#but i'd love any sams suggestions
beps-brainrot · 11 months
Any drawing suggestions?
Throw them at me, and I'll draw them over the next week or two!
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lenakluthor · 5 months
totally random question but do you read supercorp fics? and if yes, which ones are your favorites?
i absolutely read supercorp fics! i've been devouring ao3 basically since i finished the show. here are a few of my faves: people will say we're in love by AKAWWJJD - this was recommended to me by a friend and was the second ever supercorp fic i read. it's angsty, but it's BEAUTIFUL and it's one of my favorite fics from any fandom, ever. it's basically a rewrite of crisis and the aftermath of that (with a heartbreaking, post-reveal beginning), and it's just so, so good. it really set the bar for me in terms of supercorp fics and i still think about it to this day. it's heartbreaking and poignant and just. perfect.
the banks of certain rivers and ever more light by @i-am-robie - these two go together, but if you only read one, read ever more light (although i highly suggest reading both). i found this one through a gifset based on the fic, and i am SO happy i did. this is the fic that made me believe in fluff again. i'm not kidding, before i found this fic, if it wasn't tagged as angst, i was not reading it. this one? completely changed my opinion. it's so soft and sweet and it gives you the same butterflies and good feelings kara gets around lena. i actually love these so much that i am in the process of binding them into a book.
same old blues by @searidings - this one is, in my opinion, hands down the best portayal of lena i've read so far. it captures her anger and hurt and emotions so well and it just feels exactly like lena. it picks up after the end of season four and is exactly how i imagine lena's reaction to kara being supergirl. obviously it's canon divergent, but this one just really nails lena. it's angsty and emotional and just SO good. the author describes it as "horny enemies to lovers" in their note and that really sums it up pretty well.
you're in my blood, like holy wine by @jazzfordshire - this one is one of my favorite AUs. it's a loose practical magic AU with witch!lena, but much more developed and fleshed out than in the show. not only does it have really well written supercorp, but it also showcases a really well done friendship between lena and sam. i'm gonna be real i'm very picky about AUs, but this one GOT me. i definitely recommend it.
i also highly recommend checking out all four of those authors' other works. robie has an AU that i really enjoyed, searidings has a fun little competitive supercorp one shot, jazzfordshire has one of my favorite smutty one shots, and AKAWWJJD has a mxy rewrite that is just wonderful.
i've read so many more that were really worth reading, so i highly recommend scrolling through the supercorp tag on ao3 and filtering out the results to find ones you might be into. i could've mentioned a bunch more that i enjoyed, but i figured i'd keep it to my top four and the honorable mentions because the authors all happened to have multiple i love. i've also got like, more than 40 open ao3 tabs currently, so i know my favorites list will definitely be growing.
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cobaltperun · 8 months
i have a request if possible ? for a tara carpenter x reader , or any jo character as you see fit , but in my head , it’s always been tara and no gf au-
so basically , if you’re familiar with 5 seconds of summer , every time i listen to them (their self titled album, specifically heartbreak girl) i always come up with like scenarios of r, mindy, amber and wes being 5sos basically and having r write that song about tara and how she’s always calling/texting r about the problems she’s having with chad without realizing that r is in love with her
which ofc leads r to go to amber, mindy and wes to write that song together and having them preform at a local bar/club or something because they’re locally known and tara, sam, chad and the rest of the friend group is in the crowd, being supportive- but once they hear the song , they immediately know who it’s about and just look at tara awkwardly , and- that’s as far as i’ve gotten
Heartbreak Girl
Tara Carpenter x gn!Reader (Request)
First of all, thank you for the request, it kind of just flowed out and here it is. I went with gender-neutral Reader since you didn't specify the gender. I hope you'll enjoy reading this.
Word count: 2.7k
"I know I should have seen it coming, but it still hurts, you know? I still love Chad, I just can't get over him," she sobbed, and you stopped pacing around your room to lean back and rest your head against the wall. You knew the story, you heard it from Tara countless times, and you may have heard it from Mindy even before Tara told you, mostly because Mindy got a bit pissed that Chad would end his relationship with Tara like that. Tara and Chad were in a relationship, they worked the summer job together and met Liv. Chad fell in love and broke up with Tara. The rest was history, and Tara, sharing Chad's circle of friends, and still being in love with him, couldn't move on.
One time Tara told you she figured it would be easier if he cheated on her. He didn't. He just sat down with her one day and said how he felt. Two weeks later Chad and Liv went on their first date and the circumstances kept Tara and Chad as somewhat friends.
"I'm sorry for being a bother, Y/N," she must have noticed your silence.
"You're not being a bother, Tara, I just don't know what to say that I already didn't tell you before," you bit your bottom lip, knowing full well you were lying. You knew what you wanted to say. You wanted to tell her you loved her, that in her heartbreak she kept breaking your heart too. Another sob made you speak before you could think things through. "Let's go out, just the two of us," you suggest, realizing too late what you were saying. "As friends, of course, just to get your mind off of everything," you quickly backtracked, hoping the explanation was sufficient enough, hoping she couldn't hear the nervous tapping of your foot against the floor, or the crack in your voice when you said 'friends' or anything else that could give you away.
Because, as much as you loved her, as much as you wanted to be with her, you didn't want to push her into another relationship when she was vulnerable and still heartbroken. You also didn't want to be her way of getting over Chad and nothing more. And you absolutely didn’t want to take advantage of her emotional turmoil.
"I'd love to, Y/N," it sounded like she stopped crying, thought she still sniffled a bit. "Thanks for being my friend and always being there to cheer me up," her words, even if you just encouraged them yourself, still hurt you.
"Don't mention it, I'm here for you," you brushed it off, subconsciously hoping maybe, just maybe, she'd realize how you feel on her own. You had no idea how mixed the signals you were sending her looked every now and then. In less than a minute you went from proclaiming friendly hanging out to promising to be there for her. "When do you want to meet up?"
Tara paused for a moment. "I'll call you tomorrow at ten to figure that out. Is that okay?"
You nodded and then frowned when you realized a moment later you were on the phone with her. "Of course."
And so you said your goodbyes, and you just slumped into the chair and dropped your head down to the table. A bit recklessly you tossed the phone to the bed on your side and silently expressed gratitude that it didn't hit the wall or drop to the floor. You sighed and placed your hands over your head, feeling like you were stuck in a never-ending cycle with Tara Carpenter.
Against your better judgment, you grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and began writing.
The friend date went well, better than you imagined it would and you and Tara hung out an hour longer than either of you anticipated. It was a nice change of pace and for a moment you actually convinced yourself you didn't feel anything romantic for her. For a moment, you were reminded of simpler times, when Tara really was just a friend in your eyes. That time was a long time ago, but sometimes you wished you could go back to that, at the very least everything was much simpler back then.
The paper waiting for you at your table broke that illusion and you grabbed your guitar, maybe you had something here after all. As you sat down to try different tunes you sent a message to the band, Mindy, Wes, and Amber, asking to meet up tomorrow for an additional practice.
The four of you met up in your garage where you kept your instruments, the guitars, and drums, anything else you needed you would just rent out for a couple of days. You were still a local band, so renting still saved you money.
"Let me see if I got everything right. You," Amber pointed at you, almost accusingly. "wrote this song about Tara and you don't want to confess how you feel?" she asked incredulously.
"Come on, it's not that obvious," you defended yourself and pointed at a line in the song. "See? Chad didn't exactly treat her bad, he just broke up with her."
"Yeah, sure, one line is going to convince everyone it isn't about Tara," Mindy added sarcastically and threw her arms up. "It's there for the dramatic effect, Y/N! Remember?" well, yeah, but still, were you really that obvious?
"She got you there," Wes wasn't helping.
You picked up your guitar and began playing the tune you thought would work well with the song. "Listen, I think we got something good here," you tried to focus on the song itself. "Regardless of who it was written for," you muttered.
"You're kidding, right? A sad tune? You're making this a ballad? No way," Mindy went to her drums. "This needs more energy," judging by the tone of her voice she wasn't budging on this. Well, at least she was on board.
"We are totally adding 'Thanks for being a friend' to the lyrics," Amber teased and you just groaned and buried your face in your hands.
"Don't forget being a sucker for anything Tara does," Wes joined in, causing all three of them to laugh at you.
"You're the worst," you muttered, too embarrassed to look at them. As it was the song that maybe could have passed as, you know, not absolutely obvious, might as well be named ‘Tara’ with how specific it was turning out to be.
Over the next month and a half, you and Tara fell into a bit of a habit. The first two weeks she continued sobbing, and you'd ask her to hang out. The week after that she just complained and you still asked her to hang out. The past few weeks she rarely even mentioned Chad during your calls, but she still insisted you were friends.
Honestly, just the fact that she seemed to be moving on as weeks went by mended your own heart. Somewhere along the line, you found out you were fine with the way things were. In a relationship or as friends, you wanted Tara in your life.
You walked her to her house, the backs of your hands occasionally brushing as you walked. The accidental touches became something both of you were comfortable with, as neither of you moved away from each other.
"You'll be performing tomorrow night, right?" Tara asked out of the blue.
You glanced at her and your eyes met. "Yeah. Are you going to come?" it wouldn't be the first time Tara would be in the crowd. Tara, Sam, Chad, Danny, Anika, and Liv were all supportive of your band, so they regularly came to your performances.
"You're not really asking that, are you? Of course, I'm going to come," she lightly jabbed your arm. "Besides, Mindy might have told me you guys have a new song you'll be performing for the first time in front of a crowd."
That little traitor. You cleared your throat to buy yourself a few extra seconds to get it together.
With the way things were going between you and Tara, you were almost tempted to scrap the song, but the other three voted against it. "No pressure then, it's not like we haven't had a new song in almost four months now," what could you say, it was a bit of a drought period as far as creativity went.
Tara laughed and just for a moment you thought you saw something else in her eyes, something similar to the way you would so often look at her. "You'll do great," she offered a much-needed encouragement as the two of you stopped in front of her house.
"Guess this is it for tonight," you smiled at her.
"Mhm, I'm glad I was the one to ask you out tonight, as friends, of course," she took a step closer and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. And then you froze when she got on her tiptoes and kissed your cheek. "Thank you, for always being there for me," somehow, this time she omitted the friend part.
"I," you cleared your throat once more. "did say I'd be here for you, didn't I?" you tried to brush it off as you usually did for months now.
The intensity of Tara's gaze captured all of your attention and for a moment you even considered leaning in. You didn't though, you weren't sure she felt the same, or that she actually moved on.
"I'll see you tomorrow night, then?" she asked, lowering her gaze to your lips before quickly looking away.
You noticed it, and you wondered if Tara could hear how loud your heart was drumming in your chest. "Y-yeah," you finally stepped back from her, and the tension you were trying so hard to ignore began fading.
Tara pretty much threw herself on her bed and buried her face in her pillow. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. What was wrong with her? Falling in love with you so quickly and almost out of nowhere. Especially when you so explicitly insisted on hanging out as friends. Perhaps you were insisting too hard to cover your own feelings? A girl could hope, right?
She turned her playlist on, hoping to find some peace in music. As if to spite her, the first song that played was Brian Fallon's You Have Stolen My Heart and she nearly chucked her phone into a wall. Groaning she turned around and tucked herself into a blanket. It was entirely your fault. With your charming smile and clumsy mixed signals, she could never get a good read on them.
You were amazing on that improvised stage, just mesmerizing to watch and listen to and Tara found herself falling even harder. She also found herself ignoring Sam's teasing smile.
"Thank you, thank you! You are too kind! We'll wrap up the night with a premiere of our new song!" Wes yelled, hyping up the crowd.
"Let's hear an applause for Heartbreak Girl!" Mindy demanded, encouraging the crowd to interact with the four of you.
Tara was pulled to her feet by Anika and they both cheered. The name of the song, however, made Tara's heart skip a beat. Or was it the way you looked at her from the stage?
"You call me up, it's like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts. That you'll never get over him getting over you, and you end up crying. And I end up lying, 'cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do," you sang, your eyes never leaving Tara's. It felt like there was no one else in the club but the two of you. But you weren't alone, and Tara felt the awkward stares directed at the back of her head.
Did you actually write a song for her?
"And when the phone call finally ends, you say "Thanks for being a friend" and I'm going in circles again and again," now she had no doubt, that the song really was about her. She stopped cheering and just stood there, taking the lyrics in.
She saw you hesitating, probably since you noticed her reaction, and she just smiled. You smiled back and continued.
"I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth, that I can take away you hurt, Heartbreak girl. Hold you tight straight through the daylight, I'm right here, when you gonna realize that I'm your cure, Heartbreak girl?" did you...? Were you saying what she thought you were saying?
She wasn't reading this wrong, was she?
"I bite my tongue, but I wanna scream out, you could be with me now. But I end up telling you what you wanna hear, but you're not ready. And it's so frustrating, he treats you so bad and I'm so good to you, it's not fair," her heart skips a beat as you continue, quoting the promise to call you tomorrow at ten and once again singing the chorus.
"I know someday it's gonna happen, and you'll finally forget the day you met him. Sometimes I'm so close to confession, I gotta get it through your head, that you belong with me instead," the look in your eyes, the eyes that told her 'This is it, I can't take it back now' it vanquished any doubt she may have had about how you felt.
She just wondered how long you felt that way about her without saying anything? Definitely before you first asked her to hang out as friends, but how long before that? And she felt like apologizing, for not noticing how you felt, for leaning on you for support even if it hurt you as well. And at the same time she fell even harder, because you were there for her even with everything you were feeling you were giving her all the time she needed.
The moment you ended the song and without any idea where the sudden boldness was coming from you jumped down from the stage and went over to Tara. You took a few deep breaths as you closed the distance and offered her your hand, the guitar still in your other hand.
Yeah, you didn't quite think that through.
Tara raised an eyebrow, clearly looking at the guitar, but then shrugged and took your hand.
"Uh, what now?" you asked sheepishly.
"Isn't that something you were supposed to figure out? Before you jumped down and came over?" she gave you a cheeky, teasing smile.
"I didn't think I'd get this far," you admitted, causing Tara to laugh.
"Just go behind the stage dumbass!" Mindy yelled, with the microphone still on. "And leave the guitar there while you're at it!"
You lowered your head and winced, trying to hide the embarrassment clearly visible on your face. Tara wasn't doing much better as she quickly pulled you behind the stage to escape the teasing.
You packed the guitar as both of you took time to compose yourself and catch a breath. "I really didn't think this through, did I?" you asked.
"No," Tara sat down on the chair near you. "You really didn't," she was fiddling with the loose thread on her shirt.
"I meant it, the song. Well, at least when I wrote it a month and a half ago," you decided to just be honest with her.
Tara raised her head to look at you, you could see hopefulness and uncertainty in her gaze. "What changed?"
You approached and sat down next to her. "I don't think you are still heartbroken," you took her hand.
Tara smiled. "I'm not. I'm in love with a clumsy musician that sucks at flirting," she leaned closer to you.
"Hey, it worked," you closed the distance, capturing her lips in a soft, gentle kiss. "Mhm, how about we go on a proper date then?" she asked when the kiss ended and you couldn't think of any better idea.
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This is a pretty serious topic, so feel free to not answer if you don't want to.
How would the Sdv and Sve bachelor/ette's react to the Farmer (who's their partner) flinching when they moved suddenly? As in, the farmer subconsciously thought their partner was about to hit them
Pretty dark topic, but I want pain and glass so why not 🥲 Thanks so much for the question, dear anon 💕
⚠️Warning: angst, mention of past abusive relationship/physical abuse, mention of domestic violence, swearing, and a lot of hurt/comfort
Stardew Valley:
SDV bachelors:
Shane had never had such a desire to break someone's nose. To punch with all his might, to break a jaw, to knock out teeth, to make the bastard who dared to raise a hand against Farmer regret their cowardice and wish they'd never been born. Too bad they're somewhere far away... No, it's not a pity, let this fucking asshole die in their hellhole. What's important right now that Farmer's here, and Shane's gonna be right there with them. He's gonna suggest that Farmer go to therapy. It really helps, Shane's realized that himself. And he'll be there for Farmer, he'll never leave them. And would never hit them.
Alex knows all too well why Farmer flinched like that, and his heart filled with rage. The same way his mom clutched herself, hiding her face from the heavy hand of her alcoholic husband... The very thought that his dearest Farmer, the love of his life, had thought he would hit them, that Alex would be like his father, made him shiver with unbridled hatred for whoever had made Farmer feel that way. But the athlete will calm himself down, and do whatever it takes to help and protect Farmer. He would never, ever hit them. Never.
Sam has a look of utter confusion on his face. "Babe, what's wrong?" The young guitarist was just chasing flies, and now doesn't understand why Farmer hid their face in their hands. Is something wrong? Why do they look like they're crying? When Farmer tells him the reason (which they were previously afraid to tell), Sammy's heart just cracks to pieces. He will put his arms around Farmer and slowly rock them. If they are comfortable, Sam will listen to them carefully and try to cheer them up, showering them with kisses and affectionate words.
Elliott would simply become speechless. "My love, you didn't think I'd..." He can't even get the words out. He knows that Farmer's relatives treated them horribly, his partner have told the writer about it. He knows that recovering from such trauma will not be easy or quick. Elliott won't leave them alone with the trouble. But did they really thought that Elliott would allow himself to fall so low and raise his hand against them? The writer's in tears. It hurts him, but Elliott is in no way angry with Farmer. No, he loves them with all his heart.
Sebastian would never forget the moment in his childhood when his biological father was ready to slap him. Luckily, Robin managed to catch the man's arm before that, and Sebby never saw his bio father again. As he grew older, Sebastian realized exactly what that man had intended to do. He was disgusted to even think of doing that to anyone, much less the person he loves and adore endlessly. He would take the Farmer's hands, look them in the eye, and tell them that he loved them and would never, under any circumstances, raise a hand against them.
Harvey will put Farmer in a hug, but the doctor still won't be able to hold back the tears. Harvey knows that Farmer has only recently, on the advice of their beloved husband, sought professional help, that progress won't be immediate, and that it takes a very long, long time to work at it. But for Harvey, every time Farmer flinches at their husband's sudden movement is like the first time - shock, confusion, sadness, pain. And even worse when the Farmers began to blame themselves for this behavior. No, Farmer, it's not your fault. Harvey won't let their partner think it's their fault.
SDV bachelorettes:
Abigail is hella confused.... Why are they flinched? Wha- What do they mean!? She loves Farmer, how did they even think of that?! Abby got angry, but would quickly cool down and start apologizing to an even more frightened Farmer. She didn't mean to yell at them like that, but the image that her partner thought she would take a swing at them just threw her off. Ugh, if those creeps who had hurt Farmer came to the Valley, then the amethyst lover would pelt them with such stink bombs that even the skunks would turn their noses away from them. Hehehe, good thing that made Farmer laugh. Right, fuck those bastards.
Leah can't believe her ears. Farmer, she is holding an axe! How could they think that their wife would dare swing at them with a sharp axe?! The fact that someone actually tried to swing something like that at Farmer made the blood in the artist's veins boil. She wasn't angry at Farmer, naturally, but at the bastard who'd treated Farmer like that. And don't let her partner worry: if their ex abuser dared to come in the Stardew Valley, Leah would definitely use her axe... Okay, maybe not so radical, but this person won't lay a finger on her precious partner. She'll defend them to the last, that's for sure.
Penny is a very peaceful, fragile and gentle girl. How can anyone imagine that she is capable of such a thing - to hit Farmer, love of her life? For a young teacher, family is sacred! Her spouse, her children, it's... She will never agree with the people who justify violence and abuse with "discipline" or "tough love". For in Penny's mind, someone who can easily hurt a loved one is not worthy of those loved ones. The red-haired girl bursts into tears. She cannot calmly see how Farmer is scared and hurt because of their ex. But she will find the way to help them. Together, they will overcome it.
Maru was upset at first, because she thought that the Farmer was afraid of her next invention (she could not forget the humiliating incident when they were electrocuted). Only after a couple of seconds Maru realized that they looked with fear not at her device lying on the table, but at herself. She doesn't understand what's wrong. It's not like she has any super dangerous wires or parts with her, see? What? The Farmer thought Maru was going to... hit them? She loves them! Never, you heard her, Farmer, she would never....
Emily is a person who values life and the comfort of every creature. Happiness and positive emotions for everyone around her, especially for her close people and friends. Because of this, the very thought of Farmer hiding their face from what they thought was a punch made the blue-haired girl upset. Farmer had told her about their... not-so-good relatives, who left her lover with this trauma. Emily tries her best to make the house as comfortable as possible for Farmer, and they know it and will always be grateful to their loving wife.
Haley had had partners in the past who, as she found out later, lived by the principle of "beats means love". She wouldn't let those pieces of shit around her anymore, and made a promise to herself never to get involved with such people and never to fall to their level. And Farmer flinched so much at Haley's sudden movement made her remember her exes. She is furious. But right now, the most important thing to her was her beloved Farmer. Haley apologizes for the sudden move, shares her experience and wisdom on how she handled the abuse earlier, and assures Farmer that she will never do to them what Haley's exes tried to do to her.
Stardew Valley Expanded:
SVE bachelors:
Lance had many swordsmanship and magic teachers in his youth. Almost all of them were excellent and taught him many things that helped him in life. There were some that set impossible conditions for Lance, and when he failed, took up their tools to punishment... Lance had the guts to stand up to it, and there were also people who stood up for him. Farmer didn't have anyone to help then, and Lance won't let that happen again. He genuinely loves Farmer and he wouldn't dare let himself fall so low. They vowed to each other to share both joy and sorrow together. Lance will always love them.
Magnus faced various conflicts when he was married for the first time. Misunderstandings, quarrels, arguments - it's quite natural for a couple. But the wizard would never, ever raise a hand against his partner, and he would despise anyone who justified violence and abuse of authority. He would immediately calm the shuddering Farmer and begin to comfort them. If those pathetic excuse of humans showed up at their farm, Magnus would disintegrate them with a snap of his fingers. Ministry rules? There's a one rule in the Mage Law that allows the use of magic for self-defence and the protection of loved ones. So let the Farmer not worry about this.
Victor, overwhelmed with the good news about his bridge-building practice, raised both arms to hug Farmer, but immediately pulled back when he saw how much they flinched. "Honey, did I do something wrong?" "You didn't... You're not going to hit me, are you?" "What?...." If anyone heard the sound of cracking glass, know this - Victor's heart had shattered into a thousand shards. The spaghetti lover was confused for a few moments, but pulled himself together and cautiously approached the Farmer. Victor hugged them tightly, allowing his partner to snuggle into his shoulder and cry while Victor listened to them, slowly rocking and covering them with kisses.
SVE bachelorettes:
Olivia is not mad at Farmer in any way. And quickly put a stop to all their attempts to make themselves look guilty for being so flummoxed by the sudden movement of Olivia's hand. Her partner has been victimized in the past by the simply disgusting treatment from the scum who dared to reach out their paws to Farmer has spurred Olivia to pull up all her connections in the city. She knows their names and all the information she needs to turn their lives into a nightmare. In the meantime, Olivia herself will devote all her attention to her precious Farmer and family.
Claire could not have imagined that her desire to show her partner a new ballet movement she had learnt would end like... this: Farmer shivers slightly and looks at the red-haired girl with a share of fear, while Claire stands still, motionless as if struck by lightning. The former Jojarmart cashier slowly and carefully walks over to Farmer and asks permission to hug them. The Farmer agreed, of course, and before launching into an endless stream of words about how it was their own fault, Claire only reassured them and continued to hug them. She was now too shocked that the Farmer had thought Claire would dare to injure them....
Sophia was completely unaware of what had just happened: the pink-haired girl raised her hand for her partner to high-five, but instead they covered their heads with their hands as if expecting a punch. Had she done something wrong? What, did the farmer really expect a punch? She... She... If Sophia tried to say anything, Farmer wouldn't understand anything anyway - the flood of tears on Sophia's face and the lump in her throat from crying interrupted all words. She would hug the Farmer, hold onto them like a lifeline and sob. She would say through her sobs that she loved them very much and would never be a monster like those who had hurt Farmer.
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dianawinchester03 · 4 months
Season 2, Episode 4 - Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things
Series Masterlist
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Deans POV (surprise!<3)
"Come on, guys. I'm begging you. This is stupid" I plead with Sam and Y/N as I drive down the road with Y/N lounging in the back. "Why?" Sam asks. "Going to visit Mom and Mrs. L/N's graves? They don't even have any graves. There was no body left after the fires" I point out. "They have headstones" Y/N pipes up from the back.
"Yeah, put up there by our uncle and your aunt. People we've never even met. So you guys wanna go pay your respects to a slab of granite put up by a bunch of strangers? Come on." I scoff. "Dean. "That's not the point" Sam exaggerates. "Well, then, enlighten me" I roll my eyes. "It's not about a body or a casket. It's about their memories, okay?" Y/N tries to reason with me.
"Yeah, and after Dad and F/N, it just feels like the right thing to do" Sam adds. "It's irrational, is what it is" I grumble. "Look, man. No one asked you to come" Sam retorts. I just roll my eyes, "Why don't we swing by the Roadhouse instead? I mean, we haven't heard anything on the demon lately? We should be hunting that son of a bitch down" I suggest to them.
"That's a good idea. You should. Just drop me and Sam off at Bobby's. We'll take Quinn and we'll meet you there tomorrow" Y/N shrugs nonchalantly. I give her a knowing look through the rearview mirror to see a little smug smile on her face. "Right" I respond ironically. "I'd be stuck with those people, making awkward small talk until you two show up. No, thanks" I huff.
A victorious grin takes over her face, "It's settled then, " Sam chimes in. Mouthing a 'Thank You' to Y/N, which he probably thought I didn't notice.
Now in-front of Mom's headstone, Sam begins to dig into the grass with a knife while clutching one of Dad's old marine dog tags. I sighed and walked over to Y/N who was sat crisscrossed in-front her moms headstone a couple plots down from Mom's, her back turnt to me. Her head was tilted down towards her feet, her voice was shaky as she spoke,
"Since Dad....I wonder sometimes if he'd be happy to know I'm becoming more like you everyday. I'm trying to make sense of it all, figure out how to control it without scaring the boys. I'm terrified that they'll look at me as some freak, sure Sam might get it a bit but...." She tears up, taking a deep breath. "It's really fucking hard, mom" She sniffles, a pained chuckle escaping her throat.
My heart panged painfully hearing how broken she sounded. She's worried about us more than herself. Worried we'd see look at her differently and see her as some freak. This hurt me inside out that she could possibly think I would love her any less....I mean we. Me and Sam. Yeah. That's what I meant.
I decided to take a seat next to her, she turned her head away and quickly wiped away her tears before turning back to me. "Hey" She croaked, feigning a smile. "Hey" I respond softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She gently laid her head on my shoulder, sniffling back her tears. Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she moves her head to get a more comfortable spot, her eyes not leaving the headstone.
My heart pace quickened at this, her hair nuzzling lightly on my nose when I turned my head. I smiled a bit into the gesture, the scent of tobacco mixed with coconut from her shampoo filled my nose. The aroma alone sent a blush creeping up the back of my neck. My breath hitched in my throat, sneakily whiffing her hair, whilst trying not to make it obvious. It calmed me down, as much as I didn't want to come here.
I'm glad she was here with me...and Sam. My chin lounged on the crown of her head.
God she's so heavenly.
"Are you sniffing my hair?" Her amused tone broke me out of my trance, my eyes snapping open, wide in shock. "Uh...no...." I sheepishly responded, an embarrassed smile taking over my face. Y/N raised her head to look me in my eyes, an amused look in her eyes. "Did it smell nice?" She chuckles, a mischievous grin danced on her plump lips as she pumped her eyebrows smugly. Tears still glistening in her eyes.
"Don't be smooth, that's my thing" I chuckled. She threw her head back laughing lightly, a genuine smile on her face. Something I hadn't seen in sometime, instantaneously, it made a grin break out on my face. The sight of her smiling, the crinkle of her cute nose, the creases at the corner of her eyes, made my heart swell.
God I'm whipped.
Get your head in the game, Dean!
My eyes scanned the cemetery and landed on an out-of-ordinary tree. It was the only tree in the area that was dying, leaves brown and falling. Y/N asked me when she felt my body stiffen, "What's wrong?" She asks me concerned, her eyes followed the direction mines were aimed at. I then got up from the ground and helped her to her feet.
We both dusted ourselves off and began to walk towards the tree. We both eyes the tree as Y/N leaned over and knocked the hallow bark of the tree with her knuckles, "Uh...Dean..." Y/N says to me nervously, pointing to the ground. "Wha-?" I go to ask but my eyes widen when I see what she's pointing at. Around us in a perfect circle, the grass was dead. Brown like the leaves on the tree, while the rest of the cemetery was green as usual.
"What the fuck" I mutter to myself, my eyes flicked to a presumedly new headstone by the state of it. Next to it was dying flowers, probably a couple days old. Y/N knelt down next to it to get a better look at the headstone. We shared a look at this, both freaked out.
"Thank you" I thank the groundskeeper of the cemetery after finding out about the headstone and who's grave it is. "Angela Mason. She was a student at the local college. Funeral was three days ago" I explain to Sam and Y/N as I walk over towards them. "And?" Sam asks halfheartedly. "And? You saw her grave. Everything dead around it in a perfect circle. You don't think that's a little weird?" Y/N points out the obvious.
I nod in agreement. "Maybe the groundskeeper went a little aggro with the pesticide" Sam suggests in a plain tone. I shake my head, "No, I asked him. No pesticide, no chemicals. Nobody can explain it" I tell him. "Okay, so what are you guys thinking?" Sam asks. "I don't know" I sigh. "Unholy ground maybe?" Y/N suggests. "Un-?" Sam cocks his eyebrow at us.
"What?" Me and Y/N ask in unison. "If something evil happened there, it could easily poison the ground" I say defensively. "Remember the farm outside of Cedar Rapids?" I ask Sam. "Yeah" Sam responds. "Could be the sign of a demonic presence. Or the Angela girls spirit if it's powerful enough" I add. "I would've felt it though so..." Y/N says trailing off.
"Okay, maybe it's something else" I shrug. Sam rolls his eyes and walks off towards Baby. Me and y/n share a tired look at this. "Well don't get too excited, you might pull something" I scoff sarcastically at Sam. "It's just, stumbling onto a hunt? Here, of all places?" Sam shakes his head, not convinced. "So?" Y/N counters, going over to the backseat on my side. His eyes flicker between the two of us.
"Are you sure this is about a hunt? Not about something else?" Sam says in a knowing tone. This dude just won't stop bringing up our dads death as a reason to pull shit out of me, I swear. I see Y/N roll her eyes at the corner of my eye before muttering to herself, "Oh dear god" She holds her head, probably thinking the same as me. "What else would it be about?" I press as I lean against Baby, clasping my hands on her roof.
Sam just shakes his head, his hands on his hips as he lets out an exasperated sigh, "You know, just forget it" He sighs, opening the passenger door. "You can believe what you want, Sam. But we dragged his ass out here. The least we can do is check this out" Y/N tries to reason with him, taking my side. "Yep, fine" Sam agrees, a blank look on his face as I give Y/N a grateful smile which she returns.
"Girls dad works in town. He's a professor at the school" I smirk at Sam, opening the drivers door and jumping in.
We were all now at the community college, knocking on the dead girls fathers office door. An age-able man opened it, a distressed look coating his face. "Dr. Mason?" I asked. "Yes" The man confirmed. "I'm Y/N, this is Dean and Sam" Y/N introduced herself and then us sweetly, "We were friends of Angela's. We....we wanted to offer our condolences" Sam says in a sorrowful tone as me and y/n nod.
"Please, come in" Dr. Mason invites us in. We all walk in one by one before he closes the door. We began to play at his sympathies, asking him about his daughters death. He then pulled out a photo album of some recent pictures of his daughter. Both Sam and Y/N were sat besides him on a couch while I looked around the office, my gaze landed on a weird book on his table, with a gold symbol engraved into the cover.
I've never seen before that symbol before, and the title in what seemed like a dead language. So I decided to take a look at it. "She was beautiful" Y/N says gently. "Yes, she was" Dr. Mason croaks. "This is an unusual book" I say to them, before closing it shut and turning it to everyone. "Oh, it's Ancient Greek. I teach a course" Dr. Mason says. I nod before placing the book back onto his table.
"So, a car accident, that's....That's horrible." I say sympathetically, walking towards them. Dr. Mason looked down in despair, "Angie was only a mile away from home when, uh..." He trails off, his tone pained. "It's gotta be hard...losing someone like that" I say in an understanding tone. "Sometimes it's like they're still around...almost like you can still sense their presence" Y/N adds, looking down at her hands.
Sam's gazes shift over to us, both knowing she's talking from experience. "You ever feel anything like that?" She asks curiously. I shake my head at her not so subtle way of putting it. I noticed Sam shot us his classic side glare bitch face, "I do, as a matter of fact" Dr. Mason nods. Y/N then looks over at Sam with a smug tone, his glare not faltering. He then shifts over to me and I give him the same look.
"That's perfectly normal, Dr. Mason. Especially with what you're going through" Sam says in a slightly condescending tone, his words definitely aimed at us. "You know, I still phone her. And the phones ringing before I remember that, uh..." Dr. Mason admits tearfully, "Family's everything, you know?" He adds, taking a deep breath.
That I could definitely relate to. "Angie was the most important thing in my life. And now, well, I'm just lost without her" He sniffles, looking down at his hands. Sam looks over at me and Y/N with a look of sympathy but I don't dare to look him in the eye, neither does y/n. "We're very sorry" Y/N offers her condolences to Dr. Mason.
It's now late, the sun was set, "I'm telling you. There's something going on here. We just haven't found it yet" I try to convince Sam, now back in our motel room. I'm searching through Dads journal while Sam is at the sink in the bathroom washing his hands and Y/N is by the window-still smoking a cigarette. "So far, all you guys got a patch of dead grass and nothing" Sam huffs, wiping his hands.
"Something turned that garage into unholy ground." Y/N pipes up defensively, blowing the smoke out of the corner of her lips. "There's no reason for it to be unholy ground. Angela Mason was a nice girl who died in a car crash. That's not exactly vengeful spirit material. You heard her father." Sam points out the facts, shaking his head not convinced.
"Yeah, well, maybe Daddy doesn't know everything there is to know about his little angel, huh?" I quip back, walking over to y/n by the window still, taking a seat across from her on the chair. "You know what? We never should've bothered that poor man. We shouldn't even be here anymore" Sam scoffs. "So what, Sam? We just bail? Without even figuring out what's going on?" Y/N retorts back, crushing her cigarette butt in the tray.
He gives us a knowing look, his hands on his hips before saying, "I think I know what's going on here" He sighs, we cocked our eyebrows at this. "It's the only reason I went along with you guys this far" Sam adds. "What are you talking about?" I ask confused. "This is about Mom and Mr. L/N's graves." He puts it bluntly.
My heart pangs as Y/N looks down, "It's got nothing to do with it" I scoff, shaking my head. "You wouldn't step within 100 yards of moms grave. And y/n, I saw how pained you were when you sat at m/n's grave. And I get it, I do." Sam further presses. I don't dare to look him in his eyes, not answering. A lump forming in my throat, "Look, maybe you guys are imagining a hunt where there isn't one so you don't have to think about our parents" Sam says gently.
My eyes snap over to him, along with y/n's, both of us glaring at him as I roughly tossed Dad's journal on the window still next to her. My jaw clenched. Her fists balls up on her lap. Sam sighs, "You wanna take a swing at me this time, y/n/n? Go ahead, if it'll make you feel better. You too, Dean." Sam shakes his head tiredly. "We don't need this crap" I grunt, going over to pick up my keys and jacket, along with y/n's jacket.
"Dean, where are you going?" Sam asks exasperatedly as I hold up y/n's jacket towards her. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I say firmly. "You coming, Princess?" I ask her gently. She looked between us hesitantly before sighing with a nod. I help her put it on and then we both make our way out of the motel and over to the Impala, words not leaving either of our mouths.
"We're not going to get a drink, are we?" She breaks the silence, giving me a knowing look as I start the ignition. My eyes shift over to hers, a slight smirk on my face. One hand on baby's steering wheel, the other on her gear shift. "You know me so well" I smirk, earning an eye-roll from her as I pull out of the parking lot.
The sun was almost risen, both Y/N and I were at Angela Mason's house. Y/N was on her knees picking the lock while I was on lookout. My hands were buried in my jacket pocket, fiddling with my lighter. "You almost done?" I asked her a bit impatient. "Chill your tits, dude. I almost got it" She retorts sassily, in a couple seconds, she got it unlocked and gestured for me to come.
She slowly opened the door, the both of us peering through the crack to make sure no one can see us. We walked in to see some boxes on the kitchen counter, I spotted a picture of the dead girl, picking up the frame. "She was pretty" Y/N commented, as we both looked at the picture. I sighed nodding, we both panicked when we saw a reflection of a girl in the picture.
Both turning around in shock, "Who the hell are you guys?" The girl panicked, running into her room. "Wait, wait, wait!" I try to stop her as me and y/n ran to the door. "Hold on!" Y/N pleaded, but she locked the door. "I'm calling 911!" The girl announced terrified. "I'm Angela's cousin!" I came up with a lie on spot. "What?!" The girl yelled through the door. Y/N shot me a 'Wtf?!" look and I just shrugged.
"Yeah, her dad sent us over to, uh, pick up her stuff" Y/N adds, trying to convince the girl. "My name's Alan. Alan Stanwyk. And this is my wife Gail" I fumbled using a name from the movie Fletch. Y/N cocked her eyebrow like she usually does, "She'd never believe we're married. We're too young" Y/N whisper-grumbles at me. "Give it a second" I whisper back.
The door then unlocked and I shot her a smug grin while she rolled her eyes. "Her dad didn't say that you were coming" The girl says to us suspiciously. "Well, I mean..." Y/N clears her throat, before sticking her hand into my back pocket to pull out my car keys. "We also have the keys to your place" She smiles awkwardly, I chuckle a bit but the girl takes the bite.
Angela's friend, Lindsey, sat across from us in her living room, blowing her nose a bit exaggeratedly as she sobbed, "So, I'm sure you got a view of Angela that none of the family got to see. Tell me, what was she like?" I ask curiously. The friend smiles tearfully, "She was great. Just great. I mean she was so...." Lindsey responded, nodding, trailing of as she took a deep breath.
"Great?" Y/N deadpans. "Yeah" Lindsey sobs, blowing her nose again. I raised my eyebrow at this suspiciously, noticing Y/N narrow her eyes at Lindsey. I then pull out another tissue from the box on the coffee table before handing it to Lindsey, "There you go" I say gently, feigning a small smile. "You two must've been really close" Y/N assumes.
"We were" Lindsey nods. "But it's not just her, it's Matt" She sniffles, shaking her head. "Who?" I ask curiously. "Angela's boyfriend." She says as if we're supposed to know. "Yeah, right. Matt" Y/N says in fake realization. "Um, what about him?" I ask. "He killed himself last night" She tells us, placing her hand on her throat. "He cut his own throat. Who does that?" She asks terrified.
Y/N and I share a look at this, "That's terrible" Y/N says sympathetically. "He was taking Angela's death pretty hard, and I guess..." Lindsey says tearfully, trailing off before thinking for a bit. "I mean, he's be messed up about it for days" She informs us. "Messed up how?" I ask. "He kept saying that he saw her everything." She further explained. This sent up red flags in my head immediately.
I knew it. Take that Sammy.
Me and Y/N share a look of recognition ay this. "Well, I'm sure that that's normal. I mean, with everything that he was going through" Y/N tries to assure her. "He said that he saw her. As in an acid trip or something" Lindsey says fearfully. Huh, well that's some compelling information. "Were Angela and Matt a happy couple? I mean, was there any reason Angela would be angry with him?" I ask. "What? No, of course not" Lindsey shakes her head in disbelief.
"Why do you ask?" She asks. "We're just asking" Y/N smiles tightly shooting me a warning look. "Where did Matt live?" I ask again, with an awkward smile. By the look on Y/N's face, I could tell she wanted to tap me across my head for not putting it subtly.
We left Angela's house, and as we were walking back to the car, just as I expected. A hand struck me across the side of my head. "Ow!" I groan, chuckling to myself. "What was that for?" I grumble at Y/N. I turnt around to be met with a glare from her. "Be more forward, why don't ya? You suck at being subtle, I swear" She snaps back, jumping into the passenger seat.
I chuckle, then jumping into the drivers seat. "Subtle or not, I got the address" I smirk, shaking the paper with the written address in her face. "And I got..." I reach into my jacket and pull out the brown leather book. Y/N's eyes widen, "You stole the girls diary!" She was agape. "Yep" I responded in a cheeky tone, popping the 'p' at the end. "Do you not have a soul?" She scoffs.
A smirk spreads across my face, my mind going wild, "Oh I do, it's big, and long, and- OW!" I clutch my arm from where she smacked me again chuckling. "You're a perv" She laughs loudly. "Me??? I'm a saint" I feigned innocence, giving her a small pout. "Whatever" She grumbles, crossing her hands over her chest in fake annoyance. I shake my head in laughter at her adorable posture, "You should smile more" I tease.
"Gosh, you sound like a creepy old man" She groans, chuckling. A smile spreads across her beautiful face. I felt a sense of warmth and victory at the fact I made her smile. I flash her a wink, "There's that gorgeous smile" I retort cheekily before putting the Impala in drive. She scoffed a chuckle in response as we drove down the road to Matt's apartment.
Third Person POV
After getting tired of waiting for Dean and Y/N to get back. Sam decided to indulge in the cheap porn the motel offered, sat on his bed in-front of the crummy old TV, "Next on the Skin Channel. Casa Erotica 4: A Tale of Two Latin Beauties." Sam's ears perked up when he heard the door opening and quickly turned off the TV.
Tossing the remote behind him as Dean and Y/N enter the motel room, their eyes trailed to the tv and back to Sam. "Hey" Sam greeted them awkwardly. Dean and Y/N shared an amused look at this, "What?" Sam feigned confusion as they give him a smug look. "Awkward" Y/N said in a singsong tone.
Sam cringed internally, "Where the hell were you guys?" Sam changed the subject. "Just working our imaginary case" Dean responded in a condescending tone. "Yeah, and...?" Sam asked. "Oh, well, you were right. We didn't find much" Y/N sarcastically responded. "Yeah. Expect Angela's boyfriend died last night, slit his own throat. But, you know, that's normal" Deans sarcasm matched Y/N's, Sam sighed, knowing they were still pissed.
"Uh, let's see. What else?" Dean taps his pointer finger to his chin, "Oh, he was seeing Angela everywhere before he died. But you know, I'm sure we're just looking for a hunt where there isn't one" Y/N narrows her eyes at her best friend. "Yeah, I'm sure that means we're just transferring our own feelings" Dean adds condescendingly.
Sam chuckled a bit at his brother and best friend's habit to hold a grudge, "Okay guys, I get it. I'm sorry. Maybe there's something" Sam admits as they strip off their jackets. "Maybe?" Dean huffs, turning to his brother. "Sam, I know how to do my job, despite what you might think. And I know well so does Y/N" Dean snaps at Sam.
"We should check out the guys apartment" Sam ignores Deans snapback. "We just came from there" Y/N tells him as she takes off her combat boots on the couch next to Dean. "Pile of dead plants just like the cemetery" Dean informs him. "Hell, dead goldfish too" Y/N scoffs. "So, unholy ground?" Sam queries. "Maybe" Dean sighs.
"I'm still not getting that powerful angry-spirit vibe from Angela" Y/N says, "No chills, no nothing" She adds, leaning back into the couch. "I've been reading this" Dean says, taking out Angela diary from his jacket on the bed and showing it to Sam. "You stole the girls diary?!" Sam is agape, his reaction mirroring Y/N's earlier. "That's exactly what I said" Y/N snorts.
"Yeah, Sam. And if anything, the girls a little too nice" Dean says, flipping through the diary. "So, what do you guys wanna do?" Sam asks them. "We should keep digging, talk to more of her friends" Y/N suggests. "You get any names?" Sam asks her. "Are you kidding me?" Dean smirks. "I have her bestest friend in the whole wide world" He shakes the book in his brothers face before tossing it on Sam's lap.
"I didn't realize the college employed grief counselors" Angela's friend Neil says suspiciously to Sam, Dean and Y/N. "Oh yeah. Yeah, you talk, we listen. Maybe throw in a therapeutic collage. Whatever helps jumpstart the healing" Dean says in a fake encouraging tone, earning weird looks from Sam and y/n. "Well, I think I'm okay. Thanks." Neil says before turning to walk back in his house.
"Well, you heard what happened to Matt Harrison, right?" Y/N says, Neil then turns back to her. "Yeah, I did" Neil responds. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay. Grief can make people do crazy things" Sam says genuinely. Neil gives them a weird look as Dean and Y/N feign smiles at him. Y/N noticed Neil seemed a bit cold towards the mention of Matt.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened to him. I am. But if Matt killed himself, it wasn't because of grief." Neil says firmly. "No? Then why?" Dean asks curiously. "It was guilt. Angie's death was Matt's fault and he knew it" Neil informs them. This sent up red flags in their heads. "How was Matt responsible?" Y/N asks in confusion.
"She really loved that guy. But the night of the accident, she walked in on him with another girl" Neil tells them. Sams eyebrows raised at this is shock as Dean and Y/N listen on. "She was really torn up. That's why she crashed the car " Neil further adds. "Um, look, I gotta get ready for work. So thanks for the concern, but seriously. I'll be okay" He excuses himself, assuring them he'll be fine.
After Neil Walker back in. The trio made their way to the Impala. "Maybe it is a vengeful spirit and you can't feel it Y/N? I mean, hell hath no fury" Dean suggests. "Yeah, you could be right... but I don't know man" Y/N says not convinced. "What else could it possibly be?" Dean asks. Y/N shrugs, stumped. Still not sure how. "So, if Angela got her revenge on Matt, you guys think it's over?" Sam asks them.
"Well, there's one way to be sure" Dean says, opening the drivers side door. Y/N jumps in the back, allowing Sam to take shotgun as Dean hops in the drivers side. "What's that?" Sam asks. "Burn the bones" Dean says. "Burn the bones?" Sam and Y/N say shocked, in unison chuckling. "Are you high, Dean?" Y/N scoffs. Dean gives her a 'Maybe...' face, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Angela died last week" Sam emphasized. "So?" Dean scoffs defensively. "So there's not gonna be bones. There's gonna be a ripe, rotting body in a coffin" Y/N further emphasizes, cringing in disgust. "Since when are you two afraid to get dirty, huh?" Dean cocks his eyebrow at them. They look at him in distaste at he puts the Impala in drive, making their way to the cemetery.
Now nightfall, the three hunters are digging up Angela's grave. All grunting as they shovel out the dirt from the six feet deep hole. After hitting the coffin, Dean takes the flashlight along with Sam and flashes it over the fresh coffin. "Ladies first" Dean smirks at Y/N. She rolls her eyes, "Hold that" She shoves her shovel against his chest, Dean takes it as Y/N stoops down to open the top piece of the coffin.
Y/N grunts as she lifts it up, only to reveal and empty coffin. The lights from the boys flashlights shone, the three looking at each other in absolute astonishment. "They buried the body four days ago" Dean says, his eyes wide. "I don't get it" Sam says. "Me neither." Y/N sighed, her eyes then landed on a weird engraving on the inside of the coffin lid.
"Look, shine the light on the lid" She points to it, the boys do just that. All stopping down to take a proper look. "What is that?" Y/N asks. "I'm not sure" Sam says. "I've seen these kinds of symbols before" Dean says in recognition.
The sun has risen, after they got some sleep. The three hunters did their research and marched right over to Angela's fathers house, Dean pounded his fist harshly on the front doo. "Dean, take it easy. Okay?" Y/N pleads with him, he just huffs. Pounding on the door again, Sam and Y/N share a look of worry at Deans clear aggression. A couple seconds later, Angela's father opens the door.
"You're Angie's friends right?" Dr. Mason smiles at them. "Dr. Mason-" Sam goes to say but Dean cuts him off. "We need to talk" Dean says in a standoffish tone, his face stoic. Dr. Mason seems taken back by this, Sam and Y/N share his look. "Well, then. Come in" Dr. Mason invites them in. "Thanks" Y/N says kindly as they all walk in.
"You teach Ancient Greek. Tell me...what are these?" Dean says a bit angry, pulling out a drawing of the engravings on the coffin. Handing it to Dr. Mason. "I don't understand. You said this had something to do with Angela" He says confused. Sam and Y/N take in Dr. Masons body language, for someone they think did something so horrid. He sure seems innocent.
"It does. Please, just humor me" Dean says. Dr. Mason nods, then takes a look down at the paper. "They're part of an Ancient Greek divination ritual" He tells them. "Used for necromancy, right?" Dean narrows his eyes at Dr. Mason. "That's right" Dr. Mason nods, a bit confused by Deans hostility. "See, before we came over here, we stopped by the library and didn't a little homework ourselves" Dean begins smugly.
Sam and Y/N look between the two, "Apparently, they use rituals like this one for communicating with the dead. Even bringing corpses back to life, full on zombie action" Dean says. "Yeah, I mean. According to the legends." Dr. Mason says firmly, before handing the paper back to Dean. "Now, what's all this about?" He asks Dean.
"I think you know." Dean snatches the paper from his roughly. "Dean" Sam's tone is warning. "Look, I get it. Okay? There are people that I would give anything to see again. But what gives you the right" Dean says accusingly. "Dean!" Y/N pleads with him. "What are you talking about?" Dr. Mason gasps. "What's dead should stay dead!" Dean grunts angrily. "What?!" Dr. Mason gasps again.
"Stop it!" Sam and Y/N yell at Dean. "What you brought back isn't even your daughter anymore. These things are vicious. They're violent! They're so nasty, they rot the ground around em. I mean, come on, haven't you seen Pet Cemetery?!" Dean continues to lecture Dr. Mason angrily. Thoughts of his own family coming back to him, of Mary, John, F/N and M/N.
"You're insane" Dr. Mason grits his teeth at Dean, walking over to his table with his landline. "Where is she?" Dean turns to him, continuing to press on the subject. "Get out of my house!" Dr. Mason orders them fearfully, dialing in 911. But Dean snatches the phone from him, "I know you're hiding her somewhere. Where is she!?" Dean shouts, grabbing Dr. Mason by his collar but Sam and Y/N hold him back. "Dean, stop it!" Sam yells.
"That's enough! Dean look!" Y/N turns his face by his chin, using her pointer finger and thumb. "Beautiful, living plants!" She points out to the very much alive plants at the window. "We're leaving" Sam says calmly to Dr. Mason. "I'm calling the police" He growls at them. Dean snatches himself from Sam and Y/N roughly and marched to the door.
"Sir, we're sorry. We won't bother you again" Y/N says apologetically before walking out behind Sam. "What the hells the matter with you, Dean?!" Sam lectures his brother as they all walk towards the Impala. "Back off" Dean grunts. "That man is innocent. He didn't deserve that!" Y/N yells at him. "Okay, so she's not here. Maybe he's keeping her somewhere else" Dean suggests. "Stop it! That's enough, okay! Enough!" Sam snaps.
"Guys, I know what I'm doing!" Dean assured them. "No, you don't. At all!" Sam huffs as they walk down the sidewalk. Dean smirks at this, "Charming, I don't scare easy. But man, you're scaring the crap out of me right now!" Y/N adds, a twinge of fear in her voice. Deans smirk drops, stopping in his tracks. He scared her. That's the last thing he ever wanted.
"Don't be over dramatic, Princess" Dean says calmly. "You're scaring me too Dean!" Sam adds. "We're lucky this turnt out to be a real case. Because if it wasn't, you would've found something else to kill" Y/N gets up into his face. He's taken back by this, "Wha-" He goes to defend himself but she cuts him off. "You're on edge. You're erratic. Except for when you're hunting, because then you're downright scary" She points out the obvious problem.
"You're tailspinning man. And you refuse to talk about it, and you want let me help you" Sam adds frustrated. Dean nods, clench my his jaw, "I can take care of myself, thanks" He grunts, beginning to walk again. "No, you can't! You don't have to handle this on your own, neither do you y/n. No one can" Sam tries to reason with his brother.
"Sam, if you bring up Dad and F/N's deaths one more time-" Dean warns his brother, but y/n stops him. "Stop. Please Dean. I get it, okay? But it's killing you. It's killing all of us. Please" Y/N pleads with him, understanding his pain. He stops in his tracks to turn to his, a look of anguish on his face. "We've already lost Dad and then John. We've lost Mary and then mom" Y/N says calmly. "I've lost Jessica" Sam adds, tears welling up in his eyes.
Deans heart pangs at this, tears welling up in his eyes also. "We can't lose you too" Y/N says a bit pained at the thought of losing him or Sam. Dean huffs a bit, not wanting to talk about this anymore. "We better get out of here before the cops come." He dismisses the subject. Sam and Y/N's faces drop at his dismissal.
"I hear you guys, okay? Yeah, I'm being an ass. And I'm sorry." Dean admits, apologizing. "But right now, we got a fucking zombie running around. And we need to figure out how to kill it" He adds firmly. Sam let's out a humorless chuckle at his sentence, looking over at Y/N. "What?" She asks him confused. "Our lives are weird, man" Sam chuckles unamused.
"You're telling me" Y/N mutters to herself. "Come on" Dean ushers them to the Impala.
They're all back at the motel, looking for anything in the lore to kill a zombie. "We can't just waste it with a headshot?" Dean asks, pacing the room. "Dude, you've been watching way too many Romero flicks" Y/N scoffs, sat next to Sam in the bed, "So you're telling me there's no lord on how to smoke them?" Dean asks again, a bit frustrated. His hand on his hip as he paces the room.
Dean then walks over to the table and settles in one of the chairs. "No, Dean. We're telling you there's too much" Sam says, getting up to sit at the table with Dean. "I mean, there's a hundred different legends on the walking dead, but they all have different methods of killing them" He adds. "Some say setting them on fire." Y/N begins to list off, also getting up from the bed. She walks over to them, her eyes buried in the book.
"Others say- Where is is?...Right here, feeding their hearts to wild dogs." She scoffs, taking a seat across from the boys. "That's my personal favorite" Sam chuckles. "Mine is drenching them in virgin blood and pig intestines" She chuckles, rolling her eyes at the idiocy. "Who knows what's real and what's myth?" Sam says frustrated, banging the table with his fist. "Is there anything they all have in common?" Dean asks.
"No. But a few said silver might work" Y/N tells him, flipping through the book. "Silvers a start" Dean says hopefully. "Yeah, but how are we gonna find Angela?" Sam asks. "We gotta figure out the person who brought her back" Dean answers. "Any ideas?" Y/N asks them. Dean thinks for a second, "I think if it's not her dad, it might be that guy Neil" Dean says, then getting up from the table.
He walks over to his bed and grabs Angela's diary. "Neil?" Sam says unsure. "Yep" Dean answers. "How'd you come up with that?" Y/N cocks her eyebrow. "Well, you got your journal. I got mine" He smirks, flipping through Angela's diary. He begins to read aloud from it, "Neil's a real shoulder to cry on. He SO understands what I'm going through with Matt" Dean then snaps the book shut.
"There's more in here where that came from. He holds up the book. "That's got unrequited duckie love written all over it" Y/N agrees. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean he brought her back from the dead" Sam says unsure. "Hmm, did I mention he's Professor Masons TA. Has access to all the same books" Dean adds smugly. Y/N leans forward in her seat.
"Impressive" She mutters to herself. Dean smirks at her praise.
Nightfall came, they're now prying open the door to Neil's house. "Hello?" Dean calls out into the empty dark house. Sam gently shuts the door behind them. "Neil?!" Y/N calls out for Neil. "It's your grief counselors. We've come to hug" Dean says in an amused tone. Y/N holds back a snicker as Sam rolls his eyes. She then pulls out her gun from the back of her jeans.
"Silver bullets?" Sam asks. "Yeah, enough to make her rattle like a change purse" Y/N remarks wittily. The boys look around cautiously as they walk deeper into the house. Y/N draws her gun when Sam notices the dead plants. Drawing their attention to it. They stumble upon a locked door. Sam and Dean go on either side of it as Y/N stands in-front.
Aiming her gun dead-center, they all share a look. "Unless this is where he keeps his porn" Dean mutters. They shrug in respond. Sam then quickly picks the lock and Y/N runs in swiftly, aiming her gun down the stairs the door lead to. The boys follow her down the stairs steadily only to be lead into a basement with a cot on the ground. "Sure looks like a zombie pen to me" Y/N says.
"Yeah. An empty one" Sam agrees, looking around the basement. "Think Angela's going after somebody?" Sam asks them as Dean walks over to a tiny window with a wooden cover. He lightly touched it and it came hanging down on one side. "Nah, I think she went to rent beaches" He sarcastically remarked.
Y/N rolls her eyes at his untimely humor, "Look, smartass. She might kill someone" Sam snaps back. "We gotta find her fellas" Y/N urges. Dean nods and closes back the window, "Yeah" He sighs. "Alright, she uh, clipped Matt because he was cheating, right?" Dean began to think. "Yeah" Sam and Y/N answered. "Well, it takes two to, you know...have hardcore sex" He shrugs as Y/N shakes her head at his choice of words and Sam cringes.
A thought pops into y/n's head, "You know....it seemed that Angela's roommate was pretty broken up over Matt's death" Y/N suggests, giving Dean a knowing look. "Yeah, she was really broken up" He adds. Looking over at Sam who still seemed confused. "What do you- OH!" It took him a second but where they were coming from hit him like a truck.
The boys and I headed straight to Lindsey and Angela's house. The second we broke in, we saw Angela holding Lindsey by her neck with a sharp pair of scissors in her hand ready to stab her friend. I drew out my gun and pushed the boys behind me, aiming straight at her back since she was turnt away from me.
Shooting twice, the gunshots rung loudly throughout the dark house, Angela screamed in pain along with Lindsey, stumbling back. She turnt swiftly to me which resulted in me emptying my clip into her chest but she was still standing. Angela ran through the door so me and Dean ran behind her but she was already gone.
Same stayed behind to console Lindsey, "Damn, that dead chick can run" Dean mutters to Sam as we go back into the house, both of us out of breathe. "What now?" Sam asks panicked. "I saw we go have a little chat with Neil" I suggest.
Now driving to head over to the college, "So the silver bullets, they did something right?" Sam asks me. "Yeah, something. But not enough" I grumble. "What else you got?" Dean asks Sam. "Um..." Sam responds, opening the book we were reading from earlier. "Okay, besides silver, we have nailing the undead back into their grave beds. It's mentioned a few time. It's probably where the whole vampire-staking lore came from" He reads from the book, explains to us.
"Their grave beds? You serious?" Dean scoffs. "Yeah" Sam sighs nodding. "How the hell are we gonna get Angela back to the cemetery?" I ask frustrated, leaning back into the backseat.
We eventually made it to college, luckily, the door was unlocked. Neil was at his desk, his eye widen in fear when he saw up. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks us a bit fearfully and confused. Sam locked the door as Dean begun to speak, "You know, I've heard of some people doing some pretty desperate thing to get laid, but you..." Dean clicks his tongue, "You take the cake" Dean chuckles darkly as me and Sam glare at Neil.
"Okay, who are you guys?" Neil asks us shakily. "You might wanna ask Angela that question" I growl at him. "What?" He feigns confused, earning a disgusted scoff from Sam. "We know what you did" Sam narrows his eyes at him, shaking his head. "The ritual. Everything" Sam adds. Neil shakes his head chuckling, "Crazy" He scoffs.
This just adds to the fuel of rage I was feeling, "Your girlfriends past her expiration date, and we're crazy?" I lean down towards him, getting in his face. My tone unamused, "When someone gone, they should stay gone. You don't mess with that kind of stuff" Dean adds, his tone matching mine. "Angela killed Matt. She tried to kill Lindsey" Sam growls, his tone matching ours.
Neil forces a confused look still, "I don't know what you're talking about" He continues to deny it. Dean snapped and reached over his desk, pulling him over it by his collar, "Hey!" Neil yelps fearfully, "No more crap, Neil. His blood is on your hands!" Dean growls in his face. "Now, we can make this right, but you gotta tell us where she us" I say calmly, Neil doesn't answer so Dean shakes his roughly.
"Tell us!" He yells at Neil who's shaking with fear. "My house. She's at my house" Neil breathes out. Dean let's him go and nods, he goes turn to leave with us but I stop him because my eyes flickered over to the dead plants on Neil's desk. "You sure about that?" I grit my teeth at Neil, he nods shakily but I'm not convinced. Dean gives me a 'Wtf?' look so I using my eyes, I dart them towards the dead plants.
His face drops angrily, his eyes flickering over to the door. "Listen, it doesn't really matter where she is. There's only one way to stop her" Dean begins to lie, the both of us walking over towards Sam. "We've gotta perform another ritual over her grave. The reverse the one that you did" He continues to say. "We're gonna need some black weed, some scar root, some candles." I add, looking over at Sam who is beyond confused as to why we're lying.
I do the same thing I did with Dean, using my eyes to draw Sam's attention to the dead plants. His eyes widen but quickly reciprocates, "It's very complicated but it'll get the job done. She'll be dead again in a couple hours" Dean says. "I think you should come with us" I tell Neil. "No...no" Neil meekly says, shaking his head. "We're serious, Neil. Leave with us, right now" Dean says to him warningly but he still shakes his head. I lean in closer to whisper to Neil.
"Listen to me. Get out of here as soon as you can. But most of all, be cool. No sudden movements. Don't make her mad" I warn him, giving him a fake smile before turning to the boys. "Let's go" Dean says to us. While we were walking back to the Impala, I scoffed shaking my head. "Demons I get, but people are fucking crazy" I grumble, repeating Deans words from last year when Sam got kidnapped by those psycho hillbillies.
"Amen" Sam sighs in agreement as Dean put the impala in drive, backing out of the parking lot so we could head over to the cemetery. While on the way, the boys and I concocted a plan, hoping it'll work.
"You guys really think this is gonna work?" Sam asks us. We're all lighting candles around Angela's grave to do the 'ritual'. "No, not really" Dean admits. "But it was the only thing we could come up with" I add, lighting the candle. The rustling of some leaves not too far away caught our attention, our heads darted to the same direction. Closing up my lighter, Sam draws his gun from the back of his jeans.
Aiming it in the distance, heading towards the sound of the rustling. Me and Dean moved over behind some headstones to conceal ourselves. Not long after, the sound of a gunshot ringing out made me and Dean a bit startled. I drew out my gun along with him when we heard running towards us. We saw Sam running from Angela, who had a bullet wound in her forehead. Sam tripped when Angela caught up to him.
Grabbing him by his shoulder, straddling him from behind. She held his neck, ready to snap it so me and Dean took instant action and shot straight at her. Angela jump off of Sam, near the grave so we emptied our clips into her. The last shot she collected, landed her straight into her grave. Dean and I ran over in a bolt with Dean wielding the blade to nail her back in his hand.
Dean jumped into the grave, straddled and stabbed her without hesitation. "Wait don't!" Angela pleaded but soon fell dead again as Dean sunk the blade further into her. "What's dead should stay dead" Dean growls.
Morning came and the boys and I were just finished recovering Angelas grave. Patting the dirt with the back of our shovels. "Rest in peace" Sam mutters. "Yeah, for good this time, okay?" I add out of breath. I picked up the duffel bag from the ground and Dean took my shovel from me as Sam threw his over his shoulder.
"You know, the whole fake-ritual thing, luring Angela into the cemetery....pretty sharp you two came up with that so in sync on the spot" Sam compliments us, impressed. "Thanks" Dean smirks. "Yeah, appreciate it" I smile, "But did we have to use me as bait?" Sam chuckles. Me and Dean laugh along at this, "Figured you were more her type. She had pretty crappy taste in guys" Dean quipped back.
I bursted out laughing at this, "I think she broke my hand." Sam mutters in pain. "You're just too fragile" Dean jokes. "Don't worry Sammy, we'll get it looked at later" I pat his shoulder. Dean then turns to look at Mary's grave, a bit of anguish and pain in his eyes. My heart pained for him. Sam and I share a look at this, "You wanna stay for a while?" I ask him gently.
Dean took a second to answer but he said, "No" before turning back, the three of us make our way to Baby. Tossing our stuff into the trunk. Then jumping into our respective seats.
We were driving down the empty road, Dean with a clear look of frustration on his face. Sam and I chose not to say anything, not wanting to anger him further. He then suddenly stopped the car at the side of the road, getting out, he harshly slammed the door shut. Sam and I shared a look before getting out. Dean sat on the impalas hood, deep in thought, anguish etched over his face.
"Dean, what is it?" Sam asks concerned. "I'm sorry, guys" Dean says sincerely to us after a long pause. We're both taken back by this, "For what?" I ask a bit confused. "The way I've been acting." Dean sighs painfully, I then moved to take a seat next to him on the hood and Sam sat next to me, sandwiching me between the two of them,
"And for Dad" Dean adds, tears welling up in his pain stricken eyes. Our heads darted over to him, "He was your dad too. And it's my fault that he's gone" His head drops to his feet. "What are you talking about?" Sam shakes his head in disbelief. "I know you guys have been thinking it. So have I. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out" Dean mutters.
My gaze drops to my hands, "Back at the hospital, you know, full recovery. It was a miracle" He turned to us, "And five minutes later, Dad's dead and the Colt's gone" Dean continues. "Dean-" I try to assure him it's not his fault but he cuts me off.
"You can't tell me there's not a connection there. I don't know how the demon was involved. I don't know how the whole thing went down, exactly. But dads dead because of me, and he gave up the thing that f/n died getting to save me. That much I do know" Dean says solemnly, his hands stuffed in his jacket. My heart panged at the mention of my father.
"We don't know that. Not for sure" Sam tries to comfort him but Dean shakes his head, "Sam. You two, dad and f/n....you're the most important people in my life" Dean admits, a tears threatening to roll out of his eyes. My heart swelled at this, "And now, I never should've come back. It wasn't natural. And now look what come of it" Dean shakes his head.
"I was dead, and I should've stayed dead." Deans lip quivers, "You wanted to know how I was feeling. Well, that's it....so tell me" Dean looks over at us. "What could you possibly say to make that alright?" He sobs, his beautiful face now drenched. My breath hitched in my throat, a lump grew from seeing him so pained.
Sam couldn't answer and neither could I. Gently, I laid my head on his shoulder, linking my arm into his. Trying to comfort him, I clasped my hand into his. My thumb caressed his knuckles as he laid his cheek against the top of my head. The dampness from his tears soaking my hair and he shook, sobbing. We all sat there, mourning the loss of our fathers as we looked out into the mountains.
Authors Note: Surprise again!! I know it’s random but I thought it would be nice to do part of an episode in Deans POV for once, get a bit of his perspective lol. I was nervous to write in his POV mainly because I don’t think I could get into his head as good….you know?? Lol.
Anyways, does everyone like the new cover??? I made it myself and I’m so proud! Because I’ve never edited in my life🤣😭this took me TWO HOURS. That’s a lot for me because I’m very lazy XD. Hope you guys like it, I tried to let it match the theme of the first five seasons since I’m going to be splitting the series into three books on Wattpad, five seasons each because Wattpad only allows 200 chapters per book.
Besides the point, hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you so much for your support and note that this chapter is unedited.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19 @deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur
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terrestrialnoob · 5 months
I see a couple people talk about how they'd personally reboot Danny Phantom and make Sam "still vegan but less pushy about it", and that's not a good idea for several reasons.
1) You're passing up on a wonderful character arc that the show also squandered. You see, Stubbornness is only a character flaw when it hurts others, having Sam realize and come to terms with forcing her ideas onto others hurts them, is an important lesson, and an important skill, that should be passed on to an audience. Having her stubbornness have good outcomes and bad outcomes and learning the difference of when to be stubborn and when to find other ways to communicate your ideas is just good writing ( and much better than the "you should always try to find compromise" that's implied when you take a loud activist character and make them quieter; cause, you know, "the compromise between genocide and civil rights is murder").
2) In a culture where "ideal women" are quiet, obedient, and subservient, it is sexist to take a character that's already a loud female character make her quieter for your own comfort or personal preference. I'm not saying that you, person who wants Sam to be more likeable and less annoying, are sexist. I'm saying that the action of making a female character quieter and more willing to compromise her core beliefs is a sexist action. (It's not even on purpose, it's just the facts of the situation)
3) Having any character be "quietly" vegan is just unrealistic. In real life, there are two types of vegan. The kind that try to push veganism onto everyone else, and the kind that have to keep reminding everyone they're vegan because, "yeah, I'd love to hang out, but that place doesn't have any vegan options". And both types seem to be in your face pushy about it, because being vegan comes up as often as being hungry, even if you're not being an activist about it. (And people get kinda touchy even when just saying that you're vegan, because the implication is you've thought about the morality of the food you eat and have come to a conclusion about it, while they haven't thought about it and don't want to come to the conclusion that they've been doing something bad this entire time. It's a subconscious thing, just like point 2!)
4) And even when Sam is being an activist about it, how often is it an actual problem? How many people get hurt from her activism? There's the Lunch Lady incident, and that's it! That's the one time it's an actual problem. Sam might offhandedly suggesting Danny use his superpowers to save animals or destroy SUVs, as if those are bad things to do. She's just right 99% of time.
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loverwebs · 2 years
Still into You
Pairing: Peter Parker x Scarlet Witch!Reader
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Synopsis: You and Peter didn't end things on the best terms and wind up seeing each other again at an Avengers party.
Warnings: Angst, fighting & a tiny bit of suggestive themes
Word Count: 2,300
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Peter looked around, making his way into the tower, when his eyes landed on her. He felt his skin go hot and gave her a stiff wave, in an attempt to dissolve any tension. Too bad he failed miserably.
Encountering him was inevitable, Y/n knew that all too well. They were both Avengers, meaning it would happen eventually. But it didn't change the fact that she wanted nothing more than to disappear at the sight of him.
With an exasperated sigh, she trudged towards the back of the party and grabbed a drink from the stand.
After having met everyone else with a fond smile and the shake of a hand, he approached her timidly, then smirked to himself when she didn't walk away.
"You look good," he finally said.
"I'm very aware," she answered, taking a small sip from the plastic cup in her hand.
"New corset?"
"It is," she proudly looked down at it. "Made it myself, too. You know, without my powers."
The bitterness within her reply didn't go unnoticed by him, but he deserved it, is what he thought.
"Of course... How've you been, though?"
"Really great, actually. I've learned so much about work ethic with Cap," she gawked at him.
"That's good. Sam's a great teacher."
"Oh, he is!" She smiled tightly. "And a great friend, too. One who doesn't shame me for my abilities."
"That's not what that was at all." He said, recalling their breakup.
[ One Month Ago ]
Peter and Y/n's missions were very different. Since they weren't the same kinds of heroes, they often had to work separately. This time in particular, the Witch was recruited for an off-world mission, meanwhile the web-slinger had to infiltrate an illegal weapon exchange that was happening downtown.
It had been two weeks since they'd last seen each other. Those weeks were exhausting, to say the least. However, they'd been scheduled to arrive back the same day. Peter's mission was left incomplete as he wasn't able to retrieve certain weapons, but was still instructed to go back until further notice since it was no longer safe.
It wasn't a known fact to the girl since she didn't receive any reports from solo missions, but it left him in a sulky mood. And seeing as they'd planned this date in advance, he didn't want to cancel on her— despite being in the state he was in. Which was his first mistake.
"Hi, baby!" She greeted him sweetly, leaning in for a kiss.
"Hey," he said, shifting his head so she could only meet his cheek. She didn't think much of it, knowing they had the whole day to make up for lost time.
"How was the mission?" she asked as he settled himself across from her. She had chosen to meet at one of the wooden tables by the riverside of a park. Their favorite spot.
"I'd rather not talk about it. If that's okay," he sighed.
"That's more than okay," she nodded.
"I love the blinding table cover, though." He said dryly, gesturing towards the plastic. It was the silver kind, but with his heightened senses, he was sensitive to it under the shining sun.
"Oh, I forgot. Hang on." She said, changing the silver into a baby blue cloth with the flick of her wrist.
"I was in a rush when I bought it, but I can also make it green, yellow, red—"
"Okay, okay. Just stop." He tiredly said.
"Aren't you glad you have a girlfriend who can change things with her mind?" She joked, not having acknowledged his annoyance.
"It'd be nice if my girlfriend remembered I hate peppermint ice cream," he forced a smile. 
"Damnit. Okay, uhhh do you want chocolate or vanilla?" Her hands began glowing once more, "Strawberry?"
"Just do whatever you want."
"I'm asking you. You're the one who's gonna eat it." She said, acknowledging his attitude.
"Chocolate chip," he shrugged.
"Is Ben and Jerry's okay?" She asked, the bowl in front of him turning into a pint.
"Can you just…"
"I don't know...I just thought this would be a date with no magic," was all he said.
"What's wrong with magic?"
"Nothing! But it just seems to be your only solution to things lately. No offense."
"And that's wrong because...?"
"Because, you use them for every little thing. Unnecessarily, is what I'm trying to say."
"Yeah, well, that's kind of how it works," she laughed bitterly. "That's why I got this job. It's why I'm on this team."
"No, you're here because of your work ethic."
"Are you saying I'm not an ethical worker anymore?" She asked, tilting her head.
"That's— no. That's not what I'm saying at all."
"Okay? Then I don't understand what you want from me."
"Forget I said anything." He played with his spoon. "Can you just eat your Ice Cream?"
"I just— I don't understand why you're so upset."
"I mean, are you just gonna wave your hands around and call this a date?"
She raised her eyebrows at that, "What else do you want me to do? I'm the only one making the effort here."
"You're not though!"
"Peter, when was the last time you planned our dates? How come it's always me?"
"I've been on missions! You know that."
"So have I! That's no excuse!"
"In that case, why aren't you being more understanding?!"
"That's so funny coming from you." She laughed in disbelief. 
"Oh my God, this is the last thing I needed today." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "I really don't know how I thought we could make this work."
"What?" She asked sadly, the fatigued boy not yet realizing what he implied.
"It's just—"
"Are you breaking up with me or something?" She asked, biting her tongue out of fear. 
"I don't know!"
"You don't know if you're breaking up with me?!"
He stayed still, quietly assessing the situation, and avoided looking at her, knowing he was way too defeated to say more. Little did he know, his silence did more damage.
"Holy shit, you are." She stood up with glossy eyes, collecting her belongings.
"We're both just really busy lately and being together isn't helping—" 
"And you're just not gonna try anymore?" She asked helplessly, but was met with more silence.
"Wow," she said weakly. "You could have done this weeks ago, you know that?"
"Hang on, Y/n/n. I don't even— I wasn't trying to be mean—"
"Fuck off, Peter."
[ Present Time ]
Before either of them could say anything else, Bruce walked towards the front of the room, the microphone in his hands looking tiny in his firm grip. "Hey, everybody." He started, pausing briefly when it made a loud hiss.
"You might notice that there's a few robots walking around...the ones taking your plates, drinks, and all that. Just so you know, I designed them myself." He smiled, earning a small applause.
"Now, I've tested them. And their main goal is to help repair cities after any destruction we may cause while fighting. These guys will be cleaning up towns and rescuing civilians in no time. But they're starting off small tonight by helping us clean the tables and floors— because I know how lazy you all get after too many drinks." He joked.
His next words were barely audible when one of the robots crashed through a window, shooting recklessly from its hands along the way, which caused the rest of the machines to do the same.
"Oh my God!" Kate screamed, launching herself over a table.
The team immediately did what they could, covering their family members and safely escorting them out of the building.
Peter didn't have his suit on but began webbing them, in an attempt to pull them apart and used his strength to throw their metallic pieces against each other.
It was going well, when a multitude began surrounding him, starting to shoot at him. He dodged them as best as he could until one began to glow. A huge beam grew from its chest as it prepared to blast the boy.
Before it could happen, Y/n quickly landed by his side, creating a red field around him with her powers and held her hands up so their shooting would stop.
"There's so many of them!" Peter yelled.
She rolled her eyes at his commentary, "Really? I didn't realize!"
Stressfully, she decapitated the bots ahead of her, causing them to collapse onto the ground.
"Fuck, I forgot you could do that," he gulped, utterly dumbfounded. "It's been a while since we've worked together."
"Whose fault is that?!"
"I'm sorry!" He panted. "I really am! I tried calling—"
"We're not doing this here," she said while lifting the machines into the air, adding pressure so that they'd dent into themselves. "Also, I saved your ass. That doesn't mean we're working together."
"What do you mean? I had them!" Peter replied, swinging a bot against another.
"Yeah! You totally weren't being shot at!"
"Will you two focus?!" Sam landed between the pair.
"I am focused! Look at those bitches," said the girl, motioning towards the broken pieces in front of her. "That was all me!"
"Damn, nice job," he high-fived her. "Okay, on my signal I'm gonna need you to go left. Guard that entrance." He pointed at the door Kate and Bucky were running towards.
"Got it, Cap." She nodded.
"Peter and I will go right. They're already on their way to disconnect the power from Bruce's lab. That's all we have to do in order for them to shut down."
"What if that doesn't work?" Y/n asked.
"It will work. Their only source of energy is the power coming from the lab." He explained.
"Okay," she gave him an unconvinced look.
"Alright...now!" instructed Sam.
"Y/n/n, be careful," said Peter.
"You too, Petey," she replied, then grimaced in realization that her old nickname for him slipped out.
The three heroes were in their rightful positions ensuring that the robots wouldn't escape or get through to the lab. After minutes that felt like hours, the majority of the robots suddenly dropped to the floor. Some continued to leisurely move around, despite not having an energy source, but were immediately handled by the group since there weren't as many left.
It was a relief that no one was seriously injured, but the team consistently trained for unexpected moments like these and seemed to show remarkable growth.
"I'll go turn the power back on so that they can help us clean," Bruce chuckled, earning a pointed look from the team.
"That was a bad joke. Sorry."
- x -
The compound was as clean as it could be by the time it was midnight. Most of the heroes were either in their rooms or went back to their families for the weekend. But Peter wasn't able to sleep, so he headed to the kitchen.
"Hi," he said sheepishly, noticing Y/n was there too.
"Hey," she glanced at him.
"Um, are you okay? I didn't get a chance to ask back there."
"I'm fine."
"Okay, well, thanks for your help. I owe you one," he toyed with the string of his pajama pants.
"Don't worry about it. You'd do the same for me."
"Yeah," he mumbled. "Listen, Y/n. I wanted to apologize for—"
"You don't have to," she said, shifting uncomfortably.
"Yeah, I do." He replied shamefully. "I shouldn't have gotten on you for using your powers that day. It was stupid of me…and my anger wasn't even related to what you were doing. I was really tired and I totally took out my frustration from the mission on you. It wasn't fair."
"That's true, but you weren't wrong about me using my powers for everything." She admitted. "I definitely could have put in more effort. You're worth all the time in the world.. I didn't do my best at making you see that."
"Your powers aren't the issue, sweetheart. You're the coolest, most strategic girl I know. You tried your best with me and I was being unreasonable because I was in a shitty mood. You didn't deserve that."
"You're sure?" she asked skeptically. "What you said that day wasn't already building up?"
"I'm sure. I know I hurt you, but if you let me, I promise I'll do better. It's not gonna be easy when it comes to us, but I'm not ready to give up. I'm sorry that I made it seem like I was."
"I appreciate that," she smiled coyly. "I don't wanna give up either."
"And I do have a few ideas for future dates...if you're interested," he approached her slowly.
"That doesn't sound bad."
"So, are we okay?" He asked hopefully, resting his arms on either side of the wall she was leaning on.
"Let me think about it," she said, tilting his chin with her fingers so his lips could meet hers. He gratefully accepted, trying his best not to smile into the kiss.
It was slow and passionate, both of them savoring every second of each other after not having done so in over a month.
Without breaking the kiss, she switched their positions so that his back was against the wall. He kept his hands on her waist as she placed slow and steady kisses down his neck that left him breathless.
She smiled at the little sounds he made when she lightly nipped at his sensitive skin. He was always so easy. 
"I really missed this." He panted, cupping her face to plant kisses on her jaw.
"I can tell," she tugged at his hair. They made out for a little longer until she broke the heated kiss, which made a loud smack.
"Wanna take this to my room?"
"God, yes," he responded eagerly.
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lychello · 7 months
Hi, I hope you're having a good day!
Would you write a fluff fic with Dean needing comfort from his bf after a bad hunt? Dean just being clingy and wanting affection and love.
the confinement of a hunter | d. winchester
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pairing : dean winchester x hunter male reader
wc : roughly 900
a/n : hii anon thank you :3 i am having a great day so far i'm just trying to force myself out of writers block LMFAOOOO you're a great deal of help in that aspect
content warnings : fluff/angst, comfort, mentions of death and blacking out
The door to the bunker opens with a heavy noise that reverberates off the concrete surroundings, breaking the silence of the cavern. Dean walks in—and Sam and Cas aren't with him.
You glance your head up, but only for a brief second, not enough to look at him; you knew who it was by his footsteps anyway. "Oh, Dean, I bought you some stout, it's on the table. I noticed we were out again, have you been—" Your voice trails off when you glance back up, only this time your gaze lingers and you notice the heavy expression sink further from his face. "Dean, sweetheart, what's..."
He stumbles down the stairs, almost having to pull his own weight—if you didn't know any better you'd presume he was about to collapse. He sighs dismissively, "I don't know."
There's a short moment of silence before you speak up again. "Where's Cas, and Sam? I'd assume they were with you."
"They're out."
"I don't know. They're out at a... reading convension or something stupid like Sam always suggests."
Dean's voice raises slightly but there's an unusually tired edge to it. You go to bring it up but you're cut off when he collapses in your arms, digging his head deep into your chest. The first sign was his offhand behaviour; the second, this; the third, and most important, was the fact that he ignored the alcohol sitting visibly on the table.
You adjust how you're sitting, letting him rest more comfortably on your lap. Your breathing is getting less steady as you process just how likely something is wrong. "...Talk about it with me. Please."
When you notice he isn't listening, or much rather he was, just ignoring you, you raise your palm to his chin, lifting it up to meet your eyes full of concern. "Dean, talk to me."
He turns in your arms. "I don't... I couldn't save her." He mumbles.
You stay silent. He forces himself to sound composed, but you know his emotional suppression is coming into play. He feels you sigh deeply and looks up from your chest, clinging his arms around your waist. "What?"
"You know that I love you, right?" You say with a tender tone to your voice. You drag your hands through his hair softly, every inch of your fingertips lightly brushing his natural curls.
"I know."
"And you know that you can tell me anything. Right?"
"...I know."
"Dean... please—what happened?"
There's a few more beats before he speaks up. "I can deal with vamps, you know? They're easy to take on, easy for me—but there was this one moment where I just... blacked out. I blacked out, and it killed her."
You make sure to keep your voice soft, "I take it they don't know? Sam and Castiel?"
Dean laughs under his breath but it's clear it's ingenuine. "I didn't want to tell them I was on the mission to begin with. Why in hell's name would I tell them I killed a girl?"
"You didn't kill her, sweetheart, and deep down you know that." Your voice aches with sturdiness but the gentle tone doesn't let down, "how is it that no matter how harsh the world burns you, you always find ways to blame yourself for it being on fire?"
You feel his breath slow down quite a bit at your words, a heavy contrast to a few seconds ago where it was quick and unsteady. Dean's face falls back into your chest, nudging his head more into your freshly-washed shirt. He speaks again but his voice cracks, "I've lost so many people. Imagine how her family feels, her mother, her sister... she was innocent. That was an innocent girl."
"Time will forgive you, he knows you can't save everyone."
You run your fingertips down his left cheek, palming at his face. "You always wind up in these situations, don't you, Deano...?" You whisper lovingly, still stroking through his hair with your other hand. "Don't you worry, though... I'll be here for you. You know that, don't you? I'm here."
The bunker is empty and free of noise except for the static of voices on the TV. No matter how much you seem to focus on the show, your eyes are always drawn back to the man in front of you.
"You're beautiful."
Dean laughs into your clothing before grinning up at you. "Can't get enough of this face, huh?"
You laugh with him under your breath before dragging his face forward with one palm and kissing him gently. "Don't think I could ever get enough."
The man below melts into your kiss, clinging at your sleeves, kissing back just as tenderly, just as full as hope as the last.
You chuckle as you pull away and go to move so you can get up. "Do ya want a beer—huh?" You feel your eyebrows furrow as Dean clings to your waist despite stuck in an uncomfortable position.
His voice is mixed between fatigue and longing, "Don't get up. Not yet—just... stay here."
Your eyes widen as you burst out into a mocking grin, "No beer for the Dean Winchester? Holy shit, I must be dreaming."
Dean shoots you a glare, but you don't move. You stay put—and this clingness may not wear off any time soon, or, at least until the others get back.
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nym-wibbly · 1 month
You think endverse Cas was really human? I mean was he a reliable narrator in that script or doing this whole performance to hide himself in plain sight while being more than human less than angel?
Good question! I didn't come away from that ep believing he was fully human, personally - his ability to both instantly spot time-travel!Dean and effortlessly identify what must've happened to him speaks to that. His senses aren't fully human, maybe - at the very least, he retains a mind free from the confabulation and confusion that humans can't avoid when perceiving the world. He sees - and trusts - exactly what's actually there in front of him when the 'wrong' Dean walks in. No hesitation or bewilderment because his brain's telling him two different things - just a few pertinent followup questions to get the context of Dean's time travelling. He still has the uncomplicated, uncomfortable clarity and directness of angel!Cas.
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It says a lot that this timeline's Cas describes being human as a step down. Endverse!Cas equates his relative lack of power with becoming human, but losing his angel powers isn't enough to leave him fully human, I don't think. Mortal, maybe, and functionally diminished as a warrior, but not human. It's like he's using it as a catchall word for his fall from grace, and as a derogatory label for his own limited capacity to make a difference in their fight. I don't think he thinks less of humanity than he did before, but he thinks a lot less of himself. Not because he's human, or humanlike, but because he's failed.
I'd suggest that Endverse!Cas's ability to function as an ally who Dean can tolerate (or even allow to live) means that he's less affected by the substance abuse than a human would be. I can't see that version of Dean tolerating any liability in his ranks, let alone in the leadership tier. Maybe Cas walks a thin line with it, always a misstep away from Dean having to take decisive action about him, but he seemed ultra-competent, and trusted, for a guy mixing uppers, downers, and probably sideways-ers, with apocalyptic stress levels and the loss of his very identity.
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I do think hiding in plain sight could be a really big part of what we saw from Endverse!Cas. Hiding from himself as much as anything else. Hiding what? Despair, I think. We see hints of that same bitterness and acting-out in regular Cas later in S5, when he thinks that Dean's about to surrender to Michael; that his faith has been (once again) misplaced and the fight is lost. Cas needs something to believe in and fight for because that's how he's made. He takes failure very hard and very personally. There's something defensive about Endverse!Cas, prickly and difficult, even when he's smiling and appears body-comfortable. That easy geniality vibrates with an edge of, "Just try me", like a neon warning sign. I doubt anyone but Dean ever gets the opportunity to see past it.
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The End is such a brilliant script, such a well-made episode that it feels like a complete 'verse, but there are so many unanswered questions about how the characters ended up where that story found them. It's a headcanon and fanfiction goldmine because it's so sparing, and I love it. (But I'd just about kill for a Camp Chitaqua or Sam-as-Lucifer spinoff serial to tell me much, much more about it.)
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
Hey! I've read some of your works and I gotta say I love your writing! I was wondering if you still write for Mafia?? I'd love some headcannons with Vito, Joe, Tommy, Sam and Paulie with a S/O who has ADHD? Or a sort of Hyperactivity? Thank you sm!!
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A/N: Aww thank you so much! Of course I don’t minddddd but I don’t have much to write about Joe at the moment.
Warnings: I do not have ADHD so please note that my knowledge comes from the internet. If anything is a bit off, please respectfully let me know and I will have no problem altering something for you. :) I don’t mind writing these things as long as this can be an understanding environment.
Requests: always open
He doesn’t really mind it much at all. Tommy puts up with Paulie all day, you’re a piece of cake in comparison.
He’s a more mellow and mature guy, he’s probably not going to be able to keep up with you as much but he loves you.
Tommy is great at redirecting you when you’re struggling to complete tasks or just forgetting about things.
He’d definitely leave behind small notes and reminders of things, and I can see him making time out of his day to check on you.
Actually just in general he’s great at helping you become more organized and productive throughout your day
Please—if you are a risk taker…stop😩 jk jk
But like this man is stressed out when you do dangerous things without any regard for your personal safety
Your excitedness is rather adorable to him, I can only see him becoming a bit frustrated if he is overwhelmed with things in his life. But he’s never viscous and will politely suggest you sit down with him.
Any hyperfixations you may have and want to rave about, go ahead. Actually he will sometimes surprise you with more of that item(s) when he comes home.I Imagine him sitting on the couch with a cigarette, watching you open up the gift from him. He’s so proud
Sometimes feels a bit bad when you’re super bored of everything. He doesn’t always have the energy or knowledge to keep you entertained and engaged.
If he finds you becoming increasingly more anxious or fidgety about things, he will try his best to comfort you.
“Look what I got you on my way home. You said that you love these things, right?”
AD-who? He doesn’t really understand it but he still loves you.
Doesn’t mind your hyperactiveness *that* much because he’s used to the younger guys on the job…but he has a bit less patience than Tommy.
Definitely a little more blunt when he’s getting a little annoyed with your behaviors but it’s not meant to shame you. It’s just Sam.
*panicks in public because he lost you in the busy city of Chicago*
If you take medication i can imagine him reminding you of it. If you dislike taking meds, he’ll try to make it bearable for you. Crushing up the pills for you and offering you a sweet kiss in exchange for your compliance.
He knows how much it sucks. Sam would gift you a very beautiful pill case so maybe you’ll be a bit more excited about the whole process.
Sam pretends he hates how much you talk about your hyperfixations but then turns around and tells the guys all about it.
Financial impulsiveness doesn’t bother him too much if it’s on some nack that’ll make you happy for a little while. But you should be mindful of making huge purchases and decisions without his guidance
If your AD-HD causes you to struggle with reading comprehension, complex subjects and other things, he’ll never belittle you. He might poke a little bit but ultimately, it’s sweet how vulnerable you are with him and how you go to him with help.
I don’t think he’s the best at handling mood swings or anxiety attacks but he will always offer his presence when available. He’s learned how to better engage in aggressive episodes and to try his best to de-escalate.
He usually will tell you stories about his funny adventures or just simply hold your hand while you’re anxious.
“Don’t worry about it, Doll. You can hold onto me if you need.”
Best boi ™️
In all seriousness I think he’s pretty great at handling things with you. He’s not judgmental of your behaviors in the slightest.
He lives to hear all about your interests and rants, it makes him so happy to see you this excited about something. He’s the most engaging with it too.
Even though he’s older, he likes to move around and is very young at heart. So if you struggle with sitting still, it’s okay so does he. Whatever you want to do, he’s down for.
Maybe not the best at handling the more productive things like time management but
Your impulsive behaviors aren’t too bad. it’s okay he makes plenty of these mistakes.. he’ll try his best to fix them with you. If you struggle with speaking over him/cutting him off a lot, he’ll probably let you know and remind you that he likes to finish his thoughts first.
If you have no sense of danger this man is keeping a close eye on you. why are you walking in the middle of the busy street like that and then saying it’s fine because you’ve never been hit before. Please—😭😭SAVE THIS POOR MAN
Depression and mood swings are all too familiar with him. While he completely understands, it does make him sad to hear that his baby is going through the same thing as him. He might worry that it’s because you’re not happy with him, but after explaining he will understand it better.
He’ll try his absolute best to cheer you up! He’s not above making a complete full out of himself to just make you smile.
He hates making you take medication so he’s so lax about it but if he sees a decline in your overall health, he’ll enforce it better.
“I know, it really sucks baby. But you have to take it, it’ll help with things a little bit. I promise you, I’ll make it up to you.”
You being hyperactive isn’t usually too bad but he might be a peeved at times. He isn’t very energetic despite his young age, he’s a tired guy. So he’s not always able to keep up with you
Vito likes to set aside specific times for your rants/raves. He prefers it if you don’t immediately bombard him with everything as soon as he walks through the door but after dinner he’ll sit down to listen or play with you. On weekends he’ll take scrolls with you or go out to fun places so you can get some of that energy out.
I like to think he carries around little trinkets in his pockets and pulls them out to give you something to fidget with if you’re becoming overwhelmed.
Vito is great at offering you a routine and structure throughout your daily life. One of the perks of being ex-military.
He’s also fairly good at talking you out of impulsive behaviors and dealing with any agitated feelings.
Very stern about you putting yourself in danger and is constantly reminding you to take care of yourself while he’s gone.
He takes care of financial matters and planning for you. He understands that you struggle with these things so he takes the reins.
I headcanon that Vito takes medication for his medical issues caused by his time serving. It’s something very private that he doesn’t discuss with anyone but when he sees you stressed over taking them, he now will take his medication with you. Just to make you feel better and it’s now become an intimate experience.
He also keeps you out of triggering environments and situations, he won’t take you to any events where you’ll have trouble sitting for long periods of time. Vito is never embarrassed by you so don’t worry about that, he just wants to prioritize your needs first. If anyone does say anything disparaging about your behaviors and excessive talking, they’ve made a date with death. He’s very protective over you.
“Don’t ever speak about her like that ever again. She can talk about whatever the hell she wants for however long that she wants. —and if you still got a problem about it, you’ll take it up with me outside.”
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 1 month
TMAGP 26 Thoughts: Sam is awkward. Celia is hot.
Yet another guest writer episodes and this time it's Muna Hussen. She' co-creator and producer on The Silt Verses, and produced and acted in I Am In Eskew. The Silt Verses is a show I can wholeheartedly suggest giving a listen. It's great in just about every way a thing can be. I might leave a pitch for it as an addendum. I Am In Eskew is in the forever pile of things I may one day get to. It's a really well written episode too, I liked this one a lot. It is, unfortunately, another pretty explicit one so I don't expect to have a load to say, but that's not the same as it being bad.
Spoilers for episode 26 below the cut.
Celia and Sam's conversation doesn't have a load of note in it. Yes, they're going to meet Helen but that's for later. The important detail here is how Celia categorises her incidents. Which she does with the least effort imaginable. She's not had any misfiles yet which tells me that either those no longer happen or you just need to get it in the right Section. But more importantly than that it's also a good look at just how little she cares about the job. We've all known she's had ulterior motives from her introduction but it's nice to see ways that is reflected.
Much like the last incident there isn't too too much to rip into for what I talk about. I'm not sure the themes of this one speak to any greater connection and the characters are all new as far as I know. Which only really leaves one detail to talk about. The Archivist or, rather, *an *Archivist as that's the more interesting detail. The Archivist here didn't really do much we've not seen before. The forced running isn't to dissimilar to the forced drowning and Jarrod did seem to be mumbling in classic fashion. No statement to be heard as such but that might just be because of the framing. However, unlike previous run ins with an Archivist they're very much aware that they're not the only one. Whether this leads to something more grand or not is hard to say but it's an interesting detail.
Alice is finally up to episode 11 with the plot. More seriously it's nice to see her piecing things together now. I do wonder if that was Chester's point or not. Gwen was a little weird in this interaction IMO. Alice and Gwen shared a fairly major revelation together, that this ties into, but she seems to have distanced herself a lot from that emotionally already. Which isn't out of character but does come a little fast.
Helen is *very *Helen here. I think of all the returning characters she might have changed the least. At least from where she started. It's lovely to see her back, although I do wonder if maybe they're leaning on these characters a little too much at this stage. It's hard to know if this is one-off fanservice or the way of things going forward. I hope it's the latter because the less of the old cast we get the more of the new cast we'll see. There isn't a huge amount to say here but its good to see them getting more information about the Institute. Also, unfortunately Helen is still a tory. Categorically disproving the "these characters are now living their best life" theory. It's all still hell. I'd also include the transcripts note for the laugh but that's a TMA spoiler and probably one person hasn't seen that show. Besides if you know, you know.
Sam and Celia finally fucked. Good for them. Well, bad for them if TMA is anything to go off for couples in this setting. But, y'know.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 4463 is pretty normal for this, I think. No major surprises.
CAT# Theory: 1 is a 1. I'll maybe try to write an essay on this before the season ends. No prommies tho.
R# Theory: BC seems about right.
Header talk: Exhaustion (Athletic) -/- Compulsion (Tape). Also very very normal.
I guess I will write that addendum then.
Addendum: Go listen to The Silt Verses.
It's a horror audio drama that's more or less a world where the modern religious landscape is a polytheistic one, with fabricated corporate gods putting pressure on local ones, outlawed religions, and all sorts of fun stuff. But it's a world where religions, fabricated or otherwise, are also powerful and gods do exist and perform miracles. It follows two worshippers of the Trawler Man, and outlawed god, on their pilgrimage up its great black river. As you might expect things don't go smoothly and soon enough there's a man hunt, run ins with cults stranger than theirs, and all sorts of revelations.
The world building is a real high light too. It's just the right level of "this world is horrific yet treated as mundane". It's worth listening just to see how that's all built on.
I rate it a strong prisoners-buried-alive-in-the-foundations-of-new-construction-projects-to-bless-them/10.
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tryingtograspctrl · 2 months
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SUMMARY: You move from your small town in Louisiana all the way to New york and land yourself a job as the Avenger's personal chef, just when you think you've built a life outside of your sister she finds her way in again and manages to turn your world upside down.
Warning: Mentions of lying and manipulation, mentions of financial issues and suggestive sexual themes.
Parts one, two and three
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Waves splashed over your feet as you sat at the edge of the beach hands sinking into the warm sand.
Today marked your third week in Florida, you didn't anticipate staying this long but you weren't ready to face your problems just yet.
You always loved the family vacations on the Florida beaches as a little girl and you made a promise to yourself that you'd visit them again someday.
Everyone blew up your phone on a daily basis with calls and texts explaining how much they missed you and that they couldn't wait for you to come home.
You missed all of them too and decided that this week would be your last before you came back.
Sam had been contacting you too but you couldn't bring yourself to respond, to pretend that everything was fine with him, that you weren't hurt by what you saw that night.
Images of him and your sister flashed in your mind constantly and you spent so many nights crying yourself to sleep because of it.
You still couldn't figure out why he'd let it happen, why he'd string you along.
You were sitting in your hotel room, freshly showered scrolling on your phone when you got a call from an unknown number.
You usually didn't answer call from unknown numbers but something in your gut told you that you might want to take this one.
"Hello y/n?" A voice spoke from the other side of the phone.
"Yes? who's this?" You sat up.
"It's Amelia, from highschool. I was going through my old stuff when i found your number and decided i'd call, i'm glad it hasn't changed." Amelia explained.
"Amelia! It's been a long time how have you been?" You chirped.
"I've been doing great, on baby number three with my husband and this will definitely be my last." She muttered.
"That's great to hear, god how long has it been since we saw each other?" You tried to do the mental math.
"A long time." She laughed.
"I see you're quite the big shot now, shacking up with the Avengers, you've really outdone us all." She teased.
"Stop it, i'm still the same old girl who talked your ear off in the back of Mrs William's science class all those years ago, i just happen to be friends with some well known people now." You laughed.
"You are one lucky lady, i know people that would kill to be in your position right now, hell i would." She joked.
The two of you talked for hours just catching up on all the lost time and reminiscing on old memories when she brought up something that made your blood run cold.
"I was so shocked to hear that you and your sister had sold the house." She said.
"Oh no Amelia we didn't sell it, it was foreclosed on sadly." You corrected her.
"No I'm pretty sure it was sold, there was a for sale sign out in the front yard for a while before that new family moved in." She explained.
"W-what?!" You were in disbelief.
"Wait you didn't know about this?" She asked just as shocked as you were.
"Amelia let me call you back." You quickly hung up the phone.
You began scouring the internet for any information you could find on your home. You didn't know why you didn't think to do this sooner, you just trusted that your sister was telling the truth not taking a look for yourself. 
It didn't take you long to find it, sold written in big bold letters just beneath the pictures of your family home.
You decided right then and there that your vacation had come to an end, your sister had some explaining to do.
Time skip, back at the tower
You dragged your last bag into the lobby with the help of security, a heaviness weighing on your chest as you approached the elevator.
You had been distraught your whole flight, a mixture of anger heartbreak and betrayal swarming inside you, you had thought of everything you wanted to say to your sister the entire drive to the tower but the words that bounced around your mind still didn't seem like enough to convey the hurt you felt.
"Miss y/n is gonna need some help with her bags." Jarvis spoke just before the elevator could open.
Everyone stood up quickly and as you stepped out you were smothered in a hug.
"Nat, natasha i can't breathe." Your voice strained.
"I should cut off your air supply completely for staying gone so long." She laughed letting you go.
Steve picked you up spinning you around in excitement.
"We're so glad to have you back doll." He smiled brightly placing your feet on flat ground again.
The sound of heels clicking against the floor upstairs reminded you of why you came back in the first place.
"JANET!" You screamed making your way toward the staircase.
"What? what? is there a fire or something?" She rushed down.
"No but there's about to be, what the hell is this?" You threw your phone at her.
"They sold the house?!" She faked surprise, walking toward the kitchen tapping on the screen.
"I don't have time for the games Janet, did you sell the house?" You asked staring daggers at her.
"Yeah." She shrugged, not caring to pretend anymore.
"Yeah? That's all you have to say?!" You looked at her dumbfounded.
"What the hell do you want me to say y/n? God! I sold it, i sold the damn house! Is that so wrong, you weren't there and it was just as much mine as it was yours and i wanted to move on!" She yelled getting angry.
"Move on? Our mom and dad worked their asses off to get us that house and their dying wish was for us to keep it in the family, so that one day we could pass it down to our kids and they could pass it down to theirs! Do you not see the problem here?" You got louder.
"Stop acting like you're so innocent, you abandoned that house long before i sold it. You didn't seem too concerned about it when you started living this cushy lifestyle in this huge tower surrounded by sex symbols. Don't act like you give a damn about mom and dad's wishes all you care about is yourself." She spat.
"Don't project your inner feelings about yourself onto me, come on who's really selfish here? The entire reason you're here is a lie. You didn't come here because you needed help and you wanted to make amends with me, you came here because you couldn't stand to see me living a happy life outside of you. You wanted to take everything i built here right from under me, admit it." You voice was quiet now.
"And so what if i did? You left me high and dry back home while you pranced around New york like a princess. You didn't call me, not once, didn't check in to see how i was doing, if i needed anything, nothing from you for three years straight. You don't know what hell i went through." She played victim.
"And you think my life was just a bed of roses before i came here? I was living in a rat infested apartment that was the size of a shoebox, eating crumbs for breakfast lunch and dinner, busting my ass everyday to keep my head above water, a phone works both ways, you never called either and you damn sure weren't complaining when i wired you money every month to keep our house. Or did you already sell it by then and just pocket the money?" You tilted your head in question.
"Whatever i don't have to stay here and take this shit from you." She threw your phone across the kitchen counter.
"You're absolutely right, you don't. Pack your things and get the hell out of here." You crossed your arms.
"What?! You can't kick me out, you don't own this place!" She narrowed her eyes at you.
"You're right, but if it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be here. Get out before i have security come and escort you out, and trust me they won't be as nice as i'm being." You ordered.
She looked over at Tony and the rest of the team, hoping someone would speak up on her behalf.
"You heard her, scram." Tony glared.
She stomped her foot like a child before rushing back upstairs to pack her things.
Your shoulders drooped and you sucked in a deep breath, hanging your head low.
"That was kind of hot, the way you stood up for yourself." Natasha threw an arm around your shoulder smirking at you.
You laughed smiling at her.
"I'm glad she's gone, i know barn animals with better manners." Tony huffed pulling you into a hug.
Everyone patted you on the back and gave words of encouragement before heading off to their respective rooms, exhausted from all the commotion.
The next day
You woke up earlier than usual that morning and decided to treat everyone to a big breakfast, it's the least you could do after the events of yesterday.
"Wanna tell me why you've been avoiding me?" Sam asked stepping into the kitchen, just coming back from a run.
You looked up and your breath caught in your throat, he was shirtless sweat dripping from his chest all the way down to his torso. Sweatpants hung loosely on his hips showing the brim of his boxers.
You cleared your throat averting your eyes to the eggs you were currently scrambling.
"Wanna tell me why you were kissing my sister?" You asked boldly.
"I see.. that's what this is about." He scoffed moving closer toward you.
"I didn't kiss your sister y/n, she kissed me and i pushed her away." He explained.
"You really expect me to believe that? I saw it with my own two eyes Sam." You choked up fighting back tears.
"Clearly you didn't see enough, Jarvis pull up the security cam footage from that night." Sam commanded the robot.
A screen appeared in front of you, a clear view of your sister's room.
You didn't hear what they were saying but you could see that Sam was uncomfortable, swatting her wandering hands away and taking several steps back from her.
She only got closer and that's when you passed by before backing up. Her eyes met yours and that's when they kissed.
You looked away from the screen for a split second, frowning before Sam lifted your chin, directing your face back toward the video.
You watched as he shoved her off wiping his mouth in disgust and storming out of the room.
Your eyes widened and suddenly you felt like an asshole for acting the way that you did.
"Oh." You scratched your head, slightly embarrassed.
"I was never interested in your sister and i damn sure wouldn't have willingly kissed her. In fact i've been thinking about kissing someone else for quite some time now." He stepped closer to you.
"Who?" You whispered breathlessly.
He grabbed your chef coat, yanking you toward him, smashing his lips against yours.
His hands trailed down your sides settling at your waist and yours were planted on his damp chest.
As the kiss began to get heated he tapped your legs, signaling for you to jump. You obliged wrapping them around his waist and he walked the two of you toward the dining table sitting you on it.
"If you guys are gonna have sex i'd really prefer that you didn't do it in my kitchen, i'll never be able to eat another meal in this place again." Tony shuddered standing in the doorway, coffee cup in hand.
You buried you head in Sam's chest, groaning in embarrassment as he just laughed.
"You heard the man, let's take this someplace else." He smirked, lifting you again and running up the stairs.
A/N - That's a wrap for Glass guys! Ahhhhh i had so much fun writing this and i can't wait to see you guys reactions. I hope the ending was satisfactory. Love youuuu and i hope you stick around to see more of my work. 🌻
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Heyo, just saw your post about the mcyt/sbi atla au and i was wondering if you could possibly share your plans? I just love the idea of an atla au and want to hear more!! Like; what kind of bender is everyone? Etc, etc,,,,
Please don't feel pressured to answer if you don't want to! Thank you! :D
Oh I'd love to talk about this! thanks for asking :D
Atm the Benders I have decided are:
Waterbender -
Firebender -
Nikki (or waterbender)
Earthbender -
Airbender -
Nonbender -
Wilbur (It's been a few years, not sure how comfortable I am including him in this AU now)
Captainpuffy (earth or waterbender?)
+ any other CC's people think would be cool to add, feel free to suggest some i've forgotten or not thought of!
It's Sbi Centric, so mostly centred around Tommy, Techno, Phil, Tubbo, Ranboo and Nikki, but I'd like to flesh out the others involvement in it.
When I first made the AU I was obsessed with Technoblade, so most development is on him cause he is my favourite.
I originally had a poll on reddit about some of the types they'd be, and a lot of people thought Techno would be a firebender or earthbender, until I brought up Bloodbending as a part of Waterbending (Blood for the Blood God!).
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It's not only the boodbending though, considering waterbending is the most versatile bending technique and probably has the most potential for someone who's creative and willing to abuse every use of a mechanic, which Technoblade is 100% going to do. The ability to create weapons out of Ice is something I have for him, as well as potions existing in this universe (basically liquid drugs absorbed through the skin) which he carries around.
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^ The current redesign, I'll probably make a more detailed post when I finish it.
I had an idea that he'd have Albinism in this Au, making his eyes red instead of blue (which'll tie into his backstory) and he wears the Boar head not just for intimidation and the pig motif, but cause it kinda also works as a hat and sunglasses combo to protect his eyes and skin from the sunlight.
Phil Is definitely an Airbender due to his partiality to flying, and the crow motifs. people were pretty much in agreement about that.
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He's an old friend of Techno's, and the only person he trusts. Originally I had his design as kinda silly with a missive broad-brimmed hat, that worked like a parachute. But I decided to replace that with (probably black) glider like wings, made of solid, light wood or metal poles and fabric.
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He has his own backstory stuff, which is why he wears his typical green (earth kingdom clothing) instead of airbender colours, cause he is no longer affiliated with his homeland and uses more local garb. Him and Techno both travel around a lot between kingdoms, but not always together.
Tommy I've had a hard time deciding on, I considered airbender because of his more energetic nature, and in Origins smp he is an Avian and vegetarian, but he really wouldn't fit in with airbenders in universe, which i could tie into the plot similarly to Phil. I initially wanted him to be a firebender, which is still a strong contender.
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^ The first design I did for the au in 2021, which used to be set in the dsmp universe i think, or at least had his clothes from there.
I also considered him being the Avatar, considering tommy takes on the protagonist role a lot. if he were then Techno, phil and tubbo could have been his element teachers, but I don't think I'll go with that anymore as it just doesn't feel right.
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A few people seem to be inclined towards him being a nonbender in the poll from yesterday, which I think is an idea I could explore.
Wilbur I'd originally had as a nonbender, tho a lot of people liked the idea of firebender, but I thought a nonbender thief and conman who relied on charisma and manipulation instead of bending. He took Tommy under his wing as a pickpocket and scammer, which leads into Tommy's plot. (I still don't know whether to include Wilbur in this au, cause I don't like the CC anymore, but the character could be seperated from him, I just feel weird about it.)
Tommy's introduction was going to be that him and Techno met (and subsequently Philza) after tommy was bold enough to steal from Techno, who caught him but decided to spare him.
Tubbo is definitely an Earthbender, it just makes sense to his personality and everything. I feel like it could also tie into redstone, with that being a kind of rock and exists in this Au, similar to how Potions exist. (In the same vein I think Sam would be an earthbender, and Sam and Eret and both big builders so I think Earthbending suits that cause its the best for construction)
Nikki I think I've decided is a Firebender if we're going off her Dsmp plot, she initially was seen as a harmless weak bender who used it for baking, but she actually is quite skilled (Which Techno and Phil recognise later and ask her to join them) and has a more violent side, like burning down the L'mantree and hunting down tommy (which likely doesn't happen in this AU, but will have equivalents or aspects of that part of her character). I also considered waterbending if we took it from her Origins smp character, who is a mermaid, but I feel like theres less potential for lore there.
Ranboo I have no idea. my first thought was a waterbender who's afraid of water, but I'm not sure. Or half Earthbender/firebender cause of his eyes. It could be that he doesn't know due to his amnesia. I also considered Avatar for him, which fits his character imo, and is discovered later after befriending tubbo and tommy, and them + techno, phil and nikki could teach him their elements. But I haven't really gotten onto him yet and will probably make a poll for him soon.
I may add more but I think I'll leave it here for now, I hope that answered any questions and feel free to ask more! It helps me think about and flesh out the different aspects of the world :)
I'll likely post the updated art soon, I've already done a rough Techno and Tommy first interaction.
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robin33r · 5 months
Uhh warning this gets p detail-e
Warning for just mainly getting in detail w abusive relationships
Tired of pretending saurtis / tauram would've been healthy ngl. They are fr eachothers nightmares in the best way possible "Sam's insane and looney" okay but idk if you realized it was TAURTIS who was unhinged first. HE encourages Sam's shenanigans too. He influences it so so much.
I've seen people say Sam took after Yuki by resorting his problems using violence however.. Taurtis even at the start of the series suggested violence even for sam to use violence to get love. He tells Sam that he should be doing "chop chop" to make Sookie love him and he even thought it was too far at the time. I feel like now that's partially influencing his behavior in the reboot and how he's spreading the ideals onto his friends just like how taurtis influenced him subtly.
Now this isn't saying taurtis doesn't care and is only tryna negatively influence Sam. Taurtis cares about Sam but they're both codependent and they both reflect off of eachother, however Sam's a LOT more dependent and reflects off of taurtis much more than he does to Sam. Sam physically needs taurtis, almost like a dog and it's owner.
Sam and taurtis both have normalized unhinged thoughts that for ANY normal person would find it intrusive. They've straight up bathed in eachothers blood fir fun and normalized it. To anyone who thinks their love would be gentle and romantic I HEAVILY doubt that realistically it'd be that. They'd be the triple C's, cannibalism, confinement, and codepdency. They'd hurt eachother for the ballistic fun of it and ngl I even forget how often those two fight or hit eachother. They'd probably even carve out little shapes off if eachother even if it's immature, why? Because they can! There's no "gentle talking" with them, it's straight to the point and sometimes even mockery, if it isn't it's stern. They both love so roughly they almost *cant* be gentle, neither of them wanted to be either, they're just there for the fun and sake of it. Taurtis can be just as sadistic if not MORE sadistic than Sam sometimes even and ngl it's such an underrated thought of how much of a little shit he is.
Sam copied so much of previous behaviors from Yuki and Taurtis and it's so funny to me how the impact is so obviously hard. Sam would give taurtis EVERYTHING if jt meant to be with him, dead or alive. That desire could even probably lead Sam into grabbing his dead body and finding ways to bring it back alive/delude himself into believing the body. Most of the time he was unstable it was because of taurtis not being there and he's canonly always uneasy without taurtis, in which this could DEFINITELY Influence his behavior in the reboot.
The way he acts in the reboot is definitely twisted as ro how he normally acts without taurtis or when he's seemingly unstable and he pushes those ideals onto coolment and sometimes even owl. He's physically unable to handle himself holding the memories of what he had with taurtis yet not having him around. The absolute pain kf losing your favorite person and then having tk restart at the same place where hell went down and when things went down. Good lord only knows he probably hallucinates taurtis ' voice
This is a bit of a stretch but because of how little those two take eachothers mental health, injuries and pain seriously I'd even argue that hell maybe they'd even encourage ut and/or do it together or just laugh awkwardly st it. At MOST is the fact that taurtis did seem genuinely concerned at Sam's alcoholism but I don't know. This is just a huge stretch but god I love saurtis/tauram I sure wish toxic and doomed yaoi was real.
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lotstradamus · 2 months
i'm loving all your vampire posting lottie! if you're ever so compelled i'd love to hear what you make of the books vs the show and if there are any book things you'd especially like to see done on the show! (also, bookwise, are you a lestat girl or an armand girl or a louis/marius/david/akasha/claudia girl or or or)
as someone who tried to read Interview with the Vampire thrice (THRICE!!!) pre-AMC show revival and simply could not get through it (it is melancholy), I cannot BELIEVE how down bad I am for these books right now. I keep seeing bad reviews on goodreads and girding my loins for each new book expecting the quality to nosedive, but 1 star bitch WHERE? WHERE??? I AM HAVING THE TIME OF MY GODDAMN LIFE
in terms of books vs show, honestly after a point the books are kind of Unadaptable unless they radically change the main cast, vibe and format of the show every single season, and the changes they made to IWTV were good to the point of sending me fucking insane so they can just keep on doing whatever their little hearts desire with the source material imo!!! howmever I DO have some suggestions for the upcoming seasons:
Lestat crying twice an ep (non-negotiable)
I would kind of love it if Lestat is the only character who tells the truth. the most reliablest narrator and normal girl to ever live. and yet every time he says something like "I killed a pack of wolves single-handedly" or "I woke Those Who Must Be Kept by playing violin" or "I snog my mother with tongue" Daniel is just sitting there like "............riiiight."
Gabrielle. Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle. mainly I would like to smash cut to Gabrielle in the middle of really intense Lestat/everyone else scenes and she's just like peacefully sleeping in the ground... strolling through a distant jungle... sitting on a mountain looking at the stars in silence...
EXCEPT that one scene where she pulls up to Lestat's concert like she's in 2 Fast 2 Furious
it'll be interesting to see how they adapt Queen of the Damned because so little of it is actually from Lestat's pov, and all of it is amazing and cannot be cut out: [Stefon voice] the Twins, Jesse, specifically Jesse being haunted in Louis and Lestat's old New Orleans house, everyone hanging out/playing out terrible interpersonal dramas at the Sonoma compound, NIGHT ISLAND...!
I cannot stress this enough: GHOST CLAUDIA.
I want them to do Body Thief. fuck it, why not. must haves are Mojo, a random hunk with a PhD in Sam Reid's mannerisms playing Lestat for 6/8 episodes, Lestat nearly dying 25 times cos he pilots his human body like a drunk muppet, and, most importantly, Lestat BEGGING David Talbot for some old man pussy
oh and an entire episode set on a cruise ship
my favourite scene from the whole of Body Thief was Lestat turning David at the end against his will cos it was genuinely quite awful and frightening but also. um. you know. awooga
if they include Gretchen, then I would like the opposite of my Gabrielle request for everything post-Body Thief: whenever there's a peaceful, quiet scene it smash cuts to the wilds of South America where Gretchen is absolutely stark raving mad on the floor of a chapel with stigmata
I can't even begin to think about how they'd adapt Memnoch, but regardless I want them to keep the scene where Lestat drinks someone's period blood. thanks
also his cunty little lilac-tinted sunglasses that he will not fucking stop talking about
and finally, human Armand getting drunk and falling into the Grand Canal
bookwise, I am a Lestat girl the house down boots... I love his over-dramatic idiot crybaby ass!!!!! although the final page of Memnoch the Devil made me burst into tears and cry my whole face off until I confirmed that Lestat comes back as the narrator in future books soooo maybe like calls to like. self recognition through the other, etc. I do also get a shot of pure joy every time Armand shows up, especially in Lestat's pov. 'ah, there he was, the Botticelli angel, so beautiful. I fucking hated him. we kissed.' sis THEE dopamine.
currently suffering because I want to a) stop reading the series immediately so I can go back and reread The Vampire Lestat, and yet also b) never ever stop reading the series for love nor money. please help me budget this my family is dying
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theladyofshalott1989 · 2 months
Art Commission for Ch. 3 of "You Cannot Put a Fire Out"
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For one of my favorite chapters (so far) in my third long-fic, which is a flashback to Sebastian and Damien's sixth year at Hogwarts, I commissioned my friend Sam (@s4lvaged on Tumblr). Sam's vibrant and youthful art style is perfectly suited for this chapter, as Damien and Sebastian, in the early throes of love, finally reveal their relationship to the rest of the school. Thank you, Sam, for sharing your talent with us! They'll be posting on Tumblr more frequently in the weeks to come, so check out their art. They also accept commissions! Please don't hesitate to reach out. They are absolutely wonderful to work with. :)
Excerpt (SFW) after the cut:
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: And with that, Sebastian scrambled on top of the Slytherin table. Now was as good a time as any.
Damien’s eyes widened.
Sebastian clapped his hands. “Everyone, everyone! Listen up!” The room suddenly went very quiet. A dozen or more heads swiveled his way. “It’s my birthday today.” A few congratulatory shouts cut through some scattered muttering. “Now, I suggested a brilliant idea to someone this summer, so here’s me making it come true.” He extended his hand out to Damien, who stood slack-jawed on the floor below him.
At first, Damien merely gawked at him. Sebastian's heart pounded in his chest. But then, setting his face, Damien nodded and grabbed Sebastian’s hand. With a swift pull, Sebastian hoisted Damien up onto the table. Now, they stood together, elevated for all to see. All eyes were on them.
"Damien Andrew Evans," Sebastian said, quieter but still loud enough to be heard, "I hope you don't mind, because I'd very much like to kiss you now."
Damien flushed a brilliant red. Grinning, he mumbled very softly, "I don't mind," so Sebastian grabbed him by the back of his head, his fingers entwined in Damien's thick blonde hair, just above his low bun, and kissed him so deeply he could feel Damien's pulse through his deliciously full lips.
Lost in the intensity of the moment, Sebastian was momentarily oblivious to the uproar erupting in the hall. His classmates whooped and shouted, punctuated by a few scattered groans, but mostly excitement—just as he had hoped.
When Sebastian came up for air, Damien was staring back at him, misty-eyed.
“Bash, I—” Damien began, but Sebastian gently placed a finger to his lips, silencing him.
“No need to thank me,” he said. “It was your birthday gift to me, after all.”
Damien’s face lit up, so Sebastian kissed him again. And again. And bloody again. He would kiss this magical boy as long as he could, as long as Damien wanted him to, perhaps even until the stars themselves fell from the sky. But for now, they had a beautiful day ahead of them.
And, if this morning was any indication, today was shaping up to be the best birthday ever.
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