#but i had to go with my lil black cat clyde
jennyfair7 · 1 year
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Thanks so much for the tag, @forestscribe4! 💖🥰 I was just thinking it's been ages since I've done a picrew, so this was perfect timing! 😄
Here is the link
Tagging (no pressure): @ofbeautsandbeasts @obesessedwbeautiesandbeasts @timebird84 @coatntails @laqueus @tearosesarts @heather-destler @from-aldebaran @carpeossa @pastel-cryptids @rienerose @jamiepage19 @paperandsong @deeznutsthethrid @spaceoperetta @kwat01 @pureanonofficial @moonshinecanvasproductions and anyone else who wants to do a picrew! 😘
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halpertstuna · 4 years
magical moonlight - jj maybank
summary: a mysterious girl catches jj’s eye, but is it possible she only caught his?
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pairing: jj x reader
word count: 1,524
warnings: spooky vibes, probably typos and a touch of supernatural spirits!
A/N: this is a short lil’ halloween imagine, which was actually supposed to be a blurb. ofc i’m late per usual and posting this on november. also, this is kinda supernatural which i don’t usually do, but it was halloween, so why the fuck not!
hope you enjoy<3
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(gif credit: @toesure )
“What the hell are you doing JJ? Quit staring, you’re gonna scare her away,” Pope remarked snapping JJ out of his trance like gaze.
“What? I was not staring”
“Was too. By the way, you’ve got a little drool over there” John B. said mockingly, marking where he should wipe. JJ mimicked his actions sarcastically, punching him lightly in the arm.
Like every year, on the same spooky night, Ward, Rose and Wheezie were out on the main land, leaving the Cameron residence in the hands of Rafe and Sarah, and like every year, they threw a Halloween bash. It was a pogue tradition to crash the party since they weren’t invited, except this year, they were, for Sarah and John B. started dating.
This year, JJ dressed up as a boxer, John B. and Sarah as Bonnie and Clyde, Pope as Luke Skywalker and Kiara as a mermaid. JJ absolutely loved Halloween, and so did the rest of the pogues, they adored the feeling of equality, for everyone was dressed up, each individual hiding behind their own mask or face full of makeup, covering their true self. No judgment.
Most of the girls at the party were either dressed up as slutty cats, cops or witches, which was usually the type of prey JJ would go for, knowing they were east territory, however this time, a particularly mysterious girl caught his eye, one wearing a black widow costume, a red solo cup in her hand as she made conversation with Sarah and Kie.
John B. and Pope teased JJ the entire time about how he couldn’t keep his eyes off her, making his cheeks heat up until eventually he decided to approach her.
He thought about what he could say to her but nothing came to mind and he regretted his words as soon as they left his mouth.
“hey gorgeous, haven’t i seen you some place before?”
A pickup line. He mentally facepalmed himself.
She was a bit taken aback by his question, but recovered quickly answering “yes, that’s why i don’t go there anymore”. She then walked away, mumbling under her breath “typical fuck boy”.
JJ was confused to why she wasn’t interested, although he did realise he sounded quite stupid, he was yet to discover a girl who didn’t fall for his charms.
He walked up to her once more. “Let me start over, hi, I’m JJ”
“Good for you”
“Look, I’m sorry for that, okay? I promise I’m not like that”
“You’re lying” she said effortlessly seeing through his act.
“Are you sure this is just a costume or are you actually the black widow” he questioned pointing at her suit, for he was surprised, usually girls would follow him blindly, but not her. She giggled at his words but immediately averted her attention to anything other than him.
He begged her to give him another chance until she agreed.
They spent the majority of the night talking at the party and getting to know one another, although he was the one who did most of the talking, she mainly just listened.
He eventually suggested they leave, since the party was coming to an end but he didn’t want the night to as well, and neither did she.
An idea formed in her mind, “follow me” she said eagerly and he followed close behind as she led him up the stair case.
The music was muffled by the walls, fading more and more as they made their way up and farther away from the rest of the party.
They climbed out the window on the top floor, and laid on the roof beside one another as they gazed up at the stars, a comfortable silence washing over them.
They relished each other’s presence in that spooky night, as the wind howled through the trees, yellow leaves falling from them as a result of autumn breeze, making a crunchy sound when people stepped on them as they left the party.
The unearthly moon was full, reflecting in the eyes of the mysterious girl, her skin beaming in the moonlight and he was very much enjoying the view.
She looked back at him smiling then sat up, announcing she was leaving since it was getting late and her parents were probably worried.
“Good night JJ,” she smiled weakly “I like your name by the way” she added, a faint smile painting her lips.
“Thanks, got it for my birthday” he shot her a witty grin and her’s turned into a smirk. as he watched her attempt to get back inside, he remembered the burning question he forgot to ask.
She had one leg out the other side of the window when his voice chimed in her ears.
“Wait! I didn’t catch your name”
“That’s because I didn’t throw it” she retorted, leaving the rooftop and heading back inside.
He was mesmerised by her essence, there was something quiet magical about her.
He watched the front door carefully from the roof, yearning for her, to see her once more, even if it was just for a split second when she leaves the property.
He sat there patiently when five minutes turned to ten which turned to twenty quickly turning into an hour - at which point he was worried.
He went downstairs, seeing the other pogues all gathered by the kitchen counter, when he caught Kiara’s eye. “There you are JJ! We looked all over for you” She shouted, letting out a sigh of relief. “Yeah, I didn’t see you all night, where were you?” Pope asked.
JJ proudly wore a grin on his face, shooting them furrowed eyebrows as to why they were asking him such questions when they obviously knew the answer.
“Pope, do y’all have like short term memory or something? You guys know I was with that girl”
“What are you talking about? What girl?”
“You know what girl! The one you and John B. were teasing me about before, she was in a black widow costume,” he said as if it was obvious and they were just playing dumb.
They all gave each other worried looks with muddled expressions. “Come on you guys don’t remember?? Kie, Sarah, the two of you talked to her earlier”
“Is he imagining things now, or is it just the spooky spirit of Halloween taking over him?” Kie whispered to Sarah, loud enough for the rest to hear and they all cackled with laughter making JJ roll his eyes.
“Dude, I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about. The minute we got here you disappeared” John B. said putting a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manor.
“Well you couldn’t have missed her coming down the stairs, which brings me to why i’m here, did you guys see her leave?” He asked, desperate at this point for a positive answer.
“You were the only one up there JJ” Sarah gently said.
“Are you guys serious? Is this some kind of joke?”
“No, we seriously have no idea who you’re talking about” Sarah trailed off giving him a concerned look, then shrugged her shoulders “sorry...”
JJ got annoyed that instead of listening they just gave him the feeling like he’s gone insane, he didn’t imagine it, he couldn’t have, right?
He couldn’t stop thinking about the mysterious girl, how no one believed him, he looked for her everywhere, during each year after that, on Halloween, he went with the same boxer costume he wore the night he met her, in hopes she’d be where he goes and have no trouble recognising him.
He never saw her, until one night, he did.
On Halloween, five years after his encounter with her, JJ and the pogues went to a “haunted house”. John B. suggested they go to the old house on marly street, the abandoned one, he claimed it would be an adventure, especially on such a chilling evening.
A picture of her and her family members hung above the fire place in that dark house.
“oh my- HA! Guys come quick!” JJ squealed impatiently once he recognised her. The rest of the pogues all came running in his direction, afraid something bad might’ve happened.
“What is it JJ?” Sarah asked out of breath once she saw he was fine.
“Look, you guys! See?! I told you I didn’t imagine her!” He said enthusiastically pointing at her figure in the framed picture. “She’s real, I knew it! And you guys didn’t believe me!” Seeing the picture gave him a flicker of hope, he might get the chance to see her again.
“Now all I need to do is find her”
To Pope though, something still felt wrong, weird. He moved closer, observing the picture carefully from a better angle, when it hit him.
“Umm... JJ?”
“I wouldn’t count on that...”
“And why is that Sooby-Doo?” he questioned sarcastically once he noticed Pope’s terrified expression, whose face went pale in fear as he spoke.
“Because that’s Y/N Y/L/N. She died in a fire in this house with her entire family. Exactly eight years before you supposedly met her, on Halloween.”
@infinitelycharmed23 @queenofthepouges @bibliophilewednesday @bijleegiregi @princessnnylzays
feel free to add yourself to my taglist!
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desiraypark · 4 years
A Long Night...
Clyde x Sherri Content: Kinda N*FW - no intercourse - sexual innuendos; kinkiness and mischief; teasing/torture. Sherri started it, Clyde finished it.
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It was a cool Tuesday afternoon at Strafford’s Kitchen. It wasn’t hectic, but still busier than most restaurants between that “after lunch and before dinner” section of the day.  And the bar was nothing like Duck Tape. People weren’t yelling at the TV or laughing loud enough for the neighborhood to hear them. The entire restaurant’s guests were always corporate looking--wearing their slacks and shirts; Oxfords and those shoes with the red on the bottom. Sherri had a pair of ‘em--Luba something. They talked among themselves like a cafeteria monitor was walking around the floor ready to write them up for loud-talking. 
Clyde poured drinks for various well-dressed people in his own shiny black slacks, black shoes, stark white shirt, and skinny black tie. Sherri said she wanted to “climb him like a tree” when he wore this outfit the first time. Of course, when he got back home, he let her do just that. But anyway...
Most patrons would get quick glances at his arm--especially new ones--but unlike the rare harassers at Duck Tape, these business folks were more “quiet” with their judgement. They would stare him down like they were worried he was going to drop something, or more importantly, like he was going to mess their drink up. Basically, anybody that wanted to talk shit had either changed into decent people by the end of their visit, or they waited until they got outside. Plus, he worked early in the day. The night bartender, was the one who usually had to deal with the most assholes. But overall, every day for Clyde the bartender was smooth-sailing. 
He was refreshing a man’s glass of wine when he felt his phone buzz. Of course, he ignored it. The man nodded a “thank you” and took a sip as he stared into his phone. As Clyde put the bottle away, he felt his phone buzz again. But he walked to Mr. Rollins--a regular--who was eating a burger and drinking a beer, first. “Need me to fill you up again?” he asked. Buzz...buzz...buzz...
“No, thanks, Clyde. I think I’d better stop while I’m ahead,” Mr. Rollins said. Clyde pulled his phone from his pocket. “Excuse me.”  He unlocked his screen with a single swipe and opened his text messages. His eyes were greeted (and treated) with five photos of Sherri. Five angles of...various body parts. His eyes widened and he stuffed his phone back in his pocket. “Everything alright?” Mr. Rollins asked. Clyde nodded. “Yeah, everything’s fine.” He suddenly felt a rush of heat over his face and in his ears, too. “You sure? You’re turnin’ beet red, Clyde!” Mr. Rollins said with a chuckle. Clyde bit his bottom lip, causing his deep dimples to show. He nodded again. “Yeah. Everything’s...fine.” ABOUT TWO WEEKS LATER
Sherri: Your package is here. Mr. Strafford tended the bar as Clyde took his lunch in the back. He was looking at football highlights when Sherri’s text came through. He thumbed to his messages screen. 
Clyde: Thank you. Clyde: I’m taking you out to eat tonight. Sherri: What’s the occasion?  Clyde: Just wanna take you out. Clyde: Don’t put no pants on until I come home. I’m gonna wear that pussy out first. Sherri: 0_0 ******************** Clyde got home at about six o’clock. Sherri usually kept the front door unlocked for him so he could just come right on in through their encased foyer. Today, the door was locked. When Clyde got in, Sherri was sitting on the sofa butt naked. Clyde smirked and hung his jacket up on the coat rack.  “Evenin’,” he said. “Evenin’...” Sherri responded. Clyde walked past her and through the dining room and into their kitchen. He found a little box on the kitchen counter. He grabbed the letter opener they kept on the counter, opened it up, dug through the bubble wrap and pulled out an egg shaped vibrator. He carried it to the bathroom--past Sherri again--and ran the hot water. “I thought I was about to get fucked, Clyde?!” Sherri called. “You are,” he responded matter-of-factually. 
He let the water run over his fingers and rubbed it over the bar of soap by the faucet head. He wiped the toy down, turned off the water, and went back into the kitchen. Sherri watched him with raised eyebrows. Clyde pulled the remote out of the box and opened the back to see if batteries were already in it--they were. 
Finally, he went into the living room--holding the toy and the remote in his right hand. He knelt in front of Sherri and pushed her right leg open. Without any build up, he leaned in and flicked her clit with his tongue for exactly ten seconds. He pulled his lips away. “Remember when you sent me them pictures a couple of weeks ago while I was at work?” he asked. Sherri looked down and swallowed. “Yes...”
Suddenly, she felt something hard stretch her walls out--and it wasn’t Clyde’s dick. She squealed and jumped back a little. “This is about to be your punishment,” he said. He pressed a button and Sherri’s eyes widened, and her thighs snapped shut. 
“What the hell is that?!”
Clyde turned the vibrator off and rubbed the back of Sherri’s thighs. “We gon’ go upstairs and change into some comfortable clothes, okay?”
Sherri let her legs fall and Clyde stood up. He helped her off the sofa, then wrapped his arms around her waist and yanked her close to him.
“And I don’t want you puttin’ on no dress or no skirt, either,” he said lowly--eyes full of lust. “Put on them jeans I like.” Sherri changed into the dark blue and form-fitting jeans Clyde loved, a pink sweater, and her leather jacket. He, too, changed into something more comfortable.
Clyde held Sherri’s door as she climb into the car. When he walked around to the front of the car, he stopped and dug in his pocket. Sherri was digging in her purse when he saw her shoulders jump and her head fly up—wild eyes meeting his. He smirked, hit the power button, and climbed into the car--avoiding Sherri’s glare.
“Is it comfortable?” he asked with a grin.
Sherri was a bundle of nerves as she and Clyde walked into the rib joint. It wasn’t the fanciest place--but it was full of people. A lot of elders. 
“Oh no...” Sherri mumbled to herself. 
The host led them to a booth and a perky waitress came right to them.
“Welcome to Cat Daddy’s! My name is Rachel and I’ll be serving you this evening! Can I start you two off with something to drink?”
Sherri was looking over the menu’s drink section when she felt a vibration right at her g-spot. She didn’t look up. Her two front teeth pressed into her bottom lip.
“I’ll have a Bud draft,” Clyde said. He rubbed his fingers over the hard plastic remote until he found the button he was looking for. Sherri’s head flew up. “Water!” she said a little too loud. 
“Ooh, I’m sorry...” she chuckled nervously. She pressed her hands into the leather of the seat. “I don’t know why I said that so loud.” Rachel smiled. “That’s alright. Two waters and a Bud draft...” Clyde turned the vibrator off and tucked it under his thigh. “Yes, ma’am.” “Yes, for now...” Sherri said, her face softened. “I can’t decide between a cocktail or a peach lemonade.” “You take your time. Let me know if you need help choosing,” Rachel said. Sherri smiled and nodded, and Rachel bounced away from the table. Then, Sherri wiped the smile from her face and playfully glared at Clyde, who was looking down at the menu. He didn’t look up, but she could see him smiling to himself. “You want a starter?” he asked.  “Fuck you, Clyde,” Sherri said through clenched teeth. He looked up with raised eyebrows; then his chin tipped downward and one of his eyes narrowed.  Sherri’s jaw fell. “I didn’t mean that, I’m so--ahh...”  She felt the buzz inside of her, then it stopped right away.  “Watch yourself, Babygirl...” Clyde said. Sherri pressed her lips together and sighed. 
He looked back down at the menu. “I’ma get us a starter. We gon’ have entrees. Drinks. And dessert. And I don’t know about you, but...” 
Sherri looked over the menu, then jumped again. Her toes curled in her boots and she pressed the pads of her fingers into the laminated menu.  “...I’m gon’ eat every bit of my food right here...” he said.  “Here’s your Bud and two waters,” Rachel said. "Are you ready to start your order or do you need a little more time?” “What you want to drink, Baby?” Clyde asked. “I’ll just get the Peach Lemonade,” Sherri said, taking shallow breaths through her nose. “Peach lemonade...” Rachel repeated, scribbling in her pad. The vibration suddenly stopped, and Sherri sank in her booth. “We still don’t know what we want to eat, but I definitely wanna get the sampler platter,” Clyde said. He glanced at Sherri with mischief written all over her face. She pressed her lips together again to hide a smile. “I’ll go on and put that in for you,” Rachel said, scribbling once more. She disappeared again.  Sherri flipped the menu over to look at the starters. She read the description under the Cat Daddy Sampler Platter: “Get a lil’ taste of everything good! The Cat Daddy Sampler Platter comes with six blazin’ buffalo wings with ranch, six cheesy mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce, fried shrimp--and not the kind where it’s more bread than shrimp--and beer-battered onion rings that won’t get you drunk, but will make you feel some kinda good!” 
It was going to be a long night.
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