#but i still think the ourple is cute! so he's still there
kazumahashimoto · 2 months
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new boy!!!!! new boyyyyy!!!!!!
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flshmans · 29 days
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a-cat-in-toffee · 8 days
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also I have pictures of their og design in this so. warning for white skinny pd jumpscare /joking
for sake of navigation I'm going in the order I drew them, and the order theyre in on the above image heart emoji.
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"Virion" Vyncent Sol up first!! also can we talk about how his hero name is straight up just his name. lol. lmao even.
I HAD THE MOST PLAN FOR VYNCENT GOING IN TBH I wanted something similiar to the origami outfit while still staying reminiscent of his old outfit
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I knew I wanted the jacket and I went with the turtleneck so it was the same as Jason's outfit. also Jason has really cool glove sleeve things I thought that was so fucking cool guys. and vyncent is generally from an actual outfit standpoint like... really simplistic? so just ourple pants and boots seemed most logical. I liked the mask and it was in both of his old designs so I decided to stick with it.
and then of course. the belts. there are ten total belts on his outfit jot including the two that would come with the sheath LMAO. plus the two pd colored belts on his boots!! I decided while drawing I wanted them all to have something in eachothers colors cause thats really cute.
i MUCHHH prefer the shorter jacket because of how it shows off the outfit and is reminiscent of his s2 post fauna design . . .
generally had the most idea going into his so there was very little in ways of additional sketching
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also the Japanese where Jason's jacket had said Origami straight up just says Knife. I thought that was so funny. ENTIRELY ACCIDENTAL THING his outfit is basically just cantrips but colors flipped LMAO
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BUT THATS ALL FOR VYNCENT. next up is (drum roll please)
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"Wisperer" William Wisp!!! El wiwi himself. OKAY SO AS YOU MAY NOTICE. THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN THE DESIGN I ORIGINALLY POSTED. I had Not been happy with that one because it felt too cluttered and a little out of character so I ended up redesigning his jacket and redrawing the refs.
WILLIAMS OUTFIT WAS REALLY FUN THO I ended up going with a gas mask like he had in the greyscale arc, hoodie (which will get its own paragraph), cargo pants!! for his cargo and gadgets and gizmos, and then. because it's me and he's william. platformish boots laced with the orlther pds colors.
the hoodie was the thing I had changed in the new design because the old design wasn't william wisp enough for me yknow
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i wnjoyed the outfit and it looked really need but it was much more complicated than his original hero suit and didn't really seem like smthn he'd design and wear.
i really liked the wisp belt and wanted to keep that wisp motif, which is why I ended up putting the flames on his sleeves! it looks cool as hell and keeps w the flame designs. IM ALSO SUPER ATTACHED TO THE WISPERER W THAT WAS ON HIS ORIGINAL HERO DESIGN.... so the hoodie has a stylized w.
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also dakota and vyncent beads :)
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i cinsidered adding stuff to make his outfit like Silhouettes then remebered i haye Silhouettes outfit. the images are out of order but I'm on mobile and can't be fucked to fix it. NEXT UP!!!!!!
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"DC" Dakota Cole! only SLIGHTLY better than vyncent just using his name, bro is using his initials......
I CHANGED THE LEAST ABOUT HIS DESIGN HONESTLY. it was very nice to just get to draw Dakota though :)
the most I changed was I made it a bit simpler, and changed the jacket to be more like the Hexpert armor
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also made the zipper look like her weird chest thingy....
I REALLY DISLIKE THE SHOES AND THE LITTLE BITS ON HIS ANKLES THOUGH. SO I CHANGED EM. they're now his thing in the others color heart emoji. I'd like to think they all sat down together and brainstormed ways to encorperate eachother into their costumes.....
i also made a little note of the back of hia jacket and I tried to make it look like a jersey
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because he played soccer :)
ALSO.... DAKOTA COLE HONEY YOU SHOULD NOT ME WEARING A BELT EITH A BUCKLE. but it looks cool </3 if a little impractical
BUT THATS ALL OF EM FOR NOW..... love these guys.
next I. tackle redesigning this thing.
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sighs. I so got this
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trimax vol 12 random thoughts
okayyy i'm FINALLY done with all the art i had to do this week so i can focus on writing this post lol. this volume is so much, i don't know if i want to read it again...
i love that vash is ourple on the cover <3
chapter 1:
i like domina, she's cute. tbh i wasn't sure whether she was a plant at first because i assumed they were all blonde...
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wait, pause, tell me about this. what are the circumstances of the other plant fusion incidents. were they rebelling against humans, same as knives? or were there other reasons??
vash's black hair is so STRIKING. i'm sad about it but i also kind of love how it looks...
the memory montage has been talked about like a dozen times by now, so idk if i can add anything that hasn't already been said... LOL. there's some deep cuts in here, i don't even remember them all... it really speaks to vash's memory of people. and there are anime-only characters too, which is cool! part of me wants to go through each page and label everyone but... nah.
ik they've taken a bit of a backseat in the latter half of the manga, but i feel like meryl and milly's section should be larger. :( and for that matter, legato takes up a lot of real estate on his page?! that's kind of unexpected... although legato and vash DID have that seven-month-long psychic battle... and i guess legato is on vash's mind rn because of the coins... so i suppose it makes sense...
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a few things about the ghg page - first of all, WHO is that on the top right?! is that supposed to be elendira??? is it??? because it's not like vash doesn't know what she looks like, they've met face to face!
secondly... livio. this is his old self. face in shadow, skull mask visible. i don't think this necessarily means vash still views livio like this; that's unlike vash. livio's face is obscured while his mask and long hair are highlighted, both things that he has discarded along with his identity as a gung-ho gun. this is vash remembering the gung-ho guns specifically. it IS a bit sad that this is what livio gets... i suppose drawing him twice might've been redundant, but still...
a bunch of people have already pointed out wolfwood's grave being depicted next to rem and given equal weight/importance (page space) as her, so all i'll say is that scrolling through the pages and expecting to see wolfwood but getting hit with his grave instead was a fucking gut punch that i DID NOT need.
anti-plant missiles... so plant incidents have been common enough that they'd need to be built in the first place, and built into the fleet at that...
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so they CAN be broken apart?! i see...
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domina is so funny.
the ark just straight up vanishing really had me think for a second "wow! so that's the power of thor's hammer!" but no it just teleported. LOL
knives... oh, knives... he's looking less and less like a person. i'm probably supposed to be horrified, but i'm just sad.
chapter 2:
knives is the first creature in the universe to warp... wow... he's so talented~ i'm proud of him~
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domina is so CUTE!!!! it's too bad what happens to her right after this... and it's impressive how likable she becomes in just a few short scenes. it makes her death more effective than it would be otherwise.
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nothing to say, i just think they're cute.
knives putting his feelers out to interfere with the earth fleet was brought up in... volume 9, i think... so it's not like this was completely unexpected. (also "feelers" is kinda cute... like a bug...) wow... knives is fighting so smartly~ i'm proud of him~
i speculated a few volumes ago if knives would try to "save" the earth plants, but he just want to kill them... or at least kill the independents. i still feel like i don't have a full picture of what it's like for plants on earth or the relationship between humans and independents. either way, it's unconscionable to knives that independents would work with humans like this...
chapter 3:
perhaps i shouldn't laugh but shooting straight up into the air is such a dumb thing to do. haha get rained on idiots.
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brad is stunned at their idiocy, lol.
chronica worrying over domina is sweet. she's not always "cold and calculating"...
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i love how this spread is framed, with the black bars on the top and the bottom. it's cool.
and the double meaning of the chapter title. "the interceptor"... knives intercepting the earth fleet and vash intercepting knives's connection to the fleet...
uhhh... i don't have that much to say about this chapter...
chapter 4:
the universe conspired to deal me massive psychic damage by having 'brother' by gerard way start playing on shuffle while i was rereading this bit... i don't NEED this right now!!!!!
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people have already pointed out knives covering his eyes (and vash covering his own with his sunglasses), it was a fucking punch to the gut the first time i read this chapter and it still is and i am fucking EATING!!!! ROCKS!!!!!!
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is that REALLY the reason why you don't want to see your brother's corpse, knives?? is it really???
people have already talked about vash's little gunman speech so i won't say too much about it, except that it's fitting that we started this story with vash being just that - a gunman - we didn't even know about him being a plant - and now vash is determined to end this story as a gunman. well, "end," sort of. there's still 2 volumes left.
also, we're recycling chapter titles again for some reason... we already had a chapter titled "the gunslinger" in volume 6...
chapter 5:
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should i call these their "teenage years"? ...i'm writing that in my notes.
i wish i could express my emotions about the plant twins beyond incomprehensible screaming and eating various things (rocks, glass, drywall...) because then i might have more substantial things to say LOL...
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the virgin "did you really just shoot me?!" 98 knives vs the chad "if you're going to shoot me, improve your aim" manga knives
y'know, up until now, i never really bought the claim that "tristamp made knives more morally grey," because i was thinking along the lines of "the morality of his actions didn't change, orange just took a magnifying glass to his emotions, so he's easier to sympathize with," but... they COMPLETELY changed the context of knives cutting off vash's arm, huh?! i guess they DID make him more morally grey...
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he's ready to go down with knives. if you'll excuse me, i'll be crunching on some more rocks.
chapter 6:
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can't help but remember baby knives saying "we can work through a few little differences if we just talk to each other" :')
trying to talk to the plants... yeah... good idea! it's too little too late for knives because EVERYTHING is for him, but... it's a good idea!
okay, so the story of the village. they got kicked out of the city for being "contaminated," so they built their own village and had to resort to stealing from travelers to survive. right... chaining vash up is pretty extreme but i suppose it's indicative of their level of desperation. (especially since vash still looks like a teenager, like, as far as the villagers knew, the person they attacked was just a normal human kid...)
obviously this story doesn't move knives in the slightest, but even with the explanation for the villagers' actions, the bit about "the contaminated humans being kicked out of the city" is a different example of human cruelty that knives could've spat back at vash, lol. like, they were kicked out, and just left out there to die i guess? with no resources or plan to supply them with anything? except for the lone girl who seemed to be bringing canned goods back, but 1. this wasn't a regular thing for her since she hadn't been back in three years, 2. she was literally the only person trying to help, and 3. it was just luck that she wasn't contaminated to begin with - if it weren't for that there would be NO ONE trying to help. not trying to justify knives's worldview or anything but i just think this is interesting because even though now we know and understand the villagers' situation, there's still an undercurrent of human cruelty in this story, and that's something that can't be erased and something that knives invariably clings to to justify his actions.
and his worldview gets even further reinforced in this moment because the military starts shooting at the ark lmao. but then it's vash's friends to the rescue...! the takeaway from all this and the entire ethos of this story as a whole is "humans are complicated," they're not all bad and not all good, vash acknowledges that and tries to see it, and knives does not, blahblahblah it's been said a hundred times...
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microorganisms :)
someone in the tag pointed this out already, but the way the earth fleet talks about independent plants is weird. "salvage," "persona," "repair"... that's weird, right? in my last post i said they were giving like, advanced-AI-robot vibes, and this is doing nothing to change that impression. but they're made of flesh and blood...
chapter 7:
knives is wrong about human nature but there sure are a lot of humans in this story who piss me off. fuck you, military guy!!
we all knew that vash was going in to this fight prepared to die, that his plan is to bring knives down with him, but actually seeing him bleeding so much... hurts.
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he's so cute, what the fuck!!!! "i'm mr livio"?!?! oh my god. i'm sobbing. he's so cute.
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gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. manipulate, mansplain, malewife.
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this image of a single man facing down an entire military...!!! he's so cool!!!!!! also he's kinda caked up too
and he just bowls through them like it's nothing!!! i LOVE watching him fight, livio is one of the coolest fighters in this entire story, i'm so glad we get to watch him kick some ass!!!
chapter 8:
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they said it's just a projection, but this is what i was imagining the "consciousness" of the merged plants to look like...
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no concept of the self except for independents, i suppose. so do all plants think the same? last volume, vash said something about billions of thoughts being "exchanged," so there is SOME mental distinction between individuals, i think...
i wonder what information chronica is gathering from this, exactly. just the essentials, since time is limited? or all of it, every single detail?? knives's past and trauma included??
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he's talking as if this is a mercy. i wonder if that's really how he's justifying this to himself.
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oh, just this panel by itself is a fun dynamic. i don't actually expect elendira to live to the end (sadly...) but i AM looking forward to seeing these two fight again. interestingly, she doesn't seem surprised that livio is still alive...
this last bit of the chapter feels like all the dominoes falling at once, lol. elendira and livio, chronica and knives... and then BOOM! LEGATO JUMPSCARE!! ...from. seemingly nowhere. where did he come from. also i still don't know what to make of his... iron maiden... giant matryoshka... i don't know what or who this is!! it's driving me nuts!! is it going to be explained?!?!
chapter 9:
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it's SO funny that vash says this because I WAS ALSO WONDERING THE SAME THING!!! the previous volume put so much emphasis on the coins that i assumed vash would fight legato FIRST and THEN move on to knives. but he never wanted to fight legato to begin with, so it makes sense that he'd skip right to knives LOL.
knives GRINNING when the earth ship appears and then staring straight down the barrel of their cannon... he's not afraid at all. dare i say this scene is pretty cool. knives and chronica are now on even ground in terms of knowledge about each other, and knives probably knows this, but he's still so confident. and then the cannon fires and he BLOCKS it. i shouldn't be complimenting him so much in this post. but i must give cool credit where cool credit is due. this scene is COOL!!!!
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oh, so this IS how his powers worked all along, okay... i was confused. i guess this means his power in tristamp is different... because it's clearly NOT strings... it's just straightforward telekenisis i think... hmmm...
... i'd previously heard about what legato's backstory entails, but actually seeing it...
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knives isn't even visible in this spread. legato hasn't even seen knives yet. but the framing of legato looking at the vast sky, the light, is evocative enough.
legato being able to even control knives with his strings... well, he was able to (somewhat) control vash, so it makes sense that he could, but i've never really thought about the implications until now. under different circumstances he could've been a massive obstacle to knives, if not outright stopped him.
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new hair, new outlook, right?
and okay, sure, it's likely that knives's train of thought was "i could use this power for myself, so i won't kill him," but i want to believe there was something else... legato was used and abused by humans, and knives isn't stupid, he can see that just from looking at the state legato's body is in. so maybe knives recognized there's a kinship between them, even if he'd never admit it... i dunno, it's just, his expression here... it's hard for me to describe, but it's something...
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oh, this is making me feel something. this is implying knives gave legato his name, right? that's... oh man. i want to say that it was kind. i don't know if i can call it a bond, but their relationship, whatever it is, is deeper than i imagined.
"...but in that moment, i was reborn." new name, new life, new purpose...
on a lighter note, now i'm thinking about where legato's name actually comes from, and i'm remembering this comment from nightow:
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i want to believe knives thought the same thing... LOL. as for "bluesummers," "blue" obviously came from his hair, but "summers"... i want to say maybe it was summer at the time of this flashback, but i'm not actually sure if this planet has seasons...? do they ever say if it does??
oh, legato... my legatito... i should've known he'd be one of my favorite characters the instant he showed up in tristamp voiced by kouki uchiyama LOL. i've laughed at him a lot and made fun of him a lot but i really do genuinely love him.
i fully do not expect him to live to the end... but i'm looking forward to seeing whatever else he does before he goes...
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thatnonb1ny-cvmslut · 2 months
Tag game! Tag nine people you would like to know better I was tagged by @milkbqbe so let's go! This was super cute thanks bestie!
Last song:
Favourite colour: I enjoy my shades of blue, black, purples(why he ourple) and greens!
Currently watching: I just restarted JJK, I'm up to the sad high school boy (Junpei) who gets used by cheap Asian knock off Frankenstein with an inflation kink(Mahito) arc.
Sweet/savory/spicy: in order of preference Savory/Spicy/Sweet. I cook savory and spicy foods being of Mexican descent, I am just now doing sweets like fruit hand pies and the like.
Relationship status: Rn I'm polyamorous in a semi open relationship with one partner(tagging my good boy in this) and just recently broke up with my ex of 6yrs. It was messy, there's a kid involved...messy.
Current obsession: hmm rn I think Lego sets and totk. I want a master sword Lego set but first gotta finish building my Demon Slayer sword first...also MtG cause I'm a nerd and trans
Last thing you googled: "table syrup vs maple syrup prices" was the sfw search. I wanted to make sure the price range was still fucking outlandish as it was when I was a kid..for nostalgia..and pettiness in Tumblr tags
Now I'm tagging my good boy and some moots if they want to play @aphrodisiashana @angelstrawbabie420 @honeysuckle-teaa @pudgyangel @s1uttykitty @cinnabutt @depravedangelbaby
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Rinniki or Adosou for the OTP ask thing if it's ok 👉👈
Oop I'm gonna go for the ourple gay children bc I luv them sm 💜
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
How can I choose only one of them to have a cute laugh??? It's like choosing a fave child.
Anyways, they'd both have such rich, deep, charming laughs.
But I feel like Souma might sound a bit more hysterical and high pitched if you attack a particularly sensitive spot.
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
I am a firm believer of Adonis with ticklish shoulders, like just look at him. He just radiates ticklish shoulders energy lmao
Also I thought of this earlier, Souma with ticklish collarbone 👀
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles?
Uhh probably both equally?? Im not really sure
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
Prob Adonis, he's a silly kind of ler lol
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
I feel like Adonis would've discovered Sou's ticklishness by pure accident and then would purposely keep teasing him about it. Which would cause Souma to eventually wanna get revenge and he has this whole plan to catch Ado off guard and try to find his tickle spots
6. Who can’t take tickle bites?
Souma for sure! Esp on his collarbone. Man just spazms into the next life. Adonis loves taking advantage of it hehe~
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
I don't think either?? They don't seem like the type to sleep in. Although maybe Adonis bc y'know... vampire man lol, so Souma loves taking advantage of those mornings where Ado is still a wee too sleepy to retaliate.
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight?
They both seem too stubborn to give up, but if I had to choose one... I'd say Souma lmao
Adonis seems bulkier than him and could probably easily overpower him and get him to tap out.
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
I like to think Adonis curls up into a 'lil ball of laughter whenever he gets tickled.
But holy fuck Souma goes freaking feral! I wouldn't be surprised if Ado had some bruises from trying to tickle Souma
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
I gotta go with Souma again. Adonis is too innocent and can easily ask for tickles. But Souma just rather crawl in a hole than even say that dreaded word. So he'd probably try provoking Ado by tickling him first for a bit and hope for retaliation.
Adonis for sure makes him ask for it bc deep down he's a 'lil shit~
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
how would sou's first trial work? would it be something similar to shin's trial? or something different entirely? (also very interested in the violet shin)
anon i’m extremely sorry to disappoint you but sou doesn’t have a first trial. he very literally just slapped a collar on himself, went suspiciously close to shin’s first trial room, and. waited. what can i say. he’s on that grind
buuuuuuut i can tell you more about violet shin! (tysm for asking about him btw he’s my favorite little bleeby)
so i’ve talked a liiiiiiittle about him before, but violet shin is the shadsou equivalent for ytr. i envision that the “opening sequence” of the story would take place as sou is mentally preparing himself for the death game, and vishin (im just gonna call him that for shorthand lmao) would appear to him. i guess i would consider him a hallucination of shin? but he still LOOKS like sou. just ourple
instead of prattling on about majority votes, though, i thought it would be interesting if the topic vishin brought up was the butterfly effect. i only came up with this recently, but i think the butterfly effect thematically fits ytr very well— it shows how one small action can lead to a myriad of different consequences. in this case, i thought ryoko represented the “butterfly;” her small choice of walking sara home ends up massively altering the death game and leading to outcomes that even asunaro couldn’t predict (the “hurricane”).
although i think sou could easily represent the butterfly as well (perks of being the protagonist’s foil, i guess)! i haven’t gotten much into it yet, but one of the big reasons sou chooses to participate in the death game is that he wants to alter shin’s 0.0% win rate (i know i know this is sou “i wish i could’ve killed him with my own hands” hiyori we’re talking about here but he’s a little Different in ytr). so in that way…he’s also trying to use his presence to make waves, so to speak (doesn’t do a very good job at it on the violet route though-)
anyways sorry back to violet shin 😭 i like to think of him as…encouraging the parts sou doesn’t like about himself. unlike shadsou who encourages shin’s self-serving survival instinct, vishin encourages sou’s deeply suppressed self-sacrificial tendencies! (this is also not a good thing) he is very much about doing things for “the greater good,” and this mentality definitely ends up influencing sou in the violet route, where he starts to. weaponize himself (using his own life to try and end the death game)
so yeah! vishin may seem cute and meek, but in reality he can be just as sinister as shadsou, and he’ll say deeply concerning things in the most polite tone possible :)
^ also wait ok i did sort of imply it above but vishin is a more prevalent presence than shadsou. i think shadsou appears 2(?) times in the whole game…but in my Personal Headcanon (which i guess is just canon because this is my au) sou gets really really bad hallucinations in chapter 3 and so vishin shows up a lot more then.
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oru-tree · 1 year
ep 15... !
spoilers under cut
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omg again, what happened this time
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Omg its nine time!! Yipeee!! *confetti explosion*
Wondering like... about time though, when did this happen, because it would have had happened a while ago, but also he has a shard and the prism hasn’t been destroyed yet, well I don’t think that matters but also, yeah...
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Ourple world
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Also thinking about Nine wearing pants, is nine gnc, (I’m joking but also I think he is)
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Nine.. :( 
Well I guess that answers when this took place even though I also wonder WHEN it took place, how much time has passed
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It sure is now
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Uhoh! Ominous
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I like that they took time to answer this, I had forgotten this should happen but Im sure there are people who would be asking about this
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Oh Sonic you don’t know how many
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Yelling and screaming, this doesn’t sound good at all sonic
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Sounds like a SA2 level
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SONIC SOOOOONIC AHHHhhhhh , ok maybe I’m expecting things to go bad but actually it will be fine, have to trust nine :) whats the worse nine could do
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Yay! No way anything bad can happen now
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Uuuuuuuuu *has been reduced to only making noises when these two are having a good time*
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Wahhhh them!!!
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This is so cute
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My dog also does this when looking at other dogs
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This too
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What do these meetings mean...
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Yayy knuckles fight
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Ahh omg... I think whats going on is that Nine is figuring out what is going on ahhhhhhh
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Omg Nine and Shadow meeting time
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You think so...
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He is!  :)
Well.. makes sense that theres no more going on since time... but well that was it for their meeting...
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Ouhghuough Nine is about to meet the ghost versions of the og friends
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hhghgh their completely opposite expressions on this
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ghghhghgh, sonic still goes :)
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Yeah! Also his ear twiches earlier before this scene happens and its soo cute
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Aw, nine is so cute in this part though
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hghgh ahhh shadows silly skating
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He doesn’t know this series still has like, 9 episodes left
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Y-yeah! Nothing can go wrong from nine staying alone with the shards
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I have nothing to add to this, just that, wah shadow... Also, no way he’s trusting nine
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Looks like tails = trust, thats pretty much it
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He had one though :(
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Youre so right shadow
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You can’t ask shadow the hedgehog this
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ghghgh Shadow..... he just had to take one look at nine and know what was up...
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They are SO cute, I cant help thinking about that when I look at them, they are just two little hedgehog.s... augh....
Ok omg at this episode... so much happened!!! omg at nine... what will happen now... well, will find out next ep
0 notes
Once there was a pen.... penguin assassin named LeDrick.
LeDrick was at your dad’s bakery on hunt day. Unfortunately, LeDrick had a mission to spread lice.
Thus, LeDrick started to shake a jar of worms onto the cash register.
The worms, which contained lice, started to crawl all over your dad’s money then onto the freshly baked donuts.
The donuts screamed in agony, calling to your dad for salvation.
Your dad rushed over to try and save the donuts, but before he could do anything LeDrick took out another jar of worms and aimed it at your dad.
Suddenly, a dark presence appeared, the shadow of Leo loomed over the scene.
In one hard swing Leo decked LeDrick across the bakery floor and was ready to fight to the death, but unbeknownst to her LeDrick had some other dirty tricks up their sleeve.
LeDrick stared into Leo's eyes, looking into her soul, and started taking the worms from the counter one by one and stuffing them in their mouth.
Struck still with confusion, Leo didn’t move as she looked on to LeDrick eating the worms, not noticing LeDrick moving closer and closer to her whist they ate.
While consuming the worms and holding Leo's attention, LeDrick knitted a whole sweater and was ready for the attack.
Leo got impatient waiting and launched a punch at LeDrick, only for her fist to get pierced with one of the knitting needles LeDrick previously was using to knit the cute sweater.
Thankful for Leo, this was LeDrick's first week as an assassin and they felt so remorseful that they start to apply first aid to Leo's shattered hand.
Hand now somewhat patched up, Leo proceeded to beat and kick the shit out of LeDrick who scrambled to attack back.
But Leo was not prepared for LeDrick's next move, they threw up the lice filled worms all over Leo and her dad!!!
LeDrick maniacally chortled as Leo’s dad screamed how they could possibly be this evil to do this, to which LeDrick responded “How bad can I be…I’m just doing what comes naturally!”
At this point, LeDrick burst from their skin to become truffula tree, which they had secretly been this entire time.
Gobsmacked by the whole ordeal, Leo ignored her dad’s cries of confusion and thoughtlessly started feasting on the fleshy fruits of Le- no of the truffula tree it was just a truffula tree not a penguin just a truffula tree with fruit…fruit…
But the fruit was poisonous!
The fruit’s intoxicatingly sweet juices danced across Leo’s taste buds, her vision starting to blur and balance teeter but nonetheless, she continued to scarf down the fruit as if automated.
Then Leo herself turned into a fruit, her dad screaming in the background, his only daughter, his favorite child, the girl of his heart, consumed gruesomly and righteously, into an unrecognizable figure.
Leo’s dad wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating or going delirious at this point, but he could have sworn he started to hear a chorus of people fainting singing “let her die, let her die, let her shrivel up and die.”
But Leo did the opposite of this, she grew and filled the entire store, very James and the Giant Peach of her, very slay.
Unfortunately for her dad though, this ended up destroying his entire bakery and made him go both broke and full of rage.
But it was all okay later because Leo’s dad took a “How to Care for and Raise Bees” class while he was getting his doctrine!
Still upset over previous events though, Leo’s dad ended up raising a army of evil bees and what happens next is truly horrendous.
He stuck the queen bee into his mouth and the bees mobbed him, thinking he was their new neat, and turned him into a walking bee man!
Bees swarmed him and had Leo’s dad resemble a giant penguin; the dad-penguin-bee-man then proceeded to walk around the city to wreak havoc with many people saying he was a dick for doing so.
is he ourple though???
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theygotlost · 2 years
24, 25, 31 and 33. grins. im kidding about 31 you donthave to do that.
24. already answered
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) Well I guess my fursona cause she is supposed to be me but if i was an ourple beast.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) I don't think any of my ocs would realistically use tumblr mainly bc it doesn't exist in any of their settings, but be if we play in the space for a bit then prudence is definitely the most tumblrina. she would numbers on witchblr or whatever they call it. should use it to post updates about her latest spells and hexes and such and ask her mutuals for evil magic advice. Her blog theme would be all black&white, very dark and eeeevilll. She would use it as more a journal/personal blog than something for reblogs
33. Your shyest OC? Well everyone knows marty is a starfleet officer that's so shy. but he is shy in a cute endearing way and he can still make small talk with people. prudence is a shygirl in a weird and offputting way and she can't talk to ANYONE
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thepoisonjackal · 3 years
Do you ever just hate a canon character’s design and have this unwavering longing to punch them in the snout?
This is very specific. Anon do you have beef with some character in particular?
As far as the canon designs go...
Tumblr media
My opinions on the canon designs (all who have official art) for characters can be seen below because I'm bored. This rating is how close they are to how I imagined them.
CLAY: 10/10 Good, friendly boy. Pretty close if not exactly what I'd imagined.
TSUNAMI: 8/10 Pretty good. Could be buffer, though, with some scars.
GLORY: 10/10 Very nice color work. Love her orange accents.
STARFLIGHT: 7/10 He's a bit too bulky and top-heavy, I imagined Starflight more evenly weighted. Still a handsome boy though.
SUNNY: 9/10 Pretty good. Would've made her darker, though, because other sandwings Joy Ang has drawn are very close to her color and it makes it hard to see her as gold when compared to them.
MOON: 4/10 Kind of janky honestly. Maybe it's the pose she's in, but her proportions are a bit off and I don't like the straight horns. Everyone draws her green but I think that was just the lighting of the scene so no comment there. I think I just don't like canon nightwing proportions. She's my least favorite canon design.
WINTER: 7/10 He's alright but his face doesn't look quite right. I also imagined him more lanky rather than broad, and he's very blue instead of being closer to white.
PERIL: 100/10 Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping-
TURTLE: 9/10 No big complaints, I just imagine him more yellow-green than blue-green.
QIBLI: 9/10 Pretty good, but Joy Ang forgot his nose scar. I also imagined him more dusty tan than this yellow-gold color.
BLUE: 8/10 Why he ourple. His claws are too long, they look deadly. Otherwise not too bad.
CRICKET: 9/10 Proportions are a little funny, but I like the topheavy look on the hivewings. She's pretty cute.
SUNDEW: 10/10 No real complaints, she looks good, pretty close to what I was imagining (except for maybe a stronger face? but it's not enough to knock a point)
SNOWFALL: 9/10 It's good, but I don't think I like canon icewing faces, they're not very expressive or natural looking. Otherwise she looks fine.
LUNA: 9/10 Nearly perfect, I just imagined a more pale green for her. She looks beautiful on her cover, I love her iridescent scales.
DARKSTALKER: 8/10 Kinda bug-eyed. He's good, but I imagine him more blue than red and his face is a bit... strange. Not sure what it is but it's off somehow.
SANDSTORM (Dragonslayer): 10/10 Awesome detail, awesome face. He looks great.
ANEMONE: 7/10 Should look younger, she's like, 2. Smaller horns and such. But I love the colors.
SCARLET: 10/10 No comments really, she looks fine. I would've made her red but I still imagine Scarlet as orange to orange-red.
LYNX: 10/10 SO cute. Maybe it's her softer face but she doesn't look a moray eel like other icewings. She looks very pretty and she is my favorite icewing design.
JERBOA(s): 9/10 Why the long neck?? But good. Love the wing pattern. Still have that golden yellow though, I imagine them more tan/brown.
SMOLDER: 10/10 Does this count? I'll count it. He looks good, love the visual of the dark diamondback pattern.
Let me know if I missed any.
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