474 posts
She/her. Past 18. Just someone who loves making theories, fanfic prompts/ideas and is in too many fandoms at once which only ends in more brainstorming and daydreaming.
Last active 4 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nuctoria · 23 days ago
I regret absolutely nothing, our chats at Discord are absolutely delicious.
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me trying to beat the monster kisser alligations (impossible, failed , it'll happen again)
rewatching the little prince tv series was a mistaaaaaaaaaaake
anyways S/I is simply called Mongoose (they/them She/Her), they're well, a mongoose, the result of the death of the first star ever, instead of a black hole they became this creatura
(their colors without the shading btw :3)
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i'm going insane genuinely because they did NOT HAVE TO MAKE A FUCKING SNAKE SO HOT WHY DID THEY DO THAT
also drew your dove too nuctoria look at your dooooooveeeeeeeeee
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@candyheartedchy @berryshipbasket
@radaverse @tireddovahkiin
@bloodhoundini @lficanthaveloveiwantpower
@rexscanonwife @ree3942 @sunflawyer
@artcomestolife @self-shipping-crow @mothlessmood @blubberbuns @silverlining-ships @ellie-woody
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nuctoria · 24 days ago
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I made a birb
I won
oh my god @nuctoria if i end up having another f/o i'm gonna explode you with my mind/pos
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nuctoria · 25 days ago
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oh my god @nuctoria if i end up having another f/o i'm gonna explode you with my mind/pos
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nuctoria · 27 days ago
i left the mario fandom and im slowly crawling back but UR STILL ALIVE AND MAKING PEAK?!1?11 HELLO
pls keep feeding us antasma and dimentio pleas i love you thank you /platonic
YOU'RE SO SWEET OMG I'm really happy that you enjoy my lil scenarios and rants, I'm just hyper-fixating on a less judgmental platform after my teen Wattpad phase.
Like I said before, I've kinda stopped for awhile and not posting as much due to focusing on other fandoms and college work but I'll post something once in a blue moon still.
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nuctoria · 1 month ago
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nuctoria · 2 months ago
New Blog!
New blog's out for Cookie Run games!
If you want to pop in an ask or have a look at the master post (only post up at the moment) then head over to @witchoven and have fun!
Can't wait to see what chaos this blog will cause!
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nuctoria · 2 months ago
You like CookieRun, what do you think about my Shadow Milk Cookie?
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I will never forgive this one for what he put poor Nilly through, it was uncalled for.
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nuctoria · 2 months ago
I understand you, Mario has been part of my childhood, but over time I have grown fond of other franchises like Sonic (the movies), CookieRun Kingdom, Kirby, Transformers, etc.
Yeah, exactly.
This isn't a goodbye or anything, it's a "I'm still here just over in that corner at the moment"
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nuctoria · 2 months ago
Ok, so.
I'm thinking of making another blog.
This blog is mostly Mario and Luigi related, obviously, and while I still like and participate in the fandom, I am also being drawn more to others that I really like which I want to talk about more, such as Cookie Run Kingdom, Pokémon, Bionicle, etc.
I'm not abandoning the Mario and Luigi fandom, never, but trying to mix another fandom in this blog just won't work, it'll just be ignored in favour of the core fandom and I just won't be happy about it.
I will put links to said blogs and their core fandoms for anyone interested in my Master Post that's pinned for everyone, if I'm not posting much on a certain one then I'm probably loosing my mind on the other, you know the drill.
Anyways, that's all, just wanting to let you guys know since I've basically disappeared on your all of a sudden.
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nuctoria · 2 months ago
If you guys think Luigi and Gooigi were working overtime in the 3rd game, imagine how much longer they'd be occupied by these ghosts if it wasn't a kids game. We wouldn't be able to see the screen, we'd just be hearing sounds.
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nuctoria · 3 months ago
Here a gif of Dimentio killing Mr. L
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I wish you a good 2025
Let's hope Dimentio doesn't decide to blow up this year along with Mr L, lol.
Happy New Year everyone!
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nuctoria · 3 months ago
That fanart of Nightmare Luigi by year2000electronics, I see it more as the King's Queen in a bad ending to Dream Team
Makes sense, that's not a bad idea.
I was actually taking a closer look yesterday and it really looks like Antasma possessed Luigi. Like how Shadow Queen possessed Peach? Keeping her the same while making her dark?
That's what it looks like, Luigi but now having Antasma'a features. Like the yellow eyes, the fangs, the cape, etc. Which makes for more lore potential cause it CAN happen.
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nuctoria · 3 months ago
Hola disculpa una pregunta ¿no se si ya vistes este fan art🖌 de Luigi?? Lo encontre aqui en tumblr, que opinas de este fan art🖌??;,
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Y Feliz Navida💚y un prospero año nuevo🎋.
@darknoverse @kuramirocket @istadris LOOK
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nuctoria · 3 months ago
Hi, I want to show you this
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Goofy boy
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nuctoria · 3 months ago
Antasma to Bowser in Tables Turned:
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Literally turned.
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nuctoria · 3 months ago
Tables Turned
The hypnotic music spilled across the island, lulling the inhabitants and tourists to sleep, from their own beds to out in the streets, only for their peaceful dreams to be whisked away to fuel the Dream Stone held at the top of Mount Pajamaja by none other than Bowser and Antasma. 
Not even Mario and Luigi could withstand the sound of the Dreambeats, just like the rest of the residents, save for the princes and Starlow. The brothers’ heads kept dropping like heavy sacks, their eyelids hardly remaining open, their minds insisting on shutting down for some rest. Starlow had to keep shouting and hitting them to keep at least one of them awake long enough.
Seeing the trouble they were in, Prince Dreambert insisted on a retreat, fighting for the Dream Stone being too risky given their current situations. So with no other choice, the brothers were hurried away before the two fell asleep in front of their enemies.
Bowser laughed as he watched this, delighted that for once Mario and his green brother were running in defeat, even if momentarily. 
After a lot of waiting, a challenge to Bowser’s impatient nature, it was finally done.
“The Dream Stone has been restored…” announced Antasma as said stone floated before the two, Kamek and the Elite Trio stationed around them. “Now vee begin to conquer the vorld… SCREEPLE!”
Bowser’s glee was palpable, loving the idea, but they had to start somewhere. First wishes are important, after all. He ordered his minions to think of something, getting irritated when not given any pleasing answers. Luckily for them, Antasma was already full of his own ideas.
“I haff already thought of a thing vee vill need… A castle! To conquer the vorld, vee vill need a castle.” 
Bowser thought about it, “A castle… yeah… So we create a base in the island and conquer the world from that? Genius! We’ll build the best castle on the whole island! Yeah!” the Koopa King announced, his excitement coming back as he watched the caped bat float to the Dream Stone.
Muttering under his breath, Antasma visualised the castle in his mind, from the shape, to the colours and the extra details. Finally, with a booming voice, he commanded the stone to make it happen. And happen it did. To everyone’s shock and his delight, the castle took form and proudly darkened the land under it with its shadow. 
Bowser let out a booming laugh as he looked at the castle, clawed hands on his hips. “Well, ain’t that fit a king! Come on, let's go see what my new castle has in store!”
His minions eagerly followed their king, but Bowser stopped short when he heard Antasma let out a screechy chuckle under his breath before it got louder and louder, soon turning into a full on manic laugh. Confused and a bit tense, Bowser turned to find the bat still hunched over the Dream Stone.
“Oi, bats for brains, what’s with the laughing? Found something funny in all this?” Bowser asked, trying to sound annoyed to hide his unease.
But all he got as a reply was a powerful burst of power that sent him back, nearly knocking off the edge. He took a split second to recover from the shock enough to realise what happened and to give Antasma an incredulous look, the bat looking back at him with a sinister and gleeful grin on his face, sharp rows of fangs in full display.
“S-Sire!” Kamek let out and went to make his way to him, only for Antasma to snap his gaze towards him and the Elite Trio, hitting them all with his powers and drowning them in a cloud of purple smoke that brought them to the ground, out cold.
This finally set Bowser off, growling in rising anger, “What the hell do you think you’re doing, you screeching freak?!” he demanded.
“Merely vhat I’ve been vaiting for this vhole time.” Antasma replied, holding the Dream Stone in one claw.
“What is that supposed to mean?!” Bowser asked, getting back to his full height.
“SCREEE! Did you really think that I vould share this power? Vith you? I’ve vaited centuries for this, to be free and claim vhat is mine. I von’t allow a brainless brute like you to ruin it!” Antasma sneered, his grin turning into a hateful scowl before relaxing a bit at a thought. 
“But, you may still have some use serving me.” he muttered, but he quickly had to move aside from an incoming fireball.
“BOWSER SERVES NO ONE, YOU DAMN FOSSIL! I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU TO ROT AND FOUND THE STONE ON MY OWN!” roared Bowser, lunching in for another attack for Antasma in pure fury.
Only to be restrained to the ground by familiar magic. Kamek’s magic, who was now up and pointing his wand at him, shocking Bowser all over again.
“Kamek! What do you think you’re doing?!” demanded the Koopa King but Kamek stayed silent, as if he hadn’t heard a thing.
“Oh, he has no mind to obey you any longer. That too belongs to me now” Antasma spoke calmly, motioning for the magician and the three minions to come to him. They obeyed silently, moving mechanically to his side and standing against their own king.
“Those are MY minions, you-” he got cut off.
“Vere. SCROOONK! They are my minions now. Them and the rest you brought along.”
Bowser struggled against Kamek’s magic restraints as Antasma made his way to him, the Dream Stone starting to glow again like it did when Antasma wished for the castle above them. 
For the first time, Bowser started to feel true dread when he heard the bat before him let out another low chuckle. “And now it’s your turn. Slave.”
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nuctoria · 3 months ago
Say what you want but if you loved these ladies then youre gay now
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