#but i watched seasons 5-10 since august because I got particularly into it again
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rmbunnie · 1 year ago
Watched through adventure time start to finish for the first time and of course it was great and of course I'm going to be drawing fanart at some point in the not-distant future (can't say near tho lmao school is keeping me busy) but my god the finale. I already knew the plot points tbh because i Am Online and Like Cartoons and if both of those things are things you are, you see the bubbline kiss and Finn saying "I always thought i'd go out a hero" and that's pretty much unavoidable, but what really got me was Time Adventure.
I saw someone on Twitter or something, maybe on here, say that the antagonist of Adventure Time is personal stagnation, and it was a comeback to someone else, but it really is true that from season 7 on the show starts leaning Realllllly hard into Growth as the topic the show's about (and season 7 is like. a pretty noticeable line for this switch tbh, NOT that the first 6 seasons are unimportant to the final end point, but the change is visible.) This is especially clear seeing as Gumbald and Fern, who refuse to accept growth and change to a unique extent, and are incapable of personal growth due to being an outgrown past version of the mc held that way indefinitely by a grass curse, respectively, are the main antagonistic forces of the final season. (Betty also counts as both an antagonistic force in the finale and unable to accept growth to me seeing as she was the reason Golb was summoned and, I mean, Temple of Mars is ABOUT her being unable to grow on an internal-beliefs level despite accepting the magic of the future as an external tool, so that checks both boxes, but i'm not sure of the overall Betty opinion and also she isn't the main point.) What I'm getting at is, with the major emphasis on changing as an individual, Time Adventure is especially poignant to me, because outside of being a (still very good) meta song about the show ending, in the context of the show it reads as a song about how sad growing as a person is when you're the person who's changing, and how it would be great if you could just. always be a 12 year old kid in the first season who doesn't understand that there are problems that can't be solved and fights you can't win, who can always go back to his treehouse at the end of the day. And how with the passage of time, it's inevitable to change, but at least that kid is and will forever be in season 1, even as the only physical version of himself from the past blows away in the wind as he asks to go back to a place that's now rubble. This isn't exactly breaking news but still, in a show that leans so hard into the way maturing means changing as a person the final message being "it's hard to be a new person and lots of things ARE lost forever but all past versions of you that you can no longer be exist in the past and aren't going anywhere" instead of like, "woohoo! Maturing is neat! Look at how much everything has improved!" is really good. Idk it just kinda means more really knowing that they're sad about the change.
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dianapana · 5 years ago
SasuHina Month 2020- Day 4
Prompt – Coffee Preferences/The Smell of Coffee in the Morning
Long Distance- Part 2
Sasuke POV
I am chugging a glassful of water after my morning work-out when Naruto comes out of his room eyes closed and wearing only his boxers. Me and my roommates have very different ideas of ‘morning’. For me morning is 7-8 a.m. when I get up, drink my coffee and a protein shake and go to the gym for my 3 hours work out, for Naruto it’s around 10-11-12 depending on the day, he eats ramen for breakfast and his day starts only after 2 pm. Then there’s Gaara; I saw him this morning when I woke up, that’s when he got home and was going to bed so I’m not holding my breath for him to wake up before 5 pm or so.
I watch as my best friend wanders thought the kitchen, eyes still closed, and prepares himself instant ramen. If someone told me this was him sleep-waking making ramen I’d believe them. I fill another glass of water and drink that one too and leave Naruto to his own routine; I’m in need of a shower. Once showered I get dressed for work. It’s summertime so no classes or practice, even so the three of us decided to stay on campus instead of going home. Mom wasn’t happy with me when I told her I told her I’ll be spending my last summer before graduating University here. She twisted my arm until I promised to go visit them for 2 weeks around the end of August. Which happens to be next week. Since I don’t plan on working during the actual year because classes and hokey will take up all of my time, I gave my 2 weeks’ notice already. I picked a random job this summer, it doesn’t really have anything to do with my major but it’s still good money, I’m a mechanic in an auto-service. I declared my major in education only last semester; I plan on going pro with hokey but if anything were to happen, I realized that I wouldn’t mind being a coach.
I pick up my keys and wallet and make my way to the kitchen. Naruto is still eating and I’m still not sure he’s really awake. The drive to work is quite short which is one of the reasons I picked this job, that and the fact that since my 12th birthday each summer both Itachi and Dad have been throwing their car knowledge at me. I’m not particularly interested in it but it’s better than Naruto’s construction job, or his job in moving furniture, or any other odd jobs he picks up every week.  I work from 12 to 8 or 9 at night it depends on how busy the shop is; thankfully it is quite deserted today so I get the ok from the owner to go home at 7:15. I make the short drive home and am about to walk inside when my phone starts ringing. I check the caller and press answer when I notice it’s my mom. I walk in and see Garra in the kitchen eating.
“Hey sweetie, how are you?”
“Hey mom, I just got home from work; how are you?” I say and go to sit down on the sofa in the living room.
“I still don’t get why you wanted to stay behind and work. Your tuition is paid by the scholarship and for everything else you want you know me and your dad will pay.” She says and I can hear the whining undertone in her voice. I am indeed working for the money; I don’t like asking for money from them; I can’t work during the year so I try to make as much as I can now that way, I can depend on myself for a while. I’ll only ask for money if I have to. Then there’s also the freedom; at home there’s always someone asking me where I’m going what I’m doing and so on. I’ve discovered I like my freedom very much during University. During the hokey season some of that freedom is taken by the coach but it’s still more than I’ve had home.
“I know mom. But I’ll be home for two weeks in a few days.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I was talking to my friend Hikari, and she was complaining about how Hinata said she won’t be coming home at all. Neji and Hiashi are in America for the summer so they can’t drive over to see her. Hinata never learned how to drive and the road is way too long for her to take a train. Can you imagine baby?” Mom likes to give every piece of information; it doesn’t matter that I have no idea who any of these people are. I have never heard of her friend Hikari and her family “And she’s home all alone with Hanabi who is 16 and going thought her rebellion phase. My heart just breaks at that thought, sweetie; doesn’t yours?”
Mom actually makes a pause as if she’s actually expecting me to answer. “Yes, mom that sucks big time” Gaara walks into the living room and mouths ‘I’m off to work’ I nod and continue listening to mom.
“You know that Hinata doesn’t go to your University but the road from your house to hers is only about 2 hours so I told Hikari you’d swing by Hinata’s place to pick her up and you’d come home together. She was so excited baby. She’s on the phone just now talking to Hinata”
I’m stunned into silence. Mom literally tome me to make an additional 2 hours to pick up this girl and then another 2 hours to return from where she is; the only University that is quite close to us is the University of Arts and that’s 2 hours towards Suna and not Konoha. So instead of getting home in about 8 hours it would take me 12 hours. And let’s not forget I’d be stuck in the car with a stranger.
“I don’t know mom; that’s a little inconvenient and—”
“Sasuke Uchiha! What is more important your own convenience or reuniting a mother with her daughter? Plus, Hinata is cute as a button I’m sure the two of you will get along great”
I know better than to pick up a fight with my mom so I just agree; you could call me a pushover when it comes to her, I call it choosing my battles. “Fine. But I’ll need her number so I can talk to her directly and organize the trip I guess”
“Of course, baby. I’ll text you her number in a moment. Love you dear”
“I love you too” I really do but at times she can be very exhausting. Mom is so used to getting her way, both my dad and me and Itachi spoiled her for too long and now neither of us can say no to her, no matter how crazy her ideas are.
Hinata POV
I am stunned. Mom just called to tell me that she found a way for me to come home for two weeks. Apparently, the son of her friend Mikoto, friend she has never mentioned before in my life, goes to KU (Konoha University) and he will come pick me up and we’ll have a grand ol’ road trip.
Let me explain the two main issues here.
1.      I didn’t want to go home. Hell, if I wanted to, I could have taken a train on the first day of summer holiday or looked for a bus to take me home; but I didn’t.
2.      KU is 2 hours away towards Konoha, which means she inconvenienced this guy to drive 4 more hours than he should just to drag me, a complete stranger, home
The levels of guilt I’m feeling have no boundaries. I’m still thinking about how unreal this feels when my phone rings again, it’s an unknown number and under normal circumstances I would not answer but mom let me know that she gave the guy my number so we could talk about the trip home.
“Hello” I hate talking on the phone. I hate talking to stranger. I hate talking on the phone with stranger even more.
“Hey, is this Hinata?” his voice sounds defeated and exhausted too. I can only imagine the conversation his mom had with him.
I let a big sigh “Yes, it is. You my road trip partner?”
This makes him laugh a littler “Yes m’am. I’m Sasuke in case you mom, my mom’s best friend it would appear, didn’t let you know”
“I’m so sorry this got dumped on you. I feel so guilty especially since I could have found ways to go home…I just didn’t want to” I say and roll over so I’m on my back in my bed rather than on my belly. “Can’t you tell your mom the 4 extra hours are too much for you to drive?” “I tried and she pretty much tried to guilt trip me, saying that the, and I quote, ‘reunion of a mother with her daughter’ is more important than my selfishness” he sounds equal parts amused and annoyed. I don’t blame him.
“I too told my mom that I can’t possibly impose but she kept reassuring me how you found out about our situation from you mom and it was you who came up with the idea and that you would not take no for an answer. I knew it was bullshit from the get-go but mom has a way of getting whatever she wants” I confess.
“So does my mom. The more I mull over this the more I think our moms being friends is a bad idea.” The stranger aka Sasuke says followed by a lough sigh.
“You are right. Mom is bad enough on her own, I don’t even want to think what the two of them can do together”
“I wonder how they met. Did one of them put an ad in the paper. ‘Looking for a friend; guilt tripping of the universe, manipulation of everyone around, especially one’s children and the ability to get your way are the main characteristics I am looking for in a friend’”
That makes me laugh more than I want to admit. Silence falls for a few moments before Sasuke talks again.
“Anyway, regarding the drive, is it ok for you if I come pick you up at 9 in the morning or so; I want to get home at a somewhat decent hour” guilt washed over me again.
“That’s great, whatever works for you. I don’t want to inconvenience you even more. I am truly sorry Sasuke”
“It’s ok it isn’t your fault this was dropped on you just as it was on me. So I guess I’ll see you Sunday morning”
“Yes, I’ll text you my address right now so I don’t forget.”
“Ok thanks”
“Bye, see you Sunday” I say and hang up just as Ino opened the door to my room.
“Ooooo who will you be seeing on Sunday?” Ino asks and she winks and wiggles her eyebrows ate me.
“Oh, stop that, it’s a poor guy that my mom and his mom forced to swing by and drag me home for 2 weeks” I say.
“Oh no, you’re going home? Nooo, whyyy???” that is how I wanted to react too when mom told me but I couldn’t do that, no matter how meddlesome she is I never want to hurt her feelings.
“Mom insisted. And as I said she even secured me a way to go home and return” I still feel so guilty about troubling Sasuke so I make a note to cook breakfast for us or something nice like that.
Sasuke POV
Sunday morning, I arrive at Hinata’s a bit earlier than intended but I did text her when I left my home so I hope she’s ready to go. I walk to the door and knock. A girl that I assume is Hinata opens the door and to my horror she’s in her pjs. Her blonde hair is a mess and over all she does not look ready to hit the road.
“You must be Sasuke, come on in.” She says and I can’t even protest that we’re in a hurry and it’s better to just go because she’s not freaking dressed.
I walk into the small home and the smell of coffee hits me from every possible way. I’ve already had my first cup but I feel tired and the smell only makes me crave another cup.
“The kitchen is that way make yourself comfy” she says and walks to the stairs her own cup of coffee in hand. I hope to God she’s going to get dressed so we can leave as soon as possible.
I walk to where she pointed and find myself in the kitchen. On the island there is a plate filled with eggs and bacon, another with pancakes and a bowl of fruit salad. I have questions and look around confused, when a petite girl pops up from behind the island with two cups in her hand. I make a startled noise and she in turn screams. We look at each other for a few moments before she asks “Sasuke?”
I nod and she sighs in relief. “Oh, thank God I thought you were an intruder. I made breakfast so we can eat before leaving if you’re not in too much of a hurry”
She’s dressed and I see a suitcase next to one of the chairs. So, this girl is the real Hinata and she is almost ready to go, thank God. “Yea that’s cool.” I sit myself down.
“Do you want coffee?” she asks, I was hoping she would.
“Yes please. With just a bit of sugar and nothing else” I say  
“Ah you’re that kind of person I see” She says and gives me my filled cup. I watch her add maybe 5 ml of coffee in the next cup fill that with milk a lot of sugar, cinnamon and even vanilla. She puts it in the microwave for a while and finally walks around to sit herself down too.
“Ah so you’re that kind of person” I say right back. Hinata drinks from her cup but her eyes are smiling at me. I wait for her to fill her plate first before doing the same. We eat in silence; I finish first so I take her suitcase and take it to the car. I return to the door just as she walks outside.
“INO I’M LEAVING” Hinata screams, I assume Ino is the blonde girl.
“OK BABE, CALL ME WHEN YOU GET THERE” a voice screams right back.
I chuckle and we get into the car. I notice Hinata holds two to-go cups in her hands. She notices me looking at them and shrugs. “I made both of us another cup of coffee for the road” her declaration makes me thank the Lords.
“Good idea. It’s going to be a long road”
Part 1
(This story happens before part 1 so you can read them as you wish)
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 years ago
@veliseraptor tagged me in a meme! I’ve gone for my daily state-approved walk and am ready to overshare. ;-)
1. Name: Taylor
2. Nickname: I don’t really have one, I don’t really like any of the ways my name can be shortened.
3. Zodiac sign: Fishy (pisces)
4. Height: Funny story, so for like years I thought I was 5′4″, and then one night I got into kind of drunken argument at a bar with my friends who were like ‘you are Not 5′4″’ and then the next morning I was having coffee with my mom and relaying the story and being like ‘can you believe they didn’t believe me when I said I was 5′4″‘ and she just stops...slowly looks at me, and is like ‘yeah, you’re not 5′4″...’ and then called my brother to get the tape measure. So yeah, I’m like 5′5 1/2″, almost 5′6″.
5. Languages: English, French, I took Latin in high school, I studied Hebrew and Arabic for two years in college (I got almost conversational in Hebrew, Arabic was a lot harder in terms of actually speaking but I loved loved loved learning the script.)
6. Nationality: USA (though after some considerable digging, apparently with a temporary work visa, I am to be treated with all the rights to social services and economic relief as though I was a Canadian. So. That’s good. Cuz I’m kinda stuck here for a while XD )
7. Favourite season: Fall! Fall is when my power is at a peak! I am at my spookiest! Everyone else appreciates how spooky I am! It is great!
8. Favourite flower: I really like sunflowers.
9. Favourite scent: I like the ocean (where is it *sobs*), and that way the morning air smells. Like, you know what I mean? Even in the city. When I went to take the trash out this morning, I just stood on the stoop for a minute and breathed in the air. I can’t really explain it...but mornings. I like the smell of mornings.
10. Favourite colour: All shades of purple.
11. Favourite animals: I like cats. And I like bats. But in a really strange way, my favorite animal will always be cows. I don’t know why. Cows just became my favorite animal really early and stuck with me.
12. Favourite fictional character: Hm, well, I mean...anyone I write a whole mess of fanfiction about......that’s a safe bet. Also, since I’m rereading Lord of the Rings right now and just got to this part I have a love of feelings about Faramir. Also a few months back, I don’t remember why I was doing this, but I was rereading the ‘Friends of the ABC’ chapter of Les Misérables and had a lot of feelings about Combeferre. 
13. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee. Definitely coffee, which I am actually physically addicted to but also it’s a super big part of my routine. Coffee is my favorite part of the day. I have two cups in the morning while reading a book and it is excellent.
I actually really dislike most tea, except for lemon-ginger when I’m sick. I do really like hot chocolate and I’ve also found it is even better when you add a little whiskey to it.
14. Average hours of sleep: I’m usually pretty regularly an 8-hour type of person, though usually in the spring I go through this weird period where I sleep a lot. Like every spring, I’ll wake up around my usual time 7:30-8ish, and then pass back out until like noon. So. I’m anticipating that starting to happen.
15. Dog or cat: I think I related to cats on a deeper level but I do love dogs and I dream of the day I get to have a cat or a dog, or both. Both is best.
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: 3? I don’t use a top sheet, but I have a duvet, and then a comforter on top of that, and then an extra fleece blanket in case it’s particularly cold.
17. Dream tip: Was this supposed to be a tip from my dreams or a tip about dreaming?
Considering I have very bizarre dreams, I’ll give you a tip about dreaming. So in December/January, I was basically having horrible stress dreams every single night and successfully got rid of them by keeping a really strict bedtime routine, like I was a toddler again. I start off by turning off most lights and watching one episode of a TV show without scrolling on my phone. (As a result, I’ve been watching a lot of subtitled stuff because that forces me to pay attention and not scroll.) And then I prep coffee for the morning, take my vitamin, get in my PJs and brush my teeth, floss (yes I floss every night), wash my face etc...And then I write in my journal, use a lavender scented hand lotion, and voilà! I usually fall asleep pretty quickly and have really weird dreams but...they’re like fun weird dreams rather than stress dreams.
If you want a tip from my dreams, the other night I dreamed I was walking in a massive forest with these huge trees, so tall you couldn’t see the tops, and one of them was very, very slowly falling...
So make of that what you will.
18. Blog established: I started my mainblog in August of 2011, but this one I started in like...July/August 2018.
19. Followers: There are 222 of you right now which is a fun number! Thanks for following me everyone! <3
20. Random fact: Hm, my go-to random personal fact is that I had chicken pox twice. It was not enjoyable.
As usual, consider this an open tag! ;-)
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callunavulgari · 6 years ago
Year-In-Life | 2018
Or that annual New Year’s meme about yours truly.
1. What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before? Got a big girl job! Got insurance! Made my very own eye doctor appointment! Got an apartment all on my own with my boyfriend! And this all happened since October! Basically I haven’t had time to do more than sleep in like two months!!!!!
But like. I’m making good money now, I can actually do things like go to the freaking doctor when I’m sick and not completely bankrupt myself if I get hit by a truck or something. Oh, and my new job has PTO! How rad is that, I can get paid for taking vacations now? The only downside is my eyes are not taking the staring at a computer screen all day very well and ache ALL the time now. But hey! Things are looking up other than my eyes being stabbed out of my skull?!
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Ugh I never remember what resolutions I actually made though! I mean, I know one of them was get a better job, which I did. I started smoking again for like two months and then quit again in November because holy shit I don’t need that in my life. I... briefly lost weight and then gained it all back because I stopped caring.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Couple high school people, I think. One of my best friend’s from middle school had her second kid. Another friend from middle school is expecting a third next year. But nobody particularly close, no. 4. Did anyone close to you die? I don’t think so.
5. What countries did you visit? Alternatively, what is your favorite place that you did go this year? Ugh, no countries. Nick got to go to Germany for his job training but I had to stay here because y’know, money, and also, money. Didn’t have the big girl job at the time and he went to Germany the week before we were due to go to North Carolina and I’m sorry, but I can’t freaking afford two weeks off of work. Couldn’t? Eh, still probably can’t unless I work crazy overtime to obtain more PTO. 
That said, I had lots of fun on our annual trip down to North Carolina. Once again I got to read a lot of books in the pool, chill on the beach, and play dumb drinking games with people five years younger than me. We also had an added date night, which I think I’m going to require every year.
6. What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018? Oh hey, I basically got everything that I wanted from last year. More steady job with insurance, apartment, not doing the college thing yet, but I’m going to have to think long and hard about how I want to proceed from here. This job opened up a LOT of opportunities for me, and I may pursue some of those instead of college. I just have to decide if that’s what I want.
Only thing that I didn’t get was, y’know, the ring thing. So here’s to hoping for next year? 
Also, ideally, we’re looking to buy a house sometime in either 2020 or 2021, so here’s to hoping we save up enough to make that happen.
7. What date from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? October 15th is when I started my new job. November 9th was when we moved out. Not many big events this year other than those. 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Got new job! Got apartment! Read a metric crapton of books! Bought a nice couch that is all ours!
9. What was your biggest failure? Honestly? I’m not really sure. This year was kind of a good one. I’ve been very patient with Nick’s mom whenever we go on our weekly outing to one of the bars in our hometown and haven’t dropkicked her into the street whenever she gets too drunk. 10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Since moving out of the old house last month my weird allergy thing has improved wildly. We’re still using the sensitive skin detergent and I’m using very mildly scented soaps, but all in all the itching is so much less. I got really sick and missed Thanksgiving because I got some kind of stomach flu, and I think I had another stomach issue a few months back, but it’s been mostly mild. 11. What was the best thing you bought? I got new glasses at a vastly discounted rate because my vision insurance is apparently really good? We also bought a huge new sectional that is bigger, comfier, and LESS EXPENSIVE than all of the other couches we were looking at. I got Nick a sit/stand desk for Christmas and got upgraded to his old one by proxy. Got new books and a new painting for our living room. We also bought a new TV, because my old one was fucked and since we were moving out we didn’t have Seth’s to watch. 12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Mine. I was so good this year. 13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed? Eh. Nick’s mom drives me nuts, my mom drives me nuts, the roommates aren’t as bad now because we aren’t there, but it got a little spotty near the end there.
14. Where did most of your money go? Mostly things like bills, car payments, groceries, plane ticket to South Carolina to see my family, Christmas presents. While I got a reasonably good big girl job Nick got a reasonably good computer engineering job which means even if he is just a starting salary it’s still about 30k more than I make. Which just, blows my mind to say? Because I’m not making less than 15k a year now?  15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? I’m sorry that you have to hear it again, but new job! New apartment! New books and new things and hopefully a new chapter of our life. I’ve been trying to not get too psyched about things just in case the bottom drops out, but for now I’m letting myself enjoy this.
16. What song will always remind you of 2018? Paradise Valley. The Sailor Song. Daddy. Smallest Light. Lots of things off the Stranger Things soundtrack. 17. Compared to this time last year, are you: i. happier or sadder? Happier? Yeah, happier. ii. thinner or fatter? Little more, maybe? Again, lost a bunch but gained it back. iii. richer or poorer? Richer. With both of us having good jobs it’s so much easier to save. I dumped a little more than I should have into Christmas presents, but I’m still okay.  18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Write. I’ve been really bad about it, but I’m hoping that this year I’ll find my stride. 
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Still pretty chill this year. Maybe gotten my head out of my ass and tried to get a good job earlier, but I can’t regret it too much. 20. How will you be spending Christmas? Spent Christmas Eve listening to Nick’s mom bitch about things and eating food that kind of turned my stomach. Spent Christmas Day at his mom’s in the morning and then his grandparents’ all afternoon. Only managed to squeeze a tiny amount of time for ourselves this year, but we had breakfast together and opened our presents. Hopefully next year we get Christmas Eve to ourselves again. 21. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve? So, last year we spent New Year’s cooking curry (him) and pirozki (me) and watching Planet Earth. I’m hoping to do something similar this year, but we might end up at his mom’s place getting trashed since we’re both off the next day. We’ll see. 22. Did you fall in love in 2018? Maybe a little more. 23. Best month for you this year? October? November? August? April-ish? Honestly most of my months this year were pretty okay. Like, I’m so sorry for all of you that had shitty years, but mine was so much better than basically anything from the past goddamn decade.
24. What was your favorite TV program? Of just 2018? Didn’t watch too much this year? Watched the second season of Westworld, Voltron, the Sense8 series finale, Killing Eve, Castlevania, The Haunting of Hill House, Bride of the Ancient Magus, Lost In Space... But honestly, most of them were good but not fantastic. I really liked the Sense8 finale and Hill House. Oooh, also, She-Ra. And Little Witch Academia! Those were good ones. 25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Eh.
26. What was the best book you read? Spinning Silver was so good, guys. The Goblin Emperor, A Tale For the Time Being, the Queen’s Thief series, the Kingkiller Chronicle, and the Nightrunner series were highlights too. It was a real good year for books, okay. 27. What was your greatest musical discovery? Paradise Valley. Holy shit that song is the best. 28. What did you want and got? I got a lot of stuff I wanted this year. The job, the apartment, books, games. Nick got me a fucking switch for Christmas and this really pretty teardrop necklace made of green glass that’s just fucking gorgeous. And I got the glasses, the stupid tv, the better couch... ugh, we spent so much money this year, but I mean, it’s kind of about time that we had the money to splurge a little?
29. What did you want but didn’t get? A... ring? I mean, we’ve talked about it and we’ve both been moving steadily in this direction, but it didn’t happen this year. I foolishly made a bet with one of his brother’s friends while I was drunk. He thought that he’d propose before December of 2020, I thought he’d propose before the end of 2019, so now even if I’m right I’m wrong and I know he is going to give me shit about it.
Also. I think I might actively want kids now? Like, not in a nebulous eventually kind of way, but I think I might want to start trying? I don’t know. More on that next year. 30. What was your favorite film of this year? The Greatest Showman was really great. Other than that though, I didn’t watch that many. 31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 29 went a lot like 28 and 27. Had lunch with Nick at the Lantern, and then lazed around until we went out to Old Bag of Nails with a few of our friends. It was nice. Nick got me knitting supplies because I mentioned a million years ago that I kind of wanted to learn so I could do something while listening to audiobooks.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Hah! A better president and a ring is the only thing that I didn’t get from my wishes last year. 33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2018? Honestly until I started having to dress for an office job my personal fashion concept was PJs all the time except for when I had to go wait tables for a few hours. Now that I have the office job I’ve been wearing lots of sweaters, scarves, and skirts with tall boots when it’s not too cold for them. My bet is next year I’m going to give up and buy scrubs like everybody else in the nursing department. 34. What kept you sane? Reading was really, really great this year. - STILL leaving this answer 35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Eh. Amber Heard was recently very pretty on my tumblr dashboard? 36. What political issue stirred you the most? FUCK DONALD TRUMP IN THE EAR 2015678. —– Ayyyyy, this was my response from last year, and apparently also the year before and the one before! Hello past me’s, don’t worry, it’s still getting worse. 37. Who did you miss? Nick, while he was in Germany and when I was in South Carolina. It was dumb. I wanted to smooch his forehead gently. 38. Who was the best new person you met? I have lots of new coworkers, but Bryan is my favorite. He’s pretty cool and I could see myself being good friends with him if he doesn’t fuck off to a different state. 
39. Talk about a new friend that you made this year: *Sherlock voice* I don’t have friends. ---- I’m just going to leave this here. 
40. Post a picture from the beginning of the year:
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Took this one in... early March, but it’s technically the earliest photo I took of myself that wasn’t technically from December of 2017. I really miss the dark hair.
41. Post a picture from the end of the year:
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This was taken a couple days ago when I got new glasses. I am 100% not naked, I’m wearing a tanktop.
42. A memorable meal discovered this year? Uh. I don’t know if I actually tried any new recipes this year? Most things that I cooked were repeat favorites from last year and Nick hasn’t cooked too terribly much either. The new jobs thing has been nice, but also we have SO MUCH LESS TIME.
43. What was your favorite memory this year? I don’t know. There have been a few of them. I had a night that was kind of shitty and empty, and ended up reading that Cornstalk Fiddle fic that I’ve talked about and it turned into one of my favorite memories. The vacation and moving was pretty nice.
44. What are you excited for next year? Still wanna try for that trip that’s just me and Nick, but I’ve got my little brother’s graduation to go to in May and the North Carolina trip in August, which basically wipes out my PTO for the year, but we’ll see. Maybe we can take a weekend trip somewhere nice.
Oh. Also, I’m freaking excited for KINGDOM HEARTS 3?!
45. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018: Things can get better? Your life isn’t over if you don’t make it to college? Just. Things get better. We’ll go with that one. 46. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: I’m singin’ in the rain Just singin’ in the rain What a glorious feeling I’m happy again
First Fandom of 2018: January seemed to be an ecclectic mixture of Star Wars, Harry Potter, Captive Prince, The Exorcist, and Teen Wolf before I settled into Stranger Things at the end of the month. Favorite Main Character of 2018: Ahhhh. Fuck, I don’t know. Ryan Dalias or Doug Eiffel, probably. Favorite Villain of 2018: Damien, from the Bright Sessions. He’s not... exactly a big bad, but he certainly isn’t good. Also, Billy Hargrove. Favorite M/F Couple of 2018: I actually read a lot of Jaime/Brienne this year because astolat started writing it and it was just really solidly good. Oh, Miryem and the Staryk Lord was also A++ Favorite F/F Couple of 2018: I did not read or write any, but let me tell you, I felt Isabelle Lovelace and Renee Minkowski on a fucking galactic scale. Favorite M/M Couple of 2018: Mark/Damien and Billy/Steve absolutely dominated all of my other fandoms this year. But also, Ryan/Akmazian hurts my entire heart. Fandom That You Never Expected To Get Into: The Bright Sessions? I did not expect to actually have feelings about these characters. Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Read some Harry Potter and Thor fic sporadically throughout the year. And Pacific Rim 2 hit my like a freight train. Fandom That Inspired The Most Crack: Uh. Stranger Things, I guess? Last Fandom of 2018: I mean, technically I’ve been reading more Harringrove because of the holiday exchange, but I’m still pretty hung up on Wolf 359 and the Bright Sessions. Unfortunately, neither of them really have fic? Favorite Fandom of 2018: I liked all of them, but Stranger Things and The Bright Sessions was so much of my year I’m gonna have to go with those two.
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aion-rsa · 5 years ago
How Wizards: Tales of Arcadia Finishes What Trollhunters Started
In the nearly four years since Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia debuted on Netflix, the animated series created by Guillermo del Toro, and produced by Dreamworks, has introduced viewers to Arcadia Oaks, reluctant heroes, and a society of trolls over the course of three seasons. Then, the adventures continued with two seasons of 3Below, featuring humanoid aliens who crash land on earth whilst escaping a civil war. Now, the final chapter of the Tales of Arcadia franchise, Wizards, debuts on August 7 with a time-traveling fantasy epic that spans Camelot and the suburbs.
In addition to introducing new characters, and re-introducing previous ones, Wizards also seeks to pull the threads together of the entire trilogy, and fill in the blanks on events only previously referenced. 
Set immediately following the events of 3Below’s second season, Wizards picks up with Merlin’s apprentice Douxie (voiced by Colin O’Donoghue), and a magical war across time which involves Arthurian characters Merlin and Morgana (David Bradley, and Lena Headey); Trollhunters characters Jim (Emile Hirsch), Claire (Lexi Medrano), Toby (Charlie Saxton), and Steve (Steven Yeun); trolls Blinky (Kelsey Grammer), Aaarrrgghh!!! (Fred Tatasciore), Dictatious (Mark Hamill), and Gunmar (Clancy Brown); as well as Akiridion-5 alien Krel (Diego Luna).
With the 10-episode season of Wizards, Tales of Arcadia, completes its marathon with 88 installments of a family entertainment series featuring a cast of celebrity voice talent, surprisingly sophisticated humor, and arcs that mature alongside younger viewers as the stories progress. 
It likewise marks another achievement for Marc Guggenheim, who serves as an executive producer, as well as showrunner, of Tales of Arcadia. Similarly known for his work on The CW’s Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl, he is not new to complex world-building, and potentially confusing interconnected plotlines. In the following interview, Guggenheim discusses how the final chapter of the franchise fits together while also standing alone as a piece of storytelling, as well as the show’s approach to time travel, and if the conclusion is really “The End.”
Den of Geek: What is the challenge of setting up this spinoff that also serves as a conclusion to a trilogy spanning different genres?
Marc Guggenheim: It’s an interesting challenge because, on the one hand, you’ve got a spinoff of Trollhunters, and my philosophy with spinoffs is they should always sort of function as their own show. They should have their own identity, and they should stand on their own feet. On the other hand, though, this is not just a spinoff. This is the third and final chapter of a trilogy. The show kind of needs to function as two things simultaneously. 
But a big component of Wizards also involves Jim from Trollhunters…
The biggest story thread we sort owed was a payoff to Jim’s journey because he essentially ended Trollhunters having become a troll himself, and basically walking off into the sunset as the trolls go off to search for a new Heartstone. Seeing what has become of Jim, even just revealing what happened after those final moments of Trollhunters, was very important to us to help bring the whole trilogy full circle. Similarly, Guillermo had the great idea to actually not do a prequel, but return our characters to the period of time before Trollhunters that tells the stories we’d only alluded to, and referenced in — namely the invention of the Trollhunter amulet, the rise of Deya the Deliverer, the Battle of Killahead Bridge. These are things we’ve only glimpsed. There was something very elegant about that idea because we had to go to the beginning in order to get to the ending. And I kind of liked the symmetry.
You’re no stranger to time travel with your work, but how do the rules of Legends of Tomorrow compare to Wizards?
It’s funny you mention Legends. We did have an episode in the second season where we went back to Arthurian times, and played around with that. There are a million different TV shows, and movies, and novels, and short stories about time travel, and one of the fun things about writing about that subject is the rules operate very differently. The rules in Back to the Future operate very differently from the rules in, say, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. With Legends, we made the decision very early on if you were watching the show for the rules of time travel, you were going to be sorely disappointed. We kind of threw the rule book out.
With Wizards, we kind of take the opposite approach. We are making part of the drama the difficulties of time travel; namely it’s very easy to screw up the future if you don’t know what you’re doing. And we have some characters in Wizards who could safely be described as not quite knowing what they’re doing. So, we definitely wanted to show the consequences, and also live with the stakes of what happens if you make a change to the past you did not intend.
The show has subverted expectations by allowing characters to grow, or evolve. Steve begins as a bully, and now he’s a good guy. And within the Arthurian legend, the king is not necessarily the king you might expect him to be. Has that subversion been cooked in since the beginning of Trollhunters?
From the beginning with Trollhunters, me and Guillermo, and Kevin and Dan Hageman, we always felt like we were telling a very classic Campbellian hero’s journey. When you are doing that, the only way to make it feel fresh and original is to, as you say, subvert expectations. I think it’s Gertrude Stein who said tell the truth, but tell it slant. That’s been our governing philosophy, which is we’re going to tell you this familiar story, but we’re going to do it in a way a little off center, a little off kilter from what you’re used to.
This final chapter also feels more intense, more mature, and at times a little scary. Was this decision based on the notion that your audience has grown up a little with this franchise?
You’re right on the money. From Guillermo’s very first pitch to Jeffrey Katzenberg, when Jeffrey asked for an additional two shows and basically asked for trilogy, Guillermo said he wanted the humor of 3Below to be a little bit more sophisticated, make it a little bit more adolescent because the kids, our audience from Trollhunters, is growing older. And then he wanted the tone and the vibe of Wizards to be darker and a little scarier, again, because our audience is growing older. So there was a real intentional evolution in terms of tone. 3Below isn’t scarier than Trollhunters, but its humor is definitely more sophisticated. Wizards is much darker than 3Below.
We meet these new villains, The Arcane Order, which are visually compelling sorcerers. Can you talk about their design?
Thank you for calling that out, specifically, because those are among my favorite designs of the entire trilogy. I think it’s the result of a really fantastic mind meld between the designers and Guillermo. Guillermo was very specific about what he wanted to see with these three characters, and it’s always a privilege to watch his design notes sessions with the designers. They would print out the designs on these big sheets of paper, and Guillermo would actually draw on them. Guillermo’s a very good artist as a lot of people know, down to these really minute, small details that make big changes. And the designers were, I think, particularly inspiring. I can’t draw a stick figure, so I’m very impressed by the work they’ve done.
Is this really the last we’ll see from these characters? 
If I were to comment on the end of Tales of Arcadia, it would mean the end of me. Dreamworks and Netflix have paid assassins on retainer, and I hear they’re very good shots.
Tales of Arcadia: Wizards premieres on August 7 on Netflix.
The post How Wizards: Tales of Arcadia Finishes What Trollhunters Started appeared first on Den of Geek.
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flauntpage · 6 years ago
Phillies Blow Early Chances to Score (Again) as Bullpen Falters (Again)
Didn’t stay up to watch the Phillies game last night?
No worries—I come with good tidings. If you’ve watched this team on an even semi-routine basis since June 1, you’ve already seen this game.
It had all of the familiar ingredients that you’ve come to know and despise about the 2019 Phillies: terrible situational and clutch hitting to go along with a mind-numbingly bad performance from a tattered bullpen, paired with frustration, regret and just a hint of apathy.
The Phillies lost to the Diamondbacks, 8-4 last night, failing for the seventh time to reach seven games over .500 since June 19. Indeed, they are now 0-7 in such games.
Come, let us together relive the magic of this instant classic.
Corey Dickerson, who appears to have some pop, welcomed Mike Leake to Arizona with this housewarming gift:
Dingers in the desert 🌵#RingTheBell pic.twitter.com/MTyuPBKBcD
— Philadelphia Phillies (@Phillies) August 7, 2019
That was a 463 ft. shot to center field, good for the 34th longest homer of the season and the second longest one hit by a Phillies player this season. The leader remains a 466 ft. Bryce Harper bomb at Citizens Bank Park back on May 18.
It was a fun start, but then, well, you know.
Things played out in an eerily similar fashion to the Phillies’ debacle against the White Sox last Friday night as they again failed to capitalize on a number of early scoring chances.
Consider this progression:
The Phillies had eight hits and nine total baserunners through the first four innings, managing only two runs.
They had 11 baserunners through five innings, producing only three runs.
They had 14 baserunners through six innings, still producing only three runs.
The sixth inning was particularly frustrating as Rhys Hoskins and Harper both struck out to kill the Phillies’ last true threat. By the end of the sixth, they were a pathetic 1 for 12 with runners in scoring position. They would finish the night 2 for 16 with RISP. And since we’re on this topic, let’s take it a step further. Since last Friday night (5 games), the Phillies are 12 for 62 (.194) with runners in scoring position. Just nightmare stuff – the same nightmare stuff – again and again.
Meanwhile, Arizona’s bats were quiet early as they were held hitless through the first three frames by Jake Arrieta, but quickly tied the game in the fourth with two runs on their first two hits of the game. A single by Ketel Marte was followed by a two-run homer off the bat of Eduardo Escobar.
That’s efficiency.
Two innings later, Ranger Suarez, who threw only 11 of his 25 pitches for strikes, gifted Arizona a golden scoring opportunity. Previously unbeknownst to the Phillies, producing a clutch hit with runners in scoring position is an option that is also available to baseball teams:
Thank you, Alex Avila. This is really swell. pic.twitter.com/IvVX8fAxrt
— Arizona Diamondbacks (@Dbacks) August 7, 2019
And welp, that was pretty much it.
The Phillies reached the roll over and die phase by the seventh.
I particularly enjoyed J.T. Realmuto’s late swing on a 3-0 fastball that produced a weak fly out to right as the leadoff guy in a one-run game to start the seventh. Jean Segura’s careless throwing error in the bottom of the frame that allowed Jarrod Dyson an extra base on what should have been an infield single was cool, too. Of course, he came around to score.
Luckily for Segura, Blake Parker and Zach Eflin made sure that a single insurance run wouldn’t be the difference.
The Phillies are now 12-34 on the road against NL West teams since the start of the 2017 season. Somehow, they remain clinging to a wild card spot.
Something Positive
The pitching has been bad, and the hitting has been infuriating, but at least the Phillies’ defense has been (mostly) better this season.
Christian Walker hit an 89.4 mph liner to a perfectly-positioned Rhys Hoskins to begin the bottom of the second inning. That play got me wondering about the team’s overall defensive play this season. One metric commonly used to determine overall fielding quality is “defensive runs saved.” It isn’t a perfect statistic, but it provides a decent overall indication of how many runs a player has saved or cost a team relative to a league average player.
If it feels like the Phillies are a better defensive team this season than they were a year ago, that’s because they are.  This play, which saved probably two runs and temporarily preserved the lead, is indicative of such improvement:
bRYcE HarPeR iSn’t eVEn tHaT gOoD dEfenSiVeLy pic.twitter.com/QxHZE1FIFH
— Philadelphia Phillies (@Phillies) August 7, 2019
According to FanGraphs, the Phillies’ combined -148 defensive runs saved were last in all of baseball in 2018. By comparison, they are +8 this season. They are by no stretch a “good” defensive team (they entered the night ranked 17th overall in DRS), but they are markedly improved from the almost impossibly bad defensive team they were a season ago. Here’s the two-year breakdown by position:
Position20182019 Pitcher-202 Catcher-107 First Base-2-3 Second Base-150 Third Base-14-1 Shortstop-23-3 Left Field-279 Center Field-16-10 Right Field-93
Some observations:
Holy shit, the 2018 Phillies outfield defense was bad.
This year’s team is currently better in eight of nine positions. There have been monster improvements behind the plate, on the mound, in the corner outfield spots and the left side of the infield.
What the hell were the pitchers doing last season? I mean, -20 DRS? How?
Still, like I wrote above, defensive runs saved isn’t a perfect metric. Case in point: Arizona came into the night second in baseball with +88 DRS, including +4 DRS at first base:
So yeah.
Jake Arrieta, Tough Guy (Really)
As for Jake Arrieta, who’s clearly limited by the bone spurs floating in his right elbow, he lasted only five innings, allowing just two runs on five hits to go along with five strikeouts. It seems the popular thing to do is give Arrieta a bunch of shit because he hasn’t pitched to the hype of his contract. Plus, there was the whole tough guy act with Todd Frazier after a loss to the Mets just before the All-Star break which was admittedly kind of lame, but he has stepped up for the Phillies in the second half. The numbers over his last five starts:
25.2 IP, 24 H, 10 BB, 20 K, 3.16 ERA
What’s Next
It will be Jason Vargas vs. South Jersey product Zac Gallen in the series finale. The Bishop Eustace grad will be making his first start with the Diamondbacks after being traded by the Marlins prior to the July 31 deadline.
The post Phillies Blow Early Chances to Score (Again) as Bullpen Falters (Again) appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Phillies Blow Early Chances to Score (Again) as Bullpen Falters (Again) published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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niccongo0-blog · 6 years ago
Way-too-early 2019-20 MLB free-agent rankings
This offseason's free-agent class didn't end up as glamorous as projected a couple of years ago. Yes, we have Bryce Harper and Manny Machado, but Harper isn't coming off a great season. Clayton Kershaw decided to stay with the Dodgers rather than opt out. Andrew McCutchen is no longer an MVP candidate. Josh Donaldson and Andrew Miller are coming off injury-plagued seasons.
Donaldson was the first big signing of the offseason, and as we wait to see what else unfolds, it's always important to note next year's free agents because that can influence what a team does now and how it spends its money. Players in their final year also are potential trade bait -- either in the offseason or during the season.
So keep this in your back pocket -- my top-30 free agents for the 2019-20 offseason (the player's seasonal age for 2020 is included in parentheses):
1. Nolan Arenado, Colorado Rockies (29)
2018 stats: .297/.374/.561, 38 HR, 5.6 WAR
The Rockies would obviously love to extend their franchise player, a six-time Gold Glove winner who has finished eighth, fifth, fourth and third in the MVP balloting the past four seasons. If the season begins with Arenado unsigned, the odds are he hits free agency -- and once that happens, the player almost always signs with a new team. Arenado, however, probably will want to wait to see what Harper and Machado get in free agency before he talks extension. The Rockies aren't going to trade him, but his situation complicates their offseason: Do they try to improve the team for one last run with Arenado without knowing whether he'll be on the roster beyond 2019?
Trade bait? Unlikely, unless the Rockies fall out of the race in July.
2. Gerrit Cole, Houston Astros (29)
2018 stats: 15-5, 2.88 ERA, 200.1 IP, 276 SO, 5.3 WAR
Cole went to the Astros, started throwing his four-seam fastball up in the zone more often and had the season everyone dreamed he could put together after the Pirates drafted him No. 1 overall in 2011. He fanned 34.5 percent of the batters he faced -- the eighth-highest single-season rate for a starter in major league history -- and if he does that again, he could be looking at a $200 million-plus deal.
Trade bait? No.
3. Chris Sale, Boston Red Sox (31)
2018 stats: 12-4, 2.11 ERA, 158 IP, 237 SO, 6.9 WAR
I rate Cole ahead of Sale because he's two years younger and Sale's shoulder problems that sidelined him much of the final two months of 2018 are a concern heading into 2019. The Red Sox would love to extend Sale, but they also need to find out if he's healthy before making a large commitment, so he probably heads into the 2019-20 offseason as a free agent.
Trade bait? No.
4. Xander Bogaerts, Boston Red Sox (27)
2018 stats: .288/.360/.522, 23 HR, 3.8 WAR
The Red Sox could have four impact free agents after the 2019 season if J.D. Martinez opts out, and you could argue that re-signing Bogaerts should be the top priority. No, he's not in the Francisco Lindor or Carlos Correa class, but he'll be reaching free agency at 27, is coming off a 135 OPS+ season and has averaged 3.6 WAR the past four years. His defense took a hit in 2018 (minus-19 defensive runs saved), so the only red flag is that he might have to move off shortstop in a few years.
Trade bait? No.
5. Anthony Rendon, Washington Nationals (30)
2018 stats: .308/.374/.535, 24 HR, 4.2 WAR
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FanGraphs liked Rendon's season even more than Baseball-Reference did, crediting him with 6.3 WAR, second to Christian Yelich among National League position players. Baseball-Reference WAR totals since 2014, Rendon's first full season with the Nationals:
Rendon: 21.1 Harper: 18.6
Rendon holds a similar edge in FanGraphs WAR. He won't get $300 million because of his age, but he has been the Nationals' best player the past five seasons, not Harper.
Trade bait? Only if the Nationals fall out of the race.
6. J.D. Martinez, Boston Red Sox (32)
2018 stats: .330/.402/.629, 43 HR, 6.4 WAR
If Martinez has another monster season, he'll almost certainly exercise his opt-out clause and forgo the remaining three years and $62.5 million on his contract. Edwin Encarnacion got three years and $60 million from the Indians for his age-34-to-36 seasons, and Martinez is better.
Trade bait? No.
7. Paul Goldschmidt, Arizona Diamondbacks (32)
2018 stats: .290/.389/.533, 33 HR, 5.4 WAR
He hasn't been as good the past three seasons (138 OPS+, 15.9 WAR) as during his 2013-15 peak (162 OPS+, 20.4 WAR), but he was still good enough to finish third and sixth in the MVP balloting the past two seasons. There are some small red flags here: His strikeout rate this year was his highest since his rookie season, and he has gone from 32 steals in 2016 to seven in 2018. He has hit just as well on the road as at home in his career, so changing parks shouldn't be an issue.
Trade bait? Yes, maybe the most likely guy on this list to be dealt (the Cardinals and Astros are possible landing spots).
8. Justin Verlander, Houston Astros (37)
2018 stats: 16-9, 2.52 ERA, 214 IP, 290 SO, 6.2 WAR
If you didn't know his age, you'd be willing to give Verlander a long-term deal at a mega-millions amount. He has finished second, fifth and second in the past three Cy Young votes and just recorded a career-high 290 strikeouts. He'll be 37 in 2020, but he has posted 30 starts and 200 innings every season of his career except 2015.
Trade bait? No.
9. Josh Donaldson, Atlanta Braves (34)
2018 stats: .246/.352/.449, 8 HR, 1.2 WAR
He has already signed a one-year deal with the Braves for $23 million. If he's healthy and productive, he'll get a longer-term deal next offseason even though he'll be 34.
Trade bait? No.
10. Madison Bumgarner, San Francisco Giants (30)
2018 stats: 6-7, 3.26 ERA, 129.1 IP, 109 SO, 2.4 WAR
He could rise much higher or fall even further on this list based on his 2019 performance. He still had a solid ERA in 2018, but his strikeout rate was the lowest since his rookie season, and his swing-and-miss rate is down more than 5 percent from 2015, suggesting an overall decline in stuff.
Trade bait? It might seem anathema to trade Bumgarner, but new GM Farhan Zaidi doesn't have the emotional ties to the franchise. A trade is possible, although the return might not be enough to warrant one.
11. Didi Gregorius, New York Yankees (30)
2018 stats: .268/.335/.494, 27 HR, 4.2 WAR
Bryce Harper and Manny Machado clearly are at the head of the class, but there are plenty of big names available beyond the star duo.
He couldn't cut it at Yankee Stadium. But insiders believe the Bombers will find a decent deal for the right-hander this winter.
From the free agents set to cash in to the big-name stars sure to come up in trade rumors all winter long, keep up with all of the latest action.
2 Related
He'll miss at least the first half of 2019 after Tommy John surgery. He has topped 20 home runs three seasons in a row, and he's a better defensive shortstop than Bogaerts. He has been helped by Yankee Stadium -- 42 of his 72 home runs the past three seasons have come at home -- and he'll hit free agency at an age when many shortstops start to lose their range.
Trade bait? Not while he's injured. He's expected to earn about $12.4 million in arbitration (via MLB Trade Rumors), and there's a chance the Yankees decide to nontender him. (The deadline to offer players a 2019 contract is Friday.)
12. Zack Wheeler, New York Mets (30)
2018 stats: 12-7, 3.31 ERA, 182.1 IP, 179 SO, 3.9 WAR
After missing two full seasons and struggling with a 5.21 ERA in 2017, Wheeler finished strong in 2018 with a 1.68 ERA over his final 11 starts. He always has had premium stuff and averaged 96.5 mph with his fastball, but he threw more strikes than ever in that stretch. If he does it again, he'll get a handsome reward.
Trade bait? The rumors are swirling around Noah Syndergaard, but those might be media-created fetishes more than anything. Wheeler certainly becomes trade bait at the July deadline if the Mets haven't signed him and they're out of the race.
13. Marcell Ozuna, St. Louis Cardinals (29)
2018 stats: .280/.325/.433, 23 HR, 2.9 WAR
Who is the real Ozuna? He had a monster first half in 2016 but struggled in the second half. He had a huge 2017, hitting .312/.376/.548 with 37 home runs. Traded to the Cardinals, his slugging percentage fell off 125 points in 2018 as he had only 40 extra-base hits in 582 at-bats. A nagging shoulder injury certainly might have affected his production -- he finally received a cortisone injection in late August, and had a short stint on the DL. His 2019 season will determine what type of long-term offers he'll get, but he'll be an interesting gamble regardless. While he's a good defensive left fielder right now, he's not particularly fast, he doesn't walk much (career .329 OBP) and he's topped 23 home runs only once.
Trade bait? No. The Cardinals are looking to add, not subtract.
14. Rick Porcello, Boston Red Sox (31)
2018 stats: 17-7, 4.28 ERA, 191.1 IP, 190 SO, 3.1 WAR
He has been extremely durable, and he's no longer just the groundball specialist he was with the Tigers. Nothing too fancy here, but he projects as a dependable mid-rotation starter.
Trade bait? No.
15. Aaron Hicks, New York Yankees (30)
2018 stats: .248/.366/.467, 27 HR, 4.7 WAR
The former first-round pick has blossomed with the Yankees after failing to break through with the Twins, and I could be underrating him here, given his power numbers and walk rate (90 walks). His defensive metrics were outstanding in 2017 but less so in 2018 (minus-3 DRS), and he's kind of a thick-bodied guy, so I'm thinking he moves to right field in his early 30s.
Trade bait? No.
16. Miles Mikolas, St. Louis Cardinals (31)
2018 stats: 18-4, 2.83 ERA, 200.2 IP, 146 SO, 4.1 WAR
The command specialist who discovered himself in Japan signed with the Cardinals and led the NL with 18 wins and a sub-3.00 ERA. Like all pitchers who don't throw hard, he'll have to prove he can do it again, and the low strikeout rate suggests he'll be hard-pressed to match that 2.83 ERA.
Trade bait? No.
17. Scooter Gennett, Cincinnati Reds (30)
2018 stats: .310/.357/.490, 23 HR, 4.2 WAR
That's two good seasons in a row at the plate, and he hit better on the road in 2018, so the home run numbers aren't all park-inflated. He doesn't walk much, and he's limited to second base on defense, where he's not exactly a Gold Glove candidate, so all his value resides in his ability to keep hitting.
Trade bait? Yes. The Reds have prospect Nick Senzel on the cusp of the majors. The trouble is Gennett's trade value is limited because there is a glut of second basemen in free agency (Jed Lowrie, Daniel Murphy, DJ LeMahieu, Brian Dozier, Ian Kinsler, Josh Harrison, Asdrubal Cabrera). With Gregorius injured, the Yankees could be interested, with Gleyber Torres sliding over to shortstop.
18. Yasiel Puig, Los Angeles Dodgers (29)
2018 stats: .267/.327/.494, 23 HR, 2.7 WAR
More flash than substance, Puig was better at 22 and 23 (9.8 WAR) than he has been at 26 and 27 (6.4 WAR). He's very good in right field, but for whatever reason has struggled two years in a row against lefties (.197/.292/.320).
Trade bait? Yes. Trade Puig to clear room for Harper?
19. Khris Davis, Oakland Athletics (32)
2018 stats: .247/.326/.549, 48 HR, 2.9 WAR
Davis is a one-dimensional slugger who is limited to DH, but at least he's really good at it, with three straight 40-homer seasons and an MLB-best 48 in 2018. He also has hit exactly .247 four straight seasons, which is maybe the greatest baseball oddity of all time. How about a two-year contract for $24.7 million? (He'll get a lot more than that if he hits 40 again.)
Trade bait? No, unless the A's are struggling at the July deadline.
20. Francisco Cervelli, Pittsburgh Pirates (34)
2018 stats: .259/.378/.431, 12 HR, 2.6 WAR
He has a .368 OBP in his four seasons with the Pirates and even added a little power for the first time. He even had his best season throwing out runners (39 percent vs. a career rate of 23 percent). Nothing about him blows you away, but about 25 teams could use him behind the plate.
Trade bait? Not yet. But the Pirates have one of the best backups in the league in Elias Diaz, so Cervelli could be available in July.
21. Dellin Betances, New York Yankees (32)
2018 stats: 4-6, 2.70 ERA, 66.2 IP, 115 SO, 1.7 WAR
He's older than you might think since it took him so long to reach the majors, but the four-time All-Star is still one of the most intimidating relievers in the majors with his size, fastball and occasional pitch that gets away (he has hit 16 batters the past two seasons). The control problems that plagued him down the stretch in 2017 weren't an issue in 2018, however, and he dominated with 15.5 K's per nine. Even given his age, he seems to be a safe bet to remain productive on a multiyear contract.
Trade bait? No.
22. Cole Hamels, Chicago Cubs (36)
2018 stats: 9-12, 3.78 ERA, 190.2 IP, 188 SO, 3.7 WAR
He'll be on the wrong side of 35 when he hits free agency, but he has made 30 starts every season since 2008, except 2017, when he had only 24 because of an oblique injury. His strikeout rate jumped back up in 2018 after a big dip in 2017 (maybe related to the injury), and he was extremely homer-prone with the Rangers before posting a 2.36 ERA with the Cubs (he also hit 19 batters). Still, he's the type of veteran presence clubs love to have, and while he's on the downturn, he hasn't had a bad season yet.
Trade bait? No.
23. Jonathan Schoop, Milwaukee Brewers (28)
2018 stats: .233/.266/.416, 21 HR, 1.4 WAR
As the offseason gets rolling, we're taking a look at the biggest question facing every team. AL East | NL East | AL West NL West | AL Central | NL Central
So far, it has been one big season (5.2 WAR in 2017) and a whole lot of meh. He's solid at second base but not good enough that he's helping much with a .266 OBP. As a free agent, he'll be young enough to attract some interest if he bounces back, but the 2017 season looks more like a fluke to me.
Trade bait: Not much trade value after his poor season, although it will be interesting to see if the Brewers nontender him and find a more reliable second baseman via trade (how about Gennett?) or free agency.
24. Jhoulys Chacin, Milwaukee Brewers (32)
2018 stats: 15-8, 3.50 ERA, 192.1 IP, 156 SO, 2.0 WAR
He has had two solid years in a row, and while the peripheral numbers aren't exciting (the walks are a little high, the strikeouts a little low), his slider has become a big weapon. He projects as a solid back-end starter for a few more years if he stays healthy.
Trade bait? Not with the Brewers looking to defend their NL Central title.
25. Nicholas Castellanos, Detroit Tigers (28)
2018 stats: .298/.354/.500, 23 HR, 2.9 WAR
He was a bad third baseman and now is a bad right fielder, so all his value is with the bat. He won't be an old free agent, however, so there should interest from AL teams who want to use him primarily as a DH. The strikeout-to-walk ratio (151 to 49) is a little disconcerting. I'd be wary about a heavy investment here.
Trade bait: Yes. The Tigers aren't going anywhere in 2018, and Miguel Cabrera needs to move to DH, so I don't see a long-term home for Castellanos in Detroit.
26. Sonny Gray, New York Yankees (30)
2018 stats: 11-9, 4.90 ERA, 130.1 IP, 123 SO, 0.6 WAR
Gray was good on the road (3.17 ERA) but lousy at Yankee Stadium (6.98 ERA), and Buster Olney wrote the other day that the Yankees believe he's one of those guys who just couldn't handle New York. His fastball velocity was the same as always, although as Olney pointed out, he threw it a lot less (35 percent) than he has in the past. He needs a change of scenery, and if he bounces back, he'll move up this list.
Trade bait: Yes. Pretty much a sure thing the Yankees find a taker for him (Reds or A's are good bets).
27. Starlin Castro, Miami Marlins (30)
2018 stats: .278/.329/.400, 12 HR, 3.3 WAR
I can't imagine the Marlins picking up his $16 million option for 2019. No, he has never lived up to that Sports Illustrated cover hype, but he has rebounded from a couple of sub-.300 OBP seasons earlier in his career to hit .288/.333/.423 the past two seasons. The 3.3 WAR was his best since 2012, and he'll still be only 30 when he hits free agency.
Trade bait: Yes. As with Gennett, however, there might not be much of a trade market for second basemen.
28. Corey Dickerson, Pittsburgh Pirates (31)
2018 stats: .300/.330/.474, 13 HR, 3.8 WAR
He was a totally different player with the Pirates, sacrificing power for a higher average by cutting down his strikeouts and suddenly transforming from a below-average left fielder to a Gold Glove winner. Still, he never walks, and I'm not sure I'm buying the defense.
Trade bait: Like Cervelli, he'll be available if the Pirates are floundering in July.
29. Jose Abreu, Chicago White Sox (33)
2018 stats: .265/.325/.473, 22 HR, 1.7 WAR
The White Sox probably should have traded him after a strong 2017, but they kept him in part because of his status as a mentor to Yoan Moncada. Unfortunately, he just produced the C.J. Cron starter kit, and that got Cron designated for assignment (and claimed on waivers by the Twins).
Trade bait: In theory, yes, but there isn't a lot of demand for the 2018 version of Abreu.
30. Hyun-Jin Ryu, Los Angeles Dodgers (33)
2018 stats: 7-3, 1.97 ERA, 82.1 IP, 89 SO, 2.2 WAR
The 1.97 ERA was a stone-cold fluke, but he did have a 3.00 FIP and a career-high strikeout rate. He has had a sizable reverse platoon split over his career, which I always like from a lefty, and owns a 3.20 career ERA. Health and conditioning make him a risk, but he has been a good pitcher.
Trade bait: No. The Dodgers were probably a little surprised he accepted their qualifying offer.
Players with team options for 2020 that probably would be exercised: Matt Carpenter, Anthony Rizzo, Jose Quintana, Starling Marte, Chris Archer, Carlos Carrasco, Corey Kluber, Adam Eaton, Sean Doolittle
Players unlikely to exercise opt-out clauses: Elvis Andrus, Jason Heyward, Stephen Strasburg, Kenley Jansen
Source: http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/25401129/way-too-early-2019-20-mlb-free-agent-rankings
0 notes
ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years ago
Premier League predictions: Lawro v actor Mark Wahlberg
Premier League predictions: Lawro v actor Mark Wahlberg
Premier League predictions: Lawro v actor Mark Wahlberg
Liverpool’s trip to Wembley to play Tottenham is the pick of the weekend fixtures as the Premier League resumes after the international break.
The same game last season saw Spurs clinch an emphatic 4-1 win, with Reds defender Dejan Lovren enduring a particularly torrid time against Harry Kane, but will Jurgen Klopp’s side fare any better on Saturday?
BBC Sport’s football expert Mark Lawrenson says: “I have a feeling Liverpool will be Lovren-less this time.
“If I am right, it will be a big test for Joe Gomez at the heart of the Liverpool defence because I would expect Kane to play.
Lawro is making predictions for all 380 top-flight matches this season, against a variety of guests.
This week’s guest is actor Mark Wahlberg, star of new action-thriller film Mile 22.
Leicester Square, Waterford & Fullman – Mark Wahlberg talks football
Wahlberg grew up playing American sports and admits football, or soccer as he calls it, is not his first love.
He struggled with a few Premier League team names when he was picking this week’s scores – like Leicester Square, Waterford and Fullman for example.
But he has been a fan of the sport since watching the 2011 Women’s World Cup, and showed a knack for predictions after becoming an avid viewer of the men’s tournament in Russia this summer.
“I started watching it, and fell in love with it,” Wahlberg told BBC Sport. “I was actually eight from nine with my predictions leading right up to the final game.”
Lawro, be warned.
Wahlberg thinks Jimmy Silva, the character he plays in Mile 22, would make a good footballer because he has got a “never give up, never give in attitude – he is win at all costs, whether you get a yellow card or a red card, you have got to do what have to do”.
Premier League predictions – week 5 Result Lawro Mark SATURDAY Tottenham v Liverpool x-x 1-1 3-1 Bournemouth v Leicester x-x 1-1 0-1 Chelsea v Cardiff x-x 3-0 1-2 Huddersfield v Crystal Palace x-x 1-2 2-1 Man City v Fulham x-x 3-0 2-0 Newcastle v Arsenal x-x 2-1 0-3 Watford v Man Utd x-x 0-2 1-2 SUNDAY Wolves v Burnley x-x 0-2 5-0 Everton v West Ham x-x 2-1 0-1 MONDAY Southampton v Brighton x-x 1-1 4-2
A correct result (picking a win, draw or defeat) is worth 10 points. The exact score earns 40 points.
All kick-offs 15:00 BST unless stated.
Tottenham v Liverpool (12:30 BST)
Liverpool came unstuck against Spurs at Wembley last season but I have a feeling that both teams might cancel each other out this time.
So I am going to go for a draw.
Both teams are going well, and I think they would both be happy enough for a point.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Mark’s prediction: 3-1
Match preview
Bournemouth v Leicester
Bournemouth suffered their first defeat of the season before the international break, going down to two late Chelsea goals.
Leicester lost at home to Liverpool last time out and there is a little bit of pressure on Foxes boss Claude Puel despite the fact that, like the Cherries, they have made a decent start.
This is a tough call. You know that the Cherries will play attacking football, but I think Leicester will get something from this one.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Mark’s prediction: Bournemouth and Lie-ster Square? ah – Lie-ster City? Leicester City?
I don’t know any of the Leicester City players but I would say they win. 0-1
Match preview
Chelsea v Cardiff
Like Liverpool and Watford, Chelsea have got a 100% record from their first four league games and I see that perfect start continuing here.
Cardiff, in contrast, have not won yet but I don’t think their manager Neil Warnock will be too concerned, even if they lose again on Saturday.
The big games for the Bluebirds are against the teams that are going to be around them towards the bottom of the table – anything they get at Stamford Bridge is a bonus but they do not want to be on the end of a heavy defeat.
I’d expect the Welsh side to be very competitive, but Chelsea will have too much for them.
Lawro’s prediction: 3-0
Mark’s prediction: 1-2
Match preview
Huddersfield v Crystal Palace
The good news for Crystal Palace is that it looks like Wilfried Zaha is on his way back from his groin injury. It seems like they rarely win without him.
Huddersfield are another of the five top-flight teams without a league win but they will be happy with the point they got at Everton last time out.
Palace, whose only win came art Fulham on the opening day, have not really got going yet either, but I think Zaha will help them edge this one.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-2
Mark’s prediction: 2-1
Match preview
Man City v Fulham
Fulham let a two-goal lead slip against Brighton last time out and only ended up with a point, which is not a good omen ahead of a trip to Etihad Stadium.
But, like Cardiff���s trip to Chelsea, this is a free hit for one of the newly-promoted sides.
Nobody is expecting them to get anything from the defending champions, and their aim will be to have something positive to take away from the day, even if it is not the result.
By that I mean not being torn apart and creating some chances themselves, but I don’t see Fulham going to City and scoring so good luck with that.
Lawro’s prediction: 3-0
Mark’s prediction: Manchester City versus Fullman? Man City to win. 2-0
Match preview
Newcastle v Arsenal
Newcastle manager Rafael Benitez has had some stick for the way he has been setting his teams up so defensively, although the Magpies fans are still very much on his side.
Saturday will be no different – you know his focus will be as much on stopping Arsenal as it is on how his own team get forward.
I just have a feeling it might work this time. Arsenal’s players are not the only ones who have been away on international duty of course, but this might be a good time for Newcastle to play them.
Benitez’s side beat the Gunners at St James’ Park last season, to effectively ensure they stayed up, and I am going to go for the same result.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Mark’s prediction: If I don’t pick the Arsenal, my friend Liam will probably be very upset. 0-3
Match preview
Watford v Man Utd (17:30 BST)
Watford are flying, and much has been made of the part in that played by Troy Deeney’s partnership with Andre Gray up front.
This will be a real test for Manchester United’s defence, but it is one I think they will pass.
United’s win at Burnley last time out was a big result for them, not just because they needed the three points after losing two games in a row, but because they needed to stop all the chatter around Jose Mourinho’s future.
I am going to go for another United win here, although I think it will be close.
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Mark’s prediction: Waterford v Manchester United? ‘Man U’ to win. 1-2
Wolves v Burnley (13:30 BST)
Wolves picked up their first top-flight win of the new campaign last time out, courtesy of Adam Traore’s stoppage-time strike at West Ham, and they have looked lively whenever I have seen them this season.
Burnley are yet to win a league game this season and have only one point from their first four league games as well as going out of the Europa League.
With the chances they had at Southampton on the opening weekend of the season, the Clarets should really have beaten them, but it has still been a disappointing start for Sean Dyche’s side.
This is a very important game for them and, given Burnley’s form, a lot of people might look at it and think they fancy Wolves.
But this is the type of game that Burnley did well in last season and they showed then that they are capable of getting a positive result out of it.
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Mark’s prediction: Wolverhampton Wanderers versus Burnley? Wow, these teams have some good names. Let’s say 5-0 to Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Everton v West Ham (16:00 BST)
West Ham are the only top-flight team without a point this season and their manager Manuel Pellegrini has got a few things to sort out right through his team.
Defensively, the Hammers are abysmal. They were so, so open against Wolves and they have been the same in every other game.
West Ham 0-1 Wolves: Hammers have made very bad start – Pellegrini
Without changing the personnel – as in going to get some more players – I can’t see what they are possibly going to do to change that.
Meanwhile, Everton are still unbeaten and have been playing all right but will feel they have dropped points – in their home draw with Huddersfield last time out, or away at Wolves, for example.
I think they will win on Sunday but there are much tougher tests to come.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Mark’s prediction: 0-1
Match preview
Southampton v Brighton (20:00 BST)
Both of these teams have four points from their first four games and both have picked up an impressive win along the way too – Brighton against Manchester United in August and Southampton at Crystal Palace last time out.
Southampton were excellent – Hughes
This should be a close contest – the Seagulls showed they are ready to scrap when they came back from 2-0 down to draw with Fulham last time out and, with Danny Ings up front, Southampton are looking far more dangerous up front that they did last season.
I am delighted for Danny because he had such a dreadful time of it with injuries at Liverpool. He is one of those players who everyone loves, because of his work ethic and the way he trained, so it is brilliant he is back playing and scoring.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Mark’s prediction: Southampton versus Brighton and Hove Albion? Let’s say Southampton, because I don’t know how to say that other name again. 4-2
Lawro was speaking to BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
How did Lawro do last week?
Lawro got four correct results, including one perfect score, from 10 matches for a total of 70 points.
He was beaten by BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show host Greg James, who got five correct results, including one exact score, for a total of 80 points.
Total scores after week 4 Lawro 250 Guests 300
+/- DENOTE POSITION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWRO’S TABLE AND ACTUAL POSITION POS TEAM P W D L PTS +/- =1 Man City 4 4 0 0 12 +3 =1 Man Utd 4 4 0 0 12 +9 =3 Chelsea 4 3 1 0 10 -1 4 Liverpool 4 2 2 0 8 -3 5 Tottenham 4 2 1 1 7 0 =6 Arsenal 4 2 0 2 6 +3 =6 Everton 4 2 0 2 6 +1 =6 Southampton 4 2 0 2 6 +6 =6 Watford 4 2 0 2 6 -3 10 Bournemouth 4 1 2 1 5 -4 =11 Burnley 4 1 1 2 4 +8 =11 Crystal Palace 4 1 1 2 4 +4 =11 Fulham 4 1 1 2 4 +2 =11 Leicester 4 1 1 2 4 -3 =11 West Ham 4 1 1 2 4 +9 =16 Brighton 4 1 0 3 3 -2 =16 Cardiff 4 0 3 1 3 0 =16 Newcastle 4 0 3 1 3 +2 =16 Wolves 4 1 0 3 3 -5 20 Huddersfield 4 0 1 3 1 -3
SCORE GUEST LEADERBOARD 120 Joe Thomas 80 Greg James 62.5 Lawro (average after four weeks) 60 Idris Elba 40 Tom Grennan
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ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/12195/
0 notes
365footballorg-blog · 6 years ago
Premier League predictions: Lawro v actor Mark Wahlberg
Liverpool’s trip to Wembley to play Tottenham is the pick of the weekend fixtures as the Premier League resumes after the international break.
The same game last season saw Spurs clinch an emphatic 4-1 win, with Reds defender Dejan Lovren enduring a particularly torrid time against Harry Kane, but will Jurgen Klopp’s side fare any better on Saturday?
BBC Sport’s football expert Mark Lawrenson says: “I have a feeling Liverpool will be Lovren-less this time.
“If I am right, it will be a big test for Joe Gomez at the heart of the Liverpool defence because I would expect Kane to play.
Lawro is making predictions for all 380 top-flight matches this season, against a variety of guests.
This week’s guest is actor Mark Wahlberg, star of new action-thriller film Mile 22.
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Wahlberg grew up playing American sports and admits football, or soccer as he calls it, is not his first love.
He struggled with a few Premier League team names when he was picking this week’s scores – like Leicester Square, Waterford and Fullman for example.
But he has been a fan of the sport since watching the 2011 Women’s World Cup, and showed a knack for predictions after becoming an avid viewer of the men’s tournament in Russia this summer.
“I started watching it, and fell in love with it,” Wahlberg told BBC Sport. “I was actually eight from nine with my predictions leading right up to the final game.”
Lawro, be warned.
Premier League predictions – week 5 Result Lawro Mark SATURDAY Tottenham v Liverpool x-x 1-1 3-1 Bournemouth v Leicester x-x 1-1 0-1 Chelsea v Cardiff x-x 3-0 1-2 Huddersfield v Crystal Palace x-x 1-2 2-1 Man City v Fulham x-x 3-0 2-0 Newcastle v Arsenal x-x 2-1 0-3 Watford v Man Utd x-x 0-2 1-2 SUNDAY Wolves v Burnley x-x 0-2 5-0 Everton v West Ham x-x 2-1 0-1 MONDAY Southampton v Brighton x-x 1-1 4-2
A correct result (picking a win, draw or defeat) is worth 10 points. The exact score earns 40 points.
All kick-offs 15:00 BST unless stated.
Tottenham v Liverpool (12:30 BST)
Liverpool came unstuck against Spurs at Wembley last season but I have a feeling that both teams might cancel each other out this time.
So I am going to go for a draw.
Both teams are going well, and I think they would both be happy enough for a point.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Mark’s prediction: 3-1
Bournemouth v Leicester
Bournemouth suffered their first defeat of the season before the international break, going down to two late Chelsea goals.
Leicester lost at home to Liverpool last time out and there is a little bit of pressure on Foxes boss Claude Puel despite the fact that, like the Cherries, they have made a decent start.
This is a tough call. You know that the Cherries will play attacking football, but I think Leicester will get something from this one.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Mark’s prediction: Bournemouth and Lie-ster Square? ah – Lie-ster City? Leicester City?
I don’t know any of the Leicester City players but I would say they win. 0-1
Chelsea v Cardiff
Like Liverpool and Watford, Chelsea have got a 100% record from their first four league games and I see that perfect start continuing here.
Cardiff, in contrast, have not won yet but I don’t think their manager Neil Warnock will be too concerned, even if they lose again on Saturday.
The big games for the Bluebirds are against the teams that are going to be around them towards the bottom of the table – anything they get at Stamford Bridge is a bonus but they do not want to be on the end of a heavy defeat.
I’d expect the Welsh side to be very competitive, but Chelsea will have too much for them.
Lawro’s prediction: 3-0
Mark’s prediction: 1-2
Huddersfield v Crystal Palace
The good news for Crystal Palace is that it looks like Wilfried Zaha is on his way back from his groin injury. It seems like they rarely win without him.
Huddersfield are another of the five top-flight teams without a league win but they will be happy with the point they got at Everton last time out.
Palace, whose only win came art Fulham on the opening day, have not really got going yet either, but I think Zaha will help them edge this one.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-2
Mark’s prediction: 2-1
Man City v Fulham
Fulham let a two-goal lead slip against Brighton last time out and only ended up with a point, which is not a good omen ahead of a trip to Etihad Stadium.
But, like Cardiff’s trip to Chelsea, this is a free hit for one of the newly-promoted sides.
Nobody is expecting them to get anything from the defending champions, and their aim will be to have something positive to take away from the day, even if it is not the result.
By that I mean not being torn apart and creating some chances themselves, but I don’t see Fulham going to City and scoring so good luck with that.
Lawro’s prediction: 3-0
Mark’s prediction: Manchester City versus Fullman? Man City to win. 2-0
Newcastle v Arsenal
Newcastle manager Rafael Benitez has had some stick for the way he has been setting his teams up so defensively, although the Magpies fans are still very much on his side.
Saturday will be no different – you know his focus will be as much on stopping Arsenal as it is on how his own team get forward.
I just have a feeling it might work this time. Arsenal’s players are not the only ones who have been away on international duty of course, but this might be a good time for Newcastle to play them.
Benitez’s side beat the Gunners at St James’ Park last season, to effectively ensure they stayed up, and I am going to go for the same result.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Mark’s prediction: If I don’t pick the Arsenal, my friend Liam will probably be very upset. 0-3
Watford v Man Utd (17:30 BST)
Watford are flying, and much has been made of the part in that played by Troy Deeney’s partnership with Andre Gray up front.
This will be a real test for Manchester United’s defence, but it is one I think they will pass.
United’s win at Burnley last time out was a big result for them, not just because they needed the three points after losing two games in a row, but because they needed to stop all the chatter around Jose Mourinho’s future.
I am going to go for another United win here, although I think it will be close.
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Mark’s prediction: Waterford v Manchester United? ‘Man U’ to win. 1-2
Wolves v Burnley (13:30 BST)
Wolves picked up their first top-flight win of the new campaign last time out, courtesy of Adam Traore’s stoppage-time strike at West Ham, and they have looked lively whenever I have seen them this season.
Burnley are yet to win a league game this season and have only one point from their first four league games as well as going out of the Europa League.
With the chances they had at Southampton on the opening weekend of the season, the Clarets should really have beaten them, but it has still been a disappointing start for Sean Dyche’s side.
This is a very important game for them and, given Burnley’s form, a lot of people might look at it and think they fancy Wolves.
But this is the type of game that Burnley did well in last season and they showed then that they are capable of getting a positive result out of it.
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Mark’s prediction: Wolverhampton Wanderers versus Burnley? Wow, these teams have some good names. Let’s say 5-0 to Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Everton v West Ham (16:00 BST)
West Ham are the only top-flight team without a point this season and their manager Manuel Pellegrini has got a few things to sort out right through his team.
Defensively, the Hammers are abysmal. They were so, so open against Wolves and they have been the same in every other game.
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Without changing the personnel – as in going to get some more players – I can’t see what they are possibly going to do to change that.
Meanwhile, Everton are still unbeaten and have been playing all right but will feel they have dropped points – in their home draw with Huddersfield last time out, or away at Wolves, for example.
I think they will win on Sunday but there are much tougher tests to come.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Mark’s prediction: 0-1
Southampton v Brighton (20:00 BST)
Both of these teams have four points from their first four games and both have picked up an impressive win along the way too – Brighton against Manchester United in August and Southampton at Crystal Palace last time out.
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This should be a close contest – the Seagulls showed they are ready to scrap when they came back from 2-0 down to draw with Fulham last time out and, with Danny Ings up front, Southampton are looking far more dangerous up front that they did last season.
I am delighted for Danny because he had such a dreadful time of it with injuries at Liverpool. He is one of those players who everyone loves, because of his work ethic and the way he trained, so it is brilliant he is back playing and scoring.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Mark’s prediction: Southampton versus Brighton and Hove Albion? Let’s say Southampton, because I don’t know how to say that other name again. 4-2
Lawro was speaking to BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
How did Lawro do last week?
Lawro got four correct results, including one perfect score, from 10 matches for a total of 70 points.
He was beaten by BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show host Greg James, who got five correct results, including one exact score, for a total of 80 points.
Total scores after week 4 Lawro 250 Guests 300
Lawro v Guests P3 W1 D0 L3
+/- DENOTE POSITION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWRO’S TABLE AND ACTUAL POSITION POS TEAM P W D L PTS +/- =1 Man City 4 4 0 0 12 +3 =1 Man Utd 4 4 0 0 12 +9 =3 Chelsea 4 3 1 0 10 -1 4 Liverpool 4 2 2 0 8 -3 5 Tottenham 4 2 1 1 7 0 =6 Arsenal 4 2 0 2 6 +3 =6 Everton 4 2 0 2 6 +1 =6 Southampton 4 2 0 2 6 +6 =6 Watford 4 2 0 2 6 -3 10 Bournemouth 4 1 2 1 5 -4 =11 Burnley 4 1 1 2 4 +8 =11 Crystal Palace 4 1 1 2 4 +4 =11 Fulham 4 1 1 2 4 +2 =11 Leicester 4 1 1 2 4 -3 =11 West Ham 4 1 1 2 4 +9 =16 Brighton 4 1 0 3 3 -2 =16 Cardiff 4 0 3 1 3 0 =16 Newcastle 4 0 3 1 3 +2 =16 Wolves 4 1 0 3 3 -5 20 Huddersfield 4 0 1 3 1 -3
SCORE GUEST LEADERBOARD 120 Joe Thomas 80 Greg James 62.5 Lawro (average after four weeks) 60 Idris Elba 40 Tom Grennan
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BBC Sport – Football
Premier League predictions: Lawro v actor Mark Wahlberg was originally published on 365 Football
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FA Cup: Rochdale’s schoolboy midfielder Daniel Adshead could face Tottenham
Daniel Adshead was the youngest player to feature on FA Cup fourth-round weekend – aged 16 years and 141 days
FA Cup fifth round: Rochdale v Tottenham Hotspur Venue: Spotland Date: Sunday, 18 February Kick-off: 16:00 GMT Coverage: Watch live on BBC One & the BBC Sport app from 15:35 GMT, live commentary on BBC Radio 5 live sport and follow text updates on the BBC Sport website.
“When we travelled down to Millwall in the last round, he was doing his homework on the team coach.”
Rochdale boss Keith Hill is talking about the League One club’s 16-year-old midfielder Daniel Adshead, who could face Tottenham in the FA Cup fifth round on Sunday.
Born in 2001, the Manchester schoolboy became Dale’s youngest ever debutant – aged 16 years and 17 days – when he faced Bury in the EFL Trophy on 19 September.
Adshead, who has been linked with Arsenal and Chelsea, has since helped the club reach the FA Cup fifth round for only the third time in their history.
He is so young, child protection regulations mean he must get changed before and after games away from his team-mates.
And, no matter what the result on Sunday, he will be back at Gorton’s Wright Robinson College – where he is deputy head boy – on Monday.
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know Dan’s got a great future in the game,” Hill, who gave England defender John Stones his debut for Barnsley in 2012, told BBC Sport.
“People forget he’s only 16. He’s making a lot of progress for someone still at school.
“He got on the pitch against Millwall in the FA Cup, he played 64 minutes against Doncaster in the third round, and he’ll probably be involved as a substitute against Tottenham.
“When he is involved with the first team he misses a few days of school, but when we travelled down to Millwall he was doing his homework on the coach.
“There are a lot of sharks in the football world. I treat Dan like I would do one of my own children.”
‘We hope to see Dan in school on Monday’
Adshead, who is preparing for his GCSEs, is surrounded by seasoned professionals – including 33-year-old defender Jim McNulty.
The former Brighton player said: “While the rest of the players are on the team coach wearing the latest headphones, Dan’s getting stuck into his school work.
“I wasn’t too aware that he has to get changed away from everyone else until there was a situation in a league game at Doncaster in December.
“Dan had made his league debut after coming on as a substitute. We lost the match and Dan was sitting there waiting to get changed. I said to him: ‘Dan, come on, don’t worry about it, get your head up, just get in the shower, and let’s go.’
“He said: ‘I’m not disappointed, I just can’t get in the shower.’ He explained why and I thought, ‘oh my word’. It actually dawned on me how young he is.
“He has to have his own room on away trips, he needs his own changing area and separate shower.”
Martin Haworth, deputy headmaster at Wright Robinson College – whose former pupils include ex-Manchester United and England midfielder Nicky Butt, said Adshead was due at school 15 hours after the Spurs tie.
“We’d hope to see Daniel back at school on Monday as long as he is in bed for a reasonable time – and not out celebrating,” he told BBC Sport.
“The beauty of it is Daniel wants to be in school. He likes coming to school and embraces school life. He’ll either be at football or in school because he’s successful at both.”
Henderson – ‘Rochdale’s Harry Kane’ This is Rochdale’s sixth game in this season’s FA Cup. They have beaten Bromley (4-0), Slough (4-0), Doncaster (1-0) and Millwall (2-2, 1-0) to get this far. Captain Ian Henderson, 33, has scored five of the 12 goals. Henderson, who played for Norwich City in the top-flight in 2004-05, has four goals in his past four appearances. Tottenham have progressed from 16 of their past 17 FA Cup ties against lower-league opponents, losing only to Leeds in the fourth round in 2012-13. They have not lost to a team from the third tier or below in the FA Cup since a 2-1 defeat at Port Vale in January 1988. Rochdale goalkeeper Josh Lillis was in goal when Harry Kane, then aged 17, made his debut for Leyton Orient against Dale at Spotland in 2011. “If I’m being honest, I don’t remember it,” he says. Lillis is the son of former Manchester City player Mark Lillis, who is assistant to John Gregory at Indian Super League team Chennaiyin. Dale have lost their past six FA Cup ties against top-flight opposition since beating Coventry City 2-1 in January 1971. They lost 3-1 at Wolves in their last fifth-round appearance in 2003.
‘Two worlds colliding’
Hill, a former defender who played under Kenny Dalglish at Blackburn Rovers, has been managing Rochdale for 10 years across two spells.
He is the sixth longest-serving manager in the EFL and was in charge when Harry Kane, then 17, made his league debut as a 73rd-minute substitute for Leyton Orient at Spotland in front of a crowd of 2,731 in January 2011.
“I don’t remember that game too well,” said Hill, who has described Sunday’s game as a “collision of two worlds”.
Hill said: “Poch and his staff are welcome in our management room afterwards. It’ll probably be a pie and a bottle of beer. I don’t often go out and buy expensive bottles of red wine”
While Spurs counterpart Mauricio Pochettino spent a reported £42m on defender Davinson Sanchez last August, the most Hill has spent on one player at Rochdale is £75,000.
“We are very astute with our money and we live within our means. That shouldn’t be overlooked. The football world is in massive debt,” he said.
On facing Spurs, the 48-year-old added: “It’s probably the biggest game in Rochdale’s history from a prestige point of view.
“It’s the haves against the have-nots.
“But once the whistle goes it won’t be about who has the biggest wage packet. For 90 minutes we are on a level playing field with Tottenham.”
Hill’s six-year-old son Sidney will be one of the mascots for Sunday’s tie.
“He’s very proud to tell everybody he supports Rochdale,” he added. “But everybody in his school playground doesn’t know who Rochdale are. They might do this weekend.”
Rochdale’s chief executive Russ Green handed out hot drinks to fans who queued in the snow to buy tickets for the Spurs match. The tie is a sell-out at the 10,249-capacity ground
‘I was told I wouldn’t play again’
Nine years ago, McNulty thought his career was over after a horrific injury resulted in the loss of a kidney. He is now preparing for the biggest game of his life.
McNulty was playing for Brighton against Crewe in a League One game on 28 February 2009 when a challenge left him “throwing out blood at an alarming rate”.
“I remember looking down at my white shorts and there was a red circle that was growing bigger and bigger,” McNulty told BBC Sport.
“I was told by a doctor after being rushed into hospital I wouldn’t play again. It was devastating to hear that. I broke down in front of my family.
“Later, the team doctor contacted some friends in the southern hemisphere, where this injury is a bit more common with rugby players. He told me not to worry and that I could continue my career.”
McNulty had two operations in an attempt to save his right kidney and another to “remove the mess that was left”.
He added: “Playing with one kidney doesn’t impact on me. It’s more a lifestyle thing in terms of regular check-ups.
“It probably affects hangovers more than anything else because my one kidney is working doubly hard to get that poison out of the system.”
Rochdale have relaid their much-criticised pitch before the match. Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino was concerned the previous pitch (left), which was heavily sanded following bad weather, would leave both sets of players at risk of injury. Rochdale’s players trained on the new surface (right) on Thursday.
Will Dale cause a major shock?
Rochdale defender Jim McNulty: “We recognise it’s a special game but we’ll treat it like any other in terms of preparation. We know all about Tottenham’s players from watching Match of the Day, but we’ll study them nonetheless.
“There’s been a few conversations amongst the players and how the Juventus game in midweek might help us out after the north London derby. Who knows?”
Match of the Day commentator Guy Mowbray: “It’s not only the inaugural meeting of the clubs, it’s undoubtedly the first time any team’s run of fixture venues has read Wembley-Juventus-Rochdale.
“Whatever happens, it’s Rochdale’s occasion to savour, although their chances have surely lessened with the laying of a brand spanking new pitch. The Spurs spies will have advised of Ian Henderson’s finishing and Matt Done’s wing play, But in these ties it’s usually the top-flight team’s temperament that decides matters – and unlike some (not all) Spurs sides of the past, this one doesn’t mind a battle.”
Rochdale’s Joe Thompson could face Spurs after battling cancer twice
Rochdale goalkeeper Josh Lillis: “Anything can happen… it’s the magic of the FA Cup. You tend to find teams that struggle in the league tend to do well in the cup competitions. I don’t know if it’s a mental thing or a break from the league. I imagine it’s a trophy Tottenham want to win because fans and owners crave trophies. Whether the big guns play, I’m not too sure. But whoever they put out it will be lovely to test ourselves against them.”
Mark Lawrenson, FA Cup winner with Liverpool: “Keith Hill has been at Rochdale for a long, long time. They are not doing particularly well in the league but this will be a massive day for them. However, I think Tottenham, whatever team they select, will have too much for them.”
Rochdale manager Keith Hill: “We want to play a certain type of football and want to be seen in a good light. We want the football world to see we are not just a small club and we do the right things.”
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watchingthesuperbowl · 7 years ago
Grading Super Bowl XXXVI
What was the final score?
New England 20, St. Louis 17
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How much of the game was close? What was the “edge of your seat factor” like? (20 points)
In a purely scoreboard sense, the Patriots had a double-digit point lead for a third of the game. That doesn’t seem all that close. In context, though, it was much closer than that. 14 points was hardly a safe lead against this Rams offense. St. Louis moved the ball consistently all night, but just as consistently got bogged down around the Patriots’ 35-40 yard line and failed to score. The Rams had zero three-and-outs in Super Bowl XXXVI, but managed only three points in the first 50 minutes of play.
So watching this game, it was nothing like the previous year’s Super Bowl in which New York wasn’t scoring because they were getting dominated. The Rams eventually pulled it together in their first drive of the fourth quarter, down 17-3. Kurt Warner led his team on a methodical 77-yard touchdown drive to cut the lead to seven.
New England got the ball back, up 17-10 with around nine minutes on the clock. They had every opportunity to kill clock, but went three-and-out, punting the ball back to the suddenly heating-up Rams offense. St. Louis did what they’d done all day, moving the ball consistently down the field but hitting a brick wall near midfield. Rams coach Mike Martz decided to punt with no timeouts left and four minutes on the clock, pinning all of his team’s hopes on its defense. Once again, with a chance to kill clock and ice a championship, the Patriots punted after a three-and-out.
Needing a touchdown with less than two minutes on the clock and no timeouts left, Kurt Warner went to work. A short completion to Az Hakim turned into an 18-yard gain when Hakim cut upfield and gained an extra ten yards or so instead of stepping out of bounds immediately. Kick return wizard and reserve wideout Yo Murphy was one-on-one with a linebacker on the next play, an 11-yard Warner to Murphy completion to the Patriots’ 26 yard line. On the third play of the Rams’ final possession of regulation, Ricky Proehl came open on a nominally illegal pick play and Warner hit him for a touchdown. It felt closer than the scoreboard all day, but now there was no such thing as closer than the scoreboard. It was 17-17.
The Rams didn’t know this at the time, but Tom Brady is obviously some kind of warlock. Brady got the ball inside his own 20 with 1:21 left on the clock and zero timeouts.And he did Tom Brady things, completing three passes to J.R. Redmond, one to Troy Brown, and another to Jermaine Wiggins in order to drive to the Rams 30. After Brady spiked the ball to stop the clock with 0:07 left in regulation.
And then Adam Vinatieri came on to kick what would be the game winning field goal. He had never missed a kick indoors before this kick, and he still hadn’t after the kick. 47 yard field goal is good, Patriots win, upset complete. (Score: 18 out of 20. A couple points deducted for the Rams being down 10+ points throughout the entire third quarter.)
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Was there any kind of comeback? Was there ever any indication that the team which was trailing had a chance to come from behind and win? (15 points)
Absolutely, yes. Down 14 points as the fourth quarter began, the Rams tied the score at 17-17 with less than two minutes remaining in regulation. If the game had gone to overtime, you’d have to think St. Louis would be the more likely winner. The Rams’ offense, one of the greatest in NFL history, had just scored two touchdowns in eight minutes. Before the game winning drive, it had been more than a quarter since New England had even earned a first down.
If Vinatieri misses that kick or doesn’t get the opportunity, the Rams probably win the game. It would have been the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history. (Score: 14 out of 15.)
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Did the great players come through with great performances? (15 points)
Frankly, nobody had a great performance. Maybe Patriots kicker Adam Vinatieri. Almost to a man, everybody on the field played pretty well but nobody played extremely well.
Tom Brady, who’s obviously going to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Canton, Ohio at some point, was named the MVP despite fairly ho-hum statistics. (16-27, 145 yards, 1 TD, 0 INT) I assume he won the award because of the way he led the game winning drive - and also because someone had to win it. (I probably would have voted for Vinatieri, FWIW.)
Kurt Warner, who’s already visited the big famous museum in my hometown in Northeast Ohio, threw for 365 yards and a touchdown, but also had two costly interceptions.
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At one point in the game, play-by-play man Dick Stockton said that Rams running back Marshall Faulk might be the greatest running back who ever lived. I think that’s an indication of a tenuous grip on reality by Stockton (Jim Brown says hello), but Faulk was a great player, a deserving Hall of Famer, and one of the better backs of the past few decades. He played well but not remarkably so, running for 76 yards and gaining 54 more through the air.
The second-tier stars all did about what you’d expect. Rams receivers Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce each had five receptions for 50 or so yards, Troy Brown of the Patriots had six catches for 89 yards. Patriots running back Antowain Smith, hardly a star but a guy who ran for 1157 yards and 12 touchdowns in the regular season, gained 92 yards on the ground. (Score: 9 out of 15. A good but not great score for a game in which each individual star was good but not great.)
Were the teams historically great? (10 points)
Oh, heck yes. I wrote about these Rams a couple of weeks ago. The Greatest Show on Turf was in inner-circle great offense that could do everything and do everything well. The St. Louis defense in 2001 wasn’t as great as the offense, but it was darn good. They finished seventh in the NFL in points allowed and third in yards allowed. They could bring it defensively.
At the time, the Patriots were considered a fluke, a good team that got hotter as the weather got colder. With the benefit of hindsight, we can see that this was the beginning of an unrivaled run of dominance that’s still underway sixteen years later. New England won three Super Bowls in four years, won seven AFC championships in 16 years, and the Bill Belichick/Tom Brady combination has won five Super Bowls and counting. Belichick wasn’t quite done building his juggernaut in 2001, but he was close. (Score: 10 out of 10)
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Were there memorable moments that will be talked about for decades? (10 points)
Vinatieri’s field goal, for sure. As I write this, he’s still playing and still excellent more than 15 years later, and this kick is one of the first things that comes to mind when people think of him. It would not surprise me even a little bit if Vinatieri became the third placekicking specialist in the Pro Football Hall of Fame after he finally retires. There are a lot of kickers who had great careers, but nobody has the same kind of “clutch” reputation that Vinatieri has. This single kick has a lot to do with that reputation.
If not for the Patriots’ game-winning drive, the tying touchdown, a pass from Warner to Ricky Proehl, would likely be the enduring image of this game. And New England fans would still be freaking out about the illegal pick that caused him to be so open. (Score: 9 out of 10)
How was the quality of play? Were there a lot of penalties, punts, and turnovers? (15 points)
Really good. It was clear what the teams were trying to accomplish on both offense and defense, and they mostly executed those gameplans.
The Patriots didn’t turn the ball over all day, didn’t kill themselves with penalties, and got good performances from their defense and special teams. (That field goal!) The New England defense had a gameplan very similar to Belichick’s plan to shut down the Bills in Super Bowl XXV: Allow complete passes underneath, but absolutely do not allow the receiver to run after he catches the ball. They did this extremely well, with very few exceptions.
St. Louis turned the ball over three times. One of them could easily be filed under “crap happens”, when Ricky Proehl was blasted by a defender just after making a catch. Proehl fumbled, but just about anyone would have coughed it up in that situation. It was a great defensive play and not a poor offensive play. Warner’s two interceptions were particularly bad, and almost certainly decided the game. One of them was a pick six for Ty Law, who broke on a poor pass and was off to the races to give New England a 7-3 lead in the second quarter..
Penalties weren’t a factor, punts were thankfully less common this year than last year, and I never got the feeling I was watching garbage football. It was a nice antidote to Super Bowl XXXV. (Score: 13 out of 15)
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Are there any other factors that add to the greatness of the game? This covers things like weather, story line, rivalry matchup, legacy franchises, unexpected results, etc. (15 points)
It seems almost impossible to fathom from the perspective of 2017, but the Rams were 14 point favorites. This game was, at the time, the second-biggest upset in the history of the Super Bowl.
The Patriots win was an unexpected result, and the fact that they were even there was perhaps more unexpected. New England went 5-11 in 2000, started 2001 with three losses in four games, and they were 5-5 as Thanksgiving approached. Their franchise quarterback, Drew Bledsoe literally nearly died during the second game of the season when he suffered a sheared blood vessel in his chest. Their quarterback coach, Dick Rehbein, died suddenly and unexpectedly in August. Everything was going wrong. You’d have been laughed out of the room if, during the third week of November 2001, you would have predicted the Patriots would win the Super Bowl while holding the St. Louis offense in check throughout the game. But here they were.
Super Bowl XXXVI was the first Super Bowl played after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and as such was a particularly emotional day for players and fans. It’s difficult to quantify or put into words what the day was like, but there was a low-level feeling of dread that something terrible would happen to go along with a swelling sense of national pride and identity. An entire book could be written about the return to normalcy that cultural touchstones like Super Bowl XXXVI provided, but this isn’t the time or place for such a book. Suffice it to say that this was a big friggin’ deal. (Score: 13 out of 15)
How does the game grade overall? (sum of all previous categories, 100 points)
86 out of 100. The second-best Super Bowl ever played at this point, a whisker behind the absolute classic the Steelers and Cowboys played in Super Bowl XIII.
If you wanted to claim that this is the greatest Super Bowl ever played, I certainly wouldn’t argue with you. It’s there or thereabouts.
Ratings and rankings of Super Bowls I-XXXVI:
1. Super Bowl XIII - Pittsburgh 35, Dallas 31 - 87 points 2. Super Bowl XXXVI - New England 20, St. Louis 17 - 86 points 3. Super Bowl XXIII - San Francisco 20, Cincinnati 16 - 85 points T4. Super Bowl XXV - New York Giants 20, Buffalo 19 - 84 points T5. Super Bowl XXXIV - St. Louis 23, Tennessee 16 - 84 points 6. Super Bowl X - Pittsburgh 21, Dallas 17 - 80 points 7. Super Bowl XXXII - Denver 31, Green Bay 24 - 77 points 8. Super Bowl VII - Miami 14, Washington 7 - 74 points 9. Super Bowl XXX - Dallas 27, Pittsburgh 17 - 69 points T10. Super Bowl IX - Pittsburgh 16, Minnesota 6 - 68 points T10. Super Bowl XXXI - Green Bay 35, New England 21 - 68 points T12. Super Bowl XVII - Washington 27, Miami 17 - 67 points T12. Super Bowl XXVIII - Dallas 30, Buffalo 13 - 67 points 14. Super Bowl XIV - Pittsburgh 31, Los Angeles 19 - 65 points 15. Super Bowl XVI - San Francisco 26, Cincinnati 21 - 62 points 16. Super Bowl XIX - San Francisco 38, Miami 16 - 61 points T17. Super Bowl III - New York Jets 16, Baltimore 7 - 58 points T17. Super Bowl XXII - Washington 42, Denver 10 - 58 points 19. Super Bowl XXI - New York Giants 39, Denver 20 - 57 points 20. Super Bowl XXVII - Dallas 52, Buffalo 17 - 55 points 21. Super Bowl XXXIII - Denver 34, Atlanta 19 - 53 points 22. Super Bowl VI - Dallas 24, Miami 3 - 52 points 23. Super Bowl XX - Chicago 46, New England 10 - 51 points 24. Super Bowl I - Green Bay 35, Kansas City 10 - 50 points T25. Super Bowl XVIII - Los Angeles Raiders 38, Washington 9 - 49 points T25. Super Bowl XXIV - San Francisco 55, Denver 10 - 49 points 27. Super Bowl XXVI - Washington 37, Buffalo 24 - 48 points 28. Super Bowl VIII - Miami 24, Minnesota 7 - 47 points 29. Super Bowl XV - Oakland 27, Philadelphia 10 - 44 points 30. Super Bowl IV - Kansas City 23, Minnesota 7 - 43 points 31. Super Bowl XXXV - Baltimore 34, New York Giants 7 - 42 points T32. Super Bowl II - Green Bay 33, Oakland 14 - 40 points T32. Super Bowl V - Baltimore 16, Dallas 13 - 40 points 34. Super Bowl XXIX - San Francisco 49, San Diego 26 - 39 points 35. Super Bowl XII - Dallas 27, Denver 10 - 38 points 36. Super Bowl XI - Oakland 32, Minnesota 14 - 35 points
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movietvtechgeeks · 8 years ago
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/drake-not-done-j-lo-shes-busy-balling-rod/
Drake not done with J-Lo but she's busy balling with A-Rod
While he is no longer in relationship with Jennifer Lopez, Toronto-born rapper Drake is still talking about her – well, singing about her. On Saturday, March 18th, Drake released his highly anticipated album More Life. Featuring 22 new songs and a bunch of big name collaborators, such as Kanye West, 2 Chainz, and Travis Scott, the artist’s new album is already generating tons of buzz. One of the songs on the album’s track list that is getting plenty of attention, in particular, is the song “Free Smoke.” In the song, Drake sings out lyrics that refer to his former flame, Miss Lopez. In “Free Smoke,” Drake candidly raps, “I drunk text J. Lo/ Old numbers so I bounce back/ Boy Wonder gotta bounce back” – implying that he no longer has a valid phone number for his ex. Although Drake alludes to not staying in touch with Jennifer in his lyrics, sources close to the star claim that they are actually on good terms. An insider recently revealed to E! News, “[Drake and Jennifer] have just cooled things off a bit…they are in each others’ lives, just doing their own thing now.” Meanwhile, while Drake is busy with the release of his new music, Jennifer is busy with her new beau Alex Rodriguez. Just a few days ago, Jennifer was seen spending quality time with Alex in Miami. You can now listen to Drake’s album More Life in full on most music streaming services. Take me out to the ballgame, A-Rod. You got it, J-Lo. Back at spring training with the New York Yankees as a guest instructor, Alex Rodriguez watched part of Saturday's exhibition game against the Baltimore Orioles in a suite with singer-actress Jennifer Lopez. The two are said to be dating. A-Rod has been linked romantically to other Hollywood stars in the past, including Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz. Rodriguez was released by the Yankees last August with more than a season left on his $275 million, 10-year contract. The 41-year-old former slugger began his first stint as a guest instructor with the team last month and said his playing days are over. Fox recently announced a multiyear deal with Rodriguez that expands his broadcasting role with the network. A-Rod hit 696 home runs during 22 years in the big leagues, leaving him fourth on the career list. He was suspended for the 2014 season for violating Major League Baseball's drug agreement and labor contract. Late on Wednesday, young model Kendall Jenner’s home in Hollywood Hills was burglarized. An unknown thief (or group of thieves) managed to break in and get away with around $200,000 worth of her jewelry. Inevitably, the starlet was not happy with the whole situation and has since opted to fire the security guard who was on duty at the time. New reports about the incident have since been released by media outlet TMZ. It turns out that Kendall was actually hosting a group of friends at her house on Wednesday evening and she just briefly stepped out, while a number of her guests stayed in her home. Law enforcement believes that the robbery took place during the time that Kendall had left her residence, despite the fact that she still had [thought-to-be trustworthy] guests hanging around. With these new details revealed, it does appear that the robbery was an inside job. However, this did not stop Kendall from taking immediate action – starting with her security team. According to TMZ, Kendall fired the security guard who was on duty Wednesday evening. This guard was stationed in front of her property and reportedly let in an uninvited guest to the 21-year-old’s home during the brief period of time in which she had stepped out. Fortunately, Kendall has a complex security camera system set up and police are utilizing the surveillance footage from the night to try and find whoever is responsible for the theft. While it is not clear what exactly was stolen from the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star, TMZ reports that the intruder(s) got away with at least a Rolex and a Cartier watch. Katy Perry revealed on Saturday night that she’s done more than just kiss girls. The pop star was honored at the Human Rights Campaign Gala in Los Angeles where she revealed she explored her sexuality as a teenager. “How was I going to reconcile that with a gospel singing girl raised in youth groups that were pro-conversion camps?” Perry, 32, shared while accepting the National Equality Award, according to E! News. “What I did know was I was curious, and even then I knew sexuality wasn’t as black and white as this dress,” she said. “And honestly, I haven’t always gotten it right, but in 2008 when that song came out I knew that I started a conversation and a lot of the world seemed curious enough to sing along, too.” Because of her religious upbringing — both of her parents are pastors — she spent much time praying “the gay away in my Jesus camps.” Her perspective on sexuality shifted after she made the leap from Gospel music to the mainstream. “I found my gift, and my gift introduced me to people outside my bubble and my bubble started to burst,” Perry said. “These people were nothing like I had been taught to fear. They were the most free, strong, kind and inclusive people I have ever met.” Tim Allen says that living in Hollywood right now is akin to Nazi Germany. The comedian made the claim while appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” “You gotta be real careful around here,” Allen noted. “You get beat up if you don’t believe what everybody else believes. This is like ’30s Germany.” Allen, 63, plays an outspoken conservative on the sitcom “Last Man Standing” and is one of the few actors in Hollywood to profess having right-wing leanings. When Kimmel asked him about attending the inauguration ceremony the “Home Improvement” star’s eyes bulged and he stammered: “I was invited, we did a VIP thing for the vets, and went to a veterans ball, so I went to go see Democrats and Republicans.” “Yeah I went to the inauguration,” he added. According to Blac Chyna, her and Rob Kardashian are just going through a rough patch. “I feel like every person who’s in a long-term relationship, or who is committed to their person, goes through ups and downs,” she told Cosmopolitan South Africa. “Everything isn’t always going to be peaches and cream.” Chyna, the cover star of the magazine’s April issue, says the two are “fighting for each other – even though they’re living apart. “I’m in it for the long haul,” the 28-year-old insisted. “I feel like everything isn’t going to be perfect, but I know we love each other, and the people we surround ourselves with are rooting for us.” And despite the pair’s on and off again status, their daughter Dream remains a priority. “We have a whole other human being that looks up to us, so we have to make sure she’s taken care of,” she's said of their baby who was born in November. The sole son of the Kardashian family – who turned 30 on Friday – is “a wonderful dad.” “I think it’s because he had such a great father,” Chyna said. Josh Duggar and his wife Anna are looking to the future. “We are delighted to share with you that we are expecting a new baby boy later this year,” the couple said in a statement on the Duggar family’s website. “Beauty comes from ashes and we cannot wait to see and kiss the face of this sweet new boy!” While the announcement didn’t mention the 29-year-old Josh’s sordid past, the couple acknowledged a “breach of trust.” “For nearly the last two years, we have quietly worked to save our marriage, focus on our children, and rebuild our lives together as a family. Doing so is never easy after a breach of trust,” the statement read. “We’ve learned that a life of faith and rebuilding a life together is simply done one day at a time.” In 2015, Josh admitted to molesting five girls as well as cheating on his wife via the affair enabling website Ashley Madison. In the time since the scandal rocked the “19 Kids and Counting” family, the reality star has attended a faith-based rehab and worked with a counselor to salvage his marriage. The couple is already parents to Mackynzie Renée, 7, Michael James, 5, Marcus Anthony, 3, and Meredith Grace, 1. Earlier this month, the religious brood showed support for Josh on his 29th birthday “We love you, your amazing wife and sweet children. We pray that you diligently follow and serve the Lord with your whole heart all the days of your life and that this year is a wonderful year for you and your family,” the family said on Facebook. While you wouldn’t know it from the tabloid headlines, which are filled with stories about her new relationship, superstar Jennifer Lopez actually has other notable things going on in her life right now. In fact, the starlet just got the word that she will be returning to the small screen as the star of NBC’s hit crime drama Shades of Blue. On Friday, the Entertainment President at NBC, Jennifer Salke, announced that the network has renewed Shades of Blue for a third season. This is a particularly big accomplishment for Jennifer Lopez, and the rest of the show’s cast, as the second season of the series just started airing a mere two weeks. In the official statement announcing the series’ renewal, Jennifer Salke noted, “[We here at NBC are] so hugely appreciative of everything Jennifer [Lopez] and Ray [Liotta] do, and know it is due to their dedication, as well as the hard work of our incredible cast and producers, that Shades of Blue has so clearly and compellingly earned a third-season renewal.” The NBC executive went on to add, “The show continues to mine powerful stories that always leave us hungry for more.” In addition to Shades of Blue, NBC also just recently announced the renewals of several other shows, including: This is Us, Superstore and The Good Place. You can catch Jennifer in Shades of Blue when it airs on Sundays at 10/9c on NBC. On Thursday, it was announced that supermodel Tyra Banks would be returning to her role as host of the reality competition America’s Next Top Model. In 2016, after hosting 22 seasons of the show, Tyra shocked fans when she decided to step down from her hosting gig. For season 23, singer and media star Rita Ora took over the reigns and judged a brand new batch of hopeful models, alongside a panel of fashion experts which included stylist Law Roach, model Ashley Graham and Paper magazine’s Creative Consultant Drew Elliot. While Rita did fairly well in the role, especially considering the enormous shoes she had to fill, she will not be returning as host for season 24. Executive producer of America’s Next Top Model, Ken Mok addressed Tyra’s unexpected decision to return after just a short, 1-season absence. Ken told the press, “Tyra has always been the heart and soul of the franchise and her absence was deeply felt by our fiercely loyal fans who missed their Queen of the Smize. We’d like to thank Rita Ora for being a great partner and total pro. She infused this new iteration of ANTM with passion and creativity, and we wish her nothing but the best in her future endeavors.” Although Tyra has officially stolen back the ANTM spotlight from Rita, there is no bad blood between the two beauties. Following the announcement on Thursday, Tyra and Rita exchanged some kind words over Twitter. Tyra posted, “Mizz [Rita Ora], you exemplify Business Boss Brand to the fullest! Thank you for all the amazingness you brought to ANTM,” in which Rita replied, “Thank you, Tyra! Was such an honor and pleasure being on your show. Everyone welcome Tyra back!!” Rita & Tyra, Twitter posts: https://twitter.com/tyrabanks/status/842497262802554881 https://twitter.com/RitaOra/status/842501937664729088 At this point, it has not been revealed who will be joining Tyra on the judging panel for season 24. Stay tuned for more ANTM updates! While she may be doing a lot better and is [somewhat] back in the spotlight these days, former Disney starlet Selena Gomez is definitely not looking to be wrapped up in the craziness of Hollywood for the long haul. In the latest issue of Vogue magazine, Selena talked candidly about what her late-2016 stay in rehab was like, as well as her desperate desire to live a more normal life. The Spring Breakers actress said in her interview with the publication, “You have no idea how incredible it felt to just be with six girls [in the rehabilitation program]. Real people who couldn’t give two s*** about who I was, who were fighting for their lives. It was one of the hardest things I’ve done, but it was the best thing I’ve done.” Selena also went on to address her toned down presence on social media, as she explained, “as soon as I became the most followed person on Instagram, I sort of freaked out. It had become so consuming to me. It’s what I woke up to and went to sleep to. I was an addict, and it felt like I was seeing things I didn’t want to see, like it was putting things in my head that I didn’t want to care about. I always end up feeling like s*** when I look at Instagram. Which is why I’m kind of under the radar, ghosting it a bit.” In terms of maintaining her star status, Selena admitted that she is looking forward to the day she is no longer one of the most famous celebs in the world. Selena candidly told the magazine, “I just really can’t wait for people to forget about me.”
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365footballorg-blog · 7 years ago
Homework on the team bus - the 16-year-old who could face Spurs
FA Cup fifth round: Rochdale v Tottenham Hotspur Venue: Spotland Date: Sunday, 18 February Kick-off: 16:00 GMT Coverage: Watch live on BBC One & the BBC Sport app from 15:35 GMT, live commentary on BBC Radio 5 live sport and follow text updates on the BBC Sport website.
“When we travelled down to Millwall in the last round, he was doing his homework on the team coach.”
Rochdale boss Keith Hill is talking about the League One club’s 16-year-old midfielder Daniel Adshead, who could face Tottenham in the FA Cup fifth round on Sunday.
Born in 2001, the Manchester schoolboy became Dale’s youngest ever debutant – aged 16 years and 17 days – when he faced Bury in the EFL Trophy on 19 September.
Adshead, who has been linked with Arsenal and Chelsea,[1] has since helped the club reach the FA Cup fifth round for only the third time in their history.
He is so young, child protection regulations mean he must get changed before and after games away from his team-mates.
And, no matter what the result on Sunday, he will be back at Gorton’s Wright Robinson College[2] – where he is deputy head boy – on Monday.
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know Dan’s got a great future in the game,” Hill, who gave England defender John Stones his debut for Barnsley in 2012, told BBC Sport.
“People forget he’s only 16. He’s making a lot of progress for someone still at school.
“He got on the pitch against Millwall in the FA Cup, he played 64 minutes against Doncaster in the third round, and he’ll probably be involved as a substitute against Tottenham.
“When he is involved with the first team he misses a few days of school, but when we travelled down to Millwall he was doing his homework on the coach.
“There are a lot of sharks in the football world. I treat Dan like I would do one of my own children.”
Rochdale pitch a ‘big risk’ – Pochettino[3]
Criticism of pitch was ‘low blow’ – Hill[4]
‘We hope to see Dan in school on Monday’
Adshead, who is preparing for his GCSEs, is surrounded by seasoned professionals – including 33-year-old defender Jim McNulty.
The former Brighton player said: “While the rest of the players are on the team coach wearing the latest headphones, Dan’s getting stuck into his school work.
“I wasn’t too aware that he has to get changed away from everyone else until there was a situation in a league game at Doncaster in December.
“Dan had made his league debut after coming on as a substitute. We lost the match and Dan was sitting there waiting to get changed. I said to him: ‘Dan, come on, don’t worry about it, get your head up, just get in the shower, and let’s go.’
“He said: ‘I’m not disappointed, I just can’t get in the shower.’ He explained why and I thought, ‘oh my word’. It actually dawned on me how young he is.
“He has to have his own room on away trips, he needs his own changing area and separate shower.”
Martin Haworth, deputy headmaster at Wright Robinson College – whose former pupils include ex-Manchester United and England midfielder Nicky Butt, said Adshead was due at school 15 hours after the Spurs tie.
“We’d hope to see Daniel back at school on Monday as long as he is in bed for a reasonable time – and not out celebrating,” he told BBC Sport.
“The beauty of it is Daniel wants to be in school. He likes coming to school and embraces school life. He’ll either be at football or in school because he’s successful at both.”
Henderson – ‘Rochdale’s Harry Kane’ This is Rochdale’s sixth game in this season’s FA Cup. They have beaten Bromley (4-0), Slough (4-0), Doncaster (1-0) and Millwall (2-2, 1-0) to get this far. Captain Ian Henderson, 33, has scored five of the 12 goals. Henderson, who played for Norwich City in the top-flight in 2004-05, has four goals in his past four appearances. Tottenham have progressed from 16 of their past 17 FA Cup ties against lower-league opponents, losing only to Leeds in the fourth round in 2012-13. They have not lost to a team from the third tier or below in the FA Cup since a 2-1 defeat at Port Vale in January 1988. Rochdale goalkeeper Josh Lillis was in goal when Harry Kane, then aged 17, made his debut for Leyton Orient against Dale at Spotland in 2011. “If I’m being honest, I don’t remember it,” he says. Lillis is the son of former Manchester City player Mark Lillis, who is assistant to John Gregory at Indian Super League team Chennaiyin. Dale have lost their past six FA Cup ties against top-flight opposition since beating Coventry City 2-1 in January 1971. They lost 3-1 at Wolves in their last fifth-round appearance in 2003.
‘Two worlds colliding’
Hill, a former defender who played under Kenny Dalglish at Blackburn Rovers, has been managing Rochdale for 10 years across two spells.
He is the sixth longest-serving manager in the EFL and was in charge when Harry Kane, then 17, made his league debut as a 73rd-minute substitute for Leyton Orient at Spotland in front of a crowd of 2,731 in January 2011.
“I don’t remember that game too well,” said Hill, who has described Sunday’s game as a “collision of two worlds”.
While Spurs counterpart Mauricio Pochettino spent a reported £42m[5] on defender Davinson Sanchez last August, the most Hill has spent on one player at Rochdale is £75,000.
“We are very astute with our money and we live within our means. That shouldn’t be overlooked. The football world is in massive debt,” he said.
Overachieving has ‘caught up’ with Rochdale[6]
On facing Spurs, the 48-year-old added: “It’s probably the biggest game in Rochdale’s history from a prestige point of view.
“It’s the haves against the have-nots.
“But once the whistle goes it won’t be about who has the biggest wage packet. For 90 minutes we are on a level playing field with Tottenham.”
Hill’s six-year-old son Sidney will be one of the mascots for Sunday’s tie.
“He’s very proud to tell everybody he supports Rochdale,” he added. “But everybody in his school playground doesn’t know who Rochdale are. They might do this weekend.”
‘I was told I wouldn’t play again’
Nine years ago, McNulty thought his career was over after a horrific injury resulted in the loss of a kidney.[7] He is now preparing for the biggest game of his life.
McNulty was playing for Brighton against Crewe in a League One game on 28 February 2009 when a challenge left him “throwing out blood at an alarming rate”.
“I remember looking down at my white shorts and there was a red circle that was growing bigger and bigger,” McNulty told BBC Sport.
“I was told by a doctor after being rushed into hospital I wouldn’t play again. It was devastating to hear that. I broke down in front of my family.
“Later, the team doctor contacted some friends in the southern hemisphere, where this injury is a bit more common with rugby players. He told me not to worry and that I could continue my career.”
McNulty had two operations in an attempt to save his right kidney and another to “remove the mess that was left”.
He added: “Playing with one kidney doesn’t impact on me. It’s more a lifestyle thing in terms of regular check-ups.
“It probably affects hangovers more than anything else because my one kidney is working doubly hard to get that poison out of the system.”
Will Dale cause a major shock?
Rochdale defender Jim McNulty: “We recognise it’s a special game but we’ll treat it like any other in terms of preparation. We know all about Tottenham’s players from watching Match of the Day, but we’ll study them nonetheless.
“There’s been a few conversations amongst the players and how the Juventus game in midweek might help us out after the north London derby. Who knows?”
Match of the Day commentator Guy Mowbray: “It’s not only the inaugural meeting of the clubs, it’s undoubtedly the first time any team’s run of fixture venues has read Wembley-Juventus-Rochdale.
“Whatever happens, it’s Rochdale’s occasion to savour, although their chances have surely lessened with the laying of a brand spanking new pitch. The Spurs spies will have advised of Ian Henderson’s finishing and Matt Done’s wing play, But in these ties it’s usually the top-flight team’s temperament that decides matters – and unlike some (not all) Spurs sides of the past, this one doesn’t mind a battle.”
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Rochdale goalkeeper Josh Lillis: “Anything can happen… it’s the magic of the FA Cup. You tend to find teams that struggle in the league tend to do well in the cup competitions. I don’t know if it’s a mental thing or a break from the league. I imagine it’s a trophy Tottenham want to win because fans and owners crave trophies. Whether the big guns play, I’m not too sure. But whoever they put out it will be lovely to test ourselves against them.”
Mark Lawrenson, FA Cup winner with Liverpool: “Keith Hill has been at Rochdale for a long, long time. They are not doing particularly well in the league but this will be a massive day for them. However, I think Tottenham, whatever team they select, will have too much for them.”
Rochdale manager Keith Hill: “We want to play a certain type of football and want to be seen in a good light. We want the football world to see we are not just a small club and we do the right things.”
Watch all of the latest FA Cup highlights and reaction here[8]
^ linked with Arsenal and Chelsea, (www.espn.co.uk)
^ Wright Robinson College (wrightrobinson.co.uk)
^ Rochdale pitch a ‘big risk’ – Pochettino (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Criticism of pitch was ‘low blow’ – Hill (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ reported £42m (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Overachieving has ‘caught up’ with Rochdale (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ loss of a kidney. (news.bbc.co.uk)
^ Watch all of the latest FA Cup highlights and reaction here (www.bbc.co.uk)
BBC Sport – Football
Homework on the team bus – the 16-year-old who could face Spurs was originally published on 365 Football
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