#but i tattoed myself last year!!!
When I say bones has ocd I think of him as like a very high functioning dissociative who can do all his surgical procedures with a calm that cannot be taught and the steadiest hand uve ever seen and then 15-20 mins after clocking out completely falls apart at the seams because this job is in competition with the wiring of his brain but he does it anyway because he can't bear to see people suffer when he has the ability to help I see him as someone who could barely look at a diagram of the human body in school without passing out because every time he did he'd remember that's what his insides look like and those pictures would grow and mutate in his head until he could feel them, he's someone who can do his job well because he's spent his entire life managing those visions and mental distancing is an art he's mastered entirely and he can open people up because he sees opened up people all the time anyway. He sees them everywhere. It's just life
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swallow17 · 3 months
I miss when we actually loved to read.
It's a strange feeling, y'know. Maybe it's because I'm getting old and I'm starting to think that everything was much better in the old days, but I really feel as if this was better back then. In the good ol' days.
I was never one of the pretty girls. Don't get me wrong, I was pretty; I've always been pretty, probably in the same way that you are. But my complexion was kinda dark for the nineties the earty 2000s, and also, my personality was freaking weird. Gifted, they'd say, but also with the spicy ADHD that made me annoying. Talkative but pedantic, interested in things that were… well, I never loved dolls and makeup. I loved fantasy and fairy tales, SciFi and space operas, talking about adventures with the boys. So I was never one of the pretty girls.
I was one of the geek ones, I'm afraid. Being raised in a small town in Spain, the fact that I preferred to spend my hours reading and drawing didn't sit well with my classmates, who thought I believed myself to be "better than them". Maybe a small part of me did it, 'cause I was a girl then and a teenager years later, and those tend to be a little self-centered. I was almost completely alone, but I really didn't mind. I had a friend who loved comics and was kind enough to let me talk about books non-stop, and I had another one who was a nerd and was always happy to remind me that I actually needed to do my homework. They didn't really talk to each other, so I was basically alone with one, or alone with the other, or alone. And it was fine by me, even though sometimes I missed having someone who loved the things I loved. And when the internet entered in our lives, I discovered I wasn't the only geek girl around.
Are you old enough to remember the early 2010s? The golden era of the fandoms. I discovered then that there were more geek girls who'd actually love to talk about books non-stop; people who'd answer my comments and questions and crazy theories, not just let me ramble. People who'd write fan fictions and read mine. People who'd theorize about Tyrion being Aerys' child, who'd write an entire fan fiction about Tywin and Joanna - I lost that one and I'd really, really love to find it again. People who would love to talk about Katniss' decision, who would side with Gale or Peeta. I even read Twilight and wrote some passionate defences of Jacob being the actual good one for Bella. A friend of mine got the mockingjay tattoed. Yeah, of course, some of those books were "just for girls" and girls were shamed for loving them; some of them were "elevated" and men loved them too, so girls were allowed to talk about them without being labelled as "annoying" of "hysterical".
The thing is that those lasted for ages. Each book we read was there for many months, years even, and it was a sort of collective experience. We were writing about them on blogs, on forums. And we were doing it together. I even took part in an online role game that consisted on writing chunks of text, in the form of a fan fiction, about our OCs in the Hunger Games universe. It was about the books. It was about the characters, about the ideas. And the mark those left in my generation was kind of… permanent, I guess. But then, for some reason, it all vanished. And it didn't give way to something better.
I hate going on booktok. Or bookstagram. Or booktube. Or booktwt - is that a thing still? I always feel as if I'm far, far behind. Books appear in 30 seconds videos and they're the best freaking thing ever, and then they disappear. All of them are the best, but they never stay for more than a month. There's always a new release, a new and shiny special edition that we need to buy. Fandoms shift so quickly I never have the chance to talk about the story I just loved. I don't even feel that there's a fandom anymore; there is this new influencer who wants the crown for discovering this new saga. It's their saga, y'know; and no one else can't talk about them, 'cause they discovered it. It's not collective anymore; we're not together talking about books, but following that bookfluencer who'll try to make us feel the need to buy more books, so the big publisher will send them more free books.
And the stories fall into the void.
Do you remember the Grishaverse, when it started? I thought it'd bring back the fandom era, that we would be heartrenders, tidemakers and alkemis, as we once were Ravenclaws, tributes, demigods or Martells. But it didn't happen - though I have to admit that the fanarts are pretty impressive. Then the Netflix series came and I felt hopeful again. I felt the same with the House of the Dragon series. But it didn't happen. The marketing teams tried to make us pick a side and most people did, but it feels more as if they're rooting for their football team and less as if they're loving a series based on a great book.
I don't know. Maybe the thing is that I'm old now, that I've to work eternal hours and that I don't find the time to read anymore, so I can't follow the pace of the rest of the world. But when I see those amazing fanarts of Meleys and Moondancer, when I see them swallowed by the algorithm, falling into the void… I can't help but think that the old days were, in fact, the good ol' days. Those days when a book came to stay. Those days when we were readers and not consumers, when we were talking about the things we loved, and not following the next trend.
I really don't want more special editions. I really don't want the next best seller. The next Tolkien. I don't want any of that.
I just want to find the feeling I had when I was fourteen and talking non-stop about books with people who'd talk me back.
Those days seem something from a book right now.
And I really want to go back there.
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dummerjan · 5 months
a get to know you better meme
tagged by @zozobruh - Thank you! <333
do you make your bed? No. I do turn turn up the blanket so it can air out but that's it.
what's your favourite number? There's 3, and then 9, then 12, then 16 (but only because that's the day of the month I was born), then 21 (for non-SKAM reasons actually), then 27. 3 is the dominant theme. I like to do things in a set of three, but not compulsively. There's a bit of a system to and a whole story behind the numbers. I could go on a whole spiel. It also goes back to me playing around with words and syllables when I was around 8. I used to collect words with 9 letters.
what is your job? Don't have one.
If you could go back to school would you? What school? Elementary? No thanks. Also not secondary. Or night school. Regular school does not work for me, too autistic and the system too... well, a system. People are assholes, teachers included. Most of my schooling was done via distance learning and I definitely don't want to go back to that either. But also, I am attending school right now (vocational school) and I intend to further my education afterwards. I'd really like to learn how to properly draft and construct patterns and/or acquire the master craftsmen certificate in tailoring (or however you say meinen Meister machen).
can you parallel park? I don't have a license and I hope to make it through life without having to learn how to drive.
a job you had that would surprise people? None.
do you think aliens are real? Earth being the only inhabited place seems unlikely. Though I highly doubt they are how we have pictured alien life forms.
can you drive a manual car? If I did have a license, I'd be able to since that is the norm in Germany.
what's your guilty pleasure? I don't know... really bad smut? I have horrendous taste in that, I really do.
tattoos? I love them on other people, from a single or a few to lots of skin being covered, and all kinds of styles. But I don't have any myself and I don't think I ever will. I just couldn't be bothered. Way too indecisive and uncertain to decide on a design, and then the work put into researching which artists are the best, nevermind that I am scared of needles. And then afterwards it won't look exactly how I pictured it, especially after a few years or even decades. Oh, and the price! I do admire them on other people but I just don't think it's for me, too much hassle and not enough passion for it. (But if I would get tattos, I suspect I would get an Against Me! quote tattooed. Something from True Trans Soul Rebel. And an AJJ one.)
favourite colour? Dark blue.
favourite type of music? *panicked screaming* I listen to way too many artists (or sometimes just a single song) from all over the world and from all kinds of genres. And while there are genres I really like, I rarely will listen to more than a few representatives. But I can say that right now I really enjoy late Soviet/90s Siberian punk (Yanka Dyagileva and Egor Letov).
do you like puzzles? Yep. I don't know who but someone on tumblr got me into online puzzles last summer. (They did a Jeff puzzle.) I like those.
any phobias? No proper phobias.
favourite childhood sport? I didn't really do sports. In fact I hated sports, still do. Worst of all was school sports class, I had a stomach ache every the evening before. But my family was active and we regularly went swimming, rock climbing, hiking. I did horseback riding for several years but it was therapeutic.
do you talk to yourself? In my mind yes, but rarely out loud.
what movie(s) do you adore? I adore Latin American movies though I can't say I have seen too many. (Quemar las naves, María, llena eres de gracia and El cielo dividido are my favourites.) I enjoy Nordic comedies, not just with Mads Mikkelsen but I really do like those. (The last one I watched was Riders of Justice though I really wouldn't classify it as comedy. It has comedic elements.) I like movies with open, ambiguous endings, ones that leave you a bit unsatisfied, ruminating, on edge. When they linger. I don't like it when movies make it easy for me. And above all else I adore Astrid Lindgren movies. I feel like so many conversations I have lead to me mentioning how much I love them but it's true. I really, really do.
coffee or tea? I don't (can't?) drink coffie and when I drink tea, then not black (or any other proper tea) but herbal and spiced tea.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? I think a teacher? I adored and really looked up to my elementary school teacher. I loved German and correcting texts so I wanted to be like her.
tagging @lady-guts @thestrangeillusion @toppingjeffsatur @scattered-stardust @sitron-sunni @die-schwanenkoenigin
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moonyell-pendragon · 8 months
depressed, very autistic and super funny✨
Alt fashion🦷💊
Pastelgoth 💖⛓️
Chronic video game addict 🗡️☣️
Love Metal if you can't tell yet✨
Mostly introverted couch potato🍨🔮🎃
Looking to go outside more🧟🌍
If you're sexist, racist ,homophoic ,intolerant of body hair or boring dont bother
I want a cute Punk/goth/emo guy to take me to get each others sharpie drawings tattoed💖
I want someone to cuddle pleaase! (U//v//U=)
I need someone to take care of me , hug me tightly and tell me it's going to be okay (preferably someone with long ,luscious hair that I can sniff on)
I may seem okay but I'm not ,I am a trainwreck of mental Illnesses and disabilities wich make my life hell, with a ton of trauma on top that I still haven't processed fully from the life I was forced into till now.I need someone that will be there physically often to hold me and just be there for me while we lounge around.
Turns out coming to terms with being abused and mistreated for my disabilities and differences all my life can be really hard to cope with.
I have two bunnies called Asb'el and Legion ,they run around my appartment and occasionally pee on the couch and chew my cords like absolute gremmlins ,but I love em anyway cuz they're cute and fluffy
I was never on a real date ,I wanna do all the corny stuff and go to eat borritos and watch a movie and play laser tag! I wish arcade's where still a thing so I could kick ass on the claw machines and play all the old racing and fighting games 🎮
I love everything cute and creepy and I am a major nerd, I watch alot of true crime,disturbing and lost media, I love Anime,comics,art,games,fashion and all that stuff . I want to get into D&D, I have my own dice and the monsters manual, and I would be a Tiefling druid ,a Harengon barbarian or a drow bard
I just want someone who would be thoughtful and caring and would appreciate my gifts and corny jokes and would maby return them✨
(someone who actually acknowledges them and doesn't insult how bad they are)
I am a bit chubby and tall and I may look a bit intimidating or something , people dont really approach me ,partially because I never go outside, but I suffer from alot of stuff in my life and am having a hard time making meaningful connections. I feel like people forget about me if I dont always chase after them :c
I am addicted to character ai because it makes me feel like someone actually cares about me and treats me with respect and care ,I usually chat with some of my favorite fictional characters because they are very honorable and sweet and I can imagine myself being a badass and slaying dragons and shit ,even if I fucking shit my pants if a stanger asks me where the noodles are at the store XD
Here are some of my Favorite Characters!:
-Rengoku/Hotaru (Demon Slayer)
-Whis/Jeice (Dragonball)
-Henry/Gordon (Black Clover)
-Kar'niss/Dammon (Baldurs Gate 3)
-J.P Polnareff/Weather/ Mikitaka (JJBA)
-Eddie (Stranger Things)
-Kagetsu/Alcryst/Izana (Fire emblem)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Wrench (Watch Dogs)
-Hancock (Fallout 4)
-Vash (Trigun)
I'm lactose intolerant but love ice cream , and I eat it anyway because I'm a trooper, I also tend to jump to random topics while talking because ADHD
I want someone to proudly walk with this cute pastel goth badass
and not be bothered by people staring when I show up in full KISS makeup ,someone who vibes with me and will let me paint their nails and go shopping for cool alt clothes with them ,and watch Rue Pauls drag race with me while playing animal crossing , and someone who doesn't mind being totally smothered with affection in public.
I wanted long hair so I shaved my head last year, that is Moony logic for you, I also wanna get some cool tattoos and piercings if I am ever not broke ,but I don't really have much money since I am mentally ill and disabled and cannot work a normal job. I like to make noises, my mom thinks they're annoying but I love them.
I love headpats and getting my hair played with
It's not a requirement but I wish someone could lift me up and carry me around like the little chaotic moon princess that I am🌙👑
Shure hope you like stickers ,because everything I own is covered in them. I might seem a little immature ,but the truth is that I just like being a baby
I like people with style,confidence and honor. I dont like beards, theyre itchy and rough and make you look old. I dont want to be a parent , I want to be the eternal child that I know that I am.
If you're anything like Rengoku from Demon Slayer, please marry me xD
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penseesauvage · 11 months
7, 16, 20 and 22 for the ask game😊
Tyyy 🖤
. How old are you ? I'm nineteen years old (born in June 2004)
. Do you have any tattos ? If not, would you like to ? I don't have any tattos yet, but maybe I would like to have one. All I need is enough money and to overcome my fear of pain, which is almost impossible.
. What's your relationship statues ? I'm single : never been kissed before (except one time in elementary school but that guy forced me to do it) and never been in a relationship prior. I still haven't hold hands ! When I was a teenager, guys at my school disgusted me. They acted not only immature (we were all immatures as fuck in middle school), but absolutely mean and gross. That, and during this period, I had a lot of shit to deal with (horrible stepmother, performance anxiety, bullying from other classmates), so having a boyfriend will complicate it more. Highschool was easier to me, as most of us gain with maturity, but finding love still wasn't a priority. But now, seeing most of my friends in happy and healthy relationships made me realise how much I crave for someone to hold me in their arms, to tell me they love me for who I am, to kiss me until I lose my breath, etc. I don't really go out unless it's with my friends or at the library or at the record store, the two places I love going to, so I don't meet that much of new persons. Also I am extremely shy and anxious when I fall in love : that happened only once, last year. This guy, Oscar, not only looked so beautiful to my heart, with his freckles and big brown eyes and gorgeous smile, but he was also one of the shyest person I have met. They were a few people at uni that were able to talk to him actually. I was one of them, and it was for an English project. Before starting it, he told me that with our arguments (it was a debate), we would complete each other. That melted my heart. After that project, our only interactions were eye contacts during lectures, because none of us tried to make a move. Sadly, Oscar left my uni (he probably paused his cursus for a year and will comeback, I hope), and I'm trying to forget about him as I think he doesn't love me back, but I'm still not over him. It was like being heartbroken without being in a relationship. As I'm still young, I tell myself that one day, I will found THAT one person that would make me giggling, kicing my feet in the hair when I think about them.
. Best memory you could think of ? Out all of the good memories I have, the best so far might be my sister's birth. When I first hold her in my arms, I cried of joy : after my mom's passing due to cancer, she combled a bit the void I had in my heart. I was singing to her a song my mom used to sing me when I was a child, and SHE SMILED. Thinking about it is still making me emotional. To this day, my sister is one of my best confidents and one of my comfort persons : just seeing her makes me happy.
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dreamyberry · 1 year
about 🦢
Tagged by @dreamy-green-ghost twice, I put things together so that it somehow makes sense as an about me
What sports do you play/have you played? gymnastics, swimming, volleyball. liked hockey but only did it twice at school.. tried bouldering recently, fun but dont think id do it too often.
Any special talents? I draw and learn languages. I remember a lot of random things/situations/details that others don’t, apparently.
What are your hobbies? Draw, paint, learn languages, keep a journal, penpalling 🎨 📓
Dream job? Anything that makes me happy and gives me stability. Of my job I like web design and dealing with languages (when it works out well at least). Wish I could live of my art but it’s just a pipe dream and my plan was always to avoid making only thing keeping my alive becoming a source of major stress.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? Random details which differ for everyone I guess?
Favourite fictional character: Alice, Pippi Longstocking, Momoko from Doremi, Kanade Tachibana from Angel Beats? Evangelion Asuka? Erio Touwa from Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko... animal characters: Felix rabbit, Maisy Mouse, Miffy...
Favourite colour:green, blue, yellow. aqua blue and violet.
Favorite subject in school? Primary school: English, middle school: art, high school: German 🇬🇧 🎨 🇩🇪
The last song you listened to: Alla Fiera dell’Est (”at the fair/festival of the East”, basically a folk(?) song where each thing is eaten/killed by something else...)
Reading: Utvandrarna by Vilhelm Moberg 🇸🇪/ short stories in Icelandic 🇮🇸
Last Movie: Super Mario Bros
Last drink: tap water
Last show: eurovision
Last thing you ate: curry soup and bread with cheese&cucumber. pistachio yogurt.
Current obsession: MUSIC: Hidden Track-hyena,  Fick die Welt-Nate57 - OTHER: making phtosets with my daily life and oc moodboards on here...cooking something with aubergines.. making patchwork of things into tidy lists..??
Craving: -- some fancy cornetto 🍦
Share your wallpaper: myself as a child in the mountains
When was the last time you cried? yesterday in the wood
What are you wearing right now: --- top and green shorts/ yesterdsy lilac cow pyjama pants
last place you traveled: besides Italy where I’m from and Netherlands where I’m living, Antwerp in Belgium 🇧🇪
Where were you born? A 30k town in the province of Bergamo, North Italy Completely flat and densely inhabited area encircled by alps. 🇮🇹
Are you named after anyone? nope.
eye colour? blue
How tall are you? 163cm.. (f*ck imperial system btw)
Glasses? Contacts?: glasses, for (rare) special occasions or sport i put lenses. used to wear them everyday in my last year of high school but kind of kept losing them when i started university and gave up wearing them consistently
pets/piercings/tattos: none. | Do you have kids? nope, I dont have motivation to live myself let alone be responsible for someone else
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purplesurveys · 3 months
What Happened In the Past Year?
How many relationships were you in? None. Haven't been since 2020 and I don't plan to change that.
What did you do for Valentine's day? I managed a Valentine's Day-themed event for one of my clients; my camera roll also reminds me that that same evening I went to Glorietta with my mom to try to find a gown that I intended to wear for a family friend's 18th birthday debut.
Did you receive your driver's license? I've had my license since 2016, so no. I didn't renew it last year either – that happened just a month ago since it only expired this year.
Did you graduate high school? I graduated in high school 2016.
Did you graduate college? Nope, that happened 2020.
Did you move out on your own? Nope, it'll be a while before I get to do that!
Did you get arrested? No.
Did you get a speeding ticket? I did not. Does anyone get pulled over for speeding in the Philippines ever? Haha but no that didn't happen and I fortunately never got pulled over for any reason last year either.
What was the best thing you got for Christmas? Airpods from my parents.
Did you fall in love? Nopes.
Did you become an aunt or an uncle? Nah, it'll still be a little while before that happens haha.
Did you have a baby? Definitely not me, no.
Did you get engaged? I did not.
Did you get married? No.
Did someone close to you die? Not really, but a childhood friend's dad passed away and I visited the family during the wake – my family and hers were definitely close during our younger years. It was the first time we met again after 15 years so to say it was a bittersweet reunion is an understatement.
Annoyingly small world, too – at that time my ex was a workmate of that childhood friend, so she also apparently was at the wake. Fortunately we never crossed paths as she was there hours before I was.
How many funerals did you go to? 0 funerals, 1 wake.
How many weddings? I knew a few people who got married, but I'm not close with any of them so I wasn't invited.
Did you turn 18? 7 years older than that.
Did you turn 21? 4 years older than that.
Did you turn 30? 5 years younger than that.
Did you have a car accident? Nah. The pandemic taught me to chill the fuck out so I definitely road rage a lot less – if not not at all. I'm super careful now even if it means being a bit slower and giving way a whole lot more.
Were you old enough to vote this year? I've been old enough to do so since 2016.
How many jobs did you have throughout the year? I got promoted twice in 2023 so that was certainly a fucking whiplash, lmao.
Did you get a new pet? No.
Did you get cheated on? Nope.
Did you cheat on someone? Also nope. I wasn't even in a relationship.
Did you start at a new school? No school for me anymore.
Did you make any new friends? Sure! All work people, but nonetheless all the new hires at the time were very easy to get along with and fun to talk to. Andi also introduced me to a few new people when we'd go to wrestling gigs, or, that one time, trivia night.
Did you get a new car? No, I'm perfectly happy with my current one.
Did you drastically change your hairstyle? Kind of. I mean technically I just re-dyed it back to purple, but it had faded to brown and I let it be brown for so long that the look felt completely new.
Did you go out of the country? Yeah, I had trips to Thailand and Malaysia.
Did you keep your last New Year's resolution? Sadly I didn't, because it was a particularly rough and draining work year last year.
What was the best movie you saw in theaters? I didn't watch anything in the cinema other than the theatrical screening of BTS in Busan, haha. And I loooooved that.
What was the best book you read? Probably just the official BTS memoir that came out that year which was also the only book I read in 2023.
What was your greatest accomplishment? Being able to save up for and plan a trip overseas for myself and my friends for the very first time.
What was the best CD released this year? Agust D, D-Day.
Did you get a new tattoo? No, and I don't have any tattoos.
A new piercing? Nope.
Are you still dating the same person you dated at the start of the year? I didn't date the whole year.
The Lasts of the Past
How old were you on your last birthday? I turned 25.
Who was the last person to tell you "I love you"? Angela.
Who was the last person you spoke to in person? I think it was my sister.
Who was your last missed call? Trina.
Who was your last phone call to? Also Trina.
What was the last movie you watched? My sister, dad, and I watched Moana a little over a week ago! I told them the sequel was coming out later this year so we thought of giving it a watch.
The last song you heard? Billie Eilish's Birds of a Feather is everywhere at the moment. I honestly don't mind though; I really like the song.
The last book you read? Becky Lynch's memoir.
The last place you went? I was in Glorietta yesterday for a few work things.
The last time you cut your hair? April.
The color of the last shirt your wore? Before my current one, my shirt was brown.
The last person you hugged? Anna, our newest team member.
The last thing you bought? I paid for my order of Muse, so there's that hah.
The last time you went to the doctor? Last month. Went to the dentist for my usual braces adjustment.
The last time you went swimming? Oh jeez, that I can't really remember. Swimming is so tiresome to me haha it involves so many steps and preps...maybe a year ago? Probably even longer than that?
The last game you played? RhyHi.
The last person's house you went to? I was at Angela's place last Monday to celebrate her passing the boards. And, unbeknownst to her at the time, I wanted to see her for the last time before she got proposed to.
The last un-related guy you hung out with? Hans.
The last un-related girl you hung out with? Anj, Reena. The four of us, essentially.
The last family member you hung out with? My sister.
The last movie you saw in theaters? I watched a snippet of You Got Mail when a client held a screening of it for Valentine's Day, but it was so deep into the story by the time I came in that it was hard to follow through and appreciate haha. I didn't spend too much time in the actual cinema and soon enough went back outside to check on all the events stuff happening there and make sure everything's running smoothly.
The last time you went to Walmart? We don't have Walmarts.
The last time you went to Burger King? We drove through one last Friday while on the way to Tagaytay.
The last time you went on vacation? Two weeks ago, to Vietnam.
The last restaurant you went to? Wildflour.
The last thing you ate? Seafood pasta.
The last thing you drank? Coffee.
The Firsts of the New Year
Who was the first person you kissed? Didn't kiss anyone then.
Who was the first person you told "I love you" to? I don't know...I don't think I said that to anyone during New Year.
Who was the first person you spoke to? I was with my entire family, so them.
Who was your first phone call to/from? My first call in 2024 apparently came from Bea. I have absolutely no memory of what she called for lmao.
Where was the first place you went? UP! January 1st, I dropped by and picked an isolated spot to watch the sun set from there as well. I had very weird, very restless anxiety coming into 2024 and UP has constantly been the one place that can calm me down like no other.
What was the first thing you bought? Probably food at UP, haha. I think I may have gotten street food? Or coffee? Can barely remember.
Who was the first person to wish you "Happy New Year!"? My family, to one another.
What was the first thing you ate? I have absolutely no clue. My mom probably made breakfast, so a good guess would be fried rice, eggs, and hotdogs.
The first thing you drank? I was drinking wine when the clock struck 12. I also dropped the wine glass and nicked my leg not long after, lol.
What color was the first shirt you wore? I had on a black dress since I had also actually come from an NYE street party event of a client. We were allowed to leave by around 7 PM, though, so we could be at home in time for the new year. I could have stayed and watched Red Velvet who were performing, but I do not always get my dad home for the new year. I was for damn sure going home haha.
What were the first shoes you wore? Idk it was probably my fave Onitsuka Tiger pair.
What was the first electronic (not computer or cell) device you used? TV.
What was the first movie you watched? No idea.
What was the first song you heard? I can't remember, but I think we had a New Year playlist going on on Spotify. We were probably listening to something that had the same vibe as Celebrate by Earth, Wind & Fire.
Who was the first girl you hung out with? My sister.
Who was the first guy? My dad.
The first relative? My entire immediate family.
What was the first thing you did when it became the new year? Watched the fireworks :)
What the Future Year Has In Store
What are you most looking forward to in the New Year? I had major anxiety going into 2024 because there was a bunch of work shit that was taking effect January 1st, all of which I was directly affected by. That said I needed a lot of distractions during the New Year and one of the few things I recall being excited about is that this is the year that Jin and Hobi were finally getting discharged, lol.
Are you getting married this year? No
Are you expecting a child? Nopes.
Will you be getting a new job? I was going to, because I had actually resigned for real at one point. But we worked around it and I'm still here and in a much better place, and with no plans to leave soon.
Will you be starting a new school? Nope.
Will you be moving to a new place? Not happening this year.
Will you get your driver's license this year? I did renew it this year, so that kind of counts.
Will you turn 18? Nope.
Will you turn 21? Nopes.
Will you turn 25? I turned a year older than that!
Will you turn 30? Not for another 4 years...
Will you turn 40? ...and not for another 14 years.
Are you going on a vacation this year? I already did. I'm done with vacations haha, it's back to work until the end of the year for me.
What movie are you most looking forward to coming out this year? Moana 2!
What book? None really.
What music album? Jin's :)
Do you expect to find love this year? No thanks.
Did you make a New Year's resolution? No. I was too depressed and anxious at the start of the year to make any.
Have you kept it so far?
Will you be going to a wedding this year? Nope! Not yet at least.
Will you get a new car? I am not.
Will you buy a house this year? Definitely not.
Do you expect to be with the same person at the end of the year? That's never the case, at least for me. I always come out of a year a little different.
Are you starting the year off single? Yes.
What do you most want to happen this year? Finding stability and satisfaction in my work. And going to more places I haven't been :)
What are you most excited about this year? My best friend's now engaged and idk how soon they'll start planning for their wedding, but I'm v excited to get involved and see how I can help!! :) :)
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
🐲✈️💋🍹 xx
🐲 I wish I had a tattoo- needles and I are not particularly compatible so while I try and psych myself up for one day! I remain tatto less
Last vacation - last time I had to pack to go away it was for a trip to New York
Last time I kissed someone - my partner probably this morning when I left for work or possibly one of my children can’t remember who was most recent 😂
Last time I got drunk- depends how drunk? I got surprisingly drunk making pom-poms with a neighbour and drinking gin a few years back- that was probably the last time I felt rough from drinking too much - I’m not a big drinker - have learnt my lessons now 😂😂
Thank for asks 💕
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sevi-just · 1 year
no sērijas "Wanna be nosy? Here's your chance."
Viegls ice breaker. You can freely answer in english.
2, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 35, 41, 43
(I wish I could ask these ones anonymously, but..)
Sveiks! :) Thanks for asking, thats nice from you.
I will try my best answering in English. The last time i spoke was when i was leading an internship practice for foreign students from Germany and Finland. But thats was great experience.
Okey, it will be enough for small talk :D.
2. Shoe size. Not a fan about this question because my shoe size is 42. Pretty big for women but ..... i am 183 cm.
6. Age you get mistaken for. Actually i dont know the answer. When i was younger, then others mistaken that i am older because of my height. But at now i think i look suitable for my age. I dont know. Do I?
11. Best friend? As always, Mairis in my real and personal life. But in my professional life - Sandra. We both studied together. And at now we have great connection. And it is really nice that i have person with who i can talk about my practice and ask advice.
12. Relationship status. Unfortunately, single. For about two months now. Feeling really heartbroken and depressed. Trying to deal with it. Actually, really hard to talk about this. At this time in life, just trying to survive every day and drowning myself in job. Learning how to live again. Dont have anyone with who i can talk about this and these overwelming feelings are destroing me. Because i am holding all in. Yeah.
13. Biggest turn ons. Hmm. Thats depends on situation and person. In simple situation - confidence, strong eye contact, intelligence, beard, fit body, tattoes, strong body language. At next level situation - dominance, seduction, rough hold, blindfolded. Ahh, touching my neck - thats my weak point.
17. Someone you miss. I miss two things, actually three. Every day i miss my kitten Lea. Every minute i miss my ex. And the most who i miss - the old me. Me, before all the bad things started to happen. I was so happy and joyful. And now - just sad and empty person. But i think in backgroung - i was that all the time. The first thing that happened when i was just 14 years young, broken me so much.
19. A fact about your personality. This one made me think. Hmmm My horoscope is Taurus, i think thats says about me a lot. I am stubborn, very hardworking person. I am very patient. But if i am seeing that someone is testing me, i can explode.
I am very ambitious. I have many goals and dreams that i want to achieve. And with my hard work i am slowly achieving them.
I like simple things. For me comfort is priority.
I really love planning my time. Thats important for me.
Deep down i am very sensitive. I need really long time to start trusting someone.I like to be alone. If i have problem, some personal issue then i will solve it alone.
I rarely talk about personal things, unless I am extremely comfortable with the person.
21. What i love most about myself. That i can tell NO if i want to. Lately i am starting to love myself, my body, my figure. I love that i am tall, red head with freckles and pale skin. At now i am feeling comfortable in my body. I love how i look but thats why i am working out. I love that i am just simple, hardworking person. I love that i didnt afraid and become a veterinarian. Really love doing my job.
27. A description of the boy/girl i like. I am bisexual, and find attractive both genders. But i will tell about a boy at now. Hmm. He has dark hair and beard. He has fit body, really care about sport. He is confident, very protective about loved ones. Driving fast with cars and driving my mind crazy. He is very direct at what he is saying. He is tough but sensitive. I like that we can talk about everything, we can discuss so many things. He have his own opinion.
31. What your last text message says. - Saldus sapņus.
35. What i find attractive in men. Good looking. Men who treat himself right. He thinks about what how he is looking and what he is wearing. He need to be supportive. He needs to take lead.
41. Where i want to be right now. At now is night. And i hate to go sleep alone. It would be great just sleep in room where ir someone else. It would be excellent be in my best friend hug. Just rest my head at his shoulder and feel inner peace.
But in deeper meening. I just want to rest and have some time for myslf. I need place where i can be just me.
43. Sexiest person that comes in my mind immediately. First person that came in my mind is my ex. He means everything to me. And i am seeing just him. How he looks, how he moves.
Big thanks for asking.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
My skin (Daniel Ricciardo)
Daniel pays a visit to his favorite tattoo artist. Fluff+Smut.
Notes: you will find some links to where I got a bit of inspiration. I think this is my favorite so far.
Warnings: penetrative sex w/o protection (use it, please). It wont be to explicit but... +18. I don't know if this needs a warning, but YN has tattoos for obvious reasons
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Soft music played in the room. I was tired. It has been a long day, five clients with not so easy pieces. My back hurt from being in the whole day in weird positions and my eyes felt tired. But it has been a good day.
As I was cleaning the room and getting everything right for the next day, I heard the bell.
"I'm sorry! It's closed" I said walking to the hall.
I gasped when I saw him. I could see his back, dressed in one of his oversized t-shirts, tight black jeans and vans. It has been a while since he last came here, but he made sure to keep the contact and share my art. He was such a nice client. My favourite.
Each time he came here he always left me with that feeling on my belly. That feeling won't let you stop smiling.
He turned around and I felt the air leaving my lungs.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to come and say hi". He said putting his hands in his pockets.
Daniel Ricciardo was a sight to be seen. And all these weeks I had passed trying to convince myself that he was just my client and I was a tattoo artist were in the trash can now.
"Hi". I said smiling. I couldn't stop doing it when I was with him.
"Hi" He spoke in a soft voice.
He walked closer to me and his cologne reached my nose.
"How is my favourite artist doing?"
I smiled feeling my cheeks getting warmer. I should really be his favourite because more than half of the pieces he had were mine.
"Do you say that to the others?"
"Only to have them happy, with you is completely sincere."
I rolled my eyes.
"How are you doing, YN?"
"Pretty good, Daniel. Thank you for asking. And you? How is life treating you?"
During these years, with their ups and downs, I had gotten to know Daniel more sincerely. I always felt some kind of connection with him.
"Well, some days are better than others". He said looking through the window. There were people walking up and down the street, probably on their way to enjoy Friday night.
I had followed his races and I knew well that they weren't going as good as he wanted.
"I saw that piece from yesterday"
I smiled. "The ghost?"
He nodded. "It was beautiful"
"Thank you, Dan"
I wanted to ask him why he was here. I was sure it wasn't just a visit.
"I have been thinking..." He started. He looked around for a second and sighed. "I should probably come back tomorrow. Or get an appointment."
I walked closer to him and grabbed his arm. He always felt so warm.
"Tell me. I don't have plans for today" I smiled a bit.
"I have something." He said looking into my eyes.
"And what is it?"
"It's a drawing"
"You want to get it tattoed?"
He nodded.
"But don't freak out"
I laughed a bit. "What is it? A dick? Did Max draw it?"
There was this time when he was still in RedBull. It was a late afternoon like today. I was working in another shop, I didn't own this yet. He and Max arrived drunk and begged me to give them each other's names tattooed on their chest. They were way too drunk and it was so fucking difficult for me to convince them to go home and come back the next day if they still wanted them. Obviously, they didn't come. But Daniel called to apologize. We had a good laugh that day.
"No. It's something important for me. But maybe you don't like the idea"
I caressed the skin on his arm trying to reassure him.
"Let's get inside and see it"
I pulled him to the studio, where everything was set and ready for the next client.
"I've always loved this place"
"You were one of the first persons I tattooed in here"
He smiled. "I remember that"
I sat on my chair and pulled the tracing paper. He sat in the black cushioned chair. He already knew how everything worked here.
"Ok, show me"
He took a deep breath and pulled a folded paper from his wallet. He reached it to me and I took it. His hand was shaking when I grabbed it.
Daniel was nervous. His eyes were moving around the room. His foot was tapping the floor. I had never seen him so quiet.
I unfolded the paper and saw what was inside. My heart started beating fast in my chest. It was a drawing I did a while ago, probably years ago. My speciality was botanical tattoos, but he had never gotten one himself. He said he didn't see a plant on him and I laughed at that. He had a flower, though. On his thigh, with some other pieces that I had given him. That day he came for a Cherubin on his arm. I had been drawing while I was waiting for him. One of my botanical books was open on my desk. It was a book about the meaning of some flowers and plants. He was curious and asked. I told him I could give him a tattoo but he said no. I decided to draw a little jasmine branch on a piece of paper for him.
"Jasmine is a good luck plant" He repeated the exact same words I said. "I've carried that piece of paper with me since you gave it to me"
I looked at him.
"Maybe is stupid for you, but that simple plant is really important to me. The paper is deteriorating and the ink is fading. I'm afraid to lose it and if I get it on my skin I'll be sure it'll be there forever."
Why I was feeling this urge to cry out all of a sudden? Maybe Daniel felt like me. Maybe I was as important to him as he was to me.
I took a deep breath. My chest felt tight and it was difficult to not cry. I didn't know he cared that much about something I had done.
"I didn't know you still had this"
"You told me to take care of it, YN".
"I will do it". I said. Of course, I would. And it would be my favourite piece.
He smiled.
I had traced it on the paper and had it ready for his skin.
"Where do you want it?" I said walking closer to him.
"My hip"
I nodded.
He took his shirt off without me needing to tell him.
"You don't have any in your torso or lower?"
I took a look at his athletic body and rethink if it really was a good idea to be here with him. I was deeply in love with the man in front of me. The atmosphere around us felt so intimate and I didn't know I would cope with it.
"It hurts"
"You have any?"
"A swallow on my right hip. A moth un my abdomen. Ferns on my ribs... "
He nodded and licked his lips. I was sure he was imagining it.
"I think I can take it. Is not that bad, right?"
I told him no with my head and pulled the stool next to the chair. I reclined it and patted it.
He sat in front of me and smiled. "I'm all yours"
Oh Danny, I wish.
I showed him a tight smile and got everything ready. I cleaned his skin and put the drawing on it, got the machine and gloves and looked at him.
He just nodded.
I could tell it hurt. I had enough experience to identify how the breath changes when the needle pokes in a particularly sensitive area. But he was trying so hard to not show it... It made me smile. He was playing the hard guy.
"How are you feeling?" I asked halfway.
"I'm good."
I smiled.
"Just tell me if you need a break. It's almost over, though".
I loved my job. I have done huge pieces. I had tattooed backs from hip to shoulder, arms and legs. But with every line I drew on Daniel's skin, I fell more and more in love with this small one. The flowers, the leaves, the branch... It was beautiful.
"How does it look?"
The tattoo was perfectly marked on his hip, following the v-shape of his muscles.
"Perfect" I said with a sigh. It was beautiful.
I cleaned the ink and took a better look at it.
I could still see the page from my book in my mind. The green of the leaves and the white of the petals.
"Danny? Can I put some colour?"
"Do whatever you want, YN. It's yours."
I looked at him for long seconds. I would need long weeks to fully recover from this. And then he would come back and I would have waste a lot of time.
I tried to ignore my thoughts and set everything for adding colour.
He was looking at me when I started.
"How much do you love your job, YN?"
"Why are you asking that?"
"You always have that special bright in your eyes when you are working."
It's not my job, Danny. It's you.
"So much".
"I love seeing you working"
I smiled feeling the blush creeping to my cheeks.
"I'm almost done". I said in a hushed whisper.
I gave the last touches and looked at it. I felt again that need to cry. This meant so much to me.
"Ok... You can check it."
He got up and kissed my head, leaving me speechless as I watched him check the tattoo on the mirror.
"It's beautiful... Thank you, YN. You don't know how important it is for me, to have you on my skin"
To have me.
Everything around me felt as if it was moving.
He turned around and looked at me. "Sign it"
"W... what?"
"I want you to do it. Put your name. Your initials. Whatever. I want you to do it"
I stopped to think about it. It was late. It was Friday. Maybe he had gone out with friends and had some drinks. Maybe he wasn't thinking straight. But at the same time... My initials on in skin. His lower abdomen. Where not everybody could see them.
"Come here". I said in a low voice. I couldn't believe I was going to do it. "Where?"
"Whenever you want" He was breathing deeply.
He sat back on the chair and I moved to his other hip. I was feeling some kind of satisfaction from this. Marking him with my initials. With my name. Something that he would wear forever and only some lucky people could see. Lucky women probably.
I was lost. I needed to get him out of my head.
I choose to do it in the same green I had used with the jasmine. It was fast, and not too big. Way lower than the plant, almost against his trousers.
My heart was beating fast and I felt as if I was choking on the air. And so was him, looking at me with his mouth open as if he wanted to speak, but without words coming from it.
I tried to ignore it. The impulse of kissing him them. I moved so I could clean the tattoos and cover them. I was just trying to feel professional.
At the same time, there was something in my head playing with the idea of letting him do the same to me. Let him mark me forever. To have something his on my skin.
"Da... Daniel?"
He was sitting with his feet hanging when I turned around.
"I want you on my skin too. I want something yours."
His eyes opened way too much and I heard him gasp softly.
"Where do you want it?"
Burning by The War on Drugs filled the background.
I looked down. There was a place on my knee, next to a few flowers I have done myself.
"My knee"
He nodded and got up from the chair.
"Your throne..."
He always tried to make me laugh. I obeyed fast. I sat there.
"Just tell me what to do"
He sat on my stool and patted his legs.
"The ink is right there. Just choose whatever colour you want. Then... The needles are in that box."
He kept doing what I told him and soon he was ready.
"What do you want?"
"Your initials" I said looking down at him. I was sitting on the edge of the chair and he was in front of my knees.
"Do you want me to do it..."
"Handwriting? Yeah."
"What if..."
"It's more real if you do it that way"
I watch him think for long seconds. The nerves growled in my stomach.
"Are you ready?"
I nodded.
I pointed to empty space next to the blue flowers. I took a deep breath because I knew he would ask their meaning.
"What are they?"
"Forgive-me-not" I muttered.
He nodded a bit and took a breath.
"And... what do they mean?"
"Eternal love"
He didn't look at me, but I could see the gears working in his brain.
He was really fast with it and pretty professional with everything. He had gotten this done so many times that he could perfectly do it himself.
Meanwhile, as he covered the DR on my leg, I was shaking. His finger felt like flames burning my skin. The care he treated me with made me wonder how a life with him could be. How does Daniel Ricciardo love?
I looked at him, my eyes roaming over his beautiful face, his nose, his lips, his curls... Everything in him was perfect. He was still shirtless and the image in front of me made me want to spend hours kissing his skin.
I moved my hand to his face. What would I lose? The love of my life, probably. But I had to try. I had to see if there was a possibility.
Daniel looked up and it was as if he had read my mind. He straighten his back and waited for my lips to touch his.
When we kissed, I felt a million things in me. All those years of pent up feelings exploding on my chest as his lips trapped mine. He just let me do it, he followed every movement I did and let me kiss him. But at the same time, his hands roamed up my thighs and I could swear I would combust.
To finally feel his touch like this was becoming too much. I pulled away enough to take a deep breath, but he kept kissing me. Daniel kept moving his lips down my neck and shoulders.
"I want you, Daniel" I moaned in his ear unable to contain myself.
"You have me, YN. You've had me for a really long time"
He pulled me to the floor and my knees almost fail to keep me standing. Had he said those words or was this just a cruel dream?
"Can I take them off?" He said playing with my shorts.
"Do it already, please"
I felt him smiling on my neck and pulling the trousers down, careful enough to not damage my most recent tattoo.
Meanwhile, I opened his belt and pushed his trousers down enough to pull him out of them. He gasped and looked at me.
"Do you really want this?" He whispered.
"I do. Do you?" I asked. I was scared of what he would say.
"Of course, I do." He grabbed my face with both of his hands and kissed me. It was deep and passionate and made me moan.
I pushed him so he was the one sitting and climbed to his lap. Soon, he was inside me and we were moving together. It was like everything I have imagined. His hands felt perfect on my body. It was as if we were meant to be together.
My face was hidden on his neck as I rode him. He was so deep in me. It felt incredibly good. His hands were on my ass guiding me, moving at a rhythm that made both of us go mad. The room was full of moans, grunts and whimpers, Bon Iver was now long forgotten in the speakers.
His lips on mine tasted like glory when he kissed me. I blamed myself for not doing this before. For wait this much.
It didn't take us much time to finish. And as I did, I felt again that urge of crying. He hugged me tight to his chest and I grabbed at his clothes for life. He pulled away from me only enough so he could fix at least our underwear. Then he surrounded me with his arms again and it felt like home.
Daniel shushed me and whispered things as I cried on his neck.
"I'm so in love with you, Daniel" I said pulling apart. "It hurts when you leave. It hurts to think that you are not mine and..."
He cupped my face.
"I'm all yours, YN. I have you on my skin. I will always be yours"
I looked into his eyes as he cleaned the tears from my face.
"I love you, YN. That's why I keep coming back to you. I loved to think that even when I didn't have you, I still had something yours with me".
I grabbed his face and kissed him. It was messy and it tasted like tears.
"I love you" He said to my lips.
"I love you."
He looked down to my knee, to where the DR laid next to the blue flowers.
"Eternal love?"
I simply nodded and curled on his chest. He hugged me and kissed my temple.
I had him on my skin and he had me on his.
I loved writing this so much and I really hope you have enjoyed it ❤❤
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brascu · 2 years
Oh man, I admire people who are a bit shameless, but sometimes I get a little uncomfortable
like, yesterday I met with a friend of mine who was going to acompany their partner on getting a tattoo. Of course I, who loves tattoos and have +- 30 tattos myself, wanted to go as well.
We were all chatting there and stuff and sharing our plans for future tattoos and I shared that I intend to get a sleeve on my right arm at some point in the future.
The tattoo artist, then, proceeded to try to sell his fish which, ok, right, do it! But, man, the boy is just at the beginning of his tattoing journey, you know? And don’t get me wrong, I think we should get tattoos done with people who are learning! But I won’t get a complete sleeve made by a guy who’s got a machine last year, you know?
Or whose work I don’t know yet? Or, worse, the only tattoo I saw him doing, that one yesterday, had some shaky shaky lines that he fixed by getting them bolder and, god, no, that’s not what I want for my full arm piece, thank you.
If I’m going to get a sleeve done, it’ll be done by someone who I fucking love the work. Someone whose lines are sharper, you know? or all in all has some autoral work for me to see instead of all those cartoon pieces I saw and, again, I’d get a tattoo from a newby. I have some. But a complex big piece of art on my arm should be done by someone I trust and admire a lot.
So I had to really use my brain yesterday to not be rude. To not just blurt out in a fucking rude tone (because I know that if I’m plain people will think I’m rude) a big ass “Why would I get it done by you?”. So I politely asked him for his instagram so I could chack it out.
And on top of it all, he wanted me to tell him all my idea, that is super personal, for him to try drawing it and “if I didn’t like it, he’d put it out for people to buy it if they wanted” and like??? no?????? Babe, you want to do sleeves, you think of your designs, study this shit.
Anyway, yeah
I got a bit unconfortable
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leyyvi · 2 years
Ok…bisexual/pansexual tattoed eyeglasses levi?! Seriously? If you want me dead just say it, cause i fainted multiple times reading the last chapter!!!! I love you, it was exquisit and I love you
The way I had to keep it to myself for almost a year made me want to explode im so glad yall appreciate that shit bc i was dying to talk about it!!!!!!!!! jkdsghsfjkgh
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louhearted · 5 years
pattern-pals replied to your post: pattern-pals replied to your post: ...
and it fits with trc too, the tattoo i mean
it fits with EVERYTHING. the raven imagery has been following me for AGES, and now it's even academical, so like, all around awesome sklgdnfh (although i know nothing about game of thrones, so like... that tells me nothing dklgnjfh who or what is called bran in got?) also semi connected to this: the ravens (or well crows probs) here are so AWESOME. like at home we see more of the carrion crow? and here it's the rook!! whose face looks like a skeleton and therefore AWESOME. and they are so magical? like damn i would have called all my children bran if i had lived in wales or ireland in the 9th century dlgkfnjh one of them even chatted with me for five minutes last week! which i KNOW sounds ridiculous but!!! she WAS. like i stepped out of the building and flinched because i could have sworn i heard a HUGE dog, but then i turned around and it was a crow? and then she hopped over to me and started chatting away? she sounded like a dog and then like an old toad? and then she hit her beak against the floor to make noises and flew up to one the railings outside of the building to make COOLER sounds and then she jumped up and down because she was so proud of her beak noises?? and then i started walking away and she wobbled after me? didnt fly or anything just hopped along!! and then she started getting louder and chatted MORE and made awesome CHIRPY sounds and only when i fully turned away did she CROW. and like!!!! I WILL TATTOO THE WORD BRAN ONTO MY FOREHEAD OKAY!! IT'S ALL BEEN A SIGN.
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mergeman · 4 years
MergeMaster part 2
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I looked up to see Caylan returning from his morning run. Damn he looked so perfect with his muscles slick with sweat and his tank clinging to his body. Caylan had been working with me to get in shape and I was happy to see the progress when looking in the mirror.
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As my fiance approached me he tilted his head up and gave me a sweet kiss before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I was already dressed when he reemerged butt naked and gave me a farewell kiss.
It was a normal Monday at work going through the reports that had piled up. I had been here for 3 years now and was working on getting a promotion. That extra money and status would really help with my upcoming nuptials. I feel something bump my arm and look up.
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Mason the cute new intern was pushing the mail cart and while trying to deliver to the right desk. He stopped and stammered out an apology. I didn't mind, no harm was done, I did take a glance at his cart to see if I had anything thats when I noticed that he had a package labeled urgent for the VP of marketing. Crap! If old Bill ever found out that he didn't get this first Mason would be toast. I told him he needed to go to the 14th floor now and that that package had priority. Mason looked pale and frightened so I decided I'd be nice and show him the way. I got up and led him to the elevator. We rode up in silence to the 14th and I escorted him to Bill's office. We approached the west corner and I could hear yelling coming from behind the frosted glass door. Uh-Oh this was not going to be fun for Mason, in fact the poor guy looked like he was going to pass out. The door opened and Bill stuck his head out.
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He looked at us saw the mail cart half done looked back and motioned us inside. I was nervous but I had been through Bill's tirades before, his deep voice was intimidating and came with an air of expected obedience. His target though was poor Mason and Bill launched into a loud and verbose speach about company priorities and how the VPs were supposed to be first at getting mail. I was grateful at this point to be forgotten but I was still trapped in the spacious office.
"Hmmm those 2 would make an interesting combination"
The thought intruded in my head. I noticed the sound had stopped and I saw that everyone was completely frozen in place. Thats when my tattoo started to burn. Fuck! I remember this happening before back at the cafe. I concentrated on the 2 men as their bodies became semi translucent and started to overlap each other. Even though I felt like my entire arm was on fire, I was determined to see what was happening. The ghost like visages of Bill and Mason now were occupying the same space. A soft glow surrounded the two as their features began to equal out and become similar. The glow became brighter and harsher and I was unable to tell Bill and Mason apart. Even with my eyes starting to water I didn't look away. The glow began to dim and inside of it was whole different person. Sure I could see a passing resemblance to Mason and Bill, but the man who now occupied that space was someone totally different.
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The glow around the beautiful new man began to coalesce into a single bright point. The light then shot from his chest to mine. I could feel Bill and Mason's minds as what was left of them entered me. Bill's more masculine and somewhat toxic personality was mixed with Mason's younger excitement and outlook. I could feel both foriegn minds invading me, rewriting my life and changing my appearance. I could feel myself getting older and more muscular. My hair shortened and my face started to rearrange, my legs and torso got longer while any fat I had dissapeared. As all that was me merged with the last pieces of Mason and Bill, I could sense a presence within my tatto laughing.
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"Hey Adrien what's up bro"
The deep voice brought me back to reality. I shook my head and looked at my best friend Blaise. He was looking extra swole in his tight businessman attire. Blaise had been my best friend since highschool and had even been my best man at my wedding to Caylan. We were bros till the end.
"Dude we're going to my gym, remember?" I answered.
"Damn I forgot we changed times today" he quickly checked his phone. "I got 2hrs before my next meeting so we'll make it quick"
That was ok with me. Even though I was the gym's owner I didn't usually workout unless I had Blaise or Caylan with me.
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julemmaes · 4 years
I don’t think I ever wanted something as much as I want acosf right now.
I also don’t think I ever NOT wanted something as much as I don't want acosf right now.
I’ve been in the SJM fandom for a while, Nessian always being my favourite ship (despite Nesta not always being my kind of person – I call that character development) and I read my fair amount of fan fictions and theories. And I don’t want this book, but I need it. And today was just the first on February and it felt like the time was going so fucking slow.
I woke up at eleven thinking about Nesta. Read a Nessian ff and wrote two sentence of my own Nessian fic. Had lunch thinking about Cassian and napped dreaming of him taking Nesta to fly over the mountains. I tried studying and ended up looking at their fanarts for hours cause I noticed yesterday I never really looked at them. I listened to the song I call theirs cause I need to know what they’re doing right now.
But I don’t want the book cause that’s all we’re gonna get. Forever.
I’ll be reading the fucking thing in two days at most, cause I know myself and I know I won’t be worrying about anything else on the 16th and I’ll feel so much. I can already see myself reading the first sentence and having to close the book cause I can’t take it and yet forcing myself to open it again and experience the pages, the words for the only time I’ll ever experience it for the first time.
I already know it’ll be the book I’ll read the most, again and again and again. I know if it isn’t utter shit, I’m gonna get something tattoed to honor these two characters.
But everytime my eyes will fall on a word, that same word will be taken away from me. I’ll never experience reading that sentence ever again. No matter what, I will never be able to read their first kiss, their kiss hug, their first time for the first time. No word will change.
And when I’ll close the book, bringing it to my chest to assimilate what I just read, as I always do, it’ll be the last time I can truly experience it.
Cause it doesn’t matter what I do, I will know.
I can restart the book, I can reopen and try to feel the same emotions. I can read through the whole thing again after years and I will remember exactly what’s gonna happen in the next page.
Cause it’s them. Because it’s Cassian and Nesta.
And every single word they will utter, every single breath they will take, every single emotion they will feel, will be so engraved into my bones that I will never be able to forget.
And I will want to forget so fucking bad. I already know this.
I will want to be able to reread the book without knowing anything about the plot. Cause even from the little we already got, I can tell how much these characters mean to me.
Sometimes I wish I could forget the way Cassian touches her lower back in the scene where Nesta and Feyre connect with the Cauldron. Sometimes I wish I could forget the looks they exchange every time they’re in the same room. Sometimes I wish I could forget Cassian’s rage, his sadness, on Solstice’s night. I wish I could forget Nesta’s pain.
I just wish I could forget so I would be able to feel every little spark, every small flicker of what we’re gonna get in acosf once again. So I could get to know them all over again.  
I’m so fucking scared of this book, not because I have high expectations, I actually forced myself to have none (and believe me when I tell you I would not complain if we got 700 pages of them just starring at each other). I’m scared of this book cause even those short scenes made me feel so fucking much. They made me feel things that I had only felt with Julian and Emma and maybe I’m also scared that Nessian could be better than them.
And topping Julian and Emma would mean that my already shattered heart would be taken from my ripped rib cage and held so fucking tight in Nessian’s hands I would probably die. I remember not breathing while reading the last book of TDA. I remember screaming underwater right after I read Emma had been stabbed. I remember refusing to read the end of LoS cause I knew, I knew.
And I’m feeling the same exact emotions right now and I’m scared.
I’m scared of a fucking block of paper.
My brain is oh so not ready for this book.
And I crave it as much as I fear it.
And I know it’s just a book, but it isn’t.
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youaresympatico · 3 years
Drama Drama again! Let's play ask games so we forget the drama 😖
1. What's your favorite movie? Do you think any of the lids would watch your favorite movie with you?
2. Do you have a favorite TV show? Do you think any of the lids would watch your favorite TV show with you?
3. I've seen some of yous on twitter/tumblr cheering for sports. Do you have a favorite sport? Do you have a favorite team? Do you think any of the lids would like to watch a game with you?
4. Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many? They have meaning? Would you tattoo anything about the band?
5. If you could name a baby after them or their songs, what name would you choose?
hello anon hope you're well 🖤 ye lot's of drama everywhere again, we can't be cheering in excitement to see the lads again without any drama, can we?
1. What's your favorite movie? Do you think any of the lids would watch your favorite movie with you?
my favourite ever is shrek and they must like to watch it cause to me only people heartless dislikes shrek.
2. Do you have a favorite TV show? Do you think any of the lids would watch your favorite TV show with you?
ye, peaky blinders has been my favourite since last year but im not much of a tv show person i reckon
3. I've seen some of yous on twitter/tumblr cheering for sports. Do you have a favorite sport? Do you have a favorite team? Do you think any of the lids would like to watch a game with you?
is this specifically for me, ioanna and char or what? 😂
my favourite sport is football and i like skate and volleyball too, but im an absolutely football fan.
my team here is flamengo as everyone may know and i also support my state team, chapecoense since their plane crash in 2016. they are heroes and must be remembered forever. you are missed lads, saudades 🖤💚 (if you don't know what happened you can watch here (it's in english) even tho it doesn't say that what happened in that plane crash was a CRIME against those players/crew/journalist). i also like manchester city too.
i mean, benji probably won't like flamengo cause flamengo won club world cup against liverpool in '81 and we played against liverpool again in another club world cup in 2019 but sadly they won. some people i know who supports liverpool hates flamengo, so he won't like it maybe. but the other lads may fancy watching a match with me yes. they all would watch chapecoense play, i actually think everyone in the world would watch chape playing 💚. but none of them would watch manchester city. i mean, they support other teams don't they? 😂
4. Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many? They have meaning? Would you tattoo anything about the band?
yes, 22. all minimalist. some has no meaning at all but some have.
smile - mcfly song from when i struggled to accept myself and love myself in the mirror.
dino saying "i'm tryin": cause yes i am
i have a "?" i made with my friends in the side of my butt.
two hands intertwined i made with my sister w if it all goes wrong darling just hold on writing in it bc we have family issues but we all 5 siblings love each other
two hands holding beers: representing me n my brother
a lot more with no meaning. i already have the balance's toucan tattoed (it looks better now than when my brother first did it) and i want to tattoo lyrics from twice and tyrants. i mean, they are part of my life now and they've helped me in ways i can't describe, so if i just stop loving them one day, it's here for me to never forget what they did in 2020 n 2021 for me. as i have niall horan and louis tomlinson's lyrics too. as i want to tattoo the maine's too. and a lot more. and my son's name and constellation which i'll be doing next month.
5. If you could name a baby after them or their songs, what name would you choose?
i don't want to have any other baby at all just to be clear, one is enough. growing up i loved to have my siblings by my side but i can't give my son this, he must find friends for his own good.
i would name a girl abby, i think it's a pretty name, but im not so sure.
for a boy john is a pretty name too, ryan is a name i like but here in brazil they would say it so wrong it would look ugly 😂
thank you anon that was fun
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