#but i like a lot of zhongli ships like yes i do dislike THAT one but its more of malicious apathy
cometrose · 1 year
fav zhongli ship
i like most zhongli ships but i have to say zhongven is my favorite i just like their dynamic they’re so different but so alike plus i am a huge fan of the old friends dynamic
they have known each other for eons but they tease and bicker with each other because they are so close and i appreciate it
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xiaogenders · 3 years
xiaoven: thoughts
this post is very anti xiaoven. pls scroll if that isnt for you
i’ve never really liked xiaoven. it doesn’t do anything for me, but a lot of popular ships don’t, so i didn’t think much of it. that being said, i couldn’t come up with an actual reason as to why i dislike it until i actually sat down and thought about it.
the short answer is: i just don’t see the chemistry? yeah, yeah, i get the dynamic: funky little anemo bard who plays music for sad little anemo yaksha... but i don’t see much chemistry between the characters as people. not only that, but i don’t think a relationship between them is viable at all.
venti is a carefree bard: the god of freedom. i really don’t think he could easily tie himself down to anyone, let alone another immortal who he’s literally stuck with until the end of time. during the windblume festival, we saw venti giving advice regarding love, but i don’t think he’s actually used to being in relationships or putting effort into them.
additionally, since the tragic loss of his friend (the unnamed bard), i would think that venti is somewhat wary of getting too close to people (romantically or otherwise) for fear of losing them. because of all of this, i think it would be very difficult for venti to open up and to be truly present in a relationship.
xiao, on the other hand, is a loyal yaksha: having served the god of contracts for thousands of years. i don’t know if this makes sense, but remember how in percy jackson everyone has a fatal flaw? xiao’s would definitely have to be his overly loyal, people-pleasing instincts.
xiao doesn’t think that he’s a good person. he wants to make up for his past wrongdoings even though they were not of his own volition. xiao wants nothing more than to protect and serve.
we can see this in his relationship with zhongli. as zhongli is the one who saved him, xiao feels incredibly indebted to him, forming a contract to work with him and continuing to be loyal even after the contract ends. so, you can only imagine how terribly xiao would fare in a romantic relationship.
xiao would completely throw himself into the relationship for fear of losing one of the few people who love him. he would completely prioritize the other person’s happiness, not thinking about what he wants or needs, because he’s so desperate to please his partner.
it’s not like xiao realizes this about himself. however, venti can see it clear as day. this is where conflict starts to form. if xiao asks, “are you happy?”, venti cannot, in good faith, tell him yes. he cannot be happy when he knows xiao is hurting himself for his sake when venti isn’t even doing half as much. xiao, though, wouldn’t understand this, and would likely take it personally. “i didn’t make him happy,” “i failed,” etc.
maybe xiaoven would work out once another thousand years has passed and they’ve both gotten a LOT of therapy... but until then... i am confidently not a fan
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pazii · 3 years
Making a post about my Genshin OCs because some people seem to be interested
None of them are really fully developed and I have not settled on most of their designs...Most of them are really old OCs I came up with, their stories probably will change a lot in the future, especially designs
I love talking about my OCs so don't be shy to interact with me about them too!
All art belongs to me!
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Yukina Fuyuhiro
Age: Early twenties
Ethnicity: Inazuma/Liyue
Race: Kätzleins
Birthday: August 25
Affiliation: Kinji (made up name for her well known family company)
Vision: Cryo
Weapon: bow
Yukina is a fashion designer working in her family’s well known fashion company. Her family company has became popular in Teyvat over time. The company, Kinji is easily over 90 years old. Her father is the current CEO of the company but he is currently in terrible conditions due to a serious sickness, leaving his eldest daughter, Yukina to take his role temporarily.
She has been residing in Liyue ever since her family moved out of Inazuma when she was young. She is a hard worker who spends most of her time in her workshop, working away with piles of paperwork and new orders for new designs. In her free time she tend to go to Wanmin Restaurant to enjoy a meal and relax for a bit. She also likes to go into the mountains and wilderness of Liyue and other nations to look for new inspirations and materials for her next clothing line.
There’s suspicions of her having dealings with the Fatui since she could be seen talking with the eleventh Fatui harbinger,Childe. Although those are false claims, Yukina couldn’t care less.
Yukina cherishes her vision more than anyone would think. Her vision originally belonged to her mother, who passed away due to an “accident”. The vision was brought back to her, when she held the now “empty” vision it started glowing a bright blue light of the cryo vision. The cryo vision reawakened when being resonated with Yukina, therefore granting her a vision.
Extra information
So I had a thought about Yukina’s mother being a Fatui harbinger but she betrayed the Fatui somehow and went on the run with her family to Liyue. After living a few years peacefully the Fatui finally caught up with her and ended her life, faking it as if she died in an accident. Yukina will find out about it at one point in the story, not fully thought out...
Uh yes... Yukina and Childe have a special relationship (if you dislike OC x CC I’m sorry )
Coffee is the only thing keeping her alive at this point, like me
She is a distant relative of Diona
And yes she has cat ears and tail like Diona too
She likes creating images of moving ice animals with her vision since that’s something her mother used to do when she was little to cheer her up
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Age: 4000+
Birthday: June 14
Affiliation:Liyue adeptus
Weapon: (Dual) Sword
Taiyang was originally a creation of the pyro archon during the archon war. The pyro archon created a giant bird made out of pure flames, who possesses divine powers. Ok so, this part of his backstory is not fully developed like at all- So he somehow ended up in Liyue, something happened that made him choose to serve the Geo Archon, Morax and not the pyro archon. Joining Morax’s line of adeptus to fight along side him.
In present times, Taiyang enjoys taking a human form. He is very interested in mortals and their world. He think he had lived in his own world with the adepti, having almost no chance to understand the people he was supposed to protect more. He enjoys making conversations with people in Liyue, Liyue harbour mostly.
People in Liyue harbour knew him as a kind young man who enjoys making small talks and helping people with random tasks. He was once approached by the adventurers guild with an offer for him to join them but he politely declined.
He kept his identity as an adepti well from the people of Liyue. A fellow adepti and friend of his thinks it is dumb to try and understand humans, despite that he still listens to Taiyang whenever he talks about them.
Extra information
Taiyang did know about Zhongli’s plans of retiring and he respected his decision
He still often pays Zhongli random visits and they chit chat while enjoying some tea
Taiyang is really close with Xiao, they’re good bros
The feather on his necklace is one of his actual feathers, Taiyang can control each one of his feathers individually like Hawks from my hero academia!
He is baby and I love him :)
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Age: early - mid twenties
Birthday: haven’t decided yet
Affiliation: Liyue Qixing
Vision: Electro
Weapon: Catalyst (might change)
Ok so here’s an OC that I recently made and literally have not thought much of yet and I don’t have much to tell you- I’ll be thinking more about her soon I swear 😭
All I know is she’s dating Ganyu because when I made her I really wanted a lesbian ship with an OC and I love Ganyu- number 1 waifu fight me 😤
The bunny ears she has are fake btw, the flowers on her head are these, does anyone know what they’re called? They’re really pretty and I know nothing about them
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That’s all for my OCs! I hope you like them! Let me know if you want more of them <3
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