#but i got to enthralled by redesigns. so. guess I'm here now
p0rk-guts · 2 months
Now that I think about it it's kind of absurd that Vaggie is the only exorcist who's ever been abandoned and left in hell. It honestly seems like a huge needless risk. since Lute did what she did to Vaggie, she must've already known angels could be harmed with angelic steel. Why else would she try cutting off her wings and ripping her eye out if she didn't think that could harm her. Just to fuck with her?
(Which opens up the can of worms that is the fact that angels can be harmed without angelic weapons and it happens countless times onscreen through impact, falling debris, Lute ripping her arm off— you'd think if only angelic steel could cause them harm all of that wouldn't? Harm them then? In my rewrite they're extremely durable to these things and just quickly regenerate when they lose limbs through other means.)
If Vaggie had a functional brain, she could've easily put two and two together that angels could be harmed with angelic weapons (if she didn't already know? Which she should have???) and then shared this knowledge with others, arming them with knowledge that could spark war. Not just that but she could spill any and all Intel she had about heaven and the exorcists. And they just left her there? Alive?
I doubt in the countless years the exterminations have been going on Vaggie was the only one to ever falter, and Lute was the only one to ever see this kind of behavior and react this way (unless Lute is an idiot who wasn't even supposed to do what she did to Vaggie but nobody cared). The only way I could see this possibly being the case is if the exterminations were a recent development (like a few decades but even then. Kind of a stretch) which I don't think they are but hey correct me if I'm wrong.
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