#but i have no emotional attachment to superwholock
overusedtoothbrush · 6 months
the only time i feel sane is when superwholock trends
pls let it trend again
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ellariasand · 4 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by the lovely @captain-k-jones - thanks so much!
Rule 1: Post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 people.
Your Questions
1. What is your favorite season and why?
Spring. I love that it’s starting to get warm and you can actually enjoy being outside, but it’s not quite so warm that it’s stifling and that I can’t wear all the cute jackets and longer pants that I own. 
2. What was the show that got you into Tumblr/fandom?
I was a wee youngin’ when I joined Tumblr (I think I was 14?), but I’m pretty sure it was The Avengers, in that peak 2012 “they all live in Stark Tower” era. I got sucked very quickly into Superwholock (RIP) after that, so it’s kind of a blur, but I distinctly remember that being the first film franchise I ever really attached myself to. 
3. What are you reading currently (fanfic or book)?
Currently in the middle of Midnight Riot, the first book in Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series! Saw it two years ago in a shop in Galway and finally got around to reading it — reminds me a lot of Good Omens, if you like that sort of thing. 
4. If you could live anywhere, where would you chose and why?
It’s a toss-up between London, York, and Galway. I absolutely fell in love with the UK and Ireland about two years ago, and after living in London for a semester I would love to go back. I love London because it’s a city that satisfies my itch for adventure and stimulus, and I love York and Galway because they look like something out of a storybook — so picturesque and old, and filled with so many stories that I could never possibly learn them all. 
5. Favorite subject in school?
Anything to do with books. I minored in English literature in college, and dissecting stories and discussing them is one of my favorite things to do. Words have always been and will always be my preferred medium, and I love getting the opportunity to tease meaning out of those that others have put on the page, particularly female authors.
6. Dogs or cats?
Cats! They match my vibe a lot better than dogs do, and I have an extreme soft spot for my cat Neo (not named after the Keanu Reeves character, in case you were wondering), who claimed me as her person and now yells at me on a regular basis to pay attention to her. 
7. Last song you listened to?
“Save a Prayer” by Duran Duran!
8. Other than Tumblr and fandom, what are your hobbies?
I’m a writer, of both nonfiction and fiction (as is obvious from the fanfiction I’ve posted here), and I also collect vinyl records and spend quite a bit of time cross-stitching. I also have a vested interest in feminism and music history, and I spend a lot of my time consuming media that has something to do with one of those two subjects. 
9. If you were going to listen to a fandom podcast, what would you want them to talk about?
I’m a part of very few real fandoms anymore (mostly The Punisher and Doctor Who, at the moment), but I would like to see a podcast that dives into the specific meta of a particular piece of art and really dissects it, like the way I discussed dissecting literature above. I think I’m beyond the point of enjoying it when people talk about surface level stuff on podcasts, like ships or plot points or stuff that you can see discussed primarily on Tumblr, where surface level stuff reigns because that’s what this platform is built for. (To clarify: surface level stuff is great, but when you’re trying to fill an hour of content, that stuff gets boring really fast.) Talk to me about parallels, about recurring visual symbolism in The Mandalorian or what it means that a large percentage of the Doctor’s companions are all working class women with a chip on their shoulder. I want to go deep. 
Either that, or start a podcast specifically dedicated to watching movie starring famous musicians and rating them. That’s an idea I’d love to have a co-host for. 
10. Who would win: Hulk or Superman?
Superman, if only because Clark’s a good human being and would probably try to talk Bruce down instead of fighting. 
11. Name one show you enjoy that is underrated.
Well, ya girl just finished Ashes to Ashes and I am smarting over how emotional I am over Gene goddamn Hunt, so I’m gonna go ahead and say that one.
My Questions
1.  What’s your favorite random fact that you know? Can be any subject you want, just teach me something new! 2.  If you could sit down and have lunch with one fictional character, who would it be and what would you want to talk about? 3.  Above question continued: same scenario, but with one real-life figure, living or dead. Who’d it be? 4.  What’s your comfort piece of media? Can be a song, a movie, a show - something that brings you peace and/or that you go back to often. 5.  Favorite trope (either in fanfic or in actual writing/film)? 6.  Do you collect anything? If so, tell me about it! 7.  What’s one thing you love that people wouldn’t expect you to love? 8.  What’s something you’d love to do but seems kind of ridiculous/out of your realm of possibility at the moment? 9.  If you could go on a dream vacation - all expenses paid, wherever you want  - where would you go? 10. What’s your favorite/preferred streaming service? 11.  Villains or heroes?
I’m gonna go ahead and tag @consultingsnowqueen and @shesakillerdragqueen, but anyone who wants to answer these is welcome to!
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supersoldierslover · 8 years
Too Many Feelings Part 5
eSummary: You and Bucky never get along one day Steve asks you to help him after on mission. Feelings could change?
Paring: Bucky x Reader
Words: 1715
Warnings: Fuffly,  angst and Steve.
An special thanks to @widowsfics you know that i love you and i eternally thankful for you to read this and tell me is good ( and fix my mistakes i love you)
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Bucky never slept so well in his life, he doesn’t know if it is because of there was a person next him or because you were that person. When he woke up, you were still sound sleep with your head on the crock of his neck.
Without thinking he pulls you in to the top of his chest, this way your whole body is in contact with his. He can feel every inch of your skin against his and he loves it. He love the way your hands are on him, holding him closer to you.
He loves that your legs are between his, he loves how good you smell with your bubble gun shampoo and what he loves the most is the way that your chest is pressed on him. He can feel you breathing and your breasts pressed against him.
He promises himself that he will leave your room in half hour; this was another moment that he would keep it to himself.Another secret he would keep it to himself.
“This is odd.” He looks up and sees Steve standing on your frame door with a stupid grin on his face “Don’t wake up her.” He leaves the bed and put a pillow in his place for you to cuddle. He resists the urge to kiss your forehead “This is thing now?” he give Steve a dirty look and push him out of the room “Come on, let’s talk.”
You wake up alone and you're not surprised by it. In your room doesn't have any trace he was actually there, expect your bed that still has his scent. You are going to the kitchen but stop when see that Steve's door open.
You enter the room and see the two super soldiers talking, while Bucky was only in his sweet pants and messy hair, Steve was wearing his uniform and a deep cut in his check. You don’t even think about it you call Steve name and jump in his arms.
“I missed you so much.” Steve catches you in his arms and holds you tight “Me too doll, honestly you are spooling me too much. Every time I had a nightmare I couldn’t sleep without you next to me.”
You smile and kiss his clean check “I am here now, stay here;” You leave the two men’s in the room and go pick up the things to clean Steve cuts. You take a while to come back to the room, first you make sure that Tony is okay and then stopped on the kitchen to make some coffee.
You are entering the room when Steve voice catches your attention   “… should I be worried?” You know that you shouldn’t listen to others people conversation, but curiosity took the best of you “Of course not, Steve don’t make this face… was nothing … she took pity on me.”
“I don’t think so … come on Buck, I get home and found you two in bed, her head in your chest while you play with her hair and you honestly don’t want me to think that something change ?”
You hear Bucky groan “Steve what do you want me to say?” Yes Steve, what do you want him to say “Did you two … you know … had sex? She has hicks on her neck” What is up if this boys worried about your sex life lately.
“That wasn’t me; she got home drunk a couple of nights ago… and I took care of her.” You hear Steve laugh and say “What happened? Come on pal I already took care of her drunk and she always says whatever is in her mind.”
“Steve let it go … stop doing this I will tell you but if she ever find out about this I will kill you. So she got home drunk, very drunk and I was worried about her but she was fine. She keep it asking me why did I hate her and I couldn’t say the words.”
You hear a long pause before he continues “She tried to kiss me and when I didn’t let her, she told me that I should fuck her.” You gasp, you don’t doubt that you had said that but how could he look at you in the eyes after that?
“She was so beautiful, only in her black panties; her lips were so swollen, so red and kissable.” The room was silent until you hear Steve with his voice of Capitan America “Tell me that you did not touch her in any inappropriate way.”
“Of course not, you know that I would never take advantage of a woman  … promise me that you are not gonna tell her any of that?” You hear as Steve sign “I promise, but why? You were a complete gentleman maybe that would help her see you in other way.”
You don’t wait for Bucky’s response you enter the room with your best fake smile; you hand each men a cup of coffee and sit by Steve side on bed. You don’t say anything; you start to work on his bruised cheek being extra careful.
The two men are in silence and you feel very uncomfortable “I am happy that you two are getting along, Bucky deserves someone was wonderful as you in his life.”  You smile at him, but before you can respond Bucky says “I am pretty sure that she still prefers you in her bed.”
You groanannoyed and when you finish clean the bruise you ask Steve if he need anything else “Not really Doll, I am fine … Why don’t the three of us go for some breakfast? “ You get up “I don’t want go, you two have important things to discuss.”
You spent the whole morning with Tony helping him with his new project and in the afternoon you went to lunch with your best friend from college. All day your mind would come back to Bucky.
You had so many questions and you felt so confused about your feelings. Your head tells you to stay away from Bucky for good, but a few parts of you feel sorry for the guy, like he was a lost puppy and not one of the deadliest assassins that ever exist.  
Others parts of you are screaming at you “Girl he is trouble but he would give a good fuck.”But somehow use him for sex seems wrong to you, especially after what you hear him say.
You hear a loud knock on the door; Steve is there with your favorite type of chocolate “Can I come in?” You let him in and he lies in your bed, taking of his shoes “This is for you.” You lie by his side eating the chocolate and offering him some.
After you two eat in silence he asks “When you two will get along?” You shrug “I don’t know, maybe one day or maybe never.” He pulls you into a hug and you continue to talk “I don’t know what he told you, but he is unstable around me and this confuses me.”
“So tell me, tell me what happen while I was away and tell me what you want.” You start to talk and you don’t even realize, but you are telling him everything. Since the first night that you were face to face with the winter soldier, the way that he told you that you should had sex with Steve until the night he slept in your room with you.
You don’t hide anything from you and when you finish you start to crying, feeling all the emotions that you were repressing. “Can I ask you some questions?” You nod “Do you want to have sex with me?”
You start laughing “Why, are you offering?” You have to admit that you are really curious where this is going “Just answer the question.” You start to think the better way of answer this when you finally speak.
“Steve you are Captain America, I think every girl has a crush one you at some point in their lives … but no. I love you, you are my best friend, but I don’t think I feel this way about you. ”He laughs “Do you want me to punch him?”
You shook your head a no “I don’t see the point to use violence with him, he is used to this and he wants this.”  He agrees with you and continues to eat “If you meet him on the past, you would love him. He was so charming and happy and now he is so damaged Doll … please be patient with him.”
“You know I do my best… but I am tired of this, I am tired of not knowing how I should act around him and I am tired of being afraid that someday he will shoot me down completely.” You didn’t know how much you missed Steve, until you start to talking to him, he was such a good listener and really good with advice.
“You know, I always thought that you would be the one to make him feel human again, you were always so nice and gentle around us and he needs this. You might not notice but you changed him already.”
You give him a nod and he continues to talk “He started to eat with us more, spent more time in the common area and he only start to show up on movies night when you move in. I don’t know what he feels for you; I don’t think he knows either and that scares him. Don’t give up on him yet, please?”
“I am afraid of getting hurt Steve, I am afraid of getting attached and he throw me way after he uses me and I get destroyed because of this.” Steve pulls you in his chest smutting your hair, you don’t realize how broken your voice was “If he hurts you, I broke his nose.”
“And what happened if I hurt him?” Your voice has a lighter tone and his is glad that you are feeling a little better “The only way of you hurt him, it is if you shut him down for good. So tell me doll what are you gonna do?”
Part 6 
FOREVER TAGS:  @myluvislikewow @capbuckyfics @you-should-love @shamvictoria11 @dracsgirl @vashanatasha @buckyswinterchildren @amrita31199 @aenna-4 @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x @naenae87 /@molethemollie @hedakylo @professionally-crazed @widowsfics
TOO MANY FEELINGS TAG: @byebyebyelilsebastianstan @disney3life @stormyfandoms @loveyourselfcreateyourself @a-steroides @angelsbaby0910 , @jade-cheshire @thefallenbibliophilequote @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch @alexivila @earthtoliseth @pandartist @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @bexboo616 @soulful-ofevans @pari0924 @pickylittlebitch @fabi112 @thefandomplace @chipilerendi @writingimaginesfornoreason @lauraonly @itsrhiannaaa @a-randomfan @confidentrose @superwholock-unicorn @writing-of-an-angel @dandelions-inthewind
Please leave feedback, it makes me happy and i am dying to know what you guys think of this part.
And thank you so much for everyone who left on the last part
If you want to be tag on this fic or be included on the forever tag list please let me know.
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