#but i'm tired so forgive my garbage writing
angie-long-legs · 3 months
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whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick 10 songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse!
Kill V. Maim by Grimes
I got in a fight, I was indisposed, I was in despite all the wicked prose, but I'm only a man, and I do what I can [...] B-E-H-A-V-E, arrest us! Italiana mobster looking so precious, B-E-H-A-V-E, never more, you gave up being good when you declared a state of war! I don't behave, I don't behave, oh eh, are you going to the party? Are you going to the show? [...] Oh, the fire hurts alright... the people touch it, I can't touch it, even though it's mine
Butterflies... by Slayyyter
Crystal blue in my head, butterflies, now all dead. Tears for you, crack the whip, heart in two (heart in two), in your bed... Candy hearts in my eyes, you brought me back to life, star crossed love in the nighttime, then you pushed me aside again (Ow!)... I feel sick 'bout the things you put me through, once again I'm not holdin' out for you, I won't watch, now your life is invisible, what the fuck ever made you so miserable?
Born Slippy (Nuxx) by Underworld
Drive boy, dive boy, dirty numb angel boy, in the doorway boy, she was a lipstick boy, she was a beautiful boy, and tears boy, and all in your inner space boy, you had hand girls boy and steel boy, you had chemicals boy, I've grown so close to you [...] Let your feelings slip boy, but never your mask boy
Circus by Britney Spears
There's only two types of people in the world, the ones that entertain and the ones that observe... well, I'm a put-on-a-show kinda girl [...] I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins, spotlight on me and I'm ready to break, I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage, better be ready, hope that you feel the same, all eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
Celebrity Skin by Hole
Oh, make me over, I'm all I wanna be, a walking study in demonology [...] No second billing 'cause you're a star now, oh, Cinderella, they aren't sluts like you... Beautiful garbage, beautiful dresses, can you stand up or will you just fall down? [...] When I wake up in my makeup, have you ever felt so used up as this? It's all so sugarless, hooker, waitress, model, actress, oh, just go nameless! Honeysuckle, she's full of poison, she obliterated everything she kissed, now she's fading somewhere in Hollywood, I'm glad I came here with your pound of flesh... You want a part of me? Well, I'm not selling cheap
Drunk Walk Home by Mitski
I will retire to the Salton Sea at the age of 23, for I'm starting to learn I may never be free, but though I may never be free, fuck you and your money, I'm tired of your money... And I sit on the curb 'cause it's the prettiest night, with no one else in sight... You know I wore this dress for you, these killer heels for you... See the dark, it moves with every breath of the breeze
Panic Attacks in Paradise by Ashnikko
Panic attacks in paradise, piña coladas, I'm terrified, I swear I'm not cryin', the sun's just bright, I'm havin' the best time of my life! Panic attacks in paradise, hyperventilating under candy skies, tellin' myself that this is fine, I'm havin' the best time of my life... It's a big joke, ha ha, I love laughin', it's a big hoax, your self-help happy, 'cause I'm okay, I'm pure propane on an open flame, watch me blow up
Addiction by Doja Cat
I am addicted (a little), under the influence (a little), and it makes me want to dance (a little), an itch I just can't scratch, addiction... I've got such a pretty body, looks prettier when I'm a mess, and I just like to call him daddy 'cause the first one he up and left, and you can relate to broken girls, I've been a day without it, I'm proud of myself, baby can you break the curse? I'm so gone I believe in magic
Judas by Lady Gaga
When he calls to me, I am ready, I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs, forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain, even after three times, he betrays me [...] I couldn't love a man so purely, even prophets forgave his goofy way, I've learned love is like a brick, you can build a house or sink a dead body [...] Ew! In the most Biblical sense, I am beyond repentance; fame hooker, prostitute, wench vomits her mind!
Bag of Bones by Mitski
I'm all used up, pretty boy, over and over again, my nail colors are wearing off... See my hands, pretty boy, what do they tell you? 'Cause I've looked down at them not knowing why, and after everything's done and I'm all undone, you can hear my high heels walking on, clickity-clacking through the night; I'm carrying my bag of bones [...] I know my room is a mess, over and over again I tell myself I'll clean tomorrow; just move the stuff up off the bed and do what you came here to do, but first open up a window for me and let the cool air in, feel the night slip in as it softly glides along your back, and I hope you leave right before the sun comes up so I can watch it alone
tagged by: @hazbinned tyty this was so much fun!!
tagging: @top-shelf-tender @arcanepactguile @sirserpentine
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sailorgoth · 10 months
I want to talk about some shit here… Okay, let's go. I'm angry with Anne Rice, deeply! I don't know if you are like me. But I have all of her books that were published in my country (except that Sleeping Beauty porn garbage because it's really bad) and here's the thing, Anne Rice writes well. Because she writes well, I'm referring to the way she uses her words, but at specific narrative points, she really irritates me.
I had read the chronicles when I was a teenager, around 12 or 15 years ago. So, I had a fond memory of the books, but I didn't really remember the plot, at the end of last year I decided to reread everything, and my god, there was so much bullshit…
Firstly, she has an addiction to all her books, and I'm not just talking about the chronicles, but about all of them… She simply doesn't believe in the fidelity of any human being, all couples are destroyed by a very cruel betrayal that hurts our souls as a reader. But that's ok, I can deal with this shit and at most I end up hating one of the characters in question and life goes on.
That's not my point (laughing nervously), but have you ever noticed how this woman simply didn't believe that gay men existed? There are simply no cis gay men in her works and don't give me that nonsense she used to say that "vampires are beings that transcend all shit" because she does that to all men, even those who aren't vampires.
And she sorts of divides men into two levels, the top and the bottom, and the bottom for her will always play the role of the fragile wife who accepts everything and forgives everything. While the top one, who is the complete man, will simply at some point cheat on his partner with a woman (he will cheat with men too, but she always cheats on a woman, she needed to make exist at least one >1<) and if you observe calmly, you will see that she is not doing this to build in him bisexuality, but rather to destroy the idea that gay men exist. Pay attention to what I say.
Wow, it's tiring.
I get irritated because she has so many talents, but through these narrative defects you can see all the prejudices she had and the distorted views of the world, and the worst thing is that she put these things in the books as if it were a great revolution, a great breaking taboos and prejudices, when in fact she is being just as prejudiced as the rest.
Ugh… I always think about this, whenever I open a new book by her or one I've already read to reread, it's always the same thing and it gets tiring. Anne was great, but she was also terrible and it irritates me that people just idolize her as if she was a perfect writer when she wasn't. Anyway, that's it. I spoke and I'm not feeling any easier, I'm still angry, but I said what I said…
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fridgrave · 2 years
Ok so, I know you're not the biggest fan of Ethan, and from what I can tell it's mainly stemmed from Rogue Nation and Fallout (mainly fallout, but if I'm wrong forgive me, I'd love to read more about your opinions they're really interesting).
What was first thing that made you dislike him, and do you have any thoughts on what Tom and McQ could (but won't) do to redeem Ethan in your eyes? What they could do to redeem anything that they've messed up in the movies they made?
(No problem f you don't care just thought it would be a good discussion)
wow that's a real question here 😳
and before I'll tell more about my dislike to ethan i must notice, what when i just came in this fandom two years and one month ago i loved ethan. i was a benthan stan, i made content with them (fics and art), and it was fun!
i was a 18 years old liberal girl with no idea how world is really working, i was much healthier mentally than now and my life was much easier. i had no need in everything — and i had no need to change my mind in such questions as "why countries can't be just friends so people like me would never die in different conflicts and wars". i can't say is that ignorance a bad or normal thing, it's up to you to decide, but I'm thinking all the people don't mind such things before it's touching them. we have too much other problems to think that globally while everything else is okay, but when it's bad you want to know why.
but I'm going too fast. even if my life was okay in 2020 i always had this... unifying theme in my art and other mind activities. it's inner potential. i always thought and still think what i'm nothing. i don't bring anything new or good in this world, so every character who became my blorbo got from me this inner conflict about this "changing the world" stuff — and yet me myself is not in my villain arc, all my blorbos are intended in good deeds as well (i like to think what i'm a good person, you know,,,). benji, whom i kinn A LOT, had this potential. he really is a guy who just wants everyone to be okay, he cares and tries his best, but he's not perfect as ethan and has some common sense. when i came in m:i fandom i knew what most of franchise audience sees benji as a comic relief while he's not worse than ethan, even more interesting sometimes — and much closer to a viewer because he makes mistakes. actually, benji is a viewer in some way, he helps to make movies more real and touching
i was... offended by it. i wanted benji to be in focus as he deserved, so i started to think: what did go wrong? my first thought was his conflict with solomon, what could be the best part of fallout and a great boost for this boring monotonous garbage, but in fact we had one dialog line between them and one unrealistic (but still stressful, not gonna lie) fight in the end. i wanted more. more tense between them, more of benji's trauma. i didn't ship them yet but i felt what this bond between them is more real and catching than between lane and ethan. why? because now i see what mc and cruise had no idea how to write a real fighter with a system. they make solomon a casual terrorist, what is a disappointment, because all his conflict with ethan now sucks as well. mccruises tried to make one type of an antagonist, but if you understand at least something in world-system theory (as real system fighter SHOULD understand) you would see what lane's deeds in rn do literally nothing to bring any changes. you could see more my thoughts about it in my recent fic "on the sleeve".
so, i started to think about benji and solomon and their conflict more, putting ethan on a background. i still liked him, but started to see that lanedunn dynamic what turned into other my fic i never finished (insp by the inheritance with simon)
and then, at summer of 2021 me and my bestie grisha came up with idea what trembled me a lot: after solomon the best antagonist for ethan would be benji. it started from benji's love to ethan, what benji was tired of government and how they treated everyone — and especially ethan. but, thinking about this consent we realized why this works and doesn't work in the same time
this was the moment when i saw the most huge ethan's problem. he never changes.
me and grisha understood what benji's side is logically right. what agencies like cia make things much worse than people they fight with, and while ethan is on their side he's wrong (i met grisha thanks to the show "person of interest what has that m:i vibes but much much cooler and it talks on such themes as government crimes, check this out!). so we had a problem: or on our story benji looses what is a bad end, or ethan dies or something — but never changes his side because he can't to this. i talked about how he never changes and i'm too tired to write it again on english, а на русском вы читать не будете.
that was solomon's time. we started our syndicate au, but with shipping benji and lane we needed to work on syndicate as an entity. we took the idea what mccruises wanted to put in it and made it real, so a bunch of terrorists became a solid organization what has a goal to bring a real revolution in this world
i started my way as a communist. my life was getting worse as well and i saw how capitalism is dangerous for the most of the people. i was thinking about it, but after 24 of february it became clear as a day for me
how is this connected to ethan? well, it's harder to say how it's not
tom cruise is a billionaire producer, and every single idea in mission impossible comes through his point of view: point of view of a white rich american man. he's connect with usa government just like his character ethan, but while hunt runs over the globe and fights with bad guys tom cruise uses his money and influence to make such movies like m:i and top gun which whole idea is simple: usa always wins. usa are good guys. usa sending their agents into other countries without any permission because usa knows what's right and what's wrong, like it was in iran, vientam, syria and other countries. usa has the best airborne, the best army and technology. i can tell this for a long time, but it's not necessary — all of you saw this in hundreds of movies. all i said is not a secret
and ethan is an embodiment of this capitalistic system. perfect american man who never lose. ethan always knows best, whatever his friends say, he can find a way in every situation, can beat a guy who's smarter than him with no reason and explanation, can return to life even after deadly experience
and since i realized this i hate ethan. he's not even a character — he's a system itself. the system i'm against of. i have no respect for him, because he has no value as just a character. he is a mary (marty?) sue made for one reason: make you believe what usa is good and cool one. for 6 films cruise didn't gave ethan nothing more than some epic scenes. no personality, no growth. and if tom cruise doesn't see ethan as a character — why should i?
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
I'm watching a stream of this absolutely horrible game that for some reason got an 8/10 on IGN. I've literally watched the entire game and it just... it's hot garbage. I have no idea why people set their standards so low nowadays, and set industry standards so low too. It's clearly just got a shit ton of PR money behind it. Flashy graphics, animations, particles, new weird half-retro/half-futuristic setting, but like... the writing is absolute trash, and like blatant ripoffs from other IPs. It's a shame. But I just can't look away from this car crash!
I talked to my mom today about cars. It's slowly coming along. I followed up with her about my work stuff, to... bring me peace of mind. She was saying yesterday how she... wasn't comfortable financially supporting me, and was having second thoughts - I think because she doesn't think I'm ever going to be financially stable as a professional artist... I was trying to confirm that for the millionth time - she says it a lot. It sucks. And it really fucks with me. Especially when the next day, she offers to outright buy me a car. Forgive me for being suspicious and not eagerly, blindly sticking my neck in that noose.
I was very honest on that. It's super depressing when the only people who "support" you can't even envision you succeeding, and are actively encouraging you to quit and pursue other goals, their goals. That's the opposite of support. I've said that a 100 times, I'm tired of saying it.
I'm really tired, I didn't sleep well. So I'm going to call this early tonight.
There wasn't much other than the talk with my mom, heating up food, and spending like 7 hours hand sanding a piece of stone. Oh... two things.
The vet called. She wanted to check in on me and said some really nice things about Max. It meant a lot to me. I missed the call, I just heard the voicemail. I don't know how to like... respond to that. I want to call back and thank them for being kind and checking in on me. But it's weird, and I don't know if I'm actually going to get in contact with the vet herself, she seems super busy. The second was... I finally... brought myself to empty and put away Max's litter box. For good. And that was... I mean, it's the little things, you know? It was really fucking hard. Because like... if you have a cat... the literbox is just a staple, it's like the first thing you set up, it's essential. And I just couldn't bring myself to get rid of it. And I just... pushed myself to do it today because I really needed to take out the trash. And I did. And it sucked, it was insanely emotional. But it's done.
So yeah. I really hope someday coming up I'll be on here writing good news. Like... really good news. Like "I made a new friend and we hang out all the time now", or "I went on a date and we really hit it off!" Something that doesn't have some... sour underlying notes. Fingers crossed. It would really help me heal. To just get some genuine, unfiltered good in my life. Because lately... it's been mostly suffering.
Off to bed for me.
Um... good vibes... hmm... the stone I polished came out pretty cool, I'm more than half way through the batch. That's something! Yay. And I'm getting my confidence to stream back pretty quickly, so hopefully I'll get that back up and running soon.
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mttmurdock · 3 years
Towards Sleep
Matt Murdock x gn!reader
Word count: 792
Summary: Returning home one night, Matt finds one very important thing to be missing
Warning: Two instances of cursing
A/n: First time writing for Matt, first time writing fic in a good few months so forgive me if it's a little rough around the edges 😅
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Despite there being a few hours before the sun's reappearance in the east, signs of life were beginning to emerge in Hell's Kitchen. It wasn't as if the neighbourhood ever truly slept – Matt Murdock knew damn well that wasn't true, especially on the nights he returned home bruised and bloodied – but there was a peacefulness to the wakening of that little slice of the world, to the morning rituals, a promise that no matter how much shit thrummed beneath the everyday, life would go on for at least a little longer.
It was comforting to hear the gentle hum of warming ovens seeping out the open backdoor of the local bakery, readying for a day of work, the scent of the yeast that would be used to make the morning loaves, perhaps one you would pick up later, along with some donuts for Matt to take into the office for Foggy and Karen.
Cars splashing through puddles, shouts of joy and shouts of anger from those few stragglers of the night, even the rumbling of the garbage truck as it creeped along streets, the rattling of dumpsters, the groan of the hydraulics. The mundanity of it all felt like a balm to Matt in his tired state, a reminder of why he did what he did, whether as a lawyer or as Daredevil.
But he had done his duty for the night. It had admittedly been slow – there were no great threats to contend with – and so he missed you more than usual. His wanderings across the rooftops, with only a handful of encounters with low level thugs throughout the night, had left him plenty of time to think about the fact he wasn't home, sleeping and curled around you. He paused before the apartment block's rooftop door, listening for just a moment longer to be sure he couldn't hear anything worrying, before he slipped inside and made his way towards home.
He heard your breathing the moment he opened the door, long steady breaths that told him with no uncertainty that you were asleep. As quietly as possible, he crept from the door to the bed, peeling off his clothes as he went and dumping them by the bedside table, where they could be dealt with later (another morning ritual). In that moment sleep called to him more than anything else. He climbed into bed (gently pushing your legs back to your side of the bed when he found them crossing into his side), and lay down—
His pillow was missing.
Matt sat up, momentarily confused and frowning at no one but the darkness, until he wrapped an arm around your waist and his fingers brushed against the silk covering of a pillow, his pillow.
He smiled; you were one thief he didn't mind dealing with.
You stirred at that moment, your heartrate increasing a few pips, and turned from your side onto your back, arms still wrapped around the pillow. It wasn't the first time he'd found you like that, with you having admitted before that the lingering scent of him helped you to sleep during the nights he wasn't there.
'Matt?' your were still mostly within the realm of sleep, leaving your voice groggy and slow.
'I'm here, sweetheart,' he whispered, leaning over to press a kiss to your temple.
'You're not hurt, are you? No cuts? No broken bones?'
A forehead kiss this time. 'I'm alright, just tired.'
You sighed at the touch. He was home, safe and sound, and Matt could sense the tension you held every night he went out release, unspooling and loosening your shoulders. A pang of guilt ran through him. Even though he knew you understood his work, he hated making you worry.
Your hand found his cheek in the dark and you ran your thumb over his skin, just below his eye, the gesture warm and soothing when his face still stung with the chill of the night air. 'So go to sleep,' you said simply.
'Can I have my pillow back then?' He asked.
Matt could hear the smile in your voice when you spoke. 'I guess, now that I have the real deal.' You turned again, letting your hand fall from his face, and Matt heard the soft thump of the pillow against the mattress, as well as you going so far as to plump it up for him. 'There.'
He mumbled a 'thanks' and you hummed in return, snuggling close and resting your head against his chest as soon as he was settled down, throwing an arm over his waist and leaving a soft kiss on his chest, right over his heart.
'Ok, now get some sleep.'
The command was muffled but you didn't have to tell him twice.
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unconfidentra · 2 years
Same anon who asked for the trio poly headcanons! Would you be okay with writing how each of their first kisses with eachother went? (As in the first kiss between Stone and Skipp, then Stone and Vinnie, then Vinnie and Skipp)
Stone and Skipp
Stone literally shredded his feet into the damp pavement below, side stepping the various pieces of garbage littered around the ‘oh so familiar’ he’d like to call home. But to be honest it was where he chain smoked and chugged down alcohol like it was a sport. If one were to ask him how much he frequented this place he’d probably drink five whole bottles before even responding to them. 
He had already placed himself on a dreadful smelling dumpster lid, fiddling with his cigarette pack only to find he had one cigarette left. As if it couldn’t get worse Skipp had been trailing Stone the whole day. It’s not like he didn’t like Skipp’s presence, it was just that he was somewhat extra needy today. Asking him unnecessary and pointless questions, as if he, the local drunkard, knew everything about anything. 
“Stone, what are you doing?” Skipp curiously blinked up at Stone, fidgeting around with his fingers.
“Well, I was about to smoke,” He’d shake the cigarette pack at Skipp, the single cigarette rattling within the small box.
He already started to light the cigarette, hearing the rhythmic flicks of the lighter, slowly breathing the cancer stick in before letting out a large, recessive, cloud of smoke. Skipp lifted himself up on the dumpster lid, placing himself right next to Stone, giddily kicking his legs back and forth.
Suddenly, Skipp broke Stone out of his aura, lightly tapping him on his forearm. Stone slowly turned to him, blinking expectantly at him, waiting for them to talk. 
“Could I have one?” He’d ask hesitantly, pointing at the cigarette.
“Ah, sorry that was my last one,” He’d show Skipp the empty cigarette pack, casually shoving it in his pocket to continue to smoke the last bit of nicotine before tossing it on the ground below.
“Oh, that's okay, I can compromise,” Skipp giggled, and innocently smiled at Stone. Stone would mentally scratch the side of his head at the sight of this, confused at what he was getting at. 
“What do you mean by-” Smoke still clouded around Stone’s lungs, soft hands grasping both of his cheeks bringing his lips to Skipp’s. The smoke flowed out of his mouth, whisking its way into Skipp’s mouth, breezing against his tongue until he finally released, letting the smoke finally part from his lips, the haze of smoke and nicotine surrounding them both. 
This would have been a cute moment if Stone wasn’t utterly flabbergasted, his jaw literally almost hitting the floor, frozen in fear and confusion.
Skipp giggled at this, coughing a bit from the leftover nicotine, “You okay there buddy?” Stone could only let out a little mumbled wheeze at this, which made Skipp chuckle, giving him a peck on the cheek to be on his way, which struck Stone out of his frozen-like trance.
Stone and Vinnie 
The trio had just finished robbing some innocent townsfolk, stashing the money in an empty barrel. It wasn’t the most secret place per say, but being that they lived in an alleyway without many options, one could say it would do for now. You would probably think relaxing would be the best choice, since they tired themselves out with robbing people, although for Vinnie she couldn’t help but find joy in pestering Stone for no reason at all. 
“Vinnie, please, I’m just trying to relax,” Stone groaned loudly, gripping his nose in frustration. He’d been drinking all day, sloshing liquor down like it was no tomorrow, as if he didn’t do that every moment of his life.
“Oh c’mon, you can relax later,” she’d playfully shove him on his arm, “lets just, I dunno, hang out?” As much as convincing as Vinnie was, she wasn’t able to break past the concentrated, cold wall that Stone was. 
Stone grumbled at this, rolling his eyes at her trying to find another spot to shield himself from her relentless jabbing at him.
Vinnie just continued in her hot pursuit of walking alongside him, pondering anything up to bother him in the slightest. 
“Stone?” “Hey Stonee?” “STOONE!” She’d continue to call out his name with a grin  plastered on her face.
“WHAAT?!” He’d shout angrily, almost ripping out his hair at this point.
“Hi,” She’d chuckle, sending a little wave his way that stupid smirk still on her face.
He’d frown, “I outta knock you over the head with this bottle,” he’d waver the base of the bottle at her, before placing it back into a pocket within his trenchcoat, whispering small curses under his breath.
Sadly for him, Vinnie was up for a little challenge, or in this case a playful tussle. Before she even started, Stone saw that competitive look in her eye, trying his best to get away but he was ultimately yanked back by Vinnie.
“Nono, Vinnie!” He shrieked, chuckling a bit as he was put into a headlock by the shorter girl and having her knuckles rubbed up painfully against his head, displacing his almost perfect hair making it somewhat messy like hers. 
He’d struggled out of her grasp, tripping over and falling on his back, bringing Vinnie along with him. 
As she fell down at rapid speeds their lips both touched solemnly now, brushing up and shuffling against each other in some sort of makeshift kiss. Vinnie quickly brought herself to her feet, standing up, realizing what Stone and her had just kissed.
It was like her whole world came crashing down, Vinnie was now the one dumbfounded, she couldn’t have just kissed Stone, could she?
“Ew, did I just kiss you?” She’d rubbed her forearm, looking around in confusion. Whilst Stone was still on the ground, blinking up at her. 
Her tone soon shifted in some sort of sly, mocking way, “Wanna do it again?”
“No,” He’d grumbled, rubbing his scuffed cheek, damaged from the fall.
“Mm, your loss buddy,” She’d giggle, shrugging and reaching her hand out, helping him up to his feet without hesitation. 
“I’m in the mood for a drink, let's head down to the pub,” He’d said calmly, ruffling his hair back into place walking out of the alleyway.
“Oh c’mon, you're always in the mood for a drink,” She’d playfully poke him with her elbow, following along with him.
“I know, that's the point,” This time Stone elbowed her playfully in the stomach, as they both trotted off into some unseen sunset.
Vinnie and Skipp
It was daybreak, the sun was making its rounds over the crooked, misshapen horizon. Vinnie yawned, shuffling herself out of the tent she slept in, trekking back and forth before she finally steadied herself against a wall. She realized it was way too early to be walking out of the alleyway, so she placed herself on a messily placed barrel within the alleyways comforting walls.
She calmly inhaled and exhaled, brushing her head against the barren wall, using it as a standby pillow. But for some reason, something didn’t feel right, oh that's right, she recalled Skipp and Stone to be sleeping. Or at least she was certain Stone was, since you could hear him snoring obnoxiously in the tent from here. But when she least expected it, a shadowy figure flashed across the corner of her eye, making her tense up. She’d look around frantically searching for the person of cause before they appeared right in front of her. 
“Hi!” A cheery voice called out a few inches away from her, making her shriek and almost fall off the unsteady barrel. It was no other than Skipp himself.
“Woah, you okay there?” He held Vinnie’s forearm firmly, but gently. She watched as his fingers slowly brought out each individual digit to uncurl them in the brash fist they were placed before in. He slowly slid his own fingers between the gaps in hers, clasping her hand in a tight embrace. Basically holding her hand. 
As their eyes interlocked Vinnie couldn’t shake the thought of being in absolute awe and shock, not to mention the huge mood of whatthefuckery. Her cheeks flushed a bright tomato red, or maybe like a firetruck red? Whatever it was, it was red.
She quickly tried to bring herself out of this flustered trance, trying to play ‘I’m just too cool for the Romeo and Juliet love-story, bullshit’ card. Vinnie would soon plaster on a cocky facade, rolling her eyes at the hand holding gesture.
She’d put on a high-pitch squeaky voice, “Oh Skipp, you really know how to make a girl blush!”  She’d turn her head to the side covering her cheeks with her unheld hand before bursting out laughing. Although she was sort of mocking him she didn’t mean it in some sort of assholery way. Jokes are jokes, right?
“Well if you say so!” He’d happily chuckle at this, letting go of her hand and pulling himself to her side.
“So like I was wondering if we could, you know?” He’d start off, whispering to her, embarrassed.
“Could what?” She’d giggle at his uncertainness, playing it off as if she didn’t know what he wanted from her.
“Well you know, like, the thing-” He was soon interrupted by being pulled closer to the girl herself, inches away from her nose.
“Oh c’mere, ya dork,” She’d give him a small peck on the cheek, rolling her eyes at his shyness.
As Skipp pulled away, he conjured up a little scheme of his own, he gently snatched the side of her face, bringing it to his lips and peppering thousands of kisses on it.
“WAIT WAIIT- IT TICKLES!” She’d giggle loudly, kicking her heels against the barrel she sat upon, playfully trying to squirm out of his unknown kiss attack upon her messy cheek. 
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aflamethatneverdies · 2 years
3, 4, and 1 for Les Mis AND for Black Sails?:D
Ah! Thank you so much frand!!<3
1. which character do you relate to the most from your fandom?
1 is hard to answer because if relate means which character I am like the most, none of them at all, if I was I would instantly stop liking them and also it would be very boring, I don't want to read about people like me. I've never been able to identify with characters in terms of thinking that this character is exactly like me. I think of them as their own people, whereas I'm me. It's also more intriguing for me to then figure out what they are like in their own specific socio-political context and how they would behave in a situation. XD
So if I interpret it as which character I would love to spent more time with, I think, Prouvaire was the one I had a lot of initial idea about even though that was helped immensely knowing and reading about his real life inspiration whomst I love a lot. I have known people like Prouvaire (queer weirdo leftist poet-writer(s) irl) so he's always easier to write and understand for me and also a joy to write.
Currently, we have talked about it as well, I am relating to Bahorel's anger being a motivating factor and the constant heartbreak of political goings on and its like, I need it, everyday, every single day is just like that when you're deeply involved in politics from my experience, lol. I don't have his bravery or his extroversion, or the way he so readily makes connections or all the many many things I love him dearly for: his thoughtfulness, his Romantic sappiness/gentleness, but I admire him so, so much for always being ready to fight on the barricades and I think that stance is the one I relate to the most right now.
Last but not least Cosette, I love her bug adventures, her thoughts on ghosts not wearing round hats, and her wildness and bravery and relate to the endless patriarchal shit she has to navigate through. I would love to spend a lot of time with her. Also we are both perky goths, so we have that in common.
For Black Sails-- hands down Madi. I suspect it is also the case of I admire her so much, than I am like her. I am not like her, I wish I was. But I love her so much, I admire her and want to spend time with her and I want her to win in her fight against the British Colonial Empire.
3. what is your favorite ship?
Bahorel/Prouvaire. My favourite is definitely poetry smash and their hijinks and how they are both Romantic weirdos whomst I love very very much. There is so much to explore there that I never get tired of reading about them in many different iterations from werewolf Bahorel to reincarnation, to poetic spells, etc. Also it lets me indulge in my other main fandom of four people and a shoelace, and liberally blur the lines between fiction and reality when writing about them. I also really love how they give each other space in whatever relationship they have with each other: there is no pressure on them to stay in a romantic relationship, Bahorel understands Prouvaire's need to wander off for a while in his moods and then suddenly reappear again when he wants to. They do things separately too, yet still remain Romantic friends through it all. I love these kinds of relationships where the boundaries between friends and lovers are not very clear and they move between them.
For Black Sails:
Walrus, I cried when she went down. No other ship will ever come as close in my affections.
Lol, I don't know that I like Madi/Silver very much, I will never forgive Silver for betraying Madi, I get why she liked him and got together with him, but I'm not very keen on them as a couple. I like Anne/Max/Jack for what they are, though I'm not sure if they are my favourite ship. My disaster garbage on fire ship is Flint/Silver and the way that Silver keeps saying he will betray Flint and Flint doesn't take that seriously and then Silver betrays him. I am very invested, not in the romantic nature of this ship, not at all, but more in the mutual destructiveness of it, if that makes sense? They are bad for each other. Silver, the more he becomes like Flint, the less likeable he is, but it's still fascinating to watch.
4. what is your favorite CANON ship?
Is Bahorel/Prouvaire not canon? Bini definitely, I will always love them being together, they are uncomplicated in terms of how much it feels like they don't have petty misunderstandings/fights/breakup drama in their relationship. I also love bini a lot for how much they have worldly concerns but also are committed revolutionaries together and one without the other is the most evil timeline, and I don't want to think about that.
For Black Sails my answer is still Walrus, y'all, y'all I love that ship so much. She was so pretty and it broke my heart so much when she went down.
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choicesenthusiast · 4 years
Hey, last anon here. I wouldn't want to sound like I'm ok with only white characters getting screentime. But I don't think I was clear. It's a known fact that PoC get less salary thn whites and women then men; PB writing this doesn't make it look like brown women are incapable, it means life is shit. What I meant was, they gave Ayna literally so little scenes that even if you bought her scenes you don't really know her. So many people won't forgive her and stop romancing her (1) +
—they will have their reason to not giving her screentime. My problem was with this. They always do this with f!LIs. That's a fucked up situacion and we all agree on that. But people are acting like a company that's feeding white Facebook moms must write garbage males, evil white bitches and innocent PoC. No one was offended when Beckett betrayed MC and indangered her because he's a white male. That's not ok too. (2)+
+ I know I sound like PB's lawyer but I'm just looking at realistic perspective. They're wrong with not giving attention to their female love interests, locking the gender of MC and so many other things —but not their PoC LIs making mistakes. We only notice that cause it's sensitive topic. Btw I'm not a native English speaker so I think I can't fully explain myself. I apologise to the ones I offended with my words. Hope PB writes equal number of all genders with equal screen time in the future.
I’m pretty sure this is in reference to this post. Correct me if I’m wrong.
My problem with this is that PB keeps making it a pattern, especially with their WoC LIs. It’s not a crime to have your characters struggle, in fact, that’s the whole point of an arc, but if you’re making players take every opportunity to be hostile to her (y’know, in a game called Choices), then it villainizes them without reason. It’s not like people get to see Ayna’s motivations unless it’s behind a paywall. There’s barely any emotion there at all, compared to the other two LIs. It’s just tiring.
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horrorlesbion · 7 years
what do you mean by "while this fandom and shiw continue to backflip into a pool of abkeist nonsense"? I'm genuinely curious, because lately i've been struggling with the show and its fandom as well
first of all it means that apparently i really do need my glasses checked out tomorrow if you copypasted my tags because wow thats a lot of typos for barely one sentence whoopsie
in this one specific case i mean shitz stans excusing the fact that he quite literally became a self radicalised nazi-esque horror scientist who restrained one of his supposedly best friends to an operating table and pulled shit out of her head with pretty much no painkillers while she was begging him to stop (which 1. risked her being paralysed and 2. is an extra gross image given the fact that shes a woman of colour) while holding their mutual friends including his own wife at gunpoint so they wouldn’t intervene, with the fact that he had a brain injury 3 seasons ago that she show has decided to ignore up until this point but (since it was mentioned last episode) are quite possibly dragging up again now to make the team forgive him because given the lackluster writing and increasingly gross treatment of daisy and big all around mess that is shitzsimmons as a ship i have no hope that the show won’t make her and everyone else crawl up his ass and forgive him with no consideration given to their respective trauma or the message the show is sending with this.
 i’ll be the first to celebrate if im wrong here i’ll throw a party if they make shitz a villain for good but i’m preparing for the worst. also the fandom has always been a garbage pile of varying size so i doubt anythings gonna change there either. i have like 6283795463 other reasons for being annoyed with the show but that’s what i was referring to in my tags.i hope this is somewhat coherent because i’m tired and as my tags have proven i literally can’t see what i’m doing. also u can always dm me if u wanna talk shit about aos i live to complain
[insert the simpsons “do it for her” meme plastered with images of daisy here]
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queerwonder · 7 years
How safe do you feel on campus? How involved are the security guards? Do the dorm rooms lock with cards or keys? Is there a lot of support between the students and the faculty (I'm going into social sciences for reference)? Is there a noticeable amount of racial targeting? Is the coursework generally demanding (examples from your program would help)? How's the food on campus? Do you feel safe in that area of Ottawa most of the time? Is not speaking french really going to be a problem?
oookay so this is gonna be a long one
How safe do you feel on campus? I personally always felt quite safe on campus! uOttawa is well-lit and is also in downtown Ottawa, so even when you’re leaving campus you’re right next to a big shopping mall and the rest of the streets are also well lit. I can’t remember a lot of times in my university career where there wasn’t at least a few other people on campus, whether I was trudging home after a 10pm lecture or waiting outside the library for it to open early in the morning. I should make a pretty huge caveat that I’m a white person who for most of my uni career was fairly masculine-presenting, so I don’t know if I necessarily would’ve been a major… target? But you asked for my experience so…. that’s it.
How involved are the security guards? So I was never particularly impressed with the security guards per se, but there was a really great service on campus called Foot Patrol, which is run by (pre-screened) volunteers who help you walk or bus places on your way home, especially late at night but really any time of day. They’ll ride surprisingly far away from campus to keep you company and I always had really positive experiences with them. My interactions with security were fairly limited–once they were called to residence while I was at a party that got too loud and they were pretty gruff. I was always friendly to the ones in my building but I seemed to always run into ones that were just very reserved.
Do the dorm rooms lock with cards or keys? I lived in Brooks residence (and also started university a solid seven years ago, so things might have changed?), but my residence building was locked with a card, and my personal room was locked with a key. For reference, Brooks is the ~apartment-style~ res – you lived in a mini-apartment with three other people. Each person had a bedroom that locked with their own key, then there were two shared bathrooms and shared living space–a pretty tiny kitchen with a full-size refrigerator, an oven, a little bit of counter space, and a bigger living room with a tv and two ancient couches. There was a dinner table. It certainly wasn’t glamorous, but given that the food on uOttawa campus is pretty much garbage (or was when I went there), having my own kitchen was a huuuuuuge plus. I was also quite introverted and mostly didn’t party, and found Brooks to be a lot quieter than the other residences. There were some parties, but not as many as other residences, and it was easier to get away from them because we all had individual units and didn’t have the sort of “open door culture” that I saw in other residences.
Is there a lot of support between the students and the faculty (I’m going into social sciences for reference)? So I did my degree in the Faculty of Arts, but had a few classes with soc people. With one or two exceptions, I have nothing bad to say about any of the professors at the university. I found them, to a person, to be genuine and passionate and a lot of fun to be around. I strongly recommend that you go to office hours, even if you don’t need help with anything in particular–setting yourself apart from the crowd will make your professors care about you and your success a lot more. It also, to be blunt, results in better grades. Professors are more forgiving when they can picture you while they’re marking. It’s just human nature. I made good relationships with my professors and would even count a few of them among my friends now. When I was in third year university I had a bit of a breakdown and went around to each of my professors to explain why I was dropping their classes and taking time off, and every single of one of them was so kind and so accommodating. One of them in particular made me tea and gave me a pep talk I will remember for the rest of my life. When I was upfront with my professors about mental illness, when I came back and needed to do part-time studies, I was always given extensions and the support I needed. Treating your professors with respect, but remembering that they are human beings, goes a long, long way. If you go into their office with “I know I can’t get this paper done on time, but here’s what I’ve done and here’s my plan to do better,” there is no reason for them to say no (and if they DO say no, the clinic on campus is totally solid for sick notes–I got passes because of mental health stuff maybe four or five times.) Similarly, if you’re going to write a paper, I really encourage you to go to office hours and pitch it. Don’t ask your professor for sources or to do your work for you–just ask if the idea you have is specific enough, if they think there will be enough resources, if you’re being realistic about the issue you want to address within the page count. They are, generally speaking, there to help you–and I’ll say too that if you start out with “I’ve looked at x and y but really want to make sure I’m not missing any really important issues on this topic,” they will nearly always say “I’m not going to do the work for you,” as they’re handing you books from their bookshelves with articles or primary source material you need.
I know there are professors who are assbutts and more concerned with their research than teaching. I’m pretty sure those people don’t usually go into the social sciences.
Is there a noticeable amount of racial targeting? So, I’m a white person! I don’t feel qualified to answer this question really. I can tell you that when I was in third year, there was a threat on campus (WHICH ENDED UP BEING A HOAX, BUT STILL) and the school went into lockdown, and I saw some articles from people of colour who were discriminated against trying to get into rooms to be safe for the lockdown. That’s the only example I can think of, but from what I read institutional racism is a pretty fucking big hurdle to jump and uOttawa is not, so far as I’m aware, a magical post-racial utopia.
Is the coursework generally demanding (examples from your program would help)? 
How’s the food on campus? So, I graduated over a year ago and started my degree in 2010, but the entire time I was there I would say quite vehemently that the food on campus was garbage. Even on my initial tours of the campus it was obvious to me I didn’t want to be beholden to their meal plan. Thank God it wasn’t mandatory. I ate on campus as infrequently as possible. I also hung out at the freshii that was just off campus quite a lot.
That being said, it’s basically connected to a mall with a giant food court that was just renovated. So there’s a lot more local options than there used to be. And people complained about the food ALL THE TIME when I was there, so I like to think maybe they did some things to make it better. But from my personal experience? Jesus frikkin’ christ it was bad news bears.
Do you feel safe in that area of Ottawa most of the time? Most of the time, yes. To be honest, there was a stabbing at a shelter within a few kilometres of the university during my time there, and you hear about violence in the Market every so often. I would carefully say it’s not any more dangerous than any other big city. I have been street harassed and queer-bashed and had plenty of unpleasant experiences. But I don’t really know anyone without those experiences who lives in any city of a certain size.
Is not speaking french really going to be a problem? Not really. The administration is francophone and they will usually be a little nicer to you if you can talk to them in French, but that’s because they’re human and they’re sick and tired of French getting thrown under the bus. uOttawa gets a lot of cred for being ~bilingual~ and ~isn’t immersion great~ and ~such culture~ but it’s honestly super anglo-centric, anglo-focussed, and it’s entirely possible to pass the Immersion program without actually being what most people would call bilingual. I would say most of Ottawa is MUCH more accommodating to anglos. You have nothing to worry about.
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19? Because i'm evil and love your writing
19) “Show off.”
I read ‘evil’ and instantly thought of evil Matt so boom!
I’m so sorry this is garbage. (and that it took me forever yikes) I think i wrote it in like… an hour really? So probably loads of errors. Also forgive if the French is wrong. I did just get slightly hit by a car yesterday. ALSO! I’m gonna finish the other two messages tomorrow after work (so Sunday morning) or sometime Sunday afternoon.
“Whatdo you want at this time of the night?” Matt asks, frowning andfeeling his watch. It’s late but Matt still finds himself unable tosleep. So Vladimir calling is a welcome distraction.
Though,receiving calls from the Russian wasn’t an odd thing by any means forMatt. But getting a call from Vladimir at nearly half past three inthe morning is far more rare. Matt wonders for a moment if this hasanything to do with Anatoly or Fisk but then rolls his eyes whenVladimir says, “Found stupid tracksuit mafia in my garage.”
Mattrolled his eyes. “Well that sounds like a you problem.”
Ascoff from Vladimir. A very clear indication that the Russian was notin the mood for Matt’s sass and was growing quite agitated. Anothersign of his annoyance was the grunt of pain Matt heard from who hepresumed to be a member of the Tracksuit Draculas. He snickered as heheard Vladimir swear in Russian.
“Notin a good mood, cher?”
“Goto hell,” is Vladimir’s snappy response. A pause then the sound ofhim taking a breath, possibly to calm himself down then, “I need…help.”
Athud noise and another yell, this one a stream of sentences inRussian that most definitely is not Vladimir’s voice. It takes all ofMatt’s self restraint to not snap at Vladimir to just answer him andinstead remain silent. And soon enough, after a few more curses fromboth the Russian Vladimir has captive and Vladimir, Vladimirresponds.
“Ihave small problem.” Vladimir gave a low hum and Matt can almostpicture Vladimir rubbing his chin in thought. “Three actually. Fourif you count the blood stains I need to get rid of.”
Asnort-laugh escaped Matt before he could stop it. “What did you do,you idiot?”
Vladimirscoffed and Matt could just barely hear a tinge of hurt in theRussian’s voice as he snapped back, “You are so rude, mudak.” Ayell of pain from the other Russian. “Tu m'emmerdes,” Vladimirscoffed out, kicking his captive once more, this time in the leg. Hesmirked as the other man groaned in pain.
Mattraised an eyebrow. “Who pissed in your cheerios?” He asks,walking around his living room. It’s more for something to do thananything else.
“Ohshut up. Will you come help me get rid of these bodies now? I amthinking I will just throw them into dumpster.”
“Nowwhy would you do that?” Matt asked, suddenly sounding tired even tohis own ears. He blames Vladimir for being very draining at thishour.
Apause then a smug sounding, “Because they are garbage.”
Mattcan tell that Vladimir is smirking in pure glee, as though he’d justtold a hilarious joke. But all it does is make the lawyer sigh androll his eyes.
“S'ilvous plaît, mon trésor?” Vladimir practically coos out.
Heraises an eyebrow when he hears Matt humming a tune, clearly thinkingthis over.
“Whatare you humming?” He asks curious and switching topics easily. Hejust vaguely remembers the song and knows it’s going to bother himuntil he figures it out.
“Noneof your business.” Matt says, picking his cane up from where he’dplaced it on the coffee table a few hours earlier. He’d made his mindup the moment Vladimir had asked for his help but he still wanted tohear the Russian beg a little bit longer. “I’m in my pajamas.”
Ahum of approval from Vladimir. “Good. You are coming here then?”
Mattscoffed. “In my pajamas?”
Vladimirshrugged. “I like your pajamas.” A pause. “Wait your underwearor sweatpants pajamas?”
Acurse in Russian that Matt recognized as damn.“I can work with that. So you are on your way now?”
Mattthinks it’s almost cute how equal halves hopeful and excited the Russian sounds. It reminds Matt of a puppy. “No. Why doyou want me to help you anyway? You are perfectly capable of hidingyour own bodies.”
Thisis a fact and Vladimir huffs in annoyance.
“Imiss you.”
Vladimir’scaptive scoffs and snaps something that Matt doesn’t understand butthen screams as Vladimir stabs him in the leg. Vladimir snapssomething at him, also in Russian, and Matt exaggerates a loud yawn.
Thisdoes the trick of getting Vladimir back on track. “Matyusha, miliimoi, mon trésor. I am almost begging here.”
Matttossed his cane up in the air, effortlessly caught it, and began toslowly twirl it as he walked around the living room. “You are goingto have to do more than just ‘almost’ begging. Since you want me tocome out in my bare feet-”
“Doyou even own shoes?” Vladimir interrupts, speaking more to himselfthan to Matt. “I do not think I have ever seen you in shoes.”
Mattdrops his cane in mild surprise. “I wear shoes.”
Ascoff from the Russian and he shrugs even though he knows Matt can’tsee it. “Sure. What do I have to do to make you come over here, montrésor?” He drawls out slowly, accent thicker on purpose as heknows Matt would never admit it but he does so love the accent.
Ratherthan give an answer Matt picks his cane back up and begins twirlingit around once more before asking almost absentmindedly, “Why doyou even want my help?”
“Isnot just the bodies. I am also threatening this idiot. I do notlike how they just wandered in here and were stealing my shit. Andyou are much more scary than me,” Vladimir says, fully honest. Hegrins when Matt lets out a happy hum and he can almost perfectlypicture in his mind Matt grinning smugly.
Mattshrugs. “Well, you know what they say. Flattery will get youeverywhere. Now, as for what you can do as payback for me coming tohelp you at half past three in the morning-”
“Ohplease. We both know you were not sleeping.”
“-Iwant pancakes,” Matt finishes, ignoring the interruption. He smirkswhen Vladimir lets out a disappointed groan.
Ittakes all of five minutes of being in the garage for Matt to growbored. He can’t understand and doesn’t care to understand what thetwo Russians are yelling back and forth. The smell of blood is sostrong from the other three bodies that it takes all of Matt’sconcentration to not gag. He hates the smell of blood. It makes himthink of his dad’s death.
Hejerks slightly as he catches a few insults being thrown from thecaptive Russian to Vladimir. Then raises an eyebrow in amusement as agunshot rings out. A pained scream isn’t too far behind.
“Ithought you weren’t going to kill him?” Matt asks, almost laughingnow.
Vladimirscoffs and looks his gun over in an attempt to calm himself. “Hedoes not need his kneecaps to breathe.”
“Didhe insult me?” The sudden racing of Vladimir’s heart is answerenough. Matt finds that almost sweet that Vladimir cares so much in his own little way. “I understand what ‘suka’ means. I’m not a complete idiot,mon cher. Do you want me to ask him questions now? You can take aquick breather.”
Vladimirwaves his hand, a 'ifyou wish’gesture. And Matt doesn’t think twice. Just swings his cane out andsmacks the other Russian in the face. Vladimir lets out a low whistleas his captive spits out a mouthful of blood.
“Alright!Alright fine! I answer your questions! Just keep him away from me!”He’s not stupid. He knows exactly who Matt is. Everyone knows whoMatt Murdock is. But Matt rolls his eyes and ignores him. AndVladimir tilts his head as he watches the lawyer beat the TracksuitDracula to hell. Matt is enjoying it far too much but Vladimir findsit amusing, and possibly a tad arousing not that he’ll admit that, towatch.
Hewaits just a few minutes more before muttering, “Matvey, I got itfrom here I think.”
Matttsks but steps to the side as he hears Vladimir’s footsteps. He wavesa hand out. “All yours.”
“Showoff,” Vladimir scoffs out. Then turns his attention to the coughingRussian on the floor. His captive seems to be having a hard timebreathing now, arm holding his possibly broken ribs.
Whenthey begin speaking Russian once again Matt just yawns and tones themout. No use in trying to pay attention when he can only understandbasics and insults. He raises an eyebrow when Vladimir turns hisattention back to him.
“Wegive him ride back to his place now.”
“We’rewhat?” Matt asks, eyebrow raised and wondering if for a moment he’djust misheard Vladimir. But Vladimir just repeats what he’d just saidand Matt tilts his head. “Why are we giving him a ride home?”
“Igot what I wanted and I have message he needs to deliver to his otheridiot friends. In case they ever try to steal from me again,”Vladimir explains slowly, as if he wants to make sure Matt willunderstand him.
Mattjust stares straight ahead, not even caring that it unnerves Vladimirwhen he purposefully looks past him when they’re speaking. “Whatwere they stealing from you exactly?”
“Ah.Well…” The sound of Vladimir’s shoes hitting the pavement andthen a light thud noise as he kicks a body over. “This one owed memoney from a game of cards few weeks ago.” Another thud as Vladimirkicks another of the bodies. “And his cousin here did not like that I shot him. So he tried to shoot me and did not work well for him inthe end.” More footsteps as Vladimir walks to the final body thatlies in a pool of blood just a few feet away from Vladimir’s office.“And this bastard tried steal Tolik’s vodka.”
“Pleasetell me you’re kidding,” Matt says dully.
Vladimirjust shrugs. “Alright fine. It was my vodka he was trying to steal.Happy?”
“Ecstatic,”Matt almost spits out. He sighs. This shouldn’t shock him. He knowshow Vladimir is. And yet he still finds himself shocked by the littlethings Vladimir does.
Vladimirgrins. Claps his hands together then pulls his keys from his pocket.“Now, let’s take this asshole home. Go get our pancakes. Then wecan finish our date of ridding this garage of dead people.”
“Thiswas a date?” Matt asks, eyebrow raised.
Vladimirpauses, now standing right next to the slightly shorter man. “Oui,mon trésor,” he says, pinching Matt’s cheek. He huffs when Mattwrinkles his nose and swats his hand away from his face. He looksaround, shrugs, and says, “I think all the red around here now isgood… aesthetic? Very romantic.”
Mattsnorts. “Stick to the roses.”
“Butyou hate their smell?”
“Ihate the smell of blood even more, connard.”
Atsk from Vladimir. “You are so rude today.” He can’t help but to be amused.
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