#but i haven't made a fankid for them yet
mstormcloud · 22 days
Time for some new fankids to enter my fankid au!
First off, I've thought about it and Rhine doesn't exist anymore - sorry buddy. I feel like while Knuckles would want kids, Rouge would not and eventually knuckles would realize he only really feels like he needs a kid to both have someone to Guard the Master Emerald once hes gone - but also because he doesn't want the Echidna race to permanently die out. But he also recognizes that having a kid so the kid can fulfill a role wouldn't be fair to the child. So they decide to not have a kid and instead Knuckles decides to get an apprentice who he will teach to guard the master emerald.
Enter Berri:
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To those who saw my post where I just designed fankids for fun, her design should look similar - I originally made her to be a hypothical Knuxilver fankid but I really like her design so I'm reusing her in thsi fankid au! She's no longer a Knuxilver fankid, and now shes a Porcupine!
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Knuckles met Berri when she was just...sleeping on the Master Emerald. Literally no idea how she got there. At first Knuckles tried to find her family, even asking Rouge to dig up any info possible, but nothing comes up. Eventually, due to her innate connection to the Master Emerald, Knuckles takes Berri in himself and starts training her to be the next Master Emerald Guardian. Rouge is very found of Berri and loves spoiling her with gifts whenever she visits Angel Island (mostly because it annoys Knuckles.) Berri also enjoys Rouge's visits and loves hearing stories about her spy work and gem collection.
Next up! Surgolin and Whispangle fankids!
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These two are Lime and Spitz! (I may change Spitz's name I'm not 100% sold on it) Tbh I haven't thought too much about them yet other than that their kinda more like rivals to the main characters and that Berri and Lime are surprisingly close friends. Lime has electricity powers like zer mom but it comes in two colors - pink and blue which, depending on which ze's using, give zem different "buffs:" pink is stronger but ze cant move as fast and blue is weaker but ze can move a lot quicker. Later on once ze's perfected zer ability ze can swap from blue to pink quick enough that its very deadly. Spitz's wispon is custom made and works similar to an electrified whip. It can extend, contract, and lasso among other things.
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snivel1 · 5 months
I need to get these out of my system, so‼️‼️
Meet my ultra original Homestuck fankid!!
Dead-Eyed Cindy!
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a.k.a. Cynthia Lenore!🗝️
A completely normal teenager, just like every other teen in Homestuck, trust!!🤚
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More about her under the cut!!
(Note that this drawing was made when I just returned to HS and haven't yet seen some of the amazing variations of their designs here on Tumblr, so my design for Dave will probably be changed, idk)
She lived with her Big Sister, they were Strider's neighbors from a floor down
They lived in hard financial conditions, her Sister overworked herself to provide for them both and was almost never home to look after Cindy, which forced Cindy to fend for herself most of the time when she was little
She met Dave on the roof once, the meeting involved spying on his Bro and her Sister talking about some secret Older Sibling Stuff or something. It looked like her Sister was crying? Overall a pretty awkward first meeting
Cindy felt guilty often about their situation for some reason, so she helped with whatever she could in the house
But her relationship with her Sister was.. not ideal, it was very strained and painful for both of them, Cindy felt hurt from her Sister not being around much, even if she understood why that was
Even so, she still felt cared for and appreciated her Sister and her sacrifices
Cindy was bullied in school, I know, shocker, she was considered weird, dirty, ugly, scary, and was avoided most of the time. Some kids called her "Dead-Eyed Cindy", because of how her eyes resemble the ones of a dead fish, but she reclaimed that nickname for herself, because she thinks it makes her sound badass. She didn't know what friendship was supposed to be like, and convinced herself she was better off without anyone, but she desperately wanted to have real friends she could trust one day
She was very stiff emotionally when she first started chatting with Dave, but with time became more sincere and open thanks to also getting to know Rose, Jade, and John
She and Dave are both weird dead thing collectors, but Cindy prefers to collect animal bones and skulls. Their music preferences don't match like. In any form, but Cynthia greatly enjoys Dave's mixes and tunes, and always encouraged him to do more
She adores gothic rock, punk rock, heavy metal, screamo and any other "edgy" music genre you can think of
Of course she didn't have money to go to concerts and buy merch of her favorite bands, so all the posters in her room were home printed
She's all about that messy grungy look. Her hair? Intentually cut like that by herself. Smeared makeup? Her favorite style. Her clothes? Ripped and modified by herself. She wanted to ward off normies away from her this way, not caring about what other people think of her, and also just because she likes the style
She didn't like Rose's overly posh way of wording things at first(so pretentious), but they quickly clicked over shared interests in goth culture and the paranormal unknown, Cindy cares about her greatly and comforted her through the hardships Rose had to endure
Cindy didn't know what to think of Jade's strangeness and, quite frankly, didn't like her vibes at first, but warmed up to her greatly with time and really sympathized with her, Cindy really believes Jade deserves so much better, and is determined to let her know they care
John was very intimidated by Cindy at first, and Cindy assumed he just didn't like her, so she acted more coldly towards him, and it continued to be like that for a pretty awkwardly long time, but of course his dorkiness hooked her up quick, as it did his other friends, and they slowly but surely became very close; Cynthia became very protective of Egbert fast
Cindy always tries to put in work into her friendships, as she naturally doesn't want to be alone again, but also because she doesn't want her friends to feel left out or ignored, cause she knows what it's like
Which also seems like overcompensation, as she feels like she's not the best person to be around, so she tries to be helpful, even when she no longer has any mental resources for that
She had no clue about what kind of game Sburb even was, and she definitely didn't have time to ask when meteors suddenly started raining from the sky
No fucking way was she going to die if she could help it, so she fought for her and her friends' lives with all she had
How was she able to godtier and whatnot without entering the game? Beats me, you're asking as if I should know and write some good explanation for it and make it make sense🙄🙄💅 I just wanna play touoys, hope you understand💓
Cindy started questioning her identity along the way of their adventures on the meteor, and started using she/they/him pronouns
If I had to write about her relationships with all of the trolls we'd be here all day, so let me just point out the most relevant things here <3
Gamzee had a pitch crush on her, and they entertained the idea for a while, but she quickly recoiled from that when Gamzee, uh, started doing Stuff. She actively maintains friendships with Aradia, Kanaya, and Tavros, and is on good terms with Terezi, Sollux, and Nepeta. It's a bit more complicated with the others, though.. Their relationship with Karkat was very murky and tense at first, she wasn't having his bullshit, but he grew on them with time, when Cindy realized they both have similar goals and wants. She can't tolerate Eridan's bullshit and mostly avoids him, doesn't like Equius for his attitude and hates him for what he did to Aradia, Feferi.. well, they just can't find a common ground, especially because Feferi's royalty, and Cindy holds no respect for them. And Vriska.. he justifiably doesn't like her, at all, but is somewhat sympathetic of her issues.
She is a Page of Blood, and their journey of self-realization had to teach him that she can't win and please them all, that they can be their true self around her friends, and that he can also depend on others for help when she needs it
She learned to make chains from blood, his or otherwise, and use them in battle, and at their highest potential she can bind someone's body to another's and adjust what it means according to situation.
You're badly injured and there's no one else to help in sight? She can bind your body to hers and share their life essence with you, practically making it so you both share an internal system, and if she's healthy enough, then you'll be too in a second
He can drain someone's blood and give it to another if they need it, she can solidify blood inside someone's veins to make it hard to move
She can make a dying person's heart beat via a blood bind, but it's very draining for her and can be quite deadly if done hastily and improperly, and he can't do it when a body already went cold, at least they didn't learn how to, maybe with enough conviction and training she could one day🤔
Maybe with time she found even more uses and possibilities for her chains
She's a great motivator, especially if it's his friends that need morale, they always have their friends' backs
She's not a fan of being a leader, but can be if the situation calls for it
Overall, Cynthia is a person with an intimidating exterior, and warm and genuine interior!🥹
Here's the ref with both the casual fit and the godtier pajamas in full color👇
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head---ache · 2 months
hiii (i’m so scared to not be anonymous when asking)
so i know that bria is a balanced type, but like, what if he was a speed type? like bc mina has super speed and then their other mom sonia is sonic’s triplet sister, which means bria’s also related to that speed? idk idk it’s just been in my brain lately just what if he was super fast :]
and one last thing i’m so excited for updated fankid profile sheets bc i adore them all
the thing with bria is that they don't really have a power, and in fact, they're not really the fighter type either.
If you're familiar with Mina's story you'll know she tried to fight, but she wasn't that good at it (compared to the main characters), so she decided (with the help of Sonic) to instead be a singer, and help people that way, by giving them joy and all that. that's kind of what I see in Bria!! When I say they're the balanced type, in this case I mean that she doesn't really fit in any of the other categories. He does fight when needed, of course, but relies on their knowledge of martial arts (and maybe weapons, haven't decided yet) over any super power in those cases. If not, he sticks to bringing hope and high spirits to their friends and everyone who might need it!
So yeah, she could be a speed type, but I think balanced just fits her better, seeing as she isn't particularly fast (like Emmie for example), or strong (like Spades who I don't even know why I originally made her a speed type when shes very clearly to me a power type lmao), and doesn't even fly nskdbskxnskx
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rosetintedjello · 3 months
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time to post about some of my fankids for the first time since 2019 <3
I haven't drawn them since my deviantart days, but the recent fankid uprising inspired me (ty fankid creators for giving me confidence!!). I have a few more, but thought I'd start with these four! Too bad this is old ass art and some of their designs have already changed a bit lmao
info about them under the cut :)
Saturn the Hedgehog - she/her, 15
-speed and strength type (strength is secondary). Slightly slower than Sonic, but has more endurance.
-Shadow x Sonic kid
-abilities include weapon summoning (bow and arrow), time manipulation (chaos control), and teleportation (also chaos control)
Saturn was created using Sonic and Shadow's DNA- they don't know who made her (yet), but they were able to rule out G.U.N. and Eggman. She was found by Tails, Cream, and Charmy. She was grown in a tube, and they safely removed her from said tube. In the lab they found her in, they discovered copies of Gerald Robotnik's research papers. She was made to be a weapon, but they don't know what exactly her creator wanted her for.
Sonic and Shadow had already been planning on adopting a kid, so they quickly took her in. They knew she would likely inherit powers that most parents wouldn't be able to help her control, and they couldn't stand the thought of anyone else raising her- even their friends. They were pretty upset that someone would experiment with life like that (and use their DNA to do it), so they have been trying to find Saturn's creator to hold them accountable.
They told Saturn that she was adopted when she was 12, but they waited to explain some details until she was 15 (like how and why she was created, and how her and Shadow were both experiments.)
With that out of the way, info about Saturn herself (finally lol)~
Saturn takes after Sonic personality-wise. She's free spirited and pretty silly, but she's serious where it counts! However, Saturn wants to be surrounded by her friends almost 24/7, while Sonic sometimes wanted to run off and explore alone when he was younger.
Saturn often (usually unintentionally) gets the group into trouble- messing around in the wrong place, pulling a small prank against the wrong person, etc.
Saturn's hobbies include skateboarding, archery, cooking, pottery, and surfing. She's been skateboarding since she was 9- she goes to a skatepark with Umiko, Malachite, Topaz (Malachite's sister), and Gloom (Umiko's sister.) Shadow is teaching her how to cook. She goes surfing with Umiko and May (Blaze and Amy kid, I'll post about her soon <3)
Jupiter (Jay) the Fox - she/they/he, ~15
-speed type. Speed and endurance are similar to Sonic.
-Shadow x Sonic kid
-has electrokinesis (electricity manipulation and creation)
If Sonic had a nickel for every time he adopted a baby fox he found in the woods...
Sonic found Jay in the woods when they were a toddler (they're guessing they were about 3 at the time.) Jay's bio family abandoned them, leaving them with a note asking whoever found them to take care of them. Luckily, it doesn't seem like they were left alone for too long. Sonic immediately became attached and brought them home (this guy and baby foxes..)
Sonic and Shadow hadn't discussed having another kid, but Shadow reluctantly agreed to look after the kid until they found someone to care for them or found a trustworthy orphanage (Sonic doesn't trust the adoption/foster care system). So they had Jay officially put in their care, and they then proceeded to never even try to find someone else to adopt the kid.
Yes, I did need to have Sonic and Shadow acquire both kids in very abnormal ways.
Jupiter is pretty introverted. They will avoid speaking to strangers at all costs, but they pretty much won't shut up around their friends (their friends certainly don't mind~)
They're in their school's orchestra (they play the cello), they love bugs (the atlas beetle is their favorite), they read, and they're a photographer.
Malachite the Bat - he/him, 16
-flight and speed type (speed is secondary- he is faster than most people, but not nearly as fast as Sonic)
-Knuckles x Rouge kid
-he can heal people using the master emerald or the chaos emeralds
Saturn and Jupiter are the only kids who were adopted- the rest of the kids were grown in tubes in Tail's lab.
Malachite has two siblings- a twin sister named Topaz and a younger sister named Spinel (8).
He's a bit of a mama's boy- not in a bad way! He's just closer to Rouge.
Malachite is pretty outgoing, but he prefers to stick with his friends. He's very kind and pretty silly. He tries to set a good example for the younger members of the group, but he's also one of the first to go along with Saturn's shenanigans.
He's a bit of a mom friend, and he's one of the younger kid's favorite big siblings.
Malachite is into acting- he's in his school's improv class, and he's a stage actor (he does after-school plays and community productions.) He usually ends up with leading roles.
He rollerblades, he's into mountain biking, he plays the ukulele, he's a great singer, and he likes hosting picnics for his friends and family!
Umiko the Chameleon - she/her, 16
-speed type. A little bit faster than Sonic, but she has significantly less endurance.
-Espio x Silver kid
-she has hydrokinesis (water manipulation.) She can carry herself/hold herself up using water, so I'd almost count her as a flight type character. She's one of the few kids who uses a weapon- she has a scythe.
Umiko is a triplet! She has a Sister named Gloom and a sibling named Rowan. While Knuckles and Rouge had twins on purpose, Espio and Silver did *not* mean to have triplets lol. Tails just went into their lab one morning and there were three kids in the tube instead of one. On the bright side, it warned the others that if they wanted lab-grown kids, they couldn't *completely* control how it went. (Yes, this is the excuse I chose for the fact that I designed more kids than the characters would realistically have <3). Their friends wound up babysitting a lot in the beginning- especially Blaze, Amy, Vector, and Vanilla.
She slowly became a bit more social as she grew up, but she was very quiet and stoic as a kid. She still avoids talking to people unless she has to or she knows them. She is way different around her friends, though! She's still pretty quiet, but she's a lot more comfortable and expressive!
She's a very good listener. Her friends typically go to her if they need to vent or need a shoulder to cry on, and they're always there to return the favor! She usually goes to Saturn and Malachite :)
The younger kids in the group also really look up to Umiko! She's their favorite big sister, and she always makes time for them.
Umiko lost her arm, leg, and tail after being attacked by a rogue badnik when she was 11. Her tail grew back eventually, and she uses prosthetics for her arm and leg (made by Tails.) She has chronic pain and problems with balancing, so some days she needs a cane or a wheelchair to get around (Tails also made her wheelchair.)
She skateboards and surfs! She's a part of her highschool theater's stage crew- she mostly does set design and lighting, but she's done a bit of everything! She is one of the only crew members who actually memorizes show scripts, so she got dragged into being a sort of honorary understudy lol. She's had to go on stage twice because no real understudies were available.
She's an artist, a singer, and she plays guitar. She also loves baking.
WOW this was a lot longer than I thought it would be. I haven't talked about them in ages.
If anyone read this far; thank you so much!! It really means a lot <3
I have some more recent art to post of them soon! and I'm working on art of my other fankids :)
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d144-catzie · 6 months
I made some self indulgent doodles of fankids, haven't named them yet but I do have some silly shenanigans caused by them in my head
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ckret2 · 1 year
So like if Bill did have a baby, what species would it be? Human-bodied shape? Demigod? Human? Just an entire shape?
I'm assuming you mean having a baby in Bill's currently-stuck-in-a-human-body form?
When you're creating a baby, you've got one egg and one sperm from each parent fusing to make an embryo, and the egg and sperm each contain 50% of the parent's DNA: and setting aside environmental factors like diet & stress & womb hormones, that's what influences what the baby will look like. The DNA.
If Bill were to create a baby while stuck in this human body, it would be a purely biological process. No magic or reality-altering trickery is occurring. Just launching a sperm at an egg. If it ain't coded into the DNA, it ain't making it into the baby.
And Bill's body is a human body through and through, with human DNA that accurately reflects his body. His soul's alien-triangle nature isn't part of this body's DNA, and all his magic (learned skills) and power (acquired over the course of his life) also aren't part of the DNA.
So: if he made a baby right now, it'd be totally human, and would look like a mix of both human parents' bodies.
The one issue worth mentioning is the eyes. I haven't decided yet whether his eyes look Like That because they're magically reflecting the fact that Bill Cipher is "possessing" this body (and therefore, the body has normal human eyes hidden underneath Bill's influence); or whether the body actually DOES have yellow cat eyes (and therefore those eyes are reflected in the body's DNA). I haven't decided this because I haven't needed to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If the first explanation is true, then a hypothetical baby's DNA would get Bill's body's normal human eyes genes, and the baby has normal eyes. If the second explanation is true, then 50% of the baby's eye genes are from (the other parent's) normal human eyes and 50% are from Bill's weird yellow slitted eyes. IDK what happens if you try to mash up genes from two extremely different eye structures and tell them to cooperate—maybe the DNA is similar enough that you get some weird new eye that looks a little like both, or maybe they're so incompatible that the eyes come out blind or with severe vision impairments. I don't know enough about genetics to call this one. If anybody happens to know of real life examples of an offspring between a creature with round pupils and a creature with slitted pupils, let me know.
It's worth reminding y'all that I have absolutely no plans to stick Bill with a kid, so this is all just a thought experiment about his body and current state of existence. But if you wanna go make a fankid or something, have at it.
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totaleclipse573 · 2 months
*Chucks EVERY. SINGLE. FANKID. into Deltarune*
Welp... There they go.
What do you think their soul types would be? And would they side with the fun gang or the Antagonists? Or would they just stick together?
This should be fun jhdfbsdjkfj have to warn you though, I'm a little rusty on the UTDR stuff. Sorry if I get anything wrong!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there only two soul types in Deltarune as of now? (Hopefully I haven't missed anything 😭 I've been more focused on other fandoms) I know UNDERTALE has seven soul types, and essentially, Deltarune goes off of the same kind of thing with the souls? Be warned, I have a lot of fankids lmao, some I haven't even drawn yet :
Since I don't think a Mobain could count for the HUMAN soul, red isn't an option
Patience (light blue) : Ember, Stumble, Trove
Bravery (orange) : Orion, Coco, Stella, Dagger, Vivian
Integrity (blue) : Arthur, Daisy, Archie
Perseverance (purple) : Venice, Thorn and Rascal, Piper
Kindness (green) : Soren, Rocket, Tulip, Veola
Justice (yellow) : Emi, Lumi, Beau, Demi
As for sides, I can't really see any of them siding with the antagonists, SOME would maybe side with the antagonists if they needed to/feel it would benefit them. That especially goes for Team Rebel.
Speaking of them, Team Rebel : Orion, Piper, and Demi. They made this sort of vow to stick together, they're like a found family for each other at this point. So they'd probably be their own group (stick together.) They're the most likely to side with antagonists if needed, specifically Piper.
Again, sorry if I got anything wrong 😭
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robo-drake09 · 5 months
I've finally got confidence to ask since I feel it would be odd to ask
Could you tell me more about your shelly x colt fankid? I'm a huge fan of fankid content and I heard you had one, especially its exist in your dragon au (which I really like!!!) But I haven't heard more of the kid herself!
Sure you don't have to answer it if you don't want to!! No pressure!! ^^
Not a problem at all! I'm so glad you like her and her silly little dragon form ✨️ Thank you sm for the ask 🥺
Doodled this up to explain some stuff too:
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So, Shea was originally made back in 2019 with my old group of friends. She was a lot like her mom, with a similar skin tone, and wore an orange bandana around her headto keep her hair out of her face.
Her hair ... I'll be honest, I'm tryna figure that out too 😭😭 I used to lean on a sort of pink? But now I wanna maybe have a more red/orange? I'll have to see
I'll admit, I haven't quite figured out a whole story / personality with her yet, but I'd imagine she's the type of kid to get really explorative and come home looking like she just had a grand adventure!
The dragon version I've fleshed out much more, since it is my main AU 🤭🤭 Shea wears the same bandana around her head/horns. Colours for her have usually been pink in my doodles, but I'm up for changing those around as well when I have the time! Her double wing (though it's hard to see as she's a hatchling) trait is from Colt, with the shape of them being more similar to Shelly. Her twin tail trait also comes from Colt, though when she's older the end will resemble more of the dragon Shelly's design too (I wanna revamp those two... also when I get the time cause school is a pain 😭😭)
Shea came into life at... perhaps around when Shelly and Colt were in their early 30s. Both of them had promised each other they'd be better parents than the ones they had (whether or not they'd come to peace with their tattered childhoods), so it took some time before the decided on starting a family.
Shea was a little ball of joy in their lives 😭😭 she sure as hell wasn't easy - just the same spunk and energy as her parents, but she grew up knowing she could count on them without fear. We're breaking generational trauma, guys!!! 🔥🔥🔥
That's all I got for her for now 🥹🥹 again, tysm for asking, it got me thinking, and admittedly I do need to work on her some more if I ever do wanna make a sort of story? I'll have to see! First thing I wanna do is actually get a full-body human design 🤭🤭 hope I can do that eventually!
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equinoxartz · 1 year
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Remember that jeventio fankid I made a while back? No? WELL TOO BAD I made them as a baby and a toddler/younger kid
She chew on her (and jevil's) tail a lot when she was younger so that's why she has those bandages on her tail
Here's her as a teen if ya haven't seen it yet:
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bellatheinkdemon · 9 months
Mmm... Corpse tea
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(For anyone wondering, this is a PureEnchantress fankid)
Now Higanbana's clothes were a BITCH to design. I was originally gonna give them this robe outfit thingy with a circle pattern on it, but then I realised it might accidentally cause Trypophobia so I changed it to the outfit you're currently seeing.
Fun fact: Higanbana is actually an alternate version of a PureLily kid I made, Vanilla Lily Cookie. (I haven't drawn her yet but I do have a design for them.) So basically, instead of being the child of two heroes, Higanbana is the kid of a (basically) literal Goddess and an amnesiac.
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quibbs126 · 3 months
What's the current list of the Cookie Run fankids you got? Like the ones that haven't been posted yet/are WIPs?
I was just asked this like, a couple weeks ago, and the number hasn’t really gone down much, so I’ll just refer you to that because I’m not listing that 100+ again
The only ones off that list are Energy Drink/String Gummy, Almond/Latte, Baguette/Coffee Candy, and Rockstar/Mint Choco
As for who’s joined the list since, we have:
Pitaya Dragon/Mala Sauce
Twizzly Gummy/Half Avocado
Smoked Cheese/Affogato
Avocado/Wildberry (it was originally Avocado/Hollyberry, but apparently that was a mistake because they got Holly and Wild mixed up)
Black Raisin/Red Velvet (the person suggested Raisin Bun for a name, but I have already gotten someone suggesting that for a Black Raisin/Burnt Cheese kid, so right now it’s tentatively Raisin Pound)
Caramel Choux/Eternal Sugar
Langue de Chat/Cappuccino
Langue de Chat/Toffee
Most of them don’t have names yet because I haven’t thought of them and also I’ve been distracted by video games these last 2 weeks
Oh and also, there’s the Crunchy Chip/Cream Unicorn and also Ninja/Sakura Mochi kids that are in my drafts, I just haven’t gotten around to finishing and posting. And other Dark Choco/Peach kids that I forget I made and to post about
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auquaticmoonlight · 1 year
Hello and welcome!
Im Alex!
I just realized I should put an intro post so here ya go
Im kinda a minor so like.... no?
Don't interact if you are LGTBQIA+phobic, abelist, racist, or just harass people in general.
✨️things I like✨️
Fandoms I'm interested in are
The owl House
Steven Universe
Sonic (?)
TADC (also beloved)
My favorite color is periwinkle!
My favorite food is.... hard to choose
The animal I most relate to is a cat, even though I'm a dog person
I am aroace and nonbinary with the pronouns they/them but am chill with anything rlly. Make neos if you want lol
My aus! (Main au first)
Elemental au: Has been revealed, finished, but not all of the story had been shown (look for the tag #elemental au ge)
Mask au: Has been revealed, still in progress, and only has one thing shown (look for #mask au)
Dreamy au: yall haven't even seen it
Magic School au: same as the last one
Animal au: only like 2 ocs have been revealed (#animal au ge)
Furry au: there is a discontinued(?) comic abt it (#furry au ge)
Toh fankids: Has been revealed, unfinished (look at #toh fankid)
My links!
YT! Haven't made any vids yet lmao
AO3!! Pls don't check my Elemental au there I'm remaking some of the chapters
Im an artist, (I use ibis paint on phone!) writer and trying. to be an animator. I hope i did this well- byee!
Soo I'm gonna put my my sideblogs here too
I have many potato and tbcu sideblogs but i won't tell you all the name of those
I run @artist-potato and @broken-tennis-ball doe ^-^
Also @ask-my-ocs-goldeneclipse to ask le blorbos
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shylittleunicorn15 · 6 months
hello there
i have not been able to get my head straight since @jestercrowner drew my fankids meeting theirs so i wanna make some headcannons for my digital suburban au where the fankids(including one i haven't finished drawing yet named Caine JR.) will be most common, so let's start!
-at age 4-5, Cosmo always had a specific thing that needed to be done for bedtime, after getting ready, he'd lay down in bed and have Jax and Caine tuck him in, he wouldn't sleep until he'd had his favorite plush bat knight Sir Bats with him, Jax or Caine reading him a story, and his nightlight on(he still sleeps with a nightlight and Sir Bats now because he's scared of the dark)
-Posie however is different, she needs music to sleep and her white ballerina mouse plushie
-Cosmo and Posie have the twin sibling dynamic of "get's into trouble(Posie), was roped into the trouble(Cosmo)"
-Caine is a workaholic, he stays up too late at nights, Jax usually has to drag Caine to bed
-Posie is a loud and mischievous troublemaker, meanwhile Cosmo is a kind polite and quiet helper, Jax Jr and Caine Jr just stand there and stare(it concerns Caine occasionally, but they can speak and act like normal children)
-Rabbits/bunnies are known to have huge litters, while Jax can't physically handle more than three kids in the womb at a time, being pregnant with twins will be semi common, triplets are quite rare, while one baby is pretty darn rare for Jax
-much like Ragatha, Jax is made from cotton, felt, toy stuffing, and other stuff used when making plush toys, which means Cosmo, Posie, Caine Jr, and Jax Jr are half plush, half human/anthro
-Cosmo is older than Posie by 5 minutes
-if you pick up Posie, she'll go feral and attack you(she bites). if you pick Cosmo up, he'll do his little thing in your hold politely(just make sure Sir Bats is with him so he wont get nervous). if you pick up Jax Jr and Caine Jr, they'll act like a cat that just lets you pick them up.
-Keep treats on hand when meeting all four kids for different reasons (Posie: to have her calm down.) (Cosmo: to comfort him or calm him down.) (Jax Jr and Caine Jr: to protect yourself.)
before i had my characters drawn i felt like this 👇🏻
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nuctoria · 6 months
also something funny happened to me when I found people who said that Luigi is a monsterfucker.
I didn't expect Bowser, King Boo, Antasma, Dimentio(?), and more.
Oh my ~
You either read the comments or saw the reblog.
I'm gonna be honest and say I had zero plans on making the villain, I thought of it as just a stupid idea that I wasn't going to entertain at all. Also, as a teen, I made over 100 OCs just so I can ship them with fictional characters or because I got inspired by songs I listen to and relate them to fandoms I like. The latter is what I still do, I just haven't talked about them here or drawn them yet.
However, I do plan to get started on making a fankids for Mareach and Luigi, when I have time and motivation. As for the villain you have gotten so hyped for, I will need a long time to work on him so he's actually good. However, I have three ideas on what to base him on.
Flower based. This is because I absolutely adore Abscuro (@ionlydatesassyelves) and Rosethorn (@darknadaworld) and Luigi likes flowers and gardening so it could work.
Shadow Duke. This is because I've been reading a lot of Manhwa comics and love the thought of Luigi working as a butler or servant at a mansion and think he's finally gotten a good job that he likes to do without realizing he's become another doll in a lifesized dollhouse.
Snake or serpent based cause. Snek. Scales. Idk.
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whisper-and-tangle · 2 years
Maple The Wolf
Maple, a young wolf with light grey, scruffy fur speckled with mud, tall pointed ears, one of which had a small scar on, and sharp, black claws alongside round orange-amber eyes with yellow sclera, darted out of the caravan, triumphantly and proudly holding a metal baseball bat, covered in dents and dotted with rust, running just past Tangle.
[^ text from my fic ^]
Okay, so, I made a whispangle fankid!!
Maple used to live in the woods, before Whisp 'n Tang found them just. sitting there and decided to adopt them,
They're in the age range of 12-15, haven't decided yet but will update this when I have,
They're nonbinary, and go by she/they
And, despite it not being included in the description listed above (they hadn't gotten them in the fic yet) they wear a dark orange hoodie, and a pair of Sonic's old shoes that were gifted to them- the shoes are slightly weathered and worn from many adventures, but they're in decent condition nevertheless. They've also got a tooth gap.
Oh, and Maple just. straight up spawned, yeah. Kind of like Knuckles & the ME, Maple can talk to trees (and the trees'll talk back), and just appeared in this forest as a wolf cub, & the trees & animals & plants helped her survive ('accidentally dropped' fruits conveniently close to Maple, tree branches 'suddenly' got knocked out the way and over Maple when it was raining, etc etc. wolf child raised by the forest). Maple thinks talking to trees is completely normal- and, although looks like a wolf, isn't exactly one- going back to 'straight up spawned', Maple was born on a thunderous, loud rainy night under a full moon. They were born in a flash of bright green light, but have no memories of this. So, Maple's real species is technically unknown, but they seem to be a wolf.
(Also, credit to @khalewren for the 'created by the forest/forest raised Maple/flickies & animals helped raise Maple', ideas! Oh, and credit to Khale for Maple's name + tooth gap, too!)
Also, they were inspired by ctrl alt del comic edit and Mae from nitw!
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nohalosinhell-archive · 9 months
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When I first came up with Delphine, she was just a name. I figured all Goetia over a certain age were supposed to have an heir and I figured "I need to come up with a name in case it comes up in an ask."
She served as a way to add some depth to Andrealphus before we knew anything about him and a way to differentiate him from Stolas. (Stolas seems to be a loving, if not misguided, father who puts Via before duty. I write Andrealphus as duty first, family second... but he'll summon every portrait in his castle and gush about his daughter's accomplishments if someone gives him the opportunity.)
When some people started asking about her and I started developing her, I saw her in the same way I see Moxxie's mom. Andrealphus must have a kid. We just don't know its name or anything about it. So this is my interpretation. The same way we don't know what Moxxie's mother's name is, or anything about her really, but she exist(ed) and lots of writers enjoy making a character out of her.
A few weeks ago, someone brought to my attention that I was wrong. At least. I think most people would agree I was wrong.
She's more of a fankid than anything.
I know I sound deeply stupid for not thinking of her that way until it was pointed out to me but. Yeah. I guess I always saw fankids as canon character x canon character = fanon child rather than... child who most likely exists in canon we just haven't met them yet.
Now, I'm not at all upset with the person who brought that to my attention, and I don't dislike the concept of fankids. I love to see what people come up with when they take two muses they've put their hearts and souls into and combine them to make a new character.
.... Seeing Delphine this way has made me lose a lot of interest in writing her.
Maybe it's because fankids have a negative stigma around them, maybe it's because I've had my own bad experiences, maybe I just feel stupid for not realizing that's what she was.
Maybe I'm on 16 different medications and I've lost my filter and I need to shut up.
Maybe I'm just really hurt that the person who took so much interest in her and encouraged me to make her into a character up and left like two hours before the event we had plotted was going to start.
And now I'm rambling. This is a thought I've had floating around in my head foe a few days and I figured typing things out usually helps.
Anyway, I really do appreciate everyone who took interest in her, asked about her, brought her up in threads with Andrealphus. Getting to write Andrealphus jump from arrogant and manipulative to 'Why yes, I do have a daughter! Would you like to see a picture? (you have no choice I have already summoned six of them and if you try to walk away I will freeze your feet to the ground) never failed to make me smile.
This is no one's fault. No one said anything mean or hateful. I'm just watching the dash and seeing events I could throw her into, and I just... don't feel like I should anymore.
Thanks for reading and for putting up with me~
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