#but i know that kinda thing can be tiring
astrocafecoffee · 2 days
Synastry and composite chart notes 💗 part 2
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🍁For entertainment purposes only, enjoy my lovelies 🍁
✩ synastry and Composite part 1
Long post ahead!! I am tired 😭but that's okay .
✨ Lilith conjunct Neptune in Capricorn in 5th house-
- This relationship may have idealistic and dreamy romantic quality to it. Neptune person could idealize or glamorize Lilith person, which could lead to intense attraction.
- there is a strong creation energy to it. Together you both can create amazing things. The creative collaboration could result in projects that feel deeply meaningful and transformative.
- with Neptune's influence here, this connection might have a spiritual or mystical dimension. You both could involve in spiritual practices.
- but this aspect also can bring up issues , like unrealistic expectations . So you both have to handle with clear communication and mutual understanding.
✨ Moon in 8th house synastry -
- you may find that you can talk about intimate feelings more easily with this person.
- moon person might help the house person to face emotional challenges or personal growth(8th house) .
- you may feel that this person knows on a very personal level.
- in this case emotional bond can be very intense , which can lead to strong feelings for each other. You could explore each other secrets too.
✨ Moon opposite mars in synastry -
- this placement can bring about emotional disagreements or clashes. You might find that your emotional needs and reactions are often at odds with each other actions.
- in this case balance is very important . Balance between emotional expression ( moon's influence) and assertive actions.( Mar's influence).
- but despite the tension there is strong passion . This could become a energetic and vibrant connection.
- the opposite nature of this placements could adress the underlying issues. , Which can lead to significant personal growth. You need to understand each other needs . Communication is must. Every relationship has problems, you just need to solve those problems together. All the best.
✨ Mars in 8th house synastry -
- Strong magnetic attraction between partners. This connection goes beyond the surface level interactions. There is a deep emotional and physical bonding.
- Also there is often a compelling desire to explore each other's needs and fantasies , making the intimate connection highly dynamic and satisfying.
- Also mars here can mean that partners may share or discover deep personal secrets of each other.
-8th house represents transformation . This relationship might push both partners to confront and work through deep seated issues and fears, which can lead to personal growth. Also effective communication and a willingness to adress underlying issues is important.
✨ Mars 12th house synastry -
- mars person could help the house person confront their inner fears and work through their subconscious issues.
- mars person might stimulate 12th house person's private passions and desires. 12th house person feels like they are safe enough to explore and express their innermost thoughts and feelings.
- but their might be unspoken feelings / subconscious conflicts which is kinda hidden from one another.. one or both of them feel like the other person often engaging in secretive behaviour. So communicate clearly with your person. It will clear misunderstandings.
- on a positive note, there might be a strong shared interest in creative pursuits. Also spirituality is another side of this relationship which will heal both.
✨ Venus 12th house double whammy -
- this relationship might inspire both partners to explore spiritual and creativity side ( as in 12th house ). Also this connection may feel like a Karmic connection or they can feel like they know each other from their past lives.
- you both might collaborate with each other in any artistic pursuits. You guys can create amazing art. ( As Venus is beauty , charm , art and 12th house also influence artistic side). Both partners may experience a deep almost otherworldly emotional bond.
- also both partners might want to express their love in private, this can include small gestures and behind the scenes act of kindness. Both are protective of each other's personal space and emotions.
-its very important to remain grounded in this connection as 12th house influence can create illusion , which can lead to unrealistic expectations. So communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings.
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✨Saturn trine Uranus in synastry-
- Here, Saturn's stability allows Uranus persons urge for change and growth to flourish. Trine aspect can indicate changes can be integrated smoothly.
- also there's a respect for differences in this relationship. Saturn person's discipline and Uranus person's need for freedom can coexist beautifully with out any conflict or misunderstanding. Both partners express their individuality while maintaining the strong beautiful connection.
✨ Northnode conjunct mars in synastry -
- the mars person may naturally take on the leadership role in the relationship which can motivate northnode person to make bold actions towards their goals.
- Northnode person sense of purpose can provide direction and meaning to Mars efforts.
- this relationship might feel like fated or destined ( northnode influence) .
✨ Male's mentor asteroid conjunct female's child asteroid in synastry -
- this is self explanatory. The male partner could provide support or guidance in a way that touches the female's inner child or her approach to personal growth.
- he could motivate her through continuous encouragement or by creating an environment where she feels free to explore her child like qualities, her main goal , creativity etc.
- the female feels the man provides her a safe place whom she can count on.
✨person A's Moon and Lilith in Person B's 1st house synastry -
- person B might feel a deep emotional connection or sensitivity to person A's presence. Person B also very protective of person A . People might see person B as more emotionally expressive or vulnerable when person A is around.
- person B also experience primal reaction in response to person A. Person B could be pushed to confront aspects of their personality they hadn't fully addressed before.
✨ Vesta in 8th house synastry -
- both might find themselves exploring sacred or taboo aspects of life/ hidden aspects of their relationship.
- Vesta person may serve as a catalyst for transformation in the 8th house person's life.
-also there is a potential for intense commitment . Emotional intimacy and mutual support is seen here.
✨ Vesta in 3rd house synastry -
- both partners may be deeply invested in the quality of their conversations , valuing meaningful and focused discussion.
- Vesta person could be very supportive of the 3rd house person's communication style and thought process, which helps the house person feel more confident in their self expression.
- you guys might have same hobbies - like writing, media technologies etc.
✨ Destinn asteroid/ Vertex/ northnode conjunct Briede in synastry -
- destined to be with this person in this lifetime. Strong potential for deep commitment within this relationship. You both may feel that this union is spiritually aligned. The partners may find that they work well together in practical matters too such as finances, work or family planning.
✨ Lilith in 12th house synastry -
- there's a strong fascination and desire to understand or uncover hidden layers of Lilith person by house person as Lilith person charisma often attracts the 12th house person.
- 12th house person may find themselves confronting hidden or suppressed aspects of themselves through the Lilith person.
- Lilith person often act as a catalyst for 12th house person to face their shadow side or adress unresolved issues.
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✨Nessus conjunct sun synastry -
- sun person may experience a deepening of self awareness and pushed to heal the old wounds related to power dynamics.
- sun person often feel like they are kinda exposed to the Nessus person in terms of dominance and control. On the other side Nessus person may feel like their influence over the sun person is very profound or significant.
-this aspect can uncover the hidden issues from the past . At first it may seem uncomfortable but this could lead to healing and greater understanding.
-clear communication is very important to solve any misunderstanding.
✨ Venus square ascendant synastry -
- the Venus person may find the ascendant person's visual and manners very attractive and charming but they often feel like their own preferences or values are not truly appreciated. So it can create a push- pull dynamic between them. ( Mainly from Venus person's side).
- this aspect can create conflict..like disagreements over style, social behaviour or how to approach certain life aspects.
- the ascendant person may feel like they are constantly judged by the Venus person. They may feel like they need to adjust certain aspects of them , like how they present in the relationship.
- here balance is needed . You have to learn how to negotiate every situation and a little bit compromise can lead to a beautiful relationship.
✨ Vertex conjunct synastry - always fated or not?
- vetex is often associated with fated encounters and a significant turning points of one's life . Northnode is one's life path and destiny. I mean yeah when this two points conjunct in a synastry chart , it can suggest that the relationship is likely to be important and may play a significant role in both individuals life. If anyone's telling you that yeah it's 100% fated in astrology...then bro just run... That's not true.. ofcourse it's a important conjunction, I have seen in many couples..but how the relationship unfolds is influenced by the choices and actions of both individuals. Free will is all that matters.
✨ Aquarius rising with Uranus in 1st house composite chart -
- with this placement 1st thing my mind says that people might view this couples as trendsetters . This relationship might create an immediate striking impression on others. Often this couple might host some unique events or participate in unusual social circle. So people often thinks that couples are open minded and possess forward thinking qualities.
- their habits and interests might be very different from other couples. So their relationship often standout to others. They might challenge traditional relationship roles and norms. A rebellious couple. Collaboration in creative or social Ventures is another point in this relationship. Also both can be from different countries.
✨ Moon conjunct northnode double whammy -
- there's a remarkable level of emotional synchronicity between the partners. Its easy for them to connect on a Deeper level . They feel like this relationship meant to help both partners grow in alignment with their life purposes.
- this can feel like a Karmic connection, where the relationship feels like a continuation of past life experiences or lessons that need to be addressed in this lifetime . But They could work through significant emotional issues together. They might find themselves instinctively knowing how to support each other in the difficult times.
✨ person A's sappho and cupid asteroid person B's moon in synastry -
- person A may evoke deep feelings and desires in person B , which can lead to a strong romantic connection. Also this connection might help person B feel more deeply understood and appreciated on a deep emotional level. The partners often discuss about intimacy, romance and emotional fulfillment.
- on other side , person A's deep affection can make person B feel deeply valued. There's a strong sexual attraction too ( sappho's Influence). This can also help both partners to sooth past emotional wounds.
✨Libra rising/sun/juno in composite chart-
- I have seen this placement in many married couples chart. This relationship is stable and peaceful. You may both work hard to avoid conflicts. You guys always seeks harmonious environment around you.
- as Libra ruled by Venus you guys could be concerned with maintaining a positive public image and might put effort presenting your relationship in a way that appears ideal and harmonious. Also both of you have similar interests in art , culture and aesthetic pursuits.
- just don't depend on each other too much. Decision making should be a joint effort.
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✨9th house/ Sagittarius stellium in composite chart -
- this relationship is all about personal and intellectual growth. You might inspire each other to pursue higher education and engage in continuous learning or explore many different areas.
- hmm yeah also one or both partners might take on roles as teachers , mentor or guides in the relationship. You guys both inclined too focus on broad , philosophical topics.
- there could be a strong inclination towards travel and exploring together. Or it you guys may speak different languages. Learning each other cultures is also highlighted here.
✨ Gemini/ 3rd house stellium in composite chart -
- this relationship may have a strong sense of humour and playfulness. You guys might bond over witty conversations , jokes, and a light hearted approach to life challenges.
- this aspect also talks about networking and connections. You guys might work together or could find yourselves frequently interacting with a diverse range of people and involved in various social circles.
-communication is highlighted here , but if misunderstandings happens then it's important to ensure clarity and avoid assumptions to prevent unnecessary conflicts.
✨ Moon, juno and northnode all conjunct each other in composite chart -
- this combination can indicate a partnership where both individuals support each other's personal development and emotional needs. This also suggest a connection that feels so fated, you both might experience a sense of having met for a reason, as if your paths are meant to cross each other.
- there's a stable long term commitment in this relationship, where you both might focus on building a stable partnership.( Northnode is destiny, moon in emotional connection and juno is a commitment asteroid).
- this connection might challenge and inspire you to evolve and embrace new direction of life.
✨ Saturn conjunct moon in synastry -
- here saturn person may act as a mentor or guide to the moon person. Moon person might benefit from saturn person's wisdom and experience. Most of the cases Saturn person is older than the moon person ( not always).
- as Saturn represents stability, so this relationship might offer a secure grounded environment where emotion needs are addressed in a practical or reliable manner. But sometimes moon person might feel restricted or burdened by saturn person's seriousness or sense of duty.
- this ensures a long term commitment . This relationship might be enduring and focused on building a solid foundation.
- sometimes saturn person's approach may come of as too controlling or overly critical to the moon person, so it's important to adress any feelings or emotional suppression or dissatisfaction that might arise.
✨ Venus, mercury, Saturn, moon all conjunct in 11th house of composite chart-
- the partnership might evolve working together on projects or causes that require persistence and dedication. You guys are so serious in achieving your shared dreams and goals.
- with mercury and Saturn , communication in this relationship might be very engaging, well organised and purposeful. This could mean that discussions are practical, thoughtful, and planning for future.
-with moon here, partners may need to find a balance between their personal, emotional needs and their commitments to social or communal responsibilities.
- you guys might find yourselves in roles where you Influence your community and social networks.
✨ Your Groom conjunct his Chiron and midheaven -
- your relationship with him can play a significant role in his healing journey. Your presence might help him adress and heal his deep seated wounds and insecurities.( Particularly related to his public image or career).
- this relationship could be visible to others in some way too. You might support his descisions and offer him practical advice.
- it also indicates you guys might work together in some endeavours.
✨ sun conjunct Lilith in 1st house synastry -
- strong magnetic and Intense attraction between both individuals. The Lilith person may find the sun person's presence particularly compelling and or even challenging. Also sun's charismatic presence captivate the Lilith person.
-Lilith is associated with the darker, more rebellious aspects of oneself. This conjunction might bring hidden or repressed feelings and desires to the surface. The Sun person may illuminate or provoke these deeper, often unacknowledged parts of the Lilith person’s psyche.
- also, The Lilith person might feel empowered by the Sun person's support or presence. Lilith's association with taboo and unconventional themes might lead both individuals to explore non-traditional or unconventional aspects of their personalities and their relationship. This could be a period of breaking societal norms or personal boundaries.
✨ Lilith conjunct ascendent in synastry -
- there can be a strong magnetic attraction in this relationship. The Lilith person might be drawn to the Ascendant person's appearance and persona, finding them compelling and intriguing. On the other side, The Ascendant person might experience their self-image or how they present themselves being challenged or intensely scrutinized by the Lilith person.
- The relationship might encourage both partners to push boundaries and embrace aspects of themselves they might normally keep hidden.
- The relationship might start with an intense attraction.As the relationship progresses, the challenges posed by Lilith’s influence may become more pronounced. The Ascendant person might need to confront and work through issues related to self-image, personal boundaries, and self-expression. But, Over time, the Ascendant person might experience shifts in how they see themselves and their role in the relationship. They may become more comfortable with unconventional aspects of their personality or feel more liberated in expressing their true self.
-If both partners are willing to work through the challenges and embrace the growth opportunities presented by this aspect, the relationship has the potential for long-term transformation. The connection can become a powerful force for personal development and emotional depth.
✨ Neptune conjunct moon and Southnode in synastry -
- there's a intuitive understanding and emotional sensitivity in this connection. There may be a sense of merging or an almost telepathic connection between you guys.
-The relationship may feel destined or fated, and you both might explore spiritual or artistic pursuits together. There could be a shared sense of idealism or a search for meaning beyond the mundane aspects of life.
- also , There might be a feeling of familiarity or a sense that the relationship is picking up from where something left off in the past.It may offer an opportunity to heal past issues or to transcend limiting patterns from earlier experiences.
-It’s important for both partners to stay grounded and address issues honestly.
✨ composite saturn in 4th house conjunct northnode -
- this relationship is aligned with long-term goals and destiny. This can mean that the partnership feels like it has a deeper purpose or meaning.
- The 4th house deals with home and family, and Saturn's presence here can imply that the relationship will bring about serious, transformative changes to how you both view and manage your domestic life. This might involve restructuring your home environment or redefining what "family" means to both of you.
- also this connection may challenge both partners to address unresolved family issues or to build a more secure and nurturing environment for themselves.
✨ Venus in 8th house synastry -
-The 8th house is associated with intimacy, and Venus can amplify feelings of passion and desire. so there's powerful physical and emotional attraction here in this relationship.
-The Venus person might bring insights or healing related to inherited family patterns or traits that the 8th house person is dealing with like , addressing generational issues or helping to resolve inherited emotional patterns.
-also , There could be a mutual interest in psychology, personal development, or metaphysical subjects. I mean exploring taboo related subjects.
- and, this relationship could lead to successful partnership in buisness and financial matters.
✨ Venus in 3rd house synastry -
-Venus in the 3rd house can facilitate successful collaboration on creative projects, like, writing, art, or media, where both partners contribute their talents and ideas.
-The Venus person might influence the 3rd house person’s taste in aesthetics or design, like such as,changes to their personal style, home decor, or artistic preferences influenced by the Venus person’s taste.
- also the Venus person might inspire the 3rd house person to express their affection and thoughts more openly. They will teach the house person how to improve their social skills too.
✨ Mars Square mars in synastry -
- the relationship with high energy and excitement. Both of you may find yourselves motivated and driven to pursue goals and tackle challenges together.
- there's a strong physical attraction.
-Both partners may push each other to overcome obstacles and strive for greater achievements.
-To make the most of this aspect, both partners will need to work on finding common ground and learning to compromise. Understanding each other’s assertiveness and working on effective communication can help solving conflicts.
-Accept that not all conflicts need to be resolved. Sometimes, agreeing to disagree and finding ways to work around differences can be effective.
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✨ Moon opposite pluto in composite chart -
-Both partners might help each other confront and heal deep-seated emotional issues or patterns, which can lead to profound personal development and growth.
-There might be a feeling of having a special, almost secret bond that’s deeply felt but not always obvious, like shared understanding or unspoken bond that feels very mysterious.
- you might see significant symbolic or vivid dreams about each other.
-The intensity of the relationship could lead both partners to uncover and address shared ancestral or family patterns, such as, collective exploration of family history or emotional legacies.
-There can be heightened feelings of jealousy or insecurity. Address these feelings openly and work on building trust and reassurance within the relationship.
✨ Venus conjunct North node/ Vertex in synastry -
- There’s often a sense of destiny or significant purpose in the relationship. The attraction felt between the partners can feel exceptionally strong, as if meeting each other is part of a larger plan.
-Venus's influence brings love, beauty, and harmony, making this connection beneficial for personal development and fulfillment.
-You may inspire each other in artistic pursuits or appreciate each other’s creative expressions deeply.
-Both partners may find that their emotional needs are met in a way that feels uplifting and encouraging.
-but, the strong sense of purpose in the relationship might lead to dependency. Maintain individual growth and independence while nurturing the partnership.
✨ composite northnode/Vertex in 7th house -
- this is Marriage placement.The relationship is likely to be a central element in both partners’ personal growth and life direction. It emphasizes learning about yourself through the dynamic of partnership and collaboration.
-This placement suggests that the relationship will offer crucial lessons about relating to others, compromise, and mutual support.
-Partners may find themselves working well together and navigating conflicts with a strong sense of fairness and mutual respect.
-The relationship may encourage both partners to pursue shared goals and objectives, enhancing their ability to work together towards common aspirations and ambitions.
-There could be high expectations for how the relationship should support each partner’s growth. It’s crucial to communicate openly about needs and boundaries to avoid unrealistic demands.
✨4th house ruler in 12th house or vice versa in composite chart -
- Partners could prefer to keep their personal life and emotional world away from public view, making the relationship feel very intimate and protected.
-The relationship may offer opportunities for deep emotional healing and understanding. Resolve Issues related to family, home, or emotional security through introspection and compassionate support.
-your home might be a sanctuary for introspection and dealing with unconscious material.
-The relationship might have a spiritual or psychological dimension that is not immediately apparent. There could be a shared interest in exploring deep psychological themes, spirituality, or mysticism, which influences how you connect with each other on a home and family level.
✨ Venus in 1st house synastry conjunct sun -
-The Venus person is likely to be very attracted to the Sun person, finding them charming, attractive, and magnetic. There’s often a strong sense of admiration and affection from the Venus person toward the Sun person.
-The Sun person might feel more confident and expressive when around the Venus person. The Venus person’s presence can bring out the best qualities in the Sun person, enhancing their self-expression and creativity.
-There’s often a natural ease in how you relate to each other, making the relationship feel pleasant and fulfilling.
-There might be a tendency to idealize the Sun person or the relationship itself. It’s crucial to remain grounded and realistic about each other's strengths and weaknesses to avoid disillusionment.
✨ person A's Moon conjunct person B's Chiron , Pluto and Lilith in synastry -
- person A may help the person B address old wounds and find comfort, while person B can offer insights into the person A's emotional vulnerabilities. But, The connection might bring old wounds to the surface, which can be challenging. Both partners need to handle these emotional triggers with sensitivity and patience.
-person A may undergo significant emotional transformation through person B's influence. This aspect can lead to a profound sense of renewal and personal growth.
-The relationship may involve exploring taboo or unconventional topics. Lilith’s influence can help both partners confront and embrace aspects of their emotional life that are often hidden or repressed. But, The raw and intense emotional expression can sometimes lead to conflict or discomfort. It’s important to navigate these emotions with care and mutual respect.
✨ Moon conjunct mars in synastry -
- The Moon person may feel that their emotional needs are directly and energetically addressed by the Mars person, leading to an engaging and active emotional interplay.
-Mars can energize the Moon’s emotional expression, encouraging both to pursue their goals with more passion and drive.
-The Moon person might feel a deep sense of emotional satisfaction through physical touch and affection from the Mars person.
-There might be a need to balance the Moon person’s emotional needs with the Mars person’s drive and assertiveness. Both partners should work on understanding and respecting each other’s differing emotional rhythms and needs.
✨ Mars conjunct Chiron in 4th house in composite chart -
- Both partners can help each other address deep-seated wounds related to family, home life, and emotional security by actively confronting and working through these issues together.
-The couple might find themselves taking decisive steps to create a more secure, supportive, and nurturing home life.
-The intensity of Mars combined with the healing potential of Chiron can drive dynamic emotional growth.
- There could be a tendency to confront or expose each other’s vulnerabilities, particularly those related to emotional security or family history. It’s important to approach these moments with care and support.
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✨ Moon in composite chart 12th house -
- The relationship may provide a private, safe space where both partners can explore their innermost feelings and vulnerabilities. This can lead to a deep sense of emotional security and understanding.
-The 12th house is associated with healing and the unconscious mind. The relationship may offer opportunities for emotional healing and resolution of past traumas or unresolved issues.
- There may be an intuitive understanding and a sense of knowing each other on a Deeper level, even without words.
- There may be a tendency to escape or avoid facing difficult emotions or realities within the relationship. Both partners need to be aware of this tendency and strive to address issues directly and constructively.
✨12 house stellium in composite ( sun , Venus , saturn) , 8th house synastry ( moon and Mars in partners 8th house) , 12th house synastry ( partner's Venus and Mercury in my 12th house) is it doomed as people make it to be?
-The 12th house is linked to healing and the subconscious mind. The presence of the Sun, Venus, and Saturn here suggests that the relationship can be a source of deep emotional healing and growth. Both partners may work through past traumas and emotional patterns together.
-The 8th house is associated with deep emotional and psychological experiences. The Moon and Mars in the partner’s 8th house suggest that the relationship is likely to be intensely transformative and emotionally charged. The 8th house is also linked to issues of power and control. The partners might experience power struggles or conflicts related to control and intimacy.
-Venus and Mercury in the 12th house suggest a strong subconscious or intuitive connection. The partner may deeply understand and resonate with your hidden emotional needs and desires. But, The relationship might involve a significant amount of private or secretive behavior, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or difficulties in fully understanding each other’s needs.
- conclusion - not doomed but it's complex. Work on balancing the idealistic or escapist tendencies with practical and realistic approaches to handling relationship issues.
✨ Mars, Pluto, juno and Nessus in 1st house synastry-
- The combination of Mars and Pluto suggests a relationship with intense energy and transformative potential. Both partners are likely to experience significant personal growth through their interactions.
- Juno’s influence adds a focus on partnership, commitment, and the ideal of a supportive and respectful relationship.
-The presence of Nessus introduces the need to address deeper issues related to boundaries and personal trauma. The relationship may involve working through these issues.
-also, The combination of Mars, Pluto, and Nessus suggests potential power struggles or control issues. Both partners need to be aware of these dynamics and work on maintaining healthy boundaries and mutual respect.
✨ more outer planet aspects in composite chart than personal planets - will this relationship work out?
- If both partners are committed to personal and relational growth, the relationship can thrive despite its challenges. Outer planet aspects often bring opportunities for significant personal development and transformation.
- Open and honest communication is crucial. Being able to discuss deep emotions, changes, and challenges openly can help manage the complexities and maintain a strong connection.
- Understanding each other’s needs and being patient with the process of transformation can lead to a deeper connection and greater stability over time.
✨ mercury in 1st house synastry, mercury trine Mercury, mercury conjunct moon in synastry, why is it so difficult to maintain conversation with this person?
- Even with harmonious aspects, partners might have different styles of communication. For instance, one may prefer direct, straightforward conversations, while the other might be more subtle or indirect.
- The Mercury-Moon conjunction indicates an emotional connection through communication, but it can also mean that underlying emotional issues or sensitivities influence how conversations unfold. If emotions are high or unresolved, it can affect the flow of dialogue.
-Create regular times for conversation, such as having a weekly check-in or dedicated time for discussing important topics. Consistent communication practices can improve overall interaction.
-If emotional sensitivities are impacting communication, address these issues directly. Open discussions about feelings and concerns can help clear the air and improve interaction.
-Practice active listening, where you truly focus on what the other person is saying without planning your response while they speak.
-Find and focus on topics of mutual interest. Engaging in conversations about shared hobbies, goals, or passions can help foster smoother and more enjoyable dialogues.
-Take time to understand each other’s communication preferences.
✨ Venus in 10th house synastry -
-The relationship might receive public attention or recognition. Partners might be seen as a power couple or gain admiration from others for their combined achievements or public presence.
-The relationship may bring a romantic and harmonious influence to the other partner's career. This can result in a balanced approach to work and personal life, with an emphasis on creating beauty and harmony in professional settings.
-There could be an overemphasis on how the relationship is perceived by others. Partners need to ensure that their focus remains on genuine connection and mutual respect rather than solely on public perception.
✨ Mercury in 10th house synastry -
-This placement often indicates shared interests or intellectual compatibility in professional matters. The partners might find that they have similar ideas or approaches to career goals and public image.
-The partner with Mercury may offer valuable advice, insights, or practical help related to the other partner’s professional aspirations.
-Differences in communication styles or professional opinions might lead to conflicts. It’s important to address any disagreements constructively and ensure they don’t negatively impact the relationship.
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Thanks for reading ✨
- Piko 💫
330 notes · View notes
cdbabymp3 · 1 day
𐙚editor!reader hc's ― hamzahthefantastic
notes/warnings: sfw and nsfw portions !! reader is hamzah's roomie :3
**for this dynamic i also made reader and hamzah both virgins, which comes up in these hc's and will come up more in the future if that's smth y'all want me to elaborate on!**
chat i think im back .......
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-getting constantly shouted out in vlogs
"shout out, y/n, our editor. she's on the front lines going through all this footage for you, slushies, yall better be grateful."
-eventually face revealing by being on an episode of the pod. it's titled smth like 'and they were roomates' or 'editor reveal (real)' idk
-the whole pod episode hamzah keeps looking at you every time you speak and 'accidentally' touches your thigh
-there's so many fan accs on tiktok that clip it and air tf out of him 😭😭😭😭
-hazmah tries to explain the dynamic of living with his editor on the pod, but even he doesn't know exactly what it is (and neither do you)
-as unprofessional as it may seem, somehow it works
-hamzah never lets you do all the work. he always offers to help you out when you're starting to get tired or in a slump
"hamzah, it's my job. lemme just finish this-"
"nah, you're clocking out for the night. you've been dismissed." he shoos you away from your shared work desk that you've been sitting at for hours
-as unprofessional as it is, you can't deny how massive of a fucking crush you have on him....especially when he pulls that domestic shit on you
-when you're exhausted from editing, he'll make you food or take you on a late night drive for ice cream in your pj's
-grocery shopping omg he loves that shit so bad !! on sundays you guys go to the store and hit up the farmer's markets downtown. hamzah gets excited every time, he'll wake up hella early each time he's so cute :,)
-if you're not from toronto or canada, he'll show you around his favorite places. in general, he's just happy to have someone to share stuff with (i'll cry)
-CASUAL DOMINANCE !!!! him being your boss and giving you deadlines for vids makes you blush so hard. he's never ever bossy/rude, but he's firm and technical about how he envisions certain vids and you want to deliver for him
-no matter how many times you run through the final edit with him, you still get nervous
-you're hanging onto his every word and facial expression, praying that he likes the way the vid turned out (he always likes it)
-you loves when he laughs at your editing choices, it's lowkey your goal to make him smile/laugh...equal parts job validation and crush validation 🙇‍♀️
-being roommates has led to many, manyyyyy late night mukbangs
-i can just imagine y'all at 2am eating a whole spread of food on the floor in the living room and talking about deep stuff
-speaking of deep stuff, it took you guys a couple months to open up to each other, but one night you were both editing super late and somehow the topic of sex came up....
-you guys bonded over being late bloomers, agreeing to keep each other's secret, which in turn made you closer
-being the slushy editor (and videographer sometimes) means getting to go on trips with them for vids !!!
-getting to go to curaçao and having the room next to hamzah's in the hotel.... (i'll make a separate thing abt this dw)
-i feel like the fans would love you and honestly prefer you and mandy over the boys lmfao
-mandy is so big sister <333 she's so happy to have another girl to be around at long last
-when hamzah and martin are arguing over smth in a vid, they'll drag you in for a third party opinion bc mandy has given up
-if you fall asleep on the couch watching a movie, hamzah will carry you to your bed or at least put a blanket over you. it kinda depends if he's feeling brave or not.
(intimate stuff, some nsfw)
-the sexual tension in the apartment is through the mf roof
-the funny part is neither of you do anything to initiate it, it's just so natural AND YOU BOTH FEEL IT BUT ARE TOO SCARED TO SAY ANYTHING !!!!
-sometimes hamzah will come home from the gym while you're editing...he'll have a thin, fitted shirt on, all sweaty and tired looking
-you pretend not to notice him, fiddling away on your computer with your headphones on (no volume playing ofc), but you have to clench your thighs together sometimes bc the sight is nearly too much to handle
-shower time gives you a heart attack each night
-a couple months into living together, hamzah gave up on getting dressed in the bathroom after his showers, so he'll walk out with just a towel around his waist and grab a drink from the fridge
-when you guys have movie night and there's a graphic sex scene he gets so awkward omfg...he'll go get smth from the kitchen or make a stupid joke so he doesn't get #bricked pretending it's you and him doing those things
-you're almost certain you've heard him jerk off a couple times, but obviously you're too scared too investigate further
-little do you know, he's jerking off to you 🎀
-you wonder if he's ever heard you masturbate, especially bc you're walls are so thin.🗿.......you try to do it when's out, but sometimes him being a wall away from you turns you on too much
-yes, he's knocked on your door in the middle of you doing it 😭
"y/n!! the landlord is here, she has a couple questions and i don't know the answers, please come help me...she scares me."
"i-uh..shit, ok, hamzah, just give me a sec !!!" you're scrambling, trying to put yourself together so it's not obvious you were literally just thinking about him fucking you
-even though you know it's fucked up, him being your boss makes you horny 🤕
-especially when he's peering over your shoulder, pointing out things he thinks you should add to the video. the smell of his cologne, the gentle cadence of his voice, how his hand takes the mouse from your hand and he mumbles a little apology under his breath....lawd....
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໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა taglist ; @42angelgirl + let me know if u wanna be added !!!!!
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thunderbump · 3 days
Lesson in Labor
Disclaimer: Hi everyone i know i posted one story and vanished but life got busy. I kinda through this one together but if people like it might make a part two. Enjoy :)
Mrs. Thompson stood at the front of her classroom, hands resting lightly on her enormous belly, a practiced habit she’d developed over the last few months. At eight and a half months pregnant, she looked ready to pop any day now. In truth, she’d started showing early, much earlier than anyone expected. By the end of her first trimester, her small frame had begun to round out, her baby bump impossible to hide from the students who whispered excitedly among themselves.
"Mrs. T is gonna have her baby any day now!" one of them had said during lunch last week. The class laughed, but Mrs. Thompson smiled politely, brushing off the comment. Little did they know how right they were.
As she continued her lesson, explaining the intricacies of Shakespeare's *Macbeth*, a sudden, sharp pain shot through her abdomen. She flinched but quickly disguised it as a cough. Her eyes darted toward the clock. It was only 10:15 AM. An hour had already passed, the day would be over in no time. At least, that’s what she kept telling herself.
Taking a deep breath, Mrs. Thompson continued speaking, but her words came out more strained now. She shifted from one foot to the other, trying to ease the building pressure that was quickly becoming difficult to ignore. Another contraction rippled through her, stronger this time, and her free hand gripped the desk behind her.
"Are you okay, Mrs. T?" a student in the front row asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, I’m fine, Jamie. Just a little...tired," she said, trying to smile through the discomfort. She wasn't about to admit that she was, in fact, having contractions. There was no way she was going to give birth in the middle of her classroom. Not in front of her students.
But her belly—round and large, the size of a beach ball under her flowing dress—was tightening again. She felt the unmistakable, rhythmic tightening, and she knew deep down that this wasn’t just some random Braxton Hicks. This was the real thing. Her baby was coming.
She glanced at the classroom door. She could make an excuse and leave. But then what? Her classroom was on the second floor, and the teachers’ lounge, where her phone sat, was all the way at the other end of the building. The idea of walking that far in her condition made her wince. Besides, if she suddenly bolted for the door, she’d draw attention. The last thing she wanted was to cause a scene.
“Now, can anyone explain Lady Macbeth’s role in the murder of Duncan?” she asked, her voice tight as another contraction hit. She bent slightly at the waist, hoping the class wouldn’t notice. Her enormous belly was pulling her forward, making her feel heavy, slow, and increasingly uncomfortable.
A few students raised their hands, but Mrs. Thompson’s focus was rapidly dwindling. Sweat began to bead on her forehead, and she wiped it away quickly, trying to maintain her composure. The pressure in her belly grew more intense, and she couldn’t help but place both hands on her stomach, feeling the strong kick of her baby—who was apparently eager to make an entrance.
"Uh, okay, Melissa, go ahead," she said, pointing to one of the students, her voice wavering.
As Melissa rambled on about the play, Mrs. Thompson barely heard a word. She was too busy counting in her head, timing the contractions. Five minutes apart. Maybe a little less. She swallowed hard, determined to make it through the next hour until lunch.
The next contraction came hard, and Mrs. Thompson had to turn her back to the class, pretending to adjust something on the board. Her breath caught in her throat, and she gripped the edge of the chalk tray for support. She was huge now, her belly straining against her dress, every movement reminding her of how close she was. Her students couldn’t know. They’d freak out, and she refused to be remembered as the teacher who went into labor during *Macbeth*.
But her body had other plans. She felt a deep pressure low in her abdomen, a sign she couldn’t ignore any longer. Time was running out.
She straightened up and turned back to the class, plastering on a smile she hoped looked convincing. “Class,” she said, her voice slightly higher than usual, “I think I need to step out for a moment. You can work on your study guides for the next ten minutes.”
She barely waited for them to respond before making her way, carefully and slowly, to the door. The moment she stepped into the hallway, her face crumpled with relief. She leaned against the wall, breathing deeply. Her water hadn’t broken yet, but she knew it wouldn’t be long. The contractions were relentless now, and her belly, huge and tight, seemed to be doing all the work of pushing her forward, one excruciating step at a time.
Each step was agony, and by the time she reached the teachers’ lounge, she was panting, her face pale and clammy. She managed to grab her phone, dialing her husband’s number with trembling hands.
“David, it’s happening,” she gasped, sinking into a chair as another contraction hit, “I tried to hide it, but…I think the baby’s coming now.”
There was a long pause on the other end of the line before her husband replied, “I’m on my way. Hang in there.”
Mrs. Thompson hung up and sat back, rubbing her enormous belly. She glanced out the window, knowing she was about to meet the little one she had been carrying for so long. But first, she had to make it through labor—hopefully, without causing too much chaos in the school.
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dianagj-art · 2 days
Is there Oneion facts we can know about?
(the baby boy in question is ten years older than me)
I'm gonna go canon stuff first, then some fun crossover stuff:
The version that I'm using is 35-ish years old (a few years before the movie events), he's been the leader of the resistance for around a decade
He still has all his brothers and loves them very much, would kill and die for them
Way more chill than One is right now, still a beast on combat
One can manipulate vines only using the seeds Draxum makes, Oneion can summon them at will from the ground with little issue
In the story he mostly goes by Leo now, very few people call him One (but lets keep calling him Oneion to avoid confusion)
The protesis he uses is an old one from Raph, but he outgrew it and gave it to Oneion when he lost his arm. It was a bit ridiculously big for him at the time, it's still a *little* too big for Oneion, but by the time he's 40-something (movie events) its gonna fit right in
The scarf he has is not the same One has, but as One's it was a gift from Draxum, he has carry the same scarf the whole apocalypse
Still has a lot of gold accents on his clothes
He's still the best fighter out of the four turtles
He loves being around kids but doesn't, he's afraid of hurting them. He knows he didn't had a normal childhood but is not 100% aware of what part was normal and ok and what part is not, and he rathers not take a chance and do something wrong.
He ends up enjoying teaching martial arts, tho he doesn't like being called sensei, and he wont spar with anyone bellow his level (again, being afraid of hurting them)
Casey Jr becomes the exception to these
Crossover stuff!
he can and will beat the shit out of One, he knows how much One can take so he's not really worried about that
when the apocalypse started he basically lost contact with the multiverse, so no fun crossovers for him. Until by the power of "@intotheelliwoods started doing fanart of Oneion before I even had finished his design" he had access to the multiverse again!
First of his "old frieds" he saw was Poptart and Sprout (2al huggy leos) and first thing he did was to hug Sprout<3 (well, he first kinda yelled at him but I'll draw that some day)
I don't think he has met again with the rest of the separated council? I don't remember if I've stick him in any crossover situations
he loves hugging Poptart, he's teddy bear size<3 and he'll never get tired of calling him his friend and loving him "the way he deserves" because he still hasn't forgive himself for the shitty way he treated Poptart (dont worry about it)
he fucking destroyed the attempt of a slau/2al crossover time line
he says he's fine by it but he keeps bringing up the "jawbreaker" incident, I dont think he got over it, actually
he hangs out with Sprout a lot
something something, being with Sprout makes him feel like a kid again, and it makes Sprout feel like a kid again because Oneion reminds him of Big Leo
Sprout and Oneion have a spa day, they deserve it<3 they also go shopping together. Also, they are not exactly good at cooking but they try and they love working together on the kitchen
Oneion got the "Oneion" nickname by Sprout and Poptart
he stronk. he can lift Sprout with no problem, and even Toast
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if you wanna have a good time scroll down the besties tag on ell's blog or mine (2)
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nevermorgue · 2 days
I'd love to hear your headcanons with Ada and Annabel and Ada and Wil. Their relationships interests me, and I'm curious what you have in mind with roommates, and two people who find admiration in the same guy. (Hopefully two in the same ask is okay--)
Okay, you’re so right. I do love both of those dynamics a lot. And of course I’ll do two, I love these
Ada and Annabel
- It’s complicated. Annabel finds her irritating, but she wouldn’t wish for anything bad to happen to her. Ada envies Annabel terribly, but admires and respects her greatly.
- Ada keeps begging Annabel to help her try the rag curl method out, but Annabel is trying to drag it out because she knows it won’t work with Ada’s hair type.
- Annabel hates how Ada tries to flaunt her ‘friendship’ around like an object. It’s how she was treated when she was alive; pretty object.
- Annabel had to resist every urge to roll her eyes when Ada told her she could ‘have Prospero to herself now’ once she got with Montresor.
- Ada tried to take her tea the way Annabel does but it was far too bitter. She sneaks sugar in when nobody is looking.
- Ada loves walking with her in the garden, pointing out flowers that ‘her darling would definitely pick for her’. Annabel is so tired of it, but she puts on a smile and goes along with it.
- Annabel has woken up to Ada hyperventilating/crying. She usually pretends to stay asleep, but on one occasion she actually sits up and offers comfort. Ada refuses to tell her what is upsetting her, wiping her eyes and insisting a lady would not react like this. Annabel says nothing to that.
Ada and Will
- cannot get along. They’re too similar, and they both hate it.
- Will is passive to literally everyone but her in canon. He talks back to her all the time. I think he sees her on his level of pathetic.
- They will tell the other that Montresor doesn’t care about them, even though they both know deep deep down that it’s true on both ends
- Will is further in denial than Ada. Ada kinda knows what she’s doing + pursues Montresor in a time of vulnerability. She wants to like…see someone as messed up as she is. Meanwhile, Will is just desperate for someone to call a friend.
- Ada finds out that he writes and insists that she is made into a character. So he makes a very ugly, evil hag.
- She tried to use ‘Fear Itself’ on him and couldn’t find one thing. It kept changing, as if his brain couldn’t decide what was worse.
- She was genuinely uncomfortable seeing him wear her face for the first time. It was too accurate. It made her wonder how often he’s watched her to be able to do that.
- Ada laughs in his face and jokingly says he probably turns into her to pretend that he gets Monty’s romantic attention too…and he can’t even deny it.
- They have a big fight after that. Ada always hits harder.
- They really cannot even sit in a room together alone without arguing unless someone is supervising them.
- Will remembers when she complimented her eyes. One day they’re just existing in the same room and he just quietly goes, “…did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“When you said my eyes were nice.”
And then Ada is confused- when did she say that? When she remembers, she ends up speaking without a filter.
“Duh, gray is a rarity for eyes you know.”
And that’s the only time they can ever truly speak to one another because Montresor is such a heavy blanket over them both that he’s the factor that keeps them from forming any sort of bond.
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blixabargelds · 11 hours
things you said while we were driving plssssssss (4 whatever ship u so desire)
hellooo did this for clegan specifically for me and @swifty-fox's au we've been cooking we lov this version of our boys hope u do too gdfjff vague context: modern au where they are both unwell 🙃 this also ended up being 1.5k whoops
cw anorexia
John finds him in their usual spot. The camera nestled in the far corner of the yard hasn’t worked for months, operating solely as a fear mongering tactic. There’s a nook beneath it, tucked between the outside wall and the yard fence. It’s a good place for hiding. For trading cigarettes for gum, for kissing. Gale has only used it to hide lately. He sits against the wall, pulling at the hem of his fraying t-shirt, watching the strange glide of his pale skin slide over the bones of his hand, flexing his knuckles. There’s a rustling in the foliage beyond the fence. Gale looks up, expecting to see a rat, and instead comes face to face with John for the first time in weeks. He’s grinning. Gale blinks at him, bewildered, heart kicking in his chest, as John is grinning right at him. He’s got a beanie pulled down low despite the summer air, and he’s brandishing honest to God bolt cutters.
“Jesus, John,” Gale says. 
John winks as he cuts the fence. “C’mon, baby. We’re goin’ for a ride.”
“You look worse,” John says, tapping his restless fingers against the steering wheel and fiddling with the stereo. 
“Ain’t as bad off as you,” Gale says. “What’s with the moustache?”
John laughs. Turns to Gale with eyes gleaming. “Straight razors, baby! World is your oyster.” 
Gale rolls his eyes and smiles. He drops his head back against the carseat, pulling his sweater closer around his body as the breeze rushes in from John’s open window. There’s some upbeat old song rattling its way out of the tiny speakers, John singing along loudly as he vibrates in his seat. Gale rolls his head on his neck lazily to look at him. He seems okay. Curls grown past his brows, flopping down over them in gorgeous, loose spirals. He’s got shadows under his eyes, purpling and deep, but he’s boundless with energy that might be infectious if Gale weren’t so hungry. He watches as John dances in one place, grin still plastered below that stupid little moustache.
“You okay, Bucky?” 
“Peachy,” John smiles at him. He squints, then, looking at Gale with scrutiny, and far too much time with his eyes off the road. “You okay?”
“Mm,” Gale says. He shifts a little, feeling his seatbelt dig into his hip bones. “Better now you’re back.”
“Huh?” John says over the roar of the wind. “Sorry, what was that? You gone soft on me, Buck?”
Gale groans in false irritation. Says quietly, “Heard me the first time, John.” 
John throws his head back and laughs. Leans out the window like a dog and hollers down the open road, one hand on the wheel and the other on the door, and Gale drags him back inside as he swerves. The midday sun beats down on the hood of the car, trees rushing past, and as Gale settles back into his seat he watches, and tries to identify them. He grows tired after a while. Tucks his legs up and leans into the passenger side door, eyes drifting shut. 
“Where we goin’, Bucky,” he says, keeping them closed.
“Takin’ you on holiday, doll,” John says. “Gonna find you a diner and feed you up. Or you can watch me, because I’m fuckin’ starving. Then we’ll get a motel, one of those ones with the heart shaped beds. And I got a friend down South, real sweet kid, you’ll like him, Buck, you’ll really get on. He’s kinda loud, y’know, but I know you like that, really, and he’s got all these fuckin’ baseball cards. Which ain’t your thing, I know, but, he’s real sweet. Lives with his boyfriend, Kenny, he’s got the biggest garage you ever seen. But we’ll get the motel first. One of those ones with a claw foot tub. But we’ll get to a diner first, ’cos I’m starving. You starving, doll?”
Gale hums in vague acknowledgement. The motion of the car rocks him into a nodding state, and he thinks he might sleep like the dead with nobody interrupting to check on him. 
Gale shrugs off a hand on his shoulder. 
Gale groans, tucking his face further into the loose hood of his sweater, turning away. 
“Shit- Gale. Gale.”
“Wh’sit?” Gale mumbles. 
“Aw, Jesus, thank God,” John is saying, continuing to jostle Gale roughly from his doze. Gale shivers as he comes to, entire body laden with the aching remains of sleep. He can’t seem to shake it off fully. He opens his eyes, sees John’s pinched face swimming in front of him. They’re still in the car, but it’s stopped moving. “You fuckin’- been parked here half an hour, baby, you wouldn’t- fuck, you’re freezing.”
Gale is. He becomes aware of it like falling; gradually, then all at once, full-bodied shudders ripping through him, making his teeth chatter. He hugs his arms tighter around himself, fingers brushing against his shaking ribs. He looks groggily out of the window. The light outside is milky, but not as if it’s fading- more like it’s just begun to birth.
“Wh’re are we?” he says. His jaw is clenched against the chill in his bones, pushing his words out in odd slurs.
“Uh,” John’s head whips around. As he comes further into focus, Gale can see the shadows under his eyes have darkened still, a vaguely wild expression in his face. “I don’t know. Been drivin’ all night. I think- fuck, I think I had the window open too long or somethin’, Buck, I turned around a while back and your lips were all blue.”
Gale absently presses trembling fingers to his mouth. “’M fine.”
“We gotta find that diner,” John says. “Hey, Gale, look at me. When’s the last time you ate, huh? Can you remember for me, darlin’?”
Gale scrunches his eyes shut again. Tries hard to think. “Y’mean solid food.”
He hears John hiss. “Ah, shit.”
Gale grunts around the pain in his stomach. “Don’t go back, Bucky, please.”
“We’re not, don’t worry, I wouldn’t,” John says. He’s shuffling around, now, and Gale reopens his eyes to see him leaning into the back of the car, knocking aside various debris and pulling out a bag of chips. Gale wrinkles his nose, and shakes his head. “Look, I know you’re stubborn, but I’m freaked out, alright, baby. You don’t look so hot, Buck.”
“’M fine,” Gale says. He musters up more conviction, sitting straighter in his seat despite the stiffness in his spine. “Just give me a jacket.”
“I haven’t got one, Buck, it’s fuckin’ July.” John drops the bag of chips, continuing his root around until he finds a can of coke. Gale sets his jaw at the glaring red of it. “Just half. Buck, c’mon. American staple, huh? Goes with the whole trip. Just a bit of sugar, baby, then we’ll find that heart shaped bed. It ain’t half as bad as that shit you get back there, is it?”
Gale’s nostrils flare. John’s impossible when he’s got a bee in his bonnet, and Gale takes the offending can if only to shut him up; get him driving once more. He cracks it suspiciously. Takes a sniff. 
“Windin’ me up, now, Gale, it ain’t gonna hurt you,” John says. He turns to the wheel either way. Shoves the key in the ignition and looks back at him with a pointed scowl.
“You ain’t never cared before,” Gale says. He’s still looking at the tab of the can with disdain. 
“Never been this far from fuckin’ medical advice with you before,” John says. “Didn’t think I needed- fuck, was this stupid?”
“Jesus, Bucky,” Gale says. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Look.”
Gale bites down on his bravado. Inhales deep and shaky, fingers denting the can with the force of his grip, the little click click click of the bending metal pacing with the thrum of his heart. He takes a sip. Nausea washes over his tongue like thick honey. Every sugary pop of the soda on his taste buds tingles all the way down to his empty, clenching stomach, heavy in it, and poisonous. He hasn’t tasted anything so good in years. John’s eyes are boring into the side of his head as he turns the car out of the shoulder. Gale drinks down another gulp, larger and stinging. So, so sweet. He lowers the can, licks his lips, gathering the stray, sticky droplets, and tries not to moan in wretched pleasure. He turns to John instead, watching his jaw grind against the tug of a smile.
“Okay?” Gale says. 
“Okay when you stop damn shakin’,” says John. 
He puts his hand on Gale’s leg, leaning past the gear stick as they veer back onto the highway. His long fingers reach around to the soft underside of Gale’s knee, his thumb brushing gently at the lower part of his inner thigh. Gale tries not to bounce his leg at the feel of sugar filling his veins. 
“Heart shaped bed, huh, Bucky?” he says. 
John smirks at the road. “Drink your fuckin’ soda.” 
Gale curls his bony fingers over John’s hand on his thigh. Grimaces, and takes another sip. 
“There he is,” John says. “Y’alright, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, Bucky,” Gale smiles. “Told you so.”
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roachfun · 12 hours
This is probably a wild thing to get but your “Gojo should stay dead” post has got my unmedicated ass vibrating.
(I’ve only read jjk0, besides that literally all of my exposure has been via 3 video essays and fanfic… I basically got into the series backwards and tbh it’s an interesting experience…)
And tbh I agree with you more than not. Even though the view I have of the character is so fucking warped because jjk fanfic is too the gills filled with smut.
Because what I’ve gathered from the video essays and the few bits of fanfics that actually tried getting into his mind… is that the man is gd tired.
A god complex the size of the sun, that’s only ever been challenged once by one of the few people he ever formed a genuine connection with, and it was challenged as that person was leaving him. That incident may have motivated him to change, but that change was predominantly if not exclusively external, he didn’t really do much self reflection.
After Geto left, Gojo did better (became a teacher, warding Megumi, not letting Yuta be executed) but he didn’t work on being better (god complex, recklessness, belief that his way is the only way with no real consideration for the effects those decisions have on others)
He’s selfish, arrogant, and reckless, he doesn’t seem to take much of anything seriously and that may be a persona (again, I haven’t actually read jjk yet… the ending of mha did the characters, narrative, and audience so gd dirty I need to know how jjk ends so I set my expectations accordingly) but I can very much see this man never really developing his sense of empathy because he never really had any stakes… like he has some understanding, but the god complex and the fact people around him constantly reinforce it… he can’t put himself in other people’s shoes, there’s a detachment from reality that would read as delusional for anybody else, but he has spent his entire life being told he is the strongest with nothing ever being able to prove him wrong.
Than on the flip side of that god complex, honestly for a good while, and still sorta kinda… to me he reads as passively suicidal. (I know “Word of God” can be controversial regarding character analysis because of its absence in the base text) but the fact Gege’s rough rundown of Gojo’s daily schedule was basically “he sleeps for about 3 hours and spends the rest of his time working, his sweet tooth is actually somewhat practical as he uses sugar as a stimulant.” That’s not good for your noggin. Add the isolation caused by his status and his god complex, I see him coming to the conclusion that the only way he should die, is in battle.
And he did! Even if wasn’t in the “final sacrifice that ensures he becomes a legend” sort of way I think he would’ve hoped for.
But that also felt… right? (Certainly not fair, Gege openly admitting he kills off fan favorites for the shock value does dampen the possible emotional impact that could’ve been achieved… but I digress)
Every time Gojo fights, and I mean properly fights, he’s smiling, it’s a game to him, a chance to show off, to assert his dominance and reaffirm his status… so him dying so suddenly that his legs are still standing as his upper half falls to the floor, he’s lying there choking on his own blood as he bleeds out and Sukuna saying it “cleared his skies” (weird phrasing, but I think that’s a cultural/translation thing) it could’ve been a gut punch of a tragedy that amped up the stakes of the final conflict! The protagonists’ trump card is gone in a handful of panels and a flick of the wrist! He’s bleeding out on the ground as the big bad seems to reach a moment of genuine inner peace! But the backtracking and Gege’s history lessened that significantly
tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Shonen Jump had something to do with it… the motivations for Gege’s writing choices are questionable to me (it feels spiteful and cheap) but they’ve been consistent until now, what changed?
Anyway it is… 5:45 am… I should be asleep, but I’m here vomiting character analysis based on partial information in your inbox… I hope you have a good day/night/whatever is appropriate for when you receive this
I hate that you had me read all that, but I couldn't agree more with most that you said (except maybe where you call him selfish and I lowk think geges killing system is fair and I like it a lot but🤷).
Anyways, I don't know how to really respond to this since you basically did all the talking lol (plus I'm tired from reading all that and just got out of school).
I do have a question tho. how did you start with jjk0??? Like how does something like that happen. Also you haven't watched the anime or anything😭???
Anyways, thanks for dropping this essay on me have a good day/night or life in case we never speak🩵
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mbat · 1 day
i literally read the book of bill days ago but its only now kinda hitting me how fucked ford and bills whole thing was though cause ford literally talks about being so unable to sleep (to try to keep bill away), and when sleep inevitably caught up to him, he would wake up to his body abused and things messed with and he just couldnt seem to find an escape (and he literally didnt get to truly escape until 30 years later)
(also keeping people awake for unhealthily long periods of time is another tactic used to mess with and control people because of how it impairs brain function)
listing off the things we see in those few pages in the book of bill:
i mean, punching and scratching at a steel door for hours would be so damaging to your hands and probably hurt like hell for at least 2 days after. then bill says he was hitting fords head against a wall, though its said in a post-it as if its a joke, but he also isnt exactly above doing that, and honestly he says most things like its a joke.
i also dont need to say 'bill really doesnt know how to take no for an answer' because he makes that very clear in literally any interaction we see with him.
bill literally puts a venomous snake near ford while fords asleep, which could have killed him if he wasnt lucky+skilled enough to deal with it.
he nearly gives ford hypothermia, and in the same action actively threatens ford with the idea of making him jump off of a high spot, and like ford says, doesnt do it just so he can send a message to ford about how hes the one in control.
he gets ford in trouble with not only the law, but also with other people that are probably not very happy with him after. he mutilates fords body in several ways, and i dont think i need to go into detail on them because theyre... so ew. and he even exposes part of fords body to the world. like, its just taking his shirt off, but thats still showing off his body in a way that he didnt agree to or want
and then he attempts to (or purposefully fails to) call stan, using fords voice to threaten suicide and tell stan that ford never loved him.
and he punctuates it with a final power move, in a hallucination that he creates, hes messing with stans memories and making him feel like his body was basically about to implode
and like. okay, we all joke about toxic old man yaoi, and its a good joke and toxic old man yaoi is great and its an interesting ship, but holy fuck.
like. to say the absolute least, that had to be so, so deeply violating. its no wonder that when we see ford in the past, when he finally contacts stan, he looks like hes on the verge of shattering into a million pieces. he just went through, and still wasnt yet out of, some deeply abusive shit.
like... everything coming out lately both in this book and what ive heard is on the website, mixed with what we already knew from the show itself... the stans are both so, so fucking tragic dude. their whole lives were thrown away over things that really didnt even need to be the way they were, and then they both get into situations that are pretty damn screwed, and those situations follow them for the rest of their lives. its basically a miracle that things worked out in the end for them.
i dont really have a point, i just had to talk about all that. i read almost all of the book of bill in one sitting, and while i was really enjoying it, i was also getting kind of tired of sitting in one spot only doing this one thing for several hours straight. i still felt a lot of the emotional bits of it of course, but man this part specifically just really didnt hit me until now.
i mean, to say the absolute least, i know what its like to feel violated in a similar way, though not anywhere near to the extent of what he went through at all. someone get that man some therapy got damn
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
I feel like I've been doing a lot of b*tching and moaning lately, which aren't really the vibes I wanna be putting out (at least not without balancing it out with stuff I'm actually happy about).
So here are a couple of things that are kinda cool for me~
I recently had to get a new phone because my old one was very close to exploding (the battery was swelling). I don't really bother with top end models because I hardly use my phone except for texts and calls and looking up coupons when I'm shopping. But even nowadays, a relatively cheap phone has so many new features~
I won't use most of them, but it's cool that they're there, and I always have fun setting up new tech with all my customizations~ (Even though I don't use it much, I still want it to be cute!) I'm mostly just happy that the camera is an upgrade, so my photos won't be as shitty.
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(New | Old)
Well, a better camera isn't gonna do anything for my lack of photography knowledge, but at least the pictures are a little clearer (The color balancing is still off, but I'll figure it out eventually.)
Also, kinda excited about a newish OC that I thought of.
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Right now I'm calling them "Mascot Businessman" or "Yuru" (named after "Yuru-Chara") but the details aren't finalized. I don't like any of these mask designs yet, but I think the title is more or less self-explanatory: it's a businessman that wears a mascot head everywhere he goes. At first, it was just gonna be the one head, but I like the idea that they have different ones for different moods.
It's a simple idea, but somehow I'm actually pretty excited to work on them, which I haven't felt since I made Kun3h0~
I'm torn between leaving them as an actual mascot type character - they only exists for single pieces of art - or if I want to actually develop their story, because I do have an idea for them being paired with a coworker that's constantly trying to catch them with the mask off even though no one else in their workplace seems to acknowledge it. It's really about boundaries and accepting the strangeness of other people to live a happier life, but I dunno if I wanna go that deep with it.
I called them "newish" earlier because strictly speaking, this is a theme that's appeared in my work before.
A LONG time ago, I think even before DSYNC was conceptualized, I had an idea for a rogue abandoned 1010 that wore a mascot head because he lost his old one. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that that idea was what eventually turned into DSYNC B-Side.
There's also The Prince Formerly Known as Frog, who also has a big mascot head, but the execution for him is kinda different (he's supposed to be a guy stuck midway in a mascot costume and his original clothes because his curse was only half broken). And I don't draw him that much anyway~
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So I consider Yuru to be an evolution of those ideas.
Hopefully I'll have some finished art of him soon after I figure out how I want all their heads to look~ (Because otherwise it really is just someone in a business suit.)
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screwpinecaprice · 4 days
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They won the lottery and inspired by Mr. Greg, they spent it all in one day by committing identity fraud.
Idk I took a second job and my brain is so fried right now. 😭
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goldensunset · 7 months
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joining the war on autism on the side of the autism etc etc
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fallinglikemagic · 7 months
Okay, now that everybody's had some time to process and gotten some of the doomposting out, here's my thoughts on the whole situation.
First of all, I'm not really worried about whether or not RWBY will continue in some capacity. It's uncertain, sure, but no more than it was already. In February we got the update that they were talking to potential partners about getting volume 10 made, so clearly they weren't just relying on Rooster Teeth and Warner Brothers for it - maybe one of those companies will pick it up, maybe a different company will, either way I'm sure it *will* be picked up by somebody and unless they get real unlucky, the show won't be much worse off than it was before - if anything it might be better off, considering that WB have been shitty about animation for quite a while now (if you're not already familiar and you're up for some extra research, I recommend looking into the Coyote vs ACME situation that's been going on recently for a great example of WB's bullshit). And while it's unclear exactly how much involvement the original crew will have in the show's future, I'm pretty optimistic about it. I doubt the writers are going to let go of creative control without a fight, if for nothing else then for Monty - I don't like focusing too much on the whole Monty's Legacy stuff in general, but I do think that the crew are going to want to keep their friend's work alive and authentic and as accurate to what he wanted it to be as possible. None of this is a certainty of course, but I think RWBY is gonna be fine, things will just be kinda rocky for a bit.
With all that being said, while this may end up ultimately being a blessing in disguise for RWBY as a franchise, it sure ain't one for everybody who worked at Rooster Teeth. This entire situation is still horrible - so many people being fired on the spot, effective immediately, with no warning and with several of them only finding out by seeing articles about it being posted on Twitter, it's fucked. I know Rooster Teeth wasn't exactly lacking in controversy and problematic behaviour, to put it lightly, but there were still plenty of amazing people there who are now in a really shitty situation. On top of that, while again this isn't exactly anything new, especially for WB, it is the latest instance of a huge problem in the animation and entertainment industries. So no matter how things pan out for RWBY, we should still be really fucking mad about this.
And we definitely shouldn't be celebrating. I've seen some posts saying "good riddance" and celebrating RT's downfall, not just from people who hate RWBY (I mean don't get me wrong I'm sure the hatedom is out in full force but that's not the kind of thing I'm referring to right now), but people who like/used to like the show and just hated the company. And don't get me wrong, I didn't like a lot of things about the company either, I've actually been wanting RWBY to separate itself from RT for a pretty long time (be careful what you wish for I guess 💀), but there's a time and a place and this certainly ain't it. Plenty of people who have worked there have said that they loved their jobs, plenty of others said it was horrible and toxic and nightmarish, but either way a job is a job and in this industry work isn't always easy to find, especially in recent years. Celebrate in private if you want, but now is not the damn time to be bringing out the cake and confetti.
TLDR; I'm cautiously optimistic about RWBY's future, I'm pretty sure it'll be fine and they'll be able to keep the core crew to at least some extent, but this is still a really bad situation for everybody who just lost their jobs, don't be a dick.
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vse-kar-vem · 2 months
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idea completely inspired by @sparkles-oflight who said something in the jokeroutblr discord server about something like this being kris's next photoshoot!!! so all credit goes to them and the original model whose photograph i completely referenced
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i could never do it justice!!!
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cerise-on-top · 15 days
I saw this TikTok and immediately thought about the 141 and their snakes. Can you do a scenario where the reader gifts a snake cozy that they made to the 141? Could you imagine a giant one for Johhny’s Burmese python 😭
(Also, maybe you could add Simon bonding with his snake. Nothing extreme, maybe just him tolerating looking at the creature without having a full blown panic attack.
Hey there! Of course I can ^^
Giving the 141’s Snakes a Cozy Ring
Price: Oh, Price would absolutely love you giving his snake some gifts that you made yourself. Yes, he’s aware that you gifted him Mister Slithers and that it’s his responsibility now. But! You’re giving him a self made gift for the little critter? He’s gonna pull you into the biggest hug and give you the biggest smile he can muster. I think Price would invite you over to his home so he can give Mister Slithers its new cozy little ring to get all comfy in. As soon as it goes in? He’s gonna take a million pictures of it poking out of its little hidey hole. He knows you’re good at handling snakes, so he’s gonna let you touch and pet Mister Slithers while you’re over. Besides, the little snake is a good sport anyway, it has never bitten anyone before! If you have a lot of snakes yourself, then Price is probably going to research a little something to gift you in return. I don’t think he’d be able to make his own cozy ring like that, but he might give you a new little something for your reptiles to hide in. He wants to share his love for snakes with you as well. Is gonna send you some pictures here and there of Mister Slithers chilling in its cozy ring while on his chest.
Gaz: There’s a good chance snake Kyle would ignore its new lil cozy ring at first. Human Kyle would need to usher it into it at first. Not that he threatens it into it, but it might need a little motivation to get in there. But when it does? Well, on the outside, Gaz tries to not seem too excited. But on the inside? He’s absolutely losing it. The snake looks absolutely adorable in its little cozy ring. He’s gonna take a trillion pictures and send you all of those. He loves snake Kyle so much, he wishes he was able to take it on walks as well. But he would never want to put a leash on it, even if he could. He loves giving his snake all the freedom it could possibly ever have. Within the moderation of safety, of course. I think once he’s seen it being all cozy in its cozy ring, he’d love to get snake sweaters for it as well. Just some small tube made of soft fabric, hand made, for his little critter to slither into and feel good and warm in. Though, I do think he’d commission you to make something like that for him. And he will pay four times the price that you ask for. Will also give you money if you want to give it to him for free.
Ghost: He’d probably give you a thousand yard stare if you tell him it’s for the snake. Honestly? He probably tries to forget he has it in the first place until it’s feeding time again. You’d probably have to show him how to use it. The snake would probably love you, so it’d crawl in without much of a fuss, refusing to get out again. Even Ghost had to admit that it looked kinda cozy in its fluffy little ring. As much as he hated that critter, it looked kinda cute with its little head poking out. He’d thank you and let you play with the snake until you had to go again, leaving him alone with it. It would probably refuse to get out of the ring, feeling safer in it as it would believe Ghost wouldn’t be able to spot it. He’d probably leave the ring in its enclosure. Though, he would sometimes walk over to the terrarium and see how it was doing from then on. He wouldn’t really interact with it, he’d just watch it go about its day, lying underneath the warm lamp, drinking a little bit of water and whatnot. When he watches the snake drink some water? Well, it’s kinda cute how it dunks its entire head in and opens its mouth a little bit. Don’t get me wrong, he still wouldn’t touch it without gloves, but his skin wouldn’t crawl as much anymore when he watches it. It’s tiny, it’s not venomous, and it certainly seems more afraid of him than he is of it. He could probably beat it in a fight. Sometimes the two of them can be caught staring at each other.
Soap: “Ach, bonnie, how’s Sniffer supposed to fit in there?” And then, like the mad lad the snake is, it actually fits in there. Soap would probably invite you over for a drink or two so he can show you just how big Sniffer’s gotten. It’s not as fun since you’re not afraid of touching a snake, or of snakes in general, but it’s nice to chat with you a little bit. I do think he’s gonna hold the cozy ring open right in front of Sniffer for it to slither into, and it actually does. Soap will probably carry the entire ring with the snake in it to you to show you how strong he is and how adorable Sniffer is. Will probably let you feed it as well, regardless of whether or not it’s been fed. He just wants to bond with you. Will probably leave the cozy ring in the shed for the snake to enjoy. Sometimes he does walk in on Sniffer being in the middle of enjoying a nap in its fluffy little, or big, ring. He probably bothers the snake and wakes it up by giving it a *pap pap* as some pats. Doesn’t matter if you’re a human or a reptile, John Soap MacTavish will bother you either way. He’s totally gonna put the ring on top of himself while Sniffer is in it. After all, snakes do enjoy warmth, don’t they? And Soap is probably the warmest person you’ll ever meet.
(For reference what it looks like:)
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painted-bees · 2 months
Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live. No schools, no universities, no home, and no dreams. All dreams have been shattered. I hope for help before it is too
okee lads, this one appears to have been vetted no. 176 on this verified fundraisers sheet. They've currently raised 25k euros of the 37k they need, so if you've got some currency burning a hole in your pocket, here's a very helpful place for it:
Since we're here, please take a look a the other fundraisers on that spreadsheet as well. Many voices are crying out and I know it's been going on for a while but we can't allow ourselves to relegate it into becoming a background white noise. Please help all those you can; peace finds you in the act of doing so.
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ganondoodle · 3 months
i cant lie, im also beating myself up about not being able to get excited for the new game, or anything anymore it seems, while it can be fun to criticise things, some things you just dont like so badly that the frustration knowing it could be so much better but isnt and you not able to change it outweighs any fun- i dont like being a 'hater', i hate totk, but not bc i hate zelda but bc i LOVE it and want it to be better (though im starting to doubt my ability to do anything good with it too..)
and with the new game trailer (like, i still hope its better than im fearing rn) i feel similarly as when the next totk trailers dropped after the first one (which DID excite me), all of them gave me a sense of dread bc it seemed to go into a direction i wouldnt like, i tried to tone that voice down to enjoy the game, but then .. i was right
i dont want to be an annoying complainer about everything new, but maybe i am and i dont like that thought, i dont want to spoil anyones fun, i want to partake in it :(
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