#but idk i feel like i'm crazy for thinking that should actually involve MAKING the art that they sell
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transhitman · 5 months ago
Ok I posted about this in anger a while back but I'm gonna say it more intelligently and actually tag it because I think it's something people need to hear. Something that bugs me about how people talk about the morality of the men in this game is that a lot of analysis totally glosses over Anya's motives and what she actually asks of people, and in doing so once again strips her of agency. Like. The reason Curly sucks isn't because he failed to properly punish Jimmy, it's because he ignored Anya in favor of her abuser. He didn't listen to her regarding how to move forward, he didn't give her a way to protect herself. No matter what he would have done to Jimmy, Anya is still traumatized and in danger, and that's the most important point of failure.
I think a lot of people are projecting a revenge fantasy on Anya, and while I'm not gonna argue about the validity of revenge here, for Anya specifically I think that's a major mischaracterization. She's the one who says that our worst moments don't make us monsters. And while yes, this could just be her trying to appease her abusers, she still doesn't strike me as a particularly vindictive person. She's a nurse, symbolically in a role associated with care and healing. Before the crash, she seems like a very soft-spoken and restrained person. Hell, she can't stand giving Curly his meds because she feels so bad for him. There isn't really a point in the game where she calls for violence at all. And even if punishing Jimmy or Curly is morally correct (subjective), saying that it's what anyone Should have done still glosses over Anya's wants and needs. It still centers the abuser, even in vitriol.
It's especially weird to see people judge Swansea on these grounds, because like... We don't know what his dynamic with Anya was like. We don't actually know what she said to him, if she even confided about her pregnancy or the SA at all! I honestly think Swansea's actions give more credence to the idea that Anya herself wanted a peaceful resolution. The whole "Oh, I'm holding it together" thing, him becoming more hostile after speaking with Anya... He waits until Daisuke AND ANYA are dead before trying to kill Jimmy. I think the obvious reading is that he wants Jimmy dead, but Anya asked him not to do anything crazy. Genuinely, I think Anya just wanted to be safe. She wanted out above everything. She didn't want more violence. The only violence she commits is against herself in the end, in order to escape this hell her coworkers made for her.
And like. Swansea is kind of the only one who actually did try to protect Anya in a meaningful way. I won't say that he couldn't have done more for her - all of the men on that ship failed her in some regard - but Swansea intentionally keeps the axe out of Jimmy's hands. He keeps the pod a secret, probably to give to Daisuke, but we can't say anything for sure. I joke that Swansea should have killed Jimmy from the start, but if we're being real that would have been an insane thing to do given what the characters know. But Swansea isn't the point of this post. Like. Idk I just think it's really bizarre that when people discuss Anya's assault, they still do it from the perspective of the men involved. It's weird and I don't like it. Like people have said before me: it's not enough to hate abusers, you have to love victims.
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thatbitchery · 2 months ago
So I was scrolling on this app and saw one of my baddest bitches unthatbitching right in front of my eyes and what felt like an actual death is I don't think ma knows she was unthatbitching because she sounded like she's thatbitching but she wasn't and I HATTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE to lose a baddie so I'll teach you how to know if you're really a bad bitch or a socially dysregulated traumatized girl with audacity.
If you ever feel the threat of social isolation and fix it with an explanation. This is what triggered this post y'all I-. I'm not okay I like like a sumtotal or three people on here and now it's down to one. Listen- I won't gaslight you social isolation is a very real threat and feeling threatened under a threat is the most normal thing on earth okay, I'm not saying be stupid and lose the one thing all human beings depend on (Relationships). I'm saying, first? Is it even an actual threat? Because what do you mean you're getting triggered by someone on ANON. My baddie was really fighting demons on ANON. People on the internet don't exist okay? Also, what's the worst they'll do? Unfollow? Block? Trash reblog? What's the worst that'll do to you? Will you lose your job? You have to understand (a) majority of the threats we feel are in our heads. Because what is the worst that will do and what makes you sure you won't survive it? I'm not saying it's not a threat, I'm saying the consequences are not that deep. One day (today) I'll sit down and write the people code because y'all don't people like you should people and it's crazy because if you just got out of your head you'd see it. Sometimes the threat is a joke like wdym you're doing a push and pull with a teenager. With someone on the internet. where's the threat are you paid per follow and you don't want to lose followers? When that girl in class or the office is being shitty, that's a threat- because you are in a way dependent on this social circle and you need either harmony, invisibility or total dominance to make it work so okay. That being said what's stopping you from being shitty right back like literally what. Just punch a beech idk. Get it over with? you can always be the bigger monster because by now we know being the bigger person doesn't work. And (b) You can not change someone that is committed to misunderstanding you. You can not explain your way out of things it never works how old are you. Arguments are not about harmony they're about power. People that are trolling you on anon or from actual accounts or irl don't gaf about the truth they do that because you have power in that space and they want it and the easiest way to the top is to find someone that already is at the top and pull them down. They don't care about Trans rights or child abuse bla bla they want to make you trip and drink that up. People that argue and troll and fight bla bla are committed to misunderstanding you because it's a power game, and engagement is the sign you've lost.
Politics and a moral code especially when they don't involve you. I'm a feminist because I'm female. If I was male I'd hopefully not be a misogynist because I am a secure person and do not need to exercise my power over anyone else but I sure asf wouldn't be a feminist. I have no moral code because (a) It's unnatural and stupid and (b) I'm an animal and I do not gaslight myself into some form of Zen superiority and TraAnscENd mY dEsiRes or whatever andm(c) I have a working brain and don't live inside my head so I know moral codes are created for the sake of shame not harmony and shame is created for control and dominance and (d) I''m securing myself I don't need a moral code to not be a terrible person? Plus y'know, I have a working brain. Why would I do that. Once you start moralizing You've lost your that bitch badge please submit it to desk and do your walk of shame wtf is that. Unless you're doing it as a power move or to others yessssssss make them feel shame yess walk them like a dog yes go to church and act like you're not a little demon and recite bible verse etc becuase you have a working brain and know o not upset the community you're dependent on okay I see you I love me an actress take the red pill act like you're on the blue pill for that I'll award you a second star but baby why are you crying knowing fully well if the cards were reversed they'd do you worse? Your badge. On the table. Shame? You're feeling - shame??? Your badge. Right now. Time out think about what you've done. Time out right NOW. Think about your actions. Come back with a moving apology because what even is that??
Emotional dysregulation and audacity isn't thatbitching it's your sign to go to therapy. You're just a bully and I love bullying but in reverse- it's a sign of weakness if you can't make people willingly give you what you want. If you have to take it by force you're not all that now are you my little traumatized sweetie with mommy issues? Safa - Dubai bling? That's not being a bad bitch that's being a bully. Which is better than being a doormat obviously But badge. Right now. Go be secure in yourself so you stop forcing the people around you to reinforce your security and draining them go. Go to therapy. If you go off once every three seconds from a place of genuine triggering and not for fun because it's fun uhm yeah so you're just a bully and you will burn out and self isolate. Having a sharp tongue doesn't make you a bad bitch. It makes you easy to trigger and hence to control and hence a loser. Badge. Time out. Go to therapy while at it.
If you feel the need to be seen 24/7. If you feel the need to reinforce your position, you're human. It's normal. In this corner we validate not gaslight. If you feel inadequate when you don't get it, that's also human. Attention seeking is human. We start doing it as children when we cry for the sake of it. It's human. If you feel like you will die if you are not acknowledged. You're human. If you do things to be the center of attention. You're human. If you gaslight yourself out of any of these, if you bash yourself when you do this- badge. Badge on the table and go learn evolutionary psychology so you stop hating yourself for being a human being that acts like a human being. Bashing others okay. Yourself? Turning your violence within? Badge. Time out.
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eejilunio · 4 months ago
I'm gonna say it again because i thought about it again and it disturbed me again.
But to see the graphic decline of Azula's mental health, with her insomnia, hallucinations, crying fits, self-isolation, and final breakdown that Katara and Zuko witnessed first-hand, and then, to see Katara and Zuko and every other characters in the show flourishing shortly after with no mention of Azula ever again, It feels insulting to look at.
Azula showed scary symptoms of mental illness, and that was the first time she showed vulnerability in front of someone, even her parents didn't see that part of her, so it is a huge thing right? By breaking down in front of her brother and his friend, it could have opened the door for communication. So what are they ogling her for? Are they enjoying the show? At least Katara was disturbed and looked away, but then she looked at Zuko as if she felt sad for him, idk, idk what that look meant i'm not psychic, and Zuko just looked stonily at Azula crying. Nobody said anything, nobody moved while Azula was restrained and sobbing. And then the scene fades out. What am i supposed to think of that conclusion? Am i supposed to forget about it afterwards ? Did Zuko and Katara leave her there and rushed to celebrate with their friends ? Is that what happened? Did they help her or not? I needed to know that before the screen faded out. And i could have also known after when every characters in the show made an appearance, if only they showed Azula somewhere.
Azula feels like the elephant in the room at the end of the show. She should be brought up at least in conversation, but the writers don't want to talk about her.
The way the writers focused so much on Zuko's pain and on giving him a beautiful conclusion, but just left Azula like this with Zuko looking disdainfully at her as if she was beneath him, as if he was satisfied of finally beating his sister at something and he was proven right in the fact he is actually better than her at life or something, it makes me angry. Do i misinterpret Zuko's face? Probably. It's not as if i could understand what he felt through his poker face. A poker face in front of someone sobbing feels like disdain to me, if it's not followed by attempts at helping.
It triggers memories of my own breakdown when my mum and brother just looked at me without saying anything.
I feel like that passiveness in front of clear emotionnal distress is the result of a mix of bystander effect and a lack of empathy. You don't feel enough empathy that could drive you to help, and you don't feel responsible for not helping either because there's another person next to you that could have done it too but didn't. So you feel normal by not helping and standing there like a statue. Like an idiot. And it must be an interesting show to them, it breaks the monotony of everyday life at least.
So yes, i'm projecting on Azula, but maybe if the writers didn't want people projecting on her, they shouldn't have made her have such a realistic breakdown.
I feel like the writers managed to write by accident a realistic depiction of how mental illness is handled by most people in society though : by not handling it at all and purposefully ignoring the obvious distress even when it's in your face, because it's more comfortable to look at someone dying inside for years and call them crazy than to actually get involved and talk about feelings.
There, i'm done.
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donteverblameash · 2 months ago
Talking about the Dream discourse of the week because Idk I feel like I have to talk about this even though I probably don't cause I'm a fan of him. I want to start this off with, while I have many of the symptoms for autism and adhd I have yet to be properly diagnosed with either, also I'm a teenager on the internet so do with that what you will. This is also not a place to bring up old drama, allegations, etc, especially since the ones both you and I are thinking about have been resolved.
Ranting under the cut.
So, first off, I understand how Dream's actions hurt people, even people in his own community, as a lot of them are neurodivergent, like Dream himself who DOES have diagnosed autism and adhd. That word has been used to hurt for literal years and can make people very uncomfortable, and I see why. But at the same time (because nuance does exist), I understand why Dream is mad. At Tommy in particular, Tommy literally is making cash off of Dream and has been doing it for years. It's like for Tommy and his friends, Dream is a way to line their pockets (Not really speaking of people like Ranboo and Tubbo. Ranboo would't have even been involved in this if he did not reply and Tubbo hasn't said anything) when content is dry and rent is due because Dream is easy to hate on and make fun of simply because he's Dream. Like I said, Tommy has been doing this back since the days of the DSMP. Which really makes me wonder why he hasn't removed the videos with Dream in him and with his name in the title if he's so horrible. But besides that, Tommy is quick to throw allegations and shit on Dream and Tommy's fans (Admittly like Dream fans) are quick to back him up, so I get why he's mad and used a word that hurt. He wanted to cut deep and show his anger, but that's doesn't excuse the use of the word if you hear what I'm saying. This could have been handled in a much more mature way. Most things in the DSMP community can he handled more maturely by all parties.
Something I don't understand is Tommy's friends jumping into comment on it when it wasn't directed towards them and isn't their concern. I understand wanting to defend your friend but when people (I'm talking about Jack Manifold) can hardly go a month without mentioning Dream it just makes them seem desperate and instead of seeing a situation where people, people including your friend who this was targeted at, got hurt, you see this as dollar signs. And I think Tommy sees it that way too on the account of the TikTok he made talking about it.
And I would also like to talk about the double standards present. Tommy's and his friends fans are quick to act offended when Dream said this but we're just as quick to pat Cantu/Gumball on the back when he was calling Dream slurs very much like in a way Dream did (With the intention to hurt or cause uproar, stuff like that. For people who don't know, Cantu called Dream the F slur, a slur Cantu can reclaim and people were making edits of him making fun of Dream and him saying the slur back when this happened and patting him on the back, these people were DSMP content creator fans who weren't fans of Dream mostly. Even people who weren't fans were applauding Cantu.)
And what both men did was bad, but why is it okay for him to do it? Because it's Dream and people don't like him. They both should be held accountable regardless.
It's just crazy, this endless cycle of "DREAM BAD BECAUSE DREAM" I don't think people like that are actually upset at what Dream did and how he harmed people I think they're just looking for another reason not to like Dream because they don't like Dream
Anyways, try not to say mean mean slurs to people, the point of reclaiming is to take back the power not give yourself power to hurt another person in the same minority as you
I'm probably gonna keep on watching Dream. Message to Tommy fans: You guys kinda do need to grow up. Tommy isn't a child anymore, and a lot of you guys aren't that young either. It's time to lose that DSMP way of thinking that Tommy is this helpless child and Dream is the manipulating villain in his story. I'm not saying all of you are like that. I'm just saying that from the interactions me and my friends have been having, there is a pattern of behavior. Also remember that these are all rich Minecraft youtubers that don't really care as much as you think they do
Message to Dream fans: Hold him accountable for his grown adult actions like we should do for every grown adult on the internet.
Rest up, have a good day/night :)
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peacheises · 29 days ago
★ Okay so I had an idea for an AU of Soul Eater. It would essentially run as a mix of the Anime!Universe and the Manga!Universe but exclusively cherry picking aspects that I and my friends like because we're all self indulgent.
★ For example: Mifune and Lord Death don't die, but Marie and Stein still wind up expecting by the end of it.
★ I think I'd wanna expand on and bend aspects that weren't explored as well as I feel they could have been in the story. Namely, the witches. I don't like how they use the name witch for such bad people mainly. So either change the name or change how their society works. And I'm gonna go with the ladder and expand on Kim being a witch and such, adding in more benevolent witch characters as well. Of course Angela would also be heavily involved.
★ Perhaps the biggest difference that'll get me the most hate is the inclusion of a lot of OCs with complex lore. Not all of them are mine, but the biggest player in this would be Esu. My pride and joy. She has an entire post about her already, so I won't reiterate what has already been said.
★ Other characters I'd hope to include would be Phantasmagoria and Mothra from @yourlocalsimp11111 !! I actually designed Phaz, and her concept was something I came up with but gifted to her a while back so if she has that Merynette design energy that's why. Both would be very important to this universe as one of them shakes up the roles of the gods and the other would be heavily involved with the whole witches thing.
★ Another OC I'd love to include would be Amaera Gorgon from @nerudebil !! She's a beautifully crafted and designed character that I'd be honoured to include as she's very important to Esu's story and would also be a huge player in the witch's recontextualization.
★ As for how I'd format this AU- I was thinking of making a series of posts or a full fanfic on AO3 with art in between and such? I don't know if I could make a full comic, and I definitely couldn't make an animated version. I'm still trying to figure it out! This is just an idea after all:)
★ I don't think I'd change much of the characters already existing dynamics with the exception of the Gorgon sisters. I'll just be adding in characters that severely shake things up by adding more in rather than replacing what's already there.
★ Over all, most of the characters I'd be adding in have actual years worth of effort poured into them, at least on my end. So none of them are half-baked or feel shoddy. At least to me of course maybe I'm egotistical. So don't go throwing any Mary Sue accusations at characters you probably don't know anything about aside from their designs. Also this is Soul Eater we're talking about, most of the characters look strange and wacky that's part of the charm. If your only qualification for a Mary Sue is powerful/powerful woman then maybe you shouldn't be watching/reading Soul Eater at all. 💀💀💀
★ Now that I've gotten the obligatory don't be an asshole thing out of the way, that should be about it? My bestie @yourlocalsimp11111 will hopefully be immediately adding onto this via reblog soon so yeah:)
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 13 days ago
I fucking called it, like I know it's not a hard thing to guess that it's quuin, but I fucking called it. And his fuck ass pick up truck.
Glad sam is mote or less ok, the fact that he walked away from a crash like that is fucking crazy and is so unnerving. Like glad he's ok but him being from what I've seen the least injured is odd.
Speaking of injuries, what's up with FL they didn't make an appearance in this chapter, I assume they are alive and just sleeping the crash off somewhere, preferably in gavins arms arms and calums in theirs. Like bestie, you went and saved the day pretty much and then hit the ground.
Idk why I'm stressen about kody being at the hospital. Bc of course while all this shit is happening his creepy ass would show up.
The Possibility that Vincent could come out of this not being able to do a job he seems to care about is so disheartening. And idk about you but if I was lovely in this situation, while I would try my hardest, I would most definitely have at least a tiny bit of blame at darlin. Bc fuck man if your phycotic ex is the reason my boyfriend can't talk anymore I'd be pretty upset.
Tank knowing themselves well enough to know that they will do something stupid if they leave feels like such character growth even from just the first few chapters and it's so nice to see written on paper so to speak. But but they are walking to SHs room do they find out about thier name being carvered into them(that shit still pisses me off(not at you but quuin) bc what the fuck do you mean that went through your mind)
Love your writing as always,
You did indeed!! Yeah it was a pretty quick mystery but maybe I caught Somebody out there off guard!!
It is crazy! He's continuing his streak of being kind of lucky when it comes to serious car accidents. He for sure should have died in his first one and should have been way more injured in this one. Everybody got really lucky in this crash.
FL has a pretty serious concussion. It was mentioned early in the chapter, a throw away line from Darlin's narrative. They're very focused on Quinn in this chapter, so the details of everybody's condition that isn't noted by other characters are pretty sparse. They are for sure curled up and surrounded by the DAMN Crew! We will hear more from them later on!!
Kody is for sure not in this hospital! He got pretty heavily penalized from the medical school he and Freelancer were attending after they disclosed, and he moved to McKinley to escape his reputation. He's in his second year of medical school.
It would be absolutely devastating to him if he couldn't be a paramedic anymore. His recovery from his first TBI was absolutely soul crushing and terrible. I truly didn't think he'd get better. The prospect of having to do it again is terrifying. And Lovely is for sure freaking out a little bit, but they haven't been made aware of the entire Quinn situation. The crew is keeping it pretty close to the chest, and Darlin hadn't let anybody know it was Quinn until they were in the waiting room. They are for sure pissed off at whoever hit the ambulance, they just don't know where to direct that.
Yes!!! It's a huge amount of growth. The Darlin' from several chapters ago who met Quinn in Max's is gone. This Darlin' isn't interested in going out fighting anymore. And who knows what they'll discover or discuss in the next chapter!! Could be crazy!!
And actually, I had originally planned for Quinn to carve a series of Q's into them just like with Ben, but I thought this was more evil! I do love to torture everybody involved!!
Thank you for reading!! Can't wait to post more!!
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Ersilia Volant with her mother, Céléase?
Ersilia and her mother have a complicated relationship. The two have a civil interaction during their time at Bill and Fleur's wedding, which only happened through Apolline's influence when talking to Ersilia about Céléase's presence...
Apolline: oh, and your mother's here, why don't you go talk to her?
*Ersilia sweating bullets, her heart thumping a hundred miles per second as she imagines herself taking so much as a step in Lissie's direction*
Something I should bring to your attention: Apolline lived in France during her adulthood, so she and Ersilia actually saw each other quite often. The two would develop a decent relationship with one another, despite not having been raised together. (I could even see Ersilia potentially being involved in the lives of her "nieces" Fleur and Gabrielle) - that's a thought for another day though!
Since Ersie was raised by the Volants, Apolline may have even known her cousin since childhood! I doubt that CĂ©lĂ©ase would've kept "Polly" (idk nicknames aren't really my thing  😅) all to herself. I have an inkling that Apolline probably went to visit a few uncles or maybe even her aunt Ghislaine in her youth... so the "sisters" might've had some interaction with each other.
At the wedding, Ersilia would linger near her Volant relatives, and maybe a couple of the Delacours. I have a feeling she would've gotten along well with Louis Delacor, Fleur's father. He has such an affable and friendly disposition, with the carefree and whimsical personality that many artists have, if you know what I mean. I think that Ersilia would gravitate towards people who were polar opposites of herself.
Ersilia is introverted and reserved, not being much of a socializer. She has a very aloof way of going about things, which can make interacting with others in public a little awkward. In terms of traits inherited by Lissie, her vibrant and sociable personality wasn't one of 'em 😂 so being invited to Fleur and Bill's wedding must've been Hell on Earth for her with all those people there.
The relationship that Ersilia had with Céléase during her adulthood was a little rocky at first. It took the help of the Delacour family to officially reunite them because that was the only real "link" the two had between each other. Apolline probably did try to encourage Ersilia to reach out to Lissie when they were older, maybe around their late twenties or early thirties. The only thing is that Ersilia was too scared to be the first one to reach out. Lissie, on the other hand, felt guilty and remorseful for giving up her child in the first place and thought that maybe Ersilia wouldn't want to have a relationship with her.
So obviously it all took a while to get mother and daughter to realize that they needed each other and wanted to be in one another's lives, even if they weren't ready to admit it just yet.
I could see CĂ©lĂ©ase defending Ersilia during the attack at the wedding - LIKE THOSE MATERNAL INSTINCTS JUST KICK IN! She would be throwing spells left and right (perhaps maybe a few forbidden ones, as well 👀), all for the sake of protecting her child. Lissie would probably go just as crazy as Bellatrix in that moment, but of course there would be a little refined flare to her badassery 💅
After that I think that's when Ersilia and Céléase start bonding more and opening up to each other. There would be a lot of apologies on Lissie's end for not keeping Ersilia or being more involved in her childhood while she was living with the Volants. I believe that Ersilia would need to hear reassurances from Lissie that her mother did indeed love her, because I'm sure a part of her thought that she was just a "dirty secret" meant to be contained.
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tsukiyo-7 · 9 months ago
Why do you ship wincest?
Don't you ever stop and think maybe it's a little weird to ship two brothers?
Just curious tbh, I really don't get it
Hello there!
I'm just gonna assume this is in good faith because it's better for us both this way.
The why is more or less the same anyone else involved in shipping might give you about their otp or whatever ship they might enjoy; I'm besotted with their dynamic, their interections, the touches and lingering glances, the said AND unsaid. I genuinely don't have the time right now to launch myself in an essay about all the reasons why I think they're crazy for each other, in every sense of the word, nor I think it is exactly what you're looking for, but if you scroll down a little on my blog you will most likely find a comprehensive list of canon moments that might point you to the right direction, if you so feel inclined.
As for the second question. Honestly? No, I don't.
To me, it's literal another fictional thing I enjoy among the countless other. Like, I'm totally aware that from an outside point of view and a surface level it appears fucked up, because that's a kneejerk reaction to the things that make us uncomfortable and, I mean this in the most neutral and non-judgemental way possible, you have to develop a certain level of analisis and disposition to overcome it; just like to some it appears fucked up that I enjoy horror stories or idk, that I can quote all 4 Twilight movies by heart lol. Damn, to some it's fucked up that I even listen to metal, so really, how stressed should I be about what it looks like from the outside? ("It" being my whole scope of interests apparently, depending who you ask).
The whole issues boils down to the fact that it's all not real. I know it's not real, my homies know it's not real, the existence of the ship and me liking it doesn't actually harm anyone, so why worry? I won't suddenly turn into an abuse apologist or whatever people might think because of a ship, because I'm a whole person with critical thinking and a fully developed moral compass that in no way cross paths with whatever is the subject of my bedtime story of the day; and if that was the case then it still wouldn't be the fiction fault but mine, or maybe, at most, of the people who raised me.
If you don't like horror don't watch it, if you don't like metal don't listen to it, if you don't like wincest block me. It's that simple.
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corvidae-corvus · 4 months ago
SOOOOO I'm watching frozen w/ my little sister, and it's bringing back fierce opinions younger me had. And new Opinions that I have now.
Hate that Hans was the bad guy smh. Worse thing ever, little me hated it, and bigger me still hates that even to this day.
My headcanon: Anna, Hans, and Kristoff are all in a polyamorous relationship! ☝
Idk how it would have happened but it should have happened. I really like Hans as a character and actually now that I'm watching it, I guess it makes sense that he's the bad guy, he has the motives and shit, just the twist villain with him didn't feel right but also it kinda does? Like I can see it works but I don't like the execution? That's just me though.
Anyways my headcanon involves Hans actually caring about Anna and they kiss but it doesn't work. Like what Hans has for her isn't love it's infatuation. Or desire idk, so she thinks that she's actually in love with Kristoff and stuff and so she goes to try and find him. And she is kinda in love with Kristoff, and Hans and her talk and he's understanding and let's her go, or he acts like he's ok with her being in love with another guy and so he's conflicted but he ultimately chooses to let her go. He goes to get Elsa and Anna goes with Olaf to get Kristoff, Uhhhh the bad guy can be the little old man or someone else that was introduced in the beginning idk. Could have introduced another bad guy in the beginning (in this au) anyways everything happens the same towards the end only Anna stops someone who isn't Hans or helps Elsa in some way, elsa hugs Anna proving true love isn't just romantic it can also be familial or platonic or whatever. Kristoff and Anna are dating and Hans has to go back to his kingdom. Also Hans having 12 brothers? Hans saying that he could have caused an accident towards Elsa? Yea that man's family is probably evil. His family is probably more dramatic and evil and stuff. Where else did he get these crazy ideas?
Anyways continuing this au arendale gets more political, Hans has made an impression on the people soooo excuses on how he can go back to arendale, him and Anna catch up, uhhh something happens, now he's forced to spend time with Kristoff, they don't like each other and are jealous of one another, Kristoff fears that Anna will leave him for Hans especially since when her and Hans reunited they had such good chemistry. He calls him a pretty boy (motherfucker thinks he's pretty) Hans calls him a brute underneath his breath (he thinks Kristoff is hot asf) Kristoff is very nice and Hans is kinda like a snake. Anna likes them both.
It's is a "love triangle" Anna wants them to get along Hans Is in love with Anna and unknowingly falls in love with Kristoff, Kristoff is in love with Anna and is also unknowingly fallen in love with Hans. Hans realizes his feelings first. Is in pure agony. I think Kristoff is next actually and he at first thinks he just starts to like Hans as a friend, cue bromance, realizes he's in love with Hans, panics cause instead of worrying about Anna he's worried about himself. Calms down and becomes the most composed since he knows about Polyamory since he grew up with the love experts, now planning on what to do next.
Anna is the last one to realize (she's kinda slow when it comes to romance) panics the most. Goes to the love trolls, cue musical, realizes she is polyamorous and that she might be able to have both.
Hans is dramatic and hates himself. Tries to leave. Anna and Kristoff talk. Uhhhhh something something, Elsa is AroAce and discovers her true love is politics (or is lesbian, both? Her true love is still politics idk). Some bad guy causes trouble, something something Hans, something something Anna and Kristoff tell each other their feelings. Anna and Kristoff try to save Hans. Hans becomes the damsel in distress (Lol). They all tell each other their feelings. Now in a poly relationship.
Elsa's pov is a political drama and The others are a romance.
Hans is introduced to the love experts. (His in-laws)
Happy ending.
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elbiotipo · 1 year ago
(sorry for long ask) I always felt that they could've used the civil war as an excuse for why there are a lot of bandits (but not in the way they do now - aka less guards/cops means more criminals). Have soldiers/deserters be a major raiding force, due to not getting paid, poor discipline or the nature of being an occupying force. There could still be other types, but it would break up the fur clad bandit monotany and get you invested in the war without doing the questline.
Also I feel like generic bandits are most often used when an area is cleared out of its more unique inhabitants (even bandits who at least talk or have a leader) but the game wants enemies in case you come back for another quest. Which I think speaks to a level/quest design issue but thats another topic. I feel like indtead of bandits, nature or undead enemies would make more sense. Or have it reinhabited by non hostile npcs.
As for yielding, its crazy how it only appliesnto yourself (with guards) and a few npcs, but its usually scripted so killing them is impossible (they become essential) or illegal (fistfights), otherwise its just a weird animation that happens.
I feel like they could have it at least where if most of bandit group is dead, those hurt can do the yield mechanic and then you sheathe your weapon, and they leave or give you something idk.
Those are great points! I think one big issue with bandits in Skyrim is, as other pointed out, they're randomly generated. If every band was generated for a determined "dungeon", with different motivations and different ways to deal with them that don't involve just killing everyone, it would make a lot more sense and be a lot more fun. In fact, you already see part of this. There are many bandit dungeons with their own special conversations and NPCs (there's one with a blind guy who's the anonymous leader father, and honestly you feel just so bad for him), so they could have tried, they COULD have made them unique. Personalized factions of enemies would bring so much life to the world. Disgraced bands of soldiers, mercenaries or adventurers (actually the source of much real life 'bandits'), petty thanes who steal from the poor, Khajiit caravans who faced discrimination and turned to crime, criminal families, pirates, there's lots you could do. That was sacrificed in the name of 'radiant quests' and it's something Bethesda has doubled down in their newer games.
I'm not saying that bandits should greet you with hugs and cuddles. I'm saying that, in an RPG, you should be given role-playing choices to deal with them in many ways. There is a lot in Skyrim about 'clever' heroes, but besides sneaking, there are little chances to use that cleverness. Meanwhile, have Fallout New Vegas. You can actually visit the bases of the 'bad' factions by many ways, even the Fiends which are the closest to generic post-apocalyptic bandits have leaders and you can talk to their leader, even if there's not much diplomacy to be done.
And the fact that yielding just straight up does not work is just terrible game design, it's an incomplete mechanic. It's crazy that it just happens and then they just get up and keep hitting you??? I wouldn't mind a 'knocked out' mechanic, which many simpler games seem to have. I wonder if it was something that was just ommitted or did poorly in playtesting. The unfortunate fact is that many gamers are very bloodthirsty and do attack fleeing or surrendering enemies. Being a strict roleplayer I don't enjoy that. I personally don't do many pacifist runs, but I want the things that I do make sense, I don't find any enjoyment in mowing down bandits dressed in fur and endless wolves. I'd much rather have strong or complicated fights tied to narrative.
(there are mods that fix the yielding 'mechanic' and add depth to virtually all of these aspects, but they're mods, so they aren't in the base game, and they work so-so)
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7ringzsidetoside · 1 year ago
okay ik a lot of people were perfectly fine with white dying and everything, and i would've been as well if his character was written better. He is literally placed in this series for the sole purpose of an nc scene and tee's boyfriend. Also keep in mind the nc scene was SO unnecessary AND he was super underage. Like i would've been kinda okay if it was important to the plot (him kissing his neck and rashes appearing there, etc.), but it had NO importance at all. like boc seriously?
anyways, idk if i read into this wrong (i'm lowkey having trouble interpreting all the symbolism the shows throwing at us), but i think the point for this is that tee sees non in white.
which like... first off the only similarity i see is their "innocence" (besides both of them being adorbs) but then again that's not rly true cuz clearly non relies heavily on sex to feel wanted and white literally is hanging out with a fucking thug ass group 24/7. now if it's innocence in terms of like being aware of the type of people around them and shit, i feel like white was pretty aware of everything.
I honestly think it would make more sense if tee was scared that the things he's done to non would impact white. (again i don't know if that was the actual meaning, i suck at symbolism ngl)
But also, i was even more disappointed because i remember in an interview fuaiz was talking about how he was perfect for the character of white, and literally no one could imagine anyone else doing it. Like don't get me wrong, he played it REALLY well, but white's character is SUPER different from how he is in real life. Like even in hidden character, he admitted to getting involved with the wrong crowds and everything. So i was expecting white to be a two-faced bitch who was like also involved with illegal shit but we got a literal angel of a person who's entire existence was used as a punishment for someone else. Atp, anyone "cute looking" could've played the role of white as there was literally no plot besides that.
i just also think that the fact everyone got so worried at barcode having that scene with jjay is incredible double standards. barcode was around fuaiz's age in kp and had incredibly tame scenes for someone with a canon partner (as it should be). Be on cloud threw fuaiz (an actual actor with actual acting experience) into a role with zero character and a shower half-naked with someone 6 years older than him.
honestly, i rly need someone to write fics about white having a character besides being the clueless bf, or else i'm actually gonna go crazy. T-T All i hope is that bro gets some good roles in the future
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eurydicees · 5 months ago
current thoughts on nanowrimo while i only vaguely do work from home (<- dont tell my employers but i don't think i should have to work when i could be writing).
***i will not be using the website due to the pedophilia and lack of moderation issues. i don't want to involve myself in anything even remotely related to that. however imo the challenge of nanowrimo is bigger than the website, and so i'll still be attempting it.
current potential project ideas!
go back to the iwaoisuga atla au. i've got a lot of snippets but nothing substantial, so i would feel fine starting over and just working on that through the month. bonus is that i get to finish my rewatch.
do a prompt/request/event speedrun again. i have a lot of projects i committed to that i need to complete but haven't been looking at recently and i could just work on all those miscellaneous pieces. i actually have around 25 requests that've been waiting for attention so tbh writing a ~2k word one shot per day, give or take, could be great pacing for this challenge. unfortunately i'm probably incapable of keeping a oneshot to 2k. but this could also be an exercise in pacing myself. maybe.
write something original for the first time in so so so long. idk what it would be but i've been wanting to work on original writing again for a while now and this could be the opportunity.....i just don't have any plot ideas. which makes this idea hard. for obvious reasons.
re: original writing. i could do original short stories. this could be fun. it would involve coming up with a new idea roughly every day or every few days. which would be hard. but i've done it before and while i'm out of practice with original writing, surely i can do it again? idk it could be a fun exercise. i do love writing fucked up life altering short stories.
return to my roots and finish the poetry collection. i want to finally complete this. i've been chipping away at it for a while but i want to commit to it. but also i don't think i could get to 50k words with just poetry.....so maybe not this month. maybe save for april 2025 with a lower word count goal? idk. much to think abt with this one. or honestly maybe i can make it 50k. like if i try REALLY hard. very hard maybe on this one.
attempt the iwaoi soulmate + MCD au. i've been tossing this idea around for a while but it's looking like a huge undertaking so i haven't really worked on it. maybe this is my chance? but also it's probably the project idea i'm least passionate about so maybe not this one. i need to choose something i'm crazy abt lol.
finally finish the transforming of the skts mental illness study fic to original writing. this was a project i started AGES ago and then never completed. i actually just remembered it exists while scrolling through old drafts lol. it was a neat project to work on for a while but i got a little burnt out on it, which could bode badly for nanowrimo, which is such a passion-and-stamina-necessary challenge lol. but also maybe the commitment and accountability that's also so necessary for nano would inspire me? kind of a toss up.
thoughts on my november goals!
goal is 50k words in 30 days. go big or go home hit it till it breaks etc etc. i am going to work so fucking hard. i am pouring everything into this. i'm not manifesting, i'm DOING.
i'm 26,266 words away from 1mill words written for nanowrimo (all time, incl april/july camps). this could be such a fun milestone. i will get there. i WILL get there.
i'm also 54,800 words exactly away from 1mill published on ao3, which is also a super exciting milestone.....so maybe i do really want to just write a long ass fic for this.
i'm currently at 12 nanowrimo wins to 11 losses all time, and 6 wins to 5 losses in the november 50k challenge specifically. i am on cusp of something great.
i am also at a streak of 4 november wins in a row. i am DETERMINED to keep it up. like there are literally no consequences for not doing this. i know that. i promise i know that. but still. i am DETERMINED.
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lavenderpanic · 1 year ago
Your disclaimer does not mean anything when this is what you put in your writing:
Starvation is not a punishment in kink. Even someone who doesn’t know about kink knows that. Or isnt “educated” as you said. Food restriction and weight is not part of kink.
That is not what somnophilia is, because he did not consent.
Bucky was sixteen (underage) and Brock didn’t know. Is that his fault?
And the club let underage Bucky inside which is not how kink clubs work.
A quote from a chapter. “Bucky shrugs. “Technically an acronym, but sure. Honestly, Brock and I kind of do our own thing, so I really don’t know if either of us would call it that, but that’s
 the general term, I suppose. I had this
 this period of a few months, I guess, a few years ago, when I was super anxious and withdrawn and
 I just wasn’t in a good headspace. I kinda felt attracted to the thought of dominance and submission and all that because it felt like a safe way to cope with my anxiety, and I met Brock at a club and
 and it’s just been us since then. Nobody’s ever understood me like he does. A lot of people look at me like I’m crazy or weird, but Brock never thought that. It’s like
 a balanced scale, kinda. He’s my counterweight, just as strong in the opposite direction.” This is not what kink is and it is not why poeple get into kink. This is false information and does not represent the community.
He has a safe word but Brock does not listen to it. Bucky should know that this is not how safe words work.
There are so many examples. You are corellating abuse and kink and that is dangerous for people who are actually in the community. Being abused does not excuse you.
I've been staring at this for like an hour and I just... like I'm genuinely at a loss for words. This is so incredibly weird. Like, I feel so weird right now, this is so creepy. I don't even think I know my fic well enough to pull fucking examples like this out of my ass why the fuck are you so weirdly obsessed??
Food restriction can 100% be a part of a TPE. Again, I've got weird and mixed-up feelings about it, but it isn't like... absurdly uncommon. But also, like... Bucky has anorexia. Brock knows this. Brock is abusing him. Brock is not like... conforming to BDSM rules or practices or whatever. I really don't know what you aren't understanding about this. I'm not saying that food restriction = abuse or what Brock is doing = a normal part of BDSM.
The fic is tagged "non-consensual somnophilia." It is not tagged "somnophilia." I don't even use that word in-text, I'm pretty sure. AGAIN, I feel weird about somnophilia, but if that's part of your dynamic and it's consensual WHATEVER IDCCCCC I'M OBVIOUSLY NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUUUUU.
Brock knows Bucky is underage before they do anything together sexually. He also coerces Bucky the first time they meet, regardless of his age. Yup, it's Brock's fault.
Clubs will let in people who are 18. This is a fact. Like I said in the fic, they mark that Bucky is <21 and can't drink. He has a fake ID which says he is 18.
That quote is actually inspired by my own experience, and I know I'm not the only person who felt that way. I don't claim to represent every person involved in the community. I never have. This is one person's story. You can't just make a blanket statement like "this isn't why people get into kink" because you're just fucking wrong.
Bucky knows this isn't how safewords work. He is abused and assaulted. He is being abused. He is being manipulated. You said you were older than me but your reading comprehension skills are like kindergarten level.
Nothing I have written is dangerous for any community (idk except maybe abusers?) and I have absolutely no clue why you would think so. I'm not claiming to represent an entire community. I am sharing my experience. I am writing one person's story. Fact of the matter is, there are many people involved in kink who take advantage of people who are new to kink because they can be so easy to manipulate and coerce and push past their boundaries. If you're saying I'm wrong, then you're either so fucking dumb I'm genuinely concerned for your wellbeing, or you're a predator or someone who excuses them. YOUUUU are the one sharing gross misinformation.
Go fuck yourself, genuinely. I'm blocking you and every other account you make and I'm not giving you my attention anymore. I have actual real-life problems and I really don't have the mental capacity at the moment to deal with shit like this. This is the one true safe space I still have in my life. I can't imagine how fucking miserable and alone you have to be to spend your fucking time making anonymous fucking accounts and antagonizing someone trying to bring awareness to victims of DV?? What the actual fuck is your deal? Go get a fucking job or volunteer or get a hobby you miserable piece of shit.
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myfemmeb0yfriend · 7 months ago
Hey, idk if my ask got received, just in case it didn't here's the thing again, have a great day
hey there, fellow lesbian here. Little rant up coming, about a few things on your blog. Please, please, read it all the way through and the article I linked before you call me a Nazi. (I may have German heritage, but we left to the US in the late 1890s, I'm German and Polish American, if you're curious) I put way too much thought into this.
So, I do really like your blog, and I like a lot of other blogs that kinda post the same stuff about Gaza and Israel every once in a while. I don't agree with what Israel is doing. It's abhorrent. But so is the hate *you* guys are spreading. Below: My thoughts and rant. (yeah I commented this like yesterday, but I wanted to make sure you and other could see it, so I shot in an ask.)
Uhm...guys...this isn't the answer. First statements: I'm not Jewish. I'm not Zionist. I'm not Muslim. Raised kinda Christian, like I'm baptized, my family rarely goes to church, and we are very open and affirming. (two pride flags in the sanctuary, open gay members, we do ceremonies, all that jazz)
However i think neither of them are right in the first place. Israel, yes, they're the aggressor. But the way the world has responded is shocking. I don't support Israel's actions. I don't support Palestine. But I scroll through these blogs and the amount of hate towards people who aren't directly involved in the conflict, from people it's lives are not going to affect is crazy! Comparing Zionism to Nazis??? Wtf??? I think y'all don't know what Zionism actually is.
This, is taken from annefrankhouse.com. (https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/are-all-jews-zionists/#:~:text=Zionism%20is%20about%20the%20pursuit,inhabitants%20of%20Israel%20are%20Jewish.)
"Many Palestinians and supporters of the Palestinian cause no longer distinguish between the words 'Jew', 'Israeli' and 'Zionist'. That is not correct. Most Jews do not live in Israel. Not every inhabitant of Israel is Jewish; there are also many non-Jews living in Israel. And not all Jewish Israelis are 'settlers' who want to conquer more and more Palestinian land. The vast majority of Jews believe that the State of Israel should continue to exist. But many Jews, both living in Israel and elsewhere, are in favour of a Palestinian state alongside Israel as a possible solution to the conflict. To cut a long story short: although many Jews identify with Zionism, there are still many different points of view. That is reason enough not to mix up the words 'Jew', 'Israelis' and 'Zionists'."
so, what is wrong with wanting to have a state, a free state, where your religion is respected and your culture is celebrated? Wouldn't anyone want that? Yes, Israel's done some bad shit, I ain't denying it. But that is NO reason to go full anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic. From reading your posts and such, I get the feeling some people don't know what they're getting into.
Also, stop. Stop calling them Nazis. As much as you may hate acknowledging this, this is how Holocaust denial starts. This is how more people, end up dead. So, before you 'pick a side', do your research. Know what that phrase you're chanting at protest actually means. (some of them mean kill all Jews) And know this; what is happening in Rafah and Gaza is wrong. What is happening around the world is wrong. But by only increasing the hate? You're making it worse. So, please try to voice your concerns and be open about your thoughts, without spreading more hate! Anti-Semitism is already a huge problem in the US. We don't need to be making it worse.
And for the people calling for the dissolution of Israel? Where tf are all those people gonna go? Cause you've made it clear you don't want them, so for many citizens, you'd be creating another massive Human Rights issue.
For the people calling Zionists Nazis? What the ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? I'm sorry, yes, terrible things are happening. But that does NOT, AND WILL NEVER give you the right to call them Nazis. Six million people. No. Just no. That's near as bad as denying the Holocaust happened.
And even if you're taking this from a strategic standpoint, the Israeli army is not using tactics and methods the the Nazis did. They're completely different. So please, I beg of you, think about what you're posting. Don't call people Nazis if they aren't fucking Neo Nazis.
I hope you actually read this. I hope you read the article I sent from annefrankhouse.org. And please, think about what I've said.
-a concerned Bleh-345.
you are right. no one should be called neo nazis if they aren't nazis. i apologize for the harm i've caused by spreading this narrative around. thank you for taking the time and writing this out. i haven't outright called the jewish people nazis but i will look into my blog and delete any reblogs that even feel like an anti-semitic post. it isn't activism by ignoring the harm caused by the holocaust while advocating for the palestinian people. it's ignorant, inconsiderate, and dumb, to put it bluntly. i am so very sorry for any negative feelings i've caused by my own negligence. (sorry if this seems half-assed, i hope it doesn't come off that way. i am so down to have a further conversation with you though if you'd like.)
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melancholycatastrophe · 2 years ago
Only Friends Ep. 5 Thoughts
not even two minutes in and someone is trying to kill ray, its not looking good out here
nick interrupting the raysand handjob is so wild because sandnick knows that top cheated on mew and they know mew and ray are friends and theyre just not gonna say anything to ray, thats crazy
the raysand and topmew dates are so cute i just know this isn't gonna last
sidenote: that wasn't actually topmew being cute, it was forcebook. the only way i can keep myself sane is by pretending its just forcebook
sand dressed the way i want to dress im going insane he's my favorite kind of boy: guitar player, rock and indie fan, leather jackets, anger issues, homoerotic tension with men - if ray doesn't want him I'll keep him
top fixing mew's glasses 😭 he's too fine to be such a scumbag
mew's prescription is -5.00, he's just like me fr
am i tripping or is mew now hyperaware of every time top talks to another man because he thinks that they're all ex-hookups or top might hook up with them after? like what was that look when the server gave top the bill?
bostonnick in the pool just reminded me of that one kinnporsche pool scene im sorry i was hoping they would have sex in the pool
also -- diversity win! the lying backstabbing guy who is playing with your feelings and ruining his friendgroup believes in safe sex!
another thing that intrigues me: does boston even like his friends? cuz we've seen all four of them together and having fun, and they look to get along well if you ignore everything happening in the background, but individually? has boston hung out with or just simply had a normal convo with anyone? mew has with ray and cheum, and im starting to believe that boston hates mew for something that happened in the past or is really jealous, but does he hang out ray and cheum just one on one? because at this point it feels like the only person boston talks to is nick, which is.... idk I'm just so curious as to how the raymewbostoncheum friend group came to be
also the fact that he's not even interested in the hostel. the only people we've seen truly working on it are mew and cheum, mew possibly because if it fails he loses his place as top student, idk why but cheum is a business major so she probably has some vested interest in this project. i'm assuming ray is a buisness major because of his dad and even tho it's technically his project - as boston points out - i doubt he wants to work in that field
"I don't want to sleep around anymore. I want to have sex with someone I can talk to and be affectionate with" boston the word you are looking for is boyfriend. you want a boyfriend, and nick is right there (for some reason)
instead of being called only friends, this show should be called "getting cockblocked by all your friends" because this is getting ridiculous. first raysand, then raysand again, then bostonnick, and then raysand again
the way mew wants his friends to be in serious relationships is soo......cute, but also funny that he's over here rooting for his friends meanwhile he keeps top in a situationship like bestie look in the mirror
also i will chew on concrete if boston only dislikes mew because of top oh my god its never that serious over dick
ray please stop talking to that girl omg summer is too pretty to be involved in whatever the fuck you and your friends have going on, give her to me
that concert scene makes me miss brightwin idk
atp I'm gonna assume that every guy who looks at top has fucked him unless proven otherwise cuz this is getting ridiculous
ah fuck....mew has fallen for top..... but anyway this confirms mew is probs demiromantic and demisexual
not the debt collectors 😭 is it really a rich x poor storyline if there's no debt collectors?
sand's mom owns....the go go club....i'm.....oh my god thats why he was there in episode like 2
ray singing sand a love song for his birthday oh be still my beating heart
not mew calling boston to tell him that he's ready to have sex with top 😭 bestie i get that he's your friend with the most sexual experience and you dont want to tell ray cuz he had feelings for you but oh my god why did you tell ton??????
but also "I'm afraid if I don't have sex with Top he'll get bored of me" after seeing so many people check out Top that day.....Mew is finally at a point where he has romantic feelings for Top and its probably for the first time ever and he doesn't want to let him go so he'll have sex with him, he's so real honestly I relate to him a stupid amount
also...okay wait....so is the friendship between bostonmew one-sided or is top truly the reason why their friendship will crumble in the future? cuz mew calls boston about top for reassurance and boston reassures him for some reason....
out of context topmew is cute.....oh their break up is gonna be awful
their first time having sex was so sweet and tender but i know damn well this wont last
ray and his mommy issues back at it again
sand distracting ray from drinking more by sharing personal details about his life....oh......oh....
sand was named after the place his mom and dad had sex oh my god....
ray's mom đŸ€ ray
suicidal and alcohol addicts
"Only Cockblocked By Your Friends" the series strikes again!!!
it just hit me that they're eating weed cookies.....
also... "sand, this isnt your usual stuff?" does this mean sand sold ton drugs before or....?
ray keeps saying he and sand aren't dating and its breaking both mine and sand's heart
bostonnick and raysand drinking and partying together doesnt sit right in my heart....somehow someone is gonna say something bad while high
"even if you really like ray, i doubt it would work out between you two" whelp there it is
boston for the love of god shut the fuck up so we can have happy raysand and topmew please stop telling everyone and their mother that ray is in love with mew so that he can move on oh my god please its only episode 5 i need some happy moments between the two couples a little longer please
why is ton airing out all of ray's dirty laundry why is he doing the things that he does he's so messy i love it
well......ray and boston are probably not friends anymore
boston is too fine to be acting like this
now that I'm thinking about it....were boston and ray ever friends or were they just in the same friend group? cuz back in like episode one he was the one who was supposed to take care of ray when he was drunk and didn't so, like....
that last scene with sandray is sad and all but I'm too distracted over the fact that they're sleeping without blankets covering them
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gemharvest · 8 months ago
I found you through your post about transfem BF, and to put first words first: THANK YOU. I was honestly looking for someone who shared the headcanon.
And relating to what her name would be, I imagine she would keep it as Boyfriend, mainly because the phrase "This is my boyfriend, Girlfriend, and I'm his girlfriend, Boyfriend," somehow came to my mind. Note that I don't headcanon GF as transmasc, it just popped up in my mind and I laughed my ass off.
HOLDING YOUR HANDS ANON I feel like I'm soooo alone with how prevalent transmasc BF is; I'm so glad there's other transfem truthers out there. She is so Girl to me it's crazy I'm kinda sad there isn't really a lot out there for her (I'm mostly thinking about my time perusing AO3 ship tags and being met with every fic involving a trans Boyf being transmasc and not transfem, though I do not, for a second, think the general fanart space/ whatever fairs much better).
I feel like people aren't giving her a good shot just cuz.. fans do have this weiirddd tendency to only do trans headcanons towards what the character already presents as in canon, this specific case being "oh well canonically Boyfriend is a Dude so my trans headcanon should make him a trans dude" and I'm not saying that's the only reason people will do that, but idk you end up in these spaces long enough and it's a trend you will pick up on. This is not to say I think it's Bad to have a transmasc Boyfriend headcanon, I just cannot see it personally beyond wanting to project transmasc experiences. Which is cool but idk I think she deserves estrogen. As a treat.
Idk I don't think there's a deep issue with this in Boyf's case (and I want to stress the fact that I do not hate transmasc BF nor look down on people who headcanon him as such) it's just kinda.. MAN I wish more people let her be a girl. Y'all are missing out this is so fun.
ANYWAYS LOL sorry if you can't tell I have been Stewing with thoughts and I never pass up the opportunity for a good ramble. As for her name, HONESTLY my first thought was also that I don't think she'd actually care enough about her name to want to change it. I do enjoy calling her Girlfriend2 for the giggle or also Joyfriend (someone in my replies also suggested Babefriend, which is honestly rlly cute even if I don't see myself using it for her) but if I am being real she tooootally seems like she'd be fine with sticking to Boyfriend and maybe even getting a chuckle out of it confusing people. It fits with me not rlly seeing her to be the type to transition to be hyper-feminine. The most I see her doing is growing out her hair + effects from going on E. I don't think she'd even care to voice train LOL. And the hair thing is solely because I think she'd look cute with this kinda hairstyle:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(sorry for letting my interest in scene slip into this, it will happen again <3)
AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT THE WHOLE "This is my boyfriend, Girlfriend, and I'm his girlfriend, Boyfriend" LINE IS SO FUNNY. I don't see myself adopting a trans HC for Girlfriend but it would be worth it alone just for that. New headcanon dropped Girlfriend is still a cis girl but she lets Boyfriend refer to her as her boyfriend for the fun of it. Love wins.
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