#but i'lll uh
bunberrypancake · 1 year
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puffy bunny shinobu bc I needed serotonin today. 
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speckle-peony · 6 months
(@goldenrodchef) Um. Hi.
Uh. First of all, my condolences. I know this is scary, and you have my sympathies.
Second of all. I wrote a guide for people like us, to help adjust to being a Pokemon. You can find it linked in my pinned post.
Third. It's going to be ok. I know it might not seem like it. But I'll do everything in my power to help you.
t-t-thank you. i'lll, i'll read it
i, i really hope itll be oki
im, i
i dont want to stay a smeargle
i'll read it
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(Guys, i drew a lore image, but its kinda... It's pretty dark. So uh, I'lll leave up to you guys whether you guys want it posted or not. Please let me know)
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tezerenotameiki · 2 years
Hi, uh. I saw your post about the denpa-style C-ta horror game and. 1. your mind?? yes please, and 2. do you have any denpa classics recommendations because I've only played a few and love the aesthetic..
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ok. im working off the assumption ur like me and primarily play english vns but have relative familiarity with the, uh, quirks of the genre. just in case: denpa games are pretty difficult to recommend in general because of how intense, graphic, gorey, etc. they tend to be. i cant really get into content warnings with each one bc they would be literal paragraphs LOL but i'm going to try and provide a range of options (both classics + things that i personally believe fit the aesthetic). if you need more details on any game, just hmu!!
subahibi: i'll start off with easily the most horrifying game i've ever played (extremely affectionate). it's difficult to even talk about the plot of this game, other than that it's a fascinating spiral down a literal/metaphorical rabbit hole as you unravel the psyches of the most fucked up cast in the world. a read so brutal i have to take breaks from it to recover from it. i adore it so.
sayonara o oshiete: if you want a classic, this is one of the Defining games in the genre. it definitely shows its age, but holy shit is the atmosphere incredible. it's also... another really graphic game. there's an english patch that isn't particularly good, apparently, and got hated on so much it was deleted... but it's not hard to find (lol) and i've definitely read worse translations
shizuku: so this was a fun surprise! in researching this list i discovered someone who machine translated the OG visual novel and denpa game, shizuku, and uploaded it to youtube. it's janky, but a cool find, so i'lll be watching it later. shizuku's just got a neat aesthetic in general and it's good if you want to know about the classics - there's a lot written up about it.
totono: unfortunately, by its inclusion on its list, i'm spoiling that its not a normal dating sim… but it's a nitroplus game, that's a given! a protagonist convinced that he'll never amount to anything begins to connect with the two love interests in the game. from there… the game truly bends the narrative and uses its medium in stunning ways. it's as thought-provoking as it is horrifying. a must-read imo
higurashi: i'm assuming if you're at all familiar with vns you've played or at least heard of higurashi. if not. go play it. shakes your shoulders.
soundless -a modern salem in remote area-: this was actually my introduction to denpa games, so i have a huge soft spot for it! it's insane how much they tailored it to my tastes. a young girl caught in a religious cult is viciously tormented by the other members for her visions — until another member arrives saying that she can see the same things too.
chaos;child: more sci-fi than most denpa games usually are, but with all the focus on delusion, gore, the spiral of mental illness, etc etc i just have to put it on this list. watch this cocky newspaper club president try to investigate senselessly brutal murders across the city and become embroiled in a case beyond human understanding! fun!
^^ (as a sidenote, its prequel, chaos;head NOAH, is supposed to have a improved translation patch by committee of zero coming out soon! just based on the aesthetic, i think c;h is a little bit of a better fit, but i haven't played it yet)
milk inside / outside a bag of milk: two separate games, but mostly listing for the second one, which has a stunning art style that completely replicates that feeling of being disconnected from reality. short but stays with you.
hopefully there are a few on this list that seem of interest to you! i can always dive into my itch.io for more niche games i may have forgotten about lol
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mourningcttlfsh · 1 year
did he just turn the gold into cheese
what happened to the rat unifroms.... </3
"if that is NOT dr two brains im looking at then i'll eat my hat." "uhh alright" "i'm serious! i'll eat it!!" "no i uh know" "i'm a man of my word" "i believe you, its, but i" "for some people i'lll eat my hat is an expression. not with me" "..right. i have to go" "im gonna eat the hat"
rat bomb
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realboutfatalfury · 3 years
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 4 years
@catie-does-things replied to your post “@catie-does-things replied to your post “@izzythehutt replied to...”
Yeah Kristin being about 17 sounds right, though I don't remember exactly either. Anyway, the important thing is the narrative takes both of their sins Seriously.
which is always a good thing!!
i’m anxious about her dad finding out D: 
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neocrackcitysworld · 2 years
because i care. ~j.j.h
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"why did you do that?"
"because i care."
husband!jaehyun x fem!reader genre : angst and a lil bit of fluff ❤🌹 summary : cold-hearted jaehyun never seems to give a shit about anything in this world except his work and he prefers to show it off rather proudly, to everyone. but what happens when another man lays his eyes on his arranged wife?
you shuffled around your bed, groaning at the light that peeked through your curtains, shining bright on your face.
"why is it morning againnn?" you whined, kicking off your blankets. in the process your hand flew to the other side of the bed, only to find it empty.
you sighed. he must've took off for work already.
you close your eyes and heave a huge, long breath. you and jaehyun were newlyweds for about a month now. but the thing was, he never acted like you were his wife.
he never cheated on you, never layed his hands on you or never did anything bad overall. however, you both barely exchanged a word to each other during the time you both were married.
you were the ceo of a very prestigious company in south korea which extended into many more branches in the world, while jaehyun was the heir to another important company which benefited south korea in tremendous ways.
the two of you had actually gotten married in order to establish a partnership with your respective comapnies. it was your parents' ideas to go ahead with this idea of marriage. oboviously
your conversations with each other were just regular discussions about the furtue plans you two had decided to go for your companies. nothing more than ever.
you didn't know about jaehyun, but you knew for sure that you longed for more meaning in your conversations rather than just your stupid meetings.
"hey jaehyun, how are you?"
"jaehyun-ah, did you eat yet?"
"want to go for dinner? my treat!"
you sighed each time whenever you practised these very phrases in front of the mirror, knowing that it wasn't going to be of any use. and he always proved you right.
you got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, ready to get to work.
phone calls, paperwork, documents- ARGH!
you held your head in your hands, closing your eyes and cursing due to the immense stress that you felt.
"i'll come back in later!" your secetary called once he saw you in a tensed posture, leaving as soon as he entered.
the excruciatingly annoying noise of your phone boomed through you ears and you wail. without looking at the number on your phone, you pick up and aggrivatingly asked,
"uh...it's me."
"good. what do you want?"
"are...you okay?"
your eyes shoot open. never had jaehyun ever asked how you were feeling, doing, etc. 'strictly buisness' was the perfect way to describe your marriage.
it seemed as if he was surprised by his question too, seeing as the silence resonated between the two, as loud as ever.
"no, not really."
"i have some work."
you slapped a hand to your forehead. of course. he had to get back to buisness. what did you expect him to do?
"i need to pick up some groceries. can you help me?"
his question had caught you super off guard. groceries? since uh when? it was usually you who made the food in your house, so what did he want to do with groceries?
nevertheless, needing the time off from work you decided that it wouldn't be such a bad thing to spend some quality time with your husband...in a supermarket. it is what it is right?
"yeah sure, meet me at-"
"no, i'll come pick you up. i'lll be there in ten."
"but my car-"
"i'll drop you off to work tomorrow." he abruptly ended the phone call. you held the phone in front of you, still in disbelief.
you packed your things after telling your secetary the things needed to be done. he wwas actually quite happy that you were leaving early and not working overtime as you did always. even though jaehyun was the one who left for work early, you were the one who arrived later.
you always make breakfat for yourself, and dinner for jaehyun and yourself before leaving for work. you both had lunch at work. jaehyun barely had breakfast and you only had dinner by yourself, since he would always be fast asleep by the time that you got home.
"go home early, okay?"
"yes boss!" he playfully saluted, making you chuckle at him.
grabbing your briefcase, you walked out of your office, your heels clicking against the marble floor.
everyone greeted you as you moved along the corridors, the lift and hallways, leading to the exit.
you walk out into the warm atmosphere outside and spot a white bmw waiting for you. you walk towards it and open the backseat door, tossing your briefcase on the seats, next to jaehyun's.
sitting in the passenger's seat you clicked on your seatbelt as jaehyun said,
the drive to the grocery store was silent. your mind was racing with questions.
'why is he acting like this?'
he pulled up to the supermarket and you two got out, walking together.
after a few minutes of picking out vegatables, meat, wine and snacks, jaehyun decided to take over. stealing the cart from you, he ran to the deserts section. you furrowed your eyebrows and scoffed with a smirk, following him.
"is that why you wanted to come with me?"
"i was craving it okay?" he said as a matter of fact.
"priorities, y'know?" you had never seen him like that. he was acting like an absolute child in fron of sweets and you actually found yourself smiling at him as he picked out his favourite ice creams.
you and jaehyun proceeded to the cashier when you both heard someone whistle.
turning around, you saw a man your age looking you up and down, while licking his lips, disgustingly.
but what was even worse was that jaehyun just dragged you, not even standing up for you.
your heart sank to your literal stomach when he payed for your groceries and started to head over to the car. however, he abruptly stopped and tossed his car keys towards you.
"get in the car, i'll be back." and with that, he walked back inside. figuring that he might've forgotten something, you walk towards the trunk and arranged the groceries in there.
around five minutes had passed when jaehyun walked back out...with bloody knuckles.
you looked down, hiding your smile. closing the trunk, you walked back to the car and you sat in, waiting for jaehyun to join you.
he sat down and sighed.
"...why did you do that?" you asked.
he started the car and backed out of the parking lot before he replied. "because i care. more than you think."
you blushed, looking out of the window.
"i'm making dinner tonight." he said and you felt heat and love gushing through you.
you had a good feeling that your relationship with jaehyun was going to change.
in a very good way.
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voltaic-getaway · 3 years
it's probably not a good idea to mess with him right now, but also he's... upset. so it's probably not a good idea to leave him alone entirely.
maybe try your hand at talking with him? if he snaps at you though, just leave the situation.
> . . . I'lll dddoo my best. Usually he's pretty snappy at me when he's upset. > Worth it to try and talk to him a bit. . . > Thanks. I'll, uh, try that.
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razzmatazzzzzzzzzz · 4 years
im going to uh make myself into a 1950's housewife murderer bc i have a dress and im gonna paint my arms!!! maybe i'lll show pic idk but ee!!! -idiot gay leaf
OOOH!! I’d love to see :3
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fire-umbrem · 4 years
im sorry
An Eye For An Eye
It was raining in Garreg Mach. Not an uncommon occurrence but today it was pouring particularly hard. And Dimitri was sitting out in it. Alone.
There were many things on his mind today. The tragedy of Duscur, the betrayal of Edelgard, the war ravaging Fodlan... but a new phantom had started to haunt his head.
It was a voice. A voice that was low and deep and almost like it was always on the verge of laughing.
At him.
It taunted him.
"You... How dare... GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" he screamed into the rain to no one.
"Dude, chill."
Dimitri froze, There, coming from behind him, was the source of the voice, in the flesh, instead of just his head.
:"You... I... I'll..."
He whirled around,
He stopped. Standing before him was a short, squat skeleton, in a blue jacket and slippers.
"Joke's on you, I have no guts."
Dimitri stared, as hard as he possibly could with only one eye.
"What... What are you?"
"A skeleton."
"N-no that's obvious but - who are you then?"
"I'm Sans. I've got a bit of a funny bone."
"Strange creature, why do you speak in riddles and puns?"
"It's my brand. Also you look like you could use some humor in your life."
The rain started letting up. Dimitri paused.
"I... I guess I could."
"Don't suppose you've got a Grillby's around here? You know, for like, food?:
"No, but... we have tea?"
Sans sighed. "It'll do."
The two were sitting together around a small tea table, with pastries and a pot of tea in the middle. Dimitri gingerly sipped his tea, rocking back and forth in his seat slightly. Sans just kind of... Poked at his cup of tea.
"So," said Dimitri. "Where are you from? I doubt it's Fodlan."
"I'm from the Underground."
"You mean like... the sewers? And I thought the sewer people were a myth."
"No, like... we're monsters, we live under a mountain, there was a barrier, but this nice human set us free. At least in one-"
He grew silent.
"One what?" said Dimitri.
Sans gave a very fake yawn. "I'm too tired to explain."
"...If you say so. Well the Kingdom Of Faregus will welcome you."
"This is like, medieval fantasy land, right?" said Sans. "I'll be fine."
It was then Ashe approached.
"Dimitri! Hello! I've been looking all over for you!"
Dimitri turned to Ashe (not literally).
"Hello, Ashe. Have you met Sans Undertale here?"
Ashe looked over to where Sans was sitting, but could only see an empty chair.
"Uh...  Sorry Dimitri, I don't see anyone..."
"...Whar? What?! Sans is right there, you're looking right at hin!"
Sans just awkwardly waved at Ashe.
"Er, did... something... hit you... on the head?" Ashe said, slowly backing off.
"No... It can't be... He's there, I'm telling the truth!" said Dimitri
"I'll... I'lll go get Marianne!" said Ashe, running off.
"Er, bro, you might wanna chill," said Sans.
"No...I'll show them you're real! I'll show them all!"
He picked up Sans - who yelped - and carried him off.
"Look at him! Look at him! Look at him! I want you all to look at him!"
Dimitri ran around, shoving Sans into people's faces. Most just backed or ran away, or laughed only to stop when Dimitri gave them a menacing glare.
Finally Dimitri stumbled over to Byleth.
"Can you see him? You probably can't, I'm probably wasting my ti-
Byleth's eyes widened and he gave Sans a quick tap on the forehead.
"That tickles," said Sans.
"Professor... You... You can see him?"
Byleth nodded.
"Excellent! You can explain to the others what's going on."
Byleth tilted his head.
"Actually... Sans, what did bring you here?"
"I was bored," said Sans. "Plus you seem like you could use the help?"
The eyebrow over Dimitri's good eye raised. "Help with what?"
It was then Ashe came over with Marianne. "There he is!" Ashe said.
"Please, hold still while I heal your head injury!" said Marianne. "You will feel a few moments of excruciating pain, but that's normal for this spell and you'll be all better right after!"
"Wait, what? I don't need this!" said Dimitri.
Byleth waved his hands in a "woah, slow down" gesture.
"Relax, he knows me from Smash," said Sans.
Byleth gave a "kind of" gesture.
"Wait..." said Marianne. "Byleth, do you see it too?"
Byleth nodded vigorously. Marianne paused.
"...Oh goodness, you must ALSO have a head injury!" she said. "Hold still while I-"
And just like that Byleth, Dimitri, and Sans were gone.
The three were now in the sewers. Water dripped around them and there were unsightly lumps Dimitri avoided touching.
Byleth tapped his forehead.
"He says he has connections down here." said Sans.
"...Oh. Right. Yuri and his friends. Anyway, Sans, what did you say you were here for?"
"I wanted to talk. About your sis."
Dimitri scowled. "What of her?"
"You two need to talk."
"No. Disgusting. I refuse."
"Listen, me and my bro butt heads too and like, it doesn't start wars but I see myself in you. And I've seen timelines back home where things could get bad. Real bad. And I don't want your timeline to end up like those."
Byleth nodded.
"Byleth here reminds me of this kid I know. Went through a lot of paths in their timelines. A lot of them were real bad. But they eventually settled on a good one. I know Byleth is trying to do... somewhat like that."
Byleth nodded again.
Sans yawned. "Man being altruistic is exhausting. But really, talk to her."
"Suggest that again and I'll grind those bones of yours into powder."
Byleth struck a thinking pose, then bent down and signed something to Sans. Sans nodded and turned to Dimitri again.
"Would you do it for some tasty weeds?"
Dimitri's eyebrow arched over his good eye again. "Not even for that."
"What if I had a killer supply of weeds. The tastiest weeds I could ever stuff down your gullet. An infinite smorgaspoard."
"Tempting but still no."
Sans leaned forward. "I have the weed."
"...Fine. Fine, I will talk to her. But I cannot guarantee it will end well for either of us."
"Great!" said Sans. "But... How do we get there? I never bothered to bring a map." "You imbecile!" said Dimitri. "You're the one who proposed-"
The two noticed Byleth beckoning them further down the sewer tunnel.
"Let's follow him!" Sans said.
And so they did.
The three emerged from a sewer grate right outside of a castle.
"Impossible... This is Enbarr, capital of the Adrestian Empire!" said Dimitri.
Byleth nodded and smirked.
"Well we just need to get inside then," said Sans.
"We need disguises," said Dimitri.
The three were now wearing baggy brown cloaks.
"Perfect!" said Dimitri.
The three walked up to some guards.
"Excuse me we're-" Dimitri started to say.
"Hot dog salesmen," said Sans.
"What?" said Dimitri. "That's ridiculou-"
Byleth nudged him and he sighed. "Hot dog salesmen."
"What are these... Hot dogs?" said one of the guards.
Sans produced a platter of hot dogs that Byleth passed to the guards, and the guards passed around and tasted, their faces lighting up in delight.
"These are wonderful!" said one.
"We're delivering them to the Emperor," said Dimitri, suddenly getting an idea. "They could potentially solve world hunger."
"Of course! Usher them in straight away!"
And the group was indeed ushered in.
The three walked inside, through the winding corridors, all the way up to the throne room.
There, on the throne, was Edelgard, Hubert by her side as always. Dimitri whipped his cloak off.
"YOU!" Edelgard said right back.
"Stand by, Edelgard, I will dispose of him sho-"
"Woah, woah, woah, hold on!" said Sans, removing his cloak and waving his hands. Byleth sighed and removed his as well.
"The old professor too? What is the meaning of this?" said Edelgard.
Dimitri sighed. "The skeleton you can't see wants us to talk."
"....Talk about what?"
"Our issues, apparently."
Byleth nodded.
"But... Why? After everything?"
Sans whispered into Dimitri's ear, leading Dimitri to reply.
"Because our sibling feud is hurting a lot more than just us."
Edelgard thought a second. Hubet twiddled his fingers in annoyance.
"...Fine. Let's talk." said Edelgard. "But it's not going to end well."
The meeting for a peace treaty between Faergus and Adrestia was a rousing success. Reform spread through both nations. Peace was on the way to Fodlan.
During a festival celebrating the alliance, as a crowd outside the castle rejoiced, Edelgard and Dimitri approached Sans and Byleth.
"I just wanted to say... Thank you for helping make this possible professor!" said Dimitri.
"He had a little help," said Dimitri, winking at Sans in a way that looked like blinking because of the eyepatch. Sans winked back.
The two royal siblings left, and then Sans turned to Byleth.
"You saw them too huh? All those icky bad end timelines."
Byleth nodded gravely.
"Yeah, like, I know the feeling," said Sans. "I've been there. But a certain kid a lot like you... the one who made the good decisions anyway... they taught me to care just a little."
Byleth gave Sans a pat. Sans smiled.
"Well, you owe me one for help untangling those! Say hi to the guys in Smash for me."
Byleth, uncharacteristically, grinned as they gave a thumbs up.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT SANS!" said Papyrus, shaking his controller with glee. "THEY ADDED A HAPPY ENDING! IT'S WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED FOR THIS GAME!"
Sans, laying next to him on the couch, groaned. "Pipe down, will you?"
Sans shrugged with a smirk. "It's not like I did it."
Happy April Fools y'all
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Then don't tell them about your getting kicked out. Just, keep it cool. If they ask how it is, just keep it simple. I don't know. I'm trying here, Mal. -Beebee
ig euss but idk 
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Hello! I've been a fan for a while now- i mean, not quite a year, but close, (or something i really don't know hh) but uh HI! I'm really awkward, just know you're awesome and yeah! you are super cool! :D your writing is so fgnkn amazing. like i am in awes because as hard as i try to write, i never get a thing finished but you are super cool. kjkjf90wdhniefnuneoiufhnandfe you are one of my author idols. i swear. i'm sorry i'lll go now 'v';
omg, you are so sweet ❤ !
and I know, writing is hard, but once you get to it and finish it, the satisfaction is great! but also, don’t beat up yourself if you don’t, your enjoyment is the most important
and don’t go! feel free to stay and tell me more nice things
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goodmorrowing · 3 years
it's christmas but jamie has to work even that night. Dani tries to make it happy as possible for ivy, who was too sad for jamie not being there. they put on ivy's favorite movie after dinner and ivy eventually falls asleep on the couch in dani's lap. Dani gets her phone out to see if jamie has texted her something, something about coming home...but she hasn't. Dani opens her camera roll and scrolls through the previous christmas pictures and videos. She comes across one of her favorite videos
**Jamie tapes herself getting a mistletoe and holding it above Dani's head, who was facing away from her and was busy baking some cookies in the kitchen, jamie goes
"hey, ivy, what am i supposed to do now" jamie asks ivy, who was watching everything sitting on the kitchen counter, helping dani out.
"You have to kiss mommyyy!!!!" ivy responds excitedly
"you hear that mommy ?" jamie talks to dani
Dani smiles and turns her head and they share nice chaste kisses, wishing each other "Merry Christmas!". ivy from the side goes "kiss me tooo"
"i'm coming to you, sprout" jamie leans on the kitchen counter by propping her elbow down to reach ivy's height and recording everything with the other hand..jamie gives ivy some kisses and ivy goes "i want moreee"
"christ, i have to put the phone down for this" and jamie puts the phone down on the counter but the video is still recording, she lifts and holds ivy in her arms and gives her as many kisses as she wants. dani takes the phone and gets everything on the video.**
Dani smiles while watching this video, reminiscing their sweet moments together. ivy wakes up and looks around the house rubbing her eyes sleepily
"mommy, is mum home?"
dani's heart breaks for the little girl. She knows how ivy must have been feeling because even for her, the "lack of jamie" has been too much to take in and ivy was only a little girl
"no, honey, not yet"
"will she be home soon, mommy?
dani wishes she knew the answer to that. dani hugs ivy close, kisses the back of her head and says
"i don't know, sweetheart"
ivy makes a frown and says "mommy, can i sleep on the couch?"
"why baby?" dani asked with a confused face
"be-..because whenever i fall asleep on the couch, mum picks me up and puts me on the bed...then i'lll wake up and see her"
dani's heart breaks for the little girl. Jamie hasn't been home properly for a week now. She knows how ivy must have been feeling because even for her, the "lack of jamie" has been too much to take in and ivy was only a little girl. dani starts tearing
"you know what, you sleep in your bed and i'll tell mum right away that she can't leave without seeing you tomorrow, okay ?"
"you promise, mommy?"
"i promise" and dani takes her to the bed. When ivy finally falls asleep, dani texts jamie
d - merry christmas!
j - merry christmas to you too, love. i'm so sorry that i'm not there
d - ivy misses you. A Lot.
(i miss you,too. A lott..she wants to send, but she doesn't)
j - i miss her too
(and i miss you too, she wants to send, but she doesn't)
d- no, you dont understand, jamie. she was prepared to sleep on the couch so that she could see you when you get home
j -.........i'm so fucking sorry, dani
(jamie's heart breaks too)
j - facetime ?
d - i can't, ivy's asleep on me
j - alright alright, tell her i'll see her and spend some time with her tomorrow when i get home
d - yeah, please do that.
j - i will, i will...and i'll see you too ?
j - dani ? love ?
j - dani, i'm sorry, please talk to me?
j - danii ?
and dani doesn't respond to any of her texts
jamie puts her phone down and buries her face in her palms. she decides to pack everything up and go home but david calls her in "jamie, you've got to see this, we've got a lead"
"ffs, david, i got a wife and a kid at home and you're making me work on christmas........i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm just-"
"i know, i understand, you wanna talk?" and david sits at her desk
"i-uh-i haven't been home properly in a week, ivy doesn't go to sleep without crying every night, dani won't talk to me, it's a mess, david. And i miss them, so fucking much!"
"i could cover for you, but the commissioner is heading an online meeting in 5"
"yeah, that fucking prick gets to be home and makes us work.....i'm sorry i yelled at you earlier-"
"don't be. take 5, alright ? i'll be inside. And don't worry, they'll come around"
"Thanks, david"
hoLY FUCK that's pain. like, a lot 😭🖤 happy to report that, in no world, jamie would ever miss christmas though! as much as i love this prompt(it's heartbreaking and amazing and just... AHH) david would never let jamie work on christmas. i mean this in a, "would not be above firing her over holiday break so that she can't come to work" kind of way 😂
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stuhde · 6 years
hi lama! i finished my ib exams last month so now my goal for the summer is to relax, but also keep myself active, as i'lll be moving out for university soon! (also my original content is tagged /mine) have a good day :-)
url: meh | okay | good | YAAAS | perfect | um… may i have it pls?icon: meh | okay | good | YAAAS | amazing | GIVE IT TO ME !!theme: needs work | okay | good | YAAAS | send me the code?original content: meh | okay | good | SLAYS | can i be you?overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | following: no sorry, but you are still super cute! | i am now | yES. | uh… DUH? FOREVER AND ALWAYS
celebrating 25k with blog rates!!!
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