#but i’m just trying to get everything done and freshly cleaned so i don’t have to worry abt anything for a little bit
treecakes · 2 years
just did some cleaning and now i’m relaxing. later i will take a quiz and do the online portion of one of my finals. and watch natsume :)
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luveline · 3 months
is it too late to request a Father’s Day request for kbd steve?🥹
KBD —Steve starts his Father’s Day. mom!reader, 1k
“What does that mean?” 
Steve leans back, baby toothbrush in hand, baby toothpaste dripping down Dove’s chin. “What does what mean?” 
“Father’s Day.” She licks her lip. 
“Dove, don’t eat it.” He rinses her toothbrush and beckons her carefully on her stepping stool to the sink. “Come spit, honey.” 
Dove spits her toothpaste. Steve grins, leaning over her, turning on the faucet and grabbing a handful of warm water to wipe her face. She spits again into his hand, but he’s unphased, wiping her down and turning off the water. 
She turns expectedly for a towel. Steve brings it to her face and dabs her dry gently. “Father’s Day just means a day for dad’s.” 
“Day to do what?” 
“It’s sort of like a birthday. Like, a day for children to show they love their daddy’s.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “So if you really love me, Dove, today’s the day to show it.” 
Her lashes kiss her eyebrows as her eyes widen. “Today?” 
“It’s today, yeah.” 
Steve looks down on her, his little baby with her mom’s surprised face and his everything else, give or take. She’s getting so smart, but she’s still so small, Steve can pick her up like a couple of cans of tinned pears. She’s never heavy, just whiny. She looks up at him and he can see a few cogs still turning. 
“Babe,” he says, holding her face softly, “it’s not a big deal. Every day we spend together is a good day, so you don’t have to worry. I love my girl, I love all my girls, and I’m just excited for mom’s big breakfast.” 
“I love you, too,” she says seriously. 
He smooths the temporary wrinkle from between her eyebrows. “I love you more. Are we all done in the bathroom? Do you need to pee before we go have breakfast?” 
She doesn’t need a pee. Dove offers her hand and he takes it, helping her down from the stool, and guiding her out of the bathroom back to the master bedroom. You’re sitting on the made bed with Wren laying down beside you, freshly changed and dressed for what feels like the millionth time. 
“Hey. Did you brush?” you ask him. 
“We both brushed, duh.” Steve leans down behind Dove to frame her shoulders proudly. “Show mom your pearly whites, baby.” 
Dove beams. You pick Wren up and prop her, smiling and quiet, on your knee to see Dove’s teeth. “Woah, look at that, Wren. Look at Dove’s clean teeth, aren’t they perfect?” 
Wren gurgles with a distinct sense of sisterly love. Wren and Dove get along well, all the girls do, but Steve believes there’s been a faction forming between Beth and Avery, so he’s glad for Dove’s fondness as she steps away from him to try and give the baby a hug. Wren doesn’t know enough to hug back yet, but you do. 
“Come on, let’s go have breakfast,” Steve says, sparing a glance behind you for the spoils of Father’s Day. There are some clothes, some candies, and a favourite tray of crafts made through teamwork for Steve to display at his discretion. He couldn’t be any luckier. 
You’re smiling too as you follow him out of the bedroom. You usually are, to be fair to you, you’ve always smiled around Steve because you’re both remarkable idiots in love with one another after everything, because of everything. Steve can’t believe he gets to be in one of those marriages that get stronger each year, and occasionally you return the sentiment aloud, whispering something kind in his ear when you’re both almost sleeping. They don’t have a word for how much I love you, H. 
He catches you for a quick kiss pressed to your cheek as you reach the bottom of the stairs. 
“Oh, thanks,” you mumble, rubbing your cheek against your shoulder in a mock demureness that actually makes his heart skip a beat. If he does it enough times, your faking it will become real. 
He kisses you again. “Beautiful,” he says. 
“Thanks,” you say again, your tone tipping into shyness, just a touch. 
“I’m beautiful,” Dove says. 
She paws at Steve’s leg. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, ushering her forward to make room for everyone to keep walking. “Dove, I think you’re the most beautiful three nearly four year old in the whole wide world.” 
“Am I the most beautiful…” Bethie pauses, standing on a chair at the table, her nightie creased but her hair done and out of her face. “How old am I?” she asks. 
“Six!” Steve says. “You don’t remember how old you are?” 
“I forgot.” She frowns, and then she shakes it off. “Daddy, we’re setting the table.” 
“And you’re doing such a good job!” He turns his head one way and the other, searching their tired kitchen for his eldest girl. “Avery, where’d you go?” he asks. 
She pops up in front of him with a roar. “Got you!” she declares, wrapping her arms around his legs. 
“You think so?” He grabs her under the arms and lifts her. She’s much heavier than the rest of her sisters, but she’s his big girl, so of course she is. Steve isn’t too old as to carry her yet, letting her torso fall forward, her back to his chest as he hangs her upside down. 
She bursts into terrified laughter. “Dad, put me down! You’re dropping me!” 
“How many times do we have to go over this, Ave? I have never dropped you. I will never drop you.” He chuckles nonchalantly. “Looks like I’m the one that got you.” 
“You’re not funny, dad!” 
“I’m very funny.” He manages to get her the right way round again, and puckers his lips for a kiss. She doesn’t kiss him. “Avery, it’s Father’s Day. You can’t be mad at me ‘cos that’s illegal.” 
“You’re illegal.” 
“Just one little kiss?” he asks softly. 
“You have to!” Dove says, attempting to climb onto the chair with Beth, your hand behind her back. “Avery, it’s Father’s Day.” 
“I know, Dove, he just said that!” 
Still, Steve gets his kisses and a good hug, too. He lets his voice go all melty and corny as he rubs his nose into her cheek, “Thanks, my little nugget. You give the best kiss in the world.” 
“I am not a nugget.” 
“Are you sure? How do we check?” 
You put the baby in her padded high chair, convince Dove and Beth that they’ll be happier sitting in their own chairs on their booster pillows, and then slide behind Steve and Avery to push at them. “Come on, I’m making breakfast.” 
“What are we having?” Steve asks, smiling over Avery’s shoulder as she nuzzles her face against his neck. She used to fit in one arm, but he doesn’t mind wrapping both of them around her as he sits down, his long girl tight to his chest. 
“Everything,” you promise. “The whole works for my guy.” 
“Whole works,” he says, kissing the top of Avery’s ear. “Can you believe that?” 
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
Rotten Right to the Core
Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Sanemi Shinazugawa x f!reader
Inspired by Charlie XCX’s song “Apple”; Sanemi worries about the traits he’s inherited from his parents…
Warnings: cussing, yelling, mentions of abuse, mentions of blood
[I guess the apple don't fall far from the tree/'Cause I've been looking at you so long/Now I only see me/I wanna throw the apple into the sky/Feels like you never understand me/So I just wanna drive/To the airport, the airport/The airport, the airport]
Each year as Sanemi grew older, he became more nervous to look at his reflection, afraid of what he might see. Would he retain the soft features of his mother? Or would his father’s presence haunt him as he stared into the eyes that reminded him of everything bad in this world? He hated feeling this way. Sometimes he would get so angry that he would break the mirror, desperate to erase the possibility of seeing the ghost of his father ever present on his face. After his rampage would finish, you were always there to dutifully clean up the mess, both physically and mentally. He was your lover, after all; taking care of each other was part of your promises to one another.
Today was one of those days where Sanemi grappled with his self worth.
Thankfully you were home, not having been sent on a demon slaying mission yet. As soon as you heard the crashing of broken glass, you prepared yourself for what was to come. Sanemi was a good husband—a great one, actually—and you knew that he had a violent upbringing. That’s why you never got upset at these outbursts; you couldn’t begin to understand how it felt to see the face of the man who brought your family so much pain look back at you every day of your life. You grabbed a dustpan and a broom on your way to the upset Wind Pillar.
“I’m coming in,” you said quietly, knocking on the door and opening it. You were met with Sanemi gripping the edge of the counter, his knuckles white with fury underneath the layers of blood dripping from his cut skin. The glass on the floor could wait—he needed to be bandaged. You opened the medical kit and dug through for tweezers and gauze. Sanemi stayed silent, still seething. He wouldn’t meet your eyes, ashamed at making such a mess. You didn’t care, though, you never did.
“I’m going to clean you up first and then I’ll get the glass, okay?” you told him, gesturing him to take a seat away from the damage he dealt. You sanitized the wounds on his knuckles before getting to work on extracting the small pieces of glass from the cuts. He barely flinched as you did this, making you frown. He must’ve been extra upset this time. When you started the bandaging process, he finally spoke up.
“I look like him. I hate it.” His voice trembled with fury. “I can’t stand knowing I’ll never be able to escape him.”
You listened intently in case he wanted to say something else, but he went quiet again. You were all done wrapping him up and placed a loving kiss on the freshly bandaged hand.
“You’re not him,” you whispered. “You’ve never raised a hand to me. You’ve never hurt me.”
Sanemi let out a humorless laugh, pulling his hand from your grasp. “Is that the standard for good husbands nowadays? What a joke.”
He abruptly stood, leaving the room. You sighed, knowing it was going to be a long day. You wished you had all the right things to say to him, anything to convince him that he’s not a carbon copy of his deadbeat dad, but you were at a loss. The only thing you could do was let him get his anger out elsewhere and he’d come to you when he was ready. You got down on your hands and knees and began to clean up the glass, careful not to cut yourself. You heard heavy footsteps re-enter the room.
“What are you doing?” Sanemi barked out.
“I’m cleaning up.”
“Would you stop? I can do it myself.”
You frowned again. “I know, I’m just trying to help.”
“Just stop, okay? I don’t need your pity!”
You ignored him and went back to your task at hand. That sent Sanemi over the edge.
“Seriously, get the fuck up. I said I’ll do it!”
You weren’t phased by his raised voice. “And I said I’m helping.”
Sanemi just stared at you, his chest heaving with heavy breaths. All of a sudden he stopped, his bloodshot eyes widening at the memory that entered his mind.
His father’s cup sloshed around with his alcohol of choice for the night. In one drunken movement, he spilled the contents onto the floor.
His mother lowered her eyes. “I’ll clean that right away.”
She took hold of the nearest rag and got down on her hands and knees, but his father didn’t care for her kindness, grabbing her roughly by the arm and hoisting her up before throwing her to the side.
“Get up! Do you think I’m some sort of useless child?” he screamed. “I can use a rag you idiot. I don’t need your help!”
“Sanemi? Are you-”
“You’re just like her,” he choked out. “You’re just like her and I’m just like him.”
You didn’t know what memory spurred that reaction but you figured it was a bad one. You reached out to comfort him but he was gone in an instant. You heard the front door slam shut and you knew he would be gone until evening. He couldn’t stand to be in the same vicinity as you during times like these when you reminded him of his mother as he was acting like his father. He couldn’t stand knowing he could never truly rid himself of the tendencies that were passed down from the man he was unfortunate enough to be born to.
[I guess the apple could turn yellow or green/I know there's lots of different nuances/To you and to me/I wanna grow the apple, keep all the seeds/But I can't help but get so angry/You don't listen to me/To the airport, the airport/The airport, the airport/I'm gonna drive, gonna drive all night/I'm gonna drive, gonna drive all night]
Sanemi hurried out the door, desperately needing air and wanting to put as much space as he could between himself and you. He couldn’t believe he let himself get so angry, especially at you. The recollection of his father yelling at his mother the same way he had just done to you was a grim realization for Sanemi that he was following in his father’s footsteps. He picked up his sword and began hacking away, channeling his frustrations into obliterating the training dummy. The more he thought about his previous actions, the more he raged, howling winds swirling around him in an outward reflection of the storm inside himself. He had completely lost himself in his fury, only halting when the dummy was chopped into tiny pieces. The scene in front of him was reminiscent of the one he left inside; yet again, Sanemi proved he only knew violence. He threw his sword away from him, disgusted with his actions, before falling to his knees and shoving his face in his hands. Why couldn’t he have been more like his mother? Calm, caring, loving. She was the light in the perpetual darkness of his father. Weren’t his hands, though calloused and stained with blood (literally and figuratively), capable of handling things with grace and a nurturing touch? Why, instead, was he destined to destroy everything? Or—even worse—was this not destiny in play, but his own choices leading him to blaze through life and hurt everyone close to him? He knew he had the ability to choose love and show the softer side of his personality, he had done it plenty of times in the past. You, his loving wife, had made it easier for Sanemi to follow a more peaceful path, encouraged him to embrace his kinder side, yet he still found himself vexed over little things too often for his liking. It was like vengeance and anger were innate needs, something he couldn’t give up no matter how hard he tried. You deserved better than him; he had made that clear from the very start of your relationship. You didn’t believe him for one second, knowing he had goodness in his heart as he had shown glimpses of his affectionate nature many times. The protective walls he had constructed inside himself were there for a reason but you often broke through them, Sanemi never understanding why you would commit yourself to such a grueling task with no reward at the end (you would disagree as being loved by him was the greatest reward you could ever want). Countless nights were spent by him wondering why you continued to be married to someone like him. He saw no positives for you in your union and when he expressed that, those were the only times it was you who was angry rather than him.
[I think the apple's rotten right to the core/From all the things passed down/From all the apples coming before/I split the apple down symmetrical lines/And what I find is kinda scary/Makes me just wanna drive
I wanna know where you go/When you're feeling alone/When you're feeling alone, do you…]
Sanemi had stayed crumpled on the ground until the sun threatened to dip below the horizon, signaling that nightfall was arriving soon. He gingerly walked inside the house, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere that came with his absence. It was dark in every room, save for the few candles you left burning in the kitchen to signal the plate of dinner you had left out for him. Sanemi’s stomach was in knots; he had left you all alone yet you still cooked his favorite food for him.
Some husband I am.
He savored the bites of ohagi as he sat in silence, wondering where you were. Had you finally had enough of him and left? No, you wouldn’t do that without telling him first. You were many things but you certainly weren’t heartless. Worry started settling into him as the sun wasted away. You shouldn’t be out after dark. Sure, you were a demon slayer, but he’d seen the most talented members of the corps slain when they were caught off guard. He gulped down the last of his food and took off in a hurry; to where, he didn’t know. He had no idea where you went when he would storm out. Cussing under his breath, he checked all the rooms of the mansion again.
“Y/n?” he called out. Nothing. Now he was starting to panic. He yanked one of the extra swords from the cabinet in your shared bedroom and tore through the door to the outside. He investigated the surrounding area, yelling your name but getting no response. His mind was scrambled, his breath scattered.
Where could she be?
As soon as that thought hit his brain, he knew exactly where you were.
He found you in the garden.
You were sitting on a stepping stone, your gaze settling on the flowers surrounding you.
“You shouldn’t be out in the dark. It’s not safe.”
Sanemi’s voice, having lost its harshness, made you smile. He was always worried for others and took on such a protective role; how he couldn’t see the positive impact he had, you didn’t know.
“I have my sword,” you replied, not facing him. “And I have you.”
Sanemi’s face burned at his wife’s saccharine tone. He took up a spot next to you, your shoulders brushing together. He wanted to apologize for his behavior today but he didn’t know how to start.
He was his father’s son: brash, unrelenting, unstoppable.
He was his father’s son: he was a coward.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
He furrowed his brow. “Why the hell are you apologizing? I’m the jerk here.” He took a deep breath, looking off into the distance as he tried to articulate his feelings. “I’m… I’m sorry. For everything. Today and in the past. It sickens me knowing the woman I love has to see the man that I hate.”
You reached out to hold his hand and this time he allowed you to, grasping you with a featherlight touch.
“I’m no good,” he said, barely above a whisper. “I don’t know why you stay.”
He awaited your usual heated response, but it didn’t come.
“Sanemi, look at me.”
You spoke with such authority that he didn’t dare defy you. His white hair resembled the color of the moon, both shiny brightly in the dark of night.
“I love you. All of you. You are not the monster you think yourself to be, not even close. Yes, you have a temper. Yes, you can get incensed on a whim. Those are not the world ending traits you think them to be. You are a good man, Sanemi. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Maybe then you could understand my love for you.”
Sanemi felt his heart thumping wildly in his chest. You always comforted him in ways he never knew possible, but something about tonight was making your sentiments affect him more than usual.
“From what I know, your father would’ve never owned up to his mistakes,” you continued, using your free hand to rub circles on his back. “You’re already a million times better of a man than he ever was.”
“Do you remember when we found those beetles you love so much?” you asked, earning a confused look from Sanemi as he nodded. “You raised the babies into healthy adults. That takes patience and compassion, both of which you have an abundance of in here.” You poked his exposed chest. “How about the time I was so sick I couldn’t stand? You took care of me all day and night, barely getting a wink of sleep yourself because you were so concerned.”
Sanemi did remember all of that.
“I was so scared you were gonna die,” he mumbled. “I don’t think I could live without you.”
“Those situations are what prove how great of a husband, of a person, you truly are.” You squeezed his hand. “Look inside yourself, my love. You’ll see that there’s traits you inherited from both parents. It’s up to you to decide who you’d rather embody, nothing is set in stone or chosen for you. I think you’ll find you take after your mother more than you think.”
Sanemi got up, brushing off his pants before offering you his hands to grab as he hoisted you up, pulling you into a warm hug. He nuzzled his nose into your neck, taking steadying breaths.
“Thank you,” he muttered, his eyelashes fluttering closed as he held you, “for being by my side. For loving me. For believing in me.”
As he stood there with you, cradling your body with his own, he was reminded of a substantially better memory than the one from that morning.
“Goodnight mommy!” Sanemi had said, his little feet sprinting as he threw himself into his mother’s open arms. She was sporting her large, beautiful grin that he missed seeing so often.
“Goodnight, my child,” she responded, burrowing her nose into his messy hair before placing a gentle kiss there.
He smiled to himself, kissing the top of your head.
I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
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ador3sturniolo · 11 months
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An - omg I feel like I haven’t posted in a year what. Okay so earlier this week I went to a hockey game, and something happened while I was there and I wanted to write a fic about it. And I wanted to do Nate because I love Nate, and we need more Nate fics out there asap. And the song has nothing to do with the fic, it was the song I kept playing while writing this 😭
Paring - Nathan Doe X FemReader
Summary - You go to one of Nate’s hockey games
Warnings - Kissing, NOT PROOFREAD
Requested - Nope
I hadn’t realize how late I had slept in until I heard my alarm go off more than 30 times, most of which I had just sleep through. I check the time and see it’s a little past 3. Shit. I had so much to do and had it all planned out. I was to clean my house, get a gift for Nate, go grocery shopping, and decorate for fall. I’ll just eat some food while I’m out but right now, I need to clean up my place. I have u til 6:30 to get everything done on my list. Considering Nate’s game starts at 7.
I clean my house, lighting candles and turning on fairy lights I have setup around my house. I take a quick shower and put on my freshly clean clothes. I do a slick back bun, not trying to do anything fancy. I get into my car and make a quick stop at Starbucks to get a drink. I also did an online order for my favorite lunch place in town so it’s ready for pickup when I get there. I pickup my lunch and eat in my car as I drive to target. I put my Starbucks in the cup holder of my cart and push it too the food section.
I grab my list of food and start putting it in my cart. I decided to grab some cookie dough for me and Nate to back after his game. I go over to the floral section and grab a bag of white, blue, and purple pair and place it in my cart. I’m on my way towards check out when I spot the cutest pair of matching pj sets. There was a vampire, pumpkin, and ghost option. They were all so cute but I decided to get the ghost ones. I check out and go home to eat dinner and decorate.
I decided to make something, quick, easy, and delicious. I play my fall playlist as I grab my last year bin full of pumpkins, signs, pillows and blankets. It only takes me around 30 minutes considering I cleaned earlier. I looked at the time, with not much time left I had to get ready. I put the totes back and head to my room. I put on a pair of leggings and his hockey jersey that he gave me. I take out my hair and do two French braids. I take some face paint type makeup I have and write his number on my cheek.
I put on my shoes and grab his flowers and teddy I bought him earlier that week. I grab a blanket so I don’t get cold at the rink. I drive to the rink in only 10 minutes. I head inside and get a ticket. I’m greeted inside by the triplets. They all look over at me and walk my way.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for like 5 hours” Nick says rolling his eyes
“Nick, we got here 5 minutes ago-“ Matt chimed in
“Oh hush.” Nick says, crossing his arms, clearly annoyed.
“I’m so excited to watch my boyfriend play!” Chris says clapping his hands. Nick, Matt and I slowly turn towards Chris, giving him a confused look.
“Fine, I can’t wait to watch her boyfriend play” Chris says sarcastically but rolling his eyes.
“That’s what I thought.” I say pushing Chris a little bit jokingly. We all walk to the rink, getting a rush of cold air as the door opens. I could feel goosebumps approaching my skin. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and sit down with the triplets. We sat and waited for the game to start. It only took a couple scrolls on insta before the players came walking out of the locker room and onto the ice to warmups. It wasn’t hard for me to find him, considering I had his number imprinted into my brain. Before I the warmups ended, I went to the snack bar and got myself a water and chips for me and the triplets. I head back just in time for the game to start. We all stand up and start to cheer, like the rest of the crowd. I only had my eye on one player the whole time. Every time he scored a point and I would jump up and down and scream for him. The three looked at me like I was insane but I didn’t care.
The game was over and Nate’s team won! We all wait for Nate outside of the locker room to finish up, but before he comes out I need to use the restroom. I come back not too long and see the brothers talking to a man I wanted to hug the first I saw him on the ice. He noticed me and started walking towards me. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
“You did great tonight, I’m so proud of you.” I say giving him a peck on the lips.
“And these are for you.” I handed him the flowers and teddy bear, he then looked up at me with a smile that would make my heart melt.
“Thank you so much baby.” He said as he went to the side of me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He turned back and waved to the brothers as he started to walk with me out of the building. I help him load his things into my car, and we get inside the car after.
“So I had a really fun night planned out for us, but if you don’t want to do it, that’s okay and we can do something else.”
“It’s whatever makes you happy my love” I couldn’t help but blush at his words.
“So, my house is all decorated and I had candles going so it smells really good in there, and the house is clean so a bonus! And I was thinking we could make cookies and watch a movie together? And there’s also a surprise with that.” I say almost out of my seat from how happy I was.
“If that’s what you wanna do.” He says smiling back at me.
“Of course it’s what I want to do, but I wanted to know if u wanted to do it.” I say turning on my car, pulling out of the parking lot.
“I’m okay with anything you want to do.” He says looking out the window. I smile as I continue to drive back to my place. I pull into my driveway and get out of my car.
“Let’s take showers first tho.” I say unlocking my front door. He nods as I unlock the door and walk in. We take off our shoes at the front and walk to my room where my shower is.
“I’ll go first, I’ll be quick.” I say as I start to take out my hair. I hop in the shower and wash my face, get out, and wrap myself in a towel. I walk out into my room and too my closet, telling him it’s his turn on my way. He gets off the small couch I have in my room and head into the bathroom. I quickly get dressed into the pajamas I just bought for us. I sit down at my vanity and start doing my night skincare. I hear the shower turn off and with Nate walking out with the towel around his waist. He points at the pair of clothes on my bed.
“What’s this?”
“It’s yours, to wear! Tonight! To match with me!” I say turning around, show I’m in the matching set. He gives me a sigh but walks with it into the bathroom to get changed. I do a little clap of achievement, as I turn back around to finish my skincare. I hear the bathroom door open and see him walk out, giving me a sigh and looking down in disappointment.
“Hey! You look amazing! Don’t give me that I hate this energy, it’s supposed to be fun!” I say putting all my things away and getting up.
“I feel so weird in this.” He says throwing his hands like a baby
“Why? You look so cute!” I say walking towards him.
“Can I just take the shirt off? It feels tight.” He says scratching his neck
“Not yet! I wanna take a picture” I say grabbing my phone out. His arm wraps around my waist as I put the mode to 0.5x and turn on the flash. We smoosh our heads together doing a kissy face as I take the picture. I look at the picture to make sure it was okay then I put my phone down.
“Okay, let go make some cookies” I say kissing his cheek and walking out of my room. He follows close behind me. I grab a pack a Pillsbury cookies from the fridge and preheat the oven.
“How about you put on 6, and I put on 6” I say grabbing a tray from my cabinet.
“Good with me” He says giving me a smile
“Can I take my shirt off now?” He says whining
“Fine, Stop acting like a baby” I say as I start to put on my cookies.
We both finish putting on our cookies and put them in the oven. I walk over to my couch and turn on the tv.
“What would you like to watch?” I say looking up at him.
“I don’t know, you pick.” He says sitting down next to me
“Mhm, Corpse Bride? The Nightmare Before Christmas?” I say leaning back and laying my head on his chest
“Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie.”
“No it’s not!” I say as I scoff
“It is tho!”
I shake my head and get up to go take the cookies out. I put them on a plate and organize them in a cute way. I bring the plate to the couch along with a blanket.
“Hold the plate while I put the blanket on us.” I say handing him the plate. I sit down, covering our legs and a little bit of my waist. He sets the plate down on the blanket.
“Do you like tonight?” I say putting my head on him again.
“Of course” He says kissing my head. I smile in happiness that I was able to make tonight special.
“I love you” I say lifting my head up.
“I love you more” He says giving me a peck on my lips
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Papillon - Prologue
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Summary: You’re more than the new maid.
Pairing: Mobster!Clark Kent x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, roughness, language, hand around throat, violence, blood, unwanted kissing, threats, darkish Clark, mafia AU
Papillon Masterlist
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Everything went according to plan. You got the position at his household. Bugged the whole place. You even managed to sneak into his office to hide a camera.
Everything went according to plan until the house of cards you built on uncertain ground collapsed.
One lapse. A simple mistake.
Your boss told you to watch your every step. Never let your mask slip. Obey. Clean the rooms. Listen to every snippet of conversation you hear.
He told you to not interfere with anything going on at Clark Kent’s household. Never.
Duck your head. Get the information you need to bring his organization down. Don’t make mistakes.
Easier said than done.
All the other employees seem to be used to watching Clark’s men beat a man to death.
You aren’t.
For four months you were invisible to Clark Kent. The man most people, even cops fear. For four months you did a great job.
You made him believe you are a shy mouse, never even looking his way. Just how he likes his employees. Scared and discreet.
Not a look in his direction. Not a word said.
Until tonight.
Damn, his right-hand man. He wanted you to clean Clark’s office while said man is around. Including the men beating someone into submission.
One of your colleagues. Or rather an officer crossing Clark’s path this morning.
The man minded his business and only tried to do his job. He made the mistake of stopping Clark’s car because the feared mobster drove too fast.
“This is my town,” Clark taunts as the poor officer shrinks even further into the seat. “You don’t stop Clark Kent on his way to a business meeting. Everyone knows the rules in this town. Because I run this fucking town.”
Clark nods at one of his men, smirking as you try not to watch one of them hit the officer square in the jaw. Blood splatters all over the freshly cleaned floor, and a tooth lands right next to your foot.
You don’t look up or try to help the officer. Clark won’t kill him in front of witnesses. And he won’t let him disappear. Too many people saw his men drag the officer inside his home.
No. He will only make sure that the rookie knows the rules after he’s done with him.
You try to blend the noises the officer makes out. Ignore the blood. Ignore his screams. You can’t blow your cover for some rookie. If you do, you are both dead.
He’ll live and learn his lesson the hard way.
“Break two fingers,” Clark orders. Your eyes flit up for the first time since you worked at his house. Mistake. His stormy blue ones meet yours, and you know, he saw right through you.
“Stop.” Your heart starts racing when Clark lifts his hand to stop his men. “Bring him home. Make sure he gets medical help. I think he learned his lesson.”
“You sure, boss?” Jimmy asks. “We barely touched him.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” Clark holds your gaze. He smirks, dismissing his men as he won’t look away. “Leave me alone.”
“What about the maid?”
“She can clean the mess you made, right?” Now you swallow thickly. Clark took two steps toward you, dwarfing you with his sheer presence. “Get out!”
“Okay.” Jimmy and one of the other men help the officer out of his seat. They walk out of the room, leaving you with the big bad wolf.
“So,” he dips his head as you grip the mop a little tighter. Your fight-or-flight instinct kicks in. Can you make it to the door? But what good will it do if you reach the door? You still have to outrun all of his men.
Men with guns.
“I’ll clean the mess up, Sir,” you hastily say. Maybe. Just maybe he didn’t see the disgust and judgment in your eyes.
“Drop the act, papillon,” he dips his head to look you up and down. “I knew something was off with you. I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Now I know.” You gasp when his large palm wraps around your throat.
Clark slams your body against the shelf at his office, making you cry out in pain. The air gets punched out of your lungs at the force and you struggle to breathe. “You are not a maid, aren’t you.”
“I-I don’t know what you are talking about, Sir. I came here to clean the house. Jimmy wanted me to clean the office today.”
“Hmmm…” he leans closer, nose brushing over your cheek. Clark can feel your pulse racing. “Why are you so scared then?”
“Y-ou hurt a man and there was blood. I-I’m just a little dizzy. I can’t see blood…I’m sorry,” you try your best to present a believable lie. “Please, I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Oh, papillon,” he purrs in your ear. “Did you honestly believe I wouldn’t find out that you are a sneaky little rat? You bugged my place and that little camera you tried to hide. Masterfully.”
Clark laughs in your face. You failed. Epically. This is the end. He will kill you now, and no one will ever find your tormented body.
“I…” what can you reply? There is nothing you can do but accept fate.
“Do you know what gave you away?” He roughly grips your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “You’ll learn that I want you to answer me if I ask you a question. So, do you know what gave you away?”
You shake your head.
“Use your voice.” He warns.
“Your eyes,” he grips your chin a little tighter. “The way you looked at me,” Clark smirks darkly. “You looked like you were about to attack me.”
His lips press against yours, claiming them as his property without asking.
“They know I’m here,” you try. “They will come for me.”
“No, they won’t papillon,” he nips at your lips. “They sent you to me to get rid of you. I knew from you the moment you applied for the job. I asked for a proof of trust. And they gave me you.”
“I don’t understand,” you press your hand weakly against his firm chest. Clark is like a brick wall pressing you against the shelf behind you.
“I wanted something nice this time. Something I can break,” he nuzzles your cheek. “I'll give you a choice.”
“Choice?” you hiccup. There is no way out. No one will come to your aid. You drop your eyes and whimper. “What choice?”
He drops his hand from your face and steps away, admiring your scared form.
“You can either tell them to get you, and save you or,” Clark smirks darkly as he roams your body, “or you go down on your knees and put that lying tongue to better use.”
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forever-rogue · 2 years
I finally thought of a request! You may have done something like it and if you have, feel free to ignore me.
Shy!reader that silently crushes on Eddie. Then she works up little by little. Eye contact. Smiling at him in the hall. Then maybe a wave. Until finally she asks him to hand out.
He could be like “haaaa. Hilarious. Go away.” Until he realizes he screwed up royally and has to fix it.
Or he accepts and it’s a cute fluffy piece.
You decide, friend!!
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AN | It’s a little salty and a whole lot of sweet! I hope you enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You should just ask him out.”
A groan escaped your lips before you could even try to prevent it. You leaned against the counter you’d just cleaned and banged your head against the wall, “I’d rather die.”
“That might be a little dramatic,” Elly grinned as she continued to dry the freshly washed coffee mugs. You smacked her with the tea towel from over your shoulder as you shook your head, “why not? He’s in here all the time and you’re always staring at him all heart-eyed.”
“I am not,” your voice pitched up an octave as you busied yourself with cleaning the espresso machine, “I treat all customers equally.”
“I don’t see you practically eye-fucking everyone in here,” she was pushing every last button in an attempt to break you down, “what could go so wrong?”
“You’ve talked to him before and he’s been nice,” she raised an eyebrow, “just ask him if he wants to….maybe not get a coffee because that’s a little on the nose but if he wants to get a drink or something. Or see a movie…anything really.”
“I don’t wanna,” you almost stomped your foot. Almost. You did want to, but you also weren’t ready to make a fool out of yourself, “you’re not going to let me live this down are you?”
“Never,” that was so typical of her, “just give it a shot. You already know his name and that's a great start.”
“Fine,” you threw your hands up in mock surrender, “when it all goes wrong, I’m blaming you.”
“Good luck!” 
You threw the towel onto the counter before swallowing thickly and trying to steel your nerves - a vain attempt - as you made your way over to the objection of your affections. Not affections, ugh that seemed so weird, more like…person you were curious about. 
Each step seemed to take an eternity and you were regretting this decision; especially when he looked up from his book in confusion. 
“H-hi,” you offered up,  but the man just stared back blankly, “E-Eddie, right?”
“Yeah,” there was a suspicious edge to his answer, “did I not pay enough or something?”
“N-no,” you shook your head,  already regretting this decision. Or ever being born for that matter, “I just wanted to say hi. Y-you come in a lot and yeah…I just…umm. Do you want to get a drink sometime? Or g-go see a movie?”
He dog-eared the page he was on before snapping the book shut loudly and setting it on the table. The fact that he was deathly silent was starting to gnaw at you. 
"Do you think that's funny?" His voice was icy as you deflated. 
"N-no? I just-"
"You must think you're so funny," he rolled eyes and you willed the floor to open up and swallow you whole, "you and your little mean girl friend over there."
"I don't know what you mean…"
"Of course you don't," he tossed the book into his bag and shook his head, "the girls like you never do. You think I don't know what you're doing? This isn't the first time some pathetic little girl has come up and done this to me."
"Eddie, I-"
"You know, I thought you were different," his voice was thick as you shook your head, desperate to get him to understand that you really did just want to go out with him, "you always seemed so sweet and nice. I guess you're no different than the rest."
"Please, let me just…explain," but he was already pushing past you and out the door, leaving you standing there in tears as a few of the other other customers looked at you in pity. 
You hung your head as you walked back behind the counter. Elly was watching you with curiosity to see how it went; you weren't sure how she missed your little fiasco. 
"Well?" her big green eyes were wide with excitement. Her smile quickly faded as she realized that you were on the verge of tears, "oh."
"Yeah," you dabbed at your eyes with the back of your hand, "that well. I dunno what happened…he just kind of snapped at me. Thinks I was playing some kind of prank on him. He got upset and left."
"He didn't give you a chance to explain?"
"Nope," you shrugged it off but inside you were still upset, "well then. I'll never be doing that again."
"It's fine, El," you decided to focus on meticulously cleaning every inch of the walls and counters, attempting to get Eddie off your mind, "it is what it is."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie felt like a dick. A huge dick. 
As soon as he'd left the coffee shop, regret set into his bones and he wished life had a rewind button. If anything, he could have politely told you no. 
Not that he wanted - he really didn't want to. He wanted to say yes. History and past experiences had his guard up immediately and instead of giving you a fair chance at anything he'd shut you down. What an idiot. Jerk. Fool. All of the things.
There had just been too many times when he'd been approached by girls, and guys, seemingly kind and nice, only to find out they'd asked him out as a joke or too make fun of him. He was a nerdy metalhead, just the same as he'd always been, and for whatever reason it made people treat him badly. Even as a full fledged adult. 
But…he wasn't in the place where all the bad things had started. He was living in Indy, along with Steve, Robin, and Nancy and they were virtual nobodies. You had no knowledge of him and no ill will. 
But he'd just created bad blood.
How would he even begin to approach you now? Its me, hi, I'm the problem - it's me.
It would have been a start at least.
He'd decided to give a few days before he went back to the coffee, in a vain hope that you would somehow be there to welcome him with open arms. As if. But he had to give it the good old college try, right? The fact that he hadn't gone to college was neither here nor there.
When he walked in a few days later, he nervously hoped that you'd be at the counter. He'd memorized your schedule, not in a creepy - hopefully, and he knew you should more than likely be there.
As soon as the bell above the door twinkled, his eyes were drawn to the counter. He caught the faintest glimpse of your wide eyes and frown before you rushed to the back.
Elly came up front after a few minutes, a mixture of annoyance and sadness on her features. Eddie swallowed thickly as he approached the counter, wondering if was about to be yelled at.
"What do you want?"
"Can I just talk to her?" They both knew what he was referring to, but Eddie grimaced.
"No," she stated firmly, "what do you want? Order something or just leave."
“Fine,” he reached into his pocket and fished out his wallet, “large coffee, extra cream and that crunchy sugar…please.”
Elly took the money as he shakily handed it over, and put the change in the tip jar without even asking - he left the change every time but regardless. She refused to break eye contact with him as she prepared the coffee and put it on the counter for him. Part of her was tempted to put some salt instead of sugar, but she wasn’t vindictive. Not yet at least.
“Can I see her now?” he asked in a small voice and Elly sighed heavily as she leaned against the counter. She could hear the desperation in his voice but was torn on what to do, “I-I just want to apologize.”
“You really upset her,” the slender girl crossed her arms over her chest, her mouth set into a thin line, “she really liked you, Eddie.”
“I’m sorry…I just…” he trailed off, waving his hand around, “I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“That may be so, but you didn’t have to be mean to her. She’s sensitive, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.”
“I didn’t…fuck.”
“I think you should leave,” Elly said softly, nodding her head in the direction of the door, “I’ll let her know you said sorry.”
“Okay,” the two exchanged a look before Eddie took his coffee and headed back out. He cast one last, forlorn little look at the door to the back. He hated the idea that you’d run away just at the mere sight of him. 
He’d become what he hated….and that was a terrible feeling.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A sigh escaped your lips as you ground some coffee beans for the drip coffee. It wasn’t a hard task, mostly menial, but right now it was just so boring. The shop was almost empty and you were closing by yourself, which left you very little to do. And the time seemed to pass by sluggishly. 
You heard the door open and stopped what you were doing, craving the few moments of human interaction that a customer would bring. As soon as you saw who it was, you regretted your decision to acknowledge the door opening. 
There stood Eddie, a hopeful little expression on his face. He took a step closer when you didn’t yell at him to get out, and despite what the little voice in your head was saying, you stepped up to the counter. 
“H-hey,” he held up his hand in a meek wave, “I was hoping you’d be here.”
“Me?” your eyes went doe-like and a pretty pout settled on your features as he nodded, “why?”
“I…I really wanted to apologize,” he rapped his knuckles against the counter as a pastel pink blush crept into his neck and cheeks, “I was a huge asshole and you didn’t deserve it.”
Oh. He didn’t like the sound of that single word answer. Your brow furrowed as you stared at your hands; what he didn’t know was that you were trying to work up the courage to speak your mind instead of repressing what you were thinking. 
“Yeah,” he agreed, “really.”
“Then why did you do it?” you met his soft brown eyes as he swallowed thickly, “you could have just said no.”
“You’re right,” his lips and mouth suddenly felt so dry, “I just…for a long time in life I was made fun of and bullied for almost everything about myself. I’ve had pretty girls come up before and ask if I wanted to go out and when I’d say yes they’d just laugh and tell me it was a joke and how could I ever believe they’d want to date me, and shit like that. It just kind of stuck with me for a long time. So when you, the prettiest girl I’ve seen, came up and started to ask me out I panicked and tried to make sure I had the one up. It’s a fuckin’ shitty excuse for how I talked to you, but it’s truth. And I just wanted you to know that I was sorry.”
“Oh,” he half expected to find a pitying look in your eyes but he found none of that, “I’m sorry people did that to you, Eddie. You didn’t deserve that - nobody does. If it’s any consolation, I think you’re pretty cool. Which is why I…yeah.”
“Yeah,” he rocked back and forth on his heels for a few moments, awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck, “I, umm, I’ll get going. Thanks for hearing me out.”
You watched in silence as Eddie walked towards the door, trying to weigh your options quickly.
“Eddie?” you caught him just before he could step outside and he turned back to you curiously, “do you want a coffee?”
“Are you sure?” you definitely weren’t just asking about a coffee. 
“Yes,” you promised, a small smile tugging up the corner of your mouth, “if you’re up for it.”
“I am,” a shy smile mirrored yours. He tried to pull out his wallet, but you shook your head, “sweetheart-”
“Who is your favorite character in Lord of the Rings?” you asked suddenly as you started to make his coffee. His entire face lit up as a smile grew on your own features and your face warmed up, “and the Hobbit. Both of your answers will be very telling.”
“Only if you tell me your favorite Star Wars character.”
You finished up his coffee and slid it across the counter at him. He took it gently, his fingers brushing against yours and sending electric shivers down his spine. 
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devilat-thedoor · 1 year
Hands To Yourself Pt4
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I should probably plan out my posting better, but i’m just sending them out as they finish. This one hurt me. So sorry in advance for that. but i hope you still enjoy💖
Part 3
Word count: 10.3k
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Warnings: (TRIGGER WARNING! SA)18+ Minors DNI, Unprotected Mirror Sex😏, Alcohol Consumption, some angst, some fluff, and Sage being the absolute worst(i’m actually sorry. i hate her as much as you guys do🙃)
Sunday morning was a busy one. You and Jake had spent the evening prior getting the pool ready and cleaning the grill up. Now you stood in your kitchen, still in your pajamas, prepping food for the cookout later and trying to tidy up as best as you could. You were working overtime to keep your mind occupied, trying your damnedest to avoid thinking about that message and picture. Despite his best efforts to assure you that he wasn’t worried about it and that you shouldn’t be either, Jake still knew you were stressed. You were rushing past him through the patio doors, carrying a handful of towels outside, when he wrapped an arm around your waist. “Baby, slow down.” He took the stack of linens from you and placed them on the wooden bench next to the grill. “We have time to get everything done, you don’t need to rush.”
You took the opportunity to bring your arms around him and rest your head on his chest. “I know, I’m sorry.” You muttered the words as he kissed the top of your head. “My anxiety is just through the roof today. I don’t know what’s going on, I just have this weird feeling in my chest…” You closed your eyes, listening to the soft beat of Jake’s heart. A sound that always calms your nerves. “I can’t stop thinking about that picture, Jake. About who sent it.”
“I know, my love.” His hand rubbed small circles on your back. “I don’t want you to keep stressing about it. It’s probably just some weirdo trying to stir up problems for entertainment.”
Before you could respond, a voice echoed inside of the house from behind you. You both turned to look through the open back door to see Josh and Sam tromping through the kitchen. “We brought some booze!” Sam shouted, holding up a case of seltzer in one hand and a case of corona in the other.
“And tequilaaaa!” Josh called after, shaking 2 bottles of the clear liquid, one in each fist. “Where do you want this?”
You pointed towards the cooler sitting by the table without a word and moved past the two brothers standing in the doorway. Stepping back into the air conditioned kitchen, you pulled a knife from the block on the counter and placed it atop the wooden cutting board. You went to the fridge to retrieve the fruit Jake had picked out yesterday after you went to the car. When you closed the refrigerator door, Sammy was standing behind it, eliciting a gasp from you as you jumped. “Jesus, Sam. Don’t do that.” Your tone came out a little more harsh than you meant it and Sam took notice.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” His voice was quiet before he cleared his throat. “Are you okay? You’re not very bubbly today.” He took the strawberries from your hand and carried them to the sink to rinse them.
You let out a soft sigh, and followed him to the sink, standing beside him. “I don’t feel bubbly. I feel anxious.” He took the blueberries from you and handed back a bowl filled with the freshly cleaned strawberries. “Sammy…” You held the bowl, waiting for him to dump the blueberries into it.
He looked down at you as he turned the faucet off, “Yeah?” Your shaky voice caught him off guard, his own voice now laced with concern. “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You moved to the island, setting the bowl of berries down and picking up the large watermelon to place on the cutting board. “Do you remember the morning after your birthday party?”
Sam was silent for a few seconds, deep in thought. “Ummm. Yeah, I think so.” He was drying his hands on a dish towel, “When somebody slashed your tire, right? I took you to get a new one and we changed it in front of Daniel’s house.”
“Wait, what?”
His brows creased in confusion, “Oh. Was that not what you were talking about?”
You picked your knife up, slicing into the melon, “No. I mean, yeah but- What makes you say somebody slashed my tire? I thought it was just flat. Like maybe I ran over a nail or something.” You would’ve known if the tire had been purposely sabotaged. Wouldn’t you?
Sam gathered his hair into a loose bun to help you cut the fruit, tossing into the giant bowl on the countertop. “The tip of a blade or razor or something was broken off in the tire, it fell out of the hole when we took it off.” After finishing the strawberries, he grabbed the pineapple that sat in front of him, twisting the head off. “Shit, I thought you saw it too. Why are you worried about this now, anyways? That was months ago.” He let out a chuckle, expecting you to laugh with him, but when he looked at you, your face was even more troubled than when he’d first come into the kitchen. “Y/N, what is it? Is Jake giving you shit about the tire or something?”
You dropped the knife to the board, turning to face him, “Sammy, somebody was watching us out there. Taking pictures of us. Of me.” You pointed your finger at yourself, the panic beginning to set in. “Jake almost had me believing that it was just someone trying to stir up drama, but I think I’m being stalked…” Your knees started to feel weak and you felt like you couldn’t catch your breath. “Who would want to do this?” The words were choked leaving your mouth, the crushing feeling in your chest becoming heavier with each inhale.
Sam tried to calm you down, keeping his voice soft as he held your arms in his hands, but you couldn’t hear him over the sound of blood rushing in your ears. When you sunk to the kitchen floor, holding your chest as you tried to even out your own breathing, Sammy began to panic as well. “Jake! Jake, you need to get in here!”
It was a split second before your boyfriend was kneeling in front of you, asking you what was wrong. When you couldn’t respond, he snapped to Sam, “What the fuck happened?” He listened as his brother gave a speedy rundown of your conversation. “Okay, Y/N, look at me. Breathe with me, baby.” He took a deep inhale, waiting for you to follow suit before letting the air go. He repeated it over and over until you were able to breathe normally again. “Why don’t we get you a hot shower, Me and the guys will finish up.” You allowed him to help you up from the floor and usher you out of the kitchen. He turned to his brothers, mouthing that he’d be back in a minute.
Once inside the bathroom, Jake closed the door behind him and watched as you stood in front of the mirror, raking your hands through your hair. “Jake, I feel like I’m going crazy. Tell me I’m not going fucking crazy.”
He came up behind you, his hands grabbing your hips and turning you around to face him, “You’re not crazy, love… But something strange is going on.” When he felt your body tense in his hold, he shook his head. “I’ll get to the bottom of this, Y/N. I promise you, I’ll figure it out. Will you just try to relax today?”
You let your head fall back, using Jake’s arms as leverage to keep you from tipping backwards, and stared at the ceiling. “I’m gonna need a lot of help if you want me to relax…” His hands traveled to your ass and you lifted your head to look at him, a slight raise to your eyebrow.
“What kind of help are you thinking of, love?” He gave your ass cheeks a squeeze over your shorts.
Pushing his hands from you, you turned to face the mirror again, “Not now, Jake.” You rolled your eyes at him, pulling your shirt off to prepare for your shower. When your shirt hit the floor, Jake’s hand wrapped around you again, landing flat on your stomach.
He stepped closer, his body pressed against yours, “I think I know just how to get you to relax.” His free hand dipped into the waistband of your shorts to find that you had no panties on. “Tell me to stop and I’ll leave this bathroom right now so you can shower in peace.” His breath was hot on your neck as he whispered to you. He dragged a finger through your folds, surprised at how wet you were.
You felt Jake’s teeth graze your shoulder as his fingers teased you. “Baby, your brothers…” The words tumbled out through a gasp when he added the slightest bit of pressure to your clit. Your head dropped to his shoulder as you gripped the marbled sink in front of you. “Jake…”
His lips were on your ear, “Do you want me to stop?” Jake’s hand traveled lower, his middle finger pushing into your soaked core, drawing a raspy moan from your throat. “Just say the word, love.” His voice was like quicksand, sucking you in and never letting go.
“Please don’t stop.” You breathed out, rolling your hips with the rhythm of his hand. He sunk a second finger into you, the heel of his palm keeping a delicious amount of pressure on your aching clit. “Oh fuuuuck, Jake…” Your words were drawn out, whimpers cascading from your mouth.
Jake was grinding into you from behind, trying to get a bit of relief for himself. “You make prettier sounds than my guitar when I play you, sweet girl.” He cooed in your ear and you could feel his smirk on your skin, “Look at how beautiful you are in my hands. Look at you.”
LIfting your head, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. Jake’s chin rested on your shoulder and you let your eyes connect with his. Your mouth was hung open as your breath left in huffs. His gaze alone was leading you right to your tipping point. “Wanna feel you, baby.” You grabbed his wrist, stopping his hand from moving inside of you. “I wanna watch you make me cum.” Jake had successfully made sure that he was the only thought in your head.
He removed his hand from your shorts and yanked them down, letting them pool around your ankles. “Can’t be too loud, love.” He pushed you to bend over the sink then and pulled his pants down, freeing his cock. “You gonna be good and keep quiet for me?”
You could feel the head of his dick brushing through your wet folds. “Yes, Jake, I’ll be quiet, baby.” Just as your eyes met his in the mirror again, he buried himself into you. You bit down on your lip to stifle the groan that wanted to escape. Jake drew out of you, almost fully. His palm cracked over your ass, forcing a ripple across the plush flesh. He brought his hand up to grab your shoulder before filling you back up. His cock was hitting the perfect spot with every deep stroke and you couldn’t hold it together anymore. A long whine slipped through your lips, growing in octaves with each passing second.
Jake’s hand left your shoulder to clamp over your mouth. “Hush, pretty girl.” His index and middle finger hooked into your mouth, pressing on your tongue as you closed your lips on them, “Don’t want my brothers to hear you getting fucked like this. Bent over, taking my cock like the good girl you are.” His voice was a mere whisper as his other hand traveled from your hip to rub lazy swirls on your aching clit. You could tell he was fighting his release by the way he slowed his hips, trying to get you there first. You sucked hard on his fingers and when he hit you with an impossibly deep thrust, you squeezed your thighs together, unintentionally biting down on his fingers as your pussy clenched around him. “Ow! Fuck, Y/N.” He ripped his hand from your mouth, giving it a shake before grabbing you by your hair, yanking it until your back was flat against him. “We’re biting now?” You caught his reflection in the mirror, a devious glint in eye.
His hips snapped into you harshly and you were wound so tight, ready to burst at any moment. The hand that was tangled in your hair left, finding its way to your breast, pinching your nipple between his fingers. “Jesus, I- Shit. Jake, I’m gonna-.” Your eyes screwed shut so tight, you feared they may never open again. You faintly heard Jake mumble to open your eyes, but through the fog in your brain, you couldn’t comply. “Ahh.” You hissed out. Your eyes shot open at the sudden sting you felt radiate through your shoulder, to see Jake, his teeth latched onto your skin.
He chomped hard, you were sure the imprint would be there for days. His tongue darted out to soothe over the area. “I told you to open your eyes.” The arrogance in his voice coupled with the drag of his hot tongue over your bruising flesh is what did it for you. Jake’s eye met yours in the mirror, he could feel you tighten around him like a vice grip. “C’mon, love. Let me have it.” And you did. You gave him every bit of you as your pussy fluttered around him, soaking him in your release. “Shit…” His teeth were clenched, watching your jaw hang open with no sound coming out, your brows pulled together in pure ecstasy. “Such a good girl, so fucking beautiful.” His forehead dropped to your shoulder as he emptied inside of you, his shallow breaths fanning down your back. When he slipped himself out of you, your legs shook, threatening to fold beneath you. Jake’s arms wrapped around your waist, holding you steady while you regained some shred of composure. “You okay, baby?” His words were muffled against your skin.
You gave a quiet hum and a nod, “Better than okay.” Turning around, you draped your arms around his neck, bringing his lips to yours. “I love you so fucking much, Jacob Kiszka. You know that, right?” You looked at him, admiring all the details of his face that you don’t spend enough time appreciating. His big eyes, the color of fresh coffee, shrouded by his dark lashes. The strong, sharp angle of his jaw and the small divot at the point of his chin. Your fingertips brushed over his lips as his smile formed. That smile… Beaming and wide, a display of perfect white teeth, framed by the prominent cupid’s bow of his heart-shaped lips. It made the apples of his cheeks swell, his shallow dimples making their appearance. Your index finger moved to his nose, your favorite part of his face, tracing along the bridge of it.
Jake playfully nipped at your finger, causing a giggle to bubble from your mouth. “I love you so much more, my beautiful girl.” He cupped your face, pulling you in for another kiss. “Get a shower, I’m gonna go put the guys to work on getting everything ready.” He let go of you then, heading for the door. Just as he twisted the knob, he turned back to face you. “You know they probably heard you…” He had that devious smirk on his lips again, slipping through the door and closing it before you could say a thing.
You sat on the floor of your closet, a towel wrapped around your wet body. You were digging through your tote of bathing suits, trying to decide on which one to wear for the day. Jake’s voice called from the hallway outside of the bedroom, “Hey, babe. Are you dressed? Odessa is looking for you.” He came into view, standing in the closet doorway, watching you sift through the tote. “Wear this one, this is my favorite.” He picked up the plain black bikini top and quickly found the bottoms to match it. It was definitely one of the skimpier ones you owned. Thong bottoms and cups that left almost nothing to the imagination.
Snatching the garments from him, you threw them back into the bin. “I’m not wearing that in front of our guests, Jake.” You scolded him as he chuckled under his breath. “Go away, you’re no help.” You playfully shooed him with your hands, calling after he was exiting the bedroom, “And send Dess in here!”
A few minutes later, Odessa came into the room. “Y/N? You in here, hun?”
“In the closet!” You called back, “Come help me pick out a swimsuit!”
You greeted her with a bright smile as she entered the closet, but it faltered when you saw Sage standing behind her. You tried quickly to recover your smile, but Sage had already noticed. “Hey. I hope it’s okay that I came…” She twirled the ends of hair as though she was nervous. “Dess had mentioned that you guys were having a cookout today… So, I figured- I just thought-” You stared at her as she stammered through her words, “If I’m crashing, I can go…”
Odessa looked back and forth between you and Sage, trying to decipher what was going on. When she raised her eyebrows at you, a questioning look, you did everything you could to avoid having to answer it. “Uhh, no. No it’s fine, Sage.” You shook your head, looking up at her. “I just didn’t know you were coming. But you’re more than welcome to stay, we’re happy to have you.” There was an awkward tension between the two of you and you weren’t entirely sure if you were the only one that felt it. She gave a small smile and a nod, dropping her eyes to the floor.
“Okay, so you need a bikini!” Odessa clapped her hands, sitting on the floor beside you. “Who owns this many swimsuits???” She dug her hands into the tote, pulling out handfuls of the spandex material.
You laughed at her shocked expression, “Gotta have one for every occasion.” Pulling out a few options, you laid them out on the floor. Different colors and patterns adorning each one. “These are the safest bets.”
She looked over the display, “What do you mean safest bets?”
“The ones that cover the most, I suppose?” You shrugged, “Don’t wanna show my goodies off to the boys, yanno?”
“Oh, come on.” Odessa scoffed. “Screw the boys, you’re hot. Fucking flaunt it, babe!” Her eyes landed on something in the tote and she dug for it, finally pulling it out and holding it up. “Y/N, you have to wear this one!” She shoved it in your hands.
You held it up, examining it. It was an underwire bikini top with a black gingham print. The fabric of the cups stopped about two inches from where the wire met in between them. It still covered more than the one Jake had tried to choose, but not very much more. “I don’t know, Dess. If I remember correctly…” You paused, digging for the matching bottoms in the bin, yanking it free from the tangles of all the other articles. “Yep. There’s essentially no coverage for my ass.” You showcased the bottoms to her. Not quite a thong, but the way your hips and ass would fit into it, it may as well be.
She pushed your shoulder lightly, “Who cares? Sage, wouldn’t she look so good in this one?” She looked up at her friend who was still standing in the closet doorway.
“Definitely… You should wear that one, I’m sure Jake would love it…” She gave a forced smile, but you could hear the disinterest in her voice.
Looking back to Odessa, you gave in. “You know what, fuck it.” You stood up and pulled the bottoms on under your towel. Once they were situated comfortably, you pulled the towel off and slid the top on, adjusting the cups so your breasts fit inside of them. “Dess, can you tighten the straps a little?”
“Yeah, of course.” She stood up as well, moving behind you to carry out your request. She finished one side and you gathered your hair to move it so she could get the other side. “What the fuck…” Her finger grazed over a spot on your shoulder, “Babe, what kind shit are you and Jake into?”
When you turned to look at her, she was gawking in amusement. “What do you me-” You tried to tilt your head to see what she was referring to, catching a glimpse of the deep bite mark, still present in your skin. “Fuck…” Instinctively, your hand shot up to cover it, a bright pink tint creeping over your face. You could feel the indents under your fingertips. “I guess it can get a little out of hand sometimes.”
Odessa erupted into a fit of laughter, “You guys are kinky! I like it.” You couldn’t help but laugh with her, the both of you cackling in the small space. Once your laughter died down, you noticed that Sage was gone. “Where did she go?” Odessa asked, pointing behind her to where Sage had been standing moments prior.
“No idea.” You offered a shrug and turned to pull a pair of denim shorts from the shelf above your head. You slipped the shorts on and straightened up, “Let’s go, babe.” You grabbed her arm and hauled her out of the room with you, making your way through the house. You could hear everyone’s voices coming from out on the patio mixed with the notes of the guitar solo from Hotel California by the Eagles.
Odessa stepped out the backdoor before you, announcing her presence as she yelled, “Guys, Y/N and Jake have super kinky sex and bite each other!” Her laugh bubbling out before she even finished the sentence. “Look at her shoulder!”
“Odessa!” You covered your face with your hands as everyone’s eyes fell on you.
Josh piped up from his seat to your left, “Believe me, we heard already…”
Your eyes flashed to Jake over the grill, the arrogant smirk crossing his lips. “At least you know she’s always satiated.” He sent a wink at you and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, Alright. Can we not talk about my sex life anymore?” You pleaded to nobody in particular.
Sam came through the door behind you, holding the bowl of fruit in one hand and a tray of corn on the cob in the other, joining in the conversation at your expense. “You thought that was bad, Josh? Try staying in the hotel room next to theirs.” He put the food down on the table, turning to face you with a grin, “I swear every time she visited on the last tour, I got no sleep.”
You held your middle finger up to him, pursing your lips, “Oh fuck you, Sammy.”
“Yeah wouldn’t you like to.” He wiggled his eyebrows, sticking his tongue out at you.
You shook your head at him with a chuckle and turned away, walking a few feet to Jake. He was standing over the grill, spatula in hand, and there was Sage. She was perched on the bench next to the grill in her bikini, already having shed her clothes. She was mid sentence in a conversation with your boyfriend when you walked up, his attention immediately finding you. “Woof.” His eyes raked down your body, lingering on the swell of your breasts, lifted high in the swim top. “How is this one better than the one I picked out?” His finger grazed the underwire that rested against your sternum.
“Hmmm.” You snaked your arms around his waist, “because this one covers more than just my nipples, Jacob.” He turned in your hold, draping an arm over your shoulder to hold you close while he flipped a couple of the burgers on the grill. “Smells good. How much longer?” Your stomach was beginning to grumble.
Jake kissed the top of your head, “first batch is almost done, go get a drink, love. I’ll make you a plate when the burgers are finished.” You pressed your lips to the corner of his mouth and caught Sage staring at you. At Jake. Like she was willing him to look at her. To give her his attention.
You pulled away from him, “I think I’m gonna get in the water.” You unbuttoned your shorts and slid the denim down your legs. When you turned your back to Jake, you felt his palm crack across your ass.
Before you could scold him, he turned to his twin, “You see the way it jiggles, man?” Jake pointed at the red handprint on you. Josh responded by shaking his head with a grin, sipping on his tequila.
“If you wanted me to make it jiggle, you could’ve just asked, baby.” You gave your hips a slight shake, your voice dripping with honey as you looked back at your boyfriend, a sly smirk on your lips.
Josh let out a loud whistle and a ‘Damn, mama!’ while Odessa hooted, “Shake it, baby!” She held her beer up, saluting you. You thought you heard Sage scoff behind you, but Odessa was already distracting you from it. “Are you getting in? Because if you are, I’m right there with you.” She pulled her cream colored, crochet halter dress over her head, revealing her lilac bandeau bikini.
“Hell yeah, come on!” You grabbed a white claw from the cooler and went to the corner of the pool that held the steps. The water was cool, coaxing you further into the pool and out of the unrelenting heat. Odessa was right behind you, trying to convince Danny to get in with her. You called out to him, “Danny, get in! The water feels great!” You popped the tab on your can, chugging half of it in a few gulps.
Odessa continued to beg, “Honey, would you just get in the water?” Her hazel-colored doe eyes pleading with him. “I just wanna swim with you for a bit…Do this for me and I’ll do you a favor later.” You chuckled at her suggestive tone and watched as she held her drink above the water that came up to her waist.
Danny finally stood from his chair, yanking his shirt over his head, “You know what those eyes do to me, Dess.” He came down the steps, sinking into the water and pulling Odessa into his arms. She leaned against him, connecting her lips with his.
Wanting to give them a private moment, you trudged over to the edge of the pool, closest to the grill. You opened your mouth to call out to Jake, but closed it when you noticed Sage at his side. He was speaking and she eyed him, sucked in deep to whatever he was saying. You saw a faint smile tug at his lips as he spoke and she broke out in a laugh. The sound was like grinding metal in your ears as you watched the scene before you. She said something to him, leaning in with a flirty chuckle to put her hand on his chest. You were frozen, unable to look away from whatever was unfolding in front of you. Jake took a step away from her to break the contact she’d made, her hand falling to her side. He kept a friendly smile as she continued to talk and giggle. You wanted to know what they were talking about. Are they reminiscing about the other night? Do they have some kind of connection that you don’t know about? Why is Sage suddenly getting under your skin so badly?
“She’s getting awfully cozy…” Josh’s voice brought you back to the present as he sat on the edge beside you, letting his feet dangle into the water. “I can see it all over your face, Y/N. You have nothing to worry about.” He turned to look at Jake and Sage before returning his gaze back to you, “Jake is head over heels for you, mama. No other woman could steal his attention.” His tone was soft and genuine and, as if on cue, Jake looked away from her, his eyes scanning over the area until they landed on you. He gave you that warm, familiar Jake smile and your nerves seem to ease at the look.
You held Jake’s eyes for a few seconds before looking back to his twin. “Deep down I know that, Josh…But there’s some insecurities buried in here.” You pointed to the center of your chest. “I trust Jake, I do. With my heart, my mind, my body. I trust him with everything.” You took a composing breath, “But why does she have to blatantly flirt with him, like shamelessly. As if I’m not even here.” You chugged the rest of your drink, placing the can on the cement, outside of the pool.
Josh leaned back, popping open the cooler to grab you another can. “Maybe she doesn’t see anything wrong with it… I mean, considering everything…” He cracked the tab to open it, handing it you.
“What do you mean?” You could feel the slight gape to your mouth as you stared at him. “What do you know, Josh?” You took the can from him, raising your eyebrows as you awaited an answer.
You could’ve sworn his grin grew three sizes bigger. “Probably a lot more than you’d like me to know.” He brought his index and middle fingers to his mouth, flicking his tongue between the two digits and forcing his eyes to roll back in his head. He shook with laughter at your shocked expression.
“Eat shit, Josh!” You splashed a heavy gush of water at him while he continued laughing, shielding his face. Of course Jake told him. They tell each other everything. You knew Josh wasn’t judging you, but you wished you would’ve known that he was clued in on your recent escapades. Did Jake tell Danny and Sam too? Did Odessa know? Your voice took on a solemn tone, “I think I fucked up, Josh…”
Before you could elaborate, Jake called out to everyone, “Foods all done, guys! Come eat.” Danny rushed out of the pool, dragging Odessa with him. Sam was already piling things onto his plate and Sage was standing back, her eyes never leaving Jake as he moved around the table, making a plate. “Baby, come eat. I got you a little of everything.” He looked at you and pointed to the plate in his hand.
Josh pulled his legs out of the water, standing up. “Come on, sweetheart.” He offered you his hands. You wrapped your hands around his wrists and he mimicked the gesture, hauling you up and out of the water. “Let’s grub, we’ll talk in a bit.” He gave you a soft smile before walking towards the covered patio.
You grabbed your drink and followed Josh’s path, ducking into the shaded area. Jake was at your side with a clean towel. “Here, my love.” He gave you a minute to pat your skin dry before ushering you into a seat, sliding into the chair next to you at the head of the table. Josh made his way to the seat on the other side of Jake, but Sage beat him to it, placing her almost empty plate on the table in front of the chair. Her fingertips grazed Jake’s arm that rested on the table as she sat down. You stabbed at a piece of pasta salad on your plate, not feeling very hungry anymore, and dropped the fork to down some of your white claw. Your boyfriend picked up on the shift in your body language and his hand found yours under the table. “Please eat, baby.”
Sammy took the open seat next to you. Josh shuffled into the seat across from him, beside Sage, mumbling something under his breath. Danny sat at the opposite end of the table from Jake, Odessa perched on his lap taking a large bite from her hot dog. You couldn’t help the smile that formed as you looked upon your small chosen family, giving Jake’s hand a light squeeze. His hand never left you while you ate. When you pulled your fingers from his, he let his hand rest on your leg. You shared conversation with everyone around the table for a while, catching Jake’s eyes every so often. The alcohol was flowing, and plates were emptying. You sat back in your chair, listening to Jake and Danny have an animated discussion across the table.
Sam nudged you with his elbow, gaining your attention, “Wanna shotgun a white claw?” He had a mischievous smirk on his face, one that you’d come to know very well over the years. You gave him an excited nod, tossing back the rest of whatever was in your current can. He pointed around the table, “You guys wanna shotgun with us?” Josh was the first to agree, followed by Odessa. You turned to Jake, waiting for him to give in. His lip curled slowly before he nodded at you. Sam didn’t give Danny a choice as he forced a can into his hand. “Sage?” He held a can out to her and you turned to look at her as she took it from him.
You all moved to stand in a huddle beside the pool, passing a knife around to pop holes in the cans. Once everyone had their can ready, you spoke, “Last one to finish takes a shot of tequila.” A grin spread over your cheeks, “First one to finish takes two. GO!” Everyone rushed to crack their cans open and chug the liquid. You locked eyes with Josh, knowing he’d finish first, as usual. And he did, but you were right behind him, only dropping your can a second after him. Jake finished after you, his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. You looked up at Sam, waiting until he pulled the can away from his mouth and shoved him backwards, his arms flailing as he crashed into the water. Odessa sputtered out a laugh, spewing liquid from her mouth. Sam emerged, his hair clinging to his face as he blew water from his lips. Gasping through your own laughter, you turned just in time to see Jake tossing his shirt behind him and rushing you, an evil grin plastered on his face. “No… Jake, wait. Don’t-“ Your pleas were interrupted by Jake lifting you in a swift movement, effectively tackling you so that you were both plunging beneath the surface.
He came up before you, tugging your arm to pull you up with him. You brought your legs around his waist, forcing him to hold you while he pushed your soaked hair from your forehead. “I’m sorry, love. I couldn’t resist.” The water was at chest level on Jake. He locked one arm around your back as you cling to him and turned around to face everyone else, “You guys gonna get in?”
Danny took the opportunity to pick Odessa up, her petite frame fighting against his grasp in a fit of giggles, and effortlessly tossed her in, diving in right behind her. Sage shrugged and walked over to the steps to let herself in. You looked up at Josh as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. “Hey Josh.” He dropped his eyes to you. “Can you go get in the shed and grab my hot dog floatie?” You pouted your lip at him.
“You don’t gotta give me the puppy dog stare, sweetheart.” He shook his head, jogging to the small shed at the end of the pool. He returned with your float and tossed it in the water with a couple other ones he’d grabbed.
You broke away from Jake to climb up onto the hot dog, straddling it. “Thank you, Joshy!” He offered a sweet smile in return.
Sam, being himself, couldn’t stop the lewd remark that flowed from his mouth with a smirk, “Since you’re climbing on wieners today, can I be next Y/N?” You stared at him, eyes wide and mouth agape. Sage cackled behind you. Jake jumped in before you could respond, lunging at his little brother and dunking his head under the water. Sam came back up, pushing his brother in the chest as they began to wrestle, splashing you in the process.
They bumped into the float, toppling you over. The unexpected impact sent a flood of water down your throat. You came back up, choking and reaching for something to hold onto. Jake caught you, dragging your body against his. “Fuck, baby. I’m sorry.” Your arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders as you coughed the water from your lungs. His hands found your kicking legs under the surface and guided them around his hips. “Are you okay?”
Your throat was on fire and all you could muster was a weak nod as your chest heaved. You turned your head to Sam, an apologetic tilt to his mouth, “You’re fucking in for it.” Your voice was a raspy whisper as you narrowed your eyes at him.
“What about him? It wasn’t just my fault!” Sam was defensive at your threat. “You play favorites…” He crossed his arms over his chest like a defiant child, complete with a pouty lip.
“He didn’t make the inappropriate comment, Samuel.” You cocked your eyebrow at him, lips pursed. “Besides, he’ll get his payback in private.”
Jake’s hands gripped your ass under the water, “And I’ll enjoy every second of it…” He mumbled for only you to hear, dropping his head to kiss the fading bite mark on your shoulder. You shivered at the contact. Your thighs instinctively tightened around him and you could feel the soft bulge in swim trunks, pressing against your covered pussy. You knew he could feel it too by the way his fingers dug further into the cushion of your ass cheeks. You shifted in his arms, using his shoulders for leverage, and dropped your hips lower, subtly grinding into him with the movement. “Don’t start, love.” His voice was barely a whisper. You wanted to do it again, but you were distracted by Odessa’s voice.
Looking in her direction, you found her sitting on Danny’s shoulders. “Guys, let's play chicken!” Her balance faltered and she grasped Danny’s face to keep from falling off of him, a crackling laugh leaving her throat.
“Ooooh lover, c’mon!” You broke away from him, standing on your own feet. “Get me up on your shoulders!” He gave you a playful smirk before dipping beneath the water. You felt his shoulders hit the back of your thighs as he began lifting you, his head snug between your legs. When he emerged, you looked down to see him facing the wrong way. His nose was practically brushing over your clit through your bikini bottoms, his hot breath fanning over you. Your hands shot to his hair out of habit as you giggled. “Jake!”
“I don’t think that's how you play the game, brother.” Josh was standing behind Jake, a tequila fed grin on his face. “At least not this game.” He clapped Jake on the back, causing him to stumble, dropping you back into the water.
You kicked over to Josh, latching yourself to his back as you looked at Jake, “How about you be my partner, Joshy? We can take down Danny and Dess.”
“Oh no way! You’re going down, babe!” Odessa challenged, pointing her finger at you.
Josh shook his head, “I don’t think I’m the best option here, mama.” He looked at you over his shoulder, “I’ve had a few too many.” He raised his drink to his mouth, taking a few gulps.
Jake laughed, “Come back to where you belong, baby.” He held his hand out to you, a cocky expression gracing his features. “You know where your place is, love.”
You gave him a sweet smile as you let go of Josh. Slipping your hand into his, he dipped down and had you on his shoulders again in seconds. He interlocked his finger with yours to keep you balanced as your legs hooked under his arms.
Danny called over to his best friend, “Sam, let Sage on your shoulders, you two are a good match”
You looked over to Sam who gave a shrug, turning to Sage. Her eyes flashed to you, or rather Jake beneath you, before she waded her way towards Sam. “Do you think you can handle me, Sammy?” Her flirty tone caught you off guard. She placed her hand on his shoulder, “Don’t get too handsy.” She leaned in close to him to speak, pushing him gently under the water. Sam took the hint, dunking below the surface to bring her up on his shoulders. When he rose out of the water, Sage perched atop of him, she gave a satisfied hum. “I’d say this is a perfect fit, wouldn’t you?” The question was directed at Sammy, but her eyes stayed on Jake as she twirled Sam’s wet hair between her fingers. What the fuck is this? Is she trying to make him jealous?
Josh caught your eyes, giving you a look of confusion. Sam’s cheeks had a light pink tint to them, “Uhhh yeah… Perfect.” His hands gripped her legs to hold her in place. “Who’s first?”
“If I recall, Dess, you said I’m going down?” You wiggled your finger, gesturing for her and Danny to move closer. “You ready to eat your words?” Jake stepped forward until he and Danny were a mere foot apart. Josh stood to the side, deciding to play referee as he rattled off a ridiculous set of rules.
Odessa gave you a challenging glare, spiked with amusement. “Bring it on, babe…” When Josh brought his hand down between the two boys, you and Odessa were going at each other, shoving and grabbing. She put up a good fight as the both of you struggled to keep steady through your cackling. You caught her with a particularly good push, knocking Danny off balance and sending her flying into water behind him. She let out a loud squeal as she went down, dragging her boyfriend with her.
“Hell yeah, baby!” Jake cheered, holding his hand up for a high five. You slapped his palm, feeling a rush of excitement. Odessa came up out of the water, gasping out her loud laugh that you adored. She gave you a thumbs up and climbed onto Danny’s back before offering Sage a ‘good luck’ as Sammy took his place in front of his brother. “You got this, Y/N. Light work.” Jake pressed his lips to the inside of your leg as he eyed his brother with a smirk.
You looked at Sage, a smile plastered on your face, “You ready, Sage?” She met your gaze, chewing on her cheek, and gave a nod as a sinister smile crept over her features. Your smile faltered for a moment before Josh was dropping his hand, initiating the battle. Sam moved forward, allowing Sage to reach for you. You ducked away from her first push and pressed your hands into her shoulders but she locked her legs tightly under Sam’s arms, staying in place. Jake worked in tune with your movements, knowing just when to step forward and when to pull you back. Just when you got a hold of Sage’s arm and gained enough leverage to push her again, her hand shot out and grabbed your hair, yanking hard and ripping you from Jake’s shoulders. Your scalp was stinging as you plummeted into the cool water.
When you came back up for a breath, Odessa was scolding Sage. “Girl, that was cheap! You cheated!”
You rubbed your hand over the sore spot on your head as Sage countered Odessa’s claim. “It was an accident!” She held her hands up, giving a half shrug. “My hand got tangled when I tried to push her, I swear.”
“It’s okay, guys! She won the game…” You don’t know what came over you when the next words slipped from your mouth with an unexpected venom, “But I still got the prize.” You cupped Jake’s face, pulling him in for a rough kiss, ending it with a soft bite to his bottom lip. Everyone gawked in silence as you turned back to Sage, now back in the water and off of Sam’s shoulders, and pursed your lips with a cocky tilt.
The day dwindled down, along with the alcohol. You and Sage had kept your distance from one another and everybody took notice. The sun was starting to set and taking the heat with it, leaving you with a chill on your skin. “Baby, I’m gonna go change, can you start a fire in the pit?” You asked Jake as you stood from his lap.
He grabbed your hand, brushing his lips over your knuckles before you walked away, “Of course, my love.” He had a slight slur to his words, having fallen victim to multiple beer pong losses against his brothers.
“Y/N, please tell me you have a change of clothes I can steal?” Odessa peeled herself from Danny’s side and followed you into the house.
Giving her a warm smile, you nodded. “I got you, Dess. But first…” You stopped in the kitchen, pulling a bottle of wine from the rack on the wall, “I’m sick of the seltzer, you want a glass?” She answered with an enthusiastic nod and you pulled two glasses from the cabinet, filling them with the red wine. “Here you go, babe.” You passed her a glass before leaving the kitchen to go to your bedroom. Once in the room, you padded to your dresser. “You want sweatpants or shorts?”
Odessa closed the door behind her and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “Sweatpants, please. It’s getting chilly.” You opened the drawer that held your sweats and tossed her a pair of plain gray ones. She let them land on the bed as she sipped her glass. “Hey, can we talk?” She watched you with a cautious look on her face, like you were an animal that she didn’t want to scare away.
You peeled your bikini top off and replaced it with an old, oversized hoodie that hung to your thighs. “Ummm. Yeah… Is everything okay?” You’d be lying if you said her tone didn’t make you nervous. You pulled a sweatshirt out for her, waiting for a response.
She took the shirt from you, placing her glass on Jake’s nightstand. “What is going on with you and Sage?”
You slid your bottoms down your legs, opting to play dumb, “What do you mean?” You dropped your eyes to the floor as you pulled on a pair of clean underwear. “Nothing is going on?”
Odessa cocked her eyebrow at you, knowing you were full of shit. “It’s clearly something…” She pulled the sweatpants on over her swimsuit bottoms, “There’s been nothing but hostility between you two all day, Y/N.” She unclasped her top and let it fall to the floor to put the sweatshirt on. “I thought you guys got along well. If you didn’t like her, you should’ve told me… I wouldn’t have invited her to come today.” Her expression was almost sad and you broke, spilling everything to her.
“No, Dess. That’s not it.” You started picking at your cuticles. “I do like Sage. Or I did. I don’t know… It’s complicated.” Sitting on the edge of the bed to avoid pacing the room, you pulled her down to sit beside you. You took a hefty gulp of your wine and gave her all the dirty details. “I liked her too much, I think. Me and Jake, we… Well, the three of us, we sort of had a-” You raked your hands through your hair, taking a composing breath. “We had a threesome, well, we kind of did it twice. But the second time, I don’t know, Dess… She was acting differently, almost like she just wanted Jake to herself. The way she would just stare at him, it didn’t sit right with me… She cuddled up to him, draped her body over him. It was weird.” Taking another drink, Odessa gave you a nod, waiting for you to continue. “And then today, I was caught off guard when she showed up. I hadn’t talked to her since that night and it felt a little awkward to be in the same room as her, but it was fine. Then she stood out there, blatantly flirting with Jake, touching him, laughing too hard at his jokes. Oh GOD and the longing stares?. It made me so fucking mad. Like she just didn’t give a fuck that I was even there. She was so shameless about it. And after that stunt she pulled playing chicken… Ugh, I just couldn’t take it anymore. It was like I needed to mark Jake as my territory so she would get the hint, yanno? And that’s not the kind of person I am, you know that. Me and Jake have never had to hang all over one another to feel secure in our relationship.” You finished your rant and Odessa took a minute to soak it all in.
Her brows knitted as a troubled expression crossed her face. “You should be careful with her, Y/N.” She didn’t elaborate and your anxiety bloomed in your chest.
“Be careful with her? What does that mean, Odessa?” Your tone was becoming frantic as she stayed quiet. “Dess, what the hell? I let her fuck my boyfriend! It’s a little too late to be careful now?!”
“Okay, just relax.” She put her hand on your arm in a soothing manner, “I just-” She broke off, searching for the right wording. “Alright, I probably shouldn’t be telling you this… She’s my best friend, but I love you and Jake and it would absolutely destroy me if something came between the two of you because of somebody I brought into your circle.” She took a breath and picked up her wine, emptying the glass with a few swallows. “She’s kind of developing a pattern of this… She sets her sights on someone she wants and spirals from there. Her ex left her because of a situation she got into.”
You cut her off, “Sage told me that her ex girlfriend was manipulative and abusive and that’s why she was the one that left.” The confusion on your face was only mimicked by Odessa.
She shook her head, “Ex girlfriend? No, her ex was a man… He was actually a really sweet guy, gave her everything she could ask for. But it still wasn’t enough.” The looming feeling in your chest began to grow as she went on, “Her ex had a friend, Sage was attracted to him, but she was clearly in a relationship and the friend had a girlfriend. She came up with the idea that they should try ‘swinging’?” Odessa brought her fingers up in air quotes. “So Sage essentially manipulates her ex into proposing the idea himself so it wasn’t obvious that she just wanted to sleep with his friend. But it happened and then Sage continued to sleep with the friend, sneaking around, lying to her ex. Well, him and the girlfriend eventually caught on to what was happening.”
You were sure you looked like a deer in headlights the way your eyes were bugging from your head. “Please tell me you’re lying…” You searched her face for any indication that she might just be messing with you.
She chewed on her lower lip, “I wish I was… Her ex left her and his friend didn’t want anything to do with her anymore, he wanted to fix the relationship he’d ruined. Sage was a mess for a bit, but then she just continued on, hooking up with random people, like nothing ever happened.”
You felt sick to your stomach, “Dess, she told me she never slept with a man before. I fell right into her fucking trap, didn’t I?” Now you were pacing the room, “She knew exactly what to fucking say to me.. Knew exactly how get what she wanted and I just fucking handed it to her on a god damn silver platter!”
Odessa gripped your shoulders, halting your movements. “Hey, Just cut it off now, Y/N. Jake is yours and she’ll never take him away from you.” You took a deep breath, letting her words soothe you. You were angry at yourself for letting her manipulate you into giving her just what she wanted from you. Jake. Your Jake. “You have the power here, just put an end to it, babe.”
She pulled you into a comforting hug as a knock sounded on the door, Danny’s voice calling from the other side. “Odessa? Are you guys coming back out? We got a good fire going.” She pulled away from you and asked if you were okay to go back out and join everyone. You gave a soft ‘yeah’ and she hooked her arm around yours, moving to open the door and greet her boyfriend. “Finally…” Danny threw his hands in the air, “Josh is singing preschool campfire songs, Jake is so drunk that Oliver Reed decided to make an appearance and Sage and Sam are flirting like awkward, prepubescent teenagers. Shit’s weird.” Odessa broke away from you, wrapping her arms around Danny’s waist as they walked down the hallway.
“Oh, Jake is gonna be a blast to try and get into bed tonight…” You chuckled through your sarcasm. You went into the living room to grab the blanket from the couch, then into the kitchen to refill your wine. When you stepped out onto the patio, Jake’s eyes immediately landed on you and he yelled your name in the thick, british accent. A smile tugged at your lips as you made your way to him, sitting in front of the fire on a cushioned wicker chair. “You feeling pretty good, Jakey?” You sunk onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He rested one of his hands on your legs that hung over his own and used the other to hold your back. “I feel fucking fantastic.” His eyes were glossy and hooded, telling you just how much he’d had to drink. You brushed his hair from his face before scanning over everyone else. Danny and Odessa sat tucked together on the wicker loveseat. Your eyes shot to Sam, hearing him let out a chuckle. Sage was draped over him on the chair he sat in, leaned in close as she whispered something in his ear. You watched as her lips brushed his neck, Sammy’s eyes fluttering at the contact. Feeling like an intruding presence, you quickly looked away, finding Josh. He was in the grass in front of the firepit, singing just as Danny had described.
You kissed Jake’s lips softly and slid off of him so go sit by Josh in the grass. You pulled the blanket around your shoulders and offered half to him. He took the opposite corner and tucked it around himself, scooting in closer to you. You laid your head on his shoulder, listening to him croon an acapella rendition of Stand By Me by Ben E. King. The heat of the flames warmed your face, leaving you relaxed and content as you sipped your wine. Closing your eyes, you hummed along with Josh, tuning out all the other sounds around you. When the song was finished, Josh nudged you, “You okay, mama?”
You lifted your head to look at him, “Yeah, why do you ask?”
His gaze flicked to Sam and Sage before he turned his attention back to the fire. “There was a lot of tension here for a while earlier…And I said we’d talk later” He picked up the bottle of water from the ground beside him, taking a slow drink. You watched as he wiped a drop from the corner of his mouth, realizing that he was almost completely sober. “I just wanna make sure you know that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to him. To your trust in him.” He gave your knee a pat the way your father would after a lecture and you smiled up at him as he continued. “Jake doesn’t have eyes for anybody but you, Y/N. Nothing will change that.”
You believed Josh. But just because you trusted Jake, that didn’t mean you could trust Sage. Your mind went back to what Odessa had shared with you and you let it all loose on Josh, giving him the full rundown. “And that’s where I fucked up, Josh.” You pulled at the blades of grass, shaking your head. “I gave her exactly what she wanted. Fuck. I’m so stupid.” You palmed your forehead, “There were so many red flags. So many gut feelings that I ignored. She fucking played me.”
Josh grabbed your hand, “You’re not stupid, sweetheart. You just always fight to see the best in people.” He bumped you with his shoulder, “You can’t beat yourself up for that.”
You laid your head on Josh’s shoulder again, his words filling you with a sense of comfort. You let your eyes wander over to Jake, but you only found his empty chair. Picking your head up, you looked around insearch of your boyfriend. When you looked at Sam, Sage was no longer in his lap and you felt the panic bubbling in your chest. “Where’s Jake?” Your voice came out a whisper and Josh looked up, his eyes searching as you had just done. You asked the question again, louder this time, “Where did Jake go?”
Danny spoke up, “I’m not sure, he got up and mumbled something and then went into the house.” He saw your face and drew his brows together, “What’s wrong?”
Your head whipped to Sammy as you threw the blanket from your body, stumbling as you stood up, “Where is she?” He gave you a puzzled look as though you were speaking in tongues. “Where the fuck is she, Sam?” You were half yelling now, causing Sam to jump a little.
He raised his hands in defense, “She said she had to use the bathroom, what’s your deal?” He was staring at you like you were crazy.
You turned to Odessa, giving her a look that only she could decipher and stalked through the yard to the house. Odessa was hot on your trail, scared at what you two might find when you got inside. When you crossed the threshold into the kitchen, your anger dissipated, replaced by a shooting pain in your chest. “Jake…” His name fell from your mouth in gasp. His eyes shot open, locking with yours, a look of shock mixed with confusion on his face.
Jake POV
You watched as she hummed along to the song your twin was singing. She looked heavenly with the glow of the flames dancing over her. How did you get so lucky? Your vision blurred slightly as you looked at her. You shouldn’t have drank that much… “I’m gonna get some water.” You mumbled to Danny, but you weren’t sure he heard you as he didn’t respond. Stumbling your way into the kitchen, you used the countertop to guide yourself to the fridge. The dark room illuminated a bit as you opened the refrigerator. Squinting through the too bright light, you dug around the shelves in search of a bottle of water. When you finally found one, you pulled it out, slamming the door shut and cracking the bottle open. You brought it to your lips, chugging it down. Suddenly a pair of hands were wrapping around you from behind, caressing your chest. It was her favorite way to hold you. You leaned into her touch, noticing that her scent didn’t feel as familiar as it should have. Chalking it up to the alcohol dulling your senses and the chlorine on her skin from the pool, you ignored it. All you could focus on was her hands traveling down your body, dipping below the waistband of your swim trunks, and her lips on your neck. You gripped the edge of the island counter as she began to stroke your hardening dick. The way her hand moved on you felt wrong, like she forgot how you liked to be touched. But you couldn’t bring yourself to stop her. To tell her that you weren’t enjoying it the way you wanted to. You didn’t want to hurt her feelings. That was the last thing you wanted. You loved her. She was yours. So soft and sweet. So beautiful, with the kindest heart. She always wanted to put you first, make sure you were taken care of. And so you let her. You allowed yourself to sink into her hold, letting your eyes fall shut. But then her voice came, barely a whisper. Your name slipping from her tongue, not behind you, but from the opposite side of the room. Your eyes snapped open, landing on her. For a moment, your brain couldn’t register the situation. If she was holding you… Then how was she over there? You stared at her, watching the tears form in her eyes, a look of betrayal on her face. And then it clicked…No.
@takenbythemadness @gvfpal @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @objectsinspvce @mybussyinchrist @wetkleenex-gvf @myleftsock
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Happy 2k followers! If it’s alright could I make a request for my birthday using the 2k prompts with Eddie/hellfire room/birthday cake?
Very fluffy fic incoming! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: none, all fluff!
WC: 1.2k
“Okay, okay, yeah. No, I totally understand,” you say into the receiver, willing your voice not to crack. “I hope everything gets cleaned up quickly.” You slam the phone back on the hook, punctuating your aggravation with a string of curses. 
“That sounds like it went well,” your neighbor, Dustin, quips, munching on a granola bar. Any time he comes to your house, he manages to find your snack stash. 
You bury your head in your hands. “That was Meg’s Café,” you explain. “Apparently a pipe burst last night and flooded the whole place.”
“Shit,” Dustin mutters, taking another bite. There’s nothing more indestructible than a teenager’s appetite. “That’s where you were having Eddie’s birthday party!”
“Oh, really?” you retort, voice dripping with sarcasm. “That hadn’t occurred to me; thanks!” You sigh as Dustin flips you the bird. “Where are we gonna find space to throw him a whole party in…” you check your watch, “...three hours?!” You turn to the younger boy, who’s already moved on from your crisis in search of more food. “Dustin, focus!”
“Sorry, jeez.” He holds his hands up in surrender. “I can’t think on an empty stomach.” 
You roll your eyes and reach into your fridge, pulling out a crown of broccoli and tossing it to him. “Go nuts.”
He takes a big bite just to spite you. “Okay,” he says, “let’s consider our options.” He puts the vegetable down on the counter. “We could have it here.”
You shake your head; the apartment you share with your mom is barely big enough for the two of you. “Too small.”
Dustin nods. “I’m guessing Eddie’s trailer is also out, then.” He sighs in exasperation. “My mom would never let me throw a party, so that rules out my place, too.” He taps his chin before raising his pointer finger excitedly, like a mad scientist with an ingenious idea. “How about the Hellfire room? We can decorate it, order some pizzas, cut a cake—”
“The cake!” you groan. “Meg’s was gonna have one for us!” 
Without saying another word, Dustin darts across the hall to his own apartment. Communication is not his strong suit, you think wryly. He comes back moments later, out of breath and clutching two rolls of cookie dough and a bag of potato chips. 
“Let’s bake ourselves a cake,” he pants, plopping the tubes on the stove. 
“With sour cream and onion chips?”
“Oh, that’s for me. Though the broccoli was much appreciated.”
Dustin quickly recruits the rest of Hellfire Club—and Steve Harrington, their reluctant chauffeur—to decorate, while you two start on the cake. 
“I need a rolling pin,” you tell him as you open the plastic casing. He dutifully hands you the tool. “I hope Eddie is okay with a chocolate chip cookie cake,” you murmur. 
Dustin chortles. “Please,” he says, “that man would eat dirt if you were the one serving it to him.” You feel your cheeks heat up, and you try to focus on rolling out the dough. You and Eddie have been friends forever, but you’ve only been dating for a few months. That’s why it’s especially important for everything to be perfect. 
“Don’t believe me?” Dustin continues. “Ask Lucas and Mike. One time you left him a cute note in his locker, and he kept looking at it during Hellfire. Couldn’t even stay in his DM character. And this is the guy who once puked and came back to finish a campaign like nothing happened.”
“Okay, okay,” you say, placing the dough in the oven. “I’m gonna call everyone and let them know about the change of venue. Just take the cake out when the timer goes off.” He gives you a little salute as you make your way through the guest list. 
“Cake’s done!” Dustin calls out as you wrap up your final call. The smell of freshly-baked cookies wafts through the air. “Just gotta let it cool.” He looks over at you before blurting out, “So, uh, do you love Eddie?”
“I, um,” you choke on your words. “I don’t really know what love feels like. Like, romantic love.”
“Well,” he starts, plopping onto a kitchen chair, “when you get news—good or bad—who’s the first person you wanna tell? When you think about your future, who’s there? Who makes you smile more than anyone else? Whose sadness makes you sad?”
It’s the same answer for all of his questions. “Eddie.”
“So, there ya go!” Dustin exclaims, slapping the table. “Now all you gotta do is tell him.” He says it like it’s no big deal; like you wouldn’t be baring your heart to him. What if it was too soon? What if he thought you were rushing things?
Your nerves are already at an all-time high, but when you hear Wayne and Eddie’s voices traveling down the Hawkins High hallway, your heart feels like it’ll pound out of your chest. 
“So you’re applying to be a custodian?” Eddie’s saying, disbelief tinging his tone.
Wayne coughs. “Uh, yup. Figured you could show me where your club meets before my interview.” His voice is so stilted and awkward; for everything he’s good at, Wayne Munson is not an actor. 
The doorknob turns, and your stomach feels like it’s filled with lead-winged butterflies. “This is the Hellfire–” Eddie stops in his tracks as he takes in the sight before him. All of the club members plus Max Mayfield yell out, “Surprise!”, and you watch as a huge grin spreads across your boyfriend’s face.
“Happy birthday!” You bound over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“Baby,” he murmurs once he wills himself to pull his lips away from yours, “did you do all this?”
“Kind of?” You laugh at his bemused expression. “This was gonna be at Meg’s, but they had a flood, so everyone helped me move the party here.” You glance at the table behind you, where people are already digging into the pizza pies. “I was hoping for more of a sit-down dinner, but we had to make do.”
“Tell him about the cake!” Dustin shouts, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“Cake?” Eddie asks, cocking an eyebrow.
“Yeah…Meg’s was also supposed to provide a birthday cake, so Dustin and I whipped up one using cookie dough.” You’d managed to find a tube of blue gel icing in your cabinet, and you’d written Happy Birthday Eddie with a little heart on top of your makeshift cake. “I know it’s not exactly what you wanted, but it’s all we had on hand…”
Eddie shuts you up with another kiss. “Not exactly what I wanted? Babe, I’m surrounded by my favorite people at a party thrown for me by the girl I love. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”
You’re so touched by his words that you nearly miss his confession. “Wait, you…you love me?”
He nods, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “I love you so damn much, it scares me,” he admits, letting out a little laugh.
“I love you, too, Eddie.” You’re about to bring him in for a passionate kiss–audience be damned–when you’re interrupted by a certain curly-haired meddling freshman.
“Told you!”
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iamvegorott · 4 months
Some MadMare lookin after Blank or maybe siren Chaos Twins playing around?
This is technically a little bit of both XD
“You’ll angle the knife just like that and glide it across the carrot, it’ll make a thin sheet,” Mad said as he showed Blank how to peel carrots for the stew he was making. “We’ll do that all the way around and then chop them up into cubes.”  
“Okay!” Blank was practically buzzing, having been the one to ask Mad how he made his big stews. Google and Bing sent a message a bit ago that they were nearing the island and planning to visit.
“Do you want to try to peel or just chop?” 
“Just chop.” Blank crossed his legs, finally getting more and more comfortable with making them, and placed a slab of wood in his lap.  
“They don’t have to be perfect, but we’ll want them to be close to the same size, so they cook at the same time,” Mad explained, finishing peeling the carrot and handing it to Blank. 
“Got it.” Blank nodded and started chopping, the tip of his tongue sticking out. Mad chuckled and continued peeling the other carrots.  
Mare couldn’t help the purr rumbling in his throat at seeing how well his mate and son were getting along. He almost didn’t want to ruin the moment but Mad was expecting the other vegetables. Mare had volunteered to clean off the other ingredients while they got a head start on prep.  
“Looks like everything is going well,” Mare said, placing the vegetable bucket next to Mad before kissing his cheek. “You’re being safe with that knife, right?” He added to Blank, kissing the top of his head. 
“Yep!” Blank said without looking away from his work.  
“We’ll just need to go get some fish and then we have everything gathered,” Mad said, placing a freshly peeled carrot on the edge of Blank’s wooden slab. He got a better look at Blank’s hand and hummed with worry. “You’re starting to look a little dry, Blank.”  
“Oh.” Blank stopped chopping and looked at his hand. “I’ve been out for a while.”  
“You and Mare can work on fishing while I finish prepping the vegetables,” Mad suggested.  
“Sure!” Blank sat the slab down and scrambled to his feet, taking off for the water without hesitation. Fishing was one of his favorite things to do.  
“You sure you’re fine doing all that on your own?” Mare asked.  
“If I’m not done by the time you’re back, I know you’ll jump in.” Mad tugged on Mare’s arm and gave him a quick kiss. “Tuna sounds good.”  
“I’ll get you the biggest one in the sea,” Mare promised with another purr in his throat. 
“I know you will.” Mad giggled, giving Mare one more kiss before watching him head off for the water. He tilted his head when he noticed Phantom and Jackie walking along the shore and Phantom’s face lit up, meaning he had a likely mischievous idea.  
Mad was proven right when Phantom suddenly took off, heading for Mare who was about knee-deep in the water. A ‘war cry’ came out of Phantom before he tackled Mare and had them both flop into the water.  
“What in the full moon!?” Mare shouted. 
“You left yourself open!” Phantom laughed, legs becoming his tail as he dove into the water and swam off.  
“You dried up seaweed!” Mare huffed and dove after him.  
“I’m coming!” Blank laughed and joined the two.  
“The others are coming over?” Jackie asked, sitting down and taking Blank’s place. “You usually only make the big stew when they are.” 
“Yep. They said they should be here in an hour or so.” Mad wasn’t surprised when Jackie placed the wooden slab in his lap and took over the chopping.  
“It’ll be nice to see Robbie and everyone else,” Jackie said with a smile.  
“Maybe you’ll do some brotherly wrestling like Mare and Phantom.” Mad laughed.  
“I’ll have to be a lot more gentle than those two are with each other.” Jackie joined in on the laughter.  
“That’s a fair point.” Mad looked toward the water, still seeing the splashing from the three Sirens playing and he swore he could see his friends’ ship on the far horizon. 
His friends’ ship. 
That still felt so nice to think about.
He had friends and a family.  
Everything was so perfect. 
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Sunny in Philadelphia - A Joseph Quinn Story (Chapter 14)
Chapter 14 - Girlfriend
You were awoken by the sun peeking through your blackout curtains that weren’t completely closed. You turned over to see an empty bed beside you, and a clock that read 7:00 am. You groaned and stretched, climbing out of bed and putting an oversized t-shirt and underwear on to head downstairs. As you made your way to the bottom of the stairs, you were greeted by Jango. You scratched him behind the ear and leaned down to kiss his head. You walked into the kitchen to see Joe standing at the stove, bacon frying and pancakes bubbling.
“Good morning, lovey. Sleep well?” he asked, flipping the bacon.
“Hey, babe. Yes, I did, but it’s still early. What are you doing up?”
“I dunno, I guess I’m still used to Dallas time. I had to be up early there and it’s an hour ahead here.”
You walked up and hugged him from behind as he worked on the pancakes, kissing the back of his shoulder.
“Thank you for making breakfast.”
“Of course, darling. You ready? It’s almost done.”
“Yes, I’m starving,” you responded, getting plates and silverware out. You wandered over to the Keurig to start a cup of coffee but found one sitting there freshly made.
“Already done, love,” Joe said from across the kitchen with a smile as he saw where you went.
“Wow, it’s almost like you know me, Quinn,” you smirked, grabbing the cup, and getting in the refrigerator for your cream. He laughed.
“It doesn’t take long to notice your addiction to coffee. It’s not Starbucks, but it’s something.”
“It’s perfect. Thank you.”
The two of you sat down and began devouring the breakfast Joe had made. He was good at everything, it seemed – cooking, physical touch, making sure you had everything you needed in more ways than one. You loved that he knew you so well already. You were a good book he couldn’t put down, paying attention to every detail so he could show you how much he cared later. He loved learning what made you tick, what you liked and didn’t like, what made you feel good. He was a true gentleman because it was what you deserved in his mind.
“So...” you trailed off, cutting up your pancake. “Mom said she can’t wait to meet you, and that she would love it if we joined them for dinner tonight. My brother and Rachel will be going, too.”
“That sounds lovely, darling.”
“Well, don’t get too excited yet.”
Joe furrowed his brows in confusion.
“My mom isn’t the one you need to worry about,” you giggled. “She is nice to everyone, even people who don’t deserve it. My dad, on the other hand, is a bit different.”
“Yes, different. He, umm... he is a bit of a redneck. He won’t threaten you or anything, but he will make you feel threatened without even having to say anything. He has that affect.”
“He can’t be that bad, darling. He’s just trying to protect you.”
“He didn’t used to be that bad, but after the last man I brought around...” you trailed off, raising your brows to imply that Joe knew who that was. “He definitely means business now.”
“What’s he going to do? Clean a gun in front of me like that one country song says?” Joe joked, laughing. You just stared at him.
“Yes. Exactly.”
Joe’s laugh immediately stopped, and he looked at you with a serious expression.
“I told you he’s a redneck,” you chuckled. “But I honestly think you’ll be fine. Everyone loves you. You have that affect.”
“I’m just going to be me, darling. It’s never done me wrong before. It got me you, after all.”
“Wouldn’t want you to be anything else, babe.” You kissed him on the cheek as you took the empty plates to the dishwasher. As you were cleaning up after breakfast, Joe’s phone rang. He came out to the kitchen counter where he left it and read the screen. His face sunk and he sighed, seeming a bit annoyed.
“It’s my agent, Kevin. I should take this.” He swiped the screen and put the phone to his ear as you continued cleaning up, listening to his side of the conversation from across the room. “Hello?...Hey, Kevin...yes, I have a moment, what’s going on?...oh, today?...Jesus, what time?...9:00?!...Kevin, that’s in an hour from now...yes, I know...I don’t mind doing it, it’s just, I’m spending some time off with my girlfriend...yes, girlfriend.”
Your eyes widened and you smiled to yourself as your cheeks flooded red, glancing at Joe as he talked on the phone. It was the first time he had called you that, and hearing it was more beautiful and comforting than your favorite song.
“Yeah, the one from the photos...thank you, yes, it’s been lovely to be away from crowds for a bit. We have plans this evening but we haven’t discussed what we are going to do before then...yes, let me talk to her about this first, please, and I’ll text you...alright, bye.”
“Everything okay? What was that about?” you asked, wiping the counters down with a wet washcloth.
“Yeah, it’s just Kevin got a call from Vanity Fair.”
“The magazine?”
“Yeah. They want to do an interview over the phone with me for a last-minute article, but they have to do it at 9 am today.”
“Joe, that’s great! But you don’t seem so thrilled.”
“I am, it’s just I didn’t really want to be doing this stuff when I’m here with you. I don’t want you to feel like you aren’t a priority.”
“I know I’m a priority for you, babe. You’ve already proven that by being here in the first place, but your job is also a priority. This will be so great for you. If you are going to ask for my permission to do a phone interview, you don’t need it.”
“That’s amazing of you to say, love, truly, but you aren’t used to my life and, no doubt yours, being in the public eye. Since our photos got out, they are probably going to ask me about you. I just want to be sure you are comfortable with it. I can say no if you aren’t.”
“Of course, Joe. I knew it was going to happen at some point. It’s just something we will face together. I appreciate you wanting to check on me first, and I am nervous, but your career is important too, and I would never limit you. It’s just an adjustment I need to make, and I know I won’t be making it alone. Do the interview.”
Joe pulled you in for a hug and placed a tender kiss on your forehead.
“I suppose it’s settled then. Thank you, darling.”
“You don’t need to thank me, boyfriend,” you said with a grin and a wink. Joe smiled and blushed, realizing you heard that part on the phone. He stroked your cheek with his thumb and kissed you.
“I could get used to hearing that.”
About an hour later, Joe’s phone rings. You had offered him the computer room for some privacy, but he was adamant that you be present for it so you could hear what was said and decided to sit at the dining room table. You appreciated the transparency, but you knew however Joe answered a question would be respectful and tasteful. You had no reason to think otherwise. Joe answered the phone and put it on speaker, sitting it on the table between you.
“Hello, Joseph. My name is Anne, I’m with Vanity Fair. How are you doing today?”
“Good, and yourself?” Joe responded politely.
“I’m doing good. If you’re ready, we can go ahead and get started.”
“Of course.”
The interview started off with some routine questions that were typically asked - how his quickly growing popularity has changed his life, how he started out, his approach for making Eddie the way he was. Things were going smoothly, and Joe was very talented in coming up with the most well-spoken and articulated answers on the fly. The interview was almost over when the question you both were expecting was asked.
“Alright, final question,” Anne started. “There has been a recent sighting of you with a girl. If you’re up for it, what can you tell us about that?”
You could see the wheels turning in Joe’s head as he waited a moment to form his answer. He smiled at you and winked, sensing your nervousness. He took your hand in his and intertwined your fingers, looking back towards his phone sitting on the table.
“I met someone recently. I didn’t expect it at all, and I don’t think she did either. It sort of just happened, but sometimes that’s the best way. Her name is Mack. We’ve been spending some time together and things have been going really well. I really like her, she’s great.”
“That is wonderful, I’m so happy for you! Best of luck!”
“Bless you, thank you!”
The call ended after they said their goodbyes and Joe turned to you, pulling you in for a hug as you let out an exhale of relief.
“Well, no going back now,” you said as he stroked your hair in attempt to comfort you. He let a small smile show, kissing your cheek.
“It will be alright, lovey.”
“I know,” you responded, pulling him in for a tender kiss. “You’ve got me, right?”
The doorbell rang and Jango began barking, running to the entryway door. Jango had an intimidating bark he used when he didn’t know who was at the door, but the bark he was using was his I know you bark, the excited bark. You were wondering who could possibly be here that he would be so excited about, and then it hit you as you looked through the window on the door. Shit.
“Were you expecting someone, darling?” Joe asked, coming up behind you. You looked down at the floor, disappointed and shocked at who you saw at the door. Great, just great.
“No,” you mumbled. Joe looked at you with confusion and leaned to get a peek through the glass as you went to open the door. You stood there, crossing your arms in front of you and staring at the person waiting on the other side – your ex-husband.
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littlekatleaf · 1 year
To love what is lovely, and will not last
I come, after a long absence, with Sandman fic. Not exactly what I'd planned, but I've been fiddling with it for so long and everything else has been blocked behind it.... It's almost 3am and I'm calling it done.
To stop time when something wonderful  has touched us as with a match which is lit, and bright, but does not hurt in the common way, but delightfully ~ Mary Oliver, “Snow Geese”
Hob’s alarm beeps insistently, dragging him from the ocean of sleep and washing him onto the shore of waking - blinking, bleary. He grabs for the phone to silence it. Not even out of bed when his thoughts turn to the day’s tasks - marking long overdue, final edits of a journal article and likely several desperate calls from students wanting to earn extra credit. At least he has the solstice party after, as a treat.
Beside him, Morpheus shifts. “Time is it,” he mumbles into the pillow, voice rough, sleep-worn.
“Half six,” Hob says, tugging a shirt over his head. “Gotta get to work.”
“Are you mad? It’s only been three hours.”
As though the words remind his body, Hob yawns, then coughs into his sleeve. “Two hours too long. I’ve got at least three days’ work to pack in before the party.”
Morpheus peers at him. Frowns. “You’re still recovering from your illness. Come back to bed.”
“Don’t fuss; I’m much improved. Nowhere near my death.” Hob pokes him in the ribs, gently. Morpheus obliges with a sound that bears passing resemblance to a chuckle. “Besides the Dean’ll have my job, tenure or no, if I don’t get marks in today.” Hob forces himself to stand before the softness of the sheets and the warmth of Morpheus’s body pull him back. He more than half expects Morpheus to reach for him, attempt to draw him down.
Instead, Morpheus stares rather blankly for a long minute then abruptly turns his back, burrowing deeper into the quilts. Hob sighs. Deeply. He wishes he could say fuck it all and join him, but the fresher flu set him back significantly. No matter what he’d rather, procrastination is right out. Blasted responsibilities.
He consumes an entire pot of coffee which somehow manages to make him edgy without ridding him of tiredness. Cheek propped on fist, he works his way through the stack of final essays and take-home exams and doesn’t allow himself to move from his desk until midday. As he wanders into the kitchen, still trying to decide whether the last student really makes the argument he’s attempting, Hob catches a trailing melody from Morpheus’s studio, the echo of a beat. Something electronic - Paul Van Dyk, maybe? - better for a rave than a Saturday noon, but it’s what Morpheus prefers when he’s painting. Hob smiles; at least one of them is having fun. He pictures Morpheus in his usual pose - scowling at the canvas like it’s personally insulted him, one paintbrush in his hand, another tucked behind his ear, hair wild and paint spattered.  
Hob goes to put his mug into the dishwasher, but finds it still full of clean dishes. Sighing, he adds it to a pile of dirty plates, glasses, and another mug that’s sticky with honey and redolent of mint and chamomile. He frowns. Unusual - Morpheus drinking tea, but Hob supposes the flat is chilly. Luckily the stack doesn’t overbalance and he promises himself he’ll take care of it after the party. Stomach rumbling, he opens the refrigerator to see what leftovers might still be edible and discovers, miracle of all miracles, a sandwich so freshly made the lettuce hasn’t yet wilted. It’s his favorite - brie and green apple - and he instantly forgives Morpheus ignoring the washing up as he takes a huge bite. With fortification, he might just make it to the end of the day.
Finally the third frantic student call is patiently attended to, the last of the marks are uploaded to the university system, the email to his editor is sent into the ether, and Hob feels distinctly lighter. He clatters down stairs to find final party preparations in full swing. Gabriel’s directing Morpheus in proper placement of furniture and decorations, Mako’s checking the sound system for Geordie’s band, and Jamie’s setting up the bar. After two decades of parties, none of them need his instruction, and even his practiced eye can’t find anything out of place. He expects no less, and yet the pride in what they’ve built brings a warmth to his chest. Nothing like mulled wine, holiday songs, good food and friends to pass the longest night and welcome the sun’s return at dawn.
Hob watches as Morpheus, balancing rather precariously on the edge of a chair across the room, attempts to drape a pine garland over the doorway. As he stretches to get the angle just right, his shirt slides up, exposing a pale strip of skin, stark against the black of his jeans. Hob imagines brushing his fingertips over that expanse, making Morpheus shiver under his touch. Suddenly Morpheus flinches, sharp. The chair tips, but he manages to catch himself at the last moment, dropping lightly to the floor. 
“All right?” Hob asks, surprised at the unusual lapse of grace.
Morpheus nods as he passes, heading for the stairs. He doesn’t meet Hob’s gaze. 
Hob turns to follow, but his phone rings. Jilly’s car’s broken down, can someone give her a ride? Never one to look askance at a fortunate turn of events, he gives her Geordie’s number. There’s plenty of room in the band’s van, they’re coming from the same end of town - and if Geordie has been looking for an excuse to talk to her for weeks, well that’s just a lucky coincidence.
“Meddling, are we?” Jamie laughs at Hob’s guilty startle.
He pulls an affronted expression. “I’d never. Nudge, maybe. Hint. A bit. Never meddle.”
Jamie raises an eyebrow. 
Mako tosses a towel at him. “Get back to work and quit giving him shit. After all, worked with us, didn’t it?” 
“Maybe.” But the hint of a smile curls Jamie’s lips and he follows Mako’s orders. “Better get yourself presentable, boss. You know Lena and Emily are gonna be here any minute.” 
Hob looks down, realizing he hasn’t yet changed out of his ancient sweatshirt, then over at the clock above the bar. “Bollocks. Is it possible to be late to your own party?” “For you? Absolutely.” 
“Remind me again why I hired you?”
“Because I make the filthiest martinis.” Jamie grins wolfishly as he tips gin and vermouth into a shaker.
Mako rolls his eyes. “Filthy something anyway.”
“Pot, kettle.” 
Their good-natured bickering follows Hob upstairs where he finds Morpheus in his favorite spot, curled on the window seat. Party or no, he’s wearing his usual grey t-shirt and black jeans. In defiance of the season, his feet are bare. 
“It is beginning to snow,” Morpheus says, not looking away from the gathering dusk where fat flakes of snow are, indeed, swirling down and dusting the grass and trees.
Hob considers whether suggesting Morpheus put on something warmer would make him sound like a nagging mum. Probably would do. “It’s said to bring luck, if the first snowfall of the year happens on the solstice,” he says instead, forcing himself to pay attention to the puzzle of his own attire. He needs something appropriate to the party, but comfortable.
“Might the weather keep your friends from attending the festivities?” Morpheus’s expression is unreadable in the blurry reflection of the window, but the wistfulness of his tone is clear and it takes Hob aback. While Morpheus hasn’t whinged about the annual solstice gathering, and has, point of fact, encouraged Hob to continue the tradition, he has also tended to be solitary since he … retired. Hob hadn’t imagined he would be looking forward to a gathering, no matter the occasion. 
“Not likely. The heavy snow isn’t supposed to come until later tomorrow, and it takes more than a few centimeters to make Lena miss a party. There’ll be plenty of time for people to sober up in the morning and make their way home before the storm really hits.” He doesn’t acknowledge that Morpheus has named them Hob’s friends, as though they are not Morpheus’s as well, but he notes the fact.
“Good. I-I’ve never-” Morpheus’s voice catches on a hitching breath and he curls into himself, pinching a set of sneezes into silence. It takes him a second to recover. “Bless you. Never…?” Hob prompts, when he seems to be lost in thought.
Morpheus blinks back to himself. “N-never -” He sniffles, presses a curled finger under his nose, rubs gently. “- been to a party.” He manages to finish in a rush, then crumples again. “Httnxxt! N’xxt!  Hih-N’xxtch!” He shivers, gooseflesh rising along his arms.
“Bless you. All right?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Just. A passing chill.” 
Unable to resist, Hob pulls a flannel shirt from his wardrobe and holds it out. “I know, I know. It’s got long sleeves and color and everything. But as you may have heard, the weather outside is frightful and this will keep you warm.”
Morpheus heaves a long suffering sigh, then slides the shirt on anyway. The blue is almost exactly the same shade as his eyes, rich and deep as the Aegean Sea. 
“I find it extremely hard to believe that the King of All Night’s Dreaming has never gone to a party,” Hob says. He finally decides on his most ridiculous ugly Christmas jumper -  bright red, covered with black cats in Santa hats - a gift from an American student years ago. 
Morpheus glares at him through watery eyes. “Not one I wished to attend.”
“Not even in the Fey realms?” 
“You will not tempt me to speak a word against the Fey,” Morpheus says archly, then sniffles again, marring the hauteur.
“You sure you’re alright?”
Morpheus nods, but his focus has shifted. “I am…” He’s interrupted by a sneeze, then a second and third tumble after, harsh even muffled in his sleeve. “Ht’Isshuh! Hih-Issshh-isshue!” He takes the tissue Hob offers. “I am, perhaps, coming down with something,” he admits ruefully.
“Perhaps,” Hob echoes, teasing. “A foregone conclusion, considering my state these last days.” He digs through the bottom of the wardrobe. He’s sure there’s a belt in there somewhere. And at least one matching pair of socks.  
“I’m sorry. I had been. Hoping. To attend a party simply as a guest. And to better acquaint myself with those who are important to you.” Morpheus clears his throat, then coughs.
Hob pauses and looks up from his search, startled. “You’re sorry,” he asks, the apology the first thing his brain latches on to. Rare, even now, for Morpheus to apologize for a small matter.
Morpheus shrugs, gaze turned out the window again. “I’ve been telling myself I am not ill, but I can no longer deny it. Promise you’ll tell me stories of the night come morning?”
“Are you feeling that badly? To miss it?” Though Hob had spent a day in bed himself, that was mostly at Morpheus’s insistence. He’d barely had a fever and was fine to muddle through. But Morpheus had badgered him into resting after the intensity of the semester, playing into his own procrastination tendencies too well. 
He brushes a hand over Morpheus’s forehead, then his cheeks. He’s still cool to the touch, though now that Hob’s slowed down enough to pay attention, he notices the shadows pooled under blue eyes, the slight pinch between brows that indicates headache, visible even in the window reflection, remembers the tea mug, the morning distance. Morpheus must have realized he was getting sick even then and hoped to stave it off.
“I don’t wish anyone else to catch this.”
“Just don’t snog other people and they won’t.” 
Morpheus finally turns to face him and glowers. “I would never.”
“I know you wouldn’t. Come on, duck.” Hob shifts, leaning Dream against his side and carding gentle fingers through his ever-messy hair. “Everyone else has already had the crud. Even Jamie, and he never gets sick.”
“Truly?” Morpheus sighs, hope warring with suspicion in his voice. 
Hob does his best impression of innocence. “Would I lie to you?” “Without a doubt, if it gets you what you want.”
“What I want is you. It really is okay.” He leans down, presses a kiss to Morpheus’s temple. “And Mei isn’t coming, thank all that’s holy. She’s the only one who might be bothered.” “You dislike her.” Morpheus says slowly, as though he’s piecing together a puzzle. “It cannot be simply her subject.” Hob shakes his head. “I could forgive her teaching Shakespeare. I could even forgive her enjoying it. But she was unkind to you.” More than once, he doesn’t add. 
“A minor incident,” Morpheus argues, but a faint flush colors his cheeks and when they join the party, he stays close to Hob’s side far longer than usual before retreating to a chair in an out of the way corner, beside the hearth. 
With ease born of long practice, Hob threads his way through the pub, greeting the guests and chatting easily with each, while keeping a sliver of his focus on Morpheus. At first he sits alone, an island in the flow of the crowd. To the untrained eye, he seems distant, uninterested, his face impassive, body carefully rigid. Behind the mask, Hob knows, Morpheus is following the currents of conversations surrounding him. Technically no longer Prince of Stories, they still seem to nourish him.
Hob is all the way across the pub when he catches sight of Lena and Emily pulling chairs up to join Morpheus. Lena’s got a look in her eye that bodes ill for Hob - she knows too many embarrassing stories and never hesitates to share. Before he can intercept them, he’s pulled into a heated debate over whether Irish whiskey or Scotch is superior. By the time he manages to extricate himself, it’s clear that they’ve made themselves comfortable. Not surprising, but what does surprise him is that Morpheus actually seems to be equally comfortable with them. For the first time his body is at ease as he listens intently to something Lena’s saying.
“And that’s why he isn’t allowed to… Oh, oops,” she interrupts herself as Hob comes in earshot, but she doesn’t look even the slightest bit embarrassed. 
“Hello Hob.” A hint of mirth quirks Morpheus’s lips.
Hob directs an exaggerated frown at Lena. “You’d better not be telling him about the pub in Dublin.”
“She wasn’t, but now she must,” Morpheus says, his voice little more than a rasp. His breath catches. Stutters. “Ex-excuse me,” he manages to say, turning away hastily. “Hih…ht’Issh! Issh! Hih-Isssh!”
Lena and Emily chorus blessings and Hob bites his tongue on the urge to ask how he’s feeling; he’d just brush off Hob’s concern, say it’s nothing. An oily feeling of disquiet curls into Hob’s belly anyway. He tells himself firmly to ignore it. “Dammit, Lena, that means I’ll have to tell him about what got us banished from Trinity’s library and I’m not nearly drunk enough for that.”
“The night is young,” Lena says. ”Go get yourself another drink. It’s time for your boyfriend to get to know the real you.”
Morpheus catches his gaze. “I could use a drink as well.”
Hob tosses up his hands in defeat. “All right, all right. Just leave me with a scrap of reputation, yeah?” 
“I make no promises,” Lena says and her grin is wicked. Even as he walks away, Hob is certain he hears Morpheus chuckling under his breath.
“Good turnout,” Jamie says when Hob joins him behind the bar. He’s right - somewhere above fifty people, professors and students mingling with a few of the pub’s regulars. Someone’s pushed tables aside and a few brave (and inebriated) souls are dancing.  Others play cards or darts, and he’s pretty sure he can make out a couple snogging in a darker corner. There’s plenty of food, the plates and cutlery seem well stocked, the music isn’t loud enough to keep people from talking. Everything is in order. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. But maybe he should make another circuit of the pub, just to be certain…
“Gabriel’s got it under control, boss. And if anyone starts anything, Mako will handle it. Take the night off for once.”
Hob winces. “Am I that obvious?”
“Let’s just say best you avoid the poker table. Or, actually, fancy a game?” 
“Sod off; you’re on duty,” Hob says, laughing. 
“And so’s Gabe. Enjoy the party. The company.” He looks meaningfully toward the little group by the hearth.
“I will. I am.” It’s true, he realizes. Emily leans forward, gesturing emphatically, managing to interrupt Lena and take the story over herself. Not upset in the least, Lena’s expression is a little proud of her girlfriend’s audacity, and more than a little fond. Morpheus presses a hand over his mouth as he laughs, but even muffled, the abrupt wounded goose honk of it startles both Lena and Emily into giggles as well. His eyes shine, simply reflected firelight. No longer magic and yet… still his Stranger. Once lost, now found. His Friend, who has known him over so many long years, and who he is finally getting to know as well.
Morpheus straightens, moves slightly away from the others. Hob wonders if he’s offended - or hurt - by their reaction. But then he grabs a napkin from the table and his laughter disintegrates into coughing. 
“Poor bloke’s been sick a lot this winter. Better take one of these for him,” Jamie says, handing Hob two steaming mugs of mulled wine. “Tell him feel better soon, yeah?”
“Thanks. I’ll tell him.” Hob forces himself to smile, but the uncomfortable disquiet has returned. He hadn’t paid close attention, but now that Jamie’s pointed it out, he can’t ignore it. Morpheus has been ill on and off since the beginning of the school year. There are a thousand reasons for it - everyone gets sick with new germs and uni is a veritable petri dish; Morpheus hasn’t even had a body for that long, of course it would be vulnerable. But what if it’s worse? He blinks and in the darkness a flash of a body laid out on marble, covered with a sheer cloth and yet he knows who it was… he knows.
“There’s mulled wine? And you didn’t bring us any? Rude,” Lena says.
“Sorry, only two hands,” Hob hands one to Morpheus, then takes a deep drink of his own.  
“Oh, I love this song - dance?” Emily asks as Geordie and the band begin a reel. To Hob’s relief Lena agrees. She takes Emily’s arm and they whirl into the knot of dancers. Morpheus watches them go, still smiling - but the light of the fire casts the angles of his face into strange, deep shadows and Hob drinks again.
“Robert.” Though it’s still rough, Morpheus’s voice is somewhat stronger. There’s a question in it that Hob doesn’t want to answer.
He keeps his eyes on his mug. “Jamie says he hopes you feel better soon.”
“Do you want to dance, too? I’m not great, but once I finish this drink…” he takes another, longer swallow. “Enough,” Morpheus says, the command no less forceful for coming through a human throat. 
Hob finally looks down to find Morpheus gazing up at him with eyes that no longer swirl with endless constellations, but are still deeper than Hob can fathom. He releases the mug and Morpheus takes his hand, smoothing the pad of his thumb over the inside of Hob’s wrist.
“What has disturbed you?” 
“I… The longest night is not long enough.” 
Hob shakes his head. He always wants more time.
Morpheus draws him down, puts an arm around him, rests his head on Hob’s shoulder. “I believe it is true - the first snowfall on Yule is indeed fortunate.”
“Why,” Hob asks into his hair. 
“Because I have good drink. Good music. Good friends. And you. It is enough.” He presses his lips to Hob’s wrist and warmth flows through the contact, through Hob’s whole body until it feels like he glows bright as the flames.
“I suppose it is.”
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
Take Care of Everything
This is my first ever fic for a writing challenge omg I’m so excited! Huge congratulations to @balenciagabucky for hitting 3K followers!! That’s such a huge milestone and thank you for organising such a fun challenge! So excited to read the rest of the submissions 💗 @dulceslibrary
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Pairing: Personal Assistant! Bucky Barnes x Lawyer! Reader
Word Count: 3.5k maybe?
Summary: There’s only one thing in your life that your PA doesn’t take care of
Warnings: Smut, praise kink, pet names, protected sex (go me for writing something safe sex for a change), court mention, lil fluff, mile high club
Minors, do not interact.
“Un-fucking-believable.” You couldn’t stop the roaring boil of the blood in your veins, storming out of the court room with your long black gown billowing behind you. Being one of the top barristers in the country brought it’s fair share of high profile cases but this one had got on every last nerve in your body and you were out of patience.
The case itself wasn’t the problem. The issues were straightforward enough and applying law to fact, at the most basic level, your client had done nothing wrong. It should have been essentially cut and dry. The problem was the opposing council and the lack of intervention from the judge.
The prosecution had torn your witness to shreds. You had tried to warn the poor woman beforehand, as you did with every client, but on the stand, she had just crumbled under such an intense and downright ignorant line of questioning.
It shouldn’t have even been allowed in the first place. The judge should have stepped in and clipped the opposing council’s wings but the damage was already done and now you would have to pick the pieces up when court resumed on Monday.
“How did it go?” Your personal assistant must have been leaning outside the courtroom door for who knows how long, his suit somehow as neat and pristine as always, despite the fact it was the end of the day.
“Fucking dreadful, Terry was an asshole to Andrea and she lost it. Should’ve known he’d pull shit like that, he’s always a cunt on Friday evenings.” You practically spat the words out, heels clicking on the floor as you made your way down the marble hall to collect your things and begin to put an end to this miserable week.
Part of you almost wanted to laugh at how Bucky had developed the skill of being able to keep up with your pace without even having to look up from his blackberry. That only came from years of practice.
“Terry loves playing with fire. Fuck him. If anyone can put him in his place on Monday, it’s you.” Bucky still hadn’t taken a second to pull his nose up from his phone, his steps landing in perfect time with yours until you reached the chamber at the end of the hall, throwing the heavy wooden door open in front of you. Bucky filtered in behind you of course, closing the door behind him before slipping his phone neatly into his pocket.
“Thought your doctor warned you about your blood pressure? You gotta calm down.” Bucky’s face showed he was genuinely concerned, his eyebrows knitted together in disdain but there was nothing new there. He had worked for you for years now and truth be told, he was damn good at his job, not to mention the fact he was the closest thing to a friend your busy schedule allowed you to have.
“I’ll calm down when I’m dead. We need to get to the airport if we’re going to make that flight for the convention.” You pulled your wig off, setting it neatly into the little wooden closet before removing your gown, hanging it up alongside the other worn ones from earlier in the week so they could all be dry cleaned and back in the closet for Monday.
“It’s a private jet honey, it can’t leave without you.” Bucky laughed softly, knowing you were worked up and hoping a little joke would ease the tension.
You had to admit, you were so thankful for Bucky. He was devoting the prime of his life to making sure you had everything you needed, your life only felt so seamless because Bucky made it that way. He didn’t just manage your calendar and fetch you coffee like any other PA, he lived and breathed you. He went everywhere with you, crashing in your spare room at least three nights a week because you had both worked yourselves to exhaustion. He never missed anything. He had a solution for every problem, nothing was too big for him to tackle and given the chance, you two could absolutely take over the world one day. You confided in him, and he in you, getting to know every tiny detail of his life in the past few years, right down to that fact that neither of you had seen your family or been on a date in months. Hell, he’d went as far as buying you a packet of batteries one Monday after a particularly long and stressful court hearing.
“Here, got you these.” He had smiled mischievously as he handed them over to you, chuckling a little at your confused expression. “For your vibrator. Looks like it’s gonna be a long week.” You took them gratefully, joking with him that you really would need them, tucking them into your handbag and damn were they appreciated. The following morning he had asked how you had got on and you could only laugh. You didn’t tell him how thoughts of him had come into your head right as you had gotten close. Similarly, you didn’t tell him how painfully intense your orgasm had been when you imagined him on the bed with you, watching you come apart against the plastic toy. You could just picture his hungry gaze, watching how your body gushed as you released, nipples pebbled from arousal and your lips parted, a single whimper of his name escaping you as you rode out your high.
No, that was a little secret you would keep to yourself. He didn’t need to know your dirtiest fantasies. He was an employee. An employee that often arrived at your bedroom door shirtless and smirking, holding a stack of freshly made pancakes on the mornings he stayed over at yours but an employee nonetheless.
The cab ride to the airport would have been silent if it hadn’t been for the gentle tapping of your thumbs and Bucky’s racing over your respective phone screens. You had at least two dozen emails left to reply to and your eyelids were beginning to get heavy, the body heat radiating from Bucky in the cab’s back seat making you drowsy. You took a second, squeezing your eyes shut to force away the tiredness before going back to typing relentlessly.
The trip to the airport was short, Bucky had competed the preflight checkin so you essentially stepped straight onto the plane, taking a seat by the window, with Bucky taking the one opposite you. Takeoff was smooth as always, your phones picked back up as soon as it was safe to do so. But with the glowing screen came a fresh wave of drowsiness, your eyelids threatening to close of their own accord.
“Shit, Buck did you pack my -“
“Glasses? Left side of your bag, under the tissues.” Bucky finished your sentence for you, not looking up from his phone.
“And my -“
“Eye drops? In your makeup bag.” There it was again. What surprised you most was that Bucky didn’t even need to see you to work out exactly what was wrong.
“Do you really just take care of everything?” You huffed out a little laugh, digging through your bag, finding both your glasses and eye drops exactly where he told you they would be.
“Everything but you.” He chuckled, finally setting his phone down.
“What do you mean ‘everything but me’? All you ever do is take care of me. You organise my shopping and dry cleaning for god’s sake.” The whole notion of Bucky doing anything but taking care of you was just insane because you sure as hell didn’t have time to do any of those things for yourself. That’s what you hired him for after all.
“I didn’t mean like that. I meant like really take care of you. You’re so damn up tight.” You knew by the little chuckle that accompanied his words that he meant it affectionately but it still made you slightly defensive.
“I’m not up tight.” You protested. Normally you would’ve let harmless comments like that slide but the combination of your shitty day and the fact you were so sleepy made it impossible to not seek out conflict. This was the life you were used to after all. A life of treating almost everyone you came across adversarially. It was second nature to you at this point, inside and outside the courtroom.
“Come on, you seem to forget I am your calendar. You think I don’t know you haven’t gotten any in months? You should get laid, that’s all I’m sayin’. Wouldn’t kill you to have an orgasm every once in a while.” The words roll off his tongue like it’s nothing and truth be told, if you were in better form, this would have been a perfectly normal conversation between the two of you. Neither of you were particularly shy when it came to talking about your hookups.
You hated how right he was. You hated that you hadn’t been touched in months and Bucky knew that. You hated that most days, you were too exhausted to bother tending to your own needs. And you hated the warmth spreading through your body at the thought of Bucky finally taking care of you.
“Don’t know Buck, an orgasm might actually kill me with my high blood pressure.” You needed this conversation to turn more light hearted and you needed it fast, before your head became so clouded with need that Bucky picked up on it.
“I mean, I handle everything else for you. Wouldn’t even mind if that became part of my remit.” You almost couldn’t believe how carefree and nonchalant this whole conversation seemed, Bucky hoping you missed how he cock twitched in his trousers. Of course you didn’t. You missed nothing.
“If what became part of your remit?” You quizzed firmly, trying not to give anything away but knowing your eyes had gone big and doe-like, entirely of their own accord. This was a dream come true.
“You. Actually taking care of you. However you need.” His stare was intense, watching you keenly to determine whether he had horrendously overstepped and was about to get fired.
“Why would you even want to?” Your voice carried every single ounce of confusion you were feeling, staring Bucky down with an intensity that mirrored his own in that moment.
“You’re far too smart to act dumb.” He replied softly, knowing it was all or nothing now. If he was getting fired, he might as well be honest. His head tilted downwards, drawing your attention to the bulge growing in his suit trousers. Years worth of need and longing bubbling over all at once.
“If you want this, tell me. If not, that’s fine. But it doesn’t need to be anything romantic. Can be just sex. Whatever you want.” He was doing his very best to stay calm, his brain finally catching up with his mouth and considering that he was now in way too deep to just apologise and about to get his ass handed to him at thousands of feet in the air by one of the best legal minds in the world.
You’d never wanted anything more in your life. It was almost like Bucky was dangling himself in front of you. A piece of meat before a lion that could be snatched away at any second. You weren’t going to give him the chance, professionalism be damned. You were out of your seat and onto his lap in a flash, your pencil skirt hiked up to allow you to bracket his legs in your own.
“Are you sure about this?” Your quizzed softly, giving him one last chance to back out before you lost all self control.
“Do I feel like I’m not sure?” His voice was almost a choked whisper, his hands landing on your hips to press you down against his stiff cock.
You’d never seen him like this before. Horny and needy and losing himself in the feeling of you on top of him after years of fantasies. He had tried to curb the fantasies but his body didn’t allow him to. You were all he could think of on those lonely nights, a hand wrapped around his cock, groans and whimpers escaping until he came over his hand, a cry of your name pulled from his lips. He thought you would never know. And now here he was, the woman of his dreams perched in his lap, asking to be taken care of. Even the filthiest parts of his brain couldn’t have come up with this.
He could never have dreamt how you moved forward so tentatively, your lips hardly even touching his. He was used to seeing you confident, in control, the calmest person under pressure and yet here you were, unsure of yourself for the first time, he imagined, in your life. You both kept your eyes open for a little while, your lips sliding together gently, getting a feel for one another, up until your teeth sank into the plush skin of his bottom lip and an actual groan left him, his eyelids fluttering shut. The sound could’ve made you quiver with need. It was so alarmingly sexy, knowing your huge, sexy PA could be taken apart with the smallest touches. Suddenly, this seemed to be as much, if not more, for Bucky’s benefit than your own.
“Thought this was for me, hm?” Somehow your condescending court voice was pushing him over the edge. You felt one of his hands come up, tangling in your hair while the other wrapped around your waist, pulling your core flush with his clothed cock. He kissed you with a burning intensity that made your head swim and your pussy throb, loving how he was taking control but still hurtling further into a breathless, needy state.
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve thought about this. Didn’t think we’d be joining the mile high club.” He huffed out a little light laugh, using his grip on your waist to help you roll your hips over his growing erection.
“Couldn’t have been thinking about this for as long as I have.” You smiled softly, letting out a little gasp as his cock nudged you just right through your panties that you were sure had been soaked through already. His eyes went wide at your admission, his dick twitching deliciously underneath you.
“Fuck, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.” He whispered, making you laugh at how eager he was.
“I won’t be able to wait until we’re off this plane Bucky. You gonna fuck me right here?” You teased him softly, your faces so close, your tiny hands running down his pristine shirt, toying with the buttons. When you began to graze his chest gently with your nails, it was like a switch flipped inside Bucky. He thrust up against you with a growl loving the yelp you let out, one hand now squeezing your ass, the other massaging your breasts through your blouse.
“Gonna fuck all the stress out of you. Gonna have you leavin’ this plane leakin’ and cockdrunk.” Somehow you didn’t even doubt his words and you had to admit, it did sound quite appealing to give up the control for a while, just letting Bucky take over.
“Gimme all you’ve got Barnes. Gotta make it worth my while or this is gonna be the last time you get the chance.” You couldn’t help but tease him before instantly realising that might have been a mistake, his lips burning hot as they worked against your own, needy, insistent and as always, eager to please.
His mouth was relentless to the point that you found yourself practically dry humping his cock, your hands laced in his hair while his untucked your blouse from your skirt, greedily holding onto any skin he could reach. He tasted of peppermint and coffee, smelt like the expensive aftershave you were so fond of and felt like a man who’s only purpose in life was to make you cum until it hurt.
“Need you. ‘Nside me. Now.” You managed somehow to pant the words out between the fervent slide of his lips over yours, his tongue dipping in to taste you, never wanting this to end.
The feeling of your much smaller hands landing on his belt buckle made him look down but he could’ve cum then and there at the sight that met him. The front of his suit pants were slick with your mess, proof that he wasn’t just dreaming and you really were needing this just as badly as he was.
“You’re so fuckin’ ready for it aren’t you? Look at the mess you’ve made. Why didn’t we do this years ago?” He was groaning, shifting in his seat to help you get his trousers and boxers down. You couldn’t help how you gasped a little at the sheer size of him, his cock thick and long, the head slick with precum, proud veins running up his shaft. He looked Godly. Two firm pumps was all it took to have his head thrown back against the plush leather seat, cursing and bucking against your hand, aching for more.
“I’m sorry Buck, I can’t wait any longer.” You panted, his lips attached to your neck now, kissing, licking and sucking all his frustration into your skin. If there was a time for foreplay, that wasn’t it. Neither of you had the patience right now.
“Thank God, needa feel this pretty pussy.” He all but whispered as you lined him up at your soaking entrance.
“Shit Bucky, you got a condom?” You asked anxiously, stilling yourself at the last second.
“My bag, zip compartment at the front.” He replied quietly and sure enough, that’s exactly where you found a packet. Tearing the wrapper off, you slid it down his length earning another groan from the huge man who was practically shaking beneath you.
“You think of everything.” You giggled, finally beginning to slowly sink yourself down onto him. Your laugh quickly turned into a breathy moan, your breath mingling with Bucky’s and you noticed how he made a very similar noise. You pressed yourself down slowly, your body having to adjust to the stretch.
“So tight, fuck. Shit, never felt a tighter pussy in my life.” He whispered when you were finally seated on top of him. He pulled your skirt out of the way to appreciate just how connected your bodies were in that moment. His cock just seemed to fit perfectly, so snug you could’ve cried as you began to slowly work your hips against his.
“Oh my god Bucky you’re huge.” You should’ve been embarrassed by how high and needy your whine came out but right then and there, you didn’t care.
“It’s all yours sweetheart. Gonna fuck you so good you never need another cock again. Gonna ruin anyone else for you - fuck.” Under normal circumstances you would’ve chastised him for being so overconfident but feeling how his cock nudged your sweet spot perfectly, you thought he might actually be right.
“Gotta fuck you angel, can’t just sit here anymore, ‘s driving me crazy.” He just couldn’t keep himself still any longer, lust burning behind his eyes in a way you had never seen in him before. You lifted yourself up slowly, feeling his length slipping from you, your walls fighting to pull him deeper until you sank back down, taking the whole length at once. The strangled cry that left Bucky was incredible. You repeated your gentle rise and fall, setting a decent pace. Every sharp fall of your hips tore a needy gasp from both of you, the sweetest spot inside you throbbing from the almost constant onslaught. It was everything you craved. Bucky was grasping at every curve of your body, lost in the feeling of your soft skin and the grip of your silky walls and the smell of your shampoo as you rode him, building speed as your pleasure built in your lower belly. The wet sounds escaping where your bodies were joined was nothing short of obscene, only fuelling Bucky to meet each of your thrusts with his own.
“Oh my god, I -oh oh- I can’t, can’t take it Bucky please.” You groaned, manicured fingernails digging into his chest.
“I got you honey. ‘s okay. Gonna take such good care of you when we get to the hotel. Just want you to cum once for me now, okay? Take the edge off. You feel so good wrapped round me. You know what else I can feel? Your pretty pussy is leakin’. Feel you drippin’ down over my balls. Never felt anything so hot in my ‘ntire life.” His fingers fell to your clit, rubbing neatly as if he had been trained to do nothing else. You were on cloud nine, your high so close but not quite there yet.
“Bucky, gonna cum. Oh fuck!” You whined, your orgasm hitting you like a train. You came with a loud cry, eyes squeezed shut, rocking against him more than fucking so his cock stayed buried inside you.
“Shit, how did you get even fuckin’ tighter. ‘M so close.” He whispered against your neck, broken and needy. Your high had all but subsided, aftershocks still pleasantly coursing through you as you went back to letting your hips rise and fall so Bucky could finish. It only took four more well timed thrusts before he was cumming with a shout, pulling you flush against him as his balls emptied into the condom.
You were both spent and sweaty but more satisfied than you could remember being in months, your chest pressed to his as you both came down, craving a little extra affection. Bucky held you for a good few minutes until you felt his cock softening, knowing he really should get cleaned up. You let him slip from you, pulling your skirt down to take your original seat across from him again.
“Gimme a second.” He whispered, kissing your forehead before making his way to the little bathroom, returning a few minutes later looking just as put together as ever, apart from his telltale grin.
“Jesus, we should do that more often.” You smiled quietly when he returned, letting him settle in the chair beside you this time, the dividing arm rest pushed out of the way so you could cuddle as much as possible given the limited space.
“I can’t stop now honey. That pussy is addictive.” He smiled, happy to see you leaning so comfortably up against him but even happier when he heard your soft little snores.
@harrysthiccthighss @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @justatirednightowl @littlecanadianlani @babebr @sebsbrokentoe @badgirlwolfy
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
My dear [S.U]
Sam Uley x Fem! reader!
Summary: “Did you have a hard day? You can complain to me. Did something make you almost cry? It’s alright, look at me. Starting from now, think of three really good things: the warm air, the dazzling weather, and me outside your window.  I told you, you can see brightness only when it gets dark”
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, heart dissease and such. English not my mother language so pls let me know if something’s wrong
gif’s not mine
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"Sorry to bother you, Chief," you said following the man's moves through your house. Charlie Swan was carrying a reclining chair with ease leaving it in the middle of the living room while you stood at the bottom of the stairs with your little four year old daughter in your arms. Cassie was exhausted. It had been a long plane ride and a bit more road travel, which knocked your little girl out as soon as you set foot in your new home in Forks. It was a long time since you had seen that place but of course you remembered Charlie Swan as kind as he had always been. Even when you were just starting to think about moving back to Forks he was the first to help you get a safe home for you and your daughter. You remembered looking up for Charlie's old phone number hoping it was still the same and when you dialed and heard the man's voice behind the phone you sighed in relief. At last life seemed to be smiling on you after a long time and Charlie was quick to offer to help you if you decided to return to town.
He told you about a house for sale next to his. The owner was elderly and preferred to live with one of her children and earn income from the house near the forest that could be bought by curious tourists so Charlie convinced her to sell you the house and at a lower price than she was originally asking because the house needed some repairs that he could do. So you thought no more about it and packed your things to return to Forks after the horrible years you had lived in Brownsville.
Charlie picked you up at the airport in his police cruiser and avoided turning on the siren cause Cassie was already half asleep in your arms when you got off the plane and he didn't want to disturb her, but Cassie had the strength to stay awake long enough to make him promise that next time he would turn on the siren as they drove around town.
The truth was that Charlie Swan was an angel. He arranged everything so you would have a quick return and even now he was bothering to get all your stuff out of the moving truck so you wouldn't have the worry of doing it later.
"Nonsense, I'm happy to do it. Besides, it's my day off."
"And that's why you shouldn't be doing all this. I know vacations for police officers are non-recurring."
"I'm the chief, I have certain privileges."
"Well, I wasn't going to let you do this on your own" he replied, carrying the boxes with your and Cassie's clothes. He set them down on the kitchen island and leaned back against them to rest. You walked over and settling Cassie better in your arms you sat down in one of the chairs Charlie had given you "Billy and Jacob will be here in a little while to get all this settled so you can have your first night here without any problems."
"I still think it's too much. Stop spoiling me like this, Charlie, you even gave me part of your dining room!"
"Ah, it was nothing. Bella and I recently bought a new one and we didn't want to take it to the dump cause it still has some use. The table is made out of good wood and the chairs are freshly upholstered. Look at it, it suits perfectly!"
"That's not the point" you said, glancing sideways at the newly arranged dining room near the kitchen "The point is that you're doing a lot for me and it's not fair."
"Your father would have done the same for Bella if it had been about me" he replied reaching for a bottle of water from the installed cooler. A sudden tension appeared in the room as you both remembered what your father's life was like in Forks "Jackson was my best friend for a long time and when he died...I promised him that I would seek you out and support you as if you were my own and that is precisely what I am doing."
"You wouldn't have if I hadn't left and hadn't abandoned him. He died because of me"
"That's not true."
"He was left alone when I left. He died of grief"
"He died from the heart valve disease he had. Your father suffered it from a young age and even so, you had a right to look for your mother"
"I wish I hadn't" you murmured, cooing to Cassie who was beginning to get annoyed by the noise of your voices "I abandoned my father and didn't find anything worthwhile"
"Well, that doesn't matter anymore, stop tormenting yourself and thinking you killed your father. I was with him. He loved you and he died peacefully, remember him as the good man he was, child."
You sighed. Cassie went back to sleep peacefully
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I know it's not the same, but you have me now and I'd rather die than let you leave again, do you hear me?"
"Easy, I have no intention of doing that" you half smiled "I'm running away from the tracks I left in Brownsville, I have no desire to go back under any circumstances. What I'm worried about is that the tracks won't rub off and show the way to the one I'm hiding from"
Charlie clicked his tongue.
"That should be the least of your problems. I have a gun and I know how to use it. He'll have to deal with that first before he gets to you."
"Thanks, Charlie."
"Although, if Chief Swan is as good at shooting as he is at fishing then you'll have to learn how to handle a gun yourself, honey" a voice appeared from the doorway followed by a young man's laughter.  You looked up meeting the unmistakable face of Billy Black next to his son Jacob. Billy entered your house being pushed by Jacob leaving him next to Charlie as he rolled his eyes "Be a little more modest, buddy."
"There's nothing wrong with bragging once in a while."
"Yeah, but you do it all the time."
"Shut up."
"Make me"
Charlie got up from his spot lunging towards Billy who ina swift movement spun the wheels of his chair avoiding Charlie's attack thus beginning a chase through the house dodging the obstacles of boxes on the floor. Jacob laughed taking Charlie's place in front of you.
"I thought we were coming to help with the move, not to watch them play like preschoolers?"
"Me too. I think Cassie will get along with them."
"Your little girl will beat them up right away"
You giggled quietly avoiding waking Cassie as Charlie and Billy finished their game to go back to the truck and get the last boxes, then you could finally get everything settled at home. Jacob smiled, looking at you
"I'm Jacob. You may not remember me but..."
"Are you kidding? I used to give you the bottle."
"No you didn't."
"Of course i did! My dad used to visit your parents a lot and he used to take me with him. You were a newborn baby and I used to volunteer to help Sarah feed you. You were the worst baby ever. You cried too loudly and squeezed the bottle with your swollen gums. Then you'd throw the milk back and you used to get really messy. Your poop was the smelliest I could remember."
"Don't say that!" he replied, embarrassed "I see you do remember me."
"And Quill and Embry. Tell me, are they still the same old fools?"
"They haven't changed at all."
You laughed.
"Ok, these are the last boxes" announced Charlie walking into the house carrying with him a small box with Cassie's toys. Billy came in behind with some boxes on his lap "I think now we can get everything organized and finishing in time for you to get some rest."
"I'll clean up the little girl's room" offered Jacob standing up "then I'll fill the closet and set up the bed so you can lay her down, you must be tired from carrying her around for so long. is that okay with you?" he asked you. You nodded
"Yes, thank you Jacob."
"You're welcome. Give me that" The boy took the boxes off his father's legs and picked up Charlie's, all with one arm and with the other he carried the folding base of the bed. You opened your eyes wide 
"Easy, big guy, when did you get so strong?"
"I don't know. It just... showed up" he replied disappearing up the stairs
"It showed up" said Charlie "Ah, I hope shows up something like that to me"
"Don’t hold your breath as that happens" Billy joked.
"I should do something for lunch" you said trying to stand up. You were going to put Cassie down on one of the couches and put some cushions around her, but Charlie won't let you. Billy agreed 
"None of that. We'll order something."
"Nothing" interrupted Billy "We'll buy pizza"
"You guys really need to stop doing this" you reproached. Billy picked up his phone
"Ah, sorry, you had to say that earlier, I'm already on the call."
"You guys are unbelievable"
Charlie smiled
"We know. oh I'll get Bella, she hasn't said hello yet" Charlie walked out before you could say anything else and closed the door dismissing the moving truck. Billy smiled complicitly, placed the order, gave the address and left the cell phone on the kitchen bar
"Dinner is served."
"Thank you."
"They had children's menu, so I ordered it for Cassie. I hear their brownies are delicious. Maybe I'll steal it for myself."
"I'll keep it as a secret"
Billy nodded with a smile and as the food arrived you chatted animatedly about what had happened in your absence, he also told you things about your father and all the times they went fishing together before his death. You were enjoying Billy's stories when time began to pass and Charlie didn’t return with Bella as he promised. Jacob was finishing Cassie's room and when the pizza arrived he came downstairs immediately, asking about Charlie's whereabouts.
"He went to get Bella, but he hasn't come back yet."
"That's strange, his house is right next door."
"Maybe something came up for him at the station" Billy shrugged.
You  decided to wait for the Swans to eat, but seeing that they didn't show up Jacob offered to investigate what was going on when suddenly the door opened and a very worried Charlie Swan walked in wiping the sweat from his brow
"Bella’s missing."
Jacob suddenly became alert and Billy remained static in his place. You felt a knot in your stomach. While riding in the police cruiser that morning, you had heard something about tourist disappearances and wild creatures killing people in the woods and you feared Bella might be in that kind of danger. You were never close, but you knew her and occasionally went out together to talk or share a movie night. You still hadn't seen her after the years you were away and the least you wanted was for something bad to happen to her.
"Did you talk to any of her friends?"
"She was with them during classes, but they lost track of her on her way here. I'll call the Cullens, maybe..."
"You didn't know?" asked Billy "The Cullens left Forks, Charlie."
"Where did they go?"
"We'll find her" encouraged Jacob "But we have to go out and look for her before dark."
"I'll go with you" you said "I'll take Cassie to her room and..."
"No, no, stay" Charlie asked you "I left a note for Bella at home in case she comes back she’ll know that she has to come here and wait for me. If she does, call me right away, please" you nodded
"I'll call Harry and ask him to join along with the boys" Billy said and wheeled away down the hallway holding the phone to his ear. Charlie and Jacob left and you decided to take Cassie to the room, go down to the kitchen and make some coffee for the Brigadiers and Bella. If she was alone in the woods and the night was catching up with her then she was going to need something hot to get her strength back. 
You hoped with all your heart that she was all right. For her, for Charlie.
Hours passed one after another with no sign of Bella. Your driveway was carpeted with people and police cruisers specially brought by Charlie to search for Bella. The entire town was scoured by officers from the early hours of the night, yet there was no trace of the chief's daughter. You decided to join the search taking the opportunity that Sue Clearwater was playing with Cassie - who was awakened by the ruckus of the patrol cars - asking if it was a good idea to search for her in the woods, but Harry refused.
"It's too dangerous, we don't know what might be among the trees. We can't risk losing any more people."
You were about to object his words when Jacob came up to you putting a hand on your shoulder telling you that he was right and that the forest was something not to be taken lightly. So you gave up, deciding to go back inside and refill the coffee pot when Jacob alerted Charlie that someone had found Bella.
A tall man walked in a straight line toward the Brigadiers where Billy and Harry watched him with restrained relief. He had a stocky frame and Bella unconscious in his arms seemed to weigh no more than a feather. His cropped black hair was messy and his lack of a shirt told you that the icy cold of the city didn't affect him at all
You knew him. His face was very familiar yet strange at the same time. You were back in Forks after a few years, but you knew that no one could change that much in that period of time.
Sam Uley was holding Bella and Charlie took her in his arms as he came out of the stupor and relief of having found his daughter. The Brigadiers sighed in unison and Billy thanked them all. You wanted to do something, to approach Charlie, to ask him if he needed help with Bella, but your eyes were caught in Sam’s. 
They were dark, wild, like the forest behind him. You remembered him perfectly. 
Before you left Forks you two were close friends and came to like each other as something more, but your leaving ended that and what you might have been up to that point.
You tried to look away, but then Sam's huge body began to shake, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground resting his hands on the dirt. Harry Clearwater reacted and approached him asking if he was okay.
"Tired" you heard him whisper causing you to shudder. Harry helped him up, whispered something in his ear and after taking one last look at you he disappeared into the woods. Harry walked back towards you.
"I thought the forest was dangerous"
"For us."
"What do you mean?"
Harry looked at you. Then he looked at his wife with Cassie in her arms standing at the doorway . He smiled.
"You'll find out soon, child"
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all-about-kyu · 3 years
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Genre: Smut, fluff, slight angst MINORS DNI MATURE CONTENT AHEAD
Pairing: Yangyang x reader x Jungwoo
General Warning: language, insecurities, parties, mentions of alcohol
Smut Warnings: sub!Yangyang, switch!reader, switch!Jungwoo, pet names, praise, degrading, dom-sub dynamic, BDSM, spanking, marking, overstimulation, mistress/ma’am kink, master/sir kink, mommy/daddy kink, orgasm denial, edging, corruption kink, polyamory, m x m involvement, sexting, voluntary feminization, lingerie, phone sex, oral (m / f receive), dry humping, nipple play, unprotected sex
Word Count: 15.8k
Note: I highly suggest you read Pain Is Pleasure before this since this is basically part 2
For the Love and Debauchery collab hosted by @immabiteyou and @ncteaxhoe <3
You and Jungwoo have been married for about two years now and you officially have joined him in his line of work as a professional dom. This job is so much more fun than working at a desk like you used to, you get to play with pretty subs all day long then go back upstairs (or stay down there) and get your brains fucked out by your husband or vice versa. You of course have your regulars that come into your makeshift studio once or twice a week, and your one-and-done guests. Recently though you’ve become slightly bored with your job, you love working with your husband and you love what you do but it seems to be the same routine per guest and it’s getting old. You suggested several things to each of your regulars but they always claim it to be something that they would never do. A part of your job is to always go with what is within the comfort zone of each client, be willing to push the envelope but don’t rip it.
“Bye dear, we’ll see you next week” you send off your last guest of the week
As you clean up you let out an exasperated sigh, “What’s wrong love?” your husband questions
“Everything is just so routine now, don’t get me wrong I love our job but it’s just the same cycle over and over. We keep suggesting new ways to go about things for our regulars or to try something new with them but they never seem to want to do anything besides the normal,” you explain “I just want something new and exciting.”
“Well dear, you can always try new things on me” he flirts
“Jungwoo, darling, I love you and all the things we’ve tried but let’s be honest. Name one thing we haven’t tried on each other.” you giggle reaching up to play with his locks of freshly bleached white waves.
“We haven’t- but we never-“ he tries to figure something out “okay, you’re right, but who would possibly be up to doing the things we do to each other? Our regulars already shot it down and our one-time people are too scared.”
As you go to answer his question you hear the doorbell ring from upstairs. You’re both extremely confused, you don’t have any more guests today and you don’t remember inviting anyone over after you were done. You share a look with each other before making your way upstairs to the front door. Once there, you open the door to find a rather shy boy standing on your front stoop.
“A-are you Master and Mistress Jung?” he shyly asks
“Depends who’s asking” you respond
“And how old you are” Jungwoo adds
“I’m Yangyang, I’m 21 years old, and I desperately need someone to teach me.”
“Teach you what sweetheart?” your dominant persona jumps out.
“Teach me how to be a good sub… I’m just too shy and no one will teach me. Then one of my friends told me about professional doms and I found you guys online. So yeah, um, teach me please?” he rambles
“Well angel, do you just want her, just me, or both of us?” Jungwoo steps a little closer to him.
“U-um, I like the idea of both of you, but I’ve never been with a guy before.”
“So I see we need to do some educating too, huh? You seem to be a bit clueless as to the process of this.” you put a hand against his cheek causing him to blush. “Come inside dear, we have a lot to talk about.”
You guide him down to the basement into the area that isn’t for work necessarily, the room has a billiards table, a few couches, and other entertainment centers. It was obvious that the boy was extremely nervous and you did all you could to calm him on your way. He reminded you a lot of how you were when you first met your husband, innocent, naive, unsure. You wanted to guide him through that just like Jungwoo did for you. For whatever reason you felt the same pull you did when you met Jungwoo for the first time, it was almost magnetic. Jungwoo was the only person you felt this connected to, at first sight, it almost felt wrong to be so intrigued and enticed by him. 
“So dear, we don’t fuck you if that’s the impression you got.” Jungwoo explains “She thought the same when she first started as my sub.”
“S-she’s your sub? But I thought you were both doms.”
“We’re switches prince, but for you, we’re your doms. My husband here introduced me to this life a few years back and now we work together.”
“H-husband?” Yangyang questioned almost disappointed
“Mmhmm, is that an issue pup?” Jungwoo asks again
“No,” his eyes sparkle “I just…” he trails off
“Speak up pup, I can’t hear you”
“I just think that y/n is really pretty is all.”
“Well thank you, darling, now let me continue what I was saying. We can get you off, play with you, but we will never outright fuck you. That’s not how we roll. If that’s an issue then you can find someone else to dom you.”
“I understand, I really like you guys though. You make me feel small and still safe. I like that.”
“Here pup, fill out this form then mistress and I can discuss how to go about our sessions with you.”
Jungwoo passes him the clipboard for him to fill out the form which has checkboxes next to a list of kinks and types of play that he can check off. The second page is a consent form just stating that he agrees to all the terms of the sessions and the physical agreement between the three of you. You watch intently as you see him check off several boxes down the list and then sign for both the consent and terms of agreement forms. You knew you were going to have fun with this one, no one has ever checked off as many boxes as he has, at least on the first go.
“Jungwoo” you whisper in your husband’s ear “I like this one, I have a good feeling about him.”
“Yeah?” he whispers back “Why’s that?”
“He reminds me of me when I was still innocent.” “Hmm, he kinda does, are you attracted to him? If you are, don’t worry I don’t feel threatened by him at all.”
“Honestly, he feels as magnetic as you do, it feels almost wrong how much I’m intrigued by him.”
“Do you want to offer him what I offered you?”
“I don’t know babe, it seems a little much for him still.”
“S-sorry to interrupt your conversation but here are your papers back.” he shyly calls 
You take the papers from him subtly grazing your hand over his as you do so. You look down at what he checked off. Pet names, praise, degradation, exhibitionism, hair pulling, spitting, marking, motion restriction, voyeurism, mommy kink, daddy kink, impact play and so many more that caught your attention. You point to a few on the list showing Jungwoo what you thought to start with first. He also pointed some out that stuck out to him and that he wanted to handle himself. There are still some things that you’re not well versed in yet that you practice on Jungwoo during your alone time. Those things are ones that you’ll let him take care of when you share a guest. 
“You’re a bit of a slut in the making aren’t you pup?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me pup, you checked off quite a few things on here. You just want to be a little slut don’t you?”
He whimpers in response to Jungwoo’s teasing.
“Master asked you something,” you smoothly speak “you answer when he asks you something.”
“Sorry ma’am,” he drops his head. “I want to be a little slut for you master, you too mistress. If you’ll let me.”
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Both you and your husband thought it best to let him be for right now. You did however send him home with something no other client gets, your personal contact information. Both you and Jungwoo knew you were attracted to the younger boy, he just seemed so perfect for you to toy with. You hum absentmindedly as you continue to clean around the house, Jungwoo perched on the living room couch still looking over Yangyang’s form devising a plan for the younger when he comes early next week for his first session. You make your way into the living room where he is. You hear him gasp, shocking you slightly.
“Jesus babe,” you chastise “what was that for? You scared me half to death.”
“I think I figured out how I want you to run Yangyang’s session next week.” “Did you just say? Like me solo? He said he wanted both of us.” you pause your cleaning to join him on the couch.
“Yes, I did princess, you’ll be running his first session, just so he can get to know each of us individually first. Doesn’t that sound like a good idea? We don’t want to overwhelm the poor boy.” he smiled at you, squishing your cheeks.
You blush slightly, removing his hand from your face, “So, what’s your idea for his first time?”
“I was thinking,” he starts showing you his notebook, “he marked down that he wants to try out a mommy kink, we both know how much you love that, and he also said he wants to try edging. I think that would be enough for his first round with you. Unless you have other ideas in mind.”
“What if I did that plus overstimulation? I know it might be a bit much for him but he can always use his safeword if it gets too much too quickly.”
“Hmm,” your husband acknowledges your thought “I like how you think kitten.” he agrees, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek, “It’s getting late though and we have some plans tomorrow, best be off to bed.”
“Plans? What plans?” you question him
“You’ll see baby, come on now, time for bed.”
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Soon enough Tuesday rolls around and you hear your doorbell ring promptly at 4:30 pm, you’re sitting at the kitchen table working on some paperwork from other guests.
“I’ll get it dear, it’s probably Yangyang so be ready to head downstairs with him.” Jungwoo singsongs as he exits the room.
You hum in acknowledgment despite your husband already being out of the room. You immersed yourself back into the paperwork making sure you had everything in order when you hear it. From the living room-foyer area, you hear a whimper that begs for your attention. You quickly shut the client’s folder and exit the kitchen. What you see when you enter your living room is not what you expected in the slightest. Yangyang is pinned to the wall next to the door with Jungwoo looming above him.
You simply lean against the entryway to the kitchen from the living area, whatever the younger did you knew he deserved this. Jungwoo was never the type to do things like this, especially outside your workspace, unless absolutely necessary. Yangyang was the first of the two to acknowledge your presence simply glancing over at you with a plea for help. You merely smirk at him and gesture for him to focus on the man in front of him. You hear another whimper escape his lips when you hear Jungwoo lowly chastise him to keep his eyes on him. You decide enough is enough and push yourself off the wall and approach the duo.
“Well, what do we have here?” you ask placing a hand on your husband’s back alerting him of your presence.
He doesn’t break his eye contact with the younger but still responds, “What we have is a fucking brat.”
Yangyang quickly shakes his head denying anything of the sort, “I was-”
“No one told you that you could speak right now.” Jungwoo glares down at him, “And don’t lie, as soon as I opened that door I clearly heard you say ‘Well it took you long enough, thought I’d have to get myself off right here.’ or am I mistaken pup?” all he could do was let out another weak whimper in response.
“My, my, darling. Seems like I have some punishment to dole out.” you chuckle.
“No, please, I’ll be good! Promise!” Yangyang struggles against your husband’s grip on his wrists.
“It’s a little late for that, isn’t it pup?” you fake pity as you rub your thumb along his cheek, “Master’s going to let you go now and you’re going to be a good boy and come downstairs with me. Understood?”
“Y-yes ma’am.” he near-whispers.
Without missing a beat Jungwoo releases his grip on the boy, a smirk resting on his lips. Yangyang released a breath he didn’t know he was holding and looked at you with wide eyes. He almost resembles a puppy with how he pleads with his eyes. You gently reach down taking his hand to guide him down to the basement. Before you go though, Jungwoo leans over placing a kiss to the top of your head as reassurance that it would all work out. Yangyang squeezes your hand without a word, you pause mid-stride to check on him. He has a worried look in his eyes.
“You okay pup? Do you want to change your mind?” you look at him with equal worry.
“No,” he whispers, “a punishment just sounds scary.”
“Don’t worry honeybun, I’ll be gentle. Remember you can always say red to stop me or yellow to take a break or slow down.” you reassure before pulling him downstairs.
Once you arrive in your makeshift office you direct the boy to take a seat on the large bed. You squat down in front of him and guide him by his chin to look up from his lap into your eyes. He looks as scared as he did when you first mentioned a punishment. You give him a gentle look trying your best to calm him. You take his hand in your free one rubbing a soothing hand over his knuckles, gently shushing him to calm him further.
“Can you strip for me baby?” you gently speak
He nodded standing up, you back off from him and sit back on the loveseat. Shyly, he began to take his shirt off, suddenly aware of the situation he tried to cover his upper body. You rise from your place striding towards the boy, you stand in front of him and pry his hands off his body.
“You’re so pretty baby, let me see your pretty body.” you hold his wrists gently in your hand, “Do you want mommy to help you finish undressing?” he whimpers and nods “Can you say it in words darling?”
“Yes mommy, want your help.”
You smile at him watching how he melts into your touch, he lets you draw your hands across his chest lightly tweaking his nipple as you explore the expanse of his skin. He lets out a small whine at the action, you smirk at his little noises of pleasure. You let your hands trail further down along his skin gently scrapping your nails along the surface.
“Why are you so tense honey? Mommy’ll take care of you don’t worry” you whisper against the shell of his ear as he leans further into your touch.
“Just feels so good, I don’t know how to react.” you chuckle at his answer
“Don’t worry love react however you please, I won’t ever judge you.”
And with that your hands found the waistband of his jeans, you play with the button but not undoing yet it causing Yangyang to whine and buck his hips toward you.
“Did you want something angel? Tell me, use your words like a big boy.”
“Mommy,” he whined, “touch me, please.”
You giggle at his eager state “Let me get these off of you then you can go sit down on the bed again.”
With another gasp bordering a whine you pull his remaining clothing off and gently send him back to his seat on the large bed.
“Don’t forget honey, I still need to give you that punishment.” he whines still not wanting it, “I know honey, but Mommy needs to make sure you’re being good for both Daddy and I don’t I?”
“Y-yes mommy, I’m sorry for being mean to daddy earlier.” he mopes
“I know you are dear, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll play with your pretty cock until you almost cum but you’re not going to until mommy lets you, okay?” he nods again, “It’s called edging baby, if either of us punishes you and say that’s what’s happening,  I promise it’s not as terrible as it sounds. What mommy will do after is called overstimulating you, even after you cum I’ll still play with you some. I won’t too much though since it’s your first time.”
He nods finally relaxing some more as you guide him to lay back on the bed. He whines and begs while you gently run your fingers across the expanse of his torso again. You slowly trail then down to his hip, he gasps expecting you to finally touch him where he wants you to. You don’t though, you skip right over his throbbing member to his thighs letting your nails make light scratches on his skin, nothing breaking his skin, just enough to leave small red marks behind. He bucks his hips up again trying to get your attention where he wants it. You tut at him focusing on his inner thighs instead, massaging them gently, and squeezing the muscles. Once you felt you had tortured him enough in this way you gently placed your hand over his cock. He whimpers finally getting some attention where he wished it. You cup him gently not giving him the satisfaction of stroking him just yet. You rub your hand against his member and balls only riling him up more. He whines louder just wanting to get some sort of release.
“Oh, pup, did you want something?” you mock sympathy.
“Please, please, please.” he whines again, “Touch me please, Mommy, want it so bad.”
You chuckle before finally stroking him, he twists and squirms at the feeling. You smile softly seeing how sensitive he is, his whines sounding like a symphony to your ears. You can tell he won’t last, his breaths are short and shallow, he already has sweat glistening across his forehead.
“Mommy, gonna-,” he interrupts himself with a moan, “gonna cum”
You pull your hands off of him making him whimper and almost cry. He begs you to let him cum, he knows you won’t let him just yet but that doesn’t stop him. When you feel he is sufficiently far from his high again you take him back in your hand. You roll your fingers over his tip torturing him in the best way, he is basically leaking precum as you continue your ministrations against his tip. You then move your hands to his balls and play with them in your hands as you take your free one to stroke his member once again. His volume increases as you continue to torture him, as he gets close again your rip his orgasm from him, this time he lets a few tears slip from his eyes. You release him fully hovering over him and hushing him to relax some more. You wipe some tears from his cheek and brush his hair out of his face.
“You’re okay love, you’re doing so good for me baby. Such a good boy.” you praise, “You’re taking everything I give you just like the angel you are. I don’t like punishing you, not one bit, I need to though. Can I continue lovebug?”
He nods finally calming down some, you hold his hand as you bring your body back to sit between his thighs. You run the forefinger of your other hand along the prominent vein that runs along the length of his cock. He jolts at the feeling and whines as if to beg for more but also for you to stop at the same time. He squeezes your hand not wanting to disobey in any way and you chuckle at the action. You cup him again making a loud moan erupt from his bitten pink lips, if he wasn’t going to last long before you know he won’t last thirty seconds now. He pants trying to maintain any sanity, you look up from his member to see his eyes screwed shut, sweat glistening on his forehead making his hair stick to it. At that moment you decide you’ve tortured him enough, after all, it’s only his first time. He squeezes your hand even tighter than before signaling silently that his high was approaching again. You let a gentle smirk grace your lips seeing the sight in front of you.
“Baby, if you want something you need to ask.” you remind him.
He whines not saying any real words, every noise that escapes his lips is completely unintelligible. You let out a sadistic giggle as you watch him crumble below you. You prompt him to ask for what he wants again, but he still doesn’t. You take your hands off him again to further prove that you won’t do anything without him asking you.
“Please, no. So close.” he whines when he registers your hands were no longer on him.
“Oh? Were you love?” you mock sympathy again, “I don’t remember hearing you ask for something. You ready to ask now?”
“Yes, mommy, I’m sorry, I’ll ask now.” he nearly cries out.
You smile softly at him and take him back in your hand, he immediately reacts by letting out the loudest moan you had heard from him so far. You were taken aback slightly by his volume, you were almost positive Jungwoo heard you from upstairs. If you thought he wouldn’t last before, he was even worse now. His chest rising and falling rapidly as you stroke him at a moderate pace. 
“Please.” he breathes out.
“Please what?” you reply immediately.
“Let me cum, please, I’ve been so good.” he begs again.
“That you have angel. Go on then, cum.”
That was all the permission he needed, he let himself reach his high with cries falling from his lips, “Mommy, thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Your very welcome sweetheart. Such good manners.” you soothe him as you continue to stroke him.
When he starts to come down from high and registers that you aren’t stopping he nearly kicks you away. You knew it was coming though, you grabbed his thigh and held it down preventing him from moving much at all. You knew he would use the color system if he absolutely needed to. You just give him a sadistic smirk as he whines louder at your ministrations. He squirms under you as you continue, you knew you wouldn’t go much longer since you edged him for so long. You watch him wiggle around a bit longer before you finally release him from your grip. The moment he feels your hands off of him he lets out a whine, you knew he didn’t want you to keep going though.
“What is it, love?” you ask in an almost worried tone.
“Just-” he suddenly gets shy again.
“What is it? Tell me Yangyang.” you move to be above him looking deep into his eyes.
“Cuddle me, please?” his eyes sparkled as he asked.
You smile at his request and nod, “Let me clean you up first, okay?”
He whines but agrees, you step away from him for a moment to get a wet rag and clean the cum from his lower belly and softening member. He whines at the cool rag on his skin, again he tries to pull away from it but you move him to continue cleaning him off. You discard the rag on the floor deciding it would be best to just clean up after everything was done, including aftercare. You join him on the bed pulling him back further to rest his head on the pillows and pull the blankets over you both. You were glad you had chosen something more comfortable to wear, you don’t need to worry about any uncomfortable materials rubbing against his bare skin. You hold him against your body, he quickly takes to you and nuzzles against the crook of your neck sighing happily. You pet his hair in a comforting manner helping him lull into a calmer state.
You were falling asleep yourself when you heard the door open. You turn to see Jungwoo approaching the bed. You make eye contact with him then look down at Yangyang who was sleeping comfortably in your arms. He leans against the bedpost by your head and gives you a questioning look.
“He needed some aftercare, babe, I couldn’t leave him a mess to go home.” you quietly explain.
“You really wore him out.” he laughed quietly, “He’s really deeply asleep, hun.”
“Did you want to cuddle too? You seem jealous, baby.” you tease.
He sighs and shakes his head at you, “I’ll join you guys, you’re just lucky that we didn’t have anyone else today.”
Jungwoo slides into the bed on the other side of Yangyang, he leans over the sleeping boy to kiss your forehead. He then gets comfortable and spoons the boy from behind. Yangyang lets out another content sigh feeling the extra body heat behind him. 
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The both of you had been seeing Yangyang on a twice a week basis for almost two months now and he has blossomed very quickly in what he’s learned. He finally took the liberty of talking to you through texts, he had honestly forgotten you had given him your numbers. Most times he was just chatting about nothing critical. You both had your fair share of individual texting and sexting with him. That didn’t stop him from making a group message with you both and doing the same in that message thread. It became very amusing watching Jungwoo squirm while looking at his phone when Yangyang had sent him a particularly dirty message. Especially when your husband wasn’t in the most dominant mood, when he was like that he was much softer on the younger man. More often than not you would help him get off while he texted with the other.
You were going about your day off cleaning around the house as you always do on your days off. You didn’t have your phone on you, you left it on the dining room table while you vacuumed the living room rug. Jungwoo bolts down the stairs as if he were being chased. His phone was tightly clutched in his hand. You had tasked him to clean your shared closet, he was the one who made most of the mess in there with his clothes everywhere. He looked at you eyes blown wide and you looked back in confusion. You don’t know what could’ve had him so rushed and shocked, your gut told you it was about Yangyang though.
“How can you have no reaction right now?” he speaks exasperatedly.
“What are you talking about babe?” you laugh lightly.
“Where’s your phone?” he responds curtly.
“Dining table.” you say slightly skeptical of his intentions.
He doesn’t say anything else, he sets out on a trek to the dining room to find your phone for you. You hear him let out a noise of happiness when he finds your phone right where you said it would be. He keeps his phone tight in his grip and now he holds yours in a similar fashion. He quickly shuffles his way back into the living room where you had continued to vacuum the cushions on the first couch. He brings his hand that is holding your phone to wrap around your waist. You jump at the contact not realizing he had already come back into the area. He slips his phone into his pocket for a moment and removes the vacuum hose from your hand, reattaching it to the body of the machine then proceeding to shut it off. He then replaces that hose with your phone.
“Open your messages sweetheart.” he whispers lowly against the shell of your ear.
You open the device in your hands and head directly into your messages. You see a notification indication next to the group chat with the three of you. You see the beginning of the message and take in a sharp breath causing your husband to giggle in a low tone, the vibrations hitting against your back. You click into the group chat and as you expected Yangyang was trying to get a rise out of the both of you. The message was simple but absolutely effective.
Yangyang; 2:47 pm
Miss, Master… I went out with my friend today and bought some things. Would you like to see what I bought?
No pictures were attached to the message yet, but you knew the moment one of you responded it would be torturous to not be there with him. You look up from your phone to over your shoulder where your husband was hovering with a smirk resting on his lips. You knew what he wanted to do, you had a better plan though. You spun around in his grasp wrapping your arms around his neck. You immediately capture his lips in a heated kiss. He’s surprised and lets out a small noise at your forwardness but still accepts the kiss happily. You let your one arm move from behind his head to throw your phone down onto the couch then bring it back to lace through his platinum blonde hair. He wraps his arms tighter around your waist not even thinking about what you might actually have planned. You trail your hands down his chest and abs to reach the hem of his shirt and tug it up and over his head. He doesn’t take long to get you in a similar state, you still have your bra on but that’s as far as you need to go right now. You pull away from his lips making the man groan at the lack of contact, despite you both being attached to each other in almost every other way.
“Baby,” you breathe out voice dripping with arousal, “take a picture of us like this.” “What?” he asks, slightly confused as to what you have planned out.
“I have a plan babe, just go with it I’ll explain after we take this picture.”
Jungwoo takes your phone off the couch sitting down and pulls you into his lap. He sets up the timer on the camera to make it easier on you both. The picture shows from your nose to where your thighs rest around Jungwoo’s hips. Your lips are locked on his, your lower lip caught between his teeth. Your breasts still trapped in your bra pressed against his bare chest, his hands splayed against your upper waist, fingertips just barely grazing against the lower edge of your bra. It’s clear that he’s pulling you closer by his grip against your skin, slight indentations are evident, you knew they might leave marks later, but that was the least of your worries.  Your hands were clearly tangled in the hair at the back of his head, effectively tipping his head back making your kissing look even filthier than it already did. You hear the shutter of the camera go off and you try to pull away from the man beneath you, he wouldn’t let you go so easily though. You had riled him up and he was not going to let you leave him high and dry like that. His lips clung to your neck when you did manage to pull your lips from his. Jungwoo had always loved to leave marks behind on your skin, he claimed that it helped your clients know that you were his before anyone else. You pick up your phone trying your best to focus as he sucked marks into your skin and pulled you impossibly closer, bringing you to grind against his growing member. Typing out a text while your husband is quickly becoming more desperate becomes clearly very difficult. After multiple typo corrections, you attach the image and send the text into the group chat.
Y/n; 2:58 pm
[image attached]
We’re busy right now prince, we’ll take a look later, okay?
You’re beyond pleased with your plan to tease the younger, you throw your phone back to the side and focus back on Jungwoo. He keens at your attention when your hands find purchase holding his face, the cold metal of your wedding band contrasting against the warmth of his skin. You hear your phone vibrate several times, you’re almost positive that it’s Yangyang trying to get your attention again. You choose to let him suffer a bit longer and continue to focus your attention on Jungwoo. He does what you don’t expect though and reaches to take his phone out of his pocket and open the group chat himself. You pull back and give him a questioning look before you realize what he’s doing. You see him go to the information of the chat and click the ‘facetime’ button, you grab his jaw and pull him to face you again. You smirk and pull his lips back against yours ignoring the ringing of the call. You forget about the fact that he did that completely until you hear a whine through the other end of the phone. Jungwoo lets out a breathy laugh before pulling fully away from your lips. He turns and looks at the screen of his phone that was resting against the arm of the couch. The sight in front of him was Yangyang blushing brighter than a tomato and covering half his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.
“Hi, there honey.” Jungwoo hums.
Yangyang takes a moment to register that he’s being talked to, “H-hi.”
You smirk and lean towards the phone giving him a perfect view of your cleavage. Jungwoo lets his hands fall from your waist to hold your ass instead. He squeezes the flesh in his hands, you had a habit of wearing his clothes during cleaning days, and of course, now you’re wearing a pair of his sweatpants and he’s obsessed with it. Yangyang tries to hide further into his hoodie sleeve when you lean towards the phone. Pride swells in your chest knowing you have this effect on him.
“You want to show us what you bought today baby?” your voice drips in a sultry tone.
He doesn’t respond verbally, he nods his head behind his hand. He takes his phone and props it up against something on some table in his room. He waddles his way into his closet, he honestly looks so adorable as he does, he’s wearing an oversized hoodie giving him sweater paws and a pair of baggy sweatpants. You hear him rustling through some bags off-camera, you don’t get to focus on it for too long though. Jungwoo brings his hand down against your ass to gain your attention back on him. You let out a whine as you feel it but still turn back to look at him, he smirks at you and pulls you down into another heated kiss. His other hand trails back up your body to cup your breast in his hand massaging it gently. His lips find their way back down your neck to your clavicle leaving more marks there. You let out a breathy moan at the feeling of him sucking at the delicate skin. Yet again, you forget Yangyang’s on the phone with you until he calls for your attention.
“P-promise you won’t make fun of me…” he calls in an insecure tone.
“We promise, prince.” you breathe out as Jungwoo continues to mark up your skin.
The first thing you see is a hand still half-hidden in a sweater sleeve gripping the door frame of his closet. A soft blue sleeve, from what you can see it looks fuzzy and thick, you would think it would keep him warm. That is until he lets his full upper body come into frame. You swear you could die happy seeing him, the sweater is cropped just above his belly button. You can see a blush high on his cheeks, even though his phone is far from where he’s standing he can tell you have his full attention, Jungwoo, not so much. Your husband is still extremely immersed in marking up your skin more than anything else. You smack his shoulder to get him to focus on what’s happening on the screen of his phone. You feel him take in a sharp breath and squeeze your side to try to keep a grip on his sanity.
“Hi pretty, don’t be shy.” you urge him further gently.
He slowly releases the door frame and steps fully into the frame. You stopped breathing for a solid ten seconds seeing him slowly walk forward closer to the camera. He anxiously picked at the edges of his nails waiting for you to react to his appearance. Not only did he have this beautiful baby blue cropped sweater but he also had a white pleated high-waisted skirt paired with a pair of similarly colored thigh highs. You hear Jungwoo whine underneath you, he bucks his up against you trying to get his attention on you. You give him a look that commands his obedience, he still whines again and tugs at the borrowed sweatpants you’re wearing.
“This isn’t about you, is it?” your voice soaked in a dominant tone, “Look how pretty our baby is.” you turn your attention back onto the phone and see Yangyang trying to hide behind his hands again, his lower lip caught between his teeth picking at the skin, “Yangyang, angel, fuck you’re so beautiful.”
He blushes even brighter at your praise, “Thank you, miss, I was really worried you’d hate it.” “I love it, sweetie, how could I not. Right, Jungwoo?” you reassure.
Jungwoo didn’t want to say a word, whenever he was more submissive he wanted all the attention, and he wasn’t getting it right now. He was far from happy about it, you grabbed his chin and forced him to look at the phone and at your shared sub. His eye blow wide looking at the other man and his appearance. He tried to look up at you but you only turn his face to look back at the younger.
“Go on, tell baby how pretty he is.” you urge.
“Yangie you look so so so pretty.” Jungwoo almost whines, “Wish I was that pretty.”
You then pull him to look at you again, you hated it when he spoke so lowly of himself. He knew he shouldn’t have belittled himself to praise Yangyang, he knew he was in for it now.
“Kim Jungwoo, what did you just say?” you quip.
“N-no, I-” he quickly stops himself, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that about myself.” he apologizes.
You hear Yangyang whine on the other end, he still had yet to see Jungwoo subbing for you. Of course, he had seen you both together in front of him, he loved being a voyeur. He just had never seen it like this. You give Jungwoo one more look, much more gentle before turning back to the phone.
“Yangyang, do you want to have a bit of fun with us?” you offer.
“Yes please.” he near-whispers.
“You heard him, baby,” you direct your words at your husband again, “shall we show him how good of a boy you are for me?”
Jungwoo whines again slightly embarrassed to be so submissive in front of someone who has only seen him dominant. You give him a look that conveys a message asking if he was okay with what was happening. Instead of nodding, he launches himself forward and kisses you. He goes to grab at your chest again. Before he can though you grab his wrists and pin them above his head against the wall behind you both. You hear another whine through the receiver of the phone. You turn your head while grinding against Jungwoo at a torturous pace. You see Yangyang palming at his bulge through the skirt, he knew better than to touch directly without your permission. Jungwoo leaves open-mouthed kisses on your neck, not leaving any marks behind this time.
“Pup,” you sigh feeling how hard the other is beneath you, “You can touch, go ahead, I know you want to.”
He shakes his head blushing impossibly redder, “I’m shy.” he mumbles.
“Why prince?” you ask, stopping your ministrations causing Jungwoo to whine again.
“Have another surprise for you guys.” he whispers again.
“Show me baby.” you say pulling slightly away from Jungwoo.
He slowly lifts his skirt up to show the red lace barely holding his member inside it. You let out a shaky breath at the sight, your mind begging you to say something, anything. But you couldn’t form any coherent sentences.
“Beautiful.” you breathe.
“R-really?” he asks hopefully.
“Really, baby, you’re so fucking beautiful.”
Jungwoo was over not getting attention, he bucked his hips up again. You finally give him what he wants and you pull your own pants and underwear down showing him just how wet you were for them. You yank Jungwoo’s shorts down, releasing his member from its fabric prison. You lean down and press soft kisses to his shaft before looking at his phone as you lick a wide stripe up the length of him. You hear Yangyang keen out a high noise, you watch as he dips his hand below the delicate material finally giving himself some relief.
You climb back into your husband’s lap and seat yourself on his member. You let out a quiet whimper as you have him fully inside you. You begin to slowly bounce yourself on his member leaving fleeting kisses on his bare shoulders. You rest your head on his shoulder as you begin to focus more on your movements and on what the younger man was doing. You see him stroking himself in a quick short motion focusing on his tip. You both knew he was much more sensitive there and he was bound to reach his high quicker when he focused on it. He whines loudly watching you bounce more aggressively on Jungwoo’s cock. You feel the heat bubble in your belly, your orgasm slowly growing.
Grabbing Jungwoo’s wrist and guide his fingers to press against your clit. He immediately jumps into action and rubs small circles causing you to let out another moan against his shoulder. Taking your attention off of Yangyang for a moment you turn and capture Jungwoo’s lips in a searing kiss, you swallow his whines as you let your skin clap against his at a fast pace. Your moment is interrupted by Yangyang letting out a loud whimper.
“Gonna cum, let me cum.” he begs.
You pant feeling your own high nearly there, “Go on honey, make a mess for us.”
“Can I too?” Jungwoo whines hopefully.
“No.” you state causing him to whine, “You can’t cum until after we both do.”
Luckily for him, you and Yangyang are both extremely close to your highs. Yangyang finishes first cumming all over his brand new skirt and his stomach. You see the mess he had made of himself and reached your high at the visual. You spasm in Jungwoo’s lap your walls fluttering around him. You dig your nails into his shoulders and suck a mark into his neck trying to keep your volume low. Jungwoo follows suit and fills you with a loud moan falling from his lips. His hands climb their way into your hair, holding it in a tight grip throughout the duration of his orgasm. You feel overstimulation begin as the man beneath you continues to thrust up shallowly finishing out his high.
Yangyang collapsed back on his bed trying to catch his breath from the intense experience he just had. Catching your own breath you look between the two men with loving looks. You place soft fluttering kisses all over Jungwoo’s face, making him smile and hold you closer to him. You then turn to the phone, Jungwoo still inside you, and check on him. You call his name a few times before he turns his head to look at you. His eyes are blown wide with ecstasy, you feel your heart melt at the sight before you begin showering the boy with praise.
You guide him through removing his now ruined clothing and remind him that he should take a bath or shower before falling asleep. Once everything was all taken care of you turn back to Jungwoo who was starting to get even clingier than before. You smile and hum playing with the ends of his hair like you always do after anything with him. Yangyang stays on the phone through his bath making small talk with you after you had both cleaned up too. Both you and Jungwoo are cuddled up in your bed now, you being the big spoon, hold the phone in front of you both so you can both see Yangyang. Everything was peaceful and happy, you just feel bad you couldn’t give him the aftercare he deserved.
“Can I tell you something?” Yangyang asked in a sleepy tone.
“Anything sweetheart.” you hum sleepily as well.
“I really really wish I was there with you both. You guys give me the best cuddles.”
That was the last thing he said before falling asleep. You smile and note that for later. Jungwoo is asleep in your arms snoring softly with each breath he takes. Some part of you feels horrible for feeling the way you do, but you desperately wish Yangyang was there too, he seemed to be a missing puzzle piece to your and Jungwoo’s lives that you didn’t know you were missing until right now.
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You had been on edge all day, you’d been way rougher on your clients than you had in a long time, you snapped at Jungwoo this morning, you had no idea what was wrong with you. You were making dinner, your earbuds tightly fixed in your ears canceling out any and all noise around you. You didn’t realize you were being so aggressive with your stirring until you caused some of the broth to splash over the side of the pot landing on your arm. Luckily there wasn’t any bad damage to your skin, it was just extremely hot. You yelp at the feeling but continue as you were before.
You didn’t even realize Jungwoo was in the room and saw what had just happened. He went into the freezer immediately grabbing a bag of frozen peas from the shelf and placing it on your arm. You look at him but give him no reaction, you try to pull away and try to start stirring again. Jungwoo wraps his frame around your back and takes the large spoon from your hand.
“Baby, take the bag of peas and cool your arm. Let me take over cooking.” he gently speaks.
You huff, breaking yourself from his grasp, and stomp off to sit in your armchair holding the frozen peas against your skin silently bruting still. You feel so overwhelmed with emotion but you refuse to let it affect you. You drop the bag of peas on the floor and pull your knees up to your chest holding them there with your arms crossed over them. It didn’t take much longer for Jungwoo to finish the soup and set the rice with it, he calls you but you don’t respond. You hear his soft footsteps pad towards you and stop behind your chair. He places his hands on your shoulders squeezing them in a comforting manner. You try to shrug him off but he holds true.
“Baby,” he sighs, “please tell me what’s going on. You haven’t been yourself today at all.”
“I’m fine Jungwoo.” you speak shortly, “Let’s just go eat.” you sigh standing up to go to the dining room.
He hates seeing you so upset, he wants to help you, that’s all he wants, but you won’t say a thing. He lets out an exasperated sigh and follows you to the dining table. Dinner was way too silent for Jungwoo’s liking, you continued your silent anger. He thought he would explode if he didn’t hear you talk to him. He stays quiet though and continues to eat. You take your spoon and push your soup away, not particularly wanting to eat at the moment. You do the same with your rice, just pushing it around. You hear your husband let out another sigh from across the table, you glance up at him then back down to your bowl. Jungwoo places his spoon down with a rather loud noise before looking over at you with a fire in his eyes. You look at him again, still void of most emotion too overwhelmed internally. 
“I’ve been nothing but nice to you all day, y/n. Please, I’m just trying to help you. Tell me what’s happening.”
You couldn’t handle it anymore, the floodgates open and you burst into tears. He lets his expression soften and he immediately gets up and walks around the small dining table and gently takes ahold of your hand that was limply resting against the cool wood of the table. He fiddles with your wedding band for a few moments before squeezing your hand in his. You look up at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. You push yourself up and instantly hug him. He doesn’t say a word, he just hugs you back, rubbing a soothing hand against your spine. You cry against his chest for a few more minutes, neither of you says a word, he just holds you there by the dining table helping you calm down. He rocks you back and forth in your place helping you calm down further.
“You can tell me anything, you know that right?” he whispers against your hair, “I’m your husband, I’ll love you no matter what you could say to me. I always have and I always will. Nothing you could ever say would make me leave you. I love you to the ends of the earth.”
You nod against his chest and let out a shaky sigh. He pulls away from the hug slightly and looks into your eyes with so much concern and love. He gently takes your hand again and guides you to the living room and sits you down on the couch beside him. You take a deep breath finally debating whether or not to tell him what was happening. He said before that he was going to love you no matter what but what if he still freaks out about what you need to tell him, what if he does end up wanting to leave you because of what you’ve been feeling. In the end, though, you decided it’s better just to tell him and deal with the aftermath later. You let out another shaky sigh before letting all your worries come off your chest.
“I- I just really like Yangyang, okay?” you say looking into his eyes with a worried look.
“I’ve known that love.” he smiles, “Why were you so worried to tell me that?”
“You don’t understand, I really like him. Like, as much as I love you. I know you said you weren’t threatened by him, and I told you before all of this that I felt a pull towards him. But I still feel so fucking guilty for liking him.”
He takes your hand back in his and holds it tightly, “My love, it’s okay. I’ve known you like him. I see the way you look at him, the way you care for him. You don’t do that for any of your other clients, it’s only like that for him, and for me when I sub for you. But even outside the sexual stuff, you and I both talk to him on a daily basis now. I totally get the romantic feeling developing for him. Like I’ve told you, I am not by any means threatened by him or your affection towards him. If you like him romantically that’s completely fine. I support you no matter what you want to do.”
You start to cry again so overwhelmed with emotion, you didn’t know how he would react but now you know how much he really loves you. He pulls you into a hug doing his best to console you through the shock of emotions. He continues to rub your back in comforting circles, gently hushing you to aid you further. When you wrap your arms around him he lets out a sigh of relief, he still didn’t know how you wanted to approach the situation but he knew that you love him and that’s all he needed to worry about. You both stay that way, holding each other, you aren’t sure how much time passed, it could have been seconds or hours, it didn’t matter though. Getting that weight off your chest was what you needed and you felt so much lighter now.
“Do you want to tell him?” Jungwoo gently hums.
You shake your head against his shoulder, “Not yet, I need to face myself and think about what I want from my feelings. Don’t worry though, you’re the love of my life, nothing will ever change that.” you reassure him.
He presses small kisses on the top of your head before speaking again, “Just don’t hide things from me, I’m here for you no matter how big or small the issue is that you’re facing. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. Right, that’s what we’ve promised each other for the past two years, and I plan on keeping that promise to the day we die.”
“I do too, Jungwoo. I always will.”
You slide into his lap just wanting to be closer to him, he lets his hand fall to your hip and continues rubbing comforting circles with his thumb against your skin. You stay like that again for a much longer time, his head rests against your chest as he listens to your heartbeat. You move your hand to gently massage his scalp, his dark roots starting to show against the white blonde of the rest of his hair. No matter what he could look like, no matter how he changes his look up, you’ll always find him the most handsome person in the world, the one you love through every situation you could ever face. He continues to lowly say sweet nothings to you, his breath hitting gently against the skin of your clavicle. You let your breaths even out as you finally feel at peace for the most part.
Again your moment was interrupted though, a gentle knock sounded at the front door. You let a gentle sigh out before pushing yourself off your husband’s lap. You gently pad across the room and unlock the door and pull it open. The moment you do the person on the other side runs into you and hugs you tightly, you are beyond shocked at what’s happening. You look at Jungwoo who mouths to you that it’s Yangyang as if you didn’t already know. You wrap your arms around him, his face is hidden in the crook of your shoulder, despite him being taller than you he feels small in your arms. You hear him sniffle softly and you pet his hair trying to soothe the younger.
“Hi honey, I didn’t know that you’d be coming today. We just had dinner, well Jungwoo had dinner, I didn’t eat much. I can warm some more soup if you’d like.” you offer.
He nods against your neck, you let him go and whisper to him that Jungwoo can comfort him while you cook. He meekly shuffles his way to the couch where Jungwoo was still seated, he sits beside the older and tucks himself against him. Jungwoo wraps his arm around Yangyang’s shoulder and rubs his arm knowing it would comfort the boy.
Neither of you knows what’s wrong but your priority right now is to take care of him. You absentmindedly stir the pot of soup that was still resting on the stove from earlier that night, you had taken your bowl back with you and stuck it in the microwave to reheat while you warmed the rest on the stove for Yangyang. Your mind ran a mile a minute trying to fathom what could possibly be going on that he came straight to your home and into your arms. Of course, the worst-case scenarios filled your mind. They were quickly stopped though as you hear the younger male giggling in the living room, Jungwoo had a particular talent to calm people down quickly and almost instantaneously cheer them up again. He’s used that gift to help you on way more than one occasion.
Hearing their laughter calmed you slightly, but you knew it must be a big underlying issue if he nearly burst into tears the moment you opened the door and he hugged you. By the time you finish reheating the soup the laughter in the living room had died down. Before you even put the soup in a bowl for him, you decide to check on them first. What you found was not what you had been expecting at all, both boys laying on the couch, Jungwoo on top of Yangyang. Yangyang was breathing rather heavily while Jungwoo attached himself to the boy’s neck. Jungwoo had never really acted upon any clients like this before, marking them, neither of you missed clients, you knew Yangyang was different from the others though. Still, here he is marking up the younger’s neck the same way he does to yours.
You and Yangyang make eye contact, you gesture for him to not let the older know you’re there. Jungwoo finds a particular spot on the sub’s neck causing him to let out a high whimper, his hips buck up against your husband’s. The movement effectively got their clothed erections to grind against each other, the feeling made Jungwoo let out a shaky breath that bordered a moan. You hadn’t expected the evening to turn this way at all but you weren’t complaining one bit about it. It was rare that you got to see the two of them together without your direct involvement. You watch as Jungwoo’s hand snakes between them and into Yangyang’s sweatpants, the younger let out a loud moan at the direct contact.
“Hush, prince, we don’t want Mommy to catch us now, do we?” he mumbles against his lips.
“No, Daddy, don’t wanna be caught.” he whines back even though he knows you’re right there.
“That’s a good boy, do you want to do me a favor?” he asks as he grinds down against the younger.
“Yes.” Yangyang breathes out trying his best to keep his volume low.
“On your knees, right in front of me.” he demands with a slight growl.
It didn’t take long for the younger to be kneeling facing the couch, Jungwoo still didn’t account for your presence. He was way too in the moment for him to notice you yet. He pulls his own sweatpants down, you watch as Yangyang lets his mouth fall open, already knowing what the older was going to ask him for. Jungwoo’s lips display a cocky smirk as he guides Yangyang to take him in his mouth but the back of his head. This was a sight you’ve never seen, but god did you want to see more of it. Jungwoo throws his head back as Yangyang takes him in whole, only then did he see you resting in the doorway, he motions for you to come towards the two of them without Yangyang’s knowledge.
“Baby boy, how long did you know Mommy was standing there?” he questions in a deep breathy voice.
Yangyang pulls off the older, licking long stripes against him instead, “Since you had me laying down, giving me all these pretty marks.” he admits before sucking the older back in.
Jungwoo lets out a moan louder than any other you’d heard this night, “Why didn’t you say anything pup?”
“I told him not to.” you interject, kneeling beside the other male.
You grab a handful of Yangyang’s hair effectively pulling him off Jungwoo’s member, you bring his mouth to yours in an immediately heated open-mouthed kiss. Jungwoo lets out a cocky laugh seeing how pliant Yangyang is for both of you. The younger man lets whimpers escape from his lips which are immediately swallowed by you. You feel your husband reach down and wrap his fingers around your wrist, he guides you to his neglected member and you instantly know what he wants.
You steadily jerk him off while you make out with Yangyang, low groans escape his lips as he watches the scene in front of him. You take your free hand and bury it in Yangyang’s dark locks again and pull his lips from yours, not far though, close enough that you can feel his breath hitting your wet lips. You guide him back towards Jungwoo’s cock and join him there, both of you leaving open-mouthed kisses along his shaft. You take his tip into your mouth as Yangyang continues to focus on licking up and down his shaft. Eventually, Yangyang kisses his way up Jungwoo’s member to meet your lips at the tip. You both lick over the sensitive head, your tongues meeting each other every so often.
Jungwoo lets out a breathy moan seeing and feeling you share him like you are. It doesn’t take long for your husband to feel his high impending, he takes fist fulls of both of your hair trying to get even more attention on his member. Just as he lets out a shaky breath he interrupts himself with a moan. His cum leaks down his cock, you and Yangyang do your best to not let a single drop go to waste. When Jungwoo does let go of your hair and Yangyang’s, Yangyang immediately takes notice of the little bit of cum resting on the corner of your mouth. Without a second thought, his lips are back on yours licking the little bit you missed, you climb into his lap and immediately begin grinding yourself against his still clothed member.
“Please,” he whines against your lips.
“Please, what angel?” you hum continuing your ministrations.
“Make me cum, want it so bad Mommy. Daddy got to cum, can’t I? I was so good.” he begs, holding your hips tightly in his grasp.
You chuckle sadistically and grind your hips harder and faster against him. You latch onto his neck and give him marks to match the ones that Jungwoo had given him earlier. The moment you pull away Yangyang buries his face in your neck, mouthing at the skin there. He doesn’t want to risk giving you marks without your permission first. Jungwoo has since tucked himself back into his sweatpants and leaned down to whisper against Yangyang’s ear.
“It’s okay prince. Go ahead, you can give her some hickeys.” he soothes, “She loves it so much when I do it, let’s see how much she loves it from you?”
That was all the permission he needed, he lets his teeth graze against your neck to test the waters, you let out a gentle whimper at the sensation. Yangyang sucks a bit of your flesh between his lips creating a soft red mark in his wake. He begins to litter the skin of your neck with marks of different shades of red and purple. You grind against him mercilessly, you hear his whimpers muffle against your skin, they steadily get higher in pitch. A telltale sign that he’s close. Before you can even think of torturing the younger anymore he twitches beneath you and lets out a strangled moan against your neck.
“You okay baby?” you ask breathlessly.
“Came.” he whines, “I came in my pants.” you can almost hear the blush in his voice.
“How cute, did it feel too good baby?” he nods at your words.
You guide him to unbury his head from your neck and you both look to Jungwoo who was contently watching you both. Yangyang blushes, even more, when he makes eye contact with the older. Jungwoo gestures for you to get off of Yangyang’s lap, you do so immediately. After you had moved to be seated beside him, Jungwoo rises from his seat on the couch and squats down to your level, he holds Yangyang’s chin guiding him to revive their eye contact. He gives him a gentle look before bringing him into a soft and loving kiss.
Yangyang lets out a sigh, which seems to be in relief, and kisses the older man back. Jungwoo guides him to stand again, Yangyang squirms at the feeling of his cum pressed against his skin by the fabric. He whispers against his lips before offering a hand out to you to help you up from the floor. He takes you both upstairs to your room helping you both change into his clothes knowing how much you love it, and simply by the fact that he knows Yangyang doesn’t want to stay in cum soaked pants. Jungwoo takes care of you both and cleans both of your bodies where needed knowing neither of you was really up for a full shower right this moment. You climb into your shared bed with Jungwoo and take Yangyang with you, both of you instantly curl up together happily.
You hum to yourself and you play with strands of Yangyang’s hair, you watch as Jungwoo gets the last thing for the movie prepped before joining you in bed. He slides under the blankets on the other side of Yangyang happily trapping him between you both. The younger was in a state between asleep and awake, just barely coherent enough to still hold a conversation as the movie progressed. Jungwoo twiddled with Yangyang’s fingers absentmindedly as he tries to focus on the movie, you still play with the strands of hair focusing more on him than the movie.
“I can tell you anything right?” he mumbles.
“We’ve been over this before sweetheart, tell us absolutely anything.” you encourage gently.
“I really like you guys. Like I think I might love you.” he admits, “I know you’re married so there’s absolutely no chance for me at all. And it’s probably weird that I want to date you both,” he sits up trying to get out of bed, “so I’ll leave, I won’t be in your lives anymore.” he begins to cry, “I- I’m just happy I got to know you guys for a short while of my life.” he wiggles his way out of the bed and starts for the door.
“Baby, baby,” Jungwoo calls after him, quickly running to grab him before he can make it down the hallway, “I love you too.”
“W-what? You’re married, your wife is sitting right there! You can’t love me! That’s cheating!” he cries trying to break free from Jungwoo’s grasp.
“Yangyang, I- do you know what we are? Do you realize what we’ve been doing for the past few months?” he sputtered out.
“You’ve been teaching me? That’s what we’ve been doing for the past few months.” Yangyang says back no longer trying to pull his arm back.
“So me fucking you was teaching? What did we tell you the first time we met you? We don’t fuck our clients.” he explains, “Do you understand now?”
“What? I know you don’t fuck your clients, we knew I wasn’t a normal client but I can’t be anything more than that.”
“We don’t fuck our clients, Yangyang, do you understand?” Jungwoo says softly lessening his grip on the younger.
“Yeah, I know that.”
Jungwoo sighs slightly frustrated, “You’re getting special treatment, Yangyang, don’t you realize that?”
You had had enough of Jungwoo dancing around the topic, you approach the two of them and take Yangyang’s hand in yours gently. He moves his eyes from Jungwoo down to you, confusion still filling his eyes. You sigh looking up into Jungwoo’s eyes before looking back to Yangyang. You run your thumb comfortingly along his knuckles before speaking.
“Yangyang, sweetie, we’re poly. We both love you with our whole hearts.” “W-what? You mean, I don’t have to feel guilty about liking you guys?” he asks hopefully.
“You don’t have to feel guilty at all prince.” you reassure, “I actually just found out how Jungwoo felt about you, he knew I liked you, he didn’t admit it until he told you though.” you explain while teasingly nudging your husband.
“That’s like the pot calling the kettle black.” he teases back, “I didn’t know you liked him until earlier tonight. Literally right before he got here.”
Yangyang giggles at the interaction between you two before pulling both of you towards him and into a tight hug, “I love you both too.” he smiles holding you as close as he could.
“Do you want to make this work?” you ask, your voice muffled in their chests.
“Of course I do!” the younger beams.
“You honey?” you direct your question to Jungwoo.
“Is that even a question? Of course, I do, I just confessed my love for him. Why wouldn’t I?”
You feel Yangyang pull you both impossibly closer to him and let a happy noise. You wiggle enough to get your face unburied from their chests and look up at them, you see Yangyang with a wide smile on his face as he giggles feeling Jungwoo place small sweet kisses all over the younger’s face. The moment he sees you looking up at them he drops his face down to kiss you as well, soon enough Yangyang catches on as well both of them now giving you their full attention. You were right, he was the last puzzle piece you needed in your life, and you knew Jungwoo would agree.
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You had no idea where he was. No call, no text, nothing. It was a Friday night and he promised he’d be home to have dinner and watch a movie with you both. You tried being rational and shooting him a text hoping he just forgot and would answer you soon, when he didn’t answer you tried to call him still no answer. Jungwoo was anxiously pacing around the living room going down a spiral of ‘what ifs’ he was absolutely terrified something happened to your shared boyfriend. You rise from your seat on the couch and walk over to where Jungwoo was pacing. You stand directly in front of him and hug him in an attempt to calm him down. He lets out a long sigh melting into your hug realizing that he was panicking more than he would like to admit.
“He’s probably fine dear, I’ll try to text him again and if he doesn’t answer then we can think of a new way to find him, okay?” you take your phone out and send him another text.
He nods against the top of your head, “Okay, I’m so worried, he normally tells you or me when he can’t make it or if he’s gonna be late. I know he might forget with all of his classes going on right now but I’m scared he’s hurt.”
“I know. I am too but we can’t be pessimistic, it won’t help anything.”
You stand there waiting for Yangyang to respond to you, you keep yourself tucked in Jungwoo’s arms helping keep you both calm for the moment. He gently sways you both back and forth as you hear his heart rate slow and you feel your own calm as well. That’s when a brilliant idea hits you.
“Woo, you remember Renjun?” you question.
“Yeah, he’s Yangyang’s best friend, why?” he asks back.
“I have his number, I can call him and ask if he knows where Yangie is.” you enthuse.
Renjun was the only one of Yangyang’s friends you truly knew, and the only one who knew the true nature of your relationship with him. He turned out to be just like your younger partner, fiery and energetic. Often times, if he wasn’t with you or at a class, he was with Renjun, it made perfect sense that he might know where the younger is. You quickly find his number in your contacts and call him. You worry at your lower lip waiting for him to pick up the phone. Luckily it doesn’t take long, but the moment you hear his end of the call it was nearly deafening.
“One second let me get outside!” he yells through the phone trying to talk over all the noise, “Okay, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” 
“Have you seen Yangyang? He was supposed to come over tonight and he hasn’t answered me or Jungwoo for hours. We’re just really worried about him.”
“Uh, yeah, he’s right next to me.” you hear him awkwardly giggle.
“What?” you nearly deadpan, “Put him on the phone, now.”
“Someone’s in trouble.” you hear Renjun tease before Yangyang was on the other end.
“H-hi” he says knowing he’s in for at least an ear-full.
Jungwoo takes the phone from your hand, his eyes full of anger, “Address.”
“Huh?” Yangyang responds.
“Send me the address now, I’m picking you up from that damn party.”
“Is y/n coming too?” he asks nervously.
“Yes. You better be ready to get in the car when we get there, we aren’t afraid to walk in there and get you.”
You climb into the car after Jungwoo hangs up on the phone, you can tell he’s still mad that Yangyang hadn’t communicated with you both. That was a critical part of having this relationship work and Yangyang failed to keep that in mind before running off to a frat party. You had offered to drive not wanting Jungwoo to drive while so angry but there was no point in trying to talk him down from driving himself. Most of the ride was silent, only the low hum of the radio keeping things from being dead silent. You slowly reach over and place your hand on his thigh, he lets out a huff of air before stealing a glance from you. He knew you were still worried about everything. But right now it was mostly at the level of anger that radiated off of your husband. He assured you he was fine though, he just wished that Yangyang had communicated with you better.
Arriving at the house, you obviously were on the receiving end of some stares. You were two random people showing up at a frat party with seemingly no explanation. When neither of you see Yangyang waiting outside in the yard like you had expected there was no choice but to go find him in the house or backyard. You are the first to step out and a few of the boys quickly start checking you out, you roll your eyes remembering how ridiculously horny some college kids can be. Jungwoo quickly notices their stares and pulls you close to him by your hip. You approach the door ready to walk in when who you assume to be one of the hosts stops you.
“Woah, who said you can just show up to a party with no invite.” he drunkenly slurs.
“We’re just here to pick someone up, we’ll be in and out.” Jungwoo tries to explain.
“Yeah, they all say that get lost.” the boy scoffs.
You lean towards Jungwoo, “Trust me, I’ll get us in to get him.”
Jungwoo nods and lets you take over. You put on your best pouty face and get close to the college boy. You talk to him in a sweet high voice knowing it’s almost every young 20 something male’s weak spot. Jungwoo watches in amazement as the younger man grows a dopey smile on his face and lets you both pass by him. You take Jungwoo’s hand and pull him into the house. You turn back to him seeing his awestruck face and giggle at him.
“Did you forget that I’d get into parties all the time when I was in college, and it wasn’t that long ago. Only like two years.” you tease over the booming music.
He can’t find the words to respond and instead sets out to look for any sight of Yangyang or Renjun in the crowd of sweaty people dancing. You were lucky that your husband is a giant, otherwise, you know you’d be trying to weave between people much taller than you and probably get swallowed into the crowd. He keeps a tight grip on your waist as he tries to search through the room from the edge of the room, he knew some drunk frat boys would be on the prowl and you both still looked like college kids, after all, someone was bound to hit on you and he knew it. You did your best to help him look as well, you could only do so much when you were shorter than most of the people here.
You tug at Jungwoo’s shirt trying to tell him you wanted to step outside for air and to look for your boyfriend there. He almost instantly gets your silent message and guides you outside. You let out a sigh finally getting some fresh air in your lungs. Jungwoo lets you go for a moment to fan his face not realizing how hot it was in the house. You then feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind, a pair that didn’t belong to Jungwoo who was standing beside you. You jump and gasp at the feeling, you look up at Jungwoo who looks like he’s about to punch someone. Then you hear a small voice in the crook of your neck.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t out front.” you hear Yangyang mumble against your skin.
Jungwoo instantly calms when he sees that is your boyfriend, “Come on you two we need to go home and have a chat.” he speaks calmly.
You turn in Yangyang’s arms and hug him back, you raise your head to see Renjun a few feet away and you mouth a ‘thank you’ to him before burying your face into Yangyang’s shoulder. You know he’s worried about what’s to come but your embrace calms him and you notice that Jungwoo slides his hand across your hair and onto Yangyang’s shoulder ready to guide you both back to his car.
You opt to sit in the back seat with Yangyang to help him not to overthink on the way home. He plays with your fingertips while awkwardly resting against you. This time the drive was a bit more pleasant, Jungwoo was making small talk to keep the atmosphere light and you held Yangyang close to you just happy to have him back with you both. 
Not before long you were back home and making your way to your favorite couch to cuddle on after a meal. Of course this time it wasn’t the time to cuddle, you all knew that you needed to discuss everything that happened this evening. The moment you sit down you find Yangyang clung to your side trying to hide his face in the crook of your neck. You giggle softly at his clingy behavior, you look over to see Jungwoo taking a seat on the other side of Yangyang. He hums happily at the sight in front of him before speaking up.
“Baby,” he speaks softly, “can you look at me?”
You feel Yangyang nod and unbury his face, “I’m sorry.” he starts, “I really really meant to tell you guys that Jun dragged me out to that party but it completely slipped my mind. Then you started texting me and calling me and I thought you would be mad at me for not showing up tonight.”
“Sweetie, why would we be mad about you forgetting something? We were just worried about you.” you explain, pulling him closer to your body placing small kisses on the top of his head.
“I don’t know I just panicked I guess.” he mumbles slightly embarrassed.
Before you can even process what’s happening Yangyang was no longer in your arms. Jungwoo had grabbed him and hugged him close. You faintly hear Yangyang breathing unevenly into Jungwoo’s chest as the older hushes him and pets his hair helping calm him back down.
“We could never be mad at you angel, we just wanted to make sure you were safe. You just need to communicate with us what’s happening. We aren’t at all trying to control what you want to do. You’re your own person, we don’t own you. We just worry about you a lot, you are our boyfriend after all.” he airily chuckles
“I’m still sorry though.” the younger sniffles.
You slide closer to the two men and hug Yangyang from behind resting your head against his shoulder blade, you rub a hand against his spine and you feel him shiver at the feeling. You can feel his breathing slowly even out finally at peace between you both. You lift your head off his back and look up at Jungwoo, he looks so much calmer compared to earlier. He worried too much, you both knew it. He just looked so happy holding the younger male in his arms, just as happy as he looked when he held you. You sit back up straight still rubbing Yangyang’s back as you exchange silent words with Jungwoo through your eyes.
“Sweetheart,” Jungwoo sighs in his baritone voice, “I have a little bit of paperwork to handle, why don’t you and y/n head upstairs and choose a movie. I’ll join you guys when I’m done, okay?”
“Okay, don’t take too long please.” he begs with his eyes. 
“I promise baby.” Jungwoo smiles fondly at him, “Go on, I’m sure you can cope with just y/n for now.” he giggles.
You wrap your arms around his waist from behind resting your chin on his shoulder just wanting to be close to him, “Come on, you can choose the movie.” you whisper against his neck.
Jungwoo gives each of you a kiss before retreating into the dining room where the paperwork rested. You gently pinch at Yangyang’s side as he began to pout causing him to turn around in your arms and hug you back. He reburied his face in your neck and whined trying to get closer to you even if it wasn’t physically possible. You smile loving having him with you when you feel him shift to climb into your lap you only feel your smile widen and your arms hold him tighter. You stay like that for a while just enjoying each other’s presence until you pat his side prompting him to get up.
“We’ll be much more comfortable in bed silly, come on.” you smile reaching for his hand.
The moment you lay in bed, your upper half resting against your headboard, he’s on top of you cuddling as closely as he can. You again laugh at his cute antics before stretching to reach the remote to your tv. You knew he had no interest in actually watching a movie, he just wanted to cuddle you, so you chose the first random movie when you opened up Netflix. He lets out a whine when he realized your full attention wasn’t on him. You place the remote down and start to run your fingers through his hair, he lets out a content sigh at the feeling. You end up actually watching the movie, even if Yangyang is buried in your neck completely lost in cuddling you. You don’t even notice when he began placing small kisses into the skin of your neck. You only begin to notice when he would randomly nip at the skin knowing it would catch your attention.
“Baby?” you question, “What are you up to?”
“Nothing.” he mumbles against your skin before placing more kisses.
You chuckle, “Baby, if you want something just say so, you know I’d give you anything.”
“Love me, please?” he whines again.
“Aren’t I loving you now baby? We’re cuddling.” you instigate.
He lets out another whiney breath and subtly grinds against you. You drop your hands down to his waist and hold him still, he releases himself from your neck to look at you with pouty lips and eyes. You just smile at him sweetly knowing it would only get him more worked up. He attempts to move his hips again to get your attention where he wants it, you don’t cave though, you squeeze his waist gently and lean up to kiss him softly. He sighs into the feeling of your lips against his and tries to chase your lips as you pull away from him. He was just too adorable for you to deny anything for too long, you place more soft kisses against his lip and each time he tried to keep you there.
“Don’t you want to watch the movie prince?” you ask almost innocently.
“No.” he quickly shakes his head, “Want to-” he cuts himself off with a blush, “Want you.” he pleas.
“Oh? Do you?” you act shocked.
He whimpers at the attention and lets his hand fall down to your chest gently playing with your breasts. You smirk at his forwardness but don’t stop him. He was slightly shocked by you letting him do as he pleased, you normally don’t roll that way, that doesn’t stop him though. You let your grip on his waist loosen and slowly shift to hold onto his ass, you guide him to start moving against you again. He gasps at the sudden friction but soon accommodates for that too and continues to play with your chest as he moves against you. You just watch as your pretty baby does his best to please himself while also attempting to please you as well.
“Look at you baby, remember how innocent you were when we first met? Hmm?” you question condescendingly.
He doesn’t respond, he just moves his hips faster trying to chase the feeling he’s experiencing. You let out a sadistic chuckle and smirk seeing him so focused on what he’s feeling, you let your hand come down against his ass. You revel in the sound that he lets out, somewhere between a cry and a moan, and it’s music to your ears. He drops his head down against your forehead and continues to let out breathy moans just wanting to reach his high.
“Prince, don’t you want more? Just ask and you know I’ll give it to you.”
“Please,” he cries out, “let me be inside you. Promise I’ll be good, I’ll make you feel good.”
Your heart practically melts hearing him beg in such a sweet voice, “Help me undress baby, I’ll help you too, okay?”
He frantically nods and immediately grasps at your shirt pulling it over your head, he doesn’t even think twice before covering your chest in kisses not forgetting to leave marks behind wherever he felt like it. You chuckle at him again reaching behind your back to undo your bra, letting it fall away from your body. Again without fully processing anything, he takes your nipple into his mouth sucking gently at it while rolling the other between his fingers.
He looks up at you with seemingly innocent eyes despite his actions. You reach for the fabric of his shirt and pull it up his back, when he refuses to detach himself from your body, you take a handful of his hair with your free hand causing him to let out another noise of pleasure. You pull his shirt the rest of the way and take in his beautiful body for a moment, he squirms feeling your eyes on him. You grab him by the back of his neck and drag his lips back against yours. Slowly you slide your bodies to be laying flat against the bed as you make out giving him a better angle to grind against you. One hand snakes down his naked torso and into his joggers finally giving him the contact he craved, he bucks into your touch as you gently stroke him. Large beads of precum leak from his tip giving away how desperate he was as if it wasn’t already obvious.
“Please, more, anything.” he breathes between kisses.
“Well baby, help me finish undressing, and then you can have exactly what you want.” you smile.
He doesn’t waste a second sitting back on his ankles, his member just barely peeking out from the waistband of his joggers. His hands grab at your shorts and pulls them down your legs and off your body followed by your underwear. He leans down and presses kisses up your leg in a delicate manner dead set on pleasing you. You briefly catch sight of him grinding against the mattress before his lips meet your core. You let out a moan as he focuses on your clit, your hand reaches into his hair again gasping it as praise. You weren’t expecting him to be patient enough to give you such attention, you expected him to immediately strip himself after and be inside you. You aren’t complaining one bit. Although you do come back to earth for a moment and see him moving against the mattress desperate for his own pleasure.
“Prince, let me help you.” you breathe out.
He breaks from his focus on you and makes eye contact processing the information slowly. You give him a fond look before sitting up and leaning towards him. He follows your lead and leans back causing him to lay back on the bed, his head by the foot of the bed. He looks almost helpless under you as you pull his remaining clothes off his body. You position yourself above his leaking member and tease him for a moment rubbing his tip through your folds.
“Did you want something cutie?” you ask as if you didn’t already know.
“Please let me be inside, I’ll do anything.” he begs again.
“Oh, prince,” you lean forward placing your free hand against his cheekbone gently stroking it, “I think you’ve waited long enough, haven't you?”
Before you can even let him respond you sink yourself onto him fully taking him inside you. He lets out a cry-like moan finally feeling what he’s been wanting to. You immediately set a moderate pace both of you lost in pleasure, you’re almost positive Jungwoo can hear you both but you couldn’t care less. You’re pretty sure he knew what he was doing when he sent you both up here alone. You let your body weight fall forward onto Yangyang still thrusting down against him. His arms wrap around your middle and his face is back in the crook of your neck where it always seems to be. You’re so focused on your rhythmic motion that you hardly register him calling out to you.
“C-can I be on top?” he asks almost unsure.
You don’t say a word, you grab his shoulders and pull him up still keeping him inside you. The moment your back hits the soft mattress again he’s thrusting into you as if it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. You lose yourself to the pleasure and you know he is too. You grip at his shoulders still knowing there would be marks left after everything. Unable to contain yourself any longer you attach your lips to his neck leaving marks in your wake. He was weak for you and everything you did to him. He lets out more sounds of pleasure as he feels your walls tighten around him in response to his noises. Your nails continue to leave red trails behind as you grip onto him as if trying to hold onto one last thread of sanity. Soon he warns you that he might not last much longer, you happily give him permission to cum, you’re just as close as he is. Just after he releases inside you and still continues his motion helping you ride out your own high. The moment you both come back down from the heavenly feeling you hear a knock at the door.
“Sweethearts? Can I come in?” you hear your husband call from the other side.
“Yeah,” you call back. “Could you actually grab a damp rag before you come in though?” you ask with a slight giggle.
A few minutes later Jungwoo walks through the door and sees the both of you happily cuddling actually watching a movie this time. He shakes his head as if in disbelief at how shameless you both are. You acknowledge his presence and reach out for him with grabby hands. A smile graces his lips and makes his way towards you. He gently moves you to help you clean up the aftermath, it’s moments like this where you’re extremely grateful he doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body, at least when it comes to Yangyang. Because if he did, you knew you’d be absolutely wrecked by him right in front of the younger.
He eventually finds a space between you and Yangyang and cuddles you both, both of you on his sides tucked under his arms. Within ten minutes both you and Yangyang were sound asleep. He knew you were both bound to fall asleep and he didn’t care one bit, he was just happy to have both of his babies with him safe and sound. Everything was complete with the three of you together.
“I love you both more than anything else I could ever have in this life or any other.” he mumbles softly before succumbing to sleep himself.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Silent Treatment ~ OT7 [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: ot7 x reader
GENRE: ot7, non! Idol, family relationship, smut, oral f recieving, female appreciation, we’re sorry sex,
A/N: I’m still not 100% there with ot7 smut, I am trying though so I hope that this is okay for you! I didn’t add too much smut as you only said a little. I hope you like it!
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If someone had told you that you would be in a happy relationship with seven men, you never would have believed them. You never took yourself as someone who would be into polyamorous relationships but when you met the boys it all changed. They were kind, sweet, caring and they all loved you equally so it was no wonder you fell hard for them. Eventually moving into a huge home together and having a child. The only difficult part about that was explaining to your daughter’s teachers that she had different people going to pick her up from school. The dirty looks you would get from other people who thought your business was automatically their business when it had absolutely nothing to do with them.
“Mummy!” You snapped out of your daydream when you heard the familiar cry of your daughter’s voice. The more she grew older the more she began to look like you. Which you were thankful for. Neither you nor the boys knew which of them was the father, none of you wanted to know either. Collectively she was your child and that was the only thing that mattered.
“Hey sweetie, how was your day?” You questioned as you bent down to pick her up, placing her onto your hip as she began to list off everything she had been doing in class that day. You couldn’t believe she was almost seven years old, time flew by so quickly with her. 
“We did maths! I learnt how to multiply up to 10 today.” You giggled as you began heading back to the family car. It was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn picking her up today but it turned out he was busy and stuck at work. No big deal, you were mostly a stay-at-home mum and wife anyway since seven of them earnt far more than you knew what to do with.
“Are my dad’s at home?” A filthy look flew in your direction from the woman in the car beside your car. You weren’t stupid. You knew how everyone felt about your relationship with her fathers. Even the teachers in the school weren't best pleased that your daughter understood that she had more than one father. They expressed that they would rather have her know them as her uncles but who were they to tell you how to raise your daughter?
“Daddy Namjoon and Jungkook are but they’re a little busy, sweetie.” You strapped her into the back of your car, taking her book bag from her to check if she had homework to do. 
Normally it was Namjoon’s job to help with the homework, something you were trying to make happen so she knew it was okay as she grew older but not tonight. Tonight he and Jungkook were making renovations on the house so it was going to be you that helped her out.
“Okay, I’ll ask daddy Hoseok to teach me some dance moves when he comes home. We have an end of the year dance coming up and I want to ask Jaylyn and Katie to go with me.” You smiled weakly at her. The boys were all busy with their own things tonight but you nodded along, not wanting to upset her too much before you got home for the night. 
“Shall we put on some music or would you like to keep telling me about the dance?” You looked in the mirror at your daughter who pointed to the radio. One of her favourite things to do was listen to music. Something she had gotten from Yoongi. He was a radio jingle maker/ producer on the side which meant he was almost always busy with work. 
“Maybe we’ll hear daddy Yoongi’s radio jingle,” You told her with a laugh as you turned up the radio and began your drive home for the night. 
Your daughter had something from each of the boys, Yoongi’s love for music, Hoseok passion for dancing. Namjoon’s brain, Jungkook’s ability to be good at literally everything that she set her mind at. Jimin’s duality, Taehyung’s art skills and she took after Jin with her loud rambling in Korean. There was so much of them in her it was hard to believe she was only one of their children.
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Once your daughter had finished her homework you allowed her to go and play while you cleaned up the house. It seemed that no matter how much you tidied up it would end up a total mess again. Clothes were strewn about on the top floor where everyone would come home and dump everything they had on. Shoes were piled up at the bottom of the stairs in front of the front door. Somewhat of a safety hazard. The floors seemed to always get dirty no matter how many times a day you cleaned them.
“What do you have planned for dinner?” Was the first question that flew from Jimin’s mouth once he entered the house. Shoes on messing up your freshly moped floors. Staring at him you almost wanted to slap him with the wet part of the mop.
“Jimin! I just moped!” You called out as you sat him leaving dirty shoe prints all over the place, seeming to have no care in the world as he made his way into the kitchen and heading into the pantry.
“Relax. It’s just a bit of mud.” He grumbled as he continued to go through the cupboards for snacks. Dropping different packets onto the floor that he didn't bother to pick up once he came out with what he wanted. 
“What did you say you had planned?” He questioned when you began cleaning up the mess he left and then began putting everything you had been using away.
“I didn’t, I don’t have anything planned.” You grumbled as you put the cleaning products away into the kitchen cupboards. Standing back up and looking over at Jimin who shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing planned?” Jungkook’s voice chimed in as he heard you speaking. By now all of the boys were home and expecting something to eat as if you were the only one that knew how to use the oven. 
“Yes, nothing planned because guess what? I’m not the only one that knows how to cook.” You snapped as you glanced at each of their faces. You hadn't meant to snap as nastily as you did but it was getting to be exhausting being the only one that cooked and cleaned everything in the home.
“You’re the only one that has nothing to do all day. You've done nothing, the least you could have done was made dinner,” As soon as the words left Jungkooks lips the air seemed to turn cold and thin. Everyone turned to stare at him as you scoffed at the statement. The only reason you didn't work was that they had convinced you that they earnt enough, there was no need to work because who would look after your daughter all day.
“I did nothing all day?” Your hand rested on your hip as you tilted your head to the side. The boys said nothing leaving Jungkook to dig himself a bigger grave.
“I didn’t mean-”
“I do nothing? So I don’t clean all day, make breakfast and lunch for you, or take our daughter to school..." Jungkook turned pale as he realised how angry he had made you. 
"I don't pick her up even though it’s everyone else's turn. I don’t do the laundry, make sure the studies are clean or go food shopping, parent and teacher meetings?” Jungkook was taken back by everything he realised you did. He had no idea that you did so much leaving them to get on with whatever they wanted to do. 
“Y/n you’re being dramatic,” Taehyung mumbled as he shook his head, to him this was all easy work. Nothing about what you had said seemed as tiring as you were making it out to be,
“You know what...I don’t even have the energy for this,” You began making your way to the door when you heard Yoongi speak out this time,
“It's not like you work a full-time job, we would help but we work more than you do.” There it was. The "you don't work but we do" line. Something you had been anticipating since the moment they told you that you didn't have to work. Looking at each of their faces you knew from the moment you saw them they agreed with Yoongi.
“So you think being a mother isn’t a full-time job? That everything I do around the house is easy? Oh, please I would love to see you fucking try it for once.” You countered,
“You’re being stupid, they didn't mean it like that." All that you heard fall from Jin's lips was that you were stupid. You stared at him mouth hanging open a little but nothing came out. You just shook your head and stormed out of the room.
Ignoring them all as you stormed up to your bedroom. Normally you would share it with one boy a night, or two if you needed the extra cuddles but right now you needed to be alone. You walked past one of the studies to find your daughter fast asleep holding her barbies. Luckily she was away for the fiasco going on downstairs so you picked her up and carried her to your room. If they saw she was with you they wouldn't bother trying to get into the bed with you. 
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Days passed by and the boys barely noticed you were giving them the silent treatment. They were all so busy with their jobs that they didn't speak to you. Meanwhile, you played the role of the pretty little housewife that made everything perfect for them while they were away. The house was spotless, your daughter was at school on time and picked up at the same time. 
"Darling, go and tell your dad's that dinner is waiting for them." You told her as you set the table for eight. Making sure your daughter's spot was right at the top of the table before putting their plates down and heading up to your room. There were piles of laundry sitting on the bed waiting to be put away. 
"Daddy," She called out as she walked into the back garden. They were all working on a new wendy house for her. They were trying to make it bigger than the last one so that everyone could fit into the house for tea parties. 
"Yes, sweetie?" Jin called out as she came bounding over to him, jumping into his arms and smiling.
"Mummy told me to tell you that dinner is ready," She looked at all of them and Jungkook clapped loudly. 
"Break time!" He chuckled rubbing his hands together and heading into the house. 
The dining room was empty and only eight placemats were set at the table. 
"Where is mummy?" Namjoon questioned your daughter who was sitting in your usual spot. She simply shrugged her shoulders before eating.
"I haven't seen her much and when I do she's silent which isn't like her," Jin mumbled as he began to eat the food you'd made, everything tasted fantastic like it always did when you cooked for them. 
"I tried to speak to her this morning but she ignored me," Jungkook mumbled as he pushed food into his mouth, 
"I don't blame her, you were rude on Tuesday." Hoseok reminded him of the day of the fight. That wasn't really a fight more like a disagreement. 
"We all were." Namjoon corrected him as they continued to think back on it. 
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The weekend continued on just like that. You were sending messages to the boys through your daughter using her as a messenger owl while the boys did the same back. Monday morning came around and you were standing outside the school gates with your daughter. 
"Mum?" You looked at her as you zipped up her coat, grabbing her bookbag. 
"What is it, sweetie?" You questioned as you made sure her hair was perfect and she looked good to go. 
"Are you and my daddies going to spilt up?" You looked at her and then over at the school as the bell rang. 
"No, we're just having a small fight baby that's all." You whispered as you kissed her forehead. If you tried to explain it now she'd be late for school. 
"Go, I promise we'll make up while you're at school." She began rushing off in the direction of her class and you waved goodbye until the doors completely shut and you could head home. 
Home where all of the boys were waiting for you. They had collectively decided to take the day off from work so they could get to the bottom of whatever was wrong with you.
"So what's the problem with you?" Jungkook questioned earning a slap around the back of the head from Namjoon who was trying to be the levelheaded one throughout all of this. 
"What he means to say is, why are we getting the silent treatment?" Namjoon reiterated the question but in a different manner.
"Let me see...Tuesday night ring a bell?" You questioned as you walked past them and into the kitchen. Beginning to get started with the housework when Hoseok pulled you into a tight hug from behind. Your whole body seemed to melt into his as you missed the contact from each of them. 
"We were being idiots, we were tired and irritated with our jobs and we took it out on you." He whispered in your ear as he kept his arms around your tightly never once letting go. 
"Let us make it up to you," He whispered again, his breath making your back tingle as you shook your head. Getting away from him as quickly as you could. He knew what his whispers and touching did to you. 
"You think I'm just going to forget what you said with a simple, "we were irritated?" Because that's not how it works!" You snapped at them all, glancing over all of their faces to see if they truly meant what they were saying. 
"We didn't mean for it to be so mean and we're sorry," Yoongi told you as he stepped closer to you, holding your hand and running his fingers over your knuckles.
"We know how much you do and how hard you work," Jungkook stood up from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen to look at you.
"Now, please...Let us make it up to you." Yoongi told you again as he stepped closer to you. Running his hand up and down your cheek as you relaxed into his touch. 
"None of you have actually said sorry except for Yoongi." You moved closer to Yoongi, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as you giggled. 
"So maybe I should only forgive him." You looked at the boys as your lips slowly began to kiss up and down Yoongi's neck, biting down softly right at the nape of his neck. His weakest point. 
"No! We're sorry! I'm sorry." Taehyung whined out desperately as he so wanted to have your body on his. It had been so long since any of you had been together intimately it was starting to become too much to be away.
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Seven apologies later and you were laid on the bed making out with Yoongi while Namjoon's hands ran down your naked body. Massaging your breasts while his mouth wrapped around the other, sucking and nibbling on your nipple as you let out small moans of pleasure. 
"L-Let me touch you," You complained as you reached out to touch Yoongi but he moved your hand away. 
"It's about you tonight and only you," Confused by what he meant you went back to kissing him. Your lips moving in sync with one another as he held your face in his hands.
Suddenly you felt Jimin's lips on your core making you cry out at the sudden contact, 
"Seems like someone has missed us almost as much as we've missed her." He chuckled as he began to slowly lick stripes up and down your folds, nibbling at your clit whenever he could.
"Jimin!" You whined out, back arching a little as he continued with the slow movements of his tongue which almost had you begging for more.
"Hmm so good," Jimin moans out as he begins to dip his tongue in and out of you. Taking his time as he slowly licks your pussy, tasting every bit of you he can get. 
"So fucking good," He growled deeply, your whole body shaking as he continued to lap up your juices. Repeatedly flicking your clit with his tongue causing you to cry out his name, hands buried in his hair as you pushed him closer to your cunt.
"Jimin right there!" You cried out as he inserted two fingers into you, curling them up as he continued to suck on your clit. 
Your whole body was on fire as you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge. The curl of his fingers making you moan out, every now and again he would let out growls causing your pussy to clench around his fingers. 
"Don't take away all the fun," Yoongi pouted as he took your breast into his mouth, sucking harshly while Namjoon did the same to the other. Your head was spinning so fast you'd forgotten the other boys were in the room.
Watching as you were eaten out so carefully and lovingly.
"J-Jimin!" You warned as you could feel yourself beginning to get closer. The coil in your stomach was beginning to tighten with every bite, lick and thrust from him. 
"I-I can't-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before your orgasm ripped through your body. Your eyes shutting tightly as you cried out his name. Hips bucking against his lips begging him not to stop until you rode out your high.
"My turn." Jungkook chuckled as he began to kiss up and down your body. Hands travelling down to your core as he began to rub your already sensitive clit. Each touch felt intensified from your previous orgasm. 
"J-Jungkookie," You moaned out as he kissed you sweetly, two fingers rubbing small circles into your core.
"Shh, let us take care of you tonight, it's not about us." Jin's whisper filled your ear as he began to kiss and suck on your neck. Hoseok's hands made their way to your breasts as did Taehyung's. It was going to be a long and very good day.
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By the time they were finished with you, you were panting and dripping in sweat...As well as other substances. You'd finally convinced them into letting you please them. Girls couldn't have all of the fun after all. Whining out as you held onto Jin you looked up at him,
"Someone needs to go and pick our little girl up, I don't think I'll be able to walk straight for a week." You laughed softly as Jin helped you into the bathroom. He'd already drawn you a hot bubble bath with a mug of hot chocolate waiting for you. 
"I'll go and get her, we can stop by the library before we come home," Namjoon said as he watched you sink into the hot water, eyes rolling back as you finally relaxed.
"I'll come too," Jungkook said as he looked at Namjoon and then at you. Making sure you were okay before they headed out to go and pick up your little girl.
"J-Jin." Your hand reached out to touch him and he turned to look at you. 
"Can you come in? I don't want to be alone." You told him, the others had all gone to wash up and you would have been alone. 
"Sure." He whispered as he stripped down, getting into the bath behind you and holding you close.
"I really love you guys," You mumbled as you closed your eyes. Listening to nothing but his heart beating against his chest.
"We love you too," He whispered as he began to slowly wash your body off carefully.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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yourheartonfire · 3 years
By the time everything was done - the survivors found and the crowds dispersed and the press satiated and the authorities satisfied - the hero was so tired they almost smashed into their own window like a disoriented swallow. Still, somehow they got their fingernails into the gap they'd left open and half fell into their apartment.
Only to be slapped in the face with the smell of tomatoes and garlic cooking, and the sight of the villain leaning against their kitchen counter, glaring at them.
"There you are. Honestly, you're a terrible host."
The hero staggered up to their feet, fists raised. The villain smacked their hands down.
"Oh, don't be ridiculous. You couldn't take on a bunny, honey, not in this state. And I'm not here to fight. You forget our bet?"
The hero stared. Dimly they remembered but the last burst of adrenaline was gone and their brain felt like mush.
The villain gestured with a flourish to a pot burbling away on the hero's stove. "Whoever takes down Supervillain, the other one buys dinner? You won, idiot. Here's your damn food. Now go shower. You aren't touching my food covered in blood."
The villain planted their hands on hips and waited. The hero looked from them to the pot, swaying gently on their feet, hands still half-extended.
After a long pause the villain sighed heavily. "At least I get paid in scintillating banter," they grumbled. But their arm around the hero's waist was firm and their footsteps patient as they guided the hero towards the bathroom.
Later the hero only had vague memories of the villain cranking on the shower, pushing them in fully clothed and ducking out as the water heated. The first really clear memory was the visceral pleasure of pulling their oldest hoodie over their aching limbs, the pilled cotton lining scratching pleasantly against their freshly clean skin, the feel of collapsing into their ancient sofa, the sagging springs cushioned in layers of cheap fleece blankets from the dollar store.
Another tantalizing waft of food smells, and the villain was dishing up bowls at the kitchen table.
"It's almost 4 in the morning," the hero said.
"Hey, there's that world class superpower: telling the time." The villain tucked a pair of colorful napkins under the spoons. "Glad to see that's still with you. After the ninth or twelfth blow to your head I was getting worried."
"[Supervillain] didn't hit me that many times."
"I was including the times your head hit the pavement, the walls, at least one car."
"It was a van," the hero muttered.
The villain pursed their lips, eyed the hero's loose limbed sprawl. "Love how you say that like that's supposed to be better."
The hero was too tired to feel more than a twinge of alarm as the villain came stalking up. They let themselves be loomed over, their head lolling back under the villain's hand cupping their face.
"You're burning up," said the villain, a new edge of worry in their voice. "Why are you burning up?"
"Superhealing in overdrive," the hero said. Suddenly they felt dreadfully hollow, even as they could feel their body churning away beneath the bruised skin. They closed their eyes.
"Nuh uh!" The hero hissed as something hot pressed into their hand. A bowl of chili. The villain dipped in the spoon and grinned viciously. "Open up."
"I can feed my - mmph!"
The spoon slid into hero's mouth and they bit down. It was barely spicy at all, closer to a stew than a chili. And it had kidney beans, the undisputed Worst Bean.
But it was delicious. Salt, fat, sweet, spice, starch. The hero chewed and swallowed and their body roared its approval, clamored for more. Just the one bite and they were recovered enough to grab the spoon away from the villain.
The villains grin only widened. "Good, huh?"
"Cheapskate," the hero muttered and shoveled another mouthful in. "Was gonna make you buy me dinner somewhere nice, not break into my house and get my dishes dirty."
"Shoulda specified that in the bet, honey." The villain sat down next to them, slung an arm around their shoulders. The hero was too caught up in the direct application of calories to do anything about that, not even as the villain's hand casually came around to brush across their forehead again. It was nice to have something to rest their heavy skull against as they gulped bite after bite.
As their spoon scraped the bottom of the bowl, the villain's hand moved across their cheekbone. "You're crying," they said, carefully neutral.
The hero wiped their eyes. They were. "That's embarrassing. This is barely even spicy."
"More than you can handle, apparently."
"I handled it," the hero snapped with more heat than they meant. "I handled it myself."
The villain breathed in and out slowly, pulled their arm away. "You almost died," they said to the still-half-open window. "I knew you were a glutton for punishment, but I didn't think you'd actually try to live out your martyr complex on live TV."
"What else was I supposed to do?" the hero said, throwing up their hands and almost knocking over the almost-empty bowl in their lap.
The villain rescued it at the last moment. "Yeah, good question," they snapped. "What could you ever possibly do except throw yourself all alone at every life threatening situation you find?"
The villain put the bowl on the floor with an angry thunk and clatter of silverware against ceramic and slumped back against the couch, arms crossed. The hero closed their eyes and tried not to miss the feel of the villain's arm around them. They were so tired. Their body craved sleep and they didn't have the words to tell the villain... Oh hell, they didn't even know what they wanted to tell the villain, let alone how to say it.
After another long silence the villain sighed. "Right," they said, moving to stand. "Our bet didn't say anything about doing dishes either, so I'm out of here."
The hero didn't think. They grabbed the villain's arm and pulled it back around their shoulders, burrowed their face into the villain's shirt, breathing in the cooking smells that still clung to them.
The villain went stiff in surprise. "Um," they said. "What is this?"
This is what my body wants, the hero meant to say. After a fight, my body gets what it wants - food, rest, comfort - and it wants you. 
What actually came out was something more like, "Mm buddy wazza... wanna... hmmm."
"[Hero]?" said villain but the hero was gone, sinking into the sound of the villain's safe, steady heartbeat under their ear.
When they woke hours later, the villain was gone and the dishes sat drying in the rack next to the sink.
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