#but i'm kinda curious to see the results 👀
joanna-lannister · 2 years
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fairysluna · 8 months
Cregan + modern!au; he’s a hockey player and reader’s a figure skater? 👀
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.
Why am I kinda obsessed with this idea?🤭 (this kinda came out as a drabble, im sorryy)
I'm seeing an 'enemies to lovers' trope here. You met him at the ice rink, you were practicing a new movement that was getting a bit too hard to perform when the whole local team suddenly took over the rink. You approached the guy that seemed to be the captain - angry that they didn't have the decency to talk to you before wordlessly kicking you out. The guy introduced himself as Cregan Stark, and you immediately recognized his face from the posters on every place in Winterfell; it was a small town, and people like him would obviously get praised by his neighbors. You didn't like him at all, especially when he didn't even apologize to you.
Regardless of that situation, you still came back to the rink afterwards, using the only place available for you to train. Occasionally, your coach would be with you - and some days Cregan would arrive early and he would watch you from the bleachers, curious to know why he hasn't been able to stop thinking about you. Of course, you didn't notice him at first, but after a while his intense gaze was easily perceived by you. After a few days and once your training finished, he approached you and apologize for 'the incident of the other day' - you didn't think too much about it, but you accepted the apology. That's when all started.
You still were a bit reluctant to make acquaintance with him, noticing how he would act so different and tougher around his peers but funny and easygoing with you - almost like a Dany Zuko situation. But regardless of his odd attitude changes, you would still accept going out with him after his practice. You laughed - a lot. Cregan become addicted to the sound of it, getting butterflies each time he would hear it. You had a great time, secretly wanting to repeat the occasion. You hang out a couple times, until he invited you to one of his games; and you accepted.
Throughout the entire game you would see him get beat and push around, holding your breath each time he would fall on the ice; you never knew what was that all about. Things got out of hand when you saw how he would push someone from the opposite team, resulting in a fight that would make everyone gasp; your heart beating faster once you saw blood running down his nose and him being guided towards the dressing rooms. Your body reacted by itself and before you knew you were standing in front of him, holding tissues up his nose and laughing at his antics. That was the day you knew you liked him - that you really, really liked him. It was the day of your first kiss too.
Weeks from that, everytime he was on the ice rink he had you - his number one supporter - on the bleaches, cheering at him and cursing at anyone who dares to put a hand on the man you loved. And whenever you had a presentation, after spinning around and doing your tricks on the ice, you would always have to your number one fan waiting for you with a giant smile and a bouquet of flowers on his hand, ready to take you home to celebrate your victories on the privacy of your room. (iykwim)
If you have something to add, please feel free to send me your ideas✨🤭
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
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— His usual grumpy face isn't as grumpy anymore, more like boredom
— Searched on the internet to see what's the name of this cuz his old ass would NOT know I'm sorry
— Drinks to forget about it but in the end it was the worst decision he could have
— And by being a honest drunk he kinda.. y'know......
— Let's go with Angel, he's the one who heard the news ✨️
"Ler mood, eh? I heard 'bout it, in my studio we got a few people with a tickling kink. I can help~"
"Not as a fetish, asshole."
— A bit confusing at first but it's not that difficult to realize that it's more like a bonding/comfort type of thing
"...I can still help with that."
— Results: wholesome tickles
— Surprisingly a really careful ler
— Not talkative, just wanna hear the other person giggle
— Awkward at first but he gets used to it!!
— Later on he turns into a lee radar and just knows who's in a lee mood
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— Again, no idea what it is, had to search it up
— Tail won't stop wagging whenever he thinks about it
— Definitely messes up most of his drinks because his mind is just NOT here
— A bit more sensitive
— Since he's unluck af I feel like everything around him will just not go on his favor 😭😭
— Niffty with her feather dust, Angel wiggling his fingers somehow, maybe someone gets into a tickle fight even, meanwhile he's just watching
— To be honest it would be curious if Alastor was the one to find out
— ...and he would help :D
"Oh well, that's not someone I would expect from someone who barely even smiles! HaHaHa!"
"So funny."
"But don't you worry, I can help."
— Not for kindness obviously, this man just wanna see some humiliation
— Husk can't take teases at all
— Cough cough purrs cough cough
— Lee mood lasts longer if the one tickling him is someone he loves (platonic or not)
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i-am-a-fan · 5 months
Question time cuz now I'm curious! (Mainly pirate AU cuz you guys sorta caused a fixation) What is the mark on her forehead? Is it related to her inheriting the samadhi fire or is it related to her draconic past? :0 IS THERE A FIC I CAN CONSUME?? Is there other refs on the making? I'm interested to see Sandy's design :3 Are you and spoof like co-au authors, or do you guys kinda pass the au kinda like hot potato? (lol) I noticed that in the concept for the pirate AU it had a doodle indicating that the treasure (which I'm presuming is the staff from previous post 👀👀) is located on Macaques eye. (probably, idk) and that Mk is the key. So uh. Bestie. How does t h a t work???? (Am nervous of angst)
Loving the details! Love the Au! Love any silly thing, either way keep it up Speck!
-your friendly mutual Peony (I should change my pfp lol)
OKAY. IMMA JUST RAMBLE BECAUSE I GOT SOME ANSWERS THAT ARENT SPOILERS. WAHOOO!!! This got long. So just click see more for all the answers
1. Both. 2. Yes and no. 3. No refs but comics are still being sketched. 4. It’s more like a game of telephone, and 5. i’ll explain when we get there.
1. The mark on mei’s forehead is actually from both!
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My inspiration was the pattern on the back of redson’s jacket in the show. It has 3 fireballs and three lines in the middle. Since i deeply love putting in tiny details I of course used this as inspiration for the markings on redson’s back in the au.
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The same markings that they got when the samadhi fire was ripped away from their body and sealed into the golden rings. However, it looks like part of the pattern is missing from the burn marks on redson…
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2. Is there a fic? Yes and no. I’m still super new at writing fan fiction and comics are my go-to place for storytelling, as a result I’m hesitant to actually release any fic to the public. More so, the comics give me some time to actually think about what I want the plot to be, since i’m just laying down train tracks as I go. (Terrible. i know.)
3. Are there any refs in the making? Honestly? right now, no. Ref sheets are fun but only when you draw that character a lot. And unfortunately, just doing the mei sheet took me around 20 hours total to get it where i wanted it to be. So, i’m still working on other sheets. However, since you asked about Sandy..
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He’s supposed to appear in the next comic which will probably take me a while to do. So please be patient! With finals and everything I have no idea what my day to day looks like.
4. Are me and @spoofyleaf co-authors or is this a game of hot-potato? I think it’s closer to a game of telephone, where things get lost in translation sometimes, but over all the message gets passed. The amount of rambling they endure from me in ungodly and i appreciate them. so much.
5. The concept art… uhh don’t worry about :>
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
Also I'd like you to know the moment you said "why haven't you considered this possibility" about yeo being one of the culprits my suspicion was immediately UPPED but I'm suspicious of pretty much everyone except y/n and mingi (and joong yunho and jong are also pretty much fine) so it doesn't really make much of a difference to my list of suspects in the end
But also not sure if I think yeo is the culprit because why would he intentionally switch the bottles/contents and then nearly get himself killed??? He could be playing some 4d chess with that move if it is him but I somehow doubt a 12 year old would be quite that clever
Also woo being so concerned with his looks he immediately changes clothes for fear of being lame? LMFAO sounds about right 🤣 quick everyone point and laugh
And even yeo was starting to avoid woo before the accident? I'm still kinda sus on yeo but hmm it seems he may definitely have known something if he was being like that...
And y/n having a whole laundry list of tormentors, what did the poor girl do to deserve this that's so cruel :(
The culprit better be scared because we are coming and can't be stopped >:D
And finally, it's THEORY TIME!!!!!!!
I looked at some previous chapters to see if there were details we may have missed or forgotten.
I forget what exactly it was about (i think something school related), but in one conversation woo said "if yeo was here he'd back me up" and I couldn't help but wonder.......has some form of coercion possibly taken place? And perhaps someone (maybe yeo) put their foot down to stop it and this happened as a result 🤔
Either way, yeo deffo knows more than he's letting on or at least he DID know and has forgotten, curious to see what comes next
- mercenary anon 🫶
oh dude odln!yeo was a kid when he did it and he's DEFINITELY the type to be peer pressured into doing shit he shouldn't and honestly he was probably told that it would be fine bc the alcohol wouldn't be that much and he didn't expect to be in such a situation bc after that, he and woo were like BESTIES despite them having nothing in common
ODLN!MINGI PROBABLY HAD BEEN PLANNING TO SAY THAT FOR SO LONG HE JUST HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE LMAOOOO GOOD FOR HIM meanwhile odln!woo can still be an insecure loser and just like fucking shut up for 2 damn seconds
it's annoying that odln!woo is like THAT but he knows THAT MUCH i super duper hate it and like he can choke on his belt frfr bc like remember (y/n) is his FAMILY and not just family but his TWIN like dude ??? wtf is wrong with you ???? odln!woo and the other perpetrators better watch their 6 their days are numbered
let's be real, would odln!yeo, the spineless loser coward that he is, stood up to someone with THAT much narcissism ??? he'd wrestle a crocodile in a mudpit before he does that
how will things unfold tho ? 👀
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yuu-kumeii · 10 months
"Like homie what kind of zoo are you going to that has HIGH adrenaline attractions I want some 😭" jsjsjsjsjsjsjajajjas ah idk truly, but it's a nice concept I guess 😂 I got to do stuff I couldn't do when I was little because of my height
"we should probably start acknowledging the stuff we have to do but how could we do that when 'fictional men pretty 😊' and fun hangouts with friends are fun?" I had to do some stuff though 😅 but it was for some "Extra course" I'm in so it wasn't that bad, just making some slides. And you're so right with the fictional men pretty like, I've got some COD brainrot and the minimum fluff I find for Ghost is not helping my delulu heart 😭
I miss you too my dear! I'll try to answer more continuously so we can get in touch with the self ship thingy, I'm curious about your fic 👀👀👀
A zoo with rides AND you get the tall privilege 😌
Ooo I could never do smth like extra courses tbh bc brain not working so you're so smart Nat for being in med school AND taking extra courses (even if it was just making slides) 🥺
And YES SEE?? Fictional men pretty, they occupy most of my headspace 😔😔😔 alsoo I search up Ghost bc I wasn't sure if I knew what he looked like and girl 2 things, 1) Ok yeah I can see the fluff potential in him, the skull motif is kinda cute 🫣 and 2) I saw some news abt data miners trying to find out what he looks like under the mask and their results made me cackle a lil 🥹
Aaa you don't have to do that if it's too hard okk 🩷 I'm fine with notifying you everytime if you want‼️The fic is so messy and cryptic because I love me some ethereal vibes 🫦 I also def wanna hear about YOUR selfship stuff too ok 🫵
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alectoperdita · 1 year
Hey I suddenly got curious so just wanted to ask. I'm a big fan of the parallel universes trope in fics, so I was wondering how would both kaiba from the lure series and joey from the i am a mob fic (ongoing) would react if they see each other? and by extent their romantic counterparts :0 or if you're not sure that's okay too haha
I adore questions like this! Cuz I too spend way too much time crossing the various versions of them I've written in my head. Like I'm a huge fan of crossovers, so why not do it with my boys?
This is also an idea kinda discussed in passing with @saiikavon and @chesacakeripper, so I can't take all the credit here. <3
So mob!Jou has always kinda adored his Seto. As younger teenagers, they were pretty inseparable, and there was a lot of warmth/affection in their relationship. Mob!Seto isn't that much of a touchy guy, but he is with his Jou, and he was very much used to Jou hanging in his direct personal space when they were younger. So a first meeting between mob!Jou and Lure!Kaiba would result in MAJOR cognitive dissonance for Jou. Seeing a younger Kaiba is going to invoke such nostalgia in Jou, even though this Kaiba is slightly older and had his growth spurt compared to before they separated at the orphanage. Then Lure!Kaiba will actually speak/interact with Jou, and oh boy... Kaiba in most forms is pretty arrogant, but Lure!Kaiba? He's imperious and domineering. If he's already met his Jou, then he firmly expects to be able to command mob!Jou in a similar way, despite their age and physique differences. And I can't imagine mob!Jou takes well to being threatened...
Basically, I think it could get tense/combative after the initial meeting. @saiikavon brilliantly put it, they're a wolf and a serpent circling each other. 👀
Conversely, Lure!Jou is super suspicious/cautious around mob!Seto. Poor Lure!Jou gets separation anxiety with his Kaiba if we're late enough in the timeline. ;;;_;;; And he knows that mob!Seto is not his Kaiba for so many reasons. Also don't think he can trust actual tenderness or softness from any Kaiba. Mob!Seto is probably feeling all types of ways about this cagey Jou that's so different from the teenager he remembered.
And just as an addition, because I love the idea of a body swap, so Lure!Kaiba in mob!Kaiba's body and vice versa. In that case, I do think Lure!Kaiba would try to feign and act like his mob self to try and fool everyone that he is mob!Kaiba. And Lure!Kaiba will probably do a decent job of it outside of a highly professional setting (sorry, Kaiba, you're smart, but you don't have experience practicing law). But mob!Jou would not be fooled. There's ice in Seto's eyes and smile now that wasn't there before... Then Lure!Kaiba can drop the act and we would probably find ourselves in a very tense situation indeed. 😈
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bokettochild · 1 year
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This is Squirrelly! She's my puppet I got for my fifth birthday! Much loved by my little siblings as a distraction, but unfortunately with a chewed nose as a result ���
She's a clever, curious and playful individual but highly distractible LOL
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This is Sofia (Silky Sofie). I got her from my dad when he returned from deployment overseas in one of his many south east deployments with the Air Force. As a kid, i made her out as the tired but trying older sister, trying to hold a home together for her younger siblings but also kinda lonely and looking for love. I laugh now that I've basically grown into being that character as an adult.
Fun fact! Her ears are different sizes!
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This is Elizabeth! Named after Elizabeth Bennett (because I grew up on Austin) she's the younger sister of Sofie. She's a no nonsense individual, very practical and blunt, but with a good heart. She has no interest in romance and is more keen on academics and making her way in the world as a business lady.
I don't remember when and where I got her, but it was probably Toys-R-Us
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This is Mary. Mary is the youngest of the cat sisters and an uter and total Karen. She's a bully and a stnker and knows she's cute enough to get away with it. She was so much fun to play with as a kid because the jerk characters are always so much fun as the "good kid".
Mary was given to me by my younger sister because she was "ugly" and so my sister didn't want her.
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This is Violet! (A name I have always loved and is now a joke to me LOL) My parents got her for me at Build-A-Bear before my dad went away for a deployment right before Christmas when I was seven. There used to be a record in her paw I could play to hear my dad's voice telling me how much he loved me and that my smile "lights up the room". I played it to oblivion though and so it's dead now :(
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This is Katy, another Build-A-Bear hat I got for Christmas when I was...eleven? I think? She is usually our evil queen and villain, but has also played the henchman on occasion. She's kind of awkward to hold and move, so she got mostly stuck playing side roles or in-frequent ones.
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This is Faith Bear. My little sister, Faith, died of Trisomy 18 when I was 13, and the nurses gave me and my siblings each a comfort bear when we left the hospital. Faith was only a few hours old and the bears were a huge comfort. I've never played with this one, as she's more of a memory bear, but she's very dear to me.
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This is Theodore, Teddy for short. He used to belong to my aunt (who is four years younger than me) but my grandfather gave him to me after his wife took custody of my aunt. Theodore is a comfort bear and hasn't been played with, since I got him as an adult. His ears are amazing for fidgeting with and he's just firm enough to simulate a small child when I need a baby fix.
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Lastly, this one is Cocoa, or Charles, depending on the game. The last remaining pup of a group my sisters and I got at Toys-R-Us, I'm the only one to keep mine this long. Cocoa is sweet, playful and easily excitable, but when taking on a male role, Charles was stuffy, stiff and snobbish :)
Anyways, those are my medium size stuffies, I have....so many more that are small though :)
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eirasummersart · 1 year
Because of Obey me! Nightbringer I'm going back to thinking of all the OM characters and starting to brainrot again about my faves.
The people who vote yes, feel free to tell me who you'd want me to draw. Either in the tags or send me an ask 👀 I'm kinda curious~ But there's no need to!
I would probably mostly draw my faves tho hahah
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hello! I didn't have the time to read the next chapter because of university(remind me again why can't I drop everything and become a street artist?). But I was thinking about IALS (as usual) and I have some random thoughts so I thought I'd share them with you:
In Lance's chapter, Lance revealed that David at some point ran inside to grab Max's diaries and Lance ran inside to grab something else and I'm thinking: Was that something the pink pony? Because he promised both David and Max that he'll take good care of it and he dropped it and that's the reason for his blindness, like if he hadn't run in to get it he would have been fine? And is that why David threw it away? Because at first, I thought it was because it was the last thing he saw before he lost consciousness but maybe not?
You said the only times David gets mad at Jaden was when he acted like a bad parental figure but I'm thinking, Jaden was insulting Max a lot, did he not get angry then? Like the first fight David and Jaden had was indeed about the kids but then Jaden called Max an idiot and said some mean stuff about him and David broke a glass in his hand (that man is OBSESSED with his husband and nothing can change that🥹). So did he fight with Jaden when he was mean to Max?
I may be wrong but the only times we see David willing to yell and actively want to fight with Max, the only times he gets truly frustrated with him, is when he is... jealous? I mean their first "fight" was when David met Mona and then at the Maldives when he made out with the cook and even at the party when David was judging his taste in women. He always told Max that he was mad because this was hurting the kids but could there be some other possessive reason behind it? Just curious👀
Speaking about ponies, what happened to the pony Max won for Lance? I recall Lance asking Max to keep it safe but does he still have it?
I have a physical need for David to realize that Max stole his shirt when he claimed he hated him I just need him to know that his husband is an idiot who loves him like crazy (notice how I never say ex-husband? That's called self-preservation ladies and gentlemen). Will David see or recognise the t-shirt?
When the story started Max was really mad at David and David seemed really indifferent towards Max and I think that's what really confused all of us, because, speaking for myself, I thought that they had all healed. I don't mean healed exactly, more like they had left what had happened behind them, that this was their reality but it's now obvious that it was a phase, a step towards recovery and that they all had a long way to go and knowing that now really puts things into perspective and reading the first chapters again everything makes more sense. You are a really talented writer and I know I've said it a lot of times but you just find new ways to surprise us so I'll keep saying it.
When I first read IALS there was one thing that made me 100 per cent sure that Mavid was over and the more I kept comparing them to TLND Malec the more sure I got and that was the fact that David seemed to actively want to hurt Max. It was the one thing that made zero sense and the one thing no one can recover from, because how can you get back together with someone that broke you so badly? I think we all saw the show the same way Max saw it back then, we never got David's perspective about it at first so we all thought that it was meant to hurt Max. Although I still believe that it was kinda wrong to write it and in Max's place I would be hella pissed (I'm a very private person and the thought of the whole world knowing everything about me is giving me nightmares) what pissed me and everyone off was the result. Back then the result was Max being hurt and the world not giving him what he needed, space from everything. And DC gave him that, the space he needed to be "Just Max" as he said. So knowing all of that now, everything is good again. And that's why we should never doubt David or Dani ever kids, they both love Max Lightwood Bane way too much.
Okay end of random thoughts have a good dayy🌷
Ps: Today I was reminded of this song The Real Slim Shady by Eminem and I thought about Max and Jaden being in the same room and hearing this and I couldn't stop laughing, Jaden would have been so pissed🤣
Petition for you to drop everything and become a street artist. Let's go!!!
This is a very good theory *insert y'all are hella specific gif from b99*
David of course does get angry when Jaden insults Max (his intelligence or health etc). But it's not as intense as when he insults Max as a parent per se. Because Max as we know as a self-deprecating tendency (only if you know him well) and perhaps Jaden's behavior reminds David of Max. But there is a limit to David's tolerance of course. That's why we see him losing his shit sometimes.
He is 100% being a jealous bitch. David being a jealous bitch will always be canon in every universe. We also see him getting angry when Max is reckless and puts his life at risk - that's also him being possessive of Max himself.
He definitely has it. But hidden in his closet. He has the rubik's cube too. No one is allowed to see it because he doesn't want them to know he's a softie ;)
David might not recognize it if he sees it. But maybe he'll find out about it. I'm not if we will see that shirt. But we will definitely see more shirts. *wink*
Thank you. This means a lot. It's supposed to be confusing. Otherwise, the plot won't move the way it does now. What I find very interesting is that in the fic, when people read David's book, they sympathize with David and when they watch the show about Max, they take his side. But you as a reader, had a completely different experience. You (not you specifically lol) didn't side with David when we actually got to see flashbacks from his pov (part 1) you sided with Max. But when you read Max's side of the story (part 2), you started to feel more for Max. It's a fantastic thing I did not see something and yet another piece of evidence for how Mavid really bring out the best in each other.
Facts only. A mistake(?) that I kept making at the beginning was also to constantly compare IALS mavid to TLND malec and it really messed up my writing. Because these two stories are not the same in any capacity. I hate writing stories in the same trope but I couldn't pass IALS even though I had just written another divorce story because the plot and themes and dynamics and characters in these were just so different.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the fact that David wrote the show either. But I always think about if Mavid had been together and David had the opportunity to write about his life, Max would've encouraged the fuck out of it. What is really heartwarming is that even after the divorce and everything that happened, Max didn't stop David from writing the show. We must never forget that Max could've prevented the show from happening if he really wanted to. He had every right - legally and morally speaking. But he didn't. For two reasons. One, as he himself said, he is proud of his story (not the show - but his own story). It took him a long time to accept that. The show was one of the reasons he did accept it.
The second reason is a simple one. This was actually a scene/line from the previous chapter but I cut it out (idk why).
"You should really watch the show," Max told his son.
"It's a stupid show," Lance rolled his eyes. "I don't know why you, out of all people, would watch it."
"Because David wrote it," Max said simply. Because it was really as simple as that.
PS - The fact that Max and Jaden didn't have many scenes together is truly both a blessing and a curse oof. Hope you have a great day too, love.
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
Lore: Satyrs are friendly as long as you don't cross them :)
My half-Satyr MC: (is a complete cunt for no reason other than they are a miserable bitch forced on a quest they didn't want, to find an object they want to crush to bits the second they see it so they make it everyone's problem)
Let's just say they took more after their human side lol
It is kinda funny to see the relationship stats go to negative tho. This wasn't my definitive run bc I don't like playing Mean MCs but I got curious and it was still a fun experiment lol
Ahaha, yes, that kind of MC is definitely an interesting one to play!! Satyrs can also be very arrogant and mean to others – you just haven't seen them angry...👀
I hope to be able to add as much contrast as possible between "positive" and "negative" runs, so it will result in a satisfying experience either way!! 😊
And I'm not sure if the stats should go negative, although it's definitely funny that you managed them do so! I guess that'll be a thing to consult later when I start preparing this game for a full release.
Thank you so much for the fun ask!! xx
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sylvaur · 2 years
I have to say I still crack up at the lil Phoenix reaction in your recent style swap art with Miles and Franziska 😂 he's so flustered with Edgeworth's look and i love it so much 😂💖
Also I'm curious if you have thought about doing a style swap with Phoenix and someone else? 👀
AHA thank you! speaking of - i’m currently working on a wrightworth drawing that’s actually like…. embarrasingly overt and not a blink and you miss it cameo moment…… if maybe you wanna stick around for that……….👉👈
as for your question - YES i have thought about that! i actually thought about swapping miles with phoenix before i even thought about swapping him with franziska - although. if you look at the resulting hairstyles. you might see why i didn’t follow through with that LMAO
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(also the colors of phoenix’s shirt and necktie were originally inverted which meant that i’d accidentaly made him look like a fucking priest)
so later i got the idea of swapping phoenix with trucy. oh i saw so much potential in this pairing, my idea for trucy!phoenix being like a glamorous gentleman thief, and i’d even started working out the logistics of phoenix!trucy’s dress and cape. except i gave up on that as well when i got the idea to swap trucy with nahyuta instead😭😭 i don’t know!! like one very distinct constraint of doing style swaps with AA characters specifically is that a good half of them wear some flavor of the same kind of dress suit, which makes this design exercise kinda boring sometimes! lmao
oughhh god but it would be a TREAT to see what kind of creative style swap pairings people could come up with. i’m sure there’s so many characters that haven’t even crossed my mind yet. and that’s without even mentioning TGAA!
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toxooz · 3 years
I'm very curious about Jakkan 👀👀 what's their story?
ROIGHT SO his overall story is still p fuzzy to me but i do got somthn goin so basically it takes place 🌌in the future 🌌 like abt hundreds of years later or so and the monster fighting industry that Ponti was so big in gradually became more tame and thus became more popular and would often be hosted at like clubs or even banquets n stuff. Still dont know how but Jakkans city was destroyed by some sort of radioactive( or something??idk yet tbh LMFAO) accident and he got knocked into a sewage system while trying to escape. He was discovered while a team was searching for survivors to 'save' aka just upgrade and modify them to be new potential fighters in the industry. Since Jakkans arms were crushed under rubble and his lungs where filled with sewage and smoke they had to completely amputate his arms and make some vent contraption to his lungs so that he could breathe that looks like this:
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the inner vents are connected to the superior lobes on the lungs and the outer vents are connected to the middle and (left) interior lobes to assist in breathing plus as protection the little blades that make up the vents are Very sharp so obstructing one of them could result in serious injury basically like sticking your hand in a washing machine full of razor blades.
As for his arms the modifiers had something special in mind they'd been wanting to try out and Jakkan was the perfect contender for that and that was basing a fighters design off of The First Legend Himself: Ponti. Despite Bruce’s reign crumbling when he got arrested and Ponti eventually going off and living a new life, video footage of his fighting days still remained. Despite many people in the industry thinking that he shouldn’t be the one to get inspiration from due to his excessively gruesome and violent tactics that are no longer practiced now, some still think that his design could be a key part to success in the business even now. sO they recreated Jakkans arms to be much larger with spikes lining the knuckles that could vary in size(the only pics i got of him are the c r u s t i e s t  mfs imaginable so bear with me lmfao):
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the arms were separated into 3 sections and they could levitate and move at his own free will
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Jakkan overall was devastated about what happened to his city and loved ones but he was willing to accept this new life and move on the best he could since they dished it out to him as if he was getting a second chance at life and an opportunity few could obtain. He began fighting and gained some popularity and became pretty well off quickly, I’m thinking they eventually gave him a second pair of “normal” arms that he could used outside of fighting to do his day to day things. It gets kinda unclear after this but basically he goes to clubs ect where the fights are but also just to hang out there so Lavando being a pole dancer was somewhat acquaintances with Jakkan
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Lavando, now being around hundreds of years (now in a happy old relationship with Jonsa livin life in a vast quiet garden land when he’s not working🥺)  and seeing how everything came to be and evolved, knew quite a bit about what really happens to get new fighters into the industry but he uttered not a word to Jakkan and assumed he was better off living in a blissful lie until Jakkan started hearing similar connecting stories with other fighters about how their city or town was ‘mysteriously’ brought to disaster and how they were found by the same organization. Jakkan would play it over in his mind trying to find out what it all really meant and brought it up to Lavando at one point and Lav was basically like “ yeah they deliberately destroy smaller cities and put ppl in critical states that way they can be more easily convinced that theyre getting a new better life by signing up for this I’ve been saying this for years and nobody believes me” having an old man moment but for Jakkan that hit him like a nail on the head and he had a revelation of ‘holy shit im living large off of the same people who purposefully destroyed my life and killed my family’ sO basically his current story is him trying to find a way to derail the whole system that he’s stuck in idk it may change after that part  tbhhh it doesn’t hit it for me but yeah theres what Jakkan is so far  👍
EDIT::: hold up somthn literally just came to me maybe he does start some revolution of some sort and build a massive group of other fighters thus furthering the whole concept of him being the foil of Ponti  but In A Good Way 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 HMMMMMMMMMmmmm 
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Okay soo I'm not sure what exactly prompted my brain to think of this scenario buuut.....Zenjou-san x Reisi smut (with Zenjou as top ofc) 👀 Given that Zenjou-san is so antagonistic towards Reisi and very openly expresses his dislike of him, I can't wait to see what story you can make up that draws the two of them closer to each other, one way or another. And that leads to the desired results 🤭 And would the rest of S4 find out about this new thing between these two? And how will they react? 😆
I know you said 'bring them closer together' but considering that scene in Side Blue where Zenjoh slams Munakata into a wall and Munakata seems to be kinda enjoying it I have to admit that my brain went immediately to 'one-sided hate sex' XD I could see Munakata at least being intrigued by Zenjoh in a variety of ways, like he finds that 'demon' side of Zenjoh to be the most fascinating and wants to bring it out a little. And maybe imagine this like post-ROK so Munakata's no longer really a King even if he still carries himself like one and say Zenjoh is somewhat questioning his own path forward, because he doesn't need to be the person who slays Kings anymore and really he doesn't even need to stay in Scepter 4, it's not like the Records department really needs him, but he finds himself wanting to stay anyway to see what Munakata makes of this new Scepter 4.
Munakata finds himself stopping by the Records department more often too, wanting to know what Zenjoh thinks of a world where there are no Kings. And maybe in an odd way he feels a bit more of a kinship with Zenjoh now, knowing what it's like when the world seems to have shifted and you need to decide if you wish to shift with it or remain in the past. I could also see them in this scenario talking about old times a bit more, Munakata suddenly curious about the type of man Habari Jin was and Zenjoh for the first time in a long time finding himself wanting to talk about his days in the old Scepter 4. Munakata notes that Zenjoh seems to have been uniquely close to Habari and Zenjoh says maybe he was but it doesn't matter now, he couldn't follow that person until the end after all. Munakata feels that Zenjoh truly is a fascinating person with an interesting past, and he wonders if Zenjoh still feels poorly about Munakata's place as the Blue King. Zenjoh says he isn't the Blue King anymore and Munakata gets this amused grin as he's like that is true, but still I want to know your feelings towards me.
This eventually escalates to the point of them hooking up, I imagine Zenjoh at least being somewhat boggled by his own actions, like how did he get dragged into being fascinated by another Blue King. I could see the squad being pretty much equally boggled when they find out, like imagine Hidaka or someone stops by the Records room for something and catches them making out. Immediately this goes through the rumor mill and no one knows how this even happened, like the idea of old scary guy Zenjoh and regal nerd Munakata seems oddly out of place. And imagine they're all gossiping about what do you think Captain sees in him and Fushimi overhears and before he can stop himself he's like '...slamming into walls' and everyone's like wait what, Fushimi grudgingly mentions That Time Zenjoh Slammed Munakata Into a Wall And He Definitely Liked It and now everyone probably has a very particular and not entirely correct mental image of Munakata and Zenjoh's relationship.
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sithisreadingcorner · 3 years
Hi Sithi, I'm Sab :) I hope you're doing well. My presence here is mainly due to a curiosity that I have regarding this new year ahead since wednesday was my birthday (11/10/1995). I'm seeking your guidance regarding my 26th years which I'm quite curious and a bit "worried" about if you sense what I mean lol (for the context...i'm almost at the end of my law studies, it's like i'm entering in a "consolidation era" lol where I have to "prove myself"+ i tend sometimes to have some "existential" worries in my life in general without sounding too deep or too scorpionic). For my favorite thing ? Rn it would be gingerbreads covered with dark chocolate which I crave all the time this season :) Or in general, I love everything related to birds! 🥺Thank you in advance and I wish you a nice day/night! 👁👀 (i couldn't decide which one I prefer the most lmao😭)
Oh my goodness Sab, happy belated birhtday!! I hope you had a really pleasant time and everything that you wished for will come true this year!! 🥰
Omg dont even talk to me about those cinnamon boys. Now I crave them too!! 😂 And i absolutely LOVE birbs and everything about birbs, so even though this was not a test, you are still absolutely acing it somehow 😂
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Its been a while since I've done this, cause I tend to lay out my cards intuitively, but the good ole vanilla Celtic Cross is a fantastic spread if you need some kind of general direction in your life and I kinda feel like doing it rn, so.
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the hierophant. king of swords
What seems to be the core of your issues, at least how I see it, is that now you have learned this immense amount of knowledge, but you seem uncertain how to actually apply it to real life situations. And this is not really like a practical thing (or maybe it partially is, it could be both) but what I'm sensing is that this is rather a moral question. You already know what there is, but you don't really know how to use this knowledge to fight the good fights, or you have some kind of doubt and don't trust yourself with the ability to do so. I totally understand if this is causing you worries, because this is an extremely complicated issue. But I would reckon that if you are really so deeply concerned with doing what is morally right, you have a good start at the very least!
ten of coins. the world the chariot. five of coins
This part is normally used as something like a past-future-cause-effect axis, but instead I wanted to use it as a matrix of things that you could or should work on. And the results are extremely positive, I'm happy to say. If you had any worries about whether this will work out for you as a carreer, please don't fear, because unless something unforeseeably and drastically changes, this path will be both lucrative and emotionally fulfilling, full of opportunities, and it seems like you've got everything that it takes. I wouldn't say it if I didn't think so. The cards you got for these positions are very powerful and overwhelmingly reassuring.
There is one thing however, that you could definitely work on. I had to pull some clarification cards here because the Chariot is a very generic card to pull here with a lot of different meanings that could make sense. And I pulled the page of wands reversed and the five of cups reversed. Which makes me think, that you seem very... idk if that's the best word I could use but impatient? What I mean by this is not a day to day, moment to moment kind of impatience but rather that you want to move things too quickly, and maybe in some other cases when you would need to act fast you are indecisive and start doubting yourself. And here's the thing. I think, if you move on with your life today and heed no word to what I just said, you will still become a good lawyer(judge? whatever you are studying for). But if you don't work on this and pay attention to this, a) it will be at the very serious detriment of your mental health, as you will feel constant stress and frustration, and b) it might impact your cases in some teeny tiny ways that could still be avoided for the absolute best outcome possible.
So. You need to focus on what battles to pick, when you have to lay low, and when is the right time to make moves. Timing is everything. I don't feel like this is a one time thing that someone could just plaster a singular piece of advice on, but from the cards that I got it seems to me that you will know how to fix this and it won't be very difficult, you just have to work on it actively.
ace of cups reversed
I can tell that you feel really apprehensive, maybe even scared, of your "consolidation era". However, especially in the light of the other cards you got, the inconvenience of this card is extremely benign, and in the bigger scheme of things ignorable.
five of swords
Arguments, hostility and stress are unfortunately par the course for your job, and it will probably take a toll on you emotionally, but you shouldn't let that stop you, and please don't let yourself think that you are bad at it or that's somehow your shortcoming. Just take good care of yourself and live to fight another day. Setbacks are a part of every job, so no worries there, it is what it is.
three of cups. the hermit
The most important takeaway that I want you to have from this reading is that the kind of mental and moral fortitude that you seek to embody is something that is built up over time and requires a lot of hard work and experience. If you don't feel like you are some kind of unparalleled and infallible beacon of socioeconomic justice right away, that's actually not only true probably, but in fact completely okay.💗 You seem very dedicated however, and if you don't let the small setbacks feed your doubts and get in the way, you will one day be known far and wide as a helper of your community.
Traces of the community aspect seem to have come up more than once in this reading, here and there in a kind of subliminal fashion. I'm under the impression that there is some kind of core issue in your heart that you particularly care about, that makes this all a personal stake that motivates you to do this job - you really care about families in need and/or a specific group of people that need help with something (perhaps you or someone you know very closely belong in this group in some kind of way?). The fact that you care so deeply will make this job harder in some sense of the word, but never forget that is in fact your strength and your humanity will also play an invisible but large role in your success. I think that if you listen to them and keep working hard, eventually the people whom you seek to help will cherish you and even uplift you in some way that they can.
And one more thing.
seven of cups reversed
I don't think that this has anything to do with the rest of the reading, but this card just fell out, seemingly to warn you about something. This card could have multiple meanings but they are mostly centered around "deception" (that of yourself or by others) or "bad choice/harmful indecision". And I can't really lean towards either, the two meanings are competing in my mind as if they were both true to varying degrees. If you have been putting off some kind of decision lately, you should pay attention to that now, but you should also look into it deeper first because it seems that you don't have all the facts yet.
Sab, I hope that you enjoyed this reading and it was helpful in some way! Take care of yourself and unless we talk again until that time, happy holidays! 💗
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