#but idk i feel like i'm crazy for thinking that should actually involve MAKING the art that they sell
scatteredcloud · 1 day
Going on yet another rant about “merch”
If you did not screen print that shirt yourself, you did not make it.
You made the design on it, which I’m sure would be a nice poster or sticker perhaps? Which of course you didn't print yourself, that sounds hard! An embroidered design? Maintaining a 12 needle embroidery machine capable of producing a design with that many colors for the number of orders being received is a lot of work, that's pretty impressive! Not to mention maintaining proper tension on the frame working with a hundred stretchy t shirts, which idk came from somewhere who knows! Your repeating pattern looks very nice on a skirt that you did not make and was mass produced by some Vietnamese person getting paid pennies so that ~50 gay people on the internet could pay for international shipping for a design you “made”. Wow that mug is awesome didn’t know you got into sublimation printing! And have a cylindrical heat press to be able to do not just mugs, but tumblers too! Woah your sublimation set up can do bed sheets (any size)? And shower curtains? And three different shapes of throw pillow stuffed with poly fill, which will never decompose and isn't comfortable to begin with?
Your poorly digitized vector art looks lovely as an enamel pin now that someone else (Who? More like who cares!) cleaned it up for you and then created moulds for and maybe even hand injected the enamel into only for you to sell maybe seven or eight of them. Aw damn your design got ripped off? Who could have guessed that with the distribution power of an entire manufacturing plafffnt that has hundreds, if not thousands of moulds sitting around that they might have used your mould to make themselves a profit for a change! Those money grubbing Chinese bastards! After all, you were there every step of the way, casting the negative of the mould, running the injection of liquid metal into that mould, mixing each color of enamel, and precisely filling each segment of the design, which you refused to simplify! You just can't compromise with art.
Ohhh I see they’re made to order so its more sustainable. So this factory (Guatemala? India? The Philippines? Pakistan? Could you point to it on a map? They just don't teach you this stuff in school!) Anyways this factory in some poor country has to keep your design on file, oh and for your enamel pins they have to keep the mould too! Ahh right but it’s sustainable, because it's a limited run. You’re the 100th person this week to place an order, and they're only printing 50 of your design, you should complain to the manufacturer about how slow your orders are being filled.
I love supporting small businesses - it’s just you after all! With all the hard work you’ve put into fiddling around in procreate who has time to figure out material acquisition, and production runs, and printer calibration, and inventory management, and machine maintenance, and payment processing, and international shipping, and packaging, and
#eaii#accidentally clicked on someones redbubble and they call it that because i started seeing red#i'm so fucking sick of this shit#look i think its great that people have more avenues to sell their art#but idk i feel like i'm crazy for thinking that should actually involve MAKING the art that they sell#the upfront investment is prohibitive I get it#but then connect with someone#preferably who lives on the same continent as you#to produce it locally#and like. a printer capable of printing nice stickers and posters is not like heavy duty machinery#again#expensive - sure#but i can almost guarantee that someone living in your city has a wide format printer they'd be willing to let you use#i make custom embroidered patches#im in the middle of building my own embroidery machine. obviously you do not have to do this#the machines that i use currently i borrow time on from someone else#'where do you get cute packaging?' i have brown paper envelopes that i decorate with washi tape and stamps which people seem to like#'how do you calculate shipping?' i don't usps does that for me#'what happens if an order gets lost?' it sucks and is inconvenient but i send them another one or refund their choice#'where do you get materials?' scrap fabric almost 100% of the time unless its a very custom order i spend very little on materials#i'm not asking anyone to reinvent payment services or whatever like if you want to use your neighbors printer and then sell those on etsy#great! thats what i do!#(and also fuck etsy - for different reasons)#but if you outsource the actual labor of producing the good that you are selling to easily exploitable people on the other side of the worl#im judging you. hard.
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tsukiyo-7 · 3 months
Why do you ship wincest?
Don't you ever stop and think maybe it's a little weird to ship two brothers?
Just curious tbh, I really don't get it
Hello there!
I'm just gonna assume this is in good faith because it's better for us both this way.
The why is more or less the same anyone else involved in shipping might give you about their otp or whatever ship they might enjoy; I'm besotted with their dynamic, their interections, the touches and lingering glances, the said AND unsaid. I genuinely don't have the time right now to launch myself in an essay about all the reasons why I think they're crazy for each other, in every sense of the word, nor I think it is exactly what you're looking for, but if you scroll down a little on my blog you will most likely find a comprehensive list of canon moments that might point you to the right direction, if you so feel inclined.
As for the second question. Honestly? No, I don't.
To me, it's literal another fictional thing I enjoy among the countless other. Like, I'm totally aware that from an outside point of view and a surface level it appears fucked up, because that's a kneejerk reaction to the things that make us uncomfortable and, I mean this in the most neutral and non-judgemental way possible, you have to develop a certain level of analisis and disposition to overcome it; just like to some it appears fucked up that I enjoy horror stories or idk, that I can quote all 4 Twilight movies by heart lol. Damn, to some it's fucked up that I even listen to metal, so really, how stressed should I be about what it looks like from the outside? ("It" being my whole scope of interests apparently, depending who you ask).
The whole issues boils down to the fact that it's all not real. I know it's not real, my homies know it's not real, the existence of the ship and me liking it doesn't actually harm anyone, so why worry? I won't suddenly turn into an abuse apologist or whatever people might think because of a ship, because I'm a whole person with critical thinking and a fully developed moral compass that in no way cross paths with whatever is the subject of my bedtime story of the day; and if that was the case then it still wouldn't be the fiction fault but mine, or maybe, at most, of the people who raised me.
If you don't like horror don't watch it, if you don't like metal don't listen to it, if you don't like wincest block me. It's that simple.
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7ringzsidetoside · 6 months
okay ik a lot of people were perfectly fine with white dying and everything, and i would've been as well if his character was written better. He is literally placed in this series for the sole purpose of an nc scene and tee's boyfriend. Also keep in mind the nc scene was SO unnecessary AND he was super underage. Like i would've been kinda okay if it was important to the plot (him kissing his neck and rashes appearing there, etc.), but it had NO importance at all. like boc seriously?
anyways, idk if i read into this wrong (i'm lowkey having trouble interpreting all the symbolism the shows throwing at us), but i think the point for this is that tee sees non in white.
which like... first off the only similarity i see is their "innocence" (besides both of them being adorbs) but then again that's not rly true cuz clearly non relies heavily on sex to feel wanted and white literally is hanging out with a fucking thug ass group 24/7. now if it's innocence in terms of like being aware of the type of people around them and shit, i feel like white was pretty aware of everything.
I honestly think it would make more sense if tee was scared that the things he's done to non would impact white. (again i don't know if that was the actual meaning, i suck at symbolism ngl)
But also, i was even more disappointed because i remember in an interview fuaiz was talking about how he was perfect for the character of white, and literally no one could imagine anyone else doing it. Like don't get me wrong, he played it REALLY well, but white's character is SUPER different from how he is in real life. Like even in hidden character, he admitted to getting involved with the wrong crowds and everything. So i was expecting white to be a two-faced bitch who was like also involved with illegal shit but we got a literal angel of a person who's entire existence was used as a punishment for someone else. Atp, anyone "cute looking" could've played the role of white as there was literally no plot besides that.
i just also think that the fact everyone got so worried at barcode having that scene with jjay is incredible double standards. barcode was around fuaiz's age in kp and had incredibly tame scenes for someone with a canon partner (as it should be). Be on cloud threw fuaiz (an actual actor with actual acting experience) into a role with zero character and a shower half-naked with someone 6 years older than him.
honestly, i rly need someone to write fics about white having a character besides being the clueless bf, or else i'm actually gonna go crazy. T-T All i hope is that bro gets some good roles in the future
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elbiotipo · 9 months
(sorry for long ask) I always felt that they could've used the civil war as an excuse for why there are a lot of bandits (but not in the way they do now - aka less guards/cops means more criminals). Have soldiers/deserters be a major raiding force, due to not getting paid, poor discipline or the nature of being an occupying force. There could still be other types, but it would break up the fur clad bandit monotany and get you invested in the war without doing the questline.
Also I feel like generic bandits are most often used when an area is cleared out of its more unique inhabitants (even bandits who at least talk or have a leader) but the game wants enemies in case you come back for another quest. Which I think speaks to a level/quest design issue but thats another topic. I feel like indtead of bandits, nature or undead enemies would make more sense. Or have it reinhabited by non hostile npcs.
As for yielding, its crazy how it only appliesnto yourself (with guards) and a few npcs, but its usually scripted so killing them is impossible (they become essential) or illegal (fistfights), otherwise its just a weird animation that happens.
I feel like they could have it at least where if most of bandit group is dead, those hurt can do the yield mechanic and then you sheathe your weapon, and they leave or give you something idk.
Those are great points! I think one big issue with bandits in Skyrim is, as other pointed out, they're randomly generated. If every band was generated for a determined "dungeon", with different motivations and different ways to deal with them that don't involve just killing everyone, it would make a lot more sense and be a lot more fun. In fact, you already see part of this. There are many bandit dungeons with their own special conversations and NPCs (there's one with a blind guy who's the anonymous leader father, and honestly you feel just so bad for him), so they could have tried, they COULD have made them unique. Personalized factions of enemies would bring so much life to the world. Disgraced bands of soldiers, mercenaries or adventurers (actually the source of much real life 'bandits'), petty thanes who steal from the poor, Khajiit caravans who faced discrimination and turned to crime, criminal families, pirates, there's lots you could do. That was sacrificed in the name of 'radiant quests' and it's something Bethesda has doubled down in their newer games.
I'm not saying that bandits should greet you with hugs and cuddles. I'm saying that, in an RPG, you should be given role-playing choices to deal with them in many ways. There is a lot in Skyrim about 'clever' heroes, but besides sneaking, there are little chances to use that cleverness. Meanwhile, have Fallout New Vegas. You can actually visit the bases of the 'bad' factions by many ways, even the Fiends which are the closest to generic post-apocalyptic bandits have leaders and you can talk to their leader, even if there's not much diplomacy to be done.
And the fact that yielding just straight up does not work is just terrible game design, it's an incomplete mechanic. It's crazy that it just happens and then they just get up and keep hitting you??? I wouldn't mind a 'knocked out' mechanic, which many simpler games seem to have. I wonder if it was something that was just ommitted or did poorly in playtesting. The unfortunate fact is that many gamers are very bloodthirsty and do attack fleeing or surrendering enemies. Being a strict roleplayer I don't enjoy that. I personally don't do many pacifist runs, but I want the things that I do make sense, I don't find any enjoyment in mowing down bandits dressed in fur and endless wolves. I'd much rather have strong or complicated fights tied to narrative.
(there are mods that fix the yielding 'mechanic' and add depth to virtually all of these aspects, but they're mods, so they aren't in the base game, and they work so-so)
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ca-suffit · 2 months
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It's always v funny when showmey0urfangs tries to reduce the show to "they're all monsters!" and "it's gothic romance!" and acts so unbothered by things when she's the one who has been burning this fandom to the ground most of all. If that wasn't trying to be morally superior to everyone then what do u call it? I post things in full context here and I can make arguments for everything I write. She's known for making Fandom PSAs of mostly black fans who were discussing the racial elements of the show, posting out of context screencaps from personal, untagged posts, and telling everyone to block them and hate on them bcuz of...shipping issues or w/e. U can find links to a few different things about her on this post.
It's always fucking crazy to me how these white fandom (a mindset, not a skin color) Anne Rice motherfuckers will always talk about these stories as if they have no familiarity with Anne Rice. I hate Anne Rice as a person but the only reason she's famous is bcuz she humanized vampires. Why can't her actual fans see this?? She gave vampires the ability to experience an existential crisis. She enhanced human emotions through them. *That* is the appeal of them. To keep wiping all of that away bcuz *actually* looking at themes of abuse and letting ppl explore them how they will is too much for u is childish. To say that discussion of things like rape--a theme *famously* part of the Vampire Chronicles throughout--is acting like the cops or w/e is....I'm sorry, she's middle aged??
I might not agree with all the takes she listed but it's not bcuz of a feeling of moral superiority that ppl talk about these things. A lot of it is ppl projecting their own traumas. Some of it's also racism. It's a lot of things but....not rly ever trying to be morally superior and calling everyone else perverts, where tf did u even get that??? It's been around here and there but it's *not* the prime reason ppl talk about this stuff. If my inbox is anything to go by, ppl also are looking for guidance on how to feel about these things bcuz they're not used to seeing complex characters and stories like this. These discussions should be allowed to happen without shame on either side jfc.
The show also incorporates racial discussions now too, something she also hates like hell even though she's a black woman. She uses her identity to tell ppl it's okay to not talk about race and then she uses her PSAs otherwise to try and publicly shame ppl even more about it. She kisses white fandom's ass and all of them think like this. This is the group most ppl flock to bcuz it takes no serious thought to involve urself in them. All they care about is shipping and never looking deeper than that, grouping together to bully everyone around them who doesn't think the same and then play victim v loudly to distract from the fact that it's always been *them* doing it. They've rly shut up since this account has been here and they haven't tried much of shit with me bcuz they don't have anything to say if it's not a personal attack. They can't argue their points like this ^ face to face bcuz they only know how to speak on their own platform.
Idk how u can be this old and reduce these stories to shipping only, getting mad at others who don't do that and trying to gatekeep the fandom bcuz of this, willingly opening up ppl younger than u to racist harassment, and continuing to make posts like this as if u can't easily be called out on *all* of it.
Calling the vampires "serial killers" is so fucking pointless when the real horror of them all doesn't even come from their vampirism. It's their trauma and their v human reactions to that and how they move around each other bcuz of it too. The show *requires* that u see them as more than vampires. The vampirism is a background noise. That is never their main struggle. This is just language used in an attempt to sound smart but ur not saying anything. It just makes u look even stupider tbh. Idek what the Twilight dig is about here bcuz even Twilight had abuse and racism issues in it that u could write essays on and ppl *did.* Like where tf have u been, how do u navigate the world at all idgi.
full post under the cut tw rape mentions
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lavenderpanic · 11 months
Your disclaimer does not mean anything when this is what you put in your writing:
Starvation is not a punishment in kink. Even someone who doesn’t know about kink knows that. Or isnt “educated” as you said. Food restriction and weight is not part of kink.
That is not what somnophilia is, because he did not consent.
Bucky was sixteen (underage) and Brock didn’t know. Is that his fault?
And the club let underage Bucky inside which is not how kink clubs work.
A quote from a chapter. “Bucky shrugs. “Technically an acronym, but sure. Honestly, Brock and I kind of do our own thing, so I really don’t know if either of us would call it that, but that’s… the general term, I suppose. I had this… this period of a few months, I guess, a few years ago, when I was super anxious and withdrawn and… I just wasn’t in a good headspace. I kinda felt attracted to the thought of dominance and submission and all that because it felt like a safe way to cope with my anxiety, and I met Brock at a club and… and it’s just been us since then. Nobody’s ever understood me like he does. A lot of people look at me like I’m crazy or weird, but Brock never thought that. It’s like… a balanced scale, kinda. He’s my counterweight, just as strong in the opposite direction.” This is not what kink is and it is not why poeple get into kink. This is false information and does not represent the community.
He has a safe word but Brock does not listen to it. Bucky should know that this is not how safe words work.
There are so many examples. You are corellating abuse and kink and that is dangerous for people who are actually in the community. Being abused does not excuse you.
I've been staring at this for like an hour and I just... like I'm genuinely at a loss for words. This is so incredibly weird. Like, I feel so weird right now, this is so creepy. I don't even think I know my fic well enough to pull fucking examples like this out of my ass why the fuck are you so weirdly obsessed??
Food restriction can 100% be a part of a TPE. Again, I've got weird and mixed-up feelings about it, but it isn't like... absurdly uncommon. But also, like... Bucky has anorexia. Brock knows this. Brock is abusing him. Brock is not like... conforming to BDSM rules or practices or whatever. I really don't know what you aren't understanding about this. I'm not saying that food restriction = abuse or what Brock is doing = a normal part of BDSM.
The fic is tagged "non-consensual somnophilia." It is not tagged "somnophilia." I don't even use that word in-text, I'm pretty sure. AGAIN, I feel weird about somnophilia, but if that's part of your dynamic and it's consensual WHATEVER IDCCCCC I'M OBVIOUSLY NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUUUUU.
Brock knows Bucky is underage before they do anything together sexually. He also coerces Bucky the first time they meet, regardless of his age. Yup, it's Brock's fault.
Clubs will let in people who are 18. This is a fact. Like I said in the fic, they mark that Bucky is <21 and can't drink. He has a fake ID which says he is 18.
That quote is actually inspired by my own experience, and I know I'm not the only person who felt that way. I don't claim to represent every person involved in the community. I never have. This is one person's story. You can't just make a blanket statement like "this isn't why people get into kink" because you're just fucking wrong.
Bucky knows this isn't how safewords work. He is abused and assaulted. He is being abused. He is being manipulated. You said you were older than me but your reading comprehension skills are like kindergarten level.
Nothing I have written is dangerous for any community (idk except maybe abusers?) and I have absolutely no clue why you would think so. I'm not claiming to represent an entire community. I am sharing my experience. I am writing one person's story. Fact of the matter is, there are many people involved in kink who take advantage of people who are new to kink because they can be so easy to manipulate and coerce and push past their boundaries. If you're saying I'm wrong, then you're either so fucking dumb I'm genuinely concerned for your wellbeing, or you're a predator or someone who excuses them. YOUUUU are the one sharing gross misinformation.
Go fuck yourself, genuinely. I'm blocking you and every other account you make and I'm not giving you my attention anymore. I have actual real-life problems and I really don't have the mental capacity at the moment to deal with shit like this. This is the one true safe space I still have in my life. I can't imagine how fucking miserable and alone you have to be to spend your fucking time making anonymous fucking accounts and antagonizing someone trying to bring awareness to victims of DV?? What the actual fuck is your deal? Go get a fucking job or volunteer or get a hobby you miserable piece of shit.
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spitefulfemme · 1 month
Hey, idk if my ask got received, just in case it didn't here's the thing again, have a great day
hey there, fellow lesbian here. Little rant up coming, about a few things on your blog. Please, please, read it all the way through and the article I linked before you call me a Nazi. (I may have German heritage, but we left to the US in the late 1890s, I'm German and Polish American, if you're curious) I put way too much thought into this.
So, I do really like your blog, and I like a lot of other blogs that kinda post the same stuff about Gaza and Israel every once in a while. I don't agree with what Israel is doing. It's abhorrent. But so is the hate *you* guys are spreading. Below: My thoughts and rant. (yeah I commented this like yesterday, but I wanted to make sure you and other could see it, so I shot in an ask.)
Uhm...guys...this isn't the answer. First statements: I'm not Jewish. I'm not Zionist. I'm not Muslim. Raised kinda Christian, like I'm baptized, my family rarely goes to church, and we are very open and affirming. (two pride flags in the sanctuary, open gay members, we do ceremonies, all that jazz)
However i think neither of them are right in the first place. Israel, yes, they're the aggressor. But the way the world has responded is shocking. I don't support Israel's actions. I don't support Palestine. But I scroll through these blogs and the amount of hate towards people who aren't directly involved in the conflict, from people it's lives are not going to affect is crazy! Comparing Zionism to Nazis??? Wtf??? I think y'all don't know what Zionism actually is.
This, is taken from annefrankhouse.com. (https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/are-all-jews-zionists/#:~:text=Zionism%20is%20about%20the%20pursuit,inhabitants%20of%20Israel%20are%20Jewish.)
"Many Palestinians and supporters of the Palestinian cause no longer distinguish between the words 'Jew', 'Israeli' and 'Zionist'. That is not correct. Most Jews do not live in Israel. Not every inhabitant of Israel is Jewish; there are also many non-Jews living in Israel. And not all Jewish Israelis are 'settlers' who want to conquer more and more Palestinian land. The vast majority of Jews believe that the State of Israel should continue to exist. But many Jews, both living in Israel and elsewhere, are in favour of a Palestinian state alongside Israel as a possible solution to the conflict. To cut a long story short: although many Jews identify with Zionism, there are still many different points of view. That is reason enough not to mix up the words 'Jew', 'Israelis' and 'Zionists'."
so, what is wrong with wanting to have a state, a free state, where your religion is respected and your culture is celebrated? Wouldn't anyone want that? Yes, Israel's done some bad shit, I ain't denying it. But that is NO reason to go full anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic. From reading your posts and such, I get the feeling some people don't know what they're getting into.
Also, stop. Stop calling them Nazis. As much as you may hate acknowledging this, this is how Holocaust denial starts. This is how more people, end up dead. So, before you 'pick a side', do your research. Know what that phrase you're chanting at protest actually means. (some of them mean kill all Jews) And know this; what is happening in Rafah and Gaza is wrong. What is happening around the world is wrong. But by only increasing the hate? You're making it worse. So, please try to voice your concerns and be open about your thoughts, without spreading more hate! Anti-Semitism is already a huge problem in the US. We don't need to be making it worse.
And for the people calling for the dissolution of Israel? Where tf are all those people gonna go? Cause you've made it clear you don't want them, so for many citizens, you'd be creating another massive Human Rights issue.
For the people calling Zionists Nazis? What the ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? I'm sorry, yes, terrible things are happening. But that does NOT, AND WILL NEVER give you the right to call them Nazis. Six million people. No. Just no. That's near as bad as denying the Holocaust happened.
And even if you're taking this from a strategic standpoint, the Israeli army is not using tactics and methods the the Nazis did. They're completely different. So please, I beg of you, think about what you're posting. Don't call people Nazis if they aren't fucking Neo Nazis.
I hope you actually read this. I hope you read the article I sent from annefrankhouse.org. And please, think about what I've said.
-a concerned Bleh-345.
you are right. no one should be called neo nazis if they aren't nazis. i apologize for the harm i've caused by spreading this narrative around. thank you for taking the time and writing this out. i haven't outright called the jewish people nazis but i will look into my blog and delete any reblogs that even feel like an anti-semitic post. it isn't activism by ignoring the harm caused by the holocaust while advocating for the palestinian people. it's ignorant, inconsiderate, and dumb, to put it bluntly. i am so very sorry for any negative feelings i've caused by my own negligence. (sorry if this seems half-assed, i hope it doesn't come off that way. i am so down to have a further conversation with you though if you'd like.)
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Only Friends Ep. 5 Thoughts
not even two minutes in and someone is trying to kill ray, its not looking good out here
nick interrupting the raysand handjob is so wild because sandnick knows that top cheated on mew and they know mew and ray are friends and theyre just not gonna say anything to ray, thats crazy
the raysand and topmew dates are so cute i just know this isn't gonna last
sidenote: that wasn't actually topmew being cute, it was forcebook. the only way i can keep myself sane is by pretending its just forcebook
sand dressed the way i want to dress im going insane he's my favorite kind of boy: guitar player, rock and indie fan, leather jackets, anger issues, homoerotic tension with men - if ray doesn't want him I'll keep him
top fixing mew's glasses 😭 he's too fine to be such a scumbag
mew's prescription is -5.00, he's just like me fr
am i tripping or is mew now hyperaware of every time top talks to another man because he thinks that they're all ex-hookups or top might hook up with them after? like what was that look when the server gave top the bill?
bostonnick in the pool just reminded me of that one kinnporsche pool scene im sorry i was hoping they would have sex in the pool
also -- diversity win! the lying backstabbing guy who is playing with your feelings and ruining his friendgroup believes in safe sex!
another thing that intrigues me: does boston even like his friends? cuz we've seen all four of them together and having fun, and they look to get along well if you ignore everything happening in the background, but individually? has boston hung out with or just simply had a normal convo with anyone? mew has with ray and cheum, and im starting to believe that boston hates mew for something that happened in the past or is really jealous, but does he hang out ray and cheum just one on one? because at this point it feels like the only person boston talks to is nick, which is.... idk I'm just so curious as to how the raymewbostoncheum friend group came to be
also the fact that he's not even interested in the hostel. the only people we've seen truly working on it are mew and cheum, mew possibly because if it fails he loses his place as top student, idk why but cheum is a business major so she probably has some vested interest in this project. i'm assuming ray is a buisness major because of his dad and even tho it's technically his project - as boston points out - i doubt he wants to work in that field
"I don't want to sleep around anymore. I want to have sex with someone I can talk to and be affectionate with" boston the word you are looking for is boyfriend. you want a boyfriend, and nick is right there (for some reason)
instead of being called only friends, this show should be called "getting cockblocked by all your friends" because this is getting ridiculous. first raysand, then raysand again, then bostonnick, and then raysand again
the way mew wants his friends to be in serious relationships is soo......cute, but also funny that he's over here rooting for his friends meanwhile he keeps top in a situationship like bestie look in the mirror
also i will chew on concrete if boston only dislikes mew because of top oh my god its never that serious over dick
ray please stop talking to that girl omg summer is too pretty to be involved in whatever the fuck you and your friends have going on, give her to me
that concert scene makes me miss brightwin idk
atp I'm gonna assume that every guy who looks at top has fucked him unless proven otherwise cuz this is getting ridiculous
ah fuck....mew has fallen for top..... but anyway this confirms mew is probs demiromantic and demisexual
not the debt collectors 😭 is it really a rich x poor storyline if there's no debt collectors?
sand's mom owns....the go go club....i'm.....oh my god thats why he was there in episode like 2
ray singing sand a love song for his birthday oh be still my beating heart
not mew calling boston to tell him that he's ready to have sex with top 😭 bestie i get that he's your friend with the most sexual experience and you dont want to tell ray cuz he had feelings for you but oh my god why did you tell ton??????
but also "I'm afraid if I don't have sex with Top he'll get bored of me" after seeing so many people check out Top that day.....Mew is finally at a point where he has romantic feelings for Top and its probably for the first time ever and he doesn't want to let him go so he'll have sex with him, he's so real honestly I relate to him a stupid amount
also...okay wait....so is the friendship between bostonmew one-sided or is top truly the reason why their friendship will crumble in the future? cuz mew calls boston about top for reassurance and boston reassures him for some reason....
out of context topmew is cute.....oh their break up is gonna be awful
their first time having sex was so sweet and tender but i know damn well this wont last
ray and his mommy issues back at it again
sand distracting ray from drinking more by sharing personal details about his life....oh......oh....
sand was named after the place his mom and dad had sex oh my god....
ray's mom 🤝 ray
suicidal and alcohol addicts
"Only Cockblocked By Your Friends" the series strikes again!!!
it just hit me that they're eating weed cookies.....
also... "sand, this isnt your usual stuff?" does this mean sand sold ton drugs before or....?
ray keeps saying he and sand aren't dating and its breaking both mine and sand's heart
bostonnick and raysand drinking and partying together doesnt sit right in my heart....somehow someone is gonna say something bad while high
"even if you really like ray, i doubt it would work out between you two" whelp there it is
boston for the love of god shut the fuck up so we can have happy raysand and topmew please stop telling everyone and their mother that ray is in love with mew so that he can move on oh my god please its only episode 5 i need some happy moments between the two couples a little longer please
why is ton airing out all of ray's dirty laundry why is he doing the things that he does he's so messy i love it
well......ray and boston are probably not friends anymore
boston is too fine to be acting like this
now that I'm thinking about it....were boston and ray ever friends or were they just in the same friend group? cuz back in like episode one he was the one who was supposed to take care of ray when he was drunk and didn't so, like....
that last scene with sandray is sad and all but I'm too distracted over the fact that they're sleeping without blankets covering them
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gemharvest · 3 months
I found you through your post about transfem BF, and to put first words first: THANK YOU. I was honestly looking for someone who shared the headcanon.
And relating to what her name would be, I imagine she would keep it as Boyfriend, mainly because the phrase "This is my boyfriend, Girlfriend, and I'm his girlfriend, Boyfriend," somehow came to my mind. Note that I don't headcanon GF as transmasc, it just popped up in my mind and I laughed my ass off.
HOLDING YOUR HANDS ANON I feel like I'm soooo alone with how prevalent transmasc BF is; I'm so glad there's other transfem truthers out there. She is so Girl to me it's crazy I'm kinda sad there isn't really a lot out there for her (I'm mostly thinking about my time perusing AO3 ship tags and being met with every fic involving a trans Boyf being transmasc and not transfem, though I do not, for a second, think the general fanart space/ whatever fairs much better).
I feel like people aren't giving her a good shot just cuz.. fans do have this weiirddd tendency to only do trans headcanons towards what the character already presents as in canon, this specific case being "oh well canonically Boyfriend is a Dude so my trans headcanon should make him a trans dude" and I'm not saying that's the only reason people will do that, but idk you end up in these spaces long enough and it's a trend you will pick up on. This is not to say I think it's Bad to have a transmasc Boyfriend headcanon, I just cannot see it personally beyond wanting to project transmasc experiences. Which is cool but idk I think she deserves estrogen. As a treat.
Idk I don't think there's a deep issue with this in Boyf's case (and I want to stress the fact that I do not hate transmasc BF nor look down on people who headcanon him as such) it's just kinda.. MAN I wish more people let her be a girl. Y'all are missing out this is so fun.
ANYWAYS LOL sorry if you can't tell I have been Stewing with thoughts and I never pass up the opportunity for a good ramble. As for her name, HONESTLY my first thought was also that I don't think she'd actually care enough about her name to want to change it. I do enjoy calling her Girlfriend2 for the giggle or also Joyfriend (someone in my replies also suggested Babefriend, which is honestly rlly cute even if I don't see myself using it for her) but if I am being real she tooootally seems like she'd be fine with sticking to Boyfriend and maybe even getting a chuckle out of it confusing people. It fits with me not rlly seeing her to be the type to transition to be hyper-feminine. The most I see her doing is growing out her hair + effects from going on E. I don't think she'd even care to voice train LOL. And the hair thing is solely because I think she'd look cute with this kinda hairstyle:
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(sorry for letting my interest in scene slip into this, it will happen again <3)
AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT THE WHOLE "This is my boyfriend, Girlfriend, and I'm his girlfriend, Boyfriend" LINE IS SO FUNNY. I don't see myself adopting a trans HC for Girlfriend but it would be worth it alone just for that. New headcanon dropped Girlfriend is still a cis girl but she lets Boyfriend refer to her as her boyfriend for the fun of it. Love wins.
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compacflt · 2 years
okay so something I love in what you've written is the running thematic element of how the "lack" of a character is treated as its own entity/character, not only with Goose--how he’s the “center of the universe” as you say--but also with Sarah. Idk if I just focused hard on Ice’s childhood/adolescence the entire time reading because I’m obsessed with how you wrote him, but the way there were bits and pieces thrown in about her as the story unfolded (Tom's pot-smoking era, the way they grew up so different but had a similar childhood, the unreturned letters and phone calls--also, Ice seeing Chorus Line on Broadway alone was so silly I loved it. Iceman Kazansky: pilot by day, musical theater fan by night. why was he so interested in fucking Chorus Line of all musicals.) but she never actually made an in-the-flesh appearance makes the entire fic, and Ice’s characterization, so dynamic and moving. Like Ice didn’t grow up as a sad little kid with no siblings and some evil overbearing Admiral father that turned him into a Navy-regulated cog in the machine; he had a sister (and grandmother?? A hipster Woodstock grandma?) who loved or at least cared for him a long long time ago, and her presence left a very visible mark (both emotionally and career-wise) on him no matter how “ice cold” he made himself. And in the very very beginning of WWGATTAI, he and Mav were bro-talking about their families and Ice was all like “grr I might as well not have a sister” because he’s secretly Popeye he was grouchy and young and Sarah had stopped talking to him, but then 9/11 happened and he kept trying to get in touch with her just to make sure she’s okay, and then they finally get to talk at the end of Debriefing and it's like...he's reached the top and he's become the person he's always wanted to become, but he's still the exact same. He wants his sister. He's “The Iceman" and can probably run the Navy on his own, but he’s also just someone’s little brother that used to smoke pot with all the other California hippies. He misses her but he can't talk about it.
Also, you didn't just shoehorn her into the story as a character that would be the Tom Kazansky Version of Carole-and-Goose (or as Ice's wife LMAO) and I loved how you gave her personal depth and a purpose/life outside the story while still adding to Ice's characterization through giving him another person to (a) care too much about and (b) shove into his closet of skeletons because the relationship he has with them is breaking some sort of federal regulation. I hope this all makes sense hahaha, but anyway I loved Sarah and how you treated her. It was so entertaining/heartbreaking to watch Ice wrestle with how the main three people he loves are his communist sister, a male romantic partner who is also a subordinate he bails out of sticky situations constantly, and the son of the man he was involved in the death of. crazy stuff.
ok this is so funny & I love this so much because… it wasn't really how I was thinking about it at the time & I'm so glad it comes across as much warmer than how I originally wrote it... okay like i could explain everything but muh “death of the author”…… eh fuck it okay. I’ll put it under a cut so you can choose not to watch me auto-fellate. another long post, sorry. 
so, on Sarah. 
I should start this post by saying straight off the bat that she’s literally just a self-insert for me, the author, as a leftist who lives in New York and would not give someone like Tom the time of day, so I could feel better morally/ethically about writing Top Gun fanfiction. So, there’s that. But she (just like everyone else in this fic) is just a tool to get across information about Ice and the story as a whole, and there’s a reason she was introduced in chapter one (two if you’re reading on AO3 i guess. no prologue, wtf is up with that AO3 you guys need to fix that). I wanted to convey a shitload of information at the start, especially because I was posting semi-weekly and wanted people to know what they were getting into because it’s a slow burn.
To summarize what happens in chapter one:
Goose is dead. 
Ice and Maverick kill some MiGskyites in addition to killing Goose and it cements some weird fucked-up hyperinterdependent relationship between them. 
No, this does not make them instantly friends. They are still fundamentally different people who dislike each other’s outlook on life.
Ice kills some more Soviets and becomes Maverick’s equal, though still not in rank/honor. 
Ice writes to his sister Sarah, who doesn’t answer. 
Ice hooks up with a girl, but finds that he can’t relate to her as much as he did before the experience of TOPGUN. Also, he can’t relate to women at all.
Ice tries to visit Sarah, and is rejected.
Ice sees A Chorus Line on Broadway by himself.
Ice and Maverick talk to each other as semi-equals, and Ice explains that his sister is a Commie who will never talk to him again. He also explains that he wants to get to the top because he thinks it will make him a good man, or that he can make the Navy better because he himself is a good man. Maverick says, yeah right bozo.
So we’re 5,000 words into a 90,000-word fic and already you know the following:
This entire story and everyone in it revolves around Goose’s death and who gets the blame for Goose’s death. 
Ice and Mav are brought together not because they like each other, but because the experience of killing both their friend and their enemies has made it impossible for anyone else on Earth to understand them to that same extent. From the first word, they're already both so fucked-up it really is each other or nobody.
This is gonna be a sloooow burn.
Ice and Mav might end up as superior and subordinate, but they are fundamentally equal ("you can be my wingman anytime/bullshit you can be mine"), and start out as equals. They are now directly responsible for the same amount of death.
Sarah is Ice’s sister, so Ice is definitely not getting married to a woman in this fic. Good news for everyone scared by the slow burn.
Ice had previously had fun with women, and still wants to marry a woman because it "follows all the rules," but after meeting Maverick/the whole TOPGUN experience he finds them annoying/unrelatable. He can’t relate to women at all and doesn't believe this woman when she tells him she loves him because he himself has never been in love with a woman. He is gay.
Ice sees A Chorus Line on Broadway by himself. He is gay. 
Sarah will not be in this fic, and Ice is a categorically lonely man who is isolated from anyone who could possibly help him talk about how he feels. 
Sarah is a Communist who rejected her military brother, not the other way around, so this is a leftist fic from a leftist perspective, but about conservative men whose conservative personal and political opinions will be repeatedly challenged by the end. This is not a pro-Navy story. 
As a corollary to that, the ship for Ice to “be a good man” has already sailed. He’s gonna try his best to be a good man—emphasis on man—throughout the story, but he’s already failed from the very first line. 
And Ice steadfastly and stubbornly refuses to be honest with us or himself about how he feels about any of the above.
So you basically have everything you need to understand the rest of the story. Now you (reader) and I (author) can meet each other in the middle on equal terms, and the real story can actually finally get started in the next chapter. It’s a lot of information. Which is why it’s not written very well and the pacing is fucked. 
But yeah I just used “Sarah” as an expository tool to help first-time readers understand the political lens of this fic from the get-go, so we don’t have to have a lot of hand-wringing when Ice becomes a war hero of the Persian Gulf War or anything like that (though in my a/n for chapter 5 i did admittedly do some hand-wringing. i gotta delete those a/ns). So, Sarah becomes kind of a weak stand-in for Ice’s political guilt. She’s only mentioned four times besides chapter one, i think—once when Ice is with “Laura” (he is still incredibly guilty about all the people he killed & feels like he let “Sarah” down); once with 9/11 (he still thinks about “Sarah” often enough that she’s the first thing he thinks of when the country has been attacked [still haven't decided if this is the real Sarah though]); once when he’s getting high with Maverick (he is constantly reminded by the brass of the ways in which he is not a good man); and once at the end of “Debriefing,” where they actually get to talk to each other—because he has finally “snapped out of it” and left the Navy.
This fic wasn’t meant to be my sorta-kinda-but-not-really-anti-military soapbox preaching, though, which is why Sarah’s hardly in it at all. It’s a D-plot. Maybe even an E-plot. All in service of the Icemav A-plot. That end scene has a couple different purposes, actually. The second is that Sarah, who at this point is pretty much just a stranger, becomes a receptacle for Ice to prove that he can finally be honest with himself and others about his relationship with Maverick. And…that’s pretty much it. I did do more with her in my Slider one-shot but i honestly dk if that’s getting posted at this point (ITS ROUGH) so im not gonna talk about it now. 
But—that was all Sarah as a symbol, which is very un-fun. Sarah as a character is kind of a blank slate, but how Ice thinks about her/misses her is not, as you said :) I’m wary of posting headcanons that are dependent on my fic, though I do have many, because I feel like that’s not really the point of headcanons… “compacflt!Ice-specific headcanons…” idk that seems a little self-aggrandizing even for me. But, yeah, I guess I would characterize my Ice’s childhood as not greeeaaat, because his dad apparently died in Vietnam when he was like eight and his mom apparently died in a car crash when he was twelve (which is why he’s such a good driver [ch 8 notwithstanding DO NOT DRIVE 120 ON I-5]), but also not, like, abusive or anything. Raised by his grandmother (in the Slider one-shot, which I might as well spoil for you since I’m feeling quite hopeless about it, Slider kinda helps Ice deal with her death in the second year they’re at the Academy together, and it’s how their friendship really starts) who might have been hippy-ish and encouraged him breaking the rules, but also he & his sister were very very impacted by the death of their father at war. This is getting kind of deep into it, and I’m just kinda making it up, but I think there was probably a lot of strife between him and Sarah when he was gearing up to go to the Academy/getting his recommendations etc., like actual arguments and screaming matches—yes, she’s disappointed in him, but more than anything she wants to keep him safe so he doesn’t die like their dad (relevant for ice/rooster later)—and he ended up losing her, so it made a deep, deep impression on how he handles (avoids) confrontation about serious stuff like this when he knows he's gonna lose… my ice has a confrontation issue, obviously. but so does canon. see him "apologizing" to maverick for goose's death in the movie for another example of this. bro is struggling.
But thats just me makin shit up so whatever.
But that’s me just makin shit up so whatever.
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stylecouncil · 3 months
Sorry I'm switching back to asks bc of the character limit.
I'm definitely intrigued by their early career, I've always imagined that actually living in Vegas would be simultaneously chaotic and mundane. I've also never fully unpacked the "he doesn't look a thing like Jesus" line despite being struck by it at the tender age of eleven. I used to work in an electronics store and Wonderful Wonderful felt like a godsend compared to a lot of the other new release slop that we had to play all the time. Oh and White Demon Love Song slaps. Now knowing Brandon Flowers was obsessed with Morrissey (makes sense, many such cases), I need to know if he was also a Cramps guy.
Lol, blur is a good example of something we don't agree on. I love a lot of their stuff (girls and boys included) but Damon is a prick. But like I agree that it just sounds that he was salty to be even considered in the same league as a "pop" guy which like. Grow up. Booo 🍅🍅🍅
you should listen to pressure machine! (and if you’d like to unpack more lyrics about men who definitely don’t look like jesus) I really think it’s their masterpiece. but also I feel like something like the desired effect from brandon’s solo career really hits the perfect pop high if you’re looking for that too. idk how he felt about the cramps (now I’m also curious) but I know he was briefly kind of involved in rockabilly stuff just because he worked at the gold coast where they would host a giant rockabilly convention and he was obsessed with boz boorer by extension of being a morrissey obsessive (the story about him stealing morrissey demos from his bag is crazy).
I just feel like when you scrape back the layers with blur there’s not really anything of substance there or to really sink your teeth into which is unfortunately my biggest issue with them. like I went through a brief period where I listened to everything and thought I was a fan but nothing stuck for me. also damon albarn being detestable in the most boring whiney of ways doesn’t help.
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rafasbiscuits · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @yoellglia and @shambolicchaos !! always appreciate being remembered, love you guys xoxo <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
6 works, and it's probably going to stay that way for quite some time 💀
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
25k+ . I'm a very lazy writer, and I just write short fics tbh, there's only one fic that has alot of words lmao
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Publicly published? Only Tennis RPF and Beta Squad (on Wattpad) but I've written alot of fics for many fandoms that I write just for me to read to satisfy my imaginations. I write alot of Twilight, football RPF, Avatar fandom (not the blue people), and Teen Wolf, there's really a lot. I've been writing since I was a child so like💀
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Say Yes To Heaven, Say Yes To Me (god I really need to change the name💀) but yeah, this fic's alright.
He Who Chases Two Rabbits, Catches None. AKA Chasing Rabbits fic. yes the name is long, yes it's not the most beautiful. But this quote is really just, similar to my fic. I actually got inspirations for my fic from this quote itself.
Everything is different. My first ever fic!!
If I'm on fire (you'll be made of ashes too). Lmao this is just me trolling the readers by writing plain angst🙈 but hey! Taylor Swift inspired song!!
Heaven's A Heartbreak Away. Ruru fic!! It's like the only fic that's not fedal lmao XD
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Ofc I do!! Even if the comment's just an emoji. I'll reply, I always do. I love commenting, and I love when my fics get commented on. It's really really sweet, and the long ones especially just makes me go 🥺 like aww, you thought so much about my fic!! how awesome is that?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest ending? I wouldn't call it angst for this one but it's definitely not a happy ending. Can I call it ending? Cause the story is kinda like description-ish and there's not alot of plot but it's Say Yes To Heaven, Say Yes To Me. Unrequited love and all that stuff. But there's one fic where it's supreme angst, no happiness in it. Which is why I don't think it's considered an ending cause hey. The whole plot is angst so like- yeaa
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's either Heaven's A Heartbreak Away or And time can't stop me (quite like you did) but I'm going with Heaven's A Heartbreak Away. It's just Casper and Holger facing their own personal struggles, in the end they found each other and BAM fall in love. happy. And this fic actually has the ending I'm most proud of, I think I slayed on the ending but that's just my opinion.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No? Not necessarily hate, just opinions. I never take it to heart. I am my biggest hater anyways, so I'm always ready for any comments. (All my fics suck and I suck and no one can convince me otherwise)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. Maybe never, or maybe not yet. I won't write a one shot smut, but maybe I'll include smut in the long fic, aka Rabbits fic, cause that fic is long and angsty and there might be some scenarios where smut should be involved. But idk how to write smut, I read them, I don't write them. Feels awkward.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! But not the ones I publish, and it's never that crazy anyways. I had a fic between Shadowhunters fandom (Malec obv) and Harry Potter, with the Harry Potter AU, but every fandom has a Harry Potter AU so it's not crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, no. My writing isn't actually Shakespearean level for it to be stolen. It's just....fanfiction💀
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Fedal!!!! Obviously, obviously. Their whole relationship irl is a masterpiece in itself, they're a piece of art just waiting to be looked upon and researched and just. They're the best. They're a walking fanfiction, they have the most beautiful concept and I love that they're actually real. FEDAL 🔛🔝. With a side of Cherik, Satosugu, Malec (also one of my oldest, iconicest, bestest, favourite ship ever. They're so sweet)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm scared to say that this WIP might just be my Rabbits fic. I have this thing with consistency, and I can't keep my head straight and focused. But for now, that's not one of my WIPs (yet).
I have this Malec WIP, it's Harry Potter AU, and I really love it. I've written the plots and the process and wrote the ending, but I can't seem to bring myself to write the actual fic. It's a mystery-ish, action packed, romance with a side of dystopian too. And that fic is my baby, but I doubt I would continue it, despite being my favourite.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Idk, probably descriptive? Like, descriptions. I've received some comments in the past (during my Wattpad days) that I can make my readers clearly imagine what I'm writing and what they're reading and that my writing can be quite detailed. That was back in my days when I was just a child, I don't know about now cause I have a diff writing style now I think. I don't know, I don't really have anything extra on my writing, it's just plain fanfiction.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Consistency. I'm actually having difficulties rn with continuing the third chapter of my He Who Chases Two Rabbits, Catches None because I think my writing style has changed COMPLETELY. and I'm trying my best to get it back from the first two chapters, but I don't know how I wrote in that style. My writing style keeps changing, sometimes there's too much dialouge, sometimes there's no need for them. And sometimes it's just alot of descripting, and at times it's just alot of random things put in. Idk😭 and along with lack of consistency, there's also a side of procrastination. Fantastic. What a way to ruin a writer's writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
What does this mean? I don't get it. But hey, yeah, it's cool. I think. I've read a few fics that has diff languages in their dialogue and they're top notch. Probably too complicated for me, cause for me if it's another language I just write in diff font but everyone has their own style. I'm fine with it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
if it's published then it's Tennis RPF. But if it's not then I think..my first is definitely Twilight.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
All my fics are shit, I don't like any of them and if there isn't alot of reads and comments already I would delete them all. BUT despite the fact that I absolutely hate all my fics (I'm a person filled with hatred, I hate all of my art pieces too) I do have some fics that I hate on less.
It's definitely either one of the fics on my Of Paradise and Vicissitudes series. The first part, Say Yes To Heaven. I think it's a good start for the series, It's alright. And the second part, which is the Chasing Rabbits fic. It's, I put alot of thought and effort into the fic. Its a fic I really invest alot of my time on. The fic is a bit precious to me. I really want to see the fic end the way I pictured it, but it's a bit hard for me to continue and keep going. Hopefully this is just for a short time. Once I'm done with exams, I'm planning to get back on track and start writing the third chapter.
Idk. Who should I tag? I think everyone's been tagged already but let's go with @schumi-nadal @soronya @babygirlrafa @dillo-alla-luna and IDK- how many of u guys are fanfic writers??
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year
a pleasing series of numbers above. i'm chilling and listening to kreayshawn.
recently i saw a guy say kreayshawn is like super embarrassing. that's so lame, she's so dope to me. that guy just can't #gohard i guess. it was just funny seeing him articulate that, it's really an opinion that can't actually bother me that much cuz it's like, whatever.
i did 3 songs today. not 5 but today was heavy on trying to improve guitar sounds in one song, and 2 songs that basically sound good already i think, just getting them a bit clearer. so that's like, 21/25, i think. i don't know if i'll finish up by tomorrow or slow a bit, i shouldn't introduce that possibility but these upcoming songs are definitely the ones which are the most different, i think, but they might also need a ton of work because they aren't intensive on a sound that's complex like the guitar synths, which still elude me somewhat when it comes to getting riffs that sound like, idk, orchid/jerome's dream and so on out. i think some of the older super fucked up high gain ones might be good but they have a feeling of cheapness, i could possibly get them more articulate with all that distortion still with these new mixing tools though, and get them sparkling right. the sounds i'm going after are cheap anyways, or are pretty simple as far as getting them from a guitar (a lot of these guys had amp distortion only i think) so it's just about getting things to not sound, i dunno, wrong is the only way to put it. i could go do that, maybe, but i have brian eno on now (third uncle).
last night i did go look at stuff on flickr, not too much for collages but some funny photos of people.
i need to find more photos people took of awful maggots and grubs and things.
other news is that i'm thinking about the youtube trend, not trend, it's i guess taken its place as a genre, fully, the videos of people basically discussing lolcows and just any person really, explaining everything to you, everything wrong they did and how crazy they went and how funny (in some cases) the tragedy of someone basically reaching a point in their life that they will never be okay again is, and how these get millions of views. the people who make these videos are basically in the grip of this terrible need to always say that they're just being neutral and not trying to peddle any ideology, theirs or any other, just trying to present the story. they keep a tight mouth about what they do believe, but i get distinct senses about where they are. it's basically terrifying to me that this stuff reaches huge amounts of people and that sort of blindness to what ideology even is, how it works, and how it is spread. the idea that you can be without ideology/that you aren't complicit in its spread (especially in that sphere) is basically part of the ideology, a reactionary turn against the idea of thinking about why you want to tell a story in the first place, what that person's life is being made to mean by the telling of the story (almost always these people are examples of what should elicit total disgust, people fashioned into caricatures through harassment and so on, or people discovered for the purposes of carrying around and saying: be aware, we share our world with this, be vigilant and attack). the fear of being taken as saying anything, adherence to an outward friendliness and simply being someone who wants to tell 'strange' stories about people who only just happen to represent some kind of failure to the vast majority of everyone on earth, and told from the position of not being involved, a real outsider passing on something that resembles a folk-legend of some terrible figure, it's weird. i am basically lying in wait/terror of the reactionary turn among the people younger than me obsessed with that kind of shit, when it becomes evident to them that these things were saying something, and that they think it's good.
plenty of nazis will tell you how important 'lolcow' culture is to them.
anyways, an ugly topic to be certain, but it's weird to see how popular that shit is on yt. i should think it over more, there's probably more to it, how the videos are structured/edited. there's potential for a more whole kind of analysis of this. but it's an evolution of the classical kind of sideshow horror thing.
maybe i am just overthinking it on some level though. surely not even 10% of these people are going to internalize this in a violent way. just the normal way where they find some people gently disgusting and keep it hemmed in, behind their lips forever.
this stuff really shouldn't matter.
it's crazy how many people are into this stuff though. i wonder if i count, i used to read about all this as a kid on ed. after a certain point i quit giving a shit.
i like regular gossip, about people i know, in real life.
it's crazy to hear, from gossip, about people who are really quite awful, and evil, and then you see them, regular as anything else, and knowing that they did something unforgivable, and that they don't care at all.
i'm just going to listen to jerome's dream and think about guitars instead of continuing these trains of thought. i'm sure they will return. everything comes back in my head.
ohwell oh well.
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kingofdinosaurs · 1 year
3 6 8 9 12 14 24
feel free to answer however many of em you want for any media you're into (that I actually know)
Tumblr media
sorry, unrelated, I just found out they let you DM people images now? What the fuck?
no yeah you can send people images now it rocks thank you for the bridge. going through all of them because im airport bored
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ok well the worst one EVER was someone saying they thought potemkin should have died in xrd IN THE TAG which was. fucking rude and also totally stupid. honourable mention to that time so long ago i barely remember how it happened when i saw a pokespe fan assert that "wally could never have done what emerald did!" hey why do you think that. when wally was literally in the oras version of the battle frontier (I know oras was out because that's how i was a fan of wally. is it because he's disabled. i want you to fucking say it.
6. already answered!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
hmm... idk if it's even a common thing anymore because i avoid it like the plague but if i ever have to see "the knight doesn't have a mind or will" arguments again I'll like find whoever started it and put them in a jigsaw trap fuck you fuck you fuck you did you even play the game??? the delicate flower quest alone should be enough to prove you wrong. if the knight can't have its own agenda why the fuck would it go out of its way to do this small unnecessary kindness? also the narrative itself doesn't make sense if you assume the pale king is right about the knight, both in terms of "what was the fucking point then?" and because of the fucking. REASON THE KNIGHT CAME BACK TO HALLOWNEST. BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO HELP THEIR SIBLING. idk if this one is even common anymore but it was frustratingly common back in the day
9. worst part of canon
for persona there's so many choices i feel paralysed, as with blazblue, so I'll go with a wild card: dead cells! anyway anytime when someone acts like the beheaded is just cut and dry easy peasy The King like it can not be that fucking simple that's fucking stupid. he's literally the ship of theseus but a slime piloting around a headless corpse. like at this point you're just giving annoying youtubers ways to be more annoying quit itttttt
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
SYSTEMMMM i love system so fucking much I'm crazy about her. nobody gives a fuck about her because she's a relatively easy boss in a fighting game many people do not like (a crossover, no less!). but she fucking rocks so hard!!! she's so funny in every scene she's in, i really appreciate that about her. she's kind of like queen from deltarune if that helps anyone. it's not even hard to go watch like cross tag story mode it is literally all on youtube everyone who hasn't go meet her! she deserves some attention!
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
actually i can't lie i just like don't have it in me to trawl the fanfic mines anymore so idk what they're doing right now like it is No Longer my problem
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
oh god i have no clue. i don't get involved in arguments like this anymore for my health so i have no clue
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
My problematic headcanons? Well in that fandom I really don't know what hc count as problematic or not
But I hc Chihiro as both trans and bigender spectrum so I enjoy the discourse surrounding around it because idk it sounds fun.
And yeah, they forget that game is from Japan and their gender norms and identity revolving around gender is different than we have.
Quite nsfwish but I hc Taka as a top leaning switch yeah this is not even a problematic hc but when I see people tear eachother down for simple hc, I like to include that too
And I believe Gonta would identify as X gender if they have the knowleadge about it (x gender is ig an umbrella for genderqueer identities in Japan)
And I like the hc Gundam have skin picking disorder and his bandages comes from it, well i believe he would do that because of the way he can't healthily manage his emotions when he was a bit isolated one. Or maybe a harmful stimming behaviour, idk really know
(idk what pronouns you prefer for Chi, so I just used my own HC of she/her for this.)
Honestly, Chihiro has such a complex about others looking down on her for being weak, you could argue that any gender makes sense with canon because she simply hasn't thought about it enough.
Also, in the context of a killing game, physical strength means nothing if you have the sense to carry around a weapon. Even if you weigh a hundred pounds soaking wet, nobody will fuck with you if they know you've got a knife. Also, they won't attack anyone they percive as crazy, like Syo or Nagito.
My take about the chapter is that none of the tropes involved were transphobic (the existence of GNC characters isn't transphobic), but comments made by the characters were really squicky and not to my tastes. Since I can't play the game in original Japanese, I'm hoping Sakura's "this girl is actually a boy!" is a mistranslation. I also feel like the fact Kyoko does the same thing to Hifumi that she does with Chihiro makes it less bad.
In a perfect world, I'd also like "maybe we should still treat Chihiro how they were currently presenting, since we don't know if they wanted to live life as male after the secrets were released and might be training as self-defense" but since lives were on the line it makes sense they weren't thinking.
(context: I'm ace and will read smut, but won't read PWP works. It needs to be attached to dead dove or a longfic for me to get invested. Also porn with feelings best tag)
I headcanon all of my faves as tops simply to avoid the weird characterization that comes with them being bottoms. Its like if people took what kind of bunk bed you preferred and based your entire perceived personality based off it and as someone who has a normal bed, I just don't get it.
Yeah, Gonta in canon is so performative about masculinity, in a way that I don't think came solely from them being in the woods. I feel like in their mind, Gonta conflates fitting gender roles with approval from their family, which can't be healthy long term. Also, in Gonta's mind gentleman is "someone that can help others perfectly, even if they don't want to be helped" and if that isn't met they're failing. Even if his version of Masculinity isn't obviously toxic, its still Toxic for Gonta specifically.
Yeah, Gundam probably has a host of unhealthy coping mechanisms. It makes sense for his character, since its revealed he'll hide in the nurse's office to avoid having to be in loud physical situations. I like to belive that Sonia and/or Mikan help him move past them.
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shakapuffin · 2 years
Review of Alert 1x09 “Brianna” and 1x10 “Max
okay everyone… we made it! it’s been about 8 weeks but we got through all of season 1, 10 episodes, of Alert! Here are my opinions from last nights 2 hour season/series(?) finale! this might be a long one btw! if you haven’t seen the last episode then i’d skip this review. Spoilers ahead!
- okay so to start off we got the Brianna case, honestly, i thought it was kinda weird. like it was realistic up to a certain point, i mean ya there are crazy people out there but still. that whole thing was just a bit far-fetched for me, the wife wanting to kill brianna, like come on! i thought mike took an interesting lead in this case since Nikki and Jason were tied up with the keith case.
- i gotta say ever since the last episode where we found out that the body in the lake wasn’t “keith” i was pretty sure they were gonna go along with keith actually being keith. obviously, i had hoped for the opposite and that’s exactly what we got! in 1x09 i really believed keith for a while, his case made sense, mostly except for a few questions here and there. i think i knew something was up when the rest of the boys that Beth kidnapped were homeless, it wouldn’t make sense for keith to be kidnapped by her. i’ll give the show that, i was surprised they actually went through and decided to not have keith be keith, i feel like we all knew it in the back of our minds, but i’m happy the show didn’t play safe.
- mike was right about nikki and jason getting in trouble or having the case put on the back burner because of their personal involvement and honestly if everything worked out, that could’ve cost them the case. but then when nikki gets taken, mike tells jason to use any means necessary. so where does mike lie? he seems to bend the rules for himself/the people he cares about but not for others. interesting character flaw that should be delved into more.
-I wasn't a huge fan when Nikki got kidnapped. Like what did that add to the story, ya the main character just got taken, it'll bring in more views but that whole plot line added nothing. Mistake me if I'm wrong but max could've gotten out on his own without Nikki but he just didn't? she literally was instructing him on how to escape from a few feet away, she did nothing. Also Nikki could've very easily escaped after max left, she didn't have to stay to check on Beth's dead son, didn't she already know that he was dead? correct me if I'm wrong tho, I might be misremembering. idk it was just a bit too extra for me but it was a good way for the show to bring in views,
- I feel like there was too much happening in the last 10-20 mins. First of all, Keith got taken again! have they learned nothing! I mean ya, the biological mom probably would've kidnapped him someday anyway. Also, at first, I thought he was just getting kidnapped again but that would be too perfect. Did anyone else notice that there was no amber alert for Keith when he got kidnapped that second time? A bit odd, they had the incense plate, they easily could've put some sort of alert out there. the whole entire missing persons unit was in that house.
-how did everyone feel about the very ending with Keith actually being Lucas and faking the whole time? Like, I feel like we all knew that wasn't the real Keith but it all happened too fast. I wanted a bit longer with that, also how did he get away from the bio mother for so long without her calling the police on him or just forcibly going in and telling Nikki and Jason the truth?
-I do like how we now know that Keith isn't actually Keith. It just wouldn't make any sense if they left it as it was in the previous episode with Keith being their son. However, I didn't like how they just killed him, I feel like if they left him alive, there could've been much more conflict as well as possible storylines for next season (if they get renewed). maybe they could've dealt with him in their lives to get away from the abuse from his birth mother or just go more into depth on everything. I feel like it was just a cop-out on actually going deeper into that situation. they just killed him instead. I will say, I liked how they showed all of the pieces being put together by Lucas while he was living with Nikki and Jason and how he became Keith. idk, how do you all feel about it?
-I actually liked the pacing of the finale until the very end. That being said, we got nothing! Nothing! There was no long tender moment that really went into depth on how Nikki and Jason felt, ya we got that scene on the couch but come on, I thought they were gonna get back together for sure, that doesn't count. I wanted a scene where they just talked; the kid who they thought was their son not only revealed that he has been lying to them for months but also just died in front of them and nothing?! no dramatic reaction!? at least Nikki shed some tears but absolutely nothing after that. but really Jason? nothing? this is one of the main problems with this show, it lacks tender, slow, quiet moments that the audience desperately needs. we need to see and experience scenes with an emotional impact. We also needed a closure scene, not with the whole team, but with Nikki and Jason who seemed completely fine after the entire incident and even moved on? also, it basically just confirmed that their real son is dead at the bottom of the lake and we don't know how they feel about it. idk that just didn't sit right with me, I wanted more at the end! more real-life emotions please.
-poor Sidney... poor poor Sidney. she tried telling her parents so many times, but her feelings were put to the side. there wasn't even an apology from Jason nor Nikki. I didn't like how she had maybe 10 lines in the whole 2 hour finale, that was her supposed brother, she deserved to be heard or have some sort of emotional reaction. I felt bad for Fivel Stewart. Nothing for nor from her, I bet she wanted more character development but we got nada. We don't even know how she feels that he died! She lived across the hall from that kid for weeks if not months and she's supposedly fine by the end of the episode. they messed up her storyline.
-that season finale felt an awful lot like a series finale to me. did anyone else feel that way? most, if not all, of the storylines were closed by the end of the season. there are a few stragglers like June (what the actual hell happened to her? did she fall off the face of the earth because there hasn't even been one freaking mention about her! is she still alive? what?), and kemi's whole kidnapping/father storyline (which I'll assume they'll happily dive into if there's another season). but idk it almost feels like a miniseries, there was no cliffhanger at the end like most other tv shows. that doesn't bring much hope for a season 2, sorry to say. and then to have a 2 hour season finale might be a send-off for good, idk? like I've never seen a tv show season finale with this many finished storylines when they're supposedly hoping for another season. the viewers/ratings weren't horrible for Fox but compared to the rest of television on Monday nights, it's not very impressive, but then again it's Fox. I read that the finale got around 2.4 million viewers which is high for this show, but less than the premiere, it was better than how it performed week to week tho.
-I guess we'll have to see if there's another season. a part of me hopes there's another season and a part of me doesn't want one. I want to see Scott on my television every week, I felt so spoiled watching Scott on tv every week again since we haven't seen him in so long. But then again, the entire show itself is just bad... sorry it's just bad; the writing, and some of the acting most notably. I really want to see Scott in something good that has creative value and integrity because he's so much better than this show. after reading a lot of the reviews, I determined that most people tuned in and stayed for Scott, they thought he was the best thing about the show, which I agree with. That being said, a lot of hard work from not only the actors but also from all of the behind-the-scenes crew was put into this show.
anyways, I've rambled on long enough lol! those are my opinions about the finale. here's a little recap; I'm happy it ended with Keith not being Keith but I didn't like the Lucas death, it would've been interesting with him still in the mix. Good pacing until the end, we needed tender emotional moments. I give it a B-, maybe a B if I'm feeling generous lol!
Well, it's been an interesting 8 weeks, to say the least, sad to not be reviewing episodes anymore... what will I rant about now? haha. maybe we'll get a season 2, maybe not? I hate to say but hopefully not. we'll find out at the Fox upfronts in May.
let me know what y'all think, I'm really interested to see if people liked the ending and what they would change about it. Until next time...
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