#but i'm not allowed to watch a movie until i mow the lawn
rainintheevening · 1 month
How do you build new plans for your life without giving up on the old dreams?
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unicorn360draws · 1 year
ANNNNNNNNDDDDDDD I'm back for another installment of my 17 year old sister being and a@@hole. For context my sister is the youngest of five and my parents are too tired to parent her. Strang thing is, I'm only a year older.
This week, me and my sister were left alone in the house while my parents went a trip with my brother for a very important event. They gave us chores to do and asked me to keep some money in case of emergencies. I haven't used a dime and all of us were in a greenest to not tell my sister because she'd use it for whatever she wanted. In fact, she is so dam spoiled that she was annoyed they "didn't leave money". Our fridge was stocked and I took the opportunity to learn a few recipes as I'm not a very well rounded adult yet.
The chores we were given were simple. Help pack some things since we're moving pretty soon, mow the lawn since we put in new grass and it needs it, and vacuum the floor or water the plants. Simple things. Wanna guess how many my sister did? NONE!!!
Nothing! She "cleaned her room" and that was it. She has a dog (technically two but she ignores her older one) but she doesn't know how to feed him correctly and acts as if it's the hardest thing to do. If it didn't hurt the dog, who I love with all my heart and couldn't bear to see hurt, I wouldn't feed him. Everything HAS to be her way.
We have two vans and my mom hates her driving the new one, so when the old one runs out of gas, what did she do without permission? Used the new one. She hasn't packed squat and she didn't contribute to daily meals either. When she is home, she's taking up the TV until I complain about the show and ask to watch something different, then she just leaves me alone in the house ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
I am a human being! I may be introverted but that does NOT mean I shouldn't be given the bare minimum of pleasant conversation. I asked to go to the mall yesterday and when we went to Barnes and Noble, my favorite shop, she would NOT stop complaining, instead of just going to her shop. She yanked me around by my purse and forced me around until we went to Claire's where she took her dam time, finding earrings and necklaces and CRAP!!! But somehow she couldn't afford gas?
When I reminded her of our parent's rules about things like the jewelry she was buying, she called me a n@zi. A GOSH DARN N@ZI? REALLY? I just reminded you of the rules that were set since you were TINY!!! She even called my mother a n@zi just because she wouldn't let her wear her tops a certain way. But today really takes the cake.
I woke up fine. Got to babysit my nieces for my older sister because heavens forbid my little sister has to do it (My older sister doesn't even bother asking LS anymore). Halfway through I get a text that she's leaving and one of the dogs didn't eat. BECAUSE SHE COULDNT FOLLOW THE DAM INSTUCTIONS THAT MOM AND I MADE ON THE FOOD BOX!!! It's a simple thing but no. She goes on a date at 6pm and leaves me alone again. I make dinner around 9:30pm because I was in a slump. When she comes home, she brings 3 others at 11:30pm. I tell them there's food and no one eats it. Fine.
She is looking for a movie to watch and chooses IT...Which is Rated R and NOT FOR HER AGE OR ALLOWED IN OUR HOUSE! I remind her of this and she shrugs before putting it on. It was 1:30 am when they ended, then she comes into my room and demands to know why I'M being so rude...I'm just done. I don't think I'll be giving her a response from now on.
I only ever get hurt when it comes to her and I never want to hear the pitchy voice call me an idiot or a n@zi or ANY OTHER INSULT EVER AGAIN! I'm just done.
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bicrsacks-archived · 8 years
✩ Zaise (Bc I'm trash?)
Who is more likely to raise their voice? zaiden, hands down.Who threatens to leave but never actually does? ... i honestly don’t think either of them would do that? zaiden has abandonment issues and blaise is such a good person i can’t see him ever threatening to leave zaiden no matter what the circumstance is.Who actually keeps their word and leaves? well we have that one au where blaise does walk out on zade...Who trashes the house? blaise. but not like on purpose. he’s jsut messy. if it’s out of anger I can see zade maybe lashing out but that’s just a really messy occurrence bc we know how zade grew up and he’d hate himself for getting violent if he ever did.Do either of them get physical? no. zade grew up around an abusive father and he’s too terrified to ever be like that with the love of his life.How often do they argue/disagree? i feel like they get into cute little spats like... all the time tbh. but like honestly bad arguments rarely happen.Who is the first to apologise? toss up; depends on the argument i believe.
Who is on top? zaiden, about 95% of the timeWho is on the bottom? blaise, about 95% of the time.Who has the strangest desires? ... Zaiden.Any kinks? jfc. bondage, total power exchange, D/s, does dirty-talk count? edging, orgasm control...Who’s dominant in bed? zaiden is by nature, but they do switch on the odd occasion.Is head ever in the equation? OF COURSE IT IS WTFIf so, who is better at performing it? well, honestly, I’d give “sucking dick” to Blaise. Eating ass to Zade.Ever had sex in public? of course.Who moans the most? well if we go with top!zade, blaise is louder. top!blaise, zade is the loud one.Who leaves the most marks? zaiden leaves as many hickeys as humanly possible all over blaise.Who screams the loudest? blaise is louder tbhWho is the more experienced of the two? um? i think it depends. zade’s had sex with more people but only ever had sex with one other guy before blaise so when it comes to same-sex, male-on-male sex it’s blaise? but in general zade has more experience over all.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? both, depends on the mood though. Rough or soft? they prefer it rough but at times, softness is keyHow long do they usually last? this is a real toss-up bc they can do quickies? but also drag it out until it’s a sex-a-thon...Is protection used? nah, they’re both clean so bareback it is.Does it ever get boring? i don’t think either of them could find sex boring.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? good question. probably on top of a waterfall during some vacation or something because zade is always prepared with a cute travel sized pocket lube.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? at first, no because zade hates kids but then eventually they want to start a familyIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? they end up having 4 beautiful babiesWho is the favorite parent? there is no such thing as a favorite parent in the hendricks-burke householdWho is the authoritative parent? zaiden no doubt.Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? blaise, probably.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? .... blaise.Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? both !!Who goes to parent teacher interviews? both again.Who changes the diapers? both, like honestly these two losers are the most domestic pair ever and live for their babies like they’d do all this together.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? they took turns.Who spends the most time with the children? i think this goes to blaise solely because zade’s busy with work a lot of times.Who packs their lunch boxes? blaise, we don’t trust zade around foodWho gives their children ‘the talk’? .... blaise because zade conveniently forgets that his children need to know about sexWho cleans up after the kids? zade, he’s a neat freak by natureWho worries the most? ZAIDEN.Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? .... Z A I D E N
Who likes to cuddle? they both do but zade would never admit it.Who is the little spoon? zade is.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? zaiden, always.Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  zaiden, again.How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? for a really long time tbh.Who gives the most kisses? blaise.What is their favourite non-sexual activity? umm, reading together? cuddling? watching a movie? talking about stuff?Where is their favourite place to cuddle? in bed so that blaise can spoon his manWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? zaiden, ofc.How often do they get time to themselves? it’s mostly at night when they’re both free of work before bed.
Who snores? not entirely sure, tbh...If both do, who snores the loudest? read aboveDo they share a bed or sleep separately? sleep together ofcIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? cozy up, zade always wakes up tangled up in blaise’s arms its adorable.Who talks in their sleep? hm, i don’t think either doWhat do they wear to bed? zade’s generally either naked or in his boxers at the most, blaise has pajamas.Are either of your muses insomniacs? zaiden is for sure, he gets very little sleep.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? yeah, honestly. they’re for zade.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? wrapped up togetherWho wakes up with bed hair? Blaise more so than Zade tbhWho wakes up first? Zade, alwaysWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Zade but like... Zac makes it for him. So really, Zac makes breakfast in bed for Blaise ??What is their favourite sleeping position? spooning until Blaise’s arms go numbWho hogs the sheets? neither they share a king sized bed with like a billion blankets there’s no hoggingDo they set an alarm each night? zade does, his stupid 5 AM alarm.Can a television be found in their bedroom? of course there’s a flat screen in zade’s bedroomWho has nightmares? zade gets them from time to timeWho has ridiculous dreams? also zade tbhWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? why do I feel like Zade sleeps all tucked up and neat while Blaise is all spread-eagled out?Who makes the bed? ZaidenWhat time is bed time? Blaise is in bed at around midnight maybe? Zade goes to bed at 3 AM regularly and wakes up anywhere from 5 to 7.Any routines/rituals before bed? not anything special, tbhWho’s the grumpiest when they wake up? zade but he’s always grumpy
Who is the busiest? both are busy, zade arguably more soWho rakes in the highest income? zaiden hands down lmaoAre any of your muses unemployed? nopeWho takes the most sick days? blaise probablyWho is more likely to turn up late to work? ... i mean both if they get distracted in the morningWho sucks up to their boss? zade is his own boss so i’d have to say blaiseWhat are their jobs? zaiden is a ceo, blaise is a university professor or HS teacher depending on the verseWho stresses the most? zaiden is always stressedDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they both are doing what they loveAre your muses financially stable? very; i mean zade’s a multi millionaire after all.
Who does the washing? zaidenWho takes out the trash? zaidenWho does the ironing? bothWho does the cooking? neither, but technically blaiseWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? .... no question, zaiden.Who is messier? blaise. duh.Who leaves the toilet roll empty? blaise, zade is WAY too anal about cleanliness for these questions fkdjgnjdgWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? blaise wtfWho forgets to flush the toilet? neither, theyre not that gross come onWho is the prankster around the house? blaise? probably? but also neither they’re both seriousWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? blaise. forgetful lil guyWho mows the lawn? neither zade has employees for thatWho answers the telephone? ummm depends?Who does the vacuuming? maids Who does the groceries? both of them togetherWho takes the longest to shower? i feel like zade does bc “grooming”Who spends the most time in the bathroom? zade again bc “grooming”
Is money a problem? nope, not at allHow many cars do they own? zade has like upwards of 7 or 8 for himself... that’s not including the ones he shares with zac. and then im sure blaise has 2 at least.Do they own their home or do they rent? they own it; it’s zade’s (and zac’s) mansion, and then later they buy their own home.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? they’re more secluded.Do they live in the city or in the country? near the city ofc.Do they enjoy their surroundings? yes, zade likes being close to the city btu secluded enough to have a large homeWhat’s their song? “paint it black” by andy black.What do they do when they’re away from each other? miss each other, constantly text, sykpe, snapchat and things like that.Where did they first meet? at a party; zade tried undressing him in the back of an uberHow did they first meet? read aboveWho spends the most money when out shopping? zaiden of courseWho’s more likely to flash their assets? zaiden, againWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? ... both.Any mental issues? zade has a bit of a history with abuse from his father and he is a high-functioning narcotics addict so there’s that.Who’s terrified of bugs? neitherWho kills the spiders around the house? both? i believe.Their favourite place? anywhere where they’re together. cheesy, i knowWho pays the bills? well i’m sure most of everything comes from zade’s money honestly.Do they have any fears for their future? no these two precious beansWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? zade of course.Who uses up all of the hot water? they both do together but i doubt that’s a problemWho’s the tallest? zade, he’s 6′4″. he’s a giant.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? zade is more likely to crash a shower lbhWho wanders around in their underwear? zaiden most of the timeWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? blaise most definitelyWhat do they tease each other about? blaise always teases zade about being a workaholic and zade teases blaise about being a nerdWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? oh jesus msot definitely zade. blaise is too colroful.Do they have mutual friends? not really; they came from very different circles. i mean they know the goldsteins.Who crushed first? um both were hardcore in denial okAny alcohol or substance related problems? yes, both of which zade has an issue withWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? zaiden.Who swears the most? ZAIDEN.
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