#but i was looking around for a bday for the mario bros (the first game under SMB came out sept 13 85 while donkey kong debuted on july 9 91
faroresson · 1 year
Not me doing my Video Game Ages/Timeline bullshit again
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🎂☆ Jason Todd Birthday Week ☆ Aug 16th - JASON’S BIRTHDAY
Dickface Grayson: what do u want for ur bday baby bro?
RedNerd: a big booty hoe
Spawn: same
Wiffle: sksks DAMIAN
The family group chat is usually rather annoying. No one sleeps and no one has boundaries or tact so there’s always three hundred messages and long ass tangents (courtesy of Tim, Damian and sometimes Duke) for Jason to read over his morning coffee.
It’s a big thorn in his ass.
But it’s routine. He’s grown to expect it like he anticipates sunrise, it’s become one of those things on his mental checklist that he can never forget. Those morons keep finding more and more opportunities to weasel their way into his life and it’s so goddamn irritating that he loves it.
Which is why the lack of notifications he wakes up to makes his skin itch in an unscratchable way. His first instinct is to assume something’s wrong because there’s nothing beside that one question from Dick. But as he replies, Damian and Stephanie’s responses follow immediately— he finds relief in knowing their fine but his confusion grows.
He realizes he’s bored.
He has a three day stretch of no plans and he’s so freaking bored he kind of wants to claw his eyes out.
Dickface Grayson: i told y’all asking him wouldn’t work
Dickface Grayson: i. told. y’all.
Timbits: stop with the y’alls
Wiffle: y? cuz it reminds u of connor?
Timbits: fuck off
Wiffle: bite me
Babs: I say, we go with the original plan
Duke☀️: but how are we going to get him to go willingly go to a party?
Spawn: we could knock him out
Timbits: NO
Spawn: and just carry him there
Timbits: Damian I swear to GOD
Dickface Grayson: why can’t we do the surprise party
Wiffle: cuz he’d hate it
Wiffle: and he’d kill us
🐥Cass: let’s just get him a cupcake and call it a day
Spawn: i second that
Spawn: or we could get him an escort
Spawn: put it on father’s card
Timbits: as much as I would LOVE to see that
Timbits: we can’t
🐥Cass: add it to the list for next yr dames
Babs: I have work to do, you guys plzzz come up with something.
Dickface Grayson: good luck babs
Dickface Grayson: I say party
Wiffle: i’m going with Cass and the cupcake
🐥Cass: ^^
Dickface Grayson: Damian I see you typing. Don’t say it.
Timbits: he’s Jason guys. he doesn’t want the attention of having to blow out a candle and listen to us butcher happy bday
Timbits: we need something he’d like
Wiffle: let’s just give him his presents
Wiffle: they’re all books anyway
🐥Cass: books and cupcakes
Spawn: no that’s stupid
🐥Cass: ur stupid
Spawn: ur stupider
Wiffle: Tim’s stupidest
Timbits: blocked
Dickface Grayson: CHILDREN
Dickface Grayson: babs will murder us if we don’t come up with something
Timbits: I mean…. she’ll muder you
Spawn: muder
🐥Cass: muder
Jason calls Alfred, texts Bruce and leaves a long winded voicemail for Barbra. She replies with three smiley face emojis and then a voice note of her reminding him that his has three days off for his birthday specifically for resting, to stop worrying about everybody else. She’s stern and sure and he knows it’s pointless to argue.
Alfred had been vague too and Bruce hadn’t replied— with all his sources dry, Jason’s left pouting in his apartment, bored out of his mind. He keeps opening and closing his apps to see if there’s been updates.
There isn’t.
RedNerd: why are you guys so AWOL
Timbits: we’re giving u a break hbd loser
RedNerd: shady
Timbits: i’m disowning Steph
RedNerd: i’m on her side whatever it is
Timbits: traitor
RedNerd: 🙃
Jason sighs languidly. He flicks his phone to the side and watches it bounce off the couch. There’s a full five seconds in which he allows himself to release his boredom in a long, guttural groan and then he’s diving after it to check the screen. It’s not broken. He resolutes himself to reading as all else fails.
Timbits: Jay’s getting antsy
Dickface Grayson: ughh
Wiffle: what r we gonna do?
Spawn: yk
Wiffle: Damian
Spawn: shut up Brown, I was going to say that Duke had an idea.
Wiffle: oh
Wiffle: what’s ur idea sunshine?
Duke☀️: I never volunteered
Wiffle: I’m starting to like the escort thing so plz
Duke☀️: fine
Duke☀️: I’ll invite him to the manor to play PUBG
Duke☀️: no party
Duke☀️: and then we do family dinner and have Alfred make a cake
Dickface Grayson: that’s simple enough
Wiffle: and Alfie makes the cake he’ll have no choice but to accept it
Babs: good work team
Duke☀️: team?
Babs: Good Work Sunshine ☀️💛💛
He’s cleaning his kitchen for the third time when his phone vibrates. A plate is almost dropped in his haste to get to it.
Duke☀️: PUBG. Pizza. Manor?
RedNerd: yessss
The manor’s dead silent when he steps into the threshold. Alfred slips out of the kitchen to bid him a quick hello, hands him two boxes of pizza (one extra cheese and the other sausage and peppers) and shoos him up the stairs.
“You look like shit,” is what Duke says in greeting. He already has the controllers and television set up. Jason feels a little like he’s found bliss.
“I’m losing it, man. No patrol and shit for three days? I’m going to die. Again.”
“Yeah cuz I’m about to kick your ass. Hand me my pizza and sit down.”
“It’s on, sunshine.”
Dickface Grayson: Duke has him in the den. we’re jist gonna ease in one by one. Alfred’ll bring the cake, we’ll do presents and then it’s done
Wiffle: sounds good chief
Timbits: is my pizza here?
Spawn: no one ordered for you
Duke☀️: yh it’s in the kitchen.
Timbits: right, expect me first.
They play four rounds until Jason’s spent most of his pent up energy on killing opponents. Duke gets better every time he plays and he works well with Jason’s style. It reminds him that they should team up more for patrol.
Damian slinks in on his toes right as they start the fifth. He’s got a box of pizza balanced in one hand and Alfred the cat tucked under the other.
“Todd,” is all he says before plopping down on the opposing sofa.
Tim wanders in after, barefooted and rumpled. He opens his mouth to say something, spots Damian and snaps it shut. He makes a noise that reminds Jason of a busted engine. He doesn’t know what that’s about, he doesn’t want to know either.
“Timbo, take this.” He passes him the controller and yanks his skinny frame down with one arm. “Play for me so I can eat.”
“Cheating,” Duke intones.
“It’s my birthday, I can do what I want to.” They all visibly stiffen at the words. He continues, speaking quickly around a mouthful of pizza. “And also. You guys have been really weird all day. What have you been up to?”
The response is a three tiered chorus of, “Nothing.”
“The group chat was dead quiet.”
Tim is stuttering something out when Damian drops a “I wish it was,” under his breath.
Nobody says anything. He chews, swallows and waits for them to fill the silence.
“Do you guys have another group chat?”
“Why would we?”
Jason’s braces himself to be as offended as he possibly can when three things happen in the space of a minute.
Tim throws a slice of pizza at Damian while Duke ducks between the cushions. The ensuing fight is so loud Jason can’t hear himself think.
Dick and Cass come stumbling through the doors with Stephanie tailing behind them— their all singing “happy birthday.” Alfred— bless him— is following along with a small sponge cake adorned with lit candles. He makes it one foot into the room before there’s a loud splatter, a scream and shouted curse.
There’s a controller in the cake.
Dick and Steph are on the ground trying to pull a shocked Damian and Tim apart while Duke sinks further between the upholstery.
“Jason,” Cass crosses around the disaster zone. She offers him a hand and gives him a firm shake. “Happy Birthday.”
“Thank you.” He’s still stunned, gaping down at her like a confused goldfish.
“These are for you.”
It’s a pile of hard copy classics secured by a gold ribbon. A tiny bite size cupcake sits on top.
“Thanks Cass. I really appreciate it.”
She hums, casts a glare at Damian and sways out of the room.
“Well,” Alfred snaps. “I’m going to clean this buttercream off of me while you all fix this ...mess. Master Jason, it appears I owe you a cake.”
“It’s fine, Alfie.”
Dick slams his fist to the floor, fuming. “ It’s not.”
“It’s ok—“
“Jay we’ve been trying to plan something special for you all day. This was the best we could do— just us, just a cake and some presents— and we found a way to screw it up.”
“That’s what the other group chat was for.”
Tim chimes in, rolling out of the chokehold Damian has him in.
He sees the guilt hanging around the dropped corners of their mouths like anchors. So that’s why they were so unattached, they were just being annoying amongst themselves.
“This is….it’s great actually. That,” he points to Damian on the ground. “Was quality entertainment. Duke is still a PUBG genius, which it was nice to be reminded of and this—,” he raises the books and cupcake. “—is really all I need.”
He and Dick split half of Damian’s pizza out of sheer spite. Bruce comes in at some point to let them know Alfred’s making another cake and then he somehow gets sucked into a game of Super Mario. Later, they’ll all gather around in the kitchen to force feed Jason cake and watch him open presents. It’ll be quiet and intimate and just right for him.
He’s not bored to death anymore.
Tomorrow, he’ll wake up to four hundred messages in the group chat and the world will right itself.
Wiffle: We’re all going to remember what we’re getting Damian for his bday next yr, right?
Duke☀️: lessons in decorum
Timbits: tickets to the Crayola Experience?
Timbits: tickets to Sesame Street live?
Wiffle: no
Wiffle: a trip to Home Depot to get him a big ass hoe
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herestheteaig · 3 years
What should I do??
Hi, I don’t really know if anyone will see this but I'm gonna try, just incase. If you do choose to respond, you can be as brutally honest & unbiased as you’d like, I’m not easily offended.
I am f19, and have been in a relationship with m18 for almost 6 years. For the sake of his privacy lets call him Joe.
lets call me Mina.
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- Joe & I have been together since we were 13, we went to the same secondary school & college (for Americans, same middle school & high school)
- we had been close friends since we were like 11, very visibly super close friends in school.
- when we started dating at the end of our second year, we spent the entire summer together.
- when we got back he just... pretended I didn't exist????
- like tf?
- anyway, we were still hanging out outside of school, but my school separate the year based on grades in third year, so I was placed in X and he was placed in Y, therefore we had 0 classes together
- though, in the corridors, at lunch, at break, etc, he’d pretend I didn't exist???
- he also told me not to tell anyone we were dating???
- this lasted maybe 2 years? until I got really mad and he started acknowledging me in our final year of secondary school & people knew we were dating.
- his mum ended up convincing me to apply to the same college as him, we did different courses so rarely saw each other, but occasionally took the train together on one of our mutual starting times.
- now, I go to university about 2 hours away from our hometown and live there, he doesn’t go to university at all.
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the catfish:
- of course the initial: “don’t tell anyone we’re dating”
- when I was still 13, I did something SUPER childish, though no regrets and made a fake iMessage account so he’d think someone was texting him.
- I used Loren Gray’s picture because this boy had NO social medias, he was SO anti it.
- anyway, pretended I had gotten his number on Facebook, and that I had seen him at athletics (he’s an athlete) and I thought he was attractive and asked if he had a girlfriend
- then we went through this long “no I don't” “jk I do” back and forth bullshit. 
- oh he also didn't tell me about her until I said she had messaged me, but whatever idc but that's the first piece of info. 
- next, I must've been 15?? idk exactly how old I am
- I do not and have NEVER cared who my boyfriend talks to, girl, boy, non-binary, whatever, I don't give a shit. 
- so I'm on his phone, taking snapchats to save to his memories and I kept seeing this girls name pop up. 
- let’s call her Sabrina.
- I had noticed he talks to her a LOT, but he never had mentioned her, but eh its whatever... probably just one of his friends, right?
- I used to just message his friends on his phone so I went onto her chat intending to be like “heyyyy bro, nice to meet you my name is Mina, do you wanna be friends?”
- but I'm seeing messages talking about: “what age would you have sex?”
- side note: he and I both lost our virginities when we were 15, later this year but at this point we had both been “handsy” down there??? 
- anyway she says “18″, he says “you know its legal at 16 tho right?
- “yeah, but still 18″
- “why not 16″
- whatever I don't remember the entire convo.
- so I was like hmm this is a bit sus and scrolled up to see their messages. 
- “do you have a girlfriend” “no” “actually yes” “im joking, no.”
- so im like wait what???
- anyway, I don't mention it for like 7 months? he denies it before saying what he said was innocent and he was just curious in a friendly way. 
- I let it go.
- I was probably 16 or almost 17 at this point 
- again, for privacy, we’ll call this girl Kendall.
- Kendall and I have a mutual friend, we’ll call her Tiana.
- Tiana and I were best friends.
- One day, Tiana messaged me and said hey, my friend Kendall was speaking to  Joe & realised wait isn't that Mina’s boyfriend and sent me these screenshots as soon as she realised.
- I had probably seen her name in his recent chats but didn't care enough to ask about it.
- anyway, the screenshots were just him being super flirty with emojis? like sounds childish but you know what I mean.
- and he was joking about “go to bed its past your bed time” and she was like “no why are you chatting, you’re up too”
- “shush and listen to your daddy”
- wHAT.
- I immediately confront him and he denies knowing anyone of that name at first, before saying oh I didn't mean it like that, it was like a mum/ dad joke we have
- so again, I let it go
- back in school, my maths teacher sent myself and this boy to the study area which is an open space in the school, visible from all levels.
- lets call him Adrien.
- note: adrien and I were both quite smart and in top set for most classes, our surnames are next to eachother on the register so were often seated beside each other. 
- we were very very close FRIENDS
- so we’re doing work, chatting a bit- whatever
- at some point, he jokingly pushes my head away, idk what I said, I do not remember. 
- note: the entire school is IN CLASS.
- a few seconds later, I feel my phone vibrate, sneak it out of my pocket to see a text from Joe: “why is Adrien touching your face?”
- I look around and no ones there, anyway he still gets mad about it now.
Other stuff:
- he used to threaten to kill himself if i broke up with him
- or if we were arguing he’d say he can do this anymore, imply suicide, the leave his phone for ages and get super mad if I contacted his sister or mum to find out if he was safe.
- sometimes i’d see him joking around on his sisters snapchat story when I'm panicking because he said he’d kill himself.
- I'm not materialistic, but the fact that he rarely would get me bday/xmas presents was kinda upsetting. (he has a lot of money, my family is broke but I make the BIGGEST deal out of xmas and his bday and everything)
- would work extra hours so he’d feel so so spoiled on xmas and his bday. 
- once he got me just a xmas themed toilet roll on Christmas, last year he gave me a small jar of vegan candies.
- I think he acknowledged valentines day twice in our relationship? 
- which was sad because pre-relationship, valentines was my fave day of the year & I'd hand out heart shaped chocolates to everyone at school.
- often blames his mental health on me.
- will cut me off and then act like I'm the one not listening to HIS problems. 
- if another guy has a crush on ME, then he gets mad at me?
- every boy in my college class admitted to having a crush on me at some point, awkward but my course was reliant on group projects so I couldn't just block them??? they all knew I had a bf
- I have never orgasmed ONCE in my entire life... rip
- when I say he is ACTUALLY jealous, I mean like ACTUALLY jealous of me having a crush on like... cartoon characters?? (& also anime characters)
- has said sexist and transphobic things, that I DRAGGED him for.
- I think he's very manipulative and also immature. 
- hates that I'm smart
- HATES that my love language is acts of service. like HATES it.
- there's more but I won't bore you.
mini story:
- we went to Paris for my 18th birthday. 
- he tried to break up with me right before because “he feels like shit compared to other guys”
- I was crying down the phone (I never ever cry) begging him to reconsider
- we went to Paris, it was nice. 
- note: we also had sex there
- and then we get back and he says: “I hated you the entire time” and other stuff but I don't remember
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this is according to him:
- I think I'm right all the time and think im little miss perfect
- I put in no effort
- I do not listen
- I just need to realise that all my male friends are only my friends because they want to fuck me.
- I do not care about anything
- I assume things 
- I compare him to other guys????
- I make him feel like shit 
(his words, though I disagree)
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- we have been in a relationship for almost 6 years
- he’s my friend
- I love his family so much, I've watched his nephew grow up and I text his sister and I just love them.
- though he isn’t my type on paper, I do find him attractive 
- we have somewhat similar kinks
- my family seem to like him
- not gonna lie, we’d make cute babies.
- we both enjoy sports and also he sometimes plays video games with me (I'm an avid gamer, I twitch stream and play PC, PS4 & Switch, he sometimes will play fortnite or Mario kart with me)
- we have this cute cheerleader/ athlete thing which I like
- oh, right, pls don't judge this but its important to me to raise my children plant-based until they're old enough to decide for themselves- he isn't plant-based but is 100% onboard which is very important to me.
- has done cute things for me before like turn up at my house with my fave candy or buy an extra pack of gum/ drink for me.
- this sounds irrelevant, but I DO love to party/rave but I do not drink alcohol, I actually have a weird phobia of it, though I would 100% get high
- Joe and I both do not drink and although that's not something id look for in a s/o, it made me feel like I wasn't the only one lmao. 
- my first & only relationship
ANWYAY, we’ve been arguing for months, if you see this what do you think I should do? would it be overreacting to break up? I would still wanna be his friend because I care but I dunno what to do
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