#but i'll be damned if i didn't have the biggest crush on this guy on deviantart
slashthrashandcrash · 20 days
Masky/Tim from Marbel Hornets is so fine, I love him so much. Masked psychopath and soft loving bf in one!
I love this freak so much
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9 notes · View notes
coveholdenmyluv · 4 months
Mean Girls - Eren Jaeger
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synopsis. Eren's the new kid at Trost Academy and being fresh meat in his senior year isn't easy. Especially so when the only friends he's made yet have managed to convince him to help them mess with "The Plastics". The problem?
He's got the biggest crush on their queen bee, Y/N.
series masterlist.
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chapter warnings. Foul language, rich ppl, mentions of vomit, mentions of shitting your pants (what even are these warnings LMAO), laxatives, mentions of giving a character laxatives, hitch is a bitch (I love her I’m sorry I made her like this), drama drama drama, a lot of menstrual product talk (these characters are very comfortable talking abt these things!)
chapter synopsis. From a brawl at the supermarket to a meeting with the Queen bee’s arch nemesis, our trio’s plan preparations seem to be coming together! Though, will learning some lore regarding our resident plastics impede on Eren’s drive? Perhaps the future isn’t looking so bright for our revenge seekers…
chapter 2. Fuck with the Plastics: start
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"Bag secured, over." Mikasa spoke in her usual monotone voice.
"And... you're completely sure that this will only make her a bit gassy, right 'kasa?" Armin spoke next, the shake in his voice painfully obvious even through the speaker of Eren's phone. With no answer, he tries again, "Guys? Hello?"
"You're supposed to say 'over', Armin!"
"Oh! Over."
"Alright, mine is secured too... over?" Eren announced as he slipped his arm through the plastic bag, doing his best to be inconspicuous, though the hood over his head isn't helping his case. His attire was mostly to calm his troubled conscience.
The three way call had one purpose and a very important one at that.
Phase one of 'Fuck with The Plastics'.
"Good boy," Mikasa purred and Eren swore he could hear the mischievous grin his reply had caused to form on her face. "Now Armin, relax. All this is gonna do is make her tummy a bit upset, a little gas here and there never hurt anyone. She'll get the humiliation she made Eren bear... only much much worse because of her status, plus ruin her chances of winning this highly anticipated game and possibly her entire athletic career. Over."
"Please, stop repeating what could go wrong. I'm getting nauseous again..." Eren groans into the speaker.
"Mikasa, you say that now but, what if she's allergic to it or something? Ohmylanta, what if she dies?!" Armin screeches and Eren fears he may begin to wail soon. "I don't wanna go to jail guys! I can't go back!"
"Geez Louise, Armin." Eren winces as he pulls the phone away from his ear. "My ears are bleeding."
"Oh wait Eren, now that you reminded me, can you get me some pads from the store? My cycle is pretty heavy today." Mikasa asks.
"Uh, T-M-I Mikasa..." Armin mutters as he glances around the student aid center. His portion of contribution to the trio's master plan is arguably the least interesting, though the boy didn't seem to mind. All he was put in charge of was attaining their tickets for the game, which they receive free of charge with their student ID's.
"Mikasa, I'm literally already walking out of the store." Eren says exasperatedly, though his pace has already begun to falter in preparation for his U-turn.
"Well then, go back? If I bleed out all over the bleachers, it's your jacket I'm using to wipe it clean. The ball is in your court."
"Oh my gosh, fine!" Eren relents. "What size?"
Silence reigns over the three, and Eren swears everyone in the supermarket had audibly halted all movements along with them.
"Mikasa, you know damn well..." Armin begins.
"Armin! Shut the hell up, the length helps with my leakage so mind your own business!"
"Zayum, okay geez."
"Wings or no wings?" Eren asks, already having made his way back into the multiple isles freshly restocked.
"Wings, please. I want to be ready for anything." The girl answers ominously.
"I don't even want to know what that means. I'll head back to the academy after I'm done with this, where do you guys want to meet?"
"The restrooms near the cafeteria are right beside the doors that lead to a path straight to the stadium. We can meet there." Armin suggests, already beginning to make his way towards the meeting spot.
"Okay. Actually, since I'm here, do you guys want any snacks for the game?" Eren asks while he grabs a box of fruit roll ups and a bag of hot Cheetos for himself. "How long does a soccer game last?"
"A little under an hour and thirty minutes, and that's if they don't go into over time which they probably will, considering who they're playing against." Mikasa answers, "Oh, and I'll take an oat meal crème pie and a red Gatorade. But! The one with the twistable cap that you can suck on."
"We'll see how long this one will last with what we have planned, though." Armin mutters into the speaker anxiously, "Anyway, I'll take some Skittles, baby Gerber puffs, Teddy Grahams, Hubba Bubba, strawberry Hello Pandas, Scooby-Doo snacks, Gushers, Pirate's Booty-"
Eren hangs up before the other boy could finish, deciding it wasn't worth his weekly allowance.
He had already arrived at the feminine hygiene products aisle by the time Armin had sent him the remaining 27 items on his wishlist for tonight, which Eren promptly ignored. The wall that held most of the menstrual supplies was expanse and slightly intimidating to the teenage boy's eyes, though that was not to say he was taken off guard. Having a close relationship with your mother desensitizes you to a large amount of aspects of womanhood that most immature boys his age would either cringe at or ridicule.
He knows the brand his mother uses is best for absorbing, but they're not the best at being discreet. He wonders which Mikasa would prefer, though he decides that coverage and preventing leakage must have been her priority considering her earlier words. Deciding upon the trustworthy brand he had always picked up on late night pad runs with his mom, he notices how it seems to be the only brand that has yet to be restocked. The one in his hand being the very last one in XXL.
As he turns to leave the isle, a high pitched voice, practically whining curse words, catches his attention. Before he instinctively turns his head towards the sound, he internally prays for there to be no reenactment of his first encounter with Armin, knowing he couldn't bear to handle another stereotypical bully, much less work up the courage to stand up to them once more. 
"They don't have that one today, I swear I've looked everywhere!" The, now visible, person speaks into the cell phone clutched to his ear. "I don't know? Does everyone suddenly use the biggest size available? I know you do not need double X."
It seems to be a young boy, perhaps only a few years younger than Eren himself, with messily styled H/C hair and a few piercings adorning his delicate face.
"The one with the purple flowers on the box or the navy blue one with the stars?" The young boy asks, his impatience slowly making its way into his features.
Wait, purple flowers?
Eren's gaze moves back toward the box in his hands and his eyes trace those exact purple flowers printed and plastered smack dab in the center. Though, he knows there are tons of other brands that use matching floral patterns, perhaps this boy was looking for the one with the green background instead of the pink one Eren held.
"The one with the pink box, right?" The boy asks.
Well, perhaps he was searching for the 7 hour wear edition instead of the 8 hour one Eren got for Mikasa. Surely that was the case-
"8 hour version? Do you need to charge it or something, why is there a time limit?"
Certainly he couldn't be looking for the same size, not many people would be as paranoid as Mikasa due to leakage-
"Mm, XXL? Oh, cause of leakage, got it."
Run, that's what Eren needs to do. He knows how far passionate boyfriends would go for their lovers, especially ones as young as the boy he is sharing the aisle with. Kids his age will either pay romantic relationships no heed or take them far too seriously.
Though, before he could pivot in the other direction, the boy ends the call and turns to presumably search for the pink floral box in the size XXL. Coincidentally, the exact box Eren plans to buy.
The last box.
Green meets E/C.
His heart drops to his ass and his arm hastily shields the prized object behind his back as visible sweat forms on his forehead. Though, truly his efforts were all for naught.
Silence follows as the two teenagers hold eye contact, one accompanied with worry creases near his brows and the other with an unamused pout to his lips.
"Those are the last double X they have in stock, aren't they?"
The H/C boy sighs and holds his hands up in surrender. "Look, dude. I come in peace, it's fine. What do I look like to you? Someone who would go batshit over menstrual products?" Eren shakes his head hastily, to which the younger boy agrees. Of course, what was Eren thinking? Incriminating a person who looked to be no older than the age of 15 was not cool on his part.
"You're right, My bad."
Letting any past thoughts flee his mind, Eren resumes his standstill with the stranger, neither seemingly knowing what to do next...
...before the stranger juts a finger behind Eren and exclaims, "Hey, look over there, it's TSwift!"
"What?! Where?!"
Eren was tackled to the ground and landed with a coherent 'oof', the assailant clambering on top of his chest and tugging at his arms to loosen the tight grip on the box that remains in his hands.
"That was a low blow, you psycho! I haven't seen her since I was in fifth grade!" Eren whines as he tries to free himself. Deciding that his actions were amounting to nothing, he thrusts the box away from his body and above his head, the cardboard sliding across the tiled floor of the supermarket.
"Morality is non-existent when it comes to the last box of pads, pretty boy!" The younger boy grits as he abandons Eren's body in favor of stumbling to his feet to reach the box.
As the boy steps over his head, Eren grabs onto one of his leather boots, causing him to plummet with his fingers outstretched only inches away from the prize. Eren flips himself onto his stomach and scrambles over the other boy, laying a palm atop his face to thwart his vision. In retaliation, though not after a sharp squawk, the boy chomps on the fingers overlaid his mouth, causing the brunet to cry out in pain.
"Give up!" The boy demands, "I don't care if I have to bite every one of your fingers off, I'll be leaving with that box!" He declares and delivers a torturous blow to Eren's crotch, causing him to wheeze and topple over in pain. "Aha!" The boy proclaims as he nears his victory, emitting a cry of premature success.
Though, before his slender fingers are able to reach the jackpot, his worst fear is born into existence.
"My Prada boots!" He squeals in agony and fear as Eren holds the cherished shoe above his head triumphantly and a pained smirk creases onto his face. "Don't you dare you monster, they're monolith!"
"You rich people are all the same," Eren scoffs as he throws the boot aways behind him, not sparing a glance in the direction as the boy abandons the box in favor of running over to his beloved shoe. Eren limps over to the pink box and swipes it up with an exhausted sigh escaping his lips. "I win." He states in a cocky tone, taking pride over the brawl he emerged victorious from, already preening at the amount of bragging rights he had just earned himself. "Mikasa, you owe me big time- ack!"
Not without a war cry, the unrelenting stranger rams a shopping cart into Eren's body, forcing the brunet back onto the ground and causing the box to slip out of his grasp and slide onto the floor once again.
"Never mess with my Prada boots again," He heaves and delicately steps over to the abandoned box, taking it into his hold and placing a kiss atop the the printed flowers. "Auggie, you're awesome." He then turns to face Eren and boldly upturns his pierced nose at the sight of the older boy sprawled on the floor. "You put up a good fight, unfortunately for you I reign superio-"
"I didn't hear a bell!" Eren shouts as he springs up and tackles the shorter boy, resulting in the two wrestling on the ground once again, just as they had originally started. Scratching, kicking, and biting their way across the floor, though noticeably making zero progress towards the box they both sought out.
An awkward cough acts as the bucket of cold water that halts their movements, both boys craning their heads in the direction of the sound alike deers in headlights.
An employee that hauled a cart filled to the brim with pink cardboard boxes and printed purple flowers decorating their surfaces stood before their tangled ball of limbs, gifting them a critical stare. Leisurely, and hesitatingly so, she tucks the prized boxes where they belong, before scurrying away with her haul of products stacked into her squeaky cart.
An air of silence follows the departure of the poor retail worker, both boys remaining stunned by the sudden appearance. Though, after realizing what a compromising position they had been caught in, the unraveling of their limbs went unspoken as they stood simultaneously.
Another awkward cough, though this one originating from the brunet, filled the vacant space between the two. Eren grabs ahold of one of the boxes that was recently stocked, his head hanging low in embarrassment. "So..." He utters hesitatingly.
The younger boy clears his throat, "M sry." He mutters.
"I said I'm sorry! ...I know that Tswift joke was wrong of me."
Eren sighs in resignation, now realizing how idiotic his actions were, especially considering the fact that he seemed to be the older of the two. "It's fine. I guess we were both signed up for errand boy today, huh?"
The stranger shook his head, "Yeah but, to be honest, this is my first time going on a pad run for my sister. I wasn't 'old enough' a few years ago, and even then we don't usually do our own shopping. Our butler handles all of that."
"Oh..." It was stupid of Eren to forget that most people in his city were lathered in riches, but he did. His recent encounter with this new boy only furthered his forgetfulness, because what sort of opulent teenage boy was willing to engage in a full out brawl for a box of pads? "Well, either way. I'm guessing these aren't for you?"
"Nah, they're for my sister's friends. But, she can get pretty impatient real quickly and I'm not in the mood to deal with teenage Godzilla. She'd probably run me over with her convertible."
The mental image of Godzilla driving a convertible, only to then run over an edgy teen made Eren chuckle, "I get it, this size seems to be in high demand."
"My sister says that it's because of leakage, whatever the hell that means. I don't even think I want to know."
Eren smiled sympathetically, little brother ignorance was something he knew about all too well. "So, why are you here instead of your butler? I think I would have stood a better chance against him if I'm being honest."
The boy shrugs nonchalantly, "She says it's an emergency. Those girls can get pretty scary when in a state of panic. For being older than me, you'd think they'd be better at dealing with stress."
"I understand completely." Eren huffed in exhaustion, "My friends and I are dealing with these real popular kids at our school, we've got an ulterior motive of course, but we've seen a fair share of their antics and I can tell we'll have our hands full. At least the pay off will be worth it. We have a whole plan and everything."
The boy cackled a laugh that shook his whole body and clapped a palm onto the older boy's shoulder, "You don't say? What's such a good prize worth dealing with what seems to be a bunch of rich maggots eating away at your soul?" He asked.
"Well, it has to do with this girl..." Eren begun to attempt to elucidate the entire situation to this stranger but in the end only arrived with stutters, before he decided that the effort of reliving his trauma was not worth it. He sighed, "It's a long story."
Unexpectedly, a highly pitched rendition of 'I'm Just a Kid' began to chime in the stranger's pants, causing him to wince and groan in annoyance. "A story that I can't stay for, unfortunately." He muttered before slipping the device out of his pocket. "It's Godzilla." He confirmed his suspicions but made no moves to accept the call. Instead, he offered a jeweled hand towards the brunet.
This hand wasn't like the one that was offered to him earlier today. Instead of diamonds and gold, silver and various colored stones wrapped around this boy's digits, crowning them with luxury and status.
"My name's Augustine, but you can call me August." He paired with a friendly grin, bringing attention to the silver lip ring hung on his bottom lip.
For some reason, this boy struck something within Eren. He didn't know what it was, but there was a sense of reminiscence flooding his senses when he stared at his smile. The reminiscence that creeps up on you when you look at your sibling and recognize that the shirt they have on is in fact not theirs but yours.
He can't put his finger on it... but August reminded him of someone.
Nonetheless, he excepted his dressed hand with his own bare one. "Eren, it's just Eren."
"Alright, just Eren. I have to go, but hopefully I'll see you around!" August called out as he scampered down the aisle before Eren could have gotten another word of parting out.
What a nice guy, Eren hopes to see him again.
After grabbing the snacks that his newest friends had ordered, promptly ignoring 25 items on Armin's list, he pays the nice woman working the register and makes his departure. By the time he steps back on the pavement, the sun has begun its decent, painting the concrete buildings and vibrant trees in a golden hue.
Trost truly is a beautiful district — the architecture alone places it on a superior level when compared to many other extravagant districts out there.
Eren himself has never lived the kind of life that his new friends or acquaintances were born into. Although having a successful doctor for a dad, it was never an aspect that had ever brought upon wealth for the Jeager family. His mom rapidly rising in her fashion designer career is what has brought him to such a district as this one. Mrs. Jaeger is well on her way to being known for her individuality, and he couldn't be filled with more pride.
Having to leave his old school was pretty easy for him, he had never had many friends there anyway. Sure there were the few he could greet in the hallways, but none that had ever willingly stricken a genuine conversation with him, much less an interesting one. Though, that's not to say the experience of moving out of the blue in your senior year was something he was excited about either, that wouldn't be a nice time for anyone.
It was just his luck that he'd already made a fool out of himself on his very first day. In front of his crush to boot.
Y/N Ackerman.
He wouldn't lie to himself and proclaim that he has no feelings towards the girl. He quite literally puked on her because the amount of emotions she made him feel at a single glance proved to be overbearing to his body. Though, a portion of himself finds itself conflicted. Actually, scratch that - multiple portions of himself find themselves conflicted. As if the little people in his head are arguing against each other, and he isn't sure which side he should be on.
On one hand, the purple person that he decides to name Armeen is arguing that he should hate the girl. Mikasa said that Y/N had surely made it her goal to embarrass Eren in an attempt to solidify her superiority against him and that she was a vicious person with the ugliest soul she had ever seen. 
On another, the red person, Mika Mika, proclaimed that he already hates her. Armin and Mikasa have informed him of her vile friends, the people she willingly surrounds herself with. She condones their actions by mere association. Not to mention the absolute joke she had made of him, which was sure to have cost him a year's worth of ill-repute. Hell, probably even the rest of his soon to be miserable life.
But then, as if he had grown a sudden third hand, there appeared a pink person. This one unnamed, whispered details the other two would surely never approve of. How could she be a vicious person, when she had went out of her own way to not only invite him, but his only friends, to her highly anticipated game AND her own home, knowing that everyone in their grade had heard the abrupt invitation? She was willingly attempting to help him fix his image. How could the person those little people in his head describe as ruthless and callous, ever make his insides light on fire, as if he was a skewered rotisserie chicken on a white Sunday morning? How could the devil herself bring upon him feelings only talked about in movies?
Gaslighting someone to their wits' end by batting her fluffy lashes. It's an old tactic really, but one that would never die out, nor could it. Eren isn't stupid, he knows the truth of the situation. How dire a messy set up like this could have affected her reputation as well, he gets it. Understands that measures need to be taken to prevail through such a trying time. When you're at the top, tiptoeing a razors edge, everyone at the bottom has a clear shot to shoot you down. Those mean comments and accusations of prejudice are just the paint strokes crafting a precise target onto her back.
But, to bring him and his friends into her little scheme?
To escape that threat, you need to move, and to move, you need stepping stones. Eren won't let himself or his friends be used as stepping stones.
That's exactly the reason why the three of them have developed a plan to knock her off of her prodigious throne. No longer will they allow the Queen Bee of Trost Academy to continue her reign of exploitation.
Instead, she will... shit her pants?
Well, that's the best they could come up with, so it'll have to do.
It was simple in nature really, Eren simply needed to buy her a drink, one that Mikasa claims has always been her favorite pick to drink before a game, though Eren still questions how she even had that information, and then he will offer that said drink to her as a peace offering.
A seemingly innocent gesture, except it's not. Mikasa was in charge of acquiring laxatives which they would infuse into the refreshment, which Y/N would drink and whatever happened next would be left up to fate. Though, Armin had elucidated three paths that which this plan could take.
Probability 1: She'd harbor a stomach ache, forcing her to be benched due to her poor performance, effectively eliminating the captain of Trost's varsity soccer team. Ruining her image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 2: She'd fart up a storm, or worse, ruining her image of the ideal senior of the year, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
Probability 3: She'd pull an Eren and projectile vomit all over her teammates and opponents. Ruining her stellar image, their chances of winning their vital game of the year, and her life.
The third was preferred for their goal of seeking revenge, but they wouldn't complain if either of the other two played out perfectly.
"Finally, Eren! You took so long, we started to wonder if you had gotten lost on the way here." Armin says as the boy approaches their meeting spot.
"I did, three times. There is no need for this school to be so damn huge."
"Well, you're here now so..." Mikasa surreptitiously looks over her shoulder and then Eren's, "You got the goods?" She asks.
"Stop acting shifty Mikasa, you're making me nervy." Eren rebukes, eyes glancing from side to side in paranoia.
"Do you have it or not." She exasperatedly asks. He timidly ushers the plastic bag her way, his back moving to obstruct the exchange from any prying eyes. "Good boy, keep me covered and I'll crush these bad boys and then pour them in."
"Hurry 'Kasa, I don't wanna go to jail!" Armin's nerves get the best of him, and just as Mikasa began to pour the laxatives into the energy drink, his trembling palms latch onto her shoulders and begin to shake her back and forth. Unfortunately, the forcible motions cause her hand to slip and pour more than what was necessary for what they had planned. "Oops..." He breathes.
Eren's jaw drops at the amount, "Holy shit, are you- are you sure that's okay?" A dramatic gasp forcibly rasps his throat, "She's not actually gonna die, right?!"
"Uhm... no... I don't think so."
"What do you mean, you don't think so?!" He screeches.
"Armin, chill." Mikasa grits, before twisting the cap of the bottle and giving it a good shake. "She'll be fine, we're not going to jail. All that'll change is the addition of one more possibility, which is shitting her pants for real."
"I thought we were only joking about that? You mean she'll actually shart herself?" Eren asks.
"Yeah," Mikasa declares with no amount of remorse in her irises, simply tilting her head to face him head on, smirk standing proud on her lips. "Even better than we planned, right? Give the bitch the humiliation she deserves."
After a moment of maintaining arduous eye contact with the ravenette, Eren relents, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling instead and interlocking both hands in his shaggy hair. "You're crazy. Like deadass, you belong in a mental hospital."
"Okay but, wait. The bottle is already open, no one who has a right mind would accept an already opened drink from someone she met yesterday." Armin points out, ever the observer.
"Well, she's gonna have to in order for this plan to work..." Mikasa mumbles, lips pursing in thought. "Oh, Eren! Why don't you be a doll and offer to open it for her, that way she wouldn't even notice it has already been open." She announces with a proud nod, clearly impressed with her solution.
Eren however, isn't as impressed. If anything, the pit in his stomach twists and turns even tighter, bringing forth creases onto the surface of his skin as his face lightly scrunches in disgust. Playing a direct hand in the demise of anyone's athletic career can be catastrophic to the psyche, though he doubts Mikasa's is being affected much if at all.
"Good boy-"
"Stop calling me that!"
"Anyway, we should get going now. Or else, we'd be late. The game starts in 20 minutes, and the walk there is about five, give or take. Though, the introductions take up a good 10 to 15." She ignores the boy.
"Plus, we still need to find seats. Hopefully we won't have to sit on the opposing team's side, or else we'd be royally fucked." Armin adds as they exit the school building.
The pathway that leads them directly towards the stadium is beautiful and cleanly. The school itself is exceptionally cared for, with vibrant green bushes that looked as if they were clipped with the utmost precision. Marbled vases for various other plants and polished benches littered across the lawn oozed a luxurious aura.
"Who are they playing against?" Eren asks.
"I think it's Stohess Prep." Armin answers.
"Oh, that means drama~" Mikasa adds, "10 bucks Levi chokes out Coach Nile?"
"Mm, nah. 20 bucks it's Ymir and Hitch." Armin replies, pointer finger prodding at the fat of his cheek in thought.
"Oh, I forgot about those two. 30 Y/N is forced to step in either way."
"40 bucks she joins."
"50 that they recreate that one Euphoria scene from season 2."
"60 someone yells plus ultra."
"70 bucks Y/N gets hit by a bus and dies."
"Okay, you need an exorcist." Armin quips.
"I've been wondering, why do you hate her so much? There's gotta be history you're not telling me." Eren asks the girl.
It was true, he can feel the animosity she seemingly reigns in 24/7 and he wonders if it was at all reciprocated. Though, he has the feeling that it's heavily one sided.
"Mikasa and Y/N-"
"Armin, shut it." The girl grits before her friend could have thought to utter the remainder of his statement.
Eren groans, "Armin, don't shut it. Open it. Open it wide."
"Don't word it like that, Eren..."
"I just don't see the point," Mikasa admits, though her face was telling to how difficult the situation seems to be for her, "What's in the past should be left there, why open up that can of worms?"
"I don't know if you've noticed, but it's pretty damn obvious that those worms have been out for a while now. You don't think I've noticed how personal this seems to be for you?" Eren rebuts.
"Oh, and I'm not supposed to notice how personal this is for you? As in, more than just some revenge brought upon by petty high school humiliation?" She challenges, and her piercing gaze bore into Eren's own. "You've made your little crush pretty obvious, the addition of this information might change more than you think it would, Eren."
"Who I have a crush on is none of your business. Besides, yeah, I'll admit I'm not blind, I can tell Y/N is an attractive girl. You can't blame me for admitting so, but a silly little school crush is just a silly little school crush at the end of the day. I don't get how your past with her had anything to do with something as minuscule as that."
Mikasa's arms crossed before her chest in frustration, and she kept her head forward, not relenting at unsealing her lips. Though, Armin, being placed in the middle of both teens, hates being a quiet middleman.
"Y/N and Mikasa are cousins." He blurts.
Eren's jaw drops, "What?!" His fingers thread through his hair once again, this time gripping at the roots because what the actual fuck. "You're fucking with me, right?"
Armin shakes his head vehemently, "Deadass. They even have the same last name! You'd have never guessed, right?"
"Well, not really. Like, at all."
"Trust me, I wish it wasn't true either." Mikasa sighs.
Eren's arms flail before him defensively, "No! It's not that I wish it weren't true, it's just that it's hard to believe considering how you guys are like polar opposites. I mean she's so... y'know-" He awkwardly shrugs his shoulders, expecting the action to speak the words he couldn't find in himself to utter out loud. "And you're... y'know..."
Armin coughs, "Emo."
"I'm not emo! As a matter of fact, I'm not even a goth, contrary to popular belief. I'm just edgy, how hard is it to look up, people?!"
"...what's the difference?"
"Oh, shut up, Armin! That's why your balls haven't dropped!"
"You promised you wouldn't bring that up anymore!"
"Armin, your balls haven't dropped?"
"Oh, look! We're here!"
As Eren looked before them, he was met with the front of an impressive industrialized soccer stadium. The words 'Home of the Scouts' were engraved above the entrance in proud bold letters. He notices that they are currently standing in the middle of the massive parking lot, containing multiple first class busses bearing the titles 'Stohess Stallions'.
Guessing that those belong to the opposing team, and that team was no where to be found, Eren concludes that both teams must be inside already. Which begs the question, how late is this trio?
"You're in the way."
Eren nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden stern voice, and the freight was not limited to himself. Armin squeaks and hides behind his two friends, using them as human shields, though Mikasa simply whips around with a nasty scowl at her face because, who would have the audacity?
Oh, that's who.
"Hitch." She grits.
Coming face to face with a group of girls clad in forest green shorts and jersey's, though their matching team jackets obscured the latter, was intimidating, to say the least. The one standing with the most pride, right at the front and center, wore a smug smirk on her face that her short and wavy dirty blonde hair framed beautifully.
"Well, well, well, would you look at who we have here." She drawls with a laugh. "This is such an interesting trio you guys have going on."
"Mikasa who is this, and why did she come up to us like an anime villain?" Eren whispers towards the ravenette.
"Just our luck." The girl mutters under her breath, not at all a just answer in Eren's eyes, but he was not about to voice his thoughts.
The stranger eyeballs Eren in a way that a certain Ackerman did just a few hours earlier in the day, though this time it did not have him weak in the knees, instead an eerie shiver ran down the length of his spine and caused him to gulp down a yelp.
"Come lookin' for a barf bag, new kid?" She decides to single him out directly, "You know, it's almost funny. I always have the same reaction you did when I see Ackerman as well! I don't blame you, hell, I'd even praise you if it wasn't so disgustingly embarrassing." She jests. "You are new aren't ya? Man, the balls you must have to pull that stunt on your very first day. Oh, the look on her face was enough to have me in tears, I've got to tell you."
"It wasn't on purpose." He mumbles with an eye roll.
"Oh, be careful Hitch. You'll make him mad and we just had our jerseys dry cleaned." Comes a voice from beside her, one of her teammates presumably. This draws out many more chuckles from the group of girls, causing Eren's cheeks to heat up from the jab at his poor stomach.
That voice, low but smooth, causes both Armin and Mikasa to stiffen, as if they had recognized it.
"No way..." Armin mutters, his eyes widening in surprise as the owner of the voice made herself visible.
Another blonde, though this one a paler tone, with glacial blue eyes and a sloped nose emerged from the group, a large bag slung over her shoulders and purple cleats hanging from her fingers.
She had an aura about her, one familiar to Eren. One that wrapped itself around every throat and forced the people around her to pay her heed.
"You're right, Annie. Coach would bench us if we happened to sully them and he can't afford to bench his star players." Hitch agrees, though her eyes are not on her apparent teammate. Instead, they seemed to be inspecting Armin and Mikasa's faces, clearly amused by their starstruck expressions.
"Kasa, do something..." Armin whispers.
"What do you want me to do, hex her?"
"Mikasa, long time no see." Annie continues. It seems that the two know each other, perhaps they are old friends? What a heartwarming reunion. "How's it feel living in your cousins shadow?"
Or, perhaps not.
Mikasa's eyes darken and she begins to fumble in her bag for a pair of scissors, "I quite like the shadows, it gives me a place to properly plan your downfall. Maybe even your murder."
Hitch gasps and feigns a frightened expression, "Oh shiver me timbers, small emos are so scary."
"I'll show you scary cunt-"
"Hey hey hey! What's going on here?" Connie unexpectedly appears from behind the trio, his arms making their way around their shoulders. "You guys will be late if you keep loitering around."
"You could never be Bokuto." One of the girls murmur.
"Oh, Connie, I'm so glad you're here. Bend down a little will you? I feel like I have something stuck in my teeth." Hitch jests as she rubs a finger across her pearly whites.
"Aha, funny." Connie grits, "Hey, how's Marlowe by the way? I imagine he's better since he left you for, who was it again?" He asks with a false pensive look.
"Her mom." Armin declares with a proud grin.
The girl clenches her jaw and scowls, "Fuck you, Connie. Isn't yours chilling upside down on a roof?"
"Wrong AU, hitch."
"At least my hair doesn't make me look like I call corporate." Connie retorts.
"Yeah, well at least-"
"Hitch, we don't have time for this." Annie interrupts, holding her wrist out and allowing her teammate to glance at her watch... is that a Rolex? "We still need to warmup."
Eren doesn't think he has ever seen Connie's eyes darken as much as they did then, shooting daggers at the blonde on par with the ones Mikasa fires at her cousin. "You finally decide to talk, Annie?" He calls the girl out.
Without even sparing him a glance, she states a monotone, "I have nothing to say to you." And walks away from the group in pursuit for the entrance.
Following her departure, Hitch scowls at the fact that she too should follow. "Whatever, I'll save my energy for your little friends on the field. You better watch your captain, it'd be a shame if she forgets her place and mysteriously finds herself on her knees where she belongs."
"Don't dish out what you can't take." Connie asserts.
The girl simply rolls her eyes, "Let's go." She says and takes her leave, taking her army of followers along with her.
"Saweetie did it better!" Armin yells after her, to which Mikasa agrees and waves her hand daintily at the group.
"Man, you are having the worst of luck today, aren't you, Eren?" Connie says with a guffaw.
Eren groans and holds his head in his hands. "Trust me, I know."
"I'm surprised you held your own, Connie. Considering that was literally Annie... and she's with Stohess." Mikasa says.
The boy sighs, "Yeah, I know. Fortunately, Reiner found out yesterday, so we weren't as blind sided. Though, we still haven't told the team, and that's been a topic of discourse amongst a couple of our friends." He answers, and the pained expression on his face almost forces Eren to feel sorry for him.
Shaking his head lightly to disperse his frown, he instead returns his attention towards the brunet once again. "Anyway, don't worry about Hitch. She's always like that. It's petty school rivalry shit that we used to have with Marley till they shut that school down. Now Stohess thinks they need to step up and claim the spot as our rivals." He explains, though Eren laughs at the ridiculousness of his joke.
They're in high school, clearly it wouldn't actually be that serious, right?
Why is Eren the only one laughing?
"No literally, look." Connie says and juts a finger towards the busses they had spotted earlier. Eren hadn't spotted it before, but right under the school name seemed to be the words, 'Trost Academy rivals! Fuck Marley and Fuck Trost!'
"Oh..." Eren utters breathily, "We're too old for this shit."
"Anyway, we should really get going or else we won't find good seats." Armin ushers his friends with his hands.
"Oh!" Connie exclaims with a newfound grin, one that Eren thinks fits him better than his previous frown. "Don't worry about your seats, you can come chill with us. We've already saved some for you guys."
Armin gasps dramatically and his eyes nearly bulge out of his skull. "Y-you mean, your VIP section? We get to sit in VIP?!" He screeches. Even Mikasa seems taken aback, her jaw slack and her brows hiding behind her bangs, though she didn't dare voice it.
"Yup! Though I had no idea it was called that, Sasha is gonna freak when I tell her!" The teen buzzes with anticipation. "I'll lead the way, come on."
As they begin to follow him, Eren leans into Armin's ear to ask, "Why are they called the VIP seats?"
Armin sputters, "Why else, Eren? They're the best seats in the stadium. The plastics are the only ones to ever use the space, but today we're making history."
"We haven't even told you about the rest of their clique." Mikasa adds.
"The rest? There're more than the eight we've talked about?"
"Oh Eren... there are levels to this shit, okay? Not to mention, lore." Armin says whilst his fingers wiggle before Eren's face to build suspense.
"For instance, remember Annie from earlier? The blondie with blue eyes and a tongue as sharp as a dagger?" Mikasa asks.
"Well, she might not act like it, but she's a retired plastic."
"What? You mean she attended Trost at one point? Also, you can retire? Why would she retire?"
"She didn't just attend Trost, she was a founding member of the plastics. A true OG. She helped run our halls. In fact, I'd go as far to say that she was once closer to Y/N than Jean has ever been." Armin said.
"Then, what would make her willingly give that up?"
"Something so simple and obvious, yet achingly torturous that you wouldn't help but sympathize with her. Especially someone like you, wearing your heart on your sleeve like that." Mikasa lightly jabs at her friend.
"Just tell me, 'kasa. I'm not as soft hearted as you think I am." Eren grumbles.
"Unrequited love."
Eren's breath catches in his throat at her words, for he couldn't believe what she was implying. "W-what? You're telling me..."
"Yup," Armin decides to finish his sentence, "We're not sure which way it went or how exactly it went down, but...
One of those girls loved the other far deeper than just mere friendship."
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Taglist: @idreamitski @str4wberrylover @jesus-son-of-god @hoejosblindfold @caycaysblogg @simpingmyassoff @youatemylollipop @enouche @longestline [comment to be added, dm to be removed!]
A/N: im sorry this took so long, its shorter than the last but twice as long as my first draft 😟
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hutchersonsgurl · 4 months
We're just friends - Clapton Davis Part 1
Paring x fem reader and Clapton Davis
Warnings:, pre-established relationship, SMUT. characters are 18+ and MINORS DNI. This contains depictions of fingering, oral (m receiving). (No use YN)
Summary: You and Clapton have been dating secretly because you were the school nerd, and Clapton didn't want to ruin his "cool" status. But you have had enough of being a secret girlfriend so you changed your image.
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Noah's POV:
It was a bright and sunny morning, and the birds chirped happily outside my window I smashed the pillow into my head not wanting to get up not wanting to deal with school today who wants to spend their 18th birthday in school all day? not me but I have to look at my phone and see that I got a text message from the school's mean girl Brooke it said "Check your email you'll want to see this I put down my phone I walk over to my desk and click on the link on the email thinking it was some dumb video she sends everyone making out with her boyfriend but no this was way worse as I press the video I see Clapton and Brooke sitting together at the party last night in the video Brooke " since your little girlfriend isn't here tonight how about we send her a video" she says with an evil smile "wait what? Noah and aren't dating but we all know she has a huge crush on me but I'd never date a loser like her, I mean come on I'm Clapton and she's the biggest nerd in our school" He says
I feel tears well up in my eyes as I realize the boy who I've been dating in secret for over a year now who told me we'd go public tonight doesn't give a damn about me he cares about his popularity more than me.
I pick up my phone and start to call Jade the phone starts ringing and I hear a pickup
"Hey what's up?" she asks
I couldn't help it I just started crying
"wait hold up did Clapton's dumbass do something? I swear to god if he did I'll beat some ass" she says
"he called me a loser in front of everyone..." I say in between sobs
I explained everything that has happened up to now to Jade and she's pissed off
"Okay so don't bother getting ready for school," Jade says
"why?" I asked
"because it's time for a makeover bitch meet at the mall in 20," she says and hangs up
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20 mins later
I met Jade at the salon and it feels like hours at this point but after 2 hours I turn around to see myself in the mirror my hair is straight and dark Black and My makeup is smoky black eyes and nude lipstick
" Holy shit I can't even recognize myself, " I say in shock
" Nah I still only see you your outer bitch is on the outside," now come on I'll pay since it's your birthday girl, and let's go tonight cute dress for tonight," Jade says paying and then dragging me to the clothing store we go into a chic boutique that always had stylish and unique pieces I try on a few dresses and really don't like them until Jade comes in with the most beautiful black dress on I try it on and I love the way it hugs my curves and I spin around in it and take a few pictures in this dress after I take a few pics I get a bunch of text messages from Clapton
Clapton: babe where r u?
Clapton: u missed the first period is everything okay?
Clapton: fuck I heard you saw the video I didn't mean any of it u know I love u please talk to me
Clapton: Baby please answer me
Clapton: I'll see you at your party tonight and we'll talk then
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I exit out of the text messages and put my phone in my purse and get dressed Jade and I walk up to buy the dress and we walk out of the store
"you know Clapton is going to eat his heart out tonight and speaking of eating let's go get something to eat," Jade says as she drags me to the ice cream shop
we walk up to the counter and we see a really cute guy at the counter
"hey, what can I get you guys today?' Gabriel asks
" I'll have a hot fudge sundae and she'll have an Oreo frosty" I answered
"Hey, I know you your the new kid Gabriel what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school?" Jade questions
"I could ask you two the same thing" he responds with a chuckle
I notice that he's tall and tan and has beautiful black curls in his hair
"Are you doing anything tonight? because if not it's my birthday today and you should come tonight" I asked
" uh yeah sure cool I'll be there see you soon" Gabriel answers
we pay and we leave heading back to my house
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as we got to my house I could see my mom putting up decorations for the party
"Hi, honey how was school today?" Mom asked
"oh actually didn't go...." I answer waiting for a yelling
" you are so lucky today is your birthday young lady we will continue this talk tomorrow" Mom replies
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part 2 coming sooon
Not edited will fix soon
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secretpostsposts · 7 months
Possessive Brozone Altars
I don't know if this counts for obsessive or possessive characters, but I see that Yandere characters have these altars or little worship corners for their crush or person of interest, I know that Yanderes are extremely possessive (and for me 4 to become Yanderes is a slow step I say JD's body count is 2, the others don't have one, but where there's already a body count, does that make Yandere?) well, so I decided that Brozone has an altar for Branch.
When they thought he was dead (the fact that they thought Branch was dead leaves me wondering how they found out, a mini-fic of that is coming).
This is what his altars would be like, Bruce's would be small since his kids are too naughty and he can't have something big, so I imagine Bruce has a troll size room, which is an office, and on a little table he has pictures of Branch and the rest of his siblings (and to make it hurt, there's only one picture of JD and that's because John is carrying baby Branch), he has a baby toy along with a candle.
Clay's (I know it was a joke in the movie, but if Clay really lives in that cubicle I swear I'll cry, so I'll say he has a little house like the rest of the Putt-Putt Trolls and I say that because he has an altar a little bigger than Bruce's) Clay at least I think he stayed in the tree when the band broke up and didn't leave immediately, so he saw Branch in the distance (a stalker waxed and took pictures and stole things from him that Branch later gave up for lost) He's got pictures in marked and good condition, toys also in good condition and some fluorescent flashlights, because a candle is a fire hazard and that won't happen on his watch (he has a lock of Branch's hair, don't ask how he got it (Floyd also has one, and I have to remember this is before the movie, so...)
Floyd is constantly on the move, I imagine he spent at least 1 week in every troll tribe (4 weeks in the Rock tribe, because no one would have given me that guy isn't at least a fan of rock music, or at least has a rock album) so he can't have an altar per se, but he does have a small folder with at least 5 pictures of Branch (and the damn lock of hair, you don't want to know how he got it), one of Branch's egg, newborn Branch, and others of Branch doing things like dancing, playing, and one with Floyd, both hugging with their brothers behind them fighting.
John Dory, what can I tell you about JD's altar?, Rhonda's interior is an altar to Brozone (or rather to his brothers, but the only thing he has is the band so it's a bit confusing, but I say this, it's not the real altar, not in my Au) John has maybe the biggest altar of the 4 (Branch doesn't have, maybe just an album and that's it) Rhonda's interior is an altar in her, if there's Brozone stuff; But he has more John always carried a photo album that he himself took of his siblings 1 for each brother and baby Branch's was double because he took pictures every 4 minutes of the baby, so he put all the photos around (I say JD thought they were all dead, then he only believed that Floyd is alive because of his solo concerts), so each photo was to remind him of his guilt, he has targets of his brothers (more than Branch, let's just say he looted the capsule and took everything he could from his brothers), When he received Velvet's letter, believing it to be Floyd, he had to pick everything up and store it safely because he knew that if Branch saw him he would be in trouble (it wouldn't be so much of a problem with Bruce, Clay and Floyd, they know what John is like and they know that of the 4 John may be the one who is the most, involved, not to mention damaged)
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cherryc1nnam0n · 2 years
Creampie from another man | Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson, Fem!Reader x Husband!Billy Hargrove
Summary: Your husband Billy never cums inside you because he wants to avoid a kid at all costs, but what about what you want? Maybe someone else will give it to you...
Cw: Smut, lots of cum, warning for angst, cheating, unprotected sex gallore, just filth, needy Eddie, lots of whimpering (male), bad ending let me know if you'd like a good ending
Good ending: We just need to talk | Good ending
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"Fuck yes right there" you moaned loudly, smacking noises filling the room as you got railed by your husband, like every night
"You're so tight holy fuck" he groaned, slapping your ass loudly making it red "Fuck I'm gonna cum"
Hopefully this was the time when he would finally breed you, you hoped he would
"Please cum ins-"
You couldn't even finish your sentence when he aggressively pulled out, coating your ass with his cum, your head fell down in anger and frustration, no matter what you did, he always pulled out
"Fuck baby, that was so good" he squeezed your ass and got off the bed, coming back with a damp towel to clean you up "You're always so good baby"
You couldn't hear a word he was saying, you wanted a baby and you knew he would never give it to you
"Excuse me?"
"Why do you not want to have a baby with me?" You sat up, facing him "Am I not enough? Are you afraid? Speak to me Billy!"
He was quiet, anger flashed in his face "I don't want to talk about this"
"But I do! I want to be a mother William! You know I do!" You yelled at him, picking up your pajamas to put them on "Damn it, just tell me to divorce you and I'll do it!"
"You won't divorce me! You're my wife!" He yelled back, you didn't even flinch "You're not leaving me"
"Then I'll find someone else to breed me" you challenged him, he was taken back "I'll find someone that'll cum so much inside it drips out of my nose, how about that?!"
He huffed a breath and walked out of the room, and out of the house, it was unfair that he didn't want to have a kid with you, but it was also unfair you were willing to cheat on him
Days went by, you didn't let Billy touch you, you guys were distant all the time and would exchange only a few words, you guys love each other but the elephant in the room didn't let you guys say it out loud
And your desire of being a mom led you to make your biggest mistake, fuck Eddie Munson...
"Oh god yes right there!" You moaned, Eddie was holding your legs up next to your head, pounding into you in a mating press "Please breed me, cum inside me"
"I'll give you every last drop of my cum, all of it, oh fuck you're so wet" he whined
Eddie was a whiney man when fucking, he was in heaven when you approached him and said you were done with your husband, and wanted him to breed you, his breeding kink was screaming and he could never refuse
You were hot, so hot and he had a fat crush on you during highschool, now you, on your late 20's were even hotter and mature, he couldn't deny
"Oh baby you're so tight, fuuuuck" he whined again, burying his face into your neck "I'm gonna cum please make me cum, make me cum fuck!"
Your pussy clenched around him so good it made his eyes roll back, he was in pussy heaven
"Eddie, I'm so close, please don't pull out"
"I could never dream of it baby"
With one last thrust, his cum coated your insides beautifully, you had never felt that and it had made you have a second orgasm on top of your first one, eyes rolling back and toes curling
"Fuck! Eddie!"
He was cumming so much it was unbelievable, his cum didn't stop until 3 minutes later, it was so so much it was coating the bed underneath you
"Fuck baby, that was amazing" he said pulling his soft dick out of you, his balls spent and empty
"Who said we were over?"
But you wanted more...
"Fuck baby, please please give it to me, fucking cum on this dick!" Eddie groaned as you rode him
Holding onto the headboard on the bed while it creaked loudly underneath you both, your hips bounced on him, taking his dick entirely into your pussy, it was obscene and it turned you on so much
"Fuuuuck Eddie it feels so good fuck!" His hands were pulling at your nipples, playing with your tits while he whined your named
Dirty talk was his specialty
"Fuck baby, you're so wet for me, gonna make me cum again, please just cum on it again" he whined at you in a voice you couldn't deny
"Please baby I'll cum on your dick, if you fill me up again with your cum"
He whined and nodded "Yes baby, I'll give you everything, milk my cock please please please" he begged, eyes rolling back "Oh fuck that feels so good" he moaned
His dick was big and veiny, his balls were big, storing lots of cum for you, since he had already gave you a creampie, his dick was coated in his own cum, your pussy pushing it back as you moved, making some fall down his balls and onto the bed, he was pussy drunk at this rate, he would do anything for you if you would keep moving like that
"Ahh, ahh, ahh" he moaned as you moved, feeling his balls tighten and rise up "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum please cum with me, please with cum me" he grabbed your hips and starting to frantically thrust up into you, tears in his eyes "Please cum with me, cum with me, of fuck!" He said as he gave one last thrust into you and shot his load into your womb "Ahhh fuck!"
"Shit Eddie!" You moaned, orgasm washing over you, thinking about how it would feel if Billy was the one doing it...
But those thoughts were erased when Eddie pushed you down on the bed, opening your legs to see the mess he had done "You made such a mess out of me holy shit" he said out of breath
You giggled, playing with your pussy as his cum seeped out, pushing it back in, coating your wedding ring in another man's creampie
"You're so good Eddie, and such a nice dick"
"You like my dick?"
"Duh, or else I wouldn't have fucked you" you smiled at him, still cock drunk
But Eddie wasn't done, now he was the one that wanted more
"Well, prepare for a third load, because I'm hard as a rock"
"Oh shit-"
"Say it again" Eddie said in between moans, holding your neck as he pounded into you
"Cum inside me daddy" you said as best as you could
His dick was destroying your pussy, cum seeping out, loud squelching noises emiting from it as his dick went in and out of her, your pussy was milking his cock deliciously, he was borderline obsessed with you and your pussy
"This pussy is mine, I don't care what your husband does to me after I'm done breeding you, you're mine now and this sweet pussy? Hah it's all mine too, don't want anyone else to have it, only me"
You were so gone in pleasure you didn't care about anything, the world around you was gone, only Eddie and his dick existed to you, nothing would have ever prepared you or imagined the beautiful surprise Billy had for you at home...
"Say you'll leave him, say it... Say you'll come live with me, be my wife, divorce that bastard and be mine Y/n..."
With hazy eyes you looked at him, sealing a promise you could never make true
"Yes Eddie, I'll be your's, all your's"
With more moans and sloppy kisses he came inside you, again, you were most definitely pregnant as fuck, pregnant with Eddie's baby...
When you finally came home that night, you didn't expect seeing decorations around the living room, a huge banner that read 'I'm sorry Y/n, I love you' and warm food that was cold now waiting for you
"Where were you?" Billy asked from the couch, a beer on his hand
"I-I went to visit mom, she called and-"
"Stop lying!" He stood up, walking to you, he was wearing his red shirt you loved so much on him "I called her and she said she hasn't seen you since last month... Where were you?"
You looked down, afraid of telling him the truth
"I can smell it on you... You were having sex... Am I right?"
You just nodded
You could hear his heart shatter in his chest, you had made your promise true, you cheated on him
"Y/n... Do you know why I never came inside you?"
"Because you're a selfish asshole, that's why!"
He shook his head, eyes closed "Because I was scared... Scared I would be a terrible dad... During this time, I went to therapy and figured why I was so scared to get you pregnant... But now that I've figured it out and want to give you a baby... I see you're already carrying one..." He referred to the cum dripping from your thighs
"You want... To have a baby...?"
He nodded, sadly
"I made dinner for us... Planned it all, I had a speech ready, I waited for you... All night and look at you, coated in another man's scent, your pussy dripping with his cum, are you happy now, Y/n? Are you happy? Because you should I mean- you got what you wanted! Didn't you?!" He yelled, tears falling down his eyes "I'm leaving... I love you but, you clearly don't love me too..."
He had a bag ready with his stuff, he picked it up and looked at you one last time, taking off his wedding ring and placing it on your hand "Here, maybe you could give it to him, the man that gave you a kid..."
With that, he left the house, leaving you empty...
"I love you too Billy..." You said to no one since he has already left long ago...
Months later, you took a pregnancy test and it came back positive, you were having a baby! But... Eddie's baby, not Billy's...
You hadn't seen him since he left, you tried to approach Max but she yelled at you, telling you how much of a slut you are, reminding you of your mistake, if you only you had talked to him when he tried to do so...
Now you were driving to Eddie's work, the mechanic shop, you knew he wouldn't leave you alone, he wanted you...
"Eddie? Can we talk?"
He came from under the car he was working on, his hair in a messy bun and covered in oil stains
"Oh uhm Y/n, you shouldn't be here"
"Why? Is it not a lady's place? Haha" you giggled, but his face didn't change "What's wrong?"
"Why are you here?"
"I left him, for you Eddie, were having a baby" you placed the test on his hand, he scrunched his face in horror
"No, no, no, this can't be right, you're no, no!" He yelled throwing the test away "That's not my kid"
You were in disbelief, he was the one that bred you!
"What? Eddie you know what you're saying is a lie! It's your baby!"
"No, Y/n it is not, it's probably someone else's baby and you're just trying to put the weight on me, that's not my kid!"
You slapped him right on the face, making his face turn to the side, his hair falling from the bun
"You are a bastard! You know what we did! You know what you wanted! You wanted me to marry you! To have your baby! And now you don't ever recognize it?! You're like every other man Edward Munson!" You yelled at him, walking out of the shop
"I'm sorry..." He said holding his cheek
Truth was... Billy had been there. He told Eddie that happened, but he didn't say that Y/n was a slut. He talked wonders of her, even with his heart shattered he still loved her, Eddie listened intently, and he felt guilty in his chest, he knew Y/n was pregnant with his kid but he couldn't raise a baby with a woman who was married and second, that cheated on her husband, with him... So he did what he thought was right... Even if she was the love of his life...
Now Y/n was alone... Her mother was ashamed of her, didn't speak a word to her daughter, her friends stopped talking to her too, saying it was too low what she did and they were right...
Y/n Hargrove was alone in the world... Pregnant with a kid who wasn't her husband's...
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peaceteaa11 · 2 years
Kisses and Tattoos
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Series: Kisses and Tattoos - Pt. 1
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader (Y/N)
Ratings: angst, fluff, smut 18+ (minors avert your eyes or have them gouged out by demodogs), sadness because reader and Eddie are totally soulmates.
Warnings: 18+ smut, unprotected sex, biting, angst and sadness about not being able to be with Eddie.
Summary: Rockstar!Eddie can keep his eyes off you during a show and suddenly you are wanted backstage. Your giant crush on Eddie only seems to amplify when in his presence.
A/N: I haven't posted in a while so I tried to make this one lengthier but I hope y'all heathens like it. Also idk why I am so obessed with Rockstar!Eddie but I am so here ya go. I only proofread once so mistakes shall be afoot. You can still read it tho, I promise x
Word Count: 8k
***Go check out my other Eddie fics! Eddie Munson Masterlist***
In this economy babies are not it. Wrap it or don't be tapping it!
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
You couldn't help but feel as if Eddie was staring at you a lot. As you jumped around and danced with you friends in the pit during Corroded Coffin on tour, you kept making eye contact with Eddie Munson. The lead singer and guitarist of your favorite band... and you biggest celebrity crush.
As the concert comes to and end you feel a bit flustered by the whole experience but mainly your arms are beyond sore. You look down at your sign that you had been holding for the duration of the concert. "One Kiss = One FREE Tattoo!" is beautifully written across the poster, suddenly it clicks in your brain. Eddie Munson was not staring at you he was staring at your sign. You take in a deep breath before sighing rather heavily.
Your friends yell and clammer towards the exit. "Y/n! Can you believe that-" your one friend wraps his arm around your shoulder, shaking you about a bit. It's clear he's very excited about the show and you are too, obviously, but you can't seem to get Eddie's eyes out of your head. Being that close to the stage was such a dream but now you are worried that those deep brown eyes will never leave your mind. So many times it felt like you were looking directly into them. You look down to your sign and glare. Damn this sign, you think, giving you false hope.
As you guys are making your way towards the exit you feel someone grab your arm. You quickly pull away from your friend and the arm grabbing at you.
"Hey! Get your hands off of me-" you shout causing all your friends to turn their attention towards you. Your voice sort of drops off when your eyes fall upon who is holding your arm. A surprised looking security guard holds you in place.
"S-Sorry ma'am. I just-"
"I didn't do anything I swear." You fumble over your words as your rush to get them out. All of your friends quickly rally around you and start shouting at the guard to get his hands off of you when suddenly a much bigger and meaner looking guard steps forward.
"Miss." One word and he silences all of your friends. "You're wanted backstage." His words cause your whole group to fall into a state of confusion.
"I'm... what?"
"Please, come with us." He says in his rough and deep voice.
"I think you have the wrong person." You say as you gently shake off the hand of the guard who grabbed you. "I am-"
"We don't have the wrong person. Come with us." He says, this time you can tell he is becoming a bit irritated by your resistance. You look back at your friend who all have wide and shocked eyes. You mouth hangs open slightly. You're truly at a loss for words.
"I... okay," You turn back to the guard and cross your arms over your chest. Your sign hitting one of your friends as you do so. "I, uh, I'll only go if my friends can come with me." You stand firm as all your friends gasp from behind you.
The guard squints down at you obviously ready to argue with you when the meeker one who grabbed you speaks up. "He said do whatever, remember." His voice is tiny and shy as he speaks to the other guard. You tilt your head, confused by everything that is happening.
The bigger guard grunts as he pulls out his walkie. "Tell him that she won't come alone. She wants her friends to come as well." Another voice over the walkie quickly replies with copy that and the guard stares down at you with nothing but suspicion in his eyes.
"He said that's perfectly fine. Bring them back." At this response the guard nods his head as your friends break out into happy little laughs and shouts.
All of your friends clamor around right behind you as you follow the two security guards through the remaining crowd. Only when they open a door that says team members only does it really hit you that you are actually going backstage at a Corroded Coffin concert. Your heart starts to pounded ridiculously fast at the thought of meeting any of the band let alone Eddie. This is when your mind starts to wonder about who could have possibly asked for you to come backstage... and why?
After walking down a few hallways you and your friends end up backstage in a private room. It is quite big as you look around. Tons of beautiful people walking around with drinks and security posted in every corner and at every door. You shift your view once more and your eyes nearly pop out of your head when they land on Eddie Munson.
Before you can even really react your friends all let out little gasps and screams catching Eddie's attention. He turns around and instantly his eyes land on you. He smiles for a moment but then your friends rush towards him. All asking him different things you can feel a flush of embarrassment fill your cheeks, but it's not like you could really judge them, you sort of wanted to do the exact same thing. The only thing holding you back is the anxiety filling your chest.
You watch as he gets distracted by all your friends and you look towards the ground. Was he the one who wanted you back here? Did he want to shame you for staring at him so much? He must be used to it though, being famous and gorgeous, right?
Eddie's eyes find you once again causing his lips to pull up into a soft smile. He scans you through your excited friends. He takes you in slowly as you stare at the ground. God, she's beautiful is all he can think. "So, does that sign usually work?"
Eddie's voice catches your attention, you snap your head up to meet his gaze. Your face feels unbelievably warm. "Oh." You look down to the sign and suddenly all the dots begin to connect. He wasn't staring at you during the concert, he's not mad you were staring, he was interested in your sign. Your stupid, stupid sign.
Your friends all exchange a few looks before making a bit of a path for Eddie. He smiles as he walks closer to you. He shoves his hands into his pockets in order to hide his nerves as you find yourself starting to stand a bit taller, straightening out your back. Once Eddie is right in front of you he smiles sweetly causing your heart to nearly leap out of your chest.
"I, uh, I take it to every concert. It doesn't always work but when it does..." You look down and shake you head letting a small laugh slip from your lips. When you look back up and meet Eddie's eyes he feels his heart jump in his chest. You smile, "When it does people let me practice on them for free." You can't help but laugh again, "I never really expected anyone on stage to see it though."
Eddie laughs and shakes his head a bit, "Does it still apply to me even though you didn't expect me to notice it?" His smile melts your heart. He tilts his head a bit as you stand there a bit speechless.
"Oh! Uh, absolutely. Corroded Coffin is my favorite band of all time. I-" you trail off when you realize your are beginning to babble on. You blush a bit causing Eddie's own deep red tinted cheeks to go unnoticed by you, but not by all of your friends.
Your friends all begin to exchange knowing looks as you and Eddie stand there like blushing idiots. Eddie stares down at you with adoration but you can't seem to focus on him because of your friends all whispering to you from behind him. Waving their hands, trying to get your attention. You peak around Eddie to them and give a confused look. They all point at Eddie and then some of them start making hearts with their hands while others start making more sexual motions. You shake your head in confusion when Eddie suddenly follows your gaze and they all halt their actions.
Your friends all start to look around and you shake your head a bit before making eye contact with Eddie again. Eddie chuckles softly. As you scan his face while he laughs you feel a deep blush creeping onto your face again. Eddie smiles and looks down to you once again. Eddie feels his heart pounding against his chest.
Eddie takes in a shaky breath, "Do you have all the tattoo stuff with you?" His questions catches you a bit off guard. You had almost forgot about the sign until then. You nod in response. He grins and you can't help but blush even more, your giant crush on him becoming harder and harder to hide the longer your in his presence.
Eddie grins, "Cool, do you wanna go do this on the bus? It can get pretty crazy backstage because of all the people and party stuff... ya know."
"Oh. I uh, I gotta ask my friends." You blurt before even really thinking, the nerves becoming uncontrollable. All you can think about it getting away from him for a moment to clear your head.
Eddie smiles and nods, "Of course, I'm gonna go make my rounds. I'll uh, check back in with you." He smiles before leaving without another word. Eddie glances back at you as your friends all rush to gather around you. He takes in a deep breath. God, I gotta walk off these nerves, he thinks.
Your friends all begin to try and talk to you at one time. "Guys! Guys. please one at a time." You whisper shout causing them to gather themselves.
"He likes you!"
"He wants you!"
"Guys! Please. Please. Keep it down." You glance around as you quiet your friends.
"Okay, okay." Your one friend speaks up as the rest fall quiet. "He is totally into you."
"What?" You stare at them all in a bit of shock. "No he isn't"
"Yes. He is!"
"No. Really, he just noticed me because of the sign." You shake the sign a bit as if it is obvious. "He has tons of tattoos. He just wants another one, that's all." You sigh, saying it out loud sort of let's your heart drop. You know it's true but you still can't help but feel a bit disappointed.
"Sure! But for a kiss though, y/n." They exclaim.
"He could kiss anyone he wants at any time. It's just that this kiss will get him a free tattoo. That's all." You sigh once again until you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. You quickly jump and turn to face the tapper. Eddie stands there with a soft smile.
"You ready?" He asks with sweetly.
"Yes! She is. She's ready." Your friends all answer and push you forward a bit causing your cheeks to turn red. Eddie chuckles and begins to lead you away and you try to settle your nerves again.
As the two of you reach a door to the back of the stage Eddie pushes it open. A burst of loud screaming fans hits you in the face. Eddie steps out with you close behind him. All the fans start to rush towards him despite security's efforts. Eddie grabs your hand and pulls you close to his side. He smiles and thanks his fans as the two of you walk towards the bus. They begin to grab at him, some grabbing at you in the process.
You guys make it through the main crowd and can see the bus entrance. Several fans start to yell about you. They start calling you ugly and gross. Some of them beg for Eddie to take them instead of you. You watch as Eddie glares a bit before opening the bus door, lending you his hand for you to start of the stairs. Eddie follows you in trying to shake his annoyance at all the horrible things his fans were just saying about you. He shuts the door behind him.
Inside you look around the main segment of the bus. The little kitchen, the small table and velvet couch benches where the band must spend their time eating and writing with each other. You turn to face Eddie and he smiles.
"Your fans are quite dedicated." You giggle a bit knowing you are one of the dedicated fans, but you'd never shout like they did. At least not if you knew he could hear you.
"Yes, yes they are. I uh, I'm sorry about that." He scratches his neck and looks down a bit. His chest heavy with the guilt of you having to endure that.
"No need to apologize, Eddie." You hum softly. His name from your lips catches his attention. He can feel his heart beat faster as he takes you in. His name has never sounded so amazing.
Eddie fiddles with the rings on his fingers before turning to the little bar the band next to the table. "You want a drink?" He turns away from you and tries to calm all the thoughts in his head.
"Sure. That sounds nice." You hum and he quickly grabs a random bottle, pouring you and him shots. He sets one of them in front of you. He moves to sit down before looking up at you.
"Take a seat." He smiles as he leans back against the velvet tour bus bench seat. You smile in return and set your bag and sign down in one seat and then sit in the next one across form Eddie. You leave the shot sitting in front of you as you watch Eddie shoot his back. He shakes his head causing his hair to bounce around his face, his chains rattling just a bit as well. Your mind starts to wander.
Thoughts of Eddie hovering above you, hair and chains swaying above your as he thrusts his hips into yours. You think about how you would tug at his beautiful brown curls as his chain sways. As you continue to drift in these impossible thoughts Eddie's voice cuts in causing you to jump a bit.
"Oh. Sorry." Eddie chuckles and tilts his head down to meet your shocked gaze. "Didn't mean to scare you, sweetheart."
"No. I- sorry... I got lost in my own mind." You blush deeply as flashes of your day dream plague your memory.
"It's okay. I just... uh, I realized I never got your name."
"Oh right! I'm y/n." You smile politely.
Eddie's cheeks immediately begin to heat up as he nods. You watch as pink spreads across his face and ears. You join him in the blush when he stares into your eyes with his soft brown ones.
"That is... you have a gorgeous name." Eddie hums before clearing his throat and trying to calm his blush.
You can't help but giggle at his compliment. Your stomach doing flips. You watch as he fiddles with his rings. "You seem nervous, Eddie." You say softly but nonetheless his head snaps up and he is staring at you so intensely, you fear you may pass out.
"I... I am. It's not everyday I take beautiful women back to the bus." Eddie laughs and his hand in back on his neck, scratching nervously as he waits for you to respond.
You feel your stomach tighten as your stare into Eddie's eyes. His long lashes flickering with nerves.
"You could've had a pick of a ton of beautiful women tonight, I'm sure you have that choice every night." You smile softly, secretly hoping he'll tell you something sweet, something about only wanting you, no matter how crazy that seems, you wanted that so bad. You suck your bottom lip in between your teeth and nervously nibble.
"I never bring girls back to the bus." Eddie's voice is stable as he says this. Not looking away from you he smiles. He tilts his head as you blush, his eyes flicking down to your lips when you look down to the table full of nerves.
"Mmm." You hum before looking back up from the table at Eddie. "So just backstage sex then." You watch as his ears turn a bright shade of red.
"That... that only happened one time. And I swear, I've never been more embarrassed in my life." He chuckles and you join in, both of you laughing freely. As you both continue to laugh suddenly, as if you had worked up the courage, you blurt out your thoughts.
"Do you want to kiss me?" You freeze as soon as the words fall from your lips. Eddie meets your gaze once more and stares at you silently, an unreadable look in his eyes. "I... oh god. I mean. You really don't have to. I can just give you the tattoo is what I was meaning to ask. Say! Like more of a do you even want to kiss me? Because! Uh, obviously your don't have to. I can just work off of whatever art you want or idea and start on the tattoo. I'm sure you have things you want to do, places to be. Just like me, duh. So yea." Once you finish with your babbling session you can't help but notice a sad tint in Eddie's eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I said something wrong."
"You did nothing wrong." He laughs shortly. He shrugs it off as he pours himself another shot before leaning back against the soft bench. He gets ready to toss the shot back but you quickly try to work yourself up again. Try to find the courage to say what you really wanted to say. He lifts his glass and sighs, bringing the glass closer to his lips and you close your eyes tightly. just say it!
"I want to kiss you!" You nearly shout in his face. Eddie coughs, spilling a bit of the shot onto his pants. "Oh god. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I just blurted that out." You shake your head. "I'm sorry." Eddie stares at you with wide chocolate eyes. "I didn't mean it! Pretend I didn't say that." You start to ramble once again, shaking your head.
"The sign didn't catch my attention!" Eddie copies your shouting from earlier. You look at him in confusion as a nervous smile finds his lips.
"I- What?"
"The sign didn't catch my attention." Eddie sits up a bit straighter and clears his throat. "You did." His voice is stable again. Not a sign of nerves. Now it is your turn to stare at Eddie in shock. "The sign was a good excuse, sure. But first thing I saw was you and God... I couldn't stop staring after that. All I could think during the show was I gotta find her after. One kiss from her would totally be worth getting another tattoo. I just kept trying to think of tattoo ideas after seeing your sign so that I could get a kiss from you. I... I just. I couldn't stop thinking about you after I caught a glimpse of you." Eddie stares at you and instantly when silence falls you burst out into laughter causing Eddie to feel a bit more on edge. All he could think was of course... why would she want to kiss a guy like me.
Mid nervous laughter attack a snort pops out causing you to blush. you slap your hands over your mouth and gasp. A few more laughs slip out but you snort again. You take a deep breath and shake your head.
"I'm so sorry. Oh god, this is so embarrassing." You take a deep breath and look to Eddie to find him staring at you with a grin already on his face. "I'm sorry it's just hard to believe that a guy like you would think of me like that." When you finish your sentence you watch the grin slip off his lips as they curl into a frown.
"A guy like me?" He asks softly as he tries to maintain eye contact.
"Yeah, the unbelievably gorgeous type don't normally fancy kissing me." You sigh and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear as Eddie’s smile returns.
"I do. I fancy kissing you." He smirks and you can't help but feel shivers all over your body. This has been the most blatant and straight forward he has been so far. His eyes are glued to yours.
You watch as Eddie stands up from the bench and offers you his hand. You glance at his ring clad fingers before you take it. Once your are standing Eddie wraps his hands around your hips. He pulls you closer, both of you quietly and nervously enjoying this moment. He softly caresses your face.
"You sure you want to-"
"Yes." You nod as Eddie cups your cheek. He tilts his head a bit and you feel your knee begin to give. You quickly remind them that if they give out too soon there will be no kiss which gets your body back in order.
Eddie smiles and quickly presses his lips to yours. He whines a bit and you quickly find your hands pulling at his shirt, wanting him to be as close as humanly possible. You both smile into the kiss and he can't help but run his tongue along your bottom lip. You open your mouth a bit as you sigh into him. Eddie slides his tongue into your mouth causing you to grip his shirt tighter pushing yourself up against him.
His hand gets lost in your hair while his other hand pulls your hips flush against him, his fingers squeezing your hips harshly, his finger threatening to dip into the side of your jeans. Suddenly, Eddie pulls back from the kiss and gently pushes your body away from his. You release his shirt reluctantly as he guides your body away.
You gasp at the sensation of missing his lips on yours. Your eyes are fuzzy as you look up to him. "I'm sorry." He whispers softly as he stares at you and what he has done to you in so little time. Your hair is ruffled and lips red, swollen from his attack.
"It's," you take a deep breath, "It's okay." You run your tongue along your bottom lip gently as Eddie runs his hands through his curls. You have never been kissed like that before. It was so needy and perfect. You watch as Eddie takes one more step back from you and smiles.
"So... that tattoo." His voice is shaky as he closes his eyes briefly. You frown at his tattoo remark, but that's what you were here for right?
"Right... the tattoo." You turn away from him and let the disappointment spread throughout your body. You reach for your bag when suddenly you feel Eddie's hand intertwine with yours. He pulls you back toward him causing a quick gasp to escape your lungs but suddenly his lips are on yours again
You softly moan into his lips and he hums happily as he shoves his tongue into your mouth once again. You are quick to wrap your hands up in his brown hair as you pull him closer to you. He whines weakly when you give his curls a tug. You feel him dip a bit as his knees nearly give out. You feel electric shivers run through your body when you realize the power you have over him. He whines as he straightens his legs again, stabilizing himself. Once he is stable he pulls away again and now it was your turn to whine.
Eddie rests his forehead against yours, looking down into your eyes as you stare up at him. Your eyes pleading with him to kiss you again. He huffs a bit keeping his hands wrapped around you. Careful to not back away again.
"M'm sorry." Eddie sighs as he struggles to clear his mind and catch his breath again.
You giggle slightly out of breath as well. "What are you sorry for?"
Eddie smiles down at you, careful to not break eye contact. "I didn't ask to kiss ya twice."
You shake your head as you shift your body in hopes of getting even closer to him. "I liked it all the same." You take this chance to tug at his hair once more, your fingers still wrapped in his hair right around the nape of his neck. Eddie whines, his hips bucking into you a bit. His eyes close as he tries to calm himself down. When he opens his eyes again they immediately find yours.
"I, uh," Eddie takes a shaky breath, "I really can't kiss you again." He pushes a warm burst of air from his mouth, you can smell the scent of alcohol from earlier. You watch as his cheeks turn read once again. "I... I am getting too... too worked up." A small silence falls between you two causing Eddie to try and search your eyes for an sign of disgust or fear. The last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable.
You take a moment process what Eddie just said before a smile finds your lips. You look up into his eyes, your foreheads still resting on one another. Eddie pouts a bit when he sees your smile. His eyes seem so helpless and needy as he stares down at you.
"I've been worked up since i saw you backstage." You smile as Eddie's eyes rapidly scan your face for any sort of deception. When he seems content in finding none he sighs as he strokes your cheek lightly.
"I don't do this all the time, y/n. I swear." he says candidly. You smile as a small giggle escape you.
"I believe you. Or else I think you would've already asked to fuck me." Your blunt attitude catches him off guard. He shakes his head with such a serious look in his eyes.
"I wouldn't do that."
"So you don't want to fuck me?" You watch as his eyes widen and he begins to shake his head once again. His bangs rustling against your forehead.
"No! No. I really want to. Like really really want to. I just don't want you to think I'm doing this at every stop on the tour." He says softly causing you to grin.
"I believe you, Eddie." And for some reason, you really did believe him.
As soon as you finish speaking his lips are back on yours. You sigh into him as his finger dig into your hips. His tongue slips into your mouth with a deep hum. Your tongues dance around one another as your legs feel as if they may give out. Eddie pulls your body flush against yours.
The heat between the two of you builds and builds. Eddie whines as his ring clad fingers tease the top of your jeans. You nod your head slightly causing Eddie to pull back from the kiss but staying as close as possible.
"Can I-"
"Yes. Do literally anything to me." You whine looking up at Eddie with pleading eyes. He smiles before dropping to his knees. You sigh as you look down at Eddie as he quickly begins to unbutton your jeans. He quickly starts to pull them down as he pushes you back onto the velvet bench he was sitting on early, careful to avoid the tabled area. You work together to flick your jeans off. Once off Eddie tosses them into the kitchen area causing them to land on the counter. He smiles up at you as you grip the each of the seat in anticipation. "Eddie." You whine begging him to do something other then stare up at you from the floor of the bus.
"Patience." He smirks as he gently grabs your leg. He begins to lay soft kisses up your legs, making it to your thighs his kisses becomes a bit heavier, harsher. As he sucks at the delicate skin. Leaving dark crescent moons over your thighs. You squirm a bit as he gets closer and closer to your core. Your breath catching in your throat as he bites down on the inside of your thigh, a stunted moan leaving your lips.
"Eddie!" You whine as he laps his tongue of his new marking, he knew it would be there for at least a day or two which made his insides twist with desire.
"Mmm. Sorry. Couldn't resist, now your mind for at least the new two days." He grins up at you as he hooks his fingers over your panties. "Up." He says as he motions with his head tossing his hair back a bit. You lift your hips letting him slide your panties down your legs. As you look down at Eddie his eyes darken immensely. "God, you're beautiful."
Before you can even think to formulate a response to him, Eddie dives into you causing you to whimper softly, gripping the seat's edge so tightly. As Eddie laps his tongue up your slit. He moans into you as he slide his hands around the back of your body. He grips your ass, pulling you closer, trying to diver deeper into you. His tongue quickly over your clit causing your hips to buck.
Eddie chuckles before plunging his tongue back into you. Tongue pushing in and out of your folds until he pulls away only to start sucking on your clit. You cry out as you grab onto his hair. "Eds!"
Then nickname causes Eddie's heart to flutter. He moans into you sucks harshly at your clit until your back arches as you pulls on Eddie's hair. You cry as you ride out your high on Eddie's face, feeling his grin against you.
Eddie pulls his hands from your ass and begins to pull back. Carefully, he undoes your grip on his hair as you deflate on the soft bench. You watch as Eddie stands up and licks his lips. He places his arms on either side of your hips and leans down for a kiss. You let him peck you once but then you speak up, finally able to now that your high has settled in your stomach.
Eddie tilts his head and smirks. "Me?"
"Take off your clothes. It's only fair." You huff playfully which causes Eddie to chuckles.
"Fine. But your top and bra have to come off too." He smirks.
"I'm not wearing a bra." You tease causing Eddie to whine to himself as he undoes his belt and chains hanging round his waist and belt loops.
"God. You're amazing. You drive me crazy." He smiles sliding out of his jeans allowing you to see just how crazy you are driving him. You smirk when you see the bulge in your pants, your mouth watering in anticipation.
You quickly take your shirt off as Eddie is in the process of taking his off and by the time he turns his eyes back to you, there you are, completely naked on his tour bus, sitting where he eat breakfast with the band.
You look up at Eddie with wide eyes as you study his tattoos. You reach your hand out, shaking slightly. He smiles softly stepping back towards you in nothing but his boxers and rings. You start to trace his tattoos, enchanted by them really as Eddie stares at you with pure adoration. She is so... beautiful is the only thought running through his head.
As you continue to trace his tattoos Eddie's finger slowly find their way back to your cunt. he runs his fingers through your slit causing you to grab at both of his shoulders in euphoric shock. He lubes his fingers with your slick as his eyes finds yours. You both stare at each other as he slowly pushes his fingers into your.
Your mouth falls agape as you lean your head back against the back of the bench. "Eds." Your voice is breathy as he begins to pump his digits in and out of your slowly. His thumb finds your clit and he begins to rub slow circles over your sensitive bundle.
"That's it sweetheart." He hums as his pace begins to build. You lift your head to look at him once again only to find him watching his fingers pump in and out of you.
"Eddie." You whine as he presses down on your clit. He looks to you with a soft smile.
"Hm?" He smirks and you rolls your eyes which only causes Eddie to pump his fingers in and out of your opening faster and faster until you are practically clawing down the front of his chest, his rings hitting your opening with every pump. It's blinding as you hit your second high. The tight twists in your core spring loose causing your body to rock against Eddie's finger. "So Pretty." He hums causing you to cry out a bit.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. He hums as your body shakes against his. He continues to pump you through your high and little aftershocks.
Your arms stay tight around his neck as he pulls his fingers from you bringing them to his lips. You watch closely as Eddie slips his fingers into his mouth. his eyes close in bliss as he suck you off his fingers and rings. He moans softly as he pulls them out and opens his eyes.
His gaze meets your dizzy cum drunk eyes and he grins. "Hey gorgeous. How you feeling, baby?" He smiles and pushes your hair from your checks where sweat clings to small chunks and stray baby hairs.
"Mm amazing." You stare up at Eddie unable to shake this fluttering in your stomach. He is so perfect. Eddie leans down into and starts to leave small kisses up and down your neck as he shamelessly grips your soft boobs. You sigh as he suck at the delicate skin of your neck. Humming as he does so. "Marking me even more?" You tease but all Eddie does is moans against your neck. You feel his bulge rubbing against your leg and the next thing you know, you are doing what you do best, blurting something out. "I wanna suck you off."
Eddie pauses, he kisses your neck once more before pulling back to meet your gaze again. "You really don't have to do that. I-"
"Eddie please. I won't get another chance." You sigh sadly knowing you're right. You will probably never see Eddie after tonight and if you get to be with him, you want to be with him in any way possible.
"Don't say that. Please." His eyes sink and you quickly grab his face. Your force him to look at you, his eyes pleading.
"I'm sorry. I just. I don't want to miss anything... just in case."
"Yea. Yea. You're right." He smiles and quickly presses his lips to your, pulling you up from the seat. You can feel your legs shaking a bit as Eddie presses your body flush against his. Every inch of your skin is set ablaze. As soon as Eddie pulls away from the kiss slightly you drop to your knees. "Shit." Eddie whispers as he looks down at you looking up at him.
"Can I-"
"Do anything to me." He smirks, turning your words on you. You giggle as you slowly help Eddie step out of his boxers. Once his naked length is in front of you, you can feel the pulsation between your thighs start up again.
Eddie watches you spit on your hand from above and he can feel his cock twitch even though you've done nothing to him yet. You grab his cock gently running your spit over his sensitive dick. He whines gripping the table top behind him.
"F-fuck." He tosses his head back only to snap it forward again, not wanting to miss anything part of what is about to happen. You slowly pump your hand up and down his cock as Eddie grips the table tightly. You get a bit of resistance but Eddie barely notices as he stares down at you until you are suddenly running your fingers through your fold, collecting your own slick. You quickly pull your fingers back and rubs them over the head of Eddie's cock causing him to cry out loudly. "Ah! Ahhhhaha- holy shit." You smile as you pump your hand along his shaft.
Eddie watches as you place a small kiss on his tip. He wants to cry out, scream your name, tell you that you are the sexy being alive but he was speechless. Unable to form words and it only got worse once your lips were on him. He choked a bit when you suddenly took him as deep as you could, gagging on him. He whimpered as he felt his core tighten and twist while he watched you bob up and down on his cock.
"Gaa-God." He whispered as you picked up speed. He could feel his high approaching and suddenly fear settled in. This is not how he wanted the night to end. His cum shooting down your throat. He wanted to be inside of you. "Oh! Ah. Wah-w-wait. W-wait." You release him from your mouth with a pop and quickly look up to him with wide eyes.
"You okay?" You ask, drool and precum dripping down your chin. He groaned and nodded as he looks as you.
"Fuck. Yes. I'm better than okay, promise." He extends his hand to you helping you off the floor. He turns you guys around and he plops onto the bench where you were sitting just before. "I just...." he pulls you closer until you end up straddling his lap. "I just want to end the night inside you... if you'll let me. I-"
"Yes!" You cry out before he finishes his sentence. He chuckles breathlessly. He wipes your face with his rough fingers.
"Com'ere." He slides his hands down your sides until he hits your hips. He helps lift your hips a bit. He lines himself up with your entrance as you quickly grab his shoulders, knowing you'll need support. "Ready?"
You nod and Eddie begins to lower you down onto his cock. You both groan. You fight to keep your eyes on Eddie and he is seemingly doing the same. You gasp a bit once he has bottomed you out.
"Eds." You whine as you adjust to him stretching you out.
"Shh. It alright baby. We'll go slow."
You let your head fall onto his shoulder as you start to grind down onto him. Your hips grating against his causing him to whimper. "Oh god." Eddie grabs your hips tightly and starts guiding your hips against his. "Please don't stop." He pleads with you and you let out a breathy laugh.
"I don't plan on it." You giggle but your laughter is cut off by Eddie grabbing your face and pulling you down to connect your lips with his. He whines, instantly shoving his tongue into your mouth. You let out a soft moan as you lift your hips beginning to bounce on Eddie's cock as his tongue explores yours.
Eddie moans into your mouth as you set a steady pace. He can't help but jut his hips up, fucking up into you, needy and desperate to hear all the dirty little moans fall from your lips into his. Your hips begin to collide faster and faster as the two of you build up the tension in your cores. Everything feeling euphoric and yet so simple.
Eddie pulls away from your kiss and smiles. "Hang on." He pulls your chest flush against him. His mouth connecting with your nipple as he speeds up. Fucking up into you so fast and hard that all that fills the bus is the sound of your bodies and your needy moans. His bangs stick to his forehead as he stares up at you. Your mouth agape, gasping in pleasure.
He releases your nipple and lets his one hand dip down between the two of you. You let out a half moan have sob when Eddie's thumb encircles your clit once more. He whimpers as you tuck your head into the crook of his neck and begin to suck on his skin.
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your high and suddenly it hit you. Eddie had marked you but you had yet to leave so much as a tiny hickey anywhere on his body. You wanted to pretend too. You wanted to leave marks all over Eddie. Pretend that he was yours.
You leave little kiss along his neck causing him to trust up into harder and harder.
"I'm.... uh sorry. I'm really close y/n." He whimpers as you suck as his skin leaving a small hickey by his jaw.
"Mmm. Me too Eds." This is when you take the opportunity to bite down on Eddie's shoulder harshly. He lets out a loud moan. Now both of your had markings that will prove at least as some point, you belonged to each other. His hips jut up into your fast and sloppy as his thumb quickly stimulates your clit. You lap over your bite when you feel your core undo. You cry out. Your hands shooting into Eddie's curls, gripping them tightly as your legs shake around his. He continues to thrust up into. Sloppy and needy.
"Where? Where?" He pants, desperate for you to answer before he cums.
"Inside. Cum inside of me Eddie, please!" You cry out as an aftershock wracks your body. As you clench around him once again her cries out. You feel his rings dig into your hip as his hot load shoot inside of you.
Eddie stays inside of you for the next few minutes as you to ride out your highs and after shocks. You lay slumped against his chest, sticking to his tatted skin. Eddie gently smooths your hair snuggling closer even though he is still inside of you.
In this moment of silence you can't help but let a bit of sadness seep in. You want him so back, in every way. You want to get to know him more, you want to hold his hand, you want to fall asleep next to him. You want him. You sigh knowing that was a smoke dream. Things you'll never have. Eddie is sweet beyond belief but it doesn't change the fact that he is a literal rockstar.
"You owe me a shit ton of tattoos." He chuckles softly as he continues to smooth your hair and rubs tiny circles into your hip.
"Mmm. Is that as this was? A ploy for a lifetime supply of free tattoos? You junkie." You tease causing both of your to chuckles despite how tired you both are.
You try to work up the strength both emotionally and physically to get off of Eddie, knowing the longer you stay, the more you'll want this to last forever. You peel yourself from his skin and try to move your hips but Eddie's hands hold your hips in place, pushing you down causing you to whine.
"Can we stay like this for a little while longer?" His eyes are pleading. Eddie didn't want you to leave, he didn't want it to end, but he didn't really know how to tell you this either. You both sit there for a moment before Eddie speaks up again. "What got you into tattoos?"
You take this opportunity to lay yourself back against Eddie's chest. You kind of hated that he was getting to know you and how badly you wanted to know him. Fearing that it will only hurt more when it comes time to face the truth in a few minutes, hours maybe if you know each deeper. You snuggle into him, sighing a bit when you feel him shift inside of you.
"Uh. Well this may be weird, but you. Uh. I mean, I always liked drawing but once I learned that you did your own tattoos when you were in high school I wanted to learn as well. I know it's lame, sorry."
Eddie chuckles. "I don't think any aspect of you could ever be lame, darling." His nickname makes your heart flutter in your chest.
"What's... what's touring like?" You ask as you wrap you hands up in his hair, lightly scratching his head while you two sit in contentment.
"Lonely." Eddie pauses for a moment. "I mean, I have the band and they are my best friends basically my family but its weird being on the road on the time. It feels like the only people I know are the band members and our managers. I guess... it's hard to miss out on,,, other stuff." Eddie sigh. His fingers looping in your hair now. Curling them around his fingers. The only thought running through his mind right now was things like this... like dating... love.
"Well, I'm glad you are on tour or I never would have met you. I just wish I could make you feel better about it all I suppose." You sigh softly as you place a small kiss on his shoulder where your teeth marks are still highly evident.
"You did make me feel better." He smiles.
"You're only saying that cause you got to cum inside of me." You joke even though you hope that is not the case.
"Mmm yes. That must have been it." he laughs even though he knows that's not the case.
You two sit there for another moment when Eddie opens his mouth to tell you the strange feelings bubbling up inside of him when there is a knock at the door. Gareth shouts at the door.
"Eddie! Open the door man!"
You quickly sit up and look into Eddie's eyes sadly. His gaze seems to match yours. You quickly place a kiss on his lips, "One for the road" before slowly pulling yourself off his cock. Eddie smiles as you softly. A mixture of your two fluids drips down your leg and you quickly rush to find your clothes.
"I'll be right there!" Eddie shouts back.
The two of you quickly get dressed despite the fact that you can hardly feel your legs. You go to grab your bag and quickly rush to the sink trying to fix your makeup in the back of a random spoon as Eddie opens the door for Gareth. You throw the spoon down on the counter as Gareth walks in.
Gareth gasps and points at Eddie. "You dirty whore! On the tour bus?!" Which causes Eddie to slap Gareth upside his head. Gareth laughs more.
"Shut it." Eddie growls causing Gareth to wave his hands in surrender.
"Okay. Okay. I just came to tell you there are more people who want to me you." Gareth's eyes flick to you quickly before he turns his attention back to Eddie. Eddie looks to you and sighs. You send him a gentle smile. You quickly grab a pen from your bag and walk over to Eddie. You grab his hand and quickly jot down the number to your house phone and you smile.
"Give me a call when you want to cash in on the tattoos." You smile trying to drown out all the voice telling you to never leave Eddie's side. You quickly kiss him on the cheek and wave to Gareth as you rush to get off the bus before you say something stupid. As you begin to head back to the main building through the crowd of security and fans you hear Eddie's voice call out your name just as you were about to disappear into the sea of people.
You turn to look reluctantly knowing if you have to say goodbye again it'll only be harder. Eddie is standing on the step of the bus with your sign in his hand. "Your sign!" He frowns.
"Keep it!" You shout "I don't really need it anymore! It's gotten as good as it ever gonna get!" You force a smile before disappearing inside the building to find your friends and most likely cry your eyes out on the car ride home.
Eddie looks down at his hand and smiles as he rushes back into the bus.
"How was it?" Gareth chuckles.
Eddie grins and shakes his head. "What? Sorry. I gotta wright this down before it fades away." Eddie rushes to find a pen and his lucky notebook.
"Yea. And what are you gonna do about that deep as bite mark on your shoulder?!" Gareth shouts as Eddie rushes to the back of the bus.
"Get it tattooed!" Eddie laughs even though he is pretty sure he is one hundred percent serious about that.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
Okay that's all folks! Requests are open. I'll get to them in time!
Peace and Love, Babes.
Taglist - @iwillbiteabitch @and-claudia @ruinedbythehobbit @luvmybbies @wannabeyousobad @llodinsonll @tlclick73 @i-love-ptv @mischiefmanagers @tvserie-s-world @magnificantmermaid@brieho3 @saramelaniemoon @eddiemunsonsgurlfriend
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drowninginblox · 4 months
Thoughts on Fit's Last QSMP stream- spoilers ahead
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It is Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. 2:36pm EST when writing. And I am disappointed in myself. Not for anything Fit, the server, the admins, or anyone besides me has done.
I hoped. And once again, I am expectedly crushed. I had a feeling that Fit would take himself out of the equation in the way he did. There would be no Pac Camio (ghost or living), no sight of Ramon either. Just business, as Fit is one to do.
But god did I hope for something out of a fanfiction. The biggest contenders were Pac's ghost or a hallucination speaking to Fit at the bottom of that damn hole to prep and escort him to the afterlife where everyone was waiting for them. OR the idea that Fit, after returning to the island, would kill himself in a similar but unique way to Pac and Mike. Regardless, neither happened. But I am very happy in what I witnessed.
I won't get into too much there will be vod watchers who accidentally stumble into Tumblr- to which I tell you, GO WATCH THE DAMN VOD.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed the Fit abused in-game mechanics to justify his survival down there. However, it calls into question whether or not he took up cannibalism again (writers you know what to do) in which I digress cus that a conversation within itself. I also appreciated that Fit made the effort to check up on more people other than just Pac and Ramon. It sounds like "Yeah, ofc." but let us remember that most of us (and I could be wrong) are shippers, and our yearning for Hideduo kind of blindsided the other relationships q!fit has. (This applies to me to just so yall know)
What fit did to justify or at least give credence to Ramon's character was sweet and I really hope we get some Ramon-centric fics about the possibility of his survival in an otherwise abandoned world, similar to his father. I may do that on my own but definitely not today. Mr. Fit Em See fucking wrecked me and I really could use some fluff right now. Whether it be at my own hand or someone else's, I could not care less.
Hueveitos, we are all going through it. And I bet on all the money I have that Twitter is going insane, Tumblr is dying, and Fit is either taking a well-deserved break or laughing his ass off at us. Probably both knowing that fucker. The brilliant bitch he is. I apologize for not liveblogging, I was enamored with what was going on. But we all were lol
Anyway, I'm probably gonna listen to the music Fit included in the finale and daydream of better days for q!Fit. Ones where, maybe, in another life, something happened on Madagascar's end where the tech didn't work and Fit was suspended in the QSMP for the rest of his natural life. Maybe Ramon is fine enough and just wondering, looking for Fit in an otherwise empty world. Hell, in another life, Pac waited longer for his American boyfriend. Maybe everyone did. Maybe the kids didn't get sick, maybe they all died a week or so after they were found. Who knows!
But with what we were given, and who we had to spend that time with, I know that I'll always look back on the Qsmp in a similar vein to another sorry sap of a sever I know. The memories will persist, the story will continue to be told. The world will keep spinning, and I will keep writing.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the experience whether it be seen or unseen admin, CC's who somehow found this post on a hellcite, any and all fandom goers that I have stumbled upon in search of solace from the canon, and my girl over discord! I DON'T KNOW YOU AT ALL BUT YOU'VE HELPED ME GET THROUGH THE LAST LEG OF THIS JOURNEY!!
Here's to tomorrow everyone, regardless of what happens! I love this community and I sure as shit hope you guys don't become strangers!
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Lil Secret
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AN: He just needs more time
Synopsis: You are growing tired of being Jack's secret and have to make a decision on if you want to be in a relationship with him or not
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Appearance by my baby @hoodharlow 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You were laying in Jack’s king sized bed at home in Louisville and your mind was going at 100 miles per hour.
There was no reason for you to reach to his side of the bed, since you knew he wasn't there, but you did anyway.
And let out the biggest sigh known to man.
There was no getting around it how much you missed your boyfriend and you knew that his job was demanding.
So was yours, seeing as you were a celebrity choreographer.
However, you and Jack grew up together in Louisville two blocks away from each other so you knew who he was. You were three years older and extremely popular and well-known throughout your entire school career.
It wasn't until Taylor Rooks birthday party in 2020 when Jack had actually gotten enough courage to talk to you and confess his feelings that he had towards you.
You remember saying to him,
"I was wondering when you were coming over here since you've been staring at me all night." With your eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on your face.
Jack turned as red as a tomato, but kept shooting his shot and now here you two were.
Jack would still get shy around you to this very day and didn't take being in a relationship with you for granted…. Or did he?
The entire relationship overall had been amazing, but now there were doubts creeping into your mind that you were trying to do your best to silence.
No one knew the two of you were in a relationship.
Not even your parents.
All except one person.
Your best friend Blanca who just happened to be at Taylor's party with you that night.
And she was sick of his shit.
"Now you know good and damn well he needs to be better about that." She said while eyeing you.
"We're just taking our time, Blanca. No need for us to rush for everyone to know about us."
"Y/N, it's almost been a year. Not even his best friend knows about you. And uh excuse me, but didn't he have the biggest crush on you in high school? He finally gets you and this is how he acts?"
All you could do was sigh.
It was frustrating when you wanted to tell the world how much you love this person and how amazing they are, but you knew Jack was shielding you from the shitstorm that would come after if the two of you did decide to come out with the news about the relationship.
When Lil Secret was released on the album, Jack didn't even warn you beforehand.
And you were pissed.
Right along with Blanca.
"Oh, so he can make a song about you, but not publicly claim you? I'll beat his ass right now."
"No. Call his ass right now and put it on speaker. I'd love to see him wiggle his way out of this one."   Blanca said while handing you the phone.
You hesitantly took it, but when he answered, you let him have it.
All while Blanca was hyping you up in the background.
"Jack, what the hell!? Why didn't you tell me!?"
"I thought it would be a nice surprise!"
"A song saying how you know I'm sick of being a secret, but you need more time? I really want to know where your thought process be at sometimes. Because what?"
"Baby, you know all of these things I have going on. I just want to protect you. These people can be ruthless."
"That excuse is really getting old and I'm tired of hearing it. And did you have to bring up the ex that shall not be named?"
That sports guy?
Kelly Oubre, Jr. 
The two of you dated for three years before you and Jack got into a relationship.
If you could call it that.
"If I knew that you were going to be this mad, I would have left it off the album."
"Um, who in the world do your friends actually think this song is about?"
"They keep asking, but I just keep brushing it off."
All Jack heard you do was sigh.
The frustrating part was that your fans shipped you with another artist and choreographer that you worked closely with all the time.
You didn't have those feelings towards him and would have to reassure Jack from time to time since that also made him feel some type of way.
You had just posted a photo on Instagram and he had liked it with his burner account and you were surprised that your phone was going off considering that it was 2 in the morning. However, your boyfriend was overseas so it was later in the day for him.
"Yes?" You said as Jack's face came into view.
"Hi pretty girl."
You melted every time he called you that.
"It's 2 in the morning over there. You should be sleeping. Instead you on instagram."
"I know, just can't sleep."
"Why? You miss me?"
You rolled your eyes so hard and Jack laughed at your outburst.
"Seriously, baby?"
"You already know my answer is yes and you see where I am."
Jack noticed you were in his bed and sighed.
"And you aren't here to keep me warm."
"Soon, pretty girl. I promise. Tour is almost over and I know I owe you a lot of kisses and cuddles."
"And not to mention that dick." You added while smiling.
"Be careful what you wish for, baby. We aren’t leaving the bed when I get back."
"I'm holding you to that."
"You have to go into the studio today?" Jack curiously asked you.
You owned your own dance studio in downtown Louisville.
When you weren't choreographing dances for celebrities, you held your own dance classes and had an exclusive workshop that people would fly from all around the country to take entitled Queens N Lettos. 
Since you're dancing in heels the entire time.
"Not until later. Maybe noon."
"You still need to get some sleep."
"I know. Now that I've heard your voice it will probably be easier for me to fall asleep." 
"Text me when you wake up. I love you."
"I love you too and I will."
What you didn't tell Jack was how you were feeling insecure.
You knew that he was yours, but your heart did sink from time to time when you saw him surrounded by different girls who he was giving his undivided attention to.
Deep down you obviously knew that he was yours, but it still made your heart hurt. Because no one knew except you.
And Blanca for that matter.
You didn't even bother bringing this up because you knew that those were his fans and a part of his job.
You would never in a million years ask him to choose between the two. 
Jack was noticing how you weren't necessarily becoming distant from him, but that's how he felt.
This had been building up for weeks until it all finally came to a head.
He wasn't sure if it was because he was overseas and the time difference, the fact that he was missing you, but something just felt off.
Scrolling through his phone on instagram, that's when he saw it.
The most recent dance video that you posted with…. Him.
Jack knew that he was only a friend to you, but the rumors that were circulating around you two had been that way for years.
Even when you were in the relationship with Kelly Oubre Jr.
It seemed as if when the two of you started dating that they actually became worse.
You had posted many videos with him dancing with you before, but this particular one just seemed to set him off. Maybe it had to do with this comment that was left underneath by your best friend.
blancaaabby: I wish you two would stop playing and date already 🙄 
All in all, Jack knew that he couldn't blame anyone but himself since it was originally his idea to keep the relationship between you a secret.
However, Blanca did know about the two of you and was just being petty.
I guess she was sick of his shit too.
It was the fact that you didn't even shut her response down which set him off even more.
yourinstagramname: blancaaababy 😌💕
Oh, that's how you wanted to play?
Okay, then.
You felt that Jack had been dodging your calls and texts and you were becoming slightly annoyed and a bit worried. It wasn't like you could ask Urban or anybody close to him because they didn't know that the relationship existed. 
It wasn't until you saw that video of him on tour because Blanca sent it to you with him saying this,
"I'm surprised no one has thrown their bra at me yet…
Oh, never mind. That didn't last long. Keep them coming, baby."
He didn't even get a chance to finish what he was saying before a bra was thrown in his direction and landed at his feet. He promptly picked it up and then you saw how a thong was also thrown which he proceeded to put in his pocket.
Now you were pissed.
Blanca- Can I please beat his ass now!?
You- I'm calling him now
Blanca- Um, I don't want to talk, I want to throw hands
You- Patience, Blanca
Blanca- 🙄  
Blanca- Well you better get to him before I do because I'm kicking his ass
When he finally did answer his phone, you were letting him have it.
“Jack, you CANNOT be serious right now.” You said referring to the multiple tour videos you came across with your boyfriend entertaining the fact that some of his fans were throwing their undergarments at him on stage. 
“Babe, it’s not a big deal.”
“Obviously to you it definitely isn’t a big deal since you seem to be so nonchalant about this.”
“You act like I’m keeping them!”
“Well are you?”
“Seriously Y/N!? I have you so why in the world would I keep them?”
“Yeah, seriously. You’re acting as if you’re single which you definitely AREN’T. A person in a relationship wouldn’t do that.”
“But to them I am. You know I have to keep up this image for my career. And what about you not even attempting to shut down the rumors of you and Damien dating, huh?"
All you did was scoff.
“Look, I love you. I truly do, but I just don’t know how much longer that I can take. And what in the world did you want me to do? Deny it and then tag you? Didn't think so."
“Wait, baby what are you saying?” Now Jack was full on panicking and didn’t know what to do. He didn't even acknowledge the last part of what you said. 
“You know what I’m saying,  but I have a class to teach so I have to go.”
“Baby, don’t hang up, we need to talk about this.” Jack pleaded with you, but you simply shook your head even though he couldn’t see you at the moment. 
“I’ve done more than enough talking, Jack. For a year and a half to be exact, almost 2. Like I said, I love you, but I just…. I’ll talk to you later.”
Without another word, you hung up your phone and shut it off completely before making your way into your dance studio in order to teach your last class of the day. 
The last thing you needed was your phone to constantly be going off during your class because you know Jack was going to be blowing up your phone non stop. 
You knew that it might be difficult to keep your mind from thinking about Jack, but you knew that you had to let it go for the time being. 
As difficult as you knew that conversation would be, you knew that it had to happen sooner rather than later.
The last thing you wanted was to end your relationship, but you were at a crossroads.
Maybe it was better this way.
No matter how hurt you knew that you were going to be. 
Jack was now pulling at his curls and blowing up your phone left and right.
He knew that your class was one hour long and immediately tried calling you again once he knew that your class was over.
It sent him straight to voicemail.
Cue the panicking all over again.
Jack- Baby, please answer me
Jack- We need to talk about this
Jack- Babe, I promise it won’t happen again. I can’t lose you.
Jack- Don’t make me fly to Louisville because I will if you don’t answer your phone
That was when Blanca answered.
"She obviously doesn't want to talk to you, white boy."
"Blanca! Please put her on the phone."
"Why should I when you've been acting like an ass towards my best friend?"
"I know and I'm trying to make it right."
"It wouldn't have to be made right if you just admitted being in a relationship with her."
"It's not that simple."
"Oh, but it is. She'll talk to you when she's ready. In the meantime, go back to your groupies."
Without another word, she hung up on him and all he did was sigh.
He couldn't lose you.
He just can't.
It had been two hours since Jack first tried to call you and he knew that he needed help because you weren’t giving him the time of day. 
And Blanca was not about to help him.
He sighed before opening the group chat between all of Private Garden and asking them for their help.
You wouldn’t be his little secret for much longer. 
Jack- I need all of you to text (insert your phone number) and tell her I love her and I’m sorry
Urban- Excuse me, WHAT?
Quiiso- I’m going to need more of an explanation because who is this girl?
Ace- And you weren’t about to tell anyone about her?
2fo- Uhh since when do you have a girlfriend?
Shloob- What the? Jack explain this
Jack- No time to explain, I will later. Please just do this because she’s mad at me and not answering me and I can’t lose her
Urban- Oh, you’re serious?
2fo- Damn, okay. Calm your ass down. We’re going, we’re going
Urban- Uh hi, I have no idea what your name is or anything about you but my best friend is in love with you and he’s sorry for whatever he did or didn’t do. Just talk to him because my mans is going through it.
2fo- Um, heyyyy. So Jack loves you and he’s sorry that he was an ass towards you. I added in that last part because if you’re ignoring him, obviously he was an ass.
Shloob- Jack is having a mental breakdown. He loves you and he’s sorry for whatever he did. On the other hand, I can’t wait to meet you.
Quiiso- I don’t know if Jack is lying or not about how you exist or if this is a prank he’s pulling on me, but he is in love with you and he obviously did something outta pocket which he’s sorry for
Ace- Um, I hope I have the right number. Jack loves you and wants to talk to you. He also said that he’s sorry and that he wants to fix whatever went wrong between the two of you and that he can’t lose you. 
When you had finally woken up the next day, you decided to turn your phone on, and you had over 100 messages waiting for you.
You didn’t have a chance to check them before your boyfriend was calling you once again.
You finally answered thinking that he suffered long enough.
He didn’t even give you a chance to say hello.
“Asleep, Jackman! Today is my day off!”
“Oh, well get dressed. I’m coming over and we’re going on a date.”
When Jack took the red eye flight back to Louisville, he was surprised that you weren't in his bed waiting for him, but then again he also knew that you were mad at him and would probably be your condo.
“I just said it’s my off day, I’m not going anywhere. And since when are you back in Louisville?!”
“That’s not important right now, we’re going on a date so get dressed.”
“Umm, won’t people see us? And I’m still mad at you.”
“Uh no, because you called me screaming at the top of your lungs."
“Just check it and call me back."
Once you did, you were floored. 
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liked by urbanwyatt, druski2funny, shloob_, yungskylark, champagnepapi, estgee, and 1,983,041 others
jackharlow: my lil secret 😍😍
urbanwyatt: oh shit. YOU PULLED Y/N?!?! HOW THE?!?! WHAT?! AND YOU WEREN'T GOING TO TELL US!?
quiiso: I.... and to think all of us thought her and Jason were going to get married
druski2funny: oh
yungskylark: well I'll be damned
lilnasx: druski2funny I told you she didn't want your ass
neelamthadhani: finally!
jackharlow: umm neelamthadhani what?!
neelamthadhani: jackharlow I already knew, I was just waiting for you to say something
jackharlow: neelamthadhani HOW?!?
neelamthadhani: jackharlow I'm not revealing my secrets, so stop asking
blancaaababy: it's about got damn time yourinstagramname my bestie is a baddie and the entire world needs to know about her. but also know she has a best friend that will fuck your ass up if you act outta pocket.
jackharlow: blancaaababy yes Blanca, I know
blancaababy: jackharlow I'm watching you and I will send Panchito to bite you 👀 jackharlowsource: the lil secret has finally been revealed 😍
Not even two minutes later you were calling him back.
"Yes, pretty girl?"
"I… I’m happy we don't have to hide anymore."
"Me too and I'm sorry for making it seem like I didn't want a relationship with you because that is far from the truth."
"You're forgiven."
"And can you also tell Blanca to stop threatening me?"
"Uhh, you have to take that one up with her, but doing this might put you in her good graces."
"I hope so. Anyway, we have a date at 7. I'm coming to get you around 6:45. I want to show my baby off to the world."
"And I can’t wait." 
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liked by neelamthadhani, urbanwyatt, lilnasx, theestallion, champagnepapi, 2forwoyne, and 2,753,091 others
jackharlow: she soul food and she eye candy 😍
shloob_: okay um, can we talk about how jackharlow was too scared to talk to yourinstagramname in high school?
jackharlow: shloob_ so jason could beat my ass? and why are yall putting me on blast?
quiiso: oh and how jackharlow would leave little notes in her locker
2forwoyne: and send flowers to her in class
yungskylark: and she thought it was Jason the entire time
shloob_: no matter how hard we tried to get him to talk to her, he wouldn't
jackharlow: she was a senior, she didn't want a little freshman following behind her all the time
2forwoyne: jackharlow well look at the two of you now
yourinstagramname: BABE THAT WAS YOU?!?
jackharlow: yes 🙈
yourinstagramname: jackharlow and you just let him take all the credit?!
jackharlow: yourinstagramname I won in the end anyway 🥰 yourinstagramname: jackharlow you definitely did. love you big head 😘 jackharlow: yourinstagramname I love you more and I'll show you a big head alright blancaaababy: not yall being disgusting already. yall relationship is hours old 🙄 jackharlow: blancaababy it's actually two years old as of today if we're being specific urbanwyatt: jackharlow WHAT?! TWO YEARS?!? neelamthadhani spill your secrets because how the hell did you know and no one else did?! neelamthadhani: urbanwyatt your best friend is not as discrete as he thinks lol
liked by yourinstagramname, blancaaababy, urbanwyatt, lilnasx, champagnepapi, and 2,273,084 others
jackharlow: yourinstagramname you better come here and do that split on me now. not now, but RIGHT NOW. 😍
blancaaababy: look at my boo go, the baddest 😉
saweetie: I learned from the best 😘
yourinstagramname: jackharlow BABY CUT IT OUT!
jackharlow: yourinstagramname what I do?!?
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you know what you did
druski2funny: sooo y/n.....
jackharlow: druski2funny exit stage left. no.
druski2funny: jackharlow you ain't even give me a chance to say anything!
jackharlow: druski2funny you don't need one. mine since 2020. see your way out.
druski2funny: well yourinstagramname if he messes up, you know where to find me
yourinstagramname: bye Druski
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plexivie · 1 year
Never have I ever... liked a bad boy
Katsuki Bakugou is the hottest guy at UA high. With his rock-hard abs, killer hair, and the fact that he's a bad boy. This made him ten times hotter. You've always had the BIGGEST crush on him, but you knew he would never like you back. All you are is a nerd, according to him.
Even though you have the fattest crush on him, you've never had a real interaction with him, until today.
"Hey loser" he said while him and his stupid friends laughed.
"Miss L/n, please come to the office."
You couldn't keep your mouth shut, at all. "Do we really have to learn this shit?" So, detention is a once-a-month occurrence for you, so getting called to the office like this freaks you out.
"Miss y/n, we would like you to help tutor."
He's right, you are kind of a nerd. One that is on the top of her class.
"Isn't tutoring a teacher's job?"
"Do you want detention?"
"Great! You will be tutoring Katsuki Bakugou. That kid really needs help."
"What. I can't tutor him."
As if you weren't already a nerd imagine how big of a nerd you'll be now. Plus, he can't know about your crush. Imagine how many more names would come up with that. It will be so hard hiding when you're with him, face to face.
"Come on, he isn't that bad. I think. And besides, a job like this is really good on college applications."
"Fine, I'll do it."
"Perfect. You'll tutor him today after school in the library."
Today isn't the best day for you to tutor. Especially with what you're wearing. Pajamas aren't the most attractive choice of clothing. Especially to someone like him. You know he will probably comment on how much nerdier pajamas make you look.
Time passed. Then came what you were most nervous, excited, and scared about. Tutoring with Bakugou. You're not scared because he will make fun of you, you're scared you won't be able to hide how highly you think of him. As said, you aren't great at holding back how you feel at any given moment so accidentally spilling your feelings is likely to happen.
When you got there, he was sitting down, legs spread far as ever on his phone. When he looks up, he smirks.
"Ha, nerd. Look at those clothes. Makes you look like an even bigger loser."
Called it.
"Yea um anyway what do you need tutoring in."
He rolled his eyes. "Math. That shit is too hard for this rundown school."
You smiled a friendly smile towards him.
"Well I can definitely help you with that."
He looked away, oddly.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Damn nerd."
"Um so are you struggling with the homework?"
He nodded slightly. Why is he being so... calm with you?
After a while of helping him with this work, you realized he isn't dumb. He's just dumb for not doing the best he can.
"You're actually really good at this."
"Well why can't I be hot and smart?"
Holy shit. He's good. Too good. You're going to blow it.
But after a few minutes of just that awkward silence, he blows it... and kisses you. You kiss back, obviously.
This kiss was long, and super-hot. He held the back of your head just to keep it on his lips. He liked you, wanted you, craved you. He loved the fact that him hurting you didn't bother you at all. It was almost like a challenge for him, one he couldn't win. After minutes of what felt like hours of making out all he did and said was.
"Damn, nerd."
AN- Hey guys! Thanks for the likes on my last one shot. I decided to make this story based off of the new season of Never Have I Ever that is on Netflix now. Let me know if you guys would like longer stories or even stories with chapters. Thank You!! (reposts would be appreciated<3)
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akajustmerry · 1 year
hi merry! hope you are enjoying malta ♥ i finished season 2 of the newsreader today (instead of doing school work) and it was intense. i don't remember last time i was this stressed ! in a good way ofc. so i was wondering what your thoughts were, especially on dale and helen's arcs as well as noelene rejecting helen's offer to produce for her. have u been listening to the companion podcast?
hello! I finished it yesterday 🥰
I haven't been listening to the podcast (I'm a fake fan, I know 💀), but I have so many thoughts! these are mostly raw and half formed but anyways:
I see Helen and Dale's plot lines as very nuanced takes on walking the line between being damned if you do and damned if you don't. sometimes to get what you want, especially if you're marginalised in any way, there are no good choices or options. I think Helen and Dale's plot lines show what it is to come face to face with that reality and how soul crushing it is to navigate.
Noelenes story was honestly my favourite of the season even if I'm not the biggest fan of her n Rob as a couple. I loved seeing her thrive in the producer role and talk with Helen more. Loved watching her juggle the ethics and demands of producing as a woman of colour. "the landscape is different for me" >>>> baller line. Very much about how for women of colour in journalism, there's much less freedom to turn down stability to just run off to do gigs in say, America. But also she loves Rob and her family and has obligations in the way Helen as someone who's estranged, single and white does not. It was a great arch and Noelene advocating for herself is huge growth for her. I loved to see it.
I will say Helen's plot line was my least favourite only because I DESPISED seeing her hook up with Lachlan Murdoch Ordered On Wish™. That's not to say it didn't make sense or it was bad. It was compelling and so in character for Helen to always be looking to be with people who make her feel in control, but I STILL did NOT want to see her fuck proxy Lachlan Murdoch. I was so happy when she dropkicked his ass. I don't think she'll go to America. I think she'll back out, come back to Aus, and realise she needs to get hired as an anchor on a rival network and her n dale will be rivals of news reading. That's how she'll get back at Lindsay too. I hope that's where she'll channel that new-found independence.
Dale's monologue to Donna at the end >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHHHHHHH I was vomiting blood but he DID IT. HE BECAME THE NEWSREADER. what did it cost? Only everything :(((( but I did really like how Dale's first (??) sexual experience with a guy was not with any of the main characters. I think it showed how isolated and compartmentalised that part of himself is from what he sees as his "real" life. But Sam Reid's performance of the shame, the repression of it (when he was brushing his teeth 😭) and how that shame mutates into just being ice cold with Gerry and Donna. And how that fear and shame driven persona gets him what he wants? Perfection. I cried for 10 minutes.
Deah and i are working on a @gayvclubpodcast ep about gender and sexuality in news drama stories so I'll have more coherent thoughts then 💕
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Thoghts from watching the ATLA live action!
Episode 4:
Holy shit Iroh and Aang are cellmates this is such a fun scenario!! Gives some strong Crossroads of Destiny vibes, ngl. Also, the crytals look cool!!!
Oh I'm genuinely so glad they didn't just... Move on from Sai working for the Fire Nation, I was genuinely doubtful they were gonna adress it tbh! Now I just need a Sokka and Jet confrontation and I'll be happy, though, that isn't likely to happen unfortunately.
I really do like what they did with Sai and Sokka though- this kinda feels like him starting a pattern of trying to look for replacement father figures tbh, which really fits with how much more visibly he's fixated on being like Hakoda here. It's sad and sweet at the same time, and I'm really interested to see how they'll write Hakoda!
Fuck yes, spy Zuko!!!
Smh kid Bumi isn't crazy enough, is it really THAT hard to find just. A completely unhinged looking kid?? Nah obviously I'm joking, he's cute haha it obviously wouldn't have been possible to have the visual similarities we see in the og so just having his unique laugh to identify him by works!
Idk what was up with Iroh's writing in the first episodes, he felt really foreign to me but over time he genuinely finally starts feeling like Iroh so I'm glad they got into the groove with his writing! He's still a bit too open which feels weird, but he uses more veiled language now while doing it so it works better. Also? I heard they used Leaves From The Vine, but damn it still got me!!
Haha YES, this was genuinely a change I always wanted: Sokka and Katara in the tunnels instead of Aang and Katara!! Not for shipping reasons, because that's gross, but because I always felt it would've been real funny haha
Wait are they fr sending Iroh to face punishment? I was sure he was next to Aang as part of a White Lotus thing or just until Bumi heard he was there!! I'm guessing he... Still doesn't know? I'm guessing this whole thing is a spin on when Iroh gets taken from the hot springs, but Bumi being directly in charge only works if it's all a ploy or if he hasn't been informed that they have the Dragon of the West in captivity- which would be wild!! Unless he's busy constructing puzzles for Aang lmao idk
So like. Given that the siblings are going to the tunnels, Aang is meeting Bumi, and Zuko is rescuing Iroh... I guess we just drop the Jet plot until next season??? Man, what a bummer. That was too short and didn't even hit all the high point of meeting him in the original. Like, they honestly could've had him try to appear and try to atone by trying to help and getting rejected and yelled at, but instead he just confirms his evil plans and is never seen again? Like, literally, what did he even do here? Despite being on screen for longer, his betrayal somehow doesn't seem as impactful because there's no time for Katara to process it last episode, like. Again, I hope to god this is a thing she has to kinda wrestle with a lot next season- I also kinda hope Sokka somehow independently meets him with Aang again and doesn't realize that the guy from the cart is the same guy Katara talked about, and that these two get to have their own Jet disappointment because again!! So far taking Sokka out of the Jet plot is genuinely the biggest issue I have with this show. Katara's arc seems to be headed to the same place albeit in a very different pace, but this is something that would be INCREDIBLY hard to fix. Like? I get it, I understand that what Sokka learns in that episode doesn't have to happen there, but. It's genuinely one of my favorite episodes because of how both of the water tribe siblings get to learn something from interacting with this charming duplicitous guy, and taking out Sokka's growth kinda just? Leaves us with Katara getting betrayed while bottling it up (likely until either they meet again or until Zuko's actions remind her of it- it'll probably also be important with Hama), it kinda just becomes "Katara gets a crush on a bad boy and gets hurt" which? Idk it feels weird, it was presented differently here and she feels much less silly and willfully blind because for the longest time no one tells her to be wary of Jet but. I still don't like how ultimately Jet was just there to disappoint Katara and interact with literally no one else. I mean!! I love Jet, of course I too had a crush on him, he's iconic and important and of course he had to be a part of this, but. Truly, they minimized the hurt he causes so much that I just kinda feel like he might as well not have appeared with how little he ultimately impacted things, at least for right now. I'm really hoping he gets an expanded role next season that helps to make up for how much his appearance was minimized, or that we see this have a tangible impact on Katara, because as it stands... It was just kind of a disappointing cameo appearance rather than something that felt like it needed to be there. Anyway this is all more about last episode but I still held out a bit of hope for it to be resolved better so. To see that Sai and Teo get to face a bit of emotional fallout set up last episode because they get to further the plot, while Jet just vanishes... It sucks, and it hurts, and I hate it. Anyway, onwards, I guess!
Teo has genuinely been changed so much he straight up isn't the same character anymore, and it's... Strange. I don't really like it too much, tbh. He's like, EXTREMELY cynical and eager to fight, and it's such a strange change from a character whose entire purpose originally was to kind of mirror Aang and help nudge him along on his journey. I genuinely can't tell if they just thought that living in a city under constant threat rather than literally amongst the clouds would mean he would kind of have to be different, or if it was an attempt to make him cooler or whatever. Regardless, I don't like it, tbh he kinda pisses me off a bit? He's SO serious and angry all the time and it just. Feels weird when he only resembles his original counterpart through his name and use of a wheelchair. Everything else about him is nowhere to be seen! If you compare his situation to Katara, it might seem similar on the surface- except, Katara is a main character who clearly still has a character arc ahead of her (and also all of her defining traits are still there), while Teo shows up like twice. It's kinda vital that he isn't too complex and keeps his original personality because he doesn't have the same leeway to grow that a main character does, otherwise he risks just becoming someone else entirely... And that's what happened. The thoughtful and cheerful boy with an interest in Air Nomad culture is all but gone, replaced with yet another angry warrior, and? While I get how it's probably more likely for him to become the latter, I also very much miss and lament the loss of the former. Sai is very much the stronger adaptational character of the two, and he's the only one of the two to get to have a real impact on one of the Gaang. It... Sucks.
Lmao Flopsy my beloved what have they done to you?? Guess they ran out of CG budget haha
Oh, this Bumi has a very strange and uncomfortable vibe, so like... Perfect! He was always gonna be hard to translate to live action, and I saw a lot of people dislike how they portray him here, and I kind of get it? He's not very likeable, he feels like kind of a bad ruler and a bit cruel... And that actually tracks? I read the showrunner said he wanted to focus a bit more on how upset Bumi is about Aang disappearing and reappearing in his life, and that underlying anger absolutely comes through. Bumi is... Kind of scary, and as someone that has a rep for being The Crazy King or whatever, I feel like that perfectly fits!
Jet!!!! He's here!! Kinda feels like it might be a dream ngl, it just has that vibe? Or maybe that's just how happy I am to see they didn't abandon him haha. He's... Still only gonna interact with Katara though, isn't he? :(
Uh? So, I'm gonna have to be filled in on when Katara learned physical self defense. It was very cool, but it felt like nothing I've ever seen her to do before. Anyway real cool moment for Katara there overall, it was great! It in particular really stands out against the cartoon in the way she manifests her anger. She's like. Definitely angry here, and it's very clear she's also just once again tempering it and moving on- no time for this, no time for Jet, no time for fighting... And at some point all of those repressed feelings are gonna have to overflow. It was a very cool scene, but it was, once again, sorely lacking Sokka's presence. More than anything, I just. Wish for these two to meet independent of Katara and get to have their own clash. Honestly? I feel like they could potentially catch two birds with one stone by having the Gaang split up earlier next season, specifically, have Suki help them get to Ba Sing Se earlier so get to meet Jet or something. Idk, the idea isn't fully formed, but it definitely feels like the most likely point for them to get to meet and it would make me really happy for everyone to have a bit more interaction with Suki before she formally joins them in the last season. Like? Maybe Jet and Sokka meeting could be Sokka's story in a Tales of Ba Sing Se sort of episode? As much as I love the haiku club... It's almost certainly getting the chop- also, I heard that the biggest and most important plotpoint of that episode already gets revealed in this first season so? It's likely just not gonna happen, or if it does it might just be like, a bonus one for fun idk. Regardless that season has a lot of "filler" that can easily be dropped, and Jet and Sokka meeting feels to important to just. Never happen, and!! I want it so badly, fuck!!
Yo ngl Zuko's helmet do be making him look like Melonlord
Lol prompting a conflicted Zuko with "well? Are you just gonna stand there? What are you gonna do?" Is fucking hysterical
Bumi is fr so pathetic, fucking no one likes his jokes but his the king and having people have to laugh this time is genuinely hilarious. It also makes everything so much more menacing!! I get why people didn't like what they did with him, but I think it's an interesting direction to go with his character and I think they handle it really well. If anything? Having to stick to some of the original characteristics and reusing the jokes really hurt his momentum imo
The Omashu story looks beautiful!! Ngl I don't really understand why they changed it to a lesbian couple? It literally changes nothing, their genders doesn't matter to the story, so I genuinely don't care one way or the other, it's just... A strange choice to make haha
The singing nomads are always fun, though in my ideal Secret Tunnel scenario they go in with Sokka and Katara and annoy the shit out of Sokka. Miss them already. Also, I do miss Dee Bradley Baker- just. In general, but also, can't help but think of him when I see these guys- it's his song after all!
Forgot to comment on Iroh taking the Lotus tile last episode, so I'm happy to see it back in action here! Do kinda wonder how June will track him in the last season without his smelly sandal though haha
Really cool scene with the rock candy!! Obviously the original way it's presented is off the table, and they instead made it into a really beautiful little action scene!
Ngl something about seeing Zuko pick up a White Lotus got me choked up a bit. The hesitation with Zuko between Aang and Iroh didn't really feel like that big a deal here given the different circumstances behind Iroh's capture, I mean? Obviously Zuko was never gonna abandon Iroh after he sacrificed himself, so not going after Aang here wasn't really that much of a sacrifice on his part in comparison, just... Basic decency to return the favor, which kinda lessened the impact and you might as well miss there was even a conflict with how little of the episode he spends thinking of Aang, but. I like it, it's sweet to see their connection here anyway. Definitely does feel like Zuko is a bit too close to redemption at all times during this season though, Iroh is being WAY too obvious about his true allegiances imo, but tbf... I doubt anyone could go into ATLA blind nowadays, and maybe making Iroh more transparent and Zuko more sympathetic is a way to later drop the shoe ever harder during Crossroads of Destiny- like, THAT'S how much of a wrong choice he makes there, it goes against his entire characterization thus far... But the bait Azula used was too alluring. Or something like that, idk, maybe it's just. Tough to write such a beloved character back into his worst version? Idk, I kinda get why people wish he was less obviously on a path to redemption but frankly? I think it's just an Iroh issue again, they really seem to struggle with writing him to appear silly or without depth as the first season kinda necessitates, and his unwavering support and pushing for sure make Zuko a lot less lost here. I wish he got to be a bit more, but again: this show was the first time in a long time, maybe ever, that ATLA managed to make me be afraid of Zuko, so. Idk. Mixed feelings- he's not all sugar here AT ALL, but he definitely still is a bit too much for this point. I genuinely do think that Iroh's ability to reach him and be straight to the point needed to be heavily nerfed tbh, I think that's the main issue with Zuko's appearing too sympathetic here
Okay, so. Genuinely not exaggerating here when I say: Sokka saying he has a hunch stole my breath away, made me choke up, and tears welled up in my eyes. Like! THAT'S how taken off guard I was with them bringing back my favorite underrated Sokka trait: his instincts. The time it took me to write this was enough for me to genuinely just start crying while thinking about it, like. Genuinely I'm so happy and relieved this managed to find its way into the show, I'm. A bit overwhelmed rn and I don't know that I can put my feelings about it into words rn so I'll be back when I have something else to say, for now: I am RIDICULOUSLY happy with this development, it means a lot to me personally.
Wait I'm immediately back: this is strange, right? The initial utter joy blinded me but this is like... The exact opposite of what Sokka initially does in this episode, this is kinda funny lmao
I think I can pretty confidently say by now that Sokka and Katara's relationship is my favorite part of this adaptation. They always bring out both the best and the worst in each other, their scenes are always bot fun and also just... Cathartic to me in a personal way because they always manage to hit everything that feels missing until they go at each other. It's genuinely perfect, I love them so much. Like? Yeah Ian Ousley is possibly a stinky liar, but he and Kiawentiio have a great rapport and work really well as the unique twists of their characters that this LA is going for. I really, really enjoy them.
Istg Sokka in the cave is just spitting out one pop culture reference after another and it's genuinely bizarre
So, Iroh was provoking that guy to let him take out his anger, right? That's genuinely the only way I can read that scene for it to make sense. Sympathizing with the guy wouldn't have helped, he wouldn't care that Iroh knows he was wrong and that he only realized it when he lost someone too, so he just let him vent by playing the bad guy ig? Idk what I think of that scene tbh- Iroh being a hated general is something that needed a bit more fleshing out for Zuko taking the throne to make sense, so I don't hate it, but. It was weird to see Iroh be so obstinate in the face of someone who was clearly hurting because of his actions. The expected Iroh move would have been some wise words any sympathy that leads to bonding and healing, and it felt SO weird that it just. Didn't happen, and yet... At the same time, I kinda got it, and I do really appreciate this scene, even if the characterization feels off in a way- which, tbh, most Iroh scenes do. It wasn't a bad one, it just felt really strange to keep expecting him to do something and for him to just... Not. Iroh is definitely both the same and yet feels really different and I just. I can't get used to him tbh.
The flashback mourning scene immediately after was also nice, although it was a bit funny how Dallas just looked exactly the same age when it should've been more than three years in the past. Once again Zuko is slightly too sympathetic too early, but at this point I kinda think that's just what they're going for- they're doubling down on showing him as misguided and wilfully blind rather than cruel, which is a realization you do come to during the first season of the original to be fair... It's just a lot less subtle about it here, with much less time where you just view Zuko as The Enemy. It's very clearly from very early on that this is also his journey, and as that gives me more Zuko... I don't even necessarily hate it lmao, it's just different. I think that so long as they keep being consistent about why Zuko is still refusing to "turn good" it can work really well, and ig with Azula coming early... They increased the pressure on him from both sides, which is actually kinda interesting and something i didn't realize until literally just now. Honestly I think half of the point of me writing these is just... To help me get my thoughts in order, to help me see the show for itself rather than just as a cut down version of the story, and honestly? So far it's actually working really well in terms of helping me come to terms and appreciating some of the weirder/bigger changes they make. Still the one unforgivable change is no Jet and Sokka confrontation- I'm glad they didn't entirely drop what Sokka learns there, but. I just love that episode so much that it being changed so severely really hurts in a way I can't reasonably reconcile. Everything they did and all the reasons for it makes sense, and it all works really well in the end but. It's still just a terrible personal loss haha
I do think that ultimately Katara was right and said something Sokka needed to hear (he's not his dad) and I don't like how it was brushed under the rug a bit but I guess he's not really ready to confront that quite yet- that'll probably come when he reunites with Hakoda, huh?
Oh my god it's happening again!!! Istg it feels like some characters just. Straight up accidentally exist in the wrong universe- Bumi and Kyoshi both chide Aang for traits he doesn't have here, and he never gets called out for the in the original. Genuinely it feels so bizarre, like these characters come from another world where what they're saying is true. More than ever this show feels like it was made by fans who loved the show so much they wanted to see it be better, and when given the opportunity they just kinda... Went ham on both fixing the flaws while also directly acknowledging and trying to fix them, except it doesn't make sense because they don't exist here. It's so disorienting and, frankly, super funny and personally validating to realize the writers also probably had screaming meltdowns over Aang being a bad main character, and feeling so strong about it that they just had to include it still. It feels like the biggest callout post possible, it's genuinely so funny, and as nonsensical as it is... I love it, and for me it makes the show feel like it was written by like mined people- I get it, y'all, I too would both fix and yell at Aang if given the opportunity! It's genuinely such a mood and so relatable of them, so even if it's kind of a mess... I love it, because I get it.
I think it's a really cute and fun twist to have the crystals not be the way, but rather, the badgermoles. It gives both aspects of the cave a chance to show up, and even though I do kinda wish we got to see a disgruntled Sokka strumming his way out of the cave... This was a really sweet resolution. Also, spending most of the time they're in the cave be in the dark and thus under the light of the crystal made for a much more visually interesting episode than it would be otherwise, while also being a nod to them originally being trapped in crystal in Aang's Bumi Adventure. Tbh THESE are two episodes that work great when separating the cast- Sokka and Katara literally did nothing in Bumi's episode, while Aang being there in Cave of Two Lovers did more harm than good in my humble opinion. As I thought I would, I like Sokka and Katara going through the cave together MUCH more- it allowed for a more organic conflict, had more potential for funny moments (that wasn't really utilized because for the most part this adaptation doesn't really do or seem to get comedy- I mean, the funny Bumi moments absolutely bombed here!), and just... Wasn't Kataang focused, which is always a plus!!
Ngl it's kinda embarrassing how much I cared about Sokka's instincts to the point that it made me THAT emotional- btw I don't like that it wasn't followed up on like originally, here it was just brought up and he turned out to be wrong which sucked a bit- unless the crystals were meant to lead them to the badgermole? Idk, wish this was a stronger through line because now he just looks like a fool- which the original episode made sure he wasn't, that was like, the whole point there!!
Genuinely WHERE was this Bumi in the original show,,,,, Anyway this Bumi fight kinda feels like the first cool earthbending we see, which. Ngl, checks out with the original lmao.
My god do I wish Katara and Sokka were able to actually do anything in the original episode with Bumi after seeing this, this was fantastic!!! I'm tearing up, genuinely, this was fantastic!! It really feels like what Aang could've become originally if he was challenged more. I really do appreciate and feel for Bumi here, and for once in a very long time.... I'm also rooting for Aang. That's genuinely not a small thing to accomplish for me! As much as I think what Bumi is saying here has merit, I also believe that this is an Aang that can learn to mediate and make the hard choices when he must- so long as he considers other perspectives, allows his friends to help him, and does the same for them in return. And for how distant Aang feels from Sokka and Katara right now? I believe they genuinely can and will grow closer to a degree they can be this for each other. This was an awesome moment and. Idk. Having genuine faith in Aang feels so foreign to me at this point, almost novel, and I hope to god they don't squander this later on. Watching this episode was actually so healing? Idk if it was just that it took me like, literal hours because I kept pausing to write a lot here so it felt like a long journey to get here, but. I'm really happy with where things ended up, generally!
Uhhh so. Zuko's lot in life is being on water, is it, Iroh? Lmao I know that's absolutely not what he meant but of course my brain IMMEDIATELY started barking "Zutara! Zutara? ZUTARA!" like a rabid dog- that is MY lot in life. Anyway I do think the two Iroh and Zuko scenes at the end here were probably the best ones of the two of them so far! And closing with Zuko having another "Aang vs Iroh" moment just to cement the message here was probably a wise choice especially given how brief the first one was. This one worked a lot better, and it was also really pretty visually!! Actually, for whatever reason I think this show generally looks the best when it's working with blue tones for whatever reason, and as this episode had a lot of them it was one I was constantly really impressed by visually! The green here was a bit hit or miss, but the blue scenes kinda always look really good!! Actually, Wolf Cove looked cool too, and it was pretty blue as well! Hmm. Something to try and pay attention to from now on and if I do a rewatch ig?
This episode honestly did a much better job at adapting two storylines simultaneously, and it was just... Overall better for the most part than the previous one. Bumi was a bit questionable in that he initally leaned too heavily on his original personality and gags rather than embrace this new version (ironically, the opposite of what they should've done with Teo), but for the most part I like the changes they made here! Iroh remains the shakiest and most immersion breaking part of this show- due to no fault of the actor, by the way, he does a good job, the writing is just really inconsistent with him- but if I ignore how uncanny and ooc at times he feels to me, I did generally like his scenes here and what they were meant to do. Genuinely don't know if Iroh is an issue for other people or if for some reason I'm just fixated on him feeling off tbh? Anyway Katara and Sokka were in top form this episode, as I came to expect from scenes that focus on their bond! It was definitely brought down a bit by having to resolve the weaker previous episode and its weird adapations of Jet, Sai and Teo right at the start but it managed to pick itself back up really well- and the Sokka and Katara fight put a nice little bow on it for now, so I'm relatively satisfied with how they wrapped it up. Still hope for a big Sokka and Jet fight though, and still don't really appreciate what they did with Teo. But the bulk of this episode was great- if not in execution, at least in the ideas it portrayed, so I'm happy enough with it tbh.
This post was, once again, a mess as it's just me writing down my thoughts as they occur to me with very minimal editing, if I bother with it at all, but. Yeah it's pretty funny that I'm constantly just lamenting how they remove something and then they still include it later haha, it's becoming kind of a pattern!
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z1mmie · 2 years
Just finished Wednesday and I have so many thoughts--especially about our love interest boys--so I'm just gonna blab them all here:
I guess I'll just start with how frustrating I find xavier's character. Not from a writing standpoint--his charactization works perfectly for a teenage boy with a crush--but just how unable he was to understand Wednesday. That girl never said she was gonna be his friend and he KNEW she suspected him of being the monster
But he does NOTHING to change her mind!!!
I mean, correct me if I'm misremembering but all he did was get pissy and butthurt when she accused him and didn't give her any evidence to the contrary. She's only known you for what--a month? Maybe? How is she supposed to know what you're capable of??!
He just cant see stuff from her pov and it drives me crazy.
And now on top our actual monster tyler!
I got spoiled for this before I watched the whole show but I...am still hesitant to think that hes a full bad guy in this situation. The whole master-pawn situation leaves a lot of wiggle room when it comes to actual blame. And I wanna say that tyler is entirely faultless and never wanted to commit those murders.
Now the biggest evidence to the contrary is what he told Wednesday in the police station, but as someone else already pointed out--we don't know to what extent the master has control. Watching the scene closely I almost feel like theres a moment afterward where he snaps back after--like he was *ordered* to say that so Wednesday would lose faith in him.
However I have trouble coming up with *why* laurel would want him to do this. The only thing I can think of that she gains is that she prevents Wednesday from trying to split their connection or reach out to tyler specifically.
(As an aside I genuinely think that he liked her and that she liked him--i saw chemistry there! (tho I'd understand if he lost feelings considering she tortured him))
I just want to know more about the hyde situation and how it works in general and I'm hoping we will learn more considering one of the ending scenes in the finale.
Considering its direct connection to mental health, a further explanation could go really really poorly. We dont need anymore vilifying of bipolar disorder or traumatic stress, which is why I'm more inclined to believing that tyler is innocent of intention (relatively speaking).
But overall I really liked the show! I know theres been a lot of complaints about the Addams family portrayal and how it's not accurate and i can't say much on that since I never watched the originals. However, new adaptations will always have changes and as someone looking at this with almost no prior knowledge (I've watched the Addams family broadway musical) I think it achieved what it wanted to do. Wednesday was a fascinating protagonist, the story was interesting, and they introduced us to a new world that they can now further expand in s2. No complaints.
(I am hoping for more mooning for Wednesday tho because I think it's very amusing when she shows almost no interest in return (excluding tyler))
(I just wrote more in the last half hour for a damn tumblr post then I did for the 3 project I have due before Monday >w<)
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creepycalls · 2 years
Until I found her
"Well, who's Dumbo?"
"My best friend. She is the only one who knows all my secrets."
"And now, maybe this was the only secret I didn't knew of her."
"Its been years since I knew her. Walking on the pavements, talking out loud about bullying, about everything that was wrong.
But the most of all was, sharing secrets. A secret is the only thing I don't do often, and to be honest, it's the thing I never did after her. She felt like the only thing I ever knew in my life. Something so real and just perfect. We never knew each other until the last summer of grade 9th. I always wanted to take her on a ride on a big jet plane and i always actually used to boast about it. I had wished to God so many things with her that I think he ran out of vintage pages. She wanted to dream the present as a future. She wanted to hold the stars on her palms and see the sunrise as the biggest ever balloon on earth. Flying, she was flying like the sky, forever away from me now. And I just never knew because she never shared it all with me. Maybe she had also kinda problems with sharing secrets but maybe somewhere I always wished she did the exact opposite. I never sought to bring a change in her. I always wanted her to be like an emerald, crystal clear. But the ruby she was, it was difficult to see in the dark. She held so many things close to her chest that I think they pushed her down, she never killed herself. She never killed herself. Its the only thing I have got going on my mind nowadays. She was so damn full of life that I absolutely refuse to believe that she took it. She took the chance and did it. Like guys, honestly you won't believe, she was the Finch to my Violet. I hoped to die and she poured with "just a little" life in me everyday. She cried with me, she laughed with me, she lived with me, she.stayed.with.me. In all my bad times, in all the times I was so annoyed and angry over that i have to shift from city to city everyday, like if I say I hate to do that because like I hella don't want to meet new people. I'm done with these damn motivations. But you know she stayed.
Her sister met with an accident on the highway and maybe somewhere I don't want to talk about this because just the same it makes my heart more heavier. And one day, after 2 years of floating in the memories, she chose to wake up. Wake up to dress up and call me loud and tell me that "we are meeting today and I don't care where you are, we are just meeting." Honestly guys I never she could be that rude to anyone. I stared at the ceiling for like 15 minutes like bruh who got that much time to ponder when I can just meet her and ask her. Then I dressed up, took a Maglev and reached the destination at 9:15, and even in the dark, this time, I stayed. And then I saw her.
You know how you feel when you meet your crush from your childhood, standing in the same dress in which she shaked your hand for the first time, and that song starts playing in the back of your head which you had first imagined in with her.
I walked upto her while she had her back on me, much close that I could feel the breeze with that sweet smell of her her hairs on my face. She knew. She turned around and said hi. It was a normal hi. Then we talked for like till 11:20 and then I left. She told me to go. I did so. Why I did so?
I still don't have an answer to myself. But I still remember the last thing she told me about herself, our very last convo, her very last secret-
"Well, what if I died and you just never knew, and after this starry night of insensible talking, we just carried on with our lives because you know that we both work and have still got somethings undone in life?"
Then I said- "It doesn't matter. No matter what. I'll find you."
"What if I'm lost?"
"The same."
"Okay what if i jumped to a pastry shop and bought a cake of your name?"
"Well thats cool, but why would you do that?"
"We'll celebrate."
Well they did found out a knife with smudges of chocolate cake, but just couldn't figure out what was written on it. I wish they did. But the window was open. She took a flight to heaven without me. And I still hate her for that.
I think she was stressed in glee. She was a sneaker. She hid it all from me so perfectly that I never knew how many and which ones of the pain she hid behind that perfect smile of hers.
And i still hate her for that.
But this one is for her that I just wanna say to her that wherever she is, if I ever failed in being with you somewhere, me being alive is the testament of it. I stayed. And I will stay until I clear all the things that you left here. Until I figure out that night. Until I figure out those words. Until I figure out you.
I will stay until I figure out.
For you.
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
Bucch*g*ri liveblog ep1
Alright let's start Bucchigiri!
I'll Tag it .... " Magic Carpet Slide " for now. I may change it later.
Alright let's jump in!
I would LOVE to have gyoza for breakfast! 😢
My instincts are to call MC Yusuke-lite but from the 1 review I watched the only thing that stuck in my mind is that he's not much like Yusuke despite looking so similar. So I'll just call him MC until I have his name.
Oooooooooo haunted shrine! Better run boys! Also are they skipping class after drinking all night? And sleeping in the shrine? I wonder if these two will be important? They're certainly silly! 😂
I like the OP! I like how Kazuma-lite's trio have matching hair and eye colors! Depending on how things go I may root for them as an ot3. 💖
Blonde is certainly giving off sweet sunshine with a dark side vibes and Blue is giving irritated and short fuse tsun! Very Kurahi-esque!
Idk how I feel about the main female character's design. It's a bit much for me but I may love her idk. She's certainly precious.
If character design is anything to go by then I'll be rooting for Dark Blue Buzzcut. He's got The Vibes
The teacher/Principal/Business man has a Cat Ear Butler Friend?????????
Ok that's what I'm Invested In! 💖💖💖💖 I hope Neko-mimi Butler Guy is an adult chasing after Business/Teacher/Principal guy!
It could be funny if he's like a younger sibling trying to ruin his career via family shame though. 😂
Big Blue Man with intense beard is looking like my biggest crush actually but poor MC is terrified of him.
Oof MC needs an adult! 😨😱
Oh dang he looks completely different when his hair isn't curled and gelled. I like his curled and gelled hair better though I think.
I didn't see the two from earlier in the OP so I guess they're not in the show much.
Are they really having some Brick House 3rd year fight Kazuma-lite who is apparently a 1st year???
Kazuma-Lite is on the Minato Kai team.
This school looks like its crumbling apart? There's holes in the roof and windows? (Also there's a dome and spire roof?) Why are they allowing classes in a building that can't withstand weather?
There's a big ttity redhead in a tank top (that's gotta be against dress code) and wearing the boys uniform (based), a big guy with a purple perm, and a guy wearing a keffiyah AND a cross around his neck? Confusing.
I'm just guessing that no one in this series gives a single damn about dress code.
Kazuma-Lite is named Matakara.
Lmao MC is NOT impressed by this fighting BS. Damn why does the school look so dilapidated? That's a ton of graffiti.
The business man must be a teacher or principal.
There's garbage and toys in the high school hallway???
Clearly this man isn't paid enough and he seems like a wreck. Love him. (Hope he doesn't turn out to be a creep)
Oh hey it's just like Wind Breaker! 😂👍
Those two guys in the center seem like they've been held back for 9 years!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Oh dude that one guy with the cool undercut and ponytail though! 💖💖💖
LMAO hes the prettiest boy in class good for him! 😂
I saw 2 girls!
MC is Arajin
3 girls! (Yeah uniforms seem optional or the dress code just isn't enforced)
4 girls! There's the main female character.
Dang I can tell the other girls will be non-existant. 😭
Love that in his mind He would be taking Her name lmao. Wonder why?
Blondies skirt is cute!
Matakara's shirt has a built in tramp stamp in the shape of a heart God Bless! 🤣
Oof. The other team has SS initials and their logo looks like the Nazi SS lightningbolt. 😬😞 well. That's shitty.
That unintentionally turns this guy into a skinhead.
This must be in the south of Japan to grow palm trees like that.
Aw good for Arajin! He got a girl on the first day!
You're leaving it in a room full of guys that would absolutely sell it?????
Hiei-lite tripped him and wears orange shoes. Good choice fir his teal hair.
What is at the end of blondies pigtails? It can't be his hair because it can't be locced at the end like that and flowing at the top so it's sort of like pom poms?
I can't believe that worked! 😂
Run Arajin run!
Sjeisjsj ahahahahahahahahaha lost his glasses and ran into Matakara to boot. 😂
Oh wow what a look! Work boots with thay kilt/skirt/what have you is such A Look! Love it! 💖
They're bith shocked that he knows him! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!!!!! AAAAAAAAA
Well. Its over. That's The Ship!
Aaaaaaaaa they were PRECIOUS!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
Wait a second. His hair is NATURALLY curly. So why was it straight like that during the OP?
Does he have a Secret Twin that perms his hair straight?
Poor Arajin is in Shock from the reversed height difference. 😂😂😂😂
Blondie us now curious and Teal Terror is looking upset and insecure. Matakara is SO EXCITED!!!! Aaaaaaw! 💖 He's been hoping to see him again for years!
He introduces him as his childhood friend aw! 💖💖
Ehsidnsjsjshsisb Blondie is shocked and bewildered and curious and passive aggressive and Teal Terror is full jealous/bitter! Love it! 💖 I may root for the ot3 anyway because I bet they're cute and have middle school history!
Aw! I can't tell if he's just insecure that Matakara is so much bigger and more masculine than him now or if they parted ways on bad terms. That definitely hurt and disappointed Matakara though! :(
Hmmm he moved away for a while and considers the town bad luck. Surely if he moved away and then moved back other people should recognize him too right?
He didn't look too much when he got to the gate. It also didn't take long to get to the gate. What happened to her? I hope she's ok.
Oh no! He didn't go back for his bass/cello?????? Damn that thing is long gone. His mom is so cute! I love her!
Lmao that looks like the kind of drama I'd watch too if it existed! 😂 what corruption leads to this nun breaking her vow of celibacy? Find out next week!
I hope that wasn't him calling his mom an old hag. 😕
This nazi hideout looks so dumb. They stole playground teeter totter spring rides and put them on the roof with Buggy The Clown and a stolen McDonald's playplace slide.
Lmao it actually has either Hazi or Nazi on it are you kidding????
Counter faith man stands out front to confuse people entering
They stole a jungle gym and broke the floor with it and the word gym is spray painted on the wall.
What an interesting voice for this guy. I'd have chosen differently but. Well. He is the head of the nazi group so like. I'm not invested.
Oh he got confused and put the Butterfly on his Left Shoulder instead of his Right. Kagamine Instructions Unclear.
Oh man Skinhead was about to be saved by the power of love and a crush on Matakara before he took that boot to the face. Hopefully he'll get another chance!
I love this fictional sacrilegious drama! They ought to make it it's own anime!
Damn that must have been hard on both of them.
Theory that will likely be debunked:
Arajin has this guilt about not standing up for his friend and likely stopped talking to him because avoiding him was the only way to avoid his own cowardice. Meanwhile I bet Matakara feels like he lost his best friend because he was too weak that day and trained for years to be string enough to protect himself so that Arajin doesn't leave him behind out of embarrassment again. Since he's convinced that Arajin is awesome.
The background shots are getting funnier because today 7 background guys decided to get the same haircut.
Absolutely no one is paying attention to this poor frail man! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔 Poor Teach!
Oh no! She's missing! What happened to her yesterday????
Teal Terror is BIG MAD that Matakara thinks so highly of this new guy and that the new guy blew Matakara off.
Oh thank goodness she was just skipping class.
She's gonna absolutely shake him down for cash. Go girl go!!!! Take him for all he's worth! (That or because she lives here and she's used to the guys here she must think he's gay and a twink on sight alone lmao)
Mahoro is her name!
lmao Matakara what timing! Teal Terror is so jealous lol.
Aw Blondie wants to do the right thing and Teal Terror said "Nah, Fuck 'im!"
They really made him go to an arcade? How do they even still have an arcade?
He's so fucking fake! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh No it's Creep from the OP's underlings. 😨
TEAL TERROR LIVES UP TO HIS TITLE DAMN!!! Just left him out to dry like that on purpose because he's so bitter! 😂
Aw dang the teacher isn't dating the greeter. 😭 Jasmine must be cute.
Oh hey what are the chances that that's where Matakara has been sleeping?
A flintlock? Oh damn a kid with a gun. OH SHIT
I wonder how they saw it? They wouldn't have been scandalized by him ending up on the ground so I wonder if it looked like he really shot himself?
The dumbest horniest teenage wish possible.
Is this gonna be a western interpretation "Be Careful What You Wish For" sort of thing where his wish is twisted into something he didn't expect? Or will his mind be read and will he end up with the girl?
Don't they have extremely strict public decency laws? How has he not been caught by a cop yet?
Why is Blondie fully naked in front of a window???????
Damn Teal Terror came by specifically to talk shit and try to take Arajin down a few pegs. 😂 Damn dude is down bad!
He didn't know just how much Matakara apparently idolizes Arajin.
All that effort and fun wasted. o7 Better luck next time my guy.
While Arajin's looking up info on if he's going crazy he doesn't question why this genie looks so similar to Matakara physique-wise? Not even for a second?
Oh his hobby is stamps. Neat.
Oh man he didn't think to practice ignoring him and not responding before the date??? 😂 maybe he thought he'd be gone before then.
Why did they choose ice cream when statistically that would be a terrible idea? Shouldn't he know by 16 that he doesn't tolerate dairy?
Damn girl just leave. This amount of secondhand embarrassment isn't worth it.
Shsusjsjsusjsh she says the meanest shit in the sweetest voice. Love it.
Also I like that they have her in accurate Lolita worn in an Otome style with a more casual petticoat and less accessories. Although I think her look could have used wrist cuffs.
Dude on the first date?????????? He's insane.
Wow they're really leaning into that SS lightning bolt huh?
Oh are he and her working together or enemies that try to fleece the same targets? That was some look.
Why are they after Arajin? What could he possibly have done? He's some frail transfer student
Well. That's certainly a reason to fight him. It also makes me look at her shenanigans less favorably for sure.
Oh damn Teal Terror really fucked up his chances with Matakara! Matakara is massively pissed and disappointed. He's off to save the day!
Go Matakara go!!!!! 💖💖💖👍
He Jingles and he Jangles as he kicks the shit out of people. All those chains. -20 to stealth
AW HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
Look. I stand for people's right to ship whatever they want for fictional ships.
That being said Incest will make me sick every single time. 🤮
Man I wanted to like her too! This sucks!
35th victim? What is wrong with the both of them????
Also he's clearly some kinda queer because before he knew Arajin was on a date with his little sister he was Making Tongue at him like......😐
Aw dude dont say it. 😣
He's gotta scream it every time in order to fight doesn't he? Aw man. I gotta get used to this quick. 😩
Man I LOVE the way they animated Head Honcho Nazi flying off though that was sick.
The ED.....
The cast likes her???? When she wants to fuck her brother???? They're into that?????
There were 3 whole other girls? Are the rest of them all lesbians exclusively?
What is going on????? What'd she do? Drink Love Potion #9????
The ED would be really cute without context. With context I kinda hate it right now.
I do like how its animated though. And the song is cute.
This is gonna be one of those 3 episodes to give it a shot type deals.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We aren't hearing a lot of people say this you people here are ruder than hell I've never heard so many rude comments in my life. And you don't have it you don't have the AI you don't have drill bit Taylor you don't have Dante's inferno you don't have the doom ship the crystal ships anything that has real shields for the most part don't have spaceships so don't command the air and you don't have the tunnels you don't have heavy weaponry you hardly can make a device you can't get them anywhere and you have no pole position and all you have on Australia's death. What is making you so over inflated and bloated just like this massive massive screaming arrogant child like Jason when he's small and nursery school it's a horrific sound the device he is a massive massive a****** I'm surprised people just haven't killed him we're not really sure why yeah his number is up too he's going to Crystal lake and she is going to LA and they're having a big fight over who goes where and he's saying the whole time you're out there you know what's going on and she's out there already and that movie series is going to begin and they're going to get slaughtered they really need to this is turned into a nonsense show
The answers to their behavior the greedy sons of b****** they had way too much stuff they got addicted they can't do without it and the max fed it to him and they can't see that you can tell them to your blue in the face they say they don't care they need it they don't want to ride or do anything like that what we say to America is that's fine you couldn't depend on them anyways and we saw them doing that s*** about 30 years ago when you haven't blabbing and blabbing and blabbing and blabbing and blabbing he was it was obvious to a lot of people including our son and you just sit here sticking it to him as you saying and you don't know what we're doing what we know is you ain't going to make it to those ships cuz you stuck them right in the way these ships are different and you won't have control over the air and we can help get rid of the guy once you've seen you lose enough of your fleet sort of it's almost nothing that will stop it that you have and you're too stupid to know it you like these people screaming and yelling you want something holy s*** you damned rude you're going to find out the hard way I guess you don't want you don't want to know anymore it's fine that's fine
Thor Freya
I have to tell you something everybody is irate this place is a swill hole it's not fixed up there's nothing right here and this guy has no money at all it's trying to fix it and nobody helps him he has to help himself this is like this is the biggest b******* freaking place I've ever seen. Everybody's contributing and everyone wants him to start pulling everybody else's weight so he's doing what's necessary and he's pulling his own weight with his and he's taking over everything there's no party he can turn to at all and I'm afraid that if you turn to me I'll get crushed doing what I'm doing is so damned heavy and says you have to be attacking these hospital people and you're greeting cuz it's a lot of fun they sit there threatening you all day and night with illegally grabbing you and incarcerating you against your will that's the problem you're sending it say you're doing the job and you're not doing anything and your son is captured I mean come on by this industry these people are freakishly stupid I agree too they're giving him a mental rundown every day they're going over it every day they're bothering him everyday throwing the mental hospital and they're trying to get people to do it nobody cares enough not to and he doesn't want to go there he wants them all dead and he's killing them that's not big enough I'll tell you what that would be a nice group to get out of the way they are heinous little assholes and he wanted that group lawsuit to go through and it didn't and we're wondering why just saying it's not time yet and he's saying then we should start in a few different places and just keep doing it and all sudden he says I didn't say that it's not time yet to you well I'll give you the feedback as fast as possible on what I think we should do so you can get going on as quickly as possible and people are in Jeopardy this industry is faulty set up the kidnap hours says you know so I don't know what he said but this is how it's going
My son is saying it too this industry is set up to kidnap people there's nothing I'd satiating them with the real thing I started working on it I've had tons of people on it and I need more and we always need more he says we're never on top of anything we're never in charge he says it's not going to be my fault if it doesn't work but I have to make it work somehow so I'm tired and exhausted from riding around getting my food putting up with criticism from a thousand idiots and some of my own who don't understand nobody understands it here then I have to pick up the weight of doing the top job all the time and Thor and Freya are tapped out I mean everybody has to pitch in. Olympus has to get their stuff together you got a recruitment program that works everybody sit down at a meeting look at the template and try it if you're not doing something that's that organized.
Says he doesn't want to repent to you a million times over reinvent the wheel a million times over regarded recruiting and I don't either. Spent a lot of time thinking about this kind of stuff you should stop at Subway even if it is if they don't look at it so I'm saying that lawsuit and I'm going to do what he said and everything else should be tested out and begun if it's not test it out it won't start send the Thor Freya that's why it's not going. He also said if you don't make it work at home and I agree so he's doing testing he's going to show people this is what it is tthe results so it's going on now then we make it all jive. I'm getting those lawsuits going for Monday this is ridiculous these people walking all over us every day and he doesn't want to put up with it anymore is there like nobody just throwing themselves at the empire giving them stuff I interviewed a few of them they said he's too big for his britches there's a whole bunch of idiots like that like Trump so it's going on right now
Bitol and Goddess Wife
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redux-iterum · 2 years
Now that you've elaborated on the cats you hate, could you do the same for your favorites?
Tumblr media
Can do! And I'll answer you in this post, other anon.
Rock: This is total bias on my part - it has nothing to do with his personality or actions in the books. I just absolutely adore unsettling, ugly, vaguely eldritch characters who have lived as long as time has existed and are on an entirely different level than the rest of the characters. I don't even remember any of the shit Rock did in canon, just his potential as a mysterious force and a creature living in visions. It's so fuckin' cool. I love it.
Hollyleaf: I've gone into detail about her here, so I won't repeat all that. The bottom line is that she's a genuinely good character who had a lot going for her narratively that just got thrown out the window because of the writers' terrible decisions and lack of foresight. Every one of these picker pictures I've seen has had her on there as a favorite, so that should say something.
Monkeystar: God, she's such a delight. WarriorClan is full of dorky little kids playing like they're big bad scary fighters, and the biggest dork of all is at the head of it. And her name is Monkeystar. You look me dead in the eye and tell me that's not the best god damn thing you've ever read in this series. How could I not love her?
Yellowfang: I've also been over her a lot, so here's a couple posts from me going into detail about her. For a short version, she's a really unique character (and a pretty darn well-developed one) in all of the history of the Clans, and her getting ruined is one of the top five greatest tragedies in this series.
Thrushpelt: Simply put, he's a good guy who deserved so much better than he got. He's kind, polite, one of the rare toms who isn't a dick about having a crush on a molly, and he puts his own wants to the side to help out people he cares about. I still wish he got a mate in StarClan so that he didn't have to always be known as "the guy that Bluefur completely ignored for a one-night-stand with an asshole".
Sol: This one's just for his potential. He has a lot going for him - a male tortoiseshell who can scramble psychic abilities, predict an eclipse, and effortlessly manipulate everyone around him (at least in the third arc; I hear he lost a lot of that in the SkyClan SE)? That's such a cool concept! And he gets away with all the shit he pulls! He could've been the best villain in the series. I also elaborated on him on the old blog, if you want more details.
Bristlefrost: This one's pretty simple; Bristlefrost is just a good character who had a genuinely interesting arc and struggles that were weirdly well-written for this series. Her deader-than-dead status pisses me off so much. Couldn't they have killed Rootspring instead? Bristlefrost has way more going for her than that twerp.
Stemleaf: Bear in mind that it's not so much that I love him as it is that he's one of the few cats in the series I don't feel slightly negative indifference or outright dislike for. The list kind of ran thin at this point. Anyway, Stemleaf's a good kid! Like Thrushpelt, he's nice, honest, and overall pleasant to read. I like his drive to do the right thing and stand up to people in power. It's a shame that led to his death, but by that point I think he did pretty much all he had to do, so I'm not mad about it.
Heavystep and Loudbelly: Have you ever loved a character in this series solely based on their name? That's these two. You'll see more of my love for these two in the future.
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