#but i gotta....its just 17 days....i can do it.
time a flat circle why the hell am i usin the same loafers i bought for one cosplay of my fave antagonist for another fave antagonist
#snap chats#can i even call it cosplay. why are police sirens going off in the bg oh my god shut UP#anyway yeah ill elaborate. Super Snap Stalkers will remember my p4 era and will remember the time i did in fact do an adachi cosplay#i deleted the og post like an hour later. plus that blog's gone. but im sure some freak can find it if they dig hard enough#ew i think i was 17/18 in that pic (not at all that long ago) ok anyway.#i use the same loafers for my aoki outfit. and yeah i do Regularly wear my rgg outfits i TOLD YOU its functional cosplay i QUIT#just funny that like.... damn everything always goes back to square one LOL#these busted ass old ass loafers still rockin with me years later#if im feeling cheeky i think i will post all my rgg outfits actually. for halloween#hang on gotta be depressed and cringe for a moment#cause ive always liked cosplay but whenever i did it it never felt. Good Looking#like i always just felt like my face never worked for the charas i wanted to portray and so thats why i say with a heavy heart#that aoki's round-ass square-ass head is perfect LOL it makes me wanna throw up looking in the mirror#i got the same weird lips. ok not that squished Similar but Its Awful that he makes me feel comfortable with my face now#at least my eyebags arent double deckered... i at least look like i get sleep.. some days.#breaking !!!! objectively one of the most vile bitches in this franchise makes you feel comfortable with your body and existence#NAW to continue from last post if i had a webcam i prob coulda done a cosplay y7 stream LOL thatd be funny#anyway since this tag ramble is just pure cringe let me round it off with a final bit of cringe#the Forbidden Mention of my trans masato hc cause one reason why i have a Teehee over the thought is how raspy his voice is#and i only really now realized how right i was tonight because my prof called on me to speak and when i tried speaking DAWG.#the forbidden acknowledgement of Myself GROSS#BUT DAWG MY THROAT WAS FUCKIN CRUSTY it felt like sandpaper EW?? WATER FOR YOU?? christ. i hope that was just a one-time thing#ok im leaving now BYE
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akascow · 1 year
me waking up at the crack of dawn (3pm) to go to my very hard job (splatoon) in order to make enough money (finish the catalog before the season ends) for me and my family (i am alone)
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
my love cannot be bought with 72 boxes of mac n cheese. do keep sending them though ♡
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good-chimes · 1 year
Rule 1: No friendly fire in the camp.
--- I dont know What you’re talking about
--- You know exactly what I’m talking about!
Rule 1c: Grian is not allowed to make Scar strip down to his underwear on the Perimeter edge to ‘find all the sand’; this makes us look bad in front of Doc.
--- He had it in his SHOE
--- counter-rule!! Actually this makes us look GReat in front of doc. my abs intimidate him.
--- There’s no such thing as a ‘counter rule’ and your abs don’t intimidate anyone
--- mumbo agrees with me!!
--- I. Um. I just think Scar’s abs could be good PR. I’d be impressed if I were Doc.
Rule 2: All Buttercups must remember at all times that Doc is the enemy and we are here to TAKE HIM DOWN.
Rule 3: Goateater is not allowed to eat Mumbo’s pillow.
Rule 3a: we should leave GOateater alone because she’s doing her Best
--- Scar, she’s doing her best to eat my pillow!
--- this is proving resorcefullness and initive like a good Buttercup!
Rule 4: Mumbo’s cooking tastes like a camping mat and he’s not allowed on the cooking rota
Rule 5: grian cant cook us eggs for more than 2 meals in one day
Rule 6: I have to say I agree with Rule 5.
--- Mumbo needs to LEARN HOW RULES WORK
--- and also stop being RUDE about my COOKING
Rule 7: Goateater is not allowed in Mumbo’s bed under any circumstances.
--- mumbo is biased against Goateater!!
--- Then make her sleep in your bed, Scar!
Rule 8: Grian is allowed to push Scar into the Perimeter if he does the sand thing one more time
Rule 9: Grian is allowed to push Scar into the Perimeter if he refuses to put a shirt back on and is being really obnoxious about it
Rule 10: Grian is allowed to push Scar into the Perimeter if he keeps snoring at night
--- Mate, we’re getting some expansion of powers here that I’m not entirely comfortable with.
--- yknow its not tJHAT Bad
--- Okay, so, Scar, listen, just because you’ve never minded doesn’t mean Grian should be able to do what he likes. This is setting a precedent. We need to talk about this.
Rule 11: Grian is allowed to push anyone into the Perimeter for any reason necessary
--- I told you! I TOLD you!
--- Cmon Mumbo a man’s gotta have hobbies
--- Not threats-of-immediate-violence-to-his-two-closest-friends hobbies!
--- WAnt some sand?
--- Good LUck :)
Rule 12: Grian is not allowed to keep stealing Mumbo’s HotGuy poster for his own tent then denying it.
Rule 12a: Grian is encouraged to get his own poster or pay Mumbo 16 diamonds.
Rule 13: Buttercups are reminded to focus their efforts on DOC and how everything is DOC’S FAULT, not SPYING ON THEIR FRIENDS about POSTERS.
Rule 14: Goateater is not allowed in Mumbo’s entire tent.
Rule 15: Goateater is allowed whrever she likes, including in MUmbos tent.
Rule 16: Scar is not allowed to write rules that contradict previous rules.
Rule 17: Mumbo is not allowed to do that either!!
Rule 17a: If Mumbo and Scar don’t stop fighting over the rules board and GET US SOME DRINKING WATER LIKE THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO then Grian gets to throw them both in the Perimeter
--- I thought everything was Doc’s fault.
--- Sometimes it’s your fault, Mumbo!
Rule 18: Look, can we have some sort of punishment here that isn’t ‘Grian pushes people in the perimeter?’ Only he’s not pushing himself in the perimeter, and last night he blew up a firework experiment in the campfire and took half my moustache off.
Rule 18a: That was obviously Doc’s fault.
--- I don’t think it’s Doc’s fault if you did it yourself! In fact, you’re the reason we’re here in the first place. There’s sand in my sleeping bag and I’ve lost half my moustache and Goateater keeps eating my shoes!
--- also I gotta pointout G you never paid me for those fireworks
--- Listen, Buttercups, the rules are very clear about who’s to blame. It’s Doc’s fault.
--- That’s pretty rich coming from you, Grian!
--- also goateater is perfect and hasn’t done anything wrong
--- Shut up, Scar, this is Grian’s fault. I’m making a new rule.
Rule 19: I think we should blame Grian for everything
Rule 20: I secnd this rule
Rule 21: Oh, yeah? Well, I think we should blame SCAR for getting me BAD FIREWORKS
Rule 21a: those were top quality scarland fireworks, Mister!
Rule 22: It was Scar who technically broke the tunnel bore so he’s the reason we’re here
Rule 23: I mean, I guess—Scar, mate, you did do that.
Rule 24: I think we should blame Scar for everything
Rule 25: now wait A MINute
Rule 26: Yes, honestly, it’s mainly Scar’s fault.
Rule 27: Its not!
Rule 28: It’s either you or Grian. I think either way we can all agree I’m the innocent victim here.
Rule 29: What – okay, fine, new plan! I think we should blame MUMBO for everything!
Rule 30: yeah!
Rule 34: Guys?
Rule 35: …guys?
board suspended :(
Rule 36: fine I’m back
Rule 37: strewing my bed with cherry blossom wasn’t actually necessary
Rule 38: Aw, Scar, you shouldn’t have.
--- i missed you guys
--- I missed you guys too!
--- It’s been TWENTY MINUTES
--- admit it G you missed us
--- Fine I did
--- But I think I have time for a second shot
--- joking <3
Rule 39: All previous rules are suspended.
Rule 1: It’s Doc’s fault.
Rule 2: Grian is still allowed to push people into the perimeter.
--- mumbo, wheres Goateater?
--- Special mission, mate, don’t worry about it.
– G.O.A.T.
p.s. Also kindly return my hotguy poster, Grian, I know that this was you
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frannyzooey · 8 months
Short Days, Long Nights: 17
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Mature (mentions of child loss and grief, aka we go through Joel's past one more time as he says goodbye)
A/N: We are at the end ❤ I am insanely nervous since the whole story was built around this final chapter...I really hope you like it. I am going to make a separate post with all my thank you notes, but for now: @the-scandalorian I literally could not have done this without your guidance and reassurance and constant support. I owe you everything, and I love you. @mrsmando thank you for looking this over for me, for being such an amazingly emotional ride or die and for inspiring me since day one of this fic with your massive brain. I adore you. finally, @bageldaddy thank you for yelling at me in the doc when I needed it, and for your constant Joel advice. You make me better. ❤
Series Masterlist
“That’s it, honey. You’re doin’ so good.”
 “Yea?” Straightening your back, you let your hips roll with the movement under you. The inside of your thighs burning with overuse, your voice is slightly breathless. “Like this?”
“It’s like you’re a natural,” he muses, giving you a wink. 
“I don’t know about that.”
A trampled path guides the horse more than you do, a circle carved into the grass in front of the cabin and you let out a breath, feeling yourself relax for the first time since you first climbed on. 
He didn’t believe you when you’d said you’d never been on a horse until you stood next to it, terrified. He had helped you up that day, climbing into the saddle behind you. When he noticed that you were paying more attention to the way his broad body encased yours from behind, he cut the lesson short with a teasing scold. 
Only to continue it in the bedroom later that night. 
He’s silent for a moment as he walks next to you, until June’s babble from the edge of the field calls out across the space. 
“See?” he says. “She thinks so too.”
She starts to crawl towards the two of you, and Joel is quick to stride over, picking her up. 
“I feel like I got the hang of it,” you say tentatively. “I’m not sure what to do if I have to take off on it though.” You look at him, the scenario only now occurring to you. “Hang on. What if I’m holding her and we have to run? How will I hang onto her and the horse? How –”
His hand comes to rest reassuringly on your thigh with a squeeze, stopping you.
“Don’ focus on that right now.” He shifts June in the crook of his elbow so that her outstretched hands can touch the horse. “Just focus on learnin’ the basics. When she’s down for her nap, I’ll get on with you and we can practice goin’ faster. Okay?”
He holds your gaze for a moment, sunlight catching the brown in his irises and curls. He raises his eyebrows in question, and you nod. 
“Okay. Yea, okay.”
Giving the horse a pat on its neck, you let June brush her hands over its coat. Her tiny fingers dig in, pinching the animal in exploration. 
“Easy, baby girl. Easy,” Joel murmurs. “You gotta be gentle. Like this.”
He takes her hand in his, petting the horse. Having no patience for the slow movement, she tugs her hand free to make a quick grab for the animal, and he chuckles, stepping back - only for her to erupt into a wail. 
“Aw come on. Don’ gimme those crocodile tears, baby.” 
Lifting her into the air, he holds her above his head and looks up at her scrunched face. His biceps strain the sleeves of his t-shirt, his curls fluttering in the breeze as he suspends her until her cries turn into whimpers, then giggles. Only then does he bring her down, kissing her on the cheek. 
“I knew you were fakin’.”
The plan was to leave tomorrow, at first light. 
Weathering weeks of up and down emotions, you’ve been constantly wavering between wanting to follow the others in hopes of finding somewhere safer for June and being terrified that you’re making the wrong decision. A silent war within yourself, always waging as you prepared. 
When it was just you and Joel, there were times that you had been afraid. You had eventually made peace with the idea that something might happen to you, even though you would have fought with everything you had to prevent it. The fear you feel now, however, is on a whole other level. Something more base, coming from deep within you. 
 It’s so much harder with June. So much more left to lose, so much more at stake. 
A bone-deep type of fear that took root in you the moment you realized you were pregnant, it only grew until it was something overwhelming. Something that choked you with nerves the day she came into this world. Something that reached down into the heart of you and grabbed hold of reserves you never knew you had. Something that turned you into another person entirely when you thought about anything happening to her - a very real possibility given the unknown you were willingly venturing into. 
In comparison, Joel seemed…calm. Always the case when he had a clear direction and a purpose, you couldn’t tell if it was because he truly believed this was the right thing or just because he was so caught up in the planning of it all.
Plants harvested and then pulled up to save the root system, seeds meticulously dried and saved in scraps of paper, everything protected with as much safe keeping as you could provide it. Stores of food organized and packed in makeshift saddle bags, clothing and rags for diapers and two sleeping bags and medicine and first aid supplies and knives and anything else you could think of that might be useful, already accounted for and packed away. 
All of it placed by the front door, waiting. 
You run down the mental list one more time while rocking June, eventually placing her in the crib after cradling the soft, warm weight of her sleeping body for a moment. 
“She go down okay?” Joel looks up from his place on the bed, the lantern glowing warm edges around the curve of his shoulders. The light splays across his skin, and he sets his book to the side. 
“Yea, she was just a little fussy.” Yawning, you crawl into bed next to him. “I think she can feel something in the air. Our nerves or something.”
“Probably,” he agrees. 
Sliding down under the quilt, you watch the shift of his muscles as he stretches to turn out the light. Joining you, he rolls on his side so you’re face to face.
Getting comfortable, you scoot closer. “So. Our last night.”
“Looks like it,” he replies, grasping your hand. He runs your knuckles over the  seam of his lips, giving them a kiss.
“Are you nervous?” 
He considers for a moment. “Yea. I know it’s time, but I can’t say I’m ready for what’s waiting out there.”
You nod.
Content silence rests between you, a cricket chirping right outside the window, the  gentle current joining the rustle of leaves as they stir in the warm night air. Your fingers play idly with the sparse hair that covers his chest, and he watches you in the darkness. 
“Are we doing the right thing?” you ask, your voice almost a whisper. 
“It’s a little late for that, honey,” he teases, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone. When you don’t reply, his tone softens and he continues. “Hey now. We are. I know it.”
“Are you sure?”
“No, I’m not sure. I don’t know if anyone is with any decision they make, honey. ‘Specially not parents. You can only hope, ya know?”
You draw your lip between your teeth, and he gently plucks it out with his thumb. Guiding your face to his in the darkness, he runs his touch across your cheek, stroking the soft curve. 
“Look at me.”
He’s right there, holding your gaze. Brown irises turned black in the dark room, holding you steady. There, like he’s always been. 
“This is the right thing. I know just as well as you that there is plenty out there to be afraid of, but I got you. I got you both. I ain’t gonna let anything happen.”
A tear slips from the corner of your eye, dampening the pillow case. Your fears getting the best of you, words come pouring out. 
“What if she crawls away while we are sleeping, or what if she gets sick? What if someone tracks us, and tries to take what we have?” You swallow hard, taking a deep breath. “If something happens to either of you, I –”
You can’t even bring yourself to finish the sentence, and he’s gathering you in his arms, pulling you close. The steady thump of his heartbeat underneath your cheek greets you, and you bury your face in the soft crook of his neck. 
“I know we have to, but I don’t want to leave. This is our home.”
He softly shushes you. “We’ll make a new one. Together.”
Cradling your head in his hand, he lets you cry, his fingers stroking over the crown of your hair. Wrapped in his hold, you let it all pour out: not deep, shuddering cries of despair but rather the silent cries of mourning, of nerves strung too tight for weeks. 
His hand slips down to rub between your shoulder blades and you close your eyes for a moment, trying to commit everything about this moment to memory: the mattress underneath you, the heat of his body, the husky rumble of his voice. The soft sheets and the worn blankets that have held the heat of your naked bodies countless times. His side of the bed that smells like him, his things on the nightstand, the feel of him in the middle of the night when it’s too dark to see. The scratch of his beard against your palm when you sling your arm over him in the night, just to find the bare patch along his jaw with your fingertips. 
You think about everything that’s ever happened in this bed: his confession about Sarah, the intimacies you’ve shared with each other under the safe veil of darkness. Sounds that these walls have absorbed night after night: his low chuckles and his murmured praises and his endless, reassuring love. 
When you’re done, Joel guides you back down into the mattress, using his hold on you to close the distance between your mouths. A gentle kiss for your lips, then your nose, then each one of your tear damp eyelids before finding your mouth again. 
You shift up, giving him access to deepen it as his tongue slides against yours, your body arching into the familiar taste and path of his kisses. Your fingers thread through his hair, slip down the breadth of his back, and curl around the back of his arms.
Your thighs hug his hips, his head dipping to find more of your skin. Laving the edge of your jaw, he gives your throat an open mouthed kiss as his hand pushes your sleep shirt up. Up, up, exposing the bare skin over your sternum and when his lips find your nipple, he draws into his mouth with a reverential suck. He laves his tongue over and around it, playing with the stiff bud as he rocks his hips into yours and when his teeth gently scrape, a moan catches in the back of your throat. 
The last time you’re ever going to feel him in this bed, you savor it. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good,” he groans softly when his fingers find your slick warmth. 
“So do you,” you breathe, reaching down to guide his fingers inside you. They slip in with a slick, snug stretch, and he rests his forehead along the plane of your chest, watching your hand move with his. Crooking his touch to reach a spot that makes you keen, he rubs against it and you muffle your sounds against the firm round of his shoulder. 
Quiet. You have to be quiet. 
“Fuck me,” you plead against his skin, and he works his fingers faster, pulling back to watch your face. 
“I wanna make you come like this first. Gonna be awhile before I can take my time with you again.”
You say nothing, the air seizing in your lungs as you arch into the tight, syrupy warmth he’s building inside you. Clenching around his fingers, you’re tipped over the edge by the heft of his stiff cock rocking against your thigh.
“There’s my girl,” he praises. 
His words wash over your heated skin, his eyes flashing in the dark. Slipping his fingers from you to drag damp over your skin, he pushes your legs open to make room for himself.
Leaving you sated and asleep, he slips from bed as quietly as he can, stepping out into the inky night. Tugging a sweatshirt over his head, his feet are bare, the hem of his pajama pants skimming the grass as he walks down to the shore. 
A simple handmade cross made from the leftover wood from June’s cradle is gripped in his hand.
He kneels and taking his time, begins to delicately smooth out a patch of sandy earth. His fingers pluck away wayward strands of grass and toss out tiny pebbles until it’s cleared. A stack of stones he’s been gathering for the last few weeks rests in a pile nearby, waiting. 
Satisfied, he rests back on his heels.
“Hey, baby girl.”
Silence greets him, and content with that response, he continues.
“We’re leavin’ tomorrow.”
Reaching for the biggest stone, he turns and sets it just at the edge of the lapping water. He then balances the next one on top, slightly smaller than the one underneath it. 
“I’m not sure when we’ll be back, if we’ll ever be. But I’m gonna mark a spot for you just in case. My favorite spot.”
He adjusts a third stone on top of the others, his hand lingering to make sure it stays put. 
“I never got to –” he starts, steadying himself. “I never had a spot for you. Just kept you in my head, and in my heart.” He holds the fourth stone in his hand, looking at it. “I always wanted a place to visit you. A place to come to when I missed you, a place to talk to you.” 
He sniffles, using his knuckle to wipe at a tear that slips free and then places the stone on top of the others.
“Now I know that you’re always listenin’.”
The water washes over the base of the stones, the ripples sparkling in the moonlight and he finishes the cairn in silence, listening to the sounds around him. When he’s done, he looks up, and stares at the expanse of stars above him. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers. His voice wavers, and he swallows hard. “For everything. I know you know this, but I’ll – I’m always thinkin’ about you. I’ll always be here when you need me, okay? I will never stop bein’ your dad.”
A few more tears roll down his face, and he lets them go. The corner of his mouth eventually lifting, he clears his throat. 
“Maybe you could watch over your sister for me, make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble on this trip? Sometimes she gets this smile on her face and it’s just like the one you used to get.” A low chuckle slips free, and he hangs his head with a shake. “It's like I know she’s about to do somethin’ that she ain’t supposed to do, and all…'' 
The rueful smile on his face softens, his voice lowering with a rasp. 
“All I see is you.”
More tears come, silent paths gliding down his face and he sits alone with his thoughts then, on the edge of the river. 
That night comes back to him: the sheer terror he felt, the despair, the helplessness. The rage that filled him when he woke to find out that her body had been left behind, twisted and broken and all alone in the dirt somewhere. Like no one even cared to bury her, even if he knew that wasn’t the case. 
The blur of black days that followed her death, when he longed to join her. 
The weight of the gun in his grip, the thud it made when he whipped it at the wall with a scream when he missed. 
All the years after, trying to lock the memory of her away. The shadow of a person he became, all the things he did without an ounce of regret. 
A man with nothing to lose, because he’d already lost it all. 
When his tears dry, he looks up at the sky again and finally, he remembers a different memory. 
A warm night sky just like this one, the slippery cushion of a sleeping bag under his back and a petite, squirmy body stretched out next to him. 
“What’s that one, dad?” A swirl of stars above them, her small finger points at the brightest one. 
She sits up, the silhouette of her unruly curls calling to him and he brushes his hand through the soft texture of it, making up a name.
“Dad! Stop it,” she laughs. “For real. What is it?”
He makes up another one, and the girlish peal of her laugh echoes in the dark; the kitchen light from the house glowing behind them. 
Still feeling her curls against his palm, he takes the cross in his hand, and pushes the bottom of it into the dirt. Standing with a soft grunt, he brushes the sand from his knees and looks at it for a moment. 
A tiny thing, shadowed by the protection of a tree. 
Protected and safe, finally. 
“I love you, baby girl.”
With one last look at the cross, he makes his way slowly back up to the cabin. 
With June secured to your front, you walk around the inside of the cabin one last time. 
Domestic warmth infused in every room, items you have to leave behind paint a picture of the people that lived here: the westerns he read in his early days of avoiding his want for you stacked next to his side of the bed. The flowered quilt that you tucked yourself under on rainy days spread over the mattress. The bathroom, with its neatly folded yet mismatched hand towels draped over the bar next to the sink. 
The living room, with the dust that once coated everything gone, and the kitchen, with a neat row of washed pots lined up next to the dish rack that holds a mug used this morning. 
The clean windows that would let in the bright sun, save for the tarp along the back that has been secured in place.
Even the strangers that line the hallway live in cleaned frames, and walking past them, you wander into June’s bedroom to take one last look at her cradle. Impossible to bring with you, it hurts the most to leave behind. You’re still looking at it when Joel comes in from outside, calling your name.
“In here,” you call back, and he comes to stand behind you, curling his hands around your hips. You lean back into him, and he rests his chin on the top of your head, reading your mind. 
“I’ll make her a new one, honey. I promise.”
You turn and give him a watery smile, and he presses his lips to your forehead. 
“A big girl bed this time, I think,” he coos down at June, and she reaches for him, fussing when he doesn’t pick her up. 
Cradling her squirming body, you follow Joel outside. 
Next to the porch, the horse shifts under the weight of the saddle bags, stomping her feet and you watch as Joel soothes her, sliding his hand down over her coat. Ropes securing everything, she is weighted with your belongings and with the plan  to walk beside her as much as possible, you start to untie her reins while he closes the front door. 
The original tarp that covered it is dragged back into place, and when everything is as it was on that first day you found it, he gives it one last look.  
Coming to join you with his rifle slung over his shoulder, he takes the reins. 
“You ready?”
At the sound of his voice, June looks at him and smiles, a tiny dimple piercing her chubby cheek. He returns it, reaching out to grasp her foot with a wiggle. 
“Are you?” you ask. Your brow knit with gentle concern, you nudge your chin towards the water. 
“Your spot is beautiful, by the way,” you say softly. “June and I said goodbye this morning. It’s perfect for her.”
He says nothing, gratitude spilling from the depths of his eyes. Looking at you for a long time, he then leans in to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs. 
“I guess time heals all wounds,” you muse, thinking of the man you came here with and he pulls back.
Looking down at you both, his expression turns into a sort of solemn earnestness.
“It wasn’t time that did it.”
Your fingers locked in June’s fist, she pulls them into her mouth for a nibble and his hand reaches up to stroke the curve of her cheek, and then your own before leaning in for a kiss.
Walking away from the cabin, you look back when you reach the far edge of the original path that brought you here: the only visible indication of the structure a slice of muted, dingy blue in a sea of lush green. Leaves crunch underfoot as you walk beside him, the slope of his broad shoulders a map that you’ve always followed without question. With another couple steps, the cabin disappears from view.
Looking forward, you lace your fingers with his and walk.
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stevenssacrab · 9 months
In Secret
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*
Summary: For six months, you and Steve have hidden your relationship from everyone, but what happens when you come face to face with death?
Rating: 17+
Warnings: Sneaking around, hostage situation, kissing, reader has a near death experience
Word Count: 1.6k
a/n: love a good ol’ Steve fic, never misses, I hope everyone enjoys this one, have a happy new year!!
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*
Being Captain America’s significant other comes with an absurd amount of pressure; you have to be flawless, never make a single mistake, be a good role model for kids, and be just as if not more heroic, which is precisely why you’ve chosen to hide your relationship from everyone, fellow Avengers included. It wasn’t an easy decision, but you and Steve both decided that it would be for the best; you were new to the Avenger team and didn't want the added pressure of being with Steve; you and Steve somehow managed to have kept it hidden for six months, it didn’t come without its hardships though, Steve needed to keep up the appearance of a fearless leader, so he couldn’t be sweet on you when it came to training and performance evaluations; and you couldn't defend Steve when others complained about his methods, less they suspect anything between you two, much to your dismay Steve seemed to always have women after him, leading to a few disagreements about how Steve should handle the situation, you wanted Steve to be harsher when he turned them down, but Steve has a reputation to uphold, and being rude and dismissive was not a part of it.
"Okay, you leave first, and I'll join 5 minutes later," Steve said reassuringly, rubbing your arm gently and giving your hand a light squeeze.
"Okay, see you out there, Cap," you say playfully with a wink; you walk out of your room and down the hall into the conference room filled with fellow Avengers; your eyes scan for an empty seat.
"Y/N! Over here!" Wanda calls, waving her hand and patting the open spot between her and Natasha; you smile and briskly walk over.
"Did we start yet?" you asked, knowing the meeting can't start without Steve.
"No, just waiting for Steve," Natasha says matter of factly, doodling absentmindedly on a piece of paper.
"So, Natasha and I want to see that new movie that just came out. Do you wanna come?" Wanda asked, but you've already seen that movie with Steve earlier this week.
"I've already seen it," you said disheartened.
"HOW!? It's been out for two days?!" Wanda astonished. "It's honestly impressive how fast you watch these movies as they come out; who are you even seeing them with?" Wanda asked, peering at you suspiciously.
"Uh, my mom?" you voice with a rising inflection.
"Okay, this week's mission!" Steve calls out loudly, walking into the room before Wanda can question you further, "Our sources tell us Hydra is working on a new super soldier serum for a division of soldiers. Our mission is to stop them in their tracks." Steve says firmly, eyes landing on yours fleetingly.
"We'll go in groups of 3: Wanda, Clint, and Y/N in group one, group two is Me, Peter, and Scott, and the third and final group is Bucky, Sam, and Natasha.”
"We gotta hightail it; this is of great significance, so we move tonight, meet at the quin in an hour, we’ll discuss our plans of attack on the way," he says with a nod, marching out the room.
“Everyone’s here?” Steve asks, scanning the quin, ensuring everyone is accounted for, “Okay, as we fly over, group one will land on the south side of the building, my group will land east, group three lands west, and the quin will land in the north, the goal is to push toward the center where intel tells us the serums are located and try to catch anyone who may be running off with the serum, once secured everyone evacuate immediately and meet at the jet. Everyone clear?” He asks strictly, looking toward the teams, and they nod affirmatively.
“Okay, move out!” he shouts, rushing for his shield and jumping out of the plane; you land quietly outside the building, shed the parachute off, and get into position.
“Okay, on my mark, go!” Clint whispers harshly; the three of you move as a unit, sweeping every corner, taking quiet steps, instincts on high alert; as you move through the building, you can’t help this nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach; something doesn’t feel right, you’re halfway through the building, and not a single enemy has been spotted.
“Guys, I don’t like this,” you say lowly over comms, hairs on the back of your neck standing straight.
“Let’s just keep moving so we can get out of here,” Clint says, readjusting his grip on his pistol while Wanda grows increasingly worried, palms becoming sweaty, the tension hanging in the air.
“Cap, you guys got anything on your end?” Clint asked over comms, his eyes scanning the suspiciously empty room.
“Nothing over here; keep your eyes peeled; everything about this feels wrong,” Captain uttered, uneasy hanging off every word; you signal you are going to have a look around at the team and break right; you creep into a dark room littered with papers, it looks like everyone just got up at left, you spot a computer playing footage on a loop, you walk up and watch, it’s your team landing outside.
“It's a trap! They know we're here!” You screamed over comms; you reached for your gun but felt something hard press against your back.
“Don't even think about it,” a deep voice said coldly as they pulled you against them roughly; you kept your hands in the air, your heart beating out of your chest; they ran their hands over your body, removing any possible weapon.
“What’s the plan now?” You ask coyly, looking over your shoulder slightly.
“Turn around!” He boomed, patience wearing thin; he pushed the gun against your head, “Walk,” he said, shoving you with the weapon, and you walked carefully toward the exit.
“Y/N, where are you?” Steve asks, trying not to sound as concerned as he is; you trudge toward the exit and swing it open
“Hiya, Captain,” you call, looking at him with pleading eyes. Steve’s face breaks your heart; it’s as if you told him the worst news of his life. The assailant grips you by your neck and pulls you close, holding the gun to your temple.
“What’s wrong, Captain? Cat got your tongue?” He said smugly. Steve said nothing, his eyes remaining planted on you as panic started to work its way across your chest, your hands clawing at the arm tightening around your neck, the assailant laughing at the way you struggle to breathe.
“I'll keep it brief and tell you what I want: a trade, the soldier for your newest recruit," he said arrogantly, walking you both closer to Steve
"Don't do it!" you say anxiously, looking at the team with all their weapons drawn and pointed in your direction; you shift your weight uncomfortably, trying to think of any possibility that doesn't end with you injured or dead, Steve looks back at the rest of the team and then back at you, time moves slow, your skin stings with the bite of the cold winter air, and you hear your blood rushing through your ears like crashing waves, when the assailant jerks suddenly, he fires a shot in the air.
"It's now or never, Captain!" He yells, shoving the gun aggressively into your temple; you close your eyes, accepting your demise, and you open your mouth to say something, but the sound of a gunshot cuts you off; your body tenses, and you wait for the pain, but it never comes, you finally open your eyes when you feel Steve's arms wrap around you, Steve's face is filled with concern, you see his mouth moving, but you don't hear anything, Steve grabs your arms and shakes you lightly, your hearing fades in.
"Y/N! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh my god," he blubbers, tears welling in his eyes; he pulls you in for a fiery kiss, holding you as you'd slip through his fingers; he pulls back slowly and looks deeply into your eyes.
"Are you alright?" He asks, panic having left his body; he glides his hands down your arms and holds your hands, interlacing your fingers.
"Yeah, I'm okay, just shaken up," you say reassuringly, pulling him into a hug. You close your eyes, inhaling his scent, losing yourself in the comforting aura that is Steve, and then you hear someone clear their throat; your eyes shoot open, landing on the whole team just staring at you and Steve; you jump back and hit Steve playfully on the chest.
"Steve, they saw us!" You whisper harshly and turn him around, hiding behind his big frame; he clears his throat and speaks
"Uh..." he mutters; he suddenly reaches behind himself and grabs your hand, pulling you next to him and wrapping his arm around your waist.
"We are dating." He said confidently, chin high; there was a long pause as the team looked around at each other, and then you heard a squeal; it was Wanda squealing with happiness, running towards you with a broad smile and open arms, she practically tackled you to the ground, squeezing the life out of you.
"Oh, Wanda, I can't breathe," you choke out, gently smacking her arms.
"Since when?" Sam asks, walking up to Steve and patting him proudly on the back.
"6 months ago," Steve says brightly with a smile, pulling you against him.
"I've known for four months," Natasha says cooly
"How?!" You and Steve say in unison, looking at each other. Natasha smirked and walked closer to you both, placing one hand on each of your shoulders.
"You guys should probably not fall asleep in each other's arms if you don't want anyone to find out." She says matter-of-factly, walking away and leaving you both stunned. "Congrats," she shouted back as she walked into the quinjet.
"Let's move out, team!" He shouts, grabbing your hand gently and walking you both onto the quinjet.
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mayaschapstick · 3 months
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part 1 !
part 2 !!
pairing : bully!chris x fem!reader
summary : y/n just moved, new friends, new school, new everything, she didnt feel good at all until some triplets spoke to her.
warnings : not the kindest and supporting mother, a bit of bullying & anxiety.
a/n : this is proly gonna turn into a series if im motivated enough 🙏🏼
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It was my first day of school, second day of living here.
i already begged my mom to let me stay home, but she said no.
i was downstairs right now, in my jorts and a white basic tshirt, trying to eat my breakfast but I had zero apetite.
I spoke up.
she looked at me, waiting for me to speak.
„can i stay home please mom.”
I asked for the third time today before
I stopped my mom from interrupting me.
„like actually i dont feel good at all. my stomach hurts.”
my mom looked at me, sighing and shaking her head.
„we’ve talked about this already. you are going. c’mon its gonna be exciting! new school, new friends. you’re just being dramatic.”
my mom scoffed.
I sighed, looking down at your plate before just digging in my egg with the fork, not hungry anymore.
I stood up, walking over to the front door where my shoes were.
I put them on before looking back at my mom again.
„mom can you atleast drive m-“
my mom interrupted me.
„no. you’re almost 17 now, you gotta learn to do some things on your own.”
I just pouted before opening the door, walking out while not even saying bye.
shutting the door and started walking. it was a 20 minute walk, so I grabbed your airpods who were in my pocket, opening the case, putting them in and connecting it to my phone before listening to music, texting one of my online friends.
„bro why cant you live near me”
„my moms being such an asshole again.”
I texted them before putting my phone on dnd and putting it in my pocket.
20 minutes later
I arrived at my new school, looking around, my heart beating fast. I swalloed before walking on the school property.
I wasnt feeling good at all, I needed mu dad. all I needed was a hug from one of my parents right now. but my mom wasnt being the best mom at moment and my dad passed due cancer last year.
I put my hands in my pockets, but then put them out again because I was scared of looking stupid and I didnt want to look awkard.
the school was big, the bell already rang as I just put one foot in the school, taking my airpods out and putting them in the case again. I looked around, gulping before walking around, covering my stomach scared that I looked like an idiot.
I searched for my class, 5 minutes later findin it, the door was open already, I took a deep breath before walking in, standing in the door frame.
all eyes on me.
I smiled awkwardly.
I waved a little with your hand down,
the teacher looked up to see me standing in the doorframe, he spoke up.
„oh hey! you must be y/n yeah?”
he said, standing up and walking towards you quickly.
I nod, panicking a little bit as your anxiety creeps up.
the teacher spoke up again, putting his hand on your shoulder.
„you can sit next to noah yeah?”
he pointed to noah and noah sighed, he didnt really looked like he wanted to sit next to me.
I just nodded and walked over to noah as my jorts made noises, l literally wanted to sink in the ground, everyone was quiet, everyone was looking at me.
I anxiously sat next to noah, putting your bag next to the table.
I sit there biting your nails before I hear chatter and laughing from behind me, then I felt a paper ball hit the back of my head, I ignored it, not wanting to give then the attention they wanted, but I literally wanted to cry. i just heard a little
„chris stop!” from behind me after the paper ball hit my head.
I just sat there, hoping that school ends soon, as I already spend the breaks looking myself in the school toilet.
when school was over I rushed out off the school, before I heard people running after me and one of then yelling for you.
„hey! y/n!”
they couldnt even pronounce my name right, as you turned around, I saw 3 guys running at me, my eyes squinting together.
they all look the same??
I stood there, silent as they now stood infront of me, two of them out of breath, the other one looking upset.
but I just started talking.
„are yall triplets or sum?”
the tallest one looked offended and looked at me.
„thats a stupid question.”
he said, as I just let out a little awkard „oh” and nodded.
the other brother spoke up.
„but our little friend here, chris! wanted to apologize doesnt he??”
he said as he ruffled his hair, looking down at him.
chris, what his name seemed to be, answered upset.
he looked at me.
„m’sorry. because of the paper ball thingy.”
and if looks could kill, I would probably be dead already.
„oh yeah- no its fine.”
I answered before looking away, seeing my moms car pulling up to the school.
I whispered under your breath.
„hey i- i gotta go.”
I said looking at the triplets.
„alright. see you tomorrow? oh- my names matthew by the way, you can call me matt tho.”
he said, „and this is nick!”
he pointed to nick as nick looked offended again.
„i can introduce myself, idiot!”
I chuckled quietly, „alright i gotta go!”
matt and nick said, chris just stood there, before speaking up as soon as you left
„i hate you guys.”
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
a/n : this was so fun to write 😋 i got alot ideas for this so theres definitely gonna be a part 2!! likes and rebloggs are highly appreciated!! and lmk if you wanna be on my taglist!! (please lmk if i messed something up because im stupid 🙏🏼)
taglist : @melschapstick @bel2p0
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earth-to-lottie · 18 days
Okay I gotta get something off my chest because the amount of horrible, nasty and mean comments directed Lando’s way are so beyond what is reasonable it’s unbelievable😭
people are whinging that Lando doesn’t have a winning mentality, sounds demoralised and is such a cry baby…but then if you take a look through any comment section of ANY Lando related content across all social media it’s easy to see why!! He can do absolutely nothing right for people!!! He’s been open and honest about his mental health struggles and how much pressure he’s been under since he was 17 and starting with McLaren. The nasty words and vitriolic sentiments sent his way consistently do that to a person!! No matter how well he drives, how well he conducts himself in the paddock, how kind he is to fans and how many times he consistently proves how much he wants this championship on and off the track, the vast majority of comments directed at him are vile. The fact he is still driving constantly at the front of the grid and letting that roll off his shoulders so well is a feat on its own. Oscar is not perfect. Oscar is not infallible. Oscar is not and has not been consistently faster than Lando like some would like to believe. I’ve watched every race while he’s been at McLaren and he’s constantly improving, but Lando has been the faster car week in and week out until just before this summer break. He’s a fantastic driver and yes McLaren haven’t always given him the best strategy, but he will have his success one day, but that does not mean Lando should be demolished by people the way he is. The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Lando has had his fair share of shit calls that favour his teammates from his first year so it’s hardly like he’s been the number 1 driver from day 1. He definitely hasn’t had the special treatment Oscar seems to be getting. No other McLaren driver has in a long time. If you don’t like Lando, that is absolutely fine and your preference but for Christ sake there is no need to be so outright nasty about/to him. Just because he’s been in the sport as long as he has, people forget he’s barely a year older than Oscar and is only just getting a race winning car (down to his hard work and loyalty that Oscar is reaping the benefits of might I add) so people might just want to bare that in mind before claiming Oscar as the next messiah of F1 and tearing Lando to shreds week in and week out. Its abhorrent and I hope to god above Lando stays away from social media and the media in general. I hope he has his friends and family around him because I’d absolutely HATE to be in his head at the moment😔
Ps, before all you Oscar girlies come after me, this is NOT an attack on Oscar; more of a reality to check for people that think being so beyond nasty about Lando is how you get across your support for Oscar. It ISNT.
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wandafiction · 8 months
In Every Universe - Part 1
Warnings: description of death, blood and injury.
“Y/n answer your comms.” You hear the faint sound of Natasha calling out to you but it hardly registers with the sound of the building creaking above you ready to collapse and take you with it at any moment. “Please, honey, please I can’t lose you too.”
“FRIDAY, status report of Y/n’s position and Vitals.” Now it’s Tony’s voice followed by the robotic one of Friday telling him all the information she can gather from what your suit is telling them. 
“Come on Lady Y/n get out of there.” You cough groaning as you feel something wet land on your face, probably blood that you’ve just coughed everywhere but your arms are too weak to wipe it off and check. 
“Bitch you better get out of there because if you die I’m going to bring you back to life just to kill you again.” Your ears are ringing but Wanda’s voice makes it through loud and clear and a small chuckle escapes you but quickly replaced with a wince as pain shoots around your body. 
“Figure something out Tony, we have to go in and get her!” You barely register the words but you can hear the panic in Steve’s voice as the building creaks more, not sure whether the smoke is creating an illusion of the building swaying above you or if it's about to finally drag you down with it.
“I’m trying. FRIDAY are there any points of entry into the building that are safe for me to get to.”
“Guys.” You hope they can hear you, your logic is if you can hear them then your mic is still working and they can hear you.
“Y/n, oh thank god.” You hear Natasha’s voice trembling but the small amount of hope behind it.
“Mom.” Your voice is weak as you cough again groaning as pain shoots through your entire body as you feel more blood drip from your mouth.
“No, don’t say it like that. Don’t say it like that.” The panic sets in within Natasha again as she hears the way your voice is drained of its normal lightness. 
“Mom please.” Your hand shifts to your ribcage as you feel your shirt sticking to your skin, groaning and wincing as you feel your shirt is soaked and you don’t have to wonder this time as you know it's your blood. “I just want to say thank you for being the mom I always wanted.”
“Y/n do not talk like that, we are working on getting you out of there. You just gotta hold on a few more minutes. Can you do that for me?”
“No, don't mom me. Promise me you will hold on until we get to you?” You can hear the break in her voice, a lump building in your throat. “Promise me. Please promise me.”
“I…” You clear your throat, closing your eyes as tears build up. “I promise to do my best.” 
“Honey.” You let the tears roll down your cheeks as you wet your lips preparing to say what you need to say.
“Thank you for stepping up and being my mom. Ever since I joined the avengers 10 years ago, I was just a small scared 17 year old.” You chuckle, holding back a wince, as you think back to the first day you walked into the avengers compound.
“And this is the avengers common room.” Wanda gives you a wide smile as she waves her arm in front of her showing off the room as your eyes trail around it. 
“Woah.” You smile widely as you take in the scene of the pristine common room, with an open plan kitchen and living room, a large TV surrounded by 3 5-seater couches.
“Yeah that was my reaction when I saw how big the kitchen was.” You smile, turning your head to look at Wanda who has a shy smile on her face fiddling with the end of her sleeves.
“You like to cook?” Wanda looks up to you nodding as her smile slowly grows into a toothy grin. 
“I do. I love cooking food from my home country. My mama taught me how to cook from a young age, I would help her add the herbs and spice and mix it with the wooden spoon. Then as I got older I learned more and my mama wrote down every single recipe we did and I managed to save them and keep them safe.” You smile fondly at the small story as Wanda goes quiet. “Sorry I’ve been told I have a tendency to ramble.
“It’s okay, I was listening.” A look of surprise grows on Wanda’s face before it turns into confusion.
“Mhmm, so tell me where do you keep the recipes now?” 
“Oh I keep the ones my mama wrote in my room, but I wrote them out in a notebook and it's in the kitchen so anyone can make something if they want. Oh but don’t let Nat.”
“Don’t let Nat do what?” Wanda’s head whips around at the sound of the Russian’s voice, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. 
“I, uh, nothing. I didn’t say Nat I said don’t let that deter you.” You press your lips together to hide a smile as Natasha raises a brow, her eyes darting between you and Wanda.
“Sure. Anyway, who is this?” You stand up straight making yourself look a little taller holding out your hand.
“Hi, I’m Y/n the new recruit.” Natasha looks down at your hand chuckling to herself as she walks past you, her hand gently squeezing your shoulder. 
“Oh another hopeful newbie who thinks they have what it takes.” You can’t quite tell if Nat is being serious or not, her voice and features not giving anything away. “You won’t last the week.” 
“Wanda baby.” 
“Nope don’t you dare.” You smile imagining the way she is shaking her head with pursed lips, the popping of the p making you chuckle.
“Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.” 
The building shifts around you and the ceiling above you starts crumbling above you, your arms shooting up to protect your head as you turn your body sideways. The instinct kicks in before you can think of the consequences and when you feel a sharp pain in your ribcage and the air escape your lung but also feel trapped at the same time you realise you just punctured your own lung with one of your many broken ribs.
“Y/n detka, speak to me what's happening.” The fear in Wanda’s voice matched with her accent makes you cry more realising it is going to be the last time you hear it. “Please Y/n. Please don’t leave me. I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever loved, please don’t be another one to add to the list of names.”
“So this is my boyfriend Vision.” You smile widely, hoping Wanda doesn’t spot how fake it is, as you turn your attention to the red being in front of you.
“Hi, it is lovely to meet the person that makes Wanda so happy.” You hold out your hand which Vision easily takes, giving it a firm shake.
“And you must be Y/n, I’ve heard so much about you.” You scrunch your brows slightly with an awkward chuckle.
“Wish I could say the same for you.” You mumble under your breath.
“Sorry I didn’t quite catch that.” The sound of his voice grates on you but you shake your head faking a chuckle.
“Sorry I said all good things I hope.” 
“Very much so, Wanda doesn’t seem to be able to shut up about you. Y/n this, Y/n that, Y/n Y/n Y/n.” He spits your names towards the end, gritting his teeth and you have to hold the smirk that makes the corner of your mouth twitch slightly.
“That’s my name, don't wear it out.” You turn to look at Wanda keeping the fake smile on your face and trying to make it meet your eyes. “I’m happy for you Wanda, you deserve some happiness in this lifetime.” 
“Thank you Y/n, it means a lot. When he asked to be introduced to my family and friends I knew you had to be the first person to meet him. Your approval is something I value a lot and look for.” Your smile falters slightly at her words, not sure if you fall in the family or the friends category.
“You don’t need my approval to date people Wanda. As long as he makes you happy and doesn't hurt you then I don’t really get a say.” Wanda’s brows scrunch at your stern tone as you shove your hands into your pocket shrugging, your eyes dropping to watch your foot kick at the carpeted floor. 
“But I value your opinions when it comes to such important things Y/n.”
“But it is your heart Wanda not mine. I can’t tell you who you can and can’t love, I can simply be here when you feel like you need me.” Wanda leaves Vision's side, the latter not seeming interested in the conversation as his eyes burn holes into you, to stand in front of you; her hands on the sides of your arms.
“I will always need you Y/n. I just thought that you would want to be the first to know about the person that I fell in love with.” 
“But he can provide you with things I cannot, so you are always going to need him more than you need me, which is the way it will always be and I’m okay with that.”
“Y/n where is this coming from, I thought you would be happy.” You shrug her hands off your arms walking past her and making your way to Vision.
“If you hurt her I will kill you and I will mangle your body so badly they won’t be able to tell your front from your behind, not that it’s that easy to do now. Do I make myself clear?” If Vision takes the threat seriously you don’t know as he gives you a small smirk holding his hands up in surrender.
“I’ve heard these threats before, it's nothing new. But sure I promise not to hurt her.” Your eyes quickly flick left to right as you stare into his, hating the way he seems to be way to calm in this situation. 
“Good.” You don’t give him anymore of your attention turning back around to face Wanda who is looking down at her hands as she fiddles with the end of her sleeves and you push your hurt to the side to comfort her. “Wanda.”
“Hmm.” You know she is upset, not at you but your reaction, so you pull her into a hug kissing the top of your head.
“I’m happy for you Wanda. You deserve someone who makes you so so happy and if that is Vision then it's Vision.” You feel her nod as her arms wrap tightly around you. “Just don’t forget about me.”
“I could never forget about you. Don’t even say that.”
“You know what’s funny?” You groan as you move your hands to the bottom of your shirt starting to lift it off of you so you can try and see the cut on your side.
“Not really so tell me little one what's so funny.” You don’t expect to hear your aunt's voice over the coms but it makes you smile.
“Well aunty Yel, what's funny is I made promises to the people I love that I would never leave them, not on purpose. So look what I get for making those sorts of promises, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that I’m about to be squished by a building, I have a massive hole in my side and I’m probably only ever going to hear your voices. Which, by the way, you guys need to work on sounding calm and collected because when you are the one who is dying or about to die hearing your voice waver and the sadness really doesn’t help me come to terms with it. So only smiles and happy voices from now on.”
“I really don’t see how that is funny, baby.” You laugh, coughing up more blood at the stern tone in Wanda’s voice. “And I don’t get why you are laughing.” 
“I think it's the delirium.” You nod even with no one being able to see you as Yelena makes her observation. 
“I don’t know what that is, but whatever it is sounds complicated.” 
“Baby I need you to listen to my voice.” 
“Your voice is very pretty. Oh don’t let my wife hear me say that she will go all head tilt and scary eyes on me.” Your brows scrunch when you hear a few giggles come in through the coms.
“Your wife?” The same voice asks.
“Yes, wait no. No I haven't proposed yet, I am planning to though. Yup I got the ring and everything, oh the ring is so pretty. Like super pretty, but not as pretty as my future wife. Nothing is as pretty as her.”
You smile at the thought of asking Wanda to be your wife and it's at that moment reality hits you, your voice shaky as you take everything in around you. From the way the ceiling is slowly starting to bow and the cracks grow longer and pull wider apart, to the way you feel the floor below you shifting as well. The whole building is ready to collapse. The pain from your side subsided but an uncomfortable thumping being felt around the area instead. You realise the world around you is getting darker but you can still see the sun so you know your vision is going and soon everything will be over. Either you die like this or you die when the ceiling falls on top of you but either way you know you are going to die.
“Wanda.” Your voice shakes as your bottom lip quivers.
“I’m here baby. I’m right here.”
“I’m sorry.” You swallow the lump in your throat, the taste of blood staining your tongue.
“I know baby, I know. It’s not your fault. Just know I’m here.”
“Fuck you Y/n!” Your jaw locks as Wanda shouts at you in front of everyone at the party. “Fuck you for ever leaving! Fuck you for not telling me how to contact you! Fuck you for breaking all those promises about being there for me because where were you? Oh thats right, probably out screwing some fucking an agent while I was here waiting for you to come home so I could see you are safe and alive!”
“Oh that’s so rich coming from you Wanda! So rich. You are with Vision so what does it matter if I am fucking some pretty blonde agent and not hanging out with you and your human size vibrator. I go and do my job, I went on a 6 month undercover mission. A non contact mission by the way. But I went on that mission, I did my job, I stopped the bad guy and this is the fucking welcome I get. No fucking way. So get out of my fucking way so I can have shower and go to bed before I make you move.” 
“Real mature Y/n, real fucking mature. You always run when it gets hard, you run and you run and you run. You always did. I thought I was someone that you ran to, but the moment I needed you. The moment I needed the most important person in my life but you weren’t there!” 
“I was on a mission! And what is so important that the moment I get back I get an angry Sokovian shouting at me and not the person I love ready to give me a hug and have a movie night. You got your happy Wanda, you have Vision. You don’t need me anymore and I’ve come to terms with that but don’t push shit onto me just because I am doing my job.” 
“Vision left me Y/n. And sure you were doing your job, but the moment I needed you. All those times you promised me you wouldn’t leave, all those times you said you would be there for me whenever I needed you. You broke them. I feel so broken Y/n and not having you there! That broke me the most. I just feel so broken.” You look around the room at the others who all avoid your gaze looking down at their phones or the floor as Wanda breaks down in front of you.
“Wanda.” You take a step forward towards her as she angrily wipes at the tears that are streaming down her face, her foot tapping the floor quickly as she looks up to the ceiling blinking rapidly.
“You left me.”
“I didn’t know.” You cautiously wrap your arms around her pulling her close and her arms wrap around you as she breaks down.
“You love me?” Your eyes widen at her words and you think back to the conversation realising you did say that.
“I always have.” Wanda goes silent, her shoulders still shaking as she cries a little more. 
“I don’t think I ever actually apologised for that big fight we had two years ago.”
“All was forgiven when you told me you loved me.”
“Love. I still love you, and I will continue to love you in this world and the next.”
“I love you too but we are not doing goodbyes. We are going to get you out and we are going to live our lives. You are going to propose, then we can get married and buy a house. Have children running around the backyard and live until our final days together.”
“And a dog.”
“We will have children and a dog running around the back yard.” You smile at the sound of Wanda’s giggle.
“Okay and a dog. So you stay alive and we will get to live that dream.” You feel your eyes start to roll to the back of your head using the last of your energy to keep them open and spend your last moments speaking to Wanda. “We have only had 2 years together.”
“And they have been the best two years of my life.”
“They have been the happiest two years of my life.” You feel your eyes start to close, your body shivering from the lack of blood and you know what's coming next.
“My love.” You swallow your throat drying as you speak.
“Yes baby.” 
“I really do love you.”
“I really do love you too.”
“Well I love you in every universe.” You feel the darkness consume you. The last thing you hear is Wanda repeating the words back to you and it's all you need to be at peace as you allow the darkness to engulf you as the room around you collapses in on you. 
“I love you in every universe.” You look at Wanda as you both lay on a blanket under the stairs, the night clear from clouds as the moon and stars are bright above you.
“That's a lot of love baby.” You giggle as Wanda grins at you, the light from the stars dancing in her eyes. 
“Well I gotta lot of love to share with you.” Rolling onto your side you lean down to kiss Wanda softly, your eyes closing at the feeling as a small hum leaves her lips.
“I love you in every universe too, baby.” She whispers against your lips pecking them a few more times. “I’m so happy we finally have one another in our lives like this. I’m sorry for ever putting you through the hurt of seeing me with Vision.”
“We are here now my love and that is all that matters.” You brush some hair out of her face as her eyes search your features. 
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“In every universe.”
“In every universe.”
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
I feel like there aren’t as many “dominant/sadistic” female reader stories. Like don’t get me wrong, I love dominant men, but let’s make that story a bit more spicy…So here’s another idea I had…Male Yandere Fiancé X Female Sadistic Reader
Darling grows up from a prominent old money family, and from young childhood was put into an arranged marriage with one of her father’s longtime friend’s son (who was the same age, and also from a old money family, hence the arranged marriage). Darling was born with a sadistic streak (inherited from her mother, cause we gotta love generational femme fatales), and just thought “why not play what’s already been promised to me?” So she decides to cruelly play with her fiancés feelings even at a young age. (Goes the whole gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss route). For example, fiancé (the yandere), falls in love with her easily since Darling easily manipulates him. Once fiancé is hooked, Darling abuses him into becoming her “ideal man,” forcing fiancé to workout relentlessly, spend countless days/nights studying to become more intelligent, perform extravagant acts of love/devotion to her, etc. Fiancé is pushing himself to the limits in every which way for Darling, because if he doesn’t, Darling is threatening to break off the engagement and leave him forever.
Last day of college arrives (it was agreed between the two families that after the kids graduated college, they’d get married asap), but Darling being the cruel thing she is, makes out with another man in front of yandere fiancé and declares that she loves the new man more and wants to marry him instead. The new man is the total opposite of yandere fiancé (physically weak, lowest ranking in each class, from a “poor family/ugly,” etc.) and in a sense Darling breaks yandere fiancé’s psyche, cause what has he been working for his entire life now? Yandere fiancé snaps and sets a plan into motion to get his Darling to stay with him, because no matter what she does to him, he will always love her (he’s absolutely delusional and off the rails). After all, he’s going to make sure he gets his fairy tale happily ever after. 
So maybe in the end he does become the “dominant” one, or maybe Darling is still the “dominant” one. Who knows? But I hope this idea of a story could have some fun exploring various power/relationship dynamics, and how they can spectacularly backfire. I hope you can have fun with this one too! <3
TW: Noncon, manipulation, corporal punishment
You always liked Barbies. You love the fact their Ken's are just dolls to them. Another accessory to their closet. Their only job is to be a fool in love.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Lucian, your future fiance, says.
"Playing with dolls," You reply, looking at him.
17 years have gone since then, and Lucian has shaped up quite nicely. You planted little suggestions about what you liked in his head, and he eagerly followed like a horse trying to eat a carrot waving in front of its face. He wears contact lenses because you hate brown eyes. He dyed his hair blonde, changed his style, and even got on steroids for a while to bulk up for you. If he didn't, you'd threaten to end the engagement.
Now, you're in your senior year of college. You're an A+ plus student and a vivid party girl as well. Lucian never knew about you sneaking out from his eye to party all night. He never knew about all the guys you hooked up with. The poor boy would be furious if he knew you fucked with the guys who were antithesis to him. Dumb, jock, alcoholic, trouble, everything he thought you hated.
"Oh, Jeremy, you've gotta try this jungle juice! It's amazing!" You exclaim, practically hugging your jock boy toy Jeremy.
"I know it's amazing. I made it," Jeremy laughs, turning you around and kissing your neck.
You kiss Jeremy's lips and make out with him. You didn't even know kissing Jeremy was your metaphorical kiss of death.
"God, I wanna marry you," You coo as Jeremy snaps your bra strap.
Now you've signed your death warrant.
"How could you?" Lucian mumbles, crushing his red party cup.
"Jeremy, let's head to your bed," You whisper, kissing his neck.
He leads you to his room, and Lucian takes advantage of the large crowd to pull you away. Lucian drags you outside despite your complaints.
"Luci, what the hell are you doing?" You drunkenly say, trying to get your hand free from Lucian.
"Listen to me! You're not going to treat me like I'm some doll anymore. I've changed myself beyond recognition for you. I've obeyed your every order. You're going to love me!" Lucian snaps, throwing you into the passenger seat of his car.
"Don't threaten me. Dogs don't growl at their masters," You hiss, making Lucian stop the car.
Lucian unbuckles your seatbelt and slaps you across the face.
"You're going to respect me for once in your life," Lucian monotonously says, buckling you back in and driving back to his apartment.
You stay silent for the rest of the ride until Lucian carries you inside. You don't know what's wrong with you. You would never let someone, especially Lucian, treat you like this. Where did your wits and words go?
"If you even think of trying to run away or stop me, I will tell your parents all about your dirty alcohol and party drugs addiction. Mommy and daddy tolerate lots of things, but they won't tolerate their junkie daughter spending their money on drugs to party," Lucian threatens, putting a change of clothes next to you. "Now, change. I don't want you sleeping in my bed smelling like booze and sweat."
You nod your head and change into fresh clothes.
"Lay across my lap," Lucian commands, rubbing your butt. "Call me my love, master, sir, or my name. Do you understand, pet?"
"Yes, sir."
Lucian takes off his belt and slams it across your ass. You flinch, but Lucian holds you still.
"Sir, please stop," You whimper, trying to hold your tears.
"Pets don't disobey orders," Lucian says, slamming his belt across your butt again.
"Sorry, sir."
Lucian spanks you fifty more times, and each time is worse and more pleasurable than the last.
"Ah, master!" You moan, cumming onto Lucian's pants.
"Damn it, you messed up my pants!" Lucian groans, pulling your pants down.
"I'm sorry, master!" You yell, Lucian pulling your hair back.
"Suck my cock, pet."
"Yes, my love."
You kiss and lick Lucian's cock. It shivers with every touch, and your soon-to-be husband grabs the back of your head and forces your mouth to take his whole dick. You gag on it for a while, then get used to it. He pushes your head so far down that your lips touch his balls. Once your lips touch his balls, he cums into your mouth and yanks your hair back to get your lips off his cock.
"You've learned your lesson?" Lucian asks, holding your head up by the hair.
"Yes. I'm sorry I manipulated you!" You cry, your mascara running, leaving black streaks.
"Good. You're mine, and we'll be married once we graduate. You're going to respect me for once in your miserable life."
Lucian lets go of your hair, and you faceplant onto the mattress.
"Now then, let's have some good bonding time. I don't want our relationship to be like it was when you were still in control. No manipulating you into someone else. No cheating on me with someone else. Just our true selves," Lucian says, cleaning your mascara streaks away and kissing you. "I love you."
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quotidian-oblivion · 17 days
If you’re willing, what’s your vision for “babies” “talons” or “b meets t”? You don’t have to do all of them lollll
Writer ask game
I can do talons and b meets t! Cuz another person asked abt babies lol. As mentioned in my intro post, I love rambling about my works!
I love this one so much.
This was one of the first fic outlines I ever made. I'd say I made this after I finished writing My School’s Local Mafia Boss but before I started posting. I have yet to fully outline it. I know the whole plot, I just gotta start splitting it off into chapters bc rn its just several 3-page paragraphs of text and ideas and inspo. But I can share some of the plot!
What if Bruce didn't arrive in time to adopt his sons?  What if the Court of Owls did? And what if… Dick gets Batman’s number during a mission and talks to him secretly, telling him about his life? What if Bruce helps Dick and his brothers escape?
So the deets are that Damian's 4, Tim's 10, Jason's 12. And Dick's 17 and the coo are waiting for him to turn 18 so they can fully sink their claws into him and corrupt him beyond humanity and make him into their soldier, so they have to get out before that happens.
Also, Dick is the ultimate big brother to the three. Saving them from various things and playing with them, studying with them, comforting them in the aftermaths of Cobb and the COO's harsh moments and training. But he's just one boy. Which is where Bruce comes in. They come across during one mission and Bruce is, well, horrified to say the least. To see these little babies fighting and being turned into mini versions of Talons. So he doesn't fight them and tries to help them instead, gaining Dick's trust, he talks to them secretly and helps them escape.
And then the story really begins. Here are teensy bits of what happens:
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So yeah! That's some of it! There is so much more so much BIGGER things happening. Huge. But it shall all be revealed when I (EVENTUALLY) get to writing it and posting it :)
b meets t
It's just short form for Bruce meets Tim.
Instead of the common trope of Jason bringing Tim into the family early, what if Bruce himself brings Tim into the family early instead? What if Batman, after Dick left, found Tim stalking him? Cuz he has a seventh sense for lost and abandoned kids.
It's a super cute story! I absolutely adooooore it!!
So one day, Bruce basically stumbles across a stammering-in-awe but still snarky little boy with a camera while on patrol. He is suspicious of the kid's home life and drops him off at a bus stop when the baby refuses to go with him anywhere (in the fear that Batman's gonna arrest him). After that, he sees the boy again and sighs and decides to take him out for ice cream on a whim, feeling nostalgic for when he and Dick used to do that. He drops Tim off at the bus stop again.
But then he comes across Tim again.
Then again.
Then again.
And again!
Ofc, this is when plot happens and it's absolutely the best! Little Tim tells Bruce off, Bruce gains some emotional understanding, he calls Dick, Alfred is suspicious, Dick visits and is surprised, Tim stumbles across little Jason stealing tires, and so much more!
It's really fluffy and cute and that's the note I'm gonna end this ask response on! Thanks for asking!! :D
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Cryptid Biology 17: Hatchling
[The poll has spoken. This one is... oddly wholesome. And short.] Below the cut.
Swiss isn't sure what he expected ghoul eggs to look like... but this certainly wasn't it.
The shell is clear, but the fluid inside is opaque and glittery, swirling and spiraling when he turns it round in his hands.
The urge to shake it, to disturb the strange liquid is strong, but what ultimately stops him is the little paw he sees press against the interior wall of the eggshell.
When the liquid settles, he can see more of the baby -this kit, Dew had called it a kit- nestled inside, its little eyes still shut, but head tilting, searching.
It must be able to feel the warmth of his palm through the shell, because even with the tough material separating them, it tries to curl up against his hand.
"Why's it so tiny?" Swiss asks, worried that something might be wrong with it, "Is it supposed to be so small?"
"He's actually pretty big for a kit." Dew says, taking the egg back from Swiss carefully, setting it back into the little nest box on his desk, "7 ounces is on the larger side, usually they're only 3-5 ounces."
Swiss watches the kit stretch inside the egg, yawning.
"When does it... When will he, ya know, hatch?"
"Whenever he gets hungry." Dew shrugs, "Could be days, could be weeks-"
The egg twitches as the kit paws at the inside.
"-or minutes..."
The kit drags his small claws against the inner lining.
"Oh. Oh! Do we help or are we- What?? What do we do???" Swiss panics, and Dew holds ups his hands, "What?"
"Just watch." he whispers, "Just watch."
And as difficult as it is, Swiss does.
They watch as the kit struggles against his little prison, takes a break to sleep for what seems like forever, and then, with renewed energy, begins to paw at the shell, but differently this time.
His eyes crack open the smallest amount, and as the casing grows thinner, Swiss can hear the kit mewl, cry out for help.
"He can't-"
And, shit, Swiss doesn't even finish his sentence before Dew has the egg in his hands, pressing a claw against the thin seam the kit has created in the shell.
He presses, carefully, and just like that fluid pours onto the ground at their feet.
Swiss holds his hands out underneath Dew's in case the kit falls -not that he thinks Dew will drop him, but he's scared, Dew's scared, anything could happen- and feels some of the liquid drip onto his fingers.
It's strangely... it's warm and it tingles, kind of like when Aether uses his quintessence to soothe away headaches or ease the pain of old wounds.
Swiss wonders... does that mean that he's...
Swiss' eyes water.
"Hi, little one." Dew coos as the wet kit wiggles around in his hands, trying to dry itself, his little tail wrapping around his thumb.
"That's like... That's a whole ass little dude..." Swiss slaps a hand over his mouth, "I shouldn't swear in front of a newborn..."
"He's literally less than a minute old and you're already being a bad influence." Dew laughs, "...Aw fuck."
"Now who's swearing in front of the baby-"
"No, like, Swiss." Dew's eyes go wide, "We gotta tell everyone."
Swiss blinks.
"...Oh fuck."
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bogusbyron · 1 month
Show notes from my double show day on 8th august 2024. 2nd show was largely very similar so any extra notes i took on that show are added onto the emds of the relevant scenes. Enjoy!!!
(Ignore the amount of times i mention jordan)
1) Stew snapping the book shut in the prologue real sharp will always make me giggle
2) fun little stolen time pause before stew delivers "do not forget me", makes it short and snappy (SHOW 2: stew threw the yellow slip so jvj would have to go collect it.)
3) valvert stare-down before javert's exit. Okay
4)  at this point i wrote "can't find harry. Worried" because i was scanning the ensemble for harry lake and he WASNT THERE mad as hell
5) verry good low note on "dirt beaneath" in the prologue .. milan❤ (SHOW 2: in that little bit when he steals the coin from the child they messed that the hell up girl you caught jackshit)
6) understudy bishop! Every other time ive been it was Adam Pearce . I think i prefer him but the u/s had a really nice rich voicr which i fw , not quite as deep as adam but i liked him. He was a lot more stern & firm as bishop, with bits like "remember this"  and "passion" being quite harsh.
7) valjean wincing when the bishop helps him stand (SHOW 2: when talking to the policeman after the robbery, valjean shakes his head at the bishop who then nods back at him. Heartbreakinf ohmy gyat)
8) "my life was a war" line being half-spoken, in a very distressed manner... quite liked that. Also he sobbed a bit after "allow this man" which got me in the feels.. let valjean cry 2024 (SHOW 2: harsh on "hate" in I had come to hate the world)
9) higher note on  "god above" which scratched the brain
10) jesus christ milan can hold a note . The whole "eye for an eye" crescendo drives me batty and milan does not disappoint
11) swallowed before "he told me that i have a soul" not sure if that was intentional like at all but considering his nervous delivery on future lines like "ill escape now" i thought it fitting
12) ENSEMBLE TIME🗣 tom is so hard NOT to spot, ginger ass hair. And also during At The End Of The Day he was hunched and staggering dramatically which made me giggle. Also bonnie langford spotted leftmost factory woman. Not important but i saw her. Also jordan was one of the workers and he cheers on the fight between fantine and the other woman but as soon as he sees valjean comes down the stairs he hurriedly goes back to looking busy writing at the desk. Again i giggled .
13) idk if its just me being stupid but katie's wig lookee different to how i remember it last time did she get a new one. ⁉️⁉️
14) "when i was young and unafraid" almost spoken.  Ate🗣
15) THE BRASS ON THE  I DREAMED A DREAM CRESCENDO UUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHH I ALWAUS GET GOOSEBUMPS ON "SHAME" UEGGGGHHH  goosebumps also on "i had a dream life would be"  katie's voice ao good ans clear ill go nuts
16)  i think jordan was the first  dude in lovely ladies  and he also got his arse  tapped by one of them so that was fun . It was harry lake last time but he really got his arse slapped like he stumbled offstage and everything
16) the woman with the hat in lovely ladies i forgot her actress' name but i LOVED her voice . I gotta know if she understudies anyone cause wowzer.
17) bambatabois was pissed as hell he was screaming his head off like a toddler
18) here i wrote "JORDAN POLICEMAN ON DA STAIRS🔥🔥🔥" handwrote the fire emojis and everything. He was playing one of the policemen and he climbed the stairs. I liked that
19) little fantine sob after javert says "i have heard such protestations" which BROKE my heart ohmy gah. Also katie always  eats the crescendo on "you let your foreman send me away"  that whole bit drives me crazy the music and strings bruh ohmy
20) javert's "monsieur le maire"  very curt and sharp almost a hiss which i dont think ive delivered like that before ? Looove snappy javert
21) like when i saw stew & milan on the 14th they have homo moment at the cart when javert holds valjeans bicep for far too long and his voice even goes up higher on "a memory stirs" as he stares into his eyes for Way too long
22) low note on "comes to court" which scratched the brain
23) valjean snatching his coat from javert LMFOAOAOO
24) his whole mini-monologue was so funny cause he was REALLY pronouncing his "k"s so it was just like  traCK🗣ed him down through thICK🗣 and thin. And to maK🗣e the matter certain theres the brand upon his sK🗣in. He will bend. He will breaK🗣 this time there is no mistaK🗣e
25) slight pauses between the last "i am damned" in who am i like  I. Am. Damned
26) i feel like milan is a lot more determined and deliberate and sure of himself as compared to chris' much softer and "mature"? valjean. Which i find interesting
27) katie somehow so good at singing even when "frail"  helloooooooo shes actually cracked  Get out
28) valjean so soft with fantine though  godbless she makes my heart ache. He had her face against her cheek which i thought sweet
30) Valjean scoffing before "men like you can never change" made me giggle hes so sick of his shit
31) gay as fuck fight. Will never get over stewart's insane gagging coughing and whimpering when hes thrown to the ground after being strangled. What the hell. I have a slur to say (SHOW 2: as javert was knelt down in front of valjean (🧐), when he pulled back his fist to fight back it looked like he was about to punch valjean in the balls but luckily valjean knocked him oit before he could do this)
32) BONNIE LANGFORD🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 shes really witchy as mme thenardier kind of obsessed. I like her a lot . Her naturally high pitched voice creates a very interestinf tone when singing as mme thenardier which i LOOOOVE
33) when cosette asks her not to be sent out alone she kind of like steps back almost like shes afraid of cosette . Dont know whether this was fear or her being taken aback that cosette would reply but still made me laugh
34) JOOOOORDDAAAAAANN🗣🗣🗣 FUCK YALL KNOW ABOUT THE DUDE IN THE RED JACKET , hes the one who shouts  "over here landlord" or some shir and "this place has gone to hell" before the song properly starts. The WHOLE song he was such a delight to watch, hes so camp and did the gayest of walks and dances and whatever the fuck , ohmy god he was so funny . If anyone goes to see the show soon and jordans ensemble please watch our for him in master of the house, tall bloke in the hat and red jacket. You cant miss him hes camp as hell. Im obsessed with him deeply and i wish i couldve watched master of the house on repeat PURELY so i could see the bloke in the red jacket. (SHOW 2: he did a kind of silly gay walk in which he did the wallace (like from wallace and gromit) hands) Here are some doodles i did of him:
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35) tom was on as thenardier BTW (ginger thenardier gang) i like the way he shakes his epaulettes on "content to be". I loved tom & bonnie's rapport as the thenardiers too, so good . Tomardier on top . They were dancing together and shit during the  chorus they were fun. Apparently thenardier put mme thenardier in a headlock at some point as well which is funny
36) bonnie did a little r roll on "regular voltaire". Not impoerant at all but i liked it. Also did a low note on "master and a half" which i also liked
37) kept the bit where mme thenardier says "where the fu" before realising valjean is there . And the bit where she sprays perfume up her skirt. Always a good gag (cause like i get it)
38) bonnie's pretending to be worriwd abt cosette was so good . Her comedy acting genuinely endearing and im hype
39) tom, like last time i saw him, goes really high pitched on "like our own, monsieur" which is SO funny god i love tomardier
40) on "treacherous people about" they kind of advance on valjean but then immediately cower away when he stands up to challenge them LMFAOAO
41) marius appears. Jac yarrow has a  GREAT voice , but Is he better than harry lake ? 🤫 maybe im just biased . Harrius sweep
42) jordan as claquesous (which is the only character of his that gets a name) is so funny . Hes swinging around his little corner of the set a lot . Swinging from the beams and shit. I do not  blame him id do the same
43) Ok first of all yaz eponine was AMAZING  her "ITS JAVERT!" is so chilling. Shes awesome godbless WHAT  a voice. Javert also keeping it curt and snappy and hissing "square"  in Another brawl in the square. Hilarious
44) i love the way tomardier tries to escape being held by the policemen on "HE'S ---! THE ONE YOU SHOULD  ARREST!" it always makes me laugh. Also voice crack on "chest" in Brand upon his chest. The way he and bonnie strut offstage after being freed is SO funny
45) OK TIME FOR THE STARS INFLECTION NOTES.  Sharp & curt on "there" which i dont usually hear. Soft on "fugitive". Pronounced "god" like  god-uh which was funny. Soft on "yield". Slight stolen time hold on "mine" ("is the way of the lord" as a result came out sharper). Soft on "scarce" rather than the usual hiss i hear. Dribbling a bit . Growled on "returns". VERY clear note on "bars". Sounded a bit like he struggled with "then" on Until then, but delivered as usual on the final Stars. Hoo boy go stew (2ND SHOW: only one i got was "exasperated "Always"" on  And is always the same. I cannot remember what i meant by this but usually my inflection notes are somewhat accurate so let ur imaginaton run wild)
46) for some reason i noted how gavroche had really long eyelashes. I have no idea if i was just seeing things or what but yeah
47) jac has really solid vibrato honestly . His voice is GREAT . I will refrain from comparing him to harry cause i think we all know how much i like him already . But i have things to say .
48) JORDAN UNNAMED STUDENT NO1 WITH THE GLASSES 😭😭😭😭😭😭 half moon glasses he ate that. Cafe scene started off with him arguing with enjolras which i thought funny. He seemed really prim and bitchy with i loooved, dont ask me what anyone else was doing for this scene cause my eyes did not leave him
49) grantaire shouting *YOU* talk of battles to be  won  while pointinf at enjolras made me giggle
50) jordan scoffing off to the side @ grantaire  as he starts playing catch with his bottle. Im obsessed with him. Maybe id be a les amis fan if he was there. Also he's the one who chimes in "OUR WORLD !🗣" so whatever
51) grantaire spinning around across the stage on "red" during marius' verse
52) jordan did NOT need to stand on that  chair at the red & black crescendo girl you are tall Enough
53) enjolras did a silly little "HA-HA!!" I think after "blaze in their eyes"
54) jordan helping move the big staircase setpiece during do you hear the people sing... hashtag stagehands represent BIG UP STAGE MANAGEMENT🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣💥
55) Lulu may not have my favourite voice ever but she is cute as  cosette i cannot  lie she does little toe bounces every now and then i like that .
56) milan had a little stray loose hair that fell over his face and i couldnt take my eyes off it
57) jac quite harsh on the "burst" in She has burst like the music which was fire. Spit yo shit marius
58) yaz has SUCH  powerful voice it was always so shocking everytime she sang GET HER ON PRINCIPAL NEEOOOWWW!!!!!!
59) marius did a little awkward ass wave to cosette after she comes out on the balcony to see her, like he just lifts his hand up a little, DIDNT EVEN SMILE? just ✋😦 looking slightly startled. So good. He also did a deep ass bow to her when she comes down which made me giggle
60) so jordan had like, a stick  as a weapon as claquesous in the attack on rue plumet and as he runs onstage he kinda fumbled with it. Whether this was intentional or not i dont know but regardless yes i laughed. (2ND SHOW: thenardier tries to get up onto the balcony twice, instead of the usual once. The first time, claquesous gets down on hands and knees like a stool. Thenardier steps on him and claquesous immediately collapses under the weight.)
61) i dont seem to remember this happening in other shows  does thenardier always hit eponine after "you'll scream alright"? Or am i insane. Because he did this show (2ND SHOW: marius blows a kiss through the fence to cosette before he runs off.)
62) YAZ DURING ONE DAY MORE BEUHHHH ohmy days.... so sosososoop good so strong... djavan also as usual strong, the way his voice always rips through the theatre is just amazing godbless (2ND SHOW: bonnie sticking her leg up in the air as she's carted off.)
64) Grantaire was kinda creeping up behind enjolras for whatever reason at some point. Was funny as hell
66) Yaz was so delightfully gentle as Eponine i liked it . Made her powerful voice a lot more standout for me . As for on my own inflection: short on "silver" in Shines like silver. The string pickup as it builds up to the crescendo on "and i know its only in my mind" is always insane ohhumy gyat. Harsh on "the trees" in the trees are bare and everywhere. Harsh and almost spoken on the final "without me". The last crescendo was utterly gorgeous . Yaz eat yuor heart out❤
67) on jod theres usually fog for the barricade reveal. No fog this show. Disappointing..  i love fog
68) army general's bit .. as usual harsh on "you" which i like but i think he skipped a beat . Didmt note where but i remember there being a missed beat and it was a bit fast (2ND SHOW: this might have been for the 2nd attack but regardless, when theyre shouted to get down, jordan's student who was way downstage (audience) left he almost fell over when he went to kneel down . Very clumsy job there boss. Obsessed)
69) stew's baker boy matches jordan's now... last time i saw stew he was in brown. Hes in the green/red now ‼️⁉️
70) yaz's eponine seemed content to submit herseld and die in marius' arms which was so heartbreaking . The key up. Also voice break on "her name was" which made me want to punch a wall
71) gavroche hands marius eponines hat :-(((((
72) i think milan was struggling to get off the barricade he almost stumbled and had to be helped down ajdhdifhd
73) javert just kinda admitting defeat and slumping to his knees with a haunted look in his eyes ❤ getting his lapels grabbed until "youre free" will always fuck hard as well. Theway hes grabbing onto valjeans wrists though I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE (2ND SHOW: during drink with me milan and jordan were off to the side next to each other chatting away. Jvj starts to chug whatevers in his cup. Jordan goes to take the cup from him but jvj turns away so that he cant take it. Jvj alcoholism era. Additionally jvj puts his arm around jordan's character just before the final battle.... ouff... Here are some sketches i did of them:)
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73) milan's vocal range is sooogood. His whole Bring Him Home just scrumptious. Plus the crescendo on the strings UGGHHHHHHH. It SOUNDED like he struggled a tad on that final "him" but Home came out GREAT ... godbless
74) final attack. I noticed jordan's student wedged away in the crevice to the (audience) left and everytime hed fire his gun hed turn away and scrunch his face up. Obsessed. I did NOT see where he died though. This tells me he did not actually die and hes alive and well❤
75) javert kissing the cross over gavroche 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 (i THINK valjean does this too earlier? Possibly he did this in the 2nd show)
76) tomardier holding the dead body's jaw and making it say "breath away from hell" in a stupid voice". He also did a silly posh voice on "thankyou sir im in your debt". "And god in his heaven" almost spoken i think. I alsofind it funny how he kicked over marius' body and stepped up on his arse
77) Javert seemed to almost miss & run past valjean ans marius LMFAAOOO i had a little giggle.
78) Jvj looking so sick of javert will never not be funny hes sooooo fucking done
79) I very much liked the slight distant stare like a moment of reflection before he sings "take him valjean!" adds a little to that bit i think. Yum. Thanks stewart
80) Soliloquy inflections.  "Who is this man/what sort of devil is he" GROWLED rather thsn the usual scream he does . Liked it i cant lie. He was quite shaky especially on "caught in a trap" which was LAAAVELY...... spat "back" in Gave me back my life . Harsh  on "mocked" which is always delightful to hear, a classic . Absolutely delectable tone shift  and becoming quite weak and almost croaky for "how can i now allow this man". He was even hoarse for "gave me freedom", and weak on "die as well". As per the Stewart Clarke Special there was a tremendous glob of spit escaping him on "sins"  in Shall his sins be forgiven . Absolutely delightful voice crack on "begin to doubt". Another glob of spit in "lost in shadow".  SUPER shaky "i am reaching". Yet another glob of spit on "stars are black". Low note on "escape now". And, as per, hit that shit (2ND SHOW: voice crack on "he" in "devil is he". Whimpered "gave me my life". Snarled "it was his right". Another glob of spit on "sins" like the first show. Whimpered "and must i now". Another glob of spit for "escape now".)
81) anyway , empty chairs time. Quite short on "on and on". Lovely and rich delivery of "never came" (thats a hard note to hit comfortably!).. again jac's vibrato was very notable to me !!!!! He delivered "phantom shadows" very upset like a half-sob. The following "empty chairs" very harsh. SHOUTED "don't ask me".
82) i liked his distant & haunted stare during every day ughhh mawius...
83) lulu as usual hitting those insane notes Go girl!!!
84) i really liked milan's acting during the confession - i personally preferred chris' performance but both absolutely stellar. His expressions were wonderfully desperate
85) i think someone (djavan?) almost missed their cue as ome of the servants during the wedding i saw them jogging onstage to help with the table LMFAOAOOO
86) if you didnt know already, bonnie langford does the splits when she curtsies when she appears. She also seems more interested in the drinks djavan servant has to offer than the plan to scam marius . She keeps trying to set thenardier right and then tiptoes off to take a swig of wine. Giggled
87) when marius tells them to go away thenardier turns around and says "for god's sake" LMFOAOAOAO
88) after thenadier is punched by marius (does his classic 270° spin) he falls over and gets stuck on his back, flailing around like a tortoise while mme thenardier cackles like a witch
89) they do the littlw pointy toe gay dance together hashtag true love (2ND SHOW: tomardier blowing a kiss at the lord.)
90) milan during the epilogue always heartbreaking he is wonderfully frail. Absolutely lovely  gentle low notes . He was almost sobbing on "on this page" which made me want to start killing. Sniffed before "its a story". Very shaky voice on "to my keeping". ... suicide tomorroeeeeee
BONUS) since i had nothing more to note down in the epilogue i drafted the next chapter of my fanfiction.
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mallowsweetmiri · 6 months
Peaches - Part One
~ A Fred Weasley Fic ~
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“God I’m so fucking tired of this shit,” you groan as you let your head fall onto the table. It was going on hour three of doing homework and studying for your charms exam.
“The fact that you’re probably the best in our class and even you’re struggling with this exam is not making me feel better,” your friend Lucy sighs. You continue to groan as you shift your head back and forth in your hands and rub your eyes. You weren’t even talking about the exam.
“Think I’m gonna go for a walk, care to join?” You ask your friend, but she shakes her head and says she’s too nervous and has to continue her studies or else she’ll surely fail. You shrug and begin to pack your bag. You wanted to be alone anyway.
It was your sixth year at Hogwarts and you were arguably one of the best students in your class. The only issue was that this year you were finding it hard to give a single fuck about studying or doing your homework. For starters, the Tri-wizard Tournament served for an easy distraction. With swarms of new and interesting faces, it was hard to focus on a potions essay. Secondly, you had no idea what you wanted to do. When you were younger, you wanted to be a curse breaker like your dad. You had even completed your owls last year to pursue this career and now you were stuck taking some of the most difficult courses at the school. But that was before it happened.
You sighed, shoving your hands in your pockets as you wandered out of the south exit. The brisk November air struck your nose making you sniffle. You always preferred the fall. The cold air cleared your head and the rapid changes in the landscape peaked your interest. You wandered over to a browning tree and took a seat on its roots. You let your eyes lock onto the shore of the lake and finally let your mind wander.
It had happened over the summer. You were an only child born to two powerful wizards. Your mom had died in the first war. Both of your parents had spoke out against dark wizards. Both had fought for the good side. Only one had died. Your dad did his best to raise you on his own, but losing the love of his life took its toll on him. It didn’t help that you were the spitting image of your mother. Darkened curls falling over your petite frame with the face of a vixen. But you had your father’s hazel eyes. You finally broke out of your stare as you let your head fall with a broken laugh. God, you missed his eyes. The career that he had dedicated his life to had taken it. It didn’t matter how skilled he was. His fate was sealed the second he touched the object. At least that’s what the curse breaker department had told you that day. Now both of your parents were dead.
The upside, you scolded yourself for even calling it an upside, was that you were now left a fortune and a house. All to yourself. At 17 years old.
“Fuck!” You yelled into the wind as you let out an exasperated groan. This walk wasn’t helping you at all. Nothing seemed to help these days. Your head jerked up as you heard a chuckle from behind you. He was strolling towards you with that stupid smirk that was always plastered on his face. Fred Weasley. You rolled your eyes. “Just my luck,” you muttered turning away to face the lake again.
“Hey, don’t mind me. Sometimes you just gotta let it out,” he chuckled, continuing to walk towards you. Soon he reached your tree and he leaned up against it, his body towering over you as you sat on the ground. You look up to see his brown eyes looking down at you, that stupid smirk still covering half his face.
“Can I help you?” You asked, your voice cold and emotionless. Fred raised his eyebrows, the freckles on his nose moving with them.
“I was just using the owlery… are you alright?” He asked. He seemed genuinely concerned. You guessed yelling fuck at the top of your lungs didn’t exactly paint the picture of mental stability. You sighed and clenched the inside fabrics of your pockets.
“Just peachy,” you spat. He chuckled again at this and pushed himself off the tree.
“Well, just peachy, I’m going back to the castle if you care to join me. It’s cold out here,” his arms clung closely to himself as he said this, shivering. He was only wearing a thin long sleeve. Your mouth curved up into a little grin. For some reason this had made you laugh.
“Maybe ‘cause you’re daft and came outside without a jacket. I’m fine staying out here. Like I said, I’m just peachy,” you say with a sickly sweet smile before dropping it completely and turning away from him again. You don’t even see him smile at your sarcasm.
“Alright have fun freezing out here, just peachy. Hmm, peach. That has a ring to it,” he ponders as he lazily strolls back to the castle. You watch him as he continues through the bridge. It was very rare to see him without his other half, what was he doing in the owlery without George?
You sat outside for a little while longer. You let your mind wander over the possibilities of what the prankster could’ve been doing. At least the exchange had taken your mind of things for a bit. You pushed yourself off the ground and began the journey to the great hall. It was Sunday, and tomorrow you’d have to burden yourself with classes and a charms exam. But for tonight, you’d stuff your face and maybe laugh with your friends and get a goods nights sleep. Hopefully. You hadn’t been sleeping well.
Soon you pushed through the doors of the hall, the smell of roast and potatoes filling your nose. Your stomach growled. You strolled over to the Slytherin table.
“Y/N! You had me worried, that was a long walk,” Lucy frowns as you sat next to her. You waved her off and began to fill your plate with dinner. She pouts and pushes her short brown hair behind her ear. It was so sleek that it immediately fell back in front of her face, making her huff again.
“Oh come on Luce, you should know better than to worry about Y/N by now. She’s a strong, independent woman,” Cassius smirked, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, fuck off Cass,” you huffed, but you couldn’t help but smile a bit.
“Ah, there’s that smile we love so much,” Cassius gushed at you from across the table. You chuckled a bit and continued to eat. Your smiles were few and far this year.
You finished up dinner with your friends before you all headed down to the dungeons for some much needed sleep. Cassius bid you goodnight as you and Lucy trudged up the stairs into your dormitory. You immediately threw your stuff onto a chair and began to undress.
“Can we please wake up early for breakfast and study for the exam? I could really use your help Y/N… please?” Lucy begged with a cute pout. You chucked. You couldn’t say no to your best friend. Especially when she looked positively precious.
“Of course, Lucy darling. I’ll make sure you’re awake too,” you say as you cross the room to hug her. She brushes her fingers through your hair as you snuggle into her. You’d always been affectionate with each other.
“Aww my little Y/N,” she kisses the top of your head, “go on and get some sleep now. I need my tutor to be well rested!” You chuckle as you climb into your bed and she does the same. Lucy had been there for you through everything. You drift into sleep with the comfort of having your best friend in the bed next to you.
The next morning, you and Lucy had woken up early and made your way down to the great hall. The two of you sat with your notes sprawled in front of you beside two cups of coffee and some toast. You were taking a bite of your food when Lucy raised her head at something from across the hall.
“Weasley incoming…” she said wearily. You furrowed your eyebrows and whipped your head forward, only to confirm that a Weasley was in fact approaching the two of you.
“Mornin’ peach. I couldn’t help but see you from across the hall. What are you doing down here so early?” He asked, sitting down at the bench across from you as if it was normal. Both you and Lucy looked at him with confused expressions, but his lazy grin stayed stubbornly on his face. Why was he here?
“Um, we’re studying for our charms exam…” you said flatly. He folded his hands together.
“Funny! I’m doing the same exact thing,” his smile was lopsided as he leaned across the table to peak at your notes. You instinctively covered them quickly with your arms and pulled them towards your body.
“Funny! Maybe that’s cause we’re in the same class, Fred,” sarcasm oozed from your voice. Finally his stupid smile was replaced with furrowed brows.
“We’re in the same class?” He asked, dumbfounded. Lucy laughed into her cup of coffee, looking at me with knowing eyes. It was my turn to smirk now.
“Yes, Fred, we’ve been in the same class quite a few times. Oh wait! I forgot, your heads always shoved up your ass! That must be why he’s never noticed us before,” I gasp, turning to Lucy with a positively cherry smile glued to my face. Fred throws his head back and rubs his hand over his tired eyes.
“Fuck I’m sorry… and you even know my name…” he trailed off, looking only mildly embarrassed. You’re surprised he has even an ounce of shame in him.
“I think the whole school knows your name. And your brothers.” Lucy says, chuckling at him. Is he really that daft?
“Well since you both seem to know my name, may I ask yours?” He asks all gentleman like. You just know Lucy is eating this shit up.
“I’m Lucy,” she chuckles and they smile at each other. He turns to you, eagerness in his eyes. You roll yours.
“Go back to your table Weasley, I’m not giving you my notes or my name,” your response makes him pout slightly but that stupid smile pops right back as he begins to stand.
“Alright, alright,” he throws his hands up in defense, “I hear you loud and clear, peach. See you in class,” he waves at you two before walking back to the Gryffindor table. You spot George cracking up at the table with their other friend.
“Peach?“ Lucy laughs hysterically. You groan and pull your notes again.
“The last thing I need this week is a Weasley bothering me…” you grumble, but Lucy just kept giggling.
“I don’t know, he’s kind of funny. He is a prat though for not knowing our names,” she lets out one last chuckle before turning back to studying.
Fred’s POV
I can see George and Lee hysterical as I retreat back to the gryffindor table.
“Wow! That looked like it went great,” George cracked up, slapping Lee on the shoulder.
“Well, those Slytherins are known for their kindness,” Lee choked out. I roll my eyes but I couldn’t help but join the laughter.
“Well her friend was nice enough,” I shrugged as I took my seat, “but apparently they’re both in our charms class.” George threw his head back with a fit of laughter.
“Yeah, no shit Freddie! When you pointed her out as the girl you saw yesterday I thought it clicked in your head that it was Y/N.”
My jaw dropped. Are you kidding me?
“I didn’t even know her name…” I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. This only made George and Lee go into more hysterics.
“Well good luck befriending her now, mate,” Lee clapped my shoulder as we continued to eat and study.
I glanced over my shoulder again at her.
Y/N… How had I never noticed her before? She’s not like any girl I’ve met at Hogwarts. I suppose I had never really given a second thought to Slytherins…
I hope you guys enjoyed this first part of my new Fred series! Also sorry I have visuals described for Y/N but I have a certain character in mind for this one hehe.
I have the first few parts written out so I’ll post them rn!
Leave feedback in the comments and suggestions
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random-lil-illing · 1 year
Call of Duty Ghosts headcanons bc im bored
things these hcs will not have: angst, nsfw, reader/ocs, death (i know ajax died but no he didn't. and logan didn't get kidnapped/taken by the federation wdym)
things that will appear: lots and lots of keegan, a lot of teen! keegan and ajax, logan and hesh, fluff, silliness, lgbtq+ themes, elias, merrick, some rorke, and a tiny bit of neptune and kick. Also riley is there!!! gotta love the dog. also theres swearing. oh and this is a somewhat long post
okay so first up teen keegan and ajax hcs (aka when they first joined the ghosts)
-they lied about their ages for the first few months and then randomly went 'yeah we're actually 16/17'. elias and rorke decided to keep them on the team bc they had potential. merrick was very against it at first but was like 'yeah okay'
-those two definitely confused everyone else with their slang just like hesh and logan do now
-they insisted they were best friends but nobody believed them bc they acted so fruitily with each other (it was all jokes they said)
-if we go with the keegan is trans hc i feel like ajax did a 'diy at home' top surgery
-speaking of the walker bros. keegan was their main babysitter, with ajax as second choice if keegan was unable to. elias paid him like 20-30/hour and gave him an extra thirty dollars if he gave keegan the kiddos before he had time to eat
-keegan was amazing at eyeliner (he still is but tries to convince the rest of the team he doesn't do it anymore. they know better than to believe him) and almost always incorporated it into his eye black for missions
-following this up ajax was the master of painting nails and no one was safe from painted nails until he turned twenty two, including logan and hesh as kids. the only one who was sort of safe was rorke bc ajax never had the patience to convince him
-keegan exclusively wore baggy, graphic t-shirts and sweatpants/jeans/shorts outside of missions. occasionally wore tank tops for training. ajax almost never wore baggy clothes, wearing form fitting clothes instead - tank tops, normal t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, etc. The two always stole each other's clothes
-keegan had (and has) the absolutely strangest eating habits. cannot eat three full meals a day without complaining about being full, but two meals a day + a bunch of snacks before and after each meal is fine. refuses to eat something he had a bad experience with once in like second grade but will gladly eat something that could kill him. Cannot cook to save his life (can you tell im projecting)
-ajax on the other hand has fairly normal eating habits but could not cook at all back then. he's okay at cooking now, but he till refuses to eat anything raw (including sushi and raw vegetables) or anything too cooked (mushy vegetables and such)
-keegan definitely set curfews for everyone anytime they decided to go out. he wouldn't strictly enfore them but he'd be a bit upset if they weren't followed (he's anxious and cares abt his teammates just doesn't know how to show it)
-i feel like both listened/listen to ayesha erotica atleast a lil. obv they have other music they listen to (metal, rock, etc.) but they definitely have atleast five ayesha songs in their playlists
-keegan has no idea what the p in his name is for. his birth certificate says 'keegan p. russ' (or katherine p. russ if we go with the trans hc). he tried to ask his parents/siblings but they dont know either. ajax always joked its for 'pussy' and logan and hesh followed in ajax's footsteps
-you know those baby tees with like 'i <3 pathetic men' or 'i put the hot in psychotic' on them. yeah ajax and keegan have those but as like oversized shirts
-keegan rarely ever cried/cries bc hes always forcing himself not to. so to encourage him to cry when he feels like it the team gives keegan ten/twenty dollars after everytime he cries and they tell him to 'get himself something sweet to make up for the tears'
-on that note keegan used to have the biggest salty cravings but now he has a terrible sweet tooth. ajax used to like savoury but hes a sucker for spicy now
okay enough teen headcanons lets move on to the present
-we all know logan and hesh are gen z so i propose: the walker brothers confusing everyone with gen z slang/humour/behaviour. things like 'slay' or saying 'im gonna kms' at any minor inconvenience. logan saying 'nice girl dinner' whenever keegan makes his weird but lowkey bomb lazy food
-some of the ghosts (mainly keegan, logan and kick) listen to music on missions. they mainly have appropriate songs for the occasion like phonk or metal but sometimes when they're fighting or killing an enemy inappropriate music starts playing and they have to try so hard not to laugh. i mean keegan slicing someones neck with 'make u cum' by ayesha erotica playing in the background
-logan rarely swears but when he does they are the most brutally creative swears ever. i'm talking 'pussyy-eating son of a French whore' sort of shit, and worse. much worse. hesh swears regularly but gently, elias the same but a bit harsher, rorke swore like a sailor but gentler than logan, neptune only swears when other do, kick never swears (you gotta bribe him to do it), merrick only swears when hesh, logan and keegan can't hear, and keegan swears a lot but nobody ever catches him doing it
-sometimes the ghosts mix their masks up to keep the federation on their toes
-also lets pretend that at the end of the game elias didnt die and logan didnt get captured by rorke and ajax didnt die at the beginning bc that made everyone else sad which makes me sad and just no. no angst here (pls humour me sadness is a very uncomfortable feeling)
-they tried to have separate rooms at their base but eventually they all just moved into the same room minus elias bc they just feel safer that way
-riley is the community service dog no arguing. whenever someones having a panic attack riley helping them. nightmare? dont worry he sleeps in the same as everyone else he'll just cuddle you. trouble eating/doing something? he'll do it with you
-also keegan, kick and logan 100% spoil riley. everyone treats him amazing but these three treat him like a king
-also i think it'd be funny if atleast one of the ghosts kept getting riley's gender wrong and calling him 'she' 'good girl' etc. bc thats exactly what i accidentally keep doing
-riley's very smart but the one thing he doesnt get is why nobody will eat his dog food with him. his logic is that he can eat human food so that means they can eat dog food. the only person that has eaten dog food with riley so far is keegan bc he will eat basically anything as long as the texture/taste/memory with said food is fine
-speaking of which occasionally keegan will just crack an egg and eat it raw infront of the others bc he thinks their reactions are funny. nobody else but neptune and hesh find it funny
-one time kick switched out keegans eyeblack with sharpie ink and keegan couldnt get it off for a week and didnt speak to kick for a month, not even on missions. he had ajax talk for him.
-(over comms on a mission)
kick: hey keegan do you need help?
keegan, fighting for his life against about five enemies alone: ajax tell kick i am about to DIE
-i think it'd be really funny if the ghosts started a tiktok account where they pretended to be airsoft/military cosplayers. theyd get unexpectedly popular and people would be like 'yo wheres ur gear from' and theyd panic and respond with smth like 'we stole it from the government' so theyd just be known as THE anarchist airsoft tiktokers (theyd obviously use different names and masks than usual)
-keegan is the most innocent ghost regarding sexual matters. it was banned talking about/learning about in his house and he never bothered to learn later. he knows the basics (how sex/getting pregnant works) but otherwise no
-merrick, neptune and ajax never had siblings growing up so whenever they see logan and hesh fighting they always wait until either keegan or elias intervene to see if its serious (elias is their dad and keegan grew up with four other siblings). why not kick? kick can't be trusted to intervene if they were tearing each others limbs off bc he and his siblings chased each other with weapons for fun
-keegan loves sugar but doesnt like showing it so he just eats chocolate/ice cream/cake at like two in the morning
-also he moves around a lot in his sleep to the point he could go to sleep on his bed and wake up underneath the same bed like two hours later
-rorke and elias were definitely best friends i refuse to believe they werent. also rorke taught the walker bros how to swear
-the ghosts watch cartoons in their free time. anytime they have a free friday they have movie nights - not limited to cartoons but its mainly that. when they watched the barbie movie they wore pink (also yes they're all feminists no theyre not any -phobic/-ist)
-i know they would never meet him but if they ever met ghost (simon riley) theyd make fun of his accent and maybe mask (especially the 'foap' side profile). they wouldnt take it too far tho i feel like they actually kinda like ghost. he wouldnt like them much tho i feel
-they have game nights and they have rules as to who can play what
-keegan cant play any card games bc he automatically wins everytime or he cheats, no inbetween. hes also banned from twister bc hes the most flexible
-neptune and merrick aren't allowed to play jenga (neptune cheats and merrick always gets way too mad about it). oh and neptune cant play would you rather bc he somehow always is the loser
-logan isnt allowed to play poker or go fish bc he cheats. he also cant play truth or dare bc he always picks truth and never dare
-hesh isn't allowed to play chess because he flips the board. also cant play 'sorry' bc he doesnt like killing off the other players
-kick isnt allowed to play any board game bc he somehow always finds a way to cheat
-elias isnt allowed to play would you rather bc he takes too long to decide
-ajax isnt allowed to play jenga, 'sorry' truth or dare bc hes either cheating or leaving halfway
-merrick also cant play twister bc he cant even do a crab for more than a second. neither can elias but he doesnt want to play anyway
-they have two groupchats - a professional, strictly bussiness one and a free time, silly one. sometimes they'll be talking about a target they have to kill in one groupchat and a minute later theyll be sending memes in the other one. they have the professional chat instead of meeting bc nobody likes those. sometimes someone (usually logan, hesh or kick) will be texting in the casual gc while theyre supposed to be talking abt important stuff in the bussiness gc and merrick or elias will go 'pay attention to the meeting boys' even tho there is no meeting
thats it for now lmk if you want more :]]]
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
(If ya'll never try Quenepas/Mamones/Mamoncillos or in English term Spanish Limes, ya'll are missing out. They are so good! 🤤)
(Warning: Hobie 18 and Miles is 17 and they do a bit of touching. I put a warning bc I know some readers don't like reading high school stuff like this. You been warned.)
"It's amazing my brother was able to find a whole bulk of Quenepas!" Rio smiles widely having one of her favorite fruits in the sink to wash them, "These are amazing healthy snack for you papi!"
Jeff saw the two large boxes of Spanish Limes, "Wow, there's a lot of these things. Are you sure we can finish this?"
"Mi amor, I've been carving for these for the longest." Her small baby bump shows her three month pregnancy. "and they are a way better snack than your donuts."
"You know, not all cops like donuts." Jeff pouts at his wife.
His wife side eye him, "I know you eat at least five of those Dunkin' donuts. You need to start watching what you eat! You're gonna be having another kid and you need to be able get old till you're eighty!" She went to fix her husband's Chief uniform, noticing his tie being off. "You have to be ready for this long journey." She smiles.
"I know. I know. I'll pack some." The middle age man said having to rub his neck, "But will that cancel out a burger?"
"Jeff! How about a salad! Look I already pack your lunch." She handed him, his lunch bag, "The doctor said you need to watch your cholesterol and blood pressure. Less fat, and more greens."
"Awwwe, but is burger Wednesday!"
His wife gave him the death glare that made him shut up real quick. "Okay, Salad Wednesday! I'll eat all this, baby. Love you." He nervously said giving a kiss on the cheek. "Your always right."
"That's what I like to hear!" She smirks widely in approval.
Miles came out of his room being surprised from the boxes of his favorite fruit. "Whoa! Tío brought all these! Yummy!" He happily went over to the clean batches to take one, he first bite around the hard peel then pop the round fruit to suckle on it. "Mmm, so good!"
Quenepas are these green oval balls covered in a thin layer with an orange transparent pulp wrapped around the seed inside. It has a sweet citrus lime taste perfect for the summer, it's refreshing and addicting to eat by its unique flavor. Miles love them so much he tends to eat most of the bag without a thought. It's so delicious that him and his mom always ask their relatives to buy bulks in areas around heavy Puerto Rican/Latinos fruit sellers.
Luckily Miles' uncle was able to find a good deal with two boxes full of Quenepas! Now, he can eat them without worrying about leaving some to his mom. "Mmm, these are so good!" He hops up and down finish suckling the pulp leaving the seed, spitting it out to throw it in the trash.
Rio happily eats one, "These are better than the last bulk. Your tío knows how to pick them. Now, I'ma take some for work. Miles, there's leftovers from last night and pizza from Thursday, okay? If you want to order food tu papà left money on the table."
"Twenty five dollars, right here, son!" Jeff put the cash on the dinning table.
"Okay, thanks dad." Miles smiles being happy he's all alone today. The perfect Saturday, where he can be Spider-man for the day and night just chill.
"Okay, I gotta head to work. See you guys later. Rio take it easy at work. You're pregnant remember." Jeff kisses his wife on the cheek.
"I know. I know." Rio laughs then kisses her husband's cheek. "Bye, mi amor." Then she went over to give Miles hugs and kisses, "Bye, mi vida. Mi bebé!"
"Mamí!" Miles getting his mother's kisses being smothered.
"Be good, okay! Also lock the doors and don't go to the fire escape!"
Miles rolled his eyes. After his parents left, he ate his breakfast and finished his report early. Then he went to spend all day as Spider-man, fighting off some villains here and there. It was a simple day, when he got home he took the twenty five dollars to put in his wallet. If he doesn't order anything with it, his dad let him have it for safe keeping.
The seventeen year old got a bowl of his favorite fruits to enjoy for the night. "Gonna watch some Full Metal Alchemist with some chips, soda and Quenepas!" He happily skips over to his couch and grab his remote to turned on his television to put on his stream. He sips on his soda, "Mmm."
He wore a white tank top with some lime green shorts being barefoot with his hairy legs kicking back and forth. "Mmm, these are so good." He suckles on his favorite fruit.
Unaware of someone coming inside through Miles' fire escape window, with heavy thick combat boots stepping inside with a heavy thud. Miles relax in the living room watching his favorite show and texting Ganke about the episode he finished. "Episode was dope. I'ma try to finish the season tonight."
Ganke texted him with a smiley face. The figure walks carefully not triggering Miles' spidey sense, but his other senses, "Baby, what are you trying to do?"
"Awe, I thought I was giving you a scare, luv." His punker boyfriend pout at him.
"Your boots always makes a loud sound. I'm Spider-man for a reason, bae." His Sunflower's doe eyes looks up at him with a small smirk on his face.
"Yeah, you're right. And you possibly knew I was coming by, huh?" Hobie jumps over the couch to sit next to his cute boyfriend. The cushions bouncy up and down making Miles move his bag of chips away from his boyfriend's side.
Hobie grins widely as he lay on his Miles, "Duh, you're my boyfriend. I know, you always want to visit me whenever I'm free or my parents aren't around." His cute darling smirks at him while eating an odd fruit.
"Darling, what are you eating?" Hobie asked being confused.
Miles set his empty glass bottle of cola on the ground, his mouth suckling the sweet citrus fruit, "Quenepas!"
"Quenepas! Oh right, that's what Puerto Ricans call these. Um... I think Central Americans call them Mamones." Miles pointed out, as he let Hobie hold the small oval shape fruit. "They're like little gum balls."
"Yeah, and you call them what? Queen-Quene-passe?" Hobie tries to pronounce the word. His fingers hold the fruit like a piece of gem to study it.
"Quenepas! Jamaicans called them, Ginep or Guenepa."
"Ooh, I've heard of these before." Hobie heard it from his childhood friends that use to visit their relatives in Jamaica. "I never tried them."
"Make sense, these are mostly from the Americans. You wanna try it?" Miles asked.
"Yes, luv. How do you eat it?"
"Easy. You just do this," His boyfriend put half of the oval shape fruit in his mouth, he snuck his teeth hard enough to rip open the thick leather-like cover. "Then, you just open the half part." He uses his mouth to take off the peel to reveal the pretty pulp. "This is the pulp, the good part and it covers the seed. So you just pop it in your mouth and suck on it."
"Suck on it?" Hobie's face froze, he turns pink thinking of dirty thoughts.
"Yeah," His boyfriend being naive as always with his honey-brown eyes glued on his show. "These taste like sweet limes. So good. Try it!"
Hobie hold his fruit in his hand to do what Miles did. First, he bit around the peel then pull it away. His dark eyes saw the light orange pulp covering the seed, his mouth opens wide as he pops it inside.
Miles watches his boyfriend's eyes lit up by the fruit. "Good, huh?"
"Luv, these are delicious. It got that bitter taste to it from the lime, too."
"Right, it gives it a nice flavor!" Miles spit the seed out of his mouth to put it in a separate bowl were all the discarded seeds and peels went to. "These are one of my favorite fruits."
"Mmm," Hobie spit the seed out of his mouth letting his tongue tingle by the sour sweet taste of the fruit. It's delicious, but not as delicious as watching his Sunflower suckling on them. The way his beautiful plump lips pucker as he eats the fruit. This gives Hobie an idea, a delightful idea that a wide smirk spread on his face.
"Sunflower, these are good, but I want to try something with these?" The eighteen year old punker hold another fruit quickly opening the peel to put the fruit in his mouth.
"What?" Miles face his boyfriend being caught off guard by Hobie's lips. "Mmmm!" Honey brown eyes widen when he felt his boyfriend's tongue and the Quenepas rolling around between they're tongues.
"Mmm," Hobie groans as he got on top of his Sunflower as they have a heated make out.
Miles' cheeks felt warm being bashful, almost turned on as his tongue plays around with Hobie's. They were still in the beginning of their relationship, so tongue kissing isn't something Miles is good at. He's still shy about their heated kisses and hand holding, because he believes Hobie can do so much better without him.
Their first kiss wasn't as romantic as Miles wanted it to be, because of his lack of experience Hobie gave him a peck on the lips. From the beginning all they did was a simple kiss on the cheek or hand hold, all because the Black Latino isn't use to anything else. This made him more upset with himself, he wants to prove he can try new things instead of being coddle or treated like a delicate little flower. He wants to be daring, sexy and pleased his boyfriend the same way he does with him.
Their tongues play with the fruit having drool coming down their corner of their lips, the sweet taste of the fruit gave a euphoric pleasure running through their bodies. "Ohhh," Miles groans in the back of their throat, "Mmm."
"Mmm," Hobie purrs, letting his tongue flap around his pretty Sunflower's delicious mouth. Their plump lips suckle on the fruit letting their tongues push the seed back and forth. The sounds of their lips smacking got their bodies hot, their lower region a bit harder.
Miles' tongue was a bit weaker, more submissive than Hobie's dominant mouth. His boyfriend is hungry for him, so hungry, Miles could hear his heart beating rapidly. Their Spidey senses kicking high gear, it's nothing they ever felt before.
They could feel it trying to bond with one another, understand each other without saying a word. It's like their Spider senes are communicating based on instincts. Miles' eyes met dark beautiful brown eyes as if they were trying to understand that each other in a much deeper level. They could feel their Spider senses clicking after Hobie gently let Miles take over their kiss.
Miles'a own hands pulled Hobie into that deep kiss again, this time his teeth nibbling on his man's bottom lip. Their Spider senses now in tune. "Mmm!" They felt their cheeks warm, Miles' eyes being teary from all the feel good pleasure and want from his partner. His legs wrapped around Hobie's waist, letting his hips grind against him.
The punker's hands gripping on couch trying to support himself while Miles' hands wrapped around his face. They keep kissing till they felt the need to pull away. "Mmm!" They both moan again, the sound of the couch and television play in their ears.
Their teeth would nibble a bit of their lips and tongue. Miles felt Hobie's teeth sinking in a bit harder making him shiver with delight. That feels good. The young teenager tries to copy every movement to get better at kissing, he was tired of pecks and small kisses. He wants this.
When Hobie finally pulled away to catch his breath, he could feel his crotch hard, his breathing heavy. Their tongues left a trail of salvia as Miles lay his head on the couch with his teeth holding the seed. The sight of the young Spider-man's swollen plump lips being wrapped around the seed was to tempting for Hobie.
It made him want to do something more. "Hobie..." Miles muffled his words.
"Luv?" Hobie leans over to kiss his cheek, "I overdid, didn't I."
Feeling Hobie's warm breath on his left ear made Miles shudder again. "Mm-Mm." He shook his head. Their bodies were needing each other, they were begging to go further, but- There is always a but, Miles wasn't ready.
Hobie can tell his precious Sunflower is nervous. After all, this is their first time tongue kissing like this. "Miles..." He finally said before he sat back up to help his Sunflower sit back up.
The seventeen year old spit out the clean seed in his hand, he felt bashful, again. "Hobie, we kissed!"
"We always kiss, luv."
"No, we... tongue kiss." He shyly said, "My lips feel weird." He touch them feeling the soft soreness, it doesn't hurt.
"Heh, did you like it?"
Miles turns to him, "Hobie, I wanna kiss like that again!" Then he pouts, "But its okay we only take it slow."
"Sunflower," Hobie's hand caress his beautiful boyfriend's cheek, "You can take as long as you want."
Miles' eyes gleams with love, he quickly took another Quenepas with the peel off. Popping the fruit in his mouth. Then tackle down his boyfriend for another kiss. "Your mine, Hobie Brown!"
"That's what I like to hear, luv." Hobie purrs as they kiss again.
Ever since that day, Quenepas had became Hobie's favorite fruit.
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