#but if i end up doing the tips during the time id allotted to inventory bc of HER MESS UP
orcelito · 7 months
Work Rant
God I just remembered the soon to leave manager (as in this week is literally her last week) took off tip points and then messaged in the group chat about how I had to do inventory Every Week and I just fucking. Blew up at her. Barely contained rage. I tried my best to keep it civil but
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The real issue was she didn't fucking look to see when payroll would need processed and I ASKED HER on Monday whether Thanksgiving would affect the processing time and she was like "no, I think it's just on Wednesday like normal" so I was like OK and planned for doing the tips distribution (first step of payroll) after my shift if I needed to but NOOOOOO she then let me know During my shift that it had to be processed THAT NIGHT (Tuesday night) and I was like Fuck bc I couldn't do it after work. So I was like "OK ill move it up in priority" and so instead of doing inventory I got the tips distribution done (which includes all the finalizing of shifts/hours too) and was doing some other tasks and THEN the POS was wigging out so I spent the last half hour of my shift on video call with my boss trying to figure it out. And I TOLD. HER. I would be leaving like right after my shift that day bc im visiting family this week.
And she doesn't bother checking with me about any of this. She notices inventory wasn't done (it's been something that wasn't 100% necessary in the past so I figured it'd be OK for one week), immediately deducts tip points from me (and not a small amount either!!!) and THEN goes and messages Me, Directly in the fucking GROUP CHAT to publicly shame me!!!!!
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Like was this really fucking necessary? Was this Really fucking necessary????
And this coming from the girl who was messaging literally half an hour before payroll was due saying she Just sent the payroll invite to the new employee & to have him fill it out (WHILE HE WAS ON SHIFT)
Fucking bitch is so hypocritical and disorganized and yet she expects us to be 100% perfect all the fucking time. I'm so fucking sick of her and SO happy she's leaving soon. Because holy fucking shit. She's insufferable.
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