#but i might cave and also get layla’s first since not having hers has been bugging me forever😪
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electric-plants · 5 months ago
finally caved today and put kaveh building on pause so i could max dehya instead and i’m so exciteddddd
0 notes
someone-elses-star · 6 years ago
The 100 6x11: Ashes to Ashes Personal Narrative
DIRECTED BY BOB MORLEY!!! This is not a drill people! Bob directed this episode! This is the episode we have all been waiting for! Not only is he directing this, but multiple actors have said this is their favorite episode of the season! Also, this is the episode that is rumored to have talking about emotions, sex, etc. At the recent con, Bob also said that Bellamy and Clarke WILL talk about emotions and shit in his episode! ALSO----Echo backstory! I”M SO JAZZED!
I love you Eliza...but couldn’t Bob have introduced this episode? Just for shits and giggles? I don’t blame you, sweetie, I blame the CW.
Ohhhh. Jackson doing medical shit. 
Doctor Jackson? Really?
Madi is totally faking it.
Told ya!
At least Madi has some sense still. Not going for the throat.
Yes, Jackson is one of us!
Shut up you evil Heda! I hate you for hurting poor Madi! 
I knew everyone was going to eventually regret making Madi Heda via the chip!
On another note....her acting is SO awesome!
Yes, use Clarke against her. 
Aww Clarke is sleeping. Nightmares
Awww Bellamy comforting Clarke!
Bellarke heart eyes!
Awww they are having the talks!
Poor guilty Bellamy!
Ick. She mentioned Echo first. Something tells me that’s not good for us Bellarkers!
I still love you Echo!
Bellamy is so right! Very dangerous!
Octavia! Ready to go!
Praying for a twelve year old psychopath....haha classic Murphy.
Houdini Miller. More Classic Murphy.
Nope....they gonna kill you when it’s done.
What are they going to do to Murphy?
Echo.....oh no!
Yay! Jordan is still alive!
Echo is still keeping secrets for Riker? Hmmm....so she can kill him later for betraying her?
Making Echo into Simone? Gross. Me no likey.
Wow. Murphy making plans with Echo. 
Yes...Russell can sorta see through Murphy. 
Not anymore Russell.
Hmmm....Murphy going out to bring them back?
Ohhh....threatening is love? Not a good idea! Threaten him he can deal with, threaten Emori? Shits going down!
Commercial Break #1 Thoughts: Anybody worried that that is the only Bellarke heart-to-heart we are getting? Bob and the rest of the cast were very vague. But they said talking was going to happen, but sometimes they think one small scene is enough. It is NOT ENOUGH! And still super worried Clarke felt the need to mention Echo so quickly. That does not bode well for us. Love Echo. Can’t wait for her backstory this episode. Still want her to stay alive. Don’t want her and Bellamy together, though. No chemistry. They have chemistry potential since they met back in season 2, but it just never blossomed in my opinion. Anyways. I’m very anti-hate, but I will go down with my ship!
Yay! We are already back!
Octavia defending Gabriel!
That’s what they do to demons. Harsh.
Bellamy is having none of Octavia trying to make amends. 
Queen of Cannibals. Harsher.
Hey...he called her O though! that’s something!
That’s one word for it.....
More talk about the anomaly. We are so not getting any big answers this season though.
Ope! His friends are here!
Oh...Gabriel. Go defend them idiot!
Ohhh....the truth is coming out! 
Are his people actually going to kill him?
Commercial Break #2 Thoughts: So Gabriel was put in Xavier when X was still really young, right? So most of what his sister thought was X was probably him, right? So maybe that bond will carry over when he explains? Honestly, I forget what age they said X was when Gabriel was forced into his mind. Poor guy probably wouldn’t mind dying, though. Just killed the love of his life. His life has been SUPER long! And while he is still curious about the anomaly, he probably wouldn’t say no to death. I know we are only twenty minutes in, but I’m hoping more shit starts to happen. Nothing is really making me go YAY! or OHHH! Did I go into this with too high of expectations? Probs. But I blame the cast and crew who have been raving about this episode. But I’m sure a lot more is going to happen soon....I’m just anxious for it. And still loving that this is Bob’s episode, though! I know he worked super hard for this!
Okay. So Xavier was probably around twenty-ish when he was taken over? Okay.
Layla isn’t wrong...not really. He shouldn’t have lied to his people.
Ope. Bellamy talking about a plan that is not really a plan, but is now his new plan. Interesting.
Of course it’s a good plan. Bellamy said it. Lol
Do not just kill Clarke after we got her back! I will riot! 
Gabriel saved her for now. But for how long?
What the hell did they just put in her?
Is this where we are going to get her flashbacks?
Also...who else would kill for Echo’s hair?
Yes, Riker is torn. 
Well, Riker you are digging your own grave. She really going to kill you now. 
Oh....what a question for a person who used to do just that as a spy!
Gaia is not pleased. 
Miller trying to have a heart to heart with Gaia?
Oh yeah....they were underground together. 
Poor Miller still has guilt! Nice for it to be brought up finally! 
Oh God! Miller don’t die!
He has a plan! Oh my gosh! Criminal Miller coming out! I LOVE THIS! We never get enough Miller!
Commercial Break # 3 Thoughts: So, I’m loving Miller and Gaia teaming up! And more Miller screen time is what I live for! I just hope them sneaking out doesn’t get either of them killed! I’m so worried about what Bob, Eliza, and Richard were saying at the recent con. To expect more deaths and all that. Which we’ve learned over the years, but them saying stuff like that makes me worried about our main characters. Anyone still worried about Clarke being a prisoner again? I am! I know she is a main MAIN character, but I always get anxiety with the shit they’ve put her though this season. On the other hand it would be poor planning if they did kill her off after spending most of the season getting her back. Poor writing, too.
Ohh...radio call echoes. Layla looking like she is going to kill.
Good question Layla.
Good point G.
Believers killing non-believers. Yup Clarke. That’s right.
Is this Clarke trying to convince him to go with her plan?
The early warning system. Clarke has a plan....
Ope. Bringing up Bellamy to convince her. But she stubborn. 
We got this,Gabriel....
Ohhh pretty cave!
Sibling talking and bonding!
yes, lets bring up Diyoza.
So....she is dead? That’s what we are going with?
Oh. Go straight for the heart Octavia! 
Aww...Bellamy is breaking down. 
Now is not the time....BUT I WAS PROMISED TALKS! SO TALK!
Awe....his heart is breaking. 
Say I’m your sister. 
You’re my sister. But you’re not my responsibility. Not anymore.
That’s growth! I’m good with that! 
Commercial Break #4 Thoughts: The Blake siblings talk was much better than Bellarke’s. I’m a little disappointed, but the fact that their talk held so much character growth for both of them is what dreams are made of! On another point, who is worried about Clarke pushing them into danger? I love her confidence and not wanting to kill people like Mount Weather in order to keep her promise to Monty, but.....Bellamy is not going to be happy. And it might risk her people. But maybe it will be less detrimental to her soul? Idk....I think I’m over-analyzing this. Commercials really kill me. I think too hard.
So...Echo is nightblood now? Interesting....
Oh...Echo backstory is coming out!
Echo is going to kill his ass. Maybe after we get backstory. But still is going to kill his ass.
Baby Echo! What a cutie!
Ope. Evil Queen!
Killing at that young of age? Wow. That’s so Ice Nation. 
Hesitation is death. 
Oh No.....What is she going to do to punish Echo’s weakness?
Kill her friend? I knew it!
Damn. Ice Nation really did create killers. Poor baby Echo and her unnamed friend!
Wait.....Echo stabbed by friend? I’m confused.....
Does that mean the unnamed friend is actually Echo? Maybe she took her name to honor her?
Ope. There it is. We’ve all been duped! What was her name before? I’m so curious.
Oh....it’s Ash......I didn’t hear that part. I was too distracted. Ashes to Ashes. Love it! Do you think Bellamy knows that story?
Oh.....Gaia and Miller to the rescue! 
And now they know she is nightblood now. Wonder how that might effect the story line.
And now Riker is dead. We knew that was going to happen. Don’t back stab an ex-spy. They will not be forgiving.
Commercial Break #5 Thoughts: So that flashback was awesome. And they didn’t even technically lie to us when they said in the cast page that that one young actress was Echo. Because she was. We have just always assumed we knew things we didn’t actually know. And I’m loving that he name is Ash and that is part of the meaning behind the episode title! 
That was short commercial. YAY!
And Bellamy is now in on the new plan.
No innocent people die. 
Clarke is sacrificing herself. Very Clarke move.
What would Monty do?
IF we can spare innocent lives. We should.
Ope. Who’s outside?
Here come the Sanctum guards. Is Murphy with them? Probs.
And there he is! Savior Murphy.....or....not? What will he choose?
And Clarke’s plan is now a go!
Clarke is so good at playing Josephine.
And Echo is brought up again to Bellamy. 
And Murphy is not going to be trusted by Clarke. Probs for the best.
For Monty! Love the new motto!
No shit, Layla!
Russel is convinced so easily. He’s about as good of a father as Abby is a mother. They both suck identifying their real kids.
Resurrect her in who indeed?
Clarke don’t give yourself away with Madi!
Poor Madi is being manipulated. 
And Clarke is breaking at seeing her poor baby struggle.
She doesn’t even know yet what Madi is going through!
And that was the end? Really?
Was anyone else a little...disappointed overall?
At least no one died?
31 notes · View notes
truthbeetoldmedia · 6 years ago
The 100 6x11 “Ashes to Ashes” Review
Trust is hard to come by in a civilization built on lies. In “Ashes to Ashes”, Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia are forced to come up with a plan quick that will appease the Children of Gabriel and save their people in Sanctum while Echo, Gaia, Miller and Murphy forge their own respective plans to get out of the sacred city alive. 
Not only is the story in this episode captivating, thanks to veteran writer Charmaine DeGrate, but the acting and visuals are stunning as well — all due to Bob Morley’s natural talent in his directorial debut. He has definitely proven himself a force in front of and behind the camera, and I know I speak for the entire The 100 fandom when I say I cannot wait to see where his career takes him.
For now though, we are lucky to have him as our Bellamy Blake, who particularly shines in this episode as he faces Octavia and acts as the mastermind behind the plan that aligns them with the Children of Gabriel. That is until Clarke has other, more selfless plans, of course. 
For Monty
Upon waking up as 100% Clarke Griffin, our protagonist has a very different outlook on life. While in the mindspace, she was forced to face her demons in the form of people from her past who knew she could do better. Monty in particular helped Clarke to realize that violence isn’t always the answer. So, when Clarke comes to and realizes her people are still in Sanctum, she is dead set on masquerading as Josephine to get into the city and save them. 
We as the audience get to see that changed and evolved Clarke inside the mindspace come to fruition in the “real world” and witness the satisfying tension it causes between her and Bellamy. Bellamy, who has spent much of the season fighting tooth and nail to get Clarke back finally has her by his side again. So naturally, when she wants to thrust herself back into a dangerous situation, he isn’t a huge fan. 
Though it was disappointing that the two only briefly discussed the lengths Bellamy went to to save Clarke before refocusing their attention on the rest of their people, this is how it has always been. As frustrating as it is, they live in a post-apocalyptic world where there isn’t much time at all to discuss feelings and desires. After the ending scene of 6x10 in which we felt how desperately Bellamy needs Clarke by his side, it’s undeniable that they need to find the time to sit down and have a longer conversation someday about what it actually means that they will risk everything, including the safety of the people they love, to save the other (hint: It is absolutely not platonic). However, as we are approaching the end of the season and tensions are coming to a head, it doesn’t appear that they will find that time anytime soon. 
Regardless, just seeing Clarke and Bellamy back together, working through the problem in front of them side by side was much needed after a season of Clarke mostly existing only inside her own head. Clarke and Bellamy are co-leaders first and foremost, and as such are a force to be reckoned with. Though it pains Bellamy to consider the consequences of Clarke getting caught in Sanctum, he knows that this is what must be done — what Monty would do. 
Monty continues to be their moral compass this season as they try to work towards peace. Though this moon has thrown them for a loop more than once in their attempts to start anew and be better, our heroes know they must do so even when the temptation to get revenge is stronger than ever. Doing what is right is not always the easier route, but it’s still the one that should be taken. 
While callbacks to characters long gone can sometimes be tiring, this season has done a beautiful job at emphasizing the important roles they played and continue to play in the lives of the characters still standing. While Murphy is terrified of facing his mortality, we know through Monty, Maya, Jake and even Pike that dying does not mean you cease to matter. The impact you had on people while you were alive remains. 
And so, Clarke faces her own mortality head on for the greater good. If she doesn’t, she knows her people will likely die. While I’ve missed Clarke deeply, her returning to the screen in such a powerful way almost makes it worth it. She’s evolved into a whole new kind of hero. Just when I thought it was impossible, I love her even more.
The 10-Year-Lie
While brainstorming a plan that will lower the radiation shield and get Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia’s people out of Sanctum, the group is confronted by the Children of Gabriel. They believe that Gabriel is still Xavier, and that he and “the old man” are protecting Josephine, thus betraying their anti-Prime regime. When they discover that Gabriel has bodysnatched Xavier, and has secretly existed in this form for 10 years, the Children of Gabriel are understandably upset. 
Layla, the sister of Xavier, helps add an interesting layer to the story. As Bellamy and Octavia work through their tarnished sibling relationship, she must mourn the fact that she’ll never get the chance to do the same, as her brother is gone forever. Layla’s hurt and anger is palpable as she must cooperate with Gabriel in order to destroy the Primes. 
We also get to see more of how the Primes are directly hurting people and tearing people apart, even though they believe what they are doing is right. The 100 has always placed emphasis on the grey area between right and wrong, a space that many if not all of the characters on this show have occupied at some point in time. The view of the Primes as godly figures and the cold war between the believers in Sanctum and the nonbelievers in the forest once again highlights that grey area. Both believe they are right, and neither are willing to budge. 
Also interesting is Gabriel’s role in all of this. Though he has notoriously led an anti-Primes movement, he is still alive in yet another body. We get little insight as to why he was resurrected 10 years ago, only that it was done by a man named Eduardo without his consent. This explains why he’s been hiding for so long, pretending to be Xavier. Though this season has largely been about redemption for characters like Octavia and Clarke who we know to have done bad things in the past, Gabriel needs to redeem himself as well. He has his own demons that he must face by helping to rescue the innocent and unwilling before they become hosts.
What is still undetermined is whether he will go along with Clarke’s peaceful plan, or aid the Children of Gabriel in killing the remaining Primes. While Clarke and Bellamy have a moral compass in the form of Monty guiding them, he does not. Though he has agreed to side with Clarke, we know how quickly characters on this show can switch allegiances when it is convenient for them. So, Gabriel is certainly a wild card.
A Spy Named Ash 
Back in Sanctum, Russell and Co. waste no time finding a new host for Simone’s mind drive. Echo, who has just been betrayed by Ryker while attempting to assassinate Russell and save her friends, is the chosen one. 
As Ryker prepares to kill her, Echo stalls, offering up a backstory that gives the audience an important little tidbit of information: Echo isn’t the name she was born with. As a child living under Queen Nia’s rule in the Ice Nation, or Azgeda, Ash was forced to kill her friend, Echo, and assume her identity before a trip to a neighboring kingdom. 
She tells the tale through tears, seemingly still guilty that she was not able to spare her friend’s life. However, when Gaia and Miller (a dream team, might I add) come to her rescue, Echo reminds Ryker of something Queen Nia taught her, right as she plunges a spear into his heart: hesitation is death. 
While this was an unexpected “badass” moment, it completely alters the importance of Echo’s story. While watching the flashback, we’re supposed to feel bad for Echo who was forced to kill someone close to her at such a young age. We believe that this provides more depth to her character, shows her as more than just a spy with good aim. 
However, Echo does not redeem herself by doing better as so many others have done this season. Instead, she takes the easier route, revenge, and kills Ryker. 
While this may be smart and cunning, it makes all of Echo’s flashes of vulnerability up until this point seem ingenuine. If this moment, an important glimpse into her traumatic past, was only a ploy to set her up for revenge, how are we as the audience expected to interpret any moments of warmth or vulnerability from her as anything other than manipulative? I want so badly to like Echo and to see her become a well-rounded character, but unfortunately this flashback only aided me in viewing her as cold-hearted, one-note character. 
The “badass female warrior” trope is only entertaining up to a certain point. If Echo is to continue being a part of the story the writers are telling, she needs an emotional facelift. And pronto. In a season constructed around the idea of facing one’s demons, there’s no reason Echo couldn’t have done the same — and shown some real depth in the process. 
My Sister, not My Responsibility
While dangerous, Sanctum sure is beautiful. I’ll give it that. While foraging for the toxic mushrooms needed to make a bomb with the same hallucinatory properties as the red sun, Bellamy and Octavia get a much-needed opportunity to hash things out in a glowing cave.
Octavia has changed since going into the anomaly and facing her demons, the most significant of which was her brother and what she put him through. She knows that she cannot expect Bellamy to forgive her for the person she became in his absence over those six years, but she also needs him to know that she’s turned over a new leaf. 
It’s understandably difficult for Bellamy to believe that she could have changed so much in such a short amount of time, but it’s clear that he sees some sort of shift. While Bellamy refuses to forgive and forget, he does offer up a satisfying line, delivered perfectly by Bob Morley: “You are my sister, but you’re not my responsibility, not anymore.” 
For Octavia, Bellamy was her moral compass. She needed his guidance, although this is the first time she’s admitting that. The Blake siblings have been through a lot. At times, their tumultuous relationship has felt exhausting. Bellamy’s recognition that Octavia is still his sister, but that she’s not his to guide anymore is something that has been a long time coming, perhaps too long. Though they still have a lot to work through, when and if they ever find a moment of peace, this moment felt satisfying. Bellamy is no longer running away from Octavia and pretending she doesn’t exist, and Octavia is taking responsibility for her actions. 
Marie and Bob’s acting in this scene was impeccable and really brought this relationship back to life. This scene was probably my favorite of the entire night, purely because we got to see a pairing that has been missing all season return. And, perhaps more importantly, Bellamy was able to definitively tell his sister that he doesn’t forgive her for her abusive behavior, and doesn’t have to. 
From this point forward, Octavia will have to continue on her journey of redemption by herself, without that moral compass she claims to need so badly. Her demons are perhaps the darkest of all, so it will be interesting to say the least to see if she can reach some form of enlightenment or if she will fall back into her old ways. 
The Unsung Heroes 
An unexpected yet delightful pairing this episode was Miller and Gaia. These two minor characters got the chance to shine through and bounce off each other in ways I never knew I needed. Gaia helps Miller to forgive himself for following Octavia despite her wicked ways, telling him that mistakes can be forgiven, it’s not learning from them that cannot be. 
This line parallels Gaia greatly to Monty, whose only wish for his people was to be the good guys moving forward. While Monty is the moral compass for Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia in the forest, Gaia is that same moral compass in Sanctum. 
She and Miller escape their holding cell and manage to save Echo, but not before she’s been made into a nightblood. Gaia notices this right away as she’s untying her, and in true Gaia fashion is stunned. 
I can’t help but wonder if Echo’s nightblood is a setup for something greater. Will she take the chip and become commander? I don’t think so. More plausible, I think, is that she will have to lower the radiation shield. Of course this means something would have to happen to Clarke and/or Raven that would hinder them from being able to do so themselves. 
While Gaia and Miller got their chance to be unsung heroes in this episode, perhaps Echo will get that same chance soon, possibly redeeming herself. Though this is equal parts speculation and wishful thinking, The 100 is unpredictable. Regardless, I would like to see Gaia and Miller become best friends and continue being a dream team, please and thank you. 
Caught in the Middle
Poor Murphy, always finding himself caught between a rock and a hard place. Then again though, as Russell puts it, he’s willing to do whatever and align with whoever in order to save himself. While Murphy takes offense to this, he can’t necessarily deny it. 
However, there’s a shift in Murphy’s thought process that is visible when Russell warns him there will be consequences for not bringing Josephine back alive. Murphy assumes he will be killed, “an eye for an eye”. He seems genuinely accepting of this. It’s only when Russell says Emori will be killed that Murphy’s face changes. 
Murphy has always been a selfish person. Arguably, Emori changed that about him the moment they fell in love. In Season 4, he fought to make sure she would not be killed in the radiation chamber. Similarly, she refused to leave him to die on earth at the end of Season 5. The two are willing to die if it means dying by the side of the person they love. 
However, this is the first time we’ve seen Murphy really accept his own death as he recognizes Russell’s deal for what it is, immortality versus mortality. He still wants to live forever by Emori’s side, but if one of them has to die to save the other, he wants it to be him. 
I’m still waiting for Murphy to change sides as he does so well and become the hero we all know he can be (see: him helping to save Clarke in Season 3). This time though, perhaps he will stay on the “good” side and take Monty’s words to heart. 
Murphy’s internal battle with his mortality has been so interesting to watch, and has been perhaps my favorite storyline to come out of Sanctum’s body-snatching ways. He’s known as a cockroach for a reason, but does he want that to be his legacy? Though he’s high up on my list of characters most likely to die this season, I sincerely hope he sticks around purely because I want to see him accept his mortality and live with it.  
This is The 100 though, so I’m not holding my breath that he will get a happy ending. After all, does anyone ever get that on this show? 
The Academy Award Goes to: 
You’ve seen Clarke, Josephine, Josephine pretending to be Clarke, and a Clarke and Josephine combo. Can I interest you in Clarke as Josephine? 
Realizing that the only way to avoid killing innocent people is to lower the radiation shield before the less intense bomb is set off, Clarke knows she must pretend to be Josephine and do it herself. Clarke parallels Bellamy from Season 2 as the inside man, and she certainly isn’t expecting what she finds when she returns to Sanctum. 
Madi is strapped down and being drained of her bone marrow to allow for the creation of more hosts, including one for Simone, Josephine’s mother. Clarke takes on perhaps the greatest acting feat of all time when she tells Madi that she is Josephine, and that Clarke is gone forever. She must be apathetic as Madi struggles in place, promising to avenge her death. 
I genuinely expected Clarke to break in this moment, and I’m sure there will be many moments like it in the near future. Clarke knows she must remain undercover if she wants to save the lives of all her people, including Madi, but that’s her child strapped down and being used as a medical experiment. 
It has been such a joy to watch Eliza Taylor’s range this season as she’s taken on the challenge of not only playing two entirely different characters, but playing them as each other as well. She’s really done an incredible job with it and shown just how talented she is (though just her as Clarke was enough to prove that). With Eliza announcing that she’ll be directing next season, I’m already excited for what’s to come after Season 6 is over. However, we still have two more episodes to get through in which I’m positive she’ll shine in front of the camera like she’s done all season long. 
Final Thoughts
In his first episode as a director, Bob Morley really knocked it out of the park. Everything came together to showcase the story in the best way possible, with the actors shining through in their performances. It’s unsuprising that so many cast members have been singing Bob’s praises since before the episode even aired. Hopefully we will get more episodes directed by him in the future!
As far as the story goes, this episode was pretty on par with the excellent writing that’s been delivered to us all season long. Clarke has been set up to once again save the day, but will she be able to? It’s those unexpected yet expected twists that make this show so great. We know that something is going to go wrong with this plan, we just don’t know what. 
With Clarke and Murphy back in Sanctum, almost everyone is in the same place again. The stories are starting to intertwine, with Abby’s bone marrow solution incapacitating Madi and thus throwing an unexpected wrench in Clarke’s plans to stay cool and undercover. Meanwhile, Murphy has further aligned himself with Russell and the Primes and will likely be a key player in determining the fate of his people. Does this mean more Clarke/Josephine and Murphy? Sign me up. 
And then there’s Bellamy and Octavia who are still with the Children of Gabriel and Gabriel himself. These two will really have to work together to save those they love and avoid a bloodbath. Octavia’s redemption, incoming. 
After all is said and done, Bellamy is going to have to face what he did as well though. He cannot sweep under the rug the fact that he left everyone else behind to get Clarke back. Even if it was in the best interest for his people, his focus at the time was on saving Clarke. 
This episode did give us a few breathers amidst the chaos for characters to work through their personal issues, and I’m hoping that we’ll get more of that after the climax of the finale. If the story is to move forward, the characters' relationships need to change, whatever that means for each respective pairing. 
Interpret that however you wish. 
With two hours of Season 6 left to go, I think this episode ultimately did its job. It forced the characters as well as us to consider how this is all going to end, and if they can really follow Monty’s advice and do better. 
Next episode, the penultimate, will launch us head first into the action and thrill The 100 does so well with that morally grey area growing even bigger. I can’t wait!
Stray Thoughts
Where is Jordan? It makes no sense that he suddenly disappeared, especially having played such an integral role in the first half of the season.
Bellamy hiding his tears after talking to Octavia really got to me. Bob Morley truly is a force in front of and behind the camera.
Speaking of acting, can we talk about Eliza Taylor playing Clarke playing Josephine? Incredible. That “Boo hoo” was everything.
That parallel between Clarke pulling the gag out of Bellamy’s mouth and him doing the same to her in 3x02 was something I never knew I needed until now. *Chef’s kiss*
Gaia must be protected at all costs. That is all. 
Jessica’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝.5
The 100 airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on the CW.
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nemossubmarine · 6 years ago
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #13
I really thought this would be the last session of this particular campaign, but some things happened and suddenly there might be half a session more in store, or something. A smooth transition to the next campaign? Well, we’ll see about that next time. Let’s see what those some things are that happened.
We pick up straight from where we left off, with Gorm having found his old packmate Harald and his wolves within an icy cavern. 
Harald is busy making a neat little pyramid out of severed heads, as one does. 
He looks real bad, fused into his armor and a piece of his helmet stuck to his cheek. 
Gorm doesn’t really wait for the others to arrive, instead stepping out, growling at the wolves and Harald, and making a little speech, talking about the great death wolf Morkai coming to claim Harald, and Fenris eating the weak. 
Although Harald greets him as a brother, Gorm says that the creature who he is talking to is no longer Harald. 
Harald mostly just laughs. 
Also takes a bite out of a head? 
Anyway, after his speech is done, Gorm backs off. 
The wolves and Harald move in, and one of the wolves gets an insane hit off on Gorm (18 wounds, yikes). 
Meanwhile the others have arrived to the cave, thanks to the very good piloting skills of Cayenne, and they’re moving in to provide assistance. 
Gorm mauls a wolf and wounds another, but drops his vape at the same time. 
Cayenne kills one of the remaining wolves, but gets bitten. Gimlet wounds another.
Saef uses his psyker powers to deal with the wolf Gimlet started on, and moves in to help with Gorm. 
Both him and Gorm get hits in on Harald, but neither can bring the mountain of a man down. 
Gorm is extremely bloodied, and Saef can’t help but notice he looks a bit more… wolf-like than usual. 
Harald picks up Gorm and smashes him into the ice, bringing him down. 
Gimlet slides in and blasts Harald’s head with his bolter all cool-like, thus finishing the battle.
Gimlet rushes to stabilise wounded Gorm. Also notcing the wolf-like qualities of his friend. 
Unfortunately Harald fell over on top of him, and teleporting Gorm from under him is extremely hard. 
Saef texts Vivek about getting Uffe to help with the heavy lifting. 
Cayenne goes to pick the boys up.  
While Saef and Gimlet keep watch, they spot some strange blue lights that appear and disappear further in the cave but don’t investigate them further. 
Uffe and Vivek get to the spot, and Uffe goes to lift Harald up, which he impressively enough does manage. 
While looking over Gorm, Gimlet notices Saef handing something to Vivek, who stuffs it into his jacket. 
Quietly Vivek asks for Saef to meet him later. 
Uffe asks Cayenne if he may accompany Gorm up to the ship. Cayenne says it’s fine. 
Vivek will not come with, instead saying he’ll take the ship and hide until Uffe gets back.
Gorm wakes up in the infirmary some time later to find Uffe sitting next to his bedside. 
Gorm is mostly doing okay, only he has lost one of his canines, and it has torn his lower lip when it broke. 
Gorm tells Uffe about how cool he was and how he totally needs to come up with a new nickname based on his meeting up with the Death Wolf, Morkai. 
Uffe said that Harald’s body has been taken care of (aka he rolled it into a ditch) and he also took some souvenirs for Gorm, one of the pelts off the wolves. 
Uffe tells that Rolf is no longer on the planet, nor is Cptn Pepper’s mother. 
Based on the tracks, at least the ship the cultists (presumably) took isn’t made for proper space travel, so they’re most likely on Dew Mountain. 
Rolf, Uffe isn’t so sure about it, but he has an idea. 
Their conversation is interrupted by arrival of Layla who has heard that Gorm is in hospital and wants to check in on him. 
Gorm tells Layla to wait outside while he dresses (wolf t-shirt). 
He also tries to stand up, but that doesn’t go great. 
Luckily Uffe is there to catch him. 
When Layla comes in, Uffe excuses himself. 
Layla comments on how awful Gorm looks. 
Gorm tells Layla of Morkai and how people who are in danger of death sees his shadow. 
Layla complains about school being boring, mostly she doesn’t want to learn about different kinds of peppers, but Gorm tells her to stay in school. 
He then asks whether she has learned about money yet, and Layla is more than happy to provide answers.
Gimlet, upon getting back to the ship, goes to visit Inpax, where he lets her know that Vivek is currently alone, and that he has put a tracker on his ship. Inpax questions whether he is sure about this, since it might be hard to keep his cover after that. Gimlet says it seems to be the only way. Inpax shares some news regarding her study of Eden. She has found several road blocks in the form of inaccesible files, that have been locked away. It’s quite possible that Vivek has those keys with him.
Saef makes clear of his promise to Vivek and pops by to visit him on his ship. 
Or rather outside it as Vivek is smoking on its staircase. 
Saef asks if Vivek is alright, and Vivek asks in general or right now. 
Saef says both. 
Vivek says he hasn’t been fine in general for like 30 years, but that’s beside the point. 
He has done some thinking, about why Eden wanted Saef to ask Vivek about his brother. 
Well, here’s what he has. What was done to Theo was completely legal, but as his brother ”gets his rocks off on two things; torture and signing forms”, it means there’s a paper trail of who ordered it and why. 
So that might be something Saef should look into. 
Saef thanks for the information. 
Before they can talk much more, there’s suddenly a handful of Inquisition’s people in the clearing, guns trained on them.
Saef steps between the newcomers and Vivek, and is harshly ordered to step aside. 
Vivek asks whether the people followed Saef here, and Saef says probably, and that he is sorry. 
Vivek suddenly grabs his eye prosthetic and starts tearing it apart. 
Immediately the Inquisition’s people surround him and teleport him away. 
Saef picks up the pieces of Vivek that were dropped, his cellphone and the ship’s keys and returns to the ship, where he first goes to talk with Cayenne (but as Cayenne’s player wasn’t present, we’ll leave that report for next time).
Gorm is again alone in the infirmary when Uffe bursts back in and tells that someone (looks like Inquisition) has taken Vivek. 
Apparently Uffe’s grand plan of finding Rolf heavily involved Vivek, so now they have to get him back. 
Gorm is all ready for gonking some Inquisition head’s together, and manages to stay standing now that he tries it again, so all is going well. 
Gorm suggests they go pick up Saef for the mission. 
Uffe has some doubts, as he is quite sure someone ratted Vivek out, but he isn’t quite sure who. 
He does tell Gorm that Gimlet threatened Vivek. 
Gorm says Saef should be fine, not a friend of the Inquisition etc. 
So they go. 
Saef actually wanted to see Gorm too, so nice. 
When the situation is explained to him, Saef admits that he was there when Vivek got captured. 
He also hands over the ship’s keys to Uffe. Uffe clearly wants to say something not-so nice, but Gorm tells him to thank Saef first for the keys, so the matter gets dropped. 
Then the three of them are off to do some jail breaking.
Meanwhile Gimlet goes to have a chat with Cayenne’s brother Tabasco, the doctor. There’s several things he wishes to discuss. 
First is the matter of Saef having eaten the possibly xenos-infected fruit. 
Tabasco is apologetic, as he can’t really talk with personal matters of someone else with Gimlet. Patient confidentiality and all that. 
There’s a definite impression he does give that something is happening, but perhaps slowly. 
Tabasco says he wants to discuss the matter with Cayenne and Saef and also possibly use the expert they have currently locked up on their ship, although he still doesn’t know why exactly is he being held. 
Gimlet admits that it is a weird situation. 
He asks if Cayenne asked Tabasco about survivors from Limestow. 
Tabasco says that it was mentioned, although they did talk about a lot of other things. 
He says that he visited the Estate a lot with his mother, more than Cayenne ever did, as he was always more of a Blossom at heart. 
At which point Gimlet calls him blossoming, which seems to please Tabasco. 
Tabasco says that people got really scared to talk about Limestow, as its destruction seemed so pointless they feared talking about it might call the destructive force back upon it. 
And well, now Pomegranate Estate is gone (from different forces, admittedly). 
Tabasco got the impression some of the children made it, but apparently Aunt PomPom got upset if asked about it.
He also mentions that there was a lot of migrant workers, especially from Dew Mountain, and since Limestow was destroyed in the fall, some of them might have already returned home, and may or may not have returned back to Orchard Mountain for work. 
There’s lists of workers in the Aunt’s cabin, as she was quite resistant to technology. 
Tabasco says Gimlet is free to go and pick it up, he certainly won’t be going back to the Estate. 
Gimlet thanks Tabasco and calls him handsome in the same breath. 
Tabasco laughs and tells Gimlet to call him Doctor Handsome from now on, which Gimlet says he will.
And that’s all for this session. Next session is Gimlet’s adventures in finding old paperwork (like any good archivist would) and others, more classically, attempting a prison break. :D We’ll see which party Cayenne joins, or if she has stuff of her own to do.
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ring-anon · 7 years ago
Princess: Albert Kleinman x Diana Murphy
A Dear Evan Hansen Parent AU fic
Warnings: Drunk girl tries to seduce a character, brief mention of a car accident, questionable treat of a person with a disability- not slurs or abuse, just kind of falling into the whole pity mentality if you know what I mean
A/N: My first fic ever! For those that are new to my blog, Diana is Connor’s daughter, Albert/ Al is Jared’s kid. I want to make this a short series, but don’t expect anything soon!
W/C: 2,075
When Diana was 12, she told Al she wanted to be a princess. Al raised an eyebrow at the idea. “Diana, you know this isn’t Disney, right?” Al argued.
“No no no, not like a magic princess. I mean I want to marry into royalty, like the British Monarchy or something.” She explained “If I marry into a family like that, I wouldn’t have political responsibilities or anything, but I could use my influence to change the world for the better, y’know?”
Al shook his head and exhaled deeply. “Okay, like what?”
“I dunno. Maybe start a few charities. Abolish shoulder-based dress code rules. Y’know, small stuff like that” she replied nonchalantly.
Diana was full of spontaneous ideas like that. But the thing is, Diana was the kind of person that could make those ideas come to life.
That’s why Albert Kleinman was severely in love with Diana Murphy.
“Al, I swear you are the only person that would skip a high school football game to read The Hobbit.”
Al groaned. “Dad, I’m really close to the end. I really REALLY would appreciate it very much if you left me alone right now.”
“…Scratch that. I know one other person. That person would be ME my senior year of high school” he remarked. Al planted his face into his book. “Hey bud, I wouldn’t care if you didn’t say last Wednesday that you were going with Diana Murphy. Did you cancel or-?”
“No, but she’ll understand if I can’t go” Al snapped.
Jared sighed. “Al… is this for the reason I think it is-“
“No! …Somewhat? Maybe?” Al closed the book and turned to look at Jared leaning against his door frame.
“Albert Kleinman, you are not going to keep pining and doing nothing about how you feel. It has been since the summer before junior year-“ he lectured.
“End of sophomore year, if you wanna be technical-“ Al added, sliding his hands through his hazelnut locks.
“That’s not better! It drives me and this whole family nuts. If Wiley wasn’t in college he’d be pulling his hair out. And frankly-“ Jared moved to sit on Al’s bed “It kills me to see you so-so- I don’t know, insecure about this? Because I know this seems like a huge conflict, but I promise you, it’s not” he assured. Al looked up at the ceiling, as if he was searching for a reply up there.
“Al- you’re a smart kid. And you two are best friends. Even if she says no, you two have a strong enough bond to make things work out okay in the end. Just- don’t let one challenge stand in the way of you being happy. I’ve let that happen before- believe me, it’s not a good idea.” Al breathed. His dad could be an asshole, but the worst part was that he was usually a correct asshole.
“Well…alright, I’ll go. I’ll text you when I’m there and leaving and such. Also-uh...thanks” Jared smiled and patted Al on the back.
As Jared left he shouted from the hall: “Remember, no matter what happens between you two don’t piss off Mr. Murphy! I learned MANY times firsthand that’s not a good idea!”
The marching band played the fight song. Some trombone was blasting much louder than they needed to be.
“Okay, Al, you’re the one with the musical brother, so… technically how good is our band?” Diana asked. Al shrugged, straining to avoid eye contact with her.
“They’re okay, but Wiley would probably say they were better when he was there. I’d say they look less crowded without his ego on the field.”
Diana scoffed. “You’re not wrong there…” she tapped him on the shoulder “…Hey, you ‘ight?” Al was first to turn his head towards her. Her honey-colored eyes shined under the lights, and her coffee brown locks framed her round face like a painting. Even worse: when Al realized how cold it was outside, he offered her an extra sweatshirt in his car. It was a little big, so Diana hid her hands in the sleeves. Fuck… she’s fucking adorable fuck, Al thought to himself. Diana waved her hands in front of his face. “Earth to Al, we have lost the signal, I repeat, earth to Al!” she teased.
“Huh-uh sorry Di” Al murmured.
Diana crossed her arms. “Al, what’s up? You’ve been off all week. Not coming to my house at all, paying zero attention in English- I repeat, ENGLISH, you damn bookworm- nearly blowing through an intersection, and you always keep your eyes on the road-“
Diana was prepared to keep going but Al interjected: “Okay, okay…you got me. I’m- well…” he figured it was time to be honest “it’s- uh- you.”
She tilted her head. “Me? I don’t understand.”
Al’s stomach turned. “Well, you know, its- I just- you know… it’s your ex.” He was kicking himself in his head at this point.
Diana tilted her head at an even stronger angle. “Um…what? I broke up with Layla months ago, and on good terms. She was going out of state and wanted to start fresh. How is that something to be worried about?”
“Nonono! I mean… do you think you’re gonna start dating again?” Al asked, immediately regretting his decision “Waitno that sounds bad sorry Imean um-“ he stammered.
Diana laughed dryly “Oooh I see. You think I need someone to be a knight in shining armor? Come on Al, you know better than that.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Al sighed. “I mean, I dunno, you seem like you’re interested in someone… maybe?” You are a garbage liar he criticized. He began to glare at his shoes, not wanting to say much.
“Is it that obvious?” Diana asked. Al immediately perked up his head. Diana sighed. “Well… you know Brenda Nox? She gestured to a brunette cheerleader waving her pom-poms. “She..she does things to me.” Diana crooned, followed by burying her face in her hands.
Al smiled softly and patted her on the back. “It’s okay. Unrequited love sucks…” Al swallowed harshly “…but you’ll make it work.”
“Thanks Al…but that’s not all. See, there’s another person I like too” She mumbled.
“Who?” Al questioned.
“I-I can’t even say. It’s really embarrassing, because I like them a lot, and I know they do too-” she confessed.  “-But I want to wait for them. Because I know they can say it. And frankly, I think they should, because they need to know that if they want something…well, they should go for it.”
“Couldn’t agree more. And I hope this person gets their act together.” Al declared, even though her words made his heart sink. Yet, even so, something about her words made Albert have a small, hopeful voice say two words in his head: It’s you.
Al went into concessions to go to the bathroom. He thought he knew the terrain, it was his own high school, but that damn step down before he got to the bleachers always tripped him up- literally. He fell on his knee, catching the attention of a few girls from the visiting school.
“Ohhh wowww are you okaaay?” one of them slurred. When they offered their hand to help him up, he could smell the beer from the ground. He decided to pass and get up himself. “Are you okaaay? You gotta be bllleediiing or somethiiin’” she supposed.
Al took a couple of in-place steps. He knew such a small fall couldn’t affect his legs, but he had a habit of checking. The one girl that offered to pick him up still looked concerned and invested in Al for reasons he didn’t understand. “Oh! I’m fine! I have prosthetics, see?” he lifted his pant leg, then turned to the bleachers.
“Woooah wait. How’d-how’d that happeeen?” she asked, taking a wobbly step closer to him.
Great, he thought. Just try and make this quick. He inhaled and began. “I was in a car accident when I was 5. I was sitting behind the shotgun seat, and the crash impacted there the most. No one was sitting in front of me but the chair was thrown back and crushed my legs. Now if you’ll excuse me I-“
“O-M-G that must have been aawfuuullll!” she squealed a little too loudly, making Al wince. “You poooor thing…well I gotta say-“ she purred, taking a step towards Al. “-you still look preeetty tough to me.” The girl placed an arm on his bicep, causing him to freeze. She was obviously too intoxicated to put together a coherent thought, but he needed to get back to Diana. “Saaay if you feel like it, you aaand your prrreeetty blue eyes could maaaybe drivvve meee hooome, aaand-“
“You know, you’re not supposed to have alcohol on school grounds. There are teachers swarming the place, so I’d suggest you leave.” Al had never been more relieved. Diana was standing behind the girl, arms crossed.
The girl looked at Diana, then back to Al. She scoffed. “Guess I’ll leave you with your giiirlfriiiend.” she sang as she walked away. Al beamed at Diana. He saw her cheeks were pink, probably from the cold.
“Cocoa?” Diana asked. Al gave her a cup. Her smile returned.
“Come on, we’re at 3rd quarter already. We’re losing, but there might be a turn-around, you never know!”
The car ride home was silent, but Al’s mind was screaming. The incident with the girl left Al with a lot of questions. Was she jealous? Or was she just helping you as a friend? Or…both? Frankly, Al didn’t care anymore. At this point he didn’t think he would get any answers to his questions.
“Woah…Al, roll down the windows!” Diana commanded.
Her words got him out of his own question-spiral, but they led to yet another question. “Why the flying fuck would I do that?” he lashed out.
“…to look at the stars. Sorry, Al I didn’t mean to annoy you. Gotta love a short attention span…” her voice trailed off.
Al felt his stomach drop to the lowest it had this evening. He was practically sinking in his seat. “No…Diana you’re good. That one was on me.” He admitted.
Then, he got inspired.
“You don’t have to be home for another hour right?” Al asked.
“Hour AND a half! I made a case to my dad and he caved” she beamed.
“Okay, we’re gonna make a detour then” he declared.
After fifteen minutes of Diana’s nagging, they finally got there: the field where Al’s dad took him and his siblings as a kid to go stargazing. The best part is that he didn’t even have to take the time to get out of the car. He let the sun roof down, and Diana’s mouth immediately went agape. The black sky was littered with stars.
“…Al, you are really something, you know?”
“I mean...I guess I try.” Al took a deep breath. “Diana, there’s- there’s something I wanted to talk to you about” he stammered. Somehow, in exhaustion and hope, he thought this was a good idea.
“Oh jeez, did I do something? Look Al I know I’m blunt but if you ever get offended by something I say you know you can always tell-”
Al’s face turned red “Nononono you didn’t do anything wrong, I just-”
“Al if it’s about the girl earlier, you looked like you needed help.” he was now highly confused. “…It wasn’t me trying to be a knight in shining armor or pity you, I was just acting like I do- y’know, trying to help others when actually-“
“You’re really something else.” Al whispered, his face becoming much closer to hers than it was before.”
“What…what are you…” Diana tried to speak, but she was soon interrupted by Al’s lips slamming fiercely into hers. Al thought Diana tasted vaguely like cherry chapstick, but mostly hot chocolate, and he figured she thought the same. That was the last thought he had before succumbing to full bliss. Al’s hands were shaky, but they eventually found their way to Diana’s waist. Diana ruffled her fingertips through Al’s messy locks. He didn’t even feel this. He also didn’t feel his face burning up at her touch, or any other sensation. All Al felt in that moment was Diana’s lips pressing into his.
 Al had never kissed a princess before. But once Diana left his car that night, after a silent-but-content drive home, he never wanted to stop.
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