#but i was like: nnnnoo... I need to see how... So I managed to stay asleep long enough to read through it
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aria0fgold · 9 months ago
I think my brain is just throwing straight up whatever it wants to me from my memories cuz I just had a dream where I was playing a game with Cain Knightley who was called Guizhong and he got kidnapped at the end and the last objective is to save him.
He sent texts to my phone with the Guizhong name and told his location so my game character went and believed it all and told all my companions bout it while also revealing who kidnapped him but turns out when they reached the location in the texts (which was a massive tower by a construction area). He wasn't there at all.
And all the while I was saying "No. No. No." while playing cuz damn that's a bad ending aint it? And turns out it was and the villain was waiting for me to do his speech and mock me and at the end was like: Isn't that "I see" familiar to you? (in one of the texts an "I see" was written on it and I guess the villain was hinting that it wasn't Cain that wrote that).
So dream me went on the internet to search up a guide on how to get the good ending and then I woke up while reading through it (there were like-- many steps the player needed to take beforehand cuz the bad ending was called "panicked choice" ending).
Turns out I nearly got all the required steps for the good ending BUT one which was to get a sailor's hat that dream me purposely skipped cuz she didn't wanna go through the trouble of doing parkour for it. I woke up cuz I got pissed off from that.
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tastes-like-ciel · 6 years ago
“I’m your husband. It’s my job.” #51 +Datastormshipping
this was inspired by an episode of Kaguya-sama: Love is War tbh
had a little too much fun with this one haha
51. “I’m your husband. It’s my job.”  
“I knew this would happen…” Yusaku muses to himself with a slow shake of his head. The digital thermometer in his hands glares up at him in bright, damning red numbers. It’s at roughly 40°C and possibly rising. No wonder Ryoken was stumbling around and acting so strange before. “You have a pretty high fever.”
Earlier, Yusaku caught Ryoken dozing at the kitchen table, breakfast completely abandoned and breathing labored. His skin had felt hot to the touch and when Yusaku was finally able to shake him awake, his excuse for falling asleep had been complete and utter nonsense. He clung to Yusaku’s arm, babbled something about having tea with Ai, and kept forgetting where he was. Fearing the worst, Yusaku dragged him back to bed, fished out a thermometer from the medicine cabinet, and now here they are, Ryoken in a fever-induced daze and Yusaku sitting by his side quietly chastising him for overworking himself.
“Congrats on being sick.” Yusaku continues and looks down at Ryoken’s pitiful state. “I’ll have to tell the tournament officials you’re too sick to participate now. Good job.”
Ryoken’s cheeks are flushed a deep red and his pretty eyes are glazed over, completely unfocused even as he’s staring up at Yusaku from his cocoon of blankets. He claims to be cold, but his skin is on fire and no matter how many times Yusaku tries to remove them, Ryoken refuses to give up a single blanket layer.
“Nnnnoo, ‘m fine.” Ryoken stubbornly insists, sounding anything but. His words slur together and his vocal tone is a weak mess. It alternates in pitch, but tends to stick towards the higher end. It’s kind of amusing considering how deep his voice is otherwise. “Jus’ cold.”
Yusaku flips the thermometer around and points at the digital screen. “You’re literally hot enough to qualify as a heater.”
Ryoken just groans up at him and swats the device out of Yusaku’s hands. It falls between them, face up, as if to remind them both of how not okay Ryoken is at the moment.
“Nnnnoooo… ’m fiiiine.” Ryoken whines, as if that’s good enough to convince Yusaku. “I can sshh…sh..still? …nn…”
Yusaku quietly picks the thermometer back up and raises his eyebrows at him.
“Duel in the charity tournament?” he offers and then shakes his head. “Not in this state. You can’t even stand up straight.”
Ryoken just stares up at him in a daze as he tries to process this, mind moving much more slowly than usual. Then eventually, despite the fever clouding his mind and painting his cheeks red, his face lights up and he pushes himself up into a sitting position all of a sudden.
“I have a duel! We do! Tag duel!” he says somewhat excitedly and then whatever energy reserve he pulled that burst of coherency out of completely drains out of him in an instant. He wobbles and falls back against his pillows like a lazy, sluggish cat. “Yusa..ahh…Yusaku, there’sss people there? I don’ want oth…other people.”
Yusaku tries very hard to force down the smile his lips are threatening to slip into, but it’s hard. Seeing Ryoken like this is really, really hard.
“Mmhm.” he hums in reply.
Ryoken’s eyes close and he curls onto his side, burying himself into his pillows like they’re plush toys. Which is a good sign, all things considered. Maybe he’ll actually go to sleep and rest like he should instead of wandering around in a feverish daze. Even while sick, he pushes himself too hard…
“Is it lots of p…people?”
The corners of Yusaku’s lips are twitching. He doesn’t think he’s ever had to fight this hard to maintain a neutral expression before in his life, but Ryoken is making his life incredibly difficult at the moment.
“Mmhm.” he hums yet again, not quite trusting his words just yet.
Ryoken’s eyes open again and Yusaku isn’t sure what he’s staring at now, but he’s rather focused on it. The stare is sort of off to the side, near Yusaku’s right hip.
“Lotsss of people…” he mumbles and squishes himself further into his pillows. “I don’ want…shhpe…spectators?”
“Lots of people… ’sssaku, does that mean we’re getting married?”
The question comes out of nowhere. Yusaku can’t help the snort that slips out and he covers his mouth with his hand to hide the sudden smile that breaks his perfectly neutral expression. Damn…and he tried so hard to stop it too…
Ryoken pushes himself up onto an elbow and something that very closely resembles a pout makes its way across his lips.
“Mean… I want to marry Yusaku…”
Ryoken’s tone is watery, like he might cry. He sounds legitimately disappointed and Yusaku let’s the hand at his mouth fall, a tiny laugh slipping out when he does. Ryoken’s so delirious that he has no idea what he’s even saying and it’s kind of amusing.
“We’re already married. Look.” Yusaku holds up a hand and shows off a glinting, golden ring decorating his ring finger. He never really takes it off. “You have one, too.”
Ryoken looks a bit awed by that and he sits up again to inspect his own hand. Sure enough, there’s a matching golden ring around his finger and he stares at it in fascination. Yusaku just watches him, amused.
He’s heard rumors about this before, but Yusaku never imagined things would turn out quite like this. Ryoken is just as clingy as Spectre claimed he would be and if he’s being honest, it’s kind of really adorable.
Ryoken-sama is an absolute baby when he’s sick, he remembers a delighted Spectre telling him once as he recounted tales of what it was like to live with the snowy-haired beauty. Once, he tore up his room searching for fireworks and I had to distract him with fake ones. He remembered nothing about it the next morning.
Luckily, Ryoken hasn’t started asking for fireworks. Yusaku doesn’t know what he’d do if he did because they certainly don’t have any.
“Married…” Ryoken mumbles.
For a moment, he almost looks more coherent, but Yusaku knows better. Ryoken needs medicine in his system and then the tournament committee really needs to know he won’t be showing up in VR anytime soon. This very well might disqualify him from the tournament, but there’s nothing for it. Ryoken can barely speak sensibly. Yusaku can’t see his dueling being any better.
Yusaku moves to stand, thermometer still in hand. “I’m going to grab some medicine. Stay right here and don’t mo–hey!”
Yusaku barely has a chance to make it to his feet when he’s yanked back into a clingy, possessive hold.
“N..no!” Ryoken’s arms wrap around Yusaku’s waist and he buries his face into the crook of Yusaku’s neck. “We’re supposed to…to do the honey thing! Is important…”
Honey thing?
Ryoken’s hold is weak enough that Yusaku could break out of it, if he wanted, but instead he stills and rubs a hand atop Ryoken’s head in a little pet to reassure him. He really needs to get Ryoken that medicine before his fever has a chance to get worse.
“I’m your husband. It’s my job to take care of you when you’re sick.” he tries to tell him. “I’m coming right back so calm down.”
Ryoken shakes his head and Yusaku squirms a little because his hair tickles. “Nooo… We have to do…nnn do the honey thing…”
Yusaku frowns. “Ryoken, you’re not making any sens–”
“Honey thing.”
Ryoken flops back onto the bed and drags Yusaku down with him. His hold tightens when Yusaku tries to struggle.
“Let me go.”
“N-no, I don’ want a divorce!”
Yusaku’s expression turns confused and he stares up at his stupid, delirious husband, voice coming out a bit exasperated.
“We’re not–Ryoken, I’m just getting you medicine to bring down your fever. That’s all. We’ll still be married.”
Ryoken blinks a couple of times and lets his grip loosen. “Really?
“Really.” Yusaku assures and feels like he may regret his next statement but continues on with it anyway. “We can even do the honey thing just like want, but medicine first.”
It takes a moment, but Ryoken’s eyes slowly start to droop as his body relaxes. “Mm…’saku come back?”
“Yes. I’ll come back.”
This seems to satisfy him and he nods and snuggles into his pillows once again.
Yusaku sighs, relieved. For a moment, he was worried he’d be stuck until Ryoken’s fever finally pulled him into unconsciousness, but he managed to soothe Ryoken’s silly fever-induced fears rather quickly.
‘He’s going to feel so embarrassed about all this later.’ Yusaku thinks as he begins to pull himself out of Ryoken’s arms. ‘Not that he’ll remember anything.’
Before he can manage to make it back to the edge of the bed, Ryoken’s instantly alert once more and Yusaku is pulled back into a hot body. The heat pouring off Ryoken is enough to make Yusaku sweat and he’s glad his day’s attire is light.
Yusaku pushes at his chest, eyebrows knit. “Let me up so I can get the medicine.”
Ryoken pouts and his glazed eyes narrow in defiance. “No.”
Yusaku’s lips thin. He wishes Spectre told him more about how to handle Ryoken when he was sick like this. He can really use some advice.
“Le’s sleep together.” Ryoken continues and snuggles into him. “Yusaku is warm and soft like…nn like a kitten. I like kittens.”
Despite his slight annoyance, another small laugh finds its way past Yusaku’s lips.
For fuck’s sake…
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Sniffles and chocolate (Lin x Reader)
This is kind of a quick one shot in celebration of reaching 1.5k followers. It may also be me just trying to cheer myself up since I have The Cold(TM). 
Masterlist // Requests // Askbox
Summary: Reader is very much in love with the star of the hottest musical of the decade. It turns out the star seems to be shining extra brightly when he gets to take care of Reader when they’re sick.
Warnings: None. Just fluff all the way.
Wordcount: 1,678
Oh, and tags! @ruth-hamilton-delrio @hopeandlovelastlonger @yayhamletnonstop I think you all have at some poiont told me that you wanted to be tagged in my stuff. So here goes. Just tell me if you want me to stop. Peace, love you! <3
You knew it the moment you woke up. The feeling of a sore throat and a nose filled with snot had knocked you back into the bed before, but not like this. This was accompanied by a fever, and the fact that it felt like someone had kicked you in the face while you were asleep. To put it on paper, the february cold that had plagued the workplace for weeks had finally caught up with you too.
Since two months ago, you had been working as an assistant to the head of the costume department at the Richard Rogers theatre, the home to the (according to you) best musical of the decade, Hamilton.
Sure the work was hard and you barely ever had a break that lasted longer than 15 minutes, but it was fun. Never once had you felt the urge to call in sick because you didn’t want to go to work that day, and never once had you felt that sunday blues before going to work after a few days off.
However, that wasn’t only because of you enjoying your work. It was also because of the incredible cast and crew that you had gotten to know over the the past two months. Some of them you even considered to be your friends. Especially one of them in particular, a person who happened to be the creator AND star of the show, Lin-Manuel Miranda. And oh, he was also a person you had come to fall helplessly in love with, to your big dismay. He was not aware of this, of course.
You tried to crawl out of bed, but your legs didn’t want to support you, forcing you to sit down on your bed again. You realized that, despite of how much you really wanted to go to work, it wasn’t happening. With a disappointed sigh, you crawled back into bed and pulled the cover up so that it completely covered your entire body except for your face. Before falling back into sleep again, you quickly sent a text message to your boss, explaining the situation. You didn’t have the time to check their response before the sweet sensation of sleep completely overtook you.
The sound of someone ringing your doorbell unmercifully dragged you out of your sleep state, reminding you of your fever and headache. Confused, you looked at your phone to find out what time it was. Turns out, you had been sleeping for six hours, leaving you unable to respond to the dozens of messages on your phone.
With groggy eyes, you quickly went through the notifications, realizing that four of them was from none other than Lin.
“Hi! I heard you were sick? Are you ok?”
“Do you have enough chocolate at home to get through the sickness?”
“Chocolate is important”
“i’ll be over after work. I won’t stay, I’ll just drop of sweets. Peace”
You blinked at the screen, trying to comprehend if they were actually from Lin or if you were in the middle of a really weird fever dream.
If it were a fever dream, then it was a really loud fever dream, since the sound of the doorbell rang once again.
Not really believing that it was actually Lin, you managed to crawl out of bed and did the zombie walk to the door. Behind it was a man standing. He had long hair, tied back in a bun and a goatee. His eyes scanned you the moment you opened the door, lingering a little longer on the apparent bags under your eyes.
You gave him a tired smile when you realized who it was. “Lin! Hi!” your voice sounded so weak, it surprised you.
The look of sympathy in his eyes shone through the usual smile he tried to make. You were worse off than he had initially thought. He lifted his bag which was seemingly full of groceries.
“I brought chocolate!” he said, the outer corners of his eyes crinkling up a bit as he smiled.
“Yay! My hero!” the grogginess made you sound a bit less excited than you actually were, but luckily, Lin seemed to get the underlying meaning.
“Hey, will you be alright? You live by yourself, right?” His eyes were fixated on yours, trying to decipher the correct answer to that question regardless of what your answer would be.
His caring demeanor made you blush, causing you to turn your face towards the grocery bags instead. Anything to avoid eye contact with him, really.
Of course you wanted him to stay. Just the sight of him made your heart pound harder in your chest than it had ever done before, so a one on one night with Lin was definitely not the worst idea you had ever heard. But since you knew that he was an incredibly busy man, you could never ask him that.
“Yes, I’ll be good, thank you!” you croaxed out simultaneously as you grabbed the grocery bags. The fever had apparently weakened your muscles to the point where you didn’t even have the strength to hold up a bag, causing you to drop it immediately. With despair, you watched how the groceries spilled out all over the floor, making you tear up. You were already exhausted and did not need this. The energy to sit on the floor for half an hour, cleaning up spilled goods was something that you simply didn’t have.
“Oh, I got it!” Lin said, kneeling down to pick up the things that had been spilled, leaving you staring at him in awe with tears in your eyes. As soon as he was finished, he stood up and looked at you.
“And. I’m staying.” he said with determination, walking past you into the kitchen to leave the bag.
“But.. Don’t you have the show tonight?” you said to his back, wrapping your arms around yourself. It was freezing.
“Nah. Apparently Javi’s mother is seeing the show tonight, so he was keen on doing it. Which gives me-” He returned to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, turning you around so that he was walking behind you.
“-the opportunity to step in the role of ‘Your caretaker’” he said and ushered you into your bedroom.
“Wow, that’s gotta be your most prestigious role so far.” you said with a weak smile on your face while you crawled back into bed.
He sat down next to you on top of the covers and started to tuck you in.
“Yes, prestigious indeed.” he said with a gentle smile on his face as he watched you sniffle, trying to keep a string of snot from running down your face.
“Hey, have you eaten anything today?” he asked.
As a matter of fact, you hadn’t. You had been spending the entire day in bed, sleeping.
“Nnnnoo…” you mumbled and shook your head.
“I’ll be right back.” he said, and gave you a pat where your thigh was covered by the blanket before standing up.
You smiled as you watched him walk into the kitchen. Yes you were feverish, and yes, your head felt like it would explode any minute, but just the thought of him taking the night off to take care of you made it all feel a little better.
A few moments later, he returned with a plate with a poorly made sandwich on it, trying to balance a glass filled to the brim with water. He managed to place it on the bed table without spilling anything, making him do a tiny fist pump in victory.
You laughed at him and turned around so that you were facing him.
“Lin. Seriously, thank you. Thank you so much.”
“For what?” he asked as he put down the plate next to the glass.
“For being here.” you said, feeling the smile on your face widen as he turned to look at you.
“Well, of course. Where else would I be?” he asked, again sitting down next to you, only this time a little closer.
He looked at you. He was observing you, watching every little glitch you face made. If it had been someone else looking at you that way, you would have felt uncomfortable. But not with him. When he looked at you, it was like you were the only person in the world for him.
Your heart started to race, causing you to start shaking. Your fever was getting the best of you you realized, as the room seemed to be getting colder.
“Hey, are you cold?” he asked, placing a hand on your waist on top of the cover.
His touch made you shiver. It felt almost like electric shocks crossing your skin.
“Yes. But I’m also sweating. A lot.” you said, teeth clenched from the coldness you felt.
He looked at you with worry in his eyes before he started to climb closer. He positioned himself next to you, carefully placing an arm around your shoulders.
“Is this better?” he said and squeezed your shoulder with his hand.
Your heart was pounding faster than ever. He was so close, you could literally smell him. He had a nice scent.
“Mm.” was the only thing you managed to express.
With a deep breath you slowly let your head rest on his shoulder, slowly emigrating down to his chest. His heartbeat was steady, and it made you feel calm. Safe.
Gently, he pressed his lips against your forehead.
“Wow, you ARE warm…” he mumbled against it, making you give away a light chuckle.
He laughed.
You could feel yourself slowly drifting back into sleep. But not before saying one last thing.
“I wish I could live here. In your arms. Forever.
Lin glanced down at the top of your head, smiling. “Then do it. I won’t let go.
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