#but i guess i’ll wait until it’s streaming
twentysidednerd · 4 months
i’ve been thinking about “i saw the tv glow” ever since i saw it yesterday and all of the layers that were in it. especially since my brain’s been kinda blah since last night
yes, the whole movie is essentially an allegory to being trans and not being able to be yourself. and i LOVE that messaging, don’t get me wrong. i think it’s so important to have that narrative be told. that messaging is literally part of the reason why my friend and i got so emotional when we watched it lmao. i literally started thinking about the scene where owen/isabel tackles maddie/tara on the football field and runs away right before they go through with their plan at the dinner table yesterday and almost cried. how owen/isabel was so close but got too scared and ran away. that happens so much with trans people, myself included, and it just… ugh, it hit home so hard
but so much of it also reminds me of how it feels to deal with maladaptive daydreaming. how owen/isabel wants so badly to run away into the world of “the pink opaque” and be someone else, be someone he wants to be rather than what real life dictates he SHOULD be. when maddie/tara talks about time and reality feeling different and wrong when she’s in this world but feeling better or “normal” when she’s in the world of “the pink opaque”. the image of owen/isabel literally sticking his/her head into the tv screen, so close to that fantasy world, before being pulled away and forced back to this reality sticks with me to this very moment
you want to live in, and stay in, the worlds in your head so badly with MADD. i know i have an issue trying to be present and be a part of reality when the worlds in my head make me feel so much better. i have so much of an issue trying to be there for the people around me and focus on what’s happening but the second i start getting overwhelmed or just have time alone for myself, im right back into the worlds in my head and i would much rather stay there because it feels safer. i feel some semblance of control, of being someone worthwhile. the exact same way maddie/tara would rather be in, and stay in, “the pink opaque” world
that in itself is a coping mechanism for stress! a coping mechanism the stress owen/isabel finds himself/herself in when trying to be who he/she is in a world that doesn’t want him/her to be! the stress from the fear of wanting to come out and be yourself but being forced to conform to what the rest of the world wants! it’s all intertwined! and i love it! this movie just gets better the more i think about it!!
and i love that even though it doesn’t have a happy ending, there’s still a twinge of hope. because there is still time for owen/isabel, just like the chalk on the street says. there are plenty of people who transition later in life. though owen/isabel is struggling badly at the end of the movie, he/she still has time to be who he/she wants to be. who he/she is. it’s not too late. it might be bad at the moment for him/her, but it’s not too late
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
In this house.
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stevieschrodinger · 30 days
Part One Seventeen
TW for biological functions I guess? In a fantasy setting? And brief mention of blood.
“Stee,” something nudges Steve, rocking him a little, and then there’s another, whispered but urgent, “Stee.”
Steve blinks the rest of the way awake, squinting in the morning light, “you okay?”
“No. Ow.”
Steve’s all the way alert immediately, “where? What’s wrong?”
Eddie takes Steve’s hand, pressing it real low on his tummy, “ow.”
“Oh,” Steve says, leaning over and pressing a little bit.
Eddie immediately seems to panic, dragging Steve’s hand away and shoving one of his own right up between his legs, pressing hard. He looks uncomfortable as fuck.
“Oh! Baby, do you need to pee?”
“Called pee?”
“I-it’s when- you know what never mind, just come with me.” Eddie comes with Steve into the bathroom, and Steve shuffles him over to the toilet, “you need to pull your pants down.”
Eddie looks at him uncertainly.
“Here, these,” Steve gives Eddie’s sleep pants a tug, and Eddie soon joins in on pulling them down. “Uhm,” Steve says intelligently, faced again with that slit between Eddie’s legs, “I didn’t...I guess you should sit?”
Steve guides Eddie down, and he perches on the toilet.
“Now just, relax I guess? Let it happen?”
“Stee,” Eddie says, plaintive and confused and clearly fucking uncomfortable.
Steve squats in front of his knees, which is so new it takes Steve by surprise all over again, and he rests a hand on Eddie’s brand new bare knee, just because he can. Just to feel it under his palm, smooth and...maybe there's a little stubble growing on Eddie's thigh. He uses his free hand to gently press at Eddie’s lower stomach.
Eddie yelps, grabbing Steve’s hand away, “ow ow ow ow ow,” Eddie’s bloodshot eyes water, and then there’s a splash and very loud and insistent stream of urine that goes on for quite some time. Eddie’s breath is shuddering throughout, his eyes squeeze closed and he grips Steve’s hand and shoulder desperately.
It’s finally done, and Eddie's left panting, “many ow. Many.”
“Uhm...it doesn’t usually, maybe because it was the first one? No ow next time?”
“Next time?” Eddie repeats, sounding distraught.
“Yeah, sorry baby. Pee a few times a day.”
“Called few?”
“Few...not many.”
Eddie sighs through his nose, kind of relieved by the news, “not many.”
“Just wait until you gotta’ poop.”
“Called poop?”
“I-it’s- you know what, lets just cross that bridge when we get there.”
When Eddie stands, pulling his pants back up, still a little uncertain on his feet, the toilet bowl looks like it’s full of blood. Steve drops the lid and flushes it away, trying desperately not to worry that Eddie’s kidneys are like, failing, or something. “Yeah, hopefully the next one will be okay, like with what you coughed up...you should probably drink plenty of water today.” It’s not like they can get Eddie to a doctor.
“Water,” Eddie repeats, “brush teeth?”
“Yeah baby, we can brush our teeth.”
Eddie does, standing next to Steve. Steve watches them both in the mirror, but Eddie appears to, mostly, be frowning at himself. Once he rinses, he touches where his eyebrows were, then runs a hand over the top of his head. “Different. No hair. No Eddidie.”
“Oh baby,” Steve reaches out, touching gently, “hey, there’s a little bit of stubble, here, feel,” Steve guides Eddie’s hand. The first sign of hair is so minute as to be not visible yet, but Steve can definitely feel it, “your hair will come back.”
“Tomorrow?” Eddie asks, more hopeful.
“No baby...it’ll take some time,” Eddie pouts, “but it will.”
By the time they get back to the bedroom, Eddie is pulling a face, “wet,” he tells Steve, pulling at the crotch of the sleep pants.
“Oh...right. I guess we’d better wipe next time, hang on, I’ll get you a clean pair.”
“Clean pair,” Eddie parrots back, sitting on the bed, all long flailing limbs. He struggles a little, getting tangled, but he doesn’t ask for help, so Steve just waits and watches; he’s going to have to get the hang of this at some point. “Breakfast food?”
“Sure thing.”
Eddie stands, and his pants immediately fall down. Eddie looks down at them, pooled around his ankles on the floor, “pull pants down.” Steve can’t help but laugh.
Eddie’s pouting, but Steve can tell it’s good humored, a little smile hidden underneath. Eddie hasn’t changed at all; still just happy to be involved. Happy that he’s made Steve laugh.
“Okay, lesson one I guess,” Steve goes and stands next to Eddie, “come on, you can get them.”
He’s awkward in his movements, and Steve stands close to make sure he doesn’t like, fall over and face plant or anything, but Eddie manages to bend and grab them, and then pull them back up, clutching at the material.
Steve pulls the drawstring cords tight for him, tying it securely, “all my stuff it going to be way too big for you.”
“Too big.”
Eddie sits on the stairs, and Steve waits half way down. He sits for a second, looking at Steve, thoughtful. And then he stands back up, both hands awkwardly gripping the rail, “oh boy,” Steve sighs, “okay, but carefully.”
“Carefully,” Eddie hovers a bare foot out, wobbling. It takes him a second to coordinate bending his knee, and his foot lands on the next step with a thump. Steve never really thought about how much easier up is than down, but it definitely is.
Eddie gets a rhythm going, still white knuckling the rail, but they get there, and he’s much more confident by the time he gets to the bottom.
Steve looks at the sad contents of his fridge and sighs. He’s not giving Eddie a cold bowl of cereal, he’s not doing it.
“Wait there,” he heads into the garage, rummaging through the freezer. He comes up with a couple of frozen pizzas, and prays he’s not setting a bad precedent with pizza for breakfast...but then it occurs to him what day it is, and he thinks fuck it, it is Christmas.
Steve gets both pizzas in, dealing with the pot of peas they had abandoned on the stove top last night.
Steve makes himself a coffee and Eddie another glass of water; Eddie looks at it mistrustfully, and Steve figures Eddie has already made the link between drinking and peeing, “you need to,” Steve tells him, pushing the glass closer.
Eddie sighs like a man going in front of the firing squad, but he does sip it.
“Pizza good good good,” Eddie says, licking his fingers clean of cheese grease.
“Yeah, I like it too. You done?”
Eddie looks sad, “no yes,” and rubs his tummy.
“I get that,” Eddie has half his Pizza left, and Steve three slices of his, “but we can eat the rest later.”
Eddie perks up, “lunch?”
“Yeah, we can eat it at lunch time. You want to see what’s on TV?”
“TV.” Eddie stands up, determined. Steve watches; Eddie uses any furniture in reach, and then the wall, to make it to the kitchen doorway. He stands for a second, faced with the gulf between the doorway and the couch. Slowly, and a little uncertain, Eddie makes the trip.
He sits, and Steve watches it dawn on him that he needs to get back up again to turn on the TV. The sigh that comes out of Eddie is spectacular, but he gets up, and he does it.
Steve feels like he just watched Eddie sink a winning basket, or something.
Eddie’s fallen asleep again, Steve can feel it in how his breathing has evened, how his body is lax. They’d watched 'A Wonderful Life' this morning. Granted they missed the first little bit, and Steve is sure Eddie didn’t really follow the plot, but Steve just...couldn’t resist it.
Clarence earns his wings, Eddie got his legs.
Eddie had finished his pizza at lunch time, and had more water, but only because Steve bribed him with half a beer for afters. And then came Eddie’s second ever pee; almost clear this time, with maybe the faintest trace of pink. To say Steve was relieved is an understatement.
Steve figures he’s right, just like with the crap that came out of Eddie’s lungs, there must be some sort of trauma when it comes to using body parts that are brand spanking new.
Steve’s not really watching the TV any more; there’s another Christmas movie on, something about Prancer the reindeer. It makes nice background noise as Steve decides Eddie has the right idea and allows himself to doze.
He’s very nearly asleep when the phone rings, startling both Steve and Eddie awake.
Steve’s halfway up, Eddie flopping off him onto the couch when it hits Steve; he hasn’t told anyone. Shit.
He answers the phone, already half certain the it’s Robin, “Hello?”
“Hey,” it is Robin, “look, Steve, I know you said no and everything but I’m really worried about you, and it's Christmas so I really don’t think-”
Steve cuts her off, “Eddie’s fine. He’s here he-”
“Yeah, he, he came out of the pool last night. He’s like, completely fine.” Steve smiles as Eddie appears in the doorway, one hand resting on the wall.
“So he’s just- alright? Like, what happened then, why..?”
“Oh. Oh shit, no he has legs Rob!”
She squeaks down the phone, “legs!”
Eddie moves closer, careful steps that are already about a million times more confident than yesterdays, “called?”
“It’s Robin, you want to say hi?”
Steve hands the phone over, watching as Eddie holds it to his ear, “hi Birdidie.”
Steve can hear the noise Robin makes, it’s so loud, Eddie completely startles, dropping and then fumbling the phone and nearly stumbling himself. Steve manages to grab Eddie by the tops on his arms to steady him, and then takes the phone back, he can vaguely hear Robin saying, “hello? Are you still there?”
“Sorry, Robs, you just scared him a little.”
“Okay, yeah, okay yeah that’s fair. Sorry. Can I come over? I should come over-” and Steve cannot blame her at all, but he does kind of wish their little bubble had lasted a tiny bit longer.
“Okay Robs, I’ll see you soon?”
“Yup yup Mom will drop me, I’ll bring left overs!”
Eddie sits with his legs pulled up, trying to tuck them under himself like he would his tail; it isn’t really working.
“Birdidie in?” He asks looking distinctly uncomfortable, plucking at the frayed edge at the bottom of his sweater.
“Yeah, Robin's coming to visit.” Eddie looks distinctly unhappy at the prospect. “What’s wrong? You don’t want Birdy?”
“Eddidie-” he starts and the stalls out, “Birdidie good bad.”
“Okay, can you tell me why?”
“No Eddidie,” he says, a hand going to the top of his head.
“Oh...you’re worried about you hair?” Eddie nods, “baby, no ones going to care.” Eddie just looks, if possible, even more downhearted, “but you care, don’t you?”
Eddie nods.
“Okay. Okay I can sort this, wait there.” Steve heads upstairs, raiding his mother’s wardrobe. It’s arranged by season and then occasion, so all of her ‘skiing’ – drinking too much in a lodge – outfits are all clumped together. Steve finds three hats, they’re all bobble hats and all distinctly feminine, but Steve takes them to show Eddie. On his way out, his eyes catch on the jewelry box.
All the rings in here are probably too small to fit Eddie properly, but Steve takes a plain silver band that might fit Eddie’s pinkie finger. He takes his haul back down stairs, kneeling in front of Eddie where he’s sitting on the couch.
Steve lays out the three hats across Eddie’s thighs, “okay, here we go, what do you think.”
“It’s a hat,” and then Steve commits a personal cardinal sin, he pulls one on to demonstrate.
Eddie seems to brighten as he understands, touching each one individually. He chooses the one Steve hoped he would, it’s the subtlest of all of them, black and white herringbone with a black edge and a grey faux fur pompom, which Eddie quite likes the softness of if his stroking is anything to go by. He pulls it on, smiling, “hat good.”
Steve reaches into his pocket, pulling out the little silver trinket he found, “and this.”
Eddie brightens again, touching the ring where it lays on Steve’s palm. He clearly wants to say something, his mouth opening and closing, but he doesn’t have the words. Eventually he points to the lights on the tree, opening and closing his hand to imitate the slow blinking of the lights.
“Those are lights...they're shiny,” Steve tilts his palm, the ring catching the light, “this is shiny.”
“Called pretty?”
“Uhm...so if something looks...good. So if you like shiny lights,” Steve points, “or…” Steve struggles through Eddie’s known vocabulary, “trees, trees can be pretty.” He touches Eddie’s sweater, “blue, pretty blue.”
“Purple more good than blue,” Eddie informs him with some certainty, making Steve laugh.
“Okay, purple pretty,” Eddie nods, “so, you want this on,” Eddie gives his left hand over easily. His fingers are actually much slimmer than Steve had really anticipated, and the ring spins loosely on Eddie’s pinkie finger. Steve moves it to the one next door, where it fits well, snug against the last vestiges of Eddie’s webbing, “okay?”
Eddie leans forward to kiss Steve, “thank you Stee.”
Part Nineteen
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minghau · 2 years
everybody watching the jjk0 movie except me 😪
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krirebr · 3 months
More Than This 7
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, Steve Rogers & f!reader
Word Count: ~3.9k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, explicit language, fighting, my own rampant abuse of italics and em dashes, non-stop continuous action (not the car chase kind, but like, the no section breaks kind), the slooowest burn - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: There's no going back now.
Permanent thanks, as always, to @paperweight91 who lets me talk her ear off about this and always has the best input.
I cannot wait to talk to you all about this one, so please leave me a comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think! And if you need to come scream at me, that's even better!
As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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You woke up to the sun streaming in through the windows. You rolled over and checked the time. It was after nine. You’d slept hard—the exhaustion of everything catching up with you. And yet you still hadn’t woken up feeling rested. You couldn’t remember the last time you did.
You grabbed your phone and groaned when you saw all the notifications. Texts, missed calls, two voicemails. All from Steve. He was freaking out. 
Are you ok?
Did something happen?
Please call me
And a few more just like them. You were too tired to answer. You didn’t know how. Besides, it wasn’t like he hadn’t ignored your messages before. You grimaced at your own pettiness. You would answer him when you knew what to say.
As soon as Lola noticed you were awake, she hopped off your makeshift bed and ran to the door, scratching at it to be let out. You sighed. Of course, the safety of your isolation couldn’t last forever. The good news was that it was late enough that Ransom must be gone. You could put that off at least until the evening.
When you opened the door, Lola at your heels, you heard someone moving around downstairs. You hadn’t thought it was a Carol day, but you must’ve lost track. It wasn’t until you were halfway down the stairs that you saw Ransom puttering around in the kitchen, his back to you. Your stomach dropped. Shit shit shit. Why was he here? You contemplated running back into the gym, but as soon as she saw him, Lola darted out ahead of you and raced down the stairs so she could dance around at his feet. He crouched down to greet her. “Morning, Lola,” he rumbled, his voice still full of sleep. “D’you have a good night?” She hopped up and down, pawing at his leg.
You took a deep breath and gathered all of your courage. “She wants breakfast,” you said from your place on the stairs.
His head whipped up to you. He stood up awkwardly. “Oh, uh, where’s her food?”
You came down the rest of the stairs and passed in front of him into the kitchen. “I’ll do it,” you said as you went straight to the cabinet where you kept Lola’s meal supplies. 
Once you had her fed and briefly let her out the back door, you noticed multiple bags of take-out on the island. “What’s all this?”
“Oh, uh,” Ransom rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at you. “I thought we should probably have breakfast. Together. And I didn’t really know what you like, so…” he shrugged.
You quickly took stock of the food. There were diner waffles, pastries from a bakery, eggs benedict from a fancy brunch place. “Thank you,” you said. “That’s nice.” You grabbed a danish from the pastry bag and sat down at the island. “I, uh–” you started then stopped, and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I freaked out last night. I, uh– I don’t know what happened. I– I was scared, I guess, by the–” you gestured to your stomach. “But um, I shouldn’t’ve– It won’t happen again, you know? I’m fine now. Everything’s fine.”
Ransom leaned against the counter, facing you, and closed his eyes. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, then looked you straight in the eyes and said, “I’m so fucking tired of that word.”
You set down your pastry and looked at him, confused. “What?”
“You’re always so fucking fine, aren’t you? I ask how your day was, it was fine. I ask how you feel about something, it’s fine. I ask what’s wrong when you’re clearly upset, and you say, ‘Oh nothing, everything’s fine.’ It’s fine! It’s fine! It’s fine! I can’t hear it one more time.”
All you could do was sputter for a moment. “What– What are you talking about?! I’ve just been doing what you wanted!”
“How is this what I wanted?” he asked, his frustration shocking you..
But then, your mind started to catch up a bit and you were suddenly filled with indignation. “You told me to pack light! You– You– You made it clear! I know you don’t want me here so I’m just– I’m just trying to do what you want! I'm staying out of your way!”
He laughed and the hollow sound was so startling. “This is you staying out of my way? You’re just this presence that’s always here! That makes me feel unwelcome in my own home!”
That had you standing up so quickly that it sent the stool you’d been on tumbling to the floor behind you. A frightened Lola scampered up the stairs, her collar tinkling sharply, but neither of you noticed. 
“What?!” you shouted, “How could– I– This is your house! How could you ever feel unwelcome here? I’ve never felt welcome here for even a moment! I’m not even a guest here, I’m just this, this– I don’t know! I’m just this pest that you wish you could exterminate but you can’t. You don’t want me here and I feel it every single day.”
“Well, you’ve never told me that, have you?” He almost growled out. “I’m just supposed to know! I see you making this list in your head of everything I’m doing wrong, all the ways I’m disappointing you but you never say anything about any of it. But then when I don’t know how to fix any of it, because I don’t actually know what’s wrong, you resent me for it!” You started to open your mouth and he slammed a hand down on the island between you. “Don’t deny it. I can see it whenever you look at me. You’ve decided that I’m the villain here, right? I’m the bad guy in this story. And I don’t–” He moved his hands to his hips and looked away from you, shaking his head. “I have no idea who you are,” he said, quieter now but no less forceful. “You don’t want me to. You have me just grasping at straws and– But you’ve just decided, huh? That you know exactly who I am.”
All you could do for a full fifteen seconds was just gape at him. He looked tired suddenly. Sad, as if that made any sense at all with anything that had happened. But then you remembered everything that had happened and your anger came flooding back. “Yes, I know who you are. Of course, I do! Because you showed me! It’s like you’ve completely forgotten how we met. Or our wedding!” A tear fell down your cheek and you knew more were about to follow, ready to tip over your lashes. You wanted to wipe them away, but you also just couldn’t take the time to stop right now. “You were awful! Really fucking awful. Right from the beginning you were so cruel and– and now– No! I– How can you expect me to come to you with anything when you all but told me not to during that first dinner?! When you told me you didn’t want me taking up any space here? Or that you would get rid of Lola?! Of course I don’t talk to you! What am I supposed to talk to you about when you terrify me? When everything I have comes from you and you don’t give me anything? When you hold all of the power?!” 
“What fucking power?” Ransom shouted, throwing his arms wide. “If I had any power at all, neither of us would be in this mess!”
“It’s still more than I have! I have nothing! You’re the heir. You matter to people. I’ve only ever been a bargaining chip. And now that they’ve made the deal, no one gives a shit what happens to me. You could do anything to me, and they wouldn’t care! Even my mom–” You cut yourself off, tears choking your voice.
There was a beat of silence, and then, “Even your mom what?” Ransom asked, his voice rough. He was staring at you like the next words out of your mouth would be the most important ever spoken.
And it was only because you felt it too, everything riding on this, that you managed to say, your voice so small and your eyes downcast, “She only ever asks if I’m making you happy.”
When he didn’t say anything to that, you looked back up to find him staring at you, his eyes incredibly serious. But not angry, something– something else. Finally, he sighed and, putting both elbows on the island, said, “I’m really fucking miserable. How ‘bout you?”
You would try to examine it later, the way your instinct in that moment was to apologize or try to downplay your own feelings, your mom’s voice in your head no matter how much you hated it, but instead you took a deep breath and said, “Yeah, I’m– I’ve been so unhappy.”
He nodded then scrubbed a hand over his face. “I think,” he said slowly. “I think we’ve both been acting like if we just ignore this hard enough we’ll wake up one day and this will be over and our lives will go back to normal. But now with the–,” he gestured to you. “We can’t keep doing that. We gotta– We have to figure out a way to live with this.”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, wrapping one arm around your stomach. You couldn’t help but look at him a little warily. Was this real? Did he mean it? “How do we do that?” 
He chuckled ruefully. “I don’t know.”
You just looked at him for a moment before you were interrupted by your stomach growling loudly. “Sorry,” you said, awkwardly. “I didn’t eat much last night.”
“Right,” he said with a decisive nod, “breakfast.”
You each served yourselves from all the food he’d ordered. He righted the stool you knocked over and you both sat down to eat. You didn’t say anything, neither of you did. You figured he had just as much to think about as you did. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d said he had no idea who you were. It’d been easy, maybe, to forget that this was something that had happened to both of you, when you were in his house, facing his family, working your way into his life. It’d never occurred to you, after that first meeting, that he might want to get to know you, might want to see past all the walls you’d put up to protect yourself. But you felt like they were fortified now. You weren’t sure how to take them down.
Even though you kept your focus on your food, you could tell he kept glancing at you. You felt his eyes on you every few minutes. Finally, as you both finished up your food, he cleared his throat. “I’m an asshole,” he said quietly. “I just am. I always have been. But uh, you didn’t– You didn’t deserve that at dinner. Or the wedding. Or when I yelled at you last night. It didn’t– I don’t think it occurred to me that you’d take me, what I said, seriously. I’m not used to people listening to me, not like that.”
You stared at your plate for a moment and tried to keep breathing. “I– Of course, I took you seriously. What else would I do? I didn’t know you and I was already so scared and– How was I supposed to know you didn’t mean it?” You could feel yourself starting to cry again and wiped furiously at your eyes.
He sighed heavily. “Yeah, I– I didn’t do a good job of understanding how hard this was for you. And I– I’ll try not to do that again.”
All you could do with that was nod.
“But uh– I need you to talk to me, tell me when something’s wrong. I can’t– I need you to talk to me. I’ll, uh, I won’t be mad or– I feel like the few times you’ve let yourself be upset, those are the only times I felt like I could actually see you. I want to be able to see you.”
You took a deep breath. “I’m uh,” you started, trying to find your words. “I’m used to having to put on a mask. It’s really hard for me to not do that.”
He nodded slowly. “How ‘bout,” he said, “I’ll try to be less of an asshole if you try to let yourself be more of one?”
You laughed. You couldn’t help it, it just bubbled out of you, to your own surprise. “Sure,” you smiled, “yeah. Deal.” You met his eyes and he looked proud of himself. There was something about the way he was looking at you that made you have to look away. You put all your attention into taking a last bite of your food.
“So,” he said, and he sounded serious again. “I think we should talk about last night.”
It took everything in you to not shrink down. You wanted to do anything else, but he was right. You needed to. So you nodded and waited for him to start.
“You said– Well. You said a lot of things. But let’s start with– You said I keep you trapped here.”
Your brow furrowed a little bit. “Well, yeah, you only have one car and you don’t have a driver. How am I supposed to go anywhere?”
The dawning realization on his face would have almost been comical if it had been about something that hadn’t caused you so much pain. “Oh my god,” he said. “I– Why didn’t you– No, right. Yeah.” He took out his phone and started typing. “I’ll figure something out. Do you drive?”
“Steve taught me, a little, when I was a teenager. But I’m not– I’m not super comfortable,” you shrugged.
“Ok,” he said typing a few more words, then put his phone down. He looked at you very seriously and said, “Now I need you to tell me exactly what you meant about siccing my mom on you.”
“Oh, well, just that she came over, you know, the next day after I told you I wanted to find a job.”
Ransom’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Here? She came here?”
“Well, yeah,” you said, not entirely sure what was happening. “She let herself in and said you’d talked to her about how I wanted to work and that you wanted me to focus on giving you a family. That that was my job now.”
Ransom’s face darkened in a way you’d never seen before. “Fucking–” he growled. “Goddamnit.” You watched him warily and when he made eye contact, you saw the way he worked to soften his expression. He shook his head. “I never said that. I just, I brought it up to her because she has connections, you know, in surprising places. I should have known. I was stupid. And when you didn’t bring it up again, I just, I assumed it hadn’t worked out and you didn’t want to talk about it.” He took a deep breath, clearly trying to make himself calm down. “Did she say anything else?”
You looked at him carefully. It was almost like he looked different today, something about him. It really did seem like he was trying. So you took a breath and decided to trust him. “She wasn’t very nice to me. She never is. She’s– She’s only ever been awful to me.”
“Yeah,” he said grimly, “that’s fucking Linda. Alright, she comes here again, I want you to tell me. Don’t even talk to her, just call me right away. She tries to call you, you tell me. She ever says anything to you, you tell me, ok?”
“Yeah,” you said, and you didn’t know how to guard yourself from the warmth that spread through you. “I’ll tell you.”
He nodded. “Good. And if you still want to get a job, I’ll help you, ok? I want to do that.”
“Yeah, I,” you sighed, “I don’t know. Everything’s really overwhelming right now.”
“I get that,” he said, “but if you change your mind, let me know.”
“I will,” you promised. Then, when he didn’t immediately bring up another topic from the night before, you raised one of your own. “Um, you never use your gym.” He looked at you, confused, and you shook your head at yourself. “Sorry, it’s just, you have all those rooms upstairs that you never use, and well, you and I,” you rested a hand on your belly, “we did what we needed to do, right? So, uh, I’m having my bedroom furniture shipped here and if it’s alright, I’d like to, uh, turn that room into my room.” 
There was a long pause, long enough for you to get uncomfortable, start to worry that you’d messed up. His face was blank, you couldn’t find any clues there. Then, finally, he seemed to shake himself and said, “Yeah, sure, of course. I’ll, uh, I’ll have it cleared out for you.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. “Great! Thank you! I’m sure you’ll be happy to have your own space back.”
“Right, yeah,” he said and nodded several times. “Yeah.”   
You both got quiet again after that, but it didn’t feel as oppressive as it often had before. Eventually, you began cleaning up breakfast together. As you moved around him in the kitchen to load the dishwasher, you paused. “Hey, uh, what’d you tell your parents? About last night, dinner?”
“Oh,” he said, turning to you from the fridge. “Just that I was suddenly violently ill and we couldn’t make it.”
That stopped you completely. You’d been bent over as you loaded plates, but now you stood up, giving him all of your attention. “Really? You didn’t– didn’t blame me? Or uh, tell them about–”
He finished what he was doing and closed the fridge, then closed some of the space between you. “What? No, fuck that. Listen, any excuse to not have to deal with Richard and Linda is welcome. I’m serious. Fuck them.”
That was when everything really hit you, just how badly you'd misread so much of what had happened. Of all the pain you’d suffered over the past months, how much of it had been self-inflicted? Would everything have been so much easier, for both of you, if you’d just been willing to talk to him? For what felt like the thousandth time that morning, you felt your eyes beginning to well. You tried to turn your head away, but Ransom noticed before you could.
“Hey,” Ransom said quietly as he approached you cautiously, stopping right in front of you, his hands hovering in the air between you both. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know,” you said, your voice tight. “I don’t know. I just– Everything’s just been so hard.”
Ransom sighed, heavily. “Yeah. I know.”
“Um,” you let out a defeated, embarrassed little laugh as the tears began to fall down your face. “Do you think it’s too early to blame pregnancy hormones?” you asked, as you tried to make yourself stop crying.
Instead of dismissing it as a joke, Ransom looked at you very seriously. “I think that you can do whatever the fuck you want.”
There was something about that, the way it felt like acceptance, that made the tears come even harder.
It was then, of course, that your phone started vibrating on the counter, Steve’s ID flashing on the screen. “Oh,” you said, “um, shit.” You just stared at it, not quite able to pick it up. “I, uh, texted him last night. During everything. I’m sure he’s freaking out now.”
“Right,” Ransom nodded. “Well, I’ll give you some privacy.”
You were suddenly filled with the ridiculous need to not be alone right now. “Uh, yeah, thanks. But, uh, maybe, maybe don’t go far.” Your voice dropped out a little at the end of the sentence, embarrassed.
He looked at you carefully and you couldn’t imagine what he saw. A mess, probably. “Yeah,” he said, “of course. I’ll be just upstairs. Shout if you need me.”
Then he left and you took a deep breath. The call had gone to voicemail while you’d dithered, so you called Steve back, sure he’d try again anyway if you delayed any further.
He picked up immediately. “Oh thank god,” he breathed. “What’s going on? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just–” you began, trying to keep your voice strong. But of course, you couldn’t hide from Steve.
“Are you crying?” he asked gruffly. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m not, Steve,” you lied.
“Chipmunk,” he said, sadly, knowing how hard the childhood nickname would hit you. “What’s going on? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
You closed your eyes as tightly as you could. “Nothing. It’s just–” You knew you had to tell him something but you had no idea where to start. You could tell him, you supposed, about– about the baby, but it felt impossible to say out loud. And you had no idea how he’d react. Or, rather you had a very good idea, and it was very, very bad. You didn’t have the energy for that. Or the strength and courage. Not now. Maybe not ever. But you couldn’t talk about what happened the night before and this morning without mentioning that part, so really, you couldn’t talk about anything. And you knew your brother. You knew how that would go over. “I’m tired. And I miss you.”
He was silent for several moments. When he finally spoke, all he said was, “I know something happened.”
“It didn’t Steve. Everything’s fine.”
“I know you’re lying to me. Why are you lying?” He was pleading now and you were too tired and hormonal for this.
“Steve,” you pleaded right back, your voice breaking just a little. “Can you please just believe me? Just this once?”
There was another long pause, and then, “Goddammit, I hate this. I can’t– I worry about you all the time. Every time I see a missed call or text from you, my stomach drops. But now you won’t talk to me. And I can’t help you. I don’t know what to do about any of it.”
“Steve,” you sighed. “I know you think you should always be able to fix everything, but there’s just nothing for you to fix this time, ok? Please?”
He just sighed and you both quietly sat on the phone together. You didn’t know what to say to him but couldn’t hang up. Finally, he broke the silence with “I really fucking miss you.”
You smiled just a little, even as you wiped the tears from your face. “I fucking miss you too. And I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said quietly. He sighed again. “Ok, I should go. But we’ll talk again soon. Take care of yourself.”
“Ok,” you said softly. “Bye.” You hung up and set your phone down then put your head in your hands and let yourself cry without trying to stop it. You didn’t notice anything happening around you until you felt a weight settle onto the couch beside you and suddenly your lap was full of Lola. Then a hand gingerly touched your back. When you didn’t move away, it started gently moving up and down. You couldn’t help but lean into it.
The strangest sensation came over you. You couldn’t explain it, but as you sat there on the couch, crying while Ransom rubbed your back, you somehow felt the best you had in months.
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sunny44 · 6 months
I can stay
Pairing: Lando Norris x Fem!reader
Warnings: none I guess
Summary: Y/n, feeling hurt and insecure after seeing photos of Lando with another girl, assumed that he moved on but he unexpectedly shows up at her door, leading to a heartfelt conversation about their feelings.
Previous Part
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Several months have passed since Lando decided to leave, leaving behind what we had. I had already grown accustomed to his absence, trying to move on with my life. Tonight, I planned to go out with my friends to a local bar, hoping to distract my mind from the thoughts that haunt me.
We were having fun, laughing and chatting animatedly, until I decided to take a look at Instagram. And there they were - photos of Lando with a girl, smiling and looking completely in love. My heart sank as I read the caption confirming my worst fears: she was his new girlfriend.
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the bar felt heavy and suffocating. I could no longer concentrate on my friends' conversation, my mind spinning around the image of Lando with that girl. And then my insecurities started to creep into my mind, of how that girl was everything I was not, and that led me to a conclusion.
And apparently the problem was me.
Without a word, I abruptly stood up from the table and ran out of the bar.
Back in the comfort of my apartment, tears began to stream down my face, smudging my makeup. I sank into the couch, trying to process the flood of emotions flooding my heart. How could I be so naive as to think he would come back to me or that I would be enough for Lando Norris.
After I finished cleaning my makeup, I put on my pajamas and as I was finishing tying my hair into a bun, I heard knocks on the door.
My heart skipped a beat with the startle I got from the loud knocks, but I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope and at the same time I was full of anger and hurt. Reluctantly, I went to the door and opened it.
And there he was, standing in the hallway, with a look of regret on his face.
"Y/n, please, let me explain," he began, his voice full of urgency.
I looked at him incredulously, my mind spinning with a mixture of emotions.
"What is there to explain, Lando? I saw the photos. You have a new girlfriend, so if you came here to rub that in my face you can leave, you wasted your time.”
I went to close the door but he held it.
"No, Y/n, you're misunderstanding. She's not my girlfriend.” He said with some despair. “And I would never do something like that.”
I rolled my eyes, unable to believe a word of what he was saying.
"Oh, sure. And the romantic photos are just a coincidence, is that it? Or the fact that you show up at my door after months right after the photos went viral on the internet?”
"I know it looks bad, but please, give me a chance to explain."
“And why do you care to explain to me? We are nothing to each other and you made that very clear when you walked out that door leaving me alone that night.”
“Please.” He begs.
I hesitated for a moment, fighting the urge to slam the door in his face. Finally, I took a step back and let him in.
"All right, Lando.” I muttered, my voice full of resignation. "But I can’t promise that I’ll believe you."
He nodded, silently thanking me for the opportunity. We sat on the couch and stayed silent for a few minutes, me waiting for him to speak and him thinking about what he would say.
“She's not my girlfriend.”
“You've already said that, but those photos show otherwise.”
“They were taken out of context, you know how it is.” I sighed because I knew how his world worked. “Max dragged me to that party and she was a friend of his who yes, hit on me and tried something but I pushed her away.”
“That doesn't change the fact that you broke my heart. That I begged you to stay that night and you simply turned your back on me and ended everything we had or didn't have.” He tried to wipe the tear that fell from my face but I dodged his hand. “And then I open Instagram and see a photo of you with a girl much prettier than me, and then with the writings “Lando Norris and his new girlfriend”, and then I felt like garbage because you wanted a girlfriend, just didn't want it to be me.”
“Don't say that, never say that again.” He holds my face. “You're perfect for me and it's all I want, but I'm an idiot who doesn't deserve your love let alone that you cry over me.”
“If you really think that, why did you leave me?”
“Because I'm a coward, I was afraid of my feelings for you.” He dries my tears. “I've never felt for anyone what I feel for you, and that scared me so I thought it was easier to leave than to say out loud that I love you.”
“What did you say?”
“That I love you and that I'm an idiot for leaving and even more idiotic for leaving it for months until I had the courage to come here.” He sighs. “I admit that the photos were what encouraged me to come, because I didn't want you to think I was with someone after saying I didn't want a relationship with you, even if it was a lie.”
“All right.”
“Do you forgive me?”
“I forgive you, but it still hurts to know that you preferred to run away than to talk to me.”
“I know and I'm sorry for that and I promise to make it up to you.”
“Can you stay? Please?” I asked and he smiled.
“I can stay.” He kisses me and for the first time he really stayed.
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Guys, the names that have a line on top is because I couldn’t tag
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thesassypadawan · 2 months
Tempo (A.J. x FemReader)
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Summary: You don’t know how you let Jay talk you into this, warming him all through last call and close. But here you are… Being split open, not allowed to move… Until everyone is finally gone for the night.
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there’s sooo much of the smut. Cockwarming, riding, slight hat abuse, and… A.J.’s big, fat dick.
Notes: I would love to hear what all you, lovelies, think! If you would like to see more of A.J.! If so...I already have so many other ideas in mind! ❤️
- A small whine escapes you and you wiggle impatiently on his lap, “Jaaay.” That is until you’re pressed against the keybed, hard enough to make you settle again… at least for the moment.
- It seems like you’ve been sitting here for hours. Listening to him play the piano, while he nurses drink after drink and splits you open with his massive cock. “Sssh, it’s all right…just feel the tempo, doll.”
- You don’t know how you let him talk you into this, warming him all through last call and close. But here you were… Not allowed to move or soothe the burning ache… Waiting for everyone to be gone for the night… So you can be rewarded.
- Huffing and pouting, sinking back into him. You’re all ready to complain some more, when a familiar voice calls from across the bar. “Sounds tight! Don’t forget to lock up this time!”
- Walls flutter, breath hitches. Frantically you readjust your skirt, concealing anything that may be showing. “Relax,” he whispers in your ear, a note of laughter in his voice. “Jake can’t see us.”
- Hands never pause once as he rocks gently to the music. Using it to cover up the way he begins to slowly buck upwards, somehow thrusting even further into your pussy. Acting like he doesn’t hear you biting back a moan, replying nonchalantly. “Thanks, man! I’ll drop the keys off in the mornin’!”
- When the sound of the side door shutting echoes throughout, you think A.J. is going to ‘finish the job’. Instead he stops playing, stills his hips abruptly. Reaches for his cigarette, taking a long drag. “Told ya, nothin’ to worry about.”
- Strangled whimpers fly from your throat, fingers grip at the dark wood. Clit throbbing more than ever. Slick seeping out of your cunt, drenching the base of his cock…your thighs. “You…you promised!”
- “I did, didn’t I?” Snuffing it out, you watch a smirk spread across his face. Big hands run up and down your sides. “Guess ya want me to fuck ya, huh?”
- Nodding, mewling softly. You squeeze around him, earning a low hiss in your ear. Gaze up with big, pleading eyes; trying desperately to coax him. ““Please…pretty please. Can’t take it any longer.”
- “Mmmh, ya have been such a good girl for me.” Long fingers trail, slip under the folds of you skirt. Finding your neglected nub; skillfully rubbing small circles on, rolling it. “Go ahead, have some fun.”
- Needing no extra encouragement, you lift off Jay’s length…to only drop back onto it. Pace already steady, an endless stream of moans falling from your lips. Lovely squelching sounds mixing with them. “Good…feels sooo good…”
- Spurred on by those words, both his hands come to rest on your waist. “Feels good?” Hold on you tight as he helps guide you, pick up speed. Sliding you quickly, hastily. “Why not make it better? Touch yourself. Wanna hear those pretty little noises ya make.”
- Happily obeying, one hand glides across your bust. Plucking at, tweaking your pert nipples through the thin fabric. The other twirls, pinches your clit. Teasing them in a way that has your pussy spasming, legs nearly giving out. Squeaking and squealing from the raw pleasure.
- With a stifled groan, his hips start moving opposite of yours. Every time you sink, he drives up. Shoving his cock deeper, forcing you to take every thick inch. “Just like that, sweetheart… Just like that…”
- Climax fast approaching. A.J. continues to fuck into you, bouncing you easily on his lap. Fat tip slamming, hitting your cervix. Making you babble and stutter; the heat rising, mind growing hazy. “G-gonna… Oh fuck, I’m g-gonna…”
- “Yeah?” He growls, tone gravelly and breathy. Fingers digging into your soft, pillowy flesh. “I will too.”
- Tugging you down hard, the coil snaps and you cry out. Body clamping, trembling. Creaming all over him…him pumping you with all that hot, sticky seed.
- “That was…incredible,” you pant, head flopping back against his broad shoulder. Once again, you’re back where you started. Sitting on Jay’s cock…stuffed in the best way possible.
- Strong arms envelope, face nuzzles into the side of your neck. Puffs of hot air tickling your skin when he sweetly mutters. “Ya look so pretty like this, all filled up by me. Think I might keep ya this way for another drink or song.”
- “All right, Mr. Big Shot, you got yourself a deal.” Reaching behind, your fingers barely graze the brim of his hat… “But you got to lose this first.” …before tipping and sending it tumbling to the floor.
- “I get it, not a fan,” he chuckles. Nipping tenderly at your collarbone, gently stroking your poor overstimed bud. “Fine, anything for ya, gorgeous. Anything to have cummin’ all over me again.”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen, @lotte08, @rafeswifeyy2, @exsamlockwood-kate, @sythethecarrot, @decaffeinatedunicorn, @fuckmyskywalker, @everydaydreamer
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oreolemur · 5 months
Streamer's Worst Nightmare
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Working as a streamer, you never showed your face. It was easy to make money having a cute virtual character impersonate you, but after losing a couple of fans, money became tight. “Guess what guys?”, you asked your audience through the stream. “I’m starting an Onlyfans!”. In the chat section you had a mixture of comments complimenting and some shaming you. “I know this may be a bad idea…but at least I’ll let you guys see my face”. Looking at the chat you began to get more supportive replies. “It’ll only be for a short time until I work something out for extra cash. I hope you all subscribe and see more of my personal interests”. Waving goodbye to your fans, you immediately shut off your webcam. “I can’t believe I’m doing this”, you sighed. 
Meanwhile, there was one fan of yours who wasn’t too happy about your decision. “An Onlyfans, huh?”, the man titled his head. “I’m not too happy to hear about that y/n”. He sat in front of his computer, lurking through your socials as he scarfed down a bunch of sweets. “I should pay a visit to her soon”. Crouching at his desk, L took drastic measures to find your location. “I will have you sooner or later, my sweet doll”.
Over the next few days, you began to feel more and more comfortable with your new line of work. “I’m making more than what I do streaming”, you beamed, staring at your financial statistics. “Maybe I should keep this up. Just for a little”. Posting pic after pic and video after video, you decided to open up your messages to give your subscribers a paid one on one chat with you. “Cum to my dm’s and have a little fun with me in private, my loves”, you say, making a vid of yourself in a pink robe. “I’ll be waiting”. 
After making your final post for the day, you spent the entire night trying to reply back to the hundreds of customers who hit your dm’s. “I didn’t know I’d get this much”. Without opening the last few that came in, you got bored. “Nothing new?”, you scoffed. “It’s all the same suggestions”. Before closing your laptop, you received another message. “This one better be good”. Opening it, your eyes widened. “Hello”, it read. “At least this one has a normal greeting”, you smiled.
Messaging the person back, you enjoyed talking to them. “Wow, it’s been 30 minutes and they haven’t asked for anything special yet”. Texting them back, you asked them this. “Are you not interested in seeing anything special tonight?”. Waiting for their reply, you suddenly hear a noise in your living room. “That must be the cat again”, you sighed. Getting up from your bed, you headed that way. “Come here baby”, you signaled your pet. Picking up the furry animal, you walked back towards your room. Seeing the notification come through, you gently put down your cat. As you read the reply, your heart skipped a beat. “W-what?”. Reading the message again, you wanted to make sure that your eyes were working correctly. “Something special? Like your cute fuzzy slippers in the front doorway”, the message read. “This can’t be happening”, you begin to panic. Texting the person back, “What fuzzy slippers? I don’t have any”.  Biting his nails, L stood in front of your bedroom door, “These ones”, he said. 
Feeling a chill go down your spine, your heart beats fast as you froze. “You do have quite an interesting taste in style, doll”. Seeing the man from the corner of your eye, you turned around slowly. “H-How did you get in?”, you asked. He approached you slowly, bending down to your level as you sat on the bed. “Don’t worry about that”, he said. L’s big eyes stared at you, taking note of all of your beautiful facial features. “You know…”, he paused. “You’re more pretty in person…and short too”. He then tried to reach for your face, but you smacked his hand away. “D-don’t touch me”, you said, scooting back. L grabbed your leg, pulling you back towards him. “I’m stronger than I look. I would hate it if you made me get physical with you, my love”, he said. 
“What do you want?”, you asked. “You”, L replied. "M-me? Why me?", you questioned. "If you're some creepy fan that has a crush on me...I won't date you". L tilts his head. "Why you? You're interesting. You interest me in ways no other human has. I want to peel you open. Analyze every inch of your brain until I know everything about you”, he chuckles. Hearing him say that creeped you out even more. L leans forward with each word. As he does so, his long black hair falls around his face, shrouding his eyes from view. "I want to get inside you”. L leans forward even more, until his face is mere inches from yours. His hair, now a tangled mess, conceals his face, but you can see the glint of curiosity and hunger in his eyes. "I want... to devour you." L whispers, his voice dripping with desire.
He tried to grab you, but you dodged it. You fell on the floor, getting up quickly to run away. The man smirked. He liked to watch people try and escape him. He always caught his prey in the end. L follows you, moving surprisingly quickly for somebody as lanky as him. "Where are you going, dear? The game was just getting interesting”. You ran into the living room, tripping over your cat's litter box. "Shit!", you yelled. You got up, heading towards the front door. L chuckled again. He really liked how you were trying to escape. It was so amusing and cute to watch you try and get away from him. L continued his pursuit, closing the ever-shrinking distance between you. "Don't you know that running away only makes me want you more, my dear? The more you resist, the more I crave to devour you”. 
You tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. L was suddenly directly behind you, his lips next to your ear. "It doesn't matter. There is no escaping me at this point, darling. I'm faster. I'm stronger. I'm smarter. You will be mine." L's words send shivers down your spine. He wrapped his arm around your neck, pulling towards you to the bedroom. "Let me go!", you shouted. "Oh, you are so adorable. Trying to act so tough even though you're shaking like a leaf in my grasp. I can feel how tense you are. You know you can't get away from me, but still, you persist. It's so cute!" L continues to drag you to the bedroom, a smug smirk on his face. 
Once inside, he throws you onto the bed as he proceeds to take off his shirt. L tosses his shirt to the side, revealing his pale, lean chest. His eyes glint wickedly as he looks down at you. "Are you feeling vulnerable, my dear?”. You begin to cry, seeing him get closer and closer to you. "Please go away!", you begged. "Oh, but my darling, we're just getting started." L climbs onto the bed, hovering over you. As he does so, his long black hair falls forward, framing his face again. "You can't run from me. You can't hide from me. I will always find you." He leans down and whispers in your ear. "You're my obsession now”. He rubbed his hands through your hair, pulling on it as he brought your face close to his.  "Shhh... let me hear those pretty cries," L says, placing his finger on your lips. "I want to savor every sound that comes out of you. You're so enticing when you're scared. It's like I'm feasting on a delicious meal”.
He kissed your lips passionately, pushing his tongue past the barrier of your lips. He explored the inside of your mouth, slightly moaning. A trail of spit connected both of your lips and he pulled away. “Now…”, he said. “I want to see more of you”. His hand opened the slit of your robe, exposing your breasts. “Perfect”, L said. He pinned your arms above your head as he moved his way down to your tits. He stuck out his tongue, licking your sensitive nipples. “S-stop”, you said, letting out a small whimper. His hand traveled down to your waist, rubbing your bare cunt. “You have such soft skin”, he said, making a pop suction noise as his mouth latched on and off your tit. Your legs shook, feeling him massage your clit. “No”, you said, closing them, trapping his hand in between your thighs. “I don’t like uncooperative people, my dear”, he said, forcing your legs open.
L’s cock hardened inside his pants, making him blush. “My god”, he said, moving his hand away from your pussy, he had your arms pinned with one hand as the other moved to unbutton his pants. “I didn’t think I would get this excited”, he said. You laid there crying, wishing this situation was over with. You saw his dick poke out of his boxers. “Stay still”, he said, unpinning you. He pulled them down just enough so he can fuck you. With your legs still spread, L positioned himself comfortably between them. He placed his cock on your cunt, spitting on it. He rubbed himself on you, attempting to lube your dry pussy. “If you scream I will hurt you”, he said, shoving cock inside you. The size caught you off guard, making you cry even louder. “Take it out!”, you yelled. He covered your mouth, leaning into your ear. “I can tell it’s your first time, my love”, he slightly smirked. “I felt your hymen break”. His thrusts were slow as he placed kisses onto your neck. His teeth sunk into your skin, leaving bruises. 
Your body started to like his touch as your cunt became used to his cock. You tried to tell yourself that you didn’t like it, but you liked how fucked up the situation was. “Your body is starting to relax. You don’t feel tense anymore”, L grunted. He let go of your mouth, kissing your soft lips. He bit your lower lip, drawing blood. “If you keep up this good behavior…I might just let you go”. His thrusts quickened as he felt your walls tighten around him. You moaned as his pace went faster, feeling your orgasm arriving. L rested his head beside yours, moaning into your ear. “After I’m done, I’ll make sure no one else sees your body but me”.
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
It’s All Her Fault
Firefighter!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
When Natasha comes home from work, she begs you to shower with her
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, oral (N receiving), a very naked and teasing Natasha
Note: Hehe. Catch up on firefighter Nat here
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
When Natasha gets home from her double shift, she finds you in the kitchen. She can tell from the smell that you’re cooking one of her favorites, but she has other plans in mind.
“Hey sweetheart,” she says loud enough that you can hear it over the music you have playing.
“Natasha, I missed you!” You greet her.
You turn around to hug her but she’s still covered in dirt from work. She usually showers at the firehouse.
“No hug?” She pouts when you step back.
“You’re still all dirty, babe,” you say. “Go shower and I’ll finish up dinner.”
“Or,” Natasha begins, a smirk on her perfect lips. “You could join me in the shower?”
The offer is tempting. There’s not much you love more than seeing Natasha’s body under the stream of a hot shower.
“The food will be ruined,” you reason. “And I made your favorite.”
“Mhm, okay. I guess I’ll just go shower all alone. And wash my own body and my own hair,” Natasha says, her voice feigning disappointment.
You watch as Natasha leaves the room. She keeps the bathroom door open as she undresses. You can’t see much from your angle, but you see enough you can’t fight the urge to join her anymore.
Turning off the burner, you pray the food might survive the time you’re gone. You go into your bedroom and to the bathroom. Your clothes join hers on the floor before you open the shower door.
The glass was fogged up already from the heat of her shower, so you don’t see her until you’re inside.
“I knew you’d join me,” Natasha says with a grin.
“Yeah well, who was I to deny my wife this pleasure?”
Natasha chuckles and you look her over. Her shoulders are toned more every day, you swear. You want to reach out and touch her breasts, but you’re not sure if it’s that kind of shower yet. The water runs down her abdomen and over her tattooed ribcages.
“Like what you see?” Natasha asks.
You still feel a blush from her words even after years of being together.
“I just don’t know how you’re so perfect,” you tell her. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. Come here,” Natasha says, reaching her hand out for you.
You take it and she pulls you into a hug. Your body pressed against her wet one is an interesting sensation, but you don’t mind it. She tends to always need a long hug after a hard shift, and you always oblige.
But as things with Natasha often take a turn for fun, she rests her hands over your backside. She squeezes softly as she readjusts to look you in the eyes.
“Hi,” you say, feeling extremely seen under her gaze.
“Hey,” she replies.
Natasha kisses you slowly. Almost excruciatingly so. Her mouth and tongue set out to memorize the feeling of you against her. Your breasts brush against hers as she deepens the kiss.
“Natasha,” you mumble against her lips.
She moves her kisses to your neck. Your hands wonder over her abdomen, tracing every defined muscle.
“Natasha, I want to take care of you,” you say, voice breathless from the feeling of her so close to you.
Nat pulls away and puts soap on a rag. She hands it to you. You didn’t intend for that to be how you took care of her, but it’ll do.
You wash her arms and chest first. It’s a simple act, but your hands linger on her breasts long enough that she feels heat between her legs.
Natasha tries to stop you from washing the rest of her body and instead wants you to pleasure her.
“I have to finish what I started, babe. You can wait,” you tell her.
She rarely lets you be in control, but this is one of those times she allows it. You wash her legs and again you linger in certain areas. Especially around her thick thighs, butt, and between her legs.
You take your time, making sure she feels every inch of your touch. It’s enough to make her crazy.
“Please,” she practically whimpers once you hang the rag up to dry.
“I thought you only wanted me to wash your body?” You tease her. She shakes her head.
“No. I want to ride your face and I think you should agree,” Natasha says.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, I’ll make it worth your while.”
You smile and drop to your knees. The water won’t be hot much longer, so you get to work fast. Natasha, as promised, moves her hips over your face. The hero is calling your name and coming within minutes.
You stand back up and Natasha kisses you again. It’s rougher this time, but you don’t mind. You kiss her until you can’t anymore.
Once you pull away, you clean her up with a rag. The water is getting cold, so you reach around her and turn it off.
Nat wraps herself in a towel and you join her in the bedroom. She kisses your forehead when you sit next to her on the edge of the bed in a towel of your own.
“Thank you,” Natasha says, resting her forehead against yours. “You helped me forget about everything bad that happened on my shift.”
“You’re welcome, baby. I try to make sure you’re good after a double,” you explain.
“I know. You even made me dinner-“
“Oh shit! Dinner,” you remember the food on the stovetop.
You run out of the bedroom and to the kitchen to see the food is burned. It’s not terrible, but you might as well call it ruined.
Natasha laughs from the doorframe and you give her a pretend angry look.
“It’s all your fault,” you say.
“Aww, let me make it up to you,” Natasha says. She drops the towel that was around her body and waltzes back into the bedroom.
Who needs dinner anyways?
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toxic3mmy · 5 months
being like all bratty ( i think that’s the word) and all to Quackity and he ends up fucking the shit out of you?
ummm yes??? this sounds sooooo hot teehee, thx for the request!!
[it turned out a little more loving than rough sex.. oops??]
prompt: you and alex have a project due and he keeps slacking off until he’s had enough of your bratty attitude
warnings: nsfw! smut smutty smuttt!
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it was finally 7:30 pm. alex said he would meet you at the college library to finish up your project after work and you had been waiting on him there for almost an hour now. the good thing was that you were alone and had time to focus on your part of the slideshow.
you had about two slides left when you heard a huge thud on the table you were sat at. you looked up and saw alex smiling sheepishly at you.
“sup nerd, you almost done with our project?” he said as he sat back in his chair and kicked his feet up to rest on the table
you rolled your eyes and said with an annoyed face,
“yeah right, come on let’s get this over with already” you grumbled
“actually, shit… i forgot my laptop” alex said while looking through his backpack. he looked up at you and asked
“mind if i go get it? i’m pretty sure i left it at my house and it’s not far from here” he didn’t even wait for me to respond, already collecting his things to go
“wait, maybe we should just do the project at yours… they close the library in thirty minutes anyways” you said, feeling even more annoyed than before because now you were going to be forced to be alone with alex
“cool, let’s go” he walked out of the school and to his car in the parking lot
you felt a bit uncomfortable and nervous as you got into his passenger seat. you weren’t sure why but his very existence got so deep under your skin that it really pissed you off. maybe it was his arrogant personality or maybe it was the way every girl at your college drooled over him, or maybe it was both. the truth is, you also felt an attraction for alex but you refused to be like every other brainless bimbo at school. you liked to think that you actually had taste when it came to guys.
your thoughts were interrupted by alex parking his car and getting out, having you follow him. he unlocked the door to his house and let you in. he got comfortable and led you into an office like room where you assumed he did his homework and probably his streaming. he had a huge desk with a pc setup as well as note taking materials next to the pc. there was also a small couch and that’s where you decided to put your backpack.
“here, i’ll go get a chair for you to sit next to me” alex broke the silence between you too. you nodded silently and took all your notes out to finally finish this project.
“sit” he said as he placed another office chair next to his fancy gamer chair
you chuckled to yourself
“what?” he asked, genuinely confused
“oh nothing… just realized you have a gamer chair.. it’s so uwu of you” you teased him and laughed even louder
“says the one that dresses like an e girl with all those fishnets and eyeliner” he said mockingly
“don’t even! i know you’re not judging my clothing choices when you legit always look like adam sandler plus that stupid beanie you never take off”
“can you shut up? we have a project to work on” alex said in a sarcastic manner
you didn’t say anything in response to him. instead, you went over what you had finished with your part of the project. you then kept talking about some ways for alex to tie his part into yours so that it would all flow seamlessly. you were pointing out certain topics in your textbook when you look up to see alex typing away on his phone.
“dude… are you serious? i was over here talking to the fucking wall i guess! were you seriously not listening to me?”
he simply put a finger up as if telling you to wait for him to finish texting. you waited impatiently and after a few minutes, he finally put down his phone.
“my bad, i have this thing i’ve been working on with team members for our twitch.. but uh yeah of course i heard everything you said.” he lied and it made anger begin to boil up inside of you.
“how much do you even have done?” you asked, trying to calm yourself down
“oh uh.. i have all my pictures set up in the powerpoint” he said as if it were something to be proud about
you grit your teeth together as you realized what he meant by that
“you haven’t even started on your section?? i cannot believe you…” you groaned really annoyed now
“yes i have started! it’s not my fault that i need to do work stuff in my free time” he said as he messed with a pen on his desk
“ohhh, you have a twitch event that you’ve been working on for weeks? aw thats so cool, yeah i seriously don’t give a fuck. you had all semester and you don’t even care! it’s our senior year and uni is something that we need to take seriously i mean this counts towards our final! i don’t want to have to fucking repeat this class just because you’re a careless arrogant selfish piece of shit!”
“woah woah, what the fuck is your issue?!” he began to lose his cool, sitting up and facing towards you as he raised his voice
“you’re my problem! like dude i get that you play your little video games on stream and that seems to be what you worry about most but i actually want to get a good career and i actually care about my grades! unlike you! you think that just because everyone likes you, you’ll get everything handed to you. well sorry to burst your bubble but clicking and clacking on your keyboard all day long isn’t going to prepare you for the real world!”
“who the fuck do you think you are? you have no right to say any of this to me, are you kidding?” alex was now standing up and towering over you
“look… i just had a bad day okay? i worked really early this morning and i honestly would much rather be in bed right now than arguing with you i mean, we’re not even getting any work done! god this is pointless..” you sighed, running your hands through your hair as you felt afraid to look alex in his eyes
“i worked today too, ya know. but you don’t see me being so prissy and uptight about a damn project that won’t even matter in a year.”
“yeah well im sure my work was way more productive and hard than you playing dumb computer games all day”
“listen you little brat, you have no right to tell me anything about my career choices. and for the record, my dumb little twitch job is making me more money each month than youd ever see after years of whatever boring fucking corporate job you get into” alex said, holding you tightly by your t shirt
“yeah fucking right. you’re just a lazy idiot! all you had to do was finish a few slides and we’d be through here and you can’t even do that. i’m leaving, thanks for nothing” you spit out angrily as you hastily began to pack your things to leave
alex was silently in deep thought. as you reached the door, he tugged your backpack back and off of your shoulder. he grabbed you rather harshly and your back was pushed up against his bedroom door.
“you’re not going anywhere. you think you can just walk out of here after insulting me and being a shitty little brat?!”
“what?..” you asked quietly
“you heard me y/n, you’re being a fucking brat.. and brats should be treated the way they deserve” he spoke hotly against your lips before leaning forward and kissing you
you weren’t prepared for him to kiss you so sweetly. you practically melted against his lips. you kissed back until he whimpered and brought you back to reality.
“ugh! get off of me, asshole!” you pushed his chest roughly but before you could make any other move, he caught your arm
“i know you want me y/n, i see the way you look at me. you and every other girl at school are just so thirsty for me huh? look at these tiny skirts you always wear.. you’re just asking for it” he smirked as his fingers danced up your thigh and touched your skirt
“ha! i don’t want you. unlike the girls at school, i have a brain and i sure as fuck would never touch you” you lied to his face
you gasped and felt your face go red as his hand was now touching the fabric of your panties
“then why are you soaking wet for me?” he chuckled as he pulled your panties aside and played with your wet folds
he walked you towards his bed, sitting you down as he hovered over you.
“i fucking hate you!” you angrily smashed your lips to his.
your tongue slid across his lips, asking for entrance. alex greedily let your tongue slide against his. your hands tangled in his hair and tugged harshly as he continued to touch you.
“i hate you too, you fucking brat. now be a good girl and taked this top off for me” his lips connected with yours as you shakily unbuttoned your school top and threw it aside.
you reached out and began to unzip his pants just enough to release his hardened cock. he moaned at the contact and continued to play with your slick heat as you started to move your hands up and down his dick.
he pulled away from the kiss and pulled your hair in a ponytail with one hand and held your palm upwards with his other.
“spit” he demanded and you did what he asked
he then moved your wet hand to his cock and let go of your hair. he went back to rubbing your throbbing clit. you moved your hand and he was practically thrusting into your touch.
“alex… please” you whispered and tried to lead his leaking dick to your pussy but alex stopped you
“aw come on y/n, you can do better than that. you just love to yap and insult me, don’t you, you little brat? why don’t you put that pretty little mouth of yours to good use and beg for me. beg me to fuck you”
at this point, you needed him so badly and you didn’t care how desperate you looked as you complied with his demands.
“please alex, i need you so badly. please just fuck me and i promise to be nicer to you. im so wet for you..” you moaned out as his fingers finally stopped teasing you and entered your quivering hole
“tell me you want me.. tell me y/n” he said in a lustful voice, his fingers curling deeper into you. his lips attached to one of your hard nipples, deliciously tracing circles with the tip of his tongue
“oh fuck.. i n-need you, i want you alex! i’ve wanted you since i first saw you! i hate you so much but i want you to fuck me, please!” you were rutting against his hand needing more
he laughed as he was amused and feeling very satisfied with your response. he stopped touching you completely and undressed himself. he then reached out and stripped you of your shirt and panties, leaving the two of you completely naked.
“you’re so fucking sexy” he said, looking at you hungrily
“get on your hands and knees, show me that pretty ass”
you did what he asked needing him inside of you now. he groaned at the sight of your round ass on view for him. as he pushed himself inside of you, you arched your back from pleasure. he began to move slowly as you adjusted to the stretch. the second you started moaning, he grabbed your hips and mercilessly pounded into you.
“fuck! you’re so tight y/n” his hand made harsh contact with a loud smack on your ass
you fucked back onto his cock, feeling so overcome with pleasure
“a-alex, ‘m so close” you whimpered
he stopped fucking into you and sat up in his bed. he gently tugged you towards him, motioning to sit on his lap
“come ride me, sweetheart” he said huskily and of course, you obliged
you sat on his dick, feeling every inch of him fill you up. you were in complete bliss as you began to ride him slowly. alex leaned forward and hugged you to his body as he kissed your lips. you fought his tongue with yours for dominance as the two of you rocked together in a sweet rhythm.
“you feel so good… so so good alexis” you whispered in broken sobs
“yeah, baby girl? aw just look at you. you’re so needy for me aren’t you?”
you rocked your hips, grinding his cock into you. he was so deep inside of you and you couldn’t help but want more. he hit just the right spot inside of your needy cunt and you moaned loudly. your back arched as you threw your head back in pure bliss. alex kissed up your neck as he had full access. he pulled you closer to him, tucking your hair behind your ear gently
“you’re so beautiful y/n, i could do this forever. would you like that? would you like to be my fuck toy? i could use you whenever i please, yeah? tell me how good i feel, hermosa” he said as he looked into your eyes.
“you feel incredible.. you’re making me feel things i’ve never felt before.. please use me whenever” you said breathlessly
“such a good girl” alex praised, kissing you ever so gently as you continued to move at the same pace together
“a-alex, i’m so close”
“cum with me y/n, cum with me” he whimpered, letting out the sweetest whines and speeding his hips to meet yours
he held your hips still as he fucked into you faster and faster, chasing both of your highs
with loud gasps and moan, you both climax together.
alex slows his pace to a stop and you both catch your breath.
“yeah?” you breathe out, finally getting off of alex and laying down next to him
“i finished my part of the project yesterday, i just wanted to mess with you” he grinned and you smacked him playfully
“alex! you ass!”
“hey.. it worked out well for us didn’t it?” he smiled innocently
“come on, let’s shower. im all sweaty” alex says, pulling you up and towards his shower
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srslyscary · 2 months
Late Night Calls
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contents/warnings: SFW, reader is written as she/her, slightly ooc, lowercase intended
including: felix x reader
note: inspired by “late night calls” by p1harmony. lately I haven’t been able to stop listening to that song, it’s really beautiful. seob’s part in it too is SO addicting. this was really last minute because I’ve been wanting to update but I recently started an 8hr nonstop shift, and I’ll be keeping that shift till next Friday. I hope you enjoy!
“Our secret late night calls. Dreamlike, beautiful sound of you and me.”
felix sat on the edge of his hotel bed, the afternoon sun streaming through the partially drawn curtains. his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, and his fingers danced nervously over the screen of his phone. he took a deep breath, feeling the familiar flutter of excitement and nerves that always accompanied the prospect of hearing her voice. with a glance at the clock, he realized that back home, YN would just be winding down for the night.
fifteen hours. the time difference was brutal, but they'd found ways to make it work. their relationship was partly built on these late-night calls, stolen moments of connection amidst the chaos of touring. felix smiled, thinking about the countless nights they'd spent talking until the first light of dawn.
he swiped his phone screen and tapped on her contact, his heart skipping a beat as it started to ring. on the third ring, she picked up.
“hey, lix,” YN's voice was soft, a little sleepy, but full of warmth.
“hey, love,” felix replied, a wide smile spreading across his face. “oh- wait did I wake you?”
“no no, I was just lying here. how’s the tour going?”
felix leaned back against the headboard, picturing her lying in her bed, surrounded by pillows. “it’s going great. we had an amazing show today. STAYS were incredible. but I miss you.”
“i miss you too,” YN said, her voice tinged with longing. “it’s always hardest at night when you're not here.”
“i know, angel. I feel the same way. but these late-night calls, they keep me going. they remind me why I’m doing all this.”
YN laughed softly, the sound like a melody to felix’s ears. “you and your sweet words. you always know how to make me smile.”
felix’s heart swelled with affection. “i just speak the truth. how was your day?”
“it was good. busy, but good. i’ve been working on that project we talked about. i can’t wait for you to see it.”
“i can’t wait either. everything you do is amazing.”
they fell into a comfortable rhythm, talking about their days, sharing stories and little moments. felix loved these conversations, the way they could make him feel close to her even when they were thousands of miles apart.
after a while, felix heard YN stifle a yawn. “you’re tired, aren’t you?”
“a little,” she admitted. “but I don’t want to hang up yet.”
“stay with me, then,” felix said softly. “even if you fall asleep, just stay with me.”
“i’d like that.”
felix shifted on the bed, making himself more comfortable. “do you ever think about the future? I mean.. with us.”
“of course I do. why wouldn’t I silly?”
“not sure.. I guess that was a weird question.” felix said, his voice taking on a dreamy quality. “i was thinking about the future, what it means for us.”
“and what do you think it means?” YN replied. “i’m curious cutie.”
“i don’t know what it means, that’s why I asked angel.“ felix laughed slightly, sighing after breathing in.
“sorry sorry,” YN said, her voice barely above a whisper. “you know.. your voice is my favorite sound.”
“really?” he took a second to think, smiling to himself. “of course, it brings me comfort in so many ways you probably wouldn’t know.”
felix smiled again, not saying much. they fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts, connected by the invisible thread of their love. after a while, felix spoke again.
“do you want me to sing for you?”
“yes, please. i’d actually really love that.” YN said, her voice filled with anticipation.
felix cleared his throat, closing his eyes as he began to sing. his voice was soft and tender, filled with emotion.
YN sighed contentedly. “you always know how to make everything better.”
felix smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. “that’s my goal, to always make you happy.”
“you do, love. you always do.”
they talked for a little while longer, their conversation growing quieter as YN's eyelids grew heavier. felix could hear her breathing becoming more even, a sure sign that she was drifting off to sleep.
“goodnight, angel,” felix whispered, his voice filled with tenderness.
“‘night, lix. I love you.”
“I love you way more.”
felix stayed on the line, listening to her gentle breathing, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. these moments, these late-night calls, were the lifeline of their relationship, the threads that kept them connected despite the miles and time zones that separated them.
as he lay back on his bed, felix thought about the future. he knew that one day, they’d have more time together. but until then, he would cherish these calls, these stolen moments of intimacy that made everything worthwhile.
“Late night calls, so sweet. Just tell me you love me.”
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eveninggstar · 2 months
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my kink is karma ⊹ ࣪ ˖
charles leclerc x singer!ex!reader, unspecified driver x singer!reader
୨ৎIt's been six months since you and Charles broke up in April. Since he kicked you out, his team's performance has noticeably declined. Despite the breakup, you've kept up with the races and are often seen watching them. Some of Charles's fans have labelled you as jealous or worse, but in reality, you simply find satisfaction in seeing Charles fail after he proved to be an inadequate boyfriend. So much so you would joke its your kink.
୨ৎ back a page ୨ৎ back two pages
pretend monaco gp was in april, not may lol also the timeline is all over dont mind it lol (this isnt one of my best fanfics)
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The roar of the crowd was deafening as Charles crossed the finish line, claiming victory at the Monaco Grand Prix. You stood by the sidelines, your heart swelling with pride as he emerged from his car, triumphant and glowing with sweat and adrenaline. As the celebrations unfolded, you finally found a moment alone with him in his driver’s room.
"Congratulations, Charlie!" you beamed, wrapping your arms around him. "What are we going to do to celebrate tonight?"
His expression shifted from joy to irritation in a heartbeat. He pulled away from your embrace, running a hand through his tousled hair. "I just want a moment alone," he snapped, his voice low but sharp.
The words stung, and you took a step back, trying to hide your hurt. "What do you mean?"
He sighed heavily, avoiding your gaze. "You're always around, always asking for attention. It's like you’re trying to piggyback off my success to boost your own career."
Your breath caught in your throat. "That's not true, Charles. I’m just proud of you and want to support you."
"Well, it doesn’t feel that way," he said, his tone colder than the champagne being sprayed on the podium. "You're annoying, and I need some space."
Tears pricked at your eyes, but you blinked them away, refusing to let them fall. "Fine. I'll give you space." You brushed some loose hair behind your ear. "I’ll see you at home, I guess."
The following Tuesday, the apartment you shared felt colder than usual. Charles had been distant since the race, and you could sense something was wrong. As you walked into the living room, you found him waiting, his expression unreadable.
"We need to talk," he said, his voice devoid of emotion.
Your heart sank. "What’s going on?"
"I think it’s best if we go our separate ways," he said bluntly. "This isn’t working anymore."
You felt a lump form in your throat. "Charles, please, can we talk about this?"
He shook his head. "No. I’ve made up my mind. I want you to move out."
Tears finally broke free, streaming down your face. "But where will I go?"
"That's not my problem," he said, turning away from you. "You have until the end of today to pack your things."
With those final, cold words, he walked out of the room, leaving you standing there, shattered and alone in the apartment you had once called home together.
The days following the breakup were some of the darkest you’d ever known. You found refuge at your parents' home, which once felt warm and inviting and a good idea to bring Charles to, but now felt hollow and cold. Even when he ditched you, he couldn’t help but ruin something you held so dear. But instead of succumbing to despair, you channelled your emotions into your music. Late nights found you in your makeshift home studio/childhood bedroom, writing and recording songs that poured out your heartache, frustration, and eventual acceptance.
You released your music under an alias, wanting the work to stand on its own and not attract the flood of F1 fans wanting to see how you were after the "golden boy" broke everything off. To your surprise, the songs quickly gained traction. The raw emotion and honesty resonated with listeners, and your music began to blow up. The overwhelming support and success of your songs helped you heal. You started to feel happier and more fulfilled, finding strength in your own achievements. And it had only been a week!
One day, you decided it was time to reveal yourself. You posted a video on social media, explaining the journey behind your music and how it helped you through the toughest period of your life. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with fans praising your bravery and authenticity.
Meanwhile, Charles's career took a downturn after his Monaco win and the breakup. Ferrari’s performance in the following races was abysmal, plagued by mechanical failures and strategic errors. His frustration was evident, both on and off the track.
In a desperate attempt to distract himself and perhaps regain some control, Charles decided to change his appearance. During an interview, he was asked about the patchy, orange highlights in his hair.
“I thought a change might do me some good,” he said, running a hand through his hair and forcing a smile. “But clearly, it didn’t turn out the way I planned.” He sensibly decided to wear a hat until his mother was free to fix it, yet she had very little free time that lined up with his busy schedule.
Maybe karma was real, and it was his turn.
The Canadian Grand Prix was a disaster for Charles. During the race, a miscalculation led to a devastating crash. The car spun out of control, smashing into the barriers. The crowd gasped, and the cameras quickly cut to the chaotic scene. Fortunately, he was unharmed, but the crash marked a low point in his career.
As the medics rushed to Charles’s side, the camera panned over the crowd. There you were, sitting in the stands with your sunglasses on, watching the scene unfold. A slight smile played on your lips—not out of malice, but as a quiet acknowledgment of how far you had come since that painful breakup. You had found your path and your peace, and seeing Charles now, it was clear you were better off.
As Charles struggled with his racing career, his personal life took a turn that left many puzzled. He began dating a string of significantly younger women, each relationship seemingly lasting no more than two weeks. The media and fans noticed the pattern, and speculation ran rampant. It seemed like Charles was desperately searching for something—or perhaps someone—to fill the void.
Meanwhile, your career continued to flourish. You were seen at a variety of high-profile events: fashion shows, music festivals, charity galas, and, yes, occasionally at races. Your rising fame meant your presence was increasingly noted, and the public couldn’t help but draw connections between your appearances and Charles’s chaotic love life.
Some of Charles’s more fervent fans took to social media to voice their opinions, accusing you of being jealous of his new girlfriends and of Charles himself. They claimed you were trying to stay in the spotlight by being seen in the same places he frequented. The reality, however, was far from their accusations; your success had brought you to these venues on your own merit.
One evening, you attended a high-profile charity gala. Dressed in an elegant gown, you mingled with other artists, philanthropists, and celebrities. The event was buzzing with excitement, but the atmosphere shifted when Charles arrived with his latest girlfriend, an 18-year-old model. Whispers spread through the crowd, and cameras clicked furiously as the couple made their entrance.
You found yourself near the press line when Charles and his date approached. Despite the awkwardness, you struggled to hold back your laughter, it coming out as a quick snigger. Charles’s eyes briefly met yours, and there was a flash of something—regret, maybe, or recognition of how much had changed. Your reaction caught the lingering eyes of another driver who was present at the same gala.
Later that evening, you were approached by a group of Charles’s fans when a different driver had so graciously offered to walk you home. Their faces were a mix of anger and curiosity. “Why are you always around?” one of them demanded. “Are you still hung up on Charles?”
You took a deep breath, maintaining your calm demeanor. “I’m here for my career,” you said evenly. “Just like everyone else. My presence here has nothing to do with Charles.” You turned to look at the man holding your hand. "Charles is the least of my concern." After you said his name wrong in front of these die-hard fans, their faces morphed into more disgust (if possible).
It had been another tough race weekend for Charles. His frustrations were evident not only on the track but also during the post-race interviews. Sitting down with a popular motorsports journalist, he was asked about the ongoing challenges with his team and his personal life.
"Charles, it's been a rough season for you. How are you coping with all the changes, both professionally and personally?" the journalist inquired, genuinely concerned.
Charles shifted in his seat, a hint of irritation flashing in his eyes. "Yeah, it's been tough. The car isn't performing as well as we hoped, and there have been a lot of distractions off the track too."
The journalist nodded, sensing an opportunity to dig deeper. "Speaking of off-track distractions, there's been a lot of media attention on your former partner. She's been seen with another driver quite frequently. Any thoughts on that?"
Charles's jaw tightened, and he forced a smile. "I think it's interesting how some people move on quickly and find comfort in familiar circles. It’s almost like they’re trying to stay relevant by associating with those still in the spotlight."
The journalist raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Are you suggesting that she's using this new connection to boost her own profile?"
Charles shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm just saying it's curious. I focus on my career and my performance. If others choose to spend their time differently, that's their prerogative."
The comments made by Charles quickly spread across social media and the news, stirring up a storm of speculation and opinions. Fans and analysts dissected his words, trying to decipher whether he was shading you and the other driver you had been seen with.
You had indeed been seen frequently with another driver, but it wasn't anyone's business, especially Charles's, if you "moved on too quick." Both of you had bonded over shared interests and the mutual understanding of life in the spotlight. The growing relationship had been a source of comfort and support for you, but now it was being dragged into the media circus.
Despite the media frenzy, you continued to thrive. Your music career soared, and your public appearances were met with admiration and respect. The relationship with the other driver remained a positive influence, untainted by the rumors and insinuations.
As for Charles, his comments eventually faded from the headlines, overshadowed by the ongoing drama and excitement of the racing season. The world continued to watch, always eager for the next twist in the tale, but you had found your peace and your path, no longer defined by someone else's shadow.
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Please don’t steal my work, much love ᡣ𐭩
if this is your first time reading one of my fics i promise i can write better (i genuinely feel as if this was a flop) also if you saw this before i deleted the first version and had it copied twice no you didn’t
taglist: (comment if you wanna be added)
𝄃𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄀𝄁𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄃 eveninggstar
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acciotherapists · 10 months
For All Time
For everyone saddened by the ending of season 2, here is a little ficlet (just a little over 500 words) to hopefully heal the ache. Spoilers for Season 2 below the cut. Read with caution!
Note: This was written in 10 minutes while at work so ignore any mistakes. I simply had to get this out.
TVA!Loki x reader
I watched as Loki reignited the timelines, saving them from destruction.
“He’s giving us a chance,” Sylvie said and my eyes widened as the earth split open in front of Loki.
“No…” I murmured, realizing what this would mean. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as tears slipped down my cheeks. I swallowed thickly, watching as Loki dragged the timelines up the stairs, toward the opening in space. Before I could even move Mobius had wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Don’t do it. He wouldn’t want you to do it.”
He already knew what I was thinking; I had to get to Loki. I struggled in his grip as Loki reached the top of the stairs and disappeared into the void, closing the portal behind him.
I collapsed and Mobius held me up, tears streaming down my face as I stared at the emptiness in front of us. “No… please, no.”
“Y/n, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry,” Mobius whispered, holding me up as I sobbed.
“No!” I yelled, pushing away from him. There was a flash of light and I turned to see the Yggdrasil in front of us, the timelines woven together.
“We failed him, Mobius… we were supposed to figure it out.”
“I know, Y/n… but it was too complicated. We tried everything possible… and Loki knew that. That’s why he did what he did.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”
He said nothing and simply looked at the tree, a sad smile on his face.
“What if you prune me?” 
B-15 shook her head. “It wouldn’t work. You’d only end up in the void and I’m guessing the creature you told us about is still there. Chances are you’d run into Ravonna or Alioth before you found Loki.”
“I have to do something! He’s all alone!”
“He doesn’t have to be.”
I turned to Sylvie. “What?”
“We can’t prune you… but I have something better.” I watched as she took Kang’s Time-Twister from her wrist and walked toward me. “He sacrificed everything to save us… he deserves better… he deserves you.” She grabbed my hand and placed the device around my wrist. “Go find him.” She smiled, hugging me and wiping away my tears. “Tell him we said thank you.”
I nodded, unsure of what to say. “Thank you, Sylvie.”
She nodded and grabbed a nearby tempad, leaving the TVA behind.
Mobius nodded, smiling. “Go get him.”
B-15 hugged me, saying goodbye, and I created a time-door to where I knew Loki would be waiting. The end of time.
When I stepped through the door I was surrounded by timelines, floating around me. I gently moved them aside until I reached Loki. He was sitting on a golden throne, holding the timelines together, and his eyes filled with tears as they found mine.
“Darling, w-what are you doing here? How-?”
“Sylvie… she gave me this.” I showed him the device that allowed me to find him and he smiled. I walked toward him and sat on his lap, resting my face against his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, my love… I… I have to hold the timelines. I-.”
I stopped him. “I didn’t come here for you to comfort me, Loki. I came to comfort you. I didn’t want you to be alone. I know you can’t hug me back but I want you to know I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here."
He smiled down at me. “For all time?”
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takecareluv · 1 year
vinnie hacker req! 🤍
u & vinnie getting matching tats and showing them off on his twitch stream <3
ink baby | vinnie hacker x reader
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word count : 708
author’s note : i just reread your request and realized i forgot to add then showing them to vin’s stream, i’m sorry :/ i hope it’s still okay !! <3
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
as hard as you tried to hide the jitterbugs that were crawling through your mind, they were quick to spread throughout your entire body, causing your legs to bounce uncontrollably and your fingers to tap dance across your thighs. a dead give away you were in fact nervous. and vinnie, knowing you like the back of his own hand, immediately picked up on your anxiety.
moving his right hand from the steering wheel, he placed it on top of yours, intertwining your fingers and giving them a gentle squeeze as to say i’m here and i love you.
“it’s gonna be okay, baby. there’s nothing to worry about. i’m gonna be right there with you.” he cooed, his voice instantly calming some of your nerves. “and we could always cancel if you’re not ready.”
while vinnie had been a veteran to the process, and pain, of getting a tattoo, you were a total newbie. your skin like a blank canvas waiting to be inked by the needle you were only slightly terrified of.
“no, no, i’m ready. i want to do this. i dunno why i’m so nervous. i guess i’m scared it’s going to hurt a lot,” you rambled.
“it’s okay to be nervous,” vinnie reassured. “i was too when i got my first tattoo. and look at me now,” he smiled, which caused you to let out a giggle.
“i’m happy you want to do this with me; that you feel comfortable enough to get your first tattoo with me.”
“of course i do, vin. you always make me feel so safe n comfortable. there’s no one else i’d rather do this with.” you reached over the center console to press a chaste kiss to vinnie’s cheek, prompting it to immediately flush a bright red.
. . .
for the remainder of the car ride, you sat in a comfortable silence; until finally, vin pulled into the first open spot in front of the small shop.
walking hand and hand into the building, you no longer felt the nerves that took over your body during the car ride over — you were ready to do this.
vinnie still went first to show you how the process went, and before you knew it, he was up and done — checking out the finished product through the mirror, leaving the chair empty and waiting for you.
“you ready, baby?”
you nodded with a small smile, “as i’ll ever be.” moving slowly into the daunting chair, you showed the artist exactly where you wanted the tattoo to go.
they quietly counted down before beginning your tattoo, as to give you a short warning.
you let a short gasp as the needle first touched your skin — instinctively reaching for vinnie’s arm to hold him close to you.
“look at me, baby.” he pressed two fingers to your chin, turning you to face him. “keep your eyes on me, sweetheart. breathe for me.”
your eyes stayed on vinnie as he used his thumb to stroke your cheek and whispered sweet praises in your ear.
“you’re doing so good, baby. you’re almost there, almost done.” vin cooed lovingly, causing you to now blush.
you continued to hold his hand as you began to play with the rings that adorned his fingers, a nervous habit of yours that vinnie didn’t at all mind if it meant keeping your anxiety at ease.
a few more minutes lost in each other’s eyes, and the needle finally stopped —knocking you back into reality. “you’re all done. did good for your first time.” the tattoo artist remarked, giving you a soft smile.
"you did so good, baby! i’m so proud of you,” vinnie smiled brightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before turning to the artist who was now cleaning up the station and preparing for their next client. “it looks great, man. thanks for doing this.”
eyeing the beautiful design that was now permanently inked on your skin forever, you grinned from ear to ear. “i love it so much!" you marveled, thanking the artist as well.
after paying and bidding farewell to the shop owner, vin turned back to you, “how ‘bout we go get some ice cream, hm? what do you think, princess?”
i simply do not know how to end fics. i hate this
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linpunny · 1 year
Okay but how would the other clones react to being called daddy 🩶
I was absolutly feral like the meter was at 100% when i started writing 😑 so I’ll indulge you nonnie! My bad this took literal years
Calling them daddy
Fem reader! no pronouns but reader has a kitty kat
Network: @enchantedforest-network
Cervix fucking, mentions of breeding daddy kink, blood play/kink
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Sekido’s lips pull into a fanged smirk, blood red eyes glowing brightly with desire, pulse racing, face flushing from the way you moaned, calling him daddy. That word ignites a foreign emotion within him, something that made his core burn hotly with want. His dick pulsed inside your tight walls as he picked up the pace, his dick slamming into you without abandon as his claws locked around your hips keeping you in place. His lust filled eyes trailed down the expanse of your back stopping to admire the way your ass checks shook when he bottomed out, large tip pushing against your cervix with each rough thrust into your drenched pussy. One of his hands traced up your spine to the back of your sweaty nape gripping firmly as he pushed your head down further into the sheets beneath you, placing you into the perfect arch as the hand on your hip dug into the plump meat spilling crimson that he would lick away later. Forcing you to take him deeper until tears spilled from your eyes as Sekido thrusted deep enough for a bulge to disappear and reappear in your lower stomach as he jackhammered his thick fat dick into your tight cunt. The only thing he could think of was fucking you full of his cum until you were swollen and overstimulated from his touch.
“Did I give you permission to call me daddy? Did you think that I would slow down, become soft for you? Fuck you like I held affections?  You're just a hole, a cocksleeve for me to use until ive had my fill. Guess I need to show you what I mean, if you want to be treated like a dirty disgusting bitch then I’ll treat you like one. Ill have you screaming daddy till your throats raw, slut.”
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Aizetsu has you caged underneath him, both of his hands on either side of your head fisted into the sheets so tightly , your legs locked around his waist as he slowly thrusts into your warm soft pussy. Your warmth was something that almost felt forbidden and he wanted to desperately indulge and keep himself  buried  inside you forever. It was unlike him  but the thought of not being wrapped so snugly by your gummy walls made his chest feel heavy and his sorrow only grew when he was away from you. He desired you in a way he didn’t understand but he knew that once you were under him, connected in the most sensual and intimate way possible with his lengthy dick softly kissing your cervix while you sang praises that he needed to hear into his ear-when he was with you everything felt so incredibly right. Tears of pleasure streamed down your cheeks, which he caught with his tongue licking them up in between breathy whimpers’ and whispers of your name. His pointed ears perked at what fell from your mouth as he hit deeply into the soft spongy sweet spot that made him tremble and you moan out “Daddy!” loudly. He couldn’t believe what he heard, surely you weren’t calling him Daddy? He thrusted roughly into the same spot again, half expecting to hear something else but you cried out “Daddy s’deep!!” and something snapped deep within Aizetsu as he pressed the weight of his body into yours slamming his throbbing cock deeper than before, pushing past a tight ring of muscles that felt so fucking good.
“D-did you just call me Daddy? Pretty slayer, please tell me you meant it, say it again f’me….. I’ll feel sad if you dont, did you not mean to say it…? O-oh you..you want to call me Daddy, I want to hear you call me that for the rest of the night- Please? You doing such a good job taking all of me, such a good plaything for me. Wait! I’ll-ill cum if you keep looking at me while your calling me that.” And cum he did, stuffing you full of his thick ropes of white, your insides belonging to Aizetsu for the night.
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Karaku threw both your legs over his shoulder, claws gripping the soft inner flesh of your thighs, pulling your pussy right back onto his warm awaiting pleasure kanji tattooed tongue, face so deep in your soaked folds that his nose rubbed against your clit every time he licked a sinfully slow stripe up through your lips and then back down again. He was dead set on edging you, sporadically dipping his long tongue into your heat to get a taste of your sweet cream that was mixed with the seed of his counterparts. Then the wet muscle would retreat as he licked back up to your throbbing clit to press wet sloppy kisses and harsh suckles over the sensitive little bud. He didn’t even care that the taste on his tongue wasn’t his own because Karaku knew that once his tongue lapped at the very last drop of the other’s cum you would let him fill you up with his cum, he would eat it out of you and the process would repeat until he was satisfied. He ravenously dug his tongue deeply into your pussy, the thick tip of the  muscle lapping at the large gush of juices, expertly drinking every single last drop, he couldn’t let your sweet honeyed taste go to waste. You whined out quietly, “Daddy~ R-right there please don’t…don’t stop.” For a second the loud slurping noises that were filling the room stopped as curious forest green eyes darted up from in between your legs, a delightful cackling laugh vibrated through your pussy before he pulled away to spread you wide open with his pointer and index fingers. 
“You’ve never called me Daddy before, do it again I liked the way it made my dick throb. Come on, ill wreck this sloppy pussy of yours if you say it again, fuck you so hard and deep that you can’t think straight. Only way i’ll continue is if you call me Daddy.  Now be a good little whore and scream Daddy while you cum on my dick. Fuck fuck fuck fuck! You’re squeezing Daddy so tight, you- youwant me to cum? Ha~! Can’t answer, did I fuck ya dumb already?”
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Urogi’s talons dig into the plush of your hips, sharp claws breaking the skin causing a crimson stream to flow down your thighs swirling with the juices that were leaking out of your pussy as he pushes you even further down on his cock, stretching you out for what was to come. Calling him daddy was a mistake on your part but he would make sure you remembered what would happen the next time you dared to utter the word. He works you impatiently up and down on his length until his angry pulsing tip is kissing the entrance. the flesh of his knot swelling around your gummy walls as he pushes past the tight ring of muscles into the deepest part of your womb.  He’d never been so deep inside you before, so warm, so wet, so incredibly soft. His wings fluttered in response to the sweet melodic  moans of “daddy, deeper!” leaving your mouth, the soft feathers enclosing around your trembling body possessively. He cackled, pupils blown so wide that the yellow of his kanji eyes was barely noticeable as he looked down in bliss at you clinging to him so desperately. 
“Such a good litlle slut, womb takin all of me like that. You like being fucked so deep by Daddy~? Oh, come on, tell me how much you're enjoying this!  You getting shy now little slayer? Keep calling me daddy, say it more!! I want to hear you scream it! G-good girl, just like that. shit!! you feel so good, think ‘m aboutta cum and fill up this pussy. Want daddy to do that?”
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© Linpunny 2023 All of the following works are fictional and belong to me. Please do not copy, edit, or steal any of my content. Do not advertise on any other social media.
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bb-sg · 1 year
Relationship: Gojo x fem!reader
This is a self indulgent fluff piece with just a little bit of spice.
Warnings: Oral (female receiving), reader insecure
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“Toru stoooop!” You whined, halfheartedly shoving your boyfriend’s hands away while he tried to tickle you. It was early morning, both of you were still in bed, bathing in the light streaming through the window while Gojo’s hands mercilessly attacked your sides with his long fingers. You squealed and giggled through his attempts to rile you up.
He just couldn’t help himself. He loved the way you looked when you laughed, your smile lighting up a room and the melody of your giggles were his favorite sound. He took any chance he got to throw you into a fit of laughter, admiring the way your nose crinkled, the way your lips formed a dazzling smile that spread across your face. Gojo would trade all of his money, power and fame if it meant that you would be happy.
You had almost squirmed away from him and off the bed before he pulled you back again. He rolled on top of you, straddling your hips while he captured your wrists in one of his large hands, pinning them down above your head.
“Why would I stop tickling you when you look so cute when I do this?” His free hand attacked your side while his strong frame kept you still and defenseless against him. Laughter echoed through your apartment and Gojo would be satisfied if that was the last sound he ever heard.
“Satoru! I’m going to be late!”
He didn’t care. There was nothing that was important enough to tear him away from this moment. The smell of coffee wafting through the apartment, the way the sunlight danced with the colors of your irises and the warmth of the blankets wrapped around the two of you made him feel like at ease. It was blissful. You made him feel at peace, which was something Gojo has rarely experienced in his life.
“Let’s just quit our jobs baby. I’ve got enough money that we can travel the world. What do you say? For me?.” He leans close to pepper light kisses on you starting with your forehead, then your nose, and ending with a soft kiss on your lips.
“You may be rich but I’m not. Some of us have to actually work for a living.” You struggled against him, trying to roll him off of you.
“I’ll take care of you. Stop being difficult.” He protested by laying his body weight on top of you, pressing you deeper into the mattress. “You won’t need to lift a finger anymore. Just stop resisting already.”
The whine that escaped his lips was desperate and needy but earnest. He meant every word. The more time he spends with you, the more he doesn’t understand how he lived so long without you. His mother’s diamond ring has been burning a hole in his wallet to prove it to you. He was waiting for the perfect moment. It had to be perfect. Just like you.
“Gojo Satoru! If you don’t get off me right now-”
He interjects, “You'll do what? You really cryin right now?”
He makes eye contact with you as a mischievous grin spreads on his face. You’re not strong enough to physically overpower him, you both know that.
“I’ll let you go, but it’ll cost you.”
“Cost me what?.”
He pretends to ponder your question for a moment before he answers, humming quietly.
“Since you won’t quit your dumb job,” his eyes flicker to yours with eyebrows raise, giving you one more opportunity to give into his pleas. “You'll need to come to dinner with me tonight.
You laugh, not at all surprised by his antics. You knew him too well.
“I guess so.” Your eyes roll with irritation but you secretly love it. You love him and all that his is, even when he’s being a pain.
The weight pinning you down disappears when he jumps off the bed and lands his feet. He wore a pleased smile on his face as he pulled you to the edge of the bed by your feet until you were sitting right in front of him. You yelped in surprise, staring up at him as he towered over you.
“It's a date,” he whispers before placing two fingers under your chin to tilt your head up further. “God, you're so beautiful. Are you sure you're real and I'm not still dreaming?”
Your cheeks burned, embarrassed to be under his scrutiny this early in the morning. You marveled at him, taking in his white hair dangling in his face, his gentle smile that he reserved for you alone and his ocean eyes. You would never get used to how captivating he was.
You reached up to card your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft locks slipping through your fingers.
“No, you’re the beautiful one Toru.”
He cradled your head in his hands and pinched your cheeks together before placing a series of kisses on your lips. Each kiss grew more and more feverish and desperate than the last. He delicately bit and tugged at your bottom lip before pulling away from you.
“You have to shower right? Why don’t I join you and I’ll show you just how beautiful I know you are.”
Before you could protest, he swooped you up, and carried you bridal style to the bathroom. More laughter fell from your lips as you wrapped your arms around him for stability. When he reached the bathroom he set you down on the sink, standing in between your legs. His lips find yours again as he begins to undress you. You breath hitched in your throat when he removed the last article of.clothing, leaving you bare before him. He paused to marvel at you. He looked at every inch of your body with admiration, you were absolutely perfect to him.
“You don’t know how gorgeous you really are.” He leaned in close, whispering in your ear while pulling you to the edge of the sink. He kissed his way down your neck, pausing to suckle and bite on your sensitive skin, before continuing down your shoulder. His hands gripped and squeezed your thighs before he pushed them apart. You moaned at the feeling of his soft lips and warm breath on your skin. He kneeled in front of you, maintaining eye contact while his hands inched closer to your core.
“Satoru, I really should get going. We can do this after dinner.”
“No, I’m hungry now.”
The first few licks he lays on your slit are sweet and gentle, teasing you with his light touch. He groans as he uses his thumbs to spread you open. The moan that rips out of you when he dives into your warm core is primal. His tongue drags languidly up and down your hole, avoiding your clit purposely. His gaze meets yours as he lathers your cunt with his saliva and your slick. Small rolls of your hips give him the encouragement to speed up, just brushing the tip of his tongue on your sensitive bud. The puppy dog look in his eyes makes you weak, his whimpering against your glistening cunt sending vibrations through your body.
“Toru please. Don’t play with me.” You gnawed on your bottom lip in anticipation.
The way his lips turn into a crooked smile make your heart flutter. He knew how to make you give in to him, he could turn you into a crying mess in an instant. He pulls back, his mouth and chin shiny from being against your dripping core.
“As you wish my queen. Just be a good girl for me and let me take care of you. Don’t take your eyes off me, I want to watch your gorgeous face when you come on my tongue.”
His index finger slid into you easily, squelching along the way. His long finger touching all the spots you could never reach while he tongue flicked over your aching clit at a steady pace. You shuddered at the feeling, closing your eyes for a moment to catch your breath.
“Oi, what did I say brat?” He nipped at your thigh, making you jump.
You darted your eyes back to his, watching him dive back into your pussy, never breaking eye contact. You hips moved instinctively against his tongue, desperate for more of him. He devoured you like you were the last meal he would ever have, like he was on death row, and you were the last delicacy he would indulge in.
His spit dripped from his lips and to your hole as he added his middle finger, spreading you wider. Your fingers laced into his white hair while you pushed him against you more. He slurped on your clit while dragging his fingers in and out of you.
The sounds of your moans echoed in the bathroom, covering up the sound of his fingers, drenched in your pleasure, filling your hunger pussy. The only thing Gojo loved more than your laugh was the sound of you coming undone, whether it was on his face, spasming around his pretty cock or rubbing against his thigh. The way your moans fell from your lips while tears filled your eyes, threatening to spill over drive him crazy. He couldn’t tear his eyes off you if he tried.
The aching in your core grew until it was unbearable, each time his tongue touched your clit a jolt of pleasure caused you to jerk and clench around his fingers. The push you needed to fall apart was his fingertips pushing against your spongy spot, a scream tear from your throat as your muscles clench tight, hips riding his fingers deeper.
He savored your come coating his tongue, lapping at you while you rode out your high. He moaned, watching the tears drop down your cheeks. The look on your face made his hard cock leak, his own need for release growing.
“Baby how could you believe you aren't beautiful when you make me want you this much?” He stood up and guided you hand to palm his hard length. You squeeze him gently forcing a low moan out of him, throwing his head back.
Your body felt like jello when he picked you up again, his lips moving with yours. He set you down in front of the shower and turned it on, the steam filling the room and fogging up the glass. His hands rubbed your arms soothingly, ignoring the need to bend you over and take you for himself. He wanted you to feel as good as you made him feel. Like all the stars and moons had aligned and somehow made you. Somehow, he was graced with your presence, existence, and company. If only you knew how much that alone meant to him.
When the water was warm enough, he pulled you in the shower, letting the water wash over you first. You groaned in appreciation of the hot water, washing away your sinful morning. He rinsed your hair under the water, adding shampoo to massage your scalp. The way you melted into his touch made him feel warm and serene, flushed cheeks burning while he watched you lean into his touch.
“Do you want me to take care of you Toru?” You whispered brushing your ass against his throbbing cock.
God yes.
He wanted to feel every inch of you, hear more of your melodic moans escaping you while he pounded your sweet warmth into oblivion. His weeping cock wanted nothing more than to feel you squeezing him so hard he worries you might break it. He wanted to fuck you so hard you couldn’t stand on your own, your body too sore to move by itself but he also wanted to pamper you. he wanted to squash any doubts that you weren’t the most beautiful thing to bless this earth.
“Not yet baby.” He kissed your neck while lathering your skin with soap, washing your body with slow, precise strokes. “I’ll wait to ruin your little pussy tonight. Do me a favor and don’t wear any panties for our date. Mkay?”
You rolled your eyes but knew you would comply for him. You’d do anything to make him happy. His hard cock slid against your ass while he washed you. Small whines hitched in his throat when you rubbed against him in just the right way, teasing himself for what was to come later, focusing more on getting you out the door on time.
You hastily finished your shower, throwing on your work clothes before stopping in the kitchen to grab some coffee to go. Gojo followed you around the apartment like a puppy, helping you get out of the door by locating your keys and making sure you grabbed lunch.
You stopped at the door to turn to your boyfriend who gazed at you longingly. Maybe you should just quit your job and become his housewife. He smiled at you while sauntering closer to you, placing his arms on the door frame before leaning inches from your face.
“You’ll be safe, right?”
“Yes Toru, I’m just going to work.” You sighed at his overprotectiveness, trying to put him at ease by pulling him into a deep kiss. When you opened the door to leave, he stopped you, placing one last kiss in your forehead, holding your head close and still.
“Good. I won’t want to have to watch over you all day y’know.”
“You wish.” You stuck your tongue out at him, teasing him.
If you only knew his eyes never left you, he would periodically hide in the shadows and check in on you throughout your day. He would rather die than let anyone lay a finger on you.. His six eyes followed you wherever you went, not that you would ever notice. If it came down to it, he would destroy everything and everyone if it meant protecting you and keeping you safe.
“I love you.” He called after you as you closed the door.
He almost missed your precious voice respond with, “I love you more!”
He groaned, palming his still hard cock. Thinking of all the ways he would take you his tonight. Imagining all the ways he would make you sing him praise. Teasing you under the dinner table while you try your hardest to hide the fact that he'll have you on the brink of tears.
He was even more anxious to make you his forever. He pulled the engagement ring out of his pocket, admiring it, and picturing it sparkling on your finger. Tonight would be the night, it felt right. It didn’t need the moment to be extravagant and glamorous to be perfect.
Every moment with you was absolutely perfect.
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