#but if i had a mullet i need to get muscles and cool clothes so i can become the ultimate coolness
The dilemma between wanting to shave off ur hair and wanting to have a mullet IS REAL
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avengedbiologist · 3 years
Thunderbird Headcanons
Thunderbird headcanons I just kinda forgot to post.
Not a single brain cell.
Like 6’1”
Is like really not down with the kids as much as he thinks he is.
Fully believes he is cool.
Writes a letter to his Mum every year and just puts it in a drawer.
Did have a mullet at one point.
Dimples and some moles.
Hates strawberries.
He really loves pies (not made by grandma though)
Good hugs.
He was rebellious as a kid, still got good grades at school but skived a lot and smoked probably.
Wears double denim.
Close to all his brothers due to him helping his dad raise them.
Especially close to Alan as he was only 8 when their dad went missing and kind of hand to become a parental figure in his dad's place.
Wears crocs and socks.
If he needs support will go to Virgil or John, but since he feels comfort in physical contact he tends to go to Virgil.
Full on had grey hairs at 25 from taking over IR.
Really likes porridge.
Reads/watches something for an hour before bed, unless the rescue literally causes him to pass out as soon as he gets on the bed.
Favourite tic tac flavour is lime and orange.
Really bad with spice.
Not allergic to bees
Mans built, a good mix of both muscle and fat, bulking him out more than his brothers.
Was a bug kid, used to draw them all the time, he still remembers bug facts.
Really interested in scarab beetles
Moles on face as well as scar near eyebrow.
Like 5’9”-5’10”
Probably could lift the sofa with one hand if given the chance.
Can easily pick up Scott and John at the same time.
Usually the brother Gordon and Alan hang around or ask for emotional support.
Close with Gordon as he was the main brother who cared for Gordon after his accident due to his medical knowledge. Was around when Gordon had his breakdowns and Virgil knows a lot of Gordon's fears or insecurities, he knows most of his brothers insecurities as well, and always checks up on them if they are faced with something that could bring up their insecurities.
Virgil covers up alot, he can be quite insecure about his body, it fully depends on the day, if there is a day where he is more confident with his body and shows more skin, his brothers make sure not to comment on it as that can throw him off and make him insecure again.
Best hugs ever.
Can bake okay, can kind of cook, nothing too hard.
Has his own soup recipe that tends to be used when one of his brothers is ill.
Close with all his brothers but tends to end up hanging around Gordon and Alan.
Is allergic to ibuprofen and aspirin
Sarcastic humour.
Full on had a crush on Kip Harris and Tycho reeves.
Can fill a sketchbook in a week.
Landscapes and figures are his favourite things to draw.
Has a birthmark on his palm
Tall an lanky.
Good at gymnastics.
Light freckles all over face.
Very close to Alan due to their shared love of space.
John used to teach Alan about space when they were younger, and used Alan as an audience (as well as Jeff) for when he had to practice for a presentation.
Like 6’1”
He had a punk phase when he was a teen.
Has severe hay fever.
Social anxiety isn't good with crowds, unless one of his brothers is with him, they help distract him from the crowds. Alan usually does space talk. Scott and Virgil tend to talk to him about mechanics and coding, usually asking John to babble about it. Gordon usually makes jokes or asks him about what he did that day, half the time Gordon doesn't understand what he's talking about but he's respectful and listens.
Does not like physical contact as much, he will hug his brothers but he has to be in the right mood, his brothers always seem to know when he is in the right mood.
Always hugs Alan and Gordon though.
Tends to keep a level head but if someone were to hurt one of his brothers he would get angry.
Was a generally quiet kid.
Was good at getting a baby/toddler Alan to stop crying.
Has a mole behind his ear.
Little, like 5’6” to 5’8”.
Big shoulder from all that butterfly swimming.
Jokes about a lot, not only because he is funny but he is insecure, he hates seeing family so sad, it reminds him of when he was in his accident.
Is actually kind of insecure about his body, he has a lot of scars from accidents and from being in WASP.
He is shaped like a dorito and has little body fat.
Massive crush on Penelope, eventually asks her out and they hang out as much as they can, which isn't much since they both have very busy lives.
Has a mullet.
Also wears crocs and socks but does it better than Scott.
Is a mess.
Military lad but if you didn't know him you would not be able to tell.
Suffers from depression but again you wouldn't be able to tell, he hides it well.
Nothing but bright clothes in his wardrobe.
At one point he did have a crush on buddy.
He did have a good relationship with Jeff but from ages 14-16 they just didn't get on, Gordon just seemed to get on Jeff's nerves a lot and also seemed to just keep making the wrong decisions. This all got better when Gordon talked about going to work with WASP. Too bad Jeff never got to see him there since the accident happened before Gordon started.
Gordon naturally feels relieved when Jeff comes back, they start again and so far they are getting on well.
Is actually a really good cook.
If not swimming or on a mission he will spend the day cooking if given the chance.
Likes veg more than fruit.
Catch him munching on a carrot whilst listening to the info on the mission.
Always has tic-tacs in his pockets, both suit and civvies.
Really good with spice and heat, he survived eating a carolina reaper pepper.
Knows how to do the hoedown throwdown.
Knows origami.
Was only 1 when his mum died, he blames himself sometimes due to him being the one his mum was trying to save in the avalanche. [All versions]
Pansexual [All versions]
Never had a good bond with his family until he was 14 and the hood attacks, sure he liked them and they cared for him they just never gelled as well. Despite this he is close with John. John was the main one to actually listen to him and actually let him speak through his issues and John never judges him [04].
He has a boyfriend who he meets at whartons, they meet before the hoods attack and get close whilst Alans in recovery via video calls and when Alans is allowed back into school they start dating. [04]
Freckles :)
Is very little, between 5’4” and 5’7” depending on the version.
When Jeff comes back Alan is iffy around him, Jeff manages to get back in to the father figure role quickly but Alan hasn't seen Jeff for years and has forgot a lot about him, Alan naturally goes to Scott with any issues, isn't used to Jeff being around. It takes a few months for him and Jeff to actually bond properly by themselves.
Has a prosthetic leg, the story behind it depends on the version, 04, his leg was severely injured after falling and catching his leg on the moving mole during his fight with the hood in the bank. In TAG it's a situation of explosion in space that nearly kills him. (Sometimes this is a thing sometimes it's not idk)
Has a bed full of stuffed animals.
His room is filled with rocket posters and models.
Has a shelf that's just the rockets in mission order.
Loves the mercury 7.
Alan's baking ability is making those cookies that you just add like milk into.
Used to copy Gordon a lot.
Still copies him sometimes, like him keeping sweets in his pockets at all times and sometimes copies his reactions in conversations cause he zones out a lot
Will tear up if someone shouts at him, usually he hides it and when alone he lets it out. His brothers know this and will usually try to prevent the shouting from happening.
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Kindred Outsiders: Pt. 1
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x OC
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 2374
A/N: Hello! This story was originally posted on my fanfiction.com account but I decided to bring it to tumblr as well :) Anyhow, this story is going to take place in the beginning of summer & will later lead up to the events starting in the beginning of season 3. Gif used isn’t mine. Enjoy!
Indiana is…different.
I moved out here merely two weeks ago from Los Angeles, California. My father died from a plane crash over a month ago. He was on his way home from a business trip. My mother, on the other hand, isn't in the picture because she passed away from cancer 5 years ago. I was 15 years old at the time.
I couldn't stand being alone in my father's mansion any longer. It just wasn't the same without him. It caused me nothing but pain having to enter a home where I am not greeted a simple 'hello' from my father. Dinners were always lonely so I ended up resorting to going out with friends almost every night for dinner, followed by drinking at home from my father's in-home bar.
When it came around to bedtime, I felt a pit in my stomach whenever I passed my father's office and didn't see the light shining under the crack of the door. He always worked in his office late.
One day I made a bold move by giving my aunt Joyce a call and moved in with her in Indiana a month after the incident. Aunt Joyce is my father's sister.
Her small house is nothing compared to mine and lacked the useless amenities I was used to. But I didn't care. Living here so far with her, Will and Jonathan was much better than living back in California all alone. Sure, I had friends but it doesn't compare to family.
Since I am an only child of my parents, I inherited all of their money. I also made a selfless decision and paid off my aunt's mortgage. When I told her the news, I was thanked with a slap across the face followed by a tight hug. She never wanted any handouts from my parents in the past and still doesn't til this day.
It is 1pm and I just clocked out for my short shift at this clothing store in the starcourt mall. Yes, I have a great amount of money in my bank account, but I still wanted to keep myself occupied by working a part time job. I didn't want to just sit on my ass all day. Especially since I still don't know what I want to do for my career. I am 20 years old and time is ticking, but I don't want to waste my time and money on schooling when I don't know what the hell I want to do yet.
After every shift I've been stopping by the ice cream shop, Scoops Ahoy and I always see the same duo, Steve and Robin. I've become quite acquainted with them and I learned so far that they're fresh out of high school.
"Let me guess, rocky road?" Steve said with a grin.
"You know me too well, Steve." I replied with a smile, stretching my arm out to hand him cash.
"God Steve. Just ask her out already." Robin added, rolling her eyes playfully and crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the back counter.
"Can you not?" Steve snapped his head at Robin, cheeks flushed red.
"Very funny, Robin." I let out a chuckle and waved goodbye to the duo as I licked my delicious ice cream on my way out.
As usual, I took my time walking through the mall. I wanted to make sure I finished my ice cream before I arrived to my car and headed home. A variety of families, couples and friends seemed to be enjoying their shopping trips. Though word on the news is that many local business owners are enraged about the mall being built due to losing business.
A familiar female voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hi Victoria!" Aria, my eccentric coworker greeted me, her shoulder-length blonde hair bouncing as she kept up to my steps.
"Hey Aria, I thought you're off today?" I asked, still enjoying my ice cream.
"Yeah I was just shopping around for a gift for my mom's birthday next week." She briefly lifted the shopping bag in her hand. "Did you just get off or are you on lunch?"
"Um, I just got off."
"Yay! I'm going to the pool after this. Join me so I'm not alone!" She suggested. "There's also this hot hot hot lifeguard they hired last week. I went to school with him!"
"Okay sure. But I'm not really into that."
"Come on, Victoria." Aria groaned. "I know you don't have any plans today."
"No I meant the hot lifeguard or whatever. Not into that." I gave a dismissive wave of my hand before taking a generous lick of my ice cream.
"Oh. You're into girls? So sorry. I didn't know."
I snorted in amusement, but internally I was rolling my eyes at her. She's always been quick to make assumptions.
"No no no. I like boys." I made known. "I just don't care to drool over a piece of meat. But I'm down to take a dip in the pool."
"Oh! Okay. Sorry. Sorry again."
"It's fine Aria," I dragged. "I'm gonna go home and change out of this and I'll meet you there."
"Yay! Okay bye!" Aria shouted with glee before going our separate ways. She sure can be annoyingly hyper sometimes, but she's the only real girlfriend I've made here so far. Robin is always working and when she is off, she's always busy doing god knows what.
Like clockwork, my ice cream was finished off before I made it outside to my car. Or should I say my late father's black 1984 Porsche 911. It's quite showy for someone who now lives in Indiana, but this car was my father's baby. I'm never letting go of this.
The Rubberband Man by The Spinners blasted on my stereo as I drove to Aunt Joyce's house. Music from the 70s has always stuck with me. On my face are my favorite pair of black aviator sunglasses.
After a moment of driving down the familiar roads, I pull into the front of my aunt's house. I take the keys out of the ignition, remove my aviators, hop out of my car and enter the non vacant home. "Hey Jonathan." I greeted my cousin who is watching television on the couch with a full plate and fork in his hands.
"Hey there, Vic. You're home early." He said with a full mouth. I hummed in response before scurrying to my bedroom.
I searched through my dresser drawers until I found the perfect bikini for my mood, which is a two piece. I paired my black cheeky bottoms with a neon green strapless top. After quickly peeling off my work attire and slipping into my bikini, I made sure to at least cover up my ass cheeks with denim shorts before throwing on a pair of sandals.
Now I am out the door, tossing my bag of pool essentials in the passenger seat and making sure not to forget my aviators. The sun is at its peak and I am ready to cool off.
Minutes later I pull into the parking lot of the community pool for the first time since moving down here. I've driven past it plenty of times but never had the need to go yet until Aria randomly invited me.
Exiting my car with my bag under my arm and my aviators on, I hear various sounds at a short distance of people enjoying themselves in the water.
The sun is beaming down at me as I'm making my way through the gate, glancing around until I find Aria. "Victoria! Hey!" She shouted with glee, waving her hand. I found her lying on the pool lounger.
"Hey Aria." I greeted, placing my bag on the ground.
"Go on in the pool if you want. I'm waiting for him to show up for his shift. It should be any moment now!"
"Really?" Sitting down at the foot of the empty pool lounger, I shook my head at Aria in disapproval.
She scoffed. "Oh don't give me that look, Victoria." I shook my head at her, dropping my shorts and tossing it in my bag.
Aria let out a gasp out of the blue, sitting up straight. "Speaking of Billy. There he is!"
"Where?" I asked, casually pulling a flask out of my bag. I'm not an alcoholic and I don't plan to get plastered, but a little buzz is well deserved.
Aria doesn't respond. Instead, I scan my surroundings until I spotted the only male lifeguard walking the grounds to my left. He is tastefully shirtless, wearing red swim shorts, a whistle necklace and brown aviator shades. His dirty blonde hair is styled into a mullet, which surprisingly fits his face perfectly.
Billy's head snapped my direction as I'm taking a swig out of my whiskey filled flask. I couldn't tell if he was directly looking at me due to the shades masking his eyes, but all of the women's eyes were on him. And by the swagger of his steps, I can tell he's reveling in it.
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"Eh." I shrugged my shoulders, once Billy passed me and sat comfortably in the lifeguard chair. "He's alright." I lied.
From his perfectly tanned skin to his flawlessly sculpted muscles, it's as if his body was made by angels. Even from a distance, I could see that his plump lips could lose any woman in his kiss. But no, I had to feign being unimpressed because a man that looks like that is bad news for me.
"Are you freaking kidding me?" She briskly pulled her sunglasses off, shooting me a look of disgust.
"Are your sunglasses blinding you?"
I snorted. "Nope. I can see perfectly clear."
"Ugh! If you think that Billy Hargrove is just alright, then I don't even want to know what kind of men you consider perfect." Aria mentioned seriously to me as she laid back and placed her sunglasses back on.
"Don't care. I'm going for a dip." I threw my flask back inside my bag before rising to my feet towards the pool to swim a few laps.
Stroking through the water, there is no one alive who can stop me. It's a moment like this that makes me miss the beaches in California. But I close my eyes and lose myself, pretending that's exactly where I am.
Unaware how long I've been swimming to and fro, I do one more lap before I take a break and reward myself with another sip of whiskey.
As I am motioning out of the water and my feet are planted onto the cement, a deep, male voice captures my attention. "Here."
I look and it is the stud himself, Billy Hargrove handing me a towel. "Oh thanks." I accepted with a soft smile, almost hesitant because I have a towel in my bag but I didn't want to seem rude.
I begin pat drying my long, black hair with the towel and begin sauntering towards my designated pool lounger, but Billy halts me, "Hey sweetheart." I spun around to face him with furrowed brows. "What's your name?" He asked, removing his glasses to reveal his annoyingly beautiful, blue eyes.
"Victoria. And you?" I asked even though I already know.
"The name's Billy." He said, randomly placing a piece of gum in his mouth which caused me to catch a glance at his lips, then to his abs and back to his eyes. I swear I saw the corner of his lip quirk up when he caught me. "Nice to meet ya Victoria."
"You too Billy." The sun was so hot that I didn't even need to dry off my body anymore. Instead, I threw the towel over my shoulder.
"Am I mistaken or is this your first time here?" He asked, smacking his gum as he's indiscreetly giving me an elevator look.
"No you're right." Before Billy had the chance to speak any further, I pointed behind him towards the pool. "Hey, I think there's a kid drowning over there."
Just as I predicted, he cautiously looked over his shoulder and that's when I made a beeline towards my pool lounger next to Aria.
"You. Dumb. Bitch." Aria remarked with obvious displeasure as I'm searching for my flask. "I can't be friends with you anymore."
"What now, Aria?"
"Billy the hottie was obviously into you and you blew it! Ugh, the things I'd do to be in your shoes right now."
"Oh please. He's just another pretty boy that wants one thing." I implied before taking a sip. "Go over there and talk to him yourself then." Flickering my eyes, I am now seeing that Billy's back on his lifeguard chair.
"Um no. If Billy wants somebody, Billy always makes the first move. Do I look like I want to embarrass myself right now?"
"If you say so." I said, readjusting the pool lounger so that it was flat and I lied on my stomach, using my arms as a makeshift pillow. "Can you rub sunscreen on me and wake me up in 30. I'm taking a nap."
Being the good friend that she is, Aria stole the sunscreen from my bag and did as I asked. She knows I'd do the same for her.
"I know you can't see right now," she started after a minute of no words exchanged, "but he's looking over here. Probably at your ass." She paused. "I wouldn't blame him though."
She's right. I do have a nice ass.
"Billy can stare all he wants. What do I care?" I uttered lazily, eyes closed and ready to sleep.
"You're insane! If I can't have him, then can you have him for me? And tell me if it is big!" She whisper shouted, rubbing the last bit of sunscreen needed on me.
"Im not having sex with anyone, Aria. Especially not him. I'm taking my nap now."
Billy is just another handsome face with a Calvin Klein body which doesn't impress me because it seems like he's used to getting any woman he wants. But I'm not any other woman, so he can use that charm on the next one for all I care.
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angrykarin666 · 4 years
GenZen Week Oneshots!
1 first impressions/confessions
Zenko doesn’t know what she did in her last life to deserve this. Wouldn’t being an orphan left to fend for herself most of her life been punishment enough? Or being struck by lightning as a child? Or living with only her adoptive brother of the last 6 years Kaigaku in a crappy apartment in the worst neighborhood in town?
Apparently not.
Apparently Agatsuma Zenko needed to add pissing off the biggest, scariest guy in her high school to her list of misfortunes. The blonde doesn’t know what she did to annoy Shinazugawa enough that he had to wait in the hall to catch her alone after class, stomping up to her in all his intimidating glory, but she regrets it. Whatever it was.
Zenko gulps as he approaches, too frightened to move like a deer in the headlights. With how Genya towers over her by a foot in height and is nearly double her weight in muscle, has a scar going across most of his face, and has a wild blonde tipped black mullet-hawk to go with his usual punk styled clothes the girl thinks “sheep before a wolf” might be a more accurate an metaphor. Especially comparing him to her dual braided blonde hair that pairs with her freckled face in a way that gives her a “country-girl” look, her overly sized cream wool sweater that she wears over her stereotypical “school girl” style of dress, and her easily spooked nature.
If there’s any solace Zenko has in her predicament, it’s that at least he decided to wait until everyone else in their class went home to confront her… Silver linings.
Glancing up to lock her warm brown eyes with his severe dark purple ones gives the shy girl pause. Zenko can honestly say that she’s never seen an expression like this on Genya’s face in the entire time she’s known him. The tall boy’s usually angry demeanor is gone, currently replaced with a nervous look and noticeably red cheeks.
Confused and unsure of how to process this the shorter teen responds with a blank “Hi?”
“I uh… I was wondering, if you’re free, if you wanted to go somewhere… with me… together…” As he spoke his already flushed face grew progressively darker and more noticeable.
Was… Was he asking what she thinks he’s asking?!
“Like… As friends?”
Genya shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and looking away from her as he clarifies. “Like a date… It’s cool if you’d rather be friends instead though. I just- You’re really cute so-”
Zenko cut him off with a sputtered “Wait what?! You want to go on a date with me?! Like right now? For real?!”
“Yeah.” the punk boy admitted shyly before beginning to ramble. “I mean- I get if you don’t want to-”
“I do.”
“I said sure.” Zenko said excitedly. “I’ve never been asked on a date before, or called cute, so… Yeah. Let’s go on a date!”
The smile that spread across Genya’s usually sour face had the blonde’s heart fluttering in her chest.
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lance-space-mommy · 5 years
Dirty Sheets
Langst -> Klance :)
So empty. Quiet. The air was stiff.
Whenever Lance wasn’t working or training he sat in the vast silence that filled him and a nobody ruler from an unspoken of planet.
Nights were loveless touch starved and once and a while filled with lustless moans forgotten in the seemingly never-ending halls of the castle.
Lance finally decided to call someone, anyone.
“Coran, can I come over for a little bit, maybe a week or less?”
He heard conversing in the background grow quiet, “Why of course is something wrong?”
Lance turned around to see his husband still asleep before he quickly left the room.
“No- just... I need to get away for a bit.”
“Of course you can come over!”
Lance smiled looking overwhelmed with joy, something he should’ve found in his husband, recently married.
“I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
Just as quick as the conversation came it was over the silent static once again filled the void in Lance’s ears.
“Absolutely not!”
“I’m going whether or not you want me to!”
“Well then! I’ll just go with you!”
“Oh really? I’m shocked you’d give up time away from me-“
-power 100%-
Lance grabbed his bags and walked in the silent footsteps behind him followed as the door hissed shut.
Lance shook his head butting his lip.
“Why would I want to be away from you? Huh!”
“Oh like hell you don’t know!”
“Stop pretending like you aren’t obvious about what you do when I’m busy!”
“What exactly are you implying?”
-You’ve arrived at your destination-
Silent Lance walked out and up to Coran who tightly hugged Lance in his arms picking up on his radiating sadness.
“I missed this.”
Coran couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, “What is it that you miss my boy?”
“A hug.”
The simple phrase was enough to strike a nerve in Coran’s heart as he let go to gaze at the husband.
“Hello, my names Coran.”
“Ethan, Prince Ethan, honor to meet you, Coran.”
“Come on in everyone’s here”
Lance smiled softly coming in and he tried to shine bright and let his usual ego take control but he had nothing left.
Pidge froze before leaping at Lance, “Lance! Oh my god, I’ve missed you so much! How come you never call?”
Lance glanced for his husband, “Oh! Sorry for not being active I’ve been very... busy!”
Pidge shrugged, “Understandable everyone always has a problem to deal with.”
Hunk walked over and just hugged Lance tightly as Pidge introduced herself to Ethan.
“You okay Lance?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“You sure? You don’t seem your usual chipper self.”
Forcing a shit-eating grin and a laugh, “Time will change even the most beautiful of roses.”
Pulling back Hunk softly smiled, “You’re right about that buddy, but it’s nice to see you, your features have really matured.”
Chuckling I turned to Shiro, “Hi! How have you been?”
“Good, how about you? Your charm finally paid off I see.”
I shifted my weight between my two feet uncomfortably, “Yeah... it really did, didn’t it?”
Finally, I turned to Keith, oh perfect Keith. How I’d give anything to change our course and our passings for one bright future. He hadn’t changed too much seeming relatively the same.
I grew taller my muscles for defined along with my eyes and from Allura Altean features started to change my DNA slowly.
“We just had dinner a couple before you arrived so if you like I can show you your room and then heat you something up.”
Ethan interjected, “We’ll be fine thank you very much.”
Lance sighed as Ethan grabbed Lance’s wrist whispering in his ear. Lance nodded seemingly irritated, Coran smiled guiding the way as Lance ripped his hand from Ethan's grapes putting space between the two.
Once shown their room Ethan smiled, “Thank you, we will join you in a bit we have matters to discuss at the moment with work.”
Lance looked at Coran, “Sorry he felt like he needed to lie to you, we will need to establish some things personal between the two of us and then we will be out with you all.”
“Okay, my boy...”
Pidge had other plans. Getting Hunk and Keith to go with her to snoop she rushed to their room where voices could be heard. It was almost screaming.
“What exactly do you know Lance?”
“Oh my god... Why are you ignoring the fact that I know you’ve been unfaithful!”
“You know I’ve had my rough spots but I’m not cheating on you!”
“Oh? So everyone on our planet is lying, they haven’t seen you out with a girl, by the name of Ruthan?”
“Lance, that’s enough!”
“You know what? I’m done with your bullshit! Day and night I’m slaving away doing work for a civilization you couldn’t give a tinnier shit about! I come back just for you to need sex, a loveless marriage you make me regret every day!”
“I give you money! I give you fame! Everything you possibly would want! You selfish whore!”
A loud smack was heard and everything went silent.
“How. Dare. You! You fucking asshole!”
“Lance I’m so sorry!”
Shattering was heard.
“Your ring!”
“I hate you....”
“Baby...You don’t mean that-“
“I fucking hate you!”
“I love you, Lance! I love you and I may make mistakes but I have never not loved you.”
“What? You love me ridding you’re dick cause your too lazy to be a man? What you’re telling me that when I try and take a shower you come in and slam me to the wall and make me scream until nothing else matters?”
“Well guess what? I wish I never loved you.”
“Wait... is that why you're here? Are you not over him?”
“As if any of this was influenced by that! You even know you're trying to fuck with my head again!” There was a long pause, “You’re trying to manipulate me! Sabotage me, make me wanna crawl right back into square one where this cycle will never end.”
“I swear Ruthan was a once time thing Lance. I love you. I really do.”
“God just shut up already and get over here.”
Laughing was heard as jumping was heard.
“Get off you fucking idiot!”
Well, they had heard everything they needed to.
It took two hours for them to be found. It was silent there was a sense of compassionate intimacy between the two. Yet it was built on lies. Lance didn’t budge as Ethan whispered toxic nothings into his ear. With each one, the sweet cooling burn of alcohol brought Lance peace.
“You can head to bed I’ll be there eventually.”
“Okay, Lance I’ll be knocked out in two seconds.”
It was silent as Lance let his head hit the table his body trembles as sobs erupted from his throat knowing at this point he was officially lost.
The growing sounds of footsteps neared as Lance felt a hand on his leg, “Lance?”
Immediately wiping his tears he did his best to smile and make perfect eye contact, “Yes...”
Keith. Shit.
“Come here.”
Lance threw himself onto Keith knocking him to the ground, Keith fully flushed he hugged Lance back. Lance pulled back wiping at his beautiful skin to remove the tears.
Keith cupped Lance’s face, “Wanna stay in my room tonight?”
Lance hesitated, “Ethan will get mad at me.”
“Then let him. Judging by the fact your ring is now gone that’s enough for you to be your own person again.”
Keith held Lance’s hand tightly, not in a rough controlling manner but rather guiding and secure.
The door slid open to reveal a neat room other than a desk overflowing his papers.
Lance sat on the desk, “Nice room, Mullet.”
Keith smirked, “This is longer and more grown out than any mullet I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s a nickname dummy.”
The playful banter was back without even the tiniest bit of effort. Yet it grew quiet.
“I overheard you earlier, the fighting. Why do you stay?”
“I have nowhere else to go and... what about the people they’d be under a foolish ruler?”
Keith looked at Lance with the most serious expression, “It’s not your job to be his sex slave and be a ruler for him. Your his husband, not his accountant.”
“So leave him.”
“Runaway how could I possibly do that?”
“You still train right?”
“Yes? Why?”
“Come with me to the BOM, be my right hand again. I missed having stability.”
Lance slowly took Keith's hand, it was a comfortable silence.
“I’d like that.”
The tone, the small smile, the taunt in his eyes, the fall of his perfect curls, it sent Keith into overdrive.
Keith took Lance’s hands intertwining their fingers and pushing him back further on the desk knocking papers off Lance not in the slightest bit phased just started breathlessly at Keith.
“Tell me no.”
Lance leaned into Keith's lips melting together like butter. Perfection. And yet they only wanted more. Lance pulled Keith down onto him. It was hot, very hot. Sincereness was something Lance had long forgotten yet now it’s driving him wild. Keith pushed himself onto Lance who opens his mouth letting out a groan. Slipping his tongue inside Keith's mouth Lance wanted to draw out that noise, that beautiful noise he’s always dreamed of bitting and leaving a beautiful mark on Keith's collar bone was enough to retrieve that sound.
Keith slid his hand to Lance’s throat kissing him so rough Lance felt like he was flying, the pressure on his neck stimulated him and all he could do was moan into Keith's mouth.
Keith let himself teasingly play eoth Lance’s tongue before pulling away and kissing him softly on the lips. Leaving a trail of kisses to the crook of his jawline Keith declared this was his promise to Lance. Every kiss will be from love, from burning desire to cherish each and every inch of the beautiful blue boy. Lance smirked cupping Keith's face kissing him compassionately and quickly running his fingers between the strands of Keith's beautiful long locks before tugging at them and as Keith let out a moan Lance roughly made sure that Keith wasn’t letting out that moan. All while grinding on one another both visibly hard. Keith softly kissed Lance all over the face and mainly on the cheek he could tell Ethan had slapped.
Keith smiled, “Am I the one Ethan was scared about?”
“He has nothing to be scared about. He already knew he lost.”
Keith kisses Lance one last time respecting his boundaries leading him to bed. Lance begins to take off his jewelry and clothes which he had a lot to make sure he maintained his physique.
“You wearing Earth clothing tomorrow by the way.”
Lance smiled softly, “May I lock the door by the way?”
“Way ahead of you I locked it when we came in.”
Lance laughed, it felt good after so long.
It was quiet Lance looked up to Keith, “Don’t let me go back.”
Keith softly kissed Lance even their lips were a perfect match together, “The only place your going back to is my base where you’ll work far away from that asshole.”
Lance smiled comfy under the sheets as Keith curled up onto him, an arm wrapped around Keith the other under his head. Slowly he fell asleep. Oh boy, what a night.
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nona5me · 6 years
so I like writing Klance, that drawing of shiro was basically just me testing out my art skills which I’m glad to see everyone liked so now i’m going to see how well everyone likes my writing. If you do make request and I’ll be happy to try and write more.
“Your so busy trying to impress the aliens you don’t do your job!”
He glared, it was cold enough to compete with ice chilling to the bone. Lance didn’t get mad often not truly mad but can you blame me for pushing him to that point when he looks so hot while he is. His eyes blazing with a usually tamed fire. His muscles tense ready to pounce. The way he gets so close trying to prove some type of dominance.
“I did my job!”
His face was close breathing heavy to keep himself tame. It wasn’t unknown that Lance was often viewed as a lover not a fighter. It was always good to test those limits though.
“I’m positive nowhere in the debrief did Shiro say flirt with all the woman!”
We’d stopped in the hall, I’d been making an effort to get to the training deck to work off stress and push the boner I’d gotten from watching Lance fight out of my head. Usually the first sign of danger and it went away like a cold shower. But Apparently I’d given to much of a cold shoulder on our way here illisiting Lance to come question as he put it, ‘my bitchiness towards him only.’ I call bullshit but whatever you gotta say to make yourself feel better.
He was sneering at me and I had to backtrack to see if I’d said anything out loud and nope my last comment didn’t deserve a sneer. “Jealous?” Unbeknownst to Lance I wasn’t jealous, and I actually was mad but it’d become insticutual to piss him off in an unspoken competition the first one to storm off loses.
I scoffed turning my back to continue walking, “as if I’d be jealous of them.” There was a warm hand on my arm pulling me back and then against the wall, Lance's eyes held a lith of amusement, the smirk on his face unjustifiably sexy, “I never said you were jealous of them, but now that you bring it up.”
I blink a moment stunned cause fuck that was a slip up, “you- I meant I wasn’t jealous of-”
“Bip bip bip, it’s too late I got you figured out Mullet, you never bat an eye when a girl flirts with you, could it be it’s cause you don’t swing that way?”
I growel making to way from my place on the wall before two arms slam down on either side of my head. He leans in close that devilishly attractive smirk still playing on his lips only growing from my lack of arguments and the flustered look morphing my face. “Well look at that. If you ask nicely I’ll let you see it.”
“I don’t want to be part of your dick measuring contest Lance.”
He hummed leaning close to my face lips brushing my cheek before hot breath ghost over my ear, “It’s not about the size, it’s how many times you can get it to rise. I’m up for the count what about you baby?”
His hand moved down my shoulder, over folded arms, past my stomach before reaching down to palm at my crotch. With a sharp intake of breath, my hands shot forward to clutch his under suite for his armor. The hard plastic unfortunately had been discarded after first leaving the lions to be cleaned.
He moved lazily as my half chub started getting harder. He seemed pleased letting go when it was visable through my clothes. My breathing no longer settled at it’s normal pace, deep breaths being sucked in as he slotted his body close with mine. A knee sliding roughly between my legs grinding forward so I let out another gasp an arm wrapping around his neck for more leverage as his knee came up putting me on my toes grinding down into it.
“Fuck.” It was breath and I hadn’t realised I said it until he bit his lip hand on my hip and dragging up my side before slipping behind my back when it arches of the wall. He grinded forward again the pressure of his obviously hard cock against my hip seeking the same amount of friction. I’m not going to lie this was a lot. I was probably the only person who’d touched me in over three years since leaving the garrison and only one other person did it before and I came fairly quickly.
I’m a touch starved foster kid, ok, sue me. So everything Lance was doing had me gritting my teeth so not to cum in my uniform.
I made an effort the more sensitive it got, the closer I got, the harder he grinded against me.
“Why? You like it.”
“Someone could see, a-and our uniforms.”
Realising that yeah someone could see and the fact that I forgot about it was beyond me we’re standing in the middle of the hallway grinding on each other.
“That's the fun Keith,” His breath was hot on my cheek, “getting caught.”
I moaned, because it was hot, because a small part of me does wish that everyone could see this and no where we stood, but I think it'd scar the others just a little bit to much and breaking the bond voltron had was not worth a grinding session in the hallway as much as it was appreciated. “What if I promised we wouldn’t get caught?”
I bit my lip cracking an eye open just enough to see him clearly watching me intently with his own half hooded gaze. “How?”
“Just trust me.”
He slowed waiting for my response, glancing down both ends of the hallway I turned back to him nodding slowly. His smile grew showing off that perfect smile before he pulled his knee away turning me around so my chest hit the wall the quickly unzipped my suit nipping at the newly exposed skin of my back, and shuffled the suite down passed my hips. There was a pause as he pulled my ass away from the wall then nothing until to hands pulled at my cheeks and a slick wet muscle licked my hole.
My knees shook, cause I’m sensitive.
He paused when I moaned my hands pawing at the wall for some sort of grip before pushing in and I started to moan louder as he licked and sucked pulling away occasionally with a chuckle and a shush.
After a few minutes I whimpered, “Lance I’m gonna-”
And just as quick the heat was gone and a whine left my throat.
He leaned against my back whispering in my ear, “god your so easy Keith. I thought you’d have more stamina.”
“Shut up!” I bit back and a finger slid into my hole more teasing and whimpering my ass instantly pushing back forcing a harsher curve of my spine as my bare chest pressed against the wall. “So easy.”
Through the panting and the need for more I managed a mumble against him, “m’not easy.”
“You almost came from my tounge alone baby. Maybe you can’t handle my dick in your ass, you'd come to quick take all the fun out of it.”
He was pulling away and I felt the whine coming up even tried to stop it, “no, please, Lance, just don’t stop-”
His finger pushed back in accompanied by a second one, “don’t stop what baby, talk to me.”
I pushed my ass back I didn’t want to beg but I knew he wanted something on me dirt of some kind that would mark him unregrettable of us doing this. I should definitely stop this I should, and if I was a patient man able to make it back to my room and do this there by myself or wait until the future if I ever got this chance again in the future perhaps I would have however. I’m widely known as the hotheaded impulsive paladin and like hell I need to drop that title now.
“Don't stop till you cum.”
He chuckled bare chest against my bare back, “you’ll have finished by then...twice.”
I groaned clawing at the wall more my blunt nails gripping nothing and scraping past the smooth altean metal. “Oh,” His voice was a whisper as another finger sunk in leaving me panting, “you want it like that, what a slut you are Kogane.”
I tried growling but it was useless, all I gave was a whimper when his fingers curled and my eyes squeezing tighter. “Close…” I whimpered and he chuckled reaching around with his other hand and grabbing my cock, the touch set fire to my veins and he pumped once, twice, and the minute his thumb rubbed over the head it was too much and I saw white spots behind my eyelids as I came in his hand.
He laughed at me taking his hand back, it felt gross when it was whipped on my ass crack seeping between he hummer and pulled the three fingers out spreading my cheeks I shivered as it dripped between then felt the heat of his body close to mine. “Tell me if it hurts.” With that the head of his cock was pushing into my hole and my own was twitching with interest. He was slow almost like he was trying to be considerate pushing inch by agonizing inch until his hips connected to my ass.
His hand roamed up my back the he wrapped his fingers between mine the palm of his hand against the back of mine holding it there. A quick roll of his hips and a short hum from my throat before he was slowly pulling out and then slamming back in.
My voice broke head falling forward with a thud on the wall my cock twitched again before he did it again grinding into it this time. “You piss me off you know that?” He grunted slamming into my ass again punctuating the statement the grinding hard leaving me whimpering as my cock rubbed against the cool metal of the wall.
“Fuck, ah!, you.” His thrust were gaining pace and it reminded me of our arguments starting off as nothing then becoming unbearable. It probably wasn’t a good thing fighting with lance turned me on but at the moment it felt like a pretty good thing. Each thrust hitting just right. My hips pushing back into them.
I hadn’t realised the position I’d put myself in until I was focusing on more than just his dick in my ass, hands trapped from his own, my upper chest against the wall, back arched and ass perked so I stood on my toes to get more, deeper, harder.
“Fuck you look so good for me Keith, so needy.”
I moan the thought of actual words beyond me at this point. The hit’s were coming to fast for words to slip between only small little noises of ‘ah’ and ‘mhm’ gasps and groans. My stomach swirling with a hot heat and trying to bite my lip to keep from spilling again so soon. It became irrelevant when one of his hand let go to grab on to my hip and my brain registered the grunts he was letting out so carelessly.
With a scream I came again and his hand reached around to cup my balls afterwards the rub on my sensitive cock getting a whimper. My brows bushing together cause it was almost to much but it was still pleasure just an overstimulated amount and it had my brain hazy as it filled my dick again and had me chanting his name like a song stuck in your head little moans and gasps of ‘Lance’ that had his idiotic ego boosting and his hips speeding up and slamming in faster. That sharpshooter aim having been on my prostate this whole time unrelenting.
“You gonna come a third time for me baby?” He spoke into my neck  and I groaned back in my only response.
He seemed pleased, the pace and roughness must finally be getting to him as his hips stutter and his hands tighten on my hip and hand. He groans when he comes biting down on my shoulder. Slowing but never stopping, I could feel his cum against my walls, feel his flaccid cock more pliant as it moves inside pushing. Lance tenses to a stop and I moan his hand clamping over my mouth. “Shh, someone's coming.”
I should have been more concerned but instead it got me more excited pushing back against his hips, he hummed continuing on a hand over my mouth blocking the quieter moans but just barely.
“Shhh baby, we’re going to get caught.”
I started pushing my hips back on my own fucking myself and continuing to let out noises that had him shoving three fingers in my mouth pushing on my tongue and back further until I was silent trying to breath around his slim fingers. I was getting close thrust becoming unrhythmic until i’m slack jawed and cumming for a third time. Lance pulling out to quick before I can get my barring and letting go I crumple against the landing against cum new and old. He gasps for a minute before grabbing behind my knees and back and lifting me to move quickly down the hall and into the closest door which happened to be a closet.
“We s’ould’a started ‘ere.” He huffed a laugh putting my feet back on the floor.
“Next time remind me.”
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crimson-mage-02 · 6 years
Unexpected Turn of Events  Part One
@shiranai-atsune I hope you enjoy this one-shot that you requested. Hope you like it. I did the best I could. 
Summary: Keith went through a wormhole by accident and landed in a alternate reality where he had found something so strange and disturbing and was desperate to get back to the team as soon as possible. 
Pairings: Female Lance/ Keith 
“Hello? Anyone?” Keith asked through the comm. He crashed landed in a planet out of where when the wormhole zapped him and his lion during his mission with the others. There was static on the other end and no answer.
“Think it’s time to find some shelter and food.” Keith said as he went out of his lion and saw breathtaking mountains in the horizon. Keith smiled as he went down find some food. He looked around until he saw someone familiar. “Lance? There you are! Can’t believe I am going say this- H-Hey!” Keith exclaimed as ‘Lance’ started to attack him with a staff.
Keith used his bayard to block the attacks. He noticed that this ‘Lance’ looked more feminine, have soft curves and a smaller armour compared to his. “Who are you?!” ‘Lance’ asked.
“It’s Keith! I am your, well, friend/rival, whatever you call me.” Keith said as ‘Lance’ took off her helmet revealing her long brown hair being tied up in a low ponytail. “Keith? I never heard a boy named like that. What a lame name!” ‘Lance’ scoffed.
Keith growled “Patience yields focus, Keith!”
This version of Lance was more defensive and confident. Keith looked over her figure and gulped. “Ugh, focus!” The girl grabbed him by the collar, “OK, you better have an explanation on how you got on this planet. Answers now! Or I will cut your throat open!” She threatened Keith.
Keith blinked one or twice. “Ok lady, I just came down on this planet with my lion being sucked by a wormhole by accident and here I am! I came into an alternate reality. That’s the truth. I just got here like 20 minutes ago! Honest.” Keith says as he put his arms up.
“Ok, you are a weird one, but I understand the whole alternate realities. Slav told us.” ‘Lance’ let him go. Keith took his helmet off and mess his hair a little, which make ‘Lance’ blush.
“Anyways, my name is Lana.” Lana says as she looked away, Keith was about to speak until his tummy rumbled. Lana and Keith looked at each other as Lana tried to hold her laugh but laugh anyway.
Keith was blushing and growled. “Ahh, you must be hungry. Come. I have food in my lion.” Lana giggled. The Red paladin followed her to her lion. Keith checked his surroundings as Lana gave him food.
Keith ate his food as Lana changed into her normal clothes. Keith immediately turned around to give her space and privacy. He was blushing furiously as he snuck a peak behind him. He then looked away.
“OK, Keith. So, how are we going to figure out to get back to your team?” Lana asked. Keith turned to see the familiar jacket to the one that Lance wear. The only difference is that she has blue shorts and blue sandals. “She looks cute! What the quiznack am I saying?”
“Um I don’t know. We’ll have to figure it out sooner or later.” Keith cleared his throat. “Hmm, OK.” Lana sighed as she laid down.
“So, why are you here?” Keith asked. “I was supposed to get plant that Harriet needs for her cooking then my lion needs recharging. Yeah, I had to stay here when my lion is recharged.” Lana says as she rubbed her neck.
Keith nodded. “You can take off your armour of want. I will not look I promise, handsome.” Lana says as she winked.
Lana left to check on her lion as Keith got the pieces of his armour off. “I better get out of here. This just getting weird.” Keith thought to himself as he winced. His back was injured during the crash. Up the blue lion, Lana was staring at the red paladin’s strong muscular build. She bit her lips when she saw his abs and toned muscled back. Then she shook her head. “Focus girl!” Lana said as she came out getting something from her bag.
“Hey, looks like you are hurt.” Lana says. “It’s nothing.” Keith replied bluntly. Lana fueled up at his stubbornness. “It looks like it starts to swell. So, here ointment. Got to be more prepared.”
Keith took the ointment. “You are so different compared to Lance. In my reality.” Lana smiled. “I can be more useful. Also, do you need help?” Lana asked.
Keith nodded as he let her apply ointment on his back. Lana was blushing madly but managed to put some. Silence took over the two, Keith was trying to wrap his mind with the differences between Lance and Lana. They are blue paladins, check. Have the blue lion, check. Maturity, Lana does and not Lance.
“You are strong for a paladin. That’s just a compliment.” Lana says as she stood back up. “You mean, you like what you see? You watched me from the blue lion?” Keith asked, giving her the most handsome smile, he had. “N-No, I wasn’t. I was just making sure that you’re not getting attacked and I was checking for a signal.” Lana stuttered.
“Hmm sure.” Keith chuckled. Lana pouted as she stomped off. “Whatever loser.”
At nightfall, there was no signs of a wormhole or any sign of help. Keith was laying down on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. Lana was taking photos of the night sky then looked over Keith.
“Um, are you… cold?” Keith asks. Lana jumped and realized that she was staring. “Um, no. I am perfectly fine!” Lana says. “Oh really, you are shivering right now.” Keith sat up as Lana groaned.
“Oh, fine. Yes, I am fine. I can just sit by the fire, no big deal.” Lana says as Keith raised an eyebrow at her. She was about to go near the fireplace. “Or you can sit next to me. I won’t do anything I promise.”
Lana gave up and sat next to Keith getting all warm. Keith was blushing lightly as Lana laid her head on his shoulder. “So, tell me about yourself, Keith.” Lana said.
“Well, I used to live with my Pop on Earth. I don’t do much except for hunting. I am also half-Galra.” Keith says. Lana looked at him and grabbed his face. “Hmm, you don’t have fangs or stripes. Or fur. You look normal too. Your counterpart is also part Galra. I am fine with that.”
Keith looked at blue ocean eyes as she roamed around his face and mullet. Lana played with his hair and smiled fondly as Keith calmed down at her touch. His hand went up to hers, “You’re not scared of me?” Keith asks as he set his violet eyes on her ocean blue eyes. “No why should I? You looked like a nice guy compared to other guys who were trying to hit on me.” Lana says putting her hands back.
Keith blinked yet again. Why am I so interested in her? This is too freaky! I need some air!
“Is there a lake where I can wash up?” Keith asked, looking away from her. “Yeah, it just there in the forest.” Lana said, confused. Keith went to the lake to cool down and wash up. He looked up at the sky.
Lana was waiting patiently for Keith to come back. “Why am I so crushing so hard? He is going to back to his reality and I’ll be here. I’m sure he has a girlfriend.” Lana thought as she played with her jacket. Lana then went to sleep, not bothering to wait for him.
Keith was dressed in his clothes and saw that Lana was already sleeping. He sighed as he slept near the lion. In the morning, Keith went to check up on his lion. Lana was far behind him, she was less chatty today, much to Keith’s confusion.
Keith went in his lion to check if there was any messages. “No luck. Maybe if we have better signal.” Keith grumbled. “Maybe.” Lana says quietly.
Keith looked at her as he sighed. “Something is bothering you.” Lana frowned. “Don’t get all testy on me. I am just not bothering you much today.”
“You’re not annoying. It’s just my first time any other girl could ever talk to me easily and straight off the bat. I am not used to connecting to other people in my reality.” Keith says as Lana looked at him as he sat in his chair. “That happened after my mother left me.”
“I’m sorry. I am just so used to talking too much.” Lana giggled as she faced Keith who was smiling. “So, you think your friends will find you?” Lana asked. “Hope so. They need their hot headed Galra second in command.” Keith laughed as Lana smiled.
Then the lion moved, and Lana landed on Keith’s lap while he was holding her waist. Their lips were an inch away from each other. Lana was blushing, and her hands were on his chest. Keith’s hands were on her waist. Keith was surprised about the close contact he had with her. “Sorry.” Lana stuttered. “I-It’s ok.” Keith said.
Their legs were tangled up together and Lana was still on his lap. “You smell good.” Keith sniffed as Lana blushed as she carcass his hair and Keith took off her jacket. 
Keith and Lana leaned down for a soft kiss then became heated once Lana was straddling his lap. Then felt a something poking her upper thigh.
Lana looked down then up to Keith. “So, you found me attractive, huh?” Lana says seductively as She took off his jacket and Keith licked his lips and made out with her roughly as he held on to her ass. She moaned in pleasure as she planted kiss on his neck.
Keith and Lana pulled away to get some air. “I don’t think we should continue. We are from different realities.” Lana says as she leaned on his shoulder. Keith stayed quiet until he moved his hand away from her waist.
Keith and Lana looked at each other with sad looks but Lana kissed him firmly as Keith groaned and held her tightly and grind into her. Keith groped her breasts and started to undress her. Keith took off his shirt then lifted her up to let her lay on the floor as they made out.
After their make out session, Keith and Lana laid down on the ground, naked with their clothes scattered. Keith was holding Lana in his arms as she slept, listening to his heartbeat.
The two cleaned up as Keith set his lion next to Lana. Keith was looking for a signal while Lana was looking for the plant that her friend wanted her to look for. “Any luck?” Lana came back. “Not yet. But I hope they’ll find me. But I’ll miss you.” Keith says as he kissed Lana on the lips.
“Me too. So, we have our lions together and we’ll have to stick together until your friends find you.” Lana says. “Until then we can entertain ourselves.” Lana winked. Keith grinned as he kisses her and Lana kissed back as she wrapped her arms around his waist. 
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Olkarion! They were finally back and Lance couldn't be happier to be off the castle. After being trapped on the castle for the last few movements, he'd missed having firm land beneath his feet. Or Keith's feet. He'd barely made it off the castle before his alpha had swept him off his feet and carried him down to the Olakarion village by the main terrace.
It'd been two quintants since then, and he'd had Keith to himself the whole time. Curled up in the bed of the one room cottage they were using, they hadn't done anything sexual, instead they'd napped and shared kisses, completely alone in their own little world. And the greatest part of it all was the fact he didn't have to put clothes on, they were both living in their boxers like there wasn't a war going on. This peace thing was nice. Rolling over, Lance snaked his arm around Keith and pulled his alpha back from the edge of the bed
"Keith... come back to bed"
"In a minute baby. I need to check my messages"
"But I miss you"
"I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere"
"Your bodies here, but you're thinking about work"
Laughing lightly, Keith finally gave into his tugging. Flopping back so he was laying across Lance's stomach and side
"Are you jealous?"
"Yes. I want you all to myself"
"And you'll have me all to yourself as soon as I tell the others that I'm taking care of you"
Pouting, Lance sighed softly
"I suppose you can let them know. Only if we can take a bath together. We haven't done that yet"
Olkarion houses were awesome. Fresh water ran in through vines, and the bathroom had the biggest bath he'd ever seen. According to Keith, who'd arranged everything with Ryner, one of the bottles in the bathroom was supposed to be bubble bath, which he couldn't wait to try
"How about I start filling the bath, while I reply to the others? That way both things get done and you can have me back again"
"Ok. I want bubbles, can we have bubbles"
"Of course we can baby"
Baths were amazing. More than amazing. He didn't have a word for it, but it was. The bath was fashioned out of a tree root, which pulsed green and pink like a tiny light show. Not that his attention was really on it. With his head against Keith's chest and his pregnant stomach resting on his boyfriend's knee, the warm water felt amazing on his aching muscles
"You still awake?"
"Mhmm. Have I thanked you for all of this?"
"Only about a hundred times, but I'm happy you're happy"
Pressing a kiss to the top of his head, Lance purred at the action
"I am. I really am. I know I should be worrying about what's happening out there, but this is like a dream"
"It's not a dream baby, and you have nothing to worry about. Allura reached out to Lotor and told him we have his three little minions, so that's taken care of. Mum's filled Kolivan in on everything. There were no major issues in our absence and Ryner said we could use this place as long as we wanted"
"It all sounds too good to be true"
"No. We all needed down time. Pidge and Hunk are back coding their learning game. Coran got some Olkari tech to play with, and Allura is dealing with Lotor, but when she's not, she's been playing with the children"
That was good, though he did realise how self centred he'd been. He hadn't really thought of his friends since Keith swept him away from them
"You ok baby?"
"Yeah. I'm just happy they're all happy"
"We can go see them if you want to?"
"Maybe. But not right now. Can you believe this is a root? Or these bubbles? They're insane"
Laughing, Keith pulled him up for a kiss, before staring down at him so lovingly that his breath caught
"You're so beautiful"
"No I'm not. My hairs long, and I'm fat and tall"
Threading his fingers through Lance's hair, Keith hummed
"Do you want me to cut it?"
"You can cut hair?"
"Who do you think did mine?"
"Do you promise not to give me a mullet like yours?"
Scowling, Keith tried to seem serious, before failing
"Of course I won't"
"Ok. I trust you"
"I know baby"
Snuggling against Keith, Lance sighed happily.
Having fallen asleep in the bath, his alpha had let him sleep until the warm water had cooled to room temperature. Helping him from the bath, Keith's hands roamed across his hips, before giving his arse a firm squeezed. Squeaking, Lance clutched Keith's arms
"I couldn't help myself. Not when you're so sexy"
"I'm not the sexy one, you are"
"No, I'm pretty sure it's you"
Starting to massage his arse, his alpha's lips found his
"I want you baby"
"I want you too"
Letting Keith guide him backwards, his knees folded when his legs hit the bed
"How do you want me?"
"Like this"
Sinking between his legs, Keith nuzzled into his crotch, before lifting his legs onto his shoulders. A jolt of pleasure had him gasping as Keith's tongue ran over his opening, his slick began flowing as his alpha continued to lick, before finally sliding his tongue in. It felt incredible. Every time Keith touched him like this it always felt incredible, even when he wasn't sure what he wanted or how he felt. Moaning, his back arched as Keith's fingers joined his tongue, and Lance swore his eyes rolled back. This alpha truly loved and wanted him. Continuing to tongue and eat him out, Lance's pleasure turned to panic, letting out a panicked sob, he tried to push Keith off
"What? Lance. What's wrong?"
Shaking his head, he curled into a ball on his side. He couldn't tell Keith that while he making him feel amazing, he'd remembered Shiro's words to him "...You like acting all meek and having us alpha's chase after your slut arse, but when it's over, you turn away and say you never wanted it...". He couldn't tell him. This was all so perfect, and now he was ruining it. Climbing into the bed behind him, Keith pulled him close and hushed him
"I'm sorry"
"Shhh, it's ok. You don't need to be sorry"
"I do. I'm ruining everything"
"You're not ruining anything"
"I am... I'm dirty!"
"Lance, you're not dirty. You're perfect baby"
"No I'm not..."
"You are baby"
If he was perfect, he wouldn't be thinking of Shiro while Keith was doing that... whining, he could feel himself still slicking
"Shhhh. I'm here"
Holding him until he stopped crying, Lance couldn't even look Keith in the eye when he crawled from his arms
"I... I need to clean up"
"Alright. Do you need some help?"
"No... just... I'm sorry"
Despite Keith's reassurances, he was sure he'd ruined things, so that night when they were invited to dinner with the rest of the village, he consented. He wanted to put some space between himself and Keith, before he upset his alpha further. Dressing, he'd left before Keith was even half dressed. Why did he have to be so messed up?
Groaning to himself, Keith wished Lance would listen. The last two days had been magical, even if Lance had had a meltdown during oral sex. He didn't mind. He knew Lance couldn't help it, but his boyfriend had still taken off. After what had happened, and his near death experience, he wanted to do something extra special. That's why he'd called ahead to Ryner and asked if they could use one of the village houses. In his mind, he had it all planned out. Ryner had said they were going to hold a festival of sorts now Voltron was back, to celebrate that and lift the spirits of those still in hospital. It was tonight that he intended to ask Lance to bond with him.
Heading out the cottage, the festival was well underway outside. In the middle of it all, Allura was dancing with Keith, while Hunk and Pidge seemed to be stepping on each other's feet as they tried to follow the steps. Quiznak. He was sooo nervous. All he wanted was for Lance to be happy
"Keith! Come join us!"
Waving him over, Coran already seemed to be intoxicated, while a small group of Olkari women were hanging by his side. Crossing over to the man, Keith tried to play it cool
"You look like you're having fun?"
"Ladies love a moustache!"
"I'm sure they do"
"Have you thought about growing a moustache?"
"I don't think mine could ever be as magnificent as yours"
"Yes, it is magnificent. Nothing like King Alfor's though"
"I'm sure he'd be proud of you. Sorry Coran, I've got to go catch Lance"
Waiting on the sidelines until Lance finally made his way around him. Stumbling from Allura, Lance gasped for breath before looking up at him
"Hey you. Having fun?"
"I was, but too much spinning. I feel sick now"
Taking Lance by the hand, he stepped forward, wrapping his free arm around his boyfriend's waist
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princess-tentacles · 7 years
Little whump ficlet for the wonderful @ya-nurse who everyone should go read her fics/check out her adorable art.  (Also some love in there for @appynation who is in Scotland and I miss her terribly)  Topic is Keith + Paralyzed (Ft. Klance)
“That was absolutely the most disgusting thing we’ve ever fought.” There was a queasy quiver to Hunk’s voice, heard by everyone even over the comms. 
“And Keith trying to slice plasma aliens with a sword”  Keith didn’t have to glance at the screen to know Pidge was smirking as she said it.
Haha, very funny. It was one of the few times charging in didn’t work in his favor; the Galra had recruited some sort of goo aliens to help them and had been waiting to ambush at an old distress beacon. Keith hadn’t waited when his location was breached and ignored Shiro’s call to wait for backup. Instead, he had charged with his bayard, thinking it would at least do something, only to end up face first into one of the looming creatures.
“Keep picking on Keith and watch what happens.” Shiro chided lightly, steering the black lion back into the hangar. The other lions were following right behind, Red giving Keith a quiet purr of reassurance as they landed.
He shivered, the wet feeling of the goo had leeched through his clothes, the edges of his hair sticking to the back of his neck. It was like sitting outside of the pool with no towel, waiting to air dry, except there was hard armor trapping the moisture. Something felt off, Keith realized as he stood; limbs feeling stiffer than normal like they needed a good stretch. This was nothing a good shower couldn’t fix, in addition to the deep cleaning his undersuit needed. Lance and Pidge were outside their lions when Keith stepped out, the pair looking delighted at the awkward way he was walking as the black bodysuit stuck uncomfortably. “Geez, Mullet - you reek.” A retort was on his lips, but the words felt stuck - jaw feeling rusted over and sore like he’d been clenching down. Still, Keith gave Lance his best glare before heading out of the hangar, Lance’s voice calling out after him, “So you agree, then?” before beelining it to the showers. Shiro wouldn’t blame him for dipping out on the debriefing, they all had seen the way Keith got drenched in the stuff. He carefully unclasped the armor, fingers feeling numb, but by now they could all undo their armor with their eyes closed. The pieces clattered to the ground with an echo in the empty showers before the wet jumpsuit joined the disgusting pile. They could be stuck in decontamination later - for now Keith just wanted in the showers before his stiff muscles got the best of him. The water was scalding as he stepped underneath, but the heat was a welcome cleanse from the damp feeling he’d had throughout the battle. Though as nice is it felt - it didn’t last. His skin was slowly growing number, the once scalding water feeling like gentle wisps of nothing.
Alarmed, Keith started to reach for the water again, wanting to adjust the heat, only to find his arms stuck at his side. Keith flexed and strained with his muscles, brain urging the arm to lift but only found a stiffness instead. “Nnn” Again he tried his words, jaw locked in place, tongue stiff behind his teeth. Was it a poison? Some kind of toxin in his bloodstream? What had originally felt like overworked muscles now was an alarming inability to move or scream.
With another attempt at movement, Keith tried to step out of the shower, but his knees wouldn’t bend and Keith instead hit at the edge of the shower, knocking him forward and onto the floors with a slap of his forehead against the steam-slick floor.
All Keith could do was wheeze for air as his vision blacked for a few seconds, trying to not panic, but he didn’t know what was going to fail next. His lungs - maybe even his heart. Those were muscles he could not lose control over, and even if he couldn’t feel the pain - his eyes were still working and he could see the blood pooling beneath him. He tried again to make any noise - his cheeks puffing out with the last push of air he could get - but no noise loud enough to garner attention. The only thing worse than dying in space was dying in the castle, what he thought was the safest place he could be, alone in the bathroom. Slowly everything started fading - either from blood loss or lack of oxygen, Keith couldn’t do anything but let it happen despite any fruitless attempts he made for movement. ~
Keith expected to be dead, in all honesty, so when he finally opened his eyes and saw Lance - he couldn’t help but stare for a moment. “You’re the worst angel to wake up to.” He croaked, finally able to speak. Lance looked stunned from where he sat by the bed, fiddling with something in his fingers before a relieved smile broke across his face, “I knew I should have smothered you with a pillow while I had the chance.” He started to get up from the chair, Keith now noticing the extra few pushed to the side. It looked like he’d had quite a few visitors. “Geez Keith, warn a guy next time you decide to wake up out of nowhere.” The room was spinning as Keith sat up, trying to push the blankets off, but Lance was quicker as he moved to sit up on the bed next to Keith, “Nah-ah, you lay down. You got out of the pod like two hours ago.” “How long was I in there?” Keith asked, raising a hand to his forehead. It was nice to be able to move again, but the scarred bump under his bangs didn’t feel too nice. Lance pushed the blanket back over Keith’s hips, “Abooooout four days. Coran took a bit because he couldn’t figure out the paralyzing agent at first to make an antidote. Pidge got a sample off your bayard.” He held up the red bayard in his palm, “Took forever to activate it - but I guess Blue talked Red into letting me use it for a moment.” This was a lot to process and Keith fell back onto his pillow with a wince, “Okay.” Not sure of what else to say - Four days missing from his life in exchange for not dying on the bathroom floor. “Did you find me?” Lance nodded, spinning the bayard around his finger before holding it out to Keith, “Ass naked and bleeding out on the floor. Thought you died.” “I’m sorry.” Keith said, taking back his bayard, the weight reassuring in his palm. “It’s cool, I mean, I’d rather not find you like ever again, but you could probably make it up to me by letting me take you on a date sometime.” Lance said, nonchalant.
Keith looked up, startled, “I just woke up after almost dying and you wanna ask me out?”
The blue paladin gave a shrug, “Yeah, I guess seeing your face all purple and stuff made me realize your mullet wasn’t all that bad.” They sat for a moment, Keith’s brows furrowed as he stared down at his bayard, “You’re so weird.” Lance leaned over, putting his head on Keith’s shoulder, “I hear it’s easy to take your breath away.” With that Keith was pushing Lance away lightly, a grin on his face despite the words, “Alright - out of my bed if you’re just gonna crack jokes about me nearly dying, asshole.”
“But I never got an answer!” Lance pleaded, just pushing back against Keith.
“Fine! Yes, yes. Just get out of my bed - I need to pee.” Keith started to get up again, Lance not resisting this time. “Alright, but I’ll have you know Shiro assigned me as your official bathroom buddy just in case.” Hope you guys enjoyed!
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violaswimmer · 8 years
Well, Shit. (A Voltron Fanfiction Chapter 6)
First of all, I’m sorry. There is a lot of angst in this chapter but the next chapter will be better, promise! So Chapter 7 is on the way! Not to worry! ;)
Want to read from the beginning? Here you go!
The team realizes that Lance is different even if he doesn’t act like it. What will happen when they finally confront him? 
Chapter 6: Well… Shit.  
Lance did wake up eventually the next day, in the afternoon. He was in a daze from sleeping so much and walked out of his room in his pajamas, without his robe and casually walked into the kitchen. His arms completely exposed, shirt hanging low on his back. Hunk, Shiro and Keith were gathered in some sort of weird meeting but Lance paid not mind. He just moved to get something to drink, still not hungry.
He didn’t notice Hunk, Shiro and Keith staring at him, and they had stopped talking. They stared at the scars so white and sticking out against his skin. They weren’t used to it yet. But Lance moved the same as always, as if they didn’t bother him. Lance grabbed some water before turning to see them all staring at him. Great. He just drank water, looking back without blinking.
“Hey, I know I’m mesmerizing but there really is no reason to stare.” Lance said with a smirk.
Shiro and Keith groaned together and Hunk rolled his eyes but they all smiled, all but forgetting about the scars. Hunk moved into the kitchen to Lance’s side, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey you’ve slept for a long time, hungry?” Hunk asked already moving to prepare something.
Lance took a sip of water, “Honestly I’m not hungry at all, so don’t bother. I’ll just wait till dinner.” Lance said.
Hunk looked at him in concern, “Dude, how? You had like five bites of food yesterday, like twenty-four hours ago, how are you not hungry?” Hunk asked.
Lance shrugged, “I don’t know. I didn’t really eat on Lotor’s ship either so maybe it’ll just take a bit to get back in the routine. Don’t worry about it.” Lance said draining his glass and placing it on the table.
Shiro came closer to him, “Why don’t you talk to Allura? Let her know. She might have to say something to you.” Shiro said cryptically.
Lance looked at him, then he looked past him at the corner of the room and then back to Shiro again, “Oh the quintessence thing right? She caught me yesterday before I went to bed and told me. I think her theory is right, so we just have to wait and see huh?” Lance said, “Don’t worry about too much, I’m going to take a shower.” Lance said before leaving.
Shiro, Keith and Hunk were left in the kitchen staring at the spot that Lance left.
“Is he really okay?” Keith asked, “He seems too casual.” He said.
Hunk nodded, “Yeah maybe, I think a lot of things have changed so maybe he’s just trying to be like he was before, you know?” He said.
“Yeah let’s just give him time.” Shiro said, “He’ll come to us when he’s ready.” He said.
Hunk looked at Shiro doubtfully and thought that there was a lot that Shiro had to learn about Lance.
 And time is what they gave Lance and plenty of it. First Lance trained by himself to build up his strength. He did a lot of leg and arm exercises, he had lost some muscle during his capture. Next he worked on combat training sort of, but focusing more on getting used to one eye instead of two. Keith watched as the gladiator dove towards Lance’s left side, tapping Lance meant a point was lost. At first Lance struggled. He had to take frequent breaks to get focused again, most of the time he’d just stare off into a certain corner and then turn around and try again.
After several days Lance became better, a lot better. He would use sound to his advantage, his hearing getting better to make up for his lack of sight. One day Keith approached him as Lance looked over the combat options.
Lance’s eyes were lit in the blue glow of the screen. His scars were exposed, just in his casual workout clothes rather than his armor. Keith was getting used to it.
“Hey,” Keith said, causing Lance to turn, “You’re really improving quickly. Soon you’ll be back with the group trainings!” Keith slapped a hand on Lance’s back. Lance flinched but just barely. Keith backed off.
“Sorry.” Keith said sheepishly.
“No, no you’re fine! Don’t worry, it’s just…” Lance looked at the corner past Keith shoulder, eyes flicking back to Keith, “I’m not used to how it feels yet. Actually the skin is so rough it feels more like pressure. It’s just weird.” He laughed absently scratching his neck.
Lance turned back to the screen, “The training is going well, but I can’t join you guys just yet. A night or two will do it though. Although I still need to practice my shooting.” He smiled at Keith.
“Nights? I thought you hate practicing at night, you know, beauty sleep.” Said Keith.
Lance looked at him surprised before his eyes flicked back to the corner and back to Keith again. Keith was about to ask what was over there but was interrupted.
“Oh I don’t… sleep much anymore.” Lance stated.
Keith stood there shocked, “What? What do you mean?” He asked concerned.
Lance put up his hands moving them in front of him.
“I mean I sleep, just not as much. And it’s not what you think, not nightmares or insomnia, just I don’t need it. I wake up an hour or two later after falling asleep and I feel energized like a good night’s sleep. I told Allura, we think it’s the quintessence. This might be a permanent thing, but we don’t know yet.” He let his hands down, “But with the extra time I’ve been training, just catching up, you know?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Keith asked, “Maybe we could help…” He said, trailing off.
“Help? Why? There’s nothing you or the rest of the team can do. It’s not important. Plus it’s not like it’s affecting me in a bad way, it’s just a change.” Lance said.
Keith gave him a look and Lance went to him putting a hand on Keith’s shoulder.
“Honestly, dude don’t worry about it. You’ll get wrinkles and your complexion will get worse. It’ll already pretty bad.” Lance said with mock concern, laughing as Keith flicked his hand away, smiling himself.
“Yeah sure, is that a mullet growing out of the back of your head?” Keith questioned.
Lance’s hand flew to the back of his neck.
“Don’t even kid about that, Keith. I would rather DIE than have a mullet. Oh my god who has scissors?!” Lance said running out of the room, Keith laughing.
 Shiro entered the lounge where Lance and Pidge were sitting together with their heads hunch over something. They were fiddling with one of Pidge’s projects. Lance was trying to give her suggestions.
“Why don’t you put it here?” Lance suggested pointing to some port.
“I don’t think it’ll fit in there.” Pidge said, unsure.
“Nah it will, I can tell. Here give it.” Lance offered his scarred hand.
Pidge reluctantly handed the tiny piece of tech over, Shiro watching with interest.
Lance took the little rectangle and gently placed it into the slot and pushing just enough to click it in. Pidge looked at her screen and made a triumphant yell, slapping Lance’s already raised hand in a high five.
“Lance I love you!” Pidge said looking at her computer intently as tons and tons of alien code came onto the screen.
“That’s sweet Pidge, but you’re too young for me. You’re like jail bait.” Lance said with a smirk receiving a light punch in the shoulder from Pidge.
“Oh Pidge please be gentle!” Lance mock shouted.
“Oh my god would you shut up.” She said with no heat.
Lance laughed. He looked passed Pidge staring at something, his face falling. Pidge didn’t notice but Shiro did. Lance went a little pale, Shiro took a step forward and Lance’s head snapped in his direction. He looked like a deer in headlights, eyes wide. He blinked looking at Shiro, and Shiro stared back. He didn’t say anything. He felt like he saw something he wasn’t supposed to.
Lance’s face changed in an instant, the smile was back, and his eyes had no hint of any of the emotion just a moment ago. He hid it well but Shiro still saw.
“Pidge, Shiro’s here. Why don’t you tell him all about how I just saved your project?” Lance suggested, getting up and offering the spot to Shiro.
“Yeah, Shiro, this is seriously so cool! I mean Lance didn’t save it but he did help…” Her words washed over Shiro as he watched out of the corner of his eye, and Lance practically ran out of the room.
 Hunk came to the hangar to do some modifications to the yellow lion when he saw Lance. He was in front of Blue leaning his head against her leg, eyes closed. Hunk watched.
Lance was still but he seemed to glow with a blue light that Hunk was familiar with. But soon it was over and Lance looked up at his lion with a smile.
“I know and I will, when I’m ready.” He said, giving her leg a gentle pat before turning around and running directly into Hunk. Lance blinked.
“Oh hey!” Lance said.
“Hey, what did you do just now? You like glowed blue a little bit!” Hunk said fascinated.
Lance blinked confused, “What? I glowed? Seriously?” Then he smiled, “I didn’t know that but that’s pretty damn cool!” Lance said.
“Yeah it was, but what were you doing?” Hunk asked.
Lance shrugged, “I was just talking to Blue that’s all.” Lance said.
Hunk nodded, “Like the image thing that the lions do?” Hunk asked.
Lance shook his head, “No like with words, through the bond I hear her voice. She speaks English and Spanish so we were chatting but like in our heads.” Lance said.
Hunk stood stunned.
“WHAT?! You can DO that?” Hunk practically shouted.
Lance leaned back from Hunk intensity, “Uh yeah man, to be honest I kind didn’t realize that you couldn’t.” Lance said
“Of course I can’t! Oh my god that’s so cool! I can’t wait to do that with Yellow!” Hunk said excitedly.
Lance smiled, “Yeah it’s pretty cool!” he said.
Hunk spent the next several hours before dinner asking Lance a thousand questions which Lance answered to the best of his ability but Hunk knew that he was thankful when dinner was called.
 What happened in the room with Pidge did not happen around Shiro again. Lance seemed to be careful, he avoided being alone with Shiro at every turn. But Shiro still thought that Lance would come to him when he was ready.
Lance joined regular training again with the rest of the team. He had improved greatly. He struggled with the trust exercises like the invisible maze but excelled with protection exercises and combat.
They stood in a circle backs to one another as they had many times before. They brought up they’re shields protecting one another from lasers. Lance protected everyone with everything he had. In fact, no one fell through the floor. They made it through the whole training without losing anyone. It was the first time they did that.
Shiro clapped Lance on the back, “That was amazing Lance, that’s the first time we’ve made it through that training! Great job.” He smiled.
Lance looked a little shocked but he smiled, “Thanks, Shiro.” He said shyly.
Shiro looked at everyone, “That was some great teamwork! Let’s keep it up, take a shower and turn in for the night.” He said.
Everyone dispersed. Shiro watched as Lance left with Hunk chatting like he normally did. Maybe what Shiro had seen was just a fluke, caught Lance at a bad moment. But he wondered what could possibly have made him look so scared. But he put it aside, Lance would come to him when he was ready, he was sure.
 It wasn’t until later that night that Shiro’s concerns grew worse. Shiro woke up from a nightmare he couldn’t remember, it happened from time to time but he woke up earlier than he normally did. It was still four hours until everyone else would wake up. So he decided he’d go for some light exercise, maybe he would be able to go back to sleep.
Shiro made his way to the training deck. When he got closer he heard something, someone talking. Lance talking. At first he thought Lance was up late with someone else, he had been training late in the night and he knew that Keith joined him when he couldn’t sleep.
But it was just Lance’s voice, shouting words that Shiro couldn’t make out. Shiro made it to the door and it automatically opened.
“SHUT UP!” Lance shouted, “¡CÁLLATE!” Lance shouted. And the sound of something crashing to the floor.
Shiro saw Lance in the middle of the training floor, gladiator robot with a sizeable hole from Lance’s bayard, which hung loosely at his side. Lance turned out the sound of the door and he had the same look as before. Blue eyes wide with horror, face pale and breathing hard. His hand was shaking. He looked so scared.
Shiro took a step forward and Lance instinctively took a step back. So Shiro just stayed where he was.
“Lance…” Shiro began raising a hand.
“NO. Don’t.” Lance said sternly.
“What? Lance I just want…” Shiro began again.
“NO. No no no no. Please don’t. Please pretend you didn’t see this. Just this once.” Lance asked desperately. He looked so scared, his bayard was gone and he wiped a hand across his mouth. Then before Shiro could reply Lance ran out, and Shiro could only watch his back disappear into the hallway.
 This couldn’t go on any longer, Shiro knew that. But he couldn’t bring himself to confront Lance by himself. But Shiro decided, no more secrets. He was resolved.
So when Lance was finished eating and about to leave Shiro said it. Maybe now wasn’t the best time but it had to happen.
“Lance, wait a sec.” Shiro said, Lance stopped looking at Shiro curiously.
“We need to talk about what happened last night and what has been happening to you.” Shiro said as gently as he could.
Lance grew pale after he said those words.
“What are you talking about Shiro? I’m fine.” Lance said attempting to smile.
“No, you’re not. Let’s talk about it.” Shiro said.
Lance’s eyes flicked nervously because now everyone was staring at him, his eyes kept looking at the corner of the room. Shiro turned slightly to look in the direction, Lance’s eyes grew even bigger and he forced himself to look at the table. Shiro knew nothing was in the corner but what did Lance keep looking at? He turned his attention back to Lance.
“Lance, why do you keep looking at the corner? What happened last night at the training deck?” Shiro asked.
Lance looked at Shiro, shocked. He looked betrayed. He opened his mouth but closed it again and he just shook his head, smile gone now.
They were all getting worried now. Hunk spoke up.
“Buddy, come on just tell us. You’re safe here.” Hunk said.
Lance’s head snapped to look at Hunk and then look passed him, at something the rest of them couldn’t see. He continued to shake his head, breath growing quick. He got up, ready to bolt but Shiro grabbed his arm. Lance looked at the hand and tried to shake it off.
“Lance please.” Shiro begged.
“No. Stop, let me go.” Lance said sternly.
“Lance.” Keith said sounding stubborn, “Come on man just tell us-” But he was cut off.
Lance turned his head suddenly eyes full of rage and pure terror. His voice came out as a scream and before Lance could stop the words were falling out of his mouth. All the emotion, everything he had suppressed came out and he couldn’t stop it.
“OH GOD HERE COMES PERFECT FUCKING KEITH! I’M SURE IF IT’S KEITH THEN HE CAN FIX IT! CAN’T YOU ALL JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!” Lance looked at Keith with all the rage that had been suppressed, the emotion Lance tried to get rid of. Keith looked back at him, shocked like he’d been slapped. Lance didn’t care.
Lance shook his head furiously and angry tears were beginning to slide down his face. But Shiro refused to loosen his grip so he had to stand there, confessing every warped thought in his brain.
Allura’s eyes were wide just staring at Lance. Coran’s mouth was a hard line and his face was pale with concern. Pidge just stared at Lance, looking scared. Hunk just looked at him with a sad expression. Keith still looked shocked. Shiro’s face was pale and he looked like he regretted ever making Lance talk. Good, he should. Again Lance tried to stop but was already too late, no turning back now.
There was an abrupt silence, everyone was too stunned to reply or move or even blink. They just stared at Lance with horror. He hated that look, the way they kept looking at him and staring at him. The way they talked to him with pity, the way they walked on egg shells around him, the way they laughed extra loud at his jokes. He wasn’t a broken person but they kept treating like one and he hated it. Why would they act like they care when they never did before?
Lance knew that part of this was due to the hallucinations of Lotor that he still saw, he never really went away. Always standing in a corner reminding Lance of his time in the ship and the thoughts that he tried not to think about. Lotor would whisper in his head, telling him that the team didn’t care, they found him useless, they were acting, and they really hated him. The list could go on forever. But Lotor’s whispers were constant and only in the few hours that Lance slept was he actually free of those thoughts. It was too much, it was all too much.
But Lance knew it was in his head and that these thoughts were his own. He didn’t want to hurt them, they were his team they didn’t deserve it. He loved them. But Lance felt he wasn’t a part of it. Always on the outside looking in but never inside, never.
Lance turned to Shiro who had grown pale at his words, still in shock, “Is that what you wanted to know, huh Shiro? Well congratulations now you fucking know. Let go.” Lance’s voice was low, only speaking to Shiro.
The silence was back. But Shiro’s grip finally loosened and Lance ripped his arm free, realizing what he had done. He said it. He had said everything and now they know. The rage that had taken him over abruptly left and he felt only fear. If they didn’t hate him before, they hated him now. He blanched covering his mouth, backing up and knocking over his chair.
“Lo siento.” Lance said in a whisper before he turned around and ran out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him.
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bluetailored · 8 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.  RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !  TAGGED.  from Space Dad  TAGGING.  Space Dad already tagged all y’all
FULL  NAME :   Lance Mateo McClain NICKNAME :   Sir Lancelot ;D  AGE :  19 BIRTHDAY :   June 7th ETHNIC  GROUP :  Cuban NATIONALITY :   Cuban-American LANGUAGE / S : English, Spanish SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  biromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   taken?? probably?? HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Cardenas, Cuba CURRENT  HOME :   Castle of Lions PROFESSION :  Blue Paladin, seventh wheel
HAIR: Dark brown that used to be cropped close above his ears, forehead, and neatly trimmed in the back, though now growing out to almost Keith levels of embarrassing EYES :  Blue (like our planet from far far away) FACE :  Chin could cut bread it’s so sharp LIPS :   Thin but always well moisturized and exfoliated each night with a homemade scrub he’s concocted using elements from various planets they’ve visited. The mask doesn’t look pretty, but he sure looks pretty afterwards. COMPLEXION :  A deep tan that persists despite no natural sunlight on the castle to facilitate proper absorption of Vitamin D, constantly clear skin is due to the same mask components he uses on his lips-- applied each night for maximum benefits. BLEMISHES :  Light acne scarring on his chin from when he was young and foolish SCARS : A series of light nicks littering his back that pale in comparison to his deeper complextion, recieved from crystal shrapnel when protecting Coran in the control room. Starburst scar on his abdomen from being shot straight through. Various other scratches from paladin duty, but nothing severe. TATTOOS :  N/A HEIGHT :   5′11″ WEIGHT :   138 lbs. BUILD :  Tall and lanky for his age, he has a swimmer’s build and impressive lean muscle in his arms and legs though not particularly defined FEATURES :  Cute AF. ALLERGIES :   Bees USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : Combed down after ridiculous bedhead  USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   Better than Keith USUAL  CLOTHING :  The over sized olive military jacket he had grabbed when going out the night before rescuing/stealing Shiro from the garrison, blue and grey baseball tee, jeans, and his favorite pair of sneakers
FEAR / S :   Never returning to Earth, losing his friends and makeshift family, being useless and in extension, a burden to Voltron, returning to the healing pods/being cryogenically frozen again ASPIRATION / S :   Return home, make it out alive, feel like an asset to the team, collect some cool space rocks to show his siblings POSITIVE  TRAITS :   Outgoing | Compassionate | Adaptable NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   Insecure | Self-sacrificing | Argumentative MBTI :   Campaigner (ENFP-T) ZODIAC :   Gemini TEMPEREMENT :   Sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S :   Performer ANIMALS :   swan VICE  HABIT / S :   Biting his nails, picking at his nails, running his hands through his hair repeatedly  FAITH :  Lapsed Catholic GHOSTS ? :  There are aliens, why the hell not ghosts? AFTERLIFE ? :   His Abuela is definitely in heaven REINCARNATION ? :   doesn’t believe ALIENS ? :   He’d be pretty stupid to say 'no’ to this one POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  Pro Defenders of the Universe EDUCATION  LEVEL :    Close to graduating from Galaxy Garrison, though a lower class ranking overall in the fighter class program due to his piloting skills (or lack thereof when it came to simulations. Good thing this isn’t a simulation.)
FATHER :    Lance inherited his eyes from his father.. An office worker that would come home from work and swing Lance and his siblings around in a big hug. Deceased after a car accident on his way home from work.  MOTHER :    Xiomara, a robust Cuban woman with a warm smile and warmer heart. A struggling single mother that wants the best for all of her kids, even if that means nagging on them to do their best when they just want to lay there (*cough*Lance*cough*). Nothing will ever beat her hugs or her homemade meals. SIBLINGS :   Christina, older sister. Michael, older brother. Samuel, younger step-brother. Rosa, younger step-sister. EXTENDED ��FAMILY :   Jane, niece. Rogelio, grandfather. NAME  MEANING / S :    Lance; exactly what it sounds like. A lance. Mateo; Gift of God. McClain; son of Saint John. HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a.
BOOK :  Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan MOVIE :   Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) and Pacific Rim (2013) (He’s kind of living the mech dream right now) 5  SONGS : Whistle by Flo Rida, Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco, Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds, Unsteady by X Ambassadors DEITY :   None HOLIDAY :   Christmas MONTH :   July SEASON :   Summer PLACE :    Veradero beach, Cuba. Too many late night bonfires and swimming under the stars with friends and family for it not to have a special place in his heart. WEATHER :   Warm, sunny, not a cloud in the sky.  SOUND :   Waves crashing against the shore during a storm SCENT / S :   Fresh pizza, his mom’s floral perfume, the castle shampoo TASTE / S :    Sea salt on his lips, key lime pie, chocolate chip cookies FEEL / S :   Cool air just before a storm that has a charge running across his skin, a soft blanket wrapped around his shoulders, Keith’s hand in his  ANIMAL / S :    dolphins NUMBER :  35, his two lucky numbers-- 3 and 5 combined. It’s extra lucky. COLORS :   Light blue like the sky on a clear day, pastel yellow like his baby blanket back home
TALENTS :  Being better than Keith, Adapting plans to fit new circumstances, quick wit, charming, observant, a good shot and steady hand, being expendable BAD  AT :  Realizing his importance, Losing, piloting in a simulation TURN  ONS :   Biting, scratching, praise, hair pulling TURN  OFFS :   Humiliation HOBBIES :    Doodling on paper scraps, helping Coran with castle upkeep, tapping out music while bothering Hunk or Pidge, staring at Keith QUOTES :     “You know why they call me the tailor? Because of how I... Thread the needle.” ... “I don’t need pants, I’m a mermaid.”
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   While I’m quite sure Lance would love to have his own James Bond-esque thriller where he gets the girl, I’d rather have him in a coming of age story where he learns to grow into himself and his insecurities. As well as maybe, instead of getting the girl, he gets the guy. Wink wink.  Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   Some soothing instrumental with cool drum solos Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :   I’m used to writing ‘mom’ characters (see: Starfire (DC), Mitsuru (Persona4), a handful of others) but wanted to try something else out when I saw Morgan and Grey’s characterization. I wanted to introduce my own portrayal of Lance since I loved him so much. Although Keith used to be my favorite character, Lance has quickly wormed his way to first place. Lance is also the most relateable character for me. Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   His puns and overall dorkiness, as well as fandom represented adoration for a certain mullet. Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   the thought of disliking anything about Lance is horrifying. though in canon, the way they treat him like he’s stupid when he’s SO smart and deserves so much more Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   We can both be self-sacrificing, dorks, and if there is ever a chance to use a bad joke or pun I am on it. Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :  "Why are you like this” @ me  Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :    Everyone. Seriously, each thread has been great. @hologramandahardplace hmu sometime though Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :   Talking about AUs or headcanons, primarily. Or looking at gorgeous fanart. That helps too. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :    TOO LONG. 4 hours?? Give or take?
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