#but i would have loved to have seen him swept into the annex in a torrent of water
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"Shangri-La is under attack."
The Librarians S03E09 And the Fatal Seperation.
Bonus wet splat:
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch15: This is Me
 Chapter Summary: Fliss tells Frank exactly what happened to her during her marriage.
 Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Domestic abuse and violence. Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW). NO UNDERAGE READERS PLEASE!!!!!!!
 Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
 A/N: This is a REALLY heavy going chapter, but all you regulars will know this has been brewing for quite some time. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS! If any of those things are triggers, please avoid. If anyone is wondering, the face claim for John is an older Ben Affleck (best way I can describe) in his Batman days.  
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 14
All that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
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“Hey Titch.”  Bill greeted Fliss as she walked down the steps to the pool area he and Verity both sat at the table, him drinking a coffee, Verity pouring over a book. “You’re home early.” “Well my lessons are done.” She said, shrugging. “And, I err, I need to talk to you both.”
“What’s wrong?” Verity put her book down and pushed her sunglasses up on top of her head. “You’ve not broken up with Frank have you?” “What? No, no, we’re errr fine.” She sat down in the spare chair and looked at her Dad then her Mum before taking a deep breath “I got a call this morning. John’s up for Parole. His hearing is in six weeks.”
Her parents reacted exactly the way she had anticipated they would do, in a similar angry manner to her Brother who she had called after speaking to Frank. Bill made a growling noise in his throat, slamming his mug on the table whilst Verity’s right hand flew to her chest, the other reaching out to grasp at Fliss’ shoulder.
“Oh, love.” “Fucker.” Bill growled, before he shook his head and looked at Fliss “Can you appeal?” “Yeah.” She nodded “But I don’t know…” she took a deep breath “I don’t want to go back into a court room. That’s what he will want, to see me there, again…and…”
“Honey…you have to-“ “No, I don’t” Fliss cut her mother off. “Frank’s right, the days of me having to do anything are over. I’m going to speak to Greg Cullen, Frank’s friend who’s an attorney and I’m gonna look my options when the full information comes through and go from there…”
Bill nodded and Fliss didn’t miss the look he shot Verity, silently telling her to leave it.  “Sounds sensible.” he said. “So, I take it from that you’ve talked to Frank?”
Fliss nodded, “Lunchtime yeah.”
 She fell silent and Bill leaned over and gently squeezed her hand “What is it Titch?”
She looked up at him and licked her lips. “He doesn’t know everything, not how bad it got and…” she took another deep breath “I need to tell him, so, we both agreed to sit down and talk tonight but it needed to be done just the two of us. So, I was wondering….” “Of course we’ll have Mary.” Verity nodded, anticipating the question.
“We did promise to take her to the Shake Shack at some point this week.” Bill agreed “Seems as good a night as any.” Fliss smiled. “Frank’s going to explain the basics, she’s too clever not to notice something’s going on but that’s it, she won’t know any details so…”
“Okay.” Verity nodded, before she took a deep breath and stood up “I made some apple and courgette loaf…you got room for a slice?” “Always room for that!” Fliss grinned “And I wouldn’t say no to a coffee…”
Verity smiled, dropped her hand on Fliss’ shoulder as she stood up and made her way towards the house. Bill watched her go before he turned to Fliss.
“How are you really feeling?”
 “Like shit.” She said honestly “I was so upset before but Frank made me see things a little more logically once I’d finished my melt down.” “Liss, you do know this is going to be a heavy conversation.” Bill looked at her as he took a breath “Just don’t be too worried or concerned if he gets a little, I dunno, upset maybe.” Fliss nodded, she already knew that. She knew it was going to be as hard for Frank to hear as it was for her to tell him.
“But for what it’s worth…” Bill looked at her. “I’m glad you’ve got him. I’ve seen such a change in you since you met him last year, even before you started…” he made a clicking noise with his tongue and winked, causing Fliss to snort and shake her head. “He’s a good guy, and as you well know they don’t come around often.” “I know.” she chewed her lip. “Dad, you don’t think he’ll look at me any different do you, once he knows…” “Fliss, you could probably set fire to a cage full of puppies and he’d still think the sun shone out of your arse.” Bill snorted, waving off her concern.
 “Wow, that’s…dark.” Fliss raised an eyebrow.
 “Yeah, and now I think of it…he’d probably find that a little strange…and sick…” Bill mused, flashing her a wink. “But you know what I mean.” “Thanks pops.” she smiled, and Bill opened his arms and she grinned standing up. She moved to sit on her dad’s knee as he wrapped her into a hug, kissing her head.
 “Thought I got too old to sit on your lap years ago” she teased, resting her head against his.
“You’ll never be too old for a Poppa Bill snuggle.” he chuckled, rubbing her back “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my little girl.” ***** Frank couldn’t be bothered speaking to Evelyn, he had far more pressing things on his mind. So, instead, when he arrived to pick Mary up from school he simply fired her a text message saying he would call later in the week when it was convenient to talk. To his surprise, she replied back almost immediately saying she was glad to hear from him and would Wednesday around six pm be suitable. His answer was a single word, yes, before he slid his phone back in his pocket and went in to collect Mary.
“Bit of a break in routine tonight.” he said, looking at her “Bill and V are taking you out to dinner, something about the Shake Shack?” “Yesssss!” Mary punched the air before she looked at Frank suspiciously “Hang on, why? Did you speak to Evelyn? Has something gone wrong? Did she change her mind?” “No, no nothing like that.” he shook his head “I’ve messaged Evelyn and I’m going to call her on Wednesday to sort things out properly when I can have a good discussion.” “So what’s going on?”
Frank took a deep breath, he’d agreed with Lissy he would tell Mary the basics, the very basics, so that she had a comprehension of what was happening, but he was still struggling to find the words.
 “You know that Fliss’ ex-husband…John, he went to prison right?”
 “Yeah.” “Well, he was locked up for doing some bad stuff to Fliss. Like he hurt her, a lot…” “Oh.” Mary frowned “That’s…why would he…” “Because he’s an ass hole.” Frank said simply “The point is Stack, in six week or so he’s going to go for something called Parole, you know that that is?” “No” “It’s when a prisoner is considered for early release. If John gets it, it means he will be free, but have to abide by certain rules for a while.” Mary nodded, as they reached the truck.
“So tonight me and Fliss need to talk about some stuff, about how we deal with this going forward as Fliss has a chance to give evidence at his appeal as to why he shouldn’t be let out. You following me?” Mary nodded “Evidence that proves he’s a bad guy, right?”
“Absolutely. But I don’t want you talking to anyone about this oayk? It’s private for Fliss. I’m only telling you because you have a right to understand what’s happening.” “I won’t tell anyone.” Mary nodded. “Wait, not even Roberta?” “Not even Roberta. It’s up to Fliss who she tells.”
 “But Bill and Verity will know.” “Yes.” Frank said “But I expect they’ll be upset too so…just keep it shut, please.” he ended a little lamely.
 “Okay.” Mary nodded.
They both piled in the truck and headed back to their apartment to pick up a few things for Mary, Frank having enough stashed at Fliss’ as it was before they drove over. Frank opened the gate with the fob Fliss had given him months ago, and they drove through to be greeted by Thor who was running up and down the drive chasing Bill’s terrier in some kind of odd game.
“Hey, Gorgeous.” Frank smiled as he got out of his truck and leaned down to give Fliss a soft kiss “You okay? How did they take it?” “As well as I expected. Mum kept up appearances and then left to go into the kitchen to fetch a drink so she could melt down in private and Dad, well, he was angry but…” she shrugged
“I’ve explained as well as I can to Mary” he turned his head to see her running up the drive being followed by the dogs “And I’ve told her not to mention it to anyone.”
“Okay.” Fliss nodded, her eyes also on the young girl. “Bill said after dinner, if it’s ok with you, he might take her down to the Marina to watch the night trawlers setting out. It fascinates the twins and the guys there are always happy to field their questions so…”
Frank shrugged “Yeah, if she wants. Doesn’t bother me as long as she’s in bed for a semi-reasonable hour.”
Together they made their way into the house where Bill swept Mary up into his arms in a hug as she started chattering to him about some project she was going to be working on for Girl Scouts and, after a short chat, Fliss and Frank headed back over to the annex. They made normal conversation, just like they always did as Fliss cooked them a quick, easy dinner of grilled seabass and salad, but there was an atmosphere, like a huge cloud was hanging over them. Which it was. And that the pair of them were trying to ignore it. Which they were. Eventually, when the dishes were done, the beer was opened and the wine was poured, they couldn’t ignore it any longer.
Fliss told Frank to head outside and start the fire pit, which he did whilst she disappeared upstairs before returning a little later with a small, blue ring bound book, which she held on her lap as she sat next to him. "I don't even know where to start." Fliss tucked her legs underneath her on the seat as Frank threw another chunk of wood on the fire. "I suppose the beginning is the best place."
 "Usually, yeah..." Frank smiled, sweeping a piece of her hair behind her ears as he turned side ways on the wicker couch to face her.
 “Okay.” She swallowed a bit of her wine before she placed it on the table. “Right from the beginning?”
 “Whatever you want. I’ll listen.”
 She nodded, and then with a deep breath she began to talk.
“We first met at the Olympics in 2008. It was my first big break. I was only a reserve rider but I was still buzzing you know, swept away in it all.” she smiled softly “John was on the US team, had been for a while and, well, his attention and praise, I guess it flattered me. I saw him again later on that year at the International Championships and then over the twelve months or so at Badminton, HOYS...that’s the Horse of the Year show.” she explained as Frank gave her a blank look. “All the big gigs, but it wasn't until the World Equestrian Games in 2010 that we hooked up.” Frank smiled at her choice of language as she snorted. “Yup I had a Friday night fuck.”
 He chuckled to himself, shaking his head as she continued.
“I can’t describe being on the road like that, but it’s intense. You're away for weeks and its, well it’s like a different world. From then on over the next year or so we started emailing and every chance we got be it training or competitions we met up, spent time together. Then In 2011 we basically decided to try and go for it and did the whole long distance thing whilst he was living in the US, me in the UK, and when I won my medal in 2012 he declared how much he loved me and was so proud of me in the press when he did any interviews…”
Frank watched as a slight smile spread across her face, and she bit her lip as she looked back at him, shrugging.
“It was like a fairy tale.” she whispered “I got swept up in it all and then packed up and moved to Boston in the October. That November I had my accident which you know about, and I was in a back brace for twelve weeks and he was amazing.” she shrugged. “He proposed to me that December and honestly Frank, he cared and looked after me I just…I don’t know where that John went. Looking back, I often wonder if he had some kind of brain injury that turned him into an asshole.” “Don’t make excuses for him.” Frank said softly “Please…” “I’m not.” she assured him. “I just really don’t understand.” “There’s nothing to understand.” Frank looked at her shaking his head.
“Anyway, by the February in 2013 I was just starting to exercise again. God I was in a bad way. Mentally and physically. Because I’d been immobile I was out of shape, felt fat, ugly, I’d put on a good 2 stone…or…erm… 28 pounds.” She shrugged “But John, well, he didn’t care. Or so I thought. Now I look back on it I think this is where it all started.” She reached for her wine and Frank drained the rest of his beer. He glanced at the bottle and Fliss looked at him.
 “Wanna break out the strong stuff?” she asked gently.
 “Well, if any situation warrants it, I feel this one does.” He nodded smiling.
She uncurled her legs from beneath her and Frank watched her go. Normally he would offer to fetch the drinks but he sensed she needed to move, get away from the intensity for a moment so to speak so he let her go. With a sigh his head fell back, his eyes looking up at the sky which was streaked with red and purples and pinks from the now setting sun. His head was a whirlwind of emotion already and they hadn’t even scratched the surface.
Fliss emerged from the house with a bottle of Monkey Shoulder scotch and two tumblers, one filled with ice. Frank scoffed a laugh at her, it was a long standing joke she liked ice in her shorts where as he preferred them straight, something she always pulled a face at given how he couldn’t drink anything else at room temperature.
Silently she poured him a good measure and he took it from her with a thanks as she returned to her previous position and Frank shifted slightly again to face her, his right hand curled round his drink, his left resting along the back of the garden sofa they were on. She took a sip and then once more launched back into her memories.
 “We had a Ball to attend. One that the US team were holding, and I mentioned I had nothing to wear. So, John ordered me something, a beautiful sky blue gown only it didn’t fit. When I told him and got upset he said it was a genuine mistake and he’d ordered my usual size and apologised and promised to return it, but then suggested maybe I kept it as motivation to lose the weight in time for the ball at the start of May and get into it…”
“He wanted you to lose 28 pound in two months?” Frank looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Whilst you were just recovering?”
“I did it.” she shrugged in answer to his question. “I pushed myself, skipped meals…but…” Frank made an annoyed noise in his throat, but other than that made no further comment.
“There were other little things, controlling things he did as well. Like he took over the arrangements for the wedding and governed the first time I got back on a horse, told me when I could go back to work, start the training to become a Coach…all dressed up as the fact he cared and didn’t want me to rush back into things. Then one night in the September, I snapped. There was a trip organised, a conference, for the trainee Coaches intake for that year, and he told me I wasn’t going. So I bit back, and told him that he wasn’t my father and that was the first time he hit me. Straight slap, right across the face.” Frank watched as she took a sip of her drink before she shrugged. “I locked myself in the bathroom, and he sat outside the door for hours, crying, apologising, saying he was sorry, just under a lot of stress and worried about me…begged for forgiveness…pleaded with me not to call off the wedding, and you know the stupid thing?” She looked at Frank. “I always, always swore that if a man raised his hand to me, I’d be done, out of there, but I forgave him, like an idiot. And married him four weeks later, just as planned.”
She paused for a moment, shifting slightly to pull her phone out of her pocket. Frank watched her, curiously for a moment as she tapped at the screen before she handed it to him and he glanced down. It was an article, published in Your Horse magazine, or so the tag at the top told him.
‘From Olympic Rings to Wedding Rings!’ The headline read, and he scanned down, ignoring the blurb on the text, catching the odd phrase such as ‘the stars aligned’ and ‘fairy-tale romance…’ which made him want to puke as there was nothing fairy-tale about it. Eventually he reached a photo and Frank got his first look at the man he hated with every single inch of his body. He was tall, sharp jawed, quite athletic looking. Typically handsome with dark eyes and dark hair. He stood next to Fliss in his black tuxedo, his arm curled around her waist as he smiled at the camera. Fliss looked stunning. Her wedding dress was princess like, clinched in at the waist and flared out in layer upon layer of tulle which was adorned with crystals that caught the light. Her hair was twisted up off her face and she wore some kind of diamond studded headdress. She was smiling but as Frank looked closer he could see her eyes...they didn't have that sparkle he knew and loved.
 "I hated everything about the day." She said gently. "I wanted a quiet beach wedding, somewhere warm, with a simple dress, close friends, family... a big tent with fairly lights and snack food..."  
Frank smiled as what she was describing was so effortlessly her, but the smile slipped from his face as she continued.
 "...but he insisted on the full hog. Huge Boston based wedding at a church and then a sit down reception at the Harbor with a party in the evening. But that was John. Always about showing off...even my engagement ring was another way for him to display to the world what he could afford. This huge six carat brilliant cut diamond...it was gaudy."
 Frank handed her the phone and she shut the web browser down.
 "Sounds so ungrateful doesn’t it." She snorted "Most girls would kill for a day like that"
 "Most girls don’t have a guy controlling their every move" he said gently. "It's not ungrateful at all. A wedding day should be about both people, well, so I’ve heard."
 "It was a circus." She shrugged. “There were people there whose names I didn’t even know. I didn’t want the magazines there either but he talked me round, saying that if we didn’t let them in they’d simply use unofficial photos and…well, anyway that was that.”
 Frank reached over and took the empty glass off her and topped both the tumblers up, glad of the momentary distraction. As he handed her back to her she smiled and took a sip.
“Things were fine for a while, well, in that he didn’t hit me, but then in the February of 2014 we had another argument. I’d been away with the training school and they always ran updates on their websites about the conferences, and there was a photo of me laughing with one of the other guys, another competitor from the US team who was also training to become a coach. Nothing that anyone else would read anything into…but he did. Accused me of cheating and when it told him he was being ridiculous he hit me. Only this wasn’t a slap, it was a full on punch. And he fractured my cheek bone.”
 Frank took a sharp breath, and swallowed a mouthful of scotch.
 “Once again he was sorry…and then it kinda went like that for the most. He’d go weeks without hitting me and then he’d flip and wham. A slap here and a punch there…”
The flippancy with which she was describing it, like it was something that was normal, that just happened was beginning to make Frank’s blood boil. He tried not to show outwardly what he was feeling inside, but he clearly had as Fliss reached along the back of the seat to tangle her fingers into his. He gave her hand a squeeze as she continued to talk.
“That April I was scheduled for a big competitive comeback with Team GB. I had my sponsors lined up, it was being touted on the circuit as Gallagher’s Return to Glory… press interviews, and everything….you name it. And then- “ “Hang on, Gallagher?” Frank cut her off. “Did you not change your name?” Fliss shook her head. “Nope.” She studied him for a moment, smiling. “You look surprised.”
“I am. Given how controlling he was, I expected him to want you to change it.”
“I didn’t want to. It made sense for me to keep my name, it was all about the brand, see.” She shrugged. “John, surprisingly wasn’t all that bothered.” She took a sip of her drink. “Anyway, that aside…the comeback was arranged and four weeks before I was due to fly home he told me I wasn’t going. I said he couldn’t stop me. I guess he took that as a challenge as he grabbed me by the hair and shoved my hand in the doorframe of the kitchen. Slammed it shut four times. Broke three of my fingers and dislocated my wrist. So I missed out. And I never competed again, well not professionally anyway.”
 “Fuck.” Frank’s face screwed up as he shook his head “Lissy…” He trailed off as her fingers tightened around his, and he brought her hand up to softly kiss over her knuckles, almost as if doing so would take away the pain of that injury, the injury that was long healed but had left scars deep on her soul, deeper than any physical scars could go.
“That’s when it started escalating and I ended up in hospital with a broken nose in the April, that was the result of an argument about me going out, a fractured arm in the July that was because I’d dared to refuse to have sex with him in the car outside the fucking store and two broken ribs in the October which was a result of me saying I didn’t want to host a Halloween party.  A doctor at the hospital who had been looking at my records started asking questions and gave me a leaflet on Domestic Violence which, obviously I refused to take. But then, that Christmas when he insisted on spending it alone and not with my family, I dunno why but I called one of the numbers, anonymously. Started looking into it a bit more and that’s where I got the idea to keep a diary. Document it, in case I did ever want to leave and press charges.”
 She nodded to the book she had brought with her which now rested on the table and Frank looked at it, before he turned back to her.
“You know, to many people it’s so black and white. Mum and Dad were begging me to leave him but I brushed it off. I lied to my own parents, told them they’d been work accidents and that I was fine. That’s what it turns you into, a liar, but, I loved him. Well, I thought I did. Now, looking back it was more fear than anything. He’d spent so long telling me that if I left I’d be nothing that he’d find me. I believed him, so convinced myself it was easier to stay.”
She moved, placing her tumbler on the table and reached for the book and handed it to him.
 “The rest is in there.” she said softly as he too set his glass down and took the book from her gently and he was surprised to see his hands were shaking slightly. “Apparently they say over time you recall bad memories easier than good ones, and that you can also distort them, make them worse than they actually were so I stuck to facts. It’s pretty impersonal but, well…” Frank looked at the cover before he looked back at her and she nodded. With a swallow he shifted slightly, opening it.
The first entry he saw was dated January 2nd 2015 and simply stated that John had given her a slap as she hadn’t made the bed fast enough for his liking. Then there was another on January the 21st saying he had launched a crystal decanter of whiskey at her head as she’d filled it with the wrong brand. They continued along this vein until he paused at an entry for February 12th.
 Burnt me with a cigarette on my right hip because I burnt dinner.
 Frank’s jaw clenched, but he continued to read, the diary was littered with him giving her slaps and punches for whatever fucking reason the asshole wanted, but it was the big ones that sprung out at him, that made him want to be sick.
 February 17th. Grabbed my hair and banged my face into the wall because I refused sex in the living room whilst guests were in the garden for the Spring Party.
 March 21st. Whipped me with a belt after a guy was chatting me up in a bar. Drew blood.
March 22nd. Violent sex to remind me I was his.
 At that Frank stopped reading and looked at her, his voice sticking in his throat. “Violent sex. He raped you?” Fliss took a breath. “I never actually told him no but he wouldn’t have listened if I had. He left a lot of bruises.”
 “Fucking hell, Lissy…” Frank shook his head “This…that is not…” “I know.” she soothed him softly. “I know.”
He looked at her again, her eyes shining with the emotion that her voice didn’t betray. He had no idea how she could be so calm about all this, but then he realised that was more than likely her coping mechanism. That she’d probably detached herself from all of this on purpose. Because it was sink or swim. And she’d chosen to swim.
April 13th. Choked me whilst I was in the bath. Held me underwater to the point I almost stopped breathing. Stopped when Loki bit him.
April 14th. Loki dead. John said he poisoned him as a lesson to show that he was a guard dog for the house not me.
“He almost killed you.” Frank stuttered as he looked up at her, this time unable to hide his emotions. He felt his eyes swimming and he looked away as Fliss gently took his hand again and she nodded as he looked back up at her.
“The day after he killed Loki was when I took the overdose.” She said gently. “That day when he’d choked me, as I was slipping under, I felt nothing but peace, this overwhelming sense of serenity so, I saw a way out.” She took a deep breath. “That was the point at which Bill, Mum and Steve started to get really concerned, but he managed to convince them, the doctors, me that I was depressed, that it all stemmed from my accident. I don’t think my family really believed him, not fully, but what could they do?”
At that point she sniffed and Frank saw the tears form in her eyes “I put them through so much and…”
“Stop, stop.” He said, his voice cracking as he tossed the book aside and pulled her to him. She melted into his embrace, her face pressing into his chest as he held her tightly, kissing the top of her head “None of this was your fault, none of it…” She stayed still, her shoulders shaking slightly as he simply held her close, blinking back his own tears as they sat there for a moment before she pulled back.
“The rest of it is much the same. Although he eased off a bit and convinced me that trying for a baby would solved all our issues. So I went with it. Each month it failed he’d punish me when I got my period, but you know that bit anyway.”
Frank gently reached out and wiped her tears away with his thumbs as she smiled at him sadly.
“I found out I was pregnant in the January of 2016 and that was the moment I decided I needed to get out. I couldn’t bring a baby into that.” She sniffed, her eyes swimming. “I feel so guilty about that you know, that I got rid of it. It wasn’t the baby’s fault but being tied to him for ever, I just, I couldn’t. I know that’s selfish but…”
“No, it’s not selfish.” Frank held her face in his hands as he looked at her, driving his words home “You got nothing to feel guilty about, you got that? Nothing.”
There was a silence as he simply looked at her, his chest heaving with emotion as she turned her head slightly to place a soft kiss on his palm before she leaned into his touch, like a dog seeking comfort and reassurance. As if on cue Thor leapt up onto the seat in between them, forcing his way into the middle, his back turned on Frank as he licked at Fliss’ face, soft noises and whines coming from him as he did so.
 “It’s okay…” she gently laughed at the dog, stroking his head.
Frank was almost glad of the reprieve that the German shepherd had given him because he was utterly lost. He had no idea how to comfort her, or if his words would even begin to scratch the surface of what she had told him. After a moment or two Thor settled, simply curling up in between them and lay his head on Fliss’ lap as she scratched his ears and looked at Frank. “That was when I started making plans. Told my mum I was coming to Florida for a visit and needed her to book me a ticket, but she knew. She could tell this was me crying for help, so she sorted everything out and said that her and dad were coming to get me. I had the abortion on the Tuesday morning, I was booked on a flight on Thursday evening, Thor as well…it was all ready to go…but John was supposed to be away at some kind of training conference until the Friday but he came back early.  I was packing up a few things and he caught me.” She swallowed “And then, something in me snapped, like really snapped. And I let rip. I told him he was an ass hole, that what he was doing wasn’t normal and I told him all about the baby as well, how I’d gotten rid of it because he’d have been the worst father in the world and he did a number on me which you know about. He almost killed me. The police arrived, mum had tried calling me several times and when she couldn’t get hold of me she called them, turns out so had one of the neighbours as they’d heard the screaming and shouting. That was it. He was arrested and, well, I pressed charges and moved here.”
A silence fell between them, one which Frank was desperately trying to find the words to break, but failing, miserably. He wanted to kill the fucker, it was beyond him how anyone could ever want to harm a hair on her head. Not merely because she’d been helpless, and powerless to stop it, but because she was so goddamned amazing.
 “Lissy…” he eventually said, reaching out again for her hand, not missing the fact the dog was eyeing him beadily as he did so. “I don’t know what to say…what you went through, it’s abhorrent and…”
 “You know what the worse bit was?” she looked at Frank, cutting him off. “Reliving all that in court. Despite the evidence, police catching him in the act he denied it and I had to tell everyone what he had done.  He let his Attorney cross examine me, call me a liar, and then changed his plea. Simply because he could. He wanted that one last moment of humiliation and that’s why I can’t and won’t go to his hearing in person.”
 Frank was surprised, and also a little pleased to see the fire in her eyes and the absolute conviction in her tone, it was almost like she had reached a revelation, a turning point, a moment where she seized control over it all, and when she spoke again, he realised that was exactly what she was doing.
 “When I was talking to mum and dad before, I realised that I don’t wanna live my life in this state of panic and worry about what comes next. If he gets out he gets out. I can't control that. But, like my therapist said, what I can control is how I deal with it. And the only control I have is to NOT to let him control me any-more. If I go to that parole hearing he gets me in a room with him, again, and why should he?”  She took a deep breath and looked at Frank, her large brown eyes locking onto his. “I’ll talk to Greg, he can write the statement and I’ll submit it but I’m not going.”
“You don’t have to.” He shook his head.
“I just wanna...I just want to live this normal life, with you and Mary and...be Lissy. Not Felicity, Lissy. Your Lissy.”
 “You are.” he assured her. “I love you, you know that.”
 “I know, and I love you…and God did that scare me at first because, well I hadn’t been expecting it. I was done, happy on my own and then you walked into my life…or sailed into it…” At that he let out a soft chuckle. “And I know you're not that man. You're not John and that you’d never hurt me...not because you can’t but because you don’t want to.” she took another deep breath as she glanced down at Thor who was now asleep, the dog clearly sensing no threat was there “But, Frank, there’s this part of me that thinks it's too good to be true. That one day the whole thing will come tumbling down, and I know I have no reason to think that but I can’t help but be scared. We’re only five months down the line and you're already pissed off...” “I’m not pissed off at you.” He shook his head. “I’m angry at him putting you through this. And I just want you to know that I’m not perfect, I’m uncomfortable with the fact you think I am, that you think that this…us…” He waved his hand between them. “Is something special because I treat you normally. It’s special, yeah, of course it is, but that’s because it just is. Not because I’m this magical saint like human, when in fact I’m so far from that.”
 He reached over and took both her hands in his, and intertwined their fingers, looking at her. “You know, I never thought I’d ever want to settle down, that I’d ever find someone I wanted all that domestic shit with but then…I met you and…I dunno, you just…you sideswiped me Lissy, and well, yeah, it’s really early days you’re right, and what I feel for you after such a short period of time is, well, it is scary, I’ll admit that but I wanna be in this for the long run and that means we work through whatever it is together, honestly.” She smiled “So I'll tell you when I'm scared and worried about stuff and you tell me when I'm being an idiot?”
 He laughed and nodded, “Something like that.”
 She leaned over, ignoring the large dog in between them and placed a soft kiss to his lips. “Deal.”
 He smiled and pressed his forehead to hers, but before either of them had chance to do anything or say anything else, Thor pricked his ears up and shot off the seat between them, jogging to the back door. Both of them looked to see Mary walking into the yard, followed by Verity and Bill.
 “Hey.” Verity greeted them both as Fliss smiled at her mum. “You both ok?” “Yeah.” Fliss nodded. “We’re good.”
 Bill eyed Frank a little cautiously, which didn’t pass Frank by so he simply flashed Bill a little nod and saw the man relax visibly before he held up a bag.
“Mary thought you might fancy ice cream so we brought you some back from the Shack.” He said.
“It was awesome!” Mary bounded onto Frank’s knee drawing a grunt from him as she sat perched on his lap. “I had the Oreo milkshake and a huge burger with fries and…” she paused and looked at Bill “What was that stuff on them?” “Sour cream kiddo.” Bill answered and Mary made a noise of recognition.
 “Sour cream and cheese” she nodded “And then I had a cookie dough and fudge brownie sundae…” “So basically you aint gonna want to eat for a week.” Frank looked at her, and Mary grinned.
 “We got you some of the black forest because I know you love that, Titch.” Bill said “And Mary said Frank would want the peanut butter brittle.”
 “Mary was right!” Frank grinned, hi-fiving her before he stood up, slinging her over his shoulder causing her to giggle. He placed her down, his hand gently caressing the back of her head “What do you say to Bill and V?” “I already said thanks!”
 “She did.” Verity smiled “And it was our pleasure.”
 “Go get your stuff on for bed. I’ll be up in a second.” He said to her gently and it was a testament to how tired she was that she didn’t protest. She gave Fliss a hug, then Verity and Bill before she skipped inside, Thor following.
 “I’ll put that in the freezer…unless you want some now?” Fliss made to take the bag off her Dad and looked at Frank. He shook his head.
“Save it for tomorrow, Sweetheart.”
 Fliss nodded and headed inside, Bill and Verity then turned to Frank.
 “Is…she, I mean, are you…are you both…” Verity started and Frank gave her a smile.
 “We’re ok.” He assured the woman. “I promise.”
Verity nodded as Bill looked at him.
“You sure?”
 “It wasn’t nice hearing.” Frank shrugged “I’m not sure what else I can say Bill.”
 Bill nodded and at that point Fliss returned and Verity smiled at her.
 “We’ll leave you to it.” She said, giving her a hug which she returned. Bill gently clapped his hand on Frank’s shoulder, giving it a warm squeeze and Frank knew it was the man’s way of trying to reassure him somewhat.
 He wasn’t sure whether it had worked.
***** An hour or so later after a bit of TV, Fliss announced she was going for a shower and then heading to bed. Telling her he’d be up in a moment, Frank stayed where he was, simply mulling things over in his head. He prided himself on being a calm, level headed guy, able to logically see his way through most situations but this, well this was fucking with his head. He was angry, really angry that someone had put her through all of that and he was struggling to process it.
 After torturing himself for another ten or so minutes, with a resigned sigh he pushed himself off the sofa, and turned off the TV. Once upstairs he poked his head into the spare room and saw Mary was fast asleep, Thor curled around her feet. The dog looked up at him, but made no attempt to move as he turned off the lamp and headed across the small hallway to the master bedroom. To his surprise the lamp was on but Fliss was nowhere to be found.
 Now that he thought about it, he could hear the shower was still running. She must not have gotten in straight away as she’d come upstairs a good fifteen minutes or so ago. With a slight frown he headed to the door of the bathroom and gently nudged it open a touch.
 “Lissy?” he asked softly, “Baby, you ok?”
She didn’t answer, but as the steam from the water cleared Frank could make her out through the frosted glass of the screen. She was leaning on the tiles, facing the shower, one palm flat on the wall by the side of the temperature dial, the other clamped over her mouth, and her shoulders were shaking.
 Frank felt his eyes mist up again and he pulled his top over his head before shedding the rest of his clothes and stepping into the cubicle behind her.
 “Hey…” He said gently, his hand dropping to her hip, the skin slick to his touch as she turned to face him. “Come’ere…”
 She went willingly, melting into his strong arms as they curled round her and she buried her face into his chest.
 “I’m sorry…I…” She sobbed and he simply held her close, her bare skin pressed to his as the water beat down on them both, his hands gently caressing her back.
 “Let it out, I got you…” his face pressed into her hair as he dropped a kiss to the crown of her head. “I got you…”
 How long he stayed there simply holding her, he had no idea. It was as if all time had stood still and nothing existed to him, nothing but the girl he was cradling in his arms. Eventually her breathing evened out and she pulled back slightly to look at him. Without a word she stood on her toes and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips which he took, gratefully as he brushed her sodden hair off her face.
 “Turn around baby girl.” He said softly, and she looked at him, almost questioningly.
 “Trust me…” He assured her, and she did as she was told. Frank reached round for her shampoo, squeezed an amount onto his palm and gently began to work it into her hair. He felt her relax slightly, her shoulders dropping, the tension seeping out of her as he massaged her scalp softly, the apple and cinnamon notes from the suds rising up his nostrils went a long way to calming him too.
 “That okay?” he asked her softly, and she gave a low hmmm in response, simply leaning back further so her head was almost laying against his shoulder. He felt her relax completely against him, the suds from her hair spreading to his chest. Eventually, when he’d lathered enough he gently dropped his head, the water running off his own hair onto her shoulder, as he gently spoke into her ear and asked if she was ready to rinse it off. She nodded and allowed him to guide her round so she was facing him, tipping her head back slightly against the stream from the shower and he reached up, brushing the shampoo away from her face and down her long hair, causing her to press against him.
 Eventually her hair was completely rinsed clear and he repeated the process with her conditioner, all the time making sure to talk to her, ask her what she wanted or needed, and she caught him by surprise slightly when she asked if she could return the favour. Nodding he turned around and dipped his head slightly as she gently wound her hands into his hair, nails scratching against his scalp. When she’d finished he turned back to face her, dropping his head to rinse out his hair.
 “You’re gonna get it in your eyes standing this way.” she said gently, as she looked up at him.
 “Don’t care.” He said, his hands gently resting on her hips. “Just wanna see you.” 
And he did. He drank her in, every singled damned detail. Her eyes, her nose, those little freckles that at first glance you might miss, her defined shoulders, that dip in her collar bone, the line the water was tracing between her breasts, the curve of her hips…fuck he was unashamedly aching for her now, something he knew she’d spotted but hadn’t commented on.  When he looked up he caught her eyes again, and she gently reached up with her hands, the pads of her fingers cupping his face through his short beard. He stayed still as she simply studied him, before she pulled his face down to hers where he captured her mouth in a soft, gentle kiss. He let her guide him, tell him how much she wanted, or how little she wanted, his hands simply splaying across the soft skin on her back. Eventually she pulled away and pressed her forehead to his collar bone, her hands slipping round his waist as she held onto him and he was happy to let her, simply basking in the fact she was seeking his comfort.  Eventually she pulled away and took his hand in hers, examining his fingers.
 “You’re pruned up.” She said softly and he chuckled.
 “So are you.” He pointed out, pressing a kiss to her wrist. “You ready to get out?”
She nodded, so Frank reached around her, turning off the shower before he opened the cubicle door and crossed the small bathroom, reaching for a towel which he quickly ran over his hair before he wrapped it around his waist. Lifting her robe off the hook behind the door, he held it out for her and she turned and slipped her arms into it. Frank leaned around, ensuring it was wrapped tightly around her whilst she did up the belt as he lifted another towel off the rack for her hair. He began to gently squeeze the water out of her long, auburn locks, tenderly drying her hair, hands softly rubbing over her scalp as once again she tipped her head back, eyes closed. Once he’d finished he dropped a kiss to her neck and guided her back through to the bedroom.
 Fliss made her way in as Frank shut the door behind them and she padded over towards the bed before she turned and looked at him.
 “What’s wrong?” he asked her.
“Nothing.” she said, “I was just thinking.” “What about?”
 “Something you said before about how you’re nothing special because you treat me normally.”
 “I’m not.”
 “Well that’s just it.” She stepped forward towards him “You are to me…no matter how many times you try and protest otherwise.”
 “You know everything now, and you still want me…” her voice was nothing but a broken whisper and it made Frank’s heart ache.
 “Sweetheart, I’ll never not want you.” he own voiced cracked slightly.
 “Frankie, I just…” “Look, I promise you…” his nose bumped against hers. “Nothing you told me today changes the way I feel about you. How could it? You’re so strong, and brave and…”
 “I don’t feel it.” “Well you are.” he said, his hands cupping her face “Look at what you dealt with and came out the other side…please don’t ever worry about what I think of you, because honestly I think you’re the most amazing woman on the planet.” At that she smiled softly at him, as he dropped his lips to her neck, gently ghosting his mouth over her skin “And you’re mine…”
 “Promise?” She asked, her eyes fluttering shut.
 “Cross my heart.” He mumbled, gently kissing below her ear. He felt her give a soft shudder, which he took as an encouragement and gently continued his actions, tracing his mouth down her neck to where it met the soft towel of her robe. With deft hands he reached out, and gently undid the tie around her middle, causing the robe to gape open and he ran his fingers underneath the edges before he gently shrugged it off her shoulders. He placed a soft kiss to her collar bone as he felt her hands move between them, gently pulling the edge of the towel out from where it was tucked in on itself, dropping it to the floor.
 Tenderly he took her face in his hands and kissed her, softly, his tongue guiding her mouth open and she obliged, deepening the kiss slightly as her hands moved upwards, gently tangling in his hair at the nape of his neck. His movements slow and deliberate, Frank guided them her the last few steps over to the bed and laid her down, crawling over her, before his lips moved and he chained soft kisses across her jaw line, down her neck, through the valley between her breasts. He kissed the small burn scar that lay above her right hip, the origin of which he now knew,  then across towards her belly button, simply taking his god-damned time, making sure he worshiped every single inch of her body he could get his hands on. His fingers traced her thighs and then up her curves as he moved back upwards, before capturing her lips again in a soft kiss that grew more urgent, but still stayed tender as Frank poured every single emotion he was feeling into her, wanting her to understand how he felt, how much he loved her, how much that was not going to change no matter what. His hand flexed on her hip and she let out a soft moan into his mouth making him pull back slightly, and press his forehead to hers. "I love you." He said softly "I know." She replied, voice barely a whisper. “I love you too.”
His hand moved from her hip, sliding down between her legs as he simply remained where he was, his head pressed to hers and she let out a soft gasp at his touch as he gently worked her. Before long her hips started moving in time with his motions and when he slid his fingers inside of her, curling them slightly she let out a soft cry, her back arching slightly. He dipped his head, gently paying some attention to her beasts, his tongue circling her nipple, before he grazed it softly with his teeth, another action that had her crying out, begging him for more, for all of him. And he wanted to give her what she wanted, exactly what she wanted.
Moving slightly so he was fully over her, she parted her legs further to accommodate him and he took both her hands, lacing his fingers into his and gently laid them by her head as he lined himself up. With a slow, deliberate push forwards he sank into her, and she groaned, her head dropping backwards as he dropped his head slightly, the feel of her around him was almost enough to tip him over right there and then as every single sense in his body was on fire.
 He kept his movements slow, not thrusting, rolling, rocking softly into her over and over again, pressing his body to hers. Soft moans and whispers filled the room, his lips by her ears, telling her how good she was, how amazing she felt, how much he loved her, simply lavishing praise upon her, because she fucking deserved it.
 Eventually, no matter how hard he was trying to fight it, Frank could feel the ribbons in his belly starting to unravel, the familiar tightening across the base of his abdomen was growing stronger and stronger and he knew he couldn’t hold out for long.
 "Lissy..." He half whispered, half gasped into her ear, softly nipping at her pulse point as his hips continued their gentle, deep roll into her "I'm not sure how much longer... are you close baby girl? Please tell me you're close..." She didn't answer with words, instead he felt her tightening around him and he gave another groan as she let out a soft whimper. Then, he heard it, the soft sound of his name, "Frankie.." tumbling from her lips. He nudged her nose with his, making her look at him as she gave a soft moan before she tilted her head back and let out a gentle cry as her back arched, her fingers tightened around his, and she came, her eyes fluttering shut. The sight of her underneath him, giving in to him, coming undone was enough to make him tumble over the edge right after her, gently rutting up into her he felt himself go and his movements became disjointed as he groaned and came with a shudder, utterly blissed and consumed by her.
 Both of them lay still, shaking slightly with the afterglow, and Frank pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes locked straight onto hers, his hands still tangled in hers.
Because that’s what he was. And she was his.
 “I love you.” He’d lost count of how much he’d said that over the course of the day but it didn’t matter, because he did, and he wanted her to know. As she wiggled her hands, he released them, dropping to his elbows as she gently ran the tips of her fingers up his spine and into his hair.
 “I love you too.” she replied softly, her eye shining as he leaned down to kiss her.
 When they’d recovered, Frank settled them down as he lay on his back, Fliss safely snuggled into him, head on his chest, arm thrown over his stomach, her leg draped over his. He held her close, simply nuzzling into her hair every so often. Eventually he felt her breathing drop slightly and he glanced down to see she’d fallen asleep. He lay awake for another good hour or so simply holding her as he stared into nothingness, occasionally glancing down to make sure she was still ok. He was struggling to switch off, it had been such an intense evening, and no matter how tired he felt physically, his mind was running ten to the dozen going over everything she had told him.
But, then he felt her stir besides him and he looked down at her, her eyelids were fluttering slightly as she was clearly dreaming, but a soft smile spread on her face as she nuzzled further into him, mumbling something incoherent, and that was it. He realised, she wasn’t having nightmares about it, which was something he’d been concerned about. So if she wasn’t, then why should he dwell on it anymore?
 It was done, he couldn’t change what she’d been through, but he could damned well make sure she never went through anything like that again.
 With a sigh, he gently kissed her head again and settled down against his pillow, finally allowing his mind to close off, and the tiredness catch up with him.
***** Chapter 16
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Riding On Ch3: What Happens In Vegas...
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Summary: We catch up with what Fliss got up to whilst Frank was living it up in Vegas, before they both face up to the events of the weekend, because this time what happened in Vegas certainly doesn’t stay there…
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Imma still running from @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and I won’t be stopping at the end of this either…As always, thanks to my unofficial beta @icanfeelastormbrewing​ for the usual inputs and opinions. J Chapter Song: Trouble Loves Me by Morrissey
Series Materlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
Just when it seems like everything’s evened out, and the balance seems serene, see the fool I’ll be, still running ‘round on the flesh rampage
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“Hey!” Fliss greeted Bonnie as she walked over to where the woman was supervising the after school club.
“Hiya!” Bonnie smiled “You heard from Frank today?”
“Yeah, before.” Fliss smiled, before she looked and Bonnie “I gotta say, that video of Simon…”
“He’s an idiot.” Bonnie shook her head “Punching his own reflection…I mean…”
“I’m not gonna lie, it’s probably the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages.” Fliss giggled and Bonnie snorted, shaking her head again. At that point Mary came running over, her cheeks pink
“Hey Lissy.” “Hey sweetheart, you ready to go?”
“Good, because I got a surprise for you!”
“Where is it?”
“We gotta go pick it up.”
“Oh, ok…bye Miss Stevenson!”
“See you Mary!” Bonnie smiled as she started to head off to Fliss’ car “Hey, give me a call…we can do lunch Sunday before the boys get back.”
“Sure.” Fliss nodded. “I’ll text you.”
With a final goodbye she headed after Mary and climbed into the driver’s side.
“Where’s Thor?” Mary asked.
“He’s at Mum and Dad’s with Rupert and Fred.” she said, “I thought after our surprise we could stay there for the weekend, use the pool and the Cinema Room…”
“Ok…” Mary looked at her suspiciously.
“I promise you’re gonna like it!”
“Just tell me.” Mary looked at her as Fliss set off driving.
“Sure you wanna know?”
“You’re as bad as Frank.” The girl rolled her eyes and Fliss laughed.
“We’re going to pick Steve up from the airport.”
Mary’s face split into a huge grin, it was a well-known fact that besides Bill, Fliss’ brother was basically her favourite person that wasn’t Frank on the planet.
“Uncle Steeby is coming to stay?” she looked at Fliss.
“Yup for a whole month. He has some work in Orlando and Tampa so he’s gonna be staying in town for a while, and then in Easter Sian and the twins are flying over.”
“Oh man!” Mary grinned, laying her head back on the seat “This is great!”
Mary’s excitement seemed to increase the nearer they got to the Airport, and Fliss had to practically hold her down in the seat as she parked the car, telling her to wait a second. Once she’d managed to park they headed into the arrivals lounge and little after 15 minutes later her brother appeared, towing his suitcase behind him.
“Hey Stack!” he grinned as Mary flung herself at him and he swept her up in a hug “How’s it hanging?” “Same old, same old!” she grinned and he let out a laugh before he placed her down and turned to Fliss.
“Oh my God!” he smiled as Fliss walked over to him “Look at you!”
She laughed “I know…” with a nod she looked down “Nothing until 16 weeks and then wham…now I feel like it’s getting bigger every day.”
He pulled her into his arms and gave her the usual bear hug before the three of them headed out to the car. On the way back to the house, Steve filled Fliss in on what exactly he was doing. The construction company he owned was in the running for a very big job in Orlando building a complete village of holiday villas not far from Lake Buena Vista. As such he was out here to meet a few people and attend the Bidders Conference, whilst also taking a look at some potential office buildings in Lakeland.
“If we win this tender Fliss, it’s going to be huge.” he smiled at her “We’re talking millions.”
“That’s great.” she smiled “You’ve really blown it up since Dad handed over the reins, I’m really pleased for you!”
“I got lucky.”
“No, it was hard work.” Fliss glanced at him.
“Frank says you make your own luck.” Mary added.
“See!” Fliss grinned at her brother. “So, would you guys move out here or…”
“I’m tempted.” he said, “As with anything, I’ll need a project team who can oversee the local suppliers and labour that type of thing, manage the schedules and what not…but our head offices will still be in Liverpool, so I’m undecided. Either way I’ll be spending a lot more time here, certainly in the first 12 months whilst it all gets up and running.”
“How does Sian feel about it?”
“She’s excited. She knows what it means to me, to the business. Obviously she realises it means more time apart as I’ll be out here quite often but…”
“Is it selfish of me to be happy about that?” Fliss smiled and Steve laughed.
“Nope, because we all know I’m the best big brother in the world.”
Fliss grinned and shook her head as Mary began to enthusiastically talk to Steve about school and University and the Girl Scout group she was in. Fliss interjected whenever she needed to but other than that she was happy to let the two of them chat away.
Once home Steve headed over to the Annex where he would be staying whilst Mary went outside to play with the dogs, Fred happy to oversee things from his spot on a chair on the large decking platform which-over looked the pool area. Steve appeared an hour or so later having showered and changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, Fliss grinning at him, calling him a tourist. Whilst it wasn’t cold by cold standards, she found it chillier having grown used to the blazing heat of the summer. Steve, who had come from the chilly early spring in England, simply rolled his eyes and handed her the box he had in his hand.
“It’s a present from me and Sian.” he smiled.
Fliss glanced down and smiled at the selection box of Pukka Tea bags.
“Steeby this is great!” she beamed “I’ve been struggling to find them out here since Sian recommended them.”
She gently opened the box and glanced at the various herbal teas. There were 12 different flavours such as Peppermint and Liquorice, Ginger and Manuka Honey, Chamomile and Rose to name but a few. There was even a handwritten note inside from Sian, explaining which ones had helped her with various symptoms she felt during her pregnancy. She closed the purple and gold box and looked up at Steve, tears in her eyes.
“Hey, come on Titch!” he laughed as she fell into his arms, chuckling herself at her ridiculous tears “It’s just tea bags.” “It’s really thoughtful, thank you.” she stepped back, wiping her eyes “Fucking hormones.” Steve chuckled, rubbing her back slightly before she turned and began pulling the rest of the stuff out for dinner.
“Wanna help?” she asked.
“You really want me to?” He smirked “I’ve still not forgot the time we made brownies and set fire to the curtains at the Farm house.” “Ok, first off those curtains were rank, as Mum said when Dad came home and hit the roof, second off, they were pot brownies and we were already stoned after smoking a load! Cooking and being high do not mix.”
Steve laughed “God, poor Mum didn’t know what to do. Came home, found us both on the floor eating them, with burnt curtains hanging at the window.” “She knew we were stoned, she told me.” Fliss grinned, handing Steve a knife “Said she lied to dad that it had been her to get us off the hook.” “Well that didn’t work because Dad told me he knew full well it was us. He made me pay for the new curtains and told me that if I ever let you smoke that stuff again he was going to beat me within an inch of my life.” Fliss laughed “He was so full of shit, he never raised a hand to either of us. Never would either.” “No, but the threat was there. Even if I was 22 at the time, scared the shit out of me.”
“Thankfully we both grew up since then, huh?” Fliss shrugged, as she grabbed a chopping board to start carving up the meat for the tacos.
“Hmmm, debatable.” Steve nudged her. “Although I can safely say I haven’t done weed since the twins were born…as tempting as it was at times.”
“I can’t remember the last time I did.” Fliss mused “Was certainly before I moved to Boston.” “Frankie boy not dabble every now and then?”
“Nope.” Fliss said “He doesn’t smoke and says the last time he did pot it made him pull a whitey so he steers clear. Hardest thing he does now is Bourbon.” “Huh…” Steve mused “I had him pegged as a bit of wild one…” “He’s not.” Fliss shook her head “I mean he cuts loose when we go out, and I dread to think about the states he’s gonna be in this weekend but…” she shrugged “He’s well adjusted, sensible, level headed…can be a bit of a child at times but, show me a man who isn’t?” Steve shot her a look and she chuckled.
“So, how is he?” Steve asked. “Seems like ages since I spoke to him.” “He’s good.” Fliss smiled “His work is going well. He’s really excited about the baby.” her hand dropped to her bump. “We’re gonna start looking for houses now our landlord had said he won’t hold us to our contract. Frankie wants to move as soon as we can so he can get a nursery ready but I’m not bothered. Not like we’ll need the extra space really until a few months after it’s born.”
“You’d be surprised.” Steve raised an eyebrow “Babies accumulate a lot of stuff…” “Well, we’ll manage either way.” Fliss shrugged “Most important thing is they’re safe and happy. We can figure the rest out as we go.” “You gonna buy or…” “Hopefully.” Fliss nodded “With work and stuff now we shouldn’t have a problem borrowing now but, I don’t know, we’re going to look into it properly once Jake’s wedding is out of the way in a few weeks.”
Steve nodded and took a deep breath “You know, I wasn’t sure about you two at first, not because I didn’t like Frank, I did, I mean I do but, well, I just thought after Dickhead that you needed time to heal and find yourself again.” Fliss looked at him as he chewed the inside of his lip before he turned to her. “But then when I saw you again after your first Christmas together and then over the Easter…I dunno, you just…”
Fliss smiled and looked down, shrugging “I might have healed in a lot of ways before I met Frank but I was still broken Steeb. Finding my way in a new relationship was hard work, it was daunting…I constantly found myself automatically doing things I did with or for John…like you know the first time Frank ever stayed over, in the morning I just got up and was about to make him coffee and he was so puzzled by it.” she shrugged “that could have been so awkward but Frank…well, he didn’t let it feel that way. Simply told me to stay the fuck in bed.” “Don’t wanna know.” Steve pulled a face and Fliss laughed.
“Joking aside, I know it used to bother him because it was almost like on a subconscious level I was comparing the two of them but he never once lost his temper, not really anyway, other than to tell me to stop putting him on a pedestal for being fucking normal…his words, not mine.” she said, framing them in quotation marks with her fingers. “He just gets it. He gets me.” “You finished with the sales pitch?” Steve asked her and she narrowed her eyes at him as he laughed “You don’t need to convince me Titch, I like the guy, I just wasn’t sure you were in the right place but it's obvious he helped you get there.” Fliss smiled.
“And Mum and Dad worship the ground he walks on.” Steve shrugged “Like seriously…”
“Awww you jealous?” Fliss teased and Steve turned, pointing the small knife he was holding at her.
“Behave.” he smirked and Fliss laughed.
“I know what you mean though…whenever we argue they’re both like ‘you need to stop being so hard on him, Lissy’.” She snorted.
“Well, to be fair, you are a little bit…” Steve shrugged “Oh, I dunno, a bit of a pain in the ass at times.” “Fuck you.” she sniggered, as Steve chuckled and once again looked down at her.
“I’m glad you found him. You deserve to be happy.” Fliss smiled, and let her brother give her another hug before she instructed him to get on with his allocated job of dicing onions if they wanted any chance of eating this side of summer. Between the two of them, they had dinner ready in half an hour and the three of them ate inside at the large kitchen table. It wasn’t long after they finished that Frank Face timed. After a conversation with Mary, instructing her once more to behave, she handed the phone to Fliss who smiled at her man and excused herself for a little while so she could go talk to him in private. He told her they were off to play poker, promised he wouldn’t gamble Bean and Mary’s inheritance away, before he apologetically said he needed to go and promised he would message her later, despite her insistence that he didn’t need to keep checking in.
The siblings and Mary, plus animals migrated to the lounge of the villa as Steve yawned, desperately trying to keep himself awake as long as possible to counteract the time difference between Florida and their home in the North West of England. He ended up helping himself to a healthy shot of Bill’s 12 year old Single Malt as Fliss had an apple juice mixed with lemonade, the 2 of them on the couch, the foot stools of the recliners in front of them whilst Mary led on the rug, playing on her computer.
At one point she let out a snigger, and Fliss looked at her suspiciously.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Frank before told me to stop doing maths and do something else…so I’m googling.” she shrugged.
“Googling what?”
“Random pregnancy facts…did you know the longest pregnancy ever recorded was 375 days?”
“What?” Fliss spluttered “That’s over a year!”
Mary grinned “and the shortest was 21 weeks and four days…both babies survived.”
Steve looked at Fliss, chuckling to himself as he took a drink of his scotch.
“Woah, your heart grows bigger too…” Mary said, “and your blood volume increases by 40-50%. That’s pretty cool.”
“No wonder you get fat…” Steve mused and Fliss picked up a cushion, hitting him in the face with it.
“And your voice can change!” Mary looked up at Fliss “Says here that it can get lower…” she studied her for a second before she nodded “Talk to me…” “What do you want me to say?” Fliss asked, dropping her voice deliberately and Mary shook her head, rolling her eyes.
“You’re doing a Frank…” she sing songed.
“Doing a Frank?” Steve looked at his sister.
“Code for being an idiot.” Fliss smiled.
“You’re 18 weeks right?” Mary continued.
“It says here that’s the time the baby can hear sounds…but it gets more responsive at 25-26 weeks…” she paused “Have you felt Bean move yet?”
“No.” Fliss shook her head, “but apparently for your first baby it’s not uncommon for you not to feel it until after 20 weeks.”
“Huh, they call it quickening…” Mary mused then she grinned “I can’t wait to feel it kicking you.”
“Gee thanks Stack…” Fliss looked at her as Steve let out a loud laugh
“I bloody love this kid!” he grinned and Mary smiled back.
Saturday flew by. Fliss had lessons all day at the yard, Mary hanging around to help Joanne with various tasks before she herself got to ride Monty. She was now fully walking, trotting and cantering off the line competently, so when she asked Fliss if they could try a little jump, seeing as Frank wasn’t there to shit himself Fliss agreed.
Joanna set the cross poles up, leaving the jump at less than half a foot high, but it was enough for what they wanted to do.
“Ok…so…” Fliss said, nudging the ground pole with her foot. “We’re going to just trot him at this for the time being, so when he steps over this pole you have a count of one before he is going to take off. So you need to stand up… and fold forward slightly, giving him the reins. Show me.” Mary obediently stood up, and Fliss moved to help her adjust her legs so they didn’t fling too far back.
“Ok, good…” Fliss nodded. “Joanna’s gonna lead you over the first few times ok, and if you feel like you’re losing your balance then grab hold of this bit at the bottom of his mane. It won’t hurt him, I promise.” “OK, I’m ready…” Mary nodded.
“Alright…” Fliss said, stepping back. Joanna led Monty away, before they picked up trot and ran at the small jump.
“Get ready to fold!” Fliss instructed Mary, as she approached the pole. Doing exactly as she was told Mary leaned forward as Monty took off from the ground and landed perfectly after the jump. Mary sat back up and looked over her shoulder at the jump then to Fliss who gave her the thumbs up.
“Woah, did you see that?” Mary grinned, and Fliss nodded.
“Sure did!” she laughed. “Go again?”
Mary nodded eagerly and Joanna laughed. “Well done kiddo!”
They repeated this 5 or 6 times more before Fliss asked Mary if she wanted to try on her own. Never one to back down she nodded so Joanne unclipped the line and Mary trotted Monty around in a circle before she came at the jump.
“Ok, sit up and look straight between his ears at where you’re going.” Fliss said “Don’t look down…” Mary approached the jump and Fliss held her breath, but needn’t have bothered. Monty, ever the pro took Mary over the poles easily and stopped a few strides at the other side, Mary letting out an excited yell.
“I did it!”
Fliss gave her a huge smile.
“Can we film it and send it to Frank?”
“Damned straight we can!” Fliss grinned, “Do it again.”
She pulled her phone out, filmed Mary once again jumping and then turned her phone off, slipping into her pocket as Mary rode Monty back over.
“That was amazing!” the little girl was beaming ear to ear.
Fliss nodded “Yeah, it was. You did really well Stack. You wanna walk him off now then and we can feed and go home?” Mary nodded as she turned Monty away to let him walk around the outside of the paddock. With a smile she grabbed her phone and sent the footage to Frank. He replied a few minutes later with a load of wide mouthed emojis accompanied by the words “Jesus Christ, what did I say about keeping all 4 legs on the ground?”
“Oh hush Sailor!” she replied “She loved it. Now don’t forget I want a photo of you and Greg in those suits before you go out.” “Yes ma’am…now by my watch it must be nearly 6pm there. Take Mary and Bean home and get some rest.”
Rolling her eyes she responded about him being bossy to which he replied he was entitled to be as she was carrying his kid. A few more jokey messages were shared before Fliss promised to go home and Frank said he would talk to her later.
They grabbed a pizza on the way back and once more joined Steve for dinner, the 3 of them sitting in Bill’s large cinema room later watching Avengers-Age of Ultron. Before it had finished Fliss fell asleep, to be woken by Steve at the end of the film, Mary laughing at her as she groaned and stretched out.
“Sorry!” she grinned and Steve snorted.
“She falls asleep all the time.” Mary laughed “Frank said the baby is like a parasite, sucking all her energy.”
“A parasite?” Fliss snorted indignantly, her hand falling to her bump “You hear that Bean, that’s your dad saying that. Rude…”
“He isn’t wrong though.” Steve laughed. “Sian used to refer to our two as the bloodsuckers.” Shaking her head Fliss stood up and looked at Mary, “Bed, come on. You’re out with Roberta tomorrow.” “Anywhere nice?” Steve asked Mary.
“Just to the beach.” came the reply. “I haven’t seen her in a while so we’re gonna go watch the surfing competition. Roberta likes the shorts the men wear.”
“Sure she does.” Steve smirked, laughing.
“Some of them are brighter than Frank’s shirts.” Mary mused, causing Steve to laugh harder.
They bid him goodnight, getting ready for bed before Fliss tucked Mary in and went to the spare room. She fell asleep not long after but was woken early Sunday morning with a desperate need to pee. Once sorted she text her phone to find a very drunk text from Frank, declaring he loved her and couldn’t wait for Bean to arrive and for them to get married. She shook her head, glancing at the time, it was almost 4 am meaning it was 1am in Vegas. Smiling as she replied half asleep herself, telling him to maybe think about drinking water instead of any more alcohol, she turned over and closed her eyes.
***** Frank sat dumbfounded, his entire body rigid as the person next to him in the bed let out a sigh, and then a deep groan before a head emerged from under the covers.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Frank exhaled and let out a groan as Simon looked at him “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Well, technically this is my room, jerk.” Simon said, blinking “What year is it?
“You scared the shit out of me.” Frank took a deep breath “I thought…”
“You thought you left with the blonde?” Simon peeked up at him “Nah, man. Mind you, wasn’t for her lack of trying. She was all over you. Eventually you told her to fuck off. You were quite rude actually.” Frank let out a sigh, his head falling back against the head board.
Simon sighed turning over, before he peered under the covers. “For the love of- Frank you’re naked.” “I’m aware of that.” Frank groaned.
“Fucking hell…” Simon grimaced, before he rolled out of bed “I’m going for a pee. Put some clothes on.”
Once Simon was in the bathroom he climbed out of bed, his head still spinning as he found his clothes in a pile on the floor. Shoving on his boxers and shirt he looked around the room to see an empty bottle of Jack Daniels and a pizza box on the table.
“Where the hell did we go?” He asked Simon as he walked back into the room. “Don’t ask me.” Simon looked at him, falling face down on the bed. “I know we took Greg back to your room…”
“We did?”
“Yeah he was wasted.” Simon nodded, rolling over as Frank flopped back on the bed. “He could hardly walk so the bouncers asked us to take him out of the club. We threw him in your room then…we must have gone back out…hang on…”
With a herculean effort, Simon pushed himself up and found his phone. After a brief scan his eyes widened and he snorted.
He turned the phone round to Frank, who saw a selfie of him and Simon in front of a face down Greg in the hotel room. Simon then began to flick through.
“Oh, ok so we went to a liquor store…” he turned the phone round to show Frank a blurry photo of a shop front “Don’t ask me why I took that and oh my god!”
“What?” Simon pressed play and a load of cheering and singing hit their ears as they watched footage of a small man dressed as a leprechaun dancing in the hotel foyer, Frank on his knees in front of him, laughing.
“I literally have no memory of that…at all.” Frank shook his head.
“Looks like we called Bonnie as well…” Simon snorted “If this angry text message that I got at 3 am is anything to go by.”
“Oh fuck…” Frank hastily reached for his phone, which really didn’t have a lot of battery left, and he hastily scanned his calls. There were none to Fliss, but he had sent her a message. According to her reply she’d been up to use the toilet…so that was ok.
His phone illuminated then with 2 messages. One from Fliss asking him if he was hungover, as he deserved to be, and another from Greg asking him where the fuck he was. Deciding to reply to Greg first, as he could picture the man stressing he tapped out a quick reply informing him not to worry, he’d be back at the room as soon as he’d managed to dress himself, which at the moment thanks to his head was proving a little difficult, before he replied to Fliss saying he was indeed hungover and he needed to crawl into a hole and die and as ever, reminded her he loved her.
No sooner had he sent it, she was calling him.
“That was quick…” he mumbled, before answering it. “Hey honey…” “So, wanna tell me exactly where and what you were doing that requires you to get dressed before you go back to the room?” her voice was steely.
Shit. He had sent the messages to the wrong people.
“Lissy, it’s not what you think…” he instantly began.
“Oh, you have no IDEA what I’m thinking!” her voice grew louder
“No, listen…I’m with Simon…” he chuckled.
“You think this is funny?” she sniffed and Frank grimaced.
“Baby, stop.” he sighed “Look, we ended up back at his room and I passed out here. That message was meant for Greg as he was asking me where I was. Instead he now has a message saying I’m hungover to fuck and that I love him.”
She was silent and he could hear her on the other end of the line rustling something before she spoke again in a quiet voice “So you weren’t with anyone else?”
“No, Sweetheart I wasn’t. Why would I want to be huh? Most beautiful girl in the world waiting for me at home.” At that Simon let out a retching noise “God you make me want to puke Adler.” “Oh fuck off Si you dick.” he shot back.
“Hey Fliss…” Simon leaned over to speak down the phone, grabbing Frank’s wrist to stop him moving it. “Now you, Bonnie and me have all seen Frank nekkid...”
“I swear to God I’m gonna punch you in a minute…” Frank mumbled, jerking his arm out of Simon’s reach and pushing him so hard he rolled over and fell off the side of the bed. Frank let out a laugh as Simon groaned and a hand appeared in the air, flipping him off.
“He knows about you and Bonnie?”
“Apparently so.” Frank mused
Fliss snorted “So anything else you wanna tell me about what you got up to? Other than naked spooning Si?”
Frank laughed “We found a dancing leprechaun.”
“A dancing leprechaun?” “Yeah, in the hotel somewhere.”
“Standard.” she giggled “So, are you ready to come home now you’ve spent the last few days acting like overgrown frat boys?
“Yes, I’m more than ready to leave Aldrich Whitaker behind”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“My alter ego for last night. He’s a trust fund ass hole…” Frank grinned.
There was a pause before she replied, snorting “Whatever.”
At that point his phone gave him a bleep to tell him he was dangerously low on battery power. “Look, baby, my phones gonna die. I’ll call you when I get it charged ok?”
“Yeah, sure, hey Frankie…sorry I jumped to conclusions.” she said softly.
“It’s ok” he laughed “I’m not surprised after that message.”
“Yeah but still…” she paused “Can I blame the hormones?”
“If you want.”
“In that case it was totally them.”
He chucked “Ok. Anyway, hormones or not, I love you.”
“Love you too sailor”
With that his phone cut off and he glanced down at it, the screen blank as the power had gone. He dropped it on the bed, before leaning back again, his hand against his forehead.
“I’m NEVER coming to Vegas again”
“Oh you not fancy it for your Batchelor party then? Simon teased as he threw Frank a bottle of water from the mini bar.”
“The fuck I do.” Frank shook his head.
“I’d like to say I’m surprised but…” Bonnie shrugged as Fliss snorted, taking a drink of her apple juice from the carton as they walked back to their cars in the setting sun. They’d had dinner at one of the beach bars and stayed simply chatting for half an hour or so, but now Fliss was now ready to head home, shower and bunker down for the rest of the evening until Frank came home.
“I knew he’d end up paralytic.” Fliss said, watching as Mary wandered back towards them, huge ice cream in her hand. “Ok, Stack that’s bigger than your head.”
Mary shrugged, handing Fliss her change “It’s good though.” “Mint choc chip?”
“Yup.” she grinned, taking a huge lick. “When’s Frank back?”
“He lands into Tampa in about 4 hours.” Fliss looked at her “Why, you fed up of me already?”
“No, just thinking how peaceful it’s been without him annoying me.”
Fliss grinned and Bonnie gave a chuckle.
“Hey, did you tell Bonnie about you jumping Monty?” Fliss asked.
“Oh, no…” Mary turned to the woman, enthusiastically telling her all about it as Bonnie listened, Fliss walking alongside them, her hand rubbing her bump. She was just thinking about how nice a nap would be right then when Bonnie’s phone went.
“Sorry Mary…” she said, frowning at the number. “Hey, Lisa?” Fliss attention turned to Bonnie and she watched carefully as she spoke to Jake’s fiancé, her eyes flicked to her “No, no why…what’s…oh, ok…yeah…”
She cancelled the phone call and instantly tapped at the screen.
“Everything ok?” Fliss frowned.
“Yeah, I just need to check something.” she said. Fliss glanced at Mary who looked at her, shrugging.
“Here…” Fliss handed her the keys to the jeep “Go open the car…” “You know if you want me out of the way just ask.” Mary rolled her eyes.
“Ok I want you out of the way.” Fliss looked down at her. Mary snorted and took the keys, wandering off the 50 yards or so to the jeep. Fliss watched her climb in the back, the door staying open and her legs dangling out of the side. “Bonnie what is it?”
“Nothing…” Bonnie said, far too quickly as she looked up at Fliss. Fliss frowned.
“Honestly, it’s nothing, just something Lisa told me about on facebook so…” Bonnie stuttered slightly so Fliss narrowed her eyes.
“Stop bullshitting.” Fliss said, holding her gaze “What the fuck’s going on?”
“Look, I’m sure it’s not what it seems…” Bonnie sighed, holding out her phone. At those words Fliss felt her heart sink as it could only mean one thing, and she took the phone with a tentative hand. She looked down at it and could see that it was a photo and from the logo in the bottom right hand corner it was from the official club page that the boys had been in on Saturday night.
It showed Jake, Greg, Simon, and a few others that Fliss didn’t recognise but that wasn’t what Bonnie had been referring to. What she had been talking about, as Fliss could clearly see was the background of the shot, which showed Frank with a blonde woman. Her arms were round his neck, his hand was resting on her lower back and their faces inches apart.
“Like I said, I’m sure there’s an innocent explanation…” Bonnie said, but Fliss wasn’t listening. She was busy flicking through the other photos and then she came across another of Frank, the same girl perched on his knee.
She felt sick.
“Sure, perfectly innocent…” Fliss swallowed, handing the phone back to Bonnie, her voice sounding detached. Bonnie looked down at the snap now displayed on the screen and she took a deep breath.
“Look, Fliss, Frank loves you…he was probably just drunk and…” “Touching up some whore that’s sat on his lap.” Fliss shook her head “Save it Bonnie, I gotta go.” “Fliss…”
Fliss turned away from her, the tears stinging her eyes as she headed to the jeep. Taking a deep breath she wiped her eyes, climbing into the driver’s seat.
“Are you ok?” Mary looked at her.
“Yeah, fine…just tired and hormonal.” Fliss shot her a smile.
“We can watch a film when we get back.” Mary suggested “Just chill out?”
“Yeah, yeah we can.” Fliss trying to quell the sick feeling in her stomach that had nothing to do with Bean.
Had Frank really cheated on her? She would never in a million years thought he had it in him to be unfaithful, and she was desperate to believe Bonnie, that there was some perfectly innocent explanation for it all. And maybe, just maybe with the first one she could. It could have been taken at a bad moment, when they were just talking to one another, Frank being friendly…but then again why would they have their arms round one another. And as for the second one…the same girl was sat on his fucking lap with her arm looped round his shoulder.
And he looked perfectly comfortable with it.
She rubbed her bump again and Mary looked at her. “Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine sweetheart.” she nodded, painting a smile on her face before turning the key in the ignition. “Let’s go home.”
Frank sighed as they all trudged through the arrivals lounge, rubbing his eyes. He was ready for a shower and collapse next to his girl, he felt like he had aged a decade over the last 3 days. The rest of them looked just as bad as they headed to the waiting car, Simon’s phone reminding Frank he needed to turn his on to.
“Oh, shit…” he heard Simon groan “No, that’s not…he didn’t…I swear…”
He glanced at Frank who stood still, watching and leaning on the door frame, his own phone in his hand as it started up.
“Yeah, ok…love you…see you soon.” Simon swallowed and cut the call looking at Frank.
“What is it?” Frank looked at him, a cold feeling washing over him “Has something happened to Lissy or Mary? Or the baby, please tell me no…” “No, nothing like that but you need to call Fliss.” he said, “Frank, there’s photos of you and that blonde chick on the club facebook page. Someone tagged me and Greg in them, Lisa saw them and Bonnie and…” “Photos of what?” Frank frowned “I didn’t do anything…” “There’s a photo that makes it look like you are…and one of her on your lap.” Simon said and Frank swallowed, his stomach churning.
“Oh fuck…”
“Just get in the car.” Greg said, looking at him from where he stood at the other side. “Call her on the way, we’ll back you up…it’s a misunderstanding…”
“Yeah, it’ll be fine…” Jake assured him.
But it wasn’t fine, because no matter how much he tried, or how many messages he sent her, she wasn’t picking up or replying and when he saw the photos, and had to admit…they looked pretty bad, he could understand her being pissed. He would be if it was the other way round. The drive home seemed to take forever, and when the car finally rounded the corner onto Frank’s road they all offered to come in as well and help him explain, but he shook his head, knowing full well if he did that she would feel backed into a corner. No, this was his own dumbass fault. He’d face up to it and talk to her, make her understand how he’d told the girl to back off…she’d listen, she was reasonable.
The house was quiet when he entered and he walked through to the lounge where Fliss was sat on the sofa, her knees bent up besides her. She glanced over the back of the couch and he could see she had been crying, which made him feel like even more of bastard than he did already.
“Lissy, honey, I swear…” “You know, when I asked if there was anything you wanted to tell me, maybe I should have asked if there was something you should be telling me” she said, uncurling her legs and standing up. Thor’s ears pricked up from where he had been laying on the rug.
“Listen, those photos…they’re not…” he shook his head “I told her to get lost, honestly I swear…”
He moved towards her, his hands dropping to her hips but she pushed him hard in the chest, stepping back.
“Don’t touch me...I don’t want you anywhere near me.” she said quietly
“Sweetheart, I swear to God…”
“I don’t wanna hear it Frank.” she sniffed walking past him. “Where are you going?” he asked, “Lissy, you can’t leave…please, sweetheart…” “I’m going to bed, but let’s get one thing straight. The only reason I’m not screaming at you right now and storming out, slamming the door behind me is because of Mary.” she spoke calmly, too calmly for the anger which was radiating out of every inch of her body. She looked at Frank, her eyes watering as she shook her head, turning away “You can take the couch.”
“Lissy…” “Frank…just…stop.” she said, her voice cracking, and with that she left the room, Thor trotting behind, the bedroom door clicking behind her.
Frank stood, rooted to the spot, debating whether or not to follow her, before he decided not to. The last thing he wanted was to anger her that much she stormed out, or worse, she got so stressed something happened to the baby. No, she’d set the boundaries so he decided to respect them, and turned instead to the couch, sinking down onto the cushions his head in his hands.
She was angry, upset and she had the right to be and like he had said in the car, in her position he knew he would feel the same. She needed to sleep, calm down enough so that they could talk and he could explain, get her to listen to him. And then she’d see that it was a huge misunderstanding, even if she remained pissed at him for having the girl so close in the first place, which, ok, he shouldn’t have done but fuck…the thought of cheating hadn’t entered his mind, not once.
He swung his legs up, rubbing his face over his hands. She’d believe him. She had to, because if she didn’t, he had no idea what the fuck he was gonna do.
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inkstaineddove · 5 years
Till We Meet Again
Ships: PruHun; past AusHun
Characters: Prussia, Hungary; mentioned Austria, Germany
Summary: Hungary and Prussia celebrate her divorce to Austria before it happens. The divorce brings the end to the major roadblock in their happiness. Things should be easier once it's over, right? 
October 1918, Budapest.
“You plan on doing what?”      
Prussia felt his body humming with electricity. Ostensibly, this visit was about how the war against Italy was carrying on. Not that it mattered much. They both understood that they were in a race against time, that both of their offenses were collapsing as the American entrance had provided more than enough to keep the Allies going. If it was any other nation, he would’ve called off the meeting and stayed in Berlin.
But it was her. It was always her.
Now Hungary stood staring at him, her green eyes wide and a laugh escaping through her lips. “I’m going to get a divorce.” She laughed again. The prospect of her future alone sending relief shuddering throughout her body. “No matter where the chips fall, I’m not staying married to him a moment longer.”
When was the last time he felt this happy? Before the war began, before he was sent running to-and-fro between eastern and western fronts, before he could never wash the stench of death off his skin. The misery of the last four years fell away in an instant. If this was all Gilbert had to show for the war, goddamn it, he was going to revel in it. This couldn’t be taken away by Alfred and his men or by the renewed spirit of Arthur and Francis on the edge of his border. He couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off his face even if he tried. “Please, Erzsi, you have to let me be there when you tell him.” This was what it must be like to be high. This was the elusive shot of opium he’d been chasing for centuries. “He’ll be crushed. I’ll hide, please, I need to see.”
Erzsébet hesitated for a beat. It was so subtle as to be almost undetectable. Almost because he knew her too well, knew her like he knew himself. “No.” Soft, yet firm. “If you’re there and he figures it out, he’ll think I’m doing this for you. He’ll completely disregard why. I can’t have that.” She shook her hair, a soft veil of hair bouncing in her face. “I need him to know I’m doing this for me. I will not have him think I’m doing this so I can become another man’s property.” Sensing Gilbert’s slight hurt, she came over to him and kissed his cheek. “But I promise, when I tell you how he reacted, I’ll give you every detail. Even act it out if you want.”
It was something. And, really, he understood her reasoning even if meant he missed out. Prussia tilted her head up to him and kissed her softly. The surge of excitement had returned to his body. He was drunk off his giddiness. No more Roderich to interfere, to try and shatter their happiness. She was his and his alone. This was all he ever wanted. A nagging voice taunted him. If this was all he ever wanted then where was she hiding in Poland, in Schleswig-Holstein, in Elsass-Lothringen? He brushed those thoughts aside. Those were the wants of a nation; this – to have her in his arms and know that there was nothing more to come between them – was the want of a man.
Gilbert picked her up in his arms and spun them around, an uncontrollable laugh bellowing from his lips. He bet that, right now, he could soar higher than the eagle on his flag. “I love you so much. Through it all, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He set her down on the sofa and Erzsébet didn’t know whether she was dizzy from the spinning or the joy and adoration rolling off him in waves. He knelt on one knee, kissing her hand. “My heart belongs to you; this is all I’ve ever dreamt about.”
Something gnawed at the back of Hungary’s mind, but she disregarded it. He was an intoxicating presence. She wanted to enjoy this with him and wasn’t she happy for the same reasons as he? Wouldn’t it be nice to no longer have to hide her love for him in the shadows or have their relationship whispered about in every court on the continent? Divorce would gift her freedom, yes, but didn’t it also grant the ability to be as public or private in her affections as she chose? She cradled his cheek in her hand, a warmth spreading throughout her body. “We can be together now. No holds back. I can share my heart and all my love with you.” She felt drunk off her bliss, despite her best intentions to remain composed. She couldn’t stop giggling. “There’s nothing between us now.”
Her lips crashed against his and, driven by instinct, they were wound tightly together. Neither could stop smiling like an idiot. This was fantasy realized, a wish fulfilled.
Gilbert had somehow climbed – or maybe he was pulled? Their movements had been a blur – up on the sofa besides her. Sitting in his lap, her emerald eyes bore into him and he swore he’d never seen her so beautiful. His heart swelled with thoughts of the future teasing him. “Let’s get married. Once it’s finalized and everything.” He couldn’t stop himself. His delight made him vulnerable. “Don’t say we can’t because we can. I’m not trying to annex you. I never want to wake up without you by my side again.”
“What will your brother think if we run off and elope?” She didn’t realize how serious he was being.
“What brother?” He blinked a few times, remembering everyone outside of their little bubble. “Ludwig! He won’t mind, he adores you. You helped me raise him, didn’t you? If you’re worried about his feelings, we can invite him. Bring Feliks too! Bring anyone you want, as long as I get to see you at the altar.”
Realization settled in. Erzsébet couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I thought you didn’t believe in marriage. Haven’t you always said it’s a broken institution and a waste of money?”
“Wouldn’t you feel the same if your only prospects were your weak little cousins and siblings? Who gets excited about marrying Bavaria or Saxony!” Prussia gagged, displeasure at those proposals by his leaders coming to mind. His expression softened once his gaze settled on her. “You’re the exception. You’ve always been my exception, Erzsi.”
Curse her for having a heart. Curse the damn thing for melting every time he looked at her like a love-sick fool or spoke with such adoration dripping from his voice. Her heart jumped, leaping at the chance for a happily ever after. Her brain sternly refused, logic beginning to reign her back in. “Gil, we can’t. That’s not how our lives are allowed to work.”
He waved that away, having considered it already and finding it to be false. “Sure, if I’m asking you as Hungary. I would never, your people are more trouble than they’re worth.” If anyone else had said that, she would’ve taken it as an insult. Coming from him, Hungary took it as praise and chuckled. “I’m asking you to marry me, Erzsébet. There’s nothing stopping us as individuals. Please.” Her breath caught in her throat. There was an intensity she’d never seen before in his eyes. “You and me, forever.”
Were there any rules against this? There had to be, otherwise every other nation would’ve tried it at some point with their respected partner. She wanted to consult France as this was the kind of thing he would know. But there was a war going on and, unless she felt like braving hails of machine gun fire, she would have to divine the answer for herself. Her heart nagged at her. Why would this be so wrong? A marriage between man and woman had never been outlawed. Didn’t she deserve to be happy? They were each so sure of their feelings, there could be no harm in this. The way he was looking at her, Erzsébet could never remember another man having such devotion in his eyes. “You and me, forever.” A breathy whisper.
An onslaught of kisses until they both were out of breath. “Spain!” Gilbert panted out. “That’s where we can go. Antonio’s great, he won’t run his mouth off to everyone.” He traced his thumb down her jawline, the faintest of smiles on his face. “It can be as private as we want it. I love you, Erzsi.” All he wanted was to repeat those words forever. His love was overwhelming, everyone needed to know. He would stand atop the Brandenburg Gate and yell it to all the passersby, stand in the middle of London Bridge and proclaim it to the Thames, travel to America so even those damn Amis across the sea would know about it.
This was absurd. Erzsébet was living for it. “What about the honeymoon? We’ve already been to Venice together.” That little voice wouldn’t stop talking. It kept growing louder, but she refused to listen. Since when did it ever hurt to indulge?
“I picked where we’re getting married, only fair you pick the honeymoon.” There were no such troubles in Gilbert’s mind. He had never felt stronger. If there were only a line of British and American infantrymen before him now, he’d be able to mow them down within seconds.
“Does everything have to be decided right now?” She pulled him close, her lips brushing against his ears. “I think a celebration is in order.”
Eyes opened wide, hitched breathing. She had such powers over him. “Celebrating. Of course.” A devilish grin. He swept her up in his arms, bridal style, and carried her to the bedroom. Such a momentous event deserved festivities that lasted long into the next morning.
February 1919, Budapest.
Gilbert was practically skipping up the steps to Erzsébet’s home, he couldn’t contain himself. On his way over from the train station, he’d dropped by a florist to pick up a brilliant bouquet of yellow and red tulips. “I need to believe that I’d never be caught in this foolish but fond complication.” He was singing in his raspy voice before her door. He kept singing as he entered, the action coming from the heart.
All the racquet caught Hungary off guard. If she hadn’t known better, she never would’ve guessed he lost a war so recently. She sat her book down on the coffee table, trying to hide her surprise at her guest. “What are you doing here, Gil?”
“What do you mean? I sent you a telegram telling you I was coming.” He noticed her incredulous staring at the flowers. He extended them out to her, feeling a blush prickling his cheeks and cursing his pale skin for making his sudden onslaught of nerves so visible. “I picked these up on the way over. It seemed like a nice idea in the moment.” The last time he was this embarrassed giving her a gift was back when they still called him Teuton and she thought she was a boy.
“Right! You did, I’m sorry.” She sniffed them for it gave her something to do. Besides, they were lovely, and it would be rude to not show her appreciation. She winced when Gilbert sat so close to her and winced again when he pulled her in tight against his shoulder.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t as obtuse as she liked to believe. The atmosphere in the room grew even more stifling. “Did I do something wrong?” He tilted her head up to look at him. Erzsébet stubbornly refused to meet his eyes. “What’s bothering you?”
“I didn’t really expect to see you. I figured you would be too busy to visit for some time.” She fixated on a landscape painting behind his head. When had she bought it? “There’s been a lot happening.” It sounded so lame, she knew it, but couldn’t stop herself from digging herself further in her grave.
“When am I not busy? You know I’ve always had time for you and Ludwig. Why would things change now?” His good mood could not be so easily dissuaded. These last four years had been tumultuous and the immediate aftershocks of peace no better. He could understand her unease even if it wasn’t his own.
They sat in delicate silence, both trying to figure out what was wrong with the other. Erzsébet had the skirt of her dress bunched in her hands. “How long do you plan on staying?”
That knocked the wind out of him. “The weekend like we were doing before the war. You’re living here again full-time; I didn’t think this would be such a problem!” Gilbert began a concerted effort in his mind to keep a level head. He was determined to enjoy his time with her, no matter how bizarre her behavior.
“Oh, that’s a long stay.”
Gilbert’s eye twitched. “We’ve been together since the sixteen-hundreds! I’ve stayed here with you for longer! You’ve stayed at my homes for longer!” He caught himself yelling and took a deep breath. In, out. This would be a lovely weekend, goddammit. He tried a different tactic. “What’s bothering you, Liebling?”
Her refusal to look at him fully was irritating. “Nothing at all. I’ve never been better.” She flashed him a smile that was meant to be convincing but came across as deeply unsettling. Seeing his lack of conviction fueled her own frustrations. “Maybe I wanted to spend a weekend by myself, did you consider that? I value my free time.”
“I haven’t seen you since November!”
“Don’t snap at me, you asshole!” She pushed him away with her elbow. Her eyes finally met his, burning with an emotion Gilbert couldn’t quite define.
“You’re the one snapping at me! I just want to know what the hell is wrong with you!” No, Gilbert didn’t want to turn this into a screaming match where neither one of them would win. He rose, needing some distance to collect himself. “What’s got you so mad at me? You’re treating me like I’m Roderich.” He snickered at his own joke until he realized he was the only one laughing.
Her eyes narrowed. “Really? Such maturity, Gilbert. Can you only reach the lowest fruits or are you simply lazy?” Hungary crossed her arms, silently challenging him to go on.
Prussia finally discovered a challenge he could ignore. “It was a stupid joke, I wasn’t thinking. When do I ever think?” Another weak attempt at humor misfiring. He sat before her on the coffee table, taking one of her hands in his. “I’m sorry, I really am. But I’m struggling to figure out what I’ve done wrong this time.” He brought his hand to her lips. “I love you; I want to spend time with you. If that’s a crime, then you should’ve thrown me in jail a long time ago.”
Her expression softened. “You’re right, I’m not being much better.” Erzsébet bit her lip, considering her words carefully. She couldn’t obfuscate for any longer. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently.”
“That’s good. Things turn out better for us when you’re the one doing the thinking.” She hated how reassuring that easy smile of his was and the comfort his thumb tracing circles in her palm provided. It was enough to make her almost lose her nerve.
Almost. “’Better’ is probably a subjective term this time around.” She averted her eyes from his face to the floor, studying the ornate patterns of her carpet. It was one of the only artifacts she had of her time with the Turks. “I want to be alone for now. It’ll be good for me.”
“That’s fine. I can stay out of your way for a few hours. I’ll go take a walk. It’ll be nice to see what’s changed.” She shook her head slightly. “Not what you meant, Erzsi?”
She braced for impact. “No. Alone as in we don’t see each other for a while.” A sharp inhale. She forced herself to continue. “A lot happened for me over the last few months. It’s been difficult getting everything set up on my own, both the personal and political. And it wasn’t exactly like the divorce was smooth sailing. There were…a lot of words said.” She tried to keep some excitement from seeping into her voice as she finally had the courage to look him in the eyes. “Besides! I haven’t been on my own in so long, I want to figure out who I am without him standing over my shoulder. I need to know how I feel about everything. Stand on my own feet and see what it all means.”
All pretenses of a wonderful weekend together flew out the window the more she spoke. “You can’t be serious.” He started fidgeting with his hands, nervous energy building up within him. “How do you not know? This is what you, what we, have always wanted! This has been the dream!” His voice grew louder, filling up the room. He began laughing without any humor. “My God. We’re really doing this again.” He stormed up and began pacing the length of the room. “Why are we always having this conversation, for Christ’s sake! What is so fucking hard about figuring this out?”
“Excuse me!” If he wanted to do this, Erzsébet decided, then she was more than happy to go toe-to-toe with him. “I figured you out of everyone else in the world would be able to have a little sympathy for my situation and my emotional wellbeing. I guess if you don’t get what you want then what’s the point in trying to be a good guy?” She folded her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes in disgust. “You’re all the same.”
“What I want is to be happy with you, but that’s apparently too damn much!” Gilbert ran a hand down his face, trying to rid himself of some frustration. What a nightmare. He should’ve stayed home and listened to Ludwig prattle on about writing a constitution. This was draining. “This is like being back to square one. Help me out here. Would you say this is more like how you were acting when we were kids and you couldn’t admit you had a crush on me or before you got married and wouldn’t admit you were in love with me?” A bitter laugh escaped him. “Why do I like them stubborn? You can be honest with me, Erzsi. If you were only with me to piss Roddy off, it’s fine. I get it but stop wasting my time.” She’d never heard him sound so defeated.
“More like after I got married and wouldn’t admit I love you.” Her attempt at humor only awarded with the faintest of smiles. “Gil, come over here.” Once he obliged, she took his hand and kissed it. “That’s never been the only reason I’ve been with you.” A pause. “Though it certainly helped. Look, I’m not doing this to be cruel, but I’m doing it for myself. I need some time to think about everything – where I’ve been, what I’m going to do next, how to get what I want and be happy. I want to come up with those answers for myself and not come up with the ones that’ll make another person happiest. Even if that person’s you.” He’d never seen her so excited for the future.
“But you promised. You said-” he cut himself off. Finishing the thought felt too childish, too selfish.
“I did, didn’t I? If you promised me the world, it would feel cruel if you yanked it away from me suddenly too. It’s not forever. I just need time.” She kissed his hand again and he felt some life being restored back to him. “But, if you can’t handle waiting any longer, I won’t blame you for walking out that door and never turning back. Though, I would miss you dearly.”
Gilbert knew he was being manipulated. He wasn’t born yesterday. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” How could he resist? “If it was anyone else, I’d be gone. But it’s you.” It was always her.
Erzsébet smiled, the corners of her mouth reaching her eyes. “You shouldn’t be so nervous. We always find our way back together. You know that better than anyone.” A quick roll of the eyes. “I don’t think we’ll ever be able to get rid of each other this easy.” Overcome, he leaned in to kiss her only to be met with a finger pressed against his lips. Her mood shifted from loving to melancholic in a flash. “Don’t. I want to keep my resolve.”
“I love you.” The words escaped him before he could quash them.
“I know.”
“Oh, dear God. We’re back to that stage too!” Gilbert swallowed back his remaining bitterness. He forced on a smile. “I’m sorry, but you can’t expect me to not be a bit upset over this whole thing.” He looked at his watch. “I should probably head back to the station before there’s no more trains to Berlin. I don’t want to be stuck here all night.”
“You’re here, just sleep over. Don’t be ridiculous.” Hungary rolled her eyes for real this time. Now he really was being overdramatic.
“If I stay, do I have to sleep in the guest room and act as if we’ve only been the closest of friends for the last three, four hundred years?” Her silence was all the answer he needed. Prussia smirked. “Exactly! I’d rather be home, get sloppy drunk, cry my eyes out, and have Ludwig make me breakfast in the afternoon.” Her eyebrows furrowed in worry. “I’m kidding! Not really. Don’t worry about me, I’m an adult I can handle myself.” He leaned in and, realizing he couldn’t go for her lips, kissed her forehead. He lingered there, not wanting to leave her. “Figure everything out soon.”
She watched him gather his things, the familiar ache in her heart. She took in the smell of the flowers, this time appreciating their beauty in full. “Wait, Gil!” His hand hovered above the doorknob. “You’ll see me again before you know it.”
“Another promise so soon?” She could hear his smile and felt it linger in the doorway once he left.
This was for the best, she told herself. For her sake, it would have to be.
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slippinmickeys · 5 years
Release Valve (2/10): Fi Follet
When the moon circles the Earth, it pulls with it the ocean. She used to lie in bed and think about it. How the world can be your compass -- moss growing on one side of a tree, the North Star, sunsets on the horizon. Even if you can’t see it, you know the moon is above you when the tide is high. She felt that with him. When he was near, her blood would sing, rising to meet him whenever he passed. Standing in the doorway of their office, she can feel him even now, her skin prickling and flushing on the high tide of love. “You’re here early,” he said as he walked in. He loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves, moving over to the cabinets behind his desk. “We’ve got a case?” she asked, hoping he hadn’t caught her mooning over him. She watched his movements with some trepidation. She hadn’t seen him since Friday and the new agents started today. He turned from the cabinets, unveiling his slide projector with fanfare. She made a show of rolling her eyes. “The kids are going to love this,” he said.
“Are they?” “You did.” “Did I?” Mulder gestured around the office. “The X-Files Headquarters: Where Fun Goes To Die.” He said. “If you’re going to make fun of my slideshow, you can wait in the hallway.” “Sorry, Mulder,” she said, grinning. “I’ll try not to ruin it.” “Thank you,” he said, earnestly.
On that, Stone and Isaacs walked in, chatting.
“Morning,” Stone said, his excitement palpable. He had a doofy grin pasted on his face and a cup of coffee in his hand. Isaacs was more subdued. She was tall, taller than Mulder remembered. He had met her last week on a long lunch with Scully where they’d talked about her past cases and what she might expect. There’d been a 15 minute stretch where she’d kept cutting her eyes to Scully, obviously expecting her to tell her they were kidding, an elaborate hazing for rookies at the top of their class. Even now she looked as though she expected people to jump out of the woodwork shouting “Gotcha!” Despite that, there was a quiet confidence about her. She looked at Mulder and nodded to the desk annex. “Anywhere in particular?” she asked. Mulder shook his head. “Anywhere you like.” She put her things down on the desk in the middle and went about unpacking her few belongings. Mulder looked to Stone. “The computer you wanted,” he said, “the requisition got approved. Should be here next week.” Stone pumped a fist in the air and dropped down at the further-most desk, the wheeled chair coasting a few inches before coming to a stop. He looked at Mulder, suddenly pensive. “Can you…” he started to say, then, with more confidence, “have Purchasing bring it down here as soon as it arrives. In the box, sealed. I’ll do the set up myself.” Mulder leaned back against his desk and shot Stone an approving look. “Look at him, Scully,” he said, “not in the basement five minutes and already he’s achieved a level of paranoia it took me 2 years to get to myself.” “You forget he’s read all your files,” she responded. “Our files,” Mulder said, giving her a meaningful look. “Speaking of the files,” Isaacs said from her desk, “I’ve read the Greatest Hits you sent me over the weekend. I wouldn’t mind taking a look at the rest.” “You’ll have some reading time,” Mulder said, turning to the projector and hitting the lights, “you two are flying to Cajun Country this afternoon.” “We’ve got a case?” Stone asked, excitedly. “We’ve got a case,” Mulder said, punching in the first slide. A picture of a small lake took up a wall of the office. It was slightly out of focus and a few degrees off being perfectly horizontal. It was close to either dawn or dusk, the water an inky grey, the trees in the background reaching up toward a new moon. In the far right of the picture a small green glow floated a few feet above the water, its twin reflecting off the lake below it. “This picture was taken about three months ago in Vermilion Parish, Louisiana,” Mulder started. “Anybody know what we’re looking at here?” “Will-o’-the-wisp?” Stone offered. “Two points to the kid,” Mulder said, then turned back to the slide, “Will-o’-the-wisp, also known as a hinkypunk, spook light or ignis fatuus in Latin, meaning ‘foolish fire.’ It’s an atmospheric ghost light, which, according to English folklore is usually seen by travelers at night, especially over bogs, swamps or marshes. It resembles a flickering lamp and is said to recede if approached, drawing travelers from safe paths. “This,” Mulder went on, pointing to the picture, “was published in a local paper around the time it was taken and became quite the sensation. Locals, particularly teens, started going out to the swamp at night, trying to catch a glimpse. It was all fun and games until three weeks ago, when it took its first victim.” Mulder switched the slide and the picture of a teenage girl came up. She was all smiles, looking directly into the camera as if daring it to take the picture. She had sky-high bangs and dangly gold earrings. “Vanessa Glassie, fifteen years old. Disappeared while out with friends on wisp hunt. They’d just seen the ghost light when she told friends she had to pee and that was the last they saw of her. Local authorities have yet to find a trace of her.” He clicked to the next slide. Another young girl, with dark pixie hair and a shy smile. “Then last week, Marcie Vincent, a friend of Vanessa’s, went missing as well, from the same area. Friends said she’d talked about going out and looking for her friend. She told her parents she was going to bed one night, and they found her room empty the next morning. The window open and shoeprints in Marcie’s size heading away from the house. The will-o’-the-wisp was seen in the area the same night. The local PD asked the FBI to investigate.” Mulder cut back to the first picture of the ghost light. “And they think what, the lights took her?” Scully said. “Not exactly,” he said, “there’s a more geographically targeted legend about the lights in that area of the south, called—“ “Fi follet,” Isaacs finished for him. Mulder cut her an impressed look. She shrugged. “My mom was born and bred in Louisiana,” she said. “But the fi follet is said to mostly play harmless pranks.” “And in some cases attacking people for vengeance and sucking the blood of children.” From Mulder, who dramatically flipped to the slide of Vanessa Glassie. The room was silent for a moment but for the hum of the projector. Then Mulder went for the lights. “Your flight leaves in four hours,” he said, dismissing them, “you should pack.” They both stood to leave. “I want updates twice daily,” he said, “even if there’s nothing to report, you call me.” They nodded and left. Scully leveled a look at him, “Will-o’-the-wisp, Mulder?” she asked, incredulous. “You heard Isaacs,” Mulder countered, “it’s called fi follet.” “It’s swamp gas!” “We’ve got two missing kids, Scully,” he said, “and authorities asking for help. Isaacs could do this one in her sleep and Stone needs seasoning.” “So you’re saying you don’t think the lights took those girls,” she asked, looking for clarity. “No,” he said, finally, “I think it’s probably swamp gas.” “I wish I had that on tape,” Scully said to no one in particular. XxXxXxXxX “You should take lead on this,” Stone said, as the wheels touched down on their flight from DC. “You’ve got seniority,” Isaacs replied. “I’ve also got fuck-all for field experience,” he said, “you should take lead.” Isaacs nodded. Same shit, different town. She knew she wasn’t going to get much different as a Fed, but the pay was better, the resources infinitely superior, and this paranormal stuff was the first work-related thing that had piqued her interest in years. You could have knocked her over with a feather when Agent Scully called her into her office her the last week of class and proposed the job. “That’s some crazy intense white people shit,” her boyfriend had said to her when she told him about it.
She’d had a tendency to agree until she’d read the files. For the first time in her adult life, maybe she wouldn’t be bored. XxXxXxXxX It was coming on evening when they followed the sheriff through the woods to the last place Vanessa Glassie had been seen. It was a tiny clearing in the swamp, the damp ground covered with brown pine needles and empty beer bottles. The air was thick with the scent of pitch and the dull whine of insects. The five of them, Stone, Isaacs, the sheriff and two of his deputies barely fit into the open area once they trampled in, and one of the deputies, McLaren, the tall one, nearly toppled into a tree. He kicked a beer bottle into the brush in frustration as he righted himself, his mood dark. “Fucking kids,” he muttered. McLaren hadn’t been very welcoming since their arrival. Whether he was pissed that the Feds had taken over the investigation or the fact that the lead Fed was black, Isaacs wasn’t quite sure. She smacked a mosquito as it landed on her neck and turned toward the sheriff. She really fucking hated the South. The sheriff caught her eye and nodded toward the empty bottles and cans. “The lights are just an excuse,” he said, “the kids mostly just come out here to party.” “Who owns the land?” Isaacs asked. “The State,” he replied. “I don’t really have the resources to stop these kids. They’d just find somewhere else.” He pointed to the brush off to their left. “That’s where she was last seen,” he said. Isaacs took a look, turning on a flashlight and running it over the area. “We swept it good,” the younger deputy, Miller, said, clearly trying to be helpful. Isaacs gave him a small smile. “There’s probably not much to find. I’m sure you guys were thorough.” She turned back to the Sheriff. “You had dogs out?”
He nodded.
“For both girls. They couldn’t find anything here. The dogs at the Vincent girl’s house lost her scent about a quarter of a mile from home. We’ve just come up empty.”
“I’d like to talk to Vanessa Glassie’s parents right away if you don’t mind. Marcie’s too.” “I’ll take you over there in the morning, first thing.” She nodded. Stone spoke up then. “And the lights?” He said, indicating toward the water on their right. “This is where they were seen?” “This is where the picture that ran in the paper was taken,” said the Sheriff in the affirmative. He narrowed his eyes at Stone. “You really think the lights had something to do with this?” Stone shrugged. “You never know.” McLaren huffed out an audible sigh. “And the lights were reportedly seen the night the Vincent girl went missing last week?” Stone went on, ignoring him. “We had a few people call in,” the Sheriff said, pointing East. “Her family’s house is about a mile and a half that way.” “There anything else around here?” Isaacs followed up, “other than the road and the Vincent residence? Any businesses or facilities?” “None,” he said, “this is all State land until it hits the Vincent property and they’ve got about 500 acres.” Isaacs nodded. “Thanks for bringing us out.” XxXxXxXxX The next morning came too soon for Isaacs. After checking in with Agent Mulder, she and Stone had stayed out in the swamp for hours waiting to see lights. They’d bagged out at about 2am, with nothing to show for it but bug bites and pine sap on their ass. “This is my best suit,” Stone said dejectedly as he took another swipe at his backside and unlocked the door to his motel room. He came out of the same door at 7:00am with a pillow crease in his cheek, carrying a small cup of steaming coffee. They were dinky motel rooms, but at least each one had a coffee maker. Isaacs slid into the driver’s seat. “You get any sleep?” she asked him. “A little,” he replied, on a yawn. “And I’ll tell you, my enthusiasm for field work is rapidly waning.” Isaacs smiled at him.
They pulled up to the Glassie residence at the same time as the Sheriff and were quickly ushered inside. Mrs. Glassie was short with frizzy black hair. She was pale and when she asked them to please sit, her smile was hollow. Her clothes hung off her loosely, like she’d lost a lot of weight. Mr. Glassie was of medium height and build, and quiet – he wouldn’t meet their eyes. Isaacs decided to just jump right into the questions. “Had Vanessa been acting strangely before she disappeared? Talking about any new friends or activities?” “We’ve already told the Sheriff everything we can think of,” Mrs. Glassie said. “And tell them too, if you don’t mind, Doris,” the Sheriff said, “they’re here to help.” “Nothing like that,” Mrs. Glassie said to Isaacs. “She’s a good girl.” “Did she have a job?”
“She wanted to, but I told her school was her job now, that she could get one next summer.” “How about a boyfriend?” On that, Mr. and Mrs. Glassie shared a look. “No,” Mr. Glassie said, short. Something about that was off, and Isaacs decided not to reply, to see if they filled in the silence themselves. It only took about ten seconds for Mrs. Glassie to jump in. “She wasn’t supposed to,” she said, “she’s only 15.” “But she did anyway?” “No,” again, from Mr. Glassie. “Bill,” from his wife. “He’s not good enough for her.” Ah. So there was a boyfriend. “What’s his name?” Isaacs asked quietly. “Martin Dubois,” said Mrs. Glassie. “We talked to him,” the Sheriff said then, “he didn’t give us much, but he seems like a good kid.” “He’s a goddamn dropout!” Mr. Glassie practically shouted. Stone cut in then. “Mr. Glassie, did Vanessa have a computer?” The question seemed to shake him out of it. “Yes,” he said, with a touch of pride, “a good one.” “Mind if I take a look?” “We didn’t find anything on it,” the Sheriff said. “Just covering all our bases,” Stone said with a smile. Mr. Glassie led him upstairs. Mrs. Glassie looked to Isaacs. “The neighbors are all saying it was fi follet,” she said, on a sniff, “isn’t that silly?” “Will you show me her room?” Isaacs said, not wanting to answer. Mrs. Glassie led her up the staircase and into a bright green room. It was covered with posters. Boys, soccer, Dave Matthews Band. Stone was sitting at her computer, typing, Mr. Glassie hovering nearby. There was a phone on the bedside table, one of the clear ones that showed the working parts inside. Isaacs pointed to the phone and looked at Mr. Glassie. “Does she have her own line?” “No,” he said, “she kept asking for one though.” Isaacs looked to Stone, then addressed Mrs. Glassie. “Do you mind giving us a few minutes?” Mrs. Glassie turned to leave, then looked to her husband, who didn’t budge. “Bill?” They both slowly shuffled out. Isaacs came up behind Stone. “Anything?” she asked, leaning over his shoulder. “Not yet,” he said, “Nothing on AIM or ICQ. No email or anything like that. But,” he said, continuing to type as he spoke, “her history did get wiped the afternoon before she went missing.” “Think you can recover it?” Stone looked at her. “I’m not going to dignify that with a response,” he said. She snorted a short laugh. About 90 seconds later, he leaned back and pointed to the screen. “There we go,” he said. “’DuBoy’ to ‘SoccerStar22’ in an unlinked chat room. Check it out.”
Isaacs leaned in. “I’ll be damned.”
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Just Us and the Stars Above
(read on ao3)
This was for @greetings-and-defiance​ but since it got written at stupid-late last night, waited until now to post it here!
A date. Enough to make Cassandra giddy anyway. But Estrella won't tell her where they're going until the day of.
(It's worth the wait.)
There was no sneaking in the Annex.
They’d all tried of course. As of now, the only two that had managed—consistently anyway—were Ezekiel and Flynn. The former because claims to being the world’s best thief and being unable to sneak through a cluttered room were mutually exclusive, and the latter because...well, actually no one had figured that out yet.
The point was, Cassandra knew better than to try to sneak through the Annex to the Back Door. But, fortune favors the brave and all that—she still tried.
Eve clearing her throat from her desk nearly sent Cassandra to the floor—Jacob’s latest stack of books in just the right spot to trip over.
Cassandra couldn’t even really be mad about being caught out—Eve hadn’t actually be hiding, after all. Cassandra had just been too focused on the door to actually. Look around. And, of all the people to catch her, she’d take Eve over any of the others. Except maybe Jenkins. Maybe.
“Going to need a lift back?” Eve asked, fond smile in place as she moved around to the front of her desk, leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest. And that’s why Cassandra preferred Eve. No poking and prodding and nosing around. Not right now anyway—she knew, later, Eve would sneak in questions under the guise of just catching up, but, to be fair, Cassandra did the same whenever Eve and Flynn disappeared for awhile. Only fair, then.
Still, she could feel her cheeks heat up a bit as she ducked her head, unable to hide the delighted smile on her face. “We were planning on being out pretty late...Jenkins said I could call him later for the Door.”
Eve hummed, “I’ll be around. Flynn’s coming back in the morning, figured I’d stick around, see if I could catch him before he crashed. Give me a call, yeah?”
Cassandra beamed at her, hopping over to wrap her in a quick hug, only to be gently pushed away with a laugh, “Go on, you’re going to be late!”
Cassandra squeaked slightly, scrabbling for her phone to double-check the time—she hadn’t thought she’d taken too long getting ready, but she’d been distracted and she hadn’t been paying as close attention to the time as she probably should have and—only for Eve to snort and gently, but firmly, grab her arms to steer her to the Back Door. “You’re fine. Go!” A quick look showed that the Back Door was apparently already calibrated, which gave Cassandra just enough time to round on Eve, an accusation of teaming up on her lips, only to see Eve grin as she gave her a gentle push through the door.
Falling through the Back Door was always disorienting, even when facing the right way and braced for it. Falling backwards through it onto unfamiliar—and apparently, uneven—ground? Yeah, Cassandra was going down.
If it wasn’t for the arms suddenly wrapped around her, her back meeting someone’s chest as she flailed slightly—off-balance and definitely only precariously on two feet, but still, upright.
The warm, honey-rich laugh in her ear sent delighted shivers through her as she relaxed back into the hold. “When I asked Eve to get you here quick, I didn’t think she’d be so direct.” A kiss was pressed to her cheek before she was being spun around.
Balance wasn’t really needed to throw her arms around a still chuckling Estrella—just enough to make sure elbows weren’t being flung really. Estrella’s arms wrapped back around her immediately as Cassandra pressed her face into the crook of her neck, just pulling her close and breathing deeply. Estrella’s laughter died down—slowly, naturally, and so, so sweet—as she tightened her grip around Cassandra.
“I missed you,” Cassandra breathed into her skin, low and soft, more felt than heard. Estrella sighed softly—relief, the start of an easier breath—before pulling back just enough to cup Cassandra’s face in her hands.
“I missed you too,” a soft kiss and they could both breathe easier, hold each other a little less tight.
Given the chance to recenter herself—pull herself back into the moment—Cassandra reached up to catch one of Estrella’s hands as they dropped from her face, glancing around curiously.
Estrella had asked if a surprise would be okay for their next date (of course it would be), and then had proven just how serious she’d been about the ‘surprise’ part. Despite her best efforts, Cassandra hadn’t been able to get a hint about Estrella’s plans. She hadn’t even gotten the coordinates for the Back Door until thirty minutes ago. And while she could have figured out where they were...the giddiness and delight over the whole affair had swept her up by then. She’d already waited a week—what was another half hour by that point?
They were currently on a deck—attached to a house, the door leading outside having been the Back Door’s entrance apparently. She couldn’t immediately place where the house was. All she could see around them was tall grass, occasionally dotted with rocky outcroppings and thin trees, the land gently sloping down into what she could only assume was the floor of a valley.
The night around them was already thick and dark, hanging heavy and close around them, but with just enough light to cast everything into sharp and unreal relief.
She frowned, glancing back at Estrella, who was just watching her, dark eyes glinting with amusement.
Estrella leaned in to ghost a sweet kiss over her lips before raising her free hand to Cassandra’s chin, gently tilting her head upwards.
Cassandra couldn’t be sure if Estrella was laughing again—all she heard was her own gasp.
Stars. Thousands of them. Bright and beautiful, so many lighting up the sky, hanging like diamonds in velvet around a moon that was little more than a sliver of silver. The valley they were in was ringed with foothills and burgeoning peaks tall enough to close off the sky around them—give them their very own scrying pool that glittered and twinkled in a way Cassandra had only ever seen in museums and labs.
She glanced back down, taking in Estrella watching her. Estrella, in a silver top that looked so, so soft, a turquoise band wrapped around her hair as silver glinted at her throat and ears. Estrella, with her dark eyes twinkling as bright as any of the stars up above. Estrella, who was smiling at her so, so sweetly, that Cassandra couldn’t help but kiss her again.
It took them a bit, but Estrella did finally manage to show her the actual plan for the night—a plush blanket and pillows, spread out on the deck, a basket of sweet finger foods nearby (Cassandra nearly cried at a bite of orange, sweet and bright and gently pulling at so many summer memories, swirling around her easily as she tried to explain to Estrella), and what looked like a guitar set off to the side.
When Estrella revealed that the guitar was hers and that, well, she’d like to play for Cassandra...perhaps Cassandra was a little too excited, but, well. Estrella had told her, a handful of times now, about her love of music, about the instruments her mother had encouraged her to learn growing up. How she’d never stuck with any to become spectacular, but that was alright, she liked picking up different ones at different times, and playing what she could. It was never about mastering.
For Estrella, music was another way to create—her fields and her work gave her plenty of opportunities to heal, to create, to enliven. Music was just another stretch of that for her, but different enough to also give her a break when needed.
It had also been a way to connect with her mother. A more traditional upbringing saw her mother learning, to perfection, a small handful of instruments. Estrella learning to play had given her mother a chance to reach out, try new ones just for fun, under the guise of helping her daughter practice. Not always for the better—apparently, no horns of any kind were allowed in the house after a particularly awful duet.
Estrella didn’t come out and say it, but Cassandra knew she hadn’t played since...well, since.
That Estrella would want to now, in this little hide-away, no one to hear but her and the stars...Well, the tears were to be expected, really.
But Estrella was nothing but smiles, telling Cassandra about how the old flamenco guitar she’d brought was actually the one she’d started learning on, all those years ago. How she’d never picked up the improvisation and rhythm necessary to actually play the guitar as required in flamenco. But how she still enjoyed playing around with what skill she did have. How she enjoyed the slower, more drawn out styles.
In turn, Cassandra told Estrella how her music looked against a backdrop of stars, notes and chords dancing in the velvet space between sparkling diamonds, dancing from star to star and creating their own ballet in the night.
Morning saw Cassandra and Estrella curled up on the blanket, Cassandra’s temple resting on Estrella’s shoulder. They’d talked into the wee hours of the morning before slowly going quiet—just enjoying sharing the same space, watching the sky fade from black to silver-lined purple.
They waited until the last moment before they headed inside. Estrella was safe, of course, the weak grey light of the morning sun peaking over the mountains nothing compared to the meteorite’s properties, not so soon after leaving the resort. But, Estrella was needed back at the retreat, and Cassandra had no doubt the Library would need the team very soon. Her luck, probably as soon as she walked in the door.
Still, another hour enjoying a quickly whipped together breakfast wouldn’t hurt anything.
Breakfast ended up being blueberry pancakes. Half the batter ended up on the floor after a kiss-related incident neither of them wanted to take the blame for, but couldn’t stop giggling about for the rest of the day, even as they went about their responsibilities.
(Already thinking about the next time they could slip away, just them and the night sky.)
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doe-praeludiumofred · 7 years
Chapter 3, Section 1-The King and the Girl; Scene 1
Praeludium of Red, page 142-152
✥ Kyle Marlon ~In the Lucifenian Palace, “Hall of Mirrors”~
Long ago, I had wanted to be a painter.
A private room on the second floor of Marlon castle was my studio when I was young.
As a boy I liked to paint pictures, and when I found free time I would paint the likeness of the castle denizens. If pressed, I would say I loved painting people and animals more than any scenery. It was more fun to depict things that could move, that were alive.
Why was it that I liked painting?
The reason I found when I tried to recall was perhaps because everyone praised me for it. It was a pleasant feeling to be appreciated for something I myself did, rather than as a prince.
When I was fourteen, the woman who was my tutor praised me a great deal. She told me my use of light color was wonderful. She'd been referring to a picture I had painted of a relative of mine who had stayed at the castle for a short period at the time. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen that blonde girl since then. What was she doing now?
I had kept charge of that picture like it was a treasure. I had fallen in love with my tutor. She was a green haired, lovely Elphe woman. Her wise bearing had deeply captivated my young heart.
When I grow up, I’m going marry you, Mrs. Margaret.
While at first she seemed a bit troubled when I announced that to her, afterwards she smiled at me. Thinking on it now, I’d said something foolish. It was only natural that it would bother her.
Mrs. Margaret was already married.
Her husband was a high-ranking official in the Marlon government. He held a great deal of influence even in the royal family, and apparently around then he would often quarrel with my father--the king--and the Empress Dowager on matters of governance.
When I was fifteen, she and her husband were arrested as political offenders. During their imprisonment they drank poison and died.
How had she gotten poison into the prison? There was nobody who would answer my question.
Around then, having heard rumors of the man Keel Freezis, who would undertake anything as long as you paid him, I dispatched him to investigate into it.
What had happened in the jail when she died?
Keel found out everything for me. That the jailer had given her poison, and that they'd done it under the orders of my mother, the Empress Dowager Prim…
After that I ended up immersing myself in painting all the more. It got to where I wanted to be a painter for real--where I wouldn't even mind leaving the throne if that was what it took.
My mother's actions had likely been done with the best interests of the country of Marlon in mind. I knew that.
But I came to tremendously hate being under her thumb.
While gazing at the painting titled "The King and the Three Heroes" that decorated the ceiling of the Hall of Mirrors in the Lucifenian Palace, I recalled the memories that I had regarding it in my past.
Nikolay Tolle. That was the name of the artist who made this ceiling painting.
During critiques he had disparaged my painting as rubbish. It was the commentary of a painter who boasted immense authority in the art world. He had enormous influence. I gradually lost my place there.
In the end, I had no choice but to give up on my dream of being a painter.
I despaired my lack of ability.
I had been conceited in thinking I had any skill. Of course I wasn't anyone worthy of being praised. If it wasn't for me being a member of the royal family I would have been worthless garbage.
--Such feelings went around inside my whole body at the time.
And I burned up all of the paintings I’d made up until then.
All but one. I couldn’t discard that painting that Mrs. Margaret had praised. On the other hand, it was too painful to keep in my possession.
Unable to just watch, Keel told me that he would purchase that picture from me.
"You can buy it back from me someday when you've put your feelings in order. I'll look after it until then…I'll be doubling the selling price, though.”
He was a man whose feelings I couldn’t read, but even so among all the people around me Keel was the one I could trust the most.
Though over ten years have passed since then, I still haven’t been able to buy that painting back.
It was quite a while after that when I learned that the great painter Nikolay having scoffed at my paintings the way he did had been after receiving money from Empress Dowager Prim. Seems the old man was a genius as a painter, but contemptible as a person.
I fulfilled my obligations to the royal family and inherited the throne after my father died.
“A puppet controlled by Empress Dowager Prim”, “A powerless dimwit king”—I knew that I was being gossiped about being my back.
But I absolutely am not a fool. I am not some worthless person.
Haven't I obtained the most territory for Marlon ever by annexing Lucifenia, as proof of that?
I will make my country much, much stronger. I will build it up to be the most powerful of all of them.
I know that everyone will respect me when I do.
In the Hall of Mirrors right now there was me, several guards, and General George Ausdin.
He was once a famous general of the former Lucifenian Kingdom, and now he was one of my underlings. The countless scars that adorned his body told of his long military service.
"Apparently Retasan Fortress has been conquered," George informed me in a carefree tone.
"'Apparently', huh? Sounds like it’s someone else's problem, General George."
I said it intending to be sarcastic, but it didn't seem to have much effect on the veteran general.
"It is someone else's problem. I was currently in the middle of fighting that lot from Asmodean, after all."
"Even if I'm in charge of it right now, this is your country. You need to treat this more seriously. Or are you reluctant to obey Marlon like the other factions of old Lucifenia?"
"Certainly not."
George ran a hand through his swept-back hair.
His behavior certainly didn't have the conduct of speaking with the king of one's country. But that wasn't because he had any rebellious feelings towards me; rather it was a result of his personality. He'd be that way towards anyone.
At any rate, I wasn't the kind of person to go around beheading people like that tempestuous Princess Riliane. The way I heard it, during her reign George had wholly dedicated himself to the country's defense, and so rarely showed his face in the palace.
"The other generals have lost a bit of their morale, following you making that amateur lass a commander."
By that I knew he meant Ney Phatipe, who had recently been made the new commander of Retasan Fortress, and who had recently had that fortress successfully stolen from her.
"A woman being commander was the case with her predecessor, wasn't it?"
"Come what may with her, Lily was Gaston's daughter and an elite soldier. In some way or another she had real power as a general. Even if Ney is the adopted daughter of Mariam of the Three Heroes, she was a maid up until several years ago. You can't compare the two."
Mariam Phatipe had been a covert operative hailing from Asmodean. It was said that she engaged in secret intelligence activities, hidden in the shadows.
I'd heard Keel had once paid her a great deal for those abilities, exchanging a large sum in the hope that she would teach him her ways. Though it seems she'd coldly refused him.
And it was also said that Ney was adopted by her after finding her when she was young.
"According to what I've heard, there were times when Ney aided in Mariam's work, wasn't there? In that case her own abilities must be…"
"You mean in her secret intelligence work? Acting behind the scenes and leading from the front lines are two different beasts entirely."
It was clear that George basically wanted to say that it was a blunder to make Ney Retasan's commander.
"This incompetent king should butt out of his people's affairs. …That what you mean?"
"No no, that's not it at all…"
It wasn't that I couldn't understand George's dissatisfaction.
But there were certain circumstances now that made it so I had to do this.
Though, George and the other generals aren't likely to agree even if I told them.
"Well, what shall I do now?"
George made no attempt to hide his irritation, clearly wanting to finish up the meeting quickly. He probably wanted to head to the battlefield as soon as possible. He had great enthusiasm for his work.
There had been a localized strike from Asmodean in the east at the same time as the havoc in Retasan, but that was quieted down due to George's efforts.
After the death of their commander, that country lost all of its cohesion. Occasionally they would attack, as though trying to stay relevant, but they weren't that big of a threat anymore.
At any rate, they would be assimilated into Marlon like Lucifenia.
I explained my plan of attack to George.
"Beelzenia will likely use Retasan Fortress as a staging point for attacking Lucifenia. Join forces with the surrounding army and make sure that doesn't happen. As long as you're leading them the other generals will follow."
"Wouldn't it be faster to just take back Retasan?"
"We will. But first get ready the battle power within the country while maintaining our defense. Once we've made preparations, we'll take not only Retasan but the entire Beelzenian Empire."
"Hah…That's quite a plan there."
George's tone was closer to scorn than amazement. "Do you plan to unite the entire Evillious region?"
"Eventually, yes."
Perhaps because what I had replied was surprising, for the first time today I saw the smile leave George's face.
"King Kyle…May I say a few words out of turn, with your permission?"
He was serious--this wasn't the joking tone he'd been using up until now.
"That's a little late for you at this point. Go on, say it."
"I have…always thought that people are born having a certain status, or means. Uniting Evillious--that is a grand undertaking to have, I think. But I'm afraid there is a limited amount of people who'd be able to pull that off."
"You're saying I don't have the means to do that?"
"I think…He's already long dead by now, but Princess Riliane's father--King Arth the First--he might have been able to pull it off. But if you try, Your Majesty, you'll end up warping things. It can only end in tragedy. If you intend to persist even so, then that's not ambition. It's mere 'Pride'."
At that point George seemed to realize that he'd been speaking in a way quite unlike himself. He once more returned to his foppish grin.
"But what's a guy who keeps in high spirits while killing people in war saying? I'm speaking out of turn. Sorry--please disregard that. If you can't stomach me you're welcome to have me beheaded."
"I said it earlier, didn't I? That's a little late for you, at this point."
I was not like Riliane. I was not the kind of small person who gave in to his fury and idly executed his underlings.
Even so, before I knew it my tightly gripped right fist had started trembling.
"Thanks for that. Well then, I'll be off to go chop off the Beelzenian soldiers."
"You'll be entrusted with twenty thousand men as your main force. I'm counting on you."
After lifting his right hand in response to my words, George calmly left the Hall of Mirrors.
Because the country of Marlon was on an island surrounded by ocean, the main country's soldiers had never fought a land war. For that reason it was bound to fall behind in battle on its own soil.
In order to keep up with others it was vitally necessary then to have the cooperation of Lucifenia's old famous generals, starting with George.
My personal guard, Clive, passed by George and entered the Hall of Mirrors. He knelt before me.
I had once secretly joined in the revolution using the fake name of Karchess. Clive was a senior soldier who had acted alongside me then.
"I have news. Lady Ney has returned."
So, Ney Phatipe was back.
Well then, I wonder what excuse she'll come up with for letting Retasan fall?
"I see…I'll receive her in the Hall of Sounds. Bring her there."
"Yes sir!"
Clive stood and once again departed.
Watching him go, I was reminded of that revolution.
Has it really been five years since then?
The revolutionary army led by the red swordswoman Germaine Avadonia had smoothly defeated the Lucifen dynasty, saving the people from their tyrannical rule. She had become a hero that everyone praised.
Her value was such that even now that Germaine had become a wanted woman due to the "Witch Hunt Order" that I put out, there was no change in her reputation among the common people. Each time I heard them speak of her, my heart was filled with irritation.
Why did everyone admire such a criminal as that…?
Mere pride, huh…?
Maybe it was just as George said. What on earth was I hoping to accomplish?
 …I couldn't become weak. I put my hand on the hand mirror in my pocket.
Give over everything.
Give over everything to your feelings.
A voice came from the mirror. Upon hearing it, my heart relaxed a great deal.
I am not mistaken about anything.
I am just.
I will persist on bringing justice, if it's for that.
I will even become evil.
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Riding High Ch 15: This Is Me
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Chapter Summary: Fliss finally reveals to Frank exactly what happened to her during her marriage.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Domestic abuse and violence. Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW). NO UNDERAGE READERS PLEASE!!!!!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: This is a REALLY heavy going chapter, but all you regulars will know this has been brewing for quite some time. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS! If any of those things are triggers, please avoid. If anyone is wondering, the face claim for John is an older Ben Affleck (best way I can describe) in his Batman days.
Huge, huge thanks to @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ and @southerngracela​ for reading this and making sure it hit the feels and the marks I was aiming for.
As always, if you like and enjoy please comment and Re-Blog. I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions!
Chapter Song:  Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
Series Masterlist 
Main Masterlist  All that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they’re all I can see. If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?
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If you asked Fliss how she made it through the rest of the day’s teaching she wouldn’t be able to tell you. Luckily, her last lesson was at 3 which gave her enough time to head home and break the news to her parents.
“Hey Titch…” her dad greeted her as she walked down the steps to the pool area where they were both sat at the table, her dad drinking a coffee, mother pouring over a book. “You’re home early.” “Well my lessons are done so…” she said, shrugging. “I err, I need to talk to you both.”
“What’s wrong?” Verity said, pushing her sunglasses up “You’ve not broken up with Frank have you?” “What? No, no, we’re errr fine…but…” she sat down in the spare chair and looked at her Dad then her Mum before taking a deep breath “I got a call this morning. John’s up for Parole. His hearing is in 6 weeks.”
Her parents reacted exactly the way she had anticipated they would do, in a similar angry manner to her Brother who she had called after speaking to Frank. Bill made an angry growling noise in his throat, slamming his mug on the table whilst Verity dropped her book and her right hand flew to her chest, the other reaching out to grasp at Fliss’ shoulder.
“Oh, sweetie….” “Fucker…” Bill growled, before he shook his head and looked at Fliss “Can you appeal?” “Yeah…” she nodded “But I don’t know…” she took a deep breath “I don’t want to go back into a court room. That’s what he will want, to see me there, again…and…”
“Honey…you have to-“ “No, I don’t” Fliss cut her mother off “Frank’s right, the days of me having to do anything are over. I’m going to speak to Greg Cullen, Frank’s friend who’s an attorney and I’m gonna look my options when the full information comes through and go from there…”
Bill nodded and Fliss didn’t miss the look he shot Verity, silently telling her to leave it.  “Sounds sensible.” he said. “So, I take it from that you’ve talked to Frank?”
Fliss nodded, “Lunchtime yeah.”
She fell silent and Bill leaned over and gently squeezed her hand “What is it Titch?”
She looked up at him and licked her lips “He doesn’t know everything, not how bad it got and…” she took another deep breath “I need to tell him, so, we both agreed to sit down and talk tonight but it needed to be done just the two of us…so, I was wondering….” “Of course we’ll have Mary.” Verity nodded
“I did promise to take her to the Shake Shack at some point this week.” Bill agreed “Seems as good a night as any.” Fliss smiled “Frank’s going to explain the basics, she’s too clever not to notice something’s going on but…that’s it, she won’t know any details so…”
“Ok.” Verity nodded, before she took a deep breath and stood up “I made some apple and courgette loaf…you got room for a slice?” “Always room for that!” Fliss grinned “And I wouldn’t say no to a coffee…”
Verity smiled, dropped her hand on Fliss’ shoulder as she stood up and made her way up the steps towards the house. Bill watched her go before he turned to Fliss.
“How are you really feeling?”
“Like shit.” She said honestly “I was so upset before but Frank made me see things a little more logically once I’d finished my melt down.” “Liss, you do know this is going to be a heavy conversation.” Bill looked at her as he took a breath “Just don’t be too worried or concerned if he gets a little, I dunno, upset maybe.” Fliss nodded, she already knew that. She knew it was going to be as hard for Frank to hear as it was for her to tell him. “
“But for what it’s worth…” Bill looked at her “I’m glad you’ve got him. I’ve seen such a change in you since you met him last year, even before you started…” he made a clicking noise with his tongue and winked, causing Fliss to snort and shake her head “he’s a good guy, and as you well know they don’t come around often.” “I know.” she said, chewing her lip “Dad, you don’t think he’ll look at me any different do you, once he knows…” “Fliss, you could probably set fire to a cage full of puppies and he’d still think the sun shone out of your arse…” Bill snorted, waving off her concern.
“Wow, that’s…dark.” Fliss raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, and now I think of it…he’d probably find that a little strange…and sick…” Bill mused, flashing her a wink. “But you know what I mean.” “Thanks pops.” she smiled, and Bill opened his arms and she grinned standing up. She moved to sit on her dad’s knee as he wrapped her into a hug, kissing her head.
“Thought I got too old to sit on your lap years ago” she teased, resting her head against his.
“You’ll never be too old for a Poppa Bill snuggle.” he chuckled, rubbing her back “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my little Titch.” ***** Frank couldn’t be bothered speaking to Evelyn, he had far more pressing things on his mind. So, instead, when he arrived to pick Mary up from school he simply fired her a text message saying he would call later in the week when it was convenient to talk. To his surprise, she replied back almost immediately saying she was glad to hear from him and would Wednesday around 6pm be suitable. His answer was a single word, yes, before he slid his phone back in his pocket and went in to collect Mary.
“Bit of a break in routine tonight.” he said, looking at her “Bill and V are taking you out to dinner, something about the Shake Shack…” “Yesssss!” Mary said, punching the air before she looked at Frank suspiciously “Hang on, why? Did you speak to Evelyn? Has something gone wrong? Did she change her mind?” “No, no nothing like that.” he said, shaking his head “I’ve messaged Evelyn and I’m going to call her on Wednesday to sort things out properly when I can have a good discussion.” “Ok so what’s going on?”
Frank took a deep breath, he’d agreed with Lissy he would tell Mary the basics, the very basics, so that she had a comprehension of what was happening, but he was still struggling to find the words.
“You know that Fliss’ ex-husband…John, he went to prison right?”
“Yeah.” “Well, he was locked up for doing some bad stuff to Fliss. Like he hurt her, a lot…” “Oh.” Mary frowned “That’s…why would he…” “Because he’s an ass hole.” Frank said simply “The point is Stack, in 6 week or so he’s going to go for something called Parole, you know that that is?” “No” “It’s when a prisoner is considered for early release. If John gets it, it means he will be free, but have to abide by certain rules for a while.” Mary nodded, as they reached the truck.
“So tonight me and Fliss need to talk about some stuff, about how we deal with this going forward as Fliss has a chance to give evidence at his appeal as to why he shouldn’t be let out. You following me?” Mary nodded “evidence that proves he’s a bad guy, right?”
“Absolutely.” Frank said “But I don’t want you talking to anyone about this ok? It’s private for Fliss. I’m only telling you because you have a right to understand what’s happening.” “I won’t tell anyone.” Mary nodded. “Wait, not even Roberta?” “No, no one. It’s up to Fliss who she tells.”
“But Bill and Verity will know.” “Yes.” Frank said “But I expect they’ll be upset too so…just keep it shut, please.” he ended a little lamely.
“Ok.” Mary nodded.
They both piled in the truck and headed back to their apartment to pick up a few things for Mary, Frank having enough stashed at Fliss’ as it was before they drove over. Frank opened the gate and they drove through to be greeted by Thor who was running up and down the drive chasing Bill’s terrier in some kind of odd game.
“Hey gorgeous.” Frank smiled as he got out of his truck and leaned down to give Fliss a soft kiss “You ok? How did they take it?” “As well as I expected. Mum kept up appearances and then left to go into the kitchen to fetch a drink so she could melt down in private and Dad, well, he was angry but…” she shrugged
“I’ve explained as well as I can to Mary” he said, turning his head to see her running up the drive being followed by the dogs “And I’ve told her not to mention it to anyone.”
“Ok.” Fliss said, her eyes also on the young girl. “Bill said after dinner, if it’s ok with you, he might take her down to the Marina to watch the night trawlers setting out. It fascinates the twins and the guys there are always happy to field their questions so…”
Frank shrugged “Yeah, if she wants. Doesn’t bother me as long as she’s in bed for a semi-reasonable hour.”
Together they made their way into the house where Bill swept Mary up into his arms in a hug as she started chattering to him about some project she was going to be working on for Girl Scouts and after a short conversation Fliss and Frank headed back over to the annex. They made normal conversation, just like they always did as Fliss cooked them a quick, easy dinner of grilled seabass and salad, but there was an atmosphere, like a huge cloud was hanging over them. Which it was. And that the pair of them were trying to ignore it. Which they were. Eventually when the dishes were done, the beer was opened and the wine was poured, they couldn’t ignore it any longer.
Fliss told Frank to head outside and start the fire pit, which he did whilst she disappeared upstairs before returning a little later with a small, blue ring bound book, which she held on her lap as she sat next to him. “I don’t even know where to start.” Fliss said, tucking her legs underneath her on the seat as Frank threw another chunk of wood on the fire “I suppose the beginning is the best place.”
“Usually, yeah…” Frank smiled, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ears as he turned to face her.
“Ok…” she said, swallowing a bit of her wine before she placed it on the table. “Right from the beginning?”
“Whatever you want.” he said gently. “I’ll listen.”
She nodded, and then with a deep breath she began to talk.
“We first met at the Olympics in 2008. It was my first big break…I was only a reserve rider but I was still buzzing you know, swept away in it all.” she smiled softly “John was on the US team, had been for a while and, well, his attention and praise…I guess it flattered me. I saw him again later on that year at the International Championships and then over the next year or so at Badminton, HOYS…that’s the Horse of the Year show.” she explained as Frank gave her a blank look “all the big gigs, but it wasn’t until the World Equestrian Games in 2010 that we hooked up.” Frank smiled at her choice of language as she snorted. “Yup I had a Friday night fuck.”
He chuckled to himself, shaking his head as she continued.
“I can’t describe being on the road like that, but it’s intense. You’re away for weeks and its …well it’s like a different world. From then on over the next year or so we started emailing and every chance we got be it training or competitions we hooked up. Then In 2011 we basically decided to try and go for it and did the whole long distance thing whilst he was living in the US, me in the UK, and when I won my medal in 2012 he declared how much he loved me and was so proud of me in the press when they did the interviews…”
Frank watched as a slight smile spread across her face, and she bit her lip as she looked back at him, shrugging.
“It was like a fairy tale.” she whispered “I got swept up in it all and then packed up and moved to Boston in the October. That November I had my accident which you know about, and I was in a back brace for 12 weeks and he was amazing.” she shrugged “He proposed to me that December and honestly Frank, he cared and looked after me I just…I don’t know where that John went. Looking back, I often wonder if he had some kind of brain injury that turned him into an asshole.” “Don’t make excuses for him.” Frank said softly “Please…” “I’m not.” she assured him. “I just really don’t understand.” “There’s nothing to understand.” Frank looked at her shaking his head.
“Anyway, by the February in 2013 I was just starting to exercise again. God I was in a bad way. Mentally and physically. Because I’d been immobile I was out of shape, felt fat, ugly, I’d put on a good 2 stone…or…erm… 28 pounds…” she shrugged “But John…well, he didn’t care. Or so I thought. Now I look back on it I think this is where it all started.” She reached for her wine and Frank drained the rest of his beer. He glanced at the bottle and Fliss looked at him.
“Wanna break out the strong stuff?” she asked gently.
“Well, if any situation warrants it, I feel this one does.” He said smiling.
She nodded and uncurled her legs. Frank watched her go, normally he would offer to fetch the drinks but he sensed she needed to move, get away from the intensity for a moment so to speak so he let her go. With a sigh his head fell back, his eyes looking up at the sky which was streaked with red and purples and pinks from the now setting sun. His head was a whirlwind of emotion already and they hadn’t even scratched the surface.
Fliss emerged from the house with a bottle of Monkey Shoulder scotch and two tumblers, one filled with ice. Frank scoffed a laugh at her, it was a long standing joke she liked ice in her shorts where as he preferred them straight, something she always pulled a face at given how he couldn’t drink anything else at room temperature.
Silently she poured him a good measure and he took it from her with a thanks as she returned to her previous position and Frank shifted slightly to face her, his right hand curled round his drink, his left resting along the back of the garden sofa they were on. She took a sip and then once more launched back into her memories.
“We had a Ball to attend. One that the US team were holding, and I mentioned I had nothing to wear. So, John ordered me something, a beautiful sky blue gown…only it didn’t fit. When I told him and got upset he said it was a genuine mistake and he’d ordered my usual size and apologised and promised to return it…but then suggested maybe I kept it as motivation to lose the weight in time for the ball at the start of May and get into it…”
“He wanted you to lose 28 pound in 2 months?” Frank looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Whilst you were just recovering?”
“I did it.” she shrugged in answer to his question. “I pushed myself, skipped meals…but…” Frank made an annoyed noise in his throat, but other than that made no further comment.
“There were other little things, controlling things he did as well. Like he took over the arrangements for the wedding and governed the first time I got back on a horse, told me when I could go back to work, start the training to become a Coach…all dressed up as the fact he cared and didn’t want me to rush back into things…and then one night in the September, I snapped. There was a trip organised, a conference, for the trainee Coaches intake for that year, and he told me I wasn’t going. So I bit back, and told him that he wasn’t my father and that was the first time he hit me. Straight slap, right across the face.” Frank watched as she took a sip of her drink before she shrugged. “I locked myself in the bathroom, and he sat outside the door for hours, crying, apologising, saying he was sorry, just under a lot of stress and worried about me…begged for forgiveness…pleaded with me not to call off the wedding, and you know the stupid thing? “ she looked at him. “I always, always swore that if a man raised his hand to me, my partner, I’d be done, out of there…but I forgave him, like an idiot. And married him 4 weeks later, just as planned.”
She paused for a moment, shifting slightly to pull her phone out of her pocket. Frank watched her, curiously for a moment as she tapped at the screen before she handed it to him and he glanced down. It was an article, published in Your Horse magazine, or so the tag at the top told him.
‘From Olympic Rings to Wedding Rings!’ The headline read, and he scanned down, ignoring the blurb on the text, catching the odd phrase such as ‘the stars aligned’ and ‘fairy-tale romance…’ which frankly made him want to puke as there was nothing fairy-tale about it. Eventually he reached a photo and Frank got his first look at the man he hated with every single inch of his body. He was tall, sharp jawed, quite athletic looking. Typically handsome with dark eyes and dark hair. He stood next to Fliss in his black tuxedo, his arm curled around her waist as he smiled at the camera. Fliss looked stunning. Her wedding dress was princess like, clinched in at the waist and flared out in layer upon layer of tulle which was adorned with crystals that caught the light. Her hair was twisted up off her face and she wore some kind of diamond studded headdress. She was smiling but as Frank looked closer he could see her eyes…they didn’t have that sparkle he knew and loved.
“I hated everything about the day.” She said gently. “I wanted a quiet beach wedding, somewhere warm, with a simple dress, close friends, family… maybe a marquee with fairly lights and snack food…”  
Frank smiled as what she was describing was so effortlessly her, but the smile slipped from his face as she continued.
“…but he insisted on the full hog. Huge Boston based wedding at a church and then a sit down reception at the Harbor with a party in the evening. But that was John. Always about showing off…even my engagement ring was another way for him to display to the world what he could afford. This huge 6 carat brilliant cut diamond…it was gaudy.”
Frank handed her the phone and she shut the web browser down.
“Sounds so ungrateful doesn’t it.” She snorted “most girls would kill for a day like that”
“Most girls don’t have a guy controlling their every move” he said gently. “It’s not ungrateful at all. A wedding day should be about both people, well, so I’ve heard.”
“It was a circus.” She shrugged “there were people there whose names I didn’t even know. I didn’t want the magazines there either but he talked me round, saying that if we didn’t let them in they’d simply use unofficial photos and…well, anyway that was that.”
Frank reached over and took the empty glass off her and topped both the tumblers up, glad of the momentary distraction. As he handed her back to her she smiled and took a sip.
“Things were fine for a while, well, in that he didn’t hit me, but then in the February of 2014 we had another argument. I’d been away with the training school and they always ran updates on their websites about the conferences, and there was a photo of me laughing with one of the other guys, another competitor from the US team who was also training to become a coach. Nothing that anyone else would read anything into…but he did. Accused me of cheating and when it told him he was being ridiculous he hit me. Only this wasn’t a slap, it was a full on punch. And he fractured my cheek bone.”
Frank took a sharp breath, and swallowed a mouthful of scotch.
“Once again he was sorry…and then it kinda went like that for the most. He’d go weeks without hitting me and then he’d flip and wham. A slap here and there…”
The flippancy with which she was describing it, like it was just something that was normal,that just happened was beginning to make Frank’s blood boil. He tried not to show outwardly what he was feeling inside, but he clearly had as Fliss reached along the back of the seat to tangle her fingers into his. He gave her hand a squeeze as she continued to talk.
“That April I was scheduled for a big competitive comeback with Team GB. I had my sponsors lined up, it was being touted on the circuit as Gallagher’s Return to Glory… press interviews, and everything….you name it. And then- “ “Hang on, Gallagher?” Frank cut her off. “Did you not change your name?” Fliss shook her head “Nope“ she studied him for a moment, smiling. “You look surprised.” “I am.” he said, “Given how controlling he was, I expected him to want you to change it.”
“I didn’t want to. It made sense for me to keep my name, it was all about the brand, see.” she shrugged “John, surprisingly wasn’t all that bothered.” she took a sip of her drink. “Anyway, that aside…the comeback was arranged and 4 weeks before I was due to fly home he told me I wasn’t going. I said he couldn’t stop me. I guess he took that as a challenge as he grabbed me by the hair and shoved my hand in the doorframe of the kitchen. Slammed it shut 4 times. Broke 3 of my fingers and dislocated my wrist. So I missed out. And I never competed again, well not professionally anyway.”
“Fuck…” Frank’s face screwed up as he shook his head “Lissy…” He trailed off as her fingers tightened around his, and he brought her hand up to softly kiss over her knuckles, almost as if doing so would take away the pain of that injury, the injury that was long healed but had left scars deep on her soul, deeper than any physical scars could go.
“That’s when it started escalating and I ended up in hospital with a broken nose in the April, that was the result of an argument about me going out, a fractured arm in the July that was because I’d dared to refuse to have sex with him in the car outside the fucking store and 2 broken ribs in the October which was a result of me saying I didn’t want to host a Halloween party.  A doctor at the hospital who had been looking at my records started asking questions…gave me a leaflet on Domestic Violence which, obviously I refused to take. But then, that Christmas when he insisted on spending it alone and not with my family, I dunno why but I called one of the numbers, anonymously. Started looking into it a bit more…looked into it on the internet…and that’s where I got the idea to keep a diary. Document it…in case I did ever want to leave…”
She nodded to the book she had brought with her which now rested on the table and Frank looked at it, before he turned back to her.
“You know, to many people it’s so black and white. Mum and dad were begging me to leave him but I brushed it off. I lied to my own parents, told them they’d been work accidents and that I was fine. That’s what it turns you into, a liar, but…I loved him. Well, I thought I did. Now…well, looking back it was more fear than anything. He’d spent so long telling me that if I left I’d be nothing that he’d find me…I believed him, so convinced myself it was easier to stay.”
She moved, placing her tumbler on the table and reached for the book and handed it to him.
“The rest is in there…” she said softly as he too set his glass down and took the book from her gently and he was surprised to see his hands were shaking slightly. “Apparently they say over time you recall bad memories easier than good ones, and that you can also distort them, make them worse than they actually were so I stuck to facts. It’s pretty impersonal but…well…” Frank looked at the cover before he looked back at her and she nodded. With a swallow he shifted slightly, opening it.
The first entry he saw was dated January 2nd 2015 and simply stated that John had given her a slap as she hadn’t made the bed fast enough for his liking. Then there was another on January the 21st saying he had launched a crystal decanter of whiskey at her head as she’d filled it with the wrong brand. They continued along this vein until he paused at an entry for February 12th.
Burnt me with a cigarette on my right hip because I burnt dinner.
Frank’s jaw clenched, but he continued to read, the diary was littered with him giving her slaps and punches for whatever fucking reason the asshole wanted, but it was the big ones that sprung out at him, that made him want to be sick.
February 17th. Grabbed my hair and banged my face into the wall because I refused sex in the living room whilst guests were in the garden for the Spring Party.
March 21st. Whipped me with a belt after a guy was chatting me up in a bar. Drew blood.
March 22nd. Violent sex to remind me I was his.
“Violent…” Frank stopped reading and looked at her, his voice sticking in his throat “He raped you?” Fliss took a breath “I never actually told him no but he was rough. Left a lot of bruises but…well, it was easier just to let him get on with it…” she shrugged.
“Fucking hell Lissy…” Frank shook his head “This…that is not…” “I know.” she soothed him softly. “I know.”
He looked at her again, her eyes shining with the emotion that her voice didn’t betray. He had no idea how she could be so calm about all this, but then he realised that was more than likely her coping mechanism. That she’d probably detached herself from all of this on purpose. Because it was sink or swim. And she’d chosen to swim.
April 13th. Choked me whilst I was in the bath. Held me underwater to the point I almost stopped breathing. Stopped when Loki bit him.
April 14th. Loki dead. John said he poisoned him as a lesson to show that he was a guard dog for the house not me.
“He almost killed you…” Frank said, looking up at her, this time he couldn’t hide his emotions, he felt his eyes swimming and he looked away. Fliss gently took his hand again and she nodded as he looked back up at her.
“The day after he killed Loki was when I took the overdose.” she said gently. “That day when he’d choked me, as I was slipping under, I felt nothing but peace, this overwhelming sense of serenity…so, seeing a way out…” she took a deep breath. “That was the point at which Bill, Mum and Steve started to get really concerned, but he managed to convince them, the doctors, me that I was depressed, that it all stemmed from my accident. I don’t think my family really believed him, not fully, but what could they do?”
At that point she sniffed and Frank saw the tears form in her eyes “I put them through so much and…”
“Stop, stop…” he said, his voice cracking as he tossed the book aside and pulled her to him. She melted into his embrace, her face pressing into his chest as he held her tightly, kissing the top of her head “None of this was your fault, none of it…” She stayed still, her shoulders shaking slightly as he simply held her close, blinking back his own tears as they sat there for a moment before she pulled back.
“The rest of it is much the same.” she said gently “Although he eased off a bit and convinced me that trying for a baby would solved all our issues. So I went with it. Each month it failed he’d punish me when I got my period, but you know that bit anyway and…the other big stuff you know about.”
Frank gently reached out and wiped her tears away with his thumbs as she smiled at him sadly.
“I found out I was pregnant in the January in 2016 and that, well that was the moment I decided I needed to get out. I couldn’t bring a baby into that…” she said, her eyes swimming. “I feel so guilty about that you know, that I got rid of it. It wasn’t the baby’s fault but…being tied to him for ever, I just…I couldn’t. I know that’s selfish but…”
“No, it’s not selfish.” Frank said, her face held in his hands as he looked at her, driving his words home “You got nothing to feel guilty about, you got that? Nothing.”
There was a silence as he simply looked at her, his chest heaving with emotion as she turned her head slightly to place a soft kiss on his palm before she leaned into his touch, like a dog seeking comfort and reassurance. As if on cue Thor leapt up onto the seat in between them, forcing his way into the middle, his back turned on Frank as he licked at Fliss’ face, soft noises and whines coming from him as he did so.
“It’s ok…” she gently laughed at the dog, stroking his head.
Frank was almost glad of the reprieve that the German shepherd had given him because he was utterly lost. He had no idea how to comfort her, or if his words would even begin to scratch the surface of what she had told him. After a moment or two Thor settled, simply curling up in between them and lay his head on Fliss’ lap as she scratched his ears and looked at Frank. “That was when I started making plans. Told my mum I was coming to Florida for a visit and needed her to book me a ticket, but she knew. She could tell this was me crying for help, so she sorted everything out and said that her and dad were coming to get me. I had the abortion on the Tuesday morning, I was booked on a flight on Thursday evening, Thor as well…it was all ready to go…but John was supposed to be away at some kind of training conference until the Friday but he came back early.  I was packing up a few things and he caught me…”
She swallowed “And then, something in me snapped, like really snapped. Told him he was an ass hole, that what he was doing wasn’t normal and I told him all about the baby as well, how I’d gotten rid of it because he’d have been the worst father in the world and he did a number on me which you know about. He almost killed me. The police arrived, mum had tried calling me several times and when she couldn’t get hold of me she called them, turns out so had one of the neighbours as they’d heard the screaming and shouting…that was it. He was arrested and, well, I pressed charges and moved here.”
A silence fell between them, one which Frank was desperately trying to find the words to break, but failing, miserably. He wanted to kill the fucker, it was beyond him how anyone could ever want to harm a hair on her head. Not merely because she’d been helpless, and powerless to stop it, but because she was so goddamned amazing.
“Lissy…” he eventually said, reaching out again for her hand, not missing the fact the dog was eyeing him beadily as he did so. “I don’t know what to say…what you went through, it’s abhorrent and…”
“You know what the worse bit was?” she looked at Frank, cutting him off “Was reliving all that in court. Despite the evidence, police catching him in the act…he denied it and I had to tell everyone what he had done.  He let his Attorney cross examine me, call me a liar, and then changed his plea. Simply because he could. He wanted that one last moment of humiliation…and that’s why I can’t and won’t go to his hearing in person.”
Frank was surprised, and also a little pleased to see the fire in her eyes and the absolute conviction in her tone, it was almost like she had reached a revelation, a turning point, a moment where she seized control over it all, and when she spoke again, he realised that was exactly what she was doing.
“When I was talking to mum and dad before, I realised that I don’t wanna live my life in this state of panic and worry about what comes next. If he gets out he gets out. I can’t control that. What I can control is how I deal with it. And the only control I have is to NOT to let him control me any-more. If I go to that parole hearing he gets me in a room with him, again, and why should he?”
She took a deep breath and looked at Frank, her large brown eyes locking onto his.
“I’ll talk to Greg, he can write the statement and I’ll submit it but I’m not going.”
“You don’t have to.” he shook his head.
“I just wanna…I just want to live this normal life, with you and Mary and…be Lissy. Not Felicity, Lissy. Your Lissy.”
“You are.” he assured her. “I love you, you know that.”
“I know, and I love you…and God did that scare me at first because, well I hadn’t been expecting it. I was done, happy on my own and then you walked into my life…or sailed into it…” At that he let out a soft chuckle.
“And I know you’re not that man. You’re not John and that you’d never hurt me…not because you can’t but because you don’t want to.” she took another deep breath as she glanced down at Thor who was now asleep, the dog clearly sensing no threat was there “But, Frank, there’s this part of me that thinks it’s too good to be true. That one day the whole thing will come tumbling down, and I know I have no reason to think that but I can’t help but be scared. We’re only 5 months down the line and you’re already pissed off…” “I’m not pissed off at you.” he said shaking his head “I’m angry at him putting you through this. And I just want you to know that I’m not perfect, I’m uncomfortable with the fact you think I am, that you think that this…us…” he waved his hand between them “Is something special because I treat you normally. It’s special, yeah, of course it is, but that’s because it just is. Not because I’m this magical saint like human, when in fact I’m so far from that.”
He reached over and took both her hands in his, and intertwined their fingers, looking at her. “You know, I never thought I’d ever want to settle down, that I’d ever find someone I wanted all that domestic shit with but then…I met you and…I dunno, you just…you sideswiped me Lissy, and well, yeah, it’s really early days you’re right, and what I feel for you after such a short period of time is, well, it is scary, I’ll admit that but I wanna be in this for the long run and that means we work through whatever it is together, honestly.” She smiled “So I’ll tell you when I’m scared and worried about stuff and you tell me when I’m being an idiot?”
He laughed and nodded, “Something like that.”
She leaned over, ignoring the large dog in between them and placed a soft kiss to his lips. “Deal.”
He smiled and pressed his forehead to hers, but before either of them had chance to do anything or say anything else, Thor pricked his ears up and shot off the seat between them, jogging to the back door. Both of them looked to see Mary walking into the yard, followed by Verity and Bill.
“Hey…” Verity greeted them both as Fliss smiled at her mum, “You both ok?” “Yeah.” Fliss nodded “We’re good.”
Bill eyed Frank a little cautiously, which didn’t pass Frank by so he simply flashed Bill a little nod and saw the man relax visibly before he held up a bag.
“Mary thought you might fancy ice cream so we brought you some back from the Shack.” He said.
“It was awesome!” Mary said, bouncing onto Frank’s knee drawing a grunt from him as she sat perched on his lap “I had the Oreo milkshake and a huge burger with fries and…” she paused and looked at Bill “What was that stuff on them?” “Sour cream kiddo.” Bill answered and Mary made a noise of recognition.
“Sour cream and cheese” she nodded “And then I had a cookie dough and fudge brownie sundae…” “So basically you aint gonna want to eat for a week.” Frank looked at her, and Mary grinned.
“We got you some of the black forest because I know you love that Titch.” Bill said “And Mary said Frank would want the peanut butter brittle.”
“Mary was right!” Frank grinned, hi-fiving her before he stood up, slinging her over his shoulder causing her to giggle. He placed her down, his hand gently caressing the back of her head “What do you say to Bill and V?” “I already said thanks!”
“She did.” Verity smiled “And it was our pleasure.”
“Go get your stuff on for bed. I’ll be up in a second.” he said to her gently and it was a testament to how tired she was that she didn’t protest. She gave Fliss a hug, then Verity and Bill before she skipped inside, Thor following.
“I’ll put that in the freezer…unless you want some now?” Fliss made to take the bag off her Dad and looked at Frank. He shook his head.
“Save it for tomorrow sweetheart.”
Fliss nodded and headed inside, Bill and Verity then turned to Frank.
“Is…she, I mean, are you…are you both…” Verity started and Frank gave her a smile.
“We’re ok.” he assured the woman. “I promise.”
Verity nodded as Bill looked at him.
“You sure?”
“It wasn’t nice hearing.” Frank shrugged “I’m not sure what else I can say Bill.”
Bill nodded and at that point Fliss returned and Verity smiled at her.
“We’ll leave you to it.” She said, giving her a hug which she returned. Bill gently clapped his hand on Frank’s shoulder, giving it a warm squeeze and Frank knew it was the man’s way of trying to reassure him somewhat.
He wasn’t sure whether it had worked.
***** An hour or so later after a bit of TV, Fliss announced she was going for a shower and then heading to bed. Telling her he’d be up in a moment, Frank stayed where he was, simply mulling things over in his head. He prided himself on being a calm, level headed guy, able to logically see his way through most situations but this, well this was fucking with his head. He was angry, really angry that someone had put her through all of that and he was struggling to process it.
After torturing himself for another 10 or so minutes, with a resigned sigh he pushed himself off the sofa, and turned off the TV. Once upstairs he poked his head into the spare room and saw Mary was fast asleep, Thor curled around her feet. The dog looked up at him, but made no attempt to move as he turned off the lamp and headed across the small hallway to the master bedroom. To his surprise the lamp was on but Fliss was nowhere to be found.
Now that he thought about it, he could hear the shower was still running. She must not have gotten in straight away as she’d come upstairs a good 15 minutes or so ago. With a slight frown he headed to the door of the bathroom and gently nudged it open a touch.
“Lissy?” he asked softly, “Baby, you ok?”
She didn’t answer, but as the steam from the water cleared Frank could make her out through the frosted glass of the screen. She was leaning on the tiles, facing the shower, one palm flat on the wall by the side of the temperature dial, the other clamped over her mouth, and her shoulders were shaking.
Frank felt his eyes mist up again and he pulled his top over his head before shedding the rest of his clothes and stepping into the cubicle behind her.
“Hey…” he said gently, his hand dropping to her hip, the skin slick to his touch as she turned to face him. “Come’ere…”
She went willingly, melting into his strong arms as they curled round her and she buried her face into his chest.
“I’m sorry…I…” she sobbed and he simply held her close, her bare skin pressed to his as the water beat down on them both, his hands gently caressing her back.
“Let it out, I got you…” he said gently, his face pressing into her hair as he dropped a kiss to the crown of her head. “I got you…”
How long he stayed there simply holding her, he had no idea. It was as if all time had stood still and nothing existed to him, nothing but the girl he was cradling in his arms. Eventually her breathing evened out and she pulled back slightly to look at him. Without a word she stood on her toes and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his lips which he took, gratefully as he brushed her sodden hair off her face.
“Turn around baby girl.” he said softly, and she looked at him, almost questioningly.
“Trust me…” he assured her, and she did as she was told. Frank gently reached round for her shampoo, squeezed an amount onto his palm and gently began to work it into her hair. He felt her relax slightly, her shoulders dropping, the tension seeping out of her as he massaged her scalp softly, the apple and cinnamon notes from the suds rising up his nostrils went a long way to calming him too.
“That ok?” he asked her softly, and she gave a low hmmm in response, simply leaning back further so her head was almost laying against his shoulder. He felt her relax completely against him, the suds from her hair spreading to his chest. Eventually, when he’d lathered enough he gently dropped his head, the water running off his own hair onto her shoulder, as he gently spoke into her ear and asked if she was ready to rinse it off. She nodded and allowed him to guide her round so she was facing him, tipping her head back slightly against the stream from the shower and he reached up, brushing the shampoo away from her face and down her long hair, causing her to press against him.
Eventually her hair was completely rinsed clear and he repeated the process with her conditioner, all the time making sure to talk to her, ask her what she wanted or needed, and she caught him by surprise slightly when she asked if she could return the favour. Nodding he turned around and dipped his head slightly as she gently wound her hands into his hair, nails scratching against his scalp. When she’d finished he turned back to face her, dropping his head to rinse out his hair.
“You’re gonna get it in your eyes standing this way.” she said gently, as she looked up at him.
“Don’t care.” he said, his hands gently resting on her hips. “Just wanna see you.”
And he did. He drank her in, every singled damned detail. Her eyes, her nose, those little freckles that at first glance you might miss, her defined shoulders, that dip in her collar bone, the line the water was tracing between her breasts, the curve of her hips…fuck he was unashamedly aching for her now something he knew she’d spotted but hadn’t commented on.  When he looked up he caught her eyes again, and she gently reached up with her hands, the pads of her fingers cupping his face through his short beard. He stayed still as she simply studied him, before she guided his face down to hers where he captured her mouth in a soft, gentle kiss. He let her guide him, tell him how much she wanted, or how little she wanted, his hands simply splaying across the soft skin on her back. Eventually she pulled away and pressed her forehead to his collar bone, her hands slipping round his wasit as she held onto him and he was happy to let her, simply basking in the fact she was seeking his comfort.  Eventually she pulled away and took his hand in hers, examining his fingers.
“You’re pruned up.” she said softly and he chuckled.
“So are you.” he pointed out, pressing a kiss to her wrist. “You ready to get out?”
She nodded, so Frank reached around her, turning off the shower before he opened the cubicle door and crossed the small bathroom, reaching for a towel which he quickly ran over his hair before he wrapped it around his waist. Lifting her robe off the hook behind the door, he held it out for her and she turned and slipped her arms into it. Frank leaned around, ensuring it was wrapped tightly around her whilst she did up the belt as he lifted another towel off the rack for her hair. He began to gently squeeze the water out of her long, auburn locks, tenderly drying her hair, hands softly rubbing over her scalp as once again she tipped her head back, eyes closed. Once he’d finished he dropped a kiss to her neck and guided her back through to the bedroom.
Fliss made her way in as Frank shut the door behind them and she padded over towards the bed before she turned and looked at him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her.
“Nothing.” she said, “I was just thinking.” “What about?”
“Something you said before about how you’re nothing special because you treat me normally.”
“I’m not.”
“Well that’s just it…” she said stepping forward towards him “You are to me…no matter how many times you try and protest otherwise.”
“You know everything now, and you still want me…” her voice was nothing but a broken whisper and it made Frank’s heart ache.
“Sweetheart, I’ll never not want you.” he said, his own voice cracking slightly.
“Frankie, I just…” “Look, I promise you…” he said, his nose bumping against hers. “Nothing you told me today changes the way I feel about you. How could it? You’re so strong, and brave and…”
“I don’t feel it.” “Well you are.” he said, his hands cupping her face “Look at what you dealt with and came out the other side…please don’t ever worry about what I think of you, because honestly I think you’re the most amazing woman on the planet.” She smiled softly at him, as he dropped his lips to her neck, gently ghosting his mouth over her skin “And you’re mine…”
“Promise?” she asked, her eyes fluttering shut.
“Cross my heart.” he mumbled, gently kissing below her ear. He felt her give a soft shudder, which he took as an encouragement and gently continued his actions, tracing his mouth down her neck to where it met the soft towel of her robe. With deft hands he reached out, and gently undid the tie around her middle, causing the robe to gape open and he ran his fingers underneath the edges before he gently shrugged it off her shoulders. He placed a soft kiss to her collar bone as he felt her hands move between them, gently pulling the edge of the towel out from where it was tucked in on itself, dropping it to the floor.
Tenderly he took her face in his hands and kissed her, softly, his tongue guiding her mouth open and she obliged, deepening the kiss slightly as her hands moved upwards, gently tangling in his hair at the nape of his neck. His movements slow and deliberate, Frank guided them her the last few steps over to the bed and laid her down, crawling over her, before his lips moved and he chained soft kisses across her jaw line, down her neck, through the valley between her breasts. He kissed the small burn scar that lay above her right hip, the origin of which he now knew,  then across towards her belly button, simply taking his god-damned time, making sure he worshiped every single inch of her body he could get his hands on. His fingers traced her thighs and then up her curves as he moved back upwards, before capturing her lips again in a soft kiss that grew more urgent, but still stayed tender as Frank poured every single emotion he was feeling into her, wanting her to understand how he felt, how much he loved her, how much that was not going to change no matter what. His hand flexed on her hip and she let out a soft moan into his mouth making him pull back slightly, and press his forehead to hers. "I love you…” he said softly “I know.” She replied, voice barely a whisper. “I love you too…”
His hand moved from her hip, sliding down between her legs as he simply remained where he was, his head pressed to hers and she let out a soft gasp at his touch as he gently worked her. Before long her hips started moving in time with his motions and when he slid his fingers inside of her, curling them slightly she let out a soft cry, her back arching slightly. He dipped his head, gently paying some attention to her beasts, his tongue circling her nipple, before he grazed it softly with his teeth, another action that had her crying out, begging him for more, for all of him. And he wanted to give her what she wanted, exactly what she wanted.
Moving slightly so he was fully over her, she parted her legs further to accommodate him and he took both her hands, lacing his fingers into his and gently laid them by her head as he lined himself up. With a slow, deliberate push forwards he sank into her, and she groaned, her head dropping backwards as he dropped his head slightly, the feel of her around him was almost enough to tip him over right there and then as every single sense in his body was on fire.
He kept his movements slow, not thrusting, rolling, rocking softly into her over and over again, pressing his body to hers. Soft moans and whispers filled the room, his lips by her ears, telling her how good she was, how amazing she felt, how much he loved her, simply lavishing praise upon her, because she fucking deserved it.
Eventually, no matter how hard he was trying to fight it, Frank could feel the ribbons in his belly starting to unravel, the familiar tightening across the base of his abdomen was growing stronger and stronger and he knew he couldn’t hold out for long.
“Lissy…” he half whispered, half gasped into her hear, softly nipping at her pulse point as his hips continuing their gentle, deep roll into her “I’m not sure how much longer… are you close baby girl? Please tell me you’re close…” She didn’t answer with words, instead he felt her tightening around him and he gave another groan as she let out a soft whimper. Then, he heard it, the soft sound of his name, “Frankie..” tumbling from her lips. He nudged her nose with his, making her look at him as she gave a soft moan before she tilted her head back and let out a gentle cry as her back arched, her fingers tightened around his, and she came, her eyes fluttering shut. The sight of her underneath him, giving in to him, coming undone was enough to make him tumble over the edge right after her, gently rutting up into her he felt himself go and his movements became disjointed as he groaned and came with a shudder, utterly blissed and consumed by her.
Both of them lay still, shaking slightly with the afterglow, and Frank pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes locked straight onto hers, his hands still tangled in hers. 
Because that’s what he was. And she was his.
“I love you…”  he said gently, having lost count of how much he’d said that over the course of the day but it didn’t matter, because he did, and he wanted her to know. As she wiggled her hands, he released them, dropping to his elbows as she gently ran the tips of her fingers up his spine and into his hair.
“I love you too.” she said softly, her eye shining as he leaned down to kiss her.
When they’d recovered, Frank settled them down as he lay on his back, Fliss safely snuggled into him, head on his chest, arm thrown over his stomach, her leg draped over his. He held her close, simply nuzzling into her hair every so often. Eventually he felt her breathing drop slightly and he glanced down to see she’d fallen asleep. He lay awake for another good hour or so simply holding her as he stared into nothingness, occasionally glancing down to make sure she was still ok. He was struggling to switch off, it had been such an intense evening, and no matter how tired he felt physically, his mind was running ten to the dozen going over everything she had told him.
But, then he felt her stir besides him and he looked down at her, her eyelids were fluttering slightly as she was clearly dreaming, but a soft smile spread on her face as she nuzzled further into him, mumbling something incoherent, and that was it. He realised, she wasn’t having nightmares about it, which was something he’d been concerned about. So if she wasn’t, then why should he dwell on it anymore?
It was done, he couldn’t change what she’d been through, but he could damned well make sure she never went through anything like that again.
With a sigh, he gently kissed her head again and settled down against his pillow, finally allowing his mind to close off, and the tiredness catch up with him.
@momobaby227​​ @geekofmanythings16​​ @angelofhell-666​​ ​ @marvelfansworld​​​  @cobalt-gear​​  @asgardlover75​​ @jennmurawski13​​​​  @jtargaryen18​​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​​  @navispalace​​​ @patzammit​​​  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​​​ ​​ @djeniiscorner​​​  @ayamenimthiriel​​​  @coldmuffinbanditshoe​​​  @disneylovingal​​​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​​ @southerngracela​ @goldenfightergir​ @kellymat​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @pagesoflauren​
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