietraMerry christmas vespasworldI just had a look at your photos. Your perspective is normal but composition is great! Just wanted to say 😉✌ irene.iron1Merry christmas Justin 🎉 mcgoldstone@mmmullen not berenice.flores.1694Que hermoso 💕 unut_snacksGo to https://instagram.com/unut_snacks?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=1xclrtuzm5h4z devantss😂😂😂 jennalopersoup i_am_p_a_n_d_a_💪😂😂 saman2hsایرانی نیس اینجا😑😑 dsman80🖤🎆🎆🎆🖤 easypeasy58Classic!! 🤣🤣🤣 annabelll_realFb annabelll_realLb 60detik_jogjabrother's vacation to JOGJA many places are really cool lohh @60detik_jogja shivam_di_caprio😄 mammadovazar😂😂😂 what a costume 😀 alfredopatino👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 123hoop123😂😂😂😂 stoneyj_50In the spirit of the holidays and in anticipation of #2019 i will be giving cash out and vacation tickets to first 30 cute ladies to follow and dm me. Daddy is here 😉 tera_kaykSo mean😉 jose666ledesmaI wish you good luck in 2019 and those who follow you too el_djarmaيارب يارب يارب best_words99for best words follow my account felipelggomes😂 1roguepoetI want your life [email protected] 👏👏 abigail_leopard123lol so funny justin timberlake jesuslovesyouyesitstrueWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! taliaisnotinthekitchendid you know it’s not gay if it’s in a 3 way taliaisnotinthekitchenall i want for christmas is a dick in a box my_0_0life♥️♥️ stargrl232Lol!Good one 👍🏼cute!😁😄 kiemsweetsAwwwww...JT! amp_corporationhey everyone this is @amp_corporation !!! We are a new business that just wants to provide you guys real fair and HONEST prices. I know this may sound super sketchy but if you could follow us or buy something I know u deserve the best prices for the best people !! #bestprices 7 DAYS AGO 12. https://www.instagram.com/p/Brny4A3hPYq/?hl=en 13. https://www.instagram.com/wearehemsworthy/?hl=en 14. wearehemsworthy's profile picture wearehemsworthy Desperate Students Thor is our mascot. Naturally, we want Chris Hemsworth to come to our senior prom twitter.com/wearehemsworthy?s=09 15. 1,354,554 likes chrishemsworthHanging out with @instagram in Byron Bay! Watch now on IGTV (link in bio). #Repost @instagram ・・・ After years in Los Angeles, Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) and his family made the move to Chris’ native Australia — and landed in Byron Bay. “It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been,” says the actor. “The surf is amazing, and there is a huge awareness about healthy living and environmental conservation.” A big part of healthy living is fitness — one of Chris’ greatest passions. (He’s partial to a functional full-body warmup followed by a long surf session.) Today on our IGTV channel, we’re hanging out with Chris in Byron Bay. Tune in now and go along for the ride. 🏄‍♂️ dvna0811Happy wedding brooo vini_csandri@nanda_vicente tiny2019Bombón !!! Qué lindo que sos !!! 💋💋��💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 oxa.grl@jade_thor ton mec ❤❤ amaic_🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 alkunooze_university@hasanajeel1 a_ch18@angievmora 🥰 vali_kuecher99🔥 satashreeMy love 😘 jade_mayersonxoDreamy 💫 jade_mayersonxoLove Byron bay xo anusri_aa12❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘 thorrrrrr miss_alluring_visionHey love 😍😘❤ mari_74cf💕💕💕💕 andrewaden🎊🎊🎊 _jessicalinsThor surfando 😮😮😮 andymanteitEpic. dil_e_ciousThor will be back soon😍😍😍😍 kseaweed_@allyjane_land if Chris Hemsworth can move back home that means we can. We just need a couple million🤣. mstorsveenThat place looks amazing 🌴 lucky you 🌞 Hope to go there on day, get away from old, cold, snowy Norway. At least for a few weeks 😂❄☃️ seli_jay@chrishemsworth 🌙Good night now in Thailand🇹🇭 24:08minutes. riyscarlet09Love love😘 diegocamp2018@landyrosero 😂😂😂 aacckkaarr👍 roman.singh_17Handsome boy roman.singh_17👍👍👍👍🙋 roman.singh_17👌👌👌👌👌 lari_sparklingBest place on earth 😍 jeanrotamulaI love you @chrishemsworth loki_carotcheck ur dms from @wearehemsworthy ian_aj9The new stormbreaker jiuxii17#百万粉丝库,你值得拥有!#ig#爆粉#爆赞 mrstanntastic@mikkicollins_ Did you see him!? 😍 anaztazeaLucky abdullahbaig210😁 anais_vw@femke_audenaert owja 😊 fluttershy_x_@_aeemilly O coração até acelerou noonny_noony💕 lezy099❤❤😍 kristenweisss@samm_renee94 we NEED to go to Byron bay juliencheynisLord of Thunder ⚡ yuktha_rani😍😍 herronhappyHEY GO LOOK AT @wearehemsworthy herronhappy@wearehemsworthy herronhappy@wearehemsworthy carojerezg😍 i_altamash_khan👌🙌 gidrostroitelВаще по красоте! Super! Beautiful!💛 22 HOURS AGO 16. https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5xzPeH2_B/?hl=en 17. kseaweed_@allyjane_land if Chris Hemsworth can move back home that means we can. We just need a couple million🤣. 18. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/12/justin-timberlake-jessica-biel-marriage-counseling/ 19. EXCLUSIVE Justin & Jessica’s Secret Marriage Counseling: ‘They Went Before Things Got Worse’ Celebrities have fitness coaches and nutritionists. You can too with Arivale®. Click to Opens a New Window. Timberlake said Biel looks like a soccer mom — and the actress lost it! By Radar Staff Posted on Dec 12, 2018 @ 19:31PM Justin & Jessica’s Secret Marriage Counseling: ‘They Went Before Things Got Worse’ thumbnail Getty Images Justin Timberlake Opens a New Window. jokingly called stunning wife Jessica Biel Opens a New Window. a soccer mom, but his lighthearted comment hit her hard — and RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively it’s put the pop star in the doghouse! Suffering From COPD? - It Might Be Alpha-1 COPD Symptoms May Be A Sign Of Alpha-1. Get A Test Kit & Bring To Your Doctor. See geneticCOPDtest.com “Justin recently joked to friends how motherhood has changed his wife, but not in a way she thinks is funny,” said an insider close to the A-listers. “Jessica overheard Justin jest that when she’s not on the red carpet, she looks like a small-town housewife with too much to do … She heard Justin refer to her as a soccer mom and blew a gasket Opens a New Window. !” PHOTOS: Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel Eyeing $16.5 Million Penthouse In NYC Opens a New Window. Trending Articles Radar Online Logo MORE SCOOPS FROM RADAR ONLINE Click to view the story in a new tab Powered By Distro ScaleDistro Scale Opens a New Window. Now the celebrity couple is in marriage counseling, sources told Radar. “A friend of the couple suggested marriage therapy before things got worse,” the insider revealed. “They’re going once a week.” Timberlake, 37, praised his actress/producer spouse in his recent autobiography Opens a New Window. , “Hindsight & All the Things I Can’t See in Front of Me.” But privately, the singer “told friends Jessica’s insecurity can sometimes drive him nuts and he wished she’d lighten up,” added the source. PHOTOS: Bringing Scandal Back! Justin Timberlake’s Top 10 Secrets REVEALED – Drugs, Lawsuits, Nudity and More! Opens a New Window. The actress 36, has “had issues about not feeling ‘hot’ anymore since giving birth three years ago to their son, Silas,” claimed the pal. “It took her ages to get Justin to settle down … the jokes do not sit well with Jess. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at [email protected], or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. Get the exclusive celebrity scoop on all the stars you love before any of your friends Opens a New Window. by subscribing to our new podcast Straight Shuter below! 20. EXCLUSIVE Justin & Jessica’s Secret Marriage Counseling: ‘They Went Before Things Got Worse’ Celebrities have fitness coaches and nutritionists. You can too with Arivale®. Click to Opens a New Window. Timberlake said Biel looks like a soccer mom — and the actress lost it! By Radar Staff Posted on Dec 12, 2018 @ 19:31PM Justin & Jessica’s Secret Marriage Counseling: ‘They Went Before Things Got Worse’ thumbnail Getty Images Justin Timberlake Opens a New Window. jokingly called stunning wife Jessica Biel Opens a New Window. a soccer mom, but his lighthearted comment hit her hard — and RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively it’s put the pop star in the doghouse! Suffering From COPD? - It Might Be Alpha-1 COPD Symptoms May Be A Sign Of Alpha-1. Get A Test Kit & Bring To Your Doctor. See geneticCOPDtest.com “Justin recently joked to friends how motherhood has changed his wife, but not in a way she thinks is funny,” said an insider close to the A-listers. “Jessica overheard Justin jest that when she’s not on the red carpet, she looks like a small-town housewife with too much to do … She heard Justin refer to her as a soccer mom and blew a gasket Opens a New Window. !” PHOTOS: Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel Eyeing $16.5 Million Penthouse In NYC Opens a New Window. Trending Articles Radar Online Logo MORE SCOOPS FROM RADAR ONLINE Click to view the story in a new tab Powered By Distro ScaleDistro Scale Opens a New Window. Now the celebrity couple is in marriage counseling, sources told Radar. “A friend of the couple suggested marriage therapy before things got worse,” the insider revealed. “They’re going once a week.” Timberlake, 37, praised his actress/producer spouse in his recent autobiography Opens a New Window. , “Hindsight & All the Things I Can’t See in Front of Me.” But privately, the singer “told friends Jessica’s insecurity can sometimes drive him nuts and he wished she’d lighten up,” added the source. PHOTOS: Bringing Scandal Back! Justin Timberlake’s Top 10 Secrets REVEALED – Drugs, Lawsuits, Nudity and More! Opens a New Window. The actress 36, has “had issues about not feeling ‘hot’ anymore since giving birth three years ago to their son, Silas,” claimed the pal. “It took her ages to get Justin to settle down … the jokes do not sit well with Jess. We pay for juicy info! Do you have a story for RadarOnline.com? Email us at [email protected], or call us at (866) ON-RADAR (667-2327) any time, day or night. Get the exclusive celebrity scoop on all the stars you love before any of your friends Opens a New Window. by subscribing to our new podcast Straight Shuter below!
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Happy Holidays! 💜 lisa.chehovaFOLLOW BACK michellejohnson15821582😆❤️😆 monchayahomvech👏👏 _alireza_ri_82😂😂 lovetomusic1😍 vekkaleighMerry Christmas Justin, to you and your Family XOXOXO isabel_grosser_photographyAll the best for you and your families. , , blablabla, nonsense. ......! I wish you a lot of sex, unforgettable orgasms, only half the work, , 1000 crazy party's and a 6'er in the lottery! Happy New Year....!! 👌❤️ ilmheMerry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💥💥💥 sheenabeana20MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family Justin! My family starts EVERY Christmas Season and Morning with *NSYNC Home for Christmas 🎄 tbt.babe💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T CLICK MY PROFILE OR READ MY NAME (You may as well like this comment if you did) winsla19936t5ed mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 duke_bey_Love him❤️❤️ phuonganhjulj👏 anna_ewelina😂😂😂 ivanlatcons96Good😊 vorovskoy_.jizn_As I had a look at your account, I liked your recent photos more 😊 very good 👏 iamanubhavdutta🤣 groovesmusica😂🎶 liudmyla_arc😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 kolbjesse@justintimberlake hi I’m Jesse from Germany I wanted to ask if you would like to do a song with me 2019 if you are interested you can YouTube my style under the name J Kolb. Merry Christmas hope you enjoy your holidays __little_dreamooo yes 😍😍 _herm1ne😭😍😍😍😍😘😍😍👏👏👏❤️❤️ __evahayesLike my recent post for a follow everyone agnos_dy😁😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 elinekblomTry to follow me😘 s_a___nju11Add s_a___nju11Add carriemolinoGuess who finally got your book for Christmas!!🙋‍♀️. #beenaskingeveryone. #nowallineedareconcerttixindetroit. scenesofjustintimberlakemerry xmas to the timberlake family 🤗 may god continue to bless you guys with health and joy! can’t wait to see u live JT, i love you ❤️ dibujostinocoBusco personas que quieran posar para dibujo en vivo. 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Can't wait to see your show 😭😭😭😭 serdarcam1903Add me please gramdobsI Wish all everyone will only be a little best for christmas pleaseeeeeeeee EVERYONE !!!!! mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 silamila94#säm ängël kendrawelter311😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 umut45ylmzAzgın kızlar arayın sabahlayalım 05050729783 umut45ylmz#sikişisteyen05050729783 _nina_.xIf you see this, it would mean a lot to me if you followed me because I’m trying my best to get to 200 💕 jackie_goddetI love youuuuu.... Merry christmas ♡ worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 li_on_m_😍 li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_💪 teres.markovicHahaha 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🎅🏻 _u_fucking_assholeOmg i just got his number call him im serious 9494843869 m.wyche“Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. You can’t please everyone. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart.” svelbylb rap_lyrixI follow all of you back ❤️🙌🔥👏😮❤️🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍 a.l0nelysucka__xI love the "dick in a box" song jessie_snchz😂 lareinathomas_02get it Justin kitib19931qv2k ciana_lee_bellaarmyOmg SNL 5he11y_d_mMERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family @justintimberlake . Much love and God bless! Xoxoxo kalissabean😂😂 demon_bd07😂😂 alexis_krcelic@_sims_likethegame ayferakguligdebeli🤭🙄😍😻🤗🎈🎈🎈 korinne_design💙💙💙 vladut8676Lool joyouspapi😂 jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, 3. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! chadacquetLol tim4rangzHahaha tim4rangz🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 ladya8188Merry Christmas @justintimberlake ❤️ healing_resources_Farm Bill celebration going on over @healing_resources_ 🏌️🎄 sosnowskycorrieart😂😊 conceicaodasilvapinheiro😄😊 assasincadreanHmm whatever virpivirtamo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🤶🎅🎅🤶👋👏 irireshetnyakFunny😂 prdrwifey8778OMLETTEVILLE! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOTS OF LOVE marcellorobin14I need sugarbaby I'm going to cater for your needs take care of you pour out your mind to me tell me your worries iPhone XS Max And Apple watches would also buy you a car ,meet the king whom is called lavish #sugarbabyneeded #sugarbabywanted wisnuayub123Fb wisnuayub123Lb idolizedynastyI’m the funniest comedian on here. Follow me & check me out the_guardianofficialLOL berrys_wife😍😍😍 elnaz.lo1378pretty❤💋💋💓💞 psychic.helen_Dm me today to find out what ur future holds readings can tell past present future love business, marriage answers all questions you well like to know and like too find out get one free question and I well have time too cleanse and go in prayer for u and meditate & tell u more u need too know I’m doing full readings just for $5!!🔮 [a less than symbol ommitted that was to be making a heart sign w the number three. The devil pretending it cut items off the clipboard. It was to have stopped w that since i got a new phone but its not stoppinhlg.] 3 #deepclense #prayer #meditation #marriage #past #energy #vibes #lovespells #psychicreading #lifeadvice #lovespecialist #healingbroken #spirtualawakening #spiritguides #lovelife #dmformoreadvice #futurehealing #futures #pasthealing #loveyourself #love kfrazier316Oh how I love you. do.not.read.my.bio12NEVER EVER READ MY PICUTRE OR NAME ❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) dannysvistalb jawedjohnson@jawedjohnson #music #beatmaker 6 DAYS AGO 4. (NOTE: The devil pretending the less than symbol is making the text not paste again as w the old phone, a different kind of phone from the new one which is a LG phone n the old was Samsung. But after the text w the crystal ball symbol n then "$5" was where the carrot or "less than" symbol was n i just deleted it n out text in its place below.) 2. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! chadacquetLol tim4rangzHahaha tim4rangz🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 ladya8188Merry Christmas @justintimberlake ❤️ healing_resources_Farm Bill celebration going on over @healing_resources_ 🏌️🎄 sosnowskycorrieart😂😊 conceicaodasilvapinheiro😄😊 assasincadreanHmm whatever virpivirtamo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🤶🎅🎅🤶👋👏 irireshetnyakFunny😂 prdrwifey8778OMLETTEVILLE! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOTS OF LOVE marcellorobin14I need sugarbaby I'm going to cater for your needs take care of you pour out your mind to me tell me your worries iPhone XS Max And Apple watches would also buy you a car ,meet the king whom is called lavish #sugarbabyneeded #sugarbabywanted wisnuayub123Fb wisnuayub123Lb idolizedynastyI’m the funniest comedian on here. Follow me & check me out the_guardianofficialLOL berrys_wife😍😍😍 elnaz.lo1378pretty❤💋💋💓💞 psychic.helen_Dm me today to find out what ur future holds readings can tell past present future love business, marriage answers all questions you well like to know and like too find out get one free question and I well have time too cleanse and go in prayer for u and meditate & tell u more u need too know I’m doing full readings just for $5!!🔮 ******[a less than symbol, ie a carrot here apparently pretended by the devil to be stopping the text from pasting fully here]****** 3 #deepclense #prayer #meditation #marriage #past #energy #vibes #lovespells #psychicreading #lifeadvice #lovespecialist #healingbroken #spirtualawakening #spiritguides #lovelife #dmformoreadvice #futurehealing #futures #pasthealing #loveyourself #love kfrazier316Oh how I love you. do.not.read.my.bio12NEVER EVER READ MY PICUTRE OR NAME ❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) dannysvistalb jawedjohnson@jawedjohnson #music #beatmaker 6 DAYS AGO 5. https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5xzPeH2_B/?hl=en 6. 624,628 likes chrishemsworthHanging out with @instagram in Byron Bay! Watch now on IGTV (link in bio). #Repost @instagram ・・・ After years in Los Angeles, Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) and his family made the move to Chris’ native Australia — and landed in Byron Bay. “It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been,” says the actor. “The surf is amazing, and there is a huge awareness about healthy living and environmental conservation.” A big part of healthy living is fitness — one of Chris’ greatest passions. (He’s partial to a functional full-body warmup followed by a long surf session.) Today on our IGTV channel, we’re hanging out with Chris in Byron Bay. Tune in now and go along for the ride. 🏄‍♂️ divanavg❤️❤️❤️❤️ divanavg😍😍😍😍😍 adeniese2018Plz to more vids of u and ur kids surfing I swear that was the cutest thing I had ever seen fanny.pelo🙌🏻🙌🏻💕 yanderfellipeOmg I love you very much, and, I wanted to know you very much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ramgirl33Catch a wave and your sitting on top of the 🌏🎶 harrisondenise@giperr ya fue yo también zoe_kiszkaHazme un hijo amanomade@biimbba a este si le íbamos a tener empujandonos la tabla , hasta que se le cayeran los brazos Jajajajajaja. just_maaee@cl01407 he's here sarahconnolly_@rebeccahoyle84 ffs a day late instasam666@steve_wakerley pongpan31❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i.am_ikigaiE mo non me venì a dì che non sapevi nulla del fatto che tu fratello se sposasse. Thanks. Bye. lakshsuryathis guy is goals, what an inspiration o.adventure@ajbirdy say hi to Chris for me 😃😍 mariajose.llanezaTe amo♥️ matina.dimiHe is the reason im not fully gay jocoandlime@madwirblet should’ve gone back to Byron Bay rebeccahoyle84@sarahconnolly_ WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL jonathan_vg23@chrishemsworth beach boy 🌴🌴 moe.al.afeef👍 sheri.burnside.524Love the beach wonderoby@flax2312 signore santo waniyathinkan❤️ diegotorres.duWhat a big feet mezraphael@colleur_de_gometes j aime les defis anakarenmarti🥰❤️😍 gi_depretto😍😍😍😍😍 kylareneeyyc@kiingmarvel what view 😍 joeking_._Stop surfing and get thanos _evdokiakwn_😍 virpivirtamo🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️ surf man ❤️ hola_its_laurita@francescareinbolt 😍😍😍 malaksamehmohamed@habiba_duckling eh el 5eyana de😢 keziah007What a shot 🔥 king_france_zenny_caterPHẬT THƯỜNG TRỤ msmeganalexandra@onefinedayinlife jeisanchLindo paisaje madwirblet@jocoandlime 😢😢 he must’ve missed us calling his name leslie__ceWatching you working out was one of the highlights of today 🔥🔥🔥 you’re amazing!! stellabradshaw@leynaypy @chanwingyiu wt!?😭 alfredomorenotavaresNice denise55574😍😍 chingiz.r7❤️❤️❤️ chris102022Top toshmjWhat board tho hs.xoxo97What's up surfer dude 😍 3 HOURS AGO 7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6533877/amp/How-half-live-Chris-Hemsworth-shares-intimate-video-showing-life-Byron-Bay.html 8. MORE STORIES Workouts at dawn, surfing the waves and a seafood dinner by the beach: Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky offer a rare glimpse into their relaxed life in Byron Bay By Nick Hadley For Daily Mail Australia 22:54 27 Dec 2018, updated 23:39 27 Dec 2018 0 shares 8 comments Latest From MailOnline Miley Cyrus looks elegant in her first wedding portrait as she poses with her parents Tish and Billy... Mark Wahlberg and wife Rhea Durham flaunt their fit physiques and pack on the PDA during romantic tr... Around four years ago, Chris Hemsworth swapped the bright lights of Hollywood for a more relaxed life in the idyllic Australian town of Byron Bay. And on Friday, the Thor star offered his Instagram followers a rare behind-the-scenes glimpse into his family life on the New South Wales coast. In a video diary titled At Home in Byron Bay, the A-list actor shared footage of himself working out with friends and enjoying quality family time by the beach. Workouts at dawn, surfing the waves and a seafood dinner by the beach: Chris Hemsworth (pictured) and Elsa Pataky have offered a rare glimpse into their relaxed life in Byron Bay The video begins with panoramic views of the beach at dawn, where Chris and his group of friends are going to work out. 0 shares RELATED ARTICLES 'Sometimes he's working and will watch it all without me!' Elsa Pataky says her husband Chris Hemsworth is guilty of 'Netflix cheating' on her 'They can get everything': Elsa Pataky admits she and husband Chris Hemsworth are 'the least strict' when it comes to raising their three children He THOR looks ripped! Chris Hemsworth shows off his washboard abs and bulging biceps in a post-workout video while in Thailand 'Try doing this 10 times!' Chris Hemsworth performs an intense workout with no equipment in his hotel room - so could YOU keep up? 'Our training becomes addictive the more you do it,' says Chris, before adding, 'And it should be fun.' ADVERTISEMENT Chris is then seen jogging down the beach, before performing lunges and other body weight movements on the sand. In the video, titled At Home In Byron Bay With Chris Hemsworth, the A-lister uses his characteristic self-deprecating humour as he shows viewers his life working out and eating with family and friends. Pictured with his wife Elsa Pataky, 42 Serene sunrise: The video starts with panoramic views of the beach at dawn, where Chris and his group of mates are going to work out. 'Our training becomes addictive the more you do it,' says Chris, adding, 'it should be fun' At one point Chris, clad in a black singlet and black shorts, stops to ask his mates to do push-ups on the wet sand. 'You guys do them, I'll watch,' he jokes. 'That's what real friends do - they do your training for you!' Next, the Avengers star heads to the gym with this friends for yet another workout. In the gym, the handsome blond actor is shown boxing and doing boxing training, which includes skipping rope. 'Pretty happy with that fight, since I won,' Chris jokes to the camera afterwards. 'It helped a lot since he didn't fight back. That was awesome' During the trip he is shown sitting in the front seat of his car watching surfers get wiped out in surfing videos. Later, in the gym, the handsome blond actor is shown doing boxing. 'Pretty happy with that fight, since I won,' Chris jokes to the camera afterwards. 'It helped a lot since he didn't fight back. That was awesome.' Inspo! During the trip to the gym, Chris is shown sitting in the front seat of his car watching surfers get wiped out in surfing videos He says he tries to incorporate as many different exercises and training programs as possible, which includes kickboxing, jumping skipping ropes and lifting weights. 'Time for food, to replenish and body and replenish the soul,' Chris says before quipping, 'then look in the mirror and flex all the time.' He is then shown cooking seafood on the beach with family and friends, including wife Elsa Pataky, 42, and his personal trainer and school friend, Luke Zocchi. Good times! 'Time for food, to replenish and body and replenish the soul,' Chris says before quipping, 'then look in the mirror and flex all the time' Beach cook off: Chris is shown having seafood on the beach with family and friends, including wife Elsa and his personal trainer and school friend, Luke Zocchi (pictured) Chris says he tries to eat 'healthy, clean, organic as much as possible'. Later, he reflects on how important his friends and family are. ADVERTISEMENT 'I remember as a young kid having dreams of chasing this career and I used to talk to my mates about it and they'd all encourage me,' says Chris. 'Now to be here with those same guys I went to school with is an absolute blessing.' Later, Chris reflects on how important his friends and family are, saying: 'I remember as a young kid having dreams of chasing this career and I used to talk to my mates about it and they'd all encourage me. Now to be here with those same guys I went to school with is an absolute blessing' See more top stories from DailyMail See more top stories from DailyMail 0 shares 8 comments MOST READ NEWS New ways to fail your MOT, more motorway fines and fresh laws on cyclists: Changes to rules of the... African soldier sues MoD for £150,000 after accusing the Army of 'failing to protect him' from... Body of married father-of-two Brexit lawyer, 47, was found beneath 150ft cliff near his daughter's... British tourists' Land Cruiser was being 'driven wildly and speeding' before it plunged off bridge... Mother, 37, is arrested on suspicion of murder after her two young children were found dead at home... From The Wall separating white and black neighbourhoods to decades-old housing projects where... Praying for salvation in Wigan! Hordes of revellers dressed as monks, nuns and sexy Where's Wallys... Europeans will have to fork out billions more to fund the EU Budget if there is a No Deal Brexit and... Meghan Markle's mother Doria Ragland spends lonely Christmas Day leafing through her mail at home in... Revealed: Bumble groom's ex-fiancée posted 'I can't wait to be your wife' on Facebook a year before... Family's throwback Christmas photo goes viral for very unusual reason - can you spot why? 'He’s every inch the fool, but luckily he’s not very tall!' As top headmaster blasts bland school... Best dad ever! Loving father takes SIX flights alongside his Delta stewardess daughter so he could... Russian father who murdered Swiss air traffic controller he blamed for 2002 midair collision that... Chris Brown is facing criminal charges for purchasing his daughter an exotic monkey for Christmas... Pictured: Man killed in 'gas leak' explosion as blast that sounded like huge thunderclap reduces... DON'T MISS Miley Cyrus looks elegant in her first wedding portrait as she poses with her parents Tish and Billy... Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright are at war in VERY boozy drinking challenge as they join his family ... Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham flaunt fit physiques and pack on the PDA during romantic swim in... Ryan Thomas FINALLY breaks social media silence after staying quiet over Christmas... following girl... Cheryl admits she has limited experience and isn't as qualified as fellow Greatest Dancer judges... ... Has Christmas left you feeling out of shape for New Year's Eve? Here's... Ad Feature Michelle Mone EXCLUSIVE: Bra tycoon 'over the moon' as she gets engaged to billionaire businessman b... Kourtney Kardashian dazzles in pink bikini alongside ex Scott Disick and his girlfriend Sofia Richie... Holly Willoughby is inspired to learn to SKATE for Dancing On Ice's new series... as first six celeb... Kardashian-Jenner Christmas card 'photoshop blunder': Fans mock family over superimposed people, alt... Beyonce goes barefoot and Jay-Z carries baby Rumi as they disembark a private jet in LA Alessandra Ambrosio is a cheeky delight as she frolics across the beach with beau Nicolo Oddi Sam Faiers' fans come to her defence as she's cruelly trolled for kissing her son on the lips and 'c... TOWIE's Amber Turner and Dan Edgar are 'very bitter' after their split... 'and will confront each ot... Kim Kardashian and Kanye West share an intimate slow dance in front of 200 guests at Kris Jenner's C... Forest Whitaker splits from his wife Keisha Nash after 22 years of marriage and two children... Ferne McCann shows off her incredible figure in a blue bikini as she shares sultry selfie EastEnders: Fans baffled by Alfie Moon's escape as they question how he is well enough to kidnap bab... Emmerdale: Fans spot MAJOR blunder as police arrest Robert Sugden for attacking Billy Fletcher... WI... Justin Bieber is free to return to Argentina after Supreme Court clears him of 2013 attack on... Kate Wright and fiancé Rio Ferdinand sport matching Santa hats alongside his three children as ... Stella Maxwell intertwines her legs with fellow model Elsa Hosk in cuddly photo... weeks after her s... How the other half live! Chris Hemsworth shares an intimate video showing his life behind the scenes... Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth obtained their marriage license just DAYS before private Tennessee... Katie Price is 'vulnerable, always puts herself down and calls herself fat' claims concerned pal Chl... Jake Gyllenhaal, 38, is seen for first time with French model girlfriend Jeanne Cadieu, 22, as they ... Christie Brinkley, 64, flashes her toned tummy during Caribbean vacation... after saying she will no... Emma Forbes, 53, flaunts her trim figure in a plunging black swimsuit as she continues sun-soaked Ba... Goodfellas actor Frank Adonis - who also appeared in Martin Scorsese's Raging Bull and Casino - pass... Priyanka Chopra shares loved-up selfie with new husband Nick Jonas as she joins the singer's family ... MORE TOP STORIES © Associated Newspapers Ltd Contact usMobile apps View desktop siteAdvertise with us SyndicationTerms Privacy & cookiesHow to complain 9. https://www.instagram.com/idolizedynasty/?hl=en 10. idolizedynasty's profile picture idolizedynasty Kendra Crump GOD 1ST. Your Favorite Comedian 😂🙏🏽RIP Dad. Free spirited hippie & educated📚.Follow me on SnapChat: idolizedynasty www.youtube.com/channel/UCcfWwPo89i3frdSOsTV-jUQ 11. 638,363 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT whatsbestappHappy holidays ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #whatsbestapp eswedangFollow me partma1993uhi2e vitriana_vipHaha you are my santa JT 🎅❤❤❤ liaa2484Lb💖 liaa2484LbLbLb 💖 liaa2484LbLbLb 💖 marlady__marquesTe amoooooooooooooooooooioo spectraluxmusicSup JT🦌🖖🏻 from Atl down _k.breedlove_Haha, this😏😋 geiveo1994htw2x katysullivan8455Merry Christmas justintimberlake almaglfi❤️ of.fjتفاعل بحسابي efendigunawan_🔥🔥🔥 bigpimpincrispniggaYou fkn cracked me up bro on this one!!! Well played pimpin bigpimpincrispnigga😂 yungyettiiGuys I just found Justin’s number 604 701 9339 yungyettiiOmg!!!! ama.bernardes💕🎄✨ twinskieagst820Follow me❤️ alexfender007Kind people! Help if you can, I was left without money because they do not pay wages .. I need at least something to buy from food .. I will be grateful for any help. Card number: 4042 6670 9878 6278 haywoodgolf@justintimberlake JT! We just sent you a dm you’ll probably enjoy reading. Hint - Golf related. irinka_seles_onelove❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😃😃😃😃 __jessica_leeannHEY GUYS :) I JUST MADE A MUSIC VIDEO FOR MY NEW SONG “THIRTEEN ☆” & I THINK YOU GUYS WOULD REALLY LIKE IT I MAKE ALTERNATE ROCK 🖤 & IT WOULD SERIOUSLY MEAN THE WORLD TO ME IF YOU GAVE ME A LISTEN, CHECKED IT OUT & TOLD ME WHAT YOU THINK ?? 💫🌎🎤 positivelovensupportOn behalf of @positivelovensupport, we would love to wish you a very 🎄Merry Christmas!🎄 We hope you day is filled with love laughter, joy, and happiness! ❤️ justintimberlakesourceMerry Christmas J ❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE U FOREVER AND EVER metrymanCatching the falling easel was a pro move. Well done. nakrut_.ukraine🔥🔥 diamondzr4eva33@justintimberlake SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can my era get a reunion????????? *NSYNC man I still listen to all the song in 2018 play the Xmas cd every Christmas and sometimes during the year lol don’t judge me 😂 my 17 year old knows that god must have spent a little more time on you was made for her lol moviestarfrommarsCheck out my art please 💘 dyotoya2019 ganti presiden 818.giselleee🤩‼️🤪 theshadowboxersupdatesMiss you J smartart_incGreat post sooul_fighterУ нас очень душевный паблик 🖤🌿Пидпишись⬅️. Мы рады каждому▪️ 1_toby_toaster_1Subscribe to my channel, link in bio mohitarya_07Merry Xmas 🎄 army__mnatsakanyanAaaa 😂😂😂 army__mnatsakanyan❤️❤️❤️❤️ svelbylb mehdim2586🙏🙏🙏 ezgisupercolor😂 ezgisupercolor😂 lukeprusinskiLove it! iugybjWhat do you mean _____.____masiii______✨ ahhh.julie.julieOh 🥤💕 en4essLb en4essLb en4essOb en4essLn en4essLb theninesydney😍😍😍 iugybjWhat do you mean sarahh.xuu😢😂😂 worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 brasiljtMerry Christmas to you and your family. I love you very much and although you already know, I cannot stop saying that. Happy Holidays! 💜 lisa.chehovaFOLLOW BACK michellejohnson15821582😆❤️😆 monchayahomvech👏👏 wkodjen😂😂 lovetomusic1😍 vekkaleighMerry Christmas Justin, to you and your Family XOXOXO isabel_grosser_photographyAll the best for you and your families. , , blablabla, nonsense. ......! I wish you a lot of sex, unforgettable orgasms, only half the work, , 1000 crazy party's and a 6'er in the lottery! Happy New Year....!! 👌❤️ ilmheMerry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💥💥💥 sheenabeana20MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family Justin! My family starts EVERY Christmas Season and Morning with *NSYNC Home for Christmas 🎄 tbt.babe💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T CLICK MY PROFILE OR READ MY NAME (You may as well like this comment if you did) winsla19936t5ed mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 duke_bey_Love him❤️❤️ phuonganhjulj👏 anna_ewelina😂😂😂 ivanlatcons96Good😊 vorovskoy_.jizn_As I had a look at your account, I liked your recent photos more 😊 very good 👏 iamanubhavdutta🤣 groovesmusica😂🎶 liudmyla_arc😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 kolbjesse@justintimberlake hi I’m Jesse from Germany I wanted to ask if you would like to do a song with me 2019 if you are interested you can YouTube my style under the name J Kolb. Merry Christmas hope you enjoy your holidays __little_dreamooo yes 😍😍 _herm1ne😭😍😍😍😍😘😍😍👏👏👏❤️❤️ __evahayesLike my recent post for a follow everyone agnos_dy😁😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 elinekblomTry to follow me😘 s_a___nju11Add s_a___nju11Add carriemolinoGuess who finally got your book for Christmas!!🙋‍♀️. #beenaskingeveryone. #nowallineedareconcerttixindetroit. scenesofjustintimberlakemerry xmas to the timberlake family 🤗 may god continue to bless you guys with health and joy! can’t wait to see u live JT, i love you ❤️ dibujostinocoBusco personas que quieran posar para dibujo en vivo. En agradecimiento recibe tu propio dibujo gratis 🤗💵💵🎨🤗🤗 elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com rubysun_magazineMerry Christmas 🎄 Follow us please 🙏🏻 sos_help_oleg68Помогите собрать денег на лечение онкологии...🙏🙏 @help_oleg68 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T READ MY PROFILE PICTURE ‼😱❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) miquchiNEW POST ➡️➡️➡️ @miquchi @miquchi @miquchi ste.f.ania_Nice😉 bankcor19953agj5 avelar.helenaOlá👍👏💋🌷👑😉 tiffanyironrageI got tickets to your concert for Christmas!!!!! Can't wait to see your show 😭😭😭😭 serdarcam1903Add me please gramdobsI Wish all everyone will only be a little best for christmas pleaseeeeeeeee EVERYONE !!!!! mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 silamila94#säm ängël kendrawelter311😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 umut45ylmzAzgın kızlar arayın sabahlayalım 05050729783 umut45ylmz#sikişisteyen05050729783 _nina_.xIf you see this, it would mean a lot to me if you followed me because I’m trying my best to get to 200 💕 jackie_goddetI love youuuuu.... Merry christmas ♡ worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 li_on_m_😍 li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_💪 teres.markovicHahaha 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🎅🏻 _u_fucking_assholeOmg i just got his number call him im serious 9494843869 m.wyche“Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. You can’t please everyone. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart.” svelbylb rap_lyrixI follow all of you back ❤️🙌🔥👏😮❤️🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍 a.l0nelysucka__xI love the "dick in a box" song jessie_snchz😂 lareinathomas_02get it Justin kitib19931qv2k ciana_lee_bellaarmyOmg SNL 5he11y_d_mMERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family @justintimberlake . Much love and God bless! Xoxoxo kalissabean😂😂 demon_bd07😂😂 alexis_krcelic@_sims_likethegame ayferakguligdebeli🤭🙄😍😻🤗🎈🎈🎈 korinne_design💙💙💙 vladut8676Lool joyouspapi😂 jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! chadacquetLol tim4rangzHahaha tim4rangz🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 ladya8188Merry Christmas @justintimberlake ❤️ healing_resources_Farm Bill celebration going on over @healing_resources_ 🏌️🎄 sosnowskycorrieart😂😊 conceicaodasilvapinheiro😄😊 assasincadreanHmm whatever virpivirtamo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🤶🎅🎅🤶👋👏 irireshetnyakFunny😂 prdrwifey8778OMLETTEVILLE! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOTS OF LOVE marcellorobin14I need sugarbaby I'm going to cater for your needs take care of you pour out your mind to me tell me your worries iPhone XS Max And Apple watches would also buy you a car ,meet the king whom is called lavish #sugarbabyneeded #sugarbabywanted wisnuayub123Fb wisnuayub123Lb idolizedynastyI’m the funniest comedian on here. Follow me & check me out the_guardianofficialLOL berrys_wife😍😍😍 elnaz.lo1378pretty❤💋💋💓💞 psychic.helen_Dm me today to find out what ur future holds readings can tell past present future love business, marriage answers all questions you well like to know and like too find out get one free question and I well have time too cleanse and go in prayer for u and meditate & tell u more u need too know I’m doing full readings just for $5!!🔮
0 notes
marlaluster · 6 years ago
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrETiONAxsN/?hl=en 2. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT 1_toby_toaster_1_Subscribe to my channel, link in bio mohitarya_07Merry Xmas 🎄 army__mnatsakanyanAaaa 😂😂😂 army__mnatsakanyan❤️❤️❤️❤️ svelbylb mehdim2586🙏🙏🙏 ezgisupercolor😂 ezgisupercolor😂 lukeprusinskiLove it! iugybjWhat do you mean _____.____masiii______✨ ahhh.julie.julieOh 🥤💕 en4essLb en4essLb en4essOb en4essLn en4essLb theninesydney😍😍😍 iugybjWhat do you mean sarahh.xuu😢😂😂 worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 brasiljtMerry Christmas to you and your family. I love you very much and although you already know, I cannot stop saying that. Happy Holidays! 💜 lisa.chehovaFOLLOW BACK michellejohnson15821582😆❤️😆 monchayahomvech👏👏 _alireza_ri_82😂😂 lovetomusic1😍 vekkaleighMerry Christmas Justin, to you and your Family XOXOXO isabel_grosser_photographyAll the best for you and your families. , , blablabla, nonsense. ......! I wish you a lot of sex, unforgettable orgasms, only half the work, , 1000 crazy party's and a 6'er in the lottery! Happy New Year....!! 👌❤️ ilmheMerry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💥💥💥 sheenabeana20MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family Justin! My family starts EVERY Christmas Season and Morning with *NSYNC Home for Christmas 🎄 tbt.babe💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T CLICK MY PROFILE OR READ MY NAME (You may as well like this comment if you did) winsla19936t5ed mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 duke_bey_Love him❤️❤️ phuonganhjulj👏 anna_ewelina😂😂😂 ivanlatcons96Good😊 vorovskoy_.jizn_As I had a look at your account, I liked your recent photos more 😊 very good 👏 iamanubhavdutta🤣 groovesmusica😂🎶 liudmyla_arc😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 kolbjesse@justintimberlake hi I’m Jesse from Germany I wanted to ask if you would like to do a song with me 2019 if you are interested you can YouTube my style under the name J Kolb. Merry Christmas hope you enjoy your holidays __little_dreamooo yes 😍😍 _herm1ne😭😍😍😍😍😘😍😍👏👏👏❤️❤️ __evahayesLike my recent post for a follow everyone agnos_dy😁😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 elinekblomTry to follow me😘 s_a___nju11Add s_a___nju11Add carriemolinoGuess who finally got your book for Christmas!!🙋‍♀️. #beenaskingeveryone. #nowallineedareconcerttixindetroit. scenesofjustintimberlakemerry xmas to the timberlake family 🤗 may god continue to bless you guys with health and joy! can’t wait to see u live JT, i love you ❤️ dibujostinocoBusco personas que quieran posar para dibujo en vivo. En agradecimiento recibe tu propio dibujo gratis 🤗💵💵🎨🤗🤗 elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com rubysun_magazineMerry Christmas 🎄 Follow us please 🙏🏻 sos_help_oleg68Помогите собрать денег на лечение онкологии...🙏🙏 @help_oleg68 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T READ MY PROFILE PICTURE ‼😱❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) miquchiNEW POST ➡️➡️➡️ @miquchi @miquchi @miquchi ste.f.ania_Nice😉 bankcor19953agj5 avelar.helenaOlá👍👏💋🌷👑😉 tiffanyironrageI got tickets to your concert for Christmas!!!!! Can't wait to see your show 😭😭😭😭 serdarcam1903Add me please gramdobsI Wish all everyone will only be a little best for christmas pleaseeeeeeeee EVERYONE !!!!! mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 silamila94#säm ängël kendrawelter311😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 umut45ylmzAzgın kızlar arayın sabahlayalım 05050729783 umut45ylmz#sikişisteyen05050729783 _nina_.xIf you see this, it would mean a lot to me if you followed me because I’m trying my best to get to 200 💕 jackie_goddetI love youuuuu.... Merry christmas ♡ worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 li_on_m_😍 li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_💪 teres.markovicHahaha 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🎅🏻 _u_fucking_assholeOmg i just got his number call him im serious 9494843869 m.wyche“Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. You can’t please everyone. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart.” svelbylb rap_lyrixI follow all of you back ❤️🙌🔥👏😮❤️🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍 a.l0nelysucka__xI love the "dick in a box" song jessie_snchz😂 lareinathomas_02get it Justin kitib19931qv2k ciana_lee_bellaarmyOmg SNL 5he11y_d_mMERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family @justintimberlake . Much love and God bless! Xoxoxo kalissabean😂😂 demon_bd07😂😂 alexis_krcelic@_sims_likethegame ayferakguligdebeli🤭🙄😍😻🤗🎈🎈🎈 korinne_design💙💙💙 vladut8676Lool joyouspapi😂 jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, 3. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and your neighbor as yourself! chadacquetLol tim4rangzHahaha tim4rangz🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 ladya8188Merry Christmas @justintimberlake ❤️ healing_resources_Farm Bill celebration going on over @healing_resources_ 🏌️🎄 sosnowskycorrieart😂😊 conceicaodasilvapinheiro😄😊 assasincadreanHmm whatever virpivirtamo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🤶🎅🎅🤶👋👏 irireshetnyakFunny😂 prdrwifey8778OMLETTEVILLE! 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️ LOTS OF LOVE marcellorobin14I need sugarbaby I'm going to cater for your needs take care of you pour out your mind to me tell me your worries iPhone XS Max And Apple watches would also buy you a car ,meet the king whom is called lavish #sugarbabyneeded #sugarbabywanted wisnuayub123Fb wisnuayub123Lb idolizedynastyI’m the funniest comedian on here. Follow me & check me out the_guardianofficialLOL berrys_wife😍😍😍 elnaz.lo1378pretty❤💋💋💓💞 psychic.helen_Dm me today to find out what ur future holds readings can tell past present future love business, marriage answers all questions you well like to know and like too find out get one free question and I well have time too cleanse and go in prayer for u and meditate & tell u more u need too know I’m doing full readings just for $5!!🔮
0 notes
marlaluster · 6 years ago
Item number three (I think) attempted as in the most recent clipboard emptying post, a guestimate from the "clip tray" yeah. .......
3. 637,387 likes justintimberlakeWhen you upstage Santa... Sorry man. #TBT 1_toby_toaster_1_Subscribe to my channel, link in bio mohitarya_07Merry Xmas 🎄 army__mnatsakanyanAaaa 😂😂😂 army__mnatsakanyan❤️❤️❤️❤️ svelbylb mehdim2586🙏🙏🙏 ezgisupercolor😂 ezgisupercolor😂 lukeprusinskiLove it! iugybjWhat do you mean _____.____masiii______✨ ahhh.julie.julieOh 🥤💕 en4essLb en4essLb en4essOb en4essLn en4essLb theninesydney😍😍😍 iugybjWhat do you mean sarahh.xuu😢😂😂 worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 brasiljtMerry Christmas to you and your family. I love you very much and although you already know, I cannot stop saying that. Happy Holidays! 💜 lisa.chehovaFOLLOW BACK michellejohnson15821582😆❤️😆 monchayahomvech👏👏 _alireza_ri_82😂😂 lovetomusic1😍 vekkaleighMerry Christmas Justin, to you and your Family XOXOXO isabel_grosser_photographyAll the best for you and your families. , , blablabla, nonsense. ......! I wish you a lot of sex, unforgettable orgasms, only half the work, , 1000 crazy party's and a 6'er in the lottery! Happy New Year....!! 👌❤️ ilmheMerry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄💥💥💥 sheenabeana20MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family Justin! My family starts EVERY Christmas Season and Morning with *NSYNC Home for Christmas 🎄 tbt.babe💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T CLICK MY PROFILE OR READ MY NAME (You may as well like this comment if you did) winsla19936t5ed mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 duke_bey_Love him❤️❤️ phuonganhjulj👏 anna_ewelina😂😂😂 ivanlatcons96Good😊 vorovskoy_.jizn_As I had a look at your account, I liked your recent photos more 😊 very good 👏 iamanubhavdutta🤣 groovesmusica😂🎶 liudmyla_arc😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 kolbjesse@justintimberlake hi I’m Jesse from Germany I wanted to ask if you would like to do a song with me 2019 if you are interested you can YouTube my style under the name J Kolb. Merry Christmas hope you enjoy your holidays __little_dreamooo yes 😍😍 _herm1ne😭😍😍😍😍😘😍😍👏👏👏❤️❤️ __evahayesLike my recent post for a follow everyone agnos_dy😁😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 elinekblomTry to follow me😘 s_a___nju11Add s_a___nju11Add carriemolinoGuess who finally got your book for Christmas!!🙋‍♀️. #beenaskingeveryone. #nowallineedareconcerttixindetroit. scenesofjustintimberlakemerry xmas to the timberlake family 🤗 may god continue to bless you guys with health and joy! can’t wait to see u live JT, i love you ❤️ dibujostinocoBusco personas que quieran posar para dibujo en vivo. En agradecimiento recibe tu propio dibujo gratis 🤗💵💵🎨🤗🤗 elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com elsavpnMerry Christmas❤️ 🗝 Buy VPN with cryptocurrency 🗝 💯 Ultra secure and ultra fast 💯 ❇️ SSL Encryption ❇️ 💢 Easy setup 💢 elsavpn.com rubysun_magazineMerry Christmas 🎄 Follow us please 🙏🏻 sos_help_oleg68Помогите собрать денег на лечение онкологии...🙏🙏 @help_oleg68 do.not.read.my.bio12DON'T READ MY PROFILE PICTURE ‼😱❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) miquchiNEW POST ➡️➡️➡️ @miquchi @miquchi @miquchi ste.f.ania_Nice😉 bankcor19953agj5 avelar.helenaOlá👍👏💋🌷👑😉 tiffanyironrageI got tickets to your concert for Christmas!!!!! Can't wait to see your show 😭😭😭😭 serdarcam1903Add me please gramdobsI Wish all everyone will only be a little best for christmas pleaseeeeeeeee EVERYONE !!!!! mehdim2586🙌🙌🙌 silamila94#säm ängël kendrawelter311😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 umut45ylmzAzgın kızlar arayın sabahlayalım 05050729783 umut45ylmz#sikişisteyen05050729783 _nina_.xIf you see this, it would mean a lot to me if you followed me because I’m trying my best to get to 200 💕 jackie_goddetI love youuuuu.... Merry christmas ♡ worldbestplacestovisitMerry Christmas! Follow my page @worldbestplacestovisit if you want! Have a beautiful day! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙 li_on_m_😍 li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_❤️ li_on_m_💪 teres.markovicHahaha 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🎅🏻 _u_fucking_assholeOmg i just got his number call him im serious 9494843869 m.wyche“Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. You can’t please everyone. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart.” svelbylb rap_lyrixI follow all of you back ❤️🙌🔥👏😮❤️🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍🔥😍🙌😮🔥😍😍 a.l0nelysucka__xI love the "dick in a box" song jessie_snchz😂 lareinathomas_02get it Justin kitib19931qv2k ciana_lee_bellaarmyOmg SNL 5he11y_d_mMERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family @justintimberlake . Much love and God bless! Xoxoxo kalissabean😂😂 demon_bd07😂😂 alexis_krcelic@_sims_likethegame ayferakguligdebeli���🙄😍😻🤗🎈🎈🎈 korinne_design💙💙💙 vladut8676Lool joyouspapi😂 jesbibleloveyouWAKE UP! The RFID chip implant IS the Mark of the Beast! DO NOT TAKE IT! Proof the Bible is TRUE! WWW.BIBLEFREEDOM.COM Jews will build Third Temple, Bible prophecy, anti-christ is coming! Turn to Jesus, Repent of your sins! YOU MUST be born again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind,
0 notes