#but i’ve been so happy with my latest haircut
jays-doodle-spool · 2 months
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been pretty happy with my clothes n hair as of late
ft. my neighbor’s cat who makes me feel adored
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Doja Cat Is Embracing the Illuminati Conspiracy Theories Doja Cat is not afraid to call out her haters, and if that means playing into a few conspiracy theories, so be it. In a recent series of tweets, the artist took some time to address the various conspiracy theories connecting to her to other celebrities floating around the web and to point out how ridiculous they all sound. “This illuminati shit is so funny to me," Doja observed in one tweet. In the same breath, Doja immediately doubled down on her behavior, proclaiming that she's "gonna keep doing deliberate weird ass shit just to make those people uncomfortable. I've fr found a new outlet of joy.”Relishing in her newfound schadenfreude, Doja added: “playing with people's ignorance and stupidity for my own happiness and personal gain >.” And just in case you thought she might be bluffing, she went on to cosign a fan's suggestion that she get an Illuminati symbol as her next tattoo just to lean further into the chaos of it all. \u201cThis illuminati shit is so funny to me I'm gonna keep doing deliberate weird ass shit just to make those people uncomfortable. I've fr found a new outlet of joy.\u201d — fart (@fart) 1675719540 \u201cplaying with people's ignorance and stupidity for my own happiness and personal gain >\u201d — fart (@fart) 1675719647 \u201c@kissmemorrr dude i fuckin will watch me\u201d — fart (@fart) 1675719540 It doesn't take much for the Hollywood-Illuminati conspiracy mill to start seeing triangles all over the place, but the latest wave of rumors seems to partly be stoked by Doja's recent Schiaparelli look she debuted at Paris Fashion Week. The head-to-toe look, which featured over 30,000 crimson-red Swarovski crystals painstakingly applied by hand over the course of five hours, was easily one of the week's standouts, drawing obvious comparisons to lizard people and setting off trypophobia triggers everywhere. Related | Doja Cat: ReloadedIn a similar vein, Doja went on to troll fans complaining about her lack of lashes in the alien ensemble with a full-on goatee and brows made up of false eyelashes the next day at the Viktor & Rolf show, teasing on her Instagram Story: “If lashes are what you all want, then lashes are what you'll get."Doja Cat has never been one to shy away from calling out inane critiques of her looks. She most recently took those comparing her decision to shave her head and eyebrows to Britney Spears' infamous 2007 haircut to task in an Instagram Live. "It's so incredibly disrespectful for people to be minimizing what Britney went through and make a joke out of something that was very serious and a big deal in her life," Doja explained. "Every time I see a comment like that, I can't compute what's happening, other than it's just an awful thing."Photo via Getty/ Jeff Kravitz/ FilmMagic https://www.papermag.com/doja-cat-illuminati-2659388919.html
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likeastarstar · 3 years
Invisible String Pt.2
Part One
(A/N: read part one before this part if you haven't already so it'll make sense!)
Jungkook interested you, so you kissed him.
"I don't normally do this," You promised, feeling breathless as Jungkook kissed his way down your jaw to your neck.
"Same," Jungkook nodded urgently, barely processing what you said in favor for tugging you by the waist so that you were straddling him in the back of the cab he had called for the two of you. He said he just didn't want to leave you stranded at the club, that he'd see you home. But one thing led to another and you were currently praying the cab driver didn't yell at you.
Jungkook's hands were everywhere, rubbing at exposed skin, grazing through your hair, flattening against the small of your back. He rocked your hips back and forth against his lap, frowning again in concentration. Shit- he was really hot.
You wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed, wondering what he looked like under his leather jacket. He felt so solid under your touch, like he belongs there. You dragged your other hand through his hair, pushing it back and off his forehead. He keened under your touch, smiling slightly while his eyes fluttered closed as your nails dug into his scalp lightly. You reached the nape of his neck and tugged on Jungkook's hair so that he was looking up at you in his lap, eyes snapping open in sharp attention.
Jungkook's lips parted slightly, as if he was about to say something before-
"First stop." The cab driver interrupted, making you jump slightly as the car came to a screeching halt in front of your apartment complex.
You would've asked him to come inside- except that Jungkook practically pushed you out of the car with a fleeting reminder about the money you still owed him. Ouch. You had clearly completely misread the situation, but that didn't stop you from thinking about Jungkook from that moment on.
You looked for him everywhere, scanning crowds on your daily commute, lingering at the same crosswalk you had met him at. Your eyes stayed glued to the floor when you boarded the bus on your way home most days, trying to catch a glimpse of those black boots.
The next time you did see him was three weeks later, at a gaming cafe, of all places.
"No, no, no- NO!" You whispered, scoffing in disbelief as you lost for the third time that night.
This was not normal for you- loosing, that is. You blamed it on the other abnormality of your current situation: being in a gaming cafe. Normally, you'd be playing LoL in the comfort of your own home sans-pants. But one overly excited moment and a mug of tea placed too closely to your set up and boom- no computer for you. At least while it's in repair.
"You're very dramatic," A voice said next to you, snapping you out of your spiral.
You frowned and looked over to whoever was next to you, locking eyes on Jungkook, who was currently slurping down noodles like someone was going to take them from him. You shrieked in surprise, the two of you jumping in your chairs at the same moment. "Are you stalking me?" You whisper-yelled, leaning away from him.
"No," He snapped, talking with his mouth full. "I got here two hours before you, I just didn't feel like saying hi until now. I could ask you the same question."
You watched him eat in awe, trying not to fixate on the way his tongue looked snaking out to lick his lips every now and then. There had been too many coincidental run-ins between the two of you for this not to be fate. You shook your head, throwing the incredibly stupid thought out of your head.
"Anyway, good thing I ran into you," You shrugged, choosing to ignore the fact that the last time you had seen him, you were rubbing your pussy all over his lap. "I have something for you."
He looked at you with his eyebrows raised, waiting expectantly as you dug around in your bag for a moment. You found what you were looking for, a small keychain of a skeletal hand in the same positioning as the tattoo on his forearm. "I saw it and thought of you, so I got it for you. Here, rock on." You explained, handing it to him.
He laughed slightly, taking it from you gingerly and inspecting it closely. "My tattoo means I love you, not rock on." He pointed out, pulling out his keys and putting the token on the loop.
There was a warm feeling in your chest knowing he was actually going to use it, one that only grew when you noticed the slight blush on his cheeks, "Yeah, well, the keychain means rock on." You quipped, "Do you like it or not?"
"I do," He said quickly, holding up his keys with a bright smile. You sent one back to him, beaming so hard your cheeks hurt. "Thank you."
At this point, neither Jungkook or you ever made plans to see each other. You knew it would just happen on its own. Which is exactly what happened a month later, on what could only be called the worst day of your life.
Things hadn't been going your way for a very, very long time. You usually had pretty good luck, but suddenly it was like the universe had forsaken you altogether. After a particularly terrible blind date, you had had enough- no more dating. This guy was all kinds of awful, he didn't laugh at any of your jokes, he had a terrible taste in music- he even wore the wrong clothes. He had loafers on- loafers. God, Jungkook would never wear those.
Instead of wallowing in a ruined night, you did what any struggling girl boss would do- you got yourself dessert.
You walked to the nearest 24 hour diner, pushing the doors open quickly. There was barely anyone here, thankfully. It was the perfect place to be alone.
Except that two seconds after you sat down in a quiet booth next to a window, Jungkook came marching up to your table. He was wearing a color other than black- this time it was a patterned buttoned down shirt and loose fitting trousers. You couldn't see his shoes, but that wasn't really what you were focused on at the moment. No, instead you could only stare at his latest haircut, cropped short on the sides and parted neatly. Who was this guy and what did he do to your fluffy headed soulmate?
"Are you sure you're not stalking me?" You asked calmly, at this point you were completely unsurprised to see him popping up at the most random times.
"I saw you from the window on my way home and figured I'd say hi," He shrugged, sliding into the booth beside you, immediately tossing his phone haphazardly onto the table. "Although I'm beginning to think you're a figment of my imagination. It's bizarre how you just keep...appearing."
"You're telling me," You snorted, resting your chin on your hand propped up on the table. "But I'm not sure if you'd be able to kiss a figment of your imagination."
Jungkook blushed deeply and you laughed for the first time that day. He was just so easy to mess with. Jungkook pouted childishly and stole your menu, burying his face in it.
"We did a little more than a kiss in that cab," He said in a whiny voice, "It's pretty late, why are you at a diner at one in the morning?"
"Nothing, bad day." You mumbled, "I needed pie."
"Valid reasoning," He said pensively, "You look nice, by the way. I like your earrings, they match mine."
You looked at the chain looping through his double piercings, realizing he was right- you had a similar version in your own ears. Weird. You didn't get a chance to return the compliment before the waitress came over and Jungkook ordered literally every kind of pie on their very extensive menu and two coffees.
"If pie will make you happy we might as well go all out." He reasoned, only noticing your outraged face when the waitress left. "Anyway, I got you something."
He dug around the backpack he has dumped in the booth beside him when he got here, pulling out a flash drive with a a tiny keychain of a butterfly connected to it.
"I don't know if I've never mentioned this before, but I'm a musician." He explained, holding it out to you. "This has my latest stuff on it. Nothing fancy, just wanted you to listen before I send it off to my label. Plus, the keychain reminded me of you."
You took it from him slowly, holding it as if it were worth a million dollars- which to you, it was.
"Sometimes I think I dreamt you up," You mumbled, still staring at the flash drive. You couldn't wait to listen to it, to hear his velvet tone and silvery vocals whenever you wanted. This was the first, tangible thing that connected him to you, a reminder that even if the universe hated you right now- at least Jungkook was in it.
"Touch me and see," He offered, leaning back in his seat with a small smirk on his face.
Your eyes flicked back to him, a dare written across his features and a thread pulling at your heart. You leaned forward, a smirk of your own on your face until his phone buzzed, interrupting the heated moment.
You weren't trying to be nosey, but the bright light of the screen caught your eye and you glanced at it quickly. It was a text from someone, their contact saved under a series of hearts and one word: wifey.
Wait- his what?
(A/N: MUAHAHAA! If you've made it to the end, thank you, I love you, I'm sorry. Next part is the last part, as always feedback is so so appreciated! Send me an ask goddamnit!)
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
stress + commute + relentless plot bunny = tada, continuation to this!
"Well, if it isn’t the man of the hour.” Director Fury said as he settled down into his chair, eyeing him with a wariness one would normally give a live bomb, while at his side, Agent Romanov remained eerily impassive as she surveyed them both. “We’ve got some questions I get the feeling only you can answer.”
For his part, Justin Hammer merely leaned back into his own chair and steepled his fingers with an easy smile— which wasn’t as easy as he made it look, with the way he’d been cuffed. “Like I told the guards the first time, and the fifth, and the twelfth— if I knew what’s going on, I’d tell you.”
Though he could make a very reasonable guess, between Ivan’s latest experiment literally blowing up in all their faces and the whispers he’d been able to catch from the guards. 
“Sure you would.” Director Fury said, no small amount of disbelief in his voice, and he shrugged. 
“Take it from me, I’m about as happy as you are. You think I asked to get dropped smack-dab in the middle of some supermax? When I had a shareholder’s meeting coming up?”
“You appeared the same time an energy fluctuation was registered in several locations around the world.” Agent Romanov said, and Justin blinked. 
“Your existence is being kept classified, on pain of risking an international incident. Several countries’ systems and power grids were apparently caught up in whatever it is you’re a part of, and they’re not nearly as nice about getting their answers as we are.” She continued, the picture of reason, and Justin couldn’t keep the fondness from his smile because some things never changed, did they?
Of course SHIELD’s shadiness was a fundamental constant. And these guys probably thought they were being so subtle, too; Agent Romanov in particular seemed to think she knew him, which would undoubtedly come in handy in the future but was merely a nuisance at the moment. Not that it hurt to play along for now, but still. 
Come on, give him some credit here.
“Which is all well and good, but the fact of the matter still stands: I. Don’t. Know. All I know is, one minute I’m caught up in the middle of some accident, thinking I’m going to be seeing pearly gates a whole lot earlier than I’d expected, and the next, these gentlemen—” Justin indicated, giving a slight nod to the security guards standing just out of earshot, “are giving me a...interesting welcome to Seagate, let’s just leave it at that.”
He’d be feeling it for a while, at the very least. Thank goodness for brief stint with the rugby club had taught him how to roll with the hit, otherwise some of the bruises he had would’ve been even uglier than they already were. As it was, getting changed into the stupid jumpsuit they’d forced him to wear had been a trial in and of itself, when simply bending over stole his breath away with the way his ribs twinged. 
“That doesn’t answer our question.” Director Fury said, even as Agent Romanov leaned forward slightly.
“We can only help you as much as you help us, Justin.”
He couldn’t help the snort, at that. “What do you want me to say? I’m not some expert in what, dimension-crashing or whatever? Look, I’m not stupid, I saw my twin— or whatever you call him, anyway, I’m not sure how any of this works. Hey, how’d he mess up, anyway? I know I’ve made some poor life choices over the years, but those were mostly terrible haircuts and all-nighters during grad school, not...nothing on this scale.”
Nobody was stupid enough to alienate the CEO of the Hammer Industries, not when they were number one in the defense industry. Not when Justin had enough connections and favors piled up over the years to render him essentially untouchable to anyone but the heaviest of heavy hitters— and even then, they’d have to think twice before going after him.
...in his universe, anyway. 
Which begged the question: just how badly had the Justin of this universe fucked up, for him to be in supermax? He needed to know the playing field before he could make any moves, especially if he wanted to secure anyone’s cooperation in getting home. 
“You saw him?” Agent Romanov’s brow furrowed for a moment, before leaning back into her chair. “They hadn’t mentioned that.”
Justin let the corner of his mouth twitch up, as he also leaned back and shrugged. “These guys? Yeah, I’ve noticed they’re not exactly the chattiest.”
Director Fury’s frown deepened for a moment, before he gave him a searching look followed by a sharp nod as he stood up. “We’re transferring you into our custody. This matter has gone beyond their pay grade.”
With that, he turned and strode towards the interrogation cell’s entrance, Agent Romanov at his side and Justin rubbed his temples for a second at the impending headache because if this was what he thought it was, he was either going to be dealing with the Avengers, or be disappeared to whatever shady hole in the wall SHIELD had that’d make this place look like the Ritz. 
...which also meant the rudimentary plans he’d been working on would be useless. Damn. 
He took a deep breath, and let it out, and pretended it didn’t bother him, even as he watched Director Fury get into what appeared to be a very heated conversation with the prison warden. He couldn’t hear anything, not with the inch-thick bulletproof glass that separated the interrogation cell from the rest of the building. 
As it was, the warden gestured for the guards to escort him back to his cell with his usual scowl, and Justin was good enough to know a power play when he saw one and oh, it was going to be that kind of mess, wasn’t it. 
In the five minutes he’d had the dubious pleasure of meeting him, Seagate Penitentiary’s warden had come across as a jackass who liked to boast about running a tight ship but didn’t actually do anything for it— the epitome of a big fish in a small pond. Which was typically something he could get away with, but if this Director Fury was anything like the one Justin dealt with, then this particular encounter would be the only thing the guards’d be talking about for months.
And then.
The lights flickered for a second, and Justin froze. 
So did the guards who’d been about to escort him back to his cell, some of whom were already reaching for their taser guns and he could already feel one of the guards starting to shove him forward when an unholy screech tore through the air and Justin knew, without a shadow of a doubt, what was happening as he caught a glimpse of familiar silver moments before the entire area plummeted into darkness.
Cabal was here.
Victor von Doom was a practical man.
So when his part of the plan had him working with a Winter Soldier who was still in the early stages of recovery from the mindfuck HYDRA was responsible for, he didn’t so much as bat an eye, just made sure he had a few extra backups for if things got hairy.
Which they did, but not for the reasons he or Soldat had expected. 
For one, the interference of SHIELD— which had been something they’d picked up some chatter on, but not enough for concrete dates and he was not happy to find that if they hadn’t broken in when they had, Justin would’ve been snatched up and disappeared off to somewhere even harder to reach. 
...if not for the fact that their plan required surgical precision, Victor would’ve given into the temptation to shoot something. Or someone, he wasn’t picky. 
But needs must, so he gritted his teeth, coldly noted who said what during their eavesdropping, and stuck with the plan he’d formulated because Justin and the others were counting on him. 
For his part, Soldat was a great partner for this aspect of their mission; even though he’d never done fieldwork like this before, and was not used to working with a magic user, he rolled with the punches and the guards never saw him coming. 
Sometimes literally, because one of the few things Victor had mastered was a basic illusion— the magical equivalent of a flash-bang, sure, but it worked. Sure, it took a lot of focus for both of them to pull it off, but the important part is that it worked and their exit was as clear-cut as they could make it.
So when he and Soldat approached, he gave the signal and Soldat tapped his comm with a muttered, “objective secured,” and Victor didn’t question the odd echo because they had far more pressing matters at hand.
Such as the sight of his oldest friend in a prison jumpsuit, face slightly gaunt and glasses cracked and just like that, Victor found himself regretting telling Soldat about Cabal’s usual ‘no-kill, minimal collateral damage’ MO.
They were on a time crunch, shift change was coming up and it took everything Victor had to stick to The Plan. 
One flash-bang later, and Soldat did his part beautifully, a whirlwind of chaos and Justin’d helped him and Winter plan out theoretical combination attacks well enough to know to duck to the side and with that, the most vital part of this entire operation was secured.
“Victor? I’m assuming it’s you.” Justin blinked the stars out of his eyes even as a familiar hand reached over to help him up, and he took it gratefully. “Good to see you too, Winter—”
“It’s Soldat,” the man corrected gruffly even as he ushered him along, and Justin blinked. 
“Oh, my apologies. Thank you, Soldat.”
“Introductions later, we’re on a time crunch,” Victor cut in, voice unusually flat and the last time Justin had seen him this angry had been during that HYDRA mess— what was going on? 
Seeing his concern, Victor’s expression lightened for a moment and he gave him a quick smile. “Catch you up later, but we really need to go.”
Victor stared.
He couldn’t help it— just. 
At his side, his Justin looked at the rest of their allies with concern, even as his counterpart started to pale and hyperventilate and how was this his life?
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It's Delicate: Part III
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Summary: Spencer Reid finds himself at a gas station at 2:00 am, thinking he’s only leaving with a cup of crappy coffee. But something taped to the door catches his eye. Spencer leaves the gas station with more than he intended: the chance at a friend, and maybe something more along the way.
Word Count: 3.9
Author’s Note: Here's Part 3!! This was super difficult for me to get out, but I think I'm happy with it. I rewrote it like 3 or 4 times
It's Delicate: Part III
Spencer notices everything. He’s been trained to notice the slightest change in his environment. He supposes that his profiler training has helped him be more comfortable in social situations. But still, Spencer feels like a fish out of water as he pushes the door to the bookstore open. He knows he should feel at home when he’s in a bookstore, but his heart seems to be racing. Spencer tries to quiet his nerves before he can feel himself running away.
Thinking that it might be a good idea to distract himself, Spencer walks over to the bookshelf filled with books from the floor to the ceiling. He runs his fingers along the spine of the books. Some are old and used, and others are well cared for with their enabled and embossed writing on the spines. He recognizes some titles, but others aren’t too familiar. There’s a whole world of books out there that Spencer has yet to explore. There’s a couple other patrons in the store, an older woman who sits on the soft rocking chair in the back corner and a young woman who already has a pile of books tucked under her arms.
Looking around, Spencer walks towards the back of the store where a glowing sign directs him to the restroom. He goes into the Men’s Room and locks the door behind him. Spencer looks at his reflection in the mirror. He wouldn’t consider himself a vain man, nor would he consider himself aloof about his appearance. He’s very much aware of the deep lines that collect around his eyes and the dark bags underneath. Spencer runs his fingers through his hair, wondering if he should have gotten a haircut. He likes the way his longer hair looks. It took so long after getting released from prison to get his curls back. His hair is the one part of his physical appearance that Spencer can say he likes; the rest he’s a little less than indifferent about on a good day.
Spencer shuts the light off in the bathroom and heads back to the front of the store. He approaches the store clerk, who sits behind the counter. She’s talking with the young woman who had the pile of books tucked under her arms. Spencer looks around the store, trying to find a sign for where the book club meets. He realizes that he doesn’t even know what Y/N looks like. He decides to take out his phone to text Y/N that he’s here. Spencer walks to the short stories section of the store and looks for the “P”s. Once he finds the book he’s looking for he takes a photo and attaches it to the message.
Spencer: How have I not discovered this place sooner??
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He doesn’t expect for Y/N to text him back right away, so he tucks his phone back into his pocket. Spencer walks to the front of the store. The display highlights the books of the month with different authors, genres, and themes. It’s a quaint little store and Spencer wonders why he put off visiting so long. The young woman finishes with the clerk and brushes past Spencer, her face buried in her phone. Spencer walks towards the shelves of True Crime books. He sees Rossi’s latest release about the Golden State Killer. Before Spencer can pick up the book, he feels his phone buzz in his pocket.
Y/N: Ooooh a man after my own heart :) I’m guessing you’re here too
Spencer: Yes...I just realized I don’t know what you look like?
Y/N: Well, I guess that means you have to find me
Spencer looks around at the patrons in the store. The older woman and the younger woman seem like the only logical candidates. The young woman doesn’t look up when Spencer brushes past, her attention is intently focused on the book across her lap, while the older woman swipes on her e-reader.
Spencer: You know I could just call you and your phone would ring
Y/N: That’s like cheating
Y/N: Turn around
Spencer turns around and is greeted by the young woman who brushed past him before. She smiles up at him and Spencer can’t help but grin back at her. He didn’t really give much thought to what Y/N looks like, and he can only hope that she didn’t think too much about him in that way. Spencer has to stop himself from that spiral, and remind himself that it’s not a date.
“You’re Y/N?” Spencer asks, hoping that he doesn’t sound too nervous.
“Yes, and I really hope you’re Spencer,” she says, “you’re nothing like I pictured,”
Spencer’s face must have shown his shock because Y/N’s hand comes up to gently touch his upper arm in an attempt to quell his worry.
“No, nothing bad, Spencer. You just text like a grandpa so I figured you were a lonely old man. I’m just surprised that you’re pretty...young is all,” Y/N finishes her voice climbing up a couple of scales making her nerves evident.
Spencer nods in agreement, used to people thinking he’s older than he actually is his entire life. He supposes that’s because of his intelligence coupled with his social ineptitude.
“Well, judging by your texting, I predicted that you would be around my age, or younger,” Spencer says he’s always had difficulties keeping conversations going, yet right now his mind is swimming of different things he can tell Y/N.
“So you ready for your first Book Buddy meeting?” Y/N asks. The corners of her mouth turn upwards in a playful smile. Spencer likes her smile and grows disappointed that the only time he’ll be able to see it is when they meet together. As much as he is technology adverse, he wouldn’t mind being able to see her smile through her emojis and snarky messages.
“I’m still not too sure what we’re supposed to do, but at least I’ve got you to show me,”
“Come on Book Buddy virgin,” Y/N says winking at Spencer as she walks past him to the staircase that leads to the store’s basement.
Spencer tries to ignore her comment, but even with his brain power he can’t stop his ears from turning pink. He’s always blushing around people who listen to him, especially when those people are so enthralling to watch.
In the basement, there’s shelves and shelves of books lining the walls. A couple of couches and sofas are tucked in the corner with a table and lamp. The soft light is warm and inviting. Spencer’s eyes can’t help but to scan the various titles in the collection. Y/N flops down on the couch and taps the seat, signalling for Spencer to sit next to her.
Sitting down next to her, Spencer wonders how much space he should put between them. He doesn’t want to sit so close and have her think he’s only here to make a pass at her. Nor does he want to sit so far away, because the scent of her peppermint and eucalyptus perfume threatens to mesmerize him.
Y/N brushes her hair from her face with her right hand, that’s adorned with a ring and a couple gold bracelets. She looks over at Spencer apprehensively and he tries to give her a comforting smile back, but he’s afraid that he just looks awkward. He suddenly is very aware that his breath tastes like stale coffee and his hair is wild, pointing out in several directions.
“So Spencer,” Y/N says, “usually we meet in a big group to do these Book Clubs, but this year the store decided to do this Book Buddy thing. Reading and picking out books for someone can be a very personal thing, so I’d like to get to know you a little bit better if that’s alright?”
Spencer’s eyes steady the woman before him. She looks over at him, her eyes never breaking from his. Psychology shows that holding eye contact is a sign of confidence, for a litany of reasons, Spencer has always had difficulties maintaining eye contact. He sighs loudly. It’s almost a mix between exasperation and confusion. Even though Spencer has spent a good portion of his adult life surrounded by very forward people, he still feels slightly nervous when he comes across those types recreationally. Especially when those types seem to have smiles so contagious that they throw every scientific study on germs out the window.
“You want to know about me?” Spencer repeats. He can feel his ears flush, and is thoroughly reminded that he hardly knows who he is.
“Yes, I want to know all your salacious stories Spencer,” Y/N says with a sly smile.
Spencer chokes out a strained laugh before he tries to think of an answer. He can’t remember the last time someone wanted to get to know him. Or maybe he does, and just wants to pretend that those memories died with her. But he can’t, because they are painful and real.
“I’m an FBI Agent, uh the Behavioral Analysis Unit specifically. We track down serial killers and other time sensitive cases,” Spencer says, used to giving the speech about his job on the rare occasion he does talk to another lonely soul at a random bar in a city.
He looks over at Y/N, ready for the reaction he usually gets. Sometimes it’s pity, other times it’s awe. But it all tastes the same with a shot of whiskey.
“That must be an incredibly exhausting job, Spencer. It takes a special kind of person to do that,”
That’s strange, Spencer thinks. Her words aren’t full of pity or awe, but almost understanding. It’s strange, but Spencer likes strange things, after all.
“It is,” Spencer says. He doesn’t feel the need to fill the silence with useless words that he knows are stale and meaningless. Somehow the silence doesn’t feel awkward.
“How long have you been in the FBI?” Y/N asks. She’s curious, but cautious to proceed and Spencer appreciates that.
“Since I was 22. I’m 34. I’ll be 35 soon,” Spencer says, still not fully believing that he’s spent nearly 13 years at the BAU.
“22, that’s a baby. I didn’t think that the FBI would recruit that young,”
Spencer grimaces, realizing that sooner or later this conversation would arise. He figured it would have come up when he got through the books in an hour or two. Spencer hates having to tell people about his intelligence. He never wants to make someone feel inferior about themselves because of his brain chemistry and genetic lottery.
“I’m kinda smart. Technically I’m a genius but I really hate that term. The idea behind intelligence testing has a very sexist and racist background. Besides, I don’t think true intelligence is accurately quantifiable,” Spencer tells her, repeating his speech usually reserved for arrogant detectives.
“That sounds like something a genius would say. You’re a humble genius. That’s a rare breed, Spencer” Y/N says, that contagious smile turning up the corners of her mouth and threatening to take over Spencer’s.
“I think that’s a compliment,” Spencer says “what about you? Tell me about yourself?” Spencer says, trying to remember the points of the conversation books he used to read as a kid in hopes of making a friend.
“Let’s see, you already know the boys. I don’t have any siblings and my mom lives in Florida, so we don’t see each other too often. I’m a Funeral Director in Alexandria, took it over after my dad passed a couple years,” Y/N says.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Spencer responds. Y/N smiles again, clearly a little tense to be talking about a sensitive topic.
“So Second Cat, I take it you’re a Poe fan,” Spencer says, holding to help ease into a more pleasant conversation.
“I like his short stories the best, but Emily Dickinson poetry will always have my heart. There’s something so ordinarily beautiful about the way she writes. She was so brilliant. And her and Susan, that’s a tragic love story,” Y/N finishes. She plays with the hem of her jacket absentmindedly almost like she wants to say something more.
“I first read “The Tell Tale Heart” when I was around 5,” Spencer starts, he rests his elbows on his knees to tell a story and he can’t help but feel a little excited when Y/N leans in a little closer to listen in, “I checked it out from the library and brought it home to read. Now it just so happened that I got a chemistry set. I will not incriminate myself but I may or may not have used the set as the directions intended,” Spencer says, holding up his hands in innocence.
Y/N scams him with a calculated stare, it’s not mean or judgmental, but cautious and careful. It’s like she’s deciding if she can trust him or not. He supposes she does when she winks back and says, “I’m sure that’s true Agent Reid,”
“It’s actually Dr Reid, but I’ll get there another day,” Spencer says quickly, eager to get back to his story, “so the chemistry set had some chemicals, the kind that won’t hurt kids. But I stole some sodium chlorate from the local gardening store and a pack of gummy worms from the Mini-Mart. Then I got back home and took out the chemistry set. I drop some of the sodium chlorate and gummy bears into the test tube and it starts to glow!” Spencer says, his voice gets excited when he remembers the experiment. There’s very few happy moments of his childhood, and this is one.
Y/N, listening to him eagerly, wears an excited expression as Spencer continues with the story. He’s forgotten what it’s like to have someone so interested in what you have to say.
“How does Poe fit in?” Y/N asks. Spencer’s fingers make a “1” as if to tell her to be patient.
“So I do the experiment and there’s pieces of molten gummy worms in my hair and on my clothes, but then I hear my mother walking up the stairs so I panic,” Spencer says, he’s an animated storyteller and Y/N is a captivated audience. He tries to not pay close attention to how her eyes hardly leave his or how they seem to be looking at him with wonder. But it’s hard to ignore that when you’ve never been looked at like that before.
“I scramble into my bed and shove the experiment under the bed, and it’s still smelling like burnt chemicals and gummy worms, mind you. And I pretend to read, but I’m reading The Tell Tale Heart, which you know is about a man who’s trying to cover up a terrible deed but literally shoving it under the floor. You know I think my 5 year old mind exploded that day,” Spencer says, he leans back so his head rests against the wall.
“It must have made quite an impression on you at what 5? How on Earth did you read Edgar Allen Poe at 5 years old? I didn’t read that until like Freshman year of high school,”
“I told you I was kind of smart,” Spencer replies, hoping that it would suffice.
“Yeah, but like a child prodigy that must have been very lonely,” Y/N says in a voice that tells Spencer she knows a thing or two about being intensely lonely.
“No one ever says that,” Spencer says in a hushed tone, “no one ever gets that it’s a lonely thing being a genius,” he finishes, putting air quotes around genius to show his discomfort with the term.
Y/N nods, “I’m not a genius by any means, Spencer, but I was an only kid. Part of me thinks it’s my fate to lonely,”
“I’m an only kid too,” Spencer says, “when I asked my mom why they didn’t have anymore kids she just told me why mess with perfection. I know it was meant to make me feel better, but part of me wonders what it would have been like to have a built in friend,”
“Tell me if I’m overstepping, I tend to do that, but do you want kids?” Y/N asks, she twists a ring that’s wrapped around her finger over and over like it’s a bad habit. She looks at him, expecting an answer, from the corner of her eye.
“I did,” Spencer says in a quiet voice, terrified that he’ll reveal too much to this enticing woman with eyes that never seem to want to look anywhere, but his.
“So did I,” Y/N tells him. Her voice mirrors his in it’s guarded, yet scared to reveal too much tone. Spencer is too busy hiding his own worry to recognize Y/N’s.
“I was thinking,” Spencer starts, determined to end the stale silence that settled between them, “of what book I thought you’d like. It’s actually a personal copy of mine. I had know clue how these things work, but I thought we could write notes in the margins. You know our thoughts and ideas about the book,”
Y/N gazes over at Spencer intently, as if she’s trying to think of how she’ll respond. Spencer notices the way Y/N pauses to think before she speaks, he tries to subdue the profiler training that ebbs to the surface, but he can’t control what his instincts tell him. He knows that Y/N is holding something back, but then again, so is he and who is he to judge.
“You’re okay with writing in a book?” Y/N asks, “I know that could be touchy for some,”
“Most of my books have little writings in the margins. I always thought that a book is a love letter from the author to the reader. You get to see inside their mind and to me that’s incredibly personal,” Spencer says, rubbing his palms that grew sweaty on his pants. It’s useless, because they just slide off.
“Well, you’ve convinced me, I brought a book too, but it doesn’t have notes,” Y/N says, “but if this works out, I’ll do it next time?” Y/N asks him, the hope in her voice apparent.
“I’d love nothing more than that, Y/N,” Spencer says, wanting nothing more than to reach out and brush his fingertips against Y/N’s. Her hand keeps on creeping closer to Spencer’s, he thinks that she’s trying to send him a signal, but Spencer feels too wounded, too raw to take that first big leap.
“So,” Spencer starts, he decides to clasp his hands together to avoid this new predicament, “what book did you decide on?”
“Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, it’s one of the few books that is perfect,” Y/N says, putting emphasis on the “perfect,”. Spencer thinks that he can grow to be eager to wait each week for the hour or so he’s able to watch Y/N speak with such passion and love.
“I’ve heard about, but I generally read technically books and other that it’s mainly just books that aren’t in English,” Spencer tells her, he rummages through his bag, looking for his book for Y/N.
“Close your eyes please,” Spencer says, he hides the book behind his back, he smiles as Y/N’s absurdly contagious smile grows.
“Come on Spencer, I don’t like being teased,” Y/N whines, faux pout and all.
Spencer grabs her hand and guides it to the cover of the book, The Goldfinch. He lets go of her hand; his practically stinging from the way her fingertips pressed up against the back of his hand, even though it was only for a couple of seconds.
“The Goldfinch” Y/N says, “ooh how on Earth did you know I love Donna Tartt?”
“Lucky guess, I suppose,” Spencer says, a surge of confidence bolstering him enough to wink at Y/N.
Spencer watches as Y/N flips through the pages of her book. Spencer read it a couple of weeks ago and loved the way the author intertwined the mystery to create a riveting story. Spencer checks his watch, realizing that nearly two hours have passed since he and Y/N sat on the couch.
Just as Y/N goes to say something, Spencer’s phone rings, ripping him from his modest paradise. He gives Y/N an apologetic look and mouths “work” as he steps away from Y/N.
“Reid,” he says, he forgot to check the caller ID, a little too excited to finish this call and get back to Y/N.
“Is that seriously how you greet your favorite person in the world?” the voice, presumably Garcia asks.
“Garcia,” Spencer says, unable to hold back his slight annoyance.
“I know it’s time off, but I guess like male serial killers don’t respect women, they don’t respect our time off either,” Garcia quips.
“I’ll be there in 20, I’m out and I’ll need to get my go bag,” Spencer tells her, preparing for the inevitable.
“I know exactly where you are, Spencer. A little birdie told me you’d called him in panic. I really hope your lady friend appreciated your lavender shirt,” Garcia says. Spencer can hear the click of keys as she talks.
He rolls his eyes, but knew that this was to be expected, “Later, Garcia,” he says, hanging up the phone call. Spencer walks back over to Y/N, whose face is buried in the book. She twirls a pen in her right hand, like she’s thinking about what she’ll write in the margins.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, but I have to cut this short, work emergency,” he explains to an Y/N understanding Y/N, who nods her head.
“Don’t worry, text me that you got home safe, please,” Y/N tells him, looking up at him with genuine worry in her eyes.
“I promise, Y/N. I’ll see you soon,” Spencer says, grabbing his book and making his way up the stairs. He reaches the top flight when his phone buzzes.
Y/N: I mean it :)
Y/N: It was nice meeting you officially….
Spencer reads over the messages as he walks, replaying the interaction in his head. It’s strange to have someone care if you make it home say. The only people on Earth, besides Spencer’s mother, that care if Spencer makes it home are the people that risk their lives with him as well.
Spencer shoots a quick message back.
Spencer: I promise and I hope you like the book, it’s very special to me.
Y/N: I’m sure I’ll love it! Now go save the world :) :)
Spencer smiles to himself as he reads the message, amazed that her contagious smile can make its way through the string of code from his smartphone. As he drives off, Spencer thinks about the way Y/N actually listens to him or the way her hair sees fall perfectly into place. He thinks about her laugh and the way she almost makes him feel safe in the short time he’s known her.
But all those good thoughts amount to nothing, when the biggest thought on Spencer’s mind revolves around the shiny ring that sits on her left hand on the finger between her pinky and pointer finger.
A wedding ring.
-TAGLIST- (Comment to be added or if I forgot to add you)
@thatsonezesty13 (I'm trying what's wrong with this tag)
Thank You For Reading
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Lay it On Me - cth
part of nation of two
summary: Petra stays up one night while Calum's away thinking back on all the happy moments she wishes she could relive. Meanwhile, Calum's dealing with the fear of loving someone after so long. 
author’s notes: I hope you guys enjoyed chapter one of Nation of Two and that you enjoy a closer look into Calum and Petra’s little world!
warnings: Not much, just two lovestruck fools missing one another. 
masterlist || request || previous part || next part
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Sometimes, Petra’s life felt like it was something out of a cheesy romance novel, she felt herself craving to reread the pages that made her cheeks flush and heart race. The pages that had made up her life. She’d stay up at night when she was alone, staring up at the ceiling as she tried to relive the moments she’d treasured so much. She wasn't sure how long she'd been doing this, maybe she had done so her entire life trying to remember the little details of precious moments so they couldn't slip past her. 
Most recently, those memories included Calum and his soft laugh.
If she closed her eyes and focused, Petra could almost live through the flower shop exchange. She could feel her heart race as she turned the corner into the vase aisle and was met with a familiar face of a stranger. Calum had been wearing a shirt she'd remembered seeing him wear at some show online, the soft white shirt lined with red fitting his arms and chest so snug it made her lose her breath. His hair was blonde and cut short, making his jaw seem soft and the perfect place for Petra to kiss. His tanned skin was smooth and the tattoos on his arms decorated him like a piece of art. If Petra really concentrated, she could still smell his cologne, the woodsy scent that seemed to be mixed in with something sweet. It wasn't too strong, but she had been close enough to Calum that she could smell it over all the flowers in the store. 
When Petra opened her eyes again, the darkness of her room brought her back. The moonlight was filtering in through her window and gave a soft blue hue to everything. Her arms spread out at her side and she felt a pang in her heart as her left hand didn't bump into the warm body she'd gotten used to being there. Calum had been gone for almost a month now, leaving the side of his bed cold and empty. He'd been busy with work and Petra appreciated when he'd have the odd minute or two to call her so they could catch up, even if it had to be two in the morning and her sleep-filled brain could only come up with strange answers. Not that it mattered too much because before the conversations turned into anything meaningful, Calum was saying goodbye and promising to call when he could next. 
But Petra still loved him. She loved Calum and the short phone calls, where the only thing that mattered was that he ended them with a quiet I love you and kissy noises. She loved the Calum who was living his dream every night out on a stage in front of thousands of people. The Calum who at the end of every show would snap a picture and sent it to Petra with another cheesy pickup line or a joke he'd heard that day. Petra was in love with the Calum who would call her in a rush and babbled out some story where his brain worked faster than his mouth and his giggles warmed Petra's heart from halfway across the world. Even in the darker days, when they both craved to feel the touch of the other and their usual happy interactions were clouded over with a pang of sadness. Petra knew it would all be worth it when she was in the arms of her lover in a week's time. 
"Can't sleep?" Calum's groggy voice rang out into the darkness of the room. 
"I got too used to having you sleep next to me, jerk," Petra laughed, her eyes falling back onto the small screen next to her head, "You're seriously not gonna let me see your new haircut yet? I'll see it all over the internet by lunchtime tomorrow, you know that?" 
"Yeah, you might," Calum laughed, "It's a surprise though! You love surprises," 
"I also love running my hands through your curls," she snorted and shook her head, "I just miss your cute face."
"I miss your cute face too," Calum chuckled, letting out a sigh as Luke called his name out from outside the tour bus, "I've got to go, but I'll talk to you soon, okay? Try and get some sleep,  darling."
And with that, Petra was thrown back into the silence of her dark room. The sun would be up in a few hours and that would mean she definitely wasn't getting any sleep so she closed her eyes and begged her brain to let her drift off. Eventually, her breathing evened out and the pillow she'd been using as a replacement for Calum lulled her into sleep. 
Arpeggiated chords rang out from the room next to the entrance where Petra had been standing, the chill from outside hitting the back of her neck as she pushed the door closed with her foot. The house was warm and Petra could smell the soup that was brewing in the kitchen but her legs lead her towards the soft music that was playing in the living room. In the corner of the room, near the big windows that show the snowy landscape that Petra had been out exploring just a few minutes earlier, Calum was sat by the piano. His eyes were focused on the keys in front of him, his fingers working over them as if he'd played the piano his whole life. With every note he played, Petra felt herself drawing closer and closer to him, her hands landing on the softness of his shoulders with a soft squeeze. 
"How was your walk?" Calum asked, the soft music coming to a stop that left the house feeling empty and Calum was glad Petra's hands were on him, the shiver he'd felt earlier replaced with her warmth. 
"It was nice," Petra mumbled, her hands massaging his shoulders and working Calum as he'd worked the keys a few seconds ago, "I like it here."
"I do too," Calum mumbled and leaned back against her touch, "I like being here with just you and the snow and the piano."
"It's nice," she agreed, her eyes looking out the window as the snowfall began again, "Complete opposite of our beach dates,"
"We can just stay in and watch the snow, eat some delicious soup," he mumbled and hit a few more notes on the piano before standing up to wrap his arms around Petra, "Maybe watch a movie or read a book."
"That sounds lovely, we can keep warm by the fire and hope that no bears find this place too cozy and try to break in," Petra laughed.
In the haziness of her sleep and the sunlight hitting her face, Petra could still hear the warmth in Calum's voice when he'd read to her that night next to the fireplace. She could still feel the way his arms were wrapped around her as he read about the highlands of Scotland. How his voice felt like a warm blanket and how the grassy hills of the Scottish countryside filled Petra with the urge to explore them with Calum.  As the memory of her dreams slowly faded and the sunlight warmed her face, Petra found herself alone in bed, wishing she could hear Calum's soft voice and his best try at a Scottish accent. 
Calum had been staring out the window of the tour bus for hours, watching as the landscapes changes from desert mountains to a lush forest with trees that went back as far as his eyes could see. He'd been sitting in the backroom for so long the sun had gone down and the stars were twinkling above him, the room now dark and the bus silent as his bandmates slept the night away. Calum usually never had trouble sleeping on the bus, he was usually exhausted from the busy days tour had him working. But ever since the start of this tour, where he'd left Petra behind for a few months while he left to promote the latest album the band had released, he'd had trouble sleeping. 
The silence on the bus hadn't helped either, it had made Calum's thoughts louder and even the movie playing quietly in the back room hadn't stopped his thoughts from running faster than the cars that sped past them in the night. Calum was exhausted, how could he not be when the band had done back-to-back shows for the past week paired up with endless interviews during the day. The only time the band had a real break was during the drives between stops and even then, it was only a few hours spent sleeping or reviewing what that next week would look like for them as a band. 
Calum had noticed how tired he looked. He saw it every morning when he washed his face in the tiny bathroom, how his eyes were puffy and the darkness under them gave away just how exhausted he was. He saw it when the label sent them promo clips to approve and his smile didn't reach his eyes. He saw it when the other guys laughed and joked around with one another while he stood off to the side, quiet and yearning for a nap. He was pretty sure that if he could see how tired he was, the rest of the world could see just how far gone he was. And that meant that Petra could see how tired he was. 
Fuck, Calum missed Petra. She had been such a constant source of Calum's happiness in the months leading up to this promo tour that Calum hadn't realized how much he'd miss having her around. Petra's name meant rock, something Calum found ironic since she was the one who was always grounding him, and in many ways, Petra was his rock. She was the one that Calum found himself drifting towards when he needed to feel more like himself again. She was the one who would always hold his hand when he needed it and would listen to Calum's mumbling whenever he'd decided to let his brain talk. She was his rock and Calum missed the hell out of her. 
He'd been trying to write more while on tour, figuring he might as well put his insomnia to use. His old journal had been used up and Calum had been regretting having to buy another one. That was until Petra had shown up with a going-away present, the brown paper bag she'd been holding was decorated with flowers and hearts. At first, Calum had been confused, because he didn't know going away presents were a thing and he hadn't gotten Petra anything. But after she'd kissed his cheek and told him it was nothing serious, Calum's nerves settled and he opened the bag to find a leather journal, much like his old one, with his initials stamped on the side of the binding. 
"So you can keep writing those pretty songs," Petra had mumbled, her cheeks flushed as she played with the bracelet that Calum had given her a few weeks back, "Or just to keep your mind off of things."
Calum had been writing in the journal every chance he got, the unlined pages filling with song ideas and little doodles that Calum found helpful. He'd write about his day sometimes, whenever something memorable happened that he wanted to remember in order to tell Petra or his mom later on. He even sometimes sketched what he saw out the window of the tour bus, although those were never really any good. It wasn't until that night that Calum had been lost in the landscape that he noticed a page near the back of the book had been folded. It was only on the top corner, a fold so small Calum had wondered if he'd done it himself on accident and it wasn't until he turned to the page that he realized what had happened. The page, which had been filled with doodles and handwriting that wasn't Calum's, warmed his heart and made him smile for the first time in weeks. His fingertips traced over the words, almost as if he could feel Petra's touch through them, almost as if he could see her writing in the middle of the night much like Calum did nowadays. 
"I know you might be tired and stressed. That you might miss home and Duke and everything that brings you warmth. But your dreams will always be important to not only you but those who you make come true as well. I don't know when you'll read this or if you'll even find it while you're away but I hope it brings a smile to your face. The world deserves to see that pretty smile you reserve for only special moments. They deserve to hear your thoughts and that laugh that makes my heart race. I hope you don't mind that I stole one page from your notebook, it seemed like a fitting gift to give you, better than a piece of paper in your coat. 
Thank you for letting me into your world and letting me find your love. I'll forever be grateful. 
I love you to the end of the universe and even further. 
Calum's smile, the one he'd reserved for Petra apparently, hurt his cheeks. He'd reread the note over and over, soaking in her words and if he closed his eyes and tried hard enough, he could almost hear her saying them to him herself. The promo tour might long and lonely, but that didn't mean that Calum hadn't had a piece of home with him the entire time. With a deep breath and his blanket wrapped around his shoulders, Calum walked back to his bunk. The journal was tucked under his pillow as if Petra herself had been captured between the pages and Calum could just open it and see her again whenever he felt alone. 
Calum's eyes felt tired and the more he relaxed on the bunk, the more he realized just how much his life had changed since finding Petra. He'd never had to deal with leaving a loved one while touring. He never had to deal with the time zones fucking up his calls or having to wait hours for a text back from someone because they were asleep as he was waking up. He never had to worry about whether his partner was missing him and much as he missed them. But then he met Petra and that all changed. Leaving her bed that morning had been hell, he'd dragged himself out of the apartment, trying not to convince himself to turn around as he hit traffic on the highway and go back to the warmth of her bedroom. He'd closed his eyes and held her a little longer as he'd said goodbye to her by the kitchen that morning and it was all so new and different that Calum hadn't expected to have it hit him so roughly. 
He hadn't expected to push all his defenses down and become so vulnerable for someone before. So when his plane had taken off and the city had become a blur of streets and then hidden beneath clouds, Calum wanted nothing more than to be back with Petra. But he had her note, safe in the journal with his initials and the page smelled like her perfume so maybe it'd be okay. Maybe Calum would smile a little brighter during the meet and greets and he'd chuckle a little louder during the interviews and make sure he spoke his mind a little more often. Even as his eyes squinted at the dim screen in front of him, his fingers typing out a message to the love of his life, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Petra in his life. With his phone set next to him and his heart happy, Calum's eyes closed and for the first time in weeks, he got some well-deserved sleep. 
Petra woke up a few hours later, alone once again, but her heart warmed at the sight of the notification on her screen. She knew that Calum had been having a rough time on tour recently and she was hoping that he'd find her letter soon. The message she'd hidden in the middle of a journal he'd held so close to him ever since it became his. Even the chilly air that was coming in from the window Petra had left open couldn't stop the warmth that she felt inside her, knowing that Calum had gotten her message. He was always laying down his love for her, showing it in different ways like how he held her closer whenever he was near or how he'd tell her all about his day even when the rest of the world thought of him as a silent man. Petra knew that it wasn't true, that the Calum she knew and loved would talk off her ear if given the chance, which she often did give him.
 She knew that he would have a hard time being away, he was a homebody and he'd be gone for a while, so with shaky hands and a heart full of love, she'd written down the words she'd so rarely had the courage to utter to him, the words she held so close to herself in fear that he'd slip away. But Calum was always surprising her and it hadn't been too much of a shock to know he appreciated the message. Calum's love was always finding her, even when the bed was lonely and he was miles away. She'd been staring at the message for while, her fingers ghosting over her screen as her heart raced and her smile widened with every reread of it. 
She'd reply eventually, once her cheeks stopped blushing and her smile stopped making her jaw hurt. But for now, the early morning sun lulled her back to sleep and her eyes closed slowly. She hoped that she'd dreamed about the snowy cabin and the hills of Scotland again, but really, any dream with Calum in it would be worthwhile. 
"Thank you for the beautiful words, you've always known exactly what to say when I need it the most. I love you forever, rock."
taglist:  @hoodhoran @finelliine @moonlightcriess @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop  @notinthesameguey​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @ashtonsunflower @2fangirl4u @multistann @himbohood @in-superbloom @suchalonelysunflower @killmywildflower @sebsbrokentoe
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wtf-yoongi · 4 years
updated on july 2nd.
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hello and welcome to my masterlist! most of my works are either one shots or drabbles – so short you can read many in one sitting :) please let me know if you like them bc i need reassurance all the time *sighs* happy reading!
latest one-shot/drabble ↠ Spoiled. // jungkook // f
latest timestamp ↠ [08:47 pm] // yoongi
key ↠ ★ reader’s favorite // fluff // angst // mature (but nothing crazy)
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『 one-shots&drabbles 』
“I need one of those baths” // f , ★
you give a bath to yoongi after a long day at work
“Let me play you what I have.” // f
yoongi asks for your help with a song
“You sleep like that when you’re alone.” // f , ★
yoongi being cute before going to bed
“You taste like coffee.” // f , ★
you wake up in the middle of the night just to find the other side of the bed empty
“I promise you we’re going to be okay.” // a
the only thing running through your mind is we’ll never be broken beyond repair
Pouty baby. // f
you’re leaving early in the morning, but can’t resist saying goodbye in person
“Stay tonight.” // f
a few months after your break up, yoongi stumbles upon you while you’re drunk
Number one. // f
yoongi may hesitate to talk about his goals with other people, but not with you
Just for you. // f
yoongi begs you to stay longer in bed
Close your eyes. I’m your paradise. // f , m
a whole thing about yoongi kissing you and you kissing him
Warm inside. // f
yet another one that features yoongi being cute in bed
Bath card. // f
yoongi gets worried because you’re sick
Softie. // f
min yoongi is particularly soft this morning
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『 timestamps 』
[06:57 pm] “what? this is just a loose, beaten up shirt.”
[00:23 am] “oh, i’m sorry. did i wake you?”
[10:03 pm] “fate was being anything but harsh on me when you came into my life.”
[08:24 pm] “i’m trying to be more classy. we are not teenagers anymore.” (m)
[08:23 am] “why do you have to look at me like that?”
[02:57 pm] “you keep that photo of us in your wallet?”
[03:01 am] “i think i’m in love with you and i don’t know what to do.”
[06:32 pm] “you don’t know half of the things you do to me.”
[05:03 am] “call me everyday, i just need to know you’re okay.”
[01:26 am] “oh my god, you look so cute.”
[09:01 am] “i swear you’re so freaking pale.
[03:10 pm] “hold my hand.”
[08:47 pm] “you like it salty, is this enough for you?”
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『 one-shots&drabbles 』
“I messed up.” // f , ★
jk isn’t feeling well and you call him while he’s on tour
“I think this is the cutest thing about you.” // f , ★
your hands get warm when you’re sleepy and he notices it
Stage lights. ‹‹part I›› ‹‹part II›› ‹‹part III›› // f 
you visit jungkook on tour for the first time
Muse. // f 
it’s early morning and jungkook just wants to take pictures of you
“Your thing is kind of special.” // f 
jungkook misses performing
Curly. // f
you help jungkook fix his curly hair after a shower
Let me drive. // f , m
road trip + california + kinda shy/quiet jungkook
Spoiled. // f
jk is super tired and you take care of his skincare bc that’s important
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『 timestamps 』
[04:26 pm] “is this the moment that we kiss?”
[00:07 am] “and there i was thinking i could do this without waking you up.”
[09:02 am] “don’t hesitate, just kiss me.” (m)
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『 one-shots&drabbles 』
Isn’t it just the loveliest way to wake up? // f 
you wake up and want pancakes
Best kept secret. // f 
late night summer date
Morning person. // f , m , ★
jimin can’t go back to sleep and wants you in the morning
“Deal.” // f 
jimin’s coming home from tour and you want to surprise him
Hold my hand. // a , f
jimin helps you when you breakdown in front of him
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『 timestamps 』
[04:06 pm] “i miss seeing your face.”
[07:04 pm] “why do i feel like i’m home whenever you’re near me?”
[12:37 pm] “look at me. i love you.”
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『 one-shots&drabbles 』
“Leave this book alone and help me sleep, please” // f
in which you caress hobi to sleep
How am I supposed to sleep after this? // f 
las vegas with your sunshine friend hoseok (idiots to lovers)
Day off. // f , ★
your human charger needs some charging of his own 
“I’ve never seen him like this.” // f , ★
hobi is so, so in love he doesn’t even know what he’s feeling
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『 timestamps 』
[05:38 am] “don’t blame it on the alcohol, you tasted like you wanted me.”
[03:55 pm] “can i tell you something?”
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『 one-shots&drabbles 』
Don’t let it fade. // a
sh*t happens and you��re trying to understand what you’re feeling
Restless night. // f
jin is worried and can’t sleep because of those d*mn dance moves
One minute. // f
almost two years have passed since you last saw jin when you stumble upon each other (sequel to Don’t let it fade.)
“You talk too much.” // f , ★
jin just talks too much sometimes and he’s worried he’s annoying you
“Good to know.” // f
seokjin’s features are intimidatingly perfect
Tiny squares. // f
this is how seokjin wants you to pick your next vacation destination: from a bunch of folded pieces of paper
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『 timestamps 』
[04:57 pm] “can i come over tonight?”
[11:58 pm] “you want to play?”
[04:12 pm] “i’m glad i’ve found someone as annoying as i am.”
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『 one-shots&drabbles 』
“I love it.” // f
you get a haircut you’ve been wanting for the longest time
Losing you. // a
things get complicated after you find out taehyung loves you in a different way
Flawless. // f
you’ve lost count of how many notes you’ve left in between his textbooks, but taehyung doesn’t seem to have noticed any of them
Plain sight. // f , a
taehyung just wants to be loved (and love is right under his nose)
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『 timestamps 』
[05:23 pm] “don’t tell me you love me unless you mean it.”
[02:10 pm] “please come home, this doesn’t feel right.”
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『 one-shots&drabbles 』
Kotler and Keller // f
you and namjoon are both master’s students
Right now. // a , f
he can’t help but feel like this is the last time he’ll be seeing you
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『 timestamps 』
[04:39 pm] “i got a little carried away.” (m)
[09:09 pm] “just… no i want to be a dad talk today, okay?”
[02:09 pm] “i’ve fallen for you and it’s becoming difficult to get anything done.”
[11:42 am] “good morning… husband.”
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4pondsinabox · 2 years
Happy Easter!
To those who celebrate and to those who don’t, I hope you’re experiencing considerably less snowfall than I currently am.
Today felt like as good a day as ever to share my latest cosplay art project, which I just finished this weekend. I cosplay a handful of characters from different fandoms but the one I consider my absolute “comfort character” is none other than Tilly/Alice Jones from Once Upon a Time and it was long past time she finally got a big update:
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My creative process is under the cut
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The first step was the trickiest, it actually blended a lot with the messiness of the second step, but before I got there an extension of the base face mask was needed. I ended up shaping it to my nose, which is why it’s both larger and less cute than the one in the show.
The base mask was also much too large for my head (which is already on the large side, so I’d like to know who it was supposed to be designed for…) which led to me cutting and taping some parts for reshaping. The end result is still a bit large but I *think* it made some difference over all.
2. Messy Paper Time!
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Paper mache is a struggle y’all, it took multiple layers to first be content with the way it fit my face and then add all the little facial details. This included the higher raised eyebrows, the nose shape, and eyelids. I couldn’t figure out a way to round out the bottom of the eyes without completely ruining the rest of it, so I acknowledge it looks less friendly than the screen version. But hey, it’s still got the general idea across.
3. Paint & Decorating
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The fun part is always the decorating! The screenshots from this episode make it difficult to tell if the ears are actually painted a light pink or if the lighting just makes it look that way, but I like how it looks so I’m gonna keep it for my own personal preference. The faux fur endured quite the haircut after putting it on due to its length but now it’s appropriately spiky.
I can’t figure out exactly why 2 cracks always appear beneath the ears no matter how much I paper over it, but I guess it just adds character? Regardless, this has been a costume update I’ve been dreaming about for ages and I’m excited to finally have the chance to take some proper Easter/Spring photos with my Tilly cosplay! Whenever the snow actually melts, that is…
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pcychedelic · 4 years
Purple Rain (Part II)
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Relationship(s): Kim Junmyeon/Reader
Tags: Professor-student relationship, college AU, slowburn; angst, smut
Rating: Explicit (mature themes, strong language, and sex)
Synopsis:  After a fateful encounter that results in the trunk of your car getting wrecked, the handsome stranger responsible for it turns up in your lecture hall and introduces himself as the professor.
Chapters [Word Count]:
Part I: Chapters 1 to 5
Chapter 6 [3.6k]
Chapter 7 [3.8k]
Chapter 8 [3.4k]
Chapter 9 [6.0k] + Chapter 9.5 [4.2k] ᴺᴱᵂ
Next update to be determined
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Click on the links above to read the latest chapter on Asianfanfics (AFF).
Friendly reminder that mature words are censored when you’re reading as a guest on AFF, so make sure to log into your AFF account and turn off the content filter to read the chapters without censors.
Read Chapter 6 below.
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Chapter 6
The urgent knocking on your apartment door interrupts you in the middle of making dinner. You glance at the wall clock, the time reading 9:01 p.m., and you wonder who could possibly be at the other side of the door at this hour. You aren’t expecting anyone this late at night.
You pad toward the door in your bare feet. A familiar face greets you when you peek through the peephole, though the sight of him standing outside your apartment door isn’t familiar at all. It’s so strange that you have to remind yourself that you aren’t dreaming.
You open the door.
“Hi,” he smiles. “Can I come in?”
“Were you studying?” he asks, already taking off his jacket. “I hope I’m not bothering you. I should’ve texted first, but I kinda came here on a whim.”
You shake your head. “No, no. I was just making dinner.” You open the door wider and let him inside, bringing him house slippers to change into.
“What’s for dinner?” He looks around your apartment, his eyes eventually settling on your kitchen counter. A smirk creeps into his lips when he sees the pot of water over the stove and the noodle packs. “Instant ramen,” he says. “How very… college student of you.”
“Hey!” you protest. “I happen to like instant ramen, thank you very much. It’s delicious and it’s cheap.”
Junmyeon scoffs as he sits on the couch. “You’ve deluded yourself into liking it because it’s cheap,” he corrects. “Stop eating that garbage. Your body will thank you in ten years.”
“I’m sorry, what are you doing here again?” you ask, because you’re pretty sure that he isn’t there to just criticize your dinner choices. “And how did you come up? Mr. Bong just let you?”
You’re not sure if you’re seeing things, but you can swear you just saw Junmyeon’s cheeks blush a little. “Oh, your doorman let me up because… um, because he saw us…”
“Oh.” Now you’re blushing, too. “Right.”
You know that he’s talking about the night of your birthday, the night he drove you home from Esperanza, the night you kissed.
You still remember everything about that kiss, even the tiniest of details. You still remember how Junmyeon’s lips still had a faint taste of strawberries because of the ice cream the two of you shared before he drove you home. You still remember how his perfume smelled like lavender, warm and comforting. You still remember how soft his lips were, and even now, about a week later, a phantom of that kiss still lingers over your mouth.
It had been everything you imagine it would be, and more.
Definitely more.
“Water’s boiling,” Junmyeon says, reeling you back into the present. You head toward the kitchen and put the noodle squares into the pot. Junmyeon follows you, this time settling on a seat at the dining table. “I came here because… Well, I wanted to talk about that night.”
Your heart suddenly feels a bit too heavy on your chest. He’s here to lecture you again, isn’t he?
“I’m sorry,” you tell him.
Junmyeon doesn’t say anything. But you feel him stand up from his seat and walk toward you, coming closer and closer until he’s close enough that the skin on your neck tingles from his proximity.
“I’m not,” he whispers.
“You’re not what?”
“I’m not sorry.” You turn around, and the first thing you see is Junmyeon’s chest. He towers a couple of inches over you, so you have to look up to meet his eyes. “I’m not sorry,” he repeats. “God knows how many times I’ve imagined that happening. I know it’s a wrong thing to imagine, but it’s true. And I’m not sorry.”
“But,” he cuts you off, “that doesn’t mean we can be reckless now. I like you. A lot. Maybe more than a lot. And I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, which is why we have to be careful.”
“I understand.” Truly, you do. Junmyeon has said it over and over again, that he doesn’t want you to get in trouble because of him and especially now that you’re just a few exams away from graduating.
After all, you know now how Junmyeon feels about you. I like you, he had said. That’s a guarantee you didn’t have before, and now that you do have it, it makes the complications more bearable.
“You only have about a month and a half left,” Junmyeon says. “After that, we’ll talk again. If our feelings haven’t changed, that is.”
You shake your head. “I’m afraid my feelings aren’t going anywhere. Not sure about yours, though…”
Junmyeon laughs, his cheeks beaming as he does. “My feelings don’t change so easily, either.”
“Are you staying for dinner?”
“I can’t,” he says. “I have to grade a bunch of term papers. I still haven’t read and graded yours, to be honest. Besides, I’m not really a huge fan of instant noodles.”
You playfully slap his arm. “Stop making fun of my dinner.”
“Alright,” Junmyeon laughs again, and you can swear that it’s the sweetest sound you’ve heard all your life. “Good luck on the rest of your finals.”
Before you can stop yourself, you blurt out, “Don’t I get a kiss? For good luck?”
The smile dissolves on Junmyeon’s face. He steps toward you, walking until his face is only a couple of inches away from yours. He cups your cheek in his right hand, the pad of his thumb brushing your lower lip. An electric jolt races up your spine.
But he pulls away.
“No more kisses until graduation,” he says.
You had expected this, but it was worth a try. “And after graduation?”
“We’ll see,” Junmyeon says. You catch the corner of his lips curling into a smirk once more before he suppresses it.
* * *
On your way back home from your last final exam, you run into an old friend at the convenience store you always go to after school.
You almost hadn’t recognized him. The last time you’d had a good look at him had been a couple of months ago, and that hadn’t exactly been a friendly encounter.
“Chanyeol?” you call incredulously as you approach him by the beverage section of the store.
The last time you’d seen him, his dark mop of hair had been long and unruly, almost covering his eyebrows. Now it’s bleached strawberry blonde and cropped short, like a military haircut that has grown a bit longer, the undercuts fading from the crown. Chanyeol has always been handsome, but the clean hairstyle has accentuated his features even better.
“Long time no see,” he says in that deep voice that used to tie your stomach in knots. It still does, actually, but maybe not as much as before.
“Your hair… Wow.”
You can’t stop staring at him. He doesn’t quite look like the Chanyeol you knew, but at the same time, seeing him look so differently floods your brain with so many memories, and surprisingly, none of them are bad.
Perhaps it’s because he looks like a better version of himself, the version you’ve only seen in the happy memories you have of him, the version you would’ve enjoyed to get to know more back when you still loved him.
You still feel something, especially now that he’s standing right in front of you, but you’re sure that it isn’t love. It’s more of a what-if. No other term can encapsulate Chanyeol better. What if.
“Is it bad?” Chanyeol asks shyly, running his hands through his new hair. The dimple that you had always found adorable appears on his cheek as he smiles.
“No, no. It’s good. It’s very good.”
Chanyeol laughs. “That’s a relief. I thought it looked horrible on me since everyone can’t stop staring.”
“Well, it’s just that… You look so different.”
“Yup,” he says, “that was the idea. I wanted to be different. Figured I should look the part while I’m at it.” He looks down at his feet, and swallows nervously. “Listen, um… I’d like to talk about a few things, if that’s okay with you.”
You stare at him for a while, trying to gauge his expression. He looks apologetic — sad, almost — and you can tell which direction this ‘talk’ would be veering toward.
But there are still some loose ends to tie up, and you figured that this conversation is long overdue.
You nod. “Sure, Chanyeol. Let’s talk.”
  The afternoon is relatively cool for an April one. The streets are filled with college students going out to eat and whatnot, filling the air with the buzz of chatter and laughter.
You and Chanyeol have taken a table outside the convenience store, a rectangular umbrella sticking out of its center and hanging over the two of you. Wisps of steam rise from the cups of coffee you’ve bought from the store. Neither one of you has drank.
The tension in the atmosphere is thick, not with resentment, but with awkwardness. It’s as if the two of you have forgotten how to talk with each other. You want to ask him, How did we end up like this? but you already know the answer to that.
Finally, when you can’t stand the silence any longer, you say, “What did you want to talk about, Yeol?”
The nickname feels strange as it rolls off your tongue, like it no longer belongs there, but you say it anyway to show Chanyeol that you no longer harbor bad feelings toward him.
You’ve forgiven him, even if he hadn’t apologized properly, because that’s the only way for you to stop hurting. And it has worked. So far, at least.
“Right,” he says. “I’ve talked to Kyungsoo and Jihyun, too. About the, um, way I’ve been acting for the past months. I’m sorry about ghosting you guys suddenly. It’s just that… I needed a lot of time to myself. To think about the shit I did. I’m sorry if it took so long for me to figure out.”
“I understand,” you answer.
Not It’s okay or It’s fine or any of that. I understand. That’s the best you can give him — your understanding. You’ve forgiven him based on that, but that doesn’t erase the pain he’s caused you.
Chanyeol continues. “I’ve apologized to Kyungsoo and Jihyun about those things, and you’re the last person I wanted to apologize to because… well, you’re the one I hurt the most.”
The cups of coffee have gone cold on the table, and so has your heart.
“I know that apologizing doesn’t cut it, but still, I’m sorry,” says Chanyeol. There’s no question about the sincerity of his tone. It’s the most genuine sentence you’ve heard from him in all the years that you’ve known him. “I’m sorry that I led you on, that I took advantage of how you felt for me, that I didn’t think my actions through when I was with you. I just want you to know that it’s not your fault. None of it is. It’s me. It’s all me. I was too afraid of my own feelings. That’s the truth.”
You stare at him, your throat beginning to tighten.
Chanyeol’s eyes are traveling everywhere except on you. You’re not sure if you’re just imagining things or if his eyes have really turned watery.
“I know that nothing’s gonna change what happened before, and I’m not even entirely sure if it’s gonna change anything now, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the things I did, the things I’m doing right now that I may not even be aware of, the things I’ll do in the future. I’ll never do anything intentionally that’ll hurt you, I just fuck up sometimes. I’m pretty sure I’ll fuck up in the future, too, but I’ll try to be better. I’ll try if it’s the last thing I do. I care about you. A lot.”
The awkwardness seeps back into the air. Chanyeol picks up his coffee, which probably doesn’t taste that good anymore, and takes a small sip from it.
“I’ve forgiven you a long time ago, Yeol,” you say after a few seconds of silence. “There’s nothing else to forgive. But I appreciate your apology.”
It’s true. What’s done is done. Neither of you can do anything about the bad memories you have of each other now. All you can do is move past all that.
Chanyeol may have done a lot of hurtful things, whether intentionally or not, but it’s not his fault that he didn’t love you the way you loved him.
“I know I’m not in the position to ask for favors, but can I ask one all the same?” Chanyeol asks.
“Can we be friends again?”
You smile. “I’d like that. Yeah, let’s try again as friends.”
Chanyeol’s lips curl into a smile as well, his dimple making another appearance. “Thank you. For hearing me out. And for the coffee,” he says. “See you around?”
“You can’t stay for a while?”
Chanyeol regretfully shakes his head. “I have to study for my major demo prod final.”
You can’t help but laugh. “You are different,” you say. “You never studied before.”
“Never too late to start again, right?” Chanyeol laughs. “See you around.”
You nod. Chanyeol stands up from his seat, gives you one last smile, and then disappears into the fading afternoon. Your heart feels the lightest it has been for a while, and you wonder until when this happiness will be good for this time around.
Apparently not for long.
Your phone dings, displaying an e-mail notification from the last person you’d expect it from. The message reads:
  From: CCU Department of Literature ([email protected])
  Good day.
  You are respectfully invited to the department chair’s office for a dialogue regarding a sensitive matter. Kindly reply promptly with the schedule that works for you.
  Lee Yeong Hoon, PhD
Chair, Literature Department
* * *
Your heart feels like it’s about to burst inside your chest any minute now.
You’ve never been personally asked into the department chair’s office in all your four years in college, and the churning in your gut tells you that your first visit isn’t going to be a pleasant one.
Students only ever go to their department chair’s office for either one of two reasons: (1) to ask for recommendation letters, in which case they go willingly, or (2) they fucked up and are in trouble, in which case they’re asked to go whether they like it or not.
You definitely aren’t there to ask for recommendations, so the only other logical option is that you’re monumentally screwed. As far as you’re concerned, you haven’t done anything to warrant the department chair’s attention.
Well, there is one thing…
No, you tell yourself. That’s impossible.
How could Dr. Lee have known? How could anyone have known? You and Junmyeon have been careful enough around campus. Heck, you haven’t seen him more than once outside of campus since the night he drove you home from Esperanza. It just isn’t possible that you’re in trouble because of that.
The shrill, robotic sound of a telephone snaps you back into reality.
The department secretary immediately picks it up. “Sir? Yes, sir. Right away, sir.” She turns to you, placing the handset back on the hook. “Dr. Lee is ready for you, sweetie.”
You can’t quite place the secretary’s expression. Is it distaste? Pity? Nevertheless, you thank her, and then hesitantly make your way toward the office.
The second you open the door and see who’s in the room aside from Dr. Lee, your heart sinks right through the floor. The other man is sitting with his back facing you, but he doesn’t need to turn around for you to know who he is.
He’s already occupying one of the two chairs in front of Dr. Lee’s desk, so you naturally go for the other seat. Your entire body has gone cold.
“I suppose you already know why I asked you here this morning,” Dr. Lee says, talking to no one in particular. Neither you nor Junmyeon respond.
Dr. Lee brings out a small, dark brown envelope from one of his desk drawers. He pulls out a single sheet of glossy paper — a photo, you realize — and places it gingerly on the table, as if mishandling it will make it explode.
Junmyeon doesn’t move an inch, perhaps because Dr. Lee has already shown him the photo while you were waiting outside just a few minutes ago. You straighten in your seat, craning your neck to see what’s on the photo.
It’s a bit dark and grainy, like it was taken on a phone from a distance, but there’s no doubt that the two people in the photo are you and Junmyeon. It was taken on that night, the night you sometimes still can’t believe ever happened. There it is, the first kiss you and Junmyeon have shared, immortalized in a photo meant to destroy the both of you here and now.
“This was dropped anonymously into my pigeon hole about a week ago,” says Dr. Lee. “The only people that have seen it are the people in this room right now, and my secretary. She opens my letters, you see.” He takes the photo, puts it back in the envelope, and then returns it inside his drawer. “No one will ever see it again.”
That takes a huge chunk of weight off of your chest, but it doesn’t remove all the dread.
Despite the anxiety simmering in your stomach, you manage to say, “Thank you, sir.”
Dr. Lee simply nods. The neutrality of his features is a bit unsettling, but it’s better than him being angry. Or maybe this is how he naturally is when he’s upset? That’s even more unnerving.
“As Chair of the Literature Department, it’s my responsibility to make sure that… things like this do not spill over to the entire Liberal Arts College.” He said ‘things’ with such dismay that you know he said it not because of the lack of a better term. Dr. Lee continues, “We have to deal with this on our own. Our department cannot have any more attention toward it, especially not after the scandal last trimester with Ms. Jeon. We have to cut off this problem’s head before it bites anyone else. Do you remember your Greek mythology?” he asks you.
The sudden question causes your brows to furrow in confusion. “Sir?”
“You were my student in World Literature 1. Do you remember your Greek mythology?” Dr. Lee repeats.
“Uh, I g-guess, sir.”
“Good. You will understand my analogy, then. You see, problems are like the Hydra — cut off one head, two more take its place. How did Hercules kill it?”
The answer comes naturally to you. “He burned the stumps before they grew back.”
“Good,” Dr. Lee says, his tone void of any emotion. “We have already cut off the head by not telling anyone else, and this is how we will burn the stump of this problem so that it remains beheaded.” He leans back on his chair, folding his arms in front of him. “I have already discussed this with Mr. Kim earlier, but for your sake, we will discuss it again.”
You turn to look at Junmyeon — the first good look you’ve had of him since you entered the room. His face is as rigid as a rock, his eyebrows scrunched together. He hasn’t spared you a glance, not once, since you sat down. He hasn’t talked, either.
Dr. Lee sighs. “Given your father’s position in the university and the fact that you are merely awaiting graduation, I am inclined to grant you the utmost leniency regarding this matter. Personally, I do not care about other people’s relationships, especially if they are of legal age, but unfortunately, my personal bias is suspended when I am acting as department chair. Because of that, I have no choice but to not invite Mr. Kim to teach at the university next trimester, or in the trimesters to come.”
Did you hear him correctly?
“You’re firing him,” you sum up. Your voice doesn’t feel like it’s coming from you; it feels like it’s echoing from someplace else.
Dr. Lee leans forward, propping his elbows on the wooden table. “My dear, I am not terminating Mr. Kim’s contract. I am simply not renewing it. There is a difference.”
“Well whatever you call it, it isn’t fair, it isn’t—”
“Don’t,” Junmyeon’s stern voice cuts you off. He throws you a pointed glance, silently saying, Please stop talking right now. He’s angry; that, you are sure of. What you aren’t sure of is if his anger is directed at the whole situation or simply at you.
He has the right to be furious at you, doesn’t he? After all, all of this wouldn’t be happening if you just hadn’t let yourself get swayed by your emotions and kissed him that night.
The fault is yours alone.
“It is settled,” Dr. Lee says with such finality that it’s hard to argue.
Unfortunately, you’d never been one to know when to give up. “Dr. Lee, please. It isn’t his fault, it’s mine. Please don’t—”
“Enough,” the department chair says. His tone has gone from neutral to venomous. “The only reason I am not taking your diploma away from you is because your father is the president of this university. One more outburst like that and I will no longer hesitate to forfeit your degree.” That shuts you right up. Dr. Lee then turns to Junmyeon. “It is settled,” he repeats. “Thank you for your time in this university, Mr. Kim. I wish you good fortune in all your future endeavors.”
Junmyeon stands up from his seat and offers his hand to Dr. Lee. “Thank you, sir,” he says. After the handshake, Junmyeon walks out of the room, and all you can do is watch.
What you don’t know is that it’ll  be a while before you see him again.
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If you enjoy my work and want to send a bit more love, you can buy me a coffee! Donors will receive a small gift from me. ♡
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< Part I (Chapters 1 to 5) • Chapter 6 • Chapter 7 > Chapter 8 > Chapter 9 > Chapter 9.5 >
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praphit · 3 years
F9: What does Absurdity even mean anymore?
Due to COVID, I thought that my last movie theater experience was going to be "Bad Boys For Life". I'm happy to say that if I died today, I would be telling souls in Heaven that "F9" was the last movie I saw on the big screen (I'm sure that films are big talking points in the after life).
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There weren't too many people there:
There was a woman coughing in the corner; I barely looked at her. I imagined that COVID was mugging her, and I didn't want to be a witness, and so have COVID come after me next. I'm vaxxed, but still I was thinking of ways to distract COVID, so I could enjoy the film. There was an old couple sitting up front (like REALLY OLD... sitting UP FRONT... Ha! that's awesome). Awesome or not, I was going to point them out if COVID came after me. There were two obese kids sitting a few rows behind me that I could also point out, as well as my friend that I was sitting next to... what?? Look, they would ALL want me to escape, so I could bring my "F9" review to the people!
Let's not talk about my survival skills, let's talk some Vin & the Fam - that's why we're here!
It took a while for me to remember what was going on:
Dom (Vin), Letty (M. Rod), and their... kid? Oh, right, they have a kid, and they moved on to start a new life together. 
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Didn't the real mom die or something?? Idk. You've got the British lady from "GOT" still hanging out with Luda and Tyrese. 
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(they so crazy)
"Hobbs and Shaw" are still gone 
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(making their own money, cuz bleep family!). 
Brian (Paul Walker's character - rip) is apparently, now everyone's babysitter. So, if anyone in this gang, who could die on any of these missions, ever have kids, they can just send them off to Nanny Brian's. 
There's a dude named Mr. Nobody who sometimes sends the gang on secret spy missions.
Oh, and people in the gang keep coming back from the dead. Boom! We're caught up with this absurdity. That's actually what I asked for when I got to the movies 
"Give me one ticket for Absurdity please."
In this batch of the absurd, we find out that Dom has a brother, and he's John Cena (Jakob). 
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Charlize Theron is back! That must have been the worst bet that she has ever lost. I consider her to be one of the most underrated and underappreciated actors we've got, but movies like these ain't helping that case.
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And who's idea was it to give her that haircut? - part of the bet she lost, I suppose. 
It was reported that the gang goes into space (at least two of them do). 
Annnnd the X-Men Jet is back! 
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(it really does look like that - Wolverine included)
Seriously, after the X-Men's last two movies (which were turrrible), I was expecting them to crossover for a fresh start. Why not?? They're a spy team now, that goes to space! - nothing should be off the table.
They're looking for two halves of some... war sphere?? If put back together with some key... idk... John Cena rules the world.
Remember when Vin and the gang were all about street racing, money, survival, and brown booty? - those were simpler times!
But, why discuss the plot? Seriously, why? None of it makes any sense. From Dom and Letty living like Amish people (which is an ending worse than death for action heroes) 
to their convoluted explanation for bringing the latest person back from the dead (which reminds me of a married couple, when the husband or wife get caught watching porn, and try to explain that it was just a pop-up that came out of nowhere. The other spouse gulps their glass of wine and plows forward - that was me with this - gulping my soda (with a lil Henny) saying "whatever guys, let's please just move on".
and  what's going on with the two brother's is a thin thread at best. AND the villain's motivation...  
But, it's foolish to get into that., and take points off. I LOVE THESE MOVIES, but it ain't for the story. Let's grade "F9" by its own standards:
Racing, Action, and Family (they graduated from booty to family):
They've done the racing in a small city thing before, but this time it's with magnets! - SUPER MAGNETS!
I loved this! Cars are getting sucked into magnets. They're using them to make people fly away and explode. Which btw, they did my man Francis Ngannou wrong (an mma fighter). There's a fight scene with a giant white dude on top of a speeding vehicle. That giant white dude could have and should have been the role for Francis, instead he's just here to say high, and then blow up. As much as I loved these scenes, they were too quick in some areas. I think if they had slowed some of the magnet stuff down a bit, we could appreciate more what's happening.
M.Rod is legit. 
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She needs her own franchise. The only action star I enjoyed more than her was Vin, and that's really due to the absurdity of one scene. Do y'all remember the "Civil War" scene when Captain America has one hand on a building and another pulling back a helicopter?? 
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It's the same level of strength needed for what Vin does in some underground chambers. You can see a bit of it in the trailer. He pulls the whole place down, and then, just like in "Civil War", he ends up in the water (but unconscious). Oh, and he does this after beating up like 50 people at once. Ha! I love it! Then, how he is rescued (cuz c'mon, he can't die) is splendidly preposterous, and I mean that is a complimentary way. That scene is perfection.
The only action that bothers me comes from Dom's sister (mia). 
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She just doesn't sell being a fighter, but whatever. No disrespect... she’s beautiful, but... her hair might weigh more than the rest of her body.
Apparently, the highest trained fighters (agents) in the world (who have GUNS) never trained for a unskilled, unprepared, 110 lb woman in her 40's with a frying pan.
Family & Corona
Tyrese and Luda are always funny, but their act is growing a bit thin. It actually felt like an act this time around. I think it's time to add another black man in the mix; perhaps one who's older than they are... TRACY MORGAN?
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Throw an OG in there and it'll freshen things up again. I do like though how Tyrese is starting to suspect that they might be immortals. I think they should test that theory out in the next movie; maybe have Tyrese break the fourth wall, kinda like Deadpool, as he realizes this is just a dumbass movie.
Dom and Letty's kid... terrible. I'm sorry! This is a bias of mine, but kids normally suck at acting. This one is no exception. Just get an older actor to play the young kid. I'm thinking Ryan Reynolds would have been a good choice.
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You may be saying "that's absurd!" - I'm glad that y'all can still tell what that word means, cuz I can't.
The rest of the chemistry family magic is great!
Oh, and Cardi is here, but... barely (for like 30 seconds, if that). 
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No rapping, no wapping, no cursing... kind of a waste of Cardi B, if you ask me.
John Cena aka Jakob with a K!
Meh. JC def has charisma, just not in this movie. He doesn't stand out at all. You know?? - The Rock, Jason Statham, Charlize Theron, etc all have a presence about them in this franchise. Cena?! what happened, buddy?
There are certain music artists whom you'd think would have a great personality based off their music and how they dress. But, then you meet them, and you realize that they're just normal bozos like you and I (only rich and famous). And normal bozos like you and I, AT TIMES can be boring. You gotta have some flair if you're not going to have personality. Give my man some pink glittery highlights, a face tat, some vampire teeth, and maybe a chainsaw for his left arm or something.
Grade: Good action. The absurdities were funny. I was entertained! Production was great! BUT it's getting tired, my friends. It's the same formula that I've mentioned and then, like always, they're grilling and drinking Corona's in the sun. After nine movies (with at least two more on the way)... I never thought I'd say this, but it's actually not absurd enough. Wait... I seriously can't believe I just said that.
I need to say that again to know it's real.
This movie wasn't absurd.. enough? ENOUGH. IT WASN'T! They're going to need to step it up for the next two.
They were in space, but not for long. They raced for the most part in regular cars (regular for them). . You only brought ONE person back from the dead??! C'mon! We can do better.
I'm giving it an entertaining C+
I like that we saw different younger Dom's (during flashbacks) through time. I think that the next type of vehicle they bust out should be a DeLorean.
Y'all feel me?? TIME TRAVEL, baby! 
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Vin and the gang race through time! They can have Tracy Morgan. They'll each have a younger version (or older) of themselves join the group. Cardi B will actually do something this time - maybe turn into a car! 
And maybe Cable shows up as they tie it to Marvel.
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Think bigger, Vin!
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-First Day Out
Leave a request!
For @honestlytrulyv
You stand outside the prison gates, squinting from the bright sun and leaning against Oscar’s car. Today was finally the day you have been looking forward too for so long. Cesar and you had talked about this exact day all the time when Oscar had first gotten locked up. However as the years passed Cesar didn’t want to come see his brother any more or talk to him on the phone as much. So you weren’t really surprised that he decided to back out last minute and stay behind with his friends. You got a little upset with him, but calmed down when he said he would be at the party you had planned for tonight. You had actually planned this whole day out for Oscar as you guys drive back down to Freeridge. After picking him up you guys were going to eat the greasiest food you can find, then you were going to let him stop to get a proper hair cut and shave, and lastly now that Cesar wasn’t here you were going to drive over to a rest stop just outside of town to get in the proper attention you both deserve, since you two most likely wouldn’t be alone again until after the party.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when you hear the loud squeaking of the gates opening up, Oscar walking out in the familiar outfit that he was arrested in. You feel your heart clench, the tears already making a appearance as you run towards him.
“Finally.” You hear him sigh as you crash into him, Oscar wrapping his arms tightly around you and burying his face into your neck as he breaths in your familiar scent.
“Hi.” You say, your voice quivering,”You’re really here?”
“I’m here nena. I’m here.” He says pulling back to cup your face in his hands,”I’m here.” He repeats, as if at any moment this could all be a dream and he would wake up in his tiny cell again,”Kiss me.” He softly demands, pressing your lips to his with so much passion and fire. You stand on your tiptoes and tug him closer to you as you return the kiss. It seems as if time has slowed down, the small act of affection in reality only lasting a minute at the latest,”Let’s get the fuck out of here.” He says and pulls you toward his car,”My other baby.” Oscar whistles as he walks around the car,”Let me see the keys mami.”
You giggle and pull out the keys from your pocket before tossing them to him, Oscar catching them with ease,”You better get use to how clingy I’m going to be for the next few days.” You warn him after you slide into the car, presses up next to him.
“Please be clingy.” Oscar grins and places his arm behind you, putting the keys in the ignition and pulling out of the lot.
“What do you want to eat papi? I know you’ve been thinking about it.” You ask a few minutes into the drive.
“Damn you do know me better than I thought.” He chuckles as he drives down the long dirt road and off of the prison property completely,”I want a big bowl of birria and a quesadilla con queso y pastor along with a michelada. I’ve had this fucking meal in my head for the past few days now.” He admits, his stomach rumbling on cue.
You laugh and nod in agreement,”Okay, I’m sure we can find that.” You tell him, which turned out to be right. Twenty minutes later you guys sat inside a packed, run down restaurant, already having ordered as little old Mexican lady’s run around, trying to get everything in check.
“The more run down the better the food.” Oscar says as he grabs a chip, drawing it in the green salsa before he eats it in one bite,”So are you going to tell me why Cesar isn’t with us? Or are we just avoiding that?” Oscar asks curiously, not upset per say, well at least not with you.
“He’ll be at the party tonight papi. I think he was just nervous plus he’s not the same little boy he was. He’s older and more wise. He likes to hang out with his friends and go out to do stupid teenager shit with them. I think he’s even seeing some girl. I may or may not have heard him in his room a few months ago.” You shudder at the memory,”So its not you, it’s literally him. We’re not even that close anymore.” You exaggerate just a bit, Cesar was changing but you guys still talked and hung out as if you two were the siblings. You weren’t going to tell that to Oscar though. The truth was Cesar had just grown pissed at the fact that Oscar got sent to prison. He didn’t understand how Oscar can even be involved with a gang. You tried to explain and reason with him but gave up after a while. This was something the two of them would have to resolve on their own.
Oscar takes in your words, sighing in agreement,”I just miss his ass, I was hoping he would be here.” He shrugs, playing it off as he puts another chip in his mouth.
“Hey, I’m here.” You smile and lightly kick his leg under the table,”Besides it’s a good thing he didn’t come.” You wink playfully, blowing a kiss his way.
“Don’t.” Oscar groans and clenches his jaw,”You can’t talk to me like that right now mami. It’s been too fucking long and my hand wasn’t worth a shit in the pen.”
You giggle and reach for a chip yourself,”I’m sorry. I’ll be on my best behavior.” You joke and eat the salty fried tortilla before taking a drink of your limonada.
“We can save all that shit for later. Trust me.” Oscar informs with a shake of his head before taking a drink from his spicy flavored beer.
“Okay.” You say simply. You knew where he was coming from, you had went with out his touch as long as he has gone without yours. You can’t help but stare at him as he drinks and eats, you had missed this so much. You and Oscar were notorious for stuffing your guys faces everyday. You didn’t just miss that obviously, you missed every single thing.
You guys talk about the future, a small hand touch here and there, before the mass amount of food you two had ordered is being placed down on the table.
“Gracias.” Oscar tells the waiter, you offering a smile instead,”I don’t know where to start.”
“I do.” You sing as you reach for a taco de barbacoa. Taking half of it in one bite.
“Fat ass.” Oscar jokes as he leans over to wipe the side of your mouth.
“Yeah? Look who’s talking. I thought prison was suppose to make your swole not get a gut.” You joke, in all honestly he did get more fit, but you weren’t about to boost his ego.
“Chill mamas. I’m just playing with you.” Oscar chuckles, grabbing a quesadilla and dipping it in the soup before taking a bite. His eyes shutting as he savors something other than prison food for the first time,”Damn.” He mumbles in between bites. You smile as you see him enjoy his meal, something you take for granted out here in the free world.
“I’m glad you like it papi.” You tell him, grabbing something else to try.
After getting stuffed and paying for the food you decide to let Oscar drive a bit more closer to home before pulling over for a haircut.
Now you didn’t want to exactly sit in a barbershop and watch Oscar get his hair lined up and shaved, if this was any other day you would have told him to go by himself. However, if there was one thing he talked about missing more than you and Cesar it would be a getting a proper haircut. So as Oscar sits in the chair, giddy like a little boy you can’t help but be excited that you are even able to be here with him.
After you pay for the haircut, Oscar not liking that but not really having a choice, you to get back in the car to head the rest of the way to Freeridge.
“Damn papi. You look good.” You say, leaning over to kiss his cheek, Oscar’s grin wide as he drives. Already feeling like a brand new man.
“Can we stop over at lookout point?” You ask,”I have a surprise.”
“I thought the surprise was at the house.” Oscar says knowingly.
“Oh my good! Who told you? Was it sad eyes? Don’t even answer that, I know it was his stupid ass.” You groan
“Yeah, it was him. He spilled that info like a week ago, but I figured you would be throwing one anyway.” Oscar laughs
“Fine, there is a party but it’s not until later. So just listen and drive because I don’t want to have to share your attention just yet.” You pout
“I’ll do whatever you want nena.” Oscar says as he takes the exit, driving a few miles down the road until he pulls to a stop just feet away from the cliff. The other parking spaces empty just like they usually are.
As soon as he takes his hands off the steering wheel your climbing over and straddling him, your lips finding his with ease. Oscar responds quickly and wraps his arms around you, deepening the kiss as he forces his tongue into your mouth.
You don’t know why but a few minutes in to the heated make out session you become overwhelmed with emotions,”I’m sorry.” You say and pull back from Oscar, covering your face as you begin to cry,”I don’t know why I’m crying.” You tell him a dry laugh escaping after embarrassingly. Oscar gently grabs your hands and pulls them away, looking at you with concerned eyes.
“Talk to me mami.” He tells you as you take a deep shaky breath.
“I’m just really happy.” You reply as you use your fingers to wipe under your eyes,”These last four years I felt like a piece of me was missing and now your back and I feel complete. It’s stupid I know, I didn’t mean to kill the mood and be such a cry baby.”
“Aye, it’s not stupid Y/N. I put you through four years of heartbreak. I know that baby. Every time you came to visit me I could seen the pain in your eyes even though you tried to hide it behind a smile. I can never repay you for all that you did while I was away. That’s why you’re my forever, mi corazón.(my heart)” Oscar says, each word more powerful than the last,”I know you’re to good for me. You can object all you want but we both know it’s true. You deserve someone who can put you in a mansion and spoil you like the reina(queen) that you are. Yet you put up with me and stayed by my side through my whole prison sentence along with taking care of my little brother. That’s why I’m going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. So cry mami, get it all out right now because after today I don’t want to see tears come from your eyes that are caused by me.”
“I’m always going to stay by your side. No matter what because to me you’re always going to be good enough for me. Better than good enough. You’re my perfect half Oscar Diaz.” You say, blinking back the last few tears,”I’ll love you forever.”
“Yo también te quiero.”
The drive back to the house was quick and silent. Oscar holding your hand with his as you looked out the window enjoying the peacefulness. You couldn’t wait for more nights like this. Driving around with Oscar, the music blasting and the windows rolled down as you scream you heart out to the lyrics.
“Looks like they wasted no time in getting the party started.” Oscar says pulling into the driveway. The yard filled with people,loud music coming from both inside and outside.
“They never do.” You laugh and open up the car door to get out. Members of Los Santos instantly coming over to greet ‘Spooky’ in hugs and handshakes. You follow behind, letting the spotlight be on him for a while before you grab his arm,”Go hang out, I’ll bring you a drink.” You tell him, Oscar nodding and giving you a peck before getting dragged away. You try and spot Cesar but to no avail. You send him a quick text before heading into the crowded house to grab him a cold drink.
You smile at a few familiar faces in your search for Oscar, going over when you spot him sitting down outside on the couch that desperately needed to be thrown out,”Here you go.” You tell him as you squeeze your self down in between him and sad eyes,”Move it.” You joke with the tall skinny gang banger as you hand Oscar the cold can.
“Aye he’s my boyfriend too or did you forget?” He smirks, nudging your arm.
“Oh yeah? I’m sure your hyna would love to hear that.” You say amusingly, his blonde headed girlfriend a mere few feet away dancing with some other girls,”Surprised she stayed with you this long.” You tease, remembering her from a few weeks ago at the graduation party that was held. Sad eyes forcing you to tag along.
“Aye the hynas love me, she knows she’s going to have to share. Spooky included.” He says and pops his chest out as you scoff in disgust.
“Yeah fool? Well it looks like you may have some competition. Does the sharing rule apply to her too?” Oscar tells him and nods over to some guy that was trying to chat up his girl. Sad eyes gets up with a vengeance and heads over to deal with the problem, you and Oscar laughing at the scene.
“Enjoying your party so far?” You ask and lean your head on his shoulder.
“I am.” He reply’s and takes a drink of his beer,”Thought you said Cesar would be here?”
“I texted him. He probably fell asleep at Ruby’s. He told me he was going to show up, I don’t think he would intentionally bail.” You tell him reassuringly, not believing your own words,”I’m sure he’ll show up.”
“He better.” Oscar huffs
“Well...in the meantime how about a dance?” You ask, trying to play off the situation as you jump to your feet and grab Oscar’s free hand. He takes it and stands up letting you lead him more into the yard as some reggae song begins to play. You spin around and press your backside to Oscar, moving to beat of the song as Oscar grabs your hips and grinds against you while taking the occasional sip of his drink. Near the end of it he hugs you from behind, the two of you still dancing against each other as you turn your head to kiss him feverishly.
“Spooky come smoke!” You hear someone yell, causing you to stop your actions with a sigh.
“Go.” You smile against his lips,”I know you want too.”
“You’ll have all my attention tonight mamacita.” Oscar says seriously before walking away. You let him actually have some time with his friends as you head back in and sit with some of the other girlfriends that you were closer with. All of them bringing up how they were so happy for you and what they would do in your situation. You could only take about twenty minutes of the constant chit chat before excusing yourself and heading into the bedroom that you’ve had to sleep alone in for many nights. You lay back on the bed and kick off your shoes, pulling your phone out when you feel it buzzing, Cesars face popping up on your screen.
“Where are you?” You ask
“I’m walking home now. I just wanted to chill with my friends a little longer Y/N. Now that Oscar’s home I probably won’t get to do that any more.” He replies
“What are you talking about? What does him being home have to do with your friends.” You ask with a raised eyebrow, confusion laced in your tone.
“I’m going to just end up getting jumped into the gang, it’s inevitable and you know it. I don’t want to drag my friends into that lifestyle.”
“Is that why you’ve been acting strange? You think Oscar’s going to make you join Los Santos? Are you kidding me Cesar? He wouldn’t do that. If he even tried I would personally kill him. How did you even come up with that idea?” You ask him, obviously you loved your boyfriend but the gang life was not something you would want for Cesar.
“It’s life Y/N. It’s my destiny.” Unknown to you in just 6 weeks Cesar would in fact be getting jumped in.
“It’s not destiny, ugh look just hurry and get home. You don’t need to think about your brother like that , me and you will have a talk later. He wants to see you Cesar, he’s been stuck in a cell for four years so don’t come here and say any smart remarks about Los Santos or whatever you have in your head.” You warn him,”It’s suppose to be a happy day, so be happy.”
“Fine Y/N. I’ll be cool.” You hear him sigh in defeat.
“Good. Hurry up, you know it’s not safe to be walking the streets at night by yourself.” You tell him before hanging the phone up and flopping back down on the bed.
“That’s why he’s been so distant the past few years?” You hear a voice come from the door way.
“I guess...I knew it had to do something with you and the gang but not to that extent.” You say admittedly, turning around on the bed to face your boyfriend,”It makes sense for him to think like that Oscar you can’t really be upset.”
“Still, he didn’t have to pull away from me. We could have talked about that shit. If he really doesn’t want to be a part of Los Santos of course I’d back him up. He just wouldn’t be able to run to me or my homies if he ever gets into trouble. And trouble is always stirring up.”
“Well then he can run to me.” You shrug,”And then I’ll run to you and you love me to much to not help.” You smile and stand up,”Let’s go enjoy the rest of your party. He should be here any minute anyway.” You say not wanting to talk about any of this right now.
“Aight, fine.” He gives in and takes your hand to head back out to the front yard, letting you slide your shoes on first. He takes his seat once more, this time pulling you into his lap. He lights up a cigarette and makes conversation with the Santo next to him as you zone in and out of the conversation not really interested in what the Prophets had going on.
“Mano!” You hear Cesar call out as he walks up the drive. You smile and slide your self onto the arm rest so Oscar can get up to properly greet his little brother.
“Look at you fool! Finally hit puberty and shit.” Oscar says and pulls him into a hug, talking into his ear as they hold each other for a few moments. Probably saying that they would sit down and talk tomorrow about everything. They slowly release each other, the both of them joining you on the couch.
“Thanks for not bailing...you’re gonna be on clean up duty for getting here so late.” You tell Cesar quietly, who reluctantly agrees, before turning your attention back to Oscar for the remainder of the party, smiling as Cesar plays nice and actually talks to Oscar about what he’s been up.
“Have fun!” You call out to the younger brother who held a trash bag in his hand, picking up all the garbage that had formed, at least sad eyes offered his help so Cesar wasn’t completely alone,”Because we sure are.” You say softly to Oscar as you practically
drag him into the bedroom and slam the door.
“Side note, not on birth control anymore so make sure you pull out.” You tell him as the two of you quickly undress, not wanting to waste anytime.
“That’s okay with me.” He answers, grabbing you as soon as every article of clothes was gone and on the floor,”Fuck, I’ve been dreaming of this moment for so long.” He groans, grabbing a handful of your ass, tossing you on the bed after.
“Me too.” You say as you meet his gaze, sitting up on your elbows and waiting for his next move.
Oscar grabs your ankle and pulls you to the edge of the bed causing you to yelp in surprise. He kisses up your leg, getting to your thigh and beginning to leave a love bite,”Ah fuck.” You say and grab onto his head, the skin getting sensitive when he does it for a little to long.
“Sorry mamas.” Oscar chuckles and looks back at the large bruise in delight, moving to you other thigh to repeat the process.
You bite down on your lower lip and grip the bed sheets,”Fuck Oscar!” You squeak,”Enough papi.” You say as you take deep breaths, your thighs in pleasurable pain.
“I can’t help it, I just want to mark you up and let everybody know that I’m back.” He admits as he bends your right leg up,”Let me make it up to you.” You nod eagerly in agreement and look down at him as he inches closer to your throbbing core.
As soon as you feel his tongue on you, your head gets thrown back and your eyes squeeze shut. Small moans coming from you,”Yes papi.” You manage to get out, when he focuses on your clit, he hums against you and stays in position.
It only takes a few more minutes before you’re a crying mess underneath him, your first orgasm that hasn’t been caused by your fingers, intense and overwhelming. Oscar makes his way up your body, letting you taste yourself when he gets back up to your lips.
“All nighter?” Mumbles against your mouth
“All nighter.” You agree, the both of you taking turns and bringing each other’s body’s to multiple highs.
“Suns nearly up.” Oscar mentions a few hours later as he lays in bed next to you, the sheets low on his hip and a joint in his hand.
“Good. We can lay in bed all day, yeah?” You yawn, cuddled up to his side.
“Definitely.” He says, blowing out smoke simultaneously
“I’m kind of scared to go to sleep.” You tell him as you let your eyes close tiredly.
“Why’s that mami?”
“Just feel like I’m going to wake up and yesterday will be all a dream.” You laugh softly at the thought, getting drowsier as the seconds tick by.
“I feel the same.” He tells you with a yawn of his own, reaching over to place the joint in the ashtray,”But it won’t be. I’m home, right where I belong.” He says and turns on his side to spoon you.
“Hmh, home.” You smile lazily, dozing off completely in his arms. Oscar places a kiss to your head before burying his face in your hair. He knew that no matter what life threw at him he was never letting himself go back to prison. He couldn’t leave you or Cesar again, before being pulled into the best sleep he’s had in a while he made that promise to himself. A promise in which he intended to keep.
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izzielizzie · 4 years
Okay so full disclaimer I’ve never read any of the books you write about but Begin Again is your favorite song so want to do a one shot thing based on a couple from any book idk and Begin Again?
ahhh thank you for the ask Begin Again is my favorite song you’re absolutely right. And as for not reading any OOU book, @natewynoou​ are remedying that
This is going to be a Addy/Keely fic, enjoy!
Took a deep breath in the mirror He didn't like it when I wore high heels But I do
Addy paused as she scanned the shoes in front of her. It had been months since she and Jake broke up, but she could still hear his voice as she surveyed her clothes. Not those, baby he would say when he saw her dark green heels. She could never figure out why he didn’t like them, but she didn’t wear them.
Not today Riordan, Addy thought as she slipped her feet into the shoes, reveling in their familiar feeling.
Turn the lock and put my headphones on He always said he didn't get this song But I do, I do Addy scrolled through her playlists as she swung up onto her bike. Her finger hovered over Fall Out Boy’s latest album, the one she never listened to because Jake told her that their songs gave him a headache. With a small smile, she hit play and kicked off, peddling hard toward the café.
Walked in expecting you'd be late But you got here early and you stand and wave I walk to you
Addy pushed through the door of the Epoch Coffee and looked around for the familiar dark hair. She didn’t expect Keely to be here, she was always late when they were friends. They even joked about that via text when she reached out a week ago to ask if Addy wanted to get together and talk.
Addy looked towards the back of the café and was pleasantly surprised to find Keely waving at her. Addy smiled at her and wove through the maze of tables to reach her.
You pull my chair out and help me in And you don't know how nice that is But I do
Addy wobbled a little as she reached her chair. Okay so, maybe wearing heels to ride a bike wasn’t a good idea. Before Addy could fall, Keely jumped up and caught her arm, hitting her hip against the table corner as she twisted around the marble top.
“God Ads, careful.”
Keely pulled Addy’s chair out for her and guided her into it before sitting down herself, across from Addy.
Keely scanned the menu, talking about what they should order while Addy watched her with a smile. She didn’t think any of her old friends cared about her enough to dive around a table to catch her. And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did
“I forgot how funny you are Addy,” Keely said as she nearly chocked on her croissant.
“I wasn’t making a joke,” Addy said, cupping her hands around her coffee.
Keely narrowed her eyes at Addy, studying her. “I know that. You’re just funny in general.”
“Oh. Well, thanks.”
“Of course.”
I've been spending the last eight months Thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end
“Addy, the way Jake treated you wasn’t right,” Keel said suddenly, leaning forward.
“I know that now,” Addy said.
“And we knew it then. But we didn’t say anything.”
Addy shrugged, willing the tears not to fall. “The past is the past.”
Keely nodded, her dark hair brushing against the table.
But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Keely opened her mouth, looking at her old best friend hesitantly. “But, Addy?”
“You deserve so much better.”
Addy smiled down at her plate. “Thank you.”
You said you never met one girl Who had as many James Taylor records as you But I do
“Okay, tell me something about you I don’t know,” Keely said. She had been keeping their entire conversation afloat, but something told Addy that she didn’t truely mind it. 
Addy tilted her head and thought for a moment, fiddling with her earring. “I have a lot of James Taylor records,” she said finally.
“No way! Me too! How many?”
“Too many honestly, like, fifteen.”
“Babe same!” Keely held up a hand for a high five, and Addy obliged. “I never knew anyone our age to have any.
“I guess we’re just outliers.”
“Outliers together.” Keely held up her mug for a toast. Addy tapped her mug against hers. 
Together. That was a word she hadn’t heard in a long time. 
We tell stories and you don't know why I'm coming off a little shy But I do
“Oh my gosh did I tell you about the time I was dating Luis and he dove into a lake because he lost a baseball game?”
Addy shook her head a little.
“God it’s so funny. We were with his brothers right? And I mean he’s always been competitive-”
Addy didn’t listen to the rest of the story. Luis had told her. She spend the next few minutes watching the way Keely lit up when she spoke, and how her olive skin was glowing against her green shirt and the way her golden necklace glimmered in the light. She had somehow forgotten how beautiful Keely was. 
“Addy what’s wrong with you?” Keely asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“Nothing, why?” Addy was alarmed. They were getting along so well.
“You’re so quiet.”
“I just like listening to you talk I guess.”
Keely smiled.  
But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did
Addy wasn’t sure when she noticed during the hour and a half they sat drinking cold coffee, but Keely’s laugh was beautiful, and hearing it made her immensely happy. I've been spending the last eight months Thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end
“I like your haircut.”
“Really? Jake hated it.”
“Well, Jake was an asshole and you’re beautiful, so there.”
But on a Wednesday in a café I watched it begin again
Addy stood for a moment at her chair as Keely returned their dishes. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had called her beautiful and seemed to mean it. And we walked down the block to my car and I almost brought him up
Keely seemed to skip as they walked down the street to her car. Addy had forgotten she did that. “I like your shoes,” Keely said.
”Thanks, I haven’t worn them in forever.”
”Why not? They look great on you!”
Addy shrugged, not wanting to bring up Jake and his controlling tendencies. “I guess I didn’t have an occasion”
”Well, I’m glad you think I deserve those heels.”
You deserve everything Addy nearly said. 
But you start to talk about the movies that your family Watches every single Christmas and I want to talk about that
She thought about telling Keely that Jake banned the shoes, but before she knew it, they were talking about Elf and Edward Scissorhands and how Keely’s brother still insisted that Die Hard had to be watched on Christmas Eve and Addy couldn’t remember the last time she laughed that hard. 
And for the first time what's past is past
Addy was glad she didn’t bring up Jake as she stood by Keely’s car door, talking to her though the open window. Because Jake wasn’t important anymore. The only thing that mattered was the girl in front of her. 
'Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did
Keely and Addy were laughing so hard at the memory of Evan reciting a love poem meant for Bronwyn to Maeve during lunch that Keely leaned forward and her head hit the steering wheel, causing the horn to sound. Both girls jumped, met each other’s eyes, and started laughing harder. Addy had to hold on to the car door to keep from falling. 
I’ve been spending the last eight months Thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end
It was weird, to Addy, how eight months ago she was miserable, but today she was laughing so hard her sides were hurting. Maybe the old saying Ashton kept reciting: time heals all wounds was right.
But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Keely looked down at her phone and sighed. “I have to go Addy, I need to pick my brother up from practice. But this was so much fun. I miss being your friend.”
“I do too,” Addy said, stepping away from the car so Keely could pull out of her parking spot. Addy paused for a moment, indecision taking over. “Do this again next Wednesday?”
But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Keely grinned. “It’s a date Prentiss.”
Okay enjoy!!! I have to go to soccer practice so sorry for any spelling or grammar errors
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niqhtlord01 · 4 years
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You know what time it is????? Good; because I don’t have a watch.  But what I do have is the latest installment of Rooster Teeth Championship!!!!!! Today’s match we have our contestants fighting their worst foes yet; and I’m not even talking about their dump trucks worth of mental problems. 
No, I’m talking about themselves as we enter another round of Doubles Combat!
New haircut Jaune: *Draws sword from shield* Original Jaune: Did cardin force you to do that? *Points to hair* NH Jaune: I’ve been told I make it work.  Original Jaune: *Forms claymore* And I thought I was naive before.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
O’Malley: *Walks in with evil laugh and rocket launcher*  Doc: Wait, I thought I was going to be fighting myself.  O’Malley: You fool! I’ve always been a part of you!  Doc: *Charges plasma pistol* I don’t think so, and I’ve operated on myself before so I know what’s a part of me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abel: *Hologram appears* Abel 2: (To tune of Gilbert Sullivan) What devious deception is this now before me that I see. Abel: (To tune of Gilbert Sullivan) Says the union spy whose come to spry our top secret intelligence.  Abel 2: *Hologram flickers* Hmm; off pitch but well done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Toth: *Slowly pulls out a knife from sheath.* Toth 2: Whatever tricks you’re playing Nomad they won’t work on me! Toth: Who are you calling the Nomad you second rate impostor?  Toth 2: *Draws knife* It’s good Skout isn’t here because it’s about to get messy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weiss: *Lands on glyphs from ceiling.*  Weiss 2: Schnee lawyers will be contacting you shortly with the cease and desist order for copyright infringement.   Weiss: Well my lawyers will be contacting you shortly with a restraining order for your terrible outfit.  Weiss 2: *Spins dust canisters in sword* Excuse me?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Felix: *Walks in twirling knife* Felix 2: You ever wonder why we’re here? Felix: Money, murder, and more money.  Felix 2: *Draws gun and knife* Oh good, we’re on the same page then. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rufus: *Walks in with Caliban* Rufus 2: My word, did cloning technology advance while I was dead? Rufus: Wait, when did I die?!  Rufus 2: *Motions for their Caliban to step forward* Haven’t experienced that have we? I’ll have to make some more adjustments to the old Tard.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nomad: *Walks in but trips over tumble weed.* Nomad 2: *Walks over and helps them up, dusting them off* Nomad: *Smiles and shakes hand* Nomad 2: *Walks back to original starting spot but then trips over same tumble weed.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ironwood: *Walks in loading revolver* Ironwood 2: Is this some sort of joke? Ironwood: I’ve got a punchline with you name on it. Ironwood 2: *Draws revolver* The funny ones always die first.
Lopez: *Walks in attaching head to body* Lopez 2: *In Spanish* Oh good, another copy to replace me. Lopez: *Also in Spanish* I will use your detached head as a soccer ball.  Lopez 2: *Clenches fists* *Still Spanish* It’s called Football you uncultured swine!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cammie: *Walks in and picks up Nugget.* Cammie 2: PC. Cammie: Console.  Cammie 2: *Picks up their nugget* Get ready to get pwned by the master race you roaster! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Don: *Walks in dusting coat* Don 2: Blue dress jackets were so last season. Don: Well at least my hair doesn’t look like a dry mop. Don 2: *Draws sword* I’LL HAVE YOU FLAYED ALIVE FOR THAT! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tyrian: *Leaps in through window giggling* Tyrian 2: Is that a knife under your coat or are you just happy to see me? Tyrian: Both! HAHAHAHA! *Throws off coat to reveal metal tail and ax hands* Tyrian 2: *Throws away coat and extends ax hands* And here I thought I wasn’t loved anymore. Hehehahahaahah!  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Griff: *Shuffles in lazily* Griff 2: I’d rather be at home drinking orange soda than dealing with this crap. Griff: If it’s that orange drink hidden at the back of the fridge I already drank it before I got here. Griff 2: *Pulls out gravity hammer* You son-of-a-bitch!!  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Kazu: *Walks in cracking knuckles* Kazu 2: *In Japanese* I remember this from my Manga days.  Kazu: Are you a villain or clone or alternate universe? Kazu: *Takes fighting stance* That’s my line! And you forgot time traveler.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skout: *walks in hefting backpack* Skout 2: You remember why we’re fight’n? Skout: Honestly I don’t even remember how I got here let alone why. Skout 2:*Rocks on feet* Guess we should play along till something comes to us.
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princessdevy03 · 4 years
Tumblr Exclusive!!!!
Author’s Note: Happy birthday to @anybodihearme! I know it’s late but it’s done. Don’t fight me! I’ll fight you, damnit! 
Birthday Surprise
Kevin leaned his head back and sighed.
The city whipped by outside the window of the Uber Eddy ordered as quickly as the thoughts in his head.
“Rolf has the dogs and Nazz is holding my present from mom...”
“Ed is gonna cut the grass Saturday…”
“Sarah’s gonna make sure the guys at the shop are on schedule…”
“Johnny’s got the shop…”
As the city gave way to the countryside, he closed his eyes to lock away the blue of the sky that reminded him of a certain set of the eyes he hadn’t seen in far too long.
Edd was stuck across the country at his dream job as a director of a biomedical lab in the Pacific Northwest. His and Kevin’s relationship started there because Kevin was stationed at a nearby US Navy base as a Marine, but when Kevin’s dad passed away, he came back home to West Virginia to take over the family auto body shop as his contract was up and decent mechanics jobs were hard to come by without moving down the coast to even more expensive locales.
Edd said they’d make it work, but Kevin was wary.
His career in the Marines took him to Hawaii, Germany, Japan, Korea, Texas, and England.
Every duty station led to new heartbreak as every other guy or girl just couldn’t handle being in a long distant relationship.
Edd was the first who seemed to understand, but he was also the first person that got Kevin to think about life after he couldn’t handle being in the Marine Corps anymore.
The stress of dealing with his PTSD and trying to juggle being a good son, good friend, and a good Marine was tough.
And when romance was involved, his being all in could be the most stressful thing of all.
Edd had always been a bit high strung when it came to how he liked his home to look, how he applied himself to school and work, but his love for his family and friends was easily given as breathing.
So while Kevin would be there with gifts, surprise dates, and mushy compliments, Edd was more likely to suggest getting coffee before spending the day running errands and grabbing a quick bite to eat before Kevin had to be back at the barracks.
But the sudden cross country shift had them rethinking about how to keep the love flowing.
Kevin would send flowers everyday and Edd would call him every night.
Up until about a month ago.
The texts were short, but he’d still get a good morning text and he started sending GrubHub to the shop every Friday with donuts and a box of coffee from Dunkin’.
Kevin would be lying, though, if he said that Edd ignoring his Duo calls didn’t have him feeling some kinda way.
But Edd did suggest that Kevin head up to the dude ranch in the mountains for his birthday to get away from work and his lingering issues with closing his father’s estate.
“I’ll call you when you guys have dinner, and I’ll make something with you and it’ll be like having dinner together,” Edd had said when Kevin finally got a hold of him two weeks ago.
Edd was dressed in his lab coat that looked like it was losing a fight with the chemicals in the lab and he needed a haircut and some sleep if the bags under his eyes were any indication of what he was feeling like at the moment.
Kevin felt a tinge bad that he had a snarky attitude in the texts he had been sending, and Lort his voicemail messages…
Edd’s work was desperately needed in the middle of the current global health crisis they were living in, so he hadn’t been purposely ignoring his man, but he could make time, right?
But with the world being on a tight lockdown, dinner via video call would have to do.
When he got to the ranch, the fresh air had him feeling a bit better.
And the horses…
Growing up, he’d spend at least a week every summer with his whole extended family at the family ranch in Wyoming, so riding horses was second nature to his bike and motorcycle.
When Edd suggested going riding in the Cascades one long weekend, Kevin started falling in love.
Having a long weekend to himself on the beautiful creatures would be just what the doctor ordered.
Eddy knew about this particular ranch from his leadership networking conferences and got Kevin a deal, and let him use his Uber Black membership to get a ride there and back provided Kevin didn’t steal any of the horses.
Once he laid eyes on the black stallion with blue eyes in the field behind his cabin, he knew he was gonna have a hell of a time keeping his promise to keep things on the ranch…
When he walked in the cabin, he was pleasantly surprised to see a shoebox on the bed of his favorite brand of riding boots.
“I wonder what color he got this time,” he chuckled to himself.
For the last five years, Edd would get him a new color of boots for his birthday.
“I think they’re green,” a voice coming from the bathroom said. “I don’t think I’ve gotten you green ones yet.”
Kevin doesn’t remember screaming but it took a good ten minutes for him to stop shaking after he scooped Edd in his arms and tossed him on the bed.
Once his heart beat returned to something resembling normal, he looked into sky blue eyes and frowned.
“You’re here.”
“Yes,” Edd chuckled and Kevin rolled his eyes as he sat up and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“And ruin the surprise?!” Edd laughed. “Nah.”
“What about work?”
Kevin knew Edd’s work was leading the charge to get the United States out of a pandemic it hadn’t seen the likes of in a good century. He just didn’t like the idea of Edd blowing it off, even if it was his birthday weekend.
“I can’t really do anything about it now,” Edd sighed, feeling a bit guilty about the slightly white lie. “It’s back to the lab techs to sort through the latest findings, so I can take a few days.”
“But just a few?”
“I’m sorry, Kevin,” Edd said softly as he rubbed his arm. “But we’ll make the most of it. I’ll even make dinner.”
Kevin’s stomach growling echoed around the quiet room in response to this as the dinner bell rang.
Dinner on the ranch was simple, you could take a picnic basket back to your cabin or have dinner in the open field off the side of the main house’s commercial kitchen. If you opted for the latter, there was a story time with one of the permanent ranch hands, embellishing the history of the ranch, as everyone ate at the huge picnic tables that circled a large fire pit.
Once the sun went down, the fire pit was lit, small brown paper bags filled with blocks of chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers were passed around, and more than a few ghost stories told.
But not a single twang of a banjo was heard, just the soft strumming of a six string guitar dueting with a low harmonica. And the low moo of a cow or two.
Kevin and Edd opted for dinner in the field as Kevin was eager to see the temperament of the horses before trying to pick which one to make his own over the long weekend, after which they fed a snack or two to the horses before they went to the barn for the night. Then it was s’mores and ghost stories with a lil stargazing and a nice, long leisurely stroll back to the cabin.
Kevin honestly didn’t want the night to end, even if his body was nearly begging him to sleep.
Edd’s wasn’t, though.
As soon as they walked in the door, Edd had him pinned against it, deftly locking the deadbolt with one hand, the other undoing Kevin’s pants.
And the breeze blowing through the valley gave Kevin his second wind.
Edd’s beanie was gone as fast as their shoes, they walked out of their pants as Kevin walked them backwards to the bed.
“God, why do you have to over dress so much?” Kevin whined as he undid the buttons on Edd’s shirt, thankful he hadn’t worn a tie.
“You look good, you feel good,” Edd huffed as he undid his cuffs and then batted Kevin’s hands away so he could pull his shirt over his head.
Kevin always thought he looked good, but he looked even better now with his dick in his mouth.
His hands ached as he grasped silky strands as dark as the night sky. The few silver highlights looked like stars, but Edd rather he see color bars.
Kevin squeezed his eyes tight, flashes of technicolor sparking with every jerk of his hips as he fucked his boyfriend’s face.
It seemed cruel, Edd grabbing his ass to take him all the way in, like he didn’t care that Kevin’s yearning and frustrations were aching his jaw, but he loved the man so much that it felt good to do this.
Right until Kevin tore himself away.
Edd sputtered but Kevin grinned.
“Stop your whining, Dork. I brought my chaps and my good sweats.”
“You are not riding in sweats and chaps,” Edd laughed as he shoved him on the bed and went to get his lube out of the bathroom.
“I do what I want!” Kevin protested. “It’s my birthday and I do what I want!”
“Your birthday isn’t until tomorrow and committing crimes against fashion shouldn’t be a birthday wish!” Edd cackled as he leaned against the door and juggled the silicone lube in his hands
“Well, riding your dick is, so get over here!”
Edd couldn’t argue because he really wanted Kevin to ride his dick. If he hadn’t been so shell shocked that he had shown up or so hungry or so eager to see the horses, he’d told him to hop on sooner.
But watching him finally relax and put the stress of work out of his mind was worth it.
Especially since what he had planned would knock him out for the rest of the night.
A ride would mean Edd would have to be on his back, at least to start, so while Kevin flipped their positions, Edd guided him to his side and told him to get his horse ready.
Kevin shrugged his shoulders and went to put his head between his legs, but he nearly choked when Edd started to work a finger in his ass. Edd nearly stopped, but Kevin popped his ass out and Edd’s finger went deeper as Kevin took as much of him in as he could.
“Fuck,” he softly moaned when Kevin spread his leg a bit more, gently massaging the joint where hip met thigh with one hand, using the other as an extension of his mouth.
It was hard to focus in a moment like this but Edd had plans.
And so did Kevin.
When he dropped the lube so he could add another finger in, Kevin snatched it up.
Edd figured he was gonna use it to slick him up and get the show on the road, as it were, but he cried out like a whore when Kevin put his mouth to the tip of his dick, spread his lower cheeks with his greased up hand and whispered, “Get to work.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
His mind was tearing apart at the seams while Kevin sucked him off and played with his ass. He held on by fingering him as fast and hard as he could.
Kevin liked it rough and it was his birthday weekend. The present from Edd’s strong right hand was AMAZING. The left one gently playing in his hair was sending goosebumps all over and when the A/C kicked on, Kevin nearly exploded as the added sensation of cool air on his hot body was absolutely enrapturing.
Edd must have been feeling the same way because he pushed Kevin’s head away from his cock with one hand, but the other grabbed his waist to make him come sit in his lap.
Then the room spun.
Well, Kevin thought it did til he realized Edd had spun him around to sit in his lap, but facing away from him and towards the mirror.
And Kevin had never seen Edd’s hands move so fast before.
He gripped the sheets as Edd lifted him up, spread his cheeks, and slowly but firmly pulled him full into his lap, filling him up with everything he had.
The stack of pillows on the bed gave him enough of a cushion to sit up, spread Kevin’s legs, and give the order.
“Ride. Me.”
The visual was mind blowing.
Kevin was flushed, glistening with sweat, his dick throbbing against his hard abs, and Edd wanted a show.
He moved against the fullness in him slowly, enjoying the electrifying numbness that spread all over his body. His fingertips reached for Edd’s hands that were caressing his chest, and that gapped tooth mouth sunk into his shoulder on a whine as he gently kissed his knuckles and started to ride him.
Hands were everywhere, in his hair, turning his face to kiss him senseless, gripping strong arms to hold onto some sense of reality, pawing at his abs, squeezing his chest, playing with his nipples to get him to moan like a slut so in touch with themselves that you can’t help but touch them like they want you to.
But they never broke their gaze in the mirror.
As Kevin lost control, his dick leaking with cum, Edd held on...to his dick.
“Fuck, yes Baby! Just like that!” Kevin screamed as he rode him harder, his movements putting porn stars to shame.
“You gonna cum for me?” Edd whispered and Kevin whined as he nodded, his hand reaching around to grab Edd’s hips to make him fuck him hard and senseless.
“Harder. Faster. Edd…,” his words came out disjointed, but he had to say something! “Dear God, pleeeeeease.”
The bed creaked as Edd pulled him close with one arm, stroked him off with his free hand, and jerked his hips as fast and hard as he could.
Watching the man in his lap jerk once, then twice as he came in his hand was so fucking sexy; jaw dropped, eyes wide in elated shock, legs kicking, both hands around Edd’s one that was stroking him into oblivion.
They had never done it like this before and Kevin wasn’t too sure he’d live til his actual birthday the next day if they kept it up. But he didn’t care. Seeing himself in the mirror like that, as the object of all of Edd’s desires was enough.
That orgasm, tho!
Edd checked his smartwatch then giggled.
“Happy birthday, Kevin.”
Kevin gave him a weak thumbs up as thanks while his thoughts slipped away.
He awoke the next morning, dressed in clean boxers, still slightly embarrassed Edd had to drag him to the bathroom and back again, but no shirt, hearing Edd whisper into his phone.
“Yes, Megan,” Edd said, “I got it all right in front of me. I’m going to see about making some moves later this week but I don’t see why I can’t do it from here.”
“Do what?” Kevin whispered confused and feeling nosy.
Edd squeaked when he noticed he was awake and then said, “I gotta go. I’ll call you Monday with my final answer.”
“Wha? Why are you working?! It’s my birthday!” Kevin pouted. “And that’s my shirt!”
Edd looked down at the shirt he was wearing.
It was an old Marine Corps PT t-shirt Kevin used to wear around Edd’s apartment out west. Actually, the red head left several of these t-shirts in Edd’s apartment when he moved back East and Edd would sleep in them often because it was his way of keeping Kevin close after he left.
“You left it in my house, so it’s mine now,” Edd grinned and Kevin’s ready to fight!
“Stupid dork with his stupid smile,” Kevin thought to himself knowing good and damn well that Edd was right.
“So!? It’s still my birthday,” he half pouted trying to figure out a way to get back at Edd for...working?
“It is,” Edd nodded as he got up to join him in the bed. “What would you like to do today?”
“For you to stop working,” Kevin snarked and Edd laughed.
“I am off til Monday,” he shrugged and Kevin honestly frowned, not that he wanted to talk about it but he did need to know.
“Do you have a ride to the airport?”
“More like,” Edd sighed and then let the words tumble out all at once as he stared holes into his hands, “Iwaswonderingifyouwantedaroommate.”
“Well, I said-”
“I know what you said, Edd.”
Edd finally looked up at him and he doesn’t remember seeing Kevin ever looking this happy.
“Well, it’s just that, in order for things to keep progressing smoothly, they need a new lab director out here because Dr Stavian is retiring.”
“And they want you to come out and do it?” Kevin asked as he pulled him into his lap.
“Well, yes, but only as an interim because I don’t have my doctorate degree.”
“It’s been like four years, Edd!”
Edd made a face because when he had run into Kevin again after so many years away, he was a year done with his masters program and didn’t have any desire to go back to school. He was just too burnt out.
Kevin figured he just needed a break because he had been in school the entire time he had known him. He couldn’t imagine him stopping forever.
“Listen,” Kevin told him as he gripped his twitching hands still, “You said that Justin said that they’d pay for it when you’re ready and apparently you don’t have much of a choice if you move back this way.”
“But I don’t want to lose you!” Edd protested and Kevin looked at him like he had two heads.
“School is an all consuming thing,” Edd sighed. “I can’t really focus on us if I have to go to class, then the lab, then work everyday for the next four years, at minimum.”
“You can if we live together.”
“Wait a min -”
Kevin laughed as he saw the wheels turn in Edd’s head and said, “You just asked if you could move in Mr DoYouNeedARoommate, like I’m gonna let my boyfriend just be my damn roommate. So how hard would it be if you went to school and we lived together?”
“You might have to move actually, because the commute from your place to the lab is like 45 minutes. Add in the campus and you’re looking at a good hour and a half.”
Edd thought he had him til Kevin shrugged and said, “So we move. Be closer to Ma that way anyways.”
“What about the shop?!”
“The further away I am from that place, the better,” Kevin laughed. “It’s one of the joys of being the boss. Besides, Johnny lives upstairs so he keeps the place in line. I just do paperwork.”
Kevin smirked as all of Edd’s arguments died away.
They could make it work.
“We can do this, Edd,” Kevin said softly as he gave him Eskimo kisses. “Just go back to school and let me worry about the rest.”
“Especially since we ain’t paying for it!” Edd laughed and Kevin snorted.
“Damn straight.”
“I thought you were bi.”
“I’m about to bite that ass,” Kevin grinned but the breakfast bell rang and the smell of fresh bacon had to be indulged.
They took a picnic basket back to the cabin for lunch after their morning ride and used Kevin’s hotspot to look for apartments and houses to rent closer to the labs and university as the ranch’s free wifi was sketchy. A quiet neighborhood not too far from Kevin’s mother’s retirement community seemed the perfect place to start and Edd sent out a few online applications while Kevin made arrangements for dinner.
They rode the black stallion together to a grove of apple trees for a picnic at dusk and discussed the plans they made.
And make out like teenagers.
But the first mosquito bite had them racing back to the cabin as neither wanted to have any more awkward scratches in public than necessary after this trip.
They led the stallion back to his barn and walked slowly back to the cabin, Edd taking note of the constellations overhead.
They collapsed into the bed in a tight cuddle, worn out from their excursions for the day.
“You know, tomorrow is Saturday,” Edd said as they laid in the content silence.
If Edd was mentioning Saturday…
He didn’t know where Kevin got the birthday hat from, but it was a much better outfit than the sweats with chaps.
Especially when one needs to be ready for a day in bed with your homieloverfriend.
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tuffduff · 4 years
Unexpected {part II} (Izzy Stradlin x Reader)
Pairing: Izzy x Reader
Words: 1,693
Request: @universal-scorpio “Heyyyy! I’m kinda new to the Guns fandom but I saw you were open to requests so maybe a part 2 to the Unexpected Izzy imagine please? Where Izzy and the reader have the baby?? Anyway, I love your blog and I hope you’re happy, healthy and doing well at this time! 💖”
A/N: Stradlin Sunday rolls on! Genuinely get so excited reading what you guys think, I’m always like “wow people actually like what I write!” lmao thank you guys for giving me that. I hope everyone is doing safe and well, thanks again for the request @universal-scorpio and for being so sweet! Welcome to the Jungle! ❤️🐯
Taglist: @ubernoxa
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Izzy was the definition of calm and collected during your pregnancy. Your first trimester went off without a hitch if you didn’t count the nausea and hormones. When you would just burst into tears at the silliest things, like your dog getting a haircut or running out of ice cream, he would do his best to make it better. There wasn’t much he could do about the dog, but he always made sure to have every odd snack already in your house. If you wanted something you didn’t have, like sweet pickles in particular, he would leave your house—often in the middle of the night—to get it.
Really, he always seemed to know exactly what to do and never lost his patience or his cool. Sometimes you wondered in amusement if he had forgotten you were pregnant; the random onset of heartburn or tears never phased him. Or, at least that’s what you thought for a few months. Evidently, he had you fooled.
One day, while he was out taking your dog for a walk, you wandered into the studio in your home where he recorded and played music—his little sanctuary. You were surprised at the tall pile of books on a desk that you hadn’t seen before and inspected each title curiously. The Birth Partner, Pregnancy Childbirth and the Newborn, What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Your Pregnancy Week by Week.
Beside the stack of books, you found an open notebook and flipped through it. The first few pages were all full of potential song lyrics and music, but soon, his writings turned to all things concerning your baby. It was like he was a student preparing for an exam with neat notes and underlines and reminders.
“Babe?” You turned to see Izzy at the door frame, faint lines on his forehead. You could feel a wide smile growing on your lips as you turned to face him.
“What’s all of this?” You asked him curiously, raising What to Expect When You’re Expecting. “Shouldn’t I be the one reading this?” He shrugged a bit sheepishly.
“I wanted to be able to put myself in your shoes and sort of…anticipate what you’re going to be going through so I can help somehow…” He looked down a little, scratching the back of his neck. “Besides, I don’t think it’s you that needs the extra help.”
“Izzy! Are you worried?” You asked, abandoning the books and walking in front of him to cradle his face and lift his gaze up to meet yours. Your tummy rested against his, preventing you from getting as close as you wanted.
“This is just something I don’t want to fuck up.” He admitted quietly, finally looked you in the eyes. His hands drifted up and rested on your tummy. “I don’t want to let you or our baby down.”
“Babe…there’s nothing wrong with doing a little preparation. But you shouldn’t be worried, you’re going to be a great father. And you’re gonna make mistakes.” He looked up sharply. “I am too. I’m not perfect, no one is. But I know we’re going to do the best we can and this baby isn’t going to be lacking any love or care from either of us. And I know as long as I have you by my side, we’re gonna figure this out as we go and be alright.” He relaxed a little bit and nodded finally, raising his hands to stroke your hair.
“Somehow, I keep finding ways to fall even more in love with you.” He told you, kissing your forehead.
“I hope that never goes away.” You giggled leaning into his embrace.
Soon, it was time to find out the sex of your child. No longer trying to hide his feelings, Izzy held your hand tightly through the entire experience, his right leg bouncing in uncontrolled anxiousness. His other free hand drummed on his knee absently as you both watched the ultrasound image.
“Well, congratulations mom and dad, you’ve got a healthy baby girl.” When you turned to look at Izzy’s reaction, you instantly grew emotional. His mouth was slightly open in amazement and you could see his eyes beginning to water. He stood from his seat and leaned in closer to get a look, shaking his head in disbelief before he leaned down to kiss your cheek.
“We’ve got a baby girl…Y/N, we’ve got a baby girl.” It was almost as though he needed to repeat it to get it into his own head, to enter this new reality.
“Now we’ve gotta think of a name,” you giggled.
Your pregnancy continued to go extremely well. You and Izzy argued over names constantly, in the middle of everyday conversation.
“Do we have eggs?” Izzy would ask you in the grocery store before absently adding. “How about Amelia?”
“We need more eggs. And a better name than Amelia.” Izzy rolled his eyes at you before he lifted a block of cheese from the assortment in front of you.
“How about Brie?” He asked dryly.
“I am not going to tell my baby girl her father named her after a block of cheese!” You told him, shoving his shoulder as he laughed.
Eventually, despite his trepidation, he decided to reach out to his former band members and let them know the latest news in your lives. They had nothing but love and support for the both of you and even pitched in collectively to send you guys an assortment of gifts; a new expensive car seat, flowers for you, and tons of new outfits and toys. The sweetest thing possibly, however, was a tiny onesie with a Guns N’ Roses logo. “You’re still family,” Axl insisted to the both of you. It was the exact reassurance Izzy needed.
“Babe, come here for a sec?” Izzy called you into his studio one night. “I want Ramona to hear something.” When you entered the room Izzy was sat, guitar in hand, and a gentle smile.
“Ramona?” You questioned.
“Did I say that out loud?” Izzy asked, making you laugh a little. “I’m not gonna lie, I really like that one—I’ve started calling her that in my head. So, just tell me how much you hate it and we can move on…”
“Hate it? I don’t hate it.” Izzy looked surprised and you giggled. “Maybe you caught me on a good day. No, really. I love it. It’s different.” Izzy’s returning smile forever reminded you of how lucky you were to have this life. “Now, surprise us.”
“It’s a new song I wrote for her,” the song he played on his guitar was a lulling soothing melody, his words soft and loving as he described in an incredible show of vulnerability his fears of not getting fatherhood right, but how he would always love and support her and do right by her. It made you cry. You could feel your baby kicking in your stomach and gasped through your tears, motioning for Izzy to place his hand to your belly. Soon, he was crying too.
The day your water broke was a day Izzy was not home, but recording with his new band, the JuJu Hounds, and you had to call him frantically, trying not to panic alone in your house.
“Shit! I’m on my way, I’ll be there in five minutes, Y/N! I’m right down the road!” You could hear the panic in his voice too.
Izzy made it in ten, screeching to a halt outside the front of your house where you were sat gripped with pain from a contraction.
“I thought you said five!” You complained as he hurried to help you into the car.
“Yeah, it would’ve been five but I got pulled over,” he explained. “He let me go though. Hopefully, it doesn’t happen on our way to the hospital, huh?” The force of which you gripped his hand made his face pale.
“You’re not stopping if it does. Drive, please.” Izzy was almost afraid to utter any words on the way to the hospital and would shoot worried glances at you every so often while gripping the wheel tight with both hands. You were sure he was dying to smoke the whole pack of cigarettes on him but had stopped smoking around you.
“Just in case I forget, I never want to have another baby with you.” You groaned. He chuckled nervously.
“Hopefully not with some other man either, right?” He grew silent again at the glare you shot him.
Izzy never left your side through it all and everything happened so fast. You barely noticed him through your pain, you barely noticed much of anything. After a grueling long afternoon and evening, you gave birth to your baby girl, Ramona Leann Isbell, at 4:36 AM.
While you did your best to recover, panting and feeling like you had nothing left to give, you watched Izzy take your newly wrapped baby girl into his arms. The way he held her gave away his inner fear, slightly shaking and with an overabundance of caution, as though she were a precious vase he was afraid of breaking. You watched his eyes, wide with wonder that quickly flooded with love as he let out a soft sigh of awe. This little girl already had him wrapped around her tiny finger.
“Hey, little one…welcome to the world. Daddy’s got you, daddy’s always got you. I’m right here…” he cooed gently, settling into a more confident position. He glanced over at you with the biggest smile in the world and you didn’t even realize until that moment you were crying. “Do you want to see mommy? Yeah? Let’s see mommy,” he brought you over and you sat up eagerly, gaining new strength, and held out your arms. Izzy gently cradled your baby into your arms and leaned beside you on the hospital bed, tucking your hair out of your face.
“I can’t believe we made her.” He marveled out loud to you, pressing his face next to your hair. “She’s perfect, just like you. I love you so much, Y/N. Thank you for giving me this incredible life.”  
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split-n-splice · 4 years
OH BOY, STRESS WRITING~ It's not exactly shippy, sorry not sorry. Just kind of... *shrugging* Posting before wildfire prevents me from doing so. For Prompt #6 “Thunder” from @drakgoprompts. An attempt was made.
The past week had been spent settling in and setting up shop at their latest mountaintop lair. Of course, the move wasn’t complete without bringing the dog home from grandma’s – which was, admittedly, something that had been overlooked before, though probably for the better.
The pooch had escaped being dyed any glaring shades this time, and for good measure Drakken had had the poodle sheered short and even throughout before dropping him off with his mother to prevent the woman from trimming the dog to plump round perfection like one of her hedgerows.
Pink dye and froufrou haircuts had never embarrassed Commodore Puddles before, and Shego knew better than to believe the dog was embarrassed now, but it didn’t stop her from cracking jokes about the pooch’s nakedness now that he’d spent all afternoon cowering under the computer mainframe where Drakken had practically grown roots in front of.
“He is not humiliated, Shego,” griped Drakken for the umpteenth time as the glowered up at the endless scrolling code devising for a new set of bots. “He’s a dog. He can’t be humiliated. He must have just missed me.” Without even tearing his eyes away from the humongous screen, he stooped over to pat the dog at his feet.
In reply, the miniature poodle let out a low growl and Drakken quickly withdrew his hand.
“At least put the sweater on him,” suggested Shego from her sidelong perch in an easy chair across the lab, magazine spread across her lap as per usual. “Maybe he’s whining because he’s cold. Or turn up the heat. It’s freezing in here. I can see my breath.”
“It is turned up,” Drakken grumbled. “If you want to help, you can figure out where that draft is coming from.”
“Dr. D, just put the sweater on him.”
“It’s embarrassing!” With all the interruptions and distractions, his patience was wearing thin.
Of course Shego saw fit to push him past the breaking point. “You just said he can’t be humiliated!” she fired back.
Drakken smashed a button – a glaring ERROR! alert flashed across the screen in ominous red – and he released a guttural noise of frustration as he jumped up and slammed his fists on the desk, biting back the curse. Nostrils flared and teeth grit tight, he whirled around, fuming as he stalked past Shego. A moment later, he was stomping by again, clutching an ugly little yellow sweater his mother had knitted just for Puddles with big pink P’s on the sides.
The dog growled and bared its teeth and bit him at least once, but Drakken wrangled the shivering pooch into the doggie sweater regardless of his canine companion’s bad attitude. Though the pet’s shivering had subsided, the whites of his eyes still flashed and his ears still pinned back as he hid beneath the desk once more.
Drakken gestured to the dog with a grunt. “See?” he snapped back at Shego. “He’s not cold!”
Unmoved by Drakken’s doggy dilemma, Shego simply shrugged. “Maybe he has to go out.”
Ignoring the babying voice the blue villain turned on the mini poodle was easier said than done, and Shego watched from the corner of her eye as Drakken cooed to Puddles and patted his lap, trying and failing to coax the dog out of hiding. He didn’t have to try for five solid minutes, but the man was nothing if not determined and Shego was happy to let him make a fool of himself for as long as he pleased. Finally Drakken forfeited with a weary sigh before dropping to his knees and crawling under the desk with the unhappy dog. Clearly, his dog did not need to go out for a tinkle.
Shego peered over her magazine again. “What’s wrong?” she called over. “Is he sick or something?”
“I’m not sure,” muttered Drakken thoughtfully as he pulled the grumpy little dog into his lap. “I think he’s afraid—”
She scoffed. “Of what? You haven’t brought anything new into the lair you shouldn’t have, have you?”
“No!” Drakken snapped in defense, not unlike a petulant child.
Her first impulse wasn’t to believe him. There had been times before when the dog had sensed something it didn’t like in the lair. And as much as Shego despised it, there had been times before that Drakken had done things without her knowledge, like bringing home a new pet with too many legs or building dangerous toys that were effectively ticking time bombs, which Puddles had clued her in on.
So she raised her brow at her partner in villainy now, skeptical.
Drakken saw fit to whine in defense, “I haven’t!” as he climbed out from under of the desk, cradling the miserable poodle in his arms.
Still unconvinced, Shego folded her magazine and swung her legs off the armrest of her easy chair. “Right, well—”
As soon as her feet met the floor, she felt the deep rumble vibrate through the heart of the lair. The dog lost it, wriggling frantically out of Drakken’s arms as the faint boom resonated through the cavern. The pooch hit the ground running and bolted out of the room and into the next, fleeing for the next hidey place, likely under the sofa.
Drakken hummed, looking about the cavern as the rumble faded away. “That had better not be the reactor blowing,” he grumbled, turning to skulk out.
Shego dropped her magazine on the floor and sprinted after him. “Reactor?” she echoed, a little more concern than she meant to allow entering her voice. “Dr. D, if this is another of your secret plans—”
The man gave a dismissive grunt. “Relax, Shego. You’ve seen it before.”
She’d seen a lot of things before. Whatever it was, if it was capable of shaking the lair to its foundations, then it was bound to blow up in their faces sooner or later.  “I don’t keep track of all your crazy inventions,” she all but groaned as she followed after him, to which Drakken grunted indignantly.
As they were passing down a long corridor to one of the outermost towers of the lair, a blinding flash spilling in from the wall of windows caused Drakken to jump and crash into Shego as he tripped over his own feet. His yelp was lost to the roll of thunder, and as it rumbled away, she dropped the startled man. He fell to his rear, hand over his thudding heart, and Shego turned to glower down at him.
“Mystery solved,” she said tersely, nodding to the roiling thunderhead the mountaintop lair was all but submerged in. “Now what was this about a fusion reactor you think might blow up?”
Realizing he’d put his foot in his mouth, Drakken’s relief was short lived. His face fell and he fidgeted with his fingers. “Oh. Uh…you know,” he said with a meek smile as he picked himself up. “I don’t believe I’ve even turned the silly old thing on yet. We’re running on, uhm…wind…power.”
Shego gave him one long withering look, another flash of lightening and crash of thunder scarcely enough to make her blink though Drakken flinched once more. Wish an exasperated shake of her head, she turned back for the heart of the lair, intent on finding the frightened little poodle. At least the dog’s healthy fear was in Mother Nature alone tonight.
Drakken, meanwhile, snuck off hastily just to double check that the malfunctioning devise was indeed powered down.
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